THE CITYi UKUAA'IZATIOK of mk SJBW Bin CPVWBIU. A FULL ATTENDANCE—BFBBCIHBB OF THE NEW r»B»n>B*TS-rbLiOT to. .be followed the pbesbnTtbak-thb difficulties to be het and CONQUEBBU-THB WOBK OF BEFCjEH TO BE CONTINUED. TII6 new Ole? Councils met yesterday morning, s tto o’dloek, to efieot an organization according to the act of Assembly. All the members were pre sent, and the proceedings were marked by order and good feeling. SEfcEOT BRANCH . ■{ ma called tb order by the President (Mr. Lynd) at offiieolcv The oeittttcatea of tbe members eleot, to BarlflW, Hopkins, Jones., FoUook; Bitchle, Shallorosa, Stem, Van Clevis, and Wagner, »eie read, ana tbe membera-were sworn In " With tie changes made by tbe Inoomtagof these gentlemen, tbe roll reads as follows: 1 T d, i Barlow, U. mV. "a Tan Ole®, 0. S Dt B.C.Kamer;y ,* O. IK H. W. Gray-* CT _ l- & P«wil«S'i) e : aio'fs'e oSriy.-n - il: S* alnral I tJ. 20. Joseph MatmeUVO". I gSfer.!;.,, 1 fstetoP I * s fcMWflsa. Jjr t w*M«r*- topahltatjos. Hjffiemqerat,, 9 Total, !&, Tbe Branob entered Into an election far proflident, and Messrs- Lend and King wereS?.' Ijynd reoelvea 18 ontot 24 votes polled, and was d/ninr«d eleated. Mr. Bynd was sworn into office bv°Mr Klnst. He delivered tbe following address after tie oath of office had been administered: swrnoH or Ma. rritD, John Q. Ada- — * JJ. W‘”'- ‘ "• -fob. _ ...Jinna.» . 8. Alex. S. Harper, U. 9. ’William 8. Stoldey, TJ. 30. Sami. J, Cressweli, U, Isaac Bnlger,* U. 11. Thomas H. bill,* 0. 12. B Stanton. TJ. 18, Alexander M. Fox, IT. 14. Joseph B. Hancock. TJ. 16. Bofcert M. Evans,* U, Eli Krupp, U. over. Unionists, 32; OppoßitlOD, 12, On motion, the Chamber wont Into nominations S)tpresident, and Messrs. Stokley (U.) and F. A. Wolbert (O.) were nominated. Mr. Stokley re ceived 31 votes, and Mr. Wolbert 10. Mr. Stokley was declared elected, and was conducted to the ohair by Mr. Wolbert, who administered the oath of office to him. Mr. Stokley then delivered the fol lowing address : ABDSBBS OP TBS PRESIDENT. GEKTtSMEN os CoHHox Coosoii.: No words of mine yen exprewthe deep gratituddlteel forthe honor you havecenrerrtdiipon ino. by electing me to preside over your deliberations for the coming year. I am well aware that the position is one of great responsibility, as well as of Nigh honor; On experience of nearly fonr years in this Chwnber has given me apracttoalacqiiaint ance with the working of our municipal system, which will, 1 trust, with your hind aid and connsel, materi ally assist me In dlsoka ilng, properly and satlsfaoto riiy, the duties that belong to the office. In the course of the present year, yon will he called spos to legislate upon many questions of grave import ance to the welfare and prosperity of our city, let us then, one and all, unite in our efforts to discharge oar duly as becomes the representatives of an intelligent constituency-like that of the city of Philadelphia. Let us avoid extravatauce and tne useless'expenditure of the people s money. Great abuses have grown us in some ofthe departments of the municipal government. Which Connells, having it In their power, should at once correct. We snould have retrenchment in our expenses and reform in onr departments. This can .heat be effected by the committees, under whose .care the vafons departments are placed. They should, as soon at they enter upon their duties, begin-thls work of reform, which, when once effected, will lighten the heavy burden now so patiently borne by the tax-payers. This le due onr loyal and patriotic citizens, who, in order to sustain the General Government In its efforts to cmsh this wicked rebellion, which, fora time, threat ened to overthrow the principles established hy our an cestors, and first proclaimed from the place where we are now assembled; and to aid the brave men who have poured out their precious blood like water, in de fence of the Union, have voluntarily come forth and contributed, not tbousands but,millions of treasnre, thereby placing onr beloved city among the most loyal arid patriotic cities of the Union . Haying taken the solemn obligation to discharge with fidelity my duties sb a member of thie Chamber, I felt that ft wat proper at thie time, and in this place, to ex preeß the sentiments with which 1 assume the office of president of Common Council. Gentlemen, relying upon; your kind Indulgence for any errors of .omis sion or commission of which I may bo guilty in the new position your partiality has placed me, T will again thank you for the non ,r you have done me; and promise to faithfully and Impartially discharge aU the duties devolving upon me to toe nest of my poor abilities. The newlysfleeted members then presented them selves in front of the olerk’s desk, and the oath was admlnlstered to them by the president. The Chamber then went lmoanelectlonforelerks. Messrs. 5 John Eokstein and Philip h, Latte were nominated for chief clerk, and Abraham Stewart and Isaiah H. Butler tot assistant olerk. Eokstein and Stewart received 32 votes, and Lutts and But ler, 11. Messrs. Eokstein and Stewart were declared elect ed, and were sworn lu by the President. 1 For messengers, Messrs. Charles M. Carpenter, Jameß Zimmerman, Hugh Collins, and Joseph A. Taylor were nominated. The vote stood: Carpenter ...30:Collins 11 Zimmerman 32 Taylor ~.ii Messrs. Carpenter and Zimmerman were declared elected, and were then sworn in. , Bevi j oseph H. Kennard was then lntrodnsed, and opened the proceedings by reading a chapter of the Bible, after wbloh he delivered a fervent prayer. Mr. Hancock moved that the members proceed to draw lor seats. - Mr. Wolbert moved to postpone the motion until the lßt of January, 1866. After some discussion the motion to postpone was agreed t«—yeas 22; nays 21, Mr. Mafeer offered a resolution adopting the rules and regulations of the last Councils, Passed. Messrs. Maroer and Niokcls were appoints! a committee to Inform tho Seleot Branch that Cbm mon Council has been duly organized. The resolution from Seleot Council, providing for 21. William A. Simpson, IT. 21 Kofeert H. Grata* TJ* Enoch Taylor, u. 23 Joseph Vankirk,* U-’ Samuel C, Willets, U. 24. James Alien, U. _ John W. Everman,* U. 25. 8. H Golehower,* O. 26. Boberfc Arajetronf, U. Johnß. Haines, U. a joint committee to wait upon the Mayoroad Inform hfin that Councils are organized and ready .to. re ceive any oommunioation ho may desire to makoj was concurred In, and Messrs. Bumm, Adams, and am wore appointed the committee onthepartof Common Oounoll. • ... A resolution of thanks to Bor. Ur. Kotm&rd was adopted. Another motion to proeoed to the drawing or seats was made, and was adopted—yees 83, nays 8. Tbe seats wore then selected as tne names of tbe members wore drawn- by the Clerk. Mr. Bnmm, from the committee to wait upon tbe Mayor, reported that be bad no oommnnloatlon to make at present; but In the eonrse of a short time be would be able to send In hla annual message. The report was accepted and tbe committee was discharged. Tbe chamber then adjourned. JUUTABT. ABUT HOSPITAL REPORTS. Tbe following reports were made yesterday at tbe Medical Director’s office in this city: HOSPITALS. 5 -f 8 \ Is! | I 1 ... - JU_ _A_ M Pittsburg.. 1, 2 1 4 4 687 Summit House 4 ■■ 3 7 .. 740 White Hall 8 1.. 1 .. 7SS Filbert-street.. IS 8 2 .. .. 681 Haddington 8 16 4 1!..' 828 Chestnut Hi 11—......... 4 20 26 .. 6 2,501 Officers'-. ;. .. 19 8ever1y......... 2 12 IS 8 2 740 Citizens' Volunteer S .. .. .. S 8 Chester 11 22 S 3 .. 609 Islington lane 6 .. 3 ~ l is South-street 6 .. 6 266 West Philadelphia 10 78 21 60 .. 2,266 Germantown 6 8 2 .. 1 391 Tumer's-lame II l a 2 •• 196 Total.. .99 171 88 83 18 10,124 Tbe total number of desertions during the last seven months was 2,818, and tbs number remaining at the close of each month was as followB: dune... 17,322 0ct0ber.....,., ...... 17,942 July 14.296 November 16.432 August 16.377 December*. 12,446 September 17,399 iade yesterday; the offices Tear’s day. No other reports were m were olosed, It being New HISCBI.JLANJKWUB. HNION CAUCUS NOMINATIONS, The Union members of tbe Select and Common Connells assembled in eanens yesterday afternoon, and made_the following nommattons for beads of departments: Highways— Chief, Wm. W, Smedley. Assistants, Henry Eobb, Nathan Sneering. Water— Henry P. M. Blrkeublne, Streets—lnspector, M. H. Dickerson. City Railroad— Superintendent, John Bosler. Girard Estate— Superlntennent, Charles Smith. Agent, Samnel S. Gavin. Trusts— Superintendent, Charles Oat. MSrtets —Commissioner—Jonathan H. Pugh— unanimously. , HON. SCHUYLER COLFAX. - A grand treat will be afforded to our citizens this evening, at the Aoademyof Music, where the dis tinguished Speaker of the House of Bepresant&ttves will deliver his Intensely patriotic addresß on “Our Dunes.” THE CUSTOM HOUSE ROBBERY. The robbery at the custom bouse was much heavier than at first reported. $9,000 In gold, and notes, ac ceptances, &c., to the amount of $90,000, disappeared from the proof. ■ Circumstances look rather black against a oertaln person. MB. ALDEBMAN C. B. POTTINGEE. This gentleman, elected as one of the Aldermen In the Second ward, by the Union party, at the eleo tlon In Ootober, entered upon the discharge or bis official duties yesterday. He has taken his office near Second and Cbrlstian streets. The Alderman wag an attache of the press for several years; has served several years in the navy during the present rebellion. It Is no flattery to say that he has all the requisites to make an excellent magistrate. /FATAL AFFAIR. A little boy, six years old, named Murphy, was run over by oar number one of the Spruce and Pine stieet Passenger Railway, near Christian street and Gray’s Ferry rosd, yesterday afternoon. Theohlld was instantly killed. The driver of the oar at onoe surrendered himself to the Olvil authorities. The coroner will view the body and make an Investiga tion to-day. The father of the deceased ehtld Is in the army. It seems, as near as we can understand, that a sleigh was passing at the time, and this pre vented the driver of the ear seeing the little boy in time to avoia running over him. FRIGHTFUL RUNAWAY. About nine o’clock last evening a pair of fine horses, attached to a sleigh, ran away from the cor ner of Hamilton and Seventeenth streets, In the Fifteenth ward. After proceeding some distance one of the animals fell and broke his leg. He had to be killed. Tbe horse, valued at $BOO, belonged to William Bullock, Esq., residing on West'Spruce street. RESIGNED. John Jenkins, for many years connected with the United States Marshal’s office, has resigned hlB po sition. THE POLICE. DETECTIVE POLICE. The number of arrests mads. during the year by the detective police amounts to 470. Of this num ber, 106 were for larceny, 16 conspiracy, 40 pick pockets, 28 burglary, 16 false pretences, 11 gaming houses, 11 robbery, 17 counterfeit money, 20 receiv ing stolen goods. The remainder were for slight crimes. The value of stolen goods recovered during the year Is reported to be $04,057.62. [Befiffih Mr. Alderman Welding.] SHOPLIFTER. A woman, named Mary O’Brien, was arraigned yesterday afternoon on the charge of stealing a black oloak from some person unknown. It Is probable the garment was removed from a store front. She was caught In the aot of offering to pawn it in the vicinity of Roes and Sixth streets. The defendant Insisted that she was Innocent,'and that she pur chased the eloafe some time since, and had worn it for several weeks. The magistrate called her atten tion to the private ticket of tbe storekeeper yet upon the front of the cloak. The defendant was nonplussed. She had nothing more to say. A com mitment was issued and Mary was sent to prison to await further developments. The owner is wanted to prove property. ~ NEW YEAR’S FROLIC. Two young men, giving the names of Philip F. Hays and Harrison Henry, hailing from New York, were arraigned yesterday on the charge of disorder ly conduct. They amused themselves by entering the Farmers’ Inn and smashing oroekery ware, glassware, and things generally. The defendants were committed to answer. LARCENY OF CLOTHING. Benjamin Hall, a colorefl man, was arraigned yesterday on the charge of the larceny of clothing at the Merchants’ Hotel, Among the articles re covered was a large sized damask napkin. This was identified hy Mr. Bailey, jeweller, on Chestnut street, as his property. How It got into the posses sion of the defendant is not publicly explained. The accused was committed to answer. THE COURTS, , / Snprcinc Court in Italic—Present, Wood word, e. jr., and Justices Thompson, Strong, Bead, and Agiiew. , The regular January term of this court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania began here yes terday. Opinions were delivered In a number of oases argued In other districts, as follows: By woodward, O. J.—Miranville vs. Silver thorn. O. P. Erie county. Judgment reversed, and a venire facias de novo awarded, Heath vs. Page. D. O. Allegheny county. Judg ment affirmed.. Jane Gallagher’s appeal. C. P. Armstrong ooun ty.'- Deoree reversed and distribution Is ordered to be made In accordance with the auditor’s report, the cents to be taken out of tbe fund. Anschutz vs. Porter. C. P. Indiana county. “Writ Of error quashed. Caldwell vs. Caldwell. O. P. Armstrong oounty. Judgment affirmed. By Stboho, J.—Craig and Bunberger vb. Brown. Same vs. Barclay. Armstrong county. Judgments reversed. Blahell vs. Blshell. Indiana county. Judgment reversed. Patterson’s appeal. G. P. Washington county. Judgment affirmed. Meehan vs. Williams. C. P. Armstrong county. Judgment affirmed. Douglass’appeal. O. P. Armstrong oounty. De cree reversed, and ordered that the fnnd be distribu ted according to schedule 11 A,” reported by the au ditor, and that the costs be reported by Wm. G. •Watson, the appellee. Gordon vs. Gordon; C. P. Washington county. Decree affirmed. By Brain, J.—House ft Co. vs. Adams & Co. C. P. Allegheny oounty. Judgment reversed, and judgment on verdict lor plaintiffs. Hutchinson & Co., garnishees of Smltley & Me- GUlary, vs. Gormly, executor of Hlrk Howls. D. O. Allegheny county. Judgment reversed. y ' Stewart A Taylor vs. MoQuald & Co. Indiana county. Judgment reversed, and a venire facias de novo awarded. -Borough of Birmingham vs. Anderson. D. O. Allegheny county, Judgment reversed, and a venire facias de novo awarded. ; Benlehansen vs. Keyser & Mahon. D. O. Alle gheny oounty. Judgment affirmed. Plumer vs. Longstreth. Cambria county. Judg ment affirmed. MeClymond vs. Gribble, garnishee of Wm, Mc- Olymond. Lawrence county. Judgment affirmed. By Agnjsw, J.—Blobards et al. vs. Elwell’s heirs. Crawford county. Judgment reversed, and a venire aolas denovo awarded. Wbodwa rd, O. J., dissented. Cambria Iron Co. vs. Tomb et aL—lndiana oounty.—Judgment reversed, and a venire facias de novo awarded. Laughlln, trustee, Ac., vs. Lorenz, administrator, Ac.—D. C., Allegheny county.—Judgment affirmed. Boxtz vs. Born.—Westmoreland county.—Judg ment affirmed. ~ . By Thompson, J,—Warner vs. Henley.—Cam bria county.—Judgment reversed, and a venire faoias de novo awarded. Eakman vs. Shaffer.—Armstrong county,—Judg ment reversed and proeedondo awarded. McCtnald A Co. vs. Stewart A Taylor, Indiana cennty. Judgment reversed, and a venire facias de novo awarded. ' ■’ Stewart & Taylor vs. McQuald, Klnter, & Co. Judgment affirmed. Burke, Barnes,, et al,, vs. Noble, Allegheny county. Judgment affirmed. The list of cases was then called, and the following were non pros'd: Watson vs. Carson, Uppenheimer vs. Schick, '•hoots vs. Jessup, Bntler vs. Boyd. Shultz vs. Oookman. The court then adjourned till to-day. Nisi Brins—Judge Thompson. The January sessions of the Nisi Brins, for jury trlalß, also commenced yesterday. Beyond calling the list of jurors summoned ana continuing several cases nothing was done. The court adjourned till to-day. District Court, No. I—Judge Stroud-' Jury trials for the term began yesterday. But one case was tried. -,7 ■ : Wain, Learning, & Co. vs. Famham, Kirkham, « Co.—This was an action brought to recover the amount of a note for about four thousand dollars with interest. The note was given hy H. W. Bald win A Co. to plaintiffs, who alleged that eertaln col laterals were placed in defendants’ hands to pay, among other Indebtedness, this note, The defencejras that the collaterals in question were transferrfa to them to secure them for accept* ances which they had given for Baldwin A Co. The case was left with the jury, who were instructed, If they agreed, to bring In a sealed verdict this morn ing. James W. Paul and B. O. McMurtrie, Esqs,, for plaintiffs; Edward H. Weil and Henry M, Phil; llpß, Esqs., for defendants, Adjourned. District Court, No. 2—Judge Sharswoocl. This court also met yesterday for jury trials, but no ease being ready an adjournment was had until this morning. None of jthe other courts met. p BACHES.—S,OOO BOZEN HERMETI f- sally sealed Peathe* of the finest quality, prepared by A Bfw„da*€e.. J^rar^,. aalß low South WATER Streak rjOTTON AND, FLAX SAIL BUCK - CAHVAS, of ail numbers and brands. _ Tent, Awntot;, Troah, and Wagon Cover Bade. Also. from 110 * wU *' TOSH AND OANNEB MEATS. COObbls Mess and So, X Mackerel. * • 2,000 cases canned Meats, Lobsters, s . for sale hy - -g. O bURBOTTGH, > de29-3m 116 North FRONT Strat i TOMATO CA.TBUF.~~NEW TOMATtf" Catsup la ouart and pint bottles of choice Quality. s— v - was?* COPABTNERSBIPS. TtISSOLUTION. —THE COPARTNER ■i/ SHIP heretofore existing under the name of BEIL MA N A BANKIs this day dissolved hr mutual consent, JOSEPR SAKE retiring. AMOS G. HEILMAN, JOSEPH SAKE. Philadelphia, Bee. SI, 1864. xfOTICE.—TBE BUSINESS OP THE late firm of BEILMAN A RANK will he settle! by the undersigned, who will oontisue the Wholesale Dry goods business at the old stand, No. HO North THIRD Street-. AHOB G, HEILMAN. December SI, 1884. ja2-6t« niSBOLUTION —THE COPARTNER EJ SHIP heretofore existing under the:name of J. WALTON A CO. is this day dissolved. . The business of the late firm will be settled by the undersigned, and file retail Coal business continue! at the Yard. N. W. corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets, and Office, MS South SECOND Street. . - J. WALTON. .JAmuabyS, 1868-; . -r : .. -- ja2-Bt* /THE FIRM OF WILLIAMS & ARNEST -A Is tUs day DISSOLVED by mutual consent. The name of the firm will be used by either partner in liquidation. CHARLES B. WILLIAMS. - JAMES B. ARNEST. Philadelphia, Jan. 3, 1865. nOFAETNERSHIpT- THE UNDER signed (successors to Williams A Arnest) have this* day formed a COPARTNERSHIP, under tbs firm of WILLIAMS, ARNEST, A CO., for the-transaction of the Wholesale Dry Goods business, and have removed from 417 Market street, to the store dately occupied by J. 8.-A J. Price. No. H*T MARKET Street. CHARbEs B: WILLIAMS. JAMES D. ARNEST. FRANCIS C. WILLIAMS. john c. berry. FHii.AnEt.PBrA, Jan. 2,1868. ja2 6t •VTOTICE.—THE INTEREST OF WIL LIAM B. HENRY in thefiimof WILLIAM B. N. .COZENS A Co., terminates this day by limitation, and William B.N. Cozeuß is alone authorized to settle up the business of said firm. WILLIAB-B. N COZENS, WM. B HlllflT, . . . i „ „ DAVID FILSON. Philabeiphia, Dec. 31, 1864. TBE SUBSCRIBERS WILL CON TINDE to carry on the Dry Goods Commission Bn heretofore, under the firm of WILLIAM B. N. COZENS * CO. WILLIAM B. N. COZENS, ' _ David iilson. PHrLABXiPHiA, Deo 31, 1864, ja2-6t* TbISSOLUTION.—THE COPARTNBR -A-. SHIP heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm of JOHN fib, BERRY. « GO.. is this day dissolved by limitation. . GKO. W. JOHN 88. WM. H. BBBRY. , WM. H. HURLEY. _ - FRANCIS R. ABBOTT. Philadelphia, Bsc. 31, 1864. COPARTNERSHIP.—THE UFDEIjt- SIGNED have this day formed a Copartnership under the firm of JOHJTES. BE BET, & CO. for the pro secution of the Wholesale SiikGoods Business, at 537 MARKET Street. _GBO, W. JOHKE3, WM. H.BERBY, , . WM. H. HUBr.EY, 1 ~ JOB M. JFOBTBR _ ■ JACESOE McABEE. FHiLAPStPHiA, Jan. 1. 1865. ja2-8t COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE,—THE * nodereijned hare this day-formed a copartnership under the style and firm of H iCHOLAS ft SHAW. ana. ■wUl eoiitiEua the Dry goods Basinets at the old stand of 8. Is. EICHOEAS, - • ' Eo 10 Eorth EIGHTH Street, where we propose to offer, at the lowest cash prices, a full aißortmentof Panoy and Staple Dry 0ooA eT . ,stofore . t, ' a ? , ‘** under the firm of BUNTING & JONES, have this day dlsgotvffl part nership by mutual consent, SAML.A JONEL THOMAS BARNES. , Philadelphia, Deo. 81,1864. _ COPARTNERSHIP^—THE TJNDER- V-' SIGNBD bave ibis dsy formed a copartnership under tbe style and firm of JONES. BARNES, ACO., amdwUl oontinne the business. of the late 11 in of Bunting 8c Jones at the old stand, 80. 38 8. WHARVES. BAML-A. JONES, THOS. BARNES. - ' 7 „ S. LEHMAN SMITH. PgII.ADEL?HIA, Dee. 31,1884- jaa-lm TtISBOLHTION OF COPARTNER. SHIP. —The subscribers’ heretofore trading under the stile and name of EVANS A CO. , have this day dissolved. WILSON EVANS, ■ December 31, 1854. __ L JOSEPH EVANS. nOPABTHERBHIP — THIS undersigned have tMs day a copartnership undtrtbeßtyieand name of ByANS; LONGSTRBTH, & CO., fo**the tramaction of the'Dry' Goods Oommlse sion business,at the old stand, No. 109 South FOURTH Street. RVANS; LONGSTSETH St GO. WILSON EVAfrs, % THOMAS Mlf FLIN EGNGBTBETH, JOSEPH EVANS. December 31,1864, . ;.; ; Ja2-3t 0 8. CLAFLIK HAS THIS ISAY AS • SOOIATED with him E. F. PARTRIDGE as a general partner in the transection of the Boot and Shoe • , No. 239 MARKET Street, under the style .of CLAFLIN A PARTRIDGE, Philadelphia. January 1, 1865. 7 ■'■ ja2-2i* TSJOTIOE. THE COPARTNERSHIP Av, heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the style of SIMONS & GABSBD, is this day dissolved bymutual consent. - : The business of the late firm will be settled by either Partner. r . (Signed) BAML. SIMONS, ja2.2t» , THEO. E, GABSED. - TVI S SOLUTION.—THE' FARTNER- A-/ SHIP heretofore existing, under the name of SHULTZ & GARDHER. Is this day dissolved by limita tion. The business of the late Arm trill he settled at:the old stand, by \V. F. Shultz. W. P. SHULTZ. A, 0. GARDHEB. December 81, 1854. r^OPARTNERSHIP.—THE UNDER- V-' simied havingjporebasedihe Bloch of 4fe»late flrm of SHULTZ & GABDJSBKe will contone the Boot and Shoe basinets an dec the name, of SHULTZ. FAHNS fcTOCEVJr ELSE* at 80. 45North THIRD Street. WALTER F. SHUbTZ, JAMES F. fahsestock, T. CHAPMAN ELSE. Pbilapelebia, Jannary g, IS6& , ja2-3t WILLIAM H. STEVENSON . T i Bae this day been admitted to an Interest in my business.*; _ „ S. E. SLAYMAKEE, Stock. Broker. aa«EKCHANGE. ■ Jannary 2. IBBfl. ■ ■ . . ‘ : -. jal-3l* (COPARTNERSHIP.—NOTICE IS VJ 1 hereby given that the undersigned have this day formed a Copartnership for transacting the business Of Wholesale Jobbing of motions and'Fancy Goode, at 80. 334: MARKET Street, in the city of Philadelphia, un der the* name* style, and*jrm of‘WILLIAM H. DOB-. SOB Sc CO. W" _ „ W 'H DOBSON, jambs mooset. JAXVAXY 2,1868. . ; ja3-8t» fTHE SPECIAL PARTNERSHIP EX- A- I&TING between tbs undersigned expires this day by its own limitation. W. PHASES. S. PRERDLEY, Special Partner. Bhibadbiphia, Dee. SI. 1864. " .. . W ERASER WILnpONTINOE THE IT* business as nsnal at 331 MARKET Bt r ja2-3t* t HAVE ADMITTED CHARLESCON WAT to an interest in mybnsin^sfrb&thls^ato. ’ 119 30TOH8treet. ■ Pnn.ADBX.PBiA. January 2, 1865. Ja2-2t* (COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. I have this day associated with me my sons, F. ABTHOBY and FRaBGIS X, in my business as part ners. The name of the firm will be-ANTHOB F BSI BEBLICH & SOBS. V. A.. SSIBERLIOH Philadelphia, January % 1665. , - ja2-3t* OF DISSOLUTION. The limited partnership existing between tlto under- Bigned, ruder the firm of SIEGEL, WIBST, & BKVIN, expiree this day by its own limitation. . ; JACOB KIE3BL, ’ "JOHN WIEST, DAVID B. BRVIN, HENBVf S. FISTBR, JOSIAH BIEOBL, , Partners.; PETERBIE9BB, 'WJU, 8, -BAIRD, Special Partners. Philadelphia, Bee. 31,1561 m NOTICE OF LIMITED PARTNER SH IP. The subscribers hereby give notice that theyhavd entered Into a Limited Partnership, agreeably to the provisions of the several laws of the Comtnouwealth. of Pennsylvania relating to limited partnerships, i That the nameof the firm undeywhtch said partner shiglstdbe conducted is JOS. RIBQ%& H. 8. FIS- That the general nature of the intended to he transacted is the Importing and Jobbing of Dry Goods* ' >• ' • . t , That the name! of the general and; special partners, all ot whom reside In the city of Philadelphia, are Joel ah Eieiel, general partner, residing aV.tfce Bald Eagle Hotel, Ho. 416 Borth Third atreet: Hsnry S. Plater, general partner, residing at .said Bald lagle Hotel; Al fred Byerly,- general partner, residing at Mo: 1324 Arch street; William X. Albright, general jartner, residing at Ho. 1607 Wallace street; Hunnel Gj Scott, general partner, residing at Ho. 2033 Tine street; Jacob Siegel, special partner, residing-‘at Ho. 627 Berth Sixth street; and Peter Sieger, special partner, redding at Ho. 717 North Eighth street, r That the aggregate amount of the capital 'contributed by the specif partners to the common stock is One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, of which One Hundred Thousand Dollars in cash nave been contri buted by Jacobßiegel, special partner, and Fifty Thou sand Dollars in*cslh have been contributed by Peter Sieger, special partner. That the said partnership is to commence on the second day of January; A. D. 1865, and is to terminate on the thirty* first day of December, A. D. 1866. * JOS IAH BIEGEL, HBNBY S FISTiB, ALFBBDBTEBLY, WM.'E. ALBBIGEfT* . SAM'L O. SCOTT, ", General Partners. ./ JACOB BIBOBL, PETEB SIBGBR, Special Partner!. _ Philadelphia, January 3.1865. -■ ja2'6ir ■PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED.—THE *- firm of BILLINGS, EOOP, ft CO., of thin el*y and New York, expired THIS BAX by limitation. The ho liness of tbe said Arm-Hill be eettled by either of the undermined. J. M BILLINGS, ‘ 8. W. EOOP, S. W. EOOP, Executor of W. F.Waahlngton. H. B. KIBBB. PHILABBLPHIAi Dot. I, 1884, LIMITED PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.-The under- ; lined hsye THIS DAT entered into a Limited Partner* amp. azreeably to the Aot of Assembly of the Common* : wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled an Act relative to Id* : mlted Partnership, etc., passed the twenty-first day of- March, A D. 183#, and the enppiements thereto, and, they do hereby give notion that the name of the Firm? under which said partnership he conducted is EOOP ft KIBBEs that the general nature of the busi ness to be transacted is the general Dry Goods, Import-: ing, and Commission business, and that the same will be carried on in the cltyjof Philadelphia; that the names ; of the General Partners of the said firm are SAMP EL W. EOOP. HENRY R. KIBBB, CLINTON J. TBODT,( and JOSEPH 0. EOOP, and the name of the Special Partner is JAMBS M. BILLINGS, aUoftheolty ofPhP ladelphla: that the capital contributed by the said James M. Billings, the special Partner, to the common stock, is ime hundred thousand dollars in cash, and that sAd partnership is to commence on the first day of December, A D. ISM, and terminate on the tblptleth day of November, A D. 1887. _ SAMUEL W.EOOP. HBNBT B. KIBBEI GLIBTONJ. TEOtfr, JOSEPH 0. HOOP. General Partners, JAMES M. BILLINGS. 'z- . . Special Partner. Pau.ADZLPBU, Dee. l, 18« L NOTICE—The undersigned successors of BILLINGS, EOOP, ft CO., in New York, will contlnne the Dnpora ino and Commission Business, »t=Bo. 38 WARREN Btieet. J. M. BILLINGS ft 00. J..H, Brannrae, R. J. Chasms. - Ngw York, Dec. L 188 t - ~ dat*#W s XT OTICE—BEN J. F.KARRICKIi'AV- J-" ing retired from onr Arm, the business will be con tinusd hereafter by th, remaining yaiiAPEtPHiA, Jw. Bd. iMt. ia-6t* fVs ‘.t > ■'OTMf,; 'PIOT % 1865. TtELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY incorporatbdbtth™^^ 1 ' OFFICE S. E. WALNUT STREETS. PHILADELPHIA. „ MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELS,) - - 1 FhIIGHT {To all parts of the world. On Goode, by Carriage, to all parts of the Union. *r t. n. FIRE INSURANCES, On Merchandiae generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, &«, ! ASSETS OF THB COMPAHT, • NoYCTn Iw* p j jggj ®SS.WJ*-« IgaPerOent.LMH, ;n. *IOO,MOW : *■ six ««’ .•• g.lgi 75,55750 110,(00 Stole o* Pennsylvania Plve Per Cent ' L0an.......... 93,655 00 54,000 State-of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent. L0an....... 65.ASQ 00 173,060 City of Philadelphia Six Per Ct Loam 171,679 87 20,000 Pennsylvania Bailroad' First Mort *age Six Per Cent Bonds—.. *♦. 22,000 90 60*000 Pennejlvania Bailroaud Second Mort gage Six Par Cent. Bonds * 63*250 00 Stock Oermantovn Chis ' Com pair, r pirfa oipal ancT interest guaranteed by the city of Philadel . w fc :*d* 1&80O do 5,500130 Glares Stock Pennsylvania Bail . road tiompanv. ........ ..... 9,100 00 lOO Shares Stock north Pennsylvania Railroad C0mpany.............*.... 3*050 00 60,000 United States Treasury Certificates of lndebtedness 48.425 00 282 State of Tennessee Plve Per Cfc. Loan. 12*000 00 128.700 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, amply secured....*..***.. 138,700 05 $868,230 Par. CostsB42,lCO SO. Market va1ue.*887,627 87 Peal Relate 86,080 08 Bills receivable for insurances made. 118,890 41 Balances due at Agencies. —Premi ums on Marine\PoHcbe, Accrue! Interest, and otter debts due the Company.... 28,783 24 Scrip and Stock of sundry-insurance and other Companies, $1,263.. Kstt- mated value 2,220 00 Cash on deposit with United States Government, subject to ten days' ca 11..... ,100,000 00 Cast in Banks ■. 68. IM 83 G&ih In Drawer...... 637 06. *188.692 49 __ _ DIRECTORS: Thomas f. Hand, . Samuel B. Stokes, John <1 Davis, J F.'Penlefon, Mfitbad A. fiouder. .*•- E«arr Slflftt. Theophilus Paulding, William G. Boulton, John B. Penrods, - Bdward Darlington, James Trawair, H. Jones Brooke. Henry C. Daliett, Jr., Jacob P. Jones, James C Hand. James B McFarland, WilllamC, Ludwig. Joshua P, Byre, Joseph H. Seal, Spencer Molly .ine, George 0. Lelper, John B. Semple. Pittsburg Hugh Craig, A. B. Berger, Pittsburg Bobert Burton, THOMAS C. HARD, President. „„„„„ - JOHB 0. DAVIS, Vice President. _HJSNEY LYLBUBH, Secretary. daIS-ly THE RELIANCE INSURANCE COM- A PAST OF PHILADELPHIA. incorporated In ISO. Charter PerpetnaL OFFICB So 308 WALITOT BTEKKT. Insures asaiußt Inn. or damage by FIBB - Houses, Stores, and other Buildings, limited or perpetual: aid m Furniture, Goods, Wares, and Merchandise. - CAPITAL, $300,000. ASSETS, #3ST,»II. SB. ■ , Invested In the following Securities, vis: Bnt Mortgage on City Property, well secured $108,900 DO United Btdes, Government Loans™..™™. 118,000 00 PhiladelphiaClty6j>er cent. Loans...™™. 08,000 00 Commonwealth ef Pennsylvania 6 per sent. ♦3,000,000 Loan. 1T...”™ 13,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, first audeo eond Mortgage Loans .™ 85,000 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's • per pent. Loan. .... 5,000 00 Philadelphia and Beading Railroad Com pany ’s6 per cent L0an................. ™. 5,000 00 Huntingdon and Bread Top Railroad T per cent. Loans. 4,500 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock.™ 10,000 00 Mechanics’Bank Static .......™. 4,000 00 ' County Fire Insurance Company's Stock.». 1,050 00 Onion Mutual Insurance Company’s Stock of Philadelphia.™.. ..™™ 1,500 00 Loan s on Collateral*, well secured™....»™ 3,250 00 Accrued Interest ......... 5,983,00 Cash In bank and on band... .......,™ 15,587 83 1 - $887,311 85 Worth at present market value™.™..™. 300,864 35 ‘ „ _ . DIEBOTOEB. T - Clem Tlnrley, Robert Tolsnd, Wm, B, Thompson,' William Stevenson, Samuel Bispham, Hampton L. Car&on, . BoberfSteen, Marshall Hill, William Musser, J. Johnson Brown, . Charles Laland. . ThomasH. Moors, Bern. W. Tlnglcy, „ „ „ CLEM TIBGLBY, President, THOMAS G. HILL, Secretary. Phimjcelphta, January 4, 188. TTIBB INSURANCE! EXCLUSIVELY. J -THB PBNBSYLVANIA FIBB IHSCBAWOB COM FABY, Inoorporatad 1825. CHABTBB PBBPBTDAL. go., 510 WAIiJiDT Street! opposite Independence aOtutrsi * .This Company, favorablyknown te thecommunity for nearly forty years, continues to insure against Loss or Damage by Fire, on Public or Private Buildings, cither permanently or for a limited time. Also, on For-, nitnre, Stocks, Goods, or Merchandlis .generally, on liberal terms. Their capital, together with a large Sorplns Fond, is invested in the mast esrefhl manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an nndoubted security in the case of doss. - DIBECTOBS. Jonathan Patterson, Alexander Benson. Isaac Hazlehnrst, Thomas Robins, J, giniaxl JOHATHAI? F, Wax UK a. CneWEtL, P AMEBIC AN FIBE INSURANCE **• COMP ART. Incorporated 1810.' CHASTER PER PETUAL. Ho. 310- WALNUT Street, above Third, PhUadelidria, Having* large paid-up Capital Stock and Supine in vested in sound and available Securities, continues to Insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Peseela in, port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. _ DIRECTORS. Thomas B. Marls, James R. Campbell, John Welsh, Edmond H. DntUh, Samuel 0. Horton, CharlM W. Foultney, Patrick Brady, Israel Morris. John T. Lewis, „ , ■ THOMAS B. HABIB, Presldont. AubbutC. L. Ceawporp, Secretary. feß-tf U'AME IRSUBANC A HO. 400 CHBBI PHILAD) PIKE AHD IHLAI 1 MREO 1 i Francis H. Buck, . Charles Richardson, Henry Lewis, * O, Mr. Davie,' P. 8. Justice, George A. West, FEAHGIB H. 1 CHAB. RICH; W. I, BLiyogABD, Secret A NTHRACITE INSURANCE COM “p Capital MOO.OOO-OHAETBB Office No. 312 WALNUT Street, between Third and fourth streets, Philadelphia. This Company -will insure against Lore or Damage by Fire, on Building??, Furniture, and Merchandise cent* Also, Marine Insurances on Teasels* Cargoes* and * Freighted Inland Insurance to all parte of the union. , DIBBGTOBS. 'William Esher, Davis Pearson, D. Luther. . FeterSeiger, -Lewis Audenried, J. E Baum* John R, Blackiston, William F. Dean, Joseph Maxi.ld, _ WM. P. DEAN, Vice President. W. M. Burra, Secretary. apS-tf INSURANCE COMPANY OP THB A STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA-OFFICE Nos. * and * EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, north side of WALNUT Street, between BOOK and THIRD Streets, Philadel phia. WCOEPOBATBD IN 1794—CHARTER PBEPETUAt. _ CAPITAL *200,000. PEOPEETIBS OF THE COMPANY.' FEBBUABT I. MARINE, FIRE, AJTO’ffILjS°TEANSPOETATION INSUEANOB. . . ' ' DIEBCTOES. Henry D. Bherrerd. Tobias Wagner. Charm Maoalester, Thomas B.Watson, William 8. Smith. Henry G. Freeman, William B. White, Charm 8. Lewis, GeorgeH. Stuart, George C. Canon, Samuel Grant, Jr., ■ Edward 0. BMght, Johnß. Austin. HENRY D. Wnj.iAM lisMß, Secret) tORMAH r. BOKtrOTBsAB. WHUAK h. qbavbs. -frOLLINSIIIAD & GRAVES, aJL - insueance agency; NO. 313 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA AGKKTS FOB TUB NORWICH FIBB INSURANCE COMPANY. OF NORWICH. CONN. CHARTERED 1808. REFERENCES IN PHILADELPHIA'(by authority): John Grig*, Ekj. i Messrs. Tredtck, Stokes ftCO rales, Wharton, ft Co. (Messrs. Chas.Lenalg ft 00. Hessrs- CoMn ft Altemus. I Messrs. W. H. Lamed ft Co. 3«w«pin - . ,»~ - FORM AN P. SOLLTSSHBAP- - WK. H, OSAim XX OLLLNBHEAD & GRAVBB’ XI. INSURANCE AGENCY, Agmts fortheOKOTOM FIRE INfeURANCB OOMFA&yC of New York- Je*?-6m FORMAS P.SOIiJNBSBAJ). ~ WK. R, GBAVM. HOLLINBHEAD & GRAVES, INSUEANOB AGENCY, No. 313 WALNUT St., _ Philadelphia, agents for the ALBANY Gl'nrpmfSrSUKAlfOß CO., Je27-8m Of ALBANY, N. Y. * TX> THE PUBLIC.—THANKFUL TO ~,enr Mends and the pnblie for the liberal patronage bestowed upon ns, we wodld Inform them that, having made extensive alterations in onr establlshment, we’are now prepared, to execute Plctnresto the.sattsfactton of •Jl’who may favor us with a call. ~ Having now at our command -increased facilities) we take pleasure in so liciting a discerning public to compare the execution of our work that produced at any other establish ment in the United States. ‘We would also state* that onr GALLERY IS FREE TO ALL for the examination of specimens. Notwithstanding the advance of material used and wages of hands em ployed; we axe yet furnishing Pictures : a , AT THB OLD PRICES. Photo Miniatures. Ivorytypea Life-size Heads in Crayon, Oil* and Pastel. Cabinet- size heads inCrayon* Oil, Mid Pastel. Imperial; Plain and Colored* 13-14,8-10, 4*4, and 1-3 sizes. , Carte de Yisite Vignettes, full size, 3-4, &c., $3.60 per ■d«mn. imbiotypea, from 78 coots upwards. Ferrotypes 91 per doz * &e,t &o. On band and for sale a large lot of Copies of Bare Sa> sravlnst. Photographs of all the prominent Generals and dlsUnstUsned men, &c., So. Outside yielts taken at short notice. HBMBZBT dt CO.. Photographers, 8I» ASCir Street. JOHN C. BAKER & OO.’S COD LIVER w OIL.-THE TBUE AND GENUINE-Unsurpassed In qualltjsand effects—being the SWEETEST AND BEST PBEFABBD. In Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Gout, Inci* plent Consumption, and all Scrofulous Complaints, It oftentimes produces immediate andcertain effoots whan other remedies haTS baentakenwlth little or soheneflt. Bold by AU Drugglste In the city, and by the prowrte tor. Bo TIS MaBSET Street. aull-tnthsßm MBS' JAMBS BETTS’ CELEBRATED "A SUPPOETEBB FOB LADIES— he only Supporters under eminent medical patronage Ladles and physicians are respeotfolly.rMnested'to call only on Mrs. BETTS.: at her residence, 1038 WALNUT Street, Phlla., (to ayoid oonntertetts.) Thirty thonsand -inyallda h&ye been advised by their physicians to use her K" nees. .Those only are gen nine bearing the United copyright; labels on the box, and signatures, and also on the Supporters, with testimonials, oclfi-iuthctf nKAN-S GREAT TOBACCO, OIGAB, XJ AHB PIPE BTOBK JTo. 413. GHBffiTHTJT Stwefe, Ph3ad«lpliU. Fft. Beankeeps tie greatest assortment Beau keeps the greatest Yariefr; Bean keeps the largest general stock* . Yoa can get anyklnd of Tobacco* Ton can gefcanyklndof Cleary ' Ton can get any kind of Pipes. 80. 4-13 OHBSTBUT Stieet, PhtladelphU, Pa. - When too go to Dean’syou ean get anything yon want In die way of Plug, Fine Out and Smoking Tobac* Coes. Bemestlc and Havana Oigars. Fipes, Jw. Bean keeps the largest general stock of Tobacco* Cigars, Pipes* &o„ in the -united States. „ ' Bean’s sales are so extensive that he ean afford to Mil: at ahont one-half what others sell for. Bean sells to the Army of the Potomac. Bean sells to the Army of the James. Bean sells to the Army of the Tennessee. * Bean sells to the Army of tne > fr^ ll * , ° a t* DEAB%IIS? * Fennsylranla merchants all hnyat Dean’s. , Hew Jerfßy merchants allbuy at Dean’s. Delaware merchants all bay atßean’s, ... is thejcan always get just what they want, and at a much lower price than they ean elsewhere, and they do not hare to pick up their goods at adosen little AUgoods ordered are guaranteed to riye satisfaction. Order once, and youwmalways ordwirojir Bean’s, as his ping and fine cut chewing and smoking tobaceoes and cigars are to superior toau others, and/he sells for muehlesi. BKAIPS, Ho. 413 ■DEFINED T ALL.O W FOB MA- J3h OHIBEBY, manufactured ,by L. H. %a. ELKIH TOH. 118 MAKOABETTA BtreH? , deljUm*, rpHE CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE A In the city to «»t HEAD MESSES, cUti or fancy CAPS, at H®. W* AHQH Street. ■ 4«31«t» msiniAjrc'B. *1,201, m 02 I Daniel Smith, Jr.,* | John Deverenx, Thomas Smith, I 1 Henry Lewie, :ham Fell. ‘ATTEKSOH, President, eerefary. CE COMPANY, ITHTJT STREET, IELPHTA. HD IHBUBAHOA 3TOBS. John W. Brennan,' Robert B. Potter, John Kessler, Jr., B. D. Woodruff, Charles Stokes, Joseph D. Ellis. . rOK, President. DSOH, Vice Preeideht r. ja!4-tt SHEBBBBP, Ptesldeit. ry. . - nolS-tf FROFRSiU PROPOSALS FOB ICE. v Medio ap Pvayaroe’e Defto*. Vf AuHiKirron- D 0. SEALED DROPOSALS will be received at this offloe nntt) dsenary 186$. for famishing ISIS to the Medl oal Department of the army dnrUgthe easnlttff year, at tbe potnte herein designated. The tee to he stored tar Jlae.; contractor in properly constructed IM-beoseeU each point of delivery, on or before the 15th of April jwxttHie iwnot to be receipted for nnaHtBa«Sftv, the Etaese of the 100-bouse; and the manner in* which It ie packed shall have been approved by a medical offl »!. And payment will be made only for the amount thne actually stored and receipted for. The proposals win ha made for the enandtlea lndl rS?“i,rf4 «the respective placer, with the proviso that should mote be needed at any tune for ‘he/e«’ssnpply it ehallbe “iKS rates, and under the ana eondittons; . ~, Quantity to bt delivered of Annapolis, Mi. ,ice- house owned by the Baited States- . Ist lona. Point Lookout, Hd-, ice-home owned by the United States..**.... 280 ** Fortress Monroe, Ya., ica-h«u@e owned fey the United 5tate5..........» *< Portemouth/Yt., ice-house not owned by the Bnttedßtetes,, lflQ *« Hewberc, H. C., ice-house not owned by the United States 490 •* Hilton. Head, S. C.» ice-house owned by the United States..... „v, 450 Beaufort, SC., Ice-house owned by the United States “ Savannah," Oa. t ice-houae not owned by the United fitttes 400 *• rensacola, Fla., Ice-house -not owned by the United States,.... ..10® *■ Mobue Bay. Ala., ice house not owned by the United States .....100 * s La *» ice-house owned by the _ United .......... 500 *• Proposals w ill also he recived for furnishing Ice daily, by wetght. for tbe year 1805, in such auanttties as may be required by the Surgeons'in charge, at United States Wenerai Hospitals, at toe places enumerated above,and upon the following annual estimate, in and near— Boston, M*w., lotone. Portsmouth Grove, B. I 130 “ Hew Haven, Conn 60 ** Hew Tork... 800 Newark, R. J... ioq “ Philadelphia, Pa.. .1,800 *• Baltimore, Md............ 500 ** Frederick, Md» 75 *■ Washington, D. C.... 2,600 *• All additional amounts that may he required at these places ULtil January 1,1866, are to be furnished at the same rates, # FOEM OF PROPOSAL. The undersigned proposes to furnish ——tons of first quality Ice, carefully racked in substantial ice-houses, at the within named points, namely: —"— , at the following price per con of two thousand pounds, namely; at ■■ ——.— -..i ~' m ~ _—7 tone ats— — per ton. The Ice to be subject to the inspection, measurement, and approval of a Medical Officer, or other properly* ap pointed inspector, before being receipted for. Payment to be made from time to tune upon duplicate bills certified to by the Medical Director. (Signed!, _ , , form of proposal. The undersigned .proposes to furnish, daily or other- Wise, all the ice required for. the hdspit&le, upon ap proTedrequisHions of Surgeons in charge, at or near the within-named points, at the following price per hundred pounds, namely: ; —i ct*. per hundred pounds . ~ . The lee Ehallbe of the best quality, and subject to the approval of the burgeon In charge, who will receipt for the actual amount delivered at each hospital. Payment to be made from time to time upon duplicate Mils, certified to by the Medical Director. (Signed,) , The above formof proposals will be adhered Va« closely as practicable. Other forma will be received by the Department and duly considered. A proper guarantee that the bidderls able to fulfil the contract, certified to by the Clerk of the nearest District Court, or a United States District Attorney, must accom pany the propotal, or it will he rejected. An oath of allegiance to tie Untied States Government must also accompany the proposal. The contracts will be awarded to the lowest responsi ble party or parties; who will be duly notified by mail or otherwise that their bid is accept* d, and immediately required .to enter into contract under bonds to the amount-of $5,000. The bonds must be properly certi fied, and the post-office address of principals and sure ties stated upon them . Bidders must be present In person when the proposals are opened. Thopost office address of the parties proposing must be distinctly written upon the proposal, _ Proposals must be addressed to ‘ 4 Surgeon Charles Sutherland. U. 8. Army, Medical Purveyor, Washing* ton, B. C. .The Department reserves the right to reject any and all bids deemed unsuitable. * _ CHARLES SUTHERLAND, , ■ Surgeon IT. S. A and Msdleal-Parveyor, ■ de3l- 6t Wasting ton, D. G, Printed forms of proposals may be had at this offlee PROPOSALS FOR REVENUE STEAM A CUTTERS OH THE LAKES. Tkbaspkv Depaetmekt, December 21, 1564.. PROPOSALS will be received at this Department un til 12 M. MONDAY, the 16th day of January next, fSr the construction ot three 0 r four RBVENDS STEIM CUTTERS (side-wheel) for the uppar lakes, andone or more for Lake Ontario. Specifications in detail will he furnished bidders on * application In person or by letter to this Dspirtment, or to the Collectors of the Customs at Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and the collectors at the prin cipal lake ports. The proposals should be sealed and addressed to the EecreiaTy of the Treasury, and endorsed on'the enve lope * Proposals for building Revenue Steam Cutters. ’ 1 de29-thatutjal6 Secretary of the Treasury, * HOmrAHO RESTAURANTS, QENTRAL BATING HOUSE, Opposite til.© Post Office, oeiT-sm PHTCiADELPHIA. TONES HOUSE, V Cor. MARKET STREET and MARKET-SQUARE, - HARRIS BUBO, Pa. x vv® iTOpnetor respectfully returns Ms sincere thanks 1° M 8 QD -d» for the very iibeial patronage bestowed to the House since under Ms management, and would respecwhliy solicit a continuance of the same. del7-gar C, g. MANN, Proprietor. . THE WASHINGTON HOUSE—A ■T,?- 4 ??-. - ? 4 tavtag been announced by the Bulletin of the 26th inßtant. that this hotel would be closed on or about she Ist of December, the Leasee from January Ist, 1865, begs to inform the public that during the time the House maybe closed it will be thoroughly reno vated and refitted in a xuanner that eannotxail to give satisfaction to those who mar patronize the establish ment. .. Mr. M. ALLMOND, formerly of the ‘‘lndian ClueeM,” Wtimlnrton, but more recently of the ‘ States Union, 1 ’ Philadelpnia, will have the en tire management under the new administration, and fie assures the public that no efforts will be spared on his part to make the House in all respects pleasant and agreeable to his guests. The House will be re-opened on the 16th of January. no2B-tf LERAZi. FI THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OS’ PHILADELPHIA. _ Estate of JAMES M LIBBABD, deceased, into Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of CLEMENT B. PENROSE and JOSEPH LINBABD, Executors of JAB: H. LIBBABD, deceased, and to nuke distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountants, will meet the parties In terested for the purposes of his appointment, on MON DAY, January £jS65 ( at 1 o’cJock P. M . at Me office,- 80. 188 8. SIXTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. de2l-stuthgt H. E. WALLACE, Andltor. Pr THE OHPH&HS’ COTJBT FOB THE Trust' Estate oFJAMES M. LlNNAR&7deceas6&, The Auditor.appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of C. B. PENBOSS and X T. bINNABD, Trustees under the wiliof 3. M LINHAED, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance' in the-hands of the accountants, will meet the parties in terested for the purposes of his appointment, on HOB DAY, lBB5, at 4 o’clock P. M.. at his office, No. 138 S. SIXTH St., in the city of Philadelphia. de24-stuth6t H. B. WALLACE, Auditor. rs THE ORPHANS’ COUET FOR THE CITY COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of CHARLES HBNBY FISHES, deceased. IJle ApaUor appointedbythecourt to audit, settle, and adj ust the accoun t of PETER C. HOLLIS and HEN RY P, MUIRBEID, Trustees, under the last will and testament of CHARLES HENRY FISHER, deceased,as stated by P, 0. HOLLIS, Acting Trustee, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the account* ’ ant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY. January 16.1865. at 4 o’clock P.M. .athifi office. No. 131 South FIFTH Street, hi the city. of Philadelphia. ' GEORGB-H. CONABROE, - de24-etathfit . Auditor. SHIPPING, ntfSES BOSTON AND PHILADEL- LINE, calling from Basil 1 1 ? 10 wharf above FINE Street, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Boston. NoBMAj7cipt.Baker, will aaU fro], Philadelphia for Boston' on Saturday. Jan. 7, at 10 A- M,„ and steMnsUp SAXON, Capt. Matthews, from Boston for Philadelphia, on the same day at 4pj 11. These new and substantial steamships form a regolai line, sailing from each port punctually on Saturdays. onthevesßeli?* 5 ’ 184 **■ onc-halfthe premium'charged Freights taken at fair rates. EeM!pts m4b,b * # B«ft»l.hterPu U t, &W^fg „« ) m l^aUon». mhaa*tf M 39 South DELAWARE Avenue. 4ft STEAM WEEKLY TO Ll *“■■■ V ?K Kuching st QUEENSTOWN, WojhHarbor. )» The wail-known Steamers of the Liver* pool, New York, and Philadelphia Steamship Company Line), carrying theU. S. are SxtendM to sail as follows: KANGAROO..... ...... SATURDAY, Dec. SL CITY OF MANCHESTER——SATURDAY, Jan. 7. CITY OF-LONDON —.SATURDAY, Jan. 14. roeeeedlng Saturday at Boon, gem Pier 44, mST CABIN. *BO 00 STEERAGE . .™~_*So 00 do to Loudon.... 85 00 do to London— 34 00 do ss n p toTarls .~«- 40 00 do to Hamburg.. 00 00 do to Hamhnrg.. 87 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Sot-' terdam,-Antwerp, &e., at equally low rates. ; ««? a sStl 4ro iSf Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Cabin, ,70, |BS, *lO5. Steerage from Liverpool or Queenstown, 830. Those who wish to send for their frioids can buy tickets here at these ratesx For farther information angy at the_ Company’s Offices* JOHN 6. DALE, Agents de2S-tjal4 XIX WALNUT Street, PhStadflpbla. EOB NEW YOBK. ■ ■ OUTSIDE LINK. B nnu M JlS‘^^? PAlnr ’ B ■*"» SSlii NEW YOBK, and eonneetiu •slUng over v*” 1 4114 Bastern elt!es “hi New Orleans. , TUESDAY, THURSDAY, AND SATURDAY, ftom the Company’s wharf, first above Bace street, ami 8P W Jt ork " * ro,nPlBr Worth river, on samedaysTn For freight, which will bs received daily, handled in the most cartful manner, and delivered with tkc greatest despatch, at fair rates, apply to ■ _ WILLIAM J. TAYLOR » CO., nolo-3m aiO North WBAKVm MACHINERY IJXOBf* J. VAUGHAN MEBRICK. _ •» • JOHN B, COPE. ROUTHWABK FOUNDRY, k 7 FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS. * PHILADELPHIA. * MERBXOK «fc SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, „ Manufacture Hlgh and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for land, river, and marine service. bSS?&?S“Ser?rTn k o S r&“»»*■. &# i CaBt ' mSSSSHtfK 6 tor 088 WorkB ’ Workshopa. KaU- Betorts andQas Machinery of the latest and moat im proved construction. B very deecrtption of Plantation Machinery, such as .SftDa- Vacuum Pans, Open Sole agents tot. N./Ribleux’s Patent Sugar* Boiling Ap paratus, Nasmyth s Patent Steam Hammer, and Aepin wsJl A Wolsey’a Patent Ceatrifngal Sugar* D raining Machines - aul2-tf PENN STEAM ENGINE AND ■““■■■boiler works. —nbafis & levy. ESfCmcALANB THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, MA *®““DBBS, having for many years been la successful operation, and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing Marine and River Engines, high and low pres *“V, Ironßolleis. Wator Tanks, Propeller!, Ac., &c,. Kwpectfnlly offer their services to the public, aebelug rally prepared to contract for enilnes of all sizes, Ma rine, River, and Stationary; having sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared, to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of pattern-making iS 84 ® SLi, Ahortest notice. High and Low-prassuro, Fins, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Penn sylvania charcoal iron. Forgings of all rises and kinds, uron and Brasß Castings, of all descriptions; 801 - Turateg, Screw-Ou ting, and all other Work connected With the above busiaess. Drawings and specifications for all work dose at the establishment free of charge, and work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf- dock room for re pairs of boate, where they can lie In perfect safety, and bto provided with, shears, blocks, fells; Ac., Ac., for raising heavy or lljfht weights. •N*p tt 2SF' jeZl-tf- • ■ BEACH-and PaLMHr streets.- ‘ TITORGAN, ORB, & CO., STEAM Bit DA BINE BUILDERS, Iron Founders, and Grub™] Machinists and Boiler Makers, h™iai9C ALLOW! HIM, Street. Fhiladriphia. * ' QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, “ JPhZLaOBLPHIA. Pa DflC 4c. IMI .pbowkum ttR’U 12 o clook M.« Jannarr 4. IKS for Bwagagacsate All of the above described to be of the best quality, and subject to the inspection of an inspector appointed oh the part of the Government. Bidders will stateprice, to include boxes *,n& delivery, both in writing and figures; the anantity bid for, and the time of delivery stated; and no schedule prices will he received. . t 0 the a ° venuMn ‘ Warehouse, , all proposals must he made ont on printed blanks, wMoh maybe _had .on application at trie office, Other- Each hid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose rienatures most be appended to the guar antee. and ceirijied to as being good, and sufficient se curity for the amount involved, by the United States District Judge, Attorney, or Collector, or other public officer, otherwise the bid will not be considered. The light is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. Bids from defaulting contractors, and those that do not fully comply with me requirements of this ad vertisement, will not he considered. -Br order of Colonel Herman Biggs, U. 8. A , Chief Quartermaster. GEOEGB B. OBMB, de26-St Captain and A. & M. Escbreirer, mm coal depot, • JTOBLE Street, above JSinth street - _ Constantly on hand superior Qualities of Lehish and Schuylkill Coal, selects dexpressly for family purposes, at the lowest market prices. Wharf' Twenty-thud street, below Arch street. Office 119 South FOURTH Street. oc2o-3m fJENUINE EAGLE VEIN COAL, EQUAL, IF HOT SOPEBIOR TO LEHIGH. A trial will secure your custom. Egg and Store sizes. $lO 5€ per ton: Large Hut, $9 68. Office ffil South §01161% street, below Chestnut. Depot 1419 CAL LOWHILL Street, above Broad. ' eel4-6m ELLIS BBAHSOH, WILLIAM X. HBSRICK. fIOAL.—SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER yj MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and best Mountain, from Schuylkill, prepared ex pressly for family use. Depot H. W. corner EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Office Ho. 113 South BBCOSD Street. Capd-tf] . J. & CO. ■pLECTBOPATHIC ESTABLISH -LJ MBNT* for the cure of diseases incurable with me dicine, by Dr. A, B. STEVBNB. one of the discoverers of an entire new system of EbECTBIOAL PRACTICE, at 1418 South PBNif SQUARE. ■ Please call, orwndfor a pamphlet and learn par tlculars. No eharyefor consultation. 49* Physicians and others desiring Instruction can enter for a fall course any time after MOB DAT, Janu ary 2d, 1865. Any member of the class just finished mayreview without any charge. jafttf -ELECTRICAL INSTITUTE. . 00m, TB AFFLICTED, OOKB! This treatment only BWii a trial to tie adopted by all. Haring made many finproyemesta In tlu application of this agent, we feel In duty bound to make thorn nubile. We wUI guarantee tooura any ease of Feyer and Agne In two treatments. It has also psored Yary »ue«««fal tathe cursinf tlw following diseases: „„ Rheumatism, BeentgU, Debility. S Paralysis, Asthma; Genital WeaknoK, in, Dyspepsia, Piles, J Disease, Catarrlu Dlabete*. - land gentlemen earn enter *t anytime for fell instructions In th® practise. fi BKSSSSS£II *•».«. TeeUmonlali et the otlee^ ee2o-tJM 18*11. I- fIABUTBT FUBNTEURB. ' . . *6r Bouth SBC OB D Stmt, tit MW tofollowth* - ißri ott rttjtjL * w “* 1 JPRftPOSALS. 100 Brad Awls. ‘ IX9O Collar av]j. SOB’o&i **e». Bwjtty’s »<*». Bample required. 600 Chopping Axes, do. i4 - tMti - s^ ib "w*- 26C0 feet Window Glass, 1000 8x10,125&10xl2, 256 ifci| _ inches.. 6 G lue Pots and Kettles. 260 Firmer Chisel Handles. Samples required, 160 Claw Hammers. do. «?o. 100 Broad axe Handles,hickoryptto. do. 20CO Axe Handles, hickory. do. do. 24 Jack-Plane Handles,beech do. do. 24 Fore-Plane Handies, beech, do. do. 6»0 Long Fork Bandies, beech, do.- do. MO Short do. do- beech, do. ‘ do. 600 Long Shovel Handles, ash. do. do. 600 ehort do. do . ash. do. do. 1000 Ambulance Boor Leeks and Handles. Sample 900 PiJk Handles , aeh. Sample required; 200 Sledge Hammer Handles* hickory. Sample re* quired. < 1600 Binge Hasps, 8-inch. Sample required. BH3 do. do. * 6- inch. do. do. v 8700 Pairs Strap Hinges, heavy: 2,000 B*inch, 1,000 10- «ww ,_i* c h,6OG l?'|?ch, 20014-inch. Sample required. 4000 Pairs “T ’ Hinges: 2.000 8-inch, 1,000 10-inch, _ 1,00012-inch, sample required 1000 Butt Hinges, 2&c2K-inch. Bam* 1600 PonndsGurled Hair.. Bample required. 230 Baw Hides* for covering .McClellan Saddles, in pickle and tiiht.barrels, SDof. Double Plane Irons* 1 2-inch, 1 2)^-Inch, 1 2££ inch»l < &i inch, 12H-inch* Bateher’s make. Sample required. . vJ2 Bm cher Knives, 12-inch.blades. Sample required. 1008 Knives and Forks* each knife handle riveted. Sample required. 100 Gross Carriage Knobs*'japanned. Sample re quired; 160 Brewer Knobs, porcelain. Sample required. 1000 Chalk Lines, assorted sixes and lengths. ✓ 1000 Thumb Latches. . Samp'e required. 288 Chest Locks* 2)4 and 3-inch; good article.* Sam ple required. 300 Brans Till Locks. 2J£ and S-inch. Sample required. 600 Pad Locks: 60 2%-mch, 100 2X-tnch, 900 3-inch, 160 Sample required. 12 Carpenters 8 Tape Lines, 60 and 100 feet. 600 Arab. Curtain Lights and Frames. Sample re ' quired. 1600 kegs Cut Hails: 900 10d., 260 3d., 150 4d., 200 SOd. Sample required. SOO pounds Clout Hails. Sample required. 300 papers Black Head Lining Hails, K-inch. Sample required. . 200 Bagging Reedies.. Bample required. 300 papers Harness Reedies, assorted sizes.’ Sample 100 Sample required. 1000 pounds Ruts, X .inch hole* inch. Sample required. 25 barrels Boiled Linseed Oil. Sample required. 10 do., to . do. do. do. do. 75 pounds Escutcheon Pins: 60 jf-inch, 25 #-iuch. - 100 Jack Planes* * * Double Iron. * ’ Sample required. •75 Fork do. do. do. do. do. 60 Smooth do. do do. do. do. 100 Tryieg do. , 9 Inch diameter, ijf Inch deep, and 12 inch. diameter. 2X inch deep. Sample 6 reams Sand Paper, Hos. 1 and 2. 60 Paulins, to be made In the best manner* of 15- ounce cotton duck, best quality, army standard, with tabling* all round; size 20x30 feet when finished Samples q* duck required. 12 Saum&kers’ Palma. Sample required. 1000 Tin Plates. do. do. 2 reams Hardware Paper, do. do. 1 Gross Camel Hair Pencils; long hair. Bample required. 28 Sable Bair Pencils; lon. hair. Sample required. ICW Pounds Copper Etrets end Burrs: 50 %-mch, 400 %-incb, 300 i'-inch, 200 X Inch, 1001-iueh. 4 Doz. Wood Hasps, li-inchT Sample'required, 8 «<«* Breachinr Sings, IX-lnch: «ample required. 12dczenFlush.Bings* land 124-inch;do. do. SO Bucksaws* do. do. 60 Ciosseut is&we, 6 fret, do. do. 2 dozen Chamois Skins, r do. do. 100 pairs Boaching Shears, do. do. 4360 gross Iron. Screws, do. do. 60 gross each X-iach, Ifos. B, 7,8, 9,10.11, and 12. 200 do. do. 1 do. do. 8,12, and 13, m do. do. 1 do. do. 9,10, and 11. 200 do. do. IX do. do. 9,10.14. and Iff. SCO do. do. 1M do. do 11,12, and fi. 60 do. do. l}i do. do. 9, 10. and 16. 100 do. do, 334 do. do. 11,12.13. and 1C 60 do _ do. ft do. . do. 12,13,14,15, and 16. SCO Short-handled Shovels, best; sample required. 25 Grindstones, medium size, do. do. 2 dozen Farriers’ Scissors, do. do. 25 Spoke Shaves, do' do lOOOponnds Spring Steel, CfiOO3by fi-m-inch,6oo 3by ■34-inch;) sample required. * 110 gross Brass Screws, (25 80. 7, 25 Ho. 8,20 No. 6, M 20 Ho, 7,20 No. 8;) sample required. 60 sets Saddler’s Tools, each set to he in a neat box. Specifications to he had at this office; sample re quired. . 100 Bets Shoeing Tools, field ft Hardle’s, each set to be in a neat box. Specifteationatohehad&tthls office; sample required. 100 pounds Patent Thread, 60 pounds Black,3B and 40: sample required, 60 pounds White, 36 and 40: sample required. 600 pounds Harness Thread, H. 8,, flo. 10; sample required. SSpounCs Saddlers* Thread, Orange; sample re quired. . "B'mssss&szit skr&r 8 'o’- 0 ’- 225 ponnds Copper Tacks, (60 X-inch, (6 8-8-inch, 50 X-inch. 501-ineh:) sample required* 200 papers Gimp Tacks, 3 and 4 ounce; sample re quired. 40bmcesTia, (2010 hr 14, 20 14 by 20,) sample IB- Two-horse Whips, plaited ; sample required. SOOOBlacksnakc whips, all leather, fall size and weight, sample required. 200 pounds Chrome Green, in OH, 3 and 5-lb, cans; sample required. 6000 pounds Whitehead, 25, 60, and 100-ft. kegs; sam ple required* 60 pounds Dry White Lead, in 10-lt>. papers; earn _rt. pie required. 10 kegs Butty. 6 pounds Pumice Stone, ground. 26Gpounds Spanish Whiting, dry, in 30 ft, papers; sample required. r 600 pounds BedXead, dry, in 28 ft. kegs: sample re quired- -76 barrels Sperm Oil; sample required. 26 do. Coal Oil, do. do. SO do. Lard Oil, do. do. 6 do. Olive OLU do. do. 6 do. Linseed Oil, do. do. 800 pounds Aqua Ammonia. 200 do. Assafcetida. 200 do. ’ Altttti. . 60 do. Arnica Flowers. 300* do. Barbadoes Aloes. 10 barrels Alcohol* sample required. 200 pounds Beeswax, large cakes; sample required. oCu do. Blue Stone. 6 barrels Benzine; sample required. & pounds Corrosive Sublimate. «00. do. Castile Soap;sample required, ICO pounds Copperas. Sample required, ICO pounds Calomel. 100 pounds GroimdGinger. 3 barrels Glauber Salts. Jto pounds Lamp Wick. Sample required. 100 do. Mercurial Ointment. 6 gross Mustang Liniment 300 pounds Sweet Spirits of HUre. 200 do. Eosin. Sample required. 300 do. Saltpetre. 200 do. Sugar of Lead. ICO do. Sulphate Magnesia, too do. Sponge. Sample required -100 do. Simple Cerate. 3 barrels Sulphur. Sample required, 100 pounds Tartar Emetic. 100 yards Adhesive Plaster. 2 poundß Silk for Ligatures. 4 dozen Ball Forceps. - 1 & iizrS B - 2blai “- 4 do. Boweling Needles. 4 do. Siton do. 8 do. Fleshy do, 2 do. Straight do. * 2 do. Long Probes. 1 do. Spatnlaß, ass’t sixes. 2 do. Straight Scissors. 2 do. Cork Screws. 3 do. Syringes, loz., L.B, 3 do. Trocas. 3 do. Tenaculums. 3 do. Syringes, 24-oz., I. B. . COAL. MEDICAL. „ ArcTiosjßAi*;* JOHHB. MYERS ft co'" ,'"'- M Jhom^&bS-^ s^ AA * Bob. Boat), f oPrt^ dSSSfZg 3 *™** o **”* **im n J 1 .a^jsss^^’afeaS f««t front; farm ofSM aorta. dertniM, at_ Sl fe?; loana.Sc. See pampnietrateloCTe. 4 ’* u «ir,7 PEBEKTOBY SAL* OF ott. p.,w. T OS WBDNESfrAT ioKSr^Hoi, ,J“^rjr4.lKs. Mll o>ctock7« S’?’ ‘I sg^£Sssr**-3» o££!£S&. mr rta * wr e t B> ’Sota, , small tin boilers. ' TM! * tI1 » toil^n |JT HENRY P. Jto. aoa itABKET a ’ iS^ra^^v 1 TpAKCOAST & WARKor* TIONEEBS. 240 MABKET Stue?.'' 5 ' 4U[ Jap. 4th, comHaenciiig at 10 o'clock ere,.,-.1 PHILIP FORD & CO., AUCTni4 5«5 HAKKBI and B»a COMMAS IAB6S CLOBrFO SALE OF THE Bs. Mo „ AA D SHOES ‘ t,s r ,£? ™«fKSBA-r MOBSINO Jra. sth, ISM, at tan o'clock precisely., catalogue, 1,200 cases men's,boy's,aodyJS'Wi*!, “1 srpta hoots. brogans, balowsisf»K,b to., women's. misses’, and chlldraa’s r,T, 5 Ij2i kid, and morocco balmorals, to. 8ca ’ hj, mrRNESS, BBINLBY, &~co JFOR SAMS AND TO i iEl , m ORPHANS’ COURT s to ' • Estate of SAMUEL DaVJS, den£ i Will be sold atPnblicd&ie on the Si 1 ’ > »|sr^^ffitet'd M 7. The tmpi-oTenienls are Stone Kawion IS?** yiUt Kitehon; Stone Barn. 80 by so feet date 30 bead- of live stock; Ktone Wsoen wv? a «w Sprtni Hon-e, and other .Oat- “ a «si Thie land u in a high stats of ciiitiv.*r». watered. MUtlnim uu 80. 2 Consisting of all that csrtata . eitnate in tbs township of Hayoth Vd nif acf of, ty. on the Philadelphia and West *7 l?* 1 * "a six miles west of Market-street BrwSi' .“W acres 2 roods and 23-25 perches. The inp^™’ 1 sietof a Stone I) welling Honse and ( n: vS? aj!s ot Stone i Barn. 20 by 60 Test. land o^ertfe I '®! this tract 20 acres are in wood, the rest cl”?Sj 9 Meh gate-of cultivation. A stream of through the farm. This land fronts on Pi-d 1 ' Be contains several splendid bonding sites 1 ® I * i ' Ho; 3. Oonsisttokof the tract of LaiS'aSioiih.i ewSL^C* 011 Eoad. containint ltv i?' 1 this traot 21 acres are in wood, the tMt in JJ?; , v A *<»4 »teeam of WW?fig| Mb. 4. Consisting of all that traetof Land si.,, Upper Darby, county aforesaid, on the si 3 Darby road, near Philadelphia and Wed cSW road, containing IS acres 22perches. The imSSS! consist of a new Stone Dwelling Komellt S?* and Frame Stable. ,4i • e,ll| rt The above four tracts are In a food and i™„ • neUbborhood, and within ut of the tffiSl of the Delaware-connty Passenger Railway’’“Wte Ho. 6. Combating of Stone Dwelling Homs sv,, feet two and a half stories high; yarf-and *s*l2 toining 1 rood 4-70 perches; is situate on ai%S Radnor road, X mile above Gartettford rat Hfz milee from the city. AHGaUBb n .T! 3 GEORGE IUVIjj 1 THOMAS mwL Ad miatstniw delS-ftaSt* m SALE—TWO NEWIoS w|tk Tiiree-atory doubleßack'o al S®4,' ®orth T WiKTUSTM Sferoet. Xaoiuta Bnildingß. deaHgj m FOB BALE, 14 (FOURTEEN)* tiTdr, 48, 68, 2s. m, 22, m 100, 98, 60,100, n,VS £3 acre*, all in goodccmdition, some of »hiea£, s S perloj buildings. and are Tsrj desirable comit,** nleo. many other Farms In various SMtaaiftS and other Elates. “ de24 B. F. BIEHFT, 183 Sonth FOTOTHgisd m LARGE AND VALUABLE FM •“P- PEKTT FOBSALE. —-Tlid vary large £ad cob®. d&ui LOT and BUILDUTG, So. 308 GHE&frSS near ike eentreof biwin;e»s, containlue ©feet oa d» ta "“‘-‘ , - o * , "aspMBaßBr , “ KBratsly met-with. Apply on the prem}«««. m TO BENT—A MODERN BESEJ JUL|DENCE» vith. Garden, Stable, sad CarrUc* Hra Gas, Hot anal Cold ■'Water, Shrubbery ani Shade Traa; delightfully situated in a pleasant neightorhosd, a the comer of Seventeenth and Tioga streets; camhis-n all the advantages of city and country, fern* tbs minutes* walh from station of steam cats, aad in minutes; from horse cars and fifteen minutes' fen tit city. The, House is completely furnished, aaiPani. tore for tale. offle6 > corner of OIEUfI ®™tdooron rig&t lesdstts. de29 thstutf A”? or sale—a handsome doi BLE three story brlct DWELLING, .jfnaMi me Darby Piankroad, two miles from bridge, containing seven rooms each. with one «kt back buildings; with large yard back and Croat; wii gas, and pump of excellent water in back yard. Wa3 finished all through. Apply at • de£9-thstc6t* MFOR SALS OR TO LIT—A Stilt* ter of convenient new DWELLINGS, with nadei improvements, on BTorth Eleventh, Twelfth, ssd Thk teenth streets. Apply to TATLOW JACSSOS, 614fc OHESTfnrr Straettor st 1858 North TWELFTH Sirat | m FOB SALE.—THE SUBSCRIBES •PHL offers for sale hiseountry seat, within t?L's a2i of Wilmington, Helawaie, on the Newport pike, «* taining eight acres of good land. In the centra of wMa is a largelawn with a toe variety of shadetrsa*. a*- ples» lindens, evergreens, etc., in all over & htmdisl rail-grown treesl The improvements consist of s tog and commodious Mansion, flanked on the vest bnw towers, one of which is four stories in height Tlaa are four large rooms on a floor, with a hail eteveah forty-two feet. The house has the modern iffijrau ments. A hydraulic ram forces water from s g&i into the upper story of the tower. There is da a iron pump and hydrant under a covered area astls kitchen door. The out-handings consist of a eairiip house and stable sufficient for four hones andwrail carriages; also, a hen, ice, and smoke noam £u stableluusahydrantinit. . Good garden, with several varieties of dwf-w«n< grape vuiea, in full bearing. There are alee wssulw* rietles of apple, cherry and chestnut trees. . Terms accommodating. Possession riven at tsTjat ' Apply to USVIG. CUM. uoM-tf - on aspaeU* T?OR SALE. A- ,AN IMPROVED BAILEOAD PRO Q, M m which has been adopted and successfully «**■ * twenty different railroads, and pronounced we e* Castlron BAILEOAD FBOG , known, is recommended to the attention of tauf® companies, and thepnblic generally. , , », In durability and economy it Is ttneqnallei. Patentee's health notfibetng good* he would tire interest in the improvement, or is would m* single Stale, or for a single line or road. „ n _ Addresß, ia care of 0. B. McCiBE. 6583 WALHUT Street d 629 thBlu3t* Post OSes Box 1703, (Ttfli WXI-LS.—lOO £CHEB”oToa TEBBITOBT FOB SALE, 2 miles from RmJ» Fa. One two more Wells ready to pump. Address A. u £ Press office. desjr. T?OB RENT—THE LARGE PHOTf graphic Booms formerly occupied byWLO“‘ HOE, corner of SEVENTH and CHESTfifTT §a«8» Also, several other room s over the PhciopapM* sjjf Indulge at 618 WASHEKQTOff Sonar* _JgSL gALE OF CONDEMNED HOBS®. Qcasteemabtee Oe-vebal’s Office. - FIEST DIVISION, WiSHIXCTOS y T ;^y •Decembßr?.!**. "Will be sold at public auction, to the higbest biM B,l at Giesl-oro, i> C., on FBIbiT DECEMBEE % ISH. -« ONE HTOBHBD AND FIFTI CAjAbM HW“- OnFEIDAY, JANCAKYfISg. OSF..HDHDKEB AND FIFTY CAVAiKT Tbese>HoreeB have been condemned asanas i Tito service of the Army. jareaiii For road and fanning purpose?, m&aF* 0011 * ffi singly. Sals io commence at 10 A. t Terms* cask In United States ““jAMES A. EKW. I Colonel in charge First PiTision Qi&rtetmaster rai’a office. . . . OLD 2Y85 MADE tggg diresttng tow > SSW SPWaSSrßeSsrisf.* StfereMM. oflco. mwak Mwr lowg. JcLT V— WSPBCTAGLB STOEE. Bo- 3 ‘ "MBateHu. jn aarssasmaasagfe^ H BTABB * HMSOTS..B. ; 16 ffl[SS 8 pi SS! ' hand. A SAFE ■Q- «nb«rlber 1» preguwdjg TSt! .*«ai *?!Snj •‘HAKRIBOH SISUI •H&tjZ tbiun, The attention of Mss^Pj, ■ailed to the aewßUam i fKf ÜBtlal adeaatagea ia »Wf*!««»,M® mo S 7 St'lS •xplodon, diet eost and daiaMHW" %' ii»s Xffitr