The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, May 31, 1864, Image 3
ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, A M Zimmorman, Harrishg W It Yerkes, Norristown J Sperry, Norristown N Corson, Norristown N Densmere; Meadville C Ronlldrish & la, Meadv'e L Cronsman & son, Pittsb'g C Ottingor, Baltimore L A Cooper, Maryland F Colton, New York W Callon], Baltimore IM Cohn, Baltimore EP Stone, Baltimore J W Kribs Baltimore 4, L Brower la, New Yoe: 11 Heysinger & wr, Poona Mid a II Hardison, Lane co- S S Speucor Zt la, Lancaster Mr Lynn, Now York Satin Thompson, New York Geo N Lennon ' Now York LOWN Balm, New York W McArthur, Trenton, Dr-J Mitchell, Trenton, NJ \V Young, New York L S Wallace, New York John T Robinson, Nana H Penna HI, Simms, Kenna Thee Donnelly, Ilartiaburg G S Oakes. Lancaster John 0 Slither, Lancaster SF Odell ive he rge r. Delaware lwards, Delftware Rand, Boston Keller, New York helmet', Wrasport ; Chevallier, New York later. Baltimore Miles, Baltimore ' McCormick, Pittsburg Spina, corgotown,DC Buckingham, Portland Jepson, Ohio Allet4 11, Ohio al Compton, Ohio ' Stewart, Westmoreland Waterson, Westmoreld Farrell, Westmoreland Ziegler, Harrisburg W Beinton, Del on, Pa Young, Middletown Yohu. Indianapolis is Yobn &she, ludianap T Potter, Germantown L - Morgan, Cinein, 0 J s .1 Morgan, Chien, 0 I Hunter, Cincinnati, 0 Williams, Louisville,Ky men, Louisville, By Johnson, Louisville Johnson, Louisville ill Weir, Pittsburg in Roberts, Pittsburg et Edwards, Pittsburg lTmnlivaun, Pittsburg IF Anderson, Baltimore ffenden-on, Baltimore Jones, Baltimore+ • Williams ' Baltimore ' Billie in, Lancaster and 1/obeli, Liverpool Lancaster ,tos C Breen; Ponna S R Doman, Baltimore L J Callahan, Baltiluore Boberi, Durkan. Baltimore Jacob iloironbanh, (Wt. Win I 1 Hull, Now York Chas ,Moore, New York John Terry, Now York Fl lowland, N J .11011, New York • R Angus New York II ' , Hoboken 8 Q Brown, Pa A C Rand, Union, Pa R II Frisbee, Union, Pa • Miss Smith, Conn Miss Watson, Conn- Win R Gardner, Now York Grerea, Nevada Ter Strouse & wf, Pa McCaw, Tamaqua i Donaldson, 'Ashland ' Davis, Easton - Atingle, Easton. idt, 'Easton artteit: tWECI7I The Co tinental. Ilartford ?biller,' New York Jarrett, Baltimore - Blanchard,-New York L Sear orns,Worcest'r Ritter & la, Cal Morris, New York tavus Brown, Bait Bennett, Colorado Lippincott, Baltimore ' , vine, Wash, D C 'tryout, Kentucky Fisher, Kentucky trace Ko-ors Dl Rd), Wash, D C 31, , phens, Boston F Kennard, Boston (1 French & wf, Vt tb Reese, Pittsburg mre, Brooklyn Mrs SDI Sackett, N Y H P Palmer, Prov, R I 'Edmillolson Illinois dint fon, Jr, Illinois Speiser, Washington P Ireland & wf, Md Mimes lull ey, USA B Palmer, Michigan Knowles, Providence Potter,MD,Providencei 6 P Roche, Washingtoni tB A I Jones, U S Lathrop Boston Forbes, U SN Ran iolph, Jersey City' A Dreiser, New York II B Wright, Penna Caldwell, Boston 1 TurpLey, Indiana twrence, New York ;ock, New York , , New York aurbrouck, New York irrtt & wf, Quincy, 11l ',Whitlow), Scranton D Nays lays Stewart, Reading tank lin, New York Mciii Gregg, Reeding ? Leamin, N Jersey .1011116011, B o ston • ' Allen, New York i'dDlakin York wrenee,New York B Rush Plumly, N zorny, New York New York r,Calot tyke, Pittsburg 'es, New York c, New York dd, Connecticut )rth, Connecticut /awon, New Jersey W Whelan, Jr, Wash, D C Thos .T Martin, Jr R 13 Hamilton T H Beeker & son, St Louts Mrs J Bond, St Paul 1131E1 Dr W II Howard, Boston B&W M Boyd, New York H Hoes„ New York P D Lather, New York A G Seaman, New York 000 Steinman, Poona Goo M. Steinman, Pertua Henry Thomas, Harrisburg G D Brook. New York Miss Brook, Now York Saint MusselmatiMarietta York EW Fitch, Now E C Fisher, New York E Albright Dr C C Field, Easton G G Presbury & wf, Bill Miss Muromkhuysen, Batt W Smith, Alabama Frank Istudson, New York Jas It Corning, New York John T Heard, Boston A D Bartour, Pittsburg V Cornish , Connecticut Chas Dutton, Boston Hilt Thompson, Boston Shroder, Lancaster ißobt Shorrard, Jr, Ohio 'Jos Melee, Brooklyn J H Hasbrouck, New York HEIN% Ohio L Waggoner, Kentucky W E Lawrence, New York S Van Pray itt wf, Boston J Lowther, Kewport, Pa John Funk, Newport, Pa D Mears, Washington :C A Preston, Norwalk, 0 IL B Langley, Now York IS W Wlntwell, New York 'John A Lemon, Penna Mrs 'AI Davis, New York Jas McAuley, Pittsburg John McCarys, Pittsburg C R Talbot, New York J Brant, Baltimore Miss C Clawson, Newberg R W Adams St wf, N Y. A H Bryant.St wf, Buffalo G Conigur, Now York W S Blitax, Allentown J Leisenring, Parma Geo J Hughes. Panna JE Condiet,.New.York II Hill, Maine A 11 Estes, Maine S J Jacobs, New York C Dickinson, Waterbury BL Boyer Sr la,Montreal A SI - an Dozen, New York J A Kriuochrtn, New York D McGoran & sic, Ohio M A Ruland,New York The Mel Way & wf,Nelvark,Pti , nns, Wisconsin 9r, Wisconsin pobody, Zanesville, 0 'orbes, Pittsburg Bells, Cleartleld Ihfelder, Baltimore Shanksville mt. i'hanksville nrian, Pittsburg ;gill, Sr, SE la, - Pittsb Jerdman, Pittsburg, Buckbort, Altoona 1 E Mrs Dashwood, N Y Inbin,on, Rochester N. Rose, Allentown A McLean, Beaver C H ,lark. Smyrna, Del Miller, Stroudsburg 'ennui', Lynn, Pa Low, Auburn, Pa - Fit isles; Auburn,Pa Mirka, Easton- P Wise, Centreville t':c.k ler, Chambersbg l stetz, Cbatubersburg conifer, Chumbersburg ijurreison, York, Pa 1 T Doty, Mifflin, Pa Chambersburg 3 Robeson, Penna Good. Penna ipeck, Chambersburg chruit9'. Miss T Black, Cliambersb'g r Thos Coleman, Lancaster Saml Bents, Cincinnati 0 H L VEIMDISS, Goshen, Ind Mrs Garff, New Orleans C T Bainbridge & son, NY R M Walensbrey, N 0 Peter T Rice, New York T Moses, New York - T 0 Sanderson New York Saud eefer,Fort.Wayne W S Edsell, Fort Wayne H 0 Warren, Davenp, Miss C H Warren, Davenp, Miss Aaron Cheer, Davenp, Miss 0 Bitter, New York W F Clark Wm A Mara, Ashland_ Mrs Waded, Etizabethtwn Mrs MOG rams, Lancaster John D Roddy, Somerton Beni R Halos, New York D Ripleyp, Newark, N J John S_Parst, Penne. Rev D M Barber, Danville Ed w Perry James Id Orr, New York .NV A. - Ripley Newark J B DI Grant, ohnstownN Y J Masters & wf, New York J P Salmon', Hazleton C D Brodhead, Monroe co R D Kramer, Allentown Mrs R D Kramer, Allentwn The Ain :on, New York met., New York bore, New York Naime. New York iddle Maryland es, Mass Prat • er ,ertson, New York lel d looney, New York irk bilk, Maryland ruPr, Baltimore Preston, ;loan, 'Washington ndersloot, York, Pa oward, New York ,awson, Milton Minton, Milford, Del Birdsboro erican. L H Fisher St• wf, Jersey Sh John A Bash, Reading John A Fulton, Boston F H Garrett, Ashland L P Blair, Baltimore W W Dustin, Boston Amos Bartolet, Cressona 'Jas D Lawson, Woodbury J W Dickinson, Woodbury John Mitchell,New Jersey Mrs Lynch, Delaware E A Depou, Easton M Nelson, New York W Berne, Conn E Ingalls, New York' Henry Morford, New York J H Hollingsworth, N Y D J Stnrgls, Conn B B Cogell, Trenton • d Eagle. I,t& Scalechter Penne, Wm Schetter, 'Pennsburg E.Hartley Cha-c Hhnmelwright,Penna W M Gehrman. 1 emus Chas Lecher, Kutztown Chas Dolts, Pennsburg Josiah RiegaL_HeLlertown. Henry Tool, Smalls Win Wormer, , Allentown H B Beckel, Lancaster co W Von ' , hada, Lancaster co ,Jacob Cahlren ;Lancaster co A Seidel, Hamburg The Bat than. Hess, Schnecksv 13ittuer, Lancaster co Bittner, Lancaster col 'nerr, Clanssville .•• ',taker, Allentown taper, Sellersville . _ . Bayer, Sellersville :enanerer, Nazareth Felker, Nazareth Eiel ants, S Easton Slater S wf, Bethle'zn nion. W L Weed, Callicoon J G Beading, Flemington D Eppley, Harrisburg I M Moher, Penne, Miss E L Moher, Penna , Miss li Mull, Penna Jas Macmanus, Bellefonte A M Allen, Pottsville C L White, M Chunk W W Lattimore, M Chunk M A Parkhurst; Chicago J Zerbe, Central City, Cal Carlin Jr,Brooklyn mvy, New York 'og..lor, Baltimore riy, Ohio relay, Illinois ,pe, Bucks co Pa ;ocher, Wiz:Pa with, St Nicholas, Pa & wt, Lancaster co & wt, Nell- Jersey tephel Virginia qui, Wilmington The IC Andis, Harrisburg iwitb, Lock Haven •okl, New York Daniel A Yeager, Wash' n U r Steinmetz, Annville A W Shober, Lancaster co N Nelson, Chester Jas Cla yton, Liantitten co S 11 Lenhart, Leesport A S Saul, Washington • W D Weitlenbainer, Pentia J Sponsler, Lime Ridge I , recker, Reading nson, Danville 0111,, New York rri:4la. Now York •noids, Jr, Oil City ,ter, Danville B Bowman, Neffsville egrist, is-banon Bowman, Myerstown Bowman, Myerstown S ltielturds, Minersville C N Dyer, Doylestown The Stat. too, New York 1311 y, New York 'ib,Delaware s Union. Mrs Hollman & su, Penn& J kluury,Coatesyille TT Dirom, Juniata co E C Yawell, Chester co J L Work, Itmliana co A Taylor, West Chester T J Taylor, New York Capt P S O'ltankes, Penna ,Memphis co+ o l,, Penult Liz, Penna i‘ritdise, Delaware mercial The Con C B Reynolds St la, Oil City Richt' Jones, Lancaster co D R Clemens Chester Val 0 H Searle, New Jersey. J H Armstrong, Newark, NJ Geo Hammond, York co J C McCurdy,York co nupor, Pa. Bahlley, Lauc co Oakford, Oxford, Pa Hicks; Pa :bikmbers,Avondale .vin, Chester co iivin & sister Pa Doxsev, 1" Pluenixville llama, Columbia roadside, Pa ' John O'Kwue, New York JD Duckett, Chester co John S Paxson, W Chester SPECIAL, NOTICES. fE ADULTERATION OF SPIRITUOUS LI . —What with the increased duties on imported and the heavy taxes on fourth-proof domestic li , an immense quantity of alcoholic preparations crown upon the market as representatives of the ar spirits used 'as beverages, each as whiskY, ly, gin, and rum, the former now being about as ill to obtain pure and unadulterated as it used to gnmon and of good quality. The result of the .ity of good spirituous liquors has been to introduce the market a species of beverage composed of pure Is combined with some tonic vegetable extract, the bund being known as Bitters. These "Bitters". ;enerally speaking,as far superior to the spirituous rs ordinarily retailed at bars and taverns as possible nuch less injurious than even the best spirits are, left tonic effects counterbalance the Inflammatory n that accompaniso all alcoholic drinks. But even le manufacture of this class , of popular beverages, is more or 11388 adulteration, and therefore care is 'red In Making a selection, in order that the best .ty may bo Procured. best in the market that we have yet seen is that n as the "Golden Bitters, " which is warranted of set materiali, and composed of extracts from purely able sources, • medical analysis which Mr. HUBBEL had made he purpose, shows that his Bitters are eminently lated to relieve the dyspepttc,and afford that gentle lent necessary to assist the weak and infirm to rich the fatigues of daily life, The time will come these Bitters will supersede the poisonous drinks biked at our public bars, and when this change _ . mce we shall hear of fewer. cases of mad drunk. and lees deaths from delirium tremens.—Brnok ray3o-Bt LYSEWINO, BIEBROIDERENG BRAID . Tucking, &c., beautifully executed on )ROVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINE. Ma .s, with operators, by the day or week, 730 ITNUT Street. ap2ratuth3m ITT'S 'HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE, ITT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. QT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. :T'S HIAWATHA, HAIR RESTORATIVE, lET'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. ,pngfellow's Poem Hiawatha was adjudged to onferred the greatest boon on his tribe because plight to its notice corn, Every ono will admit Si preparation In worthy of its name, for the be. t corners when it is known. WHAT THE HIAWATHA DOES. tones faded and gray hair and whiskers to their I color. It brings up the natural shading of ono Eh another, thus giving the hair a perfect lily Inca, so that the most critical observer cannot use. It makes harsh hair soft and silky, stops out, cleanses it and the scalp from all irapu- La as readily applied and wiped from the skla as It dressing, and entirely overcomes the bad ef prev ions use of preparations containic g sulphur, , f lead, Arc. iroprietors of the Hiawatha published the fo1•. challenge to test in the New York dailies three which WAS NEVER ACCEPTED: ;ome well known and disinterested persons s* co to the proprietor of each preparation for the king up the color. Every proprietor to au but his own preparation, and the person also during the test; A certificate of the re , widolY published at the expense of the on, vuwettters. Sold everywkene. JOSEPH HOYT & 00., 10 lIIIITQrfiItY n O O% XCIX. ONE-PRIOR CLOTIIISTG, OP TSE LATEST Curate, made in the Beat Manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Pitmen. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our ONE-Pares SYSTISO( is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. JONES & CO.. 604 MARKET Street. t3TEELTWAY & SONS, cI7ITPI PIANOS, PIANOS For sale only at BLASIU BROS., 1000 CHESTNUT street. STECK & 00%S MAsox HAIILIN'S CABINET ORGANS &TEM & THE POPHLAR CLOTMNO HOUSE of DIMI " OAK• HALL." Best-class goods and moderate prices. WANAMAKER & BROWN.. S. B. corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets, Onatom Department (to make to order) No. 1 S. Sixth it. WHEELER It WILSON'S HIGHEST PRExcum LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, AHD BEST Salesrooms, 704 CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh M:A:RRIED_ STRETCH-01tAY.—In St. James' Church, King ceasing, 111ny19,1564, by Rov—.Chas. A. Matson, Dr. C. G. Stretch, of New Jersey, to Miss Alma T. Gray, of .West Philadelphia, Pa. D2ED_ URWILER. —From wounds received in the battle of the Wilderness, Sergeant Charles A. Urwiler, Co: C, 67th Regiment I'. V., aged 2i years. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his mother. No. 921 Randolph street, on Thursday at terufan, at 3 o'clock. *o* R •SE —At Memphis, Tenu. ,on the 22d inst., Frede ric k W. Reese, of the Quartermaster's Department 12th Army Corps, formerly of this city. Interment this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 4 O'clock, at St. John's Lutliet au Burying Ground, Race street, be low Sixth, to which his friends are respectfully invited without further notice., ...., 5 FARR. —On the 29th inst., Thomas B. Wattson, son of John and Fanny W. Farr, aged S months and 2 weeks. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of Ids parents, No. 1619 Chestnut street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, 31st inst., at 4 o'clock. 5 WATElN.—Killed, May 20th in the 211th year of his age, while charging the enemy's cilia pits on the James river, Sergeant Lewis IL Welkin, of Co. H, 97th Rogi mknt P. V. V., son of Isaac Watkin, of this city. Dne notice will be given of the funeral on recovery of the body. BRADY.—Died in Christ, on Friday, May 27th, inst., from diseases of the heart, contracted by her voluntary efforts on behalf of the sick and wounded soldiers on the battle-tlelds of the Army of Potomac, Va , Mary A. Brady, wife of Edward Brady, West Philadelphia, aged 42 years. 'the friends and acquaintances 'of the family and soldiers are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from bier late residence, 406 South Forty-first street, above Baltimore avenue, West Philadelphia, at 10 o'clock en Wednesday morning, the Ist or June. - To proceed to Mount Moriah Cemetery. NINESTEEL.—On the `26th inst., John D. Ninesteel, iu the 66th year of his 'Age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No. 1607 Mount Vernon street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, -at 3 o'clock P. M. . • . ALLISON. —On the 2Sth inst., Matilda IL, wife of John 11. Allison, in the 37th year of her age. • The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband, No. 223 North Forty-first street, West Philadelphia, on Wednesday afternoon, June Ist, at 2 o'clock. To proceed to - Mount norialt Cemetery. * SPARKS.—On the afternoon of the Stith-inst., of dip thesis, William 8., youngest son of Thomas and Ann Rliza Sparks. STRINE. —Killed, nt Spottsylvanis, on the 12th inst. - , Robert P., of the 511 Pennsylvania Mi giment, 2d Corps, s on of William and Jane Strine, of Milton, Northumber land comity, Penna., in the IPth year of his age. OBITUARY. TFIE DEATH OF MARK LOW—MEETING OF-IN SPECTORS OF CUSTOMS. —A Meeting of Inspectors of Customs was held yesterday, May 30th, at their office, bOS South Delaware avenue, for the purpose of taking action concerning the death of MARK LOW. Abraham. Myers was called to the chair, and Casper Sender, Jr..; was appointed Secretary. The following preamble and resolutions were unani mously adopted: Whereas, The Inspectors of Customs of the port of Philadelphia have learned with deep regret of the death of their late associate, MARK Low—therefore, Rao/zed, That in his decease we recognize the loss of a faithful officer, a good citizen, and a genial friend. Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the fami ly of the deceased in their great affliction, and that the officers of this meeting be a committee to convey to them a copy of these resolutions. .Reso/ved, That we will, in a body, attend the funeral of the deceased at four o'clock to-morrow (Tuesday) af ternoon. ABRAHAM MYERS, Chairman. CASPER SouDER,.Jr., Secretary. GLOSSY BLACK SILKS-JUST. RE CEIVED, One ease of Lyons Taffetas. 25-inehes.yride Lyons Taffetas, $1.75. 25-ineltes-wide Lyons Taffetas, 51.57%. '25-inches-wide Lyons- Taffetas, 52. 2i-inches-wide. Lyons Taffetas, $2.50. ALSO, Posit de Soie Oros Grains, Tailles, &e. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, my3l 316 CHESTNUT Street, SEA -SIDE HOTELS SUPPLIED Table Linen by the piece.- , Napkins by the dozen, low. Quilts for single beds, &c. Ned border Chamber Towels. • Huguenot Stoat Shootings. my2s EYRE Sc LANDELL. THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR.— Office of the COMMITTEE ON LABOR. INCOME, AND REVENUE, No. 118 South SEVENTH Street, Philadelphia. 'The uoder4igned, Treasurer of the Com mittee, acknowledges the receipt of the following- sub scriptions: Prom John Cunningham, Esq., U. S. Consul, Se ville, Spain $lO 00 Employees of John Edwin Potter, Esq., Book seller. 617 Sansom street - 4425 Billmeyer & Small, Saw Mills, York, Pa., per John Murphy, Chairman 100 00 Employees of do., per do 102 30 John Connors; one day's labor 2 00 Rev: Isaac Leeser, No. 1227 Walnut street 5 00 Rev. J. - S. Melhorn, McClellandtown 2 00 Rev. T. D. N. Tallmage 0 SI Rev. Prof. H. Ziegler, Selinsgrove, Penna., per Rev.•E W. Butter 300 Rev.Edw. S. Marks, Bethany Church, per W. J. Given 25 00 Rev. W. W. Michel and Rev. R. S. Jones, En terprise M. E. Church and congregation; Lan caster • 6 13 Mrs. Elizabeth Brown 15 00 Dreer & Hayes, pet F. P. Dubosq, Chairman 35 . 00 Lewis Ladomus, per do 10 00 E. P. Dubosq & Son From J. B. Bloudgood, per Mrs. Forney- 15 00 H. C. Gibson, Esq 10 00 Handed in by a young man at office, simply as .. ._ _ . . . .. . _ .. . . . . " Cash" 100 03 Mary L. Brown I 55 George A: Luxe 200 Proceeds of a private Soirée given at the Wash ington Building, per Jos. Brobson SO OD Per J. S. Serrill, Chairman, Darby:. Collected by Mr. Sballeross, various sums 66 50 From citizens of Perryville, Juniata county, per J. B. Okeson 30 00 Miss E. V 2 09 Received of Henry D. Sherrerd, Esq., Chairman of Committee on Insurance, Life, and Trust Companies and Saving Funds May 23, being am( nut collected by him from Board of Marine pr.: Inspectors 2) 00 Board of United States Surveyors 20 00 John Williams, Esq., Secretary of Board of Fire .. Under Writers 600 Leech & Co., and employees, Washington-street wharf ' 300 00 Mrs. M. A. Ring, per Mrs. R. Hammett - 1000 Mrs, Jackson, $1; Miss Price, $1; E. J. Dough- - erty, OF; S. O'Brien :$l.; S B. Hinchcliff, $1; Mrs. Bertram, $1; E. Ross, $1; E. Johnson,sl;' A. Turner, $1; IVE Turner, 50c 9 50 Employees of Mrs. Turner, per do 9 23 PerXr.B.Shoemaker and Mrs. J. B. Ileyl, Chair ' nel4, remitted by Mrs. J. Stuart—cash 5 00 Wright & Siddall. per do 2000 Thos. P. James, Esq., per do 10 00 Per Mrs. 3'heodote Wilson, Chairman: , Thos. Weasel', biscuit baker 23 00 Employees of do 13 00 Ivens Sr Allen, do 23 00 Employees of do 17 00 T. Carsick &Co . 20 CO Mrs. Stewart's employees 5 . 50 Theodore Wilson, Esq 25 00 Employees of do ' 34 00 John Hartman, Esq. (total, $134.50) 1 - ' 23 00 Cashloo From Le Boutillier & Bros., Chestnut street, per Jas. R. Campbell, Chairman 150 00 Part of employees of do 2400. From Jacob Rech, Esq., per H. Simons, Ch 20 00 Employees of do, per do Si 33 A Widow's mite 5 00 Per R. Shoemaker, Chairman: Geo. D. Wetherill & Co 200 00 o. 5. Janney & Co 100 00 Dr. D. Hersbey _ 15 00 A. J. Miller, Chambersburg . 10 00 C. IL Davis, for Militia service 6 60 C. G. Maffit, $5; Wm. Mervine, $1.50; C. Looze, $1.50:.J. Armstrong, $1.60; J. McClellan $1.50; +Total, $513.60.) 11 00 W. D. Skudder $7 87f.. N. Trout 7 85 J. P. Cheetham 2 25 W. L. Herbert 200 Soldiers' Aid Society, New Milford, Pa.. per Rev. W. U. Bowers -5 00 D. H. Hutcheson U. S. Hotel, Harrisburg 25 00 Per Eew. G. Peabody; J. C. F 500 Employees of Eeigel. Wies, & Ervin 135 80 Do. of L. B. &Co 23 00 George Watson, also, per Mr. Peabody 25 50 Employees of do. do 23 00 Turner "& Wayne, Perfumers 60 00 JOHN W. CLAGHORN, Treasurer. Office, No. US South SEVENTH Street, Phila. Other subscriptions and rernittaaces by snail, duly re ceipted for and acknowledged in this paper. • It 112 r. TO SINGERS !—INAIIGUTUVI r ION OF THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR.—The Com mittee having charge of the Inaugural Ceremonies Na ring authorized the undersigned to collect and prepare a Chorus for that occasion, and having obtained the ser vices of the chorus of the Institution for the Blind, would respectfully invite the co-operation of the mem bers of the Handel and Haydn and Harmonia Societies, and the different Church Choirs, to meet him on THURSDAY EVENING, June 2d, at 8 o'clock, at MU SICAL FUND HALL. The choruses to be rehearsed are the 'Star-Spangled Banner," and a hymn com posed expressly for the occasion, supported by a large military band, under the leadership of Mr. Carl Sentz. The participants will have an opportunity of witnessing, the ceremonies incident to this occasion , together with. the freedom of the buildings. zny3l . . A. R. TAYLOR, Conductor. —SANITARY COMMISSION.—A popular LECTURE will be delivered In the city of Camden,J, by_ DAVID PAUL BRO WN, Es., on TUESDAY EVENIG, 91st inst., at E. o'clock, in the COURT HOUSE. Ae the Lecturer is so welt - known , and theohject for the benefit of the sick and wounded soldiers, it is desirable to have a good attendance. MATTHEW NEWKIRK, It* Chairman of the Committee of Arrangements. DRESS AND MILLINERY DE PARTMENT GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. All persons having articles intended as donations to the Dress and Millinery Department of the Fair will please send them in at once to MISS THOMPSON, Chalrnian, 1809 PINE Street, Or to any of the Committee. my3l-3t THIRD NATIONAL RANH Or PHILADELPHIA, Fiscal Agent of the United States. " • NOTICE. —Under instructions from the 11. S. Trea sury Department, this Bank will redeem, on and. after WEDNESDAY, June Ist, the Coupons of the U. S. per cent. • Treasury Notes, due June let. Proper schedules can be bad on application at the Hank. Cott % Pons must be detached from the notes in presence of an officer or the Bank. R. OLENDINNING, niy3l-15t Cashier. NOTICE.—TINE ANNUAL MEET. ING of the Stockholders, and election for Pre sident and Directors of the CONNECTING-RAILWAY COMPANY, will be held at the °Mee of the Company, on TUESDAY, the 14th day of Jane,lBft4, at 12 o'clock noon. EDMUND SMITH, Secretary. PHILADELPHIA, May 31, 1861 . my3l-tiel4 PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING AGIMCULTURE.—Jane meting at Room, 326 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDA.Y,I4, at 11 o'clock A. M. SOUTII dC.LIFF COM. PANY. —A r E g n ed /nesting or tho Stock holders is the Sontb a Ctlinfl will be held at No. 413. WAERN P ETr Y e'et?! aliahlgan ' Oa NESDAY, let day of June, at 71 o'clock 47!.'f,1! mysi_2t. AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE LADIES' NATIONAL COVENANT will be held at the COURT HOUSE, In MEDIA, Del. co., Pa., on WEDNESDAY next, Jane let, at 2 o'clock P. M. • lt. ELLEN LEWIS, Secretary. FUEL-SAVING SOCIETY OF THE CITY AND LIBERTIES OF PHILADELPHIA. —The Annual Meeting of the Society will ho bold at No. 109 North 2 ENTIRroot, 2d story, on THURSDAY, 2d June, at ace. M4 l / 4 S-; B. W. BEESLEY. Secretary. Elution for Officeiti Altd Mogen, Egr . "... THE GREAT CENTRAL] FAIR. TICKETS FOR OPENING OEREMONIES..O SPASON TICKETS, NOT ADMITTING TO THE OPENING CEREMONIES e 5 Puma. 1323 CHESTNUT STREET. On and after MONDAY, May 30,,at tho CONTINEN TAL, and at PUGH'S, corner of SIXTH and CHEST- PIANOS J. B. 001 JED, nd CHESTNUT liar= • GEAT CENTRAL'', FAIR—COM MITTRER ON STEAM RAILWAYS, LABOR, AND IbCOMES.—The following contributions are gratefully acknowledged: George 'Faber, Tretioror Harrisburg and Lan caster Railroad Transportation Department Schuylkill and Sus quehanna Railroad, per - 11.. W. Tracey, PaS master 08 55 Transportation and Motive power Department, Middle Division, Pensylvanla Railroad, per S. D. Young, Superintendent 849 33 Maintenance or Way Department Pennsylvania. Railroad, per W. H. Wilson, Chief Engineer, viz! Employees on Philadolphin division 41,276 00 Employees ou Middle division 1,630 76 2,006 76 Employees of Mining Department Little Schuyl kill Navigation, Railroad, and Coal Company, per John F. Blaudy, Superintendent 131 18 acknolvledget. Total $8,977 01 Of this amount, the officers and employees of the transportation, motive-power, and maintenance of way department of the Pennsylvania Railroad, on the Phila delphia and Middle divisions, have contributed $5,1150 00—a noble record of their liberality. Those eon• netted with the Pittsburg division have preferred to give their subscriptions to the Pittsburg SI hitary Fair for the same object. EDW. MILLER, in y3l 4t Chairman. ligr.THE RICHMOND PRISONERS.— OFFICE ON THE U. S. A. GENERAL fICISPITAId, DtvistoN No. I. ANNAroms, Mo., May 27, 1865. To Dr. Ellerslie Wallace, Philadelphia : MY DEAR Slit : I acknciwledge the receipt of the fol lowing amounts from you to be applied to the benefit of my patients iii this Hospital : Fubscriptioos to "The Crutch" WS 00 26 Photographs sold 18 00 Contributions by various residents in Philada.. 221 00 it3l2 00 Please to thank all who have so generously contributed_ to our asstance, and assure them that their charity shall be well appropriated. lours, truly, . . TABLE DEPARTMENT OF TILE. LABOR, INCOME, AND REVENUE COll. ,OF, THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR acknowledge the iollotv- Mg: Through Mrs. Mary Corson, of Springfield town ship, for the Sanitary Fair, from an association. of six. ladies a quantity of useful articles, consisting of star light 'hoods, infants' mill children's braided sacks, zephyr shawls and sacks, scarfs and slippers, to the value of one hundred and fifty dollars ($150), the result of their industry for a few weeks, from materials pur chased with the sum of fifty-seven dollars and fifty cents ($57.50), being funds collected for that 'purpose by Mr. Caleb Heydrick, of Springfield township, Mont gomery, county, Penna. Irs. E. W. RUTTER, It Mrs. JOHN W. FuRNEY. GREAT CENTRAL FAIR; PHILADELPHIA, HORTICULTURAL AND FLORAL DEPARTMENT. The Committee in charge of this Department respect fully solicits contributions for either exhibition or sale, at the Fair iu June next, of Fruit, Flowers, and Vege tables; elan, Bouquets, Baskets of Flowers, Flors.l De‘dgns, Hanging Baskets, Flower Stands, Fern Cases, Aviaries, Gardening Implements, Native NN'ine, Garden Seats and Vases, Cut Flowers Dried " Wax " Leather " , , in Wort, Rustic Adornments of every kind, or any thing of a rural or rustic character that does not strictly belong to the Agricultural Department. -- Daily contributions of cut flowers, bouquets, designs. baskets, Ae., so as to insure a constant and regular sup ply during the Fair, will be very acceptable, and con tributors will please arrange with the Chairman of the Committee on Baskets, Designs, and Bouquets, Mr. ROBERT RILVINGTON , Florist, LOCUST Street,near Thirty- seventh, West Philadelphia, as to the days on which their contributions will be required. Dail contributions of Fruits and Vegetables,not only for exhibition and sale, but also for the use of the Re staurant, Will also be thankfully received. - The time fixed for opening the Fair is the FIRST TUESDAY IN JUNE NEXT, and it will continue two weeks. All articles except cut flowers, fruit, and vege tables must be received on before the preceding day. Donations from the interim of tots State, and from Delaware and New Jersey, can be forwarded by any public conveyance free of freight, and should be dis tinctly marked: "Great Central Fair, Logan Square, Philadelphia, Horticultural Department. Care of .D. .I?. King, 72.3 Chestnut street, PhiLadelphia. " "For Sale" or For Exhibition," as may be desired. Bills of lading - should, also be forwarded to the sane ad dress. D. RODNEY RING, Chairman of the Gentlemen's Committee. _ Mrs. J. RHEA BARTON, Chairman of Ladies' Com aittee. myl4-stuthtjes IW.GREAT CENTRAL EASEL—COX MITTEE ON FINANCE AND DONATIONS. PHILADELPHIA, May 27, 1864. ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. John DaHeti & Co "Farnall & Trimble Henry J. Williams Delaware Division Canal Company Alexander Biddle John Beylard,. Jr., of Philadelphia, now re siding in Paris American Fire Insurance Company S. H. Carpenter Mrs. S. H. Carpenter Miss Emily B. Carpenter William Cox 011 Pin & Co A Friend of the Cause Frederick Pepper Prudent Casamajor, of St. Jago, Cabe First Naiional Bank, Wrightsville, Pa Edward Coles Carroll Lodge, No. la), of I. -0. of 0. F. of Schuylkill Haven Previously acknowledged THE CITIZENS' VOLUNTEER HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION appeals to a gene rous people to sustain them in their efforts to administer relief to the noble men who have sacrificed. every home comfort, ricked life and limb in the desperate conflict with treason . ; who are determined to crush with the iron heel of right the deep ingratitude of a misguided and basely rebellious faction, and restore to its pristine purity and beauty the Union of our noble sires, plant upon every Southern hill-top onr liberty tree,and mois ten its roots with their warm life-blood, or find a grave beneath its soil. Several thousand wounded in this contest have al ready arrived among us,' and been received at this in stitution; proper refreshment freely and. promptly given, their festering wounds bathed. and dressed by woman's tender band, and every want anticipated. Donations of money, clothing, vegetables, proserves, dried fruit, or any article beneficial to the afflicted, will be cheerfully received,and may be sent to the Hos pital, care of THOMAS L. GIFFORD, Secretary, or to J. H. CLAYTON, Storekeeper. The following members comprise the Finance Com mittee, and would be glad to hear from- the friends of the soldier: • • - • . 2011 N WILLIAMS, Office No. 6 Willing !s alley. THOMAS T. TASKER, Sr., No. 16'.3 - .1 S. Fifthstreet. FRANK BAIZE, at 31. Thomas & Sims, No. 139-S Fourth street. SAMUEL BAYLE, Office of the Florence Sewing Ma chine Company, Chestnut street, below Seventh. CB AS. P. PEROT, Treasurer, S. E. corner Broad and Christian streets. Or any memberof the Board of Managers Philadelphia, May 10, 1864. OFFICE OF THE TREMONT COAL COMPANY, No. 11 Washington Buildings, 274 South Third Street, Philadelphia, May 28, 1564.—The certificates of stock of this company are now ready for delivery, on application therefor at this office: 11W. NOTICE.—THE ANNEAL MEET ING of the Stockholders of the PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP DOCK COMPANY, for the election of Di rectors, and ibe transaction of other business, will be held at No. 126 North DELAWARE Avenue, second floor, on MONDAY, June 6th 1861; at 13 o'clock noon. ray3o-61 WM. DENNIS, Secretary'and Treas. ST. ANDRE l'I"S SOCIETY.—A meeting will be held on TUESDAY EVENING, Mat instant, at 7y2 o'clock, in the CONINENTAL HOTEL. Alembers will please attend without further notice. mySO-2t ti GREGATIO PROFRIATE religious serelces connocted with the public recognition of the First, Second, and Central Congregational Churches of this city, and the installa• tion of Rev. 0. W. SMILEY, D. D., as pastor of the Second Congregational Church, will , be held at the ACADEBIY OF MUSIC, on WEDNESDAY next, June ht, at 7% F. M.. . . A sermon will be preached by the Rev. HENRY WARD BEECHER. Other parts in the services have been assigned to Rev. Drs. KIRK and STORE, of Bos ton, Rev. Dr. BACON, of New Haven, Rev.-Dr. PAL BIER, of Albany, Rev. Dr. TODD, of Pittsfield, and others. A collection will be taken up. my2s-It. REV. COL. G. MOODY. FIGHTING Parson'or the West, will Lecture at the MU SICAL FUND HALL on next TUESDAY EVENING, May. 31, at S o'clock. Eubject—" Our Country. ' ' Ad mission, 23 cents. Tickets may be had at the Methodist Book Room, Fourth street, below Arch,or at the door on the evening of the lecture. For the benefit of the Nine teenth-street M. E. Church, E. T. KENNEY, pastor. my2S-St* CORN EXCHANGINBANK, PIIILADRLPRIA, May 6 186.4. The Directors have this day called in .➢ the final in stalments to the Capital Stock of this Bank, payable as follows: TEN DOLLARS PER SHARE, payable on or before the 6th day of June next, and the remain ing TEN DOLLARS. PER SHARE, payable on or be fore the 6th day of July next. my2B-8t J. W. TORREY, Cashier. OFFICE OF THE METALLINE LAND COMPANY OF LAKE SIIPERIOR.,_ . Ma Y 16, 1564. The Stated Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the METALLINE LAND COMPANY will be held at the OFFICE OFTHE COMPANY, 324 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY the 6th day of June next, at 12 a, myl7-tie6 • F. K. WOMRATFI, Clerk. W' RESOLIITE MINING COMPANY.— The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the RESOLUTE MINING COMPANY, of Lake Superior, will be held at their Office, No. 32.1- WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, on MONDAY, the sixth day of June next, at 11 o'clock, A. M., for the Election of Directors and other business. B. A. HOOPES, Secretary. PIIILADELPHIA, May 21, 1864. my23-tie6 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CON. ligß e - PANY-TREASIFICER'S DEPARTMENT, ?AMADEI,- pmA, April 20, 1864. NOTICE TO THE STOCKHOLDERS. —The Board of Director's have this day declared a semi-annual dividend of live per cent. on the capital stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes, payable on and after !Slay 16, 1864. Blank powers of attorney for collecting dividends can be had at the Office of the Company, No. 238 Smith THIRD Street. . . Stock and Scrip certificates for the extra dividend will be ready for delivery on and after May 2d, but no stock or scrip certificates will be delivered between the 16tb May and Ist Tune. - THOMAS T. FIRTH, my2-lm ' Treasurer. OFFICE WESTERN PENNSYLVA NIA RAILROAD COMPANY. - • PITILADELPHIA, May 20, 1804. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. —A special meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will he held on THURSDAY, the 16th day of JUDIE, 1864, at 1.1 o'clock M. at the Office of the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, in Philadelphia, for the purpose of accept ing or rejecting " An act relating to the Western Penn sylvania Railroad Company, and for other purposes, approved 27th April. 1864,"and, also to take action in reference to a proposed increase of the Capital' Stock of the Company. By order of the Board. my24-18t JOSEPH LESLEY, Secretary. irgr lIINIVEILSITY OF PENNSYLVA.• NIA—(DEPARTMENT OF ARTS.—The final examination of the Senior CiaSEI will be held in the fol lowing order, beginning each day at 41'. M. TUESDAY. 24th—By Professor Frazer, (Physical Ge- TagiSDAY, 21th—By Professo r Allen, (7tero phon 's liiPmorabili a. ) THURSDAY, 26th—By Professor ConpBe, (Interna tional Law.) FRIDAY, 27th—By Professor Jackson, (Cicero do Arn citia ) MONDAY, 30th—By the Provost, (Butler's Analogy.) TUESDAI, 31st—By tbe Provost, (Political Economy.) GEORGE ALLEN, Secretary of the Faculty of ,Arts. DIVIDEND NOTICE.-411(E Mc- U VILLE, PETROLEUM ' COMPANY. Office No. 4)1 WALNUT Street, PHILADELPITIA, May 21th, 1884. The Boer/ of Directors have this day declared the se cond Inontbly Dividend of ONE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock. payable at the Office of the. Company, ok. and after itIONDAY, June 8th..1884.. The transfer books will close . on Tuesday, May net, it 9 o'clock,' for Ave days. . ILLT,Am - AtooNariy: my 23 8t• SeOLClto.ri•—• THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA; TUESDAY; MAY 31, 1864: FOR SALE AT THE OFFICE, HORAOE HOWARD FURNES'S, SECRETARY B. A. VANDE4KIEFL Surgeon D. S. Vol• in charge Phantom Bouquets, Autumn Leaves, Aquaria, Seeds, Gardening Books, Fountains, Agricultural Iron Work, 4 4 Wire Work, Chinaaud Pottery, Dried Fruit, Foreign or Exotic Fruit, Wax Fruit, ' Garden Statuary, . $4,075 00 x 565,45 9 .67 $69,534 67 A. E. BORIE, Chairxnan. ALBERT B. ECKEL, Secretary and Treasurer GEORGE YOUNG, Secretary NOTICE.—OFFICE HUCK MOUN TAIN COAL COMPANY No. 320 WALNUT Street, PHILADIMPIIIA, May M, The Board Deave this day declared a Divi dend of TEN PERCENT on the capital stock of the Company, subject to National and State tax, payable on and after the 16th proximo. Ihe Transfer Books of the Company wilt be olosed this day, and reopen on the 16th proximo.x By order of the Board. X. U. TROTTER, m y 26-6 tTreasurer. lar. THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR.— Special Committee for fancy goods, watches, jewelry, silver and plated Ware, earnestly request the trade In this city to send in their contributions designed for this department without delay, In order to complete arrangements In season. Invoices to accompany the goods, and directed to J. E. CALDWELL, Chairman, my27-at 822 CHESTNUT Street. tar WAGNER .1f ER RI N, ESQ., delivers his Lecture on the 'REBELLION, at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, on TUESDAY EVENING. 3lst instant, for the benefit of the SANITARY FAIR. Already 3,000 tickets sold. Secure your tickets at _GOULD'S. in y2B. tit. IIV VAMPIRE COPPER COMPANY— PHILADELPHIA, ALLY 19, 1894,—The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Empire Copper Com (ol'floi:alle24"IVIV)A;" t i r e Pldladelph on- FR Y, the 9d day of June 1,994, at 4 o'clock :M., for the election of Directors.' and the transaction of other business. J. E. McMULLEN, my2o-19t Secretary. lar CORN EXCHANGE, BANK. : PHILADELPHIA, May.' MIL The Directors have declared a Dividend of SE`;75 per cent., payable on demand. clear of State and U. S. (3 per cent.) tax. J. W. TORREY, Cashier. 107/ETNA MINING COMPANY.—TICE —Annual Meeting of the Stulcholdere of the /Etna Mining Company, of Lake Superior, will be hold at their office, No. 321- WALNUT Street, on TUESDAY, the Slot inst., at 11 o'clock. A. rir. for the election of Directors, and the transaction of other' business. • . B. A. 1106PES , SecretarY- Philadelphia, May 14, 1864. my 16431 OFFICE OF TIIE AITIYGDAEOIE , MINING COMPANY OP LAKE SUPERIOR. HILADIMPRIA, Map 14, 1563. The stated Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will he held on WEDNESDAY, June 1, at 12 o'clock M., at the office, No. 324 WALNUT Street. An elect ion for Directors will take pi ItCe, to serve the Com pany the ensuing year. P. R. WOMRATH, myl6-tjel Secretary. $3,9928 7 . 4,981 79 far THE THIRD SEIIII-ANNUAL EI. - HIBITION of the EAST PENNSYLVANIA AG RICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL SOCIETY will be held at NORRISTOWN, on THURSDAY-, Jane 9, 1864, The attention of Horsemen and the Manufacturers of Agricultural Implements is particularly invited to this Exhibition, as the facilities for display and sale are un equalled by any other society in the State. By order. myl2-18t WM. BEAN: Recording Secretary. Ilar. PHILADELPHIA AND BOSTON MINING COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, May 19, 1881: • The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Phila delphia and - Boston Mining Company (of Lake Superior) will be held at their Mice, No. 423 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, on FRIDAY, the 3d day of JUNE, 1864, at 11 o'clock A. M., for the election of Directors and the transaction of other business. iy2o•tje3 J. S. MMULLIN, Secretary. GIRARD MINING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN.—The Annual Meeting of- tho Stockholders of the .OIRARD MINING COMPANY, of Michigan, will be held at their Office, No. 321 WALNUT Street, on TUESDAY, the seventh day of June next, at n o'clock, A. M., for the Election of Directors and other business. B. A. HOOPES, Secretary. PHILADELPIIIA, May 21. 1564. myl3-tje7 Iar7OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH( COAL AND NAVIGATION COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, May 24, 1864. A dividend of THREE PER CENT, being one dollar and fifty cents per share on the' Capital Stock of the Compa ny, has this day been declared by the Board of Mana gers, payable on demand, clear of United States and State taxes. EDWIN WALTER, my2s-61 : Treasurer. ciIIHEAD QUARTERS PROVOST MAR SHAL FIRST DISTRICT, Pennsylvania: WHEREAS, It is plainly for - .the interests of the ...people of each Ward to have stricken from the list all names improperly enrolled, because an excess of names increases the quota ; and it is equally, for the in terest of each person enrolled to place upon the list all persons liable ,to do military duty, because the greater the number to be- drawn from the less the chances of each individual ; therefoer, The Board of Enrolment, upon apiilication,will strike off the names or all persons now over 45 years of age, all who are permanently disabled, all who have served in the military or naval service two years during the present war and been honorably discharged therefrom, and will add to the list the names of all persons omit ted or stricken off who are liable to do military duty, all who have arrived at the age of D) years, all aliens who have declared their intention of becoming citizens, All other claims for exemption will be disposed of after tho draft. WM, E. LEHMAN, 245 South THIRD Street, Captain and Provost Marshal, my2l-stuthtf. - • First District Penna. HEADQUARTERS PROVOST MAR SHAL'S OFFICE, SECOND DISTRICT OF PENN SYLVANIA, No. 256 South Twelfth street, Whereas, It is for the interest of the people of each ward to Nave stricken from the list all names improperly enrolled, becanse an excess of names increases the quo ta: it is equally for the interest of each person enrolled in a given ward to have placed upon the list all persons liable to do military duty, because the greater the number to be drawn from, the less the chance of each individual to be drawn. The Board of Enrolment will be In session daily, to strike from the list all persons not liable to military duty, and to enroll all persons whose names may have been omitted, all persons who shall have-arrived at the age of Twenty (20) before the draft, all persons dis• charged from the military or naval service of the United States who have not been in service two years during the present war, and all Aliens who shall have de clared their intentions to become citizens . of the United States or who have held °glee under the General Go vernment. It is hoped that the people will take such interest in this matter as will enable the Board to make a complete enrolment; EDWIN PALMER, _ _ _ my73-tf Capt. and Provost Marsg;lejOnitti;l:.Pa. KEYSTONE BATTERY.-AN 4i adjourned meeting will be held on TUESDAY EVENING, May 31, at the City Arsenal, at 8 . -- o'clock. Young men wishing to enlist in this Battery for 100 days' service are invited to attend. ar. HASTINGS, Captain. 4.1,000 DO 600 CO 600 DO 500 00 250 00 ARMY GOODS. FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY. • EVANS 8L ECA.SSALIL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, •418 ARCH- STEET, - PHILADELPHIA.. Banners, Regimental and Company Flags, Swords, Bashes, Belts, Pascants, Epoulets, Hats, Caps, Can teens, Haversacks, Camp Bits, Field Glasses, Spurs, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit of Army and Navy Officers. A liberal discount allowed to the trade. mylS-Im FROTHINGHAM '& WELLS 200 00 200 CA 100 00 60 00 60 00 100 00 100 00 60 00 100 00 100 00 60 00 200 00 HAVR FOR SALM, HEAVY, MEDIUM, AND LIGHT SHEETINGS AND SHIRTING& STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CAMBRICS AND SILECIAS. BROWN, BLEACHED, AND CORSET JEANS. No. 12 WORSTED YARN, &a. se24if-tt D, un LILLIE' S SO-CALLED BUR LAE -PROOF SAFES EXPOSED, AND SHOWN TO BE INSECURE. - In the Evening Telegraph of April 16, 1664, Mr. C. C. Saddler, agent foe' Lewis Lillie, of Troy, Yew York, asserts that the- burglar-proof safes of the said Lewis with his duodecagon lock, with his anti-micro meter attachment, are the only ones that afford any Protection to bankers and others who have valuables which they wish to leave in them, and publishes a long list of safes which have been opened by burglars and his agents. Now I, David Evans, of the firm of Evans & Watson, of the city of Philadelphia, to correct the falthimpression made upon the mind of the public by the said publication, as well as the representation of the officers of some of our city banks, who, for some reason, are inclined to lend themselves to the said-Sad dler, and aid him in decrying the manufactures of their own city for the benefit of this New York firm, make the following statement. I offer to prove to any disin terested persons that the so-called burglar-proof safes can be opened by a skillful person in less time, with less noise or chance of detection, than any other bur glar-proof safe now in the market, thus showing that so far from being the best,they are really the least reliable - of any make of safes. I now offer to open any safe sold by him as a bank or burglar-proof safe in the city of Philadelphiaor State of Pennsylvania, depending upon his patent chilled iron and duodecagon lock, without snaking noise enough to disturb any person sleeping inlthe adjoining room, in from a half hour to six hours, according to the thick ness or hardness of the door, and will give any' bank or banker one hundred dollars for the privilege of opera ting upon a first-class Lillie's Intrglar-proof safe, sold prior to this time by the said C. C. Saddler or L. Lillie. And in case I do not succeed in opening said safe, I will "repair the safe as good as it was before I commenced work upon it, the one hundred dollars to be paid before I commence operations, and in ease of failure the said one hundred dollars to be forfeited. To prevent any misconstruction,-and prove the since rity of my statements, I will now state the manner in which !propose to operate. I first saw off the top of the brass rim over the lock dial; I then drill a - hole through the door, directly over the dial, as close as Possible, and Immediately over the centre. I then in-- sert a piece of wire, about an eighth of an inch thick, through the hole so drilled, turning the, knob of the lock dial to the right until the pin enters the first tum bler, when it will pass in about a quarter of an inch, then turn the knob to the left till the pin passes into the second tumbler, then to the right again till it passes hrough the next tumbler, and in case of a large bank safe, again to the left, until it passes into the last tum bler.- I then throw the bolt, first pulling the pin out. The public may see ono of those burglar-proof safes drilled hs various places; and the lock opened in this manner,by calling at the story of EVANS & WATSON, No. 16 South FOURTH Street, where the - whole opera tion will be fully explained, and the insecurity of these safes demonstrated. my:3o-3t DAVID EVANS. ASSISTANT TREASURER'S OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, May 30, Mt Legal.tender five per cent. notes with coupons nude (ached will be received at this Office in payment for sab scriptions to the 10.40 Loan at the full amount of face and June coupon. ARCH. MoDITYRE, my3o-3t 5 Assistant Treasurer. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE SAITI TART and CHRIST .AN COMMISSION I devote the net proceeds of my SHAVING and HAIR-CUTTING SALOON, on TUESDAY, May Slet, ]864. My customers and the public generally are respect fully invited to patronize me liberally on the day men tioned. Respectfully, Cr P. GRAY, 414 and 10 SOUTH THIRD Street. QAMUEL MAROT, DEALER IN LIME, P'•- ) BUILDING STONE, and COAL. Yard, NINTH Street, above Thompson, (west Buie.) Orders received by 'William Marot, Jr. 811 Spring Garden street; Chas. H. Marot, N N. Sixth et. (second story), and b. Marot, 4SI Chestnut et. (second story). N. B.—An experienced Salesman wanted. my.3l-Ires CA. RTES DE VISITE.-ALL WllO v would have satisfactory Pictures of this popular style should engage them of B. F. REIMER, at his new and elegant Gallery, 624 ARCH Street. 10' 14EIMER'S COLORED PHOTO -A-A) GRAPHS aro without a parallel in their line in finish, style, accuracy, coloring, and popularity. Only *1 for a splendid Likeness. SECOND St. ,above Green.* YOUR ONLY CORRECT AND STRIK ING Likenesses are B. F. REIMER'S superior styles of life. size PHOTOGRAPHS in oil colors. - All who see them admire them. Call- ARCH Street. - ITPHOLSTERING— H. B. BLANCHARD & CO„ Northeast corner THIRTEENTH and CHESTNUT Si,. Harpete and Mattloga made and laid. Bedding. Hair Mattresses, ato. mliga•Sin Verandah Awnings.- LARD OIL; F 0 R LUBRICATING Wool and Machinery, for sale at the lo west market price by IiTKR m OT & STEEL, Manufacturers, 131. North FRONT Street. WAGON GREASE-500 PACKAGES, fo• wagons and' heavy achinery for sale by LDW. H. RO LEY, .1.6 South DELAWARE Avenue. W m T A.TOTIR OIL.-500 BASKETS LA- A- , TOUR OLIVE OIL, now tainting froth brig " Lop. / F mt, " and for nal litrrt . iTCHE & LAVERGNE, Wila -I sk . `2ogi and ROI- South. gum Street. MILITARY. NEW PUBLICATIONS. SIXTH THOIJSAND HAUNTED HEARTS Beady To-Day. The New Book by the author of "The Lamplighter" IS A GREAT SUCCESS, New Edition ready to-day at all the Dooketores. J. E. TILTON ct CO., Publishers NEW BOOKS. DARING AND SUFFERIV, $1.25, BEYOND TILE LINES, $1.2.5. .tra - - Noticed in yesterday's "Press,'! for sale at Wholesale itnd retail, by . CHALLEN, Publisher, Bookseller, anti Stationer, H 1308 CESTNUT Street. TN CHESTNUT. 1 3 CHALLENGE LIST OF I CHESTNUT. GOOD OOKS FOR SUMMER READING. .1k Marvel's SEVEN STORIES, WITH BASEMENT AND ATTIC. (fail Hamilton's. STUMBLING BLOCKS. Rosa Vertuer's WOODBURN—a Novel. Trollope's SMALL HOUSE AT ALLINGTON. llotnie,v' DARKNESS AND DAYLIGHT. Mrs. Gas/rill's ST. OLA - yEs. Edward.s , BARBARA'S HISTORY. PonsmitoPs MARY LINDSAY. Hanle Lee's ANNIE WARI,EIGH'S FORTUNES. Anse Bradden's THREE TIMES DEAD. - . THE OUTCASTS. JOHN &ARGUMENT'S LEGACY. DUDLEY CARLEON. Trowbridge's MARTIN MEBRiVALE. CUDJ'S CAVE. NEIO O HBOR JA CKWOOD. Kavanaugh's QUEEN MAD. - Charles Reude's VERY HARD CASE. Robinson's A WOMAN'S RANSOM. SCHONBERG COTTA FAMILY. " DA.NGERFIELD'S REST:.Or, Before the " Storm. PIQUE—A Novel. " FAMILY PRIDE.: ' THE WOMAN IN BLACK. Marion Harland's " HUSKS." Stephens' WIFE'S SECRET. LoNgfellow , B TALES OF THE WAYSIDE INN. IV halter's IN WAR Ti ME. 0024411211 Parsou'.v COUNSEL AND COMFORT. Capt. XoyeS , BIVOUAC AND BATTLE-FIELD. Trollopes ORLF.Y FARM. Wilkie Collins' NO NAME. Mrs. Wood's EAST LYNNE, and other Novels. Titeomb's "LETTERS TO THE JONESES. • ' Mrs. KortQW 8 LOST AND SAVED. Miss Warner's THE OLD HELMET. •• WIDE, WIDEWORLD. • ./kMarues REVERIES OF A ,BAGHELOR.. DREAM LIFE. " MY FARM AT EDGEWOOD. s :Cut this out for reference,.and call for all now books et ' CHALLEN'S, Bookseller and Stationer. JOHN CAMPBELL, :BOOKSELLER, 419 CHESTNUT STREET. NOW READY, Catalogues of ANDREW WIGHT'S LIBRARY, to be sold on June Gth, in New York. This is one of the best libraries of scarce American Booker ever collected in this country. It is very rich in books printed by Frankliii, Bradford, Reinter, and other early American printers also, in large paper and un cut copies. The undersigned - will:attend the sale and take bids. Several thousand dollars' worth of Bohn's Libraries, from auction, for sale cheap. New and se, cond-hand Law and Miscellaneous Books for sale. Libraries purchased by 1- JOHN CAMPBELL. TO THE LAWYERS OF PENNSYLVANIA: _ - - - - [COPY.) PHILAD6I.P.IIIAi May 24 1861. Grant's Cases, the third volinne of which -lies just been *sued from the press, are a valuable addition to the :.regular reports of tile State. These volumes con tain, for the most part, omitted cases froth the regular reports, with dissenting opinions in important cases. We think a laW library 1n this State is incomplete with out these volumes. JAMES THOMPSON, JOHN M. READ, WOOD WARD, W. STRONG; my3l-tit* • DANIEL: AGNEW. - COAL. COAL AT COST! EFFECTUAL - SYSTEM op. CHEAPENING COAL, 461- BY AVOIDING ALL MIDDLE DEALERS 'ea FOR THE STOCK AND PRIVILEGE HOLDERS OF THE BROAD MOUNTAIN MAMMOTH VEIN COAL COMPANY, ,OFFICE, 1.21. SOUTH THIRD STREET, OPPOSITE uIRAED BASK. Subscription open for • 10,000 SHARES OF STOCK AT $lO EACH, payable half on subscribing, and half on 2d August next. Each Share entitles the holder to receive, for 20 years, entry year, _ TWO HEAVY TONS OF COAL, AT COST, besides CASH DIVIDENDS FROM PROFITS. Cost, tit present, $5.35 thet. heavy ton (2,240 lts.. ) de //vend al the house in Philadelphia; while the Market price n:S10, and over. This secures nearly 100 per cent, dividend (Tern this item alone, to which a cash divi dend is added ever) 0 months. Coal will be delivered on a nd after let October next. " The Company (commanding, in its mines, inexhausti ble quantities of the bestnoal) sells further, 6,000 PRIVILEGE CERTIFICATES, at fLOSACH, payable hal/ on subscribing, and half on 2d Angnst next. Each Privilege Certificate entitles the holder tO receive. for 10 !mare, every year, FOUR HEAVY TOINS OP COAL, AT COST, inclusive of ten per cent. of the market price in Phila delphia, as compensation tor the Company. This makes the cost, for Certificate holders, at present rates, $8.36 the heavy ton (2.240 lbs.), delivered at the house in Philadelphia. At this rate, a saving of $14.60 on 4 lone of coal for each certificate, or. in oilier words, a divi dend of 146 per cent. on the investment, is realized, in the first year, commencing let October next, and every year t h ereafter, The Company is constructing works on a very large scale to mine and develop, under a Charter from 'this State, one of the richest and best coal fields in Schuyl kill county . , comprising the . MAMMOTH VEIN (White Ash) and 'PRREE ACCORPA_NYING VEINS (White and Red Ash), having, together, ,a Holiness of 42 feet, and many thousands of feet in depth and length; being, in deed, inexhaustible for all practical purposes. Per circulars and subscription, apply early, as above. tay2s-1m - HENRY SCHMOBLE, Treasurer. LEGAL. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND poNn _ Estate of NANCY HONES INORTFI, Deceased, The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of JAMES HORROCKS, Execu tor of the estate of NANCY HONES WORTH, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of accountant, will meet the parties interested for the pur pose of his appointment, on TUESDAY, June 14, 1854, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office ; No. 152 South FOURTH Street, in the City of Philadelphia. ,myal-tuthsst WM. C. HANNIS, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' 'COURT FOR THE CITY AED_COITNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. REBECCA. - - - Estate of REBECCA Y. MORTON, Deceased. The Auditor-appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the — account of ROBERT P. MORTON, Ad ministrator of the estate of Mrs. Rebecca P. Morton, de ceased, and to - report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties in terested for the purposes of his appointment, on MON DAY, June 18, 1864, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office, No. 3.52 South FOURTH Street, in the City of Philadelphia. my3l-tuthstit E. SPENCER MILLER, Auditor. PROPOSALS. OFFICE OF THE GIRARD ESTATE, jp s.yrrrjjst Pilp . , e 9ELpyrrA., May, PROPOSALS TO - LEASE GIRARD COAL LADS. In compliance with'a resolution of the Select and Com mon Councils of the Citv of Philadelphia, approved May 25, lEal, SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this Office until FRIDAY, June 10, 1861, at 3 o'clock P. 11E., to lease such part of the John Brady tract not heretofore leased, the James Paschall and Nathan Beach tracts, in the present form ofleasingthe afraid Coal Lands,except- Ing that the parties shall covenant as lessees to pay - of the market value oflamp coal as the same shall exist at Port Carbon, and- for Chestnut at the same stand ard and value: so, however, that the sum paid shall not be less than twenty-five cents for each ton of coal mined not Chestnut, and not less than ten cents for that; and of other tracts on the same terms to such other persons as may be accepted in accordance with the provisions of a resolution to which this is a supplement, who shall pre sent sufficient.evidence that he is a competent and skill ful miner, and fully able to fulfil the covenants of the Lease- Said Proposal's to - be opened in the presence of the Committee on Girard Estate, and the Lease to be awarded to the highest bidder. The acceptance of the bidder to be determined only by- the execution of a lease in writing. CHARLES S. SMITH, my3l-tuthstjulo Superintendent Girard Estate. 111ATTING$. MATTINGS ! MATTINGS I BEST quality. all widths, fresh importations. R. L. KNIGHT ar SON. my9-lm 807 CHESTNUT Street. FAMILY DYE COLORS. (PAi.ENTED OCT. 13,1563.) A SAVING OF SO PEE. CENT BLACK, BLACK FOR SILK. DARK BLUE, LIGHT BLUR FRENCH BLUE CLARET BROWN, LIGHT BRO WN, DARK BROWN. SNUFF BROWN, For Dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods, : Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Ratr, Feath ers, Kid Gloves, Children's Clothing, and all kinds of Wearing Apparel. CHERRY, CRIMSON, DARK DRAB, LIGHT DRAB, FAWN DRAB, - LIGHT F4Wif DEAR, DARK GREra!, • LIGHT GREED!, MAGENTA, For 25 cents yen can color as many sods as would otherwise cost five times that snm. Various shades can be produced from the same dye. The process is simple, and any one can use the dye with perfect success. Di rections in English, French, and German, inside of each MAROoN, ORANGE, _ PINK, ROYAL PURPLE, PIIRPLK SALMO_N, ` SCARLET, SLATE, - SOLFERINO. VIOLET, LEATHER. • For further information in Dyeing, and giving a per fect knowledge what colors are best adapted to dve over others (with many valuable recipes), purchase Howe & Stevens' Treatise on Dyeing and Coloring. Sent by mail on receipt of price -10 cents. klanrifactared by HOWE & STEVENS, 260 BROADWAY, Boston. For sale by drnggists and dealers generally. TO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE COUNTRY. Wo are prepared, as heretofore, to supply families at - their Country Residences with every description of FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, cto., &c. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, my3o-tf Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Sts. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE spectfully inform the bereaved, who may need his services, that he is: prepared to furnish the Richardson' Premium Circular-ends Air-tight Cas ket," by means of which, in our hands, he gmitrantees the removal °Mho remains - of :the soldiers from their graves on the battle-field (no matter how long interred), to the family burial eventide; free of disagreeable odor, or no charge for the Casket, at one-third less than the metallic cases:. No advances on the latter, B. 13:—Undertakers will he furnished at very . low rates with Collins, Casos. and. Caskets, of every style and size, as well as private families. , Embalming-attended, to by Messrs. BROWN Si CO. in the most perfect manner, and to the entire satis faction of thearties applying—or, no charge will be: _p made — at the Branch Wilco, No. 221 South Eleventh G Street. JOHN GOOD Undertaker, 021 SPRUCE Street,and 221 South ELEVENTH Street iny3o-2t Philadelphia. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL BIGHTS, ARTIFICIAL HUMAN EYES Inserted without pain, by JAMES W. 'QUEEN dc CO., iny3lm 9214 'CHESTNUT Street. ITEATON & DENCKLA, HARDWARE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 507 COMMERO3 and 510 NORTH Streets, offer for sabot_ Anchor Brand Nails; Plymouth Mill Rivets. W. & S. Butcher's Cast Steel; Ragle . Cabinet Locks. Putnam's Horse Nails; Locke's School Slates. Copper, Brass, and Iron Wire; Cotton Cards. Also. a full aasnrttnent of American Hardware. felAmil MATHEMATICAL ERUPTING IN INSTRUMENTS. Cbesterman'e Meta Hie and Steel-tam Measurers. For sale by JAMES W. QUEEN Sr CO., • 9201- CHESTNUT Street. Priced and Illustrated Catalogues gratis. my:l-Ise SODA ASH -200 CASKS MARSH'S SODA ASH, vow landing and for sale li O. W. CHURCHMAN, my3o-ot. 32 South FRONT Street, PERFUMED PARLOR 'MATCHES.- Just received 26 additional cases of these celebrated (klixander's) Matches, for sale to the trade only. ar.77-Rm ROVITTE k RTIPTON. lit! k 150 N T1:11RD at PA' MACHINERY OIL-50 bbls., in prime order ter stile by EDW. 11. ROW. LEY, 16 South' DAL.KWARA Areaue, 11)2730.2v NEW PUBLICATIONS. MRS. SOUTIEWORTIV NEW BOOK WILL BE PUBLISHED JUNE Mg. BRIDAL EVE. BY Mtn" E. D. E. N. SOUTHWORTH, AUTHOR OF "THE FATAL MARRIAGE," "THE LOST HEIRESS," "THE MISSING BRIDE," "THE CURSE OF CLIFTON," ETC. Cloth, *1.50. "Take my title, take my wealth, . Take my rank and jewels flue. What taro I for rank Or wealth, Since thou art mine, and I am thine? The tale was brief; but oh, the.eorrow It stabbed to that young, trustful heart! ' To• day a pearl:lust— What. to. morrow! Will he over from my side depart?' " It is published and for sale by T. 13. PETERSON & BROS., 306 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA To whom all orders must come addressed. A NEW BOOK, BY THE AUTHOR OF "MARGARET MAITLAND," WILL BE PUBLISHED ON SATURDAY, JUNE 11. SELF-SACRIFICE. BY THE Author of ," Margaret Maitlaid." Cloth, $1.50. SELF-SACRIFICE. By the author of "Margaret Maitland, ' ' is published by T. B. Peterson & Brothers, 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, and is for sale by all Booksellers and News Agents every where. Com plete in one large duodecimo volume, bound in cloth, for $1.50, or in one volume, paper cover, for $1.25. ASP Booksellers, News Agents, and all others, will please send on - their orders at once for what they may want of either edition of the `Bridal Eve," or of • ' Self-Sacrifice. " Published and for sale at the Cheapest Publishing aud Books°lling Establishments in this country, wkich is at T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS', 306 CHESTNUT St., Plfflada., Pa., To whom all orders must come addressed, and they will receive immediate attention. Copies of any of the above books will be sent to any one free of postage, on remitting the price of the ones wanted to T. B. Peterson & Brothers, in a letter. For Sale by all Booksellers. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. BOSTON, May, 1964- 135 WASHINGTON - Street. The firm of TICKNOR & FIELDS was dissolved on the 10th of April. 1564, by the dealt. of MI WILLIAM D. TICKNOR. The undersigned have formed a now copartnership, retaining the entire interest of the late senior partner, and will conduct the business from May Ist, 1564, under the style of TICKNOR & FIELDS. JAMES T. FIELDS, HOWARD M. TICKNOR, •my2S-31 JAMES R. OSGOOD. TICKNOR & FIELDS PUBLISH THIS DAY TWO NEW BOOKS Popillaw STUMBLING BLOCKS. By GAIL HAMILTON, author of "Country Living," etc. 1 vol. 16m0., cloth, 'bevelled:boards, red edges. 51.60- Oats CONTENTS. Thevats and th e /Its; The Fitness of Things; Ordinances; Church Sittingi; A View Irma the Pe•rcs; Prayer Meetings; The Proof of yonr Love; Controversies; Amusements; God's Way; The Law of Christ; Praying; Forgiveness; Error; Words without Knowledge. THE MAINE WOODS. By lERNTer D. TROREA.W. au thor of "Walden," etc. 1 vol. 16mo, cloth. $1,25. CONTENTS. Ktaadn; Chesnncook; The Allegash and Bast Branch. Also, now ready, New Editions of GAIL HAMILTON'S WRITINGS, viz: COUNTRY mum. 1 vol. $1.50 GALA DAYS. 1 vol. $1.50. THOREAU'S . WRITINGS, viz WALDEN. 1 vol. $1.26. • EXCURSIONS. 1 vol. $1.25. 9 WEEK ON THE CONCORD AND MERRIMACK 1 vol. $1.60. sap- Either of the above works for sale at all book stores, or sent post-paid to any addres.s on receipt of ad vertieed price by the publishers. .. '1'1013. - NOR t FIELDS, rny2s.3t 135 'STABBING TON Street, Boston. NEW DIEDICAE BOOKS. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON publish this day— FULLER ON RHEUMATISM, Rheumatic Gout, and. Sciatica, their Pathology, Symptoms, and Treatment. By Henry William Fuller, H. D., Cantab Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, London, Physician to St. George's Hospital, &c, From the last London edition. One volume, octavo. . ALSO. BY FORD ON THE UTERUS. A Treatise on the Chronic Inflammation and Displacement of the Unita pregnatea Uterus. By W. H. Byford A. M., M. D.. Professor of Obstetrics, Sic., in the Chicago Medical College. In one volume, octavo. MEDICAL BOOKS. A large assortment always on hand, and for sale a low prices. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers, mT3I No. :45 South SIXTH Street. UNITED STATES COAST SURVEY MAP.—United States Coast Survey Map of VW, ginia,- By Prof. A. D. Bache, compiled, and corrected to. May, 1554, showing the present movements of Gen. Grant, in sheets and pocket form. NEW. MAP OF THE UNITED STATES, showing all the new States and Territories to the Pacific coast. By Col. De Rosa, in sheets and pocket form. NEW MAP OF ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILES AROUND RICHMOND, showing the Fortifications, Railroads, Towns, and the Battle Grounds of the Wil derness and Spottsylvania Court House, For sale, wholesale and retail, by -- - W. S. Sr ALFRED MARTIEN, my3l 606 CHESTNUT Street, BUTTRE'S PORTRAIT OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN. • This fine steel-plate Engraving, from a recent Photo graph, is the only large-size, full-length Portrait yet published. and can only be obtained from the Publisher or his authorized agents, at the low price of a 3 Per copy. This flue Portrait will be sent by mail or express, free of charge, on receipt of Retail Price. Ai- Agents wanted in every county. Address J. P. SKELLY, Sole Agent for Penna. •Iny.s-tiattatutf ' 908 ARCH Street, Phila. ASHMEAD & EVANS, Successors to WILLIS P. HAZARD 724 CHESTNUT Street, Have received MRS. HOLMES' NEW NOVEL. DARKNESS AND DAYLIGHT. HAUNTED HEARTS. By author of "The Lamp lighter. THE MAINE WOODS. .By Henry P. Thoreau, alai thor of " Walden." WAX FLOWERS. HOW TO MARE THEM. With new methods of sheeting wax, &c. An exguisitebook. STUMBLING BLOCKS. By Gail Hamilton. POETRY OF THE. AGE OF FABLE. By Thomas Bnltinch. On tinted paper, elegantly printed and il lustrated. • IK MARVEL'S NEW BOOR. SEVEN STORIES, WITH BASEMENT AND ATTIC. BUSY• HANDS AND PATIENT HEARTS; Or, The Blind Boy of Dresden and his Friends. One of the best little story books yet issued. -A NEW' MAP OF 150 MILES AROUND RICHMOND. A fresh supply received this morning. mySS . . 'KEW WAR MAP! GIVING ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILES AROUND RICHMOND, and showing the Fortifications, &c., surrounding it. Also, 200 miles around Natchez, Miss. ; 100 miles around Chattanooga; 200 miles around Montgomery; 100 miles around Augusta, Ga. ; 250 miles around Charleston; 250 miles around Galveston, Texas, and giving the surroundings of Memphis and Nashville. Showing all the Railroads, Towns, Wagon Roads, and the Battle-Ground of the Wilderness and. Spottsylvania Court House, May 6-14, 1864. Price 50 cents. For sale by WM. S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, my2l • 606 CHESTNUT Street. THE SUNBEAM STORIES, -a- Containing the charming, bright stories of TRAP TO CATCH A SUNBEAM, CLOUD WITH SILVER LINING, HOUSE ON THE ROCK, ONLY, OLD JOLLIFFE, MERRY CHRISTMAS. DREAM CHINTZ STAR IN . THE DESERT, &c. Six beautiful volumes,illuetrated, $2.60. WILLIS P. HAZARD, Publisher, 24 South - SIXTH Street. fe26-tjyl APPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA The Agency for this invaluable Library of Universal Information is at 33 South SIXTH Street, second story. Also, RECORD OF THE REBELLION - . By Frank Moore. R D.-TO THE LAWYERS OF Pennsylvania—l am now the Publisher of the 9 Volumes of GRANT'S CASES; the 3d volume will be ready by the 14th inst. I have also a numerous collec tion of Law and Miscellaneous Rooks for sale chew mylo-1m JOHN CAMPBELL, 449 CHESTNUT p_. St. INSURANCE. E COMPANY, NUT STREET, ELPHIA._ 1) INSURANCE. TORS. FAME INSURAN • No. 406 CITES RILAD P: FIRE AND TEL DIRE° . . John W. Everman, Robert B. Potter, John Kessler, Jr., B. D. Woodruff, Charles Stokes, Joseph D. Ellis. EI7CKI President. ARDSON, Vice President. ary. jal4-t[ Francis N. Buck, Charles Richardson, Henry Lewis, I 0. W. Davis, P. S. Justice George A. West, FRANCIS N. W. I. BLAYONARD, SeCNA OPERA. (LASSES AND OFFICERS' FIELD GLASSES. - Microscopes lor Physicians and Students. A very large assortment for sale by. JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., • 034 CHESTNUT Street, M ARSHAL'S SALE. -BY VIRTUE of a writ of sale, by the Hon. JOHN CADWALA DER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ad miralty, to me directed, will he sold at public sale to the highest and best bidder for cash, at ISICEIEN ER'S Store, No, 112 North FRONT Street, on WEDNES DAY, June Bth, 1864, at 12 o'clock Df., the cargo of the Schooner SWIFT. consisting of 44 bbie Fish, 2 bags of Coffee, .2 boxes of Cotton Cards, and 1 keg of Nails. MILLWAHD U. S. !timbal E. U. of Pennsylvania. Plultannquia, May 2,7, 1864. mY2B-6t, A YOUNG MAN, HAVING A KNOW ledge of Ilookkeerd. g, wants a Situatiori, Salary moderate. Good reter.mee. Address "F. W.," Press office. It. A LADY WITH SMALL INCOME wishes to superintends gentleman's house. Ad dress " Home." at this ollice.l ' ray3o-2t•. ACOMPETENT BOOK-KEEPER, with many years' experience, and practically an qualified with the details of a large lilitl)..Tacturi nit Es tablishment, buying come unoccupied Elio., i.'open for On ENGAGEMENT, either temporary or permanent. Ad dress "Accountant," 213 CHESTNU Slreet. my2S-6ti, BOOKKEEPER WANTED-SALARY WO. Address Box WM Post Office. my3o-30Pa S`ITUATION WANTED-BY A GEN TLEMAN aged 2S, lately from Ireland; a good and quick - writer, accountant, and correspondent. Can tar nish tentirnonialx of character and integrity for the paid twenty yearn. Has filled situation of clerk and Corr°. opondont. Would accept of any situation in which he can make himself useful. A knowledge of business more an object than a largo salary. Address "J. Clerk," Press office. iny3l tutlingt• WANTED ON THE FIRST OF MIX 1r I Two or three SALESMEN in a Wholesale Clothing House, that can influence trade. Address Box 21.11 Philadephia Post (Moo. myll-430 Paper, $1.25. W ANT ED-A SITUATION BY V A Yotrng Man to drive ri light wag)n. Addreatt "B. 11. T.," Pres , * oft cc. lt* IVANTED-A SITUATION IN A T Wholesale Drug Store, by a Young MAW who has bad three years' experience in the retail business. Good reference given. Please address "11. ft.; ' Pkas. Oflice. inytl-2t. Vi rANTED.—Two SA.LESMEN, from July Brut.. Apply to EDMUND YARD SE CO. m930-Bt., WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE V young married DIAN, who writes a fair hand, a Situation in a Store, or some light employment, where he could make himself generally useful. Does not ob ject to going to the country. Please address "W. C. this office. niy3-3t. ANTE D- A LAD ABOUT 17 T T years of age, in an Importing House, to make himself icenerally useful. Must write a good hand. Addreas R. & C., " PreBs office. my2.4-tf $lO , 0_ Orl— ss. oß TWO AMOUNTS OF ow each to LOAN on Mortgage for 5 years at 5 per cent. Apply to LEWIS Fl. REDNER, Iny3o-3t * No. 152 South FOURTH Street. . 4 %-A PRACTICAL YOUNG .53,000. man desires a position in some establish ed manufacturing or other business; would be willing to invest or loan the above amount, Address for one week, ' ' Permanent, " Box 1573, Post Office. iny2S-3t. ogn MONTH !—I WANT AGENTS vx._, A 'll. 11 EVER LAST IA VlSlZ 3 o, h 'lnira g Ar vak i. Eßrand B other articlee. Fifteen circulars sent/rec. Address an3o-d&w3m JOHN F. LORD, Piddeford, Maine. CAVALRY HORSES WANTED. WAR DEPARTMENT, CAVALRY BCREAII, OFFICE OF CHIEF QUARTERMASTER, WAFHINOTON, D. C. May IS, 1861. THREE THOUSAND ( 3,000 ) HORSES WANTED. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIVE ($185) DOL LARS Per head will he paid for all CAVALRY HORSES Paper, $l.. delivered within the next thirty (30) days at the Go vernment stables at Giesboro, D. G. Said Horses to be sound in all particulars, not less than five (5) nor more than nine (5) years old; from fif teen to sixteen hands high, fall flesh, compactly built, bridle wise, and of size sufficient for cavalry purposes. _ . These specifications will be strictly adhered to and rigidly enforced in every particular. Payment made on delivery of seven (7) and over. JAMES A. EKIN, iny2fi-lm Lt. Col: & C. Q. M. Cavalry Bureau. CAVALRY HORSES. ASSIST. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, May 12, 1864. irrill4 Horses suitable for CAVALRY SERVICE will be pnrchaaed at this DEPOT by the undersigned, in Open Market, from date until May Met,.in lots of eight (I) to fifty (50),,f0r which one hundred and Sfty dol lars (S1d0), will be paid in Certificate .of Indebtedness, each Animal to be subject to the usual Government Inipection before being accepted. - Horses to be delivered to the Officer of the CAVALRY BUREAU, at the WILLIAM PENN HOTEL, MARKET, between Eighth and Ninth Streets. By order of G. R. CROSM A "ff, Assist. Q. At General. CHARLES D. SCH.MIDT, my 134.31 Capt., A. Q. M. - SUMMER BOARDING CAN BE HAD by applying to G. R. HINKLE, opposite the Post Office , CHESTNUT HILL, Children not taken. my3l-31.! I.OARDIN G.-SEVERA I, SINGLE OR -E." communicating Rooms, with Board, at 258 South FOURTH Street. Nu children received. References required. my 30-3 t. BOARD. -A` GENTLEMAN RE QUIRES comfortable Beard in a private French or American family. State tertne. Address "F. W. R. Press office. m930-3V' FIR ST - CLASS BOARDING AND -a- choice of delightful Rooms may be had by apply ing early, 1123 GIRARD Street. my.3o-3r. 1/ -- OARD.SINGLE ROOM VACANT, -I- , No. 1315 WALNUT Street xery2S-6t* COLUMBIA ROUSE, CAPE MAY. This Hotel will be opened June Id. The house has been put in thorough repair, and nearly two hundred new and greatly-improved BATH HOUSES will be ready for the accommod‘tion of guests. Its capacity and each department will be equal, if not superior, to any Hotel upon Cape Island. Eirgfeld's Band has been secured for the season. Address GEO. J. BOLTON, Proprietor Cape Island J N. J. ; Or J. H. DENYIBON, my26-1m Merchants' Hotel, Phila. SEA -SIDE HOUSE, FOOT OF. PENNSYLVANIA AVENtO3 ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. The undersigned informs his friends and former pa, trons that his house is now open for the reception of guests; have also a number of Rooms and a private Parlor to rent in J. M. Whitall's cottage, opposite. mylo-19t DAVID SCATTERGOOD. • CONGRESS HALL, CAPE ISLAND, • NEW JERSEY. This favorite Hotel 'will be opened forthe reception tti guests on JUNE FIRST. The House has been refurnished and thoroughly rend rated. "Writing and Reading Rooms and a Telegrapl Office have been added for the exclusive use of thi guests. The proprietor feels warranted in assuring the pnbli, that, with the gentlemanly and competent officers st, cored, each department will be conducted to the entirt satisfaction of the most fastidious. Hassler's full Band, under the personal direction M Mr. MARK HASSLER, has been engaged exclusively for Congress Hall. Any further information will be cheerfully given, by addressing J. F. CARE, my6-tf Proprietor, COAL YARD FOR SALE, NINTH Street (935). above POPLAR, having every facility for doing a large business. my3l-6c. FOR SALE.-A THREE-STORY BRIM DWELLING and LOT, No. 720 North BROAD Street, 20 feet front by 100 feat deep, with all the modern conveniences. Apply to LEWIS IL REDNER, my3o-3t* No. 152, South FOURTH. Street. ETO RENT-BEAUTIFUL SUMMER RESIDENCE, ten miles from the city, on Peri nsyl- Valli& Railroad, near Station. SAIEL. T. FOX,. my 3 -2 Ce FOR SALE—TWO DESIRABLE w•-x RESIDENCES, situated on tocust street hear Broad ; also, on Locust street above Fifteenth at sls ,so') and $25,00). Apply to ROBERT MACGREGOR, my 31 419 WALNUT Street. el CHESTER COUNTY HOUSEAT , Jr.a L ANTIC CITY, N. J.—This private BOARDING 1101:ISE (always open for Boarders), is now fully ar ranged for the accommodation of Summer visitors The situation is'one of the best on - the Island, being in full view of the Ocean, and near excellent bathing ground. my3l-2m JACOB SEIM, Proprietor. grA lIIIAIEDIATE POSSESSION OF the meat modern Residence, 1015 MELON Street. Price, W, SOO, clear. Call from 9to 3. Its UWANTED TO PURCHASE—TWO Dwellings in the iltorthwestern part of the city —not more thans6jl3oo each. Also,a Dwelling in SIXTH Street, between Willow Street, and. Green streets, not to cost over $9, (00, Apply to E. TAYLOR, my3o-31 141 North SIXTH Street. ft CHESTER COUNT. Y-V.A.LIJABLE —a—FARM, one mile from Court House, West Chester, on a good road. Old fashioned stone mansion, stone barn—nicely watered. `A portion woodland, and a por tion meadow, fruit, &c. MIX acres of land. Price $llO per acre. Terms easy. JAS. It. CUMMINS, my3o-3t. Media Delaware county, Pa. N.B.—Send for catalogue' of harms, containing prices. eft TO EXOFTANGE—A SUPERIOR —a— FARM of 116 Acres, twelve miles out?•. Central Pennsylvania Railroad, and fronting on the Lancaster Turnpike. E. tRTTIT, my 30 92 T Street. WINES AND LIQUORS. BARRELS Y 0 UN GER'S ALE, lu'a S. Ltme's Brewery, in jags, In store, and for sale by WILLIAM H. YEATON & CO., ap4 201 South FRONT Street. 10ri CASES PINET, CASTILLON, & , a CO'S COGNAC BRANDY ` landing from b r ig "Louis,'' from Bordeaux. For sale by WILLIAM H. YEATON & CO., ap4 , 201 South FRONT Street. Fla MISS M. A. BAKER, 111.• No. 1316 CHESTNUT STREET, Has opened a lare assortment of PARIS MILLINERY, apIS-Sm* For the Spring and Summer of HU. 1864. 1864. "COSTARS" RAT, ROACH, ANT,ttc • 1 7EXPER.IIIXINTATIORS. "16 years established in New York City.'' " Only infallible remedies known." " Free from Poisons. " "Not dangerous to the Unman Family." "Rats come oat of their holes to die. " WI - Sold by all Druggists everywhere. Sir I ! I BEIVAAR 1 1 1 of all worthless imitations. //ir Costar's"" Depot, No. 452 Broadway, N. Y. Sir Sold by all Druggists, and by DYOTT cC CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street, ap2s-tntham Wholesale Agents. LOOKING GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE, & SON, Sl6 CHESTNUT STREET,• PHIL.., Have now in store a very fine assortment of LOOKING GLASSES, of every character, of the VERY BEST MANUFACTURE AND LATEST STYLES OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, apSD PICTURE AND PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. PERSONAL.-JEWELRY SENT BY -A- MAIL FREE OF POSTAGE to any part of the united States. on receipt of the following prices: Single-storm imitation Diamond Ring, $1 Cluster imitation Diamond Ring,s2,.; Heavy Plated Vest Chains, $ 1; Magnificent Plain Ring, $1: Heavy Plain Rings (will stand the strongest acid), 50 cents: Small Round Black Enameled •Ear. Drops, 60 cents; Ileayd , Plated Black Enameled Sleeve Buttons, 25 cents; eras' Pins. imitation die.- mond, $1; Imitation Diamond Studs, $1; Bracelets, $l.; Handsomelv-chased Medallions, $1; Complete Sets Carbuncle Studs and Buttons, $1; Complete Sets Black Enameled Studs and Buttons, with pearl setting, $1; Fancy Watch Keys, 10 cents; Pen and Pencil, with ex. tension case. $1; Ladles' Long-Geared and Chatelaine Chains, $1; Chatelaine Pins $1; Genuine Gutta Percha Chains, $11• Ladies' and Gents' Miniature Pius, for likeness or hair, $1; Seal Rings, ill; Locket Rings, $2; Coral Armlets, 50 cents. Direct to ESTLIN & MANN, my2S- 6 1 5 No. 916 RACE Street, Philadelphia. MONUMENTS AND GRAVE. STONES. —A large assortment of Grave-tones, of various desigus,made of the finest Italian and. American Warble constantly on band at the Mar;la Works at ADAM 'STEINMETZ, RID Avenue, Eleventl street.. rhiladelpl4%. 4.011-3*d, WANTS. BOARDING-. SIJI'MIER RESORTS. FOR SALE AND TO LET. NINTH and WILLOW MILLINERY GOODS. AITIUSEDIENTS. EXTRA ANNOUNCEMENT. NEW CTIESTNUT-STREET THEATRE, HARRY PEARSON'S BENEFIT MID _ LAST APPEARANCE,.WEDNDY EVENING June Ist, CHIMNEY CORNtht. Pete' Probity -HARRY PEARSON'. BUFFO SONG: Litt.le Fat Gray Man" HARRY PEARSON. (Arranged by Kopnitz.) IRISH EMIGRANT. By a Gentleman Amateur.. (1118 first appearance. ) FORTUNE'S PROMO. Dolly, with songs EFFIE_TEE3fObt Robin Rough rad, with monger...PEARSON. Box Sheet omn. my -2t• O'Bo . . GRAND PATRIOTIC ENTERTAIN MEAT, at COllifiERT TIALT,, TO-NIGHT; for our late Wounded Boldlp :F. Pbe WEST-PHILADELPHIA nosPrrAL BAND arrr DIIR Hundred Youugreople lunteer. Tickets, 25 Mt& 114` DAN GREAT BROW 30P.R THE nAsom 1%4. Tiara. SEPARATE EXIIFSTTIONS Concentrated Latis one, for 4nly one mkt of admiaafcate.. Firat, DAN TiZ.CEiS STUD Or PEEFORAING ANT - NAT:S. 21 - nucATED , DABef NB, MA MOE and TiN - Cff HORSFS - Ia IL French En irfi all and American ThorringhbrediO EDUCATED MTMES, PONIES, and BUFFALOES. Taught In a school in this cirsntry, and performed! by DAX RICE; Assisted by his wife tif,2r. DAN RICO. "Her brat appearance in yablic,) .and the celebrated DI nerrte , Profs. S. a. ATOICES and'IADY, Secomd HENLIT COOKE'S TE.III7PE OF ACTlria DOGS AND DIONKEYS, From Astley'a AmnhithelArt and Sydenharn Palace, London, and Cirrbre Napoleon, Atria. The newest sensation frels across the water, and In which Mr. RICE will he assia.led by the famous tutor of beasts, Mr. HENRY CODE:E. and mune-roue anal) iaries. Third, Dr. SPALDWO'S • OCEAN EQU comp Amy Just returned from a mEostSTRuGt brillifmt two-years crntse to the seaports and capitals of South America and the An tilles, and in which Mr. Rice will po aided by Miss KATE 0111M.9 - ND • and Mr. FERDINAND TOURISAIRE. The Representative Equestrian Artilds of the Age. and a full staff of Assistants. This wonderful Triple Combination will be EXHIBITED IN PHILADELPHIA ONE WEEK, COMMENCING MONDAY. TUNE . O. Under a Spacious Portable Pavilion, to be erected in the REAR OF ACADEMY OF MUSIC. .r' ADMISSION TO THFLWHOLE ONLY 25e. -Re served seats 50e. Doors open at 'Maud 7,V1 each day; commence at 2 and SANITARY FAIR—EXTRA NOTICE. The entire receipts of the first entertainment of DAN RICE'S GREAT SHOW, (MONDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 6.) V ithOnt Fair deduction for any expellee wit clever, are DEVOTED TO THE SANITARY FA M. In order that the contribution may be worthy of the great caur , e ' and of the liberality of the patriotic. In 'florist, the free list will be suspended on that once ; my3o-tit WALNUT-STREET THEATRE.- TUESDAY EVENING, May 31st. Grand varied entertainment for the BENEFIT OF EL L..8A5C0.1113. The performance will commence with the Feria-comic drama of the MIDNIGHT WATCH. After - which Yankee GREENLEAF will speak a piece. Dutch Song, Mynheer Spnytenkriczcor. THE ROUGH . DIAMOND. Ballad, by Mr. IRA PAINE A roaring Ethiopian Interlnde,i -called THE STAGE-STRUCK HERO. Messrs. Dixie, Slocum, and G. W. Charles. To conclude with the laughable Sketch of the CAAIPAIGN IN THE WILDERNESS. MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW &ROIL STREET THEATRE. FOURTH WEEK OF FRANK DREW, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESD AY, and THURSDAY THE COMEDY OF ERRORS. Dromio of Syracuse.... .... . ..... ........•.Frank Drew. Dromio of • ... ........ .. . . Stuart .Robson, To conclude with. first time the PIRATES OF THE SAVANNAH; OA THE TIGER SLAYER OF .THE PRARIES. Peter Pickle. . .. . .............. .... . ...Frank Drew. Fabricio, the Tiger Slayer Barton Hill. FRIDAY, BENEFIT OF FRANK DREW. Doors open at 7%. Curtain rises at to a. DROVER'S CHESTNUT -STREET LEONARD GROPER MANAGS3.. (Also of Grover 's Theatre; Washington, 1).C.) THE COOLEST AND MOST COMFORTABLE TREATY-1 IN AMERICA. TO-NIGHT Will appear GROVER'S GREAT WASHINGTON COMPANY Combined with GROVER'S PHILADELPHIA COM PA NY, Maki xi g it the beet Dramatic Cempany in America. Music by the Grand Orchestra, directed by the great maeetro, CHARLES KOPPITZ: . my27-ti ACADEMY OF MUSIC.—HA-NCOCK GRAMMAR SCHOOLS—Tableau and Musical En ter tainm ent for benefit of the Sanitary Commission, on THIIRSD AN Evening, Tune 2. Birgfeld's Band in attendance. Tickets do cents. Reserved'seats 50 cents. For sate at Ashmead & Evans, 724 Chestnut. street, and at tha door of the Academy on the evening -of the entertain ment. my3o-4t. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE GREAT - 1 - CENTRAL FAIR. Under the auspices of the Committee on importations. CONSTANT GUILLOU will, on WEDNESDAY EVR XING, June I, 155 t, repeat the _Lectors (so favorably re ceived on its first delivery) on the ISLAND OF CUBA, her custom's, capital, peculiar soil, &c., at the Hatt of the University of Pennsylvania, NINTH street, above Chestnut. . The illustrations are from Photographic Views, taken on the spot, and exhibited through the unrivalled zee dinm of the' STEREOPTICON, operated by Ren6 Guillou. TICKETS 50 CENTS EACH. May be secured on application to Mrs_ J. F. FRX2P.B. Chairman of Ladies' Committee, 1517 Walnut street.. RENE GIIILLOII, Chairman of Gentlemen's Committee. 16 Bank street.. CONSTANT GUILLOU, 615 Walnut street. McALLISTER BROTHERS, 725 Chestnut street. REV.'COL.- Cr. MOODY, FIGHTER% PAR"N 3715STEILTNIB lecture at TUESDAY. EVENING- NEXT, May 31, at 8 o'clock P. X Subject— " OUR COUNTRY NVORTHY .. OF OUR MG-HEST REGARD." -- • . 'T is hoped the citizens of Philadelphia will give a crowded honse to the noble Colonel, who fought so bravely at the siege of Nashville, battle of Cedars, and Stone liver. Tickets can be had at the Methodist Book Rooms, Fourth, below Arch, or at the door, on the eve ning of the Lectnre. For the benefit of the .Nineteenth street M. E. Church Cmy2S-3t*l E. T. RENNY,Pastor. PROF. FRED. A. ROESE'S LITE RANT AND MUSICAL SOIREE, for the BENEFIT OF THE GREAT. CENTRAL FAIR. Readings front German classic authors interspersed With masks' ' per formances by Messrs. 'Wolfssohn, Th. Kammerer, and C. Schmitz, on TUESDAY, May :31st, at the Washington Building, THIRD Street, above Spruce. Tickets, $1 each, may be had, with programmes, from Messrs. F. Leypoldt, G. Andre & Co., and on the evening at the Hall. To commence at S, o ' clock. . - • - - - --- - • - • - . • . Mx.ROESE takes great pleasure in announcing that • HERR AUGUST KREESSMAN, the distinguished interpreter of German song, who cre ated such an impressive sensation at Mr. Wolfsohn's last con cert, has kindly consented to sing on this occasion several of his favorite pieces. my:3o-2t,* NOW OPEN-THE FORTY-FIRST 1 ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURE, at the PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP THE FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT. Street, above Tenth. Open from 9A. H. till 7 P. H., and from S till 10 In the evening. ap2S-ti EDUCATIONAL. paLLADELPHIA COLLEGIATE 124- -a- STITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1530 ARCH Street Rev. CHAS. A. SMITH, D. D., E, CLAREND'i &MITA', A. AC., Principals. Ninth Year. Three Departments; Primary, Acade mie, and Collegiate. Full college course in Classics, Mathematics, higher English, and Natural Science. for those who graduate. Modern Languages Music, Paint: ing, and Elocution by the best masters. For circulars, apply at the Institute, or address Boa 2611 P. 0., Phi ladelphia. ap3)-6m." SELECT FAMILY BOAR - DIN SCHOOL FOR YOUNG [EN AND BOYS, MOIJAT JOY, Lancaster county, Penna. Session opens on Um FIRST TUESDAY of Hay. For circulars, address apl7-210 R. DIORRISON, Principal, RELLE VU .E FEMALE INSTITIJTE -L-• A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. This Institution, beautifully and hen/thZuLly located, in the northern hmits of ATTLEBOROUGH, Backs 0011E ty, Penna., will commence its Springand &tinnier Tat a on the 18th of FIFTH MONTH next, and continue tunes. sion twelve weeks. . - The course of instruction is thorough and complete 4, :all the Elementary and higher branchei of an ENGLIb. - - CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL EDUCATIO3r. The French Langnage is taught by a native French teacher. Circulars, giving fall particulars, may be had on as.. plication to the Principals, Attleborongh P. 0., Busks county, Penna. ISRAEL J. GRAHAMS, JANE P. GRAHAME, Principals. mhl9 3m LOST AND FOUND. LOST OR MISLAID-A PERPETUAL POLICY OF 111 ST issued by the Trustee* of the Fire Association to SAMUEL K. BYE, May 2. 1551, for &UM, and transferred to JOSEPH MoCLURI, May 23, 1557. Any information thereof will be received by WM. S. - FRICK, my6-fmwl2t* No. 5231 North EIGHTH Street. EXCURSIONS. Woiti z DELIGHTFUL BUM MEE EXCURSIONS. Lake Ontario, 'Saguenay River, The Thousand Islands. Portland., The Rapids of St. Lawrence White Mountains, River. Saratoga Springs, Montreal,. &c., &c., &c., Quebec, dm., dm. Tickets for the above Excursions, which have bees so long and favorably known to the Philadelphia Pub. lic, by various routes to Niagara Palls, for sale at tha. PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA RAIROAD TICEBT. OFFICE, northwest corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, where full information will tin • N. VAN HORN, Ticke - Ageat. JOUR S. HILLES, General Agent, THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL Streets. mylo-tuthstjyl TURTLE AND CLAM SOUP served= if.A up DAILY (Sundays e. A..r s excepted) by • JOHN SCOTT, GRADUATE OF .the Royal Veterinary Collage, and member or the Royal College of. Veterinary Surgeons. Office ixt Hospital Department of his establishment, 466 YORK. Avenue, above Noble, where carriages, &e.. for hire, iny3o-Se ' ' islial Mf mt FOR ALBANY AND. TROY—Via Delaware and Raritan. Ca nal. —The barge MONTEREY, Danvers, master, is now loading at the first wharf below Spruce street; and will leave for the above points on WEDNESDAY, Jima lot, at 6 P.M. For freight, which _will be taken at low rates.. apply to D. L. F LANAGAN, Agent. my2S-9t! . No. 304 S. DELAWARE Avenue. Omar) LADIES TRUSS AND BRADS STORE—Conducted by Ladies, TWELFM Street, first floor below Race. Every article in their line elegant, easy, and correct in make. C. H. NBI DLES, 'Proprietor, attends to Gentlemen, on the cornet of TWELFTH sand RACE Streets. N. B.—Professionat accuracy insured. . mi4-31:1111 MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED upon Diamonds, Watches Jewel. h Old P figalYs l h t od i t g o , an ‘"6 tet t e and OAIKJLL Straom below Lombard aoll-Sm THOMSON'S LONDON KITCH ENER, OR EUROPEAN RANGE, for families, hotels, or public institutions, in TWENTY DIF FERENT SIZES. Also, Philadelphia Ranges, Hot-air Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Lowdown Grates, Flreboard Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stewhole Plates, Broil ers, Cooking Stoves, &c., at wholesale and retail. by the manufacturers, CHASE,. SHARPE, & THOSON. No. 200 N. SECON M D St reet. znhl-tatlis6m WRITTEN AND VERBAL DE SCRIPTIONS of Character, Constitution, and Ts. AlLlent, with ADVICE on Business. Health, Educa tion, Self-improvement, Management,and Train ing of CHILDREN. social adaptAtion, Etc.. day and evening, by JOHN L. CAREN. Phrenologist and Bookseller, mbl9-stuth No. MTh S. TENTH Street, above Cheetnnt. j MRS. JAMES BETTS' CELE BRATED su - PPoRTERs FOR LADIES, and. the on y Supporters under eminent medical patronage. Ladies and Physicians are respectfully-requested to call only on Mrs. BETTS, at her residence, 1039 WALNUT . Street, Phila., (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand invalids have been advikmd by their physicians to use her appliances. Those only are genuine bearing the United States copyright; labels on the box, and signatnres. and also on thOSupporters, with testimonials. Gaul-Wilma p,RicK. PRESSES AND BRICK- A-P MAKERW TOOT4 t S, $O9 South FIFTFL Stret. taymbe 411: 3 -.RY. .