The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, December 20, 1864, Image 4
FISAMIAL ASD CBMMEBCIAII. The followlu* Is a eompatatlye etatement of dltlott of the Philadelphia Banks yesterday and on last Bfouday: nac . H See. 19. s—;=riil *pl efessflg ■..« t S ftIHIilIl! If lm Z 2? 5 fee 25 o IrSiP S: o a rife ; I*§o“ p&&f3*2E.H : gs^S-^s®pH : “t»: ES.r;ik ; : a=SSnfS: § • : i i:: s-gB« g|! f!. : I 1-it | n.| iFi 111 j?I fii'll I I ggig§i§i§§§§§g§§§§i§l§i§H ■» f* r*r t-'k‘{ 3 i J, rW.£ g* mm mmßßßmmft l - Bkslgg§ll§i§i§gSg|g§§|g§ - ♦ 3? : : ::: JSRgfS: «%:.pRSKjSgS|Pf § j;i = -§§§g=sg|=sg§§§iiis§ ' aiiiiisiiiiiM c m •*» «§ gj g§!g 8? S? 5S S s» y ' w-'r*’ rrrrrW? Sg9Sp?KRsIFo.2SSSSKFi 2 SP?S ssgg§g§gges§s§ia§i§ii§g§ Clearings. Balances. tec. 12.......'....... $7,433,113 23 ■ (561.693 31 *■ 13 ........i 8,0*2,181 21 919,73117 «• M....„ 6,628,433 73 666,443 68 «• IS 6,752,677 41 480,401 78 « 16 .. 6.963,139 66 440.546 85 «•: 17 6,968,631 89 4M.206 81 *11,707, Of 6 69 *3,408,015 60 The busks of ibis city will bo closed 031 Monday next, December 26, also on Monday. January 2,1855, This lainaccordance'with previous custom, when holidays eome on Sunday, The stock market was rather dull yesterday,, as Is usual at the approich of the new year. Government loans were in steady demand, though prices were less Drm. The 5-20 bonds sold at 109, a deeiine of %, and the 10-40 bonds at 102%, a decline of Hi the new 7-30 notes brought 99%, and tho 1681 *loan, coupon off, 110. The miscellaneous railway share list was yery dull. Pennsylvania Railroad declined 1%, Reading Railroad - H, Catawtssa preferred X, and Camden and Amboy Railroad %. Little: Schuylkill Railroad was steady at 44%, In Company bonds there was very little said, Camden and Amboy 5s 1875 sold at 99, and 6s of 1883 at 100%; Reading bonds 1870 at 102, Sunbury and Erie 7s at 107, and Elmira in at the same price. Of the hank stocks there were sales reported of Philadelphia at 158%, Union fit 63, and Girard at 63. The oil stocks were generally •steady. -Curtin again advanced, selling at 18; Maple Shade remained at SB%. Race and Vine-street Passen ger Railroad sold at 11%, and Thirteenth and Fifteenth street at 28. Canal and mining stocks generally were dull. The following were the quotations of gold at the hours tamed: 10 A. H. ........... .....SH3 ' \Q% A, • OMIA't OHMItI | •m 11X A, M.a *.216 ltf2 A. 11* A, M *..**.216 12 Mew<-MM>ttliHM»*iw«W»o« < .. W 4«. w w. 212 32MP. ...214 4 P.M -318 The following were the closing quotations for the na vigation, mining, and oil stocks: EchuylN&v.•....? GloheOil »chn|L Hav.prcf.. ®| || |<™£« Mdy Oil BusaDanalU.,... 14)4 15& Hibbard 0iir....;. 2 X 2& Big Mount Goal..* 6* • iHogelsland**..... 1 Clinton'Coal.**... .. 1 X Hyde'Farm....... 3 5 X Bolton C0a1....-- 7X IX Irwin 0i1,,........ lofciojl feeder Dam Coal. ,81 % Keystone Oil * 1M IX GreenMt C0a1.... 4' 4>i Krotzer ........... 1% IX feystone Zinc.... 1M 2)4 MapleShadeOil.. 37)4 89)4 x AMidClF'd.. 10 18 MeClintoekOil... 6 &g Jf Carbondale .... 2 .. Mineral 0i1....... 2X 2X BewGreek Coal.. 1 IX Mla«o***. ? 3% Benn Mining..,...-.. 19 McfilhenyOU tX 5% Atlas* ix 2 HcCrea & Cherry 8.. 2X' Allegheny River.. .. IK Noble & De 1...... 9%10X Alleghy sTideout IX IX OUCreek VA 8 Big Tank... 2X*X Organic Oil.. 1 IM6 Brandeiilsland'-* ** 2X OlmateadQil....*. 2 2X Beacon 0i1**,..... •• 1 PennaPetroGo... .. 2X Bruner 0U*..«*... .11)4 Perry Oil A% 4 % Bull Cfeek. 2 94 SK Pkiia&Tideoui 15 Briggs 0i1.«»»..*.. 4.94 5 Pope Farm 0i1.... % % Burning Spring... 1 4 Petroleum Centre. 3)4 3|C Continental 0f1... 2.813 Phlla & Oil Creek IX IX Crescent City..... ‘IX+2X Revenue .......... 2X 3X Curtin............. JSK 18)4 Roberts OU .. 2* Com Planter..... 6* 7 Rock Oil 3X •• Caldwell.**.*..*.* «S 7 Rathbone Petrol.* 1% 3 Cow Gretk.*.*..»«l>4 21*15 5herman.........* .. l% Cherry Rnn*,..... 26 29X Seneca 0i1......... .. 7 Bonk&rdOil.* * X Story Farm 0i1*..2 3*15 2)4 BunkardlCreekoll IX 2 Solrayl &OU Crk* ** 2X Bensmore 0i1..... & .. 5unbnry............ %x Baliell Oil.**.«*.. B£4 8£ TarrFarm .*«•**.. 3)4 3* fxcelsior 0i1..-**. IX IX Tarr Homestead.*’ 4X 6X gbert B*, 8.81 Union Petroleum. 1.94 2 fdoradq.*—-‘*£7 ?<£ Uppet Economy*.. XVi Barrel 0i1........ j % 155 Venango 0i1.....* .* l franklin Oil**.**.. XM 1% Walnnllsland*... 3 31*16 Great Western.**. 3 4 Watson*....* 8 Germania 11-18 IX A new banking firm* under the copartnership title of Adams A Beyls, have commenced business at 305 Chest* 3int street* and will negotiate for the sale and purchase of Government and other stocks for those who may favor them with their orders. The following banka have added to their capital since last report, as follows; first*...** Ohio* *.**537,000 fifth.*..** .Chicago, 111..™,..', 60,000 Market * Boston, Maas ..,*.240,000 first.*.*. *• ...Ann Arbor. M1bb26,000 first* .... .Yarmouth, Mass.... .* **,,175,000 first*.*...*.****.-Jamesbnrg f Y*... 16,000 fizat*****,***,**,,.,,,.. Wilmington, 1it.,.,,*.,,,, 26,000 irst-....Lewiston, Maine**,*,*,,.. 60,000 first,.Winehendon, Mass..,,***. 23,000 SiiUbury.**** .Millbury, Mass * 60,000 Becond. Rockford, 111..*,...*...,** 60,000 first* Mass.**....loo,ooo fir5t*.«...*.....-*..****Killißtly, C0nn........... 65,000 T0ta1...... ► ...,,..$398,000 Aggregate additional capital ~..*6,536,000 Jreviously authorized - .*121,756,020 Whole number of banks authorized to date sis hun jdred and thirty-one, 'With a total capital of $128,151,020. The following additional depositories of the public money hare been designated by the Secretary of the. Treasury: first, Elizabeth, N. 3, ; Lancaster, Lancas* Xer, Maes.; Girard, Philadelphia,,Fa,; Mechanics', Jiewlmryport, Mass.'; First, Beading, Fa.: Amount of currency leaned to the national banks for week ending December 17 *1,612,000 Previously issued ...... . 70,760,810' Mai currency Issued,,,,, .$73,3^740 Drexel A Co, quota: United States tends, 1881. ~ ■ .116%»H7% United States Certit of Indebted ness. ....97%@ 97% gnartermasters’ Vouchers... MX® 95% ®OltlW*-s •m«ie mess SHHfWKMItm .816 @2lB Sterling Exchange...........234%@23S live-twenty Bonds.— ——IBS @89% PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES, Dee. 19. BBFOEB BOABDS, BOOBgbert lots 3XI 200 OOk&Ch’y Bnn. 3X ICO Pal jell 0i1... 8X 200 do .....1)60 4 2CoGeimania......... 1 I - FIRST BOARD. «OUSd-Ms 1W%1.100 Schayl Hay..CAP 33% SCO© do 10031 DO Delaware Div.lots 36 30COState 65............ 93% lOOKeadingß s3O 57% 2000D'nCanalbds.lotB 81 100 do ....«30 67% 3960Beading6e, ’70....102 SPenua B .......... 68 4000 V 8 10-408 10t8102% 60 do .1)6 66 ICOO Eirnl a 7s 107 20 Lit Hnhnyl K ...» 44X 4000 Sunt & Erie 7s .lote 107 1113th &15th-at R... 28 100 Excelsior 1% 100 B A Vino-»t 8.b30 11% 800Mingo! .. 3% 400 Feeder Dam...lots % 100 Mineral Oil 2% 80 northern Coat.... 66 60PhUllns 0i1....... 6 lOOSeneca.. 6% 300 DnionPetro .lots b 6 3 100 Howe’s Eddy..... IX 200OO'kAC’yBnn.t5 3X 100 Egbert 0i1...,„... 3% • saoiiard 63 BETWEEN BOABDS. 2COO Reading Bds ’70..102 100 Read E. .-opzAlnt 67%. 3 Pennaß....- 66 100 Bt Dorado 2 4000 C * Am 8s ’83.1t8..100% 8 Penca B Its 65% 60 Oil Creek 8 900 Dalzell Oil Its 8% M 0 X Central... 64% 3000 U 8 6, ’Bl.. .op off.llo 7CO Ü 6000 do cp off. 110% 300 do .inloos.lo9 300 Curtin 0i1......... 16 600 Harrisburg Bds .100 100 Sch Bay bBO 33% g» Story Farm....lts 2% 400 City 6a new--CAP 90 3to IValnut laid..lts 3 1-16 14 Norristown E 63 60 Cataw R......pref 37% 100 Swatara Fa 115.... 6 200 PerryOU... 4% 100 KrotzerOH... 1% 2CO d 0.............. 4% 200 Pope Farm........ X : bEOOBD BOABD. 6CO CSTr7-30NtS.nw 99% • 6 Union Bank 63 ICCO State 6s b 5 93 KO Organic 0i1........ 1 6COO US6b 200 Walnut 1e1d...b8 3 116 6000 G A Am 6s ’75. Its 99 300 OU Creak Its 8 ICO Read B GSP..b6 67 4 Phlladaßank■•...■l66% ICO Cald will 7 100 Map Shade. .bSAint 38% AFTER BOARDS. ~ . ’ ICOPenna 8....,...b6 66 200 New Creek C0a1.... iv» 28 do 66 300 Big Tank 2% 200 Catawissa 8.. 16% ICO Briggs „ 4 91 ,52 5° >«pref 87% 100 Cartin' 15X , 160 d 0... lota.pref 37% 100 do ICODnnkard 0U...... 1% 100 . do bM 10% 300 Story Farm b 5 2% MO Caldwell ...... eif IGO Reading K C & P. 67 101 do/..."..." £m 7* tCO do. lie. .opghint 67% 300 Dalzell "" 100 do. bSO 67% 300 Excelsior 1.44 2000 Cun & Arab 6# '76. 99 600 Germania 1 i-ie 100 Maple Shade, -blfl 88% 400 Story Farm lots 2% 1000 HoctSß’d Top Bds M 400Krotzer.. lots IX 2CO Union Petro. -.lOts 2 101 011 Creak 8 1100 Walnut Island.... 2-94 250 Perry.. lots 4% 2CO do '. 3 SCOPopa Farm X 800 U 8 65....c0up,0ff.110 200Reading..C 5P..66 67% 4000U56 20 B’ds.reg.lo9 800 do..C A P. 2 dye 67% 1 SCO do 109 200 Walnut Island-.... 3 200 Caldwell on 6% 6(0 Ca1dwe11........b3d 6% 6Csm A Amb.....,151 600 do 100Dalzell Oil b 6 8% ICO Catawiesa pref..... 37% 100Per)y Oil.. 4% 100 Corn Planter....... 0% 2CoBrener OU 1% .100 Dalzell ...,36. g% 300 _ do. .. J-56 500 Caldwell}— W 6% aOßeadng >BO 67 ICOTwrParm „b 5 3% 60Perry 4% 100 Uolon Petro 2 1060 Great 8a5in.,...., 8% 4(o Eldorado ....2 1 is EOCOIO 40s, ...,,,..102% SCO Beading 67% U FT 0 a w *. V .S 52 W atari lBlaad -• • .31-W 27 Schuy Nav™..*.. S 3 60 do s SCO St. Nicholas 4% 60 Pope Farm % “ OUTSIDE BOOM” BALES. 200 Perry.. .b 5 6 100Phlla &Tideont .b 6 3% , 60 Excelsior.' 1% ICO do ,g ICO Beading..op* S int 67% 200 Walnut 151 and..... 2.94 46 do ....opg Alnt 67% 100 Big Tank....... ...2,1-le 100 do.IS CAP A Int 67% 600 Hibbard 2% Tho New York Post of yesterday says: Qoldbpened at 221, and, after falling to 211%, rose to zip. The loan market Is dull, as Is nsaal at this season. " bn abundance of capital in attest of investment on ®sHta still accumulating. At seven per cant, thereto no usdlculty in obtaining loans on miscellaneous teen* Iltles. Commercial paper Is auiet at 7@9%. The bank statement shows an increase in loans of two million, - *na ut deposits a decrease of two tnUllon three hundred 23“ « ST, 088 chonaand dollars The ehanges In the cir eulatlonarennlmportant. Theßlx hundred and thirty ißilt™owiA?thorlj,ed baTe an aggregate E?'ietE? 0 !, Tbe currency now amonntsto WilihW^e^C 900W6rB lB,Qed ’■The stock market opened dull and closed heavy. Uoyerements are firm Dew five twenties are active and wanted at 100%@1C9%, conpon sixes of 1881 at 117%@ 117%, certificates at 97%<§&7%, and ten-forties at 102%@ 102%. The subscriptions lor the ten-forties aro sus pended for the present, aa the first series of one hundred millions has been taken, and some donbt is sxpresssd ae to wlielher *’ using to an canal ¥ bbl for fancy brands, as to quality. Bye Floor and Corn Meal are quiet. '• ~ , ... ; GRAIN —The demand for Wheat U limited and tin. market is doll. Small 265 e for fair to prime, and watte at JWSdiMew bmajito Mil "NewyllJwToffTSat MoStbu; little or nothing doing ! first No. I Qnercitrimlßheldat*4aSo» ton. _.. .. , COTTON. —PHcea have declined, and the market I* Terr dull. Middlings are quoted at 128@1300 » lb, Ca oSOCBBISS.—Thera Is little or nothing doing la Sugar or Coffee, and prices are unsettled and lover, owing to the decline Jn gold. IRON. —Pig Metal continues dull, and thsre is very little doing. Anthracite Is quoted at t50®60 ?t ton for the three numbers. • ■ • • . . . , PROVISIONS. —Holders are firm In their views, hat there lslittle or nothing" doing" In the way of sales, Mees Pork is quoted at *40@42 % bbl. ... , SEEDS.—Flaxseed is in. steady demand, with sales 300 bushels at *3.76, and 1,000 bushels on private terms. |n h VeM d |^fW.heW 59 I?‘lS^ t" am the receipt, of Flour and Grata a* thisporlto-day; tA-mhMs. Hour .«• *■ • —— l ** r.munwj. Wheat —. one. dlio bSsl Philadelphia CattleKarhet. December 19—Evening. The arrivals and sales of Beef Cattle have fallen off this week, reaching about 2,100 head. The market la. rather dull, hut prices are well maintained, and extra Pennsylvania and "Western Steers have advanced. Sales are making at 17J4@l$<c for first quality—thelat ter rate for choice; 15® for No. 2, and common at from 10®UcV* lb, as to quality. .'"" " - C6we are unchanged. AboutWfiead sold at from *3O uptos9ow* •*■ kbeep are firmly held, and prices are rather betters 3.C00 head Bold'at7@BSc ® lb, gross. - HoaSaris better : 8,400 head arrived and sold at from $15@17.50 the 100 lbs, net ~ The. Cattle on sale to-day are from the following States: - ■_ 11 ' ,900 head from Pennsylvania. - .660 head fram-lllinois, • 575 head from Ohio. „ , ,- The following are the particulars of the sales: ; 150 Chester county, Martin FuUer & Co., H@i7Xo. * Slo2 Ohio, Mooney & Smith. 16@17*0., ~ ' . i OrOheeter county, -Homes & Ktmble, 15©18c. , 146 Charter county, A. Kennedy,.l4@l6J4o. , j 32 Cherter connty,BßatSWfn,ll@l7c. .. . 1100 Western; Jas. McFillen, lS@l9c. i 90 Weetem, P. Hattaway, M®lSXo. S 8 Weetern, P. MeFllleni 13tgft7Ke» 60 Chester county, MUilman, 16©19)f0 • 80 Pennsylvania, H. ChaW 10@«Sc. SO Pennsylvania, J. & J. Chain, 10@15c. \ 48 Western, J. Anil. 12@14c; 80 Chester county, R. Ke&ley, 14@17e. . - 46 Cheater connty, Chandler &.Co,» 16@X8e. S 6 Western, T. Doffer, 12@14c. ; 110 Western, Ihiffy & Co:, 18®17c. ' ■ ' 60 Cheater county, J. Webb, 13@17e. SO Chester county, M, Corson. 15@18c.- 80 Chester county, B. Hood, I2@l7j<c. .40 Lancaster county, Climpson, 12@16e. 49 PenneylvaniarMorgan, ll@lse. • 100 Pennsylvania, Dryfoos&Co,,ll®l6cr 78 Western,’ A. Leiiz; 12@15c. 170 Western, Frank * Co.-, 12@18o. COWB AND-CALVES. The arrivals and sales of Cow. at Phillips’ Avenue Drove Yard reach about 100 hoad this week. There is a good demand, and prices remain about the same as last quoted. Springers are telling at from *3O to *7O, and Cow and Calf at *76 up to $9O w head, as to qualitv. ; tIAiiVEB are firmly held, ■ 40 head sold at from 9@Uo>4e as to quality. THE SHEEP MARKET. The arrivals and sales of Sheep at Phillips' Avenue Drove Yard are small this week, only reaching about S.COO head.. The market, In consequence, is very firm, and prices are rather better,with sales of ermmon to good at 7@Bo, and extra at from SX@B3o ft lb, gross, according to qusagr. HQG The arrivals and sales of Hogs at the Union and Ave iraeDrove Yards nach about 8,400 head this week. The market is more active andprices have advanced, with sales at #lS@l7.oothe ICO lbs net, the, latter for prime corn fed.:' .2,380 head sold at Henry Glatß’ Union Drove Yard at from #16@17.60 the 100 lbs net. „ „ , . 1,080 head sold at "Phillips’ Avenue Drove Yard at from *l6 up to 17.60 the 100 lbs net, as to quality. New Torn Markets, Dec. 19. Asbbs continue dull and nominal. , . , Breadstdffb.—The market for State and Western Flour 1b dull, hsavy, and 20c lower: sales of ,4,000 bbls at *9.5t@9.65 for snperfine State; 81C@10,10 for extra Slate; $10.7;@11 25 for choice do; *9.60@9.U) for super fine Western; *lo@lo.sofor common to medium extra Western; $lO,B5@U for.oommon to good shipping brands extra round hoop Ohio, and *11.05@12 fop trade brands.. Southern Flour Is dull and lower; Bales of 300 bbls at *10.60@12 for common, and $12.1Q@16 for fancy and ex tra. Canadian Flour is dull, and 20c lower; sales 250 bbls at *lo@lo,2ofor common, and *10.28©12 for good to choiso extra. • Bye Flour is quiet. Corn Meal is dull. Wheat is doll and nominal, and'Bc lower; sales 4,2oobußKOod. Chi cago spring-at s2,and 7,000 bus winter rea Western atp.t. Bye is dull and nominal. Barley is q.uiet. Barley malt is doll. Oats are doll and lower, at $1.04 for Western. The Com market is dull and nominal at $1 Ss@l. 80 for Western mixed. Whisky.—The market is active and firmer; sales 2,000 hhls at $2.03 for State, and $2. Q3@2 06ftr Western. Tallowis heavy and lower; sales 60,000 ibs. at 16jg ®l7#c, " . • Sid. JLsTc. i W2SF° NEW tens AND PHIUDIIr PHIA PETROLEUM COMPANY. CARD FROM THE TRUSTEES. 2*o the Subscribers to the Stock of the lino Torfrarscr Philadelphia Petroleum Company: It is advertised that 60,000 shares of the Capital Stock of this Comptny will he reserved ae Worxino Capital, To prevent misconception, the management desire to state that ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS in cash ($100,000) will he-deposited with the Company’s hankers, to be used only in the development of the magnificent property belonging to the Company, and for the legitimate contingent expenses. A Urge majority of the stock having boon taken, the hooka will ccon he closed. E, C. BTEDMAN, Secretary. Subscription Agents in Philadelphia, |ggp» PBESIDENI PETROLEUM COMPANY, PRESIDENT, VENANGO C 0„ FA. ORGANIZED UNDER THE DAW3 OF FBKNSTLVASIA. President—AMOßY EBWABDS. Sat.. NewTor*. Treasurer—L. H, SIMPSOIf, Ben., New York. Secretary—J. EDWIN OONANT, Eta., New York. JOHN M. CLAPP, Esa.. General Besldent Superin tendent. Counsel—Messrs. PLATT, GEBABD, & BUCKLEY, New York. AMOKY EDWARDS, Esa., New York. EBEH B. CKOCKEB, Esa., of Crocker* Warren,New York. ' FLETCHER WESTBAY, Esa.of Westray, Glhhs, * Hardcastle, New York. J. M. CLAPP, Esq., President, Venango county. Fa. L. H. SIMPSON, Esa., of L. H. Simpson & Co., New York. Its lands are pnt into the Company at the unprece dented lo w price of One Hundred Dollars per Acre, the lowest ever known for OU-heaing territory; and form its CAPITAL STOCK, *3,000,0001 In Shares of 985 eaCh, par value. Subscription price *6 per Share, being inf till payment far a *26 Share. Ho tatter callor assessment to be made. 80,000 SHAKES, or *lOO,OOO BBSEBYSD FOB WORKING CAPITAL. Parties subscribing in this Company will receive an equal amount of stock in two other companies ad joining without further charge. The Lands of these Companies are located on the Allegheny river, and on Hemlock, Porcupine, and Me Crea creeks, MAKING AN OIL-BOEING TEBBITOBY OF OVER TEN AND A HALF MILES IN EXTENT. The wells on this property are being sunk with great Vigor, and promise large supplies of oil. To the capitalist and to parties of limited means un surpassed inducements are offered. Persons investing in this Company get *6 stock and the above BONDS for each *1 invested, without further call or assessment. Subscription books, maps, and ail other Information can he obtained at the bfice ef the Subscription Agents, L. H. SIMPSON & CO., No Subscriptions taken for Isss than ONE HUNDRED DOLLABS. ' del-lm KSf* THE LEBANON ICSGr OIL AND MINING COMPANY- ,„„T8?S r fSroTr ! Secretary. ABBAHAM SHISK. I D. 8. LONG. PRINCIPAL OFFICE NORTH LEBANON, FA. PHILADELPHIA TEANSFEB OFFICE (No. 3 FOB EEST PLACB,) ' T TH FOF’’ ' STREET. - 123 X SI NO. S 3 WILLIAM STREET, New York. Dec. 14th, 1884. ALBERT H. NICOLAY, President, for the.Trasteas. CIAKKSOS & CO., 121 S. THIRD Street. OFFICERS! DIRECTORS: 04 CEDAR Street, HEW TOEK. FEEBIDEHT, ' hen by light, Lebanon, Fa. HEV VWBK AND PHUADEIs f*f PHIA.. . PETROLEUM COMPANY. ORGANIZED UNDER THE LAWS Oil NEW YORK; TRUSTEES. FRANCIS A.,PALMER, PresidentAroadway Bank, BswYork. NATHAN RANDALL, ex-President Unlted-Bfates Tele; graph Company. New York.; ... * ALBERT, H. fIUCOLAY. of Albert H. Nlcolay A Co., Brokers and AuoUonesrs, 62 William street, New York. , EUGENE J. JACKSON, ofPolhamlns & Jackson,Bank brs and Brokers, 48 Bxehange.Plaee, New York. EDMUND C. STEDHAN. Secretary New York Petro leum Stock Board, and Broker. No. 30 Bread street. New York. ANDREW MEHAFFEY, Philadelphia, FRANCIS A. GODWIN, Philadelphia. ROBERT CLABKBON. of Clarkson ft Qe., Banken, 121 South Third street, Philadelphia. JAMES M. CLARKE, Oil CUf Pennsylvania, PRESIDENT, ALBERT H. NICOLAY, NSW-YORK. VICE PRESIDENT. ANDREW MEHAFFEY. PHILADELPHIA. TREASURER, ‘A. V. STOUT, PRESIDENT SHOE AND LEATHER BANK. NEW YORK. . « " OFFICES OF THE COMPANY: HO, 53 WILLIAM STREET, HEW YORK. ' I»1 SOOTH THIBD STREET, PHILA. Capital stock soo,ooo sharks, AT THE NOMINAL FAR 1 OF *5 EACH. i SUBSCRIPTION PRICE *3 PER SHARE. STOCK SUBJECT TO NO FURTHER ASSESSMENT. 50,000 Shares, or $lOO,OOO. Beserved for . Werkiiig Capital; A LARGE MAJORITY OF THE SHARES OF THIS COMPANY HAVING BEEN ALREADY.. TAKEN IN NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, THE SUB SCRIPTION BOOKS WILL REMAIN OPEN BUT FOR A FEW DAYS LONGER, AT THE OFFICES NAMED BELOW. . NEW YORK SUBSCRIPTION AGENTS. FRANOIS A. PALMER, At Broadway Bank, Ho. 337 BROADWAY; ALBERT H, HIOOLAY & CO, r No. 53 WILLIAM Street. FQLHAMIUS & JACKSON", No. 43 EXCHANGE PLAOB. PENNSYLVANIA IBHIBIAT, OIL BSE* COHPAHY, OFFICE No. 130 South FIFTH St., Philadelphia. CAPITAL, *1,000,00(1-300,000 SHARES AT *5 EACH. RESERVED CAPITAL, *350,000. PRESIDENT- ALEXANDER K, McCLUBE. DIRECTORS. ' John M. Pomeroy, Elisha W. Davis, Peter B. Small, - A. K. McClure, Thomas A Scott, D. K. J ACKMAN, J. C. Bqmbekger, Treasurer, ELISHA W. DAVIS. Secretary, JAMES 11, SELLERS. This company has 120 acres of land, In fee, on Alle- Ibenyrlyer, immediately opposite Oil City, and ad joining Laytonia, with 110 rode front on the river, and 7firodsfront on Lay’s Enn. Hon. 0. P. Bsmsdell, edi tor of the Oil City Monitor, and agent for this landcas suree the Company that it will sell in lots for $lOO,OOO, reserving the oil right, which is worth $lOO, GOO addi tional. Immediate revenue will be derived ta the company from the sale of these lots, and the Company has two good enginss’with Complete fixtures, to ope rate immediately for oil. The territory in this imme diate locality has never failed to produce profitably. - Also, one hundred acres, in fee Simple, in the cele brated Cherry Run' District, immediately adjoining' Cherry Sun Petroleum Company, whose stock is now Worth over $3O per share. The Company now has offers, which will be accepted, for sinking wells on lease, without any eost to the corporation, and one-half the proceeds to go to tho Company. The Curtin and St. Hicholas Companies are ih this immediate locality, and their stock is now eommandinga large premium. In addition, the ; Company has 40 acres, in fee simple, on Cherry Tree Ban, which empties into Oil Greek, and in the best producing section of tbe Oil Territory, and 110 acres, in fee simple, on "Walnut Bend, five miles above the month of Oil Creek, and not over two miles from the celebrated Eeed well, now producing over 200 barrels per day. Also, thelease of three tracts ofland, two on Oil Creek, each producing over ten barrels per day, and one on AHegheny river, producing tenbarrels per day of heavy oil, worthnows2l per,barrel. ThefCompany now re-; ceives three-fourths of the proceeds of the last-named well, and one-half of the other two. Eaoh of these tracts will he developed by the Company by Binking additional wells, and the engine's and fixtures are now on hand to do it. The officers of this Company mean to prosecute the development of these lande most energetically, and they have entire confidence that they will yield very large dividends on the capital etyck. Subscriptions must be 'made promptly, as more than one-half of the stock is already engaged. Subscriptions will be received at the office of the Company; ael4-6t Iflßr* WILLOW COES PETROLEUM »w COMPANY. CAPITAL, ©BOO,OOO. DIVIDED INTO 60.000 SHARES, OP THE pAB VALUE OF $5 EACH. < WORKING CAPITAL, $30,000. TheVew shares yet remaining unsubscribed may be had upon application at the office of the .Company, or any of the directors. PBEsmENr. JAMES M. GOHRAD. SECBETARY AND TREASURES. JOHN H. CARR. " DIRECTORS, JAMES M. CONRAD, 623 Market etreet. JOHN H. QRAHAM, 827 Market street. JOS B SHEPPARD, 1008 Chestnut street. COATES WALTON,' 623 Market street. - WH.' HART CARR, 1334 South Broad street. , The Oil lands ef rite Company consist of the following described tracts,embracing inall one hundred and fifty two (102) acres: Tract Ho. l-djmitalns fifty-six (58) acres, situated at the junction of Bums’ Run and the Ohio river, with a frontage on both the river and run. abacii Ho. It-Contains forty (40) acres adjoining Ho. 1. Hob. 1 and 2 are leased for fifteen years, three-fourths or the oil accruing to the Company. They embrace the entire valley of the run for nearly onemile. Tract Hp. S-Coniains fifty-six acres, owned hythe Company in foe simple, located on Fifteen Greek, which empties into the Little Muskingum river. The Messre. Tack Brothers, who have been ao successful on the Horse Heck property in Virginia, are now sinking a well on the adjoining tract, within six hundred feet of our line,. . del2 lm jsS**> THE HUSTON FiBHOIL COX 9>axr Pi'sT.—The property of this Company is situated on the Allegheny Biver, in Venango county, and consists of the fee simple of -two tracts of land, with a frontage of. one hundred and thirty (130) rods •n said river. ~ A working capital of twenty-five thousand ($56,C00) doHars is reserved in the treasury for developing the oil.resources of the land s. • Books are open for the subscription of stock for a few days at the office of ' -WALTON Jt YOST, . , Ho. 35 South THIRD Street, Where also a prospectus may be obtained. „ op Sf<®BS OF THE COMPANY. Hon. ELLIS LEWIS, President. - , DtItECTORK ‘ Hon. Ellis Lewis, (E. W, Ball, John Anspaeh, Jr., jo. w, gohropp. /Thomas A. Robinson, I pp ' JAMES BOYS Secretary. Jambs H. Walton, Treasurer. del4-lot* Kgr THE DIRECTORS OP THE TACK ’ PETKOLECII COMPAHI have this day de clared a dividend of T WO PER CBBT; out of tbe earn ings of tbe Company for tho month of November, pay able on and after the 20th last, at the office of the Trea surer, Mr. GEORGE H. MILLINGTON. No *3 BX CHAHGB PLACE. Transfer Looks olqjed from the 17th to the 20th instant. > HERMAN H. GROHKN, . Secretary." gsw York, December 10,1864 tyable to the Philadelphia Stockholders at tbe office of Tack, Bro.. and Co., 317 WALNUT Street, on and after the 20thfast.. del4-?S* THE PRESS.—PBILABEXjiHfIIA, TUESDAY. DECEMJBEB2O, 1864. SEW PEBUCATtoNS. VVVWN/'A«AA.WVVV^^VVyVWyWWVVVVVI>/WV'/V\Vv''V JJOOKB, GAMES, AND K&yELTIES TO MAKE CHRISTMAS MERRY. DAVIS, POBTER & CO., No. ai South exsith Street, (tttTwaar asSumm am Hind's Itkbbm, > Hare now ready a great yarlety.of JBO.OKSJFOS OHII.- 3>KEN of allagee. They are profnsslyiuistr&d, and Mnjed In large tTM, In Bbowy bindings For VEST VotJHO CBILDEEH we have a large assortment of FIB&T BGOZS, with brightly* colored Pictures, and words of single sylUbles. v BAIIASTtNE S SHEW MISCELIMT FOBBOTS. Under this title, the popular author of “Ungawh,” "Coral Island,” &c., has written a series of books In tended to give, inn popular style, narratives of To rages and Travels, Perilous Adventures, &c, , Buoirae will in terest boys, and inculcate, at the same time, a high moral purpose. There aie nojrready three volumes, vir. r :TABT‘ IN 'THE ICE; or> Adventures in the Polar Keetons. iFIQHTING-THE WHALES? or, Doings and Dangers on a Fishing Crtflse. ■ - * . .• JAWAY in THE WILDERNESS; or, Life among the Bed Indians and Far Traders-oX-NortnAmeriO. ;*ach tvolume is beautifully embellished with Four Colored Plates, and bound in cloth, gUt. Thsyare put 5-pIiE a handsome box, and are the - - # r Cheapest and attractive boohs fob published this season. ’ Order DAVIS. POBTER-areOr’S Edition. OLD •OLD NURSE'S LITTLE LIBRARY.' Square lino, S 3 pages to each book. Be&utlfnlly illustrated' with one or more engravings on everypaga. ‘ Pointed in large type, on fine whitepaper, fancy colored covers, . Do. plain or carefully colored. INIipiBIiCTIBLE TOT BOOKS, Hie nursery stories of BEDRIDINO HOOD? TOM TEUMB SIsfPLK BIMOH. ani CHILDRSt* THK WOOD; four kinds* printed on heavy calendered linen. In very bright colors and large pictares. Tirae books are trulyindestructible and very pretty, are in octavo size, and very-cheap.; : They- are - much, 'wanted* as the high price of nmalln has prevented their, being made. ÜBOE EETTEBS FOB JHE UX^LE ONES, This/ ft new alphabet four inches high, veiy prettily drawn by Evens, w Ith gronpe oCgracefoi children* and itie tluragkt to be the handsomest alphabet ever issued; Davis, Porter, A Oo’s editlon isVaJSverr cheap book, 16 pages 8vo?, ’-in handsome Goves; printed in three colors. t Also, another • edition with- a:.E\ngleie star on eaehpags.'briUiantlypilhtedijiii ;oilcqlorji;32.pages. Square l2mo. ♦ "'**, ■ .^rp.f, SSW BOttWW 'Qg. « Sl-OTEHILY- PliTKlt’ X. THE SPAKE THAT WEHT- SPARKING, A series or charming ideas and dr&wtngs.jw'ifch. humorous a&d quaint cdnceltfc in verse, by Dri Henry HoflfGSan, the author of.ihafc wonderful ’.fanny Peier,” and others. With brightly colored illturtra tlons, infancy boards, Bmall 4to. 50cants. ' ' ' 11. HEARTY AND HUMOROUS THINGS FROM THE CHILDREN'S WORLD. A new funny booh, with , many- nice drawings; very- brightly,colored, by -Dr, Hoffman. Small 4to..fhncy boards. * 60 cents. COMICAL RHYMES OF ARCJS&T TIKES, dtubhp Into Jokes for small Folks, by 0, XL B, AnirreriSTiilir droll booh of rhymes and drawings to please thanttle opes. Printed in colors. Small 4to- fancy binding. ‘Order Davis, Porter, & Co. 'sedition, as it is decided ly the best and. cheapest edition. Over3s,ODOcopie3 o£ thls book was sold in London in a few months.. ; MOTHER GOOSE, YAMOHS EDIXIOIS, .sq. isaa©**; ; , MOTHER GOOSE’S MBLODlES.:iUnstrated writhW* designs,-by Bennett Square 12oio. Colored on every page- Containing ICS pages, 200 engravings, and melte of the Bhyme*, Chimes, auiMalddies thanany edition published. MAMMA’S SIX SHORT STORIES 808 THB HURBS BY ! a series of impro ring talea for little girle, in easy . words ofone and two syllables, by a motner, with, six coloredengravings from designs by Georse White. Square 32m0, New and handsome binding.' 75 cenfcs _DITTLB FANNIE’S PICTURE STORY BOOK •ABO - of i hort stories aad;eaBy reading lessons, inwords' of one and two syllables, by Miss Leslie. with SOpicV turos, prettily-colored- Square Unto.- - New andshowy binding. .75 cents. ” LITTLE BESSIE’S STORY BOOK, in big type. Short v and easy stories In words of single syllables printed in type quarter of an Inch high, with 60 brightly-colorad pictures. Square IZmOe New and showy binding. 75' cents. ‘LITTLE BESSIE’S PICTURE BOOK, in big type. A collection of 60 pictures with stories, in words of two,, three, and four letters, in type quarter cf atninch higfe a comparion to the above, with tO coiored pictaros, in & most attractive binding 75 cents: ■ * —7“^ ..OUR BABY’S PICTURE BOOK, containing many of the best nursery talea; with 100 brilliantly-coloradpie tores. 12mo. prettily boundiu a new B’vyle. 75 cents. OT3B BABY’S HOR6ERY IOOK. ientmaiig i *Sat yariety of nursery rhymes and stories, with lOOpiotureß, that" Jack Built, Cock Robin, Old Paine add her Six pence, 80-Peep, Threeßea's, Simple Simon, Ac., ike., ■with 60 colored pictures. 12 mo. Mew stylo of binding. —cents. - - . .TREASURY OP PLEASURE BOOKS; containing the > favnrite tales of Charmed Pawn, Ugly Back, Hams in,’ Bock, Pox and Geese, Goody Two Shoes,. Jenny wrenH! So , So., with 80 brightly-colored pictures, 12 mo. Hew.styleof binding. $l. THE HISTOBY OFTHEEE KITTENS WHO HOST THEIR MITTBMS ; their Courtship and Marriage, their Dost hand Burial, Alife and Well Again ; How One Tamed Bobber, and other wonderfoi events In their liver, withSO large and brilliantly-colored picture*, and printed in lame. type. A most attractive book for the young folks. Boyal Svo In a beautiful binding. $1.2-5. PAPA’S TALBB-FOR THE KHBSEBYIAfnew col lection of amueing and instructive stories for little folks, profusely illustrated on every page with 67 large showi ly colored pictures. In an attractive new binding, BoyarSvo. $1.25. - MAMMA’S TALES FOB THE NURSERY, comprising easy stories for the lltue ones, with 62 large pictures' brighly colored. Boyal Bvo. In a new and showy binding $1 25. NURSERY FAIBY TALES; the best 'Fairy Tales in easy language, compriting Tom Thumb, Bed Biding Hood, Children m tin Wood, Jaok the Giant Killer, Hop O’-My-Thumb, Aladdin. Ac. Illustrated with 59 .large piertres, brilliantly illuminated in oil colors. Boyal svo. In a new and attraetivobinding. ’ $1.25. .THE FUNRYPICTUBE BOOK; containingFhnny and Instructive Stories, profnsely illnetfated on every pace with highly colored pictures. 4to In landsome binl- PIOTHBES FOB LITTLE PEOPLE. A eol-i lection of Stories, Comical and' Instructive, translated' from the German, with 112'pictures, brightly colored*, on every page. 4to. Mew and showy binding. *1.75 • CHILDREN'S PICTURE GALLERY of 550 brightly colored engravings,with short readings ip easy verse to each picture; a famous picture and verse book. ,4to.'. Mew-and pretty stylo of binding.* «L. 75. -■***?.• N LITTLE FOLKS’ FIRST STEPS ON THE L ADDER OF LEARNING. A series of short Stories in words Of single syllables, printed in very large type, with-60 brightty colored Pic ures Ato. In a new styleor binding, fl 75, A LAUGHTER BOOK FOR.LITTLE FOLKS; con taining a greatvariety uf. short and very aptnaing* stp-. -viee.Peearsiated'froiirtbePJermaSi.with-lsolarge brightly colored engravings. 4tS. Hew style of binding. $1 75. „.The above contains sixbooks ip one, viz; - Slovenly Peter. . Bunny Leaves for the Younger ■ Slovenly Kate. ' Child’s Mirror.' [Branches. Sugary Tom. _ - Johnny Look-in-the Air. . COMICAL PAGES FOR VERY LITTLE PEOPLE. With numerous Funny Stories, and 150 large colored engravings. 4to. Bound in a new style.' $O6. Con taming six books bound in one, vis: ', Simple Hans. . .Wonderful Chicken. ’ King Hntcricker. Yotuig Troublesome. Great Sausage. Jimmy Sliderlegs. DAKJUfcY’S SPIESDIBIY IB£I£D AIuUIMS. THB STOUT or ALADDIN and HIS WONDEBPUL SAMP., Hew and fine edlilon, superbly iiliietr.ted with 16large full-page drawings by F. O. C.Darley. These deigns are very spirited,and among the happiest designs of this artist, elaborately colored. 4to. Bich new style of bir- ding. $1,2*5.' THE BOOK OF NONSENSE.By Edward Lear. With 118 pictures. From the tenth English edition. Fall of tbedrolleefe pictures and verses. *1.25. PAPA’S BOOK OF ANIMALS; Wild and Tame. A new booh of easy stories of animal?, giving their chief peculiarities in such language as children can under stand, with 16 large and spirited drawings, fiom sketches made from living animals by H. C Bispham, the animal painter. As the sketches were made ex pressly for this book, only such ware selected as were either great favorites with all young children, as the cow, horse, dog, cat, &c , or those that most attract their attention in the man&gerie, as the lion, elephant, tiger, camel, &c. It id believedthat fhisis theJurst in stance in America where a celebrated painter has been employed to make original drawings from the animals for a child’a book, and the result is thought to be quite satisfactory. Each subject is represented in its natural attitude,- and is laTge and bold* without any surround-: lugs to distract the child’s attention They have been cwefullyengraved by Louderbacb. Square svq. cloth ROMANTIC STOEIES FBOK HISTORY, A volume of interesting historical narratives of the youthfal ao* tiona of famous men, with handsome colored en gravings, bound in crimson cloth; It contains incidents in the lives of Cardinal Wotsey, William Tell; and the' first Prince of Wales. 75 cents. r ; MY PLAY IS STUDY, and other Stories from the German. By Professor L. Lermout. In addition to the charming stories in this volume, theie are several of the Parable stories by Krummacher. Illustrated with four large plates, pitted, in tints and richly colored. Small 4to. cloth. $125. *■- ■ * -EXAMPLES OF GOODNBeS, narrated to the-Young.. Translated from the German by Professor Larmont. With four large plates, printed in tints and prettily colored Small 4to. doth. $1.25. LITTLE HARKY S BOOKS.•/ AneWseries in words of single syllables, printed in very large type, with six teen colored illustrations in each book. Six books, doth gilt, in box si. •» LITTLE PET BOOKS; By Aunt Fanny, author of 44 Night Cap Series,” 14 Mitten Books, ”&o In words of single syllables, nieuly illustrated. Just ready. 8 vols., cloth gilt. $2.5K; ' THE AMUSESG NOVELTIES FOB THE HOLIDAYS, o Published by DAVIS, PORTER, & GO., #1 South SIXTH Street, will make evei*y Household merry, aB they should be on Christmas time;' THE PHESAEIBTISCOPE. THE FHENAKISTISCOPE, Or NEW ANIMATED FIGtJBEB, A new dad ingenious Tay, printed on clrsu- Ifir card fcoaid a'nd colored; a series of comic figured andcomhinations produced by revolving the circle on a handle; affording a great deal of amusement for eve nJm£parties. Six kinds*doneupin-apackage. SLCO. * THE MAGIC PANTOMIME-* eerie* of large dancing figures, brightly colored, "Which are.made to operate in a mysterious and amusing manner. Six kinds assort ed in a pack age ' * ' These dancing figures are gayly colored, and, being double-jointed, wul dance very naturally. They are muehuted for children’s theatres or shows, for dancing on the plar o to the music, &c. are very amusing, Ch MhtANTAaESi)S PHOTOGIE*PHS—warranted cor reel! 1 This novel instrument for taking portraits most be seen to be appreciated! There are fdur kinds assorted to the dozen.iany.of which wi lk create mirth in the household. . THE OHOST IN THE SfEEEOgCOFE—a new aad beautiful divertisp- "it for the " 3 -—* which a vr*-'" instrument By a simp) shown in*t and heani ii . THE. G A] A lew- rotn ! e l|W for the a'mu Colored. sCc. _*BE GAK LIMGS. A Brightly colored, 40e. NEW ALPHABET BLOCKS. LITTLE DARLING'S ALPHABET- BLOCKS. Con taining an ornamental alphabet, highly colored and mounted on block*. In a neatbox *. ODE PET’S ALPHABET BLOCKS. Containing an ornamental alphabet of large size, highly colored and mounted on blocks. In a seat wooden box. NEW MSSECTJEB PICTURES. Four kinds, NEW DISSECTED PICTURES mounted on wood, brightly colored, and in a neat wooden box— Viz: r Row Boat Excursion. Pennsylvania Dairy Scene. William and hie Sister, P shing. Maryjind Sally, Reeding the Pet Pony. Besides a very large 'assortment of most attrac tive Toy Books, very brightly colored on every page. VALUABLE ROOKS FOR PRESENTS, PUBLISHED OR FOB SALE BV DAVIS. PORTER, & CO. , 31 B SIXTH, PHTLAD’A. THE SPLENDID LARGE PAPER, •‘MILTON, . COMPLETE. ” . MILTON’S WORKS, Caxton edition, on large paper. This is tie first complete edition of Milton ever issued in this, country. It is most/sumptuonßly printed at The CcixtoTi Press', on the beet-heavy laid paper, made expressly for it. The “Poetical Works” are from the text asprin teS ty Pickeringwltti Ilfs and Notes by 0H16 ,J5f ¥?. boid . and vory distinct type; and * * The Prose Work a ” are from the edition superin tended by the late Rofns W. Griswold, and printed fiom the text of Pickering’s edition. As there has been printed but a small edition of 250 copies, and it can not be reprinted, as the plates have been melted upi this superb large-paper issue of Milton must rank as the beet for the libr*ry of the gentleman of taste, and in crease in value. -Price in 4 vols., Imperial Bvo., fold' ed, $l5; Cloth, uncut, $l6; half Roxburgh Morocco, un cut* top edge gilt, Half Calf Gut, or Antique, $26; Full Calf extra, $BO.- A copy of this edition would superb presenta tion book, and be an ornament to any library. SHAHSPEARE’H WORKS, 3 YolS. THE ILLUSTRATED SHAKSPEABS, with 75 illus trations on steel and wood; elegantly printed on hue paper, with large type, forming; three handsome vol umes, Royal Bvo., half Turkey morocco, antique or gilt, or full Turkey morocco antique, a splendid library ox presentation edition. - • fme edition of Shakspeare, complete In 1 vol • Royal Svo., with 15 steel plates, elegantly bound, in half|Roxburghmorocco, gilt tops, or half calf antique. , Also, Bhakspearo complete in lvob, 12m0., with 15 plates, bound in half morocco, half calf antique, or Turkey morocco antiae. . , BYRON’S COMPLETE WORKS. New Riverside edi tion, printed on the finest tinted and laid paper. With fine portrait, and illustrations on steel. -Four volumes, small Svo,, cloth, neat* or half morocco, Roxburgh style, top edge gilt. MILTON’SPOETICAL WORKS. New Riverside edi tion, beautifully printed with large type, oh the finest tinted laid paper. With portrait. Twn volumes, small Bvo., cloth, or half morocco, Roxburgh style, top edge giif KEBLE’S CHRISTIAN YEAR; exquisitely printed, with fine portrait. I6mo. ,jdothgUA edges* orhalf calf “german LTRJO POETRY Selections from tte beat German Poets, translated by Prof. Ghas. J. Brooks, translator of“ Titan, * ’ “Faust* ’ ’ etc,, elegantly print ed on tinted paper, ICmo,, cloth, antique, red edges. . DAVIS, POETEE, (ft 00., No, SM South SIXTH Street* PHILAPELyHIA, ..., , J . »gjWiglTßimCA^DlfflWB*_ " FOB HOI/IDAY GII'TS, , BIBLES, OXFORD EDITION, 4FOH THE DESK, FOE TEffi FAMILY, ASS FOR THE SUNDAY SCHOOL, PRAYER BOOKS. Elegant editions for presents; on tinted paper, very handsomely bound. Price from $5 to $lO. PRAYER BOOKS for the Pew, bound in arabespue or sheep, from $1 to $2. FBAYEB BOOKS for Sunday Schools, from 90c to $L DRIFTED SHOW-FLAKES. A volume Of Bellgions Poetry.—A Beautirul gift to a pious friend, or to the sick or sorrowing. From $1.26 to $3, KITTY TBEVYLYOH. By the author of “The Sebonberg Cotta Family.’* Price $L 76. TiHY LIBRARY FOB TIHY PEOPLE. To Teao them to Bead. 4 vola. 48 colored illustrations. $L THE POETS. Illustrated. s4pervoL THE POETS. Blue and gold and green and gold $1.60 per vol. All the hew Books received' as soon as published. A large assortment of SUNDkY-SOHOOL BOOKS, Selected from the various Churoh.Book Societies and private pnblisherp. Also; a flue assortment of BOSTIC FBAHEB, BOOK BACKS. BOOK STAHDS, SERMON COYEBS, PEN WIPERS, POSTS MONHAIBS, PORTFOLIOS,Sc.,Ac. For sale by the PKOTISTMT EPISCOPAL BOOK SOCIETY, . Ifsa* CHEBTHUT STREET, de6-tnths9t Philadelphia. T7OR THE HOLIDAYS. . HEW AND SDPSKIOR BOOKS. • ~ EBWABD CARDS, AHD MAM, • Pnljlinicd by THEAMERICAH SBNDAY-SCHOOL'OHIOH. I THE OLD FLAG, 868 pp. 16mo. Beautifully Ulus- trated. Trice $1 25, “ The Old'Flag.’ ’ is emphatically Amerteaii treatment, at d loyal feeling. • ' TBY POOR BROTHER. ByMra. Sewell, author of those popular ballads,; M Mother’s Last Words,?* and “Ottr-Father’s Carel6mo, cloth; $1.25. * .-.THE STORY OF A CITY ARAB, Illustrating the conservative and sanctify ing .power of the Gospel in a strikingmanner. 16mo, cloth. Illustrated, $1.25. THE J>AUGHTER AT HOME; or.. Helen Maurice’s Autobiography. 16mo, cloth. $125. r PASSAGES IN THE* MAIDEN AND HARRIER LIFE Or Aninteresting story. lßiao, cloth. -55 cent?. - • ' A NEW GIFT-BOOK. A square book, In large typo, paper covers, landfall of pictures, ; SO cents. ■THE.ILLUSTRATED STORY-BOOK. With large and beautiful engravings. 30 cents. * ROSS* ,A sequel to Rosa lane. 18mo, doth. HETTY’S ACOEN YE AMES; or, A Littl(T<liri.’sWork. ISmo, 60 costs. TWO CHHISTMAS TEEES; or. Two Christmas Eras With Luther and ills Children. 18mo. 25 cents. 'GOOD TIDIHGS. A very'choice Little Child’s Cate* : chisnu in -Bible language. 2 cents. . "BKAKT’S BAhE loa THE WEAEY AHD WOBH. Mmo. 60 rants. r-SELF-COHTBOL; or, Hints for the ImproTsmantof Temper in the Various Relations of Life. ISmo. 40 cts. THE OLD STOHE FARM HOOSE. Mmo, cloth. Ik Inßtrated. *l. KATIE LEE; Or, Little- Dutios for Little People. ISmo. so cents. ' LITTLE LIGHT. ASeq,ttel (oKatieLee, Showing how to be a Little Christian. 18mo. 40 cents, TBE WEED WITH AH ILL HAMS.. ISmo 46ots. •SBHSHIHB AHD SHADOW. Bythe author of "Tho Bive and its Wonders. ’’ 66 cents, MY GLASS AHD L The Mission Sunday-school Teacher. S2mo. fancy paper covers. S cents. PALIBSY, THE, HCGOESOT POTTER.. ProfnSSly illustrated. ISmo SOcents. BAGGED HOMES, AHD HOW TO MEND THEM. Hewedttlon of this popular work just issued. 16mo. $l. ‘ - ■ •• ?- : ■ SCBIFTUBE GEMS BET IH GOLOBS. AueW series ; of EewardCards. 25 cents. _ . THE LITTLE BTBAW-PLAITEB; or, The Triumph of Truth, SS rants. THE TBBHED EBOOK; or. The Story of Little violfit dQ costs - ? BIBLE SCENES ILLUSTRATED, An entirely new and original series of Scripture' Reward Garde.' SOcts. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL BIBLE MAPS. Among the distinguishing features of the Maps may be mentioned: 1 ' - 1. The accuracy, the distinct lettering, and the unsur passed coloring., 2. The surface of the country represented on the Map (two hundred miles square) is very conspicuously dl« vided into sections of fifty miles'each, and again sub&i ■vidediufcoeqttares of ten miles each, >3. Besides the utual’degTees of latitude, the distance of each place east and south of-London is -so maxkeA that fche-atudent, with a single glance of the ; eye, can determine it. . THE NBW MAP OF PALESTINE is four fedt by four. Price, full colored, mounted on rollers and varnished, .only $7.60.- LANDSOF THE BIBLE, four feet by four, embracing an extent of 2,000 miles by 1,000, divided into squares of ICO miles,-and containing also separate Maps of the Jonmeyingß of the Israelites, and Jerusalem and its Environs, all beautifully colored, mounted, and var nished. Price only s£so. * « , , - , -THE SAH£, in reduced form, mounted on. cloth, and done up in book form for convenient use in the famUy or class. Price 75 cents. {Complete cataioguesof the Society’s publications, and copies of its periodicals, furnished on applies . V“tHE AMEBICAH SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, > 4 Ho. US» GHBSTHOT Street. Philadelphia, jaelS-thsto6t or 599 BBOADWAY. How York. t® ™EW BOOKS TOR THE HOLIDAYS; " JUST READY, - THE POETICAL WORKS OP JOHNMIIiTOEV ' - WITH A ' " LIFE OF THE AUTHOR, DISSERTATIONS ON. EACH FOSV, NOTES CRITICAL ANILJiXPIiASAXORV, - JO xnr. iscigrßSTa OF~PARADISB LOST, — : AND A VERBAL INDEX TO ALL r ‘ "1 THB'PCFEMS, -r a ' ; Br CHABLBS BEXTBK CLBVBLUTO. - -1 volume large Royal 12m0., 683 panes,'on fina toned paper, bound in vellum cloth. Price $3. BEADY THIS DAI: : FIABM FKOH HEINE, .Witt illustrations and Tl* German artists, ■ ate. J 5 cents. I !SCHILLER’S POEMS. Bnlwer’s translation. 16mo. ■ cloth, tep gilt.: sl.go. IC. * ILLDSTBATED JDVENIEBS. • ' . •MOTHER MICHEL AND HER OAT. _l6mo. ,1. MOT 3EB GOOSE FROM GERMANY. 4to. 81. .MOTHER PITCHER’S POEMS for Little People. 4to.‘ 75 cents. • - ■ ■ ' MOTHER GOOSE IN GERMAN (“Eta Fopeia”). SVO: $l. 1 . - - ■ MOTHER GOOSE IN FRENCH (“Mere l’Oie”). Svo; $l. .THE ROOT-PRINCESS. A CMstmas Story. 4to. 75 cents. - APPLY 808 liEYPOLDT’B LIST PBEBESTATIOK BOOKS FOB 1865/ Including fclis most Beautiful Works published for the Eolid&ye in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, London, Paris, Leipsic, etc. \ FOB SALE AT A DISCOUNT, or sent post-paid on receipt of stated Publisher. Bookselier.andlmporter, 1323 CHESTNUT Street, ’ Second Floor. t njPBJBSENTATION BOOKS OF A 'JJL VALUABLE CHABACTBB. Hew American Cyclopedia. . .. ■ ; of-Ctommiririal and Business Anecdotes," 2vo)s, - - Bebelllon Eecord. ByFrauk Moore. Washington Irving’s Works; fine editions. • Cooper’ 8 Hovels; illustrated. Dickens’ Works: illustrated. Bancroft’s United-States.. ...... Merivale’s History of the Homans. ? Gems from the DuaseldorfGallery. Lights and Shadows of ifew York Picture Galleries. Mart in’s History of France, age of Louis XIV. \ Waverly ffoveds; illustrated. - » *. Bkakapeare's Works. Prescott's Works, - Bancroft’s United States. Bayar&Taylor’s Woris. Hood’s Works. Lord Bacon’s Works; fine edition. H&ilam’s Works, 10 yds. At / - - : W JAS.- K. SIMOIfS’ Book Booms, del3-12t 33 Sf'ntii SIXTH Street, second story, a, E. Alibeial discount made on all purchases. THE LAWYER'S SON. A LIFE OP MAJOR GENERAL HANCOCK. -An authentic life of the boyhood and subsequent career-or Gen. Hancock, containing a correct portrait; and many beautiful illus trations. . One of the most entertaining hoys* hooks yet published, Price $1.60. ' SEASIDE iAND FIRESIDE FAIRIES. Translated from the German by A, L Wister. A charming collec* tion of German Fairy Tales, linked together with, a prety narrative; beautifully printed and illuetratea, Price $1 75. ENOCH ARDEN. Elegantly illustrated. CLEVER STORIES NATIONS, By John G-Saxe, Illustrated by W. L. Champney. -FOLK SONGS. Anewedition of that most popular book. A new edition of BITTER SWEET, with additional il lustrations. LOttBaSG TOWARD SUNSET, By L, Maria Child. LTRA AMERICANA; or verses of Praise and Faith, from American Poets. - LTRA ANGLIOANA; or. AHjnmal ofßacred Poetry. JBegastlypriatedon tinted paper, red edges.- ALBtJK§?BIBLES, anc.JUVENILES. in an endless variety. STANDARD WORKS and books of ell kinds in every variety ofblnding, placed on long counters running the * MjjemS Galopr.". - ;.;; ;3o cents. Both, from Gounod’s Sew Opera Mireille.and ar ranged by F. Lose©, - » TrebilU Mazurka.... ...40cents. A moat charming piece* Terr brilliant, yet -easy to I Saw-ike Moon Rise C1ear.'.............«*w;5b cents. A Finland Loye Swig; words by Moores This is a perfect gem»and will be warmly welcomed by all lovers or good music. * Kissing in Fun, byG. Harris.....;so cents. Tins is a very popular style of melody, >twa will soon be one of the mosffayorite songs existing. Mr. Louis Meyer has a very choice stock of Music, and special care will be taken by him to accommodate Teachers and Artists whose peculiar wants his know ledge of Musical Literature will,'he trusts, enable him to supply. . Orders will meet with prompt attention. On hand an excellent stock of Hnsioal presents for the holidays. t del7-3t A 1 TRACTIVE JUVENILES. A. ’ By Mss C. M. TEO WBSIDfIE. GBOKGB MOBTON AKD HIS BIBTEB. 18mo. CIIABLES HOBWQOD; or. Erring and Eepenting. l6mo. PKAHK AHD EXTFUS; or, Obadience and Disobadl-* }nce, ISjbo. BICE AND -HIS FRIEND FIDTJS. 18 no. THE TWO COHNeiLS. lßino. JEHHIE’S BIBLE VBESBS 18mo. WM. S. & ALERED HAETIESI, 606 CHESTHUT Street, Philadelphia. TTMAB.4-THE BEST CHRISTMAS present gentlemen, can make to their lady friends is some useful. article of Furniture, anEscritoire, with Mußic.Stand, Reception, or Rocking Ohaif, Piano Stool, Marble Top Table. &c.; all of which maybe had* .cheapest andbeFt, at GOUhO a 00. 'S Union Depots. 9. E. corner SECOND and HAGS and BIRTH and MARKET Streete. deld-tjal "E'ATHEBS AND MOTHERS—CALL X at GOTOD & CO. >S nWon FornUure Depot., N. E. corner of- NINTH and MARKET and SECOND and RACE, and gratify your children by the purchase ol a Christmas memorial. A splendid - assortment from which to select may be found there, cheapest and beat. 1 d«l4*tjal ARTHUR’S MAGAZINE. JABDAET KtfMBEB READY, and for sale by ZEIBEB, PITCHER, and CALLENDER. ■ de!7-6t* Office, 3*3 WALNUT Street. BOOKS! BOOKS!! BOOKS!U Tie attention of the pnhlie ie directed to the fine assortment of new and popular BOOKS on hand and for sals by CHARLES BASIL VSR,. 1389 CHESTNUT Street. A large and well-selected atook of handeomely-bonna and fine copies of all the Standard works of the day, designed especially/on Gifts during the ajyproachtna Holiday*. , . _ „ _ „ . Also, a variety of Juveniles, Toy,Books, Games, Photograph,. Autograph, .and Scrap..Albuihs, Diaries, Bibles, &c.,<&c. • - Also on rhand. threeeete of the papular Chinese game, " The, Baoe Course. ’’ the only sets In the conn try not in private hands. Price $75. • • . . BEADY OH- THE IfiTH .ERST.,- ' Anew Steel-plate Map ofthe State of Vtreinia, show ing tbe Oil Iteaions, new Kailroads, &c., So. Sent by Brail poßt-paid. . Price ou cents. - CHARLES DESILVRE, 4elQ-tjal 1539 CHESTNUT Street. EROFOSAIsS. DAK Street, New York Cits'. Dec. 13, IBM. . DAMAGED OATS.-kVill *t p $ U wTa'll FKn> AT (December 23d, at 12 o’clock, M., at K».a*» NORTH Wharves, rM!adelphiai 1,6 M BUSHEMAH DAMAGED OATS, -condemhed as ugat for ore of Go vernment. 8. L vnvna, de2o-4t Cora M, Dept, IT. B. A. A SSfSTANT QUARTERMASTER'S OPFIOE, Cincinnati, Ohio, December 15, 1364, PROPOSALS will he receivedaf- this office until 12 o’clock tf., SATURDAY, December 31, 1864, from dealers, for such of ehe following articles as_thBy„can. furnish, for the ’ Quartermaster's Department, v. o. Army: , •, * 64 Rowling or LowJ&foor Tyre to bore 66 - inches. , 8 , * . do do do C6K do, / 8 'do .00 do 49M do. ■" 82 .. ; do do . do 57 . do. 4 do ' do s ' do 47# do; The above to be flanged' and %H to-3 inches thick. Proposals will be constderedfor Tyres made by other mandfactnrerßr if eqnally.serviceable. -< . 10 kegs each Hot-pressed Square Rats, H and X inch. 36 Parallel Bench Vicos. 6CG lbs. Borax, 25 bbls.Coal OiL 12,000 Hickory Pick Handles. 10,000 Hickory SpikeM&ul Hanses. eo pige Lsad, SO Pig* Babbitt, < Sfi Blabs Zinc, 25,(X» feet Safety Fuse. 100 dozen Ames’ Ho, 2 Shovels, ©ranartiole equally coed. 20 Reams Emery Cloth, e&ch.O, Hi 1,154,2, 20 do Paper, each 0, H% 1, IH* 2* 2 barrels best Copal Varnish. _6 barrels Mineral Paint <moU). . _ ~ When ftAfnpVn are famished- they mast have the nsme of the bidder upon them, and be numbered to cor* respond with the bids. , , -The articles bid for* and time of delivery, must be stated, and each bid must be guaranteed by two respoa* sible sureties, guaranteeing over their vown signatures mat ihe bidder will enter into bond for the fulfilment of his contract, should one be awarded him, . Bide wUI be opened at the time above specified, and - biddertf are invited to be present. The right is reserved to reject any bid deemed unrea sonable. ...... By order of Cot Wa W. McKim, Chief * Quarter* am star Cincinnati depots A, J. PHELPS, d*2Q 7fc Captain and A. Q. tf. ATTARTEHMASTEgt’S, DEPART* MEBT, Pht£adbl?hia, Dec. 20, 1864. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until l 2 o ’ clock M., SATURDAY, December 24,1864, for the immeciate delivftry at the United States Storehouse, HANOVER-STREET WHARF, of the following art!- clee—viz: 6.0C0 feet Oak Boards, 1 inch, square edge, well sea*' . . soned. 5,000 feet Oak Plank, S inches thick, well seasoned. 5,000 ** ** 2k ** -10.0 CO « « s “ •«. 10,COO " *• SH ' •• *' ~ ID,OOQ •« ** 4 «« « 6,000 " “ 5 . it. r All of the abpve-dhseribed to be of the best quality, and subject to the inspection of an inspector appointed on the part of the Government, BBiddets will state price, to include delivery, both !n\ & gand figures, ihe quantity bid for, and the time of delivery. Each, bid must be guaranteed by iwo responsible per* BOne, whose signatures must be appended to the guaran tee. ana certified to as being good and sufficient securi ty for any amount ia volved,:by the United States Dis trict Judge, Attorney, or Collector, or other publlo offi cer. otherwise the bid will not be considered. .The right is reserved to reject ail bids deemed toohigh, afcd so ¥d from a defaulting contractor will be re ceived; By older of Colonel Herman Biggs, Chief Quarter master. . Gao. R. oaks, de2o-5t Captain and A» Q. k. A EMT SUPPLIES. CIOTEIKQ BUREAU, QRAATHBMASrBBGBWEnAX’S Washington,Deo. 8,1861 • SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at tile respeo nve offices of Army Clothing and Equipage in Hew Yorh thty and PhuaSelphia, unttl 12 o’clock fit, on WEDsfiSOAY, the 21st instant, for furnishing by con tract, at file Depot, of Army Clothing and Equipage in either city-, at the option of the contractors: COO Army Blankets, wool, gray (with the letters XT: 8. in black, 4 inches long, in the centre), to beaeven feet long and five feet six Inches wide, to weigh fire pounds each. Proposals will be received forthe delivery of Blankets of either American or English manufacture, but most be, in all respects, equal to the Army Standard^at tha respective Depots where they are to be delivered. . -. Bidders will ;state the number they wish to famish; how soon they, can commence, and the number they can deliver monthly. Propos&lsmuat be. accompanied by aproper guarantee, signed by-at least two responsible parlies, setting forth that If a contract is awarded to the party making the hid. that he, or they, will at once execute the contract, and give bonds for the proper fulfillment of the same. The right is reserved by the Hutted States toxeject any part or the whole of the bids as may be deemed for the Interest of the service. Proposals should be endorsed "Proposals for Fur nishing Blankets," and those for Hew York should be addressed to Brigadier General B. H. VINTON, Deputy Quartermaster General, Hew York city, and those for PhiUdelphiashonldbe addressed to Colonel HER SCAN BIGGS| Quartermaster’s Department, Philadelphia. LEGAL. TN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE A CITY-AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. John J. Hallowell vs. Joseph B. Evans, alias Vendi tioni Exponas* Sept., 1864, Ho. 347. The auditor appointed by the Court to report the dis tribution of a fond produced by a sheriff’ • sale, under the above writ, of all that certain three-story brick messuage or tenement, back buildings, and lot or piece of ground, situate on ihe east side of Eleventh street, at the distance of three hundred and four feet southward from the south-side of Girard street, in the Twentieth Ward, of the city of Philadelphia; containing'in' front or breadth on ihe said Eleventh street seventeenfeet (in cluding on the north side thereof the southernmost half part of an alley three feet in width by the whole depth of the thereby granted lot,) and extending in length or, depth eastward of that width seventy* one feet, ten and one-half inches to-a four-feet wide alley, leadingnorth ward and communicating with the said three-feet wide alley, subject to the yearly ground rent of $52; will'at tend to the duties of ms appointment, on WEDNESDAY, the Twenty-eighth day of December, A. D. 1864, at 334 o’clock P.M., at Ms office, Ho. 1& Sonth EIGHTH Street, Philadelphia, when- and where -all parties in terested must present their claims or they will be de barred from coming in on said fund. • delfi-lOt JOHN B. COLAHAH, Auditor. PBTATE OF ABRAHAM FRANCE, AJ DECEASED. -LETTERS TESTAMENTARY upon the Estate ot ABRAHAM FRANCE, late Of the City of FtiiladelpMa, deceased, haying been jcr&nted’to the nn dersignea. 'all persons indebted to the said Estate will Please make payment, and those haying claims will present the same without delay to „ „ ■ WILLIAM FRANCE, BT. E: cor. TWENTT-FIFTH and CaLLOWHILL Bts., Or to Ms Attorney, BLIJAH THOMAS, - .-»nS2-tn6t No 51 Harth SIXTH Street. MOTELS And ■ RESTAURANTS. QSNTRAR EATING HOUSE, Opposite the Post Office, PHILADELPHIA. 0017-sm TONES HOUSE, \ V Cor. MABKET STREET and MARKET SQUARE, , . HABBISBUBG. -Pa, The. Proprietor respectfully returns his sincere thanks to his mends for ths very liberal patronage bestowed to the Sense since under his management, and- would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. .del7-Sm 0. H. HARM, Proprietor. THE WASHINGTON HOUSE—A CARD.—It having been announced by the Bulletin ' ©f the 86th instantTlhat thi« hotel would be closed on or about the Ist ox December, the Lessee from January let, 1565, begs to inform the public that during the time the House maybe closed is will be thoroughly rsno-' vated and refitted in a manner that cannot mil'to give satisfaction to those Who may patronirolihe establish ment. . • - . Mr.* OHABLBB ML ALLMOND* formerly of the .Indian Queen,** Wfljrington. but more recently of the ** States Union,** Philadelphia, will have the en tire management under the new administration, and he assures the public that ho efforts will be spared on Ms part *to make the House in all respedts piifta.Hn.iifc and agreeable to his guests. The House will be re-opened On the 15th of January. „ n026-tf TIB MAHONY HOUSE, m ASH- Ai4LAMD, Schuylkill county, after being- closed for two months, is heing handsomely fitted up, and is now open for travellers and visitors. Mr. HENRY B. WEAVER, the present landlord, lately of Northumber land county, who has had longexperienee in this line of business, will keep aPISST- CLASS HOUSE,and one that will compare favorably with the best Hotels in the country. Ashiakp. Pa.;N0v.9.1861 ■. „ no’M-lm FOR SALE AYI> TO LET. M LARGE AND VALUABLE PRO PEBTr /OK BALE.—The very large and cemmo <uous LOT and BUILDING, Ho. 308 CHE KEY Street, near the centre of business, containing 60feet ou Cher.' ry.Street, depth 105 feet, being 76 feet wide on the rear or the lot, and at that width opening to a large out-way * teaffln, to <T are rarely met with. * Apply on the premises. ■»n* M POR SALE OR TO LET—A NUM har of convenient new DWELLINGS, with modem improvements, on North Eleventh. Twelfth, and Thir teenth streete. Apply to TATLOW JACKSON, 61* CHESTNUT Street, or at nolg-if 1858 North TWELFTH Street. « FOR SALE.—THE SUBSCRIBER for sale his country seat, within half a mile of Wilmington, Dataware,' on the ’ Newport pike, con taining eight acres of good land, in the centre of which is a large lawn with a fine variety of shadeirees, ma ples, lindens, evergreens, etc,, in All over a hundred full-grown trees. The improvements consist of a large and commodious Mansion* flankedon the west by two towers, one of wMchis four stories in height* There are f oH 3 ®? g ? rooms on a floor, with a hall eleven by forty-two feet. The house has the modern improve ments. A hydraulic ram forces water from a spring into the upper story of the tower. There is also an won pump and hydrant under a covered area at the Kitchen door.. The out-buildings consist of a carriage house and stable sufficient for four horses and several sfable^eahydraM e fitft 601 an ** smofea houses. The Good garden, with several varieties of dwarf-pear and grape vines, in full bearing. There ere also several va rieties of apple, cherry and chestnut trees.: Terms accommodating. Possession given at any time. APPlyto cm LEW G£CLARK, - on the prernises. COAT. TA SCHREINER, HE W COAL DE ,, POT. NOBLE Street Rbove'Ninth street, o Con|£antly on hand superior qualities of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, selected expressly for family pnrpoiM,- at the lowest market prides. Wharf Twenty-third street, below Arsh street Office 119 South FOURTH Street-. - ■ ■ ocg)-3m ' QENUINE EAGLE VEIN GOAL, EQUAL IF NOT SUPERIOR TO LEHIGH. -A trial Will secure your custom. Eg* and Stoke aizdsJlL 00 mi ten; Large Nut. ,10.00. Office, 131 Bonth FOtfBTH Bkf. below .Chestnut. Depot; 1419 GALLOWHILL «.I' aboye Broad. tsol4-6ml ELLIS BRANBOH. rjOAL.-SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER *PS-* f * J. WALTON A CO. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL’S OF y* FICE, FIBST DIVISION. - ' -w.... .. WAamHGTO2? t KoTembOT,30 JL lBfi4. 'VTOIIMB.MId. at Public Auction, to the highest bidder wrr TnjMMdbelow’, tiz: Tn&£&!&S£?%> B ,]?**» Deramtar 8, IBM. ’ ? a -*SlS?S D^ Y l. DecB ® b < fr JA 1864. THEHTON.NJ.THDESD AY, becemher 22. 1864. two'hhmSbed cayaley'hoesbs im. •«. , at each place; been condemnedaa unfit forth* Service of the Army. rrorßcadand Farming purposes many good bargain* may tie had . . ■ i ’ Horses sold singly, ' - - Sale to commence at 10 o’clock A, M. ; Terms—Cash,- in United States currency. .** „ . , , JAMES A. EKIBf, ; . , ... Colonel inchaige at First Division, !oe6-IBt , . . Quartermaster General's Offlie. A *jUW. STEAM■ BOILER. THS *w»TOres^iiSi 5 K e ffi!?lJfe r«celT« orders for tilt . HLAB&ISON STXAIM BOIL BE, V Ijo. tixea to suit pm> JfftJfffcfc ol*2£an’ifacttirers and other* la fftlloe. new Bte&ai Generatoy. .M|nMwby.M« *b*°J*»** froia dertrtwfciYe &JL toMWnft ewmomy of flui* 5f l e^ i ?f aß^riuls l H>rt »tion, Ac. &e.»MOteo*- ****use. These boiler* mb» S£ wEp* JOB. HAKRISOfi* J*., _ „ Washington Bnlldln*. M*-H *7* South THIRD Street. PhUaSn. fJIiABS SHADES, OVAIi. ' J GLASS SHADES, ROUND. GLASS SHADES. SOTABS. FERNERY'S GLASSWARE OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS. „ . HABTBLL A LETOHWORTH, Boffi-lia Ho. IS North FIFTH Street. CABINET FURNITURE. v» ' MOORE ft CAMPION, ' MSI South BBGOHD Street, erepreparedtofollowthe decline la the market la the true of their furniture. Purehaiere will please eaU aadeaamlaeeur.etoelt- - oat-Soi WOOD, WOOD, WOOD.—OAK, PINE. ■ ’ and HICKORY WOOD, for sale at lowest «».i. prfoML ■ ■. R.D WATSON, noSO-lm* VIKB-BTBEBT WlttV WOOD, WOOD/WOOD.—OAK, PINE. ‘ vf.. HICSQSI WOOD, for Bale at lowest cash _ T „_ £:»■ WATSON, MSHb* YINB-STR&Sr WHASUf. PROPOSAL. riiFFICIE OF ASSISTANT QUARTER- V' TEEMASTBE, ‘DISMUCTOF PifILADHLPKIA, Ho. 7»i MARKET Street. Bee. 16. 1864 , _ SEALED PROPOSALS will bo received at this office until noon of JttOHDATpDec.—B6. 1884, for furnishing the United States .with forage. viz : Corn, Oatnv Hay. and Straw, for the rue of animals in tbe public service ftt tbtflpost ordistrict, tecindtegChester, Fort Mifflin. Chestnut HiU, Hicetown, Haddington, Beverly, f. J.. White Hall, near Bristol, Pa , Spring Hill, and any other locality within this command that may be di rected, for the period of teix. months Hem January X.. 1866 - All train to beof the. Best finality, 81 pounds to the bushelof Oats,and 66 .pounds to the bushel of Com. Hay of best quality timothy. Straw of good duality. Eye or Wheat as may be ordered; all to be inspected and approved as delivered. , „ ' proposals will state price per 100 pounds for hay and straw, and per hnshsl for grate, delivered at places of. consumption in such quantities and ut auch times as ’fTheTTrdted States reserves the right to reject all,bids deemed incompatible withPtete^U. delAt26 Captain and A. Q, M. rWARTEBMASTER’S . DIPAET \» BEST. • PHn.ADHi.PBnA, December 15.1864. SEALED Proposals will he received at this office until 12,o’clock M., WEDHESDAT. Deoember Zlßt. 1864, for the immediate deliveryat.the United States Etoro Honse, HAHOVER-Street Wharf, of. - ; . ORE HUNDRED (100) PAOLTSB. - •To be made in the : best manner, of 16-ounce eott» duck, heat duality, army standard, size 20 by 30 feet, WhenflulShed, and subject to the Inspection of an in spector, appointed on the paifc of the Government, tsamplesof duck required. ' . Bidders will state price both in writing and figures, the quantity bid for, and time of delivery. Brice to in clude packages and delivery. . , Bach bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per* eons, whose signatures must be appended to. the gua rantee,’ dm2 certified to, as being good and sufficient se cturity fortheamoaht involved, by the United States District Judge, Attorney, orGolleetor, or other public Officer, otherwise the bid will not be considered.. .. . The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high* and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be By order of Cot Herman Bigs^.Chief’Quartermaster. GBOBGE B. .O&MSi delS-Dt Captain tutd A, Q. H. rVfFICE OF ASSISTANT QUARTER- V/ MASTER. No. 1103: GIRARD Street, . • , Philadelphia, Doc. v, 1864. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until noon of WEDNESDAY, 21st teat., for furnishing the. Stationery that may he required at {menace, in accordance with the following schedule, for six month* commencing January L 1856: .. .. „ .. White Cap Paper, rated, to weigh not less than U pounds per ream. ■ . , , . White Legal Cap Paper, ruled, to weigh net lose than rnled. to weigh not less than 9 ponnde.per ream. ■ ... , . , , ..White Commercial Paper, ruled, to weigh not leas White'f'oUo ¥ost e paper, ruled. Name price of paper per ream. Buff Envelope Paper, 24X32 inches. . Blotting Paper, 19x24 inches. Price per jimet ; Blankßooks, dead Bite, fall hound. Price per l quire. '' % . • Blank Books, folio sire**fnllbound, Tries peraulre. Blank Books, capsize, half bound, “ Envelopes, white or buff, 80. 12. Price per LOGO. - *• * # “ 9x4 inches. •* ** i " i Letter Copying Books, letter mid cap size, GOO gad 1,000 pages each, per dozen- ' , " Memorandum Books, octavo, per dozen. Writing Fluid, equal to Arnold's, quart and pint bottles, lnk, equal td Arnold’s, quart and pint Carmine Ink, equal to Davids’, glass bottles and stowers. Ink Powder, per dozen papers. ' Lead Pencils, equal to Faber’s, Foe. 3 and S, per dozen. ■ Bed and Blue Pencils, equal to Faber’s, per dozen. : Class Inkstands, assorted, per dozen. • Steel Fens, assorted, per gross. \ Steel Pens, Gillet’s, Ho. SB and 4M, per gross. Pen Holders, assorted, per dozen. Tin Paper Foiders, per dozen. Bed Sealing Wax, H-ounee and 1-ounce sticks, per pound. Bed Tape, Ho. 28; per dozen pieces. Glais jaie of Mucilage and Brushes, large and small slze% per doses. *AHihe articles must be of the best quality. Samples of each article mustaccompanyeach bid, with the name of the bidder distinctly marked thereon, and only one price must be named for each article. Should, any articles not enumerated above be wanted they must be furnished at the lowest market price. Proposals must be made only upon the regular forms furnished at this office. ' . The United States reserves the right to reject all bids, or parts of bids, deemed incompatible with its interests. AIiBEKT 8. ASHMEAD, . de7-t2l . . - Captain and A. Q. M. SUBSISTENCE OFFICE, U. S. ARMY, Ho. 30 SOUTH Street, “ , ■ ; Bai>timob.r (Md.), December 9,1881. . SEALED PROPOSALS, in duplicate , will be received at this office, until 12 M. .on THURSDAY, Decembers, 1881, for furnishing the United States Subsistence De partment with: _ .. FOUB THOUBAHD (4,000) HEAD OF GOOD FAT BEEF .CATTLE, on the hoof, delivered at the State Cattle Scales* at Baltimore, Md., in lots of G,000) one thousand each every (10) ten-days; to be weighed within one and a half days after arrival, at the expense of the contractor. They must average about (1,300) thirteen hundred pounds gross weight; all short of (1,060) one thonsand and fifty pounds gross Wright, Balls. Stags, Oxen, Cows, Heifers, and Hornless Cattle, will be rejected, Adeduction of ten (10) pounds will be made from the weight of each Steer Accepted under this contract, pro vided the animal does not stand in the pens two and one" half hours before being weighed, or is not weighed im mediately after removal from the cars. Blank forms for proposals can be had on application -at this office, either in. person, hr mall,.or telegraph. „ Proposals by telegraph, or other irregular, informal proposals will not be considered. The Government will claim the right of weighing any one animal separate, if its appearance indicates less weight than the minimum above mentioned; the ex pense of weighing will be paid by the party erring in judgment.. ***.-■ Each bid, to secure consideration, must contain a .written guarantee of two responsible persons, as fol lows: . We, —, of-the county of—State of ,do hereby guarantee that -- is (or are) able to fulfil a contract in accordance with the terms of his (or their) proposition, and should hls(or their) proposition be ac cepted, he (Or they) will at once enter into a contract in accordance therewith, and we are prepared to -become Ms securities, giving good and sufficient bonds for its fulfilment. ” The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest Dis trict Court, or of the United States District Attorney, to be enclosed with the bid. Bidders mui t be present to respond to their bids, and prepared to give bonds and sign the contract before leaving the office. . \ The Government reserves to itself the right to reject fthy or all bids considered unreasonable. Payments to be made after each delivery, if funds are on hand; If none on hand, to be made as soon as re ceived. Bidders will please state prices if payment is made in currency,, and also prices if made in orders for Certifi cates of Indebtedness. Proposals must be endorsed distinctly, “PEOPOSALS FOB BEEF CATTLE,” and addressed to “Captain J. H. GILMAH, G. S., Baltimore, Maryland.” If a bid is m the name ol a firm, their names and their post-office addrecamust appear, or they will nosbe con sidered. -Sack person or every member of a firm dSering a pro posal must accompany it with an oatli of allegiance to the United States Government, if lie lias not already filed-one in this office. ■AU bids not complying strictly with the terms of this advertisement will be repeated. - J. H. GILMAN, de!2-9t - Captain and C. 8., U. &A. f"\FFICE OF THE DEPOT QUARTER \s HASTES, * Fobt Leavenworth, Kaitsas, Nov. 1854. ; PEOPOSALB FOB ABHY TBANSPOBTATION. SEALED PBOPOSAL3 will be received at this office until 12 o’clock M on the Slet day of December, 1851, for - the Transportation of Military Supplies during the year ISSS on tfie folio wink routes: . Boots No. I.—Prom Ports Leavenworth, Laramie, and Eiley, and other depots that maybe established during the above year on the west bank of the Missouri river, north of Fort Leavenworth, and south of latitude is degrees north, to any posts or stations that are or may be established In-the Territories of Nebraska, Da kota, Idaho, and Utah, south of latitude 44 degrees north and east of longitude 114 degrees west, and in the. Territory of Colorado north or to degrees north. Bidders to state the rate per 100 pounds per 100 miles at Which- they will transport said stores in each of the months from April to September, inclusive, of the year Bouts No, 2. —From Forts Leavenworth and the State of Kansas, and tho town of Ran has, in the State of Missouri, to any posts or stations that are or may. be established in the State of Kansas, or In the Territory of Colorado, south of latitude 40 decrees north, dravfigsnpplies from Fort Leavenworth,and to Fort union, N. M,, or other depot that may be dasigna toddn that Territory, to Fort Garland, and to any other potat or points, on the route. Bidders to statethe rate per 100 pounds per 100 miles at which they will transport said stores in each of the months from April to Septem her, inclusive, of the year 1865. BgutkNo. 3.—From Fort Union, or such other depot as may be established in the Territory of New Mexico, to any posts or stations that are or may he established; in that Territory, and to such posts or stations as may be designated in the Territory of Arizona and State of Texas,west of longitude 106 decrees west Bidders to stat* the rate per 100. pounds per 100 miles at which they will transport said stores in each of the months from Jnne to November, inclusive, of the year 1866. The weight to be transported each year will notex* eeed 10,000.000 pounds on Boute No. 1; .16.00& 000-pound* onßoute No 2: and6,ooo,ooopoundsonßouteNoT3. No additional per tentage will be paid for the trans portatlon of bacon, hard bread, pine lumber, shingles, or any other stores. Bidders slould give their names infall, as well as their place of residence, and each proposal Should be accompanied by a bond in the sum or ten'thousand dol lars, signed bytwo.or fmore responsible Ipersons, gua ranteeing that incase aeontraet is awarded for the route mentioned in the proposal, to the parties proposing, the will be accepted and entered into, and good and sufficient security furnishedbysaid parties in ac cordancewitii the terms of this advertisement. The amount of bondit required will follows: - Onßonte No. 1 $lOO,OOO Onßoute No. 2..„~ 200,000 OaEoute fto. **601600 satisfactory evidence of the loyalty and solvency of e&cn bidder and person offered as security will be re quired. .Proposal* must be endorsed '‘Proposals for Army Transportation on Beale Bo. 1,” or “S,” as the case may be, and none will be entertained nnless they tally comply wltb all the requirements of this adyer- HMmeai. . Hatties to whom award* are made mast lie prepared to execute contracts at onae, and to give the reaulred bonds for Hie faithful performance of ihesaSk „ Contracts will be made snbjeet to the approval of tbs Quartermaster General, bat the right is reserved to re ject any or all bide that may be offered. Contractors Wnst bS in readiness for service by the first day of April, 1865, and they will be required to have a p .. ce of agencies at or In the vicinity of Ports Leaven worth and union&nd other depots that may be establish' ad, at which they may he communicated with promptly ana readily. ■ ; -r ;- r; *’ By order of the Quartermaster General. w. as, tt 0. HODGES, ;nolBtde23 - Cant, and A. Q. M-B. 8. A.' COPARTNERSHIPS. “PABTNEESHEP . DISSOLVED.—THE BOmm® BOOR *■ CO.: Of this dity aad esplredTHjspAX by limitation. The bu siness of the said firm will be settled by either of the undersigned. J.M, BILLINGS, S. W. ROOP, _ -.8. W. BOOH, Executor of W. F. Washington. E E. KIBBE HBIEAPBUHIA, Bee. 1. 1851 - .eL I1 P?' ED HABTSEESHW . NOTICE.-The under slimed have THIS BAT entered into a Limited Partner ship, agreMtbly to the Act of Assembly of the Comrtton- Ivanla. entitled an let relative to Li Hated Partnership, etc., bagged the twenty-first day of March, A. D-1836, andthesixwp' ements thereto, and they do hereby give notice that the name of the Firm Partnership is to be conducted la KOOP & KIBBE; that the general nature of the busi ness to be transacted is the general Dry Goods, Import ing, and Cprapiasion business, and that the same will *be carried onrin the city’of PhfljidQJphia; that the of the General Partners of the said Firm are BAWHBL W. BCOP. HENEY K. KIBBB, CLINTON J. TROUT, and JOSEPH C. ROOP, and the name of the Special Partner la JAMES M. BILLINGS, aU of the city of Phi ladelphia; that the capital contributed -by the said James M» Billings, the Special Partner, to the common stock, is one hundred thousand dollars in cash, and that said partnership is to commence on the first day of December, A. I>. 1861, and terminate on the thirtieth day of November, A. D. 1867 _ ■ SAMUEL W. HOOP, \ HENRY E. KIBBB. CLINTON J. TEOUT, JOSEPH 0. BO OP, •... General Partners. JAMES K. BILLINGS, PnunumiA. Deo. 1, WL BvWaal Part “ er - w “tagm* sncceesora or BILLIETaS. BQOPt StCO.,.liiHowTotk, will continue thelmport fng and. Commission Business, at Ho. 38 WAEEBH Street. J: M. BILLIHSa & GO. i. M. Batman, E.J. Chafpee. sbw York, Dec. 1, 1881 NOTICE.—THE undersigned have thlsday formed a copartnership, under the style and title of ADAMS & LEVIS, for the purpose of transacting a -general Basking and Stock Brokerage business. - Oil, Telegraph, and Espies* Company stocks made a specialty. w •• • - Government Loans and Specie taht and sold. * xSSO> ADAVSt ' K. LEVIS. de!9-Im 305 CHESTNUT Street. TkISSOLUTION.—THE COPARTNER , . ship heretofore existing under the name and style of J. B. A J FfiloE is this day dissolved “y the death: oi Jonn Fries. •..Tbe'BurViviist Partner. J. R PRICK, who will cm* tt A b j MtD ® BS at JMkJT MARKET Street, is alone au thorized to settle the accounts of the late firm. „ PHiLADELPa?A, Dec. 19. 1864. - del9-Si* § WRITTEN AND VERBAL DR. SCRIPTIONB of Character, Oonstttutloiu and Ta lent, with. ADVICE onßaainess, Healti£jgta£. tion, Salf-improTement. Management and T»rai» and.vK.^ B *» 0011-tnthclyif Jo.aS^Tß^glh^wfehlSk.t -DEFINED TALLOW for MA TON, lie MARaARBXTA. del3-l«. JOHN B. MYERB & ™T“; ° EEE8 > »«*■ *3» and m LARUE POSITIVE s 7", nn. T Stl >l ® :?9S^.,TEAZLING Bm O FE'V SBI, 85 a a SP misses* errs' f ®**t b*» ta, r telbepeiamptomysolS S?.SaiS«. fr ‘«S> ar"'* 1 this L4Eofi y* gioee. armv goods, trevSing Mile of 1,100 paekasosi >B *^ MOBNING 0 , cases men’s 24-inch grain cavalrv «a*ea men’s and boys' nalted wL - la . —eases men’s and bays’ thick SeSr andyonthS^^ bore’, and youths’ cait eases men’s, hoys’, and youths’ hoys', snd yonE&’^ri kipffidW" mlB6M '- ** V 'Z,'* kiiOMr’ 6 - “4 casts women’s, misses’. snA and enamelled bools. * Rttd m •peases women’s, misses’, and th;u balmorals, &c. wen’s hll cases men’s, boys’ and youths’ bro- —«cases women’s and misses’ «»i|.r^^ss. S’. B —The above willhSbtafs l 8! aasortmeut, well worthy tbe for examination early on the C I CLOTH AND EUR CAPS, °*« ~ ' UMBRELLAS. WIJ JSOI^ Also. THIS MORNihVi ’ . At’lo o’riock, will be sold- KO, AD invowe of cloth and fur cape, f u n,„„. Also. 2,IfD lbs leather cuttings. Also, ID eases gingham umbrellas. LAEQK EOSITIVE BALE Of BOBsm. w • ... ipsTicfsT aoo»| KB „We \iU hold. large sale or fonsiW m . goods, br oatalogne, on foar months “cr^feitit ’ .ON THUaSBAT AMD FEIDAV " fl% December 22d and »d, commenrii. *< about I,3OOpSLtJ': &r;«h lanijgee.I ani jgee. inolnded hT.tSIwS foond tfce following, Vi*: "aica ww $* Brown sheetings and shirtings. « Bleached do do. Heavy Canton flannels. Soper corset jeans. Heavy brown drills. . Fancy madder prints. Black and colored cambrics. Scarlet twilled flannels. Bine do do. Miners* pla?d do.* Heavy Kentucky jeans. Heavy madder prints. Beaty bed blankets. AU^wocltweeds. Fancy printed cassimerea. _ _ Plain and printed satinets. Z7OTICE TOCbOTHIB^HOEg^^^ pieces Belgian broad cloths. pieces heavy velours. pieces Castor andPreeldent beavsn. pieces Whitney and' pilot beavsr*. pieces Belgian tricots and seal idri*. pieees silk and wool easaimerss. pieces Devonshire and Melton coetißg. pieces dark-mixed repellants. pieces cap and cio&k cloths. vas^c** 6mpliair * IltBiisats * m&Sm Alfio v£ ess white .goods, tmeUicf jfe*? B and drawers, hosiery, S 8 * silk, skirts. notions, 3re. . “«»««, tnfcf PEREMPTORY SALE OP HdSIEET, u Included in sale, on accredit of four month,l?* ** . 7,000 dozen cotton and woolen hosiery, . ifcatasfißi^sgayfetiS; -£32* SS&FSZ* troche Ito tantan PARIS DEESS GOODS AHD VELVET RIBBOK Also, Paris merinoes, popiliia, delaines, noSui’.. pacas, cobnrse, Ac. of Bilk velvet ribbons, bsjh POSITIVE «ALE OP CABHBTIKGB, 4. OH SATURDAY MOEHISB. Dot 24 at preolselyllo’elock, will be sola, w tahsns, on fear months’ credit, an assortment 3IT perfloe and fine ingrain, Venetian, hemp, lottuani rag carpetings, which maybe examined eatffmß morning of sale. 'C'UENESB. BBINLET, & col' ■*- Ho. 615 CKEBTHTJTand SIS JAY NR Stn*. SALS OF FRENCH, BRITISH, AHD AHEEICAMSf vw CDs. THIS-MOBHIHG, Dee. 20ft, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, on ft® moatin' credit, 400 lots offaney and staple imported dry bm£ „ - DOMESTIC GOODSFOR CASH. Also, brown and bleached mnsUne, drills, flaMs, satinets, jeans, ginghams, Ac. . _ SALE OP 400 CARTONS RIBBOHS, The entire balance of the importation, _ THISMOKNEHQ, Dec. 20th, at 10 o’clock, on four months’ credit, Car tone Nos. 4 and 6, corded-edge black, white, ai colored poult de soie ribbons. Cartons Nob. 10 a 30, do. *' 4 a 100, triple chain black nosrrsiadi * r ‘ 1 10 a 80, extra faacy sash ribbon*. Jr J?- 77^J e attention of the tradois requested, a?i& wul be tbela*t sale this season of this impnrtolioa BLACK SILK RIBBONS. OksBJUTB STEAMBOAT BSAKD. THIS DAY. cartons For IK to 30 black silk velvet rtbboas. _ SALE THIS MORNING (TUESDAX), Dec. 20th. at 10 o’clock. A CARD. —The attention of purchasers is requests n onr sale this morning (Tuesday), Dec. 20th, &i D o’clock, on four months* credit including an invoiji of domestic goods for cash. NOTICE.-TO DEALERS IF RIBBONS. THIS MORNING, CCOcsitons bonnet, s&sh, and trimming ribbons, toi prisfngavery choice assortment of plain and fisard goods ? also, steamboat brandblack silk velvet ribbons, to which the attention of purchasers is requested,*! this will be the last offering this season of this imjorij* M THOMAS & SONS, •Hob. 139 and 141 South FOUBTKStmet. BALKS OP STOCKS AHD BEAL ESTATE At the EXCHANGE, every TUESDAY, at 12 o’clort noon.' JS®-Handbffis of each property issned separaielv.iad on the Saturday previous to each sale l,a» catalogue,, in pamphlet form, giving full descriptions. Eg- SUE* IT DEE#ALES at the Anction Store ever, THURSDAY. 4®-Partlcul»r attention given to Sales at Sc .idences, Sc, . „ REAL ESTATE AKD STOCKS. Boa « MARKET STREET. SECOND STREET. Sim STREET- AND SEVENTH STREET PROPEEIIEB, aOthDECEMBER. BY ORDER 05 TRUSTEES,H ECUTOBS, AND OTHERS. ''' CARD.—Our sale on Tuesday next will comprise in addition to the shove valuable business properties, n lnable COAL, EBON, AND TIMBRELANDS, city dwaß ings. two farms, Germantown property, ten tm, Sctioolhense lane, stocks, loans, Ac. geo c&taiojm SERB 05 MEDICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. ■ SCHIB A rTBRIfOOV 20lh, at the auction sto.e, valuable medicil aal miscellaneous books, from the library of & phY«Sci« deceased. Sale STo. 2947 Brandywine street HEAT HOUSEHOLD FURHITURB,* TAFESTET CAS* * PETS, &c. ’ OH WEDNESDAY MORHISG, 2Sih insfc, at 10 o’clock, at Ho. 2937 BranSTWias street, the neat household and kitcfcenftmdtara, £23 tapestry Brussels carpets, &c. May be examined at 8 o’clock on the mouuci of the sale. The bouaels to rent. Administrator’s Sale, HO.HB Vine street. BAB FIXTURES, HOUSEHOLD FUBHITOEE, PUJ& oh wbdhesday mornihg. At 10 o’clock, at Ho. 118 Vine street, the bar SittirA bagatelle board, rosewood piano, liquors, hoa?eba& furniture, tapestry carpets, &c. May be examine! if > o’clock onthe morning of the sale. EXECUTORS’ SALE—FINE WIHBS, Ac. OH WEDNESDAY, Dec. 21st, at 12 o’clock, at the auction store, by of th* executors of B. Gerhard- Esq.., a quautitToi«ry fine Madeira. Sherry. Port, Claret, and other waft brer die?, whiskies, Ac. Catalogues now readr. Samples two. hours previous to sale. Sale Hos. 189 and Ml South Fourth rtreet. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. ELEGANT DIXNEH s|f, BILLIARD-TABLE, MIRRORS, FffifE CABP£?i& , , OH THURSDAY MOSNING, , At 9 o’clock, at the Auction Store, suodrlor hoti**-*?" furniture, elegant dinner, dessert, and tea -et, sopen* billiard-table, mirrors, fine carpets, etc. • etc. Executors 5 Peremptory Sale on the Premises—Estate £ •. _ Henry Horn. Be seated. COUHTRY RESIDENCE, FUBKITUBE, FIHMIX3 UTBNBILP, STOCK, &c. OH FRIDAY-MOBSING, Dec. 23d, at 11 o’clock, on-the premises. Flenr ia *J‘ Montgomery county, Pa , the mansion, with ue ow. buildings and 16 acres of land; and Immediately aw*# the household furniture, farm tug utensils, hors®** gons. cowa, poultry, Ac. Full particulars ready “ handbills. Sale absolute. PREEMPTORY SALE OF AN INTERESTING ASS VALUABLE COLLECTION 05 orL PAISTIS«. ON SATURDAY MORNING. , Dec.Y4tb, at 11 o'clock, will be eold, without wwjjj a collection of fine modern paintings, compp'P? °Jci 300, among which uto many works of merit from#* studios of talented artists of this city and S B v&?i considered some of the finest tpscimeua offeree *<« The paintings are now on exhibition wilh descries catalogues. ■R SCOTT, JB.. AVCTIONEm Nos. -*-»• eaa chestnut and ois banso* =traK SALE SANCY GOODS. SILVER MATED WARE, ht. 20th tot., at 11 ™ al^ea®^ ment of fancy goods, silver plated ware* bui the holidays. ... LARGE AND PEREMPTORY„T2ADB S-SWj* A. 500 CASEB OF ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, ~ ctj Dec. net. at 10 o’clock precisely, wiUbe *oU>g caees hoots, Bhoea,.brogiii!s, Ac., embracmg “ ‘ assortment of city and Eastern work of to > tls> manufacture, consisting: of msn s, hoy s MttF 1 bjl . calf-kip and wax-sewed and pegged boots, btpeaos morale; Ac. s ladles’, misses', and children s «■' to | and morocco boots and shoes: a eomplete aaon womeifs, misses', and ehHdren s; city-made. kid, and goat lace boots andbalmorate; also, ana women’s buffalo overshoes, gum sho® s * ca 'Tb partlcnlar attention of the trade is to this sale, as every sample and duplicate wiu , without the least reserve or limitation of aay «» __ PHILIP FORD & CO., AUCTIONEERS, A «»s MARKET and sasCOMMEBCE Streets. POSITIVE SiXXOF £350 CASES BOOTS iSI> OH THBESDAY HOKHIHO, ' isalf , December 53d, conuaeecljig' at 10 o wo will soil by catalogue, for cash, boots, shoes, brogans. balmorals, cavalry “. 00 h , jB? rf‘ from first class city and Xaetera manufacture, c sing a general assortment of goods. _ PAKCOAST & WARHOCK, ASJO JL TI QUEERS, 5840 trawingr Street LABGE POSITIVE SALE OF SOO LOTS AND IMPORTED DKY GOODS, STILUS'® II ], jr HOfIEBT GOODS, BBBKOIDJSBIBS. S - wedhbsda y MOBMSO. December 21, commencing at 10 o cloc* P-'i aa iS Included will Be found a large am! genera a 6BO of new and detirabie goods lor present earn 3, .. p J. WOLBERT, AUCTIONEER^® 1 VV»I6 SOUTH SIXTH STHBXP. GESTURE CHAMPAGHKS, EXTRA HNE «;» DIES, WIRES, WHISKIES. GIST, CLARK”’ “ THIS MORNING. , . _ .e So^ ■ The S 0& last, at precisely XI o'clock, at no l Sixth street, ' \ • ~ •* A large invoice of choice champagnes, pgra« pa, dies, Madeira, skerry, and port wines, extra clarets, Jamaica rnm; old whiskies, «e. These old and fire liquors are m case 6BJ »a and are particularly recommended to priraie», and first-class hotel keepers Catalogues —- T>Y HEHRY P. WOLBERT, Ho. 5503 aboT Bfiacoll^ sssa*^ comExenciig at 10 o’clock. -jRABRITT & CO., AUCTwSeS* 3 ' 330 MARKET Street, comer of BASK CATALOBUE PARR OF 1,000 ROTS OF FIEST- OMTSING. OK FRIDAY MOBHTSa. ai! >»1 , December 23, at 10 o’clock, In |»>g e ,SfW WjJ. lota, comprising salts,overeoatf, i OjffljKjj' £6BB coats, pants, xesis, wifca every vau»« attefirst-class clothing ■ , ‘ Also, Urge stock of faa*y over * nu drawers. &c. larobcoktihoationsarrofthesahs • OK SATURDAY MOKRIKO. da SJ-t’ December 24, atlOo.’clook. : ffil? WE RESPECTFULLY TT attention of a' l connoisseurs to u* ‘’mSjbret-Sam Lunch 9* A^ffeoaJrftT 1 *** The best qcality or all Mode of Liauorc Tlie choicest fcrandsof i ;arB always to I>»_ found at ta» »“* pHOTBL, 623 ABCH Stnwt „ LM g d«6 WUjWK* A- W*"* ‘