SFKOIAL NOTICES. .Hoyt’s Hiawatha Hair Restorative, fIOYT'B HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. t HOYT’S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. /HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT’S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. In Longfellow's Poem Hiawatha was adjudged to have .conferred the greatest boon on his tribe because he 'brought to its notice eorn. Every one will admit that f our preparation la worthy of the name, for the benefits 'it confers when It is known* WHAT THE HIAWATHA DOES. It restores faded and ft ay hair and whiskers to their original color. It brings up the natural shading of one ‘hair with another, thus glvini the hairaperf ct llfeap* pearance, so (hat the most critical observer oannot de tect its use. It mol es harsh hair soft and silky, stops its falling out, cleanses it and th« scalp from all impurities, is as readily applied and wiped from the skin as any hair .'dressing, and entirely overcomes the bad effeots of pro* yious tu>e of preparations containing sulphur, sugar of lead, Ac. The proprietors of the Biawatlia published the follow ing challenge to test In the Hew York dailies thre. ■weeks, which WAB NEVER ACCEPTED Let some well known and disinterested persons ap point one to the proprietor of each preparation for the h&lrto bring up the color. Every proprietor to use no thing but hU own preparation, and tho person nothing else dm leg the test. A certificate of the result to£e •widely published ai the expense of the unsuccessful com petitors. told everywhere JOSEPH HOYT& CO,» jnh!9-ly 10 University Place, New Torn. One-Prick Clothing, of the Latest Gtylbs, made In the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our Ons-Priob Ststbm is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. drtSly JONES A 00., 604 MARKET Street. Mason Stbck & Co’s HAMLIN’S OABIIfBT ORGANS. arsoK & go.’ SEVENTH The Popular Clothing House of Phila., “OAK HALL.” - Beet-elass goods and moderate prices. WANAMAKER A BROWN, B E. corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. Custom Department (to make to order) No. X S. Sixth st. Electricity carefully applied by Dr. A. H. STEVENS, at I*lB SOUTH PENN SQUARE. Phi ladelphia. mhfi-tf ieusb aks. miia jsybe & lanpbll. »» UNITBD STATES CHRISTIAN COMMISSION.--Ca li acknowledgments for the relief of the. Cherokee Indians: . Collection at public meeting held in Philadelphia: Geo. H, Stuart-..- ~.~*,5100 00 J. P. Crozer - 200 00 . Samuel R. Shipley 26 00 Israel Morris 6 oi) Collection on plates... . 23S ■ 1 -$OBB 91 Geo. B. Wood - - —. 60 00 Charles Tarnali * 60 00 S. Colwell --- - 60 03 Mrs J. Sell MOO E. W. Clarke & Co 60 00 **L.” . 60 00 Church of the Mediator, per Bey. Mr. Appleton— 43 25 Afriend - 25 00 B. R. Loxley 5 CO M. A Longsiteih--*-. 20 00 Mrs. Wi150n..... 20 00 Jas. Bayard....*— * 20 00 J. Lewis Crozer.... 25 00 John Sparhawk and family 10 00 A friend, per Rev. Phillips 8r00k5—.............. 10 00 J. Hamilton Carlisle 10 00 Mrs. C. 8. Dungan -*• 20 00 A friend at Abington 6 00 Cash. .' 5 00 A friend * 6 00 Catharine Yeakes, Lancaster. Pa 6 00 Mrs. Conyniham. Lancaster. Pa.—. 500 •‘A. H Hew York * 3 00 Lizzte Beaver 8. M 1 00 Emma Corwell - 10 Total- - $1,107 79 Acknowledgments f>r the general fund will appear next week Funds for this fppeial object may ha sent to Jos. Pat terson, Treasurer, Wetfero Bank. It JOS. PATTBRSON, Traaanrer. Ma AT A SPECIA I. MEETING OF THE COLLEGE I>F PHYSICIANS, of Pniladelphia, held March 21.1864. the following preamble and raaolu iions were adopted: “Whereas, The College has learned that it has 'pleased almighty Goo *o letoove from our midst o'ar late fellow* membtr and Vice President, Dr. FRANKLIN BACHE. “Resolved, That this event has prodaced emotions of the deepestn&tnre aod regret at the removal of one who 'has 10 long taken au active part in theproceedinge of the College, whoie m»ny social virtues and amiability of disposition endeaTec him to ub personally as an asso ciate; whose high tone of character, disinterestedness of purpose, unspotti d Integrity and honorable life have al ways commanded "nr respect aid. admiration; whose zealous labors in behalf.of the institution entitle him to our gratitude, and whore position as au earnest tor of the especial department to which his life has heOV ■devoted has placed him among the most distinguished, of the Fellows of the College. "Resolved, Tbaitte College of Physicians sincerely sympathizes with the family of the deceased, and con doles with them in their .sorrow. ** Resolved, That the Fellows of the College will at tend, In a body, ihefncerai of the late Vice President, and that a Fellow of the College be appointed to draw ap •Amemoir of his life “Resolved, Teat a copy of these proceedings and re solutions be fa' niched.to rbe family of the deceased,and published in the daily papers. ” ■ JOHN H. PACKARD, lt» . Secretary. DEPARTMENT OJP SURVEYS Office of ibe Chief Exoixrer and Surveyor, r JiiLADEiiEHIA, March 21, 1854. NOTICE —Dnplica'.epl&osof the resurvey and re«n« Jatlon of that portion uf tbe TWBNTT-SECOND WARD as Is embraced within the following limits are now pro* pared* and deposited for public Inspection, at theOlSce of the Surveyor and Regulator of the Ninth burvey Dis* trict, viz: No. 180. Third Section. Bounded on the N. 6 by Germantown avenue. S. E by West Washington avenue. S W by Green street N. W. by Carpenter street, ieciiotr Bounded on the ' N. E bt Green street. s. E. by West Washington avenne. B W, r>y Wiseahlekon avenue. N. v/. by Carpenter street seUon. Bounded on tha^. N H by Menton Avenne. K K by East Washington street. H w. by f-hew street. N. \V. by Goraas street And the Board cfSarv yors Lave appointed MONDAY, the 4tb day of April lfcv, at h\lf paßl 10 o’clock A. M., ?to consider any objection i tint may be urged thereto by • Any citizens interacted therein. f . STRICKLAND K*EAS3. Chief Engineer and Sarveyor. No. 19$. Fonrtl S* No. 204 NlsfhSe- mh23 26ap2 3; WARD BOUNTY FUXSD -At a meeting of the Extontlva Com 'inittee, c«lUd for be purpose of auditing the collectors’ books, and tettlina the wcccunts of the Treasurer and 'CommittetP, it wa« sucoanced by the Chairman that the Ward Bounty baf been paid to 666 recruits. which number, together with the other credits assigned to the ward, brioxH onr torn: l miner of sredltsnp to 990 men. This number by k fair aid equitable escalation, is 15 more thaa our umlcr tbe cUI for 500,000 men. A balance la mono}’ snflicieat to pay all debts Is on hand, and we must now K ,! cUnrfully vnivigorously again, to work, to live the 0 varniaeni every man necessary to . bnng the war to a >oe. c ose TThe new call for 200 OCO men will require of ui about auumore recruits. and ti» trocure them the Bum of Ten Thousand Dfy isrs U sitlliient, if raised immediately, There are 3.600 tne.i in the ward liable to draft. It is loped that of thi* number at least 2.0f0 can bs found who Are able to c.'Utribiu-* an ftozruge saiD of live dollars «acb, and who bavn the t-pun and manlintSH to do so, insterd ot waiting tor a fur (q take the Darden upon tleraeelves. . 1 Atfraod meeting of ih* cltizene of the ward, to devtaa meaenrtß for raiMPff the above unm by a laetapnorMon* aaentftjroiiir'tbo^iMw^mrii. wiu be held at the Baptt-t Chapel,cori er< f hid H i£e.£iTH and BPHISG (3ABDKS Streets, o* THI3KMMY hV&tUbQ. 24th 1?£. at ei?hfc ■o’clock. Let every oue aitei dor gaud hie contribatlon •and the whole btihiuees will be settled within a week. WM. MABTW, Prebideht. G. A. Foreman, ficrfttsry. Chas A Mu T.tR, (J: ah man of Auditing Committee mh2S.2t ROTICF. TMB annual meet. W&* IBG of the ROaiNE ASSOCIATION of Phila delphia, wtH he fceb- m ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH and CHESTNUT on THUB6D* Y APTBBBOON, at SK o'clock, wtec a hoard of Manager* will be chosen and the nfinal btulneejs i.ausacted. All ladles are par ticularly Invited. mh23-3t&apS 6 7 -6t* dCS^T> P ??I LADIiILJJII| A ACID HEADING 'wGP» RalLKuap »jO.. office »** South FOURTH iStreet, Philadiilphia. March 17, 1864 to hereby nivcn, thao the Transfer Books of the ‘Common Kook of tM* Company will be closed on the :31flt toil., loberfop.n.d on ibe.Mth of APRIL next, at which time the Stockholders of this Company,ho have New York eei llficai«e. ararcq nested to return thorn 'to the Faraery Lran and Tru>t Company. No. C 6 Wail .street, KeW York, wbo will give a leceiot’for tin iin», and ftyiifli is h. fe » day« thereafter certilcates from the (Philadetpl la ciHre. in «x haute for .aid receipt. , The Transfer Office «-r the Preferred .lock ofthlsCom ®anr at New York wtl' be closed permanently on the 31st tnrt Tliat for both the Prefrrred and Common flock In Bo! tou will be permanently closed on tte 31st MARCH. ; - - ' S. BKADFOUD. mhlf Haw UUpU Treasurer. TUB GREAT CENTRAL FAIR, SANITARY COMMISSION. OFFICE 13*3 CHEBTMOT STEEET, PHILADELPHIA. The following men and women have kindly consented to act as Chairmen of the Committees In the approaching Fair: CHAIRMEN OF/COMMITTEES. AGRICULTURE Prcf. A. L. Kennedy, M. D., 1138 Girard street. „ , • ASMS AND TROPHIES _ , Col. Grosman, I Mrs. General Meade, 1159 Girard street. I 2027 Pine street. ARRANGEMENTS (General). John C. Cresson, 1702 Sommer street. ABRAHOEMEHTS (Interasd) AMD RECEPIION OF GOODS J, H. Orne. iMrs, George Plltt, G 26 Chestnut street. I 1100 Walnut street BAKERS John G. Moxey, 1426 Vine street. BENEFITS. ENTERTAINMENTS. AND EXHIBITIONS. GeorguTrott. i Mrs. Aubrey H. Smith. 823 S. Eleventh street. I 1516 Pine street. " BOOKSELLERS. J. B. Lipplncott, j Mr*. Robert. M Hooper, • 715 Market street. I 1325 Walnut street. Samuel Baugh, I Miss Nixon, 129 South Second street. I 702 Walnut street. BREWERS AND MASTERS. Samuel Hutton, N. W. corner Filbert and Tenth streets. Pianos, BUILDINGS DECORATIONS, AND BUILDERS. John Klee. 129 South Seventh street. ' CABINET WARE; Thomas Thompson, {Mrs. Seth B. Stitt, . 238 South Second street, j 212 West Logan Square. x : ( CANNED FRUITS. Mrs. Theodore Cnyler, 1826 South RUtenliouse Square. CARPET?, OIL CLOTHS. AND MATTING. Benjamin Orne, I Mrs. Ducachet. 904 Chestnut street, f 11C6 Girard street. CARRIAGES W. D. Rogers, ICC 9 Chestnut street. riAiios. r. B. GOOLD. and GHBSTNUT. CHARITIES (PUBLIC) AND BESEVOLENT INSTITU TIONS. W. L. Reba. I Mrs. Irvine Shubrick, 619 Walnut Btreet. I 90S Spruce street. COAL OPERATORS AND DEALERS, s J. Gillingham Fell, 803 Walnut street. CONFECTIONERY. . Stephen F. Whitman, I Mrs. B. J. Lewis, 1210 Market street. | 1332 Chestnut street. CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE STATE OF PENN- SYLVANIA. ~„•••• Hon* James Pollock, I Mis. Bloomfield H. Moore, United States Mint. I 1718 Walnut street. CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY. S- V Merrick. 1 Mrs. P-M. Clapp,. , t 30 North Merrick street-1 44 North Sixteenth st. CORRESPONDENCE WITH THEsBTATE OF DELA- Charles Gibbons, j Miss Elisabeth Phillips, . 262 South Third street, t Clinton, bel. Tenth street* DENTISTRY, ARTIFICIAL TEETH. GOLD FOIL,DEN TAL AND SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, . SamuelS. White, 62S Arch street. DRESSMAKING'AND MILLINERY. t Miss Adeline Thompson, 1309 Pine street* DRUGS William Ellis, 724 Market Btreet. DRYGOODS (WHOLBSALI) David S. Browa, (Mrs. John C. Farr, 44 street. I . 1810 Spruce street. DRY GOODS (RETAIL). H. H. G. Sharpless, | Mrs. Joshua Tevis, 20S South Thirteenth st i • 1403 Locust street. FANCY GOODS ‘AND JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE James E. Caldwell, 1 Mrs. J. L. Claghorn, 822 Chestnut street J - 15.4 Arch street. FANCY ABTICLES-(Home Made.) Mrs. Ephraim Clark, 247 South Eighteenth street. FINE ARTS. v Joseph Harrison, Jr., IMrs. Henry D. Gilpin, 274 south Third street.!.... 6. W. Spruce & 11th sts. FIRE ARMS Barton H Jerks. 65 and 67 North Front street. FLORISTS AND HORTICULTURE. D. Rodney King. [Mrs. J. Rhea Barton, 723 Chestnut. IS. W.Chestnutdt Juniperste. FURS. HATS, AND CAPS. . E. Morris. ' IMrs John Bntler, 3 South Fifth street.} 1424 Spruce street. GAS FIXTOBES. 1 W. F. Miskey, 71S Chestnut street- GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS. W. S. Martin, IMrs. Perkins. f t 706 Chestnut street. I 617 Walnut street. GLASS AND GLASSWARE. Wru. M Muiiey, (Mrs. J. H Towne, No. 414 Commerce-street. I No. 1616 Locust-street. GROCERY, (Wholesale ) E. S. Clark, IMrs Tho?. Cadwalader, ISO and 132 S. Front st I N. E Chestnut & 12fch sts. ' GROCERY- (Ret«U ) A. C Roberts, IMiss Haven, K. E, Vine and 11th sts. I 142 S Lombard street, HARDWARE. ' • ~ Joseph C. Grubb, |Mr». C. J. StiU6, ;-; 2c6 Market street. I 1605 Walnut street. HARNESS. . * . ' Samuel B. Phillips, 30 and 32 south Seventh street. HOLLOW-WARE AND STOVEST W. P. Cresson, 1617 Spruce street. HOUBB-FURNISHING GOODS. ~ , J. E. Walraven, IMrs. S. Emlen Randolph, 719 Chestnut street. I 321 south Fourth street. > IMPORTATIONS. ‘ Mr*. John F. Frazer, 1517 Walnut street. LABOB, INCOMES AND BEVBNUE. D. M. Bond, [ Mrs. CBbv. ) & W. Hnttsr. N. E. Front and Chestnut. I 307 New street. LOCAL TBhNSPOBTATIOW. Wagons and other heavy-wheeled Vehicles. DISTILLED LIQUORS, (DOMESTIC.) LOOKING-GLASSES. PICTUEE FRAMBS, AND GILDED OKNAMENTS. James M. Earle, | Mrs- Samuel Field, 816 Chestnut street. I .40th st aud Baltimore ay. LUMBER AND LUMBER MERCHANTS, John-C. Davis, Twenty'fourth and Locust streets. MECHANIC ARTS AND MACHINERY. S. V. Merrick, £0 North Merrick street. v MEDALS AND BADGE? John Sariain, 7*2S Sansom street. MILITARY GOODS. ,„ m - Wm Forstman. IMrs. RdwAjd H. Trotter, N E. Fifth and Cherry fits. I 1824 Chestnut street. MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENTS AND MUSICAL IN STRUMENTS Joseph R Fry, . } Mrs. William Biddle. 134 South Third street, i S. W. Locust and Fifteenth. NEWSPAPER PUBLISHING COMMITTEE. George W. Childe, 628 and 680 Chestnut street. EDITING COMMITTEE-NEWSPAPER , Chaß. G. Leland, j Mrs. Eliza Sproat Randolph, 1626 Locust street, i 1709 Green street. OP-TICAL AND MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. ORATIONS AND LECTURES. J. W. While, 628 Arch street. PAPER HANGINGS m , JemesC. Finn, (Mrs. .L, Edgar Thomson, Chestnut, above Sixth st* I N.is Spruce and ISshsts. PAPER MANUFACTURE AND. STATIONERY. B. H. Moore, 27 North Sixth street., PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES. H. P. Taylor, IMrs E. W. Clark, t ,611 North Ninth street ! 1509 Spruce etreet. PHOTOGRAPHS. Fred. Graff, IMrs. Johnßohlen, 1357 Arch street. 1 1510 Walnut street. POST OFFICE. C. A. Walborn, IMrs.Gillefple.PoatmUtress, Post Office. I 1604 Locust street. RELIC?, CURIOSITIES, AND AUTOGRAPHS. Franklin Peale, IMrs. Thomas P. James, 1131 Girard street. I 4CO South Ninth street. George T. Lewis, I Miss McHenry, 231 South Front street. I 1902 Chestnut street. SCHOOLS (PUBLIC AND PRIVATE). Edward bhippen, IMrs. P. M Clapp. S. £. cor Walnut and Sixth.! 44 North Sixteenth at. SEWING MACHINES Mrs. Dr. Grots, S. E cor. Walnut and Eleventh sts. Robert A. Maxwell, S. B. corner . Eleventh and Chestnut. UPHOLSTERING, H. 1). Blanchard, N. E. cor. Cnejtuut and Thirteenth. WAX, PAPER, AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, AND HANGING BASKETS Mrs Dr. James Darracb, Green stieet, Germantown. xuh22 - f-SS** UNIVERSITY OP PJEIVtfSYIVVANIA. wO (DEPARTMENT OF ARTS) -The Examination of the Junior, Sophomore, and Freshman Clares, at the cIom) of the Second Term, will be held in the following order: MONDAY, March 21st.—From f) to 11, Juniors , by Professor Kendall (Difiereciial C-lculus), and iSod'io ■n.orts, by Professor Frazer (Chemistry of the Metalloids), written. From 11 to 1, Freshmen, by Professor Allen (Horodotus). oral. TUESDAY, 22d. —From 9 to 11, Sovhomores (Trigo* r'rnHiy), and Freshmen (Algebra), by Professor K-jn dajj. -written. From 11 to 1, Juniors, by the Provost (Iriellectual Philosophy), oral. WEDNESDAY. 23d —From 9 to 11. Junior* (Javenal), and Sophomores (Cicero de Seueciute),by Professor Jack son, written. From 11 to 1, freshmen by Professor Cou pon (Hbtory), oral. THURSDAY, 24th.—From 9 to U, Juniors. by Profes sor Fr*zei (Dynamic!-), oral. From 11 to 1, Sophomores, by Pr.-ieti.or Allen (Tnucydides). oral TDtSDAY, 29th —From y toll. Juniors by Professor dUen (Demosthenes). otaL From 11 to 1, Sophomores* b5 m f? f St S^ Coi) P c ' G (Logic). oral. /«? A ' fcl Y N^. SD4 ?v* ;:olh ““ Troi:D 9to ll • Freshmen,"by Pro fessor Jackson (Horace’s Satires), » „vn im • ' : GEORGE ALLEN. . Secretary of the Faculty of Arts. |p£* a™!? 1 ?, CJCMTRAJT. FAIR.- Office of the Committee on Jjabor Incomes and Revenues, No. 118 South SEVENTH Bluet, Phila delphia The undersigned will he at the office as above TO-I)AY, from 10 to 4, to furnish information and receive subscriptions. * JOHN W. CLAGHORN Treasurer Subscriptions and remittances by mail dally acknow ledged in the Phllaoelphla newspapers. mhl9 lm TWELFTIUVARD —A MBETUVG of the Bouuty*Fund Committee will be held on WEDNESDAY BVENING NEXT, March 2:4. at Bollock at NiPPES HALL,, northeast corner of FOURTH and GKEEN fctwete Lvt all citizens of the ward attend, as business of ini' ports net will be transacted. WM. 13. CONNELL, mbs2-2t* - Secretary. AGBIOULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. David Landreth, 23 South Sixth street, BOOTS, SHOES. AND LEATHER. CLOTHING AND ITS SUBDIVISIONS. L. J. Leherman, 2 \ North Third street. CHILDREN’S CLOTHING. Mrs. John C. Creeson, 17G2 Sumner street. FINANCE AND DONATIONS. A. EL Borle. 153 Dock street. INDIA RUBBER GOODS. John Thoinley, 311 Chestnut streat. IRON, WROUGHT AND CAST. Andrew Wheeler, 16CS Market street. OILS. Alexander E. McHenry. 112 Walnut street. PLUMBING. John C. Hunter, 900 Walnut street. PRODUCE ' ✓ : . A. G. Cattell, 26 North Delaware avenue. RECEIVING COMMITTEE. Alexander R. McHenry, 112 Walnut street. RESTAURANT. SBWING WOMEN.* Mrs. Coleman Jacobs, 1846 Pine street. SHIPS AND SHIP BUILDING, Chas. B. Cramp. 1114 Palmer street. / SUGAR REFINING. John D. Taylor. 337 St. John street, TOBACCO AND SEGARS, D. C. McCammon, 37 North Water street. TRIMMINGS. IMrs. J. Warner Johnson, 636 Chestnut, UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, AND CANES, Wm* A. Drown, 246 Market street. WJNFS AND LIQUORS. (Foreign,) Geo. Cromelein, 126 yfctlnut street. TOYS AND SMAI L WARES, Mrs. W. H. Furness, 1423 Pine street. TRIMMINGS. Mrs J. Warner Johnson. 635 Chea'nut street. NINTH WARD BOUNTY FUND COMu Li TEE —At & meeting of the aoveral Pre cinct C< utmlttees. held on the 17th lust., it was Resolved, That the officer* of this meeting be requested to announce to tte citisens of the ward that it is believed that the amount requisite to famish the quota of the ward, under the cail for 600,000 men. has been sub scribed. i No action has been taken upon the new call for 800 0)0 men. DANIKL BTRINMETZ. Presldonl. Edward H. Capex, Secretary. lr* PHILADELPHIA AMD READING &•££» RAILROAD COMPANY. Office wr south FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. March 22.1894. To avoid detention the holders of ccuponi of this Com pany, doe on the Ist proximo, are requested to leave them at this office on or before the 31st Indian*, when re ceipts will be given, deducting three percent, for United States tax and checks, will be ready for delivery on the Ist proximo, in exchange for said receipts. mlt23-8t C. S, BRADFORD, Treasurer, DIVIDEND NOTICE -THE Dl. RECTORS OF THE IRWIN PiSTROLtSOM OIG COMPANY have this day deolaied a dividend of THREE PERCENT, on their capital stock, out of the earnings of the company for the month of FEBRUARY, payable on and after tbe let of April, at the office of the company. No. »3G WALNUT Street, Grain's building. F. C. LaWRanOE. Treasurer. Pnn.ADKT.rHTA March 21>t, 1861. mh22-6l* pj?- MONUMENT CEMETERY.—NO* wCf* TICE —An assessment of SIXTY CENTS on each and eveiy Lot in tbe Oemetery (not heretofore exempted from taxation) Will he due And payable at the Office of the C*m*»mrr, No. J4:l North elXTHSneet. on the flrat day of APRIL next. The payment of FOURDOLLARS AND FORTY CENTS on an) one Lot. together with'the assessments now due, will exempt the tame from taxation or assessment for ever boroafter if paid before the first day of April next. If paid after that time, the assessment then falling due must he paid in addition. _ _ roh2l-tapl B. TAYLOR. Secretary. SCIRCULAR TO UOANHOUDEUS fiO» —uFFfCB OF THE LEHIGH COAL AND NAVI GATION COMPANY, Philadelphia March 19. 1564. To all holders of Certificates of LOAl* or FUND3D DEBT of “THE LEHIGH OOaL AND NAVIGATION COMPANY,” secured by their Mortgage of Maroh 7, 1842: Tho LEHIGH COAL AND NAVIGATION COMPANY having determined, under'authority conferred by Le £ illative enactments, to issue a new Mortrage Loan, aving twenty yearn to run. from the first of April. 1864, and bearing Interest at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum, payable quarterly; Noticr is hereby given: that holders of the present existing Loan of the Company will be permitted to ex change their Certificates for Certificates of the new Loan, at par: '--Provided* notice of their intention to do so is given on or before TUESDAY, the 19th of April. 1864, at tho Office of the Company, where a subscription book isopen, and where all information desired will be given. By order of the Board of Managers. EDWIN WALTER, mhSl-3t , •-. Treasurer. 17 S. INTERNAL REVENUE— Second Collection District of Pennsylvania, com prising First, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth wards of the city of Philadelphia. NOTICE. The annual assessment for 1863, for the above-named district, of person* liable to a tax on Carriages, Pleasure Y achts. Billiard Tables, and Gold and Silver Plate.and also of persons required to take out licenses, having been completed, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the taxes aforesaid will be received daily by the undersigned, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 3 P. M., (Sundays excepted.) at his office, southwest corner of THIRD Streets, ou and after MONDAY, tbe 7th Inst , and until and including/ SATURDAY, the 2d day of April next enduing PENALTIES. All persons who Dill to pay their annual taxes upon Carriages, Pleasure Yachts, Billiard Tables, and Gold or Silver Plate, on or before the aforesaid 2d day of April, 1564, will lncm a penalty of ten pei centum additional of the amount thereof, ana be liable to costß, as provided for in the 19th section of the excise law of Ist July. 1592. All pertonswho In like manner i hall fall to take out their licenses as required by law. on or before the 2d day of April, 1864, will Incur a penalty of ten per centum ad ditional of the amount thereof, and be subject to a pro secution for three times the amount of said tax, in ac cordance with the provisions of the 59th section of the law aforesaid. All payments are required to be made in Treasury Notes under authority of,the United Btates, or in notes of Banks organized under the act to provide a na tional currency, known as National Banks. No fmther notice will be given - JOHN H. DIEHL, Collector, mb7 24t S.W cor. THIRD and WALNUT SU. MEM OF THE FOURTEENTH &«££» WARD. AROUSEt-ONB MORE EFFORT AND WE ABE FREE.—Women of the Fourteenth Ward, dtt you want your fathers, your husbands, or your soutd conscripted ? If not.nrge them to give ns their countenance at onr meetings We have avoided a Draft under the former calls of the President, and desire to do so again. but the (rttizens must show, by their presence that they are interested in the resu-t and not leave all the labor fora few gentlemen In the ward, otherwise the effort will be abandoned. . . - An Adjourned Meeting, irrespective of, party, will be held in SPRING GARDENHALL on next WEDNESDAY EVENING, at 8 o’clock. Let every one that can attend. We will then determln* whether to proceed or not. FREDERICK A. VAN CLEVB, President. Thos. R. Davis. Secretary. mh2l-3t PALESTINE AS IT WAS, AND AS IT IS: Or, Forty Days in Jerusalem. By Rev, WM. WHITE WILLIAMS, A. M.. of New York. This lecture will be illustrated .by nine Maps, sixty Pictures, and many oriental Costumes and Cariosities from the Holy Land. It will be given In Rev* E. E. ADAMS’ North Broad-street Presbyterian Church, N. E. Corner of BROAD and GREEN Streets, on TUES DAY, March 22d. at 7H o’clock, and in the Eleventh Baptist Church, TWELFTH Btreet,. above Race, (Rev. J. Hyatt Smith), on THURSDAY. EVENING, at o’clock mh!9-4t Mi* NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS - G<> The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the JUNCTION RAILROAD COMPANY will be held on MONDaY, the 4:h d»y of april. 1564. at 12 o’clock M., in Philadelphia, at the Office of the Pennsylvania Rail road Company. Annual Election for President and Directors will be held same day and place. mh)9 14t JOSEPH LESLEY. Sacratary. EIGHTH WARD.-A MEETING OF B*3* the Citizens of the Eighth Ward will be held on THURSDAY EVENING, March 24. at 8 o’clock, In Horti cultural Hall. S W. corner BROAD and WaLNUT, to raise men and money enoogh to fill the quota of the ward under tbe n*w call for 200,000. - Judge Strong, General Gibbon. Colonel Biddle Hon. H. C. Carey, Messrs. Cnyler, Brewster. Gilpin. .Brewster. Saunders, Charles E. Lex, and other cistiugutshed gentlemen, have been invited and are expected to be present J. G. BOBBNGARTRN, jnh2l\4t Secretary Executive Com Eighth Ward, A LECTURE UPON THE LIFE AND LABORS OF THE LATE ARCHBISHOP BDGBES will be delivered by the Rt. Rbv JAMES ROOSEVELT BAYLEY, D. D., Bishop of . Newark, N. J., at theACADEMi OF MUSIC. Broad and Locaat Streets, on MONDAY EVENING. March 2Slh. 1864. at 8 o’clock. Proceeds for the benefit of the Poor, j Tickets 25 cents, can be obtained at Peterson’s Book Store. No. 3C6 Chestnut street, of the Sextons at the principal Catholic Churches, and at the Catholic Book Stores. mhls-12t MILITARY . § HANCOCK’S. 2d ARMY .CORPS All Recruiting Agents, „or any other Person who can procure Recruits, are luvitea to meet the COAL BOUNTY -BUND COMMITTEE Daily, at from 12M. to 2P. H., at the COAL EXCHANGE ROOMS, 305 K WALNUT STREET. Übarel inducements will bo offered for recruits to 11] up tbe OLD PHILADELPHIA. KEGIMENTS, Tit: 69th, Vlst, T3d. lCGth, of HANCOCK’S GALLANT 2D ARMY CORPS, COMMITTBa. ALFRED DAT. JAMES NEILL.. JOHN R. BLACKISTON, DAVrS PEARSON, J G. FELL. WM. HUNTER. Jr. , R N. RATHBUN. * U GENBF AL REOBUITING OFFICE, B No 611 CHESTNUTIStreet.—RECRUITS wanted for 1 1111 “aS'ILEUY, aud INFANTRY I REGIMENTS now in service, not already full. ; ALL THE BOUNTIES GIVEN. CHAS, N. CADWALLADBR. Captain 2d Artillery. 112th Regiment, P. V.. mhl9 6t* General Recruiting Officer. army goods. JpOR THE ARMY AND NAVY, EYANS & HASSALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Banners. Regimental and .Company Flags, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Pasiants, Epaulettes, Hats, Caps, ■ Can teens, Haversacks, Camp Kits, Field Glasses, Spurs, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit of Army and Navy Officers. A liberal discount allowed to the trade. mhlo-lm pUELOUGHS. Officers and Soldiers, visiting: the city on Furlough needing SWORDS, And other MILITARY EQUIPMBIITS, are Invited to the very extensive Menu/actnrms Establishment of GEO. W. SIMONS '* BRO., SANSOM-STBEET HALL, SANSOM Street, above Sixth. PRESENTATION SWORDS Made to order at the shortest notice, which, for richness •and magnificence, challenge competition. no other house in the country combining the MANUFACTURING JEW ELER with the PRACTICAL SWORD-MAKER. mhlO' 2m ' JROTHINGHAM A WELLS HATH FOB SALI. HEAVY, MEDIUM. AMD LIGHT SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS. STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CAMBRICS ’AND SILECIAS. BROWN. BLEACHED, AND CORSET JEANB. No. IS WORSTED YARN. &«. ' leMl/tf CARPETINGS. STREET CARPET WAREHOUSE, The subscriber has just received a well-selected stock of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CARPET I IS GS , TOR SPRING TRADE. JOS. BLACKWOOD, mhlS-2m , 83a ARCH STREET. BELOW NINTH, “p'BAST OP THE PASSOVER.—THE •*- undertigßod would respectfa'ly inform his co-Reli gionista that he is now readv to fill orders of the purest and best quality of ‘‘MAZOTH, ” alias PASSOVER BREAD, at eleven cents per pound. Christians, wishing to procure come of our Passover Bread, can &iao order it in quantities to suit them, and have ttsent by express, or.as directed, to any pan at the world The irinding of the wheat out of which this Passover Bread is made, and the baking of the bread, haa bean personally superintended by the undersigned, and he is certain It must give satisfaction to all wno'may favor him withitheir p*.tronaee All orders accompanied with the money. and directed to MARK HERTZ. Agent, Nos. 5 and 7 DOCK Ftreet, Philadelphia wtll be promptly fllKd. MARK HERTZ, Agents riARTE DE VISITES OP EXQUISITE style and exrcu ion are made and in great demand at B. F. REIMEK’S new and splendid gallery, t>3-A ARCH ftreet Go early. It* nOITON SAIL DUCK AND G ANY AS Lof all nnmbers and brands. „ . . . Bnven’s Dnok Awntni Twilit, of nil descriptions, for rents, Awnlnse, Trunk end Wagon Covers. Also, Paper Manfkcturors Drier Felts, from 1 to 6 feet *lde. Tsrpnnlln.BolW. fi SnUTwDm i A ! . if 4co JOVW 1 AlUv. TMPEBIAL PHOTOGRAPHS.— ■A CartPß de VUUe UD»urpaBsed at NEWELL’S Gallery, No 724 ABCS Street, No pictures allowel to leave this Gallery unless they give'perfect satisfaction. mh22 6.it* THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1864.' OF GENERAL MEADE, THE LIFE, HAT T LES, MAJOR GENERAL MEADE, The Hero of Gettysburg I ami Comman der of the Army of the Potomac. WITH MIS PORTRAIT. It 3s published at the Cheapest Book House la the world to buy or send fora stock of boobs, which (sat T. B. PBTBRSON & BROTHERS, No. 306 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia, Pa. HIE LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICES OF MAJOR GE NERAL MEADE, the Hero of Gettysburg’. audOom mander of the Army of the Potomac. With a full His tory of his Life, and services to his cpuntryinall the var’ouvPosUious he has filled from the time he first entered the United States Army, in 1535, until the pre sent day, with his official reports to the War Depart ment, speeches, orders, etc , etc. 971 th his Portrait. Price 25 cents a copy, or five copies for One Dollar, and sent free of postage every where at these rates. Agents supplied at $1.7(5 a dozen, or $l2 50 a hundred/ WANTED. AGENTS, CANVASSERS, and PEDLARS, in every town and village in. the United States, who can easily make TEN DOLLARS A DAT at it, to engage In selling “THE LIFE OF MAJOR GENERAL MEADB,” just published and for sale at 25 cents a copy, who will be supplied with them at $1.75ad07.en, or $12.60 a hundred. Apply in person, or address your orders with cash en closed, for whatever quantity you may wish to start with, to T. B. PETERSON A . BROTHERS,’ 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, and your orders will bAtflled at once, and the books sent you per first express after re ceipt of order. We have agents now making Fifteen Dollars a*day selling them All in search of work or money should engage in selling these books at once, and give it a trial. JUST PUBLISHED. LIFE OF GENERAL BUTLER. TBE LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICES OF MAJOR.GENE RAL BINJAMIN F. BUTLER, the Hero of “New Or leans/’ Commander of the Military Department of Vir ginia and Norm Carolina ; also Commissioner for the Exchange of Prisoners. With his Portrait. Price 25 cents a copy. Agents supplied at $1.75 a dozen, or $l2 50 a hundred. LIFE OF GENERAL GRANT. THE LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICES O? MAJOR-GENE RAL GRANT, the Hero of ‘:FortDoneleon,” *,Vioks " burg,” and “Chattanooga/' Commander of the Mill* tary Division of the Mississippi, and captor of 472 can. non, and 90,000 Rebel Prisoners, WITH HIS POR TRAIT. New‘and Enlarged Edition. Price 25 cents a cony. Agents supplied at $1.76 a dozen, or $12.60 a hundred. LIFE OF ARCHBISHOP HUGHES. THE LIFE OF ARCHBISHOP HUGHES, first Arch bishop of New York; with a full account of his LIFE, DEATH, snd BUBIaL; as well as his Services in all Pursuits and Vocations, from his birth until his death. WITH HIS PORTRAIT. New and enlarged edition. Price, 26 cents a copy. Agents supplied at $1.75 a dozen, or $12.60 a hundred. ahe life, campaigns, battles, reports, and PUBLIC SERVICES OF MAJOR GENERAL GEORGE b McClellan, the hero of western Virginia, SOUTH MOUNTAIN. and ANITETAM. with a full his tory of all his CAMPAIGNS and BATTLES, as well as his REPORTS AND CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE WAR DEPARTMENT AND THR PRESIDENT, in re lation to them, from the time he first took the field in this .war- until he was finally relieved from com mand, after the Battle of Antletam; with his various SPEECHES TO SOLDIERS, etc., up to the present time. New and enlarged edition. Complete in one lai ge volume of 200 pages, with a Portrait of General McClellan. Price, Fifty Cents in paper, or Seventy- Five Cents in cloth. Agents supplied with the Fifty- Cent Edition at $3 60 a dozen, or $25 a hundred; or, with the Cloth Edition, at Six Dollars a dozen, or For ty-five Dollars a hundred. All persons ordering ono hundred in all of the above c&n order any quantity of each to suit themselves, so as to make up one hundred copies In all, and thus obtain them at the hundred price. x AGENTS, CANVABSBRS, and PEDLARS are wanted in every town and village is the United States, who can maXe'TEN DOLLARS A DAY atit, to engage in selling “THE LIVES OF THE ABOVE DISTINGUISHED GENERALS,” jutt published, who will be supplied with them by the dozen, or hundred, at rates appended to the advertisement of each work. Apply in person, or address your orders, with cash enclosed, for whatever quantity of them 7 on may with to start witb, to P. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, SC6 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, and; your orders will be filled at once, and the books sent you par first express after receipt of order. We have agents now making Fifteen and Twenty Dollars a day selling them All in search of work or money should engage in selling these books at once, and give it a trial. Address all orders for them to the Publishers, which is also the Cheapest Book House in the world fc® buy or send for a stock of any kind of books von may wish, which iff to Copies of any of the aboye books-will be seat to any one. free of postage, on remitting the retail price of the ones wanted, to T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS in a letter. mh.23 JfI.OSS & CO. ; 432 CHESTNUT ‘ST., BLANK BOOK AND ENVELOPE MANUFACTURERS, 5 ' Also, a large assortment of Note and Letter Paper a; together with a fall and complete stock of counting-house fancy and staple Stationery, at low prices. - LIGHT ON SHADOWED PATHS. A delightful new book, by T. S. Arthur. $125 • THE ART OF CONVERSATION. A sensible, instruc tive, and entertaining bpok. $1.55 TALES FROM TBE OPERAS. The plots of popular Operas turned into noveletU s. $l. PRIVATE MILES O’REILLY. His Book, rich with Comic Songs Speeches, and Illustrations. $1 25. GUBOWSKI’S DIkRY; FOR 1863. One of the spiciest of military and political criticisms. $125. LOUIE. A charming story by the popular author of 4 ‘Rutledge.” $125. PECULIAR. Epes Sargent’s wonderful fiction. The book senratton of the year. $1.60. RINAN’S LIFE OF JESUS. Translated from the great French Voik. $1.50. TBE GREIT CONSUMMATION. By the Rev. Dr. Cnmming. Second seriei, complete. $l. 43* Sold by all booksellers, and sent by mail free, on receipt of price, by pOUNSEL AND 'COMFORT v 7 SPOKEN FROM A CITY PULPIT 1 . By the "Country Parson," in one volume, 12mo. Published this day. ALSO, SMILES' INDUSTRIAL BIOGRAPHY, IRON-WORK ERS AKD TOOL BJAKBBB. By the author ol *‘Belf- Eelp.” Ac., Ac In one Yolume, 12mo. For sale with all the NEW AND STANDARD BOOKS by LINDSAY A BLAKIATON. Publishers, mb23 35 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnat. TVTEW BOOKSI NEW BOOKS!! ~ IHDDBTEIAL BIOGRAPHY; Iron-Worker, and Tool-Makers.- By Samuel Smiley, author of Self* Help, Ac ronUSEL AND COMPORT. SPOKEN PROM A CITY PULPIT. By the author of ihe Recreations of a Country Parson CHRONICLES OF THE SCHONBEBG COTTA FAMI LY. By twowfthemselves. EVERYDAY DUTIES; or, The Schoolmate. By Mrs. Madeline Leslie. MEET FOR HEAVEN; A State of Grace on Barth the only preparation for a State of Glory in Heaven. By the author of Heaven our Home SUNDAY -SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS. By Rev. Alfred Taylor. For sale by WM. S. & ALFRED MARTIBN, mh23 60G CHESTNUT Street 90 CENTS, 20 CENTS, 20 CENTS! HARPER for April. 20eta. CONTINENTAL for April. 20cts. ' "ATLANTIC for April.. 2o cts. GODEY for April, 20 eta. All new Books at a discount. mh23-4t-lf PITCHERS*! 808 CHESTNUT St. ATEW BOOKS I NEW BOOKS!! ■A ' Just received by ABBMEAD & EVANS, ■ (Successors to Willis P. Hazard,) 80. CHESTNUT Street COUNSEL AND COMPORT. Spoken from a City pul pit, Bv the ‘’Country Parson. ” INDUSTRIAL BIOGRAPHY. Irok Woukbrs axd Tool Makers. By Samuel Smiles, author of ’* Self- Help,” &o. by Eliza Meteyard (“Silverpen.") A new Novel, last out, LA GAVIOTA, A tPANISH MOVhL; by Fernan Ca ballero. Translated by J. Leander Starr. THE WASHINGTON SKETOHBOOR; by Viator. ' THE CROSS or HONOR; by Annie Thomas. A WOMAN’S RANSOM: by Frederick W. Robinson. THACKERAY, THE HUMORIST AND THE MAN OF LETTBES; by Theodore Taylor, Beq. EBSAIS: SCIENTIFIC. POLITICAL. AND SPECULA TIVE by Herbert Spencer. mh.22 HTHB SUNBEAM STORIES, J- Containing the charmina, brlfrhi stories of— TRAP TO CATCH A'SUN BBAM. CLOUD WITH SILVER LINING, HOUSE ON THE ROCK, ONLY, OLD JOLLIFFK, MERRY CHRISTMAS, DREAM CHINTZ STAR IN THE DESERT, Ac. Six beautiful volumes, illustrated, $2 60. WILLIS P. HAZARD, Publisher, fe26-t jyl . . 31 South SIXTH Street. APPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN ■“* CYCLOPEDIA. The agency for this invaluable Library of Universal Information if at 33 Soath SIXTH Street, second story. Also, RECORD OF- THE REBELLION. By Frank Moore. s -0ell«tf IS DON BEOWN STOUT, - SCOTfcH ALE, BT THE CASK OR D&’ZEN. ALBERT G. ROBERTS, DEALER IK FINE GROCERIES, * Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. TTN LIKELY, TEE POPULARITY REIMER’B colored Photographs. has- achieved, wonld stand the test of time without merit of an unques tionable character for a basis; only $l. SECOND Street* above Green. ■ H* TV'OTHING SHORT OF PERSONAL examination of the merits of B I*. BSIMfiR’S por traits live you an adequate Idea of their worth; life-Biz* Photographs in oil colors 08A ARCH Street. It* 'pAB P ETS.—NOW IS TELE TIME . they are fresh, and very be»t of color*. Ja«t in. mh22 Im* WM.* ORBAIMILR. No. 147 N. SECOND St , bet. Noble,east side. NEW PUBLICATIONS. THE HERO OF GETTYSBURG. PUBLISHED THIS DAY. Price Twenty-live CentH a Copy. AND PUBLIC SERVICES LIFE OF GENERAL MEA.DE. LIFE OF GENEBAL McCLELLAS. WAITED. T, E. PETERSON it BROTHFJRS I , 306 CHESTNUT Sti eet, Philadelphia, Pa. Stock Brokers’ Purchase and Sales Books. Stock Brokers’ Receipt and Delivery Books. Copying Presses. CopFing-Press Tables. Copying Books and Fluids. Soldiers’Pocket Photograph Albums. Soldiers’ Writing and Sewing Cases. MOSS & CO., 433 CHESTNUT Street, mh22 tf Two doors above the Post Office. fc OARLETON'S KB W BOOKS. CARLETON; Publisher, NSW TOBK. mb23- wstf J^WPtfBrAICATIONS. atla ntic mo ivtiily APRIL, 18G4. The ATLANTIC for April U now ready, with contrl ballons from * JAMES BUSSELL LOWELL, OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES. '■ GAIL HAMILTON, / O. O. HAZE WELL, JOHN a. WHITTIER, . HARRIET BEECHER STOWE, FITX HUGH LUDLOW, f ' F. SHELDON. ABD OTHER TOPULAU WRITERS. LIST OF CONTENTS Fighting Facts for Fogies; Tho Wreck of Rlvermouth; The Schoolmaster’s Story; Pictor Ignotus; The First Visit to Washington; Honso and Home Papera, IV.: The Black Preacher; Fouquet the Magnificent; On Picket Duty/Among the Hormone; Our Progressive Indepen dence; Reviews and Literary Notices. TERMS.—The Atlantic is for sale by all Book and PerkdicAl dealers. Price, 26 cents a number. Subscrip tions f6r the year, $3. postage paid. Club Pricks.— I Two copies for one j ear, $5, and each additional subscription at the same rate; and an Extra Copy gratis for every Club of ten Subscribers; or every Eleven Copies for $25. TICKNOK & FIELDS, PUBLISHERS, 135 WASHINGTON Street. Boston. Mass. THE NATIONAL QUARTERLY RE- J- VIEW. YOL. VIII-No. 1C March, 1361. CONTENTS;^ L—HINDU-OIVILIZaTiON ; Its Sources and Cha ■- racttrics. ?:•.» lI>JUVENAL ON THE DECADENCE OF BOMB. 11l —THE BRAZILIAN EMPIKE IV.-CATJLINE AND HISCONSPIRAOY. V -KLOPBTOCK AS A LYRIC AND EPIC POET. Vl.-OUR QUACK DOCTORS AND THEIR PER FORMANCES.' VIE—KEPLER AND HIB DISCOVERIES. YIII.-AfIOIBNT AND MODERN BELIEF IN A FU TURE LIFE. JX.—NOTICES AND CRITICISMS. The present number closes the eighth volume and fourth year of the Review. Terms.—s 3 a year, in advance Agent for Phila delphia, JAMES K. SIMON, 33 South SIXTH Street, , EDWARD I. SEARS. Editor and Proprietor, mn23-wths3t £2 BIBLE HOUSE, New York, MIIXIItfEKY GOODS, JP SPRING. 18 g 4 BROOKS & BOSESIHEIM, 431 MARKET STREET, . WHO I. ESA I, K DEALERS IN ■ " RIBBONS, 13 0 IV NETS, LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S HATS, FLOWERS, AND MILLINERY GOODS GENERALLY. mh23-lm • . ‘ 1864. __ 1864. WOOD & CARY, 126 CHESTNUT STREET, STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. F. S.—MBEOHANTB AND MILLIH3HS are Invited to examine befoje purchasing, a. ottr'STOCK IS FULL and PSICBj LOW. mhS ; 2m WOOD & CABY. F. A, HA BRING & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, No. 413 AHCH STREET. PaiLADBLPHfJL ■ •*+*'*' -.As r mh3-2m Opening. ” K. P. GILL & CO. will omu on THDRSDA.T, March 54th. styles in BONNMS AND HATS for Spring and Summer wear. The attention of Ladies is solicited. mh23 2t* E P GILL & CO.. T3Q ARCH St. RETAIL DRY GOODS. QPENING. THOS. W. EVANS & GO. Respectfully announce that they will open on TUESDAY, 22d INST., PARIS STYLE M A. 3V X I JL 3L A S , , Embracing the LATEST NOVELTIES. 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET. mh2l-3t . - QPENING. J. nvr. HAFIiHIGH, 902 CHESTNUT STREET, V WILL OPEN OX WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, Paris and American styles MANTILLAS. mh2l-3t HALL & 00., ' 26 SOUTH SECOND STEEET, Will open this morning two Cases of f I ND I A SILK S, WIDE, GLOSSY, PERFECT GOODS, ATSI.I2K. And neat Plaid FRENCH SILKS AT $l.OO. AND DARK GROUND ;foulard silks, Of our own Importation. WATER-PROOF CLOAKS FROM $6.16. at IVBBra * CO.’B, : 83 South NINTH Street. Every new style of Fpring Cloaks at IVBNS & CO. ’S, 83 South NINTH Street. JUw style Plaid Cloaks at ITEMS & CO. ’S, 83 South NINTH Street. Fashionable Basques and Shore Sacques at It* rYJSNfI & CO, S, 83 South NINTH Street. H STEEL & SON HAVE NOW OPEN • a choice assortment of , NEW BILKS. Moire Antiques. $3 to $0 Plain Corded Bilks, SL62K to $3.60. Figured Corded Silks, 9L62K. Plain Foil do Soles, $126 to $3.26. Faney Silks. 760. to $6. Black Gros Grain Silks, $1.26 to $3.26. Figured Black Sllke, $1.26 to $2. Plain Black Silks. B?>£c. to $6. ■*»laid India Silks, 8?&e. Llkixi UPUBd Rich-figured Foulards, $1.26 to $1.63. fesQ.tr ' Tfo,:'»7i33hd l Xlo». Tg?™ Street. pHEAP DBY GOODS, CARPETS, OIL OLOTHS, and WINDOW SHaDES. V. B. ARCH AMBADLT, Northeast corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, will open on MONDaY MORN ING, from auction. Ingrain Carpets, wool filling, 60 to 76c; Ingrain Carpet*, all wool, at 76c, 37c, $l, auds 3/; Entry and Stair Oaifets, 16 to &7o; Hemp and Hag Car pets. *7, 60, and 62c; Floor Oil Clotba. 60 to 87c; Stair Oil Cloths. 96c; Table OU Cloths. 62c; GLlt Bordered Window Shades, 75c to $1.50; Bail*and Green. Shading, ooc. r CHEAP DRY GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. Muslins, 16 to 46c; White Sheetings. 40c to $1; new Sprint De Lainea, 31 to Sic; Poplins, 37 to 60c; Spring Alpacas, 37 to 75c; Black Mike, $1 to $1.75; Spring Chintzes, 18 to 76c; Plain and Fancy Caßilmeres, ; 60c to $1 60; Fine Irish Llnene, 60 to 87c;- New York Mills Muslins; 4So by the piece; Fahey filii/ting Flannels, 37 to 67c; - Table Linens, 50c to $1.60; Tuwellngs and Nap kins. 14 to 60c; Ladies’'Coitun Hose,* 26 to 50c; Ladies’ Gloves, 12 to 76c; Linen Hdkfs.. S to 60c; Embroiders! Bdkxs.,26c; Coates’ Spool Cotton. 9c; Skirt Braids. 9c; Pine, sc; Books and Eve*. Sc; Pa'm Soap, 8c; Neck ties.uSto 60c; Yells. 87c; Spool Silk, Sc; Colored Spool Cotton, Bc. Wholesale aad Retail Dry Goods. Carpet, atd Trimming Store, N. B. corner ELSYESTJ and MARKET Bir«eU. nih2l-mwf lm T INEJN GOODS—CHEAPEST IN THE -LI CITY.—WiII open, on MONDAY morning. 10 pieces band-loom Table Linen, at 87i4c.; same tn&t is being ■old at $1 ai other place* One lot.extra heavy, at $1: woith more money. Bleached Table Linen, at 87>Sc . 90c , and $l. Extra quality and width, at $126 and $1 60. Also, a large lot of double eatia Damask Barmley. that are extra heavy and beautlful patterns; some of them the most desirable ever inipo.ted ' and a great variety of other Table Linens, in varicus qualities and patterns, that lam now selling far below'the market prices. Barnsley Linen Sheetings, very heavy, at $1.60, $1 75, and $2, In all the widths Pi) 1» w Linens, 1%, I#, and I}£ yards wide. Napkins and Doylies in various qualities, of the very bffit make* and patterns. Huckabacks,both bleached and half-bleached,ln large quantities and every quality. Towels of every description, with or without fringed ends, in red and bine bonders ' Ciash at 12X, 14,16, 18X, aud 2flc. One lot Richardson's Bnlrttng Linens,at 60c.'; these are a great bargain, being under price. Marseilles Quilts that cannot be surpassed for quality ana beauty by any in the city. GRANVILLE B HAINES. mh2l>mluws4t 1013 MARKET Street, ah v •Tenth. MEDICAX. YON'S KATHAIEON. K&tbalron la from the Greek word “ Kathro.” or “ Ka* tbairo/' signifying to cleanse, rejuvenate, and restore- This article Is what its name signifies. For preserving, restoring and beautifying the HUMAN HAIR it is the most rtmark able preparation in the world. It Is again owned and put up by the original proprietor, and is now made with the same ; care, skill, and attention which gave It a sale of over one million bottles per annum. It !b a meet delightful Hair Dressing. 'lt eradicates scurf and dandruff. It keeps the head cool and clean. It makes the hair rich, soft, and glossy. It prevents the hair from falling off and turning gray. It restores hair upon bald heads Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful head of hair should use LYON’B KATHAIRON- It is known and used throughout the civilized world. Sold by all respectable dealers DEM4S S. BARNES & CO., New York. HAGAN’S MAGNOLIA BALM. This is the most delightful and extraordinary article ever discovered. It changes the sun-burnt face and hands to a pearly satin, texture of ravishing beauty. Im parting the marblo purity of youth, and the distinqui appearance so inviting in the city belle of feshion. It re move* tan, freckles, pimpleel and roughness from the skin, leaving the complexion fresh, transparent, and smooth. It‘Contain* no material Injurious to the »ktn. Patronized by actresses and opera singers. It is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Prepared by. W. E. HAGAN, Troy, N. Y. Address all orders to s DBMAS S. BABNBB & CO., New York. HEmSTIIEErS INIMITABLE HAIR RESTO RATIVK.—NOT A DYE, But restores gray hair to its original color, by supplying the capillary tubes with natural sustenance, impaired by age or disease. All instantaneous dyes are composed of lunar caustic, destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford of themselves no dressing. Heim street’s Inimitable Coloring not only restores hair to its natural color by an easy process, but gives the hair LUXURIANT BEAUTY, promotes its growth, prevents its falling off, eradicate? dandruff, and imparts health and pleasantness to 1 the head. It has stood the test of time, being the original Hair Coloring, and is constantly increasing In favor. Used by both gentlemen and It dies. It is sold by all re spectable dealers, or can be procured by them of the commercial agents, D. S. BARNES & CO., 202 BROAD WAY, New York, 9wo sizes, 60 cents and $l. MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. The parties in St. Louis and Cincinnati, who have been counterfeiting the Mustang Liniment, under pretence of proprietorship, have been ■ thoroughly estopped by the courts. To jrnard against further imposition, I have pro cured from the United States Treasury a private steel plate revenue stamp, which is placed over the top of each bottle. Each stamp bears the/ae simile of my sig nature, and without which the article is a counterfeit, dangerous, and worthless imitation. Examine every bottle. This Liniment has been in use and growing in favor for many years. ’There hardly e* isfca a hamlet on the habitable globe that does not contain evidence of its wonderful effects. It it the best emollient in the world. With its present improved ingredients, its effects upon man aid beast are perfectly remarkable. Sores are healed, pains relieved, lives saved, valuable animals made useful, and untold ills assuaged. For bruises, sprains, rheumatism, swellings, bites, cuts, caked breasts, strained horses. Ac., it is a sovereign remedy that should never be dispensed with. It should be in every family. Sold by all druggists. fe22'jnwf3m&eow6m D. S. BARNE3, New. York. COPARTNERSHIPS. TWOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned have thisday entered into Copart nership. for the purpose ofcontiuuieg the FUR Business, established by the late George F. Womrath, under the name and 6tyle of A. K. &F. K. WOMRATH, at No. 4:15 ARCH Street. The said partnership will terminate the thirty-first day of July, a. D. 1565 ANDREW K. WOMRATH FREDERICK K. WOMRATH. Philadelphia March 22,1864. mhJ3 4t 'T'HE undersigned have this -A day entered into a COPARTNERSHIP, under the fiTE'iiame of W- D. EDSON & CO , for the purpose of Manufacturing WOMBSS6, MESSES’, and CHILDREN’S PEGGED BOOTS, Sc., at No. 422 COMMERCE street. -W.-.D. EDSON. ARTHUR MILL3R. Philadelphia. March 11,1£64. : mnl4-t2t* TN 1 HE OKPH A.NS’ COURT FOR THE -L CITY AND COONTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of MAKE ASH CORNELL, a Minor. The A editor appointed by the to audit, settle, and adjust tbe account of GEORGE FLING - guarsiau of MARY ANN CoNNELL, one of the children of JO BN CONNELL, deceased, and to report, dls rlbution of the balance in bis hands, will meet the parties interested, for tbe purposes of bis appointment, on, TUESDAY, theStb day of April- 1864, as4o’clock P.M., at his oitlc?, No. 429 CHESTNUT Street, Ip the citv of fhtladelpliU. mh23 w»m6t* WM. W. LBDYARD, Auditor. TN THEORPBANS’ court forthe 'A CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of GEORGE BILLINGTON, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the third account of ogoRGB N. TaTSAJI administrator de bonis non of the estate of George Blllington, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the bands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purpose* ofhi« appointment, on MONDAY. April 4'h, A. D 1664, at 4 o’clock P. M. t at his office No. isu WALNUT Street, in the city of Philadel phia. - JOSEPH F.MARCER, mb23wfm 51* Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR A THE CITY AND COUNTY O? PHILADELPHIA. Estate of ELIZABETH CLARK, deceased. The Auditor apptioted by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of JAMES G. CLARK Executor of the Estate of Elizabeth Clark, to report distribution of the balance in the bands of the account ant, will meet the partite interested, for the parposes of hit appointment, on TUESDAY, "April 6. 1864. at 4 o’clock P. M., at bis office. No. 808 South FIFTH Street, in the city or Philadelphia. THOB. BRADFORD DWIGHT, mh23-wfmst • • • Auditor. , Fr TBB ORPHAN’S- COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of Commodore GBORGE G Ti e Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, aud adjust the account of EDWARD C. DALE, Adminis trator db. n eta of Commodore GEORGE C READ, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties Interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on MONDAY, April -4th, ISC4, at 4 o'clock P. M., at No. 158 South FOURTH Street, in tbe city of Philadelphia. B. SPENCER MILLBR, mh23-wfm6t - Auditor. TTNITED STATES, EASTERN DI3- V TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SOT. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITBD STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF ‘ PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING: WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States in and forthe Eastern District ofPennsylvaula, rightly and duly proceeding oa-Libels, filed in the name of the United States of America, hath decreed all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or imereßt in the following-named vessels and car goes, to wit: The sloop BUFFALO, whereof Lewis wiiggins is master, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the cargo laden on board thereof, captured by the bark Brizilera. under the command of Acting Master W, T. Gillespie; the schooner MaRI, whereof ——is master, her tackle, apparel end furniture, and the cargo laden onboard thereof captured by tile United States hark Brazilera, under command of Acting Master W. T. Gillespie; the sloop PERSIS. whereof is master, her tackle, apparel, and forniture, and the cargo laden on hoard thereof, captured by the United State* steamer Massachusetts, under command of Acting Volunteer Lieutenant West; the schooner BYLVaNUS. wfeeieof Higgins is master, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the cargo laden on board thereof, captured. by the steamer Huron, under the com n and of Lieutenant .Tames H. Baker, to be monished, cited, and called to judgment, at the time and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed, (justice so requiring.) You are. therefore, charged and strictly enjoined and commanded, thatyon omit not, hut that by publishing these presents tn at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the city of Philadelphia, and in the Legal In • telligencer, you do monish and cite, or causa to be monished ana cited, peremptorily, all persons tn general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, orinte rett ln the said vessels, their tackle, apparel, and iurn’ture.. ana their cargoes laden on board; thereof, to appear before the Honorable JOHN CADWALA DER, the Judge of Ihe 6ald court, at the District Court room,in the city of Philadelphia, on the twen tieth day after publication of these presents, if it be a court day, or else on the next court day following, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law. a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why the said vesi sis, their tackle, apparel, and furniture, aad their cargoes laden on board thereof should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, aid as goods of their enemies or otherwise; liable and subject to condemnation,* to be adjudged and condemned as good and Hwfnl prize*; and farther to do and receive in this behalf as to justice shall ap pertain. And that you duly Intimate, or cause to be inti mated, unto all persons aforesaid, generally, (to whom, by the tenor of these presents it is also intimated.) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show-a rea sonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth Intend and will proceed to adjudica tion on the taid capture, and may pronounce that the said vessels, their tackle, apparel, and furniture, and their cargoes laden onboard thereof, did belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States of America, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to con fiscation and condemnation, to be adjudged and con demned as lawful prize, tho absence, or rather contuma cy. of the persons so'cited and intimated in anywise not withstanding, and that you duly certify to the said Dis trict Court what you shall do in the premises, together with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this twenty first da>-of MARCH, A. D. 1861, and in the eighty-eighth year of the Independence of the said United States. mh23-St G. R. FOX, Clerk District Court. mh2l-m&w2t A SSISTANT^WIRTEfiMASTBK GENERAL’S OFFICE. PEOPOSJLS will bo received at thie office until MONDAY Dixt. 28ih instant, at 12 o’clock M.. for tho de livery, in this city, on or before Ist of May next, of FIFIY MXDJGINE WAGONS, to bo construe:©! in ac cordance with a model styled the “ Anterwalth Medicine Wai on. ” *xcA nnn-WANTED—A PABTNEB, SPvjUvv either active or silent, in an established manufacturing business, with cash sales. Address ••'Williams,’* Press office. _mh22-3t* A MONTH!—I WANT TO HIKE nP * •** AGENTS in every Coun’r* at 975 a month, ex penses paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewing Ma ehines. Address S. MADISON, Alfred,Me. Cfel2 dAW3m #f*n A MONTH I—l Want Agents at WUUggQ a month.expenses paid, to sell my Everlasting Pencils, Oriental Burners, and 13 othar articl* ■. 1(5 circa' lars eent/ree. JOHN F, LORD. Blddeford. Me. ja27-2m EDU CATION Ali. AT rs - CLINTON GILLINGHAM’S "- 1 MORNIBG CLASS IN LIGHT GYMNASTICS will meet at Hor;icullural Hall, S. W. corner BROAD aad WALNUT Streets, on WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS, at 10 o’clock; mh22 25* A LADY DULY QUALIFIED WITH the best of reference, will five instruction, on the PIANO to a limited number of pupiis. Address Box 1032 Post Office. mh2l 6t* BOARDING. “DOABD3N G.—"VACANT, A SECOND A) &50RY FROST BOOM, suitable for man and wife. Apply at U%g VINE Street, mh22-3t* •\AJSS DARE, 1123 GIRARD STREET, iJ-L has elegant communicating BOOMS, handsomely furnished, second and third stories, House nswlv fur* nisbed. mh2l*6t* SODTH BBOAD STREET— Y A* 440 GANT, TWO DOUBLE BOOMS, third and fourth stories. mh2l-St* JLUST AMD JTOUJND. T OST.-~ CEBTIFIOATE No. 181 FOB 1 AJ share in the POINT.BBEEZE PARK ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA, in the name of HBNBY D. application will be made four weeks from the date hereof for a renewed certificate, notice is-hereby given. JACOB S. LENTZ, mb9 WfSt* Executor of Henry D Lentz, dece-tsed. •T OST-a CEBTIFIOAIE OF 5-FEB Aj cent. LOAN OF STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, for $516.05, dated March 12, IS3O, Ho. 754, in name of WILLIAM MEREDITH. Also, a Certificate of 0-per cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, ior the sum of 9200. dated June 30. 1545, No. 1452, in the name of ELI K. PRICE, administrator of William Meredith in trust. Ap plication has been made to the Auditor General for a re newal of said Certificate* _ felo-3m ELI K. PRICE, No. 811 ARCH Street. ' FOU SAIE AND TO ZJBT. A BARB CHANCE FOB A*--BUSI NESS MAN.—An old-established STORE STAND for Rent in the Country. To a parson with buslnes i qualifications »nd a r of the Hall in the evening. mb2Mst GBOTEE’S- chestnutstreet THEATRE - A BILL OF iTERLING MERIT. Wednesday evening, &urch 23, will be presented the beautifnl domestic drsma ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD, ALL THAT GLITTaES IS NOT GOLD, snd the merry afterpiece the lottery ticket. LOTTERY TICKET. In active preparation, Bouciccub’s interesting Drama THE OOTOEOOY. TVTBS. JOHN DREW’S ARCH STREET all thfatbb. SUCCEES WITHOUT PARALLEL RETURN OF MR. AND MBK BaSSEY WILLIAMS TO NIGHT (Wednesday), March23.lB6L all hallow eve. ~ Rcdy O’Connor, (with song) Mr. Barney William*. Kilty Killten Mrs. Barney Williams. To he followed by the roaring Farce of LATAST FROM NEW YORK Widow Sprouts..-.-.... ...Mrs Barney Williams. Phil Mulligan Mr. Barney Williams. To conclude with. GOOD FOR NOTHING. Prices as usual. Curtain rises at 7K o'clock. mh23 WALNUT* STREET THEATRE -77 -THIS (WEDNEsDaY) EVENING. March 23. Laet appearance but four of this distinguished young actor, on which occasion will be presented THE DEAD BEaRT, TBE DEAD HEART THE DEAD BEaBT, THE DEAD HBART. In which In which EDWIN ADAMS, EDWIN ADAMS, Will sustain bis original character >f ROBERT LANDRY, a Young Scu’pior. Box office open from 9 uli 3 o’clock. Performance to commence at 1% o’clock. ,«fi.BBAT ' GATHERING OF THE CLANS ” GRAND SCOTTISH GOSCBRT, ’ AT THE-MUSICAL FUND HALL. Locust Street, above Eighth, THURSDAY EVENING. March 24th, ISSf. * _ FOR THE BENEFIT OP THE LIBRARY OF THE CALEDONIAN CLUB, UNDER THB UNITED AUSPICES OF TRE St. Andrew’s Society, {Germantown Baras’Club. Scots’ Thistle Society, {Philadelphia Carling Club, Burns’ Association, Keystone Carling Club, CaledoniaßeßeficialSccietylCalsdoaian Club, Daniel Mclntyre, Conductor. Duncan Wrtoht, Bee, Doors open at o’clock. To commence precisely at 8. Tickets 25 cents, to be had at John Booth’s. 1616 Market street; Wm. Cameron. Jr., 22S N, Eighth street: A & G. McClement, 333Chestnnt street, or at the door, mhl9-(k* TOM KING’S EXCELSIOR CIRCUS, -A MARKET, above TWELFTH Street. SENOEITA LOLA LEHMAN, a Spanish lady, of great beauty, and celebrated as a daring, dashing, and thrilling equestrienne, will make her first appearance on TUESDAY EVENING, 22d, and continue during the * vreek She is THE BRIGHT PARTICULAR STAR of the Excelsior Troupe, The prozramme of entertain ment is entirely changed for the present week by the ve teran Tom King, as to bring into fall development the various talent of ihe* great Troupe Admission only 25 cents; 6O cents: commencing at quarter fore 8 o'clock. Matieees. by gas-light, ,ou WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, commencing at o’clock. - mh2l OPERA HOUSE. J-l “THE FAMILY RESORT.” CARNCKOSS aND DIXEY’S MINSTRELS. THE GREAT STAR TROUPE OF THE WORLD. In their SELECT ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, Splendid Singing, Beautiful Dancing, Laughable ltt< lesques. Plantation Scenes, Ac.. Ac., by TWENTY TALENTED ARTISTS. . EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. Tickets 2d cents. Doors epen at? o’clock. fe27-3m J. L CaRN CROSS. Business Manager, pASINOJ CASINO! OA3INOI CHESTNUT STREET, above Sixth. GRAND VARIETY ENTERTAINMENT. ETHIOPIAN COMSDIANS, ballets, pantomimes, vocalists. COMIO SINGERS EVERT NIGHT. mhl7«lot* THE GREAT PICTURE -L AT CONCBBT HALL LECTUBB BOOM Bor & short season. OPEN EVERY' EVENING FOR A SHORT SSASOJT, * J. Insco Williams’ celebrated' PANORAMA OF THJBIBLI. This is the moßt complete and finished Palatial of the Sacred Scriptures in the world, comprising orer fifty *f themoit STJBLIMS A KB THRILLING 60851 S Of the first three thousand years of Biblical Hteory, forming altogether one the finest exhibitions of the ace. OPAN EYERY BYSBING at half past 7 o’clock. Admission 25 cents. N. B. Matinees on Wednesday and Saturday aftcr noons, at 3 o’clock. Admission for Children 15 cents. fJEBMANIA ORCHESTRA.—PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, it 3 o’clock, P. M, at the MUBICAL FUND HALL. Single tickets SE cents. Packages of six ticket*, $L To be had at AM« DBS'S. 1104 CHESTNUT Street, J. E GOULD. SE VENTH and CHESTNUT, and at the Hall door, feg-tf pENNSYLYANIA ACADEMY OF A THE FINE ARTS, 10J15 CHESTNUT STBBBT. OPEN DAILY (Sunday* excepted) from 9 A. K. UU 6 P. M. Admission 26 cents. Children half price. ja23-tt INSURANCE COMPANIES. POEM AN P. HOIiLINSHEAD’S A INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 319 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Ixsdraxces—Fire, Marine. Inland, and Life, effected in responsible and well-known companies, without charge to applicant for sendees. * .Hina years of practical experience and extensive ac«- quain lance in his business is a guarantee that all matters entrusted to his care will be correctly attended to Agent for the following well-known and reliable com~ psnies: Howard Insurance Company, of New York (1525); Sam 1 ! T. Skidmore. Pres’t; Henry A. Oakley. Sec ’ Irvin g Fire Insurance Company, of New York (1852); Mason Thompson. Pres’t; Crowell. Sec. Acilatic Fire Insurance Company, of New York (1858)? William A. Seaver, Pres’t; Frank ff. Lewis. Sec. Commercial Fire Insurance Company, of New York (ISP); Joseph Petit, Pres’t; M V. B. Fowler, Sec. Mercantile Fire Insurance Company, of New York (1552); William A Thompson, Pres’t; John Baker, Sec. Albany City Fire Insurance Company, of Albany, New York 0660); William Tillinghaat, P/es’t John H. Bice, Sec. Statement of Affairs of MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hew York December SI, 1861: Cash capital, .••$200,000 09 Surplus 31.360 52 —$234,360 51 Invested as follows: Cash inbank and on hand $11,260,62 Bonds and mortgage*.first liens . on real estate 164,960 00 Uniteo States bond*, 7 3 10 and certificat •• • 67,000 00 Call loans, secured by bank stock. 800 OG Interest acciued................. 360 00—5234,369 52 Losses unpaid—none P. HOLLINSHEAD. Agent, mb2l*mw{6e No. 3*9 WALNUT Street, Phila. STEAMSHIP NORMAN, s&ewKSsae FROM BOSTON.—Consignees of merchan dUe per above vessel will please £«nu for their goods. now landed on Piue-stTeetwb&rf. mh2S3t H. WINSOR & CO. POE ALBANY AND TROY! ■*■““<“*** VIA- DELAWARE AND BARITAJt CANAL. Tie Barge MONTSBBT. Cast. RicVd Danvers, is now loading at fir6t Wharf below Some© street* for the above Posnts, and will leave on WEDNESDAY, at 3 o'clock foi freight* which Will be ta&an on reasonable terms* - D. L. FLAN A(JAN- Areal. jnb22 2t* No. 30* South DKLAWAKB Avenaa PHRENOLOGICAL EXA.HINA- Yr TIONS. with full description* of character, riven DAT and EVENING, by J L- CAPSN, mh9--wfrin6m No 25 S. TENTH Street ■rfassfeq COBEEOT PIANO TUNING. HTTP-Hr. O. 5. SABOKHT'S CMera *» Saaisg and Bepalrlna Pianos are recetTed at MABOX * OO.W Store, 907 CHESTHu r Street, onto. Mr S. h&a had eleven T«aro’ factory «xperlanMittS«- ton. and five rear*’ employ meet in Philadelphia SPECLiL —Pianos releathered to sound as soft siA Bweet-toned &b now* tntiAowf rt taovfaf. 'Term* for Tnnlna- BAIZE AND WOOLEN CLOTHS, of all widths, at Carpet Store of \VM OREAGMILE, No. 447 Worth SEOuND Street, below N>ble. Past side. mh22-lm* Hope gold company. MINES-*‘GOLD DHST LODE, Gilpin county. Colorado. CAPITAL, SO. COO SHAKES, , $25 each. TRUSTIES. JOHN EVANo- Colorado. F H. JUDD, New York H S COHU. New York. "WILLIAM MOLLER. New York. CEO. W. GRAFFLEN. Baltimore. HERMAN FUNRE. New York. R CORNELL WHITE, New York. M. C TYLER. Dew York. S. G. ARNOLD. Providence. ' PRESIDENT. His Excellency JOHN EVANS, x Governor of Colorado Territory. noR presidents. Hon. 8. G. ARNOLD, Dr. F. H. JUDD* _ Treasurer, WALTER E LAWTON, Secretary, 5. P DAVIDS mh22lm Office, No. 30 CLIFF Street, New York. TTEATON & DENCKX A, HARDWARES -EL Commission Merchants, 507 COMMERCE and 11$ NORTH Strteto. offer for »ale: • Anchor Brand Jails; Plymouth Mill RiveU. W &S. Butcher's Cast Steel; Eagle Cabinet Lost*. Potcam’s Hone Nalls; Locke s School Slates.- . Copper, Bras*, and Iron Wire: Cotton Card*. - Also, a foiirMsortmaat of AzasrfcAn Hardware. firf-fcaU . . iL ~..60 cents. a*l4.H»w