CITY COUNCILS- A regular stated meeting of Olty OonaeUe was bold yesterday afternoon. SELECT BRANCH. President Lyhd In the eiiair. BOtTKI-r BILL. Immediately after the oaUing of tie roll Mr. Bbiob*i.t (O.) said that, to his great regret, he eras absent at the last meeting of Oonnolls. when the bounty Mil was brought op for consideration. It was not passed, ip consequence of the conduct of several members of the Opposition, refusing to vote upon the bill, and therefore left the chamber with out a quorum. Mr. Brightly said that, being in favor of the bill, he would therefore move a suspen sion of the rules In order that this bill might be considered. The suspension of the rules was agreed to. . The Mil was then read. < Mr. Abmstkokg (O) had Intended to say some thing In reference to this bill, but, finding that the ODDOBltlon had dwindled down very much since the last meeting, he would postpone his remarks. Mr. Hododoh (TJ.) said that he wonld stand by tbe opinion whioh he had already expressed. The Mil was finally passed by the following vote: Tbs s—Messrs. Armstrong (0.1, Brightly (O.),Cat tail Nats—Messrs. Hodgdon(TJ.),and Sparing (TJ.)—2. The Committee on Railroads, to .whom was re ferred the oommnnlaatton of Colonel I. a. Brown, V. S. A. quartermaster, asking permission to run a locomotive from Willow-street wharf to Broad and Prime streets, and return, for the purpose of eon veylng Government forage, reported adtersely to the petition. ' A minority of the same committee presented a Teport in favor of granting the permission asked. Jiff. Bniairri/v (0 ) moved the minority report he Indefinitely postponed. Agreed to, - TH B OOAI. COKTSAOT OF THE GAS tTRUSTESS. The joint special committee, to whom was referred the message of the Mayor relative to a proposed contract by the trustees, of the Philadelphia Gras Workd for the purchase of 4,000 tons of coal, at til per ton, for the use of the works after July, reported that they find, from the evidence taken before them, that there has been considerable misapprehension- In regard to the real terms of the proposed contract. The committee find that the trustees have generally advertised for proposals for supplying coal, bnt stilt there have been many exceptions to this praotloa. The chief engineer was-authorized at any time, whenever he found a cargo of coal offered much be low the market rates, to purchase It for the works; and he specially authorized to pnrohase at his own discretion, and of course without previous ad vertisement, as high as 10,000 tons at a time. Im 1881 the trustees also, without advertisement, ex tended two very large contracts from one year to three years, for-the annual supply of 50,000 tons. These contracts were with the Westmoreland Coal Company and the Penn Gas Company, and from the ciroumstancos under which this extension was granted, the committee are of opinion that the trustees not only aoted in the matter in the most perfect good faith, but their aetion was sagacious and beneflolal to the trust. It mnst be borne in mind in examining this matter that the price of gas-producing coal is higher than that of the ordinary anthracite eoal, and that the large quantities of coal used by the works, being thousands of tons per month, and the necessity for a large stock of fuel (requiring 6,000 to 10,000 tons to he kept constantly ,on band)j render an amount which for Individuals would be eaoi mous, but for the much greater needs of the Philadelphia Gas Work* comparatively insignificant. The delivery Of coal by Mr. Bayes was to common oe on the expi ration of the present contracts. His contraat is also at the same price per ton as that now being paid to the Westmoreland and Penn Gas Coal Compa nies, which, at Hie present rates for freights and wages, Is about *ll per ton; but the ooal to be fur- Dished by Mr. Hayes is to be much superior in gas producing qualities. . It was also shown that idle present market rates are from twelve to fifteen dollars per ton; that the kind of coal required by the works has not been sold In this city slnoe last July at a less price than *l2 per ton. There was not a particle of testimony in culpating the trustees or any member of the board In this contrast or an; other contract. The committee attach to their report a series of resolutions declaring that the Board of Trustees, in making the contract with William B. Hayes, Esq., acted in good faith to the olty, and that the gas trust baa been managed by them in the most oom mendable manner, but that in the opinion of Coun cils where large contracts for furnishing ooal are to bo awarded proposais should be advertised for and received. The report was accepted and the resolu tions adopted. OBDIHAECBB FROM COMMON COUNCIL. The ordinance from Common Council making a further appropriation for the relief offthe families of volunteers was concurred In. The ordinance from the other Chamber, making an additional appropriation of *22,000 to the De partment of Surveys, was taken up. Mr. Cattbll (TJ.) moved to amend by making the salary of ithe chief engineer *4,000, an Increase of *l,OOO. The bill was then considered In a Committee of the Whole, and was finally postponed, the commit tee asking leave to sit again. ' The bill- making an annual appropriation to the City Commissioners was next considered, and re ported back by the Committee on the Whole with out amendment, > Messrs. Barron (TJ.) and Gray (U.)’asbocUeave to record their votes upon the passage of the bounty bill, which being granted, they voted In its favor. The ordinance making an appropriation to tne Commissioners of the Sinking Fund for the year 1866 was considered in a Committee of the Whole and reported favorably. The bill waß finally passed. An ordinance making an appropriation of *47,360 to the Trustees of the City lee Boat for 1886 and for other purposes was passed. The ordinance authorizing the emotion of wooden bulldlngß by Mr. O. S. Moulder at Us skating park at Twent'y-first street and Columbia avenue was passed. The ordinance making an appropriation to pay the assessors for extra services was passed. The bill making an appropriation for the Becelver of Taxes for tbe year 1886. Mr. Ginbodo presented a Mil to pay Francis Fougeray for extra Bervloes, whioh was passed. " An ordinance making an appropriation for the clerks of Commits for 1865 wag passed. ■ gl- Also, ordinances making appropriations ibr the Department of Street Cleaning, for the City Con troller, for the City Treasurer, and for the Depart ment of Markets. An ordinance was also passed making appropria tions for the Water Department for 1865. The ordinanoe making an appropriation to the Department of Highways for 1866 being under con sideration, Mr. Ginbodo (TJ.) objected to the item making Bn appropriation of $lO,OOO to the repair of the streets oeoupled hy olty railway companies, and Said that the Chief of the Highway Department had repeatedly told him that the passenger railway companies were obliged to keep the streets upon vrhlch their tracks were laid in order, and now the Chief has the effrontery to ask us lor’ money to re pair these very streets. Mr. Hododon (TJ.) said that unless some appro priation was made the Chief would be powerless m the matter. , Mr. Ginnodo (TJ.) further opposed the bill. He said that an aot of Assembly made It obligatory upon the railroad companies to keep the streets on which they run In repair, and that if they did not do It the Chief Commissioner should report them to Councils. Serena gentlomon'explained that this appropri ation was merely to enable the Chief Commissioner to make what repairs were necessary upon these streets. Snlt could then be Immediately brought against the railway companies, and the money ex pended recovered; After further discussion the consideration of the Mil was postponed. (BKeOLOTIOH OP THABXB TO MB. LYND. Resolutions or thanks to James Lynd, Esq., for the kind, able, and .judicious manner In which he has presided over Select Oounoil dating the past year, were unanimously passed. Mr. liYKD briefly retumsa his thanks for the honor conferred upon him. Ordinances making appropriations for the next Year tor the Board of Health, tor lighting the olty, lor the Bepartment of Police, were passed. EKBOLUTIONB OF THANKS TO THU CLEBKS AND MBSSENGBRS. Resolutions tendering the thanks of the Chamber to Benjamin H. Haines, Esq., Robert Bethel, Esq., elerks, and Thos. Massey, messenger, for the faith ful and efficient manner in which they have dis charged their duties during the past year. BBTIBISO MBMBBBS, Mr. TJhler (U.) and|Mr. Gihhodo (U.), whose terms have expired, being so requested by the Cham ber, made graceful addresses appropriate to the occasion, thanking their fellow-members for their kindness, and taking leave ol them. Mr. Qlnnodo has served a longer term than any other member of the present Select Connell. A resolution directing satisfaction to be entered upon the official , bond of James MoOlintoek was taken np, but the Chamber adjourned at a quarter to eleven o’clock without taking any action upon it. COMMON BRANCH. ■ THANES TO OVFIOBSS. Mr. Wolbbht (O.) offered a resolution of thanks to Mr. Alexander J. Harper, president of .Common Council, for the ability, zeal, and Intelligence with which he discharged his duties during the year just closed. _ Mr. I.OITOBHH said that he had known Mr. Har per for thirty years, during five of which he had been associated with him as members of Council, •and he took pleasure In testifying to the ability of Mr. 1 The yeas and nays being called, the resolution was adopted unanimously. . Similar resolutions to the clerks and messengers wore adopted. \ TO A UEMBItB, Mr,Pot-tub ru.) Offered the following, which waa agreed to upanittiouslv: Resolved, Thatthe thanks of this Council are emi nently due, and lare hereby rendered to William lioughlln, Esq,, chose term of service as a member of this Oounoil trill expire on the sist day of De cember Inst., for Us valuable services, disinterested conduct, urbanity -of manners, and devotion to the Interests of the olty, the State, and the country, and that the members of this Council tender to him on bis retirement the assures ces of their sincere regard amd friendship, with the hope that his future career will be bb successful as hft conduct In this Cham ber has been praiseworthy. A resolution was received from the Board of Health remonstrating against the salting of the railroad tracks, which was referred to the Commit tee cn Railroads: - \ The ordinance from the Finance Committee, creating a loan to pay deficiencies for tho vear iSM,. and previous years, was taken up and passed. THB AKHtTAL -&PPBOPBIATION3. An ordinance appropriating *5,009 to the in spectors of the. County Prison, tor the purchase of leather, was adopted. Ordinances providing tor the transfer of items in the Department of Street Cieanslng and the De partment of Olty Property were adopted. An ordinance appropriating $1,200 for the ereotion m a green-hopse or public burial ground on Lamb Tavern road was agreed to. \ An ordinance making an appropriation of $21,276 to the City Controller’s Department waa adopted. An ordlnanoe appropriating $81,674.50 to- the clerks of Councils was adopted. Of this amount, $8,060 Is to bo distributed in salaries, slo,coo for printing, $8,200 for binding, and *B,OOO for adver- An ordinance to make anappropriatlon of $118,171 to the Inspectors of tho County Prison for tho year 1865 was adopted. Mr. Potter, ftom the Committee on Finance, re ported an ordinance appropriating $4,660 to the assessors of the olty, as additional remuneration for extra services during the year 1864. This will give each assessor $76. The ordinance was adopted. -An ordinance making anappropriatlon to the Department of the Olty Treasurer for the year 1865, of $60,499.48 was adopted. Iu this hill the fol lowing expenses were provided for: o f the City Treasurer, $2,600; for SftlwtoS the chief clerk, paying teller, stock clerk, and warrant clerk, $6,300; for salaries of mis cellaneous clerks and messenger, $2,800; for books, printing, Md. stationery, $2,600; for fuel, stamps required by act of Congress, office and other ex penses, $1,900 j tor interest on endorsed warrants, paid by the Olty Treasurer during the year 1864, In pursuance to the provisions or an ordlnanoe to pro wide for the payment or Interest on warrants, ap proved Maroh 1,1861, $44,399.48. An ordlnanoe appropriating $18,626.42 to the De partment of Markets was adopted. One appropriating $38,700 to the Department of the EecoiverofTaxes was also adopted. The items of salaries In this bill wereißy the Reoeiverof Taxes, $2,600; by the ohlef clerk, $1,800; by seven tsenclerka and onemessenger,sl7,Boo. The ordlnanoe appropriaangsB46,lo9 to the Board Of Sohool Controllers was taken up, and, alter much consideration, adopted. Among the expenses - provided for were the following; Expenses of the Boys’ Central High Soheol, $27,780; expenses of the Girls' High and Normal Sohool, $8,860; Ist section, $20,150 ; 2d, $27,987 ; 3d. *27,520; 4th, $20,180 ; 6th, §28,486 ; 6th, $10,260 : 7th, *25.380; Bth, $18,440 ; 9th, $18,140; 10th, $26,862; 11th, $20,190; 12tn' $17,827; 13th, $1^,475; 14th, $82,955; 16th, $82,496; 10th, *21.- 086; 17th, $22,500; 18th, $80,885; 19 th, $14,060 ;20 th, $30,670 ; 21St, $25,160 ; 22d, *20,708 ; 23d, $26,722; 24th, -$83,370 ; 26th, $18,078 ; 28th, $20,616 ; speolai appropriations, $4,686; general expenses, $171,660. Mr. Sui.BKR (XI.) moved to amend by adding an Item of $117,161 to increase the salaries of all teach ers and employees of the Board of Control 2q per Cent. - Not agreedto—yeas 6, nays It. An ordinance to make an appropriation of $840,312 to the Department of Highways and Bridges, Sew ers.fco., lor tbs year 1886, was taken up. ' Mr. Evbrman moved to amend by striking out the item for salary of Superintendent of Olty Ball roads. The amendment was lost, and the bill pasted. At this point the Chamber took a reoess of half an hour. On re-assembling at 8 o clock, An ordinanoe was submitted to make an appro priation of *274,625 to tbe department for supplying me city with water, which was adopted,- ' An ordinanoe to make an appropriation of *46,445 to the Board of Health for the year 1665, was passed. An ordinanoe to make an appropriation of *415,- 645 for lighting, extinguishing, cleansing, and - re pairing the public lamps, was adopted. * ■ An ordinanoe to make an appropriation of *610,627 to the Department of Police for the year 1885, was next taken up. Mr. Stoklbt (TJ.) moved to lnorease the item of forty dollars for uniforms of polloemen to sixty dol lars, which was not agreed to. The bill then passed, with unimportant amendments. i An ordinance to increase the revenue of the oity of Philadelphia, by additional taxation, was read. Mr. Lgdghlin moved to postpone the further: consideration of the subject, which was agreed to. The report of the committee appointed to Investi gate the coal contract of the Trustees of the City Gas Works to Mr. Hayes, (which was submitted- to Seleot Council,) was taken up. A debate ensued as to the adoption of the resolution attached to the re port,’exonerating the trustees from all blame In the IDfttmt ' ' . < ' Mr. Obnbswbll objected to the report, and was not in favor of adopting the resolution, because *he trustees had given the contract for .ooal in an. ir regular manner, they failing to advertise for pro* posals, as is usnal in those oases. : / Mr. HABDun thought that the report was a white washing one. It was far from satisfactory.' He be lieved that members of the Legislature were: In terested In having this contract given out to Mr. Hayes. Mr. Pottbb said that, as a member of the inves tigating committee, he was partioUlarly desirous to have a thorough and complete investigation. In fact, he went Into .the oommltteo with some preju dices against the trnßtees, and now he folt that there bad been nothing done whioh was actually wrong. The only fault waß In not advertising for proposals. The committee failed to find any evidence to impli cate any member of the Board of Trustees with any pecuniary interest in the awarding of the contract. The report was finally adopted. . The Chamber soon after adjourned. '*> THE CITYJ - WMEUANEOIS. AH OBOENT APPEAL. TO HUMANITY. A brief telegraphic deepatoh, dated at Nashville, Tenn., 27th lust., him been received at the office of the Freedman’s Belief Association, 424 ’ Walnut Btreet. It is brief, but it speaks volumes of sermons at once on charity and humanity. The despatch, whioh Is official, says: " Sendbedding and all goods by express; the people aredying.” This despatoh re fers to the frMd people of (South*rn Tennessee and Northern Alabama. They hayeJbeen driven Into Nashville by hundreds by the advance of Hood’s army, and are now in great distress for want of bade ding, clothes, and shoes. Any articles iff the above description, intended for their relief, will be received; at the office of the association, and contributions la money may be sent to the treasurer, Mr. B.IW. Clark, 86 South Third street. Before the late battles they were supporting themselves In the camps pro vided for them, under the care of Mr. Mitchell and other superintendents. Many of them are the wives and children of soldiers In the army, and this appeal to our citizens should not pass unheeded. PRQFBSSOB E. D. SAUNDERS. The resolution recently passed by the Olty Coun cils, acknowledging the value of the patriotlo ser vices of Professor E. D. Saunders, was signed by Mayor Henry yesterday. It Is the Intention ef: the friends of the Professor to have the resolution hand somely engrossed and framed. - The resolution Is as follows; Resolved, by the Select and Common Councils of the pity ofl’ailadelyhia, That the untiring-efforts of Professor E 1). Saunders, D. D., as chairman of the commission for the payment of bounty tore-enlisted veterans, and. more particularly hie successful exer tions in procuring the enlistment of volunteers to the reran* credit of thiß Clty, are justly entitled to special acknowledgment and thanks, and that the Clerks of Councils shall furnish him with a copy of this reso lution. Professor Saunders was Injured on the Baltimore Eailroad, while on the -way from Washington to Philadelphia, on the night before the recent Presi dential election. He is yet confined to his house, in West Philadelphia, from the Injuries received. SWOED PRESENTATION TO GEN. MEADE. We .understand that Mayor Henry presented, yesterday, to General Meade, at his residence, the sword voted him some time same by City Councils. DEATH OF MISS HI?TTY A. JONES. , ■'We regret to record another sad death which haß resulted while displaying the devoted patriotism which hag characterized the ladles of America from the beglnningof the war. Our list of deaths Inoludes the name of Miss Hetty A. Jones, of Roxboroueh. sister of Colonel J. Jtiohter Jones, who fell so gal lantly at the head of his regiment In North Caro lina in May, 1863. Miss Jones, for years past, f bnt especially since the death of her brother, considered it her duty to devote her whole life to the bare of the sick and wounded’ soldiers of her country. She was known everywhere through the hospitals of the' oity, and at last went down to the hospital at City Point, Ya., where, on Wednesday, the-Slst lust., she foil a victim to labors too arduous for her strength. Thus another victim has been added to the dark re cord of the rebellion, and another example held up for the Imitation of her countrywomen. The Spruce and Pine-streets Passenger Eailroad Company have placed a number of now oars on their road, to take the place, of Jotters which long use and extensive travel had somewhat defaced. The hew cars are elegantly cushioned and substantially built, and cannot fall to lnorease the comfort of those who patronize this well-managed road. ~ PHILADELPHIA NAYY AGENCY. Paymaster A. E. Watson, ol the United States Navy, yesterday took oharge of the books, papers, and accounts of the Navy Agent of Philadelphia, by order of the Navy Department at Washington, The reasons for this change have not been made publlo. CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION AT BBYEBLY MILITARY HOSPITAL. The military hospital at Beverly, New Jersey, was the scene of gaiety and happiness on Monday. A correspondent, who was- present upon the hilari ous occasion, asks to be permitted through these columns to say that I 'we do not think we were be hindhand in our celebration of the festival. Be sides a sumptuous dinner and the musio of the Bur lington band, we had, as the crowning feature ol the day, the pleasure of reoelvlng as a guest the wife of Lieutenant General Grant, This-honored lady was welcomed by the patients not less for her gracious and kindly manner to them than on ac count of her gallant husband; and many a poor follow will long remember her pleasant words' by his bedside. The unfavorable weather did not se riously Interfere with the enjoyment of the day, which passed off most happily.” ELECTION OF SCHOOL TEACHERS. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Se venth school section Mias Mary J. Fates was eleoted principal of the Southwestern Girls’ Grammar school, and Miss Susan Whitney, formerly of the Northwest Grammar School, eleoted first assistant In the same school. . ANNUAL WATCH MEETING. The South-street Presbyterian Church, Bev. Bichard Malery, located In South street, between Eleventh and Twelfth streets, will hold its 26th an nual watch, meeting to-morrow evening. This church is now in a very flourishing condition, and the New Year opens with very bright prospects for the future career of the institution. emancipation anniversary. The Second Anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation will be celebrated, under the aus pices of the Banneker Institute, In National Hall, on Market street, on Monday evening. H. H. Gar nett, Frederick Douglass, and ether gentlemen will address the meeting. Mublo will be furnished by the band from Camp William Penn. REMOVAL. The headquartors of the Medical Director, now 905 Walnut street, will be removed, alter the present week, to the northeast corner of Broad and Spruce streets. The cause of the re moval Is the sale of the property In Walnut street. CASUALTY. Charles F. Jones, a soldier attached to the Had dington Hospital, was run over at Fifteenth and Market streets yesterday afternoon, about four o’clock, sustaining a fracture of si leg. He was taken to the Filbert-street Hospital. THE NEW TAX RECEIVER. Charles O’Neill, Esq., the Tax Receiver elect, having entered his sureties, will enter upon his official duties on'Monday next. SOLICITOR TO THB TAX RECEIVER. WilliamM.BulLEsq.,appointed solicitor under Mr. Tax Receiver Charles U’Nelll, has tendered his rcslgnatlon-aB the United States Draft Commis sioner of the Second district, to take effect upon the Ist Inst. This wag necessary In order to allow Mr. Bull ample time to discharge his duties as solicitor. THE POLICE. [Before Hr. IT. S. Commissioner Sergeant.] DESERTION FROM CAMF CADWALADER, Wm. Davis was arraigned yesterday on the chargdof enticing John Peyton to desert from Camp fladwalader. Peyton testified that Davie offered Min *sfti to desert. He went to the Western Hotel, where he saw Davis, and desired to know where Thomas Ames was, who tad already deserted the camp. Davis replied he would have Mm and Peyton together in the evening* end take them to he reinlisted, TMb was the pith of tie evidence in this nefarious and traitorous business. The defendant was hound over to answer at Conit. ' [Before Mr. Alderman Bottler.] DISCHARGE D. Hr. Packer, an attache at the hotel of Hr. Davis, who was taken into custody a few days since In re faience to a bogus check, the particulars of which have already been published, was discharged yesterday. It was very evident that he had no knowledge of the fraudulent use intended to be made of the cheek. The really guilty party has escaped. [Before Hr. Alderman Carter. 3 ' RECEIVING STOLEN PROPERTY* . wbo kee P B » i“* shop on Seventh t 8r * was arraigned yesterday on the charge of receiving a fire-horn stolen by a miserable, dissipated female lfom the house or the Hoyamensing Hose Company, located In that section of the cis\ It seems that the woman got into the house on Wednesday evening, and tookthe horn from a case. It was a silver Instalment, and Prised at a much higher rate than its Amsthber oi the company witnessed ft bbiween the purloiner and receiver, and “ re , Bt ? a - .He was bound over to answer the charge of receiving eiolen goods. fßetora Mr. Alderman Shane. 1 THE NEWARK (NEW JERSEY) COUNTERFEIT. A man, giving the name of Jacob Harrington, was ar raigned yesterday on the charge of naseing a counter feit $lO, purporting to he the issue of the Newark Bank, of New Jersey. These notes first made their appearance in Philadelphia about two weeks since. They are pret ty well executed, and tolerably well filled. The de fendant was bound over to answer at Court. [Before Mr. Alderman Miller. I MURE SOLDIERS BOBBED. A female, riving the name of Catharine MoOtaskey, residing in West Philadelphia, waa arraigned on Wed nesday on the charge or robbing several soldiers of sums of money, amounting In, the aggregate to *4BO. It is alleged that the soldierß were induced to enter her house, and, while there, were robbed of their money. The defendant denied the charge. None of tho money was recovered. She was bound over to await a further hearing. ' PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. Baml. B. Stokbb, > j • Gbo. N Tatham, > Commutes of thb Hosts. Benj. Mabsjiall, ) LETIFJt BAOg, AT THB MERCHANTS’ XXOHAKCUI, PHILADHIPHIA. Bhlp Coburg, Gibson.... - .Liverpool, soon. Brig Ella Reed, (Br), Tuso Havana, soon. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Dec 20,18«4U SSFSisEB....7 241 Son 8btb...4 861 Hunt Watbb...BjW CLEARED. Chip Australia, Towart, 4 days from New York, lu ballast to Workman <& Co. . . . Ship Bow Randall, 12 days from Fenfcaooia, in ball&ct to Peter Wright & Sons- - - , Steamship £ O Elnight, Gallagher. 21 hours from New York, with mdse to W J Taylor & Go. Passed ship Emerald, from New York* wanting steam, above the Brandywine Lights a bark in ballast trim ashore on JoeFloggex; echr Henry Perkins off the buoy on the middle* breaking up Passed the City lee Boat, at 12 M, below Reedy|lb)and* going down with ship Culti vator is tow t off Delaware city passed bark John T §®tMym an, Herryman, 6 days from For tress Monroe. In ballast to captain. BaritS W Horton, Packard, 16 days from Now Or leans, la bates! to JB Bailor* Co. ' Bark John Curtis, Sylvester, is day, from Penascola, InbaUast to Workman ft Co. . • Brig M T Ellsworth (Br), Mcßride, front Cornwallis, . HB. SI days, with potatoes to'B 8 Dyer, and vessel to C ■ C Van Horn. * • ■*- t Brig Ahby Wattson, Wattson, S day, from Beaufort, la bate,! to J fi Burin 6( ark John Ctirtls;from Pensacola for Philadelphia ; bite Aristas, from Jamaica -for do; General Banki. i'rotaPhiladel phimfor Fort Monroe: sohrs Prinoo of Wales, from West- Indies, with anano for dot Palestine, from New York for Fort Monroe, with hay; John Anmaek, with hay for dot West Wind, from Philadelphia for do; W 6 Davoll, do for Port Eoyaltjlew Jersey, for Fort Mon roe; Chief, with salt for Baltimore, and Benjamin, IfiiiXL COftl, r The schooner Tonus America, which, ran on thence Breaker and sunk, was loaded frith, wheat. The Anil and cargo are a total loss; sails and riffginc saved. . Tours -Ac., , AaBOJx MARSHALL. * MEKORAUDA. 4 Brig Orozlmbo, Tracey, from Boat oa for tbis port* ra«" mainedatHolmse 7 HoleB AM SStlilttßt \ Brig Ocean Wave, Cole* from Orleans, at Provi dence 27ih last. Bohr 8 A Hammond, Pftine, henoo, at Hew York, for Boston, on Wednesday. gcbr Frank Herbert, Crowell, from Boston for title port- at Newport night of 28th. inet. i Schrs C L Bayles, Vroman, and Henry May, Farmer, hence at Fall Biver 26th last, * ' ■ Monterey, )U>fc»&e.isheetat Hew Bedford 27th Schr Sahwa, Jasper* hones, at Boston on Wednesday. Bohr Yandtfis, of Warrington, from’ Hew York!for Boston, with .a,cargo of coal, went ashore on Chatham Bar, on the night of the 24th. Crew eared; veseel a total loss, i % _ NOTICE TO MABINEK& J The beacon, off Phillips' Point, known as "Half- Tide Bock Beacon,” having teen carried away brtthe recent storms, a fifty-feet spar buoy will be placed near the rock, aai soon u peesible, and -be conttaued there till the weather will allow the beacon to be rebuilt. '• By order of the LUhthonse Board. JOHN MABSTON, Commodore UBN, ; • WRhthouse Inspector Second Cißtriot. Bostos. Pec, ayißSk i -. > ‘ ©HERIEFtS SALK—BY VIRTUE OF y a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on -MONDAY Eve ning, Jannary 2,1665, at 4 o * clock, at Sansom-street Hall, Ho. L All that fonr.-story brick me/ssnage and lot of ground, situate on the east ride of Eleventh street, two hundred and forty-twofeet south of?Bh*ppen street, In the city of Philadelphia; containing: in front onJßtevenih street sixteen feet, and In-depth • eighty-five feet, to &. twelve-feet alley, with privilege of said aliey. Subject to a ground rent of sixty dollars. ; ' No. 2 - All those two four-story brick messuages and lot of ground, situate on the.east ride of Eleventh street, two-hundred and ten feet south of Shippen: street; in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Eleventh street thirty-two feet, and In depth eighty-five feet to Lilly street. Subject to a ground rent of one hundred and- twenty dollars, . 80. 3 All that three-story brick message and lot ot ground, situate on the north BideofLombardstreeMiro; hundred and five feet east of Nineteenth street, in ithe city of .Philadelphia; containing in front oat Lombard street aeventuen feet, and iadepth sixty feet. Subject to a ground rent of ninety dollars. No. 4. All that lot of ground situate on the west side of Twenty - second street, eariside of Twenty -third, and north ride of a fourteen-feet alley (laid out one hundred and thirty feet north-of Chestnut street), in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on Twenty-second and Twenty-third streets sixty-right feet, and on arid alley twohundred and seventy three feet. Mortgages, $5,400. CD. C.; 0., '64. 241. Debt, $1 656.58. BonaallJ m Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William Maule. HENBY C. HOWELL, Sheriff: Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Dec. 21.1881 de22 St SHERIFF’S SALE,—BY YIRTUE OF k- 7 a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or venaue. on MONDAY Evening, January 2, 1865, at 4 3'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, , Ho. 1. All that certain lot or piece of ground with the two- story- and- a-haif stone dwelling house and two story frame back buildings thereon erected, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at & corner near the southeast side, of the Frankford and Bristol turopike road; thence along the said read south sixty-eight de grees five seconds, west sixty-five feet to a corner of Edward Tomlinson's land; thence crossing the said road and partly by lard, and partly by a-iaxger tract, of which this is part, north twenty rix degrees thirty- five minutes, west three hundred and fifty-three feet nine inches to a corner; thence north thirty-eight degrees twenty minutes, east sixty-six feet -nine inches to a stone set for a corner: thence by land now.or late of William Otto, south twenty-seven de grees ten minutes, east three hundred and eighty-seven feet to the place of beginning. Reserving thereout the use and privilege of a five-feet-wide alley, to be left open forever, running northwestward from the north westerly-ride of the Frankford and Bristol turnpike road, in length or depth about forty-three feet. ' No. 2. All that certainiot or piece of ground with the two-stcry-and-a-half stone dwelling house and two story frame back buildings thereon erected, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a corner near tbe southeast side of the Frankfordaad Bristol turnpike road, and also a comer of Edward Tomlinson's land; thence along the said road south sixty-eight degrees five minutes, west sixteen feet six inches to a corner in the middle of the township line road; thence crossing the Frankford and Bristol turnpike road, and along the middle of township lihe”roaa, north forty eight degrees fifty-five minutes, west twohundred and ninety-seven feet to a comer of land now or late of B. F. Crispin; thence by Glenn's land north thirty-eight degrees twenty minutes, east one'hundred and seventy seven feet six inches to a corner; thence by aiarger tract, of which this is a part, south twenty-six degrees thirty-five minutes, east about one hundred and seven ty-two feet three inches to a corner of Edward Tomlin son’s land: thence alongsaid Tomlinson’s land, south fifty-nine degrees forty minutes, west thirty feet to a corner; ihenee still by the tame, south twenty-six de grees thirty-five seconds, east one hundred and sixty six feet ten inches to the place of beginning. m , CD. 0., D., ’6l 236. Debt, $1,280. Lex. 3 Taken ih execution and to be sold as the property of Jonas Green. BSNftk C. HOWELL, Sheriff, Philadelphia,.Sheriff T s Office;~Dec, 21,1864. de22-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF AJ a writ of Flarira Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or veodne, or MONDAY Eve niev, Jan. 2,1868, at 1 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, No. 1. All that lot ol ground situate tu the Twenty toll'd ward of the city of FMladelpMa; commencing at tbe intersection of the northeasterly tide of Wakeltnz street, with the northwest side of Main street, thence northeast along-Main Afreet, 1 one Unbared and twenty: feet to ground ol William H, -Eeiehline, thence north west along the same one hundred and twenty feet, then ce northeast five feet, thence northwest one hun dred and nineteen feet two inches to Franklin street, thence southwest along same one hundred and twenty live feet to wakelin* street, thence comheast along same twohundred and. thirty-nino foot to the begin ning. . ■ Ho. 2. AUthat lot of ground commencing at the inter section of th 6 northeast udeof Wakeling street with the northwest eide of Franklin street, in the city of Philadelphia; thence northeast along Franklin street two hundred and twenty-five leet to Emanuel Peters’ land, thence northwest OLoniAsame tiro hundred aitd thirty-nine feet two inches to Penn street, thence sonth west along Bame two hundred and twenty-five feet to Wakeling street, thence southeast along same two hun dred and thirty-nine feet two inches to the beginning. No. S. All that lot ol ground commencing at the inter- - section ol the northeast side of Wakeling street and' northwest side ol Penn street, thenoa northeast along Penn street two hundred and twenty-five feet to ground of Emanuel Peters, thence along same northwest one hundred and Blxly-fout leet five Inches, thence south west two hundred'and twenty-five feet to Wakeling street, thence southeast along earns one hundred ana sixty-eight feet six and a quarter inches to the begin ning. : ED. C,; D., *64. 244. , Debt, $3,424 SO. Gowen. 3 ■Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of EmanneLFetere, and terre tenant. _ HENBY C. HOWELL Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Dec. 21,1864.' deaa-St SHERIFF’S BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will he exposed to public sale or vendue, on MOOT ATT Eve ning, January 2,1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sausom-street Hal], Ro.lL All that three- story briok messuage and lot of ground situate on the south side of Federal street, three hundred and twenty-four feet westward from Third street. In; the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on Federal street sixteen feet, and indepthsixty-five feet. No. 2. All that three-story brick messnage and lot of f round situate on the north side of Wharton street, two undred and thirty-two foot stx inches westward from Third street, in the city of Philadelphia; thence west ward along Wharton street seventeen feet, thence northward sixty-five Wet, thence eastward two feet, thence northward eleven feet, thence eastward sixteen feet, then<» southward eleven feet, thence westward one foot, thence southward sixty-five feet to the be ginning. ; -[D. C.;D„ ’64. 250. Debt, *10,883.05. W. S. Price.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William R. Kehrum. HBNRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia; SherifPs Office* Dec. 21,1954. de22 8t CJHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to medirected, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY Evening. January 2,1866, at 4 o’clock, at Sanaom-street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the southwest ride of the Reading Railroad, one hundred and twenty-four feet ten inches southeast from Kensington avenue in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on said rail road one hundred feet, and in depth one hundred feet five and three- quarter inches to Lehigh avenue. [Which premises Christopher Fallon and' wife et al.,by deed gated November sth, 1855, recorded in Deed Book R. D. W., No 141, page B€o, Ac.,conveyednnto John£. n rad and Lewis Yerkes in tee; reserving ground rent of one hundred and thirty-seven dollars ana fifty cents. [D. C-? D. ’64. 251. Debt* $141.48. -Sergeant.] Taken m execution and to he sold as the property of John B. Conrad and Lewie Yerkes .* . ’ - HBNRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, Dec. 21,1864. de22-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF hJ a writ of Lsvaria Facias, to ms directed, exposed to public sale or vendue,.on MONDAY Evening, January 2, 1864, at 4 o’clock, at Samsom-street Hall, All that trlaßgul&r lot of ground situate on the sonth east corner of Frankford road and Huntingdon street, in tte city of Philadelphia: containing In front on said Huntingdon street thirty-two feet seven inches* and in depth on Frankford road eighty-four feet four and three-fourths inches to the intersection of Amber street, and thence northeastwardly along Amber street seventy-seven feet ten inches to Huntingdon street. Taken in execution on judgment on city claim for taxes (C. C. P.; D., ’64. 28. Adame, $28.73). and to be sold as the property of J. D. Rosenberger, - HENRY O. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, Dec. 21,1864. deh-ft CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF s-J a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, wUI be ex posed to pubUc sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, January 2,1866, at 4 o’ oloek, at Sansom-street Hall, No. L All that two- story brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on the sonth elds of George street, fonr teen feet east of Sixteenth street, in the city of Phila delphia; containing in fronton George Btxeei thirteen feet, and in dnith fifty feet. No. 2. All that two-story brick messuege and lot of ground, situate on the south side of George street, twenty-seven feet east of Sixteenth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on George street thir teen feet, and in depth fifty feet. [D. C.t D.. *64. 246. Debt, $2,523.67, LetohworULJ Taken in exteution and to be sold as the property of Johns. Potter. • HBNRY C. HOWBLL, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Dec. 21,1864. deffl-3t CHJBRIFF’S SALE;—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, tome directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, January 2,1865, at 4o' clock, at Hansom • street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the southeast side of Richmond street one hundred and seven feet northeast from Ontario street, in the Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Richmond street eighty-six feet one and three-quarters inches, and in depth on the southwest side one hundred and forty* eight feet* and on the northeast ride one hundred and forty seven feet ten and throe-fourths inches to Torrin street. [Which premises Harry Conrad and wife,by deed dated January Ist, 1868* recorded in Deed Book T. H. $ No. 64, page 172, &c., conveyed unto MaxlmilllauE I. O.Crees in fee; reserving a yearly ground rent ; of one hundred and twenty-nine dollars, payable first January and July.] » , ED. C. ? J>.» *64. 243, Debt. $133.19. Bulger. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as of MaximUlianß. I.C. Crees- HBNRY.C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Dec. 20,1854. de22-3t QHERIFF*S SALE;—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. Januuary 2, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street HioL - All those two two-and-a-half story frame messuages end lot of ground, situate on the northeasterly ride of Germantown Turnpike Road, at the northerly corner of said mad and NieeiowaLane, In the city of PMla delphia; containing in froat on said road thirty-eight feet, more or less, and in depth northeastwardly along sate Nicetowu lane one hundred and eighty feet, to the Reading Railroad. [Which .premises Thomas W. Lyle, et ux., hy deed dated October 1653, recorded in Deed Book T. H., No. UO, psge S7C, &c., conveyed auto Ma»,M. Ottisger, infee.3 tp. a.’D.; »64. m. Debts627.Bo. Woodward.] Takenln execution, andjko be sold at the property of Isaiah Ottinger arffi gher , ff _ Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office, Deo. 21, lß6i d«22-St SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF >J a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex- Sosed to public sale or veudue, ou MONDAY Bveulug, annary 2.1886, at 4 o'clock, at Sausom-stroet Hall, —All that lot of ground rituate on the northwest corner of Duke and Palmar streets, In the olty ofPhlladelphla; containing In front on Duke street eighty feet, and In g^asthepr*pe*h^|^§g®| J^ PUUdqlphd*. Sheriff's Otto, Dee. il-ffiSi 4e2(-St THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 30, 1864. OHEBUT’S SALE.—BT TIBTUii OF a wilt of Levari Facias, to msdfrected. will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, January 2,1665, at 4 o ’clock, at Sansom- street Hall, ; No. 1. Ail that yearly ground rant of eighty dollars (silver more}), payable first of June and December, issuing out of all that three-story stone messuage and the three-story brick inessaaw asdiot of ground situate on the northeast corner of Vain and Cotton streets, in the Twenty-first ward of the city of Philadelphia; con taining in frost on Main street twenty feet, and in depth seventy nine feet to a t#eniy.feet wide alley. CWhleh premises Joseph Btpka and wife, by deed dated No vember Ist,. 1847. recorded in. Dead Book A. D. 8., No. 78, psge647, ccnveyed unto Keuben Ott'in fee; reserving said gronnt rent. ? No. 2 All that yearly ground rent 0 f thirty, two dollaffl, »™a« first of Februaiy and August, issuing ,ont of all that three-story brick. messuage and lotoT i: ground situate.on the south ;sida ofVMaster street. one hundred andse ven feet eaai from, Germantown road Jin the city cf Philadelphia; containing, in front on Waster street nxteen feet, Mid in depth sixty feet. CWhleh ,piemlaoß JoeepKElpka and wife.hi.dead dated July Slat, IS®, recordsdin Deed Book L.ltlJ . No. 67, page 467,Ac., conveyed nnto Edward Shary In fee- reserving said ground rent. , ID. 0. 5 D.,‘ ’64. 206. .Debt, tfit,129.66. j a a, 0 n.,3 Jo«|rH|k““SSlid” 4 to be sold as the proper# of „„. , ~ „ _ HENRY C. HOWKLL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff e Ogee, Dec. 17, 1864. del9-gt CHERIFF’S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF writ of Venditioni.Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public Bale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Jannarr2.ißBs,at4o’clock,at Bansom-streetMall, All that two-story brickstable and part of a threa- Btory brick messuage and lot .orground sltnata on the east aide of Holly street, -two hundred and two feet elx inches south of Fitzwater street. In the city of Phi ladelphia; contalnjn *1 n front on Holly street forty-six Jeet one and a tenth inches,*and In depth'on" the north line ninety-nine feet, and on the south line re feet elx inches. (Which premise;: JamS# Andre we, ot a], „by deed dated February.l2, IBs3„reoorde4 in Deed H., No. 66, page 237, Ste , conveyed nnto Bl wcod ffeny. Infee; snblect to anronnd'rent of sixty threa doHars and twenty ffre.eents, payable first of Ja nuary and July, j < _ CD. C.{ D., <«.- SOS. Debt, *223.05. Judson. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Blwood Kelly HBBBY C. HOWELL/ Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Doe. 17, MM. °del9.3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF *» A l 88 5» * o’clock, at Sansoxa-atreetHall, AUJhat brick messuage and lot of ground situate cm the northeasterly aide of-Church street.', eighty feet northwest from Trenton avenue: in the late borough of rrankford, now city of Philadelphia: containing 1 in front on Church street twenty-seven feet eight and a half inehesi and In depth on the northeast line one hun dred and one feet, and on the southeast line one hun dred feet in width, on the reaNend thirteen feetitx and a half Inches. CWhleh bftnuse? and:wife tar deed dated October 29, .1358, conveyed nnto Peter Moore is. fee. j In ,CD,C. i D., -Bi. 201. .Debt,sl2ll, Shallow)js. 1 Taken in execution and to be sold as.the property of Peter Moore. ■ HEtfRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office; Dec. 17.1884. -dels St GHERIFF’S SALE;—BY 'VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me direeted, willbe ex- Sosed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, anaary p, o’clock, at Sansom-etreot Hall, All that lotof ground situate on tho sontheaet .slda of Emerald street, one hundred feet southeast of Clearfield strict. In the oily of Philadelphia;containing In.front on Emerald street, one hundred feet-eight-end five eighths inchee, andin.depthon the northline one hnn drdd feet, and on the south lice'one hundred foot eight and seven-eighths inchee, and on'the rear one hundred and^ thirteen feet elx and ahalf inches. (lor recital see ’64; - „ Taken in execution and. to be sold as the property of Joseph-D. Thornton* John Chapman. a-nd. terreUnant. ™.h , , HOWBL, SheriC Ofßee, Dec. 17, 1864, del9-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A ■ Writ of Venditioni Exponas, toms directed, willbe exposed to public sale or vendne, on MOHDATEvening, Ja f>oary 2,1366, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street BMI, , All that lot of ground situate on the west side of .Twen ty-third street, one hundredand twgnty-nineteetfoiir and one-eighth Inches north of SpringGardsnsnfiet, In the i ci ty of Philadelphia; containing In front on Ttren ty-thirdstreet thirty feet, And in depth on thsnorth line ninety-one.feet 'eleven andstbrae-cighths inches, And on the eouth line forty-seven feet one snd seven eighths inches. CWhleh premises Camille D’lnvUllers midwife, by deeddatea June 3d, MM, conveyed nnto Jeremiah Bonsall in fee s reserving a ground rant of fifty-four dollars, payable %Bt of January and Jnly.3 _ ,/D- p- ' D., *64. 284, pebt, *245.45, Townsend, J Taken in execution and to be Bold as the pronorty of JeramiabßonsaU. HBNKY 0. HOWELL, Sheriff . Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, Dec. 17,1364. de!9-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF Cf a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, wfil he exposed to public Bale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Jan, nary ?■ 1 865 . at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall,, Ail thattwo-Etory hriokmessuage and lot or ground situate on the north side of Clymer street, thirty-four feet eight inches east of Adam street, in the city of Phi. ladelpnia; containing in front on Clymer etreet eleven feet three inches, ana in depth forty-two feet. CWhleh premiees Horatio B. Pennock and wife, by deed dated June 26tb, 1833, recorded in Deed Boole A. M., Ho. 39, page 686, Sc , conveyed nnto Eli James in fee, retry ing a ground rent of twenty- fonr dollars. ] [O. C. P. !.D , ’64. S 3. < Debt, *12.19. Guillen. 3 Taken m execution and to be sold as the property of Eli James. ’ HBfEY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office, Dec; 10,1864. , d.e!9-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF » writ of Venditioni Exponas, to ine directed, will bs exposed to pnbUC sale or vendne,on MONDAY Evening, l 86 ?’ at 4 o’clock, at Saneom-street Hall, All that lot of ground eitnate on the east side of Forly first , street, one hundred and three feet north of Baring Jobs H. Joses bas no interest in above. ip. C.; D., ’64. 166. Debt, $1,475. W. S. Price. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of ,HEHRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, Dec. IS, 1864, . del9-3t CHERIFF f S SALE —BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will bs ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MOHDAY.Bvehing, -January 2, 1860, at 4 o’clock, at Saneom-street Hell, All that lotof ground situate on the east side of Se cond stieet, one hundred .rad fifteen feet north'of Jer vle street, in the city of Philadelphia: containing In fronton SfSond street feixfeen feet six Inchee, and In 4gdh one hundred and two feet three inches to Whilst Taken In raecution on Judgment on City Claim for taxes (C.' C. 64:146. Adams), andtohe sold as the property of Hudson Stiles. HBNJFtYC HOWBLL, S£ari« PhUadelpMa, Sheriff ’s Pace, Deo. 17,1861, de!9-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Levari Facias, to me .directed, will be.eX' Josed to pnhllc sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening,. ajuary 2, 1865. at 4 o’clock. at Sanßom-street Sall, Alltuat fnesßUSEe and lot of gronnd situate on the north side of Castle street; ninety-nina feet seven inches east of Eleventh etreet, in tbe city of Philadelphia;'eon tainlng in front on Eleventh street eighteen feet six Inches, and in depth one hundred and thirty-jlix feet. Taken In execution on Judsment on City c aim for tax«s(C. C,P. M. ,’63. 333. Adams), and to be sold as the property of Mary A Napheys. . „ HESKY C. HOWELL, Sheriff.: Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Dec, 17,1861 de!9-3t ‘ CHEEIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of LeVarl Faciax* to me dirGcfeedy Wlll j>oex- Sosed, to public sale or vendue* on MOHDAYBvexdng. anuaiyC 1865* at4o’clock, atSansom-Btr?et All two- Btofy brick messuage and lot situate on tbe south side of Eueb street* three hundred sxd thirty- seven feet east of Frankford roadiin the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Bush street fourteen fret, and in depth sixty* four feet •• a>. O.; D.* *Ol. 224. Debt, *4O 84 Paul.] TSSSs^r otta il« B0 S)1ia B Lfa 0f Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Deo, 18* 1564. de2l-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will he ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, January 2* 1865, at 4 o’clock* at Sansom-street Hall, All that two- story brick messuage and lotpf ground siluaie on the south side of Bueh street twMmndred and nineti-five feet east of Frankford road, in the city of Philadelphia; containing infront on Bush stmt four teen feet* and in depth sixty-four fee*. , CD.C.ID, ,*64 221. Debt, $40.84. Paul.] Taken in execution and to be told as the property of Thomas Stewait. HBNBY C. HO WILL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office* Dec, 18,1864. de2l-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF LT a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to Public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, January 2, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Saneom-etreet Hail, All that two-rtorv brick messuage and lot of ground situate on tbe aonthaideof Rush street, two hundred and sixty-seven feet east of Frankford road, in the city of PMladelpMa; containing in front on BusE street fourteen feet, and in depth sixty-four feet ' ■-, (DC.; D.,’64. 219. Debt, *40.84. Paul.) Taken In execution and to he eold as the property of Thomas Stewart HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff ’s Office, Dec.T9,1884. de2l-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE GF & writ o£ Levari Facias, tome directed,,will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, January 2,1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansomsgtieet Hsdl* All that two-story brick messuage anodebof ground situate on the eoutnstde of Rußh street, three hundred and twenty-three feet east of Frankford road, in the city of Philadelphia; eontalningin front on Bush street fourteen feet, and in depth sixty-four feet: CD. -C.; D., *64. m I'eht, *40.81 PaulJ Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas Stewart. HENBY C. HOW'S GO, . Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, De,c. 19,1864. de2l-3t SHERIFF'S SALE —BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, January 2» 1865, at 4 o’clock, atSansom-street^Hail, Ail that two- story briok messuage and lot of ground situate on the south side of Bush street, two hundred and eighty-one feet east of Frankford road, in the city* of Fiiflaaelphla: containing ; in front on Bush street fourteen feet, and in depth sixty-four feet. - ' tD.-O.fD, *64. 220 -Debt*4o.B4 Paul.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas Stewart. HENBY 0. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Dec. 19,1864. de2l-3t . fiHEErFF’S BALH.—BIT VIKTUE 01* A kJ writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will 1m exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDArEvenlng, January % 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sartsom-Btreet Hall, Ali'that two'Story ibriek messuage and lot of ground situate on the south aide of Bush street, three hundred and nine feet e*sfc of Frankfort road,in the city of Phila delphia; containing in front on Bush street fourteen feet, audio depth sixty- four feet. CD. C. ; p,» MH. m. DebV|4o.B4. Pan*} , Taken in execution and to T>e sold, as the property of Thwaas Stewart HBIJBY C. HOWBLL/Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office* Dec. 18,1864. de2l-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, January 2, 1866, at 4 o ’clock, at Sansom-atreet Hall, AU that tract or lot of ground situate in the Twenty*. third ward of the city or Philadelphia; beginning at. a comer of land of Thomas Buckley* and. land of John ClMrk, thence south eighty-two degrees west, thirty eightperches to land of John Wilkins, thence by the same south sixty-eight degrees, forty-five minutes east, twenty* nine ana one-tenth perches, thence south sixty four degrees forty minutes west, twenty-four and one fourth perches, to land of Dennis ft Derrickson, thence by the same south forty-one degrees east, twenty-four, and six-tenths perches to land of Elias Boudlnot, thence by the same north sixty-four degrees east, forty and three: fourths perches to John Clark’s land, thence by same north twenty-two degrees thirty minutes west, forty perches to the beginning, containing twelve acres, exclu sive of roads. CWhich premises Jonathan Tyson and . wife,by deed dated April 6, lflO?,recorded in Deed Book, B. F. ,JNo 26, page 381, &c., conveyed unto John Slyhoof, in fee, who departed tMsHfe. first having by will be queathed all his estate to his wife; Elizabeth Slyhoof 3, CD, C. ; D., ’64. 231. Debt; $726.25, Parsons.} Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Elizabeth Slyhoof, Tr . ■ HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, Dec. 20,1864. de22-3fc SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF .-writ of Figrt Facias, to me directed, -will be exposed to public sale or vendno, on MONDAY Evening, January 2,1860, at 4 o’olook, at sansont-street Hall, brick messuage and lot of ground situate on thee.stride of FrankfordxoadAMrty-six feet north of Sergeant etreet, In tile city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Frank ford road sixteen feet; thence east one hnndred snd thirty-one feet to Collins street; thence south sixteen feet and three- eighths of an inch; thence vest one hundred and twenty-nine feet ton and three fonrths inches to tho beginning, [D. C.; >64. 217. Debt, MOO. tayeook.l Taken in execution and to he sold as the property of James Cnlly. HENRY 0. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Dee. 20,1864. de22-8t CHERIFF’S BALE,—BY VIRTUE OF bJ a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will ho exposed to public sale or vendue, onifONBAY Evening, Jannary 2,-1866, at 4 O’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the west Bide ofTifth street, one hundred and forty feet northward from Tioga street, in the city of Philadelphia r containing in front on Fifth street sixty feet, and. In depth one hnndred and thirteen feet eight and five-eighths lnohes. (Which premises Samuel Sheble et al., by deed' dated May 20, 1861, retorded in Deed Book BID, W„ Ho. 138, page 422, Ac,. conveyed unto John s. Wilkins In fee. 1 CD. C.; D. ,’64. 247 v Debt, *273.68. Wagner. J Taken in execution and to he sold as the property of John S.Wilkins. - ' HENRY C, HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. Dee. 21,1864. de22-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A rJ writ of AliM Venditioni Exponas,to me directed: will he exposed to pnhlio sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing, January 2,1866,at 4 o’ Bansom-stroet Hall,. 80, 1. All that lot of gronnd'sttnate on the east side of Hoyamenring avenue, twoYeet south of Moore street,ln the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Moya mensing avenue one hundred and fifteen feet, thence east one hundred and twenty feet, thence north about eighty- right feet, thence west one hnndred and twenty three feet to the place of beginning. „ . , ;•» No. 2. All that lot of ground, situate on the rite! aide of Moyamensing avenue, one hundred and forty-sixfoet south of Moore street, in the oitr of Philadelphia; con taining in front on KOyamhnsing avenue: one hnndred and ten feet, and In depth one-hundred and twenty. [Which prcmtsle EdWln Ford, hy deed dated October 24; MM, recorded In Deed Book A O; H.; No. 66, page 98, Ac., conveyed unto Samuel Hibbs in roe, reserving a ground rent of four hundred and seventy-right dol lars, 3 i:, ■■ - .( - : . . CD.e.,'D„ ’64. 282. Deht, *1,10t64, J. A Bnrton.] Taken In execution and to he sold as -the property of Samuel Hlbbt, .covenantor, and Stephen «»re tenant. HENBY C. . Philadelphia. Sheriff’* Qftw, Deo. go, Mtt d«a-» SHERIFF’S SAJLEB. PROPOSALS. QUARTERMASTER’S OFFICE, pma IS O’clock M,, WBDMEBDAY, January 4,188 S, for ufi,^S4i i “il4 e "™’ rat the United state. atore-loiißc, HAM OVBR. STREET WHARF, properly pecked end ready for transportation, of the foflowlnk described qnartenrcater’e stores, rlr: : 100 Bred Awle. 100 Collar AWIS, - 60 Broad Axes, Beatty’s make. Sample required. COOChopplßg Axes, do. do. do do. GO Ambulance Axle a and. Boxes. Length Box 7>£ «-»*Biameterel,kiaohs l 5 Iffinch inside. 110grossWire Horse-BhoAmckles: 25 gross ft* inch, o_ . 35 *roes X-tnch, 00 wcross 1-iaefc. 86 dozen Augur Bits; fo tf*i»ch. 5 9-15-iUeb, »ft *g» * 10X4neh, IS ft-1a0h,61-inch. 8 Sj>ira?Bite, jto. 4, double cut. Sample re 603^l5te‘agffBnMM,fell aet bltetoeach. But- WooHorM®enketo. Barople repaired. " 6000 Horse Brushes, wooden back, Best article. Sam* M pie required. t«r2i} , '? n,B J M,e * J OT S? kaadi Sample required.' m Wall Brushes, ienkaot large, do do. 1000 Corn Brooms; good heavy aitioie. Sample re* njijui quired. 2000 Stable Brooms; rattan. Sample required. MOO Blued Buckles; 13£-inch and 2* Inch. 800 pounds Refined Borax. - BXB Sum Buckets, gum handles, (not fire). Sample required. ._ , 2 gross Assorted Paint Brushes. Sample required. 2 tiosen Varnish Brushes. do. do. f B£oK*Sasii orToo\Bniobw. 615 grossi Boiler BucklM,4sk-lnch,'6ojK-ineh,'6S If. inch.loo JMnoh, It 1-lnch. aSO 134-lnoh, M lS* lnoh2slX-lii«kjo 2-iaoh. SOOOfeet Coil chain, *■o," light. for chin clutfn*. Sample required 8000 Hal tor Chains, he»Tr. and tee* each. end. Bam pie required. " • : -. j • SCOO yards EnamelledCloth, 60 inches wide, for ambu lance covers; Sample required. IfiOFirmer Cfiißela, 602-inch, 60 lft-inch, 5G Ift-lnch. ..^^Samplerequlred 100 Framing Chisels, 60 8- inch, 60 Ift-iuch. Sample required. SSOCO Wagon Covers, to be made oflO-ounoe cotton duck. 28ft inches wide, army standard, cut 16 feet lonff. lour widths of material, with,fear i. hemp cords on each side, and one through each. 60C0 Curry Comlw, So. 282, FlSssley make. Sample required. • 300 Lamp Chimneys, medium else, for oeal'oU lamps. 300 pounds White Lump Chalk. 6D do. Bed do, do. 1 dozen Butcher Cleavers, medium die. Sample required. 6000 yards-Co ttcn Canvas Back, 28 luche* wlis. No*. 10 and 12. Sample required. 16 bales t*---;’ p• - . .weaffVwOli . f Handle Fetinle*. , ■ 1 6 FUos ’ * >4Btanl * 4 lneh. Sample re -1 Stress Half round Files, assorted, !, 6, and 14-iuoh. Sample required. W mßs Handsaw raes, 2 nose SX-iueh, 2 gross 4- lneh, S gToes 41i-inch,2 gross 6-inch, 2 gross S . lneh. Sample required. ' . 10 dozen Wood Files, 14-inoh. Sample required. 200 pouhds Glue. do. do. 2600 feet/Window Glass. 1000 8x10,125910x12, 250 12x14 Inches. _ 0 GluePota and Kettles. 260 Firmer Chisel Handles. Samples required. 150 Clair Hammers. do. do. 100 Broad Axe Handle*,hickory, do. do. '2OOO Axe. Handles, hickory. do. do. 24 Jaek.Plane Handles, beech, do. do. 24 Fore-Mane Handles, beech, do, do. HO Long Fork Handle,, beech, do. do. 500 Abort do. do. beech, do, - do. 000 Lons Shorel Handles, ash. do. - do. 000 Short do. do . ash. do. do. ' lOOOAmbnlance Door Hooke and Handles. Sample 300 Pick Handies, ash. Sample requlrtd. 200 Sledge Hammer Handies, hickory. Sample re quired. . 1600 Binge Basse, 8- lneh. Sample required. 600 do. „*do.i, do. do. 8700 : 2,000 8-inch, 1,00010- inch,6ool2-tach, 20014-inch. Sample required. 4000 Pairs.—F 1 - Hinges: 2.000 8-inch, 1,000 10-lnoh, 1,00012-Inch. Sample required. . MOO Fairs Wrought Butt Hinges, 2j4xBX-lnoh. Sam ple required. MOO Founds Curled Hair. Sample required. 200 Haw Hides, for corerlug McClellan Saddles, In pickle and tisat barrels. £ Box. Double Plane Irons: 1 2-inch, 1 21d-iiich, 1 2k- lneh.l ©f- Inch, 12X-inch, Batcher’s make. Bamplerequlred. 60 Bot cher Knives, 12-inch blades. Samp] e required. " 1008 Knifes- and Forks, each knife handle riveted. 100G«i«nobs, japanned. Sample re quired. 150 Drawer Knobs, porcelain. Sample required. 1000 Chalk Lines, assorted sizes and lengths, 1000 Thumb Latches. Samp’e required. 288 Chest Locke, 2k and 3- inch; good article. Sam ple required. 800 Braes HU Locke, 2>i and 3-Inch. Sample required. 600 Fad Locks: 60 2%-lneh, MO 2Jf-inch, 300 S-lnch. 160,8 - inch. Sample required. 12 Carpenters’ Tape Lines, 60 and 100 feet. 600 bights and Frames; Sample re -1600 Nails :900 104., 260 Bd., 160 200 OOd. Sample required. 800 pounds Clout Nalls. Sample required. 300 papers Black Head Lining NaUs, ft* inch. Sample required. 200 Baggimrlfeedles. Sample required. 300 papers'Harness Needles, assorted sizes. Sample required. 100 Collar'Needles. Sample required. 1000 pounds Note, & .inchbole, Iftxft inch. Sample required. 26 barrels Boiled Linseed Oil. Sample required. - 10 do. Saw do. do. do. do. • 76 Pounds Escutcheon Pins ;60 ft-inch, 26 ft-inch. , 100 Jack Planes, “Double Iron.” Sample required. 76 Fork do. do. do. do. do. 60 Smooth do. do do. do. do. 100 Trying do. 9 inch diameter, lft inch dee®, and 12 inch diameter, 2ft inch deep. Sample ■ 6re r aMd Paper, Nos. lands. 60 Paulina, to be made in the best manner, of 15- orrnce cotton duck, best quality, army standard, ; With tablings all round; size 20x30 feet when finished Samples of duck required* 12 Sailmakers’ Palms. Sample required, 1000 Tin Plates. do. do. 2 reams Hardware Paper- do. do/ 1 Gross Camel Hair Pencils; long hair. Sample required. / 25 Sable Hair Pencils; longhair. Sample required. 1060 Founds Copper Hivets and Burrs: 60 ft-ineh, 400 X-igchVsSfX-Inch, aSo X tacfirjoOX-InSL 1 Doz ,-Wgo(lKhhpr , 14-inch." Sample required. 30 troßß Breachln* hingfi,lX-lnoh‘«ampl6 required. 12dozeaFlush Binge, fand lXinbh-di. do. 20 Bucksawf, do, do. 60 Crosscut BaWe, 6 fast, do. do. 2 dozenCliamois Skins, do. do. 100 pairs Beaching Shears, • do. do. 43i0 gross Iron Screws. „ _ „ 'do. do. 300 do. do. 1 do. do. 9.10. and 11. 200 do. do. ljd do. do. 9, 10. lC and ld. SCO do. do. 1M do. do. 11,12, and 13. 60-do. do. IK do. do. 9,10, and 16. 100 do. do, iy, do. do. 11,12, IS. and 14. 60 do do. Ilf do. So. 12,13, U, 15, and IS. 300 Short-handled Shovels, best; sample required, 25 Grindstones, medium size, do,- do. 2 dozen Farriers’ Scissors; do, -do. 26 Spoke Shaves, do. do. 1000 ponnds Sprlng Steel, (600 3 by 5-16-inch, 600 Sby 34-inch:) sample reaulred, 110 gross Braes Screws* (25 Ho. 7, 25 Ho* 8, 20 Ho.'B* 20 Ho. 7* 20 Ho. 80 sample required, SO sets Saddler’* Tools* each set to be in a neat box. Specifications to be had at this office; sample re*, quired. - ■ • JOO seta BhoelngTools, Field * Harare’s, each sat to be in a neat box. Specifications to be had at this office; sample required. ICO pounds Patent Thread, 60 pounds 81ack,36 and 40; sample' required. 60 pounds White, 86 and‘4o; sample required. 600 pounds Harness Thread* H. 8., Ho. 10; sample required. s 26 pounds Saddlers’ Thread, Orange; sample re quired. p » c ot»^L°krfer B - 01 -- 225 60 _2oopapers Gimp Tacks, 3 and 4 ounce; sample re quired. “• 40 boxes Tin, (2010 by 14* 20 14 by 20,) sample re quired. ‘6OO Two-horse WMp, plaited: sample required. 20Q0 Blacksnake Whips, all leather, full size and weight, sample required. 200pound* Chrome Green, in oil, 3 and 5-lb. cans; sample required. 6000 pounds White Bead, 25,50, and 100-lb. kegs; sam ple required. 60 pounds 2>ry White Lead, in 10-lb. papers; sam ple 'required. 10 kegs Putty. 6 pounds Pumice Stone, ground. SSOpouuds Spanish WMfciag, dry, in 10 lb. papers; 600 ln2sfii. kegs; sample re quired. 75 barrels Sperm Oil; sample required. 26 do. Coal Oil, do. do. 20 do. Lard Oil, do. do. 6 do. Olive Oil, do. do. 6 do. Linseed Oil, -do, do. 300 pounds Aqua Ammonia, 200 do> Assatettda. 200 do. Ai nm. - JB do. Arnica Flowers. ’ 300 do. Barbadoes Aloes. 10 barrels Alcohol, samplereqnired, 200 pounds Beeswax, large cakes; sample required. SQO do. Blue Stone. 5 barrels Benzine; sample required. 60 pounds Corrosive Sublimate. 4000 do. Castile Soap;sample required. ICO pounds Copperas. Sample requited. ICO pounds Calomel. •' 10 barrels Flaxseed Meal. Sample required. 100 pounds Ground Ginger, do, do. 3 barrels Glauber Salts, 200 pounds Lamp Wick. Sample required. , 100 do. Mercurial Ointment. 6 gloss Mustang Liniment. ' ' 300 pounds Sweet Spirit* of Hltre. 200 do. Sosin. Sample required. 300 do. Saltpetre. a 200 ' do. Sugar of Lead. ICO do. Sulphate Magnesia. 400 do. Sponge. Sample required. 100 do. Simple Cerate. 8 barrels Sulphur. Sample required. lOOpound* Tartar Emetic. IGO yards Adhesive Plaster. 2 pounds Silk for Ligatures. 4 dozen Bali Forceps. , 8 do. Abscess Knives, 2 blades. 2 do.' Spring Lancets. 4 do. Boweßni Heedles. 4 do. Sfton do. 6 do. Flesh do. \ 2 do., Straight do. 2 do. LongTrobes, - 1 do. Spatulas, ass't sizes. 2 do. Straight Scisiors. , 2 do. Cork Screws. 8 do. Springes* loft, I* S. 5 do. Trocas. 3 do, Tenaculums. _ 8 do. Syringes, 34-oz., I. S. All of the above described to hoof the best finality, and subject to the inspection of an inspector appointed on the part of the Government. „ Bidders will state price, to include boxesand delivery, both in writing and figures; the finantity bid for, and the time of delivery stated; and no schedule prices will he received. All samples to he sent to the Government Warehouse, Hanover-s’reet Wharf, ' AU proposals must be made out on printed blanks, which may be had on application at trie office, other wise they will be rejected., - . , Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose signatures must bo appended to the guar antee, and to as bring good and sufficient se curity for the* amount involved! by the Untied States District Judge,’Attorney, or Collector, or other public officer, otherwise the bid will not be considered. - The right ie‘reserved to reject aU bids deemed too high. Bids from defaulting contractors, and those that do not fully comply vnth the requirements of this ad vertisement, will not be considered. By order of Colonel Herman Biggs, IT. 8. A , Chief Quartermaster. GEORGE B. OEMS, de26-8t Captain and A.Q. M. OFFICE OF ASSISTANT QUARTER MASTBB MILITARY DISTRICT OF PHILADEL PHIA, No, 7JSI MARKET Street, _ „ ; Dbokmbee 23,1864. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received *4 this office until noon of SATURDAY, December 81.1864, for fur nishing and setting up complete for nse at Fort Mifflin: Fifty (60) IRON ITONKS, two story. Twenty (30) do., single. , , Proposals must be made out upon the regular forms furnished at this office; must stats .the price per pound for the bunks set up complete, and the shortest time in which theveanbe delivered. • . ’ The United States reserves the right to reject aU hlds .deemed objectionable. ALBERT 6. ASHMEAD, • d024-td3l . - . Captain ana A. Q. H. nUAETIBIASTIB’S OFFICE, V»f TWELFTH and GIRABQ Streets, _ Phh.adbi.vhia, Dec. 26,1861 SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at thio office until 12 o’clock M., SATURDAY, December 91,1864, for the immediate delivery at the UnltedStateSQovernment Warehouse. HANOVER Street Wharf, of thefoUowing described Quartermaster's Stores, viz: IiOOO yards Cotton Canvas Duck, 28X inches wide, 12 ounces. Sample required, 500 yards Enamelled Cloth, 1)4 wide, 12 ounces. Sample required. v 600 pounds Curled Hair. Sample required, 300 front Axle-tree Bolsters, 4x6 inches, fur army wa- eons. 60 Iron Axle-trees and Stocks, 2#inches, for &mr wa ■ gOPB, I Wagon Pipe Boxes, 2*4 Inches, for army wagons. 2CO Wagon not Ironed - 25 Floe Boxes, 1234. inches at luge end* aad 11 Sadies loag. SCO Mortise Bars for arm? wagons, 600 Body Bare for army wagons. 10 Oaeotorse Carts. • ’ ... . All ofthe above-described tob* of the beet quality, andsubject to iheinspection of an inspector appointed on thepart of the Government •• __ „ ‘ " Bidders will state prke;,to include boxes anddelivery, both In writing ana figures, the quantity bid: for, and the time of delivery. ' • Bach bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose signature* must be appended, guaran tee. and €&s&€& to as being good mid wifflcient leeuzi*' ty fcr the amount involved by the Dis trict Judge, Attorney, or Collector, or other public offi *er. otherwise the bldvrillnot be considered. The right Is reserved to reject aU bids deemrt too high, and no Did from a defaulting ooniraetor will be rw W of Colonel Herman Biggs, Chief Quarter “f&t Cap^S-sSdl^V pOTTON AND FLAX BAIL DUGX V AND CANVAS, of ril numh«>s utd brends. Tent, Awntng,Tninkj*nd Wagon Cover Dntk. Alno, Pap« MeanffitiurmriDricr Frit*, froml to i fori Wide; pfrwitnffig StUTwiis. fte* .> jjoHirw.JwaßUHAoq., AOt-K *O. «W JQEM’ AttOT, PROPOSALS. OFFICE OF ASSISTANT QOAR™R v A JUSTE*, * ILITARY DISTRICT OFPHn.Bli- PBOFOi|f^wUn» 40 pieces* S by B, Hemlock Scantling, M feet loaf. 24 pieces* 4 by 8, Hemlock Scantling. If feet loaf. 3,000 feet, 9 by i, iemlbek ScanOiaf. i«■ ftrt; loaf . 1,600 feet, 2 by 4, Hemlock Scantling, 13 feet loag.rua slbi ncAxnrt • - ; 1.5C0 feet. 4 by 4. Hemlock Seaatltar. 12 feet long.raa ning measure. ' ' 3,000 feet, Oak Lhtb, 3K inches wide*ltf«et long,run ning measure. 8,000 feet Third Common Inch Pine Boards, 10 feet, , _rnnnißgnu a*TLre. -tv -8 *¥So^fee I t’eS* f SBfefrt B ® f 24 f “‘ ® a f* 12 lire Hooks, 2 of 30 feet each, aof 24 feet each, 8 of 18 feet each, , < 4 here of-6 Inch Spikes. .1 kef 40d. Haile. 8 kegslM. Bails. *6 kegs 10d. -Wrought Nalls. • , . The Lumber tdtibe well seasoned, and approved after delivery-bytie Baited States Inspector. Prop teals must be made upon the regular forms, to be had at this office, and must state the shortest time fox delivery TheunitedStatea reserves the rieht to reject all bids deemed objectionable. ALBERT 8 ASHMEAD, de26-4fc ' Captain and-Assiatant Quartermaster. HOTELS AED RESTAIfRAS’TS. QENTRAL EATING HOUSE, Opposite tiio Post Office, OAIT-Sm PHIT.ADEr.PHTA. TONES HOUSE, " Cor- MARKET STREET and MARKET SQUABS, : wi. 1 T, SAREIBBOBB, Fa,! hl« Macon thank. toMßMsaa. foifts veryllberal patron.*. twatowed to the Bonn since under bla management, and would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. dew an C. H. MANN. Froprietor. THE WASHINGTON HOUBE—A CARD.—It Mndnrbeen announced by the Bulletin woaftb. oftsSuS ??« thelet of thebesaeenom January •?»> -<*->, Pv.o »Inform the public that dorins the time the Bonn may be closed it will be thoroncnly. reno vated and refitted, in a manner that cannot fail tojrive satisfaction to those who may patronize the establish ment. Mr. CHARLES M. ALLMOND, formerly of the --Indlwi .* P. M. ~asrf m ioua - m * SUNDAY TBAINB. Express Train at 4.05 AM. for Baltimora and Wash* ington, stopping at Wilmington* Perryville, Havre-de- Grace. Aberdeen, Perryman's, and Magnolia. Eight Express at 11.15 P. M. for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester (for Baltimore and Washingim pastengers). Wilmington, Newark, Elk ton, Forth-Baste Perryville* and Havre de-Grass Accommodation Train at 10 P. If. for Wilmington and way stations. BALTIMORE VOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 9.2 S P; M., stopping atßtavre-de* Grace, Perryville, and Wilmington. Also stops at Elk ton and Newark (to take passengers for Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore), and Chester to leave passengers from Baltimora or Washington. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia at 6.30 P. M. ‘ PROM BALTIMORE TO PHIL SDELPHIA Leave Baltimore 826 A. SL t WavMail; 1.10 P. M., Express; 4 25P. M., Way Train; &1»P. J£„ Stress; »• 26 P. K.| fIXPWW* _ 2 tHaIHS FOK BAITIMORB. tear® Chester at & 67A~k. , l.&and U.'«o P. K. Lear* Wtlmtnaton at 9.1% 9.40 A. M., S 35, 4.98. p. m. . Preirht Train, with Paseenjrer Car attached, will leare Wilminaton for Perrrnus and intermediate sUtiou at T.S9P. M. d«l7 H. P. KKOTTBY. Snp't. 1864. 1864. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILBOAD COMPANY’S LINK. FBOM PHILADELPHIA TO “ NSW YOBK AND WAY PLACES, «1M At# A. M, via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. A«- eoramodation.... ........#2 2ff At 8 A M, via Camden and Jersey City* Honda* Express........ goo At 12 H.« Tia G&mden and Amboy, G. and A. Ac commodation a 2$ At 2 F. M., Tia Camden and Amboy. G. and A. Ex- press. 22# AtIP.M., via Camden and Amboy, Aceommoda .Kohfreight and Passenger)... r ~ 17# AtdP. M., tU Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion (Freight and Passenger)—let Class Ticket... 226 ...... . do. • 2d Class Ticket... I#o AtllJi p. if., Tia Camden and Amboy. Accommo dation (Freight and Passenger)—lst class Ticket. 226 Do. do. 2d Class Ticket. 160 *WB*4 EaBton ' Lambertvllle, Flemington, For Mount Holly, Evansville. Pemberton, and Yin centown, at ea. M., 2 and SF. if. w-wtib For Freehold at 6 A M. and 2 P. M. For Palmyra, Biverton, Delanco, Beverly, Edgewa ter, Burlington, Florence, Bordentown* Ace., at 6 *.T»g 11.80 A M., 12.90, 3.30,5, 6, and ll&P. M.. The 3.90 and 5 Pi M. lines run direct through to Trenton. For Palmyra, Riverton, Dalanco, Bereriy, and Bar- Hnjftoa, at 7P. M _ LINES FBOM KENSINGTON DEPOT WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: At 11.16A1L, via Kensington and Jersey City, AtO) P. M., \ilaKensington and Jersey City,Ex- *°° press .TA. 3 00 Ai6.46 F M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Washington^and New korkExpress.*— ...****. 300 Atl2 P. M. (Night), via Kensington and Jersey City, • Washington and New York Mall.~*~ ...~*2 26 The6.46P. M. Line will rnn daily. All others Son days excepted, _ For Buffalo, Dunkirk, Elmira, Ithaca, Owego, Ro chester, Binghampton, Great Bend, Montrose, Wilkes banre. Scranton, Stroudsburg, Water Gap, Mauch Chunk, Allentown, - Bethlehem, Bolvidere, Easton, Lambextrille, Flezmngton, Ac., at 7.16 A M. This Dne connects with the train leaving Easton tor Mauch Chunk at 3.30 P. M. - For Lambertvllle at 6 F. M. oA Saturdays only. For Bristol, Trenton, &c., at' andlLld A H.% 3 and 6 P. M. and 12 midnight. ForHolmesburg, Tacony, Wissonomln*, Bridesburg, end Prankford, at 9 A. X..A 6, and 80. 49r For New York and Vf ay Lines leaving Sensing* ton Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The cam run into tne Depot, and on the arrival of each train run from the _3rSy pounds of Baggage only allowed each passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their ty special contract. Graham’s Baggage Express mil call for and deliver baggage at the Depwte. Orders to lie left at Ho. 8 Wal nut street. WILLIAM H. GATZMEK, Agent. December 21.1864. LIKES FBOM NEW TOEK 808 PHILADELPHIA. _ rm.T. i.savb from tub foot of oouktoakd stsbbt. Atl2M. an 4 4P. M., via Jersey City and Camden. At 7,10, and UK A. M.. 6P. M. and 12 (Night), via Jer sey City and Kensington. From the foot of Barclay street at 6 A. JL and 2 P.M., via Amboy and Camden. From Ker No. 1,. North river,at 12 M., 4, and 8 P.M. (freight and passenger). Amboy and Camden, del-tf fiff-lil II 111 Hill 111 WORTH PENNSYI>- tiiWPWi VANIA RAILROAD - For BETHLEHEM. DOTLESTOWN, MAUCH CHUNK, EASTON WILLIAMSPORT, WILKEBBARHS, Ac. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Passenger Trains leave the new Depot, THIRD Street, above Thompson street, dally (Sunders exeepted), re follows: , M&l'®ofc£ pane. &e. At 3.30 F. H. (Express) for Bethlehem, Barton, Jkc. At 6.15 P. M. for Bethlehem, Allentown, lUnch Chunk. ForDoyleriown at 9.60 A. M, and4.l6P.M. Bor Fort Washington at 1.16 F. tf, ‘ l6 P.M. White earsof the Second and Third-streets Una (Rty Pas^gerß^ag^dJre^amn^Dep*. _lgtye Bethlehem »t 6.30 A M-, 10.(8A, A, end 6,15 Leive Doylestown at 8.30 AM. and 3.45 P. M. Leave Lansdale at 6.10 A M. Leave Tort Wrebtajjpn •»£*£■. ,p Philadelphia for Doyleatown at 9,30 A. M. and4.l3 Doyleetown foe Philadelphia at 7 A M. and2P. X, nol4 | BLLIS CLARK, Agent. fiT—rMimr west chestbb PHILADELPHIA RAIL: ROAD, VIA MEDIA. CHANGE OP HOURS. On and after MONDAY, Oct. 10,1864, the balm will leave PMlaMpMiftmn corner of THXRTY FIRBT and MARKET Streets (West PhtladelpMa), at B.lsand II A. M., and at 2, 4.16; and6.3OP.M. Leave West chester at <.86,8.15, and 10. So A M., and 1.30 and A3O P. M. _ ' M. a and West Chester at B. WA. H. and 4. SOP. M., con nect with trains on the Baltimore Central Railroad for Oxford and Intermediate points. 1 On Sundays the cars of the West Philadelphia Pas* senger Eailroad Company will leave Eleventh Bnd Mar ket streets at thirfcyininutes before the starting time of trains from the Weit Philadelphia Depot, and will he at the Depot to convey passengers into the city on the arrival of each train. Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only as Baggage, and in no ease will the Company he re sponsible for an amount exceeding $lOO. oc7 HXNBY WOOD. Superintendent. Sn»B[ WEST JERSEY T.i pi itfil „ , NEW ARRANGEMENT. On and after TUESDAY, November Ist, 1864, Trains Will leave bom WALNUT-STREET PIER as follows: Por CAPE MAT and all places south of HillvlUe at 9 A. M. and3P. M. Per MILLVILLE, BRIDGETON. SALEM, and ail In termediate places south of Glresioro, at9A M. andi For GLASSBOHO at 9A. M., 12 M., and 3P. M. For WOODBURY, GLOUCESTER, Ac,, at 9 A M., U . JnL,.3 RBu or, Ju ' , T „ „ BETURNINa. Leave Cape May at e A. M. and 1L46 A. M. Leave Millville at 8.10 A M. and 8 P. M. Leave Bridgeton at 7.15 AM. and aIDP. M. Leave Salem at 7 A. M. and 3 P. M. Leave Woodbury at 7, 8.47, and 8.47 A M.. and 4.41 P. M. and AMP. M. to Camden only. THE WEST JERSEY EXPRESS COMPANY will attend to all the nettal hranehes of Express Busi ness, receive; deliver, and forward through other re sponsible Express Companies to ail parts of the conn try any article entrusted to them. _ J- VAN RENSSELAER, Superintendent. Phiiapeubia, Nov. 2,1864. nol-tf Q«nn NEW RAILROAD LINE NORTH —PHILADEL PHIA TO BROOKLYN—THROUGH IN FIVE HOURK T^ BEB J Do J‘mfcS°£ l) FOB THREE DAYS. On and after MONDAY, August 1, 1864, trains will „ VINE HhUodelphla, EVERY MORNING atSo’clock, Sundays exceptbSTthence by Camden and Atlantic and Raritan and Delawareßay Railroads to FOrt Monmouth. hud by the commodious steamer Jess* Hoyt, to foot or Atlantic sirsrt» Brooklyn. .Returning, leave Atlantic- street wharf every day, Sim days excepted, at 11 A. M. 1 Travellers to the oitjr ofNewYorkare notUted not to the exclusive privilege of carrying, psssengers and freight between the titles of PhiladelpWnand New York. W. P. GRlFPfrfk Ja., JTSO-tf General Superintendent SMBBB removal.—the IFH n nurtiVHTa ~ a ht|> w.Mie BA B. B. LXBB have removed their 'Ticket Offlce from *»™rNOT Street PENSION BRIDGE, NIAGARA BALLS, and all places in the Weßtemand Northwestern States, and Sum. nadas. • > Through First-class and Emigrant ticket*. __ Passenger Trains leave depot of Philadelphia and Readbngßallroad, sorner TfiRTBEHTH and CAL LOWSmL Streets, at SA K, and 3.39 P. M., daily, except Sundays. BHBBraOTKjS? naaUo “ * P ® «*• 4M mißN.nskat Agent. oe4-tf THIRTEBNraand^ILLOTOEfIti. Abate steai* boiler.— the . to receive orders for tte --hABBIHON BTEAMBOILEB.'* In sires to suit par- Arena. The attention ef Maußfiwtarere aniotliarite MBteJito 'tte new Steam Generator, ms somblniagiic sential advantages in sbsolute safety from destructive «Slorion, Erst most and durability, economy of%M. f»«lity ofsleenln* and transportetiou, As. As., not not sessadbv any boDer now ln useT~Theseboilers «M JOAaAltKfflOlili.; MK-tt ETdSouatlSS I M 1 & PEACHES.—S,OOO DOZEN HERMETI- J°S ®-myehs & Ci •BKKS, Wot. 33a and a 34 jfj • attention rtren to BAM Of AMERICAS A»l) STOCK Of aop^ta Jaa. 4th, cemm&ikSS^*^ P’SSSSSisgI iabob cLosnro sale op thr «b. IBM, a?Ua Sr ^l:^- l ’S°? ase s ttea ’^? ; Sdt’ Md grata boots* brogans, bahnfXr ,ea to»-} jWWSAJUE AND • FOR SALS-TWOnjiw^ with. Three-story double B»*v 1» • Hf “ »orih TWiftSSf^iWp ®-F( and Moil Estate #t JiVTK .1 Will he, sold ’atPnbUcSatem tite*i 12th day ol let mo., JAHUART IBK .Kteitei,.. thefollowlngd.scribea Beal Btl « _ No. 1. Consisting of all that c0n,!,... r a, ate to the township of Hayerfimi the Radnor and Darby road, ate street Bridie, containing SS acres aSI j S art »f *&2 The Improvements are Stone Hmo, w, r»K With Kitchen; Stone Barn. 60 by « S - Pirl' t. date SO head of lire stock; Stone ttaJS B pg*i; tef w™r*d“ d “ * '****■ * tata Ho. 2 CottßUtiai of all th« . ** via tomtombto or " . the Philadelphia and West Che«t», e dies west of Market-street BriST, ' roods and *3-26 perches/The£' a Stone Dwelling Home and OntSV tßarn. 50 by sTreet, "and other Barr® Consisting of the tract oFIS. id 2on Plank road, cektateie. Jt a acre* are in wood, the nat ia iJP Hon; A good stream of wIIm * L Consisting of all that tractor U, Darby, county aforesaid, on ths road, near Philadelphia and WVj.- r m'ainin* 16 acres 25 pitches, the in of a new Stone Dwelling Osnsatf tine Stable. ’** those four tracts are in a rood asd trhood, and within UCmiies of too i Jelaware-connty Passenger Bal!»3, A Consisting of Stone Dweliiog Hoo» two and a baTf stories high; yard aadriri, « 1 roodd-TOperches; is situate oj SI irroad. }< mile aboye Garrettford r»<. -on the city. ANaii.isg o v‘ GgOBOg I)\v;V THOMAS STti Adni- iWftßSt* DWELLINGS FOR SALI ». 224 and SHSjSontti SIKTB Streßi; *, •.Ho. 607; ASGHStreat, So. 9 2, wiiUn iral in different Motion*, and Immediate; «*> sold at public sate* on SEVESTH-D- Twelfth-month (December), 1864, oa PBOPBBTY late of Dr. J. LOfili'G 1 sd,in the borough of BBIBTOL, cOTCpri -1 22 feet on Mill street,-and extendkg it .«et to Market street, with, commodious two brick Dwelling thereon 22 by 40 fee two-story bach mrildinga SO feet deep; the wheU finished, with cellars underneath; out*kitchen well and pump therein; excellent heater iu cellar. Market street is a large stable and carriage large garden with fruit trees, grape*vines, etc ; ta lugs all nearly new. Dotation admirable, eiths professional business or residence only. The property has been occupied, successively, hr, late Dr Phillips and Dr, Peirce, and is now oecapi?) Per further information, apply to 1 J.S. &C.W, BSIRCE, Jr.A Bristol, Fil HAITOAH P. WlLDifijr, 1 , Guardian of Albert L. P «alUn* from each ix>rt pnnetasilr o# »-• InnuassM dffestod at one-half U» pra os the Tassels. 7relxhts ink an St fair rate*. , Shipper* ■» raqiuated to nsd Slip Escsipi* oflAdbtc with, their *ood*. (Cork Harbor.) w&lSjraf^gS?,, 1 a®. -mess'* Kortk Hirer. n.GsinB - do to London...- SS®>| do do toFarU—-. 95 08 do !° &,'h t do toHambora.. SO ml do toEag®. Fuoondon also forwarded to Hstto. ® terdamTlntwerp, *«., at egnally low «£ Cl aes^ss&t de2B-tjal4 111 WALKDT Str' __ OUTSIDE LINE. COASTWISE STSiMffllP COMm FREIGHT MSB FOB MEW TORE* *» for all northern Mid Baatem cities ani as "‘““HbsKay, tehksday. asfd «g» S ?oJ L freUkt, which will lie re « l Tf,if in. the most careful manner* and neatestdeswUeh, atfetrratee, ap^7», m ESTEf’S COTTAGE OKGAN 3, School** but ffcnnd to be - the ParloruzdDrawls* Boom* * or ISo, uagtet. assortment of thß ure&Yited *meb Wbonror known. JEI» d«H«3*W «i for, 1 «. the otronttli of *&• “ifijit the yt>ooden frame, no happll o .},er. MSPS.KSSSrtt SStEs *- ~' W - J - ‘ of oQm »«•' ' >»nt. nraSnAMi mti . de2L242T23S)fi*