The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, December 15, 1864, Image 4
FESSOVUb. Quite a sensation was created In Halifax a Short' time .since by the marriage of the accom plished and beautiful daughter of one of the wealth iest citizens, now deceased, who held a high position in society. The happy man was jFarinl, the cham pion of Niagara Falls, who, it will bo rooolleoted, attempted the daring feat of Mossing the rapids within twenty foot of the brink, on stilts, and when half way across was precipitated (by one of his stilts breaking) into the roaring waters. Hla extra ordinary escape, and reaching an island which had never before been visited by any human being, must be. still fresh In the memory of our readers. The lucky follow is said to bo well bred, an Uppor Cana dian by birth, and ono who studied the medical pro fession, though, from some strange fascination, he has adopted that of a rope- walker. The lady is sodd to be- exceedingly beautiful and highly aooom plipl Od, and is heiress to a property worth at least sso,ooo. . On November 14th, the 92d annlyersary of the birthday of Field Marshal Viscount Qombermere ■was celebrated at Burley,dam. Sir John Hanmer, M. V., presided, supported by the leading resident country gentlemen and others. In proposing ‘‘The Health of the Cheshire Hero,” the right honorable baronet quoted from the Duke of Wellington’s de spatches to the effeot that Viscount Oomborinero was on® of- the-beat generals and best working offi cers he 6ver had under him. sir John stated that Lord Gombermere was even now more energetic in looking after the interests and welfare ol ha tenant ry .than any nobleman in the eonnty. Lord Com* bormere, It will be remembered, has been recently mentioned as a still older general than our own ve teran commander, Scott, _ThO CoWTTisr du Pas de Calais States that aSSOOn as it became known at Calais that M. Borryer was to arrive on the 11th ult, by the steamer from Eng land, the barristers of that town and many of the -prinoipal Inhabitants determined to pay their re speots to him, A groat number accordingly assem bled oh the quay and greeted Mm with loud cheers on landing. M. Berryer expressed himself highly gratified with this manifestation, and before leav ing the station he received all the members of the Calais Bar and thanked them for the honor they had done him,. The editor of the OhorlottesviUe (N. O.) Bulle tin, who had recently an Interview with Alexander H. Stephens, deolares that Mr. Stephens Is no re. constructionist. Ho believes that the worst thing that oouia happen to the Confederacy would be a reunion with the Northern States. Misery and de gradation, worse than Ireland ever experienced, would he the rebel portion upon any reunion that . could he effeoted. . The daughters of the late Mr, William Thaeke. ray have presented to the scholars of the Charter, house, London, the iron bedstead, on which their father died, and it is now in the head monitor’s room. It hears the following lnsorlption: “Hoo leeto reovmbens obdormlvlt in Christo Gvllemvs Makepßaee Thaokeray, lx. Kal Janvar, an, JIDCOOLXIV. Sohol® Carthvslanse quondam disolpvivs matvra CEtate hvivsee loci amantlsslmvs vtl testahtur eivs sorlpta per orbem terrarrm dlvvlgata vixit annos ill” EEOOOKITIOH oe the Vapor op a Bot Voluh txek.—On Saturday the Ohio military agent (Mr. Wetmore) at Washington-presented Nathaniel Mc- Lean Gwynne. Company H, 18th Ohio Cavalry, a lad of fifteen years, to the Seoretaryof War. The boy distinguished himself at the battle of the 11 Cra ter,” before Petersburg. He was counselled by his officers, berore the fight, not to go in, as he had not been musteredi consequently was not obliged to do go. He Indignantly replied: “My family are of different stock from that, to he left, behind to limber In the rear.” He went Into the desperate charge which soon followed. Apiece of shell Brushed his left arm, which had to be amputated, soon after. Alter a few pleasant words to the lad the Secretary ordered a medal to be prepared for him. lINAHCIAIi AKII COMMERCIAL. It was Intimated on ths street yesterday that the sub scriptions to the 10 JO years' five per cent, gold-bearing stock of ths United States, which have besn open to the'publie since last spring at par, and accumulate d inte rest from the last dividend term (say Ist of March or Ist of September), the hack interest to he counted at the rate of 160 per cent, for gold, are aeon to be withdrawn by the Government. This loan was originahy for $200,- 000,000. The subscriptions previous to the time when the Secretary brought forward tte new c-20s amounted to $81,680,000. The further subscription of $18,820,000 would absorb the first securities of $100,(00,000, and it la probable this amount would soon be taken up on official notice that the second $100,009,000 Is for thepreaent to be withdrawn. The stock market was more buoyant yesterday, the sales especially By the "regular board” covering a larger amount than we have noticed for several weeks. The project to form what is to he known as the * ‘ Inde pendent Board of Brokers,” to go into effeit on the 24 of January, has imparted new life to the old hoard, which was getting to he considered an old-fogy in stitution in view of the fact that an “outside” or ganization, made np of all Claeses of stock opera tors, many of whom pnrsno other trades and profes sions for a livelihood, was taking to itself the entire patronage of the business done in the oil stocks. Be tween the two there have not prevailed the most kindly, feelings of Jate, and now that the feud has broken out to such an extent that the “regmlars” have passed resolutions dif countenancing altogether the "outside room," we expect to see a lively time, on the principle that competition is the life of trade. There continue to be large sales of Government bonds, though prices are not well tustained. The five twenty bonds and the ten-forties declined X. The ISM loan, however. Bold up to 109 X at the dose—an ad vance of X. The new 7-30 s were steady afcOgX. State 6s fell off 34. ThefState War Loan 6s were steady at 10551; new city 6s sold at 8951—a rise of 54. In the rail way share list we notice salee of Camden and Amboy at 16136—a decline df X ; and North Penneylvanla Railroad at 2954 —a decline also of 54. Beading closed with sales at about 68X. Company bonds were comparatively ac tlve and steady as to price. There was sots e activity in the oil stocks, bnt prices were generally lower. Curtin sold down to 1234—a decline of 134; Egbert at 4)l—a‘de cline of X t and St. Nicholas at 434—a dcclineof 34 5 Wal nut Island Is dull atSX- Of tbs coal stocks there were sales of Fsiltou at 754. Big Mountain at 5%. and Shamo kin at 14X. Bank stocks attract considerable attention. There were sales of Philadelphia Bank at 156; Bank of North America at 185; City at 60; Farmers' and Mecha nics' at 6954; Commercial at 58; and Kentucky Bank at 11CX. The only sale pf paseinger railroad'stock was Aroh-striet at 18; 46 was bid for Tenth and Eleventh; 68)4 !was asked for Second and Third; 60 for Fifth and Sixth; 86 for Spruce and Pine; 12 forßace and Tine;' anddkfor Green and Coates. The market dosed steady, THKollowing were the gustations of gold at the hours named; 834 A.M.,., 11 A.H.,..—... 12 M. —..™— 1 P, M, ——,...—,»»» 4 P. - The following were the cl vigatlcn, mining, and oil a - Bid. Ask. ■ Sid Ask SchuylNav 3354 8*34, Seneca Oil 63k 7 Sohnyl Nav.pref-.SMt 88X Organic Oil 1 tjx BnsuCanal ..14X16 Fri.uXlin Oil Tlr if Fulton C0a1....... 734 754 Howe’s Eddy Oil. Ik ‘l Big Meant C0a1... 634 634 1rwin0i1.......... ,qrr in l2 Pope Farm 0i1.,.. f 1 GreenMt C0a1.... 4 334 Doaamore Oil sjj 834 N Carbon dale .... 2 2XlDalaeHOil 3k mJ New Creek Coal.. % 94 McElheny OU 656 6X Feeder Bam Coal. .. 1 Koberis Oil of Clinton C0a1...... I 13a OirasteadOil 2 2* Butler C0a1... 11 Noble &IM 934 1034 ■Diamond Coni. 19 Hibbard Oil 234 234 Swatara C0a1..,.. .. 10 Stovy Farm 0H... 2 w W. Penn Mining...... 18 19 Bruner 0i1........ Ik lot Connecticut Min.. .. k Peuo.eumCentre. 3X 4 Keystone Zinc.... 331 J3t Egbert 434 Excdsior OU 169 134 Hoge Island l 8igTank........2 1-16 154 Cartin 123 K 13 0U... 281 3 Fiiila & Oil Creek l;| 169 x&rrelOil... IJ£ 2 Ga»maai& l i i-ift Oil Creek 6 % 7 Corn Planter. . 7 7k Mapleßhade OU.• 37 40 Bock 01K....,..,: .? If McCltntock 0i1... 6X 634 TarrFarm 3 . PennaPctroCo... 2 234 Globe Oil iv Barry Oil.. 354 4X Schuyl&Oil Crk. 1 ig Mineral Oil . 2* 294 Walnut Island.... SA If Keystone 0i1...... 3X 2 Eldorado i * FhilafcTldeout... 3' 3X -tNicholas .. if Crescent City...,. 334 2X PolMps’ 5 sg Watson 2 3 Tair Homestead.. .. 6* Beyenne 2>4 SX Oaldw-11 Blf nr Great Western.... 2 8 Hyde Farm 554 .. Branden Island ' % Krotzer if 2 S-herman 2 ChewTfinni... SSHi sin^* Bunkard Oil. ..... IX IX Suib"rF I 1 BonkardCreekOU 1% 2 .alleghy kTideout IX 1% Minio 4 41-16 McCreaft Cherry R IX - Venango Oil k 1 |R»thbonePetrol.?.. 2 Union Peiroieum.2 S-16 2X Burning Spring 6 On account of objections urged as to the unfhirneie of the private negotiation of loans, the offer of certain par. ties in New V ork to take an additional thirty-five mil lion of five-twenty bonds has not been accepted by the Secretary of the Treasury, who is endeavoring to stimu late the anbscription to the new seven- thirty bonde to a point sufficient partially to remedy the deficiencies in -tbe dally receipts of tbe Treasury. With this view the following circular has bean Issued 2345J —••• -mu .rf-....,25j • t«>»*236 * - 235 losing quotations for the na« toifca: _ . . Tkeasbet Depahtmest, Dee. 13.153#. i m ?™.RS sW S s! u4 MoW ,W faitnar teaue of bonds tbe or “T farther ln ereese of pftper circulation, I ask yoar special attention i 8. U> W , SJ‘Ti I “*3 i Btt ! l, S *«*«» ™ orfeied to the pub- H&* V* believed that these note* present advantages which, ®h°hid recommend them to au who have monev to invest. The interest offered is, at present rates of other Government stcuntu b, such as to render them attractive, and their convertibility into goid-beaS in k bonds gives them an additional it is odlt necessary that people *honid understand the advantages offered by this class of securities to insure tales in sufficient daily amounts to meet the current demands upon the'Treasury. In ex tending to national basis and others authority to ob tain subscription*, and the offer of liberal commissions for services performed, it was expected that the na tional banks, especially connected as they are with the Government, and profiting by that connection, would nave been stimulated to such exertions as would insure success. I regret to say that the results thus far have not been satisfactory, before resorting to other agen -5t w ’t therefore again appeal to the national banks, in *s® hope that they will undertake this most necesssry « nd fsergy which will demonstrate Uat the recognized fiscal agents of tne Government may at all times be reiUd on for adequate exertions to pro cure the means necessary to its daily wants. ' - „ w. P. FESSENDEN 1 , Secretary of the Treasury. The following JsastfttMneit ofco&l transported oil the Delaware and Hudson Canal for the week ending Ds member 10,1864; Delaware and Hudson Canal Co •• • . Pennsylvania Coal Co* *, Total, tons..«*»•«»*•<••***-2S t 4SO 1,349,656 For tbe same period last year Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. Pennsylvania Coal Co Total, tons This is the final report of tlie season. The money market at Boston Is well supplied, and the common rate of Interest , for short loans, at the hanks an! ontslde of them, is six per cant. Thede raand is allttle more active than It was last week, and capitalists have less difficulty in finding employment for surplus funds. The discount market is rather in active, owing to a scarcity of desirable notes for sale. The best names are negotiated at seven, and other grades at from eight to ten percent, in the street. In general business there Is increased animation, and more disposition is manifested to buy the s'aple articles of foreign and domestic merchandise, some of which havcbeen lately doll of sale, in consequence of the de cline in the premium on gold from the highest points, In Chicago, according to the Tribune of the nth Inst business Is quite active among packers, although the transactions, owing to decreased receipts of hogs, have not been as large as some previous weeks. The advance •In hogs wiil probably bring a larger number into mar *®‘coming week, which will induce increased activity. During the week the demand for money has -ibeen-aotlve, with a sufficient supply, and the prospect is that the demand wUI he Increased during the ap proaching week. Should this contemplation be re alized, the bankers expect to ha pretty thoronehlv 'ojeaned out bF next Saturday. Exchange his been .guile abundant and heavy during the week. The 'bankers have, bought at from one. eighth to one. quarter dlssount, the farmer figure being the more popular, and have sold almost invariably at par. ; , .Drexel ft Co. quote: ' i •Hew United States Bonds, 1881 lloxail 7 ! Hewn. 8., Certificates of Indebtedness 97R<a 9g 1 . Quartermasters’vouchers.................... 9B og i Qtder* for CertifioatH of Indebtedness.^.... t IK® , j Sterling Exchange.”."... ‘.I! .235 | IHs glve-twentr 80nd5...... 108,!<®lKi PHILADELPHIA STOCK BEFORK' 3TO VaJnnt Mima-;-, fsi ICO do .....po. 2J4 arc PMJait Tid....b6. 41 100 Reading.. *B|f 2(1) St Kic001a5........ 4J4 100 Hibbard . ■ iH I FIRST f 1000 U S €fl ’SI- -cp Off. 109# 600 USIU-40 Bonds--101# 4ft 0 Slate W Loan 6a. 106# 2120 Mate 0» its.. 94 16000 City ft new lots due bill-.. 99# 60C0 Bunt * B’d Top let mt. .-lots.loo. BO Mineral 2 94 200 McClmtoek Oil.. 6# 800 d0....10t5..b5. 6# KO Bentmore... g£ I 30> d0»........b50. sjl TOO Corn Plant..lots, i 1000 St Nicholas -bfl. 4# KS -*fi*** 441 2CO Briggs 0i1........ 6 TOO Tar Farm. Its. bB. S 100 5eneca........... 7 100 afcßlhenyOil.... 6# 1 Beading Jt—tr. 68# | BBTWESM SOOBraner Oil ..iota. Ik 7CO do 1# 2600 US6s’Slregin off.lo6# 100 CO do—. 5* int .’if 109# 650 New Cxeeb lots M- 1 ICO Reading ft....bso. 68 H 60 do ...... 6S# 100- do 68# 400 d 0.... lots cash. 68# 1000 State 05.......10ts- 99# 3Lehigh Valler--.- 61 SParm&Sfech Bk-- 69# SECOND 600 US T 7-SO notes n. 09#; 4DGO Penna B Ist mort.ll2 ICOO City 0* new G& P, 99# 4000 IT S 10*40 bond s- • 101# ItCO Cam & Amo 6s ’£3 100# 1000 _d 0.... mort >66-108 2COO West Chester 75.. .105 SOCO B:ate 6s 93# SOPennaK e?# J 4 dd.".,..f010t5. 67# 20 Arch-etreetß...... 18 ATTEi? I ICCO V 810*40 bonds.. I mi „ SO Farm &fifech Bk- m% ICOO Fhilad& Er Ist 81-IU2 SOOMcSlheay.. m ICO Corn Planter-... b 5 7 lOOHibbard 266 2DO ccli Nav lots pvef- 85% 100 .d0.....b50 prpf 40# 100 Irwin Oil *.fe4 XOfc 4000fich ffav6’s *82... 88 200 Bead It infc off lia/ 63# 50 d0....* 685-16 SCO do.*-. .....lots &&£ 100 d0..............6844 100 do %30 6824 300 do, ...1)30 65 % 25£ensmore OPhslad 8k...10t5. 166 j 13 Bask Korth Am.JSft IGOOO U-& 5-20 bonds... .lOfiKl eoo d0........cjth.ie8*! IKX) Walnut 15..., lots %% ‘ ICO Bracer 0i1........ 13%, 100 Egbert,........... 4yt\ 200 Bch 8ay*..... pref 40)4; 300 Reading..... .b3O 88#i 46Far 4£ Blech B 2ds 69>fi 300 USfi-205......... 108 100 Reading.......b3o 68#1 M 0 d 0....,......... 68& 50 Sch. Bar* com 33>£ i * "OUftIDEB SCO fTalnnt Island.... 2H ICO do ...-'bs 2% 200 Phil A Tideoute.bS 4 600 Reading...... Bfc?i 700 Hibberd...... JOO A d0 v ..........b5 gOOTganic ........ b 5 1% 200 mineral 2.94 200 8t Rich01a5........ 4% Tim Kew York Evening Post of yesterday says: nMdipp.nedat 2333£, and after falling to Wii rose to at 235. Exchange 1. doll at IWJi tor .iS e A°%*S* r^ 8t is 81s ? and languid; Loaders aro i! to obtain 7 per cent. ?or demand loans to the Oro * * in consequence of the quietude of business C “ E r ; r ,f, , 7s es ‘ at 'sV f sporalative enterprise, Ja ve*T Httlo demand for accommodation, Mer cent* 19 l >a l’ yr "f® l ? dull, and passes sloariy at 7(5)9 per The Stock market Is feeble aDd Govern less m demand,five-twenties being offered at IB at y bow Joan at ICB3£ Ten. forties are wanted at [01,4 and certificates at 97?&. Bank shares continue to : idvance, but very few purchases are taking place at the llgher quotations.- State stocks are dall, railroad rregala*™* ooal shares strong, and railroad shares the'misceUaneons stocks Schnylkiil Coal is quoted at 200, Delaware and Hndsonat S2i?^7lP’w' a f Sa, !? ,nla> As d Western at 225@230, American at 85, Hirlem Ga« a, 110, Brooalrn Gas at 100 ManbaHsn Gas at Quarts Hilt at 9@9Jf. t§e prices' of Tans S y s anerooon " Bnlted State. to, 1881, coup.. . riMX A4 .T‘ D *% United States 6-20 conp .10831 109 • xr Dnited States 10-ffl coupons...lolX loijf jj .. United States certificates 97% 9?» „ Tennessee 65....- 1....... 55 68 Miesonri 65..,.................. 68 68X . is New York Centraißailroad...lreX I*9 ... 9 ....... 9IM m% % Erie Pre fe rr« d 103 102 1 " Hudson Hiver Kail road. ......HjK U6X H Beading Railroad ...,1863? 136>£ After the Board there was some improvement, and prices advanced per cent. .At the, °no o'clock call New York Central rose t e I2OK, Erieto Hudson to 117 K, Beading to YXlif, Michigan Central to 132, and Michigan Southern to 7334. FMlaaclpliia Markets. December 14—Evening. There Is very little demand for floor, and the market Is dull at ahont former rates, with sales of about 800 bbls at $12@12.50 bbl for extra family. The retailers and bakers are buying moderately, at from $3 sQ@>lo for superfine? #10.00@11.25 for extra; «11.50@12.60 for extra family, and. $12.76@13 « bbl for fancy brands, as to quality. Rye Flour is selling in a small way at s9© 9.25. JJora Meal is scarce and firmly held, but we hear of no sales. is > ot fouch doing, and the demand is limited. Small sales of fair to prime reds wsSts£i at mS 2 -® V bushel for Pennsylvania X* JSSfft+2*- Whiteisquotedat#2 So@2.9o9bushel, Xff Kentucky H ol<j on pri ffSttef? 1 * 1 mJ e 18 t sei2lß e Sa a small way at $1.75@1,75 ijl i a » oi h w A ia Corn; about 2,500 bUBhelH fold in lots, at $1.70 for new. and#! 80 hSf ue s n S yellow S bnihel 8 t B *ola®tf2c b | e boshel° i,fS 3,f10« doinilttfirst a° -1 COT 7 OK.—-The market continues firm, and there is * about 70 bal9s little or nothing doing in el p^lni a ßnlr Co fe ,> »£*&* i change PETROIiEtJM.—The market is firm at th* advance; smailfialesare making at i7@sfc for ernde, 72@75c for refined, in bond, and free at S2@94e gallon, as to quality . S -- 'Ciovareeed continues scares, at full, prices; small sales ais making at $14@14. CO 384 tts. Timotey Kaxseed is selling at o *SSSf £SSS aslas. quoted, but tbe tra&sactloss are Ins small tray only. Mtss Pork is quoted at s3S®4a bbl. Bacon continues Z\ T K. E f a^; suiall sales are making at 20@*23c lb for plain and fancy Hams. - In Green Meats tnere is very little doing. WRI SKY.—T here is more demand; sales reach about R?primfw|f»n for refilled bbls - a “ d MScligaUoa The following are the receipte of Hour and Grain at inis port to- day; |™; 2,400bb15. Wheat--.-* * 7,q00 bus. Corn...,..**— 3,300 bns. Oats—4.7Co bus. Sew York Markets, Bee. Id, ' . Fiors, &c.—Tie maiket for Western and State Flour is again,rather more active, and the low and medium grades are a shade firmer. Trade and family brands are quiet a* d uncharged. ******* (3rA I Wheat market is very firm but very Holders generally asked higher prices. -Thede mand Is mainly for milling. The constant fluctuations & <%<* toßinesa. *h? sales are 14, OCO bushels at $2-r'l r°i; No. 2 Chicago spring, and $2.41 for ordinary red Western. _ Oats are rather easier but more active. The sales are 27,000 bushels Canadian at 96c@$l; Western at $1.06® 1.07, afloat and in store; State atsLQ3@l.o3>£. hyeiseasierand in limited demand. The sales are 7,n00 bushels Western at $1.72 • ~ Coreisfirm. With a good inquiry New is held at sl.7t@l. 80. The sales are 33,000 bus Western mixed at $1.90 in store. _ • • Provisions —Pork has bean In aetive demand, opaning tower, but subsequently advancing, and closing firmer at S7Kc bbl above yesterday ’» rates. For future delivery we hear of sales of 2,5)0 bbls old mess, buy ei* all this month, on private term-; 6,000 bbls mess U£64*6),seller January,at $42@42 fi0;.500 do,huyer January, at $42; 1,000 bbls do do, seller January and February, ats42; 2,ooobbls dodo, seHer February, at $42.6C®43. * - Molasses is in moderate demand and firm; sales of 100 bhde Porto Bico at $l.lO, 40 hhds Barbadoes at 93c, and 40 bbls new crop Hew Orleans at $1.40 gallon. - , Oil?,—Linseed is in fair demand and firm at $1.42® 1.45; crude whale is quiet at skso; crud* sperm is firm at $2.16®2. SO; lard oil is firm at52.05©2.10. Petroleum 1b fairly active and firmer. Sales of 100 bids at 65@€6Hc ; SCO bbls refined, free, at 95c. _ Eefined in bond is quiet at 7b@74c. • Sugars —Baw sugars are. in moderate'demasd, and steady. Sales of 400 hhds Cuba at 18#® 19c, aud Porto Blco at 21c. Befiaed are firm at for bards. , Whibkit.—The market is a shade fi. mar; sales of 900 bbls at51,92@1.92& for State, and $1.93@1.94f0r West* em. Fittsbnrg: Petroleum Market, Bee. 13. As the weather grows colder the market for Crude ap pears to get stronger, and, with the Allegheny river running full of heavy floating ice, and tbe probability of it closing altogether very Boon, in which event ihe receipts will be cut off, holders are very firm and refuse to sell anlers they can realize the extreme price of the market The Hew If ork market is active, firm, and higher,and at present rates here therels a slight margin ft? shipment We note sales of 200 bbls at 44c; 1,000 at «75 do. at 40c, barrels returned, and 46 do. at same S figures, and for good gravities quota'dons may ba fairly *en at 40 and 45 cents. The market for Befitted, both bond and free, is very firm,and holders generally are asking higher rates, but, so far as we learn,there wa« not a single sale effected. The nominal quotations are 65®670 for the former and Ss@B7e for the latter— some holders still refusing to name a price. In Haptha or Besiduu/n there is no movement, and while each of these aittales are held firmly there is no quotable change to note in price?. Arrival and Sailing of Ocean Steamers* to arrive, SKIPS FKOH FOR DATE Glasgow Liverpool..... Slow York- ——.Hov. 23' ganonia Southampton .New York.. Nov. 21 Str_?S ,w ....Liverpool Portland ..Hov. 24 Canada,........... Liverpool..... Boston Hov. 28 of Limerick.Uverpool Hew York Hov.2« C. of Manchester. Liverpool Hew Y0rk.......H0v.58 lewa.»», London Hew York H0v.30 Lirerpool.....Hew York Dk 3 Louisiana Liverpool..... Hew York. Dee S TO DEPART.. Vnnostf Stai‘.».eegewYorkse#*.New Orleans.... Dec 17 i??fi. 8 “ uey Hew York..... Hew Orleans.... Dec 18 cS|*A- ••••Hew York Havana..........Dec.21 vaaB(ia.....««. .805t0n.........Liverp00l. Dae 21 r ofS ew Kings l ! on, Ji:::: Sec:I * nSS v or n Liverpool Die. 24 York.....Havana.Deo.24 IEWEB BAGS, AT THB MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE, PUir.ADELPHTA, Ship Coburg, Gibson Livomiml ones Brig Elia Heed, (Br), Toro ..:....r.HsTOni S Biig E, A. Bernard, Cr0we11....... Port of Spain! soon ¥y?J er { *.*• Barbados, soon. <.»-Barbados, lseo. 17. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRADE. Geo. L. Buzby, ) Bow. C. Biddle, ? Committee or the Month. Thos. 8, Peknon, ) • Week. Season. •18,750 SIS, OSS • S.7SS 501,490 MABISE IVTMiJLIGEJS'CE. Week. Season. . 3,772 828,150 . 9,938 . 681,856 PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Bee. 11, Igthfc Bon Rises.. ..7 261 Sun Sbts. ..435 I Hioh Watbb. ..3 27 .13,710 1,490,193 „ ARRIVED. ba|^ C rS^^M da ' yS from S * W *”*’ 511 b ?i a i> 12 dayB ltm Key West, in nl r & taUasurFlS^'* B^^- 12 daTa frOK HaTa w|3fi/a c ia ( p^BX e Wfe: 9 *"■ from Key lafttS J ¥ Biztefa T do S 4aya from » ew Bedford,in bal uMfS Key West, Schr Prince Consort, (Br) Briard, 10 days from Nss. sau, in ballast to captain. nays irozn aaa- Schr J D k cCarthy, Young, 11 days from Key West in ballast to captain. _ ’ Scbr W 8 Load, Frye, 4 days from Hew York, In bal lattto Slnnlckron A Glover. . Dal Schr Pilot’s Bride, Coker, from City Point, in ballast to captain. Scbr Abble, Knight, from Fort Monroe, in ballast to Twelle & Co, , . Scbr Ella, Lamburg, 6 days from Boston, with mdie to Crowell & Collins. Scbr Sarah Warren, Postles, 1 day from Camden, Del, with gram to James Barratt. , ~ CLEARED. Ssfk Mary and Louisa, Jones, SWPase. fijjkhurea, Collins, Havana. ffi*€ameang, Davts, S WPass. RrisivlM onia, nW al l*. Matanzas. t r P t . Q Russell. Boston 52* leighlon, Boston. Baoie Band. FortMoaroa. FortßoyaL“ oa ' Schr Gilbert Green, Wsiy„, Mewbern .Schr Heniy May. ParkßvFaUKiver ‘ Schr L A Map, Baker,. Boston. *' , Scbr Orvhjei Giles# New Orleau* ‘ . Schr R 8 Dean, Weatgatev Hew Cattle Bel Schr J B Austin, Davis, Boston, ' * * Steamer H 1/ Gaw, Her, Baltimore: Mayflower, Robinson, Alexandria, SXGHIABfGB SALES* Dec. 14. BOARDS* „ 100 Hibbard ...W. 3K 300 C1r 5 a.c10f111...,.1)5. IK 1300 Mineral 0U.4...." 301 : 100 Reno tag B 6S« ijluO do, 68J? j 1100 Sbiimk HW BOARD. 1 Keadia t R..,,tre. 69 ® do ....trs. (8X 1800 do Us. »X ISO do Us. 6831 «0 „ do b30..1U. 6^ 1 Farm Sc Mech Bk. 69 id Kentucky B&ak..110)4 6 N Liberty Gas...* SO 100 Big Mountain. ...» &% m ScWxtaT....>t«. 83i£ SOO d0....«*b391ti. 33* 160 do ..... Its.prf. 3924 100 Susq 1474 200 do Its. MJJ i« GamAAca B.Bdy*.ls!* 31 Penua K Its. 67 16 do 61 do Its. 67*4 200 NPenna 29& 200 Cataw it......1t5. 16 BOARDS. 6 CommerolftlßanlC* 58 ?00 Dnjakard Oil 4QOSa«?q Canal-....... 15 410 d» . .......bSfe 25J£ 450 E«?b«ri 0i1....10t5* 4 If O Walnut tH 60 City Bank..,/,.... fro* 160 Dal Mutual Scrip. 8? 200 Peirolanm Centre- S% IfiOSusq Canal Serin. 60 ICOOO cr jfo 20 Ms niw 1 m BOABD. g»SohiylHaT..,l>3o . 83S£ 200 do. , S3H jioo Cow Creek 2J£ ®0 Hibbard 2 53 600 Oil Creak..lots L 5. 1 300 »> Nicnolns Oil b3O 45S IQO Union Petrelenm. 2K 100.0 lobe Oil .. lie 100 MoSlbeoy Oii fi!S SO farm « Meek Bk. Bii BOARDS, ' 100 Sob »«,«•■ ••••••prld SOS' eoofcusq Canal ... 15 I'O i Hean inn GS 41 1000 Big Tank 2 gM, do b3O 214 700 McULntock fill k°J) Si 1 jSar com 33J| foaioKo .....s5 4 ICO Union Pet 2‘£ 100 Irwin 10 2000 Mingo 4 2-« „ n 0.... .....1)30.41-lS 200 Howe's Eddy 1« 2fOß.gMt ....b3O m 200 Walnnt Inland.... 2K SOOHibberd 244 ‘* £0 do 212 ICO Curlin'.. I 3& 200 d 0..:. i?(£ ! 200 Com Plantar .7 i 600 Walnut Island.... 2K : lOOMcffllnlook. 6% 1 }» Story Farm ...b3O 2)4 i 100 Mineral...,, •'>% ! ,«2 w»»—.—.n*w m* ; 100 Egbert.,,,,, d\£ COO Reading QBK 1 l2FuJtonOoal..,, ... 7% ; 100 Petrol Centre.s§ tOOM” PALE?. 70 St Nicholas....,, 4U 200 £UO*& Cherry R T 400 W riant Island. .sd 2)4 100 do 23s 100 PUila St Oil 1.69 100 A1eern.............. 04 100 d0...'. l I 100 Walnnt Inland..., %% on, COWPASIES. wnxow CJLfiN PETBOLECM w comp Aar. CAPITAL. ©300,000. DIVIDED INTO 60,000 BHARES. OF THE FAB VALUE OF $5 EACH. WORKING! CAPITAL, 030,000. Book* of subscription for Fifteen Thousand Share* of Stock, at Two Dollars per Share, opened at the office ot the Company, No. 43T WALNUT Street, or subscrip tions may be left with any member of tho Board-of Di rectors. PRESIDENT. JAMES M. CONRAD. OEOBETart and TanAsonEEi JOHN H. CASE. DIBEOTOBB, - JAMBS M, CONRAD, 623 Market street. JOHN H, GRAHAM. 627 Market rtreet. JOS B HHEPP.ED, ICOB Chestnut street. COATES WALTON, 823 Market street. WM. BART CARE, 1334 South Broad street. The Oil lands of the Company consist of tbe following described tracts,embracing in all one hundred and fifty two 062) acres: Tract 80. I—Contains fifty-six (66) acres, Bitnated at the junction of Burns’ Eon and the Ohio river, with a frontage on both the river and rnn. . Tract 80. 2-Contains forty (40) aoteg adjoining No. 1. Nos. 1 and 2 are leased for ilft en years, three- fourths of the oil accruing to tho Company. They embrace th« entire valley of the rnn for nearly one mile. Tract No 3—Contains fifty-six acres, owned by the Company in fee simple, located on Fifteen Creek, which empties into the hi tie Muskingum river. The Messrs. Tack Brothers, who have been so successful on the Horse Neck properly In Virginia, are now • Inking a well on the adjoining tract, within six hundred feet of onr line. deia 1m I'EESIDESI PETROLEUM COMPANY, ■** PRESIDENT, VENANGO 00., FA. OBBAXIZED OKDEtt THE LAWH OF PENNETSVANIA. / OFFICERS; President—AMOßY EDWARDS. Ban.. New York. Treasurer—L, H. SIMPSON, Esq., New Tork. Secretary—J. EDWIN CONANT, Esd. ■ New York, JOHN M. CLAPP, Eat., General Resident Superin tendent. . Connsel—Messrs. PLATT, GERARD, & BUCKLEY, New York. DIRECTORS: AMOEY EDWARDS, Beg,, New York. EBIN B. CROCKER, Esq., of Crocker A Warren, New York. FLETCHER WESTEAY, Bag., of Westray, Gtbbs.-it Hardesstle, Now York. J. M. CLAPP, Esq., President. Venango county, Pa. L. H, SIMPSON, Esq,, of L. H. Simpson & Co., Now York. , Its lands are put into the Company at tho unprece dented low price of One Hundred Dollars per Acre, the lowest ever known for Oil-baaing' territory, and form its CAPITAL STOCK, $3,000,0001 In Shares o/$25 each, par value. Subscription price $6 per Share, being in full payment for a $26 Share. - No further call or assessment to be mads. *O,OOO SHASES, or $lOO,OOO RESERVED FOB WORKING CAPITAL. Parties subscribing fit this Company will recetve an equal amount of stock in two other companies aft joining without further charge. Tho Lands of those Companies are located on tho Allegheny river, and on Hemlock, Porcupine, and Me- Crea creeks, MAKING AN OIL- BORING-TERRITORY OF OVER TEN AND A HALF MILES IN EXTENT. The wells on this property are being sunk with great vigor, and promise large supplies of oil. To the capitalist,and to parties of limited means un surpassed inducements are offered. Persons investing in this Company get $5 stock and the above BONUS for each $.l invested, without further call or assessment. Subscription books, maps, and ail other Information can be obtained at the office of the Subscription Agents, L. H. SIMPSON & CO., 641 CEDAR Street, NEW YORK. No Subscriptions taken for less thsn'ONß HUNDRED DOLLARS. del-lm Km~ BEBKY FARM OH, COMPANr.- CAPITAL $1,000,000, DIVIDED INTO 300.000 SHAhES OF THE PAR ' _ VALUE OF $5 EACH. „ ~ WORKING CAPITAL, $lO,OOO. Booksof Subsmdption tor a limited number of Share* of Stock, at TWO DOLLARS per Share, opened at the Office of the Company, No. 358 South THIRD Street, first floor,or subscriptions may be left with any member ot the Board of Directors. PEESiDXjrr, . JAMES J. DUNCAN. SECKEJAEY ASP TREASURES, -William., hackee. DIRECTORS JOHN B. HBWBIAH, 1716 Spruce street. JOHK H. GRAHAM, 627 Market street, EBWIN T. COXB, 624 VValaut street. THOS. H.WILSON, 716 North Broad street. i Broad and Parrish streets. EJPOTTS* 624 Walnut street. THOMAS « SEABLE, Germantown. SAMUEL A UNBV New York. HENRY WARHRR, 702 Franklin street. The folio-wing valuable Oil- Lands constitute the basis of the Company: ’Tract 80. i—Known as the “Berry Farm,” contain ing 164 acres, owned by the Company in fee simple, titoated in wood county, West Virginia, directly upon tbe Ohio river. Several competent judges have visited this property, allot whom agree in tbeoDinionifeat it presents unusual evidences or large subterraneous re servoirs of oil. Tract Ho. 2 consists of a tract of land in Washington county. Ohio, also on- the Ohio river, about V 4 miles above Newport, containing 134 acres.* It presents the most extensive ravines, and certain evidences of the presence of Oil; also, innumerable sites for Wells, with* several large Oil Springs on one of the runs. .There is also in the bluff avalnab’e vein of Coal, fully developed ;say six to eight fe*t thick). • Tract Ho. 3, containing 20 acres, adjoining the above, with similar developments. The lengthy rivt r front gives to these properties many advantages, avoiding expensive land carriage for the oil and coal. - Ho. 4 is a tract In fee of 100 acres, near Franklin, Venango connty, Pennsylvania, on French Creek. In addition to the above, there are belonging to the Company two Bnpexior twelve horae engines, with boil ers, &c.» complete; also two substantial derricks, with comp] ete sets of boring tools. The Company are now engaged in developing the pro perty, working with double sets of hands, under the superint* ndence of their efficient President. Prospectus, maps, and farther information, on appli cation at the Office. de!3* 12fc ygg* THE OAK BAIL Oil* COMPANY W? OF PEHHSYLYAHIA, CAIITAL STOCK, $500,000; $30,000 WOEKIHG CAPITAL. 100,000 SHAKES. $5 PAR EACH. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE,SO PER SHARE, FULL HECTOR TTHOALE, President. HENRY E, SIMPaOS, Treasurer. directors HECTOR TTNDALE, , WILLI4M ANSPACH, HENRY CAR SOP, J. C. FRYER, "WM. M. GREINER, HENRY B. SIMPSON. J. C.. FISHES, J jjfce properly of the above Company consists of over mrX/our hundred and sixty) acres of Land in fee simple, situated on'the Sugar Camp Branch of Stuart’s Run, Venango county. Fa., lying between Oil Creek on a line between the Hyde and Egbert, Story, and tfc- Elhenny F*rms and the Allegheny river, in the heart of the oil region, nearly two miles on each side of the run, of box-able territory, with room for the sinking of hundreds of wells, and is considered by experienced persons in the oil business as most invaluable as oU produdng territory. There are oil wells in every di rection from this property, producing large yields. The utmost energy i£ being, and will be, directed to the development of this property to make it productive and remunerative to the stockholders. The Company own a lease of one and a quarter acres omtheUnlberison tract, on the Allegheny river, nearly adjoining continuous pumping wells of forty barrels per day. This well has in&t been pat in operation; is 420 feet deep, from which they are now receiving ten (ID) barrels of oil per day and increasing- It is within a few hundred 3 ards of the celebrated Hass# and Mcßride and Heydrick wells, and others which have and are producing largely. There is room on this tract for three or four more wells, and on which wells will be sunk without delay On the main property en gines, tool?, etc., are being placed, and contracts bourn nmole for the sinking of several other wells. * A large portion of the stock having already-been sub* scribed the hooks will remain open for a snort period for the remaining shareb at the subscription price, $2.60 per share, full paid. .For farther information apply to __ J. C. FRYER So. 113 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia, Dec. 12, 1864. del3 6fc KS» WASHEfGTOH AKB WAUBT ■Off BEND OIL COMPANY. CAPITAL. $500,000. 100,000 BHARES..~«.EACH# SUBSCRIPTION*~~.. $», 10,060 Shares Reserved as "Working Capital, OFFICE, 314 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. No. 1. A well on Oil Creek, now pumping tea barrels per day, and increasing. No. 2. A well on Oil Greek, now over 300 feet (Jeep, with large show of oik Bear this is the Com Planter well, which is now pumping SQO barrels of oil per day. No. 3. A well on Oil Creek, 520 feet deep, now ready for tubing* with splendid show of oil; every prospect of producing largely. No. 4. One-fifth interest in a tract of five hundred acres on the Allegheny river; six wells, now pumping fO ban els of oil per day; three more wells now going down, with near a mile of river front; all good boring territory. No. 5 A half acre at Tidsoute, near the Economite wells, which are now pumping sixty barrels per day. No. 6. Six acres in fee, in Walnut Bend' on the Alle gheny river. Immediately surrounding this property are fine producing wells. This tract will be developed rapidly. SUBSCRIPTIONS are new being received, and a large Portion of the stock already taken. The prospectus and all information can be obtained at the office of the Com pftny, now at No. 314 MARKET Street. delS-12fe igjjjpf** SEW YORK AND UYEBFOOL PETKOIiEtTM COMPANY* CAPITAL STOCK:, 91,000,000. 100,000 SHARES AT $lO EACH. Subscription Price $5 pear Share. XiANDS YIELDING- LARGELY. OFFICERS r HOH. DAHIBL 8. DICKIHBOH, Freridabt WM. T. PHIPPS, Vide President. ROBERT BASSETT, Secretary. Books are open for subscription at the office oj tbe Com pany, Ho. 24 Empire Bail dint, 71 BROADWAY, H. Y. Tbe lands of tbe Company are situated in the heart of the Oil Region, and include portions at those well known localities, “the McKlhany Farm, the two Me- Clintock Farms, ” and other proved and valuable work in* territories, including over Two Thousand acres of tho-best Oil Territories along Oil Greek and In West Virginia, now under process of successful development, and oil la already regularly and largely produced from several wells upon them. oc3o-dhW3m Address the Company, ’’ P. 0. Box 6368,” Hew York. A ££££, steam boiler-the £w.4^^£®£JSJ!E B E.* red to receive orders for the "HABKIBOH STEAM BOILER,’’ In size* tomdtpur «S® JSw'bS? of Manufacturers and others it «&21ed to the new Steam Generator, m combining m. explosion, first cost and durability, economy of fuel, facility of cleaning and transportation, *cf, aot poc eesaedby auyboifcr now in use. Thoaeboilew eahbi aeon in datty operation, drivingttie extend re work* of & aTs^wfe^.S’cfe^ea^M^ BU, and at Garni’. MS-tf *7* South Mra?D , St»rt. n raSSLt. 'DEEINED TALtOf JOB 14- J-*' OHIHEBY, manufactured by L. B£. h 0. ELKIH TOH, Me MASGARSTTA stiwt, deM-tal* THJE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 15, 1864 JpRNON’S REGISTER FOR ISM J Contains tits latest intelligence on all matters relating to roads and the transportation of products, and to the manipulation of the metals in all parts of the commercial -world, hut most particularly in the United States and Territories. And as the rail lines now stretch out West from Bangor, and Bast from Ban Francisco, with a prospect that the Pacific Railroad will soon supersede the Over land stage route, and as mines of coal and iron, oil and quicksilver, copper and nickel, lead and zinc, silver and sold, ate scattered throughout the States and Ter ritories, 5 ielding an annual product worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and exhibiting an increase which surpasses is beyond example, it will be perceived, where the matter is appreciated, that the mining and carrying investments of the whole country have enlarged into stupendous totals and expanded over vast areas Of developments and results touching and pertaining to these special interests, the Register keeps current re cord in more variety and wider scope than any other Weekly newspaper. The Register was first published in May, 1856, is in its ninth year, and is an established institution. . As an advertising sheet for mining machinery, rail road equipments, the metals, engineering,' etc., the Register offers unsurpassed attractions through the ramification of its continental and international cir culation. For aaleLhv O.I. PRICE. I mporter of English Books, &0.. No. 31 Sooth SIXTH Street, above Chestnut: WAVERLT NOVELS. Abbotsford l2 vole, royal, Bvo , half morocco extra, gilt tops, $l6O. wAVERLY 10VELS. edition, with 204 Steel Engravings, 25 vols ,Svo., half morocco,'gilt tops, SJSO. BURKE’S WORKS. Best edition, S vole., Svo., half morocco, extra, SG). HUME AND SMOILETT’SENGLAND. London Trade ediiion; large type. 10 vols., sv<?., half calf, extra, $lO. London, IS4B, DICKENS’ WORKS, with allthe original illustrations by Ctuikehank, Phiz, kc. 23 vols., small Bvo., -half morocco, extra, gilt tops, marble edges. $ll2 50. MILTON’S in Verse and Prose. Edited by Mitford. SvolB..Svo.. calf, extra, $6O. London. 1863. „ KNIGHT’S. PICIORIAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND, Illustrated with upwards oi 2,000 Wood Eagravings. 8 vols.- rotal. Bvo.. calf. $75. Loudon. 1841. PERCY S KELiQUES of Ancient English Poetry. Best edition, S vols., 12m0. , morocto antique, tooled edges, $l2. London, 1841 PRICED CATALOGUES Sent gratis to any address. Most of the books, having been imported before the rise in gold, are much below the current rates. de!4-3t BOOKS! BOOKS!! BOOKSUI The attention of the public is directed to the fine assortment of new and popular BOOKS on hand and for sale by CHARLES DBSFLVER, 1359 CHESTNUT Street. A large and well-selected stock of handsomely-bound and fine copies ef all the Standard Works of the day, designed especially for Gifts during the approaching Bolidaye. Also, a variety of Juveniles, Toy Bookr, Games, Photograph, Autograph, and Scrap Albums, Diaries, Bibles, &c.. &G. Also on Jhand, three sets of the popular • Chinese same, “The Race Course, ” the only sets in the coun try not in private bauds. IVice $75. RBADT ON THE 15th INST., Anew Steel-plate Map of the State of Virginia, show ing the Oil Regions , new Railroads, Ac., Ac. Sent by mall post-paid. Price 50 Cents. ‘ . CHARLES DESILVBR, : delO-tial 1339 CHESTNUT Street pOTTON AND FLAX SAIL DUOE \r AND CANVAS, of all numbers and brands. Tent. Awning, Trunk, and Wagon Cover Duck. Also, Paper Manufacturers ’ Drier Belts, from Ito 6 feet wide) Faullns, Belting, Sail Twine, fits. ' tl# JOHN W. BVERMAN&CO., . noS-tf Na. 103 JONBS’ Alley. PURE palm OIL SOAP, MANUPAG TUBED by L. M 'SC.^LKINTOr, 498-to‘ UG MABOAKIiTTA Street, iVWi ... ~W^,I!PMJCATOOBrg» jtjom THE RUSKT.I COME EARLY 1 COME EARLY I NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. G. W. PITOH ER ' 8 OHK-PBICE BOOK, ALBUM, PICTUEE AND PEAMB 80S CHESTNUT street. FRAMES t FRAMES! FRAMES! RUSTIC FRAMES, ALE SIZES AND STTLES. WALRUT « « ti GULT « « <t ROSEWOOD •< « n Frames made to ordor, and sartioolar attention giren to FRAMING- PICTURES, &o„ *o, ALBUMS! ALBUMS! ALBUMS! Our stock of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS IS THE LARGEST IN THE CITY. Over 800 styles, many or them NEW, and made ex pressly 4or our own salsa. Trices from is coats te |6«, ALL SOLD LESS THAN MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. BOOKS i BOOKS ! BOOKS 1 ALL NEW BOOKS RECEIVED OK BAT 0? PUBLI CATION, AND SOLD AT A DISCOUNT. f 2 00 Books for SI. 75. 1.75 Books for $1.50. $1.50 Books for $1.25. $1.25 Books for $1.05. BIBLES AND PRATER*BOOKS In various stylos of Binding. " DIARIFS, PORTFOLIOS, See., See., at low prices. JUVENITRS AND PICTURE BOOKS, la groat va riety* •• • vi' ■. PHOTOGRAPHS! PHOTOGRAPHS! IMPERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS, 21x2? —over 800 snhiects. MEDIUM PHOTOGRAPHS, " 10x14—over 700 subjeots, CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, plain—over 2,000 subjects, • CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, eelered—over 1,000 subject*. NEW SUBJECTS ADDED ; EVERY WEEK. PITCHER’S, BOB GHESTNU* ST. Q.OOD BOOKS FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS. BIBLES, OXFORD EDITION, FOR THE DESK, FOR THE FAMILY, AND FOR THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. PRAYER BOORS. Elegant edit ions for presents ;,on tinted paper, very handsomely bound. Price from 93 to $lO, • ' PRAYER BOORS for the Pew, honndln arahesdue or sheep, from SI to ,2. PRAYER BOORS for Sunday Schools, from 80s to $l. DRIFTED SNOW-FLAKES. A volume of Religions Poetry, - A beautiful gift to a pious friend, or to the eick or sorrowing. From 91.23 to $3. KITTY TREYYLYON. By the author of “The Schonherg Cotta Family.” Price 91. J 6. TINY LIBRARY FOR TINY PEOPLE. To Teac them to Read. 4 vole. 48 colored illustrations.. $l. THE POETS. Illustrated. 94pervoL THE POETS. Blue and gold and green and cold *1.60 per vol. ■ All the new Rooks received as soon as published.' A large assortment of SUNDAY-SCHOOL BOOKS, Selected from the various Church-Book Societies and private publishers. Also, a fine assortment of RUSTIC FRAMES, BOOK RACKS, BOOK STANDS, SERMON COVERS, PEN WIPERS, PORTE MONNAIES, PORTFOLIOS, Ac.,&c. For ealo by the PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL BOOK SOCIETY, 1234 CHESTNUT STREET, de6-tuths9t Philadelphia. JJALLECE’S IsfEW POEM. ; ; D, APPLETON & : d<X 9 V Not. 4*3 and 445 BROADWAY, , - PUBLISH THIS BAT, ' Y OUNG AMERICA. - A POEM .1 . “BV FITK GKEENB JBiLlifiCJt. • 1 vol. 12mo, Illustrated. 60 cents. ’ * This Poemis pronounced by Critics eqnal to any of the best productions of this Poet. D. A. &CO ALSO PUBLISH ■* HAILLECK’S poems. A NEW EDITION, REVISED- - 1 vol. 322&0, Cloth, gilt edges, $2. Morocco, $4. 1 toI. S2mo, Morocco Antique, $3 50. ; JVSV PUBLISHED, * ' CHRISTIAN BALLAD^*’ By Bbv. A. Cleveland Coxe. Illustrated with. Original Designs by John A. Hows. X vol. Bvo, 236 pages, printed on Tinted paper, Q&. Mo rocco, extra, $9; (hushed Levant Turkey, si(h LYRA ANGLIC ANA, OB A HYMNAL OF SACKED POETRY, SELECTED FROM THE BEST ENGLISH WRIPERS, AND ARRANGED AFTER THE ORDER OF THE APOSTLES’ CREED. By the Rev, Geokoe T. Eider, M. a, Ivcl, 12mo, Antique Cloili, red edges Price $2. Mo rocco Antique, *5. -nn- LYRA AMERICANA. YBESES OF PRAISE AND FAITH, FKOJt AMERICAN POETS. ■ AND ARRAMQED By the Rev. Geoech T. Rider, fl. A. I vol. 12mo, Antique, *2. Morocco, *3. THE HOLIDAY - CATALOGUE BOOKS FOR CBRISTMAS PRESENTS, SOW EEADT. 4e14-2t TO INVESTEES IN BOABS AHB MINES! file U, 8. Eailroatl and Mining Register Terms—Three dollars per annum in advance, - THOMAS S. FERNON, * delQ et 433 WALUUT Street, Philadelphia. THE GREAT WAR BOOK—THE JL Aiga;oßipOßAi*H;X_OT LIEUT. GEN. -WINFIELD SCOTT. 2 TOls., 12mo. Illustrated with two steel-plate Likenesses of the General, taken at different ages.- : NEW BGOK»by the author of “ Wide,WideVorld,” '• Melbourne House. “ 2 vola.Y 12mo. ‘ . BLIAH A, being the hitherto uncollected writings of Charles Lamb. l2mo. THE JOHN GAT SEBIBS, by Jacob Abbott. 4 vols., i&mo., containing Work for Winter,-Work for Spring, Work for,Summer, Work for Autumn. GOB’S WAT OP HOLINESS, by Horatius Sonar, B. fi. _ • LIFE AND LETTERS OF DAVID COIT BCUDDBB, Missionary in Southern India, by Horace B. Scudder. tfimo. - THE CHURCH ANN THE REBELLION* A conside ration of the Rebellion against the Government of the United States, and -the agency of the Church, North and South, inrelation thereto. By B. L. Stantou.D. D. tt For«*Z« by WILLIAM a & ALFBBD HABTIEN, no!6 606 CHESTNUT etreet. •VALUABLE BOOKS FOR LIBRA- I HIES, C-HERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF V* rit *£ .kev&ri Facias, to me directed, will be ex- Jposed topuhic sale or vendue, ou MONDAY Evening, dajusry 2,18G5i at 4 o’clock, at Sanpoxa-street flail, \ AU thatlotof ground situate inthe First ward, at the northwest coroer or avenue R»a Mifflin street: thence along MjftUastreet one hun dred and sixty-thref fret eight and- a half inches : seven feet ten and a half inches to Fourth street; th’eace along Fourth sure-it sixty-two feet seven inches; thence southvaatward one huadred 'seventy-eiutt feet tight and a half inches to Jeff r |oa avenue ; thence along the same twenty-six feet foor ana a half inches to the place of be#ianing. «o. 2. All that lot of ground be* inning at tbe north-. west corutr of Fourth and Mifflin streets ; thence along ® TO*** feet six toeb^a; theses north wew hundred and fifty* flya feet two and a ■quarter Inches.; thence southward iixty-one feet one Via i ti3e ® c f south*,art ward eighteen feet Are inches * e .to M*fttin street ; thence along the uwl u° huodied and thirty-one feet seven and a l>Uce of beginning- [ Which premises Abraham VZane aadwf 9 , by * eod dated April 27th. recorded in D*ed Book R. D. W. , No. 13D. page 4i» B i!A c "> conyeyed unto Samuel H. MoFadden ia fee. Which pTimiees Elizabeth J flail, by need dafcsd May 2,1858, rtcorded in Deed Book P. D W , Ho 67, page a |A> conveyedmito Si-mael H. McFaddenin fee. if*, 0 * 3 \A il bat lot of grouad situate on the we>t efde of Fourth street, twelve feet six itches north of M ; fdia street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front Poartb street sixty-two. feet seven inches, and in depth two hundred feet [ Which uremSses Elizabeth J. Hal ,hy deed dated June 23, 1864, recorded in D«*d Bctkk D. W , No. 67, page 2£B, 4xc., conveyed unto bsmnelß. McFaddenin fee 3 „ , •CD C.;D ,’64. 172 $1,017.65. FergmoaJ taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Samuel fi. Mcfaddcn, oecaastd. t>v*, ~a «, HEfiiRYC HOWET.I,, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, Dec 12, 1864. de!6-3t 81 00 Broke for 88 cents. 76 cent Books for 60 cents. 30 cent Boots for AQ Ogata. 23 cent Bocks for 20 bents. CjHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A-' a Writ of Venditioni. Exponas, tome directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MO£ DAY Eve ning, January2,lB66, at 4o t clocfe,at Sansom-st. Hall, flo. I. AU that three* story brick messuage with, thres story back buildings and lot of ground situate on the southeast corner ot Girard avenue and Eighteenth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing *m front eish teen feet, and in depth one hundred and five feet eight inches to Hammond street. 2fo. S. AU that three-story brick messuage with three' story back buiidings and lot of ground,-situate on the , south side of Girard avenue eighteen feet east of Eigh teenth street, in the said city; containing in front twen ty feet, and m depth one huadred and fire feet six inches to Hammond itreet. No. 8. AH those six three-story brick messuages and three-story back buildings and lots of ground, situate onihe sonth side of Girard avenue; first of said lots commencing thirty-tight feet east of Eighteenth street in. the said city; containing in front twenty feet, and In depth one hundred and five feet six inches to Hammond, street. cTo be sold separately. 3 CD. C ; D., *64- 169. Debt, $535.76. . Pile. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Peter B. .Levering. BESRST O. J3OWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff* b Office. Dec. 9,1564. de!s-3t SHERIFF’S .SALE.—-BY VIRTUE OF M a writ of Venditioni Exponas, tome directed, will be exposed topubliceale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, January 2, iB6O, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, No. 1. All that lot of ground situate on the south side of Fitzwater street, eighty-one feet eastof Seventeenth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Fitzwater street sixteen feet, and in depth seventy eight feet to a three-feet alley. No/2, All that lot of ground situate on the south side of Fitzwater street, ninety-seven feet east of Seven ieenthstreei, in the city of Philadelphia; containing In front on Fiizwater street sixteen feet, and in depth seventy-eight feet to a three-feet alley, fßeing the same two. lots which Thomas W. Webb and wife, by two separate deeds, each Mated March 35 h. 1854, re corded in Deed Book. T. H..NO. 129. pa/o 462 and 455. &c., conveyed unto Henry Ware in fee; reserving out of eachlots yearly ground rents of thirty six dollars, j CD C./D *64. 173. Debt, $ll3. A. Thompson. 3 .Taken In-execution and tobesold as the property of Henrr Ware. BEKRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Dec. 12, 1864, dels-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a*wrtt of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, ou MONDAY Evening, January 2,1565, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall,. AU that lot of ground situate on the southeasterly cor ner of Holeman (late Parker} street and Adams street, Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; contain ing in front on Holeman street sixty-four feet six and three-eighth inches, thence southeasterly along Adams street nintty-eight feet and one-quarter inches to the Frankford road, thence along southwesterly line there of forty-eight feet four and seven-eighth inches to a point, thence farther easterly forty‘eight feet four and seven- eighth inches to the Frankford road, and at right angles therewith, [C.P.; S., ’64. 29. Dedrick.3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Enoch Arthur. HENRY G. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia,Sheriff’s Office, Dec- 9,1864. delt-8t SHERIFF’S SALE,—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will he exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, January 2,1565,at4 o’clock,at Sansom-street Hall, All that three-story, brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the west Aide of Sixteenth street, fifty feet south of Stiles street, in the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front on Sixteenth street sixteen feet, and in depth fifty-seven feet to a three-feet alley, tWhich pre mises Cornelius Forsiee and wife, by deed dated Oc tober 2d, 1858, recorded in Deed Book A. D. B , No. 54, page 152, conveyed unto James I>. Welden'in fee, sub ject to a> *arly ground rent of eighty-one dollars, paya ble first of April and October. 3 [D. C.; D., *64. 181. Debt, $1236. HathwelL} _ Taken in execution and to bo sold as the property of James D. WUden. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Dec. 12, 1864. de!s-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY. VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex- Soeed to public sale or yen due, on MONDAY Evening, amiary2, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that four-Etory brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on the south side of C&erry street..ninety-nine, feet west ol Sixth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Cherry street forty-nine feet six inches, more or less, and in depth one hundred and eight feet, more or-less [Which premises Margaret Joyce, by deed dated September 26, 1859, and conveyed unto Samuel Tucker in fee. 3 _[D. C.; D., ’64. 168. Debt, $6,39133. Colahan.3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Samuel Tucker, deceased. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Dec. 13,1864. dei6-3t QHERIFF’S SALE, —BY VIRTUE OF *7? a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will beex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, January 2, 1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, _ All that two-story brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on the southeasterly sideuf Hdlem&n (late Park er) street, eighty-two feet eleven indies and a half northeast of York street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing front on Holeman street eleven feet, and in depth seventy- five feet to a twelve-feet alley. *. . CC. P.;S.*’64 28. Hedrick.} Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Charles Kiier. HENRY C. HOWELL, Shoriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Dec. 9,1864, de!s-3t QHERIFFiS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to mo directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, January 2,1866, at 4 o’clock,at Sansom-street Hall, All that lot or ground situate on the southwest corner of Baca and Nineteenth streets, in the city of Phila delphia; containing in front on Race street one hundred and eighty- puree feet, and in depth two hfindred and eighty-eight feet to Cherry street. - ,a>, C.;D.,jet in. Debt, *782.65. Adams. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas Stewardaon. HENRY G. HOWELL, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Dec. 12,1864. delo-3t PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED.—THE %m of BILLINGS, BOOP, & CO. , of this city and Now York, expired THIS DAT by limitation. .The bu siness of the said film will be settled by either of the undersigned. J. M BILLINGS. S. W. 8008, S. W. BOOP, Executor orWi F. Washington. ■n „ , ,'H B. KIBBE. Peuabklphia, Bee. 1, 1864. - * LIMITED ■ PABTNEBSHIP NOTICE—The under signed have THIS BAT entered into a Limited Partner ship, agreeably to the Act of Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled an Act relative to LI mited Partnership, etc., passed the twenty-first day of March, A. B. 1836, and the snppememts thereto, and they do hereby give notice that the name of the Firm under jrlnch sald partnership is to he conducted ie BOOP St KIBBE; that the general nature of the busi ness to be transacted is the general Dry Goods, Import ing. and Commission business, and that the same will he carried on in the city'of Philadelphia; that the names the said Firm are SAMUEL W. BOOP. HBNBT B KIBBB, CLINTON J. TBOUT. and JOSEPH Jh BOOP, and the name of the Special Partner is JAMESM. BILLINGS, allot the city olPhl ladelphm; that the capital contributed by the said James SI. Billings,' the Special Partner, to the common stock, is one hundred thousand dollars In cash, and that said partnership is to commence on the first day of December, A. D. 1864, and terminate on the thirtieth day of November, A.D. 1867. Peiladjjlfhia, Bee. 1,1861 NOTICE. —Tie undersigned successors of BILLINGS, EOOF, & CO., m New York, will continue the Import ing and Commission Business, at No. 38 WARKEH Street, J. M. BILLINGS ft CO. • j. if. Buianas, E.J. Chaffee. Hew Tobk, Bsc. 1, 1664. T7STATB OF BDWAED W. CARR, •^Deceased.—Letters of Administration, with the Will annexed, on the Estate of £0 WARD W. CARR, deceased, having been granted, to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to said Estate will please make pay ment, and those haring claims will present the same wtafcoui delay, to • LOUISA B. CARE, Administratrix d. h. it. c. t. a.. S. B. .corner FIFTEENTH and POPLAR Streets. Or her Attorney, CHARLES M. WAGNER, 3*l North SIXTH Street TWEAK’S GREAT TOBACCO, CIGAR. -O AND PIPE STORE, Ho. 413, CHESTNUT Street, PhHadelpala, Ha. Bean, keeps the greatest assortment Bean keeps cue greatest variety. ' Bean keeps the largest general stock. Ton can get any kind of Tobacco, Ton can get any kind of Cigars,' Ton ean get any kind of Pipes, Ton caaget any kind of Snuffs, - ATDBAN’S GREAT TOBACCO STUBS, No. 413 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, Fa, When yon go to Bean's von can get anythin* yon want In the way of Ping, Pine Cut and Smoking Tobas* cote, Domestic and Havana Cigars, Pipes, &c. Dean keeps the largest general stock of Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, «c., in the united States. Dean's sales are io extensive that he can afford to sell at about one-half what others sell for. Bean selis to the Army of the Potomac. Bean tells to the Army of the James. Bean sells ;o the Army of the Tennessee. Bean sells to the Army of the Cumberland. Gunboats all order their Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes. &c. . from DEAN’S, Ho. *I3CHKSTJSfOTEtroet. Pennsylvania merchants all buy at Bean's, New Jersey merchants all bay at Bean’s, Delaware merchants *!!, buy at Dean’s, ABthei can always get last what they want, and at a much lower price than they can ebe where, and they do not have to pick up their goods at a dozen little stores* All goods ordered aregnaranteed to give satisfaction. Order once and yon mil always order from Bean's, as his ping and fine cut chewing and smoking tobaccos* and cigars are fer superior to ail others* and heaellsfor muchlesi. DEAN’Ofo. 413 CHESTNUT Street, no22~tf Philadelphia, Pa. TOHN C. BAKER $ 00.’8 GOD LIVER V OIL. -THE TRUE AND GENUlNE—Unsurpassed la quality and effects—being the SWEETEST AND BEST PREPARED. In Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Gout, Inci pient Consumption, and all Scrofulous Complaints, 11 oftentimes produces immediate and certain effects when other remedies have been taken with little or no benefit Sold by all Druggists in the city, and by thepropile* tor. No TlB MARKET Street auli-tuths6m T?ANCY GOODS/ J- Mantle Tases, Slower diau Cases, Mignlonette, 1 with many other choice got out own sales. Sbakspeare, 6cott, Milton v , Tasso, Amto, FeCfc&roa, - Garibaldi, Napoleon, Mozart, Beetbovec, - Bante, * Marble aid Parian Pedasl n026-etnUitf fIARB-AND FAN O V JOB PRINTING-, V ATSWaWAit & BROWN'S, 1118. FOURTH St. SHERIFF’S SALES. CHERIPF’S SALE —BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, ouBIOKDaY Evening, January 2,1865, at4o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, Ho. 1. all that btone faciory, steam engine; boiler, and lot of grtnne situate in the Tweacy-taird ward of the city of Phiiadelphih; beginning at a stake in the middle of Adams stress thence aioog Adams street south nineteett degrees twenty four minutes c*st, fif teen perches and seventy- four hundredths of a perch, and south twenty nine-degrees thirty minutes west, seven and five tenths .perches; thence north forty-six degrees nineteen, minute.» west, crossing Fraukfori creek, fifteen perches; thence north fifty-one degress eleven minutes east, one perch, and north forty-two degrees nineteen minutes west, fourteen perches; therce .north -soventy one degrees six minutes east, about seven perchea; thence alosg the east side of said tree a six and two- tenths perches; thei ce north soveaty on* degrees six minutes east, about tea and four-tenths peai cbes to the place of beginning; contaiaing aboat one and-a* quarter acres of land. .Do. 2. Alt those two stone messuages and lot of ground situate on the southwesterly side of Adsms street,la the Twenty-third ward; containing la front on Adams etreti one hundred feet, and in depth about one hundred and thirty f*ei to Frankford creek Bounded north by ground of Samuel Holt, southwest by Frankford creek, southeast by ground of S. Wilde,'and northwest by Acams street. • TD. C.; D , *64. 176. . Debt, $l,OlB 49. Goweu. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as thejproperty of Solomon Wilde - HENRY O HOWEIL, Sheriff. ‘Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Ppc 12,1864. de!s-3fc copartners: SAMUEL W. ROGP, HENRY R. KIBBS, CLINTON J. TROUT, JOSEPH 0. ROOP, General Partner*. JAMES M. BILLINGS, Special Partner. LEfiilL. noM-tMi* t Pots, Hanging Vases. War- Hyacinth, and Crocusi Pote, expressly for N BUSTS. Flora, Ere, Clytte, Beatrice, Lashes, Psyche, . Bacchante, Ariadne, Cupid, Goethe, . , Schiller. stals ar d Brackets, Ac. , Etc. , 6.A.HARRIBON, 1010 CHESTNUT Street,' PROPOSALS* OUARTERM ASTER’S DEPART- Vs b ksE.XT, Philadelphia, Deeember l*i, lB6|, SEALED PROPOSALS wi*l he received at this office nutil 12 o’clock M , WEDNESDAY, December 21st, 1864, for the immidJate deiivervat the United States btoie Bouse. BANOYgR- Street wbart, o* „ , vONE HUNDRED (100) PaULINS. To be maoe in the best manner, of 15 ounce cotton duck, best quality, army standard, size 20 by 30 feet, When finished, and subject to the inspection or an in spector, appointed on the part of the Government. Samples ot ouefc required. Bidders wil] state price both in writing and figures, thequanrtiy bid for, and time of delivery. Pricetoia dud*packages and delivery. Each bid man be guaranteed by two responsible per tons* wb< re Biiuttfures mußfc be appended to the gna raatee,jand to. as being good and *uffitfieat se curity for the amount involved, by the United States Judge, Attorney, or Collector, or oeher public officer, otherwise the bid will not be considered. ;j he right is reserved to reject all bids doomed too high, and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be received. By order of CoL Herman Biggs, nhtef Qaartermaster. . GEORGE M, ORMB. dels-6t Captain and A. Q. H. QUARTERMASTER’S DBPART- Philadelphia. Dec 14.1854. SEALED PROPOSALS wIU to received at this office until 12 o dock 51., MONDAY, December 19, 1864, for immediate delivery, at the United States Storehouse, H&nover-btreet Wharf, property packed, ready for traQeportattoii, of the following articles, via: I,CUO He *d Halters H»lttr Ghaios. The above described to be of the best quality, and sub* jectio the inspection of an inspector appointed on the part of ?he Government. Bidders will state orice, both in writing and figures, and the quantity bid for, and the time of delivery, price to include boxi-e and delivery - Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible perrons, whose signatures mart be appended to-the guarantee, and certified to as being good and sufficient security for the amount involved, by the United states districr judge, at orney. or collector, or other public officer otherwise the bid will not be considered, .the right Is to reject alt bide deemed too 13 S i n 0 front a def-ioliing contractor will be By order of Col. Herman Biggs, Chief Quartermaster, dtl4-5t QEQ. R OBME Capt. and A. G M. A BMY 6UPPLIEB. /. ■ ca * Cloteikg Bbbkau, GuarteewasvbxGhxeeal's ■ Office, WaAhishtom, Dec. 8, 1854. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the respec tive office 6 of Army Clothing and Equipage in New until 12 o’clock M., on WEDNESDAY, the2tetinstant, for fornishlng bv con trsor, at the Depot of Army Clotciog acd Equipage in either city. at the option of the contractors: 2!ACOO Army Blankets- wool, gray (with the letters U. b. is black, 4 irches long, in. the centre), to be seven feet long and five feet tux inches wide, to weigh five pounds each. Proposals will be received for the delivery of Blankets of either American or English, manufacture, bat must be, in all reepecis, equal to th*» Army Standard, at the respective Bfpots where they are to be delivered. Bidders will state the number they wish to furnish; how soon they can commence, and the number they can deliver monthly. Proposals must he accorupanied byaproper guarantee, signed by at least two responsible parties, setting forth thsfc if a contract is awarded to the party making the bid, that ha, ot they, will at onca execute the contract, and give hoods.forth© proper fulfillment of the same. 1 he right is reserved by the United States to reject any part or the whole of the bids as may be deemed for the interest of the service. Proposals should be endorsed “Proposals for Far rushing Blankets,” and those for New York should be addressed to Brigadier GeneralD. H. VINTON, Deputy Guartermaster General, New York city, and those for Philadelphia should be addressed to Colonel HERMAN WG s. s !-£ ttar t* rma6£ ® r ’ 8 Department, PhUadelphi*. cel3-8t OFFICE,YJ. S. ARMY. No. 30 80UTH Street, ___ _ _—. Baltimore (Md. ), 9, 1884. SEALED PROPOSALS, in duplzcrcte t . wiil be received at this office, until 12 M. on THURSDAY, December 22, 1864, for furnishing the United States Subsistence De partment with; POOR THOUSAND (4,000) HEAD OF GOOD FAT BEEF CATTLE, on the hoof, delivered at the Stale Cattle Scales, at Baltimore, Md.»in lots of 0,000) one thousand each every (10) ten day a; to be weighed within one ana a halfdays after arrival, at the expense of the contractor. They must average about (1,300) thirteen hundred pounds gross weight; all falling short of (1,058) one thousand and fifty pounds gross weight. Bulls, Stags, Oxen, Cows, Heifers, and Hornless Cattle, will be rejected A Oednotion of tea (10) pounds will ia mads from tlia weight of each Steer accepted under tile contract, pro vided tne animal does not stand In the pens two and one half hours before being weighed, or is not weighed im mediately after removal from the cars. Blank forms for proposals ca» be had on application aitbife office, either in person, by mail, or telegraph. Proposals by telegraph, or other irregular, informal proposals will not be considered. ' The Government will claim the right of weighing any one animal separate, zf its appearance indicates less weight than tbe minimum above mentioned; the ex pense of weighing will be paid by the party erring in judgment. Each bid,' to secure consideration, must contain a written guarantee of two responsible persons, as fol lows: * We, —— ,of the county of—, State ofdo hereby guarantee that is (or are) able to fatal a contract in accordance with the terms of Ms (or their) proposition, and should his (or their) proposition be ac cepted, he (or they) will at once enter into a contract in accordance therewith, and we are uropared to become his secunties, giving good and sufficient bonds for its fulfilment” TBe responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of tbe Clerk of the nearest Dis trict Court, or of the United States District Attorney, to be enclosed with tho bid. Bidders mm t be present to respond to thetr bide, and prepared to give bonds and sign the contract before leaving the office. • The Government reserves to itself the right to reject any or all bids considered unreasonable. Payments to be made after each delivery, if funds are on hand; if none on hand, to be made as scran as re ceived. Bidders will please state prices if payment is made in cnrrency, and also prices u made in orders for Certifi cates of Indebtedness. .Proposals mnst be endorsed distinctly, “PROPOSALS YOR BEEF CATTLE,” and addressed to “Captain. J. H. GILMAN, C. S„, Baltimore, Maryland.” If a bid Is In the name ol a firm, th*fr names and their post-office address mußt appear, or they will not be con sidered. Each person or every member of a firm offering a pro posal must accompany it with an oath of allegiance to the united States Government, if he has not already filed one in thin office. All bids not complying strictly with the terms of this advertisement toill be refected. • - J. H. GILMAN, de!2-9t Captain and C. S., U. S. A. (YIFICE OF ASSISTANT QUARTER V - / MASTEB, Ho. 1103 GIRARD Street ' . Pmr,ADEr,pniA. Bee. 7, 1834. SKAX.SB PEOPOSALS will be received at this office until noon of WEDHBSBAI, 21st lust., for farniehiat the Stationery that may he required at this office. Is | accordance with the followiui schedule, foi six mouths commencing January 1.1855: , white .Gap Paper, ruled, to Welsh not leas than 12 pounds per ream. White Legal Cap Paper, ruled, to weigh not less than 12 pounds per ream. White Letter Paper, ruled, to weigh not less than 9 pounds per ream. Whit, Commercial Paper, ruled, to weigh not less than 4 ponnds uerream. White Polio Post Paper, ruled. Hssne price of paper POT I6BSL ' Buff Envelope Paper, SIxSZ inches. . Blotting Paper, 19x24 Inches. Price per sheet. Books, deml size, full hound. . Price per Blank Boohs, folio Biza. fnll.bonnd. Price per quire. Blankßcohe, capsize, halfhound, ‘* l * ' Xnvelepes, white or buff, Ho. 12. Price per 1,000.. “ ‘‘ “ 9x4 inches. *■ ‘‘ ‘ “ BJ4x3lf la. «* “ «* *« 6*£x3in *« *« Letter Copying Books, letter and cap size, 500 and 2,000 pages eacb, per dozen Memorandum Books, octavo, per dozen. Writing Fluid, equal to Arnold’s, quart and pint bottles. Copying Ink, egual to Arnold’s, quart and pint bottles. ;Garmine Ink, equal to Davids', glass bottles and stoppers. Ink Powder, per dozen papers. Lead Pencils, equal to Faber’s, Nos. 2 and 8, per dozen. - Bed and Blue Pencils, eqaaTto Faber’s, per dozen. * Glass Inkstands, assorted, per dozen. Steel Pens, assorted, per gross. Steel Pens, Gillet’s, No. 3O3and4oJ, per gross. Pen Holder?, assorted, per dozen. Tin Paper Fo'der?, per dozen. Bed Sealing Wax, jounce and 1-ounce sticks, per pound. Red Tape, ffo.-SS, per dozen pieces, Glass jat s of Mucilage and Brushes, law and small sues, per do%en. AH the articles must be of the best quality. Samples of each or tide must accompany each bid, with the name of the bidder distinctly marked thereon, and only one Price must benamed for each artide. Should any articles not enumerated above be wanted they mast be furnf*he<Lat the lowest market price. Proposals must be made only upon the regular forms • furnished at this office. The United States reserves the right to reject all bids, or parte of bids, deemed jncompatible with its interests. . „ ALBERT 8. ASH MEAD, de7-t2l ; Captain and A. Q. M. QUARTERMASTER'S DEPART- PsiI AUBLPHTA, December W, 1884. PE ALIO PROPOSALS v ill be received at this office, until 12 o’clock M.,on SATURDAY, December 17t1u1864, for the immediate delivery at the United States Store hcnse, Wharf, of the following articles, Ose thousand 0,000) feet 9-inch leather Hose, with • Jones’ Patent Couplings. One hundred thousand (100,000) feet of 3Hnch Pop lar, well seasoned, square edged. All of the above described to be of the best quality, and subject to the inspection of an inspector appointed on the part of the Government. - Bidders will state price, both in writing&nd in figures, and the amount or quantity of each article bid for, and the time of delivery. Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose signature must be appended to the guaran tee, and certified to as being good and sufficient security tor the amonntinvolved, by the United States District Attorney, Collector, or other public officer. Otherwise the hid will not be considered. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high, and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be received. By order of Col. Herman Biggs,‘Chief Quartermaster. . GEO. R. OEMS, del&6t Captain and A. CL ST. O f 27£?I o:e ' thb depot quarter- MASTER. ™ „F°BTLEAVEBwoETff, Kashas. Wot. jo. lgdi. „ trans&jetation? be received at thlß offlcs Bntq 12 M on the Slst day of December, 1864, Sfov^MAS\ 8 v <) r t n ioß i 01 ®! tHl Supplies during the year 1566 on the following routes: Koras Ho. X—From Forte Leavenworth. Laramie, and Riley, and ether depots that may ha established H™* the above year on the went bank of the Missouri Hver, north of Fort Leavenworth, and south of latitude 42 degrees north, to any posts or stations that are or may be established in the Territories of 'Nebraska, Da- J?*?r Kaho, and Utah, south of latitude 44 degrees Borth and east of longitude 114 degrees west, and in Me Territory of Colorado north or 40 degrees north. £ i i?Ai rs ,JS.**!ff« ll £. rate P9 I M 0 pounds per 100 miles at which they will transport said stores in each of the months from April to September, inclusive, of the year yiOOD. Route Ho. 2.—From Forts Leavenworth and Ril& Uie Btateof Kansas, and the town of Kansas, lathe State of Missouri, to any posts or stations that are or may be esiabUshcd In the State of Kansas? or to the .Territory of Colorado, south of latitude 40 datom* north, drawtogmippHesfrom Fort Wp?ju^* *or other depot that may be dccfirrig- G*|sand. and to any other &Wt{' j*3*gg ta aom ** *»*«*•»- Route No. a~From Fort Union, orsuch other depot ff be established in the Territory of Hew Mexico, stations, that are or may be established in that Territory, and to such posts or statioatfUs may d flBi £ii a the Territory of Arizona and State of SSS^+^vL 0 * lon Kitude 105 degrees west. Bidders to smte the rate per 100 pounds per 100 miles at which they will transport said stores in each of the months from June to November, inclusive* of the year 1865. Thawblaht to be transported each year will not ex« ceed lO.OCaOGOponndson Route No. I,* 15,000 000wound* onKoutoNo 2; and 6,000,000 pounds on Route NoT 3. No additional per centage will be paid for the fcrans- S? offihS. hard bread, Pius lumber, shingle* Bidders si ould give their names in fait as well as their place of residence, and each proposal should be accomptnied by a bond in th« sum of t«VthouSiddot Iwb, signed by two or 'more respom ible (persons, gua ranteeing that incase a contract is awarded tor the route meutioned in the proposal, to the parties proposing, the contract will be accepted and entered into, ifnd good and sufficient security furnished by said parties in a«- oorfuuee with tio terms of “ Theamouat of bonds required wiU be as follows: On Route Ho. 1 *ioo ggo on Route go. 2—-..!i ."I:®mooo On Route Ho. 8.. $O,OOO • “S's ri * 6MB of tb« loyalty and solvency of qS?«d idder Wrsob offered as security will be rs ■pS.<SS^?Mla,lrt endorsed ‘ ■ Proposals for Army Home No. 1, ” “2,'’or “s.*’asOie SjfSJbe, and none will be entertained unless they ti>iment PIT w!lh 4119 requirements of tils adver- Fartiesto whom awards are made must be prepared to execute contracts at cnee, and to give the required oouub for the faithful performance of the earae. Contracts will be made subject to the approval of the Quartermaster General, but the ririlt is reserved to re* jeefc any or all bids that may be offered, , Contractors must be in readiness for service by the first day of April,lB66, and they will be required to hare a place of agencies at or in the vicinity of Forts Leaven, worth and Union and other depots that may be establish, ed, at which they maybe communlsated with promptly and readily. By order of the Quartermaster General. ,„ L , „„ H C. HODGES, nolBtde23 Capt. and A. Q. M., D. S. A. - M rb ® JAMBS BETTS 1 CELEBRATED SUPPORTERS FOR LADIES— he <mly Supporters under eminent medical patronage. Ladies and physicians are respectfully requested to only on Mrs. BETTS, at her residence, 1039 WALNUT Street, Phil a., (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand invalids have been advised by their physicians to use her appliances. Thosq.only are genuine bearing the United States copyright 4 labels on thebox, and signatures, and also on the Supporters, with testimonials. oelS-tutlutf SHADES, OVAL. VJ GLABS SHADES, ROUND. GLASS SHADES. SQUARE. GLASSWARE OF ALL_DESCRIPTIONS, ' HARTRLL & LETCHWOSTH. . ae»-l» Ho. l9»orthF»THBtewL PBOFOSAIB. WAGON COVERS. 7 7 .Assistant Quartern: 48*n*'a Ofpics. Cincinnati Ohio, December 8,1884. PROPOSALS are invited by tha dnderrsUtoe-j, uatil TCSBbAY, DecernHer*Kh, 1864, at 12 o'clock Iff , for WAGON -CO V*-BS—a* m j Size ai d Pattern* Bids will be considered for Array Warm Coders of Cotton or Linen Duck.- Back coyer to be 14 feet S incites long, by 9 feet 4 inches wide. The Dock mast be free from jute, and equal in quality jo that mea taring *2S& Jncbeswuie, and weighingB ounces to the linear ?ard. The number bid for, and tim* of delivery, must be stated, and sample cover futniehed; and each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible sureties, guarantee ing over tbeir own signatures that the bidder will enter Into bond for the fulfilment of .his contract, should one be awarded him. bids will be opened at the time above specified, and bidders are invited to be present. The right is reserved to reject any bid deemed unrea sonable. Bach bid must be marked on the envelope c ‘ Propo sals for Wagon Covers, ” and addressed to the under fiS|tyeorder of Colonel William W, McKim, ChlefQaarter jnaster. Cincinnati Depot. A. J- PHELPS. del3-6t Captain and A. Q. M, BAjLgB. TQHK B. MYERS & C 0 .% A.UCTIO3S~ *7 EBBS, Nos. and 234 MARKET Street. POSITIVE SALE OP CARPETINGS, &C. M ON FRIDAY MORNING, „ ’ ' Dec, 2S. at precisely 11 o’clock, will be sold, by ca talogue, on four mouths’ credit, an assortment of su perfine and fine ingrain, Venetian* hemp, cottage, and rag carpetings, which may he examined early on the morning of saie. PEREMPTORY BALE OF FRENCH, INDIA, SWISS, GERMAN, AND BRITIBB DRV GOODS, &C. ON MONBAT MOEaINO, December 19th, at 10 o’clock, will be sold, by cata logue, on four months' credit, about 500 PACKAGES AND LOTS of French, India. German, and British dry goods, &0.. embracing alarge'and choice assortment of fancy and staple articles in-silk, worsted, woolen, linen, and cot ton fabrics. • K. B. —Samples of the same will be arranged for ex amination, with catalogues, early on the morning of ti e sale, when dealers will find it to their interest to attend. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, &<j. ON TUESDAY MORNING, December 20tli, at 10 o'clock, will be sold by cata logue, without reserve, on four months' credit, about 1.100 packages boots, shoes, brogins, balnmtals, gum sbo?£, arm; goods, travailing bags, dm. of city and Eesters manuf&ctare, embracing & fresh and prims as sortment of desirable articles for m*n, women, and chil dren, which will be opes for examination early on the moningof sale. PAWNBROKERS' SALE.—JONES & i CO. 'S Large Sale of flrat claim 601.0 and SILVER WATCHES, BRILLIANT DIAMONDS, 18 KABA.T JBWBLRT, GUNS P'STOLS. &c., . ■ ON MONDAY. December H. At 10 o clock A, M., at J. E. SMITH & CO.’S Amctioa Store, comer SECOND AND ONION STREETS. By order of JONES A CO., comer THIRD and HAS* KILL Hreate, delß-St* FOR SAME A!TC> TO LET. ' Vwnftr.w,vvw»ViAnAAft^vwwwwtfwi)vVvvwyWVW¥» M PUBLIC SALE OF BEAL Aft ESTATE. 5E Purenant to an order of the Orphans' Court of Mont gomery county, will ba sold at Pablle Sals, on tie premises, on THURSDAY, the IStii day of December, 18M. ftie Mlowton described READ B3TATE. late of deceased, ettnate In WKITK- MaRSH TOWNSHIP, MONTGOMERY COUNTS. * mile east of tie Chestnut Hill and Bethleiem Turn pike, and mid war between Sandy Run and Port Washington stations on tie North Pennsylvania Rail road, miles &om Philadelphia: No-1- A FARM, containing 112 acres and SI Percies of Jana, more or less, including 4 acres and T Percies of land conveyed to the North Pennsylvania Railroad Company for the use of a railroad—about 7 acres of which Is woodland, 12 acres of meadow,, with two streams of water running through, and tie remainder in a high state of cultivation. Tie improvements con sist of a large substantial Stone House, with eleven rooms, stone cava and well of good water near by; a large stone Barn, with hay-mows and wagon-honses attached; stone granary, barracks, &e. Also, X mile distant, a new double tenement stone house, a frame blacksmith shop, and well of excellent water. No. 2. A DOT containing 7 acres and Si perches of landjrontjflg north on the Chestnut HiU and Bethle hem Turnpike, ,H mile south of Port Washington sta tion, and adjoining the. above described fitm on the southeast Three acres of which is woodland, and the ™Bl o* ^l Terr .No. 1 presents some of the most desirable building sites In this vicinity—high, yet easy or approach, and commanding an extended and verr beautiful prospect of the surrounding country—situate oa Camp Hill, three miles north of Chestnut BiU, near the turnpike Itiaujjig thereto, and ahont one-fourth of a mile from Port Washington station, where all the trains stop, running to and from Philadelphia several times daily. Convenient to* schools* and stores. Persons wishing to view the premises will please call on the family living tlereon. Sale to commence at 1 o’clock P. M. Conditions made known on day of sale, by ' GEO. 8. WENTZ, Administrator, MARY ANN WENTZ. Administratrix. <M-tlihi7t* M FOB SALE—THE FOLLOWING^ Jto.TEBY DESIRABLE FARMS AND CODNTEY-A SJEATo: 4S acres superior Land, with first-class buildings, on the Byhenr turnpike, within 13i miles of Cornwall’s tte Phitadslpliia and Trenton Railroad, and fifteen miles from Pniiadelplua 68 acres adjoining the above, also superior land and excellent buildings, Gan be sold separately, or together as one farm* 26 acres excellent Land, with good stone cottage, two tenant houses, ane handsome barn and carriage house, si ms ted at Bridgewater, SchencVa Station, on tho Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad, 80 acres on Salem erf eft, Salem county. New Jersey, twenty- seven miles from Camdens good land and fair tmiJdinßs* _ 12 acres Land, atone house, barn* wheelwright shop, blackamitli’s shop, Ac., qh the Milford pike, at the junction of the street road, half mile from Eddington Station, on the Trenton Kailroad. * AU of the above can behad at very low figures. Also, other Farms, Cottages and Dwellings In various localities For Dwellings, see The Press, », B. F. GLENIf, J&JLSPSP*? and S.vW. comer SEVENTEENTH asd GREEN Streets. delO «g CHESTER COUNTY.—FOB 0k “SAbY-AH that valuable HOTEL PROPERTY,-E DROVE YARD, and FARM, containing9o acres of land, known as the “BOOT TAVERN," in Goshen Town ship, convenient to railroad station, and three miles Horn West Chester, This tract of land’ Is valuable as a Farm, and has been profitably used as a Drove Yard for a number of years, and is known to be as one of tbe best, JAS. R, CUMMINS, SO* WALNUT Street, or „ „ „„ , C ! . B. LEE. WEST CHESTER. H. B. Call for Catalogue Delaware and Chester County Farms for sale, delO-Bt ®. FOB SALE— Store and Dwelling, If. B. corner Seventeenth, and north street*. Store and Dwelling, 1026 Spring Garden street. Store and Dwelling, S. E corner Eleventh and Locust Dwelling, 1115 Olive street. D weljipg, g.y. comer Twelfth and Myrtle street. Dwelling, 1716 South Fifth street. Dwelling, 330 Catharine street. Dwelling, 1013 Olive street. For large. Dwellings, eee the North American and United Statea Gazette. B. F. OLBNTT. _l»3 South FODBTH and S. W. comer SEVEN TEENTH and G-RESN Streets. delO m LARGE AND VALUABLE PRO PEETT FOBSALE.— 'The very larva and commo dloua LOT and BUILDING, Ho. 308 CHEBBY Street, n«M the centre of hußlneM, contaiuin, BOfeet on Cher it Street, depth 1.6 feet, being 7S feet-wide on the rear ox the lot, and at that width opening to a lame cart-war leading to Cherry street. Its advantages ox , t size and rosvnm are rarely met with. Apply on the premises. - gel2-6m» FOB SALE OR TO LET-A NUM her of conyeniemt new DWELLINGS, with modem improvements, on North Eleventh, Twelfth, and Thir teenth streets. Apply to TATLOW JACKSON. - Ml CHESTNUT Street, or at nolg-tf 1858 North TWELFTH Street. Mvor sale.—the subscriber offers for sale bis country seat, within half a mile P* Wilmington, Delaware, on the Newport-pike, con taining eightacres of good land, in the centre of which is a large laws with a fine variety of shade trees, ma ples, liadenß, evergreens, etc,, in all over a hundred full-grown trees. ‘.The improvements consist of a large and commodious Mansion, flanked on the west by two towers, one of which is four stories in height. There are four large rooms on a floor, with a hall eleven by forty-two feet The house has the modern improve ments. A hydraulic ram forces water from a spring into the upper stoiy of the tower. There is also an won pump and hyurant under a covered area at the kitchen door. The out-buildings consist of a carriags nou&e and stable sufficient for four horses andsetera? carriages; also. a hen, ice, and smoke houses. The stable has a hydrant in it. Goodgarden, with several varieties of dwarf-pear and nape vines, in full bearing. There are also several va rieties of apple, cherry and chestnut trees. Terms accommodating. Possession given at any time. Apply to \ LEV* G. CLJIBK, no2g-tf on the premises. LOT FOR fIAT.TE V* A very desirable Cottage Lot, about 200 bv 180 feet, corner of JEFFEBSON rad UPSAL Streets, two squarecbeyond tie depot for the new passenger rail way. Price low, terms easy. Apply to JOSEPH LEA, las CHESTNUT Street •THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING R - M« SEAL. ESTATE OFFICE to No. 53 Sig?J,|* rB pt. of Arch, has them reopened M« -BEGISTEB, In which tile public may enter their . . , PROPEBTIBS FOB BALE. *° ooHeot INTEKBSTS, Ground rad House KENTS, In every part of tto city! ; 0.17-&H* ' WILLIAM G. BEDFORD. MOTELS _ ANP_~ (CENTRAL EATING HOUSE, Opposite tlio Fost Office, col7-sm PHILAKELP] T?S>Ts WjStBHIHGTO]N f house^a having been announced by the Bulletin 9j 25th instant, that this hotel would be closed on ? r *. nSS? °f December, the Lessee ftom January Ist, 1366, begs to inform the public that during the time the House maybe closed it will be thoroughly reno vated and refitted in a manner that cannot rail to jhve mint Cti ° n t° ose who may patronize the establish- CHAKLES H. ALLMOND, formerly of the i lndkia Queen," Wilmington, but more recentlyof the States Union, * * Philadelphia,- will have the en tire management under the new administration, and he assures the public that no efforts will be spared on his part to make the House in all respects pleasant and *® r i£ a MSL to H sga *» ts * The House will here-opened on the 15th of January * n026-tf THB MAHONY HOTFBB, IN ASH , Schuylkill county, after being closed for two months, 3b being handsomely fitted up, and is now and visitors. Mr. HEETEY B. WEAVEB, the present landlord, lately of Uorthumber xsnd county, woo fcaa bad long experience in this line of business, will keep a FIRST CLASS HOUSE, and one that will compare favorably with the best Hotels in the country. •Ashlaxp, Pa., Nov. 9,1564 MEDICAI. PLECTEICAL INSTITUTE. XJ COMB, JM AFFLICTED, COME! TMs treatment only needs a trial to be adopted by all. Having made msny improvements in tbo application of riiis agent, we feel In duty bound to make thsni public. ;We *l*l guarantee to cure any case of Fever and Ague && o See?&olsX&^T ad "»■«“ Eheomatism* Ktuslgia, Debility* £g£w“* &Genital Weakness. Influenza,* Dyspepsia, Pileß, Spiral Disease, Cafax& Diabetes. “ ' i ”ttaaforfttU Conaoltationß free. Offlgß hours 9 A. if. to 6 F. H. Testimonial* at tie oSee. . SB. THOMAS ALLHtr, „ “Mtcal KeotJtoin. ISAF. BLBYJsairn St., below Baca. «el4»ija4 TJB. A. H. STEVENS, ONE OF 'i'H« dntt3s°f<«’'’th? remuußd 0 ?!* oftt* «id ibspst isboudtd iUMdu in. mimi ttM&omiMd Ib» TYBNBERVO FOB THE TEETH AND W°£FiSE?\S > P-'~ OAJC » pine, and HICKOK* WOOD, lot sale lowest cu£ ■nr—- Xj _p- WATSOB. VXiSE STEBETWHA.BP. price*. . aoSO-lm* MW ' abct: p'URNESS, BB] Ho. 615 CHEST; BALK OF IHPOXTEn _ t ON FBI BeeemfcisrlKli at ltt 400 lot* fat CF and atapls Sampleß and cataJoen< WOOLES LOHO all-wool Mjiwre Su all-'wool long shin? Biio« viftana brocbe am Also, black and coi« reps, plaid Fcnhaix pi BO&ESIC Brova and bie&ehn Bet jeans- fh Hi Som] T^ESB?? iliJrv£ EA ' LZI “ th, j£?- JggSSj******* toBaln M &}?& SUPERIOR FURS ITURe"I™ L rr ' „ BI.ES. DESKS. CLOTHE?*??*' 1 . 2“• CHIKEs. MSB CißPrr, At 9 o’clock, ct nwaueSo * \v G ' tta&K-nom. ud ehantwr fan^ 1 * nor billiard tables, 1 wi j, i»k, -nsygle. coaoting-ioßfc desk i '"i' >:aV. ■ "* «w -wk- E:;, 6 V'.'t. . AOCTi ' T am 615 We will sell at onr ai«-,, h rtree*. da 3 TBOkfiDAY, FHIDAY. aod ..»• E ~E: .Dec. 15.1, lseh, aod UtK F’- tte entire coUec'ion of 1; tie H*W «$> inail trver three hajndred. Tht, 1 tains beantiftii landscape, e fienra and Scriritnral ute<»e « &s:> artists of tie day; >■/'■' I-AEGE AND ATTBACTIVS g i , » PIGUBES; THIS KOBSISn December IS, at II o'clock. r> f Zv ranged for eianunaft. non the taih'» :!i «i Bo^nW’ by Fra “ ‘ «2?^ Nine bronze iicures of Italian■. win® and Duel; Fabiat e a g ejjs‘S a i;’ lil ' Bapbaol; Cotnmbas aid Cjrtez “n^ 4 ® OpbaJioTropettt e Cheval, s c 0m »» i Etch Bohemian gla*s vise,’ ?' . and Birqnet flgnree. firely A. Marmo aaeee of Oieciaa, Oafil Alee, an invoice of ’ uolal =. Mi 6, , SII.VEE-PLATED Pam and Ssa CO; POSITIVE BALE OF l,iou c ,_. SHOKS. ussj *ot _ THIS MOBStJr. Dse. K. commencing at ten o'ci» . sailßj- catalogue, for cash, 1,4 b Broeams, Balmorals. caralrr W.s s, , k »>. Eastern manufactories, comori-in. ttSB meat of tast-class prime fresh *o 3 il “ !iK FOBmVE SAM OF I.MO CiSR m _ , osr MOHBAr aoßßiKs December 19th, coinmsmcinii ai m l-,',,.. will sell by catalogc, fi 5 boots,, shoes,brogans, balaora.s, a, s f, c from ci tysEd Easier." - -mfachaers.cS ral assortment o[ - “».irap. PAK COAST J- TIOHBEBS, 340 Hosffieiwwffi, - „ . Off FEIDAY MOBXITC, i)ec. 16, at 10 o*clock precisely, comnrfev assortment of ne* and desirable is£- A found well worthy the attention of the t: J$Y HENRY P. WOLBERT. Ko. SOS MARKET Street* ah: if® commencing at 10 o’clock. , ~ , „ Washdtbtos, Kiwtmi Will Be fold at Public Attctioa, to tin fet Bt&£s , FtS£ssi) :liac,!s named below, ra WILMAMSPORT, Pa- THOKSDAT, JOHNSTOWN; Pa— THI7BSDAP, TBEBTON. NX, THURSDAY. becet®' . TWO HUNDRED CAVALRY HOE at each place. Tlisse Hothse have been, condemned as j Cavalry Service of the Army. ■For Koad asd Famine purposes many may »e had. . _ Horses sold singly. Sale to commence at 10 o’clock A. SL Terms—Cask, in United States currency. JAMSS a, charge of First "laster Gea«i STEAM WEEKLY pool, Ifew York, and Unman Line), carrying- the IT. g, Mails, ml sail as fellow*: GLA5G0W.........* ♦^.fiATUBIJAT CITI OF MAKGHBST*^rr^minrT CITY OF BALTIMOaUK . SATOBbIt KortoS^S”” 64111 * Batßl4, ‘y *t aooa, sin Payable In ibtquihSimfia Carr- REST" CABIH m OOIST3SBAOS. do to London.... 85 001 do toLon£ do to Paris. 95 001 do to Pari* do toHsmbnr*-. 90 00| do to Ham! Passeniers also totweided to Hayra, Btt terdam, Antwerp. ate., at eooally low iat*s „Papeafeora. Liverpool or Queenstown: t. : ci #B6. #lB6. Steeraie from Uyerpoolor Qum-.v Tbose who wish to send tot thoSi fijrel tickets hen at these rates. Tot taxihor iaforaatlGii aj Office' * . from first wh •&U Philadelphia, and Lone Wharf.. _Th« SAXOST, Capt. Matthew*,\ Philadelphia for Boston on Saturday, De. A* M., and steamship JCJOBMAN, Capt. fia Boston for Philadelphia* on the same days:- ..These new end nOntanttel rteenishfei fi. *»i J 1 ttg from each, port puactuslly on & iMiizwnei effootod at sma-iuflftho pcai oa the vessels. Frel*Ma takes at fair rate*. Shippers nezecaeated to eea* 811* Bec?rt of Lading with, their goods. For Freight or P&ea&ge ' *pr>*' ■*" ■ ' OUTSIDE LINE. COASTWISE STEAMSHIP COMPAQ FREIGHT LINE FOB NEW YOBK, k for ail Northern and Eastern cities aai Bsmitj every "TUESDAY, THURSDAY, AND SAI from the Company's wharf, first aborts Ss< New York, from Pier H, North river, os 3 P. M. For freight, which will be recein in. the most careful manner, and dr greatest despatch, at fair rates, wiLLuar - ___ COMPiu SSmmbhb THE "'ADA'. ttff;* T FSBSB COMPASS GHSBTSCT Street, forward* Parcel*. Psf chandise. Bank Notes* sad Specie, eittar lines or in connection with other to all the principal Towns and Cities States. E. 8. SAv fe27 ~N General Sr COAX.. Eschrsiotr, sbw a • POT, NOBLE Street above STteft f' Constantly on band superior o. : SciroylfcillCoal, selectedexpreselyfot*a%: as tke lowest marlres prices. Wun. ' ' below Arch sceei. Otfcell* So*- ESTEY’S COTTAGE ORGA-^ Jfot only UUBXCEILED, tat of Ton* and Power, designed esp?9. ai l-; and Schools, bat found to be eanasiy '* • the Parlor and Drawing Boom. For •' »«po, X 3 Horth sj B ? of tae* e;i t hand, Also, ft constant 7 HWpAJSrOS.- *ce public, and** profession, are invited to examine “■*;.; . straments, which are meeting with. * a S:J led degree of popularity and sale » wherever known- The p ' for, t e the strength of the iron, and \V the wooden frame, so happily attain od their Pianos incomparable with asT B -*!: qualified testimonials of such nae« ► Soils, Mason, Heller, Thomas. &»««» C: - IttrffiBßB&SBS c 8&8& a large assortment of other naw a3 ° Planot, for g&ie and to rent. gfeja 'CUMMINGS & », M • * ■* Manufacturers^: GBAKB, SaUAEE, AHD COT»«- _ pia m-vontss, ~ Eo. 726 BEOaDWAY, .new l' Mach instrument warranted^ At wholesale and retail 26 per cei t. i« ; class Piano elsewhere. PT-nmina our JL THOMSON’S Lo- ... jSSsWEE, OB RTBOPBiIf sasaMfiasaagsr/ era, CookintcSteven, Sc, »t wi“l« = * the / od-naikem ■ fro. 309 S- 'TEAM AND WATER & jler Mid FDBB OLD BOGKitv'p mohongahbla. BTS. *-' WHISKI® 9 *, Hi SOUTH BBCOHB STBEBT,^- 10 -' - uMfe.• sm amtu tßoogJji, *re orepuei to follow the prtea of then fnmltoM. Pw"*** lai mnliw nor ■ tA *» mooMgsi TOK k CO„ at the BOBNP g> F B . £ V &JJSB&W't.Kt t:s : f i FACTOEY. MAS&jI c TgJJTE, IT at tts C [G. vriag scyr