THE CITY The Thermometer. AUGUST 29, less. I • AUGUST 29, 1864. BA. M ..... 12 M.....5P. N.. 6 A it..... ine...•.s P.m. zi. , ..... ....81,k; 89Y,," 65 79 7634 WINL/. IWIND NSW SBW —.SW by S.WNW...W by N••••NNW AUGUST 90, 1868. I AIIGCNT AO, 3588. .6 A. Si ....1281 3P. M. 6 A bi--12 II 6P. M. 67 67 " I 6°‘76 78 WIND. Vw.......7.1(4 ), / ....,... NB NW N W WNW MILITARY. DEATIrS. The following deaths of soldiers were reported e t the Medical Direotoes office yesterday from army hoapitais in this department : Wm. Adsow, Co. 1, Ist h Pennsylvania. Cavalry ; • 00111ellus 'Craig. Co. A. lath IC T. Artillery; Ohm. Hill, company and regiment unknown ; Michael Burk, Co. C. 165th Pennsylvania; Chas. Bennett, co, D, 9th New Hampshire ; Thos. Mayheny, 00. J, U. S. C. T. ; Semi. Baxter, Co K. lath N. Y. Art. While Hall—B. B Moore, 21st Penna. Cavalry; John Brant, Co. D, lstMaryland. Pittsburg—B. 0. Cunningham, CO. 8., liad Penn ./Vivant(' Summit House—Pat. Carden, Co. H, 50th Penna. ; !Michael Magruder, A, 29th U. S. C. T. York—Eugene Lather, 0. , A, let N. Y. Artillery. Filbert atrea—S. H. kloOullough, Co. X, Ist Maine Artillery. The followfmr-named soidlenf Were reported yes terday at the Medical Director's °Moe as haring de flected from army hospitals In this department: Broad and Cherry—Edward Eagers, Co. G, 85th New York. Chrtattatt-street—Frank Colllain, Co. 0, 91st Penn. Sylvania; John F, Delaney, Co. F, 20th Penna. NAVAL. 'DEPARTURE OF THE STEADIER DONEGAL. The U. S. ride-wheel supply. steamer Donegal, Lieut. Wm. King West commanding, le expected to leave the navy yard on Saturday beat, at D A. N for the South Athuttio Blockading Squadron. All letters, lackey's, ke., intended for our eallors in this squadron ehouid be left on board the Donegal before Friday at 6P. 116. This steamer will take the place of the Trlessaohusetts, which vessel 16 in need Of overhauling and repairs. DIESUELLAI‘BOITS. FOURTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT-NOMI NATION OE JUDGE KELLEY.. After the unanimous nomination of Judge Kelley in the Fourth Uongreselonal District, on Monday evening, a committee was appointed to watt upon the judge to inform him of his nomination. Dir. H. 0. Townsend informed him of his nominee tion In the following terms: Junoa KELLity : The president of this Conven lion has neatened to me the agreeable duty of for 'Worming you that your constituents of the .National Union party have done themselves the honor, and their country the service, of nominating you for re-election to that high and responsible poi sitien which you have for lour years past filled with so much credit to yonreelt, so much satisfac tion to them, and so much usefulness to your coun try. They feel, air, that in you they have a repro sentative of great moral and personal courage, en larged experience in public affairs, strict integrity of character, or nnsurpassed• eloquence, of high de. Totten to great principles, of strong attaohment;to the Union and the Constitution, and firm adherence to the National Administration In all its efforts for the suppression of this wicked end unjuscidable rebellion. 411 these qualities, air, which go to make up the patriot end the statesman, you have abund antly Illustrated in your Congretatonal career, to the benefit of your Country and the honor of yOttr constituency. Recognizing, as Ahoy fully do, the value of your services, year talents, and experience, they have with perfect unanimity ro nominated you as their standard-bearer in the. great political con test upon which we are about to enter. They have a strong conviction, air, that the country can, in Its present crisis, no more spare you from the National o t ilre e n im a t ti k ri c anga gr st a ar afnrodmilihuestErixoectoutmive ch an air of so worthily edema it; and with - the same en thuslatim and unanimity that marked the National Convention at Baltimore, ID the re nomination of Abraham Lincoln ler the Presidency, your constitu ents, thrown this Convention, beg you to serve them and the country in the future with the same ability, courage, and fidelity to prinoiple that you have so signally exhibited in the past. The distinguished representative, with all his natural courage and experience in publio speaking, acknowledged Ma sell overwhelmed with the kind ness and cordiality of this reception and the per sonal compliment Involved in the manner of his nomination, and for Woe time was unable to ex press himself with his accustomed fluency. He &s -oused himself from making a formal political speech, and asked the privilege of indulging In a little plain family talk. In which, while he would admit freely his own short-comings and infirmities of temper, he would alto take the liberty of " sassing back , ' a little, in telling some of them how needlessly and thoughtlessly, and at times selnahly, some of them eonaht to engross his time and attention, which were due to the country and his public duties. His speech was one of his happiest efforts, and was welt caloulated to win back the regard and con- Mance of any who had ever been disposed to coin. plain of any want of attention on his part. lie an nounced that he was under an engagement to visit Maine, to aid la the political canvass of that State, and upon his return would be ready to put his .shoulder to the wheel and help on the good cause here. The convention, which bad by this time swelled to a mass meeting of several hundred, finally adjourned with six hearty cheers for the can didate, the President, and the Union generals. The apirlt displayed gives the best passible assurance that Judge Kelley will be sent back to Congress by a largely.inCreared majority. NATIONAL UNION LEOISLATIVE CONVEX- In the First dLstrlot, after Gorge W. Ohegan had been nominated, part of the Convention bolted, and nominated William Foster. In the .Eleventh distrlot, Frank D. Sterner was nominated. In the twelfth district, Luke V. Sutphlri was no minated. In the Seventeenth district, the Twenty_second ward delegates were divided between Mr. Wm.- F. Smith and Mr. Enoch Taylor. The Manny - link de legates voted for Mr. John F. Preston. A. large number of ballots were taken, and tide vote stood for Smith, 6; Preston, 6; and Taylor, 4. There was but one vote changed during the entire session. The Convention &ally adjourned until Monday evening next. SIXTEENTH WARD NATIONAL 'ONION TIONET, Seleot Council—Jonathan E. Wainwright. Common Connell—Thomas Ferran. School Directors—Leah] Torrence,.Oharles 4:). On Jin, George Gillingham. John Detweller. Aldtrmen—Adam R. Shoemaker, Frederick Reel NOMINATION OF SURVEYOR. The National Union Convention, to nominate Styr.Tor and Regulator for the Eleventh distriot, met yesterday and nominated Samuel I. Smedley, the present Incumbent. The term of Utica, which is for five years, does not expire In the remaining districts until next year. LMPORTANT DRAFT NOTICE The Assistant Provost Marshal General has is sued the renewing circular to the District Provost Marshals: • The following telegram has been received from therrovost /Marshal General—vlz : 'ln closing the accounts of the late draft In your State, if there are still any .dellotencles, let them be set aside on the records with explanatory remarks, but do not em brace them in the nuntas Resigned under the call of July 18, 188.1.' The directions given by this telegram do not interfere with the instructions heretofore .given to the Provost lelareltala with reference to making slp the final accounts, but are communi •eated to theta for the purpose of informing them that it Is the Intention of the Provost Marshal Ge neral not to mix up the two drafts, as far as deft- Climates under the last draft are concerned. I, ISSUE OF CITY 'WARRANTS. Warrants were tuned yesterday for the payment of the city bounty to twenty-Dye men, seven of whom score substitutes. THE COURTS. Vatted States District Coart—Jadge Cad. walader. Jury thistle were resumed In this Court yesterday. 'United States vs. Robert Cunningham. The de fendant was indietedi under the act of Congress, March 8, 1888, Charged with enticing a colored sol dier, named Shadraoh Newman, to desert from •Camp William Penn. It appeared, from the evidence of Newman, that he first enlisted and was sent to Camp Penn OA the 21st of May. A few days atter he and a comrade left the camp In the evening, to get some whisky. In the itumeolate neighborhood they met Cunning ham and another man with a covered wagon. Cun ningham then persuaded him to desert, and go with him to Camden, when he would enlist him where he would not have to fight. Having consented, he got into Cunningham's wa gon, who covered him over with straw or hay and he was driven to Camden. He was there enlisted under the name of Charles Jones, and sent to Tren ton, where his bounty of $3OO was patd him, and he was returned to Camp William Penn that being the rendezvous for all colored troops for New Jersey and Pennsylvania. This was on the let of July. Fitzpatrick, Cunningham's companion, had been previously arrested by Colonel Wagner upon the charge of having enticed Newman to desert, and Newman havingln the meantime been returned to camp, appeared against him at the nearing before the United States Commissioner. His evidence AM conclusive, and the Commissioner held him In 182,000 bail for trial. Cunningham, who up to thiatimehad not been ar rested, offered himself as ball for Fitzpatrick, when, being recognized, he wall at once taken into custody se particrps criminis with Fitzpatrick, and held for trial. The latter has-forfeited his ball, and Can• ningbam has alone to stand trial, . • The defence consisted mainly of good character, .a large number of witnesses having been called to prove that, from Cunningham's previous character and habits, he could not have been at Camp Wm. Penn upon the occasion testified to by Newman. The result of the case was, however, finally deter mined by Judge Cadwalader himself, who, atter the .evidenee had been closed, and while counsel for the United States was stilt speaking to the jury, raised the point that the testimony of the man Newnan,. being, as it' was, unsupported, was insufficient, in "law,to warrant a conviction. He so charged t h e jury, and a verdict of acquittal was accordingly rendered, District Attorney Gilpin and Assistant putrid Attorney Valentine 'for the United Slates; John ()'Byrne for the defendant; • Court of Quarter Illeasions:—Judge Ludlow. Among the oases tried yesterday in the criminal court was a case, or rather two oases upon cross bills, in which Robert Fulton, aoarver,at or abont Twenty fist and Moravian streets, charged John S. Myers, living near the same place, with assault and bat thry, with intent to kill. In turn Myers and his son, Lewis Myers, charged Fulton with assault and bat tery committed upon them. According to the state. meat of Fulton, the boys in the neighborhood were in the habit of calling him by insulting names when he passed the street. He Is a man of heavy propor- Mae, In fact, be firwhat may be milled a very stoat man, with a considerable protuberance in the region of the abdomen. The boys as he testified, persisted in assailing him with epithets, saoh as "how are are yon or there goes "bust tiplis,” or how are you old "bust his guts 1" and how are you "Dutch man 1" Mr. Fulton said this was more than human na ture, or at least his nature, could bear, for, sald he, " I am not a Dutcaman, but a Mumlan, and they bad no right to can me a Dutchman.) , Upon the occasion out of which this difficulty arose, he seized upon one of a number of boys who were applying epithets such as are above named, and gave him, to use his own language, "a good shaaing." The boy went home and informed his father, who flume ()lately proceeded to Mr. Fulton's houe, where, after a short parley in relation to the matter, a collision ensued—.. r. Fulton coming out second best, receiving a out ion the temple, and one upon the nose, with, as he alleged, some sharp instrument, but Inflicted, as layers testified, only with his fist. Al ter hearing all sides,' the jury were of opinion that Fulton was to blame, and convicted him upon both bills charging assault and battery upon lather and eon, and acquitting them. Ile . was sentenced upon One bill to pay a fine of $5 and costs, and upon the of her to a tine of-111 and costs. O. W. Brooke for Myers; ()thins for Fulton. Anna Bar, for larceny, was sentenced to three months In County Prison. The other oases were for assault and battery, and were of no Interest. THE POLICE. (Before Mr. Alderman Battler.] DISORDERLY SEMMES. Yesterday morning four men were arraigned at the Central Station on the chaige of. maintaining disorderly dance houses near Camp Ovlwalader. The only wonder is that such evils were not removed long ago. The names of the alleged proprietors are _lsaac/ Fox, Wm. Simons, Samuel Simons, and John Bertram. • They were held to ball In the sum of $l,BOO each to answer at court. Twentyone soldiers and one sailor were taken Into custody in the houses. They were discharged. The following named were also arrested. Some of them were held to ball . and the remainder were Committed to Pris On.: Mary Anuldiellanini, Geo, Colloughbough, Rata latorr, John Lapp, Mary Smith, W. K. Meyers, MeV Moore, Henry Brlngham, Clara Hopitho4 John Kerr. Kate Davenport, Wm. Edgar, Sarah John son, Thomas Hagan, Anna Mulvey, J. W. Harri son, Sarah Meyers, L. McKinley, Jane Tomlin, John Sheppard, Elizabeth Nelson, Joseph Linden, Ellen Hamilton, Wm. Bowen, Hannah Murray, Stephen Ilnrbnrt, Emma "tickle, and Samuel Mo. Manus. lt SeeMS from the evidence adduced that three soldiers, who had frequented the houses, died last week Irons the effects of poisonous whisky imbibed at one Of all of these pest-houses. The women induced soldiers to desert from Camp Cad waleder. Dancing occurred at those houses almost every day and night, and other scones were frequent that were beastly and obscene. The females arrested were re volting Lthey were saucy, very impertinent, and appeared lost to all sense or shame. CBe(oro Mr. Recorder lane.) ABOUT A DIAMOND RING, A young man was arrested on 'Monday on the charge of the larceny [of a diamond ring, the pro. party of his sister. It seems that some feeling ex. late between the parties. The complainant in her affidavit set forth that she was washing her hands ate wash stand, and bad placed the ring from her finger on the stand. Her attention being called to another part of the house she absented herself. While going out cf the doorway her brother enter ed the room. and soon disappeared. The sister re. turned in a few moments and mined her ring. Sus picion at once fell upon the brother and he was ta • ken into custody. lie denied taking the ring, and asserted most positively that he had not even seen it. The case went over for a hearing yesterday morn ing. The complainant called at the office of the Re. corder and stated that the ring had been found. A little sister entered the room during the absence of the sister unobserved, and seeing the ring on the washstand took charge of it and placed it in a bu reau drawer, where it was found. The brother charged with the theft was, of emus., discharged. LETTER BAGS AT THE DTHRORANTS' SHOHAIIGH, PHILADILPHLL Ship Lady Emily Peel, (Br), Penny, Londonderry, soon. Bark Roanoke, (Br), Cooksey ...Lagu ayra, soon. Brig Bertha Hoehn, Janeiro, soon. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. Jeksa EitmasieN, ANDREW Warar.sit, ICommittee of the Month . BD. T. TOIVNIIRRD, MARINE INTELLIGENCIN. / , . 1 )'/L9411;0:torrig. , iftLLr. . , Sun lithes..6 82 I Sun Sets.. 9 29 I MO W 15294.1 14 ARRIVED. Steamship Norman, Baker, 48 hours from Boston, with mdse and passengers to Henry Winsor & Co. Brig Wm Allen {Br), Stubbs, 22 days from Black River, Ja , with logwood and coffee to D N Wettlar & co. August '2d, was boarded by the British steam r loop-of-war Nimble, off Georgetown, Grand Cay man, and left immediately on ascertaining oar nationailty and destination, steering S by E. Brig Randolph, Pressey, 20 days from New Or leans, in ballast to J E Baxley & Co. Schr Pathway, Compton,4 days from Georkro town, D 0, in ballast to capain. Schr Extra, Taylor, from Fortress Monroe, in bal last to J W Bacon. Sohr Pequonnoek Barnes, 4 days frOm Boston, with ice to Cold Spring Ice and Coal Company. Sahr A L Pease, House, from Portland, Conn, with stone to oa_pteln. Selz J.O Bailer; Price, from Boston , in ballast to Hommet i .Van Dunn, & Lockman. Bohr 3 V W Slmmone, Godfrey, front Salem, in Indian toe A Recksohet & Co. ItSchrJ V Wellington, Chipman, 6 days from Bos ton, withice to Kennedy, Stairs, &Co. Steamer Beaufort, Steel, from Port Royal, pia Washington, in ballast to captain. Steamship E Chamberlain, Bristow, from Alexan dria, with mdse to Thomas Webster. Steamer W U Plerrepont, Green 24 hours front . New York, with mdse to Win M Baird & Steamer Bristol, Charles, 24 hours from N York,. with Mdse to W P Clyde. CLEARED. Sohr Sarah Wooster, Lord, Portland. Schr John Slusma.n, Banks, Salem. . . Sohr S V W Simmons, Godfrey, Salem. Sohr Winfli of the Homing, Morton, Weymouth Sohr R L ray, Jones, Boston. • Schr Silver Magnet, Perry, Boston. • Sohr Amos Edwards, Somers, Port Royal. Bohr Mary J Kennedy, Hoover, Newborn. Schr Burrows 0, Clark, Beaufort. Schr Reading R R, No. 49, Smith, rt. Monroe. Soh? Alice B, Chase, Fortress Monroe. Bohr H Oroskey, Irons, Alexandria. Schr G R Conover, Jones, Alexandria. Bohr Grape Watson, Nickerson, Washington. Bohr J 0 Baxter, Price, Boston. .• Steamer Hope, Warren, New 'Folic. Steamer J S Shriver, Dennis, Baltimore. Steamer E Chamberlatn, Bristow, Alexandria. SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'S BALE.-131" •VIRTUE OF a writ of Vanlitioni Bxponas, to me directed, Will beexposed to_pehliosale or vendee,. on MONDAY Eve- - fling, Siert. 6. 1664, at 4 o'clock, at Ransom-street All that certain four. story brick measnage, back building., and lot of ground beginning on the east side of Ninth street two hundred and ten feet southward' from Vine street, in the city of Philadelphia; thence extending eastward ninety-three feet to Mechanic street; thence southward along the earns twenty-one feet; thence westward litty-three feet; thence northward four and one-half inches; thence westward forty feet to• Ninth street, and thence northward alonr w the same. nineteen feet to the place of beginning. !doh said tA premises Silas D. Edson and wife, t. deeddated June 911, 1846, rr corded in beak Book A. W. U., N 0.16, page 476, Ate., conveyed unto Ed ward.Prall (since deceased) Wbo by his will devised the same unto his widow Sank CO C. ; S.. 64. 69. Debt, $141.43. Murphey.) Taken in execution and to be sold as the. property of Sarah Prall. JOHN THOhl - PSoN, Sherif. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Ang..24, 1864 att2s-31 SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to mo directed, will be exposed to public suitor vendee, on MONDAY Eve ning, Sept. 6, 1514, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom• street Hall, I. MI groundoe factory, steam engine, boiler, and lot of las:ginning in the middle or Adams street in Frankford, In the city of PhliadelpLia; thence along the same south 19 degrees 21 minutes east 15.74 percher, and south 29 degrees SO 'ninnies west 7.6 perches; thence north 46 degrees 19 minutes west 15 perches; thence north 6 minutes westutes east 1 perch, and north 42 degrees 10 l4 perches: thence north 71 degrees 6 minutes east about 7 perches to Frankfort! creek; thence down said creek about 6.2 perches to lot No. 2; thence north 71 degrees 6 minntes east about 10.4 perches to the beginning- Contang about 1.26 acres. No. 1 Two stone dwellings and lot adjoining the above; containing in front on Adams street one hun dred feet, and in depth about one hundred and thirty feet to Frank ford eteek. CD. C. ; 8., '5l. 60. Debt, $1,136.50 Johnson.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Solomon Wilde. • JOHN THOMPSON Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheri ff 's Office. August 24.184 att26-3t SHERIFF'S BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Faciaa, to me directed. will be ex poaed to public sale or cendue, on MONDAY Evening, September 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Bansom-street Hall. All that certain tht or piece of ground in that pat tof thepresent city of Phil:Welt:hit formerly called Block ley township, marked " hi" on a certain plan of Ea. gle*fleid.annexed to a certain deed dated June 4. 1855, intends d to be recerded, made between Isaac Elliott, of th one part, and Ann Hartzog, Charles Toppan. and John Draper, of the other part; Beginning at the inter section or the antra lines of Penogrove street and Maoists street, as laid out n said plan: thence east ward', along the centre of Penngrove street 727 feet to the centre of Tenth street; then tionthwardly along the centre of Tenth street 367 feet 4% inches to the south line of Begleefleld ; thence westwardly along said south line, and within Westminster avenue, 720 feet and % of ,an inch to the centre of Mantua street; thence north wildly along the centre of Mantua street 363 feet SX inches to the place of beginning. Bounded on the notch by lot marked L on said plan; on the east b. lot marked S on said plan; on the south partly by land late.v laid 'out and sold in building lots by George Hutton. M. D. and partly by land late of Bills deceased; and on the west by lots marked G and F on said plan, con taining 6 sores and 14-1000 tho of an acre, more or less. [being part and parcel of a larger tract of land which Ann Hartzog, John I raper, and Charles Toppan. by indenture bearin date the 4th day of Jane. A o. recorded in Deed Book N. D. W., No 25, page 361, etc., 'ranted and conveyed onto Maximilian E. J. C. Green ru fee. B. —By virtue of a release recorded fn Deed Book A. C. H. No. 76, page 445, a part of the above. described premises was released from the lien of the mortgage sued on, to wit: "The lot of ground beginning at the Intersection of Penngroye and Fortieth streets, and ex tending southward along the middle of Fortieth street 366 feet 3% inches to the south line of Eaglesfield estate, within Westminster avenue; thence extending along the same eastward 247 feet to ground now or late of Charles Soling; thence extending less .ward middle he same Mgt feet 3% inches, more or to the of said Penngrove street, anti thence along the same west. ward 257 feet to the place of beginning. This released portion of the property is, therefore,'not to be &old. [D.C. ; S. 'B4. 41. Debt, It: 20 30. T. D. Smith.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Maximilian B. J. C. Cress. JOHN THOMF'BON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sherlrs Once, August 72, 1Q864.au2i- SHERIFF'S SALE.--BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to pubis sale or vendee, on MONDAY Eve ning Sept. 6,1864, at 4 o'clock at Sansom-street Han, All that cartels: lot of ground situate on the north side Bridge street one hundred feet eastwardly from Thirty ninth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containin in fro n t on Bridge nfty feet and In depth one hun dred and sixty feet to Garden street [CWhich said lot John B. Oheen et nx., by deed dated May 21, 1858, re corded in Deed Book A. D. B. No. 48, page 60, con veyed unto Albert S. Ashmead in fee:. reserving a ground rent of one hundred and Arty dollars. [D. C. :S. 64. 27. Debt $675. tfaxert4 Taken in execution and to be sold aa the property of Albert S. Ashmead, JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Ofilee,Anguat 26, 1884. an24-8* OF - SHERIFF'S SALE..:-By VIRTUE OP a Writ of Venditioni Bxponan. to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Myer rang, Sept. 6, 1864. at 4 o'clock, at Bansom-street All that certain two-story brick messuage•and lot of ground situate on the south • side of Fnisocht street toe hundred and twaLve feet wester and from Twelfth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Frarcie street fourteen feet, and to depth abqut forty-eight fi et seven Inches; subject to a ground rent of thirty dollars. No. 2. Two-story brick Masstotty) and lot of ground situate on the south side of Francis street one hundred and twenty-six feet west ward from Twelfth street; 'containing' in front fourteen feet, and in depth about forty-eight feet seven inches; subject to a yearly ground gels of thirty dollars. ED. C. ; '6l 92. Debt. S7OO. Abram.) • . Taken in execution and to be gold as the property of William T. Marks JOHN THOMPSON Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, Aug 42,1861.. an 24-31 'SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF rwrit.of Levari Facies, . to me directed, will be ex potted to public sale or ven due, on MONDAY Eyebing, 'September/S . , 1864, at 4 o'clock , at Saueom-street Hall • Ail the right; title, and interest of Elizabeth Aftlelfs!elf. (being the residue of a - term of ninety-nine years, which will expire Febra try 17, A. I) 1901), of and •in those mecums ea and lot of around situate on the eastpide of Germantown rood, in the city of Philadelphia- contain ing in front on Germantown road B) feet , and in depth about 100 feet. Bounded northward by ground of James Etown.and southward by ground late of Edward Evans, [Which said lot Turner Camac et ux. by deed date d Fe b ruary 18, 1802, recorded in Deed Bo ok h. F,, lio.ll, .page 242, conveyed unto Robert Itoortree, reserving a Pearl rent of $7.60.] (1). C..; S., '6l. 68. Debt, 03E3 41. Blackburn,' ] Taken in execution and to be sold aa the property of_ tireth Affiehaeh. JOILN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Iladelphia, SherifFa Office, August 24, 1861. au26-gt. SHERIFF'S SALE :— BY VIRTUE Or a writ of Venditioni Expense, tome directed, will. be exposed to public SSW or vendee, on MONDAY Eve ning, Sept 15, 1£64, at 4 o'clock, at Hansom-etreet Hall, ' An that owtain foundry and lot of ground beginning On the northeastwardly side of the Germantown road, one hundred and tatty feet southeastward!) , from Canal street, in the CI ty of Philadelphia- thence northeast one hundred feet to a twenty-feet &ley; thence southerly twenty-seven feet eleven inches; thence west eight feet; thence southerly eight feet; thence southwest ninety two feet doe inches to Germantown road; thence along the same northwest twenty-eight feet to the place of beginning, with the privilege of said alley. Subject to a ground tent of seventy-sv yen dollars. D. O.i s '64. 64 Debt, 0.439.30. Longstreth. • Taken is execution and' to be sold as theproperty of Thos. B, Woodward. JOHN THOMPSON Sheriff. phijadelphia, Sheriff's Office, August 24,19 64, an26-3t SHERIFF'S BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Fieri Facies, to me directed, will be...ex- Posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, September 5, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Hansom-street Hall, All that certain three , story brick mesenage and lot of ground situate on Goa t eest side of St. John street, ber tween Green and Gstreets, In the city of Philadel phia; containing irfront on St. John street twenty more or less. and in.depth one hundrad and tlfteet feet to Rise silty. Bounded northward by ground now or late of George Miter. ED. C. ; '6l. 9, Debt MAD. Dith man. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Philipp Blasts. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, A T u tl ipiet OME'S a o m4 B. haeurisi.ff. HERLEI4" S SALE.BY. VIRTUE OP Naa writ of Venditiont Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on 3 10NDAT Eve ning, Sept. 6. 664 at 4 o'clock, at Sansow-streot mat, All th at certain iot of grow. eStnate on.the north aide of Bridge street and scat side of Thirty-ninth street, in the Akre., Philadelphia, containin g In front pcl.llrtilice street fifty feet, an in depth alone Thlrtr-ninth street said'dred and hears et Garden etreet. (whi ch lot John It: Oheen et ma., by deed dated Kay 21.1 nos, recorded in Deed Boob A. D. 8., No. 46. cage 66 c & c ., conveyed onto Albert S...4.Bbweadin feet reserving aground rest of one hundred and ilfty dollars.) .. • • [D. C. ;' s., '64. 26. Debt, 3675. Bogert.] Takdirin -egeoutlon.and to-lie sold as the nronerty of Albert S Aebrnead. JORN TIIOMPSON; Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sterlrsloflice, Aug. 20,11884 anu_si CARD. AND FANCY JOB PEINTINO, At sarawiiiit 0:7401M 1 1.1111.. lOVITII :i : LAS'.! ~-~= O m: m d u irar t B yri y 4 SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A o P r ° v n e fte nan ta e, t ie be's/ n e s x , wW ee ri p ßedt t o . f r V , l eP tei% :lbilti et ic° t "D e i ci'olotr, at Sansom-street Hall, All tee estate, right. title, and interest of D tniel Pestering of, in, and to, all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the uorthweeterly aide of a certain 49-ieet-wide street laid out by John restoring and Sit sabeth S. Fluttering, trustees, called High street. at the distance of 295 feet northesatwardly from the -German town main street, now called Germantown avenue, in the late borough of Germantown, now the T wenty second ward of the city of rly'lladelphia; containing front or 'breadth on the ante High street 180 feet, and extending in leng th or depth of that width. between Parallel lines at right angles with the said High street, 114 feet, more or legs. Retarded on the northeast be ground granted to Jonathan Meager ; southwest by ground granted to William R. Denton; northwest b ground formerly of Charles Machnett, now George W. Carpenter, and southeast by High street aforesaid Do 2. All that certain lot or piece of ground either.% on the northwegtwardly side of the said High street and the northeastwardly side of Morton street, in the said Twenty secured ward, beginning at the corner of the said High street and Morton street; thence extend ing northeastwardly along the said High street 300 feet; thence extending northwestwardly along ground con veyed to Mary A. Sarum:ll,ln a line at right angles with said Morton street 191 feet 5 lushes, more or lees, to emend now or late of Charlotte Cushman: thence emithweetwardly along the same MI feet 6 inchea,mere or leer, to the northesatwardly side of the said Berton street, and thence soutbeastward/y along the same 191 feel e inch.* to the place of beginning No 3. All that certain lot ocedece of ground situate on the northwesterly side of the said High street, at the distance of 40 0 feel, northeastward from the meld Mor ten t treat, is the Tweet) , second ward of the eaid city; containing in front or breadth on the said High street • 3Ce feet, and extending in length or depth • northwest wardly between parallel lines at right angles to the es td High street 191 feet 5 inches, more or less. Bounded On the northeast by ground greeted to Robert, McKin ley; southwest by said ground granted to Mazy A. Far sum: nortivest by said ground now or late of Char lotte Cushman. and southeast by High street aforesaid, . No. n ort hwes t e r ly Atminjot or piece Hi gh rund situate on the side of the said street: nt the distance of SCO feet northeastwardly from 0 .11) said Mor ton street, iu the said Twenty-second Tkard; containing in front or breadth on the said Rtiti street WO feet, and extending in length or dept- 1 .1 uorth weetwardly between parallel lines at right tingles with the said High street 191 test 5 indica. more or lees. Bounded northeast. - wardly and southwestwardly by gronad granted to Robert McKinley, of which this was part; 0 rth nreAt. wardly by said ground now or late of Charlotte Gaels. man, and toutheastwardly by High street aforesaid. No. 5. All that certain lot or piece or parcel of land situate in the eaid Twenty-second ward. bounded acd deeiribed as follows—to wit : Begin uiue at a corner on the nettle: westwardly side of the said High street at the diet au e' e of LOCO feet northenetl;ardly ((Om the northeastwardly !side of Monett:Aran; thence extendiugitorthwest ward -13, on a Hee at right angles with said Stlith street along the laud of James B. McFarland 161 feet o inches, more pr leo, to property formerly or Charles Alexander now I or .ale or said Charlotte Ceetunan; thence north 41 de erereost3Cljoint.intliti.eigneaustia.7622pot ttheelineceattunyd Johnll3-00 11 c:i t s: e t ,a l c a ol d e south 49 degrees 30 minutes east, Id perches and 95.100ths of Stretch to a corner In a line of feat late of Abraham ' Kulp; thence south 91 degrees 30 minutes west. 25 -perch.* and 3-10 tbs of &tierce to a corner; thence by the same south 49 degrees 30 minntei east. 21 perches and 6-Imes of e perch to scorner on the north side of Haines st yu rtt e. , I s ci t r i m m. e t r m ly ti M th e 4 th i o d d eg ie r t e m u e w eti n e , g uin la tes ne w ; t es h t e , n o ce pe td re o h n e g s to a cornet of land late of .loen King; thence north 49 degrees 30 minutes west,. 11.perebes end 2-10 the of a perish to it corner; thence •pouch 41 degrees •90 minutes west, 4 perished to a corner; thence eolith 49 degrees 60 minutes east. 14 perches and 2-10 the of a perch to a cor ner ou 'Haines street; thence along said Haines street 'south 91 degrees SO minutes-west,.6s mete*, crossing the Ciisistfaut-Fllll Railroad to' a corner in the line of land late of John Smith; thence along said land north 99 degrees 30 minutes west, 21 perches and s•loths of a -perch to' a corner; thence northeastwardly along the southeaetwardly side of sa i d street 21 perches and 19-leoths to a point; thence northwestwardly, creasing the said High street at right anglee,forty-nthe feet,more or lees, to the place of beginning. Nc. , And also all that certain strip of grOnnd situ ,ate on the eoutheastwardly sideisf said High street. the said Twent -second ward; beginning on the north -easterly side of the said aermantown avenue: thence extending.northeaatwardiy along the southeasterly: side - of the said High street 1,1311 feet, more or less, to ground 'granted to Bt. Michael's Episcopal Church; thence be -the same soutbeastwardly 6 feet, more 'or-lees, to 'ground of . Morris; thence along the same 'southwesterly to the said GermantoWn Main street; and thence northegetwardly along the same to the place of beginning • - • • CD. C.: 8. ''84. 24.-Dilbt, $6,096.66.- C. Hare ) Taken in execution and to be sold aa the property of 'Daned.resterthe. ..JOHNIZOMPSON, Sheri ff . rhiladelphlllo3lieriffisolleep-Ang 21, 1664. a026-3t ;SHERIFF'S . ;SHERIFF'SBALE.-BY PIBTIIE OF kJ a writ of Levert Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed. to Outdid intent venduo, on MONl)A.Y.Evening, September 6, 1664, at 4 o'clock, at Sansolkstreet Hall, 10. 1. All that certain brick mammas° and lot of ground situate on the south aide of Coates street one hundred and eighty-one feet weatwara from Front street, to the any of Philadelphia; containing in front on Coates street keventeon feet, and in depth sixty-eight feet three Inches. No. 2. All those measttages and lot , of ground situate on the northwest corner of New Market street and Poi lard's alley; containing' in front on New Market street forty feet, and in depth on the south line ono hundred and eighty-trtan feet ten tachtte, and on the-north line one hundred and rixty-four feet to Canal street, on which aaid lot contains eighty-two feet seven inches. .Together with the right of soil of a portion of said Pol lard's alley. [Which said premises George M. Kineler 'et tot , by deed dated Jane 11. 1861, recorded In Deed Book A. C, H. No. 88, page 162, conveyed unto John r. Pasch in fee. (D. C. ; 5...'61. 6. Debi, ff 5.733.88. Royer.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John P. J 0111,7 THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's 011ice„Augnst 21, 1861. an26-St SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditicaii Exponas. to me directed, will be exposed to public Bale or voodoo, on MONDAI Eve ning, sept. 6, 1961, at 4 o'clock, at Banaom-street • All those two three-story stone messages and lot of ground beginning on the west side of lifitain street, one hundred and 81=y-one feet one inch north wardly from Frederick tree t, n the of ty of Philadelphia; thence alon Within street 61 feet 6 inches; thence westward 164 feet 6 inches to Bred toe street • thence eastward 188 feet .to Makin street. (Which said premises John G. Miche ear by deed dated Jnly 14. 1661, recorded in Deed Book T. H., No. 166, page 67, conveyed unto Henry Becker In fee.) . CD. C. ; S., 61. 16 Debt, SO 0. Husbands.] Taken in execution and to ho sold as the property of Henry Dect er. JOHN THOBIPSON,.Sheri Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, August 21,1661. au26 QHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF i•-• 7 a 'writ of Tenditioni Exposits, to me directed, frill be exposed to public sale or vendne,on ISONDAY Evening, Se tuber 6, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street MS. 1. All that certain three-story brick mesanage and lot of ground situate on the sonthweat corner of bixteenth and Carpent.eets in S ixte enthity of Phila de,phist containing in fros t OD etroot fifteen feet, and in depth on Carpenter Street fifty-one feet four inches. --- No. 2. Three story brick mantises and lot adjoining No I on the goat s dfleen feet front on Sixteenth street. by fifty-one feet four inches in depth. No. ti. Three-atory brick messuage and lot adjoining N 0.2 on the south, sixteen feet front on Sixteenth street, by fifty. two feet six inchse. Wo. 4. Lot on the weft side of Sixteenth street, ad joining No. S on the south. fourteen feet front on Six teenth street. and in depth fifty-two feet six inches. No.-5. All that certain brick slaughter. hou C a rpenter of ground lieginning on tho south. side of street, fifty-one feet four inches westward from Six- Westwardree; thence southward thirty feet; thence one foot two inches; thence southward thirty feet; thence westward. forty-seven feet six inches: thence northward sixty feet to the said Carpenter street; that ce eastward along the same forty-eight feet eight 'inches. to the place of beginning. Said prorates together are subject to a ground rent of one hundred and. dye dollars. cp. C ; 'SI. R. Debt $361.§5. Gowen.] Taken in execution and CO be sold as the property of Michael Lonely. JOHN THOMPSO_ 14 . Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Anguat 24. aft au2S-9i QEERIFF'S SALE,.-BY VIRTUE OF writ of Venditioni Farpones,to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, ou MONDAY" Eve ning. kept, 6, IEB4, at .4 o'cleek,at Sansom-street Hall, Ail that certain lot of ground situ tte on the north westerly side of Franklin street, in Frankford, in the city of Philadelphiai containing in front on Franklin street 40 feet, and In d. to about tea feet. Bounded nortbeastly by ground of Joseph T_ Vankirk, northwest by ground of Henry Stokes, deceased, southwesterly by ground of John T Lamb. CD. C. ; 8.-,""64. 67, Debt. 8129 63. Dougherty.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of :Bridget FOY- JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, August 24, IS4M. au2E-St SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OFA writ of Levari Pastas,. to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, September 6, INti, at 4 o'clock, at Elansom-street Hap. All that certain two . story brick meesnage and lot of groand situate on the west side of Front street. between Green and Coates streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Front street twenty feet, and in depth about one hundred and thirty-two feet to Tama rind Street. Bounded northward by ground now or late of John Retzell, southward by ground late of the heirs of Joseph Rhine, deceased. CD. C. ; S., '64. 6. Debt,510,476. Heyer.l Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John P JOHN THOMPSIM, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's °sae, Ant. 24,1864. au26-34 SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Vendittoni Baponas, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or rrecidtte, on MONDAY Eve ning, Sept. 6,1894. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-streetHall, All that certain three-story brick messnage and lot of ground beginning on the east side of Hancock street, lU feet southward from Jefferson Millet, in the city of Philadelphia; thence extcuding *eastward 160 feet to Clinton street, thence by the same southward 30 feet, thence westward 'MO feet; thence northward 16 feet, thence westward 60 feet to Hancock street, thence northward . along the same 15 feet to the-place of begin ning. Sub ject to a ground rent of 360. [D. C. 8:,'61. 12. Debt, $101.24. -Dedrlok.] Taken in execution and to be sold tic the -property of Christopher Heim. JOHN THOMPSO64 Sheriff, Philadelphia, Sheriff's Ol6ce, Aug 24, DM. au26-3t SHERIFF'S,. BALE.-BY VIRTUE; OF OF a *writ of Venitioni KapOnas, to me directed, will be exposed to.po We sale or vendee, on MONDAY Eve 6, 1864, at. 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, all that certain frame mossuage and lot of ground be ginning on the sonthwardly side of Frankford and Bris tol Turnpike Road, in Holmesburg in the city of Phila delphia; thence by land of Howard With 'malt 23 -de grees 30 minutes •east 9:68' perches; thence by land of the Holmesbarg Baptist Church, 'BO degrees 16 minutes eastl 98 perches; thence by a road leading to the river Delaware, north gi degrees 30 rattan Ws west 11.7 perches to }aid Frank ford and Bristol Turnpike; thence by the same sou th 66 degrees al minutes west 289 perches to the of beginning. Containing 30.7 perches, 7 More or less. _ [D. C. e x ec ut ion 6O. Debt 6400. Montgomery. Taken in and to be sold as the Property of John B. Warne and &sax; B. hie wife. • JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Pbiladelithia. Sheriff's Office.Angest 24.1884. nu2B-8t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY . VIRTUE OF NJ a w rit of Venditioniraponae, tome dkected, will be exposed to public . ..valour vendne. on StOrWAY September 6, 1264, at 4 o'clock Srimm street Hall, an that certain three- story messnage and lot of ground eituato on the north side of Reevea street, about two hun and twenty•flye feet eastward from Twenty- Bratstreet, In the city of Philadelphia; CO/P. twining in front on . Reeves street thirteen feet Raven Inches, more or lees, and in depth forty. seven feet. [Which said lot Samuel Griffiths at ux, by deed dated December SO, 1853, recorded In Died Book L B. 8., lio. - 16, Piga 2. &c • conyeled-urito, John Need In fee; re serving a ground rent of fifty dollars; payable grist of June and Macomber . . •• • [D. , C.. •'S.''64 . 14. Debt, $31.1. 86. Judson Taken in execution and to besold thet of John Reed. JOHN TROMPS 'r ffn Philadelphia. Sheriff ' s Office, &owlet 23. 44. • BHEREFF. SALE.-BY VIRTUE. -OF a writ of Levarl Faciae, to me directed, will be me led to public sale or vendee , on MONDAY Evening, (September 6, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Baneom7etreet Hall all that certain lot of ground ritual e on the met s i de of 7 Teuton avenue , meh!y fr.! .three inches south from Cumberland street. in the 'city of Philadelphia; con taining in fronton Tree ton avenue fifteen feet, and in depth about seventy two feet, with the privilege or a he°. feet. six-inches wide alit on the south side of said lot. (Which said premieee Wm H. Totten et ex. by deed dated September 1855, recorded to Deed Hook R. D. W., 46, page Mll, conveyed unto Biliß E. Weir in fee. CD. C ; S. '64. 19. Debt, 85,840. Pile / Taken in execution a nd to be sold as the Property of filairE. Weir. JOHN THOMPSON Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff's Ogee, Mg. Una. I'o'l-St SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A. writ of Venditionl Expense, to medirected, will be exposed to public sale or vendue,on MQNDAY Evening, September 6 1664, at 4 o'clock_ at Sausom-street Hall, All the right, title, and Interest of Tames McCartney in and to all thatAertalnthree-etory brick mammies, frame building, and lot of ground enlists on the north aide of Jefferson street (No. MID, about sixty feet nine inches eastward from How and street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing In front on Jefferson street about sixteen feet (including a two- feetAlve-inclies 'wide alley ), and in depth about one hundred and thir teen feet. CD. C. ; 8., '64. :33 Debt $5OO. Abrams Taken in execution and to be sold - ea the . property of James McCartt ey and Charles Towneend. Phlladelplaia,.Sheriff's O JOHN'TiIOMPSON, Sheriff. lllce, August 22, 7661-.6111.11411 SHERIFF'S SALE.--BY VIRTUE OF . a writ of Levarl Facies to me directed, will been -. posed to public sale or rem() cm, on • MOND/11r Branftlee . September 5,1884, at 4 o'clock, at Sansota-street Halle No. 1 All that torte' n three-story brick nteesnage and. lot of ground situate on the east sine of Seventeenth aad month aide of Cuthbert street, in the city of-rhiladel phis t containing in fronton Seventeenth street eighteen. feet. and in depth sixty feet to a three.feet slier.. (Which sale premises John G. Watmongh, sheriff, bk deed poll dated September 21, 1636, recorded in C. Deed 800k . .1.', page 237, conveyed nub! Thomas matiaot in fee; subject Co a ground rent of $72.7 - No 2. All that certain three:story brick mammas sad' Ibt of ground situate on the eset side of Cheeter street . at ), between Race and Vine, street!, it the city of• Philadelphia: containing In fronton Chester street four. then feet three inches, and in depth eighty-three feet to , a five- feet. alley,-with. the privilege thereof . _ - (Which said premites AMON Hoops. 'Aux.. by deeds dated Jpoe, nary 13t 1813, recorded in Deed Bo )11 1.- (Li No. 23, pagg , .acand Juno 9, 1818, recorded In llocd.Bnok R-, .160,418,:pa g e .717, conveyed ,unto Thomas Matlack, in , :No. 3: All that eertatd three•storg brick Masoning Rad lot'of ground situate - on - the - northeast cornerof Albert and Seventeenth streets; containing in front on Seven-: teeth greet nineteen•feetoand in depth- sixty feet to a three-teet [WhieNsaid premises Benjamin DurPt sheriff ..-trY deed.dimed: 18V, ,reeorded in 1).- C. Deed Book G.. toer in, conveyed unto Thtmailffat ED. ;'' lack in fee; subject a ground rent of $7B 7 C; b.. '64. 17. Debt, 81,739.75. Clay.] Taken in execntion and to be sold as the property of Th omas Matlack:, JOIIAT TH9hirSQN, Sheriff. . Pbile44 . 6l. l'biar - §4orr 6 0 2190,Andotiti 1301. iftia*,ST. TVE PREBO.7.P.PILADELPUTA, WEDNESDAY, ATIOUST arc 18.64:, • SALES U2PTED STATES, EASTERN DIE.- RICT OP PENNI , YLVANTA..—Scr. THE PRESIDENT of THE 'UNITED STATES TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENN BY LVANIA.—GREETING IiERBAS,' The District Court of the United 'States ,In and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United States of America, bath decreed all pentane in general who have , or pretend to have,any right. tills,. or interest in forty-three bales, seven Packages, and 'TM rty. five hundred•ponnile loose cotton, cargo of vestal. unknown, captured by the United States steamer. San- C tiago de üba, a vessel of war of the Untted-gtatee, under command of Capt. 0. 8. Caisson, audtronsht into this port by theschooner Reading Railroad, No. 49,t - to be moniabed, cited, and.called to ludgment,at the time and. place undorwritten, and to the effect hereafter expreseed, (juStice eo requiring. ). Yon are therefore charged And strictly enjoined' and commanded; that you omit note but that by publishing thee(' presents in at Oast two of the daily newspapers pHnted and published in the city . of Philadelphia, and in the Legal Intolligeneer;you do monist and cite. or cause to be monished and cited,,pe. remptorlly.rall persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right; title, or interest in the Said cotton, to appear before the Honorable JOHN CAD ;PALA DER, the Judge of the said Court.-at the District Court room, to the city of Philadelphia, on the twentieth day after publication efthese presents, if it. be a court day, or else on the nest court day following. between 'the tuna hours of hearing causes; then and there to show or allege, in due fornrorlaw, a reasonable and lawfui excuse, if any they. have, why the said cotton should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of--the cap ture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and, as goods of thetfenemies or an d liable nd • I subject to condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizes; and further to do and re 'calve in this behalf as to - justice shall appertain. Atka th at y o u anti, - intimate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persons aforesaid, generally (to whom by the tenet of these preeente it is also intimated), that if,they, shall not appear at the time and place above tmentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause • to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudication on the said capture, and may pronounce that the said cotton did belong, at the tame of .the.captitre of. the same, to the enemies- ! of the United States of 'America, and as goods - of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and condemnation to be adjudged and •condemaed lawful prize....thea . geence or rather contumacy of the per sons so cited an inated in nywise notwithstand ing, and that von duly certify to the said District Court what you shall do in the premises, together with these prevents. ..-•, Witness the Honorable JOHN OADWALADIR;Judge •of the sa,d. Court, at Philadelphia; this - twenty-seventh day of AUGUST, - A. D. 1F64, tuill in the eighty-ninth year of the independenee of.the:said United Kates. au3o-St O.- R. PoX, Clerk District pout. p ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE My AND, COURTy OF PHILADELPHIA &state or SIMON S. JONSS. deceased. The Auditor appofnted by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of B. AC RAIL JONES; Rreenter of the Estate of SIMON S. TOBIN, deceased. and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accortntant, will meet the parties Interested for the par looses of his appointment on THURSDAY, the B thof September IM, at 4 &clock P. 111 , at office. No. 266 South TRIED Street. in the city of Phfladel• phis. RD WARD TILBURY JONES, an.-mwf6l - Auditor. _ _ I.'STATE OP! JOHN SOLOMON, DE •a-a CEASED.—Letters of adminiet , ation on the estate of JOHN J. SOLOMON, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned. all persons indebted to laid estate axe requested to snake payment, and those haying claims thereon are requested to prestmt them. without delay, to JOHN Caßtfin,L, GERMAN'I'OWN /Yonne and BRIMS Street, Or to his Attorney, N . OSLEM„ Jet:„ anl7.w6t 128 South SIXTH Street. CABINET FITRNITITR.II ,itt.ND . 13W, WARD TABLES. MOORE do CAMPION, No. 261 SOUTH SECOND STREW In , connection with their extensive Cabinet bliebsaalk are now manufacturing a Imperior &Mole of .BILLIARD TABLES, tad have mow on hand a full em_pply, timishesi• with tke MOORE & CAMPION 'EI IMPROVED CUSHIONS Which are pronounced by all who have used them to 30 superior to al/ others. For the quality and finish of these Tables, the manufacturers refer to their numerom patron, throughout the union, who are familiar with the character of their wort. aril9-6m _ . 'MACHINERY AND IRON. • . • PICN N. BT-BOLN• • AND BOILER WORKS. :-..BEAPIE 8; avriCal. AND TEIIIOIII3TICAI, IiNGINBERB; LEA. CHINISTB,- BOILER-MAKERS; BLACKSMITH= POUNDERS, having for malty years been in one operation, land been exclnei vely engaged in butldingand repairing Marine and River Engines, high and lourpres sure, Iron Hollers, Water Tanks, Propellors, &c. Aa. respectfully offer their services to the public, as Daft fully prepared to contract for engines of all sizes. err rine, River, and Stationary ; having sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatsh. Every descrlion ofpattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low priosare. Pine, Tabular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Penn. sronand charcoal C i a ron ngs o rtnoall ofd a s l c rpeo and; Rods- Turtling, &mew. Cutting, and &Dottier work connected with the above business. Drawings and epecifications for all work done at the establishment free of charge, and , work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boats, wherethey can lie - In perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, • falls, As.. Ao., fol raining heavy or light Weights. JACOB 0.. NE, &FIX JOHN P. 'LEV Y, BEACH and PALMER Streets. J. VAUGHAN MBERICH. WILLIAM M. NBIIIIZOX. • /01111 a core. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STRUTIL PRILADISLPHIA. MERRICK 45: SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture nigh and Low Preature Steam Engine% fm land, river, andimarine service. - Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &c. Nat. AronE all kinds..elther iron or braes. frame Roofs - for Gas Works, Workshops. Rail• road Stations, &o. Retorts and One Machinery of the latest and most int proVed construction. Ever, description of Plantation Machindiy, such as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Opal Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, PumyingEngines, Se. Sole agents for N. Eillienit's Patent ringer -Boiling Ay pawns, Nssinyth's Patent Steam Hammer,.and Asyirt. wall & Wolsey's Patent Centrifugal Suitar-Dridunis Machine. aulEif MORGAN, ORR, & CO., STEAM EN. OMB BUILDERS Iron Founder& and Genera) Marlarditu and- Boiler Makers, No. 1219- CALLOW BILL Strap ?Made hitt MOM Mg r fiNOKBD AND 131103 D SAL. Just received. er ALBERT 0. ROBERT% Dealer In fine Groseriet. sall-tt Corner PILIMINTH and VINE eta. rm. ARCHER & REEVES, WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 45 North WATER Street, And • No. 46 North DELAWARE Avenue., Offer for sale, at the Lowest Market Prices, &Urge stock of SUGAR, moLAissias. TO B ACCO. And SPICES, TOBAC FE CO. And Groceries generally, carefully selected for thy, country trade. Sole Agents for the product* of FITHIAN & POGUE'S Extensive Fruit Canning Factory at.Bridgotent, N. J. apEgiim MACKEREL, HERRING, BRAD, AO. —2,500 bble, Mass. Nos. 1,2, and 2 'aught rat lett, la snorted packages. 2,w0 bbla. BOW Baetpmrt, Fortune Bay, and 141111ai Ir ratoros Lubec Sealed, attd No. 1 Eitorrior. Ito bble new Mess Shad: - MO boxes Herkimer county Chesse,AL In store'and for sale by MURPHY at KOONS Jal9-tf ...No, 146, N0RT.8..-WAAR „ LATOUR'S :OLIVE OIL. 40 0: :RAS keie fresh Latour's Olive. Oil. in lots to suit the ;purchaser, rentals by • RHODEd arWILLIAMS, au2IHS lO 7 &oath WATEfI., Street. rf ,13,011N0W BA.I7OIL—TE 18 CET, 1A brated saw* on balsam for eele MHODRS'et WILLIAMS. JAW South WATER Street. CIRBENOBLE •WALNIIT.S.-100 braes Oreenoble Walnuts, in prime order, for sale Euoo= dr •WII.LIhSfS t 107 South .WATES street. by an2o-tf CORN STARCH.-400 BOXES OS wego and Deryeit's Corn March: abio;soboxes Mat :ens. for Sae by • ERODES &WILLIAMS. • • • an2o-tf lO7 South WATER Street. LAWTON . _BLACKBERRIES-- HER. met Sealed, prepared this season, and re tidied diree4 from our factory. m Bridgeton. N. J. and foe aale by . • RHODE/3dr WILLIAMi v &W SW -107 Rona. WATER'Street. C _ _ _ O.AL. -SUGAR . LOAF,- BEAVBH OW, and Swing Motu:ltalia Labith Ooal,aar beak & i d ) Mountain, front • SebnYikAU Drenered exg .Drexel for Family no.. newt, N. W. tomer IMORTI and WLLOW Sts. 011ie, Meg. EIM South 81100MD111 apft-tf 7 . WALTOI t GM PIJBE LE OOLL. , •=1101178E; gEspEBS eanixtly on getting a pure article at the, 6. E. corner of FRONT and r OPLA Streets an27•lne" JOEIN gAMPTOIC EXPRESS . COMPANIES. . . ap i umita r TER ,__L1)1.31.8 EBBS 'CONFAB - Y. Olt. asst CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Pectoral, Re. ichandise, Bank Notes, and. Specie, either by . its lines or In connection with other Express ComPenber to all the principal Tomas and Cities. in the Unite; States. E.S. • SANDFORD, fe7/ • tlanual Snperintendeat NM. : • •.]DivIWIPS-.. • - • ob i ltAtlEoß:GANt. . • Sot only 17NEXCILLED. but UUQUALLIP inn 1 4 .1115: of Toni' tad. Ppwer. deafened -eavecladlyAr airollll.- and 6ctiools , but found to be dqua.llr, well &Melnik the Parlor and Drawint Room. For sale ou . b SEVENTH N. 1114 rro. 18 North SEVENTH' titrott. Alpo, a complete assioxiasmaa 0111\PS111401 Melo4loll. trourtuntly on hand. L • I . 1 - 1 -. - ataft-litt CHILDREIVB .CARRIAGEB..-• *ABEAM ai-801f. Manufacturers. 15 -500711' iltiaat...balow Naomi CHARLBS kIiDDLBTON, _ MOW 111111.0ELfiNT, 15140011 D AMD WILLOW 671116%, PLELADIL7III4. hasgligik a sii*MittOrNag 4-4 ;. LEGAL. UNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNST LVANIA. --Sem THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATE 3, Tn THB MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENN. BY LVANlA.—Onincrino • WHEREAS, The District Court of the Mittel States in and for the Relearn District of Penneylvana, riebele' and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United Stater, of America, hath deemed, all persona in goners) who have, or preien'd to hsve.anf rfeet. otie, or iuterest it twenty. two square bales, eleven Nand bales of ootton..and three round bales cotton pickings, Cargo of vessel neknown, raptured by the United btetes steamer Monticello, a veseel:of-war of the Lint tad Stetes , under command of Henry A. Phelon, -acting master in the navy of the United State., and brought Into this port per the transport-brig Samuel (1 Adams, to be monisbed, cited, and called to judgment, at the time endplates underwritten, and to the effect ,hereafter ez- Pressed Ainaticeeo requiring.) Fon are therefore charged and strictly enjoined and commanded, that yon emit not, of that by publiehing these Presents In at least two of the dilly newspapers printed and published in the City of Philadelphia, and in the Leg ea In taligencer, you do mouth .end cite, or cause to be monthled and cited, pereinntorilY all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right. tale. or Interest in the said twenty two square bales and eleven round bales of cotton, and three round baits of cotton picking/ to appear before the Hono rable JOHN CADWALA bER, the Judge of the said Court, at the Dietrict Court room, in the City of Phllit delp)tia, on the twentieth day after publication of these presents, if it be a court day, or else on the next court day following, between the usual hours of bearing Causes. then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law , a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they hays,why the said twenty-two square bales and eleven round hales of cotton, and 'three round bales of cotton Pickipt•S should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the (rapture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and as goods of their enemies or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation , to be adjudged and condemned as good. and lawful prizes; and-fur ther to do and receive in this behalf as to jnittiee :hail aPpertain: And that you duly intimate, oreanse to be indmated, unto all persons aforesaid. generally, (to whom by the tenor of these Presents it is else Intl mated,) that if they shall not appear at the time and piece above mentioned, or appear.and *ball not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Cburr doth intend and will proceed to fib:bridle& lion on the said rapture, and may pronounce Hip said twenty-two square bales and eleven r.'l"."'o cotton. and three round hales tuqott.. • _ long, at the time of the capture of • semuse,tritgo4tdhiedenbeee mieP of the United Mates ." America. and as goods of their enemies, or oth-erwiei,. liable and subject to-confle• „ c it lico ,.. t and . .:ddeinnation, to be adiadjael and con- RS lawful prise, the absence or rather oontu 'Macy of the persons so cited' and le ti Mated in anywise notwithstanding, and that you drily certify to the said District Court what you shall do in the Premium:, h re to. ne W e tn w sthe h H *P rabl n JOHN CADWALADER,Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this twenty-seventh day of AUGUST, A. D. 19)4, and in the eighty-ninth year of the independence of the said United States. au3o St • G. It. Fox. Cleric District Court. CABINET FURNITURE. GROCERIES. NEW NO. 1 XACMINEIEL, COAL. RAILROAD LINES. PENNSTLITANZA 11*. CENTRAL RAILROAD. E CO PHILADILYHUI TO E TRACK PITTERI7Re ;; MILE DOT. BL. THE SHORT ROUTE TO THE WINE Trains leave the Depot at ILliviirra and MAXIM Streets, as f011OWS: .Mall TrainlLlA A. N. last Line..... A. EL Through Express P. N. ParkeshurE Triln, No. 1. A. N. Parkesburg Train, No. 11, loin P. M. Harrisburg _ Accommodation' Trak Lao P. N. Lancaster Train at " 4.00 P. • Paoli Accommodation Train, (leaVtalt Wee; Philadelphia) ROO P. AL The Throngh Express Tref; runs daily—all the ether trains dally,except Sunday FOB PITTSBURG AND THE WEST, The Mail Train, Fast Lin's, and Through E: rase nest at Pittsburg with through trains on all t ins roads from that.point.. North to the Mime, the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, and South aid Southwest to all notate acceseible b Railroad. INDIANA BRANCH RAMEOAD. The Through Express connects at Blairsville Inter. section with a train bn this road for Blairsville, In diarist, ec. EBENSBURG AND CRESSON ERANOH RAILROAD. The Through Bursas Train connects at Cresson at 10. 46 A. M. with a train on this road for 'Ebensburg. A train also leaves Cresson BRANCH at 8.46 P. HOLLIDATSBUROBAIT ROAD. The Mail Train and Through Express connset at Al. tone with trains for Hollidayabarg / et 7. Si P. N. and M.. TYRONE AND CLEARYIELD BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through. Express Train connects at Tyrone with trains for Sandy Ridge, Phillipsburg , Port Matilda , alliesburs, and Bellefonte. EM7TiNODON AND BROAD.TOP RAILROAD, with Th e Through Rxpreas Train corniest& atLtputia., a train tor Hoy& arti,,,,E49 o dv e. 58 - 17 NOP.TBSEN OEN pEntAiiaLrau ADD PO! RAILROADS.ROR AILROADS. iIIIIII7/01tx ', WILLIAMSPORT, LOOK RAw , and All joints on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, and Rs writA, Roonearra, Burrat,o, AND NIAGARA' PALL& Passengers taking the Mail Train, at 7.26 A. EL and the Through Express , at 10 . 30 P. M.. daily (exeeps'BUn. da7B)._lo directly through without change of ears be tween Philadelphia and Williamsport For TORN, HANOVER, and GETTYSBURG, the Iran leaving at 7.26 A. M. and LSO P. M. connect at Colorable with trains on the Northern Central Railroad. CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD. The Mail Train and Through Express connect at Hsu , risburgith trains forCarlisle, Chambersburg, and Rs.: gersto WAYNESBURG BRANCH RAILROAD. The Oaf= leaving at 7.26 A. IL and 2,30 P. M. conned at Downington with trains on this road for WAY** burg and all intermediate stations. • , MANN'S BAGGAGE EXPRESS. An Agent of this reliable ftpress Corn through each train before reaching the depo • Sete up_checks and deliver baggage to anypert oft . • For farther information, apply at the Passein ga. • Don S. E. winter of .11, and MARKET JAMES GOWDRE, 'ilaksi Agent. • WESTPLEIT sraGßATunt. • - AX. Emigrant . Accommodation Train leaver No. isir boot street daily (Sundays excepted). at 4 o'alosk P.N. Par full'information apply to !WON 7IIIIIN, Mailuau , Ar . 10 6, DooK • PitHIGHTS. 117 this route Jireights of. all deseriptlons east be • Warded to and from any point on the Hallrmxis of 0 Xentneity. Indians. alinoliy-Wiseonstu. lowa. or .11 somi. by ratiroad direst, or to any-port on theinsylger tole, rivers of the West; by stesmeirs from Pittsburg. • for freight contracts or shipping Cradle's.. Andy U. L S.. , =IIFOSTOX. Jr.. PhiladePhis. SNOOK LIMB. Jaw general Superintendent, Altoona. Pa. 1864. NEW YORK 1864. TBI'OAMDEN AND A.NI3OY AND PIILLALIKLPILL AMD. TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S LIIPEe- FROM PHILADBIrm.... TO 1111 W YORK AND WAY PLACES. yy.ON WATIOTT-aTIIIIIST WEAR/ WILL. LEAVE AS ..VOLLOW&—TIN s mks Al I A. If., via Camden and Amboy. O. arid . A.4X. ' AU A. M. . via Camden and Jersey City..Mondani • • • II 00 At i a rl it. — vis Camden and 'inert MIT, 2S Ob4PB Ticket. " ... .......... At.l3 IL , lift Camden and 'Amboy. 0. and A. As. eonunodation.• • ...• . • .. • • • ..... • • At P. N.; via Camden and Amboy , O. and A. Ix press. . .. • . • ... . .......• • U At IP. M.; .... bamden andAsiboy, Aosommoda- • tion, (Freight and Fassengen......— I ft At 6P. M. via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenzor)—lerClAis Tisket... Do. - 3d ()lass d0... ..160 At 744 P. 24.. vis Camden and Amboy, Accommoa tion. (Freight and Passenser-lot Class Ticket... I 21 Do. do Id Class do. ..« 166 For Manch Chunk, Allentown. Bethlehem. Belvidere. Piston, Lambersruie, Flemington ; 3. at 8.80 P. D. For Lambertville, and intermediate stations. at I P. M For Mount HOU), Ewansville„ and Pemberton. at 6 A. M.. 1 and 6 P. M. F , or Freehold at 6n. M. and 2 P. U. For Palmyraverton, Debase, Beverly, Burling. ton, Florence, Bordentown. ,at6A. IL 12 M.. 1. 2.80, 6, and 6 P._M. Th. &SO and IP. M. 11+ run a rest through to Trenton. For Palmyrs, Riverton, Delano. Beverly, and Bur. Masten. at 7 P. .91: Steamboat Trenton, for Brbttol, Burlington, Beverly, Medal°, and Taceny, at 6.60 A. M. and 2.90 P. M. FROM KENBUTOTON DEPOT WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS; AS 4 A. M. (Night), via Kensington and NM York. ...Washington and New ,York Kail. U 11.14 24, via Kensington and Jersey City. /sprees. ............ OS At 4.91 P. K., via Kensington and Jerrie) , City. Al 6.46 P. M.. vta Kensington and jersey Qtr. Washington and New York Express.. • • • • 100 BundySuny es leave at 4A. K. and 6.46 P. M. • For Water Gap, Strondebturg, Scranton. Wllkesbarre. Montrose , Great Bend, Mauch Chunk, Allentown. Beth i 'ahem, Belvidere Saxton, Lambertville. Flemington. ate., at 7.16 A. IL This Ibm eon' cots with the train lea Batton for Manch Chunk atS. 30 F. M. For inbertville and Intermediate motions, at 6P. M. Tor ristol, Trenton, ay.. at 7.16 and 11 IA A. M.. sad P. NI, For Holineaburg, Tagony , Wissononting. Eiridestratir. and Fraaktord, at 9 .A. M., 6, 6. 46, and BP. If.. For New York and Way Lines leaving %easing tOn Depot, take the ears on Fifth street, above Walnut. kW am boar before departure. The ears run into the' Depot. Depot, and on the arrival of Gash train ran from the Fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed sash paeseil Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as - gage bet their wearing apparel. All baggage - over pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit the moons:Whey for baggage to One Dollar par pound. and wWiillll not be liable for any amount beyond 5100, aloe% br special contract. Grahtun 'a Baggage Uprose will sail for and deliver binage at the Depots. Order. to be left at Lio. 3 Wal nut street. W/LLIAM H. OATZALSR, Agent. Aug. 8, 1861. Lures FROM MEW FORK TOE rair4Dlr.rxrl. WILL TMATII PION THR FOOT OP 00PATLAND gram. At MIL t and 4 P. MI, NU AMP) (AIL _and Camden. t rz id 10 A. K., and 6P. AL. and 12 (Mak% via Jar . Ci ty and. Kensington. :a the foot of Barclay street at lA. M. and 1 P. vie - Amboy and Camden. i From Prir No. 1, North river, at 12 M. 4. and 8 P.M.. • (freight as•Prewegeger.) Amboy and Camden. lad -1( . H ILA D znopa NaLgoAD. wax. Alp -BALTI • • - T TA :On and after MONDA Y, BLE. , A. Trades leave Philadelphia for Ist, MU "4"" Baltimoreat 4,3), 4 ipreee, MondeYe 'zeolite& )& 06 A. M. 12 M. ISO and 10.30 P. M. . Chester at 8.06, 1116 A. M., 1.3 D. 2.30. 4..80, 6 and 11 Wilmington at 4.31, (Mondays exeeleted.) Los itis A. M., 1.30, 2.30, 4.80 6 10.30, and 11 New Cantle at 8.06 A. M. and 4.30 P. AL Dover at 3k.06 A 21. and 4.90 P. IL Milford at Et 06A. M. Salisbury at &CZ A. M. . • • TRAINS POE PRILAIDELPECLA LIFAVE Baltimore at 8:45, 9.40 A. M. (Express > ) LlO, 5. Maud 10.25 P. M. Wilmington at 1.49, 0.46. 9A. X.. 12.24, 1. 144.4. 4.58, 7 and 9.10 P. bf Salisbury at , 11.015 A. IL Milford at 2.46 P. M. • Dover at 6:80 A. N. and 4.16 F. H. Cheatere at 91A0 A. AMAad 8.27 P. W. -at 7.49, 9.40 . z. 40. 4.40. I. 7.50 and 9.40 P. IL Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and Intermediate eta tioneat 10: 26 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Dover and intermediate etationa at LlO P. M. TRIGES FOR BALTIMORE Leave Chester at 8. 40 A. lif., it 05 aid 11.06 P. N. Leave Wilmington at 6.85, 9.26 A. It., 8.40 and 1L 40 Freight on with Passenger inter mediate ttached will at Wilmington for Perryville and slaws, at 7.46 P.M FUNATB. Prom Philadelphia to B D altimore only at 4.30 A. N. and 10.30 P. M. Prom Philadelphia to Wilmington at 4.30 L N.. 10.10 and u P. N. Prom Wilmington to Philadelphia at 1.48 A: 1L Mid Only at 10.53. P. -N. from Baltimore to - Philadelphia. anl H. F. 1011f1Illf. anp't. Emitsumg NORTH PR1 4 114-- SYLVANIA BAILBOAD— or H HOYLBSTOWN.ItAUCH CH LIBTOI9, WILLIAMSPORT, rtazasiouts, 90. SDKAMB ABRADOBAIHNT. Passenger Trains leave the new Depot.YHTBD Street, ibove,Thompson street, daily (Sundays excepted), - as follows: • At 7 A. M. (Express) for Bethlehem. Allentown, Blanch Chunk > eton, Williamsport, Wilkes berm kg At 3.46 P. M. (Empress for Bethlehem, Keeton, kg. At 6./6 P. IL for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manias Chunk. For Doylestown at 9.16 A. If., 3P. M. and 4.15 P. Y. For Fort Washington at 10.15 A. M. and 11 P. 11. For Lansdale at 6 lb P. M. White oars of the Second and Third-streets Lins City Passenger run directly to the new Depot. TRAINS -FOB PHILADELPHIA. P.M. Leave Bethlehem at 6.30 A. M., 9.30 A. IL and 6.07 Leave Doylestown at 6.40 A. IL 9.45 P. If.. and 7P. U. Leave Lansdale at 6 A. N. Leave Fort Washington at IL 26 A. and 2P. X. ON SUNDAY& Philadethla for Bethlehem at 9 Philadelophla for Doylestown it 3 P. N. 3 Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. 13ethhthem for Philadelphia Va l li Jell 03LABIL Meat. 1864. °A2nut?ritN A MP - 1864. - - - - • SUMMILBARRANGFINENTTHROUGH IN TWO ftol7 ItB. FOUR ,TRAINS DAILY To ATLANTIC °WY On and after MONDAY. July 4th, Wallis will leave I-Street Rorry•ae follows: .........••••••• 7.80 A. 11. fight, with passenger ear 9D5 A.M. • T ees (through in two 100 P.M. A lantic P.M. Junction Accommodation ...v..... 6.31 P. N. RETURNING, leaves Atlantis: Atlantic COL. 11. Express••• 41•••••• • .7. 08 A. M. Fruit! ht Mau •• • • • • - .........tat“.11;50 M ... •4.48 P.M. Junction Accommodation 6. TA A. M. Fare to Atlantic, $2. Round-trip Tick ets. (good only for the day and train on which they are issued.) 113. EXTRA HADDONFIELD TRAINS • Leave Vine 10.16 A. 6f.. and 1 P. H. ' Leave Haddoniald at 11.46 A. .M. and 2.45 P. M. . ON SUNDAYS , Mall Train for Atlantic leaves Vine strict at 7.30 Leaves Atlantic at 4.48 P. M. is-SO-teal 750. G. BRYANT. Anlit. NB W . RAILROAD TARN ORTIE:=PHILADEI. - FRIA TO BROOKLYN—THROUGH IN. Ems HOTTER FARE TWO DOLLARS—RECURSION '.,T 'CRETE THREE 'DOLLARS-000D FOR THREE DAYS. On and after MONDAY, Animist 1, 1864, trains will leave foot of VINE Street, 11Fhiladelphia, ;EVERY HORNING, 9 o'clock, Sundays excepted, thence bY Camden and Atlantic and RariUn and Delaware Bay Railroads to. Port /donmotith, and by the commodious steamer Jeeselloyt, to foot of Atlantic street; Brooklyn. :Returning; leave Atlantic-street wharf every day. BM. d A y s , excepted.-at 11 A. AL — *imago kale city of Now . , York erg notified not to apply for passage bi this line, the' tele of billirler9o7 baying granted to the Camden and ng ArnboynlonolicAl the exclnelve privilege of ca .sseers freight between the Odell of MeSelphis and ow Tork W, F. ORIFFITTS, )7994f . • . General Superintendent. jamilips PHILA.DELPITUL AND ELMIRA li-R. LINE. 'WNW SPRING AND SUMMER ABRANGIL. 1864. For WILLIAMSPORT; SCRANTON. ELKLRA . SR." - PALO, NIAGARA FALLS,. CLEVELAND, TODO CH I CAGO, DETROIT, MILWAUKEE, CINCIN N AT I. BT. LOUIS, and , all points In the Weet_ead Northwest. 1 rampager Trains-leave Depot of. Philadelphia and. 'Reading Railroad; corner BROAD and' OLLLOWIIILL Streets, at &la 41: M. and &BO P.. M. , daily, except Sun ., days.. OUICXEST 'ROUTE from Philadelphia to points in .Br o rthern and Westeni Pennsylvania. Western New York, dm, dm. For further information apply at the °Mee. I.W. sotzteT SIXTEI and - CHESTNUT Streets. N. VAN HORN Ticket C. _Dili 8. HILLIS, Gene A a nt, i nairlii-if -TILTNENTH and OLLLO L Bta, :.. . all --- . _ ...„__,...-.- -• • BARITAN AID bILAW Dt7Telet'iNti°4l. 11arnegat, Red frank,-- On and after MONDAY_, An/net ILt Tralaa CLANIVISN, for Loaa - Bataca. 81 BA. M. .11.atasnlys. 1011•lesra Loar oh at 12.46 R. M. _TBSOLIOS TO,ITR. ROUST DIRSUT , A fret k Paaeanger ear atartfor taikcem on:the _main linaidally, how, n i ! DIR 13011 Ts. excepted), aea,3oA, titageceonseet at woodmandi and Nanoheeter for llarneistand Tom's Liver. 78tairecnrll.Lialso oonneot at -FA 4e-for Point Pleaaant, Winn Who, Llife and OnrHorts. Tavern. Tor farther laprtaation apply to ckenneam'a Avant. L. B. COLL, at Cooper's Eolnljhedan. wzd teisn GRIPSITTS, 164- • •-- RAILROAD LILIES. ••••••••,- RAtI,ROAD li COMME• 'C6iITHUIS 4 D 26 September let, .1864, from WelalW W - E S T JERSEY 'etreet.Wbalf. - . . • FOE CAPE MAY. ' At 10 AM. and 3P. N. For Balm and. Bridgeton, at 9A. M and 4P. N. • For Glataboro at Sand 10 A. M.. 3 and tr. M. For Woodbury, i&c.. 9 and 1216. 3. 4, and ek. P. m. tFor Olottceeter; sca.. At 9A: M , 3, 4, and 6 P. M. .-RETURNING.TEAINS LEAVE Ca pe-MO at Wilma 11.45 11: 'Millville at 8. 07 A.- M. 1.50-L.-61.• Salem at. 6 A. M. and 1. 13 P. M.. -Bridgeton at 6.15 , A.- M., and -1.30 P. 91, 'Glassboro at 7.10, 9.17 A. M., 2.23, and 3 P. M. Woodbury at 7. 740. and 9.47 A. M, 2.50 and 3.96 P. M. THE WEST JERSEY EXPRESS CO 51P-(Y, Office leo. H WALNUT Street, will call (or and de liver baggagE , and attend to - all the.usaal:branches of Exp,ss - business. A special messenger accomnaniee each train. • J. VAN RENSSELAER. anSO-11 Riperintendent. 1864. iaiiIIPMEAPMSIB64. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIK RAIL ROAD.-This grist line traierses We Northern ant Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the MY of iris, • • Lake Brio. . . t has been housed by the PFAIISTLVLEA RAH.- IIOAD COMPLITY, and under their Imolai ie bean rep opened threntitottt its entire length. li f t ' in use for-Passenger and Freight btusiness n and lSomB}lnarsriveb from's (216 vela), the u gni Division, Shedield to Eris ( 72mites), on the Western Mite OP PAisnomitt Mina AT IitILADUFZIA. Leara Westward. Nell J. 21 A. M. Impress .....11).30 P. M. Gam run throath without ohmage both on these trains between Philadelphia and f.rolk Haven, and bit heels Baltimore and Lock Haven. meg a biFAiViDli Clue on Express Trains both ways batnie ttimmeport cad Itialtimore, Wad ifflllialas. port and Philadelphia. For information respecting Passmunar bushes, apply t the S. E. corner ELsysliTH and, MARKET Streets. And for Freight tusimese of the Oomparis Avnta B. B. KINGSTON, Jr. , eorner eorner ?HIRT/41E7H Sid LallifET Streets, Philadelphia. J. W. REYNOLDS. Erie. J. IL DRILL, Agent N. 0. R. R h . Deltiniore. H. H. HertiSTOFl, Chimera! Pretoria Arent Phi ladelphia. LRWIS C. Etbrrpr. General Ticket Aslant Philadelphia. Josspii - b. Demirel Manager. Williamsport alpi*EN-WEell" OJEIESTBII ROAD vtA AND PHILADELPHIA RAIL. _ BU3O ER LERANOPOSENT7-(311.i.N0R OP DEPOT. On d after MOPDAP,IIaTPS, /M, the ., train° wil) leave Phila_dolphia r from Dept corner of THIBTT PIRSP and MARKET - Streets est Philadelphia). at I and 11.06 A: 2d., and at 7.30, 46, and 7 P. M. Leave Weed Cheater at 6.20. 7.46. and 11 A. and at I and F. H. On Bnpdays. leave Philadelphia at 8.30 A. M. and 1. P PAL Lome Welt Chester at BA. K and BP. DE The trains learlauPhllad lea at &OCIA.K andl.4l P.M. and West Cheater a"; in ee te et rm ivi edi th at tr o al po na in o tc a the P. and B A- C. r. tor 6 P O:ri m e - 24 " Z EBITRY WOOD aPI . Cleneral attPerintenlient INSURANCE. FAIIZStrit - AN 41- •Bb. 4.06 C :a .PRILAD eras AXD INLA • Francis N. •Briek, D Charles RiehartiseD s Henry Lewis, 0. W. Davis, P Justice George A. West FRANCIS N W. L BLAuro l iteltp. !IT? ANTHRAMTB IN S URANCE 0011- TARY. —Authorised Capital s4oooooo--43RARTU PERPETUAL. oiecti zio: in WALNUT stmt. betwe4a Third and lonrth streets. Plilladelobla. This Compare will Lamm against. Lose or Damage by rzeFl ' ' B Parnitare, and Merchandise gen*. , 011, , 1 o. Marine Insurance, *Weasels , Cargoes, and . •trelsbta. Inland Inenranoe to all. parts of the Drama. _, . ' DIBICTORS. William Relier, Davis Pearson. ' D. Luther, • • Peter &Igor, Lewis Andenried. . ,; J. M Baum, John )I.:Mlackiston. William F. Dean • ' Joseph Mazield, John Ketcham. WILLIAM MOTE% Presidia& WM. P. DEAN, Vice PresideaL W.M. Sigreu..Suretary. .. . - av3-tt .. 'TM ME UNOZ COMPANY OF IS ATE OF PENNSYLVANLL —OFFTOB Nos. *and EXCHANGE BUILDING% North aide of WALNUT phia. meet, between DOGE and THIRD Strata, Ph il adel- INCORPONATND IN 1294—OzO2RAN a, _NTRE PENPETIIAL. CA THE COPAITT, YEEN,IIART HAL VALI IN D? 62. MARINE. TIRE. AND. INLAND TRANSPOETITION INSURANCE. DIR,EOTO HeDry D. Sherrel4, Charles Macsleder. William S. Smith. William R. White, George H. Stuart, Samuel Ortmt, Jr.. Jelin B. HENRY D Wrirsiat HAPWRI.. Secret! DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. LECORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PIER SYLVANIA. 13PA. 071101 B. 3. CORDER THIRD ADD WALNUT WM. NS PHILADELPHI A. HARM lURANCE ON Vann& } 1 eAp.cio, To all pert of the WOlie. , MIGHT, HIfLAND INSUILAINCE 'Di - Goode by Silver Canal, Lake, wad Lama Oesttatte. to Aparte of the Unto& PI 1 INEKRULXO7/1 Oa Rerehandiae_ generallY.' Oa Stores. DwaIDOS Howes, A.. ASSETS OF THE oompAirr. Nor. I. int 11711M,000 United States Five percent. Loan.— 697,030 00 Y 6,000 United States 6 per cent, Loan, 6-kla. 76.031 Min United StatesE per cent, Loan 1801.. 77.000 oo 00,000 United States 7 340 Paraent. Treasn -177 Notes .....:..«.. 63,1 8 0 00 100,000 State of Pennsy lvania 0 Par sent Loan .. 100,17110 Loan state of ....... pe ••• • ••• •• oi.•••• IV mow Philadelphia ati¢.per se a t. 127,025 00 25,000 Mate of Tennesaeo 5 per cent. Loans. 11.000 80 10,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, Ist Mortgage 6 per cent. Ponds 22,80018 10,000 Pennsylvaer tent.nia Railroad, ad Diertaags 6 p Bor.& Now mom 800 Shares Stock Germantown Gas 00 Company, principal and interest gnarantled by the city of Phila delphia /0,000 CO 0.000 =Snares Stock Ponnsylvanla Rail road ConmanY, YAM 00 6.000 100 Shares Stock PaIIIt•TiVRAIS Railroad Company .e . i - i 1.40 00 sow united StateaaerthoatioGletii: 1:611 9) 113,700 Loans l:l on Rond'ami Mortars, amply 21,430 161,700 03 1791,750 PAY Cost, 67!8.787 12 Martell/alas . • 1744.200 10 Real ..... ....• . 36, M Bills receivable fo In surance, made.: lo7,9ff gt Balances &teat Agencies-premiums nit Ma rine Policies,, accrued interest. and other debts due the Company Ant ST Scrip and Stock of • sundry Immtn.a.;" . aa t t other Oompanies,3s_,Bo3, estimated vela,- LW 00 Oath on deposit with united States OesernmentAmbiest tot., don' O vs, CO() 00 Cash on &veldt, In 15.555 69 Cash In Drawer 930 00 ns,rw ERNOTO Tholuas U. Hand , D Robe ßS. rt Burton, John 0. Davis: . Samuel IL Stoke:. Edmund A. Solider, J. F. Pontston. Thorn hi li llz i Panlding. Henry Sloan, John Penrose , William G. Bonito*. Junes tudr. Edward Darlington, Henry Q. Dallett, Jr.. U. Jokes B 7o oko, James 0. Hand., Jacob Y. Jeans , William 0. Lndivig• June. B. McFarland, Joseph R. Sp.!, Dr. R. M. Huston. Joshua P: Eyre. ftonser Efellvaina, Goons G. Loliser. John B. Semple, Pittsburg: flharle HughA.B. Borger, Pittsharg. Vity. A. THOMAS o.President. JOHN 0. NAM, Vis• President.. " HEW LTLIIIIKS, SerreiSrY. . 1414 A MERIC N FIRE IffSITRA.NaII oomrant. Incomorated MD.. (MARTIN PM& PETUAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third. Philadelphia. Having a large skid-up Capital Stock and Surplus In vested in , sound and available Secimitle.e, continues kr insure en - Dwelling', Stores. 'Furniture, Merchandise. Vessels in port and • their Cargoes, and other Persona/ Property. AU looses ;liberally and promptly &diluted. IMERCTORS. Thomas R., Maris, James-R. Campbell. John Welsh, Edmond G. Drallh. Samuel 12 Morton . . Charles W. Poultney. Patrick tiradY, 9trael Morris. John T. Lewis, THOMAS .R. MARIS, President. Aram! O. L. CnAtevortn, Secretary. fert-lt 101/11.7/ P. If OLLEIBILVAD. W. t (RAW & lIOLLENSHEAD AND .GRAVX/3' nasusiams AGENCY. NO. 1111.111.WATINOT STRENTELP triti a i r fr ro t i li k i . lONOTON NERD INSuxiiiol 00a*. POEILLIf P. NOLLIIIIIMIA.D. - W. .1L GRAPIII. HOLLINSHEAD & GRAVES, INSITRANCH AG AnNO. NMI for th e WALNUT BTRIINTMLDILTELL tonia NORWICH VIRE larsmumai of Norw ORARTIEND 1203. RHINNNOES IN PHILADELPHIA (by authority), John GAre. ESQ. Measere.Tradlek,enni r Stokel aiGe now, Wharton it Co. Nesars.Ch as L & 00. Mourn. Cats & Altemna. I Measank.W.H.Larned & Oa, je27.ezn HPORMAN _gp_BlLEkusauAD b. & GR&V IL GLIM& MS, OLL M INSURANCE AGENCY, Mi. 21‘ VIALNITE Phllndolobia. sweats for the • immaiT CITY princlAslMAXoi 00. NIF-Szci OP ALBAXT.II. Y. RELIAN• ."5. 7. I • : • PA 'TOF razumr.ritu. koorPorat l ed it IBC_ Charter Paripatnal. OFFICE, No. wig weLIiCT STRIBT. Insure. against loss or damage by Paz Rouses. Stores, and other Buildings; limited or perpetual ; „,a on Farrah:ire Cloods Warms, and Merchandiro. me.prre_t sdoo t oob. ASSRTS 9.957.1911 Is. Invested pi the following Securities. vie: Pint Mortgage on CityPrbparty. well seertred 11106,9C0 00 United Mimi Goyerninent.lloana 119,000 00 Philadelphia City 6par sent. Loans 63,000 CO Commonwasith_of Pennsylvania 6 per sank. 33,000.000 Loan. ....« 17,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds. Int and as land Mortgage Loan_ —s.. 36.003 02 Cam r den and Arnboy. Railroad company's I pe cent. Loan ...... ... Padelphia and Rending Railroad Goa- 6, 000 03 _pally'e 6 per cent. Loan .6,030 CO Huntingdon and Broad 'Top BaAiroad - Ipar , sent.o.B ... .. 4.660 60 CommereLsl Rank of Poonrylva - nia — Stoak 10.= 00 Mechanics' Bank 5ku115—...... 4.003 00 County Fire InElllanns Company's SU) ek 1.060 00 Union Initial inrotrao. Company's Stook of Philadelphia.. i .. ..00 Loans on Collateral, ;n .... 2,650 00 learned Interest. .....---..... 6.982 00 Bluth in bank and 16.6#61 %RI Worth at totaa•at zuarket Islas , Clem Tingley, ICILROTORIL Robert Tolend. Wm. R. Thoraimon. WlWarr Etterezmon. • Robert ilmemel Steen Blep bere. Marsha-11 Ilemn L. Leon. • , MM, • William Mummer, .7. Jobeeon BroWa. gbarlee Leland, Thos. R. Moore. eal. W. Tuition OLIN MO 7nOliAs 0. HILL 4 EilleraarY• UT, lreddai. PHTLADELPILIA. Jermerf 4. MIL MS-14. FIRE ENBURA.NCE . lIICOLIII3I - V. TrAJWIER BINNSTIMAJah. nil Ili rate d Mi. CIFARTZ TI MWAt O. IMO 'W 121 Stmt. (*mita Inderinadea, ikgAr a. a tiorarmny. favorabl gr own to the eon for nearly fart ) eon to loam% it, j Es . or4pen o mpe by Mire . on P lia or Private Whet' Dannanently or fora tad Lime. Qs% iii,,t 'terms of Goode, co archandtse asneralli. Ora 'terms. ..knital, to with a lam Bna”lui 'and 11., fn the moot oa.soral menner,_ - relish scut, ft re offer to the ir rAnirod an undo - naiad mewl's* tha owe of lOast DatIOTORIL Jonathan Patterson. Daniel &mitt!. Ir. ; Alexander Benson. John Daverarur. Issas Harlehuret. noun+ Smith. Thomasßobins. itenlanda. WILLUX el W 1 .10/01M.P.a. nia 2111118011. loyeddoit.- 01107,X. BilierrA DRAIN Rirzi__DßAlN PMR. VITIMPCU. TABB.A • COSTA DRAIN sizes, freak, te, LS inch diameter. with. all -kinds of branches % nan&s, and traps, for Hale la DAY 2 inch bore yard .25a. • MC. • 4 14. 44 44 4 . 1 6 46 411 II 4 76e. 6 414 44 . 55 4. • TERRA COTTA CIIIIfNEY TOPE, :for cottages, Villse. or City Honses, - Patent Wind gaud Tops. for curing smoky chimneys, from 2 to Bfeet Fountain% tish- OPeRNAM t aIEN%AL GARDEN VARIES. des a Mar Brackets, and Bente' Vsesend Statuary blo Basta; PHILADELPHIA TURA COTTA WORKS. / 0 / 0 GREFaTNI/T Etreet. 14,4 ; 141441491. ►11::1301111EPAITY, NOT _MEET. LPHLn. - D INSTRANOM. 88. John W. Evennia.; Robert B. Potter. B. D. Woodratr, - Charles Stokes, Jose& D. Sills. BllCH,Preeldeat. • LIIDSON, Vice Praddiont u 7. .tai u Tobias Wagner, Thomas B. Watteon. Henry G. Freeman. Charles 8. Lewis, George C. Carson. Edward 0. Knight. dust's. . 811EBBERD. President. ry. noll3-tf ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICB, Cremermarrr Obi., Angnet23, 113154_ PROPOSALS are invited by the undered until TUISDaY, September 6;.1804,, at 2 o'cloc k. X., for furnishing Ws Departmentlby contract) with - - Boars__ BOOTROIit Samples of which may be seen at the OniCa of- Cloth big and Equipage in this city. To be d el ivered free of charge at the U. S. ruspection Warehouse. In th is city by good, new packages, with the name of the party ftirnisbing,„ the kind and quan— tity of goods distinctly marked on each article and Package. Parties offering goods mast dbatinstly state in their bids the quantity they propose to furnish, the price, and time of delivery. Samples, when submitted, must be marked and num bered to correspond with the-proposal, and the parties thereto must guarantee that the goods shall he, in every respect, equal to srmy• standard, otherwise the proposal will .not be considered, A guarantee, signed by two responsible persons, must accompany each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder will supply the articles awarded to him under his pro- Bide Will be opened on Tuesday, Septensberi6,lB64, at two o'clock P. M., at this , offthei. and bidder are re quested to be present. - Awards will be made on - Wedneeday. September 7. Bonda will be required that-the contracts will be faithfully fulfilled. Telegrams relating to Proposals will not be noticed. Blank forms of Proposals, Contracts, and Bonds may be obtained at this office. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is reserved. By order of Col. Thomas Swords • Q. N. G. an26-ts 3 C. W. MOI7LTON, Captain and A. Q. N. 1111.00,40 0 SPRING DEBILITY I LANGORII, LARNITORE. ANDAMAN - LOW STAT E OP TEEN granter "ndiar to the SPRING • OP. TRAIt, au imunett• ately relieved. by the • PEI4.I7I,IhII^SYROP, Or Protected Solution of.P.BOTOXIDE lISOL THE PERUVIAN& SYRUP Supplies the blood with ita.vitaiusinciple. or • LLMRLINIIRRTZ. IRON Infusing Snurmyni. VIGOR, andNem Lira Into MI parte of the system. One of the most distiminished...Torista in Slew Ingland writes to a Mend as follows; " I have tried the PRltti >F fIrIIIIP, and the result fully sustains your prediction. It has made a wwW MIX of me; infused into vigor and energrt am no longer tremulous andrdebilitated. as when rat last sew me. but strop " heartier , and with huger espeeity for labor, marital. sald. phystaai. tiuutlit.niee time during the last Ave yeare. ' ' An eminent Divine of 80/tonnage: PEEN - TU " MUM" I h been.uningthe N WOMB* time pactav e ; it gives inerrnm•vroott. sTOYAltar of 011111111 ItAIITIOITY 01 11111/301.11L Pamphlet' free. J. P. DlSkioj,k 491-131t048WAy. NEW YOU • • • COVGHS I COLAS I. CONSUMPTION ! Wister's Bsibiesta.of Wild Cherry. - Owe o 7 nut OLDroLF AFX.ltioar RitiaißLz HLWXOrIS rlt TH Womm Poe 0004h13 Colds, WiliOoplozeingh, Bionchitilf,Dll2.ollF, Of Drehthing,:tnthms„ Hoarseness, Sore Threat, Crony; mut. &very 'Affection of ' THE TELIZOAT, LUNGS, AND 0/12EST.. Wietar'el3a_liarn.ol,WileLeierts, doe* not Dry amp up h and taroArne..emmis.o,A Oseteamption the age tem, bra. ut booe,enaf4 and titaness the Lunge Qr al/ be. None restahis unless dowel "I. RIME " on the wrapper. REDDING'S- RUSSIA SALVEir A Meal Me. Lia Extraetox. PORTY TRAILS' EXPIRLIMICII _;* Has fully estab li shed:the easeriorlty of this Silva ova all Other healing remedies. It redness the moat Bal i O shoos as If by. eals moo Rogne„ Wusms. Bram!. &Aram, am. short-ilme. Osag '26 Ma. a Boss. Tile above Mit °Maud wen- tiskibitahast Remedial'. For hale by J. P. DIREMORII. &OA BROADWAT. ITICW IL.W. POWLIE-a,00., TRIMONT St., ROM* and , by all Braced& EFFBRVEB 0311:24? mama. Alquirram is TR. BEST BAWDY BROWN POE. ALL 1; BILIPUB COMPLAINTS.SICKBBADACHE,943OI BEM% IBDIGIISTIOV, 11BAIIT BURL. WIT% f ,, TOBACIIEGth.-211C1131438. Age., Dr. JAMBS.B.. CW.I.TON, the Great Chemist. milli " I knoir-its.soropoetthet, mid have no doetht Ift pov in e ragat beneeolalin thee, cora.plainte fee. whleth It Is Dr. mums& BO ED LIM I ittrovat7. sommemilt• to.tha.note of Llea nubile " mw , Alt,Dlll. LUDLOWnye: " / rem with-eon- Idatoa resommand it. Ds, GEORGE T. DEXTER saps: "la Put t a.64 D ijit _ trni a k ta k ivrt,lue.. art., , naa proved a vale= remelt% ' indeed Igor other tosti3zoikilas eft pamplelegoerith emir bottle. ---- . Bealuraetqxed. orar bi ter, TAIIINA,By aM. 278 G 013 eltrost, New York. rNA SAL' BYAL BIJOGBTB. Ewa t 0.0.31 iE tagOT In 01. T-Y.- M 0 WEAN ISLO :Link WITI7r MALTA f--Tea. DAMTHONSW.4 • A.LLXII. Medical Ilectrlileneotavituy r removed thole 12 .2 1kep from North - Tenth - Owl to , No. 164 . NOrtith . all esra BATH Street. below Itards.wW. still treat mate" ble disease% 'whethserdorite or C h ron ia , 'NZ eborAr ,or MY 1 1 1001mthlanos, by the use of ll TURICNrin its modilicatigme and HomrsoPathie - eines. Consumption. int 664 64,1 Wilen" and Clata nl- - Psuat ly rand stag - heral Debility. r-sides. Disease. of the Lbw or Fie as Kidneys Fever arid Await Diabetes. Cotigestiort. Prolapses Uteri ("11.1.11 c Asthma. the Womb). Dyne WA. Re morrholils. co pilo t . Rheumatism. Spinal Disease. Bronchitis. Deafness Testimonials at idi t tilee, DK North ELeaneth drat. Oilloe borirs.liA._ to 6P. M. DAB. TROLMedi OMALLII. . eetriciana. 154 North wrR treet. _ TA:ThWt'S ARNICA 01,1 1 OR RNIBRO: CATION never fails to own Ittionmattrm, litextraleu SprOdAtifilrosted Reet , Olwand.s. and eillikiii DU; sato& rttte SRL L _____Lnd who and retail H. Lop. Draitisk Timm gm, ALLO. mkgl-.91i --- _ --___ PIIREMILOGICAL, BICAMINA . mon. witWileukriptiou s of cheirexter_Lkii,il HAY &b G 1 ji G. J. L . TrAPJurt .7.1111100111.1* isa Suatk- 'OSALS. OFFICE DEPOT COMMISSARY OF BOBSIBFSNCE, WAiuriNtrrog,_ D.:C.. Angnst TX 1864. GOVERNMENT Rel.& EMPTY BARRBLS t EMPTY BARRELS 1 ! sold at public auction. at SIXTH-STREET WV d. M . Washington. D. C. on the FIFTH DAY OF SE MORE, 1864. at 11 o'clock ~ AM following emp Barrels, more or low • MOD Pork Bartels. %4212 Flour 894 Coff-e 288 ldniasses 135 Whisky " 632 Promisou'ons Barrels. 43 Ham Tierces. 866 Vinegar Kees. Also, a large lot of Staves and Heading. Terms sash, in Government Panda. All Warelwass to be removed within ten des s after sale. S. C. GREENE, Captain and C. S. V._ PROP AR;Y CLOTHING AND :EQUIPAGE D.FFlrlii. C/NCINNATT, 0., August 29, Mt PROPOSALS ARE INVITED by the undersigned until FRIDAY. September I), 1861, ata o'elock.P. M., for fur nishing this Department (by contract) with KNAPSACKS, HAVERSACKS. Samples of which may be seen at the office of Clothing and Equipage in this city. To be delivered free of charge, at the 11. S. Inspection Warehouse In this City, in good new packages. with the name of the party furnishing. the kind and quantity of 1100114 distinctly marked on each article and package Parties offering goods must distinctly state in their bide the quantity they propose to furnish; the prioe.suni time of delivery. Samples , when submitted must be marked and num bered to correspond with the propAsal, and Ors parties Murat° must guarantee that the goods shall be,iu every respect, equal to Army Standard, otherwise the propo sal will not be considered. A guarantee, signed by two responsible ptirsons, must accompany each bid. guaranteeing - that the bidder will supply the articles awarded' to him ander hie proposal. Bide will be opened on Friday, September 9, 1884. at 2 o'clock P. M at this °lace, and bidders are requested to be present. • Awards will be made . on Sa turday,Ssptember 10.1564. Bonds will be required that thereon t met will be faith fully fulfilled. ' • - - TetegrralnB retail:3( to proposals willnot be noticed. Blahs, forme of proposals, contraots, - and bmds may be obtained at this ti Mee The right to reject any bid deemed unreelorreble le . reserved. • . By cider of Col. THOMAS 6woeesA ,Q M. G. C. 'W. Itourrort,_ Captabeend'A. Q. M . P ROPOSALS FOR COAL: • 7 . - - OFFICE OF NAVY:4MM_ • t• • . PHILADELPHIA. .11.04111t115 SEALED REOPDSALa will be•reeeivedAt.tbla °Moe rtatil WEDISISDRY, SEPTEMBER 7th at- 12-o'clock M., for the following sizes and kinds of COALfor Ord- Bailee . purposea, in the fiscal year eridlna-June Eoth, IBM hiForgh sm elting, one hundred and fifty tone of/Le- Ccl. . . • For gunner's loft. ten (10) tons of Lehiab Coal • • For blaekinnttiitag, one hundred and My (150) tons of Bituminous Coal. MtZt= The above Coal to be of the beet quitlttirrand subject to ineneetton before acceptance. to be defiverediree of expellee to . tbe Government, and all to ba-dellererixt the flint of November, 1664 .• • : auZi-amw9t, pROPOSALS IPOIVIATILBER • _ PginAritt.Para, August 16 61. SEALED PROPOSALS will be recei Street , the Mite of the underaigned, No. 1103 OIRA RD until noon of THURSDAY. September 1; 1934, for thi immediate delivery at Cadwelader Barracks of 6,lo6feet third common White Pine BOARDS, I inch. 13C0 pieces Rowlock SCAJITLINti,3 by 4 inches, 12 feet long. '6 kegs Rd. NAILS. All 01 good Quality, and to be approved, after deli very, 'by an inspector appointed for that purpose. Nd -proposals will 'be received - but those which are properly filled In on the Hanks furnished at this office, which must be guaranteed by one or more persons known' at this office to be responsible. The United States reserves the right to reject all bids deemed too high, as also arty from defaulting con tractors. A By order of Colonel A. J. Perry, Quartermaster's De partment D. S. A. ALBERT S. ASHMEAD, an2ll•St Captain and' Assistant Quartermaster. OFFICE COMMISSARY OF SUBSIST ENCE, No. 8213 . WiLLNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. 4uwasn't US/t. SEALED PROPOSALS. in dnplicsta will be rscelved at this office until 12 o'clock M., th eHURSDAY, SeP tember 1. 1869, for supplying for nee of the'Unlted Stater Army, delivered In Philadelphia, 4,000 b irrels EXTRA SUPERFINE or KXTRA FAMI LY FLOUR, (which to he stated.) to hsve been ground within twenty days of date of advertise ment, from the best winter whkat, In well-coopered and head-lined barrels. Name of brand and place of manufscture to be stated in the bid- To be de livered within ten days, at any point in this city, to be designated by this office. but s in boxes must he delivered wi sampleopo sals. but not inclosed with them, each obe marked with bidder's name, number of barrels, brand, Ac. A printed copy of this advertisement must be attached to each proposal; and propAtals must be specific in com plying with its terms. Each proposal must have the written guarantee of two responsible persons for the ful filment of the agreement, who will give bonds if re quired. Blank forms for proposals. containing the form of guarantee. may be bad on application at Oils office. Payment will be made in such fonds as may be fur nished by the United Statt3a for the purpose. Proposals to be endorsed 'Proposals for Flour," and directed' to .ISAAC B. WIGGI el, an2745t Captain and C. S. Vols. 13ROP'OBALB FOR HATS, CAPS, -a- SHORti, DRY GOODS 13SWIfiG kLITERIALSoke. lIRADQUI.RIIIO.9 DP.PASTIONIT OP WASNINGTOP, • . OpYAM op Carer QUARTEastdriTalt. • - ' • • gIitOTON, Animist this Mi. WRITTEN PROPOSA LSiII be received at office until further notice, for furnishing the following arti cles for use of contraband men, women, and children in this Depar meat: Brogans (tweet, dm.), and other serviceable Boots and Shoes for men, women. and children's wear. Chip, felt, and woolen Hats, and cloth Caps. Hersey, Linsey, Ginghams, Calicoes, Blankets, and other woolen and cotton iaoodds. Hickory Stripe (for shi ns ), Bedtioking. unbleached Karlin, woolen Socks and Burlaps. Spool Cotton, black and. white ; linen Thread. Bone suspender Button. large BritkPas for coats. White porcelain Button, Yarn, Needles, and other sewing materials and trimmings /temples should be sent with each bid, at the expense of the party forwarding-the earn e. An oath of allegiance should accompany each bid; No verbal proposition will be entertained, but every bid, or modinmllon of the same, must be in writing. Plirebasee will be made, from' time to time, as-the goods are needed, under contract or otherwise, as the terests of the service may require. Good security will be:required for the faithfuifnliil ment of any contract madeunder this advertisement. Proposals should be sealed and addressed to the un dersigned, and endorsed " Proposals for furnielilEng Dry Goode, " ELIAS M. GRUBS, Lieutenant Colonel and Chief Quartermaster Depart ment of Washington ... au26-lur! MEDICAL. • • 0.1145-8. CHAMBSES, Bays Agent alik STEAM WEEKLY TO a VXRPOOL, touching at CIONSNSTOWII. Workllarbor.) - The well-known Steamen of the Li verpool. New Tort.and Philadelphia fiteamacds. Cow. rainy are intended to sail as foilows: hTNA EDINBURGH ....-.....SATITHDAT. sopt. .0 . ...... - .SATIIILDAT, Sept 10. ,(wry' 011 P WASHINGTON..-.:z:. HATMitra . Sept, 1.7. and every enceeedint Saturday at Sloop. from Pier A. Xorth Niver. RAMIS OF PASSAGI: tra.yable in Gold. or its equivalent in Carrenery. MIST CABIN 9180 00 STIGIBAGE .«.—....1190 09 .do to L0nd0n«..... 85 G 1 do to Londoa.. 94 10 do to Paris ..--. 96 CO do to Ivry ..,, 90 (B do to Hamburg .. 90 00 do to Hamburg 371 1 0 Passengers also forward to Hems, Bremen. Rot' terdara, Antwerp, ate., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: tat Labia. VS, 196. am Steerage from Liverpool and Qcseen,..tmrs. SW. Thom who wish to send for their Mends can der tickets here at these rates. For further Information 'split's at the Commis'''. Orem. JOHN 6. ALE, mt. je2l-tf . 111 WAL.InTr Strass. IpMs. ignick BOSTON AND PHI& feVIAMIIIP frost vale port on EATURDATIL from And yr a m bea IIIIA treat. Philadelphia. aAd Long Wharf. Dodos. ,The' steamship 11101t2Liff. Captain Baker, will all hos . Philadelphia for Beaton on Rataxcias, :left Id , a* 10 A. 3L, and aieainehlt, SA.BOIL Capt. Llanhens, nom Doston for Philadelphia on maze daY, PL.. -These new and substantial stsanaalusiqpraa. Maki! ibis, Wlla [ from auk port unnirbaally i s Eistardeee Imeareaese airmotai/ at ons-half Qs primula/a saa:,:fai Ott tbs vereeles. MbP457l arena requested to send Me Zoo:lnia d• of with. titer goods. applY For "MUM 07 fluimars rhavins lino mectuiwisitolla to MARY W1318113,A mtqlttt • ." MIA South DIZAWASIt Awls& • i s• rok ALBANYRAILVDTE,C.Y :gme i m,:.-The b..... a Pfd EN A v i te l l T h e fI A 1, 1) . r.,, g , , ii g ft., „zwiiirreartwrthttikrsithotzhAribet.lpozaAnmensstv: • - freight. mbleli will be tke pp. leteasse, D. L.41-4/oLirrdgen. 304 goal; Dna 433 Avezbae. li adr igi : PROM NW,YotOr k . FOR NX.W HAVE R , HA"ii,TSD. SPRING* 'YIELD and BOSTON —The stoamela: MW„ELNANTetb !and ELM 017 Y leave Peek BUD; daily • 3.16. P. M. and 111 al night... • j 929 1- 0RT.41.11T TO. DIULBIIB I—„AT.ND CORAMICTOREI—Parme ShiPirerie 12 1 Others indereabod in tine presiding and : pertation.• Ray and SW.or, will do 'mil before, tanking their at , • eapg° 9 l6/411 l er the 6 6 2 . 2. 41, to exernbie the •. Beata PreSS, Ettatt la o ratl. on the earner of SECOJID Street and RA IK.eptte.- ;TEle balk% oomprewed direct, rad ten tone can be readtlypahlat ordlnury box pew, amino Ilitsatti eft* The buss ever irserred by theaoad In transporting It average 441). ponadnLand , aro only 2 (nag by HO by 4 feet an K t ? We.ara pee pared to lure °l "' • a zid thnine _Si Mt *SOWS 1011 einPorir , rams to. product ray tE rraes.; For farther part; etatint aAldm e ML TALCUM Eine/intendant Pennultlutin Comiull• Carer./ Rotel, Phlladetnhin. arS-113!_ puns PAIA,Q 4. scs&p.--Tina so — if *Made of more, fresh W m . 01.1 sad is entire'', f. V)le Soap; saorksnitaige for Toilet nee than tbm from M a tale /116, boxes of one down colas. to- per box. Manutset und GEO. If E,m , roN & SOIL rt. lie / 101 Gealaaraset. between ?Tons sad eiond. shave o ea Js* Loonzio. t/AS 8.. FARCE t SOK, (` • scio cßazzatrr &rum., plink.. 1 11a741 Snow h. stimaysary Ana assortment of 1 4.9.0 - EING GLASSES. °Wary ' elkaraster, of the neIiVSEST YAMIIFACTURE : A.AD LATEST STYWI II _ ; OIL PADraNGR, VNGRANTAVIS, zero Plertrßs AID 'PROTOORAP,I FROM fr DENNORITP: .. . t • .13104 Gibettre Vitt delightful Drewatlen _ rOir mu 'rum( A. GEXEL , 41 auifltharmaeadefi by the no* eminent ri:A It Is the melt of a - thorough ochre! of selerdthl o3 % /*teats. Min ex m:c telailag, Uough g 7e,11/17e,11/lof USULT ....‘ . -. 4. rip!. To vinat extent In 6 , 11 - 1 :1 Lod entlyeki ..- w -- 1111 , 4 =LI PRIVILWY-4) k TEETH, t 1 71170315 WRAX RICER Sig MT: liVillruLta• CLEAR B i gTH SWO... C A 844 . aintaarg. Prioll ... ' ad 11,44:1.90 ' iper Vale by . i c ~ .. . ...• ft, , pidladebbia, mirOBS rigr) -: !TIMM MATCHES B— jail`Bak:oat:Am gm:. ter ebi a: g un° a t. • • }WWI% #.4a p m l a in Noma TWO AUCTION SALE • • TogN myElif3 & CO., AU •, er base. Nos. 5332 and 5334 MARKEY a; 4. 4 . " LAUDS PIRBIETTORY GEEPJAN, AND DRY o,,,' s t.fe k We will bold a large sale of foreign mud d.,,e goods. by catalogue, on a credit of four in,,Zut,. part for crab, ON TrirntsDAY woßrrrivo ne,474, September I. embracing abotit 550 na e of i cUet. erame and fancy articles in woolens. wore4,4tils, silks. and cottons, to which we invite the eltgtei c deg./ere. N. B . _Belgrjee of the same will be a rran44 f -.^4 m• atiOn 'with catalogues. early on the toreie2'..N In e,whe'n . dealers will find it to their Inter.. to LARGE SALE OF FOREIGN AND Do24 Eq ,„ 000D13. n 2t Included in our sale of foreign and d omestic drv e g ON TlightlODAT. " `De sept. - 1. Will be found the following deslreb4 ar —bales heavy brown sleeting, bales superior bleached muslin. bales heavy brown drills. . —bales all-wool flannels. cases plaid Mane ester gingham& cases Indigo-blue checks. cases tickings and denims cases brown and bleached Canton Bann e e,, cases heavy corset jean,. cases Oneida and gold- mixed cassimere s. Cases plain turd printed satinets. cases all- wool tweeds. cases super Ron tuck* jeans, henry emroy blankets. TAILORINo GOODS—TO CLOTRIEtts —pieces heavy Esquimau.: beavers. pieces Moscow and President do. pieces seal skins and pilots. pieces Whitney 'S and chinchilla beavers. —pieces Astrakaus and Devonshire kerse y , piece:fancy caseimeres and mallons. —pieces Belgian broad cloths. pieces cap and cloak clothe, repellant., ,e c , —pieces Italian cloths. vestiges, tabby ceh r „, i , SHAWLS, DRESS GOODS, AND LINER rsf.lo. kr BIS Saxony plaid all-wool long shawls. M. 50 ell-wool zephyr do. 92 pieces all‘wool French printed detainee. 40 Pieces all-wool doubt efold joist n do. -Also, Canton cloths, mohair's. alpacas t:e. Also. an invoice of softsh zhirting ti ee cambric handkerchiefs, &c. Alec, allk ties. sewing and s h o o 4 2 0 ,.., gad drawers, balmoral and e skid& shirts, ready-made clothing, Sox "ROBIRRY, LrNsir castaarc Riauntsncazis. AND' LINRICS. 'lncluded in our f ale of TRllanDilr, Sent.,;,* , ' e 7,000 cozen men a, ladles', cod talseee' cotoa c ":" , ard glover , . of arcelehrated make. 44 .Also, 3,000 down 4.8, 36. and % linen camh ', l _, kerchiefs; oleo„ 3I hemmed and % heinninellfZ i l' i Cizeblin bandt erehitte. - Alen, B:6o'pleces white filleting linene. • rosrnvE SALE OF CARPETING 2. -OR FRIDAY MORNIIVii, Seliterobir 2, precisely 11 o'clock- will I•v41, catalogue, on four months' credit., an &wor," patine anti file ingrain, venetian, h.inti. cutz, 4 - rag carpettinge. which mat be examined earls 4',!‘ • 1 4 morning of sale. LABOR POE /TYPE SALE OP 1.100 PACEsligr. .s , ocrrs. SHOES 9, B 4 ROOdliiii, ARMY GOODS. Tit; • ON TUESDAY MORNING, September - 6tb, at 10 o'clock, will be sold hy leave, without reserve, on roar months' credit, i.loo packages boots, shoos, brogans iAumldm . soes . re;:: ; Eahstern Imlyfgoodrs.rmbrlicng g udett :assortment or .derr:rable articles formes. we,tee -' :ehtldren. B.—Samples, witheatalognee, early cm mornin t sale. • FURNESS, BRINLEY 00., NO. 614 (THESTMIT sod 612 JAYN etr . FIRST FALL SALM OF DRY GOODS ON TUBS Sept. 6th, atr 10 o'clock, on 4 DAY m . mthe multi. mg. pricing . Britt, ,b German. Saxony, French, aad k g ,. ri can fancy and st,Piegoods• N. B.— S an t be arranged for examinaroi with catalogues early on morning of sale. plamploßD AucTioXzz is P O POSTPONEMENT SALE. coneequence of a death in the family, our sal,' Thursday will be postponed tintb.l FRIDAY. the September-. TROV(AB & BONS, • No& Vin,itad 14-1 Bonth IPOVRTH ?ALL' ear STOCKS AND RHe L Esrert CAILD.a.Our •Irst Fall Elalo. (6 h fkiptaraLer.) compriocoverr•dosariptton of Real kattate and Ix dam Bank awl Otbor Stoats. Bandbilhi part rand, . - . EXTRA LARGE: SALE OF STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. TUESDAY, erg SEPTEMBER. CARD.—Oar drat Fall vale, Tuesday nen, at the £c. change, will comprise a very large 'meant Of VA:cote bank and other stocks, and loans, by order at trators and executory, and first clays real e%tate, hp or. der of Orphan' Co urt, executory and othe.. Full descriptions now ready in handbill.. catalogues on Saturday. IMPORTANT PENEMPTORY SALE 01, SCEITYLEILL CiNW' 00A.L LANDS. CARD. —We will sell,at onrsecond Fail sale :Ma tember) large and very valuable 'tact kn own "Red Mountain. or Jacob Gandle Tract," 213,, In acres, on the Swig:ars. extension of the Afitehtil 333 Ecbnyllrill HANOI) Railroad. in Pinegrove eat townships. Schuylkill tab:atty. Printed copies 3' (34 report of W. F. Rober B,lbsta-,_ rainloc eng - thalr. wri:; -mat% and full descriptiona. in handbills. may t • the suction store , atial,e,„.3. Sale No. 467 Marshall street. SUPERIOR BOSEWoop NAN°, p at MIRROR, BRUsSELS CASPETS, &c. THIS MORNING. • Annuli SI, at 10' o'clock, at No. 467 Marshall rtrr,t, below- Buttonwood, the superior wafer., diair , u and chamber furniture, rosewood piano tone. IL. - French plate pier mirror. fine Brussels e d in, glaltsware, fine feather kids, Mc. Ar°, the kitchen furniture. May be examinee at eight o'clock on the monist al the sae. Palo at Noe. 139 and 141 South Fourth htrf . .t SUPERIOR FURNITURE, HANDSOME hi AN TM. typ PIER MIRRORS, ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTE, VELVET CARPETS, e. ON THURS & DAY MORNING, At 9 o'clock, at the auction store, an assort/mot ofed perior furniture, handsome suit of rosewood dra wits. room furniture, tine-toned rosewood piano forte. tett by Orohemn; handsome mat tel and pier mirrors; tat velvet, Brussels, and ingrain carpets, kc. - Also, superior sewing machine, made by Stoat. Also, fine double gun. Also, superior sewing machine. SILVkli. PLATE. Also, a quantity of fine silver plate, including tie ea% spoons, forks, ladle, Ike. .6dministrator's'eale No. 510 POWELL Street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS, &a. ON MONDAY MORNING. Eteptenber sth, at 10 o'clock. at No. 510 Posatall strut, between Spruce and l'hie ' , Create, west of Fifth stre?t, by ordsr of bedding, household forattue. 'china and glassware, carpets, &c. d!ac. Quantity oftne alumnus. May be examined at 3 .on the morning bf the sale. - 11)PY HENRY P. WOLBERT, Aucnorramt, alio. SO% MAIM Street. South Stdcaboye Soieti eL Sales of Dry Goods, Trimmlnge, l Notlons. , may MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, sad F RIDAY Mornlss. ime• monolog at 10 o'clock. • DRY GOOD S __,_ SKIRTS, rroasaY. FIDSFS BURGS, AMINO SFIIRTS AND DRAWERS, PNNIVIRS, BOORS. O R. Angara 91st , comme THl nc S in H g at AM 10 o C 'clock. will be scii Irma the shelves, a desirable assortment of goods. AITCOAST & WARNOCK, KN. TIONEKB23, *lO . 11ARICIa" Street LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF AMERICAN AND 'PORTED DRY GOODS. GOODS. HOOP SKIRTS, HOSIERY GOODS, lte., Ac., by CatsWm, THIS MORNING. Armust SI. 1864, commencing at .10 o'clock precly, comnrising abont MO lota .seasonable and . desire.als goods, to which the attention of buyers is invited. FRENCH PL A.TE- GL ASS SHOW-CASS. Also, ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. at 10 o'clock precisely, ona 'superior heavy Fr4o/ 1 plate glass show case. - n SCOTT, JR., AUCTIONEER, Nos. B. 622 CHESTNUT and 615 SANSOIS Street _SHIPPIII44. Nvvlshts iskint at Islr ratan.