arrivals at the hotels , TWELVE O’CLOCK LIST WIGHT. a! -g MOiark. New York 7 ha e H file grouts, B York . B Brower. Washington TFhos A Ba’e. Baltimore Mrs Col Mer A da, Wa*h»J> C BBFry HH Murray Bon T M Howe Mr Welle G G Buntt, Perns? lvania w C Gallagher. Pittsburg Jas P Varner, Pittsburg Girard—Chestnut si Dr W 8 l?oit, "OSH JJPharo. Few Jersey C Wcolton a la John Eellof Detroit *W P Bacon, Washington Isaac B Biller. Springfield B W Biller Springfield ' J S Baltimore 3> Hiller, Baltimore Thos Yost. Baltimore JCouUou, Baltiuioie 5T Ber^ay,.Baltimore 3 It Taylor, Baltimore 3D W Stone. Michigan £ C Bartholomew, Michigan 3s S ATXDstiong, Washington John Trumbull. Ballimre : Sami Cassiday, Louisville • 32M Clark; Rew York 3> Flemirg, Hairhburg JFBrm Kew Jersey C B Grubb, Lancaster IHrs Simpson, Penna Lieut W B Monuon, USA \V B 6sovc«a 3 0 Grtve, Danville Jag "Watson Gapt £ fcxiglsn, IT S A Capt B L Stone. USA Trank B Davis. USA ; CSStone, Few York \. 3tfrßancoiu, X> W Woods, Ltwlstown HP Bindley, Hew York S Marlin, hew York John Smith, Few. York J Gill Ala. Ohio SPoaiiethwate. Fensa JFRopr. Jr, Fenna 33 Strrthera. Franklin co J&b Mathews, CumVd co J McLaughlin, Portland - IR D Lafoxt, Bedford co 31 Towntonc, Pittsburg J L Wayne, Jr, &wf, Cin, O ffm Montgomery HI E Kennedy, fi ew fork P Duffy, hew Tork J Boyd. Penna AT Feckbam,lffeirport,R 1 IF T Patterson, Wash.D C W Withers, Baltimore Mrs Thos E Pottsr.FMla Thca G Potter, Phila Chas Boscherer, USA J BEerr. Baltimore | I Merchants' Hotel-Ic S L Turner, Princeton J H Hart. Princeton "WmPean Kesraik, Del S Brest, hew York Okas Matthews 31 Morten & wf, Few York .JEhein, Newark, 2fJ W W Jones. Indianapolis HByan, Providence, BI A. Hants, Memphis • I» Eauii&sn. Memphis Ja, L Beta, Wasftington £ F Bneerlnyer, Illinois 33 J Harris, Ballsboro J C Weaver. Lancaster, O John H Withorow, Penna Henry Cope. WelUville, 0 SS Black. Ohio A Slack, Allegheny City Prank Peck, Allegheny City A P Bennett. Elmira, a Y Ji-JS. Hemstadt, Hew York • jL B Hrtlman _ .. . £ M Wash! urn. Pottatowu ■WSBirdiail. Hdnetdale A Hawley. Money Pa S Greenbsum, Burlington Capt”E P Fridley, Ohio J F Seale 318 Winner, Sterling. 11l Jas Bleakley. Franklin, Pa Jas Allison. Pittsburg G Mayer, Hashville P D Mateos. Oxford, r O Hotel —Chei EStanwooa Eew York 33 C Bidale, De.aware James Watiin CSt Clair , DrHßKobif>» Washington A L Bmhe, USA J JI Bead, Boston r x Stnppy, St Joseph , B Hafce, *ew Yora , , James J£ Bew Tots. XMoeely, Eewjora js Sevtoiab. Biddeford, Me J O Parian' Portland. ile J Fla«k. Jacksonville JFnngan , Geo Orr, Mancl drank "W Walters Munch Chui li ;ja* Geddes.’Maucli drank F irn-ond. Winterport, Mo A W Frick & w, Philada 3 F Taylor. Minersville, Fa 3tK Howell. Syracuse F J Walt. .Payton 2£ Kemper, Baltimore AWetheraon. ÜBA X M Htioi*, Kuosynio. Ten X T Wattle. Snow HI 1 St. loiils-Chcstnut J A CanslsK. Kew Jersey Boben B Potter. New Jersey <3eo W Moore.&ew Jersey J Williams , r . Ju S Hanning, Baltimore Geo J Pft Costa- Mass Geo T Giant. Georgetown J W Bayard. New York S Longley. Cincinnati, O W Laybolt. Zanesville. O SM Titus, Columbus, O M C Stitlow. Fort Wayne Q Jnstice & wf-Willlamsp’t Michael Bane. Pottsville S P Cnstie, Pottsville W b Ackley. Bridgeton Chas Murray. Elmira Silvesterßauan, Beading J H Smith, New York B Haines. Jr, Hew York T S Treadway. U S A. H Broadbent, New York G W Wilton j a Haynes She a HU Hadfield, N J g? J Wood, Hew Jertey Capt E S Tolbot. Alex. Va CaptS Gilders’eeve.BrooVn Capt John Ksfcn, Brooklyn John C Coleman, Toronto * Tbc l T nioii-Arcli s G M Auihenbaagb, iPenna 3 Lukens Joshua Barker JMHeoffstoi, Pittsburg Hiss Starr, Borristown C Gerber. Lima, O John Carmack. Illinois Geo W Fuierbaugh. Illinois Z G Husgrave, Pbtta X T Zneb, Lllnois Wm Henry. Hew York James Love, Hew York *Wm J Champion. Waah.BG ■Thoe Champion, Phil a Commercial-Sixth si 3 B Painter, Washington 3> H Missimer, Pottstown John Nugent, USA B B Worts, USA WmH Xder, Maryland _ Capt J H Borteo. AleX.Ya Xient M B Hope, Alex.Ya Ziient C M Edg_erton. Pa CP Thomas,WUm. Del 3 B Bonghman, Wllm. Bel Geo rierson & la, N J OH Searle Jas W Crawford, Penns States XXm lon-Maxkei 3> IxorJ. Elitcm. M 4 I BtrsEWMarvin, N J 3 6 Thorn New Jersey J M French, Sew Jersey klyn Thos Dunn. Brooklyn y Cowan, Brooklyn w t Anderson Chester co j A Ho, brook, Penna WB Harrington, New York A Given. Indiana If at i on al—Race gti J WBicfcardfon, Penna AlexW Belfadge.Bethleh'm John Sorrul. LambertrlUe JBenryL Bossbell ■VT HRaynho , _ Be»j WJfOOMI*I*. KJ HB Buihes, Orangeville BaldEagte -Third str John 8 Wright. Hillboro W Beane, Backs co, Fa Chas Beane Backs co, Ps Bn D Beans, Bucks co. Fa A WaJp. Bucks co. Fa 32 HftP*, StUrtewn * Jas Warner, Mauch Chunk 3J K Briggs, Mauch Chunk P PMuih earn, H Chunk -J5 McCance, Mauch Chunk AlezJohnst n, M Chunk J C Zane. SeiersviUe •BdwßAlthome. Selersville -fi Lynn. Mauch Chuuk Madison House—Se Chas Jenney. Penna •Chas Wtiiard, Newtown 11WA*’ Jc, “’ - JR B Morton, Mifflin co \D Printz Mimic co W 8 Eaxton, Mifflin co .J Williams, Mifflin co . Jae P 'Williams, Mifflin co "Mark Will tame, Mifflin co 35 A Smith, Lewisboro BB Splggle. Lewlaboro 3_ Pitch thorn. Letvliboio 'Sami Greer, Lewisboio Barniun’s Hotel-Thl f c Klnaly, Eaeton H Wilson, Easton J Donnelly, Harrisburg Chas West. Banlsburg J L Gordou.Trentoa 'W Hughes, Trenton j Bstahrook & wf, Maas L-kv«rts. Chesur ■B T Hall, Maryland Chas Brswster, Hew York •Henry Dehart Black Bear—Third. si John G Wenner, Key West Jas Gened. Key West •Chas Roads >outhampton Oto Nagle. Newtown W TinpmaD, Durban A Liubacb, Durham <7hM*h9enßS9r'42i9iltow» ind Chestnut streets. W A Reed, Tennessee E D Reed, renue»ses Tilly Haynes Maas C D Bides. Portsm utb., 0 John G Martin. Lancaster WAK“i M y.B.ootlyn \B Howland,, Brook »yn A J j>an*els. Now York C B Wells, Covington, Ky John L Shower, Kentucky ty j Howard, Central City B A Bidlack. California JSEmMb, USA, , Cant W H StotMnbKti.CSA C K. Laverty, Haw Jersey Alex Strong, Boston T S Tonng, Albany E W Griff an, Albany M L Bead, New York 3 L Konkins, Oswego, N Y Mia* H. M Rankins, Oswego VPin King & 1&, Oregon. SH Gregg & sou., Oregon Wm Kelsey St dan, Oregon. * A H alien, New York H C Pratt & wf. New York S M Whitney’& wf. Bath. W Watts. New York Mrs S A Jackson, Boston C W Smith & wf, New York G H Jeoney, Boston Wm Welsh, CkUlieoth.e, O l FLtng, Lancaster J Eckert, Reading WW Fisher, Paris. Ky B N Gambrlll. Baltimore HStadlmair, New York „ HH Baxley. Meadville,Pa HABagley, Meadville, Pa ThosH Bodge. Ma-s Rufus B Long. Missouri A C Tiffc. NflW Tork lI T Hostel Boston tTu-. \y h fontagg -* wf, N York KfiJi ilo & w/. N York j K Williams __ , Geo Thompson. New York G H Peck John btillman, Jr Mjiae. Cincinnati J? Mouttnoilen, Jr, Las. Ky .1 Ben&euduiT, New Fork W Perbeiick.Port Kemedy Ge>'* b Blanchard Ky J M Kawlins & wf. Pariersg Mis* A Waitt. Mass H OnnhaT, fittsbnrg W McKessimc, Pittsburg WFauiie't-. Baltimore G W llntfisagle, Penna Aug ferrous a, Penna J Smith & wf- Milton Jas M Pettit, Baltimore 8 Jones, Baltimore W Kine & wf, New York ~ W T Morrison. Moutg’y co MR Kr.nst Comb'd co H C Mcllveene, USA i Wm M Gallaher, Pkila 0 P £ Bennett Mr and Mrs Thompson M Sale. New 2ork [ A S Alston. Davenport Ales Moorhead. Wash, T> G J B Carpenter, Pittaton B GlasviAKer. Penna John Young- Peana Wm Moore, Penna Samuel Phillips, Baltimore ►urlli StjlJrtowArcli. l£Jj MerrimatJi Wiikesbarre J B Stark- Wilktssbarre fH Wolf. Carbon T B Creviing. Carton Jos W-Eabody- Carbon G D Gillespie. D S A C White, Rochester A. F Grassly. Jacksonville J Paetorius, New York K A Grider, Bethlehem H A Aechternacht, SI York S H Aldridge, Jr- Md JasPit2patrick IT 8 A JK-eley, Chester co DP Hobart, Potatowu Jacob S Frank BMBoab Nathan StTouse L Ell- Hopkinsville C B Earley. Elk, Pa D Hah an Harrisburg H H Sayles, Harrisburg DrCB Butler, Cleveland Jos Rex. Harrteburg D Ben singer, Harrisburg J Brady, darrirtarg M Simon. Peoria* Id M Oppenheimei, Freeport,li Jos Lou-chtslm. Pittsburg M Jenkvds, New York 8 Horshbart, New York G R Edwards, Illinois G Wharton & la, Penna P Brady F Dunderdals, Port Mifflin T H Palmer, Port Mifflin T Randall j S Guoumaham. Baitim’e G W Palmer, Wilm, Del JET Ryan- Trenton, N J Tf omas M Henderson CL Js Ander&on BI) Hardey S D Elfelt, St Paul, Minn 0 Kttbura i R Kiuglae, Brooklyn Frank Kraus, Brooklyn W G Klexbm. Chester, Pa' Chas L Colt, Washington L L Adame, Jacksonville i I, Flint, Rhode Island W H Snowden, Penna street; above Third. Ed tv Coleman, Toronto Capt T K MeClare*. U 8 IT Client B Hardsell, U S N J C Hcylman, Philadelphia L 8 De.aplaia, Wheeling . Wm Nelson. Jr, New I ork A 0 Ta'es. New Toxic James Malford New Jersey Joimßughe*. Jersey City Isaac B Smith, new York J Sharp. DBA __ V McSweeney. New York C L Morton. Gettysburg Tbos L Martin. Maes J L Simpson. Wyandotte Jas C ThMnpson, Shftmokiu T P Thompson, New York D F Fairchild Leaven Worth. Alex Fairchild. liEavenir'th Major M j Byrne. USA Geo S Handley, Maryland J A Mason. Ohio Ci C Grant A dan. Keokuk John Y Mi>rley, Milwaukee H M Webb, New York S Young, Columbus, O J Dougherty A wf« Norrlsn Kiss 31 HBougherty.No’wn J Z Jndscn. Louisville, Ky itreet, above Third. B W Dunbar, Wash.DC Capt J M Blackburn* Ohio Mrs Starr & niece* New York 33 rs Stoddart, Pittsburg T T Monsieur &w U Fenna H G Dennis, Chattanooga Thos Paris*. JTaw York Albert Mory» Dayton, O A H Borente F J Schoch« Ponna John G Conrad, Jr, Ponaa Sami Schuck* Bedford John Field & wf Fenna W H Field, Fenna. reet) above Chestnut. C H Bawley, Memphis John Simmons* Pottsville 1> H Hiller* Huntingdon W Danforth, Boston J 0 Bender* Wash, D C John M Dickson H C Allman, Baffclo BWilar ' R Loulhood __ Joe O Wallace, ZTewark, O H Faige. Warren, Fa Sami Bxnitb. 0 S A Louis Slmtoie, Pittsburg :t street, above Sixth. JW Bloom. Martlnebmrg S ACriste. US & T U Parker, Penn* W H Fairbanks, Baltimore Lieut M Kelly. USA T A Sloanaker. lowa D L Coyle, Penaa R W Jarvis J Pincua. New Jersey SB Sice, Hew York Wm Summerville, N T Ii £ Atbiosoo, Pdaaa W W laws, J)eUware reef, above Third. Sami Acbenbach, Jr, Pd, Henry C Coaiior, Penna W W Peters, Allentown J I. Bose, Leh&non J Silleman, USA J Robison, Uni 'eet, above CallowhilL J Weyliflnmarer, M Chunk ftobt Muore. Maucli Chunk John Steatite*, M Chunk J 8 Seitzel, M D- Clinton co Mrs Shearer, Clintoneo A M Groom, Mauch Chunk Ilßicaar«is * Jff Bristol A J StarUiur, USA Mrs A Obariy. USA Peter Miller • MissENace 4 Richards, S Easton B Cobber, Trapue, Pa W H USA tondy above Markets Chas Stahl. Lewisboro^ 6 B Marks & la Lewlsboro W 8 Boron. Alabama 0 T Johnson & la, Alton*!)! W H Morris, Hannibal, Mo A Davis, Sa;etn, Pa F£ Woodruff L W a mas DT Quick OH RWgely &wf. UYork H Bradish, Mass Jos X Walton, Mrondsburg WJL Sell. Lewiatown Ird street, above Race. J S Hildebrant, Penua AC Wortbingtou A wf John Wilson Maryland Joel Wilson, Maryland Hennr Wilaon, Maryland JI McCormick, Addison Job Cahill. Easton n n Baltimore U Hooper, Cheskar J Gordon, Hew York *t. * above Callowhin • ?&?***' Allentown t JS. e .V m i?' Sailersvllle i^ftaESSSK* SEMasafejSfr i C flfcttkni' it street* below Vine. J W Amer, Wayne co J M Gnigai* Wilkesbarre A Griffin. Penna D M Bnvder, Penna Lewis Walton Thos Walton Thos Corson. U B A 1 PWalton, Oarversvtile G W Daryea A son Baxley Steal"-Ssconi WmDariMnjl Cheltenham tefflss&stfsr G W Huffnagle, Penna S Stees, Penna T Murray* New Hops h Harper, Fox Chaee B 8 Ely. New Hope _ John P id cock, Hew Hope Mount Vernon—Secoi G Monroe* Pottsville OEglceton, New York O Troicpson, Maucn. Chunk RRBoyd, USA .T Green A la, Delaware W B Jenkins, Dover ad street, above Arch. Frank Holmes 0 Cross J G Gow J B Martin G DYoong. New Jersey W H Wagner, Penna SPECIAL NOTICES. Coughs, Colds, and Consumption. — Thirty years 1 experience, and the testimony of thou sands who have heen cured by Its use* prove that JAYNE’S EXPECTORANT Is, without exception, the moat reliable remedy in the world 0 * ASTHMA, BROHCHITIS, CONSUMfTioN, pi.kdr'st. CROUP, WHOOFIfi-e cough, ePITriNG OF BLOOD, and all PULMOHAEY com plaints. Here Is a por of Protestant Episcopal Church, 'coae nE .Pti _ Lieutenant Colonel LOTJIB WAGNER, now in com* maud of William Penn, Ghelton Hi‘ls,Pa. .writes: “For Coughs, Colds, Ac., the Expectorant has always proved a certain cure. ” Rev. Dr. DOWLING, of New Tort, writes: “From my own experience* I believe the Expectorant to be one of the best remedies for Couchs and Colds. 1 * Mr. SAMUEL C. DAWSON, of No. 1317 Clarion street, Philadelphia. ea?a: “After suffering for months with Bronchitis* I am happy to say, by the me of Dr. Jayne’s Expectorant* I am once more like my former self, ” Rev. L. J ROBERTS, the well-known Chinese Mis sionary, writes: “For Pulmonary Complaints I find the Expectorant invaluable, always easing the pain, and teaming the symptoms. 1 ’ Mr. C. T. POOLER, Superintendent of Akron Schools, Ohio, writes: “ in three days the Expectorant cared me of a long standing and troublesome Gough.” W. C. FISBEB, of Weston* Spalding, Lincoln- England, writes; “ a little'nephew of mine was recently thoroughly cured of the Whooping Cough by Dr. Jayne’s Expecto rant” Rev B. F. HEDDBN, of First Baptist Church. Cam den, N. J., writes: " Tour Expectorant has completely cured me of a severe Cold, and entirely removed the accompanying hoarseness.” - , Mr. ANDREW GOWANLOCK, of Bayfield. C. W.. Jayne’s Expectorant has effectually cured me of a v.'olent attack of Inflammation of the Lungs ” JOHN SABKIMAU* Esq., of Stewartstown* N. H., writes: “ One of my children obtained immediate and effectual relief from an attack of Croup by the use of Jayne’s Ex pectorant,” Rev. A. WIBEEG, of Wi; tenges, Hanover, writes; “A friend, who was troubled with an obstinate Corgh, accomianied by Spitting of Blood and Hectic Fever., has entirely recovered his health throngh the use of Dr. Jayne’s Expectorant. ” Mr. JOHN VANWORT, of Aurelius, Mich.* writes: “After suffering from a hard, racking Consh, until I was thought past all cure. 1 tried Jayne’s Expectorant, after using two bottles of which I frond myself well* tough, and hearty. ” Mr. C. W. WHISTLER, of Mercer county, Pa., says: “Your Expectorant has entirely relieved me of a very painful Gough, accompanied with Sore Throat. ” Rev. Dr, RUFUS BABCOCK, formerly President of Watexville College, Maine, writes: * 1 *1 he Expectorant I highly esteem as a safe as well as eminently beneficial remedy. ” Dr. D. O. GASK3LL, of Milton. Nova Scotia, writes: * 1 The Expectorant I believe to be about the be*! medi cine in use for the diseases for which it is recommended. 11 Rev, J. J. WALSH, Missionary of Presbyterian Board, Futtpguch, India, say s: “It is within my knowledge that Dr. Jayne’s Expec torant has been the means* under Providence, of curing a care of Incipient Consumption.” Mrs. HANNAH J. PUGH.ofTurman, Sulti vaacemuty, Indiana* writes; * ‘ After Buffering for some months with Consumption, my case being pronounced hopeless, I was eventually restored to good health by persevering in the use of Jayne’s Expectorant. ” The EXPECTORANT, and all of DR. D. JAYNE & SON’S FAMILY MEDICINES* are prepared only at No. 3£3 CHESTNUT Street. feW*2t Kendall’s Ahbolinb, FOR THE HAIR AMBOLISB MOISTENS. BEAUTIFIES, ODOBATES, LENGTHENS, INVIGORATES, NOURISHES* reMttUT.T.TSTTM THE HAIR. A PURELY VEGETABLE COMPOUND* made entirely from stimulating extracts of - ROOTS. HERBS, AND ELOWERS. Prevents the hair falling out or from turning prema "tirely gray. Ladles who desire a luxuriant head of hair should not fail to give the AMBOUNS a trial. Price 91 per box, containing two bottles. PKSPARSD OXiT BY KENDALL 5 GO., 806 BROADWAY, New York. AGKJTTB DT PHILADELPHIA, JOHNBTON, HOLLOWAY, & COWDEJT, Vo. 23 North SIXTH Street One-Price Clothing, op tee Latest TTIiBS, made In the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL BALES. LOWEST Belling Prices marked in Plain Figure,. All Goods made to Order warranted latisfau. lory. Oar Oke-Prioe System 1, strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. de23 ly JONES it CO.. 60* MARKET Street Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment cures Toothache in one minute. Hath Dye 1 TTatr Dtel 1 BATCHELOR’S .slsbrAted HAIR DTB f» tike Belt In l*. World. The only BarmUsi, Trm. and -Belfast, Dye known. Thle splendid Hair Dye i« perfcet—shanges Sed, Rusty, or Gray Hair, instantly to a Olomv Block or natural Brown, without injuring the Hair or stsln lat tha Skin, leering the Hair Soft and Beautiful; la* nrii fresh yitaiity, fteauentiy restoring its pristine solor, and restifle* the ill effetts of had Dyes. Th, gennin, is signed Wit.t.tam A. Batchelor; all others ere mars imitations, and should he syc-ided- Sold hy ill Druggiltl, 4«. FACTORY, SI BARCLAY Street. KtW York. Bstlhalor'l new Toilet Omm for Dross!** he Heir. ________ lr»-lr Mason Steck & Co’s HAMLIN’S CABINET ORGANS. STECK & CO.’S The Popular Clothing House of Phil a., “OAK HALL." . Best-class goods and moderate price* WAN AM AKER At BROWN. S, B. corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. Custom Department (to make to order) No. IS. Sixth st. ieleb & Wilson’s Highest Premium The Cheapest, Simplest, and Salesroom, 701 Chestnut Street above 7th. IS/E-A-RIEtlBI?. BARR—HARMAN. —On the 25 th of Feb, 1864, by tha Bey Hamilton S Norris, Mr. Richard E. Barr, of Dela ware county. Pa.. to tfiae Sallle Kate Harm*n, youngeat daughter of Mr. E Harman, of this city. * BA EBB—PAUL n the 24:h last, by Rev. J. Ken card. Mr. Levi W. Beebe to Miss Hannah Paul, both of this city CBOHBR—OBOfT—On the 29fch of December last, by the Rev. J. B. McCullough. Mr Robert Crouse to Mies M f(jlSS o l^gil'^ o^n B I :ev. Dr. Gar dner, Siegfried, youngest eon of the late Prneelan General, Baron Fredrlch Peter Von Forstner. to Mary, daughter of Wm. Barley, Bristol, Bucks county, Pa * DIED. BROWH.-Cn the morning of the 27th lust., after a painful iunesc, Frederick Brown, lniheoSth year 01 CIS aB Hie male friends are invited to attend his funeral, from hie late residence No. 1018 Spruce street, at 2P. M. on Tuesday, the let of March, without farther notice. * „ MBB&EBe—On the 27th Inst., William Henry, son of Christian and Sarah Messer, In the 324 year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respaotfnlly invited' to attend the funeral, from his late residence. No Iftffißldge avenue, to-morrow (Tuesday) mornlnc. atio o'clock. To proceed to Odd Fellows 1 Cematery. ** METTB. —On the SBth lnit., Mrs Hannah F. ftleUi, re lict of the late Captain Thomas Metis, in the 68ih year of her age. The relatives and Mends of the family are respectfully invited to atteno the funeral, from her late residence. No. 1010 Moyamensiog- avenue, on Thursday afternoon, March 3d, at 2 o'clock. Interment at Lafayette Ceme tery. ++<* PIGOTT.-On the 26th last, I>r, C. J aged 23 7 The relative* and frieida of the family are Invitelto attend the funeral, from the residence of his brother, W. K. Pigotfc. TJ. B. Arsenal, Bridesburg, this (Monday) afternoon the 29th inkt « at 2 o’clock ' Interment at Cedar Hill Cemetery ,'Frankford. * HaZZARD. —On the 24th insh, after a short illness, at the Islington Lane Hospital, wm. Henry H&zz&rd, of Company H. sth Pennsylvania Cavalry,in the 29ih year of nif* a*e_ Interred in Gleowood Cemetery. * HENRY.— Suddenly, February 24tn, Mrs. Anas M. Beury, wife of Wm. K* Henry, m the 63d year of her age. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attetd the funeral, from the residence of her husband. No &5 North bixth street, this (Monday) morning, at 10 o dock. * HIDDBMAN.--*Afteralongand seriousilloess, which he bore with Christian fortitude, Mr. Wm. Hiddeman, in the 87th year of his age. The re ativee ajai friends of the family are iavlted to attend the funeflH. from his late residence, 323 North Eighth street, on Tuesday artsrnoon, March Ist, at oue O'clock- Cervices ®-t flba German. Reformed Church., Race street. bdow Fourth, To proceed to the Odd Pel- 2sth inst., at the residence of her daughters Hannah Kesson. near the Evergreen Came teiy. at CentreviHf, New Jersey, Mrs. Ann Beues. wide w of the late Jscob Hailes, in thai fifth year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from thfrabove place tuu (Monday)S“rning, the 29th lust., at 6 o’c ock. To pro ceed to Caruerter’s Landing /or interment * HUFFMAN--ftn th«SfitHinst.l Henrietta Hoffman. In n]aUTe» f anl friends of the family invited to attend the funeral, fr ,m the reiideacaof her SrtiiGnVlawf Hannah Hoffman tower Marlon, title CMraday) SorflM. 29* *««•• »* without fu ir l nHTn&g'— On tha 26th ln«fc. Abraham Brunner, and Mary B. Bldridge, in the sixth year of h ThS Mlatlves and frieude of the family are respectfully Umted hi. faunal, from tha residence of his tSreSts. No. 60S North BlgUteenth street, «« Monday a c'o?'Ki-Onthe26th-ULsiant. at Chelton Hills. Cath arine Moirhaad, youngest daughter of Jay and Dorr E Cooke, in the 9tn year of her aga. , v ,o. T,, n 1 1- Fnneral. Monday morning, at 10K O oloct a. St. i tut a Chmch, Cheltenham, teaylng at eleven, for Wool la£IV*ZEY —On the 2Sth Foh , Eliiabe|h .Lieerey, Wifu ot David B. Xdvezey, and daughter of Chrwtopnnr and frletOs «I the (*nUr dto cewot Pianos. pianos. I. X. GOULD,- and CHESTNUT. SEVENTH fnlly Invited to attend her funeral from her husbands residence. Price street, Germantown* on Monday after* noon n« xt. at Sc’clock, without farther notice. * _VE COMMENCED id Summer Stoct of MODBN h Bombasines, French Bombaameßp Hnmmftr BoQQ.b&Ziaeß» ttfaaltr. Hoassela&es, Tamisee, . White Foulard*. *e. MOTJBHIKB ftTOBB, to. 918 CHBS'MftIT Street. WESSON & SON Hj receiving their Spring an ING GOODS, and have now Black Byzantines, Florentines, ‘ Barege Barnaul, * * Crape Marets, “ Bareges, .. “ SUi Grenadines, Black, and Black and . a LYONS BLACK SILK VELVET. rr—Tc by ons Velvet IK yards wlie. MasniflCAUt Spring Silkß Stiutest Black Dress Si'kS. Richest Spring Organdies. Shi*wls of tewetl styles fy2i fcYRE & LANDBLL. THE! CELEBRATED ILLUSTRA- ted LECTURE—FORTY dais IN JERUSA LEM -By Hev WM WHITE WILLIAMS. A. M..of New York, will be given at IK P. M • in the BROAD and * ROB-Si eetßaptkt Church, on TUESDAY, and in HeOUvatFreslmerian Oburch, corner MOTINT VER* NON and TWENTY.SECOND Streets. on THURSDAY. Eminent Divines in nearly all the evangelical denomina tions have highly recommended this lecture. Unique costumes remarkable rel’cs, and Tare curiosities, will he exhibited. fe29 Mh HOMfEOPATHIC MEDICAL COI«- LEGE OF PENNSYLVANIA—The Sixteenth Annual Commencement for conferring Degrees will be held in the Muriel Fund Hall. LOCUST Street, on WELNE3I aY. March 2d, atl2M. „„„ „ _ Valedictory Address by H. N. GUERNSEY, M. D. F Profts»or of Obstevricß Tho public are invited. , _ feiO 3;* S. S. BROOKS. M. P., Dean. pcfto DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HIGH mCB* WAl>, OFFICE OF CHIEF COMMISSIONER* N. W. corner of WALNUT and FIFTH £ treats, Philadelphia, Feb, 35.1561. Notice is hereby given, that the ANNUAL SEWER BENd S, now due the city, ai e payable at the Office. leas five per cent, .until APhIL 1. 1364 Office hours from 9 O’clock A M. until 8 o’clock P. tS. . ■ /«29-3t_ THOMAS M. TRIOL* Licenae Olerh, ■hpgw ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY —A meeting of this Society will be held on MON aT SVEMNG. 29th instant, in Ahe CONTINENTAL HOTEL* at 7 K o’clock. Members are requested to attend without further notice. „• . fe27-2t GEORGE YOUNG, Secretary. THE WORLD OF FACT AMD FANCY—LECTURE for the relief of Disabled oidiero’ iu>der the care of the Ladißd first Union ENOCH H. SUPPLES*. at HANDEL AND HAYDN HALL, on TUESDAY EVENING. M*rch Ist, atB o’clock Tickets, 25'cent*; for sale at the Assocla tlon Booms* 537 North EIGHTH Street. Ml 8t» »» THE FIRS V ANNUAL COMMENCE wS* MENT of the PHILADELPHIA DENTAL COL LEGE will he held at CONCERT HaLL, on MONDAY EVENING, February 29.1864, at 7K o’clock. Valedictory )V ProfeßßOr C. A. KINGSBURY. Public respactfuUy nyited. J. H. MoQUILLAN. fe27-2t* Dean df the Facnity, p» AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. REV. HENRY WaRD BEECHER Will deliver his great Address, entitled '• “AMERICA’B MESSAGE TO GREAT BRITAIN,” MONDAY. FEBRUARY 29th, At 8 o’clock. Admission, 25 cents; Reterved Seats, 60 cents • - The sale of Tickets will commence at 9A. M,. WED NESDAY- the 241 h, at ASHUEAD ABVaN3’, CHESTNUT street. fe2s-4t* POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, WEST wGt* PhRN fcQU abE.—The Spring Course-of Lectures and demonstrations will begin March Ist, aud continue four months. _ „ Graduates of respectable Literary Colleges are admit ted oj their Diplomas, and non graduates, alter exami s&Uon, to the class of ’65 {Engineers). Those who desire to join the class of co will, if pre pared, be admitted to the Scientific School in the order of application as fast as vacancies occur. . Ticfee’-ato the Lectures on Geology* Mineralogy* and Chemistry* aud to the practical Instruction in Chemist; y and Bfslg,.. may £?&Elf D., President of Faculty. fOk. the: lIAIIUWAUIS MASl'FAC TD£'EKhardw*eb jobbers. AND HARDWARE RETAILERS. _ . ire rf quested to meet-the MEMBERS of th.eHA.BDWARE TRADE *B*OCIaTION at ihei-- .Room. Wo. Al 5 COH- MfiRCE Sheet, on March Ist, 10K o clock A. M.« to take ench sctionln relation to tho great central Fair of the States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, and Delaware, about to be held under the auspices of the United States Sanitary Commistlos, as ma* be deemed advisable. JAMES G. HaND, President war. H. 80WERS, Vice President. Aug. JJ. Shipley, Secretary. fe2S-2t CALEB COPE. TREASURER OF the United States Sanitary Commission, (Phila delphia Branch,) office of the Philadelphia Savins Fund Society, ac&nowledges the receipt of the following con tributions since *lie last report: „ „ „ John J. Ridgway, (7th contribution)........,, $lOO 00 LockwoodMannfacinricgCo..(additional)...... . 20 00 her. William White Williams, A- 11. proceeds of his lecture de ivered at Princeton, N. J.;.. li 50 Jeanuie and Minnie Wylie, pz*t proceeds of a Fair.... - 7T... 2 00 Per Prof. C.D Cleveland. U. S Consul, Cardiff. Wales: Capt. J. K. Bartlett S. Thomaston, 00 Cept. B I’. Littlefield, Winterport.Me*.** 50J Capt. J. B Robinson* Boston. * so Capt Edgar Paine, Traro. Mass,,... 5 CO Capt* Alfred Sle*per, Rockland, Maine.; 600 Capt. Lev* is Man bin. Williamsburg, 5 CO. Capt. J, D Stinson, Woolwicn. Maine • 500 Capt. 8. George, Maine 0 fO Capt.F.TinfchanJT Wiscasset. Maine.... 600 Capt. John Curtis, Brunswick. Maine.... 600 Capt. 6. O. lioninsr, H. Yarmouth. Me-. 600 Capt. P. Meehan. Vhomaston. Maine 2 50 Capt. Rent? C. Stinson* Woolwich,Me*. 2 so Capt. Charles N. Bates. Bath, Maine..*. 160 Prof. C* J>. Cleveland. (3dcontribution). 25 00 ■■ " 91 oO Proceeds of an exhibition given by the pupils of the Allentown Academy, Lehigh county; Pa., per Prof. J. N. Gregory. •*••♦ Joseph H. Trotter* (additional) 3*reyicmely reported- ip» RBLIEF ASSOCIATION FOR EAST W&* TEKEBSsEE. CASH RECEIPTS , Christ’* Church, per Key, Samuel Edwards.,.. $lB 50 A. H. Franciscos....* * 100 00 Pale, Boss. & Co. » ». 50 00 Hildtburn A Brother 60 00 Ca*h ..... 6 00 Chriit’s Church. Pottstown. Penna., per Rev. G A. Latimer, (additioisal) Tridick, Stokes. & Go«* IsaacP. Morris..**.. WiliiamS. 8aird........ * Joshua P. Ash. John Thozcas .**-...* J. Edgar Thomson —--»v Church of the Covenant, per Alexander Kirkpa trick, Treasurer Yarnall & Trimble Edmond Crenshaw• K. Aehnrst& Sors-. »: d. wood //. .v. 10000 JolmWelsK 100 00 Israel M0rri5.......a... 50 00 Mrs. William E. Horner...*****« eo oo Bridetbuig Presbyterian Church, par Rev. J. B. Smith* 15 05 St Luke’s Protestant Episcopal Church, New town. Bucks county, Penna 2 15 Union Church, Gallitiin, Cambria county, Pa., per Rev. S. Lawrence - 3 60 Presbyterian Church of Little Beaver, Law rence county. Pa., per Rev. Rob*. Bilworth.,.* 10 oo John E11i0tt.............. £ oa Cash*,,-,., 5 00 J. L. Pa. a......... ...... 5 10 Charles W. Trotter..*****...**..*.** 100 0.1- Casb., * * ........... 10 00 R. F. Raley.. 10 00 A. H. D ***«..,. 5 00 Joseph H Trotter**. 5000 Cash«,..*... 10 00 G. G.,. 10 00 W. McC. & Co 10 00 j, 7. g - 25 00 F. Jl C0m1y.... 25 co Mrs. Maria Wood. 25 00 Huntingdon Talley Aid Society.---- 20 00 t S. W Stokes SCO John Pagan 10 00 g. J 100 00 Beaver Meadow Railroad Co 10J00 Previously reported - $29,393 45 CALEB COPE, Treasurer, It Office Of tlie Philadelphia Saving Fund-Society. UNITED STATES CHRISTIAN fcC?* 1 COMMISSION.—Cash Acknowledgments Tor the week feeding February 26. 1864; Collection at Public Meeting, in Wilmington, Del., per Bishop Lee.... $1,160 00 Union Meeting in Rev. Mr. Bichsrda* Church, Beading, Penna 86167 Collection at meeting in Princeton, N. J. * per F. K Shearer.. 217 44 Prcctede of a course of lectures delivered in Camden N. J., per 8- H. Grey, Treasurer.. 212 OS Soldiers'Aid Society. Middleboro, Ma 55...... 100 00 Proceeds of a meeting in Arkport,Steuben Co., N. Y , per Eev- W, P. Tiet8w0ith.......... First Presby terlan Church, Bennington, Mich., per Rev. Richard Tray....................... Sabbath School of St Paul a Protestant Epis copal Chur-h, Philadelphia. Christian people of Smyrna, Del. A Lady «’L. W. H Ithaca, N Y- Second Preßbyterian Church, TrenioaaN. J , per Mrs. A. P, White Ladies’ Soldiers’ Aid Society, Bellevue, N.T., per Wm. Hamilton—— 85 00 A Friend......•*-«•• 10 00 ■William M. Farr 25 00 Dr. Charles Thomas.... 4 00 Mi a. Dr. J. D. Mitchell 5 00 Miss Mary Durham 1 55 Mrs W. H. Brown. Fairfield. Cdnn.... 5 00 St. Paul’s Church, Marion, Ohio, per Bey. H. H. Messenger 6 6a James M. White, Co. A, 55th Beg’t 111. V 015... 6 00 Collection by Communicants at Chestnut Hm Hotpltal.....*. 4 46 Tlshta Bailey, par Mr. Brown 1 00 C. A. Winihrop Oweao, N. Y *« 3 00 '•Cash”... 2 50 $2.328 94 Amount previously acknowledged..., 257,454 S 3 $259,78127 JOSEPH PATTERSON, Treasurer. THE UNITED STATES CHRISTIAN COMJirsSION begs lea-ve to acknowledge the receipt of the following stores, &c ,up to February 26th» 1864: . . PERUBYLVAKIA. , Philadelphia—l parcel, Hiss Mary Durham, do. 1 package. “ Olney. - do. 1 parcel, Green -street M. B Church, do. 2 boxes, Thomas H* Powers, Esq. do. 1 parcel. Bev. A. Harbpence, HolmQß btlTJT. > Oxford—l bc-x, Ladies’Aid Society. • , KlshactquUlos—l Arista and 1 box, per Miss Laura Elliott Cheltenham —1 parcel, Soldiers’ Aid- -wciety of St. Paul’s Epieeipal Church. ' - Jersey Shore—l box. Ladles* Soldiers* Aid Society. Parkesburg,— \ package. Sabbath School. Coat* sviJle—l box. Ladies* A& Society. Easton—l box, German Reformed Sabbath School. Chester—l box. Ladies* Aid Society. • Kingston—l b:x« Methodist Episcopal Sabbath School. « MASSACHUSETTS. * Boston—fc parcel*; 24boxes* 8 bbiS. Army Gommltto«i Y. M. Christian Association. NEW YORK. Arkpotf—l package. Friends. West Troy—2 boxes. Army Aid Society. , Dew York—lo parcels, Committee D. S. 0. C.; 1 parcel Lady unknown. „ „ . , - _ „ , Buffalo—l parcel, Committee IT. S, C. 0-; 6 boxes, 2 bbls., Ladies' Christian Commission. 3S E W - J £BSET- Lan bertvilift—s hoxas. Ladies’ Aid Society. Pairton—lbox. Ladles Aid Society. Columbus-1 package. Aid Society. Newton—l box, Presbyterian Church. • _ , 1 package. “XY. Z •; 1 1 parcel (reading) 'B. D.; 1 parcel, (clothing) Unknown ... Our .hanks are again to be tendered for the continuing liberality of our. Mends in ail parts of the country. There will be, we trust, no abatement or falling off of the good work. The spring campaigns of all our armies, which are shortly to be inaugurated,freed preparation on the part of ihe eoldlsrs 5 mends at home GEO. H. ST taRT, Chairman, H No, 11 BANK Street, Philadelphia. ’ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a special Meeting of the Stockholders of the BJtSTONVILLB, MANTUA, AND FaIRMOUNT PAa- SEhGf R RAILROAD COMPANY will be held on MON DAY, the 29:h instant, at 12 o’clock, noon, at No. 4109 WALNUT street, (first floor.) for the purpose of taking into consideration an increase of the Capital Stock of the Company. „ ' R. T. FRAILJSY. Secretary. February IC. 1864. felsl4t NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT application has bean made to the T usteee of the FIR* ASSOCIATION, of Philadelphia, for the re newal of a Policy of Insurance. No. 13 453, for %6* 1 0. In sued January 23. 1849. in the name of Daniel Went jing, which has been lost or mislaid; any information thereof will be received by WM. HOBART BROWN, 036 North B.QHTBBffT Street. fe&m-wf- 12t OFFICE OF THE CITY TBBA- Vflfck S» RER. PHILADBtPffTA. JFek »>* 1884. NOTlCE—Beiders of matmed City Loin will please present the fame for payment at this office- Interest from the date of maturity. M 6 bt HENRY BUMM;'CItr Treasurer. PITTSBURG, FORT WAYJIE- AND lok Chicago railway company. Office of thB SaoaETAity, , Pa v Febrnarr 12tb. )86t- The Annual Westing of the fetocfi and Bondholders of this Conpacy for the election of Directors, and >u«a other business as may come before it, will be held at the Office of »aid Company, in the citwif Pittsburg, on the THIRD WEDNESDAY OP MARCHTA. D. 18*4, at 40 A. The Stork and Bond Transfer Boohs of the Company, at their Office In tbrfblty of Pittsburg, and at their Trans fer Agency in the city of New York, will be closed on the Ist da? March, at 3 o’clock P. M , and lemaia dosed until the i7th day of March thereafter* felg-rml? W. H. BAN 6IB9» gecrotW- VULCAN MINING COMPANY -THE meeting of the VOLCaN MINING COM PANY, un'er its articles of association. wi*L be held on SATOB i'AY. the «tb day of March 1864 at No. 43 ft WALNUT street. Philadelphia, atllo!cloofc Ajf. JOSEPH H. TROTTER. B. A HOOPER, Two of the Associates of said Corporation.' I TO.% 18W* Uf * ' Mt-Ut THE PRESS .HPHILADELPHIAV MONDAY,' FEBRUARY 59,1864.' FIRST WARD.-OB,AND KM.LV To AVOID THE DRAFT, FIRST WARD cJtjzEHS OF THE FIRST WARD, LOOK TO TOUR INTEBESTS f Bv a unanimous xeeo utlon passed at e meeting of the citizens of tfce FIRST WARD, held Saturday everting, February 27th. it #4B „„ . j IteAolwd.lhtt a Mats Meeting* f tbo-Cltlzens o f the FIKbT WARD ho held at the WECCAUO-E g'IffOOL JOUEK. c rner BECON D and REED Streete. TUESDAY LVEMi G. Match Ist. at 7 H o’clock, for the purpose of raising prompt subscriptions to the Ward Bounty Fund. Two hundred and ninety-seven men have already been accredited to the Ward; $l6 000 will still be required to clear the Ward from the draft. Any person, by paying the treasurer $26 will be ei empted from the draft, or u drafted ibe money will he returned, and a receipt eiven to tbit effect. The p;au is entirely feasible. Rod by A P> cnapt response the amount can be famished. Every man between the age of twenty and forty Are is liable to the draft. Subscriptions are earnestly appealed for to the general fund, which can be handed to the various Precinct Committw-p, or brought to tb* Ward Meetings- A Mars Meeting wi>t also be held at the LUTHERAN CHURCH. PASSYTTNK Road, below the GirardjSchool- House, o you feel as though you would rather make any sacri fice than go through such an ordeal again? HOW YOU CAN AVOID IT! Attend a mass meeting TO-NIGHT, at kater hall, SOUTH Street, above Fifteenth, and bring your money with you, to contribute generously to the general fund. $25, in cash, will secure the ward all the soldiers re quited between now and April Ist, at which time the Go vernment bounty ceases, and, of courae, volunteering will cease, and the draft will take place for any defi- the ward. The Bon. Win. B. Mann. District Attorney; Theodore Cuvier. Esq.; Morton Mcttichael; Professor Saunders, and other eminent speakers, will make.stirring appeals for tie relief of your ward . k , .. ... The Committee, authorized at a ward meeting held Ft binary 16th. 1664. will receive in cash $25, guarantee ing the person paying It from the next draft; or, if draft ed, the money will be returned on the production of the receipt given The plan hae been carefaUy examined, and in leas-than twenty-four honrs I.ooomen,should come forwatd and pay this cheap insurance against the draft.' Come yourself, and bring your neighbor. This appeal Is made to every capitalist, mechanic, iaborirg man, father, brother, and citizen in the ward, BE we only have a few days to get this fearful number of men charged io our ward expunged from the enrol ment books. The conscription act has been declared Constitutional by the Supreme Court of the State, and, as the Govern ment must bo sustained at all hazards, it will be tho roughly enforced . • ■ . . _, , • Any contribution you desire to make, liana to one o± the coil nilttee In your precinct. A bsnd-of music will pe in attendance By older of the Committee. BEN J. FRANKLINS Chairman Com. on Printing. Pei tsAPBZiPHTA, F*brnary 26. 1864. fe26-3t* $35 -FIRST WARD BOUNTY -135. S3* TWO HUNDRED RKC&OITS WANTED in tbe First ward TO- DAY. Cash paid at one* on presentation of certificate of mustering officer accrediting the recruit toihe First ward. The Committee or Distribution wul he at the Provost Marshal’s Office, TWELFTH Street, above Spruce, Every Afternoon to pay the money promptly. W. H. TASKER, fe26 it Treasurer. SEVENTH WARDt- At a meeting of tne Precinct Collecting Commit tees of the Seventh ward, held at O’Neill Hail, Lombard street, near Broad, on Friday evening.-t!ie Sstn last.;the joliowiug preamble and resolutions were unanimously “ d fraw«w. The stun of THIRTY THOUSAND DOL LAKS, or thereabouts,.is requisite to exempt tae citizens of the Seventh w ard from the impending military draft; and, whereas, of tbe FIVE THOUSAND taxable inhabi tants about nine hundred have contributed seventeen thousand dollars thereof, leaving thirteen thousand iol lhfs to be yet famished; and whereas, we are well satis fied that there are axnonx the font thousand taxables who have yet contributed not; In*, a large namber able aid willing todo their shareof the good work in which we are engaged; aud, whereas, a subscription of One Hundred Dollars each by one hundred and thirty persons, or of Fifty Dollars each by two hundred and sixty, or of Twenty five Dollars each, by five hundred and twenty persons (about one-eighth of the non-contri butors), would suffice to meet the requirements of th< case, inwh'chall are interested, and it is not doubts: that from these various classes of subscribers the needed amount can ba raised; therefore. , ~, . Jitßolmtd* That all those wio are willing to lead their this manner he earnestly urged to make their con tributions at an early day, to any of the undernamed ebai'inenof th* different commiitees. to Georgs N. Ta* thaxn»E’Q- Treasurer of the Fund. No HU Spruce street, or to any authorized member of the Collecting Committees. . , Risolxkd. That these proceedings he published m four of the daily papers, and that the roeult be reported at a geceral meeting of the committees, to beheld at this place, FRIDAY EVENING next, the 4th or March, at 8 o’clock, which meetieg the citizens of the ward are re specifallyinvited to attend Adj ourned. . JOHN F. GILPIN, Chairmm. Attest: John Noble, feecretary „ Names of Chairmen of Committees above referred to: Win P. Becker, Chairman Disbursing Committee. No. BCO Pine street, _ . ._ .. .. Samuel E. Btokes. Chairman First Prcclnct Collecting C BOUNTY ITUISi). —At S meeting of the Executive Comrrut tte. held on Erida-y evening, at the school-house corner of Tweniie'h and Coates streets, i* was announced that f< nr hundred and eleven men had received the ward bounly and been dutf credited. About two hundred . and-fifty men are yet needed to fill the quote, to pay ■whom will require only two thousand dollar* in addi tion to the funds nowin hand. ‘ An earnest appeal is now made to those cicizons Of the ward who bare not contributed in proportion to their mease and liability. It is idle to say that you have not boon culled* wpon* &c. The gentlemen who have under taken the office of collecting have devoted night auer night, for mcny weeks., to this unpalatable and than*- leseta&k. Ia many cases they have been unable, attar repeated efioi ts, to see the parties called upon. Others,, on being vifcii*d,havs promised a consideration Oa the subject, and deferred contributing untiL some assurance of final success should be Riven them, when they now learn that more tian twenty-five thousand dollars,have been collected from a portion of their fellow- oituans. and that but two thousand dollars is w»«ted. win they not esteem it a privilege to be nought after to ten der to the collectors their quota of the email remain ing *um requisite to free themselves and families from further anxiety ? Subscriptions can be sent to the col lectors of the several precincts at their residences, to Mr.THOMAS PRICE, Chairman of Committee, 506 MI NOR itreet. or to Mr. THOMAS POTTER, Treasurer, ajdO ARCH street Promptitude is urgently solicited, so that the name of every contributor and the amount of his contribution shall appear in the alphabetical list to he published by the Committee on the conclusion ot thfair and Collators will meet again at the name place, on TUBS DAT next! M»r«hlst, at 8 o’clock P. M. The citizens of the ward are invited to be present. THOMAS -W. PRICE, Ohairman G. A. Hoffmak, Secretary. fa%) 2t note PIFTEESTH WARD —AT A GK BERAL meeting of the Commutes to collectOoa tilbutions for the Boucty Fund of the Fifteenth ward, held on Friday evening:, 25th. Inst., the following pream ble and resolutions were adopted: ( _ , WMreaSt A committee appointed to procure aid for the Fiftetuth-ward Bounty Fand, visiting in such ca pacity the Locomotive works of Richard norris a EOU» were refused by *&!d fl T ta any ala. and also tb.B privilege of consulting the workmen in their shops; and Whereas* After promising the committee the privilege of placing their placards on the walls in and outside of their buildings, the bill-poster was driven from the premises; therefore* . . „ t , , . . Resolved. That we deem it our duty to place before the public the facts of the case, to enable the altuens to compare the conduct of the Messrs. Norris with that of the proprietors of all the other workshops In the ward, who. having contributed liberally, and furnished fa cilities for the committee to see au their workmen re- Eidiag In the ward, have shown their loyalty to the Government, and their sympathy with their workmen. Resolved, That these preamble and resolutions ba published. THOS. W, PRICE, Chair min. G. a. Hoffman. Secretary. fe23 it MW SIXTEENTH WARD-ONE MORE bFFORT, AND THE DKAFI' WfL&'Bfi AVOIDED.—The citizens of the Sixteenth Ward are earnestly requested to meet the Committee at St. John's Clmrcb. In THIRD Sireet, below GEORGE, on MOS DAT RVBHIfIG. Feb. 59th, 1864, for tin porcOM of con. tributinc towards the'Faod to pay Volunteers. But $2, LOO more is required to accompli*h so desirable a result, as a sufficient number of men have been secured to fill the quota of the Ward, if sufficient money can be collected to pay the bounty, *nd all that is required is the above amount. There are in the Ward 3,000 men liable to be drafted, and not mors than one third have resronded to the call of the Committee. ... Remember that under the new law there is but one cla*s, from twenty to forty five, and the causes f-ur ex emption are very few. Then, let all comeand contribute. Make a present sacrifice for a future benefit. Come with x our #6. your $lO, your $2O! Come, single men! Come, married men 5 Coxae, old men. young men, rich men, poor men! Come, wives and mothers! Come all, and contribute to the extent of your power, thus showing your gratitode to the gallant defenders of your conn.’ryj honor, who have so nobly w Enlisted,and accreditee, themselves to this Ward, thus enabling you to remain &i home with your families to follow your usual avoca tions. Profecso* Saunders. Theodore Curler, Esq., Rev. A. Atwood, and the Rev. J&8. K Mitchell, will address th« of all contributors to the Fund will be pub lished m a few cays. DANIEL WITHAM, Chairman. ALEX. T- DICKSON, Treasurer. Attest—JAs. W. Satrb, Secretary. It* Mte TWENTIETH WARD-AN AD JOURNBD MEETING of the Citizens of the Ward will be held THIS EVENING, iu the Church, eighth Street, above MASTER, for the purpose of hearing rev ports from Committees, and receiving Budsc*iD‘lobB to the Ward Bounty Fand. [lt*3~ BBNJ. HARPER, Sec. TWENTY-FIRST WARD BOUNTY FUND. The Executive and Collecting Committees will meet at ARNOLD’S HOTEL, Falla of Schuylkill, THIS Chon day) EVENING, at 7K o’clock. awTm _ It GEO A. SMITH, Secretary. EMPIRE COPPER COMPANY (OF wG& MICHIGAN). “The firet meeting of the Empire Copper Company, under its Articles of Association, will be held on THURSDAY, the third day of MarcbflB64. at No. 334 WALNUT Street. Phi adeiphia, ai 11 o’clock A. M. SIMON MANDLEBAUM, B. A. HOOPBS, Two of the Associates of said Corporation. Phh.apbi.pbia. Feb. 13. 1864 felfi-ISfc 9s» LORBERRY CREEK RAILROAD COMrAs.y.—Paii.Ai>Ei.par4. Jan 29, I®M. _ The annual meeting of the stockholders of the LOR* BERRY CREEK RAILRoaD COMPANY will be held at the office of the Philadelphia and Beading Ballroui.Com pany, No. R3Y South FOURTH Street, Pk.ladelphU,pn WEDNESI AY, March 9tb, 1864. at 1 o’clock P. M., for the elf ction of a President and six Directors to serve for the current year, and nntU othersshaU ba elected. W. H. WEBB. Secretary. *». ALtENTOWX RAILROAD COR PANY.— Philadelphi *. Feb.l9,lSsi. • The annual meeting of the Stockholders of tee ALLEN- Tf’WK RaILROAD COMPANY * will be held at the office of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pyi>y. No 32* South FOURTH Street. Philadelphia, oa WEDNESDAY. March 9th, 1884. *L 12 o'clock M , for the election of a President and Directors to serve for the cur rent 7 ear, and until others shall be elected fsgo-imho W. H WEBB, Secretary. CONTINENTAL MOTKIj COMPANY Ej- —The CoDPON(4 due March l'■t. 1804. on tbe eight percent. Mortgageßonds of the CONTINENTAL HO 2EL COMPANY, will be paid and after that date, upon presentation of the same at the Commercial Bauk. in the city of Philadelphia. J. SERGEANT PRIGS. feS6-4t • *1 rea3urer. PEMNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COM PANY. Treasurer’s Department, Philadelphia, February 15, 1854. 'The Bosrd of Directors have this day declared au EXTRA DIVIDEND OF FIFTEEN DOLLARS UPO3 each Khare of the prefect Capital Stock, as registered on she boots of the company tel? day. . The fold Extra Dividend to be payable in Stock of the Company, at its par value of Fifty Dollars per share, the shares to be dated May 2, 1864. and to be entitled to dividends'payablein November next, and thereafter, as the present stock of the company. ... . . Stock CertSflcftDs forth- extra dividend will be de livered en and after May 2 1864 _____ fei6-tmbl THOS. T. FIRTH. Treasurer. s*s* NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS OF S 3» THE OIL BIDGWAT RAILROAD COMPANY. -All adjourned annual meetiegof the Stock holders of -bis Company will be held on TUESDAY, the first dav of March. 1664. at half past 10 o’clock A. M.. at b'o 4- WILLING’!* Alley, in Philadelphia. felM4t JOjRPH L&SLRY, Secretary. * pbiluiw-w asu mtAwaj Scs» BAILHOAB COHPASrr. Ota- sa? Scati ?otti TH street. Pmr.AiiKi.PHiA. September % 18flS, DIVIDEND KOTICE-Tbe followtui-named venose ub entitled to a Dividend «» the Common. Sleek of tola Company. Tbs residence of saroral of tntktt U Oh* simeres, Elegant Coacings. Billiard Oloths, . Bagatelle Cloths, Trimmings, Beaverteens, Cords and Velveteens, We advise our friends to stock is cheaper than we can OWEN EVANS & CO., 45 NOBTH V/ EIGHTH Street, (tvcceMoro to J. E. OASSEL« BERicY.) have opened this week some very CHEAP BLACK SILKS, Dress Goods, Llnenst Manias, Flannels, Linen Hdkf<*„ BUck Silk Cravats, and various other choice Dry Goods, from the late cheap Hew lork auction sales, and can give yon as* we think, at BARGAINS; ''THE PLACE TO BUY CHEAP BLACK SILKS. Fall oiLbolied Black Silk, $1; heavy. Vei y pretty high lustre Silk. $110; heavy. Rich Poll defe’oi Silk, from $1.25 to $L 50. Heavy and rich Gros Grained, from $1 60 up to*s3.62K. Splendid Taffeta Bilk, $3. , „ . , . ... we thinkwe can phase you both in prico and quality* and won’t think hard of you if vref»U,as we know they are ver, PI3ACE TO BUT CHEAP! MOSULHS, 3? I.AHNELS. Hew York Mill* Muslins, 43c Wiiliamaville Muslins less than, any one else. Plainfield do , 2Sc., one yard wide. Lancaster do • 27c., fine. Plymouth do , 22c., heavy. .. _ . All other choice mates: Sempsr Idem, white Rook, ifow Jersey. &c- cent still allowed to persons Wish ing a whole piece - . , , cur Flannels we sell so low wo have no competition. THE PLACE TO BUI CHEAP! KID GLOYBS. , . Cur Kid Gloves are so cheap that the shoddy aristo cracy think we ought to charge more for bo fine an article, and other poor, ignorant creatures turn up their nose aud sa*? • Pooh! they are not imported Gloves! ONLY AME RICA!?. For the s«-ke of humanity ignorance is excasa Best quality Kid Gloves. SI. 20. Siretcb.d do.. SI. 25, Every pair of the above are' suaranteea.aud should tier tear another pair will be arlven ; yoa for the torn ones. Kid Gloves, $llO. best quality. Kid Gloves $1 15. stitched. White Kid Gloves* 65££c, chetp. . Every pair of the above are the genuine French import ed Ki 4 G'oves, direct from Paris. We tell vou so, and •we dJh’t make a practice of telling anything but the truth. We invite you all to te»pjgt them to yoor own satis- Section. OwBN 4t CO. * Successors to J. B, Casselberry, Cheap Mammoth Dry Goods House, 45 Worth BIG fITH Street. P. ST—HOOP SKIRTS closing out at BARGAINS, including the new Patent Tab, made to get off and on easy feSB- 2t MUSLINS OF by: ITII. quality. New York Mills, Wamsntta. While Koek, Btmpf'rldera, Slaierville, Waltlism Mills, 2>i£ yards and 'Wide t Buck Mi Unbleached in quality Tie cheapest to boj^t 1013 f t 29 m:uths4t T INEN GOODS, OP ALL KINDS, extra cheap; hoavy hand-loon Table Linens, aV 9oc. and SI; Unbleached Table Linen at 75c, 87>iC, and $1; half Colton, at 7Gc and a?Mo; Bleached ditto, pare Linen, 70c, ooc, Si. and $1.25: extra width and quality, at $1.37>4 $1.50, $1.75, and $2 lam now selling great quantities of these on account or their cheapness. .. . - ' Napkins of every variety; Damask and Snowdrop, .at $2; heavier ditto, at $2 50. ands 3; extra quality, at $4 and $5 • ■ Doylies, at $1 60 and $2, either plain or with red Bor ders; also Colored for fruit. j- . ... . Towels with red and blue Borders, with and without fringed ends, at $2.25; finer ditto, with-Border all around, at $3; extra size ditto, iringed. at $3 GO; very fine ditto, at $4 50. Diapering, all widths. Bichardson’s heavy Housewife Linens for family use, at 50c,-6234c, 65c, 70c. 70. and 87>Sc. These are very de sirable, being extra heavy. ' , . nJf Buchabache, both bleached and half bleached, at 25c, 31Mc, 37&c, 40c, and 50c. . x __ „ , Linen sheetings of the Barnsley make, at $1.50 and $1 75. One lot, 12 4 wide, at $1 75. . „ 3 Bales extra wide heavy Crash at 14c and 16c; also, tetters tor, at ' 43ca tBAHVILI,E B. H AIMES, fea9-mtniha jt Mo. 1013 MRBKBT 6t., ab. Tentli. MUSLINS OF EVERY KIND AT U-L THE LOWEST PRICES. —We will sell a Bleached 3luelin for wider and batter for 25e; fail yard wide tor2Bc; extra good, 84. S 7. and 40c All the beatmakes on hand* such as water Twist, New York Mills, WamsuUa, White Rook, Androseoggen, Fonresdale, «c. Also, all the different makes of wide 6-4, 6-4, 7-4, 8-4 9*4, 10-4, and 11-4 Sheeting; 10>4, 11*4. and 12*4 Linen Sheeting of all qualities; 6 4 Linen,s-4 do; 40-inch do Tab e Linens ."We Offer bargains in these at 56, 62, 75, 87c, $l, SL2B, and $1 60per yard in the unbleached; bargains in half b'eached at's7c, $l, and $1 26 per yard; bargains la bleached at 87Kc $l, $1 25, $1 50, $2,8? 50, $3, and $3.50 per yard. Among these are the very finest and scarcest Double Damasks made Napkins, Doylies. Towels of every kind made, Nursery Diapers, Sc, Beal good Crash for 12>4c per yaTd by the piece. , • _ . An all-linen bordered Towel. $1 50 per dozen;' Honey comb Quilts at sii. 50 each; Allendale do Lancaster d", heavy colored do; Marseilles at $3. $4, $5, $7. and $lO each. We have one lot of very fine, large, double lack Marseilles, imported fiye years ago, that we are selling at $l5, the pTicethey were then; only one of thee; to he sold to an individual; they would co*>t toimwrt now about $25. Blankets of every eize and quality closing out at reductions; very flue imported Crib Blau rets, (these lare the best ever imported;) figured Floor Linen, 2K and ? Mwlde; heavy Comfortables s<.so each. Persons in want of any kind of furnishing Dry Goode or Muslins mar be assured of savmg money by getting our prices and comparingthem with other stores. R, D. & W. H- PBSTOBLL. IOSt MARKET Street. TABLE damashs. a Scotch. Table Damask, #1 to #1.87. ~ Power-loom, or half bleached Table Linens. Unbleached 'fable Linens. Pine and low-priced Napkins Damask, Hock, and Power-loom Towels. and Dispars. B©tt Iriftii Linens, from 6Cc to $1.12/2. ' Heavy Huguenot Wide Sheeting*. imnelß, <*««., *imM.^g m h cINAHOi fe27 ' S. 33. comer NINTH and MARKET Sts gPRINO AND SI MMER DRESS GOODS! AT LOW PRICES. We have tiranged to close out rapid!}- e loi of— MOZAMBIQUES at 12R eeuts. MOZAMBKIUE3 at 16>i. MOZAMSIQUES at 2j MOZ iMBIQUB i and BAHEGES at 25 canto. CUEWEN SrODD&AT & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 45* North SECOND Street, fe»3t above Willow. IMPORTERS. A LEX. WBAY & 00 , J*39 CBES"NUT Street. Philadelphia, Importers of British DRY GOODS, SOSIfiKY. GLOVBS, &c. , &c , havejasc opened, in addition to th? above, a very iara© an nature, and without which the article is a counterfeit, dangerous, and worthless imitation. Examine every bottle. This Liniment has been in use and growing In favor for many years. There hardly ex ists a hamlet on the habitable globe* that does not contain evidence of its wonderful effects. It is the. best emollient in the world. With its present improved ingredients, its effects npon man and beast are perfectly remarkable. Bores are healed, pains relieved, lives saved, valuable animals made useful, and untold ilia assuaged, For bruises, sprains. TbeumatUm, • fcweilings, bites, cuts, caked breasts, strained horass. Ac., it is a sovereign remedy that should never be dispensed with. It should be in every family/ Sold by all druggists. feS2-mw fSm&eow6m D. 8. BARNE3, New York, COMMISSION HOUSES. rjiHE ATTENT IO N OF THE TRADE I» tailed to OUR STOCK OF SAXONY WOOLEN CO. sll-wool Plain Flannels. twilled flannels, Various makes in Gray, Scarlet, and Dark Bine. PRINTED SHIRTING FLANNELS. PLAIN OPERA FLANNELS. BLACK COTTON WARP CLOTHS, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. 30, a, 23 os. FANCY CABSIMEBES AND SATINBTTS. BALMORAL SKIRTS, all Grades. COTTON GOODS. DENIMS, TICKS, STRIPES, SHIBT- IKGS, &c., from various MUla. DK COURSE!, HAMILTON, & EYASB, 33 LETITIA Street, and 33 South FRONT Streak. fe27-wsmti=es ■ NBKEEP & TRUEFITT, COMMISSION MEBCHANTS, Ho. »*1 CHESTNUT STREET, Have in Store, and offer to the trade, TT*E2tCE| BRIttSH, AND GERMAN DBSse GOODS. SHAVES, of all descriptions. VEIL GOODS, in all colors. 4 4, 5-4, and 6-4 ENGLISH OBIFSS* LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, Ac. fe26-Im MIIXINERY GOODS. NEW MILLINERY GOODS. P. A. HARDING & CO., Respectfully Inform the mercantile community that .they HAVE NOW OPEN, AT NO. 413 ABCH STREET, A COMPLETE STOCK OF STBAW AKp MILLINERY GOOES, Suited to the trade, and trust that prompt and careful at tention, moderation in prices, good assortment, together with their long experience in business, (haying been for the last seven years with the house of Lincoln, Wood, & Nichols, and their successors, Wood & Cary,) they may merit a share of the public patronage. Orders solicited by mail and promptly executed. fel-lmif ARMY GOODS. jpOR THE ARMY AND NAVY. ETANS Sc HASSALL, MH.ITART FURNISHERS. «. *lB arch street, PHILADELPHIA. Banners, Regimental and Company Flags, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Fassants, Epaulettes. Hats, Caps, Can teens, Haversacks, Camp Kits, Field Glxsses, Spurs, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit ;oi Army and Navy Officers. A liberal discount allowed' to the trade. faio-im JpROTHIN OHAM A WELLS HATH FOR SAM, HEAVY. MEDIUM, AND HQHT SHEETINGS AHD SHiBTIHOS FLANNELS. Walh Y BOTON AND VICTOBY CAMBBICB AJID BBOWH B BLBAOHB», AHD GOBBET JEANS. So mVoMBD TARN, ta. KSBlftf •VrOTJ ABE CERTAIN OF GETTING X satisfactory pictures If you patronize BBIMEB’S {laHat* and sit for colored photographs, $l, and made in style, at SECOND St , above Green. H* v'ou CANNOT HAVE TRUER RE •I- PBBSENNATIVES thanß. F. REIMBR’S splendid life-size photographs in oil colors; piewing, gto g atSVlnglih&MMB. 63* ARCH ft. lt> OF LAWRENCE OR MER- JtX cEK COUNTY BONDS, issued to the PITTSBURG AND ERIE 3KAILROAD CO,, can learn eometning to their advantage by calling at No. 50A MARKE P Street, feae 4i* REMOVED—JOHN OLIVER’S ESI JIL PLOYMBNT OFFICE has been BEHOVED to 1113 PINE Street. Colored help for the city and coun try wsnUdL_ fag! 6l - -RI MOVAL. —JAMES H. CASTLE, XL Attorney and Conveyancer, has removed his Office to gq 115 6, FIFTH Street, below Cheanrat. fare ixo* TTEATON ale: Anchor Brani Aftllt; Plymouth Mill Rivets W AB Butcher’s Cast Steal; Eagle Cabinet Locks. Putnam’s Horse Nails; Locke s School 81afces. Copper, Brass, and Iron Wire; Cotton Cards a fell assortment of American Hardware. /• fefi-Smif T INEN THBKAIX XJ SAMPSON’S ARGYL3, YiNCBKT aniiiis. MCDONALD'S, . SATIN FINISH BOOKBINDERS’ HaRPET thread Forsdleby CFCOKD NATION A - BANK OF CAPUA. aSIHH pmldeat wAn-niwHILLBS, CHARLES E.KRBMER, w rhaWn. BBSJ. ROWLAND. J&* shtßbs. best, h. dbagosl EDWARD HaVes. JOHN COOPER. ' Sb&SLHALLLEOBS, The feeond National Bank of it now own At No J34t MAID Street, FratiMori, for the traai aetiou of a General Baa&lng npon the uru&l upon fiJl point* wiU be made upon Iberaiumu. Reap^ctfuUY, m*9. w.U naiwif. cuoiu: NEW P Vewlboobs ! new BOOKS I DAtiETH: Or, the Homestead of the Nations, Egypt Illustrated, Br Hdward L» Clark, lvol., 8?o, 6TKAETORI>; Christmas Eve and Sister rite of floiwlch. who lived lathe day*. <>• Edward the Third, with preface. ByJ. T, Hecker, 16mo, MARJORIR FLBMIHo (“Pst Marjorie 'j):A Sketch by Key. Jno. Brown, M. I>., Author of Bao and hw Friends Paper. . ™| FBIESDS OP CHRIST IS THE NEW TESTA MENT. 12mo. Br Rev. Dr. Adams CHRIST, A FRIEND. By Revlr Adams lSmo. THE CoiIMUHIOH SAp{)£rH By Rev. Dr. Adam*, lmo _ _ sate by WILLIAM S. 4 ALFRED JIABTIBH, la'9'tf OOP OHgaTnPr Btreet. pFNSION, BOUNTY, AND PBIZE D. AFPLKTOrr & CO . Noe. 443A0d44.5 BROADWAY, rrnru&H PRACTISE ltf THE EXECUTIVE JSPABTMBNT of the governmen r, UITJ>BR THE FENSrOSf. BOUNTY, AND PRIZE LAWS or THE UNITED STATES. With Forms notions for CoU««ti&ff Arrears of I»ajr. Bocn’-y, and FVlze Money* aud for Conneellor-at- Law. 1 vol.. Wo, sheep. Price #3 uO. ♦*t offer this Jittla book with confidence to the profes sion, ae certain to Bav«rlawyer«, & ooe case, ifthey ttever have any more* more time and trouble than It cost To the public generally. thobook Is offered m containing a large amount of useful infornjatlonona subject nowun fortunately brought homoto half thyfamiUesjn the land. To the officers and aoldlerrof the Army U wHI alkO be found u useful companion r and It Is hoped that by it an. amount of information of great value -o the and to their ffiiolUs at home. will be disi/'ennuaraa. ana Jfne prevailing ignorance reepecllng the nubiect treated of tn a great degree removed —L Extract from Profane. D. A. &CO. HAVE JBST POBLUHBD. „ THE LIFE ANO CORRESPONDENCE Of THEODORR PARKER. By John Welse. With two po»traltu on steel, fa*- simile of handwritlnci'and 11 wood engravings, 2 vole.. Bvo. VO:Boagee. $5 LIFE OF EDWARD LIVINGSTON. By Charles H Hunt, with an Introduction by tfcorge Bancroft. ivOABD WANTED—ABOUT JUNE U Ist, a EDITH OF ROOMS for a gentleman, wife, and Address, at once, to ‘ I M. U. ” Ledger Office feS7-3t* MFOR SALE- a NEW COTTAGE, carriage house, and one acre of ground, DARBY. Apply to E. MIDDLETON, Darby. fe27-3t* m FOR SALE VERY LOW —THE ■BiW property No 413 South. BL.EYE.N T H£3treet. Will pava lara© interest on investment. Apply to WM, RO5- SELL ALLEN, 8. E. corner FOURTH and WALNUT, .econo floor. fod7 3t« Mmill property for sale-a Floni and Saw Mill, with dwelling and sixteen acres ol laid attached. in Montgomery oonnty, twelve miles frein Philadelphia. Price low. and terms easy. Apply to vy«f ROeSEL I. ALLEN. S E corner FOURTH and WALNUT, second floor. ~ ft27-3fc* 4* FOB SALE-SEVERAL HAND JH SOMEDWEir.lsas. o»E&BVBIfTHStreet. treloir Coatee. Apply to WM KOS3EI.T. ALLSH. S. B. corner FOTJKTH and WaMITJT. eycond floor. feW-tt’ T OST OB BTOTjEK—NOTICE 13 XJ hereby given that the undersigned has madesppu* caliou for Vho rene-wav of Certificate No. 755 for five (fi) shares of stock of the North, Kaill'Oii Coni' pany issued to him (date unknown) fels-mtbSt MICHAEL SNYDER. t*OST—A CERTIFICATE OP 5 PER -Li CENT. LOAN OP STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA, tor $516. 05, dated March 12. 1830, No. 754, in name of WILLIAM MEREDITH. Also, a Certificate of s*per cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, lor the sum of $2OO. dated June 30. 3845, No. 1452, in the name of ELI K. PRICE, administrator of William Meredich in trust. Ap plication has been made to the Auditor General for a re newal of laid Certificate* _ _ ' felCVBin ELI K. PSIOE,- No. 811 ARCH Street. QLARKSON & CO., HORAC3 H SOHLE, 33 Worth FRONT Street. BOARUUiG. FUR SALE AM) TO LET. EOST AND WOUND. FINANCIAL. BANKERS, Ho. 1»1 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia eoTermaent Securities of all Issues PGKCEASED AND FOB SALB. STOCKS, BONDS, AND GOLD BOUGHT AND SOX.D ON COMMISSION. Interest Allotved on Deposits. AS-COLIiBOTIOITS PROMPTLY MADB- feS-Im JOHN HOBN, JR, U STOCK COMMISSION BKOKSB, No. 140 SOOTH THIRD STREET, (UP STAIRS ) PHILADELPHIA. REFERENCES: Mesers.Thof. A. Biddle A Co. | aTesa.Oaw, Macale»ter, &Co. Messrs. E. S. Whelen St Co. Messrs. Drexel & Co. Messrs. Buzby&Co. HentyJ.Williams, Bsq. Alexander Biddle, Eeq, I. P. Hutchinson, fiaq. G M. Troutman. Bfq. D. B Cummins, Bsq. u. m. Q King & Sons New York. fe2B-2m INSURANCE COMPANIES. gTATEMINT 0F PARK FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. Capital Stock * Surplus, January Ist, 1564... Total Resets.....» Liabilities, being unsettled losses • Cash premiums received. Interest received Losses during the year... The undersigned have been appointed Agents of .this well-known Company* asd recommend It to the patro* nage of this community. GETTY & ABBOTT, Agents, No. *as CHESTNUT Street. fe24 wfm3t. OFFICE OF THE UNION MUTUAL ” INBTOAHOB COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, January litl&6*- . Notice 1b hereby given that the holders of the out standing Scrip of the Onion Mutual Insurance Company of Philadelphia, that the Stock and Scrip at a meeting held this, date, resolved to extend to the hold ersoftheontatandlu* Scrip the privilege of convertinf said Scrip into the Capital Stock of the company. lug to section eth * t the amendment to the chane. oa cue same iermsaa previously done, payment of lc.a-.&iiseAt in “ha nutda Februerr 3, I$S4 Otherwise. Interest lobe charged on payments made after thit dHt9 and \ privilege of conversion to Taoa jalSwfm2m JOHN MOaa. ascre-*&y- Xi\AMJS INSUBAN X Ho. 40» CHBS PHILADI TIKE AND INLaI DIEBC' JTlSUclo IT Baeky diaries Bleb ardsoa. Henry Lewis, • 0 w, Davis, y S Justice, OBAS. EICIL W. I. fiacre 1 -* OF REMOVAL. The undersigned would Inform their friends end the gnbiic srenerally lhat they have removal Irma tkel* Old ;and, 017 ABCH fiireet, fcotlieir BPLENDID NEW WAREROOMS, No. eia ARCH STREET, where Urey will continue the tale of ' GAB FIXTURES, CH4NDEPIBRB, COAL OIL BURNERS, &c. * Ha.vice associated with oar PAGE, (formerly tie Priroipil *JS a^H?a5! & Baker,) weafe nowpr»MredtoeseootB ordera (a U»3 Fixtures of al) grades and designs, from vw *■' tAe w.ttst massive and elaborate, VAN KIRK «» CO., Ho oia ABCH SUREST. TVORYTYPES —FI DELITY TO NA- TONS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC MB. J- E. MURDOCH FTM deliver a Lecture on the BELIOS of the THREE MEMORABLE PERIODS of the G It K A T REPUBLIO, ON THURSDAY IVJNINO, MARCH So, 1891. The proceed* to be appropriated to the Relief or me NEEDY FAMILIES OF SOLDIERS, Under the enpervfrton of the members of the Special Relief Committee of the Woman’s Pennsylvania Brand* of the U S BAW3TARY COMMISSION. During the evening MURDOCH will state the ob ject and method of operktiouß of tjw Society, atsl givo some appropriate Patriotic Eoftdinsi from American rinth TICKETS 25 CENTS. BBffIRVSID’SEATS SOi Tobe*blflined on and aft«sT MONDAY. 29th February, atT. B. HUGH'S. S. W. eiroer of Sixth and Chestnut Etreeu. AftKMEAD St EVANS’. No- 724 Chestnut street, and at the Room* of the Satltlary Coramtlwlqn, No. t:JO7 Ciiestaut BLreei, and attbe Ace.4*iay of Mctte, on the day and mtfing of tho hectare, fe27 « AM EPIC AN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Dress ®A,l rliNTlsß’S Kfneteenth Acanal • Fall 1 11 C PK?.vVV.-nV’J' 1 In T 0J "1 •IOHH THORNLKY. EsO . cari-e -FUND HALL. SECOND'' GRAND CONCERT THURSDAY EVICTING, MARCH 3, THE XXYKIN' OP PRAE&E, WilL be produced by tho Society, supported br entire IPrecevLing which a short and select MISCELEANEI )T73 PEETUBMANOE' TICKETS...., FIFTY CENTS-' To be obtained at J. E. OOUS*D'S. 8. 3J. corner Seventh uudCheetnut sireetß fe2s -6i {■JONCEBT BALL, ImtneDHe Success of MR DB COiDjVA’S FIRST DHCTtfRE, The Second will take place THURSDAY EVENING, March Bd. • Subject MH. PERKINS’ CHRISTMAS DINNER, , (A Tale of Shoddy.) Tickets for the remaining two lecta’\B.7ss. Single admission f)oc. Doom open at 7 at 8 o'clock. ti/FE&sbs. cross & jarvis wiiib JUX giTB their SECOND SOIREB Off CUBICAL MUSIC (Secrnd Season) in the FoYEK OF Vlfß ACA DEMY, on TUESDAY EVENING, March 1 at 8 o’clock. aßsistid by Berr TfiEO. HaBELMANN, the renowned Tenor, and other eminent artists, as below: PROGRAM ME. Qatatett in 0 Minor—Pi? no and Wlndlnatrumonts-Spohr jles>rs. Jflrvis,-BtolJ, Koch, MuelJor, and Plaifetnaa, Grand Duo—Two Pianos— Op. 125... Kali breaner MeEETf. JaRVjS - and CROSfcj, Son*—" Der Wanderer” 8 _ Herr Hi BEL MANN. Solo—Violoncello—BouTenh do Stile***.... .«»<»»S9rVAU THEODOKE AHREND. Solo—Plano —Etnde !n C Sharp Minor—‘•'Vie Oragenge”*..... Polon aifie in A flat—p 6tt CfIARhBS H. JARVIS; Song— “ VotcLans” , , „ Herr HABELMASN. Quartette—(No 3)—Strlua Itatrttmenfc ..5........M0zart Met»rH Hozxenbartcer. Grose, and Ahrend. Tickets ONE DOLLAR, To be had at Gould's, Andra & Co h, and Lee ft WatSser’a. f-.27-3t GEBSTNU'i STREET* V* THBATKB. GENUINE SUCCESS GLORIOUS REVIVAL of the *reat Irish Stenic Drama COLLEEN SAWN, which, will be presented wi'b all the ' MAGNIFICENT B'JtfNERY, SUPERB MUSIC. AND GREAT CAST OF CHARACTERS WEDNESDAY 9 EXT, Tft IKLT- OF- LE * VJ3- MAN. SATDRDAY (March 6) NEXT, FAMILY MATINEE. attends the WAI,N UT.STB3SBT THBATBB. ** FIRST APPEARANCE in the City of Philadelphia of MISS BTTIE HENDERSON, whose careerd arias the past three 3 ears has boen ONE TRIUMPFAL SUCCESS. On HONDA'S and TUESDAY, Feb. 29th, and March let, ■Will he produced the Drama, entitled FAR CHON; 08, THE WITCH OF THE WOODS. Fanchon, nicknamed tho Crickot.......Ettie Henderson. Toconclude with SARAH’S YOO«G MAN fclowJeaf. H Jiemple; Sarah Tiebe. MissC. Jefferson. Box Office open from 9 till 8 rls»;e at 7 y t . Mfc S. JOHN D&EW’S NW W A. **o • i’A STREET THEATRE. FIRST NIGHT OF MRS. JOHN DREW. ‘TO-NIGHT (MONDAY). February 2!). IS;4. with new ftceue?y. Ac.. G&yier’s comely of THE MAGIC iURKIAGE. MABOHIONEtS DB VOLTE 8A...-Mrs. JOHN DRSW, Chevalier de Monte Cellini BArion Hill. SifincrWalfreSde Mr. Grilllths. Zella(aGipsy) Miss Henr7. To conclude with SIMPSON & CO. MBS. SIMPSON.. MSS. JOHN DRW. Mr. Simpson*. Mr. QrUiUks. FRIDAY, BENEFIT OF MBS. JOHN DREW. Prices as usual. Curtain rises at *l)4 o’clock. TEMPLE of wonders, assemble BUILDINGS. TENTH and CHESTNUT. Positively the last FOUR DATS of SIGNOR BLITZ’S Necromancy, Ventriloquism, &»<1 the hearted Can try Birds, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday %-vf ningp, at o’clock, and. Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons at 3. ADMISSION—2S Cents. Children. 15. Tj'IiE'VENTH-ST. OPERA HOUSE. XJ “THE FAM'LY RESORT.” -• CARNCHOSS *ND DIXEY’B MINSTRELS, THE GREAT STAR TROUPE OF THE WORLD, la th*ir * SELECT ETHIOPIAN SCHREES. Splendid Singing, Beaatiful Dancing, Laughable Bar lesquo*, Vlantaticn Sctne3, tic.. &c.. by 'TWENTY TALENTED ARTISTS. EYJ3BY EYBNIfIG THIS WEEK. Tick* tß2ocents Doors cpen at 7 o'clock. fez7»Sm J. L CAENOROSS, Bnslnaas Manager. THE great picture a AT CONCERT BALL LECTURE BOOH For a short Beaeon. _ COMMBKCING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1664. J. Ib&go celebrated PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE. .S2OO,CCO CO . TO. 416 00 .$270,416 00 . 7,000 00 .$110,877 67 . 18, 553 17 — 74 47,613 12 CE COMPANY, iTNtTT BTRiJET, jm’uiSDBAROS -1TOBJo!JIl W. Suiiari.B |*odki, JohjTkpselai, J*.» E. D Woodruff, Charles fcftolfet, Jo&ephJD Rilta. Pr&ldeal. Viee Pjrealdenx. irv. lal4-t1 'BEMENTS, lIMDES AAI) HAYM SOCIETY, aovxtmbisß-A? 3 o’c/.ook. Mendelssohn's great masterpiece. GERMANIA ORCHESTRA. Will be el7eu. Tills is the most complete ahd fitifihed P&l&tl&g Of (&• Sacred Scrip’.urts in the world, lomprieinn over fifty of theiGoit SUBLIME AND THRILLING SCENES Of the first three thousand years of Biblical History, for min a aVtopetfcer one th» finest exhibitions of the &ce- OPI-K EVERT EVENING at half past 7 o’clock. Admission, ‘io cents. If. B. >Satin6ea on Wednesday and Saturday after noons, at 3 o’clock. Admission for Children 15 cents. rvEBMANIiL OEOHESTRA.—PUBLIC BEHBABSALS every SATURDAY, it 3o’clook, T* M, Ht tbe MUSICAL FUND HALL. Slagle tickets X cent*. Packages of six tickets $1- To be had At AN* DRE’S. 110 A CHESTNUT Street, J. B GOULD, SE VENTH and CHESTNUT, and at the Hall door. fe22*tf THE INVENTORS OP AMERICA, A BY 0. BOHUS3BLL, DERBY BAY, and FRITH'S mo6t “ tlnE paintings 7 ON EXHIBITION FOR A SHORT TIME. AT EARLE’S GALLERIES, 616 CHESTNUT STREET. ADMISSION TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. - « PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY 0* JL THE FIHJS ABTB. I**s caKSTHDT STREET. OFIlf DAILY BN’S COMMERCIAL COL -63? CHESTBUT fitrnet. cnriwr of SBVBSTH. Practical instruction in BOOKKfiBPINGvin its dine* rent branches. _ FEKMAB SHIF-riain and OrnamenlaL _ COMMEBCJai CALOBLATIOJSS. OOMHBBCI AI» I,AWf Sc. —Students infracted reparately. Cat&loxiiQii furnished on application 1e29-3t PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOB BRICKS, Chief Quartermaster’s Office, OF. WASHIKOTOK. Comer of Eighteenth am u t sirsdtb, Washinotok, D C., Veb. 23 i&H* SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at tela office until MONDAY, March 7th, 1664, at 12 o'clock M-. for the delivery at the Railroad depot or Government wharf, foct of 0 street, in this city, the folio-win* amount* and kinds of good, merchantable BStCKS. viz: (100 CGG) one hundred thousand-hard red bricks. ( 00,WO) one hundred thousand.erch brick*. (ICQ.CQOj one "hundred thousand Ealmt>n briuks " Delivery of the whole amonftt for tob* msdein (26) twenty'five days from the date or lioutract. Bonds in a sum equal to hal' r of ch» amount of the eon tmci will be required of the sucoefisfal bidder orblddavs Bids received for the whole amount or each kind or contracted for will beViibjecttheri, 81 il A&CS Street- "DRAIN PIPE, DRAIN'RIPE. VI.XRI33BD TERRA CPTTA DRAIN t TXPB-all sizes, froai % to 15»inoh wlih aU fctadß.or. branches, busts, and traps* for Bale in any quaaiUy 8 Inch bore per yard- 30c. S " sac. - 4 “ '* •* *' 48c % a “ % * •* goc. 11 u " 7oa. _ Poanta'ie. Partettuln. and. Statasrs Ma'-ble. u -'-'*• BgaeVata,and Maa»sl Vasej. wnRSS PbllcADEiftHlA TR.RKA COPTA WUSM. ; —w». ruT fins, PKA.OTJOAL X>KN TISf tit tb» 3aet twenty the aye, j.\nTai*Qo .on (^iwai for mat and. enbatantlal Sate plissed to luat for i /e. Arthiotal T-e: a Sii,No neto in eAtraeUaf AU work e«- Keferinee. hart tan.Ule.*' wva™ COBBEOT PIA.NO TUNING nTTf’r lit. 0 B, BiBOBHIM Orders for Ttd.'t ; s ® Mr 8 fcaa tadeiaveit Taars’fHokoryexperiMWla*••»• ton. »ad five *sara* employ m»nt lu ttiUadeipnla BPRGJAL —Pianos reUotfhAr#i to sound m soft a** sirsot-tonod as mt» totffamf r