ARRIVALS at the hotels, The « a sun,'lt. Baltimore | ?feci»?^S 1 a sb ”* lie. litutvill* •»-», jJleniowa M*uVIUe,NX i jjfe^aas' i •!* * Wl®<« Jfirtcf. Baltimore Ul'nto, Vila, Dal J’jß Wilson' Delaware Jf.f Dojle, Wilm, Del K u Foinin»,li»M»«ter Ji Ir wr, Oil City ‘hillinmni gojlolon 4H, ( ffinsn» Heading Jjjßtad if™ Harrison, Phil a W iine, WoUaSoro i^S B *BBts«l«e. Mew York IJ B Clemens ft wf.Baaton : J us A Clemens, Baston fiU»s m Cl#moms, Easton BTrB Jn, Keaainc ?„ i> \? r > aflM F Boulaen, Delaware W P oigars, J>a aware B. H dnstin, Potisrille M I, Bawber, California J K Boyer, FotteyUie H N Conld, WjlHamspjrt H 8 Man, Ashland. J Joferson ft wf, Baltimora J C Lore J F Slevatt & l*,HarrisVjf jLB Bjuamaa &Ja,P«on* ? , H-wriabar* i JKntkard, Oil Oit> B J Halt, on Clir Mra £*der, Harrisburg Mias Wilson, Harrisbarg J Elder, Harrisburg jße* (i Moirta. Baltimore Martin 0 8 Fisher, Pena* V £ Berlin,?* ll» BBd,OTl 11a Olay ton. PottaylHe Join A Onriin. New York DMcMttrtrle, Huntingdon Gen Isaac Long, Penua Capt G B Hammer, Penna IjlootH L HG»psg,_Penna s Wm White, NSw Tori S S® T JU?’ “00Wy» H W Whoeier, Brooklyn Gsow B»ten»a j Ks’isy "' !i lR» Chioago « t.TI il> H' f V) Newark iVfatttrsb. hrie, \ iff Emh, Iris, Pa , i,a vv Hi aa. Carlisle i-Vao Derilff, Albany on tisntman, Beading s Keere, Baltimore j H Harsh k wf . 1 aMrifartaid It wf. Pa ■/ .' i Martin ftwf, Balt 1 ini W U Gibbons ow J Lawless, Wllm, Del go York Ui Puwiaan. wum* Bel \h & wf, Brooklyn •ho B-wieU. W Chester •U But-11, Marietta. •• ii W Wilinot, Wheeling i,-las C Irish* PiUatmig ritarrett, CMca*© _ ißAugell & wf, KT . f a Talntor, Kaw Toik m Jjwwb w - Caliaihaa, If 7 “Ur.r4nf.KT . a;sei 0 Becker, Beading W Watte . ililmley, WUkoabarre fa Moody. Boston n Vicing. M i>. Boston w B Conlta, Fenna,. , if n Kollyaon, Wedtya CiOTtwsy. New York t I'tlnier ft la, New York UV: rtheimer. New York a one ft Is, Boner, N J 1 L Howe, Norristown hental. H Day, Hew York L B ramonr, St Louis W H Oorming & wf, Ohio JP ® goodspoad.Conn ?!>os P Howell, gewaik Oolty, Hew York g,Miller*wf, Poona MljsHß6w«r» H H Boupher, Doyieetown W. Jiawlina, (lew York IS fey o , ll "' Newark , J W Bipley, Bewark { H Kathbane, Haw York L Har den. Hew York J Jgeoyera, Baltimore s&Mfc&wr J B BmUh, N Y JlvS H Hazard, Burlington s,H Kerfoot, CiUoag’a P.r Gray & fun, flartfordVS Mrs Harrison * sis, Boston Tbos 0 Campbell, H York Jason Torre y, Honesdaie Captain Sherman, USA. £r Treadwell, Boston W Walker* Brie, Pa E R Greea A wf, St Lords J-B BnnrohA wf-Keatuaky Mrs BB Stiles, Kentucky C Bosenbu&h F Lambert, Sew York Thos F Moses, Bath Me Mis* lfo3es, Bath, Me O B North & son, IT Hare a H B Beach, U ft A C B Yard & wf,Trenton, lIJ Col Hammett, Trenton, ST J Mips ft Hywell,Trenton,. EJ J TGTudall* wf, N York B Batter* New York O M Graves, Norristown John D Wilson, New York Geo l>e F Lord, New York Wl BUsull, PiUsbnr# t G Bradtoy Ala, Mead?ille F Mr & Mrs Warren, OMo* Miss Warren, Ohio E Blanchard, BellefonU J. M Graff, New York J McCook, Hew Tork (1T Sherman, Ohio » H Moaie, Baltimore JolmPhiSlS'. KflwTTork J W Vau-ViMt, New Tork A A Lewis, Virginia MajW D delly«on, Va W ff Smith, Penaa J W Mason, USA G_DlchJ & wt . Maryland W McLean, Heir York Alex McKenzie .Fas H McKee, Hazleton C Short, Buffalo C M Stanley, Buffalo Ib«Ai fPerricVson, Delaware r (i Hickman ft la, Bel C»B Raymond, Dal Ctf, A Smith, Norfolk I >1 Roberts. Burlington OWOoldbiiorongh, ltd pASlees. New York , J Favklns, Boston .■•i Mclrerinooi, N Y ,' lelii lcj ala, Balt I-,. Holt . , _ U... Wharton ft la,Fenna JWWUUts __ if.ili Bronson, N Y HFVbnrbro, Oswego K Un villa. Trenton lit. lenyiile ft eblli D Price, Maryland J Icnag, Maryland tmehards. Washington f T ford, Warhiygtcn jjftmtbrte, Indiana no AS Ralston jlKlcge). New Jersey EBHaipbt, New York HGreta, Fetuta pH traftb Hath Lackey jict J B Johnson J A Feck ft femily_ , w F Myers, West Chester J Blake, New York ter3can, Ci F Miller, Fenna W C Lawson. Milton G T Gould, New Tork 1> 0 Larrabee, Conderspori I* 8 Hickman, PMla Itissf A Jacobs, Chester co J B Mfliford Jr,New Jersey. Morris Robinson, Pottsrille W H Porter, Cincinnati 1.0 W&nn&maker, Elmira FH Angle, California H Hamilton A 1&, Balt R A Wildes, Cressona AH Huggins, Balt „ W H Hulings & la, N J V H Eystar, Sterliag r lil I) Orer, Sterling, 111 H Hickman, Lewes, Bel fas P RothwelL Delaware H S Champun, Conn T H Da Browning * la.N J Job S Truitt, Milford, Del J L Lapland, Boyer, Del J Bose, Hannibal, Missouri S M Williams. Hew Jersey A G Jackson, Tennessee J Doherty, Bchyl Haven J W Browne, Hew Tork O A Douglas. Hew Jersey M T McGrath, Hew Tork DTShaw, Baltimore H W Draper, Dover, Dal rchants’, L J BUkely, Campbell, Ey A H Laveaut Auf, Easton B W Flack, Pittsburg P J Schomp & la, N J J H Schomp, Hew Jersey John Schomp, Hew Jersey Mias Schomp, Hew Jersey Miss Van Deweer, N J W Hemingway. St Olalr Job n Jones, Parkersb f r, Va- Aaron Wolf, Mifflin, Fa ; Josiah Cole, Easton iT B Okeion, PerrwiUe. Fa J M Poor, Haverhill, Mass H C Sherwood at wf» Balt Alfred J Martin BOlchulte* wf, Elkco G W Stein, Baston C C Western, Hew Tork J 0 McGrew, West Va T M Phillips, Newcastle ff McCanna, Chester oo JP Bank, Jonestown 1A Harrington, Delaware Iks He* jotaEJfcHfabrick, Ind W F Sinkle, US A !V Browne, New York s S Swenson, Now Orleans flioeee, Cincinnati J B ! obnton, Virginia K Hmtzirgar, Kentucky dij Lavetty, Pittsburg 1M Hagans, Ohio 1 Wilber. Pittsburg 1R Ltad.ay, Allegfi'y City J A Graham, Hewvilie, Pa, Sml bond _ Jem 51 Funk, Newberry tn JeU Hamilton, Fonna € AHaiaca, Allentown T.t Seiswt, Hew York CHATocie, Ohio A Ore,swell, Petersburg B Pcrdy, lowa Kfliunbarts, Harrisburg billH Anderson, Ponna kies A Anderson, Penaa Hut N Anderson, Fenna Site IDnlon. Geo Iliinfiti.ereeaoaßtl©- Lemnel Amos,Madison, lad Mrs W H Cushman, lad 0 F Swartz & la, Trentoa Mrs E F Swartz, Penna Mrs Siogmaeter, Penna A Yan Cieye. Trenton J LDlvoq, Landieborg J M Belford, Jaciata co B F Stewards A la, Kd Geo vr Morin, Maryland Geo W Santman. Md M H Bowman, Palmyra TB Kemmer«r, AHentown L F Brown, Bow Jersey GF Hereon, Hew York _ ' G Hai wood, Ht Holly,lf J SBannan, Peuna Jas T Beber. Reading Chas Hires & la, N £ Mr* Ppronl & da, WObosier 3 McMahon, Hew York V H Bora, C&tasauQna 811 Twiniaat, Pittsburg CPorarey, rotiwUle fisKoflh, Rinffrolcii „ CFHuffitla, Hilton, Fa 3 s Holcomb, Few Jersey Lebanon I Piier & la, Balt IQK&lbach, MD,Penna amereial, GMfetanly, Buffalo C Lon*, Penna . Abner Hoopes, Chester eo Jae G Hoopes, Obiter oo Wm B Pierce. Cheater col Miss B A White, OiesteT CO Kiss B White, cheater co Mice L £ John, Cheater go Mies H MoO*ffarty, Chest co A Morrieon, Keedsvilia, Pa W oackey, Wait Chester J Orth, Cheater co J B Hankfl-m, Cheater GO J B Walton, Bachs co The -Cost CtoD Cbeyney, Penna JdnßWeaad. USA JB Stone. Hew York 1 Mortimer Bye.Wilm.Bel lifcprt Linton, rhiln J<>! Thompson, Baltimore Ctas Henry, Baltimore W PBoom, Bow York 3 H Hi ocmeU, Coates? Ule 1W Salton HTaikes, DoyHitown B Thompson* CoohranYille Fa Hartshorns, Coohranv fsas Short, Buffalo A Eagle. W T Weaver, WeaversviUe Joe Emery. Batztown BobtBF&al. Qaakertown J £ Ziegler. Fennsbarg A Dealer, Bethlehem M/Christ, Bethlehem D 8 Dreibelbia & wLPansa Mrs Gerioh, Sohuyl Haven ■ S A Singer W S KUne, Allentown W Sorney, Lehigh eo John Watts, Janiata co Tbe Balt k I Kramer, USA 3 Hess, Penn* PL Miller, Penntbttrg Y Fry, Lehigh co C Peter, Lehigh co P A Sentinel, Lehigh co Levi Bu&Bioker, Lehigh co r Clause, Lehigh co E&vid Boss, Lenigh co \t*\a Peter, Lehuh co l Bsndwertt Lehigh co Ihufb, Lehigh co v ttnflt, Northampton co es Pnlen. Jas Barling, Delaware Mra B G Gimmell, Delaware AmoeTowntend, Penna T Morris, Penna J F Battles, Massachusetts W Easter, GarbondaJe Jahnßnek. Bbensbnrg A Strittmaiter, Ebansbnrg Dr Fitzglbbons & 2 dan* JST Mr & Mra Ferris, Mew York Horatio Eddy Wm Eddy Miss M Eddy F E Allen, Elmira The BtmU Williams, Ben Tort , Jfoa B Me.zger, Allentown Class Betrlck, Allentown 0 0 Stanbarrer.PoEna Cbaa Salphtn, Sew York B F Taj lor, Peoua HH Trent Stockton S T Trout, Saw Jersey £&rnatt St eon, H Jersey T H Trego, Backs 00, Fa The Bairli Chw Rice, Boyleatown John Stackhouse. Afcfclaboxo Jhoa Dyor, Doylestown John A Swam. Philada S Thompson, Washfnfion J inkene. Tardieyavill© ?ayid J> Prosser, Peuna 8 Gardner, Sallivaaco Oliver Watson, Hatboro Robt B Leeds, Atlantic City 'tabnJo&eS' Hatboro J M Fell. Bucks 00 J A winter, Monroe co David Ellen, hfew York SPECIA.Ii NOTICES. Hating determined to close out oub WISTBE STOCK OE BRADY-MADE CLOTHING, we Me Wiling It la large amounts dally at REDUCED PEICEB, MUCH BELOW BBBSBNT COST OF PRO PCCTION. Oar purchases haring lean made far ewA. ni ' th * lowest prints of the season, sre are enabled to eiar customers tbe advantages thereby aeeared. Oar Miortmeßl Is fall and complete-ear goods new, fresh fashionable, egnaltoany made toorder, and told *° much lower la price, ns to astonish those who usual v mocare their clothing la that Tray. An examination ‘“’had. TOWEE HALL, 518 MARKET Street,' BENNETT A 09. dels-mtnthfr if - ®. McClain's Cactus Gbandiflobis ; WIGHT.BLOOMING CBBUS —Wo holleYe it to be ‘teoßlr geaulaa extract in the market, it being made ' ::a> one of tba meet beautiful and fragrant flowers of bribe; also, tie new eztraat Qneen of tbe asowe, Perfect Lore, and other obolee extracts of S MM. Prepared by W. B. McClain, So. 33* S. a street. liberal discount given to wholesale deal *' delMra ffrffl & CO.’S MASON A^HAMLIM'S P(Ann OABINBT ORGANS. „ loWtPo i °rer SoO eacb of there floe OABINKT Plißn ytstramente have been sold OBOANB. f OHTra by Mr. O.,| and the demand QABISBP PJir»n ia constantly increasing. OBOANS. tO»TM Poreaieonly by CABiNST ffiSS- ■ GOULD, ORGANS. F(j liSS. SEVENTH and CHESTNUT St«. CABISRP ,TES - ■ nolg-tf ORGANS. One-Pbxce Clothing, Jo-jiee’ One-Prioe Ololhlni, * Jonee' One-Prioe Clothing, Jonee’ One-Prioe Clothing, donee' One-Prioe Clothing, donee' One-Price Clothing, ®4 Market street-One Priee -near Sixth. •M Market etreet-One Price—near Sixth. •s- ®“ket etreet-One Price—near Sixth. “j»T. , w * u hnown thatour Stock of CLOTHING ia “o» .1 WeU extra weU made; and We 1*1,,?; ’* "Mice that, In order to clear onr oonntere "dcee , , * account of etook, we have redneed many *»i Ua»i “* “Eering aotnal bargelno in Overooate Wile ei.' aai ®°y"' Suite. The prices are marked in ii ‘rar*’^ 1 8, | , a,li buye alike. Batlafaction t 0.,,., JOHNS, GO* MABKBT Street. 111 roiePrtee Store. Gifts of Hardware.—Table Oetlkrf, wltt lTOry. rubber, and ether hgndle.; Cbilire*-* PMk6t Koltm. In* Setae*. ut SJi •“* Wertt Beaebes; pateat Tool Hudtea with mlniatara toela la them; Beya'aad "*“•* Skate*; Clothe*-Wilaten (they’ll aaye thebr eoet la time and clothing), Carpet Sweeper*, Hated a*?".*™!", “4 Batter Katyee, mlnlatare Oardea Tool*. Spice Beam, Cake Boxes, Fancy Tea Bell*, and ? > ?^. CaU Bal1 "’ Kttt Cracker# and Hut Ficke; pa teat Ajh-Siftei* (pay for themnlyea ta the coal eared), aad a good yarietj of other Heueekeeping Hardware, Cut lery, aad Toole, at Elßctbopathic Establishment, FOR the cure of diseases Incoratio with medicihe, by Dr. A. H. STBVBNS. one of the discoverera of aa entire new . Cretan of BLECTBICAL PBAOTIOB, at I*lB South FBHSBEHJ ABB. . ■ 8®- Please call, eraend for a- pamphlet and learn par tioui&rs. tftr charge for consuliation, 45$’" Physicians and others dbsiring instruction can enter fora full coatee any time after MOHDAY, Janu ary 2d, 10J3. Any member of the class just finished may review without any charge. . d*2B 4t Otbbcoats fbom $l4 to $65. Overcoats. *' «« ll *' _ •* II CT3BCOATS FBOM ,14 to SS& OVKBOOATS. «■ “ “ VBBCOATB FBOH SlOo BH. OVERCOATS. ■* 1C .. BBOOATS FBOM Sl4 to *56, OVBBOOATB. WA9AHAKBK & BROWN. OAK HALL, . B. B. comer SIXTH and MARKET Streets, B9PToang Sfen’a Salta aad elegaat yarlety of the beat elan Clothing at REASON ABLE PBKiaa WHEELER & WHiSOH’B HIOHEBT Prwmtttii rHB OHBAPBBT, SIMPLBST, AHD BBST. Baleeraoma, TO* CHBSTHTTT Street, aboro geyentji. SI.OAH—MONTGOMERY.—On-the 27th Instant, lir Conshohqeken, by Ber., John O'Heill, Mr. James Pbffinlxrflle.FUm to Mlbs Liszts Montgomery, of Fmlacelnhia. * ■ HTJ^SBEIIGER—WASGBR,—On the eyeuiag of the |ame day, by the >ame, at ti* residence of the bride’s father, roar Fort Union t Pa-, Mr. JohnE. Hunsberger ty w^£ S m ßu^^ A l* er^ both «o^aty, Pa. * LEST—THOMAS.—Deo. 1851. in Philadelphia, by Bey. C. F. Turner. Mr. John Lent to Mies Caroline D., daughter of Isaac Thomas, *M; D., all of West Crater, Pa. * TROTH.--On Wednesday, 28th instant, Henry M, Troth, in the 31th year of hie age. His-male friends areinvited to attend the funeral, from hie late residence, Ho. 141 H. FlfieenUi street, on Saturday morning, Slst last., at 10 o’clock. ** FBESafAN.—On Wednesdaymoming. Deeember2Bth, gi the Naval Academy Hospital at Aunapoiis, Md., Harry Clay, son of the late Major Alex. H. Freeman, Company 1). 6th Pennsrlvaxda Cavalry, reoemlr pa roled from Florence prison, S. G., aged 17 years and 11 months. * » Du© notice will be given of the funeral. * BUNN,—On tte 2Sthlnst , at his residence, in Mont gomery county, Pa., Solomon M. Bunn, in the 58th year of his age. [Norristown, Reading, and Bedford papers pieaße copy. ] , Bis lelatlves and frleims are invited to attend his funeral, on Saturday next, at 1 P M., from the res!* dmee of his son-in-law, W. W. Kurtz, 1937 Vine street. To proceed to Woodlands Cemetery, without farther notuo. ** A JONES. -On the Mst. at City Point. Va., Miss Hetty A. Jones, daughter of the late Rev. Horatio G. Jones, D. D. • The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend' her funeral, on Friday, the 30sh instant, at 10 o'clockjA. M., from the residence of her brother, Horatio Gates Jones, Ridge avenue (Roxboro), Tweuty-ftrst ward. Pbiladelphia. To proceed to the Roxboro Bap tlsi Church ** PATCHED.—Ob the 27th instant, George M Fatehel; son of George and Catharine Patchel, aged 6 years, 4 months, and 8 days. ' . The friends of the family are requested to attend the funeral, from the residence o! his parents. Ho 417 South Twentieth street, below Pine, on Friday afternoon, the 80th instant, at 2 o’clock. ** SPRINGER.—On the morning of the 28th lust., Bessie A., daughter of Mrs. E. W. Springer, in the 13th year of hot age. Her relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from her mother’s residence. West Philadelphia, on Friday morning, the 30thinst., at 10 o’clock. ** LAUG BLLIN. —On the 27tli Initant, Mr. Hobart Laugh* lin, Br,, is tbes3d year of his ago. The relatives and friends o£ the family, also Kensing ton Lodge, Ho. 211 A. Y. M., the Grand Lodge, and the Order in general are respactfnlly invited to attend hla funeral, front his lata re&idenoa, Ho. 1327 Horih Front street, above Thompson, on Friday afternoon, at 1 o’clock, without further notice. Proceed to Franklin Cemetery. *** WBBATOH.-On tie 27th Inst., Amos Wheaton, in the 76th year of hie age. Bis .friends and those of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral,. Without further notice, from his late residence, 80. 1119 WtfU&ce street, on Sixth-day morning, 10 o'clock. *** HOWELL —On Second- day evening, 12th month, 26fch, at hie-residence. Brookworfch, near West Chester. Pa. * Israel Howell, in the 79th year of his age. His relatives and friends are invited to attend his fu neral. from his late residence, on Sixth day morning, 30th. infit., at 11 o’clock, without further notice. Car riages will meet the 8 o’clock train from Philadelphia at west Ccester depot, on Sixth-day morning. • ** COOKE —At his residence, in Sandusky, Ohio, on the evening of the 27th inat.» Hen. Eleutheros Cooke, in the 78th year of his age. * TXLAGK CKAPE MASK VEILS. Grape and Lace Mask Veils. Crape and Lace Bound Yetis. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, No. 9XB CHESTNUT Street. qVrOURNIKG BALMORAL .SKIRTS. •*-*-*- Gray and Black Balmorals. Gray and Purple Balmorals. White and Black Striped Skirtings. BESSON & SON, HooratncjStore, de29 No. 9%S OHESTNPT Street rjRBRN BAIZE FOR SKATE BAGS. V* Skating Shirts, new style. • Skating Scarfs, Gian Plaids. Gents’skating Mufflers. . _ Mud Skirts, new Balmorals. de2l \ EYRE & LASpELL. •ST NOTICE—THE SUBSCRIPTION Books of the PBMNSYI.VAHI A. IMPERIAL oil, COMPlia will close on TUESDAY- next. Jannarys, ISIS, at which time a meeting of tire Stockholders will he held at the Office ofthe Company. 139 Sonth FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. JAKES M, SELLERS, de3o It ; Secretary, ftSgg™ OFFICE OF THE ATLAS OIL GO., Ho.. 524 gWALKUT Street, .Boom Ho. 20. Phil ApgLpgiA. Dec. 28,. 1864. _ DIVIDEND JSfOTiCE, The Board of Directors have THIS DAT declared a dividend of THBBE FBB CBHT (15 cease per a hare) out-of the set eaminga of the Company for the months or Novemberand December, payable, clear of State tax, on and after January 10,1865 Transfer Boohs close on January B, at3P. M,, and open January 11,1865. Stockholders who have not called for their c ertificates, are requested to do so prior to olosfng-.of the books. de&MQS G. W. WILTBAKK. Secretary.' ■SS*- AMERICAS LIFE .INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, ■ . Philadelphia, December 29,1851. The Trnßtees have this day declared a Dividend of FITS FEB CENT out of the profile of the last six months, psyableto the Stockholders, clearo; all taxes, on and alter January 6. 1865. deSO-Bt JOHN 8. WILSON, Secretary. U>'ITEBSITy OF PENWSYJ> VANIA—DEPARTMENT OF ARTS—The Se cond Term of the College year will open on TUESDAY, the 3d day of January. Candidates for admission will appear at the University, for examination, on that day, at 10 o’clock A. M. Tuition for each Term Thirty-live DoL-arß. GEORGE ALLEN, CeBo 3t Secretary of the Faculty of Arts. BSP RITCHIE ©II CORPANY-Um. s® BEND NOTICE -Office, No. US. EODSTH Street, Pittsbnrg. The Board of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of FIVE PEB CENT, on the Capital Stock of said Company, payable at the office or the Treasurer. JOHN E. CLANEY, Monongahela Insurance Company, WATER Street, on and after the 10th day of January next. Transfer Books closedfrom the Ist to the 10th January. deSO-3t JACOB QLQBBBB, Secretary. / K»r THE ANNUAE MEETING- OF THE ■» ABEOOIATOBS AND STOCKHOLDERS of the FIFTEENTH WARD UNION HALL ASSOCIATION, for the election of Officers for the ensuing rear, will ba held on MONDAY EVENING, the 2d of January, at 8 o’clock, at the Room northwest corner RIDGE Avenue and COATES Street. Xt* CHARLES A. MILLBB, Secretary. ISS® bPRISC OARDEN ISSTITU CE Will re-opan their LIBRARY on TUESDAY EVENING, January 3d. at?o’clock. Open on WED HESDAY and SATURDAY from 3to 10 JP. M Other I fIP THE NORTHEBY SOUP SOCIETY ™ will open their House* situated at the corner of YBTEBB Alley and FOURTH Street, above Brownf for the gratuitous distribution of Soup to tfce poor., on THURSD aY, the 29th of December* 1861 Donations in money* flour, meat* vegetables* coal* Ac., will be thankfully received at the house, or by either of the undersigned: Chas. J. Batter* president, 304 Callowhill street. Samuel T, Child, secretary, 824 North Second street. T. Morris Perot, treasurer, 821 Market street. Samuel Je&nes* 1023 Areh street. Horatio C Wood* 117 Chestnut street. John O. James, 239 North Third street, Richard W. Bacon, 309 Market street. And by any of the oilier Managers of the Society, de29*6i* MERCANTILE PETROLEUM €o*, Office, 22 North FRONT Street. DIVIDEND NOTICE.■-The Board of Directors have THIS DAY declared a dividend of TWO PER GENT, on the capital stock of this Company* free of State Taxes*p&yableouandafterthefifchofJanuary. Transfer Books closed from the 3d to the 6th proximo. Certifi cate* of Stock are now ready for delivery. « 1M * JOHN H. TAYLOR, Secretary. Pecbhbbb 23* 1884. de£o lOfc ' SkeaL tW" e . S S I , I , CR T, i meetikg of the DAT h in°JaSSy, t MS. I ' hll ‘ 49lPllla ’'? 11 **• *OBB - 0. B. FFAHLEB, Secretary. ffirgr- IIBKXISGSPRING oiloompany ■ow OF PENNSYLVANIA.-A meeting of the stock holders of the BURNING SPRING OIL COMPANY will be held at the Office of J. C. FRYER, No, 113 CHESTNUT Street, on TUESDAY EVENING?, Jamary M, 1E66, at6P. M. GEORGE O. EVANS, de26-8t . President. ISf CONTINENTAL HOTEL COMPA I™*I Meeting of the Corporatora of‘'The Continental Hotel Company” for the election of five Managers, and the transaction of other business, willbe held on MONDAY, January 2d, 1885, at half past 12o’clookM., at tha Hotel. de29-4t J. SERGEANT PRICE, Secretary. IST OFFICE OF THE CHIOS FAS- K3G SEN GEE BAIL WAY COMPANY, No. $lOB South FOURTH Street, ’ _ Pbilabupsia, Dec. 27.1881. NOTICE.— I The coupons of tha bonds of the Company, due on the Ist of January next, will be paid on pre sentation at this office, free from all taxes, National- State, mtd Municipal. WM. H. KJSMBLE, de£B-4t Treasurer, tsmr- OFFICE OF THE “SHAHOKIN ■=» COAL COMPANY,” _ , Philadelphia, Dec. 23,1864. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the above named Company will be held at their Office, No. 20* South FOURTH Street, on WEDNESDAY, the 18th day of January next, at II o’clock A. M., when an Election will be held for Five Directors to serve for the ensuing year Tha Tran.rer Books of the Company will be closed for fifteen days prior to the day of said~olsetion. - „ CHAS. R. LINDSAY, de29 thmwf-dt Secret try. OFFICE OF THE EL DORADO OIL •*' COMPANY, Northeast corner of FIFTH and WaLNUT Streets. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of ONE PEB CENT, on the capital stock out of the profits of the Company, clear, of State tax, payable on and after the sth of January next, 1865. .Transfer Books Hose on the Slat init. and reopen os the sth proximo. The dividends of this Company will hereafter be made payable Quarterly, in accordance with a resolution of the Board, adopted this day. B A. MITCHELL, Treasurer. Pgn.ADEl.pglA. Dec. 28,1864. de2B-3t» »> OFFICE OF THE SEW YORK AND MIDDLE COAL FIELD RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY.—The annual meeting of the Stock holders of the Company will be held at their Office, No. 30* South FOURTH Street, on TUESDAY, Jan. 10, 1885, at 11 o’clock A. M., for tha parpose of electing five director! to eervo for the ensninc year, and for tho transaction of any otherbngnessthrf may come before them PETER K LANDIS, Secretary. Philadelphia. Dec. 24, 1854. de26-mwfBt feSSP~ OFFICE OF THE UNION PAS. W SEN GSR RAILWAY COMPANY, No. 308 South FOURTH Street, PHmADB_UHIA,Deo.22.IfM. The annual meeting Of the itookholdersof the Unton Passenger Rallwav Company will be held at the offloo of the Company, 308 Sonth FOURTH Shreet-bn MON DAY, January 9, at 9>f o’olock., An election for Presi dent, Vice President, and five Directors, will be held, between the hoars of tf* 6ne*at the MjmggbjML : _ TBUMAK ASHAW'B. . , *«• 835 (Bight Thlrty-flve) MABKBT Street, Below Htuth. IBD K'S lIIGI BBWIMO MACHINES. DIED. HTOTICES. THB PRESS.—PHTTADELPHIi, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 30. 1864: NOTICES. jggp R£V. A. Am WIUZTTS, », D„ Will deliver his amusing Lecture on SUNSHINE; OR. fHB BEOBHT OF HAPPIBBSB, BBPOM THB XOITHO MEN’S OTEMWIAM ASSUOIATIOS W PHILADBLPHIA, THIS (FEIBAT) BVEJJINO, th* SOfklaat., at tb« MUSICAL FUND HALL. Gents, To l>« bed at Matties’*. Ho. 60S Cteetmtt street, at tb« Bookstores, &c: .. A limited number of tioV«t»for Eeserred Beats can be had at Martitm’s atTiftx Conte seek. - d*2B-tf |3g» HON. SCHUtUtR OOUTAI. ThedUtinguDffied SyEAKEB OF THE HOtTSB OF KBKBESENTATIYfiS, WtEfABBEESST THE PEOPX.3 OF jPHILAJMSTi.PHIA os “OUR BUTIES/'j KEPT TUESDAY EYBJfISQ. JAEtTARY 8, 18®, ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Tiekete for He? erred Seats,® csnts.To-be had at MAHTIEN'S Bookstore, eod?CHESTNGT Street, on and after SATURDAY, December 31 Unreserved Seats, 28 cents. Ta ke had at MARTIEN’S Bookstore. de2s 6fc SUSP" GRAND COMPIiaGENTABY RAXt ,U» "HEPOBLICAH INVIK- GrBIjES of Philadelphia, fey a largo number of its ;membes and friende, on THURSDAY EVENING, January 12th, 865, at the ACADEMY OF MGSiG • Tickets 86. A limited number for gale by the follow ing named gentlemen : DTRBOTOB3. CHARLES w SMITH. 1214 LOCUST Street; B SWAIN; 3504 CAMAC Street. W. HARRY MILLER, 319 JVALN-UT Street. * C. M. Hall, IS-Woodland Terrace, WSisS Phllada. Wm. L. Fox, Jr., First National Bank. * JohnM Cummings, 613 Market street.’ L. Truman, 426 Market street. A. W. L-fm tn, 3(9 North Eighth street. David Foy, Eighth, above Tanker street; J. D. Grovtr, 256 South Twelftfe'sireet, • f. C. Gartign**. 224 North Thirteenth sfctoot. E. B Smith, 1214‘hocust street. Wm. Airey. lceOallowhUl street. J. W»yn* Mer«d*»b# 407 Commerce street.-' J. Jay Fisher, 1612 Willow street. D. W. 8. Stewart, 13?6Pme-street. C. M. Joner, -326 Arch street. John C. Snowdon, 125 South Second street. P. Stackhouse, Jr. ,"*39 South Second street. A. M. Walhtnsbaw. U. S. Custom House. H Dennison, 123 Walnut street. Charles Pryor, 322 North Thirteenth street. |L H. D. Fraley, 40 and $2 North Third street? • B; Huckel, 321 South Eeresth-street. S. Snyder Leidy, National Union Club. A C. RobertsTH. E. cor. Eleventh and Vine sfetfflrtA George 8. CoHom, 256 North Eighth street. G. L. Shallcrose, TbiH, below Arch street Joseph H. Paiet, 624 Nerth Sixth street. A. P. Shonoman, Race, below Sixth street. .foeephA. Canet, 213 Vine street. Goo. Inman Riche. 123 b Walnut street. Geo. W. Jester, 28 Nerth Third street. W. R. Camrfl.SO North Third street. Frankß. Haworth, 314 Market street. W. A; Uppincott N. E cor. Fourth and Arch its. Dr. H. C Feist. 024 North Sixth sheet. H. I*. Jewell, 260 South Twelfth street 8. P. Sender, ,3 Dock sheet. Ezia Lubenfl, 316 Market itreet. George Trumaa, Sis Market street. de29*St ■2ST OFFICE OF THE Nf AtfUFACTF' EEES* INSURANCE COMPANY, go. *l# WALNUT Street, . PHrr.APEr.yuTA, December 1,1664. The Annual Meeting of the* Stockholders ox "The Manufacturers’ Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania” will be held, J at the office of the Com pany, on MONDAY, the 2d' dafr of January, 1686, be tween the hours of 4 and 6 o’clock P. M.» when as election for Ten Directors for the year 1856 will be held In accordance with the Charter ana. del-tlag * Secretary. *j£r< OFFICE PENNSTI.VANTA BAIT?, ROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, Not. 4th, 1664. NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS—The Shareholders in this Company are notified that, under Resolution of the Board of Directors, they are entitled to subscribe to the Stock of the Company the amount Of TEN PEE GENT, on their respective Interest, as shown by the Books of the Company on the 2d Inst Each Shareholder entitled to a fractional part of i share, under the terms of the Resolution,ahsll nave the privile geofsuh b crib tag for a fall-share on the payment This Stock will be Issued jU the par value of FIFTY DOLLARS per share. .Accrued interest at SIX-PEE CENT, will be charged from Ist test, until payment is made. T il® l°P k * f 01 ’ subscription and payment will be open on MONDAY, the 7th inet., and will dose on the gist of December next, after which no further subscription! will be received under this Resolution, THOS. T. FIRTH, no6-tdeSl Treasurer. i®** OFFICE OF THE WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. Philadelphia 22 1664. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—The annual Meeting of the Stockholder* of the Western Pennsylvania Rail road Company will be held on MONDAY, theninth day of January, 1866. at 12 o’clock M;« at No. 938 South THIRD street, Philadelphia. Annual Election for President and Directors Will be held same day and place de22-tja9 JOSEPH LESLEY, Secretary. I3SF** STOCKHOLDERS’ NOTICE.- m~*ar The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the OIL GREEK AND RIDGWAY RAILROAD COMPANY Will be held on MONDAY, the ninth day of January, 1865, at 12# o’clock P. M., at No. »3S| South. THIRD Street, Philadelphia. AnElecQpn foT President and Directors will be held same day l&d place. JOSEPH LESLEY, Secretary. Philadelphia, Dec. 22. 1864. de22-tja9 p-ssa*- OFFICE OF THE WESTMORR WSff LAND COAL COMPANY, No. 230 South THIRD Street, corner of WlUing’e alley, Philadelphia, Dee 21,1864. At a meeting of the Directors of the WESTMORE LAND COAL COMPANY,heId this day, a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT, on the Capital Stock was declared, payable on and after January Sd> 1666- The Transfer Books will be closed until January 6th next. F. H. JACKSON, de22-tjaS Treasurer. •Sa- OFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE VSP INSURANCE COMPANY, 400 WALNUT Btrcet, Philadelphia, December 23,1864. NOTICE.—The annual meeting of the Stockholders of ** The Enterprise Insurance Company” will be held on MONDAY, the 9th day of January next, at 10 o’clock, A. M., at the office of the company. An election for twelve Directors, to serve the ensuing year, will be held on the same-day, at the came place, between the hours of lGo'elock A. a. and 2 o’clock P. H. , CHAS. FOSTER. de24-tja9 Secretary. JSf THE FOUBTH NATIONAL BANK, _ Philadelphia, Decembers, 1864. The Annual Election- ef DIRECTORS will be held at tbe BASKING BOUSE on TUESDAY, the 10th day of January* 1865* between the hours of 2 and 4 o’cioek P. M. The Annual Met ting.of the Stockholders will be held at the same time. SAMUEL J. MAC MULLAH, de2Q-tja!o Cashier. •ST? FARMBRS 5 AND MECHAMCS’ BATIOHAL £ ARIL —Philadelphia, Decem bers, 3854. • The Annual Election for Directors of this Bank will be held at the BARKING HOUSE* on WEDNESDAY the 11th day of January next, between the hours of 1$ o'clock A. M. and 3 o’clock P. H. delO-tjall W-RUBHTOH-Jn. * Cashier- ftSB*> TEE TfilßD RATIONAL BANE IQw OP PHILADELPHIA, ' . Dbobmuxe 8* 1864. The Second Annual Meeting of the STOCKHOLDERS of the Third Rational Bank of Philadelphia will bt held at the Basking House* S. W. comer of MARKET and MERRICK Streets* on TUESDAY* January 10,1865, at-12 o'clock noon. An Election for. Director* to serve for the ensuing year will be held.on the same day, between the hours of 13 ana 2 o’clock. delO-lm R GLEITDISHIHG, Cashier. yag*» gBHADELPHIA AND READING WOP RAILROAD COMPANY. Office 227 South FOURTH-Street. „ _ ltodtraiPHiA* November SO, 1864. DIVIDIIfD NOTICE. —The transfer books of thix Company will be closed on THURSDAY* December 16. and reopened on TUESDAY. JABUARYIO, 1865. A Dividend of FIFTEEN PER CENT. on the common and preferred stock, dear of National and State taxes, has been declared, payable in common stock.on the 31st December next, on all stocks standing on the books of the Company, at the dose of business on the 15th prox. Stockholders whose names are registered on the New York books will be paid at the Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company. B. BRADFORD, del-tf - Treasurer. aflair* OFFICE OF THE LOCUST NOUN warn tain coal and iron company, _ • „ Philadelphia* Dec. 16*1861 •The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the above named Company will beheld at their Office, No. 230 South THIRD Street, on MONDAY, the loth day of January next, at 12 o’clock M.. when an ELECTION will be held for seven Directors to serve for the ensuing year. The Transfer Books of the Company will be dosed for fifteen days prior to the day of said election del7-tjal6 EDWARD ELY, Secretary. DITIBEItD NOTICE OFFICE OF ■» THE Maple SHADE OIL COMPANY, 524 WALNUT btreet, • Philadelphia, Dec. 22,1364. The Board of Directors have this day declared a di vidend of FOUR PEB CENT.- and TWELVE PER CENT, extra* making SIXTEEN PER CENT., payable at their office on and after the 30th last., dear of State taxes. The Transfer Books will be doßed onthe24thinst., at 8 P M., and be opened oh the Slst. de23 ?i* THOS. B. SEARLE, Secretary. |OS- PHILADELPHIA AND BEADING RAILROAD COMPANY, Office 221 South FOURTH Street. Philadelphia, Deo. 22,1864. TO AVOID DETENTION, the holder* of Coupons of this Company due on the Ist proximo, are requested to have them at this office on .or before |M» 31st Inst., when receipts will be given, deducting Knpr cent, for State and United States taxes, £nd cheeks will be ready for delivery on TUESDAY, the 3d of January, in exchange for said receipts. S. BRAD FORD, de23-8t Treasurer. ftSg* OFFICE OF UNION MUfUAL lE. SURANCE COMPANY, pHUADEjiPHTA. Dec. 17,1864, Tho Annual Meeting ot the Stock and Scrip holders of 'the Union Mutual Ins. Co. * of Philadelphia, will be held, at the Office ot Company, on MONDAY, January 9, 1865,12 o’dock noon, at which time an election will be held for Eight Directors to serve three deli-lSt Secretary. I®* OFFICE OF THE NORTH PENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the North Pennsylvania Railroad Company will he held at the Office of the Company.. No. 407 WALNUT Street, PhUedelphia, on HOBDAY, January 9fch, 1865, at 12 o clock M-, at which time aad place an Election will be held for a President and Ten Directors to serve for the ™.TO t>r year. EDWARD ARMSTRONG, dfc24-Ua9 Saeretary- I®- INSURANCE COMPANY OF ngm *» STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. - , Dec. 23,1864. An election for Thirteen Directors of the Gompanv Will he held on MOBDAY, Jannary 9,1865, at the Oom panT’* office, Kos. 4- and 5 EXCHANGE BnUding, be tween the hour* of ten o’clock A. M. and one o’clock P. M WILLIAM HARPER, de23-jaS *» Secrotarr- OU'FICE OF THE JUNCTION ■=» RAILROAD COMPAHY. -NOTICE TO STOCK HOLDERS.—A special meeting of the Stockholders of the Jnnction Railroad Company will he held on TUES DAY , the 3d day of Jannary, 1865, at 11 o'clock A. M., at 80. 5438 South THIRD street. Philadelphia, to con eider the propriety of issnlni additional bonds for the pnrpoee of fiuiy completing-fte road. del9l3t JOSEPH LESLEY. Secretary. I®” TREASBBENS DEPARTHRA'I BORTHERB CENTRAL RAILWAY COM pahy-oalyert station, - „ Baitimokb, Dec. IT, 1861. .DIVIDEND 80. A—The Preeident and Directors of evethisdavdeclaredaTMvidend of TWO (2) PSR CENT, of National and State taxes,for the quarter ending December 31, 1864, payable to the Stoek heddereon the 29th of Jannary, 1865" at this office. The Transfer Book! will bo closed from Ist to Uth of Jannary, 1865, inclusive. By order de2l wtm IDt J. s. LEIB, Treasurer. ■SS* THE CON SOLIDATIOSAL HA, TIOHAL BANK. _ . ,„ „ ,Km.AnBLPinA, Deo. 8,18*4. . The Annual Meeting of the Stockho ders of the Con solidation National Bank will be held at the BABKINS HOUSE on TUESDAY, Jannary 10,1885, at 120-olMk M. An election for Directors to servo the ensuing year will be held between the hours ef 10o’clock aTm., and 8 o’clock P. M., on that day. JOS. N. PIERSoiJ. dc9 fmwtlalO Oaehler. ■SR- UNION SATIOHAL BANK. Philadbupbia, Deo. 9,1864. An Election for nine Directors of this Bank will he held at the Banking House on TUESDAY, Jannary 10th, 1865. between the hours of 10 A. M. and 8 pTm. de9-fmtjalo J. J. HUCKEL, Cashier. FSF° THE PHIUDELPHIA NATION- P-8V AL BANK, PHU.ADELPBIA, Dec. Bth. 1864. The Annual Blection of DIRECTORS will beheld at the Banking House on TUESDAY, the 10th day of Janu ary, 1865 between the hoars of 11 o'clock A. M. and 1 o’clock P. M. B. B. COMEGYS, deß-fmwlm Cashier. UN- THE ANNUAL MEEmH OF THE - ”” Stockholders of the Delaware Comity Pasaon ger Railroad Company, for the election of offieara and other bualness, willbe held on MONDAY, Jannary 9th, 1865. at 12 o’clock, noon, at the office of J AH AS MIL- IjRR. Surveyor, JIARKET Street,weet of Fortieth, Weat A. L. BORSAFFON, iwE-FiNt-® ... \ -Becretwi. NOTICES. ,M« ■ BFffiOßUl. or THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR yon THE U, S. SAOTTABY OOMMISSION, HELD IN PHILADBLPHIA, JUNE, 1881 BY CHARLES J. STILLS. PRICE, *XVB DOLLARS, U.B. Saxita&y CoKKisaroir, Pgrr.snitT.ygTA Aoxhct, 1307 CHESTinrr SrsHST, Decemberl6,lB6l To the Members of the Various Committees of the Great COMMISSION bage' to announce that the .♦•HISTORY OF THB PAIR,” prepared by Mr, STILLS, a 4 the request of the Executive Committee, is now for delivery. It forms a very elegant quarto volume of Vmore than two hundred pages, is printed on the finest p.aptr at the,*‘Cpton Press ” of Messrs. hhermanftGo., and is illustrated with photographs of some of the n'ore interesting objects of the Exhibition. It contains aa\account of the origin and progress of the Fair; a description of the different Departments; a' statement of the financial result; a full Hat of all the °As4hi?wOTkte * designed primarily for the members of the various Gonna ittees, and a limited edition only has Mr. Simon will cao»inon those who may mot be able W re^' 1 ”r delivery on 'WEDNESDAY, sme» the nrwiava 1 DBAFT.-OHIZAXS’ BH» -HESEKTATIVE, asd vot,- DJVTEEK AGESCY.-wJb eg leave to cell the attention W those who art Drifted. aA * to those who fre Bnroliad SSJIHSAiIS. fia? should attend to this impo?tansi inattor at once, as the. Draft has beenflxed for the ICthf v ot february next - Wemecoing a ststictiy Lcsitt* ate Basiuces; we are furnishing men not liable to-tins draft as Substitutes andßep»sentativeß,i»'lowi£ii*l ft M oW . BP ® ri ®? B tilia any otberAgencyinSNbifadelE4ii»w. _^?h a law allows us to put Substitutes in tbs .Navy .or .Marine Corps, to ba credited towny District'ia the fctfeteP where the principal retides * ... To facilitate business, ifumrsows-Kt, out ofthe city, who are enrolled, will fariiMh s ’® T r A t \ r ® - cate of their 1 enrolment from the Pa Marshal of their Dißtiict,- they can have fiuT.befc.fcnl®B sworn lnta i either branekof this service* Whi*thwi H fully exempt . them from draft.. • ... , _ ~ . Ref. rence given to LMJe* and Gentlemen in • this city for we have dodo bwdnem la *hts tine, a and also in the fi’llowing counties: (^hsstt'?« Delaware, f Montgomery. Berks, Bucks, SChayi kill, end North • ampton. > * U. B.—Churcbec' an d - Clubs furnish ed the lowest uoe&ible prices. Liberal arrangements I nade with Township Committees to fill aabtas. . ' _ Gall or address MoNALLF, PaXSOIY, S Co., dll CHESTNUT Strict, or - de2S-6t > Box £077 Philadelphia Post O^w 133* VEION mMiraßß MEAT SALOON, foot of WABHI, VOTON Ave nue.-—We are again obliged to appeal ‘to * our. follow cUizens for aid to sustain our institution*. ?v* are thankful for the liberal support we have rt waive d, and believe tbe expending of no &imilaniusi ; 'h as adi ted so much to the comfort of our itddUton to which we have been compelled by cltcunretancOß |Oj assume temporary care of thousands cf refugees, fr« *ed men, tnd rebel deserters, nearly-all of whoffl' vo have been forced to seek ?caCty at your doors, an’d, domiciled in tbe lowest hauntsdf the city, vwnttd hear ye caused much annoyance acd - dlstarbauffe. ThsyhsM ’« remained with us generally Dat afe w days,, plasm s have been found for them at?ay Irom tim eity, when 1 their ltborwas in great reuueet. 1 The arrangements for the care of the leidriirs'ih- ooif city have added largely to our imputation for 'hospitality a and brotherly love, ana to contibua' the goed worb- the 4 . necessary means mushhe furnished. ’ Fundb by letter to onf commiuee, or handed' to eSthex of the' following gentlemen, will reach us: ; Rev; Dr; Thomas Brainerd, No, 634 Pinestreei’L T homas Robbins. Esq., Pretident Philadelphia Bank.. > D, B. Cummins, Esq , Bank' S A Mercer, Esq., President*Farmers’ and AleohaK ni«* Bank. ~ . J. B. Austin, Esq., President Southwark Batik.’ M. W. Woodward, Esq., CashiarMaiiufacta?ersf J -Kecbßh!cs t-Bank - ThomasT. Firth, Esq., Treasurer Penn a; Batiroftl; James C. Hand h €o , corner Market and' Decatur fits. - * Samuel B. Foies, Esq v 7C7 Vine street.:. . _ _ • • ■ ABaD BARROWS, Chairman. J. B, Wapb, Secretary. , de26-12t | ISSF* OFFICE OF TOON BM£YO£fi9T " ASSOCIATION. N. W. comer of SEVENTH and SANSOM Streets, December 6.1864. • At the Thirty-third Annual Meeting* of the Aseed*' tion, the following named gentlemen ware elected offi cers and managers for 1864- 1 66: psbsdeht. , SAMUEL H. PERKINS. __ VICE PRESIDEKTS. . BICHABD D. WOOD, J. FISHES I&AHIK9. BDWDHD WILCOX™I“ 404’ CHESTSDT Sti^t | COBEESPONDINQ SKCBKTARTr L. MONTGOMERY BOND. EECOEDIWe 6BO&ETABT, - JOHN H. ATWOOD. HAHAOBRS, ' Beniamin Coates, Thomas A. -Budd,- • . Thomas Latimer, Charles Rhoads, John Bohlen, Richard Wood, William Purves, Charles S. wSts, Sf. D.i Arthur G. Coffin, E, R. Wood, Benjamin Ome, James Bayard, John W. Glaghom, Joseph A Clay, ■ Thomas Wattson, . Alfred M. Collins,' Joseph H, Dulles, Charles W. Cushman* < John Ashhurst, Philip C. Garrett. Messrs. 8. 0. Cooper and Thomas Evans are the only R arsons duly authorized to collect funds for the Assoels- - oh. JOHN H ATWOODi de6-lm • Recording Secretary. 23*® UNION LEAGUE HOUSE, 1216. CHESTNUT Street. - . Phtlahelphta, Dec. 28,1864. An Adjourned Meeting of the UNION LEAGUE of IfeVa de iP Ma wyi be held at CONCERT HALL, on FJBJDAX, January 6th, at 8 o'clock P. M >to receive* and act on the Report of the Committee on By-laws. - Tickets, admitting members only, can be obtained from Mr, C. R, Whipple, Secretary, at the League House. GEORGE H. BOKBB, . de2B-fta6 Secretary. office of the asthrucitb insubance COMPANY, Ho. 311 WALNUT Street,. i Philadelphia, Dec 87,1861 - ■ An. Election for Ten Directors of the Company will be held on MONDAY, January 2d* IS65* at the Company’* Office* No. Sll Walnut street* between the hoars or 10 and 12 o’clock A, M. ___ WM M, SMITH, Secretary. OFFICE OF TH£ FAS!® UTSV* W BANCE COMPANY, No. 406 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia, December 27,1554. NOTICE.—The Aunual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Pa «e Insurance Company will be held on MOST- • DAT, the 9ih day of January next, at 10 o'clock A. &L, at the office of the Company. An election for twelve Directors, to servo the ensuing year, will be held on the same day. at the same place, between the. hours of .10 o’clock A, H., and d* clock de2B-tia9 WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. I®* OFFICE OF TJHE BECGITJBB OF w&S? TAXES, Philadelphia, Deo 27, -1864. Tax-payers are hereby notified thatß will fee advertised oh tbe FIRST OF JAHUAEY BffiXT. aad all Taxes remaining unpaid on tde 15th will be subject to a further penalty o 1 FIVE PER CENTUM <5-100.3 (Signea) J. C. KSC.SB, de2B 3t Receiver of Taxes. ISSP* OFFICE OF THE INSURANCE. COMPANY OP NORTH AMERICA, Philadei,- phi A, December a?, 1864. Tbe Aiiciiai Meeting of the Stockholders will be held At tbe Office of the Company, 80. 232 WALNUT Street, on MOND AY, Jfienary 9, 1665, at 12 o'clock M , and on TUESDAY, January 10 (the day feilowlnx), aa election will he held for Directors to ser re for tbe enenieg year. de2Bl2t . CHARLES PLATT, Secretary, |SN» STOCHIfOLDIBS’ NOTICE.—THE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the COH HELSWLLE AND SOUTHERN FENaSYLVANLA. KAILWAY COMPANY will he bold on MONDAY, the 9th day of January, 1869, at 3 o’clock p. M., at the office of the Company, Mo. 230 South THIRD Street, Phila delphia. An Election for President and Directors will he bold on the same day and place. B. D.. BAECLAY, de23-tia29 Secretary pro tem. THE OBEAT WESTERN OU •S® COMPASY, Dkcbmbbk 8,1564. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholder will he held at the Office of the Company, No. *l4 WALNUT Btreet, PHILADELPHIA, on MONDAY, January id, 1860, at 12 o'clock noon. An Election for fiye Directors for the year 1865 will l» held at the same time. The Stock Transfer Books will he closed from Decem ber 26th, 1864, until January Sd. 1865. defi-tisS M, B. KBILT, Secretary, SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF l=® PHILADELPHIA. Pbakbtokd. Dec* 20,1564. - She Annual Election for Directors of this Bank lie held at the Banking House, on TUESDAY, January IWh, 1866, between the hours of 12 H. and S P, M. d*2t-tjalO W. H BHAWN* Cashier* KS“ PHUADELPmA AHD BEADIEC W-BAILS CAB COMPANY Office 337 South POUBTH Street. Phujldblpeu., December 12, 1851 Bailee 3a hereby given to the Stockholders of this Company that the Annual Meeting and an Election for President, sis Managers, Treasurer, and Secretary will take place on the second MOJfDAY (9tb) of J-anuarj nest, at 12 M. WM. H. WEBB, del2-tjaB' Secretary. ■raa-» amebicas uns ixsukakce ■HE? AND TKDST COMPANY, , Philadelphia. December 19,1864, The Ansaal Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany, for the ejection of Thirteen Trustees to serve the ensningyear, yfl! be held st the Office, 8. B. corner oi FOBETH and WALNUT Streets, on MONDAY, Janu ary S, 1t65, between the hoars of 10 A. M. and 12 o’clock noon ...... JOHN S. WILSON, KS*- PHXIADELPHIA AND DABBT ww . RAILROAD CO. -NOTICE thereby fivaato tha Stockholders of thjs Company that the Animal Mealing and an Election for President and six Directors will take place on the second MONDAY (9th) of January. 1865, &fc4P. M,- at the Company’s Depot, on DABBY Avenue, between Forty-ninth and Fiftieth streets. df24-tja9 D. fi FLICKWIB, Secretary, m»3B™ OFFICE OF THE CITY TEEA* SURER, Pbidabelphia, Dee. 23d. ISM. “NOTICE TO DO* NHOLDERS. * * The City Treasurer to prepared to pay Doans ma turing January Ist. 1865. and the holders thereof are requested to present them at this Office, on or after the 2d day of January. HENRY BUMM, de24-8t • City Treasurer, mzs£~ OFFICE OF THE CITY TBEA* EUREE.'Phix-adelphxa, ISB4. NOTICE TO LOANHOLDEB3. The City Treasurer will pay the Interest ou City loans, due January Ist, on and after January 2d, 1866. HENRY BUMM, , de24 6t .. City Treasurer, OFFICE ,OF THE PBUADED P® PHIA FIBS INSURANCE COMPANY.—The an nual meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held on MONDAY, January 2, 1866. between the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock A. SL. at their office. No. 433 CHESTNUT Street, when and where an ELEC TION for Directors will be held, in conformity with the charter, FBANCIS BLACKBURN'S, de24-6i* ' Secretary. *HF,ANSI!AI JHKETIHO OF THE *» Stockholders of the POTTBVILLE MINIMS AMD MAMDPACTDEINO CO., for the ELECTION of Officers for the enstiiusr year, will he held at the Office of the Company. No. HIV WALNUT Street, on TUES DAY, Jan. 10, 1860, at % o'clock P. 11 - dels- tialO- HIOHaBD JONES, President. gETNBra NATIONAL BASH, ■off Philadelphia, December 12,1864. The animal meeting of the Stockholders of thi. Bank, for tha ELECTION OF DIBSCTOEB, wIU he held ha TUESDAY, January 10.1866, between the boon of 11 o’clock A. Ik. and So’dock P, M. „ delS-tjaJO B. B. HALL, Cashier, on, eoHPiMES. SEW YOBE BSD UTEKPOOI FETBOUTUM COMPANY. CAPITAL' STOCK, *1,000,000. 100,000 SHABBS AT glo BACH. Subscription Price 96 per Share'. LANDS YIELDING! LAHGELY. v omosas: HON. DANIEL & DICKINSON, President TO. T. PHIPPS. Vico President BOBEBT BASSETT, Secretary. Books are open for subscription at the office ol the Com pany, No. M Empire Bnildin*. T 1 BROADWAY, M. Y. The land* of Che Company an situated In the hearted the OU Beglon, and Include portions of those well known localities, "the McßUrenyFarm, the two Me ffllntoefc Farms,” and other preyed and valuable work- Inc territories, Including oyer Two Thoneand acres ol the best OU Territories alone OU Creek and In West Virginia, now under process of successful development, and oil ls alresdy regularly and largely produced from seyeral wells upon them. ooSl-diWim Address the Company, "P. O. Box 6SSB, ” New York. MAPLE AMBEK OIL COMPANY. •SS? —CAPITAL, *500.000. SHARES, 100.000. FAB VALUE. *5 20 000 SHAKES EEskKVBD AS A WOBKINO CAPITAL. President H. D. FLINB. THOMAS T. MASON, Trea surer. D. L. LEEDS, Secretary. H..D. Fling, • | JoelahJßassett, Jr., Geo. FerkJnpiue, yraenut Mason, Books are now tisnat the office. No. BOS South FOUBTH Street, Where a limited number of shares will he sold at 91 per share, subject to nofor ther assessment- deJD 9t* K - WAIEOS FETBOLKUH COK ■Wjjjr . PANY. / Bhohmsbe 8,1064. .The Annual Meeting rj the Stoekholders will be held at the Office of the Company, No. *l* WALNUT Btreet,.FhUedelphla, on MONDAY, January Zd, IMS, at 12 o’clock noon, ’ , AnElectionforlEyeDirectors for tho year IBBS will beheld at the same time. YjliMlhr Books will be elosad from Dos. gg““ THE “©IX COMPANIES” GREAT PETROLEUM BASIS PEN NTSYXiVANIA; GLARION COUNTY. Office. Boom «5," No. 1M S. Fourth Sfc, Hon.CHASP. EAHSDKLL, OllClty, PRESIDENT. D- S. GLONINOBR, M. D. . TREASURER, ■' (No. 305 North SIXTH Street.) Ur. JOENW. BERKS, SECRETARY. DIRECTORS: Hon. CHAS. P, BAMSDELE, Oil City (proprietor Oil City JTorittort. Hon., AMOS,MYBRS, M. C,, Clarion. Dr. T. J. ELLIOTT, Clarion county. Commodore SAWDER LOCKWOOD. U. S. V. Dr. C. D. THOMPSON, Oil City. D. W, CANFIELD, Esq,, Oil City. 1,644 ACRES OF SELECTED LAUDS In this treat oU region have been COMBINED AND FOBMBD INTO FOUB COMPANIES, with an almost equal division of property. CAPITAL STOCK OF EACH COMPANY, *900,000. Divided into 100,000 shares, at a parvalua of *5 per share. Subscription price, 42; conslsttngof— -Ist. THE "GREET CLARION" OIL COMPANY, i With 380 acres in fee simple on Clarion River, Brush Bun, Cherry Bun, and OH Hollow Bun. 2d. THE “BIG CHERRY” OIL COMPANY, With 371) acres In fee simple on Brush Bun, Cherry Bun, and Big Cherry Bun. , V -Bd. THE V BBUSH-BUN " OIL COMPANY, WithSSS acres In fee simple on. Brush Bun, Cherry Run, and Fiddler’s Bun. ■, 4th. THE "BED BANK ” GIL COMPANY, With 420 acres in fee simple on Brush Bun, Cherry Run, and Oil Hollow Run. These lands have Leon selected with groat oars by a committee of scientific gentlemen and experienced bH men, and consist of twelve (12) tracts or fhraa.distrtba ted over an area of ten (ID) square miles. Numerous wells on adjoining properties are at present yielding from twenty to fifty barrels of oH par day, Including the famous Sligo Well, and the wells of ,the Deer Creeh Companies. All of these tractaare rich in coal, iron, lead,and tim ber. 'Several veins of coal are now being worked. The indications of oil are superior to any in the State, > . Contracts have been made for engines and machinery, A>*i operattws will be commenced at once; Speedy re ■ tftlShs axeeipected. \ Books opennt the office. _ de23-tf g OFFICE OF THE 1 fOICASIC OIL MD / COAL COMPAST OF WEST VIRGINIA. No. 11 MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE, ( Philadelphia, Dec. 27i 1354. ; The/VOLCANIO OIL AND COAL COMPANY of West Vir*in ia, formed on 2 600 acres of OIL Territory, npon ' the ‘ •c ; >reat Upheaval * ’ la Western YirfUdft, has been wcania ad as follows; ' ; • WM.TSSS, Jr, TREA3URER. LEWIS COOPEB. ' *1 - BBCRBTART,. A. E. MASSEY- ‘DIRECTORS* TO C. STILES, Jr , J'P. steiherT Wtt P. HACKEE, LEWIS COOPEK, i f ROBERT H. GRATE. • Tbo inTwcdbore to the Capital Stock of tlift above Com i pany are hereby notified to par their oubeeriptto s oa or , fcofore the 6th day of Jaanary, 1886. ; A limited somber of shares not exceeding Six Thon , rand, tie offered to the public at subscription jortce, S-ff FEE SHABE, up to the 6ta of Jaanary, after -w Melt time no subscriptions will be taken. COOPEB & GBAFF, Subscription Abater Eo. 11 MBBCgABTS' EECHAEQE, gggpF* FABSSWOBTH ««g»tißg oo m a? A w y. CAPITAL, $1,000,000. - v* , 290(000 SBARXiS—PAB 14IVE QGjOOt ’’ WORiIBO CAPITAL, 940,000. SUBSgBiPTIOH P81C8.—............. . Tlie valuable OU territory of. this Company Is located on the Kan awii a river, Gilmore county, West Virginia, BomO'distance above its confluence with the Ohio at Psriwmbarg (the. terminus of the Baltimore and- Ohio , Railroad),. and lies directly unon and in a-direction, across the-great GUBelfc” of thisregioß (as may be *eeayj)p.on the map)i is the Immediate vicinity of th» wonderful ‘‘Burning Springs,’^now regarded as a anreindication of the presence of oil, from the fact that it ts- tne oilga* that rises to the surface and barns upon the water. This property consists of an area of 1, 185 acres of magnificent oU and mineral lands, of which the Company owns an undivided half interest in fee elm ple»extebdicg.}2£ miles on the Kanawha river, which is navigable to the Ohio.. Other streams, tributaries of the-jXaoawha, traverse this tract, presenting alongtheir margins every surface indication of a rich yield of oiL holds the right to pnt down wells all over this extensive boring surface, and oil has already been discovered on this property, near the river, at the depth of Safest. The sinking of two wells to the depih of 800 feet, ir necessary, was provided for in the purchase of the land, ail of which is paid for without touching the woffling-or reserved capital of the Company. In add!-’ tion to-tnis* the Company owns an important interest (aleo.paid for)in a well located within 400 yards of the great Lewelly n well, which has flowed 2,600 barrels per day, and is directly among the celebrated Rathbone group (see map). These are, it is said, the greatest pro ducing wells in the country. The former owners of this well were forced to abandon it on the breaking out of the rebellion, but the Company has now made ar rangements to reopen and tube ft, when a large yield of -ori suty reasonably be expected from this source alone. In addition to the above described properties, the Com pany owns in fee simple some 400 acres of mineral lands' In Pennsylvania. This Company is most fortunate in East eating every facility for rapidly developing the oil, own property both timber ana coal in great abundance, and in also having the resident Su perintendent of the worhs, Mr. T. G. Farnsworth, largely interested as a stockholder. The manage ment being in the hands of practical men, of indomi able energy and perseverance, the stockholders may reasonably expect toon to find their shares ranking with the nest dividend-paying stocks on the market; for,' being out of debt, and having a large working capital,-the holders Of stock in this Company take no risk of being called upon lor additional means to carry on the.operations of tbe Company, but on the contrary, as soon as oil shall be obtained in sufficient quantities, a dividend on the capital stock will be declared. The remaining portion of the 2D,000 shares reserved stock only is now being sold for additional working capital, at the subscription price of two dollars per share. It can be had by applying at the office ol the Company, No. 400 CHESTNUT Street, up stairs, room No. 16, and ay the counting-house of the President, No. 504 MARKET Street. •«* president : F. PAXSOJSVNo. 6t4 Market street. TBBASCBER* A. A. SBUMWAY* Ho m Market street. DIRECTORS: . F. JSFo, 60S Market street. * _ THOMAS. D. WATTSOH, of the konsewof Truitt 6c , 10.. 52Ajfc&rket street , v CHAS. BLOOMIHGDALB, ofcßloomingdale, Rhine, kCo., 352 Market-street. EDWARD J. SEED, of George W. Reed & Go.. 423 iarket street. . M. J..JOYCE, of A. A. Blmmwar 4 Co., 221 Market dSsSIAH BASSETT, Ja,, No. 423 Market street. D. I). T. EABNSWOBTH, Era.. West Virginia. • EDWARD M. PAXSON, Solicitor. A. D. HARLAN. Secretary. I®* THE STAIfBHTH BTOIE OIL COMPAOT OF WEST VIBGIBI*. CAPITAL $3,000,000, in 40,000 Shares, at $3O each. Subscription price $l3 per Share, subject to no farther call ox assessment, A working capital of $lOO,OOO reserved. Only 30,000 Shares to he soli at the subscription price. .The property of this Company consists of the well* known Martin or Standing Stone tract, and. contains from 2.500 to S»oeo acres of land, in fee simple, free from leases, undivided interests, or royalty. Standing Stone Creek (a branch of the Little Kanawha river), and its trihut&rieapass through this property, and it has upon it a larger amount of boring territory than is owned by any other company in West Virginia. It is situated In Wm eounty, near the celebrated Eatlbone or Burning Spring tract, and In extent of fiyp times greater, and is considered by all experienced oil men familiar with the oil district of West Virginia quite .equal, if not superior, to the Sathbone tract. The Standing Stone Oil Company's property extends from the river, near Burning Spring Bun, serosa the waters of Standing Stone Creek, Inbiuding a portion of Robinson's Fork and Two Eiffießnn, and is Jmiß'diately in the Great Oil Break, extending from Burning Spring through by Standing. Stone anuretro* leum to Horae Week Welle, near the Ohio river, and embraces thellneof upheaval. The property of this Company has not been developed for the reason that it belonged to minor heirs, who coiri-d not convey until they attained their majority, which the youngest did a few days ago. Weils are being bored on the adjoining lauds, and oil had.. It is said that upon- thlß Standing Bton4 tract oil was first discovered in 1790. On the Severs Farm, adjoining, a well la being bored and oil obtained. The well of McFarland A Jones, on the Morgan Jagd, is near this property. _ _ Theselands are held in trust by J. H. Camden, Esq., President First Rational Bank of Parkersburg, West Virginia, and flie Hon. JohnS. Carlile, senatordu Con* Sets from Virginia, and will be by them conveyed W» e Standing Stone Oil Company whenever the stock to be disposed, of by subscription, (to wit. 20,000 shares) shall be subscribed and paid for. Three thousand six hundred shares of the stock have already been sub* scribed and p&id for. Subscriptions received at the Banking Houses of BIGGS & CO., and iITTERHOCSE, FOWLER, & 00., WA6HIKGTOH. D. 0. delft* lm Secretary, KS> DAUPHIN AND GOLOI^UNI ■» GOLD MIJQ3SG COMPANV- Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania* CAPITAL STOCK. &,000,000, 100,000 SHARES—PAR VALOR, sL___ President—JOß H B. ARDERSOBT. PZKBOXOBS* Thomas A. Scott, James R. Magee. R. B. Knease, JohnW. Hall.HsrrUburg. Win. 8. Freeman, T. C.-tfcDowelk do. Robt. P. King, John Brady. _ do. JohnAf. Riley, W. W. Wylie, Lancaster, Charles BeSUver, Wm. Cgorade, J>, P. SOUTHWORTH, Office of the Company, Room Ro. o. Authenticated specimens have been procured from some of the Company’s lodes, and have been assayed by Professors Booth and Garrett with the most gratify* lug results. Subscription lists have been opened at the Office of the Company and at the Treasurer’s Office (In* teraal Revenue). Ro. 437 CHESTNUT Street, Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank-Building. To original subscribers, s3.fiD per share, for a limited number of shares. . . Circulars, pamphlets, or Information can be obtained at the Office of the Company after the 17th Inst. _ OCTOBER I4,IBB4. otiS-Sm . TOBHUA T. OWEN, ATTORNEY, O COUEELLOR AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR OF CLAIMS Office. 331 F Street, near Fourteenth St., Washington. D. C. deBO-6m “onn nnn more.”—the sooner OUUjUUU Townships and Wards call at tMs office, and fill up ttetr Quotas, the better. 910 MAR KET Street. [de2i-6t'J J, J. BSHLBMAN. A CHANCE TO AVOID THE DRAFT. Principals ’ Furnished with Substitutes at the shortest notice, and at low prices. JOBS MANSFIELD ft CO. Offlce 403 LIBS ARY St., second story, de23-lm« TOMATO CATSUP.—HEW TOMATO X Catsup la mart and pint bottle, of choice quality. Aljo <( bar™U. V^.b f| EHoDßB^W^dlffi l FOR SALE—A FRESH LOT OF SALT aid FRESH-WATER TERRAPINS. Abo, VENISON, at the SAME DEPOT, No. 409 CHESTNUT Street. de3o fit* ■RIBH AND CANNED MEATS. A HO bbls Mess and No. 1 Mackerel. 2,000 eases canned Meats, lobsters, Ac. Far sale by P. O. BURROUOH, de»-3m 116 North FRONT Street, WOOD, WOODtWOOD.—OAK, PINE, * * and’HIOKORT WOOD, tor sale atlowesteasb prices. . WATSON, naso-ia* Ym-snun irBASt. on, COMPANIES. OF THE - - PHILADELPHIA. new publications. thk gala number OF THE NEW YORK MERCURY, ■s.Me* Inanjumte. the Hqjrleif.n tbe first issue In the euperb typoiraphioal dress which has been adopted 8j? the distinguishing external feature of the paper fo* 1E65. The new heading is decidedly the handsomest specimen of ornamental ietter-eegrevine that haseter Eaced an American periodical. Espial attention is vited to the humorous brochure entitled KISSING* CONSIDERED, by that embcdlmf ut of the spirit of rollicking “American humor, who has recently buret upon the literary horizon, under the nom de plume of JOSH BIKIiINOS. from first to last, Is a constella tlon of literary rams, and will be folia wedup through out the Tear in the same spirit. .Every variety of talent, and each raripty oi thp order, wilt contribute to the columnsi of THE NEW YORK MERCURY, and it is. confidently believed that it will have no equal or Its class either in tbe Old World or the New FRICB, ONLY BIX CENTS. dtSO 2t FUENISmurct fiOODS. 825 ARCH STREET. § 25 «. A. HOfFMAMS. GENTLEMEN’S ■ WRAPPERS AWp ; FURNISHING GOODS 'V :// V , - IN GENERAL. 896 ABCH •®T-ItES3EiT'.'"B96 ■ Ac3o m ■■ ■ FANCY.PUBS. 1884 fots. 1804. LUI. L WOHUAIH, OOEBSORg TO THE LATE GKO. I. WOKRATH.) No. 415 Aren Street, 'em sow orar A TOLL ASSORTMENT Of LIAJDIEJS’ fancy furs, To which they Invite the attention ofbuyers. o«S0-Sm FANCY FURS, JOHN FAREIKA, Mo. TIB ABCH Stmt, above Seventh Stmt. AthiseldertabUshedstor*. IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, AND DEALER IN FANCY FURS to* LADIES AND CHILDREN. Having nowin store » very large mid beautlfel umt- SS&IrfS ‘Js® ’'UFlflMSffi'SlnHft solSait a call from thorn la want. Remember tbe asms ui somber. JOHN JTABEEBA, TlB ARCH Street, above Seventh. I haveno partner OFconnectionwithanyotherstore tnthiscltr. oeS-4mlf „ FINANCIAL. IJH-B FIRST NATIONAL BANK. V 3-lOtli® TKEA'SURY NOTES, CONVERTIBLE AT MATURITY INTO s.»O BONm These-Treasury Motes- present great advantages to subscribers as an investment. The Interest is liberal, th* security undoubted, and the privilege given the holder of- converting the notes, Upon- maturity, lito V, S, SLY’PER-CENT. BONDS <6.205) is of great value. This Bank keeps on hand alarge supply of all denomi nations, from *sos to Sl,ooos. A COMMISSION OP ONE-QUARTER PER CENT, allowed.on tales of $5,000 and upwards; on.sales of *25,000 or over, THREE-EIGHTHS PER CENT. MORTON WcMIQUrAET.. Jr,, CASHIBR. J?QUBTH NATIONAL HANK: OP PHILADELPHIA,. No. 723 ARCH STREET, DESIGNATED DEPOSITARY OBTHK TJNITBD STATES. 7 3-10 tbs TREASURY NOTES, Convertible at Maturity into ; .© -SO BON IDS . This Bank la now prepared to furnish these Notes In small or. large quantities, and of all denominations. They present the advantage-over any other Loan of the Government of being converted at maturity into the popular fi-20 Loan. The Interest is payable semi annually in February and- August. A COMMISSION ALLOWED ON. SALES of $5,000 and upwards. SAMUEL J. MAO MULLEN, deM-lm CASHIER. OHAELBB BKO&T, LALBZ, BENSON, Ji. QHARLBB EMORY & CO., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 15 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. All kinds of nnenmnt funds and Gold and Silver bought apd sold, and Collections made. Particular attention given to the purchase and sale of Government, State, and other Stocks and Loans on sommissloh. nol7-6m OARPER, BURNEY, * CO.. . BAJNEBUERS,- STOOK AND EXCHANGE BEOKEES. Particular attention paid to purchase and sale of Oil Stodn. . U SOUTH THIRD STREET, ratLADELPHIA. BnransKOiß.—Droiel *0o„ Philadelphia; J. B. Aus tin, President Southwark Bank. novl7-3m COPAKTHTEHSHIPS. TAISSOLUTION OP COPABTNER XJ SHIP.—WILLIS P. HAZARD having THIS DAT disposed of Ms interest in the Arm of DAVIS. POR TER, A CO., to CHARLES H. DAVIS and RdBBRT PORTED, they will ocnUnne the business of Publish ing and Bookselling under the same firm name, at the same place, No. 31 Sooth SIXTB Street. PHn.ADEi.raiA. December 23, ISM. de3o-3t LECIAI. INSTATE OF ELIZA L. DWIGHT, DE- X-i CEASED.—LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the above Estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons having claims against said Estate.are re quested to present the same, and all persons indebted are requested to make payment to WILLIaM T. DWIGHT, Executor, deSO-fit 319 Booth FIFTEENTH Sheet, rsr THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of MAKGARBTXUCKT, deceased To Alexander Lucet Martin. William K. Martin, George S. Martin, and Anna Marla Anguera. Take notice that an application has been made by ADRIANA X L. LAMBERT to the said Court for the private sale of a three-story brick messuage and lot, at the southwest corner of Delaware Front and Relief streets, In said city, and toatihe same will be acted on by the Court 09 FRIDAY, Marsh 3,1863, aiUKTcloek By tie Court. R. M. RAT TUBS, de3o-fr2m Deputy Clerk Orphans’ Court. rs THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY ANDCODHTY. OF PHILADELPHIA. , Estate of WILLIAM MoLAUGHLIN, deceasod. The Auditor appointed by the court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of JAMES ROSS and SAMUEL L. Mpf ETRIDGB, executors of the last will and testa mentof WILLIAM MoLADGHLIN, deceased, and to report distribution of thehalanco in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties Interested, for the purpose of hta appointment, on WEDNESDAY, Janu ary 11th, 18*6, at sif o’clock P. M.. at his Office, No. I*3 South EIGHTH Street, in the city of PhUadalphla irfO-feett ' JOHN B, CQLaHaN. Auditor, /THE CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE WANT'S. WANTED—A. SITUATION IN A NO* T f SION HOUSE, to sell on Commtertoa* t> eifc* and neei eouutry trade. Address “J. B. L.»** Pre*s office. d«3O-at* WANTED—IN THE GENERAL DRY */ OoodH Commtseiom JBu»in®BB, already established aad capahl* of being increased to an indefinite amount, a PAETNER eifbfir active or special, with twenty-fix® to forty thousand dollars cash capital. Address 11 W. £*• c • wbh real name, which will be confidential, at the Press office, • do3o fmwst* WANTED—BY A YOUNG HAN, A .T T situation m BOOKKEEPER or Assistant Book keeper in a I>r? Goods or Commission House: under stands Mcounts thoroughly, and has had two years' practice in the Wett. Kcference given. Address **S. P ,”Fm*ry Good?, Jobbing or Commission House. Understands Packing, Markin*, and Shipping, and has twelve years* reference from' his last place. Address **o. &.?"• Press Office. de2B-3t* A N EXPERIENCED BOOK-KEEPER deßires aSUuatlou. Can furnish best of citv re ference. Address *‘ H of The Press. de2B-St* A YOUNG MAN #ROM THE COUK ;fV and a graduate of Crittenden’s Commercial College, who has served th*ee years as an officer in the army, has had experience as bookkeeper#nd salesman, is an excellent penman, wishes a situation in a good honse The best of references given. Address *‘E , ’ * Frees office de2B*4fc* A LADY PROM NEW ENGLAND "• would like a -Situation, as a Companion for an elderly lady. Ib a good reader.'and can run a Wheel nr a Wilson Sowing Machine, and make herself generally useful.. Object, a good home, address , M _ Mrs. S. W. MASON, de29-3t* _ Press office. A GENTS WANTED FOR THE NURSE AND SPY—The most interesting and exciting book ever published, embracing the adventures of a woman in the Union army aa Nurse, Scout, and Spy Giving a most vivid inner picture of the war. Returned and disabled officers and soldiers in want of profitable employment will find it peculiarly adapted to their condition. JONES BROS. A CO., 600 C3RSTNOT Street, Philadelphia. de2?4ja9* EMPLOYMENT HOUSE, THE LAPP. eet and most reliable* for city and country. Has always a good selection of capable persons, with good references. Americans, Irish, English, French,' Ger man, Scotch, Welsh, and newly-landed emigrants, as Gardeners, Farm Hands, Coachmen, Watchmen, Ac* Cooks, Caambezm&ids, Seamstresses. Laundresses, Waitresses, and general Housework Bervauts. Also, Colored Servant*, Hob. 802 and 804 LOCUST Street! above Eighth. del9-lta PARTNER WANTED.—A JOBBING . DRT GOODS HOUSE, well located, want a. Part ner, either active or silent, with 810, fCO. Reference ex changed. Address “L. H. J.. ” frees Office. de3o-2t* PACKER.—AN EXPERIENCED Packer wanted in a Market-street Hat and Straw Gooashonse. Address “8. M..” this office. »de23-6t* fTO BROKERS AND BANKERS.— WANTED—By a young man who has had four years’ experience In the business, a situation as Clerk. Bwt of reference given. Address “G. E. W.,” Box 682 P. O. de29-3t* MA FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED —Address **B 8.,” at this office. de24»st* JftlOFi A MONTH—WANTED Sw.Sv AGENTS everywhere to introduce (be new K A CLARK SIXTEEN DOLLAR FAMILY SBW ING MAGHINB. tbe only low price Machine In the country which Je licensed by Grover A Baker, Wheeler & Wilson, Bowe, Singer A Co., and Bachelder. Salary and expenses, or large comndssions allowed. AZI other Machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are Infringements, and tbe seller and nser liable. Dlun trated drcn'are sent/ree. Address SUAW A CLARK, nolß-dAw3m BIDDEFOKD, Maine J&k ASSISTANT QUAHTEEMAS OFFICE,Ho. 2T4 South THIRD Bt.. _ . ■ . • Philadulphia, Dec. 24, ISM. Vesselsiwanted to load with coal for Newborn, H. C., and Key West, Fla. Despatch given . „ ' JOHN K. JENNINGS. des6 tf Captain and A. Q. H. FOR SAXE ANP TO TLTST. TOE SALE-TWO FIRST-CLASS MILK -ROUTES and Appurtenances complete; plen ty of Milks good stand for Milk and Ice; Stabling for three horeea and wagons on the premiers. WIU be Bold tgß&itfSS. AS® 1 .? at No. 12*4 SHACKA- MaXON Street, after 2 P. M. de2BSt* OIL TERRITORY FOR SALE—-235 Acres east Aide Allegheny Elver, above Oil City. 380 Acres, West side. Will be sold low to close a con cern. . „ TO H. RTCHARDSON, deiO StH* 500 MARKET Street. m FOR SALE, IN FEE SIMPLE-32 "'gj'ACBBS. iii Fox township, Elk county, Penns TWO OIL SPKIJSGS npoatbe land, from one of which, oil can be readny gatnered, in large quantity, with the simplest utensils. A stream runs through the whole length of the property, upon which surface indications. &t certain seasons, prevail to an extent equai to any locality in the State. The property is four miles from the Pennsylvania and Brie Railroad. Apply to . ,1 _ CHARLES H. BOONE, It* WALNUT Street, 2d-story back room. _ EDVCATIOWiI. APBNING OF THE NEW YBA.R AT V THE QUAKER CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE- IMPBOYBMENTS-EXTBNSION OP ACCOMMODATIONS. The already extensive accommodations of this Insti tution are found inadequate to meet the demands of its constantly-increasing patronage, and on the 3d of JANUARY next another large hall, third-stor* front, will he added and fitted up in the heet style. The whole of the second and third stories of tie building, together with the business office on the*ground floor, will then he occupied, and furnished in the best and most sub stantial manner, with all the modern improvements and facilities for Instruction, making by far the most com* Siete, elegant, and convenient establishment of the fcfnd i the country. YOUNG MEN desiring a thorough knowledge of any of the branches embraced in a complete course of commercial instruc tion are invited to avail themselves of the advantages now offered at this institution, which are. in all respects of a superior order, and such as commercial schools, as heretofore conducted, have failed to give. PATRONAGE. The unprecedented patronage of the Institution af fords one of the strongest proofs of appreciation.. No other commercial school in the country can show a similar history. Over, five hundred students were in attendance during the first year, fromninefceendifferent States and forei*n countries, while the present year premises a very large increase over this number. ' PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION. The superiority of the mode of instruction should command special attention, as the value of the system of practical training adopted cannot he overestimated as compared with any other. The student is not only made a practical bookkeeper, hut is thoroughly drilled in all the minutiss of actual , business transactions THE ACTUAL BUSINESS COURSE, as taught h«Te, is unknown in any ..similar institution, having been arranged and perfected by the Principe*' upon an original plan, the merits of which, have bean, fully tested and approved as the most useful and inter esting mode of practical instruction ever d«vis‘d- S THEORETICAL CODBSB OB BOOKKEEPING. This Course, alone, comprises more than is usually taught in ordinary commercial colleges, being arranged, with special reference to a complete progressive develop? mestof thescience o* a-counts, from the record of the simplest transactions to the most complicated forms and problems. Nocopying from text-books; no to any one man’s ideas: Everything is directed to the true end of all teaching, the leading tha mind o£the student to the application of universal principles. Circulars and Catalogues with full particulars, and interior views of the College, free on application at the office, ground floor, TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. deSO 3iif L. FAIRBANKS, A. M , Principal. £QmTB WANTSD TO SELL. THE AMERICAN CONFLICT, A HISTORY OF THE GREAT REBELLION, BY HORACE OBEELEY., in its plan and scope, differs widely from ail other hl»tones of the Rebellion; while the candid, lucid, searching, instructive presentment of the causes, incitements, and earlier incidents of the war—as given in volume I—can hardly fail to insure for THB AMERI CAN- CONFLICT a wider circulation, greater populari ty, and & far more permanent value than can be found In any coiemporary work on the Rebellion, Its present success, all things considered, is unparalleled. This History has also received the endorsement of the Newspaper Press* many fold gre&tax-ih&n has been ac corded to any kindred work, in not less than one thou sand biahly commendatory, notices and z&vlewß, many of which are from journals opposed to the author lit political sentiment. „ ...... The work is sold only by subscription, through Tra velling Agents, to whom the exclusive, right to canvass within specified limits is given. We. want energetic, thorough-going Canvassers in every unoccupied county arid section, to experienced, efficient Agents—to all who can appreciate and explain a work of the elevated character of THE AMBRSOAN CONFLICT— we offer inducements rarely if ever-before equalled. For further information address fch% undersigned, O, D. OASE~& CO., d«29-3id&W PUBLISHERS, HARTFORD, Conti. A TJTER’S HAIR FLUID, FOB RE- Jk STORING GHAT HAIR to, lta original color la three days, by applying it night and morning, after which yon can nee any Mad of oil with the ft&id.aml. a* often as you thick It neoeeerjry. Persons who hare once had Him Dye applied, need only turn the floid. ever after, aide; it saves aIL trouble of washing, oraay P Ko W S3 Sooth THIKD Street, above Chestnut, Phßa * Sent to any address, free of exti a charge. Price, #2 SO a bottle. f It* TXOLIDAY P.BKSKNTB .—THOSE XX who desire Photographs should go early. In holidays the gallery is crowded, and many disappointed for lack of time. B. 3?. BKIMER, 624 ARCH StT li* PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS—PERSONS X ip search of articles for Presents will Had at B. P. REIMER 8, 624 Allult Street, a splendid assortment from which to ssleot. Coiae and see. it* "CTOLIDAY PRESENTS—JUST THE thing to g£v6 to friends or relatives, a splendid Photograph Likeness by REIVER; only $1 59 Go early and avoid the rush. SECOND Street, above Green, It* Th-OR THE NEW YEAR—HAVE MADE, X- in B. F. BEIDER S nnanrpggsed style, a set of Oartee de visits. Ooearly; the days short ahd gallery crowded, AKCH Stteet. ' M* ASTCTION BAIJOS. BAZAAR, NINTH AND SAN* •cBHi SOM Afro***' ACC, T S li^AfWMii 0 ,! 8 - **• it 10 o'clock, mSgES. Suited to harness the saddle., lacked will before*. . A and styii*h saddle horse, 6 years did* named for a lady. «A p -*r*°? bloo : i -hay hox’aer,* T«are^d r dwely mated* of fine style and action. A iarrecollection of d«shrah£s new an? second-hand oarrias'es, light wagons, dearborns, &c,,with wall* tfc* sale will eouunecce. Also, single end double baraes*,- saddles, bridles. Whips, -oorers. baiters, &c. Also, previous to the horses, A number r.f sloiffbs- sleiffh bells- robes. Sea AST* |fo postponement on eccnantot weather. 43f“ Sale of Horses, Ac., on. txbjcL W* Carrilges and Harness atpriyajgnsal*. ALFBED M. BffKKNE^, _AnetioTteefv ae»-Mlf g&LE OF CONDEMNED HOfiSES. QUAETEEHrASTItE GEVSKAt’s OTFICE, First Division. WAsatuaTbif r !TT. Will br sold at public auction, to tbe highest ’bidder. atGiestoro, D C., on y DECEMBER SO. IBM. ONE HUNDRED iND FIFTY CAVALRY HORSEK „„ On FRIDAY, JANUARY 5 186 S. °S? H7 SS >kE P and fifty cavalry horses. _ “0 £( ee have been condemned as unfit for Ca valry service of the Army. : and farming purposes, many food bargains may behad. Horses sold singly- Sate to commence at HAIL Terms, cash in United States currency ( JAMBS A. EKtH Colonel in charge First Division (iiattermaster Oaia ral’s office. de39-(t AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Lsebco and Manager....................J0HN T. FORD. Stage Manager—.™, JOHN B. WRIGHT. LAST NIGHT OP THE BBILUANT ENGAGEMENT OT EDWIN FORBBST. PEIDATK^r?gkIIfr“WaJ EDWIN FOEKEST, EDwrN FORKEST, FIRST time this season, FIRST TIME THIS SEASOIf, THE OSH? NIGHT . , THE only night hs will bis UNRIVALLED BOMAN CHARACTER OP , _ . , DAMON, la B&nm’s celebrated play of*- damon and ntthias. _ „. damon and pithias. JV11ua5...... ..John McCoUontb. 0&l&Utll8i •••< »•• . taill ||js9 AlitMflmw Doors open halt part S. Uurtaia rises half past T. It A MERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIO. A- CHRISTMAS MATINEE _ ON SATURDAY. Docontber M Doors open at l o'clock; commence at 2 o'clock gj>g ?9.SS£ A.AOIgg AHi> CHILDERS. , SOON OHNO LAD. ES AN i> CHILDREN, ia a fraud Floral Eotortaiamect, entitled the COBONATION OF THE ROSE. . COBONATION OF THE BOSK arranged to a stole of ussurpjssbd excbClbncb. , ... B»MJKPA=SED EXCELLENCE, and with that exonißite beauty wittch INFANTILE BBACB »BD GIBLISH INNOCKNCI slope are capable of eieplaytog. Direct0r.................. ...-Professor JOHN NIWEK, Admission to all parts of the boose 2> cents. Beserrei seato, without extra charge, may now be obtained at J, B. Gould a Seventh and Chestnut streets, and at the Academy oa the day of the oerformanca. deog-fft CHESTNUT-STREfIT THBA FBIDAV EVENtNG. »?cember3oth, FIRST APPEASaNCE.DPOH ASX STAGE . , , ANNIE D’ARCY, THIS E l viNiNG r S idei ‘ t otthtB cifcTl who will appear JULIA* In Sheridan Knowles’ beautiful play of 0 t SHE HUfiGfiBACK, Supported by HE. F HORPAUNT AS MASTER WALTER, and tlie full strength of \he efScrent regular company, CARD FROM THE DSBUTASTTB. I have noticed in the public journals, -and hare bees' informed by many of my MendMhat my name has bee» confounded with that of Mrs. Anna D’Arci, profession ally known as Miss Anne Lonsdalei&nd as each a report is calculated to lead the public infctrerror, and further, as I wish to depend upon my merits alone far success |& my undertaking, I feel that it is due to every one con cerned to correct this popular mistake. Simply then, l am not Kiss Anne Lonsdale, nor have I any connection whatever with that lady, and whilofl have been la formed) Mks Lonsdale has appeared repeatedly before the Philadelphia public, my appearance, OUT THIS EYESHETCr, will be my first' attempt upon any «dagq. Hoping that a generous public will give credit where credit is due, I subscribe myself Their most obedient servant, ANNIS D’ABCT. Between the pieces MISS KATE PBNNOYEK will dance a Scotch Strathspey. The entertainment will conclude with the farce. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Dscsmher 31st, twentieth grand family Matin,*, when ALADDIN wiUb* given for the last timepopitiveiy. MONDAY EVENING, Jan 2, 1885. FIRST APPEAR. ANCE of the WAbBBN COMEDY COMBINATION. d» WALNUT- STREET THEATRE. * V BENEFIT BENEFIT Of the ehaiming.^oung^an^verß|Ul6^Actrc«a Who will aTOear - . , TfflS (Friday) EVENING, Deo. 88. In her aieat character of LUCRBWA BORGIA, THE ITALIAN POdSGNBK. After which LUCILLE WESTERN will appear as DON CJESAK DK BAZAN. Seata maybe secured at Box office from 9 till 3 o’clock. KTRS. JOHN DREW’S NEW'ARCH ALI- STREET THEATER. BENEFIT OF J. S. CLARKE. TO-NIGHT (Friday), December SO, ISH, “OUR AMBBICAN COUSIN.” ’ w ' “SUDDEN THOUGHTS,” and “P. P : Or, THB MAN AND TIGER ”* CLARKE AS ASA TBENCHARD. ' CLARKE AS-JACK CABBAGE, - CLANKS AS SOB BUCKSKIN QHESTNUT STREET OPERA HOUSE CHESTNUT-STREET OPBBA HOUSE TROUP* CHESTNUT-STREET OPERA BOUSE TROOPS : CHESTNUT* STREET OPERA HOUSE TROUP* WILE perform: in the CONCERT HALE CONCERT HALL CONCERT HALL DURING TIE HOLIDAYS. BUSING THE HOLIDAYS: DURING THE HOLIDAYS. DURING THE HOLIDAYS. DURING THE HOLIDAYS. A S . S^ M ?^X^ DILI)INGS ~ T E N T B AND OHBSTNUT. MAT IS THB LAST NIGHT. MATINRK ON , ATUBDAY, at 3 O CLOCK. __ The accomplished Artiste. Mr; and Mrs. HARBY WATKINS, are compel!ed'to announce their last two performances, it being impossible to procure a hall. Those who are desirous of witnessing this novel MUSICAL AND HUMOROUS ENTERTAINMENT, which is visited by tbe elite of Philadelphia society, should not, neglect this opportunity of seeing whafc every Dohy LAUGHS, APPtAnrs, AND TALKS ABOUT. Mr. and Mra. WATKINS intersperse their Entertain meat with plenty of BONGS, DANCES, AND „ „ . COMICfrIiTHES. Door, open nt 7. Begin at 8 o’clock. Tickets 55 ceuta. Bet erred Beats, 60 cento. it* CJIGNOBr BLITZ, ASSEMBLY RTTTT.Tk. AJ INGS, TBNTHand CHESTNUT Street*. SyerY Afwraoor and Evening Idnrio* HOLIDAY WEEK. at-3^and 7Jf o clocit. 1 WONDERS OF MAGIC, MYSTERIES OF VBNTRL= LOgglSHVand the CaNARY BIRDS# with nurqgrouf ATTRACTIONS and NOVELTIES. Admission, 20 cents. Children, 15 sente. Reserved seats, 60 cents ' ae» ASSEMBLY BHELDING—SEVENTE LA CLASSICAL MATINEE of the PHILADELPHIA CLASSICAL QUINTSTTB CLUB, .At three o’clock, c< , December Slagle tickets at the door, 50 centa. deEMt OEHMOANIA ORCHESTRA —PUBLIC VAI B3BEEARSAM every BATUBDAV* at 3V! o’dloCSr . P. M-, at[MUSICAL FUND HALL,,. Slagle Ticket.!, 28 centa. Sirs Tickets, *1; to be hadat Goald’e, Andre’a, and Meyer’a Mnsle Storee, and at ae Hali. ao"-tt p.H’R IST REJECTED.— .V atofraHe ptetnre, the, greatwt production « the painter Wept, le now on erblldlton at the ACA9EK? OP.PTNB AKTS. 1025 CBffiSTWOT Street, tnMtkec yrlth tc* entire collection of the AaHftuilon. Adirittacw twenty-See centa. nolfae* YPEaiBITION OF WOMKS OF ABT^ POB THE BENEFIT OF TBE CHRISTIAN 00*“ xuholvN, at the . ACADEMY OF FH3SB, ARTS. An Exhibition of a Prtva», Coito ;tlon of Work* eif Art, in Palntmgß. Scnlptnre, PAater Color, and othw: Drawings. EniraTtnn, Ac., la. new. open at the Penn aylrania Academy or Pine Aria,.a*. 1025 C3ESTBBS 1 Street, from ft A. M. to 10 F. 3d,, la the Benefit of tte> Christian (bnminioa. Admitaioa 28 etg.; Bea»OK,lfdcama haring hesn lost or mislaid. xt* T OST—A LADY’S - FUR, TIPPET, OK . Twelfth atreeVhetwww Melon and Mount Vernon streets, east aide, on theiStt t instant, between 9 and 1* 0 Clock r. M. A liberal MWgiwill he paid hyretuming the same to‘No. 28 NorEuPHiaa Street, * No. 1618 GREEN Street. - da3o-3l* T OST OR 3HSU -ID—SINCE DEC. 7, 1864, No. ,1030 Lel itglt Valley Railroad Bond. $l,lOO. Parties.are cant ioned against negotiating the same, as paytppnt, p.r .ncipal, and interest, has keen stopped. de29 3t . DsIIAVEN.a BKO S? T OST OR. FHBLAID-A CERTIFI- Shareaof the ’‘b- a sat* Any pergqfi havt ag fonnilt (80. SO) wig please retain r* ‘ BA.MUBL B. PHILLIPS, deatSk. Bea, 30 ani32 South SEVENTH Street INSURANCE. pL&StKSr, YOUR LIFE ur 188 A M. E BICAN, B,E. €«p. Walnut and Fouptlt SR, rHILADILFHIft, It la a HOME COMPANY, and prolte divided tmm- A Jy, thru tiding the assured to pay fetare premium*. Laat dividend 50 per cent. „ . BOARD OF TRUSTEffit Alexander TOdUdin, j. Edgar Thomson, Hon. James Pollock, HoaT Joe. AlUaocL Albert o. Roberts, HjjrrK. BcnnaSL BamnelT. Bodlne! Phittp B. Mlngjs. Geo. Nugent, JohnAurmnn, uoio fimif and Treasurer. JSflUaißß WBBT CHESTKR . i?JB PfIIiA4>BI.PHIA XAIS- CHRIBTMA _s EXCURSION. WXST GHJBBTXS will be »M to January *d» lncluaiTe. v round tri'p si.s&. H. WOOD, V deBS-4t Scperiateudcßt 1 000 SPUING HOBBY-HORBSS faew ud fluiej- «tji«s), roosa-anck Blaic, ' MUL * VWB ft KUSTOft. i*u-t{ VPI &»41W Horti XHUU> IKmC mom.