The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, April 19, 1864, Image 4
THE CITY. Thermo APRIL 18,1863. APRIL 18, 1884. 4a. 12 iw.....1.r. 3i. 6 a. 31.....12 it.... 3 P. IL 8214......60 61 43 WIND. WIND. N ..NNE...... NNE; TV byN...Nw... Tali SMUT/Aix FMR.—Preparatione for the great fair are progressiog with rapidity and har mony. The various committees have not quite got into thorough organization, excepting a few; but there is an interest displayed, and an industry on the part of the ladies and gentlemen directly interested in Soleil' that is creditable, and that argues well for its complete success. The buildings are going up with all possible despatch, and will be ready in a few weeks for the reception of goods. The fair will be held in Logan Square, commencing on the first Tues day in Tune. The main building will be in the centre of the square, and will be a handsome structure, running across the square from env to west, SO feet by 600 feet. All the gravelled walks will be covered, and w ill focal passage-ways to the main building. There will be four entrances I a turret of graceful proporg tions will whim each entrance, and the large build ing will be surmounted by a dome. In the centre of the latter will be an imalense larger, probably, than any other in the United States. There will be, besides, thirteen other fisg6statts in other parts of the SWAM The spate, altogether, will be three times larger than that allotted to the Tiw Yotk Sanitary Pair, and there will be better accommodations for visitors and purchasers. Goode whicb arrive from the country before the opening or the Pair wilt be stored with safety in an apart inent now almost completed in the square. The department of Fgae Arta will be comprised in a thoroughly water proof building, and the col lection of paintings already promised will be equal to any ever exhibited to the public. A. handsome sword W. 1611 presented yesterday to the Committee on " Labor and Incomes." and will be exhibited during the lest four days of the week in Battey's winder. The sword will be given to the general who has the most friends at the fair. Tice price of the tickets of admission has not yet been definitely fixed. The charge for the first few days will, of bourse, be much larger than during the latter portion of the time, GIIARDLUIS of THE POOB.—A stated meeting of this Board was held yesterday afternotm. The census of the Almshouse was reported to be on Saturday 2 41! 62ilue tate last year 2 614 Decrease 130 There were admitted within the past two Weeks 152 Births Deaths Discharged Abaceneed Indentured Lodgings granted Meals The house receipts were 'reported at $32.10 The out door agent reported having collected for support cartes $5O 87. A resolution was adopted requesting the Oity Solicitor to furnish a written opinion as to the legality of the holding of a seat in this Board by a salaried officer of the city. This resolution. Welt in tended to answer the ease of Mr. Dickinson, recent ly elected Inspector of Streets. Dr. `Wm. A. Cantwell was elee'ed out door physi• elan of the First district, and the Board adjourned. PAYMENT OF THE STATE MILITIA.—The _following order has been issued by itlajer Taggart, paymaster 11. S. A., in teia•ion to the payment of the militia called into the service during the raid in 1862: "Company officers of the militia called into ser- Vicein September, iSe2, (or friends of the pariies,) are requested to procure, as coon es possible, powers of attorney from all absent members of these organi zations, authorizing some one to receive for theist the pay due for that service. "These powers must be acknowledged before a notary or magistrate. as per former notice, unless the claimant shall be is the army. In that event, an iutknowledgment before a commissioned officer Will be sufficient As soon as these are generally admired; prompt measures will be taken to pay the companies. Officers are requested to notify me when their men will be re- dy in person, or by at torney, to receive their pay?, CONTRACTS AWARDED. The following army contracts have twee awarded at the Army Clorbira and Equipaze Office: Goldtbrop & , Philadelphia, 5000 trumpet cords and tassel■ at 1734 e. Eforatmaart, Bro.. S.. On., Phil.ridelphia, 50,000 yards 3118. worsted lace at L 36: pPr ward. T. & A. Kemple. Phdadelphla, 60,000 yards M. - in, Worsted lace at 2.90 a per yard.. Henry Wilson. Phiovielpfria, 50,000 brass crossed varnon at $1 '03,1i per 100. . , Wm. McLaughlin & Bro , Philadelphia, '5OO regt. /Dental order books at $2 65 apiece ; 2,000 camp clothing hooks at $2 1 . 5 apiece ; .0,000 morning. report hook. at $1.93 apiece. A DAY'S INCOME.— We stated, a few days since, that the Fifth and Sixth-street Paaaenger :Railway had generously appropriated one day'■ en tire receipts. amounting to over .900, to the Corn mittee on " Labor. Incomes, end Revenues," for the benefit of the great Sanitary Fair. We learn that the Green and Coatewatreet Railway Association arpropriate to the same committee the entire proceeea of their road for today. Six extra care are to be placed on the road, and the amnion aecommo. dations provided for the public. It is likely that the other city passenger rail way associations will "do likewise," and thus toast in swelling the ca lm el the great Sanitary Commission. ATWOOD'S P.aromicets.—Among the pic tures to be sold at Messrs. Scott & Stewart's. Chest nut strret, above Sixth, on Thursday and Friday, are eleven very beautiful ones frein the easel of Par. Geo. B. Atwood. of this city, a voting artist of much tiromise and talent. Tbev are chiefly landscapes, and will attract universal commendation. "&View of Verice by Moonlight "'• Sunset at Sea," "Morn ing Alter the Wreck," and others, display a degree of finish and excellence that cannot fall to render the approaching sale attractive and profitable. TER BOARD OF Suitt' .=A stated meet ing or the Board of Survey was held at the usual place yesterday morning. Permission was granted to erect a sewer in Amber street, from Cumberland to Sergeant. A resolution was adepted that, in. the Orlilll.oll of the bond, the daily remuneration of the district surveyors and their party, when engaged in public surveys, should be ineresoed 25 per cent. On motion, the board adjourned!. Aianytch OF Cool7s.—The following ves sels arrived at this port yesterday Schooner Gen. Knox. Captain Barber, from St. John, N. 8., with 182 823 feet scantling, 2,975 do. palings, 3,823 do. deal boards, and 13,575 do. spruce hoards. Also, Schooner Amos Edward., Captain Somers, from Beaufort, with 64,750 shingles. Also, schooner Ripley, Captain Buck, from New Orleans, with 31 Mills. sugar, and 196 bids. molasses. SWOP.D PRICAENTED.-031 Paturday night a beautiful sword, sub, and belt were presented to Lieut. Alexander W. (?twin. of Company F. 114th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, (C/ollist Zonaves,) at Temperance Hall, Illanayunk. The presentation was made on behalf of the donors by Horatio Gates Tone■, Esc/ ,to which Lieut. crivin responded in a happy manner. Rev. Wm. Fulton, late chaplain of the Sentt Legion, was present, and made an appropriate address. Tim Brannms.--The new broom of Mr. Dickinson, our new and industrious inspector of streets, will have swept all the avenues, Ways, and byways of the city by the first of Mao, a cleansing which they sorely needed, and for which "many thanks." The lower wards are undergoing a dupli• este cleaning, so that when summer is upon us our thoroughfares will display finch an appearance as Will be pleasant to behold - MARINE DISASTER.—The brig H. 0. Bazley, Captain Ferrell, from Havana 17th ult., for Philadelphia, put into Beaufort, N. C., on the 10th inst., short of provisions and in a leaking condition. Part of the molasses which was on the deck had to be thrown overboard. She was announced to sail again for her destination In a few days. THE POLICE_ [Before Mr. Alderman Beitler.l Further Developments. William Green, the burglar who was arrested a short time since on the charge of robbing the dwet• Jing of Mr. Mellwee, was arraigned, yesterday alter. noon, atthe Central Station on other similar charges. Mrs. Matilda Winters testified that a short time since her residence, near Ninth and Spruce streets, was feloniously entered and robbed of four dress coats, two overcoats, handkerchiefs, and other arts. elem. A handkerchief found on the person of the prisoner on the night of his arrest, by Sergeant Neff, Was identified by Xra W. as her property. John Flood, residing at Seventh and Evangelist streets, testified that his house and store were en tered after twelve o'clock at night, about two weeks since, and robbed of various articles, among them there being a large carving knife. A knife was iden tified by witness as his property. It had been re covered among other stolen article* *need to the possession of the accused. The defendant was corn 'pitted, In default of $4,000, to answer at court. , (Before Mr. Alderman Gibson.] Assault With Murderous Intent. John Baker, Jobn Riley, and Joseph Punter were arrested at ManayunX on Saturday night, on the charge of committing an assault and battery upon John Miller. The additional (Marge, is with intent to kill." was also preferred against them. It teens that Officer Giliett overheard the trio making threats against some person to him unknown. Shortly after this Miller was bound with his bead badly sat, having been struck with a piece of cinder weighing some six pounds. He was very seriously injured. Under these circumstances the magistrate deemed it necessary to commit the party to answer at court. Owner Wanted. - For several days past a wheelbarrow, having on it two boxes of soap, was found in Second street. It was taken to the Sixth-ward station-house, where it awaits an owner. - - [Wore Mr. Alderman McMullin. (Chicken Thieves. Charles Brown, John White, and Ann Welsh (colored) were arrested at an early hour yesterday morning, near Bedfordjand Seventh streets, having is their possession a number of chickens, that ap peared to have been recently killed. It is supposed that some ben-roost in the First or Twenty.fourth ward bad been invaded. The trio were committed. This is the first ease of hen-roost robbing that has taken place for some time, and it is more than pro bable the owners, of the farms in the immediate vielnity of the thickly settled part of Philadelphia will use, as once before, the most effective secret means, dangerous to intruders. We well remember a lecture given to a chicken thief by a former jiidg recently e of the old c court. The j had come from theriminal country, having been appointed by the then Governor of the State, as a mark of politi cal preferment. Thejudge himself had devoted much attention to the raising of stock in the interior, and ache came fresh among us, from the everlasting hllla of the old Keystone, be was going to be severe uponar, thieves in general, and chicken thieves in par ticul Almost the tint ease the judge was milled upon to express himself was that ot a short, thick-set colored man, who was charged with stealing chickens from a hen-roost in West Philadelphia. The Grand Jury had ignored the bill, but the judge was not to be twined in his desire to explain. "John," said he, " stand up." The colored individual aforesaid arose in the dock. "John," said the dignitary on the bench, "you are charged with Menne chickens." "Yes, lush," replied John, with a broad grin, dis playing a row of faultless ivory ; "yes, egg , I k new is." "Well, John, the Grand Jury, it is try% ha ve =red the bill against you " "They is; glad ob dat, Judge," interrupted the de lighted prisoner. "But," continued his Honor, "there is no doubt about your guilt" This the members of the bar thought entirely gratuitous. - . - "Now, John," Continued the Jude, "I want yon to distinctly understand that this place is going to be a hard place for thieves in general and chicken thieves in particular, for I am determined to atop the invasion of henroosts." "Yes, Bah," said John, who was paying all atten tion to the remarks from the bench. "I am determined to do so, or otherwise the Phi ladelphia market will be cut off from the usual sup. ply of one of the most healthy articles of diet, so Mans highly" recommended by the most eminent phyla. "Judge," cad John, "I didn't took them at chickens." "Hold your tongue I keep shut your mouth I" angrily responded the Judge. "I have no doubt about your stealing the chickens, and I want you, and all other chicken thieves, through you, to know Olaf am determined to preserve the feathered tribe, and thus vouchsafe to this community a full, liberal supply of eggs at low rates. You may go, John, but never let me see your lase here again." Jam, with a broad grin, as he was leaving the dock, replied, " Judge , I wouldn't been yere di me stimeU de eflker baenit totehed me." The prisoner /en the Mkt reOla eouvulseg With the laughter of the members of the bar, parties, wit nesses, &o. Eggs st the present time are exceed ingly high, and if any of the Judges elan adopt any judicial eourae to bring town the prise of that article of diet to highly recommended by the moat eminent physicians, they should have the thanks of all. Supreme Court at Nist Prins—Judge Wood Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company vs. The Beaver Meadow Railroad Company. The motion. lest Saturday, by defendants' counsel, to amend the order for a preliminary injunction heretofore made, was yesterday granted by Judge Woodward, as asked for. District Carat —Judige Sharwavood. Isabella Meganlen, by her guardian, Thomas C. Guthrie, vs. Sarah M. Lowrie. A Bei. fa. cur mort gage. No defence. Verdict for plaintiff, $625 75. Robert Patterson, trading as R. Patterson & Co., vs. The Philadelphia and Eastern Transportation Company. An action to recover the value or certain goods shipped to New York through defendants as Carriers, The boat upon Which the goods were was 'accidentally sunk by collision with another boat. She was subsequently raised, and-arrived with the goods at New York, and the consignee advised of the fact. He refused to receive the goods, they being in a damaged condition. Therefore they were sold by defendants upon account of " whom it may con cern." netting at such esie about one-third the in. voice price. Plaintiff declined to receive the amount, and demanded their full value, payment of which being refused, this Butt was brought to recover. After some discussion, it was finally agreed that a verdict should be taken tor plaintiff for the full amount (S6S 7 43), subjeetto the ooinion of the Court upon points of law reserved. T. R 9116 Snowden for plaintiff; Theodore Cuyler for defendants. District Court—Judge Hare Gariett S. Belie vs. Jacob Shurts. An action of anumpait to recover on a contract for ten thoUssnd bushels of oats at 83 cents per bushel, of 30 pounds. The defence was that the quality of the 3 000 bushels which were delivered under the contract was not up to the stipulated standard ; that rye was mixed with them for the purpose of bringing them up to the re quited Weight, and that, when delivered to the Go• vernment at Washington, they were rejected as damaged and injured by the admixture of rye, and thrown upon defendant's hands- lie sold them at the Corn Exchange, Baltimore, at '7O cents per bindiel, and refused to receive the balance of the ten thousand bushels remaining undelivered. Plaintiff Thereupon, after notice to defendant, caused the re maining seven thousand bushels to be sold on his account at public vendue, and in this suit now seeks to recover the difference between what they then void tor and the contract price of 83 cents per bushel, and also the lull contract price for the oats sold by defendant in Baltimore. Jury out. Bullitt and "Dickson for plaintiff; Geo—AL Wharton and Keyser for defendant. esomni Common Pleas—Judge Ludlow. jury trials are still progressing in this court Those tried yesterday were of no importance. Court of Quarter Sessions—Judge Thomp- son. ASssult and battery eases of a trifling character occupied the entire session yesterday. SHERIFF'S SALES. QBEFIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF Pee' a writ of Venditioni Rayons& tome directed, Will be exposed to public sale or vendee. on MO ND tY may T. 1565, at 4 o'clock, - at Sansone Street Hall. Do. 1. AI. that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the late township of Lower Dublin. now in the Twenty third ward of the oftyofPhiladelphia. Beginning at a cor ner°, land now or late of John Hook; thence by the mama south eighty degrees forty five minutes weet, eleven Perct es and three-tentte of a perch to a corner of the neat described lot, No. 2 ; thence by the same north eighteen degrees fifteen minutes west. forty-ft re perches and one-tenth or a perch to a corner in the middle - of a road leading to Pennepeck creek; thence along the mm die of the said road nerth lily-throe degree. thirty minutes east twenty-six perches and six-rent be of a perch to the middle of the said creek; thence down the middle of said creek. the eeveral courses thereof to a corner of John TIMUIVIS 151:141. the disease, of. which 18 ctbont sixty-eight perches; thence by acid amp's land north eigety.eis degrees and thirty minutes west. thirty-four Perches and seven-tenths offt parch to a corner ; thence by the same person's land south twenty one degrees Steen minutes west, eighteen perches and one-tenth of a parch to the place of beginning; contain ing twelve acres and three-quarters of an acre. — All that lot or piece of ground with the mese allege or tenement thereon erected. situate in the late townrhip of Lower Dublin. now in the Twenty-third ward of the city of Philadelphia mermaid. Beginning at a maple tree for a corner in a line of lot No. 1, ab lye de scribed. and running by said lot north foarterni degrees west, sixteen perches and four-tenths of a perch to a cor bel' in the middle of a road leading to Pennepack creek stomata; thence along said road north slaty-seven de grees and thirty minutes °att. thirteen paellas and three tenths of a perch to a corner stone, and north forty-nine degrees and forty-five minutes east, twe Lye perches and three.tentheof a parch to a corner atone. and north fifty three degrees and thirty mini:Pee east, twenty-nine perches to a etone; thence by lot No. 1. above described, south eighteen degrees and fifteen minutes east, forty- Aye perches and one-tenth of a perch to a corner *tone in a line of !Thomas Wistar's land; thence by the same south eighty degrees and forty-five minutes west, twen ty-five perches to a wild-cherry tree marked for a cor ner; thence by the same north eighty-eight degrees and forty-five minutes west, thirty perches and three- quar ters of a Dern to the place of beginning; containing ton acres end thirty-II ve perches. No. B. All that certain lot or niece of ground situate in the late township of Lower Dublin, now in the Twentr third ward of the city of Philadelphia aforesaid Be ginning at the ittersection of the road leading to James Verree's mill with the road leading from Admired Mc 'Wash's ford to Philadelphia aforeeald ; thence along said road north two degrees west, fifteen perches; thence north 'thirty-one degrees east. seven and a half perches to a corner-stone; thence north seventy eight degrees east, twenty perches to a atone set fora corner; thence by let No. 2. above described. and lend now or late of Thomas Witter south ten decrees and thirty minutes east, thir 01- Iva Denim to a stone in the Ant mentioned road, and thence along said road north seventy-three degrees west, thirty-one perches to the place of beginning; containing four acres and eighty perches, more or less. [ Which said lots (Nos. I, 2. and 3) William and Susanna. his wife, by indenture dated the llth of April, A D. 1853, recorded in Deed Book T. H.. No. 104. page 521., *e., granted and conveyed unto said Henry O. WIMP in fee. • [D. C.- lit MO. Debt. $1.600. A Thompson - ). Taken'iMexecution and to be eold as the property of Henrry C. Stroup. JOHN' HOMPSON, Sheriff. Phflada., Sbetrirs Office, April 18, 1864, aple-ht SIFF RIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Fenian, 'to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or yendue, on MOND ay - Evening. May 2 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain three story brick messnage and lot of ground situate on,the east side of Front street. fifty- five feet northward from Morrie street, in the city of Phila. deltoid's, containing in front on Front street thirteen feet eight inches, includinrhalf of a one-foot eleven inches wide alley, with the privilege teerAof, and in depth thirty-nine feet two inches. C Which said lot John Lan caster et ex., by deed dated January 1.1857, cduveyeci unto Philip Trotter in fee; reserving a ground rent of twenty four dollars. Dant le first. or January and .foly.l [D. C. ;M. '64. 516. Debt. $608.69. W. S. flies J Taken in - execution and to be sold as the property, of Philip Trotter. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia. Sheriff's Oftlee.laprit 18. 1864. apl9-3t SHERIFF E. SALE.- BY VIRTUE OF ' l / 4 - - " a writ of 1.0•8.11. Resins, to me directed, will be mt. posed to public sale or vendue, on HONDAY Evening, May 2, 1864. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Hall. All that certain lot of ground situate on the south side of Swain street, sixty feet four and a quarcerinches east from Sixteenth street. in the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front on Swain street eighty-nine feet four inches, and in depth on the east line sixty-six feet nine inebas, and on the wed lino eevente-two feet three inches, and on the rear esd eighty-sir feet three inches. [Which said lot Philip S. Brown, by deed dated October 20, 1857, recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8.. No. 21. page 321, &c., conveyed unto Bugh S. Black in fee. I 507. Debt. 54 089 25 Norris.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Hugh S. Brack, deceased, JOHN THOMPSON,Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. April 18. 1864 apl9 31 SHERIFF'S SALE.--BY VIR UE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed to Public sale or rondo% on MONDAY Evening, May 2,1864. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom street All that certain lot of ground, with cellar walla there on, flituate on the south side of Spruce street, sixty six feet eastward from Seventeenth street, in the city of Phi ladelphia; containing in trout on Spruce street twenty two feet, and in depth one hundred and seven feet. [Which said lot John H. Curtis, et ox.. by deed dated March 23.186110 conveyed unto Joseph (Elbert in fee.] ID C. ; M., '64 523. Debi $8,875 4L A. Thomason Taken In execution, and to be sold as the property* of Joseph Gilbert. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's office, April 18. 1864. apl9-81 JONES HOUSE, HARRISBURG, 008211 MARKET STRUT AND MAW! 649.1011 triLebiat hone*: Wawa. 99 so 919. .11116-9 em o. H. arm. %AVENUE HOUSE," WASHINGTON, D. C. The andantino' havnideased the above House. &listed on the corner of goy ROTH Street and PENN. SYLVANIA Avenue. for a term of years, he solicits the Termer patronage aad the travelling_public generally. tnd will at all Sawa be ha ppy to . see his old &lends, 0- T. JONES. WaeIfIYSTON. D. r. UN. mNu-sm CABINET FURNITURE. CABINET FURNITURE AND BIL LIABD TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION, Ho. m6l soma sacotro smut in connection with their extensive Cabinet business, are now manufacturing a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES, and have now on hand a full supply. finished with the MOORE h CAMPION'S IMPROVED CUSHION& Which are pronounced by all who have used them to be superior to all others. Per the quality and finish of these Tables, the manufacturers refer to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who are -familiar with the character of their work. apitam VINE EAGLE VEIN COAL-- Eaaai Plus tra f W t"Perit f i lTl t a gt P y ZeLal irgtgl. 110 .. 00. Lail' Nat. 11.9_00 per ton. Coal forfeited Jr not fell weigh* as_per tleket. Depot, IILID O.ILLOWHILL *reel . above Broad. ISI South rousTs. be. low inteetnut Call and •ThIDDMi. Orders by dbatatel wconpUly attended to br non-ent ELLIS DIADSOII. C 0 AL.—BUGAR LOAF, BEAVER MEADOW. mad Sprint Mountain Lehigh OW. and boot Looust from tkintylkill ; nroonrod an nual for Yamily Duet, N. W. sorrow Waal% sad W Sta. ONos, No. 11A South SECOND St asd-tf WALTON ix 411.0_ 46 HEE MAJF4TY" CHAMPAGNE. TILE ROYAL WINE OF ENGLAND. A limited quantity of this superior Wine has been se cured for the undersigned, and the first shipment of GO eases has arrived, by the steamship Olympus, dine from the cellars of the Well-known house of NEM& DR VIUSOGN & at Sperney. Frazee. The present tavolae will be Intrir dined into this market at the very low mice of MINTY DOLLARS PRE OARS OF QUARTS. payable is currency, which is much below its first cost. The superior suality of this Wine is goarantied, and Si is *fermi with confidence of its approval by commis- INTIM Orders for one or more saw may be addressed, by let. ter or otherwlee. to the tutdernlgned. WM. H/INET WARD, Wine and Pratt Dealer, No. 7 BROAD, Street. near. Wall, NSW YORK. pAFEB WAZEHOUSIC. FARRELL, & CO., Kartsfaateirers of ROLL WRAPPRRB. DOUBLE and SIMI ROHM. OAP, aid CIEOWN MANILLA, oa heed. or made to order. 1;:i=g1M1 NOTICE OF REMOVAL.. The andertiened mould inform their Mends and the Larillt ric i riir A lly e r l ital i th e y have removed from their Old /4 reek to their SPLENDID NEW WAREROOMS, No_ Vi &NCR STUMM?, when, they will continue the sale of GAS FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS, COAL-OIL BURNERS, &a. Ryan assodatm with our home Ifr. oakum nteri. (former', the Pelleirel neetizter for Cornellas Bala) we arc now prepared to execute orders for au Miami ef all stades and elabota and dengue, from the victim:lei Se Un maid manioc ts, VAN KIRK it 00., wean No. WA ARCH STRINT. pRLIABLIE.-17811 GALLAUDETT'S -am HAIR RESTORER. It In not a dye. It restores the her jolt. natural color. If does not ertsda the skim. It needs no Bandalino or other dressing. It is s drawled of 'tacit Para moderato. Try it. Premed My by PAUL U. OUTS R, akothses74. =Mae lIIMPENEXTU ARA CARA Wm THE COURTS. HOTELS. COAL, 61.0 MINOR STREBT. PIIIANCIAL. TT. S. II W z$ • ) bi dp Thole Monde me tuned under the Act of Contrast el Starch 6th, 1864, Which provides that in lien of so much of the loan authorised by the Act of March 3d. 1883. to which this is supplementary. the Secretary of the Tres nary is authorized to borrow from lime to time, on the area of the United States, not exceeding TWO NUN. DBSD MILLION DOLLARS, during the Current fiscal year. and to prepare and irene therefor 00IIPOrktted Se glistered Bonds of the United States; and all Bonds issued under this Act shall be IXEMP!I' PROM TAXATION by or under any Stets or nomieipal authority. SnbeeriD• tions to these Bonds are received in United States notes. or notes of Nationil Banks. They are TO BS RE DERIISD IA COIN, at the pleasure of the Government. at any period not teem than ten nor more than forty pears from their date. and until their redemption FIVE PER cg,eir. INTEREST WILL BB PAID. IN COIN, on Bonds of not over one hundred dollars annually, and on all other Bonds semi-annually. The interest is Parable on the first days of March and September in each year. The semi-annual Coupons are payable at those dates. and the annual Conpons on the BO and Ifo.dollar Bonds are payable on the first of March. Subscribers will receive either Registered or Coupon Bonds, as they may prefer. Registered Bonds are re corded on the books of the U. S. Treasurer, and can be transferred only on the owner's order. Coupon Bonds are parable to bearer, and are more convenient for com mercial uses. Registered Bonds will be issued of the denominations of Fifty Dollars (IN). One Ruud' ed Dollars (MO% Five Hundred Dollars (BM). One Thousand Dollars ($1.000), Tire Thousand Dothan (gg,coß. and Fen Thousand Dol lars (MAO); awl Coupon Bonds of the dell.ollllllol.lAne of Fifty Dollars (M 0). One Hundred Dollars VINO, Five Hundred Dollars (VW), and One Thousand Dollars (41,f00). Subscribers to this loan will have the option of having their Bonds draw interest from March let, by paying the accrued interest in coin (or in United States notes, or the notes of National Banks, adding fifty per cent. for pre mium), or receive thorn drawing interest from the date of enbooriptien and deposit. As these Bonds are exempt frau municipal or Rate taxation, their value is increased from one to three per cent. per annum. according to the rate of tax levies in Various parts of the empire'. At the present rate of premium on gold they pay over sight !Per cent. interest in currently, and are of canal convenience as a permanent or temporary inv4tment. , It is believed that no ssenrities offer so great induce monis to lenders as the various descriptions of Bonds In all other forms of indebtedness the faith or ability of private parties, or stock companies, or sepa rate communities, only Is pledged for payment, while for the debts of the United States the whole property of tl e _country is bolden to secure the payment of both principal and interest In coin. These Bonds may be subscribed for in sums from $5O up to any magnitude, on the same terms, and are that made equally available to the smallest lender and the largest capitalist. They can be converted into money at any moment, and the holder will have the benefit of the interest. The fact that all d ales on imports are payable in erecie, furnishes a fund for like payment of interest on all Goveinment Buda largely in excess of the wants of the treasury for this purpose. Upon the receipt of subscriptions a certificate of de- Posit therefor, in duplicate, will be issued, the original Of Which will be forwarded by the subscriber to the Se cretary of the Treasury, at Washington, with a letter stating the kind (registered or coupon) and the denomi. nations of bonds required. Neon the receipt of the original certificates at the Trea sury Department the Bonds eubseribed fOr Will be trans- Patted to the subscribers respectively- Subscriptions will be received by the TIMMER OF THE UNITED STATES at Washington, and the AS- EinTalliT TREASURERS at Philadelphia. New York, and Boston, and by the First National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa.. First National Bank of Carlisle. Pa.. First National Bank of Danyille. Pa.. First National Bank of Brie. Pa., First National Bank of Marietta. Pa., First National Bank of Meadville, Pa., First National Bank of Scranton, Pa., Second rational Bank of Scranton, Pa., First National Ralik of Strasburg, Pa . First National Bank of Towanda. Pa.. First National Bank of West Chester. Pa.. Second National Bank of Wilkesbarre. Ps., First National Bank of York, ra,, First National Bank of Parkersburg, W.' First National Bank of Washington. b. 11 First National Bank of Newark. N. J., First National Bank of Baltimore, First National Bank of Binghamton, N. First National Bank of Elmira, N. Y., and by all National Banks which are depositaries of public money. All respectable banks and bankers throughont the ecamtry will holdall further informa tion on application, and afford GYM facility to sub scribers. apls St Wit UNITED STATES READY FOR DELIVVRY, ~~`i~l4~lß~ peiat~eU~~ : ~:~l~laf~~i :l:6inaL~i:{ahi;i SAMS BY E. W. CLARA af co., U 8011TH THIRD MIDST aDDSAN SITI3SOBIPTIONS TO THE TIM-IfiCirEtWlC LOAN BECEIVED BY THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK' OR PHILADELPHIA, AT V. 1141 4 CELVCM.I). This Bank has been designated by the SECRETARY OP THE TERASURY as as DEPOSITORY OF THE PUBLIC MONEYS, FINANCIAL AGENT OF 0111. UNITED STATES, And authorized to receive subscription to the BZW BTATIS LOAN, bearing interest at the rate of FIVE PER CENT. Per Ann= IN COIN. Bonds from gdO Co VIM Th. terest to commence either with the data or the bonds, March let t 1864, or at the date of eubscription. at the option of t he subsarlbers. wiLtazamr. IL BRAWN, °ashler. aple-lm ALL THE 5-20 BONDS sunsCEISILD win MOM! VS ARE NOW READY FOR DELIVERY. PERSONS HOLDING OUR RECEIPTS WILL MUSE GALL AND RECEIVE THEIR ROADS. JAY 000KE & 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. 6 _ 20 COUPONS, DUE IsT MAY, IS 0 1 431 H T■ ORDRES BY MAIL Oa BKPBEEB ATTENDED TO DREXEL t4o CO. FOURTH NATION - 11.1. JESALNIHE PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL 8100,000, WITH TEE FEMME OF INCREASING TO M 500.000. PRESIDENT. WILLIAM P. HAMM. VICE PRESIDENT. ALBERT C. ROBERTS. CASHIER. SAMUEL J. IILwMULLA.N. DIRECTORS. WM. P. HAM. WM. BROOIES,__ Al BEET ROBERTS. .D. W. BRADLEY, JAS. 0. /MOH JOHN PABSIEA. WILLIAM 668. STORLEY. THE FOURTH NATIONAL BANE • is now opal at rto. 7:43 Arch street, • for the transictioiot General limning u p on the nstianterms. , Collections made on all points at the ve lowest rates. Subscriptions reeeived for the Mated statue -10-60 ( Bo watt nds. BAWL I. IlleobrilLlA.B. creelalert THE PRESS. - PHILADELPHIA; TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1864: FIRS T iNTA%.mixam.r.hLi. 33.ELN$ DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY FINANCIAL AGENT Thin Bank bee been authorised And is new prepared o receive subecrivtions to the NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN. This Loan, tamed under authority of an act of Con green, approved March 3, 1864, provides for the issue of Twe Hundred Millions of Dollars ($400,000.000) United States Bonds, redeemable after ten years, and payable -forty years from date. IN COIN. dated Mardi LIM, bearing interest at the rate of per annum IN COIN, payable semi-annually on all Bonds over *IW, and on' Bonds of $lOO and hem, an nually. Subscribes will receive either Registered or Coupon Bonds as they may prefer. Resistexed Bonds will be 'Bawd of the denominations Of Oily dollars (360), one hundred dollars (COO), five hundred dollars (600). one thousand dollars (*Lupo), five thousand dollars (6.000), and ten thou/and dollars (00). and Coupon Bonds of the denominations of fifty dollars (860), one hundred dollars (3/00). Ave hundred dollars ($600). and one thousand dollars (31.000). Will commence from date of subscription. or the ac crued interest from the Ist of March can be paid in coin. or. until farther nonce. in U. 8. notes or notes of Na tional Banks. 'addlig (00) flay per sent. to the IL mount for premium. cr.a.ast, mh29.if President N w - LI 4 ZI A. JAY COOKE & CO. OFFER FOE SALE THE NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, Bearing Ave per cent. Irdereet, coin. Redeemable any time after TEN TSARS. at the pleasure of the Government. and payable FORTY YR &RS after date. Both COUPON AND REGISTERED BONDS are issued for this Loan. of same denominations as the Flys- Twen ties The interest on $5O and eule payalble yearly. on all other denominations half-yearly. The TIN FORTY BONDS are dated March 1. 1561. the half-yearly Interest falling due 'September 1 and /Sarah 1 of each year. Until let September. the accrued Interest from Ist March is required to be paid by purchasers in coin, or in legal currency, adding 60 per cent, for premium, until further notice. AN other Government mataitiee bought and sold JAY COOKS` CO., 114 SOUTH THIRD STRINT TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER OF THE OURERNOT, WASHINGTON. February 26th. 1664. • Whereas, by eatiefactory evidence presente d' to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that the Fourths , ' attend Bank of Fhlladelphia, in the county of Philadelphia. and State of Pennsylvania. has been duly orranidd tinder and accordig to the requirements of the act of Congress . entitled "an act to jprovide a na stional currency , secured by a pledge of United States tocks. an d to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof. ' Unloved February 26th, 1883, and has cote- Vivi with all the horoyislona of said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking. ovr. therefore I, Hugh McCulloch, Com_ptroller of the CtirrencY, do hereby certify that the FOURTH NA TION/LI. BANS OF PHILLDEBPSUA, county. of Philo deiphta. and State of Pennsylvania. Is anthortaed to commence the bodiless of Banking, under the act afore- Laid. In testimony whereof. witness my hand and seal of office. this twenty-sixth day of Febrnary a 1864. HUGH AfeCuLLOOff. Comptroller of the OILITeIerT, JOHN HORN, JR, sTocK•oommussiox Intorint, 1490 SOUTH THIRD STREET. (Ire STAIRS.) PHILADILPHLA. DISFSBEDWIS: Hessre.Thos.A.Alddle & Co. Mess.liaw,lliseslester, &CO Masers. R S. Whalen & Co. Meagre. Drexel & Co. Messrs. Busby & Co. Henry_J. Alexander Biddle Asa . I. P. Hutchinson, Req. 0. )L Troutman. Esq. D. B. Cummins, Seq._ Jas. G. lane & Sons. New York. fe95.2w SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA.___FRANKNORD. CAPITAL *lOO,OOO, WITH THE PRIVILEGE 01 =- GREASING TO !600, 000. - NATHAN MLLES. PrimWM. WILLIAM H. RHAWN., Gander, (Late of the Philadelphia Bank.) DIRECTORS: NATHAN HILLEff,_ CHARLES E. IDISKSIL GEORGE RHAWN, BENJ. ROWLAND U... IDW N HATES . BENN.Y. CHOPE001: LEWIS SHALLONOSS, The Second National Bank of Philadelphia Ii now open at. No. 154 MAIN Street, Prankford, for the trans salon of a General Banking Business ODOR t h e email taxis. Collections upon all accessible points will be made upon liberal terns. .1/4apoettalltr, r e g.s m vr. H. RHAIWN. Csabiar BLACK HAWK IG-401,3:0 MINING 4C0MP..11.1%7A5T. MINES—ROBTAIL, GREGORY &C.,, LODES—GILPIN CO., COLORADO CAPITAL, 00,000 SHARES $lOO EACH. TRUSTERS. F. EL JUDD. New Yofk. W. L. LEE, Colorado. ANTHOBI ARBOUR, New York. GEORGE BLISS. Jx.. New York. O. W. CHILE. New York. T. B. WILLIAMS, New York. J HALL PLEASANTS. Baltimore. LEONARD swgrT,Washington. CARLOS PIRRCE. Boston. President—P. 11. JUDD. Vice President—W L LEE. Treassurer—WALTEß B L AWTON. Secretary—D. LITTLEJOHN. Counsel—JOHN 8. WOODWARD. XYLO LEE. OFFICE, No, AC CLIFF STRUT; NEW YORK. aplS4m BRIGGS GOLD Co. MINES—BRIGOB 6b GREGORY LODE O, GILPIN oourrry, COLORADO. ' 1,11 , sloo EACH. - - - - J. SMITH BRIGGS ..—.....C010rad0. 0110. M. PULLMAN Chicago. ANTHONY Neerßork. • • lIRRRY uOGGILL CORNELL WEITZ 111 C. O. ALONL Hudson, N. T. WM. G. ADO ILL Providence, R. I. Preeldens, J. SMITH. BRIGGS. Treasurer, WALTER N. LAWTON. • seereter7...D. raTTLNJOHN. • Counsel. J. S. WOODWARD. Mining SUDerlntendeut, CH/113. H. BEIMIS. apt-lm °Nee Nis CLIFF Street, New York. HOPE GOLD COMPANY. MINES—"GOLD DIRT LODE. Glum county. Colorado. CAPITAL. SUDO SHAMIR. fag •14k. Ta 1111711211. JOHN EVANS. Colorado. F H. JUDD, New York H. B. COHI7. New York. WILLIAM MOLLER. New York. Olto. GRAFPLIN, Baltimore. HERMAN FUNKS. New York. R. CONNELL WHITE. New York. M. C TYLER, Sew York. S. a, ARNOLD. PrOVido/1•13. PRISIDENT. Hie Ex*.Caney JOHN EVANS, Governor of Colorado Territory. Him. 9. 0. CE lIMIDMITIL • VI ARNOLD.PR Dr. F. H. JUDD, Treasurer, WALT= B. LAWTON, Secretary, J. P. DAVIES. mh2Slm °See. No. A 5 CLIFF Street, Now York. pfPORTERS war= AXD Licitfolk LAUMAN & BALLADE, Jo. SOUTH SIXTH ETHER?. Betintan U ..tnat mail Walnut. Philat G. IL 1L18N1.14 X SLTALLDX VOILNS PETERSO N AND BUNIONS. _ " 4 .." Sa PETERSON PIITIBBON PATERSON CORN CORN CORN CORN OINTMENT OINTMENT OINTMENT OINTMENT Will thoroughly cure CORNS and BUNIONS, without any pain. Sold b_Druggists everywhere. - Price 25 cents. JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY. aownsif.iiEents, rala26-Im. SS Korth SIXTH Ellareat. GOLD'S IMPROVED STEAM " AID WATZE-HIATING APPRATUS., For Warming and Ventilating Publie Building. and Private ReaManess. Mannlitotnred by th e DRUM STEAM lAD WATER-ELTING ROM:PANT 07 PE/LADSkne. JAM lOU . o 01). ... 41 South FOURT ir H Street. inhlg.targil B. M. VILTWILL. thinetintesdent. DRUGS. -13 BALES ARNICA FLOW- E. Wee RS ehOrt Bohn Loaves. 80 amen IMO India, Sago,treah. 45 bbii London-idealized Umatilla Ginior. S bales Florida Shiwep,.-wool Il L iootur Moro dad for sale by WM. ILL'S & 1:112 _Thmsglats. b y 7,4 . igh:Emarr swat. BUILDING HARDWARIL MBA? 81AG8116.. T EINOTB. HINON6. SHUTT= STRAP& and all kinds of wrort gsq,_la n s or small. BEWTTBIL BOLT BIOS BOLT& Cad &Milos of aiding and Carriage Hardware, mak wad kept oo hood at mLlt=sm .11AORISON IRO, WORM ova. so. smi wawa Mim s. Walinfastarers of Warn:MßßAYei BM mail RAY MO UPHOLSTERING. BLAAILD si_oo Northeast corner TRIIMITH andounmufift Omen' and Xattisur labiL Buten*. Rau Inattraises, M. Yuma& Awnium mble-am 1,11 - ACKEREL, HZ ERIN G SHAD . 10 A . de,dd ifs?,llsllblaYsiir. N ed ai4 4 2. and 3 Maakerel, latireavalla iforrb3.o3olb ag. bls Now Saaiport.lorinn• 3dwir, and SWAM 2.1•0 WOWS o , w Lubwikal•di and No. 1 Herrin& Kam 1111114. MO b lb oz la os n Herklmar gouty Chease &a, „ kw , and for said imarar /3"YroOn„ Wit Eh WI WilAliVia. PINANCIAIIS. PHILADELPHIA.. OD DEM UNITED STATEN. 31.0-10 LOAN. FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST U. S. 10-105. TiII3STKES. EDUCATIONAL. LOLLER ACADEMY-A SELECT BOARDINO SCHOOL FOR BOYS—is now open for the reeeptlen of Pupils. the Bowdon of each Mal COM' meneing When he enters upon the duties of the school. Terms moderate. For Ctreolars address ann-tathente H. MORROW. Principal, Hatboro, Montgomery Co.. Pa. SBLEOT FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS. 11101:101T JOY. Lancaster county. Pa. Session opens on the FIRST TUESDAY of May. For circulars. address apl6 9m * R. A. MORRISON, Principal PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN STITUTE FOB 'YOUNG ',ADZES, No. Ino AEON Street. Bey, CHARLES A. SMITtI, D. D., Z. CLA RENCE SMITH, A. if.. Prins'pals. Ninth Year Three departments: Primary, Academic, W and Collegiate. all college course in Classical. Mathema tical. higher English, and Natural Science. for those who graduate. Modern Languages, Must°. Painting. and Elo cution by the Not mestere, For circulate apply at the In Eat tate. ar address Boz NU P. o.,,Fhiladelphts, aplB-6ak" MUSIC LESSONS 1 MUSIC LESSONS 1 Young Ladies. if you Wish thorough instruction in music seeelal opportunities are afforded at GEN ILSOff 8111111151ARY, six miles west of Carlisle. Best of board. able teachers, pleasant bone. Address C. HIIIITIBOTONAVM 1021 LP, atoll lm Plainfield. Cnmb . en Pa. BELLE V UP.: FEMALE INSTIT UTZ- A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. This Institution, bccruttrutly and heer. Min Um located. in the nos them limits( Of ATTLEBOBOUGHt, Bachgeolui• ty, Pa.„ will commence De Boring and Summer Term os the leth of FIFTH MONTH next, and continne in session twelve wee) , A The course of 'nein:Lotion Is thorough and complete in all the Elementary and higher branchee of an ENGLISH CLAAM.CAL, AND MATHEMATICALENGLISH. EDUCATION. The French Language le taught by a native French teacher. Circulars. giving fell particulars. may be had on aw nitration to the Principals, Attieborh P 0 Haab county. Pa. ISRAEL J r J GRANAIIIE. JANE P. GRAHAMS, Principals. _ n 1316 am _ _ ILLA GE GREEN SEMIN'AICK, NUR MEDIA. PA. —Pnprla rece i ved at any than English, Mathematics. Classics. and ' Natural Selene* tailed. Military Tactics. Book-keeping, and Chril.Nat , enemina taught. Entire expenees about' 33 nor week. Bore of all ages taken. Eaters to Wm. H. Kern. sa. Bheriff; John O. Capp dr Co.. Fi f th South Third streak. cad Thontan 3, Clayton. Rag. and Prone struts. *damn Hey. 3. BAZVEY DAIMON. A. M.. 'Moo Green. Pa. no 7-41 COPARTNERSHIPS. NOTICE, OF DISSOLUTION.-THE den:a()partnership heretofore eitislind between the wi ped, under the name of M. At C smosssivass: has been this day dissolved, by mutual consent The business of the ftrnywiti be settled by MOBSd STUN 811101.11, at No. 14 BANK *treat M 0811.3 STERIBSTIGNII Aprll 12, 1804. CHARLES STSBCIIISuGSB. NOTICE OF PARTNERSHIP. - THE enieseribers have this day entered into a partner ship under the name of STEBNOBEIGEII, & CO.. for the Manufacture and Sale of Bhirts. Collars, and Furnishlua Goode generally, and will occupy the store No. 14 BANK Street, Philadelphia CH Spin STRUNDWIRII. MfCHißr , C. HIB•CH SOLOMON SMALOINMSR. apl6•atnthet. Aprlll2, 1864. THE FIRM OF COX & CLARK IS -a- this day dissolved by vsititial swim k_ WM. P. COX. JACOB CLAIM April 11, 1864. The underehrned have this day entered into Copartner aim under the firm of CLAIM eg mcGOBBILCK for the traneaction of a general COAL brighten. Office 305 WALNUT Street. JACOB ()LASE. • FRANC/8 MoCORINIIIK. Aprllll, ISEFL apl6-3t riL9BOI.IITION OF PARTNERSHIP. Dube is hereby given that the partnership here tofore existing between the subscribers, under the arm of 'imams. BALLAD& at CO.. has this day been absolved by mutual. content GEORGIE X. LLUXAN AISIDRAW X BA.DIADS. J. D. BIT .rING. PHILADELPHIA. April /864. A LL PERSONS HAVING 4:71,A1111S saalliet the firm of LAITKA.N. BALLADE, & will present the same lb LATIMAIN & SILLLDB, in Whose names the business will be eendneted in fatare. LAITHAN & BALLAD& ap13.12t APRIL 12. 1261. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP, HENRY W. RANAGIA having purchased the ins tereste of TREVOR T. FOWLER and Turr.ow JACK SON. in the business heretofore carried on In the Girard House, under the style of KANAGA. FOWLER St CO.. the partnership is nereby declared to be dissolved. All parties indebted to the said firm are roqueeted to make settlement with Henry W. Kanaga HENRY W. KANAGA. TREVOR T. FOWLER, TIITLOW JACKSON. PELLADELPHIA, April 4. 1861. ap7-If NOTWE.-CHARLES 0. KNIGHT IS A • admitted to an interest in our business from this date. C. D. ROD& ;03 di CO. , nal'lacr N. B. corner szalblaAlrt Merchants. *a and 44 North MOAT Street_ PFILADBLPHIA. - April lBB l . anl.-lar THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY entered into copartnership and having pur chased the Interest of PErER T. WRIGHT & CO. continue the Wholesale Drug business. under the name of STRBTCH. BEN NhTT & CO.. at the old stand, No. 609 IttARKST Street.. AARON STREWN. roBEPS EI.DANRATT. PanAmmismA, JUDD I. 1864. CEMENT. Enna DINOVVIT 1 USEFUL AND VALIUM fig DISCOVERY I HILTON'S ' INSOLUBLE CEMENT 1 la of Imre general grastleal minty .r.buittlintitZttlecAltiornriar the ed liming the /art two years by metisal me. and pronounsed by, all to be MIIIIIIIOE TO Ain Anatoad Arta to the go Adhesive rmpsratioa knottia tindlOWN EPEOLUBILI WIDDUrf le $ now thins, and tke Vesvdt a flare of study: its combination is OR 00.1:11MT LlllO rzurcummk Asa ander .no Mreammattsee OE ehsage atm:mantas% will It be. seielL some sonnet or Stmt AMY elusive New Thins Ito Chtgabizatioa. BOOT AND SHOE! Boot andnfirct shoe Maisrorm Ifenufestnrots, mins Ifsehines. will Ind it the hest ankle 'MOW' foe Cementing the Mann= work* without deter. is not hi NW Oasts of texonentinre. JEWELERS Will lad it milleley sdheirly• for their use. as has be ntl en proved. IT IS 18PO WAVI I3OIaLT ADAPTID TER. Jewelers. Arad we elaha as an esreelid nor& that It sticks Patches and Se Noels and Oboes suNil iz e d n ' a; dant without Weather EY Id THI ONLY LIQUID OEhiENT . - Xlidaste. tkat is a sure Miss for o menthew WN W X URI MI. M ANN. And artieles of Efintseho/d ass. itEhtEhtilEtElii 111.11.tanys Insoluble ClemenS Isis a liquid term, and as tuns applied 14 Pasts. 1140111864 It is a Liquid. SeminalKir. BILTONI INSOLUBLI OEMINf Insoloblo fn water or 011. 111140E1 i11t80.4073/4 CIEM/Uff Adheres oils imbstamoot. ItotlUed to. IfasollT or Monate/tn. rem PookoEas from 3 Onnow to 100 Ss. NON BROX. & ON, TROVIDINOL >R L Agnate In Paned.lplala LAING /A NIAGINNIS. No. 30 North THIRD St. JONMPH GODFREY &Co. No- 38 North FOONNE EFL Ja29-tuthisly MEDICAL. RLECTBIOITY. —WHAT IE LIFE -m•-• WITHOUT HEALTH f—blessza. OBI![ di ALLEN. Medleal Blestrielans. having dissolvedinrinerahip. the 'miles will be senetnned by THOS. ALMON at the old establmhed ono% No. 7f3 Mortis TIME Street. between Coates and Brown, whore he will still treat and o are all gamble diseases (whether AGMs. Chronic monal7 or Paralytis. without a shook or any rain.) with the va rious modillastiona of Blestrisity and Galvanism. This treatment has been found remarkably sneeemfol in ail eases of Bronshltim."Diptherii. and other &ewe of the throat and nestdratory organ,. Clenemption. fleet mid se- Ininensa and °stern. goad stenos. General Debility. Pate r Mt. MAASS.' of Liver the or N er n lane Dl K be no e y • Cennintion. Prolamin' Uteri maniac 01 Arakma. the Weinb) .2. - naeumittisia. Brow/hid'. No olarso for *ennui P. If. Toonmoatzbi to be TARRANTS 31TERVRKINT SELTZER APERIENT, Fer THIRTY TZARS has received the Favorable U. sommendation of the PUBLIC, sad been USED and PU. SORIEND by the v.ter PHYSICIANS nittirs LARD .1115 BRIM RINIDI KNOWI • Wort Sisk Headashe. Nervous Hesdaaho. Dyspepsia. Sour /Rounick. Silloas Dudac Appetite, easy Restireneas, Lou trout. Indireation. Torpidity of the Liver Gravel. Rheumstis Affections. Piles. Heart burn. Sea Sickaear. Bilious • Attacks. Fevers. ft. • For Teatimonisle, kg., see Yamaha with east Betide. ilassifsettirediolbh • TARRANT & 00.. noti-17 YOB LLB BY Araiir u cTeltiA° w Tork. LLE'S COMPOUNDIfIBIJ1 1 DOCK is eneeessfill as a rowed,. Meanie Mole who tun it pronouns* it the beat . COUGH BIrlell", the beet Blood Portlier, the most efficient Invigorator. and the Not ewe for Badman ever offered to the nubile Bold to , the proptiotor. P. .713 WILLA. MIS ILARKET Street. And all Drogglato. TAYLOR'S ARNICA OIL OR EMBRO CATION tau to ewe Elteamathun. litearaltflo. Swabs. Frosted Peet Chapped Halide aid all and disease'. Prise MI and Wholesale and Ratan bv H. B. TAYLOR- Drnisriss-ViNTHana oktx.orarttn.L. std. 4-111011 DOCTOR A. H. STEVENS IS CURING all *Threat° Diseases. both of LADIES and GIN- Trioll2 by a new method the ase of BLIOTRIGITZ without shooks or Jain. Board for a limited number of Patients from abroad 3041.7 be had at reasonable rates to the Boater's family. • Faisphiet of sixteen men, eon- Mining solitaires and other information, sent Freida to all orders seemnpanied with a stamp. 02os and resi dence. atl4lB SMITH PlBl YQII3BI, being central and accessible by street-cam from every railroad depet in the city. Painearmeare, April, MIL enfant 66 BEDFORD WATEIL"---INDIVIDII- A-• ale arid dealers will be ea led with " Bedford Water," fresh from the Sprint, a$ th e shorted nodes, at the lollowfim raise: Tor barrel. 40 gallons (oak) ... IS 00 Half do do ' ....... 300 Half mulberry/ The barre do ls an wall ( Maimed, so that parehidera Saar depend upon reeeteing the Paton ill pus and *ma all the Swiss. All Wen addressed to netirian N. L AIIDIRSON. Bedford. Pa. BIBS. JAMES BETTS' ORLEBBATEEI SUPPORTICRII FOR LANEY. and the ienlir Say erns Cada eminent medial patronage. Indus nible.mihre zespeethdly renneetedie thly ddi BITTit, it her redden's, 1089 Philadelphia, (to Avoid -eennterfeita.) invalids nave been tideland by their yliyaleians to asylianeen Those only are ina nine b earing the II pets. ooryrishi .1 Weds on. the box. and elatentaxen No 91 W0C0MP90.041WW1161111119113416 self Proispins Ant for rile.. Noc t turnal italuionth . at. Neaness. 31..- at haws 9A. X toe n at also. dell 9m PROPOSALS. , ASSISTANT QUAIiTERMASTER osNzateLts OPPIOE. PHILADELPHIA. .April le. 1881. PROPOBALII will be received at this office until BATUADAY. 23d inst.. at 12 IL for the delivery. in ibis city. of 800 eta male AMP Wagons. complete. 100 sets six-male Harness. One-ball*, the above lo be completed and ready for de livery on or before the 16th of May i balance on or before 10th June next. The right Is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be received. By order Col G. H. CAOSarArr. Aast hi. General. anlB.6t A. BOYD, Oapt. and L. 0. IL ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER ORDIERAL'd °Prim PRILADELPHIA, April 16, 1661. CAVALRY HORSES wanted immediately. One hun dred and forty-flue dollars ter amid will be paid for all Ca. vain Horseadelivered at the William Penn Hotel in this city. Homes to be Bound in all particulars. not less than nor more than nine years old: from 1431 to 16 hands high, compactlybniit, bridle wise. and of size sufficient for cavalry purposes. An officer will be to attendance to inspect an. pay for the horses undelivered. G. H. CROSHAIII, Amt Q. K. General II 6. A. 1 000 ARTILLERY HORSES WANTED AT ONWL COMP QUARTREMASTRIVEI OFFICE, DEPOT OP WASHINGTON. Waentftavoit, D. ti., April nth, lan 1, OLD ROREIE9. anitabie for Artillery service. will be Purchased at this depot by the undersigned. in open market. from date until MAY ltth. 1884. to lots of 1 to CO. at one hundred and surty• dye dollars (1165) per animal. each animal to be enlejected to the usual Government in spection before being accepted. Horses to be delivered to and inspected by Capt. C. H. Tompkins. A. Q hi. D. l 3 A„, corner of Twenty.second and 0 streets, Washington, D. C D. 11 WICKS& Brig. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster, Delta of Washington. D. C. moo HOMES WANTED. •-• W& DBPARTMIENT. CAVALRY BITILBAIT, OFFICE OP CHIEF QUARTMMULSTER. WASSINOTON, D, 0.. March 8. 1884. One hundred and ufty (181001 dollars per head will be Paid for all . CAVALRY HORSES delivered within the next thirty (30) days at the Govern ment Stables at Giesboro, D. O. Said horses to be sound in all partienlars. not less than Eye 0) nor more than nine (9) years 041; from 14)( to 16 hands high. hill &shed. compactly MM. bridle Wine, and of size sufficient for cavalry pummel'. There epecifications wild be strictly adhered to and rfald/le enforced in every Partfonfor Payment made on delivery of ten 00) and over. Hoare of inspection from A. M. to P. M. JAMES A SKIN. Lientenant Coleus] and Chief Quartermaster, mli24-80t 4lo.ralry Bureau. 'phIOTIOE TO CONTRACTORS. 4. , 11 orrioN OF THE COLOMBIA. AND. PORT DE POSIT RAILROAD COMPANY. COLUMBIA. Pa , Apra 6, 1884. Reeled Propoeala for the Graduation and Masonry of that - tention of the COLOMBIA AND PO BT DEPOSIT RAILROAD. between Columbia and the head of the Old Maryland Canal. a distance of twenty-nine miles (in sections of one miRG . . Will be received at the false' in FRONT fareet;'nedoW Lowest, until noon of the 28th 'in stela. Plane and Profile, of the work will there be ex baited for one week Revlon...) to that Sate O. b RATIPTHLE, P 1.64.14111 T. A. BREAFP, Chief Nnitneer. ap9 tapwi OFsTUITEzi3riPOT. COMMISSARY OF *AsHii!GTOZ!, D. C PROtianita: ff,o - 14k - - SEALED PROPOSALS ar• invited until the 25th inst., stl2 o'clock M., for furnishing the Subsistence Depart ment with EIGHT TRODBARD (8.000) BARR ALB OF FLOUR. The proposals will be for what is known at this depot as Dos. 1. 2. and 3. and bide will be entertained for any' anantity legs than the whole Bids rant be in duplicate. and for each grade on sepa rate sheets of paper. The Flour to be fresh ground, and delivered' in new oak barrels. bead lined. The delivery of tbe Flour to commence within due days from the opening of the bids and in such ettanth ties daily as the Government may direct; delive.ed at the. Government warehouse in Georgetown, at the wharves or railroad depot in Washington. D. Cl. The delivery of all Flour awarded to be oompleted within twenty de) s from the opening of the bids. Pay merit will be made in cart.licates of indebtedness, or snob other funds as the Government may have for disbursement. Tbe usual Government inspection. will be made just before the Flour Is receiVtd, and none will be accepted which is not fresh ground. An oath of allegiance most accompany She bid of each bidder who has not the oath on Ale in tale °ince, and no bid will be entertained from parties who have previous ly failed to comply with their bide, or from bidders not proem:a to rewoond. Government reserve, the right to reject any bid for any cause. tilde to be addreseed to the undersigned. at Po. MGRG street. endorsed "Proposals for Flour." 13. C. GREEN& aplB-7t Captain and (1.. 8. V. ASSISTANT - - - - .PHILADDLPHIA. April PROPOSALS will be received at this office until BA TIMBAL 23d . instant, at noon. for the Constrookn of a Well or Wells, having a eontinuousliew. of whole• some water, sufficient to supply the McClellan 11. S. A. Hospital withloooo gallons per day. ' 9 The contractora will be required to furnish and eel up, complete not less than two (2) Minns of the Woodward or .:Worthington pattern, With all the pipes, stopcocks. and connections. re mired properly to discharge the water through the tanks and pipes now in nee through out this Hospital. The whole apparatus. When oompleted.must be work ed from the present steam boilers . The contractor to have the See of all the YAMS. cocks. and *elves, (including the flre-pnrops, ) the property of the Hospital.- which shall be thrown out of use by the proposed new arrangement. Before the award of thelcontratt a bond, with satis factory security. will be required, guaranteeing a con stant supply of not less than one hundred thousand (KA- M gallons of eater, as specified, daring all seasons Plans of the Hospital can be seen. and information received, at Ohs office of J. BicaBTRIIR, Jr. Architect, 299 South SIXTH Street. By order of Colonel G. H. Crosman, Assistant Qaarter waster General A. BOY D. acid 71 Captain. and A. Q. M. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE, CINCINNATI', Ohio. April 6, MK PROPOSALS are invited by the andersigned until WEDBEteDAY. April 28th, ltkel, at 2 o'clock P. Of., for furnishing this Department (by eontraet) with! Blankets—Woolen Army standard. CampNettles,do- Color Betts, • do. Drams—complete. do. Felling Axes (arid quality only, and to weigh from 4f to 6.14 pounds), ido. Felling axe Bandies, do. Outdone (Gavalyr), do. }Kersey, Bey Blue, do. Pleb dies. do. Pick. axe Handles. do &h d er Tents, do. Samples of which may be seen at the (Mee of Olothinn and Equipage in this Qty. To be delivered free of charge at the U. S. Inspection Warehouse in this city, in good newpackages, with the name of the party furnishing , the kind and quan tity of goods distinctly marked on each article and pack age, Parties offering goods must in all cases furnish Batt plea, marked and numbered to correspond with their proposal and distinctly state in their bids the quantity of goods they propose to furnish, the price, and the time of delivery. A guarantee. stoned by two responsible persons. must accompany each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder will !fluty the articles award WEDNES DA Y unr Me proposal. Bids will be opened on April 20043 RX at 2 o'clock P. M., at this office, and bidders are re quested to be present. Awards will be made on THURSDAY. April 21st. Bonds will be required that the contracts will be faith fully fulfilled. Telegrams relating to Proposals will not be noticed. 81ant Forme of Proposals maybe obtained at this °Poe. • • • The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is reserved. By order of CoL Thomas Swords, A. Q. M. G. C. W. MOULTON. apl2-8t Captain and A. Q. K ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GE• NEELL'S OFFICE. _ PAILLDBIPMIA, April 7.1E64. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until WED/SJUSDAY. the 20th Inst., at iZ o'clock M., for the supply and delivery of all the Coal and Wood re quired for the use of the various Hospitals. Oehler. Store houses. and Public Buildings in and around Phila delphia, front the let of MAY next until the 30th APRIL, 1266. inclusive. Deliveries are to be made at rich times and in such Weal required_, and "ito include Germantown. Weal Philadelphia,. RicetoWn. Fort Mifflin , Summit House, and Obester. Pa. Coal -to be of beat quality--anthracite. stove. egg, or broken—as may be desired. subject to inspection, and to weigh 2240 lbs. to the ton, free from dirt. Wood to be of best quality, oak or pine, as required. The right is reserved to twat all bide deemed too high, and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be received. By order. Colonel O. M. °ROSMAN, Assistant Quartermaster General; A. BOYD, era tap2o Captain and A Q. M. ,11. S. A pROPOSA.LB FOB. FORAGE. Okorr Qvssassmarfin'e Trossantrroz Deport December B. Bel. gIiALPD PIIOPOSALId3 are Invited jev theandenigoeit for supplyiun the 11. B. Quartermaster' Department, at Washington D. 0.. Baltimore, Md Alecandriand Fort Monroe. la.. or either of those plow, with Han Gem Oats, an d Straw. Bids will be received for the delivery of 5,000 bushed. of *ors or oatsr and 10 tone of bay or straw, and avi- IV / a tthers must state at which of the above-named pointy they propose to make deliveries, and the rates at will& they Will make lieliveriss thereat. the quantity of sash article proposed to be delivered. the time when said de liveries shall be somMeneed. and when to be eeMpleted. The Prise mast be written out in words on the bids. Corn to be pot up In good. stout saes, of about two bashed" oath. Cate in like sacks, of about three bushels eash. The seeks to be furnished without eztrapharge the Government. The-hey and straw to be peenrelY The partienlar kind or deutription of oats. eons. muff. or stew", proposed to be delivered. mast be stated in the pr All the articles offered under the bids herein invited will be suited to a rigid inispegtion by the Government Inepeetor before being accepted. Contrasts will be awarded from time to time to the lowest responsible bidder. as the interest Of the Govern peat may require, and payment will be made when the whole amount contrasted for Alkali Imes sun delivered and iweeptd. The bidder will be required to raeompany kis propo sal with a emanates, dazed by two respondblopersons. that in ease his bid is seeepted he or they win. within tendaya thereafter , execute the oontraet for the same. with good and sulsient sureties, in a sum signal to the amount of the eontraot . , to deliver the forage proposed In conformity withthe terms of this advertisements and in we the acid bidder should DM to enter into tbe 1101lti they to roakeerood the difisrenee between the oner of 'me bidder end the next lowest responsible bidder, or the lten to 10101/1 the embark laLly Itle awarded. I'MoOallibllity 01 the waarantore must be shown by the oilieW eartillosta of a ll_ IL Bistriet Attorney, Col Lester of Customs , or any other oiler under the Unitei Stater Government. or responsible person known to this oglee. 1.11 bidders will be duelly monied of the seesptang• or rejection of their proposals. The fall Benxi and /pet oI address of sash bidder mat be lqnbly written in the proposal. Pro Poem mit be addressed to Brigadier Seneral D. R. Ensker. Chief DalinCluartsymagir I WashingtonD r ( 1.. and should be Plaids searked. l'roposals for .- N a di in agm wool to tha amount of the son d ote d by the •011trador and both of his sgarantorg. wi ll be naterea of the gageousfal bidder er bidders awn oinnins the sontragt. Bleak ormg of bids, raarindsse, and bona' as be obtained upon applisaiton at this ones. soRM 07PROPORAL. 'Town. County. and tata I, the stiburther. do hereby Menem to forth aid ae• to the Cultist thaw, at the armstermadern De. partment agreeably to the terms of yonr advertisement. invitbut propoLal• • for forage.. dated. Washington DOM. December 5. MM. the following artk elm. via: bloknonage es at Cora. in seeks. at —:Der bushel of Y Imatalspounds. of Oats. In mita. at per bushel of n tons of baled Hay. at -- per ton of I, OGO Pounds. -- tons of babel. Straw. at per ton of 2,C0) pounds. Delivery _to commence on or before the -- day of . and to be completed on or before the day of —. ISt 'Auld s United todge amen to Antos Into A 'ration &outrun Wi thsed gates, with good aid approval menrillse. within the MAI of ten dale Mier being Bonded that my bid has bean iheented. Tour obedient servant, itrimsdier general D. S Ego®, Chief Dhabi ilasztermaster. Wshington. D. a orfartainywg. We. the saasinliMod.rll i tMto of —ea the musty of . an of webs. 'allay and OSTAISUT. ornament with She llsited Matt and guarantee, in awe the of wasted. that hor they will. with inten days after the aseeptanee of said bid. meant* tho contrast for the gams with good and sallsisat sureties. in a sum eq ual amount of the ooattlet, to furnish the forage in aonformily to the term of advertisement De solater n. iluL Under which the bid was made, and in sew the said than all to enter alto a surname aforesaid. we gliAramfee to mate good the diaereses be. Sweep the oiler by the said and the next lowest rsogosidblo biddos. or the maroon to whoa the !contrast Mbe awarded. M.= 1 given maw our hands lad seals t Mb;— day Of —. lea e~by ffti that. to the beet of my knowledge bast the • samod goarantors are good. and and gall. tient u es for the agorant for whisk they oat W be sorority. Who amine& by the United States District 1111012:4. Coll ester of Chistoms, or any other *Seer sailor =8 Unitediltaies Covernmeak er raioneibl. yerson know* to this oasis Au Inwood. resolved ander lads adverat will bo evened and examined at this oafs on Wassdne Saturday °leash week. at UK. Iladiers as• b. invited te he leaswel at Um entintel bi DAS; dads& m. 111 ests.if ariewliar ilesessi and Onartsrmistsg. (1 AB P ET B-N OW IS THE TIME, they are fresh, sad yap beat of 'dem latitk. rahli•lie WaL la. 41.4‘ anuoNirlik._ hiL sum-. PLANET—IN CASKS AND ASKS, In More and for & L WSW/U. 1WW 124 SVA 44.4 SQI fivaPP.LIONT Mask JOHN B. MYERS & CO., AUCTION MM. Now 232 and 234 ILLEKET Street. LARGE POSITIVE SALE 011.100 PACKAGES HOOTS. MORA. Amour HOODS. SHAKER HOODG. AND PALM HATS, Mo.. THIS MORNING. A CARD We invite the early attention of parebasere to the extensive and valuable assortment of boots, shale, army good., trunks. palm hate. Shaker hoods. 6e.. Gra bracing samples of 1.100 packages of prime goods , to be peremptorily told. by catalogue, on 4 months' credit. ecoaaeuetn it this morning at 10 o'clock precteely. LABOR POSITIVE BALE OF 1.100 PACKAGES BOOTS, SHOES. BROGADS, ASMI HOODS, STRAW GOODS. Act.. do. THIS MORNING. Aprillo, wild o'elosis. will be cold by eetelegtht, wftb, out reserve. on four months' credit, about 1,100 poolroom boots, chose, brogans, cavalry boots. dtc . embracing a prime and fresh assortment of desirable articles of men, , g 1 omen. and children. of city and Eastern manufacture. N. B.—Samples with catalogues early on the morning of sale. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OP BOOTS. ARM, ARRE GOODS STRAW G'OODS. LE &TEM. 4.1. . . • POTICE. —lncluded in our sale of boots. shoes. bro gans. straw goods, go., to be sold without reserve, by catalogue. on TEM MORNING. at 10 o'clock, on four months ' _credit, comprising. in part. French linen gaiters, men's flue calf congress boots and shoes; men's and boss' calf and MP brogans; men's fine patent leather boots and shoes; men's and women's ;slier eo ; long-legged grain boots; high-cut military shoes; youths' half welt lip boots; men's do.; women's ard misses' goat Balmoral boots; morocco boots; fine city • made kid welt buskins; ladies' gaiter boots; kid N. It ties; colored and black lasting boggles; men's tine City made calf, morocco and kid boots; men's pomp-sole grain boots; men's huff leather pomp boots; men's pump sole calf boots; do seal Pump sole boots; women's Mad and bound hoots • youths' kip brogans; misses' grain ties t see' grain buskins; misses' spring heel grain lace boots; women's grain lace boots; women's grain ties; boys' kip brogans; misses' 'lazed morocco bOots. men's ha f-welt calf do; youths' half welt calf do. children's brogans; cavalry boots: Carpetbags, and stock of leather cuttings. lasts, etc LARGE PBRBMPTORY SALE OF SIIROPBAN, INDIA AND ANEW AN DRY 000 , tsi, &c. We will bold a large sale of Briti.h. German. French. and .rnerican drr goods, by catalogue, on four months credit and part for carp 03 TIIO.IIqD SY MORNING, April 21st, commencing at precisely 10 o'clock. nom prising 775 PARKAGES AND 'LOTS of British. German. French. India, and Asriean dry gamic, embracing a large, fall. e nd fresk asNortMellt of woolen, worsted, linen, cotton, attd silk goods for city and e .nntry MIMS • E. 11.--Saronles of the dame will be arranged for ex animation, with natalostnes. early on the morning of cares, when dealert wilt Ann it to their interest to attend. LARGE -PEREMPTORYSALE OF FOREIGN A ND DO. 11}18finiitY GOODS , COTTON BAT rs, ac. NOTICIII -Included in our Buie of foreign end domos tie dry goTje.______ ON THURSDAY MORNING, April Slat. , At 10 o'clock, will be found in part the following des rable article , . yin: cases neat styles American prints, cases neat Myles American aingbame. ewes Inglish and German Ruhr imam. • cares apron checks, care. blue denims. cases Makings .. - cues bine stripes. cases black and colored Silesia& cases brown and bleached musibus. -- case. tautly estionadas. -- cases jeans and mixtures mow Saxony de as goods. Cans fancy lawns and jeconets. cases poplins and mossmbiemes. case. fancy reps ano poll ee chime.. ewe ee beg. and mons de laines. P/60008 mere and silk alpacas. I bales cotton balls. LUNEN GO ON THURSDAY MORNINGODS. . Apra 21st, pieces 7.4 and 8-4 Barnsley damasks. • pieces white and brown dam sake and clothe. pieces damask and buck towels. pieces diaper and plain towels. plazas bleached and brown linen hanks. pieces 11-4 and 12.41inen showings. dozenslastic canvas. % and % linen cambric handkerchiefs. pieces linen diaper. TAILORING GOODS. ON THURSDAY MORNING, April Mak cio — th p a l ! cee Ate French blue, black, and colored broad nieces heavy beaver and pilot cloths. piece. black doeskins and cassimerea. -- pieces dark and mixed doeskins. pieces fancy satinets. April 16, 1661. Also wool slaw's. silk ties, sewlngaltoop skirts, shirts and drawers, hosiery, ruffled collars and coifs. cord ass- eels. girdles. fancy trimmings, ohenil . l3s, fringes, MUr tons. spool cottons. o.dt,n twine and laps. dm. Alto, a stock of staple and fancy dry goods. SALE OF CARPETING 4 mATTInnB. &o. On FRIDAY mbiouNct. April 22d, at precictly 1034 o'clock, will be 'sold, with - oat, reeerve, by cataloguer on lour month' grad% an as mermen t of Brussels three. ply, anparline. and due in grain. Venetian, hemp, and rag earpetings; white and red check Canton matting. &a., which may be examined early on the morning of sale. LOBOS PUBIttPTORY RAU OF FRENCH, INDIA. GERMAN. ADD zwrisa DDT GOODS, ho., FOR SEllititi BALES. 0d MONDAY MORNING. April 25th, at 10 &clock, will be sold, by catalogue. on four months' crsdit, about 550 PACK&GER AND LOTS Of French, India, German, and British dry goods, &c.., eminasin; Istria And choice assortment of &soy and staple articles in silk, worsted, woolen, and cotton fa brics. - . N B. —Saw pita of the same will be arranged for ex aminacion, with catalogues. early on the morning of the sale, when dealers will Bud it to their interest to at- 13Y SCOTT & STEWA_RT, AUCTION ERRS AND CoMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nos. 622 OHEST.NUT Street and 615 SANSOM. SCOTT & STEWART. Auctioneers, will give their per sonal attention to Sales of MERGUANDieII and WARES of all descriptions. and FUR UR& of parties removing or breaking up housekeeping. on the premises of the owners. or at their elegant and speOlons S aLES BOOBS, Not. Ewa CHESTNUT and MLR SANSOM Streets. ()RAND SALE OF FINE ITALIAN MARBLE PARLOR AND GARDEN STATUARY AND EMITS, MARBLE. AND ALADAATER, AND MONA PEDESTALS. Imported from Italy by Messrs. Viii Bros. (late Vito Vitt & Sons). 2l et ON THURSDAY MORNING. first._. at 12 o'clock, at our salesroom. No. 622 TIRSTNUT Street, we will sell a large assortment of the above. Among the collection will be found one Infi XV 4), bp Felli, copied from the original by Eugene Le Boy. I.sxquielte group. 'Fidelity." by Barratfa. I exquisite group. " The Faithful Companion." by 013,Erici. 1 fine figure. "The Coquette." by fialada;" from the Trench oriAinal, 1 ¢Toup, Bambini and Artadne," by Tolomie. tine bust Hon. Daniel Webster. by Micah'. 1 fine bust Bon. Henry Clay. by Hooch/ / figure, • 'Prayer." by Davide. 1 figure, "Flora." by Davide. 1 figure.Canova's • Fidelity." by Driest 1 amallM . adouna; I bast Zachary Taylor. 1 Gu ita r • boy end Dog; 1 "Blvine Lov . e" of Canova. I ' Girl of Palermoe I figure.• •The cant. " by Tasei. 1 figure. " Prayer." or Samuel; I large garden figure. " Autump;" 1 smaller do do; Inns old bust, from the antique • Cornelia, Mother of the Gram/it,'• 1 bast of. Garibaldi: 1 superb recumbent figure on pedestal, over five feel in length, representing the "Flora 'Flora of the 80. boll Gardens of Florence. 2 ne motormen 6a 2 guree, repretentina "Meditation end Grief " I figure, Ben Franklin, for garden. The whole will be open for examination with cata logue on TUESDAY next, - LARGE COLLECTION OF OIL PAINT/NOS, On FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVIININGS, at 8 o'clock, April 22d and 23d we will sell a !age number of valuable oil' paintings, comprising a couple of rare and choice private collection,: among them will be found specimens from old masters. besides many of the present times. . LARCH SALB OF IRO CAM PRIMO El IifFRLW GOODg. ON FRIDAY MORNING next. the 22d Instant, at 10 o'clock precisely, we will sell/ by catalogue about 600 cases straw goods of new and fashion able shapes,comprising English split etraW. pedal, Milan, and gray bar bonnets, Bydal and Spanish hats, willow and colored hoods be Country merchants, as well as the city trade, will do well to attend this lisle. as It will be the most attractive ever offered in this market. ARTIFICIAL BONSUIT RiBBONB. kc. Included in sale will be found SOO cartoons of French artificial dowers, ponit de sole and taffeta bonnet rib bons, crape trimmings, &c. FUR TRIMMINGS. Also, one invoice of muff and cape trimmings, tee eels, Sic. The whole will be arranged with catalogues early on morning of sale. Et STATE OF WILLIAM MONTELIUSI, DICRASED. —Letters testamentary upon the eetate of WILLIAM MONTSLItia, deceased. haying been granted t requested rsfigned. all persons indebted to said estate are to make payment % and those having claims against it to present them, witnont delay. to JAYNE! Anon, 142.6 AMOR Street. Or, SAMUEL IL DFFIILD, mb29- tads 4N. FIFTH hest ,SExecutors. VSTATE OF HENRY NESTER, DE GRAESD. —Leiters testamentary upon the estate of Henry Nester. deceased, havinKbeen eranted to the un demiened. all persons indebted to Mad estate are re quested to make payment, and those haying claims to Present them. without delay. to ABIGAIL NBSTER,,_ Executrix, WM. A. billeTßß. sZeontor. apl2-ta6t. Nisetown. Pa. VSTATE OF BOBEBT DENNIS, -&-di deceased —Letters of Administration on said &tate haying bean duly &rented to REBECCA. DENNIS, of the city of Philadelphia. all persons indebted to said Itstate are requested to make payment, and all Demons haring claim* against the same will mania them, without delay. to =MOM DBXBIS. Admieletratrix. a016.43t* 1134 WILBY Street. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY UPON the Estate of THOMAS BROOKS, late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased, haring_been granted to the undersigned by the Banister of wills for the eity and county of Philadelphia, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment. end those having claims against the same to present them without delay to ELIZA JANE BROOKS. WISTER Street. Germantown, Phila. JOHN BROOKS. • QUEEN Street, Germantown. PhD. JOHN ALLEN. HILLER Street. Germantown. Phila. BENJAMIN ALLEN MILLER Street, Germantown Phila. Executors or to their Attorney, JOHN OHAitI.IOI L AYCOCK, Beg inheg-teats No. 125 N. FIFTH Street. Phila. A M STEAM WEEKLY TO LI VERPOOL. TOUCHINCi AT Quggss rows (cork Harbor.) The wellAiroWO lin.innieril of the Livor: nool. New York, and Philadelphia Steamship Company are intended . to salt u follows : ETNA •-•:••• • SATURDAY. April M. and every succeeding Saturday at noon. from Pier 44. NORTH River. 114TXS or PASIMON t Payable in Gold or its equivalent in Currency. FIRST CABIN 360 00r BIBAGS 1336 00 Do. to London 95 CO Do. .twLondou. .•..34 00 Do. to 96 00 Do. to Parts 40 00 Do. to Hamburg .po oo Do. to Hamburg. 37 00 Paawmgers also forwarded to Havre. Bremen. Rotter dam, Antwerp 1 it., at equally low rates Fern from JATerpoet or QUeenstevirri; Pirlet Cabin, $76, $63. VON Steerage from Liverpool and Queenstown, SM. Those who wish to send for their friends can buy tick eta here at these rates. For further information ttprgy at the Company's liteoes. JOHN G. DAL'. Agent apl2 111 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. ADM BOSTON AND PHILADEL PHIA STEAMSHIP LINE. sailing from each port on SATURDAYS. from drat wharf above PLEB Street, Philadelphia, and Load Wharf, Boston. The Steamship will mil from Philadelphia for Bolden OD Saturday. April and rteamehip Roux &N. Gape Baker. from Boston for'Philadelphia on Saturdar. April 16, at 4 o'clock P. M. These new and substantial steamships form a regular line, sailing from each port punctually on flatazdays. Inaranea affated at the Pao charged on sail vessels. • Prelate taken at fair rates. Shippers are requested to gaud Blip Itoosipts end BMA Lading with their goods. For 'Freight or Passage (having line accommodations) apply iv BI %Y IVINIZIOR it CO., mbe 334 eolith DELAWABII Arcane. PLEC TRICITY.—WON-DERFUL DISCOVERY. —All sante and chronic, dis gave' cured bY special guarantee, when deelred by the patient. at IE2O WALNUT Street. Philadelphia, and in *Me el a failure no Charge to made. No drugging the system with tmeertain medical agents. All extras per formed by_ Eagasehni. Galvanism. or other modieca lions of Alestrielty, without shoots or any unpleasant eeneation. Per farther information send and get A pamphlet, which contains hundreds of certificates from some of IF • most reliable mon in Philadelphia. WhO have been speedily and permanently eared airmail other treatment from medical men had failed. Over twelve thonsaad cured In lase than Ave years. at YEAR WAL NUT Street. N. B.—Medical men sad ethers. who desire a knot' , lee ge of nor new CSOOTITY. ran oonamccee a full cones rootoroo Ray 17th, 1164. at the ruination, 12!4O WALED r etreet. Prof BOLLS" has 'instilled over one thousand physisians, who nee glecertelty sw a specialty. Consultation free Prof. HOLLER de Dr EllOWN_._ lose WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. IWO Imo f_IELEEN OF BEAUTY. `LW WHITE moor WAX OF ANTILI4B. A new FRIISOB OoStIITIO for beantifylng, whit en . aid preening the amnion:iota it is the most wonderful compound of the cue, There •is neitaer chalk, powder. mat newts, blemuta, noe tale i n it s coza• position. it being composed entirely of pure Virgin Wag; hence its extraordinary qualities for preserving the akin. =akin; it *oft amootti, fair, and trantar It Th an. the old appear y_oeng. the bendy hen gente , the handsome more beautiful. and the ntt enteral divine. Price 26 and 60 cents. Prepared on ly by EtiniT dt CO.. Perfumers. 41 booth XIO4TH &net. two d oon above Chestnut. and 143 SOuthiSIIVINTII Street, above Wal iittt. uttla-Sat AUCTION SALES. LEGAL. SHIPPING. AUCTION SALES. FURNESS, BRINLEY, & co Ao. 61b GEMTEITT and 6E4 SAYSI,I3 LARGE PAIN ON FREnetl DDT GOODB ON FRIDAY aIOgaINO. April 22. IEB4, at 10 o'clock, by cetalocto r 1r Emniths' credit'. • ac go packages and lots of feac7 and staple imput e/ Iry goods- DALE OF SAXONY-WOVEN DEEiS 121018 Being the entire balance et the (moor. talon of i t . 49t, Schmeider Brce ON FRIDAY MORNING. - April 22, at 10 o'clock. Particular, k,realler. SALE A NO NiI I N l O INGRI N B S ON F .JUSTLaS jgp ON FRIDAY MORNINO. April 22 ANCOAST & WARNOCK, Au - p TIONEEES. No. 240 MARK= Street. LARGE YORITIVE SALE OF ISO LOTS jkmt, it ,,, ANDFoRTED DRY GOODS. RWSROingViii WRITE GOODS, Am. Am by Catalogue, OH kz sermr. April 20, commencing at 10 o 'clock orecieely, prising fondral assortm a t te nti onsonable goud a . „pt.. NW ill be worths the of baYere PHILIP FORD & 00., AUCTION gEr ts. 525 MARKET and 5221 COMMERCE Street, LA/W/3 POSITIVE +Las OF 1,000 Otani HOOIIB Ertoss. BROGANS. ttAtatorteLv, dm , ON THURSO/a MO 4EOIE, Aprll 2lt t. at ID o'clock prtclhelr. tri be 'old by calt. lonic,. for catb,l lOC canna men's bola'. and YoatheCtit k i p. and grab, boon, halmnrale. Oxford tle% cavni i boots. dm. andomens. =hens' and and . calf, ifr goat. kid- morocco heeled boors and ebnecanDo4lP. galfera, buskin*. Lod She clty-mede anode, re. ,geig- th mornin Openg of sale' for examination, with catalogue% earl y ~ 5 e By HENRY P. WOLBERT. •Aucuommas. so. Isom MARKET &tree. Booth Side, Isbell 51,,,,;..g4. sates of Dr Goods. Trimrahort, Lotion„ Ae MONDAY. NON)3BDAY, and FRIDAY Mnrai • at 10 fa' maiming at 1 0o'clock. DKIr GOODS, SKIRTS TRIMMINGS, °LOMB. CAS3I- ME ass. a% ON WIDVSSDAY ItIORKKG. pal 20. at 10 o'clock. will be cold. dram and demealp clothe,goods. t•tel•E.Pring airte, wool and 11111131fil eihtet4, cascameres, neckties, Idea, hosiery. trnam:age, *bees. &c. MM THOMAS & SONS, sea 139 and 141 !loath /0131179 a --------- EXTRA VALUAB LE REAL ESTATE —PT aaP EIL. Gehl-I.—Our sale, on TUESDAY next, at 12 o'clock. at the Exchange, wllr monurt.e an nn amen) , large amount of property on Starket Ck a dont, Vire.lout. Front. decond. TIMM. Sixth, Thirteenth, OV'ell Gunn, Nineteenth_ Pine. Lombard. Callout,sl., Wow, litchmnd. Brown steesta; Ridge avenue, Detaware avenue. and Swsnson strmyt. Also, Bartineton, N.. 1 . Frankford road, Zio.; by order of Orphans' Court, Executive, and others. Also. an en ure square of ground end two I.ooe loot on Twentieth. Twenty •ssoond, and Montgomery streets , to be mold us , remptornlv. Alpo, stoetra, tonne, cm, /Mr See pamphlet catalogue SALE OF MISCELLAR F UR BOOKS PROM Lt. THIS AFTERNOON. April 19th. at the auction store, a calection of Wood bir:Qua hooka from a library. Pale at Nos. 139 and 141 South Portritt street, SUPERIOR PURRITIIeE, LARGE MI Hallam, Rom WOOD PlArrOS. PINS VSLVILT &TIM'S, dte ON THURSDAY MORNING, At 9 o'clock. at the auction store. the sepneer knit tare rosewood piano. by Reichenbachi on. by Rau 4 CO.. Now York; ale*, three meholterkY Pieties, veil large French pinto rare mirror, mantel mirror, almoner extension table (Eienkel's patent). Ace velvet and other carpets. French cblna, SALE FOR o A CCOUNT OP lINTTED RUTZ& WOOL AND aorrow curr, Nos. O& NATI7IIIII3' 11011NING, lost.. at 10 o'clock. at the auction store, a quatatig of wool, cotton. and sole leather cutting., ballog rope, paper. dic UN Bi l i ll i D STATES MILITARY RAU« OFFICE OF ARIMIT.INT Cter&B.THRItIiVFM, WAIIHINOTON. April 15, 1894. May. ILL he BOLD. op WSDRIII DAM the 18th day oat the gailroad Depot. t n Alexandria. Virginia: foo Tenn of Old Railroad Iron„ 10n None of Old Car a ales, Tr Deaf Cant Ferap Iron, lon Tons of Wrought iron. 0 Torn of Old Brass and coo Per, s o 011 Barrels Terms: Cash in Governwest Fends. Ten (10) per ova to be Paid at the time of purchase, the balance on dell. v TIA property mart he removed within ten days from dat- of sale 10 L. 11.0 RI 61 AO I, aplB-tmylB Captain and A "• AUCT _ION SALE OF NAVAL STORES, AT NAVY YARD. NEW YORK. By order of the Commandant of this Yard, I shall offer for cala, at tinblie gentian. an TIICRSOAL Abell 01, it 12 o'clock BE, the following articles, viz: About 2.001 bbls of soft Turpentine. 300 bble of Am Spirits Turpentine. 35,000 the Oaknm Shakings. 11. MO the old Manilla Rope. 10,003 pia Oakum Itnat, in bales. 6,000 lbfs old New Ride &pa " 160.000 the Brady's Comoreseed Hair, in bales. Twenty per cent. of the purchase money must be de. Posited at the time of sale, and ten days will be allowed to remove the goods from the yard; and, if not se re. 'roved. the depoeit will be f Gover n m e nt e currency ant payments to be made in currency, before the goods are removed from the yard. YARD, MARREULL. Naval Storekeeper. NAAY fieNV Vona', Aprlls 1134. ah7-thatotaniil I;=Ml==2 ECUTOR'S SALE. The modermlmilt dwelling. No. 407 Booth EIGHTH Street. below Pine. containing in front 10 feet, audits feet in depth to a three-feet alley. The DOLIOO to built in the best manner, with all the Bloat% improvemante. haying always been occulted by Ps owners; is in perfect order, and calculated for a family to take Immediate possession, without any er• penee. PRICE $9,500. Tams acoommodating. Inquire on the Premises. TO LET.--THE SECOND, THIRD, and fourth floors et ,335 MARKS? Brest, through to Vim& ones- in Waif FOR SALE. —THE UNDERSIGNED J.-. have been appointed a Commitee by the Skeet hold. era to make sale of the OAR /, ND AND PITTBBOBO AND MINERSVILLE RAILWAYS. or either of them, With HquipMente, Stock, die , and will receive bids team. Ay until May let proximo. If not sold by that time, I A wows will be ieeelved for the Iron and Wood of the emotive Railways. Notice of the diepesal of the equipments, NO. will be given after lifas , let aforesaid. For particulars refer to either of the nuclersioned. WU4, Halmos, JOSHUA EttoDES SAMUEL MORRO*, CHARLES sifilliADr. A, a BELL. Committee. apl2 WI St #ll FOR SALE OR TO JoET—TWO ma. Large STONE BUILDINGS. suitable for FaandrY or Factory. AURA a lavge BER'WE&Y. liddre.s GEO. KRICK, No. 1233 RICHMOND Street. apl3.lm* dif OVER 300 ROUSES, ALL SIZES, for sale and exchange. RANSOM. ROOM, Rite /forth Tzs TR Street. me 254 m• dB TO LET—A OOMMODIOU •=1- IMBUING, No. IBA North FRONT Street. Real moderate. Apply to WRISNRILL & BRO., 0.20-tf 49 and. 49 North SECOND Street et VERY FINE AND ELIGIBLY mialooated Germantown residence. worth $ll4OOO. Also. neat residence at Ginelten Rills, near L P. Railroad. worth, for sale or exchange for farm or city house. Apply at 8138 WIIIROR Also, a neat house in Germantown to rent, faxolabed or unfurnished. mh3 thstnl2l# dft FOR SAL E—A HANDSOME four•itory brown stone DWELLING. west side LOGAN SQUARE. below Vine street. Lot 92 feet front. 140 feet deep to a street. $10.00) of the parohaee money U 1.7 remain for five years at five Per oent. Apply to DAVID WEATEINEtt,/a.. 5t.16.3t0 MO* Eolith FOURTH street, elk FOR SALE—IN N ORTH WARD, aIIakaAMDIN. ten Brick ROMS. and one Frame: ate on Market street. beginning at 809; Mx on Carpenter street, beginning at 812 All wall-bullt: good dry eel lam; will readily rent for ten per cent of what wilt paP chase them. Famous wishing a good home for from oat to two thousand dollars had better call early. Terms easy. B. H. BROWNING.. COOPBR, Street. Ofttoe toot of MaRIIIIT Street. CAMDEN, N. J. ap76-1m• dm GIRARD HOUSE 'OR SALE.- -mal•Thin valuable Building, now in thorough repair, containing in front on ORZSTRUP Strait, Philadel phia. seventy•llve feet. and In depth to ORLY'S Street one hundred and aecentr•eight feet. under a pundit. ally•paid Rental 01 $16,1100 per annum, willbe sold at a considerable diaeonnt on Unoriginal esst. Appurtenant to it are an excellent STEAM BRUM TWO BOILERS, with all the PIPE requisite to th e Heating Cooking, Washing, and Lighting parnosee , the Hotel. TEEMS —lllOO,OOO can remain on Ground Rent; the bellows Cash. - Partlee wishing to negotiate oan address me, "Gittian HOUSE Plinadeiphtel„ or meet me there any day from three One to &cloth P. N. TATLOW JACKSON. PHILADMI.PRIA. April 9.1904. ALSO POE SALE. 150 001IMODIOIlli NSW DWEL LIN G% at from ELMO to $4.501 Waste on Hamiltott Spring Garden, Mervin°. Cameo, Eleventh, Twelftth and Thirteenth atreete. Philadelphia ap14.12t , TATLOW JAMISON. efi FOR BALE—A VERY. DESIV •MML - BLS PROPERTY. the readout,e of the late Dr. Jacob Sharpleu, deceaged, with l i g hte rii 40 0 snarler Land attached. It is situated in the bores ca , DOWNINGTOWN, Chester county, within ten mint , * walk of the Chester Valley and Pennsylvania Railroad Stations. at which all trains stop. The Dwelling 11 T erl , conveniently and substantially built. with Barn s Tap"' House. Spring Rouse, and all necessary ant buildings. Thera is a groat abundance of Shrtibberi. Fruit. sod Shade Trees. Part of the land will be sold With tii buildings, if desired. Apply to ABEL S. ASITBRIDOIL BD p. O. Of FOR SALE THE "MANSION 110138.11, Olt,. with FURNITQS& DO everything complete. Also. two seat Cottages. 9 rooms each. Also, Building Lots, near the Bathlng._ground. The • • Philadelphia House." at Cape Island. with of without insniture. Tory low. B. 7. GLINTh. av 2 nil South 7075TE161"" ea GERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOB Era-1111.3.—A. very desirable PROPIETY. Within te e Minnie.' walk of warn° Station. Germantown Raiirosa large Dwelling.honse,. with all the modern improve: mente; Stable. lipring• hones. foe-honne lined, and 'NV Gardent silent, of Pratt and Wee Shade Twee ,APP I to W. W. Knrieur, DAS°. if 5011 GOMIIIRCS Street, da VALUABLE CHESTIITITLSTBEST muiPEOPARTY. —The subscribers offer at KllX t e h t 4li d FlZlM er tge o e i t i eTVEl j atlrtiktran..l. 601 5 feet deep, running to Jayne street, With the Aries of a THOUSAND pasiptway running to Ilehth street TY DOLLARS of the par/has/pm(' remain on the property as a round rent or by mortgage. LATINAN & SALLAI 128 SOLITE! NINTH St FARMS FOR SALE.-52 very deairable gauntry Residence, near Chase. 6 miles from Philadelphia 115 Acres. Green township. Pike count 60, 40, and SO Acre.. near Chestnut HIU. 640 Acres, near LOPt 11 ,08811101, N. J. 66 Acres, Wausonda, Lake coaard T. two . 1, 200 ao o, 175 374, and others. in Caw/ 60 Acres near Media. Also, many others in various losalities. Also. a large number of desirable Cottages in town. Oh meant fo r and other places, some r will be exchanged for eity properties For list ofDwellingm see North, Americas a' e a mi f , B. F. inns. IA3 s. FOURTH Pt. splti and 0. W. eon. MINT RUTH and 01 ND EVANS & WATSON'S BALAILILIDIS IS SOWN Ifr MUM PEIGAD HIA. PA. A larso owl** of OOP LOU 46 THOMSON , s L 0 N ]WORMER, OR NOROPEAN RANG. rallies. hotel& or_Dablis instltutione, in Ti, DIFFERENT EIEEE. Also . Philadelykia' Hot. Air Purnases, Portable . Nesters. Lowdown Theboal'd Stoves, Bath Boilers. Stewhole Plater era, Cooking ♦ naves, as.. at 'wholesale re the masrafttetuft . a' TI OHASH SHARP E, A THl' m 'al rahl-tntheine He. sofw N SgeONE___ls ONDR. FINE, PRACTICAL ' TIST for the last twenty Vows , 219 11 below Third. Inserts the IRINA bell/WELL TRET age. mounted ma line Gold, Puffins, Silver. Val Coralite, Amber, dm., at prime. for neat and ell?: walk, mere runnels% than env Dentlekln i a . State. Teeth plngxed to Met tor . life. — sror repaired to snit. Ifo rata In extraettni• ••••• ranted to It. Itetbranat, beet families. _ COTTON BAIL DUCK AND CAN of all mambas* mot laraaada. Raven's Duck Amain/ TWAIor Of al • aw."l( rents: Awnla Trunk and mann 06 • 41ra ' m 1 Alio, Paper re' Drier Pak fro whle. Thralls. BelDsibliall 'MgtAs' sO O • JOus W. 1 of 'O' alimg les JO ___~ apl2 tanks Bt