The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 03, 1864, Image 4
RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. ( ... "O:NogunATIONAL.—The stone chapel of the First Cot gregattonal Church, corner of Framkford road and - Montgomery avenue, having been thoroughly rei aired end repainted, will be Opened for divine service tomorrow. Rev. D. L. Gear, pastor of the church, after an absence of several weeks, ar rived' home last evening, and will resume his pulpit ministrations. Rev. George W. Smiley, , pastor of the Second Congregational Church, reacted hOme yesterday. He has been - spending the summer In the vicinity of Louisville, Kentucky. His ohnfoh, in Handel and Haydn Hall, will be reopened for divine service to-morrow. THE ()ANTRAL OpriGnICGATIONAL °Hunan has continued public worship, at Concert Hall, regalar_ ly through the summer. No pastor has yet been See cured, but the pulpit has been supplied by Benne of the ablest preachers among the Congregationalists. Rev. Dr. Thompson, of New York, President Stearns, of Amherst College, Rev. Dr. Shepard, of Bangor, Bev. Dr. Cheever, of New York, are ex panted soon. ltev. Edmund Hawes, of Maine, who is /enounced for to-morrow, is one of the most ecnight-after of the younger preachers of New Eng. land. He has lately been called to Boston and New York, as pastor of important churches in those Cities. DeniesMr.—The Twenty-fourth-ward Union Illiesion Chapel, situated on Haverford street, east Of Logan, will be dedionted with appropriate care monies to-morrow. Services at and 7,4 P. M., ishen addresses will be delivered by eminent geritio- Men. Rev. Mr. Fernley Will preach at B},; P. M., and Professor Barnhart at 7K in the evening. New PASTOR.—By reference to our advertising . Columns, it will be seen that the pastor elect of the North Prosbyterlin Church, R. W. Henry, D. D., will enter upon his duties to-morrow. Dr. Henry 'was most highly esteemed by the people of his last charge In New York, who separated from him with great reluctance and sorrow. It is, however, but right that a city which has taken from our pulpits so many of talent and eloquence should return us one of like ability. • HDLLArfD Oncinevras.—The oorreepondent of the Boston Recorder, who attended service In one of the churches in Amsterdam, says : After the first psalm was sung; a prayer and the Visual preliminary exercises followed: Alter these the preacher gave out his text, and dtmoursed for twenty minutes, when he paused to announcea hymn. The efficersof the church, taking advantage of the recess, hastened with eglitcy to carry round a contribution box in the shape of a long puree, with a little bell at the end of it to:attract attention, the whole apparatus being attached to the end of a long rod. , As I have said before, the Hollanders are very charitable, and every Man, woman, and child swooned to respond to the call by placing something in the box. Though I looked on every side with close scrutiny, I could not see a person that did not contribute some coin, however small it might be. Many of the more wealthy gave libe rally, end evidently thought complacently on the truth that "the Lord loveth the cheerful giver." After the hymn was sang, and the tinkling boxes had been deposited near the pulpit, the minister again mounted his stand, and preached another twenty minutes. It was, cf course,a continuation of Ida first sermon , and was dellveed.du a quiet, phlegmatic way, Iron the manuscript before him, that was not calculated to excite much enthusiasm in his congregation. The pastor neither gesticulated much. nor pounded the book or the pulpit, but sent forth his rolling and monotonous periods to break at regular intervals Upon the ear, like the sea waves on a smooth beach. In spite of the monotony the people did not seem drowsy. They sat In a state or attentive , inertia, and looked approval. The minister having , preached another twenty minutes, again paused for his people to refresh him with another hymn, while the nimble deacons again seized the opportunity of • aiding the Stock to give vent to their charitable feel ings. This exuberance of obarity took me some what by surprise, as I had contributed , my mite under the impression that the benevolence of the Dutch was not of se practioal a oast. They were all prepared, however, for this second visitation, and every one contributed as before. The first cone°. tion was for the poor of the pity; the second for foreign missions, including, of course, the United States. Alter this last oolleation the minister again preached twenty minutes, when another hymn was sung, without the accompaniment of another collection, however. The benediellon was then an nounced, and the vast congregation slowly and quietly withdrew. Levcso ore A Uoartint-Svortn.—The corner-stone of the new edifice to be occupied by the First Preeby tartan Ohnroh of Hoboken, N. J was laid on the 22d ult. The exercises were participated In by Rev. Meagre. Egbert Burr and Craighead. The building is to be ofbrick, and will present a beautiful appear. ance when fin/abed, as it stands upon a commanding location. TFR BArxrsr Missionary Union has called a Convention of an its missionaries in Burman, to as semble in November next. .The chief object of the meeting is to consult on measoresfor carrying the Mission churches forward so thatlthey may both sup port and regulate their own organisations. COLLEGE ENDOWNENT.—ThO Methodist Protest. .ant College Endowment Fund lute reached $30.000. The last donating reported is of property worth alo,ooo, the rent of which will go to pay agents the property can be sold. From a number of Sources large individualdonations are expected. METHODIST 1a188102,8 Ix GERMANY.—Rev. L. S. Jacoby, Superintendent of the American Methodist Missions in Germany, writes home most (moor— agingly of the prospect In that - country. English Methodists have been in that country for thirty 'sears but accomplished but little, while the Ameri can church is doing a great work there. Tan Congregationalists of the United States in' tend to organize a National Congregational Con* ventiOn. Ten of the State Associations have already 4leciared in favor of the plan, and the papers, both East and West, are earnestly advocating it. RESIGNATION OP A PASTOR.—We understand that Rev. A. 13. Baldwin, of Philadelphia, for save. . ral years the pastor of the Olivet Church, has noti fied his people of Lis intention to close his labors abodt the first of November. CLERICAL CHAR/in.—Rev. Washington B. Er ten, having accepted a call to the Seamen's MIS. eion Church, Catharine street, below Front, will enter upon his duties on Sunday, 4th inst.. • EXTRACTS PRON . THE FirrEsissos Aarrruez RE PORT OP TES AMERICAN' AND FOREIGN OIIRLSTIAN trzciow,—" The increased receipts of our treasury, we feel, deserve a special notice. Last year the amount was a 59,038.68 ; this year, $12,758.11—a gain of $18,721.48. Such a result shows that the chorales, in the midst of a fearful war have heeded the pro vidence of God, which, opening wider fields, have called for larger oontributions." BISHOP' DBLANCEY.—The Syrians° Courier is _pained to hear that the venerable bishop of the Diocese of Western New York ituts lost the use of his lower limbs , and Is in much feebler health than Rhea attending the Convention in Utica last week, ANOTlinn DISLOYAL PASTOI4.—BaY. S. J. P. Anderson, pastor of one of the chief Presbyterian churches in St. Louis, has been sentenced to be sent South by a Military Commission, charged with re fusing to pray for the success of the Government. The commanding general, however, has disap• proved the proceedings, on account of a defeot in the Older convening the Commission. RZTIMNED Mrsarmismnis.—The Rev. H. M. Scudder, M. D., D. D., and family are now on the way from India to the United States via England. They crime in consequence of the prostration of hie health by hie !ebony_ in the missionary work. The Roy. H. R. Jessup, missionary of the American Board to Syria, arrived in New York on the 9th ult. He left Syria on account of his wife's health, but she died July 2d, at Alexandria, Egypt. Be brings his children, but soon returns to Syria. Tun Dust , PRZBEITTHIUM( Otinitog in East Orange, N. J., a new organization, has just com pleted and dedicated a fine house of worship. Rev. J. '. Wilson, D. D., of Nowark, preached the dedi cation sermon. On the 2d ult. Mr. Fermis L. Ken yon, licentiate, was ordained as pastor of the church by the Presbytery of Newark. Sermon by Rev. J. Hoyt, of Orange ; charges by Rev. Dr. Poor and Rev. F..F.Ford, of Newark. The Second Church of Orange contributed mainly the material of which this church is composed. - DBDIOATION.—Tho edifice just erected by the con progation of the Central Presbyterian Church, Downirigton, Pa., (Rev. hl. Newkirk, pastor), was dedicated to the worship of God on Thursday, Sep tember let. Services were held in the morning anti afternoon, DRATE OP A PROMISIAG YOUNG PASTOR.—The Bev. Lewis 0. Bayles, pastor of the Eighty.fonrth• ntrest Presbyterian Ohnroh, in New York oity, re• oently supplying the pulpit 01 the First Presbyter} an Church, in San Francisco, died in San Francisco on Monday, the 15th of August, in the twenty-siath year of . his age. Mr. Bayles had .been but a few years In the mlnistry,, and was a man of more than ordinary promise. Tun Presbyterians have In' the United States 35 synods, 171 presbyteries, 202 licentiates, 2,265 minis ters, 866 candidates for the ministry, 2,626 churches, 2.31,260 members. Additions in 1864, 0,260; contra buttons during the year, $2,346,671. LITK& I&Y. lAonis Rev happen yurieFrench author, being in London latelyed to meet with an Eng lieh novel , which he found interesting. As it bore the usual notice "The right of translation is re served," he applied tithe publisher, and obtained the necessary permission. Raving finished his task, he offered his translation to M.Sentn,who, on read ing the first page, exclaimed, " Why, you have ac tually been translating Paul Feval's 'Fits ,du Diablo' Into French 1" and snob: was really the ease. So that it Would appear that the London pnblieher, after translating the work into Enatith without per mission, had authorized M...Rewell to turn it back again into French. Paris plitili4lers are not all suite .to acute as the faMouspamphfet. publisher, Dente, Messrs. Michel Levy--k'reres, , of the Rue Vivienne, published, months ago, "D*Anglais Ti mid.," par Charles hietnews, , the title-page an nouncing that all rights -weve.resereiul. • messra. Levy not fiblearly know that "D'Anglais Ti mid,, was a very literal translation of Mr. Blanch ard Jerrold's " Cool as a Oneumber, , coolly set forth as an original work by Mr. Mathews. "A few years ago," says a London journal, (fit Was the fashion with book collectors to deplore the cargoes of books which were continually being shipped to the - United States. The newedacattonat institutions in that country required libraries and a certain number of old books were absolutel y no; canary to give the seminaries . air of pro found /earning and antiquarian respectability. The West_ ern colleges, in all probability, retain their trea sures, but very reoently It has become the fashion to reship private collections to this country for sale. The rate of exchange is such:that, If a book realizes US. here at auction, the gold purchases 60s, of the national paper in New York. New books, too are now coming over to be sold by public competition in the ealiertomil. A few days since a large quan tity, consigned by the Messrs. Appleton. were sold at the anotion•room in Leicester square, and the prices realized - by Messrs Puttick & Simpson were, we believe, likely to give satisfaction to those who had directed the consignment." The forth Coming correspondence of Tieok du ring three generations will snow him In the charac ters of poet ' scholar, critic , reader, man, friend, counsellor, benefactor, etc. Ti e collection contains tatters from Freohmen. Englishmen, Americans Swedes, Dates, Germane, wise men, fools, states: men, poets, politicians, naturalists, warriors, physi cians, actors, women, girls, lost sons, and others. There are about two hundred correspondents in all, among whom appear the following: Arnim, BOW tie, Brentano CoDin, E. Devrlent, Gerres, Goethe, Novella, Hail% A. Von Humboldt. Immerman, Mende/saohn; Mayerbeer, Otir, Muller, Ochleu schlager, Jean Paul, the two Schlefols, G. Schwab, StAgetnann, ,Steffens, Varnhagen, Rachel, &o. Two volumes are to appear forthwith, and two more In October. The laws - nit lately pending in England between Messrs. Sampson, Low &. Co. and M.esars. Rout ledge, In relation to the copyright of Miss Cum. mite' novel, " Haunted Hearts ' f which was repub lished by the former and grated by the latter, was nearly decided In favor of rasa. Sampson, Low St (Jo., and, indeed, would have been but for non-com pliance with some Umbilical points as to accuracy of registration. " This seehdon,t) sap The Reader, 4 ' is so favorable to American authors that it lonely to lead to the first publication In this country of most works of general interest by Americans, as thereby the copyright on both sides of the Atlantic grill be secured to their authors." Dr. Dethier, Director of the Austriann Sch6oll Sias been permitted to examine the relic& of the .11- Diary of Arlatthlas Oorvinus, preserved in the old Seraglio. He has turned over every leaf and mann. 4crlpt, spending twelve months in the work, and has discovered two manuscripts of real Interest, ZOlllO scholiasts of Aristotle, believed to be new, and an invaluable historical work. This Is "an account by an eyewitness of the events of the reign of Ma. hornet the Great, of the capture of Constantinople, and, in a word, of all the exalting scenes of the last seventeen years or that long and eventful bleary. The manuscript is a beanUfal one." and "fall of Cu llom; details." ftta all Lo a f at. k Petersburga weglrerehitherto in the Asiatic department of the RusalsAmMistry of the foreign oftloe. These books are very rare, and meet of them exist only-in the countries where they have been published. They are written in Ohinese, klandshurlan, Tibetlan, Mongolian, and Sanskrit. The Ganshurian collec tion, written In the language of Thlbet, 'comprises one hundred and soventy volumes. The Tansilw Ilan collection Is still In the keeping of the Russian ambassador at Pekin. What promises to be a curious work is In the press, in the shape of the " Travels and Adventures of Arminius Vaurbery," who was despatched by the Hungarian Academy on a scientific mission to the East In 1863.4, and In the disguise of a dervish sac ceeded In travensing - Central Asia, from the Caspian to the Sea of Aril, through the deserts of the 08115, by Rhina, Conrad, Bokhara, Satnarcand, Karshee, Kirkee, Xelmana, and Balk, to Mesbid. A gosdpping letter from Paris says of the younger Dumas; "He has taken the miscarriage of his last play deeply to heart, although his father told him, 'Alexandre, it is your best work and worst ploCe. l He has cancelled his contract with Messrs. Miami Levy Faros, and refuses to have it printed. They were to give him 'lmo for the first edition. Be has deolared in a letter, which has appeared in the newspapers, that he will never write another play." linen has lateiy published, with plates and fac•slmiles, " Trete Inscriptions Phentalennos, trou vers a Onrum.el-Awarned.” There M a revert that he has accepted an otter of a chair in Belgium, equal In every respect to the one of which km was deprived In the 00llege de France. Meanwhile, he is said to be busy pith hie "Life of Mary," and 4, Lilt , of Paul." Andreas . Fay, the Nestor of Hungarian litera ture, died on the 28th of July, seventy-olght years MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC. Scribe hes earned with (7herubinl. Meyerbeer Boieldieu, Romani, Herold, Auber, lialvey and Carafe, over a million franca; but this million Is but a small compensation for the many ambles these composers have given the poet. Scribe once said of Bleyerbeer, with great naivete. "The man makes a beast of burden of me." His hair has grown quite gray in the service, oompelled r as he is often, to write the same things over ten times. At one time hloyerbeer brought him a libretto, and showed him aplace in it where he wished to write a *romance. " Good," said Scribe, "what measure will you have?" "Eight-syllable verse, good for music." Scribe hastened to write the romance, and sent it to Meyerbeer, who returned it Immediately, with the message, that it did not suit him at all, and he must have verses of ten syllables. He had in mind a grand movement, and the measure was given to Scribe, that he might adapt his words to it. Scribe worked the romance over and over again, even to ten times in one week, when at last Meyerbeer tore up the manuscript, sayin: "How, In the name of common sense, can you think this matter for a ro mance "I, never have thought so." replied Scribe ; ft was you." "Indeed f" said Meyerbeer, "then we have lost our time." Another time Meyerbeer met Scribe on the Bou levards. Seizing him by the arm, he said, with the greatest air of mystery, "I had a splendid idea last evening." "For our opera 1" "For oar opera." "What was it 1" "I must have all-the characters brought together in the fourth act, and I will write a grand septuor." "But that is quite impossible," replied Scribe; "if we would have such a situation, it should be prepared for beforehand, and the first three acts are already finished." "I know that very well : but a septuor—think of that—a Baptizer." " Very well, I will arrange It," sighed Scribe. He went to work, and was six weeks making the fleece' Sa ry alterations. Meyerbeer took the manuscript, and three years alter said to Scribe one day : "Now that Ihave well thought over the matter, I see that our septuor will , not answer ; let us have a cal-Mina." And away I went Scribe .to rewrite the whole piece. On that, day Scribe au:treaty had thoughts of .suloide. Scribe's daily habits have been the same for thirty * years past. Every morning, summer and winter, ho rises at 6 o'clock, and works at an upright desk un til noon. He then breakfasts, and goes to rehear sals, or meditates new plots . . And so it is, one day after the other. Be keeps a mimplete list of all his works, and has arranged them inalphabe tical order. Looking over them one day, he discovered that the' lettere K, Y, and X were wanting, and immeglately wrote “Kiosque for the Opera Comique, "Yelva" for the Gymnasium, and " Xacarilla" for the Grand Opera. The alphabet la now complete. The list numbers 846 pieces (887 mitt) It is said that M. Gounadill occupied in writing Incidental music, on an unusually grand scale, for a new play by M. 3.Jegouve, In which Madame Ristorl will appear, at the Theatre Lyrique. It Is also said that DI. (loaned has given up the book of "Ivan le Terrible," some fancied dinioultieson the part of the censorship having deterred him from. working out the subject. The book is now In the hand of M. Bi zet. Muth of the music.which the composer had al- • ready completed for "Ivan" has beenintroduced, we are Informed, in his other operas. There is still a talk of M. Gowned taking In hand the story of "The Cid," and a rumor of his re-commuting the latter half el "Mollie." Zelger, a bass Singer, long connected with the Italian opera in London, died lately in Ghent, from poison, very singularly administered, It appears that some three years since M. Zeiger, having to perform the part of " Walter" in "Guillaume Tell," at Covent Garden, and having to whiten his moustache and beard, made use of a now compost .tion, which, in the course of the night brought on a violent fit of vomiting, which was succeeded by a long lethargy. From that • time, says the London Musical World, his health was never completely rew I stored, and be aank, in all probability a victim to his imprudence or heedlessness. Before the war there was playing at Niblo's with Forrest it young actor of much promise, Mr.. William S. Andrews. Three years ago he enlisted in Hawkins! 9th Zonaves, and as a private, a non commis:domed-and commissioned officer, has served falthrully ever since. , Having resigned his _position in the army and resumed his profession, Mr An drews hag been engaged in t_baharew combination company forming by Laura Keene and with this company will play in our principal cities, beginning next week at Buffalo. The Sing of Italy has conferred the order of St. Maurice and Lazarus on the tenor Calzolari. The same artist received some years ago, from the Emperor of Russia, the gold medal for merit, with a portrait of the Imperial giver. The medal, which _was bestowed upon Le-blanche, Tamberlik, and BOPiO, as well, Is worn suspended from the neck,. and is set with diamonds to the value of ten thou sand francs. , A. volUme on the Berlin Theatre and rte man agement, from 1740 to 1840, jnM published in Stott gardt, records that Frederick the Great; on hearing Thethe's first play, said It was "a mess Of disgust ing platitudes." Ocethe received only £9OO for the complete theatrical copyright of "Romeo and Ju• list," and Schlegel Only £lO for his adaptation of "Hamlet" for this theatre. —Adak Isaacs Menken is In London, attracting attention by the showy little equipage in which she drives through Hyde Park. Kate Vance, another actress of much the same style is about to proceed to England, The success of Miss Bateman in Lon. don has given quite a foreign fever to American actresses. Mrs. D. P. Bowers, already well known in London, is soon to appear at the Adelphl Theatre in that city. An organ has been recently built In a Roman Catholic Chapel at Dundee, Scotland, which con• tains several new Gemnan stops, such as the Dulcet Harmonic Flute, the tiebliech Bourdon, the Bohr Flute, and the Spire Flute. They are all of a soft, delicate tone. • Galignawt says :Ajarlo Patti, brother of Ade lina and late to General Beanregard, has come to Europe for the purpose of studying 150810. Ho is 22 years of age, and, after fighting with the rebels in eleven battles, was taken prison• er and liberated on parole. The recent performers at the Montreal Theatre include the Webb slaters and Barton Rill. Emma Webb finds better flumes in playing OD the stage than In delivering Oopperhead lectures. Hill is doing' Dundreary. —The newest operas composed in Germany are : "A Winter's Tale," by Barbieri, conductor of the orchestra at the Peath opera-house, and "Des .110- sonmadchen," by Louis Schubert of °lase]. McKean Buchanan, the actor, who IS a son of Paymaster Buchanan of the navy .and a nephew of the. rebel Admiral Buchanan, has been playing at Portland, Maine. Matilda Heron, after her Doming engagement at Niblo's, will play at the Howard Athenieum, and bring out there her dramatic version of Hawthorne's Searlet, Letter." A new opera by FeHelen David, called " Tout est blen qui dolt bleu ”—an adaptation of Shah speare's " All Well that Ends Wen be pro• ilneed this fall at the Opera Comique, Paris. William Vincent Wallace has-been engaged to edit the music for the London Musical Monthly Ma gazine. SCIENCE AND ART. —ln a pa_per addressed to the Academy of ci ences, Mr. Dancel adverts to a circumstance hith erto completely overlooked by professional men who have made the cure of obesity their peculiar etndy, and which we think ma'' , be of Interest to many per eons desirous of riddingg themselves of Inconvenient corpulency. While collecting observations concern ing the cure of obesity on men, he remarked that those who fed on substances containing little or no fat or adipose matter did not diminish In corpulency when they drank much, and it struck him that water and Watery. substances must favor obeeity. The ex periments he made proved this to be a fact, stator now expresses surprise in his paper at tlndhig that, among the many experiments tried for the fattening of animals, the water often absorbed in considerable quantities by the subjects was never taken Into account; while he now shows that water plays a great part In producing obesity, as may be perceived from the following experiments : Among the horses of the regiment of the Garde de Paris there was one remarkable for Its leanness. At lidr. Dancell request, the veterinary surgeon of the regiment diminished Its daily ration of oats by &kilo gramme and a half without modifying its ration of straw and hay; but at the same time he was pro. vlded with abundance of water, into which, from time to time, a little bran wee put, so as tomake up a total of a pound per day. On the 22d of May last this hone weighed five hundred and,twelve • grammes; °lithe 17th of Jima its. eight rose ', to. re hundred and thirty kilogrammes, being en in armee of eighteen Mlogrammes in the course of twenty-seven days, although the pound of bran per day wad no equivalent for thethree pounds of oats daily served. In the same regiment there was an exceedingly fat mare that could hardly carry its rider, anA, like fat people, used to drink a large quantity of water, as much as sixty titres , per day. The quantity was reduced to fifteen litres per day, and the animal has now lost its obesity, and his re. sinned Its former vigor. bUitM wr. hSic.h .J trou t ppo s se eesoftadaptingetheircolor . to the color of the water In which they are placed. "Put basi n n black burn trout," he eays4 Into a white of water, and it becomes, within half an hour, of a light color. Keep the fish living In a `white jar for some days and it becomes absolutely white, but put Into a dark•oolored or black vessel and, although tn first being placed there the whits! colored fish shows most conspicuously on the blatk ground, in a quarter of an hour it becomes as dark. colored aa the bottom of the jar, and consequently difficult to be seen." We can entirely oonfirm. the truth of this statement, and a n orthwes t is to be found in two lochs In the.of Sutherlandshire, separated only by a low ridge of land. In the one—which IS full cf dark moss water— the trout are nearly black; In the other—whore the bed of the loth is limestone, and the water so clear that you can see the bottom whore it is forty or fifty feet deep—they are almost as silvery in color as sea trout. Lech Brora, too—another loch in the same County—affords a further corroboration of the truth of Mr. St. Joint's observations. That loch is divided Into three sheets of water, united by narrows, where the lake aliSUlnes the appearance of a river. In the upperpart, where the bottom is sand and fine gravel; the trout are clear in color, with bright van' million spots; . in the central division, where the bottom is not so clean, and the water darker, they also are dark in oolor, and their spots are not so bright; while in the lowest division of the lake, where the bottom is very muddy, the trout are quite black and ugly, though of larger size. ' The Shoe and Leather Reporter say,: " Sin the dogs and cats, and put their hides to some pro k fitable use; let the bone-boilers have their bones. In one of the wards of Newark, N. J., where some thirteen hundred votes are polled, there are estimated to be about Ida hundred dogs—worthless, hungry curs, with about the same number of cats, to disputepos. Melon In and about the domicils of their mastera and mistresses. 'We say kill and skin them. The skins of the biggest mastiffs are fit to be tanned for boots and shoes, or thick riding gloves ; the skins of lesser dogs can be dressed white for gloves. And so of cats. ..Hid the world of some of these nuisances, and put their hides and bones to a better use than many of them would otherwise attaln.,, Apropos Ofs thbi subject, the editor of the Hart ford (Conn.) Press has been shown a new kind of leather, made from rattlesnakes' skins, sent from California. The skins have been tanned, and are to be made up into slippers. in color they are brown, marked with -black. - Rubbed one way, they are smooth as silk, but rubbed backwards they are very rough, the scales Wining up as though the leather had been nicked with a knife. The skins measure about six feet in length. They are very delicate and easily torn, and are only valuable on account of their novelty. it the blade of a well.pollshed knlfete dipped into a basin of cold water, the particles of each of these two bodies do not . seem to tome In contact With each other ; for when the blade le taken out the water slides, off, leaving the blade quite dry, as if it had prey - Wilily beekilineased• wittooma greasy, substance. In the same way, if a common seWhalt needle be laid horliontally on a glass of water, it will not sink, but forms a kind of trench on the sur face, on which it Iles and floats , about. 'This pro ceeds from the little attraction which exists between the cold water and the polished steel. It Is neces sary that both the knife, In the former experiment, and also the needle, should be dry and clean ; other wise the effect will not be produced. The needle must be carefully placed on the surface. In the fishery department of the IrishUnduetrlat Exhibition the special commissioners of Irish Rabe• ries have Just completed all the details connected with the models designed to illustrate•the habits of the salmon anti the most approved methods Of con servation. One of the most attractive features of this display Is what is called the fish ladder." This con sists in a series of steps placed in a sloping position down the nice of a waterfall or weir, for the purpose of enabling the salmon to ascend the river during the spawning season. The plan has been applied with great success to the fails of Ballyrodate, ha the COunty of Sligo, which previously presented an In superable obstacle to the ascent of the fish to the upper waters. The commissioners exhibit spiel mons of every:variety used in the salmon fishery, and they likewise show an exceedingly clarions kind of net used by the fishermen of Loughneagh for the capture of pollen, or ftesk-water herring. This net !seventy yards In length, it Is made of the finest flaxen thread, and Its cost is bat small., The. col lection, whit* is on the whole very Interesting, has been well arranged under the supervision of l'fr. Thomas F. Brady, the secretary of the COMMlS elonera—Scientidic American. . —A small balloon,oonstructed of goldbeaters skin, scarcely two feet in diameter, ascended from near London the other day, at 7.45 P. M., the wind blow ing moderately from the N.W. A small tube fitted to the neck allowed the gas to escape as itexpanded, and a paper car, filled with sand which fell slowly through a small aperture in the bottom, was at tached to the balloon, in order to compensate to a certain extent for the gradual loss of gas. At 8.20 A. M., the following morning, it descended at Hits. cbatd, near Baanborg t in Bavaria. The distance IS about 500 miles in a direst ilne, and the time ocou pled, allowing for the ditferen,ce of longtitude, as nearly as possible, twelve hours. It is still debateu whether the moon htfluenCeS the weather, the more rigidly scientific denying its influence but the weather-wise inslitingupon It. A recent work by Sazby, one of the latter aol►ool. lays down this rule, that there is always atmospheric disturbance when the moon crosses the earth's equa tor, or is at her greatest distance from it. That If the period of new moon occurs near sitter of these periods, it has a marked influence on the weather, which Is u , reatly increased if at the same time the moon be in perigee. An Ingenious method for throwing rope to a ship In distress has been imagined by of Turin. .lt is well known that this is generally done by means of iron projectiles, 'which sink below the water if therOpe they carry be too short. - Pd. Bertineiirs projctlle- is made of wood, which, though heavy enough to be shot to a great distanoe, is sufficiently light to float on the water, thus giving the crew in danger an opportunity of reaching It by some means or °then if it should happen to fall 1511011. Red Sealing wax, of good quality, Is made by carefully fusing a mixture of 48 Oats of shellac, 19 of Venice turpentine, and 1 lof Peru balsam, to which 32 parts of finely levlgated cinnabar and some sulphate of lime are afterwards added. In the • cheaper kinds red lead Is .substituted for the vermillion, and there Is much obuimon'roshi, whloh causes the wax to run Into thin drops when melted. Blaok sealing wax Is made of 60 parts of shellac, 10• of Venice, tarpon tine, and 8 of-finely- levlgnied ivory black. • LEVTEJS BAGS AT TEM .110217.0HANTE0 F.XO7IA.NOB, PITITADSLPHIA. Ship Lady Emily Peel (Br), Penny, Londonderry, 800 n. Bark Roanoke (Br), Cookeily..:l4iraarra, !work, FIIILADELYILtA. BOARD. OF. TRADE. •Inarns Mittxhinti _ • Annn WHICHLBa, .vonwAtteci Of tho Mona ED. Y. TowarozoD, • • • ICLUUNII „INTELLIGENCE. voirr o MI:IIW)XLPH1&, !kept.' 2, ssi Sun Ekes .4 36 I Sun Seta..6 26.1 High Water.. a o ARRIVED. Ship Tonawanda, Julius, from LiVerpool, -July 19, with India and 361 passengers, to Cope Brothers. Cabin passengers—Mrs. J V Stephens, of Philadel phia ; Mr Jas Ashworth, do; David Wrote, M I), do; jOhn Lindsay Julius, do. August. 22, lat 4140, 64'W exchanged signals with Br gap Chrhttatia, bound east. The T was tOwed up by tug America. Ship New Ragland, Edge, 20 days from Pangaea is, in ballast, to. Peter Wright & Sons—was towed up by tug Winpenny. Steamship Virginia (U. S. transport),' Snyder, 24 hours from: Fortress Monroe, for repairs, to U. S. Quartermaster. Bark John Trucks, Taylor, 24 days from New Or leans, In ballast to Henry Simons. Brig,Leonard Myerii, Smith 4 days from Fortress Monroe, inballast to henry S imons. Schr Marla Hall, Gareeld,b days from Baltimore, with mdse to captain. Schr Lovet Peacock, Lingo, 0 days from Wash ington, in ballast to captain. Schr Gaseatteas, Hadley, from Ellzabethport, in ballast to captain. . Schr Julia, Kelley, from New York, in ballast to captain. Sobr. S - e Chase, Davis, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with grain to Jas L Bewley & Co. St'r E N Fairchilds, Trout, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to Wm M Baird & Co. St'r Vulcan, Morrison, 24 hours rrom New York, with mdse to Wzn M Baird & Co. . - St'r Hope, Warren, 24hoursfrom New York;wittlt mdse to W P Clyde. • CLEARED. Ship Wyoming, Burton, LiverpooL - Brig Prince Alfred, (Br), Higgins, Londonderry, N. S. Brig J H Kennedy, Smith, Port Royal. Brig Belle, Ford Port Royal. . Brig 0 0 Kell y,arke Salem. Schr .L 1 Saugus, Hammett. Sohr 7 V+Wellington, Chipman, Weymouth. Rohr KA• Weeks; Ketchum, DoroheaWr Point, Sohr Mary Ann, Bryant, Portland. Behr Gareabeas, Hadley, Boston. Sokr"o Carroll MehaHey , Norwiok. Sohr Marietta Hand, Brooks, do. Sehr E A Conklin, Norton, Fall River. Behr Extra, Taylor, Portreas Monroe. . Bohr C A May, May, 33oston. Sohr Ann Etin Mover, Port Royal. Behr Pathway, wilieta, Port Royal. Sohr Charm, Starr, Washington. Bohr Geo Lewis, Hart, Baltimore. Bohr A G Pease, House, Seabrook. Str Jai; Hand, Shropshire, New York. Sir J S Shriver, Dennis; Balimore. [Correspondence of the Philadelphia &schwa) Lawns, Del.; Sept. 1. Steamers America - and Hero of Jersey, from New York for Fortress Monroe; brig Monica from Ban got for Matanzas (put in for water); still's 0 D, from 'Fbmadelphia for Saybrook i Alligator do for Calais, and Courier, do for Portsmouth; NH, are at the Breakwater. Yours, MEDICAL. S PRING DEBILITY I LAINGODT,'LASSITUDL AND TWAT LOW STATE OF THE SYSTEM reenliar to the SPRING TIME OF art iiruatil ately relieved:l)y the PEEITVLIN SFEITP : „ . _ Or Protested Solution of PROTOXLDE OP MOE. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Supplies the blood with its eitalprineiple. or LIFS-BLIIMENT, IRON Infusing /Prennorn. Freon, and ifirw dra into all wig of the eTateni. One of the /AMA dfetingnlehed Jarlata la Sew Enzland writes to a friend as follows: "I has. tried the PERUVIAN SYRUP, and the result fully sustains your prediction. It bas made a caw run of me; inftteed into my system new vigor and energy; I am no longer tremulous and debilitated as when you last raw me, but stronger, heartier, and with larger capacity for- labor, mental and physical, that* at ray time 'during the last rive yearn." An eminent Milne of Boston we: "I baleen using the PRIIVIA2( SYRUP for some time past; It eves me arsW Tweet; Baorsarcrr of arnirre. =smart of xtrool.N.'' Pamphlet* fres. J. P. DISHORI,_ NO. 491 BROADWAY, NSW icons COUGHS Z COLDS 3 CONSUMPTION Wistear's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Ore of Tta OLDIBT.A.IM MOOT RIMILBLI RUZDT 1:11 TA WORLD FOX • Oonsh& Colds, Whopping Oongh..Bronehitin,_Dianatr; of.teuathing, Astuma, Hoarseness, Bore Throat, , • • Croup, and Sven , Affection of THE 'THROAT, LUNGS, AND CHEST. Wistar'sliatitam of Wild Cherry does not Drp lg. • . (lough and lame the eeeds of C.bnsumption in the ays tern, but Loosen,/ it, and le an the "range of ail t,* . . purities. Ztono gamin, =awls ginned "I. BUTTS" on the wrapper. REDDENTG'S RTISSIA. SALVES A Real rata. Extractor. FORTY TIALI6CRXPERIRPIOII Has fully established the superiority of this naive over all other - healing remedies. It reduomithe met angry lopking Swelling. and Inflammations es 11 DT Maji,l heals OLD Souse, Wonalssi Suture, Soagges. We.. La surprisingly.short time. • ; Only 76.0.•. a Bor. The above are old and timdl- &dab Its had Remcites. Dui Bale by J. P. Drzfeeforts. 191 BROADWAY, NNW ToZX B. W. P0W14.41, 00. 18.TREMONT St., BOSTON, hilfhiririgo mai by ail Druggists. .TARRANT,'S EF F.E VEBC ENT • ~ SELTEELAPERIENT • 18 THIS „WRIT EEIKEDY KNOWN • FOR ALL BILIGITS CIONPLAINTS, SICK HEADAOKE, pOSTITI NESS 'INDIGESTION HEART- BONN 801311, Eekotiao2k, SBA - tiICKNE6B, Sio. &a. • Dr. JAMES CHILTON, the Great imam:List, 4478: "‘ I know Ite.composition. and have no doubt It will Prove most beneletal in 1 , 11015 complaints for which It is. recommended." Dr. THOMAS BOYD save • " / stroller sommend It to the notice of thepublic." D. EDWARD G..LIINLOW says: "I Gan with soli- Ideate recommend it. " Dr. GEOBOB T. DEXTER 447 e: "In Flatulent,. Het - burn , m t-bu Costiveness, Sick Headache, Jac., dm, the SELTZER APBBI3/17 147 hands has Droved Indeed It Tenable remedy: For other teettmontali !lee Perl blet with each bottle. Mannfactured s wi oIgYAIY - TE i3 TARRANT 3.00. ys SSNWlOtreet. New York. NI. FOR BALI Mr ALT, DBIJOGIBTS. my2 3 toon RLE OTRI C I T Y.—WHAT IS LIPS •-•:. WITHOUT HEAITH7—Dra. BARTHOLOMIW A ALLEN, Mediaal Klectrislarts; basinyemored their °Mae from North Tenth street to o. 154 North BLITBRITH Street, below //sae, will sti treat and owe all curable diseases, whether Acute or Chronic,' without shocks,rmin,:or any inoonrenlence, bb y the ruse of ELIO TRICITY, in ita modification, and RomcsoDalltie Medi " eines. Ooneumption, lint and as- teArrenta and Catarrh. coed atazes. General Debility. Paralysis. Diseaaee of the Lint or Neuralgia. Kidneys. Fever and Anne. Diabetea. Congestion. Prolapaus uteri (Pathan of rms. the womb). Haworth olds, or Piles. Itrertrr P tat al tim. ' Spinal Disease. Bronchitis. Deafness. Testimonies at the 05i1ee,164 North Eleventh ahead. Mee hour*, 9_ ,A M. to 6 P. M_ ______ 888. BARTHOLOMEW 1 • Medical 154tzrarth TAVLOR , I3 ARNICA OIL OR RkIBRO. CATlON:timer fails to mire Ithonatatism,_Neniall • Biwains,Frosted Feet. Chapped Hands, and all Shin sases. Price ,__and wholesale sod retail byH. TA LOB. Dr pallet. TANTE and CALL° WEILL. • • LOOKING GLASSES. • JAMES S. EARLE ill SON. 816 crEasTRITT sTREirr, PHILA.. • Uri now in store a very fine assortmeat of LOOKING GLASSES. of every shassetar. of the MST BM I(ANITPAOTI7BI AND LATEST STELE& OIL PAINT/NM I ENOB,AviNGs, WO TATOU are PitoToolAps =Alm DENBERVO. A moat erectly* and delightful PrePhratiroa . . TOR THE TEETH AND MUHL and Highly recommended by th e mat eminent DONS entists. . i It to the restilt of e tnorough wane of a/dentine azpie.i ftln•nts, extendisog through a period of nearly thirty, ...,...' i To j ilvreat extent in esp./ isieled a tirely Ix ....IN rt w 4 PRIPENT DICAT-OF -it Ve t Trlt GTHIff WEAK TEI * THE gIANTIPULLT CLEAN LED THI BREATH El . Ike Weds's. Price c B. T. Premed "lei lth ri i nu cil . xtritpr kEt . . E p. D Ifirr a. re ialfilorDnwauta, bt ' 111411 ?- hj ai-As , THE. PRESS. , -PFITLADELP, RTA. S • 9EI 4 E. MARSHALtB BALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a Writ of Sale bythe Hon. Jelin Cadwilader. Jodie of the District 'Court of the United Stater, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. in Admiralty, to me directedowill be sold at Public Sale, to the high. est and best bidder,' for cash. atifICHENEN!S STONS; No. 142 North FILONT Street, on MONDAY, Septem ber 12th. 1864. at 12 o'clock M... about 86 bales of Cot ton, being cargoes °VT& sets unknown. WILLIAM MILLWABD, , 8. Marshal E. D. of Penna. PuzrAiA., 'August 80. 1264 anBl St M 13 ARSHAL - 13ALE.-BY - VIRTITE OF MARSHAL'S - I L. a Writ of Sale, by the Hon. John Oadiraluder. Judge of the District Court of thellnited States, in sad for the Eastern Districtof Pennsylvania. in Admiralty. to me directed. will be sold at public sale to the tastiest and best bidder. for cash, at MIOI:IENSIt'S SPORE.. No. 1.42 N. 112.021 T Street. on MONDAY, September 12, 1864, at 12 o'clock M., certain cotton—to wit: three to four hundred pounds, now or lately laden on board the brig Prince Alfred, ssor,,vrioiT.OF iiOP4IITNER -416'' Iv ENTr.43EVEIMI and CHEERY fitreets, Phila. dßlSeptember lBB4 • • COThe Arm of SHERMAN, EON* THIS DAY-Dis. solved))) mutual consent. Mr. C. &pitman retiring. • jt is requested that all aeoeunte due the Melt= be set. tied at once, and all claims be presented without delay. , . C, SHERMAN. it. SHERMAN. - M. -P. BENERMAN. I have this day sold my Interest to the above Arm to ROGER SHERMAN MICHAEL F. - BINEERKAN. and ANDREW OVERBID. Thankful for the courtesy bestowed upon m*self, and the liberal business patronage forthe past thirty-Ave Years.-I would respectfully desire a t continuante 90E0 same to the new arm. - C. SHERMAM: COPARTNERSHIP.—The Subscriben, under the Era of SHERMAN dr CO., will continue the business of Printing in'. all its various branches. By unremitting attention, they hope to retain the confidence of their care t , tognera, so -liberally bestowed upon the wen -known -house of C. SHERMAN, and latterly C. Sherman, Son A Co.. and to increase In every departmentof Book and Job Printing, Stereotyping. Engraving, LithograPhing e and Binding. ROGER SHERMAN. M. F. BBNERMAN, ANDREW OVEREID. S. W. corner Seventh and Cherry streets, Phltadet• phis„.September 1, ISSi . sel-St" AARON MARSHALL. DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. —The Copartnerehip heretofore existing between the underelgned; under the name of ligNlty HANDY &CO., is . Ws day dissolved by its own limitation. Henry Bandy retiring. Either partner is authorized to use the mune of the firm in settlement. HENRY HAN FREDERIC J. GOODWIN. PICILADIMPHIA, Sept. 1, 1864. NOTICE.--THR SUBSCRIBER WILL continue the baldness of the late Arm, in hiiowa name, at the old stand. 113 South rocrars Street. . • FR/MEW T. GOODWIN: PGir.e.peir: 8.110. .185 t. • .... rIABENICT: MINIMA AND BIIr 4 - 0 WARD TABLES. MOORE & OAM.P . TOM No. 261 SOUTH SECOND-6TR_ .1211 . lit connection with their extensive Cabins/ Mutant.. are now manufacturing a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES, • And have now on hand a fall supply, Satiated with the MOORE h CAMPION'S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, Which are pronounced by all who have - used theta to superior to all others. For the onality and Satoh of aide pabie.s, the manufaotarera refer to their neal•rooll *mons throughout the union, who are familiar with the charsotor of their work. nadfilm • .• GROCERIM. * • • A. SMOKED -4140) 'SPICED W. , 'lox. • . Just receive& ALBERT 0.: ROBERTS, Dealer in dna Groceriel, maw comer sLingirrit and VlMl'llts. A RORER & REEVEB_, : • WHOLEPALE GROOM. . No. 46 - Nort.A.W_ATIB. Street. and No. 46 North DELAWARN Avenue, Oro for Jude, at the Lowest Market Priool. I bail dock of . . - • BMUS, s MOLA666B. • coToseaign Andseicz, do, And groceries generally. earefially selected for the sentry trade.. Bole Agents for the products of FITHIAIN h PooUgli Sxte p26 nslye _Fruit Canning Factory at Bridgeton, N. J. a-6m MACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD, &o. bble. Naas. Noe. 1,2, and S kackerslasiiii; eanght far kah, in assorted reetekage4: • ' 2,000 bble. New Isetport, Fortis nk Bay. and Rabbis . Harriett: - *SOO norree Label:, Sealed. and No. - 1 _MO bbl, new Mess Shad. kV boxes Herkimer county Ch Ste., in store and for eale by- MURPHY a KOONS No. 14.6 NORTH' WHABVNII. : LATOUR'S OLIVE OIL.:--400 BAB -m-4 Pete fresh Latour's Olive 011.'in lots to salt the iorshaser. for sale by /MOWN & WILLIAMS. au2o-tf - 1 / 3 .w.exxx street. . . T VCRNOW .13A170E.._181S CELL brated Sauce on hand &miler side by RHODEOO WittlAWS, 107, Soutk WATER Street. aRkENOBLE WALNIITS.--400; ' I .-A bales °namable Walnut!, In _prime order,- for side ! RHODES WILLIAMS, 107 Smith WATER. Street. by • • -..aveS•tt LAWTON . BLACKBERRIES— HER ..mothaur Sealed, prepareeritts aeason, and ro- Solved direct from our factory, at Bridgeton, N. J. and. gor sais BHONSSA WILLIAMS, • anw-tf 10 , 7 South . WATER Stmt. NORTH CLEAR CREEK am gm SILVER KIN/NG UOMPANY t __ GILPIN COMITY, COLORADO TERRITORY The prop erty of this Company consists of 2,p3.3$ feet' on the • round Hog, ' Gregory No. 2," Sun- Mons s " "Concord, and other celebrated developed' Gold- bearing Lodes in the beet mining district of Cola.; redo. Also, the Henderson Mill, now rnusdug, and in ex cellent order. CAPITAL STOOK 11,000,000. • WHOLE NUMBER SHARES 100,C0). PAR, SW. A large portion of the stook hm already hada taken by: Private subscription. 'Books are now open at the office of the Company, at No. 69 11.13eTER. Street, New Yoyks; , where a =fled number of shares can be subsorlbedi ~for at par. Copies of the Prospeotna may be obtained at the oilloei of the Company, ayyi,m ignDR. FINE, PRACTICAL DEN.' TIST for the last twenty years. 213 VINE at.. .below Third, inserts the beautifil TEETH of thel us, mounted on tine Gold Platina, Sayer, Vulcanite Venni% Amber, am, at retrea t for neat and substantial' pork, more reasonable ban any Dentlet to this city or Ride. Teeth ping ed to last for life .. Teeth., repaired to salt paha in extracting." All work war. , At. Reference, best Gunnies. • - gm, THOUSA-NDS. OR. TEEM EXTRACTED. WITHOUT PAIN. Palest !Vied ter- - kirnevr Layouten; allotable Zia yersible So .adinatiug, Safety , valved lahaler. for ad. , zeirdalelliz t Nitrous Oxide . U se, and extracting Teeth. With Ont The era zoode that the Gas can be pro.' pally as sartlr a fiti2o I,lr LEQAL. NPTI'CB' -THE FOLLOWING $O • TICE•Ie published acirordthe to law, -by orAer of the Orphan.' Court for the City sad County of 'That: dolphin, made on the first day of July, A. D. Het City and Ctrunty of Philadelphia se: The Commonwealth or Pennsylvania to ?W S. BALM One of the Executors of the &tate of Dr. Chas. Frede rick Beck, deceased— layingETlNG We commend you. es b whatsoever that, g aside all basins:se and enettsee. you be and appear in your proper person before the Honora ble the Judges of oar Orphan,,' Court, at a Court to: be held on FRIDAY. the Ted day of. September. A. D. UM, at 10 o'clock of the forenoon, to show canoe. if any Yon • have. why the lett ere testate entary,_ granted to von as one of thus Executors of Dr. CHARLES FREDERICK BECK. deceased, should not be vacated, and why you should not be dismissed from your. aloe of Trustee under the will of the said Charles Frederick Beck, de ceased. by reason of the matters ett.forth in the petition of HENRY PAUL BECK. filed in our Orphan.' Court on the first day of July, A. D. 1884, and further; to abide the ordar of the Court hi 'the premises, Re. and hereof fail trot under a penalty of one hundred pounds. Witness Honorable OSWALD THOMPSON, Ilse., at Philadelphiathe fifteenth day of July, in the us. year of our tord one thousand eight inane red and sixty-10ur... )3. M. BeTTURS, • 1716-stf Deputy Clerk 1) . : C. _ _ N 0 TIC 8.-.-LETTERS , OF ADMIN. /STRATION upon the Estate of JOHN ORIGG. late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased, have been granted by the Regliter of Wills to the subseribers. All Pomona indobted to the said estate are requested to make Payment, and those having claims or demands against the tame to present them witho_p: delay to NANCY JB NW . . GORRIeIr, Aloft No. 1823 and No. 2210' wmaiur Street, Philada. Philadelphia, august 1,1,. anlg.c6t WaERAS, LETTERS . TESTAMEN- Ir upon the Estate of RENEE IL KURTZ, deceased, have been granted Ito 'the undersigned, all makes indebted to the said estate are requested to payment and those having claims against the same to present them to ALVIED No. 51 N. SIXTH Street, Executor. ' sn6 e&• UNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS TBICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. --ear. THE PERM:WM 'Or TIES UNITED STATES, TO THE HAIISHAL OF ME EASTERN DIEITEICI' OF PENN SYLVANIA. , WHEREAS The District Court Of the United /Estes In and for the Student District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed In the name 'of the United: States of America, bath decreed allpersona in general who have, or pretend to have, any r ight title, or interest in the steamer LI MAN. whereof D. A. Martin is roaster. ber tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the toads. wares, and merchandise laden on board thereof. captured by the United States steamers Dettyablirg and /Capitate Mate. vessels-of-tear of the United Statee,m enectively under command of Lieutenants B. H. Lamson and Pierce Crosby, to be moniehed, end Ladled to judgment, at the .time and piece tui derwritten and to the effect hereafter expreseed One tice no requiring). Yon are therefore obarget i t and strictly enjoined and commanded, that t not, but that by Publishing those presents la at feast two Of the daily nowarierw printed and published in the nitY of Philadelphia, and in the Lpgat Trita bkienoer. you do monish and cite. or Cause Co. be znonialted andelW, Terump torn 7, all persons in general who have, or pre. tend to .have any right, title, or interest in the said stefuier:LlLlAN, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchaudige laden on board thereof, to —appear before - the Honorable-JOHN CADWALADEE. the Jades of the, tsid.Court, at the District Court more, in - the city of Philadelphia. en the . TWENTIETH day after publication of these df it be a court day, or else on the next court del following, between the usual hour. of hearing causes. . then and there to show. or allege. an y ue form of law. a reasonable and lawful excuse, if they have, why I .'the said steamer LILIAN, her tackle apparel. and f_urniture, and the goods, waist, , an d merchandise laden- on board thereof, should' not be prodonnced to belong, as the time of the capture or the same, to the enemies of the United Suttee. and as goods of (heir enemies or otherwise, liable and subject to eon deinnatlon, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizes; and further to do and receive in this be half as to justice shall appertain. And that you duly intimate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persona aforesaid,'generally (to whom bj the tenor of these pm senta It la also intimated). that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable' and lawfnl canoe to the contrary; then Said District Court doth intend and will pi oceed to adjudication on the said capturto,and MAY pro nounce that the said steamer' LILIAN, her tackel, apparelsand furniture. and the- goods, wares, and merchandise: laden. on board thereof, did belong, at the time .of the- capture of the same, to - the end tides. olf -the. United States of America, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to Con fiscation and ' condemnation, to be adjudged and con- • demned ae lawful prize, the absence or rather coat*. macy of the persons no cited and iniimated In anywise notwithstanding, and that son duly certify to the said District Court what you shall do in the premises, ter g eiher with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN CAD WALADER, /IWO of the said court, at Philadelphia, this first day of SEP. TEMBalt, A D. leed, and in the eighty-ninth. year _of the independence of the said United States. tea , It • 6.P. . fps, Clerk District Court. . . TTI=MriTITI MARSHAL'S BALE.-BY 11RTVA of a Writ; of Sale, by the Hon. JOHN CM) WALL= 113.11,-Judge of the District Court of the United Slates. In and for the. Eastern. District of Pennsylvania. to Ad miralty, to me directed, will be sold at Public Sate. to tbe hilteet and best bidder, for cash, at MICHRS RR'S STOR No. 142 North FRONT Str eet,: on MONDAY, September 12th, 1864, at 12 o'clock M. 235 bales and 12 bads 'of cotton, being the cargo of vessel unknown. • WILLIAM MILL WARD, •• United States Marshal S.D. ' of Nunn irarda. PHILADEpPHIA. AIIIRUit 113. left an24-lat wrradAtfmmtwAnD. .YanA antasti, inns. i Bl, 1864 KD. of Penna. au3l-6f, r.hP)4l;ko 4:11 tiV , IN4it4VAJii -71 r/ NEW NO. 1 MACKEHEIy • TRIIETREE: • nor. JOHN A. DIX, Box. EDWARDS PIERREPONT, JOSEPH FRANCIS ESQ.; A. B. ButTroro. a. 0. BODFISH, Eso., COIOTEdO. PRESIDENT: HON. JOHN A. DIX.. _'FaxestrAllk: JOSEPH -FRANCIS, HSQ. NEM.: caARLRVF. BLAKA, &Q. • DR. c L. KITRNS. Ao. Val SPRINI rittoot. nagirmoesio. IaREIL‘ • FENI~B PIL .031ITRAL BAX s , - ramurxtpau. to PITTS ug. BNISmxnaa .1111911.. . ~ rail SHOirT ROU'rkTO±re_B ; WANE ! !Thine icave the Dcloot at niVSETE nal *MUM Blarsin, as follows:.. ; lfat LAO i , Trainat....4 '.............. ' .ll 4 , 1 Line at.— —..........................:.....:............ sa A.,', E - ii as. d, .... .5..........---, 30 P. r Rirkesblirg' a. L. I, 51'......»:««...00 A. t rkesbars Train, No. a at, ............. LOl P. iarrisb kesonunodation Trabur5t......,......1. XI P. Lancaster at 4.00 Paoli Accommodation Train, ficiiill West Phnadebbia) " ..—" ....., _—. -- a6l:i . 0 4 . ti l. The Through Express Train nuts cuUrr —ail "I" da gli e f ' c iVilUV . B AND 19111 W. ! The Nail Train, IrnstLine, and ThrOalktbiPrw 04 " 1 " nest at Pittsburg with through trains on all Cu* diverg ing roads from that tut, North to the Lakes, West to MS hilssissippi -and Missouri Riven, and South mud Southwest to ail points accessible by_Ealiroed. INDIANA - BRANCH NAJT.SOID. • The Through Express connects at Minimills Wes- • rSaon.A with a train on this road for Bininceille, la- ISENSIifIIII3 AND DESHSON Bausion ausaloAss. The Through Express Train sonnects at uresson 'at ,}0.46 A. N. with a train on this road. for Ebansbarg. - A Min also leaves Cressta lop Eberuthuri at &Id P. IL HOLLIDAYSBURG' BRANCH RAILROAD. _ The Mail Train and Through RE - pram soonest at Al tome with trains for Hollidaysblun at T. 511 P. N and 9.90 A. M. TYRONE AND OLEARTIELD RRAROR RAILROAD. The Through lees Train sonneots at Tyronsoel th trans- for Sand PhDlipsbuzu Port Kileisbnrg, and Bellefonte. HUNTIXODQE Llno BROAD-TOP lt/11 EsEOAD. The Through Express Train eonneets at Brustingdos yrith a train for Repowe ADDIosA _Ban at &Mr JIL IOETHERN (11 , ALP...ADRLPRIA AID BRIG, RAILROADS. Yoa Soutrat, WiLitattr.yort, Loot Ram. and AR points on the Philad.elphla and .Arie Railroad , mad Mr / 11 / 0 6 ROCKEATRIt. :kIIIPTALLO,_C AND -XLIGAILA •FALI4. Passengers taking the Mail Train, at 7.25 A. M.. and the Through Saws's, at 10.20 P. M., daily (ovum/ Sun days), go directly through without change of can be tween Phila r delkhirkand llisint-rawt For FORK, - HANOVER, and . GETTYSHU R O, the trains leaving at 7.96 A. M. -and 190 P. IL; oonasei, at Columbia with trains on VA L L EY. rn Centralitailroad,. - CUMBERLAND RAILROAD. The Vail Train and,Throngh Express Connect at Hex rishortwitli trains forOarlimdc:Chambershung. and Ha gentown. WAYNESBURG. BRANGH RAILROAD. The trains leaving at 7.25 A. M. and 2.93 P. M. contest at Downington with trains on this road for Warms hug and all intermediate stations. MANN'S BAGGAGE EXPEMEI • ; An Agent of this reliable through each train before r E .u= ti Ck i7sr i txcartil ei r ohecks h andd r aliver baap4ge i to f •Orrne:Orlngaqnr wzmaut wourrox. Ahajlisillgrant Aecomeloaction 'Train leaves Ito. 1I noolc street daily (Estutdays excepted). At 4 o'clock!. X. !or fall Information a tely to FRAN u 1. Isagmnt Avant, iss DOCK Stmt. YhEIGHTIL a, this route freights 'of all desal Mons era be far. Warded to and horn an point on the X de of OhlOs Kentucky, Indiana,_ =nobs, Wbwonaln, Iowa; or Kle !owl, hL ratlroadatreet, or to any port on the nayin• ble riven of the Weet,-by steamers from,littebnrs. ; For freight contract. or shipping dlrestiOna. *PAY to & 11. KEROFTOK, Jr.. Fkl/adelPM l l: ENOCH Hanaral Bluterlatendant. Altoona, rat. 1864. NEW YORK 1864. TIM GARDEN AND ANNOY AND PHILADMPIEL /1 TRENTON RAILROAD GOMPAIII LINZ ,9 YORK PHILADEPKLI TO NNW AND WAY PLAIDS& . yIOW WAal•-aviggr WHARF. WILL LUTZ Ad FOLI,OWB--YIS: Al lA. . yin Camden and Amboy. O. and A. As eornmerion... At 8 A. X. via Camden and J;;;;iyIlloriGg reen At 8 3.. X.. via Ca mden and JerseY ld Ct 00 lass At 11 X. Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. AA. sommodatioa At IY. .Tit Camden and Almio . ). 0. and A. =t- Atprose. . Camden .... .. At I P. X., via and Amboy. lesotamoda mon, (Freight and Pam:eager) •••••••• •• -•-• 1 1 11 At 6P. X., via Camden and Amboy, Aecommoda- Bon, (Freight and Pusan:ma-1$ Class Tieket... II Do. do. Class do. 160 At 7)( P. 11.. via Camden and Ambey, Aecommoda , Mon, (Freight and Paw:anger-1d ClasitTicket,... 3 M Do. do Id Class do. INO lor Manch Clunk, Allentown, Bethlehem. Belvidere. • Baston., Lambertvil)e, Flemington, & at B. MI P. N. For Lambartvillo. 'and latormagiali atatloga. at 6 P. X • TOT Mount Rolle, B7I"6" and Pambertera, at I A. 2r., 2, and 5 P. M. ForPreehold. R iverton, and IF. M. For Palmyra. Delanso. 134YorlY. Burling. ton, Florence, Bordentown, As, , 12 Y., 1. S. 50, 6, and 6P. M. The &SO and IP. X lines ran di rect through to Trenton. For Palmyra, Riverton. Delano. Beverly, and Bar lington, at 7P. M. • Steambcott 'Wanton. for Bristol Burlington, Beverll. Torrmlale, tad Tat.otry, at 9.80 1, B. and 50 P. M. LINES FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT WILL mars AB FOLLOWS: At 4 A. X (Night), Via Kensington and Bari York. Washington and New York Hall. .... IL IA A. X., via. Kensington and Jena,' ' CitY. I 60 At 7.5 u P. 8.. Tla Kensingtonii , TJerselisiw: prelx es . • .--f 06 At 6.46 P. 11... via Remington and Jersey City. Washington and New York .ftprese— •-- 00 Banda? Tines leave at 4 A. M. and 646 P. M. Per Water Gap. Stroadebnig, Scranton, Wilksebarre, Montrose, Great Bond, Manch Chunk. Allentown ,a,...,.. Bath. /ahem. Belvidere. Banton, Lambertville, Fla dm., at 7.15 A. X. Thin' line connects with tk - ;Vain leaving Banton for Manch Chuck at N. 30 P. hi. lor Lambett.U.le and intermediato stations, at P. X. For Bristol, Trenton. At . at Tag and IL 11 A. B. . and g P. M.' • For Holmestmg, 'Pairony. Winsonoming. Bed:W:lM and Frankrord, at 6A. M., 5, 5.0. and P. B. For New York and WJ:y Lines leaving Kenning. lon Depot, take the care on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hoax the departure. The care rem into the Depot, •and aarrival of eaeh Wain ran frank Ulg Depot. Fifty pound' of Baggage only allowed est i zems Piesonzere are prohibited from taking an as gage but their wearing apparel AC baggage over pounds to be paid for extra. The Company hover responelbllity for a ge nyt D o n t% ttroll7ll7. l =l sPordal eo - oreh3m'S Large Uproar wilt gall for and deliver beizeire et the epota. • Orden to be left at No: 3 Wal. nut - street WILL/AX R. OATZKIR. Aged. Ans. 9, net lams iitom 13W roxic YOZ rair.AD maw:Le. wax, LiAVII /MOW ram POOT oorrizaszn algign At 12 X and 4 P. X., via heavy City: and Canada& A* I and 10 A. X. , and 6 P. X . and U (Wight). vii asp City and Kensington, • ZrOM the foot of Barclay 'treat at lA. IL N gni 2P. .. ids Amboy and Ithanden. !From Piet Nti. 1, North river, at 31.4, and 8 (freight and passenger.) Amboy and Camden. tad-14 'MORI RAILROAD- • °X. TIME TABLE. On and after MONDAY, Annul Ist, 1834. PASSIEnt Trains leave Philadelphia for Baltimore at 4.30, (Express, Mondays minted. ) &OS Al. M., 12 M. 2.30 and 10.30 . M. Chester at 1L 16A. 1.30. txt, 4.80, 6 &M11 P. M. Wilmington at clop (Mondars excepted,/ LOC ALM •Ajw, , 1.30, 2.30, 4.30, 6, 1 and 11 P. M. • New Castle at 8.06 AM. an,i3oP. X Dover at 8.06 A. M. and 4.80 P. M. Milford at 8.06 A. X &CAW., at 8.06 A. M. TRAM TOR PHILADELPHIA LIAVB 11) Baltimore at 8.96, 9.40 A. M., (Raines/4) I.lO,J.Manl _26 m i n Witon at L 48, OA& 9A. M.. 18.81, 1. /.96. it L 33, 7 sad 9.10 P. M. Sallsbarp at 11,_66 AL N. Belford at 2.46 P. M. Dover at 6.30 A. X and 4.16 P. M. New Castle at 8.20 A. ar. and 1.27 P. X. 'Chester at 7.46. VIDA. M.. 1. 1. 40, 46, LSI and L4O P. M. Leave Baltimore for - Ballabury and intermediate sta. • none at 10.26 P. N. Leave Baltimore for Dover and Intermediate stations at 1.10 P. X TRAMS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Cheater 40 A. al, S O5 and 11.6 d r. Leave Wilmington at 6.36, 9.90 A. M.. &40 and 1140 P. , M. • Freight Train With Passenger Cr attached will lairs Wilmington for Pernr7lll4 and Intermediate plows. at 7.46 P. M. Prom Philadelphia to Baltimore only at 4.30 A. X And 10.30 P. M. - • From Philadelphia to Wilmleztoa at C SO A. M., 10..10 sad Froze Wllmbialoa to Philadelphia at L 42 L X. and ir. m. Only at 10.96 P. H. trout Baltimore to Philadelphia. ald H. P. ICE.l9lllllr.l9ap't. • 1864*-- 1864 - ,:lnEliiiLDßLrßia, AND ERIS RAM: r4, — .- -tivoif'n;.travraz.tL•thige°4-21%! t e i ible be leased by the PIINASYLVAIt/A LA ROAD 001MCPART, and under their aas law is befit noel,-opened throughout its entire le ngth. It is now In use for. Passenger and , Freight business field Harrisburg to M. Mary's (216 nines), on the Mast en Hlrision,_ and from Sheffield to Iris (72 miles). ea theliVestern Metaled. • Tnge OP PAPEINIFEMIVIII7II AT PZELAZIPLPEA. .Loavo Westward. • • Mail tliha aza nut thronarithout ohmage both ways, on *MR Mina between Phtladelphtayd7,oat HITIPII. and Ds. Mean Baltimore and Lock Harem _Elegant Bleeping Om ow Express Trains boil wage between Williamsport and Baltimore. and William. port and Philadelphia. For bfformation rmspoeting Paasaiger bnaineas, apply at the EL R. corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Hiroshi. And for Fretgbt bristlier." of the ConiciiiArte: S. B. KINGSTON, Jr., corner H aid MARKET Streets, Philadelphia. J. W. REYNOLDS. Eric J. It. BRILL, Agent N. H. C. IL H .OUSTON Ilialidea era. H General Freight agent Philadabbili. LEWIS L.:Hot:UT, 10 • General Tie Irb. et Phusdeshis,.. M General Manager. WtllJiwport. MINFIE L NEW RAILROAD INS.NORTII,--THILADIL. PRIA TO BROOKLYN—THROUGH IN FIVE HOLM& FAME TWO DOLLARS---EX. 01311.81018. TICKETS THREB DOLLARS-4300D FOR THREE DAYS. On and after MONDAY, Aucust 1188/, trains leave foot of VINE. litreet r ehlladelphia, •3: HORNING, at 8 o ' clock : Sun dae exces&d, thence by Camden and Atlantic and Raritan and Delaware Bay: Railroads to , Port-Monmouth, and ifY:the comlnodlBlllll steamer Rase Hoyt, to foot of Atlantic street, Brooklyn, Returning, leave Atlantic-street wharf everyday, MM.' days excepted, at 11 A. M. Travellers to the alt yof Ne w York are notified cot to apply for passage by this line, the state of New /enter having granted to the Camden and . Amboy monopoly the exclusive privilege ofcarrying passengers and Ueight between thn sides of Philadelphia and W•W Tort • W, ORIFFIM iltiP•tf general Bspeedent. AND PHILADZIJORCA. MI. R. .1L1,1% 6 1if164.. SPRING AND 81711Thillil aIf.RANG .1111 NT. Poi WILLIABIRPONT_,_ B SOBANTON, SIM PALO, NIAGARA FAL% CLEVELAND. TOLEDO, OHICAO1). DITROIT. •MILWAOSINN, CINCINNATI. ST.BODIS, r aud all points. In the West and Northwest. Rea=rTrains leave Depot of Philadelphia and allroad, corner BROAD and OALLOWHILL" Streets,- at a. IA A. M. and 8.30 P. 11..• daily, mept Bun aseNIONIBT ROUTS from Milled,' to points in Northern and Western Pennsil . Western Nor York, &L .A.. For further information app ly At the °See, N.W. senor KITE and CHEST Streets.. N. VAN BORN Ticket JORN INl.Liten• _Wirant, rAyle-tt THIRTWTH Mum Rte. laimpamg RAMITAN AND METALWARE BAT RAILROAD —To Lone Branch, Aidon, Manchester, Tom's Blew, Bc.racirat, Red Banlc. Re. On aid altar 110 NBA_ ,Y August Lt, Trains will leave CAMDEN, for LONG BRA.NOH,at BA. X Bard:trains Will leaye•Long Smith at 1146 P. X, Y THROUGH - LOT POUR HOURS DIRECT B BAIL • -Freight Train, with ar ear attached. will ttazt for Rtatiorui on the main s, daily. from Oki- DP (Sundays exeepted), at CM A.. X. . mesa scariest at Woodautruds and Maihnatm hi . .. l!la, t and Tom'. River. • will also connect at Parmiaddals, for • ecsautt. &Nan Village. Bina BAIL' and Onr • yarn, For further laformation apply to CknirsanY's ASelle L. B. COLS. at Cooper's Point, Camden. WM. F. ORTYITPPS, la.. tyl-tt • Games' Shinaiiitiaidost • - WEST .1" ERSzar • Lq: a ROAD MM.—comma or THURSDAY, September let, DM, from WeLAU street Wharf. FOB CAPE MAY, Atlo A.. M. and F. M. For Salem and Bridgeton, at 9 A. K and 4 P. M. for Glue:bore at 9 sad 10 A. M. 9 sad 4P. M. or Wcrodbury,. Es., 9 and 151 94.. 8 1 4, a Lad 6, P 2 , _ or Gloucester &c. at 9 A T M., 19 3,Attaii 6P. EthrufuNo A:ultra. cape may memo. u. 46 A. IL Mfrrille at 8,07 A. M.._ 1.50 P. K. • ' Ealem at 6 A. L and P. K Bridoston at 6.15 A. H.. and LSO P. Ohusboro at 7.19, 9.1.7_6.. M. 2.9% and 9P. M. 'Woodbury 09,1.40, and 0.47 .4,*, LOU sad 9.29 P. THE WEST JERSEY EXPEESB COMPANY, Office No. 5 WALNUT Street, 'will Call for and de. liver balmy. and attend to all the usual branches of Isprogs bnetaesa, A speolla Measelleer illeramDanies each train. J. 'PAM 8.U66114mM, *Wit -savertatiluctitc. R. 3., giO4. BALL irrliA.NIA RAILROAD-- NORTH - 4yBSTEILEIMI. DOYLBWIII B. ISCEI Balla gAsTON, WILLIAMSPORT. WILECIIB 888, hoi. , 81724YRR sailliaßGßalß Paisaßger Traina leave the new Depot. TWA]) Street, above Thompeots street, daily rannosys eneeptea). ae follows: At 7 A. N. (Exfr2) for. Bethlehem, Allentown. Stench Cbeitk., MON, WiThlutteNrt, Wllkes berre, 6Td. • At .6.16 P. icliorpresi) for 13calehem. Beaton, he. At 6.15 P. K. for Bethlehem. Allentown, tneash Chunk. For DoYleatiy" Wa' al 9.18 2.;- Bt, S P. 16. and 4_16 P. M. For Fort Washington at lean A. M. and 11 P. K. For Lansdale at 6'16 P.M. ' Wblte care of the Second ani Third- drone Line Btlf, Passenger min dbylftly to the mew Depot. TRAIND FOB PfiIfiDELPRIA. • , - .Lerty• Bethlehem at 6.30 A. X. . 8.30 Ind u l P. X. Leave Doylestown at 8.40 A , N.,_18.46 P. K., and TP. Leave Lansdale at b A. Y. .Leave rort Weenteneort at 1.1.66 A..X and 27; /U. ON kiIINDAYB. • 3 Philadipllda for Bethrehern at 9A. 11. -- Pbiladelpphia for Doylestown at SP. X. ' 11. Doylestown for Ph hla 7.9044. N. tDeth.lehem for PIM • • % laiThiAXX• AB* WriST 011118T111 AND rinmapaunak MAllre BOAC._ via MSDIAL- , • SUMMER ARRANUNIOT—OBANGB OT DEPOT. On and after MONDAY. MaT93. Mk the trains leave Philadelphia,_frorn De corner corner of THT PIBBT and 3fAIIKET Streets; (Week Philadelda). and 8:06 A:M.,- and at R. 30, Ca. and '7 P. & Leain "West Chester at 6.20, 7.46; and 11. L M., and at I sad. • P.M. On Sandal/I; bays Philadalphitit &30 A. M. and -P. N. Leave West Cheater at 9 A.M. and SP.M. The trains leavins Philadelphia at 8.00 A. M. and L a P.M., and West Chester at 7.46 A. M. and 6P. M eon •nebtraith trans Oh the. p. at -7.46 B (L 8..• for Oxford and Intermediate pants. HENRY WOOD, wl General Brinerintendent. I . •=7l7zr== aptamig . THE ADAMS EX. PEEN, COMPANY'. 011ie Wee OHUTI4I7T Street. forwards' Pamela, .Pachniiet, Mu' sharettee, Bank Now,. and Specte4ther by Its own lines or -in connection with other reek (kertiria m ie to all the principal . Towne and' Ci es in the Ste E. B. BANDIPOSZ,, fe77 General linperintendent INSWILIINCE: ANE. 1t181TRA.247 No. RI ILO. C:i ' PLAD nits AND-INL trench. N. Bean. Charles Richardson. Henry Lewis, - -w. oavic. •• P JLIBt*, 0•011 re A. West FRAfrors A. _ CRAB. RIC: W. L BLASOBAID. Seore A mritmterric , INSURANCE CO*, PART..- - Antliorised — eaPital 5 41 . 4000-0 /URTi 3 PERPSTU.AI.. . . • °lace Zio. 311 WALNUT Street. betwden Third .and• • Fourth streets, Philadelphia. • This Calumny will Ware against Lora or Darnel* b 7 Fire, hittildinits," Furniture , . and Merchandise tens. Aieo, *trine Ineararteee ottiVeeeele. (lervea and ntights. Inland Inenranee to all parts of the Union. • DLENTOBS, ' Wllllam Esher, Davis Pearson. , Luther Peter Eieljter , Blacks • • J.. 11 Sanni: ',Johnß. eion, WllLiaxa .P.A/Itan. • •L Jana Yealleldw . John Ketcham.. • WILLIAM ESHER, President WIL P,14.11/L Pies President: W. X.. EttartrOlt - tarr. . . . . ap7-11 INS1736111:210E ' VOMPANIT OF THE TRENSTLVANIA.OI7 , I9B No*. 4- azt#l. iINON BUILDINGS, North aide of WALNUT Street, betweea OS mind THIRD Streets. rtilladel• Dads. • • INCON.FORLTIED IN 1794—C1Term PIONFIJAI. CAPITAL tro,ooo. rEorSICTIIIS OF TEM COMPANY, PINEWAILY L _ 1864, $626,817 KLEIN& Inns. .AND INLAND TRA.NEPOITTATION 'INSURANCE. DIRECTORS. - Henry D. Sh rrerd , Tobias Wagn er Charles Maaalaster, !Thorne wattacat, William B. Smith, Henry °. Preemie. William E. White, chubs & Lewis, George 11. Elnan, George 0. Carson. Samuel Grant. Jr.., Edward O. KRIM. • Jo Muslin. HENRYY D. MUOISIRD, Prealldeal WzrziaN rtame.,Seereters. • nolB-tt DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY proosnEATED ET TigrElyics ß iTlP PU AXY: sYLVA Itaig_ OP7IOI B. I. CORNRR AND wArannr m. PRILADELPHIAL. imr A mp... . /dARIOII IIfOURO.IIO3 . vela= ITo an Auto of the World. • • TOIROHT. • Oa floods; ifif . iio , Cana I,IALAAD 111 1 8, 0k0,r2/saad Oonllito, •: to l l4parte of the Unloa. INOMUICIN 12Ls .:.___ i_ jeneranY• Oa ~ &mimes Houses, die. at ASSETS OTTIII . OO2IPaIiT. NOV. L 16104 6100,000 United StatesTive per sent /97,000 On 76,003 United. States 6 per cent. Loan, 6-10 e. 76,000 130 70,060 United Metes 6 per oent. Loan, 1881.. 4kooo 00 60.000 United States Y 6-10 per mt. Wean. 17Y Rotes. • ELMO 00 114000 State of Pennsylvania 6 1 par out Loa 100,9Yf f 0 14.000 State of Pennsylvania Iffier r " sn7X. Loan.. .—..... 61.680 00 L 17.060 Phlladeibie Cit3r6 Deleat. Loaa... 127,528 00 60,000 State of Gausses 6 par sent. Loan.. 16,000 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, lit Montane 6,per cent. Bonds . . - 21400 00 10, 000 Pennsylvania 6 in,pr cent. Bonds_ 00 11,000 SOO :name Stook Oennantown — uruo Company.'principal and interest tied by the city of Phila. rar ia .lda. ..... . 500 00 6.000 ICO Shares 81( . .;k1Vnivi;nlalri. .ta road Company, , T 1016 00 PM 100 Shares Stookmpan North ............... Railroad Coy. . CO si,ooo United States CartilcateSorintreirar 4,810 nen 21,410 CO us, no Loans on Bond' and liortsam emyl MAO CO p 51450 Ps:Cork 6168.787 12 Market Vain*. • 6704 nu 10 .. . KM al receivable for instirsneesmade..... - 107.00 11 Balances &teat agenciss—PrOnlitllll■ o n MIL. rine Policies, accrued interest. al oil= debt', due the Co roPeitY_ 21,613 11 Scrip and Stock of tawdry " lastatutoo ant other Gomm:dee, ifilkl3o7, estimated mina— S.llOll 00 Cuh on deposit with United States Onvornment.inhiset town days' sou 180,000 Oa Cash on depOlit, 8867876 Cut la Draw*: 200 go 115.766 .089.01 52 NS. Thomas O. Head, DIANOPO " Robert Barton, k:u. 0. DaYIJI, Bummer B. Stokes. sad A. somber. J. P. Pealstos. chattails Paulding. . 11 . Y Moak • _ rt. Felucca, . rrunain 0 scanon. es Pragnair, Edward Darlington. CI. Dallett, Jr.. H. Jones Brooke, James C. Hand, . Jacob P.''Jones, William 0. Ludwig. ' James B. McFarland. .Toseph R. Beal, Joshua P. -Byre, Dr. B'. M. Huston. Rpeneer Malivabsc, V t. Leiper. tit 11 1 =7 . 1; i atsbrag /MY. ... ar • PHO a HAND, President. ..EMBRY MINIM i JOHN C. DAVIS. Vise Presidft negretal7. A MERICAN FIRS INITURA.IIOI 1:1011:PANY. Incorporated ISM. OHAATEH PHS PETITAL. No. 310 WALLNITT Street. above Third. Philadelphia. Having a tares paid-up Capita Stock and Surplus In vested in sound and available Securities. continues 841 , Insitts on DwaWngs, Stores. Furniture, merchandise, VelVels in port and their Cargoes, and other Personni Property. All losses {liberally a S. ndpromptly naiI:AWL OLEECTOR Thomas E; Marts. James R.; Campbell, John-Welsh, Edmund O. Dutilh, Samuel C. Morton, charlee W. PoultnsT. Patrick fin.y, Israel Morris. John T. Lewis. THOMAS E. MABIS, President. aznanr C. L. ozawrok., Secretary. h 21.13 WX. ex/ma • A I IVA LVBSI SO. 1111 AI A DIVT BMW HLit/r1 Asada for the Own°, PISS IS 41114:M% of New York. MIAs * 70211.U1t P. 11OLLIMINEAD. Az H. 4 1 / 4 •74%. HOLLINSRICAD & GRAYS'S, INURANCE GENCY, No. El% WALN S UT STRE A IT, PHILADELPHIA. Agents for the - NORWICH VIRE MURANO' 00.. aHART/ Norwi 11CchS, Conn. CD ISEMIL karamunnts PIEILAD4HIA anthorityk Sohn Grigg. .Tralc,Stoksa &Os Yale', Wnerton A Co. . Me Ott Lennig & Co. Noes. CoEin Allem**. Nosers.W.H.Larneellc o*, leN7-am ITIAS P. SOWM:RAL M. IL SIAVII. OLLINSHEAD dk GRAVAI3, .109311R3503. AGENC.M. O. nil WALNUT IL. for Lb. AIBAXY ?ERE 81N.4403 00.. • 1172 -em or ALE EMS MOLLS:IIOE I2'I6I7RAN' CON. 4 s. .PAlrr or PKIIADALPHIA. .Igoionorated In 164 E • Charter Pornetnai. OPTION No. *OI WALNUT Ingaras against loss or 'damage by yrsa horse,d. an other Buildings; limited 'or nernetnga : - ii a, on Pnvniture, Goody Wares, and Merchandise O.I.PITAL 3300 oob. ASSITS sis7:zu ss Invested in the following Securities. els • rind mortgage on City Promerti.well seenned‘,lloo 00 United stales Government Loans ,000 00 Philadelphia City 0 per sent . Loans •••• • 50,000 00 • Clotrunonwealth of Pennsylvania d par 1111111 0,00% OX) Loan 03 raniterivania Railroadßailroad ' Bends, first and so- Gond - Mortgage Loans ........ lit,ooo acme 03 , Ctuadea and Amboy Railroad 0011114all'a an ht. Leah q'rilt OM- MOO 00 ellide d Reading Railroad pan t zt imm i per cent. Loan g. WO 00 Ran don and Broad Ton RailrOlid per . 111/I.IIC- , ...... . . ..... 4.550 50 Commercial Rank of - Yenzugylyanla Stook 10,003 Cl) Niesbanica: Bank Stork. .... .... 4..000 00 .0013-atYYire laaarwave Company's MOO 00 Unionlintnal Insuranse GorepanY's Slosh . of Philadelohia—' • 11,500 00 'Loses on Colla‘reis, 2,ax) Cl) Loomed Interest-- ken 00 Cash in , baalr. and oa . llar Man Worth at 'resent musket DTRICITOR Ine4l Mlltlef. Rob K Wm 8 ert ToLtail. Tnnwpsoit. Nilll am Stevenson. &mail Biapham. - Hampton L. Queen. Robert Steen. Itaranall WLlThun Mauer, J. Johnson Brown. Charles Le la nd_,, Shoe. H. Moore. Hord. W. TingleY. TLIKOLIT.' ?radiant. THOMAS H. Seerstarr. PIMADEPIT.A. Jimmy 41. ,116 L iat-bf - • • FUM -114131JRANOB EXCLIIBINirBLY. PXYZANYLVAXIA PIER EffSitiLlA7Ao A t : PAlllf. Ingo rated ME. WARM P No: 610 IV /Threat; oPaoalt4 indaliendeMell 59 1% 1 1 , 13onapany. fayorably known So the soinraeutity for nearly forty_yeare, eontlnnes to Insure agatnet_Lone or Damage by Fire, on nails or Prlyate EEL!ltuark either permanently or fora llrolted time. Also, on Pox: enure, Stooks of Goods . or hterehendlie 1 01 :101111Y. 01 liberal terms. Their capital, together with a lugs &ovine Pond, is laYeeted in the most terensl mariner, which eatables them to offer to the inenrai Al 1010100t041, 1104/021i1 /10 Ike alai of Lou. Drascro Jonathan Patterson, " Dani xs. el Brunk. a.: • Alexander Benson, John DeverMlX, Isaro HAe.nuxet, Thomas. Saab_ • noose koblz As Henry Lee, J. 01111 n ham-P.ll JONA pArrassox. Pro WII.LIAN H. Ozoirzz. SeersLary. ffpn COTTAGE ORGANS. Not may ITYILXCILLID, bnt I7IIIB IBALLED la . of Teee set Power, destined , eeweelelly for Oh mod Schools. but brand to be equally well Lila the Parlor mild Drawbaz Boom. Per We only. by I --.- X. M. 11111102. Ao. 18 North SEVENTH Street, t Abe>, eemplete iuwortreeht of the Portent Ye. 1041111! sen-iee .............021 . an& (MARL= MIDDLSTON • , mar MORD /MD WILLoW •-• mat tar W hil.evia . , . W ILTBR PIPE I , DRAXIL 1 1 4114.; .• :Illontsomtry :rayrsi Gotta workr-osii . :** warga iss .l lM MARK= &riot. Lam or rum P 11011111: Meta% of 3 fiat. 2 Inch bora, 26 mktg. obtrof-8 fiat, 8 lash tiara, . obit of 9 foot, 4 Loch bon.. 66 amts. oialjg foot, 6 Lach - boril s iaata. - -lOr 40Int of 3 fait, 6 inch bon. outs. All area; from 2 to 16 tail itatmatode. Also, BtataLOO. Tltrlll, TIMM, ijklat (M Let TOM ai nuos Gantt' OOIJ4I, 413wstatio utivauxrsoADa. ROAD 611 COMPANY, .111113E1T. 3 PHU. •• 10 , 11817RLIFOlt. 4 8 . . John W. Sawmill. Robert B. Potter, John Kessler. Jr.. B. D. Woodrair, Char/es Stokes, Joseph D. Shia. BUCK, President ' 80/74:B00 Praddeik jal4-tt 1381,111 /111 169,054 81 •'P O 1"O r X. . . . A MY CLOTililigG AND EQVIPAGE .A.A. OFFICS Clifirefirwayi, 0., Admit 79, litai.. e7 ti Offal.l6 ARSt's INVITED b y the undersho' until DY. Septeraber9,.lB6l, atdo'clock P. If , loi far this Department (by contrast) with . - 1 KNAPSACK'S ' ITAITEREIACieS. samples of which intitt r be seen at the ease of Olotbzg trig, E. 4 ,61 pa&ve this city . Po be delivered fret o cbarge. at the U. 9 Inspection Ws/rehouse in life In geed new Package,. with the name of, the party furaishitig. the kind an Quantity of goodsdfAinetmarked on 866 article and package Parries offe rin g good e must distinctly st ate in their bids the quantity they pnpose tohirnish, the price,and time of - delivery Samples when submitted mnst be marked and num bered to correSpond with the proposal, and the parties thereto must guarantee that the goods shall be. in every reepcct, elual to Army Standard, otherwise the propo sal will not be con.ldered. A gonna:o6e, signed by hen responsible persons, must accompany each bid, guaranteeing thatthe bidder will Bopply the articles awarded to trim under his proposal. Bids will be opened on Frniay. September 9, lfZ4, at 2 o'clock P hi , at this °tam and bidders are requested to be present. Awards will be made on SaturdMesPtemberlo,lB B 4. Bonds will be required that the eostritrt will be faith. fully fulfilled . Telegrams relating to proposals will nobbe noticed. Blank forms of ProPesabl, contracts. and. bonds may zerrobtained at this office . he ripit to reject any bld deemed' unreasonable is i ova y order : Tgo xAs twokos,4ll. fie sta. 13 C. `W IWO &TON Onside and A. e 1g ~~~N IstioposArls .FOR 094 OFFICE 0., 1 4 TT. ACHEM., • .CHTLADELPIITA4 AUrat AVM SEALED PECTORAL!. will be rectilve at tles °Moe until WIDEFSDAY, SEPTEMBER of COAL O'clock lit:,•hor the following debit ilidltindk o or Ord sauce pprpose e, in the Seal yaw. oinking :Tank 80th. Pot smelting , one handfed imd Any ( ESR) tone of Le high Cool. For manner's loft_tenl).o) tone of Lehigh Coal ' For blitokamithVg, one hundred and Arty o.3o)tone of Bituminous Coal. .For braiding, soldering, etc., six hundred.berrals of Charcoal., • , The above Coal to be of the beet quality and enbiect to inspection before acceptance, to be deli'vered !moot expense to the Goyenement, and•all lo betelivered- by the first of Erreistba4.l66l JAMES Si CHAMBERS, auT7-irmw9t :' • Navy Agent. Vll - 0 P 013A:B13; . ..FORMAT% CAPS; -a- SHOES. DRY GOODS SEWING efg,TBRIALS,Ac. HEADQUAILTICIN DEP/LEMKE/R . OF WASHINGTON. OFFICE OF GIETEF <34IdB.TEILKABTISS. WABECuraxox,...Ausust.6. 1931. WRITTEN ‘PEOPOSALS will be received at this oboe until further notice, forfurshin the following arti. ales for use of contraband men. W omen , and °lndian- In this Department: Brogans (russet, arc.), and other serviceable Boots and Show) for-men, *Omen, and csildrsn's wear. Chin. felt. and woolen Hata, and cloth Oaps. Kersey, Linaey, Gingham& Calieoea, Blankets, and Ober woolen and cotton . gooths._ , • Hickory,' Strine ( for em.rmooevememez. - .unbleached Muelin, woolen Socks and Burlaps Spool Cotton, black and white; linen Thread. Bone etxspender Batton, lare Buttons for coats. White'portelain Buttons, rain,' Needlea, and other sewing materials and trimmings. Samples should be sent with each bid; at the expense of the party forwarding the same An oath of allvgiance should accompany each bid. 0:• erbal proposition will be entertained, but ever= bid, or modification of * the same, must be in writing. .Purehaaes will be made, from time to tilde, as the% goods are needed, under fauxtract or otherwise, as the , interests of the service may Good seffiWitY will be- required for the faithful WK. anent, °tear . contract made under this advertisement. Proposals should be sealed arid addressed to the WO' domiciled, and endorsed " Pro safe for farniebing Dry Goods, 80. " BUM M. G RUNIC, .Liautenan_st. Colonel and Chief Quartfingsater Depart: meat el Washington .sele-pnt ARMY CLOTHING AND JIMA OFFICE, Ciaotayeyr, Ohio, IB6 L PROPOSALS are invited by the undendgned until TUESDAY, September 8, 19814-at 2 - o'clock P. ALI for furnishing this Department (by contract) with BOOTILSS. • Samples of which may be seen at the . Odice of Cloth ing and Equipage hrthie city. U. - To be dellyeredfreept charge At the 11. inspection Warehouse,. in this -city, in goo d , new Ipackages, .With, the name of the party . furnishin, the kind and quan tity ,of goods distinctlq marked on each article and package. Parties offering "goods most distinctly state in their bids the quantity the,' propose to furnish, the price. and time of delivery. • Samples, :when submitted, mast be marked and num- . bered to correspond with the proposed, and the parties ,thereto most guarantee that the goods shall be, in every respect, equal to army candird, otherwise the proposal will-not be considered. 'A guarantee, signed by•tworesponalbljrperaons, must accompany each bid; guaranteeing the bidder will supply the articles awarded to under his pro posal. Bids will be opened on Tuesday, September 6, 1664, at two. o'clock -P. if., at this office, and bidders. are re quested to be present. Awardestrill he made on Wednesday, 'September 7. Ronde will be required that the contracts will be faithfully Willed. Telegrams relating to Proposals twill not be noticed. Blank forms of Proposals, Contracts, and Bonds may be obtained at this °nice. reserved.,The right to reject any bid deemed- unreasonable is By order of Col. Tliimnas Swords, A. Q. K O. and A. an26-tse3 • • Captain and A. Q. IL 'FOR SALE AND el TO LET- A: TWO-STORYEBRIOK BoiMing. marble for manufacturing ptuliosar,2l feet front. and SO feet deep, situate in Richmond street; east of Front. Inquire of F. RIM. eel. st* - No: 1043 ORRhiaIIiTOWN Road. • DEL,A WA It-E COUNTY.—FOII: Mr•SSALF,---74 acre FARM, . canyon Lent to Station -ore Media Railroad. Good Bern, old fashioned Eamaloa, Sue Orchard, coal Spring and Stream of Water. Price ORS per acre. Semi for Catalonne Del Co. Parma. eel. 1t CUMEINS, Mectlas - FOR RRRT-A THREWSTORY mSaBRICK Rol7Bll,with side yard, situate on the S. 8.. cor. Thirty-fonzth and Union its., above - Market. Want Phila. Apply on the premises. • . -g-at• TO LET-ISEVERA•L *N.EW mmiLlfol7Blo3 in NORTHIELIMINTH, TWSLFII, and TCrrit'mrgrtig' tr ac'sßo Contain ofu& Street, Cam TATLOW SALMON, aull}-151 0 614 CHUTNOT Street. FOR BALR-A. VALUABLE BUSL Aga NUS STAND, at Twelfth agd Sprtnir Garden ate.; consisting of Store. room and ' , warns*, contatufair rooms and bath. Terme easy. Imam '56 N. FOITETIL St , 2 story. Iminedtate possesatomaiven." an3O-lor* ei FOR BALE OR : 1 1XORELITOIrr-49. atat very desirable Subiirbari BESIDENCE,:abot4 two. miles out. with Stabler.; Coaolf-houee, large Garden.. Grapery, lot 11)0 M. For , farther particulars aDFly_to PSTrIT, • sum4f 323 :WALINIIT &set. at. FACTORY PROPERTY FOR SALE W. corner of Fra.nkforCroad and. /fiords Street. Lot 100 feet on Frankford rotttand 414 feet set Norris street _ biz three , story Brick D nrellikas on Frankf' ord. One fonr-story Brier FactoryFaildina;7B3 by4S feet, on Forria atreet, with two-story brick attached, 53 by GO feet, containing cotton machinery, ens:Mo.:and boilers. For farther =formation apply at northeast flouter IZ 5Z93111711 and SPRUCE Streets. LARGE AND VALGABIit • PRO. mad- PBRTY FOR SAL.II..*--The very large end commo dious LOT and BMLDLIIO, No. RIB OHBART :Street, near the centre of business, containing 60 feet oir:Mterri street, depth 106 feet, being 76 feet wide on the rear of the lot, and at that width opening to a large cart;waY leaatug to Cherry - etreet. Ita advantag o f SIZE AND POSITION are rarely met with. Apply at the oaks of Ohrist (aura Hospital. - No. 226 Piriu,NuT Streit. ei • FOR SALE, VERY CHEAP.-- JIMI.LARGE AND HANDSOME RESIDENCE, South west corner of PORTY.PIRST, anti WESTMINSTER avenue, Twenty-fourth ward; 13 rooms, /as, hot and cold water throughout the house, stable in rear of lot, ' line fruit and shade trees. Size of lot; 120 feet front by, in feet deep. , Price flO,OOO, clear of incumbiance. Terms easy. Also, Two very desirable COTTAGES, on HALEY Street, near Westminster avenue; have all modern im provements, 10 rooms. • Size of lots, each. 26 feet front by 116 feel deep. 'Prlce/3,600,each. Terms easY. Also, a number of desirable Rouses, at front SL9 each to sie,ooo, in all parts of the city. Apply to SAMUEL P. HUTCHINSON, or . J. WARREN CODLSTON. No. 124 South SIXTH Street. COAL. COAL. - BU AB LOA.F t BEILVBII ittiuDoW. and Sprint Woluktata tAzigh.oool,lutt best Loma Mountain, from Schuylkill; prepared ex. Frees? y for Family use. .Depot, DI W. corner 21011311 and WILLOW bts. Ofles, go. IMF South 0110000 tlt alt6-tf • J. WALLTOX It 00. puRE LEHIGH COAL.—HOUSE- KgRPAERS con MY On mining a pnrnarticle at the & corner of FROM' and rOPLAIt wants. an27-12n* JOllti IitAXPTOR. SHIPPING allk ' STEAM WEEKLY TO VERPOOL, touching at QIIREHISTOWX, (Cork Har_bor.l The well-known Steamers of the Ll verpool, New Yotkotad Philadelphia SteanialdP Con. pas, are Intended to sail aa follows. NMI, RDINZITICOH .. .......84, LT, Sept. Bd. ......SATITHDAY„ Sept. o t OITY OP WASHINGTON...« • SATURDAY, Sept. 17. and everyitnessieding Saimaa - 7 at Noon. front Vito I& lortk•Rteer. ' • - NAM OF IPABEUOI: p f n witda in gold, or Ile or ttu Unrrentry. CABIN Slle OS .........- 30 cc do to.Loadoa•—. 86 CO : • - to/Km:Loa- 39 Of: do to Paris • .«.«. 96_00 '''' '• .to Paris ;....- 40 CC e l ar k do to Hamburg .•90 00 ''o• - to }Lamborn 3711 M Paesengers - also forward to Havre, Bremen, Rot terdaro. AntuerW ka,, at equally low rates. FL.Pares froMLlverpool orQueeastowa : Ist cabin, gyt, 11100. Steerage from Liverpool and Ciseenstown.' . Those who wish to send for their fr iend' can bar U here st these rates. Tor further lhformatloa apply at the Comely's o.olces. JO RM G: -DALE. Leaet. ?,!Salt ' ':111 wAranrr Street. Pld.l&delphit-. . . .. ~. tok BOSTON.: Lint' PHILADNI# MIA anniaarP L LEll% esiling trim, es* port o . n BATITIZIA=ora 1 -Tht ' ' Wharf , aill'S Fan ...•.-- - ...._.* .' The- ifOBSIA.A. Cardela- Baker, WM - MU trots ' , lents for Boston on - Saturday, 'Sept. M. 'till A. M., and steamship SAXON. OaoL Matthews,: from Boston for PhUadairdda on same day. ar4 o'clook P. M. . - Use Tlisa•ti• n liem and malmtantial stet nishige forma ro dre l p , , ng from oath port pnneinally oat itata,ras". . .• teenrantesWetted at ono-lialf She Preigian elialea• SMII She Wetted prolghta takaa at tat? rates. 4liklypers are requested to and at, Lima lab and igh udias with that? good'. • Po? Freight arPawansmar Ina aseonannatiattwai; oply to l in.3lBoX 411 Eat.2l-t1 B3ll Bomb DXLAWARpisau. caair=4, FROM. Zilrii'YOßK..-IFOR: NEW RAVNI„NAZTPORD. mime- FIELD and BOSTON —The Steamers- CONTINENTAL and SLat CITY leave Peck Rip. Boat River, daily at' 816 P. and 11 at light . - , je2ll ,ta IMPORTANT -, TO . DE.ALIBff, A AND CONTltamaltil. —Perm shippes And others interested in the russiale g and national, Hay and Straw, will do well before making their az. rangements for the 842410 a to examine the - pastor. Press," now in_ operation on the corner of SNI301(1) Street and COLIJIA Avenue. This hay is compressed direct, and tea tons can readily put in art ordinary box car, amino has era:what.' ever is incurred by the road-in triumportiAg It. The bales ay.erage pounds , and are only 2 incise by Minch es, by 4 feet in size. we are prepared tolsame out connties, and the facilities we swan 'lva snearlor , value to the product by this Prises. For farther particulars address. HOOK TA,LOOTT, Superintendent Pennsylvania &Igor Press _ German an~iy", Girard Hotel, Philadelphia. . __ _ _ LL PERSONS ARFLIOTED ' IVITED L 1 DYSENTERY, DIARRIURA., CROLERA IfOREDEQ or other disordera of th o ,Do welo. , ehrinittobtain a bobilit•l of DR. FAIRIA.MB'S ,GItTABLE CTETP7E. adil ben never been known tartar oboe No. IL3ICATRA RINE Street, Philadelphia. enl3.alatlillie. MEi Luc DX .1.1.1 rorEbrout 0144 ALL JOAN C. BAKKE di CO . 118 M.LRII3I? Waosi. Brim ar e' n Pw . ?" c elvit*lF their galoPlioo frkoh. ftoitt tliollal-), . - --- -•- -' • . _ 1 ma ooperiortiy of their Oil, In emery fen** has, 'Waal for it 4k * S pu ta ldoxi'and :safe :beyond any other ! Dr aNaintherso Irket. ,To ;seuntatn it - they - ark aktirN zolbod to supply an nriltis..that relt*.hfrentirely rano& as for thud:mess an 4 parity. See testimonials of Pio.' Seiseore at Medical OoKeens- - - - - - ArillAilude-dot 1 MREL JAZLEVETTW, cwzintierms • - " - i3upPt• - Txwenn LA_DiEs-:. ' am WA um, only meta Lima eminent pdiaal: Ladle - s and 111_yed clans aza raspectrany Nliva 931 4, on M ilk yETTS., at: net residence, IWV WALIII , %Toe, Mil l ~ (to 'avoid ixxinferfaita.) Tait* -IV i Invalids havuLaaen a4ala•Vb.i-Plair-` -• ' -- . - ' - appliance*. - SIS I ' 4 T enk ----.- Statais copylight• • Wan on pin Id.- 'SC. AUCTION 84.1,,t; • TOBN -Y4..3:112'8,1134 FIRST FALL SALE OF FEENCiI for Off MONDAY NEXT, J. ?' Sect. 5. sa l eW hold, by catalee:c t, crsdit,•ttof French. Swing. , unntarn -; dry goods , embracing about lot: ~,* Jll, artictea slits, dress goods, meri no ., nt broideries. bonnet sad silk velvet!, 1.b r i,',..''w- DalaPieB and estalogage earir on Ant, " •nto• LitRISE PEREMPTOItY AL% *AN. AXE? BRITESII DRY am': NOME -.4ncinded ow cataloic u ,, .. 1 1 • Indik German. and British 44 . '0. • belt on. 2d9NDAY biO'RNINO, desirable credit, will be found. in Nu ; 4 . • tif.x. and choice ankles, vir: DIMS GOODS. —pieces phib meri n ogud rade motts dal • od cashmeres, cloths, 0 ;4, our OMB goods, poll de chevres. dtc. -O ntn" BLACK SILRIL Napies Pie r yes Clone* Black dress silks, m g dtc., &C. __ _ DRESS SILK S% ka. plena* fancy and solid ooliors ponit SHAWLS. .A chart) usortment of and wilder CLOAES Alin' bIioatILLAC" Silk and loth cleans, nunillaa. talmo- GLOVES AND • OAVETLEIY A Pall assortment of nentit' and LW! , • •• silk alovee and tl gannets. lill3BurrS AD"TRIADTINGt • __ A fall line of 800 cartons of pi hid , f or grog de Naples bonnet and neck' n bbos. I * . ored silk velvet ribbons, tritOlnitn, ARTIFICIAL A very' rich assortment Of French &c. EE3, Faris jaconet and - al l collar s to bodies, linen cairltrio handkerchiefs, insert - eons, laces, &c. LARGE SPECIAL SALE OP 1060. BONS, MILLINERY MRS, rEixt T"' included in our able on MONDAY, found Lams and destrahle Hues rooid e j , I:laces, Hoc 4490: afall assortment ;, hens, Etc. 4160; an entire invoice 3, N .,d r d ' , and'erochete Dealt de sole, Noe. 9a&;. to Also. milliners m a i f il ull iiry line velvety,vete2OSt: bored velvet raibons, v of a celebrated LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1.100 Fir:, BOOTS. SHOES, BROGANS, danY (, nILING BAGS. &c. ON TUESDAY 110EI4IN0, September 6th, at 11) o'clock,will boa; logne, without reserve, on roar months' cr, 1,166 packages boots, shoes, brogans gnia !moos, army gimds, travelling ate' and Eastern manufacture; embracing nt, assortment or deo:ruble articles formes, children. N. B.—Samples, withcatulortues, early ono sale. • LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BOOTS. Ma. ARMY GOODS, TRAVELLING Ei NO 'l WK.—lncluded In our lern.pererna, boomhoes. &c. , to be held on TuISSOAY tb. lowing fresh at 1D o'clock.will foundr months' credit, viz: goods, to be sold without rev s . cases men's and boys' steel shod and cases men's and boys' quitted ts, cues men's, boys', and youths' t boo hick cases men's, boys', and youths' kip asdcl , -- mes men's grain covalry boots . oases men's 94 inch enameled cavalry h nt , •,-cases boys' grain L L boots. awe*. man's, boys', and youths' kip br o ,, , --cases men's, bone, and yontbs• 60 5 ., Ole do. cases men's, boys!, and youths' Coogan ; do, cases women's, mines', and ehildren't • twat, pain, and 'split. fewed. pegged, =Wed boot!' and balcsorglc. embracing a gso, =eat of city and Swam-made goods. N. 8.--Eamples of the same will be opt s ,. nation early on- the moraine of the eve, Ryti 'Riff find it to - .their interest to attend. LARGE POSPriv la SALE OF BRITISH, GERMAN, AND DOMESTIC DRY CO. We willhold a large sale of foreign 'tad do goods,. by catalog", on a credit of foot so part for lash, ON THURSDAY HORNING, Ereptereher 8, embracing about 610 pukat l of staple and fancy articles in woolete.,wor,4 l, silks; arid cottons, to which we incite the it s dealers. N. It --Saanderr of the same will he Imam initiation, with cataloinies, early OR the mem sale,when dealers will find it to their bandit' POSITIVE SALE OF CARPI: 7 I:SIB, &I. ON'FRIDAY MORNIn), giber.Se ogee, on four months'. credit, an au mg ; • • periine and eve ingrain. venetian. 13. c•C: , • rag chYPeiticia. Which may be exaunned eg; morning of sale NITRNEBB,___B.RENLEY 41% CO., - 3 , ao. 615 CHESTNUT aad. 61.11 .TATLIs 4 *.; FIRST FALL SALE OF DRY 00 - Ati OR TUESDAY. se t . L. 6 : h. at 10 o'clock, on '4 morithA' vria Drltteb, German. Saxony, Frei rican cy and stay]) ods- N. B.—Samples B3 llbe arranged lot with catalogues' early on morning of sale. gentia. AND AMI - ACTIV'S BALE 01 No iv Isuldh N ig7ll ß p ß ri O sili S i AND TRIX Ir&ec:totTlatooth" c aui r lu p o t r4a n t:i.?i 51. September 6th. a: leg n u i v it a credit. I. lkll3ineltalii mots, Nos. 4to 40 , 1-1 . lines black, Nos. 4to 60. , • Full lined broche Scotchplaids &e. Also, Dainties finest quality p lait co:.); shades; expressly for city trade. IAiILIP FORD & CO., AUCTR Aff/0.-MANICIrr aud 522 COIDURCI POSITIVE SALE OP 1,100 cuss B: S. ON MONDAY HO SP moßma, September 6, commencing at ten 0'6)(1 will poi by Catalogue, forcasb t about 1.:11 atone, brogans, balmorais, gaunt, and at: tbuhyer stock s., to which we invite tim THOMAS & SONS, • N05..1.39 sad 141' South 7011ETH &is PALL SAIS STOGITS AND REAL Mia PlystFall Sale, 6th September. Second Fall Sale. 136 September. ' Third Fall Sale; 20th September. EXTRA LARGE SALE OF srocEs . ESTATE. CARD.—Our Arid Fall sale, Tuesday asu, change, will comprise a very large ememag' ,. bank and other stocks, and Lutis t by ordnetLy, tratora and exebitors, and first. CIV6 res! . 44n • der.of Orphans' Court, executors, and innn. Full dereripti . Ona now ready in nandbil:, catalogues on Saturday. • . FIRST PALL SALE—SEPT. G `PI.LOAHLB_COTTOR FACTORY, Rel.:4 tillaryraMildone houses, and 12 acres of town, Pa Farm, 400 acres, Rik county. Pa. Irredeemable Ground gent, *9O a rear. 'Handsome Country Seat . , Lower Merida • Modern Dwelling, 1227 Citron street. j Business Stand, No. 231 Borth Delaware ere, • Badness Stand, N.B. cor. Sixth and Pues-4 . .• . Brick Dwelling, Dlo. 214 Brier Place. • Valuable ewerF - Vaults &c., Falls of Sciii . 1 Valuable Property 40 acres ? Grazje lane ' Modern Dwelliug„ Do. 443 orrb Fi011: 4 174t Store and Dwellings, No. 515 South Sixth rce;, Store, corner Fifteenth and Filbert areas Modern Dwelling, 11132 Addison street. . Modern Dwelling, No 1226 Marshall street t.r.'; Modern Dwell./Pgr NO. GU South Frost-4pr , 'Valuable Lot, 1441 acres. Long lane, Fiat sr. Two Building Lots, Broad Top City. Fifth ctrpt Ai it , . HOUSEHOLD AI N .i.N ).: iTUrtie I I i 3RUSSELS ea,7 __ THIS MORNING, 8d Inst., at .10 . o'clock. at No. M South F.: • - above Pixie; the'hocutehold furniture. Blcs•r:' • May be examined at S o'clock on the nor sale. Administrator's wale Do. 510 POWELL F. , . :..•.,-, - HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARlltio zk , jio, • ON MONDAY h1ONNINI1„ 1 10 September sth , at l 0 o'clock. at No. 51J,,P"r- between SPITIOB and Plat greets, west a i-- ~ by order of administrators the hou.;etel .. china and glassware, bed carpets, I . ..' quantity of gee mnslins. Way examte,li:- - ir on the morning of the We. Bale No. 429 North Second SirP'• k . Wodir, Emil:ma AND GOODWILL .. , F .! ETOR'N. • e ON WEDIRSDAT MORNING, `F2'`F2' . - .11t10 o'clock by catalogne, at No. . - -t; street, the entire stock of a liquor BUTE A. lee vine.. brandy . ifin. whisky, bottle!. I *Also, the goodwill and fixtures. Valza: : • refrigerator,- &c. - • Mir MaylSkortazoined at 8 o'clock or t : HEINEY P. WOLBERT, • AMMO Xo. SOX West fiet il andedis:^ gales Of Ttir' amis_ne, • MONDAY. WnDrumiDAY. and PADA; Yr • accosbig at /0 o'clock. ;STOOK , OP BEADY-MADE CLOTH;N4 •L W430._ and PLANNNL sautTs,Dl; 4 LIN SHIRTS, PRINTS. MUSLIN.% 5i . SKIRTS, TRIMMINGS, *MOPS, &e., s• • On MONDAY 110.11:iiiv6, ." and commencing at ID of R )' 4 Name desirable assortment of so? 4, :attention of tailors and retailers is reQ PA.N . COAST & WARNOC; TIONERBS, 240 HARE ET &reit LARGE POSITIVE BALE OF AMER: 9 I: PORTED DRY 'GOODS. BOS/Ela NARY_ 000DS, acc... by Ontaioyna. ON WEDNESDAY. Eept. 7th, commencing at 10 o'cleet'' Will Prising Omit wo r thy new end slink , ' be found the attenlka of B. SCOTT, JR, AUCTIO::: 6251 CHESTNUT and 615 lIIIACIEMMIET AND -PENN B 1 LP! ND BOILER WORKS. • "PRACTICAL AND TH:BOEETICat OHINISTfi, BOILYA-MAKSRS. ROUNDERS, having for many Tea, operationjand been atelcusivelyeaV--: . repairing Marine and Elver Engine , . 'ure, Iron Boiler*, Water Tanks, respectfully offer their servicee to hilly prepared to contract for etyrtitt Slyer, and Stationary • havoS different elm, are prepared to erv:-. quick despatch. Ivory descripti4s :!:. Rode at the ahortest notice. Fli,4lt , Fine. Tubular. and Cylinder Soi,ri,4.!. sy haul* oharcoal Iron, ForsiuP-. of„ 4 "‘:. Iron and BMUS of al! -. rartitt R, Strew-Oohing', and all A ar with he above business. Drawings and epeoifloationT establishment free of charge, and ffigl The enbecribere have ample Pairs of boats, where they can are pro h vided with shears. Waage raisingheavy or light weights. joas . r. 4 BEACH and Pio. .....J. VAUGHAN MERRICK. WILLILP I .I . OREE A COPE. . tS9. I ;rTRWARIC FOUNDRY. „:-. FIFTH A.ND WASHIS'4 I-7 • PAIL/DELPRI! 1 . 4 . . . ... RCEBBICK .t 80... -,., s ENGINEBBS AND .1dAf.g.:%.!;....r.! laa jth d uractal.e ,rlyer, Boilers. Gasometers, Tanks. inn " '...-., an ßilt m h anaridneLseoserdPrerree.o...:• . ... InSa of all kinds, either iron or brs‘-• 0 - ' - ''''.. uon-frame Hoofs for Gas 'Worn" ''. 4, road Stations. tie. _Retorts. and Gao Machinery of the !s:''' ': "f ' Droved oonetrnetton. e- Ev er 7 description of Plantation gg - .. • : i ... . ...tar. Saw, and Grist Mills. Vs , "":+ e dmi, . F &mu Trains, Derecators, Filters,Paql W" Sole agents for N. Billieux's Paienl,‘' .. zirit!seri,:l Darattus, lieernyth's Patent Steens 05 .1 1 ' F..' , .. wail dt Wolsey's Patent Centrifogol "i ... e...e` ' '1,4, •‘•0: 41';‘• - .- ....:',15 .4 .21 1 M ORGAN ORB, a- CO., ~ .,,It i . o: 4, 1) ,i7: - .. — ,.. 011‘11 BUILDERS Iron ro,ln • .. n oo _ p,<,_ll fthinists and Boiler Makers. no. - ! ... 747 :: litrit .;•.K., • I, Street. Philadelphia _.....-- ', ....e... .it....jd BRASS BTIKNCILI RA it. 3. turreatt4;:s - 101 mucm.rniorgt.p.r,:..o4!' - . ?ho Ofircfrifsirs to U'lsk -.. .*.z . l* . Papbabots :dad 71yares, to oni.P, sl , ; . .1 ksest.. Sold at Irks/4W* et ID' .41;.....- . '.*) • jris - - the_bost of 1/11).F.L031. 11 €'; :,....• • ~,,.,"! • . . 13taacil Dies and si) kb:4e ~, - . or *Qom. asonvoilv iti"! d°4 '''-- -1, , ..'s 1♦ o trEElf• BEAtiTY. wa_ryz VIRGIN WAX A new FRAnClet COSMETIC fa: hntrand preserving the con I PI".7V-N' :; " derfal.sonasound of the tad ir r b r , d i r , "mime eta, bismntn. la tR: o,l q4posed entindy of Pat : .1 4 . t ,--....__,aztrasaeamy qua lities forprev: -2: sett , smooth, fair. and oaf ." 1 ? 14..cnsw yotion, the hottr.4 • 111°"Milanial and the mast tres„3 • i S • • absents. prepared oily by n . • - -Sra. - 4 14.1 South WORTH Uereat, 1?. Unt,Autdl33 South SITOTbi 131:TRE PALM OIL SO' AP': • le made Of pare. fre eh bir, veritable Soap; more mita made from - antmal fats. b foc 412 Der box. Mann so thenredare: E 1116"JILARGARETTA..,Straes , ' • tleoopilli albove CallowbT:!....— i -9 fi f'&BD IA AND FAN0Y,,, 6 .0 1 A.F• sum/Imb! 6