The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, December 15, 1864, Image 3
. , r; A lady’s raairolihent Broftßtplo, and K-tr „'Ll - n*ia oftbe ftrat Rot Weight between fifty ao<i J ’A.niwfl, for oae w»efc, “ a, deta-St* ; ..rnruo yore Holiday Pas- girls’ overcoats, boys’ Batts, h i.a, djlbscs 5 dresB9S--thelariraBt : f : h ' r .:tbo city, at fll, Sfiooin ikor & ■ K i httl ** tMot * (1813-66* 4 ,,. j.ioush’b Hats—bates? stylos i? 1 ' f ,' w <n*3’c, Continental Hotel _ .‘‘.'i-a-RRH, sanocssfully ireatel jj ( and Aoriat, fill Pin- at. h nix' oha W for examine ion. **, slfgant assortment at Obarles ■ f r tv^ lipata '* Hotel, ■rt »<^ ~ I- no,'h Pianos, and Mason it Iv'* (MrtaßS, lor sale only by .1. E. 1 'till' streets, nolc-tf , tl -fly open ftettinß the best Furs " Sim’s, Continental Hotel, „A isrg# assortment or elecrant fP'j, S3 !io't 023 &coh street. de#-6t» „, t h/.t.'—AH the latest stylos at , j r ,,s>s, t’oßtlnental Hotel. pt *'lAC NOTICES, s<% pFPARTJIBST* 4,..U11ANT iKSBSAL*B OFPTO3. V»AiHisu oK. Oecembnr H, 1954 .o'? S BtoPONALD. ltd Pennsylvania *\ ,A ‘ in th!« city before th* apeoia flf which Major General Dotibl*» i "’ T guilty of “ Uttering fa'se and of the iTnited gtato*, U ?V'\ r:a e! Congress, passed Fob. 26 1863, '. ’ • «:.d of ‘' Uttering false and corns ter ’ i .pjn the Partners’ aad Mschtntcs’ l’ 1 ' 1 , r ,jtr. r'cansyl vanla,” and sentenced «?»/••- *vi 6of *k* United S ales, and l.iififl from holding any offl is of stakes? and tha 4 * ", ff j h hard labor, for the term of tea r‘ aad par aftnt offlve ibat the ccagesaiid this sentence '*■rbreenewsptpord in the S»«ee of ?*r«v ident has approved the dad. in iu 1 be case of Captain M--Donald, once be carried into exscation, E. D TOtftfSSND, Atflstaut Adjataut General. . !TTR«M IK]BD TO CLOSE OUT OUR MaDE CLOrHffif.J, we • ;\ 3 hw* f.moants dally at REDUORD •-•jj r;r,OW PRESENT CO«T OP PRO »rfipr" !j "* fR having been mad* for emh, " jt ; * rfth*. season, we are enabled to f ... £.< fiWaotag-s thereby Oar complete—our goods new, fresh, , i'nvl to hay made fcj order. a.od sold j.-ii. pdco, as to astonish. those who tuual- way. An ovaminatim HOffER HALL, 018 MARKET Street, BBNNETr fc CO. (T.OUP Bybup. f j testimonials, from a large number ~/;;u'->r is daily receiving, attest the e-ui> c :;iiU held by persons who have tried , .j-noes: f ;.CBE3TER, COLtJMBTiNA COVKTY, Ohio, December 2,18 M. Pa i :;t?’Uadntylowelo pawmjs and all in , jxviug charge of, chiidre»,'to say that, .. e>pprienee%Uh your **OrdnpSyrap, *' ■- t ,vr gdenee in. it as a sure preventive and .>Q t {];•? roost stubborn attacks of Cr >ap, ; derelict in duty to retire at night ] zi little of it at hand. Within the last ... rhildrsu bad, unexpectedly, the most .j f 7cr witnessed, in which case lam ea tout Syrup saved his life, I caaaot it, beiieyiiigthat It never has with me. You may use HERBERT THOMAS. Bi'.nxiE Hampton. Long Island, October 22,1851. \ v a ve used two bottles of yoar Croup ?ud ifnd it to be a most excellent me fir Croup,and also an unfailing re- CoagU, and Sore Throat. p.ii„ THOMAS McK, GRAY, Pastor of Presbyterian Church. ELLIOT, WHITE, & CO., 58 North FOURTH Street, Wholesale Agents. C, B. HECHT, Easton, Fa, iSrnCEKT SHYEN-OCTATO ROSE iSO for Sale, at a great sacrifice, by a :gu*euy: made five months ago by one i.'i6is ia this country. wm i»a sold near half cost, if applied for Ksivace, No. 241 North TENTH Street. Gsoboe Stbck & Co.’a pianos, * * rrf! AKD SUSOW tt HAULIN' B CABINET ORGANS. OwfiGO each of these fine CABINET have been sold ORGANS. h) Hr U. , and the demand is Caß [|?BT CMwiartlv increasing ORGANS, For rale only by ® CABINET 3 B. GOuLS? ORGANS. S-ETOTH&ndOHMTNtrTSte. CABINET noig-tf ORGANS. rs'« Sonar Soap, Mlti TOILET SOAP, la raoE. turiTtti.l da* *fr#M the CHOICEST material., IaMILB ini'in its nature, FE AGEANTLT SCENT raiiJBLY BENEFICIAL in its action n»o. b Ul. by all Bnuriiri. and Faacr Good. x feSB-tutMly Suin’b Cbubbbaotd Cocsaitdt HSOK SEED is warranted to preserve, and beautifylthe hair, and entirely i-simfiT, without soiling hat or bonnet kifnetarsd and sold by W. B, MoOLAIN. : ’ m North SIXTH Street. f A:i) discount to wholesale dealers, nol^lxs Boiles’ Electrical Institute, fWI STREET, PHILADELPHIA.—Dr. S. i^lc. -accessor* formerly principal opera- fills of all afflicted with acute or chronic kind, both male and female. Lung the Digestive Organs throughout, NervousneM, Weakness, and Debility cured. The Electrical treatment is -•-l ia ail classes of disease than all other Guarantee* of care given when s:;eate arc pronounced curable. The ser- P SHSDD, of New York, one of the best Electricians in the United States* Mrs, S- A. FULTON, a lady of great •Silence, will attend to the ladies. For a Vermes, call at the office. All haelaese to Dr. 8. W. BECKWITH, 13510 Philadelphia. de7-12fc o?Habdwabh.—Table Cutlbrv " and other handiest Children 1 * ;; Ml*, Pocket Knives, fine Scissors and Boxes and Chests of Toole, from $2 to ••win* Lathes and Work Benches; patent !! *itlunmiatare tools In them; Boys* and CloUes-Wrlngere (they’ll save their sad clothing), Carpet -Sweepers, Plated Batter Knives miniature Garden fcrcea, Cake Boses, Fancy Tea Belle* and Nut Crackers and Nut Picks; patent ! %riorthemßelves In the coal saved)* and , ;: 1 of other Housekeeping Hardware* Out 4s, at t , TRUMAN & SHAW’S, •3* {Bight Thirty-five) MARKET Street, Below Ninth. *"sice Clothing, of ths Latest t il the bout manner, expressly for BBT All J.-WEST SELLING FBIOBS marked lx All goods made to order warranted '<■ "fe one price tv stum Is strletly adhered J’WrAy treated alike. JODIS’ OLD-88- PKfCB CLOTHING HOUSE. 604 Bear Sixth. deSfrly 'Webing, Boys’ Clothing, Boys’ fv! a *, Boys’ OlotMng, Boys’ Clothing, cwl 3 *’ Clothing, Boys’ Clotltlng, Boye> Clothing, Boys’ Clothing, , J»wtatg. In every variety, i i,Z ,i!l oly, In eyery variety, 7 tWoty, In exery variety, f B. L. Hallowell A Son’s, **B. L. Hallowell A Son’s, ■BH. L. Hallowell A Son’s, h, Hallowell A Son’a, .'•Matreet, 584 Market street, rfl attest, 834 Market street, “ilctreet, 834 Market street, 'Bl street, 634 Market street; '•Wag,—We have the largest and heat dorßeady-made Boys’ Clothlnglntheelty, .-txt atyles, and made in the best manner, jjtoWILL A BON, Street. ; bfeom |l4to $55. OvehooAts. N JE-OM (14-to (66. OVEBCOATS. *8 »BOM *l4 to (66. OVEBCOATS. '*8JBOJf $M to *66. OVEBCOATS, WANAHAEEB A BKOWN, ■ , OAK HALL, . * aomar SIXTH and MABKST Street*. affßat’a Salts and elegant variety of the '"Wag at SEASON ABLE FBIOBS. Wilson’s Highest Pbeahum 1 0 OK-S T 11 0 H •SWING MACHINES, iSEAPEST, SIMPLEST, AND BEST. Straat, above Havanth. t DIED. in «of the 14th Inst, Nancy 8., i* l ffi ®* l!i e late John B Myere. »«ti of the funeral. 4 SoS,, . w gineBday, 14th Inst., John A. 'rail & Brothers), In the 68th year of hie foneral will be given. , * . f the ink 106 “otnlng of the 14th tost., BliH. ! J? ar ° r hie age. ' til »f the family, officers and m - A Y M , are re ? 83 K,ln. a 4t B v Ms-funeral, from hts late E isßte«ath street, on Saturday '* Tncaei, night, Harriet Piers, aged 60 t On* Cl”® l ® s trill be given. * L’ 1 the l.J2tti last.. Herr EUiabsth, i® j a 9l* e Burnley, of Upper Darby, ~*tj V n g f i ?*<a 19 years. ■M (I bi, Wends of the family are respect 'll In?- * ber fnneral, from the late resl- L on Snnday, the lSwinst., at one iT'Orv ‘ ti n *i. sKfty.ltthinstant, Serah A., widow “ e8 ’ and daaghter of late Stephen H. fcU'otnl? are respectfully invited to &y«ia» Jate residence, Moores lpt|Et7 ’ lhl ® l Thursday) morning, idtli ins’., * lJ fl tl«l4th tost., Mary, widow of M in tbe 75th year of her 'i&|toa I ”.^ e aeo’s No 1514 Bprnce street, on ®j, 2 o’olook. Her frlenss and mgaic,: ”• “rited to attend the same, with- lbs Bth Instant,KebsecaT., fi? respectfully invited to wt L?aTUn«!j- 0 11»® residence. 8017 Spring t ' blflamj the 16th Instant, M ‘"towwtiK, latermeat avLan / *«» SHARPLESS.— On Fourth -day morning, tbo mu. b^Tge* 1 W '’ W ‘ fa ot sfaaJplM3 - tn dw gld year of ,„Jlj funeral will tat« place from the residence c f her nnsband. near CtMter, in Saventb-dm , ft?? l?;h I.**., t.. meet at n,boua«ar 10 will met the 8 o’clock at ti.ii r P CO We'S 18 ’ Oo Sh® u j the faneral.® 4 * 1 c *o^Ai e J <ive| \ ot *he fnDe al. *. * r.\ AML —f>gS>eeond dav morning. nth inat Mr* • a *KJ^? f *® M Va 7nb y«arofh«r age ■* MrB, a r aa , d t* IHI d \ ttre M«P«etfully >nvltsd tO t {^, r l 9idenca son-in ,.av > J-*HjHbl Adsmi*, No. 1887 Spruce street, on Fifth da? ]6'l> ‘p‘ , atlPo’ctaci ’ »* TP SS o W. A »V D «Q4 y ' "***ware c ranty, Pa., Martha * F on? e. in tbe S3d y ?ar of her age. ) r« relatives and fr>end* ata r-»,qn»sted to attend the iugpral. m 1 o cluck op Tfauraday aext. ***- B ram?- & SON UiivJS JUST RS larse Crimp Englieh Crape for Veil., Laige Crimp Ecgiifh Crape Toils., . Black Alpacas and Gios'.y Mohairs* Wicen*. Cambrics, and Chinties. Crinoline and Book Muslins. Sscb Flannel*, Gray and Black Balmoral Skirts. Gray and Purple Balmoral hkrrt*. White and Black Striped Ski rting. „ 4i * MOURSTNG STORE, deS-tf No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. Merrimac calicoes, fast od- 7,Miflysrds, new styles, for Christmas. O,<XK) 4 ‘ new UBLAINEB, for Christmas. 1,000 RuLOfSRS PLANKETT for Christmas. 500 fin* WHITE for do Good Gloves, fine Hdkfa., Point Collars. &c . &c‘ EYRE A LANDBLL. SOTICES. tggr** uendell Phillips wir.r, nEOTURB ov “THE NEXT STEP/* ON SATURDAY EVENIbG, Dec. 17, at 8 o’clock, A’g THE mi , A ACAUEM H OP MUSIC. Tickets with SeatsSeenred gncents. To tee Ampbttfcflitro ~.25 cents, *sit, b t hMd *' PUGH'S. Sixth an* OAL LENbhR'S, Third and Walnut- NEEDLES’. Twelfth ac-d Race; UNION LEAGUE, atdbn SATURDAY, 17ch, at toe Acadenjv, of the honre will be for the benefit of the Asylum for Destitute Aged Colored People and Colored Children cf the District of OolamM*, abandoned yy their late owners and masters whea they fled to re bfldoe*. field 3t ra*’ SO THE LORO WILL, THG DR DTCATIOB of TeROR PRESSYTERUN CHURCH. S. W. earner of EIGHTEENTH and CHRIS- Streets- will rake place on TnUS&DAV &V& Ni> G, December 15, 1864. at half pant 7 o’clock Ail who love the Lora Jesus Christ are kindly in vited. do 14-&* K®*- CONCERT HALL.-LRCrURRB BY MATTIE BROWN. M. L. A. TUESDAY EVS- NiNG, Dec 18ih, 1864. at 7>4 o’clock—Sabject—The Age of Republics—The Past or the Future “ THURS DAY EYENING, Dec. 15,1864- Sabject-“The Conflict of Principles. ’ ’ Admission to each. 25 cents. Tickets for sale at the bookstores, and at the doot of the Ha l, delO fit* |tJSB ' BHADY GROVE OIL €OR PASTY— Office A 5 South THIRD Street. Tbe shateboiders in tbe Shady Grove Oil Company wi s l hold a meeting on MONDAY, the 19thiaefc., at 3>* P. M., at 45 houth Third street. dc!s-3t* 8. B COUGHLIN, Secretary. THE SECOND ANNIVERSARY Of the YOUNG PEOPLE'S ASSOCIATION w'U be held in th« Fifth Baptlßt Church, EIGHTBEdTH a>id SPRING GARDEN Sireeta. THIa (Thnrsd*y) EVE NING, l6th, 1564, at 7>4 o'clock. • Rev H. Malcom, D D.. and Keys. J. Hyatt Smith, P..S. Henson, and Wm. Caihcart wiil take piri in the exercises. m it* ■ DIYIDEND NOTICE-fHILLTPB OIL GOMfAN Y Office, %% North FRONT Street. *1 he of Director" have this day declared a Divl dend*f TWu PER GENT, on the Caoita* stock, free of State taxes, payable to the Philadelphia stockholders at fllce, on and after toe 15th mac. Transfer books closed from the Btb to tbe llfch inst. deic-ift JOHN B, TAYLOR, Sacretary. KjS 3 * omcE.or the brvods oil COMPANY, No. 141 South FOURTH Street, ♦ PjfiLABELFHiA, Dec. 14. 18)4. Tbe Board of Directors h&ve this day declared a Divi dend of ONE-p*r cent, on the Gap tal Stock of this Company, payable ou the 24th inst . free of State Tax. Tbe Transfer Books will be closed on the,2oth. inst. ,*at 3 o' u.tock, and opened on rhe 27th. de]s-fit CHARLES A. PUT, Treasurer. SKS" 6 OFFICE TARR UDHYMEADOIL CO., No. »74:Senth THIRD Street, Boom No S. „ _ , Philadbophia, Dec. 14, 1864 . The Bpard m of Directors have THIS DAY declared a dividend of TWO PBS CENT, payable on and after 2Uh inetani, clear of tax. , Transfer Books will close on the 17thand open on 27th instant Holders of receipts will please have the same ex changed for certificates before the closing of the b »oks. d*-lo- 6i* C. HIESKELL, Treaßhrer. ISf* MINDAY CAHS-TO «‘TIIE PEO« _PLR, ’ 1 4 PRESIDENTS, AND DIRECTORS OF -TBE CITY (lAJtS—Yonr hearty co-operation, sym are respectfully solicited at <ONCERT HALL, CHESTNUT Street, on SaTURDAf EVENING, pec. 17cb, at 7 % o’clock, when Rev. Dr. 8. M LANDIS will deliver a Spicy LBCTURB, giving an efficient plan for running the Cars on Sunday- Other pr< indent gentlemen wiD .apesk. Tickets, 25 cents. Proceeds for a Fund to continue the plan and complete tl e work./ Poor people, come and stand np for your righis! / ROBERT HALL. 1 delfi fit* JAMBS MILLER, } Chairmen Com, YFJANGO CENTRAL AND DUCR CREEK PETROLEUM COMPANY.-Only a limited number of Shares for sale at $1 each par. The lands of the above Company consists of fifty-two acres in fee simple, known as the Snyder Pam, on the Alia frheny River, near Franklin, with a river front of 2,.300 eet, on which Is one well yielding daily five barrels of oil A second well is about being bored. The adjoin ing wells are yielding from 30 to 100 barrels. Also, 60 acres on a ewentv year lease on Duck Craek, Ohio, at the mouth of Whipple Run, on which two wells are now going down, with a good show of oil; and 27 acres on the same Creek, in fee simple, on which one well is being bared, There Is enough oil on hand out of which to nay a oivtdend. Fubecription Bo<ks open for a few days only, at the Office of E. A. MARSHALL, Jr., No. »13 WAuNUT Street, d els-3t_ r®* SOUTHWARK NATIONAL BANK. ■ s = ?r ‘ Philadelphia, December 9,1864. The Annual Election for DI&KCvOBS will be held at the BANKINGHOUSE, on TUESDAY, the 10th day of January next, between the hours of 10 o’clock A. M. and 12“ M, A general meeting of the Stockholders held at the same time. T, F. STEEL, delOetuthtja.lo Cashier. KSF* 9 THE SIANOFA€TUfiERS } 3f A TIONAL BANK. Philadelphia, Deo. 9,1864. The Stockholders arc hereby notified that an ELEC TION FOB NINE DIRECTORS o f this Bank- to serve the ensuing year, will he held at the BANKING HOUSE, on WEDNESDAY, January 11,1855, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. BL M. W. WOODWARD, delO-stuthtjall Cashier, KEKSINGTOS NATIONAL BABE, Philadelphia, Dec. 9. 1894.' An election for thirteen Diree ora to serve the en soing year wilt be held at the Banking House on TUES DAY, January 10,1865, from lOo’slock A Af. to Sp£ Jtt, delQ atuthlm WM. MoCONNELL, Cashier. SEfESTH NATIONAL BAKE, • as? Philadelphia, December 12,1854. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of thi« Bank, for Ihe ELECTION OF DIRECTORS, will be held on TUESDAY, January 10, 1865, between the hours of 11 o’clock* A. M, and 2 o'clock P. M. _ del3-tjalo E. S. HALL, Cashier. I®= FAIR OF THE FRENCH PRO *“’ TESTANT CHUBCH.—The above FAIR opens THIS MORNING at tae ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, eof nerof TENTHand GHBSTNUTStreetp.and will continne until next Saturday Evening. Admittance 10Cents Sea eon Tickets 26 Cents, to be had as the door, del3-st* KBT* FKAJTKLIS mrSTJFTDTE.—TJHTE Stated Monthly Meeting of the Institute will be held on THURSDAY EVENING, ISth instant, at 8 o’clock. J. W. OSBOBNB, Esq.* of Australia, will read a paper on his Photo-lithographic process* and its appli cailons* with numerous Uluetrations. Members and others having ntwinventions or specl* mess of machinery to exhibit will please (end them to the Bali, So. 15 South BEYBNTH Street, In the afternoon. dels 3t* WILLIAM HAMILTON, Actuary, OFFICE OF THS EGBERT OIL COMPANY. No. 14T South FOURTH StrAofe Philadelphia, December 12, 1881 The Br ard of Directors nave this day declared a divi dend of THBER PME OB NT. on the capita! stoekor this Comp4i y, payable on and after THURSDAY, December 22d* free <if Krate tax. Hereafter the dividends of this Company will ba d«- ,l T)fe Sks wiTi be closed WEDNESDAY, 14a, at3P, M. * and opened on the 22d * d»l3 6t WH: H. OtBTBR, Treasnrer. mrssp* WATSON PBTROLBUM €OUI« W 3& PANT. December 8, 1864. The Am ual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Offiee of the Company, No. 414 WALNUT BtrSet, Philadelphia on MONDAY, January 2d- 1885. An Flection for Five Directors for the year 1805 will be held at tbe same time. The Stock Transfer Books will be 'dosed from Dec. 28th, 1864. until January 8d» 1805. _ _ / de9-tja2 M. B, KFILY, ggrntary. PARMERS’ AND MECHANICS’ wSSBt NATIONAL BANK. —PHiiADEiiPHi A* Decem ber?, 3884. The Annual Election for Directors of ibis Rank wili beheld at the BARKING BOUSE,- on WEDNESDAY, the llth day of January next, between the hours of ID o’clock A. M, and S o’clock P. M. delO tjall W. RUSHTON. Jr . Cashier, ra® the third national bane WSB OF PHILADELPHIA, . nTflvirHVH ft 1884 The Second Annual Meeting of the STOCKHOLDERS Of the Third National Bank of Philadelphia will be held at the Banking House, S. W. corner of MARKET and MERRICK Streets* on TUESDAY* January 10, 18S5 ; at 12 o’clock noon. An Election for Directors to serve for the ensuing year will he held on the same day, between the hours of 12 and 2 o’clock. - • delO-lm R GLBNDIMHINQ. Cashier. mssr° notice.—bank -of nobth •INS' AMERICA, Novbmbsr 21,1864 , „ Notice Is hereby.given, asieeably to section 2 of the act of tbe General Assembly of the Commortwealtb ol Pennsylvania, entitled An aot enabling tbe banks ot tbe Commonwealth to become associations for the pur pose of banking under tbe laws of tbe United States, approved tbe s2d day of August. A. D. 1864, that th» Stockholders of the BASK OF NORTH AMERICA, on the 14th Inst., voted to become such an association, and tbat its Directors have-procured tbe authority of the owners of more than two-thirds of the capital slock to make the certificate reuuired therefor by the laws of tbs United State*. J. HOCKLEY, -h022-30t ' Cashier. (ST- WESTERN BANK OF I‘UILA R* 7 DELPHIA, November 18th, 1864. A meetingof the Stockholders of tois Bank WUI hs held at the Banking House, on MONDAY, the 19th day of December next, at 12 o’clock, M., to decide whether this Bank shall become an association for the purpost of Banking under the laws of the United States, and whether It shall exercise the powers conferred by th, Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, entitled ’’An Act enabling the Banks pi this Commonwealth to become associations for the par pose ol banking nnder the laws of the United States, ’' approved the 22d day of August, 1864, and to take any further action that may be expedient. nolB-lm O. N. WEYQANPT, Cashier. OFFICE OF THE HONEY-COMB las' PETROLEUM COMPANY, 43 Sooth FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. • , . The SubscripliOtt Books wlllbe closed on THURSDAY, The (lertificates of Stock will be Issued ou MONDAY, 19th instant, on surrender JOLm Secretary and Treasurer, War. Max*, President. . de9-6t ygp» OFFICE OF « THE RELIANCE IBSUBANOK COMPANY OF PHILADEL PHIA,” No. 308 WALNUT Street. ; t4MM PhiladbisPhiAs November 1884. Tbe annual meeti&g of tbe Stoekbolders of Tbe Ke- Uance Insurance Company of Philadelphia, ” and tbe election of Thirteen Directors, to serve fox the ensuing year, will be held at tbe office of tbe Compauv, on MOff • DAY, DECEMBER 19th, 1864 at 12 o’clock M. no&tdelO THOS, C. HILL, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE MANCFACTD- REES’ INSURANCE COMPANY, No. -All WALNUT Street, „ „„ Philadelphia, December 1,1881. The Annual Meeting of tbe Stoekbolders of “The Manufacturers’ Insurance Company of tbe State of Pennsylvania” will be held* at tbe office of tbe Com pany, on MONDAY, tbe 2d day of" January, 1885* be tween tbe hours of 4 and 6 o’clock P. M,, vrben an election for Ten Directors for the year 1685 will be held in accordance with tbe Charter ana Br-Law* _ El B- JxalliA, del-tiafi , Secretary, B-T5F° OFFICE OF « THE REEIANCE IN- BsS? SURAHCB COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA," No. 308 WALNUT STRBBT. PHrr.AßHi.rirrA, Dsc. S, 1881 The Board of Directors of "The Ralianco Insoranoe Comoasy of Philadelphia.” have THIS DAY deolared a lMvidendof (3k) T dßafe AND A HaLP PER CENT for the last six months, payable to the Stockholders o» their legal representatives, on of^axe.. deß-lOt Secretary. ORE AT BASIN OIE COMPANY— DIVIDEND NOTICE, No. 2, . Philadelphia. Dec. 6, 1864. The Directors have THIS DAI declareda Dividend ot TWO PER CBNT7to Stockholders of record, Hvableo* and after the Uth Instant. Books Mose on WEDNEB DAY, 7ih instant. G. W. WILLIAMS, deS-IQt Tieasarer. rIM- HEABOBABTEBS HTBY COMMITTEE CO LOBED REGIMENTS. 1»10 CHESTNUT Street. - _ PHILADiSUIHIA, YIJSM Th* Bupervlsorv Committee fai Kacraiilt K .Colorec Regimm’s havli g reßolved to aaion*n »iae dm on tni SHt Instant, a 1 psrsoM havingolnjmaspinetthesnid IOPUk- TH K PKESS.-PHII.ADKLPHIA, OHmSDAY. DECEMBER 16, 1864: KOTICES. KSr*- SEis-cT passages r»o« tub R®' Ot&Hiiiduuf the "CREATION." " SWJAH,'' and tre ' wjjfSiAH,*’ with other B*cre»a Music, at ST CLEM3N r’s CHURCH corner l'-KTH a»i CBEHSY -meets, on IHORSDAI EVENING. Deo. IS, 18f4 at 8 o'clock. _ w . „ M •1 h«* rbove will be unde* the direction of Mr FKaNK Parley, organist of the Church *nd Mr. HUGH CLARK, organist of the fcaudel and Haydn Society. The pioceedw to be devoted to the completion of the Organ of the Church. „ Tickets cats be procured at the Music Stores of Mr. -T. B. Gould, N*. 6<;a Chestnut street; Messrs. Lee & Walker No 722 Cheemtit ssreeti Messrs C Andre & Co , No Ud4Cbea■■notst»e*»t; at the Episcopal Book Btoro, So 12*24 Ciuetnnt itreet; at Mr G M. Burts’Book Store, No yu Chesmut street, and at the Brag Store o Mr. fl. B. Lipriurott. N. W. corner Tv ntieth and Cherry street', opnnsite the Church Tickets, UAS DOLLAR. N B. —£> o tickets wiu he sold, nor money received at the dotr of the Church. deleft* |lp‘viT»liillP FAEiv PET BO* AND MINING COMPANY. Capital $1,260. Cs ; , divided into 250.000 shares of $5. par value. Price to anginal eabaciiberfl il. Office No 61» an« 614 CHESTNUT Street. J<*B& H GOULD, President. . TUNIS P. COR WAY, Tieasnrar. If ISAAC D. GUYER, Searetarr. Mom* K£sr~ OFFICE OF m£ «ASffliAN ME3t» IRQ COMPANY. 80. 324 WALNUT Street. „ t , , Fffir-ADKLPniA, Nov. 26, 1864. Notice is hereby given that all stock of the alaudae Mining f'on.paity. on which instalments are cUo and unpaid, have htea declared forfeited* and wilt he sold atPubic Auction, on THURSDAY, December 39, 1864, at 12 o’clock boos* at the Office of the Secretary of the Company, according to the Charter and By-laws, usleet paid on or before that day- By order of the Directors. no2B*ide® B. a. HQOPE3, Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE CITY BOUNTY FD&D COM MIS HIO N-COMMON WdALTd BOILPING, No. 613 CHESTNUT Street. Pnu*&J>£&~ PKIA December ID, 1861 NOTICE ih HE-uEB* GIVEN, That the Bounty of fered b* the City of Philadelphia was withdrawn oa F-hIDaT, December 9, and that no.bounty will be paid to n ext mastered in or enlisted after that date. Id future the Commissioner* wiU meet on TUES DAYS, 'iRORSDAYS, and SATURDAYS, from 3.3 U to 4.50 P, M. ' JOJBN BLiIR, del2-6t Secretary. yQ5f- OFFICE PEENSYIYANU BAI3> ROAD COMPANY. _ PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 4th, 1864. NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS.-Tiie Shareholders la this Company are notified that, under Resolution of tne Board of Directors, they are entitled to subscribe to the Stock of the Company the amount of TEN PER CENT/ on their respective interest, as shown by the Books of the Company on toe 2d in-6 Each Shareholder entitled to ft fractional part of ft abate, under the terms of the Resolution,•hall have the privilege of for a full share on the payment of Fifty Dollars. This Stock will be issued at the par value of FIFTY DOLLARS per bhare. Accrued Interest at SIX PER Cant, win be charged froza Ist Ins*, until payment i* made. The Books for subscription and payment will be open on MOK DaY, the 7th Inst » and will close on the SlsVof December next, after which no further subscription* will be received under this Resolution. - THOS. T. YIBTH, , Treasurer, Bf*s-tde3l rgr 1 SURGKOM tfKNEK&L’A OFFICB, Washington City, 0. 0., Not 29, 1864: NOTICE —Medical Offlcarsof not less titan two years’ service,.who have b»ea honorably discharged and de sir#-to receive appointinerta as r*QBG2ONti or ASSIST* ANT SUh GECfe-g in the United States Army Corps now feeing organized at Washington, are invited to forward their applications, testlmooiala, and evidence of ser vice; to the Surgeon General, without delay. J. W. BAINES, Snrgeon Geo oral. del-6t(Uth*St flj®*' PETBOIJEUM STORAGE COM* PANY OF PHILADELPHIA.-Thefenbscription Bookpvill r-malnopen at rha office of the Company, 3H7 WaLjnUT ttreet, and at th« Rooms of thp FM'a* d- lpbia Board Of Trade, 505 CHESTNUT Street, until the stock Is all subscribed for. Peri-otp forwarding subscriptions or Instalments will pUise* make cheir*check* payable to the order of F. B. BUBBELL, E>q- t Treasurer. n026-sth If *jm*> ISCHUYIAILIi NAVIGATION CO, **** \ Philadelphia, Dec. 2, 1854. NOTICE ia hereby given, tiiat the Annual Meettog of the Stockholders aoa Innholder*, and aa Election of Officers for the eneningvear, will be held at the Office of the .Company, No. AIT WALNUT Street, Philadel phia, on MONDAY, the 2d of Jaanarv next, at 11 o'clock A- M * - W. M. TILGHiUN, de3» stuth tja2 Secretary. ygSP> UNION LEAGUE HOUSE, 1316 CHESIKDT STREET. Philadelphia D»c 13, 1864. At the Stated Meeting of the ONION LEAGUE, held Dec* inter 12, 1661, the following Officers were elected to eerye during the ensuing year: PRESIDENT. J. GILLINGHAM FELL. Vies PRESIDENTS. ' Wei, H. Aslilimst, ,lA<iolati E. Boris, Horace Binney, Jr., i Mot ton McMicliael. DIRECTORS. Daal. Smitb, Jr., N. B. Browne, Jafi. H. Orne, B. C Lea. Wm. Sailer?, EllersUe Wallace. M, J>., Cadwalader Biddle. J.I. Clark Haro, Mny th, Jas L. Claghorn, Chfig. Gibbons, Gee. H Boker, Jos. B. Townsend, Ge<». Whitney, J. B. Kenney,. de!4-4t ■ST* THE CAXX FOR TROOPS FEB* m r* =r son* vpishine to rat in a-SUBSTITUTE, op have a VOLUNTEER REPRESENTATIVE placed to their credit In the miiltarv service of the Hinted States, should have it done without delay, as MSN can be pro* cured at LOWER PRICES now than they can be after another draft hts bgn put in force, is many good men are offering themselves from day today, we would call attention of each of onr merchants and other business men who wish this IMPORTANT MAT TER attended to, at once, to ifci* office, where the best of references can be given to ladies and gentlemen, for whom we have done business in this line. 411 CHESTNUT STREET, McNally, paxson, ago., . Claim and Substitute Brokers. P S.—Persons Jivmg out of fcais city, who are en rolled and liable to draft, can have three-year SUBSTI TUTES or REPRESENTATIVES sworn into the MA RINE, NAVY, and REGULAR ARMY, and have the SAME placed to their credit, and t-> the credit of tbeir district in which they live; PROVIDING they will first furnish us with a CRRTiFICATS from their Provost Marshal, showing that they are ENROBED and LIABLE to military DUTY. McNALLY, PAXSON, & CO., Claim and Substitute Brokers, 411 CHESTNUN Street. N. B, —SPECIAL arrangements may be made with dubs numbering over FOUR. ■ de!4-4t* ra* USTOKSITY OF PEMSYX.YA* VANIA, (DEPARTMENT OF ARTS. )~The exa mination of the College Classes, at the close of the First Term, will be held in the following order: Monday, l2 th From 9to 11, Juniors , by Professor Kendall. ( Analytical Geometry,) written From 11 to 1, Seniors, by Professor Frazer, (Astronomy,)oral. Tuesday, 15th. PiomS to H, Seniors, by Professor Kendall, ( Integral Gctlculus .) and Sophomores, by Professor Coppes, (Clark’s Elements of the English Language.) written. From 11 to 1, Juniors , by Pro fet-Hor Frazer. (Mechanics. ) oral. . -■ Wednesday. 14tfi En m 9 to 11, Seniors, by Profes sor Jackson, (Horacft'a.-Epieftes.) and Sophomores, by Professor Frazer, (Hylology. ) written. From 11 to 1, Juniors■ by P r ovoat, (Intellectuu l Philo soph a.) oral. Thursday )6th. Fr*m 9 toll, Junior by P/ofessor Allei , (Antigone of Sophocles, and Freshmen, by Pro fessor Kendall,. (Algebra,) written. From 11 to 1, Seniors, by the Provost', ( Moral Philosophy*) oral. Friday, \6th. From 9to 11, Sophomores. by Profes- (Geometry,) written. From 11 to X Se* niors, by Professor Copp6e, (Mahan’s Field Fortifica tion.) or ah Monday , lOfft. From 9to 11, Freshmen, by Profes sor Alien, (Xenophon’s Hellcnica,) oral. "From 11 to 1 , Juniors, by Professor Jackson, (Cicero de AmieU tia } oral, Tuesday, Wth, From 9 to 11, Sophomores, by Pro fessor Alien, (Thucydides, Sicilian Expedition .) oral. From 11 to 1 i Freshmen , by Professor CoppOe, (Weber’s Universal History.) oral. Wednesday, 2Ut From 9 to 11, Sophomores, by-Fro* feesnr Jackion, (Tacitus* History, ) oral. Thursday , 22ft From 9to 11, Freshman, by Profes sor Jackson, (Livy,) oral. GEORGE ALLEN,. d*l2-10tlf Secretary of the Faculty of Arte. PHILADELPHIA AND BEADING wsaff railroad company—office »3? Sodfcb FOURTH Street.' . - FsihADELpHiA, December 12, 1884. . Notice U hereby given to the Stockholders of this Company tbat tbe Annual Meeting and an Election for President, six Hanagerp, Treasurer, aad Secretary will take place ou the second MONDAY (Bth) of January next, at 32 M. WM, H. WEBB, de!2-tja9 Secretary. THE ANSUALHEETINO OFTHE waff Stoekbolders of tbe POTTS FILLS MINING AN® MANUFACTURING OO , for tbe ELEOTIOfI of Officers for tbe ensuing year, will be held at tbe Office of tbe Company, No 317 WALNUT Street, on TUES DAY* Jan. 10, 2865, at 2 o’clock P M. de33 tjalO RICHARD JONES* President. ygp» PHILADELPHU ANDREADUIG SOP RAILROAD COMPANY, Office No. 337 South FOURTH Street, FsHuAdeiiPsia, November 80,1884. DIVIDEND NOTICE.-Tbe transfer books of this Company will be closed on THURSDAY, December 15, and reopened ou TOEBBAJ. JANUARY 10,1865. A Dividend of FIFTEEN PER CENT, on tbe common and preferred stock, clear of National and State taxes, hag been declared* payable in common stock*on tbe 31st December next, on all stocks standing on tbe books of tbe Company, at tbe close of business on tbe 15th prox. Stockholders whose names aTe registered on the New York books will be paid at tbe Fanners’ Loan and Trust Company. S. BRADFORD, dftlrtf -- ~ Treasurer. iffiar MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE OF vOE? SOUTHWARK —A number of gentlemen in the southern part of the city have determined to restore this mstiiution to its former usefulness. It has for some Sars past been a disgrace to tbe neighborhood, and ey will need tbe aid of a liberal public ti> enable them to succeed in their undertaking. Tbe Young Men’s In stitute has made a generous donation, and it is hoped tbe public will second their efforts. The objects of tbe institution are to furnish -a Library and Reading Room for young men, and to have lectures delivered during tbe winter seaßoa. They have now about one thousand volumes. Tbe following gentlemen have been appointed a Fi* nsne* Committee, by whom any contribution will be gratefully received: _ Rev. Samuel DURBOROUGH, chairman, 605 South Tenth street. THEO. D. SPEARS, secretary, 402 South Wharves. Dr. BLWYN, Walnut street, above Broad. J. SAVERY, 602 Washington street. ALEXANDER SLOaN, 520 Enterprise street. Rev. F. B. MILLNR, 1525 South Fifth street. del3-St* DAUPHIN AND COLORADO WOff GOLD MINING COMPANY- Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania. CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000,000, 400,000 SHARES-PAR VALUE* $L President—JOß N B. ANDERSON. _ . „ ; ' dibeoiobs. tbomasA. Scott, James R. Magee. 6T. B. Kneass, John W. Hall, Harrisburg. Wm. S. Freeman, T. C. McDoweffit do. Sobt, P. Eng. Jobnßrady, do. fobn M. Riley, W. W.wWyHe, Lancaster, Charles DeSUver, D. P. SOUTHWORTH, Secretary and Treasurer. Office of tbe Company, No. 433 WALNUT Street doom No. 6. Authenticated, specimens have been procured from iome of tbe Company’s lodes, and have been assayed by Professors Booth and Garrett with tbe most gratify !M results. Subscription lists have been opened at the Officei of the Company and at tbe Treasurer’* Office (In :eraal Revenue), Ho. 427 CHESTNUT Street, Farmer* 1 'Bank Building. To original subscriber*. ta.fiO v&t share, for a limited number of share*. or information can be obtained it tbe Office of tbe Company after tbe 17th Inst October 14* 1864. ocls-3m ffap OFFICE PENN MINING COM few PAHY OF LAKE SUPERIOR, 310 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, - \ NOTICE is hereby given, tbat an instalment of One Dollar per Share on each and every Share or tbe Capital StoO in tbe Penn Mining Company of Lake Superior has tils day been called by the Board of Directors of said Company* dup and payable at the Office of tbe Company, on or before tbe 16th dav of December, inst. Interest will be charged on aH instalments after tbe same shall have become due By order of tbe Board of Directors. DAVID 6: BEYL, Secretary. Philadelphia, Dec. 6* 1884. dedtis rag" OFFICE OF UNION BENEYOLENT w ASSOCIATION, N. W. corner of SEVENTH and SANSOM Streets, December 6.1864. At tbe Thirty-third Annual Meeting of the Associa tion* the following named gentlemen, were elected offi* cere and managers for 1864- 65: PRESDBNT. SAMUEL tt. PERKINS. VICE PRESIDEHTP* RICHARD D. WOOD, J. FISHER LEAKING. TEEABDRER, EUMUN® WILCOX, No 40.4 CHESTNUT Street CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. i l. Montgomery bond. BECOBDING BEORBTAKY, JOHN H. ATWOOD. HARASSES, Benjamin Coates, Thomas A. Budd# Thomas Latimer, Charles Rhoads, John Boblen, Richard Wood, William Put ves, Charles 8 Worts, M, D., Arthur G. Coffin, E. R. Wood, Benjamin Orne, James Bayard, John W. Clagbcm, Joseph A. Clay, Tlioxoa. Wattson. Alfred H. Cnllinß, - Joseph H: Halles, Charles tV. Gasluaan. John Aebhurßt, Philip C. .iirrett. Hsisrs 8 0. Cooper and Thomas Evans are the only persons duly authorised to oolleot funds for the essonia. Son. JOHN H ATWOOD, de6-Dn Beeording Secretary. THE GKEAT WESTKES OID comp ah r, DaOEMBER 8, 1861. The AmraalMeeting of the StooShoide a will he held at the Office of the Company, No. 444 WAT.NUT street, PHILAI ELPHIA, on MONDAY, January 2d, 1866, at 12 o’cli ok noon. An Bteotion tor five Directors for the year 1885 wUI he held at the same time„ . > , , , ' . The Stock Transfer Books wUI be closed from Decern her 26th, 1864, until January Bd, 1866 _ de9-tia2 , M. B. KEIDY, Secretary, PSP OFFICE OF- THE HYDE FARM OIL COMPANY, 14? South POUBTH Street. PBitABEiPBTA, Dec. 12th.,1864. The Brard of Directors hare THIS DAY deola ed a Dividend of 1)4 PKECEKT. o a the capital stooS, being 16 cento P‘„r myable on and after TUESDAY,'Der cember 20th, freiffF st&te t.x oh-Boi*. wlli\ a sad i ,WßDNSSDAY, the 14th. at cornu FAsat CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000,000, DIVIDED INTO aOD.OOO SHARES AT $5 PEE SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, TO A LIMITED NUMBER CF SHARES, $» GO PER SHARE. $50,000 CASH APPROPRIATED AS "A WORKING CAPITAL. This Company owns over four square miles of terri tory, in the choicest localities east and west of the Alle gheny river, adjoining Veuaago county, and has al ready a valuable producing interest in its saw mill and timber. Subscription books are now opened, and subscriptions to the capital stock received at the Company’s office, Noe. 28 and 24 WASHINGTON BUILDINGS, South THIRD Street, and at the office of PHILIP H. BRICE & 00., 305 WALBUT Street. WM. D. SMITH, Treasurer. E. J. HABRrgoy, Bf. D-, Secretary. del'3-tuthffit PEbNSYLVANU IfiPFEUL OIL i» CONPANY, OFFICE No. 130 South FIFTH Sfc., Philadelphia. CAPITAL, $2,000,000-300,000 SHARES AT $5 A. K. McClure, Thomas A- D. K. JaCKMAN, J. C. BoaBHROES, Treasurer, ELISHA W. DAVIS. Secretary, JAMBS M. SELLERS. This company has 120 acres of land, in fee, on Alle gheny river, immediately opposite Oil City, and ad joining Laytonia, with 110 rods front on the river, and ’75 rods front on Lay’s Run. Hon. C. P. R&madeli, edi tor of the Oil Ciiy Monitor, and agent ferthUlaal, as sures the Company that it will sell in lots f>r $lOO,OOO, reserving the oil rig at, which is worth SIO3 S CG9 addi tional. Immediate revenue will be derived for the company from the sale of these lots, and the Company: has two good engines with complete ft stares, to ope-- rate immediately for oil. The territory In this Imnie*- diate locality has never failed to produce profitably. Also, one hundred acres, infes simple, In the cele brated Cherry Run District, immediately adjoining Cherry Run Petroleum Company, whose stock is now worth over $3O per share. The Company now has offers, which will be accepted, for staking wells on lease, without any post to the corporation, and one-half the proceeds to go to the Company. , The Curtin and fit. Nicholas Companies are in this immediate locality, and their stock is now commanding a large premium. In addition, the Company has 40 acres, In fee simple, on Cherry Tret Rrn,' which empties into Oil Greek, audio the bettproduciog section of the Oil Territory, and 110 "acres, in fee simple, on Walnut Bend, five miles above the mouth of Oil Creek, and not over two miles from the celebrated Need well, now producing oyer 200 barrels per day. Also, the lease of three tracts of land, two on OH Creek, each producing over ten barrels per day, and one on Allegheny river, producing teubarrels per day of heavy oil, worth now $2l per barrel. The Company now re ceives ibree-foUrths of tli* proceeds of the last-named well, and one half of the other two, Each of these tracts will be developed by the Company by slaking additional wells, and the engines and fixtures are now. on band to do it. - The officers of this Company mean to prosecute the development of these lands most" energetically, and they have entire confidence that they will yield very large dividends on the capital stock, Subscriptions must be made promptly , as more than one-half of the stock is already engaged. " Subscriptions will be received at .the office of the Company. del4-ofc 153f*» THE HTJSTON FARM OIL COMC- FauY —The property of tills Company is Situated on the Allegheny River, in Venango county, and consists of the fee simple of two tracts of taad, with a frontage of one hundred and thirty (130) rods on said river. A working capital of twenty-five thousand ($55,000) dollars iwtserved in the treasury for developing the oil resources of the lanes. Books are open for the sobscriptioa of stock for a few days ai the office of GEO. H. BOKER. Secretary. WALTON & TOST, - No. 35 Hoaih THIRD Street, Wliere also a proepecfcae may bo obtained. Hon. Ellis Lewie, |E. W. Ball, Jolin Anepacb, Jr., C. W, Schropp. Thomas A. Robinson, I __ JAKES BOYS, Secretary. James H. Walton. Treasurer. de!4-lQt* ■333* 1 BITIDEKB NOTICE .—T HE Of ®» SECTORS of the CHERRY RUN PETROLEUM COMPANY LaVe this day declared a Dividend of (10) TEN PER CENT., payable at the Office of the Com pany, 4:19 WALNUT Street, on and after ike 23d in stant cltar of taxes. Books will be plosed from tie 20th to the 27th instant, inclusive. HENRY S. PAUL, Secretary. FgmAdeuhtA, December 13,1864. de!4*3t frag*> THE DIRECTORS OF THE FACS PETROLEUM- COMPANf Lave this day de clared a dividend of TWO PBH CERT, out of the earn ings of tie Company for the month of HovemLer, pay able on and after* the 20th inst , at the office of the Trea surer, Mr. GEORGE H. MILLINGTON, No *3 JsX- Cfi Aft GB PL ACE. Transfer book s closed from the 17th to the 20th instant. HERMAN N. CROHEN, Secretary. Hew Yoke, December 10, 1864. , Par ab]*> to tfco Philadelphia Stockholders at the office of Tack. Bro., and Co., 317 WALNUT Street, oo and after the 20thinbt. del4-6t* ftukt 1 Bmoxm-THK DIRECTORS of the NOBLE & DELAKETBB PETROLEUM COMPANY bare tills day declared, their eijthth monthly dividend FIVE PER* CENT., payable free of State tax, on the 20th inst. 800 fee close Sthrand reopen 2lsfc. . GEORGE W. H OUTER, Secretary. December 7,1564. : , deB-10t TYEMOKEST, FOB JANUARY !! -L' GODBY.PoB JANUARYJ! hakpee, for January i! delg 2t . PITCHERS, 808 CHESTNUT ST. 9A CTS.! 30 OTS.! 80- OTS.! ‘ r Oxj HARPER, FOR JANUARY. dels-2t PITCHER’S, SOS CHESTNUT ST. OFFICE OF GODEY S LADY’S BOOK V/ REMOVED from 323 Chestnut street to Northeast Corner of StXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, JANUARY NUMBER. Just Published. Price. 23 cts. One Year’s Subscription. SS. It* JKStJRE YOUR LIFE S. E. Cor. Walnut and FonrthSts., It i* a BOHS COMPACT, and piolta divided anna, ally,- thus adding the assured to par future premium*. Last dividend SO per cent. BOARD 07 TRUSTEES. Alexander Whllldin, J. Edgar Thomson; Bon.' James Pollock* Hon Jos. Allison, Albert 0. Roberts* Henry K, Bennett* JS&mualT. Bodine, Philip.B. Mingle* Geo. Nugent, John Aikmau, Wm. J. Howard* „ Isaac Haalehurat, ' Bamuel Work. ALEXANDER " SAMUEL WOI BOIS Smlf JKO. 8. WILSi AMERICAN CAR COMPANY, Thiity-fiist and locust streets, CAR BUILDERS, IRON FOUNDERS, ASD MACHINISTS. HOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Hat this Company Is now prepared to receive orders for building The shop* of the Company being supplied with the latest and most approved labor-saving machinery, .will enable it to execute all orders with great despatch, and in the very best manner. THE COMPANY has also purchased the right to use DOTTERER & MIROIONDES* Patent Anti-Friction Self-Lubricating CAR JOURNAL BOXES, and Mr. THOMAS H. JEXKINS’ Patented Process for HARD ENING CASTTEOH. • . ALL THESE PA TENTS the Company intend using for and on all the Cara built in their Worka—thereby greatly adding io the utility and durability of the work performed. • In addition to the above* the Company is prepared to execute orders for ’STATIONARY AND PORTABLE ENGINES, HIEING AND PUMPING ENGINES, BLOWING ENGINES POS FURNACES AND FORGES, ROLLING MILL WORN, &c., milt. AND FACTORY GEARING, and Including AM. KINDS OF WOKE eoanorted With a GENERAL MACHINERY BUSINESS. Also, all kind* of Iron and Brass Castings and .Smiths* Work executed in the* very best manner* both asregarde design, material, and workmanship. Drawings and estimates made at the'Works free «f charge. delS-thetulm Q.REAT REDUCTION <OAJEU> PH<WrOGBAPHS. PORTRAITS 15 BESTS BACH, 0® *1 I»EB DOZES- Engravings 10 cents each, or 75 cents per dozen. Colored Cards SO cents each or *2 per dozen, large or medinm Photographs 60 cents each, or st. 00 per dozen. Photographs received as soon as pabliehed. RiToALLISTER & BROTHER, delS-Gt TRS CHBSTSHT Street. O.OLD SPECTACLES, GOLD EYE VX GLASSES, *O., sgasaug-s BROTHHE, ■ (SutaWirted 1795.) 738 CHBSI’mJT Street. "PLASTIC STEEL-FRAME SPECTA- ClißS —A large assortment moallistes & brothee, a««a t , yas ghesthdt straet. OPERA GLASSES W EVERY VA- UtETY of mounting—Pearl, Knamnlled, Japanned, &O..&0. * McALLrSTBK & BROTHER, delS-et yaB OHBSTBPT Street. TUTATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, forseiools. McALLISTF.R S BROTHER, daIS 6t 738 CHEdTWr StreaL PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS—A VARIE 4-. TT ot etyi?s, .McAllister & brotber. , »S 8 CHESiaUI fitewt. OIL COftPABNES. OIL COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. STOCK ISSUED FULL PAID. EACH. . KEbEEVED CAPITAL, $350,000, PfiE 3IDBNT- ALEX AN DER K. MoCLUBE. DIRECTORS. Jo HR M. POMBROT, Elisha W. Dayis, ' Peter B. Small, OFFICERS OF THE COMPART, Hob, ELLIS LEWIS.- President. DIRECTORS . HEW PUBLICATIONS. INSURANCE. IS THB ■AM £! HI C A. IS, PHILADELPHIA WHILLDIN, President' IK, Vice President. ON. Beo’y and Treasurer. WEST PHILADELPHIA, KIN23S OF OARS. D. H. DOTTEKBR, SDPBUHfTBJfDBNT. IN THE PHICE OF THE HOLIDAYS. JJDWIIS HAJLX. Sc CO., a© SOUTH SECONH STREET, Are now offering their One stock of " SILKS, DRESS GOODS. v SHAWLS, CLOAKS, CLOTHS, tSO., At Seduced Trices, to Close Them oat. A good opportunity now offered to select a nice, use ful CHRISTMAS PRESENT. delfi-themSi QHEAP AND UdBFUL HOODS FOR CHRISTMAS 'PRES ENTS IDE TEE HELPS ABOUT THE HOUSE. MERETWAC PRINTS, 40 cts. aiw STYLES DEL line, 44 cts. AMBRICANPKINTrt. mfi ot,. BRIOHT PLiTD CIRHMBRES. ' BKiear-PLiiD poplins DEESH GOODS AT BBDOCBD PBIOES. Edwin iiall & co„ dels thFmSir _36 South SECOND street. ;TVJEW BOOE.B FOR THE HOLIDAYS. (-L~ JUST READY, : THE POETICAL WORKS OP JOHN MILTON, ,*■ - SFTTH A.'- LIPBOP THE AUTHOR, PJSSERrATIONS OH EACH POEM, NOTES CRITICAL AVD EXPLANATORY* AX INDEX TO THE SUBJECTS OF PARAUISB LOST, AND A VERBAL INDEX'TO ALL • ? _ THE POBMS. , BY CHARLES DhKTisK CLEVELAND. > I volume large Royal 12mu., 688 pasjfly, on fine toned paper, boundia vellum cloth. Price $3. READY THIS DAY:„ i MABIS FKOM UKIXE, With illustrations and vignettes by Gemau artiste. 4to. 76 cent*. SCHILLER’S pr-EMS. Buiwer’s translation. IBmo. Vellum cloth, tep gilt $1.60. ILLUSTIiA’HSD JUVENILES. MOTHER MICHEL AND HER GaT. l6mo, $l, ~ MGT iEB Gf'OPE FROM fSE*MANY. 4to, $1 ' MOTHER PITCHEK'S foe Little People. 4to, 76 cents.% ’. . , ' _ MO7HER GOOSE IN GERMAN (”Ela Popela”), Brb- $l. - ■ . MOTHER GOOSE IN FRENSH (“Mere l‘Oie”>. Bvo.-. , #i. ’ - THE -ROOT-PRINCESS. A Christmas Story, 4io, 73 cents.' ' ' APPLY FOR LEYPOLDT'S LIST PBE§EETATXON BOOHS FOB 1865. Including the moat beautiful Works published forth© Rolldayo in Philadelphia, New York, Huston, London, Paris, Leipsic, etc, FOR SALE AT A DISCOUNT, or sent post-paid on receipt of ststeljTrice, bv . . . F LBYPOLDT* Publisher. Bookseller, aud Importer, , • -• v- 1333 CHESfNUT Street, d615-St • . v Second Floor. TRE HOLIDAYS, J- NSW AND SUPERIOR 800K 1 ?, PobllM dh CARDS, a«B MAPS, THE aM&OAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION THE OLD FLAG. 868 up. 16mo. Beautifully illus trated. Price,sl- 25. The Old Flag” is empaaticaliy American m enbk ct. trea’im nt, a\ d loyal feeling. TBY FOOR bEOTSER, By Mrs. Newell, author of ballade, Motaer’s Last Words,” and ” Care ” 16mo, cloth. $1 25. , THEjIiOBY OF A CITY ABsB. illustrating the conserfawyeand B&uctifyuig power of the Gospm in a Btrihing^Eb*nner r 16mo, cloth. Illustrated. $1.55.' » THE Daughter at HOME; or. Helen Maurice's Autobiography. 16mo, cloth $125. PARAGES IN THE MAIDEN AND MARRIED LIFE OF EQSJpBEXANT. An interesting &tory. 18mo, cloth, 65 centr. ' 1 A NEW- GIFT-BOOK. A square booh, inlatfe typa, paper covers, and full of pictures. 30 cents. THE ILLUSTRATED With large and beautiful engravings. SO cents. BEN ROjSS,- A sequel to Rosa Lane. IBmo, cloth, 60 cents. N ETTY’S ACORN FRAMES; or, A Little Girl's Work. ISmo.- COcents. TWO TREES: or. Two Christmas Eves with Luther andhie Childrerf. 18mo. 25 cents. ' GOuDyiIDINGS. Avety choice Little Child’s Cate-' chim&Ja Bible language. 2 cents, BEAD’S EAfcE FOR THE WEARY AND WORN. 1&B0-'.- 60 cents ‘ SELF-COhTROL; or, Hints for the Improvement of Temper in the Various Relations of Life, 18mo. 40 cts. TBE OLD STONE FARM HuOfaE. 16mo, cloth, 'll lustrated, $l. , KATIE LEE; Or, Little Duties for Little People. IBmo, -SO cents. . LITTLE LIGHT. A Sequel to Katie Lee. Showing how tube a Little Christian. 13m o 40 cents. THE WEED WITH AN ILL NAME. 18mo. 45 cts. SUNSHINE AND SHADOW. Bytheamhorof “The Hive audits Wonder a” 65 cents. BrMY CLASS AND I. The Mission Sunday-school Teacher. S2mo fancy paper cover's. Scents. PALIBSY, THE HUGUENOT POTTER. Profusely illustrated. 18mo 90 cents. BAGGED HOPES, and how .to mend them. NewegUticA-Qf this popular worh just issued. 16jqq. s SC®lfosE GEMfe SET IN COLORS. Anew series of Reward Cards. 25 cents. ‘ • THMETTLE STBAWrPLAITER; or, The Triumph. ofJC™*J>:„|Bcents. . • • ..... _SHB TUKHBD FROCK; or, The Story -of Little Violet. 40 cents. BIBLE ,feCERES ILLUSTRATED. An entirely new and orifinal ttneß of Scriptore Reward Cards. 30 cts. N*W AND BEAUTIFUL BiBLB MAPS. Among the distinguishing features of the Maps may be mentioned: - 1. The accuracy, the distinct lettering, and thg unsur passed coloring,. 2. Tlie surface of the country represented on the Map (two hundred miles square} is very conspicuously di> vide.d into sections of fifty miles each, and again subdi vided into squares of ten miles each. ' 3. Resides the tUlial degrees oi latitude and longitude, the dhtance of-each place east and Bench of London is that the student, with a single glance of the eye, can determine it THB jtRW MAP OF PALESTINE is four feei by four. Pricey fall colored, mounted on rollers and varnished, LaldsOF THE BIBLE, four feet brfomr, embracing an extent of 2,0Q0 jniles by I,COO, divided into squares of ICO miles, and containing alto separate Maps of the Journeyings of the Israelites, aud Jerusalem, and its Enviroas, all.beautifully colored, mounted, and var nished.; Priceonly $7.50. THE SAME, in reducedforiu, mounted on cloth, aud done up jh booh form for convenient use in the family or class.'-Price 75 cents. ' Complete catalogues of-the Society’s publications, aud sample copies of its periodicals, furnished on applica tion to - - .TBR AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, 11S» CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia, - or 599 HROaDWAYv New Yorx. - JJOLII) AY PRESENTS. ‘ CH AKLES DI JAIMIG, CUBSTHUT STREET, Beis'l«W»tci liiform Ub esteemed enstemers that Us . ' , present stock of mmy goods aw toys ’ Burpaijseg that of any for mo? importation* Having so lectedvrith care every article himself, he can 7; ear tfcereiß.no similar establishment in theeotmtry hat"can • compare with hie. As to prices, getting his goods m ifce first manufacturers and artists in Europe, those dealerßWho bay fromtheimportersfcere to sell again ean compete with him. r Of tfcefbllowinggoodsfce keeps so large a variety, and in auchehtirely new styles, as no other storeln fo** city can offer: LADIES* WORK BOXES. JBWBkEY. OBOE, AND GLOVE BOXES. -NECT3BSABIF.SFOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. WEITING DESKS, DEESBING CASES ' " PANS, FAEIB GILT AND BBONZE GOODS. PABIAN WAEE, BOHEMIAN GLASS, VASES, OF FINEST ANTIQUE AND MODERN. OUTLEBT, FINEST ENGLISH WALKING CANES. CRICKET AND ABCBEEY IMPLEMENTS. FANCY LEATHER GOODS. LABpSggBAGS-OVBB TWENTY DIFFEEENT KINDS." - .CABAS, POCKET BOOKS, CIGAB CASES. PURSES AND POBTMONNAIES. GAMBS OF ALL KINDS: lottoes. CEIBBAGE COUNTSES, CHESS, AND BACKGAM MON BOA EDS. BAGATELLE AND TIVOLI, IN TOYS.—This Department Is complete in every va riety known, with, many novel things never before im ported. Dolls, the very large variety of every kind known, kept In this store, surpasses in beauty and taste ful dressing anything known here and in Europe. This is no idle boast. Ladies should eall and see them. d*7-tde2dif pHRISTMAS PRESENTS.-MINERVA. VJ Comte andßraces, for Hisses and Children, to im prove the figure and expand the chest. Also, latest styles ot Pans Corsets in great variety, at Mrs. STEEL’S, TfilSTiT Street, below Chestnut. dels-36* TI?0 SPORTSMEN, -*- If yon want to make a Christmas Present’, call on THOMAS BIRCH & SOW, Auctioneers, 1110 CHEST* ITUT btreet, on FRIDAY, the IStb inst , at 12 o’clock, and purchase a SUPERB FRENCH GUN, from a lot to be sold. dels 2t* 'Y'M4S.“THE BEST CHRISTMAS >**■' present gentlemen can make to their lady friends is 'some useful article of Furniture, such as an Escritoire, with Music Stand, Reception, or Bocktav Chair, nano Stool, Marble Top Table. Ac.; all of which may be had, cheapest and best, at GOULD et CO. ’S Union Depots, a. B, corner SECOND and BACK and HIfiPTH and MARKET Streets. de!4»tial T7ATHEBS AND MOTHERS—CALL A at GOULD & CO. *S Union Furniture Depot*. N. B. comer of BIRTH and MARKET and SECOND and BAGS, and sratify your children by the purchase of a Christmas memorial, A splendid assortment from which-to select may be found there, cheapest and best. debMjal . ij H E CE L EBB AT E D " ANGELES ” KID GLOVES, HEW AND ELEGANT CUT. A. BUSCH & CO . IMPORTERS, I ®49. Broaa.wtty, New York. j dei-lm HOLMES GROVER, ENAMELLED SLATE MANTEL VABEBOOMS, TABLE TOPS, <&o.i <&0.," ' No. 933 CHestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, FACTOKY, TENTH AND SANSOH. rro : THE PUBLIC.—THANKFUL TO A'our friend* and the public for the libeial patronage bestowed upon ns, we would inform them that, having made extensive alterations iuour-eatabliBhmeat,we are now prepared to execute Pictures to the satisfaction of all who may favor us with a call. Having now at our command increased facilities, we take pleasure In so liciting a discerning public to compare the execution of our work with that produced at any other establish ment in the United States. We would also state that our - , GALLSKY IS PEES TO ALL , , , for the examination of specimens. Notwithstandmg the advance of material used and wages of bands em ployed, we ar© yet furnishing Fictnraa AT THE OLU PRICES. * Photo Miniatures. Iyoyy ivpcs * Isife-feize'Heais In Crayon, Oil, and Pastel. Cabixut eifce head's in Crayon, OH, and PafiteL Imperial,Plain and Colored, 13-14, 840, 4-4, and 1-2 Caite de Yieite Vignettes, fall size, 3*4, &c., $3,60 per dozen,' ♦ • Ambrotypes, from 76 cenie upwards.- • C nTSifand* a large’lovof Copies of Rare.En liaytnge, Photographs of all ihe prominent Generals osd distinguished men, &«., &c. Ontbide Tier*# taken £& abort notice. BfitfSZßY & CO. . Photographers, - del4-lm 819 ABGIi Streak. fF you WISH A. BKAUTIFUL PHO #- TOGHAPHIALMJM you will tet them of all ntytes and pitots at>B, r. BBlMKius sew and. elegant Photo* 4w¥<Su«r # .oa4ABCHStt9«V •* • ; RETAIL DRY ©OOPS. gUPBBIOR QUALITY LONS BBOCHE SHAWM.-onon and t’Uei eentree. OAT BLANKET SHAWLS. . , , ■ LONG BLACK THIBET SHAWLS. BLANKET SHAWLS fox Mießog and Children, FINE FBOSTED BEAVER CLOAKS. CLOA KB of various kinds of Cloths. BALMOBAL SKIRTS, Tory rkh styles. BLACK AND WHITE BALMORALS. BLACK AND WHITE BALMORAL SKIRTING. . BfftBLET CLOTHS FOB SKIBTS. EDWIN HADE CO., delg-thsiaStr 36 South SECOND Striat, JfBW SKIET FOR 1804. A HEW AND GREAT INVENTION IK HOOP SKIBTS. THE DUPLEX. (OS ©OTOLK) STEEL ' ' BFElflur t • -* J. I. &J. O. WEST, Ho, 97 CHAMBERS STREET, HEW YOKE, j ; Are the owners of the patent and exclusive manufac turers of this, j. W. BRADLEY’S PATENTED DUPLEX ELLIPTIC STEEL SPBIHQ •* SKIRTS. . v This Invention conslets of -Duplex (or two) Elliptic Steel apringa, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge ter edge, making the toughest, moetelaei tie, flexible, and d arable spring ever u>ed, enabling the wearer, in consequence ofits great elasticity and flexi bility, to plac* and fold the skirt when in nee as eaSily and .with-, the, same convenience as a silk or muslin dress. It entirely obviates and silences the only objec tion to hoop Bsirte. viz: the annoyance to the wearer aa well as the publics especially in crowded assemblies, carriages, railroad oars, cbnrch pews, or in any crowded Place, from thftdifficnlty of contracting them to occupy- Inga small space. Thu*entirely removes the diffcnlty, while giving the skirt the usual fuU aud Bytnmefcrfoai form, and is tbe lightest and most stylish and graceful appearance for the street, opera, promenade, or house dreg’s. ▲ lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Spring Skirt for a single day, will never afterward Willingly.dispense with.the use of them. They are the best quality in every part, and by far the lightest, most durable, comfortable, and economical skirt mode. Mer chants will he supplied as above, and ladies In most first-class retail stores in this city and throughout the different States. far the DOUBLE ELLIPTIC SPBITO SKIRT, OKADLKIf ’8 DUPLEX ELLIPTIC •L> feKIRT, Very flexible, folded easily when In use to occupjr a small space, making the most agreeable skirt worn. for sale by J. M HaFLBIGS, - - ■ . 9058 CHESTJSUT Street. T>RADI<BT*B duplex elliptic -M SKIBT~-The greatest improvement we have ever seen in LADIES* SKIRTS, end an article of SOPBBIOB fcxCELLSWOB. CtJEWBNSTODDART & BRO., . , *5O, 453, and 45* N. SECOND Bt., »b. Willow, no’d-lm ' HOOP SKIRTS. '"ODE OWN MAKE.” 628. The most complete assortment and best quality and styles in tile market, wholesale and retail, at manu factory, . <' No. G2B ARCH Street, Together with the ? *«HBW FLEXIBLE SKIRT, * » just out, the moat pliable Boop Skirt in the market, equal to the ‘ • Duplex Eliptio, * * and at much lower prices. .Also, constantly in receipt of full lines of low-priced Eastern* made Sklrts,kid padded andrivited—-16 springs* 86cents; 20springs, $1; 25 springs, $L 15; SO springs,- $1.25: and 40 springs, $1.50. noSO-lxn* . WM. T. HOPKINS: FANCY FURS. JUDIES’ FANCY FURS. : JOHN A. ST AMBAGES* ; xhfobxbb ajtd hanotaotdbbb oi LADIES’ FANCY FUBS, HO, 886 ARCH STREET, BELOW NINTH. Jost opeaed, a lunui baiidiom, itock ol tUNDW AND CHILDBM’S FjINCT ISRII Ofeyer, dwrlptlon, ui In the neweet and molt »s -proTtd »tyle«, atUw LOWEST CASH PRICES. Ml-tnlhsSm ■ JJANDSOME HOLIDAY PRESENTS. SIBERIAN SQUIRREL MUFFS,. $B. MINK SABLE MUFFS,'SIO, HUDSON’S BAY SABLE MUFFS, $3O. Also, ft general assortment of ODAJXEES* FDRS| : FITCH, STONE-MARTEN, ROYAL ERMINE, AND CHINCHILLA. A. I. & F. Is WOMATH, *l5 ARCH street, Philadelphia. FANCY FURS. JOHN- FABEBRAj No.TlBABUHStreet, aboT. Sayenth Street; At hit old established (tort; IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, AND DEALER IN FANCY FURS *o* INDIES AND CHUjDBBW. HaylM nowin store * Tory large Md beautiful assort, men* of altthe different kind* andfinalltlea of FAMOI PUBS FOB LADIES’ AND CHILDBSM’B WEAK, 1 solicit a call from those In treat, Sensemher the name end number, J OHN FABEiiIA, 118 ABCH, Street, eboTa Sarenth. I beta no partner or connection with any other ator* In this city. oc3-4mlf 1864. 1864. A. I. & f. I. WOMMTH, OCJSSOES 10 THE LATE GEO. F. WOHSATH.) No. 415 Arch Street, SA.YB VOW OPJM A FULL ASSORTMENT 07 JLAX>IES’ rANCY im% To which ihsy invite the Attention of buyers. Qi2o-3m IISOAL. JjmTBD STATES, EASTERN DIB - TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. —Sot. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENN SYLVANIA. —Obbetuto; WHEREAS, TkerDiEtrict Court of the United States In and for the Eastern District of PeunsyTvanift, • rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United States of America, hath, decreed all persons in {[euer&lwho have, or pretend to have,any right, title,or ntexest in the steamer “SUSANA, 5 ' -whereof C. w. Awtiin is master, her tackle, apparel, and fufsitura, and the goods, warn, and merchandise laden on board thereof, captured by the United Btates steamer. Meta comet, under command of Lieutenant Commander James B. Joneite, and brought into this District, to be Burnished, cited, and called, to judgment, at the time ant place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter ex pressed* (justice so requiring.) You are therefore charged and strictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit not, but that by publishing, these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the City of Philadelphia, and in the Legal In telligencer, you do monish and cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremptorily.; all persons in general who. have, or pretend to . have, any right, title, or interest In the said steamer “Susana” and to 'appear* before the Honorable JOHN GAPWALADER, the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court-room, »in the city.of Philadelphia, ou the TWENTIETH day after publication of these pre sents, if it be a court day, or else ou the next court day following* between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and thereto show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable aud lawful excuse, if any they hare,'why the raid steamer **Busan&” and cargo tlionld not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and, aa goods of their enemies' or otherwise, liable and sub* Sect to condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizes; and further to do and re ceive in this behalf as to justice shall appertain. And that you duly intimate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persons aforesaid, generally (to whom by the tenor of these presents it 1b also intimated), that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend and Will proceed to adjudication on the said capture, and may pronounce that the said steamer “Susana” and cat go did belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States of America, and as goods of-~their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize* the absence or father contu macy of the persons so cited and intimated in.anywise notwithstanding and that you duly certify to. the said District Court what you shall do m the premises, to gether with these presents. _ Witness the Honorable JOHN C ADWALADER, Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this Thirteenth day of DECEMBER. A.D. 16W, and in the eighty-ninth year of the independence of the said United-mates. dolff-Sfc Q, R. FOX, Clark District Court. TN THE- DISTRICT COURT FOR THE A CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. . John J. Hallowell vs. Joseph B- Evans, alias Vendi tioni Exponas. Sept., 1864, No. 547. The auditor appointed by the Court to report the dis tribution of a fund produeed'by a sheriff** sale,. under the above writ, of all that certain three-story brick meßEuage or tenement, back buildings, and lot or piece of ground, situate on the east side of Eleventh street, at the distance of three 1 hundred and four feet southward from the south side of Girard si rest, in the Twentieth wtrd, of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Eleventh street seventeen feet (in cluding onthe north side thereof the southernmost half part of an alley three feet in width, by the whole depth of the tl ereby granted lot,) and extending in length or depth eastward of that width seventy- one feet, ten and one-naif inches to a four-feet wide alley, leading north ward and communicating with the said three- feet wide alley, subject to the yearly ground at tend to the dutiesofhis appointment,on WFUNBSDAY, the Twenty, eighth day of December, A. D 1864, at SK o’clock P. Mi at his office. No. 142 South EIGHTH Street, Philadelphia, when and where aU parties in terested must present their claims or they will be de barred from coming in onsaid fund. deld-lOt JOHN B. COLAHAN, Auditor. rS THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AMD COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. EBtateof CATHARINE STAHLBB. deceased. The Auditor appointed by the uoiut lo audit settle, an d adjust the accouct ofB._R.WAB KINGTON, execu tor of the will of CATHARINE STABLER, deceased. and to report distribution of the balance in the hand* of the accountant, trill meet the parties Interested for the purposes of hfs appointment, On WEDNESDAY, the 4th day of January. 1865. m at II o’clock A. M., at We Office, No, 4t3A WALNUT Strert, in the city of Philadelphia. ' ■ THOMAS E. MoBLBOY, delfi-thsmnfJt* - Auditor. WE RESPECTFULLY CALL THE T * attention of all connoisseurs to the following The first-class Luneh of America, Day and Night, Tho best quality of aU kluds of Liquors, -The choicestbrands of cigars, • • ,:„ UJ . tL ._ i are - always to be found at- the METROPOLITAN; MOTEL, &*3ABQH«r«et, _ . TR A UCTIONEER (EXPERIENCED), Or Young M*u r-Q'airea a a* the above. Address “ Auctioneer. M Press Office. <fets 6»* A SITUATION WANTED B? A Young Man a* ifaVeman, who bas had Rome *x~ yerlence it a wh.o!e»a!e ao* R-»taM Store. Reference given. Address *U. B, ” Press Office. de!s«2l* AN EXPERIENCED MALE TSSAOH , a f!ttl ation- BeBi references given. >d dresß P. 5,.» Inquxr-r office, Pbila. dal* 6/* TO DRUGGISTS.—TWO ACTIVE Wholesale Drag. Paint, snd ©lass House. They must b« able to ioflavosea large of near trade All applications will be treated co*:fidenfia)lv. Address with name, ‘nma galenpan,” Press Office. de!4 4&* SALESMAN WANTED—A YOUNG MAN well acquainted wi th the City Beiail and near Country Bat Jon and Men’* Furnißhiog Irade. Address, with referartbe, Bax 130 Post Office. delfi-se TO COAL DEALERS.—ANY PERSON -A wieblnx *0 relinquish the business mar find a - nnr ehaper by pfatfag foealitr,&e., ” 80x561 Phi ladelphia Post Office. d»>3 : 2i* Wanted, by a middle-aged * * Man, a by the of January, in §J'me afrTcacttl*-, Sfonu/actarlng. or Railr rt ad Offiae van-write a good band; would make him self generally' prefnl; is familiar with mercantile affair?, and ago >d *2* B £ w,# Address “Salesman,” at this office, for *™*s»*’ cUIS-3t* g W AN ACTIVE YOUNG " H ond SVTO SELL GOODS in a Shirt and Collar Manufactory, On® ac mutated with WJSSJ?®* B”** 8 ”** Address Box 12is Post office, with referent. del6-2t* WANTED-A STOKE (GROUND "* FlochrorSecond-ftery on MABKST STREET, between Second andSixfch street,-or Fourth near Var. kft. Addreas Boa J49Q Post Office: dSI”* WANTED—AN ACTIVE BUSINESS ▼ " Man, of strut Integrity, fcojbin the Advertiser in opening a Heal Estate. Conveyefteto*. and Empl .y- Office. Beet* of reference fivesfand repaired. Ap. Pl 7 930 MARKET Street. de!s-3t* WANTED—ON THE Ist’ JANUARY, U™* 1 :™ SPiTRT CLBEK * OO4 “ d emMt at Addreße ‘-potions,” at Press Office-, in handwriting of applicant, _ ■ dels-3t* "WANTED—IN A WHOLESALE MIL , - * LINBRY and Trimming Store, a SALESMAN who IB acquainted with tHe flood n-ferencesre ooind. Addreaa “A M.." Bos 881, BhUadT. P. O. ill lo- zi WANTED—A YOUNG MAN IN A ’ * 'Wbojeealo Cjoft .Honas for city trade. Ad dress Bos 1701 Poet Offica. deUL9t* WANTED-A SITUATION AS BOOK- Bqs eity * lre *' dPS" WANTED—A BITUATION AS BOOK f f KEEPER and Financier in an established bust * view trt an interest; can furnish $l5,nTO 0 n AcdroBS ‘ Book keeper,” Box 625 PhlUdel pbia P. 0. deii Sv* 628. WAITED.—RETURNED AND DI3- * A BLED Officers and Soldiers in want of Profitable Empl/jment peculiarly to their condition shv-nld BROTHERS, & CO., Phila delphia, Pa. , deli*ita* WANTED IMMEDIATELY—Can vassers for a LIFE INSUR ANCE COMPACT F, wiU be paid. Adores! .1 W.,” at the office .df this paper, giving name and adareea. •, ■ . de!4 3t* WANTED—A GOOD IN _ a Hat House, for country trade. Ai dr?Fs Box 2S6C PhiiadelpMa P. 0., with name and re ference. ■ ■ ,- t ■ • .-- del4-6t* SITUATION >BY A t j Todbr Man in a wholesale store, to make him self generally useful. Satisfactory references given. Address w, B. F., ”at this office.. del3-3t* WANTBD.-A YOUNG MAN OF EX -7 T perience in active Mercantile bnsiness, and ha ving a moderate amount of eapitai, is desirous of con necting himself with an established Prodace or Grocery Ware-house, or would join with an active young man, with some means, who has a knowledge of either busi ness. Satisfactory references given and required. Commu nications considered confidential- Address “Coates,” office of this papers ' de!3-3fc* WANTED—IN A WHOLESALE SILK _[ J_ Ennse, by the Ist of January next, two first class SALESMEN, who can influence a Pennsylvania or Wefcteru trade. Address, Ac., “B. C..” Box 2019 PostOfllce. dolfc**.* . •Wanted to sell—the stock * * and Fixtures of an old-established Hardware House, doing an excellent business. The stock is well selected and suitable for Pennsylvania and Ohio trade. To one willing to engage in the business great Induce meets will be offered, as the party wishes to retire from business. - JAddress, with real name, '‘IT. & C 0.,” No. 639 N. BSgAB Street. deio-6t* WANTED—A SITUATION AS BOOK. " I KEBPEB. Best city reference for. ability and integrity given. Address ‘ Bookkeeper, ’ 1 Press Office. - . nc3o-Kt* WANTED, AGENTS.—AGENTS IN * I eye V o?nnty, at #7O a month, expenses paid, to introduce fifteen neto and useful articles, the best sell ing ever offered. For particulars, address OTIS T. GABBY, BIDDJBFORP, MAINE. oc2S.d&W3tt A GENTS WANTED FOR THE NURSE •£*- AND ’SPY, one of the moci interesting and exciting books ever published, embracing the adventures of a Woman in the Union army as Nurse, Scout, and Spy. Giving a most vivid inner picture of the war. Returned and disabled officers ana soldiers in want of profitable employment will find it peculiarly adapted to their condition. JONES BROS. £ CO., m&9-lm* 600 CHESTNUT Stl, Philadelphia, Pa, M NOTICE!— WANTED—A GOOD three-story HOUSE, for a small family, In good location. Rent not to exceed $5OO. Apply or .address . * . W. G. HuEY, Banker, de74-3t* • 54 South THIRD Strok. Ma furnished house WASTBD. Address Box 1840 Philadelphia Post Office. dei4-si* $4 non OR $5,000.—A PERSON <jp-* 9 \JKJy/ Tyifch good.bnsiness qualifications, of ten yeare’ experience, wishes a POSITION in some well established, ’ safe, and profitable business. Unexcep tionable references given. Address “D, K.,” Press office. defl-6t* ftlO/VA MONTH—“WANTSD SEr£V AGENTS everywhere to introduce the new SIXTEEN DOLLAB FAMILY SEW ING MACHINE, the only low price Machine In the country Which is licensed by Grover & Baker, Wheeler & Wilson, B owe, Singer & Co., and Baehelder. Salary and expenses, or large commissions alio wed Another Machines now sold for less than forty dollars each sure infrinvententa t and the seller and user liable. Ulna- . tratedeircu-arß sent free. Address SHAW &CLAKEC, . nol6-d&wBia BIDDBFOED, Maine. ‘ TTOB SALE—THAT YALUABLE LOT ■**, OF GROUND, southeast corner of EIGHTEENTH and KITTENHuUSE Streets; front on Eighteenth street *8 feet, on Bitten house sireet H 3 feet. Also,'the Lot of Ground northwest corner Chestnut and twenty-second streets; front on Chestnut street 139 feet by 220 feet on Twenty-Second street - • Apply to . ' THOMAS H. CONNELL, Counting-House of Dr. D. Jayne 4; Sm* de!4-3i* CHESTNUT Street. T?OB SALE—A VALUABLE OIL TER BITOBY, with large front, on the Allegheny Elver. -Applyto J. C MILLIGAN, dels Bt* Oil MARKET Street. Fm SALE-A LARGE LOT OP SHELVING, COUNTERS, Sc., in good condition. Apply .at 535 MARKET Street, np etaar.H. dell- 3t* T?or rent—TECE large fhoto graphic Booms formerly occupied by W. L. GEE HON, comer of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Also, several other toon a over the Photographic Booms. Inquire at 618 WASHINGTON Square. nol4 TO LET—THE SECOND AND THIRD -f STOBIES OF THE COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, 611 and 813 CHESTNUT Street; second story suitable for coal ou or other'offlceß Also, the Fifth and Sixth stones of the old Poet Office Building-, Bode street, be low Third. THOMAS H. CONNELL, Counting-House of Dr. D. Jayne & Son, deld-St* 343 CHESTNUT Street, TO LET—THE LARGE BEOOND f STORY BOOM, No, 41NorthTHIBD Street. Ap ply to W. HELLBBMAN, acl3«Bi* * ' Third floor. M REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE, BEAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE, BEAL ESTATE. BEAL ESTATE, $5,009, COO WORTH FOB SALE. 95 000.000 WORTH FOR SALE. $5,000,000 WORTH FOB SALE. . - No person should fail to call os me if they wish either to purchase or sell. Very elegant SWELLING on the north Bide of *5 ABCS, west of Fifteenth street. Lot 22 by 120. -MUI Only $20,0-00. Immediate possession. —Two very large first class DWELLINGS on fpn ABCH, west of Tenth street. Lot 24 and 25 feet JSkiiL front, and ISO and 180feec deep. Stable, Ac. $13,- 010 and $25,0C0. Large flisLclass DWELLING, ABCH, east of Bp Sixth street.- Lot 25 by 275 feet deep to Cherry 'JEM street. Stable, &c. *26,000. Neat four-story DWELLING on ARCH, west of fB Twenty-first street. Lot 18 by 125 feet to a street* Jet $9,500. A Neat four-story DWELLING on west side of BbOAD, south of Oxford. $10,500, . Neat new side-yard T> WELLING on W ALLACE, JB west of Twentieth Lot 24 by UL $8,500* A S splendid yard. Neat DWELLING, 258 South TENTH Street. Twelve rooms. Only $6 600, Immediate poeses- JttiUion, Lot IS by 90 feet deep. SACRIFICE DWELLING, 1642 PINE Street JE3L Lot 18 by ICO to Helmnth street, only $1,400. -- Two elegantfour-story DWELLINGS on FINE, hr west of Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets. $12,- KLdOOeach. ■ . Besides nearly'other Properties. Call to fl exami “” MSlBtwandge ‘ aWhiueb, ■ Beal Estate Broker, field 2t if 154 North SIXTH Street. «FOR SALE-SACRIFICE UNPRE CIDENTED.—The large four and five-story Build ing, N. W. corner of THIRD Street and HARMONY Court, (opposite the Exchange.) Lot 22 by 12G feet on Harmony couifc. Price $28,0(0; cost $40,000; will rent for $5,(00 per annum. Only $6.00% cash required. —MAGNIFICENT large .first-class MANSION, on nthe very choicest portion of WALNUT Street. JEBx&rge front and very deep lot. Stable, coach house, &c.. Price $55,00Q/an4 no abatement. Imme- M dtate LiiGE i SLi)E YABD DWELLING, on SEVENTH, above Spring Garden street. Everything in fine order. Lot 44 feet front by 90 feet deep. $12,890. M SPLENDIDLY BUILT SIDE-YARD DWELL ING, at the northeast comer of EIGHTH and POP LAR Streets. Lot 26 by 111 feet de*p. andwiden ing to 41 feet on the rear. Beautiful Garden. Price $lB,OOO. GEORGE C. MILLER, Beal Estate Broker, 154 c: Nonh SIXTH street de!4 2tlf fiFOB SALE-A LARGE NUMBER of email Houses in the lower part ofthecifcr ;also* well-secured Ground Bents, cheap for cash. Form %» CtllaiBaPPlYat No. 025 WALNUT Street. (/ML ‘LANDS—IIS ACRES, VENANGO Vf COUNTY,—Covered with Immense timher, “ COid> ° alrofl - Box 239 Post Office. PENNSYLVANIA OIL LANDS FOB A SALE—S,OOO ACBBS, well located. Apply at once, to care of “Box 219:1.” Poatofflce. It* OIL! OIL !•! OIL!! 67 'BARRELS OF ,OIL PER DAY. oveis2oo,ooo fF^B^BALE—Fifty- sevenlbarrelWell,"cheap, and on easy terms. Guarantee, or no . . _ - Also, OH Leases, Oil Wells, OH Lands, AT LOW PBlcis. GEO. N. TOWNSEND & CO., ; It 133 X South FOURTH Street. PURNITUBE.—IF YOU WANT TO see a hnsy place, go lo the Union Fnrnlthre Depots of GOULD a CO., at the N. B. oomerof NINTH an! MABKET and SECOND and RACE. Their large stock of splendid Furniture Is attracting the attention or the comimmity generally, so that (heir employes are Sept conttantly engaged attending to the dßnjandsof bnyers AfiChristma* approaches, the calls upon their attentton arc .till Increaelng, so that FMtiee wmhli g to putchaoe should give them an Immediate call,, AH kinds of niture, cheapest anC best. - QSI3-i>& ■ PRINTING - AMP gTiTIO ms PiI . BRYSON & soar, No. 8 North SlXTH.Street. COAL OIL and other Incorporated Companies supplied a£ the low* "“ttlSSajSSfc OF STOCK, f TRANSFER BOOKS. ' STOCK LEDGERS. . DIVIDEND F,OOKS, fic . Sc Styles of certificates of stock can be seen at the store. ■Ai" Fens, inks, Envelopes a-.d Paper, the best the market win offer, always onha-jd. . deIO-61 ATTENTION, LADIES!—AN IM preeHon ha-emg gone abroad that the Dry Good, &*d South streets fs a branch b !SST hereby disclaim aU conneetton wtth that esteftUsh-ment, eltberdS'ctiyor tna.rectiy. WiW ' ‘tfV, WANTS. AUCTION BAC.EB. fijj* BAZAAR, NINTB AND SAN iUCUON sale OF HORSES. OARRIANS. So., , t ? s S.TOttDAF MnKSISGHSXT. * 10 o’clock, comorising about" ' . . . „ FIFTY HORSED, Su/*£« to Harness and »he Saddle, iocludiog—^ X wne Brown M&re, ” Rose;” a no-top Wagon, bar* Ac. t to close an ebtate. A B) o<jdcd .Bh Mto, Wltk Colt bytlie Arabian trot ting boi —' " ’°n*®v. A pall* : pf Mares, Bogera* CwTiwfi to carry six* ab£ DonWe Phillips. 17 A Gjuv i m?* suitable for cbUdren. Aifirt mbe v Borses. 12- Kbalf-l’r&l Botham Cow. Mao. liras Conleys, »on g b_.y Cart, ni Hameas. AftfKC eoUertfMiof demrabk »cw ani aecjaS-baot Carriage*. Light Wagon a, Beatßoula, Sc,, vita vtilofc. tbpffiiLH wit* commence. . _■ _ _ Al«ov SiDgle anu Double BarnesSr Saddles, Whips,- Covers, Halters, PrcyloEirto tie Hon>M^|boot Etgff^ Beautifnlly trlmvced and handsomely finished, in&lc* d-ng-fmy flue Portland feleighs, and some eecond-luuiK A-fio. a ioSof handsome Robes end SI-igh beUa. JB&* Fo pOfitp»»einenfc oo a#o*‘uut;«>: wbather. JKST P-ale of Horses t-n WEDNESDAY' 43T Carriages and Haro«p» at private aale. ALF&RD M/ AMUJSEBIE3STS* DEMY OF MUSIC. l Manager .TOHJf T. FOBB. fAlsos?i he Ht lid ay-atreet Theatre, Buitlmore; Naa,'¥teaS «> Washington; and the Alexandria Cftal "—JOHN B. WEIOH^j FORREsV D * e ’ KHI w *« EDWIN FOBKBSF,' Will r “M B S.,„tj and UnriyaHed rmeereonaiioai g OaKDINAh BtJKE, in BalwA’e cei«A •’ RICH EL EU. FCSTTTVTiA F TWO NIGHTS ONLY. POMTIvIm T TWO 3IOHTS ONLY. The ploy -wilT'hS-i* ' ,dnoe 4 With eyery possible gib' 7aM< Tc:&BT, 0035. UMHS^APPOISTMSNXg. ra Wii.*liP™ BSt jlfss AM. -K CitAY. - aa JB. LIE. EDWIN cat J l5l Close FRIDAY BYEHINO. > necmbenSßth. MONDAY. TUESDAY; F S’JaX. and F2IDAZ lIIOHT#. ytSf .SEATS SECURED 81 x ADYaHCS. No Petformanee on y and BATURDAE BYENINSS. , The Box Shaft; for the sala off* Phnet, aa* 1 op*-n between the hours of • &oelt. Admission, 60 and 26 cents. Secnred Seats 60 cents additional A MiRICAN ACAKAsFT l >F MUKtO, GRAND'. SOIREE MIBITATRB,- . < WYERB ACADEMIC GADU?\ • , . CWM. F. WYBR-,, A. M v , Prim* »W WEDNESDAY EVENINGf-Dec. : Unde* lie direction o' MAJOR O. ECKEJSTDCSFF; t • . - n , BIHGPELB-S CBLBBBaML& Unde. the direction <St Mr. A, BfRGFKLIV 1 vUlbefc ■' - . . . . TICKETS (including reserved tJEWER rany feMiad Dow at 3 E. GOULD’S GlasicStartft asiX KI6LEY S Bookstacd, Contmeatal r&fceb <£ XTBW CHESTNUT-8T TE3S&.TB» . 'CHESTNUT Street, aßora Tare* 111. GROVES & SINK J.. Let sees saeuwn m.’ THIS EVENING. 01 Dion Boucicault’s .beautiful AfilitKTtaad- Scat* ties Drama. in three act e. called- JESSIE BROH'H; .THE BBLIEFo’f LUCKNOW, . Wnlcft, during the past si t olafetßi'ha# • ' FILLED THE THEATRE W EVTSeWaRT W»* PHtl ADEUPHIA’S S BLITS, Who hare manifested their delii iht nightly bythnl! MOST RAPTUROUS AJ* PLAUS2. . TRB ENTIRE PBISSB Bare exßreeaed th»tj delight at.itsDrrdnctioal* THE MOST FLAT r£i{ierg£ NOTICES. And pres out ce It. nndonbU-dly tt. > SUCCESS OF THE SEA SON. - m^S?.U le S a S l!1 be presented with thi < NEWand BRAIL* tiful scenery, superb cos rmiES, grasb MUSIC. KOVEL MECHANIC AL Rr\ SECrR. and EX CELLENT DIS TRIBUTION OF CHA I iAOTEBS. The pe'-formancewill conclude wii h Ke-nblde* #4* mired comedy in three acts,for the first time in thiscitr for many years, called 1 LAUGH WHEN YOU C 4 N- George Goseamer r. Lewis Bakov -Will he produced on ’ J MONDAY EVENING, Dec. i Bth, the great success of jatt season, that ‘ true picture of Lonisiana life, called . , THE OCTOROON. , CN BATURDAY AFTERNOON, Dt ic. 17th, SEVENTEENTH GRAND FAMILY MA’ CINEE, ASM ■ LAST MATINEE OF JESSE BRU. WN. dlMf STREET TREAT EE. THIS (Thursday) EVENING. Dee. I sth, - „ ' , LUCILLE WESTERN WiH appear in her great character of the ' T „„„ SPY °F ST. MaRC. j LUCILLE WESTERN AS THISBR - To conclude with "he laughable farce of 1 ICI ON P*BLE ERANCAIS. TO MORROW. BENEFIT OF LUCILLE' W, SSTBEW. „ , LAST NIGHT OF EAST LYNNE, v Seats may he secured irom 9 tins. Curtain rist sat 7%. M es - JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCH:. STREET THEATRE. . OV-,?- CLARKE. * , TO-NIGHT, l5, ISfit L AND MARRIED LIFE. , CLARKE as PETER PINK WT.' CLARKE as. HENRY DO VI FRIDAY, BENEFIT OF J. S. CLARKE. THREE GLORIOUS PIECES. QBEAT NATIONAL CIRCUS—WAII~ VA NUT STREET. ABOVE EIGHTH. Directress, MRS. CHARLES WARNER, formerly MBfi’.L Daw bige , YOUNG NICOLO, YOUNG NICOLO; THE GREAT CHILD WONDER, THE GREAT CHILD. WONDER, , * Will appearf very Evening and on Wednesday and She? turday Afternoons this week. He is Immense, and ham? so rival os the FLYING TRAPEZE. The TALLEEN BROTHERS, HEBR NICOLO. MURRY and HUTCHINSON, the SHERWtiOI) ”a& LY, Mr. end Mrs. TOM KING, Mtb. WARNER? thtv great Man Monkey, W. SOOBKLLE. Mr. SaM 3TICK STONE, LE JEDN* BUST, ths WUd Rldsrof the West, vrtll all appear thi* week. JSrUllant entres at every performance __ SPECIAL NOTICE. . LE JEUNB BURT, a dashinv, fearless will appear this evening. He is one of the most intrenKt riders m the profession. Admiasicn—Flrjt Tier. 80 cents; Second Tier, 25 cants; Private Boxes, $3 and $B. Performance commence—Evening?.*). Afternoon 2M. o’clock. Cmne’early onall occasions, and get choice seats sA sights. ■ - dels ASSEMBLY BUILDING, TENTS X»- and CHESTNUT Street.. SIGNOR BLITZ. Soie Great NECROMANCER and tfENTSII,OCSUIBT- Performances Every Evenings at 7% o’clock. JbL WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AfteSoonslM 3,flS MYSTEEIBS ot MtGHL EXTRAORDINARY POWERS OF VENTRILOQUIbEu wodncingastoiHsMrg effects of the human voice, an! the LEARNED CANARY BIRDS’ ENTERTAINMENTS. Admission 26 cents; Children 13 cento; Reserved Seata SO cents. - ■ no2S OANFORD’S NEW OPERA HOUSE. RACE Street, below Third, OPEN FOR THE SEASON. SAMUELS. SANFORD Proprietor and Manager. „ , SANFORD’S OPERA TROUPE, The largest and beat Minstrel. Company In existence. ’ Sanford appears in Songs, Dances,'and hie Bnrleiqnea. Doors open quarter to 7: commence quarter to 8. AtlmLhion 26 cento; Orchestra 60 cents; Boxes $6. M, and $3- ■ • nolS-lm fZJ-ERMANIA ORCHESTRA.—PUBLIC vm REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, at P. Bf., at MUSICAL FUND HALL. Single Tickets. R cents. Blx Tickets, $l, to be bad at .Gomd’e, Andre’s, and Meyer’s Mnsic Stores, and at the HaU. no7-tf ri HEI ST REJECTS D.— VA This admirable picture, the greatest prodnetion off the painter West, is now on exhibition at the aCADBMX OF FINE ARTS, 1035 CHESTNUT Street, together » with the endre collection ol the Ins tit ati on. Admittance. twenty-five cente. noH-2m* T7XHIBITION OF WORKS OF ART* " POR THE BENEFIT OF THE CHRISTIAN COM. MISSION, at the. . ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. An Exhibition of a Private Collection of Works off* Art, In Paintings, Sculpture, Water Color, and other Drawings, Engravings, &c,, is now oren at the Penn sylvania Academy of Fins Arts, No. 1Q35 CHESTNUT Street, from 10 I’. M., for the Benefit of th» Christian Commission. Admission 25 cts.; Season Tickets 60 eta. nOBS- tjanfi. TORE ACADEMY OF FINK ARTS,,'. -A CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, to OPEN DAILY. > for visitors, from 8 to 6 P. M, US* BOARDING. A ROOM AND BOARD FOR A GEN AA TLBMAN, at So. 368 South FOURTH Street.. Befereuca required. delS-St* EDUCATIONAL. TpELA&R GREEK SEMINARY.—^ T MILITABY BOABDOTG SCHOOL* four MEDIA* Pa. Tborongb course in Matfeeiaaiios, . Natural Science*, ana Engli&b; praetteul Leßaonßin'CltS Engineering. Popils received at my tfmei uid-of a£l ages* and enjoy the benefits of a borne. Refers to lofek* C. Capp & Son* 28 South TMrd street; Thw. X Clayteu Esq.* Fifth and Prune streets: ex-Bheriff Ejem, xx& others. Address Bev. J. HEEVEY BABTON, a! IE VILLAGE GBBBN. Pennsylvania. no 6 8m DOST AND FOi TAKEN UP ASTRAY—A:- rough bay HORSE* at Eighth and Spring Gar** den streets, December Bth. Can be seen at Batderatonfsr Etables* in BUTTON WOOD Street, above Eighth. Then owner fe requested to come forward, prove property, «2> otherwise he will be sold .the 17th, at 10. o’clock Aw M. Lieutenant H WHITE. It* . Eighth Police Distriet^ QTOLEN. —AT A BATED MEETING* O of the NEPTDNE BOSS COMPANY held on Ma** day Evening. -December lE, 1863, itwas, on mottos*, Resolved. That a reward $i TWESTY-FIVE JUtOli- LABe he offered lor the return of the castings add oiu meats belonging to our fancy carriage, which harabeea stolen from the hose hence. sad FIFTY <■ DOLLAJSS- foe the arrest aad conviction or the thief or thieves: Junk shops and metal dealers please take dot' '■?& PBANK N, Wfi ASTON, • • Secretary, „ No. lOia LBHoffcßtreefcJ _ ; PERSONA!. PERSONA L.-LOOK BEFORE TOR X LIAP 1-SoU* Gold and Plated JBVTW<RY, eiiaap eet in the city. ■ 916 .RACE Street.. . dell-fep TNFOBMATION WA N TKK D.—Tffl* unde? signed desiresto hems fronyiiie sister of J. ML Staples, Beprifcr bberiffof £1 BoTadtateantr* CaUforo&CT She to reside in to. StgaSS* was murdered while in the diauuwge of his ofiiatn duties. Etoeffeete weawattiM * JAMES B. Offico, placerville. S|J)or&do coimt^CaL S WRITTEN AMD VERBAL DB. MMmpNStf Character, Conetitnaon, andS»* l«St > .’Britt Baalth, JSdo*»- caU-tnt'nclylf NtßsjssMreSjEjw s£ d »ljS»<ffiei%«b-* IJE.IMER’S COLORED PHOTO* GR-* PHS, oafs $1.69, Just the style fob S“"» Aecnrata and natural 3b coloring. Go early; d’fd d the croedi Gallery, SECOJSH Street, abate THE ELEPHANT SALE.—THE AN- BtTAJfSunday school sale of nsefnl and fancy ar lioleßWiVf be held In the tamale School Room of tka Church. of the Episbany, commencing on WRDSKS -SAY, Vhel4th last., at noon, and continuing till m- HAI rEYBHIue. deli-It« OLD WHISKY CHOICE OLD Wheat. Bye, and Bourbon Whiifcy rtor rule by K P. MIDDLETON. . flelli 3t* g North tBONT Street. fHAKTES DE VIBITE—YOU CAN ~ not hod more pleasing and iib-Hke «SflfL3Sfc Where Go In.time, days ehort. to B. F. BBIMBR S popular Gallery, 6«d AaCH Street “ TOYS, TOYS AND FANCY GOODS.— tat received from Europe, a %3?££g?J2353. D *S-i&£ d %&B3Slifig££ m