The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, March 23, 1864, Image 4
the city, Thermometer. MAKCJH 23, 1863. MA.RUH 22,1864. BA. M....3P.M. « A.X.....11K 3 P. Hi 62« 56>i 23* .32. 33 WIND. VIHD. KW....NW by W.,.NW N8.......8NE EbyN Thb City Councils.—A. special meeting of both branohei of the City Council. wA. held yoi ler d»y afternoon, to oou«iaer unflnl.heil businen. SBLBOT BRANCH, Pre.ldent I.yrnl (U.) in the chair. Mr. Brightly, (O ,) on leave, offered, an ordinance to empower the Uommiielonera of the Sinking Fund to eell and dispute of certain railroad atook owned by the city, which waa referred to the Committee on Finanoe. The bill from Common Council providing for the release of certain property of Wm. MoFadden from the Jlen of certain judgment, wae concurred in. Alto, the bill prescribing the powers and duties of the City Treasurer, pasted in 1854. Also, the bill creating and establishing the office of Fire Marital. He is to be appointed by the Mayor, by and with the oonsent of Seleot Council, and is to receive an aonual salary of $1,500. Also, the bill to enter satisfaction on the offioial bond of Charles McDonough, Commissioner of City property for the year 1863. Also, the bill authorizing satisfaction to be entered on certain judgments. Also, the bill authorizing satisfaction to be entered on the official bonds of Franois McCormack, Super intendant of the Girard Estates for 1863. Also, the ordinance making an appropriation of $3OO to pay John Howe. The ordinance providing for the grading or Broad street from Germantown road to Fisher’s lane was then taken up. Mr. King (O ) desired to knew the estimates for the grading of this street before it was pushed through. On motion of Mr. Miller (U.)i the bill was referred to the Committee on Highways of this Chamber, with instructions to report at the next stated meeting. * - The bill relative to League Island was postponed for the present. The MU authorizing the City Solicitor to enter satisfaction on the official bonds of J.\B«-MoGinley, collector of outstanding taxes In the Firth ward, for the year 1863, was concurred in, v The bill granting permission to the West Phila delphia Passenger-Railway Company to construct a turnout from their main tracks, on Market street, west of Thirty-third, to the new passenger depot about to be erected by that company on Market street, between Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth, was, on motion, referred to the Committee on Kailroads of this Chamber, with instructions to report next Thursday week. The bill, directing the Mayor to withdraw his order preventing the State House bell from being rung at the time of fires, was postponed till next Thursday week. The resolution authorizing the American Tele graph Company to place wires on the Police Tele graph poles from Broad street to Fourth, in Waah lgton avenue, was concurred In. Also, the bill making an appropriation of $1,023.77 to pay deficiencies for lighting the city during the jear 1863. Also„the bill giving notice to the owners of pro perty, on Wiidey street that that street will be opened at the expiration of three months. 1 Also, the bill cirecting the adjustment of the line -on Baltimore avenue, west of Forty-fourth street, Twenty-fourih ward. Also, the bill leitoring Thirty-first street, from Chestnut to Spruce, toils original width. Mr. Zane (U.) on leave presented a resolution’pro vidingforthe grading of Richmond street, between- Frankford road and Front street, which was referred to the Committee on Highways. The bill.providing for the survey of the position for a new bridge over the Schuylkill at South street was postponed. Adjourned. OOMMOK BRANCH. President Habfkb in the Chair. The following ordinances andYbsolutione from Se lect Gounoil were concurred In: One appointing a committee to see that the inte rests of Philadelphia are not prejudiced in the orev tion of a new postal route between Washington and New York. One declaring that the bounties to volunteers is a free gift, and not as a sum o! money given to avoid a draft, and also that in no case shall the bounty ex ceed $250. One instructing the Chief Commissioner of High ways to repair Passyunk road from Diokersonto Bioad street. _ ' One requesting the Committee on Defence and Protection to prepare and issue an address to the citizens of Philadelphia, urging them to,form mili tary companies. One expressing the thanks of Councils to Brigadier General Wistar for his gift of a shell fired from the batteries of General Washington, at Yorktown. Mr. Kerr (O.) offered a resolution providing for the opening of Diamond street from Seventh to Broad street. Referred. Mr. Oresaweil (U ) offered a resolution providing for the disposal at public auction of the privilege of selling confections at the- Mansion mount Park, and requiring that no spirituous li quor* be solo, and that the place shall oe closed on Sunday, Mr. Briggs _(U.) moved to strike out the provi sion'of the resolution requiring the oonfectionery stands to be closed on Sundays. Messrs, Briggs and Kerr spoke in favor of the amendment, and Messrs. Eckstein, Oresswell, and Lcughlin in opposition thereto. The amendment was lost, and the original resolution was agreed to. Adjourned. ' Übiquity of Lieutenant General U. S. GBAHT.—Tbe General, his wife, and several distinguished military gentlemen, arrived yesterday in Philadelphia and stepped at the Continental, since which time he has taken bis departure. The news of his arrival soon spread about the -city, and he was waited upon by a number of dis tinguished military officers and many prominent ci tizens. The General received all his guests with a hearty shake of the hand, and with that same mo desty that has marked his actions upon all occa sions. A large crowd collected in the saloon of the hotel, and to prevent too great a jam, several police officers were called in to stand guard at the stairway. The General wore a slouon hat and bore no other mark of his rank than two silver stars upon eaoh shoul der. Thus, it will be seen, the Lieutenant General tra vels quickly; he is here to-day and gone tomorrow. - His headquarters will be at such place as he may se lect, And he will travel in whatever line he mw choose. It is probable that the distinguished chief tain will dreis himself to please his own notions, and that prying quidnuncs, who deem it necessary to telegraph bis eve; y movement to the press of the - country, thus giving information to the enemy, will find themselves b» filed. The latest telegram places the Lieutenant General at Nashville, Term. An other paper gives the very important information .thathis headquarters are at Culpeper, Va. The fact is that his headquarters will be in the saddle— here, there, and everywhere. The Board of Trade.— The Philadel ;phi& Board of Trade held a meeting, at their rooms on Monday evening) President Morton in the chair. A communication waa received from the Board of Trade of Montreal, accompanied by statistics of the trade of this country from 1854 to 1863, and intending to exhibit the advantages of the reciprocity treaty, in their opinion, as bearing upon the interests of the 'United States A communication was read from the New York Chamber of Commerce, accompanied by a lengthy memorial to Congress on the subjeot of granting mail BUbsidy to several contemplated trane-Atlantic steamship lines from that port. The consideration of the subject was postponed for the present. The committee on lights, and harbors were in* .struoted to memorialize the Legislature adversely to the passage of a bill now before that body, asking, on behalf of the pilots, an increase in their rates of pilotage to ard from this port. J^djourned, Gross Recklessness.—On Monday af ternoon, one of the conductors on the G-reen and *Coates streets cars gave the signal to go ahead, While an old lady with a child was getting out of the ■car. The lady had barely reaohed the lower step when the car moved on, and the consequence was that the child was thrown with violent force into the street. A vehicle coming by at the time narrowly escaped passing over both; but, as it was, the hand of the child was horribly mangled by being trod iipon by the horse. The Jewish Festival of Pokim.—This festival, though not ordained in the Pentateuch, is generally kept up by the modern Jews more gene rally than any other festival in their calendar of festivals. Its origin can be found in the book of Esther IX, in which its institution as given, by Mor •decal is found in verse 20 to 29. On the eve of the festival the book of Esther is recited in the syna gogoguee, but on the following eveningevery Jewish society has its ball, foremost among which ranks the Purimßall. The Toxaivanda. The two-turreted ■ .monitor Tonawanda, which is about being pttped on the dry dock by means of a hydraulic not reached that position yet. The workmen have so far succeeded in moving her five inches. While woikiogon her yesterday, the cast-iron key which fastens the engine to the ways broke in two pieces, .and consequently it will be impossible to go on with her till a new key is cast. Ano'Thee Accident.— James Stout, aged about flfty.tbree year*, residing ln| Haydock etraet, near Front, was run over by a passenger car near Front and Willow streets, on Monday afternoon, and was seriously injured. He|was removed to his .home. It was found that one of his legs was hor xiblycrusbed. The unfortunate man was subject to St. Vitus’ dance. New Lithograph,— A fine lithogrrph. pioture of the lata Aiohbißhop Hughes has jiut been published by Mr. Thomas Coleman, of this aity, and for sale by John B. Downing, No. 139 South Eighth street. The picture is decidedly one of the best yet Issued from the press. His Condition.— Mr. Wineljerger, the unfortunate man who was badly injured by a dummy engine on the Frankford passenger railroad, as men tioned yesterday, Is not expected to recover. Fatal Accident.— William Curless (co lored) fell off a -house at Twenty-first and Market streets yeiteid&y, and was instantly killed. The Coroner held an inquest. Sale of Bonds,-Shares, &c—The old •story of stocks up and stocks down'seem* to be a thing of the past, as the following sales, made yes terday, a) the Philadelphia Exchange, by Thomas & Son*, auctioneers, will show that they all tend up wards: 4 bonds, $lOOO eaeh, Pennsylvania Bailroad Co, 4sll3>*. 1 bond, $l,OOO Pennsylvania fives, $99. J 2 bonds, $1 COO V. S. five-twenties, slo9>£, 119 shares Harrisburg Bailroad Co., $74 10 shares Noitb Pennsylvania Railroad 00.,536>£. 17 shares North American Insurance Go., s29}£. 20 shares American Mutual Insurance (jo., s6#. 30 shares Spring Garden Fire Insurance Co., $B3. 80 shares Minehill Railroad Co., s64#. 18 shares Northern Liberties Gas Co., $34. 31 shares Bank of Penn Township, s4l^. 20 shares Giratd Bank, (old stock,) $l2. 10 shares Western Bank, $79. 130 shares Northern Liberties Bank, s7s>£. ■62 shires Pennsylvania Railroad Company, s7s^'. $50,000 bonds Union Canal Company, 30 per ceac. 69 sbares stock Delaware Coal Company, $2. 140 shares Lehigh Zinc Company, from 64 to 65. 100 shares Pennsylvania Mining Company of Mi chigan, $31.- 100 shares of Delaware Mining Company of Mi -cbißan, $l3. • • ■ • , _ ’ 50 shares Corn Exchange Bank, $3B. 2 shares Merchants’ Hotel, no bid. 51 shares Columbia (Pa.) Gas Company, $9. 9 shares Sp/icg House Northampton Turnpike, no 12shaTea fight-per-cectpreferredstookWeßlOhes* 'ter and Philadelphia Railroad, $l7. . 20 shares Kensington and Oxford Turnpike Co./ •-$l2 K. , 8 shares Girard. Fire and Marine Insurance Co., .$96 bid. $5,000 Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad Co. 12- .per-cent. Coupon Bonds, no bid. $420 Penrsylvanla Bank Notes, $24. 1 share Mercantile Library, sB>^. Pew No. ill St. Andrew’s Church, no bid. Tavern snd dwelling No, 603 S. Second st., $4,800. No. 218 South Front street. $12,000. No. 125 Market street, ana warehouse on Jones’ Alley, $26,900 bid. Tavern ana dwelling, Fifth and Oallowbill streets, 'slo,ooo. 11 briok dwellings, Front street, between Raceand Vine, $12,100. . Iron foundry, dwelling-house, and lot of ground, Craven street, between Front and Seoond, $4,000. Coal lands. Locust Mountain, Northumberland •county, Pa., $250 bid. Three squares of ground. First ward, no bid. Brick store and dwelling, No. 222 N. Fourth street, $6 400 bid. • Ground rent, $l5O— par s2,6oo—Race street, east of Eleventh street, $2 976. Irredeemable ground rent, sl6o—par $2,500 .$2,860. , ■ Three-story dwelling, No. 617 North Front street, Business stand, S. W» eornei of Belgrade and Han over streets, $3,460. • Three-atoij dwelling, Front street, south of Coral, 42,900 bid. , w Country place, Cheltenham Township, Mont gomery county, Pa., $3,350. Sword Presentation.— On Monday eve ning last a handsome army-regulation sword was presented to Lieut. R. s. Creighton, of Co. F, 82J Regiment P. V., at the hall of the South Penn Hose Company, Tenth street, above Girard avenue. The sword waa presented, on behalf of Co. F, by John P. O’Neill, Eiq , and received on behalf of Lieut. Creighton Ijy Benj. H, Haines, Eiq, in neat and eloquent remarks. At the close of the presentation these piesent partook oi aooilation prepared by the hose company. The affair was one whioh will long be remembered favorably by all in attendance. Presentation of a Flag.— Last eve ning, the 99th Regiment, P. V., Col. Asher S. Leidy, was the recipient of a beautiful State flag from the frienc'B of the regiment. The presentation speech was made by Daniel Dougherty, Esq, and received on behalf of the regiment by Col. Leidy. Book’s celt brated band enlivened the oocation with some fine music. Arrival of Soldiers.— The guard of one hundred men belonging to the 6th Invalid Corps, whioh conveyed the five hundred rebel prisoners to Fort Delaware on Monday, Arrived in this city, from that place, yesterday morning. They went to the Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon, and have been quar ered there ever sinoe. THE POLICE. [Before Hr. Alderman Beltler.] Alleged Heavy Robbery. Two men, giving the names of Thomas Graham and George Free, were arraigned at the Central Station yesterday afternoon, on the charge of rob bing a man named Owen Me larty of the sum of $652 and a bill of lading to the amount of $605. It seems that Mouarty and the defendants hap pened to meet with each other near Twenty-fourth' and Lombard streets, where they all drank pretty freely. McCarty became deoidedly intoxicated. The three men then proceeded to house No. 14l2,San*om street, by whioh time the victim became a little sobered. He called for a bottle of wine; and in pay* ing for it exhibited a considerable amount of money. He k soon fell asleep under the effeots of the last draught, and when he awoke he foufid hi« pocket book miißlng, containing all hla money. He charged bis companions with having taken the money, whereupon it is alleged that Free pushed him Into the street, and then dosed the doer. One of the female inmates of the house testified that McCarty was very drunk when he was brought there; he was fairly dragged in; he fell asleep on the settee, and the two defendants sat beside hitn,' After awhile the defendants went away, and were joined by four others outside. MoOarty, who had lelt the piaoe, returned some time after, and asked lor admittance, saying that he thought his money might be found. The pocket-book w*s recovered, but its contents Nad been removed. On searching Graham the turn of $241 was found upon him. Both prisoners were dressed in new suits of clothing. They were committed in default of $1,600 each to amwer. The parties were again searched In the lock-up. and the additional sum of $l2O was found secreted in one of their hats. [Before Hr. Alderman Patehel. ] Dishonest Domestic. A domestic, giving the name of .Elizabeth Hall, was arraigned yesterday on the charge of purloining clothing, the property of the family where she was employed. The amount alleged to have been stolen was $2B. The defendant seemed to be abashed when hearing the evidence adduced. She was committed to answer at court. [Before Mr. Alderman White.] Singular Case of Nightmare. Patrick Hand and his wife, who have not been married any great length of time, were among the prisoners at the Union-street station-house yester day morning. The investigation of this case opened rather interesting developments, as indicating a very singular phenomenon known as nightmare. It also proves the alaority of police offloers. It seems that at an, early hour, yesterday morning several polioe offloers were standing at Fourth and Gatklll streets. They were startled by the appalliog cry of “ Mur der ! murder! murder!” The sound emanated from the residence of Mr. Hand. In a moment the official whistles sounded, the officers hastened to the scene, burst open the door, aDd entered. The parties inside were more or less confused, and not being able to give any satisfactory account of the affair, they were conducted to the lock-up. The whole neighborhood was aroused ; windows were thrown up, night-capped heads projected over the sills, and every one Inquired the reason of the dis turbance. Mr. Hand could not give even a satis factory explanation of the affair, and the occurrence seemed to Mrs. Hand to be more like a dream thaa anything else. That murder was loudly cried was testified to by the officers. The alderman, shrewed as he is, was at a loss to know what oharge oould pos sibly be preferred against the party, and, therefore, dismissed them, attributing the distusbance of a sleeping community to a singular attack of night mare. THE COURTS. Supreme Court In bitnc—'Woodward, Chief •Justice, and Thompson* Strong, Head, and AgneWj Justices, Klopp and Stump vs. The Lebanon Valley Bank et al. An opinion was delivered in this case, yester day, by Agnew, J., and a decree entered thereon~in substance as follows: So muoh-of the decree of the court below as relates tojthe stock of Myers & Shaw in the Lebanon Valley Bank, and the ooats, is re versed; and it is*ordered that the Lebanon Valley Bank transfer upon the books of said bank to the complainants in the bill the one hundred and fifty five shares of steck standing in the names of the said Myers & Shaw, and to pay to them the divi dends heretofore accrued on them ; and that the said Myers & Shaw, and their assigns, or any person claiming the said stock, shall beperpetuallydebarred and .precluded from recovering the same, or the value thereof, or any dividends thereof, from the said Lebanon Valley Bank. , The list of oases for the counties (of Northampton, Lehigh, Pike, Monroe, and Carbon was then re sumed, and the following disposed of: GraefPa Appeal. Argument concluded by S. A. Bridges for appellee, and by Mr. Marx for appel lant. Lee vs. Gould. Argued by G. M. Harding and Charles Burnett for plain tiff in error, and by JVL H, Jones and William Davis for defendant in error. Blumer vs. Wright. Blumer’s Appeal. Argued together by Marx and Runk for plaintiff* and appel lants. The court declined to hear. R. E. Wright on the other side. Roth’s Appeal.’ Submitted on paper books. Deck vs Gluok. Argued by Reeder and Green for plaintiff in error, and by Harwell for defendant in error. Supreme CoitrtntNlsi Prius—Judge Agnew. Barnes vs. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Before, reported. The defence in this case was opened yesterday by Theodore Cuyler, who stated briefly what he expected to be able to show on be half of the company. He said that when the com pany came into possession of the canals and other State works, they found the canals, and especially the portion between Hollidaysburg and Hunting don. in bad repair, owing to the fact that the better facilities for transportation had muoh injured canal property for such purposes. That under the con tract of sale the defendants were only required to keep up, but not to enlarge or deepen, the canal That, nevertheless, the company did place the works in repair, in many parts completely rebuilding it; and Mr. C. referred to the fact that from 1857 to 1863 the company had built, on the upper Juniata division 22, and on the lower Juniata 4 locks, and on the latter division had repaired 36 lock gates, and on the former 38, rebuilding at the same time, on both divisions, altogether 116 bridges, and also making extensive repairs to dams and waste ways. Upon the line of canal thus repaired or rebuilt the receipts aDd expenditures of the company during the seven years were as follows: Receipts from the Lower Juniata, $111,236.10; expenditures, $lBB 523.45. Re ceipts from the Upper Juniata, $15,184.90; expendi tures, $149,606 05. The defenoe also say that plaintiff has not shown any damage sustained by him, as, according to the testimony, he made the same number of round trips since 1857 as before; also, that the evidence for the defence would show that the company has always been amply prepared readily to repair breaks in the canal, as they might occur. The repairs of the canal, aince it came into possession of the company, had been gradually made, in order to. render unne cessary the interruption of traffic. Mr. O. further said that the whole of the canal, from Hollidays burg to Huntington, has been reconstructed, exoept dredging, which was now about to be done. The examination of witnesses for the defence was then begun.- Court of Quarter Sessions—Judge Ludlow* CASE OF FALSE PRETENCES. The Commonwealth vs. William H. Canfield. The defendant, a resident of Youngstown, Maho ning county, Ohio, was indicted for obtaining goods under false pretences, and was placed on trial yes terday. The prosecutors are Dale, Ross, & Co., merchants of this city, and their allegation is that the defendant came to them and represented that he was a merchant doing business in the town above mentioned, with a Capital, after payment of all lia bilities, of more than eight thousand dollars, and desired to buy a bill of goods of them. They were referred to Morgan & Co., to whom he had made a similar statement. One of the prosecutors saw Morgan & Co., and saw also defendants’s statement as taken down by them, and was satisfied if it were tiue to Bell defendant goods, which they accordingly did. The two first bills told at 4 months’ time each were paid at maturity. A third and laßt bill, amounting to about eight hundred dollars, was sold defendant on the same terms; but before it matured Canfield made what prosecutors alleged to be a fraudulent conveyance or sale of hisjßtoek to his uncle. They now.allege that all his representations as to his capital and business were false, and were made with the Intention of defrauding them. - The defence has not opened. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRADE. ISRAEL U ORRIS. ) JOS. C. GRUBB, >COMMITTEB 07 TUB MONTH EDMUND A. SOUDEK.) '■ LETTER BAGS AT THB MBROH ANTS’ EXCHANGE, PHILADELPHIA. Bark Linda, Hewett ....Cienfaegos,- March 27. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. POET OS* PHILADELPHIA, Mar 33,1864. .6 67 . SUN SETS.. - —*.. 03 3O SUN RISES-.. HIGH ‘WATER... ARRIVED. Brig Mary E Thompson, Lampher, 7 days from Port Roy»i, in ballast to B A Souder ft Co. Scbr SN Smith, Studley, 8 days from Boston, with mdze to Crowell ft Collins. Schr Joseph Turner, Walker, 6 days from Beaufort, N C, in ballast to Twells & Co. Schr Hannah Bariatt, Thomas, 1 day from Milford, Del, with grain to Jas Barratt. Schr Ocean Bird, QulUin, 3 days from Laurel, Del, with lumber to J W Bacon. Schr Columbia, Hudson. 3 days from Concord, Del, with railroad ties to J W Bacon. Schr Cora, Masten, 1 day from Brandy wine, Del, with corn to R M Lea. -Steamer Frank. Shropshire. 24 boars from New York, with mdse to WM Baird ft Co Steamer H Torrance, Pbiibrick, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W F Clyde. Steamer Buffalo. Jones, 24 hours from New York, with m dee to W P Clyde. Lteamer Anthracite, Jones. 24 honre from New York, with mdse to Wm M Baird A Co- Steamer D Utley, Phillips, 24 hours from New York, with mdte to Wm M Baird A Go. CLEARED " Brig San Pietro (Ital), Cafiero. Trinidad do Cuba, E. A. Souder ft Co. ■ ' - Schr Fashion, Segebarlh, St Thomas, Sprunk A Co. Schr La Plata, fc tract on. Boston. B R Sawyer A Co. Schr J V Wellington, ChlDtnan, do do. : ' Bchr S A Taylor, Dukes. Providence, do. Schr James Martin, Harding. Boston, Wannemacher A Maxfleld. Scbr Sliver Magnet. Peny. do do, Schr J Cadwaiader, Williams, East Cambridge, Bla kiston, Graff, A Co. Schr Flavilla, Doggetfc, Frovlncetown, via Delaware City, George B Kerfont Schr Halo. Short, Fo-tsmoutb, Kilpatrick A Co. Schr Ben, Fulford, Beaufort. D 8 Stetson A Co. Schr'Somerset,*Miuer, Baltimore, J E Croat A Co. Schr J 8 Weldln, Weaver, Danversport, J Mllnes ACo. Schr Enow Flake, Dickson, Fort Monroe; Tyler A Co. Schr C Beckscher. Gallagher, do . do. Schr J S Watson, Little. do do. Schr O A Greiner, Young, do do. Schr Restless, Vansant, do do. Schr John Slucinan, Banka, Port Royal, do. Schr Lewis Chester. Somers, do do. St’rßristol, Charles- New York. WPClyde. St’rH L Gaw, Iler, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. [Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.} Le\VKB, Del., March 21. The ship St Peter, from Philadelphia for New Orleans; schr Daac Vansant from NewXork lor Fort Monroe,and 20 schooners are at the harbor this morning. Wind N. Capt. Ray. of the brig JXanl&akec, before reported on Brandywine Shoal,-is here- and reports his vessel full of water; he has sent wreckers to eave her matertats, Ae. AARON MARSHALL. * MEMORANDA Ship City of Kandi (Br). Kewley, from Valparaiso, Dec 1, and Chansvai Dec 26, with copper ore and wool, at New York on Monday. Ship Caroline (Brero) Strieker, from Singapore 19th Nov. .at New York on Monday. Ship Reiolute, Season, from Liverpool 18th ult, at New York on Monday, with 429 passengers Had been 20 days west of the banks,, with light westerly winds and calms. Feb 21, lat 42 21, Joa £.O £6, passed through a large quanti ty of wreck stuff and cocoanuts; saw several turned stanchions, painted a light blue; also.bulw&rkspalnUd white; was two hours pfessiog through it, the ship loins at the rate of seven knits per hoar; It had been bat a short time in that condition. 13th Inst, lat &9 27; lou 63 20, was In company with ship Wm Frothlngham, from. Havre for New York. Schr Oris Fratcls, Hunt, sailed from Rockland 16. h isst for Vinalhaven, to load for this port. Schr Prances Ar.hemus, Coffin,'hence at Boston 20th.. instant; Sobr Elonlsa, Thatcher, cleared at Boston 19;h Inst for i this port. Schr Garthagena, Keller, sailed from New Bedford 19th Inst for this port. Bchr Whistler. Presby, hence at Dlghton 18th Inst. Schr Salmon Washburn, Thrasher, sailed from Dighton 19th Inst for this pert. Echr H W Benedict, Case, hence at Providence 19th instant. Schra Sarah MBherman. Berry; Navigator, Robinson; Nightingale. Beebe: Naiad Queen, Daniels; George Ed wards, Weeks, ana New Jersey, Morris, sailed from Providence 19th imt for this port. -Schr AnUlope, at Boston, took lire at 7 o'clock Sunday morning, and had a hole burnt Inher deck forward. All the cargo of sohr Martha Jane, from Wilmington. Del., for Boston, ashore at Quick’s Hole, has been saved and landed at Holmes' Hole NOTICE TO MARINERS. Notice is hereby given that a sunken vessel Ilea In an E by N direction from Grose Rip Light Vessel, distant a Quarter of a mile, and in the track of vessels bound East or West. A third-class Nun Buoy, with red and black horizontal stripes, will be immediately stationed tofmark the danger. By’older of the Lighthouse Board. JOHN MARSTON, Com U S N. _ . LH Inspector 2d Disk Boston, March 19, 1864. BY TELEGRAPH. Fortress Monroe, March 2L—The following vessels arrived In this harbor for refuge: j Bark Zelludi, Johnson, Havana for Philadelphia. Schr Hattie. Baltimore for New York. Schr Nellie Porter. Baltimore for New York. Schr Eamuel.Webster, Thompson, Baltimore for New Haven. Schr Vineyard, Blake, Wyeomlco for Boston. Schr May Queen, Scott, Baltimore for Boston. Schr A Edith, Weaver, Baltimore for Port Royal. Schr Fanny Keating, Porter, Hilton Head for Phila delphia. Schr EmmaElda, Hackney, Newborn for Philadel phia. piSchr E. Armstrong, Prescott, Yorktown for New York, r Schr Ghlmarora. Madison Yorktown for Accomac. Steamer Gistel, Glachem, Philadelphia for Norfolk. Steamer Virginia, Snyder.-Washington for New York. FIW ANCIAXi. CHREVE & KEKDRIGK, No. »3 WILLIAM Street. Office No. 15/ MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS AND BONDS. STATE. COUNTY, and CITY. Alio. RAILROAD SECURITIES of all descriptions, not Quoted at the New York Stock Exchange, bought and sold on commission. MISSISSIPPI AND MISSOURI FIRST - MORTGAGE BONDS. Eastern Division. MINNESOTA STATE BOND*. issued to Railroads, (Interest unpaid and repudiated ) MILWAUKEE OITY BONDS, issued to Railroads, (interest unpaid and repudiated ) INDIANAPOLIS- CLEVELAND, AND PITTSBURG RAILROAD 6TOCK. NEW YORK AND NEW HAVEN RAILROAD STOOK. UNITED STATES TELEGRAPH STOCK. MORRIS CANAL STOCK AND BONDS. NEW JERSEY STATE 6s. BaCINB AND MISSISSIPPI RAILROAD BONDS W.BTED. COUNTY, CITY, AND TOWN BONDS, of the State of Wisconsin, issued to Rail road Oompanlss. purchased, mhtt-et TREASURY DEPARTMENT. A Office of Comptroller of the Currency, Washington. February 26th, 1864. Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, It has been made to. appear that the Fourth National Bank of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly organized under and according to the requirements of the act of Congress, entitled “an act to provide a na tional currency, secured by a pledge or United States stocks.and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof,""approved February 25th, 1863, And has com plied with all the (provisions of said act reqaired to be complied with before commencing the business of Basking, ", Now. therefore I, Hugh McCulloch, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that the FOURTH NA TIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, county of Phila delphia, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the business of Banking, under the act afore said. In testimony whereof, •witness my hand and seal of office, this twenty-sixth day of February, 1864. ' HDGH MoCULLOCH, Comptroller of the Currency. JOHN HORN, JR, ** STOCK COMMISSION BBOKBB, No: 140 SOOTH THIRD STREET, (UP STAIRS,) , PHILADELPHIA. REFERENCES: Messrs.Thos.A.Biddle* Co. Mess.(Jaw,Macalester, 400. Messrs. E. S. Whelen & Co. Messrs. Drexel & Co. Messrs. Buzby & Co. Henry J. Williams, B»q. Alexander Biddle, Esq. . I. P. Hntchinson, Esq. G. M. Troutman. Bfq. D. B. Cummins. Esq. Jas. 0. King & Sons. New York. fs26-2m David B. Paul, President. B, GLBiroiioqica. Cashier. Third national bank of PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL, SIOO,OOO—PRIVILEGED TO INCREASE TO $600,000. . . Philadrlphia, March 14.1864. The Third National Bank has this day opened /or bu siness at the Southwest corner of MARKET Street and PEN N Square, where all banking business will be trans acted the same as In other City Banks. The location is a very desirable one, and central for all Merchants and others doing business in the Western parts of the city. Collections will be made on a' 1 accessible points, on the most favorable terms: and the interests and require ments of the customers of the Bank will have carefnl and prompt attention. mbl4-10t B. GLENDINNING. Cashier. CECOND NATIONAL FBANKFOBD. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO. WITH THE PRIVILEGE O? I* CREASING TO $600,000. NATHAN HILLBS, President WILLIAM H. RHAWB. Cashier, (Late ofthe Philadelphia Bank.) • DIRECTORS: NATHAN HILLES, CHARLES E. KBRMBB, GBORGBW. RHaWN, BENJ. ROWLAND, Jr., SIMON R. SNYDER, BENJ. H. DEACON. EDWARD HAYES. - JOHN COOPER. LEWIS SHALLOROSS, The Second National Bank of Philadelphia la now open at No. 134 MAIN Street, Fiaahford, for the tr&na* action of a General Banking Bu&ineaa upon the usual terms* Collections upon all accessible points will be made upon liberal terms. Respectfully, ARSm W. r. RHA WN. Cashier EDUCATIONAL. CELEOT FAMILY BOARDING* SCHOOL FOR YOUNG HEN A.YD BITS. MOUNT JOY, Lancaster coanty. Fa. Session opens on the FIRST TUESDAY of May. For circular*, address mh19.12i» R A, MORRISON, Principal. WEST GBOYE BOABDINQ SCHOOL » * FOR GIRLS, at West G*ove Station, Chester county, Fa., on the Phila. and Baltimore Cen. R., 40 miles from Philadelphia and 10 from Oxford The Sum* mer term ■will commence on Second JDay, the 2d of sth Month next. The course of instruction is extensive and thorough. Terms reasonable. Send for a circular. Address THOMAS P. CONABD. Principal, felo-’w2m West Grove, Cheater county. Pa. RELLEVUE FEMALE INSTITUTE— -0 A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. This Institution, beautifully and healthfully located, in the no-them limits of ATTLEBOROUGH, Backsc ma ty, Pa , will commence its Spring and Summer Term on the 19th of FIFTH MONTH next, and continne In session twelve wests. A The comeo of Instruction is thorough and complete In all the Elementary and higher branches of an ENGLISH, CLASSICAL. AND MATHEMATICAL EDUCATION. The French Language is taught by a native - French teacher. ' Circulars, giving full particulars, may be had ou ap plication to the Principal*, Attleborough P O , Backs county, Pa. ISRAEL J GRAHAtfB. JANE P. GRaHAMB, ml] 16 3m : Principals - GEORGE A. 2SEWBOLD -HAVING leased BATON ACADEMY, KENNETT SQUARB, Chester county, expects to commence a Spring Session there the Fourth Mouth (April.) For circulars, address Geo A. Newbold, Jeukintown, Monti, co ,F&., till the 4th inst., or Wm. Chandler, Kennett Square, Chester county, Pa. mhll-lm* .VILLAGE GREEN SEMINAR'S. ■ NEAR MEDIA, FA.—Pupils received at any time.' English Mathematics, Classics, and Natural Seieneer taught. Military Tactics, Book-keeping, and Civil Ba .rlneering taught. Entire expenses about S 3 per week. Boys of all ages taken. Refers to Wm. H. Kern, ox* Sheriff; John C. Capp & Co., No. 23 South Third street; and Thomas J, Clayton. Esq., Fifth and Frnne streets. Address Rev. J. HARVEY BARTON, A. H., Villas* Green. Pa. »06-tf LEGAL. XTOTICE.—LETTERS TESTAMENTA RT to the Estate of MARGARET EMERY, deceased, having been graated to the undersigned, all persons in* debted to the Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims will present them to Jacob p jonbs.-Ext., mhl6-w6t* N0..1608 MABKET Street. XTOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR D. B. -Lv CUM TKSTAMENTO ANNEXO.-Letter* on the Estate of GEORGE CLAY, late of the city of Philadel- Shia, deceased, having been granted t» the subscriber y the Register of Wills or the city of Philadelphia, all persons indebted to t aid Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the same to present them without delay to EDMUND LEAF, POTTSTOWN, Montgomery Co.. Pa., Or to hi* attorney, CHAHLBSE LEX, mh!6-w6i*. . 51 North SIXTH Street, PhUada. PI THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. In the matter of the hstate of JOHN MAST, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit settle, and ad jut fc the first and final account of FRANCIS L, LEVERING and ELIZABETH D. MAST, administrators of the estate of JOHN MAST, deceased, and report dis tribution ol the balance, remaining in their hands, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his ap pointment, on TUESDAY, March 29th, A. D. 1864. at 4 o’clock. P. M , at his office. S E. corner of THIRD and CHESTNUT streets, Philadelphia . mhiwmwfit O. WILSON DAVIS, Auditor. F; THE ORPHAN S’COURT FOR THE CITY AUD COUSTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate* of WILLIAM SCHIVELY, deceased,'’JOHN bCHIYELY, deceased,* and ANN BCHIVELY, de ceased- . . The auditor appointed to audit, settle and adjust the first accounts of GEORGE 8. SCHIVELY, administrator d b n.c.t.a., of'William -tchively, deceased, of John SchiTely, deceased, and of Ann Schlvely, deceased, and to make distribution, will attend to the dnties of hi* ippoistxnent on MONDAY, the BuEVRNTH DAY OF AJ-RIL, A D. 1864 at 4 o'cltck P M., at his office, No. 271 SOOTH FIFTH Street, iu the city of Philadel phia. • ' ' mh2l mwfst F: IHE ORPHANS’ COURT FOB THE CITY AND COUN7Y OF PHILADELPHIA Trust Estates under will of WILLIAM SCHIVELY, de ceased. of ANN SCHIVELY, deceased, and of JOHN SCHIVELY, deceased. The Auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the First Account or GEORGE S. SCHIVELYTrustee of Estates of WILLrAM. ANN, and JOHN SCHIVELY. and to make-distribution, will attend to the duties of his appointment on MONDAY, the llih day of April, A D. 1£64, at 4 o’clock P. M.. at hiH office, No. 27lSonth FIFTH Stree , in the city of Philadelphia. mh2l-mwf-5t THE COURT OF COMMON FLEAS FOB THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHJA. In the matter of the Txuit of THB.UNION CANAL COMPANY. The Auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the third and final account of J EODMAN PAUL, R. BUN DLE SMITH, and O. THOMPSON, tmstees under a cer tain indenture of mortgage of the Union Canal Company, dated October 28, 3867, and to make distribution, will meet the parties in interest for the purposes of bis ap pointment, on FRIDAY, the fitn day of April. A. D. 1864. at four o’clock P. M. , at his office. No. South FIFTH 6t eet, in the city of Philadelphia JOSEPH A. CLAY, mh2Vmwffit Auditor. CO Alt. pUBE LEHIGH COAL.—HOUSE- A KEEPERS can rely on retting a pure article at 8. E, corntr FRONT and POPLAR. mhi7-3m* : / JOHN W. HAMPTON. Q.ENUINE EAGLE VEIN OOAL jsqnal if not superior to Lehigh. Also. Hart’s N« Plus Ultra Family Rainbow Coal; Egg and Stove sizes. 18 50. Large Nut, $7.75 per ton. Coal forfeited if not full welght as per ticket. Depot, 1419 CALLOWHILL Street,-above Broad. Office ISil South FOURTH, be low Chestnut Call and examine. Orders by dispateh promptly attended to by . noll-6m , ELLIS BBANSON, pOAL.—SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER MEADOW, And Spring Mountain Loiilsh Coal, and best Locnat Mountain, from SobuylEiU; prepared ax ,re»rij for Jamlly oee. Depot, If. W, corner EIGHTH end WILLOW Sta. Offlee, Ho. 119 South BECOHD St. J. WALTOH A CO. TO HOUSEKEEPERS. A in makirgyour spring purchases, be sure to pro* vide yourself with the best—tbe only RELIABLE and’ WARRANTED CLOTHES WRINGER- THE UNIVERSAL WRINIBR, with rthe Patent COG-WHEEL REGULATOR, which positively prevents the rolls from breaking or twist ing on the shaft and tearing the clothing, as all wringers without Cog Wheels will do, however Btrongly it may be asserted to the contrary. No family can be without ' THE UNIVERSAL WRINGER. It will pay for itself in six months, in the saving of garments alone, in the smallest family. The family sizes are $7 and $lO, and are WAE ANTED in every particular. RFor sale wholesale and retail, by E. L..BURNHAM, Manufacturer’s Agent, No. id 7 South SIXTH Street, between Chestnut and Market, Philadelphia. mhB~lm TYIXON’S STOVE POLISH. A/„ ; GEO. F. GALE ft CO. , Wholenale Agents, mhl2-llP* No*. 4 and ft CHkHTNUT Rtrest, 7 TONS CHEESE, VERY FINE. * 2 tons Goshen Buttar, for table use. Prime Roll Butter, received daily. 160 dozen bottles Fresh Tomatoes. AD the above for sale in large or email quantities, at tbe Eastern Market Cheese Stand. FIFTH Street, below Market, - “ mklSGt THE PRESS..—PH I LADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2S, 1864; (SHERIFF'S SALE— BY VIRTUE OP a writ of Allas J*evari Facias, to me dlreced, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONO AT Evening April 4, 1864. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-Btreel Hall. No 1 All that certain yearly grouod'r'mt of $l5, law ful silver money,payab'o by Bernaid McDavlit.hls heirs aidaksiffits. on the fl st days of March and September, withoutdeductbnof taxes, Ac., outof And for a lot of grtund situate on the northwesterly side of Browne street, and southwesterly side of Tioga street, in thecity of Philadelphia; containing In front on Browne street fifty-four feet, and in depth on Tioga street ninety'll re fe*i nine and a-balf inches. No. 2. All that certain yearly ground rent of $36. law* ful sliver money, payable by Aaron K Duwoer, his heirs and assigns, on the lirsi days of May and Novem ber, without deduction for taxes, Ac., out of and for a lot of ground situate on the northwestwardly side of Tulip street, one hundred and sixty-three feet eleven and seven-eighths inches northeastwardly from Rich mond jane or Ann street, in said city; containing "in front op Talip street thirty elxr feet, and in depth one hundred and feet to Woikel street. No. 3. All tl at certain iyeariv ground rent of $41.42, lawful silver money, payable by John Riley. his heirs and assigns, on the first days or June and' .December, wllhbnt deduction for taxes, Stc., out of and for a tot of ground beglt nlhg at a comer formed by the iuterseatlon of the northeast side of Richmond lane or Ann street, and northwest side of Tulip street; thanes extending northeasterly along the northwesterly side of Talip street seventy-nine feet one and a*quarter inches to a point; thenienorthwestorlyalxty-one feet ten andthree eightbs inches to a point; thence southwesterly seventy feet eight and one eighth inches to the northeasterly side of Richmond late or Ann street, and thence along the same southeasterly sixty two feet five and one eighth inches to Tit ip street the place of beginning. -No 4. Alt that certain yearly ground rent of $l2, law* ful silver money, payable by John Riley, his heirs and assigns. oh the first days of June and December, without deduction for taxes, &0,, outof anc foralot of ground beginning oh the northeastwardly side of Rlohmond line or Ann street .sixty.two feet five and one-eighth inches northwesterly from Tulip street; thence northeasterly seventy fe*t eight and one-eighth inches; thence north westerly fifty-nine feet five and three-eighths inches to a point; thence southwesterlvj*ixty-twofeet seven and one-half inches to said Richmond lane or ana street, and thence by the same southeasterly sixty feet to the place of beginning. ••••,;=.. No. 6- All that certain yearly gronnd rent of $36. law ful silver money, payable by John Riley, his helm and assigns,on the first days of June and December, without decoction for .taxts, *c., oat of and for a lot of ground situate on the northwesterly sldeof Tulip street,seventy ninefeet one and a-quarter inches northwesterly from Richmond lane or Anu street In said city; containing in froD t on Tulip street fifty feet, and in depth one hundred andtwenty-one feet and three and three-qaaarter Inches, [Which said yearly ground rents—Nos. l and 2. Wll - H. Witte et nx„ by deed dated January 3. 1853-and Nos 3,4, and 6, fay deed dated January 26, 1853, granted and assigned unto John C. Uhl in fee. ] --• N B-J.C. U. has parted with his interest. [D O.'; M., 64 346. Debt, $l,OOO. . G. W. Biddle ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John C. Dhl, • .- JOHN THOMPSON. Saeriff. Philadelphia, Wb'erifiTs Office, March H,fU6lnib23 3t (SHERIFF'S SALE.— BY' VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or„vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4.1661. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-atreet Hall, £.• . Ail that certain ibree-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the south aide-of Jefferson street, and west side of Aider street, in the city of Philadelphia;- containing in front on Jefferson street eighteen feet and In depth fifty feet. [Which said premises Paschall Cog gins, by deed dated September 12 1861, recorded in Deed Book 8. W-C., No 116. page 133.4 c . conveyed unto Felix Morney in fee; subject to a-ground rent of thirty dollars payable first of Jane and December. ] D. 0. M. ,64; 312. Debt $l7B 35 Thom } Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Felix Morney. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. March2l,lB6l ma23-3t GHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF M a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, win be exposed to public Bale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that ceitaln lot of gronnd situate on me east tide of Sixth street, three hundred and seven feet northward from Dauphin street, in the city cf Philadelphia; con taining- in fronton Sixth street forty-five feet, and in depth one hundred and. thirty-six feel ten and one quarter inches to Fairhill street. Subject to a yearly ground rent of thirty* three dollars and Baveaty-ttva cents, payable first of January and July.; ’ [D. C.; M.,'64. 313. Debt, $149 29. Wain.] Taken in, execution and to be sold as the property of Joslah Gilbert. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office. March 21, 1864. mh23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY YIK.TUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exp.nasfto me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4,1864, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All tboie certain five brick messuages and lot of ground situate on the south side of Lombard street and west side of Bauk (near Schuylkill water) street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Lombard street fifty faet four inches, and in depth'forty-one feet three inches.- [Which said premises Jamas Johnson et ux., by deed dated May 5,1511, recorded In Dead Book G. S. t No. 25. conveyed unto Patrick Mu!arew in fee. subject to a ground rent of fifty dollars; fichich ground rent Charles Abbott et al., by deed dated July 9, JSI9, re rele&ted.and extinguished unto said Patrick Malgrew in ‘ [D. C.; M., ’64- 336. Debt $1,444 50. Brinkle.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Patrick Mnlgrew, deceased. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, March 21.1864.. mh23-3t OHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, April 4, 1864, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, • All that certain lot of gronnd situate on the southwest erly side of.Somenet street, one hundred.and sixteen feet six it ches southeastwardly from Coral street, in the city of Philadelrhia; containing in front on Somerset street fifty-five feet six inches, and in depth on the southeast line one hnnired and thirly-one feat, more or less, and on the northwest line one hundred and thirty one feet to Hunt’s lane. [Which said lot James Lin n&rd, by deed Gated February 21, 1855, recorded in Dead Book B D. W., JSo. S 2» page 272, conveyed unto George B. Sloat In fee. ] CD. H; M. ’64 328. Debt $4,186 67. Pile. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George B. Sloat and Charles W. Thomas-trading, dec. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s. Office. March 21,1864. mh23-3t BANK OP SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY YIBTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to nre directed, will be ex posed to public ’sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4, 1864, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot of gronnd, with the three-atory buck factory building, situate on the square bstween” Arch and Race and Front and Second streets, beginning at the distance of one hundred and two feet northward from Arch street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in breadth north and south forty-two feet eight Inches, and in depth east and west thirty seven feet eight Inchei. Bounded northward and eastward by ground now- or late of Samuel s Allen, westward by gronnd nor or late of Joteph Clark, southward partly by ground of Benja min Gibbs, and partly by the head o; a a alley eight feet in width leacing southward into Arch street, with the privilege of said alley. [Which said premises Jacob Gilliams etux, by deed dated February 25, 1353, con veyed unto Henry C Stroup in fee. ] [D. C.,M. ’61 &4S Debt, $2,000. Biddle 3 Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Henry G. htronp. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 21,1864. mh23-3t (SHERIFF’S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to misdirected, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evens ing,April4, 1864, at 4 o'clock,at Sansom-street Hail. - Ail that certain three- story messuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Blockisy avenue, fifty feet noithward from Callowhill street, in the city of Phila deiphia: containing in front on Blockley avenue fifty fen, ana in depth two hundred and twenty-five feet to a fifty feet-wlde street. CD. C.; M., ’64. SO7. Debt $1,600. Clayton.] Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Bobeit Hutchinson. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office. March 2L. 1864. vxnh23-3£- SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF] a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, s will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY ‘ Evening, April 4,1864. at 4 o’clock, at Sausom-atreet Hall, ' Ail that certain lot of ground sitcute on the northeast- f wardly side of Auburn street, one hundred and sixty feet southeastwardly from Amber street, in the city of | Philadelphia; containing in front on Auburn strset se-' !! venty-two feet, and in depth, one hundred and forty- f six feet six inches to .William street. • C Which said lot ' John Bice et nx , by deed dated/April 1, 1851. recorded in Peed BockT. H., Wo. 24, page 307, &c., conveyed unto Jsmeo What ton in fee; reserving a ground rent of sixty-* one dollars and twenty cents, payable first of April and October.] _ . CD. C.; M., ’64. 334. Debt. $207.11. Edwards.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James Whanon. JOHN THOMPSON. She^tf. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 21, 1804. mh23-3t CHERIFF’S &AXE. —BY VIRTUE OF *3 a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4,1564, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Ball, All that certain lot of ground situate on (be north tide of Cumberland street sixty six feet west of Amber street, in the city of Philadelphia ; containing in front ou Cumberland street feet, and in depth one hundred and forty- six feet six inches to Fifth j treat Subject to a groundrent of forty dollars, payable first of January and July. • J t K. has parted with his interest. CD. C.;M , -’6l. 3U. Debt. $176.50, Waln.3 Taken in execution and to be sold as-tne property of Joseph Bose. - JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. March 21,1864. mli23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRUUiS OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at feansom street Hall- ■ All those certain messuages or tenements, stables, ebfds, wharf, and lot of ground situate on the east side of Beach, late Hall street, between Shaciamaxon and Marlborough streets, in the city of Philadelphia, con* tainiug in front on Beach street 69 feeteightandone-half < inches, in depth three hundred and twenty feet, more or less, to the river Delaware; bounded on'the north by ground now, or late of John Gold, and on the south by ground formerly of Johu Dlckiuson ; [which said premises John (.lunn, a. d. of Henry Bras tar, deceased, by deed dated July 16, 1814. recorded in Deed Book M. R., No. 3, page 656. &c , conveyed unto ; Audi ew Boon in fee 1 v [D. C.; M , ’64. 852. Debit $3,055.50. Page. ] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Andrew Boon, deceased. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff j Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 21, 1864 mh23-3t CfHERHF’S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, tome directed, will be ; exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening,: Ap»ll 4, 1864. at. 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. AU that certain brick stable and lot of ground situate on the south »idt of Prune street (Nos; 416 and 418), be- - tween Fourth and Fifth, streets, ia the city of Phila delphia {containing in front on Prune street thirty-six feet, and in depth seventy feet, more or lets. Bounded northward by Prune street, eastward by ground late of: John Sherman, southward by ground formerly of Wli- . 11am Shippen, and ; westward by ground formerly of Joseph Grifley. [Which said lot Cornelias Stevenson, \ executor, Ac , by deed dated June 90.1533, recorded in ' Deed BooX G. W. C., No 68, page TSOv&ci.'conveyed \ unto WUtiam S Ocok in fee {'reserving a groundrent of one hundred and eighty dollars 3 [D. C.; M , ’64. BJS. Debt, $116.65. Brightly, j ; Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of' ■William e. Cook. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff ’s Office, March 21, 1864. mh23*3t ; CTIKRIFF’B SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF L? a writ of Venditioni Bxponaa. to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY*Eve- ( ning. April 4. 1864, at 4 o’clock, at hansom-street HaJl. All that certain lot of ground, situate on the south-. i west Bide of Somerset street, fiftyr four feet northwest- '• wardly from Taiip street, in the city of Philadelphia;* contain log in front on Somerset street fifty* four feet, and ‘ in depth one hundred and twelve feet to Thamea-street. - [Whichlaid premises Walter Lalag et nx. by deed dated May 21. 1860, recorded in Deed Book G. W; 0,, No. 81, ; page 440, Ac., conveyed umo the said Eenry Sehmidt, iu. fee; reserving a ground rent of forty-eight dollars and' sixty cents, payable first of June ana D tcembar ] [D.C..M ’64. 342. Debt, $lB7 46 Rhoads. J ; Taken in execution and to he sold as the'property of- Henry Schmidt. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. , Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 21, 1564. mh23-3t; CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE. OF* a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be. exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even-; lng, April 4.1564. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. Airthat certain three-story brick messuage and lot of i ground, situate on the north side of Lombard street one hundred and fifty five feet eastward from Nineteenth street, In the city of Philadelphia; containing in fronton Lombard street seventeen feet (including on theeast side thereof one-half of a three-feet* wide allay), and iu depth ■ sixty feet; with the privilege of >aid alley- [Which' laid prezniMsi GeorgeSfa-gee. Sheriff, by deedpoU dated-; December 19 1857, lecoided in C.P. Deed Books , page'. 562, conveyed unto David Armstrong in fee, subject to a' yearly ground of linety dollars, payable first of April and October.] 1 [D. G. ; M. ’64 527. Debt, $450. Alsop 3 ' # Taken in execution and to be sold as the’property of: David Armstrong. JOHN THOMPSON. Sneriff. ’ Philadelphia; SherifPi Office, March 21,1664. mh23-3t CHERIFF’S SALE —BY VIRTUE' OF! a writ of Venditioni Expou*, tome directed, will he ■, exposed to public sale or vendtff, on MONDAY Evening, April 4, 1864. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, No 1 All that certain three-fetory brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the south side of Osborne’s court :> seventy-four feet westward from Blackberry alley, in'; tbe city of Philadelphia; containing in front on sald w court twelve feet, and in depth forty-two feet, to a two feet wide alley. Bounded westward by a fifteen- feet- \ wide alley. -i No. 2. All that certain three-story brick messuage and h lot of ground,- situate on the south side of Osborne’s? court; containing is frrnt on said court twelye feet, and ; in depth forty-four feet, honnded on the south by grounds now or late of Ebeuezer Osborne, east by a messuage now or late o* Thomas Warren, west partly by groam.l now or late of Widow Henderson, and partly by a three ftet-wlde alley. ■ * No. 3. All that certain three story brick massuage and lot of around, situate ou the south side of Osborne’s ; court fifty feet west from Blackberry alley; containing i in froDt on. Osborne’s com t twelve feet, and In depth.; southward fifty* four feet. Bounded east by a three feet : alley. Together with the privilege of said alleys E:tca. of said lots being subject to a ground rent of thirty-eight dollars. fFor recitals see writ. 3 ;■ *■. [D. C.; M , '64. SOI. Debt. $4OO Dadrick.3 'Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of?. Lucretia Brockelbank. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. ShtrliTw Offloe. March 21. 1864 . mh23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF . - a writ of Levari Yacins, to mo- directed, will be ex--, posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evenings April 4. iS6t, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, . f*4; ! ■ All that certain rbree-story brick messuage, back t uildings, and lot of ground, situate on the south -, side of Brown street, one hundred and one feet, eleven •< nnd one-half iDchQi westward from Thirteenth street, in the city ofPhiladelphta; containing in front, ou Brown street. fourteen fe%t f-even inches, and in.depih, on the, east line, about ceventy-five feet* eight Jnches, and on the we t line seventy-six feet two-aud flve;elgbths inch es. with the privilege of athree-feet and five aid three-fourthkiuches wide alleys. [Which Slid lot Wiiltem D. Lewis et ux . by I’eea dated January 12,, < 1848, conveyed unto John Brasilia fee- 3 [D C.. M *64. 344; Debt $l,OOO. Biddle.] Take a in execution audio be sold ' as tho property of * Jo u Betheli. - JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office Much 21, 1864. i SHERIFFS SALES. . SHERIFF’S SAI.ES. ftHEBIFPSSIALE.— BY VIRTuVoF . a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4,1864, At 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot of ground, situate on the east aide of Broad street, slxty-thrre feet northwardly from Susquehanna avenue. In the city of Philadelphia; containing In front on Broad street twenty one feet, and in depth one hundred and forty-one feet to Pembroke street. (Which said lot Thomas C. Keed etux., by deed dated February 16, 1656. recorded in Deed Book R. D. w.. No 160, page 512. Ac , conveyed unto Anthony T. Vansant in fee; subject to a gronndrent of eighty-four dollars. m (D. C ; M., 64. 575. Debt, $327.00. Juvenal] Tak*n In execution and to be.sold as tho property of Anthony T. Vansant. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22, 1884 m.hfrf3t CJBERIFF’B SALE.— BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, April 4, 1864, at‘4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot of gronnd situate on the east side of Broad street, 126 feet northwardly from Susquehanna avenue, intheoliyof Philadelphia; containing In front on. Broad street twenty-one feet, and in depth one hun dred and fifty-one feet to Pembroke street [-Which said lot Thomas O. Herd dTuX ibr deed dated February 15th, 16f6, recorded In Deed Book ft. D. W., No. 149, page 051. Ac . conveyed unto John R. Oh&ndler, in fee; subject to a ground rent of eighty-four doUAr* } CD. C ;M.. .’64 376. Debt $277 02 Juvenal.] Taken iu execution and to be sold as the proparty of Johnß. Chandler. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s office. March 22,1864. ; -mh23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing, April 4, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-Bireet Hall, All that certain three story brick messuage and lot of groand situate on tha north side of Spruce street, be tween Eleventh And Twelfth streets,ln tue city of Phila delphia; containing in front on Spruce street nineteen feet, and in depth seventy-one feet to a five-feel-wide alley. . C, O B. had parted with his interest [D. C.; M., ’64. 374. Debt, $2,170.40. Hudson.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Clement C. Biddle, deceased. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22.1864. mh23-3t OBEBIFB’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF , kJ. a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning. April 4.1864, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom street HaU, All teat certain three story brick meuuage and lot of ground situate on the southeast cornerof Broad and Wal lace streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing la front on Broad street forty feet, and In depth of that Width eißtwaid eighty-two feet Subject to a yearly ground rent of one hundred and etghtj dollars, payable first of Match and September. [D. C.; M.. ’« 566. Debt, $184,20. H. C. Townsend.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William B. Sanrman. James Magarahan, ana Austin W. Mose*. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff s Office. March 22. 1864 mh2B-8t SHERIFF’S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF /writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will ba ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4, 1861, at 4 o clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain three-story brick messuage and lot of gronnd situate on the northeast corner of Filbert and Seventeenth street, in the city of .Philadelphia; con taining tn f. ont on Seventeenth street nineteen feet, and in depth sixty feet to a three-feet atley. C Which said premises Benjamin Duncan, Sheriff, by deed-poll dated July 6th,' 1835. recorded in D C Deed Book G, page 162, conveyed umo Thomas M&tl&ck in fee; subject to a ground rent of seventy-six dollars.] . [D. C.; M. ’64. 381. Debt 52,727.50, Heyer.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas Mstlack. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. Marches, 1864. mh23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to ms directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MOND aY Evening, April 4,1564, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street HaU, All that certain lot of ground iltnate on the west side of Bore street, ninety-two feet four and one-quarter inches southward from Franklin avenue, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Hops street four teen feet (including one-half of a two-feet aUey), and in depth forty feet, wilh the privilege of said alley. [Whlch sald premises George W. Gorton et aL, by deed dated September 26. 1856, recorded lu Deed Bookß J). W. ,No. 124 page 240, Ac., conveyed unto Aaron Van kirk in fee; reserving a ground rent of fifty two dollars, payable first of April and October.] CD. C.: M., ’64. 385 Debt, $440.41. Grout.] Taken tn execution aid to be Bold as the property of Aaron Vankirk. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia,Sheriff 's Office, March 22,1861, mh23-3t OHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4, 1864, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street HaU, All that certain four story brick messuage, back build ings and lot of ground situate on \he west aide of Ele venth street, seventy-four feet northward from Cherry street. In the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Sleventh street eighteen feet, and in depth ninety eight feet Albo, a strip of ground, adjoiuiag to the north,and used as an alley, two feet six inches In front on Eleventh street by twenty-foar.feet in depth; with the privilege of said alley in common with Michael McCioskey, who has tbe right and privilege of building over the same. [Which, said premises Janies Howell et ux. and Benjamin R. Hears et ux.. by deeds dated Jane 17th, 1860, recorded in Deed Book G. w. C.» No. SJ, page ID, conveyed unto Herman dehmidt in fee. ] ■ ■ - CD. C.; M.*, ’€4. 380. Debt, $>,446. A. Thompson.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Herman bchmidt. JOHN THOMPSON Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office, March 22, 1564. mh23-3t SHERIFF’S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levaxi Facias, to me directed, will be ex* posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY EVENING, April 4, 1864, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-Street Hall, .All that certain lot or around, with, the improvements thereon,situate on the west »ide of tfarvine street, eighty* six feet southward from Thompson street, in the city of Philadelphia, containing in front, on Marvine street, fourteen feet, and in depth fifty-two feet. [Which said premises John Davy, et ex., toy deed dated Nov. 7. 1856, recorded in Deed Book B. B. W., No. 107, page 246, con veyed nntoSolomon Kayser In fee; subject to a ground rent ol forty-two dollars, payable Ist January and' July. 3 CD C.; M. .64 378 Taken In execution and to he sold as the property of Solomon Kayser. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, March 22 1851 mfa.23 3t ! CHERIFF’S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF ; a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will ! be exposed to pnblic sale or vendne, on MONDAY Eve , Ding. April 4,1661, at 4 o’clock, at Saasom-street Hall. | Ail that certain lot of ground, situate on the east side > of Broad street, eighty-four feet northwardly from Sus : quehanna avenue, in ihe city of Philadelphia; contain ! inginfrontonßroadstreettwenty-oiiefeet, and in depth ' one-hundred acd-fifty-one feet to Pembroke street, f [Which said lot Thomas C. Bead et ux, by deed'dated 1 February 15. 1556, recorded 1u Deed Bcok R. D. W.. No. ISO. page 628, Ac, . conveyed onto Charles H. Chandler i in fee; subject to a ground rent of eighty-four dollars ] j CD. C.; M., r b4. 377. Debt,*49S.9o Juvenal.] u Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of L Charles &• Chandler JOHN Sheriff, i Philadelphia, sheriff’s Office, March 22. 1864. mh23-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to pnblic sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4,1864, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, No. 1. All that certain three-story brick messuage and let of ground tifoate on the east side of Eressler street, one hundred and ninety-two feet south-from Diamond street, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on Kressler street sixteen feet, and in depth sixty fsetto Perry street. Subject to a grouedrent of twenty-four dollars, payable first of January and July. No. 2. All that certain two-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the fast side Kressler street, two hundred and eight fett routhof Diamond street; con taining in fronton Kreseler street sixteen feet, and in depth sixty feet to Perry street. Subject to a ground rent of twenty • four dollars, payable first of January and July, [Which said premises in al.. George Magee. Sheriff, by Deed Poll dated November 7,1857, recorded inD. C Deed Book N., JJo. 2, p*ge 18, conveyed unto Moses I. Strauss in fee 1 CD. C.;M. ’6l 379 Debt, $1,658.33. Thorn.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Mo»es I. Strauss. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. .Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 22.1584. mh23-3t. PROPOSALS. O F F I G E ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE. Philadelphia, March 16, 1864. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited and will be received ; at this office, until 12 o’clock M , on MONDAY, the 2Sth : Just., for supplying the Schuylkill Arsenal with GRAY 1 WOOLLEN BLANKETS—army standard, of domestic manufacture—in order that the present weekly delive ries may be largely increased. Bidders musistate in their proposals, which must be given in writing, as well as in figures, the quantity bid for, and time oi delivery. ‘ - The ability of the bidder to fill the contract must be guarantied by two responsible persons, whose signa ’ tuxes will be appended to the guaranty, and said guar anty accompany the bid; and in case the said bidder should fail to enter into the contract, they to make ! good the difference between the offer of said bidder and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to whom the contract may be awarded. Bidders, as well as their sureties, or guarantors, who may not be known at this office, will furnish a certifi cate from the United States District Attorney, Postmas ter, or other pnblic functionary, at the residence of the bidden, or guar* n tors, setting forth clearly the fact that the bidder and his sureties are responsible men, who will, if a-contract is awarded them, act in good faith with the United States, and faithfully execute the same. No bidwill be entertained that does not fully comply "with all ofthe above requirementSr&nd which is not pro perly guarantied by two responsible parties, as above de • scribed. : Bids from defaulting contractors will not be received. Blank forms for proposals can be had upon applica tion at this office. must be endorsed "Proposals for Army Blankets” G. H. CROSMAN. mhl7-10t Asst Q. M. General, P S. A.' PROPOSALS FOB FORAGE. Osnur Quaktbkicasthk’B Ornox, Washixotox Depot, December 8,1861. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited by the undersigned tor supplying the U. 8. Quartermaster’s Department, at Washington, D. 0.,. Baltimore, Md., Alexandria, ana Tort Monroe* v*., or either of these placet* with Hay, Corn, Oats, and Straw. Bids will be received for tha delivery of 1,000 bushels of corn or oats, and fO tons of hay or straw, and up wards. . Bidders must state at which of the above-named points they propose to make deliveries, and the rates it which they will make deliveries thereat, the Quantity of each article proposed to be delivered, the time when said de liveries shall be commenced, and when to be completed, ; The price must be written ont in words on the bids. Gorn to be put up in good, stout sacks, of about two bushels each. Oats in like sacks, of about three bushels each. The sacks to be furnished without extra charge to the Government. The hay and straw to be securely baled. The particular kind dr description of oats, com. hay, or straw, proposed to be delivered, must be stated in the W Affthe articles offered under the bids herein invited will be subject to a rigidlnspection by the Government Inspector before being accepted. Contracts will be awarded from time to time to the lowest responsible bidder, as the interest of the Govern ment may require, and payment will be made when the whole amount contracted for shall have been delivered andaceepted. The bidder will be required to accompany Ms propo sal with a guarantee, signed by two responsible persons, that in case his bid is accepted he or they will, within ten days thereafter, execute the eontraet for the same, with good and sufficient sureties, in a sum equal to the amount of the contract, to deliver the forage proposed in conformity with the terms of this advertisement; and la case tho said bidder should fall-to enter Into the sOntrast, they to make good the difference between the offer of said bidder and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to whom tbe contract may bo awarded. The responsibility ol the guarantors most be shown by the official certificate of a D. 8. District Attorney. Oof lector of Customs, or any other officer under the united States Government, or responsible person known to this office. All bidders will be duly notified of the acceptance or ■rejection of their proposals. The full name and post office address of each bidder must be legibly written in the proposaL Proposals must be addressed to Brigadier General D. H. Rucker, Chief D6pdt Quartermaster, Washington, D G., and should be plainly marked, 1 ‘ Proposals for To- In a sum equal to the asmunt of the eontraet, signed by the contractor and both drhls guarantors, will be required of the successful bidder or bidders upon guarantees, and bonds may be obW».d w« tt »|g^on {Town, County, and State— — - (Date) —~ I, the subscriber, do hereby propose to furnish and de liver to the United States, at the Quartermaster’s De partment at , agreeably to the terms of your advertisement. Inviting proposals for forage, dated Washington Dtpdt. Detember 8,1883, the following arti cles, vis; bushels of Corn, In casks, at per bushel of ffl ponnds. bushels of Oats, in sacks, at poV bushel of 31 1 pounds. * ■ v. - . tons of baled Hay, at per ton of 3,000 pounds* tons of baled Straw, at —per ton of 2»000 pounds. Delivery to commence on or before the— —day of —, 188 , and to be completed on or before the - day of 186 , and pledge myself to enter .into a Written contract with the United States.: with good and approved securities, within the space of ten days after being notified that my bid has been accepted. Your obedient servant, Brigadier General D. H. Ruokba, Chief D6pst Quartermaster, Washington. D. 0. < GUARANTEE. Is, the undersigned, residents of —— , 1* the county of ——, and State of ■. hereby, ’olntly and severally, covenant with the United Statee, and guarantee, in case the forogoing bid of "■ ■be accepted, that be or they will, within ten days after the acceptance of said bid, execute the contract for the same With good and sufficient sureties, in a sum equal to the amount of the contract, to furnish'the forage proposed In conformity to the terms of advertisement,dated De cember 8, 1863, under which the bid was made, and, iu case the aald shall fail to snter Into ajcontract as aforesaidrwe guarantee to make good the difference be tween the offer by the said— —— and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to whom the contract may be awarded. ■ witness: i Given under our hands and seals < this day of •, 188 . [Seal,3 [Seal.] I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, tha above-named guarantors are good and suffi cient as sureties for the amount for whish they offer to be sesnrifcy. -■ —. To be certified by the United States District Attorney, Coll ester of Cuetoms, or any other officer under the UnltedStatee Government, or responsible person known to this office. v All proposals received under IthU -advertisement will be opened and examined at this office on Wedneaday and Saturday of each week, at IS U. : Bidders are respectful ly invited to be present at thb opening of bids. If they desire. : D. H; RUCKER. daU-U Brigadier General and Quartermaster. Dsbt, *1,076 S 9. Thorn. 3 raieaoad limes. PENNSYLVANIA mOENTBAL bailboad.^ P*H • PHILADELPHIA TO PITTSBURG 330 MILES DOUBLE TRACK. THE SHORT ROUTB TO THE WEST. Trains leave the Depot at Eleventh and Market streets* as follows: Mail Train at>«»,«,«.»»«»*., w>,•.».»«»«.,,-nn 8,00 A. M. Past Line at.*.. **•■!! 40 A. U. Through Express at....lffSOP. M. Parkesburg Train*- LOOP. M. HarrisburgAeeommodatlonTrain at....——— 190 P. M. Lausas ter Train at LOOP. M. The Through Express train runs daily—all the other trains dally, except Sunday. _ „ POR PITTSBtJBa AND THE WEST. The Man Train, Past Line, and Through Express con nect at Pittsburg with through trains on all the diverg ing roads froin that point. North to the Lakes, West to the a Mississippi and Missouri rivers, and South and Southwest to all points accessible by Railroad. ««. INDIANA BRANCH RAILROAD The Through Express, connects, at Blairsville Inter section, with a train on this road for Biairsrille. In diana, As. EBENSBURG 4 OREBSON BRANCH RAILROAD. , Tbe Through Express Train connects at Cresson at 10.46 A. M. ■ with a train on this road, for Ebensburg. A train also leaves Cresson for Ebensburg at 8.46 P. M HOLLIDAYSBURG BRaNOH RAILROAD. The Mail Train and Througn Express eonnect at Al toona with trains for HollidaTsbnrg at 7.66 P.M. and 8.40 A. M. , TYRONE 4 CLEARFIELD BRANCH RAILROAD The Through Express Train conneets at Tyrone with trains for Sandy Ridge. Phillipsburg, Port MUesburg, and'Bellefonte. HUNTINGDON A BROAD-TOP RAILROAD. The Through Bxpresi Train connect* at Huntingdon with a train for Hop®well and Bloody San at 6.66 A. M JTOBTHERN PHJLAJDKLPHIA. & J&Btf ■ RAILROADS. Fob SuirßtTßT, V? iluakhport. Loor Hath*. and all points on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, and Kl- BIBA, ROOB2STBB. BttPFALO, AJTD 111 AQABA FALLS. Passengers taking the Mall Train, at 8.00 A. U., and the Through Express, at 10. SOP. M.,go dlreotlythroagh without chance of cars between Philadelphia and Wil liamsport.. _____ For YOBS, HANOVER, and GETTYSBURG, the train* leaving at 8.00 A. M. and 2-30 P.M.. connect at Columbia with trains on the Northern Central Railroad. CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD. The Mall Train and Through Express connect at Har risburg with trains for Carlisle. Chambersburg, and Ha gerstowu. ■ WAYNKSBURQ BRANCH RAILROAD. The trains leaving at 8.00 AM. and 2. SO P. M. conneet at Downinjrton with trains on this road for Waynes burg and all Intermediate stations. FOR WEST CHESTER. Passengers for West Chester taking the trains leaving M. »and 1 and 4 P. M. go directly through without change of ears. For further information, apply at the Passenger Sta tion. 8. E. corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. JAMES COWDEN. Ticket Agent. WESTERN EMIGRATION. An Emigrant ; Accommodation Train leaves No. 137 dallv (Sundays excepted), at 4 o’clock P. K. For full Information apply to FRANCIS FUNK, Emigrant Agent. 13T DOCK Street _ FREIGHTS. By this ronts freights of all descriptions san be for warded to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio. Kentucky, Indiana., Illinois. Wisconsin.: lowa, or Mis souri, by railroad aired* or to any port on the naviga ble rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg. - For freiiht contracts or shipping directions, apply to 8. B. KINGSTON. Jr.. Philadelphia. ’ - , ' ENOCH LEWIB, Jall-tf General Superintendent. Altoona, Pa. 1 nnj .ARRANGEMENTS OF ln n 4 1004. NEW YOBK LINES. 1864* TEX CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPASHTS LINES, FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES. »MM WALNUT STRBBT WHARF, WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS-VIX: At 6 A H., via Camden and Amboy. O. and A a/-*** - eommodation™.. ™™ ™, gj % At 8 A M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Express i qq At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey City, 2d Class Tickets..-™,...™™™™™ j «s At 12 M, via Camden and Amboy, G. and A Ac commodation™.. . c M At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A Ex press 3 00 At IP. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger). l yj At 6 P. M.. via Camden and Amboy. Accommoda tion. (Freight and Passenger)—lst Class Ticket... 221 Do. do.. 2d Class do.*™. 160 At t\ F. M„ via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger,) Ist Class Ticket... 324 „ ■ , . ■ • 2d Class Ticket..-™™. 160 For Maueh Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belviders, Easton. LambertvllK Flemington, Ac., at 3 P. M. For Mount Holly, Ewansville. and Pemberton, at 4 A M*. 2, and 4KT. M. For Freeholu at 6 A M. and 2 P. K. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanco, Beverly, Burling ton, Florence, Bordentown, As., at 6 A M*. 12 K..L S. and 4. SO P. M. The 3 and 4. SO P. H. lines run direct through to Trenton. For Palmyra. Riverton. Delanco, Beverly, and Bur lington, at B>4 P. M. LINES FROM KENBINGTON DEPOT WILL LEAVE t AS FoLLowB\_ At 1,60 A.M. (Night), via Kensington and Jersey City, Washington and New York Mail. At ILIS A H„ via Kensingtonand Jersey City. Ex press......™-. s 00 At 4.30 P, M.. via Kensington and Jersey City, Ex pre55*™..,.....'...., 3 00 At 8.46 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City. Washington and New York express.....™™™™.. 3 00 Sunday Lines leave at 1.60 AM. and 8.45 P. M. There will be no line at 1.60 A M. (Night) on Mondays. For Water Gap. Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Montrose, Great Bend, Maueh Chunk, Allantown. Beth lehem, Belvldere. Easton, L&mbertville. Flemlngion, R«.tat[7 A-M. This line connects with the train leav ing Easton for Maueh Chunk at 3.50 P. H. l For Bristol, Trenton. Ac., at? and ILI6 A M., and 3 andfiP. M. For Holm esburr, Taeony, Wissonomlnr, Bridesburg, and Frankford. at O'A M., f, 6.46, and BF. M. For New York and WayLlnec leaving Kensington Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above walnut, half an hour before departure. The cars run into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train ran from the Depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passes- Ser- Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as aggage but their wearing apparel. ' All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond filOO, ex cept bv special contract. Graham’s Baggage Express will call for and deliver baggage at the Depots. Orders to be left at No. 3 Wal nut street. - WILLIAM H. GATZHER, Agent. January 20, 1864. LINKS FROM NEW YORK FOB PHILADELPHIA wm. LBAV3 FROM FOOT OP CORTLASTOT STRBBT. At 12 M, and 4P. M. via Jersey City and Camden. At 7 and 10 A M., 6P. M.. and 12 (Night), via Jersey City and Kensington. From foot of Barclay street at 6 A M. and 2P. M., via Amboy and Camden. From Pier No. 1, North river, at 12 M, 4 and BF. M. (freight and passenger) Amboy and Camden. ja4-tf fSr*BCBBBgSTO PHILADELPHIA ww nmHnr-"wn abb bemiba b. b. lisb. 1863. Till AND WIKTBK ABBAHOB- 18#*, MENT. for WILLLAMSPOfiT, SCBAHTOK. RLMIBA, BBS. ALLS, and All point, in tli. Weti Patsenier Trains leay, D§p9t ol Philadelphia and Readim Railroad, <orner BROAD *nd CALLO WHILE Btrseta, at til l M. and 3.30 F. M.', dally. Sunday, ere op tod. QU7CKESTEODT2 from Philadelphia to point, In Iforthorn and Western PennaylTanl*. Waatern Raw Tork, &<., &«. > Baggage checked through to Buffalo, Niagara Tails, or intermediate points. 1 Tor further information apply to JOHN S. HILLBS. General Agent. THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL, and office N. W esrner SIXTH and CHESTNUT streets. jaSl-t WEST CHESTER & PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA ’uEOTRjSi v HAILHOAD. Passengers for West Chester leave the d6pdt, corner of Eleventh and Market streets, and go through WITHOUT ‘CHANGE OF CARS. FROM PHILADELPHIA Leave at 8.00 A M...... Arrive West Chester 9.60 A H. " " LOOP.JL " " 3.00 P, M. •' *• loop. M. " " B.OOP, H. • FROM WEST CHESTER. Leave at 6.60 A M.—Arrive West Phi1a.,.8.35 A. BL ‘ "10.45 AM.- " " 12.25P.M. " " 3.60P.M. " " 6.20P.M. Passengers for Western points from West Chester con nect at the Intersection with the Mail Train at 9.17 A M.. the Harrisburg Accommodation at 3.65 P. H., and tha Lancaster Train at 5.25 P. M. Freight delivered at the dspdt, corner of Thirteenth and Market streets, previous to 11.30 A M., will be for warded by the Accommodation Train, and reach West Cheater at3.OOP. M. For tickets and farther information, apply to JAMES COWDBN, Ticket Agent. ja9-tapl ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. 1863. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE BAIL ROAD.—This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY, ana under their auspices is being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It is now in‘use for Passenger and Freight^business from Harrisburg to Emporium, GB5 miles) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie, (78 miles) on the Western Division. TIKB 07 PASSBNGER TBAIJTB AT PHILADBLPHIA. Leave Westward. Mall Train... 8.00 A M. Express Train...... F. M. Cars run through without chanre both ways on these trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and be tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. _ . ... For information respecting Passenger business apply at tbe Southeast corner Eleventh and Market Streets. And for Freight business of the Company’s Agents: S. B KINGSTON, Jr., corner Thirteenth and Market streets, Philadelphia. J. W. REYNOLDS. Erie. J. M. DRILL, Agent N. C. K. R-, Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. LEWIS L. HOUPT, General Ticket Agent. Philadelphia. JOS. D. POTTS, mk6-t! General Manager, Williamsport fS»Mimri|jnn NORTH PENNSYL w * VANIA RAILROAP-Por BETH LBHBM, DOYLESTOWN, MAUCH CHUNK, HAZLE TON, EASTON, WILLIAMSPORT, ho. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. _ Passenger Trains leave the new. Depot, THIRD Street, above Thompson street, dally (Sundays excepted) as follows: At 7 A. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauck Chunk, Haileton, Williamsport, &c. At 3.15 P. M. (Express) for Bethlehem. Easton, Ac. At 5.16 P. M. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, For Doylestown at B. 15 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. For Fort Washington at 10.16 AM. and 6.16 P. M. White ears of the Second and Third stroets line City Passenger run directly to the new Depot. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Bethlehem at 6.30 A. M., 9. SO A M., and 8.07 P. K. Leave Doylestown at 8.30 AM. and 3.40 P. M. LeayeFortWashington atS.4OA H. and2P. M. ON SUNDAYS. ■ Philadelphia for Doylestown at 10 A'H. and 4.15 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7. SO A. M. and 2 P. M. •XOI6 ELLIS CLARK, Agent.. fSMLtom WEST CHESTER WF Wli-AND PHILADELPHIA RAIL ROAD. VIA MEDIA. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Os and after MONDAY. December 7th, ISOS, Uu Trains will leave Philadelphia, from the depot, north" east corner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets, at 6 and 10.40 A. M., and at 2 and 4*P. M.~~ - Trains leave the corner o/THIBTY*7IRST and MAS* SET Streets (West Philadelphia), 17 minutes after Uu startlnx time from EIGHTEENTH and MARKET. _ A'Trelflit Train, with Paasenser Car attached, will leave the corner of THIBTY-FIRST and MARKET Streets (West Philadelphia) at 6. SO P. M. _QN SUNDAYS Leave Philadelphia at SA. M. and 2 P. H. Leave West Cheater at 7.60 A. M. and 4P. M. The Trains lea vine Philadelphia at 8 1. H. and i P, M.. aonneatatPennellton-wlth Train* on the P. and B. C. Jt.£ for Concord. Bennett, Oxford, 4*.^ HBHKY WOOD, de7-tf General Superintendent. A(\ CENTS PER POUND TAX ON TOBACCO, The Government is about to put a Ux of 40 Mntirper pound on Tobaeeo. You can save 50 per cent, by Ton can tare 50 per cent by Ton eans&ye 50 per cant, by You can save 60 per cent. bV Buyinc now at DBaN’S* So. 356 CSBBTITCTT. Buying now &t IJEAB'B, Boyjni now it MiTTS, Wo. 835 CHESTgOTI Buying noir at DEAN’S. No. 535 CHESTNUT. Prime Navy Tobacco, 70, 75 and 80c. per Ok. Prime Cavendish Tobacco, 70, 75. and 80c. per It. Prime Flounder Tobacco, 70, 75 and 80c. per ft. Prime Congress Tobacco. 65, 70 and 75e. per ft. prime Fir and Twist Tobacco, 75 and SQc. per ft, BEAN Bells Old Virginia Navy. BEAN aeUs Old Virginia Sweet Cavendish. BEAN selis OJd Virginia Rough and Ready. BEAN sells Old Virginia Plain Cavendish. •' BEAN sells Old Virginia Congress. BEAN sells Old Virginia Pig and Twist BEAN tells Old Virginia Smoking Tobacco. BEAN’S Kanawha Pine Gat Chewing Tobacco BEAN’S Kanawha Pine Gat Chairing Tobacco Cannot he Equaled, Cannot be Equaled. BEAN’S Cigar* are superior to all others. _ BEAN’S Cigars are superior to »U others; He raises his own Tobacco, on his own plantation In Havana He sell* his own Cigars at his own store* No* 355 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. ■ ■ ' * BEAN’S Minnehaha Smoking Tobacco is manufactured from pure Virginia Tobacco, and contains no dangerous concoctions of AVeeds. Herbs, and Opium. Pipes, Pipes* Meerschaum Pipes, Brier Pipes, Bo* Pipes, Roee Pipes, Mahogany Pipes. Setoy Pipes. Apple Pipes,Cherry Pipes. Gutta Pipes, Olay Pipes, and othsr • Pipes. And Pipe down and get your Pipes, Tobacco; Cigars. Ac., at BEAN’S, No. 535 Chestnut Street. And there you vrill see his Wholesale and Retail Clerks go Piping around waiting on Customer*. • ••• i The Army of the Potomac now order all their Tobacco. ; Glgan. Pipes, Ac., from BEAN’S, No. 335 CHESTNUT ; street. Thtr know BEAB asUs the best and cheapest l laU-tf LAEOB PEREMPTORY SAM OF EUROPEAN, INDIA. _ • AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS. *o. We will bold a lane sale of British. German, French, and American Dry Goods, . ON THURSDAY MORNING, Mareb 24th, on four months’ credit, and part for cash, commencing atjprecisely 10 o'clock, comprising tax b* „ PACKAGES AND LOTB or British, German, 'French, India, and American dry goods, embracing a large, foil, and fresh assortment of -woolen, worsted, linen, cotton, and silk goods, for. city and conntcy sales. H. B.—Samples of'the same will be arranged for ex amination, with catalogues, early on the morning of the sue, when dealers will find It to their Interest to attend. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF FOREIGN AND DO- T GOODS, Ac. NOTICE. —lncluded In our sale of Foreign and domes tic dry good?, on Thursday Morning, March 24th, at 10 o clock, will be found in part tte following desirable ar ticles, to be sold on four months credit and part for cash— viz: cases neat styles American prints. cases American ginghams. cases English and German ginghams. cases apron checks. cases blue denims. cases lickings. cases bine stripes. cases black ana colored slleai&i* cases brown and bleached maslins. cases jeans And mixtures. cases Saxony dress coeds. casts fancy lawns and jaconets — cases poplins and mozambtQaes. cases fancy reps and poll de chevree. cases de begs and mous delaines. cases silk alpaca*. LINEN GOODS. . , On THUfiSDAE, March 24th. Will be sold * piece* 7-4 and 8 4 Barnsley damasks. pieces white and brown damasks and cloths. pieces damask and hack towels. piecesdiaper and plain towels. pieces bleached and brown linen-hacks. pieces elastic canvas. dozens % and X linen cambric handkerchiefs. tailoring goods. t .On THURSDAY. March 24fch. Will be sold, about £25 pieces woolens—viz: pieces Belgian and French, broadcloths. pieces English black cap and cloak cloths. piece 8 English meltons pieces fancy French cassimeres. pieces blach doeskins. pieces black and fancy satinets. Also, black satin and fancy silk vestings, serges, vel vets, hosiery, gloves, spool- cottons, patent thread, silk cravats and ties, hoop and balmoral skirts, shirts and drawers, linen bosom*, buttons, cotton, handkerchiefs, woolen, thi bet and Stella shawls, fancy articles, Ac. Also, stock of American dry goods, for cash. POSITIVE SALE OF ENGLISH VELVET, BRUSSELS, THREE-PLY. INGRAIN, AND VENITIAN CARPET INGS, MATTINGB Ac. On FRIDAY MORNING. March 25. At 10J£ o'clock, will bB sold by catalogue, on 4 months' credit, Pieces rich velvet, Brussels, three-ply, superfine, and fine ingrain, Venitinn, hemp, and list carpetings; Gan* ton m&ttingß, Ac . embracing a choice assortment of su perior goods, which may be examined early on the morning of sale. LARGE PEREMPTORY BALE OF FRENCH,INDIA. GERMAN. AND BRITIBH DRY GOODS, Ac.. FOll SPRING SALES. - * * „ , - ON MONDAY MORNING, March-2Bth. at 10 o’clock,wilL be sold,by catalogue, on four months’ credit, about ■J 50 PACKAGES AND LOTS of French, India, German, and British dry-goodi,- Ac , embracing a large and choice assortment of fancy -knd staple articles In silk, worsted, woolen, and cotton fabrics, ' N. B.—Samples of the same will be arranged for ex amination, with catalogues, early on the morning of the sale, when dealers will find it to their interest to attend. LARGE POBITIVB SALE OF 1,100 PACKAGES BOOTS, SHOES. BROGANS ARMY GOODS, Ac ON TUE3DAY MORNING. March 29th, at 10 o’clock, will be sold by catalogue, without reserve, on four months' credit, about 1.100 packages boots, shoes, brogans, cavalry boots, Ac .em bracing a prime a#d fresh a* sortment of desirab'e arti cles for men, women, and children, of city and Eastern manufacture. N. B.— Samples, with catalogues, early on the morn* ing (f sale. ~ • • t>t henry f. Colbert, AUCTIONEER, Mo. 310)1 MARKET Street. South Side, above Second 9 DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, SKIRTS. OVER-SHIRTS, SHOES. Ac. THIS MOINING. March 23d, at 10 o'clock, will be sold, casslmarea, mus lins, prints, plaids, delaines, bareges, lawns, cotton ho siery, linen and silk hflhfs, neck ties, ribbon*, trim - mings, thimbles rings, chains, knives, brushes, soap, perfumery, wool over shirts, felt hats, boots,shosB. steel spring skirts, Ac. Sales of Dry Goods. Trimmings, Notions, A« , even MONDAY. WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY MORNING, commencing at 10 o'clock. MFOB SALE—a HANDSOME COUNTRY SBAT in CHESTER COUNTY, contain ing 20 acres. House modern built, with all conveni ences- The grounds .abound in Shade and Fruit Trees of every descripvion uonvenient to stations on three different railroads For further information apply at No. 005 OHKSTfIUT Street mh9-w3t* TTALU ABLE DELAWARE WHARF PROPERTY FOR SALE.-This property, cen trally located in the EIGHTEENTH WARD of the city of Philadelphia, has a frontage on the river Delaware, extending to Beach street, of 116 feet, with a superior 80-feet-wide pier into deepwater; capacious docks, 200 to 300 feet long, on both sides —the whole embracing an area of over 65,000 square feet, with privileges of exten sion eqaal to a total area exceeding 80,000 square feet. For further information, apply personally, or by letter, to samusl b. grice, fekfcf 13410 BEACH street, Philadelphia. M'TO LET—a COMMODIOUS DWELLING, No. 133 North FRONT Street. Rent moderate. Apply to WETHERILL A 880., 0c29-tf 4:7 and -*9 North SECOND Street. Ma handsome beautifully located, with all the Modern Improve ments, Large Garden, Ac., Ac., in the city of BURLING TON. New Jersey, for SALE, or uIEXCHaNGB for City Properly. Inquire of PRESLEY BLAKISTON. mh!7-6t No. 25 South SIXTH Street. .Se FOR SALE—A MODERN BUILT ■fcidthiee-fetory DWELLING, with water, gas, bath, Ac. ; one of the most delightful and healthy situations in WEST PHILADELPHIA, commanding an extensive view of the Delaware and. Schuylkill rivers and the Jersey shore; a new Barn: lots* t>y 175 feet; situated ia the vicinity of the new Park. Property rapidly ad vancing in price. . Or, House TO LET and’Farolfure for sale. - Inquire 932 CHESTNUT Street, mh2l-6t* • Second Floor. 0 FOR SALE—A VERY DBSIRA ■He®. BLR HOUSE, for a moderate-sized family, in a good neighborhood in Germantown, is now offered at alow price and on accommodating terms, in order to close an Interest in the. property. House S 6 by 25 feet, with Fur nace, Rang'*. Bath, and Hydrant Water; is built of stone, and lined throughout Also, a fine Building Site, with about Three Acres-of Land. Apply d*ily except Thursday, between 10 and 11 o’clock, at-SO 5 MARKET Street. mh!6 tf MFOR SALEWA VERY DESIRA BLE PBOPEETY. the residence of the late Dr. JACOB BHAKPLEBS, deceased, with Eighteen Acres of superior Lard attached. It ie-situated in the borough of BOWlflJ* GTOWIf. Chester .comity, within ten minutes’w&lh of the Chester Talley and Pennsylvania Railroad Stations, at which all trains stop. Tie Dwell ing is very conveniently and substantially built, with Bam, Tenant House, Spring House, and all necessary out-buildings. There is a great abundance of Shrub bery, Fruit, and Shade Trees. Part of the land will, be sold with the buildings, if desired. Apply to ABSL S. ASHBRIDG2, DOWJSISGTOWN P. O. M FOB SALE OB EXCHANGE FOE CITY PROPERTY—A. handsome Country Seat and well-improved Farm of 90 acres. It Is one of the most desirable properties ever offered for sale. Will be sold with or without stock and furniture. No money re* ouired. * Immediate possession given. For full particu lars, apply to J. AL GOMMEY & SONS. 50S WALNUT Street - - •fe34-lm MYALUABLE CHESTNUT-STRE BT PROPERTY.—The subscribers offer at private sale, a property on CHBSTNOT Street between Seventh and Eighth streets: 41 feet frost on Chestnut strati, and 17S feet deep, running to Jayne street, with the privilege of al5 feet passage-way running to Eighth street FIF TY THOUSAND DOLLARS of the purchase money may remain on the property a* a ground rentor by bond and mortgage. LAUMAN & SALLADS, 138 SOUTH NINTH Street, mh4-if . Philadelphia. A SPLENDID FABM FOB S A.LE.— email FAR If, of between IS and 19 acre*, situate oh the Bristol Turnpike Road, sear Torresdale, Twenty third Wgid- .. Has a small stream of water running through it; well of excellent water, and is convenient to steamboat landing, and railroad station. Buildings are in good repair; the bam is new, nihlS wfm6t* JOHN BHALLCROSS, Frankford. 1863. 4ft FOR SALE—A YERY DEBIRA •AI ble Country Seat; with 52 acres of Land, near Mill town, six miles from the city, one-anarter mile from Se cond-street Road, two miles from Oak Lane Station, on North Penusylvania'ftairoad. Large stone house and ham. spring house, milk cave. Ac. B F GLENN, mbl9 133 South FOURTH Street, A FOB SALE—AN EXCELLENT ■ H Farm of 90 acres, on the Media Railroad, ten miles from the city, affording handsome sites for cottages. Also, a large number of farms in Delaware, well situ ated ' B. F. GLENN, mh!9 333 South FOURTH Street. m FOR SALE —THE SUB-jft JBiLSCRIBEa offers for sale his COUNTRY SBAT, 35 within half a mile of Wilmington. Delaware, on the Newpojt pike, containing EIGHT ACRES of good land, in the centre of which is a large lawn, with a flue va riety of SHADE TREES, BVERGRESNS, MAPLES LIN DENS, and others, in all over a hundred full-grown trees. The improvements consist of a large and commo-e dious Mansion, two stories and a half high, four rood rooms on a floor, with a hall eleven by forty-two feet. A HYDRAULIC RaM forces water from a spring in one of thelots into theupper story of the house- It has the modern improvements. There Is also an Iron Pump and Hydrant under a covered area at the kitchen door. The out-buildings consist of a STABLE and CARRIAGE HOUSE, sufficient for four horses and several carriages; also, an ICE-HOUSE. SMOKE, and HEN-HOUSES. The ice-house is filled with ice, and the stable has a hydrant in it Good GARDEN, with several varieties of DWARF PEAR and GRAPEVINES, in full bearing There are also several varieties of APPLB, CHERRY, and CHESTNUT TREES. Terms accommodating. Possession given at any time in the spring. LEVI G. CLARK. felfl mw/tf On the Premises. M SPLENDID MANSION AND £ft COUNTRY-SEAT, NEAR GERMANTOWN, -a- FOR SALB—The subscriber offers for sale a very eLe £sni MANS) Oft BOUSE, situate at the corner of Man eim and Green streets, Germantown. The house has spacious back-buildings, built of stone, and finished in the very best manner, regardless of expense, with large saloon, parlor, spacious hall, and staircase of solid oak; large dining-room, pantry with fire-proof and kitchen on the first floor; four large chambers, bathroom with all the modern conveniences, and library on the second floor, and four chambers on the third floor; gas and water throughout, with stationary washstands; cellar paved and very ary. The stable and barns are com plete. Fine garden in good order. The most attractive feature consists in the OJd Shade aud Evergreens, com bining one of the moat desirable places to be found In the : country. There ftTe between 7 and S acres of ground in the estate. Convenient to Wayne and Dny’s-lana sta tions. and near'tbe Main street. Can be examined every day In tlie week. For further pa»fciculars, apply to LEWIS &IH. REDNER, mh2l-St • • No. 15*4 South FOURTH Street. m DELAWARE COUNTS' PRO -1-PERTY FORSALE—Possession April Ist, 1564. FaEM of SI sera*, two miles from Chester; excellent ' mansion, and other buildings; fine spring; abundance : of fruit. iood land, good road to station on railroad. ' FARM of 23 scree, first class improvements, at Madia. ; and convenient to railroad; fruit, shade, &c. FARM of 6 acres, large atone mansion, and all neces -1 sary improvements; frnit and shade; at Media, and convenient to station • '■ light acres of tana, near Westdale station, on Media Railroad; firtt-class Dwelling and good outbuildings. “Owner going West.’’ 26 acres of Land. first-class Cottage: shade, spring, and !all improvements for a comfortable country home, l cceseible from Westdale station on Media'Rallroad. eJAS. R. COMMItfS, Snrveyor. 51SDIA, Delaware county. Pa. M ELEGANT COUNT BY’ SEAT £fc FOB SALE-—On tli© Bristol Turnpike, near -4* Holmesbnrgrabout ©lf lit miles from Philadelphia, very accessibleifcyfSteaniboafc and Railroad, convenient also to Churches and Schools. for healthiness and beauty of. situation, as well as surrounding advantages, this pro perty is unsurpassed in the suburbs of Philadelphia. The Mansion, of brown stone, commanding fine views of the Delaware River, built and finished in the most thorough manner. is spacious and replete with all the modern conveniences for both summer and winter. Tho Grounds comprise about twenty three acres, beau tifully laid out, end ornamented with a great variety of old ana'young Forest Trees and Shrubbery. A large’ Garden, with abundance of Fruit, Orchard, *c. On the premises are also erected a Gardener’s Cottage, Lodge, OrchardJHonse.'Green House, Conservatory, Gas House, find extensive Stabling. Bo expense having been spared to make this, in all respects, a first-claes residence. Apply to No .* 836 OHESTSTUT. rWEEN OF BEAUTY- WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES. Anew FRBNC& COSMETIC for beautifying, whiten ing, and preserving the complexion. It 1b the most wonderful compound of the age There la neither chalk, powder, mai nesla, blsmnth, nor tele in its com position, it being composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax; hence Its extraordinary Qualities for preserving the shin- rasking it soft, smooth, fair, and transparent It makes tjie oid appear y oung the homely handsome. the handsome more beautiful, and the most beautiful divine. Price 25 and 60 cents. Prepared only by HUNT & CO., Perfumers. 41 South EIGHTH Street, two door* abore Chestnut, and 133 SouthJSEYENTH Street, above Wal nut. * mnls-am ' PATBUP AND SAUCES FOR SALE, ; at 413 RACE Street. _ .j.™*.,, I mhl4-lfc* W. A DAVIS * CO. AUCTION sum, JOHN B. MYERS & 00., AUCTION u BBSS. Hoi. 339 and 93* MARKET strwt. VOB. SAJLE AMD TO LET. mh2l*3t* C. H. MUIRHEID, Wo. 203 South SIXTH Street. AUCTION' PUENESS, BRINLEY, & CO., Ho. 615 OHBSTHUT and 613 JAYHB Btratto. MiHCH »TH. LiBOE 000D8 ' of th l^l2lS a PMh“ e,srs - Wewill sell, on FRIDAY, 25th inst., on four months* credit, a large and handsome assortment of goods of the above named importation, comprising falx tines of the following goods: 1,000 black, mode,and high colors thibet shawls, woo! ano silk fringes, fine to extra superfine. Lupiate make. SCO do. do. monsselino delaine do. 2fo black centre printed borders stella do. COO rich satin plaid mozambique and lamarUad.anuar* and long. €OO pieces Juplms, extra quality black mode, and high ... c ?‘ orß mousseline delaine. 100 pieces 7-4 black and assorted colors do. ICO pieces super qualities assorted colors barege hsr . nani. 200 pieces extra fine quality assorted coirs, plain. plaid mozamblqnes. 2CO pieces very fine plain poll de chevree, high colors plaids. 300 pieces superfine qualities assorted colors, plain, plaid* and striped French mohairs 250 pieces very rich printed monsseline delaine* new designs. €OO pieces new style English dress goods, just landed. 400 pieces fine silks, comprising extra qualities black . and assorted colors, double faced silks, and heavy colored taffetas. SALE ON ACCOUNT OF UNDERWRITERS, FOR CASH £ u _ On FRIDAY MORNING. March 25tb. at lOo’eloek— -1 case 6-4 black alpacas. ®. , dress goods. slightly damaged on voyage of importation per steam ers Louisiana and Pennsylvania, M THOMAS & SONS, A ■*“* Nob. 139 and 141 Bonth FOURTH Street. CARD. —Salas of Real Estate, Stocks. Ac at ax. CHANGE EVERY TUESDAY. Pambffit ruSfciS* each Saturday previous. 4W* FURNITURE at Auction Store THURSDAYS. Sale No. 1452 North Eleventh street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. ROSEWOOD PIANO. TA PESTRY CARPETS. Ac. ON WE LNESDAY MORNING, March 30, at 10 o’clock, at No. 1462 North Eleventh street, below Jefferson street, the superior furniture,fine toned rosewood piano forte, seven octaves; fine tapestry carpets, Ac. Mr May be examined, with catalogues, at 8 o'clook on the morning of the sale. Executor’s Sale, No. 8--S North Sixth street SUPERIOR FURNITURE. ROSEWOOD*PIANOFORTE. MIRROR, TAPESTRY OABPBrS. Ac THIS MORNING. March 23, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, at No 838 North' Sixth street, by order of Executors of William Patter son, deceased, *he entire household farnlture, rosewood piano, pier mirror, featherbeds, tapestry carpets, Ac. •4»“ Maybe examined at 8 o’clock on the morning of the sale. Sale at Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. PIANOFORTE, CANTON CHINA. FINE CAkPETS. Ac 7 JON THURSDAY MORNING, At 9 o’clock, at the auction store, the superior furniture. Canton china, breech-loading rifle, fine brnsaels ear pets, Ac. THREAD. BCISSORS, JHOMBS\ NEEDLE CASES, 4c. Off THURSDAY. March 24th. at 1 o’clock P. M-, at the auction atore. 309 dozer scissors. 326 dozen needle-cases, 225 dozen combs. 100 pounds linen thread, assorted; 835 dozen brass chains, thimbles, shaving boxes, cloth beaters. Ac. May be examined the day previous to sale. Sale in West Philadelphia. SUPBETOR FURNITURE, CURTAINe, FRENCH PLATE MIRROR, TAPEBTB Y CARPET, Ac * On MONDAY MuBalNG. 23th init., at 30 o’clock, in Lexington street, or Forty third street, sixth house above the Haverford road (abcut two squares above the West Philadelphia Pas senger Railroad Depot), the entire furniture, Ac. Mar be examined at-8 o’clock on the morning of the e≤ The house to let Apply to J B. Colo Kan, 142 south Eighth street. • • Sale 20C9 Walnut Street. HANDSOME FURNITURE. MIRROR, PIANO. FINK VELVET CARPETS. Ac. On FRIDAY MORNING, April Ist. at 10 o'clock, at Nb 2C09 Walnut street, by catalogue, the entire furniture, including suits of hand some walnut and sretn plush drawing-room furniture, handsome mantel mirror. 84x50, piano, fine velvet car pets. superior chamber furniture, Ac. Also the kitchen utensils. ASF" May be examined on morning of sale at 8 o’clock. PANCOAST & WABNOCE, AUC •■a" TIONKERS, No. »4Q MARKET Street VERY ATTRACTIVE POSITIVE SALB3OO LOTS NSW AND CHOICE I3TILES EMBROIDERIES. • THIS MORNING. Mareh 23d. commencing at 10 o’clock precisely. Included will be found fall lines ot new and desirable goods just landed and sailed to first-class sales, com prising. viz. ' lon medium to extra fine jaconet sets. . lots medium to extra fine embroidred collars lois low to very fine edgings and inserting^. lots medium to extra quality bands and flouncing. lots linen cambric handkerchiefs, tucked and em broidered: lots infants’ jaconet waists and robes. lots hemetiched and plain linen cambric handkerchiefs. lots Paris black lace veils RIBBONS AND TRIMMINGS. Also, on Wednesday, an invoice new spring styles bonnet ribbons Also, a full lice of rich fancy and velvet trimmings, fancy buttons, trirrnrngs. Ac.. Ac. CLOTHS AND CLOAKINGS. Also, super black and fancy all-wool and Union cloths and cloakings, fane? cassimeres, tailoring goods, Ac., Ac. HOSIERY GOODS. Also, ladies’, sects’, aßd children’s super white, nbrow, and mixed cotton hose and half those, ladies* and gents’lisle and Bixk gloves, head‘nets, hair rolls. HOOP-SKIRTS. CORSE PS. AND UMBRELLAS. £Ol dozen ladies’, misses’, and children's hoop skirts, of best quality and shape for first-class sales... Also, ladies’ whalebone mechanical corsets. Also, an invoice gingham And silk sun and rsln um brellas. .STOCK OF GOODS. NOTIONS. TIES, Ac., Ac. Also, an invoice gentß’ Paris black and Tansy *iik ties, notions, cottons, pins, tapes, buttons, stock of a retail dry goods store, Ac.. Ac. LARGE AND POSITIVE SALE OF 750 LOTS AMERI CAN AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS. MILLINERY GOODS, WHITE GOODS, Ac , Ac., by catalogue, THIS MORSING. March 23, commencing at 10 o’clock precisely, com prising a general assortment of seasonable goods foe present sale. PHILIP FOED & CO., ACCnONKEBE, A sag MARKET and COMMERCE Streets. LARGE PObITIYB SALE OF 1,803 CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. ON THURSDAY MORNING, March 24th, at 10 o’clock precisely/will be sold, for cash, 1,500 cases prime boots, shoes, brogane. hairdo ral», cavalry boots, Ac., from city and Eastern manu facture. embracing a general assortment of goods, to which the attention of buyers is Invited. Open for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale. ~ FiT SCOTT & STEWABT, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS 6*3 CHESTNUT St and 615 SANSOM Street. PEREMPTORY SALE OF WHITE GRANITE WARE. On THURSDAY MORRISG Next, 24Eh inst, At 10 o’clock,"t>recisely, we will sell by catalogue about 600 open lots of white granite ware, comprising dinner, tea, and toilet sets, dishes, nappies, jugs,bowls, Ac., just received. ADMISISTEATOBS’ SALE. Also, on THURSDAY Morning next, 24sh inst, by or* der of administrators,balance of stock of white granite and C. C. ware. Catalogues ready on morning of sale. *S- POSTPONEMENT OF SALE. LARGE SALE OF STRAW GOODS, ARTIFICIALS, &<?. On FRIDAY MORNING Next. 25th inst , At 1C o’clock, nxecisely, we will sell by catalogueabout SCO cases of fresh straw goods, comprising braid, mixed, hair, tan. maniila, glace pedal,-Madeira, Milan, Verona, pedal braid bonnets, Rigdal turbans, hoods, hats, &c. ARTIFICIALS. Also. 200 carte ns of. fine artificials, buds, Ac., suitable for spring sales .. . ROOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, &o. Also, on FRIDAY MORNING. 25th inst., At 10 o’clock, about 150 cases and cartons mtn’s aui boys’ boots, shoes, brogans, ladies’ and misses’ kip,goat, and lacs baljnorsls, boots, slippers, Ac. Catalogues ready on morning of sale. 1 - SCOTT & STEWART, AUCTIONEERS, Will give their personal attention to sales of XBX< CHaNDISB and WARES, of ail. descriptions, FURNI TURE of parties removing or breaking up Housekeep ing, on the premises of the owners, or at their elegant and spacious SALESROOMS, Nos. 633 CHESTNUT and Gift SANBOM Streets, x __ AUCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED HORSES. War Department, Cavalry Bureau, Office of Chief Quartermaster, Washington. D. C , February 19,1564. Will be sold at-pubiic auction, to the highest bidder* at The places and dates named below, viz: At Mifflin; Penna., 300 Horses. Friday, 4th March* At Williamsport, Penna., 300 Horses, Tuesday, 3th March. At Altoona, Penna., 300 Horses. Friday, Hth Marsh. Few Brunswick, -N. J.» 300 Hones, Tuesday, lfiih At Easton, Penna., 800 Horses, Friday ISth Marsh. At Newark, N. J,» 300 Horses, Tuesday, 22d Marsh. At Lebanon, Penna., 300 Horses, Friday. 25th Marsh. At Wilhesbarre, Penna., 300 Horses, Tuesday, 29th March. - - These Horses have been condemned as unfit for the Cavalry service of the United States Army, For road and farm purposes many good bargains map be had* Horses will be sold singly. Sales begin at 10 A. M*, and continue daily-till all are sold. Terms Cash, in United States only. fe22-tmh29 Chief Quartermaster Cavalry Bureau. SHIPPING. BOSTON AND PHILADEL* ■Hr Ww pHIA STEAMSHIP LUJS, sailing from task yon on SATURDAYS, from first Wharf above PINK Street, Philadelphia; and Long Wharf. Boston. The steamship NORMAN, Capt. Baker, will sal; from. Philadelphia for Boston on Saturday, March 29, at 10 o’clock A.M.; and steamship SAXON. Capt. Matthews, from Boston for Philadelphia on same day at 4 P. M. These new and substantial steam ships fora a regilaj line, sailing from eash port punctually ou Saturdays. Insurances effected at one-half the premium charged on sail vessels. * Freights taken at fair rates. Shippers are requested to tend Slip Receipts and SOI* Lading with their goods. For Freight or Passage (having fine accommodations; apply to HENRY WINSOK * CO., mhfl US South DELAWARE Avenue. 'VTOTICE.—I HE STEAMSHIP CITY OF BALTIMORE, ofthis line, will sail as an.extra steamer on THURSDAY, March 24. at 10 A, M., carrying cabin passengers at full rates, ahd steerage at reduced, rates, payable in United States currency. mh23 2t 4 sKSg*, STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVER ■■AIfIAfttaFOOL, touching at Queenstown, (Cork Har* bor.) The well-known Steamers of the Liverpool. New York, and Philadelphia Steamship Company are intend-* *d to sail as follows: . _ EDINBURGH...... ... ~~ Saturday, March 96. CITY OF WASHINGTON.-Saturday. April 3d. CITY OF MANCHESTER. Saturcay, AprllSth. And every succeeding Saturday at noon, from Pier fia 44 North Elver. ' RATES OF PASSAGE: Payable In Gold, or its equivalent In Currency. FIROT CABIN, $BO 001STEERAG1. , . ISOM Do. to London, 85 Go Do. to London, 54 00 Do. to Paris, 96 00 Do. to Parle, «00 Do. to Hamburg, -90 00 Do. to Hamburg,R 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, &e., at equally low ratea. * Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown : Ist Cabin, s7e. $B6, $lO6. Steerage from LiverpooUndQueenrtown, sBo* Those who wish to send for their friends can buy ticket* here at these rates. , _ For farther information, apply at the Company’s offices. JOHN 0. DALE, Agent. jal9 # 113 WALNUT Street.Philadelphlc. QOLD’S IMPROVED STEAM APPARATUS, For Wanning and Ventilating Public Buildings and Private Residences. Manufactured by the U*ION STEAM AND WATER-HEATING COMPANY OF PHILADELPIA JAMES P- WOOD* 4-1 South FOURTH Street. mhJS-tap29 B- M FELT WELL, Superintendent. TARAIN PIPE, DRAIN PIPE. TITBIFIBD TBEKA COTTA DRAIN PIFB-aU sizes, from 2 to 15-inch diameter, with all hinds oi branches, bends, and traps, for sale in any quantity. 2 inch bore per yard 30c. % “ " “ " 4Se. 6 " 60c. 6 •* “ “ *• 75c. ‘ terracotta chimney tops, For Cottages, Villas, or City Houaw, Patejit WindrMjA Tom fhr curing smoky chimneys. from 2to S feet hizh* lope, ior gaBDBN VASES- , * Fountains. Pedestals, and Statuary Marble BuU, Brackets and Mantel Vases. • pbh3B>slphia terracotta works, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. 8. A. HARRISON. fel2-tmwtf “ OEDFOKD WATER”—INDIVIDU -D a] B asd dealers will be supplied with * 4 Bedford Water. ” fresh from the Spring, at the shortest notice, ah For hu?2!% Suone(oak) • ■ • •...*3 M Half do d0....,...~~ 2 M Half do (mulberry) 3 00 The barrels are well steamed, so that purchasers may depend Tipon receiving the Water as pure and trash as at the Spring. All orders addressed to mbl7-Sm B.' L. ABDSRSOK. Bedford. Pa. MORGAN, 088, * CO., STEAM ■**l. nou) BUTLDBKS. Iron Toond.ra, ud Oenanl UuUaiit* and Soilai JCiIMTa. J(a. ISIS Q iLIiOWHILIi dtntt. FUUdaißUa- MS-W