The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, March 04, 1864, Image 3
Humboldt on the Fugitive-Slave taw. rTrcm the New York Evening Poet ] >jlie foJtowiog letter wu written by Alexander jjnmboldt to a gentleman of thii elty L who h»» levored umith it for publioation: the word tranc (ated “ehamefol,” ae applied to the Fugitive-Slave S s w, 1* underaeored in the original: sir. John Matthews, of Hew York: I alto ehooae my native langnage to aay tol yooi <leareat Mr. John Matthews, how maeh it would ae ijeht me to receive you next Saturday, the icth of tUttiher, at 1 o’clock. In order that I may thMkyou .for the to extremely friendly linea whioh you havu Webetenwhom I long respected, more than favored Ihat SSf/uI law Which .till peraeeuted colored men kftfir thev tad by flight their B&turM in* Cn ol lhich they had been robbed by *vvtfo*tue highest respect,l am tout most obe dient A - VON HUMBOIsDr. pßßT.iit, October 12th, 1863. fimmul and commercial. the money MARKET. PHininELpnrx. March g, 1881 Honey continues plentiful, the supply being greater than thedemand. Gold advanced US. with prosj ectß of a still higher maiket. It opened at this morning’s hoard at 60, and clceed at 61K. firm. The stock market was moderately active. Catawiesa preferred was again in the market in great strength, as regards tie number of shares, though the price was weak, selling as low aa 4©f. and closing at «?» md. Schuylkill Navigation was firm, selling at 41K. regular way, and 4?, bls. Thirteenth and Fifteenth-streets was him,. Belling at 43% Beaver Meadow Railroad and Hazleton Coal were firm at yesterday ’e figures, heading Railroad, though inactive, was firm, with no matMtai change Bince yesterday. Tbere yere sa Mountain at7>i i Big Mountain at at,, and New York and “to railway stock, there was very Uttt. done They were* howerer. firm, with no change of import *T3re I BmhM T iiTerßailroad Company has declared a kemi- annual dividend of 5 per cent., pay able March 15. in* Chemung Railroad Company will pay, on de maud at the Part Fire Insurance Company, in this city, a quarterly dividend or 2 per cent, free of lax. Di'tfTfll ft 00. mow ■ United States Bonds. 1881.-*-—~ •* “ New Certificates of Indebt s.. ►. 99* @ •» •• Old Certificates of Indebt’s....lo3H@l^* “ “ 73-10 Motes. <jaarte«nasteTs* Vouchers... 93*@j-9 Order*for Certificates of Indebtedness.'• Sterling ~ |^@l76g 'O,. 6. five-twenties, foil coupons. 107 @lo7* Jay Cooke ft Co. quote Government,securities, &c., as -follows: United States sixes. ,1651 HI ®’M H. 8. @lW TJ. b. Certificate* of indebtedness I<s*@lo3;l£ U. 6. new Certlfisatei of mg* Five-twenty bonds * v \ @lo7* deliveries of 6-20 bonds made to January 19, inclusive. Quotations of cold at fhePhiltd dvhia Gold Exchange, 32 South Third street, second story: O’CIOCk A, UM.«.»i..1,«M4MM4d.Me,160 11* " A. M ~.160* 12* " P. H 1 H “ Ft U -160* 8* •• P. M p-161 4* “ P. M... —.161* Market fluctuating. The New York Evening Post of to-day says: The stock market is active, and opened with anima tion. Governments axe steady. Five-twanties are wanted at }O7A for registered, sxd 117* for coupons. Coupon fives of 1866 are inquired for at 199, and Oregon war loan at 106. For sixes of ISSI there are large orders on foreign account, and the price is % per cent, higher than yesterday morning ~ .. . Before the first session there was considerablei {mount of activity, and the rtreet was crowded at an early hour, the chief excitement beloff in Brie and Illinois Uptitral. Gold was quoted at 160X@i6.5a. Erie at 113%@ 114*, Hudson River at 186® 15T, Harlem at 139@139*. Michigan Centra! at!4 @142. Michigan S mihem at 9S#@9BJ(f. Illi nois Central at 136*@i35*, Pittsburg at U4#@Us*, Rock Island at 120* @12114, and Fort Wayne at 99> 4 @ 100. The appended table exhibits the chief movements at the board compared with, the latest prices of yesterday: Thur. Wed. Adv. Dec. United States 9a, 1881, reds. ill?* in H United States 65,1881, coupon.—..lll* 111 * United*State* seven-thirties......ll)* 1115 a United States lyear eer., gold.. ..103 103 .. ... Do. do currency.. 89% 99% • % American Go]d-~ 1602 s • IfiSfc 1* Tennessee Sixes....**.— —• 6j 60 Missouri Sixes.******** 71 72* .. 1* Pacific Mai) -.225 226 • 1 Mew York Central Railroad—.. 135* 135* % Briek-. 11B>* D3* 1% Erie Preferred— I(6* IKK .IK - Hudson .River.—— ...155* I£6 .. X Harlem —139 137* Vi .. HarleSaPieferred.*— ...130 126 4 Heading* 131 139J4 % .. Michigan Central— 141 K 140 K 1 Michigan Southern 95% 95% % Michigan Southern guarantied...l44 143 K % •• Ulinote Central Scrip— 134 K 133 K 1)1 Pittsburg 115% 114* % .* Galena - - 117 U6K M Toledo 147* 147 * BockleUad...— 120* % Fort Ws)ng—k*—4t««— •***—'>*—4ooK 99K l MIL and Prairie Du Chlen os% 66 % TerreHaute 72* 70* S* northwestern oh* S 3 H •• Canton*— 51% 51% Cumberland 67 % Quicksilver 68 67* * Chicago and Altos- 87 88 1 Burlington and Quincy 136 lai* . 4% Toledo and Wahash .63* 65 .. 1% After the Board the market was strong; New York Central closed at 1?5*.-Erie at 116. Erie preferred at 107, Hudson River at 156, Harlem at 140, Illinois Central at 234*, Pittsburg at 116*, Galena a: 117*, and Bock Island atl2l>a Phtlada Stock Excl Z Reported by & E. Slaymae BEFORE .! 100 Little Sch Rb SO ... 49* I 200 Reading R..2da*. 65X SOO do 65K I FIRST 1 3360 U 8 Tress 5-20 H.. 107 8750 do 107* 7500- do reg..lo7* 200 City 6s Hew 107* 200 Cataw R pref * .b3O 43 100 do 42* 50 d0........b50.. 42* 60 _ do. cash 47* l9O do cash 42* ICO do * 42* 100 do b 5-. 42* 150Catawiesa R...... 23 279.33 Allegheny Co 6s 75* 361.33 do 75* 10 Farm ft MeCsßk. 60 400 Green Mount..b3o 7* 100 Big Mountain 9* SOOOUCreefc—to, - 13* ICO do. ............ 13% 35C 00 Union C&nlbdsbs 30 £0 Del Division ■ -1)5 - • 42 AF ?E£ FIB ICOReedina R«..WAin 66% IfO do ..65% 300 do b£&ln 65% 100 do*-*. 65% 1(0 do boO 65% 300 do casfc6s 69 250 d 0.... ©&% BBTWEtS 200 CamiAmb 6s. 1883.100% j: 10 Delaware ilut Ins. 33 1 BBCOHD 100 HY & Middle 12% 3500 U Sirs-20 notes.,lo7* 10011 Pesna B. ....b;0 36% 6000 do bonds .«*•.- 99 ICO Little ten & bs 49 200 Beading R. s 5 65% ICO do blO 65% 13 Beaver Meadow. 76% 60Green Mountain... 7% 17Morris Canal*.«... 73% AFTBBI 26 Green&Co&tes-stß.es 4S&a CLOSIBG FBI .111 .. TS6I 8V XT ST 73-10 Notes, ill J»Mla6s IQB Do new 107# 108 PennaGs 96% 97 Bead Bex diy.... 65% 65% Do Ma 5 70 107 Do 6s : 86 co&T. Do 6b’8Q43.'.. Ptnna S ..... Do Dtm .. Do 2din 6* 109 X Schuylkill B. ..49 49% Kerris G’lccssol. 73% 73% Do prof ISO Sehuyl Uav Stock: 29% SO Do pref. 41* 42 Do 6* ’B2 ...... 95 £6 Simira B 38% Do s3?{ 5i 70 70% Do 75 : ?9 I* Island B 46 47 Lehigh Nav 61 63 Do 64 65 PhUaftßrieß... 37% 38 PitfladelplUa Markets* March 3—Evening. The Floor market continues very dull, the demand Doth for export and home ns© being limited; about I.SOO bales extra family sold at $€75@7.37% for common to good. The retailers and bakers are buying moderately at from ${@6.25 for superfine; $ 5.6C@7 for extra; $6 76 @7.60 for extra family, and $S@9 60 3 bbl for fancy brands, as to quality. Bye Flour is very dull, aud rather lower; email galea are making at $6 bbl. There 3s very little doing in Corn Meal, and the market is dull. GRAIN. —The offerings of Wheat are light, and the demand fair at about previous rates, with sales of 5 000 bus Pennsylvania redß at $1.60, and 700 bus choice Southern do at SL63 bn; white it selling in & small way at $1 C£@l9D &bu for common to prime. About 630 bus Rye sold at $1 32 bu. Coin is in demand, and prices are better, with sales of 12 to. bus at $1 is@i ig, mostly at the latter rate, ineluding several lots at %l 20 geUvgred. { Oats continue dull, with sales of 4,603 bus at BARE.—'I her* 16 little or no demand for Qaercitron. and. the market is dull. First 80. lia offered at $3? 31 ion. COTTON. —The market is very quiet, and the sales are only in small lots at 79c lb, cash for middlings. GROCERIES.—Coffee is firmly held, but the sales are limited. Small lots are selling at 35@3.’c Jb for Bio and Laguaara. There is not much doing in Sugar, but the market is very firm. PETROLEUM —There ianot mnch doing in the way of naloa, aud the market ib very qmet. Small efl-les of «r nda are mahixg at29@3o c , reflneain bond at 45®15%c. and freeatfroms gallon, a* to quality. L 8 “ li3 ngat *3.25@3.50. and Flax seed at $3 25©3.20 y bu»li. Clover continues very dull and pricee are rather lower, with sales at from #B@3 25 hush for good to prime PRO Visions —The market is quiet, hut prices remain about the same as last quoted; small sales of Mess Pork arajaaking at $23@23.50 for new, and $20@22 bbl for «la. Bacon is scarce and in demand: a sale of Picklad IRaiDB was made a,tis%@l 4c Jt> Lard is In steady nwj, * lb fortes. Xnaw is sailing at 20@3Cc ? lb lor common to prime Fenna. Zagaara selling at 20c H dozen WHISKS continues dull and unsettled, -with small sale, of bbIBSI BS@S6c.and drudge at BSc H gallon. Tha following are the receipt* of Floor and Grain at this port to-day; .‘Roar- Wheat C0m.,..,.*,... OItIMMH. New Fork Mar Bets, March 3, Ashes are quiet and firm at $S 87% for pots and $lO for pearls. Beradstuffs —The market for State and Western flour is a fchade firmer, with a moderate demand. The sties are 11,000 bbls at $6 -6@6.40 for super State; ?6 G£@6.7o Tor extra do; $3.2f1@645 for super Uiehigaa, adiana. lowa, Ohio, Ac,; $6.6£<&7 for extra do: Includ ing skipping brands of round hoop Ohio at $6.05@7, and trade brands do at $7.3C@9 60. , v Southern flour is quiet and firm: sales 600 bbls at s7® 7.75 for supei fins Baliimore, and $7.5C@10.53 for extra do. Canadian Flour is a little firmer and moderately ac tive; tal, bcf SCO bbls at $6.66@6 90 for common, and for good to choice extra. Bye Flour w quiet, and steady, at $5 5C06.60 for the lange or fine and superfine §a76@a W eo eatFloi3iri ® Btea^y ' withsalw of 430 bags at c/vafi? acLlve ’ with sales of 1,100 barrels ificMgai '** 60 for Old do; and *i.7i@L 73 for amber Rye is quiet at at sl*45 T 18 Bteady ' insu Ba ie« of 8,000 bujhßls Chicago 95,000 saslda pr ce ca»h to-day. eeiern m store, the Ofcts sr* gather more steadv w ft,« ■nt &®£o for Canada, aawfc, Oat meal ia firm, with saiea rtz zn-,-1 Hb*p --We loticaaaiWaf” UM 60. Tjjllow is aniet an “aim wm! w - Waste™ at IKJ ” u “ Balea of lbs Hatai Etobbs are qnlet, but v.r* , fe» SPUito *"»•“*“<>■ *5 25f R .®rS, a *fe9's?**- brands, hot'outside'lota’Save to" ensher,* other kinds are aniet and nnewS®,? 0,4 at * L M@Lr>6; 1-M fji ahippLut, Md »?o®™ at $1.20@ and BT@B5 for Western, chitfly at the SatB ’ Markets by Telegraph. •*Wm ."tuße" firm “ *’- 17 ® 118 Trflfi-SS jftsst «tuwro!£ e S?r* hoSM®*.** 6 ■ : inngg Sales, March 3. JBi Philadelphia Exchange. 3 .BOARDS. |IOD Cataw pref. .530.... 42* 100 do—.. b4ftint--. 42* 100 £ei Division--b3O. 42* 66 d 0.............. 42* 20CO Cam & Ammt bds.lo3 13Petna 5.... 70* 100 do 70* 200 Reading R.... .... 65* 6 do 65* 15 Minehill R hswn. 64 11 do 64 100HP^ 36* 10C0 do bonds. 99 45Cie;ter Valley.... 5* 100 K Y ft Middle...... 12* 100 do b30.12* 24 Hunt ft Brd Top R. 23* 7 Snrnce ft Pine-st R 15* -50 Girard Collegßß-- 30* 250 Lehigh Zin0..b30.. 61 1000 coup 5s itXX) Wyo'ttingtlanlbds 90* 200 Mandan Min'g. .bSO 6 * SCO d 0.... . 6% IST BOARD. 200BeadingB....b5&in 65% 200 N X ft Erie B. ..b3OH6 301 do ....115% 60 Sch Nav pref........ 41R 100 do 2dys 412£ 25 Girard Bank * 47% 200 Catawlsaa pref. • -«• 42% BOARDS jlOOPhila & WU 8.*b30 70« 1 31 Far A Mec Bank... 60 BOARD. 20)13th&15th-st 8.b30 43 6 d0...~- 42% 100 do 423 g 100 do. b2J 43 100 Sch Mav...h3optef 42 100 do ....pref 41& K 0 do bl 6 pref 42 660 do 12 Wyoming Val 85 5000 Penna Coupon 6s ltd 30 ARD& ' 2000 City 65.-.., [CBS—STEaDT. __ _ Sid. Ask. HFeun&R 36 36% Do 65..;....... 99 ml Catawissa B Com 23 23% Do pref 41% 42% B 62 83 fifth'At B b 0 Temh 5t8........ 52 60 rhirreenth-»t 8.X43 43 Beveateenth-st B. 18 19 Spruce-si E-: 15% 16 ChefttDut'St B»««* 62 72 73 Areh-etß 36% 37 Race etH 20% 21 Green-st B 4*2 42% Girard Colleze B. 30 30% Lombard-5t8.... 17 Ridge avß 2*3% .. Supq Canal Mid Coal Fields-. -• Oii Creek Co ..... lh% 14 Big Mountain.... 9% 9% Green Mountain Fniton Coal. 1,700 bbl* ...—...6,100 bus, 4,375 bu* 3,000 bu#. CITY ITEMS. Tint “ Flobbkob,” or Couebb.— The answer to the aueiHon, 11 JT/laf Sewf»ig-Macftin« it 0M heal?” is now almost invariably, « The Florence, ofeourse.” The reason, for this are obvious. In no single in stance ha, the “ Florence ” IsUed to give the most perfect satisfaction. The agent it quite safe, there fore, in agreeing to refund the money for it after three month*’ trial if the purchaier is cUuaUtfied, Great Reduction in Pbiobb. Great Reduction in Prices. - Ladles’ and Misses’ Fine Cloake. Ladies’ and Misses’ Fine Cloaks. Also, Rich Furs of all kinds. Rioh Fursof’alUdnds. In anticipation of the close of the season, we are now prepared to make a large oonoession from for mer prices on all our stock. J, W. PttOCTOR & Co., The Paris Cloak and Fur Emporium, 920 Chestnut street. Cohundeumb.— Why i« this advertisement like a boiled lobster? Because It is rbad (red.) Wby is it like a needle? Beoause it has a point. Why is it iike a primer? Because it imparts knowledge. Why is It like a whale ? Because it " blows.” Why is it like a wheelbarrow ? Because it is use ful. Why le it like a chimney sweep? Because it suit, (soots) you. Why is it (?) Because every one i, suited who purw chasee Clothing at the Fashionable Emporium of Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut street. Valuable Ossstkuvstssbt Psopsrtv.—At tention is called to tho advertisement with the above heading, in another column. To those desir ous of obtaining a valuable property, a fine opportu nity is here presented. “ Winter Lingering in the Lap of Spring.” —Tie late snow admonishes us that we are not free from the grasp of old winter, even though the alma nacs tell us this is "flowery spring;” but more un erring monitors than almanacs tell us this la “ cold, cold winter,” and that Winter Clothing is not yet unseasonable; and, indeed, one would think so to see the unabated sales of Winter Clothing at Charles Stokes & Co.’s one-piise, under the Conti nental. . ■v, Silencing the State House Bell.— The Mayor has put the ■ State House bell under embargo. Henceforth, unless the conflagration is a big one, the State House bell will be silent at a time of Are, and nine-tenths of the town will kQOW nothing Of their neighbor's roof having been in combustion until they see it in the newspapers. It is quite as well, perhaps, sb it Is, particularly ss the stoppage of the clapper of the bell will prevent any inter ference with the reflections of good citizens upon the merits of the wearing apparel made and sold at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhlll A Wilson, Nos. 603 and 606 Chestnut street, above Sixth. * Deafness, Eye, Ear, Throat Diseases, Catarrh, treated by Dr. Vgn Moiehzisker, Oculist and Auiist, author of the work, "The Ear, its Diseases, and their Treatment.” Office, 1027 Walnut street. m)3-9t cosns, Bunions, inverted Nails, Enlarges joints, and all diseases of the feet, cured without pain or inconvenience to the patient, by Dr. Zaoha- Me, Surgeon Chiropodist, 921 Chestnut street. Refen to physicians and snrgeoni of the elty. jeas-tf ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS TO TWELVE O’CLOCK LAST NIGHT. Continental—SllutH ai F D HcHeil & wf.Conn Mis R Barber F h 6berm«n»Conn V B ft wf, Baltimore "W A Jutereott.Conn Jos SHne. Baltimore Mi e Monfion, Pa. G C Dresden- Pittsburg: A Child, Boston B A Oiberson. D Y JW Matson. H Y H S S Gox, Ohio Mejor Th.oB H Addickß £ & Coles, Albany F Ldhon, Albany E J Lewellyn, H Y C D Bewilly W T Poole, Wasb. D C £ W Farnsworth ft wf, Bost JT Beckwith, Hew York. M O Green, Troy, N York S M Beebler ft wf, Boston Miss Rewhall, Boston Mies Beebier, Boston L Ererman ft wf. lowa J R Taylor, Raw Y ork R E Hnlcb. hew York A Ytrnon ft la- Hew York R A Roberts ft la, H York G 31 Simonson. Row York ac mpbetift wf Jos W Meeks, New York Mist E L Meeks, New York . D A Hawkins, Sew York A Holcomb Ban Francisco Jas Myers, Columbia. Pa • J F MeJilton, Baltimore J F Mtredith, Baltimore J M Wilcox. Titursville.Pa Mss Falter ft sis. Boston W H Otis, Sew York' D c Winter, England W S North. D S A J C Headley, Massachusetts Ctpt T A Martin, New York W S Wood ft da. liter* York 0 Power, Decatnr, 111 B S Wells, New York J W Gerard, Jr, New York John Bannan, Pottsvllle Mre Schwartz, Washington A MTeil, Waferly, Pa J J Fell. Waverly. Ta J E Reeside ft wf, Wash D Reeside, Washti gton E Reeside, Washington A Y Goodman. Washington WTGalbn, USA H Rowland ft wf Mrs C W Morgan Mrs Col Abbott. N H G L t chewier. New York Mles Haroi ton. New York M P Jones, XT >3 E P Walton, Vermont 1> Woodman, Maryland EH Owen ft wf, Connecticut S L Gordon ft dau, N York H L Gordon ftla, Wash Gfraid-Cliestimt si £ Robertson P M Hunter, Norristown F F PatiersoD, Bew Jersey £ L Ktith. Massachusettß T Msttland.Fenna Jno Ki lie n ger. Barr! sburg H B Knotwell, Columbia B Borrows, New York JWBohr, U6N Lt W Mathers Fenna G W Andrews, New York W H Morrell. New Vork. J T Dixon, Dev Jersey Alfred Falkesberg A A Lovett,New York J G bnyder,New York W G Merrick, New York Geo Sherman & la,D York T Pratt,New York C F Boland & son. Lane co B *A Eoland & son,'Lane co CABaunvart, Harrisburg S Jamison, Baltimore S T Laniford. Baltimore Dad Currey, Delaware J A McFherran. USA W Harper & wf, Baltimore C Fafthild, "Wieconsin L Goodklnd, Chicago 1A Althouse. Beading B Tyson, Beading A Thompson, Trenton, N J John Foster & w. Fenna It D Crooks, Pensa Joe Tilson, Franklin eo T B Cl ate, Franklin co Bobt Beales, Pittsburg Tbot J-Striker, Trenton John FQuiig, Pittsburg Dx C McCallTim, Wash Merchants’ Hotel—Vo WB HoffniauA wf.Psnna. C B BankB,_Eo}lidaysburc M Bowen, Maryland b Wolf. Danviiie, Fa IK Adkins, Ohio EBamilton, Chicago J D Distumell. New York J Felheimer, W&th, D C j F C Burper. N Brunswick T Sanders, New York J & Shaffer, Pittsburg C T Butler, Fenna C F Jones* Fenna S M Cohn. Fenna J M Smith. Illinois A Welle, Bethle>em G V Wallace. Easton T White. Indiana co. Pa . W 8 Haven, Pittsburg A fi Sloan GAG Keck, Allentown T B Metzger, Allentown Capt E P Rhoades, USA J 6 Hoff. PoUtTille H Jones. USA F Leach, New York American Hotel—Chei A T Johnston Milford, Dei RSfcimken, Jr, & la. N J Dr B E Brown, USA Dr Wxd L Hays B B. Greer B E Haines. New York GAYoh* Bethlekem Charles St Clair John Wiley, USA D L Hammer»ley,Ba l tlmoT6 WB Thompson,Washington J C Wells s wf, Washington w Manalng Pittsburg tf Waleb,Philadelphia JF Ainsworth, Boston G H Shat'uclr, New York Lieut W H Johnson, U S A W Wigk tman, Pittsburg Geo Tudor, New York Mrs Lynch, Delaware J H Engleman. Danville, Ky J LWsggensr,Frankfort,Ky A H PhiUipi. Beading Joe W Hale, Maryland St. Leuls-Cheitnut Edw Conroy, Boston Jas H Dougherty *N York WS Flaherty, NYork lease B Smith, N York Miles L Johnson, N York . John H Zendel. N York S S Heand, N York SamiT punn, Louisvil'e Jnlm B Cook, Indianapolis S Gardner, Chicago -*■ Wm O’Conner. Ctieago Silas B Hough. PottflV’llQ Wm Ladner, FotUville John Peirlne, jr. Bridgeton J Lindt man, fil), USA A a Anderson, Pittsburg FLOsbrey, NEork 1j Urnvvener, Connecticut Mra Hutton, Harrisburg Winter, Harrisbarg CP h>eev«i A wf. California California SHijah.SLamokia Connecticut K uturg.p, Connecticut Geo H Wfcarton. N York CSf Patter,on, N Jersey J Ultick. Lnntaater. O ■rite Vnlan-Arch si H C Worrtall. Fenna 'J’letey. Hew lork Geo H Dean, Trenton JCBwller . T, Mayer, Wash, DC Wm Hall, Philada Wm H®l, Philada Mie, Mary Hanrleon, Phlla h White. Wash, V 0 ■ A S Cad wall ader.T rdleyr’le B C Che,ton & wf* HZ Q W W Yost, N J I, B Bixon. Penna Wm Oyeraker. Penna K H Cownan, Syracuse States t'oton-Marhel j B Back, Jr. York, Penna B law, Carlisle, Penna D J £yana. Ebenttmrk .1 M a cCoy, Barrlrodr* J B McFhereon. Adoaheny fl C Pease. Salem. N J J G Bays, William-port V J Swain Delaware _ Wm, Wash Pa B L Ledwith, Waynesburg . L M Byers, Maryland CPI bomaß, U 8 A I trat* above Chemnt, MF Lind. Ohio Jesse Haw'ey. Penna 1 L Paxsoa. Wilmington, Del J Johns. Chester eo G Johns, Chester ©o n u Haetings, Laueaster CO W Potts. Peonsyl/ani* M D BmUh New Jersey C MoCole. New York Commercial—Sixth si Jacob Morgan, Danville Capt P J PhUiipd.Wash, DC John Byan P TSeal, Carvenville Jas Pennock Chester ca « epowey# Wheeling, Va w Underwood. Centre co Chas Frick. Pennsylvania Isaac H WhyteTMontg co D Evans. Chester cq md Chestnut streets, H Metcalf, Pittsburg J Hooper, Boston W Qairia, Boston J P Hawes. Boston G W WoodwardftlOißansas A Gilbert, N 1 C P Gilbert. N Y Sen Coobaugh, Mexico G M Chadwick, Chicago F 7, Pierce, Breton H BFry WBMoore, NY G McK Teal, Baltimore 8 Woods, Pittsburg Rnfus Daniel, Maine T Harrison ft mo, St Louis J P Walker' R A Rosenbaum, N Jersey D T Morton, Baltimore W 5 Wyckoff, New York Mrs B F Marsh, New York J W Barton ft w£ Reading G B Noyes, New York J M Moore, New Jersey J Dunham, Boston JP Bridges, Boston W HRojme, New York J Dannenbery* California A Bosenfeld ft la, N York L C Morrell, U 8 N J M McClare, Milford. Pa Miss Bannan, Pottavllle Miss M Bannan, Pottsvllle W G Murray ft wf. N J Mrs W 5 Yandusen, N Y C 6 Winfield ft wf. Wash W J Pervin, Pottsvllle J K Brooks, Salem, ul D H Lindauer, Memphis L S Faw well, Freeport, 111 Jas MorlCy. Johnstown. 8 M Clark, Indiana Pa B Lombard, Jr, Illinois ; TL Field, Jr, St Louis C Herchehola. Dayton . Geo W Shaw. Ohio H S Munville, Wisconsin T C Bailowell, Wisconsin . S S Ebbs, Baltimore 9 J Ebbs W&shiugCon i F Adee. New York C F Warren. Cincinnati F Shroder, Lancaster M Walsh, Illinois A Vernon, Washington W Mealker, Kentucky Maj Johnson, Columbus HR Mather,- Michigan J E Barrow, Missouri H Baldwin. Sorlngfield, O D A Finney, Panna Jas K Kerr, Franklin, Pa P Kerr, Pittsburg JH Brown, Spring field, 111 W D Ward. Springfield, 111 C Bockius. PMlada i D B Brown, Phllada Jas Schreher, New York R S Mathews, Baltimore treet, Ibelovr Ninth B Newman, New York <J Cobet Now Haven Jno Marven,New Haven W Pinkerton. Boston J H »well Boston H D Martin & ia. New York Miss Martin, New York William Tillman J G Baker St la Wheeling W L DiefendeTffer, Lane co L W Nichols, Columbus. O C B Columbus. O B B Allen, Smyrna W B Cochran, Delaware Miss 8 B Cochran, Delaware Mr* L Stiles Delaware W Green, Delaware John Cochran, Delaware Capt A F Smith. USA JPDowling USA DanlFuuk, Columbus A L Anderson, Columbus Lieut Col Totten, Ohio Capt Franeit, Ohio S F Hickley & w» N Jersey C McAree, PottevlUe F B Wilson St w, N York C 8 Stone, New York D M MeCune JAG White. Osceola A L King. New York Hon <> B Porter, Harrisburg Mrs Conover, Harrisburg Mies Hmnmell. Harrisburg M Waleh, lUinoia Jas Kerley, Chicago J R Herring, Baltimore C B Crain, Pittsburg »urth St, below Arch J foster. Waynesburg T Lee. Harrisburg M R Fuller, Allentown S Solliday, New Hope C C Bonne, New Jersey L Bohrbick, Peoria, 111 L W bro&dhead A la, N J H F Powell Baltimore 8B Witler. Zaneßviile, O R McDowell. Slatington DC Green, New York H Steiner, Illinois W Bayman, Wheeling, Va Z T Galt. Sterling J Malian, New York M Bshn. Illinois R C Keyser. Jhambersbnrg G H Tome, Jersey Shore P Pefctebone. Wyoming T D Anderson, Baliimore JT Wolfe D A Taylor, New York L M Osman, Pema J B Montague, New York J F Blake, Connecticut ■taut it, above Fifth, B Bast, Pennsylvania G W Whitaker, Penna John Hower, Penna 0 EClevelaud, fiAAdl'g H Lwrini, New Jersey ' S N Strong,Knoxville,Tenn J, Lanin g, Jr, New Jersey CCYateg, Springfield, 111 HC Yates, Springfield. 11l C W Friend,Loehiand, O T B Hopper, Maryland D Kinsey. Cincinnati W A FjMockar. USA G W Wilson, USA John Brown. NeW Jersey Thos MoGowan,Neir Jersey J Boyltn.Newark, N J H McLean W C A Byer. New York G J Park, Kansas E Cooper. New Jersey Henry Jones, New York G T Mason stmt, above Third. 1 lUiog, Lancaster, 0 E Fielding, Lancaster, O M Bjquiejjk la, Pitts out g Cart J C Wiilham & la. NY Mai M J Byrne, HarrUburg Col H B Reeves. USA H B Langley, Washington Mr Thomas Sc wf. Bedrord.Pa Miss Nellie Thomas, Penna Miss Sarah Thomas. Panaa Col T P Phillebroun, Ya Capt S B Means. Ya JasAßreman Luzerne co PDHagarty, Scranton W Maxwell, jr, Chicago RBrown, Cincinnati 8 tftndelson, N York Geo W Scott, N Jersey F L Hitchcock. USA O Horten, N York 9 G*rbftreon ft la U 8 A Henry Slisrmer. USA Cant J h Sice ft la. Indiana W P Spencer. Baltimore H N Church, Taunton James Slocum J Wier, Ne# York itweL above Third. M Wikedal. Cauton, Ohio « D s ner » Soath Bend, Ind w” «S aa aner, JS Bead, Tnd p^f lt!6 7’^i a aapolie u k 5 iu f t ?SK ri6t * s^i a «hester, O AJHeeb“' , iiS dl!tni,p:>liB J H Hall. Ohio ' 6eth.C Be©water. AUlo John Hopkins. Illinois James Nauthton, Ohio Bobt Mcßride. Jas Weldon, Mansfield it street, above Sixth, . BA Fobicson, Janiata co Hlbb Jei nie Pa John Robinson, Penna Miss Clara A Robinson. Pa Wilson Laird. Juniata co Miss Mollis Laird. Penna Wm Lytle Lewi down WP Waream Lewiston John llutharsboaght, Pa J Gilpin. Maryland £ Yam oil. Chester co. Fa Barley StaeaT-Secoiu LsvtDe.n, PineVaUsy A J Lsree, povlretowa Wm Agan, New York MrrejLtvy. Wilmtaston W L Clark. New Jersey Sob’t Atklnpon, Salem. N J Rich d Simpkins. N Jersey Geo fit Forman. N Jersey fi ¥i*h, Newark Wm Knorr, Camden J B Roberts. Newtown Jas Smith, New York John Addison. Chicago W S Smith* Carbondale A J 6mith Weldon Amoe ▲ Gresg Boatlefcon Cbas Kohl. Bustleton trd street* above Race S 8 James, New Jersey Geo Brewster Jas Thompson.Newark,N J EP Lawson, J H Decamp, Easton Joel Decamp. Eiston Jones McH?ler Doyleetown Biram Cortright, Doylestn H Alter. New Jersey Miles Hugh, Baltimore Banmm’s Hotel—TlUi Col Bice. New Jersey John J Scott, New Jersey R McCall, New Jersey T Manor ft wf. New York Jackson E Sturk«r NJ 8 Smith. Penm-burg Geo D Jones, Jonesvllle 8 a Gibpou, Jonefcvllie J< bn Farquhar ft la. Mass W H Barrir, PottsvilJe H A Howard. BageKtn, Ud National—Hace 81 Henry L Roechite Thee M Fisher, USA Jos McConnpJl, U 8 A D A Yeager, Washington Isaac Feifer, Myerstown Josiah Albert ft wf. I.ew W Groff v Lancaster co E R Warlord, Doylestown C McAfee, Pottsvllle HE Singer, Lebanon co. Pa JosM&h Hearing, Reading JosMFeger. Poitsville <J Heckler. Diyton. O Sampson Pavis, Beading Jos g Mats. Armville John Roomer, Wheeling,Ya Geo Gleim. Lebanon Mount Vernon-Sccoi L H Van Yliet, Stroudsburg J J Fay, Williamsburg J G Bays. Wjljtemsburg V A Godchalk. K Bartholomew. Milton Ti Blair, Millon J Barber, Milton id street, above Axels* fas Reed. Milton W D Miller, Milton rhoft D Hoff, Milton Jacob Hauee. Milton Hiss Kane, Milton J B Taylor. H&rrUhuvg J D Scott, New Britain, Pa Madison House—Se< A H Lowber Delaware W G Townsend. Delaware Ttenry Fimmon ft la, NY T B Sipple, Delaware L B f cott. Bucks co E Htibbard, Delaware Job Silvers, lambertville iond, above Market* r Silvers, Lambertville J F Gearley, Alabama Henry Bearne, De 1 aware O E Irwin, Wheeling P Ripley, Wheeling M Melsbeiger. Tuscarora GL Haughayout.Toscarora t., above CallowhllL J Miller, Hamburg J Vanartsdalen.FeastervUie ti Yanartsdaleu, Feaster'lle Haring, SeUersville John Miller. Lehigh-co. Pa Aaron Erdman. Millerstown Black Bear -Third si NFddinger, Momg’y co.Pa Win Rrumbvck, Fxeter Cfb&eWesand, Allentown Sol Derhert, Lehich co Peter fell, Lehigh c> Benry S CreaMnaru pa John G Fetter, Fa Bald Eagle-TlUrc! si P Stewts.Bftnsalem J J Neberotb, Lehigh co D Seeues. Emau--, Pa LCMapts, Bradford co J Long. Perry co A <3rcff :eet« above CallowtiilL. G W Denorest. York H P Hert, Reading 0 Dotte, Fennsburg l Mneselman, Penna JA'Murtaugh, Gatasauqiua SPECIAL NOTICES. One Pbics Clothing, of the Latest Styles, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES, LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our Ohb~Price System Is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. deSS ly JONES ft CO., 604 MARKET Street. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. Hair Dysl Hair Dyr!l BATCBKiOB’B cdtinttoA HAIR DYE 4s the Put i% tfte Worlds The only Famtof, IVws* and BettobU Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect—ehanget led* Busty* or Gray Hair* Instantly to a Glossy BltuP or Ifatwral Bro*m t without injuring the Hair or stain [it the Skin* leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; lin earis fresh vitality* frequently restoring its pristiui color* and rectifies the 111 effects of had Dyes. The genuine is signed William A Batchblou; all other* are mere Imitations* and should bs avoided. Sold by «11 Druggists* As. FACTORY. 81 BARCLAY Street New York. Batehelor’t new Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair. ir»-ly Mason Steck & Go’s HAMLIN’S tfm CABINET OBOANS. STECK ft CO.’S SEVENTH The Popular Clothing House of Phila,, ‘•OAK HALL.” Best-class goods and moderate prices. WAN AM AKER ft BROWN, SB corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. Custom Department (to make to order) No. IS, Sixth st. The Cheapest, Simplest, and Best. Salesrooms, 704 Chestmd Street above 7th. M-A.RBIEr>. DADE—THOMSON.—In St Andrew* Church, ou the 3d imt&nt. by the Kev Wilbur F, Paddock, Francis Cad ■w?lader Dade, V S N., to Ella* F. Thomson, youngest danghter of Doctor James Thomson, all of this city. * DIED. TAYLOR.—On theSdinst., Joseph Taylor, In the 734 year of his age. Funeral services will be held at the Second Baptist Church, New Market street, above Poplar street, on Sun day afternoon next, commencing at 2 o’clock. Relatives and friends are invited to uit* ud the funeral. Interment at WoDthacd Cemetery. . ** WbELAN. —In this city, on the 2d inst., Major Henry G. Whelan, of the 6th Regiment Pennsylvania Cavalry, aged 29 years. £is male friends and those of the family, tOrfithar with the officers in the United States service on duty her?, ere invited to attend his funeral, on Monday morn ing. 7th instant it 9 o’clock, from his late residence, Ha ISC6 Vire street *** LISDSaY —On the 21st instant. Sarah the 84th y ear of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence, 652 Marshall street, thti (Friday) afternoon,at 9 o’clock, proceed to Woodlands Cemetery. * McBBNRY —On the 2d instant- at his residence, in Mount Holly, N. J., George McHenry, in the 56th. year of bis t-ire. ** PUrEY —On Fifth-day, the 3d instant, at her resi dence, in Darby, Elizabeth L. Pussy, in the 70th year of her age The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, on Second- day afternoon, the 7th instant. To meetat the house at 2 o’clock without farther * otic®. . *** MIDDLETON. —ln New York, on the Ist instant, Jane 0., wife of Spencer Middleton, formerly of this city. * BINEfeTEEL. On the 2d instant, Theodore F., BOH Of John D. and Susan Ninesteel, in the 20th year of his age. Bis relatives and friends are respectfully invited to at* te- d his funeral, from the residence of his parents. No. 1607 Mount Vernon street, on the sth instant, (Saturday), at * o’clock P. M. ' . . ** WINbLOW.—On the the Ist inst.. Ella Louise, young est d» uKtUr of Dr. H. G.. and AnnaM. Winslow, aged two years and six moa'h*. Funeral service at the residence of her parents, 224 North Tenth street, on Friday tbe4thi&6t , at 10 A.M. * HOUSTON.—After a short illness, on the morning of the 2d inst. Alexander Houston. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend ti e funeral, from his late residence, HKS Spring Garden, street, on Sixth day morning, at 9 o'clock. Interment at Friends 7 Southwestern Burying Ground. [loeWn papers please copyrl __ *** Hast. —On the Ist inst., William B. Hart, in the C2d year of bis age. His relative* arsd male friend® are respeetfnlly invited to attend bis funeral (without further notice), from hts late residence- No. 17»7 Walnut itreet, on Friday, the 4:h inst., at2P M ** RESSON & SON HAVE COMMENCED receiving their Spring and Summer Stock of MOURN ING GOODS, sad have now in store— Bluk Byzantines. EsicUeit Bombazines, “ Florentines, French Bombazines, ** Barege Hernani, Summer Bombazines, “ Crape Marets, Chally, • k Bareges, Moosselanes, ‘‘Silk Grenadines, Tamiees, Black, atd Black azu White Foulards, Ac. MOURNING STORE, felE No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. 4-4 LYONS black: silk velvet Lyons Velvet 1% yards wile, magnificent Spring Silks Stoutest Black Dress Silks. Richest Spring Organdies. , Shawls of newest styles _ fe24 EYSB ft LANDBLL. NOTICE—CABYDEBfi AND ATLAS KP* TIC LAND COM PANS —Th® Directors of the company have declared a Dividend of FOUR PER CERT, on the Capital Stock, or Four Dollars per aharo. payable to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives, on de mand, at the office, 434 WALNUT street mh4 3t ISAAC LLOYD. Treasurer, FRANKLIN LODGE, NO 134. A. Y. M —The officers and members of this Lodge, and the members of tbe Order generally, are Invited to meet at the Hall, on CHESTNUT Street, on SATURDAY, March 6th, 1864 at 12% o’clock, to attend the funeral of oar late brother. PHIL NDER REDFIELD. Interment at Honaldgon’B Cemetery, rnh4-2t» FRED'S A. VAN CLBVfi, W. M. SEVENTH WARD -A MEETING of the Collecting Committee will be held THIS (Friday) EVENiNG at S o’clock, at O’NEILL’S H iLL. The citizens of said ward art respectfully invited. It T, M.- HPBBB, Secretary. ry SAINT PATRICK’S ■ DAY.—THE jU3» eloquent Bev. Dr. O’CONNOR, (Ijtte Bishop of FitUhnrg.) Will deliver Mb interesting Lecture oa the Ipestiny of the Irish Race,”at tne ACADEMY OF MUfIC, on IHUpSDAY EVENING, March 17th. Pro ceeds in aid of a moet worthy object,-viz: the enlarge toe House of the Good Shepherd—a Catholic in stitution for the reclamation of erring females. Ticket!, 25 cents m4-2t* K^ a LE6ARON CEMETERY—ANaCAL MEkTJHO of LOrfIOLDRRS. on MONDAY Mftxch7tb. 1864 between 4 and 8 o’clock, P. M., at the Office, TIY LOM3aHD street, to elect seven persons to' serve as managers for the ensuing year. • „ „ „ JACOB C. WHITE, Praaldeat. Ctrcs B., Secretary, it» NOTICE.-THK FIRST MKKTISG of tie Corporatoi; of tie KBSOLDTE MININO COMPABT, their Articles of Association, will be held »t No. 324 WAJLNDT Stre.t, i n thS clty of Phila delphia. on the 2l»t da, of march, I£(S 1 at 11 o’clock A. M , for tbe purpose 61 completing the organization of the Corporation and transacting any other proper blsi hess. JOHN S. GB'JUr, . . B A. HOO ?EB, Two Associates under said Article*. Philadelphia, March 2, 1864 mh4 16t s9* MB. DIC Al* BOARD -HEADRCAR TBBS PbKHSYJjVANIA MILETIA, HOSPITAL DE partmext. Harrisburg, Pa., March 1. 1864. The *tate Medical Board of Poaapylvania will meet la Bhilade rl’a on THOBSPAT, the 10th ol March inst., aift continue in session at least eight days to examine candidates for appointment *as Assistant Surgeons in Pennbyivania regiments. The object Is to provide for vacancies in the recruited regiments, which may re quire additional Assistant Surgeons Pbyeiciens tn good health, furnishing satisfactory tes timonials of tbeirindustry, sobriety, and loyalty Will be admitted to the examination Tbe r< ozdb in which, tbe ex urination will beheld will be indicated in the city papers on the day of meeting By (raer or the Governor, mh2-9t JAMES SING, Surgeon General Fa l^'RoS I co c^Afr s * MSri - VASIA BAIt HrTI ;B TO STOCKBOLDER§ E^rhe A A?Bn a l 15 iS^ fiSzScnter South 6 BIRD Stiwel Plic DoLe will be open from ten o’clock A &I. until six o’clock P. M No rh»re or shares transferred within sixty days pre ceding the election will entitle the holder on holders thereof to vote. EDMUND SMITH, felB-tmh7 Secretary. LORBBRRY CREEK. RAILROAD COMPACT. —Philadelphia, Jan S. 1864 The annual meeting of tbe nockholders of the LOK BEkRY CREEK RAILRuaD COMPaNY will ba held at the cfllce of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany, No. B3T Sonth FOURTH WEDNESI AY, March 9th, 1864, at 1 o’clock P M., for Uctionol [ a Preside** and six Directors to serve t y®ar» and until othersshall be elected. ft2o-tmh9 W. H. WEBB. SocFatarv. and . .jit-mmi. Bases? rails’ MARCH,°A P D!®J^fat“o t A! 1 The Stock and Bond Transfer Books of rh A niimnn* r.V.t'lncT anclat thelrAuu fer AJtencr In th. city of Haw Tort, will be slortl oa the Ist d,T of March, at 3 o’clock P. M . closed until the i7th day of March thereafter. fe!6-tml7 W. H. BaBBBB, Secretary. VULCAN lIUIIIG COMPANY —THE If Chi Art meeting of the VULCAN MINING COM PANY, under He articles of associition. will be held on Two or the is wtatea of «ald Corporation pßzxADfihpazA* Peb.SS, m feH-Lst THE PEESS:—PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 4,1864. 1 ttrect. below Vine. John B Campbell. Back, co R Reading, tambertvllle Qeo Beading. Lambertville 0 T Beeves. New Hope 0 8 Reeves. New Hope Chas Roberts. Newtowm Mr Willard, Bucks eo Qeo Young- North Wales rheo Rodrock. Hatboro J P Walton. Blair co *eet* above Tbird. Pianos. pianos r. M. GOULD, and CHESTNUT. jy THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR fob tit n SANITARY COMMISSION, to be bold in this city in the month of JUNE nest, bee leave to announce that & PUBLIC MEETING, lnbehalf of the Fair, wllllake place at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, ON THURSDAY EVENING* March 10th* at 8 o’clock. Addiesses, explanatory of the objects of the Fair, will be made by Eight Rev. BISHOP CLARK, of Rhode Island; Rev. Dr BELLOWS, of New York; Hon. Judge 6EINNBB, of Chicago, aid others. THE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA WILL BE IN AT TENDANCE. On and after Monday next* tickets may be procured graluitcualy at the Agency of the Commission, No. 1307 Obeetsnt street. Union League House, at the principal book stores, and at the Academy of Music. mh4-6t EIGHTH WARD TO THB 19*500 CITIZENS OF THE EIGHTH ' WARD WHO HAVE NOT YET AIDED IN THE EFFORT TO AVOID THE DRAFT. Less than five hundred of your fellow-citizens, generously coming forward, have contributed nearly £20,C00. Look over the list recently published; yon Will find there the names of many ladies and old men, not themselves liable. Of the three thousand men now i-object to the draft, but few haye done anything. Five dollars paid by each of these men, or by their w ivea and mothers, would furnish the balance required, and thus secure them against conscription The names of all who contribute prior to the Ist of March, (including gome who were omitted in the list above Tefewed to.) will be pub iehed. Thus a record ■will be had of those whose patriotism is evinced by acts, and pot by words alone. • Ten thousand dollars are seeded. You are appealed to to raise it mb2 8t By order of the Executive Committee. VO THE CITIZENS OF THE SR* CoftD WARD —Prof SAUNDERS will address the citizens of the Second Ward THIS EVENING, at the ROBERT RAIKES SCHOOL-HOUSE. SIXTH Street, above Carpenter All who are interested In the Draft, and desire to avoid it. shonld be present, and with them their friends. It* CASH BOUNTY-SECOND WARD - The Disbursing Committee of the aECOND Ward are prepared to GASH all certificates of Volunteers duly -accredited to the ward. They will sit for this purpose daily from 3 to 4 P. M., at the southeast corner SIXTH and QUEEN, and would say to Volunteer®, come and get your Bounty. JOHN W. FRAZIER,) A. M. MAGGI. Jr., > Oommlttee. mhS St* M. A. HARRISON. S ELEVENTH WARD.—A STATED meeting Of the Citizens Of the Eleventh ward wid be held THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, 4tli instant, at IK o’clock, at the Hall, northeast corner of SECOND and COATES Streets. Punctual attendance is earnestly requested. CONRAD B. ANDRESS, President. Attest, Charles 8. Austin, Secretary. it* SEVENTEENTH WARD BOUNTY FUND.-rNotice is hereby given to those who have subFcrlbei to tue Ward Bounty if and. and have not yet paid their subscriptions, that tbs Block Commit* tees are duly authorized to receive the same, or any con* trlbutions by.the citizens; or they can pay at the Meet ing Jtd be held on MONDAY EVENING next, the 7th inat. »at7K o’clock, at the Harrison Public School House, MASTER Street, near SECOND. This is the laet caH that will be given previous to a grand final statement of our labors OLIVER OTTINGER, President. ANDREW McBR;DS Treasurer. M. F. Dohoheuty, Secretary. it* CITIZENS’ BOUNTY-FUND COM iQb MITTjBfi.—A special meeting of this Committee will be held at the ROOMS OF THE BOARD OF TRADE, on FRIDAY, March 4, at 12 M. precisely. Punctual at tendance is requested „ „ THOMAS WBBBTER. Vice Chairman. Lobik Blopoet. Secre.ary., mh2 3t Mw OFFICE CITY BOUNTY*FUND £9* COMMISSION. No. 412 PRUNE Street. March 2. R64.—The City Bounty Fund Commission will continue payingthe bounty of two hundred and fifty dollars to recruits, properly credited to the quota of the city, uut l further notice. By order of the Commission • mh3 R P. KINO. Chairman. THE WARD BOUNTIES —A 9ZEET BING of the Delegates from the various Wards of the city was held on Tuesday evening last. Match Ist, at the Board of Trade Rooms, DANIEL STEINMETZ, President, in the chair. On motion of Georae N. Tatham. it was Resolved, That it is the senee of this Convention that any payment whatever to recruiting officers or others, beyond the sums heretofore recommended as a uniform bounty to be paid by the Wards, is against the common interest and understanding of the Wards; and that this practice should be immediately discontinued. On motion of Sheriff John Thompson, eact Ward of the city ia requested to famish to the next meeting the fol lowing information: 1. The quota of the Ward. 2 The number of men still required to fill the quota a The number of men who have been paid, the Ward Bounty. 4 Tbo whole amount of money railed by the Ward. 5. The amount of money still required by the Ward, if any. On motion of Professor Saunders, a Committee was ap pointed to devise some plan for the pa*, ment of • he vete rans who have re-enlisted and have been credited to the city at large. A resolution proposing to solicit contributions to the Bounty rune generally, fr.-mthe various railroad com panies and public piaceß of amusement, was deferred for consideration to the next meeting, Tte meeting then adjourned, to meet attho same place, at 8 o’eUck, on TUESDAY EVENING next, the Bth Inst. DANIEL STEINMJBTZ President John K. Valentine, Secretary. mh3-2t THE UNION BENEVOLENT AS EOJIATIO.N—The Poor and the Season —On be half of the poor of the city the Managers of the Union Benevolent Association are compelled to make a tecond appeal for the season for fnnds It was hoped that -he mildness of the winter and the activity of trade would» have made a second appeal unnecessary; hat the enor mously increased cost of every article of living, and es pecially of fuel, has laid burdens upon the poor which calls for greater liberality towards them; ana our trea sury is empty, notwithstanding the apparent prospe rity abroad there is an undercurrent of suffering which 2b onr duty to search out and relieve/ The labor of work ing men is well remunerated; bnt that of poor sowing women is not, except in «pecial cases. We know oftho'e who, worninglate and early, earnbut $2 per week; who make common shirts forsl 25, and drawers for per dozen. Men control their wages by banding together •id demanding an Increase of pay, bnt there seems to ba no redress for women, who are wholly in the power of their employers. When it is asserted, therefore, that la bor is abundant, die., we point to this class of sufferers, and ask for them and those dependent upon them the sympathies of the public- The pnbllc mast be remind ed , b owever, that it is not for those who are able to labor that onr charity islntended, but for those who are inca pacitated by reason of sickness or infirmities, and upon whom the high prices work an immense Amount of suf fering- ThisoUwe *‘ we have always with u%, ”no mat ter how mild the winter or favorable the times. Xhey are mostly women, often with families of small chil dren It costs them from $8 to $lO fora ton of coal, or rather sixteen to twenty dollars, for they are compsiled to buy it by the basket, at double the common price. Our Society has one hundred and forty female visitors who discover more of this kind of suffering than they have means to relieve, and it* is foT them that this appeal is made. Our whole receipts inTmoney per annum is not overbid*t»M. similarsoei&ty in New York receives $70,C00.) More than half of this is expended for coal, leaving less than $5 000 to he divided among one hundred and forty ladies, making the annual sum for distribu tion by each twenty*five dollars, ox two dollars per month. With this these ladies relieved, last year, 4.(50 families. They made 11,048 visits to the poor. They found employment for 959 paisons. They ministered to 791 sick. They sent to school 138 children. They dis tributed 1.5 W tons of coal, 1,477 garments, 300 stoves, and kept SO women lo sewing for their store, besides a distri bution of over $4,000 in money. This winter the demand iB greater and the receipts smaller. The Society, there fore, makes this appeal for farther aid, at the close of the season, when suffering is always greatest. The collec tors of the Society, Messrs. Cooper and Evans, will make an early call npon the citizens, and they are earnestly commended to the attention of the charitable; or contri butions may be sent to the Treasurer, Edmund Wileox, Bsq,, 404 Chestnut street, or to the Agent of the Society at the Office, northwest corner of Seventh and Sansom streets. _ SAML. H. PEBEINS, President JOHN H. ATWOOD, Secretary. fe!6-tufBt rSg* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT application has been made to the T ustees of the FIE* ASSOCIATION, of Philadelphia, for the re newal of a Policy of Insurance, No. 13 4:8, for Ssno. Issued January 23. 1849. in the name of Daniel Wont ling, which has been lost or mislaid; any information thereof will be received by WM. HOBART BROWN. fe&mwM2t «*© North E.GHTEENT Street. Bg PHILADELPHIA MUTUAL REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION.—The Committee ap pointed to Wind up the affairs of this Association notify those having fully-paid Stock to present their Certifi cates, with receipt, at the Office of J 5. fcCETBfiINES, NOBLE Street, above Ninth, on or before the lßt day of APRIL next. H. VAN BUL. E SCHREINER, ALLAN W. RICHARDS, ‘ • Cnmmltta*. jeS-fbnSxn* ftgi ALLENTOWN RAILROAD COM PANT.—Pbiladelfhr i, Feb. 19, 1864. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the ALLEN TOWN Railroad COMPANY will be held at the office of the Pailadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany, No- South FOURTH Street. Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY. March. 9th, 1804. at 12 o'*lock tf , for the election of a President and Directors to serve for the cur rent rear, and until others shall he fe2o-tmh9 W. H WEBB, Secretary. TTEIRS WANTED.—JAMES OLD J-A. BaM and THOMAS OLDHAM, brothers of the lute Mrs. GARB, of Belfast, Ireland, will hear of some thing to their advantage, on applyinr to SAMUEL BLACK. No. 2 CASTLE BUILDINGS, B-lfatt. Ireland. Further particulars on application at the office o r J, H. & W. CREIGHTON, ll and 13 STRAWBERRY Street. _mh4 fit* TTIEASUBY DEPARTMENT Office of Comptroller of the Currency. , Washington February 26th, 1861 • Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that the Fourth National Bank of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly organized under and according to the requirements of the act of Congress, entitled “an act to provide a na tional currency, secured by a pledge or United States stocks, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof. ” appioved February 25th, 1863. and has com plied with all the fprovlsions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of Basking, .Now. therefore I, Hugh McCulloch. Comptroller of d 0 hereby certify that the FOURTH NA TIONAL JUNE OP PHILADELPHIA, enmity of Phila delphia, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the business of Ranking, under the act afore said. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, thiß twenty- sixth day of February, 1864. M huge McCulloch, mbl 2m *. Comptroller of the Currency. HOOP SKIRTS. 628. SPRING STYLES BOW READY. The most complete assortment of new and desirable styles and sizes of Hoop Bkirts for Ladle?, Misses and Children to be found in the city. In every respect Fjb&T CLASS We solicit an examination and com -parison of our Goods and Prices, with all others. Made at Manufactory. No. 656 ARCH Street, above Sixth fekirtg made to order, altered, and repaired, mhi fit* (TJ.ET CARTES I>E VISITS— THEY are most exquisite specimens of miniature/like - nesses, and, as made by B. F. RMMBR, they are guns of photographic art. Get them at 684 ARCH St. It* r THE MERITS OF REIMER’S 00, , LORED photographs for $l, are many and of high ’he** unprecedented popularity. Go to SECOND Street, abova Green. It* TJEMOYED —JOHN OLIVER’S EM " PLOYMBNT OFFICE r -hfts (been REMOVED to Jll3 PINE Street. Colored help for the city and conn try wanted. ‘ fe29 fit* “REMOVAL.— JAMES H. CASTLE, Ak l Attorney a»d_ Conveyancer, has removed Ms Offlas to 80. 11» 6. FIFTH Street, below Cheatnnt felS lm* TJOPS—IN OASES OF 15 AND 30 tbs, in one .half and one-pound papers, convenient for oi uggiete and grocers, for sale by RHODES * WILLIAMS. mha &OT South WATER fctreet. KEGS NEW FRENCH A Prune*. ICO bexee new French Prunes. 10 caserB-tb jars new French Prunes, Just received and for sale by • • RHODES & WILLIAMS. mb3 IQT South WATER Street. yiBGIN OIL OF AIX—THIS CELE * hrttod Ollv» OU la lmportod dlwotlj ftom Bordoaux expresaly Tor npilni ulm, - ; BHODES * WILDIAMS. OM 10T Soati W*THB 8;r«t. TO THE LADIES w. beg te inform the ladles W 6 have just received a large assortment of Courvoisier’s Alexondte’s, and Jon vin's French Kid Glove.; also, ladn,* French Beaver, with single and double hu f ton. An'&ssortnunt or ladles Buck skin Gauntlets and Travelin* Gloves on hand, of our own make. HBALY A CO.. Fourth and Chestnut Stt NEW PUBLICATIONS. JJUBINA. A NEW AMERICAN NOVEL,, JUST PUBLISHED. 1 vol. lJino. Cloth. Price, $l.OO, BUBINA is hy a New England author, and deplete the life and people of that section with singular fidelity and great spirit Readers fond of a “character” novel will find in this book several of the most quaint and effective delineations in modern literature. The Incidents are fresh; the style of the book is thoroughly yolistic; aad the story is full of a deep, human interest. For sale by all booksellers. JAMES Or. GREGORY, Publisher, NEW YORK. XTEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! WHEBH IS THE HABM f Bj- thfl author of Ch*r ley Adam*. SUH DAY-SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS. By Rev. Alfred Taylor. THE LITTLE HOVE LIBRARY, containing ten new and illustrative books for children. In paper box. LOYALTY ON THE FRONTIER; Or, Sketches of Union Men of the Southwest, with incidents and ad ventures in Rebellion on the Border. By A. W. Bishop. MEET FOR BEkVEN- A state of Grace udou Earth the only preparation fot estate of Glorj in Heaven. By the author or Heaven our Home. _ Foreale by WM 8. & aIfBRD-MARTIEN, hiM 606 CHESTNUT Street. rj-ENERAL MCCLELLAND REPORT. ■MrV HOW RBA.OY. __ The fine Edition, with his Cami>ai*n in Western Vir. giste. One vol., Byo. , cloth. Agents and the trade s applied, at 7 BOOK AGENCY, _ 33 Eonth SIXTH Street. Above Chestnut. MILUNERY GOODS. 1864. 1864. WOOD & CARY, 726 CHESTNUT STREET, STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. * P. B.—MERCHANTS AND MILLINERS are invited to examine before pnrebaalDC. a« our STOCK 18 PULL and FBICBi LOW „ mh3-2m - ■ WOOD & CAST. F. A. HARDING & CO., IMPORTS 88 AND JOBBERS OP STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, No. 413 ARCH STREET. PHILADELPHIA mh3.2m A LEX. WRAY & CO., A »39 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Importers or British DRY GOODS. HOSIERY, GLOVES. have j ast opened, in. addition to the above, a very large and vaiied assortment of MEN’S SPRING UNDERSHIRTS, conii*ting of Merino, Imitation Me* rlno. India Gauze, and Brown and White Cotton, to which they most respectlnlly invite the attention, of buyer*. fe29-lm* KETAIZ. DRY GOODS. rff THE CLOTH AND OASSIMERE DEPARTMENT will be found Harris’ Mixed, Striped, and Plaid Casaimeres; Cadet Mixtures fur boys’ tnlts, Water-proor and Colored Cloakings, Fine Black Cloths and Casuiineres, Cassimeres all prices, At JOHN H. STOKES’, mi 6 70% ARCH Street. 1864. FINTE clothing We are now prepared to show to cash buyers as exten sive a stock of medium and fine Ready-made Clothing, for Spring sales, as can be found in the United States. Bayers can save their expenses to New York, and find the goeds they want five and ten percent, cheaper in Philadelphia. An examination of our stock is solicited. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL. fell-lm if S. E. eorner SIXTH and MARKET Sta. QLARKSON & CO., BANKEUS , Ho. IMI South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. SOYernment Securities of all Issues PURCHASED AHD FOB SALE. STOCKS, BONDS, AND GOLD BOUGHT AND SOU) ON COMMISSION. Interest Allowed on Deposits, «a-COLLSCTIOXS PROMPTLY HADE. feS-lm TOHN HORN, JR, u BTOCK-COMMISSION BROKER, No. 140 SOUTH THIRD STREET, (UP STAIRS,) PHILADELPHIA. REFERENCES: Messrs,Thos, A. Biddle A Co. ttsßa.Gaw* Macalester,&Co. Messrs. S. 6. Whelen & Co. Messrs. Brecel & Co. Meesis. Buzby & Co. ._ Henry J, Williams, B«q. Alexander Biddle. Esq. I. P. Hutchinson, Bsq. G. M. Troutman. Etq. D. £. Cummins, Bsq. Jas. G. King & Sons, New York. fe26-2m pEOPLE’S TELEGRAPH. NEW MRST-OLASS . LINES. PHILADELPHIA OFFICES: No. 411 CHESTNUT STREET, . GIRARD HOUSE, MERCHANT’S EXCHANGE READ ING ROOM, s (RIGHT HARD SIDE. MAIN ENTRANCE ) : - - mb2 ot* jy-ARKLEY <6 SHAFPNER, StfCCBSSOKS TO SHAFFNER, ZEIGIiER tt 00., COSTIKOB THB WHOLESAW HOSIERY AND VARIETY BUSINESS, At the old stand, fe2B-18t* Ho. 36 NORTH FOURTH STREET. FOB MINCE FIE 3. •UHOH. LAYBK, AND SULTANA RAISINS. CITRON. CURRANTS, AHD SPICK. CIDER. WINES. dM.. tu ALBERT O. ROBERTS, Dealer In Fine Groaerles, del* Comer ELEVENTH and VIHH Streets. NEW LIGHT. Thei subßcriberswouldlnformthepublic that they hart Introduced in this city A HBW LIGHT. possessing advantages over all others in use, viz: PIG TUBBS taken by this Light are more life-like and na> tural. Children are taken almost instantaneously, say in Iwo seconds. The superior and artistic finish oithi Pictures taken by this defy competition , „ , _ WKISMaN A CO., Photographers, feBlmi t* 81SB A BOH Street 628. TTEATON& DENCKLA, HARDWARE Commission Merchants, 507 COMMERCE and 510 NORTH Btr«ets, offer for »ale: Anchor Brasd P alls ■, Plymontli Mill civets 9, Mt Cabinet Look* Pntnam'B Hone Halls; Locus s School mates. Copper, Braes, sad Iron Wire; Cotton Cards Also, a full assortment of American H&rawara. fe&emif OF REMOVAL. The undersigned would inform their friends end the Sublic generally that they have removed from their 016 land. 517 AKGH SiTeet, to their SPLENDID .NEW WAREROOMS, No. 015* ARCH STftEBT, Where they will continue the rale of GAS FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS, COAL-OIL BURNERS, Ac. HavloE associated with onr house Mr CHARLES PAGE, (formerly the Principal Deei fner for Cornelias A Baiter,) we axe now prepared to execute ordere rqr Gas Fixtures of all grades and designs, from the plainest to the most massive and elaborate, VAN KIRK <f> OO , MMffl Ho 91» ARCH STREET. fJOLDEBS OF LAWRENCE OR MEEU Issned to the PITbBUBG AHD BRIEISAILROAD CO., can )esrn something to tholradjantage by calling at Ho. 004 MARKS f Street. fe29 dt* PORTRAITS— THE WONDROUS _ Vicnrse. »ad fresh, artistic coloriur evinced In B, f. BEIMSR'B life-size photographs in oil colors and no ia any made elsewhere OUI ARCS St. It* GLOVES. IMPORTERS. CLOTHING. 1864. WHOLESALE. FINANCIAL. MEDICAL. kathairon. Kathairon la from the Greek word " Kathro.” or “ Ka tbalro.” signifying to cleanse, rej nvenate. and restore. This artlelo is what its name signifies. For preserving, restoring and beautifying the HUMAN HAIR It i» the most remarkable preparation in the world. It is again owned and put up by the original proprietor, and Is now made with the same care, skill, and attention which gave it a sale cf over one million bottles per annum. It is a molt delightful Hair Dressing. It eradicates scurf and dandruff. It the head cool and clean. It makes the hair rich, soft, and glo&gy It prevents the hair from falling off and turning gray. It restores hair upon bald heads Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful head of hair should use LYON’S KATHAIRON It la known and used throughout the civilised world. Bold by all respectable de.lers , DEM AS 8. BARNES & CO.. New York. 'IIAGAN’S MAGNOLIA BALM. This Is the most delightful and extraordinary article ever discovered. It changes the snn- burnt face and hands to a pearly satin texture of ravishing beauty, im parting the marble purity of youlh, and the distinaui appearance so inviting In the city belle of fashion. It re moves tan, freckles, pimples, and roughness from the skin. leaving ths complexion fresh, transparent, and smooth. It contains no material injurious to the shin. Patronised by actresses and' opera singers. It is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Prepared by W. E. HAGAN, Troy. N. Y. Address all orders to DBMAS 8. BARNES & CO.. New York. HIIMSTREET’S INIMITABLE HAIR RESTO KATIVE.—NOT A DTE, Bat restores gray hair to Us original color, by supplying the capillary tabes with natural sustenance, impaired by age or disease. All instanianeotLS dyes are compOßed of lunar caitMic. destroying the vitality and boutrof the hair, and afford of themselves no dressing. Heim street’s Inimitable Coloring not only restores hair to its natural color by an easy process, bat gives the hair a LUXURIANT BEAUTY, promotes its growth, prevents its failing off, eradicates dandruff, and imparts health and pleasantness to the head. It has stood the test of time, being the original Hair Coloring, and ia constantly increasing in favor. Used by both gentlemen and ladies, it 1b sold by ail re* speef&ble dealers, or can be procured by them of the commercial agents. D. S. BARNES & GO , 30it BROAD* WAY* New York. *1 wo sizes, 60 cents and $l. MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. The parties in Bt. Louis and Cincinnati, who have been cooflterfeitisg*the Mustang Liniment, under pretence of proprietorship, have been thoroughly estopped by the courts, To guard Mai»ri further imposition. I have pro cured from the United States Treasury a private steel plate revenue stamp, which is placed over the top of each bottle - Each stamp bears the/ao simile of my sig nature, and without which the article is a counterfeit, dangerous, and worthless imitation. Examine every bottle. This Liniment has been in use and growing in favor for many years. There hardly 0* lets a hamlet on the habitable globe that does not contain evidence of its wonderful effects. It is the best emollient in the world. With its present improved iugredients, its effects upon man and beast are perfectly remarkable. Sores are healed, pains relieved, lives saved, valuable animals made useffcl, and untold ills assuaged. For bruises, sprains, rheumatism, swellings, bites, cuts, caked breasts, strained horses, die., it is a sovereign remedy that should never be dispensed with. It should be in every family. £oid druggists. fe22-nrw fem&eowSro D. 6. BARBIES. Now York. CEDAR AND miow WARE. Q.BEAT OPENING OF CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY. NOW SELLING AT BARGAINS. 3.000 DOZ. COEN BKOOMB. 3. COO DOZ. FANCY PAINTED BUCKETS. I.OCO NESTS CEDAB WASH TUBS. • 2.000 CEDAB.STAFF AND BABBEL CHURNS. 1.000 DOZ. WILLOW MARKET BASKETS. 3,000 BALES COTTON-WICK AND TIE YABN. 2.000 BALES BATS AND WADDING. BETICULE BASKETS, OIL CLOTHS, LOOKING GLASSES. COED AGE. Ac., Ac. All Goods are sold at the Manufacturer’s Lowest Gash Prices. Orders promptly filled. ROWE & EIfSTON, IST and 159 NORTH THIRD STREET, mill- 2m Three Doors below Race. Oil. CLOTHS, <S?c. G. W. BLABON A CO., MANUFACTURERS OF OIL CLOTHS, No. 134 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Offer to the Trade a foil Stock of FLOOR, TABLE, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS. GREEN-OLAZED OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW mhl-2m BHADB6. QEORGE W, HILL., Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in CARPETINGS, MATTINGS, RUGS. ALSO, COTTON AND WOOLEN YARNS* At very Low Prices. No. 12G NORTH THIRD STRfiBT, ABOVE ARCH, mhl-2m Philadelphia. ARMY GOODS. JOR THE ARMY AND NAVY. EVANS Sc HA9SALL* JttILITARY FURNISHERS. 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA Banners, Regimental And GoffiP&h? Flags, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Facsants, Epaulettes, Hats, Caps, Can teens Haversacks, Camp Hits, Field Glasses, Spurs, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit [of Army and Navy Officers. A liberal discount allowed to the trade. felO-lm jpROTHINGHAM db WELLS HATS FOB BALE. SSAVT. MEDIUM, AHD LIGHT BHEBTIEGS AHD SHIRTIUGS. STANDABD DRILLS. HEAVY CAS TOE PLAHBTELB. WASH EOT ON A£>D YICTOBT CAMBRICS AMD SILBCIaS. _ BSOWMaJBLEACHED, AND COSSET JEANB. , No. IS WORSTED YARN, &c. se2ffiftf INSURANCE COMPANIES. POBMAN P. HOLLINSHEAD, A No. 3la walnut street, phil a delphia, INSURANCE BROKER'AND ADJUSTER. Marine Losaea Adjnated: - -■ Marine. Fire, Inland, ana Life Insurance effected in the most reliable Companies at reasonable rates, WITH OCT. CHARGE TO THE ASSURED. All business reiatlngto Insurance attended to promptly and carefnlly. FORMAN P. HOLLINSHEAD’B INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 3)3 WALNUT STREBT, EHILADELPHtA. Jg- nt for the following UKt-class Companies: _ HOWARD INSUBAaCECo . OF NEW YORK. (Organized 1821.) cash Capital, f-250.000. ADRIATIC TIRE INSURANCE CO.. OF NEW YORK. (Organized 18S8 ) CASH CAPITAL §500,000. COMMERCIAL FIBS INSURANCE CO.. OF N. YORK. (Organized ]Bsa) cash capital. *200,000. MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF N. YORK f Organized 1852 ) CABH CAPITAL *200,000 ALBANY CITY FIBB INSURANCE, OF ALBANY, N. Y. (Organized I 860.) mhl-12t CASH CAPITAL, *2CO.CGO. OFFICE of the union mutual Vr INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, January 11,1861 Ifotie«is hereby given that the holders of the out standing Scrip of the union Mutual Insurance Company of Philadelphia, that the Stock and Scrip holders, at a meeting held this date, resolved to extend to the hold* er? of the outstanding Scrip the privilege of converting gaid Scrip into the Capital Stock or the company, Accord ing to section 6th tf the amendment to the charter on the same terms as previously done, payment of instalment tobemadePebrnary 1,1864. Otherwise, Interest to be charted on payments made after thit date, and the privilege of conversion to cease after June cO, 1864. ial3wfm2m JOHN MOSB, Secretary. OE COMPANY, TNUT STREET. BLPHIA ND INSDBANOE JTOBfi. T7AME INSUBANC A Ho. 400 CHBSI PHILADI FIRE AND INLAI PIBSOI John W- Brennan, Robert B. Potter, John Kessler, Jr. , B. D Woodruff, Charles Stokes, Joseph O. Ellis. . BUOB. President. LiK “ Francis N. Buck, Charles Bichardson. Henry Lewis, O. W; Davis, P. 8. Justice, Georce A. West. FHANGIS N. _ . _ CHAg. RICH. W. I. Beanorabs. SmmU OECOND NATIONAL BANK OF FRANKFORD. CAPITAL *lOO,OOO. WITH THE PRIVILEGE OF IN CREASING TO WOO.OOO. _ , NATHAN HILLES, PrMldenl WILLIAM H. RHAWE. Caihlar. (Late of the PhUadtlnllla Bans.) NATHAN HILLBS “ ISMT Cf iBLES K EMHKR. GEORGE w. rhawn, bbnj. sojnjin. Jr., Bejsaw. L The efSnd NiUloMi Bani of PhLWrfphla 1, row open at Ho. 134 8^ t > for the trans ection of a General Banking Boelnui upqß tin niul nsoa dl acoeeeihle point, will bo mad, upon liberal terms. Beepectnuly, fo£«m W.hLhhaWH. GaahUr OOUSED PIGS’ FEET—IN 26,60, AND LJ ICOlb kegs. ; ’ Lamba’ Toiuroee. In 26. 00. and 100.1 b kega -Trip,, ln», 00. and 100-mhere. ForeaUbr RUODS3 A WILL lAMB, tOltotikmXm flfeWi. —DBON. Vlm Fraaldsnl nr. WANTS* A COMPETENT BASS SINGER wishes a situation Is acquainted With tin* Epia cc-pal servlet, and qualified to take charge of a choir. AddrtPs Baapo,** Box 247. agents wanted to sell the STANDARD HISTORY OR THE WAR. A rare —fel7-Im- J ° H£S - 8808 - IN A OODNTING actnis omc * __ mh2-3l* <*PJHEMICAL” —A GERMAN CHE- Ad<lre6a hehry ■»»«. WANTED, BY A WHOLESALE ▼ ▼ Boot and Shoe House, a SALESMAN, who in fluence near trade. To on© wko can. make himself uee ful a Hberal compensation will be given. Address Box 1025. P. 0.. with name and reference, mh4-3t* WANTED—A SITUATION AS OHO v v fRISTEB, or as TENOR SINGER, by a Gentleman fulW competent to fill either position. Address ‘‘ N. o K., ” Press office. mh3-3t* WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN OP *¥ husines habits, a Situation as Salesman, or assis tant Bookkeeper, in- come respectable House. Reference given. Address “W.C. E. Press office. mh3-3t* WANTED—AN ACUVE OB SPE- U CIAL PARTNER, with $lO,OOO to $l5, PO, ltt a profitable set cash manufacturing business. Address E. Y,,’’thisoffice. Tnh3 6t* WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN, . T T twenty-two years of ago, actuation, to sell goods by tan pie, inthecityand travelling. Address" J P.T,” Press office. mhB-3t* WANTED- SHABE AS A PARTNER, JL f Silent or Active, in the COMMISSION TRADB. where from $3.0G9t0 $15,(00 would Yield a good return; Produce or Shipping preferred. Apply, with real name and business. 4> Box 1226.” Post Office. . mh3 3t* •WANTED —A YOUNG MAN AS f" CLERK; a quick, ready writer, and a good pen man, a graduate of the High School. Ona who tinder s’ ands Phonography preferred. Address, With refe rence, * * Box 2714, " Poht Office. mh2- fit Wanted—a gentleman, qua - * LIFIEft to tea.Ti Infantry Tacites and Army Ke lulaHona. at an ASSISTANT INSTEtTOTOR in a Military School. An officer wnokttit ,een service- and ttioroustity posted In Gaeey’s Infantry Tactic, preferred. Apply in E.Vi'!?: or by letter enclrsiDß tnstimnnla s, to JOBS H S AOOAltT Preceptor Free Military School, No. IfS IO CHESTNUT Street. m h2 #t TjtT ANTET —AN ACTIVE OR SPE " ,Cl AL PARTNER (latter preferred) with cash capital of $25. 000* to engage in p. profitable wholesale net cash business. Address * 4 J. T. or./’Box 1006. PhUa. Post Office m2-ot* WA N TED—A LAD ABOUT FIPTEE N "" years old, in office of a Manufacturing Concern. Address, with reference and in handwriting of appli cant. Box 2018, Philadelphia Post Office, . mh2-fls* ®in nnn to invest as active Partner In an established business, Ad dress, with particulars, Post Office Boa 3873. xah3-3l* jf7F%-A MONTH!—I WANT TO HIRE VP • AGENTS In every County, at $75 a month, ex penses paid* to sell my new cheap Family Sowing Ma chines. Address S. MADISON, Alfred,Me. Cfel2-dAW3ca Cjcn A MONTH! —I Want Agents at HP'J'- F g6o a month,expenses paid, toseUmy Everlasting Pencils*OrientalEuwMrs* and 13oth.erarticU*. lftcirca larsgantjVei JOHN F. LORD, Blddeford. Me. jaZ7-2m M HOUSE WANTED—WANTED A good famished or unfurnished HOJSE, the first of April or May, for one year (bv a desirable family; no small children), location west of TENTH, and north of PINB ttreels. Address “0. B. W." P. 0., Box 2810. State terms and location. mh3 3i* FOR SALE AND TO LET. EGYPTIAN MABBLE MANTLES for sale at 88S ARCH Strati mh3-3t* f|OAL YARD FOR SALE—THE BEST fitted up Yard In the city. Capacity for doing any amount of business. Inquire at No. ©57 North N 1 NTH Street, below Girard avenue. Terms easy. fe2?-6t« TOTS FOB* SALE-LOT CORNER Thirty-third and Baring street, 178x175, havin gathrse frosts, curbed and paved on two fronts, and gas and water; curb height 84 feet above high water. L>t*orth west corner of Thirty-sixth and Sycamore street, 165x160, three fronts. Lot east side of Thirty* fifth, 160 feet north of .Elm Btreet. 100xl87>£. to a back street, curbed and paved- gas and water in front Let west side of Ttalrty fifth. 48 ?«et south of Race street, 58 feet front, e qual to U lot SCx&O. Apply to SAMUEL HUrGHINSON. mb2-Wfm2t Thirty-fourth and Haverford streets M VALUABLE CHESTNUT-STREBT PROPERTY.—The subscribers offor at prlvats sale, a property on CHESTNUT Street between Seventh and Eighth streets: 41 feet front on Chestnut street, and 178 feet deep, running to Jayne street, with the privilege of aid feet passage- way running to Eighth street. FIF TY THOUSAND DOLLARS of the purchase money may remain on the propeity a» a ground rent,or by bond and mortgage. LADMAN & sallade, 1558 SOUTH NINTH Street. mh4-tf Philadelphia, gSi TO BENT-A LARGE HOUSE, -BU-well famished, adjoining the eastern Aide of the Philadelphia Bank, in Chestnut street, above Fourth, north side, the seme being 50 feet front, with an exten sive four-stoiy Backbuildine 20 feet wide, and extending 180 feet to Banntead Place, in these premises there are fOTty will lishtfd, well-arranged, and well-ventilated rooms, of various sizes, suitable for parlors and cham bers, together with a - dining-room 100 feet in length. Thf re is also a quantity of well-preserved FURNITURE on ihe *pot. which the tenant could have a' a fair price. The advantages which this location possesses to an en tejs»rfsing p*rty for the establishment of a first-class BOARDING-HOUSE are too well known to require fur ther commendation. The house at piesent has a certain number of boarders Apply to JOHN REA, 413 CHESTNUT Street, above Fourtb, from 10o’clock A. 11 till 2 P. M. mh4-fmw3t* J| TO LET—THE SECOND-STORY a. and upper portion of the Marble Building. No 619 Chestnut street. The entire or any part of the Common wealth Building, Nr s. 611 and 613 Chestnut street. The l»t 2d, 6th. 6th, and 7th stories of the old Post-office Building, Dock street, below Third Apply to THOMAS H. CONNELL. At the office of Or D. Jayne & Son, cnh2 Bt* 55455 CHESTNUT Street. M ELEGANT COUNTSY SEAT A FOR BALE.—On the Bristol Turnpike, near Bolmesburg, about eight mile* from Philadelphia, very accessible, by'bteamboat and Railroad, convenient also to Cburchen and Schools. For healthiness and beauty of situation, aB well as surrounding advantages, this pro perty is unturpassed in the suburb* of Philadelphia. The Mac»ion, of brown stone, commanding fine views of the Delaware River, built and finished In the most thorough manner, is spacious and replete with all the modem conveniences for both summer and wiflter. The Grounds comprise about twenty three acres, beau tifully laid out, and ornamented with a great variety of old and young Forest Trees and Shrubbery. A large Carden, with abundance of Fruit, Orchard. &c. On the premises are also erected a Gardener's Cottage, Lodge, OrcbardlHouse,'Oreen House, Conservatory, Gas Honee, and extensive Stabling No expense having been spared to make Ithis, In all respects, a first-class residence. Apply to ittl-SOi C. H. MtTIRHEtD. go. 30,1 South SIXTH Street, A TO LET—A COMMODIOUS DWELLING, No. 132 North FRONT Street. Bent moderate. Apply to WJ3THBRILL & 880., oc29*tf , 4-7 and 49 North SECOND Street. lOST AND VOUXD. T OPT—A CERTIFICATE OF SPER -*- i CENT. LOAN OP STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA, for $016.05, dated March 12. 1830, No. 754, la name of WILLIAM MEREDITH. Also, a Certificate of fi-per cent. Loan of 6tate of Pennsylvania, ior the sum of $2OO. dated June* 30, 1845, No. 1452. in the name of ELI K. PRICE, administrator of William Meredith in trust. Ap plication has been made to the Auditor General for a re newal of eaid Certificates fe!o-3m EH K pane. No. 811 ARCH Street. ATICTIOM SAK-E. «V~. BAZAAR—NINTH AND SANSOM STREETS. SALE OF HOMES. CARRIAGES, Ac., On SATUBUaT MOMIHG »«1, at io o'clock' com-, Drislrg about ■* FIFTY HORSfi3. Pall descriptions in catalogues. • ALSO, Now ana second-hand Carriage), light Wagons, &c.» with which the sale wiU commence. Also, single and doable Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Covers. Whips, Ac. JW No postponement on account of weather 4®“S»le of'Horeefc- Ac., on Wednesday nest. mhB-2tif ALFRED M. SERgNES g , AastloMOf. PROPOSALS. OFFICE ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE, TWELFTH and GIRsRD Streets. - Philadelphia. March 3,1864 UaLSB PROPOSALS will be received a* this office Until 12 o’clock M on WEDNESDAY, the 9Kh inecaat. for Bupplyiag the Schuylkill Arsenal with the following articles: Canvas Padding, sample required. Cott. n Wadding, black, do do Vest Buttons, do do Pant buckles, do do Wf chine Thread, black. No 70, (1 oz.r pools.) do do White Willsroanlic Gotten, No. 24, do do Yellow Wortted Lace. M inch. do do Blank Corn. s for proposals can be had upon application at this office. Proposals must be endorsed “Proposals for Army Supplier, ’* stating the particular article ftid for , G. H CROSMIN, mh4-6t Asst. Q. M. Pen. U S A. Proposals for cayalry HORSES. \ War Department, Cavalry Bureau, Of-picu op Csikp Quahteumasthr. D. C., Miroh 1, 1834. SEALED PROPOSALi will be received At this office umSl 12 o clock M., on MONDAY. Much fourteenth (14th), 1864, for Two thousand (8.C00) Cavalry Horfes, to be delivered at Syracuse, N. Y., within forty (40) days from date of contract. One thousand (I,CCO) Cavalry Horses, to be delivered at Ogden&burgh, jjj. y., within thirty (SO) days from aateox contract. feaid horses to he sound in all particulars, not less than five (5) nor more than nine (9) years old ; from 14>4 t0 16 hands high; full fleshed, compactly built, bridle wise, and of size roffle-ect for cavalry purposes. - These specifications will he strictly adhered to and rigidly enforced in every particular No bid will be entertained unless accompanied by a guaranty for its faithful performance A®* should any United States officer guarantee the propotal of a bidder wbo should prove to be irrespenet ble, his name will be reported to the secretary of War. with a recommendation that such officer be dismissed the service. All hithlerft and guarantors will he held to the strict est accountability, and every failure to comply with terms of contract, or to make the contract when award ed, vyinbe followed by prosecution to the fitll extent of the law Form of bid and guaranty can be had on application at t> is i ffice. Successful bidders will be prepared to enter into writ ten contract*, with good and sufficient security, inline diately on the acceptance of their.bids. The oath of allegiance must accompany each bid. t , The undersigned reserves the right to rejeet all bids denned unreasonable No bid will be entertained for less than fifty horses Bids for the entire number of Horses required are In vited Payment will be made rn completion of contractor AS soon thereafter as fundß may be received. , jPropot&le iuust be endorsed ''Proposals for Cavalry Bortes.” and addressed to Lieut. Col James A. Ekin, Chief Quartermaster, Cavalrylßareau, Washington, D.c. Any furiher information will be promptly Riven oa a P _ plication to JaMBSA.BKIN. Lieutenant Color el, Chief Qnarterm»eter, m!4-9t Cavalry Bureau. J>BOPOSALS FOR BRICKS. Chief Quaktbkmabthr’b Offigbi Depot of Washington. Corner of Eighteenth and G streets. Washington, D. C.. Feb. 28.1881 SEALED PROPOSALS will be. received at this office until MONDAY, March 7th, 1864, at 12 o’clock M.. for the delivery at the BaUroad depot or Government wharf, foot of G street, in this city, the following amounts and hinds of good, merchantable BSICKS, vu* <ioo 000) one hundred thouaand hard red bricks GOO.Ott)) one hundred thousand arch bricks (100, 000) one hundred thouaand salmon bricks. amount contracted for to be et?i twenty- five daya from the date of contract. Bum .® < iual to half of the amount of the con tract wUlbe required of the successful bidder dr bidders, briiks rece * ve< * ® >p the whole amount or each kind of The bricks contracted for will be subjected to a rigid In spection before being received. . , Proposals must be plainly endorsed “Proposals for Bricks,” and addressed to the undersigned. D. H. BOOKEB, _ Brigadier General and Chief Quartermaster. fe29-6t D6p6t of Washington, D. a TRICKLES—IN 3. 5, AND 10-GALLON r t » M ‘fijHODES A WILL," a MB,"® 1 ebT BbS 1 IWSonttWMMWw* OF REIMS just received, and for sale to the trade at tha LATOTTR OLIVE OIL. _ AMUSEMENTS, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Mli. J E. MUKDOOH’B SECOND BEADING In Set air of the needy FAMILIES OF SOLDrBRS, DffTeminbt^fr» i fv on «R ftbe member* of the Special Ee lmfLcmmnUe ot the Women’s Pennsylvania Branch of UNITED STATES SANITARY COMIUS3ION, MONDAY EVENING, March 7th, 1804* fabject—PROVIDENCE AND LOVE OF COUNTRY. Including a Poem entitled GETTYSBURG, By JauKs De Baes Janvier, author of the Sentinel.” * tickets, Twonty-five Ccn s; Reserved SeUs, Fifty Centh—nsy now bo obtained, the sonth And centre nt the Academy -the north eido at AflhnmdA Kvaus’, 724 CboHlnut Htreet. “ ' mhi r ?t C,J ’ en at Wwdtog to commencs at 8. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. grand concert THREE HUNDRED PUPILS OIR1 o„ sa?u ® at l pv!®" OOLS 0F PHttA*. Uc dor the dircJtioo o 7 EVE<nKO - Marsh 5, 1861, Tickets ?S ,iO'WER. 'WER. GOULjj’S PIANO and Miraro au.m-i SEVENTH and CRESTNDT Streets JSY, on the day of the Conceit ’ ud 11 tho ACADE o4°cTp 01 m. atc>j - >a ’""■"■a*tm Assembly buildings, tenth AIDLHBSTHUT. WEDNESDAY, 9th March, 8 P.M., LECTURE ON THE HAND. Tickets at Mr. loypoldt’e Foreign Bookstore, Chestnnl above Thirteenth, or on evening at the Office. PH ESTN TJT-STEEET THEATRE. v -' LEONARD GROVER ..„iTANAGER. OBNDJNE SUCCSI-S or tb. sraat i ri ,«J.°d?a 9 4f VIVAL COLLEEN EAWK. NEXT FAMILY MATINEE ... . ON BATORDAY. Marti! sth. Wpen will be pmnMd r THE COLLEEN HAWN, ip preparation.Wcetland Mftrston’a Drama of Fare Or>ld. Attends the WALNUT.BT-BKET- THEATBE "* THIS (FRIDAY) EYENINO, March 4 MEAT BENEFIT IK BUR NATIVE CITY of the young, charming, and var«atll« actress , ETTIB HENDERSON, ' on which occasion aha will anstain six different charac ters, introducing, for the first time in this Theatre on the same evening, two entirely new PlaT—the heantifni Irish Drama of KATHLEEN MaVOUKNEEN, aal the new Protean Play emltled the ' 01 180 _ „„ STRATAGEMS OF AN ACTRESS Box Office open from o till N. Doors open at 7 o'clock. M BS - JOHN DREW’S NEW ABOUt ATX THKATEK v BENEFIT op MRS. JOHN DREW THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING. Mswh 4 18J4 A BOLB SrROKE FOR A HUSBAND ' Donna Olivia Mm . John Drew Miss Josephine Henry To conclude Trith the laughable Comedy of U<i ' „ MARRIED LIFE. Mrs HenryDoFe e-Mrs, John Draw. Mr. Henry Dove stnart Robson A GREAT BILL FOR SATURDAY NJGHT Prices as xuenaL Curtain rises at 7 K o’clock. rjONCBBT HALL—<3 OTTS OH ALE.—* MAX STRAKOSCH respectfully informs the pahl to that . MB. L. M. GOTTSCBALK will uve in milailblpMa, prior to Jjig departure for - 00 NOB STS. on MONDAT and TUESDAY EVENINGS. March 7th when the Ard the yoniig and highly talented Violinist. 6IG. CARLO PATTI, Mr. SIMON BASSLKR. Viola, and Will assist Mr SSfsSS."' 6 * HMITZ ' Musical Dilector and Conductor 8 Behrens. Admission, SC cents Reserved Seats 53 cents extra. Seats may buseenred for either of the two 0 ncerts at J. B. Gonld s Music Btote, cornor of Seventh and Cheil nnt, commencing Friday morning. March 4th, at 9 A.M. Doois open at 714. Concert to commence at 8. mh2-6t T7LEVENTH-BT. OPEBA HOUSE. - 1 - 1 "THE FAMILY RESGRT ” m OABNCROSS .HD DIXBY'd MINSTRELS, THE GREAT STAR TROOPS OF THE WORIiD. 1 In their SELECT ETHIOPIAN SOIREES. Splendid Slnsinjf, Beantlfal Dancing, Laughable Bar leaguer, Plantation Seines, Ac.. Ac., by tWENTY TALENTED ARTISTB - a EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. Tick#te26cen.te Doom open at 7 o'clock. JeV7-3m J. L CARN GROSS, Manager T’BE GREAT PICTURE - 1 - AT CONCERT HALL LECTURE ROOM Tor a Abort season comMuroiiro mmsi n w* J. Jnsco WJiiiami’ celebrated PANORAMA OF THE.BIBLK. This is the most complete and finished Patnt'ng of xb« Sacied Scriptures in the world, comprUicgorer fiftr of tx.e znoit SUBLIME AND THRILLING SCENES Of the first three thousand years of Biblical History, forming altogether one the finest exhibitions of theagt OP>N EVERY EVENING at half past 7 o'clock Admission 26 cents. N. B. Matinees on Wednesday and Saturday atur noons, at 3 o’clock. Admission for Children 16 cento. THE INVENTOR? OP AMERICA. A , BY C. SOHUSSBLL, and TRITE’S DERBY DAY. PAINTINGS qJ Jlie day, ON EXHIBITION FOB A SHORT TIWB. AT EARLE’S GALLERIES, _ BIG CHESTNUT STREET. ADMISSION TWEN TY-FIVE CENTS. fel9-l* the wont, in* trotting fJERM ANIA ORCHESTR A.—P ÜBLIO REHBAKBALS every SATURDAY, * t S o’clock, P. M » at the MUBICAL POND HALL. Single ticket* tt cent*. Packages of six ticket*, $l. To be had at AN DEE’S. 110* CHESTNUT Street, J. E GOULD, Sl* TENTH and CHESTNUT, and at the Hall door fe2Mf PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF 1 tHE FINE ARTS, „„ . , 10»5 CHESTNUT STREET. OPEN DAILY (Sunday, excepted) from 9 A. M. till i <Jmic6loH 25 confe. Children half price jaZ'l-tr MILITARY, S ARMORY WASHINGTON Git AYS, March3.lB64 —The Corps will assemble at the Armory on MOND4Y MORNING 7th Instant, at 9 o clock to attend the funeral of Major H O, whelen. By order of . F. H. RALSTON, Lieut. Commanding. A Robert??, 0 8 mh4.3t* S ARMORY WASHINGTON °EAYS, March 3,1864.-A Special Drill or the Corps will be hold at the Arary on SATURDAY EVE MING, atB o’clock Hy order of F. W RALSTON, Lieut. Commanding, A. Kopebts, O. S. , . mh4 if S GrENEBAL RECRUITING OFFICE. Oil CHESTaUT Street.-BEtißtriTS WANTED for all the gallant old Cavalry, Artillery, and Infantry Regiments, now Id service, raised In this State. A limited number of Men ctn yet be enlisted for the 2d ARTILLERY, P. V., stationed in the fortifications for the defence of Washington, and for the 3d ARTILLERY, sta tioned at Fortress Monroe, Va., by applying at this office immediately. ALL THE BOUNTIES GIVEN! City, and ft2s Ward Bounty, cash in hand. Advance Government Bounty paid before leaving the city. CPAS. H. CADWILLADER. Captain 2d Artillery, U2th Regiment P. V.. in 1)3-2,* General Recruiting OfHcer. SI TO HOUSE! TO IJOHSEI Sghn QOVERNgJtey BfIWITrES EXTENDED. ..‘I’l'SV, CUT AND WfSD PAID. A ****** Men credited to any township or county. Apply immediately to Captain S I). FSAffaMH-, Fecraittnff Officar Wo. 132 South. POUa?H Street. B?1of Chestnut, Z.EGAK. I ETTERS TESTAMENTARY ON THE - L; fE«tate of CATHARINE A. 6TNCLABK, of the city of Philadelphia* deceased, having been granted to the. nndersisned by the Register of Wills of tbe Coanty ot Ptiladelphia, all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to make payment, and tho>e having claim* or demands against the same to present them without delay to , CHAR .88 W. ARNY. T»h4«f6>* No. a4:6 North THIRD Street. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR *- THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Estate of WM. BBNBY CHARLES BOKLEN, deceased. Tbe auditor appointed by the court to an lie, setU. and adjust the first account of GEO. K ZIEGLER, Executor of the last will aud testament of WM. HENRY CHARLES BOHLEN, deceased, and to report distribution of the ba lance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the par ti** interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on THURSDAY, March 17to 1664, at 4 o’clock P. M , at bis iffico. 8 E-corner of SIXTH acd WALNUT S iu the city of Philadelphia. I>. W. O’BRIEN. trh4 fmwfit . Auditor. COPARTNERSHIPS. riOPABTNBBSHIP.—THE SUB. SCRIBEES have tills, elrhfh day of February, IS6L entered into Coparinemi>lt», nadar the name and style or BFNNBTT & SNYDER, for the nnrpose of transacting » WHOLESALE COMMISSION LUMBER BUSINESS. J. F. BENNETT & J. F. SNYDSB. Office 539 COMMERCE street. HOTELS. JUNES HOUSE, HARRISBURG, Pa., CORNER MARKET STREET AND MARKET SOPSJtI. A Aret-clua hoax Terms, (3 per day. NOTICE. THE PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY Will ruinw their regular daily trip* between Phila delphia and New York ON MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1804. Freight received at MARKET STREET WHARF, Phi ladelphia, and foot of WALL STREET. New York, and delivered in either city in TWENTY. FOUR HOURS, Goode forwarded with dee catch to all polnte free of commission. The facilities of thla Company are such aa to lnenre shippers superior accommodatlone and reasonable rates. WM P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH DELAWARE AVENUE Philadelphia. JAMES HAND, Agent. . No. UT WALL STRBBT, Now York. WILMON WHILLDIN, President. mhlStr LANCASTER COUNTY £oLZAGAINST THE STATE FOR GOOD BEEF.- *u»f t ALE. in the stalls of the Subscriber, iu FIFTH* b7REET MARK ST. tfie beef of two very »ne«e#ra* WeiKbiHßS\£96 pounds They were raised aad fed by LEVI W. dKOFF. of Pa. mm* PR. FINE, PRACTICAL PEN. WBo? TJST for the last twenty years. AIOIVINB 81.. below Third, Inserts the most beaatlfal TEETH of the a*e, mounted on fine Gold, PlAtina, SUyerg Vulcanite, Coralite. Amber* • atprieeß. for and nbstaiittei work, more reasonable than any Dentist In this city o» State. Teeth plugged to last for Ufa. Artificial Teeth retired to snlL No pain In extracting. All work war ranted to flt Wafarence. pam! fantllut ivl-ftm CORRECT PIaNO TUNING!, YT Njf * '-*£• 0 A SARGENT’S Ordera (hr Tuning and Eepstring Pianoeare received at MAE On * CO. f Store, HOT CHBtfrMOT Street, only* Mr. a hashadslavanTaara’factorvcipcrlanc, ls So*. ‘"ffofSrat" 15ffi5£ wspioymentin Philadelphia ■ SPECIAL—FIanoa rclfrithered to Bound aa aoft ana •waat-tosaduuw. wSthoui vmmin*. T»rp>» for Tnnlpg, W •aiw TUMELLE’S COMPOUND SYRUP OP V DOCK is nicoeulhl aa a remedy, bacaoae thou who on it pronouns, it the but ... • COUGH SYRUP, the boat Blood Purifier, the mostefflolent Inviforahw. “s? fPt eureforSsrofolaeveroflhred totbenubile. BoU by the proprUtor. ■£££?s&. delflSm. ABdUl Drum*. mh4-faw3t* 0. H. MANN.