CITY ITEMS. Homk—Wheeler & Wilson’s Htgh- Tfluiom Lock-Stitch Sowing Machines are the ! |U cheapost, and be3t. They are lighter and ll ' r to 'operato, simpler to learn, quieter in action, | I f;s nabla to get out of order than any olher ';J",u>ehlne. They use less than half the cot f'ofMoat other machines, and do_ much bottsr tiiccr work, . Indeed, no human testimony could ,' r[in ;.or than that which has been accorded the {ilorS- Wilson Sowing Machine lor superiority jti others for fomliy use and for general mami iir.'sg purposes. To show the immense and „j,jf popularity of the Wheeler & Wilson Ma -0 tve would state that 0ver.60,000 of them wilt , been manufactured this year, and otbr 6,000 ( been sold in Philadelphia alone. :truotlon given at the residences of .purchasers, p' machine warranted, and the money returned ji entirely satisfactory. Wo advise all to go to s logant salesrooms or Wheeler & Wilson, "01 jtnut street, and sco these wonderful machines potation. Our Wends out 8f town should send ] circular and specimens of work. f i -_ pßKSinmmAi. Eubction.—The great s’trug- I-- near at hand, and everybody is espocted to ;4 their -choice between “Little Mac' 1 and !3 j,- Abraham.” We giro no advice upon this pl' nuestlon, but will speak out plainly upon ; (sir subject—to wit: the superior eloganco of apparel made at tho Brown Stono Olo k. Hall of lloekhill & Wilson, Nos. 003 and 005 ;;i.ut street, above Sixth. (, to thk Bust.—For a thorough and practical ■stion for business, go to Bet ant, Stratton, jsKiSTBK’s National Commercial College, Assemuly Building, S. W. coiner of Chestnut and Tenth streets. ,r a full knowledge of the art of Telegraphing, i Bryant, Stratton, &.B*nnistkh’s Telegraph Institute, utheasboornerof Seventh and Chestnut sts., e you will be under the charge of an expo ed operator and teacher, and receive all the .stages of A Bkoulau Tp.r.EORAPnto Line, ceilenl facilities forladler. oclO-wsmSt i.ains in Clothing, rains in Clothing, “ns In Oiothing, “as in Clothing, At Gran vlllo Stokes' Old Stand, At Granville Stokes' Old Stand, At Granville Stokes' Old Stand, At Granville Stokes' Oid Stand, m 9 chestnut Street. ’• 99 Chestnut Street. sPii Chestnut Street, : * Chestnut Street. ‘ •I. clothing. Billing to suit the fall of tho Year. .•iolb mg to suit the fall of Gold, nothing to suit the fall of Stocks, jlothiog to suit the fall of Atlanta. ’tothlng to suit the fall of Richmond, HcUdng to suit the fall of Mobile. Pi thing to suit the fall of Charier ton.' •thing to suit the fall or rise of anybody, at ■hs Stokes & Co.’s One-Priee, under tho Con da*. udekk'b Clothing, a splendid assortment, at lisemaker & Co.’s, No. 4 N. Eighth st. oc!7-ot* atr Be Toimsttb Franoaiss.—For onamei the skin, eradicating wrinkles, small-pox u, pimples, So. Price SI. Hunt &. Co., 133 S. nth street, and 41S. Eighth street, ooiss&wtf bin; Virgin Wax of Antilles.—Tilts exqiii ' 'imotlo has no equal- for beautifying, whiten led preserving the complexion. It ia prepared pure white was, bonce its extraordinary quail tor preserving the skin, making it soft, fair, ph. and transparent. It is most soothing after log, cures chapped hands or lips, removes pirn [blotches, tan,'freckles, or sunburn, and itn | that pearly tint to ths face, neck, and arms so L desired by ladies oi taste. . Price SO, 80, and 76 I, Hunt & Co., 133 South Seventh street, and Bulk Eighth Etreat. - V ; OcS-swtf : Ikt's Bhoom o» Bosks— A. charming’ color for ik, dces not wash off or Injure the shin, ictured only by Hunt & 00., 41 South Eighth md 183 South Seventh street, ocS-swtf >.TANT TO TAUiOfeS AND MANnPACTtrKEKS pthing.—The American Button-Hole Ma lompany are pleased to announce that, after >r of years, and the liberal expenditure of In employing the first mechanical talent, ive perfected - and are now prepared to. ers for their celebrated labor-saving ma vbteh arc justly regarded as one of the t inventions of the age. A single maohlno wfaoture from 100 to 160 perfect button holes jar, anrtfrom 1,000 to 1,600 m a day’s work of jure. It also does embroidering, ' and rtures ana sews on at the same time , braiding and binding, in the most elegant . The machine is entirely Btmpla lncon m, and easily understood. Call and exam dmens of work, and see the machines in >r., at the office, 630 Chostnut street, Phlla '»■■■■■ oclS-Ot b» >fw YY>rk arr, ISew Tort Kew York i IF, Jiew York fffrw YoiJr 'l),Ktnincky tuelay, Kentucky (ridge, baltlmr-re itridge, Baltimore rtridji*, BtiUhiiOiV: •.'inew, FotteviUe ftsoxu Fotts-viUe der, FciicviUe is & sou. VoU.ivillQ ii Ir, Boston Providence,Hl .Is, Hew York iHartford 'ltnsville v rtl, TitusviUo ilib«U. Rf-aditg cl & Wl, New : loi* iderscn, Texas >Uy Ah Haskell, Boston IT Folherans, Jr, & wf, NY "Tecs T Hazard,' New York Mr.* Brooks & sist«r Goloraco Kew Y**rk fi- Sn«scll PUtsbarg [deco, Now York iw, Boston 2,1, JKew Tork rfcon, Ku*well'vHl* heraou, St Louis • mil* Pittsburg \n,f»e\v Tork NAthna Slix,.Cincinnati J Thomas, Indianapolis Writ W tv haatly, Indiana I, Smith St wf.llliuois Hist 51 Keyes, Illinois M 0 Park9,Pttißton, Pa > E Parkß.FUtstooiFa: ■ft'Sew Mexico l'ittamrir Major Sayre, Montrose T Hr ihii, Kentucky J JU Baglay, Vermont J S Weeks,l’d tland A ll 'Morrill, Vermont ;i;ce & t&.lVnaa . & wf, Pittsburg: ; wf, Pittsburg i & wf,LonUvtlJe jsoe&ls, Penua. ley, Cleveland tir* Kansas ilan Hi wf. Pa 1 io Om OcoTEetowu mb, r*6W York J NewToik 1 & In,Columbia aornU Lebanon r* Fisk, Ponna Y &dan, Norfolk ■t, Milwaukee ■a, Bjsion SA. E a Stroms At la G T Paine St wf Providence Mrs Akerman, Providence IS Miller, M D. Wii. I’el ! W B Rossobaum, N.J J P woifersberger Jt 1, Balt T C W fierce,’Boston: J Ewing, New Jersey 5 P HJunes &la Panne : [ion J 8 Jones, Reading John MTafts,-Jr. &la, N J R W Stires, Washington H Kamdeli, Newburg - MUh Wright k sis, Penna Mr Jones-', Penna A H Cheshire, Sew York U@o Merritt. New York Mrs Farnsworth. Albany |E G Patterson k wf, N J Cbas D Webb, New Jersey lOeoßurkfi la, Sow York jWjtt Irvin a wf,Penna W T BuliacS,Prov,K £, C Bavins. Washington Mrs SC Bevei, lowa Mrs Rowley At ch,lowa J J, Bevcr, lowa SWA'race, Towanda R H Clements, Powanda I, S Baugh & la.PMlada JssGra am Jr,new York Chae a. Barry, Boston. B P Moon, Maine B Mnndy,Towanda wpleton. Fa - fj?* B . Scrantou >li>b .kwf, lil (, Norfolk ftadtj Wash * : Wash Washington ■’wstd & •wl'.CaL . nm, California f Concord :is, Delaware ’2, K&w Yc.rk 'Sine & la»Mo la. York sCiacinuati r, Carlisle The G Irani. ■' Jo. Roberta C N Pine Rar H Mackay, Peana J C Ctman. New York Lt W W Gibson, Harriab'ir J S Houston S D Campbell, Norfolk B F Herat, Georgetown L Wsil, Jacksonville T 0 Dve, cJ#per Sandusky M T Ho well, Jersey Shore M'JTa'bott, Warren. Mrs Talbott, Warren Hr# Vanveefiln, N Jersey Miss M Huston,' N Jersey ltr, Milwaukee Mies M Stetson, N J ; «, J'oronto ] s A Pereas & la, Boston lunUvy, Jlqntr 'l IA 8 Ab“ll,- Baltimore . «m, Arkansas AJI Whitlock & la, NY Peena ,T 8 Whitlock & la, N Y ; Boston John w Barry, Lancaster ll K*fi NY' J B JlcGrann Lancaster l«ew>ork L H KeUarn, if inch Chunk ([j buhaio Mrs Eilithrop, New York ''™fPort J H Stauffer & wf, Penua f'Lntcago S LKellatn, Munch Chunk 'use, Cllcsct L Northrop, Boston W A Keadirg ST Moses, New York jar, hew York Geo Morrison it la, Ky J u, Jersey City Chas PTunoell, Georget’n ‘. Danville, Pa N N Finlay, Easton If® 11 'u'.Fas;pu, Pa IVD Hazel, Delaware now lorl; J Wflale &3 las,Delaware P* A Walnay, New York tot, Htrrisb’g SirsH W Janes & ch.N Y t-ecacon J.o Smithers, Delaware .o s!. , auon L J Bazznm, Newbarg er stiff am>y «ity ;■J C Lslper, Dol eo. Pa I nuT CtiyEmnis Fauber, New York Won* 011 t H v' v Oliver, New York 'l -I Mo Ilia, Phtllf psbnnf. WestM U t 6 i» B j n [r £ L us r et i“*! & f tPi ly 1. Keadih**!? Ico 1 co EL Johnston If X Ohio If Blackburn, Westmorel’d tfca 4 6 Kowhaker, I*enaa Pa & son, Pa . Missouri l-wloa, Carlislfl' ' !*. Mercer - H B obt&rord« Michigan The Am J B Wilson, DBA (1K Wheeler, Cleveland JEliggott, Wash, DO ■ .T H Thompson. Wash, I) C .T Levergood, l.ano,.fa John Webb, Jersey Shore .1 R Moorhead Jas C Brown. Beading- IS T Fosicr. Bethlehem Jos Hrti'viy, M Salem, Pa H T Metzgar, » Salem, Pa Oeo Wilson, Appollo, Pa W C Oai'geville, Indianaco lIiA Vord.jc wf, Mavj-land j 0 Marty, Meßdville A Henderson,:Pottßville.'" A Strnuok, I’oltsville , Jfis Levoi-gtod, Lancaster Mrs hanlfiuan, Lancaster \ -John Dougherty, 1 ittsbfire AJ lieesp, Kent county,M4 M Sp’Pl & wf, Maryluau • H H Kent, Boston C J Smith, Brooklyn 1’ Willson. hlivewshurg C D Mott, New Jersey DR Byiam, Shrewsbury John S Everhart, PitUb’* J CrossJey, R Jersey S Townsend, Mnrjlsnd Dv Maxwell, Lancaster w Baldwin, Lancaster G S Payne, Maryland G T Jones. St Clair G Cumni A wf, Brldgeville. JBScnlly, Pittsburg' KJPsrrj, Pittsburg y^pOvis,-Easton-- - 1 C Hoioinjr, Oai lisle Jas CUndennin, Carlisle C F Stover Sf la, I’enna PEnenn rigor, Carlisle w S Throckmorton. return ■H Comfort, Jlechanicsbnrg Alfred P Porter L Dock & i.usi • - David Levi, Wheeling ■ Goo W Bennett, Maryland Mrs J Thomas, Catasunaua Mrs S Thomas, .Catasauuna Bliss K Thomas. CatH-anqoa M Hey man, Wheeling W Horton, Wilkosbarro A L Petty, Ohio , „ W G ration .Columbus, Ay S E lli>nry, Harrisburg EBWileoji. Allog’y City-' H Mere re, Ohio J 1 HodeJaheimor, Indiana,-. Peter Hut,Light Street : John lvnhna. Oil City J Hjiilenbacli,Yirgin:aCity - ,T f'ciiman, Virginia City W.l'Teming, Pittsburg ' - . Tiro U Geo W Heebnor, Ft Carbon B B Smith, Ponna Thos Evans,Trenton W E Woodward, R Jersey D Ma yer, Kew Jersey C H Vogeler, Baltimore SC Stockton,Mt.Holly . H Wifie.Coluifthia H BI Paine,!) S K - • F Stars J B Ester,Ohio - A Paso, Williamsport N E Kingebn. y.Panna Jss Brown,-St Clair 1 E L Stevens. Lnzerne co : Mrs JJlavenjiort.Penmi H R Bcrwer, Penna ' Chas H Jackson,Penna J S McMnrtre, MiJtlinburg W k Sonnnetan, Olio J Aiderjnan & wf Ohio R W Giileutine,lndiana F Schilling John Whitman,Harrisburg A London, Altoona J A Snltli, Altoona W Turning, Penna C H Harris, HasEerslown W'Parlor, Berks county J KFnnck, Lebanon, Pa G Jobnton, Tainaqna G W Creveliug, Espy, Pa A Sbloss, Pottsville • The Co: F C Kane, New York Sir I.aseli, Row York ENelson, Hew York T W Letson, Row York J Onnuniuis, New York F Binkmnn, Coitesville - JO Bunting, Costesvlllo E L llogei*, Bucks co E S Lloj d, Bu*ks co - W IV Fachus, Chester co Wi iis Blallory, Jr,& wf.Pa Chas Hall, Baltimore S Feanotk, henna W M 'Eoi;*K Feuna Kiss J A Eckels, Feana. J,;; Euzeuspevgei, Penna Geo M Kiuilel Jus V*s Horn, Doylf stown P W Silver & ila,Maryland ~ . Tlie JJal< Mbs A Dewees, Paterson A Eisenbard, Orefield' Mrsß Siegu'. Ore field Mrs J S) Rabenhold, Orefild J 1’ Metzger, Fonna " O A Miller, Hlatington A D Stoner, Myerstown J L Brobst, Penna J Fenner, Monroe co F Wagner, Honrooco .T Shifter, Mol roe co P Butte, Monroe co L Fanetetmacher, Alieutln J Kleckner, Moorestown.. J Scbod, KJecknersville J S Jones, Bethlehem 1 E Camp, Lehigh co : ■ E li Kean, Scbnecksvilie Mrs F E Kauffman, Allentn The Bari. J Hubbard, Newtown • S Kelly, Newtown A Richardson, Newtown J Mclrie, Philadelphia EB Coles, Wash, DC J Hcadiy, Bristol J Connard, Bucks co Dennis Ilaganran it la, 111 John Lowo, Illinois M Baker, Jackson, N.J S Buck man. Newtown D Lamon, Washington J W Wood Ala,New Jersey A T Dnffieid, Danville The'«! WmT Urie, Kent co, Md S Bafee, New York D Staples, Scranton J L Bender, Scranton C Tceney, Penna J Donnelly, Pbnna A Davis, Salem, Pa . A J Evans, Delaware .. Thoe Crawford, Penna John Scott, New York John Lusk, Oregon ', SPECIAL NOTICES. BETTING ON THE ELECTION; ' BY,THE BARD OF TOtVEK HAM,. Dour-?—WeUi Jenkins, .mines a doleful case; Two hundred lest by that rash bet! And neighbor Brown I may embrace In Ike same list wherein I’m set. I know he was on the same side With me, and that he betted too: So that it cannot be denied , Wa both have cause our course to rue. Enowx-Friend Dobbs, you slightly do mistake; True, out side Inst, but 'tis my plan Whet- these election bets I make, To wager on ffe ofta-man; Then, if the enemy we beat, My loss is soothed by triumph gay, And, If.we suffer a defeat. The money's won my grief to pay !. Jenkins— l envy not your polUy ; : More than I do what Dobbs has lost; Euch epos t’s too desperate for me, And purchased at too great a cost. A certain profit 1 have sought, j And,mindful of. grim winter’s power, I took mr surplus cash and bought '. A splendid suit at Bennett's Tower. ; We can lit any onb from our stock of ReAdmiadb Garhexts at once, without delay or trouble, as well or better .than he can he fitted to order, in goods equal in ovary respect— style, material, and ttioritmansMp— to any made to measure, at 25 to 50 per cent, lower prices. We have all oesirabie styles of goods in all sizes, .Men’s, Youths’, aid Boys’. ______ • TOWER HALL, ' No. 518 MARKET Street. ■ li . BENNSTT& CO. Gray Baer Restored to its Original AND VOUTHFUL COLOR—BALDNESS PREVENTED. “ London.” “ Hair Color Restorer. * ‘ London ’ ’ , . . “ Hair Color Restorer. ” “ London ” “ Hair Color Restorer. ” “London ” No Bye., " Hair Color Restorar.’’ : .“London”- “ Hair C ilor Restorer. ’ ’ “.London” “Hair Color Restorer.” It is iha only knottm Restorer of Color and Perfect Hair Dressing combined, delicately perfumed. .STILL ANOTHER CERTIFICATE.: I hereby certify to the wonderfnl effects of the “ Loii&on Hair Color Sestqjkr and Dressing. ” Mf hair was very gray, and through its nee it was soon restored to its natural color, and the hair, which was before dry and harsh, and falling off, now became soft and glossy, ceased falling ; the dandruff disappeared, and the scalp lost all the disagreeable itching, so an noying before, and at this time it is fully restored to. its oriaiual dark color, and I cheerfully commend its use to ail who are desirous of having a beautiful head of hair, v \ MRS.. MARY KLE3E. Chambersburg, Pa., Sept. 20th, 1804. Price 75 centsperbottle, or sixbottlesfor $4- Sold by Dr. SWAY NB A SON, 330 North SIXTH Street. It Osb'-Pricb Clothing, op the Latest styles, made in the best manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST SELLING PRICES marked in PLAIN' FIGURES. 'All goods made to order warranted satisfactory. The one-price system iB strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. - JONES’ OLD-ES TABLISHED ONE-PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, GOi MARKET Street, near Sixth.' ' de23-lj Perry & Co., Clothing, THIRD and CHESTNUT Streets. FEF.KY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PEER? & CO,, CLOTHINg, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PEF.RY & CO. , CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, •THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY Si CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY St CO.. CLOTHING, TRIED and CHESTNUT, PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PEEP.I St CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and.CHESTNUT. PERRY St CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO.; CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY it CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY k C 0.,, CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. :PEKRY St CO. . CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT, PERRY k CO. . CLOTHSNG, THIRD and CHE ITNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING,: THIRD and CHESTNUT. ocU - Great Place to Buy Clothing. GREAT. PLACE TO BUY. CLOTHING. • GREAT PLACE TO BUY CLOTHING.: GREAT PLACE TO BUY CLOTHING. WANAMAKER k BROWN. WANAMAKER &'BRO WN. . WANaMAKER & BROWN. -■WANAMAKER & BROWN. P E* COR. SIXTH AND, MARKET STS. g' E ' COB. SIXTH AND MARKET STS. e. e'. COE. SIXTH AND MARKET, STS. S. E. COR. SIXTH AND MARKET STB. Wheel-eb & /Wilson’s Highest Premium LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES, THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST. AND BEST. ialesroosns, 10* CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh. UVt-rSi-IRJaiIBID . WOLF— the 13th iastant, at the house of Issac Stirk, by the Kev. Joseph Welsh. Mr.. ; David K. Wolf to Miss Anna L. Overholser, both oi. Wabash, Lancaster consty,Pa. [Lancaster coutity paters please copy. 3 . •. . . . .. v . BfIRK—SHIRK.—On the 13th instant, at ‘he resi dence of the bride’s parents, by.the Kev. Joseph Weleh,: Mr. Martin 0. Stirk. of New .Millport, Pi., to Miss Mattie E. Shirk, oi this city; [Lancaster coanty pa pfiTß pipage copy, j - r ' WBI-ELER-ZOOK —On the ISthinstanti at St:oPht Dp's P. E. Church, by Rev C D. Cooper, Mr " Win 0. Wheeler, of Philadelphia, to Miss Eimina_A-. w D o' Jtt feoshter of John Zook, Sr.,: of Chester. Val- Ko cards. x - -v.*.' j. s ’K^ 89 “ K - TBrr - Vl MEhRIMAN—WOOD.—On themnrring of the 18th “>*&> at tte. residence of the bride’sSuker, by Rev. PhiUtps Brooke. D. H. Merrlman to Clara, dankh er of - the Hon. John Wood, ot Conshohocken. No carls. * lerlcnn. n RSlansard, Westbrook P J Bradley,, Re w York ■- s - John Pollock; St Clair Lieut W Camp PSA S Roman. Baltimore T Kftabb, Heading Tims Slahghtor,. i> e i a warn T K Brown. Wash, i) C T HTlavenner.-Wash. D C Jos Martin, Wash, D O C R Sttsder, MrtvylHri'l S Edwards, Rew Jersey T WAbbot, Sew Jersey AD .Tersey Shrtre Ja iol) Bubl), Jersey Sfc ore Miss 3? Bubti, Jersey Shove .fersoy Shore J KoHeivPerry co, Pa . S*S Carbondale v. dS Houghton ‘ P L. lit,tteway .-Beston H.BowUr & wf. Albany J S Keymayer, Ohio f rt St Wetni. OUraow,Ky H BWoods, Gettysburg f B Picking, Gettysburg J G Cranachan, Troy, Pa Hiss Camtn, Bridge vtllo - Sirs Montgomery, R Y,rk MHk Montgomery, H York S Jenkins, Wyoming >VJngUa, Patterson, R J JG Strait ! S PennoviUe, Dtlaware ■cliaiits*. John C Everhart, Blair Co J Til man, Bridgeport. O A B Rogerr, Rew York LF Wait, Raw York Miss MUtz, Halifax, Pa- J H Cochran, Memphis Ahx- Blackburn. IT S A , C F Datosmin. Slilton,T’.l Geo 31 Downey, H S A A WoHs, Sit Holly, R J D Kipley & la, Ne wark. R J 1 Liviinrston, WilHoubarre David Venscov, Penua, WAohnsau, Wilkesbarra ; D B Bunt, Rew York T Turner, New York TUob Jefferson, Louisville J t Jefferson, Louisville E Hoffman. Baltimore ■ A Leconte, Clearfield ; Miss Leconte, Clearfield: : W w, jamnsoD, Bedford. JBIIuU. USN J B Vogeuit?:. Ohio JasT feuott, Pulaski * I* Bruuniuir, [adiaixa 3 M Clark, O-l City H K Shaw, Ohio JosSYoimg raiiosi. T P Drinker & wf, Penna, Mrs Drinker.Bloomstmvg H Kodelsh9im«r*B’t Wayne J El Huat, Milford, K J G S Cobbling it ia, N .f L K ProAflian,Di r Pork J E Caanou,iS r A'vv York Remer & la, Coan , Miss S Carlis»Goaa B RoseawoodvOiiio H D Poirier Jr %rf, Penna Mrs 51 P Fcwlftr, famnqua I) J ffumfnsl & &on,Penua If-S W’oUe, Peniia • Jos Pomeroy, Juniafa eo M H «[yejs,Pot6fi..vlllo JIC Mintzer,Ldntn,stpr o A A Rolomon<, NeiYTork G S White,Mauch Chunk W W Lattimorg.Penaa B B Shuliz, Bethlehem D G Jouo«,East I’eaa B O Berkemypr.Eist Penu F waters, Ba ’timbre A C Huines,AUiaace,o J B Smith, Plymouth - : . A J Whitley,Delaware P JT Thoinpsoa, Pehna A 3?.Kelly; Nazareth, Pa B B South, Peaaa F .TSmith* If.ej a D B Hunt, New York Col Roht Ratcliff, Tamaqua lmerclal. Win Eachus, .Chester co J B Sillier, Chester co Spear, Oxford, Pa GW Marshall,Oxford,Pa W M Phillip?, Peani JGiH, Cnmhria co H M Kowe, Pa.H* Haven H K Smith, F.-hir Haven W B Hemingway, Peana WiMalio-y & wf, P-nna . T 0 Powiey, Striekler.svilla Doylostown:: Chester Spring P J £TelU*y SemiSD’soa John Hainiitoo - r W B Lease, Shulerbitri? Chas Dmgoe, West Grove J «T Hall, Media il Eagle. A lllehrkaiu, Ourbonlco J Lowirgbt, Bucks co G F Gannitf, N Jersey F iiastburn, Bucks co WTayior, Bucks co DRsed, Schuylkill co A W Poiteigir. Reading J Frees s wl, Ohio- J Abel, Kiston E Snyder, Lshiglt co W H Moyer; Lehigh co., JR Roney, Allentown L P Leva.u, Allentown Mrs Boyer, Oatasauqua H H Mauu. Mt Bethel : MSchwar, Mijllinburg A Ric Hards, Burnsville Eli George, Allentown S.Lentz, Allentown ley .Sbeaf. v A Kanifraan, Harrisburg . Miss J Fa la, Phiadwlphia JCadwallider. Fox Chase WDnfH»ia, .Danville Doylestown S Backman. Bucks co Smith Bucxman, Bucks co I hos Reading, Hathoro T Ely, Bucks co A Saterth wait, Bucks co M Jairatt, Penna - WS Woolman, Bucks co Jacob C Clayton, Bucks co LOfSOn. Jos N Lalcham, Salem, S J B F Wood, Salem, ff J John McCune, Sale'm, N J John Michals & la, Mi Mrs Hardcastte, Md Aaron Lambert New Hope Calvin Hiring, Mass 5 Rufi', Monroe co, Pa J E McCracken St Is, Boston J Bunch, Boston DIED. ti 6 Htk instant, Ann B. Colemin,. it the 02d year of her ago. . , Her relatives and friends are invited to attend bar oneral. from the residence of David Seilers, near Dar the2othinstant, at 2o’clockP. M. PARRY.—Od thclGEh instant, at the residence of her son-iu-lavr, J; S.-Smith, S£.D. , in Horsham township. Montgomery county, Pa.„ Eli/.aheth Parry, widow of Thomas Parry, in the fifth year of her age. , Her friends and relatives are invited to attend the inneral, from I'i'iptfd.sV Meeting House, Horsham, on Fonrth-day, the 19th, at 11 o’clock A. M. _ “On the 10th inst, in the 6sfch year of his age, Dr. William Pepper- The relatives ami friends of rhe deceased are invited to att*hdthe funeral,:from his latB residence at Chestnut Hill, Wednesday morning, Oct. ISth, at 11 o’clock—to proceed to Laurel Hill. *** 'Mourning goods—prices rb- J-Tx DUCED.—S-2 25 Black Wool Heps reduced to $1.76. s2.£o Black Wool Heps reduced to $2. ’ -. _ . 52.26 Black French hierinoes reduced to $1.60. - Black French Cashmeres reduced to $1.75, SIS Black Thibet Long Shawls reduced to $lO. $l6 Black Thibet l ong Shawls reduted to $ll. SIS 60 Black Blanket Long Shawls reduced to $ll. 60-cent Ameruan Mourning De Laines reduced to 40 0e 46- S cent Mourning Chintzes reduced to 37J4 cents, Jtc. , . BEtSOR A SOS, MonnnneStore, oclll-tf ' : y-Ko ‘.HB CHESTROrT Street. Y?YRE & LAEDELIi OFFER WHOLE i-J SALE, ■ Bostehowof MEUINOES in town. . Best show ot POt'LINS in town. Best show of SILKS in town. ■ . v Best show of SHAWLS in town. Beet show of CLOAKS in town. oc4*tf : ™ B TItBASITItERDF THE'PMD f=»\: TO RELIEVE THE DISTRESSED PEOPLE OF CHAMBERSBDRG hns received the following amounts since his last report:--; - ; Amount previously reported . .*28.031 90 JohaC. 20 00 Tenth Baptist 00 G. P. Smitb, per Drexel & C 0...... ••.*•»..•••• 100 00 .Steever & Whittaker.............. 100 00 Waterman, Sou, & Cope ...... 200 09 P. Mcßride &Cov... ............................ 100 00 B. G.'Einfcht & Co. ; 100 00 Jamee W. Carson&Go. 100 00 C. Smith 100 00. Harrison & Havermey er 50 00 Field & K6ehinle.»..- 5U 00 H. Geiger & Co. 60 00 Archer & Beeves. 6O 00 Benjamins. Jiiunoy, Jr., &C 0.... 69 00 ThomasL. GillespiQ»*. 60 00 QaiTett &^Martin 60 00 D. Peidelmas 25 00 H; H. Lippincott Sc Trotter 25 00 White, Brother, & Co.. 35 00 Fearons & Smith ........»: ...»»***••**••«**•••** 25.00 J. Bai’dire. Jr. 25 00 Win. H- Woodsy aid .....»•• Ca5h......................... .WV...M..' ;* 5 00, ......T... 5 00 E C. Ehy A* C 0.....: 10 00 O. S, & J. Carstairi- 50 00 Wm. H. - Yeaton- * 6000 PaUeisod & Boulton ..........v.......25 00 Robert Taylor & C 0... . 25 00 J. N. K1ine......... ■ 26 00 Wm. H. Cooper..—.*. - -25 00 A. T. Worl &C0........5. 10 00 Hen?y S* Hannis & Co 25 00 -W. W. Norcross. : 10 00 Kennett AidSociety.*. 25 00 D.E S. .................. .500 DelawareiMutUHl Safety ln*. Co.:(additional). 150 (X 3 Miss Fanny Clark i........ SO 00 T. Bailey, perßlr. Wannemacher ...•••* ■ a-60 It. F. M... 10 00 Cash. v.,>..;...., *...., 5 00 Insurance Company of North America 250 00 Riege3,Wolßt, & Ervin.......v............*».,.. ,500 00 Ludwig, Kieedler. & Co. (additi0na1)......... 150 00 Hood. Boubright. &Co V 250 00 Bush & Kurtz (additional) 100 GO Lewis, Boardman, & Wharton 10U 00 EeilmauA Rand.,..,i..............100 00 Siler, Price', & .............100 CO Wood, Mai?h, & HaywaTd...... 103 00 Garretson, Brady, k C 0................... ICX3 00 M- C. Trunick & Co ‘ 100 00 J/.R, & F. S.PMIPi^.,.IOO 00 Little & Adamson-.-....... 100 00 Johns, Berry, &Co lOO 00 Davis, Keroptou, & Co. (additional)..*...r 75 00 Farnhain, Kirkbam, & C 0...... v»............ * 100 00 Coili n & AlUmas ..... m......; 100 00 Conrad A* ......................... 100 00 Meigs & 8r0......... 100 00 Frothing)]am & Wells (additional)..... OO Barrie, Sliortrldge, & Co. (additional) .75 00 Cadbury &Rb0ad3................i............► 75 (D W. McKte&Co. 10000 Samuel S. Scott-v 50 00. Furness, BrinJey. & Co.- fiff) 00 Faies.AVharton, & C 0........................... 60 00 Leonard &8aker........... : ®).00- K Bosaffon 60 GO Bangs & Maxwellso (K 3 Whitney fit Lawrence.....*...^..........60 (X) Andrews, Wilkins, & Co 50 00 Williams AArne5c................... 50 00 ,T. S, Young & A1teirm5......................... 50 0O •Peconmy, Hamilton, St Erans ................ 50 00 Dale, >oss, & C 0..- 59 00 C. B: Morgan & Co ............ ...... 50 00 W- &.H K. Kaignel .1...,.; 40 00. Wm. D Jones 35-00 •T. &F. Evans 25 03 Ca5h..........-........;....... 25 00 Cash.,... 25 00 Doushton, BoE.siavr, & Wilkius. ■ 25 no Williams. SCewart & -C0.,.,/ - 25.00 Masce k Hicks Jones, AV&rner, A Co Riddle, Gill. &C 0,,.. Geminiil & Cresswell. Elitoits& BleCowan A S Jents W. T. II Duncan T. H. Ciaig A Co - 25 00 D. S. Brown & Co. -25.00 Alexander Wiay St C 0.... 25 00 .TohnS. Bsrrr& Co . :.»00, W. H. &.A. H. L0ve........... 20 00 Cash.. 37 00 Pollock A Casselberry 50 00 Sharp, Haines, &Co . 60.00 Edwin Ball—*v..;. 50 00 C, htoddart Jt.'Brother'.....' 25 00 John W. Thomas 25 00 Cash, per A. J-,;Glass.... 00 S. B. Fry............ 10 00 Cash . 70 00;.- Joseph Haggy IOCOe M. Madden.......... 10 CO J. & W. E. Wood 10 00 John Reigef. ; 1000 John Haggard. o 00:- Ciesgmile & Co. ’SOO - Henry Dustine... •' 5 00 Cash...- 5 00 •Kahn, Hedler. & Kahn Kline & Dreifuss JohnMein.....■•*.**■ *.* CaEb. J. Schondlne. ,5 00 S. Einstein.. 3 00 Mrs Blumenthal .200 PcCollins.. 3 00 Cash 2 00 Mary Schweitser. . .1-00 Theodore Wei 1......:.. 2 00 AugustusSehmider. 2 00 ' Total. $33 752 60 EDMUND A. SO ODER. Tieaaurer, oclS-21 DOCK Street Wharf, KJ.I4VESTS! WARD BOUNTY •HhS’ FUND. —A meeting will he held -THIS EVE NING at Templer Ball. 416 North SECOND Street, : Members of the Collecting Committees . will return their bor ks. and have them audited. : It* WESTERN BASK OF PfflM. MBS. : DELPHIA, •- Oordußß tscissi; - , The Annual Meeting of the STOCKHOLDERS of this Bank will be held at the BANKING HOUSE on THE 3-. DAY, the first day of November next at 12 o’clock M. - . And the Annual Election for DIRECTORS held at the BANKING-HOUSE on AIOSD AY,the twenty-first day of November next,: between the hours of ID A. AI. - sod 2 J?. M, • ocl9 tiio2L C: N. WSYGAKDT, Oa^iey. HF.AB«SU’AK i’RStS RSPIIiLICAS IBVINCIBLK3,: W : t Natxoxai, Hajj,. Pim.APEi.pniA, Oot. 19,1561. 1 ... ORDERS'No. , 1. The Clnb will araenible for Parade on THURSDAY RViNING, October 2lst, at? o’clock. : 2. It is again earnest’y requested that the Lamps in possassic-n of the-members or the Club will be returned to tbb Hall immediately. , • k - 3. The Clnbwill astemble THIS ( Wednesday) EVE NING, for Drill. , 4. Equipments are now ready and for sale at the Hall. By order of . : CHARLES W. SMITH,... - It- : ' . Ctief Marshal. arag” • OIFICE OFTHBCOJItHTTEE «Y LABOR. INCOME, AND REVENUE.—In'add!-, tion to the numerous subscriptions heretofore acknow ledged, the undersigned-with pleasure acknowledges the -receipt of the following within the last month: Per Mrs. Benjamin Bannan, PoitsviUe; Balance of subscriptions.. - ..$75 00 Highway Department, per J.M.Riley, Chairman. 525 Neville Schofield and employees, Manayunk...... 1.40. W. Warnsr, Jr. rEs q 25 00. Per W. H. yerfnilye, Esq: -o From citizens of Orange county, ft. J 50 00 JohnT. Kersey, Esq 31 oO JohnD. Ward, E5q...... 1000 NOTICE. _ _ . In order to settle tip the business of the Great Central Fair, on and after the Ist of November next the under signed will close his books. Those who may ha ve sub scriptions will please forward them by mail or other wise AT OSCE, so that they can Lb included in the final acknowledgment of this Committee. J, .: JOHN W. OT.AG HORN, Treasurer. - It : office No. MS'S; SEVENTH Street, Philada. . BRAFT.-A.MASS AIEEmU OP IKS' theCitizensofiheFirst andTwenty-Bixtb Wards will be held at the JACKSON SCHOOL-HOUSE.-ELE VEBTH and FEDERAL Streets. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, at7)4 o’clock. Alt Citizensllable to draft are invited to be present. DAVID MICKLE, President. J. W. fiCCITT, ISccrctaTies ‘ ... David .For, P fcrcli *‘ les - .- : It* ' KTS” »iVII>EWI» NOTICE—OFFICE OF fcS? THE PHILLIPS OIL COMPAIfY, 33 Jforth I’EOKT Street, ! Philadelphia. Oct. 15,1864. The Beard of Directors hare this day declared a divi dend of TWO PER CENT- on the Capital Stock (free of State tax), ont of the earnings to October Ist, payable on the 22d instant. ; • oclB-6t JO HU. H TAYLOR, Secretary.^ '*33S®, imiMh'D. SHE DIEIC TORS Jss? of the NOBLE AND DELAMATER PETEO LEUM COMPANY have this day declared their sixth monthly dividend of TER PEK CEN f. from the earn ngs of September, pay able free of State tax op the 20th nst. Books close 15th and reopen 21st. : • GEORG ti W. HUNTER, Secretary. : October 12,1864;-- ;; ■ - - . oet3-8t JSOTICffi.-CAMBEU A 5» ATLAS -873c? «piC RAILROAD CO.—The annual olection for thirteen Directors, to serve for,the ensuing year, will be held at the office of the Company, Cooper’s Point, Cam der,: on THURSDAY, the 27th inst., between the hoars of 11 A. M. and IP.M. oc!2 12t " H. WHITEMAN, Secretary. THE KSCAIfABA SEIITISB C«M PANY OF MICHIGAN;—The first meeting-of the CORPORATORS of the Escanaba Mining Company of Michigan, under its Articles of Association, will be held at the office of the Winona Mining Company, No. IST South FOURTH Street, Philadelptsia, on SATUB-. DAY, the 231 k dav of October, A, D. .1864, at 4 o’clock P M ‘ JAY A HPBBELL, .- B. A. HOOPES. . Two of the Associates of said Corporation. Pim.apßi.rHiA. Oct. 11, 1864. ocU-15t__ OFFICE OF THE UNION PETBO - LEUM COMPANY; 47 South FOURTH Street, ~ * - PntL.iiiEi.paiA. October 12, 1864, The Board of Directors have THIS DaY declared a Sixth Monthly dividend of TWO PER CENT, on the Capital Stock, payable on and after the 6th proximo. The Transfer Books will be closed »t3P. M on 31st netant for five days. CHARLES A. DUY, oc!2-6t . •• . ' . . President.;. ESS* BRIGGS GOLD COHPANY-XO. BP TICE OF DIVIDJtNb, No. 6. New York, October 6,1861. A dividend of ONE PER CENT, for the month of September has been declared, payable at the office of tbeCompany, 81 JOHN Street. New York! on and after October 17th, 1664, to Shareholders of R=cordat the close of bnsinesß this day. WALTER E; LAWTON, oci2-12t . :. , Treasurer. OFFICE SOMERSET ISON AND FTEf COAL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA, 61 CEDAR Street, New York, Septamber27, 1864. NOTICE ie hereby given that pursuant to a resolution of the Beard of Directors; passed this dav, an instal ment of TWENTY PEE^CENT.onY he subscription to the Capital Stock of the i-OMKBSET JEON AND COAL CO3IFANY OF i'EKKSYLyAMA bs and is hereby madeTpayable to JAMES WADSWORTH, Treasurer of said Company, on or before November let, 1864. „ .. - . .tarry col!lMlSf?^o3^r*:BS , : PhiiaAdelphiAs September 29, 1861 NOTICE TO THE QWSEES OF REAL ESTATE, ' The BOARD OF REVISION'AND APPEALS will sit City Commieeioners, No. 11 STATE HOUSE ROW, to hear Owners of Real Estate desirous of.appealing a* to the Assessors’ Returns of the Valua tion of Real Estate in tho City of Philadelphia for the triennial year 1865, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 1 o’ clock F. M., on ‘he following days: Ist and 26tii Wards, Monday, October 3. 24 and 3d do. A Tuesday, do. 4. 4th and 6th do. Wednesday,do. 6. • 6th and 7th do. - Thnrsday, do. 6. . Bth and 9th. do. Friday, -: do. 7. Khhandllth~ do. Monday, do. 17.- ' 12th and 13th , do. Tuesday, do.- 18. 14th and 15th : do. Wednesday,do. 15; 16th and 17th do. Thursday, do. 20. 18th and 19th do. Friday, do. 21. 2WR and 21st do. Monday, do. 24. 22d and 23d do. Tuesday, do, 25. 24th and 25th do. Wednesday, do, 26. BeSo>toe26 Clerk City Commissioners. rSIT COSSOAID ATOS BAKE, ; 7 - FninaOßr.pniA, October 13, 1864. . An election for Pjrectors fco serve the ensuing - year will be held at the Banking Houbq on MONDAY, 21efc day of Hoyemher next, between the hnniß of lot A. i M, aid3P. M. r JOSEPH HHPEtRSOL, ocl4- fmwtnol4 Cashier. ; JGMFICie PRESTON COAL AMD IMPROVEMENT COSIPiNY, No NnT Street. v FmLADKLPHU, Sept. 28, 1864. — lThe Board of Directors have .this day dccS d a Diviiiend of TWO PER CENT, on the Cap? WANAMAKER * BROWN, THE EI,BHrS3 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEHI9; 1864? i 20 00 lO 00 2l 00 2l 00 25 00 ........ ft 00 ........ 5 00 5 00 0 00 NATIONAL UNION TICKET. FOB PBESHtENT, ABRAHAM LINCOLN. OF ILLINOIS. FOB lICE BBESIDFJST, ANDREW JOHNSON. OF TENNESSEE. EIJECTOKAIj TICKET. SENATORIAL. HOETOK McMICHAEL, PhlladelphU. T. CURNIRGHAM, Beaver CurrntT. kepkese: 1. Robert F. Kin*, 2. Cl. Morrison Coates, 5. Henry Hamm, t William H, Kem, 6. Barton H. Jenks, 6. Charles M. Bank, 7. Bobert Parke, ; B. William Taylor, B. John A. Hiootand,. 10. Fiebarcl H. Coryell, H. Edward Holliday, lit. Charles I . Bead, -.JATIVJK.'- 18. Eliaß W. Ha.le, 14, Charles H. Strider, [l5, John Wister, . 16. David BlcConanthT. 17. David W. Woods; 18. Isaac Benson, 19. John Patton, 20. Samuel B. Dloi, 21. Sverard Bierer, 22. John P. Penney, 28. Ehenezer McJnnkln. 24. John W. Blanchard. B 7 order of the State Central Committee. HAEI OF THE raiOS lE4CEE, CHESTNUT STKEET. ABOVE TWELFTH. The following- named gentlemen will address the pub lic this week: TUESDAY EVENING, AT EWHT O’CI/OCK. JOHN lIIBBARD, Esq., of Chester. THOMAS M. COLEMAN, Esq. ■ WEDNESDAY. CHARLES E. LEX, Esq, E. SPENCER MILLER, Esq.-- THURSDAY. Col. TOWER, of Pottsville. JOHN GOEORTII,-Esq. FRIDAY. Hon. A. K. McCLURE. SATURDAY. Col. BOWMAN, of Delaware. THE LADIES ARE INVITED TO ATTEND. OCIS ;■»ABP-HIS. AM J> COtOKASSO i=t? GOLD MIKING COMPANY- Chartered Ly the Stata of Pennsylvania, -• CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000,000, 200 Cto SHAKES-PAR YALUE. $5. President—JO BN B. ANDERSON. BIUECTOKS. - James K. Magee. • John-W; Hall, Harrisburg, T. C. McDowell, do, John Brady,. do. W; W. Wylie, Lancaster. Yfiu. G. Shute, Colorado. 1 D, P. SOUTH WORTH, . - Secretary and Treasurer. Office of the. Company, No. 4443 WALNUT Street- Room No. 5. . ■■ Antbeniicated specimens have been procured from some of the Company’s lodes, and have, been assayed hy Professors Booth and Garrett with- the most grattfv- Insrresults. Subscription lists have been opened at the Office of the Company and at the Treasurer's Office (In ternal Revenue), No.. 427 CHESTNUT Street, Farmers’ and Meekanies' Bank Building. To original snbscrlbers, S3.CO per share, lor a limited number of shares. Circulars, pamphlets, or Information oan he obtained at tbe Office ot the Company after the 17th inst. • October 14,1584. - J . vi; . . ocl4-1m Thomas A. Scott, . JX. B Kneaes, W m 8. Freeman, Bobt. P. King, John M. Riley, Charles DeSilver, OFFICE «F THE £t»SBWO Oil iSE> COMPANY, N.E. corner of FIFTH and WAL NUT Streets. • > By older of the Board of Directors Stockholders are notified that the Certificates of Stock wililie ready for delivery on and after WEDNESDAY next, ISkh inat-. - oclT-Sl* ; B. A, MITCHELL, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE “ Ei- DORADO OIL COMPfINY,” N. E. corner of FIFTH and WALNUT Streets. • : The Board of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of ON3 PER CENT. on the capital stock, from the profits of the .Company, payable on and after the-Slst Inst. The Transfer Books will he closed inst., a t o’clock P. til. „ ocl?-5l’ B, A. MITCHELL, Treasurer, |®= STOUKI!OIiDEKS’ MEETING.— The Stockholders of the WEaTERN MINING AND MANUFACTURING CO., of Boone Comity, West Virginia, will hold a meeting at the oflice of the North American Transit Insurance Co. , 931 Chestnut street, at 3 o'clock P. Mi, ■ on THURSDAY, the 20th inst.’ . GKO. W. DAY, President. OFFICE ©F., COJSNTEC STCFT 3SI- Kxy KIKG CO,, No. 130 WALNUT Street, Phila- delpMfc. ■ A meeting of Stockholders will be held at the Com-; pany’B Office on MONDAY, October-24th, a( 12JT o'clock P. M., to act upon an amendment to the Charter granted. June 18th, 1564: also to receive and set upon a report of the operations of: the . Company. The attendance of ttockhcldefs is particularly requested. - By order of Executive Conmiiitee. 00t7-6t OH AS; MI.MORRIS, Ass’t Sec’y.- CMFTttJf PCTBOI.EIJM COMPA KS? NY-NOTICE OF DIVIDERD No 1; . • Nbw. York. Oct. 12, 1834. : The Trustees of the CLIFTON PETROLEUM COM-, PALY bay 9 declared of ONE PERCENT, for the month of September, payhhle October 81st, at the office of the Company, No. 81 JOHN Street Naw York, to fcharebolder* ofrecord at ti e iho*6 of bnstaeas THIb DAY. focIS-60 WALTER E. LAWTON, Treas. 51— THE WYAISfItOT SUfSISW: COM fcjS' PAIS I OF MICHIGAN.—Tho Br.-t meeting of the CORPORATORS of ihe Wyandot Mining Company of Michigan, under Its Articles of Association, will ho held at the office of the Winona Mining Company,-Ho. 131 Souih FOURTH-Street, Pniiadelphia, on SATUR DAY, the 28th day of October, A DISGI, mo o’clock pM. • - .TAY A. HUBB3LL, r B. A. HOOPKS, Two of the Associates of said Corporation. -FhilADeiiPUIA. Oct. 11, 1864.,. ,■.,. , . oci3 Ist. STOHIKMOIDESS’ MEETING. . FARMERS’ AND MECHANICS’ BANK, PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 2R 1864 A general meeting of the Stockholders of , the Farmers’ and Mechanics’-Bank of Philadelphia l will he held at their Banking Rouse onTHUBSD Ax, the twentieth day of October next, at eleven o’clock A,- M., for the pur pose of taking into consideration, and deciding on the question whether or not the said Bank stall- become an Association for carrying on the business of Banking na d er the Laws of the United States, and of exercising ths powers conferred by the Act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, entitled “An act enabling tho Banks of this Commonwealth to become associations for the purpose of hanking under the laweoß the United States,” approved the 22d day. of August, 1834; and to take such action in regard thereto as may be necessary and proper. - ■ - By order of the Board of Directors, sell-toeg) W. BUBHTOB, Jr., Cashier. •' NTOVKHOUIBBS ME3STIS Ik®- union bask.' . ■ Philadelphia, Sept. 23d, 1884.. A genera] meeting of the Stockholders of the - Union Bank of Philadelphia will be held'at their Banking House, on TUESDAY, Not. Ist, at do’clock P. SI , foe the purpose of taking into consideration, and deciding •on the question whether or not the said Bank shall be come an Association for. carrying, on the business of Banking under the Laws of the TJnlted States, and of exercising the powers conferred by the Act of General Assembly of this Commonwealth entitled “An Act en abling the Banks of this Commonwealth to become as sociations for the purpose of banking under the laws of the United States, 1 ’ approved the 22d day of August, 1564, . and to take such action in regard thereto as may be necessary and proper. • •. ' 1 . By order of the Board of Directors, . w 24 swuol . J..J. HUCKEL. Caßhier.' BASK OF NORTH AMERICA, •■SEr • Philadelphia, October 13,1861. ; A general meeting of the STOCKHOLDERS of this Bank will be held at tbOrBAHKISQ-HOEFSE on. MON DAT, sbo 11th day of November next, at 11- o’clock A. K., to consider and decide whether this Baukshill become* an Association for the business of Banking under the laws of the United States; and whether it shallexercise the powers conferred by the act of the Legisl iture of this State, entitled ■ ‘An act enah iti % the bankß of this Commonwealth to become associations for banking under .the laws of the United* States,ap proved 22d August, 1864; and to take any further action that real he necessary. By order of the Board of Directors. . . ■ ocl4-Imn . :* * , J.. HOCKLEY, .Cashier. , «rSBP--... OFFICE. OF THE AMERICAN SS& FIEE INSURANCE COMPANY.. Pbilaoelphu, October 10 ISM. * The Directors haye this day declared a dividend of SEVEN AND*A HALE PEE CENT, for the last six months; which will-be paid to tho Stockholders or their legal representatives, on and after the 20ih lest . clear of all taxes. ALBERT C. L. CRAWFOR D, cell-St Secretary ' McKINFEY OH, COMPANY—NIO TICE OP DIVIDEND, No. 2. .* i> * • . New Tons; October 6.1864. - The Trustees of the McKMLBY OIL COMPANY have declared'a dividond*of THREE PER CENT, (out of the net earnings of the Company lor the month of ■September), payable on demand, at: the office of-the Comrany, No. 81 JOHfl .Street, New York, to Share holders orßecoid, at the close of business tkis day. on!2-12t .' WALTER E. LAWTON, Treasnrer. COMMISSIOH. OF* SHE EXITED STATES AND ECUADOR. Notice is hereby given that the Commission provided for by the Convention of November 25, IS6J, between the United States and Ecuador, for the*mutual adjust ment of claims- was duly organised at tho city of Gnay aonii, on the IStli day of August last, and that the said Commission, will continue in session for ■ the period of twelve months from that date. All citizens of the United States laving claims upon Ecuador are, ti erefore notified, to appear in person, or hyattorney, andpresent the proofs in support of their claims to said Commission,'or to file their claims and proofs with the Secretary of the Commission, ‘ * Senor Crisanto Medina, ” in Guayaquil, in the Republic of Ecuador. . Claims, which shall not be presented to the Commis sion within the twelve months it remains in. existence, will he disregarded by both Governments and const-. dersd invalid!- * FREDERICK HASSANREK, Minister Eesident and Commissioner of the United Ptateß. ■Wasutsotox Citt. October 1, 1864. oc3- »gg» XBE PHUABELPHIA BASK, .■OBf Philadelphia, September 20.1861. A general meeting of the Stockholders of the PHILA DELPHIA BANK will beheld at their Banking House on .TBBP,SDaY, the 20th day of October next, at 10 C’clcch A. M. - for the purpose of taking into considera 'iioh thfl tfiiestida Whether the Bilik shall become an Association for carrying on the busi ness of banking under; the laws of the United States, and of exercising the powers conferred by the act of the General Assembly of*.this.,Commonwealth, entitled “ An act enabling the Banks of this Commonwea th* to become associations for thb purposed hankie? under the laws of the United States, ” approved the 23d day of August, 1664, and to take such action in regard thereto as may be necessary and proper. *; By order of the Board of Directors., 003-7 t : B. B COMEGTS, Cashier. MILITARY. Ss4so PAID, CASH IN HAND, TO Discharged Soldiers urishing to join tku Veteran. Ke serve Gorpp. Apply to Colonel CASPER M. Y, • No. 10G South SIXTH Street, below Chestatu. Please bring your discharges with you. ocl7-3t* " V* SWORD EXERCISE.—OFFI GEES of the army and others desirous of learn- Sag the beautiful and useful science of attack - and defenceitb the BROAD SWORD, haye immediate infraction in class or privatelessons fBQg. MOA2IODCT, Post Omce, Philad£ ,Pa.|se^lm* !” Political and patent-right men, also manufacturers of fireworks, call and see the GREAT POLITICAL CAMPAIGN ILLUMINATORS., Oraddrcss J. G. LEACH, Agent, American House, Philadelphia. Territory for sale. *■ * ocl3-6t* ■ GREAT .CENTRAL CLOTHING HOUSE, IN CAMERON. Chairman. .' BETAIL ORY fiOODS. • JgMBROIDERED CLOTH, TABLE, PIANO, AJfJI MELOMON COVERS. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT TO BE FOUND IN THE , ■ , . „ CITY. . For salary . SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, • HOUSE-FURNISHING DKY GOODS STORE, ocl3-wfm6t . .. No. I.OOS CHESTNUT Street. T ADIES’ CLOAKS, •AJ SACQUES, and CIRCULARS, of all the popular styles, made in the hqsfc manner, at reduced prices. < ” OURWEN STOBDAET & BROTHER, 450, 453, and. 454 North.SECOND Street, - OOIS-tf ■■■■■ •. - ; • AOOTO Willow. : ‘drochelong shawls in choice JLI deslgna. at lowiprlces. OURWEN STOBPART & BROTHER, i 450, 458, and 454 North SECOND Street, 1 oclß-tf ' : > Above Willow. T7ALL AND WINTER GOODS A- " „ i, FOE. MEN’S AND BOYS’ WEAK. FANCY AND PLAIN CASHMERE. FANCY; AND MIXED COATINGS. UNION UASHMERE.&c &c ; all at reduced prices. OURWEN,STODDART &, BROTHER, 450, 453,1 and 454 North SECOND Street, . ocis-tf : • Above Willow. PLACE silks AA of ail widths and grades, at reduced prices. • . CURWEh STODoaBT & BROTFIEB, 450,' 458, and 451 North SECOND Street. oclS-tf Ahora Willow. T>ALMORAL SKIRTS v ’ heduoeo to $3. All grades at roduced.prices. ; , CUBWENfSTODDAKT & BROTHER. 450, 453; and 454 North BF.COND Street, £ cents. ■’ - - - - A beautiful assortmont.of American De Lames. • ■- EDWIN HAW, & CO., • ' ocl7-nnv»St ,? y .-A'" *3G South SECOND Street. , - JJBW SHIRT FOB ISB4. ■ A NEW AND GREAT-INVENTION IN. HOOP SKIRTS. • THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE) STEEL ' . SPRING. J. I. A J. 0. WEST, No. OH CHAMBERS STREET, NEW YORK, Are the ow ners of .the patent and exclusive manufac turers of this, J. W. BRADLEY’S PATENTED DUPLEX ELLIPTIC, STEEL SPRING .•SKIRTS. ...... . This invention consists of Duplex (or two) Ellipti* Steel Springs,, ingeniously!braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge; making the toughest, most elas tic, flexible, and durable spring overused, enabling the wearer, in consequence of its great elasticity and flexi bility, to place and fold the skirt when inuto as easily and with the: same convenience as a silk or mnslfa dross. It entirely obviates and-silencse the.only objec tion to hoop skirte, via: the annoyanceto the wearer as well as the public, especially in crowded assemblies, carriages, railroad cars, church pe wo, or ia any crowded glace, from the difficulty of contracting them iooooapy ig a small space, v This eniirelyiremoveethe difficulty, while giving the skirt the usual full and symmetrical foi in, and is the lightest and most stylish and graceful appearance for. the street, opera, promenade, or house dress. A lady haying enjoyed the pleasure, comfort; and great convenience of ,wearing the Duplex Elliptie Spring Skirt for a single day, will never afterward Willingly dispense with the use of them. ’ They are the best quality In every part, and by far the lightest, most durable, comfortable, and economical skirt made. Mer chants will be supplied as above; and ladies in most first-class retail stores in this city and throughout the difierent States. j@3F-Inquire for the DOUBLE ELLIPTIC SPRING SKIRTS. ■pURPLE-EDGE BLACK SILKS— THESE ARE KNOWN to bo the most durable Silkfr ■eyer made; v : . • ' ■ .. •FILE BLACK SILKS-22. 24, 28, 28, SO, at d 32 inches wide.. These arc the STOUTEST BLACK SILKS known to the trade. ‘ EYRE & LAN DELL,- .-. oclB • ' FOURTH and ARCH Streets. - 'DRADLEX’S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC ■A-I SKIRT,- Very flexible, folded easily when In uss to occupy a •m all space, making the most agreeable skirt worn. For sale by 3. M HAFLBIGH,’ 903 CHESTNUT Street. IXRADLEY’S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC -M SKIKT—The greatest improvement we have ever seen in artMeol egPEBIOR EXCELLENCE COEWEH STODDARTJ& BRO., *5O, 45», &nd454 IL SECOND St., ab. Willow. nelO-if'lra • . . . FANCY FURS. JJENRY RASKE, * NEW FUR STORE, 517 ARCH STREET. The above respectfully informs bis patrons, and the public in general, that he has notv opened at the above store an'asßortmcnt of LADIES' AND CHILDBED'S v . FANCY FURS, which for vaiietv and quality CANNOT BE SORPASSED ‘ by any house in the United Stales, Being the’manu facturer of alb Ms Furs, and having imported all his Btocfc when gold was-mnch lower than at the present. : rates, he cen offer them to his patrons at the most rea . 30Ti C6B s . ,v. u. ... . AD FURS-made tc order, and repairing doneinthe best manner and latest styles.’. ~ ’ ’’ HENRY RISHE, . IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER Of LADIES' AND CHILDKBN’S FURS, ocIS-tf ■ .r: 517 AEG It Street. FANCY FURS. JOHN' A. STAMBACH, IMPOKTER.4AND MANUFACTURER OF LADrES’ ii’AJNC Y Jr-UTJiS, ' NO. 886 ARCH STREET, ■BELOW NINTH. - Jnft opened; a large and handsome stools of LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S FANCY FURS of every description and In the newest and most approved styles, at the ocl-Sm LO WEST CASH RBIOE3. FANCY FURB. JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 ARCH Street, above Seventh Street, At bis old established store, IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, AND DEALER IN FANCY FURS fob",' -'v ■ LADIES AKD CHILDBEN. . ... Haying novr In store a very large and beautiful assort* meat of 9.11 the different kinds and qualities' of FANCY FURS FOR LADIES’ CHILDREN’S "WEAR, I Bolicit a call from those in want.- Eemember tbe uaroe and number, JOHN FAREIKA, ' 718 ARCH Street, above Seventh. I have no partner or connection with any other store in this city. .-■< ocl 4mif GAS FIXTURES} &c. QOENELIUB & BAKER, 710 CHESTNUT STREET, Have tli© pleasure to announce that they are now pre- pared to famish. A NEW STILE OF GAS FIXTURE, SUITABLE FOR DWELLINGS, STORES, OFFICES, &c., WHICH CAN BE LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY. ocl6-lmif . - J. WILLIAMS, ' NO. 16 KOETR SIXTH STREET. - Manufacturer of • ” . VENETIAN BLINDS ' • • AND WINDOW SHADES. The Largest and finest Assortment in the sity at the ’ LOWEST PRICES. Repairing attended to promptly. Jg-Store Shades Made and Lettered. ; «elo-2ra -J’HROW AWAY YOUR MATCHES.— Save your Wall Papers, by using the Patented ELECTRICAL GAS-BRACKET, now in operation and for sale at: SCHONEMAN’S GAS-PITTING ESTABLISHMENT, This Bracket dispenses-with the use of Matches, and is so simple that’any child can light it. Call and see it for yourself. *■ ■ ;:; s . '-f ■*• * oclB.6t*fp; QBE THOUSAND RtJgTJC rBAMES, PROM 35 CENTS TO ©35. LARGEST ASSORTMENT- IN THE' CITY. o clB 2t PITCHER’S. 808 CHESTNUT Street. spectacles, ....... ■ AT .... ■■ JAMES W- QUEEN • SANFORD AND MERTON. By Thos. Day. Illus trated.- ' EVENINGS.AT HOME; Or, The Juvenile Badges Opened. Numerously Illustrated. THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON; Or, Adventures In a Desert Island. TALES FROM SHAKSPBARE, for the use of Young Persons. By Chas. and Mary Lamb. Forty Engravings. ■ For sale by WE S. & ALFRED IIASTIKN, ocß.tf 606 CHESTNUT Street. A SHCROET’B LOW-WATEB DE TECTORS. Ashcroft’s Steam Gauges: „ ... . Justice Ac Shaw’s Mercurial Steam and Blast Gauges. Clark’s Damper Regulator. • Water Gauges, Scotch Tubee,&i. AUG& S. BATTLES, Agent, «e2-Sm 84-North SIXTH Street! Phlta. pEOFOgALS POE LUMBER. CjTtKP Qt/AIITKR.'.EASTRR'a OFFICE. . Depot or WACHisGTOXifWaphihgton;. Oct. 17.-1584., S£AL£D PKOt-OSalSiWill be"received at thta Offlc# until SATDKDAY, October 29. 1864, at 12 o'clock H„ for deliver? at this depot of l.nmber of the following amoonts, binds, and descriptions, viz: ; 1,500,000 feet 4-4 or’l-inch White Dine common Cu 11... ... ings. . . 50,C00 feet 04 or IK-inch White Pine common Cnll - ings.. i ■; 160,000 feet S-4 or 2 inchWhitePinecommonCnH ■■ icRS. ■ '.. -* 'l'-- ■ - 100, COO feet 4-4 or 1-inch toughed and grooved Floor : ing. .25,000 feet 3x4 Hemlock Scanning, 12 feet long. 25,000 feet 3x4 Hemlock Scantling, 14 feet long. 200, 000-feet 3x4Hemloch Scantling, 16 feet longi. , - 60,t CO feet 3x4 Hemlock’Scantling, IS feet long.’ J -.s; • 25,000 feet 3x4 Hemlock Scantling, 20feetlong.’ : ■ 25,000 feet 3x5 Hemlock-Tolst; 12 feetlong. • - 25,H0 feet 3x6 Hemlock Joist, 12 feet long. 58.0C0 feet Bx 6 Hemlock Joist, 16 feet long. • : 25,000feet3x6Hemlock Joist, 20feetlong. 55,000 feet 3x6 Hemlock Joist; 24 feet long. 25,CC0 feet 3x7 Hemlock Joist 14 feet long. 25,CC0 feet 3x7 HemloOkJoiet, 16 feet long. • 26,000 feet 3x7 Hemldck Joist, IS feet long. • 50.0C0 feet SxS Heiniock Joist, 12 feet long. ; . 25,000 feet SxS Hemlcck Joist, 24/eetlong.;’ - 25.CC0 feet 3x9 and 10 Hemlock Joist; 16 feet long. .1,606,000 No. 1 lS;*iactt sawed White Pine Shingles, 1.CC0.000 best quality sawed Cfdur Shingles. > 550,000 Plastering Laths. Samples of Shingles and Laths proposed for will be reqnireo. : Bids will be received separately for each: kind and quantity as above specified, or for the whole amount ad vertised for> v Jdl of the above-described to be good merchantable lumber, subject to. the’inspection -of an inspector ap pointed on the part of the Government. .All of the lumber contracted .fort > be delivered within thirty (30) d aye from c ate of contract. proposals from disloyal parties will not be con sidered. Anc'athof allegiance to.t&e United States Go-. Yernmcntmust ftccoropany'eachproposition, *•.. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract, should it be awarded-him, ini. fit be guaranteed by two responsible persons, whose signatures are to be appended-to the guarantfe; •' ' ;v , The full name and pcst-oflice address of each bidder must be-legiblv written in the proposal.' - Bonds ina. sum equal to half of the amount of the con-. hactT signed by the contractor and both of his guaran tors, will be required of the succassfol bidder upon signing the comract. „,.,,, ■> V a The light to reject any or all bids that may be deemed too high is reserved by the Depot Quartermaster/ Fropof als must be plainly endorsed on the envelope, Proposals for Lumber, J ’ and.addreseed to,the under signed. D. H- BXJGKB6,: Brigadier General'and Chief Quartermaster, ocl9-10S . Depot of Washington OFFICE OF ASSISTANT. QUARTER ■* *MASTEB.MILITARY DISTRICT OS' PHILiDEL PHTA, So. : 1103 GIEABD Streetf.Ootobsr IS, 1t64, SEALED PROPOSALS will berec>ived ; at thisoffice until iioonof;,EKtDAY, 21st inst., for tie immediate delivery, at Cadwalader Barracks, of— . L • ' 6,G00 ft. Hemlock Braids, IK in ,IS tt. .good quality. S,M» “ “ 2in.,lGfi., •; 2,’CCO <■ *■ - Scantling. 3*4.20ft., " 5,000 Shaved Pine Shingles, 20 in., .. .. * 1,300 ft; White Pine Siring Boards, K in,. 1 keg"Wronght Sails, Sd., * 2 kegs 4K-inch Spikes,. > ' , , To lie approved, after delivery, by ibe U. S. Inspec lio proposals will ke received except dhose properly filled in open blacks furnished atihUoiace. ■■ _ - . The United States reserves the right to accsp, parti of bids, and to reject all bids deemed incompatiblei with its Interests ■ ' ALBERT ti. iSHMEAD, ' : nclC-St Uaptain and A. Q. M 537 RACE Street. POX’S TONIC ELIXIR Aj't'vyill cure the most obstinate oases 0f.,- -DYSPJSPSIA, COX’S TOXIC E) TXIR Is uneqoailedas a remedy for CHILLS.ANDEEVER. - COX’S TONIC ELIXIR Is invaluable to , 1 ; SOLDIERS. This great preparation is pleasant to the taste, I 'and' can be taken at any time without injury by the most delicate. It is highly, recommended by the most emi nent phvsie'ans, and is especially adapted to the use of soldiers suffering from , the effects of wounds, surgical operations, or debilttv. . . It lias been used with great.-benefitby hundreds, of soldiers in thefield. sni has been pronounced by phy sicians in the; army.unequalled in restoring ‘wasted strength, and stimulating the faculties "of endurance': Prepared only by Jesse Cox. Principal Depot; SAME. O. HART, Druggist and' Chemist,.J34: South - SECOND Street, below Market. For lale by drugjisis ;;or.o rally. . ' »* - Mathematical instruments, Of all kinds, to be had at JAMES W. QUEEN & GO ’S, ie26-lm 834 CHB3TNPTStreet. H. ML HR, IGO NORTH SECOND Street, wholesale dealer in WATCBES and JEW fcLRY. Full assortments -American, English, and Swiss at lowest cash, prices. _ , : American Watches in 2,3, 4, 5* and 6 ounce cpin SU--.: ' ver np«pß ■ ocloratT, , . TASTEFUL AND SUBSTANTIAL CLOTHIN& NEW^P«JBI,ICATIONB. iLSO, NOW HE4DY XHE YOimj tKUSOE: JUST PUBLISHED PROPOSALS 2&G65 feet Sxg and 10 Hemlock; Joist, *2O feefcj?ng. 60i CC{* t>€t 3x9 and 15 Hex&lock Joist[ 24joet long :.wwD:eAiL. WANTS. "EMPLOYMENT HOUSE, THE LARG ■Ij est and most reliable, for: city and country. Has always a: good selection of capable perao n c, witil rood references. Americans, Inert, Ilngn£n, ItiOTJCii. Ger mans, Scotch, Welsh, and newly-landed emigrants, as Gardeners, Farm Hands,: Coachmen, Watchmen, &*. Cooks, Chambermaids, Seamstresses, . Laundresses, Waitresses, and general Honsework Servants, Also, Colored Servants. Nos. SOi4"and 804 LOCUSTStreet, above Kiahth. : » . .. . ssM-lm Wanted.—a young man who i.,*.. lt f , icn employed in a.Dry Goods Store-the. last year, and a graduate of Eastman's Business Col 8a Situation as ASSISTANT BOOK-KEEPER .or CLEEK m a Dry Goods Storeftlank; Railroad, lu-- ?, r t-iy.otber office. References given. Address Mark,’’ Oermai!tiiwo, I'a. . 0010-2t* WANTED-NIFTY MOKE GOOD ’ I Wagon-malters; Thisty Hardwood Workmen-; S 2® d F,!l c , i 'V lics r Thirty Coachhody and WheolmaSers; Ten nut-class Carpenters.- Steady work and imnd wages. Apply to HEHEY SIMONS. U. S, Hat)|„ a i Wagon Works, corner SECON D, and CDiIBSRGAIfn htree.s. ■■■.- ■. . -■ - ,: .- : oclo-4t« WANTED - TWO UNFURNISHED " ROOMS, with good board, adjoining preferred: centrally located, bytheSOtb inat., or sooner. Address LT. W„” Box 1219 P. Q. ’ ocliKit* . WANTED—S EYE K A L SECO N D » » HAND SCHOOL DESKS. Apply 534-North TENTH Street. oclB-3t* WANTED TO BORROW—S7OO, FOR T* four months, on ample outside security. for which a large interest will he paid. Address "E W. this Office. oclB-2t“ WANTED—B Y A YOUNG M ARRIED 11 Man, a situation as Book-keeper. Address. ,-ocl7-3t* J. BURTON, 715 WaLNUT Street. "WANTED AT $l5O PER MONTH— iI We want a reliable CANVASSES in every town and county.• We have agents cleariug $l5O per month, we will prove to any donoting applicant. Ad* dress JONES BROS. &CO., P. O. Box 1423, Philadel phia, ; 1 / , : oolg-lnp B ,(&7 non -A FIRST-CLASS GROUND RV y )WU. KENT of $450 for sale. It - .TAS, B. BOOTH, aais. FIFTH gt. $9 fion —THIS AMOUNT TO LOAN ■ on Mortgage of city urbnertv, 0017-tf E-: PETTIT-ggg WaXNOT Street. M SOME~ONE WANTED TO PUR- Jliia. CHASE a NEW DWELLING HOUSE, which the adveitiser will Lease for Five Years, at six par cent v oninvestraent, rentsecured.. Address JOHN BENTLEY, at the office of this paper. ocl7-3t* M WANTED TO RENT-A HOUSE in the western part of the city, either famished or unfurnished. • Address “George W. Johnes.” SS? MARKET’Street. ocl3-6t* "DEAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. JV BEAL ESTATE. HEAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. HEAL ROTATE. BEAL ESTATE. NEW MONTHLY CATALOGUE JUST OUT. NEW MONTHLY CATALOGUE JUST OUT NEW MONO HLYCATALOGUE JITsT OUT NEW MONTHLY CATALOGUE JUST OUT FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION' ' FOR gratuitous distribution. FOSffBATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION’ CONTAINS NBAS *5,000,000 WORTH. CONTAINS NEAR $5.C00,000 WORTH. CONTAINS NEAR:SS,OOO;9OO .Worth. CONTAINS NEAR 55.000.0C0 WORTH. Every person desirous of purchasing property,either for investment or occupancy,should notlfail lo.procnre a catalogue just out, exceed] Qg in importance to buyers anything of the-like ever published in this City,, no matter by whom. GEO. C. MILLER, Practical Real Estate Operator,- It 154 North SIXTH Street. "FOR SALE—TWO WELL- SECURED J- old irredeemable GROUND REN CS, together $123 per annum lawful silver money, payable half yearly, free of taxes : S. W 1 THACKARA &.SON, oclS-St* 244 South THlRD.Street. MFOR SA LB —FOUR -STORY Dwelling, 170 S Race street. . .. - Neat dwelling, SIB North Tenth street, $6,700. Neat dwelling, 715 Brown street-, $6,200 ' Elegant new dwelling, .1910, Coatee street. Lot 20 by 120 to a Btreet now empty, SO, 500.. aa . Splendid new dwelling, eoutb side Wallace,- west. of Nineteenth. Immediate possession. $6,300.. • Elegantnew.dwelling, Wallace, eaec of Nineteenth.: Lot 20 by 105 Price -18,100. Immediate possession.: J Neat dwelling. Sixth, above Vine, $5,000.; Neat four- story dwelling, Arch,west of Twenty first, $9,f.GO. . ; . Spit adid side-yard dwelling, Seventh sireat. above Bui ton wood street, ;$14,u()0.. Immediate possession. Neat sidetyard dwelling, Franklin, above Poplar street, SH, tOO. Immediate possession: Besides, near 2,Goo3other properties. Call for catalogue or send your address. - . : GEO. C. MILLER; I’ractical Real Estate Operator,, : oelilYt if 154- North SIXTH Street. M I 0 R S ALE—TEN SUPERIOR built three-story HOUSES,.located on COATES St., between Twenty-third and TwentT-fourth streets (inac tion of Union and Coates-street Eallroad): lots extend ing back to "Virginia street For sale at great bargains, and on easy terms. For particulars inquire of - HIBAM MrLLER, 1826 GEEEN Street, or W. Gr BEDFORD, TENTH At ARCH sts.-, and ocl9-wfs6t* 1913 GALLO WRlbh St. M i BURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT AT CHESTNUT HILL—A furnished house, plea santly situated at Chestnut Hill, wilt-be to rent from November until May within three minutes’ walk of.the depot. Address Chestnut' Hill, ’ ’ Boy 1356, Poet Office. ocLS-3t* M A DESIRABLE DWELLING FOR Sale, or to Lot. at TWENTY-WEST, and *Rn,H Streets. : ; - ‘v ;, oc!7-6(* M DESIRABLE 00U NTRY m PI.ACE, 5 acres, lS miles north, of Norristown, 2s fine large House, stone, rough oast. 13 room?, good shade and water, barn, carnage-house, &c. On the Germantown, turnpike, good place'-for*;-physician: For sale, or would be exchanged for a good paying city property. Particulars, apply to D. 8. WALKER, go.’ll North SIXTH Street. oilS 2t* :fi FOR SALE DESIRABLE -JBEsCheater county FARM, 60 Acres, half-mile from2SC railroad station. Superior and highly improved farm, ICO acres; half mile from railroad station in Bucks county. Call and examine Register of Farms. oclT-tf E. PETTIT, 333 WALNUT.Street. M DELAWARE .COUNTY.—FOR SALE,or will he exchanged for City'Property, ISS-acie FARM, one- quarter of a mile from a Station on Media R.R., 16 miles out. Old-Fashioned Stone Mansion, Bain, SpriDg, &c.; about 25 acres Woodland. Price, SfcUO rer acre. JAS. R. CUMMINS, MEDIA, or 504: WAI/NUT, Street. .... v. * ocl7-3t m FOR RENT—A NUMBER OF COM JBsmodious -DWELLINGS, on Thirteenth, Twelfth, andAltrvine streets, having hath, range, hot and cold water, at from $23 to $33 per month, - ■ oe7-I2t* MFOR SAL E—GERMANTOWN COTTAGE, corner Knox and Linden street?.- neat and convenient Cottage, in excellent condition, with good lot. plenty of shrubbery, and stable. . • . Immediate possession can be had. ■ oc- tf B. F. GLENN. 183 South FOURTH Street. • M FOR SALE—A SUPERIOR-BUILT COTTAGE at Darby, with IS acres of land, much below its cost; and a neat Cottage at Chestnut Hill, 11 rooms, at a little more than half iU value, ocl-tf B. F, GhENN. 123 South FOURTH Street. D f¥¥V TRUCK AND PEACH BAS yV; KETS-jnsi received and for sale by ROWE & BUTTON, , *e?-tf 157 and 159 North THIRD Street FINANCIAL. ■-|J S. 7-30 LOAN. The Secretary of the Treasury give* notice that sub scriptions win he received for Coupon Treasury Notes, payable threo years from August 16th, 1864, with semi annual interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent, per annum—principal and interest both to bs paid in lawfni money. These notes will' be convertible, at the option of the .holder, at maturity, into eix-per- cent, gold-bearing; bonds, payable not less than five nor more than twenty y ears from their date, as the Government may elect. They will,be issued in denominations of #6O, #lOO. #5OO. #l,OOO, and s6,ooo,and all subscriptions must be for fifty dollars or some multiple of fifty dollars. As the notes draw interest from August 15, persons making subscriptions subsequent to that date must pay. the interest accrued from date of note to date of deposit. v SunacniPTioxs Winn bb bbcbived by the Treasurer of the United States, at Washington, the several Assistant Treasurers and designated Depositaries, and by the First National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. Second Nation&l Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. Third KationalJJgnlyjf Philadelphia, Pa. Fourth National Bank-nf Philadelphia, Pa. And by all National Banks which are depositories of pnhUs money, and i ALL RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the country Trill give further information, and AFFORD EVERT FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS. o*lB-321 if OREXEL &, CO., NO. ,34. SOUTH THIRD ST: C~V.': v .THE. NEW: - FI VE-T.WENT Y LOAN, Tot pale in amounts to suit. ISSLBonds, and all kinds of Government Loans, bought and sold. ogIS-196 if QFFI.CE FOE. THE SALE OF IVAXEOINAJY DOANS, No. 114 Sowtii Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. SEW U, S, 5-2© SIX PEiL CEST. LOAN. / The snbscribevs, .haying been the successful bidders fox a portion of the new 5-20 six per cent. Gold-Bearing Loan, are prepared to offer sfc on favorable terms to their customers, in large or small amounts, in Bonds of de nominations of ... .. ■ 50s, 100 s, 500 s, and I,ooos, BOTH SEGIBTEBED AXIS COUPOHS, ■’ The interest commences on the let of November next, aid is payable in Gold semi-annually, on the Ist of Hay ‘ and November. . - . ■ ■ All other Government securities on band and for sale, and information given concerning investments At om, office.'.' . ' JAY COOKE & C 0 Baukers, No, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. oc!s lrn G. HUEY, BROKER, No. 54 S. THIRD Street, two doors above Chestnut. OJL STOCKS, GOLD, v - ■ BANK STOCKS, LOANS, AND ALI. OTHER SECURITIES, BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. UNCURRENT BANK-NOTES ... AND... . . . ; y ■ EXCHANGE BOUGHT. COLLECTIONS made on all points, oels-12i TT S NEW 7-30 LOAN. * KJa Snbscriptlons received, and the Notes fur nished free of all ebarjes, by GEORGE J. BOYD. Banker, *u2S-Sm IS South THIRD Street. OIL STOCKS A/ BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, GEORaB B J. BOYD, ' 18 South THIRD Street. »U35-Sn AT BBASONABLE-PHICE3. TATLOW JACKSON, 614-CHESTSTJT. Street. AUCTIONSAtES. TTIDES ' ahd barrels—office, -OL depot commissary of subsistence,, Wassc issto.v, D. C.i October 17, 1864 —Will be sold at public Auction, on THURSDAY, October 27th, 1864, at 11 o’clock A. M., at SIX fH-Street wharf, Washington, 3,2 m Salted Hides; . .. L . ■ - . 83 Dry Hides, more or la3S. Also, ' i.COT Sugar Hogsheads. ' '* * Pork Barrels. SuO Floor ** . m Coffee Xl5 \\ T hiBl£y »» , - S 125 Fjßh. ** i iae sa r Kess. . . . 6CO BoxfiSe &c., &e . TernisCash.m Treasury n n t» s at the time of sale: oclil-St G- BELL. T.t. r.„i and C. S. : AUCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED •: rQUABTEKMASTSK Gexeuau’S OfFtrv . • First Division, * V . Washikotox City. October 8,1864. Will lie sold, at public auction, to the highest btddee, Gieshoro. I). o."* oa fFBTBAY. OCTOBER l-i, 1564, ' ONE HUNDRED CAVALRY HORSES. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 21. 1864. ' ONE HUNDRED CAVALRY HORSES.. - Tiiese Horses have been condemned as unfit for tlu cavalry service of the army. or road , and farming purposes many good- bargain* Djßy 0$ 824, . Horses sold sincly States CIU JfMIs A® ocl3-toc2o Colonel In charge First Division Q. AT. G. O. A U hors?s N BALE 0F CONDEM2OTB Quartermaster Oshrrax’b Orerca, Washihgtok Will be >oW at PaWli AtscUoje, t6tie MeS at the time and places named below, viz - "“*•*! MIFFLIN. PENNSYLVANIA,’ THURSDAY- October 13. ISC SDAT « WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, THURSDAY' October 21), 1861 °" AX * YORK, PENNSYLVANIA, THURSDAY ■ ■ - October 27.1861 ' TWO HUNDRED CAVALRY HORSES, AT HAQft “*■ ■ FLaCB. These Horses hare been condemned as untt for «» ivalry service of the army. * For road and {anains purposes, many good bargain* IST naa. ; Horses sold Marty., Sales to commence at 10 AIL Terms : Cash In united States Currency. By order o? the Quartermaster General - JAMES A EKIIT, Colonelln charge First Division. Qa&rtermasier General's OAml oc3-toc2€ AMUSEMENT'S. "MEW CHESTOTJT-ST. THEATRE IN OKOVEK OF TffK - WARREIT COMEDY COMBINATION • THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, October lfi/ISH, Will be presented the elecant Comedy, in S act®, entitled LOOK BBFOHE YOU LEAP . “ JacLSprigg.. ......Mr Win. Warren. Fancy Hardman .....L.,.,..,...1105s Jo»ieOrton. Mise 8r0wn........................Mi5s KmUy Meatayec. - To conclude with the amusing Bnrletta or SEEING WAKP.EN. John Doyrney .Mr. Wpi. Warren. SATURDAY AffflStofOOjK T . H GRAND FAMILY BIATINfiE, Upon -wlucli occasion THE SEA OF. ICE: or, A MOTHER'S PRAYER, Will be piesented. at reduced prices, for POSITIVELY THE LAST TIME. .MONDAY, Oct. 24, iiibt appearance in thiscityof ft ■ MISS OLIVE LOGAN. - W A L O ET *HEA*B»— THIS p. ti . ,: . Annie. Little Barefoot ifisa Cbarbitta Tim.™™™ t LITTLE BAREFOOT’. ' tiTO Miss CHARLOTTE THOMPSON TiT-NIGHT LITTLE BAKEFOOT. , LITTLE - BAREFOOT. After wMehthe charming farce of COUStof CHERRY Consul Cherry, with song.L...V. Mrsr. C. Poore open at 7; Curtain rises at 7%. • • MRS. JOHN DREW’S HEW MUM -I«LBTEBET THEATBB. . ; V2STV.ALT. - BEL BESfOHT^ TBJKI* WEEK OF VESTV-ADrr TO-EIGHT AHD EVEKY SIGHT. BEL BBMOJUO. ;“ * ANGELO. In which she will sing ion are the Star” and “Bra-re Marco..” Beats gecnred three days in advance. ‘ ocl7-« A SBEMBLT BUILDINGS, TINTH ASD'CHESTKTIT Streets. - TEMPLE OF WONDERS! SIGNOR BLITZ EVERY. EVENING, akd . WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS , . .Change of Performance Constantly. " Seafs™So een’u? CeKts : l Children, 15 Cents. Reserve! Evening Performances commence at IK. ~ Afternoon at . ; : - --. ■ - oc3-tf A SBEMBLY BUILDINGS LARGE: HALL.—LAST WEBKof the charming and news oUci : HISS MAJOR PAULINE CDSHHAN,- P M Ths female Union Spy and Scout, who hasbeen honors! by full and fashionable audiences during the oast ww»lr including many of our best citizens. ™ ** She will appear in . . . .FMi£^^ COS IS ME -AHD MAJOR’S UNIFORM . HATINEESou Wednesday and Saturday, eommene ing at 3 o clock; Evening at 8. ocl7-0t (CHESTNUT-STREET OPERA HOUSE. V 7 No. IS3I CHESTNUT Street. ,-*** ALLINSON & HlNCKEN........Prooriatora. MORAN’S MINSTRELS appear every evening in sn elegant - ETHIOPIAN ENTERTAINMENT. Doors open at 7. commencing at 8 o'clock prec'selr Admission 26 cents. Reserved seats, which can be secured from ID to S o’clock, 30 cents. •’ ■ ocl2-tf INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND.— A EXHIBITION EVERY WEDNESDAY, at 3K P M Admission, TEN CENTS. Store, No. 11 South EIGHT A . Street. ~ ‘ n* nASmO, CHESTNUT ST., ABOVS Sixth, THE CHEAT VARIETY THEATRE OF AGE. open ewyevening, with a FULL AND Ef® , CIENT. COMPANY.. selD-lm THE ACADEMY OF FINE A RTS'. J- CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, is OPEN DAILY! for visitors, from 8 A. M to 6P. M iesS “T’EMAIL DE PARIS” IS NOT A -AJ paint, powder, or paste, but a most delicious preparation that gives both the color aod texture of polished ivory to the skin. EUGENE JOUIN, No tig TEKTH Street, below Chestnnt ’ ’ ‘* T ’EMAIL DE PARIS ” CAN BB A J need by all ladies in the privacy of ti e toileUs- It removes all ipots and roughness, snd its purifying effect on theskin callsfortli freshness.color,and beaut*-. E. JOUIN, No. ; IXI.TENTH Street, below-Chestnut.- <«T ’EMAIL DE PARIS” QUICKLY -M and effectually removes those unsightly black: worm specks which detract so much from the-beauty of' the skin. E. JOUIN, No-jlll TENTH Street, below Chesttnut. , /EMAIL-';; DE PARIS” IS ES i_r7u" PECIALLY endorsed by-Mad’lie VestvalvMrs. - Waller, and many ladies In private life, whose com mendatory letters, for obvious reasons, cannot be pub lished. E. JOUIN, 111 S. TENTH Street, - Orders by mail should be addressed, JARED & RENE, General Importers,-Philadelphia, ocg-mwftf. BOißDme. TWO LADIES DESIRE BOARDING -•- in a piivate family; central location. The best re ference given and ri ejuired; will furnish. Address ”S. M., I 'Press office. . oel9-3t* PERMANENT FIRST-CLASS BOARD- A-- ING—a second and third stor?-room vacant. Re iereßces reanired. Apply in 7 SPRUCE St. - oclB-2l* T7LIGEBLE ROOMS VACANT AT -p HILL’S, 3558 SPRUCE Street. oc6-lm« 'IdSGAX» pSTATE OF : JACOB F, WILKINS. DECEASED.—Letiers of Administration uonu the Estate of JACOB F. WILTvJKS, late of fcbe city of Pbila delphia, deceased, haviog been granted to ibenndet* signed, all persons indebted to said Estate will please make payment, and -those having claims will present the eame-without delay to , AMOS Administrator, Ko. 309 NEW Stree*, Philii., Or his Attorney, ; Cß ABLES M WAGJfEB, ocl9-t7 6t* Ifo. 34:1 Korth SIXTS street. p 1 STATE OF BApBEL LAND, WI- A-J DOW, DECEASED —Letters of Administration Tipontbe Estate of KachSlLand. late of the city of Phi ladelphia, widow, deceased, having been granted to tha undersigned* all persons indebted to aeid estatewilL please mate payment, and those having, claims will: present the same without delav to ' STEPHEN- I.F.WRY. Administrator, . Ho. 1516 BDiIMER Street. PMlo., Or to Ms Attorney, "CHAEtRS M. TYAGNEK, No, 341 North SIXTH nraet. oel9-wBt* ' D©STAN»F©SIN2>. T OST OR STOLEN—ON THE NIGHT -“.of the Sih inst., four of the following Certificates: Nos. .24,319, 23,929, 23.091, 24:630, 24,799 of Phila delphia and Reading Railroad Stock. The public ara cautioned against their negotiation, as their transfer has bten stopped. A liberal reward will be paid and a». questions asked os their return to •ccl4-lm* A LIBERAL REWARD.—LOST OR jIX mislaid. Certificate Ko. S 3 of the Capital SfcockgoT thoiETNA OIL COMPANY for 500 shares, in thenama of £E£JAMI;N P. WRIOiiEY, with a printed form .of' a Power of Attorney, endorsed, signed by Benjamin P. Wrigley. All person* are cautioned against . ting for the seme, aslhe transfer thereof is forbidden# and will not be approved by said Company. Aar insertion of any name, in the blank space left in the Power of Aitorney will be forgery. . Said Certificate can be of no. use; to auy one. a* application has been made to the said AStna Oil Com pany for a new Certificate in lieu of the one lost or mislaid. . ■ The finder of said Certificate will he liberally re warded by leaving it at: No. 38 South SEVENTH Street (second-story), at Office of M. HENCHMAN, Scrivener.;: . ocl3-lm* EUfJCATIOBTAjL. PARKESBUEG IKS TI T TIT E—SIU liEGT SCHOOL for Toiihg ladies.—Two hours* ride from Phiiadtlrh.a Classical, Scientific, and. Gymnastic Departments, /dare® the Principal, ■ J 1 &L B4.WLIHS, A. M.. Part esbtrrg, Chester county. Pa. * OCI9-Gl* QKATIBG—M. C. ©AMFBELL’S- SKA- TING CLASSES mset TUESDAY, and FRIDAY mornings, corner. of BEGAD and WALNUT Streets. WBDNK6DAY and SAT UK DAY morning corner of EIGHTH and SPRING GABBEN Streets. ftr-Jadios and muses only. ; Eyanicgs at 7* Eighth flnd Spring Garden Streets. -Lsdiea and Gentle-' men taking one course oMessons on parlor skates, wuv ■become exrertj fie skaters. For circnlars» terms apfly oi address as above. oclS~llt* FOE A IBAKI • ASII ■jSiesIHiSSxTROY, VIA DELAWARE AND SARI- TaJS CAHal..—Tie BargoivS’liANAdAN, Wm Corson, Master, is now loading at first wharf below SPRTJOIr Street, and will sail ihe aI).QTe points on WKDBBR DAT, October 19*. For freight, TfwS'WUt Co tafeoii on roa*onat>lo tSTEW, apply to j). L. FLANAGAN, Agent, oc!7- 3t-- No. 30-t South DhL AW ARE Aranne, PIANOS, COTTAGE EXCEL n B f T'SIOK ORGANS, HARMONIUMS, and MBiO DSOSSi at ■ _ MARSH’S Music Store.. No. noa~CHE3TatfT~Ste96fc.. ME YE R’S NEWLY IM*. nfaTFI’PSOVKD CKEBCEST RCAiE OVERSTEUKG PIANOS. , „ ... Acknowledged to ; a >«* !*?*» «*»“* aE< l HifthSßt Awards in America receive. MELODEOHS AKX> SECOND BAND PIAEOo._ _ se9-3m Wareroemc, No'. 723 ARCS St., bol. Bljinth. DECKER BROS., STEOK & CO.’S OKI.SBRATKD PIANOS. J. E. GOULD, entente and chestnut. JE@'37ETSPS COTTAGE ORGANS, Not onl7 HHRXCBLXiED, bni DNEQDALLEB in parity of Tone and Power, designed eepeeially tor Gtarcbe* End Behoole, hat fonnd to be anually well tdapted w the Parlor and Drawiaa Boom. ■ • For asls onlg b^r *O. 18 North BZyhNTHStrajh Aleo, a templet* aesortssant of the Perfect Melodeo* »n»Unil7 on band *°lD-3m ‘DEPAETSIENT FOE CUSTOM WOSii ..........VESTVJSSi P. S. HOWLAND, 427 SPSUCE Street.