The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, January 09, 1865, Image 2

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    • . & .
art .oS SwSa.'aßffJSSini.MSJ®# mhmgtom. TUT WAR cmr mas. »«,
BHi • 0 & fiifcj ||F K K the courage or the Southern armies nor the firmness ‘ ”” I ||JQ WJ ll||| , .me fleetniotlon or property ls-uoknown. It la -- F W Conrad, Chamfcersbx Aa. *l»on, Magnolia, O
HFI/ BJ T, . I W, 7j 71 of that soldier President, at once military and civil Washington, January g, * aJao reported that General Hood’s army has crossed . ■ Jared’s “Email db Fa uis” removes all smalt- JTEmeiick, Milt-rstown Ja« Flemlag, Ksadioi
(TE/ *r W9r * organizer, around whom thero fa some’hlng of a TBrB LOAN SUBSCRIPTIONS. tk ® Tennessee river, and U moving on Tupelo, no* marks and black worm spooks from the skin. S &rai«fc!s BSUrteifninS.
' • enrmlefof ™Ben3lble. U lf The subscriptions to the national loan on Friday, Dt-nsW nvOADVa FOAIT cirivviii wWoh place will probably be the future base of ope. Jarkb’r “ Email DR Paris” gives the skin the AlexMeldrom, Brooklyn Jobs War lor ; Anbara
! the war In the United States had been an ordinary as recorded at the Treasury Department, amounted htIJKiL itr.rvK 1S rKIMI SilVilfflitlli vY 1 ”' smoothness, texture, and color of polished alabaster. Hf *S, , nrkenri'd fi?rt » * t °* .Too “h'wl! w "iv T n Ilf-.
MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 1865. wax, that oommandlng Bgnre might perhaps have aE follows: To the ten-forty loan, *s,S6b7ooo, and to ' ‘‘The Fort Galces prisoners are expeoted to arrive Jaex.d'b “Email de Paris” Is endorsed by Lu- iSee&tf* Dr coottSfWa?««hJS£
■ md the seven-thirty loan, *1,640,000. in thla olty today from Western North Carolina.” ell le Western, M'lle VestvaU. and Mrs. Bowers. r h v„ B ,K%JL lr?u ? d
OT- We can take no notice of anonymous comma- principles at stabe the victory will rest with the The subscriptions to the ten-forty loan yesterday, CONCILIATORY POLICY OP OBIS', ((^ o:R ® lE lBliC(m/edexo(e of January sd says: Jarbd’b “Email bb Pakib” to used by refined. B UndeitnL’d, Loaievffie M»j B Beiahouf PUts
nloatlons. We do not return rojeoted mannsorlnts. citizen President.” as recorded at the Treasury Department, amount SHERMAN. we learn that on December 23d a fight took place tames. E. Jonln, agent, 111 S. Tenth. Orderß by
OT* Voluntary corraspondencete solicited fromall The Struggle to which, this able writer re- to *4.169,000, and to tho sovon-thlfty loan to noarly , “•'““oemaker soap between the compaul« of Cap- mall must be addressed “ Jared & Rene, Phllada.” ' Tlie Commercial.
Sl»MOTMd , navidenwto ola t ly wra ,nO, Md I Ttsrill feTB 58 n 0 Jon S er Slient. Its afe J 1,000 ,000. Washington ' HIS MOVEMENT ACROSS the SAVAN- sorters, torles,' md B robbOr?°They attacked* our “ Scohrino the Oobam.”—The rebel plrajo She. *i E A MoatTOtjn'lSrriabure*
‘Apartments. When used, it will not loud, but deep, and the very energy vloe NAH RIVER confirmed. forces from an ambush, but wereTpetTyroutX nandoah, former* the British steamer Sea King, li * IJK&^SSffiK55t
F With Which 6UCh papers as the Richmond ment ln tomomV wlto ' and severely chastised. They lost U killed, 4 wound- actively engaged In the destruction of our merchant j b Gray. Vest Chert™ P HarnuzPm IsA
Sentinel attempt to convince the Southern Wullbb, afterward paid hls respects tothoPresl. fien Ifnnd’g Heath Fnrrentiv Rnnnrtad wimnded* Tb” °^ turea * We lost no killed or vessels on the Atlantia, rad, asthe papers say, is <j w Tteei U« A ’ Jeff .John,' PhWtxvuTo
The Concentration of Our Armies. , ~ , , *._» - ■ ■ «®D. HOOu 8 heath tarreniif Bcportea. wounded. The woods were fired daring the engage- “scouring the ocean.” Query—will she use up the jFReed.USA Jft Gib. on Ala p*
concentraUMi people that never were affairs managed „ ‘ went, whlohoaused the dlsohirge of a oonsidmable Sondaof the sea In the operation 1 The captain and M VCaviV. City p.lnt ( |r. <l. rlstraae. Pa.
Since General URATassued with more abUity than the rebellion has THE RECONSTHtjCTION of the BEATH OF PRICE nPNIPn nnml,erof B™w which had away by the crew, whether British or reb, that have gone oym c MKBfly.Vn la^™
command of our armies hIS military policy v.pp_ y, v r», VT „ j. pvirtcnrp rtf rnrrp- STATES. int VtATn OF PRICE DENIED, enemy. her on this Scourtny expedition, might be called tho g K Laoniner, Kew York EHarvev, Jr. Cheater, Pa
has been the concentration of force upon T>l,„ wor « a » ftiil It is known that a bill Is pending In the House of : - “Captain Price was In command of the battalion, Off-scouring of the world; we believe they are. I BaTtimoro B^t B FrMkl"hf‘ Was>l
imtiortant points, With effective raids upon spending dissatisfaction. The war IS a fail- Representatives for the roconatructlon of the States, sOCCES g FIJI> vrwrov EXPPiUTins anfl distinguished himself by coolness and bravery, Some things axe the better for “ soourlng.” Clothes I H ' Bsher.’ latohe la Fouat. I'einsylvanla
lmpona 1 ure on the part of the South, and it cannot the governments of which have been subverted or sctLl.ssl Ul, UNION EXPEDITION as did hls entire command." are, some kinds, and this reminds us that the piaoe M c Kiri, Mercer co. Pa
the great storehouses ana railroads oi tne be c(maea l e( j. Governor Vance of North Overthrown by rebelllou, thus establishing a rule IN MISSISSIPPI. The Columbia Carolinian says: “ Gen. D. K. HIU to get new clothes Is at Charles Stokes A'Oo.’s One- -n..,
rebellion. It has resulted m the condensa- natot, i n darkest colors the danger ®PP Ucable t 0 them all. Representative Wmaon, of ' : . passed down the South Carolina Hall road yes ter- Price, under the Continental. J*** ,
of an inteLal quarrel, and while “'Druid, ” t recced «reat De.trnctlore or BnUxoa,. Property. report to Gen. Beauregard at Eyb, Ear, aud Throat Disbasbs, Oat‘ar E h,
interrupted victory. Grant has nailed J ork »'«? W 1 t “ at J"« ICK r « sett l0 «y notwithstanding hls objections, It shall bedeolaxed ° kees, under the charge of OaptalnsClarkand Rice lBker witSl Ma newly-constructed apparatus. j bb ß Bitchle. Wiim, Del Bergt W H Bambo
r.RR to Richmond: and made it nossible tOUSand men m Missour , and that the the State has formed * just, local government,;™- TOWABDS TUPELO. anAAdjuUnt SeymL, of toe watont atrcet _
* Qivlwowrqxarei tr?A Q total reinforcement Of the rebel armies is publican In form, and la entitled to a representative : their way to the front. Thev are strontr abl*. Von Mosohalflker S work on the above
to defend the Shenandoah YaUey w Dot less than eigllty-five thousand, the lB Congress. In other words, toe substitute pro- OPEEATIOKB IN THE SHENANDOAH TAthEY, bodlca soldiers, mostly foreigner, embraolng almost A Book for tke Peo P l8 > wIU bo ready in The Barley Sl«e»r.
small force, instead of the aimythat for- -Riphnumd papers admit that fresh soldiers P,° Beß 40 dea:i wltll oaot stat ® separately on its own ' • every European nationality, with only a Blight mix- y ' IhS J Hope Haulefowh’phnjfl
merly protected the line Of the northern _• . . P.% - , ~ diers merits, without estabUshing a system of raadmls- un.m. tuxe of toe gemilne Yankee. Captain Olaxk In- Skatiho bt Moohaight, “on Park Thirty-first id Atzlu“™ Wa*biu*ton J J Jose? ua N^ 11 4
Potomac The concentration Of a grand cannot be obtaoned, and that thepeople are Sion, applicable to them all. «ENSBAI. CHANT’S ARMY. forms us that almost any number could have been and Walnut streets." Open untU 10 o'clock to- IglftS’Ph?,®
i Fherman forced Johnston to disheartened. There is a strong party in favor A printers’ BANQUET. avvaibs in front w eansasßUßa and rich- obtained, but that only those were aeoepted who night. A fuH and superior brass band afternoon WDavidson, Cheltenham F
army unae C J in , r : of giving a military dictatorship to Lee, a Tho Columbia Typographical Society, last eve- Wabhinqtow Tan i T„«nn had no families In tho Ncrth, and few ties to attach- and ovenlng. Tho 100 has been fioodad, and Is la _
call to bis aid neaily all the troops distn- TnpJinriTA WA tow rnm ■nAxrra w-Kot ntoK, commemorated ita aftletu aunlversarv bv a i» wT B3l^ J s n * ftom them to that section. They will bo distributed fine condition. A number of fine skaters ar« oon- Tlie Black Bear, °
bated throughout the Soutliwest, and wbea me f. d take from Davis Amongßt the Invited guests wererSpealer yesterday, ia to tbeeffeot that tbrongh. the rrieb regiments of tho Army of tho stantly on tbe park to give instructions to any one in fthn Wiliamrd ■ JBiwtana, Trajtau
SESSHHS .... . ,ssrsssa
r^?”wßW-wo'nin« lk otogea"brfra Jw 1. Ii» .a™o.«o. of . .nm.a.r of au 3S”£ -vmm s™™ Hums Scoops ato Ponoo, Hiktt
its oltiwale end baa been attained. T.Ub. Tb' of STSWCS'raSSSSa "Si'TSsJ. 1.,,*,. „ L,« ' £X££S&£?S&2i£, B^^S»t»SI2S. , S«S
- _ . V. i_ s*. , , . bel DEDers The fierpA onarri l ! hpt’tovAn am said to h&YQ oo&SQd for tb© proßont* So&roolya yavwau utxtpt> tt ThiiadelpMa.
Charleston have been misinterpreted asm- £ .*?"V 'J 1 ™ 1 . MRS. HUTCHINGS PENXTENT-SHE TABES shot has been firedAhero for some days. 8 -Richmond nauurs nf ™ Sold by aU newsdealers. Sent, postpaid,' for so
dications of a return to the old policy of tlie Richmond usurpation and the State the oath of allegiance r HK n<™T, -7,. . ? Pf™ ° f Fcl- oents. Brands, with movable or permanent
occupation. Some of our strategists Governments of Georgia and North Caro- jAs scme T pubZty H toe account wSruraboutb 1 oTumpTm-instOßS about S SnUtotoe alreldy ift9ja , a6 ZSTLa't’u^Pn^t^
nfraid that Grant does not understand his ima IS not ended. There are many other oftoe anest of Mrs. Hutohings. of Baltimore, toe osnrbais ahdjiaids. " A violent tornado passed over Middle Alabama j 9 26 _Mißroadway, Now York. , x ta * f
business and that we are to have our indications that the rebellion is now.racked Mlowingißay provo of interest: WASHmOTOH, Jan. T.—The_ Richmond papws of on December 27th, killing fifteen persons, demolish- Thr finest lot of “York-river Plant Oysters” of * TRUMAN ashaV,
usm s , and that we are to have our w a struggle between contending elements a sichmtf^%T 9 ' C y ° f Worcuter ' Slltle of Mas - «*5 reoellrw,< Tioy tag a large number of houses, and destroying the the season has jnatjarrived and for sale by Brady, No. 635 (Eight Thirty-a veIKABKBr St...below Ninth,
armies scattered ia provost dufcyiflSouth- . . I Sarak t of Rfinimm«A «u v in *v>« oottaiu the following IffemSg, railroad bridge on the Montgomery and West Point Fainter & Gilbert, at the depot, Broad and Prime B Philadelphia.
ern towns. There is aloud cry for concen- unequalled by any Of the political quarrelß county Of Baltimore, and State oi Maryland, do Auocbta, Ga., Jan. S.—KHpatriok has crossed Railroad, twenty miles east of Montgomery. Tho Btreets. ja7-2t* .... „ '
tration Now if wc see anything at all in of the North, and,that its people are begin- herebyacknowledge that the act for which I have the Altamaha rlver,but ia supposed to beon tho amount of damage done was immense.” #o t at>v»b Timwitaire™ t v„. B. McClain s Cactus Grandifloris ;
policy of cobcentmtlonon vital poibM. both. bMl.r ,o m bmlt to a. Wop ~ SrISJLS!! b-b-m-W-wSia'i.- -" " »g*TjafASl J?g.""
We have mined the rebeliinn in the Once, rather than persevere in a suicidal of the United States, and do noaotto aid or com- “ A Yankee raid or too Mobile and fflilo Rail- the Federal prisoners la Richmond, ia addition to .J, i,d , f ! theCaetaeMhe; etao. hls new extend Queen of B»
We have ruined the rebellion in the ’ action of the leading HU- fort its enemies, and ’will hold no intercourse with road tore up miles of track near ‘ 1,000 received lartweeta “ . pearls set la a coral vase. SoldbyaU druggist* and Meadowe. end otoir choice exhacta o'
Southwest TMs must Le granted. . o r g aWlt te aa ‘‘AW® letter says- that General Price Is not * “Oftoe taty.otdtoousand Yankee prisoners held P “ fDIEOTS * ; jai - mwl3t by w. E. McOtam. No. 33* N
Where IS the first-class rebel army in . - , raniditv witb to the best o/my kmwfolwiud&mity.YwUlmr ... In the South,not over 2,000 are confined in Richmond, The St. Lawrkkok Hotki, continues open, as N. B.—A liberal discount given to wholesale deal
that region ? Where is the force able to OI iue rapiai&y wua wine a. port the Constitution of tho UnlfceUStates against It is currently reported boro that General Hood and more than half of these are In the hospitals, heretofore, for the entertainment of guests, who era. del7*lm
mpet Thomas in omn battle ? Hood is cheerful submission will follow utter - wl t ll . b6 i r t® 3 ® l3 ' v For a year past the great body of them has been wIU still find therein toe superior comforts and at. tt. to tv— . WlT * n „ ,
defeat; and as Savannah is more tote owigaUrofS without^’£?llLSS*JL*S? ' boeWu, shlfttog south, and Richmond, hard pressed to feed tentlon for which this House has always been dlstta- f „ HAIE J? XBi
retreating, closely pursued, with his artil- rmreseetatiw of the fteHao'nf flu tlon or purpose of evaslonrand thltTwifl 1 well and .“Osabbrstow, Jan. 6—No farther movements ltssnperabundantpopulaHon,andthelargearmyde- gulshed. jaS-Ht tatk®*? 8 * world.
Kr.TS too SZ'“ow» SKteatTSisfifsiii*-”-- ». rr .r“*' 2 3?rr-H’?S’ :S ¥ s
any need of Sherman in'that part of the tion of that city, already assured, is a re- S SysC S >«” ™t**l«J** soidtoiiJn™:
field, and this he knew When he left At- 4“^'^®^®»®.t k, Btwenty-tolra 6flEBM e f H . B O ot S K% O^R“" e o ITIZB R S - ^ ali^K,8 * B^,H^dMlr, ■
lauta, and marched through Georgia to »1 victory. Though the Southern people 1 " > groror a. Tobrrt, * and what hr may do. J —: ly should be without it. , doie-im _J ■
the coast. Under Thomas there is a large are not yet able to submit, they are con- Justice of the Peace. “The reported deaths of Hood and Forrest are not . JME pßteß. Groror Strok & Co.’s Pianos, and Mason & George Steck & Co.’S
army able to march into the interior Of the templatmg the advantage of submission. MISCELLANEOUS. “From Savannah we learn that Gen Sherman Is nlm^lSt togMehtonSi I Hamlin’. Oablnet Organs, for sale only by J. E. TTMTI iTWTTI
Cotton States, and unquestionably destined The rebellion is not only struggling with ® very Coh“riestom Seventh and Chestnut,streets. noietf
to do so, but the strength of the rebellion the Union, but With itself. ' daystaedisT people taSavannah, and has Issued a proolamatton tervenUon soheme, and ate all the while exposing Etb, Ear, Ann Catarrh, successfully treated &££& te SS£2£ff&2 S 1 8” *sg
isnowintheeast withilfrontatßichmona Isrirtimt Secretary of War Dana is acting as sc P®*™* P™ to bring ta their products as the fastfalUng strength of their Oonfederaoyf; Thf by J. Isaacs, M. D, Oculist and Aurist, sil Finest. B p°S|' g?WaM a le b Sf c’^lt
IB nowm uie easiwimits iront ai Kicnmona, cretarvla thoabsenM. of Mrs™™ nßua,! an<l ho,<lB out taducements for them to do so. intervention, or “protectorate” theory, ta stUl a 'Artificial eyes Inserted. No charge tar examination. p &»™. IscoastauUyiucreasiu*. OBOANg
and SHERMAN has therefore reinforced, When THE FORT of Savannah is fully * ekntarsav's it has the This looks as if ha felt secure, and meant to make ■ favorite there. If France, especially, docs not. lm- . - .J8&S& * ot fW oSulu.
With a greatly over-balancing force, the opened to trade, it is to be .hoped that the ■ highest authority for stating that the reuort or toe al * tk ® fr * e “ a ® ke con W-” " ' mediately Intervene, this, according to the AISUIViU SIT THP UfITRIS i SfSSS, SEVEHT6aadCH»NUT Sts. CABINET
armies of Grant and POSTER. The Secre- evils which hale too long been permitted re, s ™ ' AKKIYALS AT THE HOTELS. fortes. uo^obgans.
tary of War has left Washington for person- at New Orleans will not be allowed Franco fa untrue. to settle Ip theta hank and other accounts?whtah nomenonu^n^cae^hetwee^th^NOTtoand Tlie Continental. OVERCOATS FROM |}4to 1 56 - Overcoats
al with the three generals, and by the authorities. Major General Can- reatft.l KaUroai c«ni S io»_Ponr Per. HT? yno ' tBS ' f|f&?f| r 0 C yl f ,towu isHS Potisrllla overcoats from sii m ovbbcAW
everything indicates an energetic winter BY has fiimished the Gommittee on Mi- sons Billed and Twenty WoandeO. If this really is true, there wllf be but fow open . under the lame banner in a march, upon the invasion B A Bidlack. California OVEEOOATB MOM *U to «S. OVERCOATS.
caini»lgn, having for Ite object the defeat of llt.ry AJMn o(tie Hons, of Itepnwn. SpiS. »« LsiwT.aSrS tWSSaifS&M ttSsSi* raSom no* TO bw. OTOrotW
y.S 0 7S.“xia”„Sr s SI B to «-« ™ a . ?3’™a.7siS£i,r&S£.K > a; KJw i E , aigTOSis:sf“''™ i « i = -
xIARUEE nas aireaay aespatenea to luch- subject ox traae with rebel States, lm- railway accident occurred on too Northern Central u,—4 ■“? enterprise. • FMorgau.USA EC,Hke, St Louis XBCOATS MOM *l4 to gss. OVERCOATS
mond the important news that a part of portant information. This letter says Railroad, near this town. So faras could be ascer- , W ? Wal l^ ith the railroad system in Georgia ’aitd sooth ?LCMkfBMtOT ,0n Hoi w'&raene r x WABAMAKEB ft BBOWN,
SHERMAN’S force has crossed the Savannah “ that the citv of New Orleans sinceitsoc tstaedin the confusion and excitement that pra- f T , ~, . future move- - cabomna. w a Thompson, Fenna H b Quimeu, Memphis oak hall,
. " ... . lUßoav-annau oirtew uneans, since itsoc- yaiied, the particulars are as follows: It seems toat' mentB - TllomaB will endeavor by ail praotlcable The occupation of Savannah renders very de- PHThommon,.renna T c.Cox, Washinxton 3. E. zoniar SIXTH and MARKET Strjfa.
nver, driven back his pickets, and menaced cupation by the United States forces, has toe exnress train from Baltimore havino- hftimmeans to prevent Mm, if possible, bnt delay him at eirable a modification of our railroad system in s lSL ei A on BRcksco WRobuison, Washington JWYoun* Men’s Suits and elegant variety of th.
Hardee ville, and by this date it is pro- contributed the support of the n a to d Mf. s A a & B S oco 0 co f||S& B «o n r| tTO ®*»‘ «*« QiotMnx at reasonable prices.
bahle that he is falling back toward rebel arms, more to the purchase and it had reached a point about \% mUes from York Br!lßol lvlllopreciße]yi n BJhe wrong dlreotion.he- Mre*Hll^arßTO B Ckß co CBPotte y, u# k Wberlbr & Wilson’s Highrst PrbhlUV
Chßtotta too, .« to, Mowms. If wpotot of pHT.KmaUoh .™ SsiSSto" p o rT«
Sherman should remain inactive in Savan- upon our commerce, and more to maintain planed after toe coutston occurred can be more If saok te M J determination, we. may anticipate firthSnd York ‘ a r l2^, C ‘ >1 “ mb ' 16 ’ 0 hubK-aTITl)B
nah, if the capture of that city obliged him the credit of the rebel Government in easUy imagined than described. A heavy snow “ or ® s ®vere fighttag between the rival armies of Aupistaheputlnl The distance as mSrelin o Ha t iS ll ’£oMfvufß town w1 C mrtSra HEWING MACHINES,
to transform a mobile column into a garri- Europe than any other port ofthe conn- “ SSuA Sherman’s march northward from the cheapest, simplest, and beet.
son, then we should consider the gain of try, with the Bmgle exception of Wilmmg- were also a number of toe cars. P There were a larue Savannah does not appear to be making very rapid salesroom*. TO* chestnut street, above Seventh,
the City no equivalent for the virtual loss ton. He says he has no doubt that many of number of passengers aboard. The remains of four teadway - Foaaibly tho weather has been uupro- feen mllee, or reduce the whole pay to sixty miles. fcwl.Waeh jht Col J Chamberlain,Term
of an army. But Savannah will not need the persons engaged in traffic in the rebel® persons who had been instantly Mile* were removed, piUo 1 !f 1 " other and more important causes hay© we should thus havo a ear© and direct line from J g M?i € Je8 P cMc£ro ID
a large garrison for the reason that lious States are loyal and honorable, and he mh“enotlw Pa Wto»oSToS rk
there are no rebel forces to attack it, knows that intermediate agents are either this u 3 ccrtata P ?henamesof Z b iv» Work, aiiofthueUy.
and because it may at any day be speedily rebels, unprincipled men. or actuated onlv killed and wounded Washington, jan. B.—A letter from the Army of and opposite to it In Georgia is Athens, which is In »isLDarham, Ed gland CE Clarke, New York rvr n» i >
and heavily reinforced by way of sea from by the instincts of gain. He says he ' Sw&rrSS fetto , « f tb B
Hilton Head. The railroads leading into has not sent an expedition into the enemy’s Arrest of “»rni.i,"or tlio New York Ta ued aU day, making the roads apart. U l n o °’ fXin'fto^h’sbV 110 h^ e Ib vtatoi, sThlufa HAW&Stwf"’ Thlrefau?re^r«cnto“ B tftUX?y«6^ct-
Savannah are destroyed for many miles hues without finding agents of this cha- baltihorb; Jan. tu-HMry M. Flint, a news- ■
from the city, and while our troops could racter m communication with the rebels, paper correspondent-“Druia,” oftho irofhi-has ffsooLAio.®** cv thr govrhros os GY Vaniie B oyn t toe loth i»et-, atio clock. To proceed t, femaid^--;
easily reach it by steam in a day from giving them information regarding our b®en by toomilitary authorities, on .thr rro- . • Af oAm. M RA. %TSiy.-On Pirsi-dar, toe » tariaui, Md’
Hilton Head, rebel forces would have a movements, and that nearly every expedi- co7nf £|V , t" A letter A ftonl t 0“ i|l|r|«wYork KG E Afe!f k Y.
■long march on foot Savannah is also tion has been foiled to some extent in some toe WorU ot Saturday wui show too tenor of hls has issued too foUowtag proolamation: . nd fl? Dovf &
protected by the attack on Charleston, Of its objects by information SO communi- correspondeuoe. He therein declares that Preal- xntobbnxbnnfi nr n.,,ri ...Trii I’ tk Hbadquarteus, Oharlbstoh, Deo. 29,1894. BBElllott, Wellington David Lamb dav (Wednesday) afternoon, the lUh Instant; to meet
and SHEBMAN, driving Hardee before cated. He speaks of them as a class who d ®®t Ltacota has no tatenUOn of closing thb war, December 2Tth, and destroyed anefoaTried off rolina o has^ieolaS S thatan E rOTvtoUe o men,betoeTO '• ' dffi*** * W^tlr.2-0i ipS s rl? theSUiinsfc ,*Ed
him, will leave no army in his rear, follow in the track of the army, traffic in ^ B SIStS o P hrekefK^" 11 m North Twelfth
With one month to reinforce that city, its blood, and betray the cause for whioh of the North bfstal“toeSZ I ! y IWb ' at l*'
from the time Sherman left Atlanta, the it has fought, with aU the baseness of Judas ta hotter able to matatatau«uf than ever and that Utoax and made S?Sts * Syai w«u e »e d « f Xd Ss K E o?S^l 6mtart - Tk °“ as W ' Moor9 - inth6
rebels could muster but fifteen thousand men Iscabiot, but "without his remorse.” I*ee is about to inTadoth© loyal states With a lor- dents. A brigade of cavalry and artillery has been, service is for the defence of our homes. It cannot MiesE Skeddy, Stamford James Craig fits relatives and friends of the family are respectful
for its defence. It ought to he evident now To Savannah will now hasten troops of “Sion,,™™, stationed near Love tovlUe, under coWand ofGen. fKlfMdduLa. |s'Sgrwih 1 o Ol,teyUlo ' ««
that the capture of Savannah does not re- speculators who should be dealt with as Two reports, which are “dea™Xabont come forth Z
quire Sherman to leave a large part of Ms firmly and as wisely as were the land spe- parattans s^lSngmad?' to evacuatVliohmond' of LovettsvUle all winter. - free proffer or service iliwhat the state desires. The' jw w°o r kou, B Bo“ u e 1 saS’FitehbS-e 6 f Th?reiuives b aid fmndJ'of the family are respeitfui
owlators at Hilton Head by General Sax- ESSSiSiISsSFoi X.HreSSiSire.E ' "VEX'JSSB a jSS««... S ?c*oT»«K« »
the policy of occnpatlon it not to be snbsti- non. CMleeto, Droran wilt W. a diffl. &tfS5 g KSSSSJIPfiiSIB’ja: WSSiS” aSSTUaS” 1 *
tuted for that of concentration. cult task, hut the chief danger of abuse lnreXHrihnn fi or Bor!o S B Fort Mojshob, Jan. s.-The exchange of prison- who are reatjy to perform It. They who°promptly H °Boelcn !w(i^£?F’vt y ” k ' WeeWy Report of Interments.
On the contrary, at once there is concen- wM begin when Savannah is made a cen- ymrre?y a^on U u y ttot «rs has been again resumed. «? 3 are *f« u ® d to -and J T Gw, RaftimMe OeaOt and of X pSl^h, SL.
tration. For many months Gen. Poster’s tre of trade. desfaniseMertalnod ajpresent by the Oonrederato 001. John E. Mulford arrived here from Wash- Hffelsthefawiußre COIlsll!eratlon ofaU h York nlilxli’BeltlSSre j “ftesiSirDecf: Tm% i&Mof’jan.. Ml*
army has been too weak of itaelf to at- ,-i« r T &KM|ga|»«faSi=.‘ £ Oa?,gSSaA»S»J;,r.M MCisfeS.- 1 7~f
tempt any fonntdahle moTemmt agatnit The r»nml Feat. ml‘i’ J ““o w ““ H II
the elaborate defences Of Charleston, yet Hall, in Philadelphia. But toe time for such a surgeons. Arrestand Droriled 1 bv‘law will r n S’uinfS IgColt, New-York 5S 3o
Ms troops are by no means inconsiderable So?lScnts t of b Gen t . 6 ShcTOM, S an°a th“portl'wMoh sefto*b H m. Stolm SBt to to,day ’ 8114 P rom, ‘ k® Only resorted to when indispensably neees’sary. * HHixgln.,'^ New York |f^“&i n a!w%Bhto|tou Ab5ce55.............. i 2 Fever. Scarlet "2s
In numbers. By the capture of Savannah toinTbaa nM e ylt E |ntUelv‘nSsed’awav W are\Mto - •—'■. ■■ I ir/ort toother.* case will It be necessary to wm C Spen'S. Nortolk^VajWm Hocum I Apoplexy-?—li [I “ Typhoid.’.’”.’l ifj t
SHERMAN unites With FOSTER, and the re- e^gh^^?cup y y llt“rlt y ie P attanS TUB SOUTHWEST. , patc&f"” a NewYork cSilr^,!^?. 8 .::: 1 1 F 1
suit is that the newer of eaeh smv When General Sherman’s intentions become sutfl- obstruotioh of tub mobu.b and ohio.raii.road, nStedto toe adjutant and tosMMar irST Banach, BeffsJo WL Tflompsan, Wash ‘ ofthe Bieasti Gangrene 1
SUll IS mat me power OI each army IS ciently developed, if they do not threaten Charles- btodroavamv. Officers willexerciseaH m rwl?S l il n S a -lS , ? g AHRowane, Allogheny Face... 1 Hemorrhage. X
doubled. Before it was isolation; now it &fe'de&fesi J*™?™’ .3, via Cairo, Jan. e.-Gcnorad toey^etavesTd^tomjlntltattore& W dnetfto! Casualties .l Inflammation?lSn 1 e
is co-operation; Foster IS made dangerous bable that a Nmtoorn exnedlMon HVba SSoto Dana has received Information from Ms cavalry law Of the State, whioh requires forlts defence tho ?„ I)^ at ‘ 8 F V Robinson, .Wa«bingt,n Croup-;; 9 Bronchi 2
and strong by the contiguity of StoKtoN, _B£|»W..wr«« «g2IS;iS,» . “»“"•£?*:: 5 i '- JSS.--
»a s«=«» «nd» m.»,« to„hv„d »■ ■“ ■ lsS’fsjE s-ESfek. B ffiS® Sa, ' a; ’,. -Jjaaess i |
made incomparably shorter by the pre- Fears for the safety of Riohmoiid or Petersburg stroyed It to below Okaiona. Twqpty-ntao bridges, OerUfioates oi disabiUty, or other oauses, in conse- JHGelwyn" New York oSgBoAISi3I i ftSM.r.V."" I
sence Of Foster on the enemv’s flank wlllnotdeterthemirom making it. Those strong- a good deal of trestle-work, tMrtydwo railroad ears, ffoence-of which exemptions have been hitherto H«i Jg Cochran, NeehvUle LB Sharp, Savam, ah. Ga Convulsions Isi Measles l
™in I wiiM un isc Ciiemy b bsok. holds can he held agatatt Gen. Grant’s whole army three hundred srinv * . granted,-will not be regarded unless renewed. Ex- golJ B Jennings. W Thompson, Kansas’ Diptheria Si Old Age 6
Our great armies are now concentrated by a much lees force than Gen Lee now commands, rny wagons, and four thousand oar- emption from this service fa what no one will ask S tto o^ B * 4 * N f%. ¥? zi J. c „ Flt ff atr ick. st Loafs Dfarrhosa 4 2 Palsy 2
. .. S, . , _ , . ~a l' c u Nor will the fact of its being winter be anv obstacle bines were desttoyed. who is true to tbo State. Ir there are anv not ton* W J Walker. Norfolk, Va Keller Kurtz, New York Dr0p5y........ ...... 2 S IFyeala l
in the East, and GRANT has Virtually re- The march can be made from through Foireßt’s camp of dismounted men at Bverona to the State they have no proper place among those w^taJh 1 '?“»°™ ? ”* af rIS 1 ” al " 1 i oaßailr ’ d 1 i
ceived immense reinforcement, while there S oto f*? °5 a was dispersed, six officers and twenty men were who now prepare for Its defence./ B JT webbtoNewTork s BaiSre “ He'S?.:.;: 8 1 i”erl,reai::.:i 1
. ffiofsed at a aozen points between Oumberlana and captured. Theexnedition did not lose nmo.n A. G, Magbatk. . J a Bay], Lexington, Ky D Beebe, Troy, n y " Spine 2 SmaU-Fox 614
is no indication that Lee has had any aid Williamsport. Once in Pennsylvania, tlie column reTt*T«i ppiawurw t,.** T ~ . * a diffebbnt account of thb boanokb bxpb- H P Brown, Ft Wayne. Ind C Dutton Koche&ter ** l still-"b0m..., 14
from the West Forced alreadv to non d would be in no need either of food or clothing. General Grierson has orders to destroy the road * mtwn: aoAKOKB ECTB - W-IYWright,-Chattanooga Dr B Howard, USA “ Liver l Suicide™. il/. i
XO CM aireaay to send «orls,lt a lack oftroopß that would prevent them as far as Meridian, and-release our prisoners at Th. » m .„s ™»» L L Day, Peoria “ Bladder... 1 Syphais _ l
men to Wilmington, Richmond is destined ftcamaktogsnoh a movement. The total number Catawba, if possible. ' - ihe aMexea or the late affair on the D»wmf y «il }
nettnhs Trinfnrred hut wk,V»»»s Tt ,„ of troops now under Gen. Lee’s immediate orders is Roanoke river is given by the Raleigh Progress of The Gf EffSon enßrein"’ 15 Bowal8 " 1 ,
UOt to be reimorcea out weakened. Lee 113,000, 60,C00 are at Richmond and Peters- KENTUCKY. tkeßiatult. It differs consitferaMy from tue an- p Sheridan, NewYoik ll2 ffiEZ.V,”r 1
has HOW two foes instead Of one : its Stra- ourfr, 25.000 Wilmiogton, I0,(»0ar© uader bfstsictions TO TUAT>® MTtmvuTi—oatf w fti « notmeement made iB tt© Eidnnond Sentinel of the KHays Perer, Catarrhal..., 2 Worms .*..!!.! 1
tegy has the double and difficult task of our men had been biffed and f Haven SK.:" 1
baffling Sherman as well as Grant. It is ontt g a“y who «£ST 151173
more than probable that these movements drawn from Uioeo at Kiohmond. lin Kentucky. j e ft Port Branch, on the Eoanoke, the preceding Ch*i sSellv* Pas Under 1 year. 70 Prom 50 to 60............. is
will result m tie evacuation of Bictimoad, to. tototo to. to. .
■which cannot be effected Without extreme ’ toe immediate ahoUtion ot slavery. - very small affair,™; a man being killed on either D Murphy „ B*®Xo-------- » „ 80to M 8
danger and great loss to the enemy. Sa- Governor hls message, recommends
vannah is now as securely ours as New Or the gradual emancipation and ultimate removal of eight of the Federals were taken by boys. Twoof * F A*)>ton „ Total aw
vannan is now as securely ours as JNew Ur- tho slaves, rejoioes over and thanks Sherman and the Yankee gunboats were Mown up In theriver by “ 40ioK i —IIV-is 327
leans. Charleston, wnen it is taken, will Thomas for their victories, denounces th© arrest of torpedoes. Col. Whitford’s arm was broken; but wahfsl ‘ wabiw.. i * wafds.
compel the troops defending it to retreat Col. Woolfoid and Lieut. Governor Jacobs, and “Sl«Sfy“imelto“”Fort B™.?hfbut°fa?coS: ISud.':.’.’.’""! 5 lieventb’.V.’.::'. I
northward through North Carolina and says his object in attempting tp regujate the enlist- jpg-alarmed, they retired to Plymouth without Third...........n Twelfth It* Twenty-first. ..13
re __ ,* . ment of slaves was not to say© tfce institution, but making any determined effort to take it. 2? 3 Tweaty-second-lO
Sherman, with an army greatly in- toe people cf Kentucky from unnecessary burdens * r T , S^:V:.:.7:::: , iJSBSSSf?;.:::SSRS^iS£*
creased, will follow the enemy if in Its accomplishment. Kentucky has furnished .» Loss or a Mississippi Stoainer. Sewnth -i| Sixteenth...... 9 Twenty-flfth... 2
he attempts to establish himself iu the in, Bearl x 56,0 w soldiers to the united states army. “ b :^M
terior, or will directly co-eperate with wm-ir ori fawn down in 100 feet of water, and wiii .he a total Total ...sw
Grant. The whole Atlantic coast will be gbmrrai. hrws-mohbi rob thr soldibrs. lost '* Her value was %15,000 or *20.000. No tasu- Deduct deaths from the country..... -JU
restored to the Union. Small garrisons' Cairo, Jon, 7.— The steamer Henry Ames* From raßoe ’ Net deaths in the city. ; -....313
Will hold the cities, and our great blocks- New Orleans on the3lßt ult arrived at to! port Thr attention of parties interested Is requested to ISiSShSis^MT^Pwmto'of
dine fleet will no loneer be rpmiirpri to rlo to-day, with the mail for the North and thirtj-four the sale of captured stock, consisting of mtich cows,
.. P Lor««. r ,. 10 KS“ si o, , “£ SS s ’
navy will be vastly increased by the libera- The steamship Creole had arrived from New tteement In another column. w“k Sftal DreeS?
tion of many meu-of-war. Could there York, aleo the naval transport Union, with four nfil- - —■ - 11 - stale», )8«: female*. 141 ; boys, 102 : girl»,7L
be concentration more effective? Could Bon dollars for the dfabhrsing officers at New Or. Fuhiie Bntortainmeßis. KSSSSfif ife 8 ’ a®-
there be a shorter way of bringing our im- ’ gbobgb B. chambers. Registrar,
menseiy preponderating force to hear di
rectly on the main armies-of the rebellion ?
Despondency and Dissension in the South.
When the rebellion begun the people
of the Souffi were not united in its sup
port. Virginia reluctantly passed the ordi
nance of secession ; North Carolina and
other States were bullied into treason.
In 1862 the South was for all practical
purposes united; that year of failure for
the Union consolidated the Southern
people. In 1864 the series of immmw
victories has unsettled Southern society,
.-and threatens the system of the rebellion
with dissolution.
The Heme deg Deux Monties has drawn a
-faithful picture of the condition of the re
bellion, and shown how within itself exist
the elements of ruin. It would be difficult
to sum up the condition of the war more
-clearly than it is done in the following
‘• The Southern Confederacy stands face to face
With the gloomy reality ; it sees its army decimated,
half ill original territory lost forever, its last remain
ing cities threatened, its treasury empty, it* credit
exhausted. No free voice can make itself heard in
those Stfttes'Suhjeoted to the military government;
but the accounts of prisoners and refugees, the tone
of the few Southern journals la which regret and
weariness may be discerned under an assurance of
enforced enthusiasm, the speeches recently de
livered In Georgia by Mr. Jeff Davis himself,
the messages ol several Governors of rebel States,
the dlsgraoe of the Vice President, Mr. Stephens,
who formerly made great efforts to prevent the se
cession movement, all lead to the belief that the con
federation is at this moment being slowly tom asun
der. A silent struggle has commenced between those
who, satisfied with having vindicated military ho
-nor, have no wish to plunge their country In great
-disasters, and those who, despairing of victory, wish
: at least to surrender merely a solitude to their ene
vmles. This might be foreseen from the commence
ment $1 the rebellion; the new Confederacy con
tained witUn u W 6 germs 6? death, slavery
2nd the vhrv principle of secession. The Sonth
rose against the North because It believed Its fa
write institution threatened ; and no w, at the end
of four years of contest, people begin to talk at
nichmond or giving arms to the negroes, and of,of-
lmertjFas the price ofthek alUanoe.
fh#t slftv&owswß took up -arms is tbo Uamo of
7ho-lomrelSity of the States, and now the
!!r tiiß state of Georgia plays off that
sovereignty against the despotism of Richmond, and
that each of me Conf edicts
can separately make peace with the North .
Mover has thelogle which flows beneath the events
The banquet of the Keystone Club, on
Saturday night, was a gloomy affair.. Its
members ate their oysters and drank their
whisky in the faith- that the country
had gone to the “demnition bow-wows,”
and dismally celebrated the memory of a
great soldier, who, did he now live, would
be the first to scorn their principles.
The terrible defeat of their party made this
banquet very much like a wake or a fune
ral, and, indeed, a dozen political dead
men were present, or contributed to the
general gloom by letters. Mr. McClellan
wrote a mournful epistle assuring the club
of his grief; Horatio Seymour, without
referring to Governor Fenton,- did his
part in depressing the spirits of the club,
and W. H. Witte sent a Napoleonic
bulletin. Hon. Guv Vatjx, who in his
firßt flush of ambition wanted to be Presi
dent, then would have been satisfied with
a Senatorship, then gloomily accepted the
inferior position of Mayor, and now use
fully exists a& a warning to the boys of
Girard College not to write bad English, did
Andrew Jackson a little compliment. We
believe he considered the old hero’s subjec
tive concatenations as opposed to Ms objec.
tive corollaries with an especial view to
showing what a great book the Dictionary is
for long words. Then the health of the Pre
sident of the United "States was drunk in
solemn silence, which was intended to
make Mr. Lincoln wince. Then came a
toast which compared the Democracy to
the old physician whose sands of life have
nearly run out, and- the country to one of
his* patients. Liberty was next defined
to mean slavery, and, to maintain the gene
ral inappropriateness of everything said
or done, the band struck up “ Woodman,
spare that tree.” Extremes meet when
Mr. Bichard Yaux praises Jackson, and
Edward Ingersoll replies to a toast to
the Union. The speech of this gentleman
was, next to the wMsky, the feature of
the evening, and would have been dis
graceful as the utterance of an American
citizen. But Mr. Ingersoll Is not on
good terms with Ms country at present,
and probably wants to be considered a
Canadian or an Ishmaelite. The war, in
his opinion, having resulted in the capture
of Atlanta, Savannah, the defeat of Hood,
and other rebel misfortunes, is “ an outrage
upon humanity. ’ ’ The Union, he believes,
iB to be saved in the blood of Abolitionism,
wMch means the extinction of half the
men in the North, and to accomplish tMs ,
salvation we are to have revolution in
the loyal States. Probably Mr. Ingersoll
did not expect tMs part of his speech to be
published, and only meant it for the long
ears of his club. We advise Mm to go to
Canada. There he may safely call the
Keystone Club to arms, and speak his
whole mind without danger of arbi
trary arrest. He insults the people of
Philadelphia when he declares slavery
to be as sacred as free speech or
the right of habeas corpus. For Ms
abuse of the President and the Cabinet no
one cares, but it is certain that we have
suffered so much froin < one rebellion that
we are not willing to let such men as Mr.
Ingersoll foment another. The banquet
of the Keystone Club was a farce and a
failure. Mr. McClellan would not come,
and Mr. Yaux would not be kept away,
and we think Mr. Ingersoll misunder
stood the occasion when he supposed the
feasters cared as much for blood as they
evidently did for wMsky.
Changes in the Book Tjradb.—Mr. James S.
Claxton, who is the successor to the business of
William S, and Allred Martian & 00., wishes u’b to
state that be will continue It at the old place («06
Chestnut street), under his own, but not under the
name of the old firm, as stated on Saturday.
These, with Early’s ten thousand, will make a
column of fifty thousand men, which is as large a
force as can be used with advantage as a movable
column with the Invasion of hostile territory la
view. Of course, If this movement is made, it
will be attempted with the reasonable expec
tation that General Grant will at once detaeh
an equal number of troops from the James
river, and send them by steamers to Wash
ington. But If General Grant does this It will
be instantly known to General Lee; all fears for
the safety of Richmond will be at an end, and there
, will be no need of keeping more than twenty thou
sand troops there. This will give General Lee
twenty-five thousand more troops lor his northern
expedition, which he can use either as reserves, or
In keeping open his line of retreat. Whatever may
he the ultimate result of suoh a movament, if it
should he ultimately attempted, no man can say.
Its immediate result would certainly be, however,
the forced abandonment of the siege of Richmond
by General Grant.
I learn that systematic efforts will soon bo made,
both In Congress and by the leading Administration
papers of the country, as well as in e certain long
deterred report, to convince the publio that the war
is approaching Its termination; that the military
stiength of the Confederacy Is almoatexhausted, and
that the rebellion Is on Its last legs. . I trust that the
readers of The World will not be deceived on these
points. It only requires a candid examination of
facts as,they exist to convince any one that, both at
home and In Europe, the rebellion or the Confederacy,
call it what you will, is relatively stranger now, and
better able to maintain itself, and better (title to carry
on the war for a series of years, than it was three
years, or two years, or one year ago. The unopposed
march of General Sherman through Georgia, and
the evacuation of Savannah, are held, by the Ad
ministration, to be conclusive proofs of the declara
tion of General Grant, that the Confederacy Is only
an empty shell, with all Its strength on the outside.
The comparison Is neither a happy nor a just one.
The shell, so far as the case of Georgia was con
cerned, was found to be full of excellent meat; was
found to be full of grain, flour, vegetables, poultry,
cattle, and horses. As It was in Georgia, so it is
everywhere In the South.
And If the people of the North .suffer themselves
to be deluded by the assurance that the rebels have
their last man In their armies, and that they have no
means of recruiting the latter, they will pay dearly
lbr their credulity. Gen. Grant made a statement to
that effect on the 16th of August last, and added that
even at that time the rebels had been compelled to
rob Ihe cradle and the grave for recruits. The
events o! f’.ur months have shown how radically
he was mistaken. During that period Gen. Price
has raised thirty thousand’ soldiers In Missouri and
Arkansas, forty thousand recruits have joined Gen,
Lee, and fifteen thousand men, who never shoul
dered a musket before, are now doing so at Augusta
and Macon—eighty-five thousand new men In all.
No! let me assure your readers thatthe beginning
of the end has not come yet. Mr. Lincoln was re
elected in order that he might continue the war for
four years more, and he will do it. At the end of
Mr, Lincoln *s second term, the end of the war, so
faros the conquest and subjugation of the South is
concerned, will be no nearer than it is nows If Indeed,
before that time, the South does not make a military
and commercial- alliance with France or England;
and where will the North be then! Druid.
Hallway Accident near Peaghbeepste*
Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Jan. A sleeping-car
attached to the train due here at noon to-day, was
thrown from the track two miles above Straatsburg,
and was tumbled Into the river. The ear contained
thirty-five or forty passengers, who-were all more
or less Injured by the shook, and out with glass bv
breaking out the windows In endeavoring to escape
death by drowning- A brakeman named Kenny
was badly hurt The regular passenger car wbb
also thrown from the traek, bnt did not go Into the
river. The accident was caused by the breaking of
a wheel.
Tile Canadian Baidets to be Tried.
Montreal, Jan. 7.— The question er jurisdiction
In the case of the raiders was decided to-day. The
deolsfon was that the court-had jurisdiction, aid
the trial will proceed, -
Gen. Hnrlbut bad Issued an order prohibiting offi
cers and soldiers (rom attending the theatre, billiard
rooms, and other places of amusement on Sunday,
denouncing the habit as dishonorable, ahd oontrary
to the duties which soldiers owe to themselves and
their country.
001. J. Davis, of the Ist Louisiana Cavalry, had
been appointed a .brigadier general, and ordered to
rt port to Gen. Oanby.
A Matamoros paper gives an account of the wreck
of the steamer Rely, from Matamoros, off the mouth
of the Bio Grande, in a squall. A number of the
crew were drowned; It also notices the destruction
of 600 bales of cotton belonging to merchants at
Matamoros. ........
Cottok.— Middlings are quoted at 86@380 at Ma
tamoros, Texas j crushed sugar at 16@l8e,.and ordi
nary brown at 6@loo. There Is but little inquiry
for cotton In the Mow Orleans market. Flour is
firm at an advance.
Washington, Jan.L—The Rlohmond papers of
the 6th instant contain the following items in add!-
Uomto those telegraphed last night:
A despatch Prom Augusta, Georgia, dated the 4th.
Instant, says: ' ~
“The city of Savannah continues quiet. An or
der had beenlssued not to out the shade trees for
fuel. Sherman proposes to bring wood by the Gulf
Batlroad. .The 14th and isth Corps are-In entrench
ments reaching from the Savannah river to the
plank road.
“ The Yankees are building a new pontoon bridge
opposite the Exchange. Many negroes, who joined
Sherman In the country, are leaving,.and the roads
are lined with them. Sherman is giving levees to
the negroes in Savannah. Several Federal steam
ers are engaged in removing obstructions from the
river. Abqut 300 negroes were sold In Augusta, on
Tuesday, at amotion, at an averages of from 13,000 to
$3,660 each. Several buildings and 500 bales of cot
ton were burned in Albany, Ga,, last TueBday,by au
“The yellow fever has entirely subsided at. Ga
lveston and Houston..
* “General Ktrby Smltn ha 3 impressed tobacco for
the use of the army.
“Everything was‘ quiet to the Trans-Mississlpp.
Department. No Yankees were soqth of our (the
rebel) army, and the condition of the troops was
fine. They were well clothed and fed.”
Washikgtok, Jan. 6.— Richmond papers _p.'
Saturday, Jan, 7th, contain the following.ltems: i
“Mobile, Jan, 5,—A raid is reported advancing
Chestkut. street Thbatrb, —The excellent co
medians now at this theatre deserve a visit from
every lover of the genuine and natural school of
acting. Their performances during last week were
attended and thoroughly appreciated by largo and
discriminating audiences. To-night the fine come
dy, of “The Heir-at-Law” will be presented, with
Mr, Warren in the character of Doctor Panglass.
-The farce of “Dunducketty’s Flonlo” will also bo
performed.. * , ’
Abch-stbbet Thbatrb.— Mr. and Miss Rioh
ings, after a long absence, will make their appear
ance once more among their Philadelphia friends
this evening, and will undoubtedly receive, as they
merit, a hearty welcome. The favorite opera, “The
Daughter of the Regiment,” will be sang, in which
they will perform their popular roles of Cartouche
and Marie. “Mr, and Mrs. Fetor White” will be
Walkut-btrert Theatre,— The Wall&ck-Da
vonport Alliance, consisting of Messrs. J. W. Wal
lace, E. L. Davenport, and Miss Rose Eytlnge,
will commence an engagement at the Walnut this
evening. The historical drama of ‘ 1 The Iron Mask”
will he performed by the alliance, and the faroe of
“Sketches in India” will conclude the entertain
Natiohal Oiroub.— Messrs. Murray and Hutch
inson, and-, the celebrated dogs, will reap
pear at this celebrated place of amusement this
evening. Some of the scenes to he enacted are en
tirely new,, and will maintain the popularity already
attained by the great company of artists. Anew
pantomime* entitled “ Mad as a March Hare,” will
he performed.
SiGßtsa Blitz announces that the term of his
stances Is drawing to a close. /Those who desire the
pleasuresof witnessing his skill will therefore take
New Yoek, Jan. B.—The Evening Post gives the
following report of yesterday’s operations:
Gold opened doll at 227‘i, and sold down to 226*,
closing at 22754 s The lean market Is quiet and well
supplied at 7 per cent. Commercial paper is un
changed. The stock market opened with some ani
mation, and olosed with an upward tendency, Go
vemments’aro in active demand for investment at
improving rates. Railroad shares have partly re
covered irom their recent depression. Before the
Board American gold was quoted at 227; Brie at 82)4,
Harlem at 75, Cleveland and Pittsburg at 94)4.
The following quotations were made at the Board,
Compared with those of Friday afternoon:
i Sat Fri. Adv. Bee,
United Statesftr.HSl,eon®.....lloK HO* . %
United States B-S0 eonp. --Wf W§>4
Halted Kafos 6-0) coup, new-mf 108* .54
United States 10-« coup 1G854 lßgf V
United statee eertUcatee 97* 86*
■ Te»ne&fee6a»«*—*~> fg eg
Missouri 6se«»»»‘ „?§, m ..
Hew York Central Railroad..ll7s4 11754 • v „
Erls Kallway-,- jgS • 54
Erie Hallway Preferred 85. 97 i >.
Hudson Elver Batlroad 112* 118)4 1 I
Beading 8ai1r0*d.»...i.'...»j..i18)4 11654 %
W H Johnston, Pittsburg
DrK H Johnson, Cincinnati
H Rldtely. Dover, Del
Miss Bidg«ly, Do'ver, Dai
AG Lowry, St Louis
J J Lowfy. St Louis
& A Campbell, New Jersey
< If M McDoweii, Pittsburg
J D Adair, 17 8 A
J H. McKean, Mt Morris
A. H Boynton, Emporium
J C Gordar, Baltimore
A Myers, Clarion
J W Da&ell, Titusville
s D Hay, Baltimore
Jas K Kerr. Franklin
Jobs JS Miller. Pittsburg
T J Perkins, Kentucky
B M Boyer, Norristown
F B Buell, Marietta, O
L Nutting, Pinegrove
W S Everett, Chambersb’g
D Stanton, Scranton
a L Johnson, Harrisburg
©so P Xlealy, Chicago
W N Strong, Albany
Miss Georgia Goell, Penna
John L Foster, Dauphin co
Col E G Savage, Dauphin co
Sami B Coles, Dauphin co
L Aeklev, Bradford
BENeiler, Erie
P Child, New York
Maj Gen Ayer, USA
Elf Hereford, Cambridge
B 8 Goodwin
HO Hunt
J Howes, Baltimore
W G T*ylor, Baltimore
Miss Irvin,- Baltimore
G P Burgees, Aubarnt
HC McLean, New Jersey
T J£ i\>meroy, Auburn
G Simmons & wf, Del
S Sheldon, Auburn*
W Burger, Baltimore
S E Duu, New York
B D Fiske, New York „
KFPage, Wash, DC
Mr Ward,-Wash, D 0
Hon O P Dehor, Wash, DC
Hon N F Dixon, B Island
Hon S Anthony, B Island
Dr WM-White, K Mind
J D Wilson, Kfcode Island
Mr Lathrop. Wash, D C
D P Moore, Ohio
BeV H W Bead, Wash, D C
A Davidson, New York
D Moran, wa&h;»D 0
G P Wright, New York
C InhofF, Carlisle
L B M Polly
H C McMo&t, Delaware
M Malone, Lancaster
KH Biuoaktr.Lancasterco
o L BUlo t. Brie
E sharp, Tunkhauuock
C B Wall, Tunkhannock
C P Miller, Tunkbannock
DD Dewilt, Taakhanaock
Geo Oeterhout.Tonkh'noek
Chas Owen, Bath, Me
Lewis Dodge, M D, Buffalo
Geo Ferguson, Middletown
Miee CiaraFergnson.Fenna
Geo S Young, Hew York
James Johnson, Hew York
OB Howard. Hew York
W T Jonee, Hew York
SMHaU, Hew York *
W H Armstrong, Easton
Sami H Or wig, Harrisburg
C H Fame, Erie
G L Friday. Warren, Fa
Geo Van Visit,Brookville
T B Cobb, Bldgway, Fa
W H Spain. Erie
C H Feyne, Brie
J C Futerfield, Pernsa
lease Welsh, Ohio •
EB Stiles, Illinois
Bov JiD Stiltr, Allentown
P J Martin. Allentown
J CBel), Maryland
6 T Aah, Baltimore
TWisfeimar, Baltimore
J T Golden, Baltimore
A G Toadviae, Maryland
H Fdwards. Pottsville
WG Cobell & wt , Balt
£ MKe\Uy & sn, Maryland
G S Needham, Baltimore
E C Pierce, Baltimore
T J Matthews, Baltimore'
h C Matthews, Baltimore
Mrs £ Stronse, Penna
Hob M StTQnee, Penna
X> W McDevitLNew York
Capt T Nolet>, wilm, Bel
Lient F Nolen* Wilm, Bel
N Borchardt,New York •
A Meldmm, Brooklyn
h L Park er* Baltimore
I McGentty, New York
J C Nobles, New York
W H Bassett. USA
S T Bacm, Boston
GSBeldier, Brooklyn
S H Bpntingdo®, W«h,3)o
Capiß Jones, New York '
R raine, New 1 ork
W B'Fennim&n. Baltimore
Geo fekiriy, 1 altimore
B it Boffiagton
Chas Smith,St Mary, ha, <
Bob Truman Smith, Conn .
W B Washburn A la. Hue 1
Miss Angers, New York 1
W H Gregory
F Yob Otter, New York 1
H White, USA <
The An
T Whitney, Baltimore
W Bod&ey. Fenna
S Brown,.New York
J Thomas, Maryland
W Thomas, Maiyla&d
H Thomas. Maryland
JJ Mcßride
B Walsh, Jr* Baltimore
J M Thayer, Ohambersburg
Mason Kino ell
D Beeves* New Jersey
BT Joses, Maryland .
A McCormick, Oxford
W Ball, Boston
H Can ins
G h Barton, Newark
I) Lincoln,Cleveland
S Fitzgerald. New York
J> B Fuller, Buffalo
Mrs Pa? ker, New Jersey
J B WBilamvNen Jersey
B Borrows
f Whiting, Baltimore
J Ellis, New Jersey '
J H Seymoor. Hagerttown
X) Gillette, Washington.
J M Parnell, Maryland
Mis* Jones* Maryland
J Harris* New York.
J a Birch, Heading
Jones, Baltimore
?» Mailer, Baltimore
SF Wylie, Baltimore
ggSteyens&la, M Y
B K Johnson
If f O’Sullivan* Mew York
J Gardner* Mew York
f Bo ales* Wishisatcn; Mew York
WY HowjU, Washington
J A Sice, Washington
▲ Matunasn, Mew York
J W Harmar * .
CG Bartley
H B Hant,.Baltimore
Gapt 0 W Bussell, Bait
A Li Richardson, if Y
T Rollins', Mew York •
Miss 8 Be Forest, N Y
Miss H De Forest, B T
L N Letchiieid, Mass
C B lioei wood, Mew York
Jobs GrinneJl, HswOastl,
H Harris, Lsnlwille. Ky
B Hoajman. LtmlevUie, Ky
W J Davis, Fsovi lencs
8 = Davie, Providence
o M I.tvau, oil Creek
F A Markeyr, Maryland
B Horn, Baltimore
Mrs Flynn, at Sch, Wash
Mre Brown, Washington
Kusgan. Washington,
Mrs Ssniawiins & oh, Ct
w M Bunn, dr, Indiana
W Smith, Midisen, Irrl
TjJ Wolfe. Madison, tnd
Thus S Htinher. Ohie
BrH Oaivcrf, eeatncky
fMnier, Poaftiid, |«a
8 Oar»so, Jr, Pitt,hor*
VMe Mei
A J Colbora, Somerset, Pa
J PPhiieon, Berlin, Pa
EHBnican, Penns
A Patton, Clarksville
J E Erepps, Brownsville
J D Boday, Somerset, Pa
Mins £ C Cooke* N Jersey
J V Wunderlich
T Kenredy & »on
£ B Godfrey* Pitt thing
Geo R Titns, Elmira
Tnos R Bigelow
Jas S Portor, Mercer, Pa
Jos G Banks, Pittsburg
G W Forrester, USA
G W Bromley & la. Conn
John Smbh, SmlthvUla
Bon Asa Packer, M Chunk
J< hn Lazarng, Ashland
H h Freas, Berwick
OB Boffman, Trenton
A Newbaker, 5 ronton _
Jas F McNeat, Perry eo,Pa
I&rasl Ln»ter, Perry 00, Pa
V„, „V i J 4 flt / e ,^ i 7' d * .^K 9 “4 Black Striped Bal
moral Shirts, foil size, at s4;fio each,
A BESbON & SON, Mourning Store,
Ja9-St No. 918 CHESTNUT Bfcieefe.
N. B. —Skirtings hy the yard, 81 to $1 S7K.
—finest quality Black 'and Gray Woolen Lons
Sha-wli reduced to $lO (oriiloalprice *13.50).
BfibSOa & SOJ*. MourniDnStore,
Ho. 918 CHISTHOT Street.
Skating Shirts, new style.
St atinK Scarfs, Clan Plaid*.
Oeats’-Stating Mufflers.
, Mod Skirts, nag Balmorals.
-"«*? BTKB & LANDEtH
B O9 , i 4 T iO S, IlThe Monthly Matting of this As
socmtion will be held TO- HIGH C (Monday) m the Rooms
lOOOanaiOll CHESTNUT Street, to which Ladies
are respectfully invited. A. E VA® HORN. Esa., will
reed -Farrhasius,.” by a, P, Willis. Debate and
vocal and-Instrumental Mnaie will commence at
7% o’clock. - it*
ggy=: posiomcEsPuadßEiPHid,
a— Fenna , Jannary 7, 3885.
, The time of calling of the Steamer AUSTRALASIAS,
from New Tort for Liverpool, having been changed
from Wednesday, the 11th, to TUESDAY, tte 10th, at
Bfi o’clock P. M , the mails from this omco to be de
ttMo'iitesasr at * ° ,ciociaott
~ will celebrate the Anniversary of the Bat
11® SS'SF.f.IK 18 MOKNIHO. at 10 o’clock, at
the SUPREME COURT ROOM. General attendance re
guestec. [lt] JOHN H. PRICK. Secretary.
*■7" BOCIBTY —The annual meeting of- the Society
trill he held on WEDNSSDa Y neat 11th instant, at 4.
o’clock P. M- at No- liass CHESTNUT Street
MOUNT VERoONSt, . beingwell attended?
ly intereeting, will bo continued THIS BVESIHaacd
every evening this week. Several miniaters them,other
ehurohea will be present. AH are welcome. it*
. to be given to,
Tickets era, be procured at the
National Uni»a Clnb, 11K Chestnut street,
Lee & Walker’* muiic store, 752 Chestnut street,
*• Ooulfl’e music store, southeast corner Chest
nut and Seventh streets, and of the Committee of* Ar
rangements. ja9-4t
■ BUND.—Thecitizhus of the ward are invited
to meet THIS (Monday) BVENINC. et 7« o’cloSL at
the AUeihraia Lyceum Rooms. NOBLE street, above
toiutb, to hear the report of theTreaanrer and Dle
hnrsisg Committee, and hi reorganise and takamea*
seres to clear the ward of the prevent draft
„ „ „ CHAt; M. W ACKER. President.
Thos. H. Cosksu., Ssmtary.
“ L. B. SyaLES, TtecaurQr.
IST* “ATAKailTiii,;-
nv '*'=
at concert t*
{2S"“ “* bj'.
jgtp »kv. —.
TMaliiOMrfthemort rac« e ,r 0 ,
Haa* irfetnrer.and ho comes to Pin.
"*«“* awMsttoa or man, 0 f oar Ie„ a ' |,5 ' l >««
Tickets to he had on and nii» t i'M'li)
Stores generally, at * cents each. 1,44 ti u
A nomfcer of Ticket* for KeserriJ „
posed of at MABTtEK’S at 60 cent. „ *11) i
*s' SOTICE-To avoid crows *Sci
the sale of Tickets will «oame BC6 * i! 3 lw
o’clock A. M. °“ T tt£3D l r
HCTHRE BY n.'r'w';.'- J :
Sfi,. r K*2?^r*>*
“"Kw&fcr S'
7 his lecture will Ulnetratn „ , ‘* l,ri
which the world of mankind Siiv 7 "■;■ a
of intelligence and moral
BSS«S? p “ Ttacs - as
the present Btatne andfatargß,
In the Doited Btatea-*ocially,J t 5»
rally—will be considered and wav' SI
lecture at 8 o'clock P. H H l ** s -‘
'tickets can be proenred at
OOUIP, corner SEVBjjTTB and r-,,?
hjkkky ws,
Lecture before Tut.;
~ to come off, nad'r i -
goefelt Chjil, and .Statistical Amid,bL 1 ” •
Fewle or FrangrlTuio. at CoSGe/lT S?, 11 !'
,wfc M.OTD SAEEIiOJ, tktfSLs u &
RHiYoiy cenec, aod the Buswercln, . ■«
Bights. wtll dp;ivoi- the opdijidd \ ■
Conow"-- *’»“*•“«»*• “7251*^5
p_ekas.ofaJniiM'Oß. 3S ceots Harh.-,,,
Jan 7th a’
throuah T
PHIA are reoussted tomeet »t n. »,
THADE Room on ?'>*
o’clock M., to take suck steps as m»- *,» »V * ft *'
the distresses of the CIT ,j;"
Alexander Henry,
McKean, Borie, & Co.,
Stuart & Brother,
Joseph Harrison,
Thomas Robins.
A, Whitnej & Sons,
1 rexel & Co.,
A. 6. CatteJl,
Ward B. Basel tine,
J. C. Hand & Co ,
John Tucker,
A. T. Lane,
Coffin & Altemua,
Frederick Fraley,
Thos. Mott,
James, Kent, Santee, & Co.,
W. K. White,
John Tocher,
Trtdick. Stokes, & Co.,
W. P. Hacker,
Jiotice is hereby given that the r-jiir'-;; ....
sesgnents, tor the FQTJ&TB. COLL£<unW d •
of Pennsylvania. of the SPECIAL IiTOMSTi
qnired to be made by provisions oi iho ;
tionof Congref**, of the Fourth day o? jv f t
now ready for examination, and will r*rl‘n
the inspection of all persons, who iax- v t"
purpose, during the ten daya next
Sundays. *
. appeals in writing, spec if ring- tea Dink-,'*?
matter, or tlalsg, respecting- witch a
quested, and stating the ground or pnacipW
complained of, will fee enterta!ced by **£'*,;
before tie 23tii inet, D_ p, SOITHTvu 5 '
J&7 6t
NOTICE is hereby given that thelists of
la accordance with the proviso »of the ja« 5 r--o !
of Cosgreis, approvtd July 4,1564 imp •&!« i *
Tax of Eve per centum tmon. the e°ias- 1
come forthe year ending December 31. aid;
the increase upon Licences of wholagala aaa>*
iiqnor dealers. hotel keepers and i*
°i 1864,has been returned to me by 'fo k
or the District, and that such taxfs are aowh
payable, and that payment thereof is hereby tea
and will be received for the Twenty-gtcond aui
ty*fiffh wards at *he office in Larursnoth'- Si 1
Of rmaotowa, and those for th* Twenty third wa
the cffice* Frackford street, Franked. tetsrea
hours of_9_A. M and 3P, M., until sim&il..
». 1000.
PENALTIES -~To all those who ne fleet to pay
hi fore said 2ht day of Jannary a special-bana:
issued for which the law provides a fee o; n
cezis, and four ceh£s per mile,and ten per
as will bt seen by reference to the 2s; h eectloa of:
of June 30, 1864. Money of the Ouih’d Jstst«-u
delved. JOHN W. COJ&v.
Members will meet at the Ee li T TEIi
TiKKOOK, aii o'clock, to attend the insert'
Ifttefellow member. GJSOBSE W. UOESEF. <
wtU be ready, Utl ?. L. LST&Ut^
-“The annual meetlnsof the Stock
be held at the office of the Company {No 3 E 'X2i
PLACE). 333# South POUBTd Street, cnW
DAY, January 10th, 1865, at 12 o’clock I, ?;t
purpose of electing five Directors to sem the
year, and tian*acting such other business as ray
before the meeting
j&9-rcsth3t SAMUEL W. WR.\Y, Seem
given on TUESDAY, Jan. 50, at SPRING d!
lO cents- For panica''
THIRD btreet, or 919 DO}
- Industry ige, SferiocSqn.
So. £lO, Falls of EclmjllfiU Lodge, So. 4 ; o,
ronih Lodge, So. 66, Andrew J&c&m Eas*:
Ho. 9, L O. of O. F,, w»U meet at tholrHiii,
Street, Maßaytmk, on WEDNESDAY, the lit#
atone o’clock, to attend the inner al of Pasto?
Patriarch JOHH Tal LOB.By order of
Notice is hereby tiven that the official 4 ,
sj 1 vania. of the SPECIAL INCOME m\
he made by provisions of the Joint ■Bespat’-*-'
gress of the Fourth day of July, 1564, afe ft
examination, and will remain open for tfcr
of all perßona who may apply for that pr.r;-:^ ;
the ten days next ensuing, exclusive of
Appeals f» writing, specifying the parr^arf
matter, or thing respecting which a decision i* p.
ed, and stating the ground or principles v>. en
plained or, will be entertained by mf f-.t
for ‘ ' 20th inst. WASHINGTON 1
Liability to be assent d.
How abates may be forfeited and sold,
Liability /or all debts and coutrac-s, ~....
Bight to obtain statements from officers aa-I
Power and manner of vottn*. by proxy, a u-i
General privileges and responsibilities ccl?r
Now ready la pamphlet form. Price & <*~ s '
by maiL
teen Directors of this Bank will be or ;, ! . r.i
next, Jannaiy Mth, St the Office of K. %■ ,
E*o., Ho 303 WALBUr Street between tHt
12 o’clock M and 2 P.M.
An Election for ulna Directors of_ti»
held at the Bashing HonseonTUß*»P A .\:~ *-
" the boors of 10 *
_ _JDEL?mA, UgCOIttW
The Animal Election of
January, u&, between the hours of 2 ana *
P T?e Annual Meeting of
•' -—-lime. SAMUEL J. MAL auj
10,1565, between the hours of M. ,
The Meetisrof the Stockholder^-,^;
will he held at the .BANKING HoUSE oo
BAT, January 11- 1865, between .ha koni> *
A. »!, aad 2P. M , for the election of Mae JJ '
>g a e /r ae wuaing ye T wiegact
Phiiabelpbi*, *»««», v .
The Annual Election for directors of tm~ ..
held atthe office of G M. TROUTMA3, %*•
TEIBD htreeti on TtFESDAY, Mffi.
tween thehoure of 10 A. M. and 2 P-m. _ <■.
ja4-6t ’ ALEX. IhViA. ■»>-
FARUJBHS’ AW>»"~M !:: ‘??'
ber 8. IS4.
The Animal Section for Director* «‘“i' P s g
ooheld at the BAHKINO HOBoE, on us:
the llth day of January next, between 1 *'®
o’clock A. M. and 3 o’clock P , Cn-.
delO tiall W. Br»HTO>.
rmnci/Mnnii Bbaukfoso. jW-g,«f
she Animal Election for Directors of ju
be held at the Banking House, on tCBo' ” p !t
Fhilapblpbia, ti'A:
The animal meeting of the t«*'
fop th?ELXmotf OF
TUESDAY, January 10. 1355. between t»
o'clock A, it. and 2 o'clock P. M- - tri jL.
de!3-tjalQ J*3 A -
The Second Annual Sfeatlnr of SP.uS'eybiij.S
of the Third national Bank of tf ff-c; Sf
*An ElMtton'ftftHrectora to ‘
*rfll be hdUL oa the same day* betwee
end 2 o’clock* „^ a tenTlf3Vf ( }' , *'
delO-lm B- OhßffPj~r ' j
BOUSE on TBBSDA-&,, January W^ e tff 5'
An election for Doctors to -elf .:fol
will he held between the hours ef *’ °j, yls“ n
S o’clock P. Sf., OL-that day. JO °'
d«9 ftpwqalO —— —'rT^A*
■538- WB
fas* 11 BASE. Pan.A®»«i*- Ki C i,l f;.>
The Anuual Election of MWl’ l J ! S
the BankingHoaße on MESDA ■ f. o ci f c jp;;
ary, 1865 between thehours 01 t B eft-'f--
O’clock P. M.
de9'fm - wlm
HfciO at 109 Office oii^ay :flBt ' v - '
FIFTH Street, on MOJ.DA*. | l
;Jotnß. Myajjpj
Jay Cooke sn, '*«
Adolph Ih^, 1
J. P. Kt«L«r,
£. T.-ottwiCn,
;Barker Bios.
:Jam?s L OU-‘Jn’
iMyers, KuktSS:
?eo. H. Boktr, ‘
: Alexatichr
Je.wip jtM.., a
iC, V«ia&C: :
ho: ~idia
A. K
Barrisl'i'K' ’