The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, June 20, 1864, Image 3
A Dkokftivk Malady.—So insidious aro the •first approaches of Consumption, that thousands re main unoonsclous of Us presence until it has brought them to the verge of the grave. Ah immodiato re sort to Dr. Jayne’s Expectorant, upon the flrst ap pearance of Cough, Pain, or Soreness of the Throat or Chest, would very generally preclude a fatal re-' Suit i or, In easo these symptoms indicated tho •presence of latent consumption, would tond to sub due tho violence of tho disease, and thus materially •assist in prolonging tho life of tho patient. Use the Expectorant, thereroro, when you take cold, and thus prevent the necessity for its use in mote dan igerous complaints. Prepared and sold at No, 212 •Chestnutstreet. jc2o-2t Soft Felt Hats, of the finost quality and In the largest variety of stylos, at Warburton’s, -Chestnut etreot, next door la the Post Office. Dn. Sahsiwo, of York, at tho Continental Hotel, on Monday and Tuesday, tho 20th and 2lst Tor the application of his improved Body-Braoos for the cure'of Female 'Weaknesses, Hernia, Spinal Affections, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Piles, Droop ing, and General Debility. Office hours from 12 fVI. to «P. M. ■ ... *' jOIS-3t A stlendid ASsoRTMKHT Of misses’, childrens’, And boys’hats, at reduced prices, can bo purchased of Charles Oakford A Sons, 834 and 838 Chestnut Street, Continental Hotel. The largest assortment of Bathing Clothes In the United States for ladies, gentlemen, and ohil-' ■dren, at; Sloan’s, 806 Market street, Philadelphia, .and at his Store, S. E. eornor. Washington and Jackson sjpeetSj Capo Islisndi N. J. jolB-3t* Arrivals at the uotsils, nil coi & Foote, Ifew York • ‘ John McClin-ock, Chicago 'pWilliiira*. Oil City Jfr Green, Beading ¥m ‘ .AG Tyng, Peoria, in % Henry Brardnlt-y, Galeaog ■ C D Lankin, Peoria, 111 H Robinson & family, Del EH Darling, Delaware B G Maul, Delaware .B C Briggs, Delaware fJasHuKies, Washington Henry Webster, Baltimore P Brooks, Baltimore" jWiA Newiork ,AX BoucftK JMtsa M B ’ BSKouche. Indiana^ 0118 Baines A in, -Alex Cbainbers&hfm.Fittsb •Asßarceie, New York mark Googins, Boston 3> I> Howard iMr&MrsDeaUver, Paris : :.3s> S L«weilyn, Marietta •Jbs W Albree, Pittsburg >S P GiUett, IT S N Bid Janeiro ;±Fw Chase, Utica SC Tucker, KeVr York ' *W B Morrison, Wash, B 0 di S Barger, Si Louis X A Robertson, Peona .■W ESaritli, Pottsviile 4A Green & la, Milwaukee •C L Lambeiton $t >vf» Pa i ‘G B Roberts 3uwf, Boston I John De Brot & wf 3) Miller, Baltimore iCom-Harwood, US IT Tobin, Hew York 3) 0 Lawrance, Wash, D C W L Oandless & la, Boston Bliss Rent tfSamuel Mann, New York Miss Belle Lewis Jas Otis & wf, California IE fl Groenkaf *H-C Philips, New York • JP Williams, Ndw-Sork fS -Freese. New York Scoviil, Stew T ork JtfissCScnYfU, New York Miss CTOndertiank, NT-'-- <[F.B4tmett, Louisville ■ at CoTH P Kofig, U S A •JCFFinney, New York. idgarA Finney, New York .jttrs ClGriswold, New 1 ork i'X H McGafloy &wf, Gin, 0 •Krs C D Drake, St. Louis JWMcHary, Albany * T Jj MeAlpiir • !H BMcElteesli, Washington —wbarlea L Garty & Is,U S N R Coleman, jr. Balt J Bid well, California . J Klepper, Missouri Jobs sloane, New York F Vose, New York .21 A'Farmer &rWfV.Ciff, 0 j«rL~&f organ, Missouri jftpwil* „ . 21 W Rogers, Baltimore <3 II Adame, Boston N Frazier, jr TT B Buber, Chester - <JaSper Schenck, U S N *W W Wood . J S Atiey,.New York Oeneral Baker, Washington . .. THe © •Jl WGeHens.PHtabttrg. C Levering, Baitimorer \ John McDonald,-flew York Cbae H May, Boston * i B 0 Willson, Wow York . Mr Pepper, Sew York L JtatefcDUler, Lane co, .Pa FUR Parker, New York F T F WeMMtt, Hew Jersey -YYH Sutler, New York <€ Marshall, Now .York T Deiimead, Baltimore •O B Davids, Baltimore 3d Luther,'Beading A Jameson, Alas,Ta 31. Folsom, New York . •H W Scott, VS IT • -‘W 0 Mills, New York * Mias La Come, New York X Bannister & la , B D Bell &wf, Harrisburg R R Miller,. New York Bobfc J Jonefl, Easton D Flint, Chicago H*ff Morgan, Wheeling, Ya DrJas Laws, U 8N J B Pyatt, Bolivar j B McLeer, Delaware M D Miss Maggie Lefevre. Miss Lizzie Eckert " -Cfaaa-R Barbour, Syracuse W B WHey, Lancaster J Davenport, Maryland J4r ERobins, New York & A - , 5$p r * , ™ ,ylg ? d d 11 Wm D Thompson, Jr, Balt G A Vandegrifi, Cincinnati Wm D C Murdock, D C S Lynn Chas H Mosey, Boston B Brown, Georgetown, D C Bon Jas M Score!,N Jersey <3 P Kick, Harrrisbnrg XiCw/Wia N Grier. USN Alex J.Trick k la, Danville W S Trover, Cincinnati -= - 3IUb Sue Trever, Cincinnati Miss N.Baily, St Louis i The fiei X O’Brien, Pittsburg Ja» Williams, Pittsburg Gen B F Bell. Bell ’a MUI XHwR Bell, Bell’s-Mill Miss £ Bertha, Bell's MiU W O’Keeffe, Mahauoy City 3P P Collins, Mahanoy City J j McGovern; Jr, Lancaster Jos H Nisly, Middletown J Quimby, Bucks tio, Pa 3os Jordan; Baltimore ■ XLyon, Baltimore Bon Wa Bigler, Clearfield H S Ltmehbain MF Finch v Mansfield,* 0 Geo w Joneav AltooßK, Pa Jl 8 Weinsheim; Allentown <3 W Humbert, Pittshutir £ P Tnmy & wf, Michigan'- J A Hlgglnson, Boston A J Sloan, Bloomsburg L D Nagle, Scranton YY L Harris, Delaware, 0 Alex Strong. New York ' It F Streau Washington,Pa T Moses, New-York ; ... X N Aldridge, filarvland J 0 Forman, Trenton. PL Perkins & son, Balt‘S; MS Keznmerer.Sumrait Hill It H McKim, Baltimore ' XT Little York TWO Stirling, ‘Wilkesbarre TheAzn TYC Brarnhill, Washington <JA Lee, Washing on C M Hunt. Washington CE Hamit on, Fa J R Combs, Ohio P S Schapp, Reading DA Hall & wL N» w Jersey £ Blanchard, N'T • P Hildebrandt & wf, N Y GA'Yobe, Betlilejiora JMBurnett,Mß, NB . A P Damon, Massachusetts H Hughes k la, Mineravllle X J Burdel, Baltimore I J H Bayiie, Baltimore Alex S Stewart, Baltimore J Dickson, Georgetown, D C <3 P. Ford, j A T Jones, Massachusetts j X G Fisher, M D.Delaware R H Cummings,' Delaware *T B-Hafflcutoii, Delaware r, - SgPIghLBSA ,Yf? Carrow, Delaware I X C Gurney. Boston s IN Ellis & wf. New York OWHoushoJder & la,Penna IR H Jaggard, Delaware Penna G Q Boyer, Washington ■J A Ingram,Washington! i L Bettie, Pennsylvania J M Brown .. XJ Smith & la, Reading J M Blvln & la. New York* ll Kaufman Penna BPBmith, FrankLn The Com X HumesAc ia; Chester co E B Fogg, 'Wilmington ; 2i TKmlti, West Chester F RLindeeable, Penna B FFox, Chester, co CweYocom, Albert Yocom, Berks co W G Mendenhall, Dei f * H Craig, Wilmington/ *T Underwood,, Chester co IB F Underwqod, Chester co X CampbeU/Pen’na Jfe'aml R Dugan, Penna ; The Sta ii tR Deaker, Pittsburg J B Munson, Pennsylvania IBF Sbelabsrger, Mldiintn 3Hss Smith, New York CLEberlee, Jr J Sanderson, Lane, Pa J P Bertram. Pottsville John Ward, Uniontowa' Benry Bush, Uaioniown James Baxter St son Penna J{ Danner, Pittsbnrg T&eWn tHennr C Housum, Reading Jk E Levan, Reading <3eo Mclntosh, Doyleatown Mss G Fowler ,Penna IMiss J Miller, Penoa "Wm Llndeinntb,Miiierßv Hiss Lizzie UPetorman, Pa ~Vf T Weaver, WeaveraYlile IR O’Connor, Michigan 23 M Freeman, Ashland *Wm A Besinger, ABhlaad Jftaland, ailnorsvllle ' TheMi ID S Newbold, N J <5 F Blaydand A la, N J . Virgil GremelJ, Wayne co Ovid Gremell. Wayne co CH Burt, Millville,NJ IH C Taylor, .Doylestowa John Watson Ale, Buck* co Samuel Baker,Taylorsville H Taylor. Taylorsville Charles L Barber, N J /Ha-rip Thou L Russell, Cape May Clark Morrell,Columbia co Thp* fl Gibson,Stanton, Del James Welch, Prov. B I 'W Kaiver IE F, Blacker, Newtown LA Peterson, Newtown ilbavld Ciark.NewvlUe * Tiie Barit r<seo Seller, Flourt own ,S Harper, Fox Chase •John IrdoU, Horsham Jonathan Jarrett, Horsham J> Felt, Pa - OB MeCara, Backs co The Bah ■8 Stoudt, Backs county i ‘W H Kanti, Lehigh .Valley ,<3 M Ermentrout,' Reading I Mias Shackelton. Pa -I; V ; The Black^Bem*. SMAO5 MAO Howland, Penna *. j J Htestand, Norristown acpb Brumback, ,Exeter .18 R Kersbner :Mrß J Brnmback'Exeter 'A Buckingham, Mechanlcsv j B Rezminger&la, Bxeler fi Morrison A la, Rock villa itinentAl. ' Miss Emma Rouche.Tnd Miss Heuderson, Indiana J H Jones, Pa B Pomeroy,’New York ! Maj OEGomptm&wt’, Wash Mrs-Jos Atbroe, New York A G Hall, Ba'.tioiore \- Ur&Mrs W B Cooper,N T C W Smith &wife,BoHEou A W Reynolds, New York Bliss Wyflkbbp, N* w Y«rk KT Green, New York J«H tioreli & ia, New York F C Lewis, New York Miss Green, York Miss BeiUmy.N-w York Misß.Lewis, New York F C Beck worth, NJ F Baoejoeu, Pitt-burg , WP Phillips, Salem ** T * Geo B Massey & wf " rr ''Mlu«:toa ‘W Jersey Mm »v, SR Duer, i»v. Mrs Nicholson w m Tildes, Chicago Mies Stuart Jif Nicholson . • 0 S Branch, Baltimore W if Watts, Carlisle Jm>Selsby& adnu, 2ft FM Kelley* New York •» if Dawson & wf, Jowa M P Bacon, Rhode Island EGAsay, Chicago ApJthat Emory, .New York J G.Moody, Boston Chas E -iriswoW, N York > AD Griswold, New York E Parsons & wf, Hartford G C SHreve, .California Mrs J Nichols, Salem N C TyUr&wf, Moutroso- Thos J Edward-*, U $ A Jaa S Sid way, Baffalo' RS Roach, Indianapolis N E Miner, Vineland S M Bowman, Baltimore Jfts S Smith & iu, Bnifalo C E Bewley, 5 Rhode Island Joe G Loane, Baltimore Dr Beakley, New York- W H Hooper, Salt Lake W J Steele, B'-ookiySL W H Husted, BrodkLyV K FBaxter, London C H Ames, New York EJ. Horsmau, Jr,; Brooklyn jas \V H Scickney, Wash's Gen Buell, USA GeoG SuiuHey, Boston •TT Shaw, Cincinnati : John Connelly, New York J B Atkins, New York Silas E Atkins. Now York H I) Meat's, Washington EWBurko, Pittsburg' PG-Glllett, Illinois , K J Dhtcb, Illinois Sirs J W- Weaver A da,Balt W R Hamilton, Peoria, 111-- J H Taylor,New Haven, Pa SS Chapin. New York Mrs Lt Moody, New Orleans FAlFratt, Oil Creek Tbed E Sumner, Oil Creek FE Gregory, Boston H Petden J W Orth, Harrisburg H Sholl, Harrisburg Geo H Stuart E Sears, Boston W P Haimes, Beilefonta H L Wilson, New York ’ Mrs Danger, Washington W C Spring,-Washington 0 Dennis. Baltimore W M Addison. Baltimore Capt J W Hall, 0 S A G fi North. U S A EM Woodland, USA W HMaxwell, Wa.h, D C 5 L Harris, Hoboken C A Sanders, New York R G Mans,' New York F C Benjamin, New York D Wasnabaugh, Bedford . F A Awl, Harrisburg. F H Brenemau, Lancaster Gpo Lefevre, Lane co J FHazell, Wilm, Dal J Brown, Baltimore, ... W H'Elisou, Washington HM Borland ' D S Burns, Harrisburg Robt Snodgrass, Harrisburg C W Ulmao, New York M C Tyler k wf. Montrose Geo S W Crane, New York Alex C Howe, New York Amos Lee, Lancaster J AHigginsoc, Boston -' H Lovie, CincinnaK Ch»s Mcßride, New York Wm Alder, Ne'w York G B Stock, Franklin, Pa S M Dickinson, Trenton £ B Grubb, Burlington, N J B N MartiO,:New York John Sherman A la, N Y OHPStein, Baltimo're W W Wright, New York Henry J Meily, Middletown G Woodward & la, fUncin’i Julian Be Tontors, Paris Marco Le Blanch, Paris Madam De Count. Pans Julius Stockhausen, Paris Mile Do Hofer, Paris Mll« Marelana, Paris H Yon Woiber, Paris •chants’. R M Brodhead, M Chunk WHGoodyeaiv Lebanon. B Foster, New York NH Jennings, Baltimore D Coakley, Baltimore J H Dennison* Cape May 1 D C Warm ■" <■: J B Gazzam, Pittsburg ; A J Whitej.Ghambersbnrg; L Jaroslawski, New York. YV B Koon&la, Bhjomsbrg fit C Sloan, Bloomdmrt? Hannan. Bloomsbrg Mias Betsy Webb, Bloomsb J C Schoener, Reading j C Tripp, Scranton J Q Miller, Evansville • J Huber, Chambersburg L Schneider, Williamsport, E Haunar, New York AL Kevr. Washington • John RichartfStru, penna ' Henry Johnson . : W J Kainnie' H Bro wn,’ Baltimore John, W-Uenberg, Altooiuv Hugh Pilcarin, Altoona F a Beegle, St Clairarille GMeKlbbin, U.SA DC Tomlinson, Tittsburg Jos Kahinveilfx. ElaccLb’g M Gumbarte, Harrisburg A B Sloan, Philadelphia lejrlcan. G H Preston, Washington A W Gitteas,’ DUlsburg Miss A J Fine, Eaetoa H W Wilking, Easton, Pa Thomas Carr J Y Dave /, New York Lieut J A: Merrifield. Mass AdjtH W Moulton, Mass J B Records, Kentucky W T Van Gesel, Delaware J R Moorhouse, Pa WCAnlt. R Scott. Cheney [APBoyd I Rapp, Lock Haven t H SeUz, Lock Haven Edward Brady & s<>n |JI Miller, Evansville, lad (Duffield London, Carlisle 'HMitcbeU ,H N Ford, New York 1W Rosengartea,. Pottsviile [CMBrown, Pottsviile J S Mason, Clinton co G W Brown,Lock Haven T Logne, Lock Haven Chas Leisener, Penna Mrs E ProudleckjiP ttsburg Wm Fitch, New Haven J C Harvey, Harrisburg Sam’J Grove, Pittsburg J WJonea’SfJfcPtTw^wL.; J R Jones & la,Priuceton JSeitzinger & sou, PottsvUla J E Freaerhk,Summit Hill N Peckham, Summit Hill unercial. J C Rusßell, Delaware co A S Kellogg' Delawaro A S Wagner, Brooklyn l) N Fell. Penna Miss L W Fell, Peuna Miss L M Gray, Newtown L Clark, Maine Geo T Brown, Chester co Chas H Voorhees, USA Taylor Windle, Chester co E A Montelth, Aarrlsburg Mrs Hitchcock, New York is Union* J£ Thompson, Elderton. Pa J Yau Fasflou, New Jersey J R Baker, New Jersey T JUlmau, New York G L Shuster, Wilm, Del Mrs J H Ebbert, Alex. Ya Mrs A G Price, Alex. V» Cb&eT Shields, Wilm, Dol John. Jones, Bucks co J Douo'van, New York ttlonal. W S Scott, Kinderton, Pa G W Clarke, Doylesiown D Wilcox & la, Canton, Pa Mrs A J Swart*. Canton, Pa MrsSFryer, Washington Mrs C Fryer, Washington Mrs Shoemaker, Reaakag.: Miss Shoemaker, Heading HB Jones, New. York J Blngernan, Jersey Shore CbasFKopßzeth.PottsvtUe ttdison. 0 0 Browne, Honeadale,Pa LEW y®* AJocrooce G S White. Monroe co John A Childs, W Philada C C Murray, « J P,G Hoflf,LambertviUo, N J E F ParsonS, Hartford, Ct J W Hughes. Hartford, Cfc E t Wood, X f City tnn , g. ; Geo A Douglass, Balt Jas W Parker, Chester, Pa F F Bradshaw, Cheater, Pa F Wade, Now Jersey - . ghas Knowls, Bridgeton ._. scar Danfortb. Ft Deposit JasßUtine, Baltimore : ley ' Sheaf. " Q W Hawk A U, Pa ’ * H King A la, Bristol §*l9J!y Lighten dale, NY i B Whitney A U, N J 3 White, Hilton Uead D Burket, Bucks co idEagle. Bowere, Easton M Sereh, Easton C T Cola, Easton IB Heivlck, Easton SPBOIAL NOTICES. To Clear the Horse of Flies, use Batcher's celebrated lightning * neat ' «heap artiolo, easy to nso. Kwry nheot wUI kill a quart. Sold everywhere. FRENCH. RICHARDS. & CO., TENTH and MAR. KET Streets, Philadelphia, wholesale agents. my2s-wfm2m Hoyt’s Hiawatiia Haeb Restorative. HOYT’S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT’S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT’S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE, HOIT’S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. In Langfellow’B Poem Hiawatha was adjudged to have conferred the greatest bobn on his tribe because he .brought to its notice corn. .Every one will admit that our preparation is w orthy of its name, for the bene fits it confers when it is known. WHAT THE HIAWATHA DOES. It restores .faded and gray hair and whiskers to their original color. It brings up the natural shading of one 'butr with another, thus giving the hair a perfect life appearance, so that the most critical observer cannot detect its use. It makes harsh hair soft and silky, stops its falling ont, cleanses it and the scalp from all impa rities, is as readily applied and wiped from the skis as ! any hair dressing, and entirely overcomes the bad ef fects of previous use of preparations containing sulphur, sugar oflead, Ac.- The proprietors of the Hiawatha published the follow ing challenge to teat in tho New York dailies three Weeks, which . . : ; * ' WAS NEVER ACCEPTED Let somq well , known and disinterested persons ap point'’ op.fe to the proprietor of each preparation for the co bring up the color. Every proprietor to use no thing but his own preparation, and the person nothing also during the test. A certificate of the result to be widely published at the expense of the unsuccessful competitors. Sold everywhere. ‘ . - JOSEPH HOYT* C 0. ,: mhl9-ly 10 University Tlace, New York. —B; • ■ New York, April 18,1894. We respectfully Invite your attention to aod conslde* th& justly celebrated and;rellable remedy for Dyspepsia, Hewtbnrn, Debility, and Prostration. The proprietors are proud to acknowledge the unparalleled success which has attended the sale of their valuable preparation, known In nearly every portion of the .oivilieed world as the "GOLDEN BITTERS. ” • v WA risk nothing when we term them a valuable pre paration, lor they are, one of tho few •articles present day which are not & humbug; and we are wil ling and able to satisfy any person or persons who will call upon ns, that the celebrated " Golden Bitters” are a genuine, binux fde hygienic article. It is the wish of the proprietors that the virtue of the article be tested be* . fore condemning.; A decision of theirraerits by any on* who has tried them worth a million of purchased bogus testimonials. '> a healthy APPETITE they are invaluable, ancTare unequalled as a TONIC. • ’ -*y are mild in their action, and operate in giving" ’ strength to tbe system-not by auy : change tiia solids, but through the medium of they •, They are purely •VEGETABLE, tta mtezjTiif.p*,. • . Oosti , Csl ' mns> SaSi J£ being composed of Vegetable and manyotho# remedial ageateof tn~. yrom ‘ all preservedin/dmaicft-ltum and Sherry n,. ■V, they are the mosiwhoti&OTrte, iiivifforcttt7!oi &rtd paid* toi/e stimulant ever offered"to ihs.publie. And the fact of their belug prepared chemically and scientifically precludes tbe possibility of a bitter, unpleasant taste, common to Bitters,generally offered for sfcie. We ee- ' pecially recommend them to LADIES, and particularly to those suffering from'Debility, Weakness, and.Pros* tratlon. Haifa wineglass of these “ Bitters” three or ; four times a day will produce a remarkable healthy change in persons greatlydebilitated. The “Golden Bitters” have been tried and not fouud panting. They are put up incur own patent quart bottles, and for sal# by Druggists; Grocery ;&e., throughout tbs world, Each bottle bearsa facsimile of the signature of Hob*; bel & Co. GEO. C. HTJBBEL A CO. , Sole Proprietor, Hudson, N. Y.; Central Depot, American Ex. Building, New York; E. G. BOOZ, Agent, FhSlada, ' jefi-4w The lixustuatkd. PiruEXOLOGicAi, JOURNAL, for July, 7- Volume 40 begins with a Doable Number, how ready, containing Portraits, Characters, and Piographies of leading men, living and dead, such as HANCOCK, SEDGWICK, WADSWORTH, 'HAW THORN, MURILLO, President of Colombia, S. A., the DYING GLADIATpR, with Portraits, Characters, 'and Biographies. Also, ETHNOLOGY,' or the Races; PHY SIOLOGY, the laws of Life and Health. PHRENO LOGY, with choice of Pursuits, PHYSIOGNOMY, or "Signs of Character.” PSYCHOLOGY, the Science of the Soul, axd much other matter, to'be found, inno other publication. It is a handsomely Illustrated monthly, with ninety-six -columns-of riehreading matter. Newsmen have it. Sold at 20 cents, or 92 a year, by FOWLER & WELLS* No. 389 BROADWAY, N. Y., and J. L. CAPEN, No. £5 South TENTH Street, above Chestnut, Philadelphia. : *“ jplS-2t&W2t. One-F«ice Clothing, of the Latets St tlbs, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our-OgE-PBics Ststbk Is strictly adhered to. • All are thereby treated alike. > de2B-ly JONES & CO. , 604 MARKET Street., Bteikway & Sons, ftm PIANOS, For e&le only ai Sxegk& @o.’s Mason HAMLIN’S CABINET ORGA N S . STICK A C0.,8 SEVENTH The Popular Clothing House of Phila. “OAK HALL.” Best-class goods at moderate price*. WANAMAKER & BROWN, S. B. corherSIXTH and MARKET streets.- Custom Department <to make to order) No. IS. Sixth st. *& WrLSOH’.G XTraimsT Pusmxom LOOK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. THE CHEAPEST. SIMPLEST, AND BEST. .Salesrooms. 70A.CBKSTNUT Street, above Seventh. MABEIED. BROWN—MILBOUBN. -On the 16tt: instant, hr fli« Rev: Wm. J. Al.ton, Mr. Wm. A. H. Brown, orPßUa dclphia, to Miss Prances Jhlbonrn, of, Georgetown, Ds merara. X)XED- " OASTNEB.—Oh Saturday, June 18th, Mrs. Hannah of the late Jacob Castner, .an the .524 friends of the family are respectfully inTtted to attend the funeral from her late residence, Haveiford. Delaware county,' on Tuesday, 2Ut inst.,. at 2 P- fil. PBTERSON.'—On the 19th lust., Carrie C. daughter of the late Lawrence Peterson. • ■ , ‘ Funeral on Tuesday next, at 10 A. M ; , from the resi dence of her mother, No. 1224 Walnut street. - HOPKINS.—On Saturday morning, the iStfc instant Jeannette, second daughter of .Captain William E. Hop kins, U. S. N. v aged 3 years. ; , . The friends of the family are requested to fnneral, from the residence of her father, No. 2115 west Delascyplace, on Monday afternoon, 20th inst., at 3 o’clock . . * COMLY.—On Sixth-day afternoon, the 17th instant, Annie P., diughter of Dr. Isaac and Elizabeth P. Comiy. in the 15th year of her age. . ~ # - The friends of the family are invited to attend her fu neral, irota the residence of her father, in Byberry, oa Second-day atteruoon, at two o’clock. - . ' . GERHARD.—On the ISth inst ,B. Gerhard, Esq., in the 54th year of his age. ; , Therelatives and friends of the fhmily are respect fully invited to attend his funeral, from his late resi dence, No. 220 South Fourth, street, on Tuesday next, at 3 "o'clock** WRIGHT.-“On the morning of the 17th inst., Caleb B. Wright, inthefilßtyearofhia.aee. - Tte relatives and friends of the family, also the members of Montgomery Lodge, No. 19, a. 1. M., the Officers and members of the Grand Lodge, are invited to attend his funeral frem his late residence, No. 652 North’Eigbtb street, onfilonday, 20th inst.,at 1 o’clock. PHILLIPS.—At Chesapeake Hospital, Fortress Moo-- roe, Ya., June 11, 1864, Lieutenant Jonathan-J, Phil lips, Co. D , 6th Hr. Cavalry, aged 22 v ears and 11 months, son of John L. aud Agnes H. Phillips, and grandson of Jonathan Jones, Eaq. , ex-sheriff of Chester friends and those, of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral from the residence of his father, near the Green Tree, on Tuesday morning, the 21st at half-past lOo’clpek. _ ‘. , DIXCY.—On the morning of the 17th instant, Captain Thomas Dixey, in the 77th year of his age. - The friendsof the famiiyare respcctfuiiyinvUed to at tend his funeral, from his late residence, No. 15M Green street, on Second-day at 2o’clock, the 20th ,** JONES. —On the 16th instant, Margaretta Worrell, youngest daughter of Augustus C. and Harriet Jones, in the 16th year of her aue. ", * father,. Market stroet, above delphia, on Monday, 20tb instant: at 2 o’clock. , ■■*** Weekly Report of Interments. - \ * Health Office,. June IS, 1864. ; Deaths, and Interments in the City of Philadelphia % from the litk to the 181 h-of June, 18641 . ! ] .. * 5 .. - ■ * '■« CAUSES OP DEATH. 2 CAUSES OP DEATH. | J •< O .•< O Abscess.... ••••*•♦•♦ 2 Fever Typhoid...... 8 Apoplexy..X Fistula l Burns and Scalds... 1 Gangrene.....»...i.i 1 Cancer. 2 Gravel 1 Casualties... .3 H»morrhage-....... .1 Croup.*.* s 44 . . Bowels ,1 Congestion, Brain... I T Inflammation Brain. 2 10 44 Lungs.. 1 44 Bronchi. .... 1 Cholera Infantum... 6 ** . Heart 1-1 44 Morbus..... 1 44 Liver. 1 Cerebro Spinal .Me- Lung 5....... 2 2 ningitis. ..... 1 . 44 Peritoneum.. 11 C0ma................ 1 44 Sfc.&Bowels. 2 1 .Consumption;Longs 2S 7 “ Tonsils ...... .1 C0nvu15i0n5......... 2 8 1 i ,.-\ • Puerperal 1 ■ 1naniti0n......... v . ;< 1 2 Cyan05U............. .* 1 Mara5mu5........... . II Diptbeiia 1 3 Measles...... 1 Dyspepsia ........... 1 Old Age.... 1 : Dfarrhcea............ 3 3 Pa15y................ 2 Dr0p5y........ 11 Poisoning...... 1. 2 1 Pyemia.............. 2 44 8rain........ 2 Rheumatism 2 v ' “ Ovaries...... 1 Run over on RR .... 1 Disease of Brain.... 1 2 Softening of Brain.. 1 ■ '.v 4 4 Heart...... 4 3 Small P0x........... 1 .1 Dr0wned............ 1 Still-b0rn............ 14 Dy5entery........... 1 ' Teething............. 1 Debility.... .... .... 5 4 Tetanus...... 2 Erysipelas .... .... *v 3 1 Unknown..... .... .. 9 8 Fever; Congestive .. . 3 Wouads ............. 1 ** Malignant 1 Gunahtin... 15 8 Icavle?.'.'.'!!; I Total.. m m " Typhus: Mai. 2Sf / OP THE ABOrBTHERB WBBB— \ Under 1 year............. 57 From 10 tu ffl -.14 From Ito 2.... .14 ■ '* -■ flflto 60..........*,.12 “ Sto 5........ ......10 " GOto 70 v'..13 ‘’ sto 10 ;is “. -70 to 80. '/8 : " 10t0i8.............. 7 ** 80t0;90............. i •• »t028.,a .....10 - Mt010Q...... .... •, 1 “ 20to:« ...45 -V “ 30t040. 30 T0ta1..................21S tWARIIB. ' ! waaoa. I WAKD3., first"— ,20,-Tenth n......... slNinoteonth .....13 5ec0ad........ ,12 s Ueyimth ... 8)T woutteth 18 Third. ...lljTwelfth ........ 4 Twenty-irat • 4 Fourth... .MjThtrteeßth..... 7 Twoßtp-Boeoad. 4 Fifth.... .......IS Foartoenth..... S Twontv-thlrd .. 1 Sixth... _6;|tfteonth ..14 Twonty-fourth-M Seveath ..17,8ixteouth .... ...4 TwontT-fifth ... 2 rEighth..........-7iFeventeonth.... 7|Uakn0vrn.......20 Ninth . N 4 ( Eighteenth ..... 6[ - 246 Deduct deaths from the country....... 20 Net deaths in the city..... 1. ..5 By order of the Board of Health, GEORGE E, CHAMBERS, Registrar. TJLAOK MOUSSELINE DIS LAINE3. All-wool Moassellnes, single widths. All-wool Moussellnea, doable widths. All-wool MonsseHnes, two yards wide, BESSON & 9oN, Mourning Store, No. 918 CHESTNFf Street. T7XTRA ATTENTION TO STJRAtf- A-i GEES DURING THE BANITARY FAIR. Full stock of FANCY GOODS. Full stock ofBTAPLE GOODS, v .Full stock of SUMMER SHAWLS. FoU stock of BLACK SILKS. , RYRR & LANDELL, JoT 400 ARCH Straot. CITIZENS’ VOLI7NTEEK ■*~ L HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION, BHOAD and PBIMS donations* oPoat,ttr 0P0at,ttreln ackaowiod K iQ ff t!w follows a* M.JpV. Baidwttt (second donation) - * ~..*5O 00 S. P, Mor-* ‘•'ddU*' * ■” ■■• -■ Morris (additional) 50 09 IsaacP. Morris (additional) 100 00 Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Kail. Samuel Hart m 00 Sr.l,"wKfc ro. M,B . s . s jg M'sa Jtnnleßroes.. 1 00 V * 8. SanitaryCommlsaion—SSpairscratches, I*2dozen eggs, 36 gallonspickles, 36 cans fruit and preserve*. 2 dozen slippers, 2 dozen eauos, Jie. ‘ L*ot of battor, towels, draw* ers, handkerchiefs, bandages, &c. Ladies’ Aid Society of the Bible Christian Church y 1 P» lr drawers, bandages, &c. . -Mrs. Caldwell.—2 shirts. .s® v * F. W. Olmst*ad-21 Bhirts, 6 towels, S feather pillows, old mwsiinr&c. . . Ladies of Newark, per Mrs. F. A. Curtis—Potatoes, rnsk, pickles, hams, &e. Sirs.* Michael F. Claik—2 bottles vinegar, 2 bundles pads, rags, arc... Hyatt Smith—3 vests, coat, rice; syrups, jellies, dried fruit, old jamsltn, &c. It - « BBA S C£W _ r , SPECIAL NOTICE. The centre door on Vino street leading to the Art Gal ley wlii be open from 7X A. M.; until 10 A. 81,, Every Pay during tbe continuance of toe Fair, (Suudayser cepied), to enable connoisseurs a«d others to view tha works of Art without beiug Incotnmoded hy the crowds inat unavoidably, fill the gallery during the public hours of the day. . ' Admlssion-ONE DOLLAR, which admits to Vauder lyn’s Arhidue, but gives no right to pass the doors lead*' lag to other parts of the iel6-8t rjS* AOTI€E TO CONntIIIUTORS TO THE “GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. At a meet ing of the Executive Committee, held June 10, It was, on motion, . “ Resolved^ That no goods remaining unsold at the close of the Fair shall be, sacrificed by a peremptory sale at auction, but by hiring a store or otherwise, du©> measures shall be taken Immediately thereafter to ae cure tbeir disposal at the ordinarv retail nrices. jel3-lot HORACE HOWARD FURNESS, Soo*?, HSITED STATES CftiKfSXTAX COMMISSION. * • FOB THE; WEEK ENDING JUNE 16,1861. ' PHILADELPHIA.. Lewis Audenried & Co., half the proceeds of • sale of eighty cars of c0a1.........v...51,337 99 Parish Advent Church... ...........$37 75 ParlshAdvent Sabbath School 19 87 Parish ■Advent YOung ; Ladles’ Bible Class . 10000 Parish-Advfnt LadiesV Branch of tlis Christian C0mmi55i0n.................. 57 33 .• v .■ • 41500 Mrs. Sarah G, Beck-.... 600 00 habbath School of the Acch-etreefc Presby terian Church.................. 300 0) Trinity M. E. Church......................... 115 55 Baptist Church, Holmesburg....ll3 50 Alex. G. Cauell&Co., additi0na1......... 10300 Hargraves. Reed, A Co ,Manchester,England, fosterling, per Stuart & 8r0ther........ .... 233 00 Ca5h.....:.. 100 00 Milne & Bros., per J. P:. ....... 100 00. Mrs. Samuel field, one-half proceeds of sale ; < of an Afghan....... 250 00 Mrs. John K. Kuoej one-half proceeds of-eale of 320 00 Fmh, B, otb, &-Co.. Bradford, EogJaad, X5O . sleding. per David Stuart &.Co , Lwarpoot, England..... 4?2 22 John Athurgt, additional....,.,. 100 rw 'Robert Shoemaker &*Co. 300 (X) Cashfrom a Merchant on Third 5treet.......... 20 00 SeventhVresbyteriun Sabbath School, per W • R. Abbey-............ .... 2S Of! Mr._and Mrs. J. S-.Wiegand.lo 00 R, B. R .....•.......,...................,...$lO 00 8.K................... ............. 10 DO 2O 00 •: ® Z Church of West Philadelphia-.-”*-s*^* 5 *^* ‘ 67 ®) •Ladies'Christian Commission of Cn*.. s vr Ta,l “ . 4 gelical Reformed Church, Green atreei******/* ?3 00 J. fl. Gray . .....................iw 60 00 A Friend*. .. .. 14 00 John G. Steen;. 75 00 B. G. Lt-i5enring................................ ' 60 00 S. Agaew, M. I>. 23 00 Jane Barrett 5 00 Ret. J. a. c 200 First Piesbyterian Church, additional . 2 03 Green HSU’Presbyterian sabbath School, pro . eeeds-of'a little girl's penny fair- 1 00 A Widow’s mite, Gieen HiU.................... , 6CO T. M. C 5 00 Cash 300 AFriend . •••••• . , 7 45 John Cocker, Frankford ......................... 6 00 Johnny Harris 25 fier. A. P.F.......... 8 00 Tyro Ladies in Camden 10 00 J. T.-bheuvin........ 7 70 Bev. Win. White Williams... —l2 75 AFriend . 2DO Win.-P. Johnston...- Miss Ellie McConnell Miss Lizzle.CainpWU George Harri 5......... .Triultj Episcopal CJiurcii, Oxford, jJeritevrfL -„Y. Buchanan .......... , 45 84' J. G. Kobison, West Chester, Pa. - 20 00, Auxiliary Society, Na2aretk, per E.. H. i? Keichel - .............; Lutheran and German .Reformed Chutehes, Boyers’Station, Berksco, Pa......... 13 50 Citizens of Mount Joy, per Ladies’Aid Society. . 6125 Neebamong Presbyterian Church at Hartsville. 30 65; O.S/PrefcbsteriauChurch,Doneffal, c0unty.............................i..".. Individuals in Providence Church, Mont gomery county SOUTHERN HEW JERSEY. ? Collection at meeting at Bridgeton $730 92 Ladies’Relief Association,• • do. ...... 100 00 Proceeds of a strawberry festival,' Briogeton 158 50 . - : 1,010 51 Collection at public meeting, .Cedar . ville.. ♦ .... ..SSB 25 Addition al from Cedarville, per Rev. B. B.H. • - 100 ■ .. .■ 89 25 PIANOS, $6,587 10 Amounts from all other parts of the country, to be acknowledged in the religious papers..... 11,368 00 .ASLUS BROS., [ESTNUT Street. • - ‘ $17,955 10 Amount previously acknowledged ©66,936 3S Pianos. Total $583,881 : 48 JOSEPH PATTERSON, Treasurer . The contribution acknowledged last week as ” Col lection from Beaver Meadow and Coleraine, Pennsyl vania, $35.20, ’’ should havo been **Collection at Bea ver Meadow and 1 Coleraine, per Miss Ellen McClaue, $88.20.” THE UNITED STATES CHRISTIAN COMMISSION heE& leave to acknowledge.the receipt of the following additional stores up to Juu*e 17,1564; ■ • ii ; ' PIANOg. J. E. GOULD, md CHESTNUT. V' PHILADELPHIA. 2boxes—Church of the'Coveuant. 1 box—Nazareth SI. E, Church. .. 3 box, 3 package—St.-'John’s Lutheran Church. 2 boxes, 2 packages—Army na^«== lOOlbs. soap—E. S. Messinger. 1 box—hlr. Weaver. Daily pack ages— Daily Nncs. 2 packages—Miss Kate Sellers. 4 w-. m •-: - - , 3 packages—Sirs. Maria Dbsr. ; 1 package—Mrs. X L. Mearill. v 2 kuadJes—fEai&Tw? Y.|M. Christian AMOelatiira. Gemantown—lpacSe.SeoondPrssbTte'riaa Church. ’ 1 package—Field. Hospital Association. v - - / Kensington—L box, Methodist Episcopal Church. H : * SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. /7, East Goah*n—l box.- . ..... . : Marietia—3 boxes, Patriotic Circle. . . Fairmoont—2 boxes—Ladies’ Aid. Society. _ - ;. Allentown —1 box, Ladies’ Christian Commission. . JacksonviUe-l hox, 1 package. Ladies’Society, Catasauqua—l box, i barrel, Ladies Aid Society; Waliace-rl box. Ladies. , - , Waynesburg—a barrel*, 1 box,' Ladies’ Aid Society. Phccnixville—6 boxes, Friends/ . Kadnor-6 barrels, Ibox, Ladies Aid, Society. Abington—l box, per Rev J.. L-Withrow. Easton—2 boxes, Christ Church. .. ;, SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY. Clarksboro—l box, Ladies? Aid Society./ , . A large number of stores from other parts of the coun try win be found acknowleoged in the religions papers of Philadelphia, The late change of of General Grant will establish a more direct communication with the army. In case of a battle, great advantage will arise from this fact.. The Commission,: with its. large and excellent force of delegates already on the ground, will need ample supplies from the liberality of the country at large. Send stores to . : GEORGE H. STUART, Chairman, ‘ : No. 11 BANK Street, PHILADELPHIA, Pa. GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. I3£? cash receipts at the gkxerai treasury. Collections made at Harrisburg, per Mrs. Mary ; „■ S. Beatty, additional.... ***•*« .••••>- S 2 00 Lloyd k Russell...— 2* Ladies’ Array Aid Society of Millville, pfli-.. ' Hannah M. Cres, Secretary..........*•s2-50 00- Countuifoit JJ*> 2W m Eiegelsrille and Dnnham Ladies’ Aid Society, _ • per Woman & Storor. ......... /60 00 Proceeds of an Affehan, por.the Misses Gilbert, ;• . . 731 Arch street.. ..-■■■ •■■■■•• -••••••• ■ 102 00 Coliectioc at I’ottdown, Pa., per Dr. Charles .. Moon, additional.. 31 « Soldiers’ Aid Society of Taekerton, IS. J., per Louisa W. Pharo, Corresponding .. Secretary Dnion Leaune.. ...y... 10 00 One day’s proceeds of Pharo & Kidit •wa-jg* Store 60 00 Dr. ■TTT; Price.........' 600 Capt. J. K. Satkenhnrg.... 2 00 Joseph WaHPr ••••• M w W. W. Smedley 25 00 From an aged Clergyman ofcJeraey City, per . Rev. John-Milson Holmes.... . 100 Irflnk&town Township, BJair county, Pa., per o - . Mrs. Bank*, Associate Manager ••*••••• 123 00 Troui Run/Lycoming county, Pa , perEdw a • : ■ Lippinc0it.............................. .105 00 New Loudon, Chester county. Pa., per Wm. Gawth»op, viz:- _ . , _ -JffiwJfeondon Ladies’Aid 50ciety......... ■ —T-** nnintuXaague...... 58 00 Committee on .Chairman,additional 4,2C0 00 .Received from John Moore, for Tickets sold atthefollowingpiaccs: - . Of&co of ihe Great Central Fair, 1323 Chestnut. 6,02150 •The Presbyterian Book Store, 1334 Chestnut-.- 41-100 Charles Be Silver, 1229 Che5tnut....'............ 191 00 John Marsh, 1102 Chestnut....... 250 00 C. M; Burns, 911 Chestnut. 67 00 ..Tobußisley, Continental Hotel*. 600 00 Presbyterian Board of Publication, 821 Chest-. nut 85 00 The ITnlon League House, 1118 Chestnut........ 1,017 00 SicAHister St Brother, 728 Chestnut ' 511 00 Abhmead & Bvans, 724 Chestnut . 300 00 J.' E. Gould, seventh and 7OO 00 W. S. & A. Martiftn, 606 Chestnut.... . SOG 00 John McKnight, 415 Chestnut... 575 00 Lee & Walker, lift Chestnut 205 00 T. B. Pugh. SbctUand Chestnut. 4,670 00 Lindsay & Blakißton, 25 South-5ixth.......... .224 00 Methodist BoQk'Bepo*Hoty,-U9,N<?rthSlxth... 75 00 W. B.Zieher/,106 South Third........ 262 00 T. B. Peterson & Brothers; BC6Chestuut.. 2,813 00 GebrgeC. Bower, Sixth and Vine *334 00. Moss & Co., 432 Chestnut......... , 686 00 Georgo W, Piiclier, , -894 00 D. B. Heilig, Hidge avenue and Spring Garden 145 00 J. T. Hufmii, Nineteenth and Green............ 202,00 A; R. Ilortter, Twentieth and Green........../' OO J. G. Aun.r, 158 North Tenth................... 05 00 - H. H. Henderson; 528 Arch.:...../.....,........ 90 00 Franklin Towuslup, Huntingdon county, Pa., . * per J. W. Mattern. Tr0a5ui^r................ . 802 65 Bethel Township, Delaware'county. per Sarn’l ' Button 12 00 Committee on'Sugar Refinery, per John D, Taylor, Chairman,r.............. 00 Previously reported. GREAT CENTRAL FAIR-COM. SUTTEE ON -FINANCE AND DONATIONS-. Additional subscriptions : . Hon. R.F. Stock ton, for the Delaware and Ravi tan Canal and Camden and Amboy Railroad ; and Associated Companies..*. $5,000 00 John B. Budd: .. 250 00 Capt. C. S. Wilcox’s Company of Minute Men,. . for ihedefenco of the city in Jnno, . Jamesß* Hodgson..** 50 00. Dr. J. RodmanPauL«- 100 00. Rudolph Xoradi. for amount remitted by Ro bert Band foriho German EvangeUcftlliuthe ran Congregation of the Church of St. Paul, Wilkesbarre, Pa.............. ................ ,17 13 From citizens of Mechameabarg, Pa., through D. J. Cannany, Collector, viz. From Internal Revenuo Officers. Fifteenth district. Pa., S. Kauffman. Collector. .$5O 0Q RB. Thomas, department d 0............ 500 • ' , W. H. Oswald,Liauor Inspector 800 a - .• .03 00f AndrewLingirer...•♦*»**' *a‘"A”™*’* *V 2000 Levi- Merkel, R. Wilson, 8. G. Bowman & Pro. , Boyer & -Eberly, John C. Dunlap, ten - dollars each.... A... V' 1 *! ®0 B. J. Germany, amount for services,rendered In militia campaign &f. 1M&« • ? ••> • •/.« • 'L M v 680 C. Cofftnan, J. C. Lingirer/P; H. Long, S. & G. Hauck, Levi Riegel, David Devennoy, John Sadler, I). W. Boss, John Nisley, H. A. Bturge< n, Samuel Worst, John Riegel, H. . 35. Suavely, George Hemmell, $5each....... 70 00 Samuel F1icktnger............ 2 20 J, J. Smith, .w.‘ H, Smith, S. F. Eberly, J. Brniiuger, 8. Zacharlah, $2 each / 10 00 W. H Houston, Ur. M Friese, J.C. Miller, ■ ■; v G. W. BalHh. George Hohhert, A. WVMim son, J&s. B. Keene, and four Cash, $1 each*. 1L 00 Proviooftly acknowledged jeS!O-mwf3t . A. E. GUalrman. *, CASH ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................. : 5 (X) .50 5O 100 svoo SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. #•231,719 8] CALEB COPE, Treasurer. THE .PRRSS.—PHIT/a DKIYPHI .1. MONDAY. JUNE 20, 1864 |qgF” THE TICKETS FOR SINGLE ADMISSION.. .... SO CT3; SEASON TICKETS. MAY BB HAl> AT THi! roi.r.ows NG VIMtSHi THE OFFICE OK THE GREAT CENTRAL-FAIR, The Prosbyterian Hotree, 3334 Chestnut street,. T. B„ Petoraon & Bros., 306 Chestnut street, Charles DeSilver, 1229€bestnut street. John Marsh, 1102 Chestnut street. • C. M. Burns, 911 Chestnut street. Presbyterian Board of Publication ,821 Chestnut street. G. W.- Pitcher, 808 Chestnut street; V McAllister & Bro., 728 Chestnut street. . Ask mead & Evans, 724 Chestnut street. John RiHlcy, Continental Hotel. . Lee & Walker, .722 Chestnut street. J. E. ; : Gould, Seventh and Chestnut streets. W, S. & A. Martien, 606 Chestnut street, . T. 3>. Pugh, Sixth and Chestnut streets.; Moss&Co., 432 Chestnut street. * • John MeKnight, 415 Chestnut street. \Y. 8., Ziebpr, IC6 South Third street. Lindsay A Blakiston, 25 South Sixth atroot. ' PerkhipiiiQ & Biggina, 56 North Fourth street. Smith, English, & Co., 23 North Sixth street. \ Methqdist Book Depository, 119 North Sixth street. Lutheran Publication House, 42 Worth Ninth street. American Baptist Publication Society, 530 Arch street H. F. Henderson & Co,, 628 Arch street. George C. Bower, Sixth and Vine. Joseph G. Aimer, 158‘North Tenth street. D. B. Heilig, S. E. corner Ridge avenue and Spring Garden street, V; J. T..BufnaV Nineteenth arid Green streets. A. R. Sorter, Twentieth and Green streets. HORACE HO WARD: PIJRNESS, ra*' STATED MEETING- OF THE v?M}\9r? Y ;PW COMPANY Will be held THIS EVENING, at Bo'clock.- It*- : F. 1 . LEVERlNG.Secretary. ra* THE INOESTBIAE.IIO SOCIETY ■*": NOTICE.-Mr. JOHN G. HOPKINSi* the ad thorized Collectdrof this Association, and U furnished WHh credentials, ginned by all its officers. Coutribu* tors s> onld pay only to him, or to one of the Managers personally known, ..'•*/ JOHN K ESIUN, je2o-2t* - . . . Financial Secretary. . Kg* etFIOE »SI«S SpAsSENOEK RAILWAY COMPANY, No. 4XO WALNUT St., June 35, ISC4. —The second instalment oi Five Dollars na each shnreof the capital. Stock-of the Union Pasaeager llullway Company will be due and payable at the offlce 01 said Company on and after July 7, ISSI By order of the Board’ of Director*. jeHU-Ht* ~. W. H. KEMBLE, Secretary. ' Kgp\ SOJiS OF SEW EABLANI) IX "YY' J’KNNSYLYANIa Aquarterly meetingof the Society will be Mid on TUESDAY, the 21st iust., at S S,si- < !SK,r?' A 'he Booms ofFrof. Kendall, THIR TEENTH and LOCUST Streets.., JaS. B. ALVORD, . jfelf-Si*. . * . Secretary. *353“ XOTI CE —'THE ICERFOItMXVCI ■™V and Contributing. Members of tho Handel add Haydn Society are invited to meet on TDKSO \Y EVE NING, _June 21, at. the Rehearsal Room, N. E„ comer EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets. jelS-stuiP E. F. STEWART, Secretary. fCSf - STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE— The members of the STATE CENTRAL CO XI MITTEE will meet for organization at e o’olookP,; M., on WEDNESDAY,_Jn 1 y 6tb,at the house of the CHAIR MAN, m HARRIS BUKO, Pa. By order of 3el?-tjy6 SIMON CAMERON, Chairman. , nxiEAREEPHIA COJOXERCIATj WHARF sad RAILROAD CO.ttFANY..—Notice is hereby given that an adjourned meeting of the coin wissdoa'ere appointed by an act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled V An act to incorporate Commercial Wharf and Railroad Company,’’approved the 25th day ofifay, A. D. 1563, to open books; receive subscriptions,'and organize 'a company, by the name, style, and title of the .* Philadelphia Commercial Wharf and Railroad Com pany,l’VwiU be held on the-23d_ day of June, A.\P. IS64,'between the hours of 10 o’clock A. M. stnd 4 o’clock P. M., at No. -327 WALNUT Street, second floor, room No. 2, in the .'city of Philadelphia, in pursuance of said act of Assembly, and for tnepnrposes therein mentioned and provided. E. W. WARNER,v EDWARD A. SOUDER, TITUSS: EMERY, ' ' Commissioners: , Phila,, May IS, 1564. / je2o-4t* OITICE OFTJiE M ES HIORELAND COAL COMPANY, No. £3O South THIRD Street, corner of WILLING’S Aliey. ' ; ' Philadblphu, June 15, 1864. - At a meeting of the Directors of the WESTMO R E LAND COAL COMPANY ; held .this day, a DIVIDEND OF FIVE PER CENT, on the Capital stock was declaredbut of tbe profits for the past six months, payable on and after July 1,1864. : Tbe Transfer Books will be closed until July 2d next. jel7* Mt __ , F H. JACKSON, Treasurer.^ OFFICE SOMERSET IBON AJtfD COAL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA; «i . CEDAREtreefc, . : ‘ New York, June 10, 1864. . NOTICE is hereby given that, pursuant to a resolu tion ofth 8 Board of Directors, an instalment of TWEN TY. PER CENT, on the the Capital Stock of the SOMERSET ISON. AND COAL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA be, and hereby is, : made payable to JAMES Treasurer of said Company, on dr 'before the IStb day of July next. Jal3-tjylB Attest: T. M. TYNG. Secretary. - NOTICEi-APWJtCATIOSf MAS 1* 35 / . been, made at of the Delaware and Chesapeake Canal Company for a renewal of aCertifi cateef One Share of Stock in that Coiupany.m the name of JEREMIAH BMLEN, deceased, the original haying been mislaid or destroyed. WM. P. CEESSON, ; . Adm. cnin Test.-; &c. t of the will of * *apll-ml3t*-. : , LYDIABMLEN, NOTICE.-A SPECIAL MEECING •2"/ of the Stockholders of the PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY wiiLbe held at the office. No. 230 WALNUT Street, at 11 o’clock A. M., on SATURDAY, the 25th inst,, to consider a resolution'of the Board of Managers for aiding in the immediate con struction of a branch railroad to the oil region, v . jefi-nrwfgt..:. . : EDWARD F. GAY, Secretary. FABEL OIL CO—KOTIOE-y.^ election for FIVE DIRECTORS to serv-e.A^^. the current year, .will be held at their of&ce 2 J*Q± : **& n - - - • V Secretary.^ DIYID£KD NOTICE—OFFU3E OF §3B? the PERRY OIL COMPANY, Southeast corner of WALNUT and FOURTH Streets. ; ' _ a ;; - : - PHILADELPHIA,- Jane 1$ 186*. ’ of Directors'have this declared the second monthly-dividend of TWO PER CENT, on the capital stock of the Company, out of the earnings of tne month of May, payable at-the office of the Company, ; clear of State tax, ou and after the 2Qth inst. The Transfer Books will be closed on. FRIDAY, 17th inst.y and reopened on MONDAY, ft’thinst/ . __ --v-’J AMES' PI. It it i, • je!4-6t* , .-Treasurer. NOTICE IS HEJtSfBT GIVEN that .an instalment, of ONE DOLLAR PER SHARE oa each a&d every Share of the Capital Stocknf the MANDAN MINING COMPANY, has this day been called in, payable on or before ttae TWENTY-FII rH day of June, 1564, at tbe officeof the Company,No. 353* WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. : _ - By order of the Directors. B. A. HOOPES, 1 ' *TiT6fisurflr ; Philadelphia, Jnna 9,1561.- . ■ jell-lu&S r®” MTO»ESB.e-THB MBECIOBS i=SK of the NOBLE.& DE I, A M ATE R P ETR.OL BUM CO. have this day declared a Dividend of TEN FLK CENT, from the earningß for the past month, payable on and after 20th imt, at their office, S E.coroerof CHESTNUT and THIRD Streets, -up stairs. Transfer Books close on the lath in?t._ - \ . GEORGE W. HUNTER, Secretary. Juno 8,1564. . : ; - jelo-9t KOTICE.—-OFFICE PIIILADEL* V 3& PHI'A AND OIL GREEK OIL COMPANY,-No. 3557 WALNUT Street. • , - V_ _ Philadelphia, June .7, 1864. The Directors have THIS DAY declared a dividend of ONE PER CEKT.-on the Capital Stock of the Company, payable on and after the 20th inbt. .The Transfer Books, wiirclose on WEDNESDAY, Bth inst.,. at 8 o’clock P. M , for ten days. W. D. PAINTER, Secretary. jeS-12t* •; ■■■ ••■■■ ' • ~ - ' r®* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an instalment of OND DOLLAR PER SHARE on each and every Share of the Capital Stock of tbe iBTNA -MINING .COMPANY, day been called in, payable oh or before 4he. FIRST DAY OF; JULY* 1564, at tbe office of the Company, No. 33* WAL- ; NUT Street, Philadelphhi. ttAat^t’c* ;Byorder of the Directors. Philadelphia, June 8,1861 ~ . •' iell-tjyi rxSr' CENTRAL FAIR. POSTPONEMENT OF AUCTION SALE. . In consequence oftne expected arrival, in a day or two, of some.valuable works sent by Amoncau artists in Rome, as donations to the Sa uitaryPsur, the Auctioa Bale that was to have taken place ou-Wedaesday eve ning, June ‘.3, has been postponed for a few days. One notice will be given of the time afWmclr it will.take .place. .. ' rtS3F= AUCTIOJf.—FINE AKT CAIIEIff Ifcxy -GKEAT.CEHTBAL FAIB.-Public notice will, "be given of the time of holding an auction sale of all the PICTURES STATUARY, and other Works, of Art. not previously sold at private sale, contributed' & gifts for the benefit of the SaNIT aRY COMMISSION. Many very valuable works will be found among those 'to be offered,>and all interested in their purchase are earnestly requested to-attend on the evenings of sale. SPECIAL NO* ICE. . _ On evenings of sale there will be no admittance to the Gallery-between the hours ofs>£ and 7. At 7 o clock the entrance door from the'Horticultural Department, and the middle door on Vine street, opened. Tickets 50 cents. No-teasonor Committee Tickets will be admitted. The above restriction IS necessary to pre vent the. Gallery from being over crowded by those not . interested in the sale. in a few days , . . ' Artists,' Amateurs, and others i are requested to send to the Art Oanery, previous to the Auction Sale, any further donations they may be willing-to offer, so that the sum to be fromHhe sale of Works of Art may be increased to the largest possible amount. je!7-5t . l ORACE HOWARD FORNESS, Sec’y.__ COJiTRIBIJTIOXSTOTHEOREAT *=& CENTRAL PAIR OF THE 3ANJTARVCOMMIS SION,PhiIadeIphia, shipped per Etna, Stay 25,1864 r - Schwann, K*H, & Co., Hudder5fie1d............£57 15 S Jobnßaigh * Co- “ • 12 lft 0 Luke Gledhill & Co., - " -...21114 B Yickeraian & Sous, * 14 69 Jno.Taylor & Sous, “ 11 4 3 B. Lockwood & Co., M .—..12 13-0 Geo. S. ToIBOE iSt Co., ** 7 .3 5 Tolson Biob., • 11-3 2 I'. Schwann, Leeds-----. .31 15 3 IKS- U2eiT*:l> STATES SANITARY i® COMMISSION. % , Hon.-Charles ; Sidney C0xe............i $l,OOO 00 Second Baptist Church, Burlington, NV J:, per • -Robeit Mnn. S 00 Trinity Church, Oxford, Phila., per Kov. E. •: . _Y. Buchanan v. 16 00 Colored Peopled Soldiers’ Aid Society of Hua- . > tingdonv-Pa., per John Thoma'i Chalnuau... .50 75 : $1,048 73 Previously reported, ..133,666 81 ‘5134,716 67 CALEB COPE, Treasurer. KST ORKAT CENTRAL i'AIR-OPEN .WSP~ D.AILY, from 10 o’clock A. M. to lO.o’dwk P. K. SEABOK TICKETS, admitting to all parts bat Child ren's Exhibition M $29,223 55 .202,496 26 Single admission..... 60 (Children under 13 years half price. ) .' • This admits to 81 out of the 90 departments represented In the Pair, and to mnch more than three-fourths of the enttre space covered by the buildings. Certain departments, nine in number, .containing ar ticles chiefty for exhibition, %nd not for sale, have been permitted to charge a separate price of admission, as follows: ' ; Art Ga11ery...25 cents. Arms and Trophies.......i . 20 cents. HbrticulturaV Department.... • 26 cents. ■ Relics and Curiosities'. ,v........ 20 cents. Indian Department....!....26 cents. Signor Blitz’s performances... 25 cents, , Chi1dren...................' .....16 cents. William Penn Parlor 10 cents- Skating P0nd....... v 10 cents. Divan....... 10 cents. Ball Room- 10 cents. ieO-tf - HORACE HOWARD FURNESS jQENSEKVO. : ' ~ • A moat effective and delightful preparation ' , FOR THE TEETH AMD OHMS. Highly recommended by the most eminent Doctors and Dentists. It is the remit of a thorough course of scientific expe riments, extending through a period of nearly thirty *IKa great extent In every case, and entirely in many, I'l WILL PREVENT DECAY OP TEETH, ft will also STRENGTHEN WEAK' GUMS. KEEP THE TESTS B 1 AUTI PULLY CLEAN,- AND THE BREATH SWEET; 186C " J ' 1113 CHESTNUT 81., Philadelphia, Pa. , v ysaiehy Druggists. jeH-3ta Monuments and grave stones.—a rarge assortment of Grave-Stones, d Various designs,made of the finest Italian and America* Msnbie, constantly on hand at the Marble Works ol AdS stbiNMETz, RIDGE Avenue, below JUventt elwet-PhilAdilshla, ■ WS-aaU #5,83189 74,027 74 GREAT CENTRAL FAIR, .......,*3 GO' 1333 CHESTNUT STREET. SECRETARY. CASH RUORIPTS, NEW PUBLICATIONS. Q.REAT BOOK THE HISTORY OF OUR FLAG, F. L. SARWIENTO. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. TEN ENGRAVINGS OF OLD BATTLE-FLAGS, STAR-SPANGLED BANNER, Sc, Illuminated Title-Page. PRICE, 50 CENTS. gQg CHESTNUT STREET. CI,E U®J. ORE IsOSOheetnul Street. L °YnW?™ 180 S Chestnut Street. LARGEiTSTOCK in the City, $ ®OB Chestnut Street. : BEST ASSORTMENT icr' t in the City, : { 808 Chestnut Street. , . ALL NEW"BOOKS ’ . i m * I«. / sold at a discount, j w)3 Chestnut Street. .^S§r ai .} BOS Cheetnut Street Stm ‘ e^^^ rlmlS - KohesteOt Street Att “ Ue ‘ Clieslnut Street PITCHER’S Book Store, PITCHER S Album Store, ' ISCSIS I Picture Store, . PITCHER S Frame Store. - - PITCHER’S Stationery Store. IPITCBER’S Ono-price Store, PITCHER’S Low-price Store, / : 0, W. PITCHER, 808 Cl jelfi-tf f)VER 300,000 RiSjLWAT TRAVEL LERS will visit < THE GREAT. CENTRAL SANITARY FAIR „ • r now Bsryo HELD IN THE CITY OF- PHILADELPHIA. . ' - • TO- . PREVENT MISSING THE TRAINS They should BUY APPLETONS' RAILWAY GUIDE. . IT CONTAINS ONE HUNDRED RAILWAY MAPS, %. .. nnnLi i THREE HUNDRED TIME-TABLES, - And oth^r VALUABLE AND INTERESTING INFORMATION. . THE • FOURTH EDITION, FOR JUNE, NOW READY. . • . STABLE OF CONTENTS. L One Hundred Railway Maps; : _||* Nearly Three Hondrfd Time-Tables. Ill* Touritsts’ Guide to the Wauring Places, &c. IV..Railways and their Progress. . V. Anecdotes and Incidents of Travel. - Railway Time and Distance Indicators. VII. Appletons’Counting-House>Caleiidar,*4c. EFrom the Railroad Gazette, 3. _ Applutoxs’ Railwat Gutb£—We received the Jnne number of tbia popular monthly, which can be found at all the news depots in the city. Its time-tables for summer have been carefully corrected, and, aside from the important information it gives of the move ments of trains, railroad.connections, hotels. 4c., it contains much valuable and interesting miscellaneous matter, which will serve to pleasantly while away the monotony of a fatiguing jonrney. by rail. Every tou rist,. bnsiness m&n v , on-pleasure-seeker, who proposes to make trips, short or lengthy, by water or railroad, the ensning summer, should by all means procure a copy.-' •• . APPLETONB’- RAILWAY GUIDE is for sale upon, all of the principal railways of the United States.and the Canadas; at all the principal bookstores; at all the principal book, periodical, and news agencies. Prifce only 25 cents.• •' D. APPLETON & CO . Publishers. .* **s BROADWAY/New York. -A~ WINCH, CHESTNUT Street, opposite independence -Hall. General Agent for Philadelphia'. T. .8.-. PUGH, Streets;' ; T. B. PETERSONi CHE JTNUT Street, and M. RiLEY, Pennsylvania Railway Office, Passenger Depot. ; ; a THE : LONDOK ‘SPECTATOR SAYS : ■*- *'We nbflce VTWICE-JAIST? becau?e“ U 4 author ess will, one day, we believe, produce a powerful no vel. ” . LINNET’S TRIAL. By S. M„, iiithoressbf “Twice Lost.” CmformwwUh “Pique. I vdl.- 12mo. Cloth. * V * • Pricesl.6o." ~ 'lf you want a book that is real—if ton need a book that is earnest and. satisfying—a tru» book, not filled with dupery and deception, take ‘LINNET’S TRIAL* home to read-it alike with eyes and heart. ” It is a splendid story and wRI have a/great populari ty. - Get it of your favorite bookseller in Philadelphia. , Publisher, je2o-mw2t .319 WASHINGTON Street, Boston. r |'ANNEK’S N®WMANUAL OFPKAO- Jr TICE -i KESV REVISED AND ENLARGED EDI TION.—Now Ready . i ■ . . - .1 MANUAL'(W THE PRAGTICE OF Che vo.umo, 12mo. classified, ‘ and Wi*Price, Mtoctc<i L r K- n a BLA l Scr o |rarf, Ucatl ' :al Pnhiisher, and Booksallers, ' 'je2) »5 Sooth Sixth, above Cheatoot atreeta. BOOKS I BEW-BOOKS! ! EXPLORATIONS AND ADVENTURES IN EQUATO RIAL AFRJCAv-with accounts of.the Mauuers ana Gas tonjßof tbe People* chape of the Gorilla, Elephant, ana other animals. -Bj , Paul ;B. Da ChaiUn.' &X> lllustrx- U polP!T MINIS’KATtONS, OK, SABBATH READ IKGS; a reries of Di.conrseson Christian Doctrine and Duty. By Gardner Spring. Two Tolnmos, cloth. _ HOTSPURr a tale, of the. old Dutch. Manor. Br StdOK FOR THAYELLEBS_IK EUROPE EAST. Corrected to IS®), ,Wita “IKtISTED HEAKTS; by the author, of the “ Lamp l! For sale hy W. S. ,tr A. MARTIER j e 2o ; •« ' / -60 G Chestnut street. "READY, JUNE &O~A THRILLING J-* BOOK ON THE WAR; • - . ' THE BUGLE BLAST; ' OBi SfIKIT OF THE CONFLICT. .Comprising Daring Exploits by Land and Sea, Dashing Raids, Heroio-Peeds, _ Desperate Conflicts, Captures* and Escapes,- '■K .-s Camp Anecdotes, Poems, &c. - Everything of interest, from the Bombardment of Sumpter to the present time. ByE. S, S. Rouse. Papercover, #1.25; Cloth, $1.00; pp. 338, large 12mo. Advance orders filled the day published by ......" JAMES CHALLEN & SON, Publishers, . . jelS 3fc v--- 1308 CHESTNUT. A BOOK FOB TEE TIMK3. ix. Third Edition Just Issued. . i THE OLD. FLAG. ' . , . 365p11» 16mo, Cloth, BeauiifuUy Illustrated. * ' Price, $L®/ " '• " “It illustrates and enforces, in a graphic manner, an unselfish devotion to country, an unbending integrity, and a sacred regard lor all that is true and noble mine. It is calculated to make a generatiouof tde noblest kind of patriots. Boston Evening Transcript. , -■ ‘ ‘lt' is-fi’ie-h&okof its class. Springfield Rppub- and for Bale br THE AMERICAN SimiJAY- SnBOOIfuSIOS, Jio'Haa CHBSXSaT. Street. _PM ;ladelpbia. • • 4r jelS 3t ■ rpHE ONLY COMPLETE X The only Complete The only Complete CATALOGUE OF THE,SANITARY FAIR. . CATALOGUE OF THE SANITARY FAIR. , CATALOGUE OF THE SANITARY FAIR. >• CATALOGUE OF THE SANITARY FAIR. . v. : Friceonly 15 cents. . Price onlr 15 . . ; . Price only 15 cents.*"* . For sale at MAGEE’S, .■ t fe!B-3t V ; ’ • - 316 CHESTNUT Street. A SUM BAD & EVANS, • Successors to ' WILLIS P. HAZARD, 73* CHESTNUT Street, Have wceWed . - t THE-TANNER BOY, and How he Became Lieutenant G ODT a jN THE WORLD By T. *B. Arthur. ■ A WOMANfS PHILOSOPHY OP WOMAN? or. Wo man Affranclized. An. answer to Michelet and other modern'innoVators. „ ~ * DENISE. By.the'author of “MademoiselleMori.” 2 THK'STOIfY OP ELIZABETH. A Tale. By Miss . A‘ Treatise, on tho* Art of Producing Sbeieton'Leaves. - „ THE-POOR WHITE: Or, The Rebel Conscript. . STUMBLING BLOCKS. By Gail Hamilton. THE HEW BOOK OF NONSENSE. Filled with Comlo Hlustiittlons.and pnblished for thobonedt ofthe Great Sanitary Fair. . HAUNTED HEARTS. By author of “The Lamp ■ UghterJ.l V .. ■■■■■ -■ ■■■■■-: JQIS \TEW WAR MAP. , -L* y*- •*. Just-received by • . i : j: B. LIPPINCOTT.& Cj>., , fir> and •nv MARKET street, ' T PERRINE’S NEW WAR MAP OP THE SOUTHERN 4- -STATES, r / .. Arranged from i the latest 'Government surveys and official rsipo*!qfc*t«tether jpith a Chronology of- the groat Rebellion. . ' 3C17-& nPHE SUNBEAM STORIES, 1 r A ai S&NBE?M! ,OrIM ° f : ■ CLOUD WITH SILVER LINING, -HODSE QN THE ROOK, ONLY, OLD JOLLIFFE, MERRY CHRISTMAS, . DREAM CHINTZ, . _ STAR IN'THE DESERT, Sc. Six heautifal volumes,- illustrated, $2.60. •***•“ . WILLh P. HAZARD, Publisher, . fe26-tjyl' 31 South SIXTH Street. •£l9O 19 5 8 NEW* AMERICAN ■ The Agency for this invaluable Library of Universal Information is at 33 South SIXTH Street, second story, “liro; RECORD OF THE REBELLION. -By Frank Moore. ’■ ■■■ ftn-tf- F>nn nnn feet spruce lumb an, vUy.v vv assorted sires and lengtns, including odd Dngths Joist and Scantling, from 3by 4 to 3 by 12. .Batters, 21 t»3Q foot lotfg. . ; V:' Sills, 6 to 3 lichee eauare, 16 to 30 feet. . . - 4-4 and S-4 Spruce Flooring. On hand and for salo hy : . HAHBERT DAVIS Sc CO., . ... jold-12t* LOCUST and TWENTY-FOURTH Ste. PANADA LUMBER YARD. Vj LUMBER DISTRICT, ALBANY, NEW YORK. The subscribers are now receiving largo lots of PINE end HARD-WOOD, LUMBER, which they are prepared to offer to the trade at market pnoee; 6 per oent.on for C ?,44m V . I r... : : : '■> . : - JONES:* CO. T N ALL RESPECTS SUPERIOR PIC- X ; TUBES, likeness accurate, coloring_ artistic, light and; (bade naturally arranged. B. F. REBIER S life size Photographs in oil colors. Gallery, 658* ARCH Street. ■ . '■■■' - rpß E BUSINESS OP DR. E. N. B AI- X LEY will he settled hy his widow, at No. S3B Nortlv. TWELFTH Street. All indebbd will ['lease como forward. All having claims will prosont thorn at once. ' je2o-3t*. TVJOTICE.—THE CREDITORS OF THE j-d late Bon. H. M. FULLER are requested to present their claims to CB-i S. D. BBTCLE. T>U RE LE HI G H CO A L-HQUSE- X ; KEEPERS cau rely on getting a pure article at the 8 E. corner FRONT and POPLAR Streets.. ji;2o Im* . JOHN W. HAMPTON. .-OOR SAIiE AT COST PRICE —A J- '.Superior JENNY LIND WAGON, by LeMor. Also, Sot.or SINGLE HARNESS. . Both enttroiy new, noithor. pMw*befMen™Uh?fcond Stable in SANBOM Btmt, below Twelfth, north side. je2o-mwf3t*-. OIL, FO R LUBRICATING -Li Wool and Machlnory, for sale at the.lo west market f WIN? ®*»htotUM£«,*akNorth THE FAIR. A. WINCH, Publisher. ■BOB Chestnut Street. iESTNTIT Street. CYCLOPBDIX rtNuvcuL. •JHE GOVERNMENT LOAN Gao 0,00 o, oo o. This Loan U authoriied by act of Cougresß or March S, 18S1, which provides for its REDEMPTION IN COIN, at any period not less than lon or more than forty yoars from Its date,' at tho pleasure of tho Government. Until Its redemption live per coat, interest la to be paid semi-annually IN COIN. Subscriptions to the Loan are recelved’by tho National Banks in United States notes or in such currency or other funds as are taken by them on deposit at par. Its exemption from State or local taxation adds from one to three per cent, per annum W its value. Tho rate of interest im this-Loan, althonglTbnLftre per cent. In coin. Is as much greaterin currency as the difference between value of currency and gold. . As a rule, the five per cent, specie securities of allsol •vent Govornments are always par or above, and cur rency now funded in the National Loan, will be worth its face 'in gold, besides plying a regular and liberal percentage to the holder. The authorized amount of this Loxn is two hundred inillion dollars. The amount of subscriptions reported to the Treasury at Washington is over 570,000,000. Subseripiions Will bo received by the TREASURER OF. TIIE UNITED STATES at Wash ington, and the - ASSISTANT-TREASURERS at Now York, Boston, and Philadelphia, and by the : FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Philadelphia, . SECOND do. , do. , THIRD do. clo., AND BY ALL NATIOxVAL BANKS Which are depositaries of public money; and all RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS Throughout the country, (acting as. agents of the Na tional Depositary Banks,} will furnish farther informa tion on application, and . . - v AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS. jeSO-6tiWlt 575,000,000 U. S.' LOAN FOR SALE. We are prepared io farniah this desirable Loan in REGISTERED and COUPON BONUS, in Bums of $5OO. and AT CUR-RENT PREMIUM. jois-3t ' ; COOKE & 00. B W Li O A N. U. S. 1040 s . JAY COOKS & CO.OFFBB FOB SALS THB STEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, Bearing Five Far Cent. Interest IN COUf, ... Redeemable any time after TEN YBABS, at the plea sure of the Government, and payable FORTY YBABB after date. Both COUPONS and REGISTERED. BONDS are issued for this Loan, of B&me denominations as the Five-Twenties. The Interest on $5O and $lOO payable yearly, but all other denominations half yearly. The TEN-FORTY BONDS are dated March 1,1864, the half yearly, interest falling due Septemberl and Much lof each year. Until Ist September, the accrued interest from Ist March Lb required to be paid by'purchasers In coin, or in: legal currency, adding 60 per cent"for premium, until further notice. l -WODKIT'SrCO., lid SOUTH THIRD STRBBT. .AlLothetfJ' ApS-tf ' RETAIL DRV GOODS. I>LACK FRENCH LACE VEILS.— X/ Juef opened, several lots of Applique Border French Veils, ranging in price from 60 cents to $1.75,. under the ususl price. : BLACK THREAD .VElLS—Narrow border,, with neat centre. ' Two lots, at $2.50 and $2. SO, much under pre sent value. Also, a few numbers, finer, up to $8 60.: .WHITE AND BLACK SILKMALINE.-A limited eup plv of Malines, just • • . : . WHITE SILK ILLUSION—Very good, for 31 cents.. Do do do 2 yards wide, for 95 cents. Valenciennes collars, 40 cents to si.6o, at old "tucked MUSLIN, lot'Bodies. Thick and Thin. Please notice that the piice ia only SL.6G per yard, at WORNE’S Lace and Embroidery Store. SWISS MUSLIN, 76, 85, and 95 cents per yard. New foods, at advanced rate*, bnt are* much better than luslins usually sold for the same price. IMITATION VALENCIENNES EDGINGS-clotely imitating, the real, at; 85 ceiits the dozen, superior Q STRANGERS VISIT ING THE CITY*, please notice that the largest Stock and the greatest variety of LAGfib and EMBROIDERIES ia this city, and always under regular urices, may he found at WORNE’S Lace aud Embroidery Store, No. 38 North EIGHTH Street. . It* pRY GOO D S AT LOW PBIOES. Persons visiting the city to ATTEND THE FAIR, would find it to their advantage to examine our Lf RGB STOCK of : SUMMER DRESS GOODS, AS WE ARE SELLING THEM AT PRICES PAR DE LOW WHAT THEY COST TO IMPORT. JOB LOTS OF SILK GRENADINES. Rich Silk Grenadines at 65 cents, never before sold for lees than $l. ' . Rich Silk Grenadines at 75, SO, S?Kc.- “ *.* *» 90, $l, $1.12. «« “ “ $1.25, $L 37, $l5O. . " V $1.62. $1.75. All .at less than cost of importation. : PLAIN SILK HBRNANIS. BROWNS, TANS, : ' ' .-. .MODES, BLUES, ■. ■ BLACKS, PEARLS. LEATHER, :• and _ - YIOLHTS, ' at 90c, worth SLI2. FIGURED BAREGE HERNANIS. Choice styles at worth 75e.. Plaid Barege Hernanis at 44, cost 52Kc. RICH SILVER CLOTHS. All Silk and .Wdoli at 65c,' worth; $L The greatest baiguinof the season, .->• V ; ; ' Plain MozanihiqueS, at 37Ki,worth 50c.V Plaid Mozambiques, at 40c, worth66c. • * Plaid Mozambiques, double .width, at 50c, worth 65c. 'Plaid Poll de Chines, at 3Sc, worth 66c. - • Plaid Poilde Chevres, at 3ic, worth 45c, <■ Plaid Crepe Poplins, at 25c, worth 40c TWENTY PIECES PUfiß MOHAIR POPLINS, All new shades, for Buits, at $2. .\ Double:width all;woot Delaines, new, shades, at sl.2«§il. 37>4. They.areof the finest quality, and worth $1.75. - • BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. CnEAP SILKS 1 CHEAP SILKS ! NO ADVANCE IN OUE PKIOES. Plain Silks, all colors, $1.38 to $O. Fancy Silks, new Styles; $I fco $7, BinaU Check Silks', S7>£ to $L37>4. CHEAP BLACK SILKS. ; Plain Black. Silks, at. $l. , Plain Black; Silks, at $L 12. . Plain Black Silks, at $1.25. . Plain Black Bilks, at sl.37tf. Plain Black Silks, at $1.44. Plain Black Silks, at $1.60. * . Plain Black Silks, at $1.66. -Plain Black Silks, at $1.62. . Plain Black Silks, at SI.7C. * : Plain Black Silks, at sl.g7X. Plain Black Silks, at $2. - ; : Plain Black Silks, at $2.25. . Plain Silks, at $2.87&. Plain Black Silks, at $2.60. " Plain Black Silks, at $2.62. Plain Black Silks, at 2.75. ' ' : . Plain Black Silks, at $3. # Plain Black Silkb, at $3.25. . Plain Black Silks, at $3.60. Plain Black Hike, at $3.75. . Plain Black Silkß, at $4. ; ’ : Plain Black Silks, at $1.50, Plain Blaek’Bilks, at $5. Plain Black Silks, at $6. Plain Black fill k8 t .at $6.50. : Plain Black Silks, at $7. None of Bilks could bo imported attho prioea we are selling them. ' 500 ALL-WOOL SHAWLS, $/fl.<ss, , Cost $3.25 to import early this season. -White Barege and Lama Shawls. -Plaid Laima and Mozambique Shawls. Grenadine and Challi Shawls. * fehawls of all kinds at very low prices. Cloti- Sacques and Circulars at low priewf. Silk Sacqnes and Circulars at low prices. H. STEEL &* SON. • s» .- - taiif 113'end Tl 5 North TENTH Street.' JelS-emwSt A N APPRENTICE TO LEAKY THE ■A"*- artof Printing, will be taken at the ofllctfpf the GERMANTOWN TELEGRAPH, if application be raid* at once. He must be wtil brought up, posses* a ,f-tlr education, and be from IS to 17 year* of *iro j«7fl-3V A N EXPERIENCED TEACHER, A graduate from New England, wishes private pupils for the summer, or an engagement In a school, to teach Languages, Mathematics, or History, for the coming year. For references, apply to , JT B. ALYGRD, Esq., Girard insurance Office, Je2&-31* 415 Walnut street. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE , Standard History of the War. A rare chance to make money. Agents are clearing from $!00 tos2oo per month. 200,000 volumes already sold. Send for circa ™ JONES. BROS., & Co., Pnbltshers, OAL TIMOHE, Md, jel3-lm* TO DRUGGISTS-A FIRST-CLASS retail Dm* CLERK WANTED. Address, with ra &^ c . ll Jv£ , Redraw, ” Station A, Fhiiadalphta 3ub 1 ost Pace, jelS-gt* W ANTE D—THREE OR POUR a.,. MENdeaSrlnertolearn Telegraphing. Can Y,',®. Flhcc), of Revural just finished. Apply Quaker City College, TENTH and CHESTNUT, u** WANTED.-A MIDDLE-AGED ORN ,'Hf’HJ”. of tact and experience, doaires'emptnir- Wantm-in a domestic dry PanA Commission House, an ttctiveenergetic Lad tMSoK InmendatsollB Address tniKomce. je!B-2t* f waktbd-an intelligent and \ thoroughly competent person as HOUSEKEEPER Box SB'RffiVb* fOB mU " fr ™ ti« iRI: “H WANTED, A RESPECTABLE GIRL, , ’ asseamstressandchamhermaid, inn -.mail fami ly. None need apply without .city reference Annl vtn Mrs, BETTS, 1030 WALNUT Street j»FrSt« WAN TED-A FIRST-CLASS SALES ■; MAH’ln'a Wholesale Hosiery and Notion House. Address Box &h) P. 0. , ■ jeiset*-: WANTED--800 AGENTS TO SEEL m J" the great natural WEATHER INDICATOR, Though only just introduced, hundreds attest to its ac curacy In Foretelliug changes of the weather from dry to wet, tind vice versa. .It interests the scholar and the raaa of gcienee, and awakens admiration in the minds of ail who witness Hi wonderfn! functions. Send postage stamp for circular and particniars, or call upon - FBtSBEB, COOK, 4 CO;, 06 North FOURTH Street, Je7-I2t* :... v v . Philadelphia. Pa; WANTED-A. THOROUGHLY COM- Nefirrffl’F?' 4P "’KI-r-'I'RIEO FL-KK-AGE.SrA take the charge of Four Furnaces nowin operation in I-'eunsv]vanm. To a Man of this'kind, who can operate f urnaces to the best advantage, for the' greatest prodnetionof Hotßlast Gake Metal, a good post-' lion is now offered. wh/r« a very liberal salary will be SoiTiT vv uJI name and reference, toS. II SHIPLEY, Mo; 503 COMMERCE atreet. jelS-3t- Min A MONTH !-I WANT AGENTS vP'-'j-' at $6O a month,excesses paid to sell mv EVR'R »RSK!m«!»SjBBWES': - apSO-d&wSm JOHN V. LORD, Bfddeford. Maine 1 DWELLING HOUSE WANTED— A Between Sixth and Eighth streets and Callowhill and Master, a neat DWELLING HOUSE, with all the Modern.convenieHces. A street mnningnorth aud south preferred. Price, from 5.1,000 to *B,OOO. Possession at ;any time within twelve month* LUKENS & MONTGOMERY, Conveyancers, jel6-6t* . 1035 BEACH Street, above £KreL CAVALRY HORSES WANTED. Wax Department, Cavalry Bureau, - • Ofptck 07 Chief Quartermaster, THREE 4 ' ONE HUNDRED IANijsriTTrFIVS xlfifflL ■DOL LARS per head will be paid for all . .cavalry horses -delivered within the next thirty (30) daya at the Go ■ vernment etabigs at Giesboro, D. C. SaM Horses to be sound in all particulars, not lose than five (5) nor more than nine (9) years old; from fif teen to sixteen hands high, full in flesh, compactly ottilt, bridle wise, and of size sufficient for cavalry puiposes. ; These, specifications will be. strictly'adhered to and rigidly enforced in every particular. Payment made oh delivery of seven (7) and over. v JAMES A. EltlN, ; my2l r lm - Lt. Col. & C. Q. M. Cavalry Bnrean. EOffiVANB. FOUND. . LOST-A JAVA SPARROW y&A from Sinner BLITZ’S Exhibition, SANITARY A reward, if required, will be given. It* $lOOO each, IVJOTIGE. L 0 S TOR MI SL AIT)-, SCRIP, ITo. 129,-issued by American Mechanics’ Hall Association to Resolution Council, No. 4, 0. of U. A. M., for Twenty-six Dollars, dated Dec. 24, 1559. No tice is hereby given, that application will be made to the Board of Trustees of the Hali Association for a du plicate certificate for said amount WM. WOODINGTON, JOS. WEISS, CHAS. STE PHENS, Trustees. Residence, Frankford, 23d ward.. je2o-3i* ...... : . s 00/V SOUTH BROAD STREET.— ,^i 'TV Will be vacant, Saturday, June 25th, four'ele gant ROOMS, with private parlor, comprisingthe whole second story. Two are fronting on Bmad street. These rooms.are usexceptionably cool all summer. The best recommendations will be given.'. Yac&neies to-day, first story, je!B-6t* OOARDING.—-T WO SECOND-STORY rooms TO LET, at North TENTH St. je7-tf T>OARDING-ON DUY’S LANE, GER MANT OWN, sixth bouse from station. je7-12t FOK SALE AND TO LET. TYESIRABLE REAL ESTATE IN XJ VESTMENT—A. valuable LOT OF GROUND for sale, on the west side of Ridge avenue, near the Girard college, containing about twelve and three-quarter acres. Apply to A. B. CaRVER & CD., • je!6-6t* , S. W. cor, NINTH and FILBERT Streets. M ,TO RENT—HANDSOME NEW Side-Yard DWELLING, on Spring Garden street. je2o-2t» ' B. W RIG LEY & CO., lttl U FOURTH Sc. jeSO-a* MTO RENT—THE HOTEL No, 227 North THIRD the ‘* Eagle,” now called BARNIIM’S HOTEL. Apply at No. £l4 RACE Street, above Second. /' jeiS-6t M FOR i ALE—CAN GIVE BOS* £& SESSrON of the MANSION .ibis Spring. The Preminm Farm of Chester county, near Chadd’s Station, Baltimore Central Railroad, 6 miles from West Cheßt* r. 170 acres prime Brandywine green crass land, : For furtherparticulars apply to . PETTIT, jelS i 3a3,WALNUT Street. ? gALE OF CONDEMNIJ^HORSIS. War Department, . Cavalry Bureau," Office of Chief Quartermaster, ' Washington. D. G., June 15, 1864. Will be SOLD at PUBLIC AUCTION to the highest bidder, at Giesboro Depot, on FRIDAY, the 21th last , beginningat 10o'clock A. M , from one hundred (100) to one hundred and fifty (150) HORSES. - These hoists have been condemned as unfit for the cavalry service of the Army. For road and farm pur parses many good bargains may be had. Horses sold singly. ; Terms: cash, in United States currency. • . . JAMES A. ESIN, . je2o-5t Lieut.,Col. andC. Q. SI. Cavalry Bureau: fiREAT CENTRAL CLOTHING vT HOUSE, SIXTH and MARKET. Great Central Clothing House, Six’ll and Market. Great Central Clothing House, Sixth and Market.. Great Central ClutbiogHouse, Sixth and Market. ; Great Central Clothing House, Sixth and Market. Great Central Clothing House, Sixth and Market. Great Central Clothing House, Sixthand Market. Greai Centra! Clothing House, Sixth and Market. Great Central Clothing House, Sixth and Market, Great CeutrarCiotbingHouse, Sixth and Market. Great Central Clothing House, Sixth and Market. • Great Central Clothing-House, Sixth and Market. Great Central Clothing House, Sixth aud Market. Wanamaker &*Brown, Oak Hall. > Wanamaker & Brown, • Oak Hall. Wanamaker & Brown, Oak Hall. _ Wanamaker & Brown, Oak Hall. Wanamaker & Brown, ■" Oak Hall, Wanamaker* Biown. Oak Hall. W&nauiaker & Brown, Oak HaU. Wanamaker & Brown, Oak Hall. ■ Wanawakor & Brown, ‘ Oak Hall. Wanamaker & Brown, . OakjHall. Wanamaker & Brown, ■ Oak HaU. Wanamaker & Brown, . Oak Hall.. Wanamaker & Brown. . Oak HaU. v . Strangers in the city visiting the Great Central Fair, and citizens generally, will find the best Clothing and the most reasonable prices at >• inemos l r e as y iiame^ A^AMAK:Ea & mQWWSf - * OaK HALL, - S. E. corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. jel7-fmwlje22if -'-V. • : - . : ’ T>EIMER’S IMMENSELY v AND DE XV serredly popular styles Likenesses. One Dollar Colored Photographs are the most sought for by the masses ; ; durable and cheap. SECOND Street, ahoy® • Green.■ ■ ; f "• ~ • ** TNGRAM’S FRESH COFFEE, 40 TO 50 A Ceits-_Groimd, 25 to 30 cants. Beat good. 43 South SECOND Street, below Market. jelS-Bt* ■CUMMER.' CORSETS:—MRS. STEEL, 0 TENTH Street, below Chestnut, makes best qua lity Linen Summer Corsets. Also, lately tecs’, veil from Paris, elegantly fitting- genuine Werly Corsets; All kinds of Corsets on hand, and made to order. jelB-St TNGRAM’S CELEBRATED TEAS JL Just received.. Try them. 4?3 South SECOND St,- below Market. \ - jeIS-3t* tCB CBEAM,; FINE AND PLAIN -*• CAKE, of superior quality, served to Families, Boarding- Houses, Fic-iJics.&c. ; at lowest prices, at J. B, GORDON'S Conte.jtiouery, " 310 South SIXTH Street. N. B —Persons having control of large orders will find it .to their advantage locall before purchasing elsa where. •. \ : . • : • ■ ' ■ 11 TVORY TYPES.—THE FINEST AR- X tistic efforts of their style made at B. F. BEISIEB’S Gallery. 604 t ARCH Street. If you desire a charming life-like picture, go there. It WINDOW GLASS.—FRENOH PLATE T r Glass for store fronts. Bough Plate Gtass'for sky lights, floors, &c,; Port and Beck Lights, Ornamental Glass for churches. Vestibules, &c.; Photograph Glass, and Foreignand Bomesiic Window Glass ofevery va ne.y, fur sale b y RO BT. shOKMAKER * €O., > Nos. 305 and 0O 1 ? N. FOURTH Street, je2o-lm. ; Philadelphia. SELLING OUT. ™B,WATCHES, JEWELRY ANB SILVERWARE. The undersigned, having decided to retire from-busi hess, offers for sale at lour prices, his large and well selected stock of- ’ ; WATCHES, JKWEUIY. and r>TX - : SILYKB and PLATED WAKE. THOMAS C. GARRETT. : ;>Ko. 7iaCHESTMOT- Street. Opposite the Miwonic HalK je2o-tf Philadelphia. CTARVED UNION PRISONERS FROM It™ as a regiment of skeletons. Moat of them had to bo carried off on stretchers. Several died oa the boat as. iKvwm lifted up, Nine diod on the wharf, lisping thow uraSthde to God, that after all their privations they wore permuted to dio under the old flag. "-Afty* jyi-r, .. CAKB PHOTOGRAPHS of the above. , W ' . ' V * MCALLISTER & BROTHER, jeTMt - / 708 CHESTNUT Street ■nEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HIGH iJ WAYS, Office S. W. Corner WALNUT and FIFTH Streets i Philadelphia, June 14, 1864 _ NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. —Sealed Proposals will be received at this office: until three o’clock r. m. or MOEBAYV June 27th, 1864, for the grading, at so much per. cubic yard, of the following- named Jliller street, from the eoutbeastwardly aide of Wister street, extending a distance of about eight hundredand fifty-five feet. Also, Aahmead street, from Wakefleld. street to Germantown Railroad Linden streflt, from Germantown avenue to Knox street, in the Twenty second (22d) ward; Abo, Richmond street, from Tioga street to about eiabfe hundred feet beyond Bridge stroet, in the Twenty- fifth (Ssth) ward. L , Bald Proposals will be opened at the above time and place, where all bidders are invitod. to be present, and the lowest bidder will oome forward within throe days, • “ Wd WUMrttWB -W. N. SMEDLKY, ■ •jeie-tlismwfmSt Chief Com 1 r of .Highways. CTEAM AND WATER GAUGES, IN 0 great variety. 8; BROWN, jelB 2Ut- 311 WALaPT Street. . 13 OLLAND GIN.-10 PIPES BOH iJ- LEN'S OIK. For sale by E-Fj YgDDLKTON, jelfl-St* SB. FEOKTStreet WANTS. BOARDING. ' te possess! lon.. *• E. WRIGTHY & CO., iai SoatH FOURTH Street CLOTHIiVe. AWIiSIiIWKIVTN. yANDERLYN’S ARIADNE. Thla most Wonderful creation of the genius of VAff- LERLTN has been placed at the disposal of the Fine Arts Committeo of the SANITABY FAIR, as a FPHCfAL EXHIBITION, ou tlie erpreß* condition that treason and other Tickets, giving actfess to other parts oX the Fair, are not to b© entitled tG’a'dmiatiiO'R. AHIABKE, (Laughter «? Minos and Pa«slpla, en tbo of Naxes; by Thesoaa. j An ideal beauty, reposing upon thb loxu ry of Us own sensation, lost in?Teep, and yielding' cblld-like loTe. ’* ‘ e * How like a viiftß* of piure ceexoe! Her cheeks jofcfrfctihed with innocent repose-. That her thepfrbts up fn delicious dream*, Like dew-drops &*£he chalice ef-a rose; billowed upon, her ertu- aml ravea hair, ' ' ?«w archly rests tkat bright and 1 peaceful brow? Its rounded pearl defiance hide to cave. While kisses on the Ppgr seem melting now;’ ln unconscious lorelfnesa she lihs. And leaves around her.telicately Bway; Veiled is the splendor of ifer beaming e?yes, Bnto’er the limbs bewitching gmcdg play; Ere into Eden’s groves the lespent crept, within her leafy arbor aieptP* Tuckeraursf* * * Arliqt Lift. r * “In 3812 VANLERLYNpainted thTAEfADNE Thisf Th a an h n f^ OT - 4 M , r - Vanderlyn-n p 3 Were even rnero been pnrchaeed K ’ himeelf an excellent Painter, and onr rfctv 1 The engxavin.efMr. Dnrand ifworthy • lap'& Arts and JDeiiffns. * -oun- Admiasioh< ( Entrance from, the Hortifnltaral Department, and- GaUeS! Corridor the latter with- the Art ' 1— ■ . " • • j«2)*tlf fJBEA-T CENTRAL FAnr wm®Bmms& Adimauoa 25 corns; Ohildrojfl.scents 1 Exhibitions at s and BP. M. QIiOVER'S NEW- GH£9TNvT STKEET TJIEATKE 1 U 1 tBOHAiiI) UEOVB*. w.nimn. (Also of 0 rover’s Theatre, WashingionfoTc;)-- ... r . EYSAHVO, Jdno2o£h IS6I Fifteenth PorTormaßce of the iihmensely Successful > : „?&R?? ofthfl Or, lire Birth of Cupid in the Botror of Porns' . Keapprarance of the Popntar Comedian ™’ Mr- J. B. atcBOXOUGHv 1 v lB Unapproachable Impersonation of MRS Pfnrrt AesvFea.nre.Tc. night, HewSon“j.Kf w R f it Characters, aad Sew Fices' - « First the PhtolelnhiaFavorite, With song, “Hailyßound the Flag,; Boya’^oompa -Grand Chorns of Forty'Toices*~3rn<sf<* lw » Grand Orchestra~-The Grand Zww&^ am V2Bsais&s&tii* PRICES OF ADJfrSSION- Dress Circle or Parquet " - sn. a t Famuy circ1e........:.:....;;::;;;;: g? £*“£•■ Orchestra Seats . °/ the front benches only are re3ervf d as Orch#»al Lo extra charge for securing’ seats. GP.ASD FAMILY MATINEE on wmV : Whe “ ral“tl^SlF^ Moo!r ' "* ll be presented— making the Greatest Day Petfora !?a C tlnleT ri «S“ eSied K2l A/fES. JOHN DREW’S NEW' AHuK XU- STREET THEATRE. LAST WEEK OF FBANK. BREW,' / ANOTHER GRiNB OOSIBIKATfOS: -TO-NIGHT, (ItONDAF) Jsme 20, lssi;.'. - The Comic irislt Drama of handy Andy. H&ody■ Andy **•**••••*»»»♦-•*»**'•»•»**«.*.. y*»awtf To cooclude trith tbeSpectacnla** Drama of s ** '/ /*V FOKTr THIEVES: FRIDAY BENEFIT OF FRAJ.-K'. DP.y.w- ” 110 A RCH-STREET THEATRE; , ■ MISS JOSEPHINE HENRY ' . ■ respectfully announces that HER BENEFIT will taka Juttifsad,- 16W;.w!iea , Sir FRANK DREW- :r has kindly consented ,to appear In : . to CKKjKET ON THE. HEARTH. . 808 NETTLES, ■ ■■.. OR,, THE “wONBERFHE LAMP - *8- Box Book Nonr Open. ■ \ lt « WALNUT-STREET THEATRE: 1 T MONDAY, June ‘iO, and daring the week, renro f entitled for winch the popular Tragedian, • . . ■■ J. B: BOBEiIS,-. M?pM s »phFSl'/d e "‘ aSed t 0 su4tal!! i!)e character «f . , ' ALBXXNA FISHER BAKER In the clmrminE character,of Slarguerite. Box Office open from -9 till 3, Performance -Trill com mecceatS. \ T OW OP BN—THE FORTYYIRST -t-T ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS ASS SCOLFfOKE, at the PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT Street, abtye Tentt. Eluti frnm dIU KII TDIT ..J S. it . . r * PHILADELPHIA COLLEHIATH TO i STITOTE FOB YOUNG LADIES, No. 1530 ABCS StreeL Rev.CHAS.-A. SMITH, D. D., E, CLABRNGE SMITH, A. Bf.y Principals.: , Ninth; Tear. Three Departments: Primary, Acad#? mic, and Collegiate. Full college course In Classics, Mathematics, higher English, and. Natural Science, fe* those who graduate. Modem Languages, MuHic,Tatßfc?> lag, and Elocution by the best masters. For circulars*- ~ apply at the Institute, or address Box 3611 P. 0., Phi* lauelphia. ~ , ap2o-fitn» /.; PERSONAJL. PEESONAL. 1 JET BALL EAR-DROPS, 50 Cts , ie2Q-2i* > . OIGRACE-St-raet. pEESOKAL.—JEWELBY SENT BY I Mail, free of postage, to any part of the United States, on receipt of the following prices: Single-stone Imitation Diamond Ring, $1; Cluster Imitation’Diamoad Rjng, $2; Heavy-plated Test Chains, $1; Magnificent Plain Ring, $1; Heavy Plain Sings (will stand the strongest acid), oOcents;.Small Round Black Enameled Ear Drops, .60 cents; Heavy-plated' Black Enameled Sleeve Buttons, 35 cents; Gents’ Pins,. Imltauon Dia mond, $1; Imitation Diamond Studs. $2,-.Bracelets, $1? Handsomely-chased Medallions, 81; : , Complete Sets Carbuncle Studs and Buttons, sl;' Complete Sets Black ■ Enameled Studs and Buttons, with pearl setting, $1; Fancy Watch Heys, 60 cents; Pen and- Pencil, with ex tension case,'sl; Ladies’ Long-geared and Chatelaine / Hhains, $1; Chatelaine Pins $1; Genuine Gntta Perch* hains, $1; Ladie»’ and Gents’ Miniature. Pius, fo£ likenessor hair, $1; Seal Rings, $1; Locket Rings, s3* Coral Armlets, 50 cents. Direct to r . ESTLIN&.MANN. -JelM3t* - No. 916 RACE Street, Philadelphia. QAMDEL INLIMI5 f k-' BUILDING STONE, and COAL. Yard, NINTH Street, above Thompson, (west aide.) Orders received by William Marot, Jr., 811 Spring Garden street; Ghaa. H. Marot, 25 N. Sixth st. (second story), and S. Marot, 454 Chestnut st. (second story). N. B.—Aa experienced Salesman wanted. mySl-lm* COPARTNERSHIPS. THE undersigned copartner- JL SHIP, known as OSBORNE& BAKER, doing bnai ness as Photographists, at No. l4r9*North NINTH-Sk* Philadelphia, Pa., is this day mutually dissolved; and the said WILLIAM OSBORNE will hereafter conduct the business at the old stand, receiving allthe assets and paying all the just liabilities of tbe late firm.- . WILLIAM OSBORNE, SAMUELS. BAKES,. je2o-2t* Jane 16, 1864; -YTOTIGE OF LIMITED PARTNER ' SHIP. —Tle subscribers hereby give notice, under the provisions of the Acts of Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania relative to limited partnerships, that they have formed a limitf-dpartnership-, andpab lish the following ns the terms thereof: . . First. The name of the firm under which such part nership is to be is '* WILLIAM T. HOP- Stc&nd The. general'nature of the - business to be transacted is the making, fitting, baying, and selling of Ht>OP SKIRTS and the materials therefor. Third. The name of the general partner is WILLTAIT T. HOPKINS, who resides at 307 North Ninth strife, in the city of Philadelphia The name of the special part ner is JOHN B. HOPKINS, who resides at-Wye Mills, Talbot county, in the State of Maryland. Fourth Tu« amount of capital contributed bytha said special partner to the commonstockis Fifteen Hun dred Hollars. "-"Fifth. The said partnership, is to commence on the. •Eighteenth-Day of Jane, 1564, and terminate on the- Seventeenth Day of June, A. B. 1567. _ r • • WM. T. HOPKINS, J. B. HOPKINS. je2o infifc* Jove ISth, ISB-1. T3ISSOLUTION— THE COPARTNER XJ SHIP existingbetween the subscribers, under tha; name and style of BROOKS, SCOTT, & CO., is this: day dissolved by mutual consent - JAS. W. T. SCOTT. ' Philadelphia, May SI, 1564. , - COPARTNERSHIP. The undersigned have this da- formed a Copartner ship for the transaction of the BRT-GOODS COM.MIB - BUSINESS, atlQO CHESTNUT Street, Philadel phia, under the name and style of BKOOKSk SCOTT, & ORATZ. * ED W. D. BROOKS* JAS. W. T. SCOTT. RDW. GRATZ, Jr. ; je3-6t- m3t tjyl dtry 15 '-Jural, 1S«. DEOIL. THE BUSINESS OF W. J. BETTIN- J- . GERViII-be settled by his widow, at. No. 3*3 CHESTNUT Street. All indebted: wiU please coma* forward. All having claims will present them at once. jdl4-12t* *— EXCURSIONS. CUMMER EXCURSIONS! M PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD; On and after WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15th, 1864, . EXCURSION TICKETS- Will-be sold from! PHILADELPHIA to ALTOONA,., CRBSSON, DUDLEY, and MT. DALLAS, wh’ch will bet good for a return trip until OCTOBER.ISt,.ISB4» whStt; endorsedby the proprietors of the Logan House, Moos-' tain House, Broau Top City House,or the Soporintenden*- of.bedford Springs. - i -.- EXCURSION RATES FOR ISM:.. • - Philadelphia to Altoona ........... gs ,l Cresson....... ". Dudley..- * .......... 9 NX- Mt. Dalla8 %v .....' V **r—•f' *-- 9 FOR EPHRATA AND LITIE.SPRINGS. __ -The Fast Line,- leaving-ELEVENTH* and MARKKA. Streets at 11.25 A. M., makes close coauecUoiuat Land!*. ’ ville.wtth the Reading and Columbia R.K., for both Epbrata and Lttiz Springs. ' . Excursion Tickets to these points can be procured oat. any SATURDAY, good until thefollowing MONDAY; The rates of fare will be as follows: ' .. - Regular; Excursion-. Philadelphia to Ephrata. ... •$2 50 4| g jdti-Kt Ticket Agent Peana. SB.- »J«Hgk FOR ALBANY ANOTROTT JOB -TIA HELAWARK AND. .RMUT4.S OAMAU-TUe barge & Ban vers. is- Dow loading at first Moia SPBDO|I Street, and will leave fo Abe above points on WEDNES DAY, June *2<l, at efr’hloekF.M. • ••• . . ’ieM-St* 304-iS. KBLAWABS Atwuw. phrenological examd-sy* SB TIONS. with fall deariSUoM of efcaraoter, gire^ KVENlS »so^™i«^ m QOJIiD. 32EF :'V3Csuvei, and Elastic Sieol Frames, .Ere-, ni*B»ee Microscopes, Magic Lantcrna, Eteli' wlassea® for I?my and Navy nee, PhoMgraph Album*, Card Photographs, Stereosoopts and .Stereojscoplc -.Yiews. Microscopes, Thermometere, Hydromr,tere, and a large assortment of Optical, Mathematical, and philosophies. lMtrime MoALLISTBB 4t BJIOTBER, Opticians. _ XEstablUhed In 179w3») *3B CBS3WT Strok •Fifty Cents.