The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, December 19, 1864, Image 3
0,1, COM!PAWJE§. FARM Mil CORPAS-T PHILADELPHIA. tA L STOCK ©1.000,000, ,«T0 300.000 SHARES AT «S PER # 111 SHARE .-ton PKIOE FOR A T.IHtT’BB NUMBER (S Of SHARES ?*.'» PER SHARE. I?C K ISSUETD FULL PAID. AB WOUUft I -• jgiliH tPKKSTg, M. D., President. V,'4L M. STEWaBT. Vies President. ffS. D. SMira, Tiaaaurer, 5, }, HABBISOW, U. D., Secret tar- w »p»»y OWM in <>▼« POTTK OP TEREirOET, In tl)« choleest lo- ici w»rt of 0>» Alleghany river, and being ggt’lßß HIM®, hhown as {he Cotter Farm, 0 0 Philadelphia and SrU R&ilroad, one js l (JI !ls» week of Garland* Station, In Warren ■' p , w »flvaßi*. within aljrbtßßn hoars’ ride of TWO SQUABS MIUES on the Jfojrtfc. .jChiKi Forest county, Pmmbyhratiia.joßt of Venango oduntF, Thasa laagg are W oU geologist*, eto., to be In tka „, I !Koni>s*K* t< ’ u region. ftpltlly pwgMßilng la all dlree utoaaJ the iasda of the company, and withln.two t UMot! abundantly obtained, The company renfrftw # fgmt to an ordinary Lfip mil from their saw mill and timber. They iWt fcr jtiffloieiit tp keep their mills numin* for rt >». On the pioperty on Salmon Croak, Po- |{ialf i there ate algo large dopoeit* of Bitrunlnoiu eta be •worked and wilHmirease the pro fs emnpanr Tirj materially. The Cotter Farm ,rtont tea mllea north Of tie celebrated Tide* d the Allegheny rtrer, which was , the first L a n wella were drilled had oil obtained. THOUSAND DOUiABS Is appropriated aa a iVnj capltol,” and tbs wort of development is jßgoroosly pnshidfoiTTard. Emin»« are already unMii, afcdjSw wtlU ara to bs immadlatsly propaity, by tb« moat experienced hauda mean predate, under competent anpartnten- So labor <w neoewary expense will be spared jiiajltie a ‘' dlyMend paying company, ’ 1 at the ilpsailblo moment, and also in making It onto! Li It-apanies in On market. MB psny have deoils ed to purchase small inte- id jn-o ivcinawelle, for,the pnrpoie of making it 'findfcJ-rayingoompany” at the oommencament, ■!3iM Mr) have, and, therefore, have precluded L 9 iHUtr of a decrease of the value of their stock i iputinl or total cessation of the production of Mt, aa so oflea occurs hr the close proximity of It-jrlol c rapsnies la their operations. Mjjmis all who desire investing In Oil Compa- nion walls solid }«<«, to call at their office and liispmpectuses, draughts, «to. Uders through the Philadelphia Board of Broken Ijuken. throughout the State, will receive prompt iWcHoaßookssre how opened, and subscriptions r;Capital Stock received althe Offices of the Coin* lot, S 3 im«l 2t WaalilHgton Huimintf, SOUTH THIRD STREET, \iditth9 o§c? of PHILIP H. BRICE <ft 00., Ho. 305 WALNUT STREET. CLARION RIVER, MAPLE AND SPRING CREEK Oils COMFANT, SITAL. S’f’OCK, 83,000,000. 360,000 SHARP, AT *lO PER SHARE. aim SUBSCRIPTION, $3.50 PER SHARE FOR FULL PAID UP STOCK. vKKISG CAPITAL.. $lOO,OOO. .--'Company lias secured deed-rightsand leases to ftf icre* of the beet Oil territory on the Clarion River, w la the immediate range of the Pena*ylvattia Oil rW*» possessing most favorable geological surface in* [S.IOBS, fame as on Oil Creek; coal elevation similar* “ysrrcuading country abounding in the strongest [Alices of an abundant supply of oil Ids believed company has more good boring territory than fitter Oil Company now offering Its stock in this *-'«i at the same cost per share* naving over thirty Musith of river* creek, and tributaries, * «ir property is as follows, viz.: '• A deed-right forever for oil on 1,600 acres on the : pr known as the Brandon Tract in Fare.^Uoaatr. ,t, arloa Biver and Maple Creek* wish a river and purest of about ten mied. Oo a well * w «iinmenc«d by the former owner in 1850; before S la ? depth of "200 feet, oil was obtained, with p "how for an abundant well,but, owing to the low l ; t V‘ l oil, and the uncertainty of its u«»fnlneas, with '»h v and expensive mode of boring then in use, the w# s abandoned. Near t hi* spot this Company a derrick erected, engine on the ground* aed ready to commence sinking a well. Zl Tlti > by those who have examined it, is said to be »Js P&£a€ * indications for abundant- producing Atd le ,? B &* orniaB ty-nine<S9) years for nine-tenths tM?* 11 tbe S. u oa a tract of 1 KOQ acres, known as i ~ v“ ? 138 ’ er Tract, on thd* Clarion River, about 12 *bove the Brandon Tract. This property has a iS» sx , teßsive river, creek, and tributary front of ln length On tuts property has now three engines, with all ne* machinery to commence boring with* :•ffi, The surface indications and oil springs in r-i\4 erhood warrant the belief that flowing wells £yf Ioun “ 00 til® property at a depth not exceeding the land on the Clarion River, from its a, j m * n y miles above these tracts.has either been i4v»°u?sM o parties or companies in New Turk, Madelphls, Pittsburg, and other cities, and hiu nf 1 9 ?* l! \ aw fi ow being made, with flattering pros tpa ol)til lhing large productions -of oil from this has reserved the ver» large sum of ■ii-!**/ 0 * working capital—enough to sink from twen* wells—-$15,000 of which has already iu, and working materials WL, ground, and with the, intention of lmmedi *kt, ;? l£l B B * x more engines and tools to their present confidently expect in a very short time to of wells la successful operation. This,. the fact that they have secured the entire oa oa ? * ract ani nine* tenths on the other, <tL , 05t companies pay at least a royalty of one half as also the very low rate at which they , weiing their stock, being only one-fourth of Us pax ( .n< would induce those seeking investments to sub- V 6 ,1-! f;Qpka for BubicripUou will be open on the 15th of : SJiBER. attbelr officer Washington Building, 80. fett THIBD Slreet. C. P. HAYEB, Treasurer. - |» NEW YORK AKD UTEBPOOI PETROLEUM COMPANY. CAPITAL SPOOK, $1,000,000. 100,000- SHARES AT {lO BAGS. Subscription Pries $5 per Share. LANDS YIELDING- LARGELY# ovnoBBs: H 0», DANIEL A DIOEINSOB, President *H. T. PHIFFB, Tide President. , BOBERT BABSBTT, Secretary, w are open for subscription at tie offles of tie Gotn- M Empire Bntldlnf, 71BROADWAY, W. Y. lit,, l ot Company an situated in tie leari of , k “' 1 Belton, and inolnde portion! of tlose well' v*» localities, *• tie MoEheny 7am, tie two Me ta ot * Banna,” and otlor proved and valuable work ta i’WtoSes, lnelndin# over Two Tlonsand acres of t tilt Oil Territories aJon# Oil Crook and in Wort 'd en i ’ t " >w wiel process of inccossfol development, Ute adT regularly and largely produced from wells upon them. oeSO-ditWSm the Company. ?*P. O. Bo* 6m” How York. OAK Bill Oil COMPANY t W PEKKBY LVAHIA. ‘ I!T U STOCK, $500,000. ISO, OOO WORKIHG I, CAPITAL. SHARKS.- #5 PAR BAOH. PRICE, *3.60 PBR SHARE, FELL MOTOR TYTOALE, Prosidont. HKHRY E. SIMPaOrf, Treasurer. AHSPAOH, Sji 1 OAHSOB, jo, FRTEB, ; .c:p HBNBY £ SIMFBON. 9 10 above Company consist* of over riinS rK< a n i rtzty) aorei of land in fee S*i KiJJil® °n the Sngart,amp Bmnoli of Stnart’s 6‘»«»SKS'*?? t) 'A *»-. ‘yin* between OHOreek Su T »?1 a £“ Egbert, Story, and He ll •# »miS* *“ the -Allegheny river, In tie heart of ■m W (wul f “I 1 / two “Ite* on each side of the iiMsif S.,¥ mto P> with room for ihs Blnking of S'*.. in-thYS!*. 8 ' 11 ? “ eonstdered by experienced invaluable asoll- K is lftn,uX onr ' T i* ere *» ?U welwin every dl to #c£pf4«id^ eitpio4actiT9 fit OiffiEKj®?® a loose of one and a qnarter acres on the Allegheny river, nearly v hj, pnmplng wells or forty barrels in!*# 'feif, l l ias ,l u ' 1 hsen put in operation; Is hK’l«^ m <1 w hi»h they are now receding ill § a ftwh LalJa 1 w >i da Y and increasing . It is U?,,* !c ®tWe .Julv *J5 d 5. °f the celebrated Hnsaey 4S a , ll oaren^d„S al l rick ,' w olle. and others which largely. There is room on this lvJ* t *a»{ with/i'FL 1 ? 0 ” “ft and on whtoh wells ti-il, *d». ,t e th oot delay On the main property en i , ’ r the ll'Ii”® hoiiia placed, and contracts being WMft o‘i>Bf wells. htH? **» hooks will 1 !!! 800 ? havfint already been enh- ™“Afe,open for a short period Vfe * l ®. “ * subscription price, fcJ.6O f„. •>• C l# PHvvi? n J' > h!7to *' OHISST!^, I^ OIL COMPANIES. Me jlßakT WEU, OIL COMPACT. #850,000 SHARES, AT #0 PER SHARE. PRESIDENT, Dlt. ALBERT G, EGBBRT, OF VENANGO CO^gTT. SECRETARY AND TREASURER, WILLIAM M. BARLOW, OP LEDYARD ft BAB I.OW. PHILADELPHIA!, TERES'PER OEHT. PER MOUTH OS *500,006! In calling the attentloi of capttaUats tothis enter-• ®* rot( °r» have ao hesitation la expressing their belief that their return from It will be more dor iaia ana mow liberal than from aay new company noV before me. ci ttmaaity, The property of the compaay Consists of .the following j ■ *«•». Three-eighths of tha working interest in the cele brated JERSEY W ELL, on the Hyde and Egbert Parm, on Oil Creek,, with the acre of land on which the wilt ts Kcpted. Thta welt has been flowing since earl? In Mar, 18'4, at the rateo r about 860 barrels dally, and is now flowing at that late, thus yielding’to the comoaur BETWIEi FtFCP AltD SIXTY BARSEL3 DiILT, worth, at presentprices, TWROTY THOOSASD DOL LARS per month, which will pay to the Stockholders in this company MORE THAU THREE PER CERT, PER MOUTH. from ihe start. There is rtom on the land for several more wells, two of which wilt be immediately oum mencedby the company-and In which we shall have tic same Interest as in the Jersey. The character'of this property, as oil land. Is well-knrwn; it is only ne cessaty to »ay that no well on it has ever failed In get ting oi', while It has already produced the Maple Shade, the Coqucitt, and the Jersey, Twenty-live acres In fee on the eist side of the Alle gheny river, opposite the month of Bl* Sandy. This tract has about fvrty rods’front on the river and con tains a large amo tnt of boring surface. OR wells jletd it g larg,ly are found near this property, among them the Hnbbs, the Hoover. &c. The company intend to proceed at once to develop this flue property, and feel santulse of enccess. A lease for fifteen years on the Pa B. Wilson farm, on Slippery Rock Ron, In Lawrence county. Pa. Boa. 4,5, 6,7, ends are also- lease* on Stippery Rock Ran. , They were obtained in April, 1864, toy Dr. Eg. bert, and continue' for fifteen years from their date' They tenure to the lessees all the oil and other minerals contained in the several tracts, with the right to divide and sob let, with all other rigi ts and privileges con nected with the bnslnew of mining for oil,coal and other minerals, and reserve a royalty of only one ' eighth of'raid oil or minerals. Tho Slippi ry Bock territory is a new and only par tially developed oil region; bat the success already ob tained Hiere and on the Mahoning river, a few miles west, together with -he large quantttiat of oil found north, south, east, and west of It, lead ns to hope that It will prove a successful oil region. Thecompany have alreadyian excellent engine, tools, and all necessary fixtures on the grounds, with a well partly down, and shin procee d to develop the property as fast as poi sibls. These lands and leaeos were all selected for oil pur poses* ty the President of this Company, whose great success in the oil business,-sterling Integrity, and fores of character are too well known to require comment here. ' * • Subscriptions received at tho office of LED YARD & BARLOW, No.-430 CHESTNUT Street.. Only a limited number of shares are for sa.e. delfi-ft |Qgp» FARNSWORTH OIL COMPANY. CAPITAL, $1,000,000- WORKING CAPITAL* t4O,#QO. SBBSGBIPTIOH.PBICB.. The valuable Oil territory of this Company is located on the Kauawsa river, Gilmore county* »Veat Virginia, some distance above its confluence with the Onio atV Parkersburg (the terminus of the Baltimore and Ohio £&llroftd), and lies-directly neon and in a direction, across tbeagi eat "Oil Belt’’ of this region (as maybe seen upon the map}* in the immediate vicinity of the wonderful "Burning Springe," now regarded, aa a sure indication of the presence of oil, from the fact that it is the oil gas that rises to the surface and burns upon the water. This property consists of an area of 1,185. acres of magnificent oil and mineral lands, of which the. Company owne an undivided half interest iafee.aim» pie, extending IK miles on the,Kanawha river* which, fa navigable to the Ohio. Other streams, tributaries of the Kanawha,tTaverse this tract, presenting alougthalr margins every surface indication of a rich yield of oil. The Ct mpany holds the right to put down welts atlover this extensive boring surface* and oil has already been discovered on this pioperty* near the river, avthe depth of 36'ieet, The sinsing of two wells to the dep'h of 800 • feet, if necessary, was provided for in the pa refuse of the land, airof which is paid for without touohinr the working or reserved capital of the Company. In addi tion to this, the Company owns an important interest (also paid for) in a well located within 400 yards of the great LeweUyn. well*which has flowed 2,500 barrels per day* and is directly among the celebrated Bathbone Sr crop (see map). Theeejsre* it is said,the greatest pro ncinE wells in the country. The former owners of this well were f* zeed to abandon it on the breaking out of the rebellion, but tho Company has now nude ar rangements to reopen anddube it, whtn a large yield of oil may reasonably he expected from this source alone.t In addition to the above described properties, the Com pany owns in fee simple some 400 acres of mineral lands in Pennsylvania. This Company is most fortunate in posrcsiing every facility for rapidly developing the oil, having on its own property both timber and coal in great abundance, ana in also having the resident Su perintendent of the works, Hr. T. G. Farnsworth, largely interested as a stockholder. The manage ment being in the hands of practical men, of indomi table energy and perseverance* the-stockholders may reasonably expect ioju to find their shares ranking with the. belt dividend paying stocks on the market; for, being, out of debt, and having a large working Stall the holders of stock in this Company take no of being called upon idr additions', means to carry on the operations of the Company* but on the contrary, as soon as oil shall be obtained in BUffl-ient quantities, a dividend on the capital stock will be declared. The remaining portion of the 20,000 shares reserved stock omy ia now being sold for additional working capital, at the subscription price of two dollars per Bhaze. It can be had by applying at the office of the Company, No. 400 CHESTNUT Street* up stairs, room No. IS, and at the coasting-house of the President, No. 504 MARKET Street. ' 'Phestdest: F, FAXSON, No, &4 Market street. _ treasurer: A, A. EBTJMWAY, No 221 Market street. " DIRECTORS 1 F. PAYSON, No. 604 Market street. THOMAS D, WATT6ON, of the house of Truitt & Co.. 628 Market street. CHABLES BLOOMINQDAX.Ec of Bloomingdale.Slue, &C<r, 382 Market street. . . EDWABD J. BEED, of Oeorge W. Bead & Co., 423 Market street. M. J. JOYCE* of A- A. fihumway & Co., 221 Market street JcSIAH BASSETT, Jr., No. 423 Market street. - P. }>, T. FABN&WOBTH, Esq.. West Vlrgiata. „ • RBWaKD M. PAXSON, Solicitor. <tel94f A. P. HABLAN, Secretary. THE MORQAN OIL COMPANY, CAPITAL STOCK 9300,000 60,000 SHARES, PAB VALTJk *5 PER SHARK subscription price *a per sharb. WORKING CAPITA! $21,000. __ PRESIDENT. HOEACB J, SMITH. TICE PRESIDENT. R. STEWART, M. P. TREASURER, HEBDCT H. WILSON. CLERK, B. T. JANNET. SUPER INTEREST, JABJPEB COPE WAT DIRECTORS, Horace J. Smith, william L. Haddock, K. Stewart, M. JD., Mo* decai J>. Brans, Jac. 'Wilson. i S. M. Janney, ‘ Samuel Baugh, A. Marshall, - Jason L. Fennhjioro ■■ OFFICE, 33 and 3* WASBINOTOH BIJILDINaS, _ 8. THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA The property of the MOKUAH OIL CO OPANT con sists or «5 a ores In fee, all of which is cl ;ar of any in cumbrances 306acreaarelituateIn Merge ana Homer townships, Morgan county, Ohio, and HO acres on a tributary of the Clarion river, in Jeffers m county, Pa Prospectus and Mans at the Office of the Company, which will he opened on MONDAY, the 19th inst., for suotcrlptions to the stock. del7 fit* IST* ‘WASHOJGTOSr AM> WAUTCT •SB? BB2JD OIL COMPANY, OiHTiIM+MM*MIMIHM«»WHt**H44mtn|SOO(OOO. 100,000 SHARES...... EACH. BDBBCRIPTIOH Ph1CK................. ...*». 10,000 Shares Reserved as Working Capital. OmOE, 31* MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. pe?day, 4dfac™a«i? Bek - *™»«« *«“ go. 2. A Trail on Oil Creek, now over SBO feet deep. With large show of on. Bear this Is the Corn Planter well, which is now pumping 300 barrels of oil per day. No. 3. A well on Oil Creek, 520 feet deep, now ready for tubing, with splendid show of oil; every prospect of producing largely. No. 4. One-fifth Interest in a tract of five hundred acres on the Allegheny river; six wells, now Pumping SO Darrels of oil per day; three more walls now going down, with near a mile of river front; all good boring territory. No. 5 A half acre at Tldeoute, near the Economlta wells, which are now pumping sixty barrels per day. No. 6. ( Six acres in fee, in Walnut Bend*' ou tlie Alla gheny river. Immediately surrounding this property are fine producing wells. This tract will be developed rapidly. SUBSCRIPTIONS are new bring received, and a large portion of the stock already taken Thepraapeotus and all Information can be obtained at the office of the Com pany, now at No. 314 MARKET Street. del3-12t QJREAT REDUCTION IX THE PEICE OF CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. PORTRAITS 13 CESTS EACH, OR ,1 PER DOZEBT. Engravings 10 cents each; or 75 cents per dozen. Colored Cards SO cents each or $2 per dozen. Large or medium Photographs 50 cents each,orslso per dozen. Photographs received as soon as published. McAllister & brother, deis-ot gas CHESTNUT Strest. Q. OLD SPECTACLES, GOLD ETE GLASSES, 4t0,, In great variety. MCALLISTER & BROTHER, (EstaMlrted 1786.) 738 CHESTNUT Street. T7LASTIC STEEL-FRAME SPECTA CLES—A larga assortment. - MoALLISTEB * BBOTHBB, T»8 CHESTSffI Strait. /"kPERA GLASSES IN EVERY VA RIETT of mounting—Pparl-Eniwialled, Japanned, *n . &c. McALLISTRk a BROTHER,. deifrM ygg CHESTfIPT sweet. IVTATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, ILL foraolxools. MCALLISTER ABkothhb, deia 6t yaw CHE6TMOT Street. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS—A VARIE- X T 7 of etvlee MoALLISTEB S BBOTBKB, delfi at w 738 CHESTNUT Street TTOLiSai S.—DON’T PUT IT OPP XJ- too late Go to B F. KBIMEB’B Gallo nr, 631 dBCH BtoetT tife-'we PBOfOGBAI-HA la oU colors Go early In He dan avoid the rash., 11 photograph albums, suitable *. for Holiday Gifts variety of beantjral anlifn proved styles, for sale at B. F BBIMKB S Galleri, 634 iBCHStWor.; Sto early and atoid tbs loelt. “ THE MONHAT. DECEMBER 19, 1884. Tf*lß HOI IDA>*jg, ______ ; gULERB fcEW ILLUSTRATED BOOKS FOB THE CHRISTMAS SEASON. Mr. JAMES H. GREGORY, Uo/Iko BROADWAY, BEW YOUR, bus i nblished' for tha Holiday Season several vo.umfaoF nnusual elcianoi,' I. POBBBT TICTURE3 IB THE ABIROBDAOE K XT JOBS A, HOWS, With obioihai, pobhs. bt alfrsb b. stbbbt. A sapsrb series of Uinstratlons depicting that region hr Borfbern New York which recently has b.come ».» greetly tbe favorite of artiets, tonriste, and eportsmen. The distinctive features of its “ Forest Pictures ” have been happily caught br Mr. Howe' pencil. The vol ume will commend itself to all lovers of the 'pictn-' tesqne, and to friends of Amerloan art It is one of the most sOTSBLB, ORiorxAL.'Sfcd ABiisTlo issues yet pro- from tbe American press. Quarto, cloth, extra gilt, *4.50; fall morocco. $9; LTEICB OF THE WAS. nmusTEAiso bt p. o. e. baslbr. . A meet beautiful volume, containing a selection of Lyrics on the War, each poem Illustrated by a fall paged drawing by F. O, C. Harley. The book ts in every way elegant and nnlqne,-and wl.l be valued ac a worthy art monument of the war. One quarto, 32 pages. Cloth, extra, beveled boards, gilt Bides aul .•allies. Price, $2.50; full turkey raoroeto, antique or kilt, W. x THE SNOW IMAGE; A CHILDISH BIBACLE. * BT HATHAHiSS HAWfIJOuBB, IXiWiTKATEB IX COBOaB, Br HABCUe WATESUAX. Tha “ Show Image ” Is perhaps she most exquisitely beamifnl of all tho minor -ketches S* Che late lamented Kart.aj.iel Hawthorne. Tha present edliioni la hand si Mely fllnstrated with Bix designs in colors, and prlut > d with elegance- on heavy calendered'paper, It leone ol the meet unique and attractive miner gift- volumes of ihe season. Cloth, extra, Beveled boards, gßt'sides, Price, 91.50. ' IV. LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD. ~ TOLD IN VERBS. BY B. H. BTO.'BARD. BMHWOBStT iliubtratrd ix ooeobs; Br amhued TBUOEBICKS Tills little work is perhaps ihe fineatspacimen of color printing -yet executed In America. It ranks-altogether above ordinary pictorial books for children; and Mr. Stocd&fd has told tho adventures of Bidiog Hood in verses that give a new and exquisite charm to the etery. The wosfcls novel, unique, and elegant. Quarto; illu minated paper cover. Price, 80 cents. ' V. 6PEGTROPIA; OR, SURPRISING SPECTRAL ILLUSIONS! SHOW ING GHOSTS EVEitYWHERE, AkD OF ANY . COLOR. WTIB BIXTBBX H.LUSTBATIOXS. This book affords txhanetiess parlor amusement. Weird and ghOßtly figures can be projected upon any white surface by itß aid without apparatus, the book It self containing everything requisite for that;purpose. Quarto, boards, with colored Illustrations. Price, $L Yl> LITTLE BLUBHOOD. WITH ILI.UBTKATIONS IN COLORS. A ohanr ing little narrative, that will almoetvival the fame of “ Bod Riding Hood. ” Square 16mo.,cloth, ex tra, gilt sides. .Price, 75 cents. VIL SNOW-FLAKES; AND THE*. STORIES THEY TOLD THE CHILDREN. RICHI.T ILI.UBTRATRD IX 00I.0BS. A beautiful Enjlißh juvenile. Equate lltoo., cloth extra, Prioe,-*1.50. . ■ ' vm. THE BOY’S BANBEB BOOH. Containing “Star-Spangled Banner,” “American Blag,” “The Liberty Bell,” and other national Ban ner Songs,, with illustrations by Parley, and with titles in colors, Hltuninuted coyer. . Quarto, paper. Price, *0 cents, ix ' LITTLE SONGS FOB LITTLE SINGERS. Original and SelecEed. Arranged for the piano forte, by Kano Hxoxx. Cover In colors. Flexible', small quarto. Price, CO cents. ’ The above books areall new. Attention is also in vited to our list of fine Illustrated book's and' elegant juveniles of previous Issue'', most of which are in ne w editions. We would mention, In brief. Bryant’s “Fo rest Hymn,”-"‘ln the Woods,” “Christmas Poems and Picture#,” “Christmas Carol,” “Visit from St. HlsbolAS,” “MenWboHaveßisen,”ets.,etc. Either of the above works mailed post free on receipt of prick JAMBS G. GREGORY, Publisher, del9-mwf3t No. 540 BROADWAY, New York. JgUI FOB THE HOLIDAYS USEFUL, BEAUTIFUL, HEALIH-BEOTIIING BOOKS. 1,. WATSON’S MANUAL OP CALTSTHEEriOS.Si.aS it hand-book op calisthenics and GYMNASTICS.— ~53.00 HI. THE SAME. In Heavy Gil*.~~. $».50 Eent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of tbe price. Sack volume is an Sro. , printed on fine and heavy Muted baper, ricbly and profusely illustrated from original designs, with music to-accompany tbe exer elses. These works positively surpass all others bn physical culture, in harmoniously blending the scien tific and the practical* in the variety and completeness of tho classes of movements, and in the adaptation of the exercises to the wants of both sexes and persons of all ages. In tbe first, all the exercises are without ap* paratus; in the second, complete courses of exercises are given* both with and without apparatus. The-ex ercises are adapted to the parlor, and embrace some o f the most excellent life-infusing games and sports ever known. To consumptives, dyspeptics, invalids in general,and the sedentary* to all,who wish to secure physical beauty* muscular strength and robust health, the use of these books 'will prove invaluable. It is when health is lost or impaired that one can sympathize with the assertion of Professor JQoss, that 14 He who has it has all things; he who lacks it has ko '.?{ thing. ’ 1 These books are superbly bound, and will grace any library ox table. The work'is the most complete and elaborate,—JT. T. Evening Post. We heartily commend it to all who prize physical culture; health, and symmetrical education. It will find its way into all our schools and families.—Cimfi nental Monthly. ■ Every person not accustomed to daily manual labor in the open air ought to pursue this system of exercise. The health of the whole community would be promo ted.—A”. T. Observer. ' A volume both valuable aud beautiful; it surpasses allits preSeceseors.— The Independent. It teaches the beet means of educating the human body simultaneously with the human mind.— The Albion. It is vctt comprehensive In its character, embracing several topics which have never before been included in one treatise. The subject Is treated in a moss careful and exact form,'and Illustrated in a style which leaves nothing to be desired,— Sunday School Times, To those in authority, whose Influence would be ef fectual in promoting the circulation of this book, it be comes a posHiveduty so to do by even means in their power. Ail who have the physical welfare of the hu man race at heart, and understand how powerless the intellect is to contend against the burden of a feeble and emaciated frame, are equally interested in its teachings, and answerable, each in his own sphere, however email it be. for the consequences of neglecting them. if. Y, Daily Times. Truly a book that every family should have. The whole subj set of thcrough bodily exercise is made as attractive af It Is important.— Harper's Weekly, The book cannot be t }o highly recommended, —Rome Journal, We practiced these exercises to recover health t we adviee others to practice them to keep it . . These hooks are a credit to the American press. —London Reader, 1 SCHIBHEBHOBN, BAYCBOFT, & C 9„ PUBLISHERS, 130 GRAND Street (near Broadway), N. Y. SIR ARCH Street, Philadelphia.- del9-3t JOTS! TOYS!! CHEAPEST IN THE CITY. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP TOTS 38 SOUTH SECOND STREET, BELOW MARKET, West Side. For the accommodation of our customers, whoean n’ot spare time to purchase during the day, we will keep store open every evening until 10 P. K. during the holidays. We are determined to close out our extensive stock of Toy s at prices much helow the usual rates. A. 3. WEIDENER, 38 South SECOND Street. del9«tif -g O OKS FOR CimiSTMASAM) KEW YEAR’S PRESENTS. S The attention of the ftiefeds of the PRESBYTERIAN BOOK-STORE sad the public la invited to the largo assortment of valuable Hew end Standard Books, suitable for Gifts, comprising the publications of the PRESBYTERIAN PUBLIC AT lOK COMMITTED, and the best works of other publishing houses. The Stock of CHILDREN'S BOOKS la very full, in cluding new issues and tho old favorites, children’s Caines, Picture Cards, and Tot Book., in great variety B BLES, TESTAMENTS, , PSALM - BOOKS, and PB AYER BOOKS, in plain and handsome Bindings, at all prices. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, FHOTO3RAPH AND PIC TURE FRAMES. PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE AT 1834 Chestnut Street, del7-smw3t OPPOSITE THE U. S, MINT. JJOLIDAY PRESENTS, ‘B’AJSaiX.Y -BIBIL.ES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE cheapest and best PRAYERS, HYMNS, FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STYLES, RICH TURKEY MOROCCO, ANTIQUE, RE LIEF, AND GOLD. WILLIAM W. HARDING, MANUFACTURES, No. 836 Chestnut Street, del7-7tif ■ Below Fourth, South Side. A SUITABLE .BOOK FOR A LADY TO PEBSEKT TO A GENTLEMAN —The CYCLO PEDIA OF COMHBBCUIi A2SD BUSINESS ANEC DOTES, being Sketches and Incidents in the lives of hankers, merchants, and men of business, with steel and wo* d ess ravings, bound in handsome presentation style, in half calf and morocco. Interesting, amusing, and instructive. Sold at the Agency. 33 S SIXTH Street, del7*6t Office of APPLBTOK’S CYCLOPBDIjIu m, PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA -ITJ TIONB, with full descriptions of character, give* *"*_BAY and EVENING, hy l. L. CAPKH, Qol2--wfmly No. atf SOUTH TENTH Btw*t WAN AM AKER & BROWN, THU HOLIDAYS. A SFPKRB Gift BOOK. „ D appletoA &no , Noe -MUmcl-H-SBkOADVVAY, ETiVE HOffaßtt&T --■ lifaM f-tylea of Binding. CB&FSTU2? BAtLADSr BYfcfcY. & CLEVELAND COXK, D, D«» » Illustrated with OrU‘vai i>eflif na t > BY JO SET A. STOWS lv.»u BVO. mpagar. „ _ _ „ PRINTED OJf TINTED ; s _ Elegant Cloth, gilt edges-*** OJP Turkey Morocco extra*<-r.. 9 on Jarhey Morocco, red #dgfce..».*... v'a***”********* 00 Crushed Levant -Morocco*- very elegant- ■ •*.* • 10 09 • C Exiractfrom tti&A’uthor'# Preface 3 with a sinter* gr«titcxfc to his Glyistlau brethren, and to M* publishers in and, America, he de sires to acknowledge the singular and entirely nn«- him kinolygteßticga-'atid pleasant Letters froin * the most distant and from somebf the moat obscure por >. tionsof the earth. It has' g&fred him some of the rao»t -r pnYiab eof frietdehipo. In foreign travel it has opened Mp way to coitases and to cattles; Jaefosnd It on t\e shelves of Eton boys and in th« itfdme of grava‘S f rt!Vo«r» of the Univerbiti-a. In Ireland htfwae presented with a ottfioub series of Imitations of Pre&xhHaad. som* grave and Home comical; and to Scotland'and Vales he owes some of his bappifttfc recofleccions (ntSbidents connected wnß.tne circulation oftfo ball&dsVio &®veral.fofo*L To Count Trees. the fmn»m poet anc'pafcriot of fforEb ere Italy, be is indebted for the introduction of ns veral of them to bis c motrymen,in spirited tfausiations; sod the Ccotlp de Montaleoibert has nnwittiferfy connected a stansg, from o.e of them with a book whtch wUI be ever memorable in the hiß.oryof the French Empire. IFrorn the OhurchJoumfit J . . - Or,© of tbP’toost welcome sift bgos'sof thb'eeaßon will be the now illustrated edition of Dr. ttox«rS* Christian Ballads-the most popular volume of Chsvohiiy. verse which has appeared since Kebla’sChristtaa’year. Since rhurfi.rf-t&ppenranoe, twenty-foui y ears ago>.BU«ce*4i ve editions have been constant, v in demand, both In Eng land and in this country. Count Tasca has trUQ&i&tsu a sambbr of these charming ballads tc to ItiH&m&wd they are added In an appendix to the present volume. Count de moutalefißbert uas curiously illustrated the degree to whioh thi-y hav* become a common poesserfbu- fa all parte of Great Britain, by describing, in onto of his Hoes* orations,-tbe reception of the Qu*en of Satfaod at the opwi ing .of the HeopiVe Park, when the verses of welcome, suits b'y 40,000 children of English seHootv were aeketed from tbese-Gurimiaa Ballads of J>fr Qi»e. It is well to*clothe snob an estaoiUhed favorite with all .the charm* of press wot k and tinted paper, evqaiette ongrsvinv, fend chaste blading. Sfr. John A. H -ws-twa euboolpo nis highest st ill in the larger designs that are the chief adornments of this-edition ;»nd the eograving of several of th»m v by B/bise£ & Hooper, is a high* bid fo r equality with the best English engravers bcc.-f.ller and n.ore varied «mhelix»bmeiit» are.profusely aided,, and the whole makes one of- the choicest volumes season. , - ZFrom tKSe Newark JOnilyAdvertperJ! ... ■ A quarter of a cen-inry has elapsed since these ballads* were first pub&sbvd, ana their intrinsic merit catLiedi tbeir young author to be accorded a high position on the* roll of Christian poets. Time las not distracted from tbeir merit, edition* they have been'profuse*'- Jy illustrated and adorned by handsomely executed eu* travioge, making the valazne-one o-: thinnest attractive' msued lor the approachingsea»oa of gifts. loumah of Commerce 1 A superb volume from 'the Appleton’s is ** Christian' Btlladr,' by B*v A. Clevelaad Coxe, most elaborate-: ly illnntrsted and ornamented; The introdactioa coa taiss something of a* Mstory of the popularity which Mr. Coxe’s poems enjoyed la this and other ctmfc . tries, and may be as a jusUfioatiou of the very elfgfant style in which this volume is published. hent fiee by mail to any address on receipt of the price, OTJB HOLIDAY CATALOGUES del9-2H OIFT°BOOKB SOW RBaD-V, ASP TO BB HAP GRATIS OS APPLXOATIOS, GIFT-BOOKS; ENOjOH ARDEN, The Artiste’ Edittoa, elegaEtly Hlaßtrated by HAM WATT BILL3NQB, tald to ba thfr finest book yet pro dootd in Enrope or America. Price ¥t SO, Turkey Antiqne and Torksy GUt, *7,». ENGCH ARDEN, Ibcladtnfi all of the late Poems of TENNYSON, print, ed on cboice Cieam-Lald Paper, with three snail ulas trstiaDs (anlike chose of -the *’artiste’ Edition..” .by bammatt BibEINGS. *l.eot'HsJf Calf,,»3s Turkey Antique,’ $4. • 111. shakspeare; Edited by the>anthor of the “Acre of Fflble ’’ and his brother. It'ceneprissa soiaeof the-best Plays, which are divested of ohjectiooablephrases, dec., on the plan of the popular c Aria of Fable” Series, preceded bra ttery of the Pfey.—tho whole newly Illustrated In the most elegant 'manner. Price $3.50; Half-Morocco, $1; Turkey, $6 sft - ' J. K. TILTON & CO., . It BOSTON. Publishers, SOMETHING VEET CHOICE. ELEGANT NEW EDITIONS OF BBLFINOH’S MYTHOLOGY. MEW STYLE OP BINDING—HILT TOP. ' i-Thls is the most exquisitely beautiful binding for this style of Book. ” Price, $3.25 per yelume. . THILAGE OS’ FABLE, THE LEGENDS OF OHABLEMAGNE, THE AGE OF CHIVALRY. Also, a few sets In library Calf, Half-Morocco (yery fine), and Morocco Antique. All bound In a SUPERIOR MANNEB, from $4.50 to $6 50 peryolume. • Alto, in the same style, the new companion volume to this Series: smaller, bnt richly illustrated by HAM MATT BILLINGS, called - - POETBY OF THE AGE OF FABLE, By tbe author of “THE AGE OP PABLB,” in bind ings yarying from $2 to $5. Orders by mail or express carefully attended to. J. E. TILTON & CO., PUBLISHERS, BOSTON. AleOtiiubiiabers of tbe beautiful Artists’ -Edition of “ ENOCH ARDBH, ” so much admired. It -IW-EW TEAR’S GIFT CAMP LI aN BBAEIES. The United States Christian Commission, in response to numerous and earnest appeals from Burgeons, chap lains, and field-officers, 'will receive, forward,rand' place under the care of v proper librarians, OHS THOU SAND FOUK HUNDRED AND FOBTYOAMP AND GUNBOAT LIBRARIES of one hundred and fifty vo lumes each, if the friends of our soldiers and sailors. 'Will forward them to its branches, or to the Central Office, during the holidays. It is but a small matter for each purchaser of holiday gifts for Mends at home to buy a handsome and pleatait booh-for his friends in camp or hospital, write his name in .it, and direct the bookseller to send it to the Commission. It will- be a positive pleasure to hundreds of wives and mothers to take down the choicest volumes from their book-cases.* and send them thus, where their loved ones can.enjoy the pleasure and profit of perusing them. Send none bat the best; oureoldiersdeserve the best. The standard essayists, histories, biography, travels, science,poetry, magazines, 'standard works of fiction, whatever,,in short, yon would put into the chamber of yonr own brother, confined with a broken limb, will be accept able, as well as religious works., Forward the parcel, marked CAMP LIBBARY, to any of the branches of the Christian Commission, or to * GEORGE H. STUART, . Chairman Christian Commission, « del6-tjal XI BANK Street, Philadelphia. QBAND EXHIBITION OP . CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! - >6. A. SGHWARZ, No, 100« CHESTNUT STREET, ‘ ABOVE TENTH, FHILADA,, BespecifuJly Informs Ms customers and the. public 2a general, that he has opened now all hisj , rraaw of German, French, and English' FANCY GOODS AND TOYS. Having visited all the largest European Manufactories personally, I am confident that the VARIBTY AND CHEAPNESS OF 600DS cannot ho surpassed in this country. . . • ' All ate invited to'visit the store, whether,they purchase or otherwise. _ , „ „&■ A-. SCHWARZ, Importer and Wholesale and Retail Healer. delQ-gmwSfc • 1864. cheistmas. 1854 - GEXFFITH & Tim, _ Southwest corner SIXTH and ARCH Streets, Offer a splendid asiortment of Foa the holidays. wobkstand£ fancy baskets, WILLOW obAIES. BABY WALKERS, SLEDS AND GAFTS,- SKATES, ■EPICE boxes, walnut brackets, FANCY MATCH SAFES, TOILET SETS OF TINWARE. TEA TEAYS, FINE CUTLERY, And a complete of HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. GRIFFITH & PAGE, de!6-St 000 ARCH Street. TAGG & BRO., CORNER TENTH AND ■*- PINE Streets, OPES FROM AUCTION; 2 iota Cambria Silk-lace Veils. $1 25@2. 3 lot Silk Chenille ‘Waterfall Nets, 76c. 2 lots Mohair Invisible Head Nets. 15@20c. 1 lot Patent French Corsets, $l. ?5.. 1 lot Ladies 1 Black Waterproof Cufls.2Gc. • 1 lot Ladieß^PiquetSets—Sleeves and Collars, 30<* , rj 1 Idt Gents’ Plain and Fancy Colors Silk Necktiel,ssc.' -llctGents’ All-wool, Plain Colors, Outside Flannel Shirt?, SS. liot Ladies’ very fine Broche Scarfs, $2, $2.50, $3,0), and $5. ■ * Also, several lots FANCY GOODS. FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. China Figures, .*» Toy Books, Porte Monnaies and Bags, - Medium-priced Dress Goods, „ . „ , .-Shawls, Table Covers, to.. &e, Swiss Mneline and Tarletons, for Dolls’ Dr«sses, from 25c up. Cents’ Chenille and Woolen Scarfs, 75c to $2.8 Ladies, Gents, and Children's Gloves in full variety. • 'Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, cheap.' dei7*2t HOLIDAY PRESENTS. CHABLES DIMMIG, No. 813 CHESTNUT STREET, Begs leave to inform Ms esteemed customers that Ms , . present stock of MCI GOODS AID TOYS Surpasses that of any former Importation. Having se lected srith care every article himself, he can yUr there Is no similar establishment in the country -hat can compare with Ms, As to prices, getting Ms goods m the first manm&elurors and artists in Europe, those dealers who buy from the importers here to sell again can certainly not compete with Mm. Of the following goods he keeps so large a variety, and In such entirely new styles, as no other store in this city can offer: LADIES’ WOBK BOXES. JEWELRY. ODOR, AND BLOTS BOXES. NECESSARIES FOE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. WRITING DESKS, DRESSING CASES FANS, PARIS GILT AND BRONZE GOODS. PARIAN WARE, BOHEMIAN GLASS. VASES, OF FINEST ANTIQUE AND MODERN. CUTLERY, FINEST ENGLISH WALKING CANES. CRICKET AND ABOBERY IMPLEMENTS'. FANCY LBATHER GOODS. LADIES’ BAGS-OVER TWENTY DIFFERENT KINDS. CABAS, POCKET BOOKS, CIGAR CASES. PURSES AND FOBTMONNAIBS. ' games of all kinds. CHESS, DOMINOES, LOTTOES. CBIBBAGE COUNTERS, CHESS, AND BAOKGAM .MON BOARDS. BAGATELLE AND TIVOLI, IN TOYS. - TMa Department is complete in every va rlety known, with many novel things never before im ported. Dolls, the very laTge variety of every kind known, kept in this store, surpasses in heanty and taste ful dressing anything known here and in Europe. This in no tdie bMtßt. Ladies should call and see them. Grit EAT CENTER HOUSE* THE HOLID AY £. ■WSAA/WwAA'’-*-'-' -v ■vvVs^AsVwvV’>A/Wk’.’’'V*A»VMW>AA.’ ©3XcK XXMJBIiIiiLJLiA.S LADIES. SILK TnwrtRTCTLAH GENTLEMEN. ‘<SIW«!'Ha'OMC tUffiBKEUsAS ' rod MSSSESF AND LADS. P r \ s A OF AIL KIYDB 5 .. ’a* GHRISItos mtsiNT^ FOE ; BALE BY WILLIAM A, wmm & CO., 346 Marfiet Street, deie-St ' JJOLIDAY G-IFTB . OF MAGNIFICENT AND BLEGARTiDESieks. DBHSSDIG ASB VD9B CASIS, , Cigar’ and Piiff Boxes, BtJFFALQ COMBS, TOOTH, NAIL, AND . HAIB BRUSHES, SATCHBIS.POCXffitBOOKB.; ■ f' SCISSORS IN Qtism, ... * TABLE A'ifß POCKBT KNIVES, Ibazoks and-strops, ' WITH A FULL ASSORTMENT OL * FINE CUTLERY . ' AND • BARIi FANCY GOODO, . SN©WDEN & BROTHER, ~,„f ■ .'empoetlbbiSj., ' B» BOUTH EIGHTH .STREET, _Je2-ftnw*fiftWM - JUBT OPKNBD, AT KERR’S FURNISHING CHINA AND- GLASS ESTA- 1 BLISHMENT, ‘ . A splendid assortment of entirely new styleopdeco me4 ckINA Ihd glass, =' FORpRESENTS.. Alao veryeiegant, FRENCH CHINA JOINING SETS, TEA SETS, TOILET BETS, &c., aU of our own im portation. t - as PER CENT UMBER USUAL PRICER China and-Glass'packed iu a proper manner for all parts orthe United Stales. \ US- CBINA 530 CHESTNUT STREET, -@6 ass- DiBEfIIXT OPPOSirk IKDBI-ESDkKOE HALO. “S* del7-7« ' , “ J’LNB GOODS FOR PRBSENIS. We hare recently added to our iarge and extensive Stcek a fine coLeotiou of newest styles of- JEWELRY, ... . |I^ON|ES,'—... - DIAMONDS, , * f SILVERWARE, - CLOCKS, asfi- . . FANCY GOODS, A]l ef recent manufacture and importation, appropriate for the Holidays. BAILEY & 00., del7-7t - ■ , No. SAG CHESTNUT Street. • ■OSBF.UL G1FT5.,.... FOR THE HOLIDAYS, PERCE’S MAGNETIC GLOBES, explaining the at traction of the earth by gravitation; one of the most in structive as well as interesting GIFTS THAT CAN BE PBESERTgD TO A (MILD. Price $2. LARGER OSES, FOR TEACHERS, are in preparation. FINELY ILLUSTRATED WORKS OF PROSE AND POETRY, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, JUVENILES. games, &o, >- SOHERKBRHORN,BANCROFT, k CO., de!7-8t ~ - . 813 ARCH Street. OHRIBTMA& PRESENTS. _ .DRY GOODS vs. FANCY ARTICLES, we think .the plea can be sustained by any disinter ested court of Ladies, that pre» eats of substantial value fo? are better than those for show. We call atten tion to some goods eminently adapted on this view as presents to -wires, husb&nde, engaged couples, or to yeaagpeopte who espect at some time to be engaged. Fine Cloth Cloaks. • Warm woolen long Shawls. Ordered for Gentlemen. Boys’ flnoreaiy- made Clothing. , Ordered SuitAfor Boys. Ordered fine overcoats. Cloths for Ladiess Cloaks. Clothe for Overcoats Cloths for business Suits. Cpat-Oloths and Pant Staff?. Fttest'gnalitiee Select styles American Delaines. , Beit Prints made in America. American neat-figured Wool Delaines. PopJin Dxfrss Stuffs. / ■ ~ ' Plaid Poplin Dress 3oode. Black Go^dsfoi'Dresse*. Blaakets for Bad. Crib, and Cradle. Bleached .Murilus. m Unbleached Mnstins. w Unshrinkable Flannels. - Towelß and Towellings. Linens and Linen Goods, Wooten Shirtings. - COOPER ft CONARD, del?# B. E. center NINTH and MASKS!*. THE MObT USEFUL, A ' kTHS BEST AND TEES CHEAPEST HOLIDAY PKSSEETS. ' AT BAMBSBGEft BBOTHBRB, % W „ REA 3 * LIST OF ARTICLES. * - ' LiNEN HDRFss -rJevery large assortment of plain, hemstitched, andeffibroidered Hdkfa Very cheap. -LA.CE COLLaES.-7Cambric Collars and Sets, very cheap. FANCY BACK COMBS.—A very large assortment of the most beautiful styles of fancy back, at half the regular retail prices, n GLOVES—GLOVBS.r-A very large assortment of Silk, Fleecy- Lined, Cloth Gloves, and all other kinds ol Gloves, very low. &ALHOBAL SKIBTS. The largest arsortment of Balmoral Skirts la the city. From s3to $8 apiece. Very cheap. - ■ . IBEBIKO GOODS.* The largest stock of Ladles’, Men's, Misses’, Boys’, and Children’s Merino Undershirts and Drawers in the: city, at very lowest prices HOSIER r i HOSIERY ! The best and cheapest Hosiery in the city. ' LADIESVMBfi’S, AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY. Cotton, Woolen, and Merino hosiery. The largest assortment of every *ize» d description. _ SATCHELS! SATCHELS t A very ) arge assortment of French Morocco Satchels. Very cheap. ■ ' LACE VEILS! LACE VEILS! . t „ Avery large assortment of black Lace Veils, at all price*, very cheap. Ladies’ and Gents' Silk and Woolen Scarfs. Hair Bra*hee, ComLs, Silk Hdkfs. Corsets, Linen Bosoms, and a large assortment of Fancy Goods, much, lower than at any other &tore in the city, at ‘ . - BAMBERGER BROS.*, No. IOSN. EIGHTH Street, de!6 6fc Third store above Arch. rtURWEN STODDART & BROTHER Present a 1 arge and attractive stock of Desirable Goods to buyers for the selection of useful HOLIDAY GIFTS, All of wMch have been purchased at the late auction And will be sold at* reduced prices. To effect rapid sales. Saxony Dress Goods at 37K. 50, 80, and 70. . Double-width striped Poplins, 90. AH.w?ap 0 p 1 £ 1 r Popl&s ' * Silk and wool Poplins. Empress Cloth*, • And a full line of choice colors FRENCH MERINOE3, Frioes raßgingfrom $1.25 to $2, Rich Plaid Popline, Do do Menaces, Do do Cashmeres, S7K cents. BROCHE EONG SHAWLS, ' ' , . '• of Viennese and Paris fabrics* In choice designs and Colorings. BLANKET SHAWLS. Of new and desirable styles, at Reduced Prices, . Balmoral Skirts, to, to. * CURWBJf STODDART & BRO., 450, 453, and 454 North SECOND Street, de36 3fc ’ i above Willow. L NABDI, 439 FOFLAB SIREET, •„ The cheapest Store in the dfcv for CHINA, GLASS, AND AJno assortment of - FANCY GOODS for the Holidays. All kinds of works of art in Marble and Alabaster neatly cleaned and repaired at very low rates, and personally attended to, if application is made by letter. de!6-3t* NOTICE I The Proprietor of that first- class DRUG STORE, N. E. CORNER BROAD AND CHESTNUT STREETS, begs to announce teat in view of the times he will (until further notice) . SACRIFICE his large and varied stock of Toilet Articles, such as FINK COLOGNES. SPLENDID ODOR CASES. RAKE FRENCH AND ENGLISH PERFUMES, PO - MADBS, Ac« Ac. - ELEGANT HAIR AND TEETH BRUSHES, COMBS, Ac., &c , Ac. And other nseful articles for HOLIDAY GIFTS, AT COST, -N. B.—A select inv« dc*°of GENUINE IMPORTED Bavan a Cigars* of favorite 'braudß, will be sold on the SAME FAVt/RABLR TERMS, if app.ieation is made ATON( E dels lOtlf TO HOUSEKEEPERS. The subscriber his on hand a. choice selection of OLD F. BRANDY, from $l2 to *l®. MADEIRA AND SHERRY WINE 3, from $8 to *B. OLD MONONGAHELA WHISKY, from $3 to *5. GINGER,WILD CHERRY.and RASPBERRY BRAN DIES, ROSE CORDIAL, Ac., from $2. SO to $3. Also, F. BRANDY, -from $3 to $5. , SHERRY and MADEIRA WINES, from $3 to SS. . FOR COOKING PURPOSES. To be had at No, 145 North Second. Street. henry huddy, ISAAC J. EVANS A'YOID TBB BUSH-COME EA.RLY; •eA always crowded during the holidays. RBIMER’S Colored I’BOTOGB APHd, made at the popular tea iery, SECOND Street, above Green. : Gome early in tea day. P#Tl It* s. E.UQR, SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. -RETAIL DRV HOODS. RLACK LYONS VELVET, . For Closks. Irani Motion, at _ ' . _ _ Ttsdnwd Pr'oo*. g took irons Tolvot. ,16. Sss-lsoh do via. „„„ DTOWBN BTODDAVT Ik 8R0.,' . 480, 4 S 3, and 48* North SECOND Street, me-M - above Willow. IOafOHEgTNPT BTRRgr~~ 1. M. NEEDLES X> PAltTlßOfimsa NOVBLTIBB nr LACES, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, veils. handkerchiefs, ao. In every variety and at REDUCED PRICES. - Haitabl. for . CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY PRESENTS. . MM OHSSTJTDT STEBBT. *‘T/BMAIL DE PARTS" 18 NOT & paint, powder, or paste, but a most delicious preparation that gives both, the color and texture o£po edoenb jodin, no. m TENTH Street, below Cbestnnt. . T’EMAIL DE PARIS” CAN BE " cued by all ladles In the privacy of the toilette. It removes all tpota and roagbness, and Its purifying epect on the skin calls forth freshness, color, and beauty. E. JODIff. No. 11l TENTH Street. “ T ’EMAIL DB PARIS” QUICKLY unsightly black 3£i , sis’* 0 » 8 -?ArfA <la m ra<! £S S neh f rom the beaoly of the skin, g. JOmg. Na ni TENTH Street. «T ’EMAIL DE PARIS’’ IS E 8 ■ w P J CIAL i T endorsed by Had’Ue Vestyali, hn cilia Weraern, Mrs. D. p Bub era, and many I adioa in private life, whose commendatory letters, for obrloda TENTH’ ItSt 18 pobU, ’ he - S - JODIN. 411 SOOTH Offlcers and soldiers whose completion. have become tannedor bronzedbvthe expoßirs incident ton camp liie. will Cnd tie Email invaluable. „Orders by mail should be addressed. JARED & &BNE. General Importers. - Philadelphia. des-smw tS' ANEW PlfßliltJATlWfliS. ENTIRELY NEW BOOK FOR BOYS, With Twenty Elegant Illustrations, by the best Artists. THE YOYnyGr CRUSOE; ' Or, AclTenturcs of a Shipwrecked Boy. ■» Br Dn.-HARLEY. FBICE, 51.50. "MI of exciting incident, and illustrating the ad vantages of acquiring knowledge while young, of over coming idle fears, and of being strong and persevering lit:whatever circumstances one may be placed. "—Am. hpmrary , Gaid&.. It la for sale: by all Booksellers everywhere, or sent by mail to any address, on receipt of price, by WALKER, WISE, & CCXi PPBHSHEES, BOSTON (CHOICE AND BEAUTIFUI, BOOKS ■'V' AT THB -V- . 1.0 WEST PRICKS. '■ .LINDS AY-& BLAKISTON, T No. a_s South. SIXTH Street. aboveCheshmt, Have'now .received, and, are offering? atthe lowest prices, FOREST PICTURES IN THE ADIEONJDAOKB.' Quarto, elegantly illustrated. A RELICTION OF WAR LYRICS. withlHustrationß on Wow, byDarley. Handsomely bound: THE .SNOW IMaOB. By Hawthorne. -Illustrated in Colors. OH acd examine. ‘ ■ - delfi tf FOR SAFE AIIB TO LET. m REAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE, JHL REAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE. _ REAL ESTATE} *5,000,000 WORTH KOB SALE. *5,000,000 WORTH FOR SALE. $5,000,000 WORTH FoR SALE. No person should fail to call om me if they wish to pur* chase or sell. Call or send for catalogue. Elegant Dwelling on Arch, west of Fifteenth street, 22 by 120 deep. Price s£o,ooo. Two large first class Dwellings on Arch, west of Tenth street. Lets 24 and 25 feet front by 150 and 160 feet deep. $23, 000 and $25.(00. Splendid Store and Dwelling in the most business por tion of Arch street. Magnificent front, &c. Lot 25 feet front by 190 feet d«ep. Stable, coach house, Ac. Price $25,000. Immediate possession. Very large-first class Dwelling on Arch, east of Sixth; would make a splendid store. Lot 25 by 275 feet deep to Cherry street. Stable, «Szc. $25 000. Seat, lar*e, aide-yard Dwelling on Seventh, above Spring Garden street. Lot dfby 85. ’ Price $12,800. Ele*ant side-yaTd Dwellin go» Franklin, above Pop lar street. Lot 23 by 110. ~ Price $ll 000. . Neat marble front Dwelling on Yihe, -west of Seven teenth. Lot 22 by 125 to a street Only $10,500. Sixteen rooms. Splendid brown* etene front, four-story Dwelling, on Spmce streetswestof Seventeenth. $23,000. .Superior large, fixst-claae, side-yard Dwelling, 901 Berth Eighth street. Lot 25 by 115 feet deep on Poplar street, end widening to 41 feet on the rear. Mnstbe seen to be appreciated. $lB,OBO. GEORGE a MILLER, Real Estate Agent and Broker, 154? North SIXTH Street. . de!7-2t if jg ADJOUBB3ED SALE. EXECUTORS’ SALB EEAI. ESTATE, _ _The undersigned, executors of CHRISTOPHER WXGTON, late of Franklin township, Huntingdon county, deceased,,by virtue of the power and authority vested m them by the will of said deceased, will offer at Public Sale, on the premise?, On THURSDAY, December 22,1864, at 10 o'clock A. M. All that VALUABLE LIMESTOETEFARM, situate in Franklin township, Huntingdon county, eontalninglfO. acre?, 140 of which are cleared-aud improvad. The buildings consist of a good two-story double frame dwelling-house, and necessary outbuildings, and a frame bank bam 76 X5O feet. A good young orchard* bearing fruit, and several fine springs, noth slate and limestone, are on the property. It i* situated on the turnpike from Spruce Cveek to Centre county, and is four miles from apruce Greek, a Station on the Pennsylvania Railroad. The creek p&Bßes through the farm, and there are iwo good water powers, at one of which there is a dam already built, ready for machinery. The farm is in good order and cultivation, and its convenience to schools, churches, stores, and the large iron manufacturing establishments of Huntingdon -county, makes this one of the most desirable farms in the interior of the State. Possession will be delivered on the first of April The executors will at same time offer at public sale S2Q acred of land in county, lowa. .. . Hone of the heirs desiring to purchase, the property wiUhe sold to the highest and best bidder. TERMS OF SaLE One fchira in hand and the resi due m one and two years from date of sale, with in terest from the first of April, 1565, secured by the bonds and mortgage of the purchaser.' SAMUEL WIOTOH, B. B WIGTOtf. JOSEPH DTSAST, Executors. delfi-3i HcsTissiioy, December 13, ISM. m FOE SALE LOW—THE NEW, ■®al neat, side-yard House, Ho. 2225 Syring Harden street. Hew and well*built Dwelling, north side of Wallace, .we*t of Nineteenth • lot 20x160 feet. Desirable Dwelling, Ho. 724 North nineteenth street? lot 100 feet de«p. ' For large Dwellings see Jforth American and United States Gazette. * A large number of Farms, some first* class and on rail read routes near the city. B. F. GLENN, 133 South FOURTH, aud S. W. cor. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. Mfor rent—large rooms por Business purposes. Third and fourth stories of southeast corner of Bock and Walnut streets* with light and ventilation seldom equalled- Also, a large Factory Building* of five rooms, to gether with the use of an Engine capable of supplying power for that and the adjoining building. Also, Three Booms immediately ad joining 1 , aid com ic uni eating with the. above, having a good northern light. May be rented together ot separately. Several rooms in the same building, suitable for offices, can be had. Apply to. JACfhSJ M. ELLIS, de!7- 3i* 354 S. FOPBTH Street, second story. m FOR SALR-THE LARGE THRBE- Jfci STORY STOEE and DWELLING Sa. 338 N. Third etieet.' Lot 20 feet front, and 180 feet'deep to Dilwyn street. With Jarie two-story Warehouse on that front. Store aearly the **ol^ 154 North SIXTH Street. MlO RENT—THE SECOND, THIRD, and Fourth. Stories of Store No. 530 COMMERCE Street. FOR SALE—Fire-proof Safe, Show Casas, and Fixtures. - - . de!7-2t* a IMMEDIATE POSSSSSION-THE esirable DWELLING, Ho. *O7 Marshall street, With all modem conveniences. For sale low and on easytermsby ANTHONY P. dr J H. MOHHIB, del7-4t* . Ho. 916 ARCH Street, Mfor SALE—AN elegant m country SB AT, with »bont2oo acres of land —A— attached, in Backs coanty, Penns., 33 mVes from Philadelphia. For particnlarH appi- to WM. ROSSBLL ALLBK, 6. B. cor. FOURTH and WALNUT. de!7-3t» m JOB SALE—A DESIRABLE : ISI RESIDENCE on NINETEENTH St , above Arch. Apply to WM. ROSSBLL ALLEN, S. B. cor. FOURTH and wALHtTT. de!7-3t«. MFOR SALE—A LARGE NUMBER of small Houses la the lower part of the city; also, well-secured Ground Kents, cheap for cash. Forfar they particulars apply at . . ; _ w t delS-32t* . Ho. 9gS WALNUT Street. Mto let—three first-class four-story houses (new), and with all the modern improvements, on east side of Broad street, near Whar ton. Terms moderate. Apply to_ „ • ■ GEO. SERGEANT. For F. H. Drexel’s Estate, noBC-Wfmlm . 996 South FOURTH Street* T7OB'RENT—THE LARGE PHOTO ktfSM Sfffl Also,several other zooms over the Photographic Booms. Inquire at 618 WASHINGTON Square. • no!4 CLARION RIVER OIL LANDS, favorably situated, in tracts of 70, 1*0,170, and 200 acres each, with improvements thereon. Also, 300 seres In VENANGO Coanty, near Franklin, and IJ4 miles from the Allegheny river, 60 acres of which are load ell borfwt (rounds, together with the most valuable deposit of-Coalin that section of country, the whole offering extraordinary inducements for in- V h'o™lurther particulars apply to EVANS d«l9-3t* Ho. 4:35 ’WALNUT St., 2d Floor. • OIL AND COAL LANDS-FOR SALB, A TRACT OF FIVB HUNDRED ACRES on. the Toby’s and Teonisia Creeks, Highland Town ship, Elk County, In the State of Pennsylvania. This land Is in the vicinity of some of the best producing wells in the Oil Region. Apply to CHARt.ES H STHEBOTHAM, No. 906 West WASHINGTON Square, del3-mwfr3t* Philadelphia. VALUABLE COAL OIL LAOTS FOR * SALE.—Over l,2oo,aereB well located in three seve ral trade,- in Western Virginia, will he sold separately. Apply, till THURSDAY, December 21, instant, at •ROOM 65, MERCHANTS’HOTEL, de!9-3t* . North FOURTH Street^ YALUABLE oil lands in west visanriA for salb. . One tract-of 230 acres, having a fronting of two miles on the Kanawha rlver.immedlately opposite BUaahsth, Wirt county; Q. 8., known as the HANNAMdN. or BOUND BOTTOM FARM, and on whteh OR was drat discovered In 1730 (nee map), and Is well known for its Oil indications. ~ - Another tract on the opposite side of the river from the abow, containing 240 acres, with over a mile of river front, or boring surface, an don which is the well-known gas well (see map), which was commenced and dug to the depth of some 150 feet, when oil foil in price to one dollar per barrel, and the work was suspended. The oil iudicatfosA'of these properties are well known la the neighborhood. , . Also, two tracts on. Tucker’s Creek, containing about 260 . acres. These lands will be sold together, or sepa rate, to suit purchasers. . To parties wbhisg to form a reliable company for de velopment, toese lands cannot be surpassed. Exami nation will substantiate this statement. # , For terms, and farther particulars, address, for a few aT "‘ WM. 11. FARM ENTER, STT North EIGHTH Streets or, cure of del6-et» D. B. BBTLBB. 38 8. FOURTH Bt.. Philo... WANTS. HOUSE, THE L&RG -U eat aDd most reiUbla- for city and oonatry Esi always a good KOifCtlon of capable persons, with good refert-ucta. Americans, Irieb P Boglifth, French, »>r* man, Scotch, Welsh- and n*wly ia,ode*J emigrttt** as Gardener*, Farm Hands, Coachman, Watchmen, £pOf«* Seamst essws. LaandresSHS, goceral .Housework Senraats .Also, #o*. 802 and 80* LOCUST Street, above Eighth. del9-l« SALESMAN WANTED—IN *A JOB- V, goods house, on market street, . lit,- *l® S lty enf near country caofi trade. M AUbeial offer Will be made to a COMPETES! BALES- Addresa** Jobber. ■’ Press ogee. daU St* a situation wanted by !a r - , Young Fan in some mercantile or manufaetarlW JS^i 1 * ™mvi%d£*Ke Bpw V^ ier ll OT MY Portion where b© can make Msisslf useful. Has bad several Tears* firiMnsiipfi • «§?!£.??^t“ rettca e 1 ™- AdareM “J- w. rr.,” Bex 1526 Fogt Office. del? St* Contralto wanted for st. CLEMENT’S CHOIR. Aoolv tn de!7-3t* F. T, 8. DART. BY. 1618 FILBERT Slreet. TO GROCERS AND PROVISION DFALJSHS.—Wadtcd, a Situation by a Young Han, 10 Year* of age, who i* n<»t afraid to work, and is thoroughly posted io the above. Beet of reference in tma city and bLew York. Address “Barnes,” at this office*. -.. . ._ delft* 3t* TO OIL COM PAN! SB. AK ACTIVE Business Man, weir acquainted with macbiasryaad bwinest* generally, is open for an BBfE H T as Superintendent. Best or references given. Address **gox: 258V’ hQ, del?-2t* WANTED- OFFICE FURNTTURS,— eluding awfc* J! V Kb- go* MARKET S-reet. WANTED—BY AN ACTIVE YOUNG J.J M * n -, a hITUA riOSa, SALESMAN or COLLEC TS??* *?«m re lr? a*t” char?ct«r and ability. Address T, M. S-,” car© of Press ogee.* WANTS D-AN- EXPERIENCED ftlesman in the Hosiery and Notion business, one who IS aoaoaiptprl with tbolUinols and lowa trade. Address Philadelphia P. Q. d«l7»6b*. WA.NT.ED —AN' EXPERIENCED * " SALESMAN Itj the Hosiery and Notion bnsiaess; S-l — n, influence a New Jbrsby trade - Address Box 47. Philadelphia P. O. ' del? «t* WANT ED-A YOUNa MANIAS T \ Corresponding Clerk iaa Wholesale Dm* Homs*; mast be a .good penman, (druggist preftwetth and he able to infiat-ncfe s me trade, Address **jßL 8, Z,office of-this paper, with re*> ferencas , , del?-3t«- WANTED—A QOOD-mzm FINE " * PROOF BAFJB Address 80-x *B5O P, 0,. del7-3t* Wanted-a situatkmsf on^t&e , DRY GOODS JOBBING 1 BUSINESS, by a ynuns man who can influence a large city and western trade. Address **H.,'* Press office, , deH-St* DOORKEEPER AND CASHIER iTw? A fT (D ’ i 0 * lar * B Ketall Establishment. Most ??» %. 1 every respect. Address, with reference, A. B*. C. & Co , ° tbla office. . <j*is 3$ AUCTIOJTBKE (EXPERIENCED), ttorT M I«WlresaßUaa tA* above. Address “ Auctioneer,” Press office. ■ ‘ dels et* WANTED—A SITUATION AS BOOK * ■ KEEPER and Financier in an established bnst ness, with a view to an lntereet; can furnish #15,000 raPitaL Aedress ‘'Book keeper,” Box 825 Philadel phia P. O. , dell S,* WANTED.—RETUBNED- AND DIS ” 7. ABLE!) officers and Soldiers in want of Profitable Empkyment peculiarly adapted to their condition ahenlff address JONES, BROTHERS, & 00., Peila delphla. Pa. - » ■' deU-im* WANTED—A GOOD SALESMAN, IN * a Wholesale Hat House, for country trade, ad dress Box 256 S Philadelphia P, 0., with name and re ference. deld-6i* WANTED, AGENTS,—AGENTS UK T 7 every County, at «70amonth, expenses paid, to tntrodneejSfteen tielo and useful arttolee, the best seil- ISf Particulars, addrew OTIS T. ffIARET, BIDDEFOED, MAINE. oc%-dAW3m H- 'A FURNISHED HOUSE MaL : . ' ' WANTED. Address Box 1810 Philadelphia Post Office, deld-61* -tfifiO WANTED.—A YOUNG OR man with this amoani ',c%n ob tain a half interest tn a lucrative and reliable cadi bußineFß, wall R?tv»r«©» light, good location. Address “Utility,” del9- ti* tin non ss,ooo, and s3*ooo to in- IUjVW, TEST ON mortgage. Apply to ALFRED FITLSR. Coaveyanccr, del7-6t* Ho. 51 JSortb SIXTH Street. «519Fi A MOJSfTH—'WANTED— AGEHTS Everywhere to introduce the new & CLARK HX-TfeEH DOLLAB FAMILY BKW -IHG MAOHII9A the onlv low price Machine in the country which is licensed b j Grover & Baker, Wheeler A Wiison, Bowe, Singer & Co., and Bachelder. Salary and expenses, or large commissions allowed. All other Machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are inf t iUffements, and the seller and user liable. Illus trated circulars m&free. Address SHAW A CLARK, nolfi-d&wSm BIDDSFORD, Maine. MARSHAL’S SALES. SALE>~ BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Sale by the Hon, JOHN CAD WAI.ADER, Judge of tn© District Court of the Baited States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in>Admiralty* to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale, to the highest , and best bidder, for cash, at Sa vannah Ste&infchjp Compavy’s Wharf, above VINE Street, on WBFITBBDaY, December 78th, 1861, at 13 o’clock M,, the Steamer BUSANA, built of iron, on the Clyde*, her length, l7B feet 9 Inches, breadth IS feet, depth? feet ftinchea; net tonnage 262 5-95 tons; is of very light draft-of water,, and represented as being very fast. At the same time will be sold i Ghrosometer, 1 Octant, I'Qaadrant. WILLIAM MILL WARD, H; S. Marshal E. D. of PennsylvauiSi PHIi.APRLpHiAv Dec. 16. 1860. ‘ de!7-6t SALE.—BY "VIRTUE UA of a Writ of Sale by the Hon. JOHN CAD WAL Ai DEB* Judge of the Dicdnct Court of the United States,in and-for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admi ralty, to me directed, ■wili b® sold at PnbHe Sale, to the highest and bfBtbiddervfor;caBh,at MTOHTBKBB’B Store, Ho. U 2 Horth FhORT Street, on FRIDAY, Dec. 30th, 186$, at 12 o’clock, M the cargo of the steamer SUfeANA, consisting of 100 bales and SI packages of cot toa,.irbarrelB of navy bread, and 4 begs of salt beef. WILLIAM MILL WARD,-. __ IT. 8. Marshal Eastern District of Fenna. Pgn.APSl.ypiA. Dec Tgy I?6i d»l7-6fc COPARTNERSHIPS. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. -—THE undersigned have this day formed a copartnership, under the style and title of ADAMS & LEVIS, for the pnrpoie of transacting a general Banking and Stock Brokerage business. Oil, Telegraph, and Express Company stocks made a specialty. Government Loans and Specie bought and sold, THEO. ADAMS, GEO. H. LEVIS, delMm 305 CHESTNUT Street. TYISSOLUTION:—THE COPARTipiR- A-* ship heretofore existing under the same and style of J. R. & J PBIuE is this day dissolved by the death of John Price. , The surviving partner, J. K: PRICE, who will con tinue the business at 347 MARKET street, is alone au thorized to settle'the acc-unts of the late firm. Philadelphia, Df c. 19 iS64. deio a* LOST AND FOUND. A RFLIOATION WILIi BE MADE TO the managers of the Mercantile Library Company for renewal of certificate of one share of sfcoca. Ho. 6£67, standing in the name of JOHN BARRY, the same having been tost ornate aid It* BOARDING. 99F| SOUTH BROAD STREET.—VA cant, two handsome communicating BOOMS, second story, back building, handsomely famished and well heated. Vacancies fortwo gentlemen in the fourth story. del9-Ht* FANCY FURS. wTJiM*. 1864. 1864. A, 1. & I. K. WOMRATH, oWsgOSS <EO TBS LATB OKO. V. WOHHATH,! Ho. 415 Arch Street, HATS MOW OPM A BOLL ABSOKTKBHT OB LADIES’ FANCY FURS, To which they invite the attention of buyers, ocao-Sm • • . FANCY FURS. JOHN FAREIRA, Kb. TlB iiCH Street, tboTe Seventh Stmt. At hi* old e»tabll*hed .ton. IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, AND DEALER IN FANCY FURS ■tan \ t SADIES AND CHILDEEH. Harlot now In store a rery lar*e and beautiful as*ort- Stent of .11 the different hinds and qaalitlee o? FAHOT BUBS FOR LADIES' ADD OHiLDKK*’S W2A2, I *ollelt a rail from those in, want. Xenember the same and numDer, JOHN FAKEIKA, ns ARCH Street, abor* Serenih. I bar* bo partner or connection witk wit other .ton la this olty. ocS-talf T>TJTTEB FIELD’S OVERLAND D DESPATCH, Office, S. W. comer SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. A THBOUGH FREIGHT LIKE has been established, prpparedvfco receive a-1 classes of freight in the principal cities east of the Mississippi river, and to transport- the same from point of shipment TO ALL POINTS IN COLORADO, IDAHO, UTAH, AND MONTANA TERRITORIES, UPON THROUGH CONTRACT SATES AND BILLS OF LADING. Through Kates include ALL CHARGES—RaiIway, Transfer, Storage,and Forwarding Commissions on the Missouri river, and transportation upon tha Plains— thus ex ablins tue Shipps* to obtain a THROUGH CON TRACT fcrhiß freight for a distance of OVER THREE THOUSAND MILES, and relieving him from all respon sibilities and anxieties incident to the past disorganized and irresponsible system of Plains transportation. Our Agents in. New York, Boston, Philadelphia,Pitta burgrCbicago, St Ltula, and Burlington, lowa, are prepared st all seasons to receive and ship at the LOWEST THROUGH TARIFF KATES. This Company assumes ALL THE RESPONSIBILITY of Losses, Damages, or Overcharges on Freight while in tr&p «it from polo t of shipment to place of destination. The New York office is in possession of a fall Bet of TRACE BOOKS, showing the date of shipment, the time it passes the Mississippi river. Is received at and shipped from the Company's warehouses*afc Atchison CRaneas), the character of the trains moving upon the Plains, the date it Pgsses Fort Kearney, arrives at Den?' ver, ie received at destination, and the apparent condi tion of the Wares along the entire route. If Damages or Losses occur,Shippers are notified in time to duplicate any important portion of the ship ment. , These books are tpen for the inspection of our cus tomers at all times, and parties shipping by this Line kept informed by correspondence oi the exact condition of their shipments. „ _ , . Merchants and Mining Men in the Territories ordering Goods, should he particular to 2B9rr cases “YmBUTTEBFIE- D’S OYEBLANDDESPATCH, Atchison, Esntas, *' and have them shipped under the Streets. Philadelphia, will be promptly And reliably answered. »’ A. BUTTEBfI4t.D, Proprietor. Tw iPAItm, General Aaent, Hew York. M B. MOORE. Agent. Philadelphia. dolMf TJIBTHPLACE OF LIBERTY CLOTH •E*' IHG HOUSE. Ho. TOO BASKET STHBBT. ‘An exteneire assortment ot Hen’s and Boys* Ball and Winter Clothing, at greatly redneed prices. dels Sl* ' - - . WM. BKOffH & CO. 9flA 000 CANS PEACHES—VERY ZUU,UUU SOPERTOB-PBT DP BY C P MOE TQHjfc-CO., at the EOtJHD TOP PEACH FABM, Md . and for sale by R. RL NEFF, No. 106 fi»UTB WHARVKB. Philadelphia del&lS* AT SEASONABLE PRICES. AMUSEMENTS. OF MUSIC. Lessee and Manager.. TOHN T. FGHffi, (Alro of theHjJldayetreet Ts'catje, Baltimore: FovdlS HewYbfatre, Washington; anv’ th ® Al.randrta <YxJ •It^raMiuiager^-,—..... —iJOHN B. WBIGHIW SSSJS forres r. Will render, BDWIN FORSIST, ■ m. SIGHT ONLY, . His great A-ntopersoaaHe*,' inShatapeare’s mbliffieTrlfW 0 f m-nja g The grandest mßPita d ■ * Humnn Geni^» bad. macbwtw- JOHN MoCULLCUGH, as MaOMlW and _ . The Entire Compahy. f TUEBDAY-EDWTN F 'RKKST _ , THE DURHCF GLOSS^Ri «, v„ „ _RlCHAslf’rtE FRIDAY EVENING. December Offik. 1 - MONDAY, TOEBDATv F THu!tD’t?i and JSmNla NIGHTS. - w *»' seats secured six TShts rir ADVANCE. SYBiroeP I™** 1 ™** °“ «?i satuhdai** The Box Sheet, for. the «i« of centred Mahon —•— Between the hours of 0 anddH “cS5n < *" r Curtain rieea quarter beforeß. r dalT^M AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSltt. CHSISTKAB Kfe’fNSES. * WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, Doc 28 adfiL, THE UKaND FLORAL-BPiCrACEW ■COEOSiTro» F ™ fHS ROtFB. BT * 200 YOONG LADIES AITJOHILDRES. Ce cl*' : i ?u y aow b« obtaty&A W WUXaP 8 Marne store, Serunth &**r Gapg'naJ tIrKA Pooreopenatlo’clock; comm«»#»c-ah - ?o;©«ock. \’W CHESTNUT tT THSATR»;~ CtEsrNU, SI'KtET, above T iVELFTH. iiaiyj -° f wa ° Pi-ojjeea with »EW A3r°®KUMDlft«R»JEirKst for ^pnße^t^i t> x»r •,.. OBIGIJTAL Mir.-IG , 5r ®-f® $ 4-a th p Gr-md Orchestra, ftn«? &m feaflifarf. Dlsmbntion ofCharacters *-# Inotdertoaddinor*io.ier6ft.fofTinFti~s Tt'ftimmikp m' '■ woold anaoTißce t h*wh * ha* • fiVcred ao MEk. B<>PH? 6XUBBB KUfftTv v ___ SOPHY GlMbßtt Kt/HN, Wftfrmll make her first arpearaaceeiaca her rectofc * n*m*tkt* __ OCTOKOON GIRL, ZOB. «SVSSSfiLSSS , .t I Jr*" •»-•«■‘•itoprtte _ ~ ■ *UBs BE..LE VA^OHIT. tl* ft character, bat to the most gcmerotu manner • ®be ha» h®r claims to tv o pi-1 Rimniv gratify THifi MANaGEHEP-T AND THE PtIBLDj P y • In con^equeccftof ibe extreme length and great fa. ESBZSt&SSEF* “_ wiU Off SATOBBAT AFTEEKOOff, Dao. 24, BrSffnSßSrW: ? GBAHD FaMlfcV KAi-ijJiisE, When the w oqvGKooff will be pre^atPd, W / AIiHUT-STBE ET Tff S ' ‘ THIR (H,.adar> f'- r SI i.Don 19<b. SIXTH WEEK OF DBPEECEDBSTBO SUCOXi* ■ of the Char-ning, young, ableaotreeg, . ' ItVGlhhk &2uoL'*Jii.\, wh T??i. ll,,rpart,oalar WWt, appear as THE FOESAXEX. ICI OX PARLE F&AHOAIB - Seats may be S.cqred !rog . 9 tlfl 3 c£s» riwa at Mg. T\fRS. JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCH. ■HA STEBET TBEA*BB. “ • _ TTNaBATED success FOUETB WEBK OP J. S/OLAEKE. , AHOIHEK GLOEIOOS BILL THIS (Monday) EVEBIF&, DtCtmbar I", 1964. . - TBB UVALS, TBAT QLtTTJSBa IS SOT GOLD CLiEKB as. ..808 AdSBL CLARKBaa. TOBY TWXNKX3fc Q.REAT NATIONAL CIRCUS-WAIW BBT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH Directress, MBs. CHARLES WARN EB, formerly MRS. ATTBACTION. Th. great wili-rlder of the West, LE JEHNE BIIRTL. will, appear ever;evening during the week. He lx &r O rtTi*iT 6 B«’ w oi.Vi? lm ,S , “ 0 *P? ,an8 e- - Mr. CHARLSS EEBO. the worlo renowned niaap eqae“^rilln * WIU »H» Penorm durine f uhlTg Bicoio in a uewahd daring act The BBOTHEBB TALLEEN Vlfl gfaKfiilly accoffi. «XTT I’BBTln'tHeSb’ 0,1 tha J»^onst»pea^ Is rich in developing the gymnastic, acrobatic, eanee trian, and pantomimic power, grace, and beauty of th» entire corps of artistes. ' 01 “* admission—Fir,t Tier, SO cents; Second Tier. SB eenbt- Prlvate Boxes, $3 and SC. ™ w * *” Mac *. Performance commencing each evening at 7 40. tn VEDKgSDAT and SATURDAY" AFTBRNOOHS, commeaciog at 2K o’clock. « Get yonr tickets during the day. delP-Bt A BSEMBLY BUILDING, TENTH: -AA- *„a CHESTNUT Street*. ’ „ „ BIGNOB BLITZ. The Great NECBOMANCBB and fENTBILOQmST. Perfnrxnances Every Evening at SH o’clock, ant-' WEDNESDAY and SATUBDaT AfternoonsT at 3. bracing tie WONDERS AND MYSTERIES ot MaOJnT EXTKAOBDINABY.POWBRS O# VENTRIIo"SS£ * STOdneißg astonuhngeffects of the hnman voice, an£t the LEAKNBD CANARY BIRDS’ ENTERTAINSfENTaf mifS? BloliaS<!emt9; CbUdran id cents; Reserved Seats,- W cents. . noV ASBEMBIYB T3TL D IN G-SIXTS -Ok CLASSICAL MATINEE of the PHILADELPHIA CLASSICAL QUINTETTE CLUB-, At three o’clock, , WEDNESDAY, December a, 1864. Single tickets, at the door, 60 cents. de!7-4t- RALE c e perseverance hose M COMPAHT. No r, THIS (Monday) EVEHISrs. DeounberlSlh, JS64, at tfATIOBAL GI/ABD3’ wat.t. ~ ' WM H. BABSBS, it , Master of Ceremonfofl. fJRRMAHIA ORCHESTRA.—PUBLIC! jy* BJSHBABSAI»B every SATURDAY. *t SK o'clock I*• M.* M MUSICAL FDBD EALIi, Single Tickets* S' cents. Six Tickets, $l, to Iw nad &t Gen id’s, Andrews, mad Meyer's Music Stores, and at the mo7-tf n HBIBT ■ REJECTS This admirable picture, tbe greatest production of fee painter West, is now on exhibition at the A 3 A. DEBIT ARTS, 1025 GBSSTBUT'Stnat,. tocathex with theentire collection of fchelnititutioa. Admittance twenty “five cento. . nol4-2m* T7XHIBITION OF WORKS an?e BBHBFIT ° F THB CHBI anAH COM? ’ ACABEMT OF FUSTS ARTS. An Exhibition of a. Private Collection of Works of Ait, in Failings,Senlptnne, Water Color, and other Drawings, Essrayingt, &c., ia now ooon at the Pantt ylvania Academy or Hub Arts, Ho. 132 S CHESTS UK. saasraiSwSS. ,B P - “ **»<*< ° ? *& Admission 25 ota.; Season Tickets SO-gt*. no2S- J?OY ER OF THE ACADEMY &f CLASSICAL SOIREES BY - HSSgESr CBOSS AKD JARVIS, „ ' , For the Season of ISS4HS. For particulars, aeo circaiara and Bnbscription lists, at tie stores of J. B. Gould, Lee ft W&Uitr, Andnt A Co. ocH-stf THE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. /• CHESTITOT Street, above Tenth, is OPEN DAILH. for visitors, from » A. M. to »P. M. j*2» TX> YOUNG ACTHEBBEB—YOUNS -f- aetresses mho "are little accustomed to the meet •‘stage making-up” wUI find, that the “Email da Paris’’ will remove all the evils n salting from the set of paints, powder, and range. : TheH’Rmail” la not a paint, tint it preserves and beautifies the akin, by re moving aU black epotaand impurities, and Is endorsed by M'lle, Vestvali, Mrs. D. P. Bowers. Mrs tees »™Jer, and many other actresses of talent and beauty. EU&BN&IOTTIN, No. 11l South TENTH Street, below Chestnut, Is the only agent In this city, nolS-mWstf EDUCATIOML. Monroe boys’ grammar I CBOOIr. Applicant* for the position of PErfiTOI PAIi of the atoye School (salary $ ,6001 will address, until 26-h inst., THUS. P. StoTESBDBT, de!9-2l* 119 Sonth FRONT Street. ■RRYANT, STRATTON. & BANNTS XJ TEB’S NATIONAL commercial college, ASSEMBLY BUI&BrNGS. _ S. *W. Corner of CfiESTHBT and PSHTH Streets, The most extensive and complete instigation of the in the conurry. Young men who desire a fall preparation for the duties and responsibilities of active Dasine<>s life are in cited to call and examine the futilities afforded at tkfa institution. Call or send for a Circular, Telegraphing.-- a compiete knowledga of tie art cam be obtained by attend ing BKJTAJST, STRATTON, & TBL*- GB AFH TCTi ivKiriu rir, Soatttsass earner of bSY&NOT rs<S CBEsfNBT Streets, either day or evening. The student* of this Xn&t tnU»n have all the advau» tages of A REGULAR. TELEGRAPH LIRE, and are made familiar 'with, every detail and duty of an office. Yoniig men and ladies, who desire a tnli knowledge of this art, would consult their own interests by attend ing this school. del7-2t .PENNINGTON SEMINARY AND y JL FBM4IE COLLEGIATE IHS fTTDTB. Second Term of Fourteen Weass begins January 4. Send for Circular. Rev. J)„ C. KNOWLES. A. M,. del? Ifft Pennington, BT, J. A YOUNG LADY WISHES TOr Dig* -aA- vote three or four hour a each day to teachfnff.'elfhfis in a school or family; a class of small chLdren prer ftrred. Address - dels-41* “M. N.,» office of Prat. ■VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.— » UH.ITAST BOARDING SCHOOL, four miles fraae MEDIA, Pa. Thorough course in Mathematics, Classics. Natural Sciences, and English: practical lessons in Civil Engineering. Pnplls received at sny Has, and of aU ages, and enjoy the benefits of a home. Refers to Jolts C. Capp & Son, 23 South Third street: Thos. J. Clayton. Esq., Fifth and Frame streets jex-Hherig Hern, u*. others. Address Bey. J. SERVEY BARTON, A. M., VILLAGE OKBEH. Pennsylvania. noS-te PERSONAL. PERSONAL.—LOOK BEFORE YOU ~ !;F A P;~ S 9}l4 OoW and Plated JEWELRY, cheap est in the city, 916 BADE Street. delf-H* ESTET’S COTTAGE ORGANS, Hot only UNEXCELLED, hut DNEQDALLBD in purity of Tone and Power, designed especially for unurefcea and Schools, hut found to he equally well adapted te the Parlor and Drawing Boom. For No. 13 North SBVBHTH Slreifc Also, a complete assortment of the Perfect HcloAmb constantly onhand noD-Sag DECKER BROTHERS’ Fl ns f t'ANOS-—The public, and particularly the profession, are invitad to examine these beauwalim, etrnments, which are meeting with such an m.™—■ led degree of popularity and sale in Hew York, aaC wherever known. Tire desideratum so long strive* for, i. s. the strength of the iron, and- sonorousness c. the wooden frame, so happily attained by them, reader* their Ptauos incomparable yvith Any others. The n*. qualiaed testimonials of such names, as WolfCob*. Hills, Mason, HeUer, Thomas, ZtrndsJ, udiratMl others, amply establish their high rank. Por sale ostr by W. J. COCHBAN, 90S CHESTNUT Street. Alsen a large assortment of other Mew and second-hnnt. Pianos, for side and to rent.. notB-3ta* MALCOLM MACNEILLTi ~"I STORE, No. 310 fern* llPTHStreet, below . MSf- Glam es refitted to suit all ages, andall manners* repairing carefully and promptly attended to. del-Hr, THOMSON’S LONDON KITOB. OK EUROPEAN RANGE, for families, fifilhotals, or l»Mc InsUtnttons.lnYWEHrrDnP am Also, Phllsdelphla »—rr- Hot-alr Fwnaces, Portable Heatoe, Lowdown GreKl, Plreboard Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stewhole Plates, Bren ers, Cooking Stoves, Ac., at wholesale and retail, Mr the manufacturers, ' . CHASE, SHARPS, & THOMSON. ocl-smthSm No. aO9 W. SECOHO Street. PEACHES.—6,OOO DOZEN BERMETC -1 cally sealed Peaehes of the finest quality, prepare* by 8. E/wvS»AOo.. ftg|SW* WILLnST- Min toy South WATglHWj'»lti PEPAETMENT FOR CUSTOM. WOEga