THE CITYi CHRISTMAS AND ITS ATTRACTIONS,. Whatever ho the dullness of the skies or the times; whether war Is desolating the fields and sad dening the hearts of a people, or the heavehs are overcast, and weigh us down with their leaden, sul len look, the return of Christmas Is as a flood of sunshine over a darkened world; and the more sombre the hour of its advent, the more fitting is the day, for then It paints tha occasion which It celebrates In appropriate colors. It tells us that, In gloom and despondency, In a econo of humble pover ty, and in a tirno of the year when nature seems mourning for her dead, occurred the mostmomon tons and joyful event of the world’s history. Is It Hot fitting, then, that we should celebrate this time ■with thanksgiving and merry-making 1 Yes, there needs no seer to tell us this; our hearts respond, as with one universal voice, “ It Is fitting.” - , To roach the first celebration of Christmas we juuEt follow the muse of history far, very far back into her ancient traditions, until m near the great event itself. But the manner of doing honor to the Uay was very different from the present, and has been different still in all ages and In all countries where Christianity spread her benign influence. The memory of the old yule log and the boar’s head, and the rest of the jollity of the olden Eaglish Christmas Is one of the earliest and most pleasant Of our childish recollections ofTHstory. , But in these days we have a different and more quiet way of enjoying Christmas, and wo think it an improvement on the olden one. We appoint no master of the revels, but in Ms place we have that delightful old fellow whom all of us when we were young loved so much, and towards whose mythical memory we still look with such tender regret. The custom of bestowing presents upon Christmas day is one to the pleasure of which we can all testify, both as to the giving or receiving. And the display Of bright goods and costly ornaments which this custom causes affords a very grateful pleasure to' the .eye. . There is another custom, too, Incident to our Christmas merry-making and very popular with nearly all clases. On one night In the year the strict authority o! the law relaxes with the kindly influence of the time, and Christmas Eve Is allowed a night of uproar arid riotous mirth. Last Satur day night exhibited this custom, not to such a great extent as we have seen It, yet so fall that Eighth and Chestnut.streets seemed then pandemoniums and not earthly places. From early dusk', whoa, by fhtTquestlonable music of the horns, which" cus tom has adopted to make this of all ; nights hideous, till mis3Jgkt passed and ushered, in the happy, Christmas Day, these streets were; thronged With pleasure-seekers, of all ages and con-; dittos. The swaying of the vast crowd to and fro, the olamor of a thousand voices, the rushing hither thither of excited people in search; of missingj friends, the braying of trumpets and horns,: all combined to make the scene a, vast Babel,' in which, no sense or reason seemed to dwell. And yet the happy time which called this vast throng forth from its dwelling-places, kept It In a rude good-humored kind of order. Very fow disturbances occurred, jand [this were only of a trifling character. Bacchus had his usual number of intemperate votaries, some of whom were taken patronizingly by the arm by the tall reserves of the; police force, and escorted to Fifth and Chestnut streets whence, after a short continuance in " du rance vile,” they were dismissed with wishes of a merry Christmas and the usual compliments of the season; And so Christmas eve passed merrily. Christmas; day came fast upon Its heels, with its brightness and gayety and joy, and worship of the Source or all Us pleasures. Lot us.thank God for Christmas. working-ivomen’s fair. The Working-women's Relief Associat ion is now holding a fair at No. 756 Arch street, where are ofiered for sale, besides the usual quantity of toys and sweetmeats, clothing, and other articles of use and fancy, which have been made by worthy womeh necessitated to work for their living. The entire profits of their labor was paid over to these women, and the fair, conducted as-it is for so estimable an object, should" certainly reeelve the kindest atten tion at the hands of our benevolent citizens, It will he continued during the holidays. , : . SOLDIERS PROM. NASHVILLE. Capt. A. Haight, with 157 soldiers and 25 guard, from Nashville, Tern., was fed at the Cooper-Shop Saloon yesterday afternoon. ;Thoy all expressed themselves highly gratified with the reception. The soldiers were en route for Now York, to take a ste amor for another part of the continent. . - r death op a veteran of 1813. fSHenry Habcrmohl, a soldier of the Union during Its second struggle with England, died at his late residence, South Sixth street * below Fiizwater, on Saturday afternoon. ELECTION TO MEMBERSHIP OK THE HISTO- RICAL SOCIETY. At a meeting of the Historical Society of Penn sylvania, on the 12th Instant, on motion Of Col. J. K. Snowden, the Kev. Alfred Kevin, D. I), was elected a member of the society. ' PHILADELPHIACURLING CLUB. ,> The second trial of skill oomes off this afternoon. "While there is ice to play upon there will be curl ing,every afternoon. The club consists of over 30 members. FATAL RESULT, JR Walter Tobin, thirty-five years old, residing in El fretli’s alley, who was badly Injured on Friday by a block and tackle falling on him, while working on the steamship E. C. Knight, on the Delaware, above Race street,-died Saturday morning at the hospital, He leaves a wife and three children—the youngest an infant. UNITED STATES MILITARY - SCHOOL ; FOR *' OFFICERS. East week Morton L. Kellogg, latd second lieute nant 162 d New Y'ork Regiment, a student of this sehooi, passed the Board of Examiners for Officers of Colored Troops, at "Washington, and was recom mended foroaptain. ATTEMPTED SUICIDE, Jas. Clatierly was arrested on Saturday evening, at Twenty-first and Spruce streets, on the charge of drunkenness. He was taken to the Central Station and placed In a cell. Soon after he was heard making's strange noise, and it was found he had cut his throat. The wound, although serious, was not Immediately fatal. The wounded man was taken to the Pennsylvania Hospltsl. According to his own admission he is, a deserter and a bounty jumper. . r On Saturday morning, between one and two o’clock, flames were discovered in the coffee-roast ing and spice mill of J; E, Bowles, situated upon an alley on Second street, above Race. The building is a twc-and-a-half storied brick. The roof and upper portion were destroyed, and' the lower part, was flooded with water, doing some damage to the machinery and stock. Yesterday morning a frame house on Spafford street, near Shippen, was slightly damaged uy fire. THE POLICE. [Before Mr. Alderman Beitler. 1 SHARP PRACTICE. A young woman, named Jennie was arraigned on. Saturday, on the charge of defrauding a colored woman, named Heed, out of the price of making up a dress. It seems that a short time since the defendant, having procured the material for a handsome dress, desired to have it made up in a style of, fashion that should appear second to nothing on Cheetnutstreet. The work was accomplished, the seamstress being re quired to procure certain trimmings. On seeding it to the yoiu'g lady’s residence, in the "vicinity Of Lombard and "Twelfth streets, iha; messenger Was told that she must not leave the article without re ceiving the pay therefor. Upon taking the dress home the message was communicated t > the defendant, who replied very ptca«Rntiy that “it was all right; cer-. tainly.ccmein.” The dress was tried on,and it fitted in every respect, -The defendant re quested, the messenger to be.seated until si e should return with the money. Theyouuglady, thus attired, want into another room, trcin which she ttarted for the street. The "messenger welted" and waited, until she came to the. conclusion that she bed been taken in and done for. The defendant wssjequired to enter bail in the sum of SiOQ to answer at-conn. - .; ' ■ s VERY DISORDERLY CONDUCT, "William Hagert and John Oarberry were arraigned on Saturday on the charge of misdemeanor. It is alleged ttu y went to the lager beer sa.oon ol Lonis Grosch,near Twenty third and Vine tweet;, a few rights since, beat Mr. G,, and also his wife .then broke.pitchers, glasses, shutters, end smashed things generally. One of the de fondants, ills alleged, made .an attack upon the officer who arrestf-d him. -The Prisoners were required to en ter bail in fhe sum of $1,200 to answer at court. A BOUNTY-JUMPER OR DESERTER ARRESTED. On Saturday evening a man who was behaving disor derly in the vicinity of Twenty-first and Spruce streets rushed into a barter-shop in that neighborhood, and suddenly seizing a razor cut.his, throat,-bat did not infiict a, very severe gash, Re was either msane from the effects of strong drink, or affected to he so. He was taken into custody by a police officer. While on the ■way to the station house he had what might be termed a lucid interval, tor he remembered that he had a docu , ment in his pocket that he desired no one to see. Taking it from his pocket as privately as possible, he tore it up and threw the pieces on the side walk. A following po lice officer 'picked. them np. On putting them together .it was ascertained that hts name was James Siatterly, aged 22 years. It Is supposed that he is a bounty -jumper or deserter. He was taken to the Central Station and a physician was called in, who recommended that he be removed to the Pennsylvania Hospital, whither he was taken. DISORDERLIES. .' During Saturday evening there were immense crowds and plenty of mud in the principal streets of-the city. The police'allowed the usual license and to a very f real extent! the . people seemed to outdo each other in lowing tin libras; whose mingling sounds didnot seem like those of bell chimes. Thus the people passed their time away, as a general thing, on Chestnut and Eighth treets. Towards the latter part of the evening, disor erly parties, reeking with the fumes of bad whisky nd stale lager beer, taking advantage of the police li cense, went a little too far, and were arrested. The lockup at the Central Elation was soon filled. Aider man Beitler entered upon his magisterial duties, and heard the parties up to the hour of midnight. Soma were discharged with a reprimand, and others were re quired to enter hail in the sum of $3OO each to he of fu ture good behavior. Quite a number of the prisoners, notbeing able to enter the required amount, were in a fair way of passing their Christmas day in the conuty . prison. THE COURTS. Court of Common Pleas—Judges Diomp son and Indlow. GROUND RENT—IMPORTANT DECISION. - ..Kiaike v«. Malhers. This was a case stated.." Plain f„ B ,haliuadon two ground-rout deads, dated October •tv. 1 j*favb of which there was a reservation of a *B22X.J*?\9‘ twentyxoae. pure.silver coined Spanish v , v’-.i and one-third of such piece of eight, each weighing seventeen pennyweights and ShiS nf 01 th* lawful money of the pro to timfto*“Snrem; nia “ shall bB sufficient from time to tune to purchase or procure ’’ tbe same; with & covenant for the payment of such rent by the grantee, his-heirs and, assigns , n th e same words as the rssor -ration.: At the time the annual reafca fell dno - Oftn'hßr 12.J885, the defendants, who were tUn^owners of the lots out of which the ground rents were reserved, dered twenty-one dollars and one-third in Wil. tender notes of the United States as satisfaction of each of said annual rents.’ Plaintiff, refused to accept -the-.teuder The care stated gave the value of a piete of eight on Oc tober 12,- IS6S, the highest value ’since, and the value at the time the case was submitted, and on argument the piaintiiffelfiimed that he was entitled to ajudgment for the highest valud of the pieces of eight between the time when the rents fell due and the time of trial. Judge Thompson, on Saturday, said that the ease did not call for any examination or decision upon the con stitutionality of the legal-tender acts of Congress, and held: . .- ■ 1. That tlie covenant was not eatiified by .the tender of the notes; that the reservation was of a particular kindofvoin, with the alternative of its value in lawful money: and that the ground landlord’ was entitled either to the particular kind of cola or its real value in lawful money. ' ‘ 2, That the measure of damages was the value of the coin at the time the rent fell due, and that the plaintiff could not. recover more on the ground that that descrip tion of com had since been worth more. voncnmd in thejudgment, and called attention to the, peculiarity of the reservation, iu ifcs alternative clause, calling for lawful raonev of the Pro vince (nbw the State) of Pennsylvania Without con sidesringthequestion of the power of Congreß* to pro vide what money shall b, a legal tender iu' payment of debts throughout the united States, under the Constitu tion of the State of Pennsylvania, its legislature can make nothing but goldjsnd silver a legal tender. The judgment was for the .vtilne of ihe particular coin «nO«toberl2,lB63, with •interest to dated judgment, iosgsireth for plaintiff;;Wja,-,W. Wlster for defendant. , Const of Quarter Sessions— Judge Allison . Habeas corpus and detertion cakes occupied these i s-on of Saturday. The court-adjourned titl Saturday .next.,;,: -. ' -v : • •ggiMBTO THE ADAMS' EX ■I.M „■ iif W'i' PRESS COMPANY, Office 3»S CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Her •handise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its own lines or in sonnectlon with other Express Companies, to all the principal Towns and Cities in the United Stales. E. 8. SANDFOBD, fen General Superintendent. NEW J>ICH AND RARE BOOKS . S* (Purehasers for the Holidays ea# gratify) * IN 5 their tastes, | ■« OS= f obtain the most Elegant Standard Books, t *iur 1 beautifully illustrated, f, L* f and buy at about one-half the prices )* “D 1 .charged by any otter house, f ■** I * S whether for American or Imported Books, 1 * T T ■ atthe Rooms of the . t Al Tl *1 LONDONPKINTING AND PUBLISHING I * T> COMPANY. » , •« A * {487 Broadway, Sew Torlt, 457 | Y& Jor by order, for which purpose a descrip-! * e t tiva price list will bo sent. I O HENRY A. BROWN, de!6-fmw7t JJANDSOMEST PAPER IN AMERICA. The Publishers take pleasure in presenting to the public THE - FLAG OF OTJJK TLNION m ITS PRESENT FORM. ■ Number One is issued TO- DAY, and consists of Sixteen Sriper-Rojal Quarto Pages of Closely-printed Reading Matter, embracing the greatest variety of SPARKLING STO-. KIES, RACY SK BI Cl lE,S', THRILLING ADVEN TURES, CHOICE ANECDOTES. CHARMING POETRY, MASONIC MAI TEES. EDITORIALS, MISCELLANY, Sc, , &c. , fresh from the pens of the - , BEST WRITERS IK THE COBXTKY! The publishers claim the NEW FLAG to be the CHEAPEST and HANDSOMEST PAPER in AMERICA. fii- 1 THE FLAG*is for sale by KewsGealers Kyerywheko. SINGLE COPIES, 10 CENTS. ' ■ '•J,80BSOBIPTIO»PaXO&-s#*-jLYXA5. ■ A: WISTCH, 505 CHESTNUT Street, de24-3t General Agent. the ; national quarterly re a view. , : YOL X, , No.'XIX -DECEMBER, 1864. COSTCXT3: ;i » I.—Pericles and Hts Times. « 11. The Civilizing Forces. 111. Chief Justice Taney. IT.—Spanish Literature": Lope.De Yega. Y.—Currency—Causes of Depreciation. : yj.—neo X. and His Times. YU.—Chemical Analysis by Spectral Observations. Till. —The President’s Message. ; IX.—Notices and Criticisms. Teems—s 4 per year in advance. , Genekai, Aosxt—JAMES K. SIMON, 33 South SIXTH Street, Phitada. EDW. J. SEARS, LL.D., Editor and Proprietor, ile23-3t . . ... No, 48 BIBLE HOUSE, Now York. AN ATTRAOTIYE VOLUME, HIGH ■AA-LY commended by critics. H BEAL AND IDEAL, BY JOHN W. MONTCLAIR, • This day issued by FEE.DBRIC LEYPOLDT, 1333 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphiarand for sale at the Bookstores. “A daintily printed collection. The verses show a graceful pen. and a skilful mastery of the translator’s art. A'cto York limiting Po&t. “A series of short poems that have been warmly commended by a number ot literary lights.. Sach as wa have read are well coric ived and exceedingly musical. Can anything fall more sweetly on the attuned ear than the exquisitely written composition, "Bells by Night? ’ ’-Now York Dispatch. , . 1 vol., 16m0., cloth;topgilt. Piicesl.2s. l ent postpaid on receipt of the price by the Publisher. de‘>4-St • PRESENTATION BOOKS OF A VALUABLE CHARACTER. Appleton’s New American Cyclopedia. Cyclopedia of-Commercial aid Business Anecdote*, vols. Rebellion Record . By Frank Moore. Washington Irving’s "Works; fine editions. Cooper's Novels; illustrated. . Dickens’ Workstillustrated. Bancroft’s United States. e Mer Wale's History of the Romans. Gems from the Dnsseldorf Gallery. Lights and Shadows of New York Plctura Galleries. Martin’B History of France, age of Lonis XIV. Waverly Novels; illustrated, Shakspeare’s Works. Prescott's Works. - Bancroft’s United States, ■ Bayard Taylor’s Works.- Hood’s Works; ’ Lord Bacon’s Works; fine edition. Ballam’* Works, 10 vols. At JAR K; SIMONS’ Book Rooms, ; . .dels- 12t 33 S.-uth SIXTH Street, second story. N. B. A liberal discount mad eon all purchases.' . 800 KB ! BO O K S!! BOOKS 1! 1 The attention of the public is directed to the fine assortment of new and popular BOOKS on hand and for sale by CHARLES DBSILVER, 1339 CHESTNUT Street., A large and well-selected stock of handsomely-bound and fine copies of all the Standard Works of the day, designed especially for Gifts during the approaching Holidays. Also, a variety of Juveniles, Toy Books, Games, Photograph, Autograph, and Scrap Albums, Diaries, Bibles, &c,, 4c. . . Also on thand, three sets of the popular Chinese game, “ The Race Course, ’ ’ the only sets in the coun try not in private hands. Price $75. . . READY ON THE 16th INST., ; A new Steel-plate Map of the State of Virginia. Show ing tie Oil Regions, new Railroads, &c., &c. Sent by mail post-paid. Price 60 Cents. _• CHARLES DESILVER, delo-tial ,1339 CHESTNUT Street. TVXEW UNITED STATES COAST SUR- Xs VEY MAP.—Map of Eastern Georgia.and South Carolina, showing the.movoments of General Sherman from Atlanta to .Savannah. Also, showing the Sea Coast from Savannah River to Charleston Harbor, giving all the Towns, Railroads, &0.,&c. The latest and most reliable Map published. ALSO, JUST PUBLISHED. THE DIARY OF MRS. KITTY TREVYLYAN. A Story of the time of Whitefield and the Wesleys. By the author of ' ‘ Cotta Family, ” * • Early Dawn, ” &c. Cloth, 12mo. A large assortment of BOOKS in fine bindings, PHO TOGRAPH ALBUMS, JUVENILES, Ac., suitable for Holiday Presents. For sale by : WM. S. A ALFRED MARTIEN, de22 , • - 606 CHESTNUT Street. ■MEW BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS! xV life OF GENERAL HANCOCK. . ; WINFIELD, THE LAWYER’S SON, and How he Became a Major General. -By Kev, C. W. Dennison, late Chaplain 0. S. Volunteers. Illustrated with hand some portrait and spirited desiens by White and Cadet Hancock. Printed on fine white paper, doth binding. Fried $1 SO • *" The following letter received from B. F. Hancock, . Esq., father of.onr distinguished hero, will be read With-interest: . Swede. Stkebt, Norribtown; Nov. 23, ISM, Sre :lam in receipt of theiadvancs copy of. your life of my son • f Winfield, ’ ’ and have read it with pleasure. I acknowledge the compliment implied in the . unex pected-honor of the dedication of the volume to me. The . style is pleasing, and the historical statements are cor rect. It is written with spirit and in a faithful manner. Thewoik is neatly gotten up; the likeness is a good one. I cannot but hope that “Winfield’’ will he a useful volume, not only in interesting and instructing the youth of onr country, but in promoting sentiments of patriotism among all.our people. Respectfully yours. . - ' .. B F. HANCOCK. To Rev. C. W. Dbxkisox, Philadelphia. - SEASIDE AND FIRESIDE FAIRIES. Translated from the German of George Blum and Louis Wahl- By A. L. Witter. Printed on the finest tinted paper. Handnomely illustrated by . White and < there. One of the best fairy books yet -issued. - The children are all delighted with it. Price $1.76. . fhe American Publishers’ Circular of Sect. Ist says: It is acknowledged by everybody that the German language is peculiarly rich in a class of stories com prehended under the term ; 1 ■ Miihrchen, ” which are especially attractive to juvenile readers. ; The Grimm collection has become almost domesticated in our houses. We have here another brimming draught brought up from the same olden well. , It Is just such a collection as will delight the hearts of bright boys and girls. . We almost envy the little folks the pure, hearty pleasure which the book w ill give them, as their wide - opened; eyes go staringly from page to page, and their little hearts heat an excited accompaniment.!® the un folding®! rtrango events Messrs. Ashmead & Evans have issued the work in the handsome style which it deserves It is, in every way," a highly creditable spe cimen of book-making The'typography Is admirably executed, the paper is delicately tinted, and the bind ing, the gilt top and the lettering, present an attractive external appearance. We should also add that there, are several appropriste and expressiva Illustrations. It is both a pleasure and a duty to commend such a work. BUSY HANDS AND PATIENT HEARTS; < Or, the Blind Boy of Dresden and his-Friends, A story from Germany. Price 65 cents. From many flattering notices of this little book we clip the following: This Busy Hands ’’ we shall not eoon forget. The darling bright little Magda, the support of her rheu matic old mother and blind brother, is as pretty and helpful a. Christmas picture as we ever set eyes on; While good Master Tanzer's and Mr Gloaming’s kind ness to the poor afflicted ones will lead old and young at Christmas time to think whose hearts and lot they can make blither and brighter ere the new year is rung In. We will not tell the story of the book,-but-begjOur readers who have children to buy it and read it them selves. —London Reader. One of the very best of recent story books for children. The old struggle of cheerful piety against want, mis fortune, and trial, and the final victory is-told with simplicity, tenderness, and discrimination. We com mend it to families and Sabbath schools. —American Presbyterian. THREE NEW AND ATTRACTIVE BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, Published by - ASH MEAD S EVANS, No. 7R4 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. . Sold by all Booksellers. de22-tf \TOYELTY ALBUM COMPANY, An elegant Album, containing Photographs of all the Generals in the United 5tate5..............5S 00 A Splendid Album, containing Photographs of all the Presidents of the United States. $5 00 A Beautiful Album, containing a collection of all our Naval Heroes.... .....-,54 00 The three together, comprising the whole collec tion 15 00 A MOST SUITABLE PRESENT FOB HOLIDAY ,V, GIFTS, A most exquisite POCKET ALBUM, containing a fine collection of most piquant French Pictures, only- - .$4 50 Address the ‘ ‘ Novelty Album Co., ” Post Office Box 5438, New York city, glring address, land any of the above will be immediately sent by express; who will collect on delivery. ■ de7-wfm3m BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. , WHITE OLOVEB HONBY. • NEW PARED PEACHKB. CULTIVATED CRANBERRIES, *«. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, Dealer in Fine Groceries, 102-tf Corner ELIVBHTii and VINE Street*. CABINET furniture. V MOORE & CAMPION, »61 South SECOND Street, ~, - are prepared to follow the decline In the market in tie price of their furniture, Punhaeere will please call end examine our stock- oel-#m ATACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD, &C. , , —2,600 bbls.' Mass. Nos. 1,2, and 3 MaekereL late-eanrht fat fish, In assorted packagee. • 2, M0 bbls. New B&stport,-Fortune Bey, end Halifax ■fctfirniif. ftSpP boxes Lubes, Sealed, and No. 1 Herring; IM bbls new Mess Shed. g>o boxes-Herkimer conntT Cheese. &«. ; rtfj® end for sale by MURPHY & KOONB, i«I9-tf No. I*C NORTH WHARVES. WOOD, WOOD,WOOIL§EpK, FINE, and HICKORY WOOD, roT-"sale7it lowest euh price*. - ’ F. D -WATSON, 0030-140* - VINE-STRBBT WHARF. TOMATO CATSUP.—NEW TOMATO A Catsup In ttoartand of choice quelßy, A SAFE STEAM BOILER THE subscriber Is -prepared to receive orders Yor tka •‘ELAJLEISONBTBAM BOILER,’’ in sties to suit pS ehasers. The attention of Manufacturer* end other* ta celled to the new Steam Generator, ae tombtoiM c*. sential advantage* In absolute safety from destructive explosion, first eost and durability, economy of fuel, feellityofeleanini and tramrportation.Ae-Ae., not po*. teeeed by any holler now Inim*. These boilerseahJj* seen in daily operation, drlvin* the exten*ive work; of Messrs. Wn. Sellere A Co., Sixteenth and •treet*)at B.W.-CatteU'«f**tory, Bpruee atrset.Behllyl" kill, and at Ganed'a Tremont itm ggaiOtfoni. v JOS. HARRISON, Jn.; Washington Building,' MS-tf MY* Bonth THIRD Street. Fhileda. SLEEPER’S UMBRELLA MANU- MARKET one Door above A Tenth, TETTERS TESTAMENTARY UPON the estate of ANDREW JF MILDER, Tate of the oity of Philadelphia, Attorney at Law,deceased, having been, granted to the Undersigned, all persons Indebted to said estate will please make payment, and those haying claims againßt Ike same are requested to present them to JAMBS MILLER. Executor, ABIGAIL E. MILLER, Exa*ntriX, def.mSt Office. Ko. 300 Sontu FIFTH Street, ESTATE OP SARAH PRITCHET, ,*a DECEASED.—LETTERS OF -ADMINISTRATION on the Estate of SARAH PRITCHET, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all.porsons indebted thereto are requested to make payment, and those having olatmß thereon to present.tnem without delay to BBOROBH PRITCHET. Or to his Attorney, J. ALKX. SIMPSON, deS-mSt* t No. laNSonth SIXTH Btreet. , T7STATE OP ABRAHAM PRANOE, Xj DECEASED. -LETTERS TESTAMENTARY upon the Estate oi ABRAHAM FF.ANCB, late of the City of Philadelphia, deceased, having been granted to the un dersigned, all persons Indebted to the said Estate will please make payment, and those having claims will present the same without delay to , WILLIAM FRANCE, H. E. cor. TWENTY-FIFTH and CaLLOWHILL Sts., Ortobis'Attorney, ELIJAH THOMAS, n022-tu6t ; Ho 51 North SIXTH Street. MANAGER. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE A CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA: In the matter of the estate of WM.. H, MoOREA, de ceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of SARAH MaCKBA and: JOHN C. MoCREA, Esrecatoie of the last will and testament of WM. H. MoCREA, deceased, sad to report distribution of the balance in tbe hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appoint ment, on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON,.Decem her 28, 1664, at 4 y> "clock, at his office, 204- South FOURTH Street, below Walnut street, Philadelphia. DAYID WEATHERLY, Jr., del6-frmwst / , Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE .J- CITY:AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of. MARGARET FT/AHERTT, deceased.. and. : ' Estate of MART FLA3SKTY, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Goart to audit, aeitle, and adjust the-first end final account of BESET T. GEOUf. Administrator of the Estate of MARGARET FLAB ESIT, deceased, and also ihe first and final account of BESET T. GROOT, Administrator of the Estate of MARY FLAHERTY, deceased, and to report distribution of the bale aces in the hands of the account ant,will meet the parties interested, for. the purposes of Ms appointment, on MONDAY, the 26th day of Decem ber. 1864, at 4 o’clock KM:, at his office;-No. 371 South FIFTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. del6-fmwst YN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR JfHjS OITT AND COgKTY_OFJPHILiDEL?HI4, Estate 5f M*iKY~K[O!IA«nS DU'PAI - , deceased. ■ *£ll6 Auditor, appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust tbe account of T. H AW KISS I>U PAT. Acting: ExtcUtor of the Estate of MARY RICHARDS D 0 PAY, deceased, and to report distribution of toe balance in. the bands of tbe accountant, will meet tho parties in terested for the purposes of bis appoiatmem, oa THURSDAY, January stiu 13*6, at one o’clock V, M , at his Office, No. \VA South EIfIHTH StraaMa Hie city Of Philadelphia. JOHN IS. COLAHAN. de23-fmwst toditor - TN THE orPHaNS’ COURT FOR THE -‘,l CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. ' Estate of MARTHA PEARSON. - The Auditor appointed by the Coart to audit, settle, ■sand adjnstthe final account of THOMAS F SGATTBR GOOD, Administrator d. b. n. of MARTHA P3AKSON, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the bands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on WED SESDAY, January 4th, 1665, at 11 o’clock A. if , at Ms Office, No. 133 South FIFTH Street (second story), iu the city of Philadelphia. HORATIO G. JOSES, de2B-fmwst Auditor. TNTHE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE A CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JAMES M. LXHSAKD, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the. Oourt to audit, settle, i and adjust the account of’CLSMENT B. PENROSE and JOSEPH LINNARD, Executors of J AB. M, LINNARD, deceaeed. and to make distribution of the balance in the . hands of the accountants, wilt meet the parties in terested for the purposes of his appointment, on MON- . HAY. January 2, 1865, at 4 o’clock P. M . at his office, : No. 138 B.- SIXTH Streeb in the city of Philadelphia, I ; de24-stuthfit , . B. B. WALLACE, Auditor. : 1 TN THE ORPHANS’- COURT FOR THE A GIT'S AND COUSTY OF PHILADELPHIA. ■Trust Estate of. JAMES ;M. LlNNARD,deceased. The Auditor appointed by the .Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of C. B. PENROSE and J. T, LINNARD, Trustees under the will of J. M. LINNARD, deceased; and to make distribution of the balance In the hands of.the accountants, will meet the parties in terested lor the purposes of his appointment, on MOR DAY, January 2. JS66, at 4 o’clock P. M.. at his office, Ho. 138 8. SIXTH St. , in the city of-Philadelohia. deld-stuthft - - H. B.; WALL AGE. .Auditor. r'j THE ORPHANS’ COURT FORTHE CITY AHD COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA; Estate of CHARLES HENRY" FISHE S,"-deceased; - The Auditor appointed by the court to audit, ssttle, and adj'ust fhe accoun t of PETER 0. HOLLIS and HEN RY P. MUIRBEID, Trustees, under the last will and testament of CHARLES HENRY FISHER, deceased, as stated by P. C. HOLLIS, Acting Trustee,' and to. report distribution of the balance in the hands of the account ant, will meet the parties Interested for the.pnrooses of his appointment, on TUESDAY, January 10,1355, at 4 o’clock P.M.,at bis office. No. 131 South FIFTH Street; in the city of Philadelphia. - . GEORGE M. CONARF.OE, - de24-stuth6t Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, ESTATE OF WILLIAM E. BENNETT. ..The Auditor appointed by the Court- to audit, settle, and adjust ihe account of EMILY BEN NETT. Admiuis tratrixof the estateof WM E. BENNETT, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance In the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment on MONDAY, January 2, 1666, at 11 o'clock A. M.. at his office,. N0. ; 133 8. FIFTH Street, iu the city of Philadelphia. ' ' ' " de22-thstnst* E. SMITH KELLY, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE x CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of MICHAEL CROUSE, Deceased, The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of JOHN M. HALL, administra tor d. h, n. c. t. a , of the estate of Michael Crouse, de ceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties Inte rested, for the purposes of hlg appointment, on TUES DAY, January 3, 1664, at 4 o’clock P. M , at h'.s office, No. 839 ARCH Street, in the city of FhfadolpMa. JOSEPH R. RHOADS, de2o-!uth&iv* Auditor, FTHE DISTRICT COURT FOB THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. John J. Hallowell vs. Joseph B. Evans, alias Vendl - tioni Exponas, Sept., 1864, No. 847. - ~. The auditor appointed by the Court'to report thedls tribution of a fund-produced Uy a sheriff’s sale, under the above writ, of al) that certain three-story brick mesfnage ortenement. back buildings, and lot or-piece of ground, situate on the east side.ofidßleventh street, at the distance of three hundred and four feet southward from the south Bide of Girard s.reet, in the Twentieth wsrd, of the city of Philadelphia: containing in front or breadth on the said Eleventh street seventeen feet (In cluding on the north, side thereof the southernmost half part of an alley three feet in width by the whole depth of the Hereby granted lot,) and extending In length.or depth eastward of that width seventy- one feet, ten and one-half inches to a four-feet wide alley, leading north ward and communicating with the said three-feet wide alley, subject to the yearly ground rent of $52, will-at tend to the duties of Ms appointment,on WEDNESDAY, the Twenty-eighth day of December, A. D. H 64, at 3« o’clock P. M., at his office, No. 142 South EIGHTH Street, Philadelphia, when and where aU partie3in terested must present their claims or they will be de barred from coming in on said fund. dels-I.ot JOHN B. UOLAHAN, Auditor. IVJOTICE.—WHEREAS, XY -A CERTIFICATE OF ONE SHARE; OF THE. STOCK ON THE PHILADELPHIA. GER MANTOWN, AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD COM PANT, dated February 6, 18S8; and numbered 3.381, belonging to and issued in tee name of the under signed, was taken from my boarding-house, in Gettys burg, at the time of the rebel invasion of the place In 1863, "notice is hereby given that-application will be msde to the Board of said Company for a new CER TIFICATE, and all persons are called-upon to show causa why said CERTIFICATE" should not be is sued- J.. G. TYSON, GETTYSBURG, Pa. de26 6t* -- COFARTIVERSIIIPS. ; • ; PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED.—THE A firm of BILLINGS, ROOP, A CO., of this city and New York, expired THIS DAY by limitation. The bu siness of the said firm Will be settled by either of the undersigned. J. M BILLINGS, ' S. W. ROOP, , , 8. W. ROOF, Executor of W. F. Washington. • H R, KIBBB. PHII.APSLPSIA, Dee. 1, 1864. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.-The under signed have THIS DAY entered into a Limited Partner ship, agreeably to the Act of Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled an Act rela Hve to Li mited Partnership, etc., passed the twenty-first day of March, A. D. 1836, and the supplements thereto, and they do hereby give notice that the name of the Firm under which said partnership is to be conducted U ROOP & KIBBE; that the general nature of the busi ness to be transaeted is.the general Dry Goods, Import ing, and Commission business, and that the same will be carried ou*lb the city'of Philadelphia; that the names of the General Partners of the said Firm are SAMUEL W. ROOP. HENRY R. KIBBE, CLINTON J. TROUT, and JOSEPH O. HOOP, and the name of the Special Partner Is JAMES M. BILLINGS," all of the city of Phi ladelphia; that the capital contributed by the-.'said JameeM. Billings, the Special Partner, to the common stock, is one hundred thousand dollars in cash, and that said partnership is to commence on the first day of December, A. D. 1864, and terminate on the thirtieth day of November, A. D. 1867. ■ , SAMUEL W. ROOP, HENRY E. KIBBB, CLINTON J. TROUT, JOSEPH C. ROOP, General Partner*. JAMES M. BILLINGS, ' „ Special Partner. FaiIADEIPBIA, Dec, 1, 1864. 'NOTIGK —The undersigned successors of BILLINGS, ROOP, & CO., in. New. York, will continue the Itnjjorf ing and Commission Business, at Ko. 3SWAiBSEW Street. J. M. BILLINGS 4 CO. J. M. Buninas, E. J. Chaffer. - - Nbw York, Deo. 1, 1861 de2-6w T)l£ SOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. —The subscribers, heretofore trading under the firm of BEN J. S. JANNEY, Jb. , & CO., have this day Dissolved their partnership, by. mutual consent. All outstanding business of the late firm will he set tled at 605 MARKET Street.- BEN J. S. JANNEY, Js., JOHN M. BURNS. -- SAML. A. COYLE. Philadblphia, Dee. 20, 1884, v THE UNDERSIGNED WILL CON ■a. TINUE the Wholesale GROCERY AND PRODUCE COMMIESION business, as heretofore done by JAN NEY & ANDREWS,-at No. 631 MARKET Street. BEN J. S. JANNEY, JB., Dbcemdbb 20, B. W. ANDREWS. fl O PART NER S HI P.-J. MORRIS ,:V BURNS, (of tli© Jate firm of B. S* Jaauey, eTr,, & C 0.,) and S. : BMTJCKER, Jr., (of tlie late firm of 8. Smncker, Jr., & Co",) fiara this day formed' a Copart nership, under the title of BURNS & SMUCKER, and ■will continue the Wholesale GROCERY and COMMIS SION hneinesa at the old stand formerly occupied by B.S, Janney; Jr., & Co., at No. 605 MARKET Sc.,Phila 4 ’ Philadelphia, Dec/20,1864. pOPARTNERSHIiT- THE UNDER- V' SIGNED have this day formed a 'Copartners rip, under the firm-name of S. A. COYLE A CO., for the prosecution of the Wholesale GROCERY and PRODUCE COMMISSION business, at Nos. 16 and 18 North FIFTH Street, above Market. .■ SAML. A. COYLE, - (Late of B. S. Janney, Jr-, & Co;.) J. W. LAUGHLIN, J. A.. LINN. . Philadelphia. Dec 20, 1884. . de2o-lm T IMITED PARTNERSHIP.- WE, -KJ the subscribers, have this day entered into a Limited Partnership agreeably to the provisions of the act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the 21st day of March, A. D. 1836, and do hereby certify that the name of she firm under which said partnership is to he conducted, is HAHN, FERNALD.iI WETHEBHOLD; that the general nature of the busi ness to be conducted is the manufacture of and whole sale dealers in SHIRTS. LINBN BOSOMS, AND COL LARS, and the same will be transacted in the city of Philadelphia; that the names of the General Partners Of the said firm are WM. B. HAHN, residence 2009 POPLAR Street:. NATHANIEL M FEKNALD, rest dence 2126 GREEN Street, and WILLIAM WETHER HOLD, residence 1439 North SIXTH Street, and the Special Partner is JOSEPH NICHOLSON, residence 80S North Sixteenth Street, all of the city and county of Philadelphia and,State of Pennsylvania. That-the capital cont ributed by the said Joseph Niehol son, special partner, Is TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS, in cash. That the period at which: said partnership is to com mence is the twenty-sixthday of November, one thou sand eight hundred and sixty-four, and terminate on the thirty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-alx T . „ „ - WILLIAM B. HAHN, NATHANIEL M FERN ADD, WILLIAM WETHEBHOLD, ■ General Partners. . ’ JOSEPH NICHOLSON. no2S m6t* : Special Partner. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE to' undersigned have this day formed a copartnership, under the style and title of ADAMS & LEVIS, for the purpose of transacting a general Banking and Stock Brokerage business. . Oil, Telegraph, and Express Company stocks made a specialty • Government Loans and Specie bought and sold. , THEO. ADAMS, GEO. -H. LEVIS, del9-lm 305 CHESTNUT Street. rjOTTON AND FLAX SAIL DUCK Vr AND-CANVAS; of;alI numbers and.brands. ' _Tent, Awning, Trunk, and Wagon CoTer Duck. Also; Paper Hanu&eturers’Drier Felts,froralto Sfeet widei PObline, Belting; Sail Twine, lu. . _ JOHN W. HVBBMAN. & CO., IoS-tf No. 103 JONES* Aliev. riARD AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, VAT RING VfALT it BSOWK’S. UIS. FOURTH St. THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA;' MONDAY. DECEMBER 26, 1864: I.ECAI, HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS.^ QisTßiriffirEO^ Opposite tli© Post Office, PHILADELPHIA. ooir-an WE RESPECTFULLY CALL THE "attention of all connoisseurs to the-folio win* truths: - The first-class Lunch of America,-Day and Night, The best quality of all kinds of Liquors, * The choicest brands of Cigars, ' 1 ere always to be found at the METROPOLITAN HOTEL, 633 ARCH Street. dels-thatu6t* A. FUKM. BLAIR, Proprietor. TONES HOUSE,- ; v ’ w Cor. MARKET STREET and MARKET SQUARE, ' HARRISBURG, Pa. The Proprietor respectfully returns his sincere thanks to his friends for the vary liberal patronage* bestowed to the House since ’under his management, and would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. del7-Sm C. H. MANN. Proprietor. THE WASHINGTON HOUSE—A A CARD. —lt haying been announced by the Bulletin ‘ of.the 25tb instant, that this hotel would be closed oa or about the Ist of Decamber, the Lessee ftom January "'lst, 1865,-begs to inform the public thatduring the time the House maybe closed It will be thoroughly reno vated and refitted in a mannerthat cannot rail to give satisfaction to those who may patronize the establish ment. ’ - ■ -■ . Mr. CHARLES M. ALLKOND, formerly, of the “Indian Queen, ” Wilmington, but more recently of the “ States Union, ” Philadelphia, will have the en tire management under the new administration, and he assures the public that no efforts will be spared on his part to make the'House in all respects pleasant and agreeable to his guests. The House wiH be -re-opened on tho 16th of January, noSS-tf BDVmiOML. PENNINGTON SEMINARY AND A . FEMALE COLLEGIATE IMS CITUTE. Second Term of Fourteen Weeks begins January 1 Send, for Circular. Key.>D. C. KNOWLES, A, M., : delMSt :: - Pennington, N. J. VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.- "1 MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL, four miles fro* MEDIA, Fa. Thorough course in Mathematics,Classics, Natural Sciences, and English; practical lessons In Civil Engineering. Pupils received at sny time, and of «U ages, and enjoy the benefits of a home. Refers to Johr G, Capp & Son, 28 South Third street t Thos, J. Clayton, Esq., Fifth and Prune streets: ex-Sheriff Kern, ani others. Addreei Bey. J. HERVEY BARTON., A. It., TILLAGE GREEN, Pennsylvania. nos-«m SKATES. WILSON’S SKATE DEPOT, i Y ’ 409 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, We have just received the largest and moat desirable itockof . ‘ •' - - ; - LADIES’, GENTSVAND BOYS’ SKATES sver offered In this city, whieh we will take, much pleasure tn showing all who desire to enjoy the delight ful recreation of Skating. PHILIP WILSON & CO., de6-Im 409 ■CHESTNUT Street. ORATES, SKATES;: SKATES. , M Extra quality Cast Steel Skates, for Ladles and Gentlemen. ' Repairing promptly attended to, at J. TEUPEL’S, de24-2t* ... . , : 103 South EIGHTH Street. OKATES, SKATES, SKATES. . aJ A full assortment of SKATES and SKATS ’STRAPS for sale at very low prices, at: „' W. W, KtKGHT & SON’S, noK-tf 809 and SIT COMMERCE Street- COAL. E SCHREINER, NEW COAL DE • POT, NOBLE Street above Ninth street. Constantly oh hand superior qualiaes of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, selected expressly for family purposes, at the lowest market-prices. Wharf Twenty-third street; below Arch street, Office 119 South FOURTH O.E'N.UINE EAGLE VEIN COAL, Mb EQUAL IF NOT SUPERIOR TO LBHIGH: -A trial Will secure your custom. Egg and Stove alses, 811.00 par Son: Large Hut, #lO.OO. Office, 131 South FOURTH St., below Chestoat. Depot, 1419 CALLOWHILL St,, above Btoad. ; Csel4-6m] , ELLIS BRANSON. poA L . SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER {MEADOW, and Spring Mountainiahirfc Goal, axd best-Locust Mountain; from- Schuylkill; prepared ax* grossly for Family use. Depot, ST. W. corner EIGHTS and WILLOW Sts, . Office. Mo. 31# South SECOND St. *ps-tf ,/ : J. WALTON A GO. -MEDICAL* TULECTRICAL INSTITUTE. . ■*-* ; COME, TE AFFLICTED, COMBI This treatment only needs a trial to be adopted by aIL Having made many improvement* in the application of this agent, we feel in duty bound to make them public. "We will guarantee to cure any case of Fever and Ague in two treatments. It has also proved very successful in the cure of the following diseases: Rheumatism, Neuralgia, ' Debility, Paralysis, Asthma, Genital Weakness, Influenza, Dyspepsia, Piles, 1 Spinal Disease, Catarrh, Diabetes. Ladies and gentlemen tan enter at any time for foil instructions in the practice. Consultations free., Office honrs 9 A. M. to 6 P. St- Testimonials at the office. - DS. THOMAS ALLEN, .Medical Electrician, ■ ■«e2o-t jaA 154 N. -ELEIfENTH St., below Race. TIE. A. H. STEVENS, OHE OF THE -M founders of this new system of treating diseases successfully by modified/ELECTRICAL,action, with out shocks, announces, that he has resumed his office duties for the treatment of diseases, at 14X8 South PENS SQUARE, where, for the last three years, ha has had'almost unbounded success in cases pronounced in surable by medicine. Please call, or send for a pam phlet, ana learn particulars. N. E. Physicians or others desiring Instruction can snter for a full coursa-at any time after Monday, Sept,,2B. , sa2B-tf T>UTTER'MbLD’S OVERLAND •*-* despatch; Office, S. W. corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. A THROUGH FREIGHT LINE has been established, prepared to receive all-classes of FraighUn th a.priccip p.l cities east of the'Misslssippi river, and to transport the'same from point of Shipment TO AW. POINTS IN COLOEADO, IDAHO, DTAH, * AND MONTANA TERRITORIES, UPOV THROUGH COXTRACT BATES AKD BILLS OP LAPEVO.. Through Bates include ALL CHARGES—RaiIway, Transfer, Storage, and .forwarding Commissions on the Missouri river, and transportation upon the Plains thus er ablin* tee Shipps? to obtain a THROUGH CON TRACT for his freight for- a distance of OVER THEBE THOUSAND MILBS.and-relieving him from alt respon sibilities and anxieties incident to the past disorganized and irresponsible ayst-m of Plains transportation. Our Agent* in New York, Boston, Philadelphia,Pitts- ■ bnrg, Chicago, St. Louis, and Burlington, lowa, are prepared at all seasons to receive and ship at the LOWEST THROUGH TARIFF RATES. This Company assumes ALL THB RESPONSIBILITY of Losses, Damages, or Overcharges 6n Freight while in transit from point of shipment to place of destination. The New York office is in possession of a full set of TRACE BOOKS, showing the date of shipment, She time it passes the Mississippi river, is received at and shipped from the Company’s Warehouses &t Atchison (Kansas), the'characterofXhetrains moving.upon the Plains, the date it passes Fort Kearney, arrives at Den ver, is received at destination, and the apparent condi tion of the Wares along the entire route. 1 : > JiSp If Damages or Losses occur, Shippers are notified in time to duplicate any important portion of the ship ment. • • ... These books are open for the .inspection of our cus tomers at ali times, and parties shipping by tbis Line will be kept informed by correspondence of the exact condition of their shipments. Merchants and Mining Men in the Territories ordeiing Goods, sbould bo particular to give instructions to spark cases * ‘Via BUTTERFIELD'S OVERLAND DESPATCH, Atchison, Kansas,” and have them shipped under the instructions of our Agent at| point of shipment. - - Letters of inquiry addressed to our office at ATCHI SON, Kansas; No. IVESIY Street. As tor House, New York; or Southwest corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia, will be promptly and reliably answered. - D. -A. BUTTERFIELD,Proprietor. A.W SPALDING, General Agent, New York. WM.'H;-MOORS, Agent, Philadelphia. ' delffitf TD THE PUBLIC.—THANKFUL’TO A our friends and the public for the liberal patronage bestowed upon its, we would Inform them that, hiving made extensive alterations in oar establishment, wfeare now prepared to execute Pictures to. the satisfaction of ail who may favor us with a call. Having no wat our command increased facilities, we take pleasure in so liciting a discerning public to compare the execution of our work with that produced at any other establish ment in the United States.We would- also state that our ... • GALLERY IS FBEE TO ALL j f<* the examination of - specimens..... Notwithstanding the advance of material used-and wages of hands em ployed, we are yet furnishing Pictures AT THE OLi) PRICES. Photo Miniatures. Ivorytypes. - Lite- size Heads in Crayon, Oil, and Pastel. v Cabinet- size haads in Crayon, Oil, and Pastel. ■■ ■ Imperial, Plain and Colored, 13-K, 8-10, 4 4, and 1-2 sizes. _. Cartede YislteYignettes,full size, S-4, Sc., s3.6oper dozen.: : : - ■■ •• " , Ambrotypes, from 73 cents upwards. ■ Ferrotypes $1 per doz , &c. , he. On hand and for sale a large lot of Copies of E»ra En gravings, Photographs of all the prominent Generals and distinguished men,•&c., Btc. Outside views taken at short notice. v . HBHSZBT & CO.. Photographers, delS-lm - 812 ARCH Street. TmAN’B GREAT TOBACCO. CIGAR, •*-' • AND PIPE STORE, No. 413, CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, Pi. Dean keeps the greatest assortment. Dean keeps cue greatest variety. - Dean-keeps the largest general ,stock. > Yon can get any kind of Tobacco, Yon can get any kind of Cigars, ■ Youean get any kind of Pipes, You can get any kind of . Snuffs, - ATMAN'S great tobacco stobb, Hi, No. 4:13 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Wien yon go to Dean’s you canget anything yon want in tie way of Plug, Sine Cnt and Smoking Tobas eoee, Domesilc aud Havana Cigars. Pipes, Ac. - - Dean keeps the largest general stock of Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Ac., in the United States. 1 Dean’s sales are soextensive thathec&n afford to sell at about one-balf wbat .others sell for, < Dean sells to the Army of the Potomac. s Dean sells to the Army of the James. Dean sells 10 the Army of the Tennessee, w Dean sells to the Army of the Cumberland, Gunboats all order their Tobacco. Cigars, Pipes, Ate., from.. , „ DEAN’S, No. 413 CHESTNUT Street. • Pennsylvania merchants all bny at Dean’s, ;■ New Jerffiy merchants all buy at Dean’*, r Delaware merchants all buy at Dean’s, ’: i ’ As they can always get juet what they wast.sand at a much.lower price than they can elsewhere, land they do not have to pick up their goods at a dozen little stores. . ... • j All goods ordered are guaranteed to giro satisfaction. Order once and yon will always order from Dean’s, as his ping and fine cnt chewing and smoking tobaccoes and cigars are far superior to all others, and ne sells for much Test. DEAN'S, No. 413 CHESTNUT Street, 6 n023-tf ‘V’. - . Philadelphia, Pa. TTENBY EUDDY, f -i~L Distiller and Wholesale Dealer in PDHB OLD BOUEBON, MONONGAHELA, EYE, AND WHEAT WHISKIES, 149 NORTH SECOND STBSET, below Raw Phil*. *, HBNEY HUDDY. Co»20-Sm) ISAAC J. EVANS. TjURNITURE.—IF YOU WANT TO A see a busy place, go fo the Union Furniture Depots of GOULD & CO., at the N. E. comer of.NINTH and MARKET and SECOND and RACE.- Their large stock of splendid Fhrniture is attracting the attention of the commnnity generally, so that their,employes are kept constantly engaged attending to the demands of buyers. As Christmas approaches, the calls upon their attention are still increasmgr'so that parties wishir g to purchase should give them an immediate calL All kinds of Fur niture, cheapest and best., ’ : del4-tjal TORN G. BAKER & CO.’S COD LIVER w OIL*.-THE TRUEAND GENUINE-Unftirpassed in quality and effects—being the ..... * SWEETEST AND BEST PREPARED. - Xn Coughs, Colds," Bronchitis, Asthma; rGout, Inci pient Consumption, and all Scrofulous Complaints, It oftentimes produces Immediate and certain effects when other remedies hay# been taken with little dr no benefit. Sold by all Druggists in the city, and-bylthe proprie tor. No; 718 MABKET Street. • ; ; suU-tutbs6m IVIRS. JAMES BETTS’- CELEBRATED J-’A . SUPPORTERS FOR he .only Supporters under.eminent medical.patronage. Ladles and physicians are respectfully, requested to call only on Mrs. BETTS, at her residence, 1039 WALNUT Street, Phila: , (to avoid counterfeits. ) Thirty thousand invalids have been advisedby their physicians to nse her appliances.; ThoBe;only are genuine bearing the United States copyright; labels on the box, and signatures, and aleo on the Supporters, with testimonials.; ocl3-tnthiti 1 AHA SPRING HOBRYi-EORSES Ay vy V (new and’ fancy styles), goose-neck Sleds, Bzcpress Carts,-4c., for sale by - . ROWS 4 BUSTON, ~, -IST and 159 North THIRD .Street WOOD, WOOD, WOOD.—OAK, PINE, •»* and HICKORY WOOD, for sale at lowest cash prices. i.. F. D. WATSON, no3o-Im» . YINB-STBKBT WHARF. . T3EACHEB. —5,000 DOZEN HERMETI- A tally sealed Peaches of the finest quality, prepared note 107 South WATER Street ORGAN, ORB, & CO,, STEAM MW DA CINI BUILDERS, Iron Fonsders. and Genera] Machinists and Boiler Makers, No. UW s make. Sample required. SCO Chopping Axes, do. do. do do. 60 Ambulance Axles-and Boxes. Length, box 7X ... inches. Diameters IX inch; 16 16 inch inside.- liOgross-Wira HorEe-shoe buckles; 25gross X-iach,’ 25 gross X. inch, 60 gross-inch, It)gross 1-inch, Sodoien Augur Bits; 10 X-inch;fi 9-ls-iuch, 20X inch, 20 5-16- inch, 10 S -inch, 16 %- inch ,61-tnch. . : Sample required. 8 doren Spiral Bits, No, 4, double cut. Samplers-' quired. • 60 Eet Bits and Braces; fall set bits to each. Sam „„ Pie required. 3TOO Horse Blankets, Sample required. 60C0 Horse Brushes, wooden back, best article. Sattt pie required. 300 Scrub Blushes, large hand. Sample required.' : ,Wall Brushes, tenknot large, do do. ISXJO.Corn Brooms; good heavy article. Sample re • Qjiired. - 2*oo Stable Brobms; rattan. Sample required. 1060BluedBnckles;l^-inchgnd2-iuch. _coo pounds Refined Borax.; : ■ ICtO Hum Buckets, gum handles, (not fire). Sample required. 2 gross Assorted Faint Brushes. Sample required. 2 dozen Varntah Brashes. A ‘ do. do. . 1 gross Sash or Tool Brashes. do. do. 616 gross Roller-Buckles,: 16 X-inch, 60 M-inch, SO X- Inch, 100 Jit-inch, 76 1-lnch. 200 IX-inch, 60 IX * ■ mch 26 IX-inth, 60 2-inch. 6009 feet. Coil. chain, ”o,light, for cilia chains, required: ; cOCX) Halter Chains, heavy, and toes each end. -Sam pie required. 2C09 yards Enamelled Cloth, 60 inches wide, for ambit . lance covers, ; Sample required., i , v 150 Firmer Chisels, 60 2-inch, 60 IX-inch, 60 IX-inch. Sample required. 1M Framing Chisels, SO 2 inch, GO IX-inch. Sample required. 2fiCo Wagon Covers, to be made of 10-ounce cotton duck. 2SX inches wide, army standard, cut 15 feet long, four widths of material, with,four hemp cords on each side, and one through each end. Sample of duck required; ’ EOCOCufry Comhrv So. 222, Fildesley make. Sample , : 300 I*mp Chimneys, medium size, forcoal oil lamps. 300 pounds White Lump Chalk, 60 do. Rod do. do. 1 dozen Butcher Cleavers, medium size. Sample required. , SCOO yarns Cotton Canvas Duck, 28 laches wide, Nos, A ■ - 10 and 12. Sample required 15 hales Excelsior. • . 2 Mils Pork Handle Ferrules. . 1 gross Flat Flies, bastard, 4 inch. Sample re quired. ■ 1 gross Half round Files, assorted, 4,6, and 14-inch. Sample required. • ' ' : 10 gross Handsaw Files, 2 gross 3Jf-ittch, 2 grass 4- • inch, 2 gross 4X-inch, 2 gross6-ineh, 2gcoss6- liich. Sample required. lOdozen Woo'd Files, 14-inch,‘ Sample required, 200 pounds Glue, do. ‘ do 26C0 feet Window Glass,looo SxlO, 1260 10x12, 2-50 12x14 . .. inches, ~ _6 tine Pots and Kettles. . . 2501 inner Chisel Handles. Samples required. 150 Claw Hammers.. . do. do. 100 Broad AxeHaudler,hickory. do. do. 2000 Axe Handles, hickory! , do. do. 24 Jack-Plane Handles, beech, do. do. 24 Fore-Plane Handles, beech, do. do. 6to Long Fork Handles, beech do, do. SCO Short do. do. beech, do. do. 600 Long Shovel Handles, ash. do. do. 600 short * do. do , ash. do. do, 1500 Ambulance Door Locks and Handles. Sample required. • SCO Pick Handles, ash. Sample required, 200 Sledge Hammer Handies, hickory. Sample re -1 quired. 35C0 Binge Beeps, 8-Inch. Sample required, 6(0 do. do., 6-inch. do, do. 3700 Pairs Strap Hinges, heavy: 2,000 8-inch, 1,009 10- inch,6oo 12-iuch,-20014-inch. Sample required. 4000 Pairs “T ’ Hinges: 2.000 8-iueh, 1,000 10-iuoh, 1,00012-Inch. Sample required - 1000 Pairs Wrought Butt Hinges, 2Xx2X-inch. Sam ple required. 1500 Pounds Curled Hair.- - Sample required. 200 Raw Hides, for covering McClellan Saddles, in pickle ana tight barrels. 6 Doz, Double Plane Irons: 1 2-inch. 1 2X-Inch, 1 2X-inch ;12X-inch, 12X-inch,-Butcher’s make. Sample required. 60 Butcher Knives, 12-inch blades- Sample required. 1008 Knives and Forks, each knife handle riveted. . Sample required, v. 100 Grose Carriage Knobs, japanned. Sample re quired. 160 Drawer Knobs, porcelain. Sample required. 1000 Chalk Lines, assorted sizes and lengths. ICOO Thumb Latches. Samp'e required. 288 Chest Locke, 2X and 3-inch; good article, Sam ple required. 300 Brace 5 ill Locke, 2X and3-inch Sample required. 600 Pad Locks: 60 2X-inch, 100 23£-iack, 300 3-inch, 160 3X-inch. Sample required. 12 Carpenters'Taps Lines,-60 and 103 feet. 600 Amb. Curtain nights aad Frames. Sample re-. quired, ' ; • .. - 1600 kegs Cut Nails: 900 lOd., 260 Bd., 160 4d., 200 SOd. Sample required. SOOpounds Clout Nails. Sample required.- 300 papers Black Head LiniugNails, X-incli. Sample • required.: -’ ,• : 200 Bagging Needles. Sample required. 300 pBpers Harness Needles; -assorted sizes. Sample required. 100 Collar Needles.- Sample required. 1000 pounds Nuts, X-inchhole, IXxXlnch. Sample ■ required. 25 barrels Boiled Linseed Oil. Sample required. 10 dof Raw do. do. do. do. 78pounds E&cutcheonPins: 60;X-lnch, 26 X-inch. 100 Jack Planes, “ Double Iron. ” Sample required. 75 Fork do. . do. do. do. do. 60 Smooth do. do do. - do. do. lOOTrying do. 9 inch diameter, IX inch deep, and 12 inch diameter. 2X inch deep. Sample required. ... ( . 5 reams Sand Paper, Nos. l and 2. 60 Paniins, to he made- in the oest manner,' of 15- ounce cotton duck, best quality, army standard, with tablings all round; :size 20x30.feet when - finished Samples of duck required. 12 Sailmakc-rs’ Palms, Sample required; 1000 Tin Plates. . do. do. - 2 reams Hardware Paper, do. do. 1 Grots Camel Hair Pencils; long hair. Sample required. 25 Sahie Hair Pencils; longhair. Sample required. 10EOPounds Copper Rivets and Burrs: fill X-inch, 400 X-inch, SOOX-ineh, 200 X inch, 1001-ineh. 4 Doz. Wood Rasps, 14-inch. Sample required. 30 iross Breaching Binge,lX-inch;*ample required. J l2 cozen Flush Rings, 1 and IX-inch; do. do. 20 Bucksaws, ■ do. : do. - 50Ciosscnt haws, 6 feet, do. do. ' 2 dozen Chamois Skins, do. do 100 pairs Reaching Shears, do. • do. 4360 gross Iron Screws, do. do. 60 grots each "X-inch, Nos. 6,7, 8, 9,10,11, and 12. 2CO do. do. 1 do. do. 8,12, and 13. 3CO do. : do, 1 do. do. 9, 10, and 11. 200 do. do. IX do. do. 9,10,14, and 16. 3(0 do. do. IX do. do. It, 12, and 13. 60 do. do. IX do. do. P, 10. and 15. 100 do. do, IX do. do. 11,12,13, and 14 - 80 do do. XX do, do. 12,13,14; 15, and 16. 3CO Short-handled Shovels, best; sample required. \26 Grindstones, medium size, da. ; do. . 2 dozen Farriers’. Scissors, -- do. do. 26 Spoke Shaves. do. do. 10CO pounds Spring Steel, (500 3by 6-16-inch, 600 3by X-inch;) sample required. . ...... 110 gross (25 Bp, 7, 25N0. 8, 20 No. 6, 20 No. 7, 20 Nov 8;) sample required.- 60 sets Saddler’s Tools, each set to be in a neat box ’ Specifications to be had a: this office; sample re quired. 100 sets Shoeing Tools, Field S Hardie’s, each set to Da in a neat box. Specifications to he had at this office; sample required. 100 pounds Patent Thread, 60 pounds Black, 36 and 40; ; sample required. 60 pounds White, 36 and 40; sample required. 500 pounds Harness Thread, H. 8., No. 10; sample required. 25ponne seen at this offiw. Samples of all the above articles of stationery must accompany. the bids. • Samples of such articles as are required to be of army standard can be seen atthis office. - - ; , guaranteed by two responsible par sons, whose signatures must be appended to the guaran tee, and certified to as being good and sufficient security for the amount involved, by some public functionary of the Dimed States. : Bids from defaulting contractors, and those that do not fully comply with the requirements of this adver tisement, will not be considered . Blank forms for proposals, embra«ing the terms of the guarantee required on each bid, can be had on applica tion St this office, and none others which do not em brace this guarantee will be considered, nor will any proposal be considered which does not strictly conform to the requirements therein stated. The bids will state the number or quantity of each' kind of article proposed to be delivered. Bids must be endorsed “Proposals for Army Sup plies,’’stating the particular article bid for. HERMAK BIGGS, de23-5t , Colonel Quartermaster’s Department. OFFICE OF ASSISTANT QUARTER-' Af MASTER- MILITARY DISTRICT OF PHILA DELPHIA, No. 721 MARKET Street, Dec. 21, 1864. .SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this Office, until noon of THURSDAY, 29th inst., for the erection and completion, in the shortest possible time, of GUARD BAEBACKS, near the Schuylkill Arsenal, in accord ance with plans and specifications now at the Office of Mr. JOHN MoAETHUE, Jr., architect, No. 309 South SIXTH Street. Proposals must be made upon the regular forms, to be had at this Office,’and must state the shortest time required to complete the work. The United States reserves the right to reject all bids deemed incompatible with its interests. „ • ALBERT S. ASHMEAD, , de22-6t Captain and A. Q. M. OFFICE OF ASSISTANT QUARTER- Ar MASTER MILITARY DISTRICT OF PHILADEL PHIA, No. T3l MARKET Street, pBoEHBBs 23;m . SEALED PBOPOSALS will be received ah this office untU noon of SATURDAY, December 31, 1864, for fur nishing and setting up complete for use at Fort Mifflin: Fifty (60) IRON BUNKS, two story. Twenty (20) • do., -angle. . Proposals must be made out, upon the regular forms fnrnished at this office; must state the price par pound for the bunks set up complete, and the shortest time in Which they can be delivered. The United States'Yeserves the right to reject all bids deemed objectionable. ALBERT 8. ASHMEAD, Jde2l-td3l : Captain ana A. Q, M. A SSI STAN T QUARTERMASTER’S aV OFFICE, Ciscixh’ATi, Ohio, December 15,1564. 1 PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o’clock M., SATURDAY, December 31, 1854, : from dealers, for snch of.the following articles as thev can furnish for-the Quartermaster’s Department, U. S. ■ 64 Bowling or Low Moor. Tyre to bore 66 inches. 8 - do do do my, do. “ . 8 do do - do 49j-» do. S 3 do do do 67 do. 4 do di ■ do 47ft do. The above to be fianged and 2K to 3 inches thick. - Proposals will bs considered for Tyres mdde by other manufacturers, if equally serviceable. 10 kegs each Hot-pressed Square Nats, % and . . . inch. - ■, • . 36 Parallel Bench Vices. SCO lbs. Borax, 25 bbls. Coal Oil. 12,000 Hickory Pick Handles. 10,000 Hickory Spike Maul Handles. . 60 Pigs Lead, 60 Figi RabbittA ' 25 Slabs Zinc, 25, (X» feet Safety Fuse. 100 dozen Ames’ No. 2 Shovels, or an article equally good. - . -- . 20 Reams Emery Cloth, each 0, H, 1, IX. 2. . do Paper. eachO, K, 1, l)i, 2. 2 barrels best .Copal Varnish. . 6 barrels Mineral Paint (in oil). When samples are furnished they must have the name of the bidder upon them, and he numbered to cor respond with the bids The artieles bid for, and time <3 delivery, must be stated, and each bid muet be guaranteed by two respou siblesureiies. guaranteoitgovar their own signatures that »he bidder will eater into bond for the fulfUmant of his contract, should one be.awe,rded him. ‘ Bids will be opened at the tim* above Specified, and bidders are invited to be present. The right ia reserved to reject any bid deemed unrea sonable. Bjr order of Col. Wm. W. HcKim, Chief Quarter amster GinciaaaU depot. A. J. PHBLPS, i dtgO "t Captain and A. Q- M- FOR SALE ASD fS LET* 0 0 ERH AN S ! COURT SALE 0? JSOBBAL ESTATE., “ Pny ic ,T? a ' le ’ °J* SEVENTH-DAY, tbs 31st at TwpmhJmTOlh (December), )SS4, 0!l ttw pre mises, \PEOPERTY late of Dr. J LORING PBIRCB, decease#, in the borough of BRISTOL, compress lot of land i? feet on Mill street, and extending in depth 236 feet to Market street, with commodious two-and -a -half-story,briok Dwelling thereon 22-by ® feet, with two-story back buildings 60 feet deep; the whole well finished. with cellars underneath; out-kitchen with well and pump therein; excellent heater in cellar. On Market street 1b a large stable-:and carriage-house; large garden with fruit trees, grape-tines, etc ; build ings a;l nearly new. Location admirable, either for professional business or residence only. The property has been occupied, successively, br the late Dr Phillips and Dr. Peirce, and Is how occupied by Dr. Grotlo. For further information, apply to J. S. &C. W. PEIRCE, Jr,, Bristol, Pa. HANNAH P. WILDMAN. Guardian of Albert L. Peirce. WruniAsr Ktxsbt, Auctioneer. Sale at 1 o’clock P. M. - de2124272930-st* M DWELLINGS FOR SALE—VIZ.: Kos. 224 and 213 South NINTB Street;MARSHALL Street, Ho. £O7; ABCH Street, Ho. 9 -2, with two others. Several in different sections, and immediate poeeessioa of tome. , -- - : A. P. & J. H. MORRIS, de24-Bt* 9J.S ARCH Street m TO LET—THREE FIRST-CLASS EM. fonr-stoiy houses (new), and with all the modern improvements, on east sid9 of Broad street, near Whar ton. Terms moderate. Apply to GEO. SERGEANT, : For F. M-. Drexel’s Estate, no3C-wfm lm 226 South FOURTH Street. MFOR SALE, 14. (PO.URTEEN)m very f csirable F ARMS on or near the line of the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad, containing, respec tively, 48,- 68, 2a. 125, 22, 100, ICO, 98, 53,100, 75,36,17, and £3 acres, all; in good condition, some of, which have su perior buildings, and are very desirable. country seats. Also, many other F&rmß In various sections of this and other States. ~ - - . . de24 B. F. GLENN, 183 South FOURTH Street. M LARGE AND VALUABLE PRO FERTY FOR SALE. —The very lar£e and commo dious LOT and BUILDING, 80, 303 CHERRY Street, near the centre of business, containing 60 feet on Cher ry Street, depth IC6 feet, being 78 feet wide on the rear of the lot.and at that width opehlngto a large cart-way leading to Cherry street. Its advantages of : SIZE AND POSITION are rarely met with. Apply on the premises. M foe 8 ale :or to let—a hum her of convenient new DWELLINGS, with modern improvements, on North Eleventh, Twelfth, audThlr teenthstreet*. Apply to TATLOW JACKSON. 614 CHESTNUT Street, or at ; . noi2-t.f . -1858 North TWELFTH Street. f Mfor sale.—the subscriber offers for sale Ms country seat, within half a mil* of Wilmington, Delaware, on the Newport pike, con taining eight acres of good land, in the centre of which is a large lawn with a fine variety of shade trees, ma ples, lindens. evergreens, etc,, in all over a hundred full-grown tresa. The improvements consist of a large and commodious Mansion, Hanked on the west by two towere, one of whichis four, stories in-height. There are four large rooms on a floor, with a hall'eleven by forty-two feet. The house-has the modern improve ments. A hydraulic ram forces water from a spring into the upper story of the tower. There to aIBO an iron pump and hydrant under a covered area at the kitchen door, .The cut-buildings consist of a carriage house aud stable sufficient for four horses and several carriages; also, a hen, ice, and smoke houses. The stable has a hydrant in it. ■ - Good garden, with several varieties of dwarf-pear and grape vines, in fnil bearing. There are also several va rieties of apple, cherry and chestnut trees.- - Terms accommodating. Possession given at any time. Apply to LEVI G. CLARK, n024-tf ' on the premises. M ORPHANS’ COURT SALE.—JR Estate of SAMUEL DAVIS, deceased. -ZEL Will be sold at Public Sale on the Premises, on the I2tb day Mist mo., JANUARY 186 a, at 1 o’clock P.M., the following dt scribed Real Estate: r No. 1. Consisting of all that certain tract of Land situ ate iu the township of Haverford, Delaware county, on the Radnor and Darby road, six miles west of Market street Brjdge, containing 83 acres and 7-90 perches. The improvements are Stone Mansion, 40 by 20 feet, with Kitchen; Stone Barn, 60 by 40 feet, will accommo date 30 head of live stock; Stone Wagon House, superior Spring Houie, aud other .out-buildings. This land is in a high state of cultivation and well watered. No. 2 Consisting of* all that certain tract of Land situate in the township of Haverford, Delaware coun ty, on the Philadelphia and Wes’; Chester Plank road, six miles w est of Market-street Bridge, containing 76 acres 2 roods and 23-25 perches. The improvements con sist of a" fctone Dwelling House and. Out kitchen; new Stone .Barn, 70 by 69 feet, and other Baildints. Of this tract 50 acres are in wood, the rest cleared and la a high state of cultivation. .A stream of water passes threugh the farm. This land fronts on Plank road and contains several splendid building sites. So. 3/: Consisting of the tract of Land adjoining tracts Dos. 1 and 2on Plank road; containing 44)4 acres. Of , this tract 21 acres are in Wood, the rest In good state of cultivation. A good stream of water passes through tneplaes. No. 4. Consisting of all that tract of Land situate in Upper Darby, county aforesaid, on the Radnor and Darby road, near PMladelphia and West Chester Plank road, containing 18 acres 22 perches. The improvements consist ota new Stone Dwelling House, 44 feet by 20, ard FrameSlahle. -. The above four tracts are in a good and improving neighborhood, and within mites of the termination of the Delaware-county Passenger Railway. No. 5. Consisting of Stone Dwelling House, 32 by2o feet, two and a half stories high; yard and garden con taining 1 rood 4-70 perches; to situate on Darby and Radnor road, H mile above Garrettford road, and six miles from the city. aNGAUHE DAVIS, . GEORGS DAVIS, ' THOMAS STILL, dc!6- ftnSt* Administrator. M limestone farm for sales* —For Sale, A FARM containing 228 acres of —IT land, situated in the Limestone-Valley of Buckingham Township, Bocks county, Penns.,'three miles from Bely Were and Delaware Bailroad, at Lambertyilie.and immediately on the line of a contemplated "Bailroad ihrongh Bucks county; f There are on this Farm a set of farm buildings; a number of lime kilns and quarries producing excellent Lime, for which there is a ready sale to. a home market; SO acres of heavy timber, apple orchards, large peaclf orchards, etc., etch Price low.' ' ■ "".si - For particulars, or a view of the premises, call on or address de2o-6i* •m FOE SALE-A LARGE HUMBER i® of email House's in the lower part of the city; also, well-secured Ground Bents, cheap for cash. For fur ther particulars apply at ,del3-12t* . . Ho. 935 TO6BW. Street, "FOR SALE—THE STOCK AND FIX .X TUEES of a COAL AND LUMBER YARD, situated On the Schuylkill river, above the mouth of Mill creek.. Al*o,?a neat little Cottage Home.' - - - . - '. For particulars applr to I, ROZELL, de22-thstu3.* AttheTard. . TO LET-A FEW MORE OFFICES, ON A the first floor of the building. BOQK Street, below Third, formerly ‘‘Post-Officevßnilding. ” Also, the Whole of the fifth and sixth Stories of said building, With steam power. - ' - - Offices on the second floor, Commonwealth Building, and the whole of the latge room in third story, r - M THOS. H, CORNELL, Counting House of Dr. D, Jays e &Bon, *»»*--- • 3*3'CHESTNUT Street, FOB RENT—THE LARGE FHOTO x graphic Rooms formerly occupied by W- L- GEK* MOH, comer of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Also, several other room b over the Photographic Booms. Inquire at 618 WASHINGTON Square. ;• no!4 BASI.ROAD MTSES. tmportant TO RAILWAY TRA- X "VELLERS. —For full information In reference to Sta tions, Distances, and Connections, illustrated by one hundred Railway Mara, representing the principal Rail ways of the country, see APPLETON’S RAILWAY, GUIDE. ' - nol9-6m. QIIA-IVO-E OF ■ TIME./" THE PENNSYLVANIA C E NTRA L E AIL'R OAD. PHILADELPHIA TO PITTSJBORG-356 MILKS. _Yhe Ticket Office of the PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL BAILROAD is now located at the New Passes ger Depot of the Company, THIRTIETH and MARKET Streets, Philadelphia. - , . THE PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS leaves daily. THE’ ERIE MAIL leaves daily, except Saturday. All other trsins leave daily, exceptfiunday. .On and after MONDAY, December26th, 1564, Trains , .will leave Philadelphia as follows: Bf\{\ A. M.—MAIL TRAIN, w-iih-the foliowingcon , V/t/ sections: Arrive At WEST CHESTER INTBB SECTION 9.05 X M. , . end connect with West Chester- Railroads arriving at -West Chester 9. SO A. M. At -DOWNINGTOWN 9.35 A, M„ connecting with train for Wayne* burg, and reaching there at 11.10 A. M. At COLUMBIA 11.50 A. M. , connecting with Northern Central Railroad, and reaching York at 2.60 P. M., Hanover Junction 3.30, P. M., Hanover A 45 P. M.. and Gettysburg 6.16: P_ M. Also, with tram on Reading and Columbia Railroad, leaving at 2P, M. Arrive at HARRISBURG 1.20P.M.,-con necting with Northern Central trains North, thus: Leave Harrisburg 1 46P. M., arrive at Sunbnry 4.20 P. M., Milton 503 P. M , Williamsport 6,16 P. M., Lock Haven 7 60 P. M, - (Passengers for Elmira, Rochester, Canandaigua, -Niagara Falls, etc., reach" Elmira at 10.45 P-M.i and Buffalo at 6.15 X H.) {Passenger* for Dan ville, Rupert, Bloomsbnrg, Berwick, Beach Haven, Shiekshinny, Plymouth, Kingston, Wyoming, Pitts ton, and Scranton,take the Lackawanna and Blooms bnrg tramß at Northumberland.) At HARRISBURG, for pomt3 South on Northern Central B. 8., leave at L3O P. M., arrive at York at 2.57 P. M., Hanover Junction 3.30P.M. ,Hanover4.4s P»M.,and Gettysburg 615 P. M. At HARRISBURG, for points in: Cumberland Valley, leaving at-1.40 P. M., arrive at Carlisle 2.53 P. M., Cb 4.35 P. M., and Hagerstown 6.15 P.M. At TYRONE 6.68 P. M., connecting with Bald Eagle YalleyTrain, leavingat7P. 51., and arrivingaffßelle fonte at9P. M. At ALTOONA 7.40 P.M., connecting With Brandi train for Hollidayshurg, reac ting there at. 3.25P.M. At ORES SON S. 3S P. M., connecting with: Branch train for Bbensburg, arriving there 9. 40 P. M. At_PITTSBURG 1.30 X M., and there connecting for all points West, Northwest, and Southwest. IfY OH A ' M -~ PAOLi ACCOMMODATION, No. 1, arriving at Paoli atli.osX M. in M,—FAST LINE, connects at LANDISYILLE at IX, 2.40 P.M. with train on Reading and Colum bia Railroad,' arriving at . Litiz 3.10 P. M., Ephrata 3.33 P. M., and Reading 4.25 P. M. At HARRISBURe, with an Accommodation Train on Northern Central Railway, for Btmbnry andinienne diste points, reachli gSnnbury at 6.50 P. M. AtHAB. BISBORG with train on Cumberland Valley for Car lisle, arriving there at 5.15 P. M Arrives at Pittsburg 1.30 A, Jt, and there makes close connection for ail Western points. __ - 1 Ifl T. M. —P XRKESBURG ACCOMMODATION, I.ll# arrives at Parkesburg at 3 35 P. M., -stopping 'at intermediate Stations. - 2 On P M.-HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION, ■ / makes connection at Downingawn at-A 04 P. , with train on Waynesbura Branch,; leav ing at 4.30 P. M-, and arriving atwayneshurgat 6 P. M. At COLUMBIA, at 625 P. M-y with Northern Central Railway, or York, ieayrng Wrightsyilie 7 P. M., and arriving at York at 7.40 P.M. Arrives at Har yl Af f pT ' M.-EM're BANT ACCOMMODATION, from 4.1 )U 137 DOCK Street, daily, except Sunday. Ar ‘ st Harrisburg 4 05 X Ml, Mifflin 9.-47 A. M., Altoona 3.20 P. M„ and Pittsburg ILOOP. M. The cars are comfortable, and emigrants, or families going West, will find tiie rateslow, and k&ve their baggage, * for which checks are siYen, forwarded by the same train For further particulars ajply to FRANCIS FUNK, Emigrant Agent, 137 DOCK Street. Between Harrisburg and Pittsburg a first-class car is atsachad to this tram for local travel. . 4 na K m. Lancaster accommodation, ,UU reaches Lancaster at 7.29-P. M. land Columbia • at&lOP.-.M. ' 5 9rt P. M,-PAOLI ACCOMMODATION. No. 2, iOU reaches Paoli at 6.30 P. M. B«>rv P. BL-PITTSBURG’AND ERIE MAIL, .111 I with the following connections: Arrive at * Harrisbnrg, ICO X M..- Sunbnry, 4.15 A. M., Northumberland, 4.24 A. M.f Milton, 463 X M.; Williamsport, .6 05 A.. M. j Lock Haven. -7 25 X M.; Emporium, 11.08 X M., -Sc. Mary’s, 12.05 A. M.: Corry, 4.3 S P. M.. and Erie. 6-35 P. M. (At Corry close connection is made with Oil Creek Rail road for Titnsviile and Shaffer’s, the present terminus of thB road, thence by Stage or Boat for Oil City and Franklin.) (Passengers for Danville, Rupert, Blooms bnrg, Berwick, Beech Haven, Shiekshinny, Ply mouth, Kingston, Wyoming.-Pittston, and Scranton, take the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg trains at North umberland.) [Passengers for Elmira, Rochester, Canandaigua. Niagara Fails, etc.,.reach Elmira at IL3SX M.. and Buffalo 9.20 P. M-) At HARRISBURG, with Northern Central Railway, for the South, leaving at2.5OX M. r arrives at York, 4.10 Xv M. ; Hanover Junction, A 45 XM. Heaves Hanover Junction, 9.60 X M : arrives at Hanover, li X M., and Gettysburg, L 25 P. if. At HUNTINGDON, -6.31 X M., with tram on Broad Top Railroad, arriving at Hopewell, -n- A. M.; Mt, Dallas, X M., and connecting thence by Stage forßedford. At TYRONE, 6.29 A. M., connecting with train on Bald Eagle Valley Road, leaving Tyrone at 5.60 A. -M.; arrive at Bellefonte, 10.13 X M-, and : Howard. 12.29 P. M. Leaving Tyrone on Clearfield Railroad at 8.65 A. M-. and arriving at Fhiltipsburg at 11 A. M. At CRBSBON, 6.13' X M., with branch train for Ebansbnrg. and-arriving thereat 12. W P. M. At BLAIRSVILLE INTERSECTION, »-20 A ; M. connecting with branch train whichamyes at isiairs ville atlo.4oX . M., and Indiana, CThi* train also conaecti at Blairsville with West Pennsylya •nia Railroad, arriving at Saltsbnrgat 11 4a A, M.) Ar rives at PITTSBURG at LOO P. M.,andconnectsforaU points West. -orrrr iDUT.PSIA RYPRBhg IMO oMiT aVDowningtownv Lanrarter, ' ■ bbarg, Marysville, Newport, Mifflin, Lewis town, Hnntingdon, Xtoona, Gallitzin, and Conn-, mangh. At HUNTINGDON, with- Broad Top Rail road, leaving there at 8 A. M., and arriving at Dudley, X M. i Mt. Dallas, - X M., And thence by stage to Bedford. At ALTOONA, at 9.05 A. M., connection.ia„made with train for Hoffidays bnrsr, reaching there at 9.65 A. M., and thence by hack to Bedford Arrives at PITTSBURG at 2.4 DP. M., makin g close connection with through trains ait all the diverging roads from that point, North to fee Lakes, West to the Mississippi .and the Missouri Rivers, -and South and. Southwest K> all points accessible by Rail road. - ‘.- j . - " For further Information,-apply at tba Passenger Sta tion,; corner of THIRTIiTH and MARKET Streets* - Mi-if JOSS F, YANISES, Js., TicWAZ^t s»l2-6m* B. J. SMITH & CO., Real Estste Agents. Newtowu, Penna. ArCTSSKS SAI.Es. JOHN B. MYERS & CO.Tlumw:' w BE SB, No*. 232 and gg* Mtifcg? LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF BOOTS BROGANS, Ac, OTS * 8H0R; ... ON WEDNESDAY MOHsr»n h Dec..23th, .at ® o’clock, willbetotfhV™* , without reserve, on tour months’ fedur' packages boots, .shoes, brogans,; baltnowa 2j® a£ I.l* army goods,.travelling bags, Ac., of cliv manufacture, embracing a fresh an4priA?7?„«SSK> of desirable articles for men, womsa, irTA’WSH&t for examination «**£s%*: r MOffiraG*Dec“s^^j Bh ses. prise, in part— * ***** c«ai, „ cases men’s 24-incli sraimeavalry boots dasea men’s ani* buys'nailed boote. * cases men’s and boys* thick boots. boots B5 * 8 mea ’' l ’ bora '■ “d youths’ calf,kip, iai . cases men’s, boys’., and youths’ calf and . gans. * “’P bro. gaiters 868 bays ’> aEd youths’ calf and p t m "^ g ses men’s, boys’, and youths'calf ani misses’, ani children -• caisE women’s, inisseE’, aad : chUten's and enameUed hoots. b moroc,, baWris.X”? 3 ’ 8 ' mi3 “ S% attd fei^«>n’s cases men’s, boys’, and youths' brogatis eases women’s and misses’ nsHed boot. N. B.—The above will embrace a prime and assorfment, well worthy, the attention cf layers. W S22 for examination early on the morning of sale. 1 Side OF btteopeas SE*\SOif JIEfi,ICAN DST GOODS; &0., I>OR THg We will hold a large Bala of Briti**, aoi-men f™,; and American dp goods, by catalogae on credit and part for oust, ‘ oa toat maa-H' „ ~ OJf THURSDAY WOSKreo Dec. atb , commencing at precisely IB o'cloaV «« prising . ■ eiocn, eoQ. 900 PACKAGES AKD I,OTB of British, German, French .India, and American *- goods, embracing a large.fuil, and Iresh woolen, worsted, linen, cotton, and silk aood« and country saler,being the last sale of the a»a»on r XrASGE £ALE OF FOBBIGH AND DOJQSricDKr Included in our sate of. foreign and domestic 4™ *° q 8 * 05 THORBPAY. Dtcember ;9, willibe found the foLlowis* do»Sr»l.u article®, vw: “ ***«r*B« hales ieavy.brown sheetiisg. bales superior bleached muslin. . bales heavy brown drills. ' haies all-wool flannels. •=: cttcee plaid Manchester ginghams. ceres indigo blue checks. cases tickinja and denims. cases brown and Meaehed Canton flannel*, cases heavy corset jeans. case* mixed eaßsimeres. cases plain and-printed satinets. cases all -wool tweeds. ' cases super Kentucky jeans, casesheavy army bed blank'ets. TAILORING GOOPS-fTO CI.OPHIEB*. —pieces hegyy Esanimsnx beavers, —pieces Moscow and President bearers. Pieces seal skins and nilotß. , - pieces Whitney and chinchilla beavers. ' —pieces fancy eassimeres and meltons. Pieces Belgian broad Moths: pieces cap and cloak cloths, repellaats, Ac. pieces Italian cloths, vestings, tabby velvets. &e. SHAWLS, DEESS GOODS, AS D WSBH GOODS plaid all-wool lon# shawls. all-wocl zephyr shawls. .-—pieces all--wooi Frenchpaplijib, Oobargg, k*. Also, Cautoa cloths* mohairs, alpacas, Ac. Also* finish, shirting linens, linen cimbxic hakdltar cjnfif?, Ac. Also* silk tics, sewing silk, hosiery, eloyes, shiiig sh^tB^ r &^ erS ' )a^ and hoop skirts. trayeUim “ ■’■ C JOtrfm'S FAEIS KIS> GLOVsi > OK THURSDAY. December 20, will be arid about 200 dozen Jouvin'a rail Paris kid gloves, for best city sales. 11 Also, men's and boys' bnck ganatlets and mitts. pUKNESS, BRINLEY, & CO., So. 615 CHESTNUT and 61» JAYNE gtreofe SAXE OP IMPOETBD AND DOMESTIC DET OOOI«. . - OS TUESDAY. 4 Dec. 27th, at 10 o’clock, on four mouths’ credit, 4CO lota fancy and staple dry gaoda. MTHOMAS & SONS, • Nob. 139 and 141 South FOUETH Street. BEAL ESTATE AND STOCKS, 3TrK DEC. CARD.—Our sale on -TUESDAY nest, 27th inst., wffi is elude upwards of twenty moderate-size dwellings in varions parts of tie. city, besides a large amonnt of slocks, loans, &c. See pamphlet catalogues, containing also a large assortment of real estate at private site, and a list of sales on the 3d, IBtb, and 17th of January SAXES OP STOCKS AND ERA! ESTATE At the EXCHANGE, every TUESDAY, at 12 o’tloek noon. jB*-Handbills of each property Issned separately, asi on the Saturday previous to each sale 1,000 eataloftiw. in pamphlet form, Riving fulldescriptions. SALES at the Auction Store eT«y iKS-Partlcnlar attentlOß given to Sales at Private 2* sidences, ac, . ■„ Sale No. 2047 Brandywine street. NEAT HOUSEHOLD FUBSITUBE, TAPESTEY CAE. - PETS, Ac. . —- 1 ON WEDNESDAY MOSSING, 2Sth inst, at 10 o’clock, at No. 20j7 Brandywine .street, the neat honeehold and kiteleafurniture, das tapestry Brussels carpets, die. May be examined at 8 o’clock on the morning of Hu sale. The house is to rent. - B SCOTT, JR.. AUCTIONEER, Nog, • 633 CHESTNUT and 615 SANSOM Streat. PHILIP FORD & CO., AUCTIONEERS. X 535 MARKET and 533 COMMERCE gtTsett POSITIVE SALE CASES BOOTS AND ON THURSDAY MORNING, Dec 29th, commencing at 19 o’clock, we will sail, by catalogue, for cash, 1,200 cases prime boots, shoes, bro vans, balmorals, cavalry boots, Ac , from city a*4 ■ Eastern manufacturers, comprising a geaeral assortment o£ roods, to which the attention of buyers is-invl-'ed. PANGOAST & WAENOCXT AUO - TIONEERS, 34.0 MARKET Street' SALE '6OO LOTS AMERICAN AND IMPORTED D3T GOODS. MILLINERY GCO»S, E MBBOIDEEIgs, HOSIERY GOODS. Ac., bf Catalogue. ' ON WEDNESDAY, Dec. 2Sth, commencisg at 10 o’clock, comprising i general assortment offiesirabie goods, suited to present sales. - POSITIVE SALE OF A STOCK OF FASHIONABLE ' CLOTHING, CLOTHS, CASSIMERBS, Ac. • The entire balance of a Chestnut- street esuablisfameiit, ’by catalogue, , - ON WEDNESDAY; Dec. 28, commencing at 10 o’clock. PY HENRY P. WOLBERT, -U ■ ■ ; XUCTIONBSH, No. 303 MABKETStreet, south side, above Second it. ; Sales of Dry Goods. Trimmings, Notions, Ac., even MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY Morning, commencing at 10 o’clock. ... n J. WOLBERT, .AUGT/ONEES.KO, SOUTH SIXTH. STREET. :; : PURE OLD BRANDIES, WHISKIES, WINES, CLi , {RETS, CHAMPAGNES, Ac. ,ON TUESDAY MOBNING NEXT, the 27thihs<. 11 o’clock, at No. 16 South Sixth street, in. asd (Semijoiiss: r - VefY choice old Martel pale brandy, 1618. Don Pedro 11 Maderia; golden brown and pale sherries, ISI7 and 1813: pure grape juice port, Jamiaannd Sahobwiils ikies, Holland gin, old wheat and rye whiskies In mag nume, choice Champagnes and clarets. Ac. XI war rantedApnre and nnadnlterated. Xso, 3 barrels old Bourbon whisky, 4 years in store. de2s-2t* • - r- ■ - -■ ■ SHIPPING. BGOTON Sand philadel- MMgfiifcPHlA STEAMSHIP LINE, sailing from e&ek port on SATURDAYS, from first wharf above Hlia Street, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Boston.^ The steamship NORMAN, Capt. Baker, will sail toa Philadelphia for Boston on Saturday, Dec. 24, *t H X Ml,-and steamship SAXON, Capt Matthews, from Boston for Fhiltdelphia. on the same day at 4P. H. These new and substantial steamships form a regnllf line, sailing from each port punctually on Saturdays. Insurances effested, at one-half Ik* premium claned on the yessels. > . .. Freighta taken at fair rates. ‘ Shipper* are mueated to send Slip Receipts and Biffi of Lading with their good*. - For Freight oz Passage (haying fine accommodeiionJ, apply to ; : HBNRYVYENBOE A CO.. ... 333 South DELAWARE Avenaa . STEAM WEEKLY TO LI •mBSEVEBEOOL; touching at QUEE.VSTOW'ff, (Cork Harbor.) TJie weH-kaown Steamers of tae Lirar* pool, 2Tew York, aad PhlladelpMa SteameM? Compas/ (Inmaa Line), carryiaz tie U. S. Mails, are iateaaea w sail as follows: _ CITY OF CORK SATURDAY, Dec. % KANGAROO..... —..SATURDAY. Dec S. CITY OF LONDON^..U...—,. SATURDAY. 3m. i. sueeeedlng Saturday at Norm, from risr n. ° T ”‘ RATBS OF PASSAGE: „ Payable In Gold, or its equivalent In Currency. FIRST CA81N.—....580 09 STEERAGE do to London. ... 85 90 do to London— do toParis.™,. SS 00 -do to Paris S.V. •do ' to Hamburg- 90 03 do to Hamburg-« Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, iw< tardam, Antwerp, Ac. at equally low rates-, .. ... Fares from! Liverpool or toeenstown: Ist Cabin, i®, files.* Steerage from Liverpool or Queenstown. V- Those who wish to send for their friends can oar apply at the Company’. Offices. JOHN G; DALE, Alien'. 8014-tde3 111 WALNUT Street, Philafeipc:^ FOR NEW YORK. OUTSIDE "LINK. l_ wmw COASTWISE - STEAMSHIP COMPANY’S FBSIGHT LINE FOR NEW YORK, and conn**** -for all Northein and Eastern cities and New Orisa*. THURSDAY,: AND SATUBDAT, from the Company? first above Race streeh *** New York, from Pier 11, North river, on same days, » For freight, which" wiil be received dally, handlji in the most careful manner, and delivered with t» greatest despatch, at fair rates, apply to „ - •• WILLIAM J: YAYLORft SQj* no!0-3m ' - 310 North WHAEVjB^ FOR BATAVTA—THE DANISH ■SsSSbark SALAMANDER, Dittesson, master, noW loading at York for above port, -WTllhara ficics despatit; de2l-6t 331 and 333 Sonth FOURTH Street _ SSI'ETST’S COTTAGE ORGANS, Rot only UNEXCELLED, but UNEQUALLED of Tone and Power, designed especially for Chwwg and Schools, but found, to. be egnslly well adsp** 4 the Parlor and Drawing Room. For saleunj.rb£ & No. 13NorthSBVBNTH Also,a complete assortment of the Perfect JSWOJJr constantly on hand. * -a - : . nog^- DECKER BROTHERS' # 17 I rf?AITOS.-The Pttbllc, and partienlarlr profession, sre invited to examine these beans™,, strnments, which sre meeting with sneh an MP'ta led degree of popularity and saiein Hew Yort. wherever fcnown. The desiderata® «o lone for, i. e. the strength of the iro», and sonoronsnaj*, the wooden frame, so happily attained by them, ten" their Pianos ineomparable-with any others. kM-T-ss: ftaft ast j/sg a large assortment of other new and ““Jiao' Kanos, tor sale and to rent. • ' noL DENTISTRY. DR. B^SS2* ABTIPICIAi TEBTH oa Vulcanite, from $S to *».. Teeth filled, S>g|ffjE*i upwards. Kepttirmr. Bsforeace*. f oase, Street, belowXocni* s 0 fey* BTOBE, So. oiO Mg~Gl&aiea refined to suit all &&*, I **£ Ba jai-3* ropaUlns carefully aad promptly attended- ia> - ’STOBE, 16-SOUTH BOUBTfI STBEET. PHILADELPHIA, PA-.*™* alwa7 5 * -A large variety of FIBE-PBOOF SAFE* aiw - fjpjj LONDON^fTCS'