The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 01, 1864, Image 4

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    TI-13E CITY.
The Thermometer.
JULY 30, 1969 JULY 80, NM,
SA.I2 120 t 31..111 6A. K.•••••128I-....3P.M.
71, 84 815,1 7192 91 . 92
win+. WIND.
EMI 8 by Ar BSE NE 9by W W
JULY 31 18/24. JULY St, MN. 12 1 .....3 P. id. 6A IL.-.121.1.....3P.11.
77 BO 93 79 92 92
£BW T1Vir .. ....... 68W Nby W..NEbh....NNW
The firemen held a convention on Saturday eve
'fling to inektparrangements to receive the Fire Zoo-
SNOB or the 72i1 Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers.
Thirty-two cbmfmnies were represented. Mr. Win.
!Leiner, of the Friendship, presided. and Mr. Wm.
N. Toy, of the Wecoacoe, acted es secretary. Other
companies will be represented nt the next meeting,
and others again, which are about clanging their
uniforms, will parade by delegations. The parade,
if nothing prevents, will take place on the arrival
of the regiment on the afternoon of the lath of An
gust, and, as the apparatus will be brought out, it
promises Mho one of the most Pernsinix displays of
our firemen which hare been eitnessed in this olty
for some years.
Chief 'Engineer David M. Lyle was. with great
propriety, unanimously selected to sot AS chief
=withal of spe c i a lae, and was empowered to ap
point five we re
aids. The following assistant
marshals were oppointsd : W. J. Gilbert, of the
H o p e Hose; IL P. Mclntyre, of the Philadelphia
znianc; George Chapman, of the Aastata n e e
l'.Morrts, of the Northern Liberty Hose ; and
.T. B. Young, of the West PLitedelphia.
Mr, 8. Willitts, of the Empire Hook and Ladder
Corny/any. was appointed to receive the regiment
on b e of the Department.
The following programme of arrangements for the
reception and escort was determined upon :
First. The Chief Engineer of the Department shall
ea-officio act as chief marshal, and be shall have
the power to appoint. es many special aids as there
Snap be divisions in the line,
Second. The line shall be divided into five divb
Slow, and commanded by assistant marshals to be
elected by the Convention, the line being formed
according tot.he date of Institution, beginning with
the oldest engine company represented, alternating
with hose and hook and ladder companies, as in the
parade of 1857, the divisions to contain an equal
number of companies as near as may be.
Third. The regiment will be met, on its arrival at
the depot, by the Chief Marshal. his aids, and the
Committke of Arrangements, with the flonsinittee
of city Council., and such members of the Conven
tion as may choose to join them. and from thence
escort the returning veterans to the Refreshment
Fourth. The line will he formed on the north side
of Washington street (atom% hour as may hereafter
be seleoted), with the right. on Eighth street.. The
let Division to occupy the space between Eighthand
Seventh atrecliu ' • the 241 Division between Seventh
and Sixth streets; the 3,1 Division between Sixth
and Fifth streets; the Sth Division between Firth
and Fourth streets; sth Division between Fourth
and Third streets; the regiment east of Front
Tho regiment will marsh down Wash.
Ington street to Third, be halted until the line has
passed, when it will take post in the rear of the ati
Division ; the ambulances, with the wounded rues,
being in the roar of the regiment.
Sixth. The companies will countermarch on the
Bonth side of Washington street, turning at the
streets on which the right of their division rested,
and pass over the following route :
Up Third street to Brown ; up Brown to Twelfth;
down Twelfth to Chestnut ; down Ctastnut to
Fourth ; down Fourth to Walnut; up walnut to
Sixth street, where the line will be d ['missed.
Major General D. B. Birney, or the liPti Army
Verna, has received authority to raise a regiment of
sharpshooters, He has issued the following order
to that effect :
1111ADQUARTRRS 10Tli MINT Gnaws. In the Field,
July 25, 5804.—1 have been authorised by the War
Depariment. and Governor of the State of Pennsyl
vania, to raise a regiment of sharpshooters for the
service peculiar to the corps. The regiment wilt be
armed with Sharp's and spencer's rifles, uniformed
in green, similar to the "Borden Sharpshooters,”
belonging to my command.
Recruits will ne taken for one, two, or three years.
Major 7. W. Moore. a veteran officer, now or the
Oath Pennsylvania 'Volunteers, will be the colonel of
the regiment, end will take charge of its organiza
tion in Pennsylvania.
Applications for appointments can be sent to me
at these headquarters.
Companies. as fast as mustered in. will he sent to
this command.
Compnntee will be received from all parts of the
Further information Will he given on applionttori
to Messrs. A. D. Jessup, George Bullock. Henry 0.
Les, Joseph F. Tobias, John W. Evermen. D. S.
"Winebrener ' 0. Wilson Davis, A. L. Human - en, 0.
B. Barclay , H, 13, Benners, of Philadelphia.
D. B. Btanur,
Major General Oommaading.
The followlng.nnmed soldiers were reported at the
Medical Director's office, on Saturday, as having
deserted from army hospitals in this department:
From Satterlee Hospital.—James A. Lee, U. S. Sig
nal Corps; Benj. R. Lucas, H, let U. S. Artillery;
Fred Bishop (musician), 14th d i. S. Infantry; Henry
Steinhaur, G, 17th U. S. Infantry; Alex. MoDou
gall; F, 12th N. H.; Robert Cashim, Otis Mass.;
Sergeant E Geigle, F. 9th Mass.; Patrick Barry, E,
'9th Mass.; Timothy Ryan ; E, 9th Kass.; Thomas
Cass, Oth Mass.; Felix McMahon, E. 11th Mass ;
James Warr y, I, 11th Multi John McLaughlin. E,
11th Mass.; Patrick McNulty, 14 15th Mass.; Hach
-Armstrong, D. 20th Mass.: Charles Basset. C, 20th
Mars; Wm. Brown, A. 28th Mass.; Peter Hanson,
I, 28th Mass.: ;lona Kennedy, K, 37'h Mass.; Aaron
Robbins. D, 39th Mass.; Corporal Wm. Lawrence,
159th Mass.; Hugh Smith, K,llth Conn.; William
}`,l4th Conn.; Kyran Mackey. H. 14th Conn.;
Nell AlcCowan, B, 24 N: Y. Artillery; Charles
Barking, G. 24 N. Y. Artillery; Corporal Emory
'Maxim, G. 2.d N. F. Artillery ; Peter Riley, (7, 6th
N. Y. Artillery ; Adam Hoffmire, L, 15th N. Y. Ar
tillery; Corporal Benjamin Phillips, AI, 15th N. Y.
Artillery; Albert Smith, M, 15th N. Y. Artillery;
Sergeant Charles Lemma, (1, 34 N. Y. Cavalry ; M.
Swartswalder, K. 13th N. Y. Cavalry; Wm. Mooo
nolough, F, sth N. Y. Militia ; John Burnside, E,
9th do.; J. McDermott, 11, 14th do.; James Hogan,
F, 39th do.; Corporal John }that, G. 52d do.; Theo
dore Gavin, F, 69th do ; Simon Montlebaum, K,
88th do. Corporal John Grettenberger, G, 08th do.
Jamee Black, E. 69th do.; Ed. Kavanaugh, 4,73 d
do.; Patrick O'Brian, A, 88th do.; Patrick ' Horan,
C, 88th do.; Thomas Davis, 0,03 d do.; E 4. Brig-
K, 98th do.; Napoleon Cary, F, 120th do.;
Owen Connery, D, 184th do.; Corporal George W.
Cortwright, r), 3d N. J. James Crawford, A, 6th
do.; Patrick Murphy, E, sth do.; John Keffe, B, Bth
do.; Harris Blekley, IC, 10th do.; Henry S. Valen
tine, F 11th do. ,• Amos S. Sally, I, 2,1 Penna. Artil
lery; Sergeant Robert Breckenridge, 7,, 6th Penna.
Cavalry ,• Thomas Parker, H, 21st do.; Noah Har
mon, B, nth F. V.; J. W. Jennene, 0, 23 , 1 do.; M.
O'Brien, H, 48th do.; Chris. Corwin, 534 do.; J.
N. D, Coles, K, 58th do.; Samuel Hoover, K, 724 do.;
Corporal James Gallther, E, 84th do.; .Tohn
E, 91st do.; Sol. G. Dissinger, F, 934 do ; John
G. Dieeinger, F, 904 do.; Alex. Phil!, A, 138th do.;
Frecl. Schetekon, A, 1434 do.; Peter L. Carbaugh,
1), 148th do.; James Hackett, D, 1634 do.; John
Bowan, A, 184th do.. and Chas. Elwell, F, Ist Del.
From rMcCielian Hospital.—John Stewart, A, 71st
P. V,; 'Wm. M.. 'Rogers, H lath Mich.; Corporal
George App, I, Ind P.V.; Fredk Beander, C, 100th
do.; George Ayer, E. 67th do.; Ed Brenerman, C,
Sad do ,• Sergeant Edwin H. Smoker. G, 1834 do.;
Wm. IL Hardy, 0, 119th do.; Lewis Granlin, G,
.59th Mass.; Samuel Watson, E. 155th N. Y.; Cor
poral Charles W. Blancher, A, 7th N . Y. Artillery,
and Win. J. Savles, tlo, F. sth N. Y. Cavalry.
From Chester Hospital,—Reaben Sip, B, 81st P.Y.,
and Wtp- O'Brien, I, lath. N. Y. V.
From Bread and Cherry•street* llospilat.—George
Blake, I, 81st P. V.,_• Patrick F. Devine, I, 83d do.;
Corporal William Hoffman, A, 91st do.; Abraham
Ilenry, E, 187th do ; John Mott, D, 183 d do.; John
Malledy, A. 2d Penna. Artillery; and Samuel Den-
Linger, B, 21st Penna. Cavalry.
The Mayor issued warrants on Saturday morning
for the payment of the city bounty of $250 to sixty
two threeseare men t and the bounty of $lOO to one
roan who has enlisted for one year. All of the above
have been credited to the quota of tho city.
The following deaths were reported at the Medical
Directors office, cn Saturday, from army hospitals
In this deportment:
Christian-street 1-lospital-ointa 0. Deorf, Co. A,
187th P. V.
Summit House Hospital—And. P: Christie, Co. K,
140th P. V.
Broad and Cherry.atreeta Hopi/at—Corporal Irollis
Smith, Co. D, lath Pa. Cair.
Cheater Hospital—Corporal Stephen Decay, Co. A,
170th N. Y. Vole.
Filbert-street Hospital—Jonathan--. Co. A, 97th
P. V.,.mui John Mullen, Co. G, N. EL Vols.
South-street Hospital—Oharles Daniels, Co. K, 57th
Mom Vols.
Mower Hospital—Harrison Allen, Co. T, 2d N. Y.
N. 8..; O. L. Abbe, 2d Maine Battery; Thos. Dewey,
Co. B, 14th N. Y. Art., and 0, A. Gallup, Co. A,
.170th N. Y. pole.
York HosPiled—John E. Blucher. CM. B, 43d P.V.,
Sod Thos. H. Stevens, Co. I, 70th P. V.
Satterlee HospiL2l-11ennla Manning, 00. R, 51st W.
T. Vols., and Tyler Sarwestm, Co. L, 27th Satoh.
At an early hour on Saturday morning two Mi
lan belonging to the United States monitor Mingo,
lying at anchor off the navy yard, jumped over
board with the Intention of deserting. One of them
wee drowned and the other came near sharing the
same fate. but was rescued by the harbor police boat,
which he was taken to the navy yard.
The followirg card from the Rev. Alfred Nevins
will be read with interest. Those of the sufferers at
Chambersburg who are for the Union, should have
material sympathy at once :
Telegraphic, reports from Ohambersburg repre
sent that the burning of the town on Saturday, by
which two hundred and fifty houses were destroyed,
"has reduced a large body of citizens from com
parative wealth to absolute poverty," ann that "all
•of the parties burned out have not saved a single
article, not even a change of clothing." I intend to
Malt that desolated plaee on to-marrow, and shall be
'most happy to take charge of any Oontributione for
the relief of the suffering Inhabitants. Donations in
money received at my oflice,lol3 South Fourth street,
third story. Parcels and boxes should be sent, with
my name on them, to the Depot of the Pennsylvania
Railroad, Eleventh and Market. I preached a
'umber of years In Ohambersbnrg. and know well
most of the sufferers, and those who have-signed
the appeal for aid. Ateato Naval.
August 1.
Mr. Charles W. Noyes, the eminent zoologist and
equestrian; arrived in Philadelphia on Saturday,
Tor the purpose of preparing a
for one week's
exhibition of the great eirOUS and Menagerie, This
Ts a combination of Messrs. Thayer & Noyes , United
states circus and Van Amburg &menagerie.
-11111 / 1 4113/ P bt a lo on ihe eastern portion of the summer
route. We learn that it is proposed to open on next
Monday evening, at some place yet to be chosen.
The success attending this combination of artists
and quadrupeds, so far an the tour stands unpreoe
dented in the annals of the profession.
Mrs. Charles Warner, the successful equestrienne
Slid Manageress, will open for the winter season the
old National Circus building, Walnut. street, above
Eighth, on the first of November. The lease coin
niences on October first, but, during the month„ the
building will be completely renovated, and put into
the most admirable order for the presentation of
entertaining spectacular dramas. The people of
Philadelphia will thus have the opportunity of wit
nessing next winter such exhibitions as used to draw
thousands of citizen!) to Cookers or Gen. Welsh's
celebrated equestrian and dramatic entertainments.
A lad named Jacob Strack was instantly killed
on Saturday afternoon, on Washington avenue, be*
• tween 'Ptah and Sixth street, by being run over by
a freight ear. He was riding on the car with seve
ral otter boys. His mother•perceiving the danger
he was In ran to get, him away: She took hold of
his arm when he tried to jump off, but she.loosened
her hold and befell on the track, the wheels - passing
Over his body, cotnpletety cutting him in two. His
body was removed to the residence of hts parents, on
Carpenter street, between Fifth and Sixth.
A young man named David Miner had several.
o r his ribs broken on Sala relay afternoon under the
following circumstances. He Jumped off a arida . a .
into a cfeekat Tenth and Montgomery avenue; and,
struck his side against the stamp of a tree which'
was invisible, causing the injury above stated. He
wag removed to
agednce in wh il eghbohd. -
Jas. Georgie, six years, getting os the
Norristown railroad oars yesterday mnrniu*, felt
through the bridge at Shnris lane, Mane k, and
was badly bruised about the legs,
A. man named Terence Mellvane was admitted
Into the Pennsylvania Hospital 'on Saturday after
xtoon, with his collar bone broken, and several la
oersted wounds about his head and body, caused by
falling down a well.
Win. Thomas was also admitted into the hospital
yesterday afternoon, with a serious pistol-shot
wound in his left breast. The accident tookpleee
at Spruce.street wharf. A friend of the injured
man had bred the pistol off a short time previous,
*yid While In the *et ef dein It again, it acoldentally
went off, and resulted in the shooting of Thomas,
who was standing olose by.
The body of an unknown man was found floating
in 'be dock at Ohristian-atreet wharf, lest evening.
lie 18 about thirty-five years of age and Ore feet
eight inches high, and had dark hair, nionstanhe,
and goatee. He wore a red shirt and dark, ribbed
pants. The coroner held an Inquest and rendered a
verdict of found drowned.
An unknown man was found drowned, y esterday,
in the Schuylkill, near Fairmount Park. The Ooro
ner held an Inquest on thetody.
A woman named Sarah Crawford died from the
Oen; of ann stroke, last evening, at Second and
Chatham streets.
A mail will be forwarded from this city to Havana
to-morrow, by the steamer Francis. The Postmaster
announces 7y ri A. M. as the hour for closing. that
placebe the first mail that has gone direst to that
place from this city. Previously they were sent to
New York and forwarded from there, and received
by tho same route.
The shrewd dog detectives of this city captured
over one hundred of those vicious animals during
the pat week. Many of them were redeemed, and
the remainder bit the dust.
A fire occurred in Cuthbert street, above Thir
teenth, between one and two o'clock, on Saturday
morning, which was caused by the destruction of
two•brick stables. In each stable there were two
horses confined. The flames were burning around
their feet when the police entered. The horses were
taken out in safety, as was also a lot of harness and
several carriages. A quantity of . hay and feed was
destroyed. One of the strnctures belonged to lilr.
Wirier, and the other to Mr. Magee.
The alarm of fire between three and four o'clock
yesterday morning was caused by the burning of a
bed in Tyler street, below Master.
The Ttleelly print works were slightly damaged
by tire yesterday afternoon, caused by a pot of tar
boiling over.
The British bark Ilaneag . ua, Captain Towel!, left
Lombarel-nreot wharf, en saturdarevening, bound
for Liverpool. Her cargo consisted of 8,378 bushels
red wheat, 2,800 barrels of flour, ko.
The following statement shows the number of
foreign and coastwise vessels which have arrived at
this port, during the month ending Saturday:
.. 2 I Brio
. JO Schooners....
. 8 Steamers.
. Barges...
.659 Boats ....
A ruts
Schoonem .
. [Before Mr. U. S. Commissioner Strgeant.l
An Individual was arraigned at noon on Saturday
on the charge of endeavoring to have enlisted as a,
substitute a soldier already in the service of the
'United States. The evidence adduced presented
the very singular fact that there was nothing against
the defendant. The following testimony was taken
by the Commisrioner :
_ -
JaMP.9 Porter sworn : I live at Old Chester ; I am
a private in Company A, 68th Regiment Pennsylva
nia; I re-enlisted the let of January last; I am
here on furlough ; I went to Broad and Spring Gar.
den to the provost marshal's office on Wednesday
last; I did not intend to re.enitst there; I was ar
rested by Captain Lane; I think the defendant is
the man who took me to headquarters ; don't know
where his place is ; first saw him the morning he
took me; he asked me where I was from, and I - told
him I was from Canada; I did not tell him Lwanted
to enlist; he took me up to headquarters; I had on
uniform pante ; he didn't tell mo I would getany
thing, but some men I saw the night before told me
I could get SCOO, and they told me what to tell ;
don't know who they were ; the defendant was not
in company with those men.
Mr. Valentine, prosecuting for the Government,
admitted there was nothing against the accused.
Another hearing will take place at noon today.
(Before Mr. Alderman Settler.]
- - - - .
On Saturday morning a small amount of money
was missed from the till in a confectionery store, on
Walnut street, above Tenth. A strange colored
boy was eeen loitering about the place. A watch
was set, and presently the aforesaid colored indi
vidual stealthily approached the rear of the counter
and exhibited a strong desire to remove the deposits
from the money.drawer. While in the not of help
ing himself, he was arrested andthanded into the
custody of a police officer. Upon searchi ng t the pri
soner some of the money that had been previously
taken froth the drawer was found in his pocket. The
boy wss arraigned on Saturday afternoon. He gave
the name of Henry Clark, under which he was com
mitted to prison.
Nary Ann Jones, a colored girl, was arraigned at
the Central Station on Saturday afternoon, on the
Charge of stealing sheets and several other articles.
She was employed at the Markoe House on Chest
nut street. At the hearing she cried considerably,
and said that she would not have stolen the articles.
only she was " suaded to do so by another °MINI
gal." The stolen goods were recovered, and the
accused was committed to answer.
[Berne gr. Alderman White.]
A man giving the name of Emanuel Stringer was;
arraigned on Saturday afternoon on the charge of
cruel treatment to a horse. The complaint was en
tered by Mr. John Hanna. The horse, attached to
a dray, was standing on 'Fourth street, below Chest
nut. The flies were annoying and the temperature
of the weather extremely hot. The horse moved a
few.feet whereupon the defendant sprang at the
animal n a furious manner, and commenced sawing
hfs mouth with the bridle bit, Not content with this,
be repeatedly thumped him on the nose and mouth.
Several gentlemen who were witnesses to the trans
action appeared' for the Oommonweelth. The ac
cused was required to enter bail in the sum of IMO
to answer at anat.
Eliza Wilson and Edith Ronaldson were arraign
ed on Saturday a ft ernoon on the charge of commit
tins. an assault and battery upon Sarah 4 4. Bricks, a
resident in 'Yeager 's court. While the case was
pending, the first named derendant sprang sudden
ly at the proseentria and a desperate Bonilla ensued.
The noise attracted a large crowd in and about the
office, it being reported tits t a murder had been com
mitted. Eliza was committed In default of *SOO bail
to answer at court. The other defendant was held
to keep the peace.
The Keystone Battery, under orders to leave for
the front, broke camp at 3 o'clock on Saturday, and
marched to Thirteenth and Market streets, where
the guns and horses were placed on the oars for
Harrisburg. The men did not get away till after 7
o'clock in the evening. Their unexpected arrival
.g,useil considerable excitement in the neighborhood,
and by the time they were ready to leave Quite a
crowd had assembled to witnefs their departure.
The officers are : Captain, At Hastings ; first lieute
nant, .Tohn V. Greeley o junior first lieutenant, .Tohn
Roberts ; senior second lieutenant, James Bingham ;
junior second lieutenant, J. L. Newland. All the
officers and • most or the men are veterans. have
served a term of one year in the vicinity of Wash
ington, and in the Army of the Potomac in the ope
rations succeeding the battle of Gettysburg. While
with the Army of the Potomac, they wore In the
corps under the command of General French.
They will, therefore. doubtless make for themselves
a good record should they be brought face to face
with the enemy. The men were anxious Is moat
the traitor foe.
tßefore Mr. Alderman Tolaud.]
On Saturday afternoon Anthony Henry was• ar.
reigned on the charge of keeping a disorderly house,
on Water street, below Oallowhill.
John MeOryatal was also arrested on the same
charge, his house being located on Beach street, be-
low Noble. Both the accused were held to answer.
[Before Mr. Alderman Welding.]
The locality of Fourth and Breath streets hail
been infested for some time with bad boys whose
ages range from 10 to 15 years. These youngsters
are candidates for the penitentiary, and probably
they will be elected, unless the more:strlngent rules
of parental restraint are enforced. They pilfer
everything they can conveniently lay their hands
upon, and never fail to rob little boys and girls who
may be sent with small sums of money on ernAnds.
On Saturday a little ale, having in her posseßsion
a two dollar note. which had been given to her by
her mother, to take to a store, was assailed by the
crowd and robbed. One of the juveniles was ar
rested and taken before the Alderman. The pri
soner was held to bail to answer.
Quarter Sessions-. Judge Al
The June term was brought to a close on Satur
day, and the court had but a short session, during
which two habeas corpus cases and a desertion case
were heard and determined.
John W. Wright, arrested In Frankford on the
10th of June, and carried before Alderman Oon
folly, by whom, after hearing on a charge of al
leged forgery in New .Tersey, several years ago, he
was committed to aw a it e a
requisition from the Go
vernor of New Jersey, had a hearing on habeas
corpus. It being apparent from the length of time
which the prosecutor had permitted to elapse since
the arrest and commitment of the relator that great
injustice was being done by the prolonged Impri
sonment of the latter, and that no effort had been
made to obtain a requisition, though forty-eight
hours would have been sufficient for that purpose,
Judge Allison ordered that the relator be discharged.
The court Peon aßer adjourned for the term,
The August term, beginning this morning, will
be held byJudge Ludlow,
We are prepared, ac heretofore. to supply families
at their Country Residences, with every description of
Atatirr C. ROBERTS,
reyll-tf Corner ELEVENTH andVINE Ste
' No. 45 North WATRR Street, and
No. 4.6 Notth DELAWARE Avenue,
0 irOT for sale, at tbe Lowest Market Prices, a large
stock of
.And Groceries generaily, carefully selected for the
country trade.
bole. Agents for the products of FITHIAN & POGUE'S
Extensive Fruit Canning Factory at Bridgeton, N. J.
60 half bbls. Pickles in Vinegar.
Also three-gallon and Ave-gallon k*ss do.
Fb2 a IR 107-OoEthWATERAMrSd
- •
A most effective and delightful preparation
.... .
• UMS.
Highly recommended by the most eminent Deem%
aid Dentists.
it. is e result or a thoroug h through .a period of nearly thirty
To a great extent In every ease . and satirist! In many,
rr WILL prthvaNT DEoAT OP TEETH, It will also
toe eirtuars. - price $L Prepared solely br
. .
1113 CHESTNUT St . Philadelphia, Pa.
- Irrartale br DrUgglate. roil-9m
. -
The trabseriber baying obtained a patent ,1a * 4ow
prepared to sell State, county, township righte. for
She moat durable and : eautiful wheel aver tnve wed In
the United States, No humbug, but a reality, A •perz
redly same attach/Cent of the "poke to the axle bax
la Obtained.. d Ispensing with the hub. The great object
soughbaffer for ages Ls at last obtained t no spoises jooae
in tlietbrib.
specelatorr and mechanics are incited tenet' on John.
R. Clemons,. ho, AOC) North SECOND Street,. Philade!-
wherwa.maldel.can be seen, or on the patents , . at
Dadnor. Delaware coerkty. Pa,. one mile north of Moi ,
Iran's Corner. All sale, made by Mr. Clemons ara re
liable Liberal Inducements offered to agent.
3,22 lama GEO. W. GIL BEHT.
/ Patentee.
Jag received 25 additional mutes of these eelehlitted
(alexander's) Matches. for sale to the trade only.
spfit-Om ROWS 4 iiiilelTo24. NIA MP. THUM 44
tekrrit of Levari to me directed, will be ex
posed to public sale or vendee. on MONDAY Evening.
August 1,1864, at 4 o'clock, at Swaim-street Rail,
No. 1. All that certain manganese or tenemeet and lot
or piece of groatd situate in that part of the c , ty of
Philadelphia formerly called the borough of German
town, described es foltowe, viz: Beginning at a *lake
set tor a corner in the line of land belonging to the
estate of Thomas Artnatt, deceased, thence the name
north 90 degrees 50 minutes west. 9.6 perehea to the line
of Jesse Lames land, thence by the name north 41 de
grees 35 in ihuten cast, BO 3 perches to a corner of ground
of Robert H. It - omits, thin en by the same north 77 de
grecs ark about er) feet to a corner to the line of ground
4.4 Cbarlee E. Shoemaker and Robert H. 'Pa omas,
thence by the same sod partly by a run of water
south 1.26 degree went 23.15 perches to a stake set for a
corner in the middle of said run, and thence along the
northwardly Ado cif' a certain fifty•feet-wide street
called Arrnatt street, continued the following 00614305
and dikencea viz: north 116 degree, 45 minutes. went 11
tea t 6 inches, south 83 . dee rees 20 minntes, we't 66 feet,
smith 76 degrees 45 minntee, west 43 feet, south 61.5 de
grees. wept 87 feet, and smith 50.5 degrees west 89 feet 6
/Lichen to the place of beginning. Also.
No 2 —All that certain lot or piece of ground situate
on • • Linden Place," in Germentown aforesaid, begin
ning at a stake set for a corner of this and ground be
lousing to Hannah B. Sehaffer by the side of Artnatt
street, continued thence extending along the aide of
said Arznatt street. south 85 degrees 45 minutes. east
193 feet to a stake set for a corner by the Ads of Willow
OTPLne, thence along the same, north 6 degrees 25
minutee, east 2EO fest 6 het PR to an angle, sod aorth4
degreee 311 minutes. West 256 feet 4 inches to a stake get
for s corner, thence south 85 degrees 25 minutes. weak
74 feet hi inches to a stake set for a corner by the side of
a gum tree, thence north 46 degrees and 30 initiates,
west 249 feet 6 inches to a stone set for a a orner, thence
south 1 degree and 95 minutes, oast 349 feet to a corner,
thence with the live of Hannah B. Schaffer's land,
south 77 degrees. met 60 feet to a corner, thence still
with the same, south 1 degree 15 minutes, west 982 feet
to the place of besinning; nontaining 3 acres and 22
Porches of lend, be
tee Same More or leek (Stang the
come premiers which George Sohn ffer and Hannah 8.,
his wi , e, by indenture bearing date May 19, D 1826.
recorded in the office for recording deeds, dtc., in and
•for the city of Philadelphia, in Deed Book S. D. W., •
No. Samuel 252, Sm. grand and conveyed onto the
mild H Aldrhare in f ee: subject to the Payment
and dinclierge of three several mortgage debts. amount
ing together to the sum of *B,OOO, with interest to accrue
and grow due thereon.] Together with the free use and
privilege of the said Armatt street and of the streets
connecting therewith.
N. 8.-5 he premises above described will he sold to- I
nether and subject to the three mortgagee above men
tioned, smouwing in the aggregate to *B,OOO of prima-.
pa) with the interest stecru.d thereon.
rD c.: 44H. J.,'64. n0b.16,084.07. J. B. Townsend. 1
Taken in execution and Cot he sold as the prop erty of
Samuel H. Aldridge. JOHN THOMPSOrt, Sneed'.
Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, Jetly 19,1864. jy9.l-3t
a writ of Levert Facies, to me directed, will be ex-
Posed to public *ale or voodoo, on MOND AY Evening.
Jitrenet. 1, 1864, at 4o'clock, at Sansom. street
All that certain meesuaeo and lot of ground situate on
the east side of Twentieth abed two hundred and forty.
Ma feet northward from Race street, in the city of Phi
ladelphia: containing In front on Twentieth street
eighteen feet, and In depth ninety-two feet to a ten-feet,
alley. ' • •
[D. C. J., '64. 444. Debt t Winter.]
Taken in execution and to be sold ss the property of
William a. /add, Jr.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, July 19, 1864. jyD3-St
a writ of Venditioni llXDOrltiSs to me directed, will
be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Eve
ning, Amp. t 1,1664. at 4 o'clock, at SAIIPOM. street Hall,
All that certain two-story brick meeruage and lot of
ground situate on the eaaterly side of Garment IWO road.
south of Franklin street, in the city of PhiladelPhiat
containing in'front on Germantown road Id feet (inein•
ding one half of a two-feet eix.inchee-wide alley. with
the privilege thereof). sod in depth 70 feet. [Which
said vrembgeo George F. Lee et ex.. by deed dated Jane
23, MI6. recorded to Deed Book 8 11. F.. No. 6 page
821. conveyed unto Sarah Culin (then Fisher) in fee;
subject to a mortxage dsbt since paid, and said. Sarah
Colin Intermarried with John Calla, Jr , who is de
gagged. •
[D. C. ; J., .64. 459. Debt, *139 M. Drown.] '
Taken in execution and to be soul as the property of
Charles 0. Galin. JOHN TEO PdPSHN Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's 016ixt, July 19, 1864: jy2o•St
P. , . • a writ Of Leese Facias,• to me directed, will be
exposed to public sale or •rendue, on MONDAY Eve
ning, Atignet 1, 1664, at 4 o'clock, at Sansout street Hall,
Ali that certain lot of amend sitelte on the eouth
Of Christian etreet, one hundred and ten feet westward
from Twelfth etreet, in the city of Poiladelphiaj con
taining' in (root oa Christian street sixteen Pet, and to
depth one hundred fset to Everet , street. [Winch said
let Alexander B. carver. by deed 'dated ttorembrr 13.
/858. recorded in Deed Book A. D. B.No. 54. Page 51.0.
de., conl.yed onto Charles Vanhern 'in fee, subject to
a building restriction.)
ED. C.; J., 'U. 424, Debt, $1,0E9.50 Law.)
Taken in tmectition and to be so d es the property of
Charles Viroll or°. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff
Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office.. Jnly 19,186 E au24t
a writ of Levert Facies, to me directed, will be ex
posl4l to public sale or vendne. on MONDAY Evening,
August 1,11364, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, •
All thet certain three-story brick wesenage and lot of
ground situate on tbenorth sic e of blaster street.ninety
four feet w estward.f ram Lewis street, in the city of Phi
laderphia; entrainingin front on Master street fifteen
feet, and In depth arty- three feet to a three-feet alloy.
[Which said premises William IL Kern, sheriff , by deed
dated Septezeber 24, 1866, recorded In C. P. Deed Book
Y, nage ]9B, &0., conveyed unto John P—Persch, in fee;
subject to a ground rent of *17.00.)
[D. C. ; .1. , '64 420 Debt 61,479.20. Royer
Taken in execution and to be meld as the property of
Jobe P. Pena. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, tamers Ornee,Jnly 19,1864. jy26-3t
Ps-' a writ of Levari Facia's, to me directed, will be ex
posed to public sale or ',endue, on MONDAY Brank&
AWE IlEt 1. 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Hall.
All that certain three-story brick messnage and lot of
ground situate on the south side of Federal street 251
feet 7 isicbed westward from Hampton street. in the sity
of Philadelphia; containing in front on Federal street
92 fret and in depth 100 feet to Perk street, with the pri
vilege tbrireof. [Which said premises Johan Harts! et
ux . by deed dyed November 5, um. recorded in Deed
Book A. D. R., No. 36, page 636, &c., conveyed unto
Henry Imhoff in fee; noblest to a ground rent of forty
eight dollars, payable first of June and December.)
CD.C. ; J. , '64. 462. Debt, $1,876 50. Efeyer.)
Taken in execution and to be sold as the_property of
Henry Imboff. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Jetty 19, 1864. Jy7o-3
a writ of Levert Facies, to um diraited, will be
exposed to public sale or venduc i on MONDAY Eve
ning,ll A afenst 1. 1884. ate o'clock,m Sansom-street
Athat certain lot of around situate on the southeast
corner of Seventh and Fitzwater streets, in the city of
Philadelphia; containins in front on Seventh street
- twenty feet, and in depth ninety feet to Clymer street.
Which said lot Joseph Burden et al., by deed dated
June 18, 1841. conveyed Onto James Murphy in fee.]
CD. C. ;S. 'B4. 460. Debt, sx.l6. Theresa.)
Taken in execution and to be sold as the_ property of
Janet Murphy. JOIIN TMOUPSON, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Offloe. July le, 1884. iy9o-8t
a writ of Pier, Focus, tome _directed, will betex
posed to pa 'die sale or vendtte, on MONDAY !ironing,
August I. 1564, at 4 o'clock, at Sansoncetreet Hall,
All that certain lot of ground and buildings situate on
the math :Oda of Ogden Street 81 feet „roar inches east
ward frene Thirteenth street, in the city of Philadel
phia; containing in front on Ogden street fifteen feet six
inebee. and in depth seventy-eiobt feet to Myrtle street.
[Which raid pt emcees Jelin W. Chi gborn, by deed dated
Auguet SD. 1601, recorded In Deed Book G. W. C., No.
103, page 366, &c., conveyed unto William H. Patton ]
CD. C. e x ecu ti on '
and to
81,455. Clayton/ .
Taken in and * to be sold as the property or
Wiliipm H. Patton. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.
Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, July 78,1861. 334204 t
a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be
exposed to public sale or t endue, on hfONDAY Eve
-911. August 1864, at 4 o'clock,at Sansom-street Hall,
that certain three-story stone nresauage, oas•etory
atone kitchen, and lot of ground, situate on the north
easterly aide of Bocklus attest, in the Twenty-second
ward of the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on
Bookies street 80 feet, and in depth 98 feet. Bounded
northwest by ground of Abram Witley northeast by
ground of John Taff, southeast by ground of Thomas
. .
CH. C.; J., '64. 496. Debt, 89(6.46. Pant
Taken in execution and to be led as the property of
Aaron Engle, owner, and John C Refits , . contractor.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Ju1y30,1664. jytft-Sa
a writ of Venditioxil Emmons, to me directs_ will
be ea - posed to public sale or yeadue, on MONDAY Eve
ning, August 1,1864, at 4 o' clock, at Sansom-street Ball,
AU that eertain.lot of ground situate on the north seal,. side of Jasper street eight).-seven feet
northeastward from Tioga atreet, in the city of Phila
delphia; containing in. front on Jasper street one hun
dred and twelve fest, and in depth from the middle
thereof three hundred and twenty-seven• feet two
[D. C. ; .T., 468. Debt, Mt., rulton.]
taken in - execution and to he sold the property of
Montgomery Clambers. JOHN THOWPI3ON, Sheriff.
Philadelpnla, Sheriff'a Office, July 2D, 1.261. jy2l-M
a writ of Levari Ferias, to me directed. will be ex
posed to public sale or yendue, on MONDAY Evening,
August 1, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall.
Ail that certain lot of ground, with the buildings
thereon, situate on the north side of Dauphin street,
sixty- two feet westward from Filth street, in the city
of Philadetphis, ; containing in front on Dauphin street
fifteen feet, end in depth seventy-one feet to a fottr
feet alley, with the .privilego thereof. [Which said
premises Peter C. Hollis, et at., by deed dated January
20. 1858, convoyed auto John Dan:lnman in fee, subject
to a ground vest of $3O, payable let February aiki
Ansa; t. ]
ED. C, ; J.. '64. 473. Debt. 6120. Fletcher.]
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
John Dampman. • , JOHN THOMPSON, SheriN.
Philadelphia, Sheers Odioe, July 4 , 186 . jy2l-3t
Writ of Venditioni Exponas; to me directed, will be
exposed to public:teals or - Venda°, on MONDAY Evening,
August 1, Mt. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-streetlfall,
All that certain messnage and lot of around situate on
the east, side of Old York road (No. 981), 119 feet north
ward from George street, in the city of Philadelphia;
containing in front on Old York road 18 feet, and in
depth IEB feet to a twenty feet strset. (Which said
premises CT aries P. Fox et al., by deed dated December
EN DM, conveyed unto Horatio G. Jones in fee; re
serving a ground rent of WE. payable lat January and
(D. C.; J.,'64. 499. Debt, $6OO. McElroy.]
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
Horatio 0. Jones. JOHN THOMPSON, horn:.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's °Mee, July 90,1864. jy2l.3t
Writ of Plurls Lever' Facies. to me directed, will
be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDA Eve
ning, August 1. 1834, at 4 o'clock, atSansometreet Hall.
All that certain lot'or piece of ground is the said
Tv enty-fourtli ward, commencing at the intersection of
the middle of Sixty-fourth street and Race street;
thence southll degrees 1 Wants, west along the middle
of said Sixty-fourth street ttif feet 8 indhes, more or lees,
to tree middle of Cobb's Creek; thence along the middle
thereof .sonth 19 degrees .3 minutes east.' 100 feet, and
south 51 degrees 81 minutes east .938 feet to the middle of
Montrose 'street thence along the mtddlis of said Mon
trose street north 11 degrees 1 minute east. 1,053 feet 6
inches, more or lees, to the midd l e of Race street;
thence along the middle of said Race.etreet north 78 de-
Pets 09 minutes west, 2SO feet to the place of beginning;
containing 6 acres and 27-1001hs of an acre of land.
CD. C..; I*, '6l. 498. Debt, $39,142.97, Sergeant &
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
Joseph FL Silver et al- JOHN THOMPSON Sheriff.
Philadelphia, gherire °Mee, 44 UN! iy2l-31.
-- , a writ of Levert Faciaa L to me directed. will be ex-
Posed t. public. sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening,
August IEB4 at 4 o'clock, at &amain. street Hall
fAll that certain brick mewling° and lot ofground situate
on the south side of Union street. between Second and
Third streets. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in
front on Union street eighteen feet two inches (in.cladlng
one half of a two-feet-ten. inches-wide alley, with the
privilege thereof) and in depth eighty feet six inches
more or less. [Being the same premises which William
Alexander et. tax., bydeed dated May 20. 1105, recorded
in Deft! Book S. H. P. No. 2, Page M. Ain., conveyed
unto Christina Doerr in fee; reserving thersout the
right to build over said alley to the depth of thirty feet
four Inches et the height of .n i ne feet.]
[D. C. •J. '64. 475. Debt, $1,200. Osier.]
Tat en in execution and to be sold as the property or
Christian Doerr, deceased.
JOHS( THOMPSoff, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Cfiloe, July 20, 1964. jr2-3t
a writ of Leviri Fades, to me directed, will be e x .
posed to public little or vendue, on MONDAY Evening,
August 1, 1884, at. 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall,
All that certain three -dory brick mesenage and lot of
ground situate on the north side of Prime street, one
hundred and thirty feet seven Inches eastward from
Fifth etreet, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in
front on Prune Street fourteen feet and in depth seventy
teeth) an eight- feet alley, with t 'b e privilege thereof.
(Which said promisee William Jack and wife, by deed
dated June 27, 1859, conveyed unto Bernard Fagan in
fee, subject toe mortgage debt of twelve hundred dol
lars. A. D. B, 487. j •
(D, C. ; J., 64. 444. Debt. 198715.37. Colahan. 7
Taken in execution and . to be sold as the property of
.•ffernard Fagan. • JOHN THOMPSON Sheriff.
Philadelphia. Sheri ff 's °Mee, July 20, 18174.. iy2l4lt
a writ of Levarl Faclas,to me directed, will be ex
posed to public ealti.or ven dee on bIOcIDAT Evening,
August . l, 1161. at 4 o'chtgh. at m-street Ball:
No. 1. All that certain • yearly ground rent of $72„16.
ening. ont of Rd , ot gronnd situate on the amitherat
corner. of Brown and Bushnell streets. In the city. of
Philadelphia; containing in front 'on Brown etreet ii
feet,, - an No I d A irr y d es ep r t
?ye°grof"unt t to i •• L e t u il t r o,o6Cy fee ti all sru e &g out of a
lot of ground situate on the south aide of Brown street.
feet east bf. Bracknell street, captaining in front on
rows street 14 feel, and in depth 60 feet tomtit, alley.
No." 8 ' A yearly gronudrent of WO. leaning oat of allot
of ground situate on the east side of 'Tyler, now Percy
e et - reel: 218 feet northward from Poplar • street; contain
ing In frdnt. of Percy street 18 feet, and in depth about
40 fear. •
(Which said lots first and sewn described Thomas 'Matlack , et wet by:deeda..dated Nov P. 11158, recorded
In Deed book 'A. D. H., N o 106, p...39:1ind 401; con
veyed unto Daniel Ravi laudin fee; reaerving_ont of tot
No. I said ground rent of sn, and out of No. 2 said
ground rent of 960• and lot third de
sc ibed said Thomas
Matlack by deed dated 25th Ju1y,1869, so , veyed unto
William A. Archer in fee; reserving Bald ground rent
of 6;304
[D. C. ; J., '64. 443. Debt, $1,88.5 Colaban
Philadelphia. &attire Ogee. July ßOMPBOri
so, um:
• = SALES.
&writ of Levari Faclas,'M me directed, will be ex
posed- to public sale or vendee, on MIN DAY Evening,
August 1, 1f64. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall.
No 1. A certain yearit ground rent or sum 0' 887.50 ,
lawful money, aforesaid, chargeable half year
lowing, end payable by John Hargesholmer and Joseph
Silviu., their heirs and oestrus, on the first day of-the
n.onehe of February and August in each and every year
forever, out of and from—A..l that certain lot or pieee of
ground s i t uate the buildings and improvements thereon
erected, on the northessterly side Of the Main
Street, in that part of the city of Philadelphia late
borough of Germantown: Berle:dna' at a Witae set for a
corner of tbie and ground granted to Philip 17 Hammer;
thence with the same north 42 degrees and 96 minutes
east, feet 11 inches to a state set for a corner by tee
side ors twenty- fee t- wide alley leading into Sharpnack
Street; thence along the same north 47 d egreea 30 minutes
west. 30 ieet to a stake set for a corner; thence slosh the
bead or northwest end of said alley north 42 degrees
and 30 minutes east, 20 feet to the line of Daniel Mc-
Kenney's land; thence with the line of the same north
47 degrees 50 minutes west, 26 feet to the line 0: laced
belonging to the Society of German and English Bap
tists; thence with the same south 42 degrees SO minutes
west. SO test to a corner; and north 47 deign. a 30 minutes
west, 4 feet to a corner ; smith 42 degrees 30 minutes
west, 46 (-et to a corner: end Beath wardly tO feet
inches to a corner; add still with the said line west
ward 80 feet 8 inches to the aide of the Main street afore
said thence along the Name south 18 degrees 40 minutes
east. 74 feet 9 inches, more or lees, to the place of be
(INT kcertain yearly ground rent or sum of SM.'
lawful money, sea aforesaid, chargeable on holt yearly,
Issuing and payable to John Barr. Cha r les Gould, Jr.,
and Peter Gould, their heirs and assigns, on the first
day of the months of February and each and
every year forever. out of and from All that certain lot
or piece of ground, with -the buildings and improve
ments thereon erected, situate in that part of the city of
Philadelphia late borough of Germantown, on the
norti westerly side of Sharpnack street: Begin Wag at
stake set for a corner of this and ground granted to
Jacob Gonover on ground rent,at the distance of 839 feet 1
inch,or thereabo u ts. from the northeast Ride of the Main
street: thence extending along the said side of said
Sharymack street northeaetwardly LB feet; themes at
right angles with said tarsi- t northwesterly 162 feet,
more or Mao, to a stake set for a cornet ; thence with-the
line of Jacob Honer II land southwesterly 93 feet t o a
corner; and' northwesterly 8 feet 3 inches to a. cornet ;
thence with the line of George W. Carpenter's land
southwesterly 27 feet to the line of Jacob - Gonnver's
land ; thence with the same southeastwordly let 6.4
mare or less, to the place of beginning (Being the
same two yearly ground rents which' Beery Frick and
Elizabeth, his wife, by two several deed polls, endorsed,
bearing even dare with a certain indenture of mortgage,.
viz: September 28, 1867, but duly executed and ackeew
ledsed prior to the execution of said indenture, and in
tended therewith to be recorded, granted, and con
voyed unto the said Restore Carter, his heirs, and as
CD. C. ; J . :, '64. 466. Debt, $2,095. Abrams.]
Taken in execution and to be sold es the property of
Restore Carter. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Ofilat, Jut,. 20. 1664. jy2l--.3t
a writ of Venditioni Flpones, to we directed, will
be exposed to public sale or ',endue, on MONDAY Eve
ning, Anguat 1. 1864, at 4.o'slock, at Sansom-street
Ain that certsin lot - or twee of len I, witt the stone
uleasuage and buildings thereon. siteute in the Twenty-.
second ter rd of the city of Philadembia afore..nia.
Slanded and described as follows; Beginning ate point
lulls ut o wer's Mill road. IEI t ine i . ! , rlZ i f e it s tld n4 O r r th : .
c!nigi thence by the e and
it Inches to a point iffthe
aegrees SO zu.untes asst, 71.4
thecae by
lice of land oonveysd to lieuirlab Weiner;
the cacao sontb, 47 degrees 92 talented (dust. 31 . . feet to a
point; thence by ground of John Armstrong 'South,
56 degrees 20 minutes west; 92 feet 1014 Inches to a.
Dint; thence by land of the said John Armstrong and
by the acid Dannenbower's Rill road south. 42 degrees
a:lenient es tweet, 397 feet 2 inches to the north side of Arm
strong street; thence along the same, north 46 degrees
8? minutes West, 116 feet 9 Inches to a point on the aide
of said Dennenhower's lane; thence along the same.
south. 88 degrees 31 minutes west, 939 feet 7 inches to
the place of beginning, containing 4 acres, 2 roods, and
10-24 perches, more or less
[D. C. 469; J. '6l. Debt, 82,792 39. E. Taylor.
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
James Armstrong JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff.
Philadelphia, ltherirs Office, July 204261. jy2l-3t
Writ of Levart Facia.% to me directed, will Vie ex
'Potted to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening,
•urrnet 1, 1864, at , t . o'olock, at Sansom.street Hall,-
All that certain lot of ground squate on the northeast
corner of Cathedral avenue and Cambria street, in the
city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Cathedral
avenue two hundred and fifty-two feet, and in depth
two hundred feet to Monroe street. [Being part of. the
same lot which Charles Benry..Pisher,lby deed. dated
June 30 1559, conveyed unto Henry K. lotarnieh in fee:]
ED. C. J., 64. 187. Debt, JuvenaL
'Taken In execution and to be sold as the priiperty Of
Henry K. Harni.h. JOHN TH.OMPSON Sheriff, •
Philadelphia, Sheriff's 011ice,July 20, 1864. jy2l-111
writ of Pieri Facies, to me directed, will be ex
pos< d to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening,
August 1, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-s• rem Hall,
The one twenty-Roarth part of J •hn Wright in and to
ell that certain three-story brick mesenage and lot of
ground titnate on the east side of Br , ad street ooe ban.
dred and • sixteen feet southward from Race street, in
the city of Philrdelpnia; contalntug ta front on Broad
street thirty•six feet, and In depth one hundred and
thirty-six feet to a twelve-feet wide alley. Subject to
proportion of sfroundrent of 11243.
EL , . J.. '64. 400 Debt. 55E0 61. Paul.]
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Dues. Jalyllo, 7564. jyffl-St
A writ of Venditioni Fxponas, to me directed, will
be exposed to public sale or ',endue, on MO SPAY Eve
ning, Angust 1, 11564. at 4 o'clock, atSamom-streot
All the estate, right, title, and interest, of Richard
Morris, deceased, in and to all that certain lot of groand
and improvements situate on the west side of Twentieth
street, 46 feet. northward from McDnitle street, in the
city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Twentieth
greet 16 feet, and in depth 68 feet to a four-feet alley.
For recital of title see writ.
CD, C.; J.; '6l. 496. Debt, 826.635 76. Rodin 1
Taken. in execution and to be sold as the property of
Richard Morris, deceased. JOHN THO/6PBON,Sherif4
Philadelphia, Sheriff's 011 ice, Jaly 99, UM. Jy2l-3t
"•-' a writ of Levert Facies, to me directed, will be ex-
Pined to pablc sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening.
enema 1, 1864, at 4 o'clock. at Sansons.stroet Hall,
411 that certain three-story Inesettaite and lot (aground
Situate on the west side of Second street, seventy feet
eight inches northward from Camac street, in the city
of Philadelphia: containing in front on Second street
sixteen feet, and in depth. ono hundred feet to a two feet
alley. (which said premises Learning M. Whillden et
ux., by deed dated• December 29. 1868 , recorded in Deed.
Book B, D. W., No. 118, page 114), go., conveyed nobs
Edward Thiele in fee; subject , as to the easternmost
stably-three feet, to the payment of a ground rent .of
$78.80 payable Ist January and July.
eD. C. ; J., '64. 475. Debt. $1,610.67. Meyer.)
Taken in execution .and to be sold ea the_property of
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Oboe, July 2a. 1864: iy2l-St
a writ ofTwrari Paclas, to Me directed, will be ex.
poeed to public sale or renclue, on.:111051 OAT' Brenta&
August 1, 1864, at 4 o'clock; at Sansoni-street Hall,
all tnat certain lot of ground situate 011 the„spixtb.
of Brewn street, one luniOred and six fee t tgassw
from Seventeenth street'
containing in .front op Brown street eighteen feet, sat
in depth eighty feet," [iThicbliald lot, in al. ath.lber4
A. Marshall, by deed dated 128 July, 1857, recorded in
Book A. .15.
8., 80. 19, page 306.'dtc., conveyed
unto Hugh it. Black, in fee.)
[D. C ; J., '64: 49t. Debt, 813/0. Caven.
Taken in execution and to be sold an theproperty of
Hush t. Black, JOHR THOMPSON,„dheriff„
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, July 20, 1864 :„ .. iT21-38
a writ of Venditloni Expense, to me dtreeted_, mitt
be exposed to public sale or sundae, on MONDAY Eve
ningg, August 1,1864, at 4 o'clock,. at Sansom-street
A that certain three. story brick messtuwe'and lot of
ground situate on the northeastwardly aide of Ridge
avenue• two hundred and eighty-three feet eight inches
southeastward from Fifteenth street, in the city of Phila
delphia; containing in front on Ridge avenue twelve
feet. and In depth on the northwest line
. oue hundred
and four feet eleven inches, and on the eoutheast Han
one hundred and nine feet two inches.
1117. C. ;J. '64. 967. Debt, 16596.60. Abrams.l
Takeo in execution and to be sold as the property of
Bogen° Pearl'. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, July 91, 1564. - . jy2l-3t
a writ of Venditioni Expona.s, to me directed, will
be exposed to public sale or vendee& on MONDAY Ere
uing,Angust 1, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at' Sansom-street
All that certain two-story frame messuaga and lot of
ground Situate on the south wept nide of Spring Street.
(beginning at a corner of Hooker's land,in the Twenty
second ward.of the city or Yhiladelphiai containing in.
front on Spring street 60 feet. and in depth on•the north
west line 114 feet 11 Inobes, and on the southeast line 1.11
feet 9 inches. [Which said premises Finery Frees' at nx.,
by deed dated July B. 1851, recorded in Deed Book G. W.
C.. No. 107, page 87, So.,÷onveyed unto Henry Branson
in fee; reserving a groondreut of $l2, payable Ist Janu
ary and July .
[D.C. ; J., '64.. 497. Debt $690. Barger.]
Taken in execution and to be sold as theproperty of
Henry Branson. JOHN THOMPSON . , Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's 061?e,.Ju1y . 20, /86i. JY2/-8t
d writ of Venditioni !Capetian!, to me directed, will
be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Eve
ning. d signet 1, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom•street Hall,
Ail that certain three-story brick rneeisnage and lot of
ground situate on the south. side of G , eenwich street,
about two hundred and ninety-six feet westward from
Second street•in the city of Philadelphia; containing
in front on dreenwich street about thirty-seven feet,
and in depth about one hundred and seventy-four feet.
(Which said premises Bernard Sprungk et nic., by deed
dated .april 17, 1862, conyeyed unto JOhn P. Persch in
0.c.; J., '64. 468. Debt, 183,000. Robb—Parsons.]
Taken in execution ano to be sold as the property of
J Ph iladelphia: JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, July 19, 1864., jy2l-3t
a . writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will
be exposed to public tale or yendue,on MONDAY Even
ing, august 1, 1264, at 4 o'clock, at Sansont•street Halt,
all that certain lot of ground beginning on the west
side of Eighteenth street, /19 feet northward from a
twenty-five feet street (parallel with Master street 112
feet 6 inches northward therefrom), to the city or Phila
delphia; thence extending westward 190 feet? inehes,
thence northeastward 135 feet 9-6 inches, trence 71 feet
4 inches to west side of Eighteenth street, thence south
ward 100 feet 2 inches to the place of beginning. [Which
said lot in. al. George Roberts Smith et ttx, conveyed
onto Frederick C. Krider in fee
.. • • • -
CD. C. ; J. 64. 431. Debt. 52,7313 44. Miller.3ll
Taken in execution,and to be sold as the property of
Frederick-C. Kreider. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, July 9:), 1861. 1721-3 t
kJa writ of Lever' Facies, to me ' directed, will - be ex
posed to public sale or vendee, on SIOXDAY Evening,
August 1.3664, at 4 o'clock, at Sancom-street
All that cer'aln throe-story brick meeenage and lot of
ground situate on the north. aide or Girard avenue one
hundred and twenty-tlie feet ten Inches eastward from
Corinthian byelaw, In the city of PhiloAelphiaz eon,
taintng in front on Girard avenue sixteen feet and in
depth forty-six teeter thereabouts to College avenue.
CD. C. ; J. '64. 463. Debt, 52.187.7 l Simpson.
Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
Isaac Newton. JOHN THOMPSON - Eherilf.
Philadelphia, Sherira Office, July MOM: 3721-3 t
Writ of Venditioni Exponae, to ute directed ` will be
exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening,
August 1, 1664, at 4 o'clock, at Samom-strOet Hall,
All that certain lot of ground situate on the sontnwest
side of Thames street and northwest Side of Tulip street,
in the city of Philadelphia; containing 'in front on
Thames street 211 feet 6 Inches, and la depth on Tulip
street 94 feet 1D inches, and on the gcwthwest line 79 feet
10 inches. (Which said premises Walter Laing et ex.
y dyed dated June 1, 1660 , recorded in .Deed Hook T.'
H., No 166. Palm 2 66 ,601 Conveyed Untn Aqua Rug
glen in fee; reservlriE a gitirtun rent of X 166 tif , PaYaiiie
let January and July
[D. C,; J..: 64., 984. Debt, ilic7.oti Omni.
Taken in execution and to be sold as the proPertY of
James Ruggles. JOHN TIIOMPSON Sheriff.
Pliiladelphia, Sheri ff 's Office, July 20. 1864.' .17.21-ft
a writ of Levarl Facies. to me directed, will be ex
posed to public sale or yendne, on IitiNDAY Smith&
dugout 1, 1664, at 4 o'clock, at Sarmorn.str*et Hall,
All that certain three-story brick messing° and lot of
ground, situate on the north side of Girard avenue. Mx
hundred feet eight Phila de lphia ard from Nineth
titre, I. in the city or containing info nt
on Girard avenue sixteen feet. and in depth about Stir
six rein to. College avenue
[D• C.; J., TA, 464. Debt, $2,167.76: Simpson.)
Taken in execution and to - be sold as the property.of
Isaac Newton. • - JOHN THOISPSON. Sherif._
Philadelphia; Sheriff's Office; Ju1y10,1•54. .J 721-54
a Writ or Bale, by the non, JOHN 'CAD WALA.
DER, Judge of the District Court of the United State',
in and for the Eastern District of PenneFivatan. in Air
xrdralty, to me directed, will be gold -at Public Sale, to
the highest and beet bidder. tor cash, at incriursa , B
STORE. No. 1421 North FRONT Street, on WEDNES
DAY, August 10, UM. at 12 o'clock, M., 82 bales and IS
bales of Cotton, being cargoes of yeesels unknown.
United States Kariba! E. D. of . Pennerlvaam
s Writ Di s t r ict by the Hon_ John Cawder,
Judge of the our of the United States, to and
for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, In Admiralty,
to me directed', will be sold at public sale to the highest
and best -bidder, for cash , at lliffißENßß'd STORII.
No. 142 N. FRONT Street, on WEDNE4 DAT. August
20, 204, at 12 o'clock EL 90 bales and 45 bales of cotton.
being cargoes of 1r1368018 Down.
B Marshal E. D. of Penna.
Pinuumparrs, July 29, M. ir2o. et
BRAND ISB. —2OO galls Plll6 old BlaekberrY Brandy.
IGO (alto Wild Cherry Brandy .
For eats - by g,.. P. MTDDLEI'QN,
!y27-60 • N0..5 North RUNT Street. •
571 ' •
- ototikAGEL oatativs.
Not only UNEXCELLED, but ITNIQRALLRD In purity
of Tone and Power, designed especially for Churches
and Schools. but found to be equally well adapted to
the Parlor and Drawing Room. For sale only b yy
No. Z 8 North tiIIFECNTR Street.
Also, a complete assorttaent of the Petfoot Maiod Bo4
anitAtitaly oh hJetact. ruliksla
- •
PHILADELPHIA. August 1; lent. -
PROPOSALS will be fl.c , (vet at this of until FRI
DAY, 'August 6, - J864. at 12 o'clock at for fifteen thon
vend tons of best quality White AA. Anthracite COAL,
2.240115 s to the ton, to be welgbcd and inroveted, nixes
egg and stove. as may be required, to be delivered on
board Vepaehl at the wbaryve of this city. in good order
and condition. free of slate, dust, and ether I mparitles,
et such time's:and in such quantitlee as may en ordered
by the Goveromtint. between the date of contract and
November 1,1E64.
The ARIA is reserved to reiect all bids deemed too
bigb, and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be
received. Bidders will state price per ton both In
w Otiog nod In drover
A guarantee, to be tinned by two responeible persona.
will be reouired, wboee responsibility most be certified
to by the United Stv.ter District lodge. United StateS
District ;Wenner, or Maw] States Collector; otherwise
the proemial will not be received,
For In rther information bidders will call at the dace.
No 1139 OMANI). Street.
By order of Colonel Gee. N. Crosman,Assistant Quar
termaster General G. B. A. GEORGE
an R d
A. Q O
Captain . ff.
SEALE)) PROPOSALS vat II be received at the office of
the undersigned, No. 1103 G IRARD Street. until
WEDI , II.4DAY, August 3- Nei, at noon, for the delivery
at Cady/Mader Barracks, AT AN E +ALT DATE, of
eighteen hundred (DICO) iron bare. nand or inners,
each bar to be 4 of an inch thick. three feet four inches
long, tenod at the ends, sad each ond to nave two
boles for the inier tion of ner.iVe. Seventy-two -hun
dred (7200) iron screws. 2) , ‘ lovhes long. Saab proposal
must mime the shortest time for delivery, and be
guaranteed by one or more responsible Demon,
that the
be known at t h is office to be responsible), that the
bidder will enter into immediate obligation for the
prompt folfilment thereof, and rive satisfactory security
if tit d propesa I he enc.., ted
The United States reserves the right to reject all bide,
if deemed emential to its interests, as also those from
defaulting contractors.-
By older of Colonel George. U. Crosman, A. Q. Al.
General. ALBERT S. ASRlifEkD,_
aul.St ' Captain and A. Q. M.
Wasnnrcrrox, D C July 14. 1861.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at tole WOO
until W lONESDAY, Augan 3. 1864. at 4 o'clock P. M. •
for tarnishing the following Ordnance:
60 10-inch siege mortars.
60 8-inch (doge mortars.
60 8-inch siege howitzers.
60 Cochorn mortars. bronze.
_ . .
Tese mortar, and howitzers are to be mule in con
formity with drawings and specifications to be [ambit
ed by the Ordnance Department, and are, to be entt
mitted to the usual in_epections and provinga
. befoXe
being , received by the United States. The inapectioa
will be made at the toundry w sere cast.
Deliveries must be at the following rates. viz : Not
less than two martens or howitzers on or before the 30th
day of September, INK. - and at a rate of not less than.
four mortars or howitzers; p er week thereafter until the
entire number contracted for Is delivered.
Failure to make deliveries at a specified time will subs.
jeer the contramor to a to. tens, re of the right to deliver
the ar mber be may fail to deliver at that time.
Separate propotala must be made for ea,h article.
No bide will he received from parties other than form
dt-rs or proprietors of works, who are known to this
Department to be capable of executing in choir own
foundries the work proposed for. The siege mortars and
'howitzers are to be cast hollow, and cooled from the in
• Forma Of bit; fan be obtained at this office, or at any
of the following Arsetsai, viz : Allegheny ? Frankford.
New York, Watertown, Watervliet, Washington, or at,
Proposals not made out on thie form toi not be eon-
The bidder will be required to accompany his Prone
anion with a guarantee. signed by two responsible per
sons, that; in case his bid be accepted, he will at once
execute the contract for the same with good and suffi
cient sureties, in a sum equal to the amount of the con
tract, to deliver the articles proposed, in conformity
with the terms of this advertisement; and, in case the
said.bidder should fail to enter into the contract, they to
peke good the difference between the offer of said
bidder and the next responsible bidder, or the person to
whom the contract may be awarded,
The responsibility of the ruarentors must be shown
by the officiel certificate of the Clerk of the nearest
District Court or of the Untied States District Attorneys
Bonds in the sum equal to the amount of the contract,
signed by the contractor and both of his guarantors.
Will be required of the successful bidder or bidder,
upon signing the contrail
We, the undersigned, residents of , in the
county of and State of, here
by jointly and. severally covenant with the United
Ste to., and guarantee, in ease the foregoing bid of
be accepted, tint he or they will at once
execute the contract for the Caine, with good and suffi
cient sureties, in a cum equal to the amount of the con
tract, to fernitill the aetieiesproposed in uniformity with
the tenutof this advertisement, dated July 14. lnt , un
der wh the bid was made. and, in case the said
- shall fail to ewer into %contract as afore
said, we guarantee to make good th 4 difference between
the order of the said and the next lowest
responsible tiddet , or the person to whom the contract
may be awarded.
I Given ender oar hands and swats
Witness : Z this day of —. IBd—.
To this guaranty =tat be appended the official certi
ficate above mentioned.
. .
Upon the award befog made, sueesestel bidders will
be notified and furnished with forms of contract and
The Department reserves the right to reject My or all
the bide, if deemed necessary on any aeconnt.
Proposals will be addressed to '' Brigadier General
George D. Ramsay, Chief of Ordnance, Washington, D.
ia M
C.," and -v be endorsed "Proposals (dr Siege or
tars, Siege Howitzers, or Cochora Mortars, as the case
may be. GRO D. RAMSAY,-
JYIB-mwf St Brig.. Gen. Chief of Ordnance.
WA SIIINOtON, Jul* 19. 1 64 .
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office
until 4 o'clock, on the let day of August, 1864, for the
delivery at the New York Agency, No. 46 Worth street,
New York city, of
These Blankets mast be of mire wool, close woven,
of stout yarns, to• be red, with a black border, three
(3) inches wide, from the edge. and the letters "11.
S." six (6) Inches high, black color, in the centre of
the blanket. They are to be Seventy-rive (75) inches
long by sixty•seven (67) inches wine, and of the weight
of 3.1875 lbs. or 8 846 lbs., on which a variation of
0.1876, or a-leth lbs., will be allowed. They must be
single, and not In pairs, and be packed in Caen of One
hundred each.
. . ..
Lillie Blankets are to be inspected at the factory where.
made, and none will be aecepted or paid for except such
as are approved upon inspection.
Deliveries must be made as follows: One-twentieth
of the amount contracted for on the Met day of August,.
and one-tenth of the amount per wek thereafter.
Failure to deliver at a specified time will subject the
contractor to a forfeiture of the number he may fail to
deliver at that time.
No bid will be considered which does not come from
*manufacturer of blanketa or regular dealer in snob
' For a ms of bid can be obtained at the above:n*lA
arsenals. ' Propbeals not made out on this form setti
not be considered.
The bidder will be required to accompany his
Lion with a guarantee, signed by two reeponalM .
sons, that In case his bid is accepted he will stance exe
cute the contract for the same, with good and sufficient
sureties, in a sum equal to ' the amount of the con
tract, to deliver the article proposed, in conformity
with the terms of this advertisement; and in case the
said bidder should fail to enter into the contract, they to
Imake good the difference between the offer of said W
deYand the next responsible bidder, or the person to
whom the contract may be awarded. The reirponaiblli•
tg of the guarantors must be shown by the official anti.
Beate of the Clerk of the nearest District Court, or of the
united States District Attorney.
Bonds, in alum equal to the amount of the contract,
signed by the contractor and both Of his guarantors,
Will be required of the successful bidder or bidden
upon signing the contract.
We, the undersigned, residents of —, in the county
of —, and State of —, hereby jointly and seve
rally covenant with the United States, and guarantee,
in care the foregoing bid of be accepted, that
lie or they will at once execute the contract for the earns,
with good and thfficient sureties,. in a sum mini to the
amount of the contract, to furnish the article°
in conformity with the terms of this advertisement,
July 13, 1964, under which the bid was made; and fa
case the said -- shall fail to enter into a
contract as aforesaid, we guarantee to make good the
ditirrence between the offer of the said
and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to
whom the contract may be awarded.
w itne ... 4 Given en de r oar hands and seals this
• t day of —. De—.
' eal.]
To this guarantee must be appended the Oboist certif.
este above mentioned.
! Rath party obtaining a contract will be obliged to
enter in
tien of the ni to bonds, with approved sureties, for the faithful
Upon the award being made, successful bidders will
be twitted and furnished with forms of contract and
'ZI Department reserves the right to reject any or all
the bids, if deemed unsatlefactory on any account.
Prot:sisals will be addressed to " BRIGADIER ORitli-
RAL GbORGB D. RAMSAY, Chief of Ordnance, Wash
ington, D C.." and will be endorsed "Proposals for
Artillery Blankets." 080. D RAMSAY.
ing , mwf tattl Brig. Gen., Chief of ordnance.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be resetved fo r h s office
until MONDAY, the let day of Ang - ust t lss4, WINCH
MORTAR SHELL, to be delivered in the following
quan Wate r to w n t under-named Arsenals, viz:
At Arsenal. Massachusetts. 5,000.
At Watervliet Arsenal, New York, 10,010.
At New York Arsenal, Governor's Island. New York.
At Allegheny Arsenal, Pittsburg, 10.030.
At Washington Arsenal, D. C 6,001
These projectiles are tobo made of the kind of metal
and inspected after the rule, laid down in the Ordnance
Manual ; the tensile strength of the iron to be not less
than 14,000 pounds per square inch.
Drawings can be seen at any of the United States Ar
- .
The proj ectiles are to be lamented at the foundry
where cas and are to be delivered at the Arsenals free
of charge or transportation or handling.
Bidders will sta de l i v eries at which th.ey will deliver.
!failures to make at a apecified time will sub
ject the contractor to a forfeiture of the number he may
fail to deliver at thattime.
Bidders will state explicitly the Arsenal or Arsenals
Where they propose to deliver, and the number of pro
'Jectilea they propose to deliver at each place, if for more
than one.
No bide will be considered from parties other than re.
ruler founders or proprietors of works , who are known
to this Department to be capable of executing the work
proposed for.
Should any party obtaining acontract offer shell other
than those cast in his own foundry, they will be reject
ed, and the contract rendered null and void.
Forms of bid can be obtained at the above-named A.T.
!snail , . Propos&le not made out on this form will not
'b e considered.
The bidder will be required to accompany his mono'
. 9iltion with a guaranty - signed -by two responsible per—
sons, that, in case his bid. is • accepted. he will at once
execute the
,contrict for the same, with good and suffi
cient inirettes. in a sum equal -to the amount - of the con;
tract, to deliver the article conformity with
the terms of Mid advertisement; and - In - case the said
bidder should fail to ester into 'the contract, they to
bakeigood the difference between the offer of said bid
der and the next responsible bidder, or the person to
whom the contract may be aarded. '
. The responsibility of the "
guarantors musthe shown
Ay the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest Pls.
Wei- Court, or of the United States District Attorney.
• ,fienjit in the sum esittal Ro the o.monnt
‘ el the ()entrant,
signed-by inc anc.
will be required of the successful b.dier or bidders
upon signing the contract -
, We, the undersigned, residents of , In the.
count, of , and State of hereby
Jointly and severally covenant with the United States,
and guarantee, in case the foregoing bid of
be accepted, that he or they will at once execute the
tontract for the same, withgood and su ffi cient sureties,
in a sum equal to the amount of the contract, to furnish
the articles proposed in conformity with the "terms of
this advertiffirnent, dated July 9, 1804. under which the
bid was made; 'and in case the said shell
failto enter into a contract as aforesaid. we gitarantes
to make good the difference between the offer of the said
and the next lowest resp.:msible bidder, or
the person to whom the contract may be award.:d.
$ Given under our hands and seals
Witness: this day of —, lee—.
t Neal.]
To this guaranty must be APPended the *Salsa certifi
cate above mentioned.
Each party obtaining a contraot will be obliged to en
ter into bonds with approved sureties tor the faithful
execution of the same.
Upon the award being made, successful' bidders will
be notified and furnished with forms of contract and
The Department reserves the right to reject any or all
the bids if deemed unsatisfactory on any account.
;Prom:reale will be addressed to " BEIGA OZER GENE
EA.L GEORGE D. RAMSAY, Chief of Ordnenee,Wash-
Ington, D C.," and will be endorsed "Premada.tor
8-inch Mortar Shell:" . GEORGE D. RAMAT.
Jill-wag 10t Brig. General Chief of Ordeiggige,
-vireys.—tillkeiS.W.eorner WALNUT and PITCH
HStreets. PRILADRLPHIA July 26,1864.
SEALED will be received at this MSc°
until 9 o'clock P M MONDAY , August Ist, 1864, for
the repaving of HAMILTON Street, between Eleventh
and Twelfth streets, in the Fourteenth ward. Said re-
Wring to be done at so mud. per square yard and in
accordance with epecifications to be seen at 'this of co.
Etch propoaal will be accompanied by a bond, or certifi
cate that a bond has beep filed in the Law Department,
willreted by ordinance
timesay 25th, 1860. All bidders
be present at the and place for Opening said
Proposale, and the lowest bidder will come forward
within three days thereafter or consider hb+ bid with
drawn. N. W. SMEDLEY,
JYS7-Wfm9t .Cblet Commissioner et Highways.
Alit l SELLING OUT:• •
The etniere/Ened. haying decided to retire &outback..
nese, oder' for sale, at low Prices. hie Urge end Ina
selvcted Amok of
No. 712 CHESTNUT Street,
opposite the Tdaaonto
r:Alt AND r4171P11111,
. / tßAt o T pr cttr o . PPL N !E cz, B o : innfn
• 502 BR 'AD WAY,
New YORK, Jatf29.lB6i.
SEALED PROPOSALS willpe rscesved at this MOOG
until 12 o'clock M.. on Tit UR, D Alf, the Ilt h of August
nest, for the delivery, by contract. at the Depot of
Army Clothing and Equipasta in New York oity—
Armc intiDifetB. 01 dopl. tate lospurfcture. wool.
(MU: with lstters tr. 8 to bleak. 4 inched long in the
centre to be 7 feet long and 6 feet 6 inches wide, to
sv. fah pounds each:
Bidders will State thes,notober they wieb to furnish.
bow many they can deliver per week. when they oats
commence, and when tbey can doish their deliveries.
Proposal's most be accompao led by a proper gaarall
tee, resting forth that, if a contrsct is awarded to the
Party named thereto, he will at once execute the con
tract, and give bond for toe faithful performance of the
Tha &
United States reserves the right to reject all bide
deemed objectionab l e.
Proposals a-all be endorsed " Proposals for landfill
lag Blankets;'! aid add
Lieut. Col. D. H. VINTON.
33130-9 t Deputy Quartermaster 0. natal U. it. A.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this (Moe
until 12 o'clock M., on FRIDAY. Angtist sth. 1861. for
sutplying the Schuylkill Arsenal with the following
articles, viz:
Army Bootees. to be sewed by band . orlitischinern
but if by machtneiry, to be double-soled, without welts,
to be array standard in all respects, and of the follow
ing special rime to the 100 pairs, viz: 66 pairs No. lfis; 27
Pairs No. lls; 12 pairs No. lis; 2 pairs No. 1.3.5. and 1
pair No. 14e.
Dark blue Machine Thread, No 70—Stnart's.
Tin Canteens, corrugated, array standard.
linaptneks. painted and strapped, complois. army
standard, and made of strong , pose, fax linen; domes
tic mannfaclure preferred. A sample of tne material
suet be forwarded with the proposal.
Cant. en Twine, army standard.
Canteen Webbing. army standard.
Army-standard samples of each of the above articles;
can be, aeon at this office, to which deliveries must
et rid In conform.
Bidnere must state in their proposals the pried (wlideh
must be given in Writing as well se In Agorae), the
Quantity, and time* of deitbery.
F.sch hid must be. gust, auteed by two responsible per
sons, whose algoaturss must be appended to the gua
rantee, and iftriffitt to as being gnod and sufficient se
curity for the amount involved by some public func
tionary of the United States.
Bids from defaulting evutractore, and thiiie that do
Pot Italy comply tofth the requirements of this adver
tisement. sofad not be considered.
Blank forms for proposale, embracing theterms of tie
guarantee required on each bid, oan be nisi on aPPIlea"
n as this office; and none others which do not ern
-brace this guarantee will be considered, nor will any
proposal be considered which does not strict/2r conform
its rs on i rem entserein stated. -
lhids meet hs..endoreed .. •
Propeaals for Army Sup
plies,'.' stating the particular article bid for.
. • G. 111. CEOBMAN,
3)10-at .•. Ase'S Q..IL General. 11. a A.
OTTlrr&_. &rsonsevrees. Ohio, Juty 26. ISM
PEOPOSAIA are invited by the and.rafgeed until
• TBUIteDAY, 'August 11th. A DK for furnishing
. this DP partmenc 'with " bICY. BL UR ERS SYS, "
-Army bYandard, to be delivered free of coarge, at
• the Army Clothing Depot, STEUBENVILLE. Ohio, in
good. new packers, with-the name of the party fur.
Dishing the Had and qualityof goods dietinctly m arked
thereon. Patties offering goods mast in all cases fur
nish samples, marked and numbered to correspond
with their proposals, and distinctly state In their bids
the quataltv of goods they propose to furnish, the rrice
end timeof delivery. Bids will be opened on THURS . ,
DAT, innst Mb, A, D. net at n o'clock A, AI
evlien - biddent are DAIL:Idto be present, and awards
will be made, as soon no przcticable thsreafter. Bid
ders, or their . duly authotized agents, are 'expected to
be prepared to give security that the goods will be fur.
niched if an sward is made. The right to reject any
bid deemed unreasonable is reserved.
By order of Colonel Thomas Swords Assistant Quar
termaster General. ALEXANDER Co.NG
Captain and A. Q. H.
• ORDNANCE °EPICS, WAR DaParrtrititif,
WARRINGTON. July 14, 1864.
SEALED PROPOFALS* ill he received at tate office
until SATURDAY, August2o, 18c4 at o'clock P K., for
the delivery at the following points of the undermen
tioned quantities of malleable-iron trimmings for ca
valry ectnionionts:
At the New York Agency, New York, 30,000 seta,
At the Frank ford Arsenal; 10.000 sets. •
At the AllekhanY Arsenal, 20.000 seta.
At the Sc. Louis Arsenal, 10.000.
Bach set la to consist of the numbers of each kind of
' buckle, square, ring, bolt, stud, and loop sow pre
scribed, except that two of the D rings in each set are to
be made of the new pattern, with stop, according to the
model to be seen at the above arsenals. The castings
are to be made of the best quality of malleable iron, the
tonguesof the buckles of the best stock wire. The dt
meneions of the cleaned castings and the finish, and di
mensions of the buckle tongues end rollers, mast con
form strictly . to the standard gauges, which will be ap
plied before Japanning After being thoroughly cleaned
andfreed from all slithers and irregularities they are to
be japanned in the b est manner.
6 he goods are to be put up in papers, in the usual man
ner, and packed, two - Isandrod complete rime in a box of
a quality, and marked as may be prescribed by the in
. specting officer. ster
The woth le to be subject to Inspection at the manu
factory in all stages of its progress, and no goods are to
be received or paid for which have not pasted inspec
Deliveries are to be made as follows:
Bidders will state the weekly rate at which they Mtn
Bidders will state the araenal or arsenals where they
propose to deliver, and the number of sets they propose
to deliver at each place, if for more than one. Failures
to make deliveries at a specified time will subject - the
contractor to a forfeiture of the number he may fall to
deliver at that time.
No bide still be received from parties other than regu-. I
far manufacturers of the articles proposed for and who
are k Down to this Department tube capable of execnting
in their own shops the work proposed for.
Forms of bide can be obtained at the above-named
arsenals. Proposals not ?mace out on this form teal
not be cc:moldered.
The bidder will be required to accompany his propo
sition with a guarantee, signed by two responsible per
sons, that, In case his bid be accepted, he wilt at once
execute the cos tract for the same, with good-and seta- .
tient sureties, in a sum equal to the amount of the con
tract, to deliver the articles proposed, in conformity
with the terms of this advertisement; and in case the
said bidder should fail. to- enter into the contract, they
to make good the difference between the. offer of said
bidder and the next responsible bidder, or We person to
Whom the contract may be awarded. •
• The respeneibillty of the guarantors *lust be shown
by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest- Dia
ist Court, and the United Sates Dletriet.artorney.
Bonds In the sum equal to the amount of the contract,
signed by the contractor and both of his guarantors,
Will be required of the sutcoessful bidder or bidders upon
signing the contra et. . •
We, the undersigned, residents lu, in the
eounty of ---, and State of -- t hereby
jointly anti several_ y covenant with the ffnitritil States,
and guarantee, In case the foregoing bid of
be accepted, that he or they . will at once execute the
contract for the same, wite gond and sufficient sureties,
in a sum equal to the amount of the contract. to furnish
the , articles proposed in eonformitywith the-terms of
this advertisement, dated July id, DM, under which
the bid was made; and in case the said
WI to enter into a contract as aforesaid, we guarantee
to make good the difference between the offer of the said
and the next lowest responsible bidder or
the person to whom the contract may be awarded
Given under our bands and seals
Witness: - I. this— day of —, lad—.
To ibis guarantee must be appended the official certi
ficate above mentioned. •
Rath party obtaining a contract will be obliged to
enter into bonds with approved sureties for the faithful
exam:llion of the same.
Upon the award being made, successful bidders will
be notified and furnished with forms of contract and
The Department reserves the right to reject any or all
Proposals ds feemed unsatisfactory on any account.
will be addreeeect ro "Brigadier General
George D. Rams, Chief of Ordnance , Washington,
D. C.," Cavalry Trimmingsd. Proposals for Mallea
ble Iron "
jylft fmw 16t Brigadier General, C hi ef of Ordnance.
wAR mourn/Int?.
- • Waswiserros. July 13, 1804.
SEALED PEOPASALS will be received at this Mace
until WEDNESDAY, August 3, st 4 P.M. for 12-pounder
Projectiles; to be delivered - as follows, -v iz;
0,0(4)12-poi:weer solid shot,
&00012- pounder Shell. and
'14,00014- pounder Spherical Cue,
at each of the followlns arsenale:
. Watervliet arsenal, West Troy, A.
Arsenal liftiasachuaetts and
Allegheny Arsenal, Pitiaburg,
s2ooolpounder Solid Shot,
o(ol2.pounder Shell an
SALO 12 pounder Spherical d
at the it; Louis Arsenal. Mo.
These projectiles are to be made of the kind O r dnance
and inspected after the rules livd down In the
Manual t. the tensile strength of the Iron to be not lam
than 14,000 pounds per square inch.
Drawn:ma can be seen at any of the States
The projectiles are to be inspected at the foundry where
east, and are to be delivered at the arsenals free of
charge for transportation or handling.
Bidders will slate the rate at which they will deliver.
Failures to make deliveries at a specified time will sub
ject the contractor to a forfeiture of the number he may
fail to deliver at that time.
Bidders will state explicitly the arsenal or arsenide
Where they propose to deliver. and the number of pro
jectiles they propose to deliver at each place, if for more
an one.
No bids will be conaidered from parties other than
regular founders or proprietors of works, who are
known to this Department to be capable of executing
the work proposed for.
bbould any party bbtaining a contract offer shell other
than those cast in his own foundry, they will be redacted.
and the contract rendered null and void.
Forins of bid can be obtained at the above•nimed
arsenals. PropoBcde not made out on this forts tent
not be considered.
Thobldder wilt be required to accompany his propo
- with a guarantee, signed by two responsible per
sons, that, in case his bid be accepted, he will at once
execute the contract for the same, with good and mai.
Giant eureties, in a sum equal to the amount of the con
tract, to deliver the articles proposed in conformity
with the terms of this advertisement; and In case the
said bidder should fail to enter into the contract, they
to make good the difference between the offer of said
birder and the nsat responsible bidder, or the person
to whom the contract may be awarded.
The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown
by the oalcial certincateaf the Clerk of the nearest Die-
Bondsdourt, or of the United Slates District Attorney.
in the sum equal to the amount of the contract,
signed by the contractor and both his guarantors,
be required of the successful bidder or bidders LIP=
signing the contract.
We. the undersigned, residents of , in the
comity of and State of, here by
Jointly and severally covenant with the United States,
and guarantee. In case the foregoing bid of
be accepted, that be or they at once execute the
contract for tits same, with good sad sufficient sureties,
in a sum equal to the anibunl of the contract to furnish.
the articles proposed in conformity with t ire terms of
this advertisement, dated Jul 13, 1864, under which
• thel m
ad wasade ; and, in case thaeaid shall
fail to enter into a contract as aforesaid, we guarantee
to make good the difference between the offer of the said.
--- and the next lowest responsible bidder, or
the person to whom the contract may be awarded.
Witness: I Given under our hands and Geste
this day of --.
• •
• (Seal. 33
To this guarantee •
must be appended the ffictal cord-
Beate above ra.afieeed.
Each party obtaining a contract will be obliged to
'flier into bong,_ilt approved earetlee, for the faith
ful execution...3i L W ae same.
Upon the award being made, successful bidders will
be notified • and furnished with forme Of contract and
Tbe Department i•eserves the right to reject any or all
the bide, if deemed unsatisfactory on any account.
Propoeal -Ramsay , addressed to "Brigadier General
George D. Chief of Ordnance, Washington,
D. C.." and will- 116 0111dOrBed " Proposals for Ll
pounder Projectilek ,
01101t011 D. RAMSAY,
3y115-inwftanti Brig. General. Chief of Ordnance.
A new PRUNCEI. coshusric for beautifying. whiten
ing. and.preserving the demplezion. It Is the most wen.
derfol compound of the age. There is neither chalk,
Powder, magnesia, bismuth. nor talc in its composition,
it being composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax; hence
its extraordinary qualities for preserving the skin..mak,
lug it wilt, smooth, fair. and transparent.. it makes the
old appear young, the homely handsome, the handsome
more beautiful, and tbe mostbeautlful divine. Price 25 •
and 60 cents. Prepared only by HUNT aOO , Perfume
era. 41 South ZIG RTH Street two doors above Cheat.
nut, and 133 South SEVENTII Street, above Walnut. • '
ToiletAL NO THE SElN.—Pate tie roikt Francatee(Prench
Paste)..for enamelling the skin, hiding small. pox
marks wrinkles, barns, scare, &c. without inanry, to
1116ms:et delicate complexion. Its offsets are truly ma.
'ital. Sold in jars price one dollar, with directions for
Ilse. HUNT Proprietors, 41 South EIGIITtI
TEStre E
REvENtm et. two doom above Chestnut, and 1338. S.
.s. STAILP,LaW. —Copies of the new Tax Bill and Ba
yonne Stamp Law for sale wholesale and' retail. And
Ravenna Stamps of all description& conatantiy On hand
at the follotiiiix rates of discount : •
•On or ders of 10 two per cent. discount.
• • • . 100 three
800 four • •
At the principal depot for the gale of Internal 'Ravenna
;temps. No. 301 CHESTNUT Street, and 103 S.
FIFTH Street. Fill - description of the • Stamp Law 1 - 31
gampblet form. ,
we.uu coniaussion 11-511C1LANTS, Sp a r OM'
'*BRCS, and 510 NORTH Stream, offor for •:
„Ascher Brand /galls; Plymouth Kill 111Yeia.
W. *B. Butcher's Caet Steel; Eagle Cablizet Loall•
'Putnam's Horse Nate; Loone'g School Slates,
Copper, Brase, and Iron Wire; Cotton Comb. .
*lee • rail senortrnent or American Raidwatia. ha-ft
P VE(01.1132".. 4:311BE82.4"51)
g , rbr 11141" ThdßitalteMl4.4lAVl,
107 South 0117111 i Street
iititimm SALES:.
OHN B. :- 14YERB CO. - /MOTION-.
BEEq. Ifoo.:•2321 and - 234 liiiihrET Street:
. .
ON TUESDAY Wniafilf6,
Aurast 2d, lte4, at 10 o'clock will be sold, by sate
logue. on four months' creidit, about 1.900 lasolotget
b o ots, shoes, brogans, army goods, travelling hag%
kc. embracing a prime and. fresh assortment of miss
- and Eastern mantd'acture, which will be open for at.
amination early, en -morning of eels.
NOTICE.—Oar sale of I.S'O_paohages boots and 0 10 • 11 .
Be. TUBSDAT MORNING. August 2, nifit.will tow
pries, in part— ' •
eases men's 24-inch grain savoury boots.
cases_men's and boys' nailed boots.
--- cases men's and boys' thick boots.
oases men's, boys', and youths' calf, kip, and grain
cases men's, boys', and youths' calf and kin baa
. cases men's, boys', and zeniths' calf and P. L.
cases men's," boys', and. youths' calf and kip Bal
--city _
cases women's, misses', and children ' s ca sad Mr
heeletl boots.
cases women's, misses', and children's goat and
kid heeled boots.
cases women's. misses', and children's motoseeo
and enamelled boots.
eases women's, misses', and children's genets,
balme, dm. _
—c oral men's, boys' and you th s' brogans.
eases women's andmisses' nailed hoots.
also, fall assortment of city-made goods. anal
N. B. - 4 L - The above will embrace a prime and general
wor m i est, well worthy the attestion,of bayent. 'ODOM
for examination early on the morning of sale.
In Original Packages, for Cash.
Ang li a Sa., 1884 , at 11 o'clock, will be sold, by qua' -
loacie. for cash, about 875 entire packages of domesOss.
bales red, white, yellow. and bine plain and
twilled flannels and sackings.
30 cases Plain and printed satinets.
50 cases Kentucky Jeans.. •
38 cases 3:4 and 7-8 wool linsern.
16 cases miners' flannels.
75 bales all-wool tweeds.
6 cases GA bearer cloths.
50 cases 11-4 and 12-4 Rochdale iblantehi.
- 76 cases Canton flannels.
25 eases madder and blad_prints.
75 cases Androscoggin, Lewiston, and Franklin
corset jeans.
95 bales tidings.
20 bales brown drills.
60 cases bleached muslin, 4-4 Mpe,liseßsak. god
other staple brands.
10 bales crash.
10 cases 10-4 and 11.4 brown and bleached sheetinZL
25 cases stripes and checks.
36 bales 3-9 and 4-4 heavy brown ebeetinga.
The particular attention of the trade is called to this
sa/e, as It will comprise the moot desirable snakes of
goods, ail in order and in original Paekagest.
• Nos. 139 and 141 South FOURTH Street.
Sale No. 11.3 North SIX rEENTEr Street.
August 2, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue. s t No. 113 North
Sixteenth street, above Arch street, the handsome for
niters, rosewood piano (by Schomacher & Co.). gal
French plats mantel mirror, Ans. oil paintings and enel4l
- as, bronzes, mantel clock, tapeFtry carpets, &c
)3iy; May be examined at 8 o•doek on the morning of
the sale.
3d, at 11 o'clock , at the Government War*.
house, Hanover. E treat wharf {late Richmond), 114 am
bulances, Misers harness, an& for Government service.
&nth SIXTH Street.
The 2d August; at precisely 11 o'clock, - at No. 16 South
Sixth street,
BO baskets and cases choice imported Champagne,
ocarts and pints.
20 cases Star sparkling hocks, Quarts.
leo cases (three different brands) choice claret,
demijnbne pure grape juice port wine. all war
rsotAd and direct from bonded warehouse.
..gled- For particulars, see catalogues. i5..30-2t*
525 MARKET and 522 COMAIERCK Streets
OF 1954.
irtga6t . 3d, will be sold, by catalogue. for cub, eon
=awing at ten o'clock precisely, 1,601 caves boots.
shoes, brogans ' balmorals, gaiters, & c., embracing
fall assortrnentof flesh goods for fall sales.
TIONEMS, 240 ioREST breet.
NOTIONS, STOCK OF GOODS, lac., by catalogue.
August Sti, commencing at 10 o'clock urectsely, com
prising about 400 late of seasonable and desirable gooda.
202 MARE 41 7 7. 1 17utifigide,aboa Second S
Wee 'yr Dry Goods, Trimmings. Noticing. &c.,ever/
mencing at 10 o'clock.
August let, commencing at 10 o'clock. will be sold a
large stock of desirable goods, to AV tticb the attention of
city and country purchasers is requested.
-a- No. 615 CHESTNUT and 612 JAYNE Streets.
622 COSSTNDT Street and 61.6 RAISoIf Street..
WHEREAS. The District Court of the United Sibdeeln
and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly
anclainly proceeding on a Libel, flied In the name of the
United Stales of America, bath decreed all persons in
general who have,
or ;Armen d have , any right...title. or
interest in forty-five bales of cotton, cargo of vessel un
known, ceptUred on the high Ire by the United States
steamer • Santiago de Cuba, 'a vessel-of-war of the
United States, under command of Captain 0. S. Otis
eon,, and brought to this port, to be monished , cited ,
and called to judgment, at the time and place un
derwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed,
• (justice so requiring ) Ton are therefore charged.
and strictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit
not, but that by publishing theme presents in at tenet
two of the daily newspapers printed and published
in the City of Philadelphia, and In the Legal 174 ,
geftfoeiseer, you do monish and cite, or cause -to be
monished and cited, peremptorily, all persons in gene
ral who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or
Interest in the said fort five bale ' of cotton , to appear
heifers the Honorable JOHN-CAD WALAD ER, the Judge
of the said Court, at the District Court room, in the City
of Philadelphia, on the twentieth thwarter publication
of these presents, if it be a court day, or else on she next
court day following, between the usual hours of hear
ing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in due
form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any
they hav why the said forty- eye bates of cotton
should n ot be pronounced to belong, at the time of
the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United
States, and as goods of their enemies or otherwise,
liable and sabiett to- condemnation, to be adjudged
anti condemned as good and lawful prizes: and fur
ther to do and recieiye in this behalf as to Justice
shall appertain And that you duly intimate, or cause
to be intimated, onto all persons aforesaid. generally,
(to whom by the tenor of these presents it is also inti
mated.) that if they shall not appear at the time and
place above mentioned, or appear and F hsl.l not thew a
• reaconalde and lawful came to the contrary, then said
District (ken doth intend and will proceed so adj
Lion on the said capture, and may pronounce that the
said forty five bales of cotton did belong, at the time of
the capture of the same, to the enemies of the ()rifted
States of America, and as goods of their enemies, or
otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and con
demnation, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful
prise, the absence or rather contumacy of the persons
so cited- and intimated in anywise notwithstanding,
and that you duly certify to the said District Court
what you shall do in the premises, together with these
Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALADBIL /edge
of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this twenty-eighth
day. of JULY ,- A. D. ViS4. and in the eighty-ninth year
ofthe independence of said United Staten
iY29 R. FOX. Clerk District Court.
WkiEREAB, The District Court of the United State.
in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly
and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the
United State* of America, bath decreed all persona in
general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title,
or interest in ninety bales of cotton, cargo of a Teasel
unknown, captured' by the United' Staten Steamer
"Coinecdent," a vessel of war of the Untted States,
under. the command of Commander - John J Alme;
and brought into this district, o be monished, cited,
and (tailed to )(Women*, at the time and place under
written and to the effect hereafter expressed, tingles
so requiring .) You are therefore charged and etrietly
enjoined and commanded, that you omit not, but that
by publishing these presents in at least two of the dally
newspapers printed and published in the city of Phila
delphia, and in the .Lteial Intellence r , yon do monish
and cite, or canes to be =mashed and cited, perempto
rily, all persons in general who have, or pretend to have,
any right, title or interest in the said ninety bales of cot
ton, te appear before the Honorable 'ORD DistrictAS, A.-
DBl t t; the Judge of the said Court, at the Court
room, in the city of Philadelphia, on the twentieth
day after publication of these presents, if ft be a court
day,- or else on the next court day following, between the
usual howls of hearing causes, then and • there to show,
or allege, in due form of law,'a reasonable and lawfni
(mouse, 'lf any they have, why the said ninety bales
of cotton should not be pronounced 'to belong, at the
time of the capture of the . same, to the enemies of
the United States, and as goods of their enemies) or
otherwise, liable and subject _to condeinnation.lo' be
adjudged and condemn receiv eood and lawful mu ss;
and farther to do and in thie behalf as to
justice shall And that yon duly intimate, or
cause to be intimated, unto all persons aforeiudd, genes
rally,' (to whom by the tenor of thane presents it is also
intimated,) that it they shall not appear at the time and
place above mentioned or appear andishall not show a
reasonable and lawful to the contrary; then said
District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudica
tion on the said capture, and mayprononnott Ma% tits said
ninety bales of cotton did belong, at the time of.the car.-
tare of the came; to the 'enemies of the United Ftiatas of
America, and as . goods or their attendee, or otherwise,
liable and subject to confiscation and coridebdiation, to
be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence
o r rather contumacy of the persona so cited and inti
mated in anywise notwithstanding, and Wet
.vou duly
certify to the - said District Court what Tot:L.o4ll do in
the premises, together with these preemie'.
Wit:Dees the Honorable JOHN CADWALADEM, Judge
of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this twenty eighth
ofday of JULY, A. D. 1864, and in the elghty,ninth year
. the independence of the said united Miami
'17 29 4; O„ . PDX, Clerk of District Court.
Datate of JOHN P. COLCORD, deceased.
Notic. is hereby given; that MARY COLCORD,
widbw of the Bald- decedent, has filed in said Court
her petition, with an inventory and appraLmMent of
the petsonal„property of her late hutband, which she
elects to retain, not exceeding in value $3OO, nadir
the act of 14th April, 18.51, and the supplemenbithereto,
and that the same will be approved and allcnfridArthd
Court on F.RIDAY. September 23d, 1934. unless
tow.. be filed thereto. • RRNM
jy26• =Chit Attorney for the widow.
June' Term, IML No. St Pluries.Vend. Ex.
The Auditor appointed by tt e Court to make diatribn•
Hon of the fund produced by the Sheriff's Elsie under the
above writ, of all that certain lot or piece of ground,
with the hotel and stables thereon erected, situate on
the north side of Washington or Market street, and the
West aide of William street, in the Twenty-fourth Ward
of -; be oily of. Philadelphia; containing - in front or
breadth on said Market street 160 feet, and extending in
length or depth westward of that width 200 feet more or
leacto Green street. will .attend to the duties. of his
appointment on MONDAY, the 15th day of August. 1864,
at 4 o'clock P. M., at hie cake, No. 129 South FIFTH
Street,, in the city of Phliadelpluta, when and where all
Persons interested are required to make their edam/4
or be forever debarred from comin it; upon said fund.
iy2s-10t D. P. BR O WN, Jr.. Auditor.
1100 P SKIRTS, and dealer In cheap Baaternmade
I.kirte, wholesale and retatLat No. 628 /J4ll Street.
Skirts made to order, altered, and repaired. j)3(1-6t.
M. .T. METCALF & soar.
101 Mil ON STREET. BOSTON' mei3s.,
The only manufacturers in the tin.itedStates of Bran
Alphabete and Fignrea, to any nreat extent or to any
variety. Sold at wholesale at the Li:noest Oasis Priem
Mao, the beat of INDRLIBLB STRNCLL van/
ohcaP• Ettenall DUB and all kinds of Stencil Stook. In
entriseptordem promptly attended W. .
CINE tn the Rentlar"ltcleetto Radical College, Bluth
street, below Lounat, has returned to the city, aud MAY
be consulted at hie office:933 ARCH Ettreet. between
the bouts of 11 and 4, and 8 and 91n the oveniat. ,
chargTwety-tiye Ideantal Students Wanted,. ,free of
-------------________e. . .. " ' s • Syst3-4t*
1s made of Pura. fifth Pabn 011, and is entir 3-130 ety it
vegetable Soap; more suitable for Toilet USH than those
made from animal face. In bozos Of 040
for $f per box. Manufactured by dozen cakes.
GO. M M & SON,
/to. 116 MARGARETTEA Street. between Front and
izd, miens CalLewhill. ietrolla
Diseased Eyes, Loss of Hair, Dyspepsu,
Enlargement of the Liver, Diseases
of the Kidneys, Constipation,
Gravel, Piles, Insanity,
Fits, Paralysis,
Bush of Blood to the Head,
With All and every disease which infests the h ow ,
'lndy. cared effectually by
NUS. X. O. ARCM is
PRICE. $5.
No boring with Instruments.
No blowing in the ears.
NoTnuifing izp the nostrils or introducing wi re ,.
No pouring medicines down the throat.
spot that medicines wi ll reach..:and thousands of pi g
toe - Sides. -
Incortaegnenceoftbepritindieeexistingin regard t ,
patent medicines, and_thelow estimate at which d e ;
are held by people in gerneraLit , lsoarcaniest dee r . th r,
my Metaphysical Discovery sh:tuld not be recei ce d
classed with,patent medicines of the age Toe e.t e .
whil answer, 'bt cause it NCI uNTIFIC SPI4:
ditrethig appileation,tendenmes, and re,m t ,
from all other medicines and preparations which te e ;
ever gone before it; and further, because the .11-utei4:
Blasi Discovery is the result of inherited power to t
effects to their first cause. This may be styled eri e n„ . r.
of thought; therefore, let be understood that the gy
taphysical Discovery is not only the result of (Ethernet
power.but 6160 the result of a life:of rare philoopci ti a
research, and that. iOO, in ati unbeaten tra-t T.
mind of the discoverer could not be satteded with acy
development /esti than the first astute of aiSeavi. Th e
ki n d o f ictowiedge, and this 'Sion% is what s
sensible, and enlightened people demand. Num teetht
of the physicians of the age are totaDy nut for their
positions. as tbe power to trace effects to their cause h t .
lungs only to the few.-
This bold assertion requires no proof. 'Every bozos is
the 'endives the proof within its own doors. Meese
reigns and triumphs in every hemet, and is tranitaitiet
from parent to child; and fromgmoetration to generatioc,
thus enutiling.on our loved ones.a life worse than
I_ ow correct is the sentence—" 10, people perish ter
want of knowled_ " niveltel awake ye elenaber.
Dig world, and betake yourselves to thought I Vest
and live
There is lint oneroot in the human body which give
birth to and sustains the life of disease. It In DO no se
what name is givei to disease; no matter Where ..r h
located in the system; no matter how long stand in e. or
whether it be hereditary or not. I might call the d%.
eases which the body is enb monad to, from tgaureaw s ;
the Bret cause, LEG ON. itemember, Ido not treat it
ease; I treat the GAutß. . And there ie but one cart.
Everythlog overlaying that is an effect, Were 1 o
treet.effects, I should only be hastening the Platiecit
their long, in the lobe churthyvird. who]
they are now carried in thousands daily..
Reader, atop drugging and boring I Batake'venr4l
to thought. Use your commonsense and reason. fie
'WM And that every attempt to prevent and remove dL.
ease from the Mamma* system has signally failed, up, a
the preeent time_ Now. =1 say, with confidence, to let
World. try my Metaphysical Discovery. leo tastes
what the disease is that has taken hold of you or pot
children, teat medicine. It will annihilate the
root, scattering the effects to the' four winds.
Remember, the Stemach and* the Liver have notithe
to do with the cause of disease. The treating of they
organs, for the cause. has sent millions to .11:1 amiss r
grave. With confidence, I sray to the world Oil: ca r
Atetaphystual Discovery is the only remedy ever effirel
to the world which will thoroughly agnate:tea r te red
of disease. The discovery consists of three disean
preparations, one for the -acalp, one for the eref, a di
one for the ear. These work in conjunction. end 'lnks
at the'root ofall disease. When I say all, I moan every
disease that ever infested the human body.
re. Th e —" Ce/ebratedoor..ltichsru's Bye Warsr "
• 'Seale Renovator,' which is remarkable for its are+
servation of the Seelig and greiwth of Hair, each $4:
Bra M. D. Brown has been for the past few non Val
In Boston, where her •• , Metaphysical Discovery" has
made some of the most remarkable cures ever recopied.
These cures are • blished in the Boston papers, and ma
be seen at her 0 = cep,
• 16 "BOND •Stireet; NEW YORK, and
18 PEMBERTON Square, BiliTtee
N. B.—Mrs. M. G. Brown will be at her Odle., 41S
ARCH Street, Philadelphia, in a few days ; Dui notice given of her arrival. . ryi9=4 fuer tf
urge that his old-establlhed Reei
Ssta t at No. 1913 CALLG,WHILL Street. to
GOOD PLaull for the tale or PIIIIMASO Of property aed
the collection of house and ground route, Ga- Geed for
reference*. ist2-le•
g n FOR SALF.---A'DESTRABT 0017 -
buninalt etreet, Darby, consisting of 12 acree of exeelloa
Lind, well eel with Evergreen and delimons Shads
Trees, Apple, Standard, and Dwarf Pears, Cherry ad
reach Trees; abundance of Grapeis, Lawton Blackbtr•
rhea, and other email Fruits. A stream runs throssa
the lawn, furnishing abundance of foe. The baildmia
consist of a three-story Stable, .Carriaes
house,lce-house, and other outbuildings; all built la
the bst manner. For further information inquire at
No. 228 DOCK Street. lei-fmthtf
. I = 6 —Situate N. W. oorner of FRANEFORD Road sei
NORRIS Street. Lot feet on Frankford and 414 NO
011 'Norris street Six brick dwellings; on Prwaded
road, a tinge-story brick factory, 83 feet by 43 Nun
Rome **sob, with cotton machinery therein: colB4*
bones, with boilers and engine in; two-story buck
house, 23 Ik9 60. attached and other buildings For
further inforcassion, inquire at IL B. corner of 53.
VENTS and 13444D01 Streets. irS5 6t.
NUS PROPERTY, situate at No. RIO, Mt, and lft
North Second street. cunsisting of three moms .:ti
dwellings attached . The whole will be sold together,
to close an estate. A portion' of the purchase mortar
may 'main on mortgage For paztkulars. Inquire of
R. Ma:ALL,
IS South SECOND Street.
Puinexert,PßlA, ;nIY "SU i y2l. Me
noun STORY BrickED WELLIB 43; with three. story dou
ble Back Buildinge, modern. conveniences. No. US
Frankton). read; lot 2DxlOO. Price 'clear. onlyti.:10o.
ire • B. PETIIT , 32b WALNUT . Street
improved Delaware front FARM, 97 aeree. near
Miamany Station, 15 miles oat and 4 miles this Fidg at
Bristol Keveratothere to exclusive. Call and examine
Register of lama for sale and exam:re.
]➢23 R. PETTIT, 343 WALNUT Street.
MITI" FOR BALE —The verylarge and oommodl•
one LOT and BUILDING. If°. SOH CB NRNY Street; Neat
the centre of business; containing 8) feet on Clerrf
street, depth 105, foot, being 76 feet wide on the rear of
the lot, and at thaf width opening to a large esrt-rref.
leading to Cherry street. Its Sdrantagee of
Apply at the olive of Christ Church Hospital met will
jelSitto are rarely
No. ANA WSINDT 6brdot
Brrorotrs coatmerwrs. eICK HEAD &CHI, conra
Dr. JAMES R. CHILTON, the Gi,at
"I. know Its connemittok, and have no doubt 't aJi
prove mold beneficial in Mime cOmpleintt for w bid it vi
recommended. "
Dr. THOMAS BOYD tape " etromtly caseate/it
to Dr. EDWARD° LU the notice or the publ DLO ic. "
W says: "I can wilt eie
fidence reeomme ind it."
Beart.burn, Cootiveneve, Sick lireedache, Re
SELTZER APERIENT In my bands nom Prorta iadezd
a valuable remedy." .
For other teorlutonlabo see pamphlet with era Milt
biantrfactured only by TARRANT & CO..
2,78 GREENWICH Shoe'. New Var.
ta- FOR SALE BY ALL pstrocusTs. 1X1933'n4
Y T COVSkY. all smite and chronic disco"
rcured by vial • ,tuarantee when desired by the P k ,
ent, at 12410 WALNUT Street, Philatielptlia• sal
in case of a failure , no. charge is made. No dnit
ging the system with . uncertain medical Witt
/-ail an 1,1 13 Performed by Magnetism, Galvanism. of t
other modifications of Efiectricity, without sheds oe
auy unpleasant sensation. For further infernbli
Zion send and get a Pamphlet, which contains hal "
trade of certificatee from some of the most rell.tblai
men in Philadelphia, who hale been /mealy and
permanently, cured after all other treatment Nil
medical men bad failed. O'er tweire thonnnto
cured-in leas than tee roam at 1220 WALNUT bt
Consultation Free.:.•
bl-tf Prof,P ILLBS at Dr. BROWS. I
, 1240 WALNUT St., PhiladelPtis_
E. im
ALLEN; Medical Faectricians, having removed te rn
Office from North Tenth street to 'No. 154 'P a "-k•''- lif
ELEVENTH Street. below Race, win s un t reig . se t rere
all curable diseases. whether Acute or Chronic, wiitell •
shone vain, or any i o c onvenience,Liy-the am of ELD ,
TRICITY, in its mOdificationa and RomceoPethic 14.
c ommit:ll;4ton. drat and see. bilinenza and Catarrh. MR
.ral nt. coed - mazes,
Pe General Debility.
y e gia
Diseases of the
Neural Liver . Kidney&
Fever and Algae. ' Diabetes. i
Consestioh. • - Prolamine Uteri (Felilcig •
the womb).
8 / 3 13 PRiaj • Flmmo ytolds, or Piles.
Bronchitis. •• • • {s pinal D r en.
Teetimonials at the ofbce, litl ea N n orth Eleventh FtTeet,
Ofllee hears, !) A. t(. - to 6 P N.
Medical Electrician% '' '''. -.- •
' North ELEVENTH Stte'L '' .
~-.lo l7lolFnever fails to atm Itliezunatiem. Nem
Beratur. Frosted Fr et, Chapped Rands, and ail Sti
eases: Fries, 24, and NOl°lo4Blo and retail bra. B
Log; Diacrlat, TENTH and CALLOWHILL /il
mumow. swat Nouatai a tekish Col
biltlesust Mountain. trata n „gattaylkill • p r 4
Pbellar for Pluully Ape. N. W. corner El
saMh - sow HU- 11.111 J. Loath
''' A 13."
rxerboz, touching at Qt I SEN6 I P
( Cork - Harbor.:Y.The well steamers 11 '
eetiktol,liew Yorkouid Philadelphia gotaman. , Y
tu r yg ß in G litded to sail se
Si follows
A .
Cl OF If elf MASTER .. ..... SATURDAY. Aj
!for* Slyer
and every orace
.eeding Saturday at ltooa, Croat "
_kart:big Gold, or its equivalent In Carnal%
... 480 0018TB:88A03 ..........
do to .
96 Oo do to London
do to Parte . .. 96 00 do to pmte • •
do to Hatetydri.. go 00 d o t o H o wbcrt
"Paeisengerti also forwarded to Havre. Bro w ''''
r etdazu.Azaw_err. 111 c.. at equally low rates.
mares 110133 Li verpoo l or Qtteenatown : let CL10.%
Ws Attieragrs fIYIIII islirerpOol find Qr. 94!:
83 - ). • Those who wteh to send for their friandt .;•••
tickets here at these rates.
Officers furthtir Information apply at the -...,4ttt
1"1"IniT Street. Philadel:
STIUMiIniP LINN, sa ill nF tratpt9
port on SATURDAS, fr to t wharf ""
mut 111 . 11, 48.1pnin; iinetonglrtutri. 130 ""` •
.froThraophiwotonrazap fi for A,X 2o oN etan , Cap:.
sa ilaltho da tc y, c.
L A. delunda r afoßmAlf, captain Bakst e lt „
* *81 " PhillutillPhis on same day. at 4 o'clock F. I'
.._Thooonevr aid onbstintial steantabips tong 1. •
u alit t ir!l ;Nutt cook port punctually on brit:Anti.
• Insaranoes
tlie ellootsi st one-lalf th* C chin
?Willis taken at fair ratan.
of g h z = era regototod to sand Blip Besetilts azi pta
with their Rood..
w irorlr nalrAt to of Plumage ClooLvtits line seeomisoa•
Bonth DSULWASS l!saa a.