THE CITY. Tllarmomettr. MARCH SI, 1869. | MARCH 21, 1861. 6a. M.... 12 xr sp.m.;b 1.1....U11 gr.x. 28 10 14 ] 21Jf 30 31 WIND. I —IXD. SNE E E by NINE WNW....WNW Genebai. Meagher’s Lecture at the Hosio.«Liit eyonlng Al.tgo isdieoH Assembled at the Academy of Mnslc to hear General Meagher’s leoture on *' The X,ife and Chsraoter of General Corcoran, the True Irishman, the lioyal Citizen, and Brave Soldier.” Thu orator was introduced to the audience by Hon. James Bollock. In opening, he gave an afieeting Illustration or the love of country, as ex hibited In the character of an Irish exile who, with deep and solemn feeling, wss compelled, at an ad "vanced age, to leave the castle of hie fathers, be cause tbe land had fallen under the tyrannic rule of the ruth Jets arranger. He showed how tbs love of country cumulated youth as well as hoary age, and how the noblest acts of human life have their foundation in the springs which attach a man to the house of his fathers. This love, whether It dltplayi ittelfinamild or In a stronger form. Is in no way Inconsistent with the love which a man afterwards forms for the country of hie adoption. One could be be a good irishman and yet be a warm, true. And earnest Amencsn, as the career or the noble soldier. General Corcoran, testified. - Arrlvlog here at au early age, a young man of promise and learning, he brought with him those qualities of character which recommend aperson to the favorable consideration The flrit public not of General Corcoran, which drewto it the attention of the whole country, was the refusal to do honor to the representative of the enemies of his race. The lecturer animadverted upon the irrational furore oooaaionea or *o® in New York, Boston, and Philadelphia of the scion of English, aristocracy, and was sarcastically severe On the obsequiousness which characterized American devotion at the shrine of thePrinoeof Wales. He 'defended tbe cction of CJorcorsn in the part he took in the military receptfoa When the Prince arrived in New York. He was one man whcwsi conspicuously conscientious, stern, sod indomitable, and who boldly refused to psrrlcipate in the ovation to the expectant heir of that crown under which theiiberties of Ireland had been swept away. It was a noble act, that Cor coran should have taken such a stand when all around him were wild in their oba r qulou« enthusi asm. He refuted toparade the old b9th, courteously as a citizen and as a soldier, but indignantly as an Irishman. How could he dip his colors to a prince against whom he might one day lead his regiment ia deadly conflict at a more propitious time than IS4SI [Applause 3 Many of the newspapers and huadreds of the American people had condemned bis aotion as disloyal and insulting, not merely to this country, but to the American Government. It was said that such a regiment could not be 'trusted on any occasion. How emphatically did "their cubit quent career give the lie to these prophe* cie* ! At that portentious hour, when the country was endangered by tbe Southern rebellion, no man sprung to arms with more alacrity and devotion than Michael Corcoran. The oath of his adoption bound him to defend the Union under every exi gency. He stopped at no limit in his devotion to the country. As for the miserable politicians who cry for habeas coipu* and for peace while the liberties of the country are endangered, with these Corcoran had no sympathy.' The Irishman who feels other wise In relation to the Government of the United States, and the war that has been forced upon it, as the moat scored duty that ever devolved upon any Government to prosecute, that Irishman is utterly unwoitby to be here, and ought to forfeit that right. Ir such an Irishman had a Bp Aik of i]o* cency left him, he should do one of two things, either pack up his traps and betake himself to the security of the British Constitution, or rua the blockade, and like a gallant traitor take his ch&noe in open war with those with whom he I sympathises. The public life of Corcoran was dwelt upon, In his career as a soldier of the Union. The grave never closed upon a more loyal soldier. ’ None loved the country more sincerely or more tho roughly, and at the same time there was no Irishman so attached to the land of his birth. His highest ambition was to be. one day, a citizen again of his own regenerated oountry. The darling object of his life was to have his native country re established among the nationalities of the world. The lecture was highly interesting, and was lis tened to with much attention. General Meagher, in conclusion, paid a handsome tribute to the usefulness of the Cooper-Shop Refreshment Saloon, in whose behalf the leoture was delivered, Guardians of the Poob.— The Bo&rd of Guardlana of the Poof held a atated meeting yea terday afienioon. The outdoor agent reported having collected for eupport caret $168.50. The ateward reported houae reeelpta amounting to $61.32. The eenans of the almahoute war reported aa fol low! : Number In the houae on Saturday.. Do. do. same time laat year.... Decrease Admitted within the last two weeks. Birth Deaths Discharged Sloped.... Indentured .*■.., a .i ••*.,,.* Numberof persons granted lodgings Do. do. meals The proprietors of the skating pend at Thlrty hrstacd Walnut streets sent a communication pen* ticnicg for the use of tbe almshouse meadow grounds, for the poroose of extending the skating facilities for next winter. The communication was lefeired to tbe committee on Farm and G-arden. Hr. Erety offered a resolution providing for the appointment of a committee to receive proposals for coal, to be furnished to tbe almshouse during the year. Agreed to, and Messrs. Erety, White!!, and Server were appointed the committee. Dm. Robert Miller, D. F. Wood, W. H. Wallace. J. B. Burden, and W. H. Helm were eleoted resident physicians of the almshouse. Adjourned. Abmy Hospital Report.—The following report of the Army Hospitals of the Department ef the Susquehanna, for tbe week ending March 19th, was received at the Medical Director’s office on yesterday s gs a « a O © Q © a _ n £: <+ p. o.» S’ § HOSPITALS, S. 5-P ?* | S?S : g . {3. ; 0 ; : C ; ? McC1e11an....... 15 8 812 Sixty-fifth and Vine streets. .. .. 120 Chestnut Hill 1 6 .. 607 B>oadard Prime. 12 9 75 Summit House .. 36 S 4 109 Islington La0e..... 10 8 .. 30 Csmp Omt:n 41 19 2 75 TorX. Pa * , 5 ll l 416 Filbert street 28 2 6 326 Fn-athstreet 2 3 -- 137 ChambpT»burg 1 19 lo 23 Fort Mifflin 2 1 11 Tamer’s Lane 95 .. .. 179 Chri5tian5Vee1—..................... 3 14 .. 32 Germantown c .. 274 Officers', Camac's Woods - 1 2 .. 10 Sattarlee 36 3 .. 957 Total 31l 101 1? Is, 723 Depasture of a War Vessel, —The steam sloopof-war Tleonderoga, whioh has been undergoing repair* at the navy yard for a month past, left there yesterday morning for Fortress Mon roe, where sealed orders for her future destination will be given. The following it a list of her officers: vbsrles Steadman, captain; M. Sicard, lieutenant commander; Fred. B. Smith, lieutenant ; Henry M. Dennerton, paymaster ; Thomas I. Jones, chief en gineer; U. J. Cleboxne, surgeon; Ij. G. Yassallo. acting master; W. W. Maolay. ensign ;A. S. Grown* insfcield, ensign: George W. Coffin, ensign: Charles ii. Nye, first lieutenant marines; Geo. W. Rodgers, second assistant engineer; H. C, Mcllvaine, second assistant engineer* George A. Baher. third assistant engineer; 'William A. Power#, third assistant en gineer; Henry M. Noyes, acting thiid assistant en gineer; Orville Bassett, acting third assistant en fineet; Thomas G. Hale, acting master’s mate; :dwaid A. Libel), acting matter’s mate; Eli Kt. Boggs, acting master’s mate ; Wm. Ohsrlton, actlne master’s mate ; W. O. MegonegM, captain’s clerk * F- N. Stoddard, papmaiterig oleik: Joseph Smith! gunner; John Herbert, sailmtker; HenryE. Btrnea! boatswain: Michael E. Conley, carpenter. Corner stone Laid— The corner-stone $ € J? eT T J *with Synagogue, about to be erected IS Sixth street, above Brown, was laid yesterday af ternoon. It contained & roll of parchment with the names of the congregation inscribed on it, also the names of Governor Curtin, Mayor Henrv, and the architects of the building. Several ancient and mo dem pieces of coin were also deposited in it. Some time before the exercises begsn a Urge number or "tbs Jeftwl) population had assembled on the ground to witness the proceedings. After riogiog, the Rer. Dr. Bfnhorn delivered a lengthy sermon appropriate to the occasion. The exercises closed shortly before five o’clock with singing. The origin of this congre gation dates back to March, 1847, since whioh time they have been worshipping in New Market street, above Noble. The lot on which the new building now stands is do feet by 124, and the church will be 5»1 brick and brown-stone, two* stories high, and 72 124 fec * lone » an A according to the con pact, will be completed in the latter part ot Sentem- Br - Einhorn Juiius Rating thb Shipwrights. — The almost endless anfl thinkleas talk of rating tha sWewneht. in the navy yard is now about complete.!, after severs! weeks of hard labor. To rate the men may be explained as follows: The standard is A number onemechattic*.g&£en who work steadily, though not as fast Mothers, yet perform u much work, because the latter do not work as steady, are clarified as first-rate men. It will at once be seen that to form a judgment so as not to impair the character of one, or to elevate an inferior persoD, is no easy job. The shipwrights in our navy yard have never been rated before. It was the only yard where they were not rated. All the other departments have been rated from time almost immemorial* The Late Sergeant Htjmmiston. —The 'photograph of Sergeant Hnmmiston, who w«3 found Sf * d SSPIf fi f u “J Gettysburg, with the likeness of bli children in hi. hand., baa been obtained, and C ?P|«* Vii en . f , r . 0 ™. K - Tl “y “*y he Obtained at eitherof the followingplase.; Martien’s, 606 Gheit nntadrrat: American Tract Sooietv. 929 Chestnut .treetjSabbath-Scboo] Union, 1122 Cheatnu! attest: Fre.bFterian House, 1334 Oheatnut Btreet; and the BapUat Publication Rooma, No. 634 Aroh street, flhe proceed* of the aalea are to be devoted to the vupport and education or Sergeant Hummuton'e children. The Great Central Fair.— John W Claghorn, Eeq, Treasurer of the Committee on La bor, Incomee, and Revenues, office l is South Seventh —h—et. Philadelphia, acknowledgea the reoelnt ftOlß nan. Atkinaon, mantua-maker, Pine, above Ele venth, of *1 26; from four young ladles (anonymous), *2; from Dr. EUeslle Wallace, $75; from Sira Dr Wallaots2o- fromE. Wallace, Jr., $5; from clerks, &o ; ,ot Manufacturers’ A mechanic.’ Bank, Philip Witod' I ’!.-™* from Riobard D. rhiui.k'S’ ® , ' oo<) i from the wife or a sergeant or Total, $1,164 25. other MgeCUm receipt.™* 11 OT will be acknow- ssffisasSSsjs S"T£“j Corps, under the commend of Major Gardiner into their companions who arrived prevlouafv l fv:L^ lke a hard-looking, dirty, and lon,y aet of’ m c? W ® r 2 ■worthy of the place to whlob they “he ear. containing them were taken to the font nr Wellington street, where they were Hoflea *nd conveyed on board Of a steamer attached to the wharf, which toon after proceeded with them to Fort Delaware, where they will be conflaed until exchanged. BOARD OF Subyxyb.— A. stated meeting of the Board of Survey, waa held yesterday morn* ing. The committee on the construction of a sewer in Frankford road, from Wlldey to Allen streets, re ported in favor of a sewer two feet six inches in dia meter, at the expense of the petitioners. Agreed to. Also, for one on Marshall street, York to Dauphin, A&donDaupUn to Sixth atreet, and on Sixth ot, to Diamond street. Also, for one on Sansom street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets. The next meeting of the Board was Axed for the hearing of objection, to the plans or the third, fourth, and ninth lections of Germantown. The survey ha* just been completed. From Foreign Ports—The bark Fan tite, Captain Carter, arrived at thi« port, yesterday, 388 KM*, and 35 tierces sugar! jdcke^up’stsea Uele *’ molM *®*i and 9 bales eotton, The schooner Dart, Captain Conrad, also arrived from the seme place, with 127 hhds., 10 tierces, and 10 bblS. mOlBSfCfl. . The schooner Enoch. Moore, Captain Allen. ar rived on Sunday, from Trinidad de Cuba, with 373 Ifcdi and 46 tiercel sugar, 74 bbis. molasses, an* 7 oottooi pickvd up at scA, Holy Wbek. —Holy week, a season of peculiar interest in the Boman OathoUo, Episcopal, and other ChrfslUn cburohei, began on Sunday. To-morrow evening the office of the Tenebrae will be chanted ia the Catholio churches, and will be continued on Thursday and Friday evenings. The chants are in the nature of invocations for the fol lowing morzdng. On Holy Thursday solemn high mass is celebrated and the sscrament of the Lord’s Supper administered. Sometimes the priests wash the feet of twelve poor persons in honor of the ao «on of Jesus in washing the feet of His apostles. The principal solemnities of the week conclude with SH°ILJ£ o ¥lZ he ? %v of the Crucifixion. This year t»S/Ss£«£/ * th ? Awumptioii will fall on that day. ° f bft P tu ®» »nd the holding of f?S£.“L® nal# helpnfiT to Saturday, though the cere Jhonials will be frequent throughout the week; and during this period the faithful win ab stain from eating flesn>meat. Next Sunday if Easter—the highest festival of the Church. Arrival of Two Regiments.—The 25th Regiment Ohio Volunters, numbering 6 00 men, un der the command of Major Houghton, arrived in this city yesterday afternoon, on their way to the teat of war. Their time of furlough is out. and they return again to their former field of operations with a larger cumber of men. After partaking of a meal at the Union Volunteer and Cooper Shop Refresh ment Saloons, they marched to Broad and Prime atreets, and then took the cars for Washington. Last evening the 66th Massachusetts Regiment, numbering 930 men. arrived at Washiogton-street wharf, from their native State. Their numbers have also been increased greatly. After being prepared with substantial food at both Refreshment Saloons, they proceeded by rati to Washington. Funeral. —The funeral of the late Captain Theodore Heed, murdered by rebel! in Chesa peake bay, took place on Sunday afternoon. It was largely attended, Tbe toffin was covered with the American flsg. Th« old pvtriaoh* ia the oyster business, and the Union association of oys ermen, numbering about five hundred men, were in attend ance. A large number of people congregated in the vicinity of Front And Prime streets to see the pro cession form and move to the place of burial. * Heath of an Estimable Lady.—We me pained to learn of the decease or Mrs. Sarah J. Byan, the beloved wife of John W. Ryan, Esq., and sister of the Rev. E. W. Hutter, of this city. She died yesterday afternoon, at his residence, 1316 South Fifth street. The deceased was an active and much beloved memtar of the Pine-street Presbyterian Church, and her death will be mourned by a large circle of sympathizing and attached friends. Mr. Oakley Purdy, who has been for several years connected with the American Tele graph Company of this city, and well known to the justness community, has resigned hts position la that office for the purpose of associating with Mr. Sidney Demlng, late correspondent of the Asso ciated Press with the Army of the Potomac, in the extensive manufacture of a new artiole of vinegar from com. Public B^uarbs. —The new incumbents Of our public squares have commenced placing these public resorts Into something like order. The ten der blade of green begins to be seen peeping about tbe surface. More than ordinary attention is being >aid to Fairmount Park. It is probable that during he coming season the place will be more attractive than ever* Fair Ground.—lt ia stated, but upon what authority we know not, that Logan Square has been selected as tbe site for the great Sanitary Fair. Temporary wooden structures are to be erect ed, &c. T within the’encloiure. By this arrangement, nearly 200,000 square feet of surface will be afforded for the great show. Marine Accident.— The United States •teamer Mohegan, boned from St. Helena to Rio Janeiro, ni ran Into by tbe »hlp dray Engle when within one hundred and fifty miles of the latter place. The upper rigging of the Mohegan was ear ned away, and other damagea incurred. The G-eay Eagle left this port about two months ago with a large for Rio. DEATH Reported.—The death of Wm. L. Snyder, a conscript, was reported at the Medical Director's office, yesterday, from the Convalescent Hospital, Sixteenth arid Filbert streets. New Appointment.— John William Wallace, 0/ Philadelphia, has been appointed, re porter of the dedsions of the United States Supreme Court, in plaoe of Judge Black, resigned. Horticultural.— The spring flower ex hibition of the Horticultural Society will open, at Musical Fund Hall, this morning at 11 o’clock. City Councils.—Both branches will hold meetings this afternoon, to consider unfinished busi ness. A Banner to the Breeze. — On Thurs day afternoon a flag will be raised at the camp of the Provost Guard. THE POLICE. [Before Hr. Alderman Beitler.J Larceny Case. A colored boy, giving tbe name of John Matthews, was arraigned at the Central Station yesterday af* ternoon, on the charge of stealing vest and panta loon patterns from tbe store No. 228 Chestnut street. The value of the articles was stated to be $55. Ma ria Welsh, who has kept a shop on Seventh street, near Shlppen, for twelve years, was arrested for re ceiving tbe stolen articles. She was held to ball in the sum of $1,500 to answer. Matthews, unabla to enter bail, was sent to prison to await his trial. [Before Mr. Alderman Fields. J Shoplifter. William Voung, a young man, was arraigned yes* terday morning on the charge of stealing $3O worth of linen table sloths from a store on Girard avenue. The accused was committed. [Before Mr Alderman Dougherty.] Scene at a Select Party. Joseph Dippinger, from Baden, was arraigned on Sunday on the charge of cany tag a concealed deadly weapon. The charge was preferred againsthim by the officer who made the arrest. The defendant went to a Saturday-evening party, given at the National Guards Hall, and, while promenading with a young lady, there suddenly appeared before his astonished gaze bis lawfully wedded wife. A toeaeensutd that was conducted in German. It was rich in volubili ty. Presently the husband pulled a pistol out of his pocket, and threateeed to shoot his wife. The ladles scieamed—some almost fainted, of course—the men rushed in, the affrighted wife called for the police, an officer arrived, and the Teutonic gentleman was taken to the station house. The wife did not appear at tbe hearing. Tbe alderman asked the accused whether he had any explanation to make. 11 What in the name of common sense did you at tempt to shoot your wife fori” said the magistrate. “ Vy, aldermans, all I have to say ie,” responded the accused, “ I bulls out der bistola and I shoost bointed it at mine vife, but I vasn’t coin* to zchoot : I vas only intend to sebkeer her.” “ Vou had no right to do anything of the kind. If you don’t know you ought to know that it is against the law to carry concealed deadly weapons.” The accused was held to await another hearing. [Before Mr. Alderman White.! Alleged False Pretence. W. H- Camfieid was arraigned yesterday afternoon on the charge of obtaining goods, to the amount of $1,167.20, under false pretence, from Messrs. Bar croft & Go., merchants on Market street. It seems from the evidence adduced that on or about the first ot the year 1862 the defendant and D. M. AUord entered Into business at Youngaton, state of Ohio. They traded under the came of Oamfleld & Alford. On the 27th of August, of the same year, Mr. Cam held, befog the active businessman abroad, obtained dry goods to:the amount above stated. The firm dis solved in December, having failed in business to the amount of $20,000, the capital on which business was started being about $l2 000. Goods to the amount or $76166 were also obtained by defendant from W. W. Paul, another Market street merchant. Goods were also obtained from Messrs. Dale, Ross, A Withers, but there gentlemen were not present to prosecute. JMr. D. M. Alford, the remaining partner of the Urm, Was called to the witness stand. He testified that, at tha time his partner negotiated the at»o7o transaction, the firm was bankrupt. The defendant was required to enter bail in the sum of $3,000 in one case, and $2,000 in the other, to answer at oourt. A Thief 'will Die. A colored man, givii.g tie name of Isaac Parks, was arraigned, yesterday afternoon, on the charge or stealing a clasp pocket-book containing between $l9 and $2O, the property of a young woman named Mary Ann Banks. It seems the defendant entered a house on Cnllen street, above Seventh, and in quired for Sarah Jackson. He was told by Elian O’Neal, who keeps the house, that no such person liT6fl inert, The fellow, however, took a seat. Mias Banks pulled out her pocket-book to get some change to pay for mending a pair of shoes, then replaced the book in her pocket. Presently the defendant started away, and on getting into the street ran away aa fast as he could. In a few minutes after he had gone Miss Banks missed her money. The defendant was arrested in two or three hours afterwards. He denied all knowledge of the robbery, and in his own defeace presented a written paper giving him a most excel lent character for honesty, sobriety, and industry. He said that he might be searched if such was de sired. He was, therefore, taken into a back room, and the pocket book, containing nearly sixteen dol lars, was found upon him. Some of the money, however, had been exchanged by him. He was committed in default of ssoo to answer at court. ißefore Mr. Alderman Moore-1 Soldiers Stabbing Each Other Two soldieis belonging to the fisth Regiment P, V., veterans, were arraigned at the Eighth-ward station-house yesterday morning on the charge of stabbing two of their feliow'ioldlers of the same re giment, named Robert Welsh and Joseph Parcell. One was stabbed slightly in the side, and the other had an artery in his arm severed. It seems that the four soldier* were drunk at a house in Duponceau street, on Sunday evening. A quarrel ensued between them, which resulted In the use of the knife. The wounded men were taken to a military hospital. They refused to appear against the other two. As a slight punishment to the offenders the fin« of druakennesa was imposed, and the prisoners were put under bonds to keep the peace. THE COURTS. Supreme Cowrt—Woodward, Chief Justice, and Thompson, Strong, Rend, and Ag new,Jusilvea Opinions were read yesterday in* the' following cares; By Agnew, J.—Philadelphia and Reading Rail road Company, vs, Spearen, Schuylkill county. Judgment reversed and a venire de novo awarded. Fairmount Passeoger Railroad Company (Ever ham’s Appeal.) Sur report of Mr. Olmstead. It is ordered, adjudged, and decreed that the petition in this case, and all subsequent proceedings thereupon, be dismissed as unlawful and without right; and that the costs thereof be paid by the Fairmount Passen ger Railway Company, the petitioner. Dapsley vs. AUen (Liarfs Appeal.) Deeree af firmed. Costs to be paid by appellant. Hutchinson’s Estate.— Hutchinson’s Appeal; Adams* Appeal; Kintzing’s Appeal; Hutehiason’s Appeal; Patrick’s Appeal. Ordered that s decree be entered reversing the decree of the Orphans’ Court and the reeord remitted to the said oourt, for the purpose of being remanded to the auditor, to ascertain the turns of money received by Daniel lx. Hutchinson, of and belonging to Mahlon Hutchin son in bis life time, and used in his business of a broker, and charge the same in the aooount of the executors as a part of the estate at the time of his decease, and to state the account and distributions according to the terms of the will of the testator ; and it is further ordered and decreed that the costs of the appeal be'paid out of the estate in the hands ofthe executors. Stroog, J., dissented. Burnham yb Wellesley. Judgment affirmed. By Thompson, J.—City of Philadelphia vs. Brady. Judgment reversed. * Shaw vs. Reed. Judgment reversed, and a n. awarded. Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad Company vs. udgment affirmed. upaegraffvs. Grans, Dycoming county. Judgment , Draco affirmed. leni»i7sOTf n Judgment affirmed*’ Ooffii> * ny Va * Sh! * vf. 7 re- SobnriTi »Dp?al, Decree reverted. The list of cases for the counties of mu., land, Dfihigb, Monroe, Pike, and o«bon, wa B t hen taken up. The list contained but twentylthrae or lour cues. The following were disposed of • ° Compton vs. Sandt. Writ of error to Northamn. ton. Submitted on paper books by Arm.trone tor plaintiff; Reeder sad Green for defendants. Lnokenbsob vs. Anderson. Writ of error to Northampton. Submitted on paper books. Reeder and Green for plaintiffs; Armstrong for defendants. miller V*. Laubsoh. Writ of error to Northamp ton. Argned by Fox for plaintiff; Reeder and Max well for defendant*. Stacker vs. Reed. Writ of etror to Carbon. Non Sro*. Welfzel and Hughe* for plaintiff; Reeder for efendant. Weaver vs. Sehoch. Writ of error to Carbon. Non pros. Jlarx for plaintiff; Reeder and Green for defendant. v», iiyona, Witt ot enoi to y.rbou, Af- raed by Reeder for plaintiff* Court floolined to hear vL White “‘wrtl of error to Mooroe. Argued by Dreher for plaintiff; Davis for deread* ftD arae£Ts appeal, to Quitter Sessions of Lehigh. Argued by Marx for plaintiff* Supreme Conrtat Nlat Prlws-Judge Agfuew* Bsrnes vs. Tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Before reported. Tbe trial of this case was re aumed yesterday, and waß not concluded. Court of Oyer sad Terminer anft Quarter Seas ons- Judges Ludiowand Allison. HOMICIDE CASKS. Commonwealth vs. Felix GUI. The defendant Is indicted for the murder of his wife, a few weeks since, at their residence, in Spruoe street. The facts as developed at the coroner's Inquest were fully re ported in ibe papers of the day. Yesterday Gill was Arraigned, ana pleaded not guilty. HU counsel, David Paul Brown, then made an application that the case be continued until the next term, on the ground of the absence of material witnesses for the defence. The application was not opposed, and the case was accordingly continued. Commonwealth v«, Charles Moore. The de fendant is this case is a bright mulatto, an orderly sergeant in the 22d Regiment of United States colored troops, and he was indicted for the murder of one Perry Thompson, also colored. The killing occurred at a drinking saloon, resorted to by people 01 ail sorts of oolors, in Lombard street, near Sixth on New Year’s day, and the weapon in the hands o Moore was a pistol. The facts as shown uy wit nesses lor the Commonwealth were theses A ser geant of the Bth Regiment (blacb) was in the saloon blacking his boots, when Moore, in passing, soiled them. This led to an altei cation and mutual abuse. The sergeant of the Bih Regiment, named Chancel lor, finally drew a pistol and leveled it at Moore, though he did not fire, but at the solicitation of par ties present returned the weapon to his belt. Moore then left the barroom, and after a short interval returned with a pistol in his hands. A woman came up and jerked him by tbe arm, when the pistol was discharged, the shot taking fatal effect upon Perry Thomcson, Moore at once disavowed an in tent to fire the pistol at all, much less to shoot the deceased. The evidence Tor the Commonwealth having closed the defence called no witnesses, and expressed a wil lingness that the court should submit the case to the j ury on the question of fact as to whether the firing was intentional and malicious, or accidental. This was accordingly done, Judge Ludlow stating to the jury, as mailer of law, that If they believed the former to be the case the prisoner was guilty of muo* der In the first degree. If the latter, that he was guilty of involuntary manslaughter, of whioh, how ever, as the indictment had no count charging that offence, he could not, upon this trial, be oonvieteil. He might hereafter be indicted and tried for it. The jury, without leaving their seats, rendered a verdlot of not guilty. No other case of homicide will be tried at this term. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRADE. ISRAEL MORRIS* 2 5-Committm of ths Mouth ■SDMUNb A.BOUDBR, j MARINE! INTELLIGENCE. PORV OF PHILADELPHIA, Mar. 22,1864. SUk RISES-.. 6 67 5 SUN SBTS..,™*.*™6 03 HIGH WATER - 30 ARRIVED. * Steamship Norman. B»kor. 43 hours from Boston, with mdse and passengers to H Winßor & Co. Bark Fannie. Carter. 16 days from Cienfaegoa, with sugar and molasses to 8 ft W Welsh. Brig Concord.,Smith, 7 days from Port Royal, In bal last to Workman & Co. Bohr Dart, ronrpd, 12 days from Cienfuegos, With mo lasses to 6 & W Welsh. Schr Eglantine, Snow. 10 days from Boston, with mdse to Geo B Kerfoot Schr J T Parian, LUcum 3 days from New York, in ballast to D 8 Stetson & Co. Schr L A Johnson, Hall*, a days from New York, in ballast to J E Baxley & Co Scfcr r W Dillon, Ludlam. from Port Royal* in ballast to Tyler & Co. • Scbr 8 C Patterson, Weaver, 8 days from Port Royal, in ballast to captain* Schr W F Garrison. Smith, from Jacksonville, In bal last to captain. Schr Diamond State, Still, 2 days from Milford, Del.* With corn to James Sobr Alfred Banting. Dollon, 1 day from Odessa, Del., with corn to James L Bewley & Co. Steamer Vulcan. Morrison, 24 hours from Now York, with mdse to W M Baird A Co. Steamer Monitor, Jones. 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Ba*rd & Co. Steamer Beverly* Pie™** 24 houre from New York, with mdse to W P Clyde. Steamer W 0 Pierrepont. Green. 24 hours front New York, with mdse to W M Baird A Co. CLEARED. Bark Greenland, Thomson, New Orleans. Workman A Co. Brig J P ElUcott, Deveieux, Fort Royal, J B Bailey &Co, . Brig Rush. Harriman, Port Royal. do. Schr B G Scribner, Hall, Port Royal, D S Stetson & Co. Schr Clara Ellen. Gray, Salem, Mass, E A Bonder &Co, Fchr Mary £ Pearson, Cochran. Boston, Blakiston. Graff. & Co. Scbr Sarah, Benson. New Bedford. do. Schr 6 B Wheeler, KeGlaagblln, Boston. do. Scbr C 2 Elmer, Howell, Boston, R A Raihhtia. BchrChryiolite, Sheppard, Braintree, Castner, Stick nev, & Wellington. Scbr Sea Gull, Moody* Sockport, Slnnlckson <£t Glover. Schr Annie Magee, Smith. Lynn, tfilnes Si Co Schr RLSeth,Russell, Baltimore, Hammett, Van Da sen, & Lochman Scbr P Smith, Baker, Port Royal, Tyler A Co. St'r E Palmer. Price, New York, captain. fct’r JS Shriver, Ifrnnls, Baltimore, a Groves, Jr, St’r Haggles, McDermott, New York, WP Clyde. MEMORANDA. Brig Nentasket. Bay, from Earnedios for Philadelphia, which went on Brandywine shoals on Thursday last, remains hard aground. The iteam tug Henry Delaney down to hor susiUMpa with a lifhter, bat coaid not get her off. The tide ebbed and flowed tin ough her yesterday morning, and the wreckers were preparing to strip her. Ship Cathedral, Meleher, from Boston for Point de Galle, which put Into St Thomas in distress, proceeded for destination iSth. ult. Ship John Banyan, Carver, from Buenos Ayres for New York, w»» spoken 12th Feb, l&t 2511 S. long 33. Bark Wheatland, Maeson, from Rio Janeiro, at St Thomas 25th ult, and sailed Bame day for Porto Rico. BY TELBORAPH. Fortress Mokroe March 19.— The following vessels have passed the guard ship Young Rover within the last twenty-four hours, inward bound: « , « ' ARRIVED Schr F Barrett, Fairchild, Yorktown for Fortress Monroe. Schr J S Lee, Buirlll. New York for Fortress Monroe, hte&mer Starlight, Sullivan New York for Fortress Monroe Steamer Alert Letts, Beaufort for Fortress Monro 9. Steamer Webster, Arey, New York for Newbarn. _ SAILED. Schr Julia Parsons. Dousl&s.FtMonros for Point Look out. Schr Henry Brown. Letchum. do do. Schr R J Mercer, Somers, do for Philadelphia. Schr C Johnson, Rich, do for New York. Schr R H Barnes, Wedmoro, do do. Schr Commerce, Daniels, do do Schr 8A Taylor. Dukes, do for Philadelphia. SchrHershel. Wort. Washington, for New York. Schr A Van Clief, Mavnaid. Baltimore for do St’r Admiral Dupont, Scudder, Fort Monroe for Alex andria. St’r Cliy of Richmond, Kelly* do for Washington. St r New Jersey* Hoxie, do for New York. St r J P Johnson, Smith, do do. St’r Lydia Ann. Overton, do do. FINANCIAL. OHBEVE& KEKDBICK. 33WfLLIAM Street. Office No. 15.| „, M .!£CL?f I ' AHEOn S. STOCKS AND BONDS. STATS. COUMY, and CITY. Al«o. RAILROAD SECURITIES of all descriptions, sot quoted at the Hew York Stock and sold on commission- MISSIiSIPf 1 AND MISSOURI FIRST MOBTGAGB BONDS. Eastern Division. MINNESOTA STATE BONDS, issued to Railroads, (interest unpaid and repudiated ) , MU* WAUKEE CITY BONOS, issued to Railroads. ahd riTrsßuß * USSISSIFPI RAILROAD BONDS COUNTY. CITY. AND TOWN BONDS, of too State of Wisconsin, issued to Rali road Companies, purchased. mnSl- ot T’REASUKY DEPARTMENT. Office of Comptroller op thb Currency, __ , Washixgtok. February 26th, 1861 w.bereae, by satisfactory evidence presented to the unaersijiiea* it h&B been made to appea? that the National Bank of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly organized nnder and according to the requirements of tne act of Congress, entitled “an act to provide a na tional currency, secured by a pledge of United State* stocks, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof," appioyed Febrnary 25th, 1863. and has com plied With afl the [provisions Of said act required to be Banking before commencing the business of . fiow. therefore I, Hugh' McCulloch, Comptroller of hereby certify that the FOURrH NA TIONAL BaNK OF PHILIDJBLPBIA, county of Phila delphia, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the business of Sankinc, under the act afore said. In testimony whereof, witness my band and seal of office, this twenty* sixth day of February. 1864. HUGH McCULLOCH, Comotroiler of the Currency. TOHN HOBN, JR , M stock-commission broker, No. 140 SOUTH THIRD STREET, (UP STATES,) PHILADELPHIA. REFERENCES: Messrs. Thos. A. Biddle ft Co. Mbbb.G&w. Macale*ter, ft Co. Messrs. E. S. Whelen ft Co. Messrs. Drexel ft Co. Mesne. Bnzby ft Co. HenryJ. Williams, Esq, Alexander Biddle, Esq. I. F. Hutchinson, Esq. O. M. Troutman. Esq. D. B- Cumin ins, Esu. Jas. G. King ft Sons. New York, fe26-2m David B. Paul. President, B. Glewdixihwo. Cashier. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF -*■ FHI If AI>B LPHIA. CAPITAL, SIOO,OOO—PRIVILEGED TO INCREASE TO 9900,000. __ Philadelphia, March 14,1864. The Third National Bank has tbi* day opened for bn ainess at the Southwest corner of MARKET Street and PENN Square, where all banking business will be trans acted the same as in other City Banks. The location is a very desirable one, and central for all Merchants and others doing bnsiness in the Western parts of the city. Collections will be made on a'l accessible points, on the most favorable terms; and the interests ana require ments of the customers of the Bank will have careful and prompt attention. mhH-10t R. QLBNDINNINQ, Cashier, CECOND NATIONAL FBAHKFOBD. CAPITAL *lOO,OOO. WITH THE PRIVILEGE OF JB OBBABING TO *600.000. N ATHAH HILLBB. President. WILLIAM H. BHAWB, Ca«M«r, (Lute of the Philadelphia Ba&k.) DIRECTORS: NATHAN HILT.EB, CHARLKB 1L KBBMSR, OBORGBW. RBaWN, BENJ. ROWLAND, Jr., SIMON K. SNYDEIS BENJ. H. DBACOrf, EDWARD HATES, JOHN COOPER. LEWIS SHALLOROBS, The Second National Bank of Philadelphia it row open at No. 13d MAIN Street, Frankfort, for the traiu action of a General Bukina Basinet* npon the tunal terms. Collection* upon &u accei upon liberal krai. BespCdti iselble points irill be made Wally. W. H. RHlwa. Oulilar D° YOU ADVERTISE? JOY, OOE, & CO., GfiNRRAL NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AND SUBSCRIPTION AOENOY, JL & COBN2B FIFTH AND CHESTNUT BTBBHTS, PHILADELPHIA. “ By means of the system of conjoint Advertising ren dered practicable bj Messrs. JOYi QOE, A CO , throuth their Pewfcpaper agency, the expense to each adver tiser la greatly reduced. Advertisers save the postage and avoid tbe labor of corresponding with, publishers, risK of remittances, unseasonable and repeated calls of strangers with separate bills, the vexatious deceptions of journals of'duolou* character, and losses from con tracting with incompetent and irresponsible persons. * Business men may learn through this Agency jnßt what journal* to advertise in to reach effectively and chcap-y the sections wherein their trade may be ex tended.CT «S. Journal. .. receive copies of journals In which their advertisements are Inserted. feS-satnif QUEEN OP BEAUTY. . WHITE VIM IN WAX OP ANTILLES. Anew FBfiSOfl COSMETIC forbeautifrinn, wkiten ing. end iirsKervlnu the complexion, tt ia the most wonderful compound of the a*e. There ns neither chalk, powder, mamesla. bismuth, nor talc in it, com Eosition. Jt being composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax* ence its extraordinary qualities for preserving the shin, making It soft, smooth, fair, and transparent It makes the c Id appear •j oung the homely handsome, the handsome more beauafoL aad the most beantifnl divine. Price 36 and 60 cent*. Prepared only by HUNT £ CO., Perfumers, 41 South EIGHTH Street, two doors abore Chestnut, and 133 SouthSSEVhNTH Street, above Wal nut. mhlB-3m /^RANGES. ” 300 boxes Palermo Oranges. 200 boxes Messina Oranges to boxes Palermo Lemons. CO boxes Messina lemons* Just landing, and for sale by EHOD3B & WILLIAMS. IOT South WATER Street QATBTJP AND SAUCES FOB SALE, “. »} «» BADE Street. mhl4-13t* XT. A DAVTS & fiO. M9JSS AN * OBR, * 00., STEAM»3>EES»5 D .tt»3>EES» Iroa Toniulere, and Genera! ilnkrwiMiiiS: * u « r '’ *"• ww OALtowaiii THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1864 Great Diboo vert! Applicable to the Useful Arto A Hew Thing I(a Combination. Boot end Shoe Manufacturers. Jewelers. Families! It is a Liquid. Remember. jeas-tothely BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY, JJBYBON ft SON, NO. 8 NOBTH SIXTH STREET, PRINTERS AND STATIONERS. BLANK BOOKS, PAPERS, PENS, AND INKS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. ' Corporation., Banks, and Basinas. Hen supplied with everythin, tocee.arv far the Counting-room. mhH.lm PAINTINGS AND ENGRAVINGS. gLEG ANT MIRBOBSi SABLE’S GALLEBIESi CELEOT FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL i’OR YOUNG HEN AND BITS, MOUNT JOT. Lancaster county, Pa. Session opens on the FIRST IUKSDAT of May. for circular., address mhl«)-12t* B. A. MORRISON, Principal. BELLEVUE FEMALE INSTITUTE— A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. , This institution, beautifully andhealtTtfully located. In the northern limits of ATTLEBOROUGH, Backscma- It* l&v* Spring and Summer Term on he 39th of FIFTH MOMTH next, and continue in session !W6IYO YPQQ^ of instruction is thorough, and complete in all the Elementary and higher branches of an bhgltsh, CLASSICAL, AMD MATHEMATICAL EDUCATION. The French Language is taught by a native French teacher. Circulate, giving full particulars, may be bad on ap plication to tbe Principal, Attleboroutb F O , Buokc county. Pa. ISRAEL J GEAHAMB, inhlG "m A. NEWBOLD HAYING. leased BATON ACADEMY, KENNBTT SQUARE, Chester county, expects to commence a Spring Session there the 11th of Fourth Mouth (April.) For circulars, address Geo A. Newbold. Jenkintown, Monts. co. Fa., ti)l the 4th inst., or Wm. Chandler, Kennett Square, Cneiter county, Pa* mhll-lm* VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY * , WBAR MEDIA* PA.--Pupils received at any time. English, Mathematics, Classics, and Natural Scleneer aught. Military Tactics, Book-keeping, and Civil 2n> gln6ering taught. Entire expenses about *3 per 'week, loy iof all ages taken. Refers to Mm- H. Kern, ex* Sheriff; John 0. Capp & Co., No. 23 South Third street; and Thomas J, Clayton. Esq..Fifthand Prune streets, Address Rev. J. HARVEY BARTON, A. M., Villa™ Green. Pa. no6-tf , THE UNDEBSIGNBD HAVE THIS day entered into a COPARTNERSHIP, under the flim-name of W. D. EPSON & Co . for the purpose of Manufacturing WOMBN’S, MIBSES’, and CHILDREN'S PEGGED BOOTS. Ac., at Mo. 422 COMMERCE street. W. D. BDSON. „ . ARTHUR MILLER. Philadelphia. March 11,1564. mhl4-12t* T ETTEBS TESTAMENTARY UPON -*- 1 the Estate of CONSTANTINE CLIFFORD, late of the city of Philadelphia, dec’d, having been granted to tne undersigned, all persons indsbted to the Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims against the same will present th am without 'delay to MART CLIFFORD, Bxecutrlx, - . . ■ No. HOT WALHU' Street, Or to her Attorney, J. BLODGET BRtTTOM. foI6-tnS.« No. 4NO WALNUT Street. NOTICE.—LETTERS TESTAMENTA. “V RY to ths Estate of JOHN BEOCK. deceased, having bean granted to the undersigned all persons in debted to the Estate are requested to make payment, and those haying claims against the said Estate to present themt ° I l» }«*«■>*>»■ 858 Eottth THIRD Street telg tcgt* TN THE COUET OF COMMON PLEAS J-FOB THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL- [n the’matter of the Trait Estate of the Widow and Chil dren of THOM ASM. WILLING, under Deed of Trust frfin Richard Willing, dated July 27, 1849. to Charles will* ag, John Craig HliUr. and Idward 8. WlUlfl£» Trustees. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of the above named Trustees.and to report distribution according to law and the terms of the Deed of Trust, hereby glv*s notice that he will at tend to the duties of bis appointment on MONDAY. March 28.18«4. at 4jo'clock P. M.» at hia office, S, 8. corner BIXTH and WALNUT Streets. Philadelphia. mhl9-»lu>b6t D, W. O’BRIEN. Aniitor. pUEE LEHIGH COAL.—HOUSE. r»ly «a *«lUne a pure artlole at 8. X. eerier FtiONTaad POPLAK mhl7-]m» JOHH W. HAMPTON. fJENUINE EAGLE VEIN GOAL— „ £?. aal . lf “P 1 «sP?n°r to leilrt. JJ«o, Harl’i H. S n rl?i 1,1 T I f 5, al .S bow Coal; Bg t and otoY, ilxm. |BGO- »7.? S per ton. Coal forfeited if not faU welcht M car tleket. Depot. 1419 CILLOWHIH Street, above Broad. Offle. IHI South TOUBTH. Be low Chestnut. Call and examine. Orders by dispatch promptly attended to by noll-fim • ELLIS BRANSON. nOAL.—SUGAB LOAF, BEAVEB »P*-lr J. WALTOJI & act fTO HOUSEKEEPERS. „ In maWi b topi spring pnrcliM.. Be ante to pro ■ Vide yourself with the best—tie only RELIABLE ami WARRANTED CLOT BBS WRINGER- * ttd . ... THE UNIVERSAL WRINOBR, With Fthe Patent COG-WHEEL REGULATOR, which positively prevents therolls from breaking or twtbt isi?i? n aa trrL an ? the clothing, as all wringers without Cog Wheels will do, however strongly it may be asserted to the contrary. No family can he without SANK OF THE UNI VERSAL WRINGER. th< ANTED “ ni *“• “ 4 are WAS " BFor sale wholesale and retail, hy __ B. L. BURNHAM, Manufacturer’s Agent, Bouth SIXTH Street, between Chestnut and Market, Philadelphia. mh&-lm Af\ CENTS PEB POUND TAX ON *■*, TOBACCO. The Government is about to pot a tax of 40 eentseer pound on Tobacco. r Yon ean save 60 per cent, by You can save 60 per cent, by Yon tan save 60 per cent, by Yen can save 60 per cent, by Buying now at DRAN’B, No. SS6 CHESTNUT. Buying now at BEAN'S, No. 836 CHESTNUT. Buying new at DEAN’S, No. 336 CHESTNUT. _ Buying now at DBAN’S. No. 336 CHESTNUT, Prime Navy Tobacco, 70, 76 and 800. per ft. Prime Cavendish Tobacco, 70, 76 and BCc. per ft. Prime Flounder Tobacco, 70. 76 and SOe. per ft Prime Congress Tobacco, 66, 70 and 76c, per ft, Prime Fir and Twist Tobacco, 76 and 80*. per ft. DEAN sella Old Virginia Navy. DEAN sells Old Virginia Sweet Cavendish. DEAN sells Old Virginia Rough and Ready. DEAN sells Old Virginia Plain Cavendish. DEAN sells Old Virginia Congrosa. DEAN sells Old Virginia Fig and Twist. DEAN sella Old Virginia Smoking Tobacco. DEAN’S Kanawha Fine Cat Chewing Tobacco DEAR'S Kanawha Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco Cannot be Equaled. __. __ „ Cannot be Equaled. DBAN’S Cigars are superior to all others. _ DBAN’S Cigars are superior to all others. He raises his own Tobacoo, on his own plantation la Havana He sells his own Cigars at his own store. No. BS6 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. DEAN’S Minnehaha Smoking Tobacco is manufactured from pure Virginia Tobacco, and contains no d&nteiOUl coneoetions of Weeds, Herbs, and Opium. Pipes, Pipes, Meerschaum Pipes, Brier Pipes* Box Pipes, Bose Pipes, Mahogany Pipes. Seboy Pipes. Apple Pipes, Cherry Pipes. Gutta Pipes. Clay Pipes, wna other Pipe*. And Pipe down and get your Pipes. Tobacco. Cigars, Ac., at DEAN’S. No. 339 Chestnut Street. Ana there yon will see his wholesale and Retail Clerks go Piping around waiting on Customers. . _The Army of the Potomac uow order all their Tohaceo. Cigars, Pipes, Ac., from DEAN’S, No. 335 CHESTNUT Street. They know DEAN sells tVe beet and cheapest lais-tf TUXON’S STOVE POLISH. QEO. P. GALE * CO., _ _ Whole»ale Afents, Vos. 4- an* A CHIRTNV? Rtroat, mbl2-lin* \TRS. JAMES BETTS’ CELBBKATKD “T SUPPORTERS POR LADIES, and the only Bw »orter«nnd«r eminent medical patron***- Ladlea an* Physicians art respectfully moMteatomil milr ev Mn. BBTTB, at hex WALNUre&eS! PUlidslplil&i (to Mold counterfeits.) Thirty AouMfl 'anlida t»WMeatdvlied by their inytielwuto v»hts applluaM. Tho.e only are> gennln* bearing tha United State* copyright s 1 libel* o& the nz, ilnuitarM* tit aJm o* thaSapportarg.iwttk tmUauntels* wll'tokkatt CEMENT. USEFUL AND VALUABLE DISCOYERTI HILT-ON’ S INSOLUBLE CEMENT I }■ of motf ns.m »raatlaal ncuitr' •d daritt* th# but two years by •imUml am. bad J>roB»UH4 br Oil fO u 8 sumnioe to ant Adhaslya rrapantlon known- HI&TON'I INSOLUN&N CBAfSNT ?"• wait oi WUI of .tadT: Hi aoxnblnntlon 1. os , WJIMTmo mSnoiKSn am nna.r so Hnaauaw o> “«» of tamparatara. will it bo - •osi* sorrupt or unit ssr ofansiT. naiu. BOOT AND SHOES Hannfastarrr., n.Sna Muhiita, Will flsd it tbo but arti«lo knows Ibr pomentlsi the Channels, aa it work* without delay, ianotanatad by ur ahann of tsmnontan. JEWELERS Will lad It inHaiantly Mha.lT. for thrtr ns*. as has Mon proyed. IT II IBPEOIALLT ADhPTND TO LBATHSX, A? 4 wsslatm M an «pe«lai marlt. Patehe* and Linings to loot, and Shoes auNslanur ttroar withont asitahlni. IT IS THB ONLY LIQUID CEMENT Ktant, Uul la a aura think for mandlni FMNITOMS, cnockbSt. TOTS, BONN. IVONS, And artl.laa of Rooaahoht noo* BEMEMBEB, EUton’s Insoluble Cement Is he a liquid, form, and as saallv Wiled u paste. ** ***** HILTOK’B IJIBOLUBLI nnwnm It insoluble ia water or oIL HILTOJI’S msottUßL* OBHBXT Adhere* oily substanees. Supplied in Family ot Xaufuta rerr Fmluim from I oanew to 100 fte. HILTON 8808. * Co., TrooHatoM. rsovicnoA at. t Aganta lia Philadslpbla tiWG at Niomns. No, 30 North THIRD St. JOSEPH GODFREY*Co. No. 38 North FOITETH St. A LAKGffi IBSOBTHR. rune oil faintings, JUST lICBIVID, SU CHESTNUT STBHBT. EDUCATIONAL. jaitsTp. 'aaiS amb, PriaclDaU COPARTNERSHIPS. liEGAN. COAI, SHERIFF’S SALES* QHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to mo directed,will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4. 1861, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-atreet Hall, AJhtb&t certain lot of ground eiiuato on the north side of Cumberland etrett and west side of Amber street, in the city of Philadelphia: coatatoing la front on Camber* land street sixty- six feet, and In depth one hundred and forty-six ftet six inches to Firth street- Subject to a ground rent of eighty dollars, payable first January and July. J. S has parted with his interest, CD.G.: M., '64. 816. Debt. $368.66, Wain. 1 Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of J< *«ph Eogp. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, March 21, 1864 mh.l2 3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF U a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, ou MONDAY Eve ning, April 4.1864. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain Jot of ground, situation the south we* side of fomersst street, one hundred and eight font north" westwardly from Tulip street, in the city of Philadel phia ; containing In front on Somerset street one hundred and three feet six and three-eighths inches, and in depth southweriward one hundred and twelve feet to Thames street. C Which said premises waiter Laing et nx »by deed dated Mav 1. 1850. recorded U Deed Bjok G w. C„ ffo. 81, page 443, Ac., conveyed unto the said Henry Stbmldt in fee; of nlnety»lhreo dollars, payable first of June and December. J [D. C.:M.’64 860. Debt, $249-68. Rhoads.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Henry Schmidt- JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philada, Sheriff's Office. March 21, 1864. mh92-3l SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A of Levari Faoias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. April 4,1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom street Hall, Ail that certain three story bri*k messuage and lot of ground, situate on the south side of Spring Gsrden street, one hundred and forty-sight feet eastward from Thirteenth street.ln tbe city of Philadelphia: containing in fronton Spring Garden street eighteen ftet, and la depth one hundred feot ton* and one half Inches to Whitehall street. CWblch said premisss John C. Scott, et al . tins tons* by deed dated Jaue-7,186*, recorded la De*d Boel A.D.B . No SO, page 021. Ac . ecnreyed unto the fftid GeorgeS. BetbeJl in fee: subject to a ground rent of one hundred and eWht dollars, which ground rent .Sarah Davidson, by deed dated Jane 8. 18-58. and recorded in Deed Boo* AD. B, No 20. 499, released and extirumshed unto said George S BetbeU in fee.] CD. C.; M., 64 316. Debt. *3,045. Olmstead.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Georte 8. Bethell. JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriffs Office, March 21. 1864. mh22-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Verditfoni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4. 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain three-story brick messuage aad lot of ground situate on the east side of Bleckley avenue one hundred feet northward from CaUowhill street, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on Blockley avenue fl'ty ftet. and in depth two hundred and twenty live f*®t, to a fifty-feet wide street CD. C.: M.. ’64. 306. Debt, $1,600. Clayton.] _ Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Robert Hutchinson. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office, March 31,1864. ma24-Sfc SHERIFF'S SALE,—BY VIRTUE OF a writ ofYenditionl Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, April 4.1864, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. AU that certain lot of ground situate on the north side or Sycamore street one hurdred and fifty feet eastward Jrom Jortj.atnth street, in the city of Philadelphia; cob taming in front on Sycamore street fifty feet, and in SSSS °?4,i? 1 ? dre i & Bfc to «■ thhty-feet-wlde i tr 4 6e i-«r [Which said lot John Stewart et ux , by deed oaled November 16. 1860. recorded in Deed Book A D B, No. 91, page 816, Ac , conveyed unto Charles Schaffer in fte: reserving a ground rent of forty-five dollars, paya ble first of January and July J CD. C.; M , ’54. 3SS Debt. *l7B 51 Brinckle. ] „ Taken in execution and to be sold a« the property of C te!, eB /? b £F"b.. JJpHN THOMPSON, Sheriff _ Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. March 21. 1864. mh22-3t SHERIFF'S SALE —BY VIRTUE OF k- 7 a writ of Levari Facias, tome directed, will be exposed topubliesale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening April 4,1864, at 4 o clock, at Sansom-street HalL * All that certain three-story brick massuage, back build ings, and lot of ground situate ou the south side of Federal street, sixty-six feet seven inches eastward from Sixth street, in tbe city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Federal street sixteen feet, and in depth seventy feet Bounded westward partly hv a three-feet-wide alley! with the privilege thereof, r Which said lot Pearson Ser rlU, trustee, hr deed dated November 20,1849, conveyed unto William H. Dale in fee: reserving a ground Tent of twenty dollars, wh'ch the said Pearson Serrill, by deed wuHa’SVffif 19189 ' 1 and exllQialBllBd “ t 0 _ , CD 343. Debt, $1,600 Biddle.] Taken in execution and to be sola as the property of WiUiam H. Dale. JO HN THOMPSON, - Sheriff Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office, March 21, 1864. rahlz-St SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY kven nlng, April 4,1864. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street HaU, All that certain two-story brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on tbe eari side of Woodbine street, two undred and twenty-three feet southward from Federal street, ip the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Woodbine street thirteen feet, (including on the north side the moiety o: a two-feet alley, with tbe privilege of t? SKSP'l**/ 1 \ n t”*b forty feet r Which said lot Bobf rt Clark et al.. by d*ed dated October 25, iB6O, re corded In Deed Book G. W. C., No. 64. page 430. Ac , conveyed unto William D. Cozens in fee; reserving a ground rent of twenty- one dollars, payable Ist January and July ] lb. C.; M., *64. £33. Debt, $134.14 W.S. Price.] . Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William D. Cozens. JOHN THOMPSON! Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, March 21. 1864. mbst-tt SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will he ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, Amu 4, 1864, at4_o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, No. L All that certain two-and-a-half-story messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground situate on the westwardly tide of Grape street, in fiUn&yuuk. in the Twemy-firstward of thecily of Philadelphia, at the dis taoce of eighteen feet soufchwardb from Wood street: containing in front on the said Grape street eighteen feet, aid in depth one half the distance to Levering street, being ninety feet. Bounded northwardly by a messuage and lot conveyed, or intended to have been conveyed, by James H. Castle to Jac< b Buth, eastward ly by the said Grape streft. westwardly bv the premises next hereinafter described, aad southwardly by ora* mieessoworlateol the said James H Castle [Being, Inter alia, the same premises which Jacob Frsas and ?ift. by indeLtDre bearing date the 13th day of Jnly, A. -2; ifi 6 - and recorded at Philadelphia in Deed Book wtYt *fe' 9 */ aatBd COaT " ed No, 2. All that certain two-snd a-half-story messuage or tenement rad lot or piece of ground situate on the southeaetwardly side of Levering street, in Haaayunk, in th« Twenty-fist ward of the city of Philadelphia, at the distance of eighteen feet southwardly from Wood B i r ?v* containing in fronton the sale Levering street eighteen feet, more or less, and in depth one-half the dUtancetoGrepestreet, being ninety feet, more or less. Bounded northwardly by a messuage and lot conveyed, to have been conveyed, to Jacob Buth, east- Hi 6 premises next hereinabove described, southwardly by Bronx d now or late of James H. Caßtle! and westwardly by Layering street. [Betag, inter alia, the same premises which Jacob Freas and wife, by in denture bearing date the 13th d%y of July, A. D 184 S. and recorded at Philadelphia in Deed Book A. W M S“d J% t epsHpkafofeS a,ltea “ 4 00nTeyed “ t 0 No-8. All that ceriain three story stone messuage or tenement and lot or piece of ground situate in Mana m the Twenty-trst ward of the city of Philadel phia, beglnglng at the northwestwardly corner of Gay street and Harrison’s alley; thence extending northwest wardly along the sornhwestwardly side of the said Har rison s alley forty-eight feet ten inches; thence sonth y?l!!3' etght feet, and thence to the weit- Wardly sideof the said Gay street to a point at the dis tanceor eighteeen feet from the said H&rrieon’s alley, and thence along the said Gay street in front eighteen feet, to the place of beginning. No. 4. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the northeastwardly side of High street and northwest wardly aide of a certain thlrty-feet-wide street called a ? a^, in the Twenty-flret ward of the city of Philadelphia, described agreeably to a re cent survey made thereof by John Levering, surveyor, as follows, to wit; Beginning at a corner of the said High and Walnut streets; thence extending along the northeastwardly ride of the said High street north fchirfcy pJne degrees thirty minutes west, one hundred and eleven feet, to a corner of ground now or late of George Jagger; thence by the same north, sixty degrees forty five minute* ea«i, one hundred and sixty-one feet gir Inches, to the southeasterly side of Chestnut street: tneice along the side of tbe said Chestnut street south, twenty eight degrees fifteen minutes east, seventy-eight feet, to the northwesterly side of thesaid Walnut street, and thence along the said Walnut street south, forty ««*•<»• hundred and forty-lhree leet nine inches, to the place of beginning, ytalng, inter, alia, the same premises which Henry H. B. Ogle and wife, by indenture bearing date the 12th day of June. A, D, iB6O, and recorded in the office for re cording deeds, Ac.. for the ciLy and county of Philadel phia, in Deed Book G. W. 0.. No. 69. page 602. &c., granted and conveyed unto the said Joseph Bisks, lu fee. j 80. fi. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the northeastwardly side of High street, in Manayunk, in the Twenty-first ward of the city of Philadelphia, and on the Boutheastwardly ride of Walnut fattest. and de icrided agreeably to a recent survey made thereof by John Levering, Bnrvevor, as follows, to wit: Contain ing in front or breadth on the said High street thirty nine feet, and extending of that breadth in length or on the northwesterly line there of along the said Walnut street one hundred and thlrty- nr a i th ? *outhcflitorly line thereof parallel with the said Walnut street one hundred and thirty feet six inches, to ihe sotUhwestwatdly side of Chestnut street on which the said lot contains in breadth fchirty- Eipofeefc six inches. Bounded northwestwardly by the said Walnut street, northeastwardly by thesaid Chestnut street, scutheastwardly by ground now or late ofßariah WUlitS. and southwestwardly by High street aforesaid. rßeln*, inter alia, the name premise* which Henry K. B. Ogle and wife, bv indenture hearing date the 12th ? ft ?n of 2°£ e ’£ ,? recorded at Philadelphia, inf Deed Book G. No. 69, page 502, Ac, granted and conveyed unto the said Joseph Rlpka. in fee. J Mo. 6 All that certain lot or piece of ground situate In Wf 11 -ra ilk L 1 P th 9 T*® ll ****™* ward oT the city of Phi ladelphia. being lots marked 0 and 6 on a plan of Jots ;*wi “ L - a Levering gunreyor. and described together as follows; Beginning at tha corner of lot marked No. 4 on the said plan on the east eriv side of Lea street; thence by the said lot, being at right angles with the said Le£ street and parallel wltlu Monroe street, one hundred and four feet, more or less, to another corner of the said lot No. 4 on the westerly t 2* a * ll J li ? t 2? 8trf !r etj thence along-the said side of the arid itreet eighteen feet, more or less, to an angle in the said street; thence along the same forty-two feet, more or less, to the comer of lot marked No. 7 in the said plan; thence partly by the same, partly by lot marked No. 29 in the said plan, and partly by James’ court one hundred and twenty- six feet, more or less, to *b« northeastwardly corner of the said court and the said lea street; thence along the easterly side of the said Lea street fifty feet to the pls.ce of beginning [Being the same premltes which William Lea and wife, by denture bearing dste the 30th day of May. A D 1845 and recorded at Philadelphia in Deed Book R L L ,No S’p l ta i: fnfee E ITa3ltedaildCollT6yed1 Ta3ltedaildC0IlT6yed unto the said Joseph i tat certain iwo-*tory stone building and lot or piece of ground situate on the north side of Centre Sf r phVABiiE? Tnlllr ’ WV Twenty-first ward of the city containing in breadth east and west ISSSi 86 *: and extending from the said Centre street s®rijwar i to Ohurch street (both streets being thirty feet wide) one hundred and seventy-eight feet. Bounded westward by the Church lot, northward by Church Bteeet, eastward by jrrouuduow or late of William Fee, and southward by Centre street aforesaid. [Being the Mme premises which. George Shields and wife, and James Ritchie, by indenture bearing date the 12th day of De cember. A. p. 1836, and recorded in the office for record ing deed', Ac , for the city and county of Philadelphia, in Deed Book 8. H. F., No.l& page 121, Ac, granted an! conveyed unto the said Joseph Bipka In fee j [D. C.; ’64. 367. Debt. *66 359.60. Judson.] Taken In execution and to be add as the property, of Alfred Ripkg. administrator of Joseph Blpka. deceased, Philadelphia, sheriff, Offlce^Harehl7^«?'mhm-» HEDICAB, ELEOTBOprnr.—WHAT IS LIFE zV.. HEALTH J-Mes«n. OBIMJt ALLSST, aiedlcri BlMhrlclMu, haying dl.aelved partnership, tha practice will be continued by THOS. ALLEN. at the old established office. No. 723 North TENTH Street, between Coates and Brown, where he will still treat and care all sunble tteeases (whether Acute, Chronic, Pulmonary or Paralytic, without a shock or any pain,) with the va tettearsasfcjaa “ d the “wSfigE: « 4 - §?n»* Urrt - ISSfiSat D Klfa",? r ,he Llt " " Tiiomdin*. Diabetes. Uteri (Falling of AeUuu. the womb), Drspepala. FroUpane Ant Cor Pllee ) B»«’wtU.“- gJiSS? I Bml,BionB - <“• _Ko .huge for »n*nltatlon. OiSoahoar«9 A. M to» P.M. Testimonials to be Km nt oa«. deM 6m TaBBANT’S a BFPBRVESOENT SELTZER APERIENT, For THIRTY ha; received the Favorable Se* SJ.n?n e S!\ at J on .e f °» PUBLIC, and been USED and FEE* ouaisjui py the FIRST PHYSICIANS IN THS LAND AB THB BEST BBMEbY KNOWN FOB Blok Headache, Nervous Headache, Dyspepsia, Sour stomach, , Billons Headache, Dizziness* Costiveness, Loss of Appetite, Goat, indigestion. Torpidity of the Liver, Gravel. Rheumatic Affeotionß, Piles. Heart burn, Sea Sickness, Billons Attacks, Fevers. Ac., Ac. For Teallmonl&le, die., eee Pamphlet with each BotiTk Manufactured only by TARRANT S 00.. . , GREENWICH Street. New Tor*, nog-ly FOR at LB BY ALL DRUGGISTS TUMELLE’S COMPOUND SYBUPOP w DOGE is successful as a remedy. because those wh« Q«e it pronounce it the best COUGH SYRUP, the best Blood Purifier, the most efficient Invlcorator, *ad the pest cure for Scrofula ever offered to tbe nubile. Sold by the proprietor. >. JUHHLLK, 15aS MARKET Street. a»d all^Drugxltts nhlo>3m •TAYLOR’S ARNICA OIL OR EMBRO o nevelfalls to cute Bheumatiem, Heuralala, Sprain!, Fruited Feet. CSapped Bands, and all Ala 2,l'saßeß Price 2Se..and Whcloniilo and Retail hT H. B, TaYLOR.DructIBtTKUTH and CALLfIWHILL mhl-SM HARD AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, v-BiiiQWii,! k a sovran. tn & fgusTaa l . PROPOSALS. ■DROFOSAIS FOR THE ERECTION I OF FIFTY DWILLIN3 HOOSKS. HARErswuRO. March 11,183;. PROPOSALS are Invited for tne building of five blocks of ten houses each, of wood ot brick, to be located os Ibe grounds of the tochlei Iron Mill Company, Plans and specifications may be seen at the oflics of will be received for one or more block* until Address proposals to mhZ2-dtapis Chairman Building Committee. OFFICE ARMY CLOTHING AND V AQUIPAGF* TWALPTH and GlftABD Btreete. M bHILADELraiA, Mwb.21,1881 SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office untU 12 o'clock M. on WEDNESDAY,the 30th Inst .for supplying the Schuylkill Arsenal with the following Common Tents, of linen or cotton duck, to weigh not le*a then 10 ounces to the yard, of 28# inches wide; sam ple of the material required. iron Pots, B gallons, ss pounds. sf-ifich bail, army standard. . _ . _ .... Petroleum and Tarred Paper for baling purposes; sam ples required. Bide from defaulting contractors will not be received. Blank forms for piopoials can be had upon application at this office. . . Proposal® muet be endorsed, ** Proposals for Army But piles." stating the particular article bid for. , u • G, H* GROSMAN, aab22 001. and Asst. Q- M. General 0 8. A, /YRDNANCE OFFICE, V/ War Departurkt, Washinoton, Feb. 23, 1864. PFOPOSALB Will be received by this Department until TUESDAY. March. B. at 4 o’clock P. M., for the de livery at the Bpringfield Armory, Mass, of 6,000 slarie sets of wrought-iron work, for united States Artillery Harness. The Harness Irons are to be packed in well-made boxes, containing twelve single seis each, being au as sortment for four wbeel and eight lead horses; and each twelve eets, so packed, will consist of the following pieces: 5 pairs long Haxnes, complete. 8 pairs Bhort Hames. complete. 6 pains medium Hamea. complete. 48 Trace Cllpr, with. 144 rivets. 4 double Loops or eve". 12 Baddle Lcopb (bent for cantle.) 24 Trace Ejea. 24 long Chains, with toggles. 4 Breatt Hor-hs. 2 Leg Guards, with ten rivets. ... , 6 Caddie Loop®, straight, for riding-saddle pumnieir These Farness Irons are to conform strictly in pattern and weight to the model sets to be seen at this office and at the Springfield Armory; are to be smoothly finished; are to fill the standard ganger, and each piece is to be made of the size and kind of iron prescribed in the offi cial bill ofiron, copies of can be obtained at this office, at the New York Ac finer, and at the Springfield Armory. . All theirons sre to he well japanned—tbe japan to be of the best quality, and well baked on. They are to be subject to inspection at the factory where made, before and after japanning. The Hames are to be marked with the maker’s name, the size, and the letter* U. 8. A. The latter letters one fourth of an Inch high. All the pieces are to be put up In proper bundles, pro pfriy labelled, and each box 1j to be carefully packed, as prescribed by the 'lnspector. The packing-box to be paid for at the Inspector’s valuation. Deliveries are to be made at the rate of not less than sixty rets per day, commencing on the 22d day of March next. Failure to deliver at the specified time will sub ject the contractor to a forfeiture of the number he may fail to deliver at that time. No bids will bs considered except from parties actual' ly entaged In the manufacture of this or similar kinds of iron work, and who can bring ample evidence that they have in their own shops all tbe machinery and ap pliance® for turning out the full amount of work spec!, fled per day. Bidders will be required to furnish proper securities rot the proper performance of the work, and will enclose with their bide the w*UUn acknowledgment of their sureties over their own signatures. , , Each party obtainlsg a contract will be reqnlred to enter into bonds, with approved sureties, for its faithful execution. Upon the award being made, successful bidders will be notified and furnished with forms of contract and bond. The Department reserves the right to reject any or all bios if not deemed satisfactory. Proposals will be addressed to ** Brigadier General Geo. D. Ramsay, Gbief of Ordnance. Washington City," and Will be endorsed * 4 Proposals for HarnessJrons.” . GEO. D. BAMS AY, f«2s*fmw Brigadier General, Gbiei of Ordnance. Oednaitcb Office—War Departhext. _ Washington. March 19, 1684, The t'xne for receiving the proposals under the above advertisement for Horse Equipments, is postponed until, the let day of April, at 4P. M 7 The rate of delivery per week will be one-tenth of the whole amount contracted for, and the time of first delivery is so amended* as td allow each bidder to specify when he can make his firsf delivery. Samples of the equipments can be seen at Fxankford Arsenal* Brideebuxjf. Pa., after the 22d inßt. if GHO. D. RAMSAY* f Brig. Gen., Chief of Ordnance. K mhg-luthatftpl OFFICE ABMY CLOTHING AN] EQUIPAGE. 1 Philadelphia, March 16,18611 SEALED PROPOSALS are invited and will be receivl at this office, until 12 o’clock M , on MuND AT. the ?I , for supplying the Schuylkill Arsenal with P«vT suarantled bj two responsible parties,as abide scribed. T - Bids from defaulting contractors will not be retied. , .Blank forms for proposal* can be hid nnan ißiat tion at this office. ■ Proposals must be endorsed '* Proposals forArmv Blankets.’ 1 G. H. CROSMA® inbitoot Asst. Q. if. General, 17. §l. PROPOSALS FOB FOBAOB. I Csnv QrasiaauusTiin'e OyyJfe Washivotov Dspot. December SHS3. fIBALSpJFBOPOSAU3 are Incited by the undefined foiyttpplying the U. B.' Gassermaater'e DepaSnens. |* lnston,D. a. BaHisype, Md.. AlexandjSTaud ?R™ *{?®* roe > 5%f or axbMT tiP*** &**», wide Hay. Ggin, Oats, and Straw. 1. - T Bids will be received tor iJßullrary of 0. 000 IliShall ofcorn ok oats, and (0 tom wf. toy or straw* Id us" ** ~ Bidders must state at whlßtfUie above-aasa# point* they propose to make delivAt. and the rates u which they will make deliveries ■teat, the quantit* of each article proposed to be delirA. .the time whene&id de ” bS^ B^* 11 be aommencjPtnd when to be completed. The price must be writtrfutin words on the bids. Oornto be put up In *£. stout Witt, of about two buihelseach. Oats in lDpaeks, of about three bushels each. The sacks to be falshed without extra chares to the Government The pud straw to be securely poled. 1 * The putiralu kind oMeriptlon of onto, ©- ■*, asraeabl; to tbitvmi of tout wcilj£« fcpss. fiia foKSriai^rtS (Town, Cou L the inheerlhf liver to the tjnl' jartment at advertisement, 1 Waihinaton D6p ales, via: tmilial* ol pound*. •■■■■ btuhela of pound*, tom of bal ~ tons of bal Delivery to co: ——, 226 , am day of —, u Written eontraet Abpzoyed iMurltl beuLff notified toil Tout obedM Brixadlar Genef Chi* k, In lukl, itt buui C f si k, is WWI m bn»S*i of a »* : W ton of 1,000 pounds, jrnar, at —£«rton of 2,oooponnd*. m«e on or iafort the --dtyof be completed on or before the - raftaiea4ia*»««s ferriint, l —■■ D. H. KUOS*, fedt Qnart£ia«ter, D ' a »T ’rUlflOfiEin ton day* afttr tSj •wwu® contrMt for tha Suns 'SKSSK“»S*' , J a wl ’ ud to tS! thedlfferenss b«- ?i2£lF“ tta ae*t lowsst • wm»» whom tfca contrast Uvea tdar oar hands and saali '——fforof f tjgjl.3 I ay kftovlalKs and \?s« s*& * nd s^' >r which they oiTar to 4 , to the t xied inarai ;h« amonnl a* United w, or nuti on iT*d under I dined Itthlii 'eek. "eat nth* , »’s imp: WATBE-HEATIHG Aarmln* and Y«utUal |f«tU«dbT P a T 9 ateß i STEAM ADD WAI OF PHIL i 13-tap® b. M PBl iDFORD W. • and dealers will f\\ from the 6pi Mlowliur rates • barrel, 40 gallons Coal] / do 'do.. Iv . do (mul he barrels ere well etea upon receiving the ,??•?££' All oraer* ad< &IT9SI Kh p that purchasers nay • |to PUTe Ra< * fresh «at. BeOCo?-l f 1 LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF PRElfiff TTfTiTA „ ON BOHPAT MOBBIHG, ft£s£3K'S3l&SB> ~m 68 88W -^*“ , _ ■ T »SO PACKAGES ABB LOTS of French. India, German, and British dry-eoodi. Ac.. embraoin* a large and choice assortment of fancy I. f“ b d r ' c '“ pla artlcl6e ltt silk, worsted, woolen, and cotton h B-'-Bamplea of the same will be arraneed for ox h aminatlon. with eatalpnnei early on the morning of the 14 sale, when dealers will And it to their Interest toattend £ RY HENRY P. WOLBEBT, le- _ AUCTIONEER, *O. Wl MABKBT Btregt. Sooth Side, abov« BotOHi ,£. DS.Y GOODS, TKIMMIHGS. SKIBTS, O VSB-SHIRTB. saoas. &c. . no 3 On WEDNESDAY MORNING, i*H ?? Q clock, will be sold, casslmeres, mm line, pruts, plaids, delaines, bereges, lawns, cotton ho siery, linen and silk hdkfs, neck ties, ribbons, trim mings, thimbles rings, chains, knives, brashes, soap, perfumery, wool over shirts, felt hats, boots,shoes.steel* spring skim &c. Sal6B 0T Dry Goods, Trimmings,.Notions, &o, « T etr MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY MORNING, commencing at 10 o clock. ’ VERY VALUABLE AND IMPORTANT COLLECTION „„„„„ „ .OF OIL PAINTINGS. HENRY H. LEEDS &CO will eell at auction on the eycnlnaepf THUBBDAY. 2 HI), and FRIDAY. 26th Inst 7 at clock each evenln*. st the old DUSSBLDOBF TjffVny A^o'? 0 * 4B BI£OA ® WAT . uext door below a vßky VALUABLE AMD IMPORTANT COLLEC TION OF THE HIGHEST ORDER OF ORIGINAL PAINTIhGS. INCLUDING THE ENTIRE COLLEC TION OF MESSRS. BAILEY * CO. OF PHIL ADEL £f‘J#r£ crßGii ,i iSB , D , B T them frAm THE ARTISTS DIREGT, equaling in interest any collection ever offered in this for public cororetitton, and comprising works of the GRSA.TEbT MERIT by favorite artists of tha modern DUSSBLDORF, bjiglish, french, and gea? MAN SCHOOLS• gßmln ItkooL**"' A. Achenbach, Verboeckhoyex, De Notbr, B. C. Koek Koek, VAX Bammb, Vox Sbben. Cart. Hub nee. Carl Becker, Erdmann, Gebelscbap, Hoguet, Carl Hoff. LIWCHAMiJI, MeYBRHEIM. SIEGKRT. Prbybb, Professor John, Stammhl, ChAS. M. Wißß,’ Voif *ILLE, Fosoh, Bondbrmann, Db Loose. C. Walters, Lk Kay, A. K Krydykr Ten Katbn, Buytkn, De Vos a others „ FRENCff SCHOOL. ‘ 90tsxe ‘ B ' FECRtra. L. Notermax, DaU3abrt. Il vi^fWu.oy '-' AC ’ MoimasT, E. Frerb, _ Cbrier, Lafond. Ar* „ ENGLISH SCHOOL. Sidxby R. Percy, Boddinotos, B. C. Williams. O. Baxter, J*ac Dure, Shayse? * SiSS?™* nl“f. ,EID ' M o^’ Bakbes. . Bbkmbt, JBarba’hd. So . lopira pojtiimof the collection have b4en pur chased in Europe By a gentleman of well-known taste apd long experience, and the pictures of B C Kook Koek, Bnbner. A. Aclienbach, and others, areofaclaes t srely imported Into this country. eoiaciass Amefleen portion are choice examples by F B. Amiricij^ a»i ß tß. rOJ>S65 ’’ Sllat, ' ,ck * and other high claee mSSIKIUi 9 on exhibition as above from and after lB H-ht* 1 * wt h Instant, nntllthe evenings of sale. "V" ALU ABLE DELAWARE WHARF tW&® of Philadelphia, has a frontage on the river Delaware to 5fS i!,! L to i ,? e «5 wa ”“ r ! rapacious docks. 200 *o ow me lour, on both, stdsa—the who!a AtnltrAMn? *n area of over 65,000 oonare feet, wlthprhrtleraii ofextern T&gSf l *°‘S arcs s*=»dlnx §i:cioo*, e q "a r s For further information, apply personally or by letter, - fB9,tf 13*0 BEACH^reet^ 1 Philadelphia. fp! TO RENT.—A BEAUTIFULLY from the city. Apply at SBOE3, w« rt. STBAW OVODB, Ac. and TO?naifti ■ eai ? y attention ofpurchasers to the Iftirge or catViniaJ® a °*f bo 2 tB * show, brogans, leoth* RiofW nf ehaher hoods. Ac. ■ (including a pica orijao ®? p *' >• embracing a&njw to lie peremptoriJj'miSf’#, l ** a I,eß i SHOES. March 2M. at 10 "elo«k Without reterTO, on tear ionBw* packages boots, shoes, bro*an“cavAirvl t X,^ 110 ? t 1 * lt » tracing a prime and freab aSortS?nt sfif’ cies for men. women, and children. 6 !!* citt Sl^ b J e %rtt mannfactnre. ‘ or clty an< * Astern ißro?aJe BmPloS ’ WUU CfttaloKU6B ’ early on the morn- LAUGE AND PEREMPTORY BALR OF i.ion P . Plr iSEJISfiMffiS: & B c ßOaAm At 10 o’clock, to be aold without reserve, w*tl be touitf , in p*rt, the following fresh. and desirable assortment, viz.: _ _ _ Men's grainfd cavalry boots; wax and kip brogana* znes'sbelznoTAland Congress boots; youths' h%lf welt kip boots; men’s do; fine city-made kid welt buaktus; ladies gaiter boots; fine kidiS. R, ties; colored and black lasting buskins; men's fine city-made calf, morocco. atu kip boots; men's pump sole srain boots; men’s buff leather pump boots; men's pump sole calf boots; do. seal Pump'Kole boots; women's lined and bound boots; youths’ kip brogans; misses' grain ties; misses' grain buskins; misses' spring heel grain lace boots: women's grain lace boots; raisees* grain lace boots ; woman's grain buskins i women's grain ties; boyb' kip brogaus; mines' glazed morocco boots; mens half welt calf do; fontbft’ half welt calf do; children’s half brogans: men’s half welt kip boots; men's super calf brogaus; men's slippers; misses super kip ties; misses super kid buskins; child's super colored fox bootee*; child's super colored fox ties; men's lined and bound brogans; men’s and boys* water proof boots; and boys' wax boots; leather cuttings, Sc. .* SHaKBB HOODS, THIS MOBNING, At 10 o'clock precisely, 20 cases white ana colored Shaker hoods, LARGE PEREMPTORY Sa LtfOF EUROPEAN, INDIA. AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS. *o. A **" AA * We will hold a largo bale of British, German, French, and American Dry Goods, ON THURSDAY MORNING, March Sikh, on fonrmonths’ credit, and part for cash, commenclmr at precisely 19 o’clock, comprising sso Packages and lots i of British/German, French, India, and American dry KOCflßi embracing a large, fail, and fresh assortment of woolen, worsted, linen, cotton, and silk goods for city and coantry sales. N. B f-Samples of the same will be arranged for ex* amlnaubn. with catalogues, early on the morning of the Bala when dealers will find It to their Interest to attecdj LABG3PEREMPTOBY SALE OF FOREIGN AND DO MRSTIC DRY GOODS. &c. NOTIJE.—-Included in our eaJeof Foreign and domes tic dry/goods on Thursday Morning, March 24th, ae 10 o qloex will be found in part the following desirable’ar ticle be sold on four months credit and part for cash— i cafes neat styles American prints, cases American ginghams, cases English and German ginghams* cases apron checks, oases blue denims, eases tickings, cases bine stripes, cases black and colored ell ©Bias, cases brown and bleached muslins, cases fency cottonades. cases jeans and mixtures, cases Saxony dress gor-ds. cases fans? lawns and jaconets* cases poplins and moiambiquas. cases fancy reps and poll de cherrea. cases de bege and moos de lainee. esses silk alpacas. LINEN GOODB. . , On THURSDAY, March 24th. Will be gold; I pieces 7* 4 and 8-4 Barnsley damasks. I pieces white and brown damasks and cloths. pieces damask and huck to webs. | pieces diaper and plain towels, i pieces bleached and brown linen hacks Pisces elastic cauras. s - *»■» * “®M B "w l r !,rtiiiift . . On THURSDAY. March 24th. f Will be sold, about i>2s piece* woolens—viz • ; pieces Belgian and French broadcloths. * pieces English black cap and cloak cloths. pieces English meltons. pieces fancy French cassimeres. pieces black doeskins, pieces black a„d fancy satinets Also, black satin and fancy silk vestings, serges, yel vets, hosiery, gloves, spool cottons, patent thread, silk cravats and ties, hoop and balmoral skirts, shirts and drawers, linen bosomt. buttons, cotton handkerchiefs, woolen, thibefc. and Btella shawls, fancy articles, NR Also, stock of American dry goods, for cash. POSITIVE SALE OF ENGLISH VELVET BRUSSELS safK&rfsra?* AaD ™xtia! e cH!s: ± On FRIDAY MORNING. March M, At IOK o clock, will b, cold by catalogue, on 4 month,’ credit, n YK' 6 ” I fl.'h velvet. Brussels. three-ply. .uparflne. and fine Ingram, Yeaitiau, hemp, and Hat carpetings; Can tonmattings, Sc . embracing a choloo aaoorimont of an- PCfIOT goods, which may be examined early oa the IN NEW YORK. ttENBY H. LEEDS & CO., 11 AUCTIONEERS. VOR SAIiE AMD TO BET. AUCTIOM SAU»r T7UBNESS, BRINLEY, & GO., x Ho. 615 CHESTS UT and Oia JAYNE Btrette LARGE SALE OF IMPORTED GOODS. THIS DAY NOTICE.—We Invite the attention of the trade to on. tale THfR MORNING Towday. March Sd. at M o’clock' on four m.itba credit ' .The aaeorSmant le very crmpletff. comprising Adi ill. different ety lee of French. German, anil n~yn,i. Ori Goods, suitable to sDrinc sales. ’ Tbe sale incltPdfe fall lines of thibet bf&efc MKlfeUdted sbawJs, fancy ai;k and woolen do . rlnfn mid irtrtilStf jtj In spring colors, and in great variety. SILKS,—AIso, extra-hewy black gros ds rhino* #rw deZorich, and taffftss, in extra quality, and Terr wide}, aipo. linen goods, brown and bleacned sotCbne. eat-* tooades, jeans, $c Caiaioiues and samples sow ready. P AKIS PDB>TB ® loo?]|S| l t«SMs impari*L ffronods. *° ricil priate, i cfcaUiee» colored and- wldto lco pl£ceß BUk md wool Paris plaid bombacluefl. ? H f GROB DSIBPAW, 24®M inth ii??; Btr « black aros de Rhine, Si@gl.inpb vt Xt r a ho *yY taffetas for m&ntttlse aik>, 11,011 bfeBfc aaailir srros de lepaa and de Zurich, bej™"XaK-d mi' diagonal*, extra Also, for cask, “ 4 iheaiTßn^^ 0 CASES AND BALBS T and fine brown and bleached muslins. ’ * BALE ak*vS™ h> rsrsH ' SAXONY* AND DKY GOODS. March 22d, at 10 iv*-i ’’.MURE I NO. 600 paafiloa i“d° «* Ut ' Ij&HGS SALE a I NMrPIEdVs credit or By o?de”of E E SAXOITT WO7BM DRBBS'GOODS, tfeeera. C. F. SCHKIEDER & GO _ Qp ** THEIR OWN MANDFASPITRB AND IMPORTATrow Ja "‘ lM »«Im£B£m ALSO. ©a»ce M poll de cfcevro, all wool filling ca* es pJ Aid crops ecasßios. cases tartan check poplins. cases tartan check crepes. _ caees tttrlpsd mohairs. ~ eases 6*4 hem ronbalx cloth. cases plaid Valencias eases crepe satin, all wool filling. - cases striped mozambiquea. PARIS DRESS GOODS—JUST LANDED i ~ , , THIS HORNING. An extra invoice— biqncSf* 8 doibie width Paris plaid and .trip. moiao;. cases doable-Width Ecoseia* A I . m WHITE GOODS. An invoice f t jaconets, cattbries. checks Swiss and Nansook musdns; Blsbop lawns, white figures. Ac. •„ , EXTRA QUALITY TOILET QUILT S. —lO-4 to 12-4 super white toilet quilts. SALS ON ACCOUNT Og- UNDERWRITERS. fob Cash. „ . ah m . THIS MORNING* Starch 22d, at 10 o'clock, for cash. 1 cate 6-4 black alpacas. 5 eases fency dress goods. -Slightly damaged on voyage of importation etesmers Louisiana and Pennsylvania. LARGE SALE OP PARIF, BLACK AND COLORED shawls, HCr d«» OASaalsa . THIS MOSNING. 14 4 black and colored thibet shawls, wool fringe* 14 4 do. do do. silk fridirAH 14*4 Scotch plaid shawls. "Wires. 14 4 Paris fancy wool do. 14-4 Paris printed do,, delaine. 14 4 Paris fancy raezambique shawls. 14-4 broche ana silk-bordered Chslly do. 14-4 Lama, ameila. and z*ph? r wool do. 14-4 best quality all wool Cashemtre do. 14-4 high coat aozunbique de Paris do. LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE SALE OF Vttutvr> a GOODS, el the importation of Mosers Benk&rd*ft Huf ' . ON FRIDAY MORNING,'** March 35th, commencing at 10 c’clcclr, we shall sen fonr months credit, -a large and attractive lot of Fran?? goods of this favorite importation, comprising LmK virtety dt ®*’ * oodB ’ bl,u * Bnd fanoy silks, ft?* ta meat THOMAS & SONS, Nob. ,139 and I*l South FOURTH Street ifeS l Nstata, Stock., ft... at th* If AY ' FflmpMet MV FUBJUTPBB »t Auction Store THURSDAYS, EXTRA LARGE PEREMPTORY SALES 22u HAR-'n VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Ikßßr> R c wi i,. o GROUND RENTS. bTOCKS LOANB,*o MABLS Onr sale on TUESDAY. 22d March, at 18 o clock, at the Exchange, will oomprlee some of t'!o mo»f ■p'-opertn offered this section byordarof Grphana Court, Executors, and others. Includin'-. ,4:r . ft bl « ¥ASS ln : ST $ BS 2 hroas and other business proper, ties, Front street. Second street, Sontli “treet. Doc* street. Fifth and Oallowhill streets, and other location.* 3 squares of ground. Thirty-third etieet, Flrit ward! lot of ten acres ‘ Wheataheaf lane, ” Twenty-fifth w«S : f?t-? a n»s?i A uMotrsTtiir; iioantry*lata! Oity Dwellings. Building Lois, ftc. : first-class Ir.s nBEafABI.B Gaorntn Rbnts- and up wards of ‘-tV-’-ly Vl.'u'u fSai n,S>s? rs vahMbte atocksi £oms, ly *® J. B. Coloban, 143 south fI vILVM B OAS?i? aI “ I ® i; PUNO ' FINS a.. . . On FRIDAY MORNING. cafJESiJfSfci 10 o’clock, at No 2009 Walnut street, by • * satire furniture, including suits of hand* some Walnut and green plnf>h drawing-room fnmltafd, b *® d ®c™e mantel mirror. S4xCO, planoT fine yelyet car- chamber fnrmture, &o. Also, tha kitchaa Jar May be examined on morning of sale at 8 o'clock. P'Mmaf.Ta» Si&gSf- Am iuaren 23d. commencing at 10 o‘clock ureciHeiv ?ew an,f de^-aI.U prieln»rTis“ d d 4 Bnitod to flr “ tcU » a sales, «>“■• ini. Sl3!S m t° 83c, . ra 5,“° .iaconet eats. jSiS SwS^i?. 8 ? ra 3 n . 8 smbroldred collars lnia mSf2JTI!7- fl ? 8 * d * la S« and inserting.. J 8 .? lc s.atrs qnailty bands and Eonnclns, broidered hantHrsrcMefj, tacked and eTa — l^uma f b.'lViy j ? * °°> -A-UOTIONEm * **» MUIXBT and M» qOMKIROT . POSITIVE OASES BOOTS AE» ba ,oid (f , wiMMSSof SgSFu'ESffi* of gMd “' moral” g”f Ba?e QlDatloa * wlth catalogues, early on m» T3Y SCOTT & STEWART ADCWOfIBBRB A*D COMMISSION MBKOHABTB - CHBSTKpTSt. and BIS HANSOM Street■ PBRBMPTORV Sale OF -WHITB GBANITB WAE* AtlOo’cloeir «™.4«T JOSHING Next, 24th. insL, t 1500 nmm loff aV^vX** 0^1 Will sell by catalogue aboflt and c C ware ’ ba)ance »’ stock of white groaW Catalogues ready on moraine of palp. T Ann* „.#*’POBTFONBMEKT OF SALS. LARGR BAIjB OF STRAW QOODB, ARTIFIGIAIS, S'- On FRIDAY MORNING Next. 86th lost . . Son UL? clock,orocleely. we will eell by eatalogn« ! ’ 3 f' ouo cues of fresh straw goods, eoxanrism* k rfl «,j mW-* SfchfNita, glace pedal. nodal braid bonnet.. turbagß. hoo^, a “ e ««»•»!•. buds, *c„ slilldbld At 10 . Catalogues ready on moralngof.'aia ■Will glvs^hei^SSs^ aT A'ADOTIONBBES, MS j, CHANDISB and 1 V* 81 }* 1 ? 0 to sales oiJtia. oi\faag , M jySP’gsff .»* A C SALE, OP OONP^MN^ ®*parsBchxt, Cavalrt BnaßAn. Oppjca OP CHJBP QDAJITBSSi AST Wlii *« ABH D. 0., February iMfirf* at c auction, to the higbeatb** AkSs?«ff 8 4 nd