The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 20, 1864, Image 3
.s o zonorr Is now ettraOthig Nary , and well it may. The article re• do musical name is the most beim m for the Breath, Gunn, and Teeth ror soon. Sold by druggists. 304 North Broad street, Coal respectfully , advise his Mende and general not toldeley in buying their the risk of paying further advances, co of Ma superior stook of large nut, itove, egg, &o. None to excel, for filly, or , cheapness. auls.lm . mot successfully treated by J. unlit and &owlet, 511 Pine at, Artlo - (Marge for examination. j y 21141 LS AT THE HOTELS: ell ft • The Cu 1 Nora k, N J 0 rge 01 a leorttetuwa ?:a inn vort Dal la a a B Price, Baltimore J ceidwall, Beaten Ti Lee,- BOSCrla G B Haven Baden R Densaora, &Man W T Riohardron, Bonou ' W J Perks, Boehm 18 F Fik.llolll, Connell Bluffs Otierk & la.. Cleveland. 0 Cant T B Harsh, lie A R C Potts, & wf, B-itlmore P H Mitchell, Atton, tad Mice Barnes. Williamsburg J A Green, Nem York. Oen W Parts & wflii J O'Fallou & la. Mu J 8 Carter, at Lome L Geuther, & riff, R lade,cube W Rms. fitontreali more eel g liana, Pa .'a n 0 fork York Ile b D 0 0 D Palmer, J Moseatt, Plaine W !Condi:Lek. Loitleville Mts.. Mary Kendnalr, Ky 1111ee Annie liendaeli. Ky W T Haltrzo3Nihr, Pd, Mrs D Knap. New Milford 111.0 Downey & de, lowa 09 T 4 oo4droan & la. Cia, 0 0 J R 0843 & al, Chicago B Bette. Marlette ph7 emphis wa Augto ehtnktun ' sr York rif, Pa Pa Jana 4 Newton Marietta D T Whitney. fj 8 kr D Roman, Elagentown Mtn Rowan, Elsaeestawn Mum Kennedy'. Hagerstown Dr Levitz, elaesaclut.ette H Flordreae, New York J B Hay, new •lereey N Ft Frazer St wf, Indiana 8 P Bronx', Wasnloaton S J Navy $; la New York A E Atk i nson , Greek )1 Conk, Conneetltut lee oLb.on, &Wand semi Kele, Pittelott.g R & Imannhy, New York Cpt W M Wormorakired, NY D B Russell. U 8 N H Thurman, Troy, N'Y • Heil. Grafton, Baltimore Qt H V aupin & wf, liy Aug Franzen & B Perlett wf. Balt !lies menu, Jr St L Rite 1. 148 13 Clemens, St Louis Mote A 13 Clemens, St Louie Mist A J tdsman,.. St Louis Mee Allan, St Lnu'u 61 Jrnsumus St Lollb , Mrs W Baaaly. Pittsburg 'rhos Busily, Pittsburg WEI LKIII , III wf, Wash Doll. Maryland .Tnlin ea en, Jersey CRT WI Bowel, Jersey City b ban 7 o ,'P i o 1 av Md 2 41 Z - V m s T .B an nut n. , Yuisbg Ks shinit OIL h n af am n a iMa~hvitle Louts , • b on 4 , To k i j ? c li s DC ,NY o a .1-L York • Yrrk h, D h. D is 11 Sylvester & Is. Wauh 0 P Fes wick. M D, Wash Miss M A Stewart, Wash._ Rice, timore C A Tube aw t AION. Va I Di T. Merrill, washington Miss V A Merrill. Wash Geo Maybarry. Chicago Mr & Mrs Graham, Kingston J Oooper & son,C,nrkaburg John Donohue, Wind,or Mr. craitt & tam, Alex, Vs H T Smythe. Colorado Chae Johnston. Colorado B R Bootweli ream James V Woods, Adrian Hugh c7liaicak, Cairo Chas Garretson, i orb, P 4 U E Hutonison, Pittsburg les H Farley, Columbia J F Orris, Bost , m Wm Sellers & is Boston H W Williams. Baltimore awns Black, Parma 0B Barite, Penns Teen Madison, Penns D B LAI9I.A. liamt.niaSprings Win B.ortholonsew, N J John Stanley, Da re s port 11 8 ; tvingston, Geo H Rumple, Columbia E Lesko, Jr. Locko's Mills L Cooper, Maryiand - W S abort, virsahlugton Wm M Marshall A PA Pa W J 9ebert & la, Washlagtn J Bell. New York. MP. O'Connor; Washingtin b a F Babcock, N J F Weyte, WaMington Mrs Whiting, Nat'l York G W Bacot, Baltimore N Homewood, Baltimore ffi Lemon, New Yore I W unritham, Carbondale Plane C Frame, De aware C W Bottler, Jr,& fa, Wash (.41 Y findrl a Eft 6o is o go .tuo nr D io Ohio ing=on w York w York Ira, Pn Pa .bingfon crick, D C Beylvania I an a ctßsiiia k I°a Cans I ague Or PAM New York ly Rawl° k to on 11m. Del Memph a cilia Coy . it 'emus , Pena* rap, i teinuati N J The Merchants". .wville. Pa D 11 Arnold, Detroit i. Fa .1 name, Detroit , Mica, Del Rohl Sterecvsynt Chicago Carolina .1 H Barham & will Pitt,l.nrg A W Patterson & la, Ohio Plumbarg Mr & Mn s P H gamtherer, 0 ttsbutg Clastreli, Oato berg Albert Runyan, 15 w York 11l Creek W H Seibert .E D Mass. Marietta. 0 10 H Mcllestn, Peoria, 11l • Geo L Carrington, Coon • 'Philip Outline, Ebensburg Then Daugherty. Ehenebrg W H Rodgers, Ohio A C Murduct, P,ttAtinrg Thompson, Pittsburg F S Hilaebranti,l3erliu, Pa U Harrington, Mass Rev E M Bryan, Washint'n 0 Wenrlek Miss 8 Wsnrick Her W B Haven & wr.Pitts L 8 Hewitt. New terser IMlss hi Davis, New Jersey Rer C 8h W D H oate, Was oward hington Pittsteg 1) B Wutlame, Allegcony P .t Barry, Yahanoy City D Certright & son Pa Hun Thos Onsig,Lehigh OP Weel 'tea Danville , II J ,nalpter CIII JO, Ma r, g Ana abland btnu •a, Bokon ',burg, Pe, Con, 1U burl y, )11 4 la, 1 ad 'phi ttteburg eriewa. Tim Ani York I r City iglu. Masi' urg Jam Kirk, St Clair 'Alias Kirk, St Clair W nedgvriok, Pottsville Mtn Scott, &hay' Raven Mrs Evans, Schnyl Haven Jon VPIIIIOr, Penna C Mark, Labanoa A E Warner, Battlynote J T eeirlo w. Baiiimora Chas Etrovln.New Jersey Prank C Schuman, N York ARIAS Powers, Nrw York , 'C S Orth,llltnols Dr P W RR amey.Virgiuts S dimes, Oxford W D Emmert, Osfordi L Et weD,Chkriestoo, (li WSonierdika,Dird.thlre S (1 Connoar. X D, N York L vir Srulch,Coaway, N EL J F Brown, Milford, Dal Oxford Buktimore ey Sheaf J W Crofts.%le, Newtown David Blair, Books* J C Clsy ton, Wrightstown Thos Walton, Bucks co 1W Cad wit atisr. Pecan Ed w Taylor, Newtown Dr Flobeneauk, Ballade iThoa Roberts, Newtown Ce Jamison. Hartsville Thou Whit.. Prom:Mown I E Perry, Attleboro Wm Rowland & ea, Penna Junes Ely, Books co Chas Kirabrio., Attleboro Joshua Brown, Palelngton Jae SMitti, Byherry A Lonrehore, Bytwrry Jap No a b dd. Newtown Samuel Warts., Newtown W flobehiggt, M mtgomery Jan Pausing lidgewo.ei 8 8 Johns & la, Maryland The hurl }lBl/1 mouton lambenthle iti Richmond Ueda , PatAraon , Paterdou I •oD,bol.bary New Hope eon, Solebnry la book% co Northampton , Newtown •bnry Lmmonton Ingham k Ingham ticks, co tucks co A cn Flocks co aba.ka The Black Bear. Adlt g E P Fea,ter. Holland meow° B Id Wu .dward. atoreland . Beading B Tomlinson, %lorry asbington H Tututtneon, Bynert7l Nttetowa W B Linimay, Acct. boro Jer b y B Janney 'Yardieyvlile rtedalets. Pa W Toompson, reuitt.tuvra,outhamtia C Harper, Jenkintown Harievtlie A Bradman, Penns inthainpton • IT Carr, Hartsville a, riontkampton H Yorke', & la, Hatboro =Orton llBTrexler.Yardterrille I I8Trexler.Yardterrille lm o e m t e tn rto n J F llWmaa, IPI, oNosrt otnwknpton The States Union. on, Now York lAO Lihbtoap, Indiana, Pa ley, Vow York IliaaoSratdloy, Chador co Troy, ifriv York M Ebtrrl. Cire.tor co D,la ware IL Gritiftb (Moder co tersurt,Dolvivare W L Wine, Indiana ad, Pa oV vß Aew n l j ork . l C .,eigi r arro , tt,ro onto Blit.t a ne l ittottt Wab, D Oirraok Mooraor. Po (m & la, rebus; IH A Brady, &It Joy, Pa itlmlngtot,Del , P W C Smith, Wl,coutda At, WI m, Del IS Murphy & New York Meobaulatburg Jae Capotick & wt; Altoona '.l4eohanlot burg meralal. lirb4a sire ay, NAV 'York LttnesAter John France, Delaware co I. A Hoowice :few Yuri: H Twitchell,.olnctnnatt. 0 Wm Armstrong, Maryland Win tikirplecw, ChaluAr co .8 m, Concord. Del co A 0 Norris. Oonc.ira, Dal co 0 F Bollard,litedts Pa Jna Dillon, w York Ww Johnson New York 13 Horton, Aradford co We liilFter ward Cheoi 00 blaryland Yhw Uel opt, Maryland itwark Itiateb. rn Doybebton ;lon, blarylami inloll.. Bliss J Crow. Newark, Det ti Hack°ld, Do wampown U Briettew.tern, Hntt H drone, Alto, town Wm ti Brrne, Er . C F W Ywrq_als, Ft Wayne Mre H Fronton, N York. L Wainwright, 'leaner, Pa Cleo Soh's% Penns • The IC Avosr, 0 Mc 0 cifou Bowitu g Green BOW/114 Oren Toik north & son ii 'l e n sra D r l : s wark, Dal tadisom. M K Taylor, Tayloriville &trot Bauer, Tay'ocarina J W Moose, Pa Mr ljaloao, Hocks co J W Case, Macao co W Gilbort. Bucks co D Edw Pine Drove a oo 8 BlOWitO, The DI &)a. Wis inslshllrg Ic la Delaware! Ipore, Nor. lFioir tt 11 1 1 ford, Doi i Bucks oo bis Mry, N J The National. Pa E L hint!, Rending Aehiand T Shy Pennsylvania X anoler, hrwiiiebavg C Legan 14 la, Penne The Bald Eagle. atingtors A Kuowle. Peneibtlet r Fi 01 Lnit 18 •rtiith. Backs Co D 41.4 N nip, Smolt co C R Lodi:card, Watanieb'g CIAL NOTICES. Ci BEEN 13A08. BY YOB BARD OF TON9'BR HALE cc Tibbetts, with a joyous air. lain., "Hurrah for Mune Bent" heel). can declare, be-t and worailteet of men; ea I never saW a better, so, n as e'er I did unfold, c,v; latest-written letter, I hi. greenback's face behold. t..y del :era; quite a neat . uP•.n which my friend might dine. Ay F•tr. le, end then complete revel With cigars and wine! When the freive scene to done, my late dream nett morning flee. ' can I chow that I have won, reenback, to exchange for theef sum would buy a jeweled ring; that would be a very small, l '.l ust, or stolen, thing, of no real use at all now I guess what vureha•e SUMS bast., yet has more nee than show, . for same well. made, WOW etyte clothes nett's 'lower 11l gaily go." r/g &unmet eto_olt otd prices, much rub! of some goods. TOWER IfALL, 1118 M&RKST Ftrei*: itratligrr *go: BUY YOUR BATHING BORES for 1.4910108, Gentlemen and Children. et SLOAN'S. poet muIt,KET Street, Philadelphia. and at hie Store, on OAPS INLAND. New Jersey. • • itnSt.3o COLGATE I I9 HONEY 130aP. Tble celebrated TOILET BOAR, in each rudyersal wand, le made from the OHOICEST materials, LMt:lda, mad EMOLLIENT ln tta Ware, FRAGRANTLY SOININ' and EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL in iteaetion magi the Skin. For sale by all Drikeatela sea Pam Goode llealera fe2B-tathele, Tan Popvx OLoTnnrn HOUSE OF PE LA. " OAN HALL." Best-class goods at moderate prises. WANA.MAKER & BROWN, - S. B. corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. lastom Department (to make to grim') No. 18. Sixth St. WinINLIN & WILSON'S HIGNIIST PasuzuM LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. THE CHEAPEST. SIMPLEST, AHD BEST Se'coercion''. 704 CHISTAUT Street, above Fievanib M.A.RR,I~~_ PROCTBR—PARIia. , — . On the 18th inst., by Friends' ceremony, atramden, IC J., in the presence Or Maier P. C. Budd, William Procter. Jr., f Philadelphia. to Catharine PATTY Or CresAwicks, liarlingten co * R°BMBR—COTTNEY —ln this ody, toignat Ifth, by the Rev W. B. Rico, Hon. Y. S. HoieeqrCe4ef •Initice of the Territory of Montana, to Miss Sallie Oottney, , ,of Philadelphia. xylv.,r,., BMW—Pear Jenkintown, Pa., on the 18th of An gust, Alfred, infant eon of Dr. Henry H. and Mary E. Smith. SRIIILDS.—On the evening' of the 18th Instant, of typhoid fever, James B. Shields. Foment) from the residerce of his mother, filming 1, are. Delaware county, on Monday, the 22d instant, at 2 &clock P. M. Interment at West Cheater. Vii (Master end Wilmington papers please copy. * CBEW.—On the 17th inst., Benjamin Chew, aged 70 yr Etre. The male friends are invited to attend his Innerat, on /Honday morainic next. at 9 o'clock from his late resi dence. Hem it's lane, Wissahickon. Interixtent'And a . r• vice et Ft. Peter's Church, Third end Pine atreete. ** CAREY. —At Quakertown, Bucks.county, Pa., on the morning of the 19th inst., Dr. Samuel Carey, in the 68th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the foneral, at his late rerideace, the 2Lst Wet at 3 °Week F.. M. r'' ... . . BREWSTER —Go Thureday. 15th bast s, David See -0414 eon of 1% Carroll and Brume, B. Brewster, aged CYP RTN. • His relatives and the friends of the family are respect fully invl , ed to attend his funeral, from hie father's re sidence, Manh.glin street, near fownehip Line mad. Germantown, on - Saturday. 2nth lost., at 3 o'clocir,P. BETTLB. —On the evening. of Fourth day, the 17th inst. , Sarah Bottle. - The reletives end f riande of the family are invited to attend bhr fuilinini . lYOM her late residence, No. 25 Borah Third street; onlevonth-day afternoon the gOth last. at 4 o'rloch, without further notice. Interment at Fri. nds'.Bastern Ground. Tg V WR. —On We.dneaday, 17th Ina , George Tayloi, Ftp rd The 7 1 Tsar". relatives and frleuls of the family are respect fully Invited to attend 'the funeral, front his late resi dence, corner of Illar.ball and Cottonwood streets. on Ss tardily of tPronon. WO inst. . at 2 o'clook, JOHN iOlf. —On the 15th instant, of typhoid fever, Adlna Y., daughter of Major C. and Lydia A. Allmon, aged 4 years. We watched her breathings through long nights, And days of 11.11X1011P VON • AP in her breast tbe wave of life • Kept heaving to and fro. Her birth-morn came to OS so Bad, ' And full of earthly sorrow: Her weary eyelids closed—she had ' Another morn than ours. The relatives and friends of the family ale respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from her parents' ze e% Puce, 014 Rodman street, on Sunday afternoon, at 6 o'clock. • REBBON & BON, MOURNING BTORS, " be. 91A CHESTNUT Street. Wt-tt WHITE MAM;EIILES Fr•R DRESSES AND BASQIIBS White Diamond Marseilles.. White Corded Marseilles. White Fignred Marseilles. Bair Corded and Figured &families. Bug, Pink, and Bme Percales. White Figured Brilliants. aulii•tt BYRE & LA:UDELL. SFACOND 'UNITED PASSBY TERIAN CHURCH (Rev. Dr. Dales') RACE StrPet and SIXTEENTH. will - be reopened TO-MOH HOW MORNING at half past 10 o'clock. it* ilgr CHURCH OF THE COVENANT: EILB.I.Et Street, above Sevelteenth.—Divine seroiee TO- MI , VEO W (SalidAY).. at /.01 . A. M. and 8 P. Di chop STEVENS will (D. V.) Preach In the Morn ing, and Rev. Mr. PEED in ihn Evening. lt* (ONION 111. E. CEILIIRCIE, 'FOURTH UStreet beIow'eRO.II.—SABBATH, Aukast 21st, Rey. IA MSS MARK, D. D.. Neil I preach in the morn• /ES. et 10% o'clock wid. Rey. JOHN 0 GADDING in the °Teeing, at 8 o'clock. age'. THE PHARISEE. AND PUBLI. CAN.—Rev . ,. ALEX. CLANK on this puhtent. at the. Church of th. New Testament ELEVENTH and WOOD Strpeta, SABBATH, 10 A. M. and 4P. M The afternoon collPeticitt will he in aid of the flhamberabrirg sufferers, T. 11..13TOCKTON taking part in this service. OgrWA.GINER FREE INSIMITIIrR, SEVENTEENTH Strret, above Columbia Aye. nue. —Preaching by the Rev, WM. L ATTA. All are tn vit 41. State free. lts tgrSP MITI!' &LIS K. —LECTURES will be given at Sansom street Rah, on SUN DAY, at 10$ A M. ,on " Intuition:" and at B P. M , on " Relatzons." Admittance five cents. lt' arINTERESTING MEETING, IN eanneetton with the Excursion of the YOUNG DIENS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. in the PRRARY TRRIAN CHURCH, Atlantic City, TIIESDAI AF TER NOON, August SO, 3564. at 4 o'clock, in babel of the United States Christian Commission. Short, stirring Address.B will be made by ORO. H. STUART. Rig,. I.Prcsideni; Rev. GEO. BRINGHURsT, Rev. W. W. WILLIAMS, Rev. .1. LONG, U. S. Chaplain, and others. Oyer Nio wounded soldiers will be present. A collection in aid of the cause will be taken lt* tar spiumo GARDEN HALL, Al. W. corner of SPRING GARDEN and TEEM TFENTH Streets. The-meetings or the CHURCH OF CHRIST, ar-aembling here, are every LORD'S DAY as follows: At lox A. af., for worship in "The Breaking of Br; d.' ' "Showing the Lord' s Death till Become " in prayer end praise, end for "teaching and admonish another " See Act* li. 42, xx. 7: 1 Cor , xl. 26; Cor. 16:and at 7E P for the Preaching of toe word by the Par or, CHARLES CAMP/TELL. Seats two tarr- SZAWR ORE.—TINE 8011181131 MEIN S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION will give another,. Ixourelon of Hie Seaton to • Atiautto City '' on TUES. TAI ,Aa oust With. 'TtekeksHlNlt in he procured at the room. 1009 CHEST NUT Stri et. PUGH'S BOOK ST.IKE E I XVI and CHESTNUT Streets TRAC V HOUSE 029 CHESTNUT Street and at the bent nn thelsoralad of tbn Excursion. Lart boat leaves VINE Street wha-f at A o'clock A. M. Three hundred wounded soldier- Erna tbr City Elorp9sl (In charge of their Caarnalne) will ac company the Suuroit a. lto }MPIRE COPPER COMPANY 0 BUCHMAN. POTICE 18 HEREBY WINTER that at Instalment of TWO DOLLAY E. PER SHARE on each and every share of the capital stock of the Empire Goner Company of Michigan has this day been called by the Board. of -Di ms ore of said Company. due and payable at the office of tbfrCOmPanY, No 423 WALNUT &root- Dinlyist.. phis, on or Ihsfore the 10th day of SEPTEMBER, 1811. Interest will he elevated on ail instalments after the same tbalthave become dna. By order of the Board of Directors. J. 8 Mt:MULLIN. Secretary. PRILADELPITTA, Angart 19, 1884 an2o-finthtielo tarFIFTEIENTH WARDS ON IR MORE EFFORT TO AVOID TITS LIIPEI DINO CRI • Slra! An nejonroed mewing of cltizees will be held on Pe ()SHAY EVENING, 224 inet . at S o'clock, at the SCHOOL EVII*E, corner of TWENTIET ft and COATES Se) eels. The lineentive Committee will report the pro ves. made in secntrivg men anti: money. The hearty co operation of e very curollrd citizen in necessary to 8.1.• complish the much desired object of filling the qnota whhout a draft. Money is greatly needed- Snbecrip• time. will be received by the Committee at the SCHOOL HOUSE, fromB to 9 o'clock every es ening, and by H P. If. PIRKESBINS, Chairman. THOMAS WOOD."TrPagorer 9106 WOOD Street. JOEf R. F noon, 006 MINOR St ßamtaries. J. T.gleo DELACROIX, N SECOND dt. entt. • ligir AN APPEAL TO THE PUBLIC.— The Cooper Fhop Volunteer R.freshm .nt mitts° are in want of fan& for th. auppart of the Twat to tiun. They mil upon the public for volantarycontrt. buttons to aid them in their efforts to feed and care for the Soldiers of the Union as they pass thr mgh oar city. I be citizens of Philadelphia are aimur-d that nut a cent of the funds is apprrprlated to food anr,person-or per eons representing themselves as refugees from the re. hellion, but all contributions to the Cooper Shop Com mittde are ecropnloosiv disbursed for the benefit of the Soldiers of the Union Army. WM. M. Cf/OPER. President,' 135 Booth WATER Street. Attest—Wm. AT. MAXLL. Secretary. • 330 CATE &RUTS Street. . an2o-6t igr. VETERAN BOUNTY-FUND ()COM MISSION, • NO 7 GOLDSMITH'S HALL LIBRARY Street, Philadelphia. • The Corrinissionere appot ted to pay the Picini B font,. to re-enllated Veterans will meet an MONDAYS, INFDNE3DAYS. and FRIDAYS. at 4 o' clock P. nL. to ree.ive , applications. at No. 7 GuLDSMITH'S HALL, LIBRARY Sueet, lamed Maly in the rear of the Post Office. Families interested mill please call at that hoar only. R. DTN Re SAUNDB, Chairman: RDW JONATRAN BULLOCK. P.M, J. FIELD OXO W. SIMONS. T - 11 T E CH&MBERAIBURG 811 F. D= 1439 FERERS, —The Ladles' Committee for the re lief of the tlietreesed citizens of Cnambersburg neunow ledgea the receipt of the following krdcles: From Mrs. James Stewart. a - box anonted soap and bundle of clothing; Mrs. E. D. Wanamator, a bundle of clothing; the Misses Stevens, Princeton, . a box of assorted ladies' clothing: Union M. E. Church, per • Mrs.. Hammitt, 4 counterpanes, 2 sheet., Pkyarde of delaine, 110 garments, 2 bundles clothing: Mrs. Taylor, 1623 Market street, per lam Renzey, 13 pairs new shoed; Mrs. Chance. large bundle children's clothing; Mrs. Newton, bundle clothing, coats, Pante, vest., etc. ; Mrs. Margaret Lafore, 4 bonnets; Unknown, 26 garrrents 3 bate; from T. N. X bundles hats a arilolee; from Unknown. two hats, shawls, dresser, etc. • Unknown, a large box assorted articles; from lerael 'Peterson, 94 pars women's and 26 pairs children's shoes; from Eppelsheinter St Peterson, 44 Mary. women's ria_d_3o pairs children's shoes; from Mary. 1 cap, 4116'ft - etc. 1 drese; from' Mrs Wm. Neill, 6 garments: Mrs. Caldwell. per Mrs Stewart, bundle clothing; Mrs. Maderia, per Mrs Stewart. do • C. A., an entire shit desirable clothing; Mrs. Dew,. l'bonnet; Miss Elizabeth Fisher. one barrel assorted clothing; Mrs. Jsmee Stewart, 10 Verde &Lane; Miss Baker, a desirable assortment of men's clothing Further donations of all kinds; merche thankfully cloth ing, from etoree or private indivldnalA, re. ceived and promptly forwarded. Contributions should be sent to the Central. Office. No. 1-8 death SWENTH Street, Philadelphia ELIZABETH E. HUTTE lt Chairman Ladies' Committee, . . READQVARTERS 34TH REGI MENT VE MEAN RESERVE CORPS, II A. A. EI3URA. N. , August 6th, 1854. MY DEAR Sur; I bave the pleasure to eucloPe twenty dollars, ey desire of privr.te M. P. EARSFIELD, of Co. 11, or tide resiment, as his annual contribution to tb4 Volunteer Refreshment Saloon. Please acknowledge its receipt, Troettr g that thisurlll dml you In gohd health, and as hopeful an ever in the great cause of our coac try, I am, dear sir, very truly yours. CHARLES M. PREVOST, Colouel Commanding Regiment. WM. ETRCTRERS, "Egq„ Philadelphia. HEADQUARTERS ism 'EMINENT VETERAN RE -- SERVE CORPS, U. 8. A. ELMI RA, Y., 4tigrant 13th, 1834. WM, STRUTHERS, Esq., Phibulelphia.—Deer. SIR: SARefFIELL) requests me to say to you that he deeires that la donation may be Riven to the Cooper Shop Reftesilment Saloon—the one with which you are con neeted.'' Ijurige, froushis conversation, that he has been in debed to you for many favors , and takes this mode of teeth's ing his or -of it I am, very truly, yoursCEl . ARLES M. PREVOST, Colonel Commanding Regiment. The following- RN the - donations for the COOPER sHop SALOON for one week, ending the 17th of Au rrretisis of Jamei Nate)" 10 03 8.5 03 00 From a Lady 50 Field & Beehmle Gilbert B. Nowhall 25 00 Boyd & Bough 25 03 25 I Henry Geiger . 24 01 Charles Smith . William S . Grant 25 (X) 90 01 Simpson & h eill 6 00 Captain Joseph liiraples 1 50 J Wexner G. T. el is, for hospital 150 OJ It FoloNril :WARD—DRAFT ON NO DRAFT. —A Meeting of the citizens of the FOURTH Ward, irrespective o' Pam, will be held on 34019 DAY EVENING next, 22d Met., at ODD fn. LOWS' BALL, TENTH' and Boum. Screen', at 8 o'clock, to deirtee mama by 'eaten the ward can avoid the pending Draft on the Ath of September next. au2o-20 ITIIIIOBI STATE COMMITT rgir ROOMS, 11105 allaST/PUT Street.—The Slate Committee sertneet their friends throughout the State to adopt Alleient BMWS to forward early and full returns of t h . grunion upon the .Conatitutional amendinesta. Send by ,Te elphilegrash a: to the 'Chairman M Gland ROWS, Philad - • - The Camndttee Booms ars now open,. and. all earn. apondenmi.dirmied to the Chairman mut reeelynpranine attention`; . CA.III7#LOA, Clialrman'. - • jig fGfi beilretarl. Ihn , ' • NATIONA'L UNION TICKET. FON PRESIDENT, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, OF ILLIROIS. FOE VICE PRESIDENT, ANDREW JOHNSON, OF TENNESSPA LA V{ll v(i)rt ;-i SENATORIAL. - MORTON NoitIORAEL, Philadelphia. T. OUNNINORLE. Beaver Coma*. DTTATIVE. IS. Elias W. Hall, 19, Charles S. Shriner. John WistoV, 16. David McOonanght. 11. 'David W. Wood% 18. Isaac - 19. John Patton. 2d. Samuel B. Diok. 21. Everard Diem, 22. John P. Penney, 29. Ebenezer Moinnkin. 24. John W. Blanchard. REPREH I. Robert P 1 0. Morrison Coital. 8. Henry Buxom, 9. I. Barton IL Kern, rto H. Kern, 8. Charles B. Ronk. 7. Robert Parke, 8. 'William Taylor, 9. John A. Hiestand, 10. Blobard H. Coryell, IL Edward Holliday. Li, Charles F. Read, * By order of the Stet* Central Committee OAMBRON, Oh"!num BIOTWE.;-IrlikE BOOKS 'OF THE WEST VIRGINIA. 'OIL CO APANY are now 4441 frr etib-oriotioris to ite capital, at their °Roo, No. 411 W ALS r Street Pout ales con bold stock In Melt Won name: • JOHN S. EIOFFAI&N, Seminary. TEE WEST 'VIRGINIA OIL CNY, OFFICE WALNUT S TREEt' . CAPITAL..S2OO,OOO Divided into 20,000 Shares of $lO each. The properties purchased by this Company are five in number. selected with care by competent persons: TWO hundred acres embraced in three several tracts, and are in ice Ample; 60 acres on a lease for :0 years, and 16 acres on a perpetual lease, on which we have a well hr red to the depth of 1911 feet, with a gond ahow of oil, the work help g yiaoronsly prosecuted-111a, them Pro perrles lying in 'Wend county; West Virginia, .conve olent an , with good roads leading to the Ohio river. This region isfpronenneed by the oil men 'of Verisngo Count, as being the El Dorado of the West for oil. Thdy are buying all the territory in that region they la , rt, 'Fre prospects of this Company are moat •flattering. Those corning in es original subscribers will have all the advantages of a Pew company, intelligently ma naged by is limns tiode , .tardiog•the business. Call at the etlier. 911 WALNUT Street, for circulars of expla nation. ati9)-It SOWN S HOFFMAN . , Secretary. ligr FNMA 'BOUNTY TO VOLUN• TEEM At the MASS MEETING of Citizens of FIFTEE RTC - WA.5110, , _,- held on MONDAY EITENIE 7 O, 15th instant. ft wee unanimously Resolved, " That the Executive Committee be au thorized to lay TWENTY-FIVE DOLLA_EB to every man enlisting in the United States _drrny, Navy, or Marine Corps to the credit of thiaWard.!' Theesid Bounty will be paid to every such recruit duly enlisted and credited, by ISAAC M. 'KRUPP, at Provost. Marshal's Ofdee, BROAD end SPRING OAR DEN Streets. A. P. EI..'BIRICENIIINE, Cbairmen Executive Committee. tarRALLY ABOUND THE FLA.% BOYS! FOR CITY COMMISSIONER, AMOS A. GREGO, Twenty-third Ward, tgrDIVIDEND 'NOTICE.—OFFICE OF THE ROCK OIL COMPANY OF PE:INSYL VANIA, No. 409. WALNUT Street. PumanEnrtirns. August 19, IM4. The Beard of Directors have ,this day declared .a divi dend ot TWO PER CENT. (twenty cents per ahem) on the capital t took, out of the comings of the Company for 31:ILT, payable on and after the Nth inst. free of state tax. The transfer books will be closed on the 24th, at 3 P. ht. , and opened on 20th JOHN P. GRAF F. Secretary and Treasurer. IiarOFFICE OF THE LOCLISI RIOILTN-• TAUT COAL AND IRON COURANT. PHILADELP.RIA, Aliquot Is, 1864. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The Board of Directors of this Company base this day declared a Dividend of, four per cent, on tie capital stock out of the earnings of-the Com pany. Payable on and after the 29th inst. • The transfer books will be closed from the Idthte the 29th inst. inclusive. EDWARD ELY, aul9-St Treasurer pro tem. ar DIVIDEND NOVICE.—OFFICE OF THE PROSY OIL CO., Sot theast corner of WA LMOT and FOURTH Streets, - 'PHILADELPHIA, 17g1/0 t 7, nu. The Board of Directors have thin day declared the fourth monthly dividend of two (2) per cent. oath° capital stork of tie Company out of the earnings of the month of July, payable rt - - the office of the Company, deer of State tax, on and after the 24th inst. The transfer books will be closed on dstarday, 2Dth last and reopened on.Wpdnesday 24th inst.,- JAMEO ABBY, Treasurer. IIEADQVAIRTERS PENNSYLVA NIA. HOSPITAL, DEPARTMENT, RAgettimono, Aagnst 10, 1668. 'rho STATE MEDICAL BOARD OF PENNSYLVANIA will meet. in PIT TS BURG on MONDAY, the 29th day of Aosust, 1869, and continue daring the week, to examine candidates for the po.t of Medical Officers in Penneyl- Vatlia Reximents. Phyeicians of Pennsylvania, in good health. tarnish ing satisfactory testi mantels as to- moral character; dm., will be admitted to the examination. The room in which the examination will begheld will be indicated in the Patel/nig morning papers on thrtday . of me-ting. By order of the Gvernor: joa o sPEl A. PHILLIPS, Burgeon General, Pennsylvania. -79 . THE CITIZENS' suusirtruts. REPRESENTATIVE, AND VOLUNTEER% AGENCY, No. 411 CHESTNUT STE EST. —Merctisnte. Partners, and otter cltitena. can be aupplied with ac ceptable Substitutes and Representative. on reasonable and honorable terms, ano have thereame sworn in so as to credit to any ward, district, tewnshin. or county of the following counties: Ploladelphis. Chester, Dela• ware. or Montgomery, by applying at ll 4 CHESTNUT Street, from B A. EL to S P. M. lirat floor, back Mir Special arrangements made with committees. enl7-11t PAXSON St CO. IRV.' OFFICE OF THE PHILADEL. PHIL OAS WORKS. 6.OOUST 19, 18'64 —at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Philadelphia Gee Works, held on the 6th inglant, the following pre amble and resolution were adopted: Whereas , . Th. great Oversee In the noel dikilvibg posed an imperative duty on the Trusteee to advance the wages of their employees; and wnereas, the cost of cc al and all other materials consumed . in the manufac ture of O&M have advanced to a price that compels the Trustees, in order to prmect•the important trust com mitted to their ebarge frond serious leas, and to make the annual addition to t, e Sintiog Feud required by law, to advance the price of Om fifty cents per thou- Jand cubic feet. Th. Trustees are aware that the increased price will prove a burden to many consumers. and they greatly re gret the necessity that constrains it; but when the con sumer reflects that nearly every article we trarchase had advanced from 60 to 100 per cent, and we propose bat an advance of PM per cent. on the main article upon which we rely for revenue. its necessity mast be anPa ent, particularly when the operai ions of the past year are known to have resulted in a large lose to the Trust, notwithstanding our then existing contractsenabled us to purchase coal and retorts at very moderate prices; be it tbere!ore Reecho. d, 'That the Chief 1 ngineer be directed to give public notice that on and after the drat day of Septem. her next the price of gas to private consumers shall be three dollars per thousand cubic feet, lee., a dtcoouat of 6 per rent. for prompt payment, and enbicet to the llnitod States tax. THOMAS S. STEWaRT, an_ls-tsel Chief Engineer. Mr TO THY FRIENDS OF THE UNION AND THE A utifINISTEATION: The loyal citizens of the various wards of the City of Philadelphia are hereby requested to assemble at such places in raid wards aa mar be designated by the oft/. cere of the National Union Ward Associations, on TUESDAY EVENING NIXT, AvorsT le. Mi. at 8 o'clock, pursuant to the rules governing the Na tions.' Union party, for such cases made and provided, to elect one Judge and two Inspectors for each election division of raid wards, to conduct the primary election on Tuesday evening, August 23,.between the hours of six and eight o'clock. Also, to place in nomination candldstes for delegates to a city Convention to nomi nate candidates for City and County Oftoes; also. dela /rase to a Congressional Conv.intton; also, nominations of canotda.tes for delegates to a Senatorial Convention in the Third Senatorial District, and delegates to the various Representative and Ward Conventions to nowt nate candicatee for membus of the State Legislature, City Councils and Ward Officers. The meetings. elec. Hone, and Conventions herein menti, ned shall be held in conformity with the rules governing the National Linton platy. By order of the National Union City CoMmittee of Superintendence. JAMES FRESSONN, President. . JOHN J Faarmanr.s e tart BERET R. GARDsza. cre es. TItANSPORTATION OFFICE, PHI. LADELPHIA WILMINGTON,, AND BALTI MORE RAILROAD COMPANY. PRILADELPITIA, August 10, ISM. In accordance with an act of Congress, approved Jane 1R34, it beCOVIBB necessary that all receipts given by this Company for merchaLdlse resolved for transpor tation should bear an INTERNAL REYENDIISTASIP of the value of TWO CENTS, the expense of the same to be boric, by the pardes receiving each receipt. MI receipts taken by this Company for merchandise delivered to consignees will be stamped by said Com pany. anll-1%. CSARLES K. IDE, Master of Trimepnrtation. OFFICE SWATABA FALLS COAL COMPAtiY, The Directors have this day declared a dividend of ten per cent on the ca.pital stock out of the not earnings of the Company.pagable at tse (flans of the C ropany, No 1121836 booth TULSA) Street, on or after 23th instant, clear of State tax, au.l9. fit • L, 6. FILBERT, Treastirer THE TREASURER OF - THE FUND TO BELIEVE CHB DIS VElle 'MD PEO PLE OF CH aid BaB,BURG bee received tne following amounts since his last rep: rt, August 12: amount priorionaly reported 511,767 95 Cash 00 A. H 10 I/ J B. Theodore BlieB 50 00 Isaac Starr - 60 00 ,_ A Biddle, per Joseph Patterson........ ... -...... 100 00 Lewis T • Brown, d 026 00 lames S. Mason &Co • ' ' .... MP 00. , .. Namur]. Costner, per S. I' apogee, ' , , 10 00 (net: de...,.. t ...-. .. : ...... ....... 6 t 0 J. B. Barley & Co.,' .do ' - '- " 15 00 Caeb, do 20 00 Wm. Moland & Son, do . 10 (0 Sb ober dr. Co. . do • 26 00 Wm. P. Clyde, ' do 100 Ml Carh, • do'6oo Cash, do 10 00 StCash, - do 500 evens & Miller, - 10 00 Joseph C Wrightlo 00 . . William Mann 2500 SpriLy Greve, Lancaster co., per H. A. Boyd.. 60 00 Stephen Colwell 1 100 00 Serene! A. Lewis MI CO Francis Garrett 600 'lm. ire. AnnaAnnaM. Layton, Delaware 20 00 6 00 L M. C. D 6 00 J. W. Scott & Co 60 - 00 A. , Princeton, N. 3 ' . :6 00 B. Z. , Boston, MEL 56....... . 10 00 Mr.. A. Y Murphy Miss M. Wayne 0 ' 100 Mrs. E . E11131301. S. White ' Zil - 20 IX Cs sh, 61; Cosh, 60 cts A . 60 A Lady S . .nn James Crissy..... . : ...... .g B• C Marisle7.••• ...... Ihe Wakes A• and 111 Seger A friend, per Miss Sager ci... Airs. Wm. G. Moorhead weeny mons Brownsv lle, Pa s D. J. b Delienserville .• ••• . .P. 4 I emitted by Mrs• B. D. Wannemacher ••••- .1 Boller & McCarthy Win. S. Vona J. gmery Stone Mrs. M. B T . St A Ja M m a es"Chnrch, Kingseesing, per Rey.' C. Rue , Rewor Union Id E. Church (additional), - per Thomas T. Mason • • - 31minfaeturere and Mechanics' Bank A member or Church, Brownsville. per Rpfa , opal Recorder lifyi,l3.._Hiri. pal ri ok„:& Co I James T. Kirkpatrick - R, Rifirpat rick . „, D Riikpatrick & Sens ' Joseph Howell a Co Prockett. - Baugh, dc • Co . Powers & 'Weightmext . . Sorevgarten a dons Joseph B. Craig John A. Bechtel Thayer & Noyes, proprietors of • the 'United States Churn. per A. 0. -Cattell Bann Cope Alfred Cm et, Thos. P. Cope ._ P. E. Cope . Anglin, Trust Company et, Para's BeicoPaiChnrcli,Bloomsburg.PA.. per Thos. H. Cullen, Rector... . Ches. S. Cram... Philip Fitzpatrick , i A. :Whitney & Sone _ .. .$15,429 75 zp:muND A SOUDIDI, Tresanyer. ' DOCK-Street _Wharf. PNIMADitSPH 7S e Anftlet 12. 1254. tinl9 2t Witi BROWD.t4.- THE PRESS. , --PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, 'AUGUST 20, 1864: OFFICE OF.THE LEIIIOII COAL A.ND NAIIiGATIQX COIff'ANY. PIIILADRLPRIA, .A.ll.6ant BM, Hoidens of 'the OLD CEBTIFICATES OF LOAN, WHO 80118CRIIIED FOR CON vERsIoN INTO THE "Lotto Lords!. , Oa leaving them at THIR OFFICE Can have the New Certificates the PC 'OCT DAY. etal6-6t. DIVIDEND.—THE DIRECTORS OF the NOBLE AND MANATEE PETROLEUM COMPANY have Me day declared a Fourth Monthly Dividend of TEN per cent out of the earnings of the ;south of July, payable, clear of State Tax, on the 20th inst. Transfer Books closed OD 16th inst. anll•8t DEORGII W. RENTER. Secretary'. I HEADQUARTERS PROVOST MAR. SEAL, POST DIbTEICT. Pennsylvania, No. 945 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA, AllEllstrl, Min To insure PROMPT replies to all • questiors on ordi nary subjects connected with the Enrolment, Draft, Exemption, Liabilitit s to Draft, Credits and Accounts of Men Furnished, altirens are requested to moire appli cation to the Provost Marshal of the Congressional Die. tent for such information, and not to the Provost Mar shal General al Washington. By order of the Provost Marshal General. W IiEIIMAI94 Capt and Provost Dismal. I HEADQUARTERS PROVOST MAR MILL SECOND DISTRICT, Pennsylvania.. No 21:6 South TWELFTH Street. PHILADRLPITIA,IIst 16, l$Sl. To insure prompt replies to all questions on ordinary enbjects connected with the enrolment, draft, exemp tion, liabilities to draft, credits and accounts of men furnished, citizens are requested to make application to the Provost barehal of the Goner eSsiouel 'Altiatriat for such information, and not to the Provost Marshal Gene ral at Washington. By order of the Provost Marshal General. EDWIN PALMER, Ceptsin and Provost Afarshal Second District, Pennsevenitt- I A TTENTION 1 .-199112 c ER GIME NT PENNI-YLVANIA VOLUNTEER, Colonel A. A. LECHLER. FIVE 'HUNDRED DOLLARS BOUNTY triehing to enlist for .ONE YEAR, will do Veil to join this sub udid Regiment. Yon will be Inas toed into t 2 e service the same day, you °resent your selves, and 'will be paid. immediately $425. Veteran officers, and no vexatious delays .in receiving your money. HEADHITARTERR, 611 CHESTNUT STREET. an2o-2t ti $5 l O BOUNTY ! $425 PAID IM MEDIATELY, 199th ltrairneat Penna. Vols.. CoL L; e oti , 7 l3.3 lt . przhccrattat lo 2nT e r An d y , .",,n2O-2t JAMES I COOP'ER, Captain. .1 MOE OUT FOR. THE DRATI 1- 3•SA Company "F." Unth PPgitactut Penna.yols.. Col_ A A. Lwelacr. $5OO B vancy fay. one v p ar . 1005 FOl7llO Street, and S. W. cormor TFINTIT and Cillt•Tit UT Stu act.. B. POLLOCK, au2o-2t Captain. -JACKFON GUARDS, 191Trr REGI MNNT Peuna VON., Cot. A. A. Is -, Oler. Dian wanted Pr this Cnronany. S . sivitr for 0 0 0 Year. SOO VINE Street, and BISTR F rust. below' Chestnut. P . litUßP9ir, au2o-21 Captain tC, C 0, C COMPANY, 199ru RE - GIMENT Penna . - Vole— Cal A. A. Lechler, join, Cvmpany "C." Ronnt) sPOO fni nne yne.r. H. C. e'DONNETA, 41R.utain, 106 South SEXTR Street: FALL IN !-COMPANY "D," 199TE1 Reolment Petroa Vole . A. AL Lechler. $lOO rash. aid 'bolcnoe In inOelin.ute One year. N. W. corner FRONT end PINE Stroke: • IRALLY 1 FOR COMPANY "H e " legth Regiment Penna. Vole , Col. A. A. Lechler. Bon Id- &WO, and . tnustered immediately. One year. I , IXTR Street, below Chestnut au9l2t Caroain 80110.4 LES. JOIN COMPANY "B," 199 TR RE- T Worm. Vols.. Cnl . A. A. Lechler. $5OO Bounty ; 11425 peld immediately. J. C. se gurIAR flaptatn, 611 CIIEgTNUT Str e et. IDRAFT !-" G " COMPANY, 199191 Regiment Penne Vow., Col. A. A. Lechler: Bounty One year. kleadonartem 4:O OREBT .DIIT Street. B. M. FITZGERALD. . an2o-2t • Captain. A YEAR IN THE INFANT SCHOOL. BY Kiss IdarY Hervey Gill. $1 IP certainly the most admirable text book for an infant. class teacher that has ever been published. It is entirely evangelical and undenominutional BAGS OF GOLD. By A. L. 0. E. 60 cents. LIGHT .A ND SHADE. CAA An excellent book for the more advanced classes of the Sabbath School. FALSELY ACCUSED. By A. L. 0. E. GO rents. ANDY HALL, T 5 Biresiox SCHOLAR 127 TEE ARMY. $1.12. Andy Hall was written for the Sunday Sehoni Times. It ie from the gifted len of Kies Kelly, and elicited much interest while it was making- its weekly appear , , ce menial form. AUGUST in. 1884. 120 00 10 00 IN C 100 0 00 150 00 100 130 100 0:1 50 00 25 00 22 70 200 00 200 00 11)0 00 11:* 00 00 00 . - : PULITARY. NEW PUBLICATIONS. THE PHILADELPHIA SIINDAY-SCROOL BOOK STORE J. C. GARRIGUES 85 - CO., 14S SOUTH FOURTH STREET. , S^l, l / I ER OF THE CUMBERLAND. With an In troducrwe by .Iclin S Hart, LL. D. 75 cent.. The noble Chrlctlan'exam?le of Mead Holmes, It , Into youthful soldier o! the creme, and defender of btu country, will make thie book a welcome volume in every rue ratrir,t's home. RY AND HIS FRIENDS. 70 cents. An =oaf ent book for boys. _ PROGRESS; A SEQUEL TO JERRY. 55 maw. • WINDILY. *ALONE. 45 cents. SARGENT'S TEMPERANCE TALES; in six volumes; con's per volume. These pioneers of the Temperance Reform need no farther recommendation to notice. The best of the latest Sabbath-School Books constantly on hand. ant)-stn2t TN ANSWER TO TEE NUMBERLESS Imaries of Travellers, " BAT SHALL 'WE 'TAKE TO BEAD?" The publishers would suggest the foilowinglate books, Which are remarkably Popular in England as well as here. , They are for sale at all the principal Book Stores and -Stands in the country BAIJNTBD MARTS, by the Author of the " Lamm- - lighter." The prominent English Reyiewii pronounce Weber test book. $2. BEIGABORIJACKWOOD, by the author of " Cad c's Cave," &c. $2. MARTIN OIERRINALE, by the author of "-Neighbor Jack wood," " Cudjo's Cave," 4c. $2. CUDJO'S OAVE—New and Elegant Edition, illne rated paper covers. " Travellers' Edition." ELM. 3. E. TILTON & CO., PUBLISHERS. BOSTON BLA.CKWELL ON TAX TITLES. SECOND EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED: LITTLE, BROWN, & CO., 110 WASHINGTOI4 BT., BOSTON, BEM ilia published .A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE POWER TO SELL LAND for the Nonpayment of Taxes assessed thereon. embracing the decisions of the Federal Courts and of the Supreme Judicial Tribunals of the several States. BY. ROBERT S. BIA.CITWELL, Of the Chicago Ban A new edition, revised and enlarged. BY B. H. BENNETT. Bro. Price 01. LCOHOL. -LA- "I never got a patient bv water drinking, buj thousands by Sirongr. Gragory, TOBACCO. . . . "Swiping, SinnVisg, and Obewing are bad habits. and Nye advise any gentleman win , in not tovelesqlY aban. ODE d to either to give it un."—llfoitcal Circular. YUBLIsfIED THIS DAY, a. New Edition of eLuoIIOL, its Place and Power; by Professor James Maier. TOBACCO: its Use and Minim; by Jan Mors, IL D. In one volume. Price $I • • LIINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publiqbers,. an2o. if ' No. 25 South SIX NI Street: % 'NEW BOOKS. LP DOWN IN TENNESSEE. A new book by . Edmund Kirke, author of ""Among the Pines, ' and `111.) Southern 'Friends." r a *The au thor in the latter portion of this exo , •edingly readable .tvoilt gives a greWc and thrilling account of hie re cent mytthicus visit, in company with Cot. Jaquess, to Richmond: Va, the rebel capital. Their dangerous exploits and adventuret through the -army linos, and among the warryontedert. tee. are described with won derful wirer and interest. 12m0., cloth, tinted paper, UM. • Jolut G-uiraderst-rixvies A fascinating new navel of the " Jane Eyre" style 12mo, cloth; tinted paper, UM. • . QUEST. A charming new novel, d-or e that will win grea praise from ladies. 12mo. , cloth, tinted paper, $1.50. * * *Them books will be sold everywhere, and will be Reza by mail, free, on reader orp r i ce, by GEO. W. CARLETON, Pnbileber. New York. au B•we A LEINEAD & EVANS, SUCCESSOR TO WILLIS P..HLZARD, Ito. 124 CRESTM UT Street Have received.— IHR EARLY DAWN; or, Sketches of Christian Life in Eng%l'd in the Olden Time. By the author of the "Sehenbng Cotta Family," and Bald to be 'equally as We'l 'Men. ENOCH ARDEN. Tennywro's new Poem. BARBARA'S HISTORY By Amelia B. Edwards. A cepital novel, equal to "JohnEtelifax." ALAN AND HO' RELATIONS, illustrating the In• Science of the Mind on the Body. By a. B. Britton. K THE BATTLE-FIELDS OF OITR FATHERS. By TO tints F. Townsend. DOWN IN TENNESSEE. A new hook by Edward Eirke, author of " Aniong the Eines." Qll EST— A charming new novel. THE EOlfttln.A'StAC By William willlem Gilbert. SWIG ARST AND HER BRIDESW Hof; TEM NEW INTERNAL 'REVENEW LAW. New and standard novels, Suitable for summer read ing. A large supply of the celebrated Letpeic editions. In various bindings, selling at less than present cost of importation. • . anl9 - EFFLIE FOR SEPTEMBER 1 PITHER'S. SOS CHESTNET Street. TEr N ISON'I3 NEW POEM,_ ENOCH A- ARDEN. and otherpoeme, by Alfred Tennyson. - THE EARLY DAWN. or Sketches of Christian Life in England in the olden-time; by the author of the " Echonberg Cotta Family," with. an Introduction by Prot Smith. DRIFTED SNOWFLAKES; or, Poetical Gatherings from maar_authors. AZ Wax; An Episode. By Harriet E Prescott. _ RELIGIOUS TRAINING OF CHILDREN; by Oaths rine B Beeeher. PERSON AL AND POLITICAL BALLADS. Edited bFranic Moore. For sale by WILLIAM B. ALFRED SUBTEEN, an 2 606 CHESTNUT Street. APPLETON'S NEW ANLERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. The Agency for khls invaluable Library of Universal ,Inforination is at 33 South SIXTH Strest,sosond story. Also. RECORD OF THE REBELLION. By Frank Moore. 110 t EIMER'S COLORED PHOTO -A-%° GRAPES are a decided success. Every one is de ed 'with their lair, natural, life like appearance, and artistic coloring. *LK SECOND Street, above Green.. LAWTON BLLCEBERRIES- HEN: -A-A • metically Sealed, prepared this Beason . " and re ceived direct from our factory. at Rridgetnn . and for sale by RHODES & Wit:GUMS, ati2O-tf " lO7 South WATER Street. 1 0 -PICAOH AND TRUCK BAS- E:Ka tor sale by WWII & BIIBVON_ ,00 anft.tosi7 . 157 and .159 ,Nottb tsa, _ mum .oranTwor.. sILIOTRIZTQUOUSEs .;• , ' e t, SILK Sr. DRY GOODS JOBBERS. FALL, STOCK FALL, iste.t.) NOW IN STORE. Nos. 617 Chestnut and 614 Jiyne Streets, CJ ESTER VALLEY ACADEMY FOR Young Ladies and Genttannin will 449 ,, 9n Ninth month (spatf mbar) filth . 1864. J. K. TAYLOR., Mod pa], COLA ESVILLE, eboaer county. Pa. an!A•laa. SELF CT SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, 1030 EIf'RINGE GARDEN, wUI tho renpmied 800. .4tb. Cea2l'•lBL*) R. Y. BM:Kigali, Princlpal. OSEIDENSTICKTDR'B CLA.BSICA.L • INSTITUTE, 127 N. TONTH Street, will reopen IvICVDAY, Sett. ell English branches Latla,Greek, Gerroiin, and French taught. Call tor weircular. aard).lm* W OOT BURY SEMINARY, WOO 17- . BURY, N. J., nine miles from Philadelphia and e g,,y " ! ,,r ReePFIFI A limited number of Pupils of bath B pxos received into the fAmily of the Pi-lacteal Che coons of InFtructinn 1110111,1 es a thorough ENaLISR" AND OLASSICAT, .SDI.I ;ATOM. with Modern-Lan guages, /ironic, Brewing, and Painting, .by the best mestere. The Fell Term commences MONDAY, Sept. Alki• Referencee given end required. For cirenisro, addrePp au2o iituthSt. CHAR. A . ..8R0W N, A. E. ,Priticinal. .TILL BE OPENED, MONDA.Y, SEP TENDER fith, DM, at 1926 MT.- YdßNOff Street.al3oAlDlNG and DAY SCROOL for Young La. .dies; in. which will be afforded a thorough coarse of bi etruetiou lathe Memo', tarp and also the higher branch es of Mathematics, Sciences. Languages. Beleet Litera ture, and Musle. Mrs, R. E • W&TRONi- . Miss E. R. WATSON, Principals. RUBINESB i7DIJOA.TION -Y0 IT NO A-0 Men prepared for the connting Rowe and buileasa Life at CR+ WEN DEN'S Cdhl SIERC/A1 COLLEGE, 637 CHI ETNTIT Street, corner of IL seentb Practical inqinction in Book-Keeping, in all its bra aches; Feint ansh IP, plain and ornament al; Mercan tile Ca !outfit:lone. &c. Telegraphing by Found and on Paper taught by one of the best of ,practical Operators. - Students inetrncted eeparetely. and received at any time. Diplomas , with the Beal of the institution at tached. awarded on graduating. Catalognee containing particulars furniabed gratis on applicatio'n. TIMING FEMALE COLLEGE, ME -1- CHARICSBIIRG, cumbef'and county, Pa —Located on the Cumberland Valley Railroad, midway between Harrisburg and Carliele. rail Session begins September 7th, and: ends Jan. 31st, 1666. $126 pays all expenses per session,- for boarding, vesbing, fuel, light, furnished room, and tuition: . Music oariano or Guitar, 8125..• auThwernet A. G. MARLATT, President • BROAD- STREET. 'ACADEMY FOR BOYS. 337 - South BROAD Street. E. -WITH. A. M , Principal. _Duties resumed on MONDAY, Sept 1664. New Catalogue. now ready, and maybe had at Messrs. Ottkiard 'it, under the Continental Hotel; at lir. Hoyt's, Tenth and Chestnut streets, and at the Princi pal Bookstores. - aulB thstollt* a.f3. 14strba, captain. aule-taths3t EDMUND YARD & Citt PHILADELPHIA, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF SILKS AND FANCY DST GOODS, SHAWLS, LINENS, AND' WHITE GOODS: FULL LINE OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC 331 1 11.31011,AL5, . INCLUDING BRUNER'S AND OTHER ACMES a n2O- flut EDUCATIONAL.. an 9 DAL VBCILDOWN 'BOARDING SCHOOL -a- , FOR 01111.3, Ercildown, Chester Count*, Penns. "' The winter ttrm will commence 10th mo. 10th. 1884.. Terme, $7O per seeeion of twenty weeks, for English branches and Languages. Drawing or Painting, $5; Music. 910. Ciro°lars can be obt tined of 8. Dag- LINGTON, 133 Bondi FOURTH Street,-or of the Principal, RICHARD DARLINGTON, Yr., Ercildown, Cheerer Co.. Pa. man stathlat BRISTOL BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS will reopen on.the first Second-day in the Ninth month. For cirmiare epplyto aw3-Piths-26L RUTH ANNA, PEIRCR. Principal. CHESTNUT -STREET` FEMALE SEMI FART. —Miss Bomiey and BINS Diliaya will re open their Boardicg and Day School at No.. 161.5 CHESTNUT Street s WEDNEIDAY, September 14th. Particruars from circulars. arilS.tool nil EGARY STITUTE.,ENG GISH v AND FRENCH - BOARDING AND DAY SCROOL FOR YOUNG LADIES (1527 and 1529 SPRUCE St.. Philadelphia): svill reopen on TUESDAY. September 20th. Lettere to the above address will receive prompt attention- Personal application can be made atter An gist RO, 1864; to MADAME-D'ESRVILLE. anl7-1m Principal. SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN AT Ninth and Splnn Garden will be REOPENED September 12th, at 1914 MOUNT VERNON Street. GERTRUDE W. FULTON. HARRIET B. DARLINGTON. atil7-tf MARY E. SPEAKIL&N. MARY E. WILKINSON'S SCHOOL Jaz- - FOR LITTLE GIRLS removed to 118 North ELE VENTH EL- Th Oren ghinetrection in French, Manic, and Drawing. Mx papile received SR boarders. ata6-st. WOODLAND SEMINARY, 9 WOOD T• LaliD TERRACE, WEST PHILADELPHIA.— Rey..-ElitißT BEEVES, A. M., Principal, (late of the Chiffnbersburg seminary ) Session opens September 14th. A Day and Boarding School for Young . Ladles. Experienced Teachers; instruction solid, choice. and thor,ugh. Circulars sent on application. aule-t[ iproLmEs.Bußo SEMINARY FOR Ai.* YOUNG LADIES will be reoponed on TUESDAY, Sept. O. Fur CIRCULARS, containing references. ac., address the Misses CHAPMAN, Principals, Holinesburg P. 0 , Philadelphia City. nal% lin THE MISSES CA SEYA MRS. BEEBE'S -I- ENGLISH end FRENCH BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL, No. 1703 WALNUT , Streetollll BE OPSN on WEDNESDAY, the 14th of September. , an4-2m pRIVATE .SCHOOL - FOR BOYS, IL corner, of CHESTNUT and EIGISTEENTH Streets,. will to prn on MOI'DAY. September 6th. L. BAB MPELBOY, Principals -anls-lnet 10 1 1311.A.DELPERA COLLEGIATE :IN STITUTE FOR. YOUNG LADLES, No: 1630 ARCH Street. Rey: CHAS. A SMITH; D. D., E. CLARENCE SMITH, A. M., Principals. .Ninth Year. Three Departments: Primary, Acade mit, and Cones - Mae. Ftsti college course in Classics, Mathematics, higher English, std Natural Science, for those who rtradaate. Modern Lansmagee, Music, Paint ing, and Pleention by the best nisaters. For circulars, impiy at 1E243 CHEOTSCT Street, or addreae Box P. 0., Phi/ado/phis. The text elusion will commence on Monday, Septa %- be, 19th - . ap2o-6m. A NDALUSId INSTITUTE—A HOME A-s• BOARDING-SCHOOL FOR BOYS, at Andalusia. Pa., 12 miles from Philadelphia. H. T. WELLS, A. M. Rector. REFERENCES —Rt. Rey. Alonzo Pother, P.D., LL.D. and Rt. Rev. Wm. B. Stevens, D. D. anti-1m MILITARY COLLEGE, ALLEN. AAA, TOWN, Penns. . within three hours' ride of Phi ladelphia; chartered b T theZtate, provided with spa cious grounds and bui dings, and opened in- Kay . last with over ne hundred pupils. Commences its next sea , sion Sepumbsr 6th. For circulars, address Hey. at L. HOFFORD, a. M., President. - atne-lra WOODBURY • INSTITUTB, WOOD BURY, Ct, —An excellent School, and a cheerful and happy home fog bays For Circulars address the Principal. faulo.lota P. h. nimbE. TE YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE OF HATEORO, Rev. Ohl/ RAM!, A. M. Principal. Established ten years since. Delightfully located fif teen miles north of Philadelphia. A well appointed and thorough SCHOOL, and a safe and pleseant HOME for a limited number of pupils. Reopens MONDAY, SEpt. nth. For circniars address then incipal. an9-12t. pEN - N SYLVA NI A. MILITARY ACADEMY. AT WEST CHESTER, - The duties of this institution will be reeru - ned on THILESDLY, -September let, at 4 o'clock P. M. Circulars,. containing fell Information, - may be ob tained-of TAMES H. coins, Seq. , No. 626 C.HEST. NUT Street, or of COL. THEODORE HYATT. ae6-1m President Penna. Military Academy_` I'EMALE COLLEGE, BORDENTOWN, N. J.-This Institution la pleasantly located on the Delaware Elver, about' thirty miles by railroad from Philadelphia. Thorough instruction is given in the common and higher branches of English, and superior advantages are furnished in the Ancient acid Modern LangnAges, Drawing, Painting in all its branches, Vocal and , InstruMental Music. For Catalogues, ad dress Env. JOHN H. BRAEBLEY.,_ A. 11/.. ' Presidant. NISP MARY B THROPP WILL RAD - OPEN her ENGLISH and FRENCH BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES, at No. itssu CHESTNUT Street, Phiradelphla, on the 12th of Sep tember.' For circular*, until the ltt of September, ad dress Mite THROPP, Valley Forge. Pa. a3-Bw` fI_LENWOOD ACADEMY, DELL WARE WATER GAY, ROBROE CO., PA. The fall is* ion of the above in Mutton co_m menet. OD the j gth of the 9th month s (September). For FatAttra applEtzmArliaFr,LettSll)l/01P0=.1114. FRIENDS' SCHOOL FOR GIRLS AND AMALL BOYS, on School lane, Germantown, will reopen on the 6th of Ath month. The usual branches of an English education will be taught, and we feel war. - ranted in believing that the competency of the teacher, Deborah - Smith, will make it desirable to parents to patronize the school.. /716-tf VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.-Ml= LYNN'S BOARDING SCHOOL. 4 lAA e beyond Me• dia. aud9.4. miles from Glen Riddle, °tithe Went Ches ter Railroad • Thorough course in Mathematics: Reta in' Sciences, Languages. and English.. Practical les. gone In Surveying and Civil Engineering. Vine library and nYnagatne.Number of pupils limited. Begins Sept. lal " bairn bone Sta of a borne. Reform to John 0. Capp.4/*/2, 213 South - Third etroot• Tb os. J: Clayton, Fad.. and Prune; John H. Mehl SCO Walnut Address •• Rev. S. HENRY BARTON A. M., jy22-9m ' VILLAGE ORRI Ik. Penns. TER WEST CI TER ACADEMY AND 1111LITART INETITUTE. The acholootic year of ten months commences on the Arm TUESDAY, the elth of September mint and closes on the let of July following. Boys and young men prepared for College or Busineu- In ita various requirements. The modern languages are taught by native resfacot Teachers, who have no connection with any other school. tor catalogues and full Information aujy to WM. F. WINES, A R: ,Prncip; or, J. HUNTER. WORRALL, A. N. Ph. D Assotriftte WEST CHESTER, Penna. QOLON ROBINSON OF THE N. Y. " TRIBUNE, SAYS:—• , If i can say anything to In duce families to buy the UNIVERSAL WRINGER. with on wheels 1 shall be glad of the opportunity, It is one of If not the very Peet Abor-enving machines ever in vented for woman's nee. My family would ne soon Rive up the cooking stove, It cannot be too highly re con mended. , ' Agency for the UNIVERSAL WRINGER, No. 27 , Youth b 1.811( Street, batmen Market and Climb:tut green, • formerly No. 721 CHESTNUT Street. • WO MADE TO .HBATL—INSTRIT _,L, mFBITBEo 'meat tbe Hearing at P.MADETRAV 8,115 South TENTH &reek below Chestnut. auPD;6t. T ATOUR'S OLIVE OIL.-400 BAB kets fresh . Latour's Olive OM IA lots to snit the purchaser, for sale by BRODER a WI LUAU'S, 1, 107 South WATER street. L_IICHNOW BA:IICE.-TVIS cm* Ji-4 lasted SIAM 011 bawl and for Palelij 'RHODES & WILLIAI3O, 107 South - WATER Street. CIRtENOBLE WALNIITS:-100 N-A bales,GreenobleWalutil i atea r c i ttraval, 107 South WALTER Street. by a 20 tt CORN STARCH.--400 • BOXES OS• wego and Duryea's Corn Starch; a 150,50 boxes Mal. rens, for sore by ERODES & WILLI& 4% att2ll-tf , UORYTYPEB, FtPASe. ING •IN AC cuaACY and _pal nral, 1163. like coloring any made eleeather , See epeolmens and judge for yourselves. I 3. F. ladlifEß's Gallery, 624 ARCH - Street. I.t* CARTES DE VISI . TE.--BEATJTIFUL itta:llt , l i stlzp . ..Nelmend of Mo. popula r style of rd t o g 4 Aral are madet. l t o th.:iru.7 oaßvagragAarrD 'werbv.p.pptra.Ets. RETAIL DRY GO N'E"IMT S7i3l3EVr IB•40Xt 11804. • NEW AND GREAT tvalurrtox IA HOOP SHI)i.I3. EB DUPLEX ELLIPTIn (og Dou BLE) sTior, SPRING. J. L. At J. G. WEST. No. 9 EHAMMAS STRIP.T , NEW Y Are the owners of the patent end exelneive minutia. turera of tide. J. W. BRADLEY'S PATENTED DUPLEX ELLIPTIO STEEL mama SKIRTS. Thin invention consists of Duplex (or two) Elliptic Steel Springs,. ingeniously brained tightly and. fi rmly together, edg e to edge, making the toughest, moat elea tle,-flexible, and durable spring everused, enabling the wearer, in consequence of its great elasticity and flexi bleness, to place and fold the skirt when in use as easily and . With the same convenience as a silk or muslin dress. It entirely obviates and silence's the only °bloc tions to hoop shirts, viz: the annoyance to the wearer as well as the public, especially In crowded assembles, carriages. retirees cars.chnrch.pewe, or in any growded place, front the difficulty of contracting them to occupy ing a small space, .This entirely removes the difficully. while giving the skirt the wool fall and symmetrica l form, and is the lightest and most stylish and graceful appearance for the street, opera , promenade, or house dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasnre, comfort, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Ellipsis Spring Skirt for a single day, will never afterward willingly dispense with the use of them. They ace the beet quality in every part, and by far the lightest, most dumb e, comfortable, and economical skirt made. !der chants will be supplied. as above, and ladles in most first-class retail stores in this city and throughout the different States. Jiir Inquire for the DOODLE BLICIPTIO SPRING SKIRTS. 11),RADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC -a- , SHIF.T. Very flexible, folded easily when in use to occupy a small space, making the most agreeableexirt worn. For sale by J. 51 ITAFLItIGEL, 904 . CIIESTMIT Street. DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SPRINti SKIRT, THE MOST POPULAR ANA FLEXIBLE IN USE SHEFFPARD, VANHABLINGEN, Eg4LERISON, 1008 CHESTNUT Streei PATENT DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT. For !sale by J. O. MAXWELL h SON, S. E. -Cor. ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT Street" DUPLEX DPLEX ELLIPTIC -a- , SKIRT—The greatest improvement we have ever seen in LADIES' SKIRTSand an article of SUPERIOR 'EXCELLENCE. • CIIRWIN STODDART & 8R0.,. 450, 453, and 454 N. 8500 ND St., O. Willow. an3-1m if - ARMY, NAVY, AND 01Y1.14 C o.nci Co T. 7 W. T. SNODGRASS, it S BBCOND Street and S 3 antavanutur- Street A. ranee MOOR OP Alai Kt* CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, TESIINGS, &c., At fair prices., pordhoseflikaifore tato rise, frUis ; Peuflusf .... of godd garabiers,by tho Package, Piece, or yard. Our motto is to scat We don't peddle. Come and see our stock. The Army and Navy trade has oar special at tention. auSata ilLosiNG OUT SUMMER DRESS AGoons AT LOW PRIGS' th great variety of stylee of is se a son's imDortsloll, from 22 cents to IL Best Puna Lawns at 32 3 ( cents. Figured Brown Lonna' at WM, mats. French Lawns at 40, 60, 62 and ang cents. • Beet makes of Muslina, Canyons. (Habana, and a ll kinds of Domestic G oods, far banal' the mannesetnror's prices. White Hareco and Lama Shawls. Silk Grenadine Shawn. 600 all-wool Cashmere Bhawle r &,_worth 50. H. STEEL & 508 52. , 1716 Nos. 713 and 715 North TENTH' Stroot. Uf NO:a :4447;ME:SIO:ilv The attention of LADIES ABOUT LILLY TBb CITY for the " Sea Shore." "War tering Places,' or "the Country, " le respectfnHy invited to the extensive stook of WHITE GOODS, suitable for SIMMER WRAB.,. for WHITE BODIES, MOREING WRAPPERS, gsc. .An extenzive assortment is offered In Lowe and Worked Edgings and Inserting% Voile Handkerchief% Collars„Sleeve% and in_pj r all and limey Plaid, Striped, and Figured ..I.te Goods her PRICES MUCH BELOW THEE PHESIBT RETAIL VALUE. RV Printed Linen Cambric Dresses ig)ll Pillage "Faded. Tasked, and Striped Yoaaa. E. M. NEEDLES. • LINEN .DUCE. FUR BIJIT6. Boperb quality, white and coloied. Natural color, extra heavy. Coating Linens, fancy Drills. Wide Ape black Alpacas. White Marseilles Postings. No advance In Summer Cashimerem Fine Stock for Summer and Fall. LAWNS. Good styles from 28 to SO cents . Summer dress stuffs low. COOPEX & COXARD, iY22 S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Stream RXADIrNit OUR LAWNS. Lawni, brown ground, neat figured, 44a. Lawns, white ground, neat figured, 4dr. Enckabact and. Bath Towels, hirgefassorlinelkt. Bird's Eye Linen Towels. • - Extra size Damask Towels. Shetland Wool Shawls for tourists, SE. Bathing Flannels red and gray. 3yB JOBE i t. STOKES. 702 ABBE Street A LAKEIE STOCK OF SILKS ON hand, for sale below the present cost of importa tion. . Heavy colored Corded Silks, • Heavy colored Plain Silks, Colored Ottoman Silks, In sh the richest shades. Colored Figured Silks. Superior quality dark around Peel ard Silks, thirty six inches wide .SD wIN EUSLL a CO., aul6-mwe3 gO'Sonth SECOND Street._ A LARGE STOCK OE SILKS ON . 014 - hand, for tale below the - preeeril eolit: of iritivrell tion- Heavy black Corded Silks. Black Gros Grains. . Black Pot& de Soles. Black Amore Silks. Superiorblack Taffetas. Heavy black Gros de Miles. Black T'lettred Silks • Black Silks of OD kinds. EDWIN HALL & CO, 26 South sEcosn st,A4t. ARMY GOODS. ET=M FOR TER ARMY A..ND NAVY. EVA. N S & i A. SS A. MILITARY FURNISHERS. 418 ARCH STREET, ' PHILADELPHIA.. Banners, Regimental and Company rags, EWords, Sashes, Bette, Pumas, Epaulets, Rats, Caps, Can• teem, Raversacke, Camp Site, Field Glasses, Emus, and everything psrtaining 'to the complete ontdt of Army and Navy °Ricers. A liberal discount allowed to the trade furl-lm SUBST!TIVTES. SUBSTITUTES I SUBSTITUTE - SI I SUBSTITUTES !I ! 'Enrolled Citizens! Enrolled Citizens AND PARTIES DESIROUS OF VOLUNTEERING, Are informed that the $l3ll. of , S. 11. JOSEPH & CO: Have taken the Rooms N 45: 422 WALNUT STREET, Lately occupied by the CIMENSTTOLUNTEER. SUB - WeITUTE CoMffirlTE, Where they will be pleaard to furnish ALIENS. YE TERANS:or,CONTEARANDS, ae Substitutes for E. ROLLED CITIZENS, and pay to Substitutes the higheet price paid, We are also in , want of Yolauteerop and will deal lib's/211y with Brokers ' ' s. H 4osEprc ed,co. N N" "pa • ON HAND op CONSTANTLY REOETVU - - Toi sale,by • - • gull Silt 51. R. MARKET STREET. Q 11101 U liit3I.A.INI a C 0 .1, S 80. an szoAnwi.i. NNW YOWL; iNFORTIRO OP MEN'S LADIES' GLOVES; GERMAN AND ENGLISH HOSIERY, MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS; LACES &DRESS TRIMMINGS; so whbat tiff INVITE TEI WiIoLIBALII TRADIL Magni CITY POINT, VA.., AUGUST 7;1863. OFFICE DEPOT OP REPAIEE. AEMIES, OPERATING AcIADIST EIORMOED. • • WANTE?D; r • 300 nreameterol, 50 -Wheol.Wriatllii. • 60 itatheltsmitbm.. and gqcarriage WrlMElleTeo Who winrimoivo the highest rates'or Government pan ration., and meted attendance. Transportation furnished by alVASInit et Inn itaritsiivANZA. Avenue, Wastington. Z. J. STRANG, JAMBS' IL SA lI LLY, 41:norsoirmoktor , o. torah aillS,ltitk AND *ti3STMKTUAtOUOTiI li TaxsTL.rai. - Ct AUCTION SALES. Arenori BALE OF CONDEMNED 4-x- HOMES. WAR DEPARTMENT. CAVALRY DEREAP._OPPICS PP CHIRP QUARTBREAREIR WANE/124.1 ON, D C . AnguetS, 1861. WM be .old at public auction. to the highest bidder, at the Dines mid places named bclow,vis: Reading, Pennsylvania,* THURSDAY. August 18, Altoona, Pennsylvania THURSDAY, August 25,1864. 1564. Le `bannn. Pennsylvania, THURSDAY, Septem b er Flatrisbutg, Pennsylvania, THITBSDAT, September TWO FITTNIMEI) (200) Cavalry Horses al each place Theee Corse!' bays been condemned as unfit for the Cavalry service or the Army. For Road and Farm purposes, many good bargains may he bad. • Hornell mad Manly Terms: Cash in United Staten Currency. JAMES . SK Limit. Colonel and Chief Quar A terrnanter. lL ° 04,0 Cavalry Bureau. WANTS. A YOUNG MAN FROM THE COUN -4.ITRY desires a nITUATIO if in some basinass hones. Understands Double-entry Book-kenpiog, can speak OfrMaD• and DO objection to making Manua gonarally ef orul st of reference. Call or address "A. K. 501 YORE Avenue. au2o 2iL A LADY OF LONG EXPERIENCE la Teaching &Ares a 011:1AVON in a School or Family. drro La DimEn w glis M o LiteratureMathematics, Latin, MO- Box M, Misch:OpalsPPainting Address' ul ates * ' aO-21 EMPLOYMENT HOUSE, THE LARG est and most reliable, for city and count Has always a gond selection of capable nersone, vrith ry. rood references. Americans, Irish. English, French, De c . mans, Scotch, Welsh, and newly-lauded emigrants, as Gardeners, Farm Bands, Coachmen, Watchmen, ac. ' Cuoke Chambermaide, Seamstresses. - Laundresses, Waitresses, and general Housework Servants Also, Colored Ssrvanta. Nos. 802 and 804 LOCUST Street, above Eighth. ROOMS WAETED.-AN ELDERLY Oentistosa and Wife wish to Lint two Furnished or Unfurnbdied Rooms for one afar, between Bin tenth and Thirteenkh, Chestnut and Spruce streets. Private bout* ptaterred. Setiefattory svferences given and se quin& Address •• G. J," Post Ottlce,Box 2301. Can2o.3t• TEN VOLUNTEERS WANTED 1.74. METWATELY, three yearn WO cash down aad novernmtnt &may—s 999. Volanteere to hare Cher choke of eervice Also. FIVE SD BSTFFITTBS WANTED, for which the hlghot puke will be paid W. •1). HAVENS, U 5 South BEV 81.1T11 Street, Room No. 10. secjnd floor. TEAMSTERS WANTED. • an2o.3t* CHIRP QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, DEPOT OP WASETNOTOIS2 WAPIHROToN. D . C..Angast 18, NTISD. at Once, Five Hundred OM) to One Thou sand ( I.QOB ) Tk UTTERS, each capable of driving with single line and managing six-mule teams. To such who are competent to perform the deity, the pay pes m with will be tbsirty-five (No dollars. with one Jailor per ay, and hospital privileges, including the best medical atte , dance wl en sick. ._.•• • - • • . Men orperlenced as Wagon blasters will reestve such txpdtione owns bringing to this point twenty fire (25) gond Tearotters. • - Apply to Captain CHARLES H ToarrKlN l A. O. M., D. SA. corner of TWENTY - SECOND . and G -Streets, Washington, D. C. . .. D H HIICIEHR., Brigadier General and Chief Quarte-marer. arat. t*e9 Depot of Washington. WANTED—IN A WHOLESALE DRY Goo, s Store, i BOY to learn the business. Ad dress Box MI Poet Ottatt.. au7.o-&• MISS' RUIZ& W. SMITH'S SCHOOL . FOB YOUNG LAT Fga, 1211.0 sPaubs Street, will be reep.ned on WBDFIVD4I7.• Sept. 7tb. The course embraces a thorough English win tatoo. with Latta,. French, (lemma. Music, Drawing, Pa eti4r.gtrt au2O-Pa.! WAITED-BY. A DEAN .OF EXP.E. • I Y MINCE. a Fituation ea Agent in the 01 . 1 tie ice forth. purpose of dr veloplng and producing ntl, non! rerareacts given. address "C. C.," Prete ogles. 18 6t NI'ANTED—A BOY 15 TO 17 YE RS If V of ago to Leo= the Wholesale Grocery Bu4iness. Mont he qutek et 'figures., and arrit. a root ban Wa,,e. e 3 Per 'week Ad ire.. Box WIC Phila. P. 0. au2l3-3t. WANTED. - AN ASSI ST ANT IN Al Druz Store in the West A knowledge of the bnelneee end beat of reference required Apo] rto ELLIOT WHITE & CO.. 58 If. FOURTH St. acil9-3t* WANTED -IN A DRY GOODS COM htissiorr BOITSF.. a LAD, 16 or 17 years of ago, to again in the.Counting-honee ano make himself gene rally tateftil. Addreep, in handwriting of apolloant, " F. W. C.," this Office. anlB-SL. WANTED -A PARTNER, WITH • • abort WU, to go into the Steam Saw Kill and Wholeralle Lumber Bnairrems Addree. "Albert Q. Oerdkei Quatertown.- Bncke county, Pa." sulB Ste WAIITED-437 A MAN OF EXPERI ENCE, a SITTYLTION an Agent in the Oil Sete 'for the porpore of developing end producing oiL Good references even. /Aires C. C.." Press off] efl. 18.30' WANTED -A YOUNG MAN AS AS sistant Book Keeper in a Market street Rouse. None need apply unless they have had some experience and can come well recommended. addrese, in hand writing of applicant, "Box 1407, " Post Office. aim, a man as Porter. anlß-Sts WANTED- I A WHOLESALE COT TON GOODS .AND WOOD AND WILLOW WARE BOUGH two active GLLEBII6N. One from ffeW Jersey and one from Pennitylvatia. Those with an established cash trade preferred. A liberal salary will be paid to energello men, but beet of reference required. .addreee "J. F. 6., "at this Ofifee. au1640 dib THE SII33SCRIBER WISHES TO pan:hese (for cash) a FARM of one or two hun dred acres, In Northern or Virescern Pennsylvania It must be in good cultivation, with all the neeesma7 buildings for a well.revalated farm. Address ".1. D.," Box 384, WASHINGTON, D. Cl. s7,ooo,e'Ltif on mortttatzs ", oTHIctIECU p tS . tY. at 6 per.ce at. for t i trtg o yete l L c° R^ l7 - 1 4 * C 64,36 RAlNATOrrEgivet. BOAAJDERG. rooms TO LIT. at 13$ War% MTN Si 3N-S; :111‘; sk; 8 A All *Li) : 41 gra BATHLITG.—NATIONAL HALL CAPE ISLAND, Capp May, N. J., is now open fo the reception of Nte numerous guests. Terms moderst• Children under 12, years of age sat servants half pries Superior sweennitedations and 'duple room for tw, • hundred person... AARON GARRETSON, weourietor. rr/ rA )15 I:t I I) )0 gn GREAT FIRE AT CHAMBERSBURG. VICTORY VICTORY ! EVA.II S WA, 'r S ON" S SALAMANDER SAFES. BEAD THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATES CHAKRERSBUBG, August 15,1861• HORes. Beane & Watson: Oss - n.magg : This is to inform you that the Safe pi:w et:mato of you some time eume wss s tbjerted to the great Me which consumed our store daring the rebel invasion of the SOth of July last. We are happy to say that after we had taken our safe from the ruins, where it had .iald for a period of three day s, and opened , it, we found our books and papers In an excmla us COllliition. We would recommend your Safes to all persona Who Wish a good article. Yours truly, _ MILLER, & CO. • CmillineßgßUMG, SIISUSt 15,1851 Messrs. Evans & Watson: GENTLhDIEN: 1 with plesaure inform yeti - that On Open ing a.T elate, Puiebaa-cd from you tome time slime, on Sattirdarevening Met, jest two weeks after the barn. Ing of our town by the rilbels. I found my books and Paters in much bett , r condition than I expeetfrd ; on meninx the hooks and papers found hem perfect fily Safe was exmisegi to great heat. on account of the quan tity of oils .sad other eulnhui-tible matter I had in my cellar I write you on some of, the paper that was in my Safe during the fire, that you may hue hour wets it • Ness rzeserved I will soon want my Safe repaired, or a nets one In exchange. layy respectfully yours, L. B. SYSTBIL • CITA)I DERSTICRG, Angn tl5, MA 31 , 99r9. EV1772.9 AI MILO.: Onrrmotms: In. the dreadful fire which destroyed my More end the greater portion of this town, which was done by the rebels ' on the 90th of July 1441, I had one of your Fire- Yroof Safes. purchased from you some time since, which contained my h •oks, papers. &c. After undergoing the vi. lence of the Camels. sad felling some ten feet„ a. d remaining in the heated ruins for a nab it- of seventeen days, it was recovered from the burning mass and opened I have the gratification to inform you that its* eon tents 'were preserved in an excellent condition, and as t his is one of the many lintel ces wherein your Safes hare folly sustain. d the go. d qualities attributed to them, I feel a an agreeable duty to render evidence of the fact. Respectfully yours. J. L. DECHERT. CRAM nEsEncn(i, August 13. 1884. Nesters. Brume & Watson: GRIVrITOISN: This is to Inform Ton that the Safe we pm chased from you sum, time ago was subjected to the Are which consumed our effic*, during the rebel Mill et.= on the Stith of July last. We are happy tofiay that the Safe stood the test of the fire well, and we recovered our papers from it uninjured. -Very reapectiully, KENNEDY & NILL. More Sept. of the ISM; good quality for .ale at EVANS StreetW ATO WS Salamander Safe Store.l6 att.% Soa ak FUUltra . - LILLIE'S ,• • • .CHILLED -IRON SAFE ' STILL TERMED FOR TRE.SNEDIT, Si "• Para flea, WREN YOU PUT I' 015 R YINO 611 ON NM HE AIN'T 'MAK !" To David Eva+MAl' Vie Firm of Bowie & Watson: Big: Yon publicly asserted in slate newspaper article, Chat you would drill any LILLIB'S SAFE now in nee In the city of Philadelphia in two hours, including the Safes at the Bank of - Northern Liberties, Sc. We have fairly met you on your own around, and gave YOU threw bourn Metead of two h onre (the time yon ASA ed), -with out response . But you Pay in a still later article, you will pledge $l.OOO against *LOKI that you will drill arid open_ some other of LILLIE'S SAFES in three honre. Now, as you have not confidence to pat Evans & Witt awe Mercantile Safe against Lillie's as a Fire-Proof. nor Evans & Wateon's best Bank Safe against Lillie's as a Burglar-Proof, and as you have not confidence In your ebb it y to open one of Lible's Parse at the Bank of Northern Liberties in three hours., bat still assert that you can open other of tittle's Safes in three hones, and offer to pledge BLOOD against 'MOO that you wilt thus open Isißie's Safe at the First National Bank, 'Chester, the First National Bank at Williamsport., and others; now, that year ioraerful talent in drilling mailed Iron shall not be hid M a bushel" or " wasted on desert air," we propose to arrange with either of the above Banks (as you may elect) to allow you to operate open their Safe. The following to be the terms and con ditions: The teeing: Bach party shall put into the hands of the rash irrsl(4)o. The cashier to put the money in the safe end lock it oe his combination. You are to operate on the safe precisely as proposed in your challenge to the Corn Exchange Bank In ali respeots If toyou get pos. seeeten of the money in three hours it is be yours, if not the money Is to be ours. and 3 on are, income of fail ure. to pay the damage done to the safe; and 3 on are, to be allowed twe of the best steel drills you can procure to operate with. heennifition: You shall first arrange with the Seventh National-Bask, Philadelphia, to furnish their safe for us to iterate upon,:should you succeed to oven Lillie's. and each party to pledge $l.OOO as above, and if we do not open. their sale,, made by Evans & Watson, at a cost of E 1.200, in two hours, without powder and with no more noise than you make to open Lillie's, the money good yours, and the damage to the safe to be made by cm. If we do encased. the money to be ours. As you decline to 'placeEvans ett Watson's best Bank We, enatilig 5 0 0, against Lillie's, costing IPA on equal terms as a Burgiar•Proof. we now offer you one half more time than we Itilk,ahOttld you eneeeed at all.) oer 6 " 11 e have your LEWIS LILLIE & BOIL M. C. SADLER, Agent. BP Sontlt SEVENTH Street. arili&mwat LOOSING GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE & SON, 816 CHESTNUT STRUT, PHILA.. bAve now in store a •err Ana assortment of LOOKING GLASSES, of every oharneter, of the MT BEST MANCIYACTITIDI AND LATSWT Nrnige OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, %TONI PTITTTIRN AHD PHOIVIGHAPH VILAIM ba' XOLSONABLE AMUSEMENTS. GR 0 VER'I3 • W 011E8TNITr- STREET TRZATML LEONARD GROVER fd &NAGEL %HIS (BSTORDAT) EVENING, Anand 20, IN* EXTRA.J.RDINARY ATTRACTIN. TWENTY-SECOND main' of the Great Noinantic, MEACkI, Pal. tornimia Spectsculac Dram, .ALADDIII, OE THE WONDERFUL LAM. Pi r't ni. ht. of the Wonderful Cariosity and Beantifat Ilinntou tha LIVING FOUNTAIN OF COLORED WATERS. Which the Ma mage_r bas tranaferred. contestableexPertse,from Battrrom's MUSEUM , N.Y.. (Wile" It was Ine rrinCIPSI Feature of Attraction for upwards of F• ur Morl , ha.) for the - purpose of adding 14111 smother MAGNIFICENT FEATIIhE to this Eminently.Euecess fnl Spscta ele. NEW and MAGNIFICENT SCENERY, Elegant Pro- Dertiea, Wonderful Mete, Superb Costron.a. Startltag Trerstirmatiots, Grand Cheruses. and 13sautifnl Masts, ilarceß. germs, &c. The whole nredncsd at an actual coat or scao. The Cast of Characters is one of Great. Excellence. PRICES OP ADMISSION. Press Circle or Parquet Fri:mi... Circle - Orcleitrn brats 75 cents. Bfx of the Front Benches only st.e reserved an Or eb.arnt :sate. Igo Extra Chsrsp rnr %miring Boats. Dears open at, 7 o'clock. Performances commence et 8 To ecisely. WA LNTJ T -STREET THEA.T lig.- TM. favorite establishment will open on 8 AMI DST Rvulairo. „august kith. The sesern sill open slut the une.ppronehable-prodnetion of tbe greatest Ro mantic spectacle ever written, with entirely T HcellorrE NAIA no vel end ort idna! eilhets, by D QUEEN! Charles S. Getz. 1.8, the renew tied • Mettle artist, en bew S. Illeev expressly- Tlie Lef.see pledges herself that the Spectacle pill be presented on a scale of nrittrituds never excelled, incl millet a CAST OF rIVEQUALLED SXCELLENCS. Prises of Admisetere —tore.. Circle and Parquet Aor Family Circle and kinphithearre,Ze.; Orche,tra Chairs, thl: Secured Seats in Dress Circle. ma. . Doors open at VAC CUrtilie ?Nee emitter to 8. antl6llB 66 aATBERINO OF TEEN. G^L,6N4.) , - BCGTIPIT GAMEAt- The Sixth Anneal Gaiwiss of the CALEDONIAN CLUB rIF Plift&DE (,PIII A. will be held at wAdRIPIOTON RETREAT on tiinspay Fept. stb, MI. Cars leave Thirteeuth and Callowhili streets at 13%, 10, Us,. L 2%, and 4 o'clock Excursioa Tenet, / Arts . A Rraas and string Ihend. has bees ea pged for the °Medea. DUNCAN WRIGHT, 2t• WM. SMITH. Treasurer. TER ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. HESTNUT Street. above Tenth; Is OPEN DEUX for yfratort. from 9 L EL to Gmms slum. CORDER NINTH AND `-" ARC% TOR LAI R hS, GENTLEMEN. AI , TD DIIEL OPell 0, 017 city and evening. Exerat44 gives besith bind strength: the only means to prolonirnfe. Pay me a visit. Sml7-41 PrOwars HILLEAR (ND & mrl3. FOR BALE AND TO LET: MOUNT MORTAR OZMATERT.- T*o !Splendid LOTS et a eartifle.. nositiveln en2s3tit MILLER. 154 North MTH Street - C)A.. SHARES. OF BTOCIE IN 3101711 T NOW AN CENEIBRY FOR iteLß Apply as 131 hfaitHri .etieek an.l7-Wr ft" PLR BILE, MUCH BELOW ITS' maßatc. .VALI E—A two-and -s-hatt Wry Mawr troMin.E. tlt•ar Derby. with 12 scree of Land, adokaed• will) a brae. bum her or Sbade Trees, and &leo a great variety of Frill t.Trees in . bearing. Stabling, Ice-house.. and everything complete to make it a rn .st desirable . country seat. B, F. GLENN. au2Oti 4023 South POURVI Stieet: a FOR SA_LE-WITH, IMMEDIATE= 2420- SESSION. neat large - D welling, Inn Summer street: fifteen Booms. Lot and Building 28 feet front: depth of lot. 111 feet to Spring street itll,ooo. Meat large four story Dwelling 1708 Race street:. fifteen rooms . Lot 22 by 100 *Cab; Elsgant tour story D welling. north. aide Arch, west 'el Twenty. first street. Lot 28 by ins. *8,200. Lot and Buildings. 1943 Arco street. Lot 20 by 100 b> * streety a splendid neighborhood for a residence. 416 00. Be ß at Dwelling, 1616 Mt. Vernon street. Lot 18•14 y 80.- Twelve rooms 8 6 .000. • fh lendid Dwelling, north aide Mt Vernon, west of Sixteenth ; twelve rooms. Lot YO by 100. 247.800. Neat Dwelling. north side Mt. Vernon, west of Nine teenth street Lot 20 by 104 Twelve rooms. 46400. Nest Dwelling, south side Mt. Vernon. east of Six teenth Lot IS by 90. Twelve rooms, 55,500 Elf rant Dwelling. 457 North Foartietreet: Lot.2oby . 86. Eleven roome. 145,990 Very eligibly•located Dwelling. 449 North Bfiventk street. Lot 20 by 90 $7,500. Three new Dwellings. thirteenth street. north of 2,llo.torznnished admirably throughout: 94.500. Well built, nearly new Dwelling; 950 North Seventh.- street twelve rooms. Lot 18 by 9$ $5.200. Neat Dwelling, Twelfth street. north of Race. Lot IS by 90. Eleven rooms $5.500. Bpiendid Emaciate! Dwelling, 925 Franklin street; twelve rooms. Lot 18 feet 6 inches by 110 lest deep -4/9.840. Magnificent fonr•story Dwelling, north side Green. vreet of Tenth. Fifteen room F ift een t h by 101. :t9;300 • Beat Dwelling, west side north of Pine • street. Wax Nat new Dwelling, 2202 Pine street. Ten rooms. Lot 18 hy 90. Splendid nearly-new Dwelling, south aide Green. WPRI side of Twenty. third. Twelve roomsA Lot 16 by 118 feet deep. $0,15i0 . Beat Dwelling, 2214 Brandywine street. $2 870. Besides scores of others. of which pusseeelou can be bad Immediately. or in a very shoji. time. GStIRGIt C. MILLER, Practical Real Estate Broker, 1.54 North SIETH Street. (ant this out for future reference. au2o %kir TO REAL ESTATE .OWNERA.- -t- Every person wishing to DISPOSE OF PRO PEary ahonla avail tben.eelves of the at/vantages derived by calling upon me at once. New Monthly Catalogue now being complied. °SORGE C. MILLER. Practfcal Baal. Estate Operator, 154 North SIXTH Street. N. B.—fifty first-class Housee wanted to purchase. at prices ranging fromlo,ooo to MIAOW- aato 3tif a FOR SALE-THE VERY DE MI-111 SIRABLB Double Three-story Itroddenee situate on north side of BAILING street, second property west of Thirty-fifth meet, together with stable and coach henna; house complete in every particular. All modern improvements; large and beautifully arranged garden well shaded: extensive grape virtue. fruit, and shrub bery. The house has two fine dry cellars, one of which. Is plastered and arranged se provision cellar, etc. Pro perty may be examined between the hours of 10-A. IL and OP. at. For loather particulars apply to J HENRY &BMW, anl6-tnths 3t 112 South FOURTH &rest. LEGAL. UNITED STATES _ EA.BTBRII TBICT OF 'PENNSYLVANIA. —Ser. THE PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED STATE& TO THIE MARSH AL OF THE ZANTERN DISTRICT or PENN SYLVANIA. —Gummi:go : WHEREAS The District .Court of the United States in and for the Baxter. District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United States of America, bath decreed all persons it general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the sloop bARaR MARY. whereof is master, her tackle, apparel, and furniture. sad the cargo now or lately laden on board thereof. cap tured by the United states steamer " Norfolk Packet, '• under command of George W. Wood, Acting Sr Moe of the Navy of the United States, to be monished. cited, and called tojudgmf tit, at the tints and place en derwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed (jos tice so requiring,. Yon are therefore charged and strictly enjoined and commended, that you outliner., but that by publishing these presents in at least two of' the daily newspapers printed and published in the city of Ithiladelphia, and in the Legal Intellforne.r, stow do mottleh and cite, or cause to be monished and cited. peremptorily, all persons In general who hare, or pre tend to have, any right, title. or interest in the said sloop SARAH MaR Y, her tackle, apparel, and fur niture, and the cargo ' now or lately laden on board thereof, to appear before the Honorable JOHN CAD WALA DER, the Judge of the said Ceart. at the , District Court room. In the city of Philadelphia, ea the TWEN cIETEI day after publication' of these pre sents. if it be a court gay. or else on the next coati day following, between the usual hoots of hearing datum% then and there to show, (waiter,. in due form (Ala., a. reasonable and lawful excuse , if an e they bare, whir the said sloop SANAH MARY, her tackle, appa rel, and furniture, and the cargo now or lately laden on board thereof, should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the 'tune, to the enemies of the United States, and as geode, of their enemies or otherwise, liable and subject to coe ds m batten, to be adjudg. d and condemned as good and. law talprlaes; and thither to do and receive in this be half as co just.ce ~hall appertain. And that you duly intinuste, .or cause to be intimated, unto all per-one aforesaid, gene. ally (to whom by the tenor of these Pre cents it is abo intimated), that if they sb ill not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawfal cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend and will rooCetd to adjudication on the said capture, and may pro nounce that the said sloopEA R all KART and cargo did belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the ens /Tars of the United States of Am-rtea, and as goods of their enemies, or wherwise, liable and subject to con- Mutation ane condemnation, ht be adjudged and con demned as lawful prize, the absence ..r rather count mecyol the persons so cited and intimated in anywise notwithstanding, and that yen duly certify to the Livid District Court what Aon shall do in the premises, to gether with these prernts. Witness the fienorable JOPH CADWALA DER. Judge of th. said court, at Philadelphia, thiseight.tervit day of AUGUST, A D. 1864, and in the eights ninth year or the Inds pendenoe Of the said ' , rafted States. au2P 9t 0, K. FOX. Clerk Oletriot Court. EavuHisioNs. RST EXCURSION OF THE GRAND FI - 8 - DIVISION SONS OF TEMPERANCE, TO ATLANTIC CITY. ' On FRIDAY. Angn.t 26th, 1881, LeaTes VMS STREET WDsrf at 6 o. clock A.M., pre cise) e TICKETS, in 25. can be procured atthe various Divi sion 00 Ins ;at Posh's, Sixth nod Chestunt streets, or alt 'Vine street wharf on the morning of the Excursion. au4o-t ugia gGe . GRAND EXCURSION TO CAPE MAY.--The station)) and commo- Cill.U. istennier NitATTAN; Cant E. A. RYTHER. will mane a GRAND EXCURSION TO CAPE WAY on SATURDAY. August 70, 1864. leaving ARCR-Street wl• art at 9 o'clock. Returning. will leave Cape Mar on MONDAY. et SX o'cleck A. Al. Fe re foe the Excursion. $2. Carriage hire extra.. attlil-thlatf JOS. A. STEWART. Agent. t , GRAND PLEASURE B. ONE. TO LAKE SUPERIOR --Oat m ti i of the following splendid Arst:ciaaa stemma vis CLEVELAND, ILLINOIS, NORTHERN LIGI T, CITY, TRAVELER„giSTROR, IRON RIDER LAO I BELLE and PIWASIC, will lease OINVALAIII Ohio, at 8 o'clock V. N.. tuck day of the weak. es Saturday and Sunday, and Dbtrolt, Michigan, on t following days at 7 o'clock I'. N. through the moral* •of JULY and AUGUST, making Grand Ezmixelou Trtpc to the many points of interest on the Great Inland than Of alosrien.whiob. for utility. pleasure. end hen 101.447. unsurpassed by any other on the Continent This trip of over 1,000 miles embratos six degrees et /IMMO, and eleven of longitude, and Lucinda* la Ito *limit Lakes Erie, St. Clair, Enron and Superior. with the beautiful rivers Detroit, St. Clair and St. Mary's. i The many and extensive - mines of iron and (topper, unequaled Joy any in the world, with the newly-QM covered and inviting deposits of silver lead, wild awd. romantic scenery, combined with its pure and brsabair elimate, render the Lake Superior trip one of far mon than ordinary attraction to the capitalist, the stadauL the pitsenire- seeker, or the invalid. The above-names steamers are elegantly-Stbed wit with large airy Cabins and State-Rooms, while precaution has been taken to provide for the safety= comfort of passengers. Fare, including State-Rooms and Meals, about 2M mad, per mile. Time occupied in making the round trip,traNt 5 t 10 days. Rooms encored, and farther Information obtained. bi application to proprietors. ROBY. HANNA ik Co. CI eland Ohl& HUSSEY & McBRIDE, " • J.T WHITING & Co.. D. trots, kfiehigna. • JOHN HUTCHINGS, 1414 an2s ff,,,b4=it 2 011.• CAPE MAX.—THE staunch and commodious steamer hiaa tieTTahl. Capt. B. a. TtlrrEffilt, of the C Mapv r. Line.. le now making her reaniar tripLi_to C MaY leaving Arch etreet wharf even 7.uis si re TBUBSDAI , FATURDAY,! at nine o clock turning. will leave Cape May_ every MONDAY; NESDAY and FRIDAY, at 8)i o'clock, Witching et Nsw Cs qie goingand returning. Fare, 82, corneae hire in cluded. Cldren half price. carriagehira Included $ l6O, carriage him extra. Freight at low rates. No freight received after It • o'clock, and in a ll Caine meat be pre-_paid. ' .11M3• A. STKWABZ Agent. • se ggr i g• FROM NEW YORE, PDX NNW HAVEL HAVTION,D. Iti).l.D sad BOEITON.—The steamers CODTININT sad MEM aITY hum Peek Up, last Weer, daily. 116 r. 11. Mall tt ntsitt. • IMPORTANT. TO HAY. DEA.LICREF AND CONTBACW-018.—Farmers, ShipPej:st, sad the Pressing and tranaP"" . " ll— " Bay and Straw, will do wail before making their are. raegemeets for the sewa to examine tbe Beaton. Press." DOW in operation on the corner of SECOND Street and COLUMBIA Avenue. This bay Is compressed direct, and ten tone can bet readily put In an ordinary boxcar. andeo hSrerri ever is incurred by the road in tramp°r ting it The bales avenge SIM poands iv a e n a d re are re o pared nly 924 , 1102 z o b u y t 93 oo i rn b tl e e a s.. b a y n 4 d f rbe t fatuities we sec u re give superb* value to the product by this From For further Particulars adsm", corm TAmeerr. Superintendent Penpaylvaxia Beater Press Cazguetay. r".....ra PIMA. rblimlelphia. & Ai- WARE COMIIIBBB &3d 510 NOP A el ol Brand 15111.18 • & E. Butcher's Cl Patnain 'is Boras Nails (I,pp.r. Bram. and 1r • -- .10"rtrradmi DEPARTMENT