The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, April 06, 1864, Image 3
For , YEARS A STANDARD RRNINDY,— b,wynec Compound Sy-up Wild (Therm" ;1, 2 6-dynes Compound Syrup Wild C.ierry." SweilineB Compound Syrup Wild Cherry " , t reliable effem ashy curing Coughs Coid;, • at. Bronchial s , nd Abthinatic Affections. Snort r est;; Mat Weals, Fare In th • Side end Brea-u. erums PeMlitY. Blood Spitting all diseases of the IR „Bn. ,nd Lungs. It *tie,. gthens. heals. purities. or.etF , expecteration. and. for be e:.feebled and bro n do, LI crnstitution; its wonderful medicsl pro Pern a. wfiltud a naratlel - spared only by Dr 8 W•eY 8 - OP, 430 North bIX.TH t-tzem.. Phi.sdetputado:d rui,o . slats and deal. lt HAIR Dv& ! HATA DYE!! - • - DATCHFLOB'S. celehra , - , 3 tl DYE the Boat in 'l , „-• The only True. and Reliable p t zkLo.rn . This etalehuici Hair Dye ie pe ffeet—e oft A c t , Of Gray hair lastaat,y to a firoso Bin it a 1 Bruton. without, JO arida the Hair or stein .l the Stir., leaving the Bair Soft nod Beantifnl; im f:esh vitality, frequetrly restc,ring its pristine aci rectifies the ill effects of tosti Dyes. The e ualae signed WILLIAM A_ DATOIIEL.R : all others imitations. and should be avuiled sold by p i n t vets, atc. r,,,.cr0R.7. 8t 8.1.R.CL SY Street, e n Twit. Batchelor's new Tolet Cream for Dressing 51'2 4 ty M.A.soza 2:1 - X e.:o'* HAMLIN'S CABINET OBW.N& rp - is a Co.• SEVENTH POPULAR. CLOTLINO HOUSE OF PHILA., "OAS BALL." geat-elaas goods and moderate prieec. WAtiAMAHInt al BROWN. B former SIXTH mad MaRKEI' Streets. nom Department (to make to order) 80. 1 B Slith al &WILSON - ft tiliklsT I' I : ! DIE; CHEAPEST, SThIPLEST, AND BESI Salaroo7llB. 704 Chestnut area above 7th MARRIED_ 6 7;,,v—HZETZLBR —On Thur.:ley. the Slst Na•oh, ST, Az:troves Chula. by th‹ Re'? Jona 32. =ni-,n, Is. eltrtd Onion to Anna. leery, on ' y Ittoithter of I:., B.F. all of tials ✓ NIS. —On the 5Lh instant Lydia W. Maginnie. fe..! ~..:ward J. Mat iLnis re::. - ives and friends of the family are reevetfullY • ?Mend the frneral, from the residence of her 1733 Pine street. on Friday, the Sat instans. n riDDLE —lt Terre Haute. Indiana. on Wednesday March 30th. Lizzie wife of Charles It Ped -I,e,:lerly of thle city . , from the residence cit her moth er- in. la mr. Mrs. • S. Peedle. No. 621 maishall etreer, on Troareday .. rics• argil Bth. at l 0 * r. —On the evening _of the 4th inst., of ecarlet et. Carrie Barton. twin &might, r of Sdw:n W. and Payne. in the 7th y'ar of inseam ,r - fral services at the hcnee of her parents, 561 North etreet, on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock.. to .!ch tie friends of the family are respectfully invited. t m.p., - . at Woodland Cemetery. r./A::.. —On the 6th inst 31r. Samuel Mullin. Sr.. .rs• . e Tf,tives and friends are reaped - ally invited to at tLe itireral, from his Isis reside oce..No 11. g Callow on 'Thursday afternoon, 7th instant. .4 at 3 6c4.f.z. —At Litchfield. 111. . on the evening of the 3d Jacobs, formerly of Chester county. PA 'la ' , ear of his age. 1,11:1 re. —Fourth montb.4th instant. Sarah Clymer, ',lri • - L9iiTes and friends are invited to her Mural, t her late residence. No. 1015 vreliace et-ea - . on morning. 7th lust • et 10 o'clock. without ,_.;ice Interment in W Grea...d. '! N , ELL. —On tre . in his ear, shiest son of Robert and nary Ann ricCoun.ll. and friends are rerpectfa,ly invited to attend hirs7.o. st the reside. ce or his farhe -in law. 61 W. No 726 North Second street. at 2 o'clock P. te-s:Nv, (Wednesday. )6th instant. 1 - .11. —On Sunday, Id instant, Edward H. Lytle, ,i' Cincinnati Ohio. . . nom his late residence. No 1321) Spruce e:reet, Thar , day afternoon next, at 3 o'clock. —On Saturday, the 2d instant, Hannah M., of Jon M. Jones. ie re.r:ives and friends of the family are invited to funeral, from the residence of her hm , ntod. r P.:retitle. Chester county. Pa . on tharAdaY. Irlteai. at 10 o'clock, without further notice Fnns• to nocsed to the Lutheran Church, Lower Marion... —On Sunday morning, 3d hist Anna Maria, - of George A. Lewis. i.Al,l.:—On the 3d. inst., Elisabeth. wife of Charles . . . er friend. and those of the family are invited to at ihe funeral from the residence of her hue amid. In Delaware county, on the Yonne day, the g.. at 1 o'clock. se II.LIA DS —On the let instant, Lavinia Williams reletives and friends of the family are respectfallY to attend her funeral, on Wednesday. the 6th al. at 10 o'clock A. M . from the residence of her ter, Dr. C. C. Williams, 916 Walnut meet. Inter t et laurel HilL Ati OBITU UtY On the 9lh of 12th month. 1863, itLIZ &BETH LSTOIsi. wife of Stephen Woolston. of Pallsington, .011111. Y. Pa., in the 74th year of her age. me la faith, pure in heart, and true to all the obit.- , of life—of how few of even the greatly good ow; :e evil can We say inch words, as we lay them J: in their last resting-places? And yet to the wide E , a hose privilege it was to know the gentle, loving, ran woman whose name beads this brief notice : warns will come not as panegyric or eulogy, but mrle , d.plainesttruth. She was strong in Math. in its noblest sense; strong as a little child nit doubt :(d Questioning. not speculating : she simply tr iirted which is the sublimat oa of faith-She was boast: ea innate. stfont—neons purl!, was the te al We of her every act, impulse, and thought. Of , ilbfulness to duty, domestic and social; or her ten , nernience. her sweet benignity to all and on all ions• her unick and unfailing sympathy with alt lag—of these, and of many other beautiful and Ii aJitiee , testimonies spring up like flowers asp walk extended. -. 14 3 1 simple , trusting, loving. wayside lives that The - riches of the wor. d; it is such g•n•.le, Utiobtilla rznirl-n3 of Christian filth. hope; and charity that :he beauty and the blessing of homes. commn . and states. • L. K. L. SSON .1r SON HAVE COMMENCED icilzing their Spring and Summar Stook of MOURN- Oi. - +CTS. and have now In score— il;zantines, English Bombazines, ?!InentineS, French Bombazines, i3Anse llernani, Summer Bombazines, Crane Musts, °hay- Berg ea, Mona.elanes. renadinea, Taudees. and Black and White Foulards. as. MOUBNIIiG STORE, No 91S cHEsTaIIT Street. 0 BI ACK AND WHITE STRIPE <Kira& Ta ark and White Stripe Skirting*. pri.e..6tyle Bahnorate ' 3!i , et. 'email Balmoral*. New Spring Shawls. itYRE & LANDIILL SOCIETY FOR IMOTIIgG AGRICULTDRE —April meeting !P.M; WALNUT ktreet, on Virl3DitE9D 6111 t 110 citric A M. aps-2t SPIRITUALISM . —MRS. 11. F. M. E1.0W25. of I leve]and. will lecture et the i. THOSIPSON Soekt. below Front, THIS EVF, . 2.: o'clock. Admittance, 5 cents.l 11* Rim. JOHN LORD'S LECTURES Oh THE FaLL OF ROM. tr-t Lecture of this new Course on the Grandeidr. ha,. and the Fall of the Roman Umpire. With the r why ancient civilization could not avert the tiv.a in the Gall of the 'University, MEP H 1131ThSDAY FA - ';PING April 7 at S o'clock. JES:T—The Material Grea‘nosa and Glory of the t Irihzeion. .1 the COUTzie T 1• Schools and Ladles $1 411011 FO 1 , 01311.- qt. MRM9IMMI2MiI , 7. r!:ANNON. of Del‘vrat-e, having thorongillY :eat 6tate in aid of the 1361 AT OfiNTRYLL L•hairmen of the Philadelphia Commutaes extended their work into De . , avrare, are here t.;;f reoneeted to notify lbws Representativen to teflon the names of thee. Renregenta• . Hon. Samuel X Harrinet tn. Jr.. secretary , Wi.mington. Delaware. in order that the dn - 2 - Led them under out authority m , g be he:6- under that of the Dover , or of Delaware. JO IN WELSH, Chairmen. iiiIWARD Fcaaroo. SPC ap.s-21 I :IIIVERASITY OP PEN tigYLVA.- DEPARTMENT OF ARTS. —t'he Third. College Year will open on FitIDA Y. th-. Bth 17,1 4 dates for admieeion will appear at the Uat . f• r exact ination, on that Gay. at 10 o'clock A N. Term, thirt3 dot lam 4.rts. zone.. public dm etroXisitfilieUNlTZoffer. .:17 the wants of our soldiers in the hospil : i - yettle-field. These brave men are amine .1 our sincere sympathy and practical steal , 1 0 * Work of humanity and a:knavish eha no partisan Or sectional oonsideratl e , iotend to Intrude_ We feet &seared that PY to do their part in the preparations fort to be hale in our city for the objects of - 4- and Will contribute as far as lies in tl bundant eaccem. - t-TANDS F. WOOD, Bishop of Philadelphia. Merck3o, 1864. Cathedral. so.= 111 . 11 .DELPILIA. AND RZA. ILROAD CO.. Office 2211 South P* ! , ADELPHIA. March 17, 1864. tereby given, than the Transfer Book k of this Company will oe clocee . be reopened on the 14th of APRIL the Stockholders of this COMP.r con, cm aerates. are requested to Teti "'Ed Loan and Trost Compa ny, No. , York , who will give a remain for t It a few days thereafter certificate( office. la exchange for said remain • . c , c.: Office for the Preferred stock of 'York be closed permaner 1 tat for both the Preferred an( glen will be permanently closed S. BRADT PHILADELPHIA. April 4, .l Meeting of the Stocc holders of ttle %c election for President and six Mena, at the Office of the Compane, on du, of May next, at 12 o'chc' M. WM EL WEBB, &erste) k tI ,NII IMPROVEMENT Notice in hereby . given that a Af n eeLi '.." Of the Ttoga noproyetoont vOIDI at No 25 RIBRCIIAPI EXCEIARGI r to tadelphla, on the 3d day of May next. 4 3,1 n 0112 and 2 '<dank. to elect Muumuu T realnimr of ° Nald Company._ WILLIAM EL LiSrrroaanror. 1t0,744 Wagif street. rg. TRIM GREAT C.ENTEL SFAVE OF DEL &WARE, EX'SCIMVa PEPA.V.T3I,INT tfrov Re March. lti6i TO erns LOYAL CITIZENS OF t.E ittVattd: It is raopmed to bold a -est Fair in the city of Fh•l.sel - prate, in the Beet week in June next, t the neatatlA or the tisnunry rommis&ion late citaade of 114I,waes have been cordially invited to no-operate with the eiti rens of re us) lvanta and flew Jersey in thi., u•triotle and huinaue purpose. The regulations added hereto have been adopted with reference to this State, and will exhibit the details of the p;au of management It is tot nee...eery for me to commend this meat and rood work to the '03 , 11.1 peopki of D , laware Y.. 0 issve already elven with a liberality .ad Labored with a fideli ty taut thy '•f all praise lon have been ve.ldne - end ad. titre; eta what on have dune la the beet indic.ition of what you can sud wilt co " et every cie m en stomp e this Munroe watiertali leiN to his no tine; t,t the press give it the wideet publica y >ll2ld the 'most earneet elleeuregemeht: I.r story (octet . , WOrErrhey, and. at 11 contril - nte a .pezirnen of the best tb I eit they Can [urn on' ; 1- t alt ai n en and women exercise their taste at: u lettS*lll. - ' Io lilts way the remit may be an boa c :r t•. EMT btate, a great comfort to oar atilf.riag horon_,F' an elf-rint well pleasing to the • lnii4h [T. whose lug and assistance 1 humbly invoke thin 97 . 31 " K °I Christian char: y By the Gove*nor: ti.cmist.L at. HARRI2,,TON. becroarY of Gov. Cmnnns hlt9lllDO . J.Deed the (&1 swing general B,Y -131.,.2.PWCWY for th.. Delaware DEptrtment: ceonnt.tFes thr Delawsre in Philadelphia a. faIIOWS: Ron. Charles Otb`ten., chairman B. ettullndus, E. 4 Dr E d AOn • R. j 5. - Lindley Smyth, Seq., an F. A. God Win P.N.ISCVP I V.P. COqgITTEE IN rirLe.osi, rlAl.taa s. Irvine Shubrlek, Mire Elizabeth Phillips, Mrs- G. orge Blight, Mite Caroline H tllbb• at. Mrs. John K. F ndlay. Mrs John F. James. Mrs. Charlet i♦. Lyman. Mrs. J. B. Moorhead. lira. Thomas E. Aahraead, Atm LOni.B. k. Brez_dy, Mice a tone L. I,w-tin. Mr.. Edwin Mitchell, 155 S Wa•nat street, has beealtP pointed Directress of the Department of art and Win re ceive contributions for that department from Delawareans raiding in Philadelphia. 2 An. Bsecutive committee of ladies and gentlemen from Delaware will be appointed, to whom wilt be an tra. tad the general management of the Daiaware De partment. 3. :lib committees of ladles and gibtlemen will be ap pointed for each dep-rtment of industry and ark, whose I - mei-pees it will be to solicit contributions for the Fair, and to work tinder the general direction of the Execu tive Committee. each in lie own special branch 4. all committees for the management of the Delaware Department will be appointed by and from this State. 5. The Delaware Department will be directed and con ducted by Delawareans. It will keen its own accounts, and, at the close of the Fair. pay over to the general fond its profits. which will be credited to the state of Delaware R. GOULD, and CEIJR3rifETT 6. ariangem•nts will be made by which the proceeds f‘q . tickets of admission sold to Delawareans will be duty credited to this state. These tickets will be cold near each avian/ice to the Fair. and in Philadelphia. Wilming ton. and other places to be hereafter announced. It is earnestly requested that all persona from this State will purchase thsir tickets at such pittees as may hereafter be announced by the Delaware Executive Committee. so that the State may have the credit to which it will fairly be entitled. - 7 it is earnestlreonested that all persons throughout the State who desire to co-operate in this work will im nedialely, and until April 1, co. respond wish the. Secre tary of State. at Wilmington, eau will indicate the com mittee or committees upon which they can be m set &Orient es far 5.6 practicable their preferences will be recognized. 9. The Committee on " Labor, Incomes and Revenues" will endeavor to obtain the contribution of the proce-ds 01 "One day's labor" from every person willing to give it, and one wry 'a revenue from all corporations, lime. &c., and one t ay's income from all persons of fortune and from professional men. 9. There is no department of industry or of art that may not be used efficiently for the purpose of raising funds fir the Sanitary COMlllizsion. There is not a man. woman or child. who is willing Wald. who cannot make hot or her ability and willingness available. Almost e very article of n_annfacture, amusement. curiosity, or rale will be Acceptable. All varieties of needle-work. 40008. fond, fancy wares, old documents, books. Pamph lets, engravings, caricatures. ornaments, carvings, re lics. autographs of distinsuished persons (single or hound together). official copies of proclamations, endri butione of poetry or prose for the p 'at office or for the Fair newspaper, articles for the soldier or the citizen. drawings. paintingS, modeling, leather work. may be contributed Ryer, mechanic or laborer msy Contribute ''use attmle of his own manufacture. to De marked in hie own mime, and exhibited and sold at tee Fair. hi All contributions from Delawareans will be made to the appropriate Delaware Committees. There made within the &ate will be sent first to the General Glad- Deaner& at Wilmington, to be hereafter announced, where they if will be pronerlT marked and forwarded, aflow - - ims. GREAT CENTRAL FAIR—TO BE B SLR 11# PHILADELPHIA, JULB 181.1.—The undersigned Committee of the - LUMBER BRAN3H, earnesily invite theprompt:and energetic co-operation of part lea engaged in Lhe manufacture or este of IX &MEN.. in the States of Bew Jersey, Pennsylvania_ and Dela ware end refer son to the addre.s of the SANITARY COMMISSION, enclosed, for what is proposed to be accomplitht d. . _ It is rot mated that It will require ablut one million feet of Lumber for the erection of the buildings, most of which will be in White Pine culling bosrds. which may cosigned to ei. her HENRY CROSKEY &Co.. on Ise I)lawar , , or HARBERV, DAVIS. & Co.. on the gcn ay]; kill. The freight. either by Boats or Railroad. when there lea Oslo. will be paid by the Committee. Subicriptious are solicited in any kind of Lumber or Cash, and will be acknowledged through the news papers by the Treasurer. . . . JOHY4 C. DAVIS. Chairman, Twenty fourth and Locust streets. CHARLES P. PEROT. Secretary. 901 South Broad at. CItOeKEY, Treasurer, Delaware avenue, be low Oseen street. Reed A. Williams. Broad and Green streets, Phila. IN in John W iillame, Twenty-Brat and R4ce its., Phila. Beni. H. Brown. Richmond and Ash streets. Phila. George Crs ig. Poplar-street Wharf, Phila. Watson Malone, Noble street Wharf. Phila. Samuel B. Bailey, Catharine-street Wharf. Phila. Joseph H. Collins, Eighth at, Girard ay. , Fish & Green, Trenton. New 'Jersey. Bassett & Lawrence, Salem, Mew Jersey. B. J. Mulford. Bridgton, Mew Jersey. M Voorhees, Princeton, New Jersey. A. K Hall, Milford. Delaware. Hinksou & Bunting. Chester, Pa 3. D. etreker. i.ambertviile. New Jersey. J. B Roberta, Burlington, NeW Jersey Wm. S. Donfflison, Camden, New Jersey. Jesse Lane. Wilmington, Delaware Win. Townsend Frederica, Delaware U. H. Painter. West Chester, Pa. 3. Saner. Lancaster. Pa. James Duffy. Marietta. Pa. H. Small & Sons, York. Pa. J. George. President, Lebanon. Pa/ Charles Pittman. Pottsville, Pa. James McKean. Easton. Pa B. Childs. White Haven. Pa P. S. Miller. President. Stroudsburg, Ps. Reed Brothers, Bedford. Pa Win. E. Hughes, Wilmore, Pa. Bdw. Trump, Jersey Shore. Pa. James Bowman, Money, Pa. B. S Davidson, Ulster, Pa. Jeaces Graham. Clearfield, Pa. R. R. Phsips, Burlington, Pa. E K. Smith, Columbia. Pa. George Crist, Middletown, Pa. Daniel D. Boas Harrisburg, Pa. Jacob H. Deysher. Beading, Pa. Bolton, Christman. & Co.. Norristown. Pa. D H. TaylOi, Bethlehem. Pa. Stacy Brawn. lirownsburg. Pa. C. Munson, Phillipsburg, Pa_ J. Gardnsr. Hollidaysburg. Pa. Craig & Blanchard. Lock Haven, Pa, P. Hurdle. WilliNmsport, Pa. J. D. Montanye, Towanda, Pa. Charles Wetls, Athens, Pa Wm. Irvin, Curwinsvule Pa. Ball & Co.. Pittsburg. apd-mwf& fadOFFICE OF THE GREAT OEM irk THAL FAIR FOR THE SANITARY CO 111 did sioN—PHILADELprnA, 1307 CHESTNUT STREET. March, 1864 —The Committee on Finance and Donations of the Great Central Fair appeal for aontributions in HOBBY to those of their fellow-citizens who do not propose sending to the Fair the products of their skill and. indus try. By far the larer portion of the money received on the occasion of the Fairs held for the benefit of the Sani tary CommisPion in Cincinnati, Boston, and Brooklyn, was derived from direct donations in CASH, and not from the proceeds of the sale of articles exposed. What the Sanitary Commission needs to afford relief to the sick and wounded soldiers is money. in large amounts and from all sources. We call, then. upon all bankers. cor porations, capitalists, persons living upon incomes, pro fesaional or otherwise; in short, upon all who will not be represented in tho Fair by their productions, to imi tate toe example of those who will. and to contribute liberally in MONEY for this great object. In New York, although their Fair is not to be held for two weeks, con tributions of more than $200.600 in cash ha re been already received, a single depart rent of trade, teat of dry grads, having made up more than half that sum. Brooklyn and Cincinnati have each contributed as mach in money. and certainly the wealth, liberality. and patriotism of Philadelphia can hardly be considered as less conspicuous than that of these communities Con tributions will be thankfully received by any of the members of the Committee. A. E. BORIS. Chairman. S. A. MF.III FIR, SAMUEL WaLSII. THOMAS SPARKS. A. J. AerreLo, CALEB COPS. J THOMAS LEWIS. , JR.. T. A. BIDDLE. B. W. CLARK. WM. C. %BST. MhS-Gthrawit E. C. ENIOHT. THE. GREAT CENTRAL F.A.M.— TO THE WHOLESALE DRY-GOODS Atha- GRANTS OF FIiIiIIiSYLVANI a.. PHILADELPHI IL, March, let. On behalf of our sick and wounded soldiers ie the. camp, hospital and on the battle-fleld, the undersigned appeal to the Who' eeate Dry-Goods Merchants of Penn- STlVallia to lead their powerful aid to the GROAT OE Si- THAL F •IS OF THE SANITARY COMMISSION, to be held in this city the first of Tune next. The labors and achievements of this great national or ganization are too well known to TOIL and to the world to need any detailed, description at this time. The Sanitary Commission was recognized by the. G overnment. authorities at an early stage of this war. and has silently. but faithfully and most efficiently, con tinued its labors from that time to the present. Thoroughiy charitable in its spirit, compact in its or gan izatien, and systematic and practical in its work ings, established especially for the benefit of our own sick and wounded soldiers, at the same time it extends aid to those of either army. recognizing them ail as brethren and citizens of a common country is field of labor embraces the whole theatre of -the War, from New Orleans and Texas, along the Mississippi Valley, across the bloody plains of Tennessee and Vir ginia.- to- Antietam and Gettysburg, and every battle field on the Atlantic coast. . . . . . bitch vast operations require correspondingly vait re sources to sustain them. and the approarbine is aid in providing and maintaining these re sources. We appeal to you confidently for liberal contributions. under the belief that all who are following their accus tomed business pursuits in security at home will esteem it a privilege to do all in their power to alleviate the sufferings of those who are imply sacrificing their ease, and risking life itself in behalf of their country. We Will also receive thankfully smaller donations from any in your employ, earnestly requesting that you will en courage them and others over whom Tont influence ex tends to contribute totbis noble charity. Contributions are earnestly solicited in money or men. shandies), which may be sent to the chairman or either of the committee. DAVID S. BROWN. 44 and 46 South FRONT Street. Chairman. Daniel B. Cummins (Girard Bank), Treasurer, P. Janke (Smith. Secretary:' John B Myers, 232 and 234 Market street.. George F. Peabody. 24 South Front street, Samuel S. St. bee, 18 South Front street, Stacy B. Barcroft, 406 and 407 Mars et street, Lemuel C. Mn. 220 Chestnut street. B. Kirkham. 230 and 232 Chestnut street. Benny Lewis. 738 Chestnut street, William C Kent. 520 and 911 North Third steeet. William C Ludwig. 98 North Third street, George"). Parrish, 312 Chestnut street.. Thomas 13 Ashmead. 126 Chestnut street, John P. White, 421 Market street, D O. Wharton, 214 cbettnut street, Richard Wood, 809 Market street. 8, Fenton, 017 Chestnut street, Charles M. Wilkins, 19 South Second Street. Theodore Frothingliam, 94 South Front street. William S Stewart. 705 Market street. Jacob Riegel, 47 North Third street. Charles Richardson, 230 Chestnut street, Charles B. Mount. 215 Chestnut street, William T. B. Drscan,2l6 Chestnut street, W_ De Cour.ey, 64. Chestnut. street. Marna , . /I Tunis, 233 and M. Obastwat street, James B. McFarland. 61 South Fourth street, Jeremiah N. Brooks. 122 and 124 Chestnut street, J. T. Way, 107 Chestnut street. George W John es. 5:7 Market street, Samuel T. Canby, 314 Market street, John A. Wilson. 323 Chestnut street, Edward. Smith- 3% bfavicat reat. Baths, 4o North Third street. ap2-swiat IMOIL COMPANY, RMS PON. sible party. Two wells now vumninix on s be Int d. Apply at once for Shares and a Prospectus. Box 2550 P. 0.. Philadelphia. • ap6-6tlf* OFFICE OP THE BUTLER COAL COMPANY. No. .1.08 S,.uth FOURVAI titres[. Milton 8L 7884 NOTICE.—A meetly( of the Stockholders of the BUT LER COAL COMPANY will be held on THURSDAY. April 21st, at 3 o'clock P. la., at their office. 'No. 038 8. FOURTEBfitreet, to consider the propriety of inortaatna the twpital Stock of the Company to the sum of Five Hundred Thousand Dollen!. H. N. BURROUGHS, President. Z. O. HoWELL, JOHN DEREONHIRE. CHARLES W. TROTTER. apl• emws4t. InirNOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETS IBG of the ROSIN& ASSOOIATIGN of Philo oelphla, will be held at ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. TENTH and CHESTNUT, on THURSDAY Arrant/NOON. April 7th, at l o'clock, when a Board of litanaglr• will be eheeen and the nenal bneinete trannated_ ALL ladies are particularly Invited. mh23-3tdote6.6 7 .et. or FIRST QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE THIRD NATIONAL BANE OF PHILADELPHIA, APRIL IRT, 1136fi, RSSOURCRS. Loans atm Discounts --- - -- $35.509 97 United Stales Rona., denbaked. 16 mis cue Circulation 80.000 00 ---- $65.5ce 97 Srecie and Legal-Tender Notes 82,879 28 Bits of Solvent Banks 1,285 Pt Cash Items. Sic 67 or Due from Banks and Bankers 11.175 59 Furniture and. Fixtures 1,184 25 Palmas Account , 1977, SO •—.---..—. KIM 92 Capital Stock LIABILITIE S. S6I4O 00 Profit and Loss '3 35 Due to Banks and Bankers •.. 15.907 28 Due to Depositors ... 85 704 05 -Ma I a Comaxnaased business March 10th API -61 r, Q4ll1 1 1DiRMWO. Ge Iblar 'FOURTEENTH AVAIRD — BiALEH (*- TWIN FOR 4itßo DEMOG ATEI, REPUBLICAN 3 . And aii /who desire to save the countr and avoid Uri DI.II, forget your party eed your prejudice and eon', t the Meeting TBIS EVENiNg, at SYR( si titt)l3 3 l H A LI,. at 8 &doe's. We seek note.. much oar mon-y as oor presence, 1110 TIMAIIIIIZI no higher dintine3o.o Ifta that. which seeks the salvation of our anheprar sottritri, WM B. THOSIA.3. President and Treasurer T.TIOMAii R. DAVIS. Feenatarv. It MILITARY. A THE 2 COAT, BOUNTY FUND COMMITTNE. WILLTAII CANNON. HANCOCK'S SECOND ARMY CORPS api tf ALFRED DAY, Chairman. -- • NAVAL AND MARINE SERVICE. CITY AND WARD 130IIETY I ADVAPCR PAY AND PRIZE KO riEY I • MEN WANTED for the N VAL SERVICE and Mt.- 1!INE CORPS, who will he entitled to all the City Bonn ti addition to Prlz. Motley Seamen will receive an advance of throe months' Day as b,.naty . Application to be made at once to D. M LSNB, Cept. and Provost Marshal Fourth Di-triot Panna. , - iii 121 BEJAD and SPRING GARDEN et.eete. CITY AND WARD BOTIN'PY *Atig.tiaßr'eA;YAVlE LIMG°a z : 4 I I IIY-1. RINE CORPS, who will be entitled to all the OW , lionnriee in additi^n to Prize Money Seamen will receive an advance of three months' pay as b - .unty. Application to be made at once to EDWIN PALMER. Captain and Provost Marshal Second District. Pen WM/Van/a l 256 Sonth TWELEPH Street. mbs9-tf Philadelphia. I NAVAL AND MARINE SERVICE. CITY AND 'WARD BOUNTY! ADVANCR PAY AN a PnIZE MOSEY" MED WAPTED for the NAVAL EBE.IfIcE and DU hIEE COlti 8, Who will be entitled 10 ali the City BDELII, tie*, in addition to Prize Money. Eeameo will receive an advance of three months' pay as bounty application to be made at once, too, E LEHMAN Contain and Provett Itartklml Ple.t Dimkria Penna.. 241.5 South THIRD Street. Et FAD QUARTE ES DEPARTMENT :OF TON ISTI6QUENAWN a, ClLtatimasßUßG, Pa., March 24. 1864. Cnxtract * a • • • GENERAL ORDERS 210. II Authority having been granted by the War Depart ment to the Ocratuanding Oensral of the Department of the Srotanehanna, the let Batted to three years' Penn- - Aylvania Volunteers (formerly six months' volunteers), coneinting of six companies, mustered into the Oniubd States service fur three years or daring the war. is au thorized to recruit to tea companies of the maximum Strength. Thin Battalion is on Provost duty in this department, and it offers a good opportunity to those persons who have been in the service and have been honorably di; charged, to re-enter, and to those of good character who have not been in the service to enter fhe same. Only dime known to the recruiting officers and persons an thorixd to recruit an being reliable and trustworthy. Will he received, as the nature of the daty this Battalion is called upon to perform in Bush that it requires soldier. in whom the commanding officers can plane confidence. Porno:. s taking advantage of the benefits arising from enli,tmett in this Battalion will receive the bounties paid by the Governmental authorized in exinting orders The officers must be men who have had some experi ence in the military service, Intelligent, and of good character. end only those bringing the requisite number of men and possessing the above ooalifieattone will be recommenden to the Governor of the State for commie. dons. Recruits and pernons haVillf squads of recruits will remrt to Captain GEO. W MERRICK let Battalion three wart' pa. Vols.. and Recruiting Officer for the tame. at HARRISBURG. Pa. * By Ccnnualad of Major Geme..a.lGol7oll SOFIA /4 WIBULTZO, £6Bt Adjf. Genera , . Official: J. N. Porrax, &id-de-Camp mt:2B 101 ANDERSON CAVALRY, (15TH PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY.) Suitable young men will be accepted as Re crafts for this Regiment, now on eervise ILL Bast Tennrssee, WILL I. PALMER. Colonel Commanding. Chloe in WASTAINGTON BUILDINC. lt. No 274 Sonth THIRD Street. FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY. _EV A. s isr, A.SSA. ourtwisia - Eu,s, Banners. Regimental and Company Flags, Swords, Bashes, Belts, Passants, EPattlettes. Hata. Cape, Can teens. Haversacks. Camp Mts. Field Glasses, Stork and everything pertaining to the complete outfit of Army and Navy (Marra A liberal discount allowed to the trade. mhlo-1m FURLOUGHS. Officers and Soldiers. visiting the city on Furlough. needing And other MILITARY EQtrriomsirrS, are Invited to the very extenMve Mannfootniing Betablishment of ISIMO. W. SIBECINS & IMO., BANSOM•STRERT HALL, SARBOM Street, above Sixth. PRESENTATION SWORDS Made to order at the shortest notice. which, for richness and magnificence, challenge other house in the country combining the MANUFACTURING JEW ELER. with the PRACTICAL SWORD-MAR - RR. mlllO-2m FROTHINOLTA.M & WELLS IaAVY,_MXDIUM, AND LIGHT SHEETIIIOB ARID SHIRTING& STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHIHTON AND VICTORY CAMBRICA AND ICROW3IBLEACHED. ADD CORSET JEA3IB. So. 1R WORSTED YARN. &.. saTllf tt 66 HER MAJESTY" CHAMPAGNE ME ROYAL WINE OF ENGLAND. A limited quantity of this superior Wine has been se - cured for the undersigned, and the f rat shipment of nor , cases has arrived, by the steamship Olympus, dire, from the cellars of the well-known house of MESSRS.. DE VSNOGID & CO., at Epernay, France. The present invoice will be intro duced into this market at the very low price of - TWENTY DOLLARS PER CASE OF QUARTS. Payable in currency, which is much below its first cost. The snperior quality of this Wine is guaranteed, and it is offered with confidence of its approval by connois seurs. Ordere for one or more came may be addressed, by let. ter or otherwise, to the undersigned, WM. HENRY WARD, Wine and Fralt Dealer. No. 7 BROAD, Street, near Wall, apt-30t NEW YORE. PRESTON COAL AND IMPROVE MITT CO.—A limited number of the shares of this company will be disposed of at the office of sex tionKg dc Co.. at par. (10 dollars) on TH-ORSDAY. April 7th. from 10 to 3 o'clock. The prospectoe and report of the company can be ob - abed at their office. ap6-2t GLASSWARE.— B. H. SLEEPER & & Co., No. 515 MINOR Street, have just received large Ins-oleo of Glassware. cossisting of round-A.ora dered Prescription Vials, 2. 4 G and 8 oz., Ovals Fancy Panel Bottles, together with a floe assorbment of Glass syringes, Bomoepathic Tumblers. Lager Beer MUM Preserving Jars, Sic. ,which we offer at the lowest market rates. ap6 3t* sucn INVALUABLE PORTRAI TS ''—' aeß. F. R.SIDISIt'S life-size Photographs. in oil co lors, should be Been and owned by all admirers of art. See specimens, EMI- ARCH Street. 9 BE BE ST STYLES OF IVORY TYPES -A- in the city are made at 624 ARCH Street. B F- R11)11BR'S Gallery. Simple- and natural i 4 style and lrfo- like coloring, lt. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL &WITS. ARTIFICIAL HUMAN KIES Inserted without pain.. by JAMES W. WS dtoo., 924 OEIRSTNOT Street OPERA GLASSES Amy OFFICERS' MELD GLASSES. Microscopes for Physicians an& Stndenha A very large assortment for sale by JAMBS W. &VENN & Go., 841 ORES MDT Street. MATHEMATICAL DRAFTING IN STRUMENTS. Ckesterznana Metallic and ateel-ta_pe Y0U111438. For sale by JAMES W. QIIBEN & 9%1 CHESTNUT Street. Priced and Illustrated Catalogues gratis. mh96•lm BRIGGS GOLD CO. MINES-BRIGGS & GREGORY LODES, CAPITAL 10.000 SHARES-5100 EACH. J. SMITH BRIGGS Colorado. QEO. M. PULLMAN ,Chicago, ADTBOZIT A ......... newyorg. HENRY coOGILL 11.1 R. 'CORNELL WHITE C. 0.. ALOEL ___ 11'1.484m. N. N. WM G. ANGI,LL I. President, J. SMITH BRIGGS. ProvlasTGa Treasurer, weLrER B LAWTON. Secretary, D. MTTLEJOHN. Counsel, J .8. WOODWARD. Mining Superintendent, CHAS, H. BMWS, ap2.lm Office 24 CLIFF Street, New York. HOPE GOLD COMPANY. MINES-"GOLD DIET LODE. Ctilain county. Colorado. CAPITAL. 80.000 SHARES. NZ Ma. TRITSTEIIS. JOHN EVANS. Colorado. F H. JUDD. New York H. S. - -CORD. New York. WILLIAM MOLLER. New York 080. W. OBAFFLIN, Baltimore. HERMAN PUNKS. Hew York. CORNELL WHITE, New York. M. C TYLER. New York. S. G. ARNOLD. Providence. PRESIMINT. His Excellency JOHN EVANS. Governor of Colorado YerritorY, VIM PHEBIDINTIL Hoa S. Q. ARNoLD. Dr. F. H. JUDD. Treasurer, WALTER E. LAWTON. Secretary. J. P. DAVIIIS. mhffillm Office. No. AS CLIFF Street. New York. PAPER 'WAREHOUSE. FARRELL, IRVING, & CO., Mans faetnrers of ROLL WRAPPERS. DOUBLE and SINGLE MEDIUM. GAP. and MOWN MIJIILLA. oa hand, or made to order. Highest pries paid for rope in large or small quanti ties. 1636-Rsa WILLIAM WHITALL. No. 1119 PILRER.T Street. COLLSOTOR OP RENTS. GROUND RENTS. dm Also. Agent for Lye°. ming County Mutual Insurance Co. Refers to Tho. H. Powers. William B. Thomas, T. 8. Wood. Algernon 8. Roberts. Withal. Tatum. & Co.. and others ao2.7t* $163,688 89 LATouR OIL.-500 BASKETS LA- Tam OLIVE OIL. received per Ship Elise and ER sale by IaItETCHB & LMIRONII. ha /36 Sole Age_nte 2 pa WA wit Nero o. gztoira Qt. WILL CONTIMTIC TO PAY "1" WEIN DOLL.Aas FOR BYRRY RECRUIT MOSTREKD INTO ARMY GOODS. 418 ARCH bTREET, PHILADELPHIA. SWORDS, =I! GILPIN COUNTY, COLORADO. TRUSTEES 510 101105 STRUT, THE FRESS.-fIIILADELPHIA, WEDNNDAY. APRIL 6, 1864. RETAIL DRY GOODS. G A. C I%r A.! 13RESSEASI ..e1241'121P 11.a'S, 818 and 820 Chestnut Street. a.F4•St NOW OPEN, PARIS-MADE MANTILLAS AND SPRING CLOAKS. Also. GannaMtli of IMP own reeriteletere, OF THE LATABC eTYLSS, and in oßxer VARIETY. 3. W. PROCTOR ap4.461.24 - ono CHESTNCII Street. "AT RETAIL." JAS. IL CAMPBELL 41 CO., 727 CHESTNUT STREET, Invite attention to their stook of STAPLE AND FANCY SILKS AND 30 0 .1=1.Mi11313 Gr11:3)03=110110 9 Of very recent Importation, embracing the most eaten• site and desirable assortments that they have ever offered. COURVOISIREIS KID GLOVES, BLACK, WRITE. AND COLORED. Dicourt,wrN - 4u 000iNs. 14 and 6.4 BAREGE HERNANI. 14 and 64 CRAPE MARETZ. 14 and 6.4 TAMARTINES. /4 and 6 4 DELAINES. BYZANTINES and FLORENTINES. FRENCH and ENGLISEI BOMBAZINES. ALPACAS, in all qualities. MOURNING JACONETS. BLACK SILKS in great variety. All widths and best brands. mh9-Im BOYS' CLOTHING. 119.PPLINIM- ISTlirrilnfill, SUITS MADE TO ORDER S. E. Corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. mhl2-saf 2m B LACK AND WHITE CHECK SILKS ak 6V,lc. White ano Meek Check Silks at $1.1234 White and Black Check Silks, 22 inches wide. Black and White Check Silks, 22 inches wide. r. Green end White Check Silks, 22 inches wide. Whim and Green check Silks. 22 inches wide. White and Brown Check Silks, 22 inches wide. WEI/rale and White Check Silki, 21 Inches wide, at 37.4.4 . . worth 24.6232. White and Blue Check Silks, very heavy. Bich, Heavy Fancy Silks. $2 to *4 50. Fancy Silks at 87Yjc,-$l.. $1.12, +6125• very cheap. Plain Silks, choice colors, $1 Wand *1 80. Do. do. *1 40 and $l. 60. Do. do. *1 62 and $1.75. Do. do. $l. S 7 and $2. 2S-inch Plain Silks. choice colors. $2. $2.60. 02.75,13 21 Heavy White Col ded bilks at *2.62. Heavy Green Corded Silks at *2 62. Heavy. Green Corded Silks at $2 50. Heavy iluir Corded Silks at $2.60 Heavy Brown Corded .4.lks at $2.60. Heavy Brown Corded Silks at $2 62. Heavy Cnir corded Silks at $2 82. Heavy Bine Corded Silks at $2 62 Heavy Purple Corded bilks at $2 62. Heavy Mode Corded Silks at $2 62. Heavy Gray Corded Silks at $2 62 Rxtra Heavy Violet Corded Silks at *3.60. Extra Heavy Mode Corded Silks at ea 60. Heavy Bose- color Ponit de Solt at $2 Flu:trod Silks, Plain and Corded, at $1 37, *1.50, *L 62. Biel Styles Printed Pongee Silks at $1 i 2, $1.37. $L 62. Plaid Spun Silks at 8734:c. worth $1.12 THE BEST BR/6.0D3 OF BLACK SILK& Black bilks at 873 e, 90c. *l. 24-inen Black Gros de Shines at $l.lO. Itt. 15. 26 do. do. SI 25, $1.60. 28 " do do. $l3B. 82 " do. do. 34 " do. do. ;I . a 24 " Heavy Black Taffetas atll 60. 26 " do. do. do. I. 62.14. 28 " do. do. do 1.80. 82 ' do. do. do. 13i2 26 " Heavy Black Ponit de Soit at $1.7.1 26 " do. do. do. $(.90 " do. do. do $2. i 6 " Black Corded Silks at $1.62. Black Corded Silks at $1.75. Heavy Black Gros Grain Silks at $1.25. $1.40. Do do. do. do. $t 50, $1 62 Do. do. do. do. 81.7.5, $1.67, $2. 26-inch do, do. do. do. *2 25. 26 " do. do. do. do. $2 50. 28 " do. do. do. do. 82 76. 28 " d o. do. do, do. *3. 28 do. do. do. do. $3.25. 35 " Extra Bonny Taffetas at $4.75. 40 " Extra Bonny Taffetas at $8 HEAVY OLeCK VELOUTINES. 40 inches wide, at $6.50, worth These silks have all the richness of a handsome velvet. Heavy two4eced Figured Black Silks at $1.25, $1 373z', $1.40. $144. Extra Heavy Figured Black Taffetas at $1.75. Our stock of Silks is one of the. largest and best that can be found in the city, and none of it having been pur chased early in the season we are able to sell at prices FAR BEI,O %V THE PRESENT COST OF IMPORTATION. 5-4 Rich Broken Plaid Poplins at $1.60.. 20 pieces Silk Plaid Spring Poplin.' at 80e. worth $l. HO ALEXANDRA ROBES atsB 60. There are handsomely BRAIDED. and are worth $l3, Mt pieces Shepherd Plaid Poll de Chimeras at 28e. all. wool tilittu t . cost to import smand 42.3ic PLAIN. STRIPED. AND PLAID DRESS GOODS, 01 every variety and quality, at very low prices T ail. receiving new Dress Goods. At NEW 62%N. ADCHOICE STYLES FRENCH CHINTZES to. 760. C NEW STYLES AMERICAN CHINTZES. 25e. 100 PIECES NEW STYLES OF CHINTZES, WARRANT ED FAST COLoRS, at 20c, A Full Line of Domestic Goode, LOW. Cheap Black Alpacas. 31c to $l. 6 • 4 I npin's Black all-wool Delalnes, 8734 e to $1.50 Black Silk Harnannies at gee. usual price $l. Heavy Black Tamartines at 6234 c. We have now open a choice assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER SHAWLS. All-wool Plata fintawls. $4 ko 37 SO. All. wool White Lama Shawls, $3 50 to $7. Mozambique Shawls l!okto $7. Silk and Wool Challis Shawls. $6 to $lO. Gray Grenad ine Shawls, $4lO $lO Black Grenadine Shawls. $4 to $lO ' DEW SPRING CLOAKS. Made of the newest shades of Cloths. $6 to $l6. H. STEEL di: CON. a pl-mwe6t ' Nos.. 713 and 715 North TENTH St. C HEAP DIY GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, and•WINDOW SHADES. V. E AIicHAMBAIILT. Northeast corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, will open on THIS MORNING, from auction. English tapestry, Brussels Carpets, only $1 t 2: Ingrain Carpets. all wool, at 7co. 255, 870 *1. . SLI9. S. and $1 27.. Ingrain Carpets lareol filling. at 50c 56c. and 82c; Entry and Stair Carnets, 25c. tee, 82c, 75c and $1: Rag. Hemp, and Clettage Car pets. 31.57. 60. 60. and 7I1c; Floor 011 Cloths. OD to 87a; Gilt Bordered Window Shades. 75c to $2; White Canton 45c DRY GOODS, HOSIERY. AND IPEIMMINGS. Muslims. 16 to 40 cents; Sheetings, 60 cents to $1.20; Spring De . Raines and. Challie., 91 to 97c; Alpacas, all cohere. 81 to 78c; Black Silks, $1 to $1 . 75; Spr ing Poplins. 87 to 87c; Plain and Fancy Casaimeres. 150 to $2; Clothe for Ladies Spring Cloaks, $2; Chintzes, le to 25c: Table Linens. 75c to $1.50; Towelings 14 to 370; Ladies' and Gent's Cotton Hose, 16 to 50c; Linen Handkerchelfs. 9 to 87c; Coats' Soool Cotton. So; Skirt Braids. 7c; Pins, Oct Hooks and Eves, 813; Cloth Table 106,01.11. 1112 , Palm. Soap. SC! WindserfSeene, 50. Whole sale and iletail Dry Goods, Carpet, and Trimmings Store. Northeast corner ELEVEnTiI and MARKET Streets. . • apt mwf lm BRIGHT PLAIDS. Polls for children, 31 and 38 cis. Drab Wool DeDanes. Ansel quality. 623, ots. Black W 00l Delaines, 51) , andl623r, ots. Doable width Wool Delaines. 84 to IL 31. Fine Drab alpacas, 62. 70. and M. Superfine Black Alpacas. Sic %D.Bl. Si. Trayeling Drees Ruff& Lame stock Black Silks. Some bargains in Dreamt Good& SODFIR CONARD, DA,BI S. E. corner NINTH. and MARIEBT Streets. DESIRABLE GOODS. FROM AUCTION. 26 pieces Rustle. Diaper, $2. 75. 20 pieces Reside Diaper, $3 80. 30 piece. Russia Diaper, wide. $4. 14 Lime H 116613 Diaper. vary wide. 616. Alsoao lots of Table Linens—all prices. Now open. at JOHN H. STONES'. 7016 ARCH Street. 628 H . DIESP,airsE , S L IC E I D RTS CHILDREN'S 628. —The moat complete assortment in the env. every style and aim For Apish, durability. and eheapness, have no equal in the market. Mannfactnred at 62113 ARCH Street. Skirts made to order, altered, and repaired. Also. bargains in Eastern-made Skirts, kid-padded and rivetted, 16 springs. 65 cents; 20 springs. 80 cent.; 25 springs 95 septa; :Al springs, In; 40 springs, 51.20; 40 springs. diamond - tied . 80 .ents. apl-66, Li now recelvinc, and oho for sale balow present market ratesotesny novelties Da LAGB ANp i WHITE (MODS Be would tall special attention" to his assortment of over 20 different new fabrics and styles of White Goodn, suitable for ` 'Ladies Bodies and Dresses , " in stripes, plaids, and figured, puffed and tucked Muslin. 100 piece. of figured and plain Buff and White Pianos. bought before tits saint ad- New Invokes of Cialimre and Thread Lamle. Thread and Grenadine Vella, Edging', Insert- Inga, Illormotnaa Sot. Broad Hem-Stitched HANDKERCHIEFS. all linen. aood atialitr. from 28 cents up. BEST BLACK SILKS IMPORTED. Wide and heavy Black Corded Silks. Magnificent Moire Antiques, all colors. Splendid quality Corded Silks, all eolore. Lich Chnrea Scrips and Plata Silks. Magnificent Oranadinea and. Organdies. pow Boles Spring Shawls. New style C 1147 fqr isalee cloaks. EDWIN & A 0 death ALIOCITD *Net. A ENV MATEECAL FOR 7- 4 WIDE, JUST OPENED THOS. W. EVA , NS & 00., NOW READY. JACKETS, PANTS, &c. COOPER ea CONARD, 1024 ORISTNLIT STRIJIT. SPRING TRADR. E M. NEEDLES Uk , L . a . q RETAIL Dtmr GOODS. NEW MOURNING STORE. OPENING OP SPRING STYLES MOURNING MILLINERY, 920 CHESTNUT STREET. THURST AY, APRIL 7 M. & A. MYERS & CO LADIES FREPA.RING ARTICLES FOR THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR Can procure the following at a liberal reduction on regular retail pricer: Zephyrs Wetland Wool. Gilt Braid, Si‘k Brabreddering Braid, Worked Embroidering Eloee Thread, Puree Twist, GERMA.NTOWN WOOL. This article is as rich in colors. nearly as tine in tex ture, and as well adapted for many kinds of fancy work as the German Zephyr, and is at least ONE DOLLAR Per pound cheaper. Also.. WOOLEN AND OASHNI - ERE YARNS, • Of the finest grades. suited for Ladles'. Gelds'. arid In fasts' wear sad various Fancy' Articles. ALSO, A full assortment of the foLlowing at regular rata prices• Bugle Gimps, Gimcnir Laces k Beltings. Freckings, Gloves. Corsets. Tome linss. Drillings, Dress Linings, BLACK ALPACAS. Banging from fifty cents to one dollar and a quarter Per yard, of a good quality. and at least ten cents per yard cheaper than usual prices. Ladies will do well by examinicg them, and also our Black De'allies, before Purchasing elsewhere. Mr- Particular attention is Invited to our stock of SUN UMBRELLAS, of which we have a large assortment at reasonable prices. Orders carefully and promptly attended to. Persons ordering from the country will please name their express or nearest stage route. JOHN AT. FINN, S. E. corner SEVENTH and ARCH Streets, Rai - Cut this out for reference. NEW STORE!!! B. B. Cor. NINTH AND AIME STREETS. J. COWPERTHWAIT 42i) We wo inte t CienCierl or old Colston/era and the public generally to ouretock of FANCY Asa) sTAeLE DAT GOODS, Which we will sell at VERY LOW PRICES: We have now on hand one of the argeet and most complete stocks of FANCY DRESS GOODS Byer offered at retail in this city, embrasing all the new styles and shades of FOULARDS. FIDE ILK GRENADINES, ALPACAS. ALL WOOD-DE LAMM PLAIDS MOZAMBIQUES, MORAIRS. GRENADINE BAREGES, POPLINS. ORGANDIES, JAt:ONETS, STRIPED AND PLAID LENDS, sm. A large and well-selected stock of . BLACK AND INDIA- SILKS, Which will be Bold low. 1 lot double-.width Mozambique, 600 yards, at .37X4. 1 lot Brocade Poplins. 400 yarde, at 31c. Ithopherds' Plaids from 373‘c. Fine °Mallen ai Sic. SHAWLS! In great varlet) —all toe new fabrics and designs for Spring and Summer wear, ranging in price from El 00 to *SO, Thome in want of bargains in this line should give no a call. LADIES' CLOAKINGS. all shades. CLOTHS and CASSIMERES, for Hens' and Boy's wear, from $1 np HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. An. immense vanety conaleting of Table Linens, Coun terpanes. Napkins, Doylies, Towels, Toilet Covers, Russia Crash, Stair Crash, sc.,&a We would also cell the attntion of buyers to -our stock of Mriblins, Shootings, Flannels, Calicoes. French Chintzes. Figured Brahmans. Wool Table Covers, Co lored-Damask Table Cloths, in 6-4. 7.9, and 6.-4 sizes, VERY CHEAP! Our line of WHITE GOODS is now complnte, comprising tanning Linens, White Brillianteo, Cambric Mullins Victoria Lawns, Naln• Books.S. lea MIIPHDP. Plaid ille• &c dic, a COWPERTHWAIT (111 CO., R. S. CORNER NINTH. LIND d.ROR S 11'1,6 wfm-t! PHILADELPHIA. E. & L. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARC 11, HAVE THE FOLLOWLEG DEPARTMENTS WELL STOCKED FOR THE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SPRING TRADE 1864: SILK DEPARTMENT. SHAWL DEPARTMENT. DRESS-GOODS DEPARTMENT. WHITE-GOODS DEPARTMENT. POINT LACE DEPARTMENT. MOITRNING DEPARTMENT. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. MEN'S-WEAR DEPARTMENT. HOUSEKEEPING STAPLE GOODS. mhl6-wfm Na I, V . ORNER EIGHTH AND .i J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO, (FI)2III.ERLY COWPERTHWAIT di CO.). HAVE NOW OPEN, A Ana assortment of Black Silke. Small Plaid India Silks. Plain. Striped. and Plaid Popline. SuParlor Black and.Oolored Alpacas. Pink, Bine, and Bn Brilliant', Pink. Bine, and Bnff Percales, Striped and Figured French Chintzes &RAWLS. SHAWLS. SHAWLS. 100 Lama Wool Swamlt. from 52.60 to SI 100 Mozambique " $2 to.s7. 100 Silk Check " $4 to MX 100 Black Stella. " $2.50 to $2O we still have an immense stock of coTrox AND LINEN MIDETINGB AND. SHIRTINGS. 600 dozen Towels and Napkins. A full Hue of Bassesip Table Linens. The celebrated Power and Baud- Loma Takdo Linens. Etnekabaelc,Birdam and Diana. Lancaster, Manchester, and HoneY- Comb Pink, BD:mould White Maneiliee CenntWpAnee eXid Cloths. Casatnieres. and Cloakings. A fall assortment of Sackings. A full assortment of Cloths and Caeslmerea. A full assortment of Boys' wear. At Wholesale and Retail N. W. Corner Eighth and Market Streets. • mhT6mwf tirl HSTEEL & SON HAVE NOW OPEN - • a shotee aseortplent of 11,W SILKS. Noire Antiques. 17 to $5 Plain Corded Silky, $1.02% to 1113.150. pigared Corded Silks. $1.8234. lain Poll de Solna. a 125 to 23.25. Panospeilks. 750. to 85. Black Gros Grain Silks. $1.26 to 23.24. Figured Black Silks. SL2S to 82. Plain Black gilke S73Lc, to SO. Plaid India Silk*, El73Se. Light. ground Rich-figured Poniards. 71,25 to 31.62 2120-tf Dos. 713 and 715 A.- PBBPB Street. MILLINERY. F. MARTINDALE WILL OPEN •••••-•-• on THURSDAY. April 7: a handsome assortment nt gprir Itlld Summer MILLIN E RY. No. 10 North EIGHTH Street. spB-20 MILLINERY. MISS B. M MULLIN, No. 9291 CHESTNUT STREET. Will open on - THTIRsDAT, APRIL Ith, A bandsome assortment of Fashionable !FIRING MILLINERY. Including some ewes of spll.2t. FRENCH BONNETS AND HATS. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, AND WIN DOW SHADES -New stook of English Olowte Inst received. and 'for sale Vilely, et Wg. ORSA.O OILS% o. 4111 /ROI& 51001ip belpw Mat NM, zahle-ivr Etabrollering Canvas. Zephyr Pattern". Crochet Cottoa. 81 , 1, Cords, T , dy Cotton, Machine silk. Crochet Needles. Fun Umbrellas, Travelling Bags, Pocket Books, Hair Brushes, Combs, Perfumery. Matting Bindings Scissors, BalmoraLs. Philadelphia. ap2•sw2t IN YOUR OWN HOME COMPANY, S. E. corner Fourth and Walnut Streets. Insurers in this Company have the additional gua rantee of CAPITAL STOCK all paid up IN OANEL which, to gether with CASH ASSETS, now on bawl, amount to OVER INCOME FOR THE YEAR 1963 OVER LOSSES PAID DURING THE YEAR AMOUNTING TO OVER DIVIDENDS MAW, ANNUALLY, thus aiding the In sured to pay Prembdbm. The last DIVIDEND on all Mutual Policlee in force December 31,1663, was Of the amount of PREMIUMS received during the year. Its TRUSTEES are well-known citizens in our midst, entitling it to more coneideration than them whose managers reside in distant cities. HAVE Is OU PRQVIDED FOR YOUR FAMILY AN INSURANCE ON YOUR LIFE? 1,/FE INSURANCE COMPANY, G. C. RIPLEY. SEC PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE,. CORNER FOURTH AND LIBRARY STREETS HOLLINSHFAD & GRA.VES, INSURANCE AGENCY No. MN WALNUT SPERM'. PHILADELPHIA. The following well-known and responsible Insurance Companies are now prepared to labile policies at their A gen cy. No. 312 Walnut street, Philadelphia. on Build ings. Merchandise, Furnitnre. Vessels in port and their cargoes,- ■nd other property, agsinet lose or damage by Err, on favorable terms: Howard Insurance Company. of New York (1825). Samuel T. Skidmore. president; Henry A. Oakley, secre tary. Irving Fire Insurance Company, of New York (1852). Mason Thompson. president: Martin L. Croweal. seers. tart'. Adriatic Fire Insurance Company of New York (1252). William A. Caver, president; Frank W. Lewis. secre tary. Commercial Fire Insurance Company, of New York (1550). Joseph Petit, president; N. V. B. Fowler. se cretary. Mercantile Fire Insurance Company of New York (1832). William. A. Thompson, president; John Baker, secretary. Albany City ilre Insurance Company, et ...ilbany. N. Y. (WO). William Tillinghast, president; John H. Rice, secretary. STATEMENT OP AFFAIRS OF THE ADRIATIC FIRE INSCRAtiIIE COMPANY OF NEW yomg. Auency, 3171 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia.. JANUARY 1, not Cash capital. increased January. 1804, from 3100,000 to 4600.000 DO Surplus 97,712 40 Bonds and Mortgages, first liens on Real Es- United' States Bonds, 6.20. and Certificates of 4194,033 74 Indebtedness 150.173 03 Cash Loans, secured by stooks ----- 8 097 to Cash in Bank and on hand 81,400 95 Premium unpaid and interest accrued . . 9.187 81 Liabilities Dividends dmaared i t oL detl ivolEAD k ()Rives. apl-fmwek h o 31X1 WALNUT Street , . Philads. VIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. m. —The PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE CON' PANT. Incorporated 1826. CHANTER PERPETUAL. No. 510 WALNUTStreet. opposite Independence &mare. This Company. favorably known to the comannitY for nearly forty years, continues to ineureV n t Lose or Damage by Fire on Milo or Private Bail . either permanently or for a limited thue Also. on item. Stocks or Goode, or iffershandine generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital. together with a large Sciciplite Tlind• invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted smutty in Miriam *floss. DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson. J D o ani t : ovee 1 ernx. Smith. Jr.. Alexander Benson, Fall Hall ehurit. Thom" Smith,__._ Thomas Robin*. Henry Lewc.. J Gillingham Tell. JONATHAN PATTERSON, President. WILLIAM G. CROWELL. se oratory. FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, 1: No. SOH CH1031717T STMT. PHILADELPHIA. PIRS AND 'ELAND IMEIVRANOI. DIIIIIOTORS. John W. Beeman. Robert B. Potter, John Kessler. Jr.. . E. D Woodruff. Charles Stokes. Joseph D 1111114 MEL pr.da, jui : !A11101304 Vltt !MC* °Hes. ill W. I. 3s.soirogAßDlikta MEDICAL. LYON'S KATHAIRON; Rathairon le from the Greek word "Hathro." or " Int.• thairo." signifying to Cleanee, rejuvenate. and restore. Thin article le what Its name signifies. For preserving, restoring and beautifying the ADMAN. HAIN it is the most remarkable preparation in the world. It t. again owned and pat up by the original proprietor, and in now wade with the same care, skill. and attention which gave it a sale of over one nriliion bottles per annum. It is a moat delightful Hair Dressing. It eradicates sane' and dandrof. It keeps the bead cool and clean It makes the Marna; soft, and glossy. It prevents the hair from falling off and turning gray. It restores hair upon bald head's Any lady or nentlemon who value') a bundled h&c& of hair should use LYON'S RATRAMON It in known ace used throughout the civilized world. Bold by all respectable dealers DEMAS 8. BARNES & CO.- Ifew York HAGAN'S ILIGNOLIK BALM, Thin is the most delightful and extraordinary article ever discovered. It changes the sun. burnt face and bands to a pearly satin texture of ravishing beauty. im parting the marble purity of youth and the (figtingue appearance so inviting in the city belle of fashion. It re moves tan. freckles, pimples. and roughness from the skin, leaving the complexion fresh. transparent, and smooth. It contains no material ininrions to the skin. Patronized by actr.eees and opera etagere. It is what every lady amid have. Sold everywhere, Prepared by W. B. HAGAN. Troy. N. Y. Address all orders to DEMAS S. BARNES & 00., New York HEIMBTIIEET'S INIMITABLE HAIR HERB BATIVE.-NOT A BEE, But restores gray hair to its original color, by supplying the capillary tubes with natural sustenance, impaired by age or disease. All foolariterneotis dyes are composed of lunar cattatic, destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford of themselves no dressing Heim street's Inimitable Coloring not only , restores hair to its natural color by an easy process. but gives the hair LUXURIANT BEAUTY.* promotes its growth, prevents its falling off, eradicate* dandruff, and Imparts health and ideneantnele to the head. It has stood the teat of time. being the original Hair Coloring, and Is constantly increasing in favor. used by both gentlemen and ladles. It is sold by all re spectable dealers, or can be procured by them of the commercial agents, D. S. BARNES & CO.. 202 BROAD. WAY, New York. Two slats, 60 cents and 81. MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. The parties in St. Louis and Cincinnati, who have been counterfeiting the Mustang Liniment, under pretence of proprietorship, have been thoroughly estopped by the courts. To guard against further imposition, I have pro cured from the United States Treasury a private steel plate revenue stamp, which is placed over the top of each bottle Each stamp bears the/ac simile of my sig nature, and without which the article is a counterfeit. dangerous, and worthless imitation. Examine every bottle. Tkis Liniment has been in use and growing In favor for many years. There hardly exists a hamlet on the habitable globe that does not contain evidence of its wonderful effects. It is the beat emollient in the world. With its present improved ingredients, its effects upon man and beast are perfectly remarkable. Sores are healed, pains relieved, lives saved, valuable animals made useful, and untold ills assuaged. For bruises, sprains, rheumatism. swellings. bites, cute, caked breasts, strained horses. &c.. it is a sovereign remedy that should never be dispensed with. It should be in every family. Said by all druggists. fe22•mwfdmdreowem D. S. BARNES. New York. INSURANCE. INSURE YOUR LIFE OF PHILADELPHIA, 6250,000 e 600,000 6200,000. X62;OOO. FIFTY PER CENT Alexander Whi J. _Edgar Thomson. George litigant. Eon. James Pollock. Albert C. Roberta, P. B. Mingle. Samuel Work, ALEX. WHILLDIN, President. SAMUEL WORK, Vice President. JOHN S. WILSON, Sec. and Tress ar4.l2t. HOME STOCK AND MUTUAL, ON A PLAN WFrICH GIVES THE GREATEST pßzwrioAL ADVANTAGES TO THE ASSURED. WALTER S. GRIFFITH. PRESIDENT I. IL YBOTHINGHAII, THEM WILLIAM J. COFFIN. ACTUARY ESLER, AGENT. .v9-mweau Pseuds N. Buck. ohesieshardiest. Henry Lewbs. 0.. W. Davis, P. E Justice. 011046 A. West. FRANCIS W William J. Howard. Bamnel T. Bodine. John Aikman - CnsrlesF Heazlitt, Hon. Joseph Allison, Isaac Elazlehnret. S TEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS FOR BALE.-1 rear of low-Pressure. doable acting vertical beam MIMES. with SO inch cylinders, and 7 feet stroke. having .a 20. feet-gear Ily wheel, with 181 cogs. Length of cog 18 inches. and 4-inch pitch. Also. ajeck-gear of 62 teeth. These Smarms are rated at. Ot hers, power, and ware built by Cornet, in flightinaele. of Prey!deuce, and are exceedingly smooth working and aulnetantlal machines. The two cylinders can be operated as one machine, or separately. They would be sold singly or together. 6 ReturmFlne BOILBRIL 22 feet long. with 75 inch shells. Bach Boiler has 20 finer. 6 and 10 inches In di ameter. The boilers are made of Nrinsth Iron. are in mood order, and-will be sold whh or without fronts, PlYes, yalyea The above aredo•be sold for no faults; Engines of dotb ble the power being required for our prseent work. They are now.rtanding, In good working order, and can be examined at any time, upon application at the BAIIMRBAO MILLS, Salem. Bless. mhti•wstf JOllll KILBURN, Agent. FINE LIKENESSES.-WHO WOULD not Invest $1 in such pictures as 11E1MIR'S colored Photograrbs, at that very moderate charge for the gnat ity ? Go to SECOND Street, above Green. 11* 'PLOUGHS, HARROWS. CULT!. VATOBS. Hay. Straw, and Fodder annum Gorn Shaltere. Corn Mille. Garden and Field Roller!. Seed Drills. Broad-east Seed NOWEITM. Churns. Batter Workers, Spades, Shovels. Hoes, Rakes. A aricaltural and Horti cultural Implements i D g V a DL re t DR STo s&leOy SOS, Seed and Imaiement WArebonse. Nos. 91 and 28 South Street. ft FINE MIXED LAWN GM 48g SEED, suitable for Isamu, allow plats. awl tama ble*. For Dale by DAVID LANDENTH Rs SON, its Dios. SI and 5/13 South SIXTH Street. CONNECTICUT TOB &COO SEED, ... 16 0 extra fine Quante% ?or eale.bY DAVID. LANDRETH & /3011. It* Noe. %land 23 South SlX:TH.Street. VERATON & DEN(ik.LA, _HARDWARE " Commiasion Harem/to. 507 COMBIZSCIE and 510 NORTH Streets. offer for tale: Anchor Brand Mb; Plymouth Mill Ravel& W. & B. Entenera Cast Steel; Bale Cabinet Loelce. Putnam's Horse BM.; Locke's &hoot MMus. Copper Brass. anie , lron Wire; Cotton Cards. Also, a full assortment of American Hardware. falt.Bmif $327,712 40 GOLD'S IMPROVED STEAM AND WATSIL-BEATINM APPLE/ MIS Per Ve.Lll..tizg Petals BAIidiSSA Ina Private liesidances. Manufaehina by the IJ.AION MASI AND WATEIPAYING COMPANY OF PHILADELPIA JAMES P. WOOD. 41 South FGEFETEL Stoma. inhis-tar-39 m M. FP.I.TONELL. SlaparhatendenA . . BUILDING HARDWARE. STRAP BINGES. I T RINGS% KRTBs L HINGES. I SKOV rail,. STRAP& sad alt kinds or wrob.t Hinges IsTee ore or SHUTTER BOLTS, I Min - BOLT and. many articles of Building and Carriage ardwars. manufactured on hand at JACKSON IRON WORKS. mhTI-3m Ofilse No. 236 OH - BROM ABU'. ilannfastnralaet Warranted BRAM and HAY fifiaLla. UPHOLSTERING. H B BLANCH/kith dr. CO. Northeast earner THIUTBSSIVII and cassnitrests. Carpets and Matting made and said. Bedding, Hair ?ointment, &o. tahBO-Sat Verandah Awninsa NMCORRECT PIANO TIINTNG —Mr. 0 E. SARGENT'S Order Trivia; and Repairing_ Pianos ate received at d A tjoir k 00,1 . Store. 9 , F,1t O.II.ESTJEUP Street. *nig. Er. B. bail had eleven years' factory szperieno, s o , Lou and IVOyears' employment 'at ghliadeiplata SiECIAT, —Maws ratecitturld is mud as soft !Si sweet.tosed as new. without.rm.gyv.Nff. Toros far T an a na . 410. orta-Sim" WANTS. CA 1.% VABsEIh S WANTED.—NOW r ( P&Y. s. larks uortr , l,` of PELBSIDWIT LTNOOLN. Ago - mt. ,sorded fur 'at- of Ph iladelphta. end COUCIII6B Or Pi . r.....yivEtnin. tiARTA6III. rubMettffr. 1 • 12.14 N•4OM Stmt. Phllada. CARPET iiALESM.E.N. WANT 6T, in a Wholeeale Carpet Home. in New York, one or two experienced and competent Eialotmen. Thnee'having an acquaintance with bnyere prMect ed. and v 7,11 be ;the• rally iteattd with For partictOrtre toply to JetliSS A. "13.T.r lOTT & CO. Nu 4,32 M RKZIP Phila sa-fito TENOR AN i) II 4 89.-F MEI L ithS Artiets desire Situetione in a quartette c: , air or surges ~rxbclass Etdecoval Church They are well acquainteek with the Iplecopal eervlces, and can give ti rat, cl ins re feinnev s. Address •• Tenor and Bate," !WS , Bs tV , VISY Street. ap6-3tv WANTED -A MAN TO TAKE • • cbarge of Two Hone* at Ok.etrint Hill. N.lne nePd exCeot well recommended. Addraes Box DM Poet Office, ap4.Be, Wi• ICTED-AS FOItEMAN IN A CAR lry Fa , ct.s.ry. one Machini, t, with soma experience in Dreftivg; One Mlackdftith, and one Meitner. None will Fe eccepied without eanenctory retereome RA to ortathi cations. Especially most they be relice)le Union men Applc personllly, at 945 Ridge avenue bettv'een 10 cll.: 11 A. M ,on WHEW Er , DellS. the 6th and 13th. or br ieler until the 13th. addre>ved as above, "Union. two or th re& good Moulders apB-4i* WAN TED-TO RVNT BY THE tint of Ananat, a largo HOUSE. with modern eormcnietees sitnatirbetwean Chestnut and SPrriss'gfe,a and east of •isieenth tst. Address teamed( stely. Ss Vuo P O. apl3-2V WANTED --A. SOnER, INDUSTRI ous MAN, betake clam of a Taihrink &tabßah. meat. De mutt a good Cutter. and practical bug. , net. MELD, One who can come well recommended cam have a good aituation by calling immediately • E 0 1 1ESS, pl.6t* QUAKERTOWN, Ducks county. Pa. WANTED—TO RENT OR.. PIETA cHA*E, by 15th dtin2 next a large HOMEIL with modern con - cm - lances, at a central I..cattnn. Atidrcas, stating locality and terms, Box 2075 Phil P 0: anitnew3t* da WANTED TO RKNT-A SMALL urx ROUSH., or two or three Rooms, either tarnished or ruarornithed. near Camp William Pena, ()icy (slue. or Old YOlkitead &att.' real/61 , 1 vdnia fiallrOad, Addreene No. 1313 S. TENTH Street. Pinta, aps at. in WANTED-A COTTON FA.O - TORY. in complete runningorder. containing from 60 00 to 10,(00 spindles with the necessary Monte. Re In replying to thir advertisement. state the quantby and kind of machinery. with detailed - description thereof when are hs , wham built; ales, whether the machinery ift now >nrziog. end eel:water by water or K 133,131 Jaen r; el= o. a description of the factory buildings, the quantity of ground attached thereto, and whether either will be sold arately • and price of sac h. This being a Lona fide advertisement, pamtlee wishing to &ell will give fill particulars, 1.1 ght F IR.I ALFRED ,TEICS dr SON; It No. Ori 'North FLONT .Ptilhlelobian 8000 -WAN TE D • A PA aTN ER 5 9 •wi th the above capitol, to extend a cafe and pr. , fitahle Manufacturing Business. Adc reas Part net, " Press office mlis St* rs 5 A biONTH I —l W.a.NT TO HIEZ. - v • •-• AGENTS in every Coney, at 1176 A month, en- Pantos paid. to cell my new cheap Family Sewing . Ita elfin pa. Address S. HADTS(IN. Alfred. Ale rfel2 41 FOR SALE AND TO LET. TO LET.--1111( SKCOND, UHIRD, - 4 .- and fourth Boom at 235 MARKET Street, through to ( - taunt. alley . m 029 if FOl 4 . SALE, PRICE SSMOO-MO s= dern tbree.tory DWELLING. wt.h elde yard, 36 feet trout. MAI-Late No. 132 , 3 JEFF eRSON Street ap6•wi6t' RJ• DOB BINSOLOS South FOURPTE St el FOR SALE OR TO RENT--A JimiL small COTTAGE on SUMMIT Street. CHESTbUT HILL, with gee. bath, and water. Apply at No 209 houtb FOURTH Street. ap6-6t• C GERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOR M Thomas & son. on TOEsDAT. April 12 —A larae and convenient HOUSE. on 10 EU VIII LANE, In the county), yet near to railroad station. marbets. stores, churches, Ac. It has beater, hot and. cold' hydrant water, and a well of excellent water, gas, and long porches Lawns on three sides, well shaded with fine old trees. A good stone stable and large bitchell prden, The pro perly will be shown by the tenant. Terms easy. IS &LC PU 7H, apEatitit* No. 407 WALNUT Street, 3d story. e t TWO LARGE NEW TFTREE STORY MANSIONS% one with four and the other twelve acres f ground, all in complete order; gla one of eight ROOMS—Darby. Apply to E. MIDDLETO Darby. 11p5 St* fa PUBLIC SALE-OF A - HAaDSOME.COUNTRY R2RIDENCR, On THURSD CY, And/ 2Sth, 1,564, at 2 o'c,ock, On the promises, situate in JED%INTO Wlt, oN THE OLD YORK 1104 D, half a mile from railro,,d station, nine miles from the city", coots ming about 2,34 ACRES OF LAND. The improvements are a two story Cottage, built or brick, roughcast. twelve rooms, with one.story•bact kitel,en, finished and papered throughout; furnace in cellar, range it kitchen. frame stable. and other out buildings; .lin) wells with pumps, soft water; ft spring on rear of lot ; large garden. frait of all kinds; beautifai shade trees, • hrubbery &c Poeeeratoe inmediatay Conditions on day of sale. ar b-we7r` TH0111 , 13 P. MANY PENNY. 81 SECURED MORT ,300. — GAGE E , L of l t - hiq amount for sale by J. R. WHEELER. 113 South FIFTH Street. aps.2t. BOARDING. BOARD WAY] ED.- A (:;. E NTLEIVIAN and Me wife want Board,beginning May 1, in a em all Private fatally. where there are no other boarders. Loci: tion between Twelfth and Eighteenth streem and Spruce and Race greets. One or two pleasant rooms I , quired, Reference exch apnea Address 'ld 0.," Preee office. 6-11 t. LOST AND -FOUND. I OPT-A CERTIFIOA`i E OF 5-PER - 4 CENT. LOAN OF STATE OF FEEESTLYANIA, for 5616.1:15_, dated Marsh 12. IMO. No. 3M. in name of WILLIAM MEREDITH. Also. a Certificate of 5-per sent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, tor the sum of NM dated June 30, 1/246, 80. 1402. in the name of ELI X PRICE, administrator of William Meredith in (met. A.p. nitration has been made to the Auditor General for a re newal of said Certificates felfl-Sm ELI K. PRICE. No. SU ARCH Street. LEGAL. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF IN CHESTER COUNTY. RULE UPON HEIRS CHESTER COUNTY So.: A Rola is granted by 111111. Court npoa IROBERT ALISON, of Frederic County. Mary land k. : GEOkGR ALISON, of Bunks County, Pa.: JOSEPH EARESLL, and RACHEL. his wife, of Philadelphia, and upon all the noire and legal representatives. and all persons interested in the Estate of RUDEtLT ALIstoN. late of flacillan towa.hip, said county. deceased, requiring them to he, and appear, at an Orphan S' Collit to hr held at WEST on MONDAY, the 15th day of April next, then and there to ace. pt or refuse said Relate at the valuation thereof, or to show CRUSE why the same should not be sold accord ing to law. By the Court. THOMAS H. WINDLE, Clerk. EBES WESLH. Sherif!. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, WEST CHESTER. April 2, A. D., 1364. erg wit NOTICF.-14.STATE NAN C Y 't SIMMONS, late of- West Nottingham township, Chester connty, deceased. To JOHN A. SIMMONS. 'who volunteered in the service of the United States, and has not bean heard from since the first day of May. A. D.. 1883. end is believed to be dead, a scn of sato decedent ; MAMA SIMMONS. widow of JAMES T. SIMMONS. who died in Ohio about five years ago ; and to MANY J. and ANNA V. daughters of the said JAMES T. and ELIZA. which said widow and two daughters have since removrd. as the petitioner has been informed, to toe State of Virginia. and whore reeddtnces are therefore unknown to bine. which said JAMES T SIMMONS was a son of said de cedent 'the said parties being, with others. heirs and legal representatives of the acid NANCY SIMMONS. de- ceased. and to all others interested in the estate of said decedent, 1,3 NOTICE. That an Inquest will be held and taken on WEDNES DAY, the kOth day of April, - A. D. 1864. at 11 o'cl•iek A. M. , at the premises late of said NANCY SIMMONS. dee-lies& situate in the township of Weat Nottingham. Cheeter county. being a metsnage end tenet of land bounded by Lands cf Sarah Mullen, Josiah P. Lee and others. cantaining THIRTY ACRES ClO A ) more or loss with the appurtegalleFFl, for the purposes of making par- Nylon of the said Real Este e to and among the heir, and legal representatives (Weald decedent, if the same can be done without prejudice to or spoiling the whole, other wire to valve and appraise the earns according to law. at which timeand place you are hereby notified to attend if yon think proper. BEES WELSH. Sheriff. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, WEPT CHESTER, Pa April 2, 1861. ape lea CABINET FURNITURE. C ABINET FURNITURE AND BIL LIARD TABUS. MOORE & C %BRION, Ito. 261 SOUTH SECOND SPREET, in connection with their extensive Cabinet business. are now manufacturing a smonlor article of BILLIARD TABLES, and bays now on hand a lull supply. foisted with the MOONS & CAMPION'S IMPROVEtt OCT3HIO/S, wb ch are pronounced-by all who save used them to be superior to all others For the quality and Won of these Tables. the manufacturers refer to their numerene patrons throughout the Union. who are familiar with the character of their work. sob tlat ~l = ~v ~+ MISS Ebtll4" - SHAW'S READING AID OP Ills asasir CENTRAL FMB, AT THIS 11131110.1. X. PI7ND BALL, On PEIDAY EVINIBICP. April Bill. ea 8 o'clocEr. C °ERZ sPoli DIM CZ. - • PEILKDkLPITIA:. AVM 2 IBM lidrsa Essiq &BAY?: Having near.% bow Melly plow •• Readinplo ' have been appreciated in blew Banked an& elsewhere, we bon leave to edit t yanr kind office.. in' aid of the Funds of the rrlyate and Public dehool Doldert went of the Great Central Fair. We will be much gran• fled if you 1011 favor the project by naming an early con venient day, when we may have the plea., to aa nonnce that pat[ will give oar citizens the _privilege of nearing ycnr Sesitationa Witneentimento of rennin. we 2.1& . , V•73' remelt fully. I,onr obedloat mordants lids:rind %bloom. . Win. H. Furness; C. J. 8t.1114i, - . ; Theo Cnyler. ..I T Tbonispi, ' Constant , inil Ion; 'Wm. V. Judson, I Sam. J. Reeves. (Ivo. hy, kin, Jr.. Rd warol Hopper . 'Ounce„ i . Tue R Townisend. LA VlEttlitt HOUFE. April 4: 1861 Thr4it".s.. RA. To 8 4 i 74 n no (Mat 168 <7 . iSti tie* and .10 8. F. 1:11 . 7.FGE- nekAowledge. with plevuite, the incl.- tatle pc, luny .xtroded top eb7 source, Tee and other. genth,Meticr Philati-1:11,14., to >4l,i, a r,barding in aid of the School Department of the Orem: Cowrat Fair 1 amain, yra"l Frm nto , .;haVyty te hale thiq gtpte)1111111tY to CO, in 7 wife Into the arae,oh,, Pori rour Fair will dorthtleoir conlithate to tho ,oaettary Clath end will set apart Friday krentng, Avrn SCh ter tbo w . epo.ted read. You,s el acetely. TEST hi63IALS Shr4Nr4 Sego the guinea of high epocninme, , te boperoei, , a by the futiowtror TEetl mopiaie from tbaee moat quelifiel to.imige . FROM DR. Obi tii; 31901E2. BOATS-N. - • Min navy Lax much grace and itignitY, a 7017 SWDOL, 37 ) voice. a he enunclatbdi. and, to t; an ahnOStfamilVe6o 1 , 76912110.44101. round no Hata to crlucuse c „ .ar feared , / 71139 t Ae 4frADDling in LhD trietecte fan tt. FROM REV• .7176; WilB6. *VATPFS.TOWN Mire thaw p.,to weer , pvier enough L'tr imitiving the Popaler biatillereliooF Of eoma racoons heatieri. bat too• =lento:olft and timplioitvtrrigive it that direction. Bhe . isi with the denim to re.mion oat:oral in tone. eta-ture, and expreatdou, v. Elle she Pr.33BTVAA every dye petit; of tentier eleumninf ir A author There h. lack 01 ewers' and par>ion whizh nbair.peare 0: Brownie/ rrquiree; het the & of tt zruarra ie delicately shaded, one the true glare of woman cornea the whole. Nine. haw sat teen kiecily permitted to refer to the • following 00n;lenneo . . Bon. Ei•IMOZi P Chase. Seerpttry . ot the Trea.nrr. Bon; WID.a Backiogbam, G Der of Con p oc ti ga t . , b.. Pre...a0.0. r-4,vro R P. 11.nnx Pxorwm or of - 17....tb Brown University. kttphes. S. Decatur. U. S. M. 31,0. S' Dwight, Erthor of Jonrnr.h idn3lo. Boston. Chas: EBouton. Rol. N. Et, zlivrood B r oar, Concord;•Xass. READING, PRO,: It A ...IHNE Oa Ptak IntY•••• Ceerite MeeLree Death of Joe :Ritelf Botisf) Woel ded ............ Sere Weller'.7el,:mt Tbe . Vagabwida I ady , Jars .Tonotban to Johll. The - Second Lou%iasa. More !grading to corm sice S o'clock. Tickets 60cents , with reserved seats. LC , )n had at GIOULD'B, SEVIINVII and ti Haersur ace. EAST' LYNNE MRS WOOD. the Authoress of this most popular Nuvel, has dramatized it e chilly for MISS - LAURA KEENE.' who has received it from England by the "City of Lon don." TIRE EARL'S DAUGHTER OF EAST LYNNII, A PLA7 Ia 5 ACTS the first Dramatic Work of WOOD, will be proOnced by MISS' 'LAURA KEENE FRIDAY NIGHT, APRIL Bth, FOR HER BENEFIT At the WALNIIT•STREDT THEATRE ap41411 CONCEII.T HAIAL. J. W. WILLER SIMMONS! SIMMONS!' SIMMONSI THE GREAT ILLUSIONIST BASILIC , OTH /rai ADMATITEGIET: mAREIso AEI) pLATsEurND THE IMAIBivnE A111)1bNOSS CHARMED, MYSTIFIED, SENfi,T ORIZED. AND THRILLED BF THE JI.ICITOCRAT OF THE . REALE6 OF NADI°. Whose WONDKR.FUL PEIVOILMANCEB Enrnaaft beli.f. and "MAKE ONE'S ETES TRE; . PsoL 0' THE OTHER SENSES " THE SPIRi.TITALISTS SORSLY PS iiPLBXIID By tbe astounding expoBe of their frauds as given by THE t.REAT 6111 MONS. In bis grant) lour of THE BLOOD RED WRITING ON TRH' RK ILLUSORY MIRACLES W 111136 contintwd - EVENT EVENING THIS WEEK. New Tricks every night. in addition to the most barna tifal and mysterious of the feats performed by THE SORCERERS OF - 0111 NA AND JAPAN,, Including_ THE GREAT JAPANESE PAPILLIONACEOUS MYS TERY: Om THE FLIGHT 00 PHs BUTTERFLY. The most pleasing, graceful, and beautiful feat ever witnessed. aid LE SABOT JAPANESE; TOP-SPINNING ON A SINGLE THREAD, AND • THE CALIGRAPHY CF THE DEAD. For further particulars see pampb lets. Ad arise ion 150 aente Children under ten Tears 25 GS Doors open at 7: SeanSe at R o'cicelt ' °RAND MAT.NEE ON SATURDAY. ap6-4t MRS. HENRY WOOD, . er67t ELWP LYNNE. .ivpis. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCM STREET THEATRE. REAPPEARANCE OF MRS. JOHN DREW. ROSEDALE, Olt • THE RIFLE BALL. This great play, by Lester WaNacE. Esq , will duced. for the first time in Philadelphia, en nfla day) EVENING April 4lth 1864, Ana played EVERY EVENING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. WITH EVERY SCENE NEW, Charlet; J. Hawthorne and R B. Smith Macb Limy by Jahn Fame, New and appropriate Musts by Chae N. God worth. Military Costumee bY Wannemaker Brawn. - Properties and Appointments by George Harris. New Chan , eller by Cornelius At Baker. Hphalstery by. B F. Etßlllgan. Maitre de Dame George smith. EVERY MEMBER OF THE COMPANY IN THE. DISTRIBUTION AND MRS. JOHN DREW AS BOSH LEIGH. CTIANaE OF TIME. —Doors open at 7; corn Tnence at to S. Seats Secured one week In advance. without extra charge. FRIDAY, Ben OS efit s 1 HRS. JOHN DREW. RBDALE aptgt LAURA KEENE, ar6-2t 114.37 LYNNE WA L UT• STREET THEATRE. THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, Aoril 6, Last night but three of the engagement of Idles LAURA %HENN. and Comedy Company, from New Fork. Neat yal, by particular request, or the grand spectacular derma of TElb SEA OP ICE, Produced with the same maguidcent effects asperformed at Laura Heene's Theatre. New York. npwsrds of 100 Webb., Introducing the entire Double Company. as also the principal members of the Walnut street Theatre Com. Pans. The performance will co h the faros. WHICH SHALL I MARRY? CITY OF LONDON, apti 2t EAST LYNNE G R OVER'S CHESTNUT-STREET TREATRE. LEONARD GRO VER MARAOIII. IMMENSE SUCCESS IMMENNE SUCCESS of Boneicaalt's gnat •merican Drama, the OCTO.E.ON, OCTOROON. 'which Will Ss roseatel ilitil - EVENING with all its MAGNIFICEA'r SCENERY. GREAT CAST. SUPERB 6111131 C. &c.. &c. Regular Family Matinee. SATURDAY AFTAENOON. April 9. T ADY LAURA, Fir 6 LADY SLIM 1703 CHF SI ER .(IC 0 HUMBUG) writing on the Arm. without turning the back to the audience, a la , Tharintart COLCHESTER. THE (MEAT TEST BrEHIMI. Will remain in town to cOurneo Partiel of the troth of Sptrunalism, when compared with the tricks or Ne• crmnancy and P econd. hand Jugslerv. N B —Colchester does not cat off hie own head or those of big patrons Call at 917 CHESTNUT Street. over the store. a WA* LADY ISABEL, EAST LYNNE. WSW CROSS AND JARVIS WILL GIVE THEIR THIRD SO/REI OF CLASSICAL MUSIC f~[U'i:NiiU ~1M4~:M1:LM.~~I :N~'i )'tl)~.llff i•J♦ ON FRIDAY EVENING. APRIL 8 LADY. LAURA, apt 3.2 6 EAST LYNNE GRAND LIT .t.Ro A T P R .V B i tND MIISIOA.L.„ BY TAB ALUMNI OF 'FHB GI SCHOOL. KLb' HIGH AND NORMAL. AT TI AO.A.DEPdI" OF OS MTMIO. MONDAY BVSNINGE, Aorllll, 13 4 At Sista o'clock. Tickets .. 60 cents. Pecerved Seats can be obtained at Gould's Muds Store. corner• of Seventh and Chestnut, without extra amnia Proceeds for:the•Sanitary Commission. LADY ISABEL, aP6.2t , LADY LAURA ELEVENT/IBT. OPERA HOUSEL "THE FAMILY RESORT." CA RN011,083 &ED DUCEY'S HINSTRELS__,_ THE GREAT STAR THOUPS OP THE WORLD. In tbelr growl , mamma(' soingr,s, gylendil singing, Beautiful Daucleg, Laughable Sleet" leFoues, Plantation Scenes . fie.. by TWENTY TAbENTED ARTISTS. EVERY EVENING TEAS WEER. Tickets 2.5 saute. Doors fpen at To'olook. fe27.Sm .l . L. OARNOROGE, Business Mamma ADY LAURA. _LA ans-2t AS L iDY IeABEL THE GREAT PIUTURE AT CONCERT HALL LECTURE ROOM . Only a fenkilaye longer, Commencing TUEIDAY, Aoril6th. J. Insco Williams' celebrated. PANORAMA. al , . Tll.}llll-BLE.• This is the most complete and finished Painting or Sacred Scriptures in the. World, comprising over fifti of the most SUBLIME AND THRILLING:SCUM Of the first three thatusand yearn of Biblical _ . forming altogether one of the Lout. exhibitions of tioh sga. OPEN EVERY EVENING at..." quarter to &o'clock. .Af IIIiRSIOU 25 COMB. I B. Matin6ee on Ttiesdax. Wednesday. Friday. and Saturday eftarnoons, at 3 0'...0ck. feta. Tan Admission fon Chil drat Meseta. EPADY BABEL Of SAS Z LYNN N E, LAMY INSTITUTION FOR TB E RutiTl ON *COPY WEDNESDAY, it aP. W. Mi. colsecoa, TM CENTS. Score, No. U South want% Stmt. iP (4 ERN ANI A. ORCHESTRA..--PUBLIt BEMAaRBAeLS evarr_SATBRDAY,It o'clost, P. M . at tho MUSICAL FOND MALL. Slagle Basta fa canto, Packages of atx Betide, 11. To behad at Al aßws. 1104 orizsrifOT Street. 7. E. GOULD,_ VENTB and CBEhTNErT. and at the Ball door. foZE- pENN SX LYA NI A. ACADEMY ON THE PINE AIM. 1015 CHESTXIIT STREET. OPEN DAILY (bundaya emoted) from 9 A. X. $ 6D. M. dmisalon 26 emits. Children belf Mk& Isai-it CAR P ETB. OW IS THE, TI NEE,, Mar are fool. and vary bait af eolon. tn, 1nt,22.m• WM. CRIAAMILA. ava , A. SIKIOND St , 011b14.aaCt 044- misomMXi .I:ISV.LIT .-T'tier W. T. 11uppin. .ebas. Dv*Am. •••IPfr E. Multir. ••-Vaa. DiGllOlllll .T Trowbildge. •..• . Geo-us H Hwier, T. Rood Manager