IrT3E CITY. Thermomasater. APRIL 11, 1864. 1 APRIL 11, 1864. SA. 114....19 x.... 3 r. x.'6 4.x ....16 x..... 8 P. X. 41% 65 'V I 42. 54 WIND. '7l/141 ,RWI:IS.SWbyS NNW...N by W.—NNW TER PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY FOR THE ENFLOYMENT AND INSTRUCTION OP THE POOR The annual meeting of this society 1;171s held at the House (I Weary, Oatharine street ) above Seventh, yest eidayir. afternoon, Mr. David Scull, president, in the cha The minutes of the last annual meeting were then read and approved. The report of the Board of Managers for the year ending March 91, 1864, was then read. The follow ing I. an extract: From the great scarcity of heeds in every de. PaltMent or labor, it was to be expected that those deserving poor, whether male or female, who were dbmosed to earn a live/Mood for themselves and families, could obtain eufficient employment to pre vent them from becoming eependent upon charity for Support. As it is toward the assiatrice of such as the above-mentioned cleat that the labors of the society have atwaya been directed, we should look fora ceeresse in the number of applicants for and recipients of its bounty. For a number of years the hooks of the Route have not shown to small a list of inmates " The nuieer of persons applying and received as inmates was 673 These have received board. lodg ing, and in some destitute cues clothing and have remained in the house from four days to one week. Numbers of these were discharged invalid soldiers, many of them in too weak a condition to reach their distant be me,. All persons applying at the door of the institution are received at once, except when intoxicated, disorderly, or recognized as flaying Ire. received the - aid of the society. Under the efficient management of the matron, the house has been kept in a state of neatness, cleanliness, and comfort that will compare favorably with any simi lar institution in the city. But a part of the opera tions of the society fa re presented by the 693 persons received as inmates. During the winter, 227 persons applying at the dour have been furnishedlwith meals, 1.768 dinners have been given to the children of the White Industrial School, and 1.263 to the women employed in The hack rooms, making a total of 3,250 meals given to others than inmates, exclusive o f 6 5 persons mentioned on the list as having received corn meal, pk.tathell, bread, ke , and a nutnner of des- Bluth felonies to whom soup Wet given, of which no accurate account was kept. The number of baths school children. Numbers or travel-soiled soldiers, not otherwise claiming the aid of the society. have taken advantage of the facilities thug afforded to cleanse and refresh themselves. Religious services have been held and attended by the inmates on Sab bath evenings durum; the past year. " The arrange n•ent by which the managers of the St. George Bent Octal Society send their applicants for relief to tie Ronne of Industry on payment of a daily sum towards the support of each person re teivee, still continues. enabling this society to give relief at a moderate cost, and in a manner effectually Preventing any use of their bounty to other pur poses than for.d and shelter." The repot t of the Diapensary Committee was then load. It shoe 5 tee number of patients treated du ring the year as 4,603; prescriptions. 6.342; teeth extracted 681. The actual cash out* or carrying on the diSpet s•ly was about two hundred dollars. The treastnees report was then read. It showe the balance on hat..d as $702 50. The different reports were then adopted. Two Sellers 'were then appointed to cast ballots for offigers and managers. The following officers were unanimously elected, after which the meeting adjourned : President, David Scull: Vice Presidents, Antho. .ny M. Kimber, Charles J. Rowland; Recording Secretary, Charles P. Perot; Corresponding Score tare. Joshua L. Daily; Treasurer, Winter iliorris. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENSTBTLVA ima.—Tbis valuable association held a regular monthly meeting last evening, in their room. d.the nteum Buildine. Sixth and Linelohl streets. The do nations to the society were quite numerous. A series of beautthil photographic views were pre sented, among which was one of the Li 4% mansion, on Frankferd load, a photograph of Gen. George G. Meade. and alto quite a number of views of Mamie buildings. Among the ancient curiosities was a circular issued by the postmaster of Phila delphia, dated pecersber 30th, 9790. being the first regulation of the mails for the year lri9l. The east ern and tOUthern mails are provided for, Out nc.thing Bald about tee northern or western, from Which it may be inferred no mail run in either of these directions at that period. _also. a newspaper published in 1765, containing some curious adver tisements, an old life of Stephen Girard, a gavel made of the oats taken from the William Penn Brew TIMM, at PeLL's Manor, cut before there was a caw mull established in Ameriea. number of other relic. of the long past. Several gentlemen were named as members of the society, and the com mittee, on eb , sieing views of battle grounds, was increased in Lumber. A resolution was adopted appointing a coaimittee Of six to ascertain. if possible, whether the old Penn mansion at Second etieet and Norris alley cannot be preserved, and iemoved to the public park, or some ether suitable place. or to purchase the site and keep the building where it is Mr. McAllister presented a letter frbm Mr. Bethel, an architect. Lifeline his services to provide the ne cessary means to remove the said building Mr. A. H. Smith eaia that he was in the building not long since, and it teemed to him that the woodwork was almost entirely _one. Re thought that the imperish able articles might be }ratcheted, and erected in some monumental et) le commemorative of the building. tine of the mei:chefs thought that it would be van dalism to have that buliding destroyed. Xr. Ann rtrong stated that the property was sold a few days since for the sum of $65 . 000. Another gentleman said that he ut derstoud that the old building was to he !moved, in order to give room for the erection of a large building for the Corn Exchange. The committee will probably report at the next meeting. Aijimined. ARMY Hos}mud. REPORT.—The following report of the Army Hospitals in the Department of the Susquehanna, for the week ending April 91h, was received at the Biedioal Director's office yesterday Islington Lane Broad and Pima.-- Convalescent Cheater Chestnut Bill Camp ennui Fort MifllM .... • Summit Hom‘e Turner's Lane ..... McClellan. Cri3ler. Germantown South street Satterlee • Chamberuburg York. Pa Christian Camac's Woc cs BRITAL OF A UNITED STATES STEAMER. —The United States supply-steamer Massachusetts, Lieutenant West commanding, arrived oir the navy yard at an early hour yesterday morning, from the South Atlantic Blockading Squadron When the vessel left the mouth of the St. John's river, Flori da, a fleet of ten steamers was passing over the bar. They had no troops on .board. All was quiet at Jacksonville. She left Charleston harbor ou.the -evening of the 7th inat., when heavy firing WAS heard in the Oir , cti , in of Stono Inlet. A. number of tick were left at Norfolk. On the arrival of the Alusachusstia at Newport Ne ws, news wit; received of an attempt by the rebels to blow up the Minna+ , sota with a, on Friday evening last, but the attempt was unsucceesful, as but little damage was cone to the vessel. She brought to this city the officers of the steamer Housatonic, who have received a furlough of thirty - days; also, several bales of prize cotton. She experienced heavy gales on her way here, hut she passed safely through them. She will receive another cargo, and sail in about two tvetin. A RELIEF A.SSOCIATION.—A new organi zation, to be known as the "Working Women's Belief Association," is about to be formed in this city, whom apt. (MIA object is the protection of work ing women. Dressmakers, milliners, arsenal hands, and all wrirkers on army clothing, girls employed in stores and manufactories of all kinds, are invited t 3 make known th'- prices they receive for labor, the _number of hours daily de.v.rted to it, the amount it costs to live, and all other particulars which can be eubstantiated, which they may deem important, in -order that those seeking to benefit them may have some certain data to rely upon, and thus gain for them advanced pay and redress of grievance gene rally. Baines will not be made public, though it is necessary that the accuracy of a statement should be guaranteed by the name. Tots project will be wor thy approval if carried out in good faith. The work ing women, howefer, should be careful lest they be drawn into a snare by those whomake philanthropy a cloak for moneymaking. BELTOIO - CE —Last evening the twenty-first :anniversary of the Spring Garden Female Bible So May wee celebrated at the church corner of Broad and Brown at/sets. Addreraes appropriate to the occasion were oelivered by the pastor, Rev. P. S. Henson, Rev. -. P. Krauth, Rev. R. U. Matlack, and Rev. Jas. IT. Urowell. The annual report of te society wee ft ad, showing that there had been distributed !rem April, 1663, to March 15, 1564, the following hooks Euglica duodecimo Bibles, 49 ; octavo do., 4; Gelman duodecimo, 14 ; and French, ; also; 4 1 teethe tD , SI and psalms The exnetules of the society - amounted to $311.26. and the receipts to $280.69. The gi ound over which the society labors extends from Sixth street west to the Schuylkill, and from Tire lo north of Poplar. This district is under the care of forty-six managele. The 'society is in quite a prosperous condition. Tn Oints' iron ScHoor..—The Board of School Controllers will hold a stated meeting ' this afternoon. The principal item sif business will be the consideration of the report from the special committee to investigate the manner in which the late examination was eonducteo. The committee at the last meeting reported that the - position of principal of the Girls' High and Normal School be declared vacant from the lint day of May next, and until a new principal shall be duly elected; and further, that the secretary be directed to furnish the present principal of laid school with a duly-attested copy of this resolution. The testimony and report of the Committee have been printed in pamphlet form. The principal will reply to the report in a written communication this' afternoon. DISTRIBUTION OF TRACTS.—At the an nual meeting of the Philadelphia Tract and alisaion Society, held on Sunday evening, it was stated that there are three missionaries and nearly five hun dred distributors of tracts and religious matter con nected with the '-ociety. They have visited nearly 50,000 families during the past month, and furnished tracts and Bibles to whomsoever they found desti tute of them. LECTURE IN Am OF THE SANITARY FAIR. —The Very Rev. Dr. Moriarty has kindly con sented to deliver a lecture, at the request of the Board of Dirrethra of the Sixth school seotion (Sixth ward), at Concert Hall, on Thursday evening, April 72Sth, in aid of the Ventral Fair Of the Sanitary Com mission. Fain To r.F. CONTINUED.—The fair which wait held last week in aid of St. Vincent , . Home, at Eighteenth and Wood streets, will be continued until Thursdcy evening. This has been agreed upon In eons. quenoe of the large attendance, and at the earnest request of those who have not yet been able to visit it. DROWNED. Yesterday afternoon the body of a man named Henry Clark, aged forty years, WAS iouod in the Delaware, below Lombard street wharf. He was seen on the night previous, and was supposed to have fallen overboard. ADMITTED TO THE BAR.—On motion of :Richard Ludlow,Req., Mr. Fredk. A. Vanoleve WEIR yesterday amitted to practise as attorney in the District Courts and Court of Common Pleas in and for the city and county of Philadelphia. CONSECRATION' OF A CHURCH. St. OlemenVe Episcopal Church, at Twentieth and 'Chun atreets, win be consecrated this morning. Bishop Potter and a large number of clergymen will be present and take part in the ceremonies. FIRE YESTERDAY AFTERNOON.—About four o'clock. yesterday alteenoon, the oakum menu. factory of Mr. John Manley , on the west side of the So opposite Laurel Hill, was destroyed by fire. Lou is estimated at $5,000. A SP/CCIAL MERTING.—COMMen. Council Will held a special meeting this afternoon for the consideration of Mils from Select. (Jon. ail, of Which there are a great many on the president's table. PRZSERTATIoN.—Captain William W. Allen, of Co. C. Gray Reserves, was presented, last week, with a handsome service of silver, from the members of his avnirinF • BllqUEßTB.—The estate left by the late Jcseph Fisher. Esq., is estimated to be worth one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Thirty thou. send dollars are Jet's by the will of the deceased to distant relatives, and the residue is to be divided equally between the Philadelphia Library and the Penns) 'venial Asylum for the Insane. This will be sixty thousand dollars to each of the institutions named. . • APPOINTED.—Dr. William F. Buchanan, of ibis city, has received an appointment, from the President of the United States, as an assistant sur geon in the regular army, and Ma appointment has been confirmed by the Senate. FLAG Rem: No.—This afternoonthere will be a flag•raiaing at the Thirteenth•ward Union League house, at Franklin and Buttonwood streets. [Before Mr. U. S. Commissioner A. U. Smith.) The Tragedy on boastl the bark Garibaldi. The investigation of the charges against the crew of the bath Garibaldi was coocluded yesterday, after Which the parties were discharged. The investiga tion was ordered by the 'United States Garerneafird, acting under advice' from the American consul at hlatanzas, and the anthatitina were of course groping in the dark. But, under the efforts of U. S. District Attorney Charles Gilpin, the whole affair Was SO Clearly Oiled that it.was fo und the murder of the mate was committed by a Spaniard, who made hir escape probably at PaatODZOS- The sum and substance of the affair may be stated butt fly as follows : A brutal mate kicked and ouff - ad one of the crew, galled him hard names, then got a pistol and shot him, and, upon following him UP, the wounded sailor stabbe : him to the hart the mate w a d cia,” and died shortly after. The Spaniard, it is thought, secreted himself in the hold of the were], and finally made his escape. The crew being a mixture of ram a, in which the Spanish and Portu wee predominated, and it being supposed at Ma. satzas that they had a hand in the murder, the American consul there sent the whole party to the - United States. The following evidence mUI be read with interest: • - Alexander Stephen Hoyt . sworn —I am the cap tain of the bark Garibaldi; I was bound from New Orleans to Philadelphia, touching at the West Indies ; I !hipped the crew at New Orleans ; they were all got on board on the evening of the ee I of February; we then got under way, the steamer Re lease towing us and the ship Eden Southward ; I turned in at twelve o'clock, and was aroused a few minutes after four o'clock in the morning by the second officer, Mr. ;Arnett; he said the mate was stabbed; I went to the cabin, put on my boots, then went to the forward cabin ; I told Mr. demon to bring the first mate out; when I came out or the cabin I met the second mate, the cook, and the stew ard ; they told me if I went forward the sailors would rip my guts out; I did go forward then; I had not heard any pistol.shots previously; as soon as it got daylight I went forward, in company with a custent•house °Meer and river pilot ; went Into the forecastle ; I found the first mate, John Welsh, dead; he hailed from Shelburne, Nova Scotia; lie Was stabbed with a sharp instrument in the re gion of the heart; his hands were not tied, nor his feet; his head was not on a pillow; a pair of mats knuckles and a revolver were lying near his back; flee of the barrels were empty, one was loaded ; know the pistol was loaded three days be fore ; I staid with the deceased body ten minutes; he bed bled very little ; there was some blood under him; I examined tho would tit was small, as though m -de with a penknife blade; I do not know of any thing that would point to the murderer of this man; I Vas not aware of any difficulty on the previous day, as I was not on board the vessel; Welsh never said anything to me about any difficulty; these men , came on board on Saturday, and we did not get 1 under weigh until the following Monday, as we were waiting for steam ; did not know that anybody I was secreted in the hold, during the affray on board, as I was told by the captain of the steamer that when a pistol was fired by the mate, some one either fell or jumped overboard ; we lost one man over , le and after this ; the steward brought the rumor to me that he thought a man was in the hold; I cannot give a description of the man who was missed when the areay took place ; I questioned the crew about it, and they said the man who had jumped overboard was the one who stabbed the mate; we were ten . dal a cn the passage from the mouth of the Masi& sippi to Matanzas. Michael Kane, one of the crew of the Garibaldi, belonging to Delaware county, Pa.—l shipped at New Orleans; I was called on deck at four o'clock on the morning of the 24th of February; I was inthe first mate's watch; saw the mate on deck, and spoke to him; he asked if that was me; I replied, yea; a Spaniard, Thomas Roeerigues, was at the wheel; he belonged to the second mate's - watch; ho was not re lieved until after daylight; the first mate ordered me to lay aft on the poop to wash decks; it was yet dark; we were all distributed around; tee watch WhO Were to go below were left on deck; this caused the quarrel; this old man, Drigott, was coming aft with a broom, and the mate tereatened to knock him down; he did not do so, however; Drygott's watch• commenced at four o'clock; the mate went forward, and the men were grumbling, particularly a little Spaniard; the mate went as far forward*s the cook's galley, and hallooed to the men to lay aft and wash her downrethe men, I suppose, were not coming quirk enough for him; the mate met the Spaniard between the sail-room and the .forecastle; I heard the Spaniard - halloo, as though the mute had struck him; the Spaniard came aft towards the cook's gal ley, when tile mate said, here you are, and knocked him Own, and beat him for two or three minutes; the Spaniard was in a sitting posture abaft the cook's galley; he hallooed a great deal from the effects of the beating; the mate then let him get up and stand for awhile, and when lie got a chance he ran forward ; the mate then went to the starboard side Of the galley, and told him to lay aft again ; the :Spaniard said, "No, you come forward;" I thought it was the Spaniard from his voice ; the mate then said, "D—n you, that's your game, is if 7 12 the mate then came aft, and appeared to go in the cabin ; then he came out and went as far forward as the cook house again ; he said, "Lay aft, you d— e—, or I will blow the head off of you;" I could not see the Spaniard; he said in reply, "No, you come forward;” then the mate thundered out anotner word I could not understand; then he fired his revolver twice at a man on the after side of the coolehonee ; be fired just as quick as a revolver would fire; then he made one step forward, and came back and tired three more Wrote on the starboard side; then I beard the voice of the Spaniard, who ran forward, crying, en broken English, "Oa, I'm shot!" or something like this ; the mate ran after him, and the Spaniard , commenced crying again, the same as when the mate was beating him; the noise calmed half a minute; then I heard the mate in a sharp voice cry out " oh!" as if there was pain with it; I heard no more noise after this; the next I sa w was two men go forward with a lamp; before they went forward I came down from the poop, and Mx. drnott, the second mate, asked me if I knew where the captain was; I said, "its pretty hot forward, ain't it?" he re plied, "yes, I am of:raid they have killed the matel 7l &molt then went into the cabin by the after-en trance, and in five or ten minutes after this I saw the two men go forward with the lamp; saw the captain coming up on the right-hand side, and I got up on the poop with my broom; the captain asked me what I was doing there; I told him the mate sent me; he asked what for; I told him to wash her down; it commenced now to become daylight; he told me to go forward; signal guns were soon tired from the fort for us to heave to; officer (lame on board and wanted to see the oath of allegiance of the crew; I had mine in my pocket; tee officer asked where the third mate was ; no one replied, and finally I said, "I believe he's dead." "What!" said the captain, "the mete dead!" When the officer was getting over the side of the ship, the cap tain went to him and said, " The mate is killed;" the officer replied, "I can't help that;" I went with the captain to the forecastle, and saw the body of the mate ; I put a pillow uncer his head ; I did not see the Spaniard then ; I have not seen Min since the mate was beating him ; I had an idea the Spaniard Was on board ; four or five days after the murder I saw the face of the man in the hold ; George, the man who was washed overboard, asked me to help him raise the fore hatch; in doing so I saw the face; George went down the hold with bread and meat ; I told tee captain some time after . them teat I thought I saw tome body down there ; I had re be very cau tious ; I knew nothing about the crew, and did not 1 know John a t what o s moment w orn II shipped mightbe a k s il l ed second mate on the took Garibaldi; at 4 o'clock, when I called the first mate on deck, he told me that all hands were wanted to wash the decks down ; he asked me are they all out ; I told him yes, sir ; they all stood near I the main batch ; I sent them for buckets and brooms; ' one of the men answered e Ay, ay, sir ;', they all started for the buckets and brooms ;tee mate walked backward and forward ; tee men were a little ex cited ; none of them were Bruck; I went into my cabin then: I was putting my boots on ; then I heard a noise on deck, like two men wrestling ; I knew one of them was the mate from his voice ; I heard the mato go into his room in a hurry ;he was very excited; he cursed and stamped his foot, and kept saying, where are my knuckles; I did not say anything; in two or three minutes he went out, and he said come out here, Mr. Arnott ; I fol lowed ; when the mate got alongside the galley he fired a pistol off; I was on his left-hand side, be tween him and the galley ; when he fired he said, ' "Come aft hate, you s—;" I think he fired four or five shots ; as no one came aft, he rushed forward and maid, " Come on, Mr. Arnett;" he went on the starboard side forward, and then turned to the left ; I heard a noise, the mate cursing and another voice crying like ; I stopped near galley door talking to cook ; I said "they are going on hob in the forecastle;" I could hear bumping against the bulkhead; after a while I heard the voice of the mate, "oh .1" as if something struck him heavy ; I went to the cabin and hallooed for the captain, and when he came I told him about the fight ; he told me to go forward and tell the mate to come aft ; the cook and myself got a lamp and went forward ; the mate was alive; he said: "Mr. Arnott, I am stabbed, he stabbed me ;' he kept crying he slabbed me, he stabbed me; he said, "take me to bed, bring me a pillow;" his hands were tied together; I never saw the Spaniard after wards ; heard all sorts of stories, but I did not see anything ; from all the talk on board about him, I .should Judge he left the vessel at Dlatarates, but I do not know that he did 5 I never had much talk with the captain until we got outside of the river; the hatches were on and oft all the time; we laid three gunners of a mile from the land at Matanzas. District Attorney Gilpin here stated that the whole story had been told, and that he had nothing further to say. The Commissioner replied that he did not think there Was any evidence implicating any of the de fendantmei - - 21 21 2! fiti 3i 235 1 17 3; 76 11 13 5 .3/ 1177 312 •• I 273 .• I tt.g ~]~ The District Attorney agreed with him, and, there fore, the whole party was discharged. (Before Mr. Alderman Berner.] Semen at the Central Station Several scenes at the Central Station, yesterday, are worthy of a passing notice, to Which the moral may be applied by the reader. An educated and wealthy man, just from sea, was arraigned on the charge of stealing a hyma-book from a ChWWI. The feet caused much excitement among his friends. His character for honesty has never been questioned. He had made a pretty heavy deposit of money in bank at an early hour in the morning, and about noon he entered the church, picked up a hymn- book from a pew, put it into his pocket, walked away, was arrested, and committed. It was subsequently ascertained that Naiad imbibed freely of "Brandy that won't hurt you, and it was under the influence of this especial liquor that he took the book. His friend. contend that he could not have taken the book with felonious intent. The officers of the law will probably think so, too. An Amicable Couple. A' red-faced man, with gray hair and sharp fea tures, appeared against his wife, a thick-set, fat woman, with one of her eyes clothed in the habili 'Dents of mourning. He charged her with drunken ness. Both panies were from the Emerald Isle. "My wile," said the husband, "get' drunk, yer honor, sir." "How ottenl" "How often, sin Why every morning early she must have her bitters.n "Every morning I" " I es, air ; and every day." "Well, what did she do last Thursday 1" A " Sbe licked me, yer honor." "Howl With her tongueV' [Laughter.] "Sir, there's nary a man in Poiladelpaia can get ahead of her." [Renewed laughter.] " Tell us how she licked you." " Severil times, sir." "Well, how I" inquired the magistrate, raising the tone of his voice. . "She pushed me out of the door and naught my fingers in the jamb." " What did you do to me the other morning?" " Nothing—nothing nothtng— yer a drunken woman, that ye are," responded the husband, with considerable vehemence. " Nothing !" shouted he, as he tried to elbow his way through the crowd of pleasanUy•excited spectators. "Dome back here," said the alderman. "Have sou any questions to ask your husband?" "Indade, sir, I have. Then turning to her " liege lord" she asked him if he wax not " drunkyes terday I" "Drunk !" replied he ; " I laid abed all day yes terday." "Were you sober l" 111. was." "Didn't you commit an assault and battery on Inc On Saturday ?" " No, I did not," replied he. "You did," replied she. "I didn't." "You did." agth You are acourt.requiredret Professional to enter bail in the tra i te urr h o t r fid 0 an rudThie f. • - A well-known petty thief Was arraigned on the charge of picking the pocket of Mr. Saulsbury, of Maine, at the depot, Broad _and Prime street., on Sunday morning, of the sum of $5O. The loser en. krod the aossipla4at at.t 0 cciag,4l Station, and, THE POIIICJE- Upon being Shown the detectives' gallery, both pub. lie and private, he pointed nut the likeness of a man who was on the car platform. Officer Gallium, knowing the thief. arrested him. Dlr. Saulsbury wee at the office at half pant one o'clock yesterday, and so were quite a number of nice-looking young men. Mr. S. wee drawn into conversation with them, and he charted away from the office He way not present at the LleMing. The seemed was glom mined, in default of $l,OOO bail, to await a further hearing. An old, grarhaired man, who seem to be tottering on the verge of the grave, hobbled on a pair of crutches to the magistrate's deck to enterthe required amount. He Urns recognized as aMini. slonal bail.gOer. The alderman promptly and Junky re f us ed to give him audience. ShOUld h r. Sallie. pbrisuryonneort w will appearpp r t tra b a I T y — t 1 43 discharged, 4 12 iteaprobable thing—the unless some one can come forward and testify that he was seen on a car or in the depot. This will entitle him to ninety days, at least. (Before Mr. Alderman White. ] Thumping a Newspaper Collector. James Shearon was arraigned yesterday afternoon before the police magistrate of the Fifth ward, on the charge of having committed an unprovoked assault and battery upon Thomas L. Walters, a voiles:tor. employed at the cake of the Daily News. It seems that on the 6th Instant the complainant called at the North American Insurance Company to collect a bill of fifteen dollars for advertising. The defen dant is employed. there. The collector presented the bill, and defendant rather doubted it. It I. al leged that he invited Dlr. Walters to take a seat be hind the desk, and the next moment seized Win by the throat, and made several passes at trim With ills first, exclaiming, at the same time, that the collector was a "'wimp:per swindling thief." The aggressed party endeavored to fend the blows, but Shearon succeeded in striking him once on the mouth and chin, cutting his lip, and displacing a tooth. The assault and battery, it seems, ended by the prisoner sending a boy to bring a pollee officer to arrest a swindler." 111 r. Walter succeeded in get ting out of the office, and soon after this had a legal process Issued for the arrest of Shearon, which was successfully served yesterday. The defendant was requited to eater ball iu the sum of $6OO to answer at court. [Before Mr. Alderman Canby.] Au Outrage on the Highway. A young man, named Richard Allen, alias John White, was arraigned yesterday, on the charge of committirg an outrageous assault and battery upon a young woman, on Saturday evening. seems that about seven o'clock, on Saturday evening, she Was passing out Second street, near Fisher's Lane, on her way to Olney, where she resides. It is al. leged that the defendant mane an attack upon her; she resisted, and a desperate struggle ensued. Her cries claimed the aggressor, and he fled. He was caught by some citizens, who bad hastened to the assistance of the young woman, and she identified him. He was committed, in default of $2,000 bail, to answer The Effects of litttert. William Gallagher mss arraigned before the same magistrate on the charge of selling liquor upon the Sabbath day, and with having assaulted the wife of a man to whom he had sold liquor. The defendant, it is allege, keeps a tavern in OrthodoWstreet, but, from all accounts, his liquors are not orthodox. It seems that on Sunday an individual imbibed pretty freely of the name, then went home, and broke the futnitute and played the mischief generally. The wife went to the tavern-keeper to request him to sell no more liquor to her husband, whereupon, it is alleged, he abused and assaulted her. The magis trate required him to enter bail in the sum of $ 1 . 030 , to answer at court. A Burning Burglar Arrested. A young colored man was arraigned at the Cen tral Station yesterday, on the charge of burgled ously entering and robbing the dwelling of William McElwee, on Lombard street, above Thirteenth. The prisoner gave the name of William Green. He belongs to a class of thieves that have been opera ting for some time past in Philadelphia, and he ought to be staged for a good long time. These fel lows facilitate their entrance Into and through the interior of houses by . burning holes through the doors. Their plan is simple, and is effected by the aid of a spirit lamp and blowpipe. The commonest of these thieves may use a dip candle. The flame is blown against a door by means of the blowpipe, and so efficacious is the heat that a hole is made in e few moments without any noise Whatever. The bolt is then removed. So much for the plan of ope ration known to thieves generally, but unknown to the community. The following evidence was elicited : Sergeant Neft; of the Second police division, was stsneing at Eighth and Shipper streets at three o'clock yesterday morning ; he saw three men pass down Bedford street ; he followed, they turned up Seventh, thence proceeded to South, and out South street. Be finally came to the conclusion they were thieves and sprung his rattle. The three men ran, tuso of them escaped, but the third one was arrested by Officer Philip a short distance off. In their flight the fugitives shopped most of their plunder. Tnie was secured by the officers. It consisted of shawls, coats, tableclothe, spoons, &c. These articles were identified by Mr. McElwee as his property. He also gave a description of the style in which the house had been entered and how interior doors were burnt, The table cloth and spoons, and a small cup and razor were found on the person of the prisoner. He was committed, in default of $5,000 bail, to await a further hearing. There are other charges pending against him. Among the goods stolen from the residence of Mr. McElwee was a piano cover. This was recovered from a pawnbroker by the police, and the person who had pawned it was taken into custody. She proved to be an old woman, who looked as though sh. was fond of Bedford-street whisky, an article that would kill an ordinary mortal as far as a min ute rifle. She was asked how she became the ons• senor r f the piano cover. She said that about five o'clock in the morning she was going into Bedford street to see Mrs. Maloney ; she observed the article On the pavement ; she picked it up "in coons)," and a Week's "riot" being due, s ke pawned it. There being some plausibility that she did not know the cover had be en stolen she was discharged. THE COURTS. tiuittd States Circuit Court—Judge Cad- I=2M Gilmore vs. Girard LiVan% et al. This was an action to recover an amount alleged to be due on a charter of the brig "Abby Elen," of Belfast, Plaine, on a . voyage from that port to Bordeaux, France, and also for demurrage while detained unladen in that port. By agreement of counsel, the jury ren dered a verdict in favor of plaintiff for $2,890 97. Jurors were then iiiecharged from further attend ance, and the court adjourned. District Court—Judge -Hare Brooker vs. Ritchie. Before reported. An action to recover for the purchase money of the furniture, fixtures, goodwill, &c., of a tavern known as the Clock House," Market street. The amount claimed was about $5,500. Ritchie, the defendant, denied the purchase. The case was tried last week, and yesterday the jury rendered a verdict for plain tiff for $236 TT. Thorn and Diehl for plaintiff; D. Dougherty and Crawford for defendant. Chas. Shenkel vs. Sarah Prael. An action to re• cover on book account for goods sold and delivered. The defence denied that the credit for the goods Was given to the defendant, but to her daughter, a married woman, against whose husband the action should have been brought. Verdict for plaintiff, $141,43. Thomas P. Rhodes vs. Mary Frances Adams and Thomas L. Bailey. An action in ejectment to read ver possession of the property southeast corner of Eighth and Arch street. The plaintiff claims title under a sheriff's deed, he having purchased at she riff's sale when the property was sold as that of Joshua D. Bailey: The defendant &dame is the te nant holding under the other defendant, Thomas L. Bailey, who derives title from Joshua L. Bailey, the property having been conveyed to - him by the latter before the judgment under which it was sold by the sheriff. Un trial. F. C. Brewster for plain tiff; Longatreth for defendant. District Coutt—Judge Sitursurood. A. Hunaieker vs. Geo. Merritt. An action in eject meet. Jury out. No other ease wits tried. Court of Common Pleas-Judge Allison. Jury trials were resumed in this court yesterday. and will be continued during the week. The feigned issue list will be taken up next Monday two weeks. Common Pleas-Judge Ludlow Logan vs. Logan. This was a role for alimony, pending proceedings for a divorce. A. writ of habeas corpus ' touching the custody of a little boy, the son of the parties, was before the court at the same time, and was heard with the rule for alimony. Tne boy is now with the father, the respondent, and the -writ was taken by the mother, who seeks to have idle boy delivered to her keeping. After hearing, the matter was held under advisement. E. S. Killer for the libellant ; J. P. O'Neill and ii. EL Phillips for respondent. Court of Quarter Sessions—Judge Thomp- Jacob and Louisa Bentz, both well , knOWn shop lifters, were tried on three several bills for larceny. They were arrested, it seems, together, on suspicion of having just stolen some clothing from the store of Eldridge & Co., market street, and the goods were found on their - persons, part in the possession of each. The defence, as to the woman, (there was no defence as to the man,) WAS that, being married and in the company of her husband when the lar cenies were committed, she was, in law, to be sup posed to have acted under the influence and coercion of her husband, and should therefore be acquitted. The judge charged the jury that, if they believed the woman was acting under coercion, the verdict, as to her, should be one of acquittal. The jury con victed the man and acqultted the woman. Sentz, having been recognized by the Mayor as an old offender, was sentenced, altogether, to an imprison ment of two years and six months. The wife was advised by the judge to go home to New York, where she belonged, for if she came before him again it could not be set up as a defence in her be half that she was "coerced" by her husband, he being in prison ; and it might be that she-would be sent to dwell, not in the same apartment E but under the same roof with him. - . Geo. Styles, who pleaded guilty, last week, to a charge of bigamyi was sentenced to eighteen months' imprisonment. John Randolph (colored), convicted of an assault and battery on an officer, was sentenced to three months' imprisonment. Amanda Hendricks, for larieny, was sentenced to six months , imprisonment in the County Prison. George Riley, a youthful soldier, convicted of an assault and battery on a comrade, named John Sloan, with intent to kill, was sentenced to three months' imprisonment. The affair occurred at a home at Sixth and South streets a week since, the weapon used being a knife, with which Sloan was stabbed in the arm, but not seriously. The two youths had been riding together all day, and Sloan was much intoxicated. Sloan desired that Riley should not be punished at all, as-he was satisfied he entertained no lU.will against him, and did not know what he was about. JONES HOUSE, HARRIBBIIRO, cov,Nrai MARKET STREET AND Kumla SQUARE, trit-.lass house. Tonna. VI Der day. “AVENUE HOUSE,” WASHINGTON. D. 0. The undersigned having leased the above Howie, etnated on the corner of bIiVENTH Street and. PENN SYLVANIA Avenue. for a term of years, he solicits the termer patronage and the travelling public sexually. end will at all limps b}teepe happy see his old friends. ee. to 0. T. JONI& WAOBINGTON. D. C. , March 8.1864. mhl.l-6m NOTICE OF REMOVAL. The anderminned would inform their friends and the Stand, joralat iE jtaa t th e z i to t rp ie rroved from their Old SPLENDID NEW WAREIWOMS, No. 91A ARCH STREET, where they will continue the sale of GAS FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS, COAL•OIL BURNERS, &C. Haying associated with our house Mr. CHARLIE FAUX. (formerly the Prlachpal Deets. or G eni al = Baker.) we are now unwed to execute orders for Gas Fixtures of all grades and designs. from the Planed to the most massfue and a/abate:4e, VAN KIRK ds Ho. 91111 ARCH STREET. UNIFORTEBB OF wins AND LIQUORS. TJAUMAN, SALLADE, & CO.. so. me souls NINTH STREET. Between Oheatunt and Walnut. Philadelphia. G. It Latitia A. M. SALL/LDS. • aoll-exo J. D. BITTING. UPHOLSTERING; H. B BLANCHARD CO.. Nortbeast corner THIRTBENTH and 013E5TNIIT Carpets and Matting made and- Betiding, Hair MattraaPea. arc lah3C-3in Vacandah THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA:, TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1864. FIRS T NATIONAL 33,A:MT3M. DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY FINANCIAL AGENT This Bank bas been anthorised and is now prepared o receive subscriptions to the NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN. This Loan. Issued under authority of en sot of Con grew approved March 3. 1884. Provides for the Nene of I' we Hundred Millions of Dollars (de00.000.000) United States Bonds, redeemable after ten years, and payable forty years from date. IN COIN. dated March 1.1883. bearing intereet at the rate of per annum IN COIN. payable semi-annually on all Bonds over $lOO. and on . Bonds of $lOO and less. an nually. SubseSibere will twelve either Registered or Coupon Bonds as they may prefer. Registered Bonds will be issued of the denominations of fifty dollars ($6O), one hundred dollars ($100) five hundred dollars (600). one thousand dollars ($1.000), five thousand dollare (6,0 M), and ten thousand dollar. (10.000), and Coupon Bonds of the denominations of fifty dollars (660). one hundred dollars ($100). five hundred dollars ($5OO, and one thousand dollars (UM). INTEREST will commence from date of subscription, or the ac crued interest from the Ist of March can be paid in eoiti. Or, until further notice. in U. Ei. notes or notes of Na tional Banks. adding (60) fifty per cent, to the amount for premium. C. HC LARK, inhafi-tf • President. N W. 4 W LOA. N. JAY COOKE & CO. OFFER FOR RALE THE NEW. GOVERNMENT LOAN, Bearing Ara per cant. interest. In coin. Redeemable ally time after TBN YEARS, at the pleasure of the Government. and payable FORTY TB LIS after date. - Both COUPON AND REGISTERED BONDS are Issued for this Loan. of same denominations as the Five- Twenties. The interest on iNSO and MO payable yearly. on all other denominations half-yearly. The TEN FORTY BONDS are dated March 1. 1864. the half-yearly interest falling due September 1 and March 1 of each year. Until let September, the accrued interest from Ist march is required to be paid by purchasers in coin, or in legal currency, adding IM per cent. for premium, until further notice. All other Government securities bought and sold JAY Cool=. Are CO., TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER OF THE CIIRRENOY. WASHINGTON. February 26th. 1864. Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersig_ned, it has been made to appear that the Fourth National Bang of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia. and State of Pennsylvania. has been duly organized under and according to the requirements of the act of Congress. entitled "an act to provide a na tional currency, secured by a pledge of United States stocke,and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof." approved February 26th, MIL and has com plied with all the Iproylsions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of Ranking,Bow therefore I, Hugh Heel:aloe - h. Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that the FOURTH NA TIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, county of Phila. commenced State of Pennsylvania u nd e r thed to the business of Banking, the sot afore- In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, this twenty-sixth day of F ebreety, 19131. HUGH MoCULLOCEL. 2m Comptroller of the Cnrrener. JOHN HORN, JR., STOCK-COMMISSION BROKER. No. 149 SOUTH THIRD STREET. (tr? STAIRS.) PHILADELPHIA. REFERENCES: • Mesere.Thos. A. Biddle $ Co. Afese.Gaw:Macaleeter. At Co. Messrs. B. S. Whalen & Co. Messrs. Drexel & Co. Means. Busby & Co. HenryJ. Eeq. Alexander Biddle Ego. I. P. Hutchinson. Esq. G. M. Troutman. Seq. D. B. Cummins. Eitoi. Jae. G. King &Sons. New York. teas-2m SECOND NATIONAL PHILADELPHIA. PLANEPORD. CAPITAL 1100,000. WITH T T HB PRIVILEGE OP lA / O 1600.0 W. NATHAN HILLS% President. WILLIAM H. RELAWN, Cashier, - (Late of the Philadelphia Bank.) NATHAN HILLES DIRECTO ° R H O AR : LES R BREHM 016011 GE W. BRAWN. BENJ. ROWLAND. JR., SIMON R. SNYDER, BENJ. H. DRAGON, EDWARD HAYES. JOHN COOPER. LEWIS SHALLOBOSS, The Second National Bank of Philadelphia is now open at No. 134-MAIN Street. Frankford. for the trans action of a eenerel Bulking Business upon the tuna' terms. Collections upon all accessible notate will be made upon liberal terms. Reapeetfelln gtm . w H Sitwawll. BRIGGS GOLD co. MINES—BRIGGS & GREGORY LODES, d - ILPIN COUNTY, COLORADO. CAPITAL 10.000 SHARES-$lOO EACH. J. SMITH BRIGGS ....,•••••COlOradO. GEO. N. PULLMAN Chicago. ANTHONY ARN 0 OX*,-, • • ....• New York. HENRY COGGILL. '- R. CORNELL WHITE . " C. C. ALGEL Hudson, N. T. WM. res G. AN iden.i, J. GELL MTH BRIGGS. Providence. H. L P Treseurer, WAL VER. E LAWTON. Secretary D. LITTLEJOHN. Counsel, J. S. WOODWARD. Mining Superintendent. CHAS; H. BRIGGS, apt lot Office 25 CLIFF Street. New York HOPE GOLD COMPANY. MINES—" COLD DIRT LODE. Gimin county. Colorado. CAPITAL. 80.000 SHARES. *soh. TRUSTEES. JOHN EVANS. Colorado. F. H. JUDD. New York H. S COM% New York. WILLIAM MOLLRR. New York. GEO. W. GRAPPLIN. Baltimore. HERMAN FLUME. New York. R. CORNELL WHITS. New York. C TYLER, New York. B. 0. ARNOLD. Providence. PRESIDENT. Hie Excellency JOHN EVANS. Governor of Colorado Territory. oz ß izra . ssrrs. Hon. B. i l Dr. F. H. JUDD. Treasurer. WALTER R LAWTON. Secretary. J. P. DAVIES. mhZI lm Office. No. 25 CLIFF Ilithet. New York. cc HER MAJESTY" CHAMPAGNE. - THE ROYAL WINE OF ENGLAND. A limited quantity of this superior Wine has beenee cured for the undersigned. and the first shipment of SP cases has arrived, by the steamship Olympus. dire. from the'eellara of the well-known house of MESSRS. DR Vallooll It CO.. at Epernay, Frazee. The preient invoice will be intro duced into this market at the very low price of TWENTY DOLL ARS PER CASE OF QUARTS. Payable in currency, which is much below its first cost. The superior quality of this Wine is guaranteed. and it is offered with confidence of its approval by connote sears. Orders for one or more cases may be addressed, by let ter or otherwise, to the undersigned. WM. HENRY WARD. Wine and Fruit Dealer, No. 7 BROAD, Street. near Wall. apl.aot NEW YORK. PAPER WAREHOUSE. FARRE.I,I,, IRVING, ds , CO., $lO MINOR STREET. llannfactorere of ROLL WRAPPERS, DOUBLE And SINGLE MEDIUM, 0/kP, and GROWN BIANILLA, on band, or made to order. Richest pride paid' for rope in large or mall anantt tia• feNtars BUILDING HARDWARE. STRAP HINGES. r T HINGES, REVEAL HINGES, I SHUTTER STRAPS. and all kinds of wrought Hiugen,large Or small. SHUTTER BOLTS=. I NECK BOLTS. And many articles of Building and Carriage Hardware. taasufactured and kept on head at JACKSON IRON WORKS, Aloe N 0.236 CHURCH _ g i atfoetnrers of Warrante d and HAY SAItiALIS. CORNS AND BUNIONS. PETERSON PETERSON PETERSON PETERSON CORN CORN CORN CORN OINTMENT OINTMENT OINTMENT OINTMENT Will thoroughly cure CORNS and BUNIONS, without an d r olg a ltDruggists every where . Price 25 cente. JOHNSTON, HODLOWAY. St COWDEN, Agents, zah2s.lm. Nb North SIXTH Street. O. H. BLUES GOLD'S IMPROVED STEAM • AND WATER-HEATING APPARATUS, For Warming and Ventilating Fablie Buildings and Private Itaaldenaea. Manufactured by the lIAION EMIL AND WATERHBATING COMPAXT or PHILADSLPIa JAMBS IP. WOOD. 41 South FOURTH Street. mhigtap2ll B. Y. •FSLTWIILL. Superintendent. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the CENTRAL TRANSPORTATLON COMPANY. of Penn vylvania will be held at the: Office. corner Of THIRTIETH and MARKET Streets. West Philadelphia. on MOND al. the 18th day of April nazi, at 10 o'clock. A. Si..or the purpose of electing nine Directors, Treatefrer, end Eiecretary. to sery y Notice is also given that at saidSto c kho ld ers' Meeti ng it is proposed to increase the Capita: Stock of said Central Transportation Company by adding thereto one hundred and Shy thotumaid dollars, for the purpose of extending its present bushiest'. By order of the Board of Directors. O. W. cum ns. President. mh9l3•lBt J. P. COTTRI. sit. Secretary. PICKLES. 100 BBLS. PICKLES IN 03 vine Pion les in vinegar. Also, three. gallon and five-Asthma. kegs do. Per We Mr RHODES & WILLIAM& Wad 1O Routh MUTER Str4ud. kgin OASES PINET, CASTILLON, & m , c 0.% COGNAC BRANDT. landing from brit •• Lo u is." from Bord W a lifid2a r lt i.e ft Y ,ToN ..0. 2 , g ra NIUL /49Atk FAO= iilrne. FINANCIAL. PHILADELPHIA. rrEm UNITED STATES. 1.0-410 LOAN. FIVE PER CENT. U. S. 10-405. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET BANK OF TRUSTEES. LEGAL. SI ATE OF WILLIAM. moo . PI DFCESSED. —Letters testamentary neon the estate of WILLIAM MONTBLIIIa. deceased. having bean granted to the undersigned. all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment. and those having claims against it to present them, without delay. to JAMBS r, 3420 kßolll3treet Or. SAMITSL. 2 Durrist.D, inb2o teat* 4 N. FIFTH Stteet. Bxecators. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR IN THE CITY ADD COUNTY OF PHIL ADBLF WA. EAste of JAMES Mc6ILL. dee'd. Notice to hereby Riven that RACIEIARL. L. McCiFILL — . the widow or said decedent, has Sled In sati Court her petition cud an apprats ement of the personal estate which she elerts to retain under the act of April 14. 1851. and samelements thereto. and the Court will approve the on FRIDAY. April 115th. 1864, unless exceptions be filed thereto. DAVID PAUL BROWN. alB-4t• Attorney for Petitioner. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS •-■- FOR THIS CITY AND COUNTY OF PH/LADBLPHIA. Jonathan B. Barnes vs Daniel B. Smith. December Term, 1E63; No. 219; yen ex., on covenant. The Auditor appointed to make distribution of the fund arising from the rale under the above anti of sll that lot or piece of ground, with the buildings thereon erected, situate on the north side of Hamilton street (formerly Orear etreet), at the distance of 233 feet washy& d Ppm the west side of Twelfth street. in the city of Philadel phia; front on Hamilton street 14 feet depth northward. between lines parallel with Twelfth strew. 45 feet. will attend to the duties of his appointment on M I )NDAY. April 110.1654. at 4o'cicick P. M. 7. at hi* °M.o. No. 325 North 9IITH Sheet. in the &it of Philadelphia, when and where alt persons are required to pre icor thetreleime, Or be del arred from coming in upon said fund ap2-stuth6to J O. L. SELOEOLSKER. Auditor. T RTTERS TESTAMENTARY UPON -A—. the Eetate of THOMAS BROOKS, late of the city of Philadtorbia deceased ' , havnag_been granted to the nuderainned by the henieter of Wills for the GUT and county .f PhiladeiDLia, all persona indebted to said entate are requested to mate payment, and those haying claim against the same topresent them without delayto ELIZA SANS BROOKS. WISTER &net. Germamtown. JOHN SHOOKS. QUEEN Street, H ere auto LLENwn, JOHN A, DIILLBE Street. Germantown. Ma. BENJAMIN MILLER Street, Germantown • Phila. Executors. or to their Attorney, JOHN CHARLEWLILIGOOK, N9q mh29-tu6t . No. 136 N. FIFTH Street. Fide. UNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SOT. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATE& TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. GREETING! WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. rightly and drily proceeding on Libel filed in the name of the United States of America, bath decreed all per sons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in Ave bales and nine bags of cotton. and three thousand and thirty-three dot ofers and sixty-four cents, bein mone y of the sale the said cation, find the representing' the same. deposited and being with the Assistant Treasu rer of the United States at Philadelphia. (the said cotton having been captured by the Kanawha. a yes - sel-of. war of the United States, under the command of Lieutenant Commanding Mayo,) to be moniehed, cited, and called to Judgment at the time and place un derwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed, (justice so . requiring.) Yon are therefore charged and strictly *wined and commanded, that you omit not, but that tiy publishing these presents in at least two of the dairy newspapers printed and published in the city of Phila delphia, and in the Legal Intelligencer, you do monieh and cite. or cause to be monished and cited. peremptorily. all persons in general who have, or pretend to have. any right, title, or - Interest in the said cotton, or in the said sum of three thoneand and thirty-three dollars and sum y-four cents, the proceeds of sale of said cotton, and representing the same, to appear before the Honorable JOHN C.ID.WA.LADER. the Judge of the said Court. at the District • Court room. in the city of Philadel phia, on the twentieth day after publication of these presents. if it be a court day, or else on the next court day following. between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege. In due form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse. if any rney have. why the said cotton and the said sum of three thousand and thirty-three dollars and sixty four cents, the proceeds of sale of said cotton, sod repre senting the same, should not be pronounced to belong. at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and as goods of their enemies or otherwise. liable and subject to condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizes; and further to do and receive in this behal fas tojustice snail appertain. dud that you duly intimate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persons aforesaid, generally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents itis also intimated,) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudication on the said capture. and may pronounce that the said tire bales snd nine bags of cotton did belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States of America, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and sub ject to confiscation and con demnation, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence. or rather contu macy, of the persons so cited and intimated in anywise notwithstanding, and that you duly certify to the said District Court what you shall do in the premises,together with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER. Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this seventh day of APRIL, A. D. 1861: and in the eighty-eighth year of the Independ&ce of the said United States. ap9.St G. R. FOX. Clerk of District Court. EDUCATIONAL. 1 OLLER ACADEMY-A SELECT BOARDIR3 SOHO OL FOR BOYS—fa now open for the receptun of Pupils. the session of each pupil com• meaning when he enters upon the duties or she school. Terms moderate. For Olemdara addreces EL MORROW. Principal. actetuthel2t* Hatboro, Montgomery Co . Pa. MUSIC LESSONS 1 MUSIC LESSONS 1 MUSIC Young Ladies. if 7011 wish tborough instruction in tensic. A ELseelal opportnnittes are afforded at GBH asollf BEM lAA Y, SW tulles west of Carlisle. Best of board. able teachers. pleasant borne. Address C. HIIIITINOTON BM:TOWERS. sun lm Plainfield. Comb. so . Pa. JuF ELLEVIIE VEMALE INSTITUTS- A. BOARDING SCHOOL FOR. GIRLS This Institution. beautifully anethealthfully located, in she no , thorn lignite of ATTLESOROUOH, Rdeks actin. ty, Pa. , will commence its Spring and Summer Term on the lath of FIFTH MONTH next, and continue in session twelve week s. The course of instruction is thorough and complete is CLASSICAL, eentary and higher branches of an ENGLISH, AND MATHEMATICAL EDUCATION. The French Language le taught b 7 a native French teacher_ Circulars, givin_g full particulars, may be had on ap plication to the Principals, Attleborongh P 0. , _Haan county, Pa. ISRAEL .1 elt ARAKS. JANE P. GRAHAME, Principal& m1)38 Sm GEORGE A. NEWBOLD RAVING leased EATON ACADEMY, KENNETT SWARM, Chester county. expects to commence a Spring Sento' there the 11th of Fourth Month (Aura. ) For circulars. address Ceo A. Newbold. Jenkintown Montt. co till the 4th inst., or Win. Chandler, Kennett Square, Chaster county, Pa. VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARI., V BUR MEDIA, "PA.—Pupils received at. any %He. Ulna, Mathematics, Classics, and Natural Salaam* taught. Military Tactics, Book-keeping. and Civil Ea annexing taught. Entire expenses about *8 war week. Boys of all ages taken. Refer' to Wm. H. %syn. a* Sheriff: John U. COD & CO.. No. 23 South Third stretai; and Thomas J. Clayton. Fifth And Prune streets, Address Rev. J. HARVEY BARTON. A. M.. Village Green. Pa. o 7 •tf COPARTMERIgHIPS. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. HENRY W KANAGA having purchased the in terests of TREVOR T. FOWLER and TIIFLOW JAM SPE, the business heretofore carried on la the Girard House. under the style of KANAGL. FO & 00.. the partnership is nereby declared to be dissolved. All parties indebted to the said firm are requested to make settlement with Heart , W. Kimura. EISNRY W. RAMADA, TREVO T. FOWLS.% TUTLOW JAOKSION. PHILADELPHIA. April 4. 1864. an7-t( NOTICE.—OHABLES L. KNIGHT IS admitted to an interest in our business from this date. n, D. ROBBInS & CO_ Iron and Steel Merchants, 11. S. corner EIRCOIrD and VISE Streets, and 4:I and 44 NortIt.FRONT Street. PHILADELPHIA. April 188 I• and-lm• THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAV entered into copartnerghip. and having per. chased the interest of PETER T. WRIGHT & CO.. will continue the Wholesale Drug_bneinese. ender the name of STRETCH. BEE MITT & 00.. at the old stand. No. 609 MARKET Street. AKRON STRETCH. JOSEPH S. GANNETT. apl.lm PHTLADELISTA, April 1, MX COAL. PURE LEHIGH COAL. --H. 013 S KEEPRBS can rel on getting a pure article at S. B. corner EWA r and ronait. mhlB-Im• JOHN W. HAMPTON. GEN DINE EAGLE VEIN 00AL- Sone& if not superior to Lehigh. Also. Hart's Die Plus Ultra Family Rainbow Coal: Egg and Stove slut. 18.60. Large au t. 87.75 per ton. Coal forfeited If not full weight as_per ticket. Depot. 1419 OA (ALO WHILL Street. above Broad. One Mil South YOVETII, be low Chestnut. Call and examine. Orders by Moak): grotantly attended to bY nol2-em ELLIS BE4.IISON. COAL. -813 OAR LOAF; BEAVER DIBADOW. and. Spring Mountain Lehigh Cloal t and beet Locust Mountain, from Schuylkill; prepared ex irceSly for Palnily ilia. Duna, IC W. corner EIGHTH and WILLOW Sta. Once, No. 112 South SROOND Si. apls. tf I. WALTON Ag DOCTOR A. H. STEVENS IS CURING all Chronic Direasee. both of LADIES and OW TLIMBIL by a new method in the nee of KLBOTRICITY. without shocks or pain. Board for a limited number of Patients from abroad Pamphle t at reasonable rates in tbe Doctor's family. A of sixteen pages. con taining certificates and other information. sent gratis to all orders accompanied with a stamp. Office and resi dence, at 14+8 SOUTH PENN SQUARE, being central and acceetible by street-cars from every railroad depOt in the city. PHILADELPHIA, April, MI. ap9.lm QUEEN OF BEAUTY. WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES. , Anew FRENCH COSMETIC for beautify lug. whiten ing, and preserving the complexion- Theta Ls the most wonderful compound of the age Theta is noithee chalk. Powder, magnets: bienritn, nor talc in itt. com position. it being composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax: hence Oa extraordinary qualities for preserving the skin. making it soft, smooth, fair, and transparent It makes the old appear young. the homely handsome. the handsome more beautiful. and the most beantifal Price 26 and SO cents. Prepared only by HUNT CO., Perfamere. *1 South EIGHTH Street. two doors above Chestnut. and 133 Sontbl6.3Vl3lWE Street, above Wal -nut. mhll3-Sin MRS. JAMES BETTS' CELEBRATED SOPPORTERS POE LADIES, and the _o_nly Mo. porters under eminent. pmaleal Degreases. • 0.10. end Physicians are respeetfully reauestea WA L s 03 Dirs. BETTS, at her residenee. WEB ViraLsourp, =est, Philadelphia, (to avoid sounterfeits.) Thirty thonsang invalids nave beenadvised by their Physicians to tugging Sliaxiees. Those only are genuine bearing the tinite4 es eopyright; labels on the box. and signatures. and also on the Stoosorters.nrith testimenialst. nale.tu*lsti CENTS FEB POUND TAX' ON 4„n TOBACCO. The Government Is about to PM a tax of 40 eentive_rif.aonnictvoentinreso cen l. by 1 . ; : q can save 60 per cent. by You can lays 60 per Malt. by You an save 60 per cent- Baying now st DEAN'S. No. 385 OnsEITNUT. Buying now at WHOA 'B, No. SSD CHESTNUT. Minns now at D7i#4,11. No. 366 CHESTNUT. = suttng now at DEAN'S, No. 33601135TX177. Into EAT, Tolrioco, 70. 76 Jtnli.ooB.,tej • fo , . e Cavendish Tobacco, 70, 76 andl3oo.per i. Prime Flounder Tobacco, 70, 76 and 306. per b. Prime Congress Tobacco. 86, 70 and 76e. per b. Prime Tic and Twist Tobacco 76 and Kw. per i. DEAN sells Old Virginia Navy. DEAN sells Old Virginia Sweet Cavendish. DEAN sells Old Virginia Rough and Ready. DEAN sells Old Virginia Plain Cavendlik. DEAN sells Old Virginia Congress. DEAN sell* Old Virginia Fig and Twist. DEAN malls Old Virginia Smoking Tobacso. DEAN'S Kanawha Fine Out Chewing Tobaseo DEAN'S Kanawha Fine Cut Chewing TObass4 • Cannot be banged. Cannot be Dattalod. DEAN'S Cigar are super.or to all others. DEAN'S Cigars are superior to all others. He raises his own Tobacco. on his own plantation Havana He sells his own Cigars at his own store. No 836 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. DEAN'S Dionsbaha Smoking Tobacco is manufactured from pure Vir gi nia Tobacco, and contains no &anemone soneoations of Weeds. Herbal. and Opium. Pipes, Pipes. beersahanm Pipes, Brier Pipes, Eon Pipes, Rose Pipes, Mahogany Pipes, Seboy Pipe. . Apple Pipes. Cherry Pipes. Grata Pipes. Clay Pima. and other Pipes. And Pipe down and get your Pipes. Tobasso, Cigars. As_ at IDRAM'S, No. 836 Che s tnut Street. Lad. More you see bie Wholesale and Asian Garbs I piping around waiting on Customer& The Army of the Potomaa cow order all their Tobacco, Cigar.. Pipes. die. . from DIAN'S, No. 3311 GHISTNUT Street. They know DEAN galls the beat and cheapest. lama, 16 THOMSON'S LONDON RITCHRNISEL OR EUROPEAN .RANGS. for fa nilllea tiotele. or public institutions, In TWBN TT DIFFERENT R IRKS. Also. Philadelphia Ranges. Hot- Alr Furnaces, Portable Heaters. Lowdown Grates. Flroboard Stoves, Bath Bolls re. Stewhole Plates. Broil. are. Cooking Stoves, &c., at wholesale and retail. by the manufacturers. - CHASE STURM & THOMSON. udiLtntlseein No. 'BOO N. SECOND Street. COTTON BAIL DUOK AND OA.NVAS of all nundada and brands. . 011 Bayou's Durk A w• 111•• T . .*411111 , of all c &Withal • fox ',DU. AR/11DM Tllllllk • 4, Alao. Paper MitilllClttl'al aeon C overs to I foe with. Tarpaulin., 130.11121, Tl i tt ua i la at am 101 L• W. 11111,941 SOIZS' Car. PROPOSALS. OFFICE AMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE. TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets. PHILADELPHIA. April 11, MC SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until is o'clock M- on FRIDAY. the 16th instant, for euriplying the Schuylkill Arsenal with the following articles! Trumpet Cords and Tassels, cavalry, army standard. Brace Crossed Cannon, One-half inch rky blue Worsted Lace, One-eighth inch red and yellow Worsted Braid. Regimental Order. army • • Letter. Company Clothing, • _ • • Morning geport, Bidders must state in their proposals the price, which must be given in writing. as well as in figure!, also the quantity bid for, arid time of delivery. Bids from defaulting contractors will not be received. Bleak for= for proposals can be had upon application at this office. Proposals must be endorsed "Proposals for Army Supplies." stating the particular article bid for. O. H. GBOSWAH, aplS-4t Asst. Q. M. General 11. S. A. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE, CINCINNATI. Ohio. April 6. 1264. PROPOSALS are invited by the undersigned until WEDNESDAY, April 20t1', Med, at 2 o'clock P. M., for furnishing this Depsytment (by contract) with: Blankets—Woolen Army standard. Camp Nettles. do. Color Belts, do. • Drums—complete. do. Felling Axes (first quality only. and to weigh from 43i to 2!.-i pounds), Ido. Felling axe Hancliee. do. Guidon (CavalYr), 'do, Kersey. Sly Bine. do. Pica .Axes. do. Pick- axe Handles, do. Epode., do. khelter Tents, do. Samples of which may be seen at the Office of Clothing •nd Equipage in thin cit.- To be delivered free of charge, at the D. 8, Impaction Warehouse. in this city. in good new packages, with the name of the party tarnishing. the kind and quan tity of goods distinctly marked on each article and pack age. Parties offering goods must in all cases furnish sam ples, marked and numbered to correspond with their e t proposal, and distinctly state in their bids the th qnantitYime of goods they propose to furnish, the prior, an of delivery. A guarantee, signed by two responsible persons, must accompany each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder will supply the articles awarded to him under his proposal. Bide will be opened on WEDNESDAY. April 22th. 1864. at 2 o'clock P. M. , at thin office, and bidders are re quested to be present. Awards will be mule on THURSDAY. April 2 ist. Bonds will be required that the contracts will be faith fully fulfilled. • Telegrams relating to Proposals will not be noticed. Blank Forme of Proposals may be obtained at this office. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is reserved. By order of Col. Thomas Swords, A. Q. C. W. MOULTON. apl2.-St Captain and A. O. N. 1 ARTILLERY HORSES ,000 WANTED AT ONCE. CHIEF QUAETESMASTER'S OFFICE, DEPOT OF WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON. D. 0.. April 11th, 1864. 1,000 BOBBER. suitable fur Artillery menden. will be purchased at this depot by the undersigned. in open market. from date until MAY llth. 1881. in lots of 1 to 60. at one hundred and slaty-five dollars ($161) per animal, sea animal to be subjected to the usual Government in spection baron. being accepted. Berate to be delivered to and inspected by Capt. C. H. Tompkins. A. Q M. 11. 8. A.. corner or Twenty-second and 0 streets. Washington. D. C. D. H. BIICKSB. Brig. Gen. Dep o thief Quarter mas pl2-241 of Washington. D.O.D. 3,000 HORSES WANTED. WalDm ßY Almmm • CAVAL BUREAU. OPTION OF CHIEF (11:U6V6aM/63143R, WASHINGTON, D. C., March 1664. One hundred and H/t7 ($160) 4ollare per head will be paid for all CAVALRY MASSA delivered within the next thirty (10) days at the Oovern inent, Stable. at Giesboro, Ti. C. Said horses to be sound in all particulars. not leas than Ave (6) nor more than nine (9) years old: from 14)4 to 16 hands high. full fleshed. compactly built, bridle wise, and of size sufficient for cavalry purposes. These specifications toill be strictly adhered to and rigidly enforced in every particular. Payment made on delivery of ten (Id) and over. Hours of bruffiection from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. JAMBS A. AKIN. Lieutenant Colonel and Chief Quartermaster, Mb24-30t Cavalry Bureau. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ()EPICS OF TRE COLIIfd.BIA AND PORT DE POSIT RAILROAD COMPANY. COLUMBIA, Pa , April 6, 1864. Sealed Troporrale for the Grader... Hon and Masonry of that portion of the COLUMBIA AID POET DEPOSIT RAILROAD, between Columbia and the bead of the Old Maryland Canal. a distance of twenty. nine miles (in sections of one mile). will be received at the Oltiae. in FROST Street, below Locust, until noon of the 26th in stant. Plans and Profiles of the work will there be ex bfbited for one week previous to that date C. h NLEFFMAN. Preaident. - J. A. &LEAPT, Chief fneineer. aro) tap 26 ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GE. BEEAL'S OFFICE, PEILAIMILPEPIA, April 7, 1864. SSALRD PROPOSALS will be received at this -aloe until WEDNESDAY, the 20th inst., at 12 o'clock BL. for the supply and delivery of all the Coal and Wood re quired for the use of the various Hospitals, Offices, Store houses, and Public Buildings in and around Phila delphia, from the let of MAI neat until the 30th APRIL, 1865, inclusive. Deliveries are to be made at gall times and in such quantities es requires, and to include Germantown, West Philadelphia, Hiceiown, Fort Mifflin, Bunimit Howse, and Cnester. Pa. Coal to be of best quality—anthracite. stove, egg. or broktm—as may be desired. subject to inspection. and to weigh 2240 lbs. to the ton, free from dirt. Wood to be of best quality. oak or pise, as required. The right is Teserv. d to 'eject all bids deemed too high. and no.bld from &defaulting contra ctor will he received. By order. Colonel G. El Clio - alai'. Assistant Quartermaster General, BOYD. Captain and A. Q ,U S.A. P ROPOSALS FOR THE ERECTION OF FIFFY DWHLLINO HOUSES. • ELARIVISEIISO, March 11, BM PROPOSALS are Invited for the building of flee blocks of ten houses each. of wood or brick, to be located on the grounds of the Lochiel Iron Mill Company. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of William colder. Proposals will be received for ono or more blocks until Aran 12th. Address proposals to VULLIAN COLDS% mb22.4 tapl2 Chairman Banding Committee. pROPOSALB FOB FORAGE. Omar Cluatrrazimsrines Opynnt,_ Wilin/NOTON DIIPOr, December 8,180. BILATAND risorosAhs are invited by the underellnW: for supplying the 11. S. Quartermaster's Department, st Washington. D. 0.. Baltimore. Md., Alexandria and Tort Monroe, Va.. or either of these slams. with BAY. Gem Oats, and Straw. Bids will be received for the deliver) of 6,000 bushels of earn or oats. and CO tons of hay or straw, and up- Wards. Bidders mud state at which of We above-named points they propose to make deliveries. and the rates at which they will make deliveries thereat, the quantity of east: article proposed to be delivered, the time when said de liveries shall be commenced. and when to be completed. The price must be written out in words on the bide. Corn to be put up ingood, stout sacks , of about two bushels each. Oats in like sacks, of about three bushels sash. The sacks to be furnished without extra charge to Um Government.. The hay and straw to be securely baled. The particular kind or description of oats, earn, bay. or straw. proposed to be delivered, most be stated in the Pr rtra g irtielas offered under the bids herein invited Will be subject to a rigid inspestion be the Government Inspector before being accepted. Contracts will be awarded from time to time to the lowest responsible bidder, as the interest of the Govern ment may requ connect e dyment will be made when the whole amount for shall have been delivered And assepted. The Mader will be required to seemanany his prove sai with a guarantee, signed by two resyoneible Demons. that incase his bid is accepted he or they will, within days therea ft er , execute the contract for the same, with good and sullicient sureties, in Wet= etrilll to the amount of the contrast. to deliver the forage proposed in conformity with the terms of this advertisement; and be ease the said bidder should fall to enter into the contras% they to make good the Marengo between the ear of sold bidder and the next lowest responsibly bidder, or ins Person to whom the contrast may be awarded. The responsibility 01 the guarantor. must be shown by the °Beim itertileite of a D 8. District Attorney 00/- lector of Customs. or any other oZ ear under the United States Government. or responsible person known to th is States All bidders Will be duly notified of the Reeellatellee or Wootton of their proposals The Dill name and post °Mee address of each bidder Must be legibly written in the proposal. Proposals must be adtirsesed to Brigadier General D. H. Busker, Chief Depot Quartermaster Washington D 0., and should be plainly marked, " Proposals for To rage.Bo' nds, in a sum equal to the amount of the 'entrust, signed by the sontraetor and both of his goarantors, wilt be required of the *nonmetal bidder or bidders upon signing the contract. Blank orms of bids. guarantees„ and bonds may be obtained upon application at this once. FORM OF P.P.OPOSAU IToWn, Connie. and Stete------ (Date) — , I. the subscriber . do hereby propose to furnish and de• liver to the United. States, at the Quartermaster's Do vestment at agreeably to the terms of your advertimment. inviting proposals for forage, dated Washington Depot, December 8.1868. the following ariP else. vis: -- bushels of Corn, In each.. at per bushel of Pounds. bushels of Oats, in sacks. at per bushel of MI Pounds. tons of baled Hay, atper ton of 2, OPI pounds. tons of baled Straw, at per ton of 2400 pounds. Delivery to commence on or before the day of --. and to be completed on or before the day of 1.86, and pledge myself to enter into a written contrast with the llnited States. with good and approved securities, within the space often days after being notified that my bid has been accepted. Your obedient gervant,_ Brigadier General D. H, Boanns. Ohio( DepOt Quartermaster. Washington. D. U. 011AltilITEB. We, the undersigned, residents of — , in the county of ----, and State of , h ereby. county and severally, covenant with the United Stabil, and guarantee, in ease the foresoibid of be assented, that be or they will, wi thin tan days after the aseeptease of said bid, execute the contract for the same with rood and sufdtletat mantles, _in a sum equal to the amount of the contrast , to varnis h the (erase proposed in conformity to the term. of advertisement dated De "ember 8. MD, under which the bid was made. and. in ease the said shall fail to enter into a contract as aforesaid. we guarantee to make good the differemse be tween the offer by the said and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to whom the *entrain sea_y be awarded. Witness!Given under our hands and sigh t -- dem of —.lBO (Beal.] .l I hereby sertify that. to the best of. my knowl edgean belief, the above-named smarantors are good and snit. .gent as sureties for the amount for which they offer to be security. Tab. needled by the United States District Attorney. Coll ester of.Onstems. or any other emser under tAe OnitedStates Government, or responsible person known to this aim. All proposal' received under Bids advertisement Will be opened and examined at this QOM on Wednesday and Saturday of each week, at 12 H. Bidders are respectful ly Invited to be present at the openbig_of bide. If thew' desire. D. H. lIIOSID, larleadlirr 111ruers1 sod Qn arterial...ter. MEDICAL. ELECTEICITY.—WHAT IS LIFE •WITHOTIT RBALTHt—Mesars. GRIN & A.LLNIS. /Codicil Eleetrlalans. having dissolved Dartnershlp, the nraetieewill be sontintred by THOd. nbldinf, at the old established ogles. No. TM North ?MKTG Street. between Goatee and Brown where he will still treat and care all sarable diseases (whether Acute. Ohronis Pulmonary or paralytic. without shoeh or any pain, iivith the Ta• rions modifications of Elestrisits- and Galvanism. This treatment has been found reMarkably snesessfni In al/ eases of Bronehttis, Diptheria, and other diseases of the throat and respiratory organs. Consumption, first and se- ralleIIZA and Catarrh. sond stages. General Debility. Paralysis. Diseases of the Liver or Neuralgia. Kidneys. Fever and Arts. Diabetes. Congestion. Prolains Uteri (Falling of Asthma. the Womb). Dyspepsia. polonium Sail (or Piles ) Rhenmatimm —iissions. SM. Bronehltbs. No charge for eonsnitati. P. M. Testimonials to be se TABBANTs ESTIRVIISOINT SELTZER APERIENT, For THIRTY YEARS has received the Favorable Be. commendation of the PUBLIC. and been USED and I'BB' scEISED by the. 11. WW PHYSICIANS IN TIIE LAND AR THE BEST REMEDY KNOWN FOE Sick Headache, Immo= Headache, Pyspeptia. Sour Woman*. Billows Headache, mashies!, Costiven e ss. Loss of Appetite, Dont, indirection. i'orpiditi of the Liver, Gravel. Ahem:nano Affections, Piles. Heart. burn. Sea Sickness. Bilious Attacks. Fevers, &C.. &c. 101 Testimonial!, ae., see Pamphlet with sash Bottle. pf—faiituredartilmwrortPae_Atnial,7o.;k. "24, FOR 8A LB Inr ALL Davao-Wm t rUMELLR'S COMPOUND SYRUP OV DOCK to sueoesstal as a remedy, bemuse those Wile ass it pronoun it the beet 00IIGH BTBM . P. the beet Blood Purifier, the most efficient Invigorator. and the best Cure' for Derogate ever offered to the p_nblia Sold by the proprietor. - P. .TBINIELLA, mblo.llm 15 - As IL h BEET Street. • • And all Druggists. rrAYLORS ARNICA OIL OR EMBRO CATION never falls ye attic Rhimmatlern. Neuralgia. Sprains. Freak.' Feet. Chapped Hande_, and all thin Ineamee. Price 25e. and Whc.acele and Ratan by H. B. TATLOB.Dragaist.TlOnliand txthlas al TO LET—A 00ELKODIOUB .M 4. DWELLING, No. 1.32 North FRONT Street. Beni • moderate. Apply to WEIIIB.IIILL at SRO.. 130 prtaq nit A . °ODA( 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. Deafness. n. Offioehours9 A. Ii tots al VALUABLE CHESTNUT-ST FEETin at Mee*. deeti 6m ' jraffEOPEETY. —The subscribers offer at privat e sale, a property on CHESTNUT Street between Seventh and Eighth streets; 91 feet front on Chestnut street, and 176 feet deep. runnings to Jayne street, with the privileg e of al6 feet panage- way running to Eighth street. FI. TY THOUSAND DOLLARS-of the purchase money may remain on the property a. a gremnd rent or by bond and mortgage. LAUMAN 44 SALLS.DZ, 128 SOUTH NINTH Street Philadelphia. AUCTION SALES. JOHN B. MYERS & CO., AUCTION Exam Nos. RaRS and 234 MARKET Street. LARGE Pourran SAMOS BOOTS. MOSS, TRUNKS, SHAKER HOODS. dm A CARD. —We invite the early attention of purchasers to tha lame and valuable assortment of boots. shoes. brogans. &c . embracing samples or 1.100 oases. forming a prime and fresh assortment. to be peremptorily Gold by catalogue. on four months' credit. commencing this morning. at 10 o'clock precicelY. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OP S9llOO PACKAGE'S BOOTS. SHOES, BROGANS, ARMY GOODS. URA W GOODS. aa., TEO'S MORNING. April 35. at 10 o'clock, wilt be sold by catalogue. with out reserve, on four mouths' credit. abort t.lOO packages booth, shoes, brogans, cavalry!boots, &c.. embracing a prime and fresh assortment of desirable articles for men, women. and children, of city and Eastern manufacture. Also Straw Goods. &c. N. B.—Samples. with catalogues, early on the morn• lug of sale. URGE AND PEREMPTORY SALE OP 1.100 PANIC AGES BOOTS, SHOES. BROGANd. ARMY GOODS, STRAW GOOD:f. Ac., &o. &c 10TICB.TlatiD—IncludedAY M O RNING. Aprll 12th. our large gale of boots. shoes. Atlo o'clock. to be sold without reserve, will be found. in part, the following fresh and desirable assortment. viz Mon'a grains& cavalry boot.: wax and kip brogans; men's balmoral and congress boots; youth's half welt kip boots: men's do: fine cl:y- made kid welt buskins: ladle,' gaiter boots; line aid R. R. ties; colored and black lasting buskins; men's fits city made calf. morocco, and kid boot, men's pomp sole grain boots; men's buff - - leather pu mpi boots; men's pump sole calf boots; do. seal prams sole boats; womentelited and boned boots; 'oaths kip brogans; misses' grain Rest' misses' grain buskins: 'Mears' spring -heel grain lace boot.; women's train lace boots; misses' grain lace boots; women's grain buskins; women's grain ties: boys' kip brogens; misses glazed morocco boots : men's half welt calf do; youth's half welt calf do: children's half brogans ; men's half welt kip boots; men's super calf brogans; men's slippers; misses' sem kip Hoz; 'tholes' super kip buskins; child's super colored fox bootees; child's super colored fox ties; men's lined and bound brogans; men's and boys' water proof boots; man's 'and boys' wax boots. &c.. c. SHAKER GOODS. TRIO MORNING. April 12th, at 10 o'clock preciaeli. Meows white and colored . Shaker Moab LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF EUROPEAN, INDIA, AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, &cr. We will hold a large sale of British. German, French, and American dry goods. by catalogue, on four months' credit and part for cash. On THOM ItY MORNING, April 141 h, commencing at precisely 10 o'clock, com prising 775 PACS'AGES AND LOTS of British, German. French. India, and American dry goods. embracing a large. full, and fresh assortment of woolen, worsted. linen, cotton, and silk goons for city and country sales. N. B —ham es of the same will be arranged for ex. urination, with catalogues. early on the morning Of sale, when dealers will find it to their interest to attend. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF FOREIGN AND DO NA:3I'IC DRY GOODS. dm, • NOTICE —lncinded in our sale of foreign and domestic dry goods, on Thnraday morning. April 14th. at 10 o'clock, will be fonnd in part the following - desirable articles, to be sold without reserve. on four months' credit and for cash Packages standard muslin packages corset Jeans. packages fancy prints. packages twine and bats. Cases neat styles American prints cares mesas styles American gingham. cases English and German-gingham. cares apron checks. cases bine denims. cares Makings cases bare strives. cases black and colored Silesias. cases brown and bleached muslin. eases fancy eottonades. cases Jeans and mixtures. canes Saxony dr, es goods. el- cases fancy lawns and isconets. cases. poplins and mozambigues. cases fancy reps an* poll de chevres. eases aebeze and mons de lainea. 60 pieces French plain flannels. 110 pieces moue and black. alpacas. MIEN GOODS. ON THURSDAY. April 14th. will be sold , -•- - pieces 7.4 and S 4 Barnsley damasks!. pieces white and brown dam odes and clothe. pieces damask and hack towels. pieces diaper and plain towels. pieces bleached and brown linen hacks. pieces elastic canvas. dozens k; and ,4if linen cambric handkorchlefs. TAILORING GOOD ON S—TO eLorathßs AND OTHERS. THUItrD AY. April 1411. will be included in our sale— About 210 pi. can woolens and caseirets. piece. Belgian and French broadcloths, in blue, black, and tit ay colon. pieces English b.ack cop and cloak cloths. pieces English meltons, in fashionable shades. pumas fancy French cassimeres. pieces black doeskins. pieces black and fames satinets. pit ces black Raba,: cloth pieces black drap Also. black satin and fancy silk vestings, serges, -vel vets, nociery. glovest, spool cotters, patent thre.d, silk cravats and ties, hoop and balmoral elcirts shirts and drawers. linen bosoms, buttons, cotton bdkfa . woolen, UAW, and stone shawls, fancy artices, Ac Also, etcck of American dry goods for cash. LAROI3 ATTRACTIVE POSITIVE SPECIAL SALE OF SOFT HATS. BY ORDER OF THE ERERIIrF. FOR CASh. _ . Oa FRIDAY BIORIfING April 15. at precisely 10 o'clock. wilt be iwremptortly sold at the anctlon Store. Nos. 2TA and 234 biA.RIKST Street. by catalogue. by order of the sheriff. for cash, 684 oases Men'e and Boy's Soft Hats, including every variety of at ape, qnality, colors. and stria : recently manufactured for Spying aales to which- we invite the attention of dealers. ac-the sale will be peremptory. N. H.—Samples, with catalogues, early on the morn ing of sale. SALE OE CARPETING. MATTING% &o OF SATOH 13 AY pIoHNIN GE. April 16th. at protects. MK o'clock. will be gold. with. out reserve . by catalogue. on tour months' credit. an an ger:meat of Brusbeis three-ply. superfine. and flue in grain. Venetian, hemp, and rag carpetinge; white and red check Canton matting. &,., which may be examined early on the morning of sale. LAN9II PEREXPTORY SALE OF FRENCH, INDIA, ONEstew. AND 0n0 . 151 - 1 DEM , 10000, ON iONDAY April 18th. at 10 o'clock, will be sold by catalogue, on four months' credit. ABOUT 500 PACKAGES AND LOTS Cf French, India. German, and British dry goods. &c. embracing a large and choice assortment of fancy and staple articles In allk, worsted, woolen, and cotton fabrics. N. B.—Samples of the came will be arranged for ex. amination, with catalownes. early on the morning of the sale, when dealers will find it to their interest to attend. 11Y SCOTT & STEWART, AUCTION 6"BEM AND CoMHISSION 111111011 ANTS, lioa, 22 OkLESTIIIIr Street and Bib Ball6oM. SCOTT & STEWART, Auctioneers, will give their per sonal attention to Sales of &ARC HANDIsE and WAR 43 of all descriptions, and FUR'S' TIRE of parties removing or breaking up hou,ekeerlng. on the premises of the owners or at their elegant and epael , m, 1 , aL11.3 ROOMS. R0a.1322i CHESTNUT and 615 HANSOM Streots. LARGE POSITIVTHIS E S SIORNI ALE OF STR GOOD 3. VNO. April 12 at 10 o'clock precisely. will be so!d, a large and desirable assortment of fresh s.raw goods of fash ionable shapes. Included will be tland blieck and colored Lutons, pedal and split etriw. Milan and hair bonnets. hats, dtc.. of nsw and fashionable place% ARTIYICIALS, BONNET RIBBONS, Ac. Also, 200 cartons French artificial/5. bonnet ribbons. bonnet silks. Ac Also, a line or joined blonds, crapes, nets, Ac.. SILK MANTILLA TRIMMINGS. BELTING I. Ac. Also, a large is voice of black and colored silk wan Ulla trimmings. black and fancy colored silk beltino. SIC GRAND BALE OF FINE ITALIAN MARBLE PARLOR AND GARDEN STAI DARE AND BOST3. MARBLD AND ALABASTER, AND S coNs PEDESTALS, Imported from lialy by Messrs. Viti Broa. (late Vito 'Vitt at bons). ON THURSDAY MORNING. Zlot Ira.. at FA clock. at our es'oeroorn, No EH% HESLTINT Street. we will sell a large assortment of the above. Particulars hereafter. TRADE SALE OF 125 Coo PIECE 1 OF FEENOH. ENG LISH, AND AMERICAN PAPER HANGINGS. ON THURSDAY muttni G April 34, at 10 o'cl Pak, on a credit, we will sell by cata logue. .v41.126,1(0 plectm trench. Englieh. and 111:11,V1.- can paper hangings. comp. bung gold and velvet mtpars. leaf and stamped sold papers, fine hand•print papers, borCers, mouldings. go:d, velvet, and gay dec3rations. French and hnitlich fancy and gold papery, nutchlae satins, white and brown blanks, fire boards, vets Undo and dining room ornaments, with a large ass4rtment of French medallions. cecinas, circlets. statues. &c.. in not.. the twist and largest assortment of WALL rAPBK4 ever offered in this cmatry at public sale being the stock of manufacturing and importing houses. To be continued daily. until the whole is disposed of. Salo to commence at hi °Veda. precisely. Catalogue ready three days previous to sale N. B papers warranted one shade. and same making as sample IVOR sAmr, AND To LET. /11 FOR SALE OR TO RENT-A ME& small COTTAGE on SomMIT Street. CHRivrairr HILL, with as bath, And water. Apply at Ho taut) honth FOURTH Sheet. an6-6t" FFOR SALE-A VERY DESIIIA bIe and handsome modern four-story brick 11551- DENCE. withihres-story back handbags and lot of. ground. No. ma MOUNT VER.NON Street (north side). 25 feet front and over 120 feet deep to Lemon street. It le linlehed in modern style, and is in complete order, having been recently thoroughly overhauled and repaired, handsomely papered and painted through out; gas introduced (with handsome gas nxturss and chandeliers. which will be Included in the sale); bath. hot and cold water. furnace. cooking range. dc Will be sold at a vary reasonable price, on accomma dating terms, and immediate possession given. . Apply to TFIACK &RA .2 SON. Bl* No. 244 South Trlno Street. de FOR SALT -A THREE-STOLIY •MIL' Brick HOLISM, with back buildings. No. 4i2 ARCH Street; 20 feet front, 80 feet deep where it widens t 40 feet, avd extends 43 teat deep of that width; whole depth of lot 124 feet, with she prhrtleige of a fear-foot alley run.- nip g into Arch Sheet. - Appel , to A. A. HURLEY. ap2-attitliTt. No. 259 South SEVENTH Street. r VERY FINE AND ELIGIBLY located Germantown residence. worth $15,000. also. neat residence at Ll:leiter MIAs, near 31 P. Railroad. worth 25.000.f0r sale or exahaage for farm or clay house. Aply at 230 CGURO if Alloy. Also, a beet house in Gertnantownto r..nt, furaioned or unfurnished. mh36thetunro in FOR SALE-A VRRY DESIBA BEE PROPERTY, the residence of the late Dr. Jacob Sharplese, deceased, with Eighteen Acres of superior Land attached. It is situated In the borough of DOWNIVOTOWN, Chester county. within ten minutes' wallt of the Chester Valley and Penheylvisnia Railroad Stations, at which alt trains stop. The Dwelling is very conveniently and substantially built. with Barn. Tenant House. Spring souse. and all necessary oat billldloge. There is a- great abundance of e.hrribbery. Fruit. and Shade Trace. Part of the land will be sold with the buildings, if desired. Apply to ABM. S. !AMBRIDGE, DOWNINGFOLVII P. 0. FOR SALE— THE "MANSION 110U8B," at Atlantic City, with FURNITURE. and everything complete. Also. two neat Cottages, 9 rooms each. Also. Building Lots, near the Bathing-ground. The • Philadelphia House." at Cane Island. with Or Without Furniture, very low. B F. GLENN. ant t South 1 1 '01:MTH Street. eGERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE.--gt very desirable PROPERTY. 'within tea minute.' walk of WaYDO Station Germantown Railroad ; large Dwelling-house. with alt the modern improve ments; Stable. Spring house. Ice-house fil led, and good Garden; plenty of Yrnit and large Shade Tree. Apply to W. W. Riglall • 509 CONfliftiLCS Street. OVER 300 ROUSES, ALL SIZES, for sale and exchange. RANSOM .R.OOBRS, 240 North TENTH Street. mhas•lte apt FOR SALE-13 DAILY IMPROVED •••■••• Farm, containing 115 acres. twelve miles out. and one-half mile from station, Pennsylvania Railroad. First class WILL improve-asents. PC8130381 011 this spring- Also. many others that can be given this spring b 1 pur chasing the steels, sm. R. PST IT, apB 323 WALNUT Street. al FOR SALE--THE FOLLOWING FARMS: 93 acres on Media Railroad. 9 miles from Market at. 44 acres near Fort Washington Station, North Penns. Railroad. 70 acres near Sellersville. North Penna. Railroad. 86 acres at Holmesterrg. river front. 3E6 acres at Bridgeville. DeL With acr many do. others in 'carious localities. - B. F. GLUM, 123 South FOURTH Street. MACHEREL,. HERBING, SHAD, a... a.. 2./500 bbls Mae.. Nos 1,2, and 3 Mackerel, lateaanscht fat fled, in assorted packages_ 2.000 bbla Now Eretyott, Fortune Bay, and Halifax Herrin • g. 2.600 looses Lubec. Sealed. and No.l Herring. ISO bble new Mose Sbad. WO boxes Herkimer County Cheese, dm etore and for Sae muapHy & R'o No. US NORTH WHARVES. FURNESS, BRINLEY, & 00., No. 615 CHESTNUT and Gra JAYNE Buick BALE THIE (Tuesday) MORNING. at 10 o'clwk. A CA/tD•—Tbo attention of parchaner4lo If qa9st9l our sale this (Tuesday) morning. April 12th. at i 0 by catalogue ou four months' credit. comprising a Li' rable assortment of seasonable goods. including a some Hne of Paris and BritiA drew goods NOTICE, TO DEALERS IN RIBBONS. THIS MORNING, 1.200 oarto.. superior quality plain, plaid, slid brook) figured poult de sole bonnet ribbons. Inc:tiding „ line of the most desirable shades of tans and rsidic extra quality, all boiled, black. pl velvetite. sualsolosei edge Ptamboat brand black silk ribbons, v.. tentMS the best assortment offered, and worthy u o i' s 7; ion of all dealers. SALE OF IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRY GOOD I. THIS MORNING. At 10 o'cloek. by catalogue, on 4 months' credit, 800 packages and lots or fancy and staple dry tools . PARIS POPLINS AND JAOONETS. THIS Mo,MIND. ma AWNS Paris e.oloNd poo li ling. 100 pieces Paris plaid poplins. 110 pieces 9 8 fine jaconets 14, MURA—JST LANDED. 2,000 large-stze ooo corded MAL and LS pla in, fancy and clam bor. dared balmorals. MOZAMBIQUES. LIMES. GRENADINse, THIS .MORMINO, passe London super quality plain morarabiqaaa. canes London silk striped and plaid mczniatagnea cases London brocbe geared moz surblq ass. cases new stripe silk check leaned cases 9.8 extra quality Paris plaid grenadine. SHA W LS. Parieblack and colored thibet shawls, silk fringes. —Parisi fancy nvyzarnbk/110 shawls, eilk triplet Paris ail wool Lama shawls. —Paris fau , y carol sad cilia shawls. WATERLOO b(4l7nEiC SHAWLS. 100 14-4 all wool, new patterns, Waterloo again shawls. _ WHITE GOODS. Of superior make and trash. 6 4 fine to extra line jaconet and cambric magic Fyine, check, end ffautiook Bishop lawns, lappelfi _ COTTON HOSIERY. SUPERIORWALT CY. 600 dozen three thread white and brown cotton hoeterf SALE OF 1,600 CARTONS pouLT DE St IF BONNET AND TELIIMING RIBEIONI OP SUPEIIIOR QUALITY ANO NEFFSIT COLORS. THIS months' AraiLl2, alO o'clock, on 4 months' credit, comelstiee of cartons. Nos. 4 and 6, corded edge ponit de sole rib box s, choice colors. cartons. Res 4886, black corded else ali•bolled silk, cartona. Noe 10848, bi-66LA, figured. and plaid cottons, Bios 4aBl, newest sliados. tans and modes. cartons, Noe. 4.e0, extra quality plain. cartops. IVAR. 4a40 AnDeriOr czar plain. LACK bl ell VELVET RIBBONS. —cartons, No.. 136 to 2 / 3 . Lyons wiper black silk velvet ribbons. -PLAIN COLORRD rani' Dil SOU. iv woes eoperlor colored poult de hole. LARGE SPEMIAL SALE OF FRENCH GOODS. OF YRS IMYORTATIoN OF MESSRS EivtiliAßD &HU ON. OE FRIDAY MORNING April 16, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit, Com priEnna a brae and genaral assortment of their stapia and fancy goods N. B.—Particulars hereafter, pANC OAST & WARNOCK, AUO• TIONZERS. No. 210 MARKET Street. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF AMERMAN AND rm. PORTED DRY GOODS. MILLINERY GOODS. WRITE GOODS, by Catalogue. ON WEDNESDAY, • April Mb. commencing at 10 o'clock precisely. com• posing - about 750 lots seasonable goods. which will no found wail worthy the attention of buyers. HOSIERY GOODS. Also. on WEE NESDAY, 1.500 dozen lad lee', smite, sud children'e wtite and brown cotton hese and ball 13008: a full assorituebt of all desirable qualities, Aloe, genic' Aerie fancy and black silk ties. EMBROIDAD/ES, LACE GOODS, *DID HANDKEH CFJ, Also. a full and very at Hl tra E ctive line of new-style em brolderiee. Just landed, embracing the various qualities of collars, sets inrears' waists, robes, trimmings, flonncingm,bandkercbiefa, &c., &c. &c Also, an Invoice of Paris embroidered and dotted silk lace veils. Also, a line of white and black Silk laces Also. an invoice of ladles' three eighths and thres. Quarters lace handkerchiefs, plain hemmed and ham st licked. alto, gents' linen shirt fronts. RIB noise AND MILLINERY GOODS. Also, earlobe new spring styles pooh de sole bOand ribbons, black silk yeivet ribbons, fanny trimmings, &c dec., A/EO, 128 . W.Rtylen Paris artificial flowers. Also, silk lace nets. maitre tarlatans. dm.. lke- Ate. 150 CAFES ETRaW ON WEDNESDAY MORNING Also, 150 cases straw goods, comprising a fun assist. rce....t of rewest shapes and moat C.LOICe colors of bonnets. A lull Mee of bate, of mutt faalaloua4rlo ebaps, for la , dies. misses, and children. Palm and colored hoods, &c , drc., &C. pHILIP FORD & CO.. AUCTIONEERS - 11 - 525 MARKET and 522 60231811U8 Streets, LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1.000 CASES BOOTS. SHOES. SROOAISS. BALM , O tALS, ON THURSDAY MOREINI, April 19. at 10 o'clock precisely, wili be sold by cits• logue, I,CCO cases men's. boys'. and youths' cot kip, and main boots, balmorals, oxford ties, cavalry b.leta, Women's, misses and children's calf. kin. goat, kid, cud meroeco heel-d bcotg a•ad shoes, slippers, tst%r4, buskins. and also city mada goods. Catalogues ready early on the morning of sale. BY HENRY P. WOLBERT, AIIOTIONNBR, No. 3016 MARKET Street. South Side. above Seerokt. Solon of Dry Goode. Trlzomlneg. Felton*, .Lo ovzr► MONDAY, WRObESDAY, and FRIDAY Roraima. sm. mewing at 10 o'clock. CLOAKINGS, CASS TIWERES, DRY GOODS, TRIM • MINOb. &c. ON WEDti.k.SE,AY MORNING. April 13, at 10 o'clock. will be sold cloqkina4, CAA melts. drees and domestic anode, hosiery. hakts 'am minas, aktrt.. krona. &c M THOMAS & SONS, A•V•a• • Jos. 139 and 141 South YOUBTIi Btragi REAL ESTATE AND S7O3KS, 12TH APRIL CARD.—Our tias, at the nn TUESDAY. 12th inst. , will comprise over St, pr , ,pectiss, valuable CBES MD C , ATHEST and /4, THIRD•TPBBdI T bTORLS; 2 tracts COAL LANDS; Schuylkill and Bed. ford counties; 6 GER !CANTO WA Properties; clagini City Residences, and plain Dwelling , . Building Lets. Sl'44, Loans, Su. FUZZ Eleacrfrolims revel,/ du pumph 1-1 vat, togute. fto-3t NOTICE-PI7RNITI7RE SA '•E, VISDVESDAY . - - Catalogues or the superior furniture to be sold on WEDNESDAY. at No. 17 South Ninth street. ara niw ready. Included in tt e sale is a list of elegant drawing. room furniture. sayerior grand plane by Chicketing. tins china, Atc. gets No. klO9 BRO FM STREIT HOUSEHOLD itLENITCI4.I3. VELVET CARPET. ilk THIS Mat NINO. At 10 o'clock. howehold and kitchet PUREITURE. VELVET CA RPETS. &c. way ba examined at 8 o'clock ou the morning of sale. SALE OF MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS FROM • Lb , BEARS THIS AFTEENOON, April 32th. at the natation Store, comma' ring at o'clock, an assortment of miscellaneous book from s library. 'Executor's Sale. No. 17 South Ninth slyest.. . . . • • • . SUPER 1013 FllhNlTUllti. GRAND PIANO. MIRROR. CANTON 011I1NA, FINS ceIiPBTS, OIIANDBLIERS, de. ON WEDNE3DAY MORNING. April lath, atlo o'clock. by catalogue. at bin. 17 gond. Ninth beret.. the entire feroitare. including 12 rote-mood 7-octave grand piano. Matte 61 Chickening. aoPorlor brocatelle parlor lurnitnre. dining room and clamber ft:mature. fine mammon, elegant carpets, eici aim the kitchen ntemal ace May be examined at eight o'oloc - a on morning 01 BUPERTOR FURNITURE. MA :A PEI AND PIER Mitt ROUE, , oe, PISINTINO PIsESS 'EOM di:1E08 FMB CAE,YITH, ho. ON THETRPDAT HORNING. At 0 o'emek, at the &nation More, the haperior fang tnre, 2 large plate mantel mirrors. pier mirror. large :t sor tment fine carpets, am Also. an elegant rot ewood bookcase, with secretary. Also, a large mull ogee). do. MA at 1105 wenn! Straat. HANDSOME EU EiN I 'KV HS,Ft!eAttAINTINOS, dm, al _ ON FKIDAi MORNING. April lbth. at 10 o'clock, at Nor 1705 Walnut street: by catalogue the farniture of a gentleman removing !ram the city, including a number of fine paintings. &c. Yez. ticulare in future advertieements. Pale for account Mita Stake& FRENOH zurravii cLurnirgo AND GAITERS. ON SATUR. AY MORNING, April 16th. at 10 o'clock, at the auction ntore, without reMrve. 4170 infentry privates' coats. roams. 4.941 vents. b 7 trumveters' emits. 4 044 leather gaiters, 12,06 linen gaittre. 26 forage nape Torras cash.' agr- The above are a portion of the French uniform§ Imported in the early pert or the war, and are sol) es account or being too email to issue to our tratps. uaf be examined three days previous to tale. SALE No. 2011 GREBE STREET. SUPERIOR FURNITURd. MADTEL MIRROR. FINS VELVET AND MOR N I NG-, CA &PETS, Ato, MoNDAY ll3Ol tosto.o.t., At 10 o'clock. at Ne. - 2011. Orono street by citalogne, The superior walnut. parlor, awl dialog room far• niture, flue chat:liter foraltarn. flee French plate mac• tel mirror, in rich alit frame; handsome velvet and Bruccels carpets. Om. Also. the kitchen utensits. May be excmlned at 8 o'clock on the mornthit of ARIL CARD. —Sales of Real Eetate, shck.. dre . at the &X. Caelcall RVIIRY TI2IISBDAY. Pamphlet Catalogue' each r lira ay previous. air FURNITURE, at Auction Store THURSDAYS. AUCTION SALE OF NAV AL STORES. AT NAVY . YARD, NEW YORK. By order of the Commandant of this Yard. I ',hall )t .1r for gale. at Public auction. on THURSDAY, April 21, 01 12 obelock M., the following articles, viz: About IMO bids of Soft Turpentine. 300 bbls of Am Spirits Turpentine. • 36,000 lbs Oaknm Shakings. • 11.000 Ms old Manilla Rope. • 10.000 the Oakum Dunt, in bales. 6.000 IN old Raw Ride Rope. •* 100,000 the Bredy'e Compressed Hair, In bales. Twenty Der cent. of the purchase money mast be do eoslt...d at the time of sale, and ten days will be allowed to ronoye the goods nom the yard: and, if not P.O t 0 moved. the depoett will be forfeited to the Government. All payments to be made in Government onrrenCY, and before the goods are removed from the yard. D. D. T. MARSHALL. U. S. le.yal Storekeeper. NAVY YARD, NEW YORK, April 6. MM. ap7-thetwardi MARSHAL'S SALES. MARSHALS SALE.-BY vnatm of a writ of sale, by the Hon John Cadwaladsr. Judge of the District Court, f the United states. in sad for the Seater:, District of Pennsylvania. in Admiralty. to me directed, will be sol at Public Sale. to the highslt two best bidder, for cash.Pattereon's Stere (F.) in B. corner FRONT and LOMBARD . Streets, on WEDDIS6- DAY, April 13th. 1864. at 12 o'clock M., the tackle. n - pare!, and furnitare of the wrecked ship Sea .,: raet. Now in my custody. by virtue of a writ of attachment lately Issued oat of this c mrt at the suit of Corbett e; al., sad to be so:d as perishable WILLIAM MILL WARD. 11. S. Marshal a. D. of Penneylvauis. PHILADELPHIA. April 7. 18.1 aPS-a SHIPPINIA. 6rkn, STE A M WEEKLY TO. Ll ' ' VEEPOOL. TOUCHING AT QUBLITSVWS (Cork Situ bor.) The well-known Steamers of the Liirdr i,ool, New York, and Peiladelphia Steamship ComPwc ate intended to sail se follows: CITY OP LONDON, SA VIIRDAY, Aprill6. IsTNA. SAW RD sY. April WI CITY OF DEW YORK SATURDAY. April 30, and awry succeeding Saturday at noon. from Pier 4 1 NORTH River. RATES OF PASSAGE. Partb'e In Gold or its equivalent in Curium. , Frii&T CABIN ?TO 0015.1 111SELAGE - - ell 01 el DO. to London 85 00 Do. to Loudon, ••• • . • , 41 - Do. to Paris 96 001 Do. to Paris t , ~ e- M Do. to Dunham .90 00 Do. to Hamitarg• •• , , Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen. Beet' dam. Antwerp. ate., at actually low rates , Faces from Liverpool or QaeenetoWn: First Cabo. $75.5E5. $105; Steerese from L.vorpool and Otteenatotte . *M. Those who wish to send for their friends can bar tickets here at these rates. For further information apply at the Gorapsnr Offices. JOHN G. DALE, Agent / apl2 ill WALNUT Street. Philadelphia BOSTON AND PHIL &DRIP PHIL STEAMSHIP LIRE, sailing from ttel port on tiaTORDATS, from Arst wharf above 2 1 " street. PhDallelphia, and Long Wharf, Boston. The steamship NORMAN. Capt. Raker. will Pfal 'pad Philadelphia for Boston on SATURDAY EVEN I . SO. April 9. at S o'clock. These new anynbetantial etearnahipe form a rqui. 3l line. Failing from` each port punctually. on Saturdsfs• Insurances effected at one-half the premium 41 ' 114 on call 'made. Freights taken at fair rates. hhinnere are requested to send. Slip Roceipts ana 811 l T.mlieg with their geode. . 'For Freight or Paesage (having fine accommoda tion ) May to HENRY WI gEOR a CO :14, inkti 3311 South DELAWARE Arenas. , INM DR. FINE, PRACTICAL DEN TNT for the last twenty years. gas "c:TIC B f li; below Third, inserts the mmt beautiful TESS § age, mounted on fine Gold, Platten, Slifer. Vulcan, et.ralite, Amber, &c., at prices, for neat and substeai a walk, more reasonable than any Dentist in this eIEY A Stale. Teeth plugged to lad extr act ing. Artificial Tg; repaired. t o snit No pain in All v 1,160 ranted to tit. Reference, best rambles. m"--. IEVANS k WATSON'S.nut°I STORE le sown' pouwim sTREET. A PHILADELPHIA. PA. ,‘" 01 is Misty of PIES -PE OO7 HAT 3B ' 1... %to&