The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, November 12, 1864, Image 3
i' ..---- Tlie States UllllOll. , r: g r ro y s Pa 1 Jac Casied '9, hiciago• , r , :i i ., s ti vi e ll o g n t:, re . Mpe e tnin 2 f i lio l s i ter ,),collrhaucaster co J N Moftltt,Wllrilln t gf o n 7 orclogion B J , Dloffitt, - Wlloala.cton t.. libu o, Delaware J Meredith , Wi :tin to al I ll_ obt M.Ciroves .di Is g ,l'ozuzb o::6F,Feunit J G McDonald . i!'ipar, Jersey . - TheNatiOnal. gloonstnirg inhas he Baron,Baltimnre Treutan T Srni•h. Port Delaware Win Maier. Philatla 1. sCIAIL; NOTICES. GEO. STECK & CO.'s enyl r 11 CELEBRATED e PIANOS. Qo of these fine instruments have been lgriber, and they daily increane in popularity. B. GOULD, SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. WFL'R POLITICS. BV 71 1 1: BAND OF 'POWER wwn solemnly laid down the paper, for what ho read there WREI no joke; Ai; lofty hope bad all in vapor 1), ;Led at one rnffilesi stroke.' se then e cross his face there came I chariot , nay, triuniphmat look, if, thOUgh he had lost his game. sloe comfort frold the fact ho took. Drawell to politics, be cried, lift trlcl:lBlLnag, that heeds no rein I plum now I've fairly tried, Di sorer will I try again, potent with blessings that are Pure, II tort to giddy chance no more. Ir j, while all comforts I secure, Wank of renown I'll not deplore. rousers as good, Loan afford, uut served np 'midst such a blaze Rs•any tbattbe board Of Presidential pride displays. t d, 05 for dressing, 'tie well said, Ent se great dignitary wears • r.icbouler clothes, or better made, t hsu those which Tower Hall prepares. " par Clothing from our At ock of g"CrMentS thot by securing goods e4lll+ , lin Rt lc, In a mi workmanship, to any made to order, at 25 colt. Lower prim s. Nye have a foil and cam otment of the uewest, cho‘cest, and most de a ;es of geode, purchased at the lemeet prices 0 00, for cash exciusivery, and cold for cash .iy, therefore at the lowest prices possible, e tiled at once from our precis, williont delay - TOWER HALL, No. 51831arq1 , :F. , T Street. BENNETT& CO, CTRICITY. — TS F. TAKE PLEASURE IN Rttection of our readers to the advertisement BOLLES & BROWN", Electricians, Their of Vestment is entirely new, wad .has woo into enceeseful practice after many years of v, 'I hey have the recommendation: of so me 4 eminent medical men, who have witnessed !MI tetults achieved 14 the a:plication of to diFeares which have been proneuneed in iertheoldd method of heating..—Episeopal Ellsemer.t In Me morning's paper beaded " • lts %CNC , MEN OF• TALENT, ENERGY, lABILITY.—Onerof the greatest accomplish- Pinesent day Is Telegraphing by SOUND. ant and remunerative art is practically the Telaraph•Department of the • QUAKER CITY COLLEGE, ',NTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS, _ . oly. Every student is placed in a REGULAR. k ,Pg OFFICE after a limited PrelliutaarY here he finiel - es, and consequently must ace 'proficiency in tho art. There is nothing of ~e irhere In the United States. Its HEAD OF HAIR. Dana OLoas INSTEAD OF THE. GRAY DECAY. non Flair Color Restorer nod Dres•ing." :don Bair Color Restorer a;d Dreeeing." • elate within itself, no other dressing or ItC• ,at of any kind being necessary to secure !rade results. It is not s Dye. "Irestree gray hair to its original color. make it grow on bald heads. . restore the nataral secretions. remove all dandruff and itching. make the hair soft, glossy, and Itexible. pretervo the origins) color to old age. prevent tho hate from (ening off core all diseases of the scalp. rents per bottle, oi!, six bottle*. St. DR. SWAYNE St SON, 330 North SIXTEI Street. TR'S EIORRY SOAP. .earited TOILET BOAP, in such universal do made trona the 000ICEST materials, is MILD ',LIENT in Us nature, FRAGRANTLY SCENT• VSTEEMBLY BENEFICIAL in its action upon for sale by all Druggieta and Fancy Goods te2B-tnibalY CLOTHING, BOYS' CLOTHING, Bon' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys' Clothing,'' Clotting, Boys' Clothing, Bays' Clothing, .t every variety, In every variety, • every variety, In every variety, every v artetT, In every variety, At H. L. Hallowell & Son's, At H. L. Hallowell dr Bon's, • At H. L. Hallowell & Son's, At H. L. Hallowell & Son's, trket street, 534 Market street, irkst street, 534 Market street, Arket street, 534 Market street, garket street, 534 Market street. it Noyes. —We have the largest and best mock of Beady-made Boys' Clothing in the city, latest styles, and made in the best manner. 3.II,LOWSLL & SON. 534 MARKET Street. ;heti CLOTHING, 6. B. corner SEVENTH and MARKET Ste. .OTHING, S.E cor SEVENTH and MARKET MIRING. 6.E. cor. SEVENTH and MARKET .OTH ING, S. E. cor. SEVENTH and M ARKET LOTHING, S.E.con SEVENTH and Mi.R.KET MTH IN 81, S. E. cor. EyEN'TH and MARKET :OTHING, S. E.cor. SEVENTH and MA REST ;#THIN 0, S. E. cor. SEVENTH and MARKET LOME°, S. B cor. SEVENTH and MARKET 'IOTHIN,G, S. E. cor. SEVENTH and MARKET S.E. cor. SEVENTH and MARKET :LOTHING, S.B. cor. SEVENTH and MARKER :WTHINCI, S. B.cor. SEVENTH and MARKET :WRING, S. E. co;. SEVENTH and MARKET I.QIHINO, S. E. cor. SEVENTH and MARKET LOTBINO, S.B cor. SEVENTH and MARKET *-OTRING, S.E cor. SEVENTH and MARKET .LOTRING, S. E. cor. , SEvENT H and M ARK ST :LOTFIING, S B.cor. SEVENTH and MARKET :LOTRINO, 8. E. cor. SEVENTH and MARKET tub tf .•PRICE CLOTHING OF TIER LATEST male In the beet manner, expressly for RETAIL LOWEST SELLING PRICES marked in LOESS. All goods made to order warranted .The one price astern is strictly adhered re thereby treated alike, JONES' OLD-ES -3,D ONE-PRICE GLOTHING HOUSE, 604 'Street, near Sixth. de2S-ly PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION The election is OTIM Ind, just as expected, Yr. Abraham Lincoln Has been re-elected. The people ace happy, And hopefully thinkin' Of what shall be done Under President Lincoln With four years before him Of Administration, Let ue manfully help Men Deliver the nation. end may he mcat bravely And thoroughly saya us PlOl3l the wicked endeavors Of Jeffaaon Delia. We look on J. Davie With uttermost loathing, But with different emotions 011 OAK HALL'S fine clothing From the shelyes of Oak Hall We Blake ample selection . Or cloth', g to last Till another election. .X3BLE PRICES, excellent materials, beet ablP. and everybody pleased with whit they atirable a, sortment of the beet Class Clothing, •lover pr.ce• than people suppose Special !OCR() MEN'S SUlTS.—Overcoats by the - Prices (rum $l4 up. A good. article for $lB. eadi now made up are selling at just half the ante thing made to order. Let all examine our 'Wish good Clothing at the LOWEST prices. WANAILAKIIR & - BROWN. "OAK HALL." 6. B. corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. :teat Bargains In Overcoats. 1 At WILSON'S HIGHEST Paratiutt LOCI-STITCH SEWING . 711i0EIN18. CHEAPEST.. BMUS% AND BEST . 704 oingsTNuT wog. above Sovettli .A.ECRIMI:I - the 10th Snetant,bY the Rev. Welch. Mr. Thos. H. Atkinson, of this city, to T-ito, daughter of the late Henry Beck, Esq.. Ct townsh , p, Bucks county. (Bucks couvy COp , L 3 TER--.BOOPER.—On Thursday. Nov. 10. Larson-street M E Church, by Rev. John , D• Mr. William C. Carpente , and Miss Laura f. both of Philadelphia. No cards. 'EY—YOUNG.—On the 10th instant, at the re- Yretienelc C. Jones. Eso , New York, by ert It Booth, John R. Whitney. of Paßadek to Maly Graham, youngest daughter of the ford 1). T . Ol l / 3 r. of the former place. • ) T — G II IIDON —On Thursday, the 10th inst.. 'O. T. W. J. Wylie, D. D., David W. McElroy daughter of George Gordon, Rm., alt of ttlis -3 ATTERTH AITE. n the 10th 1%14., Phl of West Chester, Pa. to Ellen K., daughter Satterthwaite, near , Orosewicke, New Jer- • ;El GEE—HUNSBERRY. —ln this city, on the 'IReY. IL Jeffery, D. D., Mahlon Runsberriez Hunsberly. — NEIMAE.—On the ]oth inst., by Rev. j't D. D., Samuel Sharron, of Salem, N. .1., `,eirtan. or this city. • . I ! — PENNELI,.—On Fifth day, the lOth inet ts ceremony. at Middetown Meatinr, Elton of Phiataelphia to Mary, daughter of JAMBI )i Middletown, Delaware county, Pa. • 3DMEM:).. :LL.—On the 10th instant, in his 9th leer, Ron of Robert A. and Catharine. Maxwell. ( ism his parents' )jon residence. Forty. first OdaMonda 2 I'. M. .or the conveyance H of relatives y, and at fneede win leave the undertaker's.. 921 'En below Tenth. at 2 o'clock Precisely. In i Woodlands Cemetery. • —On the tOth November, Mrs. Mary Magill, . I ttleth r ear of her age. ada and those of the family are Invited to at lateral, from the residence of her son-tu- la w, this], No. 417 South Twentieth street. below I. on Soaday afternoon next, 1.91,11 fast , at 2 Oa Thursdav, the lOth inst , Catherine gd, widow of the late Charles Field, Iso ersi ccill take place on Monday,the 14th lost., lock, from her late residence, Ifo. 1916 West et , * le SqUhre. t ae*Diy, on the evening of the 9th inst., of heart Joseph Rue,Br. aged 62 years: rice. and mate friends of Ate familyare ad thet funeral, without further notice, from 'ideae, on llonday morning, 14th Inst., .a . tlo MING — Suddenly, on the gth Wet, charlas Br., aged Olean. %tic's and friends of the family are rasped id to attend his !antral, front hie late reel- fo?oe, 2209 Gieeri.okreet. on Saturday aftornopi4lgi: LUPIN'S BLACK: ALL-WA:O.Oi, e; r - 1 - 4 Lupin's Black AU Wool Empress Cloth. Do' do do. Illousselins ‘l,l L., full doable wi.ith Do do do ?amiss ' Do do do klerinoes. Do do do -Oashmereri.,• So do do Thibet and Long Sha. full and extra Do • do BonSbazines ks., „tc • BBSSON St SON,. MOURNING STORE, No. 918 °WEST r crr., r 4 YRE (So LANDBLL - HAVE THE -Li beef asrortniezit, of WOOLENS' thei have ever 'of feted: FIV.ST I D SEAVER CLOTH'S; _. efiLtSuft I .LA VELVET CLOTHS. - BLai K TIIICOT.BEAVSE. CLOTHR .NoEfiY. STYLES 'FRENCH CASSIIIERES, /loop noilrts HOYS..CLOTS far FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHUttell, FRANKFORD 'Road and MONT , OOMERY Avinue —Bev. D. L GEAR, Pastor, preaches at 1.( , 3g A M., and 73‘ P. of. It FIR ST . BA PUNT CH IT RCII„ El ROAD end ARCH Streets.—,Preaohtng may be ex. pected to•morrosv by the raptor, Rev. GEO. DAN& BOARD:RAN, et 1035 A.M., and 73fi P. "OUTLIER AND THE REFORMA. TlON.—Stcoud Lecture on thissubjeotTO-MOR ROW EVENING Cbtirch; LOCUST And SAMPSON. L. L. BREGIGS, Pastor. It* vxusT IR E - F E I) lIFUTC.FE VlU : Ft j pEk SEVENTH s AND SP.E4 G AR t 9 l r. o'c Str !ook . A. e 111. 7...V2:7o?cAlol%Pitriil:- —services tilr evening, " Philanthropy, " ; • " SLA V En " V "-HOW DID IT ORIOINATE?—Sermon at Universalist Ohardh, LOMBARD.Streer, ahovp Yonrtb, TO-MORROW, a 67.16 Y. M . by RFC' R. EDDY. Pastnr. it* ST: PIA TTII ENV& .LUT It IC 1 7 CHURCH, DiEW tzireet, below Fourth, be tcc n Race and Vine. Service by tke'pestor..Rev B. W. .131)Ti ES, on 'TO_ MORROW (Sunday) 111ORNISO. 11),.% o'clock. Evening bery ic e a commence half last 7 eclork. '" • CEN'IritAL CONGItEGATIONAL CHURCH. CONCERT HALL —Roy. EDWARD HAWEN will preach TO•DIORROW Morolog and Eire 31ing. Sabject of Evening. discourse—" The Lessons of Victory. t!', ate ;refl. lt* NI 0N lti. E. Q.YI`URI li, FOURTH. Street, below Arch —SAI3BATIL tiovember 13 h, Rev. 17, 11100 RE, D. D., will preach lu the Morning at 10..t5 o'clock. aad Rev. T. C. MUR PHY , D, D , in the Evening :Ili.;, o'clock. at* MORAVIAN CIIERCII, CORNER Ilk=e• of WOOD and FRANE LIN Streets. —ltev. A. A. REINKE vili'preach in the morning, at 10' , " o'clock, at (1 ib the evening at 7,1,: o'clock, It• ANION'ERSA.V.T OE Tiff; BLBB A TH-5013.0 OLS of Old Pine-street Chnrch. Southwest. c rner of FOURTH and NNE Stuets, will be held TO 14entROW AFTERNOON, Nov. 13th, at '3 o'clock... AJLesses by the Rev. WOLCOTT CA4,KINS, HOS. BILIOTERD, D.. and others; singing by the uhildren. The pa talc are InTited,- NORWIT PRESEYTORIAN CH1.J.K.013, SIXTH htreet, tthrtve Hr6en.--ser. vicet , lo..% A: ix. end in the eve - Ong 7,q, by the paitar, Ivr . . R. W: HENRI?, D. D. Sermon In th.) reference to the late pastor, Rey. L. H CHRISTIN. D. D. lt* OF. °UWE MICLLENS WELL pre t the DISCIPLES'OFIURCELT WELFrH Street, above' Wallace. TO MORROW, 1031 A. M. and 714 P. fit. hnbjeet —" The Blood of Jc enE Christ. Cleans eth 116 m all Sin.'': Bvettnrr--" How Shall We Es cape if We Neglect so Great Salvatiou. lt* ....L 6 lr-`1" • MILMANION CIIRIST:—NO 23 of the" Series, by T. H. S TOCKTON. at ELEVENTH 'limb WOOD Streets, SABBX.TH AFTER BOON, at Sh' o'clock—Subject, "Gentile Prooess " At lt.); A. M , Tract Society Meeting. All invited. It* Igr" ST. STEPHEN'S CIFIEURCIT.—THE Annual C.+Dections for THE EPISCOPAL FUND OF THE DIOCESE will be made in this Church TO MORROW, the 13th DIE taut. WS W B 011GIA1 1 . 1 .1—CORNER EB OA D AND, BRA NOY WINE Streets —Rev. Mr. BARRETT'S Lecture TOMORROW EVEN(Ni3f,: 7, 1, 4 o'clock, will be on "The New Church Doctrine concerning the Second Coming of the L Ord, ex4mitted in the Light of Reason and Scripture In the MORN ING, at 103.4 o'clock. the Subject of his Discourse will be': **How Best to Understand the Character of God." Public invited.. lt* ST. MARK'S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, Si'RING GARDEN titrtet, above Thirteenth.—Owing to the dampnetsof the lecture )00111, the, ronsregation will. by specie' tnvitt tion. mite io Divine worship TO-MORROW with the North Bread-s . reet Presbytotiln Chinch, corner of BROAD and GRKEN Strete Bev. ,G. Y. ERtiTEL will preach at 10X m., and Rev. .ADAMS at 734 P. AL It* _ i(Gr , FREEDMAN'S. RELIEF AzilSl3lolA. TION —By luvital ion of tt..ia Amioc ation, • Be,. PRI (MIN BROOKS, R. TOMLlcit.titsr. Esq., W. F. MITCHELL, Rio , J. AIILIER. &WELD!, Esq.. Will address the public on MONDAY EVE:NUM, Nov. 2t at CONCERT BALL. in refetence to the progretslof thy work among the Freedmen, BlFltop Potter will preeido. Ph ILADELPHIA. TRACT AND SOCIETY.—The Sixty-eiehth Men r g in hell:elf of this Society will be held in the CHURCH 01 THE PEW TESTAMENI. corner of ELEVENTH aid WOOD Streets, on SABBATH MORNING. 13th lust . et 10)4 o'clock: Rev. T. H. Stockton, D. D., Rev. F. W. Olmsted, and others will take pare in the exer &Jos. - 11* !SPRING GARDEN MALL, MIR TFJOTH and SPRING GARDEN Streata.—The reietinge of the Cliurch•of God assembling here are every LORD'S DAY at 10K A M., for worship, in "the bieabing of bread " showing the Lord's death till He come," in prayer and praise, and fur "teaching end admonishing one another ." Preaching of the Word by CHAS. CehIPBELL, at 73; P. N. no3•sl3t. Or- SW:R.2IOBI—W A LNITT;STR EET .T BB ATRS, corner of Ninth—VI:MORROW, and every Sabbath, at 7.34 I'. 11 , by Itev. S. M. LANDIS, 31 D., who draws immense congregations by his new nnd scientific explanation of Holy Writ. To-morrow be repeats, by request, last and sixth time, hie great sermon en ' • The Bock upon which 'The Church' Spin." Bring Onion Hymn Books All invited. Seats free, botremember special collection to defray heavy expenses. If the collection is ample to meet expenses, the seats will all be free in future; if not, seats will be rented. Oo early to get seats. Doors open at 6X P. M. • ROBT. HALL, Chairman Committee. P. B.—Dr. LANDIS will preach Ti). MORROW; and EVERY SABBATH MORNING, at 10,X o'clock, corner TIIIIITBBSTH and GIB aRD Avenue. . 11.* SPIRITTJALISM.—MISS M. L. • BEuKwirg, a medium, will 'actors at SAN SUM-STREET HALL, on SUNDAY, at 103; A. M. sod .734 /"..M...Admittance free. I.t.* WIINITED STATES CHRISTIAN CO'SISIIBSION.- , - - Caelt ackn owledgintinte lei the week ending Nov. 15th, IS6t : • 11.m.ELPHIA. . - - Proceeds of Lecture at Academy of Music,. by Rev. Bishop M. Simpedu $174 55 Cedar street Pr esby terian Sabbath-School, PM ladelphia, per Samuel Mock . 60 00 Ladies' Christian Commission. Third Reform ed Presbyterian Church, per Mrs. W. D. Patton ' 98 00 Ladies' Christian Commission, Church of Me- dieter, per Rev. S. E. Appleton (additional). 40 00 Collection at a meetingin Central M. E. Church, Philadelphia 22 00 Soldiers' Aid Society of St Matthew's P. E. • church, Philadelphia, per Rev. W. Wright, Treasurer 69 00 Proceeds of a parlor fair, held at Olney, PhDs-- - phia,per Samuel C. Ford, (additional) 3 7:3' " C. B. M " Pniladelphias 00 Ladles' Chris ion Commission, North Broad street Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, (additional).... 7 00 Willie Harvey - 1 00 A - Friend, Philadelphia ' - 2 40 Communicants at Chestnut-Hill Hospital 9 00 Amount acknowledged elsewhere in. religions &Papers 5,177 3S . . Total 5.645 ts Amount previouely acknowledged 913,284 38 Total $20.929 96 JC SEPE PATTERSON, Treasurer. The - United States Christie.n"Commission begs leave to acknowledge the receipt of the following additional stores up to November 10, 1164: . PHILAVELPHIA.. Philadelphia — MU Weimar, I package. Phil elphia—A Friend, 1 package. 213 boxes and packages. Acknowledged elsewhere in religions papers. GEOIRIS H. S'I . OART, Chairman, No. 11 BaNK Street, Philadelphia. THE ANNEAL MEETING OF THE ntributors to the Philadelphia Lyinz-In and Nn' se Charity will be hel.' at tne Home, S W. corner ELEVEI I / 4 TR and CHEERY Streets, on MONDAY EVE NING. November 14, at 734 o'cicck. nol2-st* JAMES M FARR, Secretary, CRITTENDEN'S commEnchit' COLLEGE, No. 637 CHEtiTisTUT Street, corner of Seventh. gaiablished 1541. incorporated 1845 Yoring Men prepared for .the Counting House and. Business Life. Thorough and practical instruction in BOOK KEEPING. in all its branches, as practiced by the best accountants and business men. PENMANSHIP, Plain and Ornamental, is taught by one of the most romps tent of penmen. Commercial Calculi:Hone, Commercial Law, Detect ing Counter.eit Notes, -Ste TELEGRAPHING. . • by Sound, and on paper, taught by a long experienced Operator. :students instructed separately, and received at any time, Evening Sessions after September 13th. Catalogues, terms, Ste., furnished gratis on aPtilica.- Mom nol2-2t" WOFFICE OF THE BRIGGS OIL COMPAZiY, No. 147 South FOURTH Street, NOVEMBER 9, 1861. The Board of Directors Kaye this day declared a Dividend of ONE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of this Company, payabl6 on the 19th instant.. The trans. fer books will be closed on the 16th inst., at 3 o'clock, and be opened on the 21st. noll.thol9 • . CHARLI3I3 'A DIIY, Treasurer. Ear• NOTICE.—TIiE BOOKS OF SIM* SCRIPTION pa the Capital stock of the MIR CANTILI PETROLEUM COMPA N 1 vAI be opened TO- DAY, at our office, for receiving subscriptions for a limited number of stares of said stack. The production of this .COmPany 'is now equal to Fifty. Barrels of 011 per day, which will enable. the Company to pay large dividends immediately. For turther information a_pnly to the undersigned, For the Corporator)]. COCHRAN & RUSSELL, No. 22 North FRONT Street. Nov EMBER 11Ib • 1E64 Kir NOTICE—ALL COMMITTEES OR persons having claims against the UNION * LEAGUE, of Philadelphia, wilt _present them to the undersigned, before January 1, I.Nd,.at Union League Hence, 1216 CHESTNUT Street. noll JAMES L. CLAGHORN, Trea3nrer. 11W.'RATHBODIE PETROLEUM COI& PANT.AII perms holding receipts of this . Company are requested Co bring them to the Otll re. No. 206 South FOURTH ktreet, uo stairs, and get their Certificates. nolo-3' lEir • NOTICE—BANK OF fOEILILIL.N• TOWN. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 20. 12 f 4 . Notice is hereby given, agreeably to Section 3of the Act of General Aseembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, entitl.d •• an act enabling Bamkrof the Com monwealth to become Associations for thepurpose of Banking under the laws of the United States," approv ed the 22d day Bankngtmt, AD. that the Stock holders of the f Germantown have this day vobvd to become such an Association; and that its Directors have procured the authority or the owners of more than two- third,. of the Capital StoektO intake the certilmtte required therefor by the laws of the United States. CHARLIE' W. OTTO, Cashier. EUED3CAL LECTURES BY PROP. W. PAINE. Af at'ock t 'D. every WEDNESDAY EVE tNeN Nw School Medi n calCol e ge.NlNTHt ry eat l be sa w Walnut. Lecture 1. Netura..ealleee, and hew School treatment of ConentoptiOn.,- seats free. ladies and Gentlemen incited. Medical et adtnte who have 'not the means to ray full fees.'end wish to attend the Col lege, can obtain the free ticket hi:applying to the Dean, W. PAINE, X. D.. n07.61* Noe. 931 and 033 ARCH Stie.t. Philada. A MEETING OF. THE STOOL. IP= l7 - HOLDERS of the POPE FARM OIL will be held on MONDAY. November 14. 1.564. a: the Office of the Company, No 133 South FOURITI Street, for the Intr. Poo of electing a new Board of Dbectore. By order of the Board. • noS 6:* . $1117.11.:PLOOD. Secretary. !gr. EXCHANGE BANK OF PITTS BURG, 'November Ist, ISl4.—The Board of Di rectors have thie day declared a dividend of SIX PEE CENT. out of the earnings of the last six months. The United States tax will be paid by the Bank. Eastern stockholders will be paid at the Western Bank of Philadelphia on or after the 10th last n 0.3. l'lt • A. M. MURRAY. Cashier. BANK. OF NORTEK AMERICA, FBfLADELPRIA OCtObei 15,1864. A general meeting of the STOCKHOLDERS of this Bank will be held at the BAN KING-HOGSB on MON DAY, the 14th day of November next, at 11 o'clock A. to consider and decide whether this Bank shall become an Association for the business of Banking under the laws of the United States; and whether it shall exercise the powers conferred by the act of the Legislature of this State,.entitit d An act enabling the banks of this Commonwealth to become association s for banking under the laws of the United States,"ap proved r. 4 August, 1564; and to take any further action that ma, be necessary, By order of the Board of Directors. ocl4-Imo, r 3 . HOCHLEY, Cashier. OFFICE OF THE ATEA REINING COMPANY—PamannrivrA 04.-20, 1864 Notice is herehy•g iven, that an i nstalment of ONE DOLLAR PIM SHARE on each and every Share of the Capital stock of the 2ETICA MINING 'COMPANY - has this day been called in, payable on or before the 14th Day of NOVEMBER, 1964 et the Office of the Company. No. 324 WALNUT Street, Phihiesiphia. By order of the Directors. oull-tnl4 B A. BOOPBS, Treasurer. .41112 r, . BALL OIL COMPANY 11 , 912 P. . = OF PENNSYLVANIA, IIsTOORPORATE.RNOttraBER., is 64. ito • OFFICERS. HECTOR TYNDALE President. HENRY E. SIMPSOII, Treasurer. DIRECTORS. HENRY CARSON, WILLIAM M. 'GREINER; WILLIAIVT ANSP &pa, • :TAMES C. FISHER, J. O,FRYER. The lands of this - Company. four hundred and sixty (46o) acres hi fee simple, lie between OLI Creek and the Al reheny -River; with one producing well and others now being bored. Fur particulars and prospectus, as for subscriptions. atply to . J. O. FRYER, 113 CHESTNUT STREET. nc,l2-6,t l= • irkTßoLitual STORAO3IO..CO. OF PHILADELPHIA The books will remain open. at the Office of the Com pany, to till up Sabecriptions to the Stock. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO. Pith power' to increase to iit4(o,ooo SHARES TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS. FIVE DOLLARS PER SHARE TO BE PAID UPON SUBSCRIPTION The Company have purchasta a tract orground in the First ward Of the: city, extending from Point-Howse road to the river Delaware ( be con nected by railroad with the, extensive depot, grounds, and docks of, the Penns, lvania Railroad Company), on account of Which the Company have already wad. FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, Leaving only $7, 969.22 nosy due t which is the only in- debtedneee of the Compariy Additional subscriptions are now 'required. for Wharves, Dad a, and other general improvements. Persons forwarding subscriptions for stock, or instal nwnis thereon, will please make their checks payable to the order of FREDERICK B. HUBBELL; Esq Treasurer. OFFICE, No. 327 WALNUT STREET. T. S. EMERY-, - • PRESIDENT. SIIERAILA'N OIL 4001PIPANY, INCORPORATED OCTOBER, 1864. CAPITAL - - -$1 000 000 OFFICE, No, 524 WALNUT STREET ROOILNO.'26. , 100.000 Shares-4SW Par Vallte. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, NOTICE. Certificate's of Stock will be ready for delivery to sub- scribers on and after the lsth instant. A few Shares can yet be bad at subscription price, $2 50 per share.. The property of the Company consists of one hundred and thirty nine acres in fee,,on OIL CREEK, and pro diming interests on the STORY and GEORGE WASH INGTON MoCLINTOCK Farms, now yielding about tieenty.five barrels of• oil per day. From present receipts the Company will very 60011. be in a position to pay a Dividend on the Capital Stock. H. 0. CORFIELD, neB-6t* . SECRETARY. OrD All P.n. IN AND COLOILIIIO ()OLD MIN IVO . COMPANY. Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania. CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000.000, 200 CCO ,SHARES—PAR VALUE $5. ' president—JOE N B. ANDERSON. DIRECTORS. ;James R. Magee. John W. Ball, Harrisbnrg. T. C. McDowell, do. John Brady, do. ' W. W. Wylie, Lancaster. Wm. 0. Shute. Colorado. D. P. SOUTH WORTH, Secretary_and Treasurer. Office of the Company, No. 4113 WALNUT Street— Room No. 6. Authenticated specimens have been procured from some of the Company's lodse, and have been assayed by•Prt fessors Booth and Barrett with the most grattfy leg results. Subscription lists have been opened at the Office of the Company and at the Treasurer's Office (In ternal. Revenue), No. 427 CHESTNUT Street, Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank Building. 'aboriginal subscribers, IMISO per share, for a limited number of shares. Circulars, pamphlets, or information can be obtained at the Office of the ComnanYotfter the 12th lust. OPTIERER 14. 15154. ocl4-3m Thomas A. Scott. N. B. Mines, Wm S. Pre.sman. Robt, P. Ring, John M. Riley. Charleb DoSilver. OIL SUBSCRI PTIONS.—BO KS to receive subscriptions to seven tracts of vain able Oil Territory,in fee simple; situated fronting on the Alleghay tics' and its tributaries,are now open. These tracts are unusually well located, three of them adjoin fug the properties of the "Allegewi" 'and "Tionesta" Oli.Campanies, the other four being in close contiguity to them and to the wells and properties of the " Far rar," " Brill Creek," and " President" Oil Compa nies. It is proposed to receive only 100 subscriptions at $l,OOO each, the subscribers themselves, when the list is made up, to organize the Company, elect their own officers, ,tc This enterprise presents unusual. induce n:s to subscribers. or Maps or Circulars, or to secure one or male of the tlifience of Shares; address or apply to DUNCAN M. MITCHESON, N. E. bor. FOURTH and WALNUT tits., Phila. Subscriptions by nail or otherwise also received by B -BORDA, Rao.. 'Trastee ooln-4t No. 327 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. • NOTICE—GIIYILLAN OIL COM PANY OF PENNSYLVANIA —The Office of the Company la now located at"4o9 WALNUT Street?' noS-f3t J: C. FRYER, Bec'y and Treasurer. )".1 S 0 LIDAT .11 ?. AT:J R EO_.:AL BANK._ . . 1° k The Board Directors have this (iii 3; dead of FIVE ]?ER CENT., payable on the 9th instant, clear of all taxes. JOE. N. MEWL, Cashier. no 3 thstnet far COMMONWEALTH BANK, Pan-cum. Para, October 17, IS6I. The Annual Election for Dl RECTORS will be held at the BANKIItO- 1301116 E on MONDAY, the Vat day of November next, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P ' The Annual Meeting of the STOCKHOLDERS will be held at the BANKING-HORSE on TUESDAY, Novem ber 1. le4 at 10 o'clock A. M. 0c32 stuibtno2t H. C. YOUNG, Cashier. ear GIRARD RANH, PHILADELPHIA, October 19,.1564. A general meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank will be held at the Banking Rouse on MONDAY, the 21st day of November next, at 12 o'clock M., to con stdei and decide whether this Bank - shall become an Association for the business of Banking, under the laws of the United Si rtes; and whether it shall exercise the Powers conferred b) the act of the Legislature of this State, entitled '`An act enabling the banks of this Com monwealth to beccroe associations for banking under the laws of the United States," approved 21i August, 1264 f and to take any further action that may be ne- CeStary. The election for Directors 'will be held at the same place en the name day, November 21st. between the hours of 10 A. hi. and 2P. M. W. L. SCHAFFER, oc2o tbstntno2l Cashier. IarOFFICE OF MTN& MINING COhIPANY, No. 329 WALNUT Street. PHILLDELPIIIA,7 October 21, 1164. NOTICE is hereby given that all stock of the 4-Etna iginicg Company, on which instalments are due and unpaid, have been declared forfeited, and will be sold at public auction on MONDAY, November 21st, 1569, at 32 o'clock, noon, at the office of the Secretary of the Company, according to the Charter and By-Law!, un less paid on or before that day. By order of the Board of Directors. B. A. HOOPES, , -trufH Secretary and Treasurer. OyVICE PE.NNSYINANIA. RAIL ROAD COMPANY, . . - PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 4th, 1864. NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS:—The Shareholders in this Company are notified that, under Resolution of the Board of Directors, they are entitled to subscribe to the Stork of the Company the amount of TEN PER CENT. on their respective interest, as shown by the Books of the Company on the td Mit Each bbarebolder entitled to a fractional part of a share, ander the terms of the Resolution, shall have the Privilege of subscribing for a full share on the payment of Fifty Dollars. This Stock will be issued at the par value of FIFTY DOLLARS per share. Accrued interest at SIX PER CENT. will be charged from Ist inst. until payment Is made. The Books for subscription and payment will be open on MONDAY, the 7th just , and will close on the 31st of December next, aftsr which no farther subscriptions will be received under this Resolution. THOS. T. FIRTH, ncb-td e3l Treasurer. figr CITY NATIONAL BANK. PHILADELPHIA, NOT. 1. Mit The Board of Directors have this day declared a Divi dend of 'FIVE PER CENT., pa_yable on •dernand, clear of taxes. • O. ALBERT LEWIS, nee-swat . • . Cashier lar OT C E.—THE WEST PHILA.. DELPRL& TROST COMPANY bare removed their office from No. 1429 to No. 303$ MARKET Street, ,(opposite the new Passenger Depot of the Penn tylvanta Nailroadd where the business of the Insti tution will be conducted as usual fled- 7t* DAVID B. PAllL,Presldent. WPENNSYLVANIA II A I Llt 0 A D COINPANY. 2 —TRBASURIR'S DEPARTMENT, PHILADELPHIA. PrOir 2. 1631 —the Sepal of Di) eo:ore have 'I E3lB DAY declared a serei-anatus dividend of FIVE PER CBOT. on the Capital Stock'of the CompsaY, cif ar of National and State taxes. payable on and after 16th Ir. stant. , _ Powers of attorney for collection of Dividends can be had on application at the office of the Company, No. 238 &oath THIRD Street. noS lan ~ - THOS. 'l'. FIRTH, Treasurer. DTVIDEND NOTICE. - Office of the CORN PLANTER OIL COMPANY, No. 521 WALNUT Street, October 27, ISI4. The BOARD OF DIRECTORS have this day de clared a Dividend of TWO PER CENT. on the Capital block of this Company, payable at theft* Mee on and alter NOVEMBER 12, clear of State Taxes. The Transfer Books will be closed on the Ist of NO VEMBER. at S P. .11., and be opened on the 12th. oc2S•l4t• . THOS. E.. SEARLE, Secretary. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—OFFICE OF PHILADELPHIA AND OIL CREEK OIL COAIPANT, No. 397 WALNUT Street. PAILADELPRLA., Oct. 28, IStg. The Directors of the Company ha've this day declared the .Second Dividend of One Yer Cent, on the Capital Stock of the Company, payable on and after TUESDAY, November 16. 1864, clear of State taxes. The transfer Books will be closed on the 10th of No vember, at 3 o'clock P. AL, and olmned on the 36th. W. D. PAINTER,. nol - . lSt Secretary. tar '• WESTERN SA IL OF PRTZ,Le 'ALMA, • OCTOBER 4.1964. The Annual Meeting of .the STOCKHOLIIBBo of this Bank will be held at the BANKING HOUSE on TUES DAY the first day of November nest at 12 o'clock M. And the Annual Election for DIRECTORS will be bald at the BANKING HOUSE on 110 NDAY, the twenty-first day of November next, between the hours of 10 A. X end P, M. ode tno2l MILITARY. 6TH - PErIiSYLVANIA. CA VALRY. Authority has been granted to Captain GEO. s D. STROUD and First Lieutenant HENRY J. TOUDI to raise a Company for this celebrated Regi ment, now reorganizing for active service. oung men wishing to serve their country in her hour of need may apply at , GOOD INPUT HALL,. ,602. SPRUCE Street, Between 9 A. M. and 6 P. M., daily, to the above officers. City bounty United States bounty.. Apprbved • CHARLES L. LEIPER. Major Pennsylvania Cavalry Commanding Recruiting Detail HENRY- RUDDY, = Distiller and la • MONONGAHELA, RYE, AND WHEAT WHISKIES, 1445 , 1c0RTH SECOND STREET.beIo NY w Race. Phila. HIN MIDDY CocIA-am) ISAAC 3. EVANIL DEAF MADE I TO meats to assist the heariag. at P. MADEIRA'S. DO South TEhiTH Street below Cheetnat. noel?.&• WAILLIWC= •BAOWN4 TEE PRESS.--PITTLADELPHIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1514: C. N.-IVEYGAITDT. Cashier. - .$450 00 . $:10 00 RETAIL - FIRY GOODS r9OPER & CONA.RD, s. E. ‘ , 011157 ER LSI 4vlll RRET STR3M. - C'osks of Vei. ur Cloths . Cloaks or Frosted BPNVe• rtt. ClosA nf Bleed Beavers. ( losks of 'Velvet Beavers. - Cimnlts for best Custom. riohlr Room Replete with Fine Garments, Woolen Long Shawls at Right Prices, Black Tbibet Long Shawls.' . Children& and Misses' Shawls. BEST CLOTH STOCK , ' . • In town, and at the lowest prices for same quality. We have ibis year some ex'ra fine qualities of. Beaver Closkings and Overcoatings also, of American and im ported blaik and fancy trowserinas, with some capital goods for business snits, These, in addition to our regu lar stock of Woolens, make it very .attractlye to good class bilers BLANKETS. $25 for best pair in Blanket Room. *2.R. *2l, *lB. and *l7 Royal Bed Blankets., *l6 at.d $l5 Blan9ets are unexceptionable, Lower Oradie a.t Co $l2. sll,and $lO 50. Finest Crib and Cradle Ulank.ta $3 to $9. PLAID POPLINS. Goad quality all. wool Plaid Poplins. Good quality Wool Plaids. Gay Plaids for plisses' -D rams& Prices are based on gold at 90 preminm. Mack:Wool reltines, a line stick at 90 preialum, Black Alpacas. Delaines, 'Prints, &c., Good stock of White Goode WOW smourr v0n,.1864. A NEW AIM GREAT INVENTION IN HOOF SKI.P.TS. HZ DUPLEX RLLIPTIO (OR .DOITBLID STIRL SPRING & J. 0. WET, .No. 91 CHAMBERS STREET, NEW YORK, Ire the ow next of the patent and. 6r.OL9SIYO raannfne , tuna of this, 3. W. BRADLIVS PATENTED DITPLZX ELLIPTIO STEEL SPRING This Invention consists .of Duplex (or two) Elliptic Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most elas tic, flexible, and durable spring ever used.enabling the wearer, in consequence of its great elasticity and Uri "bility, to place and fold the skirt when in use aseasily and.with the seine convenience - as .a silk or muslin dress. It entirely obviates and silences the only objes. Lion to hoop skirts, viz: the annoyance to the wearer as well as the priblic, especially in crowded assemblies, ca rm ag e B,rail road cars, church p errs, or in any cro celiac place; from the difficulty of contracting them tooccripy , ing a small space. Thisentirelyxemoves the difficulty, while giving the skirt the usual full and symmetrical (cam, and is the lightest and most stylish and graceful , appearance for the street, opera promenade, or house dress, A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort. and great 'convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptis Spring Skirt for a single day, will never afterward willingly dispense with the use of them. They are the best quality in every part, and by far the lightest, most durable,- comfortable, and economical skirt made. bier , chants will •be supplied as above, and ladies in most first-class retail stores in this city and throughout the different S.tstes. 'I I IVI I I f t,E I I, B LIPTiO entnig SKIRTS BRA.DLE Y'S DUPLEX - ELLIPTIC SZLET, Very flexible, folded easily when in use to occupy twall space, waking the most agreeable skirt worn. For sale by S. 9f HaPLEIGH, 902 CHESTNUT Street. TRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT—The Ereataat Improvement we hare ever seen in LADIES' SKIRTS, and an article of SCTERIOR EXCELLENCE. OURWEN STODDA.B.TA , SUIO, 452 4 snd 454 N. SECOND St., ab.WilloW. sel2-if2m 6 2 8 1100 P SKIRTS; 698 THE '•" NEW FLEXIBLP, SICIRT," MST OUT, The meet plieble Hoop Skirt in the market. equal to the' Duplex ERN°, " and:at much 1 o wer prices For sale, vholeate and retell, at Manufactory, No- 628 ARCH Street. [no"l2-601 WM.' T. HOPKENS. HOOP SHIRTS. 628. The most complete assortment in the city. For symme try, finish, durability,'and cheapness, have ho equal in the market.' Guaranteed-to give satisfaction In every particular.. Wholesale and retail at Manufactory No 628. ARCH Street. n08.61.* WILLIAM T. HOPKINS. WINTER GOODS,.AT THE LOWEST MARKET FRICE.—A large assortment of long and square Shawls. Frencb Merinoes, all colors. English Maritime, 13‘ and 2 yards wide, cheap. DRESS GOODS.—Delaines and Calicoes in variety. Clothe, Cassimeres, and Satinets, goodand - cbean. All kinds of Flannels, and in all Q ualit ies. Table •Linens, Napkins, Towels, and roweling at JOHN 11. SToKy,s/. riot No. 702 ARCH Street. 44 ,'EMAIL DE PARIS" IS NOT. A -A- 4 paint. powder, or paste, biut a moat delicious preparation that ives'both the color and texture of po lir.h, d ivory to the akin. EUGENE JOIHN, No. 111 TENTH Street, below Chestnut. " TIE:MAIL DE PARIS" CAN BE used by all ladies in the privacy of the . toilette. It removes all spots and roughness, and its purifying effect. on the skin calla forth freshness, color, and beauty. JOIIIN, in Tstira Street, below Chestnut. cam.EMAIL DE PARIS " Land effectually removes those unsightly black Winn specks which detract so much from the beau:y of the skin. E. JOIIIN, No. 112 TENTH Street, below' Chestnut. KT 'EMAIL DE . PARIS" IS ES. -B-J FACIALLY endorsed by Mad'lle Vestvali, Mrs. Wailer, and many ladies in private life, whose com mendatory letters. for obvious reasons. cannot be pub lished. B. JOIIIN. 1111. S. TENTH Street. Officers and soldiers whose complexions have, ecome tanned or bronzed by the exposure Ancident to a camp lite, will end the "Email ' lAvaluable. _ Orders by mail should be' addressed. JARED & RENE. General Importers, Philadelphia. oc3-mws tf GENTS' FURNISIIDIG-GOODS. GENTS' FURNISHING. CiOODS. MR. J. C. 'ARRISoiti, AT THE OLD STAND, NOS. 1 A: 3 NORTH SIXTH STREET Htia just dpened aneOgant speortmeut of SCARFS,'-TIES, •.GlkritS; - --45Nq His stock of Underclothing and Gents' Wrappers CANNOT BE SURPASSED. IM.GIVE HIM A CALL.-liAt EREIEEMER, /SOS: 1 & 3 ;METH SIXTH STREET FANCH FURS. - LADIES' FAITOY FURS. JOHN- FAREIRA, No. 711; ARCH Street, above Seventh Street. At his old eatablislied More. iMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, AND DEALER IN FANCY FURS LADIES AND CHILDREN. Having now in store a very large and beautiful assort ment of all the different kinds and qualities of FANOT. FURS FOR LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR, I solicit a call from those in want. Remember the name and number, "JOHN FARBER/L i • 718 ARCH Street, above Seventh: I have no partner br connection with any other store In this city. . oc3 4mif GAS FIXTURES, Sic. 710 CHESTNUT _STREET, Have the pleaisure to announce that they are now •r pared to furnish A NEW STYLE OF GAS FIXTURE, SUITABLE FOB DWELLINGS, STORES, OFFICES, ft., WHICH CAN BB LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY. oelS-lm if PROPOSALS. (IP FICE OF ASSISTANT. QUARTER MISTER..., Military District of Philadelphia, No. 1103 - GIRARD Street, Nov. 11. 1554 Sealed proposals will be received ki this office until nor nof Monday, 14th inst. for the immediate delivery, at Gadwala der Barracks, of the following material: ...-34,f00 fen hemlock plank, 2-Inch, 12 feet long. 410 pieces hemlock scantling, eB6, 18 feet long. 80 kegs spikes, 5-inch. . All to be of good quality, and approved, after delive ry, by the Government Inspector. The United States riserves the right to accept portions of bids, and to re- CI all proposals not made on the regalar forms fur nished at this office, or that may be deemed incompati ble with its interests. ALBERT S ASHMEA.O. roll Captain and A Q. M. D tirl.4 .TOBACCO AND CIGAR . WAREHOUBB, No. 8 NORTH THIRD STREET, Agent for the of-1.11 the celebrated brands of BARNEY, ORRIN. & CO., Cincinnati. "BELLS OF THI WEST, " CINCINNATI'S, "BURNIE," &c. "FINS TURKISH!" AND OTHER SMOKING TOBACCO. A large lot of prime CZGA.S.S and TOBACCO, now in Store,. end for ,ale cheap. 0c36-1m si ..SO . OIf: R Y Ap F H OII f A t B O t y L }. O R . E_ D . e d P eu H tt2 ; colored artistically by first-clams artists, at REINER'S Gantry, SECOVD Street, above Green. See speci lneDS. CARTES DE VISITE. OF A PLEAS LNG variety_ of Ptyl e s and the finest execution.are produced at 13 F. 131111611'S fishery, 624 ARCH St. Call and be convinced thereol. lt* IFE•SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS IN OIL L Colors are most reliable as portraits, perfectly ac curate of outline, features. and expression, and im pressive in coloring. REIMER, 624 ARCH Street. ' • • l.t* aUFFEBING 4 CENTS PER YARD, ....A an v idthe, at SOS VINE S.reet. and the businees taught on reasonable terms at BENTLEY'S Stamping Store. • n07.6t• NOTICE:- ALL CLAIMS, AGAINST -L. me most be presented at once for settlement. • CHARLES StEaNSERGER, 14 BANK street. SK AT E S AND SKATE STRA.PS.- L , Dealers are minuted to call and examine samples of new styles of Ladies' and Gents' Skates for 1664. wroth will be furnished at the Fewest caannfactur-re' Prices. by R L. BURNHAM. Manufacturer's Agent, No. 27 South - S,XTH Street. - nol2-1m r i IiMILLYS, HOTELS, DITE-HOUSES, u p s uppilea with the Universal Cog-wheel Clothes: wringerthe be and only reliable wringer wl,l !Ind ifto their ioterest to use one of those illlBll2- able labor end dollies saying utensil's. For Ws whole awe arid retail. by H. L. BURNHAM, Manufacturer's Agent. Ho. 27 Eonth BlXTEt.Streot. • nol2-Im. GREAT CENTRAL ULGTIII2.IO ROUSE,. NEw P-fraLteAtirliti44l. WIIJI BE PUBLISHED AND FOR sale on Saturday next, lirovembelfth: Booksellers and 'ail others had bettop sorder at once: as we are eapply any orders in advance of puNication (1 - 8. W A. LD: ... :::- C--,tl-t:' AN ENTIRE •. NE W NOVEI‘, By nir t s. illenr3t Wroodl MRS; WAWS NEW COPY/ROILY NOVEL ()SWAIM dRAV: OSWAliti CRAY I OSWALD CRAY, by - Mra, 'HENRY WOOD, is•.print ed from the 'author's Mannecript and advanced proof sheets, purchased by tie flora Mrs. ,•dertry Wood at an expense'f ,over Three Thousand Dollars., and will be Published on Saturday next. November leth, and be for sale by all Boolreellers firth e United States on that day, being iesned here eight weeks in advance of the com pletionbr publication of the work in Europe. ht is corn • pl o t s in one large octavo volume,,paper cover. Price $1.50 in Paper; _or' $2.00 in Cloth. MRS. HENRY WOOD'S OTHER 130 OKS. The Earl's Eeire... The Alystery. The Lost Bank Note Above are each in one volume, paper cover.. Each one is also pedislied in one volume, cloth, price $1 each. The Clans inga 761 Anrori- Floyd:. 50 The above are each in one volume, paper cover. Flue editions also published in one vol. cloth, price $1.25, OENCaId Crayri • 4 150 The Castles Heir 150 Squire Trevlyn'e Heir; Verner' 8 Pride 150 or Trevlyn's Hold . . 160 Shadow of Ashlydyat. 1 50 The above are each in one volume, paper cover. Each one /a ale° publiehed'ib.'one volume, cloth, price $2. , The Haunted rower 50ITh e Lawyer's Seerikt.... 25 Foggy 'slight at Offer& .. 251 William Atlair 25 Copics of any of the stove, or any other books will be sent free- of postage on receipt of retail price, per first wail. • Addiess all orders and remittances to T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, Publishers of Peterson's Detector;" $1:50 yearly No - . 306 CHESTNUT Etreei, Philaaa . Pa. ALL NEW BOOKB ARE Al-PETERSON'S'. it 628. 110313 0 A FURIAYUGH-4 This beautiful steel engraving, painted by - Schussele, and, engraved by Sartain, is having attIIUMEMS9 sale, end is considered by all who have seen it as one -of the finest specimens` of engraving ever gotten" oat, in this EVERY. SOLDIER'S FAMILY SHOULD HAVE A EVERY LOYAL 4017SEIIOLD EROULD,HAVE In fact, every family who has a father, husband, or son battling for hie country, will appreciate and should possess HOME ,ON. A FURL6UGLET. It will aliva) sbe abeautifil memorial of these missions dal s and •yeers of rebellion and war. This enaravinXis sold exclusively by Agents. DISABLED SOLDIERS and others will find this the _most pleasant and profit able agency they can nitd.rtake . We give excluelie territory, and will give particulars of agency on appli tion. 'We - print this plate 'on a 19 by 24 sheet, suitable for framing, and will send a specimen copy by mail, free. on-receipt o f the price, $2.60, which is about one-half the price usually charged for engravings of this cha racter. For particulars, address BRADLEY &-00., Publishers, • No. 66. North FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. n 01% St* THE BOOK FOR. BOYS. • • • PATRIOTIC PARENTS, • Give your Boys, and Young Men in your employ, a eopy of THAMI: BEWARKABLE BOYS' LIPS PASSI' DEIST Lyscoms. Untitled 11. E. .P - 1 - 014 'A . R. rt•Oit AND HOW NE,BBOAIIIE. PRESIDENT: • We have gained a great Union Victory today • ' Give : them this Book, with the date, November Bth, 1864, Written in it, that they may preserve it and. associate it with the day. BUY. IT TO-RIGHT. . • It is for sale at all the Book. Stores. Price, $1 SO. Sent free by mail on receipt-of price, by WALKER WISE & CO,, - - . PPOISWIIRS—BOSTON. - c • Noncs.—Agente and CISILTSSSEITS wanted immediately in every town in the country, to sell this Book and a. Portrait. A copy can be sold to every loyal family. TERsts . LIBSP4. Apply Co the Pnblishers. nl2 strat A RENA:BITABLE THE SUPPRESSED.BOOE ABOUT SLAVERY . Of aktbe books which have been written on the vexed and vexing question of elm ery, _none is better worts reading thin -that which is now being read by thou sands of'the people of the United Statee. THE SUPPRESSED BOOK ABOUT SLAVERY, CONTENTS. . Part I.—Things. Past and Present—How the NegFo has been Treated The unfortunate "Sons of Ham" as Slaves—Commercial and " Union • Saving" Obedierice to St air ery—The Imperious Demands of t se Stays,P?wer. Part IL—Slaves. Horses. end other Cattte—Tite 'Nig ger Auction".b u siness—tioftle-gauge—and the. Separa-. tion of Families. Part 111 —Slave Life on the Plantation—The Barba risms of the Institution—Striper, Chat ar t and '1 °hares. Part IV.—Slave Education and Religion -ignoranoe of the Slave Region—Mozzllug the Press and Mangling the Bible. • Part V.—Domestic Amusements in the Slave States— Fugitives and Blot dhounds , -Hiutting "Runaway Rig gers "—Restoring Lost Property. Part VI -The Slave Power ad vanoing—Ortend, Cuba, and Eanses—Slavery to reign su preme _ in America. Appendix.—Colorphobia in Flee' Stater—The Rev. JudlcioneTrimmer, D. Don Domestic and Foreign Slave Trade—Dough-Iva Religion. - • ***Sold IST eveh Bookseller, and 'pant by mall free, On receipt of the Price, $2 (handsomely bound in cloth and illustrated),. by aol2•watf. (CABLZTOIf, Publisher, New Yolk. MBE LONG-PROMISED BOOK LIEUT. GEN: WINFIELD SCOTT'S AUTODIOGRAPIIY. 2 vole, 12mo. Illustrated with two Steel Plate _Like teases of the General, (taken at different ages.) Price Int set, $4.. . This will be the most deeply inteieetiiti book io every American that has been published since the War cord raenced. To tell the story of Scott's Life is to describe nearly all that is glorious in our past military history• It would be difficult to conceive of a more interesting or instructive record. NOTICES OF THE PRESS WHEN 'THE BOOK WAS FIRST. ANN OUNCED: . [New York Evening Post.) There have, for some time back, been Intimations that General tcott has been occupied for the past two years, or since he retired from active military life, in prepar ing Memoirs of his own Life and Times." Few men , have, while living, attained so wide a popularity, and ' been so firmly ensnrined in the hearts of all their corm trymsn. without distinctiomol Party, as General Scott. It is difficult to feel that one whom we see among us to-day, and'whom we have been wont to consider one of our contemporaries. was realty living. and a most prominent actor in the early days of-the - Republic. Scott's position as the hero of the War of 161.4 threw him into intimate relations with our Revolutionary Fathers; and now. 111 cur. days or adversity, like a voice from the tombs comes to transmitted through this great hero, the admonitions and example of those who laid the fiundatlons of this great Repnblic, and cemented them with their blood. We are assured by those who have read the procif. sheets of this book, that it le filled with interesting me mories of the past. and written in a. ,mos: piquant and attractive style. .It contains one hundred and fifty pen and. Ink sketches of chareciers, embrac:ng nearly all our prominent men from the Revolution down. • It is difficult to conceive of a more interesting book. [From the New York World..) To tell the story of General Scott's life, is to describe nearly all that is cur past military history. Fr om the commencement of the war of 1812 to the be ginning of the present rsbellionehis name and fame -have be.en so closely in• erwoven with the conduct of military affairs. a.l to claim the attention of every eta dent 6f the nation . e annals. It would be d!filcult. to conceive a more interesting or instructive record. The long and honorable career or a veteran so conepicuous, portrayed by:his own hand, wearied and resting after labors which have done so much toward making the Union a price worth the travail and bloodehid which its perpetuation is costing us to day, tenet be regarded w tilt new and absorbing interest by Americans. Among the autobiographies left by men whose lives have had a national and even world-wide influence, few will nave eclipsed the ens now forth. coming ir. varied, and exciting, and brilliant incident. Proin The Press, Philadelphia.] Winfield Scott does well to place hie autobiography before the world. - All his life, he ban emphatically been' a soldier . It has pleased God to make him a successful . one, and his own, good conduct his prevented any blot' upon his escutcheon. Be is the American Bayard, • sans pear at sane reproche.' The life of each a soldier must convey a great.moral leas= to his countrymen. STATE OF ANNA M. BOLLER, DE. CEASED.—Nottee is hereby given that Lettere of Adininikration havt been grantee to the anderalgned on the above Estate. ell persona indebted will make payment, BE 41 thoee baying claims against it will present them for settlement to .3 05 — ePH JONES, No 1215 ARCH Street, Adminia , or, JOHN JORDAN, ht. tratora. non.s6t s TATE OF A. G. ..HOFFMANN, DE ECEASF,D. —Letters of administration on the estate of GUSTAVUS A. HOFFMANN having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and 'those having claims to present them without delay. to AUGUSTUS HOFFMANN,'Administrator, no) it• *St 825 ARCH. Street. . _ . . . • s. E. 013 R. SIXTH AND MAiurET sTizEErs, OSWALD CRAY f OSWA.LD CRAY ! 751 The Rneaway Match.:.... 50 751 A. Life's,Searet 60 761 Better for Worse 75 NEW WORK. IS. NOW RSdbY, SHELDON 6; CO., 335 BROADWAY, NEW YORK' LEGAL. 1 1 JEDICAT« ELECTRICITY. . TONDEMIL SCIENTIFIC DISCIFERY. vur. DISEASED: BECriejt, cures all actr,e and chronic diseases 'atairialkuiintatee. when desirecr by thepatient, at 1226 e . WALNUT Wag,' Philadelpidis; and in else of a failure trOsbirga is reads. - No drugging the systern with un certain medical agents. . All cures y eiformed hy Magne tism., Galvanism, or, oter modi . Aationsof Electricity, Wit;gent shocks or any nnpleasant'sensailoii. This discovery is the result - Of Mbri than ten years' hard raid scientific investigations. It`doirelops not only a reliable syitem for the diagnosie-of disease, but. the, only effieientand reliable means of 611.1* 114 great su periority over all other systems for the cure of disease has been practically tested for more than ten years, and for five years in philadelpbia, where tfeelve thousand Invalids have been treated, •eniferi ng fret:Oath:keet every form and condltion'of dis.Sase common to , itipmettons of our country, whoa after treatment by thamost eminent Medical men in Philadelphia, Boston, and Other cities, have been given UP as Incurable, and in nearly every case a perfect cure had been effected. We do not wish to convey the impression that we cure all diseases In ail conditions. We cannot cure:pratuo. nary consumption after the inn genre half decayed,. bat will cure every'ease of consumption in the early and middle stages, and every other disease. where , a sat 7 liciept amount of vitality remains for reaction. Such, in fact; ban - been oar success in controlling' Gin following ' diseases, that, after an Electrical 'esainina, tion, will guarantee' a cure by special contract' :when the patient desires: Dime) ses usually beyond• the reach of any medierine— snobas Palpitation of the Heart, Tic Dolourenx, aches of .all kinds, Nervousness, Inability to collest.the , none ts, Noises in the Head, most cases of 'Deafness; • smithy eaves of Bllndhess, Impaired . Vision, Cross-eye; Inflamed . or Sere Eyes, Achte Pains, Male-and. Female -Diseases, Seminal Weakness, Diabetes, Stricture, HY: drccele,.-Itrinary Troubles, Mercurial Diseases, Old! Sores, Bruptions of all kinds, Cancers, Salt Rheum Scrofula, Erysipelas, Ringworm, Moors, Felons, BoifS.. Burns, hfisminattons, St. - Anthony's Fire, Pimples, Sebaceoias Tumors, Rheumatism of all kinds,. Gout;. spepsla, Citarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, .Congestions of Body or Brain, Rush of Blood to the Read, Insanity,. Stiff Neck, Swelled Tonsils, Ruptures, Kidney. Coin. Plaints, Liver Complaints, Hip and Spine Diseases," Strange and -Frightful Diseases, Tetanus or Lock-jaw. Malignant Pustule, Deadly Bites of Poisonous Insects; and Animals,' D:ptheria, Consumption, Epilepsy, . De bility, Chlorosis or Green Sickness, Milk Leg, White Swelling, Goitre, Paralysis, Dropsy,'Palsy, Glandular Swellings, Affections of the Periosteum, to Straighten Deformed• Limbs, remedy Stuttering, relax Osseous Joints, save Limbs from being Amputated, even when mortification has commenced.. TO THE SICK AND. AFFLICTED OF PHILADELPHIA. • • Dr. BROWN will .visit End treat patients at their re- siden Cos in the city, When desired. 'We are curing, and. further pledge ourselves to cure, Violent Inflamma tions, Fevers, Pnennionia, Oroup,.Diptheria—in short, every form and condition of disease that is at all _cura ble, is under the control of. the various modifications of ELECTRICITY, when • aPplied in harmony ,with the Physiological requirements of the system.. Therefore, in all acute cases where mediCal treatment luta proved. a. failure there is still hope and. a fair chance for your recovery by means of Electricity. We have cured many Acute Diseases after all other reniediei had failed. PROFESSOR . C. H... BOLLES, LECTURER. Medical men and others desiring. a knowledge of this discovery will be qualified to use.the different modiflca• tions of Electricity for.the sure of all Route and Chronic Diseases. .Professor BOLLES has qualified over one thousand physicians who use Electricity as. a specialty. WondeFfni cure of Inflammation of the Lumps, per formed at 1220 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Read the following: I have been a greataufferer for the lad twelve years, which was contracted from a disease 1 took in California gold mines, b) great exposure to cold by working in- the water ,• nearly lest my life from inflammation of the. lungs; had several attacks. After I returned to this oily I had several pulmonary attacks here, some of Aetna imfle,mm anon upon the lungs; was treated,by the most eminent medical men, bat the cause of my difficulty remained unmoved: NU medical man has bean able to do me any permanent good by medical treatment. .About three weeks ago I had a moat severe attack of in flammation upon the lungs; my sufferings were inde scribable. I resorted to medical treatment,.., which seemed to be unavailing, and I seemed rapidly sinking in the arms of Beath, when I chanced to sea J. J. Bally, .219 Market street, who had been cured by Professor' Bolles, of l2:0 Walnut street. Mr, Bally advised me to see Professor Bpiles at once, which I did, and in ten minutes (as strange as it may appear) 'I was perfectly free from my soff . t.rings At the time r. joretsor Bolles treated me I was suffering with the most severe spas modic.cough, without any_ expectoration. It seemed I could not live an hour. Re has treated me four times since, and lam perfectly relieved. This cure to me is still a wonder of wonders. No shocks given; all was pleasant and agreeable. - I would cheerfully,invite all the sick to avail them -selves of this new. practice. I shall eves feel thankful to Mr. J. J. Bally. for informing me where I could be cured: JUDAS LISVY, 511. South Fourth street, Philadelphia. .D: I 4SPEPStA CURED. This is a lose.of balance of the two positive and nega tive forces of Electricity. The polarity _ of the nerves going from the cerebellum to the Stomach being loat and the supply of Electricity from the brain bank diminish ed,. there for&the stomach is left minus or negative. The; organ cannot perform its legitimate functione properly, and Dyspepsia is the result. Read the following: • MOUNT PLEASANT. • FRANKLIN COUNTY, Pa , August 10, 1863. In the spring of 1862 I was takenwlth a constant pain and unesteins es in my stomach, which gradually in creased until Nos - miler. At this time an eminent Allo pathic Physician was called In, who pronounced the disease D 7 spepsia. Medicine was prescribed.but failed to cure the disease. I sent to Philadelphia and pro cured a box of a celebrated Dyspepsia medicine, adver. listed In the papers. After using that I experienced no. relief. The disease continued growing worse, nett& Match, 1363.. when hearing of the wonderful cares per formed by means of Electricity, I concluded to have it applied, and can say, that after about tevelya treat ments applied b 7 Dr. Brown, was entirely cured. and• continue so unto this day: " / 41. BRO Nsw Yorta, Sept. Sfo 1984. Dr. P S'hedd.Electriefan, &a : DEAR SIR: Permit me to exprers in this informal manner my appreciation of your high professional ability, as exemplified in your attention to me per •sonally, while connected with Dr. Chamberlain. of this city. now with Dr. Brown, at 12i Walnut street, Philadelphia. My disease was one of long standing. and dificult to detect as well as difficult to treat, and I assure you, that having been under the treatment of several physicians before I came to you, none were able, or if able, they failed t, treat me with even a moderate degree of success. It remained for you, by your skill. to detect my difficraties: and by your care ful and faithful treatment of me, to plane me on the road to perfect health. Accept, dear sir, my warmest thanks for.your atten tions, and my high estimate of your skill in the appli• cation of Electricity as a method of dure.. - lours, respectfully, . CYRUS COMMINGS. CONSUMPTION CURED September 28, 1664. - PHILADELPHIA. HiChIDOEd, NO Pik This is to ceitify that about three years ago I was taken with a disease which the physicians called Con sumption. I had a cough, hoarseness, spit blood, and became very much reduced. Was under the care of dye physicians, and have taken a great deal of medi cine without -relief.' In this condition I called on Dr. Brown 1220 Walnut street. After an electrical exami nation Was pronounced curable; and, under the skilful tresiment ot Br. Beckwith, operator and physician in Df ? Brewit'e est:lneztieiti am tiearl7 reilattie, Cr 41 __!! , Mee, IthiCe2peet, after a few more treatments, to b : entirely restored to health. I recommend all afflicted to go to 1220 Walnut street. RHEUMATISM CURED. W.EbT 'PHILADELPHIA, August 27, 1.56-1. Dr. W. B. Brown: I had been afflicted with Rheumatism since April last very severely, it. extending over the entire body, causing the most excruciating suffering . *monthawas under the beat medical care. but grew no better, and finally gave you a call and placed myself under the carefof Mrs S. A. Fulton, female operator of your establishment. In two weeks 1 war relieved of all pain. and am now perfectly well. I gladly -recom mend all ladies suffering to her kind care. Mrs, W. B. ROWAN, West Philadelphia. REFERENCES ' In addition to the above, the diseased and ail inter ested are referred to the following named gentlemen. that have been treated and witnessed our treatment on others, at 1220 Walnut street: A. S. Pleasanton, Bri,vadier General, 'Philadelphia. A. Pleasanton, Melo!' General, St Louis. W. IS Smith, No. 1021 Hanover street Philadelphia; George Douglass, No. 28 South Fifth street; William B. Shriner, Haines street, Germantown; L. C. Stocktdyx 206 Market street, Philadelphia ; Charles B. Grigg, Nos. 219 and 221 Church alley; Emanuel Boy, 70 7 BalistOM etre6t, attorney-at law; Isaac D. Gayer. 2 Woodland Tsrrece; B. Craig, 1726 Arch street, )SS Broad street; Robert D. Wor), 61 North Third street; A: G. Croll, northeast corner Tenth and Market streets. Judah Levy. Bronchial Consumption, No. 814 Sonth Fonnh'street : - Edward T. Evans, preacher of the M. B. Church, Dyspepsia of long standing. Laryingitis. and Lumbaeo, No 1633 Helmuth street; Thomas Owens. Congestion of the Brain and revere Haemorrhage of the Lungs and Diabetes, American Hotel. Philadelphia: - James Nugent, Deafness for six years and rengiag and roaring in the Head, Fifteenth and Redford streets: Willian Horgan, General Debility. 401 Spruce street; Thomas Ile.rroo. severe Diabetee, Rose Mills. West Philadelphia;-George Grant, Rheumatic Gout, long star. ding. No. 610 Chestnut street; 11. T. Deellver, Chronic Neuralgia and Inflammatory Rheumatism, No: 17 6 Chestnut street; 0. H Carmick, Chronic Dyspep sia and Inflammation of the Kidneys. Chestnut and Fortieth streets; Anthony Carney, Consumption, No. 1217 Mars et street; Edward Mclifellon Consumption. o N. 1227 Front street; Charles B. Grigg,' Dyspepsia and Constipation, Tenth and Arch streets ; J. !ticket, Chronic Bronchitis. Consumption, and Congestion of the , Brain. 618 Cellowhill street; Rev. J. Mallory. Aphonia. Philadelphia; E. Young, St. Thomas,Frank lln county, Pa .; Daniel Troatle, Newville, Pa ;N. Sterling, Chambertbarg,Pa. ELECTRICAL INSTITUTION, ESTABLISHED FIVE YEARS . ApG, Prof. C. 11. BOLLES, tectore'r. PHYSICILNB, W. B. BROWN, M. D., P. SHEDD, N. D,, S. W. BECKWITH, M. D., and MRS. S. A. FTJLTON.,- Mrs. Folton, a lady of great experience and ability, will have entire charge of treating in the Ladiea' De partment. CONSULTATION FREE. air Address all letters to Dr. W. B. BROWN , nolo-3tif• 1220 WALNUT Street. Phi/Jl4ll. *ASTra - ut, 4,N1) Si:MST/o=l 4 CILOTIIIIiG A zt • XXPEPIEN ( ED. TEA.CBER -L. Maori:Dating PrecticelSogineerinitc (formerly n Drive) rift Prof*.sor) hi et present torn:it - on select e r wiii ohm private instructions in blattieplatics en-Twerp& Nweestlau. Iderbanicnl drawing. mt. other coils term branches. Ade rese • Civil Rummer,: Witte of The Prnse. no-WAIT A YOUNG GENTLEMAN, A NASAL OFFICER. wEo has a short leave, le anxiotte to form the asqueintah'se of it young and intelligent Lad*, before taking his dePattare to jobs Ills ship. .Mot'Yee and tuteitions homoteble. Address, in confideAcel B. ALEXANDER,'" Post OM*, with addrese an otber patsimilar& nolo 3t* DUGOIST:=—WANTFD. A YOUNG . . . man, Moroni/lily conYarsint with the bisiness. tO . set as clerk in a drug slorseln Little Reek. Arkansas. Apell. with rwerenes. tei JC . ADI lit, Malt" ast 40 .. Doll . 9t' .. 711:111ARRIT Street.' P OTRL MOOR S, CA'AM HER &I AIDS; Bowie Girls, Nurses Fai Efostlers, Porters, Boys for Rny. work, with good ?Amuses, for city or country'. at 802 lii3W Street. . WAITT_ "DY . JAN. lse— A STORE • or•HOOM on NABKET Street . etween Snood Sind Sixth. Address • Verehant." Pfdsroffice. SITUATIOA FOR A. T,AD of fifteen . ram' who is wiii&et to WI." himself severally useful. _Cala dye th e Met of refe• *nese._ Address Box 617Foet Office. not!-2t • V/ENTED-45:000 TO $15,096 FOR oirie 07 four month/sr for which a (odd' interest Pb wol a. • d Toe ' paid. address box 2584, P. O. ...Phfladel i . arorna* WArt TBIN-50 OPICRA.TORS. WITH Grover 4' Baker's N0..9 Skittle Maclrties-, on Army worili• Cosstant emrdoinnol and good "wrap'. Apply botwepn 9'!and 12 and 'x -sad .4 o'clock, at;o1):3 („BELTNUT'areer, third stcry. . A150,,10110 basters";- tioll-ht . . . TrD-4 . • COMMENT BOOS.: KEEPE': to ham etssige offlb* Books otitin Company now - in jiiir operation. References requital Address Box 10 1 4. Poet Office. ' WAN TEl§4,llt OUTTE le AND SALESi- MAN In ft-Pilaf:Chum Tailoring Istabliehmeet. • Lioeral•Terme to-One who can inlicence qiiod Trade. • Address?: 0. BozISNII. . "nolo 61 • ANTED BY A CM/MISSION Hones in garirraPdfry goods, foreire and domes-. tie, already estabitabed;• a Partner, either active or special, with a cash 4 capitzl of twenty , lwenty-five tboneand defiers. ' &ewers. with real came. addrpseed to Box 1359 Philaitelphiar Post Office,will' be strictly confidential. tathe3t* ANTED TO' RENT-A. RETAIL • COAL YARD:- on , Thread, Nitta;' or willow Street. Address "W. o., ,, .pree,voince. "WANTED, ADENTB.-A.GBNTS IN every Comity, at . WO a month. - espisrices paid , to istroducejl.fteen new so.d . usejaut articles. tbiv. beet se ll - Sap ever offered. For particulars, address- OTIS T. GABBY, BIDDEFORD. IttcslNß: . 0c25-dilsciram .WANTED AT sl'6ll PER' MONTH'- We want a rellableqlAdilraSSEß in every town sad county. We have agents. clearing slsoper month, Which we will prove to any dnnbtinx_amdiiiant. Ad drepe 301iBa Into& & CO:, OW CHEST/TUT Stmt. Philadelphia. ' ocl3-1W". 411 WANTED TO'RR'ENT-By FIRST in: of January, a spaciotts•B7ol2l3, suitable for a Wholesale' Drug Bona% all Third, between• Arch and Market, or Market, between Third- and Fifth. address Box 2S26,.Philadelphia P. ' O l - c. • nolia-6c* WANTED TO.PVRCHA.BE--it CON. VIINIENT and well•bailt DAMMAM HOUSE, with all the (modern conveniences: • Locality,Arch St. between Tenth and tEibtopnth. • • LIIKENIEF MONTGOMERY, nol2 - swa3t* 1035 BE-2.01315t., above.Latirel. • lOamnn TO $lO $39:--k PARTNER N , ‘- , * ted With $ 4,10.000 inn metro: FACTUBING .butriness, now In. successful operation, affording over MI per Cent. profit on all sales. which can be extended to almost any extent, to the wholesale trade Addrets, ►tatleg sobeie an,feterview may ba had. "Partner," Press office. nol2-2t.* VVDD FAA N.__ with the A al l tTve E a C raL AlA st. to join a party in 'buying out one or the moat popular first-class hotels in a large Western city. A sure thing. Apply at DO WA LIII7T Stmt.; Philada, -noID-3t* :Lo A .... 0 530 0 0_ t $3,000, $.l iii , li for PiVoiro — are, s at??Pre Per oent.. per annum.. Apply to LEWIS H. REDNEN, noll St No. 152: South FOURTH Street. • $2O;000,., AND' $5,OOO TO 9 9 Loan on Mortgage, at 6 per cent.. br A. P.' & B MORRIS. 916 .111011 street. • no9-4t* FOKIBALE AND TO LET. - ' 11 FOR BALEAROH-BTRERT . BI:I- SINUS STAND , No. 119 r. east of Second , street. Lot 17 by 101 feet. only $6,700. • Splendid large first-class Dwelling Arab street, east of Sig tb. Lot 25 by 275 feet deep to Cuerry s reet, with elegant garden, stable, &C. ; $25,C00. Ste gala large Dwelling on arch street, west of Tenth. -Lot 24 by 150 feat-deep: $24.0f0 First. clac-s large Store "Property 102 North Third st. Lot 25 by 120 feet deep; 821,000, Splendid Dwelling corner Of Twentieth and Wallace streets. Lot 20 by 111 feet deep $S 600 Neat Dwelling south side of-Wallace street, west of Nineteenth. Lot 1S by 110; price $5,400. ' Store and swelling 154 North higtit street, below Bare; price $5,500- -Very large aide-yard. Dwelling on Seventh street, above Spring Garden. Lot 44-by 90; price 212,800. Im mediate possession. Neat side-yard Dwelling. on Franklin street, above Poplar: price $ll,OlO Besides near $5,000,000 worth of other city property. Call for catalogue or Eend your address. ' GEORGE C. MILLER, .• Real Estate Broker. Beliatif . N0..154 North SIXTH. Street. in • F.GR SALE -.- NEAT COTTAGE. AFel. 2309 Green street. 10 rooms. Lot 15 a 150 feet, well adorned 'with shrubbery. Terms easy; price $5.600 Also, a c nvenient 3-atory•brick Dwelling, No. 2330 Green street. Lot 20.8 140, Terms easy; price only $&600. , Large side lot can be had Vs ith the latter property, if desired. • Immediate possession of both properties given. Also, a lea ge mambas of first-class properties. to Tad one localities. ' GLENN, • 123 South FOURTH Street, and nol2-tf S. W. tor. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. al FOR SALE OR TO LET-A..NUM, ber of convenient new DWELLINGS. .with modern Improvements, on Norte Eleventh, Twelfth. and Thir- Month streets: - . Apply to TATLOW JACKSON. .614-. CHESTNUT Street, or at . nol2-if 1815/3 North T VO 'ELF rH Street. de FOR • BALE— THE. VERY . •DE Si cable fonr:story brick Shelling hous,' No. 125 North tWENTIETH Street. above Arch, oppnite St. Clement's Chnreb: 18 feet front and 100 feet n eep. • . -.Apply to • LEWIS R. RE ONES, noll-3t • No. 152- South FOURTH Street. • 4,1 TO RBI:T.-POI:MIA - ENV OWING Jiall• Mow houses, NO& 2215-15-1719 UJUNG GaRDZN Street. 'Rent $6OO per annum: Ajnoly of:WATCHMAN on premien. . noll.-911* ) F I P Ir:FOR BALI- Eau Evan s..Er Watson's make. Inquiri at the Evening :u &tin office. It* A "RICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. —Five sluing of stock for sale. with season ticket. Price $3OO. '•Post ()face," Sonia.% mast• . pULFIT FOR SALE-NEARLY NEW • —At second-hand Depot. SEVENTH Street. above Thompson. [nelo-60]. NATHAN W. ELLIS. • BOAR I t G • • nOARDIN G. ;--TW O. SECOND:STORY ` l, /looms, with Board. No children. Reference re quitted. 268 South FOURTH Street. nowar• POARDING, IN GERM A_NTOWN; FOR /- o •the winter, wanted by &family, of two sinks, _two small children , infant, and aurae . Address ' 'J. T " Pres* office. ' -- •- Rolo-itt • PLEASANT ROOMS, WITH BOARD ;.at 622 South TENTH Street. no7-dte• .:VACAITT;. .WITH : BOARD, THREE '• large ROOMS: 906 SPRUCE Street • 10 lIIisURAIITCE. OF. THE ..DIIIAWARE MU TEALS/SETT INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, November 9, 1864. ' The following statement of the affairs of the Com pany is published in conformity with a provision of its charter : Premiums received from November 1, 1833, , to October al, 1564; On Marine and Inland Make 8424,047 90 On Fire Risks 138,667 18 r l emitimi on - Policies not marked off, November 1, 180, .....•„ Premiums marked off. as earned . from Novembir 1, 1563, to Oc• tober 1, 1t64: On Marine and Inland Risks 416,264 73 On Fire Risks 11),556 76 636,82L48 Interest during same period, sal -11'062 at 9 75.522 68 Losses, Expenses, &c., daring the ' Tear, as above. Marine and Inland Navigation Losses . 214,291 82 - Eire Losses 49,665 82 Return Premiums ,294 98 Re-Insurances 42,649 2S Agency Charges 19,064 98 Advertising, Printing, &c 3,689 13 . •Taxes—U 6 Tax on Premiums, Policy, Stamps, &c.. &c 11 389 27 Expenses, Salarie:, Rent, &c.... 1.4,083 00' , .384.061 28 SALAMIIN MAY *This is exclusive of the amount reserved for Taxes On Dividends and Profits. ASSETS OF TUB COMPART, ROV. 1, 1864. VlOO,OOO United States Five per cent. Loan. 1871 *lOO,OOO 00 111;030 United States 6 per-cent. -Lean, 19E1. M 3,215 00 76,000 United i•tatea 6 per cent. Loan, 6-208. 75,562 50 100,000 State of Pennsylvania 6 per coat. Loan 93,665 CO 64,003 Et.; to of Pennsylvania 6 per cent. Loan 55,810 01 123,050 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loan.. 126,520 17 20,020 Pennsylvania Railroad Ist-Mortgage 6 per cent. Bonds 22,039 00 60,000 Pennsylvania Railroad 2d Mortgage • 0 per cent. Bonds 0,2130 CO 16,C03 306 Shares Stuck Germantown vas • Company, principal and interest • guaranteed by the city of Phila. • delphla 15,300 GO 6,500 130 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Rail - road Company -. 9,100 00 6,000 100 Shares Stock North Pennsylvania Railroad Company 3,050 CO 60,000 United States Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness 45 425 CO 30,600 State of Tennessee 6 per cent. Loan • . 12,000 128,700 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, amply • secured 123,700 CO 3E65,2i0 Par. Cost, 5841,103. 80 Market Value. 3.857.621 87. Real Betate 38.0.0 OJ Bills receivable for insurances made., 1i8.330 42 Balances due at Agencies—premiums on Ma rine Policies, accrued interest, and other debts due the Company 25,793 24 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Compsnies, $3.263, estimated value— 2,220 CO Cash on dePuait with United States Government subject to ten days' call $lOl,OOO GC Cash on deposit, in Banks .......• 58, 1 t4 f 3• • • . Caah in drawer. ..•.......«• 537 68 158,f92 41 PHILADELPHIA, November 9. 1861. , The Board of Directors have this-day declared a CASH DIVIDEND of TEN PER CENT. on the CAPI TAL ETOCH, , and SIX PER CENT. interest on the SCRIP of the Company, payable on and after the Ist December proximo. free of National and State taxes -Tbey have also 'declared a SCRIP DIVIDEND of FORTY PER CENT. on the BA_RNBD PREMIUM'S for the year ending October 31, lA64, , certiflcates for which will be issued to the_partles entitled to the same ,' on and after the let December proximo, free of National and State taxes. They have ordered. also, that the SCRIP CERTIPI- . CATES OF PROFITS of the Company, for the year lE6c. be redeemed in CASH, at the office of the Com pany, on and after the Ist December proximo; inte rest thereon to cease on that day. Aar No certificate of prol . lts tented .under 525. By the Act of Incorporation, 'no certificate shall issue un less claimed within two years after the deelaration Of the dividend whereof it is evidence." DIBECTORa. 'Samuel E. Stokes, J. F. Penlaton, Henry Sloan, Boniton, Edward Darlington. - H Jones Brooke. Jacob P. Jones, • James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Eyre, Spencer Mcllvaine, John B. Semple. Pittsburg, A. B. Berger, Pittsbrux. Thomas CrHand. JohnC; Davis, • • Bduku.nd A."Souder.. Theophilul si alding. John , James Traci r, Hew yC. Ilett, James C. Hand, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, George G. Leiper, Hugh Omit, Hobert Barton, 'THOMAS JOlll , l C. ilFarllT Lrinirgrar, Secrets WAXTIL • 797.177 60 C. HAN% President. DAVIS. vise President i nolo-lm f LT REASONABLE PRIORS, AMERICAN ACADEMY Oir:MVBIO. LEONARD OROVBE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Nov. M. AT TWO O'CLOCK. . - L • ißly.3liseVeioi:l arras enalorallctilailager*forteaxeiledinssellitd:d' ONE DOL . - • R r to i l e ti t ri MATINEE. .The Dffector 'has re' rnnter's charming Opetz.;- 0 Tnt ee, ,anm ely ceited veil , many requesfdtromt • Ni ' OlaT IN .portnnivx dtlipg the brief ..tp_e_p_reatni.ja the oely'op , .. Opera upon 'Which it ca w he7,7r.notoerd it Elerffitim ,eidid that it shall haliven at the Matinee' . Saturday . For For the only tire. mo*t ossitivoir, A If I a T IN AM:DUDA, • - ' Grand 'Orerfa by Conradine Mtentzer. 1 9 .F.t•PriikeRearextt " me. laad.ore Lehman. ' -•yeilsrfttest asmomptfo n . comm . • • -Ttodere . G a briell e •• • •-• • • • Koch Johanna Itott n , i er, • • Esteemed'. heentoittplimingroie. • Vasco•' Amhzbetb • • . .. : . Oros. Pedro.::.. • " ld'onar i claimer. Peasant% Brigds. . tr Ladies and. 'Roth an man of the 'OR AND GEOBIJE. , .The reh'ditinn of this ebarndeig anent, nnomits recent presentztion in Boston. obtained the wartstesteno:mainms and was egee toed one among toe most brillt6at aorta' of the OrAnd German Opera Combany. MONDAY EVENING; NS Y. 14 . , _ Commences the last week of the' GE ND' GERMAN OP) RATOMPANY:- • As many Patrons and others et Drees the bone that' the Company will 'remain a greater loneth'of tiros that:tint- DOM:lced, the Diteetor takes this ommeten to aesnrellaens. that it is risPet , 4l . ol.P., as engagements some time imez tetence preclude their longer stay. Elboday, Nov. EL Grover'e Grand - German Opera Conmany'comntaneesits season in Baltlnfors. IefONDLEt EVENING, IS'ov.• 14, 1854; For the only Limo; positively. MARTHA.. By Von Frotow. FORMES as Piniakett, the role oriental* and snores's ly comp° red for E.l2f by Volt Flotow. • TUBS DAY' 3VENINO, Nov 15;4864, Ord y time, most posittyein of Mozart's im - mertaki Opera, . _ . • .VON GIOVANNI. Prices as usual. • Seats for VON DArand TIISSDAY map basecnred at' the AGADEIdY and GOULD'S Music Store. __ It TACAIAMY OP MUSIC. Lessee and Manager-- soßN:t.' FORD: (Also of Holliday-t-trset Theatre, Bsninon; Ford'ir Igew Theatre, Washington, and tlte Alexatdria (Va. )* Iheatrd. A GREAT DRAMATIC FEAST. Engagement. for 21 nighta only, of the eminett Trage- Van, • ' MR. EDWIN PORRT.ST. will render; for the first time in Philadelphia, his liwilliant•personation of CORIOLANTrEi. ' SraIREPEARE'I3' GRAFP_ROMAN TRAGEDY' OP _Commencing on liTtiltailigHT . , Nov. ben Tan Company Co outlaw Mr. FORREsT has Nen very carefully serested. embracing. among others, the'vele bratadiTragedienne. • - MARA MR:PONISI. The scenery need will be. several of the prodartlous•of • MR J. RIISEIBLI. SMITH. or Philadelphia. With newly painted drapery 114” Mr. WItMR;: of Philadelphia,• and severat new Boman steam. 'embracrine - TES' TRIIiMPTEAL RBTURB OF COMMANDS; by Mr. OBABLES S. GETZ of Baltimore. The Ml ehirery by Mr. HIGBEZi - of the Academy.' The Cobtumey, Banners, Insignia, etc., etc., were maile.expressfy For this play, at aeost of over $3OO. Tor furt • her pareicalara, see-fatare advertieemeato: r• her' NEW OHROTNIIT-BT. THEATRE, MS (SATURDAY) AFTERNOON, Nov. IL at 2 o'etk;- ELEVINTR GRAND FAMILY' MATINEE. Wheu tiro-therm:De eters , . TWA FORTY TR - YATES, will be peeteuted• for the third. time. in all its spies:dot...- Ad/panics' tc the Matinee, 30 cents. to all vane of tom• Rouse. Child reze..2s cents. - THIS EVEISHIG, EBELT:SATIIR DALT NIGHT BILL. TWELFTH' [ 1. 1168T OF-Mita. D: P. BOWERS. Who 'will appear,. Ms evening. supported by Mr. P; MORDSUNT,. Mr. NeCOLLOM. Mr. LEWIS EMEEM, = . and the- sati r e strength of the- company, In Eosrer - 8.: great tragedy in-flme aeta. JANE SIT3ItII. • To conclude with the excitingly's ma styled ROBERT MOHEIVE—LADY - AHDLEY'S SECRET. WALNUT-STREET - THE AT R TBISe(SAIPURDAY) EVENING. Nov. 1204 • Positively Lest APPOOTRIIOO of ML AND MISS BIICELNAN, On which occasion the performance will commence watt - , ..PIZARRO, TNE DEATH OF .ROLLA. Rolla .».. McKean Buchamus, Bivira Miss Virginia Bqcbanan.. After which, ROB BOY, OR AULD LANG STNS.., Bob Roy Macgregor ' McKean Btichaansi.; Bel en Mberegor• t Miss Virginia Buchanan., On Monday,. first appearance of Lucille Western:, mr ALIN] T- T REET . THEATRE. EXTRA. ANNOUNCEMENT. Mrs GARBS fT60.14 has „the gratification of animist,- cing an engagement with , the popular and. gifted...yew* : acts era, MISS LUCILLE WESTERN, who will make her ffrat appearance oa 8011 7 2 t MONDAY EVENING NEXT. No-444; • MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW it-RM. MA. STREET THEATRE MRS. BARNEY WILLIAMS. TO-NIGHT (Satarday), November ]2, J. " A 8 g suR WA A S Hor " Cm "YANKEE MODESTY" aad • • THE GIPSY FARMER:, , " MR. AND MRS. BARNEY WILLIAMS - . IN ALL THE PIECES. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, S. W. CORNER TENTH AND CHESTNIPPEtmht. EDNES DAY, November 16, At hal ~ .past three o'clock. • FIRST CLASSICAL MATINEE , . ' • BY PHILADELPHIA CLASSICAL QUINTZTTE CLUB Bleissrs. HAERTAER, JARVIS. CROSS.. BLA , GILILANN. • and SCHMITZ. Trio in E eat, Opus 1. No. 1 ...BeetbeYels Quartette, Opus 71. No. 1 .. Haydn. Piano Solo (a). Bercense Chopin. (b), Etude de Concert . ..........Heneelt Qnintette, No 3. in C minor Mozart Subscription list for the Season of Ttrenly. Eve Mati nees is at the' Music Store of Mr. J. B. GOULD, SEVENTH and' CHESTNUT Streets, where Engagements for Public or • Private Performances: in or out of town , can be made for the services , of the Club. Single Tickets, to be-had only at the Door, Fifty Coati: nol2-4t fatIaTNIIT-STREET OPERA HOSE, No. 1221 CHESTNUT Street. ALLINSON St HINCREN .Propristen- MORAN'S za-msnuiir wow error, evenin g in an elegant . " • ETRIOPLidi 3INTRIVPAINMS3Pr. 'Doors open at 7. commencing at 8 o'clock prseisc l 9. Admlesion 25 canto. -- Reservid sesta, which cal ho )(mired from 10 le o'clock, OVIKInts: • call-tf' :GIUICAT ITATION4I. - CIRCUS, .UNDER THE DIRECTION OF MRS. CHAS. WARTL • • (formerly Mr& DAN RICE,) . • Willpen on. THURSDAY EVENING, Nov 10th, 1864, FOR THE WINTER SEASON, • ON WALNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTIL The MANAGERESS is determined to make the.entiret Winter Exhibition remarkable in equestrian history. as trouping together a grand bouquet of taloa c t• nevffg excelled in the profession in any Dart of the world. First 'Pier 60 cent, • Se Tier • 26 centr,,, Private Bores $l3 to 15 cask, MAT.IVERS on WIDNISDAY and SATURDAY A 714 TERNOONS, commencing at 234 o'clock, Evening performarice commencing at 8 o'clock. See distributor/ Dille. ' • ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TEXirl4 A.ND CHESTNUT Streets. TEMPLE OF WONDERS ! sTallox Elan EVERY EVENING, Aim ' WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY iarElizooNs. • Change of Performance Conitantly. • Ad1:1111111011. 2 O Cents. Children , US Cent& ReletTS4 Seate; 6e cents Evening Performances commence at 7%. Afternoetie st S. 0e341 (TERMANIA OROHESTRA..=-FIIBLIO . ‘-A , REHEARSALS evely SATURDAY, as 33G o'cloek P. M., at MUSICAL FUR D. HAIL. Single Tickets, 115 cents. Ms Tickets, 4142; to be had at Gottl'e, Andrea,. and Meyer's Must , /Stares, and at the HalL no?,tf VOY BR OF •,THE ACADEMY Or MUSIC. For 'particulars, Bee dren'ars and subscription lists.~ at the stores of J. B. Gould, Lee & Walker, And* & Co.. ' • son- tat PAACADEMY. OF FINE•L STNIIT Strest i _aboys UM!, Is OW DAM/. foivtattors. from 9A. X. to P. - 662,706.08 234,172 42 EDUCATION : FOR. .THE TINES.-A. - thorough knowledge of the management of bust nese In general, including the complete mastery of the science of accounts, should form a pert of every mates education, and his successes in life will almost invaria bly depend upon those acquirementa which are termed business qualifications. Men of talent, tact,.and edu cation are wanted everywhere, and their services com mand adequate con psnaation. All who appreciate theme truths should bear in mind that 612,344 14 TEE QUAKER CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE, TENTIT , AND CHESTAUT STREETS. affords to all the means and facilities for a thorough preparation for the various duties and employments of linemen life by a system of instruction far in advance of the general plan 'of ordinary Commercial Colleges. being pre -eminently practical, and designed to impart a degree of familiarity, with actual practice, which no merely; theoretical instruction can ever give. Regular oiganizedAnct separate DE P a RTMENTS of Book-keeping, Mathematics, Penmanship, and Tele graphing. under the diruction of special teachers. IL astrated Circulars and Catalogues of over 5%, Stu, d ants, in attendance during the past rear, free on appli cation at tha Office, around_ floor, TENTH and CHEST= BUT Strretp. lts 223,282 86 BRYANT, STREITTON & BANNIB- TIR'S NATIONAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. S. W. corn. r of rRESTNIIT and TEXTe Striets. I ming men who desire to avail tham.elves of the best advantages to obtain a thorough and practical eCticatioa. f, .r business, are Invited to call and examine the facili ties bfforded at this inwitntlan. Izetruction, both'day and evening. in all the diffdrent branches, viz : Book. lz.ening, Penmanship. Commer cial w, Commercial Arithmetic, 13usinessCorrespond ant e. Telegraphing. Phonography. Call or send fora Circular. BRYANT, STRATTON, B&NNIS _TER' 8 TiLEGB APHID LISTITII I' 3. S. R. Corner-of SIiVENTH • and CHESTNUT Streets. The largest and most complete Sthool of the kind to the United States. - . - To afford complete facilities to the students, a , REGULAR TELEGRAPH LINE has bean eitsilisirieti, operating is connection with the. Practical business department of the College. connecting" 'Beralars Building. Seft-nth and Chertnu., and the -ke— .eembly Bnild , ng. Tenth and Chestnut: Separate department for Ladles. instractions both. 'Day and Evening• n 0..? gt PRIVATE TUITION IN THE GREEK, Latin. German, French, and Emaieh Liinammitee and the hither Mathematics. 136 South ELEVEN C, Etreets. Tenn EREONAL.-RED WHITE, AND BLACK BALL JEWEL RY. wholesale and WM/. chespeat in the city. 9.1.6 RACE Street. soli-2t• • NEW EXPRESg'.LINE TO WASHINGTON; -.GIOROBTOWB. ALEXANDRIA. The ;steamer MAT FLOWER, Capt. ISAAC ROBIN— SON, ie now loading at fist wharf above MARKE' Street for the above ports. and will leave on SATUR— DAY, November 12th, at 12 o'elqek. For freight apply to WILLIAM P. CLYDE, Agent. No. 14; NOR TH WHARVES. $1,Z)1,654 02 ILI WATCHES, • _ FINE TZWELEY. • AT REASONABSWICELTZE :ALL' / 1010460 18013 IttatlOLT Stirest jedileft 13PEOTA.OLEB, AT • . JAMES W. QUEEN- CIO:a, • -924 CHESTNUT Stria* se2l-20 _ MATBEDIATICAWN. BTRITMIDITS, Of all kinda. taloa had at JAMES W. QUEEN 4; CICVS. se27-2ta 024 CIIIIEMFOT anat. I .WRITTEN - AND-VERBAL DR. SCHIPTIONS of Character, Conatittition, . j hb, lent, with ADVICE ,on Bazabasels. Health, Ri • tion, Self-improvement, Management and Toes.> azd s‘Wal. by . . • JOHN of CHILDREN. social adapts adaptation dear CAPEN. :- Phrenologist sad Bookseller. oell-tittbklyll Lk SS a. • TRYTH Bt. above Chostose-' DrAirrikimtbrr FOB ousront. wost,;_ „ AItiIISEMENTS:. MUMial PROGRAIM .S,DXITT/2CCE CLASSICAL SOIREES • - ET BIESSRS. CROSS AND JARV/S. For the Season of 1864-5. EDUCATIONAL. PERSONAL. novl2-2E