The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, February 25, 1864, Image 3
Honey Soap. yjj, TOILET BOAP, la noli sntTennl d«- ,1, is made from the choicest matertale, la mild and Lpollloat lo tU uahue, fnpxatly aeeated, ud extreme- Ijr besedrlal la 1U aetloa npoa the skla. For sale hr all [o,artists end Fancy Goods dealers. jaSS-tntholT OnePbiob Clothing, op thb Latest ttlbs. made la the Best Kenner, expressly for BB r ail -SALES. LOWEST SeUlna Prices marital In Plain Plmres. All Goods made to Order waited ««.&*- lory. Oar Omt-PEion SrsrsH Is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. wiritrt fltrsat deß It jokes a co . o°* maukbt street. 4 Db. Stephen Sweet, op Connecticut, j the anther of "Dr- Sweet’s Infallible Liniment. ” The FOPULAK Clothing House op Phil A., “OAK HALL.” Boat cm** good* and moderate prices. ■WADAMAKEK a BROWS. g B. corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. Custom Department (to make to order) Bo 18. Sixth, at. &Wilsok’s Highest Premium The Cheapest, Simplest, a-ntd Scdesrooms t 704 Chestnut Street above ~fh. OM-A-mtIBID- COTTEELL-TAYLOK -Id Stonlmttoa. Conn. Feb 17th, by the Bey. A. G. Palmer Mr Jnlm'L Lottrei'. of Jamestown, B 1.. to Mi?s BmeiiDO T-vh-n or • onen Kingston, R, I. IProvtdence papers> ple* N ® 0 bv the GOODaLL—SINEX—In Phil. deJphw k« J gf a £* Bar. W. M. Bice, Samuel J. io Joaepma* oiaes., All Of this City at, a i9t7i of Tmnwy. i«SN^!ir®5 nOl ? E ?£i •iiCS.sbto. I'' craft to iSgff&Bhtosto ° f HHOaDi—BEEbEN-—At somerton. by In. P». iUrtaMatf Mr Edward Rcoads and Miss Anna L. Boeder, tbirdward. Ph ladelphia E —At Bncesbur*. by Ry. Cnmmixs. oi> the 31 st December. 1863. Mr. Samuel Satf«.a IO WILK?K^S t -WILKINSON -On the 6th of February, 1661 Anthony G. Wiikineon to Miss Ann Wiikinson, both Of this city. _ * BROOKS—MOONEY.—At Village Green. Pa « *n the Slstins-t . by the Rev. A. R- Joses. Mr. Christopher J. Brooke to Miss Catharine Mooney, both oj this city. X3IEX3- ANDREWS.—On the IS-'h inst.. at Jobnßon’slsland. Sandusky Bay. Edward C. Andrews 23d K Rimini P. V. Bis male relatives and friends are *o at'etid hisfajffibal from St. Mark’s Chnrcb. Locust street >--b'*ve Sixtetsfb, on Thursday morning,2sth inst., at 11 o'clock, precisely, to proceed to Laurel Hill, „ _ . * GILLINGHAM.—SuddenIy, on the ?Sd instant,Clinton Gillingham, aged 40 years. . „ The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend bis funeral, from the residence or bis father- Jonathan Gillingham, No. 98$ North Fronr street, on Sixth-day, 26th instant, at I o'cl »ckP. iL. witc-'ut farther notice. Interment at Fair Hiu. ** POOLE.—On the 221 Instant, Mrs* Elisabeth Poole, (formerly Eldridge.) The ret stives and friends are affactionateiv invited to attend tbe funeral, from the residence of her husband. £. S 6-Poole, at Mcorestown, If. J.» this (Thursday) morning, 25th instant, at 10 o'clock. * ROBERIS—On Monday, 22d inst , Mrs* Rob erts. relict of the late Israel Roberts,Sr ,in the 81st year of her age. Tbe relatives and. friends of tbs familv are requested to attend thfi fasfial from her late residence. No low Cherry street, this (Thursday) morning, ax 10 o'clock. ?ISIMMO On the 22d instant, Mary JaaeN.mun, aged years. PBGSNIX.—At the Washington House, io th scity. on the 20th inst, after an illnos* of a few days, Lieut. Commander Dawson Phoenix, U. S. Nary. At a meeting of the officers of the V. «. 8 Pocahontas, lately commanded by Lieut. Coznmsnder rowiiir. he'.d In.Fhll&deipbia. on Monday. the22d inst., at 11 0 clock A. M. the followingresolutions were adopted: Resolved, That tee late jLieuh C’;«r Dawson Phoenix was beloved and respect* d by us as a friend and as a commanding officer. That we are filled with grief by bis sudden decease, and offer our heartfelt sym pathy and condolence to his bereaved widow and to the Other members of his family. ...... . , Resolved That in token of onr 9 riff at his dea'h and of our love and respect for him when li'-ag. we will attend his funeral, and that we will each wear a badge of mournirg for the space cf thirty days. Resolved- That a copy of these resolutions shell be forwarded to the widow of tKe deceased, and that they shall be published in one or more cf the daily news'- papers of Philadelphia. _ _ E. B, Pendleton, Executive officer. George B- Mann, Helical Officer. A. J. Wright Jr.. Paymaster. J, W, Chandler, Ensign. M- J. Smith, ** Thomas McLeary, • ‘ W. E WaTburton, Engineer-in-Chief. Bryce Wilson. Engineer. Alex. McDonald, ’* Rodney F. Catter. “ John H. Dougherty, 11 William C- Nye, Master's Hate. William G. Fearing, ** ** William Charlton, Jr., •* * • Penty Barns. Paymaster's Clerk * -RESSON & SON HAVE COMM ENCED A-/ receiving their Sprlngand Summer Stock of MoUBN ING GOODS, and have now in store— Black Bvrantinea, English Bombazines, “ Florentines, French Bombaziaes, * * Barege Hernanl, Summer Bombazines, ** Grape Marets, r.hally, “ Bareges, Monsselanes, Silk Grenadines, Tamiaes, Black, and Black ana White Foulards, See. MOURNING STORE, felfi , Vo. 918 CHESTNUT Street. 4.-4 LYONS BLACK SILK VELYET. *** Lyons Velvet I>£ yards wide. * Magnificent Spring Silks Stoutest Black Dress Si'ks. Richest Spring Organdies. Shawls of neweit styles BYRE & LANDBLL. |>Jh AMBBICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. REV. HENRY W*RD BEROaEfi •Will deliver Me great Address, entitled “AMERICAS MESSAGE TO GREAT BRITAIN*” MONDAY. FEBRUARY 29th, At S o’clock. Admission. 25 cents; Eeierved Seats. 60 cents. The sale of Tickets will commence at 9 *. 9tf.« WED NESDAY. the 24th, at ASHHEAD & EVaXs\ No. 73* CHESTNUT Street. fe2s 4 1* MAILS FOR KEY WES r, PENSA- IfC#* COLA, NEW ORt.£Afils,aßd the gulp sQ Ja.d 50If, lobe despatchedpe* «.leaner BERMUDA, will ba closed at this office on SATURDAY, 27 th lu4i.,ailOX o’clock A. M. C. A. WALBORN, fe2s»2t . Pott master. PRELIMINARY FOREIGN MIS BIOS JUBILEE MEETINGd —February 2>th- TfIURSDAY, 3 P M. Bro&d Street Baptist Charcb, BROAD and BROWN Streets. Conference and Prayer for College* and Seminaries, that they may furnish more Mitsiontiies. _ February 26th—THURSDAY, at half past 7 P M. Tenth Baptist Church. EIGHTH Street, above Green. Free Conference— Shoii Speeches, of five minutes each, on subjects relating to Missions. It »» COMMENCEMENT. -THE PEIfW SILVAJSIA COLLEGE OF t'AL btTRGBttY will hold their Annual Commencement at the MUSiCAL FUfiD HaLL. oh FRIDAY BVJIJiING February 26,1864, St 8 O'clock- The Valedlctorv by Dr G. T. Barker, Pro* lessor at Principles of Dental Sargery and Therapeutics. The rroblic are Invited. __ _ fe34-3t* C. ST. PEIRCE. Dean. THE FOLLOWING AMOUNTS ■CP* have been received by Men. hItUFENAJUT J. LEVY. as satsciiptions for the purchase of a S3T OF COLOSS, to be presented to the 21&t Penna. Cavalry* Colonel William H. Boyd, comiaandln#: 5 00 Caih $ 1 00 E. B. Taggart 5 Oft Cash 1 00 O. F. Wardle 6 00 Cash 1 00 Borsimans 10 00 H. Myers 1 00 By&BSßHasiall*..*** 10 00 Wm Musaer —— I 6 00 "WanamakerA Browa S 00 Ca5h. .......4.......... 200 jL H. Franciecus S 00 T Tucker 1 00 Cash***** 1 CO J. P. Tobias 2 00 Cash... 2 00 C. H: Grant 200 lOO Ca5b........j..... 2 00 Thoi. Kennedy &Bro. 600 P. OroTer & Baker. 5 00 Z. C. Howell 500 Total 00 Any donations lelt with Mrs. Lieut. B J. Levy, Ho. 1820 ABCH Street, will be duly acknowledged. It* GR£AT CENTRAL FAIR • AO* FOR THE SAHITARI cOittMISSIOU. Philadelphia, 1307 Chestnut street- Feb. 70, 1864. TheundeT&ig&ed. members of the E&ecative Commit tee of the Great Central Fair for the Sanitary Commis sion, beg to invite the co-operation of all their fellow citizens, especially of those resident in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Hew Jersey, in this important enter prise. It is proposed to hold the Fair in PHILADEL PHIA in the first week in JEHfi neat, and it is confi dently expected that the contributions comint from & population so benevolent and patriotic as that which Inhabits the Central biates, and i ©presenting the moat Important and varied branches of industry and ait; will secure a result in aid of the funds of the Com mission and for the benefit of the ►oldier at least equal to that which has attended similar undertakings in other cities. It is not necessary to say a word to stimn . late sympathy for the soldier; we reel for them ail as brethren, and the popular heart seeks only the best yaode of manifesting that sympathy in the most efficient and practical way. These Fairs in ether places have been productive of great results. By this meant Chicago has recently raised for this object $60,000, Boston siao,ooe, and Cincinnati more than 92C0,0G0. We appeal, then, with tue greatest con fidence to the inhabitants of the Central States, esp&ci - ally to those who constitute the great industrial classes, . to send ns contributions, the productions of their Bkill and workmanship. We appeal to ttum in the interest of no party, radical or conservative, Republican or De* mocratic, administration or anti-administration. We know only this, that to send onr national soldiers in the field Bopplies to supplement those Government un dertakes to give them, bat which they sometimes fail to receive, tnd thus to relieve them when sick and in misery, is a woifc of Christian charity, and tnat u is a worn of intelligent patriotism. also, v as economizing •heir life, health, and efficiency, cn which, under God, the nation depends in this its time of trouble. -We therefore ask every clergyman to announce this humane undertaking to Ms people, and to advise them to do wl at they can to farther it. We ask the press to Sive it the widest publicity and the most earnest en couragement We call on every workshop, factory, and mill for a specimen of the best thing it c n tarn out; o* every artist, great and small, for one or hi* creations; on all loyal women for the exercise of their taste and Industry; on farmers, for the products of etieir fleide and • dairies The miner, the naturalist, the man of science, Ihe traveller can each send something that can, at the ‘very least, be converted into a blanket that wul warm, .andmay save from death, some one soldier whom Go vernment supplies lave failed to reach. Every on» who can produce anything that has money value is Invited to give a ssmple of his best work as an offering to the •«an£6 of Rational unity. Every workingman, mechanic, • or firmer, who can make a pur of shoes, or raise a bushel -of apples, is called on to contribute s mething that can be turned, into money, and again from money into the means of economizing the health and life of our national soldiers. Committees have been appointed in eacb department of industry and art. whose business it will be to solicit ' SOntrtbntions for tbe Fair.each in its own spacialbranch These committees will place themselves in commuaica oon With those persons who may wish to aid ns In the jneantime. It is recommended that local committees or associations to formed in every tortlon of r*eussylva aua, Delaware, and Hew Jersey, with a view or organi zing the man*try of their respective neighborhoods, so jts to secure contributions for the Fair. Committees of Ladles have also been organized, to co operate with those of the Gentlemen in soliciting con tributions. ? A JMA&W? ea f committees -will be shortly published And distributed. in the meantime, those who are dis posed to eidus or who may desire any farther inform** iidnoilthe subject, are requested to address OHasLES «T* BTILLE, CorrespondlDK Secretary of toe Executive Committee of the Great Central Fair, No. 1307 CHEST NUT Street. 19?NW2LSH, Chairman. CALEB '.;OPE, Treasurer. C. J STILLS. Cor Sec’y, H H. FUEBBBh. Bee. Bec’y. 8. V Merrick, B H. %oore, J. H Orne, JfiO Robbins. Whl Strothers, ffm. H. Ttighman, Geo Trott, 1 hos. Webster, Geo Whitney, A. th»Ws4t ■W. H Ashhnrstc Horaceßinney, Jr., A. X. Boris, Jf. B. Browne, Jno. C Greißon, n. B. Cummins, Theo. Cayler, Tied. Graff, . J. C. Grubb, Joseph Harrison, Jr., B. M Lewis. HIKIKGCOia PAWY-THE flr*t meeting or the VOLCaa M»2UflfG Gvitt- JpAHY, under its articles of association, wi'l be held on I£?PS££l' J2th day of March 1864 at 80. 3fc* Tf AI*St3T Street, Philadelphia. at ll o’clock. M. ' JOSEPH H. TKUTTBB, B. A. HOOPBS, Two of the Associates of said Corporation* rgnAPELPHiA, Feb. 23.1864. fe24'l« COM i>AMY (OF yffijff ***>• T T hg fl»t meeting of the Empire i*£?£ss X s Articles of Association. Will Mil SAr SIR.*?/ °V» s^ lrd day of March, 1854- at *Vr ~ WALNUT Street. Phi adelphia. ai 11 o’clock -*-** SIMON Ha* DLEBAUM, tix. . B * f- hoopbs, °< *** ft»pafr ■^S»fS^r b lb 4^' .election of a President and .MgtMjr «,dnntilother,rfClS" *“°” aBO-tmh9 W. H- WKBB. Secretary. ii L SHfis/JIMIfH DAI, 'be 29:b instant, »t 12 o-elocb, »Sm it iR. WAIUOT "met, (flret floor.) (or the purpose of taki» *h,»S2t lde ' tatlo “ “ 8“”* wu K - T,?SAILk ' 8 *i;»7« 9TVTH WARD. —APf ADJOI/RffßD GS^MeMteffofthe citizens of the SIXTH WaRD. for tbn nniDora of rwiiDt “botuty fUßdi will behold THIH EVENING, at the Public School Bouse, GROWN Stre4. above Race, at 7)4 o’clock, where all Committees Srin present their reports, and citizens who hare 'not .oMrilmted .» jogy Baqah, Secretary. u ■» EIGHTEENTH WARD.- DRAFT t<3» OR NO DRAFT! that Is the*tlon. and ids or yon to answer now. The last Public Meeilng o' the citizens of the EIGHTEENTH WARD on account of the draft, will ba held on THURSDAY EVENING, at halt pa*t .®SY* n o’clock, at the First Presbyterian Church. GIV ARD avenue, above HanoveT street. The following distinguished gentleman have been invited to addtes* the meeting: Colonel OEB'iOKt, Colonel WM B MAWW DANIEL DOUGHERTY, Eaa ■ and oth« JroKt fakers. let eyeiyoue In the ward liable to the Draft meeting. Let every man who la inta rested resolve not only to come himself, but also to bring his neighbor and friends along with him. audit cau b» demonstrated to their entirei satisfaction that a compara tively trifling sum from each will insure them against eny further anxiety on account of the impending con scription Remember the time is short. By order of the Committee on Bounty Fand. BENRY HUPLBr. Chairmen. OH AS H CRA HP Treasurer. FRASKLIB KNIGHT, fe24-2t* TnegPHH. ALLEN Mate TWENTIETH WARD —AN AD* £;"b\ 9 c'nbd ITjVdmicVm So »o it «« as this will i). the last chance B na mE3 ARE PUBLISHED. It* BSNJ. HARPER, Secretary. TWENTY-FIRST ward-the Executive CommiUee/Of the ward will meat at girls’ Hotel ?HU BSD AY Evening. 25iij lust. ,at 7>a o'clock. A lull attendance t« rpqa«;ste4. A CAMPBELL, President. Tjikd. Fatrthorjtb. Treasurer. Gm.». H featiTH, Secretary. It* LEGTDRE.-UFE lESVRAKCfi, RC?*’ Its History, Present Condition, and Various Methods or Pl*ns. will constitute the subject of a Lec ture by AMOS B. KEITH. Esq.ofthe Equitable Life Ae enrai ce Society, before BRYaNT. S«‘RATToN & B AN NISTBB’d Commercial College, on FRIDAY EVES I AG, February 16 at 7 >« o'clock fe2s 2:* P 9» PITTSBURG; FORT WAYNE. AND &CF* CHICAGO RAIL WAT COMPANY. Office of ths Secretary, Pittsburg. Pa.. February 12th. JSei. The Annual Meeting of the fctock aud Bondholders of this Oonpsny for the election of Directors, and fc uch other business as may come before it, will be held at the Office of said Company, in the city of Pittsburg, on the THIRD WEDNESDAY OF MARCH, A. D. 1834, atiO A. M. The Stock and Bond Transfer Books of the Company, at their Officein the city of Pittsburg, and at their Trans fer Agency in the city of NeurYork. will be closed on the 2fit da? of March, at 3 o’clock F. M , and leznain cios« d until the i7th day of March thereafter. felfi-tml7 W. H. Secre'ary. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL §C£» road company. Philadelphia. Feb. 15.1864. N' TI ,‘E TO STOCKHOLDERS. —The Annual Election for Directors will ba beld on MANDAT, the 7ih day of March* 1864, at the Office of the Company, No 338 South THIRD Street, i'hepol.awlll be open from tea o'clock A Of. until six o’clock P. M No rh.* re or shares transferred within sIX»-y days pre cpdn g the eifcction WIU entitle the holder or bonders t: ere* *to vote. EDMUND SMITH, fe!B-tmb7 Secretary, f<s» LORBERRY CREEK RAILRDAD COMPANY.— Philadelphia, Jan 29, 1861. ■1 he annual in eel in a of ihe stockholders of the LOR BEtRT CREEK RAILROAD COMPaNY will be held at the office of the Philadelphia aud Reading Railro id Com- UMtiT. bo- 93V South. FOURTH Street, Philadelphia on WEDNESDAY. March 9th, 1864, at 1 o’clock P. M.. for the election of a President and sis Directors to serve for the current year, and until others shall bs elected f«-20-tml9 W. H. WgBB, SecretaT. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COM PaNY. Treasurer's Department, Philadelphia, February J 5, 1864, The Board of Directors have this day declared an EXTRA DIVIDEND OF FIFTEEN DOLLARS upcm e*ch khare o f the present Capital Stock, as registered on the books of the company tnle day. The »sdd Extra Dividend to be payable in Stock of the Company. at its par value of Fifty Dollars per share, the trbares to be dated May 2,1554, and to bs entitled to dividends payable in November next, and thereafter, as the present stock of the company. Stock Certificates for th« extra dividend will be de livered on and after May 2.1864 fel6-tmhl THQS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer, T*S3T THEWORLDOFFACTdND. Fan :;Y—LECTURE for the relief of Disabled coidiers 1 Families, under the care o*the Ladies' Mrat Dnion Association, by ENOCH R.SUPPLES, at HANDEL AND HAYDN HALL, on TUESDAY EVENING. M rch Ist, «t 9 o’clock Tickets. 25 cents; for sale at the Associa tion fioomß, 53? North EIGHTH Street. f«22 Bt* CONCERT-BY URGENT HE* QUEST, the SONDAY-CHOOL of the SECOND DNIVEESALIST OiURCH. EIGHTH Street,above No ble. will repeat their Concert of Sacred aud Miscellane ous Music, on THURSDAY EVENING next. Fab. 25, at 7/2 o’clock, under the direction of Prof, FISOHBR. The Church will be handsomely decorated. Tickets crowded out on Monday will be good Thursday evening. Admis sion. 25 cents. . fe24 '2t* fkS2"» M£RCARTItE LlBRiaT —THE fiO 1 * Adjourned Annual Meeting of the Stockholders, to consider the proposed alteration of the Charter, and other business. vIU be held on WEDNESDAY EVE NING, lfebxuary 24th, at 7& o’clock. JOHN LARDNER, Jb , Rec. Seorefcary. _ NOTICES TO STOCKHOLDERS OF |CP» THE OIL GREEK aND SIDGWAY RaIIROAD COMPANY. —An adjourned animal meeting of the Stock holders of this Company will be held on TUESDAY, the flrfct day of March. 1861, at half past 10 o’clock A. M. ♦ at No. 4 WILLING'S Alley, in Philadelphia. fe!6-14t JO3BPH LESLEY. Secretary. PHILADELPHU ABTI> ftKAmJCCI fl*3» RAILROAD COMPANY, Ofice So. SS9 Soaih Philadelphia, December 2, 1863. DIVIDEND NOTICE. —The Transfer Books of this Company will be closed on THURSDAY, 17th instant, and reopened on TUESDAY, January 13, 1864. A Dividend of SBVEN FSB CENT., clear of State tax, has been declared on the Common Stock, payable in Common Stook on and after the Slat December next to the holders thereof as they shall stand registered on the books at the elose of business on the 17th mat. _ A Dividend of THREE AND A HALF PEE GENT., tleur of State tax, has been declared on the Pre ferred stock, payable in C*»h or Common Stock, at the option otthe holder,on and after the 31st December next, to the stockholders as they shall stand registered on the hooks at the elose of business on the 17th Inst. Holders of certificates which have been discharged from this office, or either of the Transfer Agendas, are particularly requested to hare them duly registered on the Transfer Books to which they have been transferred, prior to the 17th inst. . , _ Stockholders whose names are registered on the New York hooks will be paid at the Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, and those whose names are registered on the Boston books will be paid at the office of Messrs. I. 5. Thayer h Brother. 8. BRADFORD, dftß-tf Treat nrar- guaa PHILADELPHIA AMD READHVB £<&• RAILROAD COMPANY, Office 337 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. September % 1863. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The following-named persons are entitled to a Dividend on the Common Stock of this Company. The residence of several of them is un known, and it is, therefore, necessary that the certifi saies of stock should bo presented on e&Uing for the Dividend. 8, BRADFORD, Treasnrar. STOCKHOLDERS’ NAMES. Mrs. Mary Bishop, S. Lancaster, Timothy 0. Boyle. Percy M. Lewis, Clement Biddle. Fanny Mary Mltsherson, Ann Copeland, John Mclntyre, A. Emslle and J, Kewbold, John S. Moore. Trustees, James McKnighfc, Debbie A. Hughes, Benj. F. Newport, Sami. T. Harrison, Benj. Pott, James Hallowell, W S. Rodman, James W. Hallowell, Surah Ann Richard*, Catherine C. Koppele, Benry B. Sherer, Daniel Klapp, Maria L. Sadler. Mary Kuhn, Andrew Turner, Chat Kuhn, Hartman Mrs. Rebecca Ulrich, KuhnTand J. H. Kuhn, Ex. Asher M. Wright, of 8. Kuhn. William Young, R. V. R. Lelsse Sxtrx., W. H. HcVickar. and James G. Schaff. Ex. of Austin Smith. John R. Lelsse. des'd. wim« a Co STHE LAST CHANCE TO AVOID TBE DRAFT, which will take place on the TENTH of MaBCH next. The undersigned are recruiting a Company for the ISth PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY. Letter C. All Government and Local Bonn ties will be promptly paid to all recruits enlisting in this Company, same as to any other Veteran Regiments. A PDly to Capt FRED. 2AKBAGHEB, Lieut. PHILIP A. VOORHBE9. No. 106 South SIXTH Street, at C. M. BERRY'S; or, Lieut. SAMUEL JOHNSOn, Market street Railroad Depot, BRINTON GREEN’S HOTEL, Weßt Philadelphia, and PAUL D, ANTREOHk, fe£4-4t* No. mas RIDGE Avenue. JSstlack, Jr. t VOLUNTEERS, ATTENTION I ONE HUNDRED MEN WANTED TODAY, To be credited to FIRST WARD, and receive the $25 bounty in cash. The Di horsing Committee will sit every afternron, from four to five o’clock, at the Provost Marshal s c ffice, TWELFTH Street, above Spruce, to pay the Bounty to volunteers credited to the ward. fe24-at» WM. H. TAbKER, Treasnrer. «M E N WANTED, TO AVOID THE DRAFT, and join any old Pennsylvania ARTILLERY, CAVALRY, OR INFANTRY REGIMENT. Veterans ~.........$673 New Recruits.-.. $573 1273 cash paid before they are sent to rendezvous. 73 cash paid before leaving rendezvous for regiment. Beware of unauthorized agents, irresponsible runners, who are on the alert to take advantage of you Come to the General Recruiting Office, N. E. corner B&OAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets. Officers who have squads of men will do well to call before having them mustered in. H- WANNER, TJ. S. Recruiting Agent, fe23«3t* Fourth District Penna. S RECRUITS WANTED. $B5O BOUNTY PAID FOR VETERANS, 750 FOE OTBBBS, If immediate application be made at the MERCHANTS’ HOUSE. THIRD Street. fe23- 3t* Above Callowhill street. loner side. MILITARY* and get the Highest Bounties. S GENERAL RECRUITING OFFICE, No. 611 CHESTNUT Street, Recruits wanted for all tk»gallant old Cavalry, Ar tillery, and Infantry regiments new in service raised in this State. A limited ».umber of men can vet to enlisted for the 24 Artillery. P Y., stationed in the fortifications for the de fence of Washington, and for the 3d Artillery, stationed at Fortress Monroe, Va.. by applying at this office Imme diately. Boosmas. Veteran Volunteers AH other Volunteers S34S CASH IN HANZ>. Beware of unauthorized agents, irresponsible rannera, and econndrele, -who are on the alert to take advantage of yon. but come direct to the authorized recruiting office, No 611 cheetnut street, and select a good old regi ment, secure the bounty, serve under officers of experi ence,, and avoid the impending draft. CBAS N. CADWALLADBB, Cap'. 2d Art.» P. V , feb22 fit* General Recruiting Officer. LEGAL* TN THE ORPHANS* COURT FOB A THE CITY AN© COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. In the matter of the Estate of HARRIET K., MARGA' BET £«, ANNA F.» and ARTHUR W. HOSYELL, Minors. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of JOBBPH K. SOWELL.',Guar dian of the Estate of HABBIET K., MARGARET 8.. ANN A P,, and ABTHUR w. fiOWBLLi ULaoi duldren of ELIZABETH G-HOWELL, deceased and report dis-ri bntion of the balance in hu hands, trill meet the parties ii terested for the purposes of his appointment on MON DAY, March 7th, A. D. 1884. at 4 o'clock P. M., at his Office, 8 E corner of THIRD and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia. O. WILSON DaVIS, fe2s thsmSt Auditor. UNITED STATES INTERNAL KEYES* ANNUAL TAXES FOR 1861 tax-payers is hereby called to the pro- Unite , d State's Excise Law relative to the assessment of annual taxes l 6 ? 1 ! 011 of th « ®«t ot July 1.1882, it is made T. Bra °ns» Partnerships, firms, asaocia to pay any license, ....... Every person whoshiall fall to makesnch return by the day specified wi>l be liable to be assessed by the Assessor according to the beet information which he can obtain* and in f-ucb case the Assessor is required to add fifty per cei- tnm to the amount of the items of each U»t. Etbtt person who shalldeliver to an Aaseaso any false or fraudulent list or statement, with intent to «.vade the valuation or enumeration required by law, is subjaat to & fine ofA™ hundred dollars; and la such case toe list will ne made out by the Assessor or Assistant Assessor, and from ihe valuation and enumeration so made there “payment™® I the annual taxes, teeert those for 11- eentes, will not be demanded until the thirtieth day of appropriate blanks on which to make return, and all nfcestary 'information* will be furnished by the A«- al&tant Assets or sof therespective divisions,to whom the rf turns should he delivered on or before the first Monday WASHIKGTOK KBITS. tt g. Assessor. Ist District, Penna. THOB W.BWBNSY, \ U. 8. Assessor.JM District, Penna. J. FLBrCH»R-BUDD, U. B. Asse*eor,S4 District. Penna. D P. SOUTHWOBTH. n. a Aa«es»or. 4th District, Penna. BhWINT. OHABB. f*s»-thtuth3tr U. S. Assessor, oth District, Penna, NEW PUBLICATIONS, LIFE CAMPAIGNS, PUBLISHED THIS DAY, THE LIFE. CAMPAIGNS, AND PUBLIC SERVICES general mcclellan The Hero of Western Virginia t South. MouLtain t tad J PRICE, 50.CENT8 A COPY. THErLIFE. CAMPAIGNS, BATTLES, REPORTS, AND PUBLIC PBRVIOES OF MAJOR GENERAL GEORGE B.MoGLELL*N, theHBRO of WESTERN VIRGIN! i. SOUTH MOUNTAIN, and ANTIBTAM, with a full l tetory ef all his CsWPII JNS ar d BATTLES, aa well as his REPORTS AND CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE WAR DEPARTMENT AND THE PRESIDENT, in relation to them, from the time he first took the field, in this war, until he was finally relieved from com mand after the Batt!eof Antietam; with.Ms various SPEECHES TO BVLDIBBS, etc.. up to the present time. Complete in one large volume of 200 pages, with a Portrait of General McClellan. Price Fifty Cents in paper. Seventy-five Cents in cloth, and sent free of pottage every where on receipt of remittance. This Work should ha read by all. as It contains the most complete history of the war ever written or pub lished. It is published and for sale at the cheapest Book House in the world to buy or send for a stock of books, which teat T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS’, No. 300 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED! AGENTS. CANVASSERS, and in every town and yilltge in the United States, who can easily i»a>e TEN DOLLARS ADAY at It. to engage in selling “TBE LIFE,CAMPAIGNS, BATTLES, REPORTS, AND PUBLIC SERVICES OF GENERAL McDLBLL aN,” just published and for sale in paper cover at Fifty Cents a copy, wbo will be supplied with them at Three Dollars and a Half a Dozen, or Twenty-live Dollars a Hundred; or the cloth edition, which retails at Seventy-five Cents,, will be supplied at Six Dollars a Dozen, or Forty-five Doll is re a Hundred. Apply in parson* or addres* your orders with cash enclosed, for whatever Quantity you may wish to start with, to T. B. PBTER6ON A BRO THERS, 34)0 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia,and your orders will be filled at once, and the books sent you per first express after receipt of order We have agents now making Fifteen and Twenty Dollars a day selling them. All in search of work or money should engage In selling this book at once, and give it a trial. JUST PUBLISHED. TBB LIFE AND SERVICES OF MAJOR GENERAL GRANT, the Hero of " Fort Docelson, n • 1 Vicksburg,” and “ Cbattancoga," Commander of the Military Di vision of the MBBeis&iFpil Captor of 472 Cannon and 90,000 Rebel Prisoners. With His Portrait. Price 26 cents. THE LIFE OF ARCHBISHOP HUGHE K first Archbishop of New York, with a fail account of his Life, Death, and Burial, as well as his Services in all Pursuits and Vocations, from the time of his Birth until hiB Death W lib Lis Portrait Price 25 cents. These two books will be supplied to Book Agents at Ten Dollars a Hundred. NEARLY READY. THELIPB AND PUBLIC SERVICES OF MAJOR GENE RAL BENJAMIN F. BUTLER, the Hero of "Now Orleans,” Commander of the Military Department of Virginia and North Carolina: also. Commissioner for the Exchange of Prisoners. With his Portrait. Price 26 cents. Will be published March Ist. THB LIFE AND SERVICES OF MAJOR GENERAL GEOhGE G. MBADE, the Hero of "Gettysburg," and BOW Commander Of the Army of the Potomac. With, his Portrait. Price 2S cents. Ready on March 12th. These two books will be supplied to Booksellers and others at Ten Dollars a Hundred. Copies of any of the above books will be sent to any one, to any place* free of postage, on remitting to us the price of the ones wished, and the quantities wanted, in ft letter. Canvassers, Booksellers, News Agents, Sutlers. Ped lars, and all others, will please send on their orders at once for what they may want of the above books,to the publishers. Published and for sale at the Cheapest Book House in the world to buy or send for a stock of books, which is at T. B. FBTERSOH & BROTHERS’, No. 306 CHESTNUT St. , Philadelphia, Pa. Copies sent everywhere, free of postage, on receipt of price. It JUST PUBLISHED. HILLGROVE’S BALL-ROOM GLIDE, AIVD COMPLETE PRACTICAL DANCING-MASTER. Containing a Plain Treatise on Etiquette and Deport ment at Balls and Parties, with Valuable Hints in Dress and ihe Toilet, tc gether with fall explanations and de scriptions of the Rudiments, Terms, Figures, and Steps need in Dancing, including Clear and Precise Instruc tions hoW to dance &U kind» of Quadrilles, Waltzes. Polkas, Bedowas, Reels* Round, Plain, and Fancy Dances, bo that any person may learn them without the aid of a teacher; to which are added Easy Directions for Calling out the Figures of every Dance, and the amount of Music required for each. The whole illustrated with one hundred and seventy-six descriptive engravings and diagrams. By THOMAS HILLGROVB. Professor of Dancing. 257 Pages, bound in cloth, with gilt side and back.««< 7-sc. Bound in boards, with cloth back.*,*, * »*5Qc. Copies of the above book sent by mail to any address, fieeofpoßtage, on receipt of the price. Published by DICK & FITZGERALD, No. 18 ANN Street, NEW YOKE, Also, for sale by all Booksellers in this place. fe26-th stu 3t POPULAR MEDICAL WORK. TII E EAR,; ITS DISEASES AND THEIR TREATMENT. BY VON MQSCHZISKER. CONTENTS. Anatomy of the Ear. Organic Diseases. Inflammatory Diseases. Strictures of the Eustachian Tube. Inflammation of the Periosteum of the Middle Ear. inflammation of the Inner Ear. ft ervous Diseases of the bar. Organic Db eases of the Ear. P< r.oration of the Membrani Tyrapanl. Examination of the Organs of Hearing—DIETETICS, (PREVENTION OF DEAFNESS,) Artificial Membrana Timpani- SCARLET FEVER—Affections of the Ear during its progress. / NEW MODE OF TREATING DEAFNESS. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS* \ * ‘ Many person* gfifier for years under deprivation of hearag. which they suppose irremediable, but which, by proper advice, might be remedied by simple means. Theta cases receive due&itention in this volume, which treats as well of inveterate and chronic deafness, wth the b*st means of relief As a medical.and surgical treatise. Dr. Von Hoechzi&ker’s book deserves a wide circulation. It is a valuable contribution to that species of literature which aims at assisting and benefiting the human race ” —Sundew Dispatch “An attentive perusal of the work will perfectly re move the injurious notions and prejudices of those who believe that deafness cannot be cured, and will show the progress aural science has made, and what can ba done for the deaf The public in general will derive much benefit from its careful perusaL '’—lnquirer. “The work is elaborate without being obscure,and we are confident will be found useful to all who have occasiou to stud; or comuli it. The remarks on Dietetics shoulc be stacked by ail who have charge of children”*—Frees. * * *1 his is a v* ry complete and valuable work, the result of fifteen years’ experience at an aunst, The intention of the work is to supply students with a trustworthy guide book $ and it is also a popular treatise, which will impart a great d*a] of useful information. '’—Philo,. Ledger. l2mo , cloth; Illustrated- MARTIN & RANDALL, Publishers, Booksellers, and Stationers, fe26*6t* »9 > onto SIXTH Street, PhUadelphia. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. The subicribers publish and keep on hand a gene ral assortment of works in Every Department of Science including also a full asao rtment Of worka on ' L „ „ , MEDIC (HE. SURGERY, and the(Collateral Sdenc&s, and all the new and stand ard Books on v „ MILITARY AND NAVAL SCIENCE, the Use of Steam, Ac., Ac. LINDSAY A BLAKISTON, „ . Publishers and Booksellers, fe2s S 5 South SIXTH Street, above ChesttiUfc. PBOP. HOWS’ READINGS AND RE CITATIONS—PubIIohed to-day. TBTK- LADIES' BOOK OF READINGS AMD RECITATIONS; A Gollec tion of approved Extracts from Standard author*, in tended for the use of higher classes is Schools end Semi naries. and for Family Heading Circles. By John W. S. Howe, Professor of Elocution. T AL-iO, ' PROF HOWS' ladib^rbadlr. PROF. HOWS* JONIOK LADIES’ READER. NEARLY READY. pTtoF. HOWS' PRIMARY LADIES' READER. The four books will complete Prof Hows* series, spe cially prepared for Young Ladies, Schools, and Semlua-. rice—he only series of reading books so specially pre pared published In the country. His high reputation and gr*a* experience as a teacher of the aTt of Elocu tion, and his critical taste in that art. warrant us in commending these books in the strongest manner to the favorable notice of Teachers of Ladies’ Seminaries, etc. had hy E H BUTLER A CO., frfMt 13T South FOURTH Street. MAGAZINES! March Number now ready at the Philadelphia Agency. PSTERtON’S. | GODEY. BaRPEB. J ATLANTIC. Single copies sold- and subscriptions taken by the year at publisher’s prices. Csll or tend to the Philadelphia Agency and subscribe for one year, ana the numbers will then be sent to you free < f expense, which is at the Publishing and Book selling House of T. B. PBTBRSON & BROTHERS. It No GOG OBBSTNU P Street, Philad’a. Pa, Photograph albums and BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. The Cheapest place in Philadelphia to buy Photograph Alt urns, as well as the best and most beautiful, and *ll b tnos of Books suitable for army reading and for the family, is at ,T* P ETERSO N A BROTfllfiSS’. No. 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Send for one of oar catalogue*. it Oil 0181 20 OTBM 20OT8Mf—HAB* PER for March, PITCHER’S, 808 CHNSPNUT Street f e 26 St TX) BUSINESS MEN. A tbb Cumberland valley journal. published at Mechanlcsbarg-, Cumberland county, Pa., and sow in it*- ninth yoi Qm«, is an excellent medium for business men. of all clashes to reaca a large and desirable CiAKJ of purokaeerß. The Journal base LA KG 8 CIR CULATION in tbe beet portion of the State and adver 'tears will fine it to ibeir advantage to make nse of its columns term* moderate. Ordewleftwltb JONES WEBSTER. Advertising Agent, No 5o North FIFiH Street. Philadelphia, will receive prtmpt attention; or. If preferred, address ». J. CARtf ABY. Publisher, Heoh«nlc*bnrc. Pa. THE PRESS-PHILADELPHIA. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 25,1864. RETAIL DRV GOODS. QPENING OF SPRING & SUMMER DRESS GOODS. J. W. HA F LEIGH, 60* CHESTNUT ST., Will ossa TUESDAY, Feb. 23d, s large and well se lected stock of Hew Spring and Sommer DRESS GOODS. SHAWLS. LACES. EMBROIDERIES, and SILKS, to which he respectfully invites the attention oi bis cnetomere and retail borers. 10X4 UHBSTWCT STKBBT. SPRING TRADE. E» M. NEEDLES Is now receiving, and offers for sale below present marfeet rates, many novelties in LiC£ AND WHITE GOODS He would call * * special attention ” to his assortment of ov©r2o<iifferei>fc new fabrics and styles of White Goods, suitable for ''Ladies Bodies and Dres>eB,”ia st-ipes, plaids, and figured, puffed and tucked Muslins 100 pUcei- of figured and plain Buff and White Piques, bought before the recent ad- New invoices of Guipure and Thread Laces, Thread and Grenadine Veils, Edgings, Insert* ings, Flouncinss, Ac. _ _ Broad Hem-Stitched HANDKERCHIEFS, alt linen, good quality, from 25 cents up. tOa-Jr CHESTNUT BTKEET. gALMORAL SKIRTS. l lot Balmoral*. *2.00. 1 lot B &LMORALB, $2 *5. i lot Balmorals. m± so. 1 lot BAfiUOKALS, $2 75. 1 lot BaIiHORAL?, 93 00. Wiih. a l&rxe stock of superior soods, raising up to *B. MISSES' AND CHILDREN’S SKIRTS, At reduced prices. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 45a, and 454 U. SECOND St., above Willow. fJUBLE CLOTHS AND DAMASKS. HAND AND LOOM LINENS. TOWELIKGS. NAPKINS. SHFETtNGS AND PILI.OVf.GASE LINENS. CODNTSRPANES AND BLANKETS. CUBWENS TODD ART & BBOTHER, 450. 4»)», ana *54 N. BEHIND 81.. ftboTe Willow JUDIES' SPRING CLOAK CNO CLOTHS WATER-PROOF CLOTHS. MIDDLESEX •« MXTEB 4i SALISBURY Of cteßtrable mixtures and FRENCH CLOAKINGS, of choice styles. OTJBWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 453. and 454 N. SECOND St., above Willow. JJICH BLACK SILKS. BLACK GRO DE SHINES. " GBO GRAINS. “ GRO DE AFRIQUE. BARETHIA. FIGURED GRO DE NAPLES. CTJRWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 45a attd 454 N. SECOND St.* above Willow, DRY GOODS. gEYMOUB, PEAKLESS, & SANDS, IMPOBTEES OF WOOLEN AND COTTON WARP CLOTHS, AND OTHER BRITISH DRY GOODS, SJC» CHESTHOT STREET, (Corner of Second street,) and 58 HOBIUT Street, Hew York. army goods. j»OR THE ARMY AND NAVY. EVANS A lIASSALL, MILITARY FUROTSHEItS, 418 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Banners, Regimental and Company Flftffß, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Peasants, Epaulettes, Hats, Caps, Can teens, Haversacks, Camp Kits, Field Olasees, Spurs, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit *of Ariny and Navy Officers. A liberal discount allowed to the trade. felO-lm Q. W. SIMONS <* BSOTHEB, BAMSOM-STEBET HALL. PHILADELPHIA, MAHUFAOTDBBBB OP JEWELRY. FINE SWOBDS, AMD MILITARY GOODS Iff EVERY VARIETY. »028-ÜBm JpROTUINGHAM <ft WELLS HAYS FOB SAXBi HEAVY, MEDIUM, AND LIGHT SHEETINGS AND .SHIRTINGS. STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CA J TON FLANNELS WASH, HGTON AND VICTORY CAMBRICS AND SILECIAS. BROWN.BLEACHED. AND CORBET JEANS. No. 1» WORSTED YARN. Ac. *e22lftf HOTELS, JONES HOUSE, HARRISBURG, Pa m CORNER MARKET STREET AND MABKST SQUARI A first-class houeo. Terms, 92 p«r day. .QPECIAL NOTICE.—STATES UNION HOTEL, 606 and 608 MARKET Street, Phila delphia. The manager of this old-established Hotel wouJd respectfully announce to his friands, as well as to the public generally, that the “ STATES UNION” has been re-leased for another term, from Ist April next; and that Improvements will be made that will make li the best hotel of its capacity in the city. A continuance of the patronage heretofore bo liberally bestowed is re spectfully solicited. f»24-St* CHAS. M. ALLMOND, Manager. JJARKLEY & SHAFFNER, SUCCESSORS TO SHAFFNFE, ZEIGLEK & CO., CONTINUE THE WHOLESALE HOSIERY AND VARIETY BUSINESS, At the old stand, * fe2S No. 36 NORTH FOURTH STREET. J7ABREL, IRYING/& 00., 510 MINOR STREET. Manufacturers of Roll Wrappers, Double and Single Medium, Cap. and Crown Manilla Papers. Highest price paid for rope in large or small quanti ties- fe3SSm XTEATON* DENCKLA, HARDWARE •AX Commission Merchants, 507 COMMERCE and 510 NORTH Streets, offer for #ale: Anchor Brand A ails; Plymouth Mill Rivets. W. &6. Batcher’s Cast Steel; Eagle Cabinet Locks. Putnam’s Horse Nails; Locke a School Slates. Copper, Brass, and Iron Wire; Cotton Cards Also, a fall assortment of American Harawsre. fefrdmif •• . _ T INEN THBEAD. •MS SAMPSON'* ABQTIrS, VINCENT MILLBi MCDONALD’S, SATIN FINISH BOOKBINDERS’, CARPET THREAD, Eorsaleby gPECTACLES TO SUIT ALU SIGHTS. ARTIFICIAL HUMAN RYES Inserted without pain, by JAMES W. QUEEN & CO.. _ _____ BSS4 CHESTNUT STREET. QPERA GLASSES AND OFFICERS’ V FIBLD GLABSBS Microscopes for Physicians and Students. A T QTY large assortment for sale toy JAMES W QUBEH h CO., 934 CHBS PHUT Street, Mathematical drafting in ‘ STRUMS NTS. Cheßterman’s Metallic and Steel Tape measures. For sale by JAMES W QUEEN & CO„ 934 CHESTNUT Street. Priced and ill’aftratecl catalogues gratis. fa23tf PXQUISITE t-TYLBS AND TASTE AJ FUIrTeT finished C iRTKS DB VISITS are alw vjr* made at B. F. REIMER’B new and elegant Gallery, 634 ARCH Street. Qo early and obtain good Pictures. U* •TJEIMER'S COLORED PHOTO AV- qr>pbs hare won an unprecedented popularity. Only SI for a superior Likeness, naturally colored. Go at once to SECOND Street, above Green. It* THE DOUBLE-TUBE A * TOdACOO PIPES. All Who woo’d en.ioy Tobacco LUXURIOUSLY and ECONOMICALLY should use theft* Pipes. For sale by Dealers generally. and wholesale by R. S HARRIS, Agent, No. 800 CHESTNUT St , (2d*tory )fr2s-thsta-3t* MABKbEY & SHAFPNER, SDCCES "A £OR9 to Sbaffner, ZMg'er, t Go-, continue the Wholesale Hosiery and Variety Business, at the Old Stand. No. 36 North FOURTH Street. fe2o 6w CPLENDID SPECIMENS OF IVORY- TYPES are to be seen at B. F. REIMBR'3 new Gal lery, 634 ARCH ttreet. Gfcoote a style and baveoue tacecnted—superb manner and to your satisfaction. It* TSABLEY—6/CO BUSHELS CA.RGO Ar 0 r Acbooner Cla*a, to arrive. fov sale by HENRY W]NSOR A.CO., 333 Sooth Wnaryes. fe2s 3t fUMBEBLAND SAUCE-PRO NOUNOED by Connoisseurs “ the only good Ame rican Fence.” For sale at B PBNIotaH’S ferO 6i* ' 439 CHB3TNOT Street. Morgan, orb, & 00., steam KSGINR BUIXJ>XRS, Iron yonsAnn. and General i Maehtntota and Boiler Maker*. Mo. 1319 QALLOWHILL { Street, PhiladelehU. C.H. HAMM. HORACE H. SOULE, 33 North FRONT Street MANTAJION^mTTEUS. WE HAVE LEARNED NOT TO BE astonishod at anything. Tears of experience, and a correspondence extending throughout all nationalities of the habitable globe, bare turned theories into facts and established a basis from 'Which we seed not err. We are not surprised at such facts as the following, although the persons who write them are. We know the persons and circumstances, hence feel at liberty to endorse their statements: 11 Hew Bedford, Mass., Not. 21,1833. •'Dear Sir*. I have been afflicted many years, with severe prostrating crampa in my limbs, cold feet and hands, and a general disordered system Physicians and medicines failed to relieve me. While visiting some friends in Now "Fork, who were tiling Plantation Bitters, they prevailed open me to try them. I commenced with a small wiae-glßS6fal after dinner. Feeling betterby de grees, in a few days I was astonished to find the coldness and cramps had entirely left me. and I could sleep the night through, which I had not done for years I feel like another being. My apetlte and strength hav» &Ibo greatly improved by the use of the Plantation Bitters. “Respectfully, JUDITH RUS3BL.” Bbedsburt, Wis., Sept. 18. 1883. ***** I have been In ihe army hospital far four teen. months—speechless and nearly dead- At Alton, 111., they gave me a bottle of Plantation Bitters. * * * Three bottles restored my speech and cured rue. * C. A. FLAUTE.” The following is from the Manager of the Union Home School for the Children of Volunteers: “ Bavemeyer Manbton, Fu'Ty-seventb Sr., New York- August 2, 1833. “Dr. Drake: Your wonderful Plantation Bitter* have bef n siren to some of our little children, suffering from weakness and weak lungs, with most happy effect. One little girl, in particular, with pains in her head, loss of appetite, .and daily wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill had been exhausted, has beau entirely restored. We commenced with but a teascoon ful of Bitters a day. Her appetite and strength rapidly increased, and she is now well. Respectfully, Mrs. 0. M. DEVOE,” “ • * * I ©we much to you, for I verily believe the Plantation Bitters have saved my life. Rev. W. H. WAGGONER, Madrid, N. Y.” “*. *. * Thou will send me two bottle* more of fchy Plantation Bitters. My wife has been greatly benefited by their übb ASA CURRIE, Philadelphia, Pa.” Thy friend, “ * * * Iha ve been a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, and had to abandon preaching. * * * The Plantation Bittebe have cured me. Rev. J. 8. CATHOEN, Rochester, N.'Y.” * J hftTC given the Plantation Bitters to hun dreds of onr disabled soldiers with the most astonishing effecl. 0. W. D. ANDREWS, Superintendent Soldiers’ Some, Cincinnati, 0. n * k * * * The Plantation Bitters have cured Ime of liver complaint, of which I was laid up prostrate and had to abandon my business. H. B. KING3LRY, Cleveland, 0/ f M * . ♦ * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of a derangement of the kidneys and urinary organs that has distressed me for years. It acts like a chano. C. C. MOORE, No. 254 Broadway.’ l Ac., Ac., &c., &c.» &c.» Ac. The Plantation Bitters make the weak strong, the lan guid brilliant, and are exhausted nature’s great restorer. They are composed of the celebrated CaUsaya bark, win terireen, e&S&afras, roots, herbs, Ac., »u preserved in perfectly pure St. Croix rum. S. T.-1860.-X. Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weakness, latitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, dis tress after eating, torpid liver, constipation &c.» deserve to suffer if they Will not try them. They are recommended by the bigheattnedieai autho rities. and are warranted to produce an itnwediatp. bene ficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure, and harmless. Notice.— Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bit ters in bulk or by the gallon is a swindler and impostor. It is put up only in our log-cabin bottle. Beware of bot tles refilled with imitation deleterious stuff, for which several persons are already in prison- See that every bottle has our United States stamp over the cork, tmww tilated, and our signature on steel-plate side label. ■ Sold by respectable dealers throughout the habitable * lofce ' P. H. DRAKE & CO., fe23-tnth.Bm 202 RRP A O W *Y. MILLINERY GOODS. NEW MILLINERY GOODS. P. A. HARDING & GO., Respectfully Inform the mercantile community that they HAVE NOW OPEN, AT No. 413 ARCH STREET, A COMPLETE STOCK OF STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, Suited to the trade, and trust that prompt and careful at tention, moderation in prices, good assortment, together with their long experience In butlness, (having been for the last seven years with the house of Lincoln, Wood, dt Nichols, and their successors. Wood & Gary,) they may merit a share ofthe public patronage. # Orders solicited by mail and promptly executed. . fel-lmif CIiOTHLSG. \A*VVV , I.^VVVvt\AAA/-j 1864. FINE CLOTHING WHOLESALE. We are now prepared to show to cash buyers as exten sive a stock of medium fine Ready-made Clothing, for Spring sales, as can in the United States. Buyers can save their expenses to New l ork, and find the coeds they want five and ten percent cheaper In Philadelphia. An examination of onr stock Is solicited. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL. fell-1 m if S. E. corner SIXTH and MARKET Sts. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, 1864. 1864. NEW STOCK. LINFOKD LTT^EISrS, N. W. CORNER SIXTH AMD CHESTNUT STREETS, yOW OFFERS A LARGE AND ELEGANT NEW STOCK OF GENTLEMEN S FURNISHING GOODS. All tins choicest novelties in this department constantly 031 hand. THE BEST-MADTS SHIRT $ IN THE CITY. ORDERS PhOURjTLY EXECUTED. PRICES REASOITaBEB fe24-tf FINANCIAL. QLAKKSON & CO., BA NK EB S, Wo, 1)»1 Booth THIRD Street, Philadelphia. GOYernment Securities of all issues PURCHASED AND FOR SALE. STOCKS, BONDS, AND GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, Interest;* Allowed on Deposits. JW-COLLECTIOJB PROMPTLY MADE. fed-lm INSURANCE COMPANIES. PETUKN OF THE BOYAL INSU- Ah’ RAHCE COMPANY OF LIVERPOOL. Juke 30,1863. CAPITAL STOCK *10,000,000. Of which paid ’ .#1,418.326 Cash on band and in Bank 155.587 Real Estate 604,927 Cash In hands of agents - 120,465 United Staten Stocks heldlnNew Y0rk*520,715 Loans secured by Bonds 1,003 425 Loans secured by Life Polioies,,.,,«*•*#»*.. IS. 1 ,200 Sundry Investments in Great Britain 770.655 Loan on Slocks with margins of 18 to 20 per cent 1,776 027 Talol MfiAta........ ....... Tire Insurance Premiums, 1862... Losses raid, 1862 Losses not adjusted, about , Dividend declared, about Expenses, about Liabilities, besides losses mentioned above, sundry small accounts* and three months’ duty to Government, not yet due.*. 3fi,Btf felS-eatmhfit T?AME INSTJBAN< A No. 406 CHBff PHILADI FIBE ANN ISLa: PIEZO FrtneUN. Book, Charles Jllcbsrdeon. Henry Lewis, O. W. Davis, P. 8 Justice, George A. West. FSaNOIBN. _ CHAS. RICH. W. I. Blanch ARB- Secret* SHERIFF’S SALE. SHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, March 7.1864, at4o'clock, atSansom-street Haii, No. 1 All that certain lot of ground situate on the south side of Fernon street, one hundred and eighty* three feet five inches eastward from Tenth street, tu the city of Philadelphia; contatnmg In front on Fernon street sixteen feet, ana in depth fifty four feat No 2. All that certain lot of ground simate on the south side of Person street, adjoining No l on theeaet; containing in front on Fernon street sixteen feet, and in derth fifty-four feet. No. 3. All that certain two-story brick meatuige and lot of ground situate on the north side of Mountain street, one hundred and eighty-three feet five inches eastward fr<m Tenth street, fn the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Mountain street sixteen feet, and in depth forty two feet. No. 4. fill that certain two-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the north side of Mountain street admiring No H on theeast; containing in front on Moun tain stn et sixteen feet, and in depth forty two feet. tWrich said h>t« Francis Conway and wife, b. 7 tWO deeds dated May 28 1861. recorded in Deed *.<J 9 , No. 19, pages 23H, Ac . conveyed unto Daniel V? Gamble in fee: reserving ont of Nos. I and 3 a yearly ground rent of fi 'ty-eigbt dollars,and out of Nos. 2 and 4 a yearly ground rent of fifty-eight dollars Subject to saioLtwo yeaily-ground rents 1 _ f CD C. ;M. ’64. SI. Debt. $l9O-29 Colahau.l Taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Daniel W Gamble. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. ■ Philadelphia Sheriff's Office. Feb. 2*. 1864 fa 26 3t QIIERItFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, March ?, 1664, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-etreet Hall, fill that certain lot of ground situate on the north side of C earfleld street two hundred and twenty feet west ward from Twenty-second street in the city of PhiU delphla: containing in front on -learfield street sxiy feec. and in depth two hundred and twenty-five feßt to Perk street. [Which said lot Menho stera et ax .by deed dated May 9,1887, conveyed unto John A Gosh* ring in fee. 3 CD C ; M., ’f4. 192. Debt, $366 27. Bullitt. ] Tfc ken in execution and to be sold as the property of John fi. Goehrlng. deceased. JOHN THOMPSON Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Feb. 24,1961 fe2s-3t 1864. 56.1P8.040 * 1,644.240 . 738.960 . 12.456 . 166,120 . 486,666 DE COMPANY, rNUT STREET, SLPHIA 3D lOSUBANOB. roßs. John. W. Evsunan, Robert B. Potter, John Kessler, Jr. * E. D Woodruff, Charles Stokes. Joseph D SUU. BtK'-K, President. kBDSON. Vice President, irv. lal4-tf SHERIFF'S SALES. SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF & writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. March 4, MM, at 4 o’clock, at hansom-street Hall. All that certain three-storj brick messuage or tene ment (No. 36 North Second street), together with the three-story brick messuage or tenement in the rear thereor on Quarry et*eet. and lot or piece of ground thereunto belonging, situate on the west side of Dela ware Second Street, and on the north «U« of Quarry street, tn ihe city of Philadelphia; coutalsiflff isfrutor breadth on the said Second street twenty-one feet fire leches, and continuing the same breadth westward do*.* the urrth side of Quarry street forty-two feet, then narrowing by an offset of two feet four inches on the ncrih side thereof to.tfce breadth of nineteen feet one Inch, and extending that reduced width further westward sixty-seven feet, and thence extending still further westward of the same reduced width three feet, making sR?Krtherin length or depth one hundred and twelve leet. more or less. Rounded eastward by the said Se southwardly by the said Qaarrwstreet, ** a lot of ground> Boyer to Charles Evans and northwardly by ft mesttLaae and iot late of Jacob Utree, decease!; except; VL5S?m££ M, i!« D £ ! ot t,l § oseand service of the said Jacnn utree. his heirs bud asrigas, iho free us*-, right, and privilege of ingress, egress, and retress iu, by. and through a certain alley three feet three Inches wide by forty-three feet deep orthereabouts. which the uorth- Sf^?£W 0 v aed ® p aaaage is built over, in common with the said o.*horn Conrad hie heirs and aspitßS, Together with the right of sting the well and piivy sunk and erected id the -bore reeded lnt wanted to the said Charles Rvar.s. at the dU'auea of riSe feet westward from the west H*e of the above described lot, subject to the half of the expense of cleaning and keep in* the fame in repair. [Being theaame premise* which James J. Duncan and Anna C. - his wife, by ind«atnr« bearing ev«n date herewith, bit duly executed and acknowledged before these presents, and intended io be forthwith recorded according to law, granted and con veyed unto the said Orboro Conrad in fee. 3 N. B.—*To be Beld in 2 par<-els. No 1 censiAtingof&lot twenty-one feet five inches front on second fort T . two feet deep or Quarry street 01 that width, and nine teen feet one inch in breadth Ihe farther depth of seven teen feet tea laches, on which there is erectelathrse* story brick store an’ dwelling hou»e. .No. 2 consisting of a Jot on Qaarry street fifty-nine feet ten inches we-t of street, fifty-two feet iu front and nineteen fast In. depth, on which there is erected a three-ntory bri?is dwelling house, '■ CD. C. : M., ’64. 16 Debt, 53.087.54. R.C McMartrie. 3 Taken in execution and to be fold ft* rii. property of Osbo n Conrad JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff, . Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Feb. 24, 1564. fe2s-3t CHEBIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O a Wj jt of Levari Facias, to me directed, wilt be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, March 7.1864. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. % _ All that certain two-story brici cir-hcuie. and lot of ground covered thereby, «nd so much other ground im- adjacent thereto, ana belonging to the owner of such building, as may be uec*s*arj for the ordinary and useful purposes thereof, situate on the northeast wardly side of the Lancaster Turnpike road in Haston ville, in the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadel phia; said car-house containing in part on said Lancas ter Turr.pik* rrad slxty-.hiee feet, and iu depth o^e hundred and sixtv-four feet. CD. Ci M., ’64 I*6. Debt. *54,85)4. Sharpleaa ] Taken in *XMsutio»aud to be sosd as the p»oper y of the Hestonville, Mantua, and Fairmonut Passenger LaiJroftd Company, owners, &c . and[Joseph contractor. JOHN iHOMPaOiS, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office- Feh 24. 1864. f*2l3t CHEBIFF’S SALE.—BY YiaTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, witi be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eveuag, March 7. 1864, at 4 o’clock, at Samom-street Hail, All that ceitain three-story brick mes*u<tia aud let of ground, situate on the east side of Fourth s reef, six! y t«et jj.rthward from Shippen street,-in the city of Phila delphia, CObt&i&’iig in Croat on F-zarth street aeveatena fept, aud in depth twenty-nine feet, more or less. [Whieu said premises Mary Adderly Hoffmaster, by deed dated May SO, 1854, conveyed unto Thomas B Bo ruy in fee Subject to a yearly ground rent of six pounds seven shillings and sixpence 3 CD. C.; M. T 4. 157. Debt, tt.028 Hanb?st.] Taken in. execution and to be sold as the property of Shomasß Roney, deceased. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff’s Office, Feb 24.1864- fe2s-3t (SHERIFF'S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. ftlartb 7, 1864, at 4 o clock, at pausom-strest Hall- All that certain Jot of ground beginning ou the north side of Girard avenue ore hundred aud soven feet tw > inches westward from Nicetesoth. street, in the city of Philadelphia; therce north* ard elsxty feet to the mid dle of a four-feet-wide alley xearini into etreet; thence ssstward along the middle pf said alley fifty*; tnsnce northward one huuired »ad fifty five feet and ote and a quarter to OoJloge avAntu: thei ce southwest ward along the same one hundred and eight-*-six feet; thence sontheas'erly at right angles with Col sgeavecuselghtv feet; thence westwarl sixty six ftet one inch; thence further west ten feet; thence south wardly eeventy-eight fert four and three-eighths inches to the north side of Girard avenue, and ihmce eastward along the same one hundred and teveniy feet two aud five-eighths inches to the place of beginning, with the priviJfge of said a»lev. [Which, said o>bora Com fid by deed dated December 29,1856, conveyed unto Issac Fewton in fee. 3 _ [D. C. t M.,’64. 2C4. Debt, Hartrauft 1 T->en in execution and to be sold as'the property of IsaacNewUn. JOHN THOMPSON,Sheriff RLPadelphifti She Tiff's Office, Feb. 24, 1864 fe2s-6t CHEBIFFS sale.—by virtue of O a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sae or vendue, on MONDAY fiveuiug, March 7, 3864. at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Ha LI, No. 1 All thrt certain lot of ground Bituase on the north side of Vine street, fifty-two fees six incheß east ward frimTnirteenth street, in the city 0/ Philadelphia; containing in front on Vine street seventeen feet tsix inches ard in depth seventy feet. . No. 2 All that certain lot of ironed adjoining the above-described lot to the north, in the city of Phila delphia; containing in breadth, east and west, seven teen feet six inches, and in depth, north and sjuth, reventeen ftet six inches, with the privilege of a three feet-wide alley. [Which said premises Robert; L. Allen and wife, by deed dated June Bth, 1861, conveyed unto John J. Kromer in ree.j feukjecC' as regards So. 1, to mortgage debt of $l-850, snd eaiegards No. 2 to two yearly ground rents, one of $17.60, and the other of 25; ana Amos Phillip*, by his bond of indemnify, date© May 25th, jfc6o, did bind himself to save and keep harmless the said small lot of ground from the said yearly ground rentf, and all payments on account thereof. [D. C ; M . J 6l 198. Debt, f4c4.80. LedyarAl Taken in execution and to ba sold as she property of Jcbn J. Kromer JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Feb. 24, 1664. fe2*3fc SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O a writ of Levari Facias, to mo directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, .on MONDAY Evening, March 7.1864, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hail, All that ce3tain lot of ground situate on the southwest corner of Broad street and Ontario street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Broad j-trees eighty three feet, and In depth three hundred and fifty seven feet ten and one*balf inches; thence narrowing by an angle at the northwest corner, and extending further thirty-seven feet nine and one-half inches to Fifteenth street, tne breadth on Fifteenth street being thirty-six feet one-quarter inch. [Which said premise? sVil-.iaia Bedell and wife, by deed dated March 6, ISSo, recorded in Deed Book R D. W., No. 70, page 695, «Sc , conveyed unto NatJt an Bailey in fee.] £D.C. ; M., '64, 100. Debt. $8,830. Fallen and Ferrell ] Taken in execution and to'be sold as the property of Nathan Bailey. JOHnJtHOMFSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Feb. 24, 1664. ft>2s-3t CHEBIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on M ''ND AY Evening, March 7,1864. at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. All that certain lot of ground situate on the north side of Scott street, one hundred and fifty-six feet west ward- from Twentieth street, in the city of Philadel phia; containing in front on Scott street sixteen feet, and in depth thirty five feet- [Which said premises lllfford li. Hallo well et ax , by defid dated January 1, 1866, recorded in Deed Book B. D. Yf, f No. 15, pa*© 196. conveyed unto John Crosby in fee; re'erving a ground rent of thirty dollars, payable ltt January and July,] J. C. has parted with his interest [D. C.; M..’64. 210. Debt, *114.94. Rhoads. 1 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Crosby. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. Feb. 24,1564. fe2s-dt SHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF lO a writ of Venditioni Exuonas, to me directed, will be axposed to public sale or vendue, on MON DAY Evening, March 7, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall All that certain lot of ground, beginning ac cue corner formed by the intersection of the southwesterly side of the heading Railroad, and' the southeasterly side of A 3 id olid street, in the city of Pliiladelpbia; thence ex tending southwesterly along Almond street eighty-nine feet ten and one-half inches; thence southeasterly sixty eight feet; thence northeasterly sixteen feet; sixty-seven feet to Cabot street: theme northeasterly, along the same, eighly .five feet nine inches to said rail road; and thence, along the same, one hundred and thirty-five feet six inches to the place of beginning [Which said lot Charles Cabot, by deed dated August 27th, 1850, recorded In Deed Book T. H., No. 7, page 403, die., conveyed unto Edward Trout in fee,reserving a gronndrent of eighty-eight dollars. ] [D. O.; M.’64. 74. Debt. *341 BS. Spencer.') Taken in execution and to be sold as the propareyof Edward Trout JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. Feb. 24,1564. fe2s-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, March 7,1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain three-story brick dwelling fronting on Sixth etreet, and two-rtorj frame store and dwelling fronting on Germantown Turnpike road, and lot of ground situate on ti ewest side of Germantown Turnpike ro*d. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on &%id Turnpike road twenty-five feet, and in depth on the south side forty- *ix feet or therabouts, and on the north side forty feet or thereabouts to Sixth street, and in breaiSin oh «tr?et twenty-five.feet. Bounded no>thward by ground now or 2*?* f?f WilliaPVKnos, and southward by around of Henry Dnbosq [ WniCR Ba id premises Joseph Knox et. -al, by deed dated March 4, 1844, recorded in Deed Book T. H.. No 131, page3B Ac., conveyed unto feanrael Knox, in fee, x©serving a ground rent of thirty one dollars and twenty-Jive cants. ] [D. C. ;M. ’64. 215. Debt, $416. J. M. Ttomas.3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of SaTor-ue) Knox. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Pbilada., Office, Feb. 24,16 et. fess-3t CHERIFFS SALE.— BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, tome direytf will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAx Evening, March 7, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that lot or piece of ground numbered twenty-iWO (22). in the plan of lots laid out by said Henry E Wal lace, in tbe township of Kingseesing, and county of Philadelphia, beginning at a corner of a lot number twenty-or e; thence extending by lot numbered twenty one OOlth fifty degrees west. twenty-six perches; thence north four degrees, west by the same twelve marches and seven-tenths of a perch to the middle of and line of Thomas'land; thence no said run, the seve ral courteß thereof, by said Thomas' land to the line of lot number twenty-three; thence south four perches and nine-tenths of a perch to the line of lot numbered twenty seven; thence by lot numbered tweotv- seven, in the middle of an avenue sixty feet wide, laid out for public tire, running soulhwestwardly on a curved Hue havlrg » radius of twenty-eight porches and sixty-five hundredths of a perch, twenty six parches to the place of hfsifihirg; containing four acres and eighty-six perches- [Being pan of a tract of land which Simnel Alien. Esq.. Sheriff, by Deed Poll acknowledged in open District Court for the citv and county of Philadel phia. on the day of the date of these presents bf fore the execution heieof, granted and conveyed unto said Henry B. Wallace in fee; the above-mentioned sum of money being pert of the purchase money thereof 3 [l>. C; M , '6l 166. Debt. $1,032. J. W. Stokes 1 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Henry B Wallace. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia- Sheriff's Office, Feb. 24, 1864 f«2S-3* (SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, March 7, 1864, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall. AH that cert-in brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the north side of Columbia street,forty-five feet nine inches westward from Philip street* In the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Columbia street fifteen feet, and in depth OS the east line fifty three feet, ten inches, and on the west line flfiy-tbiee f-*t nme and a quarter inches [Which said premises William Lawson efcux, by deed dated augur, t 3, 1858, conveyed unto Owen Donley in fee. Subject to a ground reut of WB ’ W ' 3 [D. C.; St. ’64. 181. Debt. $485.07. Pile J Taken In execution and. to be sold as the property of Owen Donley, , JOHNTHOMF3ON, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Feb. 24.1864. fe2s3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF C 7 a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. March 7. 1564. at 4 o’clock, at Sansotn-straet Hall. All that ce tain lot of ground beginning at the corner formed by the intersection oi the southwesterly side of the Heading Railroad ana north we terly aide of Duke or Thompson street, in the city of Philadelphia thence southwest alcng Thompson street eighty five feet two anda half inches; tbence northwest sixty-eight feet to a t olnt: theme southwest sixteen feet; thence on % line at right angle' with Thompson street sixty seven feet to Cabot street; (hence along the same eighty nine feet three and seven-eighths inches to said T<tiiroad; thence along the same ono hundred and thirty-five faet six Inches to said corner and place of beginning. C Which said lot Claries deed dated Aurust 27, 1890, recorded in Deed Book T, 8., No. 7. page 407, Ac., con veyed unto John Ball In fee; reserving a ground rent of eighty-eight dollars.} cD. C.; M.. '64. 73. Debt. $34188. Spencer j Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of JohL Hall. ‘ "JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff ‘ Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office. Feb. 24. 1664. fe2s-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Fieri Faciaß, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Eve ning, March 7,15&4, at 4 o clock, at Sansom-street llall, No 1- Alt that lot or land, with rhe bnildtcg* thereon erected, situate on tbe eattsideof the Great road, now called tbe Cross road, leading from the Poijjt roid into the Frankford road, beginningaia.stone lathe middle of »-iiid Cr«ss road, and extecding lhoice along the middle of f ft id road north twenty-eight degress we.<t. thirty two perchfeto a stone cot-uev of John. Nagiee fl laid: thence hr the same north fifty-eight degrees e.iet fort)-one and thirty-seven one-huartredths perches to the ru s dill« of a two perch wid« Une; thence tl‘9 middle of said lane ?outh two hundred and seventeen degnei* oast ihtriy- two perches to a stone; thence *ontb. flftv-e'ght degrees forty and 83 IDlths perche* to the place of bcginnlig; contalnShg eight acres fifty-one perci es 2. All that lotof the bnUdinK* ereoa, pitn&tfl on the ea*t side of said nros> i tone: tlience aionsr the middle oi Hsnl roail norm cxen ty-eight eegrees west, eight perches to another rloaej thence along the middle of a two rßtch „v“ 0 . r :*l fifty eight degrees forty-one and five-teattt psrehes to aeoiher sttne io the middle of said road; thence along the middle of said road sontb twenty-seeen degrees eight perches to a stone; thence south fifty-eightdo gro.s west foriy one end thirty-seven one-hundredths nerrhes to tbe place ofbeginning: containing two acres t»et tv-seven patches, more or less. [Said lotsarecom* pored or ten lots, numbered 14 to 2S lncln-ive. tu a plan Sf J. Kir*bride n lots, part of the Chalk ej Hall {d I 0 1 :M.. , 61 2. Debt. $1,600. W. M Kehtedy.3 T.i on in ertecntlon and to be sold as the propertv of Gem a.Hinder. JOHH THOMRSOH. Sborlg. rhiladeiphla. Sheriff's Office. Feb. 44,1364. tali-at A MUSEMF.NTS. jyjUSIOAL FOND HALL. SECOND GRAND CONCERT OF TUB HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY, THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH S. COMMENCING AT 8 o’CtOCB. Mendelssohn's great masterpiece. THE HYMN OP PRAISE, Will be produced by the Society, supported by tbe entire GERMANIA ORCHESTRA; Preceding which a short and select MISCELLANEOUS PERFORMANCE Will be given. TICKETS FIFTY CENTS, To he obtained at J. E GOUIiD’B, 8. E. corner Seventh and Chestnut streets fa2s a t £JARL WOLFSOHN'S CLASSICAL SOIREES The oulwcribir. are rosrect'nlly informed that the THIRD SOIREE OE THE SEASON will take place on SATURDAY EVENING NEXT, Feb. 27, 1854, AT THE Kfe2S St VOTER or THE ACaDBMT OF MUSIC. WANTS. A SALESMAN HAYING A KNOW LEDGE of the Notion Bneiness. and ore that can crmmand considerable Trade, de&iree aSITD iTtON in some »ood 800 Be; can also give good reference. Ad* dress ’»Applicant. ” Press Office fe?-4 St* agents wanted to sell the 'T* STANDARD HISTORY OF THE WaR. A rate 2i£? CG t 0 njr>Rfl>. A Keats are clearing from $lOO to $2OO per month. 200 ODO volumes sold. Address , Jones. BROS., & CO., Publishers, felMa* BALTIMORE, Md. TBE ADVF.RTIHKB, FROM MANY yfare’ experience In this and other cities tu the BABKISG, EXCHANGE, and STOCK-COMMISSION BCSJAESS. rospeHbeh a thoronsb know edge of condact ing the sem«, and would like to form a connection with a party willing to fnrnisU caottal the purpose of opening a Banking and Stock-Cotnminoion Hou«e in the city ol New York at an early date. The moat sa'infac* lory reference* given, and unusual Inducements offered. Replies, with real name, stating amount of capital snd other particulars, addressed to ‘ ■ Banker, " Press Office, will meet with early atteaiion, fel7 lOt* WANTET— IN TBE STOCK: AND f • Exchange Business—atborouclilr competent Beoki Keeper. Add ess, with reference. Bor 5:1 p o. f*2s*2i* WANTED—IN A WHOLESALE * * Grocery Store, a LAD to assist in the Count* ing-rocm. and make himself generally us9fal. Address Bos No. 9g48 Philadelphia P 0, fe2s »r WANTED—IN,’A WHOLES ALE DRY Goods Jobbing House—a yonug Man. about 18 years of age. as Assistant Entry Clerk. Must be a good penman, and quick and correct at figures. Address, with reference. **Box 1608 ” P O, It* Wanted— a young man. as SALESMAN, who understands the Glass and Queentware business, and is willing to make himself useful in the rtore. Addiess B<-x 6?4Post Office. fe24-2t* WANTED— A SALESMAN IN A WOODEH AND WILLOSYWAEE HOUSE; one acquainted with near trade preferred. Address box 2671 Philadelphia Post Office, with reference. fe?4 Bt* wantid-a good paper rules * " a B_>y to f.Rd a RiiUttU Mich Inu. ADDIF MVRPBV 4 SONS, 339 CHESTNUT Streal A PARTY " v haying ten or fifteen thousand dollars ia cash de tire* a partner with an equal amount, to engage In the WBOLkSALB JOBBtNG BUSINESS, the suoscriber being well acquainted with the bu-iness and the trade. Full particulars will be given by addresKio e W. C. EDWARD*. Sox No 1241, fe2s gt* Philadelphia Poet Office. WANTED—A SALESMAN, WITH * * good country connection, for Boy* l Clothing ex* clueively. . One already under an engagement in the Men’s Clothing Department nnght ad com. bine the two. At ply by letter Boxlo3o P.O fe2o Btuth.3t* ANTED- OX,OTHING.—PERSONS * * having Clothing to dispose of will please call on or address C AfILLBRi ja£*tuths3m* No. 303 CHESTNUT Street. <n>7/=i A MONTH!—I WANT TO HIRE AGENTS in every Coun’y, at $75 a month, ex penses paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewing Ma chines. Address 8. MADISON, Alfred. Me. CM2 d&W3m A ’MONTH I—l Want Agents at '*''-*s6o a month .expenses paid, to sell my Everlasting Pencils, Oriental Burners* and 13 other articles. 10 circu lars *tm%/ree. JOHN F. LORD, Blddeford, Me. jag 7 2m M WANTED—TO BENT OR PUR. CETANE—A three-story dwelling, with back build ing and modern improvements, situated STXTEI Street, from Noble |to Coates. Address Box 1059, Philadel phia Post Office. fe'26-3i* WANTED TO RENT—BY THE -Baaist of March, a three-story DWELLING with three* »torv back-bulldlugs. situate between Tenth and Twen tieth and Spring O&rden and Brown streets Address* giving location and rent. Box 1476, P. O. fai-thstuVlt, M WANTED TO BENT. ON OR BE fore April Ist, a mode rate* sized house, between fourth and Eleventh, and Vine and Poplar streets, Kent, $3OO to $4OO. Address” T. G. K this office. fe24 46* m WANTED TO RENT. WITH THE privilege of purchasing, a building suitable fora factory, 40 by 80 to 100 feet. Address T ‘Kremso, ” at this office. fe24-2t* m WANTED—STORE AND DWELL •BdiLIHO, the Store large rize, suitable for a flrft-cla«s Grocery Store, between. Spruce and Gresn. Tenth and Twenty.first St. Address, - House,’’office of the Press, stating where located and rent, for one fe2o-6t* ROST AND TOUMD. T OST OR STOLEN—NOTICE IS hereby given that the undersigned has mad-sippil cation for the renewal of Certificate No. 755 for five (5) shares of stock of the ff orth Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany issued to him (date nakaowu). fa!s-mthBt MICHAEL SNYDBB. TOST-OB MISLAID—A OJBKTIS’I CATE No. 5,313. dated May 13, 1854, for one share of the<s»scck, and one. No. 384. dated May 23, lbdfi. for one share of the Scrip of the LEHIGH COAL AND NAVI GATION COMPANY, issued in the name of JONATHAN SIMPbON. Application has been made for a RENEWAL of the above. fe24 2t* T OftT—A CERTIFICATE OF SPER CENT. LOAN OP STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA, for $516.05, dated Starch. 12, 1830, No. 754, in name of WILLIAM MEREDITH. Also, a Certificate of 5-per cent. Loan of State of Pennsylvania, tor the sum of $2OO. dated Jnne 30. 1845, No. 1452, in the name of ELI K. PRICE, administrator of William Meredith in trust. Ap plication has been made to the Auditor General for a re newal of said Certificates ELI K PRICE. No. 811 ARCH Street. TAKEN DP—GOING AT LAEiG"tS A red and white COW. which will be sold to the highest bidder, at Public Sale. atCHRISPIAN DONAT'S HOTEL, Cbestnnt Hill, on SATURDAY, Feb. 27th, at 3 o'clock P. M., unless sooner redeemed. E H. HUSTON, fe2s-21* Sergeant of Police. FOB SALE AND TO LET. A PERSON ABOUT DECLINING houstheepipg, wishes to dispose of, at private sale, his superior and well-kept Parlor, Chamber, and Kitch en FURNITURE, comprising a fall and complete assort ment of every article necessary in famishing a large Dwelling. For further particulars apply at Store No. 534: LOMBARD Street, f«25-3t* XTOT TO BE OVERLOOKED.—FOR SALE—GOOD -WILL, FIXTURES, and LIGHT STOCK «--f a Pane? Dry Goods Store, in the best part of EIGHTH -Street; doing a fine business, which can be greatly increased, 444xew * Cash* ” fret s office. fe2s-2t*if CTEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS FOR SALE —1 pair of low-pressure, double acting vertical beam ENGINES, with 36-inch cylinders, and 7 feet strike, having a 20-feet-gear fir-wheel, with 184 cogs. Length of cog Id inches, and 4 inch pitch. Also, ajack-gear of 52 teeth. These Engines are rated at 400- horte power, and were built i>> Corliea it Nightingale, of Providence, and are exceedingly and substantial machines. The two cylinders can ?? operated as one machine, or separately, They would be sold singly- or together. 6 Return-Flue BOILERS, 22 feet long. With 75-inch shells. Each Boiler has 20 flues, 6 and 10 inches in di ameter. The Boilers axe made of K-ioch iron, are in good order, and will be sold with or without fronts, pipes, valves, &c. - • The above axe to be sold for no faults; Engines of double tbe power being required for our present w-‘rk. They are now standing, in good working order, and can be examined at any time, upon application at the NAUMEEAG MILLS, Salem, Mass. fe2 tuthtf JOHN HILBUHN. Agent, M SUPERIOR NORRISTOWN BE RESIDENCES FOR BALE, corner of MAI Sand WAL NUT Streets, near ** Oakland Female Semintry.” large three-storied BRICK DWELLING, With doable back buildings. Steam Beater, and all modern conveniences: Ice Reuse, Spring House* Bara* hod Stable; one large lot. with Garden and Lawn; Ornamental, Fruit, Shade Trees. Also, a large three storiei Brick Dwell ing. pleasantly situated on AIRY Street, having all mo dern cor veniences; one large lot, considered the most de sirable in the town, and will be sold very cheap Apply to the subscriber, at 5518 W tLNUT Street (up stairs.) between 10 and 3 o'clock, ox direct to him at Nor ristown, Pa. ISAAC ROBERTS. I»SS 6t» Real Estate Agent. 35 Mfob sale on exchange fob CITY PROPERTY—A handsome Country Seat and well-improved Farm of 90 acres. It is one of the most desirable properties ever offered for sale. Will beaold with or without stock and furniture. No money re quired. Immediate possession given For full particu lars, apply to J, M. GUMMEY & SONS, 508 W»LNCJT Street. fe2l-lm m FOE SALE OE BENT, ON AC. »»»coiDinodatlP(f'teHas. a Truck Farm, two hours' from tbe city. teceßsibfeb* boat or railioad. Inquire at 7GI CHESTNUT Street.- fWS-Bt* AUCTION SALE. BAZAAR—S INTH AND ■iiyi SANSOM STREETS auction sale op horses, carriage?, &c. On SATURDAY MORNING next, at-10 oxfior-lt, com prieirg about FIFTY HORSES. Full descriptions in catalogues. ALSO. New and second-hand Carriages, light Wagon** j *c., including a Coupe Rnckaway, by Watson, sash doors and winter front; as good as new. A Germantown Wagon, with sash doors, by Watson, to carry six. A Watson Sockaway, to carry two Also, single and double Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Covers. Whip*. Ac. #9P* No pompom meat on account of weather. JlSf-S&le of Horses. Ac., on Wednesday. f«gg-2t ALFRED M. BERKNESr. Auctioneer- OF REMOVAL. The undersigned would inform their friends and the public generally that they have removed from their Old. Bland. 617 ARCH fcfirwt, to their SPLENDID NEW WAREROOMS, No. 013 ARCH STREET, where they will continue the rale of GAS FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS, COAL-OIL BURNERS, &c. Having associated with our house Mr CHARLES Page, (formerly the Fxircipal Designer for Cornelius & Bbker,} we are now prepared to execute orders for Gas Fixtures ot amdes and deHigm. from the plainest to t/ie most massive ana elaborate t VAN KIRK A CO , felMm Ho. 913 ARCH STREET. WO TICE.—THE PARTNERSHIP ■'-Uj-Utofoieexirtlnii between MAJOR C. & BE.VKF JOHNSON is this day DISSOLVED, by mutual consent. Tup bu.ipeßs will Us continued by tbs anri„r.,i«ani. at Mir, MARKET street MAJOR C. JOHNSON- Ph .I.SDEI.PHIA Ftb 23, 1864. 11 £ NEW LIGHT. Tl: e subscriber, would Inform the public that they bay. Introduced In this clty„ A KBw LIGHT, * wrL poss> ailnar advantages oyer all othere In use, ylirit> Tot S 3 Asa by tht* Light are more »..»■ ir asgaasiw^M AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OF MTJSIO* GERMAN opera «BAJTD COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT CARL ANSCHUTZ, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 98,1 M, i'irht and only appearanee of MADAME ROTTER, “ A NIGHT IN GRENADA," GRAND ROMANTIC OPERA IN THREE AGTSj BY C. KREUTZER, The Prince Regent..<•« GOMEZ Vaßro OaBRIELIE _ CARDS OF ADMISSION. parquet. P&rqnet Circle, and Balcony.,.. $1 00 Family t'reJe 50 Anj)hUheatre..,.. 9fi ■£jrtn at ‘ ht *. >caderoy, and at J. E. Gould's, ■2. » ** Chpstnnt Streets. fl ' ,r reperved seats. >ots open at 7.U o clock. To commence at 8 o'clock. ACADEMY OF MOSIO. OBEMA» OPBBA. POSITIVMA SRth.and Tie C,» r r SVSSS Gounod's Giand Or|m. in fiTS acl „, ot Will bo prawnted, Witt>, filWln, 6 p » n( IM caat- MepfaiatophUee .7.7.'.' HerrH.nautu' »;P7 erlte iiM/o'XfaT. Jabtuttsaa. Valtfctlne Herr Stelnacko. Martha..... .... • • .KaH Laroche Kew scenery In the fifth act, painted by Meteter The wb«*Je of tt e beautiful Midsummer Nlfht's Sc«.a« w m jjWen. A foil military band will play la the 4th act Conductir. ...... .....GaRL A.N9CHUT2, SATtmr>A\ aPT>SHOON Pah 27th, OBaKO MATINEE iND LAST PEBFOBMaHCE _ CAKDt* OF ADMISSION. Parquet, Parqnet Circle, and Balcony •.»§l • • * 50 oentA ~ *P »e phtampd at ibe Academy of Mneic, and J. E. uotliC p» beyei tb and Chestnut streets. No extra chance for Tfscrvpd Seat- fe2s 2i Docra ‘‘pen. at 7# oVcck. To commence at S o'clock. A MEXICAN ACADEMY OF MOBIC. Breed Twic e ll ' CARI ’ EI '" rBR B Hiueteemli Aiiaaat Pall „Tic>etM 10’ lie procured of JOHN THORN T.RY Pad *Rrn l Ki >-1 st l e6, -, l ‘Ed of D. L CARPENTER «*5 ARCH Street, Teacher of Dancing. fe24-6t* MBS. JOHN DBEW’S NEW ABOB "A BTRYJT theatre. * t-EC OND WEEK OP HUB EIOHINGB. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, and THURSDAY IVeuliUM _ tM ENCHANTRESS. - »tELLA (.he Buctioatrees), Miss Rinai.Nos. --MR. E - SEJUIN, Forte Bracbio-.- . Mr Paakm „„ I< i, r .,? articalarl! of Seeaerr. Inc'denta, Music, &«, 680 Pill FRIDAY, BEWBFITOP SIHS RWHINaS In rehears”! THE MAGIC MaRRIaGE OH MONDAY. MRS. JOHY DREW Files rs -nan a). Cnrtaln rises at 7K o’clock pHILA I)ELPH IFE B, 23,13 W, To Misa Caroline Broarsas: Madam: a high appreciation of your efforts to repro duce kitfli*b Opera in this country, « ur personal reaoitct for your professional attak menta-and social ofa&rseter, ai d a fervent oeaire lo aid your enterprise with a sub* stautial token of our estimation prior to your d- parture for California, induce us to.-request your acceptance of a Complimentary Benefit, at-our hands to take pitted on any evening y oar time and convenience may suggest Wishing yon every ercWB in your laudable under* taking, and a speedy return to our city* where assured a hearty welcome v ill always await you,we are _, „, „„ I cur weil-wij! hers and adorrers. '^a JAMES PAGE, JOHN G CLOTHIER, FRED G WUbBERT, JO-E “H S. MONE?. JOSEPH END, JAMES O COANER john castn'er, edward SIMPSOir, JOHN P_ THOMPSON, PHILIP STAHL. CHABL.S T. YKRKES, 1■ A AH PASOOE. M, Blter, ji PLOMMERPKfjDT VvaML .[.CHRISTIAN, T H THOMAS. JAMBS C. KBiOH, B4HDEti T WOOUit THOMAS ALLEN. LEWIS GILLINGHAM CHARLES GILPIN. , mWlg CMWON. “* DANIEL DOUGHERTY, JOS a MORTIMER. W. H GATZMEB. GEORGE H BRUSVTAR B. B. BREWSTER. J MAGEB JSKUi4iTAK * EDWIN,A. HENDRY, ROBERT RITCHIE. WM. SUTHERLAND, JOSEPH N BULLOCK, W. SAMUELS John d. hardy, «, ' _ « «Philadelphia, Feb. 24.1301. Messrs. .Tames Pacve, B. H. Brewster, Charles Gil* PIN, AND MANY OJHESR: . Gentlemen : Your very flattering cornmnnicatlon,now before me. c*Jl* forth the warmest appreciation on my pert, and I find difficulty in expressing my gratitude for this, as well as many other favors, which have been, showered by my fellow-citizens upon me. It w- uld be useless tor me t*» multiply words upon the matter; theiefore, I will confine myself to a simple but heartfelt “thank you.” coupied with the aasuraucß that whereveT my lot may be cast the nibmory of my ■ home* anc the many kind friends who dwell mere. Will fever be my brightest souvenir, my pr-md-st boA*t- On Friday evening next, I shall be most happy to a< knowledge in person, your kind compliment. and till then subscribe myselr Your bumble servant, Caroline m. biohuvgs. pONOBBT HALL, CHESTNUT ST V ABOVE TWELFTH. * Bnrawment of MB. DB CORDOVA, The popular and celebrated HOMuBOns * LECTURER AND POET, . „ TO GIYA A Coarse of Three of his most POPULAR LECTURES. First Lecture —-v-..- THURSDAY, Fab. 25th Subject...*.,,.., .COURTSHIP AND MABRIAQB, Second Lectnr©»»««- THURSDAY. M&vchSA Subject MR. PERKINS’ CHRISTMAS DINNER, mTT JA Tale of Hhoddy.) ..THURSDAY, March. 10th. OUR FIRST BABY, (A Tale of Home.) Third Lecture...... Subject. »*» Ticket* for the Course $l, Single admission 50c. For sale at the Principal Stores and office of the Hall. Ucors open at 7 Lecture at S o'clock, fe22 St CHESTNUT- STREET THEATRE. LEONARD GROVER TRIUMPB ANT SUCCESS Of the Great Irish Scenic Drama. CC’LLEKN BAWN, With New and Magnificent Scenery, (byJ. R. Smith and his brother Riehard.) Original Music. Elegant Appoint ments, and a GREAT CAST OF CHARACTERS, bbxt. ticbbt-of-lbats MAN, With the original cast. NEXT GRAND FAMILY MATINEE ON _ SATURDAY NEXT, Feb. 27. Prices op Admission.—Dress Circle and Farauet 66 cents: Orchsßtra Chair, 75 cents; Family Circle 35 cento. TOT-ALM UT-STBBBT THEATBB, ■" THIS (TharsJty) KY.KSINO. yeb. as, OK&HD DOUBI-B BtuL. ’ LBCII-LB-WESTEKH IH SIX CHIRiCTERS Performance commences with tbe Drama called „ ~,, Satan in Paris, Ip which Lucille Western will sustain six character!. To conclude with the Patriotic Drama of ROBERT E&IMETTt Or, Treason and Hebilliox. To-morrow, Farewell Benefit of Lacille Western, whea Will positively be produced, w-e FBBWCH BPT. G BEAT M ATIONAIi OIBODS TROUPE, MaBKjST Street, above Twelfth, DANEICIf’ MrB ' CHaBLBS WABNER, formerly Un, s POSITIVELY THE LAST WEEK. Bich Programmes will be given daring this T4E LAST WEEK of the Great National Troupe, Those whn have not seen the exhibition of the great skill of the Equestrians, Gymnasts, Acrobats, the Learn ed Horses, Educated Dogs, and Comic Mules, should so gt once TheCraxd Benefit to Mr. and Mrs FRANK WHITTA* KBS will take place on THUBBDA? EVENING, SStE lust., on which occasion FOURTEEN splendid perfor mances wiil be given. MATINEES ON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AF TERNOONS, commencing at 2>£ o’clock; Evening. 7.40. Admission 25 cents; Btageseats 60 cents: private boxes $3; gallery 15 cents. fe22-6t (CLASSICAL MUSIC.—MESSBS. V CROSS A JAKVIS will eiva their SECOND HOIHBB of tbe fe'eanon In the FOYBK Of Tas academy, oa TCI6IMY EYENINO, March 1. fe23 tM Rt. whiter • FOURTH ANNUAL CONCERT. For the Benefit of the PENN WIDOW ASILUM, . _ Will take place at the AMERICAN MECHANICS’ HALL, CORNER FOURTH AND GEORGS STREETS. _ , THURSDAY EVENING. Feb. 25° ISM* The following Ladle« and Gentlemen have very kindly VoinxiU5 r <d their services: ' Lady Ani&coUr. Miss Emms Wells, Mrs. RebecOft Da* vies « Hr. N. 5. Taebo, Mr. Thomas Rawlings, Ur. Samuel Davies, Mr A. R Datcher. Mr. Wm A. Briscoe, and others, embracing; a powerful cborns. Prof. H. A. CLARKE will preside at the piano. Tickets, 25 cents. Concert to commence at 8 o’clock. MBS' COBA li. V. HATCH, "A QF.NBW_YpRK POSITIVELY FOR OKB BIGHT ONLY. This popDJar speaker will deliver (by special invita tion) aJLec’.ureto tie citizens of Philadelphia In COtf- CEkTHaLL, FRIOAY EVESING. Feb. 26th. at 8 o’clock. Subject- 14 Peace and War; their Sffects on Civilization. ” The speaker will answer questions „ro postd by the audience at the dose of the lecture. The dergy,.press, critics, and professional men. aud citizens generally, are Invited to Attend, Ticiets, 2!scent. * T’HE GREAT PICT ORB AT CONCERT HALL LECTURE BOOH For a short season COMMENCIUG THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 18C4. J. Inaco Wiliiami f celebrated PANORAMA OF THB BTBLB. This }a the most complete and finished Paint'ng of the Sacred Sevipvnr<s in the world, comprUihjf over fifty of the moit SUBLIMB AND THRILLING SCSNTBB Of the firßt three thousand years of Biblical History* forming altogether one the finest exhibitions of the aca. OP* N EVERY EVENING at half past 7 o’clock Admission 25 cents. If. B. *iatln6es on Wednesday and Saturday after noons. at 3 o’clock. As xniEsion for Children 15 cents TEMPLE OF WONDERS. -*• ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. . TENTH and Strain POSITIVELY THE LAST WEEK. HAdIOAL and PHILOSOPHICAL EXeHBIH2»JT»» Great Powers of WSSTBILOQUISM, And the L-EA.Bjr.fc> CiKAET BIRDS. SIGNOR BLITZ will appear ia his roynJar KnterfcAu** uumts EVERY BVENI&G, commencing at 7K axd WBDNESDAY And SATURDAY AFTBRrfOOIS At 3. Admission 25 cents; Children 15 cents. IM-ti rjEBMANIA OROHESTR A.—P <JBLIO U BBHEAESALB Avary SATURDAY. ft S O'clock, P. M. at tbs MUaI.IAL FOND HALL. Sinaia tickata SS cent.. Package* of .lx ticket-, $1 To be had at ABf lIRE’B. 110* CHBBTNDT Street, J-'E GODLD. SB VENIH and CBEsTNPT. and at the Hall door feil-tf CASINO, CHESTNUT STREET, above SIXTH _ THh GBK at VARIETY RNTRR.T AIN MUST ETHIOPIAN COMSDIAHB, '“ La " 1 * BALLET l»ANOfiltß, 1 PAGHOMIMISTS, COMIC KINGBRS. fe22 6t* EVERY NI&HT THE INVENTORS OF AMERICA, and FRITH’B BT C ’ a ’ DERBY DATs th« most inUreattng A . ~ _ • PAINTINGS ol the day* ON EXHIBITION FOR A * "• SHORT TIME. AT EARLE’S GALL 15RIBS, RIG OHB<TNUT STREET. ADMISSION TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. felO-« PENNB VL V aNIA ACADEMY O* A THB FINS ARTS, IMS CHESTNUT STttBBT. OPISS DAILY (SnndATß executed) from 9 A- ■« *l*l Admission Sewn Children half arise tBP-tr T) ]- MOVAL. —JAMES H OASTLE, aX Attorney and Conveyancer, has removed hi* 0(8 m to Se ns” FIFTH Street, bolow Chesmnt fetVlm* SJOHN L. OAFEN, PHRENOLO. HIST, may be *on»nlt*d, DAY and EVENING,os adaptation to Business. Trade, and Profession; on the improvement of health, correction oi (knits., formation of trtendehlpe. Am. Pad Men s* notion aof character clven when required at No. 3# 8. TENTH fctrnst. above Chestnnt. aaSetbatnAmlf A3H CORRECT PIa.NO TUNING. rf »» »' Mr. C B. SARGENT'S Orders for Ttinis* and Repairing. Pianos are received at MASOOt Ac© w Btore tMPI GHKSTNU f Street, owfy. Hr. 8. has had eleven reare’fkctory experience la Bow. ton. ana live years’ employment in Philadelphia SPECIAL“Kanos re hotwired to eoiiai M eon an* swoot-toned as new. mCAMiCreoooIBIJ. ... ~ Terms fOT TunlMt, «, oeU-6mll Herr Bteteeeke. He^HABBLKAirH. ’.'.Herr MAD. BOTTEB. ■MANAGER.