The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, July 01, 1864, Image 6
~G~a TRW 7,3 4 . 41 iciatopht , ' teotion of t. iota exactly th, to exchange tick°. PRlLooaLratn, Exe : tos tio to We inq 01-1101rAssonger railways, I would State , ne xts Of t' ° l the Eighth Representative DiS foatteri _.., 631 c bill declaring them good on v tabe r.lll parsed the House, but was never tne Senate. 1 am, sir, yours truly, ?liILADELPHIA, JUDO 30, 1864, To 1../4:„ To the Editor of the Pras: SIR : In the name of all those members of the Jewish fraternity who gave their time and services during the continuance of the "Fair," pormit MO through your columns to thank the "Ohairman of the Committee of...6:uctioncers" for having appoint ted Saturday, ./ily 2t1 3 as the day on which the mis ted ardeles will be disposed of, thereby ex cludin., Jewish-Members of committees, aids, and all oth'erlSraclites who may have desired to attend the closing ceremonies and to have purchased a few ...11101•0 mementos of this noble charity. Respectfully, ISRAELITE, PHILADELPHIA, JIIIiO 30, 1864. To Our Subscribers. This issue of our paper will be the last going out from Cincinnati, and the next, and all future issues. come from Knoxville direct, vie Nashville. We . fit have at length purchased one of Hoe's fine printing presses, in New York, and It is now at Lopisville, on its winding way to Knoxville. We eSpeot, to have this new machine in onr- den -nry s h o ,.• time, when our paper w ,- ; With regularity. W. of the next issues, bul to subscribers they - • on account of the s.. way of our new pros • All communion tie to either to the r Blunt, will be ad. I see,}' where they *lon, as we go wit ti main among the xl subscribers is now 'el Let advertisemen a; be sent on to no: prompt attention Ri Those who are - mci, setting forth Li. Qin slavery platform cg to patronize us, f. we upon the same pl, for pathy with this ell their hauls, would do , sheet, es they AnThall wt..- as or Chicago nominees for to have no fellowshil Lincoln and Johnson end.' We will thank papers, friendly to our cause, to .Iniert this card once, as a means of giving informs.- 4kin to the public abroad. ....; W. G. linowNtow, Editor and Publisher. ChaNizniaTi, June 27,1244. Tiro cinrsr. The Thermometer. JUNE SO. 181 Z. • /TINE SO, 1884. 6A. M 12 21 ..... 3 P. B M. 6 A. It.— 12 M.. -8 P. ' M. n 513i.88 71 WIND. . WIND. 8 WO SSE BE WSW SW SSW MILITARY. THE COXING POTIRTH. • The . Fonrth of July will bo justly celebret this city. Numerous things are on the tapir,. e new Board of Guardians of the Poor and Se al Controllers a ill organize in the morning. The diem of the War of 1812 will celebrate the Fo by eistecting at 10 A. IYI, in the Supreme t art room. • The colored soldiers will have a grand t e among themselves at Camp Wm. Penn. Jack rs will not permit the day to pass without some p l imn,. -.A large • number of them, who belong to he New Ironsides and other (Jotted States vessels, ow at the navy yard, Intend celebrating into day y a parade. The line will be formed at tee navy d, and the procession will start at 10 o'clock X., re v c is iTtly i;il 7t o e ron i t i f l o as t r e t i ‘ • , li a t v insit s a i t i ree u3 t , l g e o r n o . some of the sick and wounded comrades of th mon now are, and the parade will bo dismissed at the Unkm Volunteer Refreshment Saloon, where a handsome entertainment Is to be provided for the gallant tare. At hal f.past five o'clock in the morning a hand- Berne new American flag will be raised on the staff of the American Mechuolos' Hall, at Fourth and George streets, with appropriate ceremonies. It will be placed in position by the Hall Association of the 0. U. A. AI. DEATH OF A GALLANT PHILADELPIIIAN. Lieut. William Kirk, of the 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry (formerly Col. Rush), died at Alexandria on Tuesday evening. Lieut. Kirk, it will be re membered, was badly wounded in the thigh at Todd's Tavern, in May last, and from that point was subsequently removed to Alexandria, whore he has since been tenderly watched over. The cause of his death is attributed to pneumonia, with which •orgts attacked subsequent to his removal from the battle-field, and not to the wound described, from which it was thought he would ultimately recover. Ho had been connected with the Army of the Po tomac for very nearly three years, his time of ser vice expiring towards the close of the present year. He left this city with his regiment in the capacity of eommiesary sergeant, and by merit alone arose to the position ho occupied at the time of his death. He had been engaged in a number of cavalry fights, but up to the period of his wounding had previously escaped unhurt. lie body arrived in• this city last evening. OVIDE FOR SOLDIERS Mr. Roberti R. Corson, agent of the Supervisory Committee of this city and State Military Agent, has had fifty thousand extra copies of his " Soldiers' Chide" printed for gratuitous distribution. It has been corrected, and will give all the necessary in formation to soldiers passing through the city, or quartered in the army hospitals, as to the time the railroad trains leave; places of interest in this city,• list of United' States army hospitals In Phila delphia ; distances front Philadelphia to other Cities; a few important instructions to dicharged soldiers, by which they may avoid imposition, and a number of other points of great interets. These little books may be obtained atlas. Corson's office, No. 118 Walnut street. DESERVED PROMOTION Lieut. Colonel Edwin R. Byles, of the 99th Regi ment P. V., who was promoted for meritorious con duct to the coloneley of that regiment, hits returned to the front, although the wounds which ho received in the late fierce struggles in Virginia are not yet healed. COLORED 11EF.N AS SITIISTITUTES Provost Bfarstal Lehman, of the First district, has given Information that colored men will be ac cepted as si:institutes for white men who havo 4c beon drafted, The Mnyor Untied warrants omWednesday for lhe payment et the city bounty to five mon who hate enlisted and been credited to the city. • DEATH OF A SOLDIER. The death of Henry Inman, Co. 8,139 th Penn sylvania, was reported at the I'dedical Director's °fliers Testerday, from the Chestnut-Hill V. S. A. Hospital. DESERTERS. The following-named soldiers were reported at the Medical Director's office yesterday, from the army hospitals in this city : Michael Hu vry, Co. G, Massachusetts, and Jeremiah Thomas, Co. F,llfrith - 01-o....F.tnnsylvanin, from the Christian-street U. S. A. triump,h it , .ta l. Wm. Harrold, Co. / 07th New York, and ITcl{ll,hen, Co. K sth , Massachnsetts, front We need c‘rt-strect U. S. A. Hospital. %WS 6 tiring from. .e t .,..., . ~ 4. ries v. , ith, him the IgSv . ELLAAtstous. devotion flidd energil,ANTlC CITY. ', offinial advertisement in ant)- draiiiiitration. teat' for Jiam 'i e l i;:a Bs i: , se, our readers .. elP. l §!i livwriting a bool a will be seen that the ,- trains has been somewhat train has been added.. ,____ daily. An express train afternoon, hous and h r e e l ir a h r n um w e o nco of the waves `'e' OkSener, of it,di. is as level as a par to for a grand tO be ita e rate -of only three . a feeling t c,inct trip. These tick- Tuesday inolusive. who klihnent at the sea-side \ .: Wat Ch. tiVa i tejel , prO_V v e c u e ltl i tS t , There care 1 e comfortable. 'v. -17-Artt l ears running from 1 e ctiltnetsf.° fur Cadseoare ' - n d "Eged to take phiee '‘ Al. -1. has made souse k. CACI ne-street wharf, et.,,. will be better '.l urn to obtain -ryant to carry " .t of the road :. .; 1 111( IT S e '', ,81 t IP* , ieteP ° th e of 1 te sua ott „der, cO tll `tl.oe tre'' 'ee e \ 0 6 6 at,4e S o ut eVANtee'l re I,l‘ .t 1 vs° aerate e te e 105 ' • e Iw o e a . c 0 ,1 tn. Isas 1. 1 tog' ~eat„s u i v atll a% %. as etaisZ see" 00 4° al.l3.e vs . eI..Q a ta m un Ms v et. oe ug, te .A. ? le v ‘ iot 1 1.,11 ° tt %IA V' at° 7;' "to - felk e te V „ G od._ ,eU e ,".. e ttot , OA „et 6 e ? t;: 6.l l ° o• Ta te, t, ~,,ee,ll o . v ees_ e x ett .. % s e `vAtdaer,;,,, W-cSA I6 t ue ° 9O l es6 to tav: iiA 3 7 ,00 1:D. (pee tlota • e son , ',eV for ,to ~5 ¢ 3 . e t es acocom se v. towe the 4 5 V ° ,, r ,: v ja 1:4V..0t c ,1e V tb ,sso eta u e e e l l e i b i, et v te o r ,r . itt L.' it Er s . formed for s ince oo W rsv . e tesS Methodist Epls- Seine tr:: 0 1 building it_,„ 4 , of rah and Broad vuz~ . r te i n the tri t 7 o 7 l l;e' pie eof worship has e la ge and valuable .4„miann,er 9 rch and Broad streets anu the corner-Stone of the new church will be lald on Thursday next, under the dl reotion of Bishop Simpson. The property purchated hoe a front on Arch street of 745 feet, and, running through to Cuthbert street,' presents a front on Broad street of 137 feet. It is designed to ereotonly the chapel this season. This will have. a front on Broad street of - 38 feet ad a depth on Cuthbert street of 75 feet, and Is ton e e built of Lee marble. The design for the whole is 'pronounced by gentle 'men of taste to be of the most beautifu charater, and the building, when completed, l rival c any ohurch in this city. GREAT GAVE O 8 BASE BALL. : • - been tilled to YeStorday the third and deciding game between the Athletic Olub, of Philadelphia, and the Mutertu, of Princeton, resulted in a victory for the Athletics. Score 14 to 9. To-day the Olympics will play the Nassaus, on the ground of the former, Twenty-fifth and Jefferson. A very exciting contest may be expected. On Saturday the.Nassans will probably play the Keystones. The Nnasaus are remarkably fine play ers and estimable young gentlemen. FROM LIVERPOOL. A PATnew Tile Great Fair• RECRUITING captain Alorgan, and Vancouver, , • arrived at this port yesterday They brought large cargoes of •nware, Iron, &c. MEION :AND COASTWISE VES • BEDS. A ble shone the diTivals of foreign lees during the month of June : roan nix. 6 Brigs.— 19 • • 16186110°one 17 COARTWISH. lSloopa 14. i 8teameis es:Marges .... e .. tiTl 1214 '''''by 1.! ytng them wirer to oink as ope below water level: The resolution paspeir The Committee on City Property rePli 2O use 10 the Do resolution making as additional a p pr°PnaLic eis' A slouut the 000 hi partment of City Property, ' Park. The last item 10/ Improvements to Fawning brought out considerable ael d I S 3 trike it out. Lost. BulunTLY (0 ' ) .a th e rules, EL two•thixds vote Was On motion 4) 8"" b i ll not obtained: o , rd flip (U.), Lon\ the Committee on Defence and ,presented an or Wanes for the payment of r tOa tP iry ' " h u ourity to ail substitutes who shall be accepted sad artnlited to the city: - These who volunteer for ono year t o T ooeiya $lOO, tor, two.years $3OO, and an addition al 400 for three. years Men. 'Agreed to. The Committee on lifghwaya reported back the MU for the repaving of Dickinson street from Otsego to Ash. The bill was then passed: -,' The Committee on Surveys reported in favor of the re solution to extend ;the sewer on Market street, near Tw el t th, providing the property owners in the vicinity pay their proportion of the expenses. The resolution passed. • _ - Flux u:.".MINES. _ The ordinantes providing for the location of steam en gines, which were vetoed by the Brayer, being the epecial order of the day, were then taken up. The ordi nance providing for the'= location of the Independence if see as a steam fire-engine company was passed by - vote of 14 yeas to 6 nays That providing for the location of the Spring Garden Ensine was lost-Seas 13, nays 6. The other ordinances were postyoned. /IEI.OI-NWT° JOINT CONVENTION ::'The bill , - from Com Mon Council to meet in joint con vention, l'Othe ptilthift(';Ofelecting stateenpolice maxis. 'Bates, one membirl'of the Board of Health, and ,one member of the Guardians of the Poor, was then. taken up. Idtrainn (U.) moved to strike ant one member of the _Guar. lava of the Poor. Lost—yeas 6, nays 18. ' -^ the bill villa then taken—yeasll„ nays 1. tied. ) moved a call of the house. members answered to their names. .) then , moved to postpone the hill. Ho the house war again ordered, and a WO . - mrs alufwered to their names. ad .olirn-was lost. r (li. Moved to reconsider the motion to the Guardians of the Poor. Agreed to. (U.) Moved to amend that amendment by member of the Board of Health, " so that stricken out. .t debate, Alr.Ercnin withdrew his amend (o.) renewed the eame amendment, the yeas and nays 'were caUedrand resulted , eas 1, naysl2. Intent to strike out "one member or the' the Poor" was not agreed to—yeas 6, the whole bill was then taken, but no e house was then ordered. A ouorara of ,werekto their names. . „ RILL (U.) moved that the_ further onside. billbe postponed. Agreed to—yeas 13, MOTORS Olt [MUSD COLLBOD. So (U.) moved that theChamb nto an Directors of Girard College. Agreed to. Mr. (0.) then moved a call or the Loose be fore going into at. election. The COMA 'stated that as a general rule tho motion for a call of the house was in order, hut not no after a vote has been taken. which shows that a quorum of mem bers are present. Mr. BittonTLY (0 ) then made an appeal in writing from the decision of the _ . . The CHAIR then stated that the consideration of the appeal would bestponed till the next meeting.'apon which Mr. Brightly called the yeas and nays. The consideration of the appeal was postponed. Mr. Deaf/11TV! then stated as the appeal had been post poned the question would go with It, bet the Chair directed him to the rules, and decided otherwise. Nominations being in order. Mr. ZAN'S ) nomi nated Illessre. Charles LT. Lux, Robert Gill, and Augus tus Heaton. • Mr. Artusrao:co (0.) nominated Dr. Ed.._C. Dougherty. Mr. DicEutor (0.) nominated Andrew C. Cregg. Mr. /*I/CM/MOW (0 nominated Win. L. Bradford. Mr. Rim' (0.) nominated Will. Noill The vote resulted as follows: . . Chas. R. Lex 14, Robt. Gill 12, Augustus Heaton 12, Dr. Ed. C. Dougherty 10, Win. Neill 7, Wm. L. Brad ford 9, Andrew C. Gregg I. Netters. Charles E.. Lex, Robt. Gill, and Augustus Renton, were then declared elected directors of liellywd College. The blll from Common Council, requesting this Cham ber to meet in joint convention, fort he purpose of elect ing sixteen police magistrates, was concerred in—yeas 12, nays O. The Select Council then proceeded into Common Conn ell Chamber for that purpose. When they returned, the time of the session was extended to eight o'clock. The bill from Common Council appropriating the sum of 9"900,0(.0 for the relief of families of volunteers was concurred Mr. MILLER (U.). presented a bill providing for the payment of twenty-five dollars bounty to any person who may be mustered into the United States service for one hundred days, under the recent call of the Presi dent, or any call iet may hereafter be made. Mr. WETIRMILL, after a few remarks, moved that the bill be postponed. Not agreed to. Mr. If iertomon (0.) moved to amend by making the bounty fifty dollars instead of twenty-fire. Not agreed to. The bill then passed. The bill from Common Council to meet in joint con vention for the purpose of electing a member of the Guardians of the .Poor was concurred in The Select Council then proceeded to the Common Council Chamber for that purpose. On their return, the PREZIDENT announced tha result Of the meeting. Mr. WETBERML (U.) then rose to know if a con vent!, a without a 4117.01.111 l had a right to adjourn to meet again Y The PILDSIDB.NT decided in the affirmative. . . A motion was then made to adjourn, when Mr. WETHEIIII.T. asked leave to offer a resolution, which wasgranted him. it was to . the e ff ect that Select Council, believing the action °lithe convention to be nu lawful, they will not attend the. meeting appointed for this afternoon. Before a vote was taken on the resolationothe Passr DENT declared the Chamber adjourned. COMMON BR NCR. President Marna (U.) in the chair. COInitrNICATI OEB. An invitation from the director, of the Polytechnic College of Pennsylvania, to attend the eleventh annual commencement of that institution iu the evening, at Concert Hall, was received and accepted. • A communication was received from residents of pre mieres on Girard Row, setting out that the notice to move which bad been served nnon them would, at this time, be verl• injurious to them, and that the altering of these residences into stores, as was contemplated, wax not in accordance with the will of Stephen Girard, and asking that Councils do not insi.t upon the pro poeed alteration. The communication is signed by P. decal], J. If. Read. Henry H. Phillips, and others. Referred to the Committee on Girard. Estates. DIRECTORS Or OIRARD COLLEGE. An election of three directors of Girard College to servo for three years ivas gone into. NAICER (U.) nominated James J. Boswell, Hen ry Simons. and Dr. Henry A. Smith. Tho DemomAts nominated Wm H. Baird. Messrs. Boswell. Simone , and Smith were elected LOAN BILL FOR NEW SCHOOL HOUSES. Mr. 0 itAT (U.), chairman of the COMlllitkee on Pi 11811CP to 'Whom was referred the subject of a loan bill for $1;000,100, for the erection of new school houses, re ported the bill with an affirmative recommendation, A resolution to publish the loan blll for four weeks was agreed to. REFAVIIG Mr. Baluas(II. ). chairman of the Committee on lltgh waSs. reported resolutions to pave Thirty. sixth street, from illTerket to Filbert; Utah street, from Lehigh avenue to Dauphin street; South and West College avenues, and Girard avenue from Corinthian avenue to Salmi, kill river. Agreed to. RELIES 3rOII PAMILIEB OP VOVITICTEEPS Mr. Lorroalflf (0.) offered an ordinance appropriating faeO,Cell for the relief of families or volunteers, said sum to be expended under the direction of the Commissioner appointed for that purpose. Agreed to. Mr. GRATZ (U.), chairman of Committee on Pollee. oitered a resolution changing the name of Church &Ley te Church street. Agreed to. THE 'POLICE FOROP The same gentleman, from said committee, presented a report providing for the increase or the police force. It provides that from and after July next one hundred men shall be added to the force, to be distributed among the respective police districts as the Mayor shall direct. eCM,SOO is provided for the payment of the police, and 000 for uniforms. The bill passed first and second. readings. On third _reading the yeas and nays wore caXed. The result showed yeas 23, nays LI. This not being a two• thirds vote, the bill fell. YOUTITAIN AT TUB TATS. Mr. Cuero (U.) offered a resolution providing Tor the purchase of the fountain erected in Logan Square hy the Fanitary Commission. at a cost not exceeding it9oo. Mr. Gratz elated that the fountain was worth sl,s(ai, and it was necessary, if the city wished to purchase it, that they should do so immediately as otherwise it would be removed. Mr. LOUGHLIN (0.) stated that the Executive Com mittee of the Fair had promised to leave the square to as good girder and condition as when they took posses sion. They had received enough benefit from the city to warrant them in presenting the fountain to the city. Be MOW dCO refer the matter to a committee. Agreed to. and referred to Committee on City-Property. SEWER ON BROWN STREET Mr. StI,I:ER (U.) offered an ordi nanceproviding for the come ru Ciio/10f a newer on Broma Atmet from Ridge ave nue to Seventeenth street. Agreed to LOA:( HOB TOLUNTItEItS' FAMILLP:S Yr. OnAT (U.) offered an ordinance providing for the creation of a loan of s6oo,ooofor the relief of families of ♦ulnnteara. Agreed to. rdS3ENGSR ItATLAVAYS Mr. Brags (II.) offered an ordinance prohibiting pas senger railways from excluding any cleanly and well behaved persons who may pay their fare. It also pro vides that not more then tl ve cents shall be charged for a single ride In any city passenger-rail way car, and re quires that each car be provided with a geard in front of the wheels to throw obstructions off the track. Mr. HERR (0.) etatvd that ho understood it to be an ordinance to allow colored persons to ride. Mr. Eraws gated that It was no such thing, and he Would amend by inserting the word " white. ' The bill was finally indefinitely postponed. INI3PEUTOR. OP BOILERZ As ordinance fixing the salary of the inspector of steam boilers, an office created by the last Legislatare, and setting forth hie Millen, was referred to a special committee. SALARIES OP SQUARE SUPERINTENDENTS, EEO. An ordinance from Select Council increasing the 'sala ries of superintendents of squares and employees of the department of City Property was, with 801R13 unimpor tant amendments, concurred in. RECRUITING Mr. Lottomtur (0.) called up a bill authorizing the payment of the city bounty to any enrolled man who will furnish an acceptable substitute not himself liable to the draft. A number of other sections in con• fertility with the new bill ror enrolling national forces were adopted. BLECiTION OF POLICE (MAGISTRATES. Select and Common Connell then met in joint conven tion and elected the following police magistrates: Samuel Lutz let Diet. Robert T. Carter 2d • ' ' John Swift Sd Charles Welding 4th George l'atchell - sth . Samuel P. Jonas 6th • ' William S. Toland 7th " Joseph Plunkinton Rth Charles B. Pancoatd 6th " Adam H. Shoemaker loth " John Clouds 11th William B. Batter 12th .. 0. L. Ramsdell 13th " N • Robert B . Thomas - 14th Thomas T. Holmes lath " .lamos Allen 16th " Mr. Bun,' `U.) offered a resolution frodructiax the Cbief of the Water Department to have the plugs in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth wards opened during July and August. lir. Kane (0.) moved to amend, to include the district supplied with water by the Kensington works. As amended, it passed. Mr. KERR offered &resolution instructing the Commit tee on Law to report a hill requiring city passenger rail roads to Pay. 'lnstead of the liceme of 4130 per car, the sum of one cent for every passenger carried In the oars. Agreed to. THREE 141-LLIOR Losw RILL. Mr. CRAWFORD (0.) offered a resolution providing for a loan of three millions, to enable the city to rates its quota of volunteers nude r the call of the President which DJ daily expected. Agreed to. Beth branches then met In joint convention to elect a member of the Board of Guardian's of the or. Mr., George Cress was nominated by the Un and' Mr. George Williams by the oppoeition„ o „ An election was gone into, but a quorum at votes was not obtained. Mr. Proxsuy (U.) moved that the convention adjourn to meet again at o'clock tb is afternoon. Mr. NM (0.) objected to the BIMINI. Re eald it was unlawful for a convention witho • • t a gam to meet at any other time. The Pniegnamcr decided that t , motion wee lawful It then passel.. Other MIRIAM of a minor import nce was LII/484CLE11, after which the Chamber adjoarne... THE POLICE [Before Mr. Alderman Battler.] INTERESTING CASES 'OF LARCENY. • William 0. Smith, alias Otterles P. Ferri s, was ar. on t reigned at the lientral Station yesterday afternoon, he charge of larceny.. From the evide ee ad duced we present the following narrative fl Mr. John Lloyd, a sign painter, was to ker,sick with a heavy chill while at work in the vi 1 - pity of Second street and Washington avenue H e to the hotel of Lewis W. Thornton to obtain s'evelent thing to drive the chill away. In the liar-roomlee inet the prisoner, and the latter recognized him .t, an old school-mate. They had not seen each other for seventeen years, or thereabouts. The prisoner finally went away in company with Mr. Lloyd, and reached the shop of the latter. Smith sold he had been tending bar, and that he expected ,to ob tain another situation in the course of it week or stsoo tottook Thish himai s r r r a ho n oo g uim e e n ; i n t could e t v t,i. t wo . He desired Lloyd to employ him to fill in the g barbers a t:. tll ik 9 lettering in the mean time. not well be effected. Lloyd, however, finding . andold s l o e ! t i ea . i m ahtaeviend freel st r e e e s e s e , e L n i d oy h d a t d h i a e t rt h w e h e a y d ei b ie e e e been n i WI: would deposit as collateral secutre of money he desired to horror - il. 12;: e s W y m w al as l s a u T. appear. Some time Taneed, but the vallseo.dWv-.. - .net on. Fifth. street, near after this the two Spruce. The '"Thelor ... `had bundle, and tried to avoid Mr. L latter a obivedthis. Prisoner went into ,a v er beetjaletnn where he loft the n turning around to go out, ho was con- Lund isv..f e front by helied obtained the ...IfMed Mr. Lloyd whether d Lloyd;.was glad to see him. Re then the Continental. Mr. 3 accompanied him. The prisoner liaised Lloyd in the negative, valis e, ttrte t a b y r d the on bar b b e e i r ag sho i p nf a or t m . ed. pan Lloyd that the The suspicion entertained by Mr.. ed. He thro l u o g u h th th e e e b li a p r , b e a r e s d ho e p te , r a t n ed d f t e h r e n p g e a rt N e .e u h e i k s ee co w m n - . h p ee ri • , er beer saloon, and secured ..,. an ex -1 bundles above spoken of. On malcin s t o e n n e e r d w h j a e s ek a te th th ie e f l szeined. to . he connrm t ie and vest belonging to Mr. Lloyd. The pri morning. The them from his friend on the same ex amination, it was found to contain the coat, pants stolen them all Mr. Lloyd has :man asked the defendant if he hadany thing t h R T I n i e g Le r t e o a p l s u d a e e y l d , ~ I plead guilty to Patrick Shane testified that he boards at a house on Spruce street, near Fifth, and that some time since his pants and vest, which cost him ten dollars last year, were stolen. The prisoner took boarding at the same house and slept in the same room where the witness did. The prisoner said that he was a se- Cret detective of the United States, and was on the. lookout for rebel deserters from Fort Delaware. lie said he had been boarding at the Continental, but that place was not convenient for his business. lie disappeared,- the witness said, suddenly, from the boarding•house on Spruce street, since which time the vest and pants have not been seen. J. Clark; attached to the store of Mr. Stokes, bailor, testified that the prisoner get measured for 'coat, pants, and vest, and ordered them to be sent to his boarding house, corner of Second street and Washington avenue. The pants and vest were sent, anti with them a receipted bill. The prisoner put the articles on, kept the bill, and said to the little boy "it is all ,right; tell Mr. Stokes I will call in the morning. ,, The witness further stated that 'when the prisoner ordered the clothes he gave the 'name of Charles Ferris. In addition to the above, we may state that the prisoner was arraigned, yesterday morning, before Mr. Alderman McMullin, charged, upon the oath of Mr. Lewis W. Thornton, with having committed larceny. It seems that several weeks since the prisoner stopped at the hotel of Mr. Thornton and desired to engage boarding and lodging there. He expressly desired to have a private room, and want ed it pretty well furnished. Mr. Thornton showed him a room, and added thirtpor forty dollars' worth of furniture to it, to accommodate the gentleman. The latter had considerable conversation about his resources; one time he Was the recipient of $20,000; In a few days he expected to receive *25,000 more. At times he was quite free with money, and occa sionally would ter row some from Mr. Thornton. lie could not smoktil'any thing short of fifty-cent cigars. About ton days since he mysteriously disappeared from the hotel; a bunch of keys, some articles of wearing , apparel, and other things were also miss ing. On Tuesday evening ho was returning from a pie-nie excursion, and was seen by Mr. Thornton on hoard the Gloucester Point ferry-boat. As the steamer touched the wharf at South. street, the fel low was taken into custody by Mr. T. who handed him over to a police officer. A dead- latch key was the only thing found upon him that could be iden tified as the property of Mr. Thornton. We 'nay state, in conclusion, that,- fur seine time past, in formation has been left at the Central Station of swindling Operations similar to those detailed above. The defendant was committed to answer at the Criminal Court. [Before Mr. Alderman Welding.] DAIWW ROBBERY. A. man, giving the name of. George lielsenger, was arraigned about noon yesterday on the charge of the larceny of a barrel of molasses, the property of 81x..0. B. Wainwright, storekeeper, at Second and Arch streets. The defendant old dodge, the boldness of which has often proved suc cessful. Articles have been missing from store fronts, in so decidedly a mysterious manner, as to astonish the owners. Watches were set, but success did not crown the efforts, simply from the fact that the mysterious thief was sharp enough to watch the watchers. • Yesterday morning, about n o'olook, a drayman drove up to the front of the store, and at once commenced rolling a barrel of molasses on the ay. "What are you doing there," said the store at tendant. "Putting the molasses on the dray, to be sure," replied the drayman. Who authorized you to do so l" "The gentleman who employed me, av 000rse. ,, " Who is ho and where is her Inquired tho at tendant. "That's him walking up the street; sir," replied the dmyruan, pointing to the individual, who was walking leisurely up the street. The store attendant started after him. The sus pected man fled upon his approach. The cry of "atop thief" was raised, and an impromptu footrace ensued, in which the citizens generally joined. The fugitive was flanked, his retreat cut off, and he was captured. Aftera hearing he was committed in de fault of $BOO to answer at court. LOST AND POUND The following is an abstrapt of the report of Lt: Henderson that will be made to Mayor Henry this morning., of the number of articles lost and found at the Groat Sanitary Fair : Lost Children 205 All restored. Watches 5 o • Breastpins 12 Remaining 3 Bracelets 5 " 4 0 Lockets_ ' 2 " 0 Rings 7 E, Q Sleeve Buttons 2 If 0 Eye Glasses and Specs 31 " 10 Pairs of gloves 04 " 21 Ladles' and children's sacks 40 " a Fans U 8 " < 21 Umbrellas and parasols 131 " 40 Handkerchiefs 214 " T 3 Season and committee tickets.... 54 . 44 0 Tells Bti " 29 Badges 43 . 6, 0 Satchels li <4 1 Shawls 20 " 3 Port-monnales and purses 21 " 10 Money found, •218.49. Returned to owners, 44211. Remaining en hand, 5T.49. normEny AND AIIREST A man named David Pryor, who had been em ployed to sweep the office of Greorge W. Ford, on Dock street, near Third, was arrested yesterday, on the charge of robbing the place of money a,na pa pers, valued in all ut $l,OOO. The accused is held for a hearing. THE COURTS. QuArter Sessions—.lodge Allison. The bulk of the time in this court yesterday was taken np In the trial of assault and battery cases of no mina interest. Pius Luuip, convicted thereof, was fined 4do and costs. Bridget Hughes, John Hall, and John Cunning ham, were ordered to pay the costs of the prosecu tion. Jacob''Marten, charged with dissuading a witness front attending court in a civil case, was acquitted, there not being sufficient positive evidence to do otherwise. MEDICAL. TARRLITT'S EFFERVESOBICT. BFILTZER APERIENT BEST REMEDY KNOWN. FOR ALL BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, tIICK HEADACHE,OOBTITS NESS,_ INDIGESTION, HEART-BITRN, SOUR sTOMACH, SEA SICKNESS, &c., Ato. 'Dr. JAMES B. CHILTON, the Great Chemist, says. "I know Its composition, and have no doubt it will prove most bervilicial SII those complaints for which It recommended. Dr. THOMAS BOYD says: "I strongly commend Ii to the notice of the public. " Dr. EDWARD G. LUDLOW says "I can with eon &lance recommend tt. " Dr. GEORGE T. DEXTER gam "In Ylatulenel. Heart-burn, Costiveness, Sick Headache, dm, tht SELTZER APE.F.IpT in my hands has proved indeed s valuable remedy. For other testimonials see pamphlet with each bottle littnntactared only by TARRANT & 00., 278 GREENWICH Stroot, New York. " FOB SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. my2S-tnoll VLECTRICITY.-WHAT IS LIFE -A- 4 WITHOUT HEALTH L.-Drs. BARTHOLOMEW a ALLEN, Medical Electricians, having removed they Office from North Tenth street to No. 154 North ELEVENTH Street, below Race, will still treat and craze all curable diseases. whether Acute or Chronic, without chocks, pain, or any inconvenience. by the use of llles.• tricity. In its modifications, and Homteopathie Medi. sine. Consumption. Ant and so- Ditties!" and Catarrh. eond stares. General Debility. Paralysis. Diseases of the Liver ut N enrs3 gi a. • Kidneys. Paver and Ague. Diabetes. Congestion. Prolapses Uteri (Palling e' Asthma. the womb). Dyspepsia. Themorrhoide, or Piles. Rheumatism. . -.. Spinal Disease. Bronchitis. Deafness. Testimonials at the °Mee, 164 North Eleventh street. Office hours A A. AL to 0 P. M. Das. BARTHOLOMEW & ALLEN, Medical Electricians, 154 North, ELEVENTH Street my 26. tjy4 IMECTRICITT WONDERFUL S.CIENTIF'I43 DIB COVEEY.—AII acute and !chronic distmeee cured by special guarantee, when desired by the patient, at 12,80 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, and, in case of a failure, no charge le made. Do drugging the system with uncertain medical agenta. All cures performed by Magnetism, Galvanism, or other modifications of Electricity, without shooks or any unpleasant sensation. For further informa tion, send and get a Pamphlet, which contains hun dreds of certificates from some of the moat reliable man in Philadelphia, who have been speedily and Permanently cured after all other treatment front medical men had failed. Over twelve thousand cured in less than five years at 1220 WALNUT St. Consultation Free. Prof. BOLLES & Dr. BROWN myl4-1m• 12%0 WALNUT St., Philadelphia. 9'A.YLOR'I3 ARNICA OIL OR EMBRO• -A- CATION never falls to cure Rhenmattsxn, Neuralgia, Spraint,,_ Frosted feet, Chapped Rands, and all Skin DL• LOP.. Price 26e, and wholeealeaml_rotell by Fl. B. TAT. LOP.. Druggist. TENTH and OALJAOWEITT.L. irkbs4l2l NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. DEPARTSIFIFT OP EIinnAVAYE. B. W. corner 'FIFTH and WALNUT PIiILeDULPHIA. June 27, 18134. SEALED PROPOSALS will he r recetred at the De partment ofDemue. until fl o'clock P. M. of TUES DAY, JULY fith, 186$, fo the imnrovement of the .Western approach to the Wire Bridge. Plane and SPecificationa may be seen at the Department of Snr veys. Yroposals must state the price for Excavation, per cubic yard. Embankment, per cubic yard. Idasonry, per perch of 25 cubic feet. Cobble-stone paving, per square ard. Footway Paving, per square yard i . ron railing (285, Wood & Perot), POT linear foot. The work to be completed on or before the let Decem ber, 1664. All bidden are invited to he present at the opening of the proposals offered,al the time and piece above noted. Specificationsmay he had at the Department of Sar ver', which usitl be strictly adhered to. The lowest bidders will come forward in three days after the opening of said proposals, or their bide will be codsidered withdrawn. No bide will be received unless a bond Is given agree ably to the ordinance approved May 24, 18&0. W W. SMEDLEY, je2l mwf St Chief Commissfoner of Highways. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the FREEHOLD and JAMESBURG AG. RAIL ROAD CO., at Jainesbnrg, N. J., until the eth of July, Dfiti,for the Grading of the extension of the Freehold and Jamesbnrg Ag. Railroad from Jan:mbers to near Dean's Pond, on the branch road of the Camden and Amboy Railroad. being about six miles. Profiles and Speclliostions can be seen at the office of the resident engineer, I. 13. BIICKELEW, at James burg. ieN417.5 WILLIAM COOK, ObLet Moginoer. I'ITE 'rum to adjourn ,ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE °lrma, Curcouraw, Ohio, June 22. D 364. PROPOSALS are Invited by the rupersigned until THURSDAY, July 7, Het, at two o elock - P. K., Mr puivaebattbigi) Da , tment (by contract) with sampl wasitS POWfMEN'S-STAN DA RD. e ': or Which may be seen at the °Wee of Cloth- To ingd Equipage fre eis city. be delivered of charge at the tr. 8. Invaction Warehouse, in this city. in geed, now packages. with the name of thoparty farniehing, the kind and quanti ty of goods dietinctiy marked on each article and pckage. parties Offering goods must litetinctly state in the' bids the quantity goods ProPOse to furnish, the price'''. and time of delivery. s amp l es , Nr b n onbmitted, roust be Marked and num bered to correspond with the p r oposal, end tile parries therm must guarantee that the goods .obll he, in every respect, Mille/ to army e andard, otherwise the D Deal will not be considerorL - A guarantee, signed by two responsible persona, must ave. - mummy each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder , - , - ,fliTi L i p ly Cue articles awarded to him under hie pro bona]. inid e mill be or Lie on Thursday, July 7, UM. at two o'ci,kp AL, at came. and bidden are requested to be - ,,,ent • Atwell; viii yle en Friday. July Sib. ~...I . 3 Liv, will ~iquired that. the contract Will be I.o7,rWr,L it rt i l i at p pro onale wilt not he noticed. ac , 1 -11"-k t‘'l-6 falBa4 b.Pl7 d n e t e ra n c te t d s' n a tir nd eas ß o ° n u a 4 b e l m e alay 3.1 N. • TERMASTER GE raorouLs will be re , a_ o'clock M. on SATURDAY, t "" ~ as Army Wagon Covers, to be "" June `-'• /884 - duck, standard quality, run . Office anti/ 12 J covered with vulcanised India raid; • /Mt for and made wr.ter-proof, per samplein ti; n, or linerr Price to be stated for each kind separate — Or, liaea The'aboveniticlea to be of the best Qua' rPAIW ' jest to inspection. Bidders will state- price, both in writing and ..',.,. qmuitity of each articles bid for, and the shortest delivery. , . required for delivery ; Price to include the packages a ' 4fik • The ability of the bidder to fill contract most be guaranteed be two responaibl one, whose piano tames must be appended to ..,. •Ranty, And said guaranty accompany the bid. The right Is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high, and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be .... For further information bidders will call at the office, Mo. 1139 GIRARD Street, where forms for proposals, Will be tarnished.' By order of Colonel GEORGIC H. OMUTA:C. Assistant Quartermaster General U. 8. A. je27-6t A BBISTAITT QyARTERMASTBR A-S• SIIMMAL'EI OFFICE, • PIIII•AIiELPHIA, June 29th, BBL SEALED 'PROPOSALS will be received at this otlice until WEDNESDAY next July fith, )1351. at 12 o'clock Y., for furnishing the, United States, deliverable at the Schuylkill Arsanu'. the following articles, viz: Hospital Tent Pins, large; Armystandard, Etta made Boni tal Tent Pine, mai; from seasoned white oak, Wall Tent Pins, large. or other good hard wood. Canteen Webbing, 1 inch, linen or cotton. Samples required. Samples may be seen at this once. Bidders must state in their proposals tho price, which must be given in writing as well as figures, tho quantity, and time of delivery. Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per eons, whose signatures must be appended to the gua rantee. . . Bids from defaulting contractors will not be received. Blank forms forproposals can be had on application at this office, and each bid most be endorsed with the name of the particular article bid for. G. H. CROSMAN. Je.3o-5t Ase't Q. M. General. U. S. A. PROPOSALS FOR BLANKETS. The bidder will he required to accompany his proposi tion with a guarantee, signed by two! responsible per. sons, that in case his bid in accepted he will atones": exe cute the contract for the same, with good and sufficient sureties, in a sum equal to the whole amount of the contract; to deliver the article proposed, in conformity with the terms of this advertisement; and in case the said bidder should fail to enter into thd contract, they to make good the difference between the offer of said bid der and the next responsible bidder, or the person to whom the contract may be awarded. The responsibili ty of the guarantors must be shown by the official certi ficate of the Clerk of the nearest District Court, or of the United Slates District Attorney. Bonds, in seam equal to the amount of the contract, signed by the contractor and both of his guarantnrs, will be required of the successful bidder or bidders ux on signing of the contract. FORM OF GUARANTEE. We, the undersigned, residents of in the county of and State of -, hereby jointly and seve rally covenant with the United States and guarantee. in case the foregoing bid of he accepted, that he or they will at once execute the contract for the same. with good and sufficient sureties. in a sum equal to the amount of the contract , to furnish the articles proposed in conformity to the terms of the advertisement, dated June 24, IM4, under which the bid was made; and in case the said shall fail to enter into a contract as aforesaid, we guarantee to make good the diffErcnce between the offer of the said and . the nextloweet responsible bidder, or the person to whom the contract may be awarded. Given under our hands and seals this day o 1 186—. [Seal.) (Seal.] • Witness, To t Dia guaranty must be appended the official certifi cate above mentioned. . . . Each party obtaining a contract will be obliged to enter into bowie, with approved sureties, for tho faith ful execution of the same. . Upon the award being made, eueceasful bidders will be notified and furnished with forms of contract and bond. The Department reserves the right to reject any or all the bids, if deemed unsatisfactory on any account. Proposals Win be addressed to " Brigadier General George D. Ramsay, Chief of Ordnance. Washington, D. C., and will be endorsed , ' Proposals for Blankets. " 080. IL RAMSAY, Brigadier General, je27-mwftjyls. Chief of Ordnance. P ROPOSALS FOR MAIL STEAMSHIP SERVICE BETWEEN THE MUTED STATES AND BRAZIL. In accordance with the provisions of the Act of Con mese, approved May 2)3, 1534, which is in the words fol lowing, to wit: An - ACT to authorize the establishment of ocean mail steamehip service between the United States and Bra zil." 'Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen tative-8 elhe United &ales of America in (Anairren as sembled. That the Postmaster General be, and he is hereby, authorized to unite with the Gettentl Post Ofilce Bepartment of the Empire of Brazil, or such officer of the Government of Brazil as shall be authorized to act for that Government. in establiet leg direct mail communi cation between the two countries by means of a monthly line of first-class American sea-going steamships, to be of not less than two thousand tone burden each, and of sufficient number to perform twelve round tripe or voy ages per annum between a port of the Witted States, north of the Potomac river, and Rio de Janeiro, in Bra zil, touching at Saint Thomas, in the West Indies, at Bahia, Pernambuco, and such other Brazilian and in termediate port or ports at shall be considered necessary .and expedient:. Provided, That the expense of the ser vice shall be divided between the two Governments, and that the United States' pntion thereof 8111111 not exceed the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars for thepeformance of twelve round trips per annum, to be paid out of any money appropriated for the service of the Post Oflice Department. . s' Sac. 2. And Le it farther enacted, That the Post master General be, and he is hereby, authorized to in vite proposals for said mall steamship service by public advertisement for-the period of sixty days. In one or more newspapers published in the cities of Washing ton, Baltimore, Philadelphia; New 'York, and Boston. respectively, and to contract with the lowest respon sible bidder for the same for a term of-ten years, to commence from the day the first eleamship of the pro posed line shall depart from the United Stabm, with the mails for Brazil: Prearided, Thai proposals for monthly tripe—that is to say, for twelve round voyages per an num out and back, arc received and accepted by him 'within the limit as aforesaid, from to party or parties of undonbts d responsibility, possessing ample ability to furnish the steamships required for the servioa, and offering good and eufficient sureties for the faithful per formance of such contract: And provided further, That such proposal' shall be accepted by the Government of Brazil. and that distinct and separate-contracts with each Government, containing similar provielouo, shall be executed by such accepted bidder or bidders; each Government to be responsible only for its proportion of the subsidy to be paid for tire service. Soc. 3. And be it jurthtr enacted, That any con tract which the Postmaster General may extents under the authority of this act shall go into effect on or before the Bret day of September, one thousand eight hundred and sixty. five: and shall, In addition to the usual etipa /miens of ocean mall steamship contracts, provide teat the steamships offered for the service shall be construct ed of the best materials and after the most approved model, with all the modern improvements ad-pled for Fee-going keener-hips of the first class; and shall, be fore their approval and acceptance by the Postmaster General. be subject to inspection and carver. by an-ex perienced naval constructor, to be detailed for that pur pose by the Secretary of the Navy. whose report hail be made to the Poetmastur General; that the two Go vernments shall be entitled to have transported, free of expense, on each and every steamer, a mail agent to take charge of and arrange the mail matter, to whom Battelle accommodations for that purpose shall be as signed; that in case of failure from any canna to perform any of the regular monthly voyages stipulated for in the contract, a pro tabs deduction shall be made from the compensation on account of such emitted, voyage or voyages; that suitable tines and penalties may be im poses for delays and irregularities in the regular per formance of the service according to contract, and that the Postmeeter General shall have the power to de termine the contract at any time, in case of its being underiet or assigned to any other party. " SEC. 4. And ha it further enacted. That the mail steamships employed in the service authorized by this art shall be exempt from all port charges and custom house deem at the port of departure and arrival in the lluited 'Provided, That a similar immunity from port charges and custom house dues ie granted by the Government of Brazil "Approved May 5.1364." PROPOSALS Will be received at the Poet Office Department, in the city of WaShingtOn,nntll3 o'clock P. M. ,of SATURDAY. the first day of October, 11364, for conveying the mails of the United States by a monthly line of first class eme- Mean sea-going steamships of not lees than two then eand tons burden, each, and of a sufficient number to Perform twelve round voyages per annum between a pt rt of the United States north of the Potomac river and Rio tie Janeiro, in Brazil, touching at St. Thomas, In the Weer. Indies, and at Balite, and Pernambuco. in Brazil, for a contract term of ten years, to commence on or before the let day of September, 1965, and to date from the day the first steamship of such line shall leave the United States with the mails for Brazil Bidders must designate the United State° port of de parture and arrival, and may, at their option,- propose to embrace additional intermediate ports at which the steamships shall tench on their outward or homeward passages, to deliver and receive mails. Bach bid should name the time proposed to `be occu pied in performing the passages, each way, between the United States port of departure rind arrival and Rio de Janeiro, and should be accompanied bya map or di agram of the route, showing the Intermediate ports at WhichS the steamships are to call to deliver and re ceive mails. Schedules of the sailing days,-etattng the proposed days and hours of departure Tram each port. as well as tiro proposed • days and hours or arrival, should also accompany each told; such soh ednlee,how ever, to boriktject to the approval of the 'Post Depart ments of tbe respective conntrice, and to alteration by said Pepartments from time to time, as the interests of the proposed international postal service may. re quire. The steamships offered for this service must be Ame rican steamers of the arid class, and before accept:time will be subject to inspection and survey by an experl rienced naval constructor to be detailed for that purpose by the Secretary of the Navy. Proposals must conform in all respects to the provi sions end requirements of the aforesaid ,act, approved May 2600864, and Must he properly gaaranteed, with a satisfactory testimonial that the guarantors are mon of property. and abundantly able to make good their gua rantee. The bidder's, name end residence, and the name of each mottles. of rho arm, when a company offers, should be distinctly stated In the proposal. The acceptance or non-acceptance of the bids will be determined by the Postmaster General as soon as practi cable after the time limited for their reception; but no proposal can be accepted by this Department unless the bidder is also accosted by the Government of Brazil, as provided for in the aforesaid act. And in ease of such joint acceptance, distinct and eeparate contracts are to be executed by the accepted bidder or bidders with each Government, containing similar provisions, each Go vernment to be responeible only foeits proportion of the subsidy to be paid for the service. Proposals should be sent,_ und er . seal, to "ThoPiret Assistant Postma s ter General; " Foreign Dotrk. " with the words t Mail Peoposate"—" Foreign Agstle," written on the face of the address; and they should be despatched In time to be received by or before the first day of October next. which will be the last day for re ceiving proposals under this advertiaemeut. M. BE, MR, Postmaster G eneral. Nora. —This Department is not Advised that any de guile action bee yet been taken by the Government of Brazil In respect to the establishmeat of the proposed steamship service between the two countries; but tt is probable that by theist of October next, the limit fixed for the reception of proposals under this advertisement, certain information on that subject will have been re ceived. When received. it will made public. ioal-trOt 11, • PRESS.-PAILA DELPIETA FRIDAY oa. Swords. A. Q. M n . and Capt Wai n and A a SI - • • ORDNANCE OFFICE, WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINOTON, D. C., June 24, 7864. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received el. this office until 4 o'clock P. 111.,_0u FRIDAY, Julyl6.lBBl, for the delivery at the New York Agency, No. 45 Worth street, New York, of FIFTY THOUSAND CAVALRY BLANKETS. The blankets must be of the following description— viz: of pure s eel, close woven, of stout yarns, Gentian bine, with an orange border three inches wide and three inches from the edge, and the letters U. , all inches high. orange color, in the centre of the blitnicet. Each blanket must be 75 inches long by 67 inches wide, and of the weight of 3.1675 lbs., or, say 38. in Lbs., en which a variation of 0.1876, or 3.l6the of a lb., may be allowed. They must be Angle, and not in pairs, and be packed in cases of ono hundred blankets each. . . They are to be inspected at the factory where made, but must be delivered at the New York Agency free of any charge to the United States for transportation, or handling, and none will be accepted or paid for, except such as pass the inspection of and are approved by the United states Inspector. Deliveries must be made as follows, : one-tenth of the number contracte4 for per week, oo amencing within one month from the date of the contract. . . . . Failure to deliver at a apacified time wilt &abject the contractor to a forfeiture of the quantity due at that time. flo bid will be considered that does not come from a manufacturer of blankets or regular dealer is such goods. . . . GUARANTES. POST OPPICOIDEPAILTMEXT. WASITINUTON, June 17, 18r- itAILItOAD LE1N1111.... ' • ~......„,„--.....,,,,,,,,,,... • -,,, PRITN BYLVAITLL- • 1 ..., CO Go CENTRAL RAILROAD. c*. .4=l. •-• PHILADELPHIA T o raillairelligNlPPEKA3B OUR 330 MILES DON BL TRE SHORT B TRACK. ROUTE T E 'WEST. Trains leave the Depot at TH and MARKET Streets, as follows: last Mail Train at .................................. 7.25 A. M. ThrouLitteitt ....... .. ........................... 1L 26 A. M. gh Express at . . .... ......... ...... ....10.90 P. M. Parketiburg Train, No. 1 . , at 10.00 A. M. Par/rasher Train, No. 2, at .. , ........ 1' 0 )) P. Lanca Harrisburg ACCOMLUOdaLIOa iiiiihl ... 2.30 P. M. ster Train at ... .._. .. , .... .. ...... COO P. M. Posit ACCOMMOtlatiOra. Traiii. ........ West Philadelphia),- .... 2_ ••• .•• ..',T tililL: The Through Express . iciiiii . .runs daily-all -- e -- trains dallgiteme4staltacran) THE WEST, The Mail Train, Fast Line. and Through Express con nect at Pittsburg with through trains on ail the diver ing roads from that point, North to the Lakes , West to the Mississippi and Missouri boreßi. and South and Southwest to all Mint?' accessible yHal (road. INDIANA BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Barrage connects at:Blairsville Inter section with a train on this road for Blairsville. In dia_ .na se c tio n EBENSBURG AND CRESSON BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Express Train connects at Cressone:at 10.96 A. N. with a train, ou this road for Ebensburg. A. train also leaves Cresson or/ Ebensburg at a 46 P. M. HOLLIDAYSBURG BRANCH RAILROAD. The Mail Train and Through Exprees connect at Al. With trains for Rollidayaburg at 7.66 P. IL and 8 40 A_ M. TYRONE AND CLEA_RETELD BRANCH RAILROAD, The Through Express Tralmoonnects at Tyrone with trains for Sand_y Ridge, Phillipsburg. Port Matilda, Mllesburg. and Bellefonte. RUNTINGDON AND BROAD -TOP RAILROAD. The Through 'Express Train connects at linhtlngdon with a train for Hopewell and Bloody lin n at 6.66 A. N. NORTHERN CENTRAL AND PITILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROADS. FOR netSBURY, WILLTANUIPORT, LOOK RAVEN, and all ints he Philadelphia and Erlo Railroad And -, ROCRESTRR, BUFFALO, OFD NIAGARA FAZLe. • ers taking tho Mail Truitt, at 7.25 A. 31.. and tr.' liExpress, at 10.30 P. M. daily (except Scut willn . 17 thrcingk without ' change of care be- MA and williamsport The Mail • 'OVBI. M. and GETTYSBURG, the risburg with t ,A. M. and 2.30 P. Sr., connect at gereto 'the Northern Central ailroad. WAYNES - LBY RAILROAD. The trains , leaving . ..1, N 5,,,,,,...., _ at Du~vnin g on u T .1. . ri xn'ictsiinonnoci at liar burg and a ll e'41;173 pambersburg, and Ha- MANN'S BACK.' An Agent of this reliable Lay thropp! each train before reachlain-r z skpoosteet OEO. R. ORME, Captain and'A. Q. X up eOilira:r7iideilvcr For farther inforination,apply at tEke , , Non S. E. corner of ELENTIT and MAX:: . JAIIES COWDEN, TlcE.:nos o to, WESTERN EMIGRATION. An Emigrant Accommodation Train leaves MIA DocK street daily (Sundays excepted), at 4 o'clock P. For full information apply to FRANCIS FUNK, Emigrant Agent, 137 - DOCK Street. By this route freights of all descriptions can be for warded to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin. lowa, or Mis souri' by railroad direct, or to any port on the naviga ble rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg. For freight contracts or !kipping directions, apply to S. 11. KINGSTON, Jr., Philadelphia. ENOCH LEWIS, hall-tf General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. 1864. warrOR E TZINEs" S. 1864. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY A3ZD PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINES, FROM PHILADELPHIA TO' • NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES. PROM WALNUT-STREET WRAPS,. WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS—VIZ: • P At 6 A. 31., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ac- au. commodation $2 AtE B xpr A. N., via Camden and Jersey City. Morning GI At 8 A ess , via Camden and Jersey City. 24 Class 3 • Tleli et 2 25 At 12 N., via' Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ac commodation 2 25 At 2P. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ex press 223 Atl P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion. (Freight and Passenger) 1 46• At 6P. via Camden and Amboy,__Aeoomipoda tion, ( F r e ight and Passenger)-Ist Class Ti • • , Do. do. 2d C , • 1 60 At 7li P. M. , via Camden and Amboy. • .mmoda- Ron, (Freight and. Passenger-14.01ass Ticket... 2 25 Do. do 2d Class d 0..... 160 For Manch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere , Easton, Lambertville, Flemington, &c., at 8.30 P. M. For Flemington. Lambertville, and Intermediate sta tions, at 6 P. 3L For Mount Ewansville, and Pemberton. at 6 A. 2, and 6 P. M. For Freehold at G A. M. and 2 P. M. For Palmyra, Riverton, Balance, Beverly, Burling ton, Florence; Bordentown, do., at 6 A. IL, 12 M. , 1 , 3.30 15, and 6P. M. The 3.30 and 6P. M. lines run di rect to Tienton. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delano; . Beverly, and Bur lington, at 7 P. M. Steamboat 'Trenton, for Bristol, Burlington, Beverly, Torresdale, and Tacony. at 9.30 A. N. and 2..90 P. M. LINES FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: At 4 A. M. (Night), via Kensington and New York, Washington and New York Mail $2 56 At 11. l 6 A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, 3 G) At E N — r. N., via Kensington and Jersey. City, Ex press 300 At 6.46 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City- Waal:log(0n and New York Express 8 00 Sunday Lines leave at 4 A. M. anti 6.45 P. M. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkosbarre, Montrose, Great Bend, Manch (.3hunk, Allentown, Beth. lebem, Belvidere Easton, Lambertville, Flemington at 7.16 A. 3, L This line connects with the train leaving Easton for Manch Chunk at 3.30 P. M. For Flemington. Lambertville. and intermediate sta tions, at 15 P. M. For Bristol, Trenton, Ste., at 7.16 and 11.16 A. M., and 5 I'. M. For Ffolmesbnrg, Tacony, Wiesonoming. Bri.deabarg, and Frankford. at 9 A. M., „6, 6.45, and 8 P. M. ,/:-For New York and Way Linea leaving'Kensing ton Depot, take the curs on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The care run into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train run from the Depot. Fifty pounds of Ramp; only allowed each passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anyth in g as bag. gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable lot any amount beyond $lOO, except by special contract. GralamZia B Express will call for and deliver baggage al the spots. Ordera to be left at No. 3 Wal nut street. WILLIAM H. GATZMER, Agent. June 20, 1863 LINES FROM NEW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA, WILL LEAVE ?ROX THE FOOT OF COORTLANT STREET, At 12 M. and 4 P. Ai. , via Jersey City_ and Camden. At 7 and 10 A. M., and 6 P. M., and 12 (Night), via Jer sey City and Kensington. From Op foot of %zany street at 6 A. AL and 2 P. IL, Via Amboy and Camden. From Pier No. 1, North river, at 12 M., 4, and 8 P.M., (freight and passenger,) Amboy and Camden. Ja4-tf PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON, A- AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD. CHANOE OF HOURS. ON AND ASTER SUNDAY, Jim 19,1963, PASSENGER 'TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA FOR Baltimore at 4.30, Express, (Mondays eXcepted), 8.06 A. M., 19. M. 2.30 and 10.30 P. K. Chester at 3.05. 11.16. A. M.',1.80, 2.30, 4.30, 6, and 11 P. M. Wilmington at 4.30 (Mondays excepted), 8.06, 11.15 A. AL, 1.3(1, 2.30, 4.30, 6, 10.30, and 11 P. AL Now Castle at 8.05 A. lit., and 4.30 P. M. Dover at 8.05 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. Milford at 8. C 5 A. M.• Salisbury at 8.06 A. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA LEAVE Baltimore at & 45, 9.40 A. M. (Express), LlO, 5.25, and 10.26 Wilmington at 1.48, 6.45, 9 A. M., 12.24,1, 1.45, 4, 4.33, 7.30, and 9.10 P. M. Salisbury at 1 P. M. Milford at 3.351'. M. Dover at 6.30 A. M. and 4_55 P. M. New Castle 5t11.30 . K. and 6.65 P. M. Chester at 7.46, 9.40 A. M., 1, 2.39, 4.4 1 1 6, 8.14, and 9.40. P. K. Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and Intermediate sta tions at 10.25 P. AL Leave Baltimore for Dover and intermediate stations at LID P. AL TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Chester at 8.40 A. M. 3, and 11 05 P. M. Leave Wilmington. at 0.30, 9.25 A. M., 3.35 and ,11.40 P. M. FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Car attached, leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate places at 7.42 P. IL SUNDAYS: From Philadelphia to Baltimore only at 4.30 A. K.. and 10.30 P. M. From Philadelphia to Wilmington at 4.30 A. M., 10.30 and 11 P. AL From Wilmington to Philadelphia at 1.48 A. M. and 7.30 P. M. Only at 10.25 P. M., from Baltimore to Philadelphia. my 2 H. F. KENNEY, Assist. Scowl. 1864.WiligaPleitil - 1864. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL- ROAD.—This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. _ It has been leased by the PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY, and under their auspices is being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It is now in use for Passenger and Freight business from Harrisburg to St. Mary's (216 miles), on the East ern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie (78 miles), on She Western Division. TIME OP PABEENGER TRAINS AT PEILADELPRLI. Leave Westward. Mail Train 7.25 A. M. Express Train 10.30 P. NI. Gem run thron_gh without change both waye on these trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and be tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williams port and Philadelphia. Far information respecting Passenger business, apply at the S. E. corner ELEVEIMI and MARKET Streets. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents: S. B. KINOSI'ON, Jr., corner THIRTEENTH and MARKET Streets, Philadelphia. J. W. REYNOLDS, Erie. J. M. DRILL, Agent N. C. R. R. Baltimore. H. H. nduerox, General Freight Agent. Philadelphia. LEWIS L. HOUPT. General JOSEPH gent Philadelphia. • D.O General Manager, Williamsport. &AarNORTH PENN. SYLVANIA. RAILROAD— For BETHLEHEM. DOYLESTOWN, MAUCH CHUNK, EASTON, WILLIAMSPORT, WILRESBARIIS, kQ SIIMALEB ARRANOEMENT. Passenger Trains leave the new Depot, THIRD Street. above Thompson street, (tally (Stmdays excepted). se follows . . At 7 A. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown ‘ lifitneh Chunk; Fle,zleton Williamsport, Wilkesbarre, &c. At 3.45 P . (kxpreee) fur Bethlehem, Easton, as. Al 5.15 P. M. for Bethlehem, Allentown,'Main& Chunk. For Doylestown at 9.15 A. M., 3 P. M. P. M. For Fort Washington at 10.15 A. M. and 11 P. M. • For Lansdale at 6.15 P. M White care of the Second and Third-streets Line City Passenger TRAINSy to the new Benet. FOR PHILAIIBLPRIA Leave Bethieiteni at 6.30 A. M., 9:30A. if., and a.ot Leave Doylestown at 6.40 A. M.,3 45 P. M. , and 7 F.M. Leave Lansdale at 6 A. M. Leave Fort Washington UNDA at 11.25 YS. A- M. and 2 P. M. ON Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at S P. M. Doylestown for Ptilladelphlaat 7.30 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 P. M. JO3 ELLIS CLARK, Agent. actigmti IMPORTANT NO. TICE. ON AND AFT= MONDAY JUNE 6th, itSi Passengers from Philadelphia, Wilmington, or Bald. more to SEAFORD LAUREL, DELMAR, OR SALISBURY , will be required by the Military Authorities to PROCURE PASSES AT WILMINGTON. Failing to do this, they may be detained by Provost Guard at Seaford. An officer will be at Wilmington Depot for the purpose of issuing these passes a sufficient time before the Salisbury train leaves. Passengers from Philadelphia for the points named should attend to this immediately on arrival at Wilmington, and avoid de lay. E. 9 SomALL, Ja., e 441 • Jane 2, MK j Superintendent Del. B. R. asminig NUAST ORBEITBII AND PHILADELPHIA NAIL ROAD. VIA MED jIMMEN ARRAN IA. ORMENT-CHANOE OF DEPOT. . • • • , n and after M0.4.15/01, May W.„ 1664, the Wane will leave Philadelphia, from Depot corner of THIRTY FLIIST and MARKET Streets (West Philadelphia), at 8 and 11.06 A. If., and at 2.90. 446, and 7 P. If. Leave West Cheater at 6.20, 7.42, and 11 A. If., and at sad BP. M. OW Blindaye leave Philadelphia at 8.80 A. M.. and 2.50 P. M. Leave West Chester at BA. M. and SP. M. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 4.49 P. M., and West Chester at 7.96 A. M., and 6 P. IL, connect with trains on the P. and B. O. R. for (Word. and Intermediate points. 111111.11 Y" WOOD, apl General Superintendent. annismui PHILADELPHIA, AND ELMIRA R. IL LINE 1861. SPRING AND SUMMER ABRANGS. 1864. RENT. For WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, ELMIRA, BUF FALO, NIAQARA FAILS, CLEVELAND. TOLEDO. CHICAGO, DETROIT, MILWAUKEE. BT. LOUIS. and ail pomta in the West and Northwc.M. Passenger Trains leave Depot of Philadelphis,and Reading kaliroad, corner BROAD and CALLOWBILL Streets. at B.le. A. AL and &SO P. M., daily, except Sandal's. QUICKEST ROUTE from Philadelphia to points La Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western New York, Ac.. Ac. For further information apjply at the office, 21111.000. list SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets N. VAN HORN, Ticket Agent. JOHN S. HILLER General gurpli it AIRMAN= sad aaiLLOWHILIA ItTLY I, FREIGHTS 1864 RAILROAUD LINES - - --T WEST JR RSEY - - - - RAILROAD miss. oranweive MONDAY, JUNZ2O. /864, from WAL- InmsTxr.ET PIER,. FOR CAPE MAY. At 6 and ID A. M. and 4.30 P. Af. For Salem and Bridgeton at 9 A. M. and 4 P. K. Poi °Tambora at 6,9, and 10 A.. and 4 and 4.90 P. M. For Woodbuy. Gloucester, &c. ;at 6 and 9A. ./2 Af. and 4 and P_. R.ETURNINO TRAINS. • Leave C_ape May at an/ 11.46 A. M., and 6.10 P. Leave nuGville at 7.40 A. and 1.52 and 6.60 K. P. AL Leave Salem at 6A. M. and Ll 6 Af. Leave Bridgeton at 6.16 A. M.. 1. K 90 P . . and Glassboro at 7.10 and 8.36 ... and 2.23. S. and 7.50 P. M. A.. 15 Leave Woodbury at 7 7.40, and 8.54 A. M . and 2.60, 8.29, 6.06. and 8.12 P. M. The WEST JERSEY EXPRESS COMPA.APZ, Office 5 WALNUT Street. will call for and deliver Baggage, and attend to all the 1.119Tu. I branches of Erpreas business. Heavy articlee taken by 6 A. K. line only, and must be sent to the office the evening Trevions. Perishable ar- Metes by this line must be sent before 53 A. K. A special messenger accompanies each train. ja9-5' J. VAR RENSSELAER. Superintendent. RARITA.N AND R I NW W IRANciI A, PrgiliVlßENtleillaglth RIVER, BARNEtaAr, BED BANK, do„ /to. On and after WEDNESDAY next, June 11th, and an al further notice. A. train will leave Camden for Long 'Branch at 7.95 A. M. daily. (Sundays excepted.) Re turning, will le trainog Branch at 3.35 P. M. An afternoon from Camden to Long Branch will be run, commencing on July let, retaining at an early hour next morning, thus affording two daily communl- Cations to and from the Branch. A freight train, with .passonger car attached. Will start for stations on the main line daily from Camden, (Sundays excepted ) , at 9.15 A. Af. ; returning, wlll leave Port Motimonta next morning at 8.10 A. M. Stales connect at Woodmansio and Afanchester for Bar zirtagtVjillnaleOliver. co n n e ct at Farm ingdale icii . Pol . 5• ' Pleasant, Squall Villa ge , Blue Ball. td !Oar notu x 3e i • Tavern. . " 41, 1 10 For farther information apply to Com .;4gent. 1 ._ .• L. B. COLE, at Cooper's Point., Camden. , W/L F. GRIPPITTE, Jr... - 121en. Stip'. Jane 11. 1954. ~,,' lel3-tf ------- ; - -- 1 D A lit S EX, PHESSe.COMPANY once 3GG CHESTNUT street. forwards,Parcels, PaZkages Mer chandise, Bank Notes. said Specie L °Mier. by its own lines or in connection with other zypress Companies. to all the principal Towns and Cities in the United States SAIMPORD. ta27 General Sncteriptendent. ct.t...,t.„.....................................__ ..!MAN FORMAN P. SOLLI3I9I;RAD. • Ay TIOLLENSHEAD & GRMT r. GRA svg El 3, MST:MANOR - No. 312' 'WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Statement of the condition of tho 197011 FIRE INSURANCE. CO., OF NEW YORK, Jannarylet 1.. actually paid in cash.— -• %,P49 50 tr, • - lyn, fr.l.'"Al, SB9 60 Intereet ac, • Astr: Cash in hanaltatikaed ofitee•• • ........ 43 Other properir ;lortranes. (being. first item v;Virk and Brook- Liabilities, none. ' ''''''' .............................. 55 ,1 2.3 1 :5251 000 70 6225 00 Agency, 'No. 3.12 WALte ie27-mwf 61 -tuition L 35.9 20 DELAWARE NUTLrgil - " 27 (4 1N5UR.L 3 20,860 60 INCORPORATED BY THE LAEG, ISLATi.... SYLVANI 1&15. • OFFICE S. E. CORN HIL ER THIRD ADELPHIA. AND WALL, P MARINE INSURANCE OR VESSELS. 1 CARGO ...., To cll parte of the world. ,-.... FEEIGWT, ~.." ...._, INLAND INSURANCE —I. On Gonda by River, Canal, Lake, ao , ' ASK to of the U • FIRE INSURE" .. • On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Hon- . . . „ • . • ASSETS OF audreser„, NOV. 1, 1853. 1100,000 United . Ft"' Fiiroper cent. Loan... . $27,000 00 70,000 Um , Spar cent. Loan, 5-23. 75,009 00 20,000 •!:/,'' States 6 per bent. Loan, BSI • . 22.000 00 60,000 ted.States 73-]0 per cent. Treasn ':-Try Notes 63.201 03 • 70)0 state of Pennsylvania 15 per cent. . _.__ Loan 103,997 60 ' 64,000 State of Pennsylvania 6 per cent. Loan 67,880 03 123,050 Philadelplda.City 6 per cent. Loan.. 127,528 00 93,000 State of Tennessee S per cent. Lean.. 15.000 00 20,C00 Pennsylvania Railroad. let Mortgage 6 per cent.. Bonds 22.300 00 60,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 2d Mortgage 6 per cent. Bonds 63.250 00 Ain 600 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Company. principal and interest . guarantied by the city of Phila delphia 16,000 CO 0,000 100 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Rail road Company_ 7,226 00 6,030 100 Shares Stock North Pennsylvania Railroad Company 2,660 00 21,000 United States Caron rates of Indebted ness 21,420 00 123,700 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, amply secured...... 123.700 00 $791,750 Par Cost, $768,73712 MarketValne.. $794,200 68 Real Estate 36,363 36 Bills receivable for Insurances made 107,947 61 Balances due at Agencies—premi terns on Ma rine Policies, accrued interest, and other debts due the Company 26.919 87 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, $,5. 803, estimated value.. 3,205 00 Cash on deposit with United States Government,:subject to ten days' call $BO,OOO 00 Cash on deposit, in Banks 33,638 30 Cash in Drawer 200 SO 118, VD 19 Thomas C. Hand, - - John C. Davis, Edmund A. Sander, Tbeophilus Paulding, John R. Penrose, James Treenail., Henry C. Hallett, Jr., James C. Hand William C. Ludwig, Joseph R. Seal, Dr. R. M. Hneton, George G. Leiper, Hugh Craig, Charles THOM. JOHN a EzzafT VILEIIIIN. Secret FORMAI( P. HOLLIRSBBA.D. WM. IL GRAVES. HOLLINSREAD & GRAVES, INSURANCE AGENCY; No. 312 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Aunts for the NORWICH FIBS INNORANCE CO., of Norwich, Conn. lISPZEN:NCES . II.9itat E atIiir • • lk Cho , saithohtr, John Grigg, Esq. hiessre.Tredick.Stokeo &Co raleg, Wharton & CO. Messrs. Chas Lennie & Co. 'll4*Ero. Giffin &Altemn.s. Iffeeerß.W.H.Larned & Co. 3e27.6m ►j'HE RELIANCE INSURANCE COM PANY or pEmiumn,Pine. Incorpo OFFICEMI. Charter Per Patna. No. 308 WALNUT STREET. Insures against loss or damage by FIRE Houses, Stores, and other Buildinga; limited or perpetual; and on Furniture. Goods,_ Wares, and Merchandise. CAPITAL $300,000. ASSETS $387,2111. 86. Invested in the following Securities,vlz: First Mortgage on City Property,well secured $106,900 00 United Slates Government Loans. 119,000 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans 60,030 00 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 6 per cent. $3,000, OCO Loam ... .. . ..... ... AGO CO Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, first and se cond Mortgage Loans •• •• 35,000 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's 6 per cent. 'Loan 6,1111 00 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany's 6 per cent. Loan Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad 7 per cent. Loans 4,560 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock ••• • 10,000 00 Mechanics' Bank Stock 4,000 OD County Fire Insurance Company's Stock..".• 1,050 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock of Philadelphia 2,330 00 Loans on Collaterals, well secured 2,250 00 Accrued Interest 6,932 00 Cash in bank and on hand 16,687 83 Worth at present market value DIRECTORS. Robert Toland. William Stevenson, Frampton L. Carson. Marshall Rill, J. Johnson Brown, Thos. R. Moore. Clem TlngleY, Wm. R. Thompson, Samuel Bispham, Robert Steen, William Musser, Charles Leland, Beni. W. Tingley', CL THOMAS C. FULL Sacra PHILADELPHIA.January FORMA.2I' P. BOLL/391111AD. WM. K. GRAVES. T.ToLTANsEtEAD & GltaxEs, INSITRAN.C . IIAaprear, No. 3i WALNUT St., Philadelphia. nts for the ALBANY CITY PIER INSUR r ANCE CO., j 827. Eim OF ALBANY, N. Y. FIRE INSURANCE PiALTTSIVELY. —THE PRNESTIVANIA FIR ANC% COM PANY. Incorporated 1)335. CHARTER PERPETUAL. No. 510 WALNUT Street, opposite Independence %are. hie Company, favorably known to the community for nearly fortyyears, continues to insure against Loess or Damage by Fire, on Pnhiic or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also, on Fur niture, Stocks of Goods, or Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their capital, together with a large Snrplus Fund, is invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an stadoubted security in the case of loss. DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson, Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson, John Deverenx Isaac Hazlet ost, Thomas Smith.. Thomas Robins, Henry Lewis, J. Gillingham Fell. JONATHAN PATTERSON, President. WILLIAM G. Cnowar.r.. Secretary. FAME ERSURAIstt No. 406 CHEM PHILAD, • FIRE AND INLA. Dams' Francis N. Buck. Charles Richardson, Ream,' 0. W. Davie, P. 8. Justice, George A. FRANCIS N. CHAS. RICH. W. L Drammen». Sect:eta ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COM PART.—Authorized Capital S4OO,OO6—CHARTER PERPETUAL. bake No. 371 WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth streets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against Loss or Damage by Fire, on Buildings, Foridtare, and Merchandise gene rally. Also, Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DIRECTORS. William Esher, Davis Pearson, D. Luther, Peter Soiger, Lewis Andeuried, J. E. Baum, John It. Biackiston, William P. Dean, Joseph Maxfield, John Ketcham. WILLIAM ESHER, President. WM. E. DEAR, Vice President. W. M. Sara , Secretary. ap3-tt I NSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA.—OFFICE Nos, _4 and 5 EXCHANGE BOILDING . _,S North aide of WALNUT Stroot,LetweenDOCK and THIRD Streeta,Phlladelphist. INCORPORATED IN ICAPI T 794—CHARTER PERPETUAL. AL , V2OO, PROPERTIES OP THE COMPANY. FEBRUARY 1. f 425,817.62. walla. VIM AND IRANCE.NLAND TRAESPORTATION INS • DIRECTORS. Henry D. Sheffer& Tobias Wagger, Charles Macstester, Thomas B. Wattson. William S. Smith, Henry G. Freeman, William It. White, Charles 8.. Lewis, George 11 . Stuart,•. - George O. Carson Samuel Grant , Jr. Edward C. Knight , John B. Austin. HENRY D. SHLIMILERD, President. WILLIAX HARPRe. Secretary. nobl-tf AMER.ICAN FIRE INURANOE AA- COMPANY. Incomorated 1810. CIiaBTERAIX. PETOAL. No. 318 WALlitrT Street, &BOYS 11111111. Philadelphia, Raving a large paid-up Capital Stock 'and Surplus in vested in Bound and available SecuritLes, continue' to Maur. on Dwellings, Stoma, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses liberally and promptly aK4ruste.i. DIRECTOIA. Thomas B. Marls, . Jame' B. Campbell, John Welch, Edmund N. Samuel C. Norton, Charles W. PonitneY, Patrick Brady, Israel Morr i e. John T. Low% THO .. ALBEIT O. L. CRAW FORD. NOSNAN T NOLLIENRICAD. R. GB4VBS. HOLLENSHEAD AND GNAVZB' . INSURANCE AGENCY, NO. 312 'WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, ilektefor the CROTON FLEE INSURANCE GOM }UMW. jo2r-ere of New York. r 151131 8 made j" of Puts? f ni rash ß° paim Ar ol . l — , a T ild ni th e en B ti akr rely 'Turntable Soap; more suitable for Tollet use than those spade from animal fats. In boxes of one dozaa cakes. 'by 1112 per box. Manufactured by 6110. M. ItLXINTON SON. MO. 116 MaRGARETTa Street, betifeer, Front arid Iowa& above thaiowhiu• 116110 This Loan, Isened under authority of *lbw of Con gress, approved March. 3, 1964. provides for the Issue of Twa_ki_undred Millions of Dollars (3203.000.000) trnited States Goads, redeemable after ten rears. and payable forty ream from date. CLi Marsh 2. 1455. bearing Interest at the ra te of O -dated , . %, KIVA Fiat CERT. Der annum Dit VOLlGayable s emtanurially on ell Ronde orer gIDO, And on Bonds of $3OO and /am an nually. Subscribers will Bonds as they may oref er receive ei th er Registered or Connor. '- , Begietered Bonde Win be heat of the denominations '' of fifty dollars COM one hundred dollars (VOW, Ilvse'rued hundred dollars ($600), one thousarcrdollare (10 . , _ 00 201n, or, il ye thousand doliers ($5.000), and ten Monet,' ($10,000). and Coupon Bonds of the den. fifty dollars MO). one hundred dollars I dyed dollars ($600), and one thoosand d( .INTERES wiII commence from date of eubscri interest from the let of March on, until further notice, In IT. &no . 4 paln Banker, adding (60) fifty per gent, CO th . '. ' mina. spa-tf C. H. • _ , NEW LOAN.K' TORS. 81,069,425 52 Robert Burton, Samuel E. Stokes. J. F. Poniston• Henry Sloan, William G. Boniton, Edward Darlington. 11. Jones Brooke, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Eyre„ Spencer Mc Maine, John B. Semple, Pittsburg: A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. : C. HAND, President. . DAVIS, Vice President. ry isle $387,211 86 399.661 30 hf TINGLEY,-I"xesident. ry. 4, DWI DE COMPANY, nun STREET. !ELYRIA. LND INSURANCE. mons. John W Warman, Hobert B. Potter, John Kneeler, Jr., B. D. Woodruff, Charles Stokes, Joseph 110, Bale. BUCK, President. &EDSON. Vice President. Icy 5.1441 MMZETI IEaNANCIAL. FiBST N'A."IIICkNA_L A 31F1AMIEE FBILADELPHUL DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY FINANCIAL AGENT or TRZ IETI`IrrED STATES. 10-4.0 Z•OA'Lc This Bank tour Bess' Lauthori SOW PrePalatal ail a to resolve subscriptions to the NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN. U. 70X Fut); TSB • GOVERNMENT LOAN. -Eoaring Five Fez Cent. Interest ER COIN. &unable any time after TEN YEARS, at the Plea 'itirslottbe Government, and payable FORTY YEARS ~adtk date, Both COITPONS and REGISTERED BONDS '444 lamed for this Loan, of same denominations as the Flie-Twenties. The interest on WO and gh* payable yearly, bat all other denominations half yearly. The TEEMIFORTY BONDS are dated March 1, 1864, the hall: yearly intend falling due September lead March 1 of each year. Until Ist September, the accrued interest from let March is required to be paid by purchasers In 'coin, or in legal currency, adding SO per Bent. for premium, until further notice. i • All other Goverumpt Eleeuritleis bought and sold. JAY COOICE Qt 114 8011TH TIE78D•81111111T. LEGAL. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE - 0 - CITY AND COMITY OP PHILADELPHIA. In the matter of the Estate of THOMAS HEDDLESON. deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the fast account of JAMBS HEDDLESON, executor of Thomas HeddJason, de ceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant. will meet the parties in— terested for the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY, the 12th of July, A. D. 1884, at 11 o'clock A. M. at hie °Mee, No. 731 WALNUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia. AARON THOMPSON, je29-wfmat* Auditor. 'ENTRE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE •A- CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA In the matter of ibeffistate of ELIZA RENINGTON,dec.. The Auditorappointed by the Court tomtit, settle and adjust the accocuit of Francis A. Black,Administratorof the Estate of the said Eliza Remington, dee'd, and tore port distribution of the balance in the hands of the ac countant. will meet the. parties interested for the pur poses of his appointment on MONDAY, the 11th day of July A. D. 1864, 11 o'clock A. M. at his office, Ito. 731 WALNUT btreet,in the city of Philadelphia. je29-wfm6t. AARON THOMPSON, Auditor. TN THE ORREEA.-1 , 16' COURT FOR . THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Trust Estate of Mrs If. K. WILCOX, under the Will of JOHN HEATING, deceased. :1k The Auditor appointed by the Court to audir. and adjust the first and final account of WILLI,I3I V. HEATING and ADOLPH E. BURIN, Trustees of Mrs. M. K. WILCOX, deceased, nnder the Will of JOHN HEATING, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance In the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on 'IILESDAY,• July 12th, 1854. at 11 o'clock. A. IL, st BIS OFFICE, No. 131 South FIFTH street in the city of Philadelphia, GEORGE H. CONARROE je29-wfm 5t Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE -a- CITY AND COUNTY OF fIiILADELPIII.4. Estate of JOAN WOOD, Deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, eett]e, and adjust the account of MOLY ANN WOOD, admi. nisDatrlx of John Wood, deceased, and to make &stn. button of the balance in the handset the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his ontnimarot, 4, lota o'clock P. 3S, at 3.28 South MYTH Street, in the city of 'Philadelphia. jai frmwdt H. a WALLACE. Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE TN CITY AND CODITTy OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of TEICHEAB H. JACOBS. The Auditor appointed by the Court toundit, settle, and adjust the account of ELEANOR JAC. +I3S and ED WARD B. JACOBS, Executors of THOS. H. JACOB-, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the hands'of the accountant, trill meet the parties int,re-t -ed for the,PurPoses of his appointment, on THURSDAY, July 7, IBM, at 11 o'clock_.l AI, at his office, southeast corner SIXTH and WALIIII7T Streets, in the city of Philadelphia. jesl-intivot. D. W. O'BRIEN, Auditor. VSTATE OF CHAS. S. lIA.TLSTOOK, a•-•° DROBAORD.—Letters testamentary' un3ll the Estate of GRAS. S. 11.11LSTOOR: having been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Willa of the county of Philadelphia, all persons indebted to the Estate are requested-to make payment, and those haying claims against it to make known the same without delay to LIMOS C WHITE, • No. 41;15 YORK Avenue, 3eSkrBt* Or at his Office, 717 LOMBARD Street. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY ON THE estate of the Rev. JOHN REYNOLDS. deceased, of the city of Philadelphia, having been graufr.d to the subscriber by the Register of Wills of the County of Philadelphia, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the same to present them without de lay to J. W. REYNOLD S _,_ Erie. Pennsylvania, or to his attorney , CHAS. N. LEX, 51North SIX.TII Street, Philadelphia. my9l)-fgt. Coll- COAL.- SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER MEADOW. and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal. and best Locust Mountain, from Schuylkill; prepared ex presal for Family' use. Depet, N. W. corner BIOTITE and WILEOW Ste. OSCO, No. 112 W South SEC at OND St. J. ALTON CO. PuR-B LEHIGH COALHOUSE KREMS caa rely on getting a pare article et the & 3. corner FRONT and PO PLAR Streets Jell-Imo . JOHN W. ifAIIPTON. TREABITRY DEPARTMENT OPYIOE OF THSCOMPTROLLvit OP TAB CURRENCY, WAsmolorcuir, May 1. 18134. WHEREAS, by satisfactory evidence pr e sented to the undersigned, it bas been 'made to appear teat THE SEVENTH NATIONAL BANK OP PrilLADE;.Plila. county of 1 - 1211adelphla, and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly organized, under and according to the require ments of the act of congress entitled An act to pro vide a National Cnrrency,secured by a pledge of United States stocks, and to provide fnr the circulation and re demption thereof," approved3Febnlary2S,lBG3, and has compiled with ail the provisions of said act reqoired to ho complied with before commencing the busirese of Banking: . Now. therefore, I, HUGH IeIcCULLOCH. Comptroller of the Currency, - do hereby certify that TUB SEVENTH NATIONAL BANK OF PEULADELPIIIii county of Philadelphia, and qtate of Pennsylvania, is authorized. to commence the business of Betaking ander the act aforesaid. In testimony whereof. 'witness my hand and seal of office. thir.TODlt CH DAY OF MAY. 1854. (Seat of the Comptroller of the Currency. ) RUG II MeGGLLOGEL Comptroller of the Garrotte'''. • QUEEN OF BEAUTY. wErns VIEW 3 WAX OF ANTILLES. A new FRENCH COSMETIC for beantlfYing, whiten ing, and preserving the complexion. It is the most tvonderfnl compound of the age. There is norther chalk, powder, magnesia, bismuth, nor talc in it; cont. position, It being composed entirely of pure Virgin- Wax; hence its extraordinary qualities for preserving the skin. making it soft, smooth, fair, and transparent. It makes the old appear young, the homely handsome, the handsome more: beantiful, and the most beantifal divine. Price MS and Monte. Prepared only by HUNT & CO., Perfumers, 41 South ElGH'fil Street,two doors abo Cheatnut,and 133 South SEVENTH Street.above Wa 1422-30 a TEE BEAUTIFUL ABT IF JENAREL: .. 1 L- LIN 0 TER SMS/..;--Pate cre Toilet .113Wrsortige Toilet Paste), for enamelling the sirtaatidinglll marks, Wrinkles, barns, soars, &0.. without the most delicate comPlexion , its effects are t glee]. Sold ilgiere,. pricii one dollar, witharer use. WWl' & CO., Proprietors, *1 Sold) , Street, two doom above Cheataet.and 133 r Street. e GOLD'S IMPROVED STEit 1-• • WATKE-BiEATING APPARAM For Warming and Ventilating Patine B ge a d d Private Bee/demo% Manufactured hP the lINION-STEAM AND WATER-REATMG• OF PRILADE.LPILIA. JAMBS-X. Tr OA 1 2 1 South FOURTPUreet, atel-tf B. 111_ FELTWELL.Saperinaleat. CHARLES MIDDLETON, \ 4, IRONMERCHANT, BECO N N. B. —Gann Iron Dun:bane& suld for gale. ioM-Be. JOSEPH. IL THOMPSON. SHIPZING COMMISSION mESCILLIM And General AVM t• LSI- North DELAWARE Avenue PLUMBING AND GAS pirriNG.— MaCOLLiN & itHOADS. 1 " 1 KfatllET - Street, Philadelphia, Water Mille. Wind MM., Hydraulic Rams Pumps of various patterns Batbt o g Tubs, Wash Samna, and ocher articles necessary to furnish Dwellinga in city and country With ' T om modern ainvenionce of Water and Terra Cotta Wider aid Drain Pica. myl3tmwdre. CANADA LITM33/112 YARD. LUMBER DISTBSOT, ALBANY, NSW YORK. The sobsoftbers are now rece s sing lass. lots of MO and HARD. WOOD lartiß3R, 'which they are IprePared to offer to the trade at market prices; Goer cont. or for ssh. tes-tto MINIM k NirW MASS.—FRENCH pLA. o? store fronts. Rongh Plate Glass fora • Bette, re, !tn..: Port and Deck Liabts, O ntametam Gia m lor slim rhos, yeatihalee, &e.; Photograph and, 701131g11 and Domestic Window Glass of everii, AWN for sale by EGET. SHOEMAKER & Go . Nos. NAM and 201 N. FOURTH Sava . : ridladelnhik • JESPV:S2"S COTTAGE ORGANS, lot only UNEXCELLED batUNEQUALLED of Tone and Power, designed especially for • y and &boob', but found to be eqßallY well ' the Parlor and Drawing Boom. For sale o • te No. le North SE : . , Also, a complete assortment of the P. maw:UT on hand. • k • • • • J oITI R. 13115, - .1. o 3: • i f , B credit and FURNESs TllOl,. AAA-. Nos. HOUSEHOLD s, TA. ctreae t .rly let, honle at oelioclt o'l tkty of school. dense oil clotts. tapeal ct May be exazain ai Sale. 8E supEr,roz Yo. NITIIRB, Fir. AT11111), JuJ3- 2d, at 10 o' B clock. at logne, the superior bonsai handsome walnut and plusl superior chamber and (Tittle sets and imp~eerial carpets Also, the kitchen uteushs. ea le. iday be examined. at 8 a PHILIPF ZI O I N:1 1 01 52 BY COTT t t- ER A 622 E CHISSTNNIITD Stre,' CLOSING July lvt at ID ~,a P the e ' L. coral col( red riata Dunstable. a r able shakes. No. '.0.4 BE DRY Jel- 1,1 Reads, t., Ste AI 8 and a , II 0 A steam Al sa , feet in aiamotei Lt . n ch. damper, boiler b ran of grinding iron of pnit3 18d )3 , Caro, at in cr lop as lev For it lat Err 71.3 Trout. q e cerY city, b ail the 'Perms Or a street, In part Sea Sou Yet riea Ire. Co Elk hor reights takegaiihile gate - %ding . ihiPpers are h reques oods. ted:to - send Slip ReceiPt- , aa Bill with teir g PorPreight or Passage autvingtne arcoinni; o WIWI a PPIy to mums wiNsoß. 332 Soath DBLVN'AR" PH A, ioi , B mut B 4REITOLOGIOAI, EXX - ' i "" lei ill MONS. Oath fulraesorlitioyllB° ' f ohavel'l4 gla .. r a AY ITZFING, bilab , orbtalbn 'No NtS Swath TE.41 1 ". ' - '' ' _ _ ' ._.. • . :..., tu' ti tel t GI Zit .. .ig /AN sisraztteumn:' ,gragt wieraus . s aiimity AND The und ersigned., ° i decided :decided ta. nee, offerg for ehat .nptleee. kl melee:tea stock of,. % ~. . . WA.TCHES . - TRW-BMM ind ' MITER Rad. PLAT] D T P. 1 12CCH Sa. Oppeeite the I 1 1:11 'EyAii - B & WALTE " 0 ' .... E, L. •SOU STORSALA TH FOURTH STR - , ~. - .• PHILADELPHIA. PA. Ri 1 . 94- fre valety of rtarrill'OOF iiiAP:' ng. T ? . LT, " • : • „:. ESILed g , • • motel r.Or , V.l)- .4. v . ,Orr ! RD? 1 : 1 3 aen tbr.:1452 vror !Or-L. *snit r DOUR, 3r ',4? :a finish, Ira et i Itzte!T IMMIN 121.:t.r.•`; a; be low for i—ra• wai beL ate. WSgEND & ith ForitTflSaw; Fe:; DID COU river Delmar. n, Vara aattege,: o 34 ar, le, le a very .at- , Seam, PN . ^:: , ;3 ,Thi , fruit Para!? Mary ...biers of Jam' i.ff 1. Cii.33LBSRLA I 3. ,I ' Jolt -0,;• ARAB ':.E COI:li. :IXTING Street, 4 of 12 ceresat *a sad dellelow Skt7 fhpee, Lawton Viarkl , A etre= rnee :ce of Ice. The battd!, Alum, Stable. Gerrit rafinowtn,:s; tat r intormtaion ,ENDID DWELL 'set. west aide of 1. ..actalli built. 411.1 e. meet front by Ile ttul situations an tut .. We .on in a few Alf.. T! +a yycc 4thav s awn. I' ser..ry . eko . In ea..ttasl.vell.t,.. l lestrabfe investment. 4 :WU: and Cottage.. at ...odatlng H b. arxx.Y, ;0011 FOURTH S;ree. 'ENT.:4EniI and G LEES D VALUAB LEL PPS' --ins very lane and tomta..n: , 3.)8 CHERRY Street: v. , e i mam • etsentelng do feet on a.trr 4v ,ppi e*sc 76feet wide on the rea 11 4xnui t, Ith oi.eniag to a. large cart.wat *kaki It. advantages of and LAND POSITION and 1 are rarely met will Tt e l el NPtC22 r B h WA L N U T Strad..cenimt —A SUBSTANTIAT E , ANAL DAMPS, entirely nes*: ide a and S feet depth of hold. E. LISTS= ac,E, 'Montgomery onstry. Ps ' Wag .1e8: `lf AND IRON. N STEAM ENGINI6 - ER WORKS. —NS AFIE le LEVY. EORETICAL ENGINEERS, HA -BEARERS, BLacKsmints. for many years been in scutuessfv. , , ECltigicely engaged in building axe Hirer Engines, high and ra:er Tanks, Propellers, Atc., itc it services to the public, as trracrfor engines of all sites. / tionary; having sets of petterns preparedto execute orders eery description of pattern-mkt'. : notice. Higb and Low-pressam, Cylinder Hollers, of the bsel Pena. roll, Forging% of all sizes and le.nis Any, de ll descriptions.; Holt-Tart and all other work connected le; • wei ~ ',l!cattons for all work done at A' charge, and work gas.raateea. 'aye ample wharf-dock room fvr they can lie Ia perfect safety, Ti h, shears, blcieka, ac.• ight weights- Nall JACOB C. NEKPIS. 3 10, JOHN P. LEVY. JPP n ` BEACH and PALMER Swam. A 1 WILLW( gi,galeL :714 11 1 1. Al OITITDRY, AiiD WASHINGTON BPI'S% FR ILAPELPHIS. EFERRICii dt-. SONS, N ELICS Atli) MACHINISTS. .igh and Low Presnre Steam Engine, marine service, ‘tneters, Tanks. Iron Boats, Sc. ; is, either iron or brace. ;loofa for Gas Works, Workshops. 111 : arc. Otte Machinery Of the latest and mo.t action. ription of Plantation Machinery, each and Grist Mills, Vacnnin rant, Defecators, Filters, Pam Ping Enai ue‘"" for . N. Eilliens's Patent Su r &Oleg lyth's Patent Steam limatnerr, cad 17's Patonlifientig coPineal St t.a11.1 01% &co sTrbAlt EN. iuILDE Iron Fan . dery & ad 004 d Boiler Meters. No. 1.111 , 9 OM ) My '46. 0 . 14 1 ' Philadalrbisk SHIPPING-. STEAM. WEEKLY TO Ll' 2. VERPOOL, touching at QUEESDOW.i.. or.. The'well-knovro..sleauco.-,,ei the . 1.. .ew Yorlr;and . Philadelphia Ois.uashi9 Cdr , ' intended to • as follows: MANCH SA TURD_IY, Jab' • LONDON jnIT -3471.11' . ...... SATtiliDaY, Jrtly'a nril , y at Noon, from Pimir. BA .9' "PASSAGE: rein -mold, e co , .equiraient in CurrencT,. 6 CABIN,,,ef -186.00 ........ to 001 st do do to Leaden.. to Part,. •... . . - 95 00 do to Paris •.•. to nanthtirg 90 00 do to Hamburg , ugerealargorwarded to Havre, Bremen , ..- 01 " Antwerp, dre..., at equally low rates, 'tom Liverpool. or Queenstown: Ist C;ltin.i . o . SWerAgetrton Liverpool and. Qeeea.,:..ol. rse who Idea to send fpr their friends caa Treat these rates: „Nall titer itiformation apply at tha. Con , JOHN H.DALE.Atte at.„ W.AlNt7f Street. ritti.v.telp,,??._ BOSTON AND PIMA- Da ; Tat STF.AMENTP LINE, r ng from eg -r fiDAYE, from. first wharf above ?Dr Iplita, and Long Wharf, lloston. IP SAXON, Mattbewi:, will . 1r Boaton'on Saturday B , JO fr T 14,,A L NORMAN. Captain ,•ker. •,••• on same S ay, at 4 o'clock. P. Y. aubstantinl ateamships fsri 1 . 4 each wort punctually on NAM , MA TOSE VIS 43IB. eifeCtatato m ,h a irthe prenfMCl Chi T.-THE