The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, December 28, 1864, Image 3
NOTICES. iSSF DMION VOWJNIISEB BKFRrhit MEAT SALOON, foot of WASHINQTONiIS are agato. obliged to aDoeal Hn 4 *®* citiztm* for aid to sustain, oar inßiJtnMr.« xlr osr ’ thankful for the liberal support ar ? believe the expending of no simttap ain? f n4 rnnth to the comfort ©/ our ih h S^m d ® 4 !° wliol we lave been Smiled hr'eltMmetencea <e assume temporary care of ttonsands of retamS f™«a® men, >nd rebel deserters, nearly aU of wlom *!t«4 *» »«<* charity at you 7 dSSk aJd in the lowest haunts of the city, w*ald h??e vaSfrf» d «nßoyanc6.aad disturbance! They hare remained trith as generally but a few days* and olasea t\®jX e }*ca found for them awayirom the city, where thjir 1> bor was in great request. * et ® rfSSo^fiS^i 111 * C or * the Mr 9 °f ‘ho soldiers in our i!'>™,Kfi d wil arxd, A 0 cnr reputation for hospitality ana bro’herly love, and to continue the good work the necegeary means most be furnished. Funds forwarded by letter to oar committee, or handed to either of the following gentlemen, will roach na: Key. Dr. Thomas Brafreid, No. 634 Pino street. Thomas Eobbms,Esq., PresidentPMtadeiphtaßank. D. B. Commlns, Esq . President Girard Bank. i ,•*. Mercer, Esq., President Farmers' and Meoha nice* Bank. J. B. iugtin* Bsq., President Bonthwark Bank. M. w. W°°dward, Esa., Cashier Manufacturers’ and mechanics 1 Banks Sbomaa T. Firth. Eeq., Treasurer Penn ft. Railroad. * James 0. Hand & Co., corner Market and Deoatur sts. Bamuel B. Fales, Esq , 7C7 Vine street. _ ARaD BARROWS, Chairman. J. B. Wadb, Secretary. ' . <le2B*l2fc PHnADELPHIA AND DARBY 12K RAILROAD CO. —NOTICE is hereby given to the Stockholders of this Company that the Annual Meeting and an Election for President and six Directors wUI take piece on the second MONDAY (9th) of January 1865, at 4P. M., at the Company's Avenue, between Forty-ninth and Fiftieth streets. dt-24-ijae D. 5. FLICKWIR, Secretary. 1®“ PHI KAPPA BI- K-lSar 1 ENKIAL CONVENTION of the PHI KAPPA tlle B i tT “fJlUladelphia, on WEDaES DAY, the 28th December, 1861. de24St* aSSf** OFFICE OF THE PEHE MAT THAI, BUT StSt* IHBDBAJroK COMPANY, 931 CHEST ELECTION. —An Blectlon for Nine Trustees, to serve for three rears, will be held at the Office of the Com pany on MONDAY, the 2d day of January, 1866. Polls open from 10. to 12 A. M. del7-sw6t H, 8, STEPHENS, Secretary, Kg- OFFICE OF THE CITY TBEA 6DEEB, Philabeiphia, Dec. 23d. 1864. _ “ NOTICE, TO LOANHOLDERS.” inis City Treasurer Is prepared to pay Doans' ma turing January Ist, 1865, and the holders thereof are requested to present them at this Office, on or after the M day of January. HENRY BUMM. de24-6t : City Treasurer. ISSP OFFICE OF THE CITY TRr». **r SURBE, pHiAADBLrnrA, Deo 23d, 1864, „ „ NOTICE TO LUANHOLDERS. The City Treasurer Trill pay the Interest on City Doans, due January Ist, on and after January 2d. I®. „ HENBY BOMS, ’ de24 6t City Treasurer. KH“ OFFICE OF THE NFSQITEHON ING VALLEY BAILBOAD COMPANY. _ . . pHILADEH-aiA, Dee. 23. 1864. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Com nmy trill be held 1 at this offlee on MOjsDaY, January 9th,-1866, at noon, at which time’ aYelection for a Pre sident and Twelve Directors, to serve for the ensuing year, will take place. JAMES S. COX, dt)24-smwBt* Secretary, *3»*> OFFICE OF THE I.EHIOII AND DELAWARE water gap baidboad com pany, No. 133 South SECOND Street. _ Phii.arecphia, Deosmber23.lB64. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany, and an ELECTION for a President and twelve Directors, to serve Tor the ensuing year, will be held at tbls office, at lo’elook P. M., on MONDAY, the 9th of January, 1866. S ■ - . M W. B. WHITNEY, deS4-?mwBt* Secretary. WtXSf OFFICE OF THE I'HII.ITIEt.. PHI A FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.—The an nual meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be beld on MONDAY, January 2, 1866, between the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock A. 11,, at their office, No. 433 CHESTNUT Street, when and where an ELEC TION for Directors will be hold, in. conformity with the oharter, . . - FRANCIS BLACKBUBNE, • Beeretaiy. ESSF** OFFICE OF THE JCNCTIOIS s=®' BAILBOAD COMPANY.-NOTICE TO STOCK HOLDERS.—A special meeting of the Stockholders of gw Junction Railroad Company will be h»ld on TUES DAY, tbejd day ofjanuary, 1865, at 11 o’clock A. M., at No. 338 South THIBD Street. Philadelphia, to con sider the propriety of issuing additional bonds for the purpose of fully complete tie tlio load. dol9 Ist JOSEPH LESLEY, Beoretary. ■rag— SEVENTH NATIONAE BANK, Philadskphia, December 12,1864. . The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank, for tbs ELECTION 6F DIRECTORS, will be heldoa TUESDAY, Jannary 10, 1866, between the hours of 11 o’elook A. it. and 2o’clookP. M. delB-ijalo B. S. HALL. Cashier. lar PISSSI LVAIiIA AlV’ll OHIO Oil, *®L COMPANY OF PENNSYLYANIA. NOTICE-—The Subscription List of this Company was closed on Saturday last. A limited number ‘of SJaves will bo sold at fffiper share, at the office, comer FOURTH and LIBRARY Streets. ds23-6t* J. H. TROUTMAN, Secretary. •IC «OMPAATES. KJf* PHISIDBST low PETROLEUM COMPANY, , PRESIDENT, VENANGO CO,, PA. OBdANizED men ras laws ei nmtsnvAau. OFFICERS! President—AMOßY XDWAXDg. Esq., Now Tdrir. Treasurer—L. H. SIMPSON, Esq., New Yerk. Secretary—J. EDWIN CONANT, Esq., Hew York. JOHN H. CLAPP, Esq., General Resident Superin tendent. Counsel—Mesdrs. PLATT, SSSASD, & BUCKLEY, Hew York. DIRECTORS:. AMORT EDWAEDS, Esq.. Hew York. EBEN B. CROCKER, Esq.,ofCrocker*Warren,Hew York. ■ ' , FLETCHER WESTKAY, Xsq.i of Westray. Gibbs, At Hsxdcastle, New York. I. H. CLAPP, am., President. Yenaugooonnty, Pa. L. H. SIMPSON, Sag,, 'of I>. H. Blmpsoa *Ce., Sow York. It* lands are pat into tke Company at the unprece dented low price of One Hundred Dollars per Aero, ike lowest oyer known for Oil-beaing territory, and form Its CAPITAL STOCK, $3,000,000! In Shares of 926 each, *tn> value. Subscriptionprice SO per Share, being in full payment for a S2S Share, Mo farther call dr auessment to he made. No’subscription received for less than TWENTY SHADES—SIOO. 910,000 6HABBB, or *lOO,OOO BESBBYBD YOB WOEKXKG capital. Parlies subscribing in this Company mill receive an canal amount of stoeh in two other companies ad joining without further charge. The Lands of these Companies are .located on the Allegheny river, and on Hemlock, Porcupine, and Ms- Ores creeks, MAKING AHOIL-BOEING TBBKITOEY OP OYER TEN AND A HALT MILES IE EXTENT. The wells on this property are being sank with great vigor, and promise large supplied of oil. To the capitalist and to parties of limited means un surpassed inducements are offered, i Persons inveating in this Company get (8 stock and the above BONUS for each *1 Invested, without farther call or assessment. Subscription books, maps, and all other Information can be obtained at the office of the Subscription Agents, L. H. SIMPSOH A CO., deS-lm 6# CBDAE Street. HEW YORK. |ggp» FABHSWOKTH OIL.O O M PANY. CAPITAL, 11,000,000. 200,000 SBTAJBES-PAB TAIIIE $5.00. WORKING CAPITAL, *40,000 SUBSCRIPTION PRlCE*.*.***^.***.*.*-.**....52, The valuable Oil territory of this Company Is located on the Kanawha riter, Gilmore county, lYeet Virginia, some distance above its confluence with the Ohio at Parkersburg (the terminus of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad), ana lies directly unon and in a direction across the great ‘’Oil Belc° of this region (as may he seen upon the map), in the immediate Vicinity of the wonderful “Burning Springs, o now regarded as a sure indication of the presence of oil, from the fact that it 1b the oil gas that rises to the surface an&bums upon the water.. This property consists of an area of 1,185 acres of magnificent of) and mineral lands, of which the Company owns an undivided half interest in fee. slm- Sle, extending IK miles on the Kanawha river, which i navigable to the Ohio. Other streams, tributaries of the Kanawha, traverse this tract, presenting along their margins every surface indication of a rich yield of oil. The Company holds the right to put down wells all over this extensive boring surface* and oil has already been discovered on this property, ne&T the river, at the depth of 36 feet. The sinking oftwo wells to the depth of 800 reel, if necessary,.was provided for in the purchase of, all of which is paid for without touching the working or reserved capital of the Company. In addi tion to this, the Company owns to important interest (also paid for) in a well located within 100 yards of -tike SreatLewellynyrell, which has flowed 2,6oobarrels per' ay, and is directly among the celebrated Rafchbone group (see map). These are, it is said, the greatest pro ducing wells in the country. The former owners of this well were ft reed to abandon it on the breaking out of the rebellion, but the Company has now made ar rangements to reopen and tube ft, when a large yield of oil may reasonably be expected from this source alone. In addition to the above described properties, the Com pany owns in fee simple some 400 acres of mineral lands in Pennsylvania, This Company Is most fortunate in posresiisg every facility for rapidly developing the oil* having on its own property both timber ana coal in great abundance, and in also, having the resident Su perintendent of the works, Mr. T. G. Farnsworth, largely interested as a stockholder. The manage ment being in the hands of practical men, of indomi able energy and perseverance* the stockholders may reasonably expect eoon to find their shares ranking with the best dividend-paying stocks on the market; for, being out of debt, and having a large working capital, the holders of stock in this Company take no risk of bring called upon for additional means to cany on the operations of the Company, but on the contrary, as soon as oil shall be obtained in sufficient quantities, a dividend on the capital stock will be declared. The remaining portion of the 30,000 shares reserved stock only is now being sold for additional working Capital* at the subscription price of two dollars per share. It can be had by applying at the office of the Company, No. 400 CHESTNUT Street, up stairs, room No. 16. and at the counting-house of the President, No* 504 MARKET Street. __ fbbsidkxt: F, PAXSON, No* SC4 Market street. __ TREASURER;- A. A. SHUMWAY, No 221 Market street. directors: F. PAXSON, No. 604 Market street. _ THOMAS 3>. WATTSON, of the house of Truitt St Co., 628 Market street. OB AS. BLOOMINGDALB, of Blooroingdale, BUne, *E&^fAEU B^ George W. Beed St Co., 423 S JOYCE, of A. A. Shumway St Co., 221 Market ** JOSIAH BASSETT, Jit.. No. 423Marketslreet. B. B. T, WMtVirrinia. EDWARD M. PAXSON, Solicitor. de!9-tf A. D. HABLAN, Secretary. gy NEW YORK AND MVEBPOO PETROLEUM COMPANY. CAPITAIj STOCK, 51,000,000. 100,000 SHAKES AT 910 SiCH. , Subscription Price fS per Share. ItANPS YIELIHNCJ liABOKIiY. . opfiobbs: HON. DANIEL S. DICKINSON* President •. TO T. PHIPPS, Vice President. ROBERT BASSETT, Secretary. Books are opea for subscription at the office o| the Com- PM3% N^DDapif 6Building, 11 BROADWAY, N. Y. The lands ol the Companysre eitaated ta tt« heart *1 the Oil Beglon, and Include portions ol those well known localities, “the Mcßlheny Farm, thetwo Me- Ciintoek Farms. 0 and other proved and valuable work ing territories, Including over Two Thousand the best Oil Territories along Oil V*?®* in West Virginia, uow under process «f*u«®e>efdl devw«a«M» anddil U already regularly and IsasOr aeveralwell»wat^«ft "f. 9. jk*KKfc , **sw«w t < THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28,. 18S4:' OIL COMPANIES. |ggf» THE “OIL dJOaUPAtSIES” OF THE GREAT PETROLEUM BASIX PENNSYLVANIA; CLABION COUNTY. Office, Boom «5," So. l«t S. Fourth SC. PHILADELPHIA, Hon. OHAS P. RAMSDELL, OU City, PRESIDENT. D. S. GLONINGEK, H. D. . TREASURER, (Vo. 305 North SIXTH Street.) Dr. JTOBH W, BERKS, SECRETARY. - JMRBOTOBS: Hon. GBAS. P. BAMSDELL. OU City (proprietor Oil City If on if or). Hon. AMOS MYERS, M. C., Clarion. Dr. T. J. ELLIOTT, Clarion oonnty. Commodore SAMUEL LOCKWOOD, U. S. M. . Dr. C. D. THOMPSON, OH City. D, W. CANFIELD, Eta., OH City. 1,644 ACRES OF SELECTED LANDS in this great oU region have been COMBINED AND FORMED INTO FOUR COMPANIES, with an almost equal division of property. CAPITAL STOCK OF EACH COMPANY, $500,000. Divided into 100,000 sharee, at a par value of 96 per share. Subscription price. 92s consisting of— -Ist. THE “GREAT CLARION” OIL COMPANY, With 880 acres in fee simple on. Clarion River, Brush Run, Cherry Run, and Oil Hollow Run. 2d. THE “BIG CHERRY” OIL COMPANY, With 879 acres in fee simple on Brush Bun, Cherry Bun, and Big Cherry Bun. 34. THE “BBU6H BUN” OIL COMPANY, With 866 acres in fee simple on Brueh Bun,' Cherry Sun, and Fiddler’s Run. 4th. THE "HBD BANK " OIL COMPANY, . With 420 acres in foe simple on Brash Run, Cherry Bun, and Oil Hollow Run. These lands hare been selected with great cars bye committee of scientific gentlemen and experienced oil men, and consist of twelve (12) tracts or farms, distribu ted over .an area of ton (10) square miles. Numerous wells on adjoining properties are at present yielding from twenty to fifty barrels of oil per .day. incltiding the famous Sligo Well, and the wells of the Deer Creek Companies, - All of these tracts are rich In coal, Iron, lend,and tim ber. Several veins of coal are now being worked. She indications of oil are superior to any In the State. Contracts have been made for engines and machinery, and operations will he commenced at once. Speedy re turns are expected. Books open at the oßoe. *EKNBYI,YiHIA IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY. OFFICE 130 S. FIFTH ST., PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL $8,000,000. gOO,OOP SHARES ATSffilO EACH SUBSCRIPTION PBIOR.S6 FOB FULL-PAID STOCK. RESERVED CAPITAL 8350,000, PRESIDENT, ' ALEXANDER K. McGLTTBE. MMCTOBS. A. K. McClure, I John M. Pomhsot, Thomas A. Scott, • Blisha W. Davis, 2>. K. Jackman. I Petek £. Small, , J. 0. Bombebqer. SECRET ART, JAMES M. SELLERS, This Company Baa three different tracts of land now producing- oil, and ample revenues to guarantee regular dividends.' " The threetracts with wells on them are capable o extensive development, and the Company have five en gines and all the fixtures ready to prosecute the work. It has 120 acres in fee on Allegheny River, Immediately opposite Oil City, with 110 rods river front, and 76 rods front on Lay’s Bnn. This land is new worth *lOO,OOO, exclusive of the oil right. It has ICO acres in fee in the Chorny Bun district, im mediately adjoining Cherry Bon Petroleum Company, and leases are about to be executed with two strong parties to sink wells on lease oh this tract, the Company to receive half the oil. It ha* two tracts of land on (HI Creek, each producing over ten barrels per day, and one tract on the Allegheny. Elver producing ten-barrels of heavy oil, worth $2l per barrel. All of these tracts will be promptly developed, and they are well tested oillands. It is organised on a certain basis to pay dividends from the start. Its revenues from the oil alone are more than twelve per cent, per annum on the capital, and new wells are about to. be sank an lease, without cost do the Company, and one-half the proceeds will belong to the Company. The Company has $260,030 of its own capital In reserve belonging to the Stockholders, and taking it altogether, its resources for certain dividends are not'approached hy <my other dll stock naw in the marhet at even double the Original cost. The officers of this Company mean to prosecute the development of these lands most energetically, and they have entire confidence that they will yield very large dividends on the capital stock. Subscriptions will Lera reived at the office or the Com pany. . deM-6t tgjß ISI-BRY FABJI Oil, COMPANY.- CAPITAL $1,000,000, DIVIDED IHTO 800,000 SHA'hES OP THE PAD VALUE OF $5 EACH. ■WORKING CAPITAL, $40,000. Books of Subscription for a limited number of Shares of Stock, at TWO jJOLLAES per Share, ouened at tiie Office of the Company, No. SSSS South THIRD Street, first floor,or subscriptions maybe left with any member of the Board of Directors. PRESIDENT, JAMES J. DUNCAN. SECRETARY AND TREASURER, WILLIAMHAGKEE. _ DIRECTORS, „ JOHN B. NEWMAN, 1716 Spruce‘street. JOHN H. GRAHAM, @7 Market street. .EDWIN T. COXE, 624 Walnut street. THOg. H. WILSON, 716 North Broad street. THEODORE ADAMS, Broad and Parrish streets; E. POTTS, 624 Walnut street. THOMAS R SEABLE, Germantown. SAMUEL MUNN. New York. HENRY WARNER. 702 Franklin street The following valuable Oil Lands constitute the bads of the Company: Tract No. I—Known as the “ Berry Farm* ° contain ing 164 acres, owned by the Company in me simple, situated in Wood county. West Virginia,- directly upon the Ohio river. Several competent judges have visited this property, all of whom agree in the opinion that it presents unusual evidences of large subterraneous re servoirs of oil. MU . Q \m WSU- Tract No. 2 consists of a tract of'land in Washington eouniy; Ohio, also on the Ohio river, about IK mtiei above Newport, containing 134 acres. It presents the most extensive ravines, and certain evidences of the presence of Oil; also, innumerable sties for Wells, with several large Oil Springs on one of the runs. There la also in the bluff a valuable vein of Coal, fully developed (say six to eight feet thick). Tract No. 3, containing 20 acres, adjoining the above. With similar developments. The lengthy river front gives to these properties many advantages, avoiding expensive land carriage for the oil and coal. No. 4 is a tract in fee of 100 acres, near Franklin, Venango county, Pennsylvania, on French Creek. In addition‘to the above, there are belonging to the Company two superior twelve- horse engines, with boil ers, &c., complete; also two substantial derricks, with complete sets of boring tools. The Company are now engaged in developing the pro perty. working with double sets of hands, under the superintendence of their efficient President. Prospectus, maps, and further information, on appli cation at the Office. dels-l3t ra** THE STAFFUTG STORE OIL t® COMPANY OF WEST VIRGINIA. CAPITAL $9,000,000. in 40,000 Shares, at $5O each. Subscription price $l5 per Share, subject to no further call or assessment. A working capital of $lOO,OOO reserved. Only 90,000 Shares to be sold at the subscription price. The property of this Company consists of the well known Martin or Standing Stone tract, and contains from 2,600 to 3,0C0 acres of land, in fee simple, free from leases, undivided interests, or royalty. Standing Stone Creek (a branch of the Little Kanawha river), and its' tributaries pass through ibis property, and it has upon it a larger amount of boring territory than is owned by any other company in West lt is situated in Wirt county, near the celebrated Rath bone or Burning Spring tract, and in extent of territory is five times greater, and is considered by all experienced oil men familiar with the oil district of West Virginia Quite 6Qp£l* If uot superior, to the Bathbone tract. The Standing Stone Oil Company’s property extends from the Little Kanawha river, near Burning Spring Run, acivs* the waters of Standing Stone Creek, including a portion of Robinson’s Fork and Two Riffle Run, and is Immediately in the Great Oil Break, extending from Burning Spring through by Standing-Stone and Petro* leum to Hone Neck Wells* near the Ohio river, and embraces the line of upheaval. The property of this Company has not been developed for the reason that it belonged to minor heirs, who could not convey until they attained their majority, Wbfch the youngest did afew days ago. Wells are being bored on the adjoining lands, and oil had. It is said that upon this Standing Stone tract oil was first discovered in 1790, On the Devers Farm, adjoining* a well is being bored and oil obtained. The well of McFarland St Jones, on the Morgan land, is near this property* These lands are held in trust by J: N. Camden, Esq,« President First National Bank of Parkersburg, West Virginia, and the Hon. JohnS. Carlile, Senator in Con gress from Virginia,- and- will be. by them- conveyed to the Standing Stone Oil Company, whenever the stock to be dispot ed of by subscription, (to wit, 20,000 shares) shall be subscribed and pmd for. Three thousand six hundred shares of the stock have already been sub scribed and p&id for. Subscriptions received at the Banking Houses of RIGGS * CO., and BITTENHOUSE, FOWLBB, St CO., WASHINGTON, D. C. - del9-lm gggp> OlX;iiAja>S TO i-easE, ON CHERRY RUN. THE GREAT BASIN OIL COMPANY Is now lead, to make LEASES to Developing Compa nies or individuals. Apply, for full particulars, to the undersigned, at the Company’* Office, after 3 o'clock P. M. j tor ten days. 11. S. LEECH, PEEBIDBNT, deKf-lOt No. 1* FABQUHAR BUILDINGS. tSf DAtPHIS AND COLDUDO **’ GOLD MINING COMPANY- Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania, „ _ CAPITAL STOCK, *1,600,000, 100,000 SHAKES—FAK YALUB, H President—JOßE B. ANDEBBOM. DOLSOIOBJ3. Half,^Harrisburg, Wm. B. Freemen. T. C. McDoweJ*, do. Kobt- P. King, Johnßndy, do. John M. Eiley, W. WT Wylie, Lancaster. Charles DeSilycr. Wm. o, Bhute. Colorado:— D. P. SOTJTHWOETH, . „ _ _ Secretary and Treasurer. Office of the Compeny, Ho. *B3 WALEUT Street- Boom No. 0. . Authenticated specimens have been procured from some of the Compsuy's lode., and have been assayed by Professors Booth and Oarrett With the mest tnttßr ing results. Subscrlptloh lists have been- opened at the Office of the Company and at the Treasures’. Office (In terSlEeyenueLHo. 427 CEBSTNUT Stseat, PamS’ and Mechanics’ BaUD-Bulldlng. To orlrtnai subscribers, *3.00 per share, for a limited number Behans. Circulars, pamphlets, or Informatics, «n be obtains* at the Office ol the Company after the nth but. . Octobbb 14.1854. ooIS-S» Oinw, OP TBS PAEKBR PE. WOP TEOLBUM COMPANY, - . He,. 43A Wiinirr Street, ' Phuadespbia, Dee. Id,’ 1064. In pursuance of a resolution of the Board of Directors, cSMP t afrYwm‘be^ 6 hlli f -M*U NUT Street, Philadelphia, on ’WEDNESDAY, the 38th day of December, A. Jjt 1804,.at 10 o'clock A. M. .to take into conslderaden an eifertor the Purchase of a G *™Wik. MOONEY. ddV-lOfc Secretary. WANAMAKHSi* BBOWN. PBOSPXCIVS LOTLE KANAWHA AND SPRING CREEK Ho. 1. Lease, sixteen years, of one acre, known as the HcFarland Lease, sltnated on Bnrnlfig Spring Bun; down, with splendid show of oil; three-quar ters oil to the Company, one-quarter royalty to land owners in tank. ' , Ho. 2. Lease, sixteen years, of one acre, known as the Wilson & Simms Lease, situate on Burning Spring Bun, near the celebrated Lewellen Well, which, when first struck, Bowed 2,600 barrels daily; oue well down, With larse quantity of oil. one quarter royalty. Ho. S. Lease, sixteen years, of one acre on upper Burning Spring Bon; one well down, Ahree-quarters of oil to Company, one-quarter royalty to land holders In tank. " " Ho. t Lease, sixteen years, of three acres, near the celebrated Rathbone Plowing Well; one welt down 300 feet, with excellent show. Royalty same as above. Ho. B. Lease, sixteen years, of one sere adjoining the above lease; well down 300 feet; fine show of oU; royal ty sains as above. Ho. 3. Lease, twenty years, known as the Bum and Bathhum Lease, of fourteen acres, oh the right fork of the Burning Spring Bun; one well down 400 feet, with excellent show for oil; three-quarters of all oil pro cured goes to the Company; one-quarter to the land in terest in tank. This Is a very valuableproperty. There Is room for twenty wells, and when developed will he worth more than the entire capital of the Company. Ho. 7. Five hundred acres in fee simple on Spring Crook. A very valuable property. One-half Is fiat and ravine. Boom for 200 wells. Spring Creek empties Into the Little Kanawha oppo site the Bum and Bathbone Lease above. Surveys have been made, and a company formed to make slack? water navigation on the Kauawhfi Blver, which wul be finished this coming summer, when oil can he deli vered at Parkersburg at a cost of fifty cents per barrel. Oil is now worth fourteen dollars per barrel in Parkers burg. , ; : It Is proposed to take one hundred subscriptions at one thousand dollars each, to pay for the properties, after which companies can be formed to pay largely to original subscribers. - - ntesFEcms ■as*. KANAWHA MB HUGHES BITERS Office, Ko, 208 South Fourth Street, CAHTAIi stock; $1,000,000. TREAOTKER, ELISHA W. DAVIS. PRESIDENT, O. A. WALBORN. DIRECTORS, war. m. bandall, j. e. eidoway, WM. V.IHOGBATH, ELISHA W. HAYIS, SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED AT THE OFFICE.OF THE COMPANY, No' SOB BOOTH FOURTH ST. ALSO AT SO. 3J05 CHESTNUT STREET. DIVIDED INTO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SHAEES OF TEH ($10) DOLLARS EACH, OF WHICH TWENTY THOUSAND SHARES ARE SET , APART TO BE SOLD AT $».50 PER' SHARE, MAKING $50,000 WORKING CAPITAL, TO# ' BE EXPENDED IN DEVELOPING THE LANDS AND PAVING THE NECESSARY EXPENSES OF .THE COMPANY. Tie property of this Company conslete of the fee sim pleand perpetual lease of between l,QOOand 1,100 acres of land in Wood and Wirt e ounttes, Western Virginia. : Nos. land Stare, in fee, simple, and contain about 170 acres, rttnated at Kaaawlm Station, on ern Railroad, abont ten milea above Parjtersbnrd, Ya.i where tie Kanawha river, tie Patkeralrarg and Staun ton turnpike, and tie Northwestern Bailroad Company come together. . Upon this property is eUnated {he Kanawha Station of the HorthweEtern Railroad, which is the most advan tageous saint of shipment for the oil produced in the region of the Kanawha and its tributaries. Ho. 3 is a tract of land perpetually leased from James Robinson, and'oontaine net lees than SCO acres, and ad joins Hoi. lud 2. ■ Ho. 4 is the celebrated Bohinson tract, under a per petual lease, and contains 892 acres, situated in Wirt county, about twelve miles.above the former tracts, on the sonth aide of the Huglies IU ver, and near lie conflu ence with ti e Kanawha, and has a boring front on Koch linn of about two miles. The royalty to be paid on these lenten is ene-eighth of the net proceeds after the Company being reimbursed for expenses and outlay In producing the oil. • fi Ahove the tract on the Kanawha is the celebrated Burning Spring, and near that on the Hughes are many productive wells. At the junction of theee two streams will befouud the best oil-producing territory in West Virginia. . - The eligible situation of this land affords a boring ter ritory of at least seven miles on the two rivers and their tributaries. - - , de2!-8t gay- wii.i,ow eura PBtßoißVa I* COMPANY. DIVIDED IHTO 60,000 SHABBS, OF THS PAB VALUE OF «5 BACH. The few shares yet remaining uttauhsoribed may be had upon application at the office of the Company, or any of the directors. , The oil lands »f the Company consist of the following described tracts, embracing in all one hundred and fifty two (M2)acres: Tract Ho. I—Contains flfty-sls (S 3) acres, situated at the junction of Burns’Bnn and the Ohis river, Witlra frontage on both the river and ran. ' Tract Ho. 2—Contains forty (40) aores adjoining Ho. 1, Hos. 1 and 2 are leased for fifteen years, three-fourths of the oil aecrning to the Company. They embrace the entire valley of the run for nearly one mile. Tract Ho. 3—Contains fifty-six acres, owned by the Company In fee simple, located on Fifteen Creek, which, empties into the Little Muskingum river. Tlie Messrs. Tack Brothers, who have been so successful on the Horse Heck property in Virginia, are now linking a Well on the adjoining traot, within ctr hundred feet of <rar line. **-' del3 lm Kjgp> WAISOS rEXKOI.BUfIS OA2X- The Anrma?MMtlngof the at the Office of the Company, Ho. *l4 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, on MOHDAY, JanuEry 2d, jm, at 12 o’clook noon. An Election for Five Directors for the. year 1863-wUI be Held at the same time., ' „, . - The Stock Transfer Books will be deaed from Dee. 86th, 1884, until January Sd, 1866. ____ _ i de9-tia2 M. B. KRISy, Secretary. HAPLE AHBER Oil, COMYASY. fat? -CAPITAL, *5f10,000.. SHAKES, 100,000. PAB VALUE. *B. 30 00° SHAKBS BBSBBYKS AS D. P BLHJG.' THOMAS I. MAS PH, Trea surer. D. L. LBEDS,. Secretary. • - . BIBBOTORS! - ■ H. D. Fling, I Jodahlßassett, Jr., . Geo. Perklnpine, _ L Thoinas T. Mason, j B. H, Han«e. Subscription Buoks are now open, at* No. 208 Bontn FOURTH Street, munoeh of shares will be sold at $1 per Rttbieel to no far ther assessment*. . • dead 9fc* (\FFIGF QF ASSISTANT QUARTER-, MASTSB. ITILITABY DISTRICT OF PHILADEfc*. PHIA, Wo, T*l KASKS-P-ST. f , Dec. 27.1864. • SEALED: PROPOSALS will be received at this office-, mftii noon of' SATURDAY. December 31.1854, for dili verin e i mmediately at CAMP WILLIAM PENN: 40 piece, b, 3by 6, Hemlock Scantling, 16 feet loagi 24pieees* 4bT 8, HemlockScantling. 16 feet long, - 2,003: feet, Bby *, Hemlock Scantling, 16 feet loa&., 1,53% foot, 2 by 4, Hemlock Scantling,lSfeot lonf&cun-_; nine measure, 1.300 feet, Shy 4) Hemlock Scantling, 12feetlc« •-* nine measure. 1,000 feet. Oak Latb, 2X.lnrtes wide,l2 feet inns,run-' : nik* measure. 3,000 feet Third Common, Inch Pine, Boasds, 16 feet, running measure. ■ 8 Fire Ladders, 2. of 30. feet each, 2 of 54. feet each, *of IB feet each. ■ ' 12 Fire Hooks, 2.ofc3ofoet each, 2 ot each, 6 .of lflfeefceaiiE ■ , ■ 4 kegs of flJnrtSpikes. - 1 keg Wdj-Hhlls. . , 3 kegslfld. Hflll?.. . * kegs IDd, Wrought Hails. The Lumber to.he. Well, Masoned, and approved after dellveryby the United States InspiQfor. v PronosS must ha made nponthftregalar forms, to he had at this office, and most stats, the shortest time for delivery. . „ ~,, . . , .The United States reserves tbo.zl.hi to rejeetallbids ' deemed objectionable- ALBERT S. AStCSUSAD, de2B-4t. jSptalnand Asristant Qnattermsster. , PHONOGRAPH ALBUMS. ARTICLES A admired and popular with *B. most rtttsMe foit present*. Make your purchase* a* Bl F. EBIMRR 8, 624: ARCH Street. Mas on hand a splendid atock. U* OH, COMPANIES. OF THE OIL. COMPANY. ; Beetles will be epened and (übucriptlons racalvedir JOS, IST. BUOH, Sil7 CHURCH Alley. THOMAS J. MARTIN, 85 N. FROHT Street. J. B. HASItETT, BICHKOBD St., aboTU Amt. F. DOEBLEY, 7~" 437 WILDEY Street. de24-8L OF THE OH, eOMPAJNY, PHILADELPHIA^ W. H. KEMBLE, TREASURER, J. E. RID G WAY. OAPITAXi, SBOO.OOQ. WOKKmG CAPITAL) #30,006. pßEsibiorr. JAMES M; CONRAD. SECRETARY A3TD TREASURER, JOHN H, CARR. DIRECTORS, JAMES K. CONRAD, 523 Market street. JOHN H. GRAHAM, 627 Market-street. JOS. B SEBPP*KJ>, 1008 Chestnut street. COATES WALTON, 623 Market street. . WM. HART CARR, 1334 South Broad atreet. PEOIOSAP. GREAT OEKTEAJb OIaOTHXNG HOUSE* THE HOLIDAYS. QYSNTLEMEN’S WRAPPERS! jroiHtisr c, arrison, ; Nos. 1 and 8 WORTH SIXTH STREET, Is sow closing orit the balance of his etockof GISTIIIfM’S WRAPPERS, AT VJERY REDUCED PBICES, ' BUITABM FOE ' HOLIDAY I*R,-EJSEI>rTB. dosstjag . ■ ™ jjoliday Presents KOJR LADDEa - rioh Embroidered LACE CURTAINS, PIANO AND TABLE COVERS, 3DABIABK GXrBTAJtNrS FOR PARLORS. I. E. WALRAVEN, ' MASONIC. HALL,- ! TIG CHESTNUT Street. JJOLID AY PRESENTS. •G. RU S'S E L.L ; .99 NORTH SIXTH STREET, would Invite attenilonto Ms siook of Ins American and Imported • WATCHES, In Gold and Silver: <, GOLD JEWELRY of the Latent Styles,. HANDSOME SILVER WARE. warranted'pure eoln, Ac., enltaMe for HOLIDAY PSESSm*B( - G. RUSSELL, deio tsi - . aa North SIXTH Street Q.RAND EXHIBITION OP presents: G. A. SCHWARZ,. WO. CHESTNUT STREET, ' ABOVB TBNTH. PHIL AD A.. _ Reppectfnlly inforrasiiite customers and the public in tenoral, that He has openodtiow all Ms] ; NEW npPOBTATIONS - of German, French, and English FANCY hOODS AND TOYS. Having vliltedall the largest European Manufactories personally, I am confident that the VARIETY AND CHEAPNESS-OFGOODS cannot he surpassed in thla country. . , * ~ ■ All.are invited to visit the store, whether they purchase or otherwise;, Ov A. SCHWARZ, Importer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer, delQ.smwBt ~ ' „ Q.OODS SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS. 1034 CHESTNUT STREET; •'Often fojrrsale A LARGE ASS(AkKENT OF . * • s .ii 4f*t* LINES HANDKERCHIEFS, Inall varieties, for OHBISTMAS ABB HOLIDAY FBESMCTB, At very Low Prices. . Ladles* hem*iiltched Handkerchiefs, all linear 30c, and upward*. Meis?B hem- stitched Handkerchiefs, all linen, 70c. and Children l * hem-atitched j-firadkenhiefa, all linen, and upwards* • Plain Handkerchiefs, all Hnen, 38c. and upwards. - Lace BanOkeroMe/« r sS to $5O. Embroidered Handkerchief,, $1 to $lO. * Men’s, Women’s, and Children's HandkeroMefs, all kinds, and at prlceavery much helow the present gold basis, -t " : LACE GOODS. AbEOIDMES, and WHITE GOODS Of all kinds, suitable for Presents, at del4-12t **VBRY LOW PEIGBS.’* JJOLIDAY PRESENTS FOR GENTLEMEN, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF GENTLEMEN’ &ITRNIBHING GOODS, suitable fob HOLIDAY VEtJSMESEHS’X'S. J. W. SCOTT & OO.i d«7-18t 81.4 CHESTNUT Street, NOTICE ! ThePropHetorof that Irst-class DRUG STORE,. N. E. CORNER BROAD AND CHESTNUT STREETS, begs to announce that in view of the times he will (until fnrther notice) . , SACRIFICE . lie large and varied stock or Toilet articles, such as FIKf COLOGNES, SPLENDID ODOB OASES. BAKE FRENCH AND BNGMSH PSBFUMES, PO MADES, Ac.. Ac. ELEGANT HAIB ANITBBTH'BRDSHBS, COMBS, And other nsefnl aiiiioleklw HOLIDAY GIFTS, Havana Cigars, of faVOriij-.hrahds. will be sold on the SAME FAVORABLE TERMS.' if application is made AT ONCE. y. delMOtif VMA&—.THB / BEST CHRISTMAS present gentlemen can make to their Zadyfrlends is some useful article of Furuifaxe.Auch as an Escritoire, with Music Stand, Reception, or Rooking Chair, Piano Stool, Marble Top Tableau, f all of which may he had, cheapest and beat, at GOULD & CO.’S Union Depots, Cf. E. corner SECOND and RACE and NINTH and MARKET Streets. de!4-tjal APPROPRIATE HOLIDAY PRESENTS.-» 1 IVOBT TABLE CUTLERY, ' . In mahogany andEosewood Cases. A complete assortment of - / LADIES 5 , GBBTB-, AHD CHILDEBH’S SKATES. For sale, wholesale ah a retifli, by BUBHLER, HOWARD, & CO.; degl-6t* a s%'.-"--v*a.T?MABKET Street, COPART TYLSSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP.— J-A The nnderslgned, hwetofore trading under the firm and style of P. 8; DUVAL & EOH, have this day dissolved- their partnership by mutual consent. The business will be sontlnusd by r. 8. DUVAL. P. 8. DUVAL, B. C. DUVAL. Philadelphia, Dee. 26.1861. -It* h b re t o- A FORE axichinß between 'JOHN W. WIBB and HENRY W. CHILDS, under the name and style of WISE & CHILDS, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, ' JOHN W. WISE,' « HENRY W. CHILDS. Philadelphia, Dec.' 27, 1564. de2B-6t* UXSOAIA OP COMMO^PLEAS FOR THE CITY A$D COUNTT OF PHILADEL PHIA. •' MARIA GOLDKY, by her,%hxt friend, &c. s vs. SAMUEL GOLDEY. March Term, 1864. No. 8. Divorce. To SAMUEL.GOLDET, the respondent above named: Take,notice that the Cotut has this day granted a rule to show cause why a divorce a vinculo matrimonii should not be decreed. Returnable on SATURDAY* January 7, 1865, at 10 o'clockA. M. _ t . FREDERICK ,HEYER, for libellant. December 24,1864, . de2B-wth4t* AOOHJQVO GI.ASSES & PICTURES TRiREDB RICE BOLAND, -Manufacturer of Bvery variflty of LOOKIHG GLASSanh PIOTUBB FKAMES„hnd dealer In BUBOPBAH ARB AMBBIOaH ESGBAVIHGS. , PHOTOGBAPH OVAL FBAMBS. in great variety. de3B-lm* Jfo.-»Sl HorihHIHTH st., above Baoe. J _ HOLMES GROVER EMSEMEI) BLATBMANTEIWABBBOOMS, TABLE TOPS, <&c., No, 833 CHeetimt Street, IPUTT.AnHT.pmA. PACTOBY, THITH A5l) SAHSOM. fl'l CE L EBRATED • t •+&>" ‘ '’ • ■ “ANGBLE'”' .. KID •/ ’ HBW AHD BLBBAHT OUT. A. RUSOH. & 00., ■ tIKPOETEES, ' 34.0 Yiroaawofy, DSew York, del-lm - ' . THE NEXT BR'APT.—CITIZENS’ -t BBBSTITUTB, EBPBBSBHTATIVB. and,VO LUH TEES AGENOY. rW« begleave to Mil the atfcenCon of those who are Drafted, and to those who'are Enrolled and liable to Military alfio to class of persons who are not liable yo draft (Ladies and Gentle mea over forty-five yesrs),ito our Agency forproenring bubsUtutea / and Representatives. Persons should attend to this important matter as once, as the liraft haabeen fixed for the 16th of February next. . We are coins a istjiotlF Legiamate Bnsine'as: we ate famishing men not-liable to the draft as Substitutes and Representatives, as low if-not at lower prices than ;aay other Agency In Philadelphia. The law. allows us pnt Bubstuntaain the Navy or Marine- Corps, to be credited lo in thf State where the principal iabides .!■ To facilitate busiuefs, If pdrsonaliving in or out of the 'dty» who are enrolled, wmfumish xss with a certirfc* icate of theiz enrolment from the Provost Marshal of .their District, they cAn have Snbatttutes sworn .Isto either branch of. this service, Which will folly exempt thofnfrom draft. ... . - Reference can be given to Xaiies and Gentlemen in this city for whom we have done business in this line, and also in the following counties: Chester, Delaware, . Montgomery, Berks, ’ -Bucks, Schuylkill, and North- and Club& ftimished at the lowest cosaihle prices. Liberal arrangements Made with Tovmship Committees to fiß quota* „ r . CaH or address MoNAMTY. P^Bo^> Co., 4M or deSB»6t . Box iOCT Fhiladelphla Post Office. _ PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS—-A LARGE and elegant anortment, suitable forjloliiay Gilts. Come and see them, and yon will find all sizes and styles, B. F. BEIMBB, 6a* ABOE Street M* HO LI DA Y'S DON’T DELAY longerifyoawlehCartesde Yisltemade. Tbenew year is comlnr, Gq early, and avoid, the crowd, to BBIMBB’B, S#Mft> gtreeS above. Green. It* TOSHUA T. OWEN, ATTORNEY, U COUBELLOB AT LAW. AHD 80UG1T0B o OF CLAIMS Office, SSSI TBUeet, nearFourteenthSt., Waehinttoß. D. C. de2o-6m WOOD.WOOD.WOOO-—OAH pine, W. and HICKGES WOOD, firfaale Slowest cart B no»-im* vnnbSTOfcßT wfßlib. % f. 008. SIXli BTBEITg. MOW is THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE, PETERSON’S COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR, 2800. Only 51.50 a rear, monthly. 'R'VTERY 03NE SHOULD SUBSCRIBE COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR. Jp<mtnly, one year, $1,60; semi monthly, one year, $3. sSSfSPEtSSSISS} 1 commence at any time. T.B. PETER f * IB?! HE S. No. 300 CHEBTNDT StrsetT Pblla delphia. All the New Books are for sals at PBTSB SOa’S. , PETERSON’S DETECTOR FOR ■*-JANUARY Ist. SO New Counterfeits are fully de scribed. Also, fall list of broken banks. Price 1A cts. pETERSON’S DETECTOR IS THE J-only reliable one published. Official List of all the National Banhß in January Ist Issue. Price IS cts. It, E M cf B S. BA^S ™IB A TRAIN MISS LOUISA M. AXiOOTT’S HEW NOVEL, MOODS, IS POWERFUL, FASCINATING, AND ENCHANTING. One charter, • • The Gol&en Wedding, " has no equal tKd about'td Croatia * ««*»& be PROFOUND SENSATION WITH NOVEL THE QUEEN OP THE COUNTY, By the author ofMargaret and her Bridesmaids, *? enchants every reader, aaaia unequalledl in, absorbing interest ’ The second edition is selling, LOSING, Publisher, ' 319 VASHCTOTOS Street, Boston, ' COST, LEYPOLDT'S BOOKSTORE, de2B-dt 1383‘CEBSTBIT Street, second door. JJ-IYERSIDE EDITION. ' , > IMS. EARLIEST PERIOD DOWN TO MODERN TIKES.' Elegantly printed on laid tinted, paper in the beat atyle of tile Riverside Press. PRICE $8.75. FOR SALE BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. WIIiLIAM YBAZIB; da22-thaw-3t BOSTON. ■ > CISTERRUTH’S STORIES FOR THE YOtTNOi Or,. Evenings with John Woolman. Priee 7ecenta. _ T. E. CHAPMAN, . deSg-St* . - No. 5 South FIFTH Street. AND RARE H*fForehasets,lbr the Holidays can gratify) * ti j their-tastes, j Hi o* f obtain the moat. Blegant Standard Books,) *TUr u t . beantlfnllyUlnatrated, J Aft L S={and bnyat about one-half the prices 1 * U I charged by any other honse. . J A> I* f whether for American or Imported Books, I * w ) - at the Rooms of the § 'As 1) * J LONDONPRINTING AND PUBLISHING } * 15 "I, COMPANY, f " A* j w Broadway, Hew York, 457 j*M T* |or by order, for which purpose a descrip- I* <3 t Hye price Hat wul be sent. ) » del«-fmw7t JJANDBOMEST PAPERIN AMERICA. The Publishers take pleasure in presenting to the public THE FIjA.Gr. OF OUR. UNION Nnmher One is leaned TO-DAY, and consists of Sixteen Super-Boyal Quarto Pages or Closely-printed Beading Hatter. embracing the greatest variety ofSPARKLING'STO RIES, RACY SKETCHES, THRILLING _ADVBN TDRES, CHOICE ANECDOTES, CHARMING POETRY, HABOKIC MAI TEES, EDITORIALS, MISCELLARY, Ac., See. , fresh from the seals of the BEST The publisher* claim the HEW FLAG to be the CHEAPEST and HANDSOMEST FAPEE is AMERICA. 49* THE FLAG it for sale by 5 '■ -V , FANCY FURS. 1864. ITTJ»B. 1864. A K. d V. K. WOMRATB, OQKBOXB TO THB LATH GBO. F. WOMSATH.I No. 415 Arch Street, KAVH XOW OFXI . A TULL ASSOBTHBHT OF LADIES’ FANCY ITJItS, Te wblrttbay Invite the attention of bnytril ortO-Sce . RADIES’ FANCY FUI». »HIPS. MANUEACTUBEB, AHD DEALER IN FANCY FURS FUBB FOE LAD IBS’ AHD CHILDBSIf’B WKAB, I solicit a call from thoee In want. Kenember the name and number, JOHN YAKUBA, TJB ABCH Street, above Seventh. 1 have no tartner or wnnectlon with any other rtor. IntMcdty. ocS-imlf SHORT. lALBX, REKBOI, Jl> QHARLES EMORY A CX)„ STOCK AND JXCHMCiE BBOKERS, Ho. IS South Third Street, FHILADXU’HXA. All kind, of hncnrrent fond* and Gold and Silver bought and Bold, and Collectione made. Particular attention given to the purchase and cal. of Government, State, and ether Stocks and Loans on •ommlsslon. ' - nol7-foa "; ißAhiioEaas, Puttcnlar attention paid to pnrehase and sale of Oil Stocks. ' XBPEEBsons.—Dreiel Ado., PhlladelpMaiJ. B. Aos tln, Fresldent Southwark Bank. nftvl7-Sm JN&URE YOUR LIFE AUCor, Walnut aud YourthSte., It Is a BOMB OOMFAHY. sad profits dirtied un til,, thus aiding the ie pay fatara premiums. Dart dividend 60 per oent. BOARD S® TBUBTBBB. Alexander Whllldin. J. Edgar Thomson; - Hon. Jams. Pollock, Hpn. Jm. Allison, AlbertO. Boberis, HejuyK. Bennett, BamnelT. Bodine, FUUp K Mingle, GSoiHngent, John Attman, Wm. J’Howard, , Isaac Harjehnni, Htmusi work. ■ _ ALBXAHDEB WHHiLDIH, Frealdent, SAHPEIi WOBK, Vice Frofldent; noTO gmlf- JHO: BTWILBOH. Sec’y and Treaanrer. A TJTEWS HAIR FOE REBTOKMG GRAY HAIE to lte original color In thiee days, by applying it night and morning, after which yon can u»e any kind'ot oil; with the fluid, sad as often asyou think it necessary; Fersons who have once had Ham Bn appijefl need only use the ■ fluid oyer afterwards; It saves all troabla of wAWmr, or any preparation whatever. ■ ■ TASTEUJD AND SfUgSTANTIAL OLyTHINa SEW PEBLIOATIOXS. THIS WEEK ONL7, .BALANCE OF HOLIDAY BOOKS, THE BISTORT OF THE JEWS, j. by henry hart millhan, d. d., DEAN OF ST, PAUL'S. in thre£ voujheb, crown octavo. Reprinted fVom the newly revised and corrected LONDON EDITION. • PUBLISHED BY BOOKS. HENRY A. BROWN, - IN ITS PRESENT FOB2I. is THE COFNTBTI Newsdealers Everywhere. SINGLE COPIES, 10 CENTS. EEICB, «4'A-¥B4jB. 4: WISCH, 505 CHESTJTOTF Start, ■" : r General Arent. JOHN FABMBA, He. Tl 6 ABCH Street, above Seventh Stnet.’ At hla eld eatablirted itoMi v.aTvmß AND OHILDBEH. FINASeiAL. STOCK. AND EXCHANGE BROKE2S. Mt RODTH THIRD STREET, PHII.ABSI.PHIA. insurance. IH THB A M E R 1.-C: A. W, fIILABIAMiA. WANTS. ' ■RANTED IMMEDIATELY, FOB £ BANKING!- HOUSE. A LARGE 800 ON THE FIRST FLOOR, Having tlvaXtitught, located on CHESTNUT Street, between Second and Fifth streets. •Apply to G. M. TROUTMAN, , At No. 1C Bontfe THIRD Btraet. A YOUKG MAN WANTS A. PLACE as Porter jjt & Wholesale Dry Good'. Johhinz. or OommlsHion Bonse. Understands Paekm?, Markin*. a®d Shipping, and has twelve years* reference from his last place. Address ‘*o. P., 1 * ffygeg Office, WANTED—A STORE, ON CHEST. T „?JI T ., cr fKCH Sbent. «Mt of Broad. AJdras Boat 667. Philadelphia Peat Office. cle23 3t» WANTED-BT SINGLE GENTLE * MEM, with, or without Breakfast, * mite of BOOMS (two or three), to he need ae Chattfhers ami Sit- Ueg Room. Address Box 672, Phila. P. o. da2B-3t Wanted—a situation in ant ’» BEKPECTABLE BUSINESS, BY A GRADUATE g*.CBITTBHDEH:B COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, (Age SO.) Address “B. B. W.,•' Press office. ds2B-3t« Wanted—the advertiser a Rositioa as a BUYER in a Dry Goods pooping bouse, at auction and private. He is-vrelf ae- WANTED—IN AN IMPORTER’S OP. f f FICBf a smart, active Liß sixteen or seventeen years of age. Address, by letter, oe mi VBILLBR & CARLETON, deSB-2t* ?16 N- FIFTH Street. WAITED-A SITUATION AS fr Salesman, lathe Wholesale Grocery, Flour, Fro* dace. Fish, and Provi'Kidir business. by one who under stands the busfppßs. Address ** B. F., 7 * Press ottce, it* WANTED—m A DRY* GOODS COM " * MISSION HOUSE, an ENTRY CLERK who has some knowledge of Address, with refe rence, Box 2378 Post Office, stating about how much sa lary expected. / Omd*™' ****s&&■ WANTED, BV A YOUNG MAN * ' ..from the West, a Situation's Assistant Clerk in a good Hotel, Can influence considerable custom. A moderate compensation only expected the first year. First-class reference given. Address 4 *Hoosi*i J *M>ma office? It* WANTED-BY A PRIBT-CLASS * rn’ *? a « smatl *■? si tuation in a Jobbing Dry Goods or Cloth House? has a large acauaintance West. No Honee. 01 Addr«sa Tel> lU * “ mUBt 1,8 for A Ho ’ OSE ** A B. , Press office. WANTED—BY A YOUNG ;MAN, A '' situation 06 BOOK-KEEPER or Assistant, Bast reference given. * * - „ _ Address **B. A. 3.,” 80x584, de2B-2t* .WANTED—BY A DAD OF BETEIST f f TEEN, who isjiowi and has been for two and a hair years, at the High School, a SITUATION in a Commission or other respectable business, at moderate salary. Best of references. Address . * f M. 5..” de76-6t« . this Office. WANTED—AH ACTIVE INTEREST ' ’ In some good paving business.. Will Invest five or (jix thousand dollars, and lias considerable influence and experience. Add ress * * Capital. ** at tills office. WANTED, AGENTB.—AGIiNTB IN * ’ evwnr County, at *7O s*»% expenses paid, to introdncejEftesn »eg and useful article*. the beat eell- Jff ofiered- For particular*, address OTIS T. OAKEY. BTOPBEOEP. MAINE. ocaS-d&Wam A N EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER , desires a Situation. Can'furnish beat of city re ference. Address **H W,,” office of The Press. deiS-St* A YOUNG MAN FROM THE COHN ** TRY .aid a graduate of •Crittenden’e Commercial College, who has served three years as an offlcerjn the army, has had experience asbooklceepe.rend salesman, IB .an excellent penman, wishes a situation in a good house The best of references given. Address “E,” Press office. - de2B-4t* A LADY FROM NEW ENGLAND TT , w ? n ! 4 a Situation as a Companion for an elderly lady. Is a sooi reader, and can ran a Wheeler & Wilson Setrlng MacMne, and make herself generally nsefnl. Object, a good home. Address - Mrs. 8. W. MASOS, Pres* office. Ayoukg man, THOROUGHLY AC- QtFAUSTEI) with Money, Book-fceepinr, and who canspeak, read and write German and English, wishes a SltuatlOJi in an office where he can make use of ~hi« knowledge. Address "P. L, K.,” 8052572, P. O, a gents wanted fob the nurse AND SPY—The most intereiting and exciting book ever published, embracing the adventures of a woman in the Union army as Nurse, Scout, and Spy. Giving a most vivid inner picture of the war. Betoraed and disabled officers and soldiers, in want of profitable employment will find it pecaliarly adapted to tbeir condition. JONES BBOS. & CO., 600 CHESTNtIT Street, Philadelphia. * de23-ija9* A BSIBTANT book-keeper want ■“■ID lia HAT AHD STBAW GOODS HOUSE on Market street. Address ‘*A, B, ~V tHs Office de23-6t* fjLERK WAHTED.-A STUDY •>', young HAN; who writes a good, legible hand, can at No. 33 South THIRD Sfareet^up I?MPLOYMERT HOUSE, THE LARG estand most reliable, for city and country. Has always a good selection of capable - persons, with good references.' Americans, Irish, English. French, Ger man. Scotch, Welsh. and newly-landed emigrants, as Gardeners, Farm Hands, Coachmen. Watchmen, &e» Cooks, C&ambezm&ids, Seamstress, Laundresses, Waitresses, and general Housework Servants. Also, Colored Servants. Nos. 802 and 804 LOCUST Street, above Eighth. deL9-lm PACKER.—AN EXPERIENCED Packer wanted in a Market-street Hat and Straw Goods home. Address "B. M., ” thie office, de23-6i* rro OIL CQMPAifEBS.—TER trcfDS?. _ -§:_BIOSED, bavlnje had experience in organizing and Incorporating OIL COMP ABIES', belieYesthat parties forming the same \rill find it advantageous, both in. time and money, to con sult him. CHAB. HENRY BROOK, JTo. 12 Mercantile Library* No - 13SS - K ?h r £&. m WANT TO PURCHASE—A CON- EttYENIKIST HOUSE, near the Central High School; about 12 rooms. Price not over $7,000. Address 4 MC. M, D., ” with particulars. at this office- It ■m WANTED TO RENT—A MODERN »aII>WBLUEG HOUSE, with at least twelve rooms, and usual conveniences, between Bace street and Gi rard avenue, and east of Sixteenth street. Best not to exceed $OOO. Address LEWIS L. HOUPT, de24-St* 388 WALffUT Street. . m A FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED Jet -Address “B 8.,” at this office. de24-st« 4&195 A MdNTH—WANTED— sPaAjw AGENTS everywhere to Introduce the new SHAW 4c CLARK SIXTEENDOLLAB FAMILY SEW ING MACHINE, the only low price Machine in the coontrywhichla Kcmseabj Grover & Baker, Wheeler & Wilson, Howe, Singer A Co., and Baehelder. Salary and expenses, or large commissions allowed All other machines now sold tor loss than forty dollars each are infringements, and the sellar and -amt-liable. Illus trated circulars mol free. Address SHAW & CLARK; nolfi-d&w&n BIDDKFOKD, Maine FOB SAFE AND TO FET- ID EAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE JLV BPAU ESTATE, BBAI, ESTATE. BEAL BSTATJ& EEairYSTATB. UJW.MGWTHLZyOATALOGUB JUST OUT. : HEW MOJSTHLTTJATALOGUB JUST OUT. HEW MONTHLY CATALOGUE JUST out!. FOB JANUARY. FOR JANUABY. "** FOB JANUARY. FOB JANUARY. FOR' JANUARY. FOB JANUARY. CONTAINS $5,000,000 WO R PH. CONTAINS #5,000,000- WOBTH. , -CONTAINS #5.600.000 WOBTH. - COPIES FOR GRATUITOUS DICTBIB HTrONL COPIES FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION; .COPIES FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION, MILLER’S CATALOGUE OF REAL ESTATE for sale exceeds in importance to buyers anything of the kind ever published in this city, -do matter by whom.: Ho person should' fail to get one If they wish to purchase city property. GEO. G. HILLER. Practical Beal Es tate operator {for the last 20 years), 154 b North SIXTH Street. - • de2B-wths3tif ■POR SALE—TWO FIRST-CLASS A MILK itO UTSS and Appurtenances complete; plen ty of Milk; good stand .for Milk and Ice; Stabling tor three horses and wagons on the premises. Win be sold together or singly. Apply at Ho. 13X1 SHACKA- MaXOH Street, after 2F. M. de2B-St* fVTL WELLS.— IOO ACBES OF' OIL A' TERRITORY FOR SALE, 2 miles from Franklin, Pa. One Well on Oil Creek nrodnceaS barrelsperhonr; two more Wells ready to pomp. Address “Ai D K.' 1 Tress office. . . . de2S-6t* OEL' LANDS FOR SALE.—Ai F&W choice tracts of Land or Leases In the Ohid Oit Beeion will be sold low if allied for soon. Address " Box 2319, ’ Philadelphia Post Office. de24-3t* «FOR SALE—THE GREATEST BABGaINOF THEAGE.—The lario-fonr aod flvo story BUILDING, H. W. corner THIRD Street and HARMONY Court (OPPOBite the Exchange.)- Lot 22 feet front by 120 feet deep on Harmony court, price *25,003; eost *40,000. Will rent for *B,COO.- Only. #,OBO osah. r %28-wthß3ttf MILLBB, EgjbNprtaiSlNTH Street. m FOR SALE-NO. 8W NORTH JEITHIEB Street, LAEGB STOKE and DWELLING. Lot 20 feet front by 180 feet deep to Bilwya.Btreet, wiih two story warehouse on that floor. rAuirjt-ratelocaitoy for a wholesale Uqnor dealer dr de2B-wths3tlf MILL SB, 15* Horth SlZTH'Btre.t. M BAKE CHANCE EQR CAPI-A TALISTS. to sold at public sale on3u • THUBSDAT, December 29th, 1864*0n the premises, in Abington tow 5 ship, Montgomery* county,. Pa. „ that valuable -FJCRM, -SOO sores, fronting «n the - road, DonaaecLiby lauda ot Elijah DuiensSHaas Kirkrftßd others. A publio coad, lead ing fronrFitxwatertowu to Jenki&towh, sasseathronch. the farxSkfe&Ua mile from BdgehiU Station*. on*ihe Norths , PeßnsylT«se Bailroad, and -twclve miles from Phila delphia Thwsoii is limctone, of excelleofe'qiaaity, and! in a good state of cultivation and fertility. Thera is about 42 ftcfresftf good wood l and, and about a) acres, of meadow; thrcSgh which ihfJSandy Bda Cseek* a con stant stream, basses. The Improvements are a largu atone dwelling viouse, larga-ttoneb&ra* gone wagon house, and othenonthnUdlngs. Stone tenant andeprisg honse otor eTupccelleat spring of water. Thera Is an inexhaustible Tquarry ot-ftooa limestone on the pre mitee, and two limekilns, that hays done an extensive business. A large portion of this flam is supposed to contain iron ore. It is nma'eccssajgc to give any farther information, as those wishing to pnrenase aze> invited *to view for themselves,'by calling on Mark P. Stoat, on the premises, or th'ft subscriber, near by, who will show the same and &ve any information which may be desired. Sale to comment*. 2 o’clock. F* M. Condition* at sale.. -vtlrr**- - jfOBBPH LQKBSTS, * y Agent fprSev. O, W. Bidgely. Georsb ; lt^ m for sale or exchange—, ■slskiegsnt Fdnr-itory DWBLLTHB, south side of SFBIHH HASDEo Street, west of Thlrleenth. nearly opposite the form tain. Frio?, $3,000. snbtect to *4jjor ground rent. 65 s *. • de2B-2tit 4541 North SIXTH Streets » FOBS BALE-TWO NEW HOUBEa", With Three■ story double Back BuUdlngs, SfO- 358 18ft Horth TWaBTIETH Street. InqglaetEMfthe Eulliing. diSittj. m FOR BALE —10,500 ACRE& GOAL 3C end Timber LAND, in Centre county,. Fla. Easy; accessto markets by rail and water. AppVyto 'i JOSEPH S. jfeoAr,s. de2*.fraw4t« 889 AHOH Stre j£vbii3ia. OATJAwBA wine»,. ! tn Qaarts and Pints. - Also, SWEEP AND DKY CATAWBA ,WIHK AND CATAW ■ BA BBADBY, made from the Par'd Jnlce tof the Catawba drape. For sale at HAKTLBY ’ty Catawba Wine Agency, daso-ltt . , , 53 Horth FIFTH Strest. “900 000 M5J88.”-THE SOONER tJAA/eV/VV/ Townships and Wards oill at this office.and All np ftnotas, the totter. SIO MAE KET Street. fde24-6t*l . J. J. BgHLEBAHT A CHANGE TO AVOID THE DRAFT. t Princir/als, Famished with Babstltutes at the AT PEASONABWS.PBIOES, AMUSEME«TTB. A MgjllGAK ACADEMY Qg XCUSIOj tom and SfitaMW ■•—••• ,«**••;..-JOHN j?:' (Also of tßeHoJlday-rtroot Tlioatre.Baltlinon: FridS New Theatre, WtoMUton; and tio Alaxaadrt* (Y«t Tbaatre.) Btaco Miaator—JOHN B. WEIGfISU LAST TWO NIGHTS -BSSISgjgSS LAST TIME THIS sISSoN ’ LAST TIME THIS M 9, _ _ ’ JAOK A CAI)E. laJadEd^d-.^t.Tra^of OB THB KENTISH BEBBLIfIOIT. H&rtftfiiidovi PuVi CUS'ißfdiitaMoVrtdfttto• Jb&H , FBIPAT. Dumber 9>' r * BBffBFIT . . A3l7> lAS? APPEABAJJCB OP - _ , EBWIBT FOBBEST, When he ifSI appear as PABfOIT, _ * nr chkhstkas jjlgg^pSg* the pericrn&acß cwtimsictuipreciselr it" HAM PAST SBTEjf. _ coscitfimß o’clock, ■ . re^lar*nfin * rtW * Si “ d st * l * oa <* roln raJiom«B>.rtr« ACADEMY OF MUSIS'. HOEID&YjFBSTIYAU BENEFIT OT 1 .ME. H-OOD. WEDNESDAY NIOHT. DecomJjfrr 28,18 M. OELY COMEDY i WIGHt AT..TWB AOADjistT/ BHakefeSean »l!5 TBJfOTOir _ _ pnpm!^™OT^W^OKBDMWi.- gSS SKSSS: $3%. JOH^f .*2l*.following- Popular Actuate, la addiCton. to raUF otters, will appear: . Mrs, ALEXIN A FISHER BAKjJR,^ Miss ALICE GRAY, Mrs. JOHN R. SCOTT." Mr. J: LEWIS SAKfcB.. Mr. JOBNUIpCULLOUSH. . .Mr. BAMURL HEMPCg- The entertainment willTOmm«acß'oa.tfie*»aunC . - Aois ULD (yDA'ED', ~ After Which, Blanche’* Musical CoraeaiettS'Of a* LOAN OF A LOVKE, _ . With the Original Menlo. Gertrude, with eongs Mies AlexlnaTfelier Baser Peter Spike. Mr 3. Bawls Baker To conclude with Bbakspeare’s Comedy 6f TAHIHG A SHESSW. ,Mii» AitoeGf»y PetnicMo... •«««»•• ftrnmio Katharine....... Tie Orchestra, tinder ihc direction of ■ , MR MARE HASSLES, will perform a number of Musical Ckma drfrhst B* evening. . _ Adraissimi to Parctnet, Parquet Circle, and Balcony, SO cents, Family Circle and Ampbubeatre, 25 conic. Poore open at 6jj. Commence at 7K- ■ de»-2t AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MBBXO. CHRISTMAS MATINEES t . WEDNESDAY and 6ATOBDAY»Docember 28 and 31.' Doors open, atl o’clock; commence at 2 o'clock. aoo Yoirsa ladies and chtldrksl ■ auoyouNo ladies and ohildbbn. in a grand Floral Entertainment, entitled tie CORONATION OF THE BOSE, arranged OT ™ E KoBfi - CNSCHPiSSED EXCELLENCE, > tmSDBPASSBD. BXCRLLBNO& S ”INFANTI£MCE IRNOCENCB’' alone are capable of displaying. . Director...,-.,,.. Professor; JOHN B3WE& Admission to all parts of tie bouse 25 cents. SeserveA feats, without extra charge, may now be obtained at 1/ B. Gould’s, Seventh and Chestnut streets, and at tier’* Academy on the day of the performance. v de2s-g* - TtfEW OHESTHUT-ST THEATRE.— ' £2 OBKSTHTJT STREET* aboYQ TWELFTH. GROVER & SlNN.™..........Leasees and Hanacess. * WEDNESDAY, EVENING, December 28, * LAST NIGHT BU$ ONE of the revivalof the grand, romantic, musical, pant-H * mimic, spectacular drama. ALADDIN; OK, .' THB WONDEBFUL .LAMP, Properties, Grand Dances, Marches, Transformatiomw Great Cast of Characters, and, in fart, every auxiliary that Tn H-fto it such a GREAT SUCCESS LAST BEASOJL THE GRAND CORPS DE BALLET, ComleHde of EIGHTEEN BEAUTIFUL TOUNG LA. DIES, lea by the celebrated Premiere JDansenae, „ MISS Kate PEKfiorJSB, will be found unapproachable, HISS EFFIB GBRMCN as Hr. EL F. Stone aj Tie Evening entertainment will conclude witlt the ecreaming farce of - TOUR LIFE’S IE DANGER. Friday ana satubday evenings. Dec. so ana si. FIRST APPEARANCE ON ANY STAGE = ANNIB°B’ARCY, a young lady resident of tits city. SATURDAY AFTEEKOoS. Dee. 31, TWENTIETH GB4ND FAMILY MATINBB. LAST TIME, POSITIVELY, OF ALADDIN. WALNUT-BTREET THEATRE. w thi i ssffmsra* §¥• *■ LUCILLE WESTERN In. Had&me Celesta’s Oriirinal Military Drama Of THE FRENCH SPY; . THE STORMING*OF ALGIERS. To conclude with the beautifal Drama of the . ADOPTED CHILD; Or. THE HONEST FISHERMAN'. MRS. JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCH ATX STREET THEATRE. LAST RIGHT BUT HIRE OF Mr. J. & CLARKE TO-NIGHT (Wednesday), Dec. 28, ISB4, OUR AMERIOAN COUSIN. AeaTrenchard ~ J. S. CLARKE. To conclude with PAUL PET. Pftlll Piy, >MM H »♦■!» »•»! J, 8. SBSEtety BUILDINGS—TENTS B- AM OHBBTKTJT. NOTWITHSTANDING TEEIB GREAT SUCCESS. ; In consequence of the Halt heme pro- enraged. Mr. and Mrs. HAKSY WATKtNK Mi. ana M® HABBY WATKINS, nee UOSltfA SHAW. Are compelled to announce. as th« Tbre<* Nighi*-' ' WEpJfBSPAT. THURSDAY, A2fD FRCPAY. Of fehAir NOT6I, Mosieal. and HnmftfOtß Rutflrtatmnawt. t ■■■- PHOTOGRAPH! A#Ju .^ gB «»^»£to e cißY, : Who pronounce Photograph- an?. the most ttnicnxe* novel, pleating, charming. deilghtfnl style of amusement ever submitted to imbhc patro* sate. Everybody finds Borafflhtng to LADGH, APPLAUD, AND TALK ABOUT . Among their Breathing. LIYING PHOTOGHAPHS.OI' ECCENTRIC CHAEAC TEEB, aa rendered by Mr. and Mrs. Watkins, wh» atempeme their entertainment with plenty of _ SONGS, DANCES, AND COMICALITIES. Doom open at 7. Begin at 8 o'clock. Tickets 15 cents. Eeteryed Beats, SO cents. li« /CHESTNUT STREET OPERA HODS* V TBOOPE CHESTBCT-STBEET OPEEA HOUSE TBOITPK CHESTNUT-STREET OPEBA HOUSE TKOUPK CHESTHUT-STHEET OPERA HOUSE TKOUP* WILL PERFORM IK THE CONCERT HALL CONCERT HALL , CONCERT HALL . DURING TUB HOLIDAYS. DURING THE HOLIDAYS. DURING THE HOLIDAYS. DURING THE HOLIDAYS: DURING THE HOLIDAYS. de2Mt TWO GRAND STEREOFTICOH A EXHIBITIONS OF ENTIRELY NEW VIEWS, PEES B™T S E R°I R C H , . . ' thIED Street, below Federal, on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS, December , Iffith and 29th. 18K Adolfs* tickets, 25 cents. Children, 35 cents. ‘ Commence at 7# o'clock. da2B-2fc» eiGNOR-BLITZ, ASSEMBLY BUILD- M IN GS, TENTH and CHEBTHUT Streets. *«>»? Affemcot and Evening Muring HOLIDAY WEEN, at 3 and 7k o clock. 1 WONDERS OF MAGIC, MYSTERIES OF VENTBI -s®iShffli2aSo?^£* M ' Admission, 25 cents. Children, 15 cents. Seserreft. seats, 50 cents d a» ASSEMBLY BOTEDrPTG—SBYErrTH /J- CLASSKIAL MATINEE of the PHILADELPHIA CLASSICAL QUINTETTE Cl ,ÜB. At three o’cleck, „ , .WEDNESDAY,.December2B, IS«. . Single tickets at the door, SOcents, 4 e2L4t JUVENILE CONCERT BY. THE ** BLIND, WEDNESDAY, Deeemtor 28th, i,{S% P. M. Fancy Articles, suitable for Holiday P resents. Store, No. 11 Sonth EIGHTH Street. ■ lt<^ fIBRMAOTA ORCHESTRA—P’ aBLSC u REHEARSALS eirery SATURDAY, at 3 K o’clo* P. M; at MUSICAL FUND' HALL. Single f rickets. SB cents. : Stx Tickets, 81: to be had at Gould*' 8 , Andre’*, and Meyer a Music theHajJ. CS RI ST REJECT B D.— This admlrablo plotnie, the greaieeky' rodactlon «t the painter West. Is now on MtMbiaoaat a? 3 ACADEMY OT FINE ARTS, 1035 CHESTNUT St* eet, togethM With the entire ooUectlonofthslxuititotice . AflmtßmMe twenty-jive cento. noi4-2m* TJXHIBITION Ot? OF ART, Au POR THE RENaFET OF THE GHT lISTIAN COM. MISSION, at the * . ACADEME OF FIHSAJBf •8. An Exhibition, of a Prlvate GoHeol of Workeod Art, In Paintings, Sonlptare, Waten/ Color, rye other Drawings, Engraviwm he., to now, oeen at thaPsnic grivimla Aeadsany optoe Arto,: Ito.. 10R5 CHSSTEITg chM^y^. 10 r -. a ' ** Admlarian 3tct».iseasoß.Tlokala 'SO cte. noX-tjgad 'THE ACADEMY OF. ARTS. CHESTNUT Street, ftbovo Tenth, is OPEN DAILY for jnrafli fe to« P. M. i JO ACTRESSTiScr-YOUae A actresxcs who are little accnstijr'Ad to the usee* ‘•etoge 3toMrra-hp” wttl EtdWst'le Paris’’ mUbnamaere allihc evils r»'«TiSdngfromi2teU#. of paints, toarder, and roars. The “Emati" to not « palnt, bai.|t- preserves ul toan'daesthe skin, brm- te&nwS «T Aim, KOCN®. BY A LADY, ssyia; V; * POCffE^BPOK, toniatotog, a* far aa rymoaected, (1) one fifty-doHar uo««, two twenties, an/i ten, with acme ebangeta : ForihwS<K3nMof ’|rx^:wd^t^KET i StrettA , _ C6w»Zy •' ■ 1 Lost or tpsh&m-± crr^fi- CATE. Ko-.94 fcraOne ijasAred Stares of tke **liw trtn Petroleum Oil Company. * * e»r ha's becoizakd« to. the Company gw- a wi deSft-tf Hos. 30 aad 33 Sonth SBVBHfflff street EX^toRSIONS. SMBSHB WEST CaESTBB BMtVrmU-. AND PHir.Amw.Pmi ttun. CHRISTMAS EXCURSION. ExcnrsJoj Ticket! to WEST CHXSTBKwiIt be eoW rood from December. 24th to JaanaxrSd, iaclsStre. - Fare for round trip $1;36. ■“*** a rvoOD, de2S-4t Superintendent. ASSISTANT QTJARTEBMAB- OFFICE,No. *7* South TWBp BU Vefselawanfed to M. 0.. “ a KwW “‘- Ka - "k>s? b r. jmtums. ieSS tf Captain and jL Q. M. BT/KEPER’S UMBRELLA MANU "T*PACTOBX, MABKBT Street, one Boar above A Tenth. d«KAt» -OOR HOLIDAY GIFTS NOW 18 THB X time logo to B. F. REIMER’S Gallery, 0»* ABC* Street. Mis piotqree areenperior, and immense favor itegy Oo early, and avoid the crowd. lt» TEIE cheapest and best place mßhsxmsE&mx. mmm work. ■ ALADDOT. Kazrao.