TEEM intrlrin The thermometer. NOV. 28, 1863. goV. 28_, 1864. • 12,1.11..... 12 .....3 P.M. 8 A Id—. 2 L.". 3P. l& 47 ...... .••58••.......•..50 36 ...... „.6 WIND. wisp. W by KNW•••• • • 1 3, ENT, TILE ENROLMENT. An order hail just been issued from the War De. pertinent by Provost Marshal General John B. Fry, calling especial attention to the Importance of eor rooting the enrolment 1148 la every district and sub district. The War Department desires the strictest ;scrutiny in the matter. Ou the subject an exptana. tory eiroular has been Man, from which we make the following copious ab-tr ed aot: „ They should understand that it is plainly for the Interest of each Sub-distriet to have stricken from the lista all names improperly enrolled, bonnie an sICAThis of names increasers the quota called for from Much sub.distriets ; and that It, is equally for the In toren of each person enrolled in aven eutt.dlstrlot to place upon the lists all persons i n the sub-district /Mole to do military duty, because the greater the kanmber to be drawn from the less the chance that any particular individual will be drawn. It is the personal Interest of every enrolled man that the quota in which he Is concerned shall not be made too largo, and that his own nuances for draft., shall not be unjustly inoreased; both these objettli will be at tained if all.parties will aid in striking out the ilirong names cod putting in the right ones. «l specially la this t substitutes of those dafted toed who, by putting in themselves liable to draft, have secured eietuption, which by the terms of the law holdi good only until the present enrolment is exhausted In their autedistrlot. Men wllp are over forty.tive years of age. and, in cense cneloce, excused by law from the performance of duty in the field; owe It to the cause and to the Country to take a zealous and active part in the cor yeotlon of tho enrolment lists, a military service of • the first importance. Toe la ion w req to olres that quotas shall aseigned In pport the enrolment, and the fairness and justice ot this mode of deter soling the amount of military service due from each and every section of ch. , country cannot be doubted. It the enrolment is made as nearly perfect as It is practicable to male It. The amount of . ser- Aloe due to the nation trona every town or county Is thus laid fairly and plainly before the citizens, and 1 am sure that a higher motive than a Selfish Interest will prompt ell to do their share In perfect. ling the enrolment, and securing - a just and effloleat execution of the laws for raising troops Whenever it 'becomes neoesean to apply them., „ Denier with the Siete and loeal authoeltlea, and ;present the foregoing views to them, and secure. if ossible, prompt anti pre initial assistance from them 3n •perfecting the enrolment lists. The subject Should receive the attention of town, precinct, and Ward meetings and committers SPLENDID FESTIVAL FOR SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' ORP,RANS. The grand festival in aid of the orphans of the Thursdayand Soldiers , Home will take place on evening next, At Sansom.street Hall. Ad drealtell are expected to be delivered by a number of eminent gentlemen. Toe ladles who started the project hat been unremitting In their !shore to • make the feetival a grand success, and It is very likely they will realize t holrmost sanguine expecta tions. They have administered to the project in a •XSOilt effective style, as will he seen in the brief ad vertisement in this day's Press. We may say that the house has already been obtained through the efforts of the Rev. 'Dirs. Hotter. The establishment Inlet, of comae, be appropriately furnished, and It Is to accomplish this that the teStiVal was Or ganized. 71116 SECOND PHILADELPHIA TIRE ZOITAVES. The WarDepartmentbaving authorised the ergs". 'Wanof the 2cl Regiment Philadelphia FireZousves, Col.-John G. Smith, late captain 199th P. V., hail called a meeting of the •48.10 re, to be held this eve. 21Ing at the rendezvous on Sixth street, below Chest nut, to perfect the arrangements so as to oonlplete the recruiting In the shortest possible time. Lieut. Col. Henry Delraine will proceed to Harrisburg for the - pupae of making the necessary arrangements there. . The regiment has been accepted for the term of one year. It is quite likely that the Fire Department, or ht least some of the companies, will take action to the matter, and thus, with their pow erful aid, stimulate the enlistments. The officers above named have seen veteran service in the eautie of the Oountry. They are strict djaciplinarlans, and ;skilful, and therefore the properepersone to win the confidence of the men. WEEKLY HOSPITAL REPORTS. The following. is the weekly report of the army borpttals for the past week: • I S : • t A . icoleuwl 101 77 6. 1.4' I,loo' 9' 13 IP 11 2 981 .• Batteries 1018 1 117 2 89 1 7 2,771 Summit House ee l 116 1 'White Hall ' 837 1 9 1111 2 869 Filbert-street 674 IS 8 .. I 2 1411. Turner's. lane 118 61 1.. 168 South-street 102, 2 300 Broad and Cherry 214' 46 2 .. 2 401 Chestnut RM.... , 33) 15s 1 .. 4 2,648 Pittsburg el 8 .• 641 York . e 4r7 56 1 .. 1 1.037 Germantown 73 1 424 Chester.— 531. Naddington.,..i 439' 21 . 2 •• •• 698 Chinas Volunteer.. ..... 171.. — I .. 51 6132 677 61 65 97 RECRUITING. Recruiting is still going on briskly. Yesterday 3torning warrants for the payment of the city bounty were leaned to forty men, four of whom ea 3lated for tour years, twenty-three for three years, three for two years, and ten [or one year. -The credits were as follows : Seventh ward, 1 • Eighth ward, 1; Ninth ward, 8 ; Tenth ward, 2 ; Fifteenth ward, 20; Eighteenth ward, 1; Twentieth ward, 2; ,Twenty-Erstward, 2; Twenty-third ward, 8. THB CITY BOUNTY During the past week the warrants issued for the paper ent of the city 'runty - to 'volunteers amounted 10 $98,700. NAVAL. ARRIVAL OF THE BAGAMORE The U. S. gunboat Sagamore, Lieutenant Com aaander Charles E. Fleming commanding, arrived at the navy yard on Saturday. She has been in idockade duty with -the East Gulf squadron for three years past, and during that period has cap. Slued and destroyed a large number of vessels while attempting to run the blockade. The Sagamore Id fourth rate screw Bloomer and carries four guns. PRINTING OFFICE In the general burning of Ohamberaburg, Pa, by Xebel invaders, on the 80th of July last, the large and commodious printing establishment of the Ger- Inan Reformed Church, with all its contents—types, rower and other presses, bindery tools and ma, chlnery, material on hand, books, ho., 810., the fruit tof many years' labor—was entirely destroyed. The lots thus sustained by the Ohnroh, at a very mode- Sate estimate, amounts to a fraction less than 11548000. Title sad catastrophe has placed the publi cation operations of the Church in a very ember- Teasing situation. Besides time expense necessarily attendant upon commencing them anew, a debt of pearly 925,000—f0r covering which the assets of the Vrinting establishment that still remain, as far as litey Will reach, cannot be made immediately avails ;Dile---must be provided for. At he gime time, the Interests of the Church require that its publication gperations should continue to govigorouslyforward. At the late meeting of the Synod at Lancaster, :711 , It was decided that the publication operations sof theOhurch should, in future, be located in the Day 01 Philadelphia, and that a publishing house ;should be provided for their accommodation. At the same time It was resolved that at least $BO,OOO e raised, to cover the losses by tire, and to aid in Ourribthing the means needed to _recommence and continue the publication operations of the Church In their new location. For securing this amount the Vhnrch must depend upon the benevolence Of its uember a, and upon such other contributions as may Aie made by the benevolent publio in general, It comes then, through its agents, to all such with its appeal. Rio felt that, in the cireumstanoes—the oe 'neaten being furnished by the depredations of a common enemy—it can with propriety ask and ex pect help from all classes of Carl/Aisne. The canoe Jri not only worthy, but involves interests of the moat vital importance. The multiplying of words is pur posely avoided, as it is preferred to leave it to the judgment of those whom this appeal may reach to give as their kind feeling or set se of duty may dic tate. Those who may not be personally called upon can transmit their contributions to either of the un dersigned. CHARLIE SANTEE,239 Nortfi Third street. -Thaw Wittier, 829 Ohestnut street. A, L. Katta, 284 North Third street. CHAS. WAENNELAtOENR, 110 Walnut street. Gao. GILBAOH, 1820'Howard street. Woe IdaYBITRRY, M. , 636 Vine street. APPEAL TO PRILADRLPHIA CHRISTIANS The Rev. R. W. Oliver, missionary at Lawrence, Nansas, about one year since, at the urgent request of the Rt. Rev. Bishop Lee. of lowa, undertook the erection of the Rectory, at Lawrence, and the pre. paration of a suitable building for a pariah school. Be has brought that work to a completion. The amount of seven hundred and fourteen dollars is absolutely necessary to remove the entire debt of the Rectory and to furnish the school-roam for suc cessful operation. The reverend gentleman takes occasion to make a f inal appeal to those kind Chris tians who have helped him so far to enable him to raise the above sum. ellkiLDlLlifi OF TIM POOR. A stated meeting was held yesterday afternoon. lionse receipts for two weeks. 3104 26 ; out-doors col aartlon for support oases, $268 26. .Ceriens of house on Sutuvday, 28th inst., as 2011ows 2,885; same time last year, 2,517 ; in- Crease, 118; males, 1.159; females; 1,476 ; admitted 2n two weeks, 251; births, 0 ; 'deaths, 3 ; disoharged, .169 ; eloped, 81' ,; granted lodgings!, 81 ; meals furs 'ltished, 138. The hospital committee reported adversely to the 'application of a physician who. Offered to treat gammas of the eye among the inmates of the insti tution, provided storeretioriptions should be "put tap " at his drug Adjuarnsid. HOW TO SAVE THRICE PER CENT. Tares due and unpaid are liable to an additional Sax of three, per cent on the amount on.and atter the let of December. This unjust law WO passed a )*ear ago, nearly. REMOVAL. As will be seen by an advertisement in another tolumn, Mr. B. J. Williams has removed hie blind land shade manufaotcry.from No. Id to No. 35 North ?Sixth street. Ills change, which 18 .temporary, arras rendered necessary In coneecinence of the fire *blob took place a few days sinoe. , DEATH James McDaniel, member of Company A, 12th stinei on Regiment inst. dial In th e Chestnut Sill Hos ial the wth , FATAL RESULT. , Danfel Oallaghan, the laborer who fell from a ladder on Walnut street, above Fifteenth; el a y bit, died yesterday morning, from the effects 11:4 the injuries received. TliE COUR/I'S. United States District Court —Judge Cadwalader. The United States vs. Ellaa Greenwood. Defend ant was indicted under the act of the 8d of March, 1868, for buying military clothing, etc., from James t3ummerland, of the 65th Pennsylvania Volunteers. The charge was clearly proven upon the testimony of Summerlaml, who was in the hospital, and of Samuel W. Muesb, a soldier of the 10th illassaohn netts Cavalry, each of whom testified to having sold 'do defendant articles of military clothing, both pas ties being at the time in uniform. Jury rendered a verdict of guilty. United States 'District Attorney Gilpin and ASsistant United States District Attor ney Valentine for United States; John' B. Thayer for defendant. The United States vi. John Miller. This llefend ant wee Indicted upon the same charge as Green- Wood whose easels above reported. lan was charged vim having purchased Bottlers' clothing from P.M. - Morgan, a private of the loth Blaine Volunteers, Mow and then at the White Hall Hospital. jury Tendered a verdict of galley. 'United States Die. mot Attorney Gilpin and Assistant United States /Maria Attorney Valentine for United States; John Thayer for defendant. The United States vs. Albert Dorff, et al. This 'WU O. civil action to assess damages for the failure •ial defendants to fulfil a contract made with ;the Government for supplies. Judgment In the owe had been f ntered up previously, and this proceed. Jug was merely for the purpose of ascertaining the amount of damage the Government had sustained by reason of the failure of defendants to comply with their contract. Verdict for plaintiff, $2,024.07. The United States ye. Robert Evans. Defendant was indloted under the sot of Congrem, for enticing and procuring Allohited Sheehan an enlisted sot. tier in the United State(' service to desert. The allegation or; the pelt of the United States is that the defendant, knowing Sheehan to be in the ser pellnaded hlm whits Stupefied with liquor, and *tile 'in the city by authority of a pass from the aormitandlngofiicer at Camp Cadwalader, to deport, and proceed with him to New York and Brooklyn, there to re- eallet. For Some reason Sheehan was not re-enlisted, and be trained that he was shame folly beatentat a house in Brooklyn, N. Y., Weanse of the failure, and that subsequently, in New York, while In company with the defendant, who was co ercing him, he made his case known to a policeman, who thereupon arrested both. and sent them to this city, that the case might be investigated. The pa Beeman was examined, and corroborated the state ment of Sheehan, so far as he was concerned. The defence allege and attempt to prove (and, by the-by, that was admitted by( the United States) that Sheehan was originally in the rebel service, that having taken the oath of allegiance he subsequently kenlisted in ,the Union tarmy, desert ed and again re enlisted, and that this he did re peatedly; and moreover, that he avowed this to va rious parties. Also, though it was fully admitted that defendant went to New York in the same train of oars with Sheehan, and sent him, with his com panion, to a beam at their request where they might lodge in Brooklyn, yet that he did not ao• company them on the following day, when Sheehan alleges that he was taken out to be enlisted. On trial. U. S. District Attorneys Gilpin and Valentine for United States; Charles W. Brooke tor deiendant. District Conrt—Judge 191barssvood. Joseph H. Parke vs. James A. Wright. An MN tlon to recover damages fur the failure of defendant to convey a certain property in Noble tet,acnord- Mg to Agreement. Verdict lvr the pl antiiff 8500. DIFATICt COnrt—Jadge Stroud. John Miller ye. John MoGurk. An action on due bill. Defence that the defendant did not sign the paper. Verdict for plainti ff $.112 80. E P. &G. W. Middleton ye. Joseph Titlow. An action to recover for rant. Defence payment. Ver dict for defendant. • Court of Oyer and Terminer and guar. ter Behedolle—Judges Toontimon and Ludlow. TRIAL OP lIOMICIDR OAB3B. The trial of homicide oases was assigned for yes terday. The first case called was that of Henry O'Neill, indicted for the murder of Henry Force. a sailor, in a shoemaker shop, in the third story of the house No. 118 Lombard street on the evening of the 4th of July last. From the evidence offered oy the (Join monwealth it appeared that on the day in question, at about 7 P. rd., O'Neill, the defendant, called at _the shop, and inquired of the , proprietor, Mr. Bailey, for Mr. Loohary, an old friend of who had once residedthere, stating, at the same time, that he was a soldier just returned on forkugh. Force, who was in the room, said to defendant, "You're a sol dier. I am a sailor." O'Neill replied, " Yes, and perhaps you are a son of a 1" This was followed by a blow from the deceased. The defendant grasp ed from a workmanis bench a glazing knife, with which, according to the testirremy, to defend him self. Force knocked him down, took the iron away from him, and afterwards kicked him several times; while down. The 'defendant called to Bailey and a man named Gridy, who was present, to take Force away, but they deolined to interfere. At this time O'Neill had a shoemaker's knife In Mil hand (a witness said one In each hand), with which, both .parties being upon the floor struggling, he stabbed the deceased in the thigh with sash violence as to sever the femoral artery. Force was removed to the Pennsylvania 'llbspitW, and about two hours after the infliction of the wound he died from the loss of blood. In defence it was proven that O'Neill bed been disabled by a wound in the arm, received in battle, and that his physical Condition was such that he could not protect himself. Good chef ac ter was also proven. The evidence having closed on both sides, District Attorney Mann abandoned the ease, and, ender the instructions of the court, the jury ren dered a verdict of not guilty. The District Attor ney, assisted by T. Bradford Dwight, for the Oorn. monwealth ; Daniel Dougherty and John O'Byrne for the defendant. The Commonwealth Va. Frank McKeever. The defendant is indicted for the murder of Joseph Mc Masters. on the leth of August last, on board the ship Lady Emily Pell, Mordasters being tten boat swain of the vessel, and the prisoner a seaman at tached to her. The ship had but a short time ar rived. The passengers' baggage 'was not yet ashore, yet some of the cr'w , and among them MoKeever, had been ashore. The nook, according to the testimony, was drunk, and the: captain, upon the fact being reported, detailed a man to act in his place. It was with this man that one of the crew, named Dougherty, got into an alter cation and a fight about lite breakfast. This w,as quelled by the officers. Just at this time, McKeever, the defendant, frame on board and inquired of Dougherty, who was passing defendant, tie cause of the disturbance. Dougherty said nothing, ex cept that he had been fighting withHogau, the sub stitute for the cook. adonlasters then said to de fendant that it was none of his business. This led to an altercation and a fight between the pri soner and deceased, which resulted in the stabbing (by the former) of Mealasters in the neck with a knife 'which he drew from a scabbard out of a belt around his waist. The out inflicted by the knife Severed the Jugular vein, and the deceased lived but a few minutes. On trial. District Attorney Mann and T. B. Dwight for the Oommonweaith; John o , Byrne, John P. O'Neill, and E. O. Quin for defendant. TILE POLICE. (Before Mr. Alderman Battler.) HIGHWAY.ROBBERY—ATTEMPT TO COIi ,POIIND THE FELONY. Two men, named Janfes Lowry and John M. Garvey, were arrested a short time since by Der tective Henderson, on the charge of knocking down and robbing two men, in the vicinity of Twenty-, second and Pine streets. Smoak downs in ,thia locality have been alarmingly frequent, and oonfiL plaints were entered against the police for nomper tormance of duty. The present ease, keeping these facts in view,- therefore becoroso unusually interest. ing.znis alleged that about eleven °Week at night . ; nearly two Weeks since, two men, named Thomas Nugent and Peter Clark, went into a tavern and indulged in one or more drinks. When they re tired theyesere followeft by five or sin men, one of them being the bar-tender. lite men were told to go away, as the time had arrived to close the tavern. They bad not gone more than twenty yards when the followers knocked both the men down. • Olark VMS robbed of his watch and Nugent of all the money he had, which amounted to about seven dollars. On the following_ day Nugent ap. Feared before Alderman Heiner, and in his affidavit clearly indicated the prisoners as being two of the aggressors. The _parties were taken into custody and ball was entered for them - to appear. When the parties were arraigned, the witness, as Stated in a previous report, was decidedly reluctant in giving in his evidence, and urged that he was so very drunk on the night of the robbery that tie could not tell anything about the affair. He knee' he had been robbed but how, et under what dream,. plays. drunken dum 'Less _very adroitly. Bat it was elicited that after the arrest of the two priso ners the money was returned to witness, and the watch, by some hocns goons arrangement, was rel turned to Clark. These facts being developed, the case went over for a still lurther hearing. It came off yesterday afternoon. District Attorney Mann was present, and he put the witness through a course of legal sprouts that rather astonished him. The facts of the case, or enough of them, were elicited to warrant the deten tion of the accused. The magistrate, desiring to have the attendance of some other witnesses, re quired the accused to enter bail in the sum of $l,OOO each to await another hearing. The counsel for the defence now had a private In. terview with his clients, atter which he Informed the magistrate that he would waive a further hear ing. One of the prisoners responded ' , that he did not want Who taken from his business every few days, and therefore waived a further hearing." "Very a ell," replied the magistrate, as he wrote out' a commitment. "We have bail present," said the attorney. "I can't receive it, sir." " Can't receive it I why, sir, he is responsible." "That may be ; but that is not what's the mat. ter.' These men are charged with highway robbe ry, "Well, sir," pleaded the attorney, "the bail is sufficient if you will justify it." "Cant s t do it, " replied the magistrate, just as he had signed the document that entitled the accused to free admission within the olasaic walls of the county prison; "bail must be entered before ajudge of the Court of Quarter Setaions in oases of high way robbery. This is law." The attorney looked at his clients, so did Detail tire Henderson; the clients looked at both; then all looked at the Cloak. The case terminated in' a grand tableau not expected. The counsel for the defence made as near a bee line as possible for the court, but whether it had adjourned or not was not announced at the Central Station. A GRAY-HAIRED ICEITDICANT. A beggar woman, well stricken in years, was ar raigned asa street mendicant by order of a clerk la the sheriff's office. " What's your name 1" asked the magistrate. "I'm a deserted widder, yer Honor." "Your name—what is it ?" "Nancy Harlin, elr." "Where do you live 1" "Near Thirteenth and Carpenter street." "What do you do for a living 1" "Scrub offices and sick like, yer Honor." - "What warp you doing In the sheriff's . office 1" "Nothing, bur. I've done nothing . , yer Honor. It's a desolate, deserted widder that T am, and cer tainly have done nothing uncommon:l' A clerk In the sheriff's office was sent for. He tes tified that the prisoner was in the habit of coming into the office three or four times in each week, and unless something would be given to her she would be loud In her abase. It was altogether intoler able. The . old woman was sent below as a vagrant for thirty dap. This woman was apparently at least SO years of age. She had a fine, clear, piercing eye, that looked darker than It really was, from the con-. treat it made with the silvered hair that rested on. hei brow. That poor old woman deserved symitaw thy. THE WICKEDNESS OF THE WORLD. Another case came up in the oalender of events which lened to view a scene Indicative of bringing the grayhairs of a father In sorrow to the grave. Mary Jane Riley and Mary Brown were arraigned on the charge of committing an assault and battery upon agirl not yet 16 years of age. According to the testimony of the gray.haired iather, his daugh ter, by somo means or othernot publicly announced, found her way into the house of the tirst-named delendant, on Shippen etreot, near Fourth, about a week since. She was beaten In a most unmerciful manner about the head, and .in this condition was taken home. So serious are her Injuries that death -may ensue. The defendantadeciare their entire In notaries of beating the girl,but-do not deny that she. was at the house. The parties entered bail to await,• a hearing at such time wham the victim can be pre. Sent. (Beer. Mr. - Aldenitta dientd. ATTEMPTED ROBBERY. _ • A fellow giving the name of Francis rdoNahelle was,srralgned, yesterday morning. on the charge of attempted robbery at a. house on Richmond street,. above Cumberland, in the Nineteenth ward. Hal was discovered In the act of sliding down an a post by Ofticier Oaks, who took him Into custo dy.. If alleged that he had ascended to the second story Inside and attempted to stoat a pair of pantaloons containing the sum of $BOO In one of the pockets. An Inmate of one of the rooms discovered the do.. spoiler, and an alarm - was - given. He was :com mitted to answer. Arrival and Sailing ofOcean Steamer. TO.A.BEIVN. . . siarest FILO* . TOIL Pin Balboa ..London.— New York .Nov. 11 Oily of Ileg'. in... Liverpool New York N0v.12 Virginia.. LiverpOol New York Nov. 16 saxonla • SotahamPton•New York N0v.16 lidinimirg.........Liverpoot ••••• New York N0y.16 China..........4.....Liverp00l New York • --.NOX.LV Ca1ed0nia.........01ar60w New York Noy. 19 Banes. Sonthampton.New York.••••••Nov.21 Canada ' Liverpool Boston N0v.26 TO DEPART. Havana.... .«. • :New York.... Havana N0v.20 Champion New York—New Orleans.... Nov. 90 Moro Castle New York. •• • Havana ' N0v.30 Australasian New York....Livenpol N0v.30 Eagle New York,...lklavans. .• .. N0v.30 Bremen ... •.. ...Me sr V ork....Brerren.... - —Dec 9 Geo Cromwell••• New York.... New Orleans ....Dec. 3 Suwo liada.:.• ..New York ....New Orleans ...Dec. 3 Etna ....New York ....Liverpool Dec. 8 Virginia ......New York.... Liverpool Dec. 3 Liberty New York ....Bev aria Dec. 9 North Star New York....Arriunwall Dec. 3 Corsica. New York.• ..Ba van a ' Dee. 6 Washington New York....Havre Dee. 7 Asia 80at0n........Liverp001.. Dee. 7 LETTER BAGS AS THE YEROKAI/TB' EXEIIAEGE, PHILADELPHIA. Bar Blue Billow, Solis Port Spain, soon PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. Gs* L. BEERY, EDWARD C. BIDDLE. } COMMITTEE OT TEN Moirrg. THOS.in 8 .Foco Lao ta •14 M Wfoi relirtOr PIMADELPILIA. Nov. 28; /564, 8 0 , 1 gnjoi.... 7171 Ihni. l lirrs....4 481 Ibex 804 • Steiirsebli4 °Witold, Oallaglior. 24 hours from Noir Yolk with 'oaf to' Wm J Taylor & Co. Oil Fanrteen 1 ., t h a ,'" pagge4 brigs Etarsixten, kart; Vi r iLlto. and THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, - TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1864. Id Houston ; off Romiliiiiiffaiiiibark Batas; off Myr rie Liston's, brigs Rival a J Dela w a re etkerill; off Reedy Point. brig A Hotta; off City, brig C 0 Col son. Bask Isaac H Davis; Hand, 6 days from Hampton Roads, in ballast to Workman & Co Bark al n Elisabeth. Norgrave. 15 days from Mobile Bay, in Visa to Wm Cummings & Ssn. Balk Williamson. Thompson , le days from Hey 'West. In attest to D Stetson & Co. Brig Altert Adams aims, from St Martins 2d inst. via Delaware Brealewater, with salt to Janretohe & Lavergne, Brig Banta (Br), Smith, 16 days from Hants x, with fish to captain. Brix Agnes (Br), Willar, 14 days from St Nitta, with in , as to Janretohe & Lavergne Brig ban Antonio, Jackson, 15 days from New Os leans. with 710 sacks saitto Henry .stmons. 17th off Cary afort Reef, spoke 'brig Wm treevy, hence for Pew Orleans. Brig A 0 Cattail, Mcßride, 5 days from Wallitagton, Sa balisat to catitala. Fehr Mary Hell, (Br). Riled. from Falmouth, Jae 2d. with loawood sod inside to D Weteirr A Co—ves to B A Sander & Co. Bahr Nautilus, Davis. 11 days from Nitw Orleans, in ballast to captain. • Behr J S Walden, Hudson. 6 days from Pogrom nroe,with rags to captain. Behr W C Atwater,ltaokett, 4 days from Provldoncs, with mdse to captain. Bohr Smith Tuttle, Rich. 4 days from Provineetowa, with Tadao to Goo B Rerfoot. Behr T Lake, Maley, 6 days from Fortress Dionro), in ballast to captain. EchrOarrie Wells, Farnsworth, ii days from Fortress Monroe. in ballast to contain. Bohr J B Litchfield. Haskell. 12 days from Key Wen. in ballast to Tamil* & Co. Bohr Joe4pb Cmddall, Gage. 12 days from Rey West, in balletic to Twells & Co. Sabi Lucy, Borrow_, 1 *day from Brandywine, Del, with corn meal to M Lea. Bahr lowa. Hilyard, 1 day from Newport,lDel, with flour R M Lea. beta Diamond State Still. 2 days from Milford. Del. with grain to James darratt. Behr Mayflower, Sunman!. 2 days from Milford, Del, with grain to James Barrett Fehr Delawhre, Connor, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with grain to James Barratt. hchr Lancet, Bova , d„ 1 day from C,hrist - lans, Del, with grain to Chnetian & Co. Fehr Rope, Tracy. 2 days from Indian river, Del, With grain to Jas 1. Bewley & Co. • Schr Diamond, Townsend, 2 - days from Indian river, With grain to 'ls l. Hawley & • Bahr racket, Palmnr, 1 day from Leipsic, Del, with grain to Jas L Bewlay A Co. ht 'r Ann Bilis., Richards, 24 'hours from New York, with Indas to Wl' Clyde iht'r 8 C Walker,Shelia. 24 hours from New York. with mdee to Wtolif Baird & a. Bohr Harriet Fuller, Hamilton. 8 days from Portland, with headings to W Welsh. Bohr Latona. Cross, B aye from ProvincetoWn, with wise to Geo B R erfoot. , Schr Trade Wind, hmith, 6 days from Port Royal, in ballast to captain Behr Silver Magnet, Perry, 7 days from Boston. with 'ice to captain. Bohr F B Baird. Irelan, 10 days from Key West, in ballast to Com H A Adams. heir A Tirrell, Higgins, 7days from Boston, with ice .to captain. Behr James Aliderdics, Stiles, 5 days from Fortress Monroe, in ballast to captain. CLEARED, • Brig Nellie Mowe. Bailey_,. Barbados. ilchr Moe V Edwards. Ratiread, 1 o 47,Nickerson, Alexandria, Fehr James S Watson,' Little, 'Alexandria. , Sehr Florence, Bradley, - Washington. Echr Sahawa, Jump'. dodos. Behr S Washburn. Thranter, Taunton. \ Fehr 7 , Benedict, King) Newport. Fehr Marietta Baud. Brooks, Newport. San' AverArten, Potter. Providence. Behr A L Massey, Donne ~ Washington. • St'r Bristol. Charles, Ne w York. St'r J S Shrive', Dennis, Baltimore. • • MBMORiNDA.. Steen:lslip Fong Shaer . , Bildreth, sailed from New York 254 lust. for New Orleans. • Steamship fifty of Richmond, Kelly, at New York on Banda, rem Washington. Brig Ella Reed, Jokuision,cleated at Havana 19th inst. for this pert. Brigs Fester, Hammond; Orozimbo. Tracer and J and' B Crowley, Crowley, hence at Boston Y7th inst. Brig Star of the Eea. Bark. from St John, El El, for this port, remained at Holmes' Hole 24th inst. Brig Marshall Dutch, Coombe, from Bangor for thin Port, Bailed 1, on:l:Newport 24th inst. Behr .1 B Allen. Tate, from Oteenport for this port, at • New York on Sunday- Behr Sarah Clark Goldemith,at Providenoe 24th inst, from Delaware City • Sella Diadem. Benjamin. and S M Bhaddick, Steb bins, hence at Providetce 25th inst: Behr Z A Paine, Jonas, hence at Boston 24th fast Behr B .1 Beraty, Meredith, cleared at Boston 24th inat for this port. Schr Borate Staples, Gibbs; for this nort, sailed from Pew Bedford 24th inst, and went into Newport. Schr Enoch Pratt, Baker, sailed from Yell River 24th inst. for this port. • Schre Hiawatha, Disney. from Newbnryport; M B Mahoney, Kelley. from Calais; Adeline, Gilmore from Belfast. and Nevada, from Portland, all for this port, salted from Newport 24th inst. RAILROAD 'LINES. IMPORTANT TO RAILWAY TRA.- VELLERS:—Yor full information In reference to &a -llow!, Distances, and Conneetlons,.lllustrated by one hundred 'Railway Kapi3, represendwthe principal Rail ways. of the country, see APPLETON'SRAILAY OUIDB. ' . • sowsW THE PIOINBYLVd.W4. - E 10r11.6.14.• PHILADELPHIA TO PITTSBURG- 58 MILES. The Ticket Office of the PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD is now located at the New Passer ger Depot of the Company, THIRTIETH and MARKET Streets, Philadelphia. On and seer MONDAY. October 31st, 1861, Trains will leave Philadelphia as follows: 4an /An A. X.-MAIL TRAIN, vrith the Coll owlngcoa- LIU unctions: Arrive at WEST CHESTER INTER-: FACTION 9.06 A - K, and connect with West Chester Railroad. arrivit g at West Chester 9.90 A. N. At DOWNINGTOWN 9.35 A. Si. connecting with train Eyr•', Wa.yneiburg,- and reaching there it 11.10 A. N. At COLUMBIA 11:60 A M., connecting with Northern. Central Railroad, and reaching York at 2.60 P. 99, Hanover _Junction 3.30 P. X, Hanover .4.46 P. X.. and Gettyaboug- la • PL.X.. Also: with train-on Reading and 13Olumbla Hlt il luilid , leaving at 9P. 38. Arrive at HARRISBURG 1.20 P. M., con necting with Nerthern , Central trains North, thus: LeaveHarrleburg 146 P. K arrive at annberr 4.20 P. , Milton IS 9'3 P. M Wllliamsport 616 P. _Loa Raven 760 P. M. (P assengers for Elnliza, Rochester Canandaigua, Niagara Falls, etc., reach Elmira at 10.46 P. X. and Buffalo at 6.115 A. M.) (Passengers for Dan ville, Rupert, Bloomsburg, Berwick, Beath Haven, W Shickalinny, Plymouth, Kingsten, - koming, Pitts ton, ,and Scranton, takethe Laoirawanna and Blooms burg trains ,at Northumberland.). At HARRISBURG, for.points South on Northern Centaiil FL R..leave at LSO I'. M., arrive at York at 2.67 P. M., Hanover Ynnoti•n. 3 30P. M. , Hanover). 45 P. M. , and Gettysburg 6 15 P.M. At HARRISBURG, for volute in Cumberland Valley, leaving at 1.40 P. M.: arrive .at. Carlisle 9.68 P: M., Chambersburg 4.16 P. and Hagerstown 6.16 P. X At TYRONE 6.68 P. M., connecting with Bald Raffia Valley Train, leavingat,7•P. K. and arriving at Belle fonte at 9P. N. At ALTOONA 7.40 M., connecting with Brandt train for Hollidaysburg. ,reac ling there at 8.26 P . X At CRESSON 8.38 P. M. , connecting with Btrain for Ebensiznig.grriving there 9.40 URG 1 ge And there coniiet • arriving at Paoli at 11•A_ X. 11.40 A. N.-PAST NINE: connects at LANDIS VILL Eat 7.40 P. M. vrith train on Read' n g and Columbia Railroad, arriving at Litiz 3.10 P. M. , Ephrata 3.33 P. Reading 4.25 P. M. At HARRISBURG, with an Accommo•alion Train on Northern Ceitral Railway, for Sunbury and !uterine dist. points, reachtz g Sunbury at 6.1 k P. M. At HA E. RISBURG with .train •on Cumberland Valley for Car lisle, arriving there at 6.15 P. M Arrives at Pittsburg 1.30 A. -M. and there makes close connection for all We n ste n ru r i l-P4RKESBURG AC at Park esharg at S 1 1 1 ° , 13 segin f i• dr i vei at Intermediate Stations. 2 30. P. al lff ie T o BARR i r A9 0 00MM0AA.Z .1 1217 . , • M. with train on Waynesburg Branch, leav • bag at 4.30 P. M. and arriving at Wayne:lll=g at 6 _P. X At .coixikone_, at 826 P. M. with Northern Central Railway, or York, leaving P.M.rightaville 7 P. X , and arriving at York at 7.40 P . M Arrives at Bar riabtag at 7.45 P, M. 4.ooo.l7olll2llWiianaccept c , om trar rives at -Harrisburg 47 A. N.. Altoona 3.20 P. M.. and Pittsburg 1.L40 P. M. The care are comfortable, and emigrants, or families going West, will flnd the rates low, and have their baggage, for which checks are given. - forwarded by the same train • For farther particulars apple to FRANCIS. 'FUNK, &migrant Agent. 137 DOCK Street. Between Harrisburg and Pittsburg a dna-clam car is atiached to this- train for local travel. 4.00 P. X. - LANCASTER ACCOMMODATION. reaches Lancaster at 7.29 P. M. . and Columbia atB.IOP.'M. .1530 P. IL -PAOI,I ACCOMMODATION, No, 2, . reaches Paoli at 6.30 P. M. 8 00 P. X.-PITTSBURG AND BRIE EXPRESS, with the following connections: Arrive at • Harrisburg. 12 711 A. X Sunbury. 3.25 A. X Northumberland, 3.39 A. • M Milton, 4.08 A. AC: Williamsport, 6.20 A. X Lock Haven. 636 A. X ; Emporium, 10.12 A. M. St. Mary's, 11.12 A. M. Corry, 3.62 P: M... and Hee, 6.&5 P, 'M (At Corry tinge connection is made with - OM:heel( Rail road for Titusville and Shaffer's ' the present terminus _of the road, thence by page or Boat for Oil City and Franklin.) (Passengars for Danville, Rupert, Blooms. burg. Berwick. Beech Haven Shick•hinny, Ply mouth, Kingston, Wyoming. Pittston, and Scranton. the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg trains at North umberland.) (Passengers -for Elmira. Rochester, Canandaigua. Niagara Falls. etc., reach Elmira at U 36 A. M.. and Buffslo.2oP. M.) At HARRISBURG, with Northern Central Railway, for the South, leaving at 2.50 A: M. •- arrives st- York, 4.10 A. M. z Hanover Junction, 4.4 5 A. M. ; leaves Hanover Junction, 9.50 A. X arrives at Hanover. 11 A. X., and Gettysburg, 1.26 P. M. At HUNTINGDON, 4.49 A. M., with train on Broad Top: Railroad, arriving at Hopeweil, - A. M. ; Mt. Dallas, - A. M.. and connecting thence by Stage forßedford. At TYRONE, 5.48 A. M., connecting with train on Bald Eagle Valley Road, leaving .Tyrone at 8.60 A. X. • arrive at Bellefonte, 11.13 A. X, and Howard 12. 1 / 2 :0 P. X Leaving Tyrone on Clearleni Railrceil at &65 A. M. , and arriving st Phillipabareat 11 A. M. At CRESSON, 7.84 A. M. connecting( with branch tralnjor Ebensburg, and arriving thereat 12.30 P. AL At BAIRSVILLE INTERSECTIoN, 9.62 A- M. eons with branch train which - arrives at Blairs ville at 10.15 A. 11., and Indiana, 11.45 A. M. (This train also connects at Blairsville with West Pennsylva nia Railroad. arriving at Saltsburg at 11 20 A, M.) Ar rives at P.ITTSBURO at 12.40 1. M. , and connects for all points West. P. M.-PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS, dons .w.aiv only at Downingtown, Lancaster, Hangs - burg, Marysville, Newport, Mifflin. Lewis town, Huntingdon. Altoona. Gallitzin, Ind .Cone m U angh At RNTIIIODON, with Broad Topßail road, leaving there at. 8 A. M. , and arriving at -Dudley. -A. M. Mt. Dallas, - , and thence by' stage to Bedford. At ALTOONA, at 9.15 A. M., connection.is made with train for Hollidays burg. reaching there at 9.46 A. M. and thence by hack to Bedford Arrives at PITTSBURG at 2.40 P. EL Making ig close ccnnection with through trains on all the dlv e r n roads from that point, North to the Lakes, West e thellistissippi and the Missouri Rivera: and South and'Southweel to all points accessible by Rail road. For further information, apply at the Pas/longer Ste- Lion. corner of THFETIBTH and MA.ENET Streets, Philadelphia nol•-tf • JOHN F. VANLBER, Js., Ticket Agent. ILADELPHLL, ?mow. - ABD BALT/. ROBB ItAILROAD. . • TIAN ABLE. • 4' On and after SUNDAY. Noie i mber.l2Voi 1864, maw spy , Trains leave Phlls.fq for , Baltimore at 6, (Eno obidO_i - excepted, ) 8.01 A.M., 12 21., a 80.160. an to. M. P.. M Chestar at 8.06, 11.16 A. M „Lao, &go and u Wilmington at 6, (Mondays exce,) 9.06, 11,16 2. 4, 5.80, 10.80, and UP. New Ca stleat 8.05 A. M. and 4 P. N. Dover st 8.06 A. M. and 4 P. K. • ' Milford at 8.06 A. M. Salisbury at 8.06 A. M. TRAINS FOP. PHILADELPHDrLSAVII Baltimore at 8.46, 9.40 AL H., (Exams.) 1.10. 4.40. o.Bo_ and 10 . 26 P. M. Wllmlagton at 149, 7.15. 9.16 A. M., 12.94 , 1. 2.80, !Mt, 6.30, 8.65. and IA P. M. Salisbury at 11.46 A. N. Milford at 2 SOP. N. • Doverat 6.60 A: M. and 8.66 P. New Castle at 8.50 A. N. and 6 P. M. Chester at 8.16, 9.66 A. M., 1, SAS, 5, 7.20. and 9.10 Leave Balti more for Salisbury and intermediate sta tions at 10.26 P. M. I;en;silisiiiinore for Dover and Intermediate stations stLlO P. It. - ' MAIM; YOR BALTIMORE Leave Chester at 8 40 A. M. .9.ooAnd 11.06 P. N. LeawrWilniington at 6.11. L2B A. M. 00.51. CM, and il. a , P. M. Wretalit Trait { with Passenger air attaelpd will leave 9711mlnitoti for Perrgyille and Intannebe places at 7.40 P. SUNDAYS. . . . • From Philadelphia to Baltimore only at 6 A. N. and 10. SO P. M. • From .Pbiladelphia to Wilmington at 6 A. Id., 10,60 and 11 P..M. prom wilmington to Philadelphia at 1.48 A. M. and 8.60 P. N. Only at 10.26 P. M. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. nol4 H. B. BINNAT, Sala. 1864• L ,1864 PHILADELPHIA. • - ERIE RAIL: ROAD.—This great lino - traverses the Northern and lorthwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Brie, n Lake Brie. 2 It has been leased by the PINNWELNAMTA BAIL 1041D COMPANY, and is operated by them, Its entire length was troened for paseengerand freight madness October 17th, 1864. TIME op PABSEINGEPATRAINB AT PHILADBLPILLA. Leave Weetward.' Sail Train tinaire Express Train 7.60 S. M. Passenger care run through on Mall Train without -bangs both ways 'between Philadelphia and Brie, and .taltimore and Erie. • - - Elegant Sleeping Cara on Elmira Express Trains both ay. between 'Williamsport and For information respecting Passenger business; apply nrnrr THIRTIETH and-MARKET Bbiladelphia. SzArforlPreight business or the Claws Agents. S. B. KINGSTON. Jr. corner T TEENTH eai 4A_BEBT Streets, Philadelphia J. W. BriNOLDS, Brie. .7 IN DRILL. Agent N. C. H. I. Baltimore. - . M. , . • , B. B. 8085T0126 • " General Freightairant,Philadefphia. B. W. GI W 114211.14 . 02neral Ticket Age4t,,WalPhlA. JOSEPH D . nob-tt General Haunter. Wllliagosport. i I._„. REMOVAL.-TH E PHILADELPHIA AND ELMI RA R. R. LINE hare removed their Tiekut 011ie from Sixth and Chestnut street. to 425 ONEBTNOTEtreet. ander the Philadelphia Bank. The only direct route for the Oil Regions of Pennell yenta.. WILLIAMSPORT. RLIIIRA, BUFFALO. BUS ...PENSION SALVOR, NIAGARA FALLS. and all places 'in the Western and Northwestern States, and the Oa- Thr nadas Through Flret-.lass and Emigrant Motets. Passenger Trains leave depot of Philadelphia and Heeding Railroad, 0011101 r THIRTEENTH end . CAL LOWHILL Streets, at 8 A. H., and 8.80 P. N., daily, except Sand ape. O ForICE further information apply at the °Noe, 411111 BTNUT Street. N VAN HORN. Ticket Agent. JOHN B. HILLIS. Oeneria Agent, oe4-tf THIRTEENTH and CALLO.WHILL its. WEST CHESTER - - AND PHILADKLPHIA, RAIL ROAD. viA MEDIA. - • CHANG& OP BOORS. On and after MONDAY. Oct 10. 1864. the traing_will leave Philadelphi ,a from Depot corner of TfilllTY. FIRST and JUNKET Streets (West Philadelphia), al 8.15 and 11 A. M. and at 2, 4.16. and 8.30 P. M. Leave Went Chester at 8.35, 8.16. and 10.30 A. K., and 140 awl 4.30 P, M. Sundays leave Philadelphia at 8.30 A. K. And P. M. Leave West Chester at BA. hf..and 4P. M. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 8.15 A.M. and 4.15 P. M., and West Chester at 816 A. M. and 4.30 P. con• nest with trains on the Baltimore Central Ba.ilroad for Oxford and intermediate points. Passengers are allowed to take wearing atparel only as Baggage. and in no case will the Company be re sponsible for an amount exceeding $lOO. oc7 HENRY WOOD. anixtrifftoilmak NEW RAILIt&A.D aIgaIRINLINII NORTH —PHILP:DEL PIEII A TO BROOIII.,TNL-THROUGH IN rips .11OURS. FARE TWO DOLLARS—EXCURSION TICICS T S THREE DOLLARS—GOOD FOR THREE DAYS. On and after MONDAY, August 1, 1884, trains will leave foot of VINE Street. Philadelphia, EVERY MORNING at 8 o'clock. Sundays exeepted. thence by Camden and Atlantic and Raritan and Delaware Bay Railroads to Port Monmouth, and by the corrunodloas steamer Jesse Hoyt, to foot of Atlantic street. Brooklyn. Returning, leave Atlantic street wharf everyday, Sun• days excepted, at 11 A. N. Travellers to the city of New York are notified not to apply for passage by this line, the State of -New Jersey baying granted to the Camden and_Amboy monoi l a the exclusive privilege of carrying paesentare freight between the cities of Philadelphia and OW York W. F. ORIPPI iv t 1 General Suparin dent. aimpwRA.RITAIT AND ILL/MARS BAY RAILROAD —To Long Branch, Atsion, Menchester. Tole74Sr/A &tutees!, Red San k he On sad &fur MONDAY. Ancnst let, Trains will leave CAMDEN, for LOBO BRANCH. at BA. M. Reittlf will leave Long_Braatch at It 45 P. M. THROUGH IN FOUR HOURS DIRECT BY RAIL. A Freight Train, with peasenger car attachell, will start for Stations ost the main line, daily, tron: CAM DEN (Sundays excepted), ate SO A. M. Stages connect at Wootimanels and Manchester for Barnegat and Tom's River. Stages will alao connect - at Farmingdale, for Point Pleasant, Akita& Village. Blue . Ball, and Oar-Hens! Tavern. • For further information apply to Company a ant. L. B. COLE, at Cooper's Point,Qamden. WM. FORIFFITHII, Js.,' 71-11 Gemmel Superintendeat- &wpmW E ST ..TE Ri3 RAILROAD LINES. NEW ARRANGEMENT. On and after TUESDAY, Novara oar let, 1864. Trani 'will leave from WALNUT-4 'MEV PIER se follows: For CAPE MAY and all plaowl south of MUlVllie at A. M. and BP. M. For MILLVALLE, ERLDGETON, SA.LEM,.and all in termediate places south of Glaseboro, at 9A. and.l P. M. For GLASSBORO at 9A. M. 12 N., and 3P. For WOODBURY, GLOUCESTER, dtc,, at 9.A. It , 12 If.. 9 aid (I P. N. RETURNING. • Leave Cape May at 6 A. M. sad 11.45 AL 11... Leave at 8.10 A N. and 3P. M. Leave Brldseton at 7:16 A: N. and 8. - 10 P. M.. Leave Salem at VA. M. and 3P. M. - Le s.ve Vioodbury at 7 8.47, and 9. 47 A. I*. and .4.11 P. M. and 6 10 P. M. to Camden onjy. THE WitaT JERSEY EXPRESS (I MPANY • will attend to all the usual branches of Express Easi ness, receive, deliver.' and forward through (Aker. re sponsible Express- Companies to all Leda of the coon* trynny article entrusted to them. A Special Messenger accompanies each Througli Wain. Office, no.. 5 WALNUT Street. . J. VAN RENSSELAER, Superintendent._ PRILADIMPRIA. Nov. 1, 1864. no t EXPRESS COMPANIES. • . THE ADA.MB . EX PRESS- COMPANY, Mice 356 CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Mer! shandies Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its own I lines or n connection with o th er Express Colowita t t to all the principal Towns and ß. S. Cities in the. NDPORD mkt States. SA, ter General Sopertilitentent, . _L3:It 7 CATIONAL. pinixsyliveffi.A MILITARY AOA DEMT CHESTBIL—The Third Session Of this ACADEMY will commence September The Board of Trluitees consists of the folZitig MOP, llemen: TRUSTEES. Hon. JAMES poLLocK, President. Captain APPLE, Tice President.. W. B BARBER. Esq. • Secretary JAMES B . Istl.,Tte.l"iFer s . Rev. Rich' dRe ton, D. D., castles - /5. • I:FULIK.I . Rev. Thos. Brainerd, D. D., George P. RusSsie, •• Hon. Oswald Thompson, William L. Springs_ Hon. Charles O'Neill, George L. Farrel, Esq. Bon-W, B. Lehman,Addison May, Esq Col, Wm. Bell Wadell, T. B, Peterson, Bea., Joseph B. Townsend,Ese., Theodore Hyatt, Eaq. James L. bighorn, Esq Thoroughinstraction itt English, the (Thistles and the Sciences, by teachers of the highest attalmbente, is fur nished to Cadets. Students can be fitted for any Col lege class, or can prosecute to any extent the usual Col lege course, The Military Department embraces all the drills taught in the United States. Military Academy, Horses for Cavalry and Light Artillery exercises are provided. While no military duty trenches upon the time assigned to scholastic- pursuits, such Theoretical and Practical MUitary instruction is afforded-to the Cadet as will completely At him to bean efilcialicdPer 1. -- eeedunt of the united States service. For ciro apply to JAMES H. OHNE. sn,, No 626 CHUTEfT ..at philedsi his, or-to - 1 J0ie...1 THEO. HYATT, no4-1m President PenitaylvaniaMilitary Academy. VILLAGE ORBEN • T MILITARY- BOARDING SCHOOL. four engem fiozi INDIA, Pa. Thorough coarse * C Mathomati sacral acieuce_,4 and Eliglialt • practical lamas IV% aineartilt. En PAC 01,01.1‘44. at...any goke,and .of all El Me. and eniey the bottoms a .alicacia: 'WroNato.2.4ba Csp &Son , 7i South T v:, Fifth and Prune e hiM turs e r e lST l L ' arifj ":9l4 T- t rr:ii others. Addrear Rey: J. Eilin,VlY- BAR - rro.n. A. Mr.. VILLAGE GRIEN. Yezincylro." — • nu& Sin lb ZOE - Err 2,61.L. 4 ...N0T I. 0 ^ BY given that the.m..~hicre fore saint ing between MICIEM3I, A DIOS SMITH, SAMUEL R. HILT, and-MATT/UM g CHAWE'OII.D, tradin ander the name style, an&-titt_,e liegr of ," WEST ENGINE C 0.," of NORRISTOWN, Montgomery Co.. Pa.. was the sixteenth (lath) day of July last dissolved by mutual consent, by the withdrawal of. eald Samuel R. Hilt . The future business of the content will teSettlea and conduett+d by the he partnera,undOr e old title of the 'West Engine Co. ' ' Eigned: M. C. SMITH' AMOS SMITH; M. B. cRAIrroRD. SAMUEL S.IIILT. noll-let NovaNDEA 10, 1804. DISSOLIJTION.-TV.E COPA.T.III/1 SHIP heretofore eM.stly under the Wm Of SAMUEL N. DAVIES 4 1301 Uri r is this day dissolved. The btsiness hopdlistby the nnderrimterLat No. 225 DOCK Stree t oakELES B. DAVIES, Bury! PnizAnsisniA. Sept. 8 0 . MI. COPARTNERSHIP. —The • undersigned' hilik day formed a coyartnershlt BROTHER Sa of ~ • DAVIE for the transaction of a general - BANKING AND BRoKICRAGB BilolBllBB, at No. 1155 DOCK Street. OH LIMES It DAVIES, • . PETER A. DAVIES. NIGADILPHIA, October 1; 7864. , B. Certificates of Indebtedness, Glin Vouchers and ohecksould Government_gene. rally, bought end sold. , BuelnesslUer and Loans on,Collate=mtifieed. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on on. offl•Pan • .HENRY• Huron, - Distiller and Wholesale Dealer la PUBB OLD BOURBON, MONONGAHELA. RTE, AND WHEAT • :WHISKIES, - • 145 NORTH SECOND STRUT. below Ea PblIL BERRY HUDDY _ tool9-9mi ISAAII, J. EVAN. MRS. JAMBS BETTS' CELEBRATED SUPPORTERS POE LADIES the only Supporters under eminent medtaal pairogage. Ladies and pBiCiall9 are.respectrully requested td call only h_7 on Mrs. BETTS. at her residence. 1)39 WALNUT Street, Phila. (to avoid conntertelts-).-Thlrty thousand Invalids have been advised by their physicians to use her appliances. Those only aregenuine bearing the. United States copyright ; labels on the box, and signatures, sad also on the Supporters. with testimonials. colB-tutlistt COTTON AND FLAX SAIL DUOS AND CANVAS, of all numbers and brands. Tent, Awning, Trunk, and Wagon Cover Dnek. .1180, Paper MannfactUrere' Drier• Pelts, from 1 to 6 feet wider Pauline, Belting, Sail Twine. &c. • JOHN W. 11VHHKAN & CO.,. - 1; _ No. 103 JONBS' TIRITSERVO FOR TEE , TRETE A$D D GUMS.—.Nor strengthening the rum, g 'erring the teeth from decay, and for keeping - Am • beautifully clean and the breath sweet, this la isp o neve& to be the beet preparation that Nolen*. amiggps; Ilene* has sitar produced. Prepared only by i•t ••• 8. T. BEALL M. D., Denliak. CHBSTDDT Street. Philedetphia; wl7-dm for sale by the prineipal dructiste. $1 *Misr., GIJI4B, PISTOLS, SKATES. PHILIP WILSON ar GO. , 409 CHESTNUT Street. Mannfaetnrers and Importers of Pine Guns, Pistols, M . Gunning and elling Tackle. ... Canes, Powder, Shot, Wade, Cana De anna Restocked, Rehm ed, and Repaired. In tie bee Manner. SKATES OP ALL KINDS. 409 CHESTNUT Street. ed-if 3m FAMILIES, HOTELS, DYE•HatTEMS, -L- Ivo., uhstiPPited with the'Vgbyt il Cog-wheel Clothes wringer -4u but grid onty klidtioer will fi nd it to their intered Wine •ong.of eae ninlla able labor and clothea , aarofwg ntelidda.. 4 ,sige whole sale and retail, by K. L. BOHN IC, • nfactnrer's' Agent. Mr. -M . ' South SIXTH Stree . • , eal-len A .Stall 43TEA.M . 11011161rar n Preptred "HARIS° to receive ordto s err the SAM Ores tilt ;bailers. The ttentlon of lifanufataknws east others h ealled to the new Steam • Generator. es combining es. instals' advantages in absolute safety from destructive explosion, ffrit cost ant durability, elsonomy of fin', facility of cleaning and transportation, be. ba. sassed by any boiler now in nee.: These bolleneVe seen in daily operation, drlvllMi exteneleti , Lwor •of Meura. Wm. Sellers dr Co. nth andamiltag streets, at S. W. Cattell's fact:ol7, 13prase Wee. 134hz71- kill, and at 6arsed4 Tremont lilall,_ _Prankford. JOS. SIARRISON, Waablngton Bnildina 574 Bon% TeplD Street. Pndlada. PIIRE .PALM. OIL SOAP. -THIBI3OAP le made of pure, freeb Palra Oil. and Is entirely vegetable S i c: j ai: more suitable for Toilet nee thanAltose made from mal fat. En boTeeof one dozen cstkes„for Wiper box. nufaotared by . ' 030: if „lILICIPTON & SON. • No. 116 MANCIA.RIVIFi. Street, between Front end Second, above Callowhill. • 3e6-6m ;4. „ :10Y. ; • ' I • ' . • 'I 't die., heated with or dareet v eteall Coils for Rosters, Ckmderuiers. lvaporaton, /14 M. iroverAx. sit NortISIXTILIL SOll/Off-AND WATBR, afitTGl Latest assortment 11PhIladelnhia—oonatantlign hand. 'S. PROWL 311 WALNUT Street. 4 1109-tre GLABS SHADES, OVAL. • GLASS SHUNS, HOUND. GLASS SHALES. [QUARK. • NENNEItIt'S OLASSWASI OF ALL pESORIPTIONS. .* B.ARTELL h LS t RWORTS, nnQS-]m 50. 15 North IFT)lStroot, BROWNE'S METALLIC' " • - T'llllll nun, and • WINDOW BAWDS Totally exclude Cold, Wind. Rain, Snow. end *us Tom the crcytcee of DOORS AND WINDOWS,' And sage one-half the fuel. CHLRLBB 8:8AX33, No. 38 South FIFTH Street, Sole Siete Agent. Send for (lir Local Agents wiptat throughout the State. nog-Ica 1 1 11 B MAHONY ROUSH, IN A.SH- L LAND, Bobnylkill comity, after being eloimi-for .cwo moxithe, tains handsomely fitted up, &ad.'s now , pin for train Hera and vibitore. Mr. HENRY B. ' -WEAVER. the present landlord, lately of rforthamber land.tonnty, Neltobas had long experience in this line of boeineee. will keeps FLEET CL ALMONER. aad one :11 , 14 COUnare eiTOraW triqx bW"Hotels In the / ry. • . AOHLASO:l4.••liev,,;9.,lBBt e - • I ao2A:IM . • at zumrAidro intowri. 111 & memlL . Ltir~. OPP!CB OF • .ARMY CLOTHINgIi AND AQUIPA(33, TWNLPTO and; GIRARD Streets,. wiItPriILAHIA. November this aSt. PEALED PROPOBALe be received at office until 12 o'clock K. on SATURD elf, 3d December next, for supplying the ischnylkill Arsenal with the follow lankete, woolen, army standard. ton Flannel. -do. do. sentry Outdone, do.do. s-inch Yellow Worsted T ate,_ army standard Me chine ?breed (Stewart's). No. 70, eem p es reontred. Willimantic Cotton, black. No 40, do. do. S Gray Flannel,. for shirts or linlngs,do. do. relliecs Bootees, for prisoners of war. do. do. Wax Upper Leather, best quaity, osk-tanned, from slaughter hides well finished and stuffed, to weigh not less than seven ounces to the square foot Pole Leader bestqoality. oak-tanned. from Buenos Ayres .or La Plata hides, to welsh not less than 19 pounds per aide. Both Sole and Wax Upper Leather to be enlejeet to Inepection, and to be or suirrible quality and. substance for melting Army Boots and Bootees. Bach bid must be anarauteed'by two responsible Per sons, 'whore signatures must be appended to the guaran tee, and certdied to sa benne gocd and sufficient escurity for the amount involved, by some public functionary of the United Etstes Bide from defaulting contractors, and thosethatdo not fully comply with tee reonlrements of this advertise ment, wilt not be considered. Blank forms for proposals, embracing the terms of the guarantee required in each bid. can be had on applies st this office, and none cohere, which' do not em brace the guarantee , well be considered; nor will any proposal be corteidered which does not strictly conform to the reoutrements therein stated • The bias mum eta,. the number and quantity of each kind of articles proposed to be , deliverer.. Proposals must be endorsed 'Proposals for &tny Bap - plies, stating on the env elope the particular article bid far' HERMAN BlGOffe • noNi•Pt Col. Quartermaster Department. _ QUART ERMASTIER'I3 DEPART MENT.--_ PHILADIMPICIA Nov. Ss , 1264. • bEALED PROPOSALS wilt be received at this oSoe until 12 o'clock B. THURSDAY, December 1, 1c64, for the immt dime delivery at the United States Store house, BANOPER-Street wharf, of . . _MP/ Five hundred feet ilotporation Hose. copper riveting. in fifty feet sections, with screw couplings attached. All bf the above to be of the best 'quality, and sub- Diet to the inspectiqw of an-inspector appointed on the part of the Co' eramtnt. • Bidders will mate price, both in writing and figures, and t 1 e number of test bid, for, and the time of de diver,. ' Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per :Sens. whore signatures mutt be appended to the ens- Minty. mad certified to as being good and sufficient ;security for the amount involved by the United States .'.District. Jiidge.•Attorney. or Collector, or other public It Meer; otherwise the bid will not he considered. The right% reeerved to reject ell bids seemed tbobigh, And no bid from a defaulting_ REi contractor will be tap ved. • By order of Col. Herman Riga. -Chief R ° Quartermaster. 016bRMS. no2B-6t Captain and A. Q. N. • H..I•E F QUARTERMASTER'S OF t f)TIC% . _ Omar/wart. 0 . Novemberill4llo4. PROPOSALS ARE INVITED BY THE II DES SION ED. until WEDNESDAY, December 7, 1984, ats fr o'clock N., for furnishing this impertinent, (by con tract) witb— • . • •, r lliVeliTßY TROWSBES— S , S. B. Kersey, ATM S . tan , and, • SHELTER TENTS, of ?Sle'-inch Duck, weighing 8 ea. to the lineal yard--Army Standaid • • To be made in accordance with specifications adopted . by Um: Quartenr aster's Department. a- espy Of which can be Sean at this office. • Also, for the immediate deliver)" of _ ROLEUrif OR WATER-PROOF PAPER, of which bidders will fernieh samples. Samples:orthe standard articles may be seen at the Oboe of Clothing and Ennipase in this city. To be delifered free of charge at the 11. S. Inspection Warehonge in this city. in good new packages. with the name of the party tarnishing, the kind and quantal of • goods distinctly marked on each article and package. Parties offering goods most distinctly state in their • bids tbe quantity they propose to furnish, the price, arid lime of delivery. Baronies, when submitted, must be marked and num bered to correspond with the propmal; and the parties thereto unit guarantee that the goods shall be. in every • respect . equal to Army Standard, otherwisethe props eat wili.not be considered. A gnarantee. signed by two responsible persons, mast accompany each bid, guaranteeing tbat the bidder will Supply the articlos ga and e d to him under his proposaL Bide will be openn on WEDNESDAY, December 7, 1884. at ik o'clock noon, at this office, and bidders are eled to be present Awards will be made on THURSDAY, December 8, Ise • Bonds will Ise . rocinired4hat the contract will be faiths fully f i tilpd. Tate relating to Preliterate will•rot be noticed. Elan tine of Proposals, Contrasts and Bonds may be obtained at this office. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable 111 reserved. Endorse envelope "Proposal for [here insert the . name of the article offered ], '' and address Col. WM. McICIN, n046.8t Obtef Quartermaster Cincinnati Depot. :CIFFIO3r EunTinCE,'No. 828 WALNUT Street- PalLitdadqu a, November 23 1864. OBaLED PROPOIIALs . IN DUPLICATE, veld be re -esived at this oMee until l 2 o'clock M., on TUESDAY, November 29, 1864, for stipplying, for the use of the Bolted States Army, the following subsistence stores, delivered in Philadelphia. via: 1.030 Barrels first quality corn-fed. SKEW MESS" or PRIME" MBSS" PO (which to be stated), in full.booped oakWarreis. with iron . Inaatenhoops; =Oat to be free from meter stain, full weight, and thoroughly gaited; to have bearcrePaeted within thirty days of date of de livery. To be delivered within twenty days from award. 6,000 Barrels EX'r RA SUPERFINE or EXTRA ,FA MILY FLOUR, (which 'to be stated), in new. well-coopered barrels fully head-lined. To • have bean; ground within thirty days from date • of • this d'd vertisemena Name of brands and reace of marinfactlire 09 I . elated 4 2 tholo, T o delivered. wi t h ten aye from &Warn. $8. 1 200 Wendell - at - quality kiln-dried CORN MEAL, in well coopered head-lined barrels. brand to be - mentioned in"Ahe bid. To be delivered within ten days from datatlf award. 60,C00 Pounds PRIME RIO COFFEE, in strong, well, doomed barrels. Bidders will state the price Per net pound for furnishing the whole or any portion of the above coffee. roasted, ground,and -packed in strong paper-lined lambs; and the parties furniehthg 'will be requ them state on oath that the coffeo furnished by is of the same quality as the eample offered, and that it ...stabiles no adaitereiden, nor admixture of any "flibsign substance. Greed pores sample required._ . To be delivered within tweh,tY days from date of • award. .100,000 Forums light COFFEE or choice d ry MA.W:SUCIAR b rU". for tho -pIIPpOISB. — TO be daliVered within ten ,for from - award. " 6.000 Gallons 131713 CIDER. wHIERX, - OGGIN arena. Well. 'motored barrels. e - sienvered within ten days from award. •• 10.003 Pounds flrd-gnallty ADAMANTINE CANDLES. !' . full weight, 12s. To be delivered. within ten days from Award %coo Pounds , Wd bard. SOAP, in pound bank fiai weight, packed in sixty-pound boxes. To be delivered within ten days from award. 20.000 Pounds clean, line, dry-SALT in strong, well coopered barrels. To be delivered within ten days from award. • • 2.010 Pounds pure ground BilarB - 112PP)28, - in'fon.r- Olgne pe.pern• Bidders will state the variety of Pepper offered, and will forniah a sample in 'Tian as well as ground•:,,epa-nra-m-lifriff ....A.e.. crw'rgiv,- RISMPII. .se proposal, and reran-ad taiiiieirTerii; iota taepropoeal — must not be enclosed with the sample • Samples most be in boxes or bottles, and not in paper parcels. The meats will be examined and passed upon by John G. Taylor, inspector on the pert of the United States. Separate proposals, in - duplicate, must be made for each article enumerated, and bidders may propose for Ake whole or any part of, each. A printed copy of this dvertisement must be attached to a ach bid, and the proposals must be specific in com plying with all its terms. Rao . bid must have the written guarantee of two m em Bible names, for the fulfilment of the agreement, who will give bonds if requtred. Black_ Corms for proposals, containing the form of 'guarantee, may be bad on application at this once. • The seller's name. place of 'business. and date of mir ages. name of contents, gross, tare and net weights, linnet be marked on every package, and all old marks :must be obliterated. fbatorns'of weights by professional public weighers to beffiven whenever required. Bo bids from parties who have failed to !Will a former !car %Vils.v ill !tr. - 6' l4 l ll '4es, and delivery at any ,point in this city, to Di:designated by this office ,• and any inferior packages or cooperage will be considered sufficient cause for rejection of contents. Payment will be made in such funds as may be fur nished by the United States far the purpose. . Proposals to be endorsed •• Proposals for Subsistence Stores," and directed to . aUB WIGGIN, noRS-09 and C. S. Vol. NOTICE. = SEALED PROPOSALS, Pinski n Al endorsed THE BOARD P in g 8 Iron/Ail SUP PLIES SCHOOLS, will be receired7at the office, southeast corner SIXTH and ADBLPHI streets, addressed to the undersigmed. until December 13, 1864, at 12 o'clock K, fof the supply of-all the books and stationery to be used In the Public Schools of Philadelphia for the -year 10112. • The proposals must state the price and qua lity of the books and articles di stationery proposed to be furnished, and accompanied by a simple of each Item. A list of books, arc. ,as authorized by the Board, can be seen at the Secretary's office, Southeast corner of SIXTH and ADELPHI Streets. By Order or the Commltke on SuPPlteii. RB4RY W. HALLIWISLL, Secretary no& thatdelo Controllers of Public Schools. ifIFFIOE OF THE DEPOT QUARTER MASTER. • FORT LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS, Nov. 11, 1864. PROPOSALS FOR ARMY TRANSPORTAT ON. SEALED PROPOSALS will be. received at this °Moe until 12 &cloak M. on the Sist day of Deeetaber, 1864, for the Traneportatioo of Military Supplies daring the year 1866 on the following routes: ROUTE No. I.—From Forts Leavenworth. Laramie, and Riley. and ether depots that may be established during the above year on the west bank of the Missouri river, north of Fort Leavenworth, and south of latitude 49 degrees north, to any_posts or stations that are or may be established in the Territories of Nebraska, Da kota, Idaho, and Utah, south of latitude 44 degrees 'north and east or longitude 114 degrees west, and in the Territory of Colorado north of 40 degrees north. Bidders to state the rate par 160 pounds per 10) miles at which they will transport said stores in each of the months from April to September, itialuire, of the year 1866. BOrrs 110. 2.—From titheavenw Kans ans ,ley, in the State: of Kansas, an town 01 in the Buda of Mlistouri, to any posts or stations that are or may be - established in the State of Kansas. or in the Territory of Colorado. south of latitude 40 degrees north. drawing supplies from Fort Leavenworth, and to Fort Union, N. M.. or other depot that may be designa ted in that Territory, to Fort Garland , and to any other Point or points on the route. Bidders to state the rate per 100 pounds per 100 miles at which they will transport said stores in each of the months from April to Septem 'her, inclusive, of the year 1860. • ROUTE No. 3. —From Fort Union, or such other depot as may be established in the Territory of New Mexico. - to any poets or stations 'that are or may be established in that Territory, and to such posts or stations as may be designated in the Territory of - Arizona and State of Texas 'welt of longitude ldi degrees west Bidders to state the rate per 100 pounds per 100 mires at which they will transport said stores in each Pf the months frelm rtineto November, Inclusive, of the year 1866. The weight to be transported each year will not ex ceed 10,003.000 pounds on Route No. 1; Ikooo 000__ponnde on Route No 2; and 6,002,000 pounds on Route No. 3. No additional per 'tentage will bepaid for the trans eportation of bacon, bard bread, pine lumber, shingles, or any other stores. Bidders al onld give their ratifies in full, as well as their place of residence, and each proposal should .be accompanied' by a bond in the sum of ten thousand dol len, signed by two or 'more responsible !persons, ins tranteeing that incase acontractis awarded for the route entioned in the proposal, to the parties proposing, the edtract will be accepted and entered into. and good find sufficient security furnished by said parties in ae sordancewith the terms of this advertisement. •' The amount of bonds required will be suifollowe: 0n Route No. 1 $1000:03 On Route No. 2 20.= On Route No. 8 60.000 Pattsfactory evidence of the loyalty and solvency of each bidder and person offered as security will be re q`Ured, _,Proposals must be endorsed' "Proposals for Army Ttansportation et t ßoute No. 1." "2," or "3." as the case may be, an Atone will be entertained unless they corn Pis with All the requirements Of this adver t ant. ties to whom awards are made must be prepared to execute contracts at- ono.): and, to give the required bonds for the faithful Performance of the same. Contracts will be made enliject to the approval of the QtFrmaster °opera:el bat the right is reserved to re .te y or all bids that may be offered. . tractors must he in readiness •for eervice by the but day of April,lB6s,and they will be required to have a piece of a_genoles at or in the vioinity'of Forts Leaven- worth and Union and other depots that maybe establish- • ed,.dt, which they may be communicated with promptly and readily. By - order of the Quartermaster General. • H C.. 110PiGR 1 3;* nol3td ' and A.' M., 11. S. , A. . /arum: DISTRIeT OP PHILADEVENTA, • No. 1103 OIR ABB- Street, ' • - November 23, 186 t. *BIRD PROPOSALS will s .be' received at this office ~hlntioon of WBVNBSDAF,IOth•Inet., for the prompt delivery at Camp Discharge, agar Spring Mlll, l'hillt delpbw, of— . Loin feet 8-Ineb three-ply Rubber Hose, of beet qua lity. • " I,ooofeet 2-inch three-ply-Rubber Hose, of beet qua. MT. _ Wide necessary couplings and branch plpes.complete for use. To be Inspected and approyed by the United Stiles Inspector. Proposals will name price per foot for hose, including Goat of couplings and branch pipes; the Shortest time for delivery, and must be made upon the regular forms which are furnished at this office. -The United States reserves the right to releet all bids dlemed iiscompitildi with its interests. • ALBIRT S. A111131114.D, no9i Capt. and A. Q. 11. PrORSZB I HORSES I HORSES I ' • • QUARTERMASTER oirmative OFFIOII3 AIRST DIVISION, WASHINGTON, Nov. 10,1904. HOBS suitable for Cavalry and Artillery service. will be purchased at Giesboro Depot. In open market. tIILOEC 1.186 4 Horaerwill be delivered to Captain L. Lowry Moore, a. Q. NA,' end be subjected to the usual Goversunent median before beteg aossPied. Price or-Cavalry Noma, $l7O each. Price or - Artillery Horgan, IMO east.. • Payment will be made for six (9) and more. NM. Colonel in charge 2irsi Quartermaster General's Gelse• PROPOSALS. *9lO t.. 90 IN THE ORPHANS' COURTIN:M I ME COUNTY or PHILADELPH/A. • Estate of YEN PEMOERs' minors. . • The auditor appointed by the court to audit,settle,and adjust the arcountlof CHAS. M. I.IIECENE, gnardlan of Harritt, Caroline, Jarob. aed Vary Ann Fenstmere, minor children o.VALIINTINE PENNEMORS, late of Pbtladtlphia, deceased. and report distribution of the balance in the guardian's hands. will meet the Danis. intetested to the *mate, for toe purposes of hi` appoint. meat, on THURSDAY. DEMIIII6ER let, 1864, at 4P. M.,at his 0t1i50..806 WALNUT Street. city- of .Phila dephia. WILLIAM ERNST. nol9-ettathat auditor.. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA. Estate of WILLIAM WORRELL, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Conn to audit. settle. and arquet the account of HENRY SLOAN, Trustee for C M's A.hO,,TNE bLOAN, Mrs. Salt at fl COATE% Mrs. MARI WOOD. and ALB ERT WORRELL. heirs of the estate of WILLIAM WORRELL. &ceased, and to report dl.tribution of the balance In the hands of the accountant, will meet the partite Interested for the par- Pose of hie appointment TIIESPAY. December 6. 11364. at 4 o'clock P. M. at his office, No 226 tionth FOURTH Street, in the cit, of PhLafelphis. no24.thstu6t GRO. SERGEANT, Auditor_ TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE A- CITY. AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JOSEPH GABSIDE. Deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Courttt audit. settle, and adju4 account of OWHOIS BULLOCK and JANE OARS' 013, Ezeentore of the Last Will and Tes• meat of JOSEPH 0 AMAMI, deceased, and a c epo distribution of the balance in the hands of themete ant appoint eet the on interested for the porp,)ses of hisitent, on TUERDAY, December Plitt at 4 o'clock P. M , at Ids office, No. 142 Bonin BIOEITH Street in the city of Philadelphia. note-stuthlit JOHN B. COLANAEL Auditor. _ ESTATE OF ABRAHAM FRA.NOB, DECEASED. —LETTERS mssra:MßNTegT upon the Estate of ABRAHAM FRANCE, late of the City of Philadelphia, deceated. haying been granted to the nn de:signed, all persons indebted to the said • Estate Will please make payment. and thoke haying 'claims will preseht the game without delay to • WILLIAK FRANCE A. E nor. TWENTY-FIFTH and - CaLLOWHILL Or u bin ettornoq, norZr-todt ELIJAH THOMAS, - No 51 North SIXTH Street. INTB E ORPRA.NEW COURT FOR TEE CITY AND COUNTY 011 PHILADELPHIA. E-tats, of JOHN GRIGG, deceased . The Auditor appotated by the Court to andlt,-settle. and. &Walt — the soount of • NANCY' N. 0 BNB end JOBB W. ORlDo o .admtntstrators. of JO/1111 GETOG, doosved, and to . y.port tibstrlbatton of the balance in the hands of the aeounntants, will meet the parties tnterestedt - fortbs ourpOS4ll of Vs swot trimeta, on MONDAY, - December 121. a. 1884, at 4 o'clock .1' K. at the Wetbes q t Hops,. 4i the city of Philadelphia. nclls-stnthet • • 01111 O. BAALICR & O.O:'S.OOD LIVER w , OM. —THE TRUE AND ONNRlNl—Unsurpaased.,De Quality and off. ote—being.the • . • • SWEETEST AND BEET PREPARED. In Coogbe.. Colds. Bronchitis, Asthma, Govt, ln d Coneumption, and all Scrofulous Compla ints, it oftentimes proqueseettamediate and certain effects when • other remedies _base 'been taken With Attie or no beaeflt. sold by all Dntititiote An the city, and by the prowls. tor; No 718 ' MARKETT Eitiest. sill-tuth4m TRICASIIKY VF,PiitTMIENT. oyyton OF TES COIIiFtROLLBIL OF fßtaaa Oruntisraii„ WAseasurros. September rr• Wit Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented. to the nndersigried, it has been made to appear that the EIGHTH NATIONAL BANK Calr- PHILADELPHIA. is the City of Philadelphia in tha County of Philadel phia, State of Pennsylvania, -has been duly. or. ander - had according to the requirements Of t r i laa mrk d at of Congress, entitled "an Act to pro- Tide a national currency; secured by Pledite of Unit' ed States bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof, ' ' approved June &i, Mit and has complied with all the irrovialone of laid Act required to isit complied with before sommensing,the bortiness'of banking under said Act: Now, therefore, "I. HUGH NoGULLOOH, Coml. Weller of th* Currency. do hereby certify thnt - tne Eighth National Bank - of Philadelphia, in the Olty of Ptabuielphia, in the Oeuntyof Philadelphia, and State qf Penneylvania, Is authorized to commence the business tifilariting under the Act aforesaid. In testimony whereof witness -my hand and seal of aloe this twenty-seventh.day of SOptember, - HUGH McOULLOOH, sash. Comptroller °Cabe OarreneY. • • nisommixtv AND mom. . 7. VAITOKAS 11311tICIT. . WILLIAM Z. Klan& • SOUTIEWARKROMWEY, npril AHD wenn:mew, lIMMIT%; I n tom ore RWGIREERS AND MAORI Volifsetnre High and Low Pressure Steam kalif% SS ,_river. anmarine service. Rers Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, asst ings of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-frame Roofs for (las Works, Workshops. Rai road Stations, Mi. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most in. , Droved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, rusk Sugar, Saw, and Grist pints, Vacuum Pans, Ctipek Steam Trains, Sefecitore, niters. Pumping Enables. is. Sole agents for N, Rillietur's Patent Surar-BOllbil Al s Paistns, Nesmyth's Patent Steam Hammer, and Acr_.l, wall & Woliey's Patent Centrifugal Sagas-Brainix ][whine. a tualkt? OF SUB- seitilk PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS. —HEAVE k LirvY, PRACTICAL AIDS 711BOHSTICAL SHOINES&S, MA. CHINISTS, BONER-MAKERS, BLACKSMITHS, sad -7011BAKIIS, haying for many, years been in suseessfg , operation,bnd lb e e n exclusively engtSE building and repairing se and River lingtnel, and low yree Vop.Bollere„ Water Tense, r_s ore. &a. /ifs. 70 fully offer their services to tke tennis, 04 '4. y prepared to contract for engines of all aims, Ise rine, giver, and Stationary; having Gets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Beery dessrlytion of pattern-makim made at the shortest notice. High and LoW-Prescudo, Pine, Tabular, and Cylinder Rollers, of the best Padua. sy 'yenta charcoal iron, Fortino, of all sizes and kinds. Iron and Brags Casting,, of all descriptions; 8011 , Turning, Screw-Cutting, and all other work eonnestri with the above buminess. Drawings and speclAcationi for all work done at establishment free of charge, and work guaranteed- Who subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re palm of boats, where they can lie In perfect eiret7, alts are provided with shears.blooke, falls, As., lee., ft. rattles heavy or light weights. .40021114MM1,.-- OHlf _ • 1.91-ff ..• matt-1-1 • • 01143 , QM; di Co., STEAM' KS ...GUM BUILDERS, Iras /made and Gemoral •!iditsts And Boller Balms. No. Li 119 CALL(YW FILT. tittrost. firaft-14 PHEAPEBT COAL IN. THE CITY: . Not Goal t 8 pa ton. , Stove Coal 19 per ton, - At the MANTUA COAL 'YARD, Cor. THINI'Y4INTR. street and rBN NSYLVANIA E. H ~ Yaatoa Ao/B-111t* pt. - a's MIL '1 ' • • I alltr 70 BEATER COAL. ai ALTER'S COAL YARD, If*YR Street, (967). below OIRA_RD Avenue, N. B.—Sample. at Branch Once, SIXTH and SYBING GARDEN. WILE LEHIGH COAL.-H 01113 Br SIMPERS can rely on getting a Pura ankle at a H. sorrier FRONT and POPLAR Streets. not-102* • JOHN W. HAMPTON. Ej SCHERMER, NEW COAL DE. POT, NOBLE Street above Ninth street. Constantly on hand superior qualities of Lehigh and Schuylkill Uoal selected expressly for fanaliP at the lowest market prices. Wharf Twen=i l a street, below Arch street. Office 119 South FOLUITH Street. 0c110.3m 't-A ENII I N E EAGLE VEIN COAL, EQUAL IP NOT SUPERIOR TULIBIGH —A brial will seoureyour custom. Bag and Stove eis,lll.oo p Jon; Lane ant, 1610.00. (Mee, 131 South FOURTH SC below Chestnut Depot, 11419 CALLOWRILL above Broad_ reel4-6m) ELLIS BRANSON C 0 AL . - SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER 'MEADOW. and Spring Mountain Lehigh OW. and best Locust Mountain. front Schuylkill; prepared ex pressly for Family nee. Depot, N. W. corner EIGHTH and WILLOW ESL Ogee. Mo. 1111 South EIBOOAD ana-tf J. WA MON & ( U ) DR. A. H. STEVENS, ONE OF THE founders of this new system of treating diseases imeeessfully by modified BLECTRIOLL action. with out shocks. announces that he has resumed his ante duties for the treatment of diseases, at 1418 South PENN SQUARE, where, for the last three years. he has had almost Mb bounded success in cases pronounced in surable by medicine. Please sail, or send for a pam phlet, and learn particulars. N. B. Physicians or others desiring g Instrnetion sun inter for • full 4011/110 at any time after • Monday. Slept. 26. se26-tt ELECTRICITY. WONDERFUL SCIENTIFIC DIS- 1 1 COVBRY. —All genie and chronic diseases} cured by spacial guarantee. when desired by the ` patient, at 1120 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, and, in case of a failure, no charge is made. No drugging the sink= with. uncertain medical acacias. /All cures performed by Magnetism Galvanism, or other moOlications of Blecialcily , without shooks or any unpleasant sensation . For further informa {lion, send and get a - Pamphlet, which contains hun dreds of certilicatee from some of the most reliable men in Philadelphia, who have been speedily and permanently cured after all other treatment froin medical men had failed. Over twelve thousand cured in lees than Ave years at MO WALNUT St. ilestrrical Institution established dye years ago. Prof. C. H. BOLLES, Lecturer. PHYSICIANS. W. B. BROWN, M. X ' P. SHEDD, M. D., IS. W. BECKWITH. X D.,1 AND ................... Mrs. S. .I . "..IPULTON. Mrs. Fulton, a lady of great experience and abill r. will hate entire charge of treating in the ladles' ertment. , Consultation free. Address all letters to Dr. W. B. EIIOWI4, L 22101 WALNUT Street. PhlladelPhia. octi-em* TARRANT'S EFFERVBSORNT EIRLTZER APIMIUM Et Tint BEET REILILDY KNOWN FOR ALL BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. SICK RRADACIII,OOBTIYI NESS INDIOERTION HEART-BURN EMIR StONAollsra-thcaNzat. ac. Dr. JAMES 'B.. oisILTPN. the crud UtemsA. ears: "I know Ita somsitian. aid have no doubt it will prove most betteillsW in MORO eompbants for which It is recommended. Dr. THOMAS BOYD car: " I Monier commend it to the notice of.the public. Dr. EDWARD G Lptow says: "I can with *out done', recommend it.' Dr. GEORGE T. DRILTER airs: "In Flat:dungy. Heart-barn; Costiveness, Sick rfeadaisba, &tr., dm_ th .• SELTZER AP.ItRIBRY in my hands bas proved Indied.A. .valuabbt remedy." Tor other testimonials see pamphlet with saeh 64314.1 e. Mannfactared only by TARRAXT & 00„ 27_8 ORVITWIOR Street, "few York. FOE SALSI37 ALL DRUGGISTS. my23-tuoll ELECTRICAL INSTITUT 'k E. coin, Y APTLIOED. This treatmont only E .fieeds a trial to be adopted by an. Having made many Improvements in the application of; 'this agent. we feel in duty - bottud to - make then/ public.. We will guarantee Wears' any ease of , Fever and Ague; in two treatments. It has also proved very snoieeaful in the cure of the following diseases; Rheumatism, klouralgia, Debility Paralysis, • Asthma. Genital Weakiallels • Influenza, Hyspemda, riles ; Spinal Disease, Catarrh, Diabetes. Ladies and gentlemen can enter at any time for fall Instructions in the practice. • Consultations free. . Office bourn EI A. M. to 6 P. M. . Testimonials at the office. DR. THOMAS DRO, Medical AL selktjad _ 15431. - RiEVENTH Bt., below Rave. TAYLOR'S ARNICA OM OR RMBRO OATION never Ms Winn Ratuaation,Nßa. , Sprains, Frosted Feet, Clapped Ranee; snidAll Ilfe eases• Hike 36a,asel wbolesale and retell! WE, B. AY LOR, Drould. TENTH and OALLOWHILL. see-3m TVA.. KENICTILIN HAS RESUMED REI3 De. home practicent his residence, northwest corner of ThIED ind'ISSION Streets. Prom 9 toll. sel-3m fffiV . COTTAGE ORGANS, Not only IINES.OIII,LED' but UniIiQUALL3D - in purity of Tone and Power, designed especially for Churches an Schools , but found to be. eoutily well adapted to therarlor and Drawing Boom; For sale only_ by DECO& N 0.13 North SKVENT/3_ threat. Also. a complete assortment of the Perfect Melodeon oonstaxitly on hand noel-Sm Iffltyl DECKER BROTHERS' PL AllOl3. —The pupils, and sarticalarly the Profeesion, are invited to examine these beautiful in struments, which are meeting with such se ouparal• led degree of Popniarity and sale in New York, and wherever known. The desideratum so long titer's for, i e the strength of the from and sonorousness cd the wooden frame. so happily attained by them. renders their Pianos incomparable with any others. The tut• outlined testimonials of such names as Wolf/whe t Atha, Marion, Heller, Thomas, Zundel, an scores Of Ohara, amply sdabllsh their Met rank. For sale oar.! bl W. J. COCELEaII, 908 CHJAITNIIT Street. Al a large assortment of other new and second•hand Pianos. tarsals and to rent. nein-Sato ;•111EYER , 8 NEWLY D6= affil l iaßaggiurr sokrai • REMO PLA.NOB. the best. London rrlia tied& Alreenrarte ri America reeeived. ODROIIII AND SECOND-HAND "wive. see-1110 Warazooma. so. TMS ARCH Bt. baL . nexus, COTTA6/1 ,EXCIBL. SLOE oxoAirs. HAILMONLITMS;ttia KILO - MARSEPS Idußla atom off- s 4 19. ViWa 08.E.4170T WINK COAL. MEDICAL. AUCTION SALES. • JOBli B. NYBRO & CO. 41.1.10T108 ` l, 11E8. Bloc 1132 sad L- MAI Wrest LARGE P rrnrs SALE OF FELT, GOODS. T B AVELLING BAGS,RATS, cArd, Ac , Au. Ai CARD. —We invite the eat y attention of purchasers to the large and valuable assortment of boots. shoes. brogans. travelling bags. &c . embracing samples of 1.100 packagee, forming a prime sod fresh assortment. to be peremptorily sold. by catalogue, on four months' credit, commenclag THIS MORNI.NG. at 10 o clocks precisely. LARGE PEREMPTORY BALE OF BOOTS, BROWS, BROGANS:, Ac THIS MORNING November ZI at 10 o'clock. will be sold by catalogue. without reserve, on four months' credit, about 1,103 packages boot", shoes, brogans. balcoorals, gam shows, army foods. travelling bane, &c . of city and Eastern reanufasture, embrecing a fresh and prime assortment of desirable articles for men, women. and children. which wisl be open for examination early on the morn leg of sale LARGE POSITTP7E SALE OF BOOTS, REIOES AND GUM /SHOES, V ika GOODS. TRAVELLING BAGS, gm.. de. NOTlCE.—lncluded in our large aerataPtorY sale of boots, shoes. Au to be hold on TUESDAY Morning, Nov. 29th. at 10 o'clock. will be found in part the fol lowing fresh goods. via,: raw a men's, boys , and youtbe' thick boots. —cases men's, boys'. and youths' kip and calf boots. cases men's grain cavalry boas cases boys' grain End L L. boobs. cares men'a. tons and youths' kip brogan.. cases men'a, boys', and youths' balmonds, tap sole do. cases boys'. and youths' Congress boots, tap sole do. aa‘arla women's. and dblidren's calf. Itip, fist; grain and split , sewed, pegged, and coop-r galled boots and balmorsls, embracing a general assortment o city andßattern-made goods. Also, 7 Caste gents' Bt-inch leg, enameled. gilds foxed. steel-shod cavalry boots, gum awes, army goods, . • stlorei,• SALE - 6F 'READY. MADE CLOTHING. , N _ SHIRT'S, dte.. O WEDNRSDAT MORNING. November 110kh wig be. sold by catalogue, conmenO big at 10 o ' cloc k,realsely, on tour months' ma lit, about 276 lots of men'e and boyg' fashionable ready made clothing, shirtttlfre• ' - . • • LARR , E BATA OFFORI"EItf Dollld D TIO RY • "(300.E5. -included in OUT ELIO of for - einem:l 4 domesNadry Seeds* . ON WHIR AY, DeceMber let, will be found, in part, the following de. Bitable articles, vie: - —pales all wool flannels. - - bales heavy brown -- bales Ethan Allen and Lent:aster sheeting& cases 74 end 44 bleached moraine. cases. brown and bleached Canton *annals cases Hartford and Cairo denims. oases heavy ooreetjeans • oases colored cambric* and paper =sans. cases Manchester gioghame. oases indigo bine Makings. cases Rob Boy ,lane ings. cases min• re' plaid flannels. cases super Kentrickr weese ail-wool tweeds. calms Oneida and go!d-mixed oassinseres. osses_plain wodjprinted satinet- NOTICE TO CLOTHIEI3B—LaROR SALE OF TAILOR CIoODS Alio, on TRUBSDAY, December let, —pieces Magian broad cloths. -7 pieces heavy velours. pieces Castor and President beavers pieces litsgnimatort and Motoow beavers. —.pieces Wattney and pilot beavers. pieces Astrachan coatings . • pieces Belgian trioots and seal skins. pieces silk and wool Cooettlffell. pieces Devonshire And Helton coatings pirate dank-mired repellant& -. pieces cap and cloak clothe. pie e ces mohair, Italians,vestings, paddhigs, can vas. d. Also, dress goods, white goods, travelling shirts. army shirts and drawers, hosiery, cravats, ties, sewing silk, skirts. notions. Ac. ROCHDALE BLANKETS Included In sale of THURSDAY NEXT, a fall assort ment or 10-t@l2 4 Rochdale blankets. IaRGY PIMIDIEMOAY SALB OF_FT#OPEAN AND AMERICAN-. DRY GOODS, he.. We will hold a large sale of British, German. French, and American dry goods, by catalogue, on tow months' credit, and tart for cash, ON' THURSDAY MORNING. D e o; let, a - m=omin at precisely 10 o'clock, emu- Prising • 600 PA'CKAOIO3 AND LOTS of British. German, French, India, and American dry goodsi embraclig it large, fall, and fresh assortment of woolen. worsted, linen, cotton. aad goods for city and eauntrir sales. LABOR POSITIVE SAill ALTO OF &e. - CARPETING% DREG ON • • FRIO AY M Dec. % will be sold by . catalogue, on four months' credit, cowmen ulna at lto'clocS preelselY. a foil assort ment-of ingrain, 'venetian. rag, Est. hemp, and, cot- tage carpets. druggeto. &c. PRRBMITORY SALE OF FRENCH. INDIA, GERMAN, AND BRITISH DRY Goons. am. •ON MONDAY IdORNINO. December oth, at 10 o'o'ock. will be sold, by cata logue, on foor months' , credit. 'shout 700 1 AfikAtlES AND LOTS of Preach, India. fi,rmsa. and British dry goods, dta.. einbraoltd a large and choice asecrtraeht of fancry.and gatle articles in ellA. worsted, woolen, linen, and cot ton fabrics. V. B. —Bamples of the samo•wtU be arranged for ex amination, with cataloues, early on the morales of sale when "dealers will find It to t intoned to at tend_ SALE OF STEAM TIIG AND BARGES. CmEr Quattramtasrinen Omni, (Depot of Washington), W /ARLINGTON. D. C.. Nov. 26, 1854. Will be sold at_pa bile auction. at Government Wharf. 1"101 , cf 0 street. Wsehiegton City, D. C on THURS. Diy, December lb, Efil. one Steam Tug and roar tiChnylkUl bargee, as rot lows • Steam TuaC G. BAWTSLLE • Barges .A.W TB O.NY CLINTON. CITIZEN, lINIAg. MILTON er wiLKi erss INS, gale to commence at 12 o'c ock noon. Terms—Cash in Clevernmtut fonds D. FL RUCKER, Brigadier General and Chief Qaartermaster. Depot of Washiaston, D. (L . , , AND- TO ILET. • -da. *Olt .BALE—A STORK STAND, DlietLing attached, on Main. street,.ll2l2.llAll- TOWNod..inirsa excellent business. Also, a House and Lotorittt plenty of Shade, eh..a amiable for a Large faintly. within min utheittel' walk railroad station. ermantoirh. apply to 403. nolle• tntbs 01* conveyancer, gerninatetra. et • FOR BALE . OR TO LIT—A3VIII - bar of convenient new nwnravotii. with model.n improvements, on North Eleventh, Twelfth. and Thir teenth streets. Applyto TATI.O W JACKSON. 814 CHIOISFITZDT Street, or at 1858 North TW ELF ra Street. rORGR PROPERTY AT PRIVATE - • LE.-.slMr.alsilrarf - Q3. - taiSM," Lancaster eo„ on t. e Fenneylvanta Railroad known as SADSBORI FORGES; two good water-powers, several thousand tons of good forge cinder, and a FARM of 200 acres in a high state of cultivation. For fall particulars address JAMES GOODMAN, Penningtonville F. 0., Cheater county, Penna. Immediate possession given. Also, in the same refs boyhood (on the Railroad), a valuable "TORII PROPERTY: rood buildings, steel; lent stand. Address as above. sold tutitlat el LARGE AND ,VALUABLE PRO PERTY FOB seLg.--mrui virri large and commo alone LOT and BUILDING, No. 308 CHERRY Ftreet, near the centre of bnainens, containing 80feet on Cher ry Street, depth ltd feet, being 78 feet wide on the rear of the lot, and at that Width opening to a large cart- Wag leading to Cherry Janet its advantages of SIZE AND POSITION are rarely met with. Apply on Ihmremises. aelg-Sm* / 1 2 4 x, FIARSALIC--THE NEAT AND nvenient Dwelling, No. INS MOUNT VBRNON Street, or it will be exchaned for a Germantown pro perty se. For ot hers , see North American S awe _ - B. F. HURL 123 S. FOURTH Street, nol9 and S. W. car. EIRITSNTEENTR and (MULL PUBLIC BALE OF REAL ESTATE. Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court of Cheder County, will re exposed at public sale, ON SATURDAY, the 3d of December, 1664, at the Mansion Home or EVAN WOOD WARD, deed. being Tract No. 6 hereinafter described, ail the balance of the Real Estate of said deceased. conithting of • hEVIiN D/PFBRENT TR aCTS OR LOTS OP LARD, in said county of Chester—to wit: No. 3. A meesuage and tract of Land situate in West Bradford township, containing Nine Acres and 'Forty seven Perches, adjoining lands of Wm. Dowlin. lands late of Charles Elston, and others; about one acre of which is arable, the balance young thriving timber No 4. A meeenage and tract of Land situate in the same township, adjoining lands of Wm. Dowlin, Wm. Torbert, James Beale, and others, containing Fourteen Acres and Piny-seven Perches; about one and a half acres of which are good woodland, the balance arable, and of good quality, well fenced, and watered by ma xims water from springs. No. ft A lot of. Land situate in eamet wrzuthip. adjoin ing lands of Lydia Woodward and others , containing Flue Acres and Eighty Perches; covered with thriving chestnut and oak timber. which will be At for cutting into posts and rails in a few years. No. 6. A lot of Land in East Cain township, adjoining lands of Wm. Torbert, John Z. Vox. and others, con taining Two Acres and Fifty-seven Perches. on which is erected a large three-story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, lately occupied by said decedent. On the lint floor is a large hail, parlor and dining-rooms complete. with a very large room heretofore occupied as a store room The second and third stories are divided into six at ambars on each door, with a well-finished attic. Also, &large brick Kitchen, two atones high, attached, with cellar Under the whole, with soft water conveyed by lead pion, to the kitchen door, and from thence to the barn. This 'would make a splendid couniryreei denim for a gentleman of leisure, as it is located within five minutes' walk of Gallagherville Station. on the Pennsylvania Railroad. 32 exiles west of Philadelphia. It would also he a desirable location for a Dummies man for a store,coal and lumber yard, Etc. A Stone Barn, with abundant stabling. together with other out buildings, thereon. The land attached le first-rate, sad well fenced. • . No. 7. A messuage and tract of Land situate In the same township, adjoining landsof Wm. Torbert, Abner Baldwin and Milano, containing Twenty- seven Aeree •and Fourteen Perches of arable land, in the Great Val ley, of excellent qv silly, and divided into lye enclo stubs, with good fence. This tract lies convenient to No. 6, and added to it would make a desirable small farm. NO; 8 A lot or tract of Land situated in the same -township, on the Lancaster turnpike, in the village of Gallaghervilie adjoining lands of Win. Torbert an d . others, containing Eighty Perches, on which is erected a stone Smith Snop and large Coachmaker Shop, at both of which a large and profitable bwiiness might be done, No. 9. A lot of Land situate in same township. ad joining lands of Wm. Torbert, John B. Fon, and others. containing One Acre and Forty seven Perches. on which is an abundance of limestone, of good quality, and It is presumed that marble abounds in one portion of the lot There is treated on the premises a large lime kilo, where an abundance of lime may be sold. Tae lot is also well fenced.• • All the above properties are desirable. Persons wish.; big topertchato axe respectfully invited to call and view; for themselves, and will be shown by calling at the pre-1 miseb of NO.. 0, or the undersigned, at Outhrievi Ile. atVale to commence precisely at 1 o'clock. Ckmditions sale. WhE WINDI 4 I3, non. it:alma* Administrator de Donis non. • FOR SALE-AN EXCELLENT FARM of 110 Acres. at Union. Station, oa W • Jamey Railroad, 20 miles. front Cameen. Good Maid lags and good r off. Price low and terms easy. " Also, asunber of first. eta*: Farms within A few Inner , of P hiladelphia. B. F. GLEAN, nOI9 2.213 South FOURTH Street Am VALUABLE FLOURING, liNgA MILLS AND FARM FOR SALB—Nnown as .sda-• SHBLISISIPS MILLS, on the Penuepask. in MONT 00111KRY COUNTY near the North Pennsylvania Railroad, fourteen miles from PhPadelphla ; comprlsttig a large MERCHANT MILL, with three run of blunts, and all necessary machinery, in goodorde , for manu facturing all kinds of grain. Also, a GRIST MILL. with two run of burrs. Manton House, several Tene ments. Barns, Shope, &0.. with 46 Acres of highly pro ductive Land. As the owner to eng aged In the milling and grain bnelness 40 miles distan t, th is property, now itrauccessful operation, will be so ld a bargain, and if desired, immediate possession will be given, Including the custom. stock bums: implements. all ready established for an enterprising bnaineeS - man to make money. For terms, which will be easy. apply to M. THOMAS & SONS Philadelphia, Or to the subscriber. at Downingtown. Pa. nolo lm DAVID SHBLACIRE ' U G ST ORE FOR TUBES and contents will be • sold at a.tralnatlon. j with a discount of twenty per cent: - This le a splendid opening for a competent person. The store was formerly occupied by Col.A. H. Grimshaw, arid done a large and ' successful baldness. Apply to T. 3InGLARY. Ilona 605 MARKET 6t.. WILMINGTON. Del. ' F OR RENT—THE LARGE PHOTO rtaphic Booms formerly *coupled by W. L. GBH NON, comer of BBVItNTH and cassnarr Street. Also, se voral other roorr e over the Photographic Hoorn& Inquire at 618 WASHINGTON Boum. . Aolt fi r ERMANTOWN LOT FOR BALM A very desirable Cottage L ... 41, about 1100 by 180 feet, corner of JEFFERSON and WEAL Streets, two sq.exes beyond the depot for the new passenger run way. Price low, terms easy. ADA,' tel • JOSEPH LEg, nol7-lm ININ CHESTNUT West PriIIIIMERSIGITBD_, RATING RS- IiTIIS. - Ida REAL ESTATE ONTICE to ffo. 53 TENTH Street, tarter of Arch. Mc there reopened hit REGISTEL In which titepaillic waif enter their PROPERTIES ToE SALA And hi prepared to collect INTERESTS, lirottat• and Howe every part of the el Dr. oel7-!we WILLIAM ve. HEIMB,D. SR. AT F. S• SKATE 137Ethpg..._ Dealers arc' renaMed to call and examine tall; of Isess Viels of 1.11 . and Gent& Skate& for width be famished at the lowest Niiu t ita x t. ri Dr u m , 1 L. BLINDRat. Milatiasstarir' s -Mrest.l prf booth DaTil Wrest, U.QI2-lre AVOTION BAAL, 'FURNESS, BRIWLNY. & no. CO _a_ o. 616 CHUM!? and 6121 Jar; 1,000 LOTS FANCY LED C.ooha 841 NOTICE. ktottareo Na.. 2911, at 10 o clock. wall be sod, 2, 1 credit, about MOO lota of lane? and Britisb, Irish, and German Dr, Goods beet assortment offered at auction thin is„,„" — ; 101 l !ants of Ltapie'e fabrics. Also, figured and plain Mks, velvets, Tom e s. dress goods. broth*. abawl.. i 1 0 ,7 t o linen damasks and lisOn tablecloths of of Richardson. Rm. ar. 0 or der o.tg which the trade is particularly replicated, th, NOTICE TO VERC RANI' N A , Also. 100 nieces French black and 'IT 50 p ieces French double teeter b.,.. er al"ti 20• 3.4 tricots led k 60 • • r. 6 4 bla barrscr:' Also, Italians. sotto dorhinos NOTICE TO DEALERS IN fr 67,$ THIR 6fo Cartons fancy and Plate Poolt de w e , bone, Icost ndinn some very high co, Pas 1©1(43 steamboat black .11r White and colored edge black silk we °,t t , of t h e piece. colored silk velvets. to whi c h 4,', of the trade is requested. SPLENDID QUALITY LIDIII DROP AND LINEN DANARR Of Richardson, 800. & Owaea's teleb.,;.) • taro, suitable for the header. 6;4 I so pieces 6-4 to 8-4 loom linen alisp,b rg N) " " 8 4 whitey brown lines dunssli Br, 8 extra quality whitey tune and enow- drop do. Mews la 20 places 94 rain. quality India' hr, A4 asks and suow.drop do. 7 4 to Ic, 4 extra qua lay lines dams) tay, 220 dozen buctaback liaFft (nwc. LINEN ISACHINE TfIRRAI) '5OO dozen first qnulite linen mAchin. 0001) • FOR rA ah car• Also, a la se assortment of cotton:Led we Sc good , . LA'T GRAND RD/MN SALE e•py, FRENCH, GERMAN, AND iißiTlyp R' OF LUPIN'S CELEBRATED PA Ricci ' THIS MORp - I 140.. 20. 1864 a ESR.t at 10 o'clock , esn ro e , HEfff BRTNLEY. & CO , A em...it CNUT , tot 000ipteom LDPIWE brated Insfintos. obi and colored. al t qualities 100 pleas. reps, superior qu 4 lilh.ll{l.4 ,50 piece. velour ruse,, desirable e i pti e: ,' ait pircee Paristann., new owl 41147 dem 60 pieces tamise, all gelatin,. 1(0 places poplins and Antennae. silt tram 4,oplecoe rt.% printed cashmere etokaa, detainee. ROPlece. plain Illotudin de lataea, tank . high colors. 100 Pieces 4-4 do. l black and rum{ RIO pieces /ape , aiixonl wool Wake. I )00 pieces do.. halos. ac, p ie ce . super gualltg tarn plaid as, poollee, and V1:00011.1. 611 piers 6-4 angle-naston plaldL 60 piecestE etees. dress materials, silk, tr ue, m Ifs) piac"s 6-4 quality Freneb Cannel Wsidgi 200 pa' moral skirts, latest •tyle.. 10 awe fancy British dress goods, c it „ , brocade.,mohair,, Ac 2l) cases star 's dress goods. tuna tiqy white colored Coln's., lase* ntottrt poplin.. Victoria c:otbs, and ottmu, cent importation 200 black TI, bet long shawls, wool fi lm 600 new styles long and now. WOOl uu . 60 Paris rich brocbe long shawls. ) 100 pieces dress silts, plain colored tal.,n e fat- d do.. colored VON de Beot, all choice styles. 60 pieces black armitres, figured talk y. 20 - pieces mantilla velvet"; Roper tyse a MEN'S WR GOODS. pieces ell ra super blue E c A loths. 11l pieces extra super brown ca•tors. 25 pieces extra super doable canton-, 2r) nieces extra super 84 black tricot" simeres. 60 pieces Italian cloths and satin de tVs. Mien. 60 piecescolored iiiestas, saner Quito . 16 pieces saver Lyons all-silk col:sr ysts.,,, 20 pieces super styles black and colored :l SPICIAL SALE OF 600 CARP' 611 FRIA MORNlNG.November lA. 1661. fall lines No 4 and I black and colored cord edge ribbons. Nos. El to 90 do, do. Nos 4to 60 splendid quality black posit, Nos. 16 to 60 Scotch plaid colored do. Pos. 40 to '0 rich brothe embroidered do Nos. 42 to 60 grbs grain and satin do. Fringed edits s vide and besvv nbud dc STEAMBOAT VELVET Rbolor Fa assortment Woo. Ito 190 stesnabost silk velvet ribbons. Nos. to —colored and black do. toltb and pord edge. IitrTHOIL4I3 & BONS, Nos, 139 aseit 141 Rooth FOLT,F!Stf SALES OF STOCKS AND Ent V At the Kitchens% every TITESDAT, et Et Ahr- Bendbillsof each Property image on the Hatt:lA*7 rteTtotte to each ea's 1,( Ing_tm_p_blet form plying fall deeeTtptien. FURNITURE SALKS at tie Acedos TB ITBSD ry. ;liar kartiettlar attention Liven to sales at wideness. Ike. REAL ESTATE STOCKS, De. • WTI NO\ Executors' and Orphans' r.mtu.t Baler. Si: gages, tutd Real - - YfilB DAY. Estate- . A, very la;:is Sale. properttft, to be eel iln - cluding valuable business tttandt. aid plain dwellings, large lots-24 acs ~ *s lots. Frankford: 2.3foatervs, Long lane. Ac„ de bills ready. - - Sale N'o. 1818 Singh Rlttenhoore Si.o SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD 51 CARPET'S, ho. THIS MORNING, 2th Instant, at 10 o'clock, by catslotee. flonth Rittenhouse Square, tke superior fem. Word piano, tine carpets, hook-cases May be examined at 8 o'clock on the nor sa. Sale N 0.41-- letanidin strel. RESIDENCE AND SUPERIOR FUEYIY NIEReRS, CHINA AND tiLifgwal ON WEDNESDAY hIOREISO, Pow. 80th, at 10 o'clock, by custom, Franklin street, above Coates street, the et tom mactol and pier mirrors, Eno chine se ware, line 'feather beds and mattresses, Nta. de. s be examined at 8 o'clock on the nn sae. SALE OF MISCELLANEOUS AND SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPH ALBIOdq, ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, Nov. 30th, at the auction store, miscalls schoolbooke, photograph Albums, Irc., zrx.Mitlthlrutti IhrEuta.lauTra. FMB.PIES PR(' eoLD wiTcH, eswitio - lecaual, cARPETIS, OH THURSDAY MORNING, At 9 o'clock, st the Auction Store, superior plepnt rosewood drawing-room furniture, wa i zut dining-room and chamber furniture. librare" furniture, fine French plate mantel oval salraPra. snowier fire-Proof chest men gg gentnc p a gold leve watch, Singr glansware r . line velvete F. other carpets, elesvat window curtains. Kim sax OFF,FILOSOFILTC,ALAND CHI APPAXA, r,. By order of Execet:m OM FRIDAY. Dec. 2, at 12 o'clock. will be sold the a p2l . and chemical apparatus belonging to thetas man Cox.), R. D., comprising two electrical c telescePe, air pump. microscope, laboratory( Also, some surgical instruments , and a bort calculi one very remarkable one, evircrte? John Redman. _ Also. large And superior telescope and stet May be examined the day bel're the sale BSCOTT, JR., AUCTIONR . ins CHJETROT and 615 BANSOM LABOR SLR OF FILTER-PI:SUB On SPEDNE.DAY MORs VW, Foy. 30th, at 10 o'clock precisely. we will invoice of triple silver-plared ware, cona!=tit sets casto's, trays, ice pitchers, batter and • dishes, &c.. &c. SALE OF IRON PPRNITI - Rit TRIIRSDaY MORNING, Dec. 1. at 10 o'clock precisely. limp salf. A alters, coadstirg of bedsteads, table, char z, brackets, isc.. ke. PHEGIEP FOR.D 00., AUL . A- 625 IfAREMP saw IIiAS coaxal LARGE SALE OP 1,200 OASES BOTti, BROGANS. BeINOSALS. ON THURSDAY MORNING. December I. will to sold by catalogue. ei at 10 o'clock precisely. 1.200 cases boots, shoe cavalry boots. &c. Also. women's. misses' dres's boots, oboes, gaiters, bahnonle. n WOLBERT_,_____AIICTIO C SOUTH SIXTH (moms PURR OLD BRANDIsq. M KIES RUM, 61116, CHAMPAGMLS, CLARE , AILS. THIS ORNIZIO The 7 9th inst. ,at U o cl ock, ' at No. 16 Somh Street, a large assortment or very choice swipe , LIQUORS, IN CASES AND DSMIJoHN , The whole comprising the largest and fine; have ever offered. Is worthy the attenth , ec gentlemen, as well as first e ass hotel and keepers. Catalogues now ready. HPltiltlr - P. WOLBERT, No. 002 MASSlAt t raotrth 6de, sboa. Sales of Dr y Goods, Trimmings. Notions, kn. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and YELDAT Moran meacins at 10 o'clock. pANCOAST & WARNOCK, MODEM, 240 XABXE? Street. LARGE POSITIVE SALEM' 900 LOTS A 2 AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS. 3111 GOODS, HOSIERY GOODS. Re., Ac , by ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, November P commenclng at 10 o'clock Included will be found a huge and Emcal r. of seasonable goods, to which the attention 01 18.1.uvited. llHlP'Plffe. jffilk STEAM WET TIKPOOL. teaching (Cork H The well-hr.owa Met Rord. ! Near borZT.) ossit. sad PhOadelPhisfU- -- ' _ rn" ''""). carrying the U. S. Mails. are sail ea follows: ETNA- awn:GOAT. EDINBURGH.. SATORDAT, ~. GLASGOW SATURDAY. .. aud every AUCIONKILIS Saturday at Noon. hoar North Elver. HATES OT PASIUGB: Payable in Gold. or Itsoreethutt itt JOUST CABIN.— - W6O Oor .I , ,ACSE -• to Loadoa. ••.85 00 do to Loadoc. to Paris .—. • 96 CO do -ao Parte ••• to Hamburg.. _9O 00 do to Bedobd: , gars also forwarded 'to Harm rnir , rAntwerp, &c.. at equally low ratite trona. Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist C' SNIS. Stet T a Ircau•Idelw0 00 l or (Wet 7-'4. Who lit to 114U:td for their friends tickets here at these rates . . Por farther taformation art at the Offices • SO G. D.e ' noli-ties 111 WALNUT eat, Aga BOSTON AND . PHIL BTEAKIIIIIP port on RATIIILDAYI9, frwarultrat wharf &met, PhlbulailatlA. and LOA( Irfiarf.J A "' The eteazjahipfitON, Cape - pfafflewf, rill Philadelphia for Boston on Eistarday. Dec Bon. and steam.blpOßYAN Capt. for Philadelphia, oil th 6 m e a day it These new and substantial steamships k) lb., minim from atoll port matictr Lusa:snow &treated at cate-lualf the pr on the vessel,. gridshis taken sil flarftteL fibirpers axe reiteedet to SIM& Hilo Saint* , of Lading wit& Char goods. For Freight or Passage nisei Ibis imply to MIDIAT rah 224! 332 foata DWAIN' sink FOR NEW YORE. OtrrAIDE LINE. COASTWISE STEAMbRIP CONIPANT " FERIOHT LINE FOR NEW YORK, and for all Northern and Eastern calms awl N.ei selling every TUESDAY. THURSDAY. AND SATUBI from the Company's wharf, Bret above Elea New York. from Pier U. Korth river, on 110 ' S P. EL For freight, which will be. received deq. In the most careful manner, and delivers. greatest despatch, at fair - rite& apply to WILLIAM J.: TAYLOR *no North WS Aser me t . rießsss 1/ 01 WASIIINGTO , _ 0.13080W1 X ttsBXANDRIA, VIA ()ANAL. —One of the et line will les/gra the Ina wharf above 514 every WEDNESDAY &ad BA.TZIRDAY, for ports, at 12 o'dock. aelitaft . . . • o• 14 Borth THOMSON'S LONDON - OR ILVROPWI sfroZl Iptal or PB 513. " 17P, ° 1 1 11VideIR L liet-alrlharsartea, Portable Beaters, Lor' Fireboard Stoves; Bati Boilers, Blowhole P 1 ore. Cooking Stoves. lce.. a t w h a l eg aia ttos rassoatietarwits;,.. C '""'" WI . .111°' eolksinthila o. - • 13.W°5' CABINET FURNITUBB. I[oollll CIANOItI. IBM Booth MOOtt ti Street., are prepared to follow the dredine la the et t,! Woe of their tosnltius„ ,Aparinimers Will 1 414 S-- 1 11411e oar atoak.