The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 06, 1864, Image 3
rlO Nft L UNI OH I CHET. FOB ABBAHAM LINCOLN. OF ILLINOIS. FOB TIPE' PRESIDEST, ANDREW JOHNSON, ‘os Zi, ; :OF TENNESSEE. EUECTOBAI. TICKET. SENATORIAL. \ HORTON MoMICHAEL, Philadelphia. T. CONNINGHAM, Beaver County. , ' EEPRJESE jtoliaitF. K!b*, ■.* 0, Morrison Coataa, Hsary Bnmtn, William H. Kara, Barton H. Jfnks, Claries M. Kuuk, Bolrert Park#, William Taylor- • .Tolin A, Bieatand, Siehard H. Coryell, : Edward Holliday, Ciiarla# T. Head, ord« of tit# BUta Cant: COUNTY OFFICERS. SHERIFF, HENRY C. HOWELL. t REGISTER OF WIT.T.3, FREDERIC® M. ADAMS. 01ERK OF THE OKFHAKS’ COURT, EDWIN A. MERRICK. CITY OFFICEKS. RECEIVER OF TAXES, CHARLES O’NEILL. OITT COMMISSIOSER, THOMAS DICKSON. CONGRESS. Fire! District—JOHN M. BUTLER. Second Dlstrict-CHARLES O’NEILL. Third District—LEONAßD MYERS. Fourth District—WlLLlAM D. KELLEY. Fifth District—M. RUSSELL THaXEB. SEKAIOK-Third District. ISAAC A. SHEPPARD. BEPBESESTAITfES. . first District—WlLLlAM FOSTER. Second District—WlLLlAM H. RUDDIMAN. Third District—RlCHAßD BUTLER, Fourth District—W. W. WATT, fifth District-JOSEPH T. THOMAS. Sixth District—JAMES FREEBORN.' Seventh District—THOMAS COCHRAN. Eighth District—JAMES N. KERNS. Ninth District—CHAßLES FOSTER. Tenth District-SAMUEL 8, PANCOAST. Eleventh District—FßANKMN D. STERNER. Tvrelfth District-DDKE V. SOTPHIN, Bn. Thirteenth District—ENOS C. RENNER. Fourteenth District—FßANClS HOOD. Fifteenth District —GEORGE DE HAVEN* Jit. Sixteenth District—Wl EDI AM F. SMITH. . Seventeenth District—EDWAßD G. LEE. Eighteenth District—JAMES MIDLER. MERCASJTI.I: ■XJ IV IO IV CIiXJ B 5 01 PHILADELPHIA. 'he “MERCANTILE UNION CLUB," having re ?ed to participate la the general parade to be held on SATURDAY EVEMG, OCT. 8, ipectfuliy invite the merchants and business men of iladelphia to testify their devotion to the CONSTITUTION AND THE UNION, By uniting with them. The Club will meat at Union League (Concert) Sail, at 7 o’clock, where badges and iorches willbeprovided. To preserve uniformity of appearance, dark clothing is desirable. . . ' . The following appointments have been made, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly; AIDS. W. HART CARR, B. HARPER JEFFRIES, THOMPSON REYNOLDS. ASSISTANT MARSHALS. H. C. KENNEDY, A. H. FULLER, u J. TOMLINSON, H. P. ATKINSON, E. T. STEEL, CHARLES R. ABBOTT, W. W. ALLEN, . LOUIS D BAUGH, H. D. NELL, WM. G. MENTZ, T. ALLMAN, . , WM. P. ATKINSON, W. A, ROLIN, C. H. DUHEINff, / . J, E. ASHMEAD. By order of ' . ' , ' NAMES D. KEYSER, Chief Marsbal. oeB-3t . - HAM OF THE BEFCBUCAIT INYINCIBLES, * LATE NATIONAL HALL, MARKET ST., ABOVE TWELFTH. By Invitation cf the UNION'LEAGUE,: ISAAC ITAZCT3HURST, ESQ., HON. TITIAN J. COFFEY, And other distinguished Speakers, WILL ADDRESS THE PUBLIC THIS EVEIYIIVG, AT S O’CLOCK, NATIONAL HALE, MARKET. STREET, ABOVE TWELFTH. It gggp HAM OS’ THE UNION LEAGUE, CHESTNUT, ABOVE TWELFTH STREET. By invitation of the UNION LEA Cl UE , Hon. OOX&S W. FOENEY WILL ADDRESS THE PUBLIC OK FRIDAY EVENING, OCT. 7, AT 8 O’CLOCK, AT THE HALL OF THE UNION LEAGUE, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TWELFTH. The ladies are invited to bo present. ■ggP® K'ALLT, UNION MEN, KAXLT S FOURTEENTH WARD* Turn out in your might, Turn out for the right, ' IX THE V GRAND TORCHLIGHT PROCESSION, AT 7 O’CLOCK, ON SATURDAY EVENING-, OCTOBERS. 1861 " The Wyal eitizens of the Fourteenth Ward are Invited to meet at the : HALL -OF THE NATIONAL UNION CLUB, BROWN, BELOW TWELFTH STREET, To participate iu the Grand Union Parade. A BAND OF MUSIC WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE, and Transparencies, Torches, Flags, &c., will he ready for ■.-•■■■■ /. 1,000 MEN. LET ALL COME THAT CAN. There will he a Chief Marshal and twelve Marshals, »ost of them men of great military experience. FREDERICK A. VAN OLEVE, OCB-31 CHIEF MARSHAL. gggp . MERCASTILE UNION CLUB.— Persons desirous of enrolling their names as members of the CLUB will find lists open at A H. Fuller, 28-North Thud street. WiUiam’A, Bolin, 739 Market street, E. T. Steele, 4 North Second street,’’ M. E. Harris, 435 Market street. E. H. Hunt, 611 Chestnut street, . By order of the Executive Committee. C. J. HOFFMAN, President. TO, A. BOLIN, Secretary. . ocs-2t *3“ CAVALCADE OF THE SEVEN ~?TEENTH, EIGHTEENTH, NINETEENTH, TWENTY-THIRB, and TWENTY-foPTH WXRDS MEETING,—AH friends of the Union, and Peace, as giemtedby Commissioners Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, A Butler, aid who intend or desire to unite with the Cavalcade of the above Wards Ott- SATURDAY EVENING NEXT,- - nwt on at 7* o’clock,' , ' oCfi-2t YORK and FRANKFORT) Rond ‘koir Banking House on THBRSDaf . theTwentlrth dar W October next, at eleven o dock A, M.' forffm,* of taking Into consideration, whether or not the said Bank slab be lonian Relation for carrying on the business of Bankimr nS *M the laws of the Unib d States, and of exercisimrthe te conferred by the hot of the General Asaembfy of “An act enabling y the fortai _ Commonwealth to become aisodations Statea 8 fi nrpoBe of banking under the laws of the United the 22a day of August, 1864; and to asapTopar aotlon * tt leiard theretoas-may be necessary «e!l.t n J y of the Board of Directors, ■ *Hiloc3) W. BDSHTON, Jr. i Cashier. intative. 13. Ellas W. Hale, 14. Charles H. ShAnerl 15. John Wister, 16. David McConautchy, 17. David Jß. 'Woods, 18. Isaac Benson, 19. John Patton, 20. Samuel B. Dick, 21. Everard Biever, 22. John P. Penney. , 23. Ehenerer HoJunklru 24. John W. Blanchard, •alCommittee, CAMERON, Chairman. GUANO fiATHBBINfI «*’ PATRIOTS. NO NORTH, NO SOUTH, ONE COUNTRIy THE STARS AND STRIPES FOR All THE LAND, MAINE, MOBILE, ATLANTA, All friends of LINCOLN- AND JOHNSON; all gallant Veterans who have fought for our GLORIOUS; UNION; all who love and honor our ' BRA YE SOLDIERS; all who are determined that the MAJORITY SHALL RULE; ; all who would negotiate an honorable peace with GRANT, - SHERMAN, SHERIDAN, and FARRAGUT as Peace Commissioners; all who hate. ( TREASON and would PUNISH TRAITORS; all Who rejoice when our Armies ARB VICTORIOUS; All who re vere our . r PATRIOTIC FOREFATHERS, and still cherish their principles; all-Who are grateful for the blessings to us by the ;; HEROES OF ’76; all who would preserve these blessings for their chil dren; ■ : . . , AIL AMERICANS, NATIVE AND ADOPTED, are requested to meet at • INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, On SATURDAY EVENING, Oct 8, 1864, to testify their devotion tcrthe ’ CONSTITUTION lN» THE UNION, which armed traitors in some States,and unarmed sym pathizers in others, are trying to overthrow. LET THE WHOLE PEOPLE COME, and -with united voices proclaim that, in spite of SLAVBHOLDING NABOBS ASD ' EUROPEAN DESPOTS, . our Country shall forever remain a FREE LAND. FOR POSTERITY, and a home for the OPPRESSED OF ALL NATIONS. eofl and our Country—Freedom forever. A GRAND DISPLAY OF FIR EWORKS . will tahe place, on the adjournment of the meeting, IN THE SQUARE. By order of the National Union City Executive Com mittee. . JOHN a. BUTLER, * °c3 6t v . Chairman Committee on Meetings. SOW BEADY, i=» V; COAL AT $7150 PEE.TON- THE CONSUMERS’ MUTUAL COAL COMPANY! are now delivering Coal from their Oakland Colliery, on the celebrated Skidmore and Mammoth Veins, at the following rates: ' To Subscribers, per t0n.,.,.....,,.... .. ...,,...$7 SB To Non-subscribers, per t0n.,,!,.. .......12 00 Thus saving $4 SO per ton to, Stockholders! Besides thissaving, there will be a dividend annually on the stock, in ail probability, of at least SIX DOLLARS FEE SHARE, so that after the first year Stockholders will not only get their. Coal for nothing, hut will also probably receive a small dividend on their Stock. The lease runs, at the present low, royalty, for Sixteen Years. The ten dollars per share paid now, is for the whole term of the lease. The present capacity of the Mine is 50,000 tons .per year, or one tor per share.. This will soon ha increased to 160,000 tons, which -will give the Company 100.000 tons to sell to outsiders, at the highest market prices. THE PROFITS FROM WHICH WILL BE DIVIDBD AMONG THE STOCKHOLDERS. / - :l Subaoriptiona to the stock (which may still be made at $lO per sliare) will be received at, the Office of the Company, UK South SIXTH Street, second story. ■ , PF.ESU>£>*T, - _ ' JAMES LYND. DIRECTORS JAMES LYND, No. 5K South Sixth street. EDWARD E. JONES, No. 631 Arch street. HENRY S.PAUL, No. 410 Walnut street." P. F. CLAYTON, No. 155 North Third street. THOMAS R. GARSED, No. 106 Chestnut srteet, ’EeiSf-ltn > . . . ' , Kgr* third ASSDAL REPORT OF RE? FQURTH NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADEL PHIA. -.y‘- „„„„„„„ October 3d, 1861. RESOURCES. . Loans and Di5c0unt5.;;...........5201,567 6i U. S. Bonds, deposited to secure ~ circulation 50,000 00 U. S. Bonds, deposited to secure deposits. * 60,000 00 U. S. Bonds and other U. S. Secu rities on hand... 40 900 00 ■ - ■ ■ :■■■ $342,467 64 Legal-tender N0te5......... ..$173,747 00 Bifle of other Banks. 15,603 00 Due from National Banks 14,087 2S Due from other 8ank5....;....... 233,164 35 Cash 1tem5...... 13,936 94 A”..;, - -450,538 57 Furniture and Fixture 5....................... 2.285 15 Expenses 5,763 02 Premiums paid U. S. Bond 8,322 50 Taxes paid .'272 09 LIABILITIES, “ Capital Stock. 90,040 00 Circulating Notes*.;-...*. - 25,000 00 Discount 12,015 SI Exchange 2,541 OS Due to-Banks and 8anker5........ .150,481 47 Due Treasurer of United States... 72,856 54 Due Depositors on Demand-.....,. 456,716 10, - ' ' ; —5809,653 97 SAMUEL J. MAC MULL&k, oc6-£t- ' , . . Cashier. B*SSF° i’SK.VI’ QUARTERLY STATE- K 3& MENT of the SEVENTH NATIONAL BABIC of Philadelphia, October 3 3854 : , U RESOURCES. , . - , Bills di5c0unted........... ........$142,237 26 -U. S. Loans.. ..... 75,000 00 ■- Dnefrom 8ank5.............. 97 013 05 Furmture-and Fixture 5.......;..;. 2,705 32 • - Expense Account 3,102 73 U. S. Taxes.... .......... 14 50 Cash Items ..........$8,98167 Notes of-other Banks on ‘ hand. 1,457 5S legal-tender Notes on ’' hand .... 79,870 00 S9O,3CD 15 5410,382 01 : LIABILITIES : Capital Stock paid in........ . $95,330 00 Circulation. 54,000 00 Individual Deposits....... .....255,531 77 Due to Banks.... ...... 1,188 75 Discount..'. 4,281 91 Exchange- 5158 —5110,382 01 ocS-3t E. B. HALL, Cashier. FIFIH WARTERLYREPORT OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PHILA DELPHIA. „„„„„„„„„ October 3, 1364. > RESOURCES. Loansand Discounts..,.. $1,614,267 66 U. S. Bonds, deposited to se cure circu1ati0n.............. 750,000 00 U. S. Bonds, deposited to se- - cure dep05it5.....—....... 500,000 00 U. 6. Bonds and other IH S. Securities on.hand 1,654,139 79. 54,316,407 45 Specie and Legal-tender Notes, 1,399,634 82 Bills of this Bank on hand.... 370 00 Bills of other Banks. 45,293 00 Dnefrom National Banks..... 608,670 97 Due fiom State Banks and ..-.■■■■ Bankers . 374,134 30 Cash 1tem5..............1 63,156 76 ' - : : 2,391,159 85 Real E5tate...................... ........ 93,252 83 Expense. Acc0unt........ .................. H 7.703 52 LIABILITIES, Capital Stock... $1,000,000 00 Circulating Notes. , 675,000 00 Due to Banks and Bankers $1,£C5,105 48 Due to Treasurer United States. . 572.477 02 Due to Depot itors 2,348,461 64 •_— ..5,018,334 04 ■ Dividends unpaid 110 00 * Profit and Loss 147,279 66 • ;———56,840,823 70 State of Pennsylvania, County of Philadelphia, ss: - • I.JMORTON McIirCHAEL.Jr., Cashier of FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, do solemnly affirm that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge aid belief. _ MORTON StoMICIAEL, Jr , Cashier. Affirmed to and subscribed before me, this third day of October, IS6I. EDMUND WILCOX, oc4-6t . . . Notary Public. THIRD (tUARTERLY REPORT OF the THIRD NATIONAL BANK of Philadel phia, Octobers, 1824; - > RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts .........$227,81150 . U. S. Bonds deposited to secure circulation ........ ISO.OOO 00 U. S. Bonds deposited for other . purposes ........... ffI.OOO 00 : U. S. Bondß and other U. S. Se curities on hand 109,700 00 - -$567 511 60 Specie and Legal Tender Notes.. 201,623 44 Billsnf Solvent Banks. 1,030 00 U: S. 6 per cent. Legal Tenders... 115,000 00 - . Cash 1tem5....... 10.92879 ■ Due from Banks and Bankers.... 32,912 43 Real Estate...... 4,875 05 : ' Expense Acc0unt..7,297 17 - ; 433,667 53 $1,001,179 03 LIABILITIES v . Capital Stock paid in...®,®o 00 - Circulating Notes issued. . 161.400 00 Profit and L 055.................... 17.013 31 Due to Banks and Bankers 73,603 21 Due Treaenrerof the United States 253,090 85 , Due Depositors on demand....... 310,481 j 79 R. GLENDINHINgT Cashier. 3 TENTH WARS. ; INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE ■ T . . • - FOR COMMON COUNCIL, oei-71* SAMUEL J. CKBSWELL. . jggf" 8100. WARD BOUNTY. 8100 , ONE HUNDRED DOLLLARS will be paid for Volnnteere credited to the SEVENTH WARD, . by applying to Mr., McCLELLAN, agent, at the PROVOST MARSHAL’S OFFICE,_ ‘TWELFTH'ABOVE SPRUCE STREET. Cash on the spot. |paa» PHILADELPHIA, SEPTEMBER RaS* 28, 1864. Notice is hereby given that an in- Btalment of One Dollar per share on each and every share of the capital stock'of the.GIRARD.MINING COMPANY has this day been called in, payable on or before the 12th day of October. I? 64 ’ , a 4i t !',? J of l ic v= of the company. No. 324 WALNUT Street,Philadelphia. By order of the Directors. . 8620-12 t ; B. A. HOPPES, Treasurer. KSg“ OTY eOMISSHHH«S’#FFICE,. 1 •S®fi Phiiapeuphia, September®, 1864. NOTICE TO'THE OWNERS OF REAL ESTATE. The BOARD OF REVISION AND APPEALS wall sit at the Office of the City Commissioners, No. 11 STATE HOUSE ROW, to hear Owners of Real Estate, desirous of appealing as to the Assessors’ Returns of the Valua tions leaf Estate in the City of Philadelphia for the triennial year 1865, between the honrß of, 10 A, M. and 1 o’clock P. M. ,ob *he following days: " . Ist and 26tli Wards, Monday, OctoLer3. ■ 2d and 3d do. Tuesday, do. 4. 4th and 6th do. Wednesday,do. 6. 6th and 7th do., Thursday, do. 6.; Bth and 9th do. Friday,, do. 7. . 10th and Uth do. Monday, do. 17. 12th and 13th do. Tuesday, do. 18. 14th andjlfith do. Wednesday,do. 19. 16th and’lTtii do. Thursday, do. 20. ' ISth and 19th do. - Friday, do. 21, 20th and 21st do. Monday, do. ,24. 22d and 23d do. Tuesday, do. 25. 24th ana 25th do. Wednesday do. 26 M3O-tocSS Clerk City Commissioners. { VERMONT, SHENANDOAH, $809,653 97 $6,840,523 70 WILLIAM A. ROLIN, Treasurer. KSPJWO I» ASTI* OUlt- ! COUN JET’S RIGHTS.—The National Union-Associations of the various wards, the UniAn Campaign Club, Republi can Hmncibles, the Union League, and all other organ ized bodies of loyal citizens of this city and our neigh boring towna, friends of Ithe honest and patriotic LIN COLN andJOBhSON, are invited to join in the Grand UNION MEETING and TORCHLIGHT PROCESSION, on SATURDAY EVENING, the BUi of Oclober, 1361. Lot all come with their Banners, Transparencies, their Lanterns and their Torches. . - By order Of the National Union City Executive Com mittee. JOHN G. BUTLER, oc3-ot Chairman Committee on Meetings. •jsr* COMMISSION Of TIIE IOTE® -STA'JES AND, ECUADOR. . Police is hereby given that the Commission provided for by the Convention of November 25, 1562; betweeu the United States and Ecuador, for the mutual adjust ment of claims, was duly organized at the city ot Gu*y> a anil, on the ISfch day of August last, and that the said Commission will continue in session for the period ot twelve Months from that date. - • All citizens of the United States having claims upon Ecuador are, U to appear m person, or by attorney, and present the proofs in support of taeir claims to said Commission, or to;file their claims -and proofs with the Secretary of the Commission, Senor Crisanto Medina,” in Guayaquil, the Republic of Chaims, which shall not be presented to the Commis sion within the twelve mouths it remains ia'existence, will be disregarded by both Governments and consi dered invalid. FREDERICK HASSANREK, .. Minister Resident and-Commissioner of the .United States. " WAsmxnToy CiTT, October 1.1564, COSSOUBHIOS BAHK. •S? ' I’m nAT)i-.r,pinA, September 19, ISM. At a meeting of the Directors, held 17th instant, it was resolved to distribute to the stockholders pro rata at PAE or.r own stock owned by this Bank. All stockholders of.this date are entitled to claim their proportion, npon the terms of the resolution, at any time previous to the 21st day of October. ISM. : se2ltnthstoc2l JOSEPH H. PEISSOL, Cashier. 'KSP BIVIDESD NOTICE.— OFFICE OF THE TARE PAEM'OIL COMPANY, No #3IH WALNUT Street,—PiiiLAPELrarA, October 3d, 1351. The Board of Directors have this day declared a divi dend .of TWO FhR.CEfIT on the Capital Stock, paya ble on and after the 10th inst .free of State tax. The Transfer Books will he closed at 3P. M. on the 7th mst., and opened on thelllh. J. EREDK- LIST, oc4-tnths3t - . . Secretary and Treasurer. - mviiiEurn kotioe.—office op THE R JCK Oil, COMPANY OF PENNSYL VANIA, No. 409 WALNUT Street. , " ' , • ■ Philadelphia, September 30,1551, The Beard of Directors have this day declared\theif Third Monthly Dividend of TWO FEK CENT. (Twenty Cents per Share) an the Capital-Stock, payable on ana after MONDAY, October 10th, free of State T2x. The Transfer Bot ks will be closed on Tuesday, October 4th, at3P. M,, and opened on the 10th. „ JHO. Y. GUAIF, Secretary and Treasurer. OFFICE SOMERSET IRON AND IKS? COAL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA, 01 CEDAR Street, Hew Fork, September 27,1564. NOTICE is herebv given that pursuant !o a resolution of the Beard of Director?, passed dhis dav, an instal ment of TWENTY PER CENT. on the subscription to the Capital Stock of the SOMERSET IRON AND COAL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA be and is hereby made, payable to JAMES WADSWORTH, Treasurer of said Company, on or be: ore November Ist, ISM. Attest ' T. M. TYNG, :oc3-tnol ■■■ .a Secretary.,. MILITARY. u 3 lENEY’S Z o'uAVe's f" ft! HEADQUARTERS, 333 CHESTNUT STREET, ■UA : , ......: - ■ beuow sixth; This Regiment wilt be organized as , SHARPSHOOTERS, ■ and will ha under the command of Major J. C BRISCOE, a member of Major General Birney’s Staff, who has re ceived authority from the General and State Govern ments to recruit the organtrationi ' . ' HIGHEST CASH GOVERNMENT, CITY, AND .■/- WARD BOUNTIES > . paid Immediately on the mustering of any man into the Regiment,:atthe Headquarters, 0© Chestnut street. -■ ' . COMMITTEE. - ' Geo. J, Richardson, Col. Wetherill Lee, < . Hon. Wm, Miilward, D. S. Winebrenner, 0. W. Davis, . John WY Everman, John Thornley, ' C. F. Sboenor, Jos. F. Tobias, H-W. Arnold, Beni Bullock, Alfred Adolph. . se23-12t* ' ; - : . "■ ■ ’Sj* 'SWORD EXERCISE.—OFFI ffIsgyi CERS of the army and others desirous of learn /WPBa lug the beautiful and useful science of attack - ■ ' VS. an* defence with the BROAD SWORD, can have immediate instruction in class or private lessons. PROF. McANULTY, Post Office, Philada. ,Pa. Cse2l-lm* RETAIL, DRY ROODS. REDUCED PRICES. v In conformity with their usual practice to sell then goods at the lowest market price, the subscribers . - HAVE MADE REDUCTIONS ON THEIR WHOLE EXTENSIVE STOCK IJNEXS AMS HOUSE-lURMSIUNG GOODS, EMBROIDERED TABLE, PIANO, AND ME-'. XiODEOM GOVEISS, HOSIERY, CAMBRIC HDKFS., EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS GENERALLY. .BiaAJN3S3ETS,- : JPXjAJX IVESIaS, DOMESTIC SHIRTING AND SHEETING VU&LINS, AXD.ALSO ON THEIR SPLENDID STOCK OF' lace and Muslin Curtains and Cornices, CURfAIN. MATERIALS, FURNITURE; COVERING, miOLSTERY GOODS, Many of which have just come from the New York auctions. . SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, AND AREISON, oc6-3t ; No- IPOS CHESTNUT. Street. QKE-A-T REDiUJCTIOIST. GREAT REDUCTION-in prices of all kind Goods, at BAMBERGER BROS’., 105 North EIGHTH Street, third Store above Arch. The largest and best assortment of . LADIES’ MERINO VASTS AND DRAWERS, MEN’S . AND CHILDREN’S UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, at prices greatly reduced and much, lower than at any other Store HOSIERY : HOSIERY < ’ The largest slock ofallkinds of Hosiery in the city, and cheaper than at any other Store— - ’ - _COHBETS, GLOVES. LINEN BOOTHS, BALMORAL - - • v,- SKIRTS, MOROCCO SATCHELS, at greatly reduced prices. - . ■ LINEN HDKFS ! LINEN. HDKFS ! Of all kinds, tip cheapest in the city. . All the Staple. Trimmings at prices much below those of any other. Store, such as the very best Needles and Pins? only 5 cents a paper; very heEt b! ack Italian Saving Silk, only $llO an ounce ; best Skirt Braid, full .five yards, 14 cents apiece ; best 200-yard Spool Cotton, only 12cents a spool; Hooks and Eyes:.Buttons of allkinds, Tapes,&c,, all at ereatlv- reduced prices, at BAMBERGKB 8505.,! 105 North EIGHTH Street.- 1864. A NEW AND CHEAT INVENTION IN." HOOP SKIRTS. THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE) STEEL SPRING. • J. I. & J. 0. WEST, No. 97 CHAMBERS STREET, NEW TORE, : -v -.. Are the ow ners of the patent and ese&slTß mannfa*' turerß of this, J. W. BRADLEY’S PATEHTED DUPLEX ELLIPTIC STEEL SPfilXO SKIRTS. / .This Invention consists of Duplex (or two) Elllptle Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most elas tic, flexible, and durable spring ever used, enabling the wearer, in consequence of its great elasticity and flexi bility, to place and fold the skirt when in use ae easily and with the Bame convenience as a silk or muslin drees. It entirely obviates and eiiences the only ohjec-. tiontohoop skirts, via: the annoyance to the wearer as well as the public, especially in crowded assemblies, carriages, railroad cars, churchpews.or in any crowded Elace, from the difficulty of contracting them tooccnpy ag a small space, This entirelyiremovesthe difficulty, while giving the skirt the,usual full and symmetrical foim, and is the lightest and mOBt stylish and graceful appearance for the street,' opera,' promenade; or. house dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Spring Skirt for a single day, will never afterward willingly dispense with the use of.them. They, are the best quality in every part, and by far the lightest; most durable, comfortable, and economical skirt made. Mer chants will be supplied as above, and ladies in most first-class retail stores in this city and throughout the diflerentStates. . . 4SF* Inonire for the - DOUBLE ELLIPTIC SPRING SKIRTS. TSBADLE Y’S DUPLEX i ELLIPTIC ■*-> SKIRT, Very flexible, folded easily when In use to occupy a small space, making the most agreeable skirt worn. For sale by . J. M HAFLEIGH, ’ 90S} CHESTNUT Street. “DRADLEY’S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC -*-» SKIRT—The greatest improvement we have ever seen In LADIES’ SKIRTS, and an article of -, ! SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. CURWEN STODDASTI& BRO., 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOND St., ab. Willow. selO-iflm -- ■ HOOP SKIRTS. KflO. The most complete assortment of Ladles’, Blisses’, and Children’s HOOP SKIKTS in the city are manufactured and sold, wholesale and retail, at Ho: 6iBB ABCH Street. Our stock embraces'au the new and desirable styles, lengths, and sizes: for Snish and durability are especially adapted to flrst class trade. . Skirts made to order, altered, and re paired. Also, constantly in receipt of full lines of theap Eastern-made Skirts. se9-lm* Q.ERMANIA PETROLEUM CO. NEW YORK. OFFICE OF PLATT, GEP.ARt). Si BUCKLEY, .. (Attokkeys at Law. ) ' Sew Yore. October i, 136 i. John F.Schepeler, Esq President of the Germania Ptfroleum Company :. Bif: 'We ee'rtlfY.tliat -we haysexamined and approved or the title of your Company to the interests in Oil Wells and Leases, and Beal Estate described in your Prospectus, and situated on Oil Creek, Wild-Cat Hol low, Mcßae Bun, and Allegheny Biver. - The official certificates we have procured from the Pro ihonotary, Recorder, and Treasurer of Venango county, Pennsylvania, in which county the property in ques tion is eitnated, show the same to he entirely free from all lieneand incumbrances. •: : . Very respectfully, your obedient servants, It* PLATT, GERARD & BUCKLEY. DEPARTMENT. J- OiTicn of ran of the Cl-krescy, - WASHIK6TOS. September 27, 1861. Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has heen made to appear ‘that the EIGHTH RATIOS Ah BAKE 0? PHILADELPHIA, in the City of Philadelphia, in the County of Philadel phia, State of Pennsylvania, has been duly or ganized under and according to the requirements of the Act of Congress, entitled “An Act to pro vide a national, currency, secured by pledge of Unit ed States bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof, ” c approved Jane 3d, 1864, and ha« complied with all the provisions of said Act required to fee complied with before commencing the business of hanking under said Act: . How, therefore, I, HUGH MoCULLOCH, Como ?, f „ the Currency, do hereby certify that the Bgbth H a °h of Philadelphia, in the City of Philadelphia, in the C"unty of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania,U authorized to commencetke business of. Banking under the Act aforesaid. . .. I® testimony .whereof witness my hand, and seal of office tins twenty-seventh day of September, iS64 :: _ HUGH SIoGUI,LOCH, i beAii. ? Comptroller of the Currency. : TV . ■ :oc6 60c PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.— ~ ,Brooms, Brushes,. Buckets, .Tabs, Lap-Boards, Baskets, lloor, Table, and Carriage Oil Cloths, Cord- Age, Ooi.on Laps, Wadding, and a general assortment of lousehoid goods at wholesale .and retail,-cheap for fflih •••-• CHAS W. DEAR, ocS-thsmSt* , Ho. H 23 MARKET. Street. pHOTOGRAPBERS AND ■'':AMBRO sJd?'£SocIoHGK DisßS P & Go.'^ : C;UI Ot6-2t* • 333 CUES rBIJT Street. jlilUHn , TVORYTYPE s—WE bn ARTISTI -1 CiLLY exemit-d. are the mod exquisite works of art. B. F. HKIMEKS specimens are .of till- class, as ■ bservaiion wul provj. Examine them. 634 ARCH Street.; -- . . .....f . 1 p* ■ TYEIMER’S CARTES DE VISITE 1L have won an enviable popularity by their taste in style and flne.oxecutiou. Go to ShCOn D Street, above Green, and get-satisfactory pictures. ll» THE PRESS.—-PHILADELPHIA', THURSDAY, OCTOBER _6, 1864. WM. T. HOPKIHS. >FANCY FURS. ,£T AKD' UNDER - THE GOLD STANDARD. NOW OPLUPTj A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FASHIONABLE FURS, EUROPEAN AND DOMESTIC ORIGIN. FOR LADIES AND MISSES. h •.' i £'{.hX' TLese Goods being mostly purchased FOR, and pay able IN GOLD, in no case will the price charged exceed the Gold Standard—no .matter what point the latter de clines to. We protect ourselves from loss by daily purchasing Gold to the amouat.of our Sales. , J. W. PROCTOR & 00., THE PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, AND FDR EMPORIUM, ■' * No. 0»0 CHESTNUT Street, JADIES’ FANCY FURS. JOHN A. STAMBACH, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF LADIES'’ jrA-NCY' JTUR.S, NO. S3G AROH STREET, BELOW NINTH. Just opened, a large and handsome stock of LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S FANCY FURS of eyerydesoripiion : and in the newest and most approved-styles, at the- . ocl-3m ' LOWEST CASH PRICES. JADIES’ FANCY FURS. JOHN' FAKEIRA., : Ko. 'S'IS ARCH Street, above Seventh- Street, , At Ms old established store, IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, AND DEALER IN FANCY FURS ’ foh LADIES AND CHILDREN. Havingnow in store a very large aid beautiful assort ment of all the different kinds and qualities of FANG? FOBS FOE LADIES’ AND CHILDREN'S WEAR, I solicit a call from those in want. EemembSt the name and number, JOHN FARKIEA, 5tS ARCH Street, above Seventh. I have no partner or connection with any other store in this city, ; ocl 4mif ____ ___ _tE»A]L. __ ___ •;. INSTATE OF AMANDA STEWART,' —Letters of Administration outheEs tate of Amanda Stewart, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned,.alt persons Indebted to the slides-' tate are , requested to make payment, and all persons •having claims against the -same are requested to present them to Mrs. ELIZABETH BIAS, trix, 1019 LOMBARD Street, or to her- Attorney, CRAIG D. BITCH lE, 508 WALNUT St, • oc6-,th6t* TESTATE' OF SAME EL STEWART, deceased.—Letters of Administration on the estate of SAMUEL STEWART, deceased, having been granted to the njjdersigned, all persons indebted to the:-said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having 1 claims against the same are requested to present them to Mrs. ELIZABETH BIAS, Administratrix,' 1019 LOMBARD Street, or to her attorney-, CRAIG? D. RITCHIE, 508 WALNUT Street. oeB-th6i*i EBVCATIOML. tE'AIRMODNT SEMINARY, 2211 AND A; '2213 GREEN STREET, PHIL ADELPHIA —This beautiful Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies is now in session, and is provided with every facility for thorough and systematic instruction. Panils received during the Term. Bev. J. W, BARNHART, A. M .and Professor P.iD.; BARNHART, Principals:, oe6-7t* ; v _: ; _ COPARTNERSHIPS. C IYIEBOLUTION.-—THE COPARTNER- A/ SHIP heretofore existing under the firm of ' SAMUEL N, DAVIES &-SON , is this day dissolved. The business will be settled by the undersigned, at No. 335 DOCK Street. . CHARLES E. DAVIES, Surviving Partner. - Pnii.Ansu-jiiA, Sept. 30,1661. - COPARTNERSHIP.-—The undersigned have this day formed a copartnership under th*: firm of : . DAVIES brothers; for the transaction of a general BANKING AND BROKERAGE BUSINESS, ; at No 335 DOCK Street.. -CHARLES E. DAVIES, PETER A. DAVIES. Philadelphia, October 1,1864, 0. S. Certificates of Indebtedness, Quartermasters 5 Vouchers and Checks, and Government Securities gene rally, bought and sold. , Business Paper and Loans On Collaterals negotiated.: : Stocks and Loans bought and sold on Commission. ■ ‘ ocl-lm • HANDSOME NEW CUT OF LINCOLN AND JOHNSON, ■,: " :: ■ , * V;.'--,''. ' -."/y.. Suitable lor the Embellishment of WaTd Tickets, Post ,b. ers, or Bills for Meetings, / b b ' PRINTED IN PLAIN BLACK OB COLORS, BY RINGWALT & BROWN, ' ocl-6t : ■ 111 and 113 South FOURTH Street. MEDALS, . IN FINE. GOLD ANE> SILVER, l;bb'. . ' FOR SALE: AT' ' „'.y,. • A PUG H’S, SIXTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS. - This-is; the,-' ■ „: v . ONLY CORRECT MEDAL LIKENESS bb ; , of the President of the United States,: MR. LINCOLN HAVING BURNISHED THE PHOTOGRAPH , from which the :die was made,. and from which* ■ THIS MED AL IS STRUCK, at tlie request of his Philadelphia friends. ocs fit* SPECTACLES, 1..\ ' AT -■, JAMES W. QUEEN & CO.’S, se26-lm CHESTNUT Street. MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, Of all kinds, to l>e had at JAMES W. QUEEN & CO ’S, se26-lm ' ■ 958-t CHB3TNUS Street. TVEAF MADE TO HEAB.—INSTRIJ MINTS to assiet the hearing.;at P. MADEIRANS, 115 South TENTH Street, helow Chestnnt, oc6-Gt* PHILADELPHIA LOCAL EXPRESS A COMPART.—DaiIy -Express to Germantown, Chestnut Hill. Atlantic City; Ahsecom, Egg Harbor, andHammonton, R. J. ■ * f s- •-.BAGGAGE CORYEYED TO ALL THE RAILROAD LINES.- : •• * ocs-lm' nORS E T 8" AND SKIRTS.—MRS. V/ STEEL. TENTH Street, below Chestnut, is -snp- t lying the Ladies with latest Paris styles Corsets and. kilts. Best: Weriy Corsets on hand. ' Elegant Tra velling Hinge Skirts. Corsets wholesale for Merchants. . OCS-3t* . . CABINET FURNITURE. MOORE & CAMPION, , SGI South SECOND Street, are prepared to follow the decline in the, market in the price of their furniture. Purchasers will please call and examine our stock. y' ocs-6m to ; MISS E. CALDWELL, NO. 824 ARCH Street, will exhibit Fall and Winter Mir,. LIKERT on THURSDAY, Oct 6.1 W. ” 1* . SEMI ANNUAL OPENING OF Messrs. E. P. GILL & CO., 7»o'ARCH Street. TO .„ BBUKSDAY, October 6lh ' , . Wiil exhibit Pans styles of BONNETS and HATS of onr owntmpoi'taiion. oc6-2t* ; g% MRS. H. WRIGHT, NO. 137 PINE IOKABL^MI ui^r to LADIES’: AND MISSES’ UN w~TEIMIfiED THEBANS and HATS An entiriSv BRq. saos M^KET St itre?tf ab ° YB at to MRS.M. a. EINN EAR WILL V 3 * open Fall and Winter MILLINERY on THURS DAY, Oct. 6, at 1808 CHESTNUT Street. ocfi-a” QHOYEIS AND SPADES-1,200 DOZ. for Bale at reduced prices at ' . . ' GEORGEHALFM AN’S Shovel Factory oc4-tuths6t N. W. cor. QUARRY and BREAD gt a . T)T OTTYILLE GLASS;-. WORKS.- x Having a furnace now In blast, we are prepared to se2B-12tlf H gTS?ntßFßoff^lHgl. FINANCIAL. pROPOBALS FOR LOAN. S---0 BONDS. Tkeascuy Department, „ Washington. October 1,1864. SEALED OFFERS will be received at this Depart ment, under, the act of Congress approved June 33th, 1661, until the noon of FRIDAY,- the 14th instant, for bonds of the United States to the amount of forty mil lions (40,000,100) of:dollars. . .The bonds offered will bear an interest of six (6) per centum, pay able semi annually in coin, on the first days of May and Novem ber, apd will be redeemable at the pleasure of the Go vernment after five (6) .years, and payable in twenty (20) years from November Ist, 1564. Each offer.must' bo for fifty or some multiple of fifty dollars, and must state the sum, itreiuding premium offored for each hundred dollars, or for "fifty when the offer is for no , more than fifty. Two per cent, of .the principal, exclu ding premium of the whole amount bid for by each bid der,must be deposited as guarantee for payment ofi sub scriptions, if accepted, with the Treasurer of the United States, at Washington, or with the Assistant Treasurer, at New York, Boston, Philadelphia, or St. Louis, or with the designated depository at Baltimore, Pittsburg, Cincinnati, . Louisville, • Chicago, Detroit, or . Buf falo, or with any National Deposit Bank which may consent to transact the business, without charge; for which deposits -dupiieatg '.certificates will, be issued to the depositors by ihe officer of the Bank receiving thou, tho originals Of which must bo forwarded with the ■ offers to this depot. ’ All deposits should be made in time for the certificates with the offi ccrsto roach Washington not later than the morning of October 14th, as aforesaid. No offer not accompanied by its proper Certificate of Deposit will: be .cons'dered. The Coupon and; Registered- Bonds issued" under this proposatwUl be-of tho denomination of fifty doiiars, one hue died dollars, five hu udred; dollars. - and: one' thousand dollars. Registered Bonds of five thousand dollars and ten thousand dollars will be issued if re-- quiud. - ' AUoffers received will be opened on Friday, Octo ber 14, The awards will be made by.the Secretary to ihe highest offerers,and noticesof acceptfthceor decliua tSonwill he immediately given to the respective offer ers. In cases of acceptance, bonds': of the description and denomination preferred will he sent to the sub scribers at the cost of the Department on final payment of instalments. ' The deposit of two per cent, will be reckoned in the last instalment paid by successful offerers, and will be imn)fdifttely returned to those whW offers may not he accepted. . The amount of accepted-offers'must be'de posii'eu with the Treasurer; officer, or back' authorized to actunder this’notice, oh advice of acceptance of of fers, as follows: ' : ■ ’• ' One- half on the 20th of October, and ihe balance '(in cluding the premium and original two per cent.‘deposit, on the 31st of October. The Bonds will bear interest from November Ist; Interest oh deposits from that date to November Istwill be paid by the Government in coin. of the first instalment,"or twenty five par cent" of the accepted offer, may be paid, with accrued interest to October.l4th, in Unit ed States ‘ ‘Certificates of Indebt edness ’ but such certificates will he used iu part pay ment of the first instalment only. l 1 ' Offers under this notice should be endorsed’’Offer for Loan, ” and addressed to the Secretary of the Trea sury. - '' ' . -• ■ The right to decljne all offers not considered advan tageous to the Government is reserved by the Secretary. • ' - W. P. FESSENDEN, oc3-tocl4 . JTI R S T , PfATIONAL BAISTK. NEW 'UNITED STATES ■ 5-SO . liOAN OJ? $40,000,000. This Bank is prepared to receive the preliminary de posits of two per cent, on account of this loan, required by the advertisement of the Secretary of the Treasury, datedOctohetlst, ISSf, and to issue receipts in dupli cate therefor. . This Bank- will he' represented at the opening of the Bids on the 14th inst. hyone of its offi cers, and any one desiring to participate in the general hid of the Bank can do eo without charge. * Further information will be given on application at' the Bank. C. H. CLARK, President. MORTONMcMICHAEL, Jr,, Cashier. ocS-8t TJ. S. LOAN OF $40,000,000. Referring to the advertisement of the Secretary of the Tieasury for . PROPOSALS FOR THE NEW U. S. 5-20 LOAN, ’■a v' We will enclose in onr bid 1 for same those of any. parties . wishing to make application for any part thereof ' WITHOUT CHARGE. - . Per information, apply to ' / JAI COOKE & CO., Bankers. 11-1 SOUTH THIRD STREET,' PHILADELPHIA. b .yd - K: y/.:- " ocs fit jj S. 7-RO LOAN. The Secretary of the Treasury gives notice that sub scriptions will be received for Coupon Treasury Notes, payable three years from August 15th, 1864, with semi annual interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent, per annum—principal and interest both to he paid in lawful money. These notes will be, convertible at the option of the holder,.at maturity,]ihtq six per cent, gold bearing bonds, payable not less than five nor more than twenty years from their date, as the .Government may elect. They, will be Issued in denominations of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO, and $5, 000, ar d all subscriptions must he for fifty dollars or some multiple pffifty dollars. As the notes draw interest'from August Iff, persons making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from date of note to date of deposit. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES OF THIS LOAN. IT IS A NATIONAL SAVINGS BANK, offering a 4 higher rate of interest than anV other, and the beat se curity, Any savings-bank which pays its .depositors in U. S. Notes, considers that it is paying in the best circulating medium of the country , and it cannot pay in anything better, for its own assets are either in Go vernment securities or in notes or bonds payable in Go vernment paper, b;; yd- -y b- ;\y vy:',.:: ,y' ComertMe into a Six per cent. 5-20 Gold Bond.' In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes for three years, this privilege of conversion is now worth about three per cent, per annum, for the current rate for 5-20 Bonds is not less than nine per cent, pre mium, and before the war the premium on six per cent. U. 8. stocks was over twenty per cent. It will be seen jjhat the actual profit on this loan,.at the present market rate, ,1s not lesß tiffin teh'per cent; per annum. .. . Its Exemption from State, op Municipa: Taxation. But aside from all ike advantages we have enume rated, a special Act of Congress exempts all bonds and Treasury notes from, local taxation. On the average, this exemption 1b worth about two per cent, per annum, according to the rate of taxation in various parts of the country. . •’ Itus believed that no securities offer so great induce ments to.leaders.aß. thoße .issued by the Government. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability of private parties, or stock companies, or separate com munities, only, is pledged for payment, while the whole property of the country is held to secure the dis charge of all the obligations of the United States. ■ Hp to the 2sth of September, the subscriptions to this ioanamounted to over 1*40,000,000. Subscriptions will bo received by the Treasurer of the United States, at Washington, the Beveral Assistant Treasurers and designated Depositories,' and by the First National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. , Second National Bank of Philadelphia; Pa., Third Nationartlank of Philadelphia, Pa.," Fourth National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa., and by all National Banks which are depositaries of 'public money, and.,; b ALL RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the country will give farther information and- ■ s AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS. ;se2S 12tifW2t • - • t . LOAN OF 1881. THE BALANCE OF THE 875,000,000 LOAN having this day been awarded, and our bids proving successful, we are prepared to SELL TO CUSTOMERS AT ONCE, In Large or Small Sums, . any amount of this most desirable GOLD SIX-PER-CENT. LOAN, at the market price. We lave always considered these •*1881” Bonds as the BEST LOAN ON THE MARKET. There Is but a SMALL AMOUNT FOR SALE, and the premium will, In our opinion, advance rapidly. " _Parties having 6-20 Loan will do well TO CALL AND EXCHANGE THEIR 6-2Qs for this more permanent Loan, especially as now, owing to the German demand for the five-twenties, a high rate can be obtained for them: i. JAY COOKE & CO., eelO-lm 11* South THIRD Street. ■. TT fi NEW 7-30 LOAN. Q, • Subscriptions received, and the Notes far* nished free of ail charges, by GEORGE J. BOYD, Banker, an24-3m 18 sjmth THIRD Street. OIL STOCKS vy BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. GEORGE 8 !. BOYD, 18 South THIRD Street. au24-!la ■piNE STILES LIFE-LIKE • POR- J- TRAITS.—B. F. REIMER’S exquisitely colored life-size Photographs ij Oil, unquestionably, the most pleasing likenesses made. Gallery, 034 ARCH St. rlt* Secretary of the Treasury. MEIHCAL, gLECTIiIciTY. _ TSaIS? 1 '' 01, SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERT.I - DB, I'll' ’ WN cures allacnte and chronic diseases by special guarantee, when desired hr the patient, at 123® WALNUT Street, Philadelphia,’and in case of a failure no charge is made. So drugging the system with uncertain medical agents. All cures performed by Magnetism, Galvanism, or other modifications of Electricity, without shocks or any unpleasant sensii, lion. -- - - ■ , This discovery is Hie. result of more than, ten hard and scientific investigations. It develops not only a reliable system for the diagnosis’ of disease, but the only efficient and reliable means of cure. Its great superiority over all other systems for the cure'of dis ease has been practically testedfor more than ten. years,- amd for five years in Philadelphia, where twelve thou • sand invalids have been treated, suffering from almost every form and condition of disease common to all seo tionsof our country, who, after treatment by the most eminent medical men in Philadelphia! Boston, New York, and other tlties, had been'given upas incura ble: and in nearly every case a perfect cure had been effected.■ ’ , - . We do not wish to convey the impression that we cure all diseases in all conditions.' We cannot cure pulmo nary consumption after the lungs are half decayed; hut will cure every case of Consumption in the early and middle stages; And every other disease where asuffi cient amount of vitality remains for reaction.. _ Such, in fact, has been our success in controlling the following diseases, that after: an Electrical examina tion, will guarantee a cure by special contract when the patient desires: • Diseases usually beyond the reach.of any medicine— _ such as Palpitation of the Heart, Tic Doloureux; Head aches of all kinds, Nervousness,' Inability to collect the Thoughts, Noise.s In sie Head, mdst. Cases of Deafness, many Cases cf Blindness, Impaired Vision, Cross-eye, Inflamed or Sore Eyes, Acute Pains, Male and Female Diseases, Seminal Weakness, Diabetes, Sirictnre. Hy- ■ ' drocele, .Urinary Troubles, Mercurial Diseases, Old Sores,;. Eruptions of all kinds, Cancers, Salt Rheum, ’ Scrofula, Erysipelas, Ringworm, .Ulcers, Felons, Boils, Burns, Inflammations, St. Anthony’s Fire, Pimples, Sebaceous Tumors, Rheumatism cf all kinds, Gout, Dyspepsia, Catarrh, Asthma, -Bronchitis; Congestions ofßody or Brain, Rush of Blood to the Head Insanity, - Stiff Neck; Swelled Tonsils, Rupture’s, Kidney Com plaints,: Liver Complaints, l Hip .and Spine Diseases. Strange and Frightful Diseases—Tetanus or Lock-jaw, : Malignant Pustule, Deadly, Bites of Poisonous Insects and Animals, Diptheria, Consumption, Epilepsy, De bility, Chlorosis or Green Sickness, Milk Leg, White. Swelling, Goitre, Paralysis, Dropsy, Palsy, Glandular Swellings,'Affections 61 the Periosteum. To straighten Deformed Limbs, 1 remedy Stuttering,. relax Osseous Joints, save Limhs from being Amputated eveu when mortification lias commenced. . ' Dr. Brown employs the best'Electrical talent in this country. Read the following: PROF. C. H. BOLT.ES, LECTURER. Medical men and others desiring a knowledge of this discovery, will be qualified louse the different modifi cations of Electricity for the cure of all Acute ana Chro nic diseases.. Prof, Boiles has qualified over one thou sand a'specialty.: Dr. Brown employs the best Electrical talent in this country. ■ ■ Read the following certificates of carts performed by Dr. Brown: - . BRONCHITIS AND GENERAL DEBILITY’. Astonishing cure of Chronic Bronchitis and General Debility, of five years’ standing,- at Dr. BROWN’S ELECTRICAL.OFFICE. Read the following: - : ' St. Thomas Township," Frasio,ix.Coux-rr.Pa.,. Augusts, 18S3. - About five years ago I was taken with a severe cold, which gradually passed away, leaving my throat in an inflamed and. irritable condition. I applied to an Allo pathic Physician, but without any relief.: My general health also failed, with.: symptoms of Consumption. I commyiced taking':medicine, at d was under the medi cal treatment of five different physicians (also used Pa tent Medicines), hut received ho relief., My throat con., tinned growingwor’se, and my general health continued •to fail. In April, 1863, I addressed a letter to aphysi- clan in New York, that 1 had- been taking medicine frofia, enclosing five dollars for medicine. Soon after dropping the.', letter in the office, I heard of Dr. Brown, Electrical Physician. I concluded to:call, and, after bearing his explanation of my disease and modo of . treating, I had the letter taken from the-post office, and concluded to go under his treatments and can say, after going through Ms course of tfeatment, I am relieved of disease; - My general health is good, and, although ! I had not been able to work-for nine months previous, am now. able to work as ntual.'. I would say to the dis eased of all [classes, throw away medicines, and avail yourselves of the benefits of. the recent discoveries in Electricity as appliedby Dr. Brown,-1220 Walnut street. , SOLOMON CRIDER. , DYSPEPSIA CURED; This is a loes of balance of the two positive and nega- tive forces of Electricity. The ; polarity .of the.. nerves goingfrom tho cerebellum to the stomach being lost, •and tjhe supply, of Electricity- from the brain being di - minished, therefore the Btomach is left minus or nega tive. The organ cannot perform its legitimate functions properly, and Dyspepsia is the result. Bead the fol lowing:-' ' :'b'b ; -bb -• Mopxt Fleasaxt, Fuasklin Co , Pa., Aug. 10, 1383.- In llie spring of 1862, I was taken with constant piin and uneasiness inmy stomach, which gradually increas ed until November, At this time an eminent idiopathic Physician was called in, who pronounced the disease Dyspepsia.''Medicine was prescribed, hut .failed to cure the disease. Isent to Philadelphia and procured a box of a celebrated Dyspepsia 'medicine,- advertised in the papers. After using that I experienced no relief. The disease continued growing worse, until March, 3863, when hearing of the wonderful cares performed by means of Electricity, I concluded to have it applied, and can say, that after about twelve treatments applied by Dr. BROWN, Mas entirely cared, and continue so unto this day. M. BROWN. TO THE SICK AND ATFLICTED OP PHILADELPHIA. . Dr. P. fcHEDD, of Now York, one of the best and most, experienced:,Electricians. in this country, will visit and treat patients at their residences in the. city,' when desired., He will treat and cure both Acute find Chronic Diseases. All suffering from Acute and Chronic Diseases, unable to come to the office, and desire Dr. Skeddls professional services,: will call and consult Dr. ISrown, 1220 Walnut street. Dr. Brown employs the best Electrical talent in this country. „ b Read the following'certificates of cures' performed by Dr. P. Shedd, nbw with Dr. Brown, 1220 Walnut street: b New York, Sept. 30,-1864. Sr. r. Sbedd, Electrician, &e..\: Dear Sir: Permit me to express in this informal my appreciation of your hiili professionSl' ' abilityV as exemplified in your attention, to: mo per sonally, while connected with- Dr. Chamberlain, of this city, now with Dr. Brown, at 1220 Walnut street, Philadelphia. My disease was one of longstanding, band difficult to detect as well as difficult to treat, and I assure y ou, that having: been, under the treatment of . several physicians before I came, to yon, none were able, or if able, they failed to treat me .with oven a mo derate degree of success:: remained for you,- by your skills todetect my difficulties., and by your careful and ’faithful treatment of me, to place me on the road to per fect health. : Accept, dear.sir, my warmest thanks for your atten ' tions, and my high; estimate'of your skill in the appli cation of Electricity ub a method of cure. Yours, respectfully, : :b - CYRUS COMMING3. : PARALYSIS CURED. State' of/New Y ork, Livisg3Tox county, ~ , . .. Caledoxia, Oct. 29, 1862. Dr. Shedd—Dear Sir: Bor the benefit of suffering humanily, I would give. a; statement of mj condition when I came under your care and treatment.' From the result of an injury my left side was totally paralyzed, and had been for six months previous to calling on yon, during'which time': I.suffered intense pain, could get no rest only by the influence of opiates; Had been' treated by several physicians without benefit. ; When ready to give up all hope, of ever regaining the use of my limbs, I was advised by Thomas Brown of oar place to put myself under yonr cjgre. I did so, and the result is l am fully restored. " After-receiving-fourteen of your Electrical treatments I Rave now the perfect use of my paralyzed side, and my general health was never better. You are at liberty :to make such use of this as you please. - TIIOMaS C. WARD. DR. BROWN employs the befit electrical talent in this country. ’ ." Bead the following cei tificate of a rare performed by Dr. Beckwith. CONSUMPTION CURED. September 28th, 1864, PHrr.ADEi.PHiA; Richmond, N0,’29.- ' This, is to certify that about. three years ago I was taken with a disease which, - physicians called Consumption. I had a cough, hoarseness, spit, blood,; and became very much reduced. Was under the care of five physicians, and have taken a great deal of medicine 5 without -relief. In this condition, I called on Dr. Brown, 1220 Walnut street. After an electrical examination was pronounced curable. And under the skilful treatment of Dr. Beckwith, operator, and physician in Dr. Brown’s establishment, am near ly entirely relieved of,disease, and expect, after a few more - treatments, to be entirely restored to health, i I recommend all afflicted to go to 1233 Walnut street. . . ... SALAMUN MAY. *■’ Dr. BROWN employ’s the best electrical talent in this country. •Read the following certificate of a cure performed by Mrs. S. A Fulton. - - - RHEUMATISM CURED. , . y . West Philadelphia, Aug, 27, 1854. . Dr. IF. B. Brovin.- - 1 y X had been afflicted with Rheumatism since April last very severely, it extending over .the;, oatire'body, . causing the; most excruciating suffering; for several' mouths was under the- best medical care; but grew no better, and finally gave you a call, and placed myself under the care of Mrs.-S. A. Fulton, female operator of your establishment. . -In,two weeks I. was relieved' of all pain, and am now perfectly well. I gladly recom mend all ladies suffering to her kind care, - y Mrs. W. B. ROWAN, West Philadelphia. ~ : : NEFERikcEs: ;• y In addition to ihe*.^ o^:® 9 aw9M«d-an4 f »U- inter esfcetl are referred to the following iiiJhSd that have been treated and witnessed our treatment Off others, at 1220 Walnut street: y ■ ; • W. B. Smith, No. 1022 Hanover street, Philadel phia ; George Douglass, * No. .26 South Fifth street; William H, Shrlver, Haines street, Germantown; L. ' C. Stockton, 206 Market street; Philadelphia; Chas. H. Grigg, Nos, 219; and 221 Church alley; Emanuel Rey, 707 Sansom street, attorney at lawlsaac D. Guyer, 2 Woodland Terrace; H. Craig:, 1725 Arch street,T3S Broad - street; Robert D. Work, 51‘North Third street; A. G. Croll, Northeast corner Tenth and Market streets. N. B.—We take pleasure in referring the sick to the above'-names, and the following, whose certificates have been or will be givenih full for the good of humanity; Levy, Bronchial Consumption, No.- 814 South Front street; Edward T. Evans, preacher vf the M. E, Church, Dyspepsia of long standing. Laryngitis, and Lumbago,. No. 1633'Belmuth strept; Wm. H. Shaiae, Paralysis of lower limbs, Paraplegy, and Epilepsy, publieher of tl e ITattonal Merchant, No. 126 South Se cond street; Thomas Oweis, Congestion of the Brain, and eovexe Hemorrhage of the Lungs and Diabetes, American Hotel", Philadelphia; James Nugent, Daaf nesß for six years, and ringing and roaring in the head, Fifteenth and.‘Bedford streets; William Morgan, Gene ral Debility, 401 Spruce street; Thos. Harrop, severe Diabetes, Rose Mills, West Philadelphia; Geo.’ Grant,. Rheumatic Gent, long, standing, No. 610. Chestnut street; H. T. Desllvor, Chronic Neuralgia and Inflam matory Rheumatism, No. 1716 Chestnut street; 0, H. Carmldr;" Chronic .Dyspepsia and Inflammation of the. Kidney y Chestnut and Port Seth streets; Anthony'Car-' ney. Consumption, No. 1217 Market street; Edward McMallon, Consumption, No. 1227 Front street; Charles H. Grigg, Dyspepsia and Constipation; Tenth and Arch streets; J. Picket, Chronic Bronchitis, Constipation, and Congestion of the Brain, No. 51S Callowhill street; Rev. J. Mallory, Aphonia, Philadelphia. ELECTRICAL INSTITUTION,-' ESTABLISHED FIVE YEARS AGO. Professor C. H. BOLLES, Lecturer. PItVStCTAXS W. B. BROWN, M. D., P.'SHEDD, M. D., ■ S. W. BECK WITH, M. D., and Mrs. S. A. FULTON. Mrs. FULTON, a lady of great experience and ability. Will have entire charge of-Trefttinj? in. the li&dies’ Do* partment. CONSULTATION FREE. Address all letters to Df w B BRoWff _ , 004-tutbs6t;f* U|9o WALNUT St., Philadd NEW PUBLICATIONS. TVfEW BOOKS!—NEW BOOKS! -Ll MATTIE CABSOH’S EARLY TEAKS. By Mrs, Mllffite Og FAITH By Mary Grace Halpine, "•<,, r i,or of “ Ernest Richmond. MARTHA'SSCHOOL DATS. A Story for Girls. OH THE FRONTIER; Or,.Scenes in the West. MOST; Or, Ann Holbrook s Sirlhood, By the author Of ‘' Ellis Amory. ” &C, A 1 80. NZ" r of _ 'J. T! , . SANFORD AHD MERTON. By Tho# Day. Ulus- LfAtAll . EVENINGS AT HOME: Or, The Juvenile Budget Opened. IfamerouiUy Illustrated. • . • , . THE SWISS FAMILY ROBIHSON; Or, Adventures •m a Desert Island ' „ _ FROM SHAKSPEAKE, for the ass of Toting Persons. Mary Lamb. Forty Engravings. For sale by s - * ALFRED MARTIEN, cc 6 tf CHESTNUT Street. MISS-M ARTINE AU’B “ HISTORY OF tien—ifian E i^r EA pS£l?~~ lBls ' ISM—with an iatroduc a CO ™PJ et ® hUtory of Eaelaud, noßt To 5® completed in 4 vols., new mStniSS f £ ,l l se . r ', ‘°l nmc3 1- and 2 comprising the JAMES K. SIMON. Agent - ~ r .... : -v 33 South SIXTH street, oco .jt. Office of American Cyclopedia. _ -;;v \ ; WAMTS. fTRAIf^TsJOfirWASTED^ON XJ- fine drawings Apply to JOHH MoARTHUB, Jr., Architect, 309 South SIXTH Street, - g B 3O-6t* PARTNER WANTED.—A • GENTLE- A MAH haying a thorough-knowledge of Mercantile Biifcineasy with ft largo acquaintance and sufficient capi tal, desires, to. Decome associated with a; Partner to establish a Broker s Office for general banking business in this city; or he would become interested in an estab lished > house of character and standing. Add ress “Broker,” Box 1200, Post Office. ocs-3t* CEAMSTRESSES, HOTEL 'COOKS, Chambermaids, .General Housework Girls, Child- Hunes; Men j,nd Bays for any work; Favmere, Loom Boss, Dyers, Porters. At 202 HEW Btreet.- it* WANTED- 50 FIRST-CLASS WAGON: II MAKERS; 25first-class Carpenters; 25 first-class Wood-workers. : . Steady work and good wages. Apply at the Rational Wagon Works, SEQO.YJ) andCUMBERLAND Streets*- on and after the £th October, ‘ - HER RY STMO.TS, ocS-thsmJt* 535 HEW MARKET Street. WANTED—PARTNER, ACTIVE OR I • silent, to engage in a respectable', pleasant; and profitable business, of long standing,Tn this city. - Ca pltal'ieanired, from $5,000 to 525.000. Direct, Part ner, 1: this ollice, with real name and address. 006-3t* WANTID-EIGHT GENTLEMEN „ to form part of a Company in purchasing a valu able COAL OIL PROPERTY. Address ‘ ‘ Cherry Run.' 1 Prtss NewspaperOffice,Philadelphia,. . V- It* 1 WANTED-BY A.BUSINESS MAN, . * * haying; four or five hundred dollars, an interest in some cm,ineas as a& active partner. Is not afraid to work, or would have no objections to going into a good Country Store. Has been at the busi ness fifteen 7 earn - v The best of references from country and city mer chants. ' Address ‘‘Country Merchant, * r for one week, at this office. . oc6-4t* WANTED-AN ACTIVE BUSINESS, MAN as Partner, with a cash capital of about *25.000, to purchase an interest in a large Publishing and BoikselJing bnainees of long standing in this city. _One haying a thorough knowledge of the business pre ferred. ‘‘Bookseller,” at the office of the bonh -Ariierwan, with real name and residence, for oae week. y ... o cs-3l* ' WANTED—A SITUATION BY A Practical Young Man as Book-keeper, Ai sistaut, or Clerk; .can give good references. Address Bos 214 Philadelphia Poit.Offlce. , a i oct sit* WANTED--A SITUATION BY AN I • active Man, .well acquainted with the Grocery business, but who has no objection to any other occu pation. Good icference given; Address ‘‘Y. J E.,” Press office. - ' - oc4-3£* WASTED-OIL STOCKS, IN EX- I CHANGE for Land in lowa. Box 2127, PostOflice. ocl 3t* WANTED-AN . ORGANIST FOR A T , * Churchill West Philadelphia. Addros “Organ.” Prsss office, ■ • - ocl-3t* EMPLOYMENT HOUSE, THE LARG , est and most reliable, for city and country. - Has alwajß a. good selection of capable persons, with good references. ' Americans, Irish,. English, French, Got mans, Scotch, 'Welsh, and newly-landed emigrants, as Gaidcners, Farm Hands, Coachmen, Watchmen, &c. Cooks" Chambermaids, Seamstresses, Laundresses, Waitresses, and general Housework Servants . Also, Colored Servants. Nos. 803 and 804 LOCUST Street, above Eighth, - . . soM-lra TjTEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT JLX- OP WASHINGTON. OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER, Nosl 534, 536, AND 538 FOURTEENTH STREET, . : -■■ Near Hew York Avenue,: - Washington, September 29, 1861. CARPENTERS WANTED.—Wanted immediately, fifty good carpenters to go to Point Lookout, Md. Wa fes $7O per month, and a ration. Each workman will ring his own kit of tools. Transportation will he fur nished by the Government, for the workmen and their tools, from this city to Point Lookout. , JOHN A. EIiTStMST, . . • Col. and Chief Quartermaster, ocl-6t . . * Department of Washington, TINNERS-WANTED. A- Chibf Quartermaster’s Office, Depot op Washihstos, ■'■■■■■ Washinoton,--D. C., September 21, ISffi. WANTED, AT ONCE—At the Government Work shops, corner of NINETEENTH and F Streets, TWENTY GOOD TINSMITHS, or men who understand the manu facture and putting up of Sheet Iron Stoves. Wageß: Seventy dollars per month, with a ration. Also, privilege of hospital when sick. Application to he made to Cant. JAMES M. MOORE, A. Q. Si., U. S. A.. No. 134FStreet. - ~ , _ D, H. RUCKER, Brigadier General and Chief Quartermaster, ses£ lQfc - Depot of Washington. J'OR SALE,-' VALUABLE OIL TERRITORY IN VENANGO COUNTY. APPLY TO WM. H. RICHARDSON, ocS-4t* - .' 500 MARKET Street, ■POE SALE—A PROFITABLE CASH- Baying Business, easily managed, expenses light, location.central. Address PrgA<?Office.oes3£* f\IL LjUfbB ! OIL LANDS ! I—FOII SAL’S CHEAP —Oil Sagar, Wolfe.' and Federal- Creek?,,Ohio. These-laods are very rich in Oil, and and successfully developed. 10S South FOURTH fet., secondstory, No. 4. ocs-wtlisH* THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR ~. SALE, at a bargain, his entire Stock in trade, con sisting of fine PLATED WARE and JEWELRY—weII assorted—Safes, Fixtures, and Good Will. Being en gaged in business that calls his entire attention from the city, he will - dispose of his stock in trade on terras favorable to a purchaser. ,9 he attention of the trade is called to the above fine opportunity for investment. se3o-6tif* TO LET-SEVERAL ROOMS, WITH or. without steam power, in Jayne’s Building, Dock street, _ below Third.. Also, the Store Mo. 611 Chestnut street, above Sixth. THOMAS H. CONNELL, Counting House of Dr. D. Jayne & Son, 343 CHEST NUT Street. • se29-6t* MTO RENT-STORE' AND CELLAR* to rent (and fixtures for sale) of oue.of the oldest estah ished GROCERY STOSESin the city. Apply Southeast corner of NINTH and LOCUST Streets. .. - ocS-3i* -m DELAWARE COUNTY.-FOR fife SALE—Fife FARM, J 55 Acres, 11 milesfrom Market-st. Bridge, plank and pike road within a mile of farm, fine old fashioned STONE MANSION, large dou ■ Me floored Barn 60 by SO; will feed SO Steers, well wa tered and handsomely located. Price-moderate.- - - JAS. K. CUMMINS, ec6-3t 504 WALNUT Street. -> «FOR SALE-TIIE ELI GANT Brown-stone Mansion,on the west corner of Logan Square and Vine street. Lot 22 by 140 feet. Aoplvto WM., ROSSELL ALLEN. ocs- St* , S. E. comer FOURTH and WALNUT. M FOR SALE-A VERY DESIRA BLE Residence on Nineteenth street, above Arch. Apply to- WM ROSSELL ALLEN, ocs-St* S. E. corner FOURTH and WALNUT. - #H A VAL UABLE AND DESIRABLE FARM AND COUNTRY SEAT AT PUBLIC SALE. WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE, ON SATURDAY, THE Bth OF OCTOBER, 1864, OH THE PREMISES AT 2 O’CLOCK IK THE AF TESKOON, i A VALUABLE FARM, Situated immediately adjoining the town of , WOODBURY, GLOUCESTER COUKTY, K. J., COKTAINIKG 31 ACRES, with a front on Delaware street of 1,400-feet, and a never- failing stream of water running the entire width of the property in the rear, well stocked with fruit of great varieties, divided into convenient lots. The land is in a good-state of cultivation, and particularly adapt ed to grass.; ‘ - THE IMPROVEMENTS ARE A GOOD TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE, BARS, CORK-CRIB, AKB OTHER BUILDIHGS, And a fine lawn in front of the house. ■. For a gentle man’s country Beat, for speculative purposes, or for the cultivation cf fruita, this is one of the mbstHesirahl'e properties, rarely to be met with-in the market. ■ The town of WOODBURY iB the county seat of Glou cester county, and one of the most flourishing villages inWest Jertey, with schools of a very high order and churches of variotts The means of ac cess are almost hourly hy the West Jersey ana the property wuhin ten minutes’ walk of the cats. 1 J6®~ For particulars, inquire of WILLTAIT- R. TA TUM, President, of the Gloucester County Bank, at Woodbury. Conditions at sale. , . ALSO, AT THE SAME TIME AKD PLACE, TEN A.CR-33S ; OP. L AND, AT BED BAKK, adjoining lands of Charles Whitall, Johnson, and Henry Bicklej, part growing up m TIMBER. ; September 22d, 1564. . se22-thstntoCS GERMAN BULBOUS ROOTS— —A—Hyacinths, Tulips, Croces, Snow-drops, Ranuccn lus. Anemones, Jonquils, &c., Ac., for Fall planting. Just received per steamer, and for sale hy r ROBERT BUIST, Jr. Seed and Agricultural Warehouse, oel-6t] Kos. 03a and 931 MARKET St. .above Kinth, O Ann TRUCK AND PEACH BAS- Vj'-'VV KETB just received and for salo by - ROWE & BOSTOir, : se2-tf 157 and 159 Korth THIRD Street. FOR sale—a very SUPERI rjSSSx.OR-family HORSB^hrightbay,,lBhand!ihigh; kind in single or double harness; free from trick)»uo6 afraid of locomotives.. Can be seen at lobys Stable, CHERRY Street, above Seventh. It* PERSONAL. DE PARIS ”~IS~NOt"a . iLi paint, powder, or paste, but a most-delicious preparation that gives both the color and texture-of polished ivory to the skin; EUGEHE JOUIK, Ko ill .-■-TENTH Street, !:jlow Chestnut . ” " ' i l “T ’EMAIL DE PARIS ” CAN ’BE Tt vs™„sl!^n y al y aalB f in thehrivacy of tl e toilette . - roughness, and its purifying effect on the skin calls forth freshness. color, and beauty* E. JOUIK, Ko. 11l TENTH Street. below Chestnut. “T’EMAIL DE PARIS” QUICKLY and.effectually remorea those unsightly black worm specks which detract so much from the beauty oi the skin. B. JODIK, Ho. 11l TEKTH Street, below Chesfctnut. '■ “T ’EMAIL DE PARIS” IS ES- J-J PECI ALLY endorsed by Mad’lie Vest vaU, Mh. Waller, and many ladies in private J- C. FULLER, YX3 CHESTNUT Street. AUCTION BUUEO. JEW BAZAAR, NINTH AND BANS SOM STREETS. 3 AUCTION SALE OF HOBBES. CARRIAGES, Sc.; ON SATURDAY MORNING NEXT, - ‘ At 10 o’clock, eom ? ri||gabo a ut Eg fall at eale^ go A large collection of cUoITI„ie new And second caul carnages, light wagons, &c., with which the sale wul commence. - wKi 0 - Magle and double harness, saddles, bridle*. w SSf-eevers, baiters, Ac.’ rS7K po s*P OB ® Jn ent on account of weather. .. «C ° ! horses, Ac., on WEDNESDAY next. Bjp. Carrh,!2? » a j^? lb of hloefied stock; October 19th. oc6-2hf mafre iT > SolS r, ;? es at Private sale. - -1 ALFRED M HERKHESS. Auctioneer. PENNSYLVANIA FICE , MILl * A ’ OF. ' - Wl be sold at thSe-t Ser (in accordance, with act of Assembly i 22, 1801, Section 9), st the State AreeHF rq Slr.wK Sa3 “ od TUESDAY, the 18tn day cf October c’oimnon^iSF B '. 10 A. M., the following nnseiwiceabW ti rials, the property of the State of Pennsylvania Ten G-poncders Brass Cannon, easting French Yi,.- 1766 to 1794 ; weight about 6,310 pounds ’ Eight 6-ponuders Iron Cannon, casting of 1336 aal IK>7 ; weight about G,OCO pounds. One 24 pounder Iron Cannon, weight about 1,509 pounds. - . : 784 Gnn Barrels (old castinr), weight about 3.*s pounds. 4 Gun-carriage Axles, weight about'436 pounds, do. Tires, do. 1,810 pounds. ‘ do. Hubrings, do. 20S pounds. T do- Straplron. do. 211 pounds. weight about 3,032 pounds, t.n homJsJ Bo,(l itt l° ts > for cash. Payments hanks 0 v«i < d l ?i, Kat! .® B , al or stata currency of solvent withb’ttti«tfeii nicles Porchased must be removed Y'Yival 1 d9lay - and w ’’-i be at buyer’s risk until M4-tuthfr6t o , James l. Reynolds. Quartermaster General of Penna. SALE OF CONDEMNED # QtTAKIEEMASTEK GeseßAl’s OFFIOE, ' yill le sold at Wghsst at the time and places named befow, -ziz ?“ 8 1 “Wdard MIFFLIN, PENNSTLVAB lA, THURSDAY October 13. 1884. WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, THURSDAY - October 20,1564. 41 ‘ YORK, PENNSYLVANIA, THURSDAY, October 27 1884 * TWO HUNDBE3J CAVALRY HORSES, AT EACH ..JS 1 , 0 -.!- HotfosLaYe been condemned as naflt ter tbs caYalry service of the army, * may r fce had ll4 fannin * Parposes, many good bargain* Sa i? B to =t>mmence at 10 A.M. B vordi™r S », l^F nlt ? d StatBS Onrrencr. - • r»r order of tie Quartermaster General ' _ JAMES A. SKIN, : Colonel m charge First Division; Quartermaster General’s Office. oc3-toe26 AhorshP BALE of CONDEMNED GtIiRTERMASTER GESF.RATES OFFICE X * FIRSTDIYISrOX, - xxr'iT City, September 25 r issi a ®o l |“ I X. a c®“Sn C a “ c^> U«to«'wS&,. WHE i HOUSES. ONE HOHDEEDAKB PlPTy’clvifßY HOR3ES, • TheeeHorees have been condemned as unfit for the cavalry service of the army. “* maybe°hal° d farmil!S Pttr£> * oses many food bargain* Horses sold singly;. ■-. 'mS™atlOA.i|Efiited Siaieß currency. Sale to com- By order of the Quartermaster General, .■' Colonel, in charge 1 Btdb^faiouQJE. o^<J. AMUSEMENTS, K E rTn£?? S H UT - ST - THEATB3sT~ Hana“° * OKOVEK & WILWAM E. SINS, great success TbeatreSl^g^^ . THIS (Thursday) EVENISG"oc! (!, Trl ' lm!>k oWCo P m£d“tfed Wlll Co “ msllc9 with Col^« _ - THE TOOK GE SThEM-t Ef. . Emily Worthington.. .................. Misa Josia OrfoS* Locreti a McTabb .....STiss Emily Ifoataver To be followed with the ecreaminfffarcebntitled rßr " «• in r ■ d prc-rffo tl d ' • Sixth Grand Family Matinee, SATURDAY APTRir- KOOlvOct. 8, when the THE SBA OF ICS reduced r Sk WUi by special WQMrfJJ* WALNUT-STREET THEATRES f ? THrs (Wednesday) EVENING Oct sir r»—*_it_ s ppearance of the charming, young? and vlraatii? ncau actrep.. Miss CHA RLOTTE THOaPSON Who will give her bsantiful impersonations of t ci -\ JULIET t-JULIET’ In Shaksprare s Tragedy of - - ROMEO AND JULIET' To conclude with the laughable farce of - MR. AND AIRS. PETER WHITE Doors open at 7; Performances commence'at l'o-morrow, Benefit of Miss Charlotte Thompson. A/TRS. JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCH i."A STREET THEATRE. » YESTVALT. . 'BELDEMONTO \ . TO-NIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT, Nlo ‘ with new Scenery, Costumes, Ac • • ■ , BEL DEMON 10. ,1a which she willsin ff • ••.....a., vibrYAlil. ."You are the Star" and"‘Brave Marco.” Seats secured three days in advance. > aeS THE GEAiSTJD BILLIARD TOURNA kook ANB EVENING EXHIBITIONS to ram* mence at 2P. 11. and SP. M. Back game is to lirlw> points—caroms.. Push shots debarrel The followtoE names are the competitors fortha championshnaml prizes: Estephe, C. Bird, J. W. Montgomery Hn bert T. Byall, B. H. lfe)m s ; H. W. Hewel j PairS* eoi DTHwinl et »pd^f? rs - katanaoh, mdaw; 6 . ,T 1 V V ' 4I ‘ E ' other prominent players are ex pected to be present:. Single admission, 50 cts. , Searan .Ticketsfseenred seats), $5. Par sate at the principal Billiard Booms and Hotels. ‘ JW. MONTGOMERY, and B. T. B 1 ALL, Committee of .Aixangemepts. - orbesTop pr.iCtiNa THURSDAY AETERlfOOß—Hewesand RyalJ • BTonf- S!S“lnnfe EYEliING “' :EEtephO ani FBIDAY_AFTEEIfOOJf—Hewea and Palmer- Monf- IriSlfeS * EYENlffG—Estepbe aadßyaU; SA|pBDAY_A|TEBHOOir-Bird and By all; Bstsplia and ISelmf EVESJKG—Hewes and Plunkett: Stmt gomery and Palmer. ’ MOHDAY AFTEKNOOX-Fewas and Xelme- MoS -ISSK&g. EYEiaXQ-E’tepneaadPinnkett; CONCERT.—.A GRAND OON gVe n SfcssC& IHinjl!:nStrameßtBlJlnsic 1 Hi n jl !:nStrameBt8lJlnsic ™ : r Of- the CHURCH OB’. THE ASSUMPTION, and tb'a ■ ORPHANS OP DECEASED SOLDIERS The very best talent, both vocal and Instrumental, have been engaged, and . no effort has been spared hr the management to male this the Great Concert of th« Season, -with a Programme the most varied and enter taining yet presented. • This wii! comprise gems from the Italian Opera, and Sacred Music, wiih National, Sentimental,-Irish,Scotch, and Humorous Vocal Sa-ections from the most admired, musical authors. A ‘ Grand Chorua”-tvill be sang by the ‘Sfflngerbnnd McsioalScciety. and the ♦•Gloriafit Excehos, * from the Great War Mass of Haydn effec tively given by a full Choir, composed of theprincipal ■ffissrgsßiS.fW oioirs ofiW6 ° i£i ' 6o& _ Choice Solos will be performed upon the, Violin by Professor Hammer;; Plate, Professor Drooghman- Piano, Professor Newland; Ba-jo, Professor AUebichJ together with original Variations npon the Harp, from tte Operas of “Lucrezia Borgia,” “Norma,” and itllian n Marp’ist.’” by SiKaor Abatfa - the- renowned Amongst others also who will assist upon this festive occasion, are the American Vocalists (Quartette Associ ation IMits Josephine O’Conneli, Miss Elbe McCaffrey. Miss M. A. Walsh, Mesdames Hammer and Little. Lady Amateur, Herr Anton. Samuel '.V. Bndd, Philip Monro Charleß A. Janke, Daniel MclntyxeT and a~h®st of others.. . ... - The. piano used npon this occasion is a grand-actioa piano, from the celebrated manufactory of George Steel & On., and will be presided at by Prof. WILLIAM A. NEWLAND. J * 101. n mmia The doors will he open at OK o’clock, and the per formance Will commence at 1%, precisely. Ocs 2t THOMAS E HASKINS, Director. /CHESTNUT-STREET OPERA HOUSE, VNo 1221 CHESTNUT Street. ' * AL'LIKSON & HINCKSN.. .Proprietor*. MOHAN’S MINSTRELS P appear every evening in an elegant ETHIOPIAN ENT SRTAINMENT, - Doors open at 7,- commencing at 8 o’clock precisely. -Admission 25 cents.- ■ Reserved seats, which can be secured from 10 to g o’clock, SO.cents. t ocS-tf A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH JA AND CHESTNUT Streets. . TEMPLE OP WONDERS! SIGNOR BLITZ EVERY EVENING, A,v» WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. Change of Performance Constantly. Admission, 25 Cents. Children, 15 Cents. Reserved Seats, 50 Cents. Evening Performances, commence at 7K- Afternoon at 3. . ■ : 1 ■ ... • oc3-tf A SSEMBLY BUILDING.—GH AND ■«- STEREOPTICAU, STEREOPTICAN: Tonraover the World, Tours over the World. . THIS EVENIHG, at 8 o’clock, •The marmoos illusion. of THE “GHOST,” . THE “GHOST,” . And other Splendid Novelties, Admission 25 cts. Children 15 cts. pASINO, CHESTNUT ST., ABOVX V) Sixth, THE GREAT VARIETY THEATRE OP TH* every evening, with a FULL AND EFFI CIENT COMPART, sslS-ii* CHRIST REJECTED.- THE GREAT and celebrated picture by West, tbe chef d'ceuvn si the artist, is now on exhibition at the ACADEMY OP FINE A STS, No. 1025 CHESTNUT St., in addition is the entire Art Collection of the Academy. Admittance, 2S cents. Season Tickets, SO cents. , sald-lm* nPHB ACADEMY OF FIRE ART B . ■ J- CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, la OPEN DAIRY, for -rialtors, from 9A. M. to 6 P.* M. - jejg BOABDIAG. WANTED—BY A GENTLEMANANB ” WIFE, BOARDING in a. strictly private family. Liberal amount will be paid for tbe same. Address C.,” 80x2163, Poet Office. ELIGIBLE ROOMS VACANT A T J j HILL’S, 33S SPRUCE Street, ocß-lm* T3OARXING. WANTED.—A NEWLY married eonple want BOARDING, by October 20th. with a respectable private family, in a good, neighborhood, where there -are' few or no Otoe?' boarders. Address, stating terms; *.'J- T. S Bov JSCS, Post Office. , ocs-3t- WANTED.-A LADY HAVING A * * furnished HOlJSE—location between Chestnut ; and Spring Garden, Fourth and Tenth streets—to board four Married Couples. Boom* furnished if desired. Ba- > ference exchanged. Address P. 0, Box 350. ocs-3c* TO RENT HANDSOMELY FUR NISHED ROOMS, ocA3t* No. 904 WALNUT Street ,08T AMD FOUND. TOST—ON THE NIGHT OF THE 3d. -AJ at the Hall of tbelJninn League, Chestnut street, above Twelfth, a OOLI) CROSS, belonging to a Soldier. A liberal reward wilt be paid on addressing * ‘H. J. F., 1 * 1015 NECTARINE Street. • : \ , ocS-St* - tp>9n REWARD.-—LOST, ON FRIDAY 'iP'f',Y, evening, on the express, train from Pittsburg to Philadelphia, between Greensbnrg and Harrisburg, a pair of heavy, old style. GOLD SPECTACLES (in case), with name or McAllister* * stamoed on one corner of returnGdto McAIiLISTBB & CO., 7£B Street, Philadelphia, the above reward will be paid, and bo questions asked, oca-3t TOST OR STOLEN—A DUE BILL, drawn by Jay Cooke A Co., for twenty-four hun dred dollars United States seven-thirties, dated August iStb, 1864 infavcr of D. U. Robinson & Go. , but not en dorsed by them. All; persons are cautioned against gotiating lbs same. Apply to , jc ME ACE ocs si* 1001- FIRE Street, \TOTICE.—LOST, CERTIFICATE NO, 266 for J? 00 Shares of CUBTIIf OIL, issued to R. W. ROGERS. Transfer has been stopped, and apPUcago* made for a new Certificate. . ; R622-ISI* MEYER’S NEWLY IM DROVED CRBSGBNT BCAIK . ' ovEKsrauss.pusos. [edged to be the best: London Prise JtedAl Bt Awards in America received. D EONS AND SECOND-BAND KANOS.: Pare rooms,' No. 723 ARCH St, bel. Eight*. DECKER BROS., Achnowl BcS-am P STECK & CO.’S CELEBRATED^ PIANO^ J. E. GOULD. SEVENTH AND C3SSTNEJT.