Vine streets, on Tuesday afternoon, 14th lust., at 2 o’clock. ** CAVE.—On Friday, 10tl« Inst., Sarah TT., widow of the late Thomas Cave, in the 70th year of hor ago. The male friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence, No. 1517 Walnut street, on Monday next at 8 o’clock I*. sf. ** HUNTER.— On tho 10th instant, Miss Amanda 31. Banter, Her relatives and friends are respectfully invited to . attend hf r funeral, from the residence of her slater. Mrs. - Martha Greer, No. 42 South Nineteenth street, on 31on« day afternoon at 5 o’clock, without further notice. ** ATKINSON. —Junefith, IsaacS. Atkinson, Sr., in his 66th year. The relative* and male frionds of tho family, and the sncmberH of Gen. Jlarrlson Lodge, No. 133. I. tv 0. F., • are invited to attend the funoral, from his late resi dence, No. 215 Sprucestreet, on 3touday,' June 13th, at 2 y. nr. -. * GREEN. —On tho 10m lost., Win M. Green, in the * 65th year of his ago. The relatives and frionds of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from his late rnsi- , dunce, No. 824 Norih Tenth street, ou aiomlay afternoon next, Juuo 13th, at 2 o’clock. Interment at Woodland ; Cemetery. TV HITA KBR.—On Friday evening, the I(HU Inst., Sarah, wife of James Whitaker, iu the 75th year. of her Age. /The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend hor funeral from the residence of husband. No, 1700 Wallace street, on Tuesday morning, atlOo'clock, wlthom further notice, ■*** HAMLIN,—In West Chester, on theBth iu«t:, Catha rine, widow of 1. Hamlin, formerly of Reading, Pa., in the 75th year of her Ago. The friends of tho family are invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence, 65 BoulUChurch Btreot, 'West Chester, on Monday, the 13th inst., at 9 o’clock, A. M. Carriages will bo in attendance at the Depot, ‘Thirty-first st, and Market, athalf-pasttwelveo’clock, 1 I\ 31., to proceed to Laurel Hill. ** TREK w!TH,—On thellth Just., Miss Mary A. Treu- TTith.ased 23year*. her mottmrs residence, d 26 Lombard street, Tuesday Jmtell, at IQ A. 31. .♦ T>LACK, ALPACAS AND GLOSSY mohairs. ■ Black Alpacas, all qualities. Black Alpacas, bombazine finish. Black Alpacas, very glassy. Black Bombazines, Lupin’s make. Black Bombazines, for summer wear, r Black English Bombazines. Black Tauiises, Lupin es make. Black English Crape and Veils. Black English Crape Collars and Sleeves. Black ana while Lawns. Ginghams. Chintzes. Jrc. BESSON & SON^MournmgStore, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. ' "DLACK CRAPE SIARETZ, GRENA k •*-' DIKES, CHALY. '• Black Crape Maretz. ; . Black Crape Maratx, \ Black Tamartines. Black Tamartines. | Black Tammatans. . Black Tamioatans. i Black Bategoa Bbck Bareges’ Black Barege nernani. . Black Barege Hernanl. 1 Black Byzantines. . Black Byzantines. 1 Black Tanmartanea. Black Taraartaaee. i Black Silk Grenadines- Black Silk Grenadines. • Black Florentines. Black Florentines. 1 Black Silk CliallSes. Black Silk ChaUles. i Black Foulard Silks, Lawns, &c BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, j je!o-3t , ' No. 018 CHESTNUT Street. DLACK BAREGE SHAWLS; >, K Black Barejreftltawls,-wool fringes. 1 Slack Barege Shawls, crape bound. 1 Black Barege Shawls, piping, &c. I Barege Shawls. I Black Grenadine Barege Shawls, silk fringes. i Black Crape Maretz Shawls. Black Silk Grenadine Shawls. Black Camel’s Batr Barege Long Shawls. Black Moussline de Laine Shawls. Black Cashmere ShawUJi jSkickThibet Showls: ■ -r BESSON & RON, Mourning Store. 5 10-3 t . No. 9XB CHESTNUT Street. jAlosst black silks.— just re- CEIVED. m One case of Lyons Taffetas. B 5 inehes wiue Lyons Taffetas, $1.75. ki inches wide Lyons Taffetas, $!.57>», }5 inches wide Lyons Taffetas, $2. S inches wide Lyons Taffetas, $2.50, T ALSO, iloult de Soles, Gros Grains, Tallies, &c. \ BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. _ TR3ACK HOUSSELINE PE LA.IHES, single widths. JU-wool MousscHnes. doable widths. Uwool MoaeseHnes, two yards wide. „ ■ BESSON & SON, atonralnffStore, No, 918 CHESTNDT Street. 17XTRA ATTENTION TO STRAN' JUi GERS DURING the sanitary fair. \ Full stock of FANCY GOODS. ' Full Sock of STAPLE GOODS. Full stock of SUMMER SHAWLS. Full stock of BLACK SILK|A. & . l aSDEIiIii , 400 AKtiH Street. ira* >ATH>SAIiUMO> arrjGXEOU TIVE COMMITTEE.—a ineetiair of the Commit tee will ho hold THIS (Monday) AFTERNOON, June 13th, at Hopkins’ Hotel, N0. '416 LIBRARY Street, at . Business of great importance. . JAMES FREEBORN, President. JOHN J. FRANKLIN, U Pcr «taries a HENRY B, GARDINER, f Secretaues ’ It UMTEI) STATES SANITARY COMMISSION. . CASH RECEIPTS. *X<mng Ladies 5 Soldiers* Aid Society, Buux- • . • - utawuey, Jefferson county. Pa... $63 00 Male School, Mo. 2. Chamberaburg, Pa., per McClure & Stoner..• 2 60 CWbuabua Lodge, Mo. 317, I. O. of 0. F., of Wrigbtsyille, Pa., per James Herr Snutu, Secretary J. J, I). .'Chester county. Pa, Miss Margaret Shippen. Previously reported * ......5133,666 83 CALEB COPE, Treasurer. Total. It THE LADIES* COMMITTEE ON ®2Ey Musical Entertainments, Instrnraentsrand Mu sic, acknowledge the following contributions, for the benefit of the Sanitary Commission, to June 9th: Concert at tiie Foyer of the Academy of Music, given by Miss Houston, Miss De Salines, and . Mr. F. H. Williams *• v • • W Concert at house of Mrs. M. 2OO 00 Concert at Handel and Haydn Hall, underau spices or Mrs. Oatheimer, Eobt. B. Cose, and John«H: Haught0n........<37 Concert at bouse of Mrs. Tevsa. ISI 00 ’Familyconcert in West Chester-*********.**.-. ■2O CKS Three private musical entertainments in West Chester filgO Concert at house of Mrs. Blais.-...**........... 102 00 ConcertbyCarlWol/sohn.atFoyerof Academy, 190 00 Concert by Mr. Pri5m........................ S 3 00 Concert by Germauia 50ciety.........j-i.-*•••• *3 5S Concert at Chestnut Hill (Mower). Hospital, ,M 0 40 Schoemaker & Co., piano -forte.-valued at-....? 600 00 Conrad Meyer, piano forte, valued at....*•*•** 4Q® ®0 William Cameron, piano forte cover,valued at 50 00 Miss Annie Hooper, accord eon, valued at 20 00. Lee & Walker, music, valued at........ ....*••• 409 03 Klemm & Brother, violins, valued at.... , 20 00 Miss Peters, line old violin, valued at.......... SO 00 Mr. Dttmmig; violin, valued at SO 00 It* Total to Juno 9th THE CITIZENS’ VOLUNTEER' -I3E? HOSPITAL ASOCIATION, BROAD and PRIME Streets, take pleasure in acknowledging tie following donations: _ Tranklin Firelusurance Co*** ....$lOO DO Jnsoranco Company of Pennsylvania*.* 50 00 S, J...., 200 00 G. V?. Robinson.»»*••... »«•••►•*«**. «.• *** •. 1 00 Major william Brooke, Pottsgrove, Montgome ry c0univ,.,,,,.,........................... 2000 11. 6 00 *rhomas Watson, 6 00 Proceeds of; Fair at 1619 Summer street, by Aobty and Liana5iaxic0ck...................... - 4 00 A. B.Branciscns. 10 00 Proceeds of Fair by Miss Jennie Broes BobestH. Ladies'Soldiers’ Aid of St. Antre\r’sChurch,l2flan- SieUhirts, 9Khirts» cQllars, oldmnj\in, & c . Ladies' Aid Society of St. Paul's j>. E. Church, 32 yon ad 8 tea, cinnamon, nutmegs, cloves, and crackers; £8 pounds castile soaps, &c., 2 jars pick\es, 24 pounds and 1 bos soda biscuit, 13 pads, 37 arm slings, 2 hams, 10 pounds cheese, 6 bottles liquors, 6 bottles cologne, dried beef, 23 hats, mosquito netting, &c. ; SewingCircleof St. Martin’s Church, Marcus Hook, *4 wool shirts, 13 pads, and 3 pairs socks. . Mrs. Boner, 7 bottles raspberry vinegar, 10 jars pre serves, and 1 jar pickles. Miss Codey, 1 basket bread and sausage. . Mrs. Mackay, 6 pair* slippers, old muslin, &c. < Mrs. Thompson, old muslin. « Mrs. John Perry, 6 bottles cologne. John P. Charlton, l ream cap paper. Mr, Gohl, 1 bag toasted buns. Mr, Graetfe, Ciaymont, Delaware, several demijohns xnHk, t , . • ' . - Mrs. Miller, shirts, pants, oranges, bandages, &c. Also, a number of donation by friends.-. H GREAT CENTRA!, FAIR—OHE MICAL BRANCH.—Additional subscriptions: : Charles Lennig Jas. F. Magee & Go< Previously acknowledged / • • : . $3,850 00 ! JOHN V. WETHERtLL, Treasurer. /PtUTiAiu., June 11,1564. It (JREAT CESTBAIi FAIR.-TUE Treasurer of the Gentlemen’s Committee of the '“Retail Dry Goods Department* 1 acknowledges the /receipt of the following contributions received since ihe last report published; Lord '& Taylor, New York * $l9O 00 David P. Mitchell, Philadelphia 25 00 John J. Lyttle. • 10 00 J. A. S., “ .....X?.. V. 500 further contributions respectfully solicited, which Avill be duly acknowledged.. .It EDWIN HALL, Treasurer. KS® FOYER OF THE ACADEMY OF ''■l® MUSIC, - THURSDAY EVENING, .Time 16, 1884; PATRIOTIC *ND SCRIPTURAL READINGS By JAMES H. FLINT... Barbara Frietchle, The Sleeping Sentinel, The Ya ■ mine (from Hiawatha), the American iFlag, Launching . of the Ship, Bridge of Sighs, Footstep 3 or. Angels, Re signation, Selections from. Sacred Poetry, kc., &c. Boors open at J£ past 7. Readings to commence at 8. ! Admission, 25 ets, Tickets for sale at Pugh’s, Sixth Sind Chestnut; AShinead & EvansY724 Cheunnt street, and at the door.- jel3-4t* ■IKS** THE CATHEDRAE OF ST. PETER MW and St. Paul, on EIGHTEENTH Street, oppo site LOGAN SQtfARE, is now open to visitors. Adniia • fclon 25 cents. ■ Proceeds for the groat ChntraLjFatr, and the Ou tran and Behtitoi'e children of Soldiers, jel3-mtuws-4t* : lira** TEI,EGRAPHINIS.—THE TELE* j GRAPHIC DEPARTMENT OP CRITTENDEN’S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, G 37. CHESTNUT Street?- corner of Seventh, is now open for the reception of . Students. Instruction is given by one of the most com plete and skilful of Operators..: . jeLLSt? ra*JfiJi'TH WARD lAKCOM ASSOCIA WSSS? TION.—A regular stated meeting of the Ninth >ard Lincoln Association will be held on TUESDAY Evening* June 14th, at 7>a o’cloclc, at the Hallj N. W. <ornerof MERKf ok and MARKET Street = JOHN-THOMPSON, President. . ii.l, Secretary, jel3~2t*_ torn* L. Hi NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS TO f 0? THE “GKEAT CENTRAL i 1 AlK.’*—At a meot lne">f the Executive Committee, held JuuelO, it was, «a puion, 'ltesolvtd, That no goods remaining unsold at the close of the Fair shall be sacrificed I>y a peremptory sale it auction, hot by hiring a store or otherwise, due measures abaU be taken immediately thereafter to se cnro their disposal at the ordinary retail prices. ’ * JelSOOt f HORACE HOWARD FURNESS, Sec’y. - -fr-58r*> TIIK THTOS Oft, COMPANY.- At a meeting of the CORPORATORS, held 3d in*., the following iotbodb were elected DIRECTORS to esrro the ensuing roar: C W, McCLINTOCK, JOSEPH D. KJ.MS. WILLIAM PARVIIf, Jit., ISAAC S.SERKILL, MICHAEL HEINHARD, JOSHUA PEIRCE, GEORGE THOMAS, Jr. Bnlsennently tho Board of Directors elected C. W. McCLiXTOCK President, And H, H. SHILLIKGFORD Secretary and Tre&pnrer. H. H. SHILLINGFORD, Secretary. ; June 10, IS&. : It. tjZ&T* KOTI€E-3I*EKNSTLTAKIA VETE JP 5 ; BINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. -The tioarterly Meeting of tt.e Association will ho hold at the Agmung-of the A«nc«ltnral Society. No. 330 WaL on 1 ttESDAY, June 14th, atll o'clock A, M. jel3-2t* JAMES McCOtfeT, Y. S. Sec’y. jßjSfir- HISiTOItICAI SOCIKTY' OF «^ W^ S ? T i hV^ NI A ® kAt ® rl meeting the So wlU bf held at the Rooms, ATHENiEIJM BUILD i?r?VTSA?i TI ! beIowWALNUT, THIS (Monday) EVENING at 8 o’clock. SAML. L. SMEDLEY; * 1 It Recording Secretary. sKjsr° ; office komekset iron and GOAL COMPANY OP PENNSYLVANIA, 81 CEDAR Street, . . New Your, June 10, 18f>4. NOTICE is hereby,given that, purnuant to a refla tion of the Board of Directors, an iustnlmentof TWEN TY PER CENT, on the subscription lo the Capital Stock of thR SOMERSET IKON AND COAL COMPANY OP PENNSYLVANIA be. and hereby is, made payable to JAMES WADSWORTH,- Treasurer of said Company, on or before the IStb day of July next. jel3-tjy)B- -Attest: T. M. TYKO, Secretary. ASST* WHEAT- CMTBAfi FAIII-OPfiN DAILY, from 10 o’clock A, M. to 10 o’clock P. SL SEASON TICKETS, admitting to all parts bat Child ren's Exhibition,..,..... ..$5 00 ’Single adniisskn. so , (Children under 13 years half price.) . J hiß admits to 8i out of the DO departments represented jD the Fair, and to much more than throe-fourths of the •entire apace covered by the buildings. . - * ■ Certain dcpanmencH. nine in uumber, containing ar -tlcleß chioliy for exhibition, aud not for sale, have neon Mmitted to charge a separate price of admission, aa ows; .Art Ga11ery............. Arms and TropJiiea Department Heltcs and Curiosities.. /Indian Dopartmont Signor Blitz'^performances.... /William Penn Par10r.......... JSkattugJPond.., ■/Divan 123a1l Boom JeS-tf 25 cents, ..... 20 cents, ...... 25 cents • 20. cents, ..... 25 cents ...... 25 cents. ■ 15 cents. ..... 10 cents ...... 10 cents, ...... 10 cents. BOfIACE HOWAJ»>TukS ||®» UNITED STATES . CXIBISTIAN COMMISSION.—Cash acknowledgments forth* two weeks ending Jane 0» ISG4r North western Branch Christian Commission, Chicago, IHicoia.. $5,000 00 Ladies’s Auxiliary Christian Commissions connected with the following clmrchus: First Presbyterian Church, Kouslugton, $5Ol 00 Sevonth do ilo Philadelphia, 263 00 Church of the Mediator. Philadelphia... 3uQ 00 Presbyleriau Church. Cohockslnk 64 00 Teutb PreHbyterittnChurch,Thiladolphia2S3 15 Presbyterian Church West Spruce itreat 142 00 First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia 163 00 . Princeton do do West do 166 00 Fir>t Reformed Presbyteriau Church do 68 50 First Raprist Church. do 71 00 Second llnited Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia,,«... ls> 00 First Reformed Butch Church, Phila delphia..... S 3 00 Union Presbyterian Church, Philadel phia 92 60 Calvary Monumental Church, Philadel phia 2609 Third United Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia 44 00 Ladles’Christian Commission. Holrnes burg... 25 00 North Broad-street Presbyterian Church 370 60 Church of the tSpiphuny, Philadelphia.. 20 00/ Ninth Presbyteriaa Church, 1 Uiiadel jdiia.. lis 00 Clinton-street Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia...... 150 00 •llmrch of the Jutercessor, Philadelphia 100 00 Ninth United Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. * 35 00 3,274 75 ■Western New York Branch Christian Commis Sion, Buffalo,New York,perF.Gridley,Trea surer 2,000 00 Chrintiau Commission, Rochester, New York, per O. 1). Grosvenor, Treasurer 1,200 00 Davis Rearson & Co., half proceeds of sale of coal. 3,SSO 61 Christian Commission, Peoria, 111........ 1,500 00 Christian Commission, Newark, per James D. Orton, Treasurer 1,000 00 Army Committee, Portland, Me. , per C.Sturte vaut, Trea5urer........................ 1./KX3 00 Colleeiibv at Amsterdam,New York, por D, J. McMartin....................................... 1,030 00 Army Committee, Detroit, perH. C. Walker.. 1,000 00 Coll«ction at Columbia, Pennsylvania-... 1,015 95 Ladies’ Association, Uhainberaburg, Pennsyl vania,per Miss Mary E. aicCulich, Secretary. Ladies’ Aid Society, Fannetsburg, Pennsylva nia, per Messrs. McClure & Stoner.. Soldiers’ Aid Society, Point Pleasant, Pennsyl vania, per A. Th0ma5........ J, : V. williauiHon........*•»•**> -vt* Samuel Small, York, Pennsylvania..sloo 00 Mrs, S. Small, do do .. 25 00 Chass. A. Moore, do do •• 00 00 Rev. Mr, Baum, do. -do .. 600 DanitfrCraiD, do do . .. 200 Mrs. C.A.Moore, do do •• *999 8.-E. Small,, do -.><o. .. 25 00 Army Committee* Utica, N. Y... •Ariflv Committee* Albany.' 2s T ;■ Y............... Armv Committee, Utica, IL Y........ Sirs. Slaty H. Stevens, Claremont, N. H Harlan, Hollingsworth, & Co., .Wilmington, Del., (additional) Collection at Adams’ Stilts, Ohio, ner M. Scott Citizens of Lawrence township, New Jersey, perß. P. Breatly* Cash, (contributor unknown) Z. Guinmell, Philadelphia li. Cretiswell, do M.'CreßSvretir do Le BuntUUer Brothers Sabbath School, Sixth Pres&ytarian Church, peril, B; 5............. Alexander 8idd1e...... «•...... -. -* •. •••••• • * • • • • Soldiers’ Aid Society of M. E. Church, PoUs ville.'Pa., per Thomas Cooch Samuel C. Ford. (Epiphany c011ecti0n)......... Collection at Princeton, if. J., and vicinity,per Kev. George H00d........... American Life Insurance and Trust Company.. Collection at Hanford, Coon., per A. 0. Ham mood. treasurer, (additional) Congregational Church, Delevan, Wls. $lOO S 9 Lacies 5 Loyal League, do do 10 00 net L. Eddy. Ladies’ Aid,. Fifth street Hospital, Pliiladel* phia, per trea5urer..................... Ladies* Soldiers* Aid Society, Birmingham, Pa Collection iu Chester Valley, Pa. , per -Rev. K. M. Patterson..... Contribution ‘ from citizens of, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, •« .......,..-.-..-..5300 00 Lebanon Bank, Pennsylvania, per K. A. „•- Lamberton.... 00 .525 00 Collection at First Presbyterian Church,Pkila. 138 45 Contribution from First Election district of = ■ ” . ti-Vn of York, N. Y., per Duncan Haggart.. 365 5o Employers and employees of the_ blateiuale School mate Jlanuiactonea ana tinarnes in ■ Lehigh county, Pennsylvania,.perZ.Locke. 100 00 Gn at Valley Onion Association. .fclw 00 Isaac King -lw joi 00 St. Andrews Protestant Episcopal Church, Wiluiingion, Delaware, per Bishop Lee,.... 100 00 Army Committee, \VheeliDg, Virginia.;....... ISI 61 Airs. Elizabeth J. P. Shields, Wilmington. • • • Delaware, (additional).....*.*.... ' *lOO 00 Ladies’ Christian Aid Society, Mercersburg, . . Pennsylvania--- . Chvistiad Commission. Troy, N. Y.. per F.P. - Allen, Treasurer M 0 00 Armv Committee, Ann Arbor, Michigan....;.. 293 S Martin Br-il, Sabbath; Pest, JBimr county,. „ -Peunsyivania.loo 00 Collections in Churches m Newport, R. 1., per W. H. Cranston, May0r...................... 063 ®s> Win. B. Clyraer, Welishoro, Pennsylvania... 100 00 Christian Commission, Providence, K. I , per "VV J. King**... <OO 00 Collection at Lock-port, N. Y. , j!er_ Young • Men’s Christian Union, per C. names, *aJU laJ, Army Committee, Albany, N. Y- perW. Me- ■ Elroy, Treasurer..— • ®0 CO Christian Commission. Bangor, Maine 200 00 ladies’ Soldiers’ Aid Society, of Derry and Decatur, Pennsylvania, i£> &i M. E. Church, Smethport, Pa., per Rev. L.A, _ • Stevens **••**•••.•**••.*-*•*** ***************** ■ 155 jo Citizens of New Brunswick, .N. Jersey. SS2 25 Proceeds of a little-girl's fair, at ft sir Brunswick, New Jersey -a! UP ' ■ ladies' Soldiers’ Aid Society, Salem, N. Y-- 100 00 Presbyterian Church, Wilkesbarrc, Pennsyl- . - yanitt, per Key. Dr. Hodge.-- - —• • MS.® Ladies' Aid Society, Lewistown, PennsylTa nia, per St S. Elder, Treasurer. ••• • ••■• 1®». Crawford Lodge, No. 234, A. Y. Masons, Me»a- ■■■ fine. Pennpylrania. ” l® ® Presbyterian Church, Pittsgroye, New ■ ■ ; Presbyterian Sabbath School. Pitts* _ grove, Now Jersey. U " Ladies’ Missionary Society of Presbyte- ■ rian Church, Pittsgrove, New Jersey -A vl T C Henry & Co. (additi0na1)................. 150 P 0 Collection at BrasheTFalls, St. Lawrence co., _ • lv ate York »*.*.•**.**#.*•••*••'*■**•.•.•*•*•***** . w Collection in All Saints’Protestant Episcopal - _ Church, per Rev. George Bnnghurst.*.;**.**. 197 05 English Lutheran Church, PottsviHe,Pennsyl- - . vania.perßev I«. M. K00n5........ *•*;.*»•*■ M 25 Presbyterian Church, Marcellus, New lorlc, per Rev. Ji.lin Tompkins. *7 2/ Presbyterian Church., Bedford, New York,per Rev. George —“v 00 Presbyterian Church, West Alexander, Pa., _ per B. L. Craven (additional...... *•••♦-•*•••* 2d JU . Prrst Presbyterian Church, Cato, N. Y., per - Rev. J B. 0herri11............................ Id oo Congregation at Bannemora, N. Y., per E. __ „ Max^h............... •'»•••*».••*•••“•*••» * Ait OU Aid Society, of West Plkelind, Pa., per Miss _ Soldiers’ Aid Society, Honeybrook, Pa. Caddi- ■ ■ „ tionall ..*..••• ou w Miss Till'ie C. McDonald, New Brunswick,N. X IS 25 Congregational Church,Xorlhteld,Conn.*W « Congregational Church,'Bristol, Conn... 50 QQ William Hand, MreticHlTer, Connecticut. —. MrsM. L. Kawdatl. do. ■ d O■ V• ttfv 15 00 Citizens of Olney, Twenty-second.ward, Phi- . ‘ ladelphia—.... • 63 00 Baptist Church, Moorestown, Burlington co.. New Jersey, per Bey. Miller Jones— 22® .Mrs. A. McDonald—.. —— 'L'"’""* aViin Dr. G; K. McCoy, Doylestown, Pa— —...» oo A.H..Gibba, , ;; do— 8 00, Miss Jane Dunlap, do, ° OO w Per Mrs. Julia P. Brock: . Sabbath-OTOningiloncert, Terryyille, Connec- M ticut, per Milo Blakesley,.treasurer.-..--. .25 35 Lower Tuscarora Presbyterian Church at Aca j demia, Juniata co., Pa.,per J. H.Shuinaker. M W h Ladies’ Soldiers’ Jid Society, Jackson, town- _ - thip, Pa., per Dr. M. Miller-.-- -..- UO5 - Methodist Church, Flemlttgtoa, N. J—- S 3; ® A Lady, do,per Miss H. Hill. oM m Tabor Presbyterian Church, per Jas. Patterson,’ . . M 27 Hiss Agnes Dayidson, Newark, New Jersey- 20 00 Collected byE. P. Torrey, Honesdale, Penua. 40 M Mrs. Mary Brewster, Shirleysburg...... *5 00 Miss Maggie Brewster, Shirleysburg..- 10 W M m Collection at Milford, Massachusetts--;. $15 30 . Collection at areeuyUle, Massachusetts.. IS 00: c “ ! ' h —— 33 60 First Cor gregatioual Church, Sherburne, New York. in ax Rev. (j. D. Blescue, Suspension Bridge, New York ; 31 3U Captain J. J. Glassou, Uiuted States ship “Brandywine”-- 00 Captain O, Newell, United States ship “Brandywine” ---- —° UP p) 00 Mrs. Elizabeth Agnew, Gettysburg, Pennsyl- - •rftiiiHi--ptt2.aaTn.uel Agaew*. •.................. AJ w Tlie different Soclouea a»UrCortgreksilions of - Moriah, New York, per Rev. -Mr.if.-wood.. 2S 43 Presbyterian Church at Oxford, Fennsylyania, per Rev. Francis B. Hodge(additlonal)...... 26^ Collection at Adamsville, Pennsylvania, per E. A. McKee.............. 13® Ladies’ Aid Society, Washington, Ohio.. . 50 00 Ladies’ Aid Society of M. E. Church at Easton, Pennsylvania, per Rev. WDliam Hance--... 65 00 George A. Miller & Co.•••»/.• v 50 00 Male Bible Class of AH Saints’ Church. Moya menjing, perß. A. L 10;0Q From the purseof a soldier,slain on the battle field near Spottsylvabia, ® J. C. Baum, Brown street, Philadelphia . 50 00 Mrs- J. M. 5c0tt.......... .a*.. .......... 25 00 John Johnston, per T. Tolman, Treasurer , Army Committee, Fifth Baptist Church v 70 00 George W. Fobes, Philadelphia (additional)-. : 25 00 Presbyterian Church, Asbury, New Jersey, per J. R. Eckard.............................. 50 00 Wilson Thomas, Milford, New Jer5ey......... -10 00 McKeen .......................... 60 00 Union Presbyterian Church, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, per Rev. u. W, Stewatt...... 75 00 Sabbath School of Trinity Church, Mount Hoi* - ly, N. J., per F. B. Levif..................... .* Caleb S. Green, Trenton, R.J c w Friends at French Creek, West Virginia, (ad ditional). ....v... St Peter’s Protestant Episcopal Church, at Pbccnixviile, Pa., per Ellis Reere5i......... Soldiers’ Aid Society, New Cumberland, West V irginia, per R. Crangle Henry R Gilbert.... Ladies' Christian Commiesion, First United Presbyterian Church........................... Presbyterian Cliureh, Forks of Brandywine, Pa., per Rev. J. N. C. Grier (additional).... A few Friends in North Jasper, N. Y., perS. Jjamson.. Soldiers’ Aid Society, Brooklyn, Pa...... Collection in Presbyterian Church, Ickesburg, Pa J. Cantine, Novelty Iron Workß, N. Y.. ...... Collection at Union Prayer Meeting at M. E. CJinrch. llolraeßburg... Wm. H. Simpson W. S. Pierce. f. S. Hoovcv & Bro., per J. P, (additional)... t. John’s Episcopal Church, Peqaa, (addi ditional) ......i Presbyierian Church, West Nantmeal,perßev. D. u. Meeker. Third Reformed Presbyterian Church...;...... Christian Commission, Gettysburg, Pennsyl vania-... Soldiers’ Relief Association, Thompsonville, Connecticut, per Miss Jantt Alexander, Sec sWTbVs E. L.. Church, Liltiestown, Penn sylvania * $5l 00 St. Luke's E. L. Church, Littletowni Pennsylvania 11 00 ... sl2ft 50 133,037.33 $3,643 48 One half of one day’s proceed of J. P. Gray’s Shaving Saloon. Collection at Union Prayer Meeting, Hamilton ■ Square, New Jersey, per John H. Clarke.... First Congregational society, Berkshire,Tioga county, New Ybrk, per Chauncey Hitchcock Presbytei fen Churclj, MarionviUe, New York, per Rev. David Ly0n.......................... J. S. Chambers. Trenton. New Jersey Presbyteriun Church, Waterford, Pennsylva nia, per T. T. 8radf0rd...............i....... Reformed Dutch Church, New Concord, New York, per Rev. 1). A. J0ne5........... Proceeds of a Festival held by the Young La .. dies of Oxford, Chester eouuty, Pennsylva nia, per J. li. Cunningham... A Friend, Toledo, 10wa.......;.... Ladies’ Christian Commission, Allentown-... Sabbath School of Si. Jehu's .Episcopal Church, per Rev. Charles L0gan...... Collection at Seventh Sabbath School Conven* tlon, Fifhkill, New York, perM. A. Fowler, Treasurer .........,s*24 3$ Sabbath School of Dutch Reformed Cbureli, Gicnham, New York, per E. IT. Bcarord..... 15 03 Mrs, James Orne, Philadelphia ................ Presbyterian Church,'AnsonviUe, per W. M. Burchfield Presbyterian Church; Providence, Pennsyl vania, per Rev. Samuel- Whaley J. lloke sc Co., Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, per McClure A Stone •••* •• Union Protestant Congregation, Berlin©, Illi- Mr». Dr. Matthews, Rochester, Now York-... Lutheran Church, BUneraviLle, Pennsylvania, •z per Rev. Daniel Banner..... Ladies’ Aid Society, lekesburg, Pa Ladies’ Auxiliary to Christian Commission, connected with the . Eighteenth Baptist - .Church, per:Mr. Seddinger. Methodist- Episcopal Church; LAnsingburg, New York, per Flack & 8r0.................. IJeUiodist Episcopal Congregation, Jonesvillo, tt York, per M. K. Kennedy............... United Presbyterian Congregation, West He bron, New Y0rk..... ...,.$42 50 United Protestant Congregation, West 1-lobron, New York-... 4142 per W. It. McKee 4 Miss Henrietta Dodd, Fairfield, Michigan...,. Collection at East Alien, Pennsylvania Second Roformed PreebyterianClmrch, Seven teenth 5treet.......;.;... Some of the Employees of Samuel S. White’s Manufactory, No. 528 Arch street. ChottHtthua Lodge, No 317, L. 0; of 0. F., Wrightsville, Pencft...... ..... Collected by Bliss Lydia Litchfield and Bliss Sophia 11. Merrill, at Flying Poiut and Wolf’s Keck," 81aine........................... ;St. Paul’s. Protestant Episcopal Church; Bloonjalmrg, Feinia., perßev. Thomas H. Cu11en.................... United Presbyterian Church, Nowviile, Penn sylvania, peril. F, Robinson, Treasurer.,., 217 00 132 25 600 00 334 53 100 00 26 00 125 00 ....... 100.00 m oo 250 00 100 00. 500 00 Collection at Poundridge, New York, per J, Patter50n................... .... .... Presbyterian Church, Summit Hill Pennsyl vania* per If. Patterson . $ll 00 J. S., Summit HUI, Pennsylvania, 10 00 perN. l*atter#ou . Mrs. Ellen Gibbons, West Chester, Pennsyl vania, j«r W. E. Moore.. Cash. .......... Collection at Beaver Meadow and Coleraine, lVnttHylvanla, per Bliss S. B. McClaun* Presbyterian Church, Hugiuonvilie, N. Y. Bliss A. M. Houghton, East Orange, W. J..... Bliss Helen E. reck......... ,Bipthodist Kplscopdl Sabbath School, St. Clair, Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania, per Bon jaiuin Bannan * First Presbj ferian Church, Springfield, Now York, per Kev. I>. Vanvakeuborgh... Collection at a Union Prayer Moetlug al Wal* doborongh, Maine, per floury Kennedy.... Ladies* Aid Society of Methodist Episcopal Church,- Sninmerneld (additi0na1).......... Mr: John Clayton’s Bible Class of St. Mark's Church, Frnnkford E. G. G., Trenton, New Jersey Mrs. Charles F. Maurice, Sing Sing, N. YV Collection at: Gahvay, N., Y , (additional) Presbyterian Church, North llendoreon, ill. Alt SHluts* Protestaut Episcopal Clmrch, per Keverend Georgo Briuglmrat..... St. Peter’s M. E. Clmrch, Beading, Penua. J. K. Alderman, Woodstown, Now. Jersey.... Young Men of the Grove M. E. Ciiurcli, Ches ter county, Pennsylvania Kev. A. Lawrence’s Congregation, Port Mon mouth Army Committee, Gotty.shnrg, Penha.... M. E. Church, Salem Charge, Chester co.. Fa: Salem. $;>S 50 Charlestown ♦ «•* 32 76 Musical Entertainment, held by tho Young Ladies of PUUfnrd, Vi,, per James Barrett Ladies’ Aid Society, Green Bay, Wis , cousin v........... $5O 00 F. K. Shettler. Green Bay, Wisconsin, per Bliss Julia Nutter 0 00 Collected by Eev. Z. Paddock; Castle Creek, Now Yorki..... Baptist Church. Diamond Grove, 111in0i5...... Ladies’ Aid Society. East KishacoquiUaa, Penn sylvania.......... George Hencb, Centre, Pennsylvania Bethel Sabbath School, Middletown,Tennsyl- Firet Presbyterian Church/ Altoona, Pennsyl- . van1a........................... ••v*U* Citizens of Rochester, New York, per J B. Ward. ......................... Mrs. E. W. Collier, Freehold, New Jersey..,. George IV Clarkson, New York, per 11, L. Morehouse.....* First BxptiBt Church, Salem,New Jersey...sss Mrs. Martini Ramsey* d 0......- C Church at 'West Salway, New York Citizens of Croton, .Delaware county, New York irniy Committee, Dtica, New York Ladies.’ Society, Malone, Franklin county, New York, per Mrs. Samuel C. Wead ...... Associate -Reformed Prcsby tcrlau Church, Mon gaup Valley, New Y0rk................. First Presbyterian Churcli, Seneca Falls, Now Y0rk.......... - Uniou Soldiers’ Aid Society, Phelps, N Y., per Mrs. M. .T. Browning, (additional)...... Ouizeut of spring, Pennsylvania, per John Blodgett Preshyienan School, AS right* ville, Pennsylvania........ ■ First Congregational Chin-cl;, Bancor, IS. 1... U. r. Church, Cuylersville, New Y0rk........ ; Ladies’ Soldieis' Md Society, East Salem, New Female Seminary, Hnrrltburg, Pennsylvania,. per Miss H. L. Dexter... ■ . C. V. M. G. Company, Carlisle, Pennsylvania Congregational Church and.Sociely, beilevue, t bio.* >•••** Proceeds of Juvenile Concerts at Gettysburg* Pennsylvania, perT. D. Carson..*. German Lutheran Zion’s Congregation, Lan caster county, Pennsylvania, per li. W. Scbmahk, pastor. « .A' few Ladies in Iberia, per G. S. Rice.... baptist Church, Fairview, Pennsylvania...... Miss M. E. 13eaty, Teuton, bewf Jersey....... Baptist Cburek.Keadiug,Pennsylvania, (addi- Sackett’s Ha rbor, % Tork... . v ... •«« •* * * First Presbyterian Church, Greenwich, New Jersey Mrs Susan E. Moore, Wilmington, Delaware. “Mrs. J)., 1 * Kingston. Pennsylvania.......... AFriend, Westfield, New Jer5ey................ Mrs. Elizabeth Malveu, Stroudsburg, Pa...... Miss Francis Platt, Owego, bew Y0rk..... .... Rose Point, Lawrence county, Pennsylvania, per Rev. J. C. Smith...... SL John’s Church,New Jmndon,Pennsylvania. Bereaved Parent 5......... ••... First M, E. Church, Longßranch.Ncw Jersey, per Rev. W. E. Franklin....•••••j. William Hand, Mrs. M.-L. Randall, Mystic River, Connecticut (additional)-. K.* S.V Harrisburg, Pennsylvania L. H. L. (ahoy). Congregational Church and Society, Ellsworth, Connecticut A Licentiate; North Stamford, Connectirni .... Mrs John Arnold, Reading Pennsylvania, par Mrs. Rosa M. Nicoils .......................... Fahbatb School, Aftou, New York, per Mrs.R, 0. Willie ' Presbyteriau Church, Andover,.N. Y Rev. P. Camp, Andover, New York ■- . 7,25 Iff. Shoup, Marion, Pennsylvania/«••••• • 5 00 Presbyterian Church, Tuscarora, Kew York, „ L, E. B , Big Fiat,-New York-- . G 00. Mrs.P. A. : King.. -, 1 00 3 m F. P. Tell, Germantown, Pa--................ ! 2 00 Rev. Warren Kims, per Rev. Bishop James, j> b...,.,, 5 00 A Class of Little Girls, Canandaigua, New To k • William Patton, Sandwich, Illinois..- 6 00 W. C, Pollock ...................... 5 00 llj p 1» M( « . , : 5 00 Mrs’. Susan L. Ban-son, Jasper \ * T. J. Brown, Toledo, Ohio—’ 500 A member of Presbyterian Church, Bedford-, . Kew York... .............. 5 00- James Damott, Rutland,Vermont......; & 00 Trinity Church, Athens, Pennsylvania, per. Kev. J. McAlpin Hardie ——— —0 00 Juvenile Soldiers 5 Aid Association of Kew . ;Philadelphia, Pennsylvania..i *OO A Little Girl.... 10 I jj y 100 j Her. S. E. Brown, Herkimer, KewTork...... V 9« Miss Jane Johnston..... ** v , o Mies Fanny Johnston. —— *.‘**\** g }ci S. and W. 3). Avery, Belvidere, 111............ 2 00 A. Slaughter, Middletown, K.Y................ 5 00 Dot •**••• —-v:—; 600 J. F. Busch- ”^22 • Michael Foxrf 1 £> William Landis... ; I vP g AFriend.Vtckslmrg, Mississippi------.- >1.00; Mrs. Emeline 5tewart........................... - 100 Baptist Church,, Andover, Kew York.... - ..= Bgg Miss Tellie Davidson, Newville, Penna........ 5 W Mrs. Stoddard, South Freeport, Maine........ 2 00 A Lady from Butler county, Pennsylvania-- v 5 00 Mrs. F..T. W., Kew York (additional)..--- 5 00 M. Bo sly n, Inland, Cedar county, 10wa......-- 500 M. B, Boyd./Kewville, Pennsylvania.... 6 00 MissS. D. Small, York, Pennsylvania B 00 BobertDttff, Highland 2 00 Mr. Guild. Bangor. Marne;.--- j> gg Miss Mary Allen, Newark, New Jersey- . 200 jlu. Freedom Iron Works'Sabbath School, Lewis town, Pennsylvania, per John ; Summer, _ Treasurer.------ * ' 2 R. Messenger -- i. w Cash • 27 v. - gtg),sS6 3S Amount previously acknowledged ♦••525.850 00 Total ~....565,936 38 JOSEPH PATTERSON, Treasurer. We regret that in our last acknowledgments, in. cor recting one error, another was committed. Mr. Joseph F. Page wascredited with tfo.QQ, ’ when it should from the ‘ ‘Preshj-terian Church at ClayviUe, Washington county, Pennsylvania, *40.30, per Key. Alex. McCawaU ’’ should have been par “Eer. Alexander McGarrelL The UNITED STATES CHRISTIAN COMMISSION heg leave to acknowledge the receipt of the following additional Hospital Stores np to the 9tkinstant: Pennsylvania;. Co&tesTille-S boxes; Ladies I ’.Aid Society. Pickerlnß-4 boxes, Central Aid Society, MuMy—3 Boxes, Ladies'Aid Society. . ■ Shickshinny—l bos, Soldiers Aid Society. Goshen—l box, 2 barrels. Female Aid boeletyv . IpMa—l box, Trinity Protestant Episcopal -Ibex, St. Jobn's Cbnrch. , Pbiiadetphia—l package, St Joseph s Chnrcb. Pbiladelpliia-1 box, Union ME. Church. - •• Philadelphia—2 boxes, Army Committee, Piftn Bap. Philadelphia—l package, Church. . . . Philadelphia-1 package, Frankford . Presbyten&n ° miadelphia— 1 package, Twelft]*Eftptii t Church. Philadelphia-1 package, “An Aged Friend. Philadelphia—l package, Miss Kate Sauhier. . Philadelphia-^,340 reports, Jas. H. Baird. Philadelphia—l package, Mrs. A. Winer Philadelphia—l,ooo pairs crutches, OlUs & Brother. Philadelphia—3 hue dies and 1 box, unknown. Kew Philadelphia—l box, Juvenile Soldiers' Aid So- Ci Hairisbnrg—l4 boxes, Quarterioaster General of Penn sylvania. . * Academia—l box. Ladies’ Aid Society. ; Osceola—2 boxes, Ladies’ Aid Society. •; Bethlehem—2 boxes, Ladies’ Christian Commission. Germantown—2 packages. Ladies’Christian Commis sion, Second PresbyterianCbuTch. _ ■ , Germantown— 2 boxes. Trinity Lutliern Church. Germantown—l box, Christ Church. Wilkesbarre— l box, Soldiers’ Aid bociety.; Point Pleasant—2 boxes, Soldiers’s Aid Society. Pottsville—l firkin, “Friends.”; ' _ „ , Eastou-4 boxes, Ladies’ Aid Society of M.E.-Church. West Chester-6 boxes, Mrs. R. L Worthington.' Muhlenbnrg—l box, Soldiers’Aid Society. Stroudsburg—l keg, Mrs. E, Malvern. , _ ■ ■ Poylestown —4 barrels, 2 boxes, 1 package,.Ladies’ A BrSeBbSg and Whit ehall -2 barrels, 2 boxes, Soldiers’ Relief Association. = • , . , . . ' Huntingdon-4 boxes, Soldiers’Aid Societr. Jersey Shore—S boxes, Ladn-a* Soldiers’Aid Society. Downington—s boxes, Ladies’ Aid Society. , ‘ ■ Honeybrook—6 barrels, 1 box, Ladies’ Aid Society, Kiskacouulllas—3 boxes, 1 keg, 1 firkin, Aid Society. Espy—l box, Ladies. ' . 2 Radnor—l box, ladies* Ala society. : . Allentown—l box, Lacies’ Christian Commission. Rome—l box. Ladies. • ■ Alexandria and Porter, townships—s boxes, Ladies’ Aid Society. v Kingston—l keg, Ibox,Ladies’ Christian Commission. Philadelphia—3 dozen jelly, Bfrs. William Gallagher. Philadelphia—lbox, Spring GardenPresbyt’n Church. Dt>rry and Decatur—2 boxes. Ladies’ Aid Society. Bristol—l tierce, 1 box, 1 barrel. Ladies’ Aid Society. Lancaster—SC boxes, 1 barrel, '* Patriot Daughters. Abingdon—s boxes, Ladies’Aid Society. Norristown—l package, 1 Sarah Hughes. Harrisburg—l box. Female Seminary. Homevillo—l box, Ladies’ Aid Society. .. Harteville—l box, 1 barrel, Ladies’Aid Society, • Bath— l barrel, Soldiers’Aid Society. Jannersviile—l box. Ladies’ Aid Society. Waynesburg—l box, ———. St. Clair—l box, Patriotic Ladies, . Upper Providence aud Perkiomea townships—3 boxes, Soldiers’ Aid Society. • _ - •Holmeeburg—l box, Mrs. R. Pattiaon. Carbondaie—lbox, Ladies. ••• • r MinersviUe—lbox, Soldiers’ Aid Society. Gettysburg—4 bdxeis. Female Seminary. . PottsvUle—4 boxes, Soldiers’ Aid Society. Philadelphia-1 box, Nazareth E-Church. , : Philadelphia—l package, St. John’s Lutheran Church. Lower Providence—3 boxes, 1 keg, Aid Association. NEW JERSEY. Fleroington—2 boxes, Ladies’Aid Society. Bacon’s Neck—l box, 1 barrel, Ladies’Aid Society. Bordentown—l basket, N. Shatesthwait. " Clarkesboro—2 boxes, Soldiers’ Aid Society. Lawrence Township—l box, Citizens. . Woodbury—l barrel, Ladies’ Aid Society. Hackettetown-ri box, Ladies. : 4 . Stewnrtsville—l box/Soldiors* Aid Society, Oedarvilie—l box, Soldiers’ Relief Society. Woodbridge—l box, Ladies.- . .... Princeton—2boxes, Ladies. :. - Six* mile Run—l box, Soldiers’Aid Society, .Tnmesburg—l box, Sunday School. ' ;, . / , , Mdoresfcowh—l barrel, 1 box, 1 package, Ladies’ Aid Society. NEW YORK. ■ Albany—7 boxes, Branch United States Christian Com mission. . , ' '' ' Buffalo—l keg, 11 boxes, Ladies’ Christian Commia* NewYork—G,QGO ‘' Visitors, ’ ’ Evangelical Knowledge Society. . : New York—l box, Blra. J. E. Holden. Shushan—6 barrels, Ladies’Aid Society. Salom—l box, Ladies’. Aid Society. , Oneida—l package, Rev. L. Hartsough. : Utica—l box, Wolcott & Campbell. . Dansville—2 boxes, 2 barrels, 2 kegs, Soldiers’ Aid Society. / : . Hochenter—Bl»xe'B,3bairols,YounELadios’ Christian Commission. W. Clarkson—3 barrels, Ladies* Aid Society.- Aftou —1 bundle, Tcachor and Class. Waterford—l boxes, 3 hftrrele, l firkin, Ladles’ Aid Society. Dryucn—l box, Ladies’ Aid Society. Hempstead—2 boxes, J. H. Seaman. Long Island—l box, J. C. WaUes, Flashing. MASSACHUSETTS. . Boston—l4s boxes, Young Men’s Christian Associa tion. . - .. ■■ - East ITatiipton—2 boxes, Soldiers’Aid Society. : Mitldleboro—l box, Ladies’ Soldiers’ Aid Society, , ■ CONNECTICUT. Abington—l barrel, Congregational Church. Hartford—l barrel. Soldiers’Aid Society. North Woodstock—l box,Ladies’.Benevolent Society. DELAWARE. St. George’s—l box, Ladies* Aid Society. Wilmington—2 boxes, Delaware State Association. Wilniiiigtou—l package, Bliss E. J. P, Shields, BFAINE. - - Portland—3 boxes, Agency IJ, S. Christian CommU bioti. * Ohio. * Cleveland—4 boxes, 1 keif, unknown. ’ YiliulNlA. Wheeling— 6 boxes, It. Cracglo. Triadelphia—2 boxes, Ladies IN3>l ANA. . Indianapolis—2 boxes,^Lsvdieß^, Ml OHIOAN. Detroit—l box, .1 tlrkiu, Army Committee U. S. Cbriatian Commission. . Grateful for the support received in the past, wo would urge upon our friends throughout the couutry tlio necessity for still greator exertion, to accomplish the constantly increasing work laid before us. Thousands of our bravo boys h* vo suffered la tbo late battles. These the Commission U doing everything in Its power THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY, JUNE to rollevPr and otflyask of tbo country the moans to meet more fully tho c'xigpnciOH of tlio day. Stores mny So sent to GEORGE IT. Srm'UT, Chairman Ui#Sed States Christian Contmieniow, No. 11 UANKSfroet, "jpl3 • • } > Diladoinh'iw,’ FU, #33B*' WItKAT CfTfifTHAI, FAIH.-CASU RECEIPTS A'3 THE GENERAL TItEASCKIf. 1 Committee on Wines and liiquora: Per George Cromolieu, Cftiiiirtitan SI,92Q‘QO Coimnitteo on Kiibor, Income, and Roveauo, per John W. Olaghorn, Treasurer. 50,000 00 Miss Mary K. Sturm 20 00* Employees of Hie Atlantic Saw-Mill Company, Goldsboro, York county, Pl& , per John A. Hi!lie, Chairman* Hetnil Pry Goods Department: . Per Mrs. Lr-Lueien Moss, Troaanror.i ~ Committee on WinSSaudldcttfora: Per George Croinelieu, Treasure? and Chair man—-additional... 300 00 B. U... GO 00 Miss Millie M. Stroug 25 00 Coflection in Todd Township, Huatingdon county. Pa., per Elisha Roberts... —.5123 85 Counterfeits. 450 . „ _ 119 35 10 00 2100 20 00 10 03 12 00 12 00 19 00 William T. Rico, U. S. Consul, Bpewla,.ltaly. Col. William .L. Long, .Naval btoroksepcr, Spexzia, Italy, .... Proceeds of a Sterling bill for £OO ss. lid, contributed by the officers and craw oi tho ship-of-war Constellation, lu the harbor of Spezzia, Italy, remitted by Win. T. Rice, U. S. Consul, at the rerwesi-of the Paymas ter of the ship. Henry A. Puugb0rn......... . $l2 75 Commit tee on Chemicals: PerJ. P. Wotherill, Treasurer—additional.. Grent Valloy Union AssoduUoa.for thedatec tion of Horse Thieves, Warren Tavern P.Q., Chester county, Pa;, per Lewis Worthing ton, Treasurer....... Received from h, W. in addition: Thomas Roily ...SJO 00 Lewis W0rthingt0n...................... 500 Jouathftn Roberts... 5 00 Isaac ICiug .«••*•«» .5 00 . David C. Lee..... 5 DO Jonathan J0ne5.......................... 5 00 Jamda L. 5tephen50n..................... 5 00 ' John W. McCurdy 0 00 . AtnosE. W0rthingt0n.................... 1 00 John Bartholomew, .Tr. 1 (XI Collection made by J. F. Spnutf, Spansr’B Mills. Blair county, Pa.... 16 50 Ladles' Aid Society, of Lynn, Susquehanna county, Pa., per Mrs. M. E. Phillips. Scc’y 14 60 From citizens a. Trevorton.Tu.—viz: Committee on subscriptions S 7 CO Ladies' Committee.. 15 00 Contributed by Militia of 1862..... 43 11 - 60 00 .55 00 Branch Pilots of the Port of Philadelphia, per W. K. Joffcns, Treasurer Pilot Society 67 00 Charles F. Rockwell, Ectuiuuuk, Wayne , county, !’*.............. 25 00 Cbinraittee on Bahor, Income, aud Revenue, per John W. Claghorn, Treasurer—addi tional J. Moor, sale of tickets on Chestnut street 1000 46 ¥ C 5 37 Previously reported. Total, U J3gp TlfE ÜBEAT CENTRAL PAIK, COMMITTEE OX FINANCE AND DONATIONS. • Philadelphia, June9th, IS6I. Additional subscriptions: ■ M Schuylkill Navigation Co. $1,500 00 GeorgeMncalctter & C0.....V, SCO.OO - Th0ma5............ 2j>o $9 Charles Taylor. 2oG 00 Henry C. Carey 2$ 00 C. W. Churchman...... 200 00 C. H. Baker.-- 200 00 Miss Ann M.; Baker 100 00 Lindley Smith.... 1$ $ Lo\vber&llalston 19999 David Thain. * 12999 Frederick Brown**.*.*** 100 00 81. V. 8aker........ $OO J.P. 5.... - •*•••.. , 20 00 CoiHidofiniuet Lodge,No. 173, of l. O. of O. F., of Nevville, Cumberland county, Pa........ 20 00 ' Mrs. Samuel Harti proceeds of a doll, dressed ■ and 501d.;...* 103 00 Collected by S. S. Shober, Esq:. ■ Speare, Holbrook, & Morse.. *“'^J2?99 Cochran & Russell 109 00 Bunting& Jones..•••»«•• *••• 100 00 5imm0n5&8r0...............25 00 ; John H. Fulton,' day’s wages.. .. .$2 50 • JaxnesAPftrk, d 0.............. 2 50 Jacob Ritchie, do ‘I"? ■ M. Page, 'd0.'.i'........... 1 50 David Fulton, d 0... .......167 Win. Loweberry, do-.... 2 50 Hugh Cavanagh, d 0.............. 150 Wjn.McCrea, d 0........ 1 60 3lO 17 Collected by Mrs. Charles Harmer, of the First Win. Maimer, (additional) ............$2OO 00 . Mies Mary Gib50n......................'200 00 Col. S. Buckley.... 5000 Henry D0wer........................... 2o 00 ElizaH Thomas (additional) .....10 00 John Spear.* §22 John Hutchinson ■5OO David Norris. 200 • . Mrs. Chas. Banner.(additional)....... 600 • • — 500 00 Collected by Sirs. Sarah HnlmeHeister, Chair man Ex. Com. of-West Chester,'Pa: ■■ West Chester May-party .$lOB 55 •Proceeds of Exhibition of Useful and Fancy Articles in West Chester 65 35 Proceeds of Articles 501d*.......;..* • •*. 6969 Citizens of Hamorton and vicinity,- .. . . through Mr§. Bratten...... • ■ 65 00. . South Side School, East Fallowfield... 270 \ Children of Public School. W. Chester S7l Bale of a Quilt by tbe Ladies, through ’ Mrs. Job Hayes 100 00 6 00 5 00 2 00 100 6*oo 200 5.00 0 00 500 5 00 30 5 CO Previously acknowledged. NOTICETOTim I*«TBI.IO-OBKAT l=§ ? CENTRA!. FAIRFOR THE SANITARY. COM MISSION.-Office of the Committee op Labor, Incomes, and Revenue, No. US South SbVMTH Street The Treasurer of this [Committee, JOHN W. CLAL HORN, R>q., will continue to receive subscriptions at the Office, as above, of , _ . “ONE HAY’S LABOR,” "ONE BAY’S INCOME,” v ONE DAY’S REVENUE,” , . from , individuals, eras, and corporations, during the pro* ress of the Fair, and throughout the month of Jane, at the Office of the Committee, as heretofore. A Clerk will also he in attendance at the Fair, in the Depart meDSO°UTH MDe'of’ MAIN (UNION) AVENUE. Keareti to the West Door Exit. • .. There are numerous mamifacturiug establishments and workshops in the city and yicinuy which have not iet responded to the call of the Committee, and who would, doubtless, do so if their proprietors or foremen . would move at once in the matter, we hag all such to papers without a moment s delay. If yonr employees cannot afford to subscribe a whole day let them give whatthey can. Bat do not let the reproach restupon any, that ihey. have not contributed to this great effort for the relief of our poor boy? now pouring -outtheir blood on the fields of the rebellion. WhBn this mighty war, waged by the ambition ofdisappolnt ed men, shall have passed into history, the .humblest citizen will be proud of the record of his deeds, of: devo tion, if not in the defence of the nation’s flag, at least m alleviating the sufferings of its defenders. Subscriptions -will be received during tho.whole of the month of June, and each oue will be acknowledged in the newspapers 0f Pllilade l pbl L. BOND, Chairman. MRS. E. W. HUTTER, - Chairman of Ladies’Committee. Office No. 118 Souih SEVENTH Sheet, Philadelphia. Establishments or individuals having subscriptions made np or in progress, will please have them for warded as soon as possible : Je» 6t , (JUT FLOWERS FOR THE HOR §rg? TICULTURAL DEPARTMENT GREAT CEN TRAL FAlR.—Contributions of Gut Flowers are, and will f duringthe;continuance of the Fair, be much needed. For the convenience of persons residing in the suburbs, and others to whom it may be inconvenient to send to the Fair Building, Mr. 11. A., DREER, Florist, No. ¥l4r CHESTNUT Street, has kindly, consented to receive Flowers EACH DAY, which will bo sent to the Fair at Btated intervals during the day. . , ... v . " The smallest contributions of this kind will be grate fully received, and will be acknowledged, if desired by the dehors, who will leave their names with the dowers. D. RODNEY KING, : • Chairman Gentlemen’s Committee.. Mrs. j. rhea barton, jell*6t Chairman Ladies’Committee. NOTICE IS HEREBY GHEN that an instalment of- OND DOLLAR PER SHARE on each and every Share bf the Capital Stock of the JETKA MINING COMPANY, has this day-beau called in, payable on or before the FIRST DAY OF JULYjTSw, at the office of the Company, No. 331V\ AL NUT Street, Philadelphia. _ . . By order of the .Directors. . .B. A. HOOPES,. ‘ Treasurer. . Philadelphia, June S. ISS4. jell-tjyl notice is herebt oiyen feSy that an instalment of ONE DOLLAR PER SHARE on each and every Share of the Capital Stock of thoMAKDAN MINING COMPANY, has called in, i>ayable on or before the TWENTY-FIFTH, day of June, 1564, at the office of the Company, N0.3J5& WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, rr^^T-e. By ordeAof the Directors. B. A. HOOPES, . Treasurer. Philadelphia, June 9, ISSh jell-tje2s MEETIKGS FOB UNITED PRAY EE daily at 5 o’clock P. M., at the Church of the Bplphany, Presbyterian Church, BROAD, above Chest nut, and Baptist Church, BROAD and Arch. To be re sumed MONDAY,'■June 13, in the above order, ub be fore. jelo-4t* ■ IKS® THE CORNER STONE OP THE GERMAN REFORMED St. Siepbon’s Church, now building on CORINTHIAN. A venue,_below Poplar street, will be laid on MONDAY AFTERAOOh, June 13th, at 3K o’clock. The public is -respectfully invited to he present. iell-Jt jk?wo A MEETING OF DYERS AND MANUFACTURERS will be held at the Madison House, SECOND Street, above Market, on MONDAY, June 13, at 3 o’clock, to complete the organization of the Company for Buying, Selling,and Manufacturing Drugs and Dyes. All are invited to attend. A largo amount of stock has already been subscribed. t jell-2t* THO, J. MARTIN, Treasurer, IKtSf" OFFICK WESTERN PESSSTtVA *=» NLA RAILROAD:COMPANY.. Philadelphia* May 20,1561. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.-A special meeting ot the Stockholders of this Oompany wRI .be held .on THURSDAY, the 16th day of JUNE, ISS4, M., at the Offl«> of the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, to Philadelphia, for the purpose or.accept ing or rejecting “An act relating to the west urn Penn sylvania Railroad Company, and for other purposes, approved 27th April, IStH,” and also to take action m reference io a proposed increase df the Capital StocK of the Company* By order of the Board. : Tny24-15t . JOSEPH LESLEY, Secretary. «rar-“ FAKEI. Oil. CO.—NOTIOE.—Air Ira? , election for JIVE DIHECTOBS' to sen-o daring tbe current year, will be bold at thoir office, No. 55. 5. THIRD Street, on TUESDAY, the 21st iast., between the hours of 4 and 5 JIBTOMAIi* ' Secretary. jelQ-frmwSt* tk^SEF 0 NOTICE.—A SPECIAL- MEETING l§2Xy of the Stockholders of the PHILADELPHIA. AND ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY will beheld at the office. No. 230 WALNDT Street, at 11 o’clock A. M., on SATURDAY, the 25th insfc., to consider a resolution of the Board of Managers for aiding in the immediate con struction of a branch railroad to the oil resion. jeS-mwfSi EDWARD F. GAY, Secretary, NOTICE .-APPLICATION HAS wZS? been made at the office of the Delaware and Chesapeake Canal Companytor a renewal of a Certifi cate of One Share of Stock in that Company, in the name of JEREMIAH ESfLEN, deceased, the original haying been mislaid or destroyed. WM. P. CRESSON. Adm, cum, Test.y &e., of the will of apll-ml3t* . : LYDIA EMLEN. TO ARTISTS-GREAT CENTIUL IKK? FAIR for sanitary commission.-sea- SON TICKETS will be issued to Artists, on application “at the Entrance on Middle Gate on. VINE Street, admit ting them to the Fine Art Gallery only, at One Dollar each, not transferable. je9-6t JAS. L. CLAGHORN, Treasurer. OFFICE OF“.THE RELIANCE L\- •OS? SBRANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA,” No. 308 WALNUT Street. , „ - - PntI.AT>F.I«?HTA. Juue 6, 1564. The "Board of Directors have THIS DAY declared a di vidend of 6 per cent on the capital of ibis Company for the last six months, payable to tiio Stockholders or their legal representative, free of taxeso^demand.^^ Secretary. |KS“ -"NOTICE.— I TUB ANNUAL MEJET iko of the Stockholders, and election for Pre shlentand Directors of the CONNECTING RAILWAY COMPANY, will be held at the offlco of the Company, on TUESDAY, the 14th day of Jnne, 1664, at.l2 o'clock noon. EDMUND SMITH, Secretary. PBit.ADCT.rBiA, May 31, 1664. . . iny3l-tieH DIVIDEND.-THE DIRECTORS of the GLMSTEAD OID COMPANY have this day declared a dividend of FOUR PER CENT, on the capital stock of the Company out of the oarniugs.of the month of Slay, and an extra dividend of FOUR CENT., both payable, free of State tax, on tho UiU Instant, at the Ouice of the Compauy, S. E. corner of THIRD and CHESTNUT Streets, upstairs. GEO. W. HUNTER, Secretary. je2-Xot Juxh 1,1861. NOTICE.-OFFICE PEXNSTLVA- Ids? BIA OIL CREEK PETROLEUM COMPANY, Nflf. •'HI WALNUT Street, Pnilakklpitia, June 1,1864. The Board of Directors have this day dociarod a Divi dend of one and a half percent, on the capital stock of the Company, payable on the 15tli Inst. The transfer books will close on Tlmrada7»2d inai. ,at 3 o 'clock.P, Jtf,, for live days. • je2-10ft AUG. C. LEIDY, Secretary. |KS° NOTICE OF »mi>ENl» NO. 2- 11=8? Tlie Trustees of the BRIGGS GOLD COMPANY have declared a dividend of 1 per cent, out of tlio net earulugsof the Company for the month of May, paya ble at the ohlce of tne Company, No. 81JOHN Street, New York, June 16, 1864, to Shareholders or record, at V" Ctoa ° ° f b Ull “ E. LAWTON. How York. Juno 8, IBM. [jell-.St] Treasurer. I>IVII>ENI»—TMK MBECTOBS KX? of the NOBLE 4 BELAMATER VET ROLEUM CO. have this day declared a Dividend of TEN PER CENT. from the earniuge for, tlio past month, payable on and after 20ti> in-t., at their oiilce, S I E. corner or CHESTNUT and THIRD Streets,, up stairs. Transfer Books dose ou the llltli lust. GEOHGEW. HUNTER, Secretary. Junes. IS6I. . . , jelQ-9t .-'5123,686 56 . 78.809 70 .....5202,496 26 CALEB COPE. Treasurer. , $4,903 17 ,69,634 57 A. E. BORIE, Chairman. GUEAT OKATBAL FAIR FOR THE SANITARY COMIsSION. - The Iron Committee have great pleasure in reporting the following additional subscriptions: ** Pennsylvania Iron Work*,'' Danville, Pa. Tliomns Beaver ......... $5OO 00 > »3fio ,72*12 .... BS?6$ 93 99 ....... m 4S Off ..... 117 01 2O 00 Blomjinbnrg Iro» Compiiuy, Bloomsbury* *Pa....l,CgffAp McCullough IrorrCoinpaDy, Philadelphia*........ fiflO’w Carbon I rod Company, I’arnrvillo, Pa......;..... OOffw 1> O. AH. S. Uiteer, Wm. Penu Fnraatfes..... 300 50 Catwmuqiin Manufacturing Company, Caifc»ftn atm, hi....... * Marshall, Philips, & Co. , Philadelphia. J. Gillingham &.Son r T?hHndelphla..... O. W. Barnes, Phi1ade1phia............ H(*)pcßiTowuseml, Philadelphia....- McheWy &R T tutl, Bloorosburg, Pa-*** C. E. Penuock & Co., CoafowvTllo, Pa. A. Purree & Son, Philadelphia-. Samuel Hatfield, Coatesvil?e,Pa..... WiUtaab Bowlin, DowningitoTni, Pa. Book-keeper and Clerks Bliuers. Furnace men................... Machine Shops aud Foundries, Ball Mi 11..... Puddle Mill No. 1 ... Puddle Mil? No. 2 Quarryiuon.. ...». * ;! Pr37loaaly ackuowledfiatl $27,21? 03 je9'3t . .AKDRKW. WHEELER, Chairmam r®” aro-rio*;.— office ji-ji u,,vi>k*>- F* PHIA AND OILCKEEK OIL GOMPaHY, H9i 337 'WAEUOT Street, PHiLADSJtnriA* June 7, ISS4. . The Direct ore have THIS RAY declared a dividend of ONE TER CENT, on the Capital Stock of the Company,., payable on and'after the 20th ln*t., The Transfer Books' will close on- WEDNESDAY, Sib last., at 3 o’clock P. M/, for ten days.: W. P. PAINTER, Secretary. leS-12t* - • •. -'FINANCIAL. gONDS * OP THE STATE aF NEW JERSEY. PUBLIC NOTICE IS-HEKEBY GIVEN THAT BONDS TO THE AMOUNT OP §400,000 Will be Issued In pursuance of the second section of an act approved March entitled “An act entitled an act authorizing a loan for the purpose of war, to repel 'iuvusioaand suppress insurrection, and appropriating the same and providing for the payment thereof. “ Approved May 10,1564. These Bonds will be issued of the danomination of 11,000, f6OO, and $lOO, with coupons attached, or regis tered bonds of the denomination of $l,OOO, to suit bid ders. The Bonds will be redeemable as follows—viz: $lOO,OOO on the Ist JANUARY, A. D, 1887. $lOO,OOO on the Ist JANUARY, A. I). 1888. $100,000,011 the let JANUARY, A. D. 1889. $lOO,OOO on the Ist JANUARY, A. L>. 1890, Bearing interest at the rate pf SIS PER GENT, per an num, payable half yearly, and are exempt by law from taxation. t PROPOSALS in writing for the whole or any part of these Bonds will be received by the subscriber, at hie Office, in the city of TRENTON, State of New Jersey, at any time before 2 P. M. on WEDNESDAY, the. loth day of June, A. D. 1854, on which day and hbnr the Governor And Treasurer will be in attendance at the State House to open and decide bids. The Bonds will bear-date July let. 1864. The right to reject bids is reserved. r. m/smith, , .TREASURES. . - je4-10f Dated May, 15th, jm. E W LOAN 1 . B. S. 1040 s , JAY COOKE & CO. OFFER FOB BALE THE NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, Bearing Five Per Cent. Interest IN COIN. Redeemable any time after TEN YEARS, at .the plea sure of the Government, and payable FORTY YEARS afterdate. Both COUPONS and REGISTERED BONDS are issued for this Loan, of same denominations as the Five-Twenties. The interest oh $5O and $lOO payable yearly, but all other denominations half yearly. The TEN-FORTY BONDS are dated March 1,1864, the half yearly interest falling due September 1 and March 1 of aacb-year. Until let September, the accrued interest from Ist March ,is required to W paid by purchasers In coin, or in legal currency*' adding 60 per cenh for premium* until further notice. All other Government Securities bought and sold, JAY COOKE & 00., 114-SOUTH THIRD STREET. CLOTUUVCI. A HOUSEHOLD WORD ! WANAMAKER •& BROWN’S : .Popular Clothing House, Sixth and Market streets. The peo v pie have found out; to their . * great s&tisfaction T tbat there Is a place where a good article of Clothing, handsomely cut and carefully made, canjiehad at a moderate price. Wanama-. ker & Brovrn have, by far. the largest stock of REAL NEW A- STYLES, FRESH, THIS SEA i SON’S MAKE, of Fashionable Clothing, to be found in this city, which they are Belling •'.VV In immense quantities, and at low prices for the times. The place, SIXTH and MARKET Streets. The name, WANAMAKER fc BROWN. CLOTHING. ap22-mwe2mif PERSONAL. PERSONAL.—JEWELRY SENT BY -jL Mail, free of postage, to any part of the United States, on receipt of the following prices: Single-stone Imitation Diamond Ring,#!; Cluster Imitation Diamond Ring, $2; Heavy-plated Vest Chains, $1: Magnificent Plain Ring, $1; Heavy Plain Rings (will stand the stTongesvacid), 50cents; Small Round Black Enameled Ear Drops, 50 cents; Heavy-plated Black Enameled Sleeve Buttons, 25 cents; Gents’. Pins, Imitation Dia mond, $1; Imitation Diamond Studs. $1; Bracelets, $1; Handsomely* chased Medallions, $1; Complete Sets Carbuncle-.Stods and Buttons, $1; Complete Sets Black Enameled-Studs and Buttons,-with pearl setting;- $1; ; Fancy, Watch Keys, 50 cents; Pen auff Pencil, with ex tension case, sl;iadies! Long-geared and Chatelaine Chains, $1; Chatelaine Pius: $1; Genuine Giitta Percha Chains, $1; Ladies’ and Gents’ Miniature Pins, for likeness or hair, $1; Seal Rings, $1; Locket Rings, $2; ;Coral ‘And*. »cents, jell-fit* : No. Pie RACE Street, Philadelphia. ALB GOLD, OLD SILVER, AND DIA- I * '■ MONDS bought for Cash, at M. J. Me GLYNN’S, 30S>a North EIGHTH Street, for which the highesl prices will be paid. jelo-3t* QAMUEL MAROT, DEALER IN LIME, D BUILDING STONE, and COAL. Yard, NINTH Street, above Thompson, (west side.) Orders received by William Marot, Jr., Sll Spring Garden street; Clias. H. Marot, 25 N. Sixth st. (second story), and b. Marot* 434 Chestnut st. (second story). . N. B.—An experienced Salesman wanted, myal-lm* NOTICE TO THE PHILADEL iSsS&P.HIA YACHT CLUB.—Owners or Sailing Mas ters of the various sail iuithe Regatta of the. Club, on! June 15th, arc required to meet at the head quarters, No. 816 .WALNUT Street, this (Monday) evening, at So’ciock, to draw for choice of position for theirrefcpectiveboats. „_ ri : WM. H. HYATT, Commodore. • Attest—Johx E. Neall. : ; ■ It* jyBNSERV O. A most effective and delightful preparation EOF. THE TEETH AND GUMS. Highly recommended hy the most eminent Doctors and Dentists; . , ' . It is the result of a thorough course of scientide expe riments, extending through a period of nearly thirty years. " ‘ ■ r . ... -. .. ' To a great extent m every case, and e ntirely in many, IT WILL PREVENT DECAY OF TEETH. It will aiso STRENGTHEN WEAK GIIMS, KEEP THE TEETH BEAUTIFULLY CLEAN. AND THE BREATH SWEET, See Circulars.. lMcesl. Prepared and sold by. S. T. BEALE M. D., DENTIST, , . .1113 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia, Pa. For sale hy Druggists. : jell-3m QLD GOLD AND SILVER WANTED. ALSO, DIAMONDS . ..and OTHER PRECIOUS STOKES, BOUGHT FOR CASH, BY LEWIS LADOMUS & COY jeS-et.:: No. 803 CHESTNUT Street fpo FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE COUNTRY. We are prepared, sb heretofore, to supply famille* at their Country Residences with every description of FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, &c„ &0. ' ALBERT G. ROBERTS, my3o-tf: Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Ste. B STYLES YAHIED AND PLEAS- Qg».yow will find specimens Cartes de Visite. 8,, F. REIMEit’S new and elegant Gallery, 634 ARCH Streets. Go,early, and obtain perfect likenesses. It* PORT RAIT S-MOST TRUTHFUL A likenesses, and natural nud pleasing styles, are B. ■p, REIMER'S splendid specimens Life-size Photo graphs in oil colora. Gallery, 634 AHCH Street. It* T> RIMER'S COLORED PHOTO- J-Vi GRAPHS, tor 81, furnish yott" p'etures executed and colored in artistic style, Aikeneasea or accuracy and worth. See specimens. SECOND Street, above Green. •' =: •■"" ' • • •' > CTOLBN—THIS MORNING, FROM O the office of the subscribers, SEVENTEEN HUN DRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS, or the three years U.S. 7-30 TREASURY: NOTES, as follows: . ■ August 19,1861. .No. 68,166, for-..-...’...550 do ..Kos. 11,41%. 14,563, 22,76 S do do ..Nos. 4.196,- 4,187, 44,360 do do V ..No. 44,231, each................... $lOO do do : ..No. 4,-BW* $5OO Octoberlst......Nos, 11,781, 29,072, 55,441 do do. ..Nos, 65,446, 65,447, 55.44 S do do : • .Nos. 66,451, 65,452, 55,453 do do ..No. 65,454, each....... ****v!,***v All cudon-cd by us, payable to the ordor ot the Secre tary, of the Treasury for redemption, and are useless to ft I?NK e iIUNDRE e i V DOLLARS REWARD will bo paid for tie retnra of the notes. ~ / - Payment has been stopped, and all persons arocau tloned against negotiating them, "i- ■ . W. H. NEWBOLD, SON. & AERTSEN, S. E. corner BO&K & WALNUT. . •PROCLAMATION OP PEEE D 0 M A AT THE OREAT CENTRAL PAIR—Pino Pho tographs, IS by 13 indies, of I’AINE'S pert and ink Sawing of till EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION, beautifully illustrated, original donated to tbej Brook lyn Sanitary Pair, and solu for $5OO and presented to i’retiiicnt LINCOLN. They sold at retail at the GREAT CENTRAL PAIR during its continuance. A®* Canvassers wanted forovory section of the conn trv™ ROWLAND JOHNSON,III) MARKET Bt„PMla„ and 04 BEAVER Street. New York, . jolo-3t -PRIME BETTER AND EGGS FOR Jl . wale by ■'.•'•:• . H, B. ARRISON, jell-St* ; 1»8 North WATER, Street. -\fEDICAL PURVEYOR’S OFFICE, AJJ- ‘ New York, Julio 9, ISO 4. Importers and dealers in Medicines, Hospital' Stores, Beddlng-.'&c., &c., are invited to submit their quotations to the Army Medical Purveyor, at hts ofilee, 400 BROOMK Street, for his information and guidance in ihe purchase of supplies. ioll-3t 3, 1864. QFFICE OF JAY COOKE & CO., BANKERS, HO, ill SODTH TOJ3D OTEBBT. PHILADELPHIA, Juno Gtb, 1884. The Secretary of the Treasury has invited bids for SEVENTY-PIVE MILLIONS of BomSsof the SIX PER CENT. LOAN, maturing in 1881, as per tho following advertisement; PROPOSALS FOR LOAN. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, .Tanfftth, ISM. To insure the greatest-possible vigor in the'operatlons of the armies nowmoviiig against the insurgents, undor brave and skilful generals, upon a viut theatre of ope* rations, expenditures have bsen increased beyond re ceipts from revenue uni* ordinary" subscription!? tip tbo National Loan; Sealed otters will, therefore, be received at tins De partment, under the act of March 3,18 C‘S, nntil noon of WEDNESDAY, tbelSth d&Vof Jnae. 1864, for bond* of the United States to the amount or SEVENTY- FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, beaHbrim annual intoi'dbt of six per centum, payable scmi-aii'naaJly iu coin, on ilie firat days of July and .January s each year, and res - aller the 30th of June,4SBL . . Each offrr must be for fifty ovon* kurodred dollars, or eome nioitiple of one hundred* doll are, ami must state* the sum, including premium, offered fin' eaeh hundred' dollars in bonds, or for fifty, when the-oner is for no more than fifty. Two per e*nsr, of tho* principal,'ex-, ci'udingpremium, of the whole arnonat/otfeml mnst be deposited, »» guarantee for payment of subscription if accepted, with, the Treasurer of the .Untied States at Washington, or with the Assistant* Treasurer at New York, Boston, Philadelphia, or Sir. with ilia Designated Depositary at Baltimore, •-PmBbwrj& Cluciti nati, Louisville, Chicago, Detroit, or* Buffalo; or with any National Banking Association authorized! to receive deposits which may consent to transact- the- ba3inosß without charge. Duplicate certificates of deposits will be issued to depositors by.the officer orasaoCTatiOtt re ceiving them. the originals of which mn« he forwarded with the offers to the Department. All’deposits should be made in time for advice of-offers with'•certificates to reach Washington not later than the morning of;Jnne 15th. No offer not accompanied by its proper certificate of deposit will be considered. The Coupon and Registered Bonds issued-vtlllbAor the denominations of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, and $l,OOO. Regis tered Bonds of $5,000 and $10,1)00 will also be issued if Alhoffers received will be opened on Wednesday, the 15th ol June, by the Secretary or one of the-Assistant Secretaries, ana notice of acceptance or declination will be immediately given to the respective offerers; and, in case of acceptance, bonds of the descriptions and-..d0-: nominations preferred will be sent to the subscribers at the cost.of the Department, on final payment of instal ments. The original deposit of two-per cept;-will be reckoned in the last instalment paid by offerers, and will be immediately returned? to, those.! whoso offers may not be accepted. ; ... The amount of accepted offers must be deposited with the Treasurer, or other officer or association authorized to act under this notice, on advice of acceptance of offer, or as follows: One-third on or before the 2pth-; one third on or before the 25th; and the balance, including the premium and original two per cent, depo-ut, on or before the 30th of June, lnterest to tho Ist of. July on. tho several deposits will he paid in coin on the-30th of Juiio, and interest on bonds will begin July 1j.1564. ■ Offers under this notice should be endorsed ‘Offer for Loan,'" and addressed to the Secretary.of the Trea . snry. The right t*. decline ail offers not considered ad vantageous is reserved to the Government. • S. P. CHASto, . Secretary of the Treasury. ...... 300 00 ...... 300 00 ...... 250 00 moo 260 00 260 00 250 00 l5O 00 ioo oo 6O 00 $5,047 03 .21,270 00 We shall bid for a moderate amount of Oils most de sirabto loan, for ourselves, and if any of our friends or customers desire to include their bids in. ours, we will cheerfully attend to the business WITHOUT CHARGE. In this way parlies will save themselves the-trouble of details attending the bidding, and will avail themselves of our experience, and will share- pro-rata and on terms with ; us in any scale of bids-we may make, and in all allotments tons. ** .■ / Subi-aiibers can hand in their names aud amounta at once, and either fix ilie limit of premium on take their chances with us. Our bid will be held open until the latest moment allowed by the terms of the advertisement. Further information given on application* JAY COOKE &. CO., jel3-St 114 ,SOUTH THIRD STREET. JEE GOVERNMENT’ LOAN THIS LOAN IS AUTHORIZED by act of Congress of gJArch 8, 1564, which provides for its REDEMPTION IN COIN, at any period not less .than ten or more than forty years from its date, at the pleasure of the Govern* ment. UI(TIL ITS REDEMPTION, five percent, interest is lo ha paid semi-annually IN COIN. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO-THE LOAN are received by tho National Banks in United States notes, or in such cur rency or other funds as are taken by them on deposit at par. *.-■ / \ . . ITS EXEMPTION FROM STATE OK LOCAL TAXA TION adds from one to three , per cent, per annum to its Value. THE RATE OF INTTSEST on this loan, although but five per cent, in coin,is as much greater in current as the difference between the market value of currency and gold. - AS A RULE, the five per cent. 5 specie securities of all solvent Governments are always par or above, and cur rency now funded in the National Loan will be worth in gold, besides paying a regular and liberal percentage to the holder. THE AUTHORIZED AMOUNT of this loan Is TWO. HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS. The amount of sub scriptions reported to the Treasury at Washington, up to June 4,. has been SUBSCRIPTIONS WILL BE RECBIVED TREASURER OF TIDE UNITED STATES, ASSISTANT TREASURERS AT NEW YORK, BOSTON, AND PHILADELPHIA, FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, Pi. SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, Pi. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DANVILLE, Pa. Tfbich are depositaries of Public money; and all RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the country, (acting as agents of the National Depositary Banks,) prill furnish farther information on application, and AFFORD. EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS. jelO-fm’udit<W ‘J l R S T NATIONAL BANK DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY FINANCIAL AGENT This Bank has been authorised and Is now prepared to' reoeive subscriptions to the This Loan, Issued under authority of an set of Con fresft approved March3,lB64, provides for the issue of Tyro Hundred Millions of Dollars ($200,000,000) United Statee Bonds, redeemable after ten years, and payable forty years from date, IN COIN* dated March 1,1864, .bearing interest at the rate of per annum IN COIN, payable semi* annually on all Bonds over $lOO, and on Bonds of $lOO and less, an nually. Subscribers will receive either Registered or Coupon Bonds as they may prefer Registered Bonds will he issued of the denominations of fifty dollars ($5O), one hundred dollars ($100), five hundred dollars ($500), one thousand dollars ($1,000), five thousand dollars ($5,000), and ten thousand dollars ($10,000), and Coupon. Bonds of the denominations of fifty dollars ($5O), one hundred dollars ($100), five hun dred dollars.(ssoo), and one thousand dollars ($1,000).' INTEREST ■ will commence from date of subscription, or the accrued interest from the Ist of March can be paid in coin, or, until further notice, in U* S. notes or notes of National Banks, adding (50) fifty per cent, to the amount for pre mium, 0. H. CLARK, &pB*tf President. ASSISTANT TREASURER’SUFFICE, PHILADEDPHIA, JUNE 7, 18fel. . , THE COUPONS - FOB INTEREST ON THE PUBLIC DEBT, ‘ • FALLING DUH OX TUB . % - .. FIRST OR JULY NEXT, WILL BE PAID IN COIN, ON PRESENTATION AT THIS OPFICE. ARCHIBALD McINTTRE, je6-6t ' ASSISTANT TREASURER U. S. "A/T OHU M ENT S AND GRAYS- ArX STONES.,—A’large assortment of Grave-Stones,of various designs,made of the finest Italian and American Marble, constantly on hand at the Marble Works ol ADAM BTEINMETZ. BIDGB Avenue, below Eleventh *trn*t. PbilftdftluM* *d9Q.SmU TO PRINT, BOOK, AND COIN COL- A .LECTORS.—EDWARD COG AN, No. 4S North TENTH Street, Philadelphia, has for sale aiarge quan tity of fine Engravings.and Books, purchus»d by him at tho famous ALLAN Collection, iu Now lork. _ Also on hand, ft large quantity of American and Eu ropean COINS, to lie sold at moderate prices. ■ The highest premium given for fine anil rare Amorican. Coins. • jetu-Pt _ MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED nppn Diamonds, Watohas, Jswri- A A rTi plate, Clothing, &0., at JONES ar CO. f © © oTd Estaidlßhcd Loan oiSce, coraer THl** aad GASKILL Streets. below Lombard aoll-smw TTEATON & DENCKL A, HARDWARE XL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SOT COMMEEO* and 810 NORTH Streets, offer for sale: Anchor Brand Nails: Plymontb iliU Rivets. Vf. k S. Butcher's Oast Steel: Eagle Cabinet Locks. Putnam's Horae Math: Locke’s School Slates, copper. Brass, and Iron Wire; Cotton Cards. -■ Also, a fuU assortment of American Hardware. fo7-Smli FINAJVOIAt. §300,000,000. ©67,017,850. AT WASHINGTON, Ann tub AXI> IST Tim AND BY ALL NATIONAL BANKS PHILADELPHIA. OF THE UNITED STATES. 10-40 LOAN. HEW GOYERNMENT LOAH. FIVE FEB CENT. WANTS. agents wanted to-sell the Standard History of the War. A raro to make money. Agent* are clearing from SIQG to $2OO par meiDtJt, 200,000 volu'*A** already koUI, Sort'd for circu lar*! Address JONES, UROS., kCo , Publishers, BALr- TiMOftE, Md. je!3-lm* ttoe press wasted.—a second XX hand Double Cylinder Press’(Wo. 2 or 3 size) wafitod. It must be in good? order. Addre*v stating price, « COWLES Sc €O., - jcjrfSf Cleveland, Ohio. OPHE UNDERSIGNED desires to X engage the services of a practical J>rug SalesiafcD. Nono others need apply. _ . __ GKOROE A. Mft&ER k CO., jelo*3t* Wholesale I>nißglaU,soft MARKET St, WANTED—BY THE Ist OP JULY; * i an experienced first-class Salesman' one that can influence near country trade, in a Jobrmx, Hosiery, and Notion H&ufeo. Address Box 2254, Philadelphia PoHtOflice. itrTlS-vrfmlSt WANTED.—A YOUNG MAN',. AGED > * 19. desires a Situation to learn the Who&Hil* Gro cery. Address ‘ * Grocery* Box 1343. P. 0. . jel.'t*6lV WANTED-BY A; YOUNG MM, : A ** situation in a Whol'esafe Grocery Store; is well acquainted with the btrsriaess. Can influeacesoiraotrsil.*, ana will muko himselfceiJerallT useful. Goodreftrrene* given. Address «« W. ft. G./’Phila. V. O. : ;I\* WANTED—A SALESMAN TN A WHOLESALE CLOTHING HOUBE:one who edits*- inands a koou trade, A resident of this State preferred. A.literal salary giyeu. Apply to No. HO North TH!f{J> gtroot. - jeS-SJ'; WANTED—3OO AGENTS TO BEDS T C the , KT - ml . .“"‘"D 1 JXDtCATOB.’- Tliooghonly jnst introduced, hundreds Steal to its ac-‘ curacy in foretelling changes of the weather from dry to 1 - wet, and vice versa. It interests the scholar and the man of science, and awakens admiration in the minds of all who witness iis wonderfnlfunctions. Sendpostage .stamp for circular and particulars, or call upon FKISBEE, CDORV&CO., 6G North POURTH Street. ,js7-12t* Philadelphia, Pa.. A MONTH!—I WANT AGENTS UP at $6O a month, expenses paid,_tp sell my EVER'- LASTING PENCILS, ORIENTAL BURNERS, and 13 other articles. Fifteen circulars sent/ras. Address ap3D4&w3m JOHN F. LORD, Bfddbford, Maine. JS WANTED—TO PURCHASE OR AL2ASE, for a term of years, within- easy distance of New York, either in. Sew York State,or New Jersey, or Pennsylvania, a BtJIX HNG SUITABLE FOR A FACTORY. Motive Power (water preferred) must Lo- from *3OO to 160 horse-power. CoiumtHifcatnftis, with full particulars,.addressed to 80x2919, NewTorkP. 0. je7>gt* CAVALRY HORSES WANTED. VTak Department* C.AVALRT BuRFAV, Office of Chief Quartermaster* Washington, D. C., May 18..1864, . THREETHOUSA ND (3,000) HORSES WArTTHD. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-RIVE <slds)* DOL LARS per bead will be paid for all CAVALRY HORSES delivered *wiihin the,next thirty (30) days ai'the Go vernment stables at GTesboro, D. C. Said Horses to be sound in all particnlarg r ,notUw* than five (S) nor more than nine (9) years old; from fif teen to sixteen hands high., full in flesh, compactly built, bridle wise, and of size sufficient for cavalry purposes. • These specifications will be strictly adhered- to acsd rigidly enforced in every particular. Payment made on delivery of seven (7) and over. - JAMES A. EEIN, L-t. Col. &C. Q. M. Cavalry Bureau. iioAitmxc. FtOUNTRY BOARDING—THE LARGE V/ BOARDING-BODSE AT CONCORD, Dsluware s County, is now open for the reception of Boarders. It is situated on the Philadelphia auir Baltimore Central Railroad, twenty miles west of Philadelphia, in one of the mopt healthy and beautifnl localities of the county. The building is nearly new, rooms comfortable, and well ventilated Accommodations will be furnished for pleasant-drivea mornings and evenings. Apply to JOSEPH SHORTLIDGE, CONCORDYILLE, Delaware County, Penna. joil»3t DOARDING.—TWO SECOND-STORY *> rooms TO LET, at 133 North TENTH St. jo7-tf ■ TX)ARDING—ON DUY’S LANE, GER -O MANTOWN, sixth from station. je7-12t FOR SALE AjV» TO LET. Fm SALE—PONE GROUND RENTS of $2,000 each on adjoining propertiesfin the city, well improved. Apply to E, PETTIT.; je!3 . ' *323 WALNUT Street. TTO RENT—THE SECOND AND THIRD A Story Rooms of Store No. 531 MARKET St.. Pos session July Ist. - jell-61* SIBLEY, MOLTEN", & WOODRUFF. npo LBT- LARGE AND SMALL ' JL ROOMS,third and .fourth stories. No 534 WALNUT Street, Apply to J. H. EDWARDS, jeS-6t* 924 WALNUT Street. rn A TWO- AND-A-H ALF r STORY -Eli Frame Cottage and a two-story Brick Store, 1313 LOCUST Street, to be EOld .br M. THOMAS * SONS, June 14th. je!3-2t* m LARGE AND VALUABLE FRO JEItPERTY POR SALE.—The very large and commodi ous LOT and BUILDING, No. SOS CHERRY Street: near the centre of business; containing 60 feet on Cherry street, depth 105. feet, being 76 feet wide on the rear of the lot, and at that width opening to a large cart-way, leading to Cherry street. Its advantages ot : SIZE AND POSITION are rarely met with. "Apply at the office of Christ Church Hospital, jelli-Sm. ; No. 336 WALNUT Street. M DELAWARE COUNTY. FOR SALE, 40 ACRES of excellent LAND, 8 miles from, the city, on the West Chester Plank Road; Darby creek forms the Eastern boundary line $ substantial stone mansion and other buildings; a desirable farm. - JAS. R. CUMMINS, Surveyor, Media, Pa. N. B.—Sendfor .catalogue of Delaware county farms containing prices. ' - je!3-3t* MTO LET.—THE [UPPER FLOORS of the spacious STORE N0.'321 CHESTNUT STREET. Possession FIRST JULY. Apply on the premises to - je!3-2t* •- CHAS. G. WIQHTMAN & CO. M VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCES OK SPRING GARDEN'STREET.-This street is wider than Broad street, and will be one of the finest in the city. PARTIES SHOULD PURCHASE WHILE PROPER TIES ARE LOW, and thus have the advantage of their investment. Apply to BONSALL BROS., je!3-6i* . 116 North NlNTH.Street, «TO RENT—COUNTRY PLACE 7 acres. Mansion furnished; .stables and . coach house. Ice house filled; Spring house, fish poadt beau tifully shaded, &c. Fifteen miles out; five minutes’ walk from station, Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad. Also, two others, famished, in the same locality. Also, a number of country places with a few acres of ground for sale. . - " E. PETTIT, . je)3 f 323 WALNUT Street. INSURANCE. JNSURE YOUR LIFE IN YOUR OWN HOME COMPANY, AMERICAN, OF. PHILADELPHIA, S. E. corner Fourth anfl Walnut Streets. Insurers in tins Company have the additional guaran tee of $250,000 CAPITAL STOCK all paid up IN CASH, which, to gether with CASH ASSETS, now on hand, amount to OYER $BOO,OOO. INCOME FOR THE YEAR ISOS OVER $200,000. LOSSES PAID DURING THE YEAR AMOUNTING TO OYER *62,000. DIVIDENDS MADE ANNUALLY, Bins aiding the in sured to pay premiums. ■-./ The last DIVIDEND on all Mutual Policies in force December 31, 1863, was FIFTY PER GENT. Of the amount of PREMIUMS received daring- the year. Its TRUSTEES are well-known .citizens in onr midst, - entitling/it to more consideration than those whose managers reside in distant cities. Alexander Whilldin, . William J, Howard, . J. Edgar Thomson, Samuel T. Bodine, George Nugent, John Aikmau, Hon. James Pollock, Charles F. Heazlitt, Albert C. KOuSttS) Hon. Joseph Allison, . P. B. Mingle, Isaac H&zlshurst. Samuel Work, ALEX. WHILDIN, President. ; SAMUEL WORK, Vice President, ' : JOHN S. WILSON,, Sec, and Treas.; jeii-ist JJAVE YOU PROVIDED FOR YOUR : FAMILY AN IXSUKANCE ON TOUK LIFBf LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY* MUTUAL, WITH AN AMPLE CASH CAPITAL. WALTER'S. GRIFFITH, PsssnjßNr. G, C. Riplbt, Seo. I. H. Fbothixoha*, TftJUts, William J, Coffix, Actuary. PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES; _ ■ Hon. William Strong; Rev. Matthew Simpson/D. D.» Bishop of M. E. Church; Rev; Albert Barnes, D. D.; Rev. James M. Crowell; Thomas Robins, Esq.: Lewli R. Ashnrst, Esq.; Samuel Welsh, Esq.; James Dunlap, Esq.; W. It, Lecuee, Esq.; John Rice, Humphreys, Esq.; Aiwtm. Esq.xS.j3. Esq.; C. B. Mount, Esq.; SaW C. Perkina, Esq,: Jobnß. Penrose, Samuel Field, Esq., W. Clark & Co. vßacknor, T 3lcCammon, & John B. Myers St Co. benjamin Bullock & Sons; Wm. 8. A Alfred Martien; George B. Reese, Son, & Co., J.». McCreary & Co.; Georgo Cookinan & Co., D. B. Eer» shaw & Co.; Kay & Brother. JOHN H. PACKARD, M. D., MEDICAL JSXAMIXBR, ■ .. H 0.1225 SPKDCB STREET, In attendance at Agent's Office daily from 1 to J P. M, PHILADELPHIA : OPPIOE, OORHEK FOUJBTH AND LIBRARY STBEETB. B. K. ESLER, AGENT. ap4-mwfBm ' FOR ALBANY AND TROY jMKffiHTlfi -VIA DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL.-The barge S. FLANAGAN. Captain W. Cor son, is now loading: at first wharf below SPRUCH Btroet, and will leave for the above points on WEDNES DAY, June 15th, at G o’clock I*. M. , For freight, which will be taken at reasonable rates, amilvto ■ D. L. FLANAGAN, Agent, 3fll-4t* 30* S. DELAWAR E Avenne. rawso LADIES TRUSS AND BRACI \J~_/ ktoßE—Conducted by Ladles, TWELFTH NtrSrntmt door below Race Every attlele ta thelt line elegant, easy, and correct In mate. OH.NHB' DLES Proprietor, attends to Geatleinen, on the comet of rwELFTH and RAGS Street*, N. 8.-Professional accuracy insured. myd-Smlf AMUSEIWEyHS. YAWDERLTK # S AKIADN& this most wonderful creation of tfurgenius of VAN* DERtiYK, has been placed at the disposal of the Fine Arts Committee of the *- SANITARY FAIR, as a SPECIAL EXHIBITION, on the express'dbnditioa ibat Season and other Tickets, giving access &ir other parts of ike Fair, arc not to be entitled to admission. AEfADNE, (Daughter of Minos and Passiphtf, deserted on' W# ** An ideal of female beauty, reposing upon the luxa-" ry of its own sensation, lost in sleep, and yielding with chfld-liko srif-abandonment to dreams of love. ’" ‘■’Tlowlike a vision of pure Tore she seems! lltr cheeks just flushed with innocent repose. That fdldsher thoughts up fn delicious dreams, Like dew-drops in the chalice of a rose; .Pillowed uponher arm and raven hair. How archly rests that bright and peaceful brow t Its rounded i>eari defiance bids to care. While kisse* ojr the lips seem melting now; Prone In unconscious lovelineas she lies, And*leaves around her delicately sway; Veiled-is the splendor of her beaming eyes, But o s er the limber be witching graces play; Ere into Eden’a groves the serpent .crept, Thus Sve within her leafy arbor slept! 1 * Tutkerman's * l Artist Life,** '*lnlSl2 YANDEKLYN painted the AETADNE. Thfa 3ainting proved Mr. Vanderlyn’s powers even more Shan the ‘ Marta*,.* and is, in my estimation, the finest figure of the kind I have ever f-een. This picture has bean purchased sffld'engraved by A. B. Durand, Esq., himself an excellent Painter, and our first* Engraver. The engraving of Mr.* Durand is worthy of it. •Dun lap's ''Arts'and JTesipjis. Admission Entrance frGm Horticultural* Department, and frein the Corridor connecting the latter with the Art Gallery. . j«I3-6t JJH3’ COLLECTION OF PICTURES WORKS OF ART, ; Belonging to JOSEPH HARRISON, Jr., i« now own to thepnMic, for alimited-tiiiie, for the-BonoStof T HE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR OP-THE SANITARY COMMISSION, Ate 2J15 S. EIGHTEENTH Street, Rittenhouse Square. TICKETS,. 50 CENTS. Tc > behaibuttke Hotels, B6ok Stores, and at the door. :• Eb trance at 225 S. EIGHTEENTH Sireet r or through Pari: atd Garden, on SEVENTEENTH Street, fjell-fcf r£l IE EYimT OF THE SEASON. A I’RETBYT FOR EYERXBODT, .GREAT GIFT "VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERTS AT TH» ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, . TENTH'AND CHESTNUT STRkSTS, o>- THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY ETE NINOS June9th, 10th, and Itth, ISSI. , •®'i :r P I S’]2S.S, F .L H Lr ROCESr,s will he-ionatei to the tr. S. CHRISTIAN COMMISSION NOTICE THE MAIN FEATUR3S-of this ENTERPRISE on f FOlt THE PUERgg™- DISPLAY OP GOODS, . SAG, K OF TICKETS, „ AND DISTRIBUTION OF PRESENTS. The other {LARGE HALL) FOR THE ENTERTAINMENTS. The Presents consist of PIANOS, • WATCHES, . . ; SILVERWARE, JBWEIiST And many other valuable articles. * _ , BVBF.Y*BUECH&S£B OP A TItKEP Will receive one of the . SPLENDID-PRESENTS AT*THE TIME OF PURCHASING. No presents of Jess value than ONE DOLLAR, . USUAL RETAIL PRICES, Will be distributed. All the - AVAILABLE. TALBNT IN THK CITY Has been engaged for the entertainments. The public are invited to call and view’the goods to bo presented on and after MONO AY MORNING, JUNE 6?h, At which, time ' THE SALE OF TICKETS ' DISTRIBUTION OF PRESENTS Will commence. The Coacerts will commence on THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 9th, . • • At Sh» o’clock, f With a Grand-Overture by BIBGFELD’S CELEBRATED BAND. TICKETS, ENTITLING TO A S?BESENT, ' AND ADMISSION TO THE ENTERTAINMENT, ONE DOLLAR. To b&had only at the Hall, CENTRAL FAIR. vJ CHILDREN’S EXHIBITIONS in the GRA2fl> HALL set apart for them. The ASTONISHING AUTO MATON ROPE- DANCER.TftUAIPBTER.attdMOXEEri STEREOPTICON VIEWS, MAGICaLEXPERIMENTS, VBBTRILOQOISM.-.with a large variety of attractions. Admission 25 cents; Children 15 cents. Exhibitions at 3 and S P. M. ri ROVER’S NEW CHESTNUT. V* STREET theatre. LEONARD 'GROVER... MANAGER. (Also of Grover's Theatre. Washington, D.- 0.) UNPARALLELED AND, ENTHUSIASTIC- SUCCESS. SEVENTH CONSECUTIVE NIGHT OP THE GRAN* FAIRY THIf SEVEN SISTERS, THE BIRTH OF CUPID IN THE BOWER OF FERNS, And the Popular Comedian. . Mr. j. e. McDonough, ' : In his Inimitable Impersonation of MRS. PLUTO. THIS (Monday) EVENING, June 13th, 1564, Will he again presented, in all its Gorgeous Splendor, this Extraordinarily Successful Production, which, has attracted asuccession of Crowded Houses almost unprecedented in this city. AGAIN, TO-NIGHT, ~ The New and Beautiful Scenery—The Elegant Cos tumes—-The Astonishing Fairy* Transformations— The Grand Zouave Drill, by Forty Young Ladies—The . Beautiful Fairy Dances— The New Local Seenes—The . Grand Battle Tableau! PRICES OF ADMISSION. Dress Circle or Parquet.....*.., ~..,.50cent*. Family Circle .25cent*. Orchestra Seats.. .75 cent*. Six of the Front Benches only are reserved as Orches tra Seats. No extra charge for securing seats. GRAND FAMILY-MATINEE % . ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 2 o'clock. When the entire Spectacular Play of . THE SEVEN SISTERS will be presented—making the Greatest Day Perform-' ance ever witnessed in Philadelphia, at the usual Ma tinee prices. MRS- JOHIh DREW’S KEW ARGEU "•*- STREET THEATRE. SIXTH WEEK OF FRANK DREW. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, and THURS DAY, The spectacular romance of - THE FORTY THIEVES. :Musiapha(thecobbler). Frank Drew All Baba (the woodman) .........Stuart Robson. Morgiana ......Miss Henry To conclude with the traditioaarr drama of SIXTEEN-STRING'J ACK. Kit Clayton .......... Sixteen* String Jack. Theophilus..... WALNUT-STREET THEATRE.— MONDAY and TUESDAY, Jnn.Mth, and 14th, Will be produced the great Moral Playbv Tom Tay lor, Esq., entitled the TICKET-OF-LEAVE MAN. MR. HARRY PIERSON - having been especially en gaged to sustain the character of ROBERT BRIERLY. Supported by the unequalled cast of the: WALNUTtSTREETTHEATRE COMPANY. The performance will conclude with the laughable Comic Drama of ROBERT MAOAIBE. Mr S. Hempie a 5................. ...JacquesStrop. Poore open at 7% Curtain rises at S o’clock. je!3-2t pROF. ROSWELL D HITCHCOCK, D. D., of New York, will deliver, at MUSICAL FUND HALL, on THURSDAY EVENING, June 16, the Anni versary Address before the PHILADELPHIA COLLE GIATE INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, of which Rev. CHARLES A. SMITH, D. D., and E. CLARENCE SMITH,.A. M., are Principals. Tickets may be obtained, gratuitously, on and after Monday morning, the 13th, at the Institute, 1530 ARCH Street. Also, of Smith & Jacobs, 1526 Chestnut street, and Ashmead & Evans, 724 Chestnut street, je9-7t* MOW OP EH—THE FORTY-FIRST -L* ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURE, at the PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP THE FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT ; Street, above Tenth. Open from 9A. M. till 7P. M., and from S till 10 in the evening.. Proceeds for the Sanitary Fair. je9 GOODS. & WELLS HEAVYrMEDIUM, AND LIGHi* SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS. STANDARD DRILLS. _ HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CAMBRICS AND SILECIAS. BROWN, BLEACHED. AND CORSET JEANS. No. 12 WORSTED YARN, &c. seafif-tf n RAIN BAGS.—A LARGE ASSORT VT KENT OF GBAIN BASS, Cn Tarlons iiida, for cale by BANCROFT & GO., Sot, 40» and 407 MARKET Street RAILROAD LISES. WAS SYLVANIA RAILROAD— For BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, MAUCH CHUNK, EASTON, WILLIAMSPORT, WILKESBARRB, Se. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. „ Passenger Trains leave the new Depot, THIRD Street, above Thompson street, daily (Sundays excepted), a* At7A.'M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown,:Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, Wilßainsport, Wilkesbacre, &c. At 8.45 P. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Easton, &c. • At 6.15 P. M. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch. C FofDoylestownat9.lsA. M., 8 P. M. and 4.MP. M. For Fort Washington at 10.15 A. M. and lIP. M. White Second and Third-streets Line Citr Passenger A i. Leave Betblebom at 6.30 A. M., 9.53 A. M., and 6.07 **Leave Doylestown at 6,30 A. M. ,3 45 P, M., and 7P. M. Leave Lausdale at 6 A. M. Leave Port Washington at 11.25 A. M. and 2P. M. ON SUNDAYS. . Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 3 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. " Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 P. M- . jelS . - ELLIS CLARK, Agent. To “’ tr On and after WEDNESDAY next, JunelHb, and un til fortber notice, a train'will leave Camden for Lcmg Branch at 7.45 A. M., daily, Re turning, will leave Longliranch at A3SP. Ah An afternoon tram from Ciunden to Long Brandi will ho run, commencing oh July Ist, returning at an early honrnext morning, thus affording two daily comraani cations to and from the Branch. .• ... A freight train, with passenger car attached,. will, start for stations on tUeimin line daily from Camden. (Sundays'excepted, j at 9.15 A. M • leave Port Sloninomh next morning atS joa. _ Stages connect at Woodmansic and for Bar negat and Tom’s River. , '• . mhVu For further information apply to Company » A»ent* L. B. COLE, at Cooper’s Point, Camdeu. ■ - ’ OBIFFITTS, Jr., Gen. Supfc. June 11. ISM. ' J el3 ~ tf jy.* —THE ADAMS EX*. company, oitice no f'HFS'rNTTT Street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Mer- Aaudim. Bauk *»«.s>& SiMom.nftoT by its owii Haea or in connection with other'hxpreisS Companies. UT' e TOW “ la^dM"* 4 • fefff * . .-■:••• . General nABD AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, V « JUHOWAI.T fc BKOWK’B.IXIA lOOBTR Sfc.. One Dollar. .. .Frank Drew. ....Barton Hill. .Stuart Robson. PENN- NORTH
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers