The Eecoveeed Lunatic. BY THE lIABD OF TOWER HALE, 111 Philadelphia, dwelt a youth Of polished grace and pleasing form. Whose Bohl all honor was and troth, „ . Whose heart was gentrous and warm. ■ But jilted hy a false eogustte, (Who mourned too late herci'uelact,) ' His wits became quite overset, : And doatin* friends deplored the fact. He rayed and screeched, and well-nigh tore . His luckless garments from his back, wThen, Hke an elephant, did roar, *A'"■ Until his face became ontte black. 1, • ’ "Bat when, one pleasant morn, heroei, light o'er his mental yision broke, And, garing on his tattered clothes, Some earnest sentences he spoka. Those words his friends .with joy did hear, ~ And blessed the certain proof they bore That Reason's lamp again burned Clear, - , i And that the youth would rare no. more. Said he,-.“These clothes have rents’so bad ■ That they cannot be worn at.ali; And 1 nuts*, hasten to be clad r Anew, once more, ut Tower Hall!” In making a saiehtion from our stock of Keady-msdo Garments yon will secure articles equal in style,-fit, mate- antf matemi to any made to order, tit 25 to noper C?.nt. lower prices. TOWER HALL ■ . 518 MARKET ftreet. It BENNETT & CO. The Popular Clothing House on Fhila, “OAK HALL.” ' Besl-cla3s goods at moderate prices, WANAMAKER Si BROWN, 8. E, eornor SIXTH and MARKET Streets, Custom Department (to make to order) No. IS. Sixth St. 'Whbkihb & Wilson’s Highest Premium V LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES, THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, AND BEST. IMssroojM, 7tfS- CHESTNUT Street. above Seventh. INX-A-lEtIEIIEIX BOWER I—HEATH. 1 —HEATH. —On the 2Sthult, by the Rev L. 0. Baker, Hr. Jamas B. Boyer to Oharlotta Matilda, only daughter of Captain A. Heath, all of Camden,New Jersey. - . .. 3DXBX3- EOCKHILL,—On ihe SOthnltimo, atlas birth-place, In Hunterdon conuty, New Jersey, William P. KncV 'MH, in tbe 68ih year of his age. . • « MOJ.ONT.-Of membraneons croup, on the 4thm3t., Oeoreo H., infant son of Henry H. and Annie L. Mo iony. aged 17 months. . * CLEMENT.— Captured and shot, by guerillas, on tbe 10thof June. near'Louisa Court House; 1 Ya. . Corporal Joseph s. Clement;!of Company C, 2a Pennsylvania Cavalry, in the22d year of ills age. **ths HUHN.— In this city, on the 2d Inst.,.George Htihn, |J.D.,A. A. Surgeon, Camp William Penn, in the 55th year of Me age, The relatives and male friends of the family are In vited to attend tbe funeral, from his late residence. No. 1714 Browu street, .on Thursday morning, Cth inst , at JO o’clock. To proceed to Laurel Hill t emetery. ?’* :: SIMPSON.—On tho evening of October Ist, Thomas F. Simpson. , The male relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully Invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, 824 Pine street, on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o’clock. ' ** GRIFFITHS.—October 2. 1854, Willie Griffiths, son of William Griffiths, aged 6 years, S months, and 16 We funeral will tal e place from his father’s residence, Mount Vernon street, above Locust street, Kaighn’s Point, South Camden, on Wednesday, October 0, at 10 O'clock A. M. . ** FRENCH,—On Second’day morning, the 3dmsTant, Elizabeth 8,, wife of Wm. H. French, in the 65th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family arß invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her husband, No, 250 South Twenty-first street, on Fourth day morn ing, theSthinst,, at lOo’clock:, .. » ** & SON, MOTJKNING- STOKE, Ko. 918 CHESTNUT Street, Kaye received- Black Delaines. ** all-wool Mousselines, single widen, 11 •••*•♦ ** doucle width, and White Delaines. 4,1 and Purple Delaines. * * and White all-wool Monsseltae*. *• and Purple “ ** Tamises and Bombazines. ** Merlnoes and Cashmeres. 14 Kepsi Empress Cloths, Alpaeas, &t, »n29»tf ' . - ' T7YBE &LAKDELL OFFER WHOLE - J-f SALE, Besislioir of MEEIITOES in town, Best show of POPLIKS in towu, Bestsliow of SILKS in town. Bestslow of SHAWLS in town, Best show of'CLOAKS in town. gggp\ MERCANTILE USIOIJf .. CLUB.- Persons desirous of enrolling their names as members Of the CLUB will find lists open at A, H. Fuller, 29; Horth Third street. ' William A. Koitn, 739 Market street. 1, T. Steßle, 4 Norih Second street. - M. K, Harris, 485 Market street. '' 35. H. Hunt, 811 Chestnut street. By order of the Executive Committee. , oes-2t Wit, A. ROLIN, Secretary, MKOM. JOESSON, AX© VAC mSSf TOBY ! FLING YOUR BANNERS TO THE BREEZE H Hag-raising, THIS EVENING, at TENTH and POP LAB Streets. All loyal, Union-loving citizens are in vited. The following eminent speakers will address the meeting: Hon. WM.-T. KELLEY, Col. WM. 13. MiNN, Col; WM. F. SMALL. P. A YAK CLEYE, Esq., THOS: M. COLEMAN, Esq., and others. By order of Committee. It* THOS. J. CLOUSE, Secretary: CAVALCAOE OF THE SEVEN ft® TEEK'TH, EIGHTEENTH, NINETEENTH, TWENTY-THIRD, and TWENTY-FIFTH WARDS BIEETING,—AII friends of the Union, and Peace, as diict&ted by Commissioners Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, Farragnt, and Butler, aid who Intend or desire to unite with the Cavalcade of the above Wards on: SATURDAY EVENING NEXT, will meet on THURSDAY EVENING, ftt 7K o’clock, at the Hall, . oeo-2t* YORK and FRANKFORD Road. TWEIfTY.FOURFHWARB.FIFTH PRECINCT —The friends of Lincoln, Johnson. Kelley, and tire Whole Ticket, are requested to meet at the Precinct Headquarters, LANCASTER Avenue and FORTIETH Street. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, at 7 o’clock, to join the Ward Campaign Club, and to pro ceed to the Mass Meeting at HastonviUe. .< I&M. F. BLUNDlN,'President. Cbas. Githsns, Secretary. ,1;* AT TENTS© A% KEPI’BLKAS IN VINOrBLES ! - Members of the CLUB are earnestly requested to at tend a meeting at the Hall THIS (Wednesday) EVEN ING at 1U o'clock. . Important husir ess to be transacted. GEO. INMAN RICHE, President. : Wm. L. Fox, Jr., Secretary. It STATE BANK AT CAMDEN, N. ,T. OCTORF.II4 th, 1864. The Directors have this day declared a Semiannual Divident 0! Five Per Cent., and an Extra Dividend of Five Per Cent., payable to the Stockholders, on de mand, clear of taxes. . J. TOWNSEND. 005-31* Cashier. iff (DSIPAS Y, re: *S£f VIKCIBLES. -trill meet at NATIONAL HALL, TO-NIGHT,, and-NIGHTLY hereafter, for drill and business, at 6K o’c’ftck P. M., and also upon the ad journment of-the .Club meetings. Members, and those desiring to join, are requested to attend to prepare for Saturday night Parade.- * ! It* JEFFERSON MEDICAL COL. Sag! I,EGB. —The General INTRODUCTORY will be delivered on MONDAY NEXT, at7J4 P. M., by Prof, B. HOWARD RAND The regular Lectures will begin the day after, at 10 A. M. • • •_ - ’ • • ocs-5t . RQBLEY DUNGLISON, Dean, HEADQUARTERS LINCOLN AND JOHNSON CAMPAIGN CLUB,, ‘ ; THIRTY-THIRD AND MARKET, TWENTY' FOURTH WARD. ORDERS No.-1. . ' . • Philabej phia. OotoherS, 186!. I. Messrs. Henry Hancock, Wm. J. Sloan,-J; Alex. Simpson, Thomas Hunter, Matthew Morris, D. H. lane, A. J, Morgan. Lieut. Wm. E. Rowan, J. A. Paimer, andSergt. S. D. Mansfield, have been appointed Assistant Marshals Capt John P, Levy and Edward J. Altdmue have been appointed Aids to Chief Marshal, and Lieut. Samuel T. Cowperthwait Commander of the Cavalcade. They will be obeyed and respected accord ingly. IX. Clubs, after fermingin their respeetivePrecincts, Will assemble at these Headquarters and raporton next WEDNESDAY EVENING, Oct. 6, at 7 o’clock. 111. The line will ha formed at l'/ % o’clock precisely. By Order of ■ ■ Oc4-2t* J J. C. PAYNTER, Chief Marshal. *SSF* OFFICE «►!’ THE FRASKIIS FIRE INSURANCE CO., Philadelphia, Octo ber 3,1864, .:. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company, held tills day, a seml-anni'al Dividend of SIX PER CENT,, and an Extra Dividend of TEN PER CENT., Was declared on the Capital S ock, payable to the Stock holders or their legal representatives on and after the 18th instant. SJ. W. McALLISTER, oc4-tl3 Secretary pni’tem. CRSTTEWIJEJf’S-COMSIERCIAL COLLEGE, 031 CHESTNUT Street, corner of SEVENTH. Young Men fully prepared for the-Counting House and Bnsiness Life. Day and Evening Sessions. oc4-3t* REFUBI.ICAM IYVIXCIBLBS.- Stiver and Fine Pitted Badges made and for Sale, 521 CHESTNUT Street. oel-3t* OFFICE OF THE S'l’. KICHOBAS KE I COAL’ COMPANY, 305 TAMUT STREET, • i Philadelphia, Oct. 1,.1554. At a meeting of the Diractois held THIS DAY aqnar terly dividend of three per cent, on the capital stock of the company was declared payable on and after October 10, Transfer hooka will he closed from the fifth to the tenth inclusive. C. F. BHOENER, oc4-5t Treasurer. . E®*> DIVIKESi! XOTFCE.—OFFICE OF F*? THE MINERAL COAL COMPAHY, 534 WAL HDT Street. Philadelphia, October I,IBW. . . The Board of Directors bsve tills day declared a Quar terly Dividend of TEHEE PER CENT.: on the Capital Block of the Company, payable at their office on and after the 10th instant, clear of State tax. ‘ The Transfer Bonks-will he closed on the : 4th instant and he opened on the loth. . oc4-st* ' TBOS.R. SEARLE. Secretary. I®” PBIIADELPHIA society fob »*’ : PBOMOTIN 0 AG RICOLTBRE. -October Sleet ing at Rooms, .336 WALHDT Street, on wIdneI PAY, sth met, i at 10 o'clock A. M. , ocf-2t ygg” OFFICE OF-THE BRIGGS OIE COMPAHY, Ho 147 South FOURTH Street. a Philadelphia, October 1, 188* ; The Boards of Directors have declared the Fourth monthly dividend of ONE PER CENT, on the Capital Stock, payable on the bth met. The, Transfer Books trill he closed on the Sth, Sth. andJth met. oeS.7t . CHAS. A. DAY, Treasurer, ■*7s*°° ISISETEEfS’CH. WARD IS USIE FIELD, and will give the highest Bounty of any ward in the city. . ~ Committee will-set from 10 "A; M daily, at Ladner’s Military Bail, 533 North THIRD Street, near Green. ,* USSr* USITEKSITX OF VESNS YJLVAISIA ■»? -MEDICAL I> (i PAETMENT-NINET ?■ NINTH SESSION. IS6I-65.—The regular Lectures of this School will commence MONDAY, October 10, :aad ter minate the last of February. Fee for fn l course, -$lO5. E. E. KOOEKS, M. D., Dean of the Medical Faculty._ «e26-m'W(Gt 158?” FIKST IVAKI>.-THOSE WHO -w-iEh to contribute to this FIRST WAKD BOUN TY BUND, or assist by farnishinareeralts. will address Chas. Humphreys, chairman of the First Ward Bounty Committee, front 9to 12 o’clock, at the,U. S. Assistant Assessor’s office, 216 South Twelfth street, residence 1313 South Tenth street, or THOMAS A. BABLOW, Trea aarer, 133% South FIFTH Street. oc3-6t* 808 ASB OJDB eOI'JiTBT’S EIGHTS. —The National Union Associations of the various wards, the Union Campaign Club, Republi can Invincibles, the Union League, and all other organ ized bodies of loyal citizens of this city and oar neirh boring towns, friends ofltlie honest and patriotic LIN COLN and JOBS SON, are invited to join In the Grand UNION MEETING and TOKCHLIGHT PROCESSION, on SATURDAY EVENING, the Bth of October, 1861. Let all come with their Banners, Transparencies, their Lanterns and their Torches. ' . ' By order of the National. Union City Executive Com mittee. JOHN G. BUTLER, oca-ot Chairman Committee on Meetings, W” FHIUmPHU, SEPMBMBEIS 28, _lBBi,—Holica is Jitreby given that an in staiment of One Dollar per share on each and every r h nMx.»w-v?„ ca V. t > l ., fiEw i 11 of the .GIIUKD jriNlJffl ISM a P flh a 9 bl ,U ? ? e of Kt™ _se29-12t B. A. HOPPES. Treasurer. BBS*’ STOCKUOI.DEBS MEETIIfO UNION BANK. *.*-**««.— , PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 233. 1864 -jAfener&l meeting of the Stockholders of the Union ®ask of Philadelphia will ha held at their Banking aonse, on TUESDAY, Hot. Ist, at 4o’clock P M . for ‘ne purpose of taking into consideration and deciding the question whether or not the said Bank shall he •fume an Association for carrying on the hneiness of under the laws of the United States; and of g „™s*ng the powers conferred by the Act of General hWiI .l 5 ’ °f this Commonwealth entitled “An Act en the Banks of this Commonwealth to become as of tri n e -purpose of banking under the laws 1864 States. ” approved the 22d day of Augnst, haneceS,. tak l Buoh action in regard thereto as may * re “w*ary and proper. i,. : ; . mm By order of the Board of Directors, nui swnol J. J. HUCKEL, Cashier. pj A T lO NIC UN! ONT IC KET. ® BASB fciAT,,EBISG OF kepbese: 1. KobeitP. Kins, %. G. Morrison Coates, 3. Henry Bumm, 4. William H. Korn, 5. Barton H. Jenks, . 6. Charles M. Hank, ifpasaw. ■ 9. John A. Hiostand, 10. Bichard H. Coryell. 11. Edward Holliday, 12. Charles B. Bead, TATIVE. : 13. Elias W. Hale; , 14. Charles H. Shiiner, 15. John Wister,, , . IR. David McConaaehr. 17. David 117. Woods, 18, - lanao Boneon, I». John Patton,. 20. Samuel B. Diok, 21. Everard Bierar, 22. John P. Penney, , 23. Ebenarar MoJunkln, 21. John W- Blanchard. By order of the State Central Committee. ' SENATOK—Third Bisfrlct. ISAAC A. SHEPPARD. . ■ KBFKESESTATIV3EB. ■ First District—WlLLlAM FOSTER. Second District-WILLIAM H. RUDDIMAIf. Third District-RICHARD BUTLER. Fourth District—W. W. WATT, Fifth District-JOSIFH T. THOMAS.' , . Sixth District—JAMES FREEBORN. Seventh District—THOMAS COCHRAN. Eighth District—JAMES N.. KEENS. . Ninth District-CHARLES FOSTER. Tenth District—SAMUEL S. PANCOAST. ; Eleventh District—FßANKLlN D. STERNER. Twelfth District—LUKE V. SUTPHIN, Sr. ' Thirteenth District-EROS C. RENNER. Fourteenth District—FßANClS HOOD. . Fifteenth District-GEORGEDE HAVEN, J*. Sixteenth District-WILLIAM F. SMITH. - Seventeenth District—EDWAßD G. ; LEE. Eighteenth District—JAMES MILLER. jjggp»i HAW. OF THE CMOS BEAGCE, CHESTNUT 5T.,.. ABOVE TWELFTH. By invitation cf the DAVID PAUL BROWN, ESQ., And will follow it by a Lecture upon Wednesday Evening, Oct. 5, AT THE HALL OF THE UNION LEAG-UE, The Ladles are invited to attend. gggp LINCOLN! MNCOIN AND JOHNSON The above Meetings will he addressed hy HON. M. RUSSELL THAYER, : / COL. WALTER HARRIMAN . . . * (of New Hampshire), ' REV. CHAS. W. DENNISON, CHARLES S. MINOR, Esq., and other.eloquent- speakers. The Kulpsville Band will he present at both meetings. Union-loving men of all parties are invited to turn out and give their support to the great cause which ie now triumphantly sustained hy the hands of . 'tjbmcas in- GRANT, SHERMAN, SHERIDAN, MEADE, ■ AND FARPvAGUT, and the hrave soldiers and sailors under their command.. Rally round the Old Flag, and strengthen the hearts and hands of .-the men who are battling for Union and Li berty! Convince them that their efforts shall not he blasted by the work of disloyal men at home, and let us charge together upon the enemies of onr country with the battle-cry of . - LINCOLN, JOHNSON, AND VICTORY! . m~ EXCURSION TICKETS will be sold for the above places, via North Pennsylvania Railroad; at REDUCED PRICES. oel 2t .■asss-*' HEADQUARTERS FIRST 55ATTA- B2K? LION UNION CAMPAIGN CLUB, .. Philadki.i’iua, October4th, IS3-1. In accordance with the suggestions of a Committee, appointed to take that matter into consideration, it has bun decided 10 re organizetkis battalion, and the fol lowing orders are therefore published:. J. The batialion wlll be divided into ten companies, to be knowh as Companies A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, X, and K. There will be assigned to each one First As*,- si si ant Marshal, who will each select three from the num ber of Second Assistant Marshals, and also appoint the guides and other officers necessary to perfect the organ izaiion. They will be held responsible for the good order and discipline of their several commands, as well as for any property of the Club entrasted to their care. ' ; IX. Each Company will he provided with a lantern and a flag, upon which shall beconspicuonslydisplayed the letter of the same. They will be carried by the re spective orderly sergeants. 111. Books will he provided at these headquarters, in which members of the battalion, and those deslrious of becoming tuch, may enrol their names and attach themselves to such company as they may select. The headquarters of th* battalion will he open daily from 9 o’clock A. M., until 10 o’clock P. M., and command ants of companies will detail one or two men to attend thereafter daily, for the purpose of receiving the names ol members and others: .' IV. Commandants of companies will immediate ly select two men to compose a pioneer corps, and will, without delay, proceed to select the officers as hereinbefore provided, and attend to the thorough or ganization of their commands. . , V. In accordance with the request of tlia committee, the Chief Marshaibas usigned the following First As sistsnt Marshals to the command of the several compa nies:'-. ..... • ■■ ✓ ’ Company A-Col. D. W. Cl BAXTER. Company B—Col. T. G, JIORKHBAD, Company C— . Company D-Col, JOHN F. GLENN. Company E—Col. T :F:F. TAPP EE. ' : Company F—Capt. A J. KNORR. Company G—Major C..M. BERRY. Company H—Major RICHa.KD ELLIS. Company I—Lieut, J. B DbHAVEN. Company K — HKNRY RitESE. .Tic. By command of - * * • Col. P. C. ELLMAKER, Chief Marshal. %V!i.T,rAM A. Okay, ) Cfas. C. Ksight, ■■{■.Special Aids, Joseph T. Ford, , }; : . 1 SIXM WAK», AROUSE! SOS? LINCOLN, JOHNSON, AND LIBERTY ! grand’ union massuieeting, I : ■ AT FRANKLIN HALL, ■■.- SIXTH Street, below AKCH, ' On WEDNESDAY EA’ENINtf, October oth, ■ .At 8 o’clock. • . Let all the friends of the country and our National standard bearers come ! ■„ '•■ , . Let all come who would like. to see the. gold specula tions break up, and the necessaries and comforts of life reduced in price until they are again within the reach of every one ! . Let ail come who are determined the majority shall rule! ' Victory by ilie Armies i Victory at homo ! follows speakers will address tlie meeting': ’ S'“- £<*» 'V. Young, Biq. ; Hen. Wm B. Lehman, Henry T. King, Esq.. Hon Wm. B. Mans, Thomas J. Worrell, Esq., Hon. Simon Cameron, Wiu H. Kaddiman, Esq., BamelDougherty,Esq., ThomasM: Uoleman, E3q., Win. S. Fierce, Esq., - hv m . L. Dennis, Esq:, w j ' and others. 37 order of the Sixth Ward Onion Campaign Glob A. t E. SLOANAKSE,'- ►ramiUee of Arraageraents. e'33g= XISCOXH, JOHXSOX, KEEEEY. Bd3?LAND THE%HOLE UNION TICKET! •' FIFTEENTH WARD. A Grand Mass Masting of the loyal Citizens of tha Fifteenth Ward,in favor ofthepi'esentAdministration, i NDREW. JOHNSON FOR ' \ ICE PRESIDENT, Wi! 'rm^°fWednesday) EVENING, Oct. sth. 1864, . at S ™loch,at the cor£er of BIGHTEENTH and GREER Tara* out in your strength jmd show your enemies that the Loyal Citizensof the Ward areawake and pre- dittinguishad gCDtlamen will address WILLIAM D. KELLEY,-Horn F. B. FESTRI. MAR, of Wayne cotmty, Col. B.cSIARN, IHO3. M COLEMAN, Esq., E. M. GREEN, Bsqto CHARLES GILPIN, faq., G. INMAN RICHE, andothers . TO CONCLUDE Wl-TH A GRAND DISPLAY OF ft . FIREWORKS! ..' to to. ATTENTION l KBl-ÜBUCAN IN .. » VINCIBLES. ..- r/\„T*t The Club will assemble at Headquarters, NATIONAL H^Ll THlsTwednesday) EVENING, Oct. 5,1861, a+7 r.vinck to attend ft Meeting in the at 7 O CiocK, to WAh D, (Judge Kelley's District.) . GEO. INMAN RICHE, President. - Wat. L. Rot. Jr. , Secretary. ■ It _ BPVS 3 ’ DIVIDEND NOTICE.—OFFIFE OF 1=1? THE JtoCK OIE COMPANY OF PENNSYL VANIA, No. 409 WALNUT .Street. Philadelphia, Septembai 30, 1851. The Beard of Directors have thisday declared their Third Monthly Dividend of TWO PER' CENT. (Tweaty. Cents per Share) on the Capital Stock, payable on and after MONDAY, October 10th, free of State Tax. The Transfer Bocks wilt be closed on Tuesday, October 4tn, at 3 P.M., and opened on the f GRApp> ocl-7t Secretary and. Treasurer, FOKPKKSIDEST, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, OF ILLINOIS. FOB VICE PRESIDENT, ANDREW JOHNSON, OF TENNESSEE. ELECTORAL TICKET. SENATORIAL. • StOKTOH MoMICHAEL, Philadelphia. T, CUJfKINGHAM, Beaver Cbanty. ST CAMERON, Ch&irmM. COUNTY OFFICERS, SHERIFF, . HENRY Cl HOWELL. KEGrsTER OF WILLS, FREDERICK-M, ADAMS. ' CLERK OF THE ORPHAN3' COURT, x EDWIN A. MERRICK. CITY OFFICERS. RECEIVER OF TAXES, " CHARLES O'NEILL. CITY 00MMIS3I0SES, THOMAS DICKSON. COKOBESS. : First District-JOHKII. BUTLER. Second District—CHAßLES O'NEILL. Third District-LEONARD MYERS. Fourth District-WILLIAM D. KELLEY. Fiflh Dlstrict-M, BUSSELL THaYEB. UNION LEAGUE* WILL ADDRESS THE PUBLIC ON THE ISSUES OF THE DAY, THE WOMEN OF THE WAR, AT 8 O’CLOCK, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TWELFTH. UNION! MASS- MEETINGS OF THE FRIENDS OF WILL EE HEED AT DOY'LESTOWN, THURSDAY', OCTOBER Gtli, FRIDAY, OCTOBER Ttla, 18G4, AT 10 O’CLOCK A, M. ORDERS No. 4. Chairman of the Coi PATRIOTS. SO NORTH* HO SOUTH, OSE COUNTRY, THE STARS AND STRIPES FOR ALL THE LAND, MOBILE, All friends ol LINCOLN AND JOHNSON; all gallant Veterans who have foughfc for our all Who love Rnd honor onr: BKAVE SOLDIERS; all who are determined that the MAJORITY SHALL RULE; all who wouldyiegotiate an honorable peace with GRANT, SHERMAN, , SHERIDAN, and FARRAGUT as Peace Commissioners: all who hats’ TREASON and would ■ all who rejoice when our Armies ARB VICTORIOUS; AH who revere onr PATRIOTIC FOR LEATHERS, : and still cherish their principles; all who are grateful for the blessings transmittedto us by the ; . ■ ; HEROES OF ’76; all. who would preserve these blessings for their chil dren: - v ' ALL AMERICANS., NATIVE AND ADOPTED, are requested to meat at V " . INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, Oh SATURDAY EVENING, Oct 8,1864, to testify their devotion to the COWSTITUTION AND THE TTJSiOISV which armed traitors in Eome States,and nnarmeisym pathizers in others, are.lrying to overthrow.. LET THE WHOLE PEOPLE COME, and with united voices proclaim that, in epite of . . SLAVEHOLDING NABOBS 'H - AXii ■ EUROPEAN DESPOTS, onr Country shall forever remain a FREE LAND FOR POSTERITY, and a home for the , OPPRESSED OF ALL NATIONS Goa and onr Country—Freedom Forever. A GRAND DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS will take place, on the adjournment of the meeting, By order of the National Union City Executive Com mittee. ■ JOHN a. BUTLER, ocS 6t , Chairman Committee on Meetings; HOW ItEABX. .... CSSS’ COAL AT $7. 50 PER TON. - THE CONSUMERS ’ : MUTUAL- COAL are now delivering Coal from their Oakland. Colliery, on the celebrated Skidmore and Mammoth Veins, at the following rates: , ' To Subscribers, per ton $7 58 To Non-subscribers, per t0n.........................-.12 oo Thus savings 4-60 per ton to Stockholders.'. Besides this saving, there will he a dividend ’ annually on the stock; in -all probability, of at least SIX DOLLARS PER SHARE, so that after the first year Stockholders will not only get their Coal for nothing, bnt will also probablyrecelve a small dividend on their Stock. The lease'runs, at the present low royalty, for Sixteen Years. The ten dollars per share paid now, is for the whole term of the lease. The present capacity of the Mine is. 50,000 tons per year, or one ton per share. This will soon be increased to 150,000 tons, which will give the Company 100, 000 tons to sell to outsiders, at the highest market prices, THE PROFITS FROM WHICH WILL BE DIVIDED among the stockholders. , Subscriptions to the stock (which may still be made at $lO per. share) will be received at the Office'of the Company, SK South SIXTH Street, second story. , - PRESIDENT, .I--’-' J AMES LX ND. ■■ - DIRECTORS, JAMES LYND, No. 5K South Sixth street.' • . EDWARD E. JONES, No.. 031 Arch street. HENRY S. PAUL, No. 419 Walnut street. . P. F. CLAYTON, No. 155*North Third street. THOMAS R. GARSED, No. 106 Chestnut svteet. seSO-lm - KSS® FIRST QUARTERLY STATE MENTof the SEVENTH, NATIONAL BANK of Philadelphia, Octobers. 1854 : RESOURCES. Bills Di5c0unted...........5142,237-26 U. S. Loans 75,000 00 Duefrom Banks..... 97:013 05- Furniture and Fixtures..;..';....,. 2,705 32 Expense Account.. 3,102 73 U. S. Taxe5....... 14 50 VICTORY! Cash 1tem5................55,951 67 Notes of other Banks on hand. ......... 1,457 53 Legal - .tender;; Notes on hand.... 79,870 09 590,3(0 15 5410,382 01 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in ...........$95,330 00 ; Circulation; ..... 64,000 00 • Individual Dep05it5.................255,531 77 Due to 8ank5....... 1.153 76 Discount....... 4.251 SI Exchange.... : 51 gg . : .———5410,382 01 ocs-3t -■■■■- B. S.H ALL,; Cashier. a K®” FIFTH QUARTERLY' REFORT OF law THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK’OF PHILA DELPHIA. October 3, 1364. - V; RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts... . $1,514,267 66' li. S. Bonds, deposited to se cure circulation -750,000 00 •' U. S. Bonds, deposited to sev cure deposits.. ■ 500,000 00 U. S. Bonds and other U. S. Securities on hand 1,554,139.79 -$4,313,407 45 Specie and Legal:tender Notes, 1,399,534 82 Billsofthis Bank on hand.v,; 370 00. Bills of-.other 8ank5;....;.... 45,293 00 , Due from National Banks.... • 505.670 97- Due fiorn State Banks and 8anker5...................... 374,134 30; Cash Items. 63,156 76 2,391,159-85. Real Estate. 93,252 S 3 Expense Account 87,703 52 LIABILITIES. Capital 5t0ck......... • ;.... $1,000,600 00 Circulating Notes...... ' 675,000 00 Due to Banks and - Bankers.;...... $1,3(5,195 43 Due to Treasurer United States.. . 872,477 02 Due to Depositors 2,840,461 64 5,015,134 04 ■ Dividends unpaid. 110 00 Profit and L 055.....;. 147,279 06 —- $6,840,823 70, State of Pennsylvania, . - . County of Philadelphia, ss: . I, MORTON MoMICHAEL. Jr. V - Cashier of FIRST National- bank of; Philadelphia, do solemnly aflirmthatthe above statement Is true, to the best of my knowledge anti belief. MORTON MoMICHAEL, Jr . Cashier.: Affirmed to and subieribdd before me, - this third day of October, 1364. EDMUND WILCOX, oci-Gt . .... . Notai-y Public. : THIBI> QUARTERLY REPORT ©F ■=» the THIRD NATIONAL-BANK of Philadel phia, Octobers, 1554: . :RESOURGSS. Loans and Discounts. $227,811 50 U. S. Bonds deposited to secure » ’ circulation.. ISO,OOO 00 - U. S. Bonds deposited for other. -: ; ; ' ~ . purposes 60;000 00 U. S, Bonds and other U. S. Se-; curities omhand-................ 109,700 00 « : , ■: $567,511 50 Specie and Legal Tender Notes.. 261,623 44 Billsof Solvent 8ank5............. 1,030 00 " U. S. 6 per cent. Legal Tenders-... 115,000 00 Cash item 5.......................... 10.923 79 Due from Banks and Bankers..., 32,912 48 Real Estate..’.... 4,375 65 ; Expense Account 7,597 17 , r- 433,667 63 ■ - $1,001,179 03 LIABILITIES Capital 5t0ckpaidin..............5185,590 00 Circulating Notes issued. •••; 161.400 03- Prolitand L055.........17,013 31. Due to Banks and Bankers...... . ! 73,603 21 Dus Treasurer of the United States 253,090 65 Duo Depositors on demand....... 310,481 86 : $1,001,179 03 oc4,St to ' K. GLENDINNING, Cashier. TESTE! WARD. ', . , " INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE FOR COMMON COUNCIL, OC4-71* SAMUEL J. CRESWELL. WARD BOEWTY. #lOO. will be paid for Volunteers credited to the " hy applying to Mr. McCLELLAN, agent, at the PROVOST MARSHAL’S OFFICE, TWELFTH ABOVE.SPRUCE STREET. Cash on the spot. BSSf*" OFFICE : PRESTON CO AI, AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY, No. XOSil WAL NUT Street, - - Philadelphia, Sept. 28, 1864! -DIVIDEND.—-The Board of Directors have. this day declared a Dividend of TWO PER CENT, on the Cap ital Stock of the Company, payable to Stockholders on and after October 20th. . The Transfer Books-will he closed from October 3d to October 20th. «e3O-fmw toc2o . to H. J., RUTTER, Secretary. |jS|F» SOUTHWARK BANK. W'-US 3 - PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 8, 1864. A Special Meeting of the Stockholders will he held at the Banking House on SATURDAY, October Bth, 1864, at 10 o’clock A. M., to decide on the expediency of con verting the Bank Into a National Association, agree ably to an act of Congress approved June 3, 1864, and totake such other action as may ha necessary. By order of the Board of Directors. _ salO-lm ■- F. P. STEEL, Cashier. |SS=*> CITY COMMISSIONERS’ OFFICE, BS' Philadelphia, September 29, 1864. NOTICE TO THE OWNERS OF REAL ESTATE. - The BOARD OF REVISION AND APPEALS will sit atihe Office of the City Commissioners, No. 11 STATE HOUSE ROW, to hear Owners of Real Eitate desirous of appealing as to the Assessors’ Returns' of the Valua tion of Real Estate in the City of Philadelphia for the triennial year 1865, between the hoars of 10 A. M. and lo’clockP. M., on the following days: Ist and 26th Wards, Monday, October 3. -2d and ad dp. Tuesday, do. 4. 4th and sth do. Wednesday,do. 5. 6th and 7th do. Thursday, do. 6. ' Sth and 9th do. . Friday, do." 7. tolOth and 11th do. Monday, do. 17, , 12th and 13th do. Tuesday,, do. IS. . 14th and 15th do. -Wednesday,do. 19,t0 16th and 17th : do. Thursday, do. 20. 18th aud 19th ; do. Friday, . do. 21. 20th and 21st do. Monday, do. 21. 22d and 23d ; do. Tuesday, do. 25. : 21th and 25th ■ do. Wednesday, do. 26. __ JAMES.SHAW, - se3o-toc26 .. . Clerk City Commissioners.; I®*" STOCKHOIDBRS' MEKTINO. »=». FARMERS’AND MECHANICS’BANK, to to Philadelphia, Sept, a, 1864 A gfnsral meeting of the Stockholders of the Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank of Philadelphia wtllbekeld at their Banking House on THURSDAY, the twentieth day of October next, at eleven o'clock A. M., for the pur pose of taking into consideration, and deciding on the question whether or not the said Bank slaali become an : Association for carrying on the business of Banking un der the.Lawa of the United States, and of exercising the powers conferred by the Act of the General Assembly of* this Commonwealth, entitled 44 An act enabling the Banks of this Commonwealth to become associations, for the purpose of djankin g under the laws of the United Slates*- approved the 22d day of August, 1864; and to take such action in regard thereto as may be necessary and proper. or( j Qr of the-Board of Directors, ~ " e e2l-toc3) w RtTSHTOK, Jr., bashler. THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1864. MAINE, VERMONT, ATLANTA, SHENANDOAH, GLORIOUS UNION; PUNISH TRAITORS; IN THE SOU ARE. OKS EUHBBED DOLLLARS SEYENTH WARD, WILLIAM A, EOLIK, 'WANAMAKER & BROWN, jrjgr*' commission of the cnitf,® VSS STATES AND ECUADOR. Notice ia hereby given that the Commission provided for by the Convention of November 25, 1862, between the United Hates and Ecuador, for the mutual adjust ment of claim*, was duty organized at the city di Guay aquil, ou-tba 18th day of August last, and than tho aaid Commission will continue in sessloo Gjr tlso’-uenod Of twelve months from that date. At; citizens of the United States having claims upon Ecuador are, ti ei'eforA notified, to appear in person, or by attorney,- and present the proofs in support of their cUsatfc to aa,d Commission, or to file their - claims- ana proofs with the Secretary of the Commission, ‘ Seuor Crisanto Medina, ” in Guayaquil, ia the Republic of Ecuador. CJairnF, which shall not be presented to the Commis sion within the twelve months it remains in existence, will he disregarded by both Governments and consi dered invalid. FREDERICK HASSiNREK. Minister-Resident and Commissioner of the United States, '..Washixctok Cmr, October 1, ISGI OFFICE ' SOMERSET ' IRON AH» '•=» COAL COMPANY OP PENNSYLVANIA, 61 CEDAR Street, New York, September 27, 1864 J NOTICE is hereby-given that pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors, passed this instal ment of TWENTY PER CENT, on the subscription to the Capital Stock of-the SOMERSET IRON AND COAL COMPANY OP PENNSYLVANIA he and ts hereby made, payable to JAMES WADSWORTH, Treasurer of said Company, on or before November Ist, 1564. Attest T. M. TYNG. ce-S-tnol , Secretary. «, BIKNIT’S ZO U A YES ! * HEADQUARTERS, 533 CHESTNUT STREET, ■ ■ BELOW SIXTH. , This Regiment will be organized «s SHARPSHOOTERS, and will be underthe command of Major J. C. BRISCOE, a member of Major General Birney’s Staff, who has re ceived anthority ; from the General and. Slate Govern ments to recruit the organization.- - HIGHEST CASH GOVERNMENT, CITY, AND WARD BOUNTIES paid immediately on the mustering of any man into the Regiment, atthe Chestnut street. Geo. J. Richardson, Col." Wetherlll Lee, Hon. Wm, Millward, D. S. Winebrennor, O W Davis, John W. Everman, John Tbornley, • .C. F.Ghoener, -> ' Jos. F. Tobias, H. W.. Arnold,. Benj Bullock, Alfred Adolph. * . ee2S-12t* l . ■- V-A SWORD EXERCISE.—OFFI €EES of the army and others desirous ofleara- YTtFvA inr-fche beautiful and useful science'of attack ■ ■ and defence with the BKOAD SWORD, can have immediate instruction in class •or private lessons. PROF. McARULTY, Ppst Office, Pliilada., Pa. [se2l-lm* ' REvTAII.ISK'^G-OOIJS. JMMENSE REDUCTIOITIn 7 JMMv Bvv; CAMPBISHi - &;; ;€®., 727 CHESTNUT STREET, OFFER THEIR ENTIRE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, CONSISTING -IN PART OF MERINOES, POPLINS AND REPS, EFINGLINES, CLAN PLAIDS, ALPACAS AND MOHAIRS, BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, SHAWLS, GLOVES, LINENS,‘WHITE GOODS, - FLANNELS, BLANKETS, LINEN AND COTTON SHEETINGS, REPB LL ANTS AND v CLOAKING CLOTHS, AT EXTREMELY LOW RATES. We teg leave' to assuro the public that we have marked down every article worn - etock, and now have it In our power to offer RARE BARGAINS. jQRESS GOODS ■ , ' ' ■ • rB'O.V. TKK KiiOESE HEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA - PANIC AUCTION SALES. SEENCH MERIHOES, ■ ' PLAID AND PL AIK POPLINS, . ALL WOOL CASHMERE PLAIDS, " PLAID ANDSTRIPED VALENCIAS. FOIL i>E CHEVREB, MOTJSSELIN DE LAISES, die., to. In constant receipt of New Lots, which we CLOSE OUT CHEAP. CTJRWEN STODDART & BROTIIER, 450, 45a, & 454 NOP.TH SECOND STEEET, .. Above Willow, /• , o cJ.3t : : PHILADELPHIA. QREAT REDUCTIONS !!! ' F. SCHUELIjERMANN & CO., NO. S 3 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, Have on band a large and beautiful . assortment of DRY GOODS, A t prices rr-dneed io.fnllymeet the DECLINE IN GOLD. PLAIN AMD PLAID.POPLINS, ' MEKiNOES, SILKS, and DJiKSS GOODS, In every variety. SHAWLS, FURNISHING* GOODS, MEN and BOYS’ WEAK, &c., &c. L Call and examine our eiocV, at - ocs-2t* No. SB North $8,840,523 70 Q.REAT REIiTJC TION. G BEAT REDUCTION in prices of all kind Goods, at BAMBERGER BROS’., 105 North EIGHTH Street, third Store above Arch. The largest and beet assortment of LADIES’ MEEINO VESTS AND DBAWEBS, HEN'S AND. CHILDREN’S UNDERSHIRTS'- ANl> ■ ~ DRAWERS,’ -- at prices greatly reduced and muck lbwer than at any other Store. The largest stock of all kinds of Hoeie;y in the city, aed cheaper than at any other Store. CORSETS, GLOVES. LIKEN BOSOMS,. BALMORAL . SKIRTS, MOROCCO SATCHELS, at greatly reduced prices,. - LINEN HDICFS ! LINEN HDKFS ! Of all kinds, the cheapest in. the city. All tie Staple Trimmings at prices mnci below thoso of any other Store, such as the very best Needles and Pins, only 6 cents a paper; very best black Italian Sewing Silk, only Sl‘lo an ounce ; best. Skirt Braid,' fall five yards, 14 tents a piece ; best 200-yard Spool .Cotton, only 12 cents a spool; Hooks and Eyes: Buttons of all kinds, Tapes,&c,, all at greatly-reduced prices, 'at .BAMBERGER BROS/, 103 North EIGHTH Street. MBHIirOES, POPLINS, 4-TA. Reps, Epmglines, Clan Plaids, , , . . ■ Alpacas, Mohairs* and other Drees Goods, Cheap at JAS. K. CAMPBELL & CO.’S, 727 CHESTS BT Street. CILK SHAWLS, h-7 Kepellant Cloths, , ; Gloves, Linens, and 'White Goods, ; Cheap at . JAS. K. CAMPBELL & CO. ’S, 737 CHESMDT street. "OLANNELS, BLANKETS, ■A. ■ tinea and Cotton Sheetings, Cheap at JAS. K.-CAMPBELL & CO.’S, \V ■ 737 CBESTNOT.Street. ALL WHO WANT GOOD DRY -£*- GOODS, at thAVfiy lowest--piicas, ban find them JAS. B CAMPBELL & CO.’S, Street. WDSDOW , Tf SHiDES. NEW STYLES POE PALL TRADE. NEW STYLES POE -FALL TRADE. "We are constantly rcccivins from our Factory MEW STYLES OP WINDOW SHADES, including tlie new colors—Brown, Leatlier, Stone, &o, KELI'Y, CAJUiIMGTOJt, & CO,, Manufacturers of Window SHades and , Importers of ■ Curtain Materials, Mo.' 733 CHESTNUT Street., ocD-lnvwfmlp SKIBT EOX& 1864. *A HEW AMD GREAT INTENTION IN; ' HOOP SKIRTS. THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OB DOUBLE) STEEL : SPUING. - J. I. & J. 0. WEST, No. 9T CHAMBERS STREET, , NEW YORK, V. Are the owners of the patent and esclnslre mannfae hirers of this, Treasurer; J. W. BKABI/ET’S PATENTED :DUPLEX__£LLIFTIC STEEL SPaiHO Thi* invention consists of Duplex (or two) Elliptic Stool Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most elas tic, flexible, and durable spring ever used .enabling the wearer, in consequence of its great elasticity and flexi bility, to place and fold tbe skirt when in use as easily and with the same convenience as a Bilk or muslin dress. It entirely obviates and silences the only objec tion to hoop skirts, vis: the annoyance to the. wearer as well a 8 the public, especially in crowded assemblies, carriages, railroad cars, church pews,or in any crowded place, from the difficulty of contracting them to occupy-, mg a small space. .This entirelyiremovesthe difficulty, while giving: the' skirt the.ußual full and'symmetrical foim, and is the lightest and m'ost stylish and graceful appearance for the street; opera, promenade, or house dress. "A": lady haying enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and grest convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Spring Skirt for a single day, will never afterward wulingly dispense with the use of them. They are the best quality in every part, and by far the lightest, most durable, comfortable, and economical skirt made. Mer chants will be supplied as above, and ladies in most first-class retail stores In this city and. throughout the difierent States., . . . ... , ■■ , H®- Inquire for the ' DOPBXiB BIiDIDTIO SPRING SKIRTS. -RBADLEY’S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC D SKIRT, ■"■■■ Very flexible, folded easily when in use to occupy a small space, making the most agreeable skirt worn. Por sale by - J. M HAFLEIGH, 903 CHESTNUT Street. pRADLEY’S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC -M SKIRT—The greatest improvement we have ever seen in LADIES’ SKIRTS, and an article of • SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE CDRWEN STODDART’S BRO. . 450, 453, and 454 N. SECOND St., ab. Willow. eelO-iflm - .. . > «OC HOOP SKIRTS. too yj&'J* The most complete assortment of "«Oi Ladies’, Bisses’, and Children’s HOOP SKIRTS In the city are manufacturedand sold, wholesale and retail,' at No. 638 ARCH-Street. : Our stock embraces all the new and desirable styles, lengths, and sizes: for luish and durability are especially adapted to first tlass trade. Skirts made to order, altered, and re paired-- Also, constanOy. In receipt otftOl linee of •heap Eastern-made Skirts. : ••.eeS-W - : . ■>. WM. T. HOPKINS. TYY OTTYILLE GLASS WORKS.— -*-/ Hayinjf a furnace now in blast, we are prepared to execute'orders for Carboys, Demijohns, Wine bottles, Mineral Water and Porter Bottles, of every description. H. 8.&0.W. BBSS EKB, fit Sonth FRONT Street. mss-iatlf GREAT CENTRAL CLOTHING HOUSE, - MILITARY. PRICES DRY GOODS. EIGHTH Sheet. HOSIERY 1 HOSIERY !.! WINDOW SHADES. SKIETB. FANCY FURS. AND UNDER TITE GOLD STANDARD. j NOW OPEN, '{ . . % A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ITUR-S, EUROPEAN AND DOMESTIC ORIGIN. FOR LADIES AND MISPS. ' Th<;se Goods being mostly purchased FOR', and pay able W GOLD, in no eaae will the price charged exceed the Gold Siandard—no matter what point the latter de dines to. We protect, ourselves from loss by daily purcfruduff Gold to the amount of pur Sales. ■J. W. PROCTOR A CO., THE PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, AND FUR EMPORIUM, No. 030 CHESTNUT Street. £ADIES’ FANCY FURS.- JOHN A. STAMBACEt, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OP LAJDIES 5 ITAIVCY; jPTiI£S, ' NO. S2G ARCH STREET, BELOW NINTH. Jubl opened, a large and handsome stock of LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S FANCY FURS of every description and in the newest and most approved styles, at the - : ocl-3m LOWEST CASH PRICES. r RADIES’ FANCY FURS. a JOIITSf FAREERA, . ■ £■, 2S T o, 718 ARCH Street, above Seventh Street, • At his oltfc established store, . IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, AND - DEALER IN FANCY FURS -'JV-/? •' ' . FOB';/; ' ' •ladies and children. Haying hot? in store a very large and.beautiful assort ment of all the different kinds and qualities of FANCY FURS FOR DAMES’ AND CHILDREN'S WEAR, I solicit a call from those in want. Remember the name and number, JOHN EAREIKA, 718 ARCH Street, above Seventh. I have no partner or,connection with any other store in this city. . . oel-Amif MILLINERY GOODS. BONNET -OPENING, THURSDAY,-OCTOBER 6th, 18G4."‘ WOOD & CARY, 735 CL-lESTNUT STREET. ocS w.tb2t HANDSOME NEW CUT OF LINCOLN AND JOHNSTON, Suitable tor the Embellishment of Ward Tickets, Post- ere,'or Bills for Meetings, FBINTED IN PLAIN BLACK OK OOLOKS, BY RINGWALT & FROWN, ocl-Ct■■■■■■ 111 and 113 South FOURTH Street. JUNCOLN MEDALS, .IN FINE GOLD AND SILVER, FOK SAIE AT ! L ■■ a? rr cs- n/_s, SIXTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS. Tills Is the ONLY CORRECT MEDAL LIKENESS : of the President of tie United States, MR. LINCOLN . HAYING FURNISHED THE PHOTO GRAPH. from which the die was made, and from- which THIS MEDAL IS STRUCK, at the request of Ms Philadelphia friends. ocs 6t* SPECTACLES, ' ' ’ I■ ' AT ’’ i j ’ JAMES W. QTJEEN <Ss CO.’S, l se26lm PS* CHESTNUT Street. MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, . • ■ ’Of all kinds, to "be liad at 1 JAMES* W. QUEEN & CO ’S, se2S-lm - _ 924 CHESTNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA LOCAL EXPRESS A COMPANY.—DaiIy Express to Germantown, Chettnut Hill; r Atlantic City; Absecom, Egg Harbor, andßammonton, N. J. BAGGAGE CONYEYED TO ALL THE RAILROAD LINES. - ‘ oco-lm p o RSETS AND SKIRTS.—MRS. C 1 STEEL, TENTH Street, below Chestnut, is sup*: flying the Ladies with latest Paris; styles Corsets and kiits. Best Weslsy Corsets on'hand. Elegant Tra velling Hinge Skirts. Corsets wholesale for Merchants. ■ OCS-3t* : CABINET FURNITURE. V/ 1 ; MOORE & CAMPION, . 861 South SECOND Street, are prepared to follow the decline in the market in the puce of their furniture. Purchasers will please call and examine our stock, ~ ocs-6m fxi MISS E. CALDWELL, NO; 834 “#==■ ARCH Street, wiU exhibit Pall and Winter JIIL LIBRRY on THURSDAY, Oct 6, ,1864. : .... . oco-3t* fs) SEMIANNUAL OPENING OF Messrs. -E.: P. GIT,VSc CO., 730 'ARCH Street, ' THURSDAY, October 6th. : Will exhibit Paris styles-of BONNETS and HATS of our own importation. . - ocs-2t* r® ; MRS. 11. WJRIGHT, NO. 137 PINE Street will open FASHION ABLEiMILLINEBY on THURSDAY, Oct, Gth, ISM. oc4-4t* LADIES’ AND -MISSES’ UN TRIMMED TURBANS and -HATS. Au entirely NEW and ELEGANT style of -the above'at-PFUL & BRO., 1108 MARKET Street. - . : ocs-2t* Jbn MRS. M. A. KINNEAR ;WILL “iP open Pall and Winter MILLINERY on.THURS DAY, Oct g, at 1308 CHESTNUT Street. oes-2t* CARTES DE YISITE.—PLEASING styles of admired and popular Photographs made at B. F. REIMER’S gallery, 63* ARCH Street. They neVer fail pleasing the most critical observer. : It* Xtjfl. RO FOR A PICTURE OF BEAU V/ TY, accuracy, and durability. REIMER’S colored Photographs of world-wide popularity. Sea specimens. Secure one at the popular gallery, SECOND Street, above Green. ■ ■ . It* TNIMITABLE STYLES PORTRAITS, .A life sire Photographs in oil colors, by B. P. REI MER, 63* ARCH 6treet, pronounced by connoisseurs 'the most minutely.-accurate portraits made.' It* S. E. OOK. SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS pEOPOSAI# Y9R IjOAN,' JWVW -' ' 5-SO' ISONI>S. ‘ ' TaEAsi'a r BbrASTKEs-r, WASHIVOTOV, October 1, 1864. BEADED OFFERS will he received af this Depart ment, under the act of Congress approved -June 30th, 1864, until the noon of FRID AY, the 14th instant, for bonds of the United States to the amount of. forty mil-, lions. (40,000,COO) of dollars. - The bonds offered .will bearnn. Interest, of six (6) per centum, payable semi annually in coin, on the first days of May and Novem ber, and will lie redeemable at the pleasure of the Go-. vernment after five (C) years, and payable 'in. twenty (20)-years from: November Ist, 1864. , Each offer inust he for * fifty or some multiple. of fifty dollars, and must state the sum, including premium offered for each hundred dollars, or for fifty when the offer is for no more than fifty. Two per cent; of the principal, isclu ding premium of the whole amount hid for by each bid dor.mußtbe deporited as guarantee for payment of sub scriptions, if accepted, with'the Treasurer of tho United States, at Washington, or with’the Assistant Treasurer, at New York, Boston, Philadelphia, or Str Louis, or with the designated depository at Baltimore, Pittsburg, Cincinnati, - Louisville, . Chicago, Detroit, or Buf falo, or: with any National- Deposit Bank which may conseut to transact’ the. business without charge; for which deposits .duplicate certificates will be issued to; the depositors by the offleer bfihe Bank receiving them, the originals of which must be forwarded with the offers to this depot. All deposits should he made in time for the certificates wuh the offi eers to reach Washington not later than the morning of Octoberl4th, as aforesaid. No offer not accompanied by its proper Certificate of Deposit will be' considered The Coupon and Registered Bonds issued under this proposal will he. of the . denomination of fifty dollars one hundred dollars,, five hundred dollars, -and one thousand dollars.*' Registered Bonds of five thousand - dollars and ten thousand dollars will-Be issued if re quired..:- ■- .i-- ;■ - . AH offers received will be opened on Friday, Octo ber 14. The awards will be made by the Secretary to the highest offerers,and notices of acceptance or declina tion will he immediately given-to the-respective offer-, ers. Incases of acceptance, bonds of the description and denomination preferred, will be sent to the sub scribers at. the cost of the Department on final-payment of instalments. : ‘ " ; The deposit of two per cent, will ha reckoned in the last instalment paid by successful offerers, and will be immediately returned to those whose offers may not be accepted. The amount of accepted offers must be de posited, with the Treasurer, offleer, or hank authorized to act under this notice, on advice of acceptance of of fers; as follows: One-half on the 20th of October, and the balance Cin'- cludii g the premium and original two per cent, deposit, on the 31st of October. The Bonds wiA hear interest from November Ist; Interest on deposits from that data to November Ist will he paid by the Government in coin. One-half of the first instalment, or twenty five percent.* of the accepted offer, may be paid, with accrued interest to October 14th, in Unit ed States * 1 Certificates of Indebt edness but such certificates will he used in part' pay ment of the first instalment only. ; Offers under -this: notice should.-he endorsed * ' Offer for Loan,'” and addressed to the Secretary of the Trea sury. ' ■ ,' ■■ .. The right to decline all offers not .considered advan tageous to the Government is reserved by the Secretary. Oc3-tocl4 J? I R. S T NATIONAL BjATVIC. v v t ;:;'NrEW. v:; : " UNITED STATES 5-QO 370AJN OP $ 3 0,000,000. . This Bank is prepared to . receive the preliminary de posits of two percent, on account of this loan, required by the advertisement of the Secretary of the Treasury, dated October Ist, 1864, and to issue receipts in dupli cate therefor. This Bank -will he .represented at the opening of the bids oh the 14th inst.; by one of its offi cers, and any one desiring to participate in the general bid of the Bank can do so without charge. Further information will ha given ,on application at the Bank. ; - C. H. CLARK, President. MORTON MoMICHAEL, Jr., Cashier, ~ ocs-8i U. E- LOAN OP ■ ' $40,000,000. y >» Referring to the advertisement of the Secretary of . the Treasury for PROPOSALS FOR THE NEW U. S. 5-30 LOAN, We will enclose in our hid for same those of any parties ■Wishing to make application'for any‘part thereof ; ~WITHOUT CHARGE, For information, apply to JAY COOKE & CO tJ Bankers. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ■' ■ i ' ocs St' S. 7-30 LOAN. The Secretary of tlm Treasury give 3 notice that sub scriptions will he received for Coupon Treasury. Notes, payable three years from August 16th, 1864, with semi armnal’intereat at the rate ol seven and" three-tenths per cent, per annum-principal and interest both to be paid in lawful money. Thesenotes will he convertible at the option of the holder, at- maturity,Jlnto six per cent, gold bearing bonds, payable not less than five nor more than twenty years from their date, as the Government may elect. They will he issued in denominations of $5O, $lOO, $603, $l,OOO, and ss,ooo,and all subscriptions must he forfifty dollars or'some multiple of fifty dollars.■ Ab the notes draw interest from August 16," persons making deposits subsequent to that date must pay, the interest accrued from date of note to date of deposit.' SPECIAL ADVANTAGES OP THIS LOAN. IT ISA NATIONAL SAYINGS BANE, offering a higher rate of interest than any other, and the best se curity. Any savings bank which pays its depositors in H. S. Notes, considers that it is paying in the best circulating medium of the countty, and it cannot pay in anything better, for its own assets are either in Go vernment securities or in notes or bonds payable in Go vernment paper. Convertible Into a Six per cent. 5-20 Gold Bond. ’ In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes for three years,' this privilege of conversion is now worth about three per cent, per annum, for the current rate for 6-20 Bonds is not less than nine per cent, pre mium, and before the war the premium on Six per cent. U. 8. stocks was over twenty per cent. It will be seen that the actual profit on t his loan, at the present market rate, is not less than ten per cant, per annum.- Its Exemption from State or Municipal Taxation. But aside from all the‘advantages we have enume rated,'a special Act of Congress exempts alliorids and Treasury notes from, local taxation. On the average, this exemption is worth about two par cent, per annum; according to the rate of taxation in various parts of the country. ■ ■■■■■■■■ ’ It is believed that no securities offer so great induce ments to leaders as -those issued by the . Government. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability of private parties, or stock companies, or separate com-, munitles, only, is pledged for payment, while the Whole property ’of the country is held to secure the dis charge of all the obligations: of the United States. Up to the 24th of September, the subscriptions to this loanamountedto over ■ $40,000,000. Subscriptions will be received by the Treasurer of the United States,- at Washington, the several Assistant Treasurers and designated Depositories, and by the First National Bank of Philadelphia, Fa,, ■ , Second National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa., . - Third National Bank of Philadelphia, .Pa., . Fourth National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa., and by all National Banks which are depositaries of public money, and L IALL RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the country will give further information, and. ■ - AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS. Ae2B 12tifW2t - - ■ - -- - jq-EW LOAN OF 1881. THE BALANCE OF THE $75,000,000 LOAN ha ving this day-been awarded, and our bids proving successful, we are prepared to SELL TO CUSTOMERS AT ONCE, In Large or ©mall Sums, any amount of this most desirable - GOLD SIX-PER-CENT. LOAN, at the market price. ’ We 1 ave always considered these “1881’.’ Bonds as the BEST LOAN ON.THE MARKET. There is but -a SMALL AMOUNT FOR SALE, and the premium wiH, in our opinion, advance rapidly. „ „„ Parties having 6- 20 Loan will do well TO CALL AND EXCHANGE THEIR fi-20s for this -more permanent Loan, especially as now, owing to the German demand for the five-twenties, a high rate can be obtained for - thorn, JAY COOKE & CO., -■ selo-lm lit South THIRD Street. U C NEW 7-30 LOAN. ■ ■ . w • kl• subscriptions received, and the Notes fur nishddfreeof 3O YD, Banker, au24-Sm GHWtwj- South THIRD Street. OIL STOCKS U BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, BT ' - ■ GEORGE J. BOYD, 18 South THIRD Street. an34-Sai TASTEFUL AND SUBSTANTIAL CLOTHING W. P. FESSENDEN, Secretary of the Treasury. ■“Fa HARPER'S HASP-BOOK POE TRAVELLERS IE EUROPE AND THE EAST. Being a Guide through Britain and Ireland, France, Belgium, Hoi-. 3aad, Germany, Sicily, Egypt, Syria, Turkey* Greece, Switzerland, Tyrol, Spain, Russia, Denmark, and SweuC*; .By W, Ptoroke FETRinas: With a Railroad Map, Aofftatgd up to 1964, and a Map em bracing Colored Routes of TraveLin the ahore Coun-, tries. TluvdTear. Large 12mo, leather, pocket-book form. $5. - - ' CFrom the Home' Journal. 3 ; We have in. this goodly volume tthe third boolr of the ’ t a wprk^ol great merit and of rare value, not only to .the tourist as a compass to guide him in S irrtvpW (givn g, as it does,,all the principal hotels, , roads, &c , &c i of every place of: interest), but % the student as a book of reference in relation to subjects of the last historicalunpcrtance. Much time andlaboi have evidently been devoted to its preparation, and great re search bestowed upon its compilation The author has travelled lor-those who have not, made himself the guide of those who are travellers by anticipation, and aeta as a good recorder for both. He has seen much, on the suiiaceof theearth ‘‘heyoud the oceans, 5 ’ wields an easy pen for sketching w hat lie has seen, and relates* m a pleasing manner, many interesting facts concerning prominent people, places.©? note, Me. It would require much space to say. all we think of this volume. The book is timely, and the general ability with which it is presented is sufficient co account for the value attached 1 to it by that class of persons for whose special use it has been prepared. .After a thorough inspection of its pages we are of. the opinion that the “Hand-Book” will be found an absolute sine. qua non by all persons visiting the Old World. [From tk« American Kierary Garoite _and FaljUslers’, Circular, September Kij'lSGl.l The minute sub-division of the famous Murray series of; guide-books has its accompanying disadvantages The traveller is compelled to procuraa library not small or light, and atalmost every frontierline he must change his book. What is needed is some general work which .shall answer the of dinary‘exigencies of a.brief conti nental excursion. TUs want is supplied in-the work before us, whiclrihas been corrected and reissued an nually for the last three years. The publishers have taken special pains to make it the most correct and use ful volume el the kind published. The author, who resides in Europe the greater,portion of his time, has, during the last year, rewritten the greater portion of the work, adding and correcting up to July of the pre sentyear, whichisiaid to be two years later than any European Hand-Book. [From the Church Review. ] The publishers in introducing this third volume of travels to the public in language : whieh wo, after a thorough examination, endorse unqualifiedly. The author Is an experienced, traveller, and Uts closely printed, compact volume, supplies a real want The multitudes of onr people who are flocking to the Old' ■World will, if they are wise, study carefully the pages : of this Hand- Book before starting, and carry the volume with them. It gives a great amount of information, historical, statistical, descriptive, and critical; it ad yisosthc traveller upon a thousand little things which he cannot anticipate, and yet upon which he will need to be posted. , CFrom the Christian Advocate. ] This wbrk already enjoys a wide and favorable repu tation, and it has been mncli used by tourists. The issue for this year is,, however, a great improvement over formerones, as the wholebookhas been thoroughly ;reviecd,'errors,-.corrected, and. omissions supplied I hock of six hundred duodecimo pages is; by virtu’- of thin paper and hard pressing, actually brought down to the size of a pocket voiume, m Turkey morocco, with tucks. If anybody shall ventureatourin Europe while gold is worth two-fifty, and all the foreiii routof if travel beset by the emissaries of fcecessiou, they will of course, want- this book. ; Meanwhile, we who remain at home may study It by way of preparation for -what weliope to do hereafter, or to help ourselves to make imaginary journeys where the reality is out of our reach. Bor a tiiiveller’s wide riieeum, this; of all others, is the hook: I [From the New Xork Timcs.] As a work of reference, and as an intelligible-guide forthe tourist, this Band-Book is superior to any pub lished in America or Europe.. Ia it is noted every im provement in railways, etage-coaehos, &a., that are likelv to he employed in making the general bur. The. Hand-Book is an annual, and therefore, unlike the guide- books of Europe, contains all tile latest iuformt tion necessary for Hie enlightenment of the public. Its information is historical, topographical, and descrip tive. To the text is added a railroad map, corrected uo t01£64, and a map embracing colored routes of travel in the countries named. [From the Now York Dispatch.] A work without which no traveller can visit Europe. The author,: Mr .Pembroke Fetridge, is a thorough traveller, and well understands the subjects on which ho writes. * * * The book contains as much matter as live ordinary- sized volumes, consisting of historical, statistical, and descriptive information, with detailed accounts of what one ought to see and pay. , * * * The mechanical part of the book is also excellent. [From the Brooklyn Dally Union.] '"'Such'a took ib, of course, Indispensable, and this one - claims the ins rit of giving; in clearer and more reliable form, all the intelligence'which, one requires an army of ordinary guide-books to procure, and at one-twea tieth the cost. \ . Published by. - HARPER & BROTHERS, JiSj- Sent by Mall, postage free, on receipt of $5. It i FARRAGUT! A- A splendid Steel Engraving ADMIRAL D. G. FARRAGUT. Size 19 by 24. . . , Price, $1: Sent by mail on receipt of price. Liberal discount to Agents and Dealers. a -ncr pT/Jiftyj7?p oo.i-St 808 CHESOTUTHtreet. WANTS. TAR AUGHT BM E N WANTED-ON -l—f fine drawings. Apply do JOHN MoARTHtfE, Jr., Architect, 809 South SIXTH Street. se3o-6t» PARTNER WANTED.—A GENTLE. A VmAN having a thorough knowledge of Mercantile Business, with a large acquaintance and sufficient capi tal, desires to become associated with a Partner to establish a Broker’s Office for general hanking business in this city; or he would become' interested In an estab lished house of character and standing. Address “ Broker, ’ 1 Box 1200, Post Office. ocs-3i* WANTED-AN ACTIVE BUSINESS **. MAH as Partner, with a cash capitar of about $26,000, to purchase an interest in a large Publishing acdßoihselliug business of long standing in this city. One haying a thorough knowledge of the business pre ferred. Address “Bookseller,” at the office of the North American* with real name; and residence, for one week. - - •■•••••'• ' : ~ ocs-Bt* WANTED—A NEAT ROOM, WITH Tv partial Board, by a young Gentleman, in a re spectable family. Terms moderate. Address “H., ” Press office. . ~ It* WANTED—A SITUATION BY A -T T Practical Young Man as Book-keeper, Aisistant, or. Clerk; can give good references. Address Box 214 Philadelphia Post Office. . . " . . . 1 oc4 3t* WANTED—A SITUATION BY AN * ' active Man, well acquainted with the Grocery business, bnt who has no objection to any other occu- Goodleference given. Address “V. J. E..” Press office. ' bcl-3t* WANTED—OIL STOCKS, IN EX ** CHANGE for Land in lowa. Address Box 24*27, Post Office. . oc4’3t* WANTED-AN ORGANIST FOR A . T* Chnrchin West Philadelphia. Addres “Organ.” Prsss office. - - . . oc4-3t* EMPLOYMENT HOUSE, THE LAEG “ ' est and most reliable, for city ana country. Has always a good selection or capable persons* with good references. Americans, Irish, English, French, Ger mans, Scotch, -"Welsh, and newly-landed emigrants, aa Gardeners, Farm Hands, Coachmen, Watchmen, &c. Cooks, Chambermaids, Seamstresses, Laundresses, Waitresses, and general Also, .Colored Servants. Hob. SOS and .804: LOCUST Street, above Eighth. . ' se24-Im •CTEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT -LA- OP WASHINGTON. : OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER. Nos. 534, 538, AM) 538 FOURTEENTH STREET, Near New York Avenue, Wa'shikotox, September 29,. 18S4. ‘ . CARPENTERS .WANTED.—Wanted immediately, fifty good, carpenters to go to Point Lookout, Md. Wa ges $7O per month, and a ration. Each workman will bring his own kit of tools. Transportation will be fur nished by the Government, for the workmen and their tools, from this city to Point Lookout.- - . • ; . .JOHN A. ELISON, ■ . v ' Col. and Chief Quartermaster, ocl-fit • Department of Washington. TINNERS’WANTED. v A Chief QuAstekjiasteb’s Office, • . Depot of W.tSHt.wrox, Wasbisrtox, D. C., September 21,1564. WANTED, AT ONOE-At the Government Work shops, corner of NINETEENTH and F Streets, TWENTY GOOD TINSMITHS, or men who understand the manu facture and putting up of Sheet Iron Stoves. . .Wages: Seventy dollars per month, with a.ration. Also, privilege of hospital when sick. ' _ Application to he made to Capt. JAMES. M. MOORE, A. Q. M , U. S. A., No. 12-4 FStreet. D. H. RUCKER, Brigadier General and Chief Quartermaster, . . se29-10t . Depot of Washington. J A JLJST^ |7oii sXle,'" \ ' VALUABLE OIL TERRITORY IN VENANGO COUNTY. APPLY TO WK H; BiOH'ABDS'QN,; Ocs-4t* V:. 500 MARKET Street. T?OR SALE—A PROFITABLE CASH -L Paying Business, easily managed, .expenses light, location central. Address ■ Press Office. ocs3fc* OIL LANDS ! ' OIL LANES !!—FOR ■W SALTS' CHEAP—On Sugar, Wolfe, ami - Federal Creeks, Ohio. These lands are very rich in Oil, and are being rapidly and successfully developed. 108 Booth FOURTH ft., second story, No. 4. ocs-wthstt* THE. UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE, at a bargain, his entire Stock in trade, con sisting of , fine PLATED WARE and JEWELRY—weII assorted-—Safes, Fixtures, and Goodwill. Being en gaged in business that calls his, entire attention from the city, he 'will dispose of his stock in trade on terms favorable to a purchaser. *i he attention of tbo trade is called to the above fine opportunity for investment, seal- 6t if* TO LET—SEVERAL ROOMS, WITH -» or without: power, in Jayne’s Buildinr, .Dock street, below Third. Also, tlie Store No. 611 Chestnut street, above Sixth. THOMAS H. CORNELL, Courting House of Dr. &. Jayne & Son, 343 CHEST HOT Street ... v6e39-6t* Mfor sale-the EL EG'AN t Brown-stone Mansion,on the west corner of Logan Square and Yinß street. Lot 22 hy 1-SO feet.. Aoply to WM. KOSSSLL ALLEN. oco St* I 8. B. corner FOURTH and WALHOT. MFOR SALE—a VERY DESIRA BLE Residence on Nineteenth street, above Arch. Apply to : ... • IVM IiOSSELL ALLEN. ■ oca-3t* . S. E. corner FODJiTH and-WALHOT. GERMAN BULBOUS ROOTS— -A— llyac.iiith-, Tulips, Crocus, Snow-drops, Kanuncu lus, Anemones, Jonquils, Sc., &c„ for Fall planting. . Just received per Eteamer, and for sale by ROBERT BUIST, Jr., Seed and Agrionltural Warehouse, ocl-6t] Nos. 92a ana 03d- MARKET St. .above Ninth. O non TRUCK AND PEACH BAB - KETB instrecelvcd saW^ oifi se2-tf - ; 15T and 159 Worth THIRD Street. e EDECTBICITF. ) DIS-) ( COVERT.—AII acute and chronic diseases l i crirpd bv special guarantee, when desired by the C i patfent, at J 220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia,? < and, in ease of a failure,.no charge is made.' Kb f i dragging the system with uncertain medical agents, f 5 All cnri s, performed by Magnetism, Galvanism, or < ) Other modifications of Electricity, without shocks or { )any unpleasant sensation. For farther informa l i tlon, send and get a Pamphlet, which contains hnn- i ) dreds of certificates from souse of the most- reliable { 1 men in Philadelphia, who have been Epeedily audl V permanently cured after all other treatment from < ) medical men had faileit. ■ Oyer twelve thousand( / cnjfd m less than five years. at 1220 WALNUT St. f t Electmcal Institution* established five years ago. > ) ■ Prof. C. H. BOLLES, Lecturer. ( > PHYSICIANS. •• 5 sp. SHEDD, M. M. D-, l ) anp ) > ■ ' Mrs. S. A. POLTOS. . ,} J Mrs. Fulton, a lady of great experience and ntui t ) ty, .will have entire. charge of treating m the ladies J f department. ‘ j toDr. W,B. 8R0WK.1220 (WALNUT Street, Philadelphia ” 8m) ateeasonable pbices. NEW YORK. ' - J. C. FULLER, : 712 CHESTNUT Street. AUGTION SAI.ES. AUCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED 4*- HOSSIS. Quartermaster Gekeeal's OfFrae, ■ First Drrimoß, , WAasnfSTOlf Cm,October X, 1851, Will ba Bold at Public Auction, to the highest bidder at the time and place* named below, viz- : uUfFhIJf, PENNSYLYAB XA, THURSDAY, October 13,1551.' WILMIJfGTOa', DEL A WARE, THURSDAY, FORK, PSMsY^ffNj^’ THURSDAY. TWO HUNDRED CAVa£sy at each '■Jrt&EnSS# Se b s|^' eJna94 “ ttaM Sat *• mS be°b d adL d fanailw many good bargain* By order of the Quartermaster Gmeraf -„, ■ . JAKESA. ERT.V Colonelzii charge First Division,' Quartermaster Uenerafa Offlfca, oc3- tocES A UCTION SiLE 01* CONDEMNED XA- HORSES. . - QUARTERMASTER GEXERAL’3 Of?I0E, - > • First Division - , • ' Washington - City, September 2G. IBSi. ,•Jill be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, atGiObboro, D. C., oa nKT , EEI&AY. September 30.1554. ORE HUNDRED AHD FIFTY CAVALRY HORSES. ° FiFTY’caVALKY HORSES. as unfit for th* may be°had. lld faimin S purposes many,good bargain* . Horses sold sinsly. , mencfat 10 A. H Uaite4 Statea currency." Sale to com - By order of the Quartermaster General s * ;sC ~ Bt it charge •KTEW CHESTNTJT-ST. THEATKK j™** raw. tK’ EVE!fW ?’ oct 5 ' lS «- ;• . WARRENCOMEDY COMBINATION, consisting of Mr. WM.TYARREN, Mr. CHAS. BARROW Mias JOSIE ORTON, and Miss EMILY JVIESTAYBB, when will be presented Richard Brimslev Sheridan’, great fire-act Comedy called the enaaa * «-■ SCHOOL FOE SCAHDAE. Lad^TlSm 216 ' —"' ••-•-Mr.Wm.Warren. |PPW>rled by the EXC ELLENT STO 0R ! C 0 HOOT. OctS nffth“THE'SEA A OR?py? redttc S ed I price’s WiU 156 Presented by special at walnut-street “THElrllz: 1 ' ~,T h, jr d oppeara-nce of the charming, voumraad •versatile American actress. roang, aal JUisc CHAKLOITE THOIfPSOIi - Tms < Wednesday) EVKNISG, Oct' sth, Wfil of ET ®EYXDNeTTToVftIGHT? 80 "' To con elude with the laughable farce of ‘ „ MISeSIEf MAKING. Bor Oflice open from 9 till 3 o’clock. Doors open at T. WES. JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCS JJIA- STREET theatbe. **•»«“* VESTYAM.' BEI, DEWONTO : TO-NIGHT AND EYES? NIGHT, "with Scenery, Costume*. &c. * BEL JDSMCmo. AhTGELO In. which she will singr _ “T°uarethaStar” and “Brave Marco.” Seats secured three days in advance. (TJRAND CONCERT.—A<JRANDToF CBKTof Tooal and Instrumental given at COKCE&T HALT,, mental JUn,lc will be On TBURSDAY EVEKIJ-Q, October R isai , , YOR THE BKNKFT OF THE 800R 8 * or the CHURCH OF THE ASSOMPTIO# ao.l u,*' : orphans op deceased soldier's d m - The very best talent, both vocal and' instrumental have been engaged, and no effort has been snared hv the management to make this the Great Concert ofth* Season, tfith a Programme the most varied and enter. taraingyel.presented. “ ThiswiUcompnsegems from the Dalian Opera, and. ■ Sacred Music, with National. Sentimental,lrish Scotch and Humorous Vocal Ejections from the most admu'ii musical authors. . A “ Grand Chorus” will be stiog hy the ••stengerbund Mimical Society, and the “ Gloria ih Excslsis,’ from the Great War Mass oPHaydn efac tively given by a fall Choir, composed of thep?lncinai iS£ r d £ as a t^‘ ebestcllolrsof tofhSS Piano, Professor Newland;. Bar jo” Profes wr file Wh : by Amongst others also who will assist upon this festive occasion, are the American Vocalists (Qaarrette Asaoci. ation) Mas Josephine O’Connell, Miss Elite McCaffrey Miss M. A._Walsh, Mesdames Hammer and Little. LaJv Amateur, Herr Anton, Samuel W. Budd. ! Philin Charles A. Janice, Daniel Mclntyre”’ iud f hoA at Oiiicrs. • —- The piano used upon this occasion is a grand-action piano, from the celebrated manufactory of Genre? ANEWLAND ' V b ® preB,ded atb 5' WlLLlII! 'The doors will be open at ffif o’clock, and the per formance will commence at 7X, precisely ocfi 2t THOMAS E HARKINS. Director mua *- ALWNSON & H1RCEEK.............. MOHAN’S MINSTHELS appear every evening- in an elegant ETHIOPIAN ENTSKTAINMENT okfeSg&Sfc' ffMch can:i)9 secnrad <*">,£&» A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS, . TENTH A*- AND CHESTNUT Strestg. *' r “ TEMPLE OF WOKDEESI SIGNOR BLITZ : EVERY EVENING. Iro WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS ~ . .Change of Performance Constantly. BsttfrocStf CBnts - CiUtoen, Ifi Cents. SamfM Evening Performances commence at 7& Afiarnoo* at 3 ‘ oe3-tf A SSEMBLY BUILDIYG.-G K AND •£*- STEREOPTIGAW, ' ' STEREOPrrCAI-T. Tours over the World. . Tours over the World. THIS EVESnre, at 8 o’clock. The marvelous illusion of THE "GHOST,” ; THE “GHOST,”' ~ . , Aud Other Splendid Novelties. Admission SS cts. Children 15 cts, INSTITUTION FOR THeIbLINdZ; ■L'EXfllßraoS EVENT WEDNESDAY at £' war Admission TBN CENTS. Stole So, llSonth ifsaTS bCT6du> fjASINO, CHESTNUT ST., ABOVX THE GEEAT VARIETY THEATOE OF Ta* » p c 9 Mgri^7 e,u,ig ’ a FPMA «°j# fjHRIST REJECTED,- THE GREAT ,V celebrated pictnreby West,the ctefd'cmonof the artist,-is now on exhibition at the AcATiRttTAw FIKE A STS, No 1035 CHESTNUTS?., inaddUlTnil tte entire Art Collection oj the Academy. Admittana*. 25 cents. Season Tieketa; 50 cents. - i selg-Ira*** THE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. X- CHESTNUT Stresi.ahcwe Tenth, Is OFBNDAffiI? for Tiaitors, from 9 A. M. to 6 P, at J«J EBUCATIOIfAI,. PROF, JEAN B. SUE, A. M., AUTHOR J- of “Sue’s Flinch Course,” Instructor nf French in. Schools - Eesidecee, No. 331 North. * Aaiji otieet. oco-lm JOHN O. ZIMMERMAN WILL OPEN j* ‘ft* HNESBTTEErAN CHOKCH, German street, above Second, on Thursday Evening, Oct, 6. In the BAPTIST BET HE 1,. Front be low Christian, on Friday Evening, 7th, at 7Sf O’clock. : ■ OSS-2t* BOARDM6. TJOARDING WANTED.—-A NEWLY married couple want BOABMNG, • by October 20th, with a respectable private family, in a 800 l neighborhood, where there ace few or no other boarders. Address, stating terms, “J. T. S Box 23C9, Post Office. ocs-3t* WANTED.—A LADY HAYING A " * furnished HOUSE—location between Chestnut and Spring Garden, Fourth, and Tenth streets—to board, four Married Couples; Boom? furnished if desired. Be ference exchanged. Ad dress P. O, Box 350’. > ocs-3t* T>OARB lITO. —TWO LADIES WISH •*-* to obi a m Board, with two rooms, in a private fenil-. Iy, in a pleasant and airy situation, in the. northern or northwestern part of the city or,its suburbs. fiefevencea exchanged. Address ‘'Norton, ” office of The Press'. TO RENT HAKDSOMELX FUR WISHED EOOJIS, oc4 3t* , So. 903,■ WALWUT Street S.OST ■' AW® ~ FOUK®, 150 REWARD.—COST, ON FRIDAY v/ , evening, on the express train f Him Pittsburg to Philadelphia; betweenGreenstrarg and Harrisbnrsr, a pair of heavy. old style GOLD-SPECTACLES (in case), ■with name of McAllister” stamoed on onecoraerof them. On being returned to KcALLISTBB, -& CO., 738 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, the above reward, will he paid, and no questions ashed. - - oc-5-36 T OST OR STOLEN—A DUE BILL, J-J drawn by Jay Cooke & Co., for twenty-four hun dred doJlarsUnited-States seven-thirties. dated August 18th, 1861, in favcr ot D. SI. Bobinsondt Go.,but not ene dorsed by them. All persons are cautioned against ne» gotiating the same. Apply to ocs 6t* J. C. MEA.CE, Ho. 3COS PIJIE Street. MOTIOE.—LOST, CEETIFICA TEHCL -L' 266 for 300 Shares of CURTIS OIL; issned to K. W. ROGERS.; Transfer has been stopped, and application nsade for a new Certificate. . . : . ■ - »e22-12t* COPARTNERSHIPS. COPARTNERSHIP.—THE UNDER SIGNED h are . this day formed a Copartnership ■under th* firm of P. GKIFFEE & SON, for the transact rjb o ix\iif&i^ lKl), - xo Busr^ss - at «<>- P GKIFFBE, „ ■ - * . GEOSQE W. GRIFFBE. PHiLinET.PHrA, Oct. 1,1564. - ocs-w6t* ntSSOLUTIOH.—THE COPARTNER SHIP heretofore existing under the Arm of SAMUEL N. DAVIES & SON. is this day dissolved. The business will be settled by the undersigned, at Hb. 335 DOGE Street: - CHARLES E. DAVIES, Surviving Partnar. Philadewhia, fcept. SO, lefll. . .. . ; COPARTNERSHIP.-The nndersisracd have this day formed a copartnership under ih* firm of DAVIES BROTHERS, 1 for the transaction of a general ; banking and brokerage business, at No 335 DOCK Street CHARLES E. DAVIES, PETER A. DAVIES. - Philadelphia, October 1,1E54. U. S Certificates of Indebtedness, Quartermasters’ Vouchers and Checks, and Government Securities genef* rally, bonght and sold. > Business Paper and-Loans on Collaterals negotiated. Stocks and Loans bonght and sold on Commission, ocl-lm ■ . - .: - -mH"”*,- FOR ALBANY' ARB i£Sfc£SBg»TROY, VIA DELAWARE AND SARI- TaN CaNaL.—The Barge MQNTEREYfK; DANVERS, Master, ie now, loading at first wharf below SPRDCS Street, and -will sail for the aboye points on'WEDNES DAY, October sth. For freight, which will be taken on reasonable terms, spplyto. D. L. FLANAGAN, Agent, oca at No. 30 d: South DLL A WARE Avenge. MEYER’S NEWBY IM «l BYf» PROVED CRESCENT SCALE . . , a PYKESTRHNG PIANOS. „ _ Acknowledged to be the best. London Prize Made W Highest Awards in America received. „ AIELODEOES AND SECOND-HAND PIANOB. eeS-3m Wareroome, No. -rag ARCH St- hel. Eighth. DECKER BROS., steck & CO.’S -***, CELEBRATED PIANOS. J. E. GOULD, SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. ESTEY’S COTTAGE ORGANS, Not oniy DNSXCSLLZD, bnt UNEQUALLED Jig pnritf of Tone and Power, designed especially for Chnrsnet and Schools, but found to be equally well, adapted « She Parlor tud Drawlng Room. Yrferieomgb^ i No. IB North SEVENTH Street. . Also, a couplets aieortmeat of the Perfect Heh)dK« * on • ■ DEPARTMENT FOR CUSTOM WORK, . -VESTYALI. ■Proprietor*.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers