IrECISI PRESS% VSLOWD tkaux Mamas sizIPTEDI roe"- int JOHN W. FOINEWIT. No. Ili BOUM YousT*Wriaaw. DAILY. weAcss, funizeir. CENTS Pats WILMS, ittritble to the sued to ealtmeribent out of the ,atty at &isms a Avatrx; 'bums muss Atit. FIFTY Carts mallet Otta •DeLtaa MED Saaarn• ?yrs Ca sass Zotrilavhtlifaisbli ill 10 110 " for the ere& Aitrerita ta monied at the mild ra nee vonatitate a Rousse isnxxszEzver Paling TAI- subscribers oat of the aity at Foot iv , , >s actirsatoe_ COMMISSION SOU IIgOTIOR TO GUAM • ADiriz , A. l laarrija. s0,000.1;11411021[ A., SEAMLESS BLOB, AU Liam, weight 20 o Who Sod sad Oltospost BAIL ms s. Aso. BURLAP BAGS, in at Sizes. for Corn. Oat.. B-sinsk COOL wilanftotorod AAA for sale, for et mob. tot - OSA:ALES GRIGG, Am No: 131 YABICET farms Okatoaafritor" Late °MO ilhiloals Alas. 13:1PLWI, HAZARD, & AUTO fry. saivsamErnm. sTIHNT. uorawrzslox mousearre , ..vos TH3 SAI,HoT PEGEWLIVELFULL-3TADS GOOD .as-ea • 8A.G1131 BASS I. BAGS I MINN' AND SECOND SAN IMBLEXSB, MISEIJP. AND Oiniji BADS. Onortiotli oo Mud. JOHN T.. BAILEY P.. Us scam rico=aTzEreft..P, am - WOOL WOO !we Go.* 4 S GEoa'°` PVILISTNUT sill!' iMiifi all AID cromrzwirs Woos Or FURNISHING G00D8,51 etaition and manufacture. Mc *actuated VA; MEDAL SHIRTS,* cedar the itautrintoadonoo of 013117. TABORS% • of Oldonberg & Tasted.) . • fitting Shirts of the age. 7111upt17 attoxided. .1,13-tbsteAlm A L. M=i Arit the most SW Ora= REffi • Br) MatrICEMTS -S REMOVED • 733.011 f UTH SIXTH STREET, / TO SIXTH LIR CIIESTRUT ere he now offers a • ADfD ELEGANT STOOK OP FURNISHTN9 GOODS, bar all the latest novelties. ES MODERATE. • nog of the pi/bite le reseeettallw so. Ito. 1r X. W. O. mr • P 'netted. SHIRTS X TO ORDER LADIEW PITH!. LADlrgifr FANOY FlJlia. _ Mr_44.IELIEGIMLA. in LICE STREET. BELOW IWETH. Ater and Manufacturer i s L.& ' P.P.' FANCY FURS. my tof TIMM ram for Ladle. AM Ohi• ilea hi no plate. sad embraeing every violets that viii be . noble dnrlng the present swats. A3l sold at the ' prim, for sash. Ladies. stems Ripe ste a I. i es7-4el OPEItk OF FANCY FOB& A. STAMBACH, *IT= mar ruarivAnnautr. or L1A317.8.' FANCY Finll3, WO. 1111".1131031 irrraxr. 11111.0 W PIN= Its 1 • noWIII, Irliandidatosk of WU ONILDEIN'S Whisk l let .old at the SWINT 43811 P 111,3313. FIIREI •E6.6H F. WOlllll/1111, 5q.110.11 AND 411 11101 t STRUT. atie "ow ors" ASSORTMENT I Mfg' PR E; 111 of the Wins la Invited. siil7-41 L IL whlik & CAMPION 161 SOUTH SECODID WSW. 3xtenolre Cabinet booths's, ars Armor article of - BD TABLES. .finish of these Tables , the mug. Ale numerous 'patrons throughout familiar with the sharaster of their 7 Rs •• tatiiroro tko Union. work. AND GLASSWARE. L A la v.. 4•16 1. GENTLERE.N'S, AND iSKATES, . for bale by aecsud t. splendid article for sale bY 41/13-10. LESLEY & 0., 607 MARKET Street °-A- R 1 :31% SKATES f is by LESLEYOO— MARKET Street. das_ ha -, .) Pea sad Pocket RDirret3. Table Cutlery, &e. WRltars - az PLUS ULTRA DUN= =AT, WHOLEDAL3 AND F RANK LIN CFAILDBN AND FRANKLIN STREWS, noft-Stoo. PhilMaltddit iL,IAM H. YEATON & 00. , KO. 01 South FROM*. Street, for the sale of tho °R/241L A RIVELBCK & CO. to tHAXPAOO2. Auo. ta i that weereale Wine th i r e traaa. gOO ea " ; Bra l a i re t3 - 11eIt aStlfA0 31W1101. Jo V ' learbottfedririrance. snags T , 11. c tAsielt i nliealo. r st • SO ' 'a ' I B il ww,,*, ' • extra Ilex ' - ' of read viz Inaterial. " Great Main . k a. a. ".- a 111 x• aesortmeat of 111aaegra. larg. NEW : lowhsar dary PEACH-EB.-12,000 LBS. 05, & wummes. UPI liontli RAM Week ~ _---.--.-• . • ; .-: • ---, •.,. - ~ . . . • lirr: - . • -4kti,..,, , 1 4 ,0m) . - : 4 / 3P 4 vi- • ' --___. )- . _....,,-.. --- ~.._, s. : , • ...,,,„, A , ,/,, ••• - , 1 - - ;:-. ,- 7.75I'',",.. ,, ,-_ ., „,.,,, 4:lt ' --",••••--- . 'k, \ . .. ,‘; I ' .4. .-•• It 3 . ~ ~ .. - _,.. " 1, --'=„•; . ,- : ',---;-:- .. f •te ct * , . „,.,- . . „. • .., :.---,-- , ,e,----• , y ,_ a., --,--.. . - .1 '------,.. - -- -..,... , w2! . -... 1 , ....'::' - : - .-: - ' - _4_ 4.......... „ ..... _.4. -A-- • - Ast, •- , - --- -.-. , ~:. .v,-c., !, c • ------ z----. .- • ___--------- .r ,-,..-}---..._ .. .4.....,_ • •-,f-•,;-. .., - -..- -;.-.,_ ,_ - - .:...„. . ''' ---- ” -- "tllr rk -f&n , • --1. , ' 7 " . 7! - -,: . _:: Ailibi-.,.=-3--01 01 - 111 - 11 -. -. s. - ,,-,, , ..10"... , :.,.-...-,- - - . 4., ; - , .-, • , . ._,„.,......,:. r; • i- - 4-,,y, 44, 1 ~-, •.• • ,•. ,•,.' , _ ~, - - - 17 - .--- ~. -.-...-y - -,..;,--