The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, November 21, 1864, Image 3
rrra P SIS. ti w ri y,—Otir readers may feel in ) ulotives for persistently advoca- W;or the " Wheeler R =Wilson " over i n g lanchines. We will here tell them. is ! limns why." Tlie Wheeler & ranchine in existence that is tho -I,'tell to au kinds Of family sewing. 10 ore r tll L, found to' work well on oe a ,loos of materials, but this, operates • osol "3 taus and precision on all fa te finest cambric to four thicknesses of b o rleloth. This, with a nimber of elifiracteristios, readers the Wheeler ,chiee above all others suitable •• dr g to either wife, daughter, sister, irked,' and this accounts for the ostomers that now daily ebb and flow,at e r B Wilson elegant establishment, No. street. Every' Machine warranted, 0 1 , returned if not entirely satisfactory. Funrusrrixo Goons.—.l4r. J. 0. o old stand, Nos. 1 and s North Sixth ~:st opened an elegant assortrept of * gloves, So, His stock of underclothing ~en's wrappers cannot ,, be surpassed. call. Remember, Nos. 1 and 3 North. - FANCY FLANNEL -NKGLIGIE SHIRTS. ; 1 „rial}10 for the present season. Lave 4 :ortment, at &yr Fifth and Chestnut n010.2t 0 ,-(c Ole GENTLEMEN'S FIIIINISHINd p i I) . r Dlr. George Grant, No. KO Chest , I, filo finest in the olty, and his °DUO:mat ,. 111 Quirts," invented by Mr. J. Tag ,,,irpessed by any others iwthe world, in sad durability. , mskqUpTION OF POPULAR tams, for : usher!, including the celebrated " Oon nle by Wood & Cary, 725 Cihestnut, mug , old hats new is also promptly at tW establishment. I , 3 l . rvisacr.—The apprehension, which vonably entertained., that ()cal will r3OCO in price as the cold weather in ;,rested much eseltement in the vicinity. Alter's popular Goal Yard, 951 North ,!, Everybody wants Alter's Coal, be. I A best and cheapest. SOMETHING lIIOE in the way of pneket-handkerehiefs, gloves, wrist collars, ete.l You can be suited at ,! Dept,A.t.Z - Fifth and Chestnut no-19.2t 1f...4.11YEL SHIRTS AND DRAWEES.- 411 firm a large assortment, all sizes, at 7,c's Furnishing Depot, northwe4 eer :Al. and Chestnut streets. nol9-2t 3, Dv. —Abigail Frogg died recently in ve, During her long life of ninety . - ;Iniug back. to 1770, or six years before lota ry war, Ole 'never left the town in sca. She was so averse to travel that tempted, even by the widespread own Stone Clothing Hall of Reel/hill oC3 and 605 Chestnut street, above visit to Philadelphia. CrATINTLETS, GLOVIES, of kid, silk, constantly -on hand at Q. Henry can corner of ACiir Firth and Chestnut nol9-21 Mornissa,--noys' and. Girls' Over- Suits, Infants' Clothing, Girls' largest and best assortment in the ,oculakdr & Co.'s, No. 4 North Eighth nolft.6t* F,V AND DEA:Tirnas, of silk, merino, ^titan, and chamois, may be had of 0. t;3-Iflftli and Chestnut. n019.2t ULOTHIZIO, ottatg, At Granville Stakes! Old Stand, At Granville Stolrea , ..Old Stand, At Granville Stokes' Old Staani, At Granville Stokes' Old Stand, int Street. • :t Street. :ut Street. at Street. itIIRE, SILK, AND SATIN SCA.Wr6.— int goods ever imported for gentle .l of C. Henry Love, xor Fifth and n010.2t AND OATARREC, sneeessinlly treated. • D., Omlist and Armlet, 511 Pino et. tuettod. No ohargalbr examination, NOTICES, HONBY BOAP. 4TOILET SOAP, in such universal do. rum the CHOICEST materials, is MILD 'in its nature, FRAGRANTLY SCENT. AMY BENEFICIAL in its action upon ills by all Druggists and Fancy Goods feSB-tuthslY ,ABE CLOTHING at 10W prices, :them our stock of BEADY-MADE GAR- Hillog goods equal in style, flt, make, from 25 to 60 per cent. tower than is now )t roods made to order. We have all :d prices of Clothing, Mena', Yontlui'. in bo suited without delay or trouble. " • BENNETT & CO. , TOWER HALL. 518 MARKET Street. JEGE STECK & Co.'s PIANOS, AND ASON Sr HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS. . Om 500 each of these fine CABINET Rowel:lts have been eold ORGANS. elit 0., and the demand Is CABINET .egently Increasing . ORGANS Yu sale only by CABINET J E. GOULD, _ ORGANS. SENT.II and CHRSTNITT Ste: CABINET nol9-tf ORGANS. ,IN'S CELEBRATED COCOANUT ICE SEED is warranted to preserve, • tss, and beantifylthe hair, and entirely ::03; NI-anent soiling hat or bonnet !Attired and sold by W. E. MoCLAIN, 331Xo:th SIXTH Street. r 4; diFconn t to wholesale dealers. nol6lla CLOTHING, OF THE LATRBT :be best manner, expressly for RETAIL !&T SELLING PRICES marked In .21. All goods made to order warranted 174 one-prior astern Is striotly adhered 417 inated alike. JONES' OLD-ES• 'YE•YEICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 804 Dear Sixth. de21347 CO., CLOTHING, . . THIRD and CHESTNUT Streets. CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. CLOTHINg, THIRD and CHESTNUT. 'CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. 'CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. 'CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. 'CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. 'CL;)THING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. 'CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. 'CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. 'CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. .CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. 'CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. •.CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. 'CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. ..CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. .CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. "CLOTHING, THIRD and CHE 3TNGT. "CLOTHING. THIRD and CHESTNUT. om $l4 TO $55. OTERCOATS FP,Olt $1.4 to $65. OVERCOATS. 14 •• $l4 to $55. OVERCOAT' FROM VA to V& OVERCOATS. WABIAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, Orilel SIXTH and MARKET Streets. an's Snits and elegant variety of the at REASONABLE PRICES. 7fILSOWEI HIOEEST F3EldllThi CK-STITCH , BWINO MACHINE& ST, SISITLBEIT, AND DEEP?. REBTIRIT West. •above Birreuth. a the evening of %the 19th instant, !re, in the 72d year other age. Ind friends of the family are invited to tral, from the residence of Mrs. earah . corner of Fifth and Brown streets. on 22d inst., at 9X o'clock. iloime..,barg, on the 19th inst.. after a 1. Mrs. Mary C., wife of J Bard • ,X —On the morning of the 18t11 inst. .115 family are inirlted to attend th, te.,ldenee of her brother, S Dill; tch ttrebt, on Monday morning , i—to proceed to Laurel Hill. on Thoreday Nov. 17, 1864, . 1. 0 1 73d }ear of his age. ;td and friends of the family are to attend hie funeral,from his late .Noith Eighteenth street, on Mor =tent, at 10 o'clock. Services ak ....nast. Interment at Laurel Hill. • htmetty morning,. the • 17th , 1111 in the tifty-seventh year of his a ' , ate trlonds are invited to attenk is residen ce , 1520ISansom street, ' , 0215 , Ist., at 10 o'clock Inl AOIC ALL-WOOL R. all. Wool Empress Cloths. do Mousseline de Lathe/, full doable width. do Tamlse do hierinoes. do Cashmeres. do Thibet and Long fiha• Bombazines an iko. d extra size, . HAVE ()LENS they have ever IN:ER CLOTHS cLntak HEArsa CLOTHS, • tRENCH iiov THE CITIZENS , VOLUNTEER IIP= 1 :e HOSPITAL-ASSOCIATION take pleasure in ao knowledaingthe following donations since last report: , Wilmington, and Baltimore R. R. Co.• $250 00 W. Fetters (Sandwich Islands), por W. G. Ro. sengarten - 60 00 W. ''C .... 6 . 00 C. Lea."... • - .600 Et Agnew . . 0 Miss A. &mil -1 00 Miss Yardley 6 00 COAL. Thos. Hull & Co. —One car of coal. Kirke & Baum—One car of coal. Bancroft, Lewis, & Co.—One car of coal. Cain, Harker, & Cook—One ear of coal. lilommot b. Vein Consolidated Co.—One ear of coal. Black Diamond Coal and Iron Co.—One car of coat. . . won Belief Associatloll-17 is and pots of preserves and p:ckles; 100 arm slings, 12 its butter, 7 wool shirts. 12 muslin shirts, 29 pair wool socks, 24 pair drapiers, 11 pair crutches, ]2 canes. 9 bottles catsup and vinegar, 6 zpcols cotton, Settle of pepper sauce, aud several large lots of bandages and rags. - U. S. Sanitary (lommission-10 gallons pickles, 69 cans and jars toznatoes, &c. , 1 box bandages. 1 box dried fruit, 60 pair slippers. 79 pair; crutches. 2 dozen towels. 2 dozen arm pair' , 2 barrels pickles, 1 barrel turnips, 1 barrel apples, 18 jars preserved peaches, 4 barrels pota toes, 60 yards muslin, lot toasted rusk, die. Moravian Sewing Society-0 pair drawers and 4 shirts. Broad- stmit Id, E. Church—Largo lot bandages and muslin. Northwest`Ladles' Aid-11 bottles blackberry-brandY and lot newspapers. Mrs. Erskine - 2 kettles ice cream , erQnge cal es. ginger cakes, brandy, jellies. apples. bandages, rage, Slc Mrs..T, C. Oartley-97 muslin shirts and 99 pr drawers. A. NV alkin shim, Deputy Collector Fort-05 lbs sugar. Mrs. Wm. Beigle-2 gaskets sweet potatoes and lot of Mrs. Appletor —1 roll of muslin and 2 glasses of jelly. Mrs. 01iver..—Box of lint. Mrs: .Wallace—Bandages, handkerchiefs, and vests: Mrs. Scheide—Farina, corn starch, and rags; Airs, Elowart-1 basket cakes and crackers. it gr7BRIGGS -GOLD COMPANY. . • . NOTICE OF DIVIDEND NO. 7.—A Dividend of ONE PEE CENT. has been declared, payable at this office. November `SC, 1884, to Shareholders of record, at the close of bushiest this day, November 16, 1854. WALTER E. LAWTON, Treasurer, u.021-St No. Si. JOHN Street, New York: ItIIeIiINKEY COMPANY. - 1.0 '••• NOTICE OF DIVIDENDS NOS. 3 AND 4 —The Trustees of the McKinley Oil Company have declared tt regular monthly 'Dividend of THREE PER CENT..and a sooolententary Dividend .of TEN PER CENT.,both Payable at this office, November SO, to Shareholdrs of record, at the close of business this day, NOvember 14, 1E64. WALTER E. LAWTON, Treasurer, no2l-et No. 81 JOHN Street, New York. CHAIDUDERSBURG SUFFERERS. The Committee appointed to - collect funds for the relief of the suffering People of Chambersburg, are desirous of bringing their duties "to a - close. Those of our generous Citizens who have neglected to make their Subscriptions are urged to send them to the undersign ed without delay. Winter is approaching. andT we've .Hundred Women and Children are without Homes, and many are utterly destitute and penniless. EDMUND A. SOU.PER, Trtesnrer. • • no2l-2E _ DOCK Street Wharf. raVr* , UNION LEAGUE HOUSE, 1216 atiusTtityr STREET. ----- - - - . - PIIII.A.DELPIit A.. Nov. lg. 1.66-1. The proposed Thanksgiving Dinner for the armrof 0 eneral Sheridan having been supplied by the titizorts of New Turk, we Bnd that no farther efforts are'needed on our part. The money which has been contributed for this purpose will be returns d to the donors on applica tion to .151 r C. it. WHIPPLE, at the .Leaa - ae House. ' i ciw It . CEO. H. swam, Secretary'. ' 1}..., - CITASE! LD COMPANY. 15= 9 ' NOTICE Or IVIDEND NO. 2.—A Dividend of ONE PER CENT, has been declared, payable at this office. November 30, ISiii, to Shareholcers of record, at the close of business Ibis day. Novereber 16, 1964. . WALTER E. LAWTON, Treasurer, no2l-Bt No. Si JOHN Street, New York. 79. 1MILADELPILKA, NOVEMBER S. 0. I;,OSR.NOARTEX, Treasurer, in account with Eighth ward Bounty Fund. DR. To balance from last account • • .... $377 91 Subscriptions 2,430 50 Do for Representative Re mutts— 2 000 00 11,602 41 CR. By expense of naval credit 5.......,..., $193 28 Advertisements, &c 152 15 Bepres.entatiye recruits 2,000 00 Ward bounties . 2,258 00 Balance on hand 174 ,95 The foregoing account Is submitted for the informa tion of subscribers to the Eighth Ward Bounty Fund, and citizens of that ward liable to draft. In the pre sent active volunteering movement it is desirable to se cure as many recruits as possible to the credit of the Eighth ward. Money expended for this purpose now will be of great use in helping to 1111 up the veteran re giments in the field. The duty of getting yolnnteers was n ever More pressing; the facilities For dots g so ne ver greater; the advantages' of prompt, immediate ac tion, never more apparaizt. The citizens of the Eighth ward are erred= again. to make subscriptions for this purpose, and to forward them without delay to S. O. ROSENG &WEN, Treasurer, nollimNrlM S. .W corner SIXTH and wAr„Nur FirSOLDIERS' ORPHANS.-THE undersigned will meet the Mothers or other Re latives of such destitute Orphans of deceased Penneri vault' Soldiers and Sailors as reside in the city of Phi latis/phia, at the rooms of the JN lON BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION, No. HS South SEVENTH Street. on the 22d. 'Lld, 24th, and 25th of the present 'youth (No vember), between the hours of 9A. AL and 4 . P hf., for the purpose of hearing appiloations and making ar rangements for the admission of said Orphans into the Schools and Institutions provided by the State for their maintenance and education. THOS. H. BURRO WES, Superintendent Soldiers' Orphans. LANCASTER, Nov. 16, 1664. nol7-61 1` TOWN. BANK OF GERMAN.. TOWN. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 20, 1854. Notice is hereby given, agreeably to Section 2of the Act ol , General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, entitled "An act enabling Banks of the Com monwealth to become Associations for the pu rpose of Banking under the laws of the United States,' approv ed the 22d day of Autmst, A. D. 1E64, tit the Stock holders of the Bankof Germantown have is day voted to become such an Association; and that its Directors h eve procured the authority of the owners of more than two- thirds of the Capital Stock to make the certificate required therefor by the laws of the United States. ORAELBS W. OTTO, 0c22, Nit • Cashier. sar NOTICE.—THE BOORS OF gun. ECRIPTION to the Capital Stack of the MER CANTILE PETROLEUM COMPANY will be opened TO-DAY, at our office, for receiving subscriptpns for a Limited number of shares of said stook. The production of this Company is now equal to Fifty Barrels 01 011 per day, which will enable the Company to pay large dividends immediately. For further information apply to the undersigned. For the Oorporatore. COCHRAN & RUSSELL. No. 22 North FRONT Street. NOVEMBER 11th, 1684. • • no l-121 gr. FIRST LECTURE OF THE SEA. SOIL—DIR. DB CORDOVA' • . ..• Will give Ida great Lecture on • • . COURTSHIP AND MARRIAGE,. . THURSDAY EVENING, NOVIIMBBE 24. kTILLNKAGIVING NIGHT), . CONCERT. HALL. TICKETS 60 CENTS, CR:THREE FOE For sale at GOULD'S. SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Sta.. ASOMEAD & EVANS'. and Concert Hag, three days in advance. Lecture at 8 o'clock. ' n010.6t Mr"UNION LEAGUE HOUSE, 1216 CRESTRUT Street. PHILADELPHIA. November 19, Mt Owing to a want of time in which. to perfect the ne cessary arrangements, and the impoesibility of collect ing so large an imount of supplies in so brief a period, it has been resolved to POSTPONE the proposed THANKSGIVING DINNER to GENERAL SHERI DAN'S AIiMY until CHRISTMAS DAY. In the mean time, contributions in money for this object will be re• calved by Mr. C. R. WHIPPLE, at the League House. GEO, H. BORER, nol9 6t • Secretary. DIVIDEND NOVIVE.—OFFIOE OF THE hfcCLINTOCKVILLE PETROLEUM COMPANY, No. 411 WALNUT STREET. PitmansLpsre, October 29. 1864. The directors of the Company have this day declared the seventh monthly dividend of ONE PEa CENT. pay abl e on and after TUESDAY, November 15th, 1864. The transfer books will be closed November 9, at 3 o'clockP. M., and reopened November 16. oc3l-mwftf WM. MOONEY. Secretary. PIT IMBUES AND BOSTON PE i.Rouunt COMPANY. - CAPITAL, SIOO,OOO—PAR. $5 PEE SHARE. SUBSCRIPTJ PRICE, $2.00 PER SHAM, FOR FULL-PAID STOCSMEK AND NO FURTHER. AS SESNTS. he property of this Company Consists of thefollow lng valuable FEE SIMPLE Territory, extensive lease holds. PRODUCING WELLS, 'wells going down and nearly finished: No. 1. About 60 (fifty) Acres on - Cherry Tree RIM in FEE SIMPLE, boreable land sufficient to sink FIFTY WELLS. This Territory is opposite the Daizell Petro leum Company (Hayes' Farm), on Oil Creek, bounded in part by the celebrated Story Farm, &c,. No. 2. Lease perpetual (99 years)' on Mph. McClin• tuck 011 creek-3% acres, all- flat, very valuable, flow ing and pu mping wells all around. , • . No. 3. Wild Cat " Flowing Well, about 30 barrels per day, on Wash. McClintock Farm. The Company owns the WHOLE working interest in this well, en gine, tanks. &c., &o. No. 4 "California Well, No. I, on Oil Creek. down Sfo feet. all ready to re tube. This well has flowed 150 barrels per day. • No 6 " California Well, No, 2, on Oil Creek,down nearly 600 feet. ho. e. Lease perpetual (99 years) on 25' acres Oil CI eek, all flat, containing the above wells. with fifteen horse engine. tanks, derricks, engine houses, &c. No. T. Lease perpetual (19 years) on 23G acres 011 Creek, all fiat, and in one well uown 400 feet, one quar ter interest (working) in this well and lease. TEN THOUSAND ING SHAR APIT E S RESERVED FOR WORK AL. Books for ORIGINAL subscription are now open at our ottichfor a few days only ; when closed the stock to be placed on the regular. Boston and Philadelphia Stock Boards as .a 'miss rum dividend-paying, on, PRO DUCINO comAxy, when it is expected the shares will largely advance. All further information, with pros- Pectuses, can be obtained of the undersigned. The 'mall capital of this Company, with the actual large interests, must make it a favorite as a secure invest ment. B. S. LSSOII, 11 Farquhar Buildings, WALNUT, below Third.. Philadelphia, Agency. LEONARD & MANIA!, 58 BEAVER Street. Dew York Agency. SPANCSR VILA & CO., Bankers, nolB-iftf Boston Agency. WESTERN BANK OF PHILA.- DELPHIA, November 18th, 1864 A meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank 7.111 be told at the Banking House, on MONDAY, the 19th day of December next, at 12 o'clock, N , to decide whether this Bank shah become an association for the parposs of Banking under the laws of the United States, and whether it shall exercise the powers conferred by tho Act of the General Aseembls of the Common weatth of l'ennsylvania,entitled " An Act enabling the Banks of this Com monwealth to become associations for the par • Pose of banking under the laws of the United States," approved the 22d day of August, ItO;, and to take any further action that may be expedient. n019.1m i C. N. WEYOANDT, Cashier. COMMERCIAL. EDUCATION AND P ITS INFLUENCP.ION THECOUNTRY. —PETER COOPER. Esq., of New York, the well-known rhilaa thropir t and merchant prince, will deliver an address at BET ANT, STRATTON,S: B aNNISTEE'S National Commercial College. ssembly Baildieg, tratnwest corner of CHESTNUT and TENTH Streets, on TUEIDAY ETSNINO, the 22d moat , at Et on the occasion of dedicating the new Cot lege Rooms. Subject: "Com mercial Education and its Influence on the Country. " An invitation is extended; to all who may wish to at tend. note St liar TREASURY OF THE UNITED STATES. PHILADELPHIA, NOV. 17, 1861. Coupons for Interest due Ist of January next on the public debt of the United States will be paid on pre sentation at this office. ARCH' D nolVdt . Assistant Treasurer 11. S. REMOVAL.—TIIII3 OFFICE OF tbA COLLECTOR OF INTERNAL REVENUE for 'the SECO4D DISTRICT Las been removed to JAYNE'S BUILDMO, No. 239 DOCK Street, former ly occtiptf d by. the Post Office. novl?•8t JOHN H. DIEHL. Collector. tw , DIRIILARD OIL COXPAIVy. CAPITAL. $500,000. 100,000 SHARES—S 3 Yar A limited number of Shares will be cold by the Com pany at $1 per share. The following is extracted from the Philadelphia In otriLer of Septembeyl7th,lBsl.prlr to the organization of The Dunkard Oil Company: "On almost all the streams in Greene county the lands Lave already been leased with a view to explo rations for Coal 011; and on one particularly, called r unkard's; the developments have been of the most en couraging character. Tie editor of•the Waynesburg (Penna.') Messenger, in referring to the subject, after a careful personal inspection of the region and the opera tions that are now taking place there, says: • • W e are honestly of opinion that when capital and enterprise shaill have developed the lands along the creek, that locality will be found to compare in the ex tent of its 011 production with the Venango district, while In the purity, gravity, and value of the Oil, it is acknowledged to •be infinitely superior. Our convic tions on this subject are based upon actual knowledge and observation surfoth regions, and of the geological formations and ce indications. We are gratified to learn that we are not alone in these favorable !mores sions and auguries. • "'Scientific men and „experienced and practical 011 operators concur in them, and are investing liberally of their own means, and directing the attention of capi talists to the promising character of the Drinkard country. Already several large companies have iieen orsanized in Pittsburg.and the Rest,. which will soon commence operations on an nsive scale. In the ni.antime, individual energy andjocal enterprise are doing mach to develop that favored locality. Piew der ricks spring up every few days, and the process of sink le g wells goes on in many instances without Interrup tion night or day. Books open for the sale of stock at the ConntiHour* of A. H. FRAN CISCUS & CO.,C • • • 513 II AR HET Street. A. lI:FRAIiCISCITS, President. WM. B. HOOD, Secretary. nolls-If lar PENNSYLVANIA RAI LB osa COMPANY.-TRBASURER 'l3 DEPARTMENT, PnlLADat,Pitra,_Noy. 2. 1864 .— The Board of Dirac:ore have 7B IS DAY declared a semi-an anal dividend of FIVE PER CBST, on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes, payable on and after 16th in atant. Powers of attorney for collection of Dividends oan be had on application at , the office of the Company, no. 238 'South THIRD Street. • - . no 3 lm THOS. T. FIRTH, Treaanrer. PIEMIrROIKE OIL COMPANY, VENATTGO" COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. rMMrT_ 9 .l4.ll.l4.l3Atiittoll4W - VglfrOhlii CAPITAL STOCK, 5500,000. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SHARES AT FIVE DOL- LABS A SHARE, TULL PAID iyorking . Capital ReservOd for DeTelop : • . WOO.' PII I DENT, ALFRED HUNT, Esa VICE PRESIDP.NT, EDWARD SHIPPER. &lot SECRETARY AND TILEASITRER, THOMAS W. EVANS. ' DIRECTORS.: ATAPRED • IIIII7, Philadelphie, President of the Bethlehem Iron Works. , Mr. WILLIAM 'C. HOUSTON, 115 South Water street, Philadelphia. _ Mr. EDWARD SHIPPEN. routheast corner of Sixth and Walnut greets, Philadelphia. Mr. THOMAS W. EVANS, 620 Chestnut street, Phila.- ' delphia. Mr. E. W. BAILBY, Chestuut street, Philadelphia. Mr. HILL BUROWIN, Pittsburg, Pa. Mr. B. RUSE BRADFORD, New Brighton; Pa. Mr. J. L. CARNAGIIAN, Allegheny City, President Corn Planter's Oil Company. Mr. WM 0, BUGBART, Pittsburg, Pa , Secretary and Treasurer, of Pittsburg and Connelsville Railroad. The Company own in fee simple two hundred and tif ti)en agree of the hest Oil territory on the right bank of the Allegheny river, near Oil Oily. with oneproducing well, and another nearly completed, With railroad, turnpike, and river access to the property. For particulars see prospectus, to be (multi with any of the Directors, or at the office of - Mnsms. COOPER it GRAAFF, 11 EXCHANGE, and 14 B S, HARVEY THOMAS, N. 312 WALNUT Street, Who are authorized to sell a limited number of shares of stook. . u019.6t !gr. OIL WELLS.. NO. 436 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 18. 1864. The undersigned is authorized to sell a limited num ber of Shares of an Oil Company whose property is mainly on Oil Creek,, Venango County, Pennsylvania, and is believed to be of tonal valve to any npon th o creek. The Portion developed and productive will, from the beginning, secure to the Stockholders a Divi dend of. THREE PER CENT. PER MONTH, and these Wells are increasing daily. In additiorito these pro ducing Wells, they have a large interest in Eleven others in different stages of development, and several of them nearly completed. There is room also for an egual number of Wells upon the same propertY. The Company own also over 200 acres of undeVeloped property in the neighborhood of the others, upon which they propose sinking several Wells, the money having been provided for the purpose. . Bach an opportunity of obtaining, at a low cost, a Stock. paying Dividend from so small a„ portion of its property is seldom offered. For further information apply at the Office of J. D. REINBOTH, , No. 436 Walnut Street, BETWEEN. THE HOURS OF 1 AND g O'CLOCK', P. M. n019.3t C. B. DUNGAN. 4 31H EDIESW S BELIEF ASSOCLk• By inviistien of this Asso•3lalion, • _ . • REV. PHILLIPS BROOKS, , R. TOMLINSON, .. • • .Government Superintendent of Bt. Helena antiLeAlles' Island, IiCITOHELL, Superintendent of Freedmen's Schools in Tennessee and North Alabama, J. MILLER MoKIDI, • Corresponding Secretary of Freedmen's Relief Associa tion, will Address the Public on MONDAY EVENING;: November 21st, at 734 o'clock precisely, at _ CONCERT HALL, In reference to the Progress of the Work among the Freedmen. 'BISHOP POTTER will preside. n019..2t gar THE CLARION RIVER OIL VOX. • , PANIES, .0FP10E..31-1 WALNUT STRUT, . (Second Floor.) WILLIAM P. SCHELL, President. T. SIMPSON AFRICA, Secretary and Treasurer. n017.12t• • . - ilgr- NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL *ROM MI6 I J-1441 OAPITAL STOOK, 1,0 00,0 00. 100,000:SHARES AT $lO E &OIL Subscription 'Price $5 per Sbare. LANDS YIELDING LARGELY. • OFFICERS: • • ,HON. DANIEL S. DICKINSON, President. WM. T. PHIPPS, Vice President.. ROBERT BASSETT, Secretary. Books axe open for subscription at the office of the Com. party, No. 24 Empire Building, 71 BROADWAY, N. Y. The lands of the Company are situated in the heart of the Oil Region, and include portions of those well known lodalittes, "the McElheny Farm, the two Mc- Clintock Farms." and other proved and valuable work ing territories, including over Two Thousand acres ol the beet Oil Territories along Oil Creek and in West Virginia, now under process of successful development, and oil is already regularly and largely produced from several wells upon them. 0c29-d&W3m Address the Company, "P. O. Box 069," New York. lar• THJCBUSSELL . FAH C9MB4NY, SUGAR pREE4,,VENANGO COUNTY, PA. CAPITAL . $250,01* FIFTY THOESAID SHARES OF $5 EACH SITSSCEIMOR•PRICE $2.50 PER SHARE. $25,000 RESERVED FOR WORKING CAPITAL. J.. B. MoOREARY, President. THOS. A. SCOTT, Vloe President. DIRECTORS, J. • B. MeCREARY, II J. W. VANHOUTEN, THOS. A. SCOTT, L PHILIP FERREE, JOHN OWER. • SAMUEL P. FERREE, Sec'y and Treas. The property. .belonging to this Company consists of One Hundred and Fifty Ades in fee pimple, of valuable Lubricating Oil Land, situated on Sugar Creek, about two miles from its mouth, which empties into French Creek, Venango county, Fa. This property has been selected wish a view to its Valuable Location, having its lines extended along and on both sides of the Creek over Three Hundred Rods, which, together with the large amount of Flat or Bot-' torn Land, gives it supgrior advantages for drilling a large number of Oil Wells. At least One Hundred Wills can be located, with ample room for Tanks, En gine Houser anti Dwellinge. A good Well, giving Twenty Barrels per day, is within one-fourth of a mile above it ;also, several good Producing wells on the Creek below it. • The Oil obtained on this Creek is the Lubricating Oil, which commands in price one hundred per cent. above otl er Oils, tu:d is more in demand. • The Company can obtain a large revenue by parties wishing to sink wane, reserving from one-fourth to one-half of the Oil free of expanse to the Company. in dependent of the revenue from their own Wells, there being a large until ciency . of land for both purposes. . It is designed to rigive the. contract to drill several wells in the best location at once. The title to the pro perty is perfect and free of incirmbrance. Subscription Books are now open at the office of ' • FERREE & CO-, • nol7 I2t 33 South THIRD Street. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA. BAIL. ROAD COMPANY, • PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 4lik, 1664. °TICE . TO SHAREHOLDERS.—The Shareholders in this Company are notified that, under Resolution of the Board of Directors, they are entitled to anbeoribe to the Stock of the. Company the amount of TEN PER CENT. on their respective interest, as shown by the Books of the Company on the 2d inst Each Shareholder entitled to a fractional part of a share, under the terms of the Resolution , shall have the privilege of subscribing for a full share on the payment of Fifty Dollars. This Stock will be Issued - at the par value of FIFTY DOLLARS per. share. Accrued interest at SIX PEN CENT. will be charged from let inst. until payment is made. The Books for subscription and payment will be open on MONDAY, the 7th inst. , and will closeon the 31st or December next, &Der which no further subscriptions will be received under this Resolution, TI{OS. T. FIRTH, nob-tde3l . . Treasurer. Ilgr ALL PERSONS FAVORABLE TO the establishment of a LUTHERAN CHURCH M WEST PHILADELPHIA are invited to meat at Com missioners' Hall, B. W. corner of THIRTY • SEVENT and hIoRgET Streete,lon MONDAY EVENING, Nov. 2lst, at 8 o'clock. nols-GV ta7WESTERN BANK OF PHYLA. DP.LrBIA, OCTOBER _l% 1.964_ The Annual Meeting 61. the STOCKHOLDERS of this Bank will be held at the BANKING HOUSE on TUES DAY, the first day of November neat. at 12 o'clock 61. And the Annual Election for DIRECTORS will be held at the BANKING HOUSE on MONDAY, the twenty-drat day of November nest, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. bfr ocl9. trial C. N. WEYGANDT, Cashier. gar." GREAT CENTRAL FAIR.—AS IT is of great Importance to close up all matters re • lacing to the " FAIR" as speedily as possible, it has been determined to dispose ot all goods remaining Un sold by public sale. . .All persons having goods in their piasemion belong ing to the "Great Central Fair," will please inform IMMEDIATELY either of the undersigned. ;WILLIAM MUTES'S& 1022 Market Street. FREDERIC GRAFF, 13;37 Arch Street. G A. WOOD, 237 South Eighteenth Street, nolB-6t Committee. OFFICE OF /ETNA. .IIINIDTO COMPANY, No. 8'24 - WALNUT Street. PIIILADELPHIA. October 21, 1864. NOTICE 'is hereby given that all stock of the "Etna Mining Conilianfis.on which instalments are due and unpaid, have been - declared forfeited, and will be sold at pnblic auction on MONDAY, November 21st, 1864, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the office of the Secretary of the Company , according to the Charter and By-Laws, un less paid on or before that day. By. order of the Board of Directors. B. A. HOOPES, 0c2242021 Secretary and Treasurer. NOTICE.—ALL PERSONS - RAVING claims against the UNION LELOUS. or any of its Committees. will please present them to the under signed before the let of December, IBM, at No. 'MI6 CHESTNUT Street. JAMES L. CLAGHORN . zol4. tde 1 . Treasurer. THEODORE 'TN LTO N, ES t,.—• "The State of the Country." CONCEST HALL, November 29th. • It BEOWIR. TILE ~PRESS.--PITTLADELPHIA; WD UP HIN AN D COLORADO OOLD MINING' COMPANY. Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania. • CAPITAL STOCK, 21000.003, 200,000 SHARES—PAR VALUE, $5. President—JOß B. ANDERSON. DIRECTORS. Thomas A. Scott, - James R. Magee. N. B. Eneass, . John W. Hall, Harrisburg. Wm. S. Freeman. T. C. McDowell, do: 'Robt. P. King. ' John Brady, do. John M . Riley, W. W. Wylie, Lancaster. Charles DeSilver. Wm. G. Shute. Colhrado. D. P. SOUTHWORTH, Secretary and 'Preat3urer. Ofiire of the Company, No. 423 WALNUT street— Room No. 5. Authenticated specimens have been procured from some of the Company's lodes, and have been assayed by Professors Booth and Garrett with the most gratify ing results. Subscription lists have been opened at the Office of the Company and at the Treasurer's °Mee(ln ternal Revenue), No. 427 CHESTNUT Street, Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank Building. To original subscribers. 10.50 per share, Or a limited number of ehares. Circulars, pamphlets -- ; or information can be obtained at the Ofoce of the Company after the 17th inst. Ovroara 14. 1864. . ocl4-3m Itgr OIL SUBSCRIPTIONS.--TO seenre one or more of the remaining Shares, address or apply at, once to DUNCAN M. MITCHESON, - N. E. Corner FOURTH and WALNUT &mats, 11rE. BORBA, Trustee, 327 WALNUT ettreet. MLITARY. ATTE 14T I 0 N, JUNIOR STATE 0114111) 1 .—Every member . :le urgently requested to, be present at the Arsenal,BACE Street, below Broad, THIS (Monday) EVENING, at 8 o'clock, • By order of Major JODX A. WIMER, lr Drill Master. REGULAR ARMY.-ART I LLE RY AND fIiFANTRY.. All the Government and Local Bounties paid. Soldiers can enlist in any Regiment that they bave formerly served in. Apply at rendezvous, No- 201 DOW< Street,. below Walnut.. EDWIN `E, SELLERS, Captain 10th 11. S. Infantry, Recruiting- 0111cer. no S-11 • 6TH PENNSYLVANIA .CA . VALRY. Authority has been granted. to Captain GEO. D. STROOD and First Lieutenant HENRY J. I'o CDT to rake a Company for this celebrated Regi ment, now reorganizing for active service. Young men wishing to serve their country 'in her hour of need may ann's at - GOOD INTENT HALL 602 SPRUCE Street, Between 9 A. M. and 6P. M., daily, to the above officers. City bounty . .. 'United States bounty. Approved CHARLES L. LEIPER, moor 6tid Pennsylvania Cavalry, Commanding Rae:tilting Detail RETAIL DRY GOODS. CLOAEING CLOTHS, • FROSTED SEALSKINS, CHOICE COLORS BEAVERS, .• BEST SHADES FELTS, CHINCHILLA CLOTHS, VELOUR CLOTHS:• • OURWEIV„STODDART 8: BRO., 450, 41A, and 451 North ERCOND Street. • above Willow PARKET PATTERNS CASHMERES FOR SHIRTS, In Black and Choice Shades. OURWEN STODDIIRT & BRO., 450, 45g, and 451 NorthSl3o2o.l).;eS,4;eueit(47. SHAKER FLANNELS, Of all grades and widths, At the lowest Prices. Superior goods at 75 cents per yard. CURWEN STODDART & BRO., 450, 4452, and 454 North SECOND Street, above Willow FANCY SHIRTING FLANNELS, PLAIN COLORS, PLAIDS, AND' SHADES,' CURWEN STODDART & BRO., 450, 452, and 451 North SECOND Street. above Willow BLANKETS; BLANKETS, Of all 'grades mid B pVg l s K , "S ' At the -lowest sizes. OETRWEN STODDART & BRO., 450, 45R, and 454 North SECOND Street, above Willow PI/ROCHE SHAWLS, LA 14 now and choice deeigna, From the late auction 6ales. .OURWEN STODDART & BRO., 450, 452, and. 4.51 North SECOND Street. nogl-St • above Willow VELOUR CLOTH CLOAKS COOPER St CONARD make a baiter:display of, fine CLOAKS this season than usual. and invite buyers of good Garments to make a reconnoissance of their Stock. Costly Black Cloaks. Fancy Frosted Beavers. Veiy Elegant Velours. Becoming Black Beavers. Staple Styles Cloaks. Cloths ordered for our sales. Also, lower priced Garments properly cut and made, and of a correspondingly stylish appearance. Prices range from $l4 to $9O. CLOAKING CLOTHS. From $l3 per yard downwards. • Finest Frosted Beavers and Velours. Finest end lowest Chinchillas. . Finest Black Tricots and Beavers. Bobby styles for fine Cloaks: Finest Overcoatinge in town. $3 Good Frosted Beavers. Now Cloths opened dui i FLANNELS. t. Shaker " Unsbrinkable Flannels. Ixtra Pine " Shaker " Flannels: Extra Heavy " Sbaks rs. " Prices, &Sc. to $1.25. " Washington " Scarce Flannels, 70 and 75 etc Bed Twills of extra weight. . Gray, White, and Blue Twilled Flannels. flannels supplied by the piece at low prices. COOPER at CONAN% So2l'.2trp S. B. cor. NINTH• and MARKET Streets. id:A-SUPERIOR QUALITY-MANTIL-• -=• LA VELVETS. of Lyons Manufacture. , Very beaky Corded Silks for Cloaks. hplencid quality Frosted Beaver Cloths. Black and Colored Velvet Beaver Cloths. • Ribbed and Plain Beaver Cloths. Real Water-Proof Cloths, &c. Cloaks ready•made, and made to order out of the above cloths. Splendid quality long Broche Shawls. ' Shawls and Scarfs in great variety. EDWIN HALL & CO., 28 South SECOND Street. TIARGAINS FROM AUCTION. -I-R One lot Swan's Skin Flannel, all wool, at 56K; cheaper than Canton Flannel One lot Swan's Skin Flannel, all-wool, at 63K• ' a de- Med. I•argain, Four lots of Marseilles Counterpanes, large size; pretty pattern and good. Lead Colored Canton Flannel, 65 and 75 cents; scarce and desirable. Ladies' Long Shawls, largest size and best styles; only $lO At JOHN H. STOKES', no2l 702 ARCH'Street. NEW . STILIC FOR 1564-. ANEW AND GREAT INVENTION IN HOOP SHIRTS. TEE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE) STEEL EPRINO. J. I. & J. 0. WEST, No. 97 CHAMBERS STREET, ••• • NEW YORK, Are the owners of the patent and exclusive manufac turers of this, ' J. -W. BRADLEY'S ELLIPTIC STEEL SPRING PATENTED DUPLEX SKIRTS This invention consists of Duplex (or two) Elliptic Steel springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most elas tic, flexible, and durable spring ever ut ed, enabling the wearer, in consequence of its great elasticity and flexi bility, to place and fold the skirt when lunge as smelly and with the same convenience as a silk or militia dress. It entirely obviates and silences the only objec tion to boo skirts, viz: the annoyance to the wearer as 'well as eget public, especially in crowded assemblies, carriages, railroad cars, church pews, or in an y crowd ed place, from the difficulty of contracting them to occupY ing a small space. This entirety removes the difficulty. while giving the skirt the usual "full -and symmetrical form, and is the lightest and most stylish and graceful appearance for the street, opera, promenade, or hong° dress. 'A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Spring Skirt for a single day, will never afterward willingly dispense with the use of them. They are the beskquality in every part, and by far the lightest; most durable, comfortable, and economical skirt made. Mer chants will be supplied as above, and ladies in most first-class retail stores in this. city and throughout the different States. • Sir Inquire for the DOUBLE BLLIPTIC SPRING SKIRT BRADLET'S. DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT, Very flexible, folded easily when in use to occupy a small space, making the most agreeable skirt worn. For sale by J. M HABLEIOEL 902 CRESTAIIT Street.' BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIET—The greatest improvement we have ever seen in LADIES' SKIRTS, end an article of E • SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE: . CURWEN STODDART & . 450,452, and 454 N. SECOND St., ab. nol7-1m HOOP SKIRTS. "OUR OWN MAKE." 628. The most complete assortment and best quality and styles in the market. *holesale and retail, at manu factory, No. 628 ARCH Street, Together with the "NEW FLEXIBLE SKIRT," just out, the wort •Boop Skirt in the market, equal to the Duplex F.llptie," and at much lower prices. Also, constantly in receipt of fall lines of low. priced Eastern-ma de Skirts, lid padded and rivited-15 springs, El) cents; 20 springs, $1; 25 springs, $1.16; 30 springs, $1.25: and 40 springs, $L 50. nol9-6t* Vilf, T. ROPKIXS. TA GG & SRO., CORNER TENTH AND PINE, OPEN FROM AUCTIONS, B'ARGAINS. 1 lot all , wool plaid French Merinos, $7.1235. 1 lot Shepherd's plaid Mohairs, 60 cents • 2 lots all-linen bleached Huckahitck Towellings, 60 a 56 cents. - I lot 7 S fine bleached Shirting Ma stills, 44 cents., 1 lot brown Linen •Rnckaback Fringed Towels, 50 cents. . 5 lots real Cashmere Broche Scarfs, $2, Z. 50, $3.50, $4, and $5. 1 lot Gents' Honeycomb all. wool Scarfs, $2. • 1 lot Chenille Scarfs, 75 cents. • 2lots " Merino Undershirts, $1 60 and $2. 1 lot Ladies' Balmoral Cashmere Hose, 60.oents. 2 lote " Black Fqeced Silk Gloves, 50 and 75 cents. 2 lots Ladies' Colored Fleeced Cashmere Gloves, •20 and 21 cents. 1 lot Ladies'Colored Fleeced Embroidered Silk Gloves, 90 cents. 2 lots Gents' fine and heavy French Cloth Gloves, $l. 25. . 1 lot Gents' Lined Buckskin Gloves,.sl 60. Blots LadieS' Invisible Netts. 15. 40, and 60 cents. 1 lot Scotch Balmoral Skirts. full size, $5. - 1 lot Black Sewing Silk. 20 cents poi. dozen skeins. Also, Ladies' and Misses' Merino Vests; Gents' Heavy Fleeced Undershirts; Ladies' Wool Undersleeves, 16 cents; Steel Corset Clasps, 13 cents; VelvetSibbons. all colors; Ladies' Linen Collars, 10 cents; Gents' Sllk Scarfs, 75 cents and-$1 50; Bair Brushes, Combs. No tions, &e.. &a , all under regular prices . nol9-2t • 6 6 T..!BMAIT.r DE PARIS" IS NOT A Paint. powder,or paste, but e. most delicious Preparation that gives both the color and texture of po 41iela d ivory to the skin. EUGENE JOUIN, No. 111 TENTH Street, below Chestnut. • 44 • T 11MAIL 'DE PARIS" CAN BE • -&-A osed . biall ladies in the privacy of the toilette. It removes all spots and roughness, and Its purifying effect on the skin calls forth freshness, color, and. beauty. E. SOWN, No. 111 MPH Street. below Chestnut . • L!EMAIL, DE PARIS " QUICE LY -R-• and effectually removes those unsightly black worm specks which detract-so much from-the beac!y of the skin. E. JOWL 113. - TENTH Street. below Chestnut. . • 66 1 7 ,'EMAIL DE PARIS" 'IS • ES. -ILJIPEGIALLY endorsed by Mad'lleTeatvall, Waller, and many ladies in private life, whose com mendatory letters, for obvions reasons, cannot be pub lished. E. JOITIN. 111 S. TENTH Street. Officers and soldiers whose complexions have become tanned or bronzed by the exposure incident to a camp life, will end tl.e '•Email " invaluable. Orders by mail should be addressed, JARED & RENE, General Importers, Philadelphia. ocS-mws if CORSETS .AND BRIRTS:CORSETS of all iinds. and SHIRTS of latest styles, at Mrs. STEEL'h, TENTH Street, t belorr Chestnut St. n0123-91.* GEELT C NTEAL CLOTHING' HOUSE, MONDAY, NOVEMB RETAIL DRY GOODS. SCARCE AND FASHIONABLE GOODS. FOR LADES' DRUSE3. , Wine, Purple, Blue,. and Green Silks. Wine. PurPie. Blue, and Green Silk ribbed Poplins. Wine, Purple, Blue,- and. Green Plain Silk Poplins, Wine, Purple, Blue, and. Green Irish Poplins. Wine, Purple, Blue; and Green ribbed Wool Poplins Wine, Purple, Blue, and Green Empress Cloths. Wine, Purple, Blue. 4 and Green 'French Merinos. We hare also BLACKS ANDBEI,OWNS, And other colors of thesante goods as tbe above. Dragnitlcant gay Platiis FRENOIL,IPISIL ,AND GERMAN POPLINS. N. B.—Our Storewsll not be opened on Thankesdving Day. noel-3t H . STEEL & SON, Havest-received f.rojn_the Auction Salt% of last week in Newtora a large lot of DRESS GOODS, CLOTHS, OD OASSEHRES, Which they will sell at lower prices than they have been any time this season, - French Rep Poplins, - French-Empress Cloth Poplins. Fine French llierinee„. Rich Plaid Poplins. Rich Plaid Cloths. 6 4 Black Queen's Cloths. 8-4 English literinoes, $2, worth $2.51 6 4 EnglishAlerinees, $1.60. worth $2. ' Dress Goods, all grades and qualities, at as low prices. as any in the city. - HANDSOME SILKS A. large assortment of all kinds. MOIRE ANTIOTTES, CORDED TAYPETAS. • FOIL DE SOITS, PLAIN - .$45000 'At nearly as low priees'as when there was no premium. 1,200 Blanket $1.3 awl s,, Vaught at a tremenAnas loss,all priies, from $7 to $lB. 88 low as they were sold last winter. Black Beaver, Tricot Tinian Beaver. Gray andlrown Chinchilla.. Black and mode Diagonal Ribbed Cloths, HABIT CLOTHS, And one of the choicest assortments of . CASSIMBRES that can be found in the city. Rxicee low, no2l-mwfr3t WINTER GOODS, AT THE LOWEST V MARKET ISICE.—A largo assortment of long and square Shawls. French Merii oes. all colors. ' English Merinoes, 1.% and 2 yards wide, cheap. DhESS GOODS.—Delaines and Calicoes in variety. Cloths, Cassimeree, and Satinets, good and cheap. All kinds of Flannels, and in all qualities. - Table lawns, Napkins, Towels and Toweling, at JOHN H. SToICES', not . - No. 702 ARCH Street. INSURANCE. TigRURE YOUR LIFE S.E. Cot. Walnut and Fourth Sts:, It is a NOME COMPANY, and profits divided annu ally. thus aiding the mitred to pay future premiums. Lad, dividend 00 per cent. • BOARD OP TRUSTEES. Alexander Ulm J. Edgar Thomson, Bon. James Pollock, Hon Jos. Allison, Albert C. Roberts, Henry H. Bennett. Samuel T. Bodine, hilip B. Mingle, Geo. Nugent, John Aikman, Wm. J. Howard, Isaac Hazlehurst, Saninel Work. ALEXANDER WRILLDIN, President. SAMUEL WORE, Vice President. nols Smif JNO. S. WILSON', Sec'y and Treasurer OFFICE OF THE ‘DELLWARE . MU TUAL SAFETY . INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. NOPetllllol. 9,111184.. " . The following statement a the affairs of the: Clow pany is published in conformity with a provision ofne charter: Premiums received from November 1, 1853, to October 31, 1881: On Marine and Inland Risks 3424,047 0(1 • On Fire Ri5k5138,667 18 . _ 562,705 08 Premiums on Policies not marked off, INOTember 1, 1863 Premiums marked off as earned from November 1, M. to Oc tober 1, 1864.: On Marine and Inland Risks On Piro Risks.... Interest during same period, sal -1%2 es, dm Losses, Expenses, Sic., during the year., .as above. .. _ Narita_ eTr and lulinavikation - -- - - -:"-- - Losses ...... 214,291 82 .Fire Losses 49,685 82 Return Premiums 29,204 98 Re-Insurances 9. ,6 9 2.13 Agency 19;064 98 Advertising , Printing, &c .3,6e9 13 •Taxes-11. 8 Tax on Premiums, . Policy. Stamps. Ac., &c 11,3913 27 Expenses, 'Samos, Rent, Ac.... 14,089 00 - 881,061 28 *This is exclusive of the amount reserved for Taxes on Dividends and Profits.r• aft : ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, 6i0 1 7. 1, 1664. 1100:000-17nited S t ates Five per cent. Loan, -- • • • 11100.000 00 111,000 Tinned States 6 per cent. Loan, 1881. 118,215 00 76,000 United htates 6 per cent. Loan, 64:45. 76,562 60 100,000 State of Pennsylvania 6 per cent. Loan 93,666 00 54,000 State of Pennsylvania 6 per cent. Loan • •-. 56,240 CO 173,060 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loan• • 122,620 87 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Ist Mortgage 6 per cent. Bonds 22,000 00 60,000 Pennsylvania Railroad 2d Mortgage 6 per cent. Benda 63,260 00 16,000 SOO Shares Stock Germantown Gas Company, principal and interest guaranteed by the city of Phibt delphia 16 . . ..... , 00 6,500 150 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Rail road Company 9.100 00 6,000 100 Shares Stock North Pennsylvania _ Railroad Company 3,060 00 60,000 United' States Treasury Certificates • of Indebtedness 48,425 00 80,009 State of Tenneesees per cent. Doan— 12.000 00 128,700 Loans on Bond arfd ilfortgage.amply - secured 122.700 00 V 69,260 Par. C05t,3843,100.50 Market Value. 8457.827 87 Beal Estate ' 16,000 00 Bills receivable for insurances made. ,• • •••• 118,330 42 Balances due at Agencies—premiums on Ma. . • rine Policies, accrued interest, and other debts due the Company . -. 29,793 24 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Comps nies, $3 21i3, estimated. value.. 2,220 00 Cash on deposit with 'United States Government subject to ten days' ca 11......... ......... $lOO,OOO 00 Cash on dposit, in 68,114 93 Cash In • 617 66 • 168,892 49 PHILADELPHIA, November 9, 1664. ' The Board of Directors have this day declared a CASH DIVIDEND of TEN PER CENT. on the CAPI TAL IsTOCK. and SIX PER CENT. interest on the SCRIP of the Company, payable on and after the let December. proximo. free of National and State taxes. They have also declared a SCRIP DIVIDEND of , FORTY PER CENT. on the EARNED PREMIUMS for the year ending October 51, 1564, certificates for which will be issued to the parties entitled to the same, on and after the let December proximo, free of National and State taxes, They have ordered, also, that. the SCRIP CERTIFI CATZS OF PROFITS of the Cftpany for the year 1660, be redeemed in CASH, at the odes of the Com pany, on and after the let December proximo, all into rot thereon to cease on that day. AMP' No certificate of profit. tented under 895, .31/ the Act of Incorporation. 'no certificate shall iiiitts unless claimed within twopears after the. declaration of the dividend whereof it 'le evidence." DIRECTORS. Thomas 0. Hand, Samuel R. Stokes, John C. 'Davis, J. F. Peniston, Edmund A. Souder, Henry Sloan, Theophilus Paulding, William 0. Boulton, . John R Penrose, Edward Darlington, James Tranuair, H Jones Brooke, Remy C. Dallett, Jr.,. Jacob P. Jones, James C. Hand,James B. McFarland, William C. Ludwig, Joehna P. Byre, Joseph R. Seal, Spencer Mcllvaine, George G. Leiper, John B. Semple. Pittsburg, Hugh Craig, A. B. Berger.'Pittebarg. Robertßurton. a THOMAS ' • JOHN. 0. HENRY LYLBERN, Secrete 628. DEPOT QUARTERMASTER'S OF pia, • "BALOmortn, Md , Nov ISth, 1861. SBALBD PROPOSALS in , duplicate will be_ received at this office intilf 12 o'clock, IL on FRIDAY, Nov. 26th,1864, for furnishing to the Quartermaster's De partment. one hundred ambulances of the " Wheeling Pattern. " - Bidders are required to state definitely the earliest date at which the con tract can be filled. Each bid to secure 'consideration must contain a writ ten guarantee of two responsible persons, as follows': We of the county of -, State of --. do hereby guarantee that--- is (or are) able to fulfil a contract in acoordance with the terms of his (or their) proposition,. and should • his (or their) proposition be accepted, he (or they) will at olio. enter into a contract in accordance therewith, and we are prepared to be come his ecurities, giving good and sufficient bonds for its fult lment. The responsibility of the guarantors' must be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest District Court, or of the United States District LttorneY, .to be enclosed whh the bid. The Government reserves to itself the right to reject any or all bide considered unreasonable. Bach person or every member of a firm offering a pro posal must accompany it with an oath of allegiance to the United States Government, if he has not already flied one in this office. • Proposals =net be ondorsod "Priiposels for Ambu lances," and addressed to R. M. NEWPORT. Col and Chief Q. IL, Baltimore Depot.. (IFFICIC OF ASSISTANT QUARTER • master Military District of Philadelphia,No.llo3 GIRARD Street, Nov. 1861. • Sealed proposals will be received at this,oftice until noon of TUESDAY, 22d inst., for the erection and com pletion of an addition to the Engine House at the Schnykill Arsenal, in conformity to plans and specilica- Mons at the office onlohnMoArthur, Jr. , Architect, No. 203 North Sixth Street. ,— . Proposals must state 'the shortest time required to complete the work, and must bo made upon the regular forms furnished at this &lice. The United States reserves the right to reject all bids .deemed incompatible with its interests. ALBERT S. ASRIII.IIA.D. Captain and A. Q. M. THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING RE -., IdOVED hie HEAL - ESTATE OFFICE to No. 53 TENTH Street; corner'of Arch, has there reopened hie REGISTER, in *which the public may enter their PROPERTIES FOR SALE And Is prepared to collect INTERESTS, Ground and Howe BEATS, in every part of the city. 047-2m* WILLIAM GI. BEDFORD. NATIONAL . „HALL BAB BEEN RE , 110VATED 11610111/0) election campaign. and is now ready . to Idiot 'Leanne, Concerts, and other pub. tic purposes, by. the singlsday, or will be' leased for a long term. • . ' nolWer 314311:81/1ATMAL INSTRUMENT% • Of all kinds. to be had at - • , JAMES W. QUEEN 924 OILICBTNUT Stmt. -.,• . • . . . - • • . . . . S. E. 00R. : SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS, lI2VIAL4 4Sc 2G South SECOND Street Nos. 713 anti 715 North TTNTH Street: FIGUBED , SILKS. GREAT BARGAINS SHAWLS IN THE ABIV.XLICAN, PHILADELPHIA. 120,656 76 0. HAND_, President. DAVIS, Tice President. nolg-lm if. ratorosem,h. "R 2,1, 1864: NOW READY. AND HOW HE BECAME A MAJOR GENERAL. AN AUTHENTIC iirior MAJOR GENERA 'FIN- Printed on fine white paper, bandeoniely illustrated with a correct portrait from a photograph furnished by his parents, and apirited designa by White and by Han. cock, whilst a cadet at West Point. , • One of themost interesting hooks published this year Prize UR" ••• ' , " - 1 , • AR ELEGANT AND USEFUL BOOK FOR RUBY FAMILY. . . E[ V' 31 FOR MOTHERS AND CHILDREN, EY .TIIP. COMPILED. OP "HYMNS OF THE AGES" Square 12mo . Gilt top. Printed on laid and tinted Paper. Beautifully Illustrated by Billings. Price in exti a cloth, gilt top... $2 25 `` half calf .. . ....... 3 75 full Turkey Antique 4 50 " " Gilt 5 00 It is for sale by all Booksellers, or will-be sent by mail on receipt of price, by WALKER, WISE, (Y.l CO., no2l-rewf3t PIIBLINEIBBS, BOSTON. TEE BEST NEW BOOK FOR BOYS. BY A. REOULAR CONTRIBUTOR TO "THE AT - • LANTIC. TriE FERRY BOY. - . FERRY BOY. . • - The New York indenendent says: 4 ' The perusal of the first chapter compels the perusal of the second, and so on until the volume is finished and pronounced unsurpassed of its class. ' ' - The State doormat says: " The author of this bbok is understood to be * *, whose other, works are amongthe most popular fictions of the day.' He has given all the vivacity to this book which distinguish his other works, and it cannot prove other than a very popular as.well as ex cellent book for Boys, kindling in them a noble ambi tion to win' a name and fame by the cultivation of their intellectual and moral capabilities, and by a firm ad-' herenc6 to justice and truth. " PRICE $1 50. For sale by all Booksellers, or sent by mail free oa receipt of price, by WALKER., WISE, CO PUBLISHERS, no2hmwfBt BOSTON. LADIES' FANCY FURS. *IMPORTER, MANUFACTITRER, AND Having now in store a very large and beautiful tunsort ment of all the different kinds and qualities of FANCY FURS FOR LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR, I solicit a call from those in want. Remember the name and number; JOHN FAREERA, filit ARCH Street, above Seventh. I have no partner or connection with any other store In this city. - . . . oc 3 -4mif • 1864 F ps. 1864. A. K. & F. K. WOMRATII 9 (SUCCESSORS TO THE LATE OEO. F. WOMRATH, ) No. 415 Arch Street, HAVE NOW °rim A FULL ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' FANCY FURS, To which they invite the attention of buyers. . oc2o-3m 234,472 42 797,177 50 416,264 73 -- 686,821 48 76,6 9 2 68 VURS I FURS ! FURS ! -A: Furs cleaned.from moths, repaired and altered to I the IRteet styles at moderate prices, at V>. 113 north nol£l.3t. 612.344 14 MATHEMATICAL AND MECHANI -wL CAL SClENCE.—Studente are improved and ad vanced:fa required branches of Mathematics, and, by treatinirequilibrium and velocities separately, are early introduced to the successful study of Mechanics. P. STEWART, Private Instructor, 9218 FILBERT Street. no2l. St* =2.42 SS A THOROUGH PREPARATION FOR any position in the active pursuits of business life may be obthined at the QUAKER. CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE, at a xery small expense compared with the reel, solid advattages afforded- This institution Is. what its name imports, a SCROOL OF BUSINESS, and nothing has beenleft undone to place it ahead of all competition bol has regards the value of the course of instruction and the elegance and convenience of Its ac commodations. Every young man will consult his interests by visit ing this instlintion.befoto deciding the important ones - tion, when he shall enter upon a course of study pre paratory to engaging in business. Business men uni versally concede the. superiority of the plan and course of instruction adopted, and a diploma from this College is the best Introduction to positions of honor and profit. Separate Departments for Book-keeping. Arithmetic, Penmanship, the higher Mathematics and Telegraph ing, under the supervision and direction of experienced and educated teachers. . . Circulars and catalogues of over axe hundred ..eta dents in attendance thP oast year on application it the office, ground floor, TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. nNO-2t• IitCiONS WANTEDTWO. ORTHREE -KA , • 17NPURNISEIBD ROOMS desired by Gentleman and "Wife, without Children and without Board. Loca tion west of Tenth, and from Pine to .Areh. Address ' at this °Rice. • no2l-20 PERMAI O I EN T FIRST CLASS .BOARD ...- dealrable 2d:6tory front room vacant. Refe rence mailed. Apply at 141.7 SPRUCE Bt. it* BOARDING .-A LARGE BECOND. .story room. with BOARD. Reference real:are& No children. Pic. 2.68 South FOURTH Street. nol9-30 BOARD. -A LARGE SECOND•STORY -a-. BACK ROOM communicating with a bath-room, together with Board, may be obtained at 269 filoatb FIFTH Street. DO'l6-11 $1,201.664 02 FINE INVA.TORES, JEWELRY, . • . SILVER, ND PLATED WARE, CORNER 'ARCH AND TENTH STREETS. Brooches, glove Buttons, Armlets, Bracelets, Scarf ' Pine and Rings, Tea Bete, Ice Pitchers, Waiters, Goblets, iorks, Spoons, Sm. AB- Watches repaired and Warranted. 014 "doid, Diamonds, and Silver bought n0194m HARRISON.JARDEN. is WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY. • - • SOLID SIL" 'ft WXRE. AT REASONABLE PRICES. •nolo-180' 1808 MARKET Sliest. FlZladefilla• To DEALERS IN AND CONSUMERS A- OF CHOICE GRAPES.—We have jut received di rect from BIBLE! & HOMER, Put in-Bay Island, Lake Erie, a large supply of the finest CATAWBA GRAPES that have been sent to our market this season They are from the most celebrated 'vineyards on • the Island, and both as regards- flavor and size, are superior to am grown in our country.. • • . • We would invite connoisseurs to call and . examine. For sale in lots to'suit purchasers, by JAMES HOMER cfc,' SON, noia6t• SEVENTH and NOBLESts • HORSES ! HORSES ! .HORSES arARTERHASTES GENERAL'S OPPICS, 'FIRST DIVISION, WASHINGTON, Nov. 10, 1864. HORSES, suitable for Cavalry and Artillery service, will be-purchesed at Giesboro Depot, in opn market, till DECBMBER 1, 1664 Home will be delivered to Captain L. Lowry Moore,. A. Q. M., and be subjected to the nsnal Government in. spection before being accepted. Price of Cavalry Horses, $175 each. • Price of artillery Horeee, $lBO each. Payment will be made for six (6) and more. JAMES A. ERIN, ' Colonel in charge Firet Divieion, 13 016- tas Quartermaster General's Office. pIIRE PALM OIL SOAP.—THIS SOAP Is made of pure/fresh Palm Oil. and Is entirely a vegetable Soap; more suitable for Toilet use than those made from animal fat. In boxes of one dozen cakes,for 61 per box. Manufactured by GEO. M ELKINTON & SON. No. HO MAEGARETTA Street, between Front and Second, above Calle • ; 11. je6;6m REIMER'S ELEGANT AND ARTIS TIC etylei COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS arejlne specimene of the photographic art. Likenessee accu rately and naturally colored, only $1.50. SECOND Street, above Green I.* . TVORYTYPES.-NONE EXCEL • • •Iff. beauty of style, naturalness . 'of light and color, than those made by 11.F.RBIIRBR,at gal ery, 624 ARCH Street. • It* SUPERB STYLES PORTRAITS, PER FECTLY accurate and lire-like in coloringß. F. REIMER% superior styles li(e. size PHOTOGRAPHS. in oil colors. See specimens at 824 ARCH St. le. GUNS, PISTOLS, SKATES. PHILIP WILSON do CO.. • • 409 CHESTNUT Street. Manufacturers and Importers of Fine Gene, Pistols, - ' Gunning and Fishing Tackle, •. Canes, Powder, Shot, Wads, Caps, Atc. Gnike Restocked, Rebored, and Repaired in the bee manner. SKATES ()FALL KINDS. see-if Sm 409 CUESUNDT Street.. MACKEREL, —2 t doo bbla. Mare. Noe. 1,2, and 3 kfttak46ll; late-eanght fat fish, in assorted packages. • 2,000 bbla. New Eastport, Fortune Bay, and Hand Herring. bones . 2.500 xes'lmbec, Soiled, and No. IHerrlng. 160 bbls new Mess Shad. 250 boxee Herkimer county Cheese &c. In store and for sale by IdIIRPHY & KOONS, jal9-tf No. 146 NORTH WHARVES. FAMILIES, HOTELS, DYE-HOUSES, -A- unsupplied with the Universal Cog:wheel Clothes- wringer—the best and only reliabletorsnger will And it to their interest to use one of these Invalu able labor and clothes. BaVing utensils. For sale whole sal e and retail, by 8.-L. BURNHAM. Manufacturer's Agent. No. 27 Sonth.SIXTH Street. nol2-1m TASTEFUL ANESUBSTANTIAL ULOTHELYG NEW PUBLICATIONS:' IiFIETiII, THE TAIVIER'S SON, By MAJOR PBN2IIMAIf FIELD sooTr 1L MM' AST-IMEA3) & EVA.NS, PUBLISHERS, No. .724 CHESTNUT Street FANCY FURS. JOHN FA.ItEIA, PO. 118 ARCH Street, Above Seventh Street, At hie old established Mori. DEAT•TCIi IN FANCY FURS LADIES AND CHILDREN. EDIICATIONAI. BOARDING. WANTS. A GENTS WANTED FOR THE MOST popnlar and rapid-selling SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS published, including The Nurse and Spy in the Union Army, Sacred Biography, Standard Historyof the War, Tayruan's Assistant, 410. Send for Clrcalars. Address, With stamp, JONES BROS. & CO.. s 600 CHESTNUT St , Philadelphia, Pa. A YOUNG MAN, WHO H&S SERVED +J... three years in the army, wishes employment. Has been In the Orocery Business four years ; also in a hard ware store. Beet of references even. Address Era- DlOYmont. ei Press Office. n019.2ts TOTO PETROLEUM COMPANIES AND mums. —A. practical business man, thoroughly acquainted with the construction and operation of Ma chinery, with much experience in the erection of fac torise, boring Art eaters wells. and the working of Petro leum and other oile, and who is competent to make his own plane for buildings, machinery, drc.. would en gage as agent and. practical =natter, or join parties abcut to engage in the Petroleum business. Address. for *two weeks. "Petroleum," care of JOY, COZ. dr. CO.. UN BUB It BUIL DINGS. New York. no2l et 'WANTED TO RENT; BY THE FIRST OF JANUARY—A. STORE. on first floor, on Mar ket street, between Second. and Sixth streets. 'Address Box 2..i01, Post.Oflice. stating location and rent n021.-tt IV:ANTED WOODEN' VATS; •T eapableof tioldhurfrosnll . oo to SOO gallons. address. atatinemilLe and oondltion. •' New England, ' care of S. M rsTTSNOILL & CO.. corner of BEEKIffieN St. and Park Row, New York. T OG-WOOD CIITTERS.-WANTED -&-• k WOOD CIITTRit. Address .„ stating . size. price and name of maker, 'New England, care of B. M. PRITENGILL & CO., corner ItEfinllAN Bt. and Park Now, New York. TO PAPER-MAKERS. - WANTED. Two RAG ENGINES M. inch or 42-inch rolls, in good order. Address, stating age, condition, price, and name of maker. " New England." care of b. M. PETTE Sf- G I & CO., corner of BEEKMAN.St and Park Row, Neu York. WANTED-BOILERS AND STEAM PIPE and TANKS wanted. Boilers of the follow ing sizes: 12 feet diameter, 20 feet long; also, another boiler 8 feet diameter. 20 feet long, and three Iron Tanks of 9 feet diameter, 6 feet in depth; also. an Iron Pan 6 feet'detp, 9 feet wide, 27 feet long; 200 feet of 2 inch Steam_Pizie: 'Address ' . New England, "'care of B. M. ?MENG= & CO. BEEKBILN St. and Park. Row. New York..: It lt WAN T - AN IMPORTING Y • House, a strong, active YOUTH, to do anything connected with the business: must come welt recom meostnded . ce Apply in handwriting of applicant. Box 107, Y Offi. • it* ANTED-=BY A. PERSON OF GOOD b u si ness qualifiCatiOllP, an interest pi " Partner in some well. eats blished hottEe.. Address "Ac tive, at this o ffi ce. Give real name and. amount of capital required. no3l-m sr( 3t* 7ook - ANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN baying experience in BOOK-KEEPING, a set of s to keep, or copying of some kind to occupy his evenings, which are disengaged. • Beet of referenco furnished. Address Box WO, Post Office. nol9-smw3V WANTED, BY THE FIRST:-OF ..NUARY. a SALESMAN in an established Boot and Shoe House on MARKET Blreet. None otter tnan an A No. 1 Salesmen need apply. Address "Boots and Shoes Pre/corneal nolll-3t* Wr ANTED-A FURNISHED SECOND T T' Story Front Room. with Board, by a gentleman and wife, located between VINE and SPRUCE, and THIRD and BROAD Streets. References exchanged.. Address Box 21435. P. 0. nolB WANTED—FROM - lei OF JANUARY V NEXT, by an Established Wholesale Boot and Shoe House, TWO SALESMEN who can influence agood country trade. Liberal Salary will ti paid to efficient men. Address "Merchant," Press office. nolB 3t* WANTED -$125 A. MONTII AGENTS everywhere to introduce the new SHAW &_OLARK SIXTEEN DOLLAR FAMILY SEW ING MACHINE, the on/y low price Machine in the country which is liceneed, by Grover & Baker, Wheeler & Wilson, Bowe, Singer & Co., and Baehelder. Salary and expenses, or large commissions allowed All other Machines now sold for lees than forty dollars each are infringements, and the seller and user liable. Illus trated circulars sentfree. Address SBAW & CLARK, no2I • BIDDEFORD. Maine. WANTED- SEWING MACHINE AGENTS I Eve ry where to introduce the new SHAW & CLARK FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, the only low-price machine in the conntry which is licensed by Grover it Ulcer, Wheeler & Wilson, Howe. Singer. &Co , andßachelder. Salary and expenses, or large commissions allowed. 211 other Machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are infringements, and the seller and user liable. Illustrated circulars sent five. Address, SHAW & MARX; Biddeford, Maine. nolii.d&w:ina • WANTED, AGENTS,-AGENTS IN every County, atWO c moth, expenses paid, to introduce fi f teen new and tißeful articles, the best gell ing ever offered. For particulate, address OTIS T. GARRY, BIDDLFORD, MAINS. . 0c.25-d&W3m mm WANTED—BY A. SMALL FAMILY, without children, a comfortably.furnished Rouse. in the city or -at West' Philadelphia. with a Stable and Carriage Howe attached (if possible), for three or four horses and two carriages, for six or more moAths, and for which a liberal rent would be paid. In case a furnished bongo may not -be had,'au nutnr ntsbed one, with carriage house and stable as above, would be taken. Address : !' QaestionabiliV? at The Press office. lt• FOR SALE AND TO LET. To LET-- - THE UNABLE HUMES STUD, 187 NORTH THIRD STREET, OPPOSITE CHERRY. .PIVESTORIED, BROWN-STONE FRONT. Apply on pus Premises. non-U • DUBLIO. SALE OF THE PITTSBURG & MIN ERSITILLE PASSENGER RAILWAY. —The undersigned, on account of the pressing nature of his private business, is compelled to make sale of the•Pitta burg & Minersville Railway at Public Auction. The Rahway comprises four miles of flat rail, (single line/. weighing 93 The per y amt. and 276 miles of trail, (single line),weighiag 21) lbs 'Ter yard, amounting in all to l8i) tons. There are seven care, all with new wheels; thir ty-two valuable horses, with all the.necessary harness; blacksmith shop, with 'complete set of tools; stables, with horse power for grinding corn, etc, ; feed cutters, desk, stove, and everything necessary to carry on a passenger railway successfully. The entire road, from the corner of Market and Fourth, city of Pittsburg, to the terminus In Minersville, is now in better condition than It has been for years; and, order careful manage ment, will pay' a handsome dividend on the invest ment. The charter of this road is a very liberal one, giving the right to charge a higher rate of tare than any other passenger railway in the city. The sale will positive/ y take place in the city of Pitts burg. at the Commercial Saiesroome of Mr. Mcllwaine. on TUESDAY. Nov. 29th, at 734 P. M. TE rine, one-half cash, residue in ten years, to be se• cured and mortgage, with interest at the rate of 7 per cent , payable sem . annually. no2l. 6t - WM. 4. HEREON. •FOR SALE-THE GOODWILL..AND Furniture of a Ant• class DAY and BOARDING • .801100L, now in .full operation. Address "Principal Of Seminary," Woodbury, N. J. non-mwflSt* (lIL LANDS AND.INTERESTS-1N _`—' VINANGO COUNTY, Pennsylvania., and in WIRT, NITOBIE. and PLEASANTS COUNTIES, West Vir faints. A cbolce selection of valuable properties, for ,sale at moderate prices by •_. E. JONES, • - noll3-6t* No. 504. WALNUT r treat. FOR: . SALE • —$11;000 - .'sTO••• LOAN—ON Mortgage; alto, $2,000, $5,000, and $9,000, and other STIME, want'd on farms neßr-the clty. Apply to E. PETTIT, 323 WALEUT Street. nol9-2t* • TO LET-7-OFFICES' ON THE FIRST -a- door of the Granite 13aildinc, (formerly old Post Once,) Dock street; below Third. • Also, the fifth and sixth stories of same Imildinc, with Whirl power. . The store 611 Chestnut street, (Commonwealth Build ing.) Offices on second Door of same building. Also, the third story of the building. THOS. H. CONNSLL, Counting House of Dr. D. Jayne & Son, nol7-6t* IVo. 242 CHESTNUT Street. FOR SALE-FARMS IN ALL LO CALtTIES.—Persona wishing to engage in farm apt Ina now is the.time to purchase.' Call and examine ins Ref:littera Farms. E. PETTIT, 323 WAL NUT Street. nol9-2t• tits FOR , SALE—VALUABLE FA.RII, ;AL no acres. near Mount Holly. Number in Camden, Gloucester. and Burlington counties. Call and examine Register of New Jersey farms. E. PETTIT, 323 WAL NUT Street. . nel9-25 • gla FOR SALE-DESIRABLE . 00IIN -a- TRY PLACE, 23 acres, at railroad station, Penna. R. R.; few miles out; first-class buildings; great variety of fruits, large grapery, &e. , E. PETTIT, 323 Wile' NUT Street. nol9-2t*. fFOR BALE - DESIRABLE BUCKS FOR FARM.* 80 acres, railroad station on the premises; superior buildings. B. EISTET, 323 WATA fiIIT Street.nol9-2t* . . mit FOR SALE—VALUABLE DELA., ware-front FARM, contatniaglaTaores; first-close "farm buildings Vraiiroad station on the promisee. IL . PETTIT, 323 WALNUT Street. _ nol9-2ts gni FOR SALE-VALUABLE IitIONT -s- 00 - MERY COUNTY FARM, one half mile from Railroad Station and turnpike, 12 miles out. 95 acres. E. PETTIT, 323 WALNUT Street. , nol9-2r, 459 NORTH THIRD STRERT.,-, i•Tbree-story arielc• DWELLING. with three-story back bcilldickg, 20 feet front by 120 feet deep to a, Ina ktreet, three-story briak building . on the rear. . H. OSLER. no2l-3t 5 142 South THIRD Street, second Hoor.. da:. FOR SALE—ARCH STREET., . mat. meet of-. Tenth, two large ilret-class dwellings. $23,000 and $25 000. Splendid double mansion on Chestnut street. Large front and deep lot. $lO,OOO. Large side-yard dwelling on Seventh, above Spring Garden street; lot 44 by 95. 312 SW. - Splendid four-story brown-stone front dwelling on Spruce, west of Seventeenth. $28.000. .Elegant four-story dwelling on Tine, west of Seven teenth. Marble up that story. 1210.500. Etat four-story dwelling on Arch, west of Twenty first; lot 18 by no to a street. 90,000_ Neat lour. story dwellings on Pine, west of Seven teenth and Eighteenth streets. 812.500 each. Besides near 2,000 other city properties. Call or send for catalogue. GEO. C. MILLER. Real Estate Broker, • nol9-20p • 154 SIXTH Street. IeFOR SALE.-ONLY $4,600 FOR A. twelve-roomed Dwelling on Sixth, north of Thompson ; lot 19 by 90. Only $4.600 for the neat dwelling 1642 Pine street, With dwelling on rear: lot 18 by 100, to Helmuth street. MILLER nol9 2t 3p 154 N. SIXTH Street. e t FOR SALE-THE NEAT AND convenient Dwelling. No. 1.508. MOUNT 'VERNON Street. or it will be exchanged for a Germantown pro perty of same value - For others, see _North American -and U. S. Gazette. B. F. GLENN. 123 S. FOURTH Street. nol9 and S. W. cor SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. ICHESTER COUNTY.-FORM SALE—A valuable Chester County FARM known as the Rickman Farm, Willistosvn township, .16 miles out, 3 miles from Green Tree, &c., on Pennsyl vania Railroad; 187 acres of land, 40 of which are wood land, watered by Crum creek and several springs of water. Fine large double Stone MANSION. 14 rooms; tine double-deciter Stone Barn, with overshoot; or chard of selected fruit; dwelling for farmers; spring, and other buildings. A superior business Farm; will feed forty steers. JAS. R. 'CUMMINS, 501 WALNUT Street. N. B.—Call for Catalogue of Delaware and Chester Couitty Farms, containing prices. no2l-6t FOR. SALE-AN EXCELLENT et +FARM ,of 110 Acres, at Union Station, on West Jersey. Railroad, 20 miles from Camden. Good laid- Loss and good toil. Price )ow and terms easy. Also, a number of first- clads Farms within a few miles of Philadelphia. B. F. GLENN, non ' 123 South FOUSTEL Street. 0 Sl,Eft, Jr. , H. • PETROLEUM LAND AGENCY, 142 S. Third Street, Second Floor, OPPOSITE EXCHANGE. Lancia in Ponnayliania, Virginia, Ohio, and. Kentucky. not 3t.• STEAM • D WATER GAUGES-THE N- 1 largest aaiortnient Philadelphia—constantly on band. 'E. BROWN, WALNUT Street. no7-11n" BRICKS FOR - SALE-ALSO, POT TEM' CLAY7'-d'pPly 10 J. & T. GILLSSPIE.S OI South THIRTEEN.TH Street, or at Brickyard. TWEN Y•FIFTH and WHARTON. . . nolgar LT REASONABLE PRIOIIB3 It-4 Lk) ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Lessee and Manager JOHN T. FORD. (ale° of Holliday-street Theatre. Baltimore: Yore's New Theatre, Washington, and the Alexandria (Va.) Theatre. Mr. Ford finds pleasure in announcing that he has leased this maanilleent Art Temple FOR SIX WEEK% For the express purnos or i od est • EDWIN FORREST, In his matchless A PTA ‘maii o,l 2 of In CORIOLAIIIIS, Ehtkopearer a tragedy of that title: FOE THE ilns? TIRE I PHILADELPHIA. Rational care has been taken to render the &Moult prodnetloneAfsthirta OF SHAESPEARE s m -PIECE Complete and all ita dramatic and mechani cal details. - • . MUCH . OF THE SCDNERS. IS IIiNTIRELY NEW, and from the pencil of the emir ub acenic artist. C.I.ILES S. AVE, E. THE CoSTIIMES, . • • APPOINTMENTS; WAY. CHARIOTS, WEAPONS AND - • • PARAPHERNALIA. Were expressly manufactured for the play, from e 0... rest historical deflate, and It is thought, wID 140ve lea their ensemble effect SURPAs.SINGIX BEAUTIFUL.- - - - It is an attempt to II tuetrate the power and beauty dr. Shakspeare's Art, with every accessory which the =NV liberal enterprise can command from the highest thea trical skit/, and the manager con dent hopes. that the effort may be deemed worthy the patronage and the Lasting remembrance of every lover of " The Bard of AU Time." THE OAST OF THE PLAY is notably full and brilliant. The tragedy concludes with THE MURDER OF CORIOLANDS, and a magnificent ) enreeentatiou of his honorable FUNERAL PYRE. .According to Plutarch, the Voiscians, after that killing - of " Cloriolanue," dressed him in his general's robes and la'd his corpee on a ma geificent bier, wtuq. was carried by such young officers as were most dis tinguishsd for their martial exploits. Before him were borne the spoils lie had taken from the enemy. the crowns lie bad 'gained, and the plans of the cities he had taken. • In this order his body was laid on the pile: when the pile was consumed they gathered up hia ashes, which they interred on the spot, sad erected a. magnificent monument there. The Box Sheet. for the sale of secured places, new open, between the hours of 9 and 4) o'clock. Admission, 50 and 25 cents. Secured Seats 60 cents additional. noI9 2t PHILIP WARREN. Treasurer. EW CHESTNIIT-ST • THEATRE • CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TWE LEM MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS, November 24 and. 22, rroduetion,after months of prerarettoui at as - ACTUAL , COST OF 2,000 DOLLARS. - ACTUAL COST OF 2,000 DOLLARS Of Dion Bov.eicatat's thrilling sensati ona l a mino. styled • _ . PAIIVRETTE ; PAU VRETTE PA OVEt ATTE ; FAOVRET PE; PA UVRETTS; PAUVRETTE; Or. Tinder the Snow. • Or, Under the Snow. Or, Under the Snow. Or, Uni er the Snow. With new and magnificent Scenery by Richard EL. Smith and assistan:s, correct and beautiful Costumes by MIT. Bicker and Resistants. Origtnal Music by Birig fold, novel Mechanical Effects by Joseph Stratum and. assistants, Pyrotechnics, Properties, and accessories by John Duey and assistants. and a OAST OF GREAT EVENNESS AND STRENGTH. The performance to conclude with the Farce of BROTHER BILL. AND ME. ON 7 IL ANKEGIVINe AFTERNOON, A GRAND FAifILY MATINEE, Virhen the Beautiful 'Drama of THE FORTY THIEVES will be cremated for the last time most.poSitively. Price of admission to the Thanksgiving Festival, /8 cents, to all parts of the hone& Children A 5 cents. DOora oven at US, to commence at 23i o'clock. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Soy. 26. Thirteenth Regular Grand Family Matinee. WALNIIT•STREET THEATRE, SECOND engagement of WEEK. Of the brilliant engagement of the able. yonng ant beautiful Actress Lucrus WESTERN. who will ap pear THIS (Monday) EVENING, and during the week. In the remarkably powerful play, written exprassly fog her by 0. W. 'Tavleure, Esq.. entitled EAST LYNNE, OE THE ELOPEkIENT. In.which 'AfISS LUCILLE WESTERN _ will Impersonate the double characters of LADY ISABEL AND MADAME VINE. • Box Office open from 9 till 3 Curtain rises at 73g. ABS. JOEIT MOVE NEW ARCH am- STREET. THUMB. • • LAST WEEK LAST virmur Of Mr. and . Mrs. BARNEY WILLIAMS. MONDAY.VIIESDAY, AND WEDNESDAY.- TEE LAKES OF KILLARNEY and. • • YANKEE COURTSHIP. Mr. and Mrs. BARBEY WILLIAMS IN YOUR CHARACTERS, SONG! AND DANCES. GREAT BILL FOR THANNSGIVING. AT NATIONAL CIRCUS, altE NJ% WALNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH. Directriies .....Mrs. CHAS. WARNER. ' formerly Mrs. Dan Rice. ) Equestrian Director.... ... ....P. H. ROSTOW- Beeldes the celebrated SHERWOOD FAMILY, and the remainder of the popular artiste Troupe. there will appear, for the •first time, on THIS EVENING, and. every evening during the week. Prof. HIITCEIINSON and his CELDBRATID TRAINED DOGS. Also, Messrs. 0. H. HUTCHINSON and JOHN H. MURRAY. wonder ful Gymnasts and , Acrobats, and also Mr. WM. KEN NEDY, a very opular versatile Clown. It will he a week of splendid entertainments, unpar aletled in the history of the circus in al merida. WEDNESDAY and SA.TURD AY AFTER NOONS, a nd extra performances on THANRSGIVINGE DAY. Prices remain the same. First Tier, 5D cents; Second Tier, 25 cents.. Commence 7.40 every evening; 2 30 af ternoon. no2l-6t • ASSEMBLY BUILD.INGS. . s. W. 'CORNER. TENTH AND CHESITHPF • STREE WEDNESDAY. Nov. 23. 1864. et half past three o'clock. SECOND CLASSICAL MATINEE. . . Br THE • PHILADELPHIA CLASSICAL QIIINTETTE CLUB. Messrs. GAERTNER, JARVIS, CROSS, PLAGEMANN,, and SCHMITZ. PROGRAMME. . Grand Trio in D Minor, Op. 49 Mendelssohn.' Quartette, No. I, in G • ' Mozart. Violin Soio Concerto in E Minor Rode. Quintana Op. 4, in E Flat ' Beethoven. Subscription list for the season of Twenty Ave Mati nees is at the Music Store of-Mr. J. E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut streets, whore engagements for pablie or private performances, in or out of town, can be made for the services of the Club. Proprietors of Schools oaa make special Subscription terms. 'Single Tickets, to be had only at the door, Fifty Cents. - nol9-4t ANFORD'S NEW OPERA:IIOIMR, P•I MOE Street, below Third. ----OPEN-FOR THE SEASON. _L FANDIL.S. SANFORD Proprietor Sad Manger. SANFORD'S OPERA TRODPE, The largest and best Minstrel CorePanYlll existence. Sanfordappears in Songe,Dances,•and his Barlesquag. Doors open quarter to 7; commence quarter to S. Admission 25 cents; Orchestra 5+3 cents; Boxes and V. noIS-I8 CHESTNUT-STREET . OPERA HODIMI L v No. 1221 CHESTNUT Street. ALLIDTSON .k HINCKEN • • .--.Propikgsak, MORAN'S MINSTRELS appear every evening In an elegant ETHIOPIAN ENTERTAINMENT. Doors open at 7, commencing at S o'clock "'radio*: Admission 25 cents. Reserved seats, which can he secured. froni .10 kg IC o'clock, 60 cents. trod A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TSB -LA- AND CHESTNUT Streets. TEMPLE OF. WONDERSt SIGNOR ELITE EVERY EVENING, AND WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONL Change of Performance Constantly. Seat s, 60 Admissn i on , 26 Cents. Cbildran, lb Cants. Baum& cents. Itveninn Performances commence et 734. Aftoracenr. at & . . os3-tt (lERMANIA. ORCHESTRA. --PITBLIa NJ' REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, at 33i o'cloeit P. M., at MUSICAL TUb D HALL. Single Tickets. 15 cents. Six Tick6ta, $L to be nad at Gon , d's, and Meyer's Basic Stores. and at the Hall. no7-ti CHRIST. REJECTED.-- This admirable picinre. the greatest production aC the painter West. is now on exhibition at the ACADEMY . OF. F.IDIS ARTS. 1025 CHESTRUT Street. together with the entire collection of the Institution. Admittatioe twenty-five cents. *at-2m* THE ACADEMY OF FINE A. Rife ' s . -a- ORESTLITIT Street. &Wye Tenth. Is OPEN DAUM.- for •isitore, from 9A. M. to 6P. M. TO YOUNG AOTRESSES.—YOUNG -a- actresses who are little accustomed to the use of "stage. making-up" will find that the "Email de Paris!'. Will remove all the evils rt salting from the use of paints, powder, and rouge. The " Email" is not &- paint, but it preserves and beautifies the skin. by re— moving all. lack spots and impurities. and is endorsed: by Wile Vestvali, Mrs. D. P. Bowers. Mrs. BMWS Waller, and many other aotresees of talent and beauty. EUGENE JODIE, No. 111 South TENTH Street. below Chestnut, id the only agent in this city. nolft-mwett THE FENIAN BROTHERHOOD WILL sice.theti Fifth Annual Ball at MUSICAL FUND HALL an MONDAY EVENING, December 12. h, 11161. Tickets ODE DOLLAR each,lo be had of the mem bers or at the Door on the evening of the BaU JERI' fl BERGIN, Chairman ComMittee. JOBM DOPE, Treasurer. E. DouoirgaTv, Secretary_. no2l-2,,* LOST AND WOLIND. ../ . ...., 11 , 1 0 ,1 1, 1 W•MIN•04.410.1101101•••• • .OB I TOPT. SUNDAY; GOING ;FROM Sixth and Aril, along Sixth, to 'Chestnut. , durleg the are, a CIRCULAR PIN, with a DIAMOND CLUS— TER of NINE DIAMONDS, In the centre, on .a black ground. A liberal reward, if returned to 3011 South ELEVENTH Street. • - "FORT, ON: :-BATIIRDAY MORNING, while goirg frotiliftb street aid Girard avenue to: Fourth and Cbcetnnt • streets.. an AMETHYST SE,II. MU% with the name •• Harry " engraved on it. The tinder, by retun lug it to No. 1009 RANDOLPH - Street. will receive a 11):•eral reward anti.tha th:inks of the owner. " no'll.-2t* 410 REWARD.-LOST, A SABLE' • . 001.1.A.R, in itiduein a car down Spruce to • Thirteenth etreet.i - and,waUtitur from thence to. Chestnut. above Twelfth. on Saturday evening The finder will .pleasa.return it to Na. 1820 SPEETCS street. ' . . • • • • . It* • 3 50 REWARD . -LOST-ON. TUES., DAY LTBNING. between the Continental Ho f . tal and Walnut-atreet Wharf, a Lady's Leatker SATOH . — EL, containing a parcel of Black Guipure Lace, of great value, a Pocket Handkerchief, trimmed .with Valen— ciennes and marked "C. E. " alsoZa complete pack age of the " Email de Parse . '' Any one retnrnirg itto 125 FRAICSI.IN Street will receive the above reward nolS-3ts • PERSONAL. INFORMATIONE WANT D. TEUT undersigned - desires to hoar from the sister of Staples, Deputy Cherif of El Dorado county, California. She is supposed to reside in Philadelphia. Mr. Staples was murdered while in the discharge of his duties. His effects are awaiting delivery. Jalf)ls B• HUME, Sheriff's Office. Placerville:EL - Dorado county, Cal. Klertr .:7VeSMMVS a oIS-Im COTTAGE ORGANS, Not only UNNICCELEED but UNEQUALLED in purity of Tone and Power, designed especially for Chnrohen and Schools. but found to be equally well adapted 10: the Parlor and Drawing Room. For sale only by X. 11 BRUCE, No. 13 North SEVENTH. Street. Also. a complete assortment of the Perfect Melodeon. constantly on baud no2l-3m • DECKER B ROT PI • T ANOS. —The public, and particularly' the profession, are invited to examine these beaettitel in strnmeats, which ere meeting with such an unparal led degree of popiavity and sale in New York, and. wherever known. The desideratum so long striven for, i e the strength of the iron. and sororousnees of the 'wooden frame so happily attained by them, renders their Pianos incomparable with any others The un qualified testimonials of each names as Wolfsohn. Mills, Mason, Heller. Thomas, Zundel, and scores of others, amply establish their high rank. For sale OIL by W. J. COCHRAN, 908 CHESTNUT Street. Also t . a large assortment of other new and se cond-han d. PiIIIICIF, for sale and to rent. • - nol9-Sue DENTISTRY. • DR BASSET ' 4 ••• ••Ineerts ARTIFICIAL VIET!? on Gold, Silver. Vulcanite, from Vi to f4O. Teeth filled, 60 cents. and. upwards. Repairing. References. Office, 245 1 INTEL Street, below Locust. 011149 t, SPZOTACLES, JAiIVIES W. QUEEN & 00. 1 8,, sait2m 924 cmarrwirr stray, •• • • FOR ALBANY A,Na' TROY - , 4. 4 11,4 1-' VA. DELAWARE AND RARIT 01 CANAL. Tbe 'Barge J, STACK POLE, pan t s ,. is now loading at Orrt wharf below Spruce street; and will Bail for the above points on AtONDAY, November 21et. at 6 o'clock P. M. • For freight, which 'will be taltenina reasonable terms. .syry to . D. L FLANAGAN, Agent, No. 304 South DELAWARE &germs DEPARTMENT IVA 017,STOBE WO,UNk,