The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, December 16, 1863, Image 3
WEST— HERRING. —At NnW Orleans, on the 28tli of Wovembor, by the Rev. Mr. Jessup, on board the ateam ,*hlp Columbia, Mr. C. W. West, of New Orleans, to Silas M. Herrins, of Philadelphia. ■ . . TOMBLESOH—EDMO NDSoN -On Monday last, at •the reeldtnee of the bride's father, by Bov A. Manshlp. Mr. George T. Tombleson, of Pottsvme, Pa., to Miss Su sannah £ Edmondson, of this olty. Pottsvllle papers please copy. . * , X3XBX3. 'GEORGE.—On the morning of the 15th Inst.. afier a •Short Illness, Mrs. Sallie A George, The relatives and friends of tn* family are respect* folly invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her wether, James M. Flanagan, No. 711 Fine street, on Friday. 18thbut. afcQo’olockA. M, t *** - STRING.—At -Wilmington,- on the 14th instant. Capt. David A. String, in the 64th year of hln age. , His relatives and friends arelnviced to attend his fane* ial, from the residence of his son-in-law, William Far-- row, at Brandywine village, Wilmington, Bel,, this, afternoon, &t 2 o’clock, ' - , -* ■ ELLIS.—On Tuesday morning, the loth Inst., Josiah Ellis, aged 61 years. . ■ , Bis relatives and male friends are respectfully invited to attend hU funeral, from his late residence. Ho. 1517 North Eleventh street, on Friday morning, December 18th, at 10 o'clock, without further notice. Interment ■at the Odd Fellows’ Cemetery. ‘ . . _ ** f _ -RANDOLPH.—On thltddav, the 15th instant, Richard . ’Randolph, tn the 73i.year of his age. , The Relatives and friends of the family are respect-t fully invited to attend the funeral, from hiß late resi dence, No. 1734 Chestnut street, on sixth day morning, the 16th Instant, at eleven o’clock, without farther un ties. LEEDS.—On the evening of the 14th last,% Lewis Leeds,< in Ihe fiQth year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family arc respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No. 2 Woodland Terrace, West Philadelphia, this after noon-at 1 o'clock. To proceed to Absecum, N.J. * LEWIS.-*On the 13th instant,-Fanny Draper, eldest child of Walter EL and Arabella B, Lewis, aged 7 -years. • KBSTER.—On Sunday, the 18th Inst., John W. Kes* ter, in the.s3d yeaT of his age. -The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully . Invited'to attend the funeral, from his late residence, Frankford road, on Thursday next, at 11 o'clock A M ** SMITH —At SpriDgvillo, Chester Co. Pa., Dec- 14, Caroline M., wife of Samuel Smith, aged 40 years, for anerlyfof Philadelphia. [Troy and Albany (N. X.) papers please oony ] . .-The friends and rclativ&frr'UTjdeceased are respee fully invited to attend im Thursday, the 17thinrt., > ..atl2o ( clocfr, A. -y - : T>LAOK DRESS tfOODS.-CJASH-i ; A-J MERES. Velonr Reps, Tamiees, 3-4 and 6-4 Moos-; isellnes, Merlnoes. Henrietta Cloths or-sUkrwarp Oash-i ' meres, Ottoman Poplins, Irish Poplins, English and; 'Trench Bombasines, Aleplnes. corded Monsselines, Aus ‘trallan Crapes, Baratheas, Turin Oloths, Paramattas, ' De Laines, oriental Lustres, Alpacas and Mohair Lustres, > Sops Anglais. Mourning Silk. Axianre, Poult de Sole ana roa Grain Silks. • .- B&ISOHA SON. i 0c23 Mourning Store, No. 018 CHESTNUT Street. ti|X AVAN A BROWN AND ROYAL AX PURPLE FINE FRENCH MERINO 5 “ ■ El RB Ji LANDELL. XTAVANA BROWN AND HUM. d BOLDT’PURPLE SILK-FACED POPLINS. EYRB A LAN DELL. "HAVANA BBOWN AND B UM AX bOLDTPURPLE RICH PLATNSILKSSi MOIRES. de4 , EYRB & LaffDELL. SITPBRViSORY COMMITTEE FOR w3m Reoruidnv Colored Troops will »old an Ad - jcurned Meeting THIS jryENINGL at 7.J4 o clock. Pune* ' ln f,‘ * tt »^ e9 ff/D q wALLADER BIDDLE. Secrete. , obafD fair in aid of the CSr VOLUNTEER HOSPITAL, at CON CERT HALL, opened on MONDAY. and will he con tinual etory day and night this week. We would call the attention of those desirous of purchasing Holiday rxeaeits to the sp,'endi<L-assortment of Books, Photo graph Albums. Toys,' Silverware ani. Taney Articles. Refreshments ofall kinds are served In the best manner. Adranelon 10 cents 4 season tickets 25 cents.. ~d!6tf PENNSYLVANIA INSTITUTION FOE TBE INSTRUCTION OF THE BLIND.— TheAnnnal Mfetinx of THKCORPORATORS OF THE PENNSYLVANIA INSTITUTION FOB THE INSTRUC TION OF TEE BLIND will he held at the Institution Buljjing, RACE andTWBNTIETH Streets, in this city, onTHURSDAY, the 17th inst., at 4 P. M. t del6 2t* - ;■ - ROBERT P.'KaNE, Secretary. UPIIOW XE4GUE OP PHILADEL- K^jFHIA.—At an ELECTION held at n « LEAGUE HOUSE, J>ec«niberl4tb, 3883, the following Officers were chosen to serve for the ensuing year: I»SESII»BT«T. . ' * - WILLIAM M. MEREDITH. VTOB PRESIDENTS. WILLIAM H.: ASHHCTRST, *■ ; HORACE BtNNBY, Jr.. v, JOHN B. MYERS. ‘ I ADOLPHE. BORIE i - 4 *>: • BOARD OF DIRECTORS. . Mortofc McMichaei, Charles Gibbons. Claxx Hare, George H. Bolter, ‘Benjawljif Gerhard, Josephs Townsend, . aames L, Clftghorn, George Whitney, John B. Kenney. TREASURER. ‘ JAMES L. CL AG HORN. - . ’• SECRETARY GEORGE H BOKER NETNA, MINING COMPANY (OB’ MlCHlGAN.)—The.first Maeting r»f the 2E CNa .MINING COMPANY. Under .its Articles of Association, Will be held on-the Fourth of January. 1884, at ll o’clock A, M., at No. 3a* WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. W. H. hTBvKNS, ~ . Two t>t thU Associates oi said Corporation Philadelphia , December 16,1853. de!6-16t f®*, A LECTURE IN AID OF THE I*3? • •* NEW CjaAfilTY HOSPITAL. AtWashlngton City, I>. C., under charge of the Sisters ,J ■ - of Ohartty, - Will be dellyered by REV. F. E. BOYLE, At the ACADEMY OF MUSIC., ON THURSDAY EVENING, Dec. 17, 1863, At 8 o’clock. . .Subject ....“THE MONKS-” Admission 25 cents. r Aell-tdl? JERSEY SHORE, PINE GREEK, AND STATE LI 6IE R aILRO AD. Agreeably to previojas notice, a* Meeting of the Commissioners or the abovtMMiterprise was held at the Girard House, in Phila delphia, on the 10th inet., and after .the transaction of DAT, the 4th day of February, 1854. at io «.i*iock A. M., to open-books and receive aupecriptione, preparatory to organising the Company, - A report on .the general oiarasBTof the route wUI be made by the Engineer at that time „ . Pecbmbeb IC, 1663, -ao* UHIVERSITY OF PEWNS YUVANIA, (DEFARTUENT OF ARTS ) , The Enaminatlon of the College Classes, at the cloße of the First Term, will be held In the following order: IfOWDAT, Dec. 14th. From 9 to 11. Juniors, by Prof. Kendall. (Analytical Geometry.) and .Sophomores, by Protlfrawr, (somatology.) written. From 11 to 1, Se niors, oy Prof Frazer.) Spherical AstrOnomy.loral.. Tuesday, 16th. ) torn 9to 11, Seniora, (Integral Calcn lns.) and freshmen, (Algebra,) by Prof. Kendall, writ ten. From 11 to 1, Jnniore, by the Provost, (Int@ljectual From‘9 to lirSeniors, SV Prof ' Jackson, (Horsee'e Ars Poettca and Juvenal, ) and Sepho- Cm fir Prof- Kendall. (Geometry,) written. From moh JlmiMs. by Prof, fearer (Stattos.) oral. - l7th. From oto 11, Juniors,by Prof Allen, and Sophomores, by Prof. Coppie, (Clarke Bngltah I.“nil“so,)‘wrUton- t ’ A™ Uto 1, festers, 'by FmSv‘iW?:“f, mu bIoS. 140n o iors'.l)y Frol Conws. Foitiacattett,)oral From 11 to 1, Jn- HoSf by Prof. Jackson, (fclcero’s Tnsculan Disputa ‘'MoynAYz.Stet. From 9 to 11, Sophomores, byProf. Jackson, (Tacitus' Agrlcola,) oral. From Uto 1, Fresh men, by !rdf AUeu, (Xenophon’s Hellenloa,) oral. - 'TrrssDAY/Md. From 9to 11, Freshmen, by Prof. Oop pee.CHlatotT.) oral. From 11 to 1, Sophomores, by Prof. *W?DiffiSDAT?a3d. S '*From 9 to 11, Freshmen, by Prof. oral GEORGE ALLEN, . J delWt Secretary of the Facnlty of Aits._ ■Ok PHIDADEDPHIA-AND KBADING |3> BAILROaD COMPANY, Office Mo t»av South fOpßTHfStrcet, Philadelphia, Decembers, 1863. . * DIVIDEND Notice —The Transfer Books of this Company will be closed, on R^ Y ,'J7 fc!l inatant ’ andreopened on TUESDAY, January 12. 1864. , a * Dividend of SEVER PER CERT, .clear of State tax, been declared on the Common Stook, payable il«ar of State tax, ha§ been declared on the Pre ferred Stock, payable in Cash or Common Stock, at the ipUonof the fioldc r, on and after the 3lBt December next, to the etockholdera as they shall stond on the fhooks at the close of fcnsiness on the 17th inst. , a , Holders of certificates -which haye been discharged tfrom this office, or either of the Transfer Agencies, are -oarticnlarly requested to haye them duly registered nn the Transfer Books to which they haye been transferred, Stockholders I whoa e names are registered on the New Sark books will be the Farm era'Loan and Trust company. and those whose names are registered on the affioks win be paid,at the office of Meggra 1. E. gnajera Brother. y- BBA ?rSr. WESTEBN MARKET HOUSE, SIX TEENTH and MARKET Crests.—The public ara reipeclftilly invited fa-vlsivthe mvnr'C'faTR 6 opening night of the FIFTH ANNUAL PRODUCE FAJK, -TUESDAY, December 22d, at 7 o clock. The Pair Cyia- tho sale of'produce ,9, n o^ oduBsday 0 du8sday ol 1 the 33d inst , and continues until Saturday. January 2d, 1864. .PHILIP LOWKY, JB . del6 6t Snpenntenden.. TWEBTY*KOXJRTH WARD-EX- BOUBTY TO VOLDNTEEKS!!!—£WRN- WABD —The Executive Committee of the Twantv-fourth Ward are now prepared to pay the •SarK BOUNTY OF fifty DOLLARS (in addition to fteCUy and United States bounties) to all leemts. A PAIN IN AID OP THE SICIt CfIpAND WOUN ÜBD SOLDIERS, and other benevo bmtnurpoaes, nnder the direction of thoAtia,ionary So- SvnfUe Sunday Schools of the First Baptist Church, 11 be held In the School Boom, commencing on WED NESDAY EVENING, the 16th. and will contlnne every dav and evening until SATURDAY, the 19th inei. will be a table on which. Books and Albums will be forisale from the Publication Society and Snnaay fi^ OI AVo 0 D n aVeof h t'uo P ?;&sof the soldiers, and the friendaof Snnaay Schools, is solicited. delo-4t KafciiOßTiClS OP' THE PENN MUTUAL, EaCvilFß INBURAi CK COMPANY. OSS 1 CHBST -An Blestion for 'NINE TRUSTEES, to throe Tear? will be bald at the Oittoa of the Co"woy; oa MONCAT' tlie dth day of January. ISS». P deli^BTS//4° mia t 0 A H l 'S. STEPHENS. Secretary. teterate OFFICE OF THE REUASCE INr ■A. SDRAISCB rOOMPASY. OF PHILADHLfHIA, NoTember SOth. VO, lvald ftt thefaf Office on. MONDAY, Deconiljor 2i3t». 1^63, DlMetMA l te'Mr»e I fM the eaujin beheVon OK3W- nrllE tAUICIESII/VER MINING COMPANY, eo a I NASSAU Street, Now York, December 7,166 t-Tbe Annual K ® el . l , DX ? f P nNTV ® 6 TAL°Mm“uth^^ 11 o?!'^Upb^a? 0 n T I **¥be Annoa[ A Bleottoa I <i7Dirlctoie will be bold on tbe .QYfia (lav between the hr-uts of 12 M- and 2P. M. t eember 13, Jfi®!, and reopened on Tuesday, Ltnaiiry u. .. ’ ■ - - SSi ■WALNUT S IK .SS r -p HtLA n E i, ?B iA,'Pocember.7, 1861 The Dlreotore of! The ReUance IfIsnJ?,K? 1 sn J?,K? °S’ ' f o v|oß laddWbla,” havothl* dayMeolared a dividend of FODK C 4) per cent, on the capiial stock of this Company lorioe p&strilxmonths, payable to the Stockholders or their.le gal representatives, free of taxes, on demand. : deS iQt ■ ' . THOS.C. HILL, Secretary. Wrn&~ oorn sxcha, Lrk DELPHI a, Novemb* At the Election held 18th la ere wore duly elected Direct Bank: jaxnee Steel. Bobert Er^iea, SUliara P. Cox, xnael T. Ca-nby. Philip B. Mingle. John P« Grofte, And atthe meeting of tlie CATTBLL, Baa., m anit #■ AtsX'WHILLDIN. Ksq.,Y' TOBBBT, Cashier; noM-8m Alexander MANIfPACTUUEas' raScßAiicii COMRANY. Ota. No. 411 WALNUT Street. Phu.ade'lphiA, December 4,18531 ®h« (tnnnal meatiest pf the atockhoWara of tlie Mauu flwturera' Inaorance be held at the office, <& MONDAY, Jftiroam4.:lSe4, between the hours .of 4 Sd 6 o’clock P. M., for the purpose of electing Ten HI . . r l£fm° ”**: ft T -th *WiPpETTIT, Secretary,. ' '■flb gCBeBON-ARTIST'SOFFICI', (Of rOB MUTILATED 80LDIEK8.-&OLDIERB who slrelMt an ARM or LEO In theservlce.and desire tha Patent “PALMER Limbs" to to eupplief by Govern ttAOla should return this notice immediately to this of . -fi,e,'’.itatiml their lons by Utter,wlth nameLjeompany. t . ;SKont7and realdence. B. 'PBAKK wtfWf J6OO OHESTNUT Btraet. Philadelphia, JliT'* JjT ft OF THE STOCK- Ui holders op tub sscond national bank OFjPHILAPJSDPHIA. held TIIIB DAT. the following named gfntlemen wore elected Directors; Nathan Hllles.- Simon R- Snyder, oSwwfiWn, f Edward Hayes. Benjamin Howland, Jr., John M lnea. Lewis ShaJlcroße, Benjamin IL Deacon, Charles B. Kremer. __ . UT . r _ , , W. H. RHAWNe BooreUry, Sbankford. Dec. U. 1563. At a meeting ot the Hoard of Directors of the Second National Hank or Philadelphia, held Tntß DAT, NA THAN HlLLBBwas.ona'ntnioualy elected President. ' - EDWARD HAYB3,Seo. prowm. ItAßKfCftPt 1863. CONCERT FOR THE BENEFIT OF fccs» Samuel ll.' PAISr, (tla blind Medium ) at SAHSOM-STBEET HALL, ou SATURDAY EYRNIWG, u e Udh instant, to commence at a quarter belore 8. PROGRAMME, 1. An Oriiinal Poem. _ , 2. Souk— ‘ Praise the Lord.”. ........Trio. 3. “ Waeliltißton’s Grave”.............H. Paiat, 4. “ Last Hopes” (Gottschalk) By a Lady Am&tear. & “The Cricket" •.-•By MasterPelixEmmanuel. 6. "Salutation to America. ” 7. ‘‘The Cork&eg”.. 8; ‘'Home. Sweet Home, (with.varia tionsj Air. C. B. Sargent PART 11. 1. “ Ruth and ' 2. “ Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep”..Paist. 8 “ Marseilles Hymn".-.. Master Felix Emmanuel. 4, Duett on Harp and Pian0......... By Lady Amateurs. 6. “I’ve left the Snow-clad Hills. 6. “The Old Arm .Chair”......... 7. “ A. B. C A Comic Duett. B. “Star Spanxlod Banner”—S. , It. Palsfc—Chorus by the aadience, Admittance 25 cents. IKffto A CONCERT IN AID OF THE TA BERNACLK M.E. CHURCH, ELEVENTH Street, above Jefferson, will be given on WEDNESDAY EVEN ING. December 16.1663, commend*® at K to 8 o'clock, on which occasion will be performed some choice sem tions by well-known amateurs, assisted by an efficient chorus. Tickets 60 cents. - do!2-4t* THE DIRECTORS OF THE PENN STLVANIA OIL-CREEK PETROLEUM COMPA NY have declared a dividend of one par cent, on the par vaiueof the stock out of the earnings of the Company for ilie last thirty days, payable on demand at the Office, THOMAS BELL, Treasurer, ‘ 335 WALNUT Street. Blown, uiponer-Still riot . To the Publisher of The Press: I notice an article In vonr paper of the 10th. inst., headed. “Lillie's Patent Safe Blown Open,” &c., and, as you bare pablished this article, I wsk the same privilege to reply. First. I will Bay to Evans & Watson that whenever ' they will .come out over their own signature, and state that they or their agent can drill any of Lillie’s Safes in any way practical for a burglar, and will back up their statement with any respectable sum, in case of failure, I am ready and willing to meet them with like sum in case of success, with the single condition, that if suc cessful the same amount shall db pledged by both par ties, that if I drill, or causa to be drilled, one of their Safes of similar cost and size, in one-half the time, the forfeiture is mine; if not, theirs. Second. Whenever they are ready to take aay bank or* mercantile Safe they now have in use, and pat the same against one of mine of similar coit and size now in use, and submit them to any practical burglar test, I will give them one-third advantage in time, each pirty pledging a respectable snm, to be forfeited by the party unsuccessful. As to fire, they may select any of my medium-size Fire and BurgUr Proof Safe* sold in Phila delphia within the last three years, and I will select one of their Safes of similar size and cost, sold within the same time and they shall be put in a furnace together, and fairly tested upon the same terms as heretofore men tioned. As to an investigation of the Troy fire, if they will allow Mayor Henry to appoint a committee to visit Tioy and make a report as to how my Safes stood that fire, I will pay their expenses, provided they will pub lish their report in two of the leading papers in Phila delphia, one month, at their expense. , I make these offers, gentlemen, that you may have the opportunity to place your Safes fairly before the public, in contrast with, the “New York Ilumbugs,” thereby saving the necessity of publishing vague iauendoes, in ferences without any foundation in fact, and statements utterly untrue. . M And now, with a few questions, ram done; - . When Pennock & Go ’s Safe, of your make, costing s£oo, was broken open at Wilmington., Del,with an old axe and small bar. and $1,600 taken - ,and you gave them, in place, a large Bank Safe, how was that affair settled?- mat did you give besides ?. _„r’Al[entbwn, and When your Safe was .. . . broken open by a hammer 'ana Bar* at Mount Joy* and robbed of SttO. how did yon fix up that matter with Mr. John Patterson, the owner)? When the Beading Railroad lost near $ll,OOO from one of your being left alone for about a half hour, before nine o’clock P. M. , with both keys in possession of Mr, Potts, the principal, who was away, what re dress did von make ? And how have you arranged with Judgo Jordan, of Sunhury, who was robbed a few days since of $1,200. by having forty to fifty holes drilled in one of your Safes, in front of the lock, the sted Plata broken, and the lock laid bare,besides many oHTer cates that might be enumerated? , , . _ • '• , As to the Lock Haven fire, why did you first publish Mr. Emery’s (the son-in-law of Mr. Evans) letter, say ing that he forwarded one of your certificates, and ex pected two more the next day? If obtained, why were they not published? Was not tlis Safe for which you got this certificate on the walk or street, and not in any ~of your three safes?, and was not another of the three so badly damaged tlie certificate could not be obtained? Gentlemen, the noble precept presented the publi cans and iinners in aiioient times—' Let him that is not guilty cait the first stone,” is a rule quiteappiica- Kle. I thijrk. in this ease, ana equally so is the latter Baying—“ Those who live in glass houses shoulu not SSHfbuf 0181 BMI Pl LEWll o LfLiir la!lt ttctsio siDLBK Acfl[ltfmd Attorney. ' del4-St *1 South SEVESTH Street. Philada. GEORGE H. BOKER, Secretary. HOOPES. de!6 wfitfe4 HOB BAUK, PHILA >er 28d, 1888. , , ,A, ist. the following Stockholm* ;ton of the Corn Exchange G. Cattell, Christian J. Hoffman, H. W. Catherwood, Edmund A. Bonder, Charles E. Wilkins,: DaYid Vanderveer, Jonathan Knight. ) Board this day ALEX. G. imonsly re-elected President r ice President, atid JOHCf*W. J. W. TOBBE?,< Caahlari the: northern soup society ' will open their home. Situated at the corner of PETER’S Alley. FOURTH Street, above , Brown, for .the gratuitous distribution of Soap to the poor, on ’MONDAY, the 21. t of December, 1863. This Society has added to its other valuable gratuities a free Bathing establishment for women and children, at which about 9.(00 baths have been taken this year. Donations in money, flour, meat, vegetables, coal, ic , will be. tbanklnlly received at the house, or by either of the Cl1 t AK’'S ne siJTTER. Trwident, No. 301 Callowhillat., SAJt’L K CHILD, Secretary, No. B’Jt North Second ot., S. MORRIS PEROT. Trea-urer, No. 621 Market at., BAWtJEI. JEANS. No. 1023 Arch,atreat, HORATIO C. WOOD, No. 117 Chestnut street, JOHN O JAME*, No.'239NorthThlrd atreat. RICHARD W. BACON, No. SCO Market atreat and by any cf the other managers of the Society. , del6-6t r<S==- OFFMSE MINF.Kir.I. AND SOIITJYJL KILL HAVEN railroad-company. . . Pnit.ADßi.pHiA. Twelfth Month, Ifith, 1863. A Special Meeting of the Stockholders will be held on the 28th Inst., at 10 o’clock, at the Hall of the Franklin Institute, No, 15 South BEYENTEL Street, for tho pur g)te of taking final action on-the agreements with the eading Railroad and BohuvlkUl Navigation Compa nies. , WILLIAM BIDDLE, del6*wfmfit ; . . Secretary. MERCANTILE LIBRARY -THE Board of Directors have just decided, that Library Berm (on which, if not converted, no tax will be charged for 1864 > may be tr»A«rfa*red_lnto stock and duplicated at any time next year, thus gmnx-tLo*«£»i]«M. o f two shares of stock for $lO. This being the par varan v#-*a«k share, persons are already seeking these scrip certifi cates as an investment,. Either stock or scrip, to be sub ject to duplication, most be taken before Janaary Ist, 1564. A share of this stock would constitute* most valu able Christmas Present. Price at the Library for stock orsorip, $lll • flel6-6s rcgfe* MERCANTILE LIBRARY ft<r» The Price of this Stock, at the Library, is only TEN DOLLARS PER SHARE. No more useful Christmas Present could be found for either lady or gentleman. Any one purchasing before January Ist will be en titled to an . _ ADDITIONAL SHARE. FREE OF:CHARGE. The public are invited to visit and examine the rooms at any time before Christmas. . No library in the city can>-now compare with this, in the value of its importations, the Dumber_of its pur chases, the stock of its Periodicals and Newspapers, or the popularity of its Chess Department de!s-9c MEDICAL PURVEYOR'S OFFICE, iCr* No; I North FIFTH Street. ; = • Philadelphia, Nov. 12,1863. Importers and Dealers iu MEDICINES, HOSPITAL STORES, HOSPITAL FURNITURE. BEDDING, ICfi, Ac., aro invited to submit their Price Lists from time to time to this Office. ’ J. MURRAY, nol3-6tnmtf Surgeon and Medical Purveyor. SAFES. | LILLIE'S- SAFES 'Blowi doum—Btoum at and |P tILLIE’S PATENT BORGL&E-PSOOF SAFE. DRILLED AND BLOWS OPEN WITH POWDER, AT . WILKESBARRE, PA.', NOVEMBER, ISS3. NOTICE.—To Philadelphia Bankers and all otherper iods who have purchased Safes from those New Yora humbugs who advertise that they are the only firm that can make Safes that will stand fire, and cannot be drilled, bored, blown open with powder, nor robbed in any man ner We say to you that there ie not one of your great Patent Safes, of this make, you now have in use. , that cannot be drilled and blown open in the same manner trotr the above purchasers, wiU appoint a commit tee of three, who wifi go to Troy, New York, and ascer tain how many more than twenty of these Lillie s great Safes were destroyed, and their contents entirely burned up by the late destructive fire in thatplace, we will pay all the expense of their journey- • , - Please road the following, taken from the Record of ihe Times of November IStli: .. WIIsE3B4BKE , p a . , “ Bank Robbed.—^The banking office .of: Wf G-. Ster linc E«ci, a few doors from this office,; was entered on Friday morning, and alfergeburglarandfire-proof Safe, of Lillie's Patent, blown open. The event attracted a crowd as soon as it was discovered, the news spreading like wildfire. MivSterliagwas at work there till after eleven on Thursday evening. After that hour the bur elars entered and drilled through the chilled door, filled the lock with powder, and blew it open. . 1 All ihis was done in less than four .hours, and these are the great chilled iron safes which the makers.have teen saying <«mo| be ls? Messrs. Evans & Watson-Gentlemen: On the 13th ultimo, the banking house of W. G. bierlmg, Esq . of this place, was entered by burglars. His monay and papers were contained in. one of Lillies Patent Burglar-Proof Safes,” which was entered by means of a hole being drilled through the . door into the lock, and the door > blown to pieces with powder. The safe door was split across its face, and completely destroyed. • • - I understand from Mr. Sterling, that the safei was of about the “two-hundred* dollar size, and that Mr- I»il lie?s agent has agreed to deliver to,Mr. Sterling a. six hlndrtd-dollar .10%. In or. or to get po .session of tho icrsck Respectfully yours, &c , o, f. ttisjsra. : WIhLIAMSFOKT, . Messrs. Evans k Watson. I went-to Look Haven yesterday. Among the different fire-proofs which had passed throngb the great fire. I fonna three or four of your safes, which had preserved the boohs, papers, &c., in a pertect condition, bearing not the least mark of the great conflagration. Messrs. Bog,is & Beadle_ had in their store pne of Lillie’s make of Bafe3. which was burned up. -1 send von bv express part of the charred remains of the wood work. Very respectfully yours. ]) t EMERY. MfESTS, EVANS & WATSON would- respectfully call tie attention of their Philadelphia. Meeds and customers to the advertisement headed ".iire! Fire! Fire! pub lished for a long time in ihe Philadelphia papers, .which adyertieement can he found below showing couclnzive 1t the method resorted to by New York Humbugs io de ceive Philadelphians. We desire all onr friends and all who are ahont purchasing Safes to read the annexed cer ttlicate, proceed to the storedesignated,on Second street, the third door above Willow street, east side, where this meat fire tool place. The .building still remains in the same position as after the great fire, the floor on which the Baft stood not being, destroyed, the heat where the safe stood not being fnfflclent to .roast a goose. ‘‘ An this is the first trial of Lillie’s Safes in an acciden tal fire In Philadelphia, ” it will he a, very lucky dr-. cnmatance for many purchasers of this make of safe If there are no more trial?, more severe; for. shonld there he, theirhooka and papers would he as secure m almOßt any other poaition. PIRErPIBP,: • Philadelphia. May 80,1853*... M o Saddle*. Esy.* ApentSpr lsjUie s Snjes: Dj?ak Sir: During the night-of May 19 » Grocery and Provision Stoie, at North Second and ml low streets, took fire at about 2 o clock A. M., and as; thesiore wasatwo story wood bai }3 l^^ tl^ r the a fire* It, and, before the fire-engines could our whole stock of goods, In cl udeug °e “ b wlmHy W? hSd’SSc Sf you'r *No°°dl OaUled lron t'a which was in the hottest part of; the fire; and it o?t of the fire not in the least-lnjured. except the of the nan opiate, and painty Thecontents Sside were not affected in the least, and we consider *««•' as -^«ro« re ; . l ours 30 KQrth SECO jfj> .street. Attention to the above certificate is partlcnlarly re (luested. as it is the 1 first trial of: Lillie s Safeß inanaxcl dental fire inPhiladelphia. . aels-otit EDUCATIONAL. MISS MARY K. TTIROPP HAS A UA Select French and English BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, for Young Ladles, at 1841 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia.- For circulars, or other information, apply at the School. deld-tfel . THE QUAKER CITY BUSINESS COL -A -LEGE, northeast oorner TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets —A practical business institution. conducted new system of ins-ruction, which is ac kSowledgeiVby all who have considered Its merits as superior to all-others. No young man should go blindly fr. ov^ school He sh mid visit all before enterTn g upon a cottHfi of study, We Invite comparisons, _ aTnMHkioil of on* plauautl. course of IB* stiuciion. This institution Is complete in ail Its appoint ments. andisfitted.upin a style superior to any other in the State. :. pRITTENDEN’S PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 03-? CHESTNUT Street, corner of Seventh, ' • «. Instruction in Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Business Forms, Mercantile Calculations, &«. IndLviduah in.- strnction Day and Evening. delo-ot \r I LLA G E GREEN SEMINARY, T NEAR MEDIA, PA.—Pupils received at any, time. English, . Mathematics, Glassies, and Natural Sciences taught. Military Tactics* Book-keeping, and OLvil Bn g] peering taught. Entire expenses abont_s3per week .Boys of all axes taken. Refers to Wm. H. Kern,: ex- Sheriff; John C. Capp ft Co., No. 2S South Thlid street, and Thomas J. Clayton. Esq, .Fifth and Print* streets. Address Bey. J. HARYEY BARTON, A. M-. YUlaf* Green, Pa. nod-if PARTES DE YISITE, The finest in the City are taken at a JOBBERS GALLERY, For $2 Per-Dozen. .-goB v CHEST NUT STREET. Entrance through the Card and Album Btore. delS-6t» /~1 JST CARTES DE YISITE AT B. F. Kew Gallery, 694 AItCH Street In variety of styles and execution, they cannot be excelled by any in the city. AND JEWELRY. BAILEY & CO., 819 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. are constantly receiving, by every arrival from Europe, a fine collection of Goods suitable for the Holidays. Tlielr assortment of FINE DIAMONDS, WATCHES, AND SILVER WARE, Uaa never been es complete as at present. There can be found a groat variety of the finest FRENCH PORCELAIN GOODS, sets of . CLOCKS AND ORNAMENTS FOE THE MANTEL, ' m Rich Gilt*moanted CHINA ORNAMENTS, BRONZES, of every description* FIHE OIL PAINTINGS, BEST PLATED WARES, of Sheffield and their own manufacture. SILVER TEA SETS. FANCY SILVER GOODS* for Presents. / FLOWER VASES, Stiver and Plated. diamond, pearl, amethyst, and coral JEWELRY, of the very latest dentens. Articles in Jewelry and Sliver wars mado to order. Watch and Clock repairing Btriotly attended to. de!s»ot if ESTABLISHED IN 1812. ~S. H. Faist. .,.8. H. I'aiat. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Southwest Corner of FIFTH and CHERRY Streets. Have on hand a Large. Handsome, and General Assortment of SILVER WARE, suitable for Holiday Presents, of our own manufacture, of the finest quality, and highest standard of Silver. Also, A large and general assortment of superior PLATED WARE, of English and American make. WAITERS. TEA SETS. &c. ' ‘ . 4S" Old Silver bought and taken in exchange. Highest price given. do9-tdSl QHRISTMAS PRESENTS. OPERA GLASSES, GOLD SPECTACLES, FIELD GLASSES, STEREOSCOPES, FANCY THERMOMETERS, BESIDES MANY OTHER V USEFUL ASD FMCI ARTICLES, FOR SALE BY JAMES W- QUEEN & 00., ' No. t»a4 CHESTNUT STREET. AS'Catalogues furnished gratis. n026-lm O.ENTLBMEN'S WRAPPERS EOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. JOHN C- ARRISON’S, Nos. 1 AND 3 NORTH SIXTH STREET, A: HENRY HAKPEB, 5»0 ARCH STREET. Manufacturer and Dealer la SILVER WARE. . ‘ . FINE JEWELRY. ' WATCHES, SUPERIOR PLATED . de!2-tfil TEA SETS, FORKS, &c. T EWIS LADOJWxr- 0 - .rM- • 803 CHESTNUT STREET. CHRISTMAS GIFTS. If persons, desirous of purchasing PRESENTS fox ihe HOLIDAYS, will call and examine onr large stock of ELEGANT WATCHES AND CHAIMS, SOPERB JEWELRY, and PIKE SILVER AND PLATED WARE, we will guarantee to give them every aatiafactlon in re gard to appearance, quality, and style they can desire, and cheaper than they can get elsewhere. deS-lOt gjjfr HOLIDAY PRESENT 3. . A JACOB HARLEY, Has new on heantihl^oc^of SILVBR AND PLATED WARE, SUITABLE EOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS* delO-lm . . ■ ' THOMAS O. GARRETT, No. 712 CHESTNUT STREET, In Flew of the approach of tha [CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS, Has laid in a Tory elegant stock of WATCHES, FINE JEWELS!, SILVER ARTICLES, PLATED WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, &c., < OF THE NEWEST STYLES AND FINEST QUALITY, AS EXAMIHATIOK OF WHICH HE ASKS OF PEE3OK3 SEEKING- PRESENTS. deS-tdStf HOLIDAY PRESENTS Would Invite attention to their stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, DIAMOND AND GOLD JEWELRY, ' SILVER AND SILVER PLATED WARE. Suitable for Holiday and Bridal Presents, all of which rill be eold at reasonable pricee. de9-lm JJOLIDAY PR BSEN T S. G. BUSSELL, No. 22 NOBTH SIXTH STREET, Jg. Would Invite attention to his vrell-selected JEN dttltstock of PINE AMERICAN and IMPORTED™* WATCHES, DIAMOND AND GOLD JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, &o„ SUITABLE TOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. del-lm |i P. DUBOSQ A SON, MANUFACTURERS OF fine jewelry, 1038 CHESTNUT STREET. Watches neatly repaired and warranted. Pearl Work of allJLe»griptlon» repaired. del-lm OA-NES FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. EBONY CANEB.jroia head. , MALACCA CANES, ivorj head, LADIES’ CANES. GBNTB.’ CANES, BOLDIEBS’CANES. CANES ol every variety. For «ale bj HrLlp WILSG )N & CO., 409 CHESTNUT Street. gK ATBBS’HEADQU ABTERS, gKATES— FOR LADIES, GENTS, AND BOYS. The. be«t Assortment in the City. - %’Z South. SIXTH Street, Pemerlv at 721 CHESTNUT Street, Maeonie Hall, . delO-lmo TTOLIBAY GIFTS*—GOLD SPFCTA AX cles, Gold Eye-Glasses, Stereoscopes and Stereo scopic Views. Card Photographs, Photograpn Mbnms, Microscopes, magic Lanterns. Spy Glasses, Opera Gl***e*{ Officers' Field-Glasses for Army and use, Pocket Compasses, Mathematical Instruments. Kaleidoscopes, Thermometers, and a variety of other articles—appro prfat,lifts for*. oh b E del-tial-if TaB CHESTNUT Street. XTOLIDAY PRESENTS FOB &EN XX TLEMEN •—A. m&cniftcaut assortment of ttw ra-rwt novelties i» SCABF-BINGS, HECK-TIES, MUFFLERS, „ ÜBBRBLLAB, Owning »t THE PRESS—PHIL ADELPHXA; WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER iB, 1863. HOLIDAY GOODS. WIXiuTArBL -wineoN & SON, SILVER WARE. PLATED WARE. THE FINEST ASSORTMENT FIRST STORE ABOVE MARKET. deS-t3l CASSIDY & BAIL, No. 19 SOUTH BBCOND STREET, LADIES’ SKATES, of every variety. STEEL DIHfIP^SKATES. BHELL-aEOOyl S SKATES, a superior article for learners. PARLOR SKATES, all sizes. PHILIP WILSON A CO. ’S. 409 CHESTNUT Street. AT BURNHAM’S DEPOT OP THE UNIVERSAL WRINGER, WRAPPERS, handkerchiefs, GLOVES, . SUSPENDERS, CARRIAGE kUQS, &e.. 4c., 4c.* J. W. SCOTT’S, 814 CHRMNUT Street, Four doors below the * Continental. ” POR CHRISTMAS.— glass shades—hound. ■ GLASS SHADES—OVAL. GLASS SHADES—SOU ABB. Ferneriee la 0 w»t T«^, iT ; *i.ETCHWO*TH. : tf,9‘ l!| North IlftH fitted HOLIDAY GOODS. QOBNELIUS & BAKER, MANUFACTURERS 0? LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, GAS FIXTURES, BRONZE ORNAMENTS, &C., &C. STORE, 710 CHESTNUT- STREET, MANUFACTORY—BS*I CHEERY STREET. doie-tSlif . ■ . Q.OODB FOR PRESENTS. JOHN M. FINN, S. E. COR. ARCH AND 7th STS., NOW OFITSKS, SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. FANCY COLOGNES, FINE MOROCCO SATCHELS, POCKET BOOKS, EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS, FINE BRUSHES, in great variety, GLOVES of every description, FANCY BOOK-MARKERS, HAND MIRRORS, SCISSORS, and a variety of other handsome and moral articles i at REASONABLE PRICES. joKcisr 3vr. iFUsnsr, S. E. COR. ARCH AND 7th STS. do9'Wsm9t RADIES’ 'WINTER GLOVES! healFj.oo., FOURTH AND CHESTNUT, beg to inform the ladies that they have now on hand an ataortment of BUCKSKIN GLOVES, of their own manufacture, with one aad two buttons. ALSO, PLUSH-LINED KID, \ BLACK BUCKSKIN MOURNING-, AND ' OTHER FINE GLOVES, together with a largo assortment of GLOVES FOR GENTLEMEN, suitable for holiday presents. QIIRISTM.AS PRESENTS, NEW-YEA.K PRESENTS, HOLIDAY GIFTS. Rosewood Writing-Desks, Ladies’Work-Boxes; Ladies' Dressing-Cases, - Gentlemen’B Dressing-Oases. Ladies’ Jewel Boxes* • ' Officers’ Deepatch-Desks, , • • Photograph. Albums, Wood, Ivory, and Bone Chessmen.: Backgammon, Chess, and Cribbage Boards, Ivory and Bone Counters. Pearl and Ivory Paper Knives, Gold Pens and Silver Cases* FinePocketand Desk Gallery. Glass and Fancy Inkstands. Also* a large assortment of FANCY GOODS, Counting House and Office Stationery, at MOSS & 00., Blank-Book and Envelope Manufacturers, 4=353 CHESTNUT Street, Two doors above the Post Office. gOBBY HORSES BOYS ’ SXjBD CLOSING OUT CHEAP. 2,000 Hobby and Cavalry Horses. 2,000 Goose-neck and Boys’ Fancy Sleds, li 009 Boys’ Wheelbanows and Carts. I.COO Boys’ Government Wagons (new article). I*ooo Ladles’ Fancy Sewing Stands (new styles). 1.000 Children’s Toy Gigs and Coaches. An unsurpassed variety of Fancy_andJfr vw - TD ’* t *' Wood Ware, forsaloat THIRD Street. del2-12fc v —T Three doors bslow; Race. JJOLIDAV PRESENTS, McINTIBE & BROTHER’S, GENT S ’ rU RNI SHIN G HOUSE, Ho. 1035 OHBSTNUT STREET. 1 Wrappers, Gloves, „ . .-Suspenders, Umbrellas, titc ' " ’ION aX bliiK bCAKFb ffi UITY. ' Scarf Pins and Rings, • Neckties and Cravats, Mufflers, - Handkerchiefs. THE; FINES TSELE CT] —oeip-t Ja24 QHRISTMAS AND BRIDAL GIFTS, OF UN'S UEPASSED BEAUT Y, at;: the r. HOWSE FURNISpIING STORE, 922 CHESTNUT STREET, ELEVEN BOOKS ABOVE THE CONTINENTAL HOTEL. JOHN A. MURPHEY. del6-lm • ' ' '• AN ELEGANT ASSORT- y| MENT OF A SILK AND GINGHAM UMBRELLAS, SUITABLE FOE HOLIDAY PRESENTS, FOE SALE BT # JOSEPH FWSSELL, del6-10t » and 4- NORTH FOUBTn Street,PMla. UMBRELLAS Stjb. FOE PRESENTS. WILLIAM A. DROWN & CO., 246 MARKET STREET, Hare now ready tlieir usuallftrgB assortment of UM BRELLA suitable for Presence.';;; delitf HOLIDAY PRESENTS, GENTLEMEN’S WRAPPERS, SCABESj.TIESj MUiTI>KKS> GLOVES, EMBROIDERED. SUSFE.NDERS, JOHN O. ARRISON'S, Noa. 1 and 3 NORTH SIXTH STREET. aelG-tf ■ •ppOLIDAY GOODS I CARVED BREAD PLATES. PATENT MAGIC RUFFLE FLUTING lEOHS. PATENT STEEL SKATES, a new artiele. FANCY GOODS* WILLIAM YARNALL'S HOUSE-FURNISHING STORE, ' No. 1030 CHESTNUT Street, (Opposite the Academy of Fine Arts). rjiHE GREAT SKATE DEPOT! A larce and well-«elected assortment of LADIES’, GENTLEMEN’S, AND ' BOYS’ SKATES) dnet received and for sale by TROTTER & DAWSON, de2-lm *O. 819 MARKET ST., PHILAPA. POODS FOR HOLIDAY’PRESENTS. Of* Writlnx Brblcb, leather Bajps^ ° r che»« andßftcltaanmoii Boards. Ooia Pens. . ' Pine Cutlery, ■■ . Bobber and Gold Pencil*. With a reneral awortment ol Stationery, porealeby WM. MANN. Blank Book Manufacturer, - Printer and Stationer*. 43 Soutk FOURTH Street. txoliday goods.—all the XI Newest Styles of FiHCY C 0 AHD JET JEWELRY. JANB> With flood*, adapted to the Holiday trade/ -a-—- PEICESTHE koST SATISFACTORY^ «•!» *». »1 fi. SWHTHI«t»»». . HOLIDAY GOODS. QH.RISTMAS AND NEW YEAR. CONFECTIONS FOB THE HOLIDAYS! NOW READY, CREAMS LA MODE DE PARIS. BOASTED, FROSTED, AND GLACED ALMONDS. CREAM AND ALMOND-PASTE CHOCOLATES. FINE FRENCH AND AMERICAN MIXTURES. - Pat up in neat boxes, from 1 to 10 lbs each. Oar whole stock comprising one of the most dellcloaa * arid varied assortments of ' HOLIDAY CONEECTIONS EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. E. G. WHITMAN & CO.,' del-wsmllt „ No. 318 CHESTNUT Street. A/TISS E. CALDWELL, No. 824 ASCII IYL Street, hasjust received alargeand beautiful ae fortment of DRESS-CAPS and HEAD-DRESSES, suitable for Holiday presents. • del<h3t* ' & G. A, WRIGHT, 624 CHESTNUT STREET, Offer a beautlfnl selection of BOHEMIAN GLASS TOILET SETS. PARIAH AND BOHEMIAN VASES, BRONZE STATUETTES AND BUSTS, • CARVED BRACKETS AND BOOK-STANDS. CIGAR. TOBACCO, iWD MATCH STANDS. ODOR AND LIQUOR CASES, DESKS AND TRAVELLING BAGS, MEERSCHAUM ANU BRIER PIPES, and a great variety of Fancy Articles suited for Holiday Presents.. dBl-lm RETAIL DRY GOODS. USE IT TJX, PRESENTS" ‘.LADIES IN MOURNING Silk?, . , Scarfs, Drees Goods', Veils, ShriwJa, - Chintzes, Handkerchiefs, De Lainee, Collars. Saxony Plaids, Sleev'fa. Plaid Mohairs, lace Sets, Balmoral Skirts, GlOYfea, Path Moussettnea, &c. BESSON & SON, MOURNING-STORE, No. 918 CHESTNUT STREET. del6-6t if "DLACE VELVET BEAVER. u .Tutt received, ONE PIECE OF BLACK VELVET SHARPLESS BROTHERS, CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Street,. BEAVER. deld-tr QHARPLESS BROS. ABE SELLING A-J At REDUCED PRICES, their stock of FHOSWD AND FARCY BBAVARS. Also, BLACK CLOTHS and BEAVERS, delf-tf CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. CLOTHING. gDWABD P. KELLY, JOHN KELLY, T A I L 0 R S, 148 SOUTH THIRD STREET, ABOVE WALNUT, Have now s- complete assortment of PALL and WINTER GOODS, and PATTERN OVERCOATS and OF ALL THE FASHIONABLE STYLES. TERMS CASH:—Prices lower than other Customer Tailors, and clothes superior. dels-tf OVERCOATS I SUITABLE FOB THE ww*'* 1 ””" r PRICE $lO AND UP WARDS, WANJJMCAKER «fc BROWN, OAK HALL POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE, SIXTH AND MARKET. rj\ ' ___ TJLACK OASS. PANTS, $5.50, D ' At7o4 MARKET ItwL SLACK CASS. PANTS. «*.». At 704 MARKET StMffc fLAOK <s*3B, F*jftYS,;4s.s9, At 794 MARKET Stmt SLACK CASS. PANTS. *5.50. At 704 MASKS! Stmt SLACK CABS. PASTS, SO. to, At 704 MARKET BtlWt 3RIGG A VAN GUNTBN’S, No. 704 MARKET Stmt BEIGO A VAS OUSTER'S, Mo, 704 MARKET StrMt GSiaO A VAS GUBTEN’S, So. 704 MARKET Btroet. BRIGG A VAS GUNTBS'S. So. 704 MARKET Street BBIGG A VAR GUMTBM'B. Mo-704 MARKET Stnot «eS4-Bm r -. . ■ ' FOR SAXE AND TO LET. A BARE CHANCE ! I A , SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR GOING INTO BUSINESS'. AN OLD-ESTABLISHED STAND ! THE BUSINESS IN A FLOURISHING CONDITION Theanderms^olnaforeale^^ Possession of Store given ou thelst of January. PARTICULARS. The Business—Retail Dry Goods. Avernue Sales for the last Seven Years—ONE HUN DRED THOUSAND DOLLARS A YEAR. The Stoei— Staple and Domestic Goods. „ The location considered one of tne best in Philada. The Stock is cheap, bought for cash, much of it far below present market rates. _ The present stock about $25 000. .... The business is in a most healthy condition, which will be seen by the daily saies as entered in the Cash Book. None need apply except - they have the Cash to pay down ” - • Address “Retail Dry Goods,” at this oßoe. Philadelphia, Dec. 14. del4-12t 1 -cm SALE—TWO WELL-SECURED -A Ground Rents, amountine to $2,200 per annum, issu ina out of two adjoining lots on Market street. Ke deemable only on payment of a|tlE, deis-3t*- - ■ 709 LOCUST Street. m FARM FOR SALE.—A VALU-jHk MhIABLE FABM, sitnate in Cedarville* Cumber- —L? land county, N. J., containing 152 acres, 770 f whicn is improved land, in a high state of cultivation, suited for grain or trucking purposes, willbe sold at public sa e,- on WEDNESDAY. January 6th, 1864. at IP. M., on the premises. To be sold in three lots. Situate eight miles • from the West Jersey Railroad, at Bridgeion, and withm three hours by rail and'stage of Philadelphia, bytwo improvements are large Dwelling, Barns, Or chards, and all the fixtures of a comfortable arm. For further information _ T T „„ JAS.L. WHITAKER,BridgeIon.N. J., or It* : LUCIUS WHlTAKER,Cedarville. ®EOIi SALE—A VALUABLE M?LL PSOPRRTY IN DELAWARE COUNTY, situated on RIDLEY CREEK, two miles from CHESTER, known as the Franklin Mills. 17 feet fall. Inexhaustible water power; one of the Lest Grist Mills in the county, with all the modern machinery. Also, an Edye- tool Factoiy, doiny an extensive,hnsiness. There are 10 acres of Land, on which are erected, in addition to! the mills»five excel- A business place such this is seldom to he met with in this; vicinity. The attention of capitalists is particu larly requested JAMES R. CUMMINS. Media, or OEORGE N. TOWNSEND. 13314 South FOURTH Street. del6vrfe3t A FOR SALE—NEAR OXFORD, 5E Chester Co:, on the Baltimore Central Railroad, several good Farms, with good, improvements thereon, From one hundred to one hundred and sixty acres in. each farm,'the l*nd highly Improved. Also, s ev er al fine Houses in the borough of Oxford, which ’will aU he sold cheap to mit porchasers. For further DarUcalars write or inquire of the subscriber, m OXFOKC £O - PUSBY J. NICHOLS. A TO RENT—WEST PHI LADEL- BtPHIA.-A desirable RESIDES lE, Southeast corner of THIRTY SIXTH and HAMILTON Crests. Apply to A. b“caBVBR & CO., Southwest corner NINTH and FILBERT Streets. ' dels-6t 4* FOR HALE—THE PROPERTY Ki No. 914 MARKET Street, 18 feel 8 ln«hes front, 232 feet deep, extending through to College aTenne. .Ana tomical school on. the rear. Apply to WM-ROSSBLL ALLEN, southeast corner-FOURTH and WALNUT,, se cond floor . . de!4-3t* g* FOR SALE—A FARM OF 143 iC ACRES, in Delaware conntv,, Pa., near Linwood, Station, on the Baltimore Railroad. The improvements are a large aid substantial Mansion, excellent Barn,and other ont-bulldlnCß;2o acres of Timber; plenty of Fruit, good water: A deKlrable.Fgrm, Price only «S per Ctf&lNS. Media, or Street. Also,'a large number.of‘ Farms. Mills. County Boats, Houses, and Buildingiots. for sale or exchange. del2-Mnwfest > -- - JTW FOR SALE -A WELL BROKEN young saddle HOBSE, perfectly sound, and hind in barneß*. Inquire o oi^^ ta a?vippNTn hxrezt 8 SiXTEENTH h.reet, PRCSPOSAIS. A SSIST.A NT QUARTERMASTER GE- A NERAL'S OFFICE. Peii,adei.phia. Uec W. lEra PROPOSALS will be .received at thiß office until SA TURDAY, 19th instant, atl2 o’clock M, for the delivery, immediately, in. this city, of the following articles. CO kegs nails,’ 3d out, Y - 76 || 6d ; , 75 ■ . .. 4d \ Of "Cumberland,”-or other •152 e, ~ ,24 %. ! Well-Known brand. 400 » 4 '* lOd ICO ■“ ‘ • 12d \ 69 - " " 2Cd v; % <♦ 8d wroosht. os »• ■ • • lod * * f Bidders will stale the sbortesUime for the, delivery. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemedYoo high, HvordM. A- BOID. . del6-tdl9 Capt. and Asst. Quartermaster. T ADIES’, GENTLEMEN’S, AND -ij OHILDEKN!S SKATES, . In great variety,lorsaleoy delfi’lm* CTEEL SKATES.— A new and splendid article for sa)e 607 MARKET Street delC-lm* PARLOR' SKATES— . : w “ X i?or Rais bv LLBLBY ft CO,« iJor saieDy ©Ot MARKET Street. Also. Pine Pen and pocket Knives, Table Cutlery, &c. delfl-lm* ■ . : TOOL CHESTS. A SMALL. MEDIUM, AND LARGE SIZE, i . Containing GOOD TOOLS, ■ For Bale by ~ltS m^»iri?T delO-lm* _ OUT MARKET. EF, REIMER’S FINE SPECIMENS • of IVORYTYPES are remarkable fer freehnese and beauty of coloring, correct and natural in feVurea and exptoesiou, ...gee {asm §t o*s ARCH .bjiwt , # . JJOQKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. JUST RECEIVED BY A-siiMisiAir* sc evans, (Sticcee»orrto Wiliia p. nizard,) NO,' i% 4 CBESTUVT STREET, A largo and elegant assortment ef , CHRISTMAS BOOKS, ; . BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS, , JUVENILE BOOKS, In endleea variety. All the Amcilcan arid English Publications, Of the season, will be fonnd'on onr conniera. PHOIOGRAPiI ALBUMS* We Lave the largest stock of Albums lathe cUy r aonie of them most tupsTbly bound ia Morocco, Extra, orAntique, Panelled, Velvety &c,, &c. , , ALSO, the FAIRY ALBUMS, For the little ones, with handsome Pictures to match, bound in Muslin, Morocco, or Velvet. ; We invite attention to our stock, the whole of which has been bought, exclusively for CASIf, and selected , with great care, and will ba sold at low prices: de!G-wthfra-6t-t2-t • Q.EE AT" RUSH AT 808 l! ALBUMS, ALBUMS, ALBUMS, PITCHER’S—BOB CHESTIfUT STREET, Juvenile Books f Juvenile Hooka! PITCBERS’S—BOB CHESTBUT STREET. Bibles and Prayer Books. PITCHER’S—BOB CHE3TBUT BTREET, Diaries and Portfolios. PITCHER’S—BOB CHBBTHUr STREET. Everything under Regular Prices. O. W. PITCHER S , CHEAP ALBUM,-PICTURE. ABD BOOK STORE, FOR THE HOLIDAYS, No. 23 NORTH SIXTH STREET, Fine Illustrated Works, Prose arid Poetry. Standard ‘Worts, in Extra Bindings. Photograph Albums. ■ Bibles and Prayer Books,- Juveniles, Toy Books, Games, &c;, &c, BUSINESS COATS. New Books received as soon as published. de!6-8t iJHE MOST POPULAS HOLIDAY BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. PERSONS AT A DISTANCE MAT HAVE THE FOLLOWING BEAUTIFUL STYLES OF PIIOTOGII AP H ALB UIS Sentfoy Hail or Express, on receipt of the pricea annexed phot. Albums* Morocco,l2Portraits, SLSG; by mailsl.7s. Phot* Albums, Morocco, 24 Pcri ra gg.- -Fhofc. Albums, Morocco,4oPortraits, $2.50; by mai1,53.60. phot.-Albums, Turkey gilt, 40 Port, $3 50; by mail, $4.50. Phot. Albums, Mor. ant., 60 Port., $3.60; by mail, $5.50. Phot. Albums,Turkey silt,so Port., $4.00; bymail,s6 00. Phot, Albums, Alto Bel., 40 Port., $5.50; by mail, $7.50. Phot. Albums, beautiful, s)Port., $9. CO; by mail, $ll.OO, Phot. Albums, Mor., oblong, SO Port., $5 60; by mail, $8 00. Phot Albums, Alto Bel., 80 Port., $7.20; by mail. $lO.OO. Photograph Albums, magnificently ornamented, 100 Portraits, $9.25i by mail, $l2. Albums sent 100 miles, on Express routes, at the prices in •" first column, free at a greater distance, 26 cents for each additional hundred miles. WM \V n* ’ or Albums, and Publisher of t Family and Pulpit Bibles, del9-W6m-3i* . No. 386 CHESTNUT Street. Phila. J| B ¥ BO© E SI REDUCED PRICES I ALL 25 CENT BOOKS WE SELL FOB 20 CTS. ALL 50 CENT BOOKS WE SELL FOB 40 CENTS. ALL 75 CENT BOOKS WE SELL FOR 60 CENTS. ALL $1 BOOKS WE SELL FOR 80 CENTS. ALT, $125 BOOKS WE SELL FOR $l. ALL $l.OO BOOKS WE SBLL FOR $1 25. ALBUMS, - , PICTURES, FRAMES, AG., Ac», EOR HOLIDAYS AT VERY LOWEST PRICES. PITCHER'S BOOKSTORE, deS-sAwtl 808 CHESTNUT STREET. pHALLEN’S HOLIDAY PUBLICA- V TIONS, 1308 CHESTNUT STREET.- 4/ THE CITY OF THE GREAT KING. Splendidly Illus trated. PALESTINE, PAST AND PRESENT. 100 Illustrations. FRUITS AND FLOWERS OF THE HOLY LAND. Illustrations in Oil Colors. GLIMPSES IN THE ORIENT. Rose-tinted Paper, Il lustrated. . »*» The above Books are Issued in cloth lilt. Turkey gilt, and antiaue. EASTERN TALES. Red Edges. $l. CHALLEN’S JUVENILE LIBRARY. *0 vols.. 30 cents per volume, sold separately. CHALLEN’S ILLUMINATED JUVENILES, 10 vols., $126. BIBLE STORIES, In verse, tot the Little Ones at Home, 66 cents. And a great variety of USI ARTICLES, at LOW PBIOB A SUBSTANTIAL GIFT BOOK OF OP GEOLOGY: Treating: of the principles of the Science, with ipecial re ference to American Get' logical History a Illustrated by a Chart of the World, and over One Thousand Figures. , , : , Beautifully engraved ana printed. f Prico. m beveled muslin. "Half-Turkey hioroceo.marbled edges... ■&. nail Aurtt - ey " oxv,vw THBO dORE BLISS ft CO., . 113 North THIRD Street. For sale by allßookaellera. • WILL BE PUBLISHED ABOUT JANUARY Ist Prof. DANA’S “ELEMENTARY GEOLOGY: Designed for Schools and Academies. ”.. .. . • • . • • This work will be printed with the same care and ex pense which characterize the • Manual., , - Price, in beveled muslin. .-pi. 70. jags-Teachers desiring early copies ' will be supplied, postage prepaid, tor gl. delo win LESLEY it CO., 607 MARKET BtrCet. SEW PUBHCATIOSS. GREAT EEDUOTIOB IB PRICES. 808 CHESTBUT Street. IB GREAT VARIETY, AT SMITH, ENGLISH, & CO.’S/ (DIRECTET OPPOSITE THE CITT BASE.) P RES ENT LITTLE PILGRIMS IN THE HOLY LAND, 90 cents. HADJI IN SYRIA, 90 cents. BEING SOMEBODY. 66 cents. THE OLD CABINET, 65 cents. * HOWITT’S PICTURE AND STORY BOOK, 60 cents. In addition to the above they have New Holiday Books. jNw Writing Desks, New Toy Games. &c. I Fashionable Stationery. Photograph Albums. I Imperial Photographs. SFUL AND ORNAMENTAL SS. ’ de!s-3fc /CHOICE GIFTS FOB HOLIDAYS. VJ CHRISTMAS l 1 RESENTS. PRESENTS FOE OLD ANO YOUNG. Splendid assortment of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, of Plain, and beautifully eo- IO JUVENILB BOOKS, CHILDREN’S GASIES, Minift ture Albums, Elegant Imperial Photographs, Stationery of all kinds, fine PorU-monnaies. ftc- . Prices lower than any other house in the city. . djpe-lt RULIdON, 130* CHESTNUT Street. “ AN ELEGANT CONSERVATORY s;i°oW^ < RS EI FBpM MY GARDEN, “IUBA G 6 VuNBON? Ute -1 Volume 4to. ' With ElghteenjUlustrattons, TURKEY, MOROCCO.., *» CLOTH. GILT. ■■■■. 10 '“The most superb gift book of the season we have yet seen. It is an elegant conservatory of many olthe most beautiful flowers that bloom. .The let i q ,d s beautiful to those who can appreciate it ae the rest of the To " t! We almost*fancied, as we turned over the leaves of this exanlsite book, that we could detect the.odor of JeasatSne. Rossi Heliotrope, and Vtolet, so .truthfuUy 'are these flowers painted, O.ur readers must make baste if they would secure one ofthese aeme, fortbe pub, Heher’a advertisement informs ns that only 250'cspies have been prepared for thiß year. "—lnteiUpencer. : " A magnificent gift boost; alseriesof highly-colored flowere, the favpriteS of the garden, to which appropriate selections of poetry are appended,-the whole forming one of the most elegant offerings we bays ever seen.”--Ife- Wi pnblish«dby ' . ANSON D.F RANDOLPH, - GB3 BROADWAY, Hew .York. • Sold in Philadelphia by SMITTI, ENGLISH, it. CO., J. A. LIPPINCOTT & OQ. , and EVANS. . del6.wfm.4t TVEADTIFUL HOLIDAV EDITIONS ■D OF GOOD BOOKS. JUST PUBLISHED— , EDITH’S MINISTRY. BY HARRIET B. McKBBYER. ~ . • Author of 1 * Sunshine• 'Tb# Flounced,Soho. , This admirable volume by a very popular authoress, baa been out of print for some time Tlip jncre»sed,do msnd for it has induced the Publishers to bring u out m an improved dress for thaHoliday Season. - THE CAMP-FIRES OF THE AMERICAN KEVOLU TION.' A NEW AND ELEGANT EbITION BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. Tq one volume octavo. Thia volume, so well calcu - lnt«d°to awaken a patriotic ardoriu the muids of readers. sneraUarly appropriate at the present time, and ie thereforedeserving of an increased popularity. The pre sent edition is in a much improved dress, which mskesit doubly acceptable as a presentation volume, at this sea eon of the year. s . RECOGNITION. TBEBEAVEhLi HOME. , , , „ By the Rev. H. ltarbaugk. N «w aud olegaut edßlone, printed on toned paper,andiiound in bevelled olelhwith These volumes have bad an almost uuprec&imted sale in a plainer form. They are ““WoPresentwi in a style more worthy of the great, reputation to wajeh, they have attained, and puit,bie for pTesentatlon. ’ “JDVEHILB LIBRARIES, in B 0 pncea,- »y PnblMpew. ai*4 Bookseller*. . - del§>tf v *3 South CfcftHpA. HEW POBtICATIORS. npHB MOST ELEGANT GIFT BOOK A EVER PUBLISHED. I>. APPLETON <6 00., Nos. 443 and 445 BROADWAY. ptrsLiaa TffEß DAT: LIGHTS AND SHADOWS NEW YORK PICTURE GALLERIES. FORTY PHOTOGRAPHS BY A. A. TURNER. SELECTED AND DESCRIBED BY WIILTAaC TOUHQ, 1 elegant vol.. Lai KB 4to, full morocco, antiqaa. Price 850.. - LIST. OF PHOTOGRAPHS, Subject Owner. L Tha Peasant's Ko- , . past. A. Belmont, Esq.-.Y.K Kejrerheiia 2. Idle Boss W. P. Wright,Esq. Verboeckhovon 8. The Flower Girl--J. Btargoe, Rtq....lngisam. 4.. The Intorrapted w . • _ : Wedding. W. H. Webb, Esq..Flagpran, 5. The Village'Poet- _■•••„ _ , . Boy M.O.Kobsrtß, Esq. Johnson. 8. Maternal Affec- _ T tioa ..v.W.T. Blodget,Esq -Bonheor. 7. Miser'Alarmed.... A, Belmont, E&q..Gtullemizr. 8. Egyptian Con- , _ „ scripts....-........M. 0. Roberts.Esq.(Jerome. 9. Tlie'Keaper’sßeat. J. C. Force, B-.q:..Skayer, 10. The Cabaret. * J. Hoey, Esq..’ Briton. • 11. IhePropo&al M. o.Roberts,Esq.\auUer. li William tbeSiiemt; Womanly Esvo : . • . ~ •lion'. ...A,. Belmont. Esq.’..Peanemin. 13. A Portrait from „__ ~ , „ ' .. Life............. J.W. YTaUack, Eaq. Carpandale. 14. The Drow&y Litr t#ner........ E. L Jcqaea.Eeq--Jordans. 15. The Fair Flouso keeper Mv O. Roberts. Esq. Woter. 16. William ol Orange.T. J. Bryan, Esq..-Terbarg. 17. The .Walk on the__._ _ _ Tab1e....... W! VI. Webb, Esq.Meyerheim. 18. A Noonday Gronp. W. F Wright, Esq. Yarboeckhovea 19. The Council of Blood ......A Bblraont, E?a ..Gallait. 20. The tcarlet letter. A. M Gozzcna, Eaq.Leatze. 21. l'he Bone of Coa.r , tention ...J. Ifd97. Esq 22. Lest Honors to Bg- _ t mont and Horne, W. P.Wnght.Esq Gallalt. 23. Tho Fruit Dealer..M. 0. Roberts, Esq. Van Hamms! 24. An Assault on Con* „ • •• etantine*-. A. Belmont, Esq... Vernet. 25. Hetty and the In dians J. Hoey, Baa. SchuHael. 26. BeforetheWind.-W, Youngr,Esq....Robins, 27. France Triumph ant. T. J. Bryan, TSsq.'.PrucPhOtt.' 28 The Good Sister...A. Belmont, B»q..Merle. 29. The Sleigh Ride-.. W. H. Webb;Esq. .Hanney. SO. The Poacher A. Belmont, Eaq.,Bnas. 31. Anne of Austria's w Shoulder Knot ... W.P. Wright,Esq. Fleury. 32. Tbe Sparking of •• ■ -• Ichabod Crane- ■, W. H. Osborn, Esq. Hantuurton. 33. Cavalier Priso- • ner*-.... H. L. Jaquea, Bsq.-Camphaesea, 84. The Billiard 5a 100n.... ...A. Belmont, Esq... Chamet. 35. The Fisherman's ’ Family..... 3. C. Force, Esq-.-Shayer. 36. The Virgin and ■ . Childr.... T. J. Bryan, Esq-.Mabuse. 37. The Sack of Eftme. A. Belmont, Esq.-Fleury, 38. The Sailor’s Re- . • tarn ....W.H. Webb, Esq. ;Hubuar. 39 The Du« i W. P. Wright, Esq.. Dlysse. 40. Theß. S. Frigate _ • • ' / St. Lawrence.....W. Young, E Placeman, A HEW EDITION OF THE DUSSELDOKF GALLERY. OEMS FROM THE DU6SELDOBF GALLERY OF PAINTINGS, Photographed.from the Originals, hr A. A. Turner, and reproduced (for the first time), under the Superintendence or B. Frodsham. with Letter-press de scriptive of each work. 1 elegant voV,large 4to'.,with 62 fine Photographs. Elegant in morocco, sso.' D. A. &Co., Have Just Published,* ■ SNOW-FLAKE ALBDM. CLOUD CRYSTALS; A Snow-Flake- Album, collect ed and edited by a Lady. 1 elegant vol., small 4t0., in extra-cloth, $3 £0; cloth gilt, $5; morocco, $7.60, THE WREATH OF BEAUTY. Edited by John R C. Hassard. lvol. imperial Evo., embellished with sixteen steel Portraits, beautifully piinted, and richly bound in beat turkey morocco, $12.50. It fJTHE DAYS OF SHODDY! THE DAYS OF SHODDY l THE DAYS OF SHODDY! BT HENRY MORFOSD. DATS OF SHODDY is published and for sale this day complete in. one large volume, paper cover, railway edition. Price $1; or bound in. one volume, cloth, for sl.£o. It is published and for sale at the Cheapest Booh House in the world, to bay or send for a stock of books, which is at . T. B PETERSON & BROTHER3’, No. 306 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia, Pa. Copies sent free of postage on receipt of price. It Tj\RNEST LIN WOOD—MRS. LEE L HENTX'S last Book. Ataaotiful Noval iust pab by T. B. PETEESON « BROTHERS. No. 306 CHESTS UT Street, Philadelphia, Pa. : Q.IET BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. BBT THEM NOW. AND GET THEM CHEhP. The largest stock and most beautiful assortment is at T. B. eETERbON & BROTHERS’, . No. 300 CHESTNDT Street. Philadelphia, Pa, A LL IN WANT OF HOLIDAY BOOKS.- of all kinds, are requested to call, and one purchase will con vince you that the best place to buy |W|l S> tt’-pMStSoF NBROTUI ftS* No. 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia,’Pa. Call and examine onr stock. A NNUALS—ALL THE NEW AND Popular Annuals, bound in the most beautiful styles, and at all prices: for Bale at T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS’, No. 506. CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, Pa. pOETRY AND POEMS—ALL THE writings, by every standard author, and in plain and fancy bindings, for sale cheap at T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS’. No. 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Fa. THBLES AND PRAYER BOOT^uhC AJ most beautiful at very low or Pocket, bound -t».-TrjsTnHSoN r< & BROTHERS, pricflp3^ tfWCHBSTNUT Street, Philadelphia, Pa. tt-istories, op all. kinds, upon AX.* all subjects, by the best writers, and at all prices, for sale by T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, No. 306'CHEaTNUT Street. piOGRAPHIES OF CELEBRATED U PERSONS, iu all style bindings, for sale cheap by T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, • No 306. CHESTNUT Street. ’TRAVELS AND VOYAGES.—THE A writings of the most noted and popular authors, for sale low by T. B. PETERSON & BBOTHEBS. , Ko. 300 CHESTNOT Btrest, Philadelphia. rj.T-RT books and illustrated WORKS*—Superbly illustraUd Presentation Books, in every department of literature, will be found for sale at very low rat« mmoH t BEOTHEag ,, No. 300 PhUadelphla. 'TmorooßAi'U. .ALBUMS—I)O NOT. A fail to look at PETERSON’S ALBUMS, which are the best and cheapest In the city,:comprising over five hundred different styles. We have the largest and most varied stock of Albums, at all jpriees, to suit all tastes, ever offered for . feTEBSON & BROTHERS, . No. 300 CHBSTNUT Street, Philadelphia. ' TUVENILE BOOKS.—THE LARGEST U assortment in the city, for sale at cheaper prices than anywheredse. a^ TaKsoN & bkothbrsl> No. 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. CHILDREN’S ROOKS—THE CHEAP- L/gsT PLAGE in Philadelphia to-buy all kinds of Children’s Books, from the plainest Toy Book to the moatbe&utifuland expensive kinds,, is at _ T. B. PETERSON- & BROTHERS’, No. 306’CBfisTNUT Street. Their stock of Photograph Albums, Children’s Books, Illustrated Works of all kinds; their different editions of the works of Charles Dickens, 'WaveTley Novels. Scotia Complete Works. Cooper's, Irving’s, Annual?. Standard -Poets, Poems, Bibles, Prayer Books. Batisk Classics, and, in fact, everything in the Book line, i» larger than can be f.und anywhere else, all o£ f 'which they are now celling at retail, at very low rates. We advise all to call in at their store, and examine their assortment, before making their purchases. Call in at • , B T. B. PETERSON ft BROTHERS’, No. 306 CHBSTNUT Street, Philadelphia. evenings. H •WANTS* ■WANTED—AN ACTIVE OR SPE i r CIAL PARTNER, withs3iOCotoslO,OpO. iaa, la crative business well ettablished. Address ‘ C. K. S » p. Q. BoxgftBB. ■Wanted—by a wholesale H 'Boot and Shoe House about commencing,a young MAN. thoroughly acquainted with the business.- To a person possessed of proper qualifications, a remunera tive salary will be given. Address Box 2331, Philadel phia Post Office. • ' dels-at TV ANTED—A SITUATION IN SOME Tf good DRY-GOODS HOUSE, by a Salesman who has sold the past year 490,000 to near trade, and. exclu sively cash. Address V* J. 2» H.. Inquirer office, with real name. ' .' 11 SITUATION WANTED.—THE AD- YEBTISEIt. a young married man, of practical busi ness abilities, (a good Aocountant and Bookkeeper.) wishes to connect hlmeelfi with some well-established Wholesale or Manufacturing Establishment, where the services of an active working man areneeded. would be willing to engage at a faisaalary until both parties were fully acquainted, and if mutually satisfied, will invest seme capital in tne concem. Satisfactory reference as to integrity, &c. Address “Pennsylvanian,” Girard House, Philadelphia. ■ . • u!6-4t WANTED—A EIBST-CLASS PACK »» EP. and Porter in a Err Goods House. Apply at SSJ9 MARKET Street. dels-3t’ rpo THE DBY GOODS JOBBING AND A COMMISSION TRADE.—A Young Man, who has had nearly seven years’ experience in the Jobbing busi ness, and who is acquainted with'a large City and. West ern trade, wishes to change his situation about the Ist of Januarv Can refer to present emnloer as to character aedaliiWy. AdarMS H°ROBERTS. Press effloe. A l5-it* OOLDIEBS! —AN AGENT IS WANT ED in every Regiment for the rale of something light and .profitable, needed hy Everybody especially by every Soldier Agents ere doieg bir tliittss Address (t gSg&«S3Sk. 3 ia BROADWAY. L New York w ANTED. IN a WHOLES ALE FT Grocery House, a Youn g MiN as Bookkeeper, and capable of assisting in the Sales. Must be acquaint ed with tha Business and with City Trade. Address • ‘ M. B. ,- ;, -Ogc»of The Press. deb-3t« ■pABTNEIfc -WANTED—WITH §3,000, S-' more or le*s, by January Jst, in a good WHOLE SALE BUSINESS. , „„ • « Address. ‘ * Hear Trade, ” Press Office. "WANTED—A GOOD SALES .Tft ‘MAN. with a Pennsylvania or Ohio trade, in a WO.QDBN-WABE AND 7 COTTON-GOODS HOUSE Address, ■with location of trade and reference, Box Post Office. -MtS-to* WANTED—IN A DRY GOODS. JOB- Tf BIHG HOUSE, doing a city and near country trade, a Salesman uwuinted with the business. One wbo lias travelled.some preferred. Addieße,Box %Q9Q dltHa WANTED—A PERMANENT SITDA- Tf TION as WATCHMAN in a Store- Manufactory, or Sank. Satisfactory reference and security given. w*' drees .*• WATCIIHAK,” at this office. del-iSt* •»7R A MONTH!-I WANT .JO HIRE "lint t 0« MiafTfiONf jdfird. Maine. ocgS-d&w8» M WANTED TO RENT—A, DWELT,- TNG with modern improvements.. Location pre ferred on Atch street, west of Tenth, or on Chestnut oa Walnut street, west of Broad. Address*B. xkEPNBR loftheast comer FRONT and POPLAR Sfeeefce. deld4L» 'bi DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER SfISsGEHEKAL’S OFFICE—PHiiinELPErA. Feb. 8, IS VESBELS WANTED Immediately, to caruy COAL to fclie following points: TortnirA*. - Key West, Fla Fort Monroe,} 7 a. Alexandria. Va. Pon I Ro?alf'S C C. A. BOYD. Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. bqari?ing., T> OAEDIN. &—V AG AN GIBS FOR SIN -15 OLE GEKTLEMBN, at IXOO WALNUT Street. lt« TO MILITARY AND NAVAL OFFI- I CERS —I }ivY< on EXHIBITION at d FOR SlliGi an OFFICER'S CHEST, ctmtaminK Flfc’TT PIECES. of solid storllns SILVER WARS. ,of an elahorate work manship 1 would deaire to oall especial attention, as ltis the onls dnoof coun^ vaa CHESTKOT Street. PARTIS BE VTSITE —F ASH [ON A- pnpu'a*, a*d the admiration of* ll well KBImSHM are executed, urdap some Ixuae dlately. "Sots caunot do better. SECOND Street, above Green. - ——■ . rpwE FIRM OF BETTS & HAYNES J-. u tki» s» dissolved hy ■■PfITF'MWNWriAi IKi. Mouth H> IW?" ACADEMY OF MUSIS. POSITIVELY LAST BIGHT BDT TWO OP THB - ITALIAN OPERA. LAST APPBAHANOB OF JTMe JOSEPHINE MEDORI. WEDNESDAY EVENING.WBG. 10. AT 8. BY GENERAL SeODEBT. Bellini's Grand Opera, in Sacta, Of NORMA. With its incomparable great earn: NORMA M'ME JOSEPHINE MBDORt,' ADELS ISA, ..M’LLB HENRIETTA SOLZBK, POLLIO FRANCISCO MAZZOLKWL. OROYISO. ,v....SIG.HANNIBAL BIACHI. FLAYIO, .SIG. EEICHARDT. OLOTILDE. M'ME AVOOAORO. CONDUCTOR. MAX MAKBTZEK. „„„CN THURSDAY, DEC. 1?,. ATS O'CLOCK, ONLY GRAND GALA AND CMTEItf ATION MATINEE. The sale of eocnred seats and tickets for anr of tfea shore-named performances will aiiamenee this morn* log, at R at the Box office of the AhadeffiY, at P. Le»« poldt’fi Bookstore, 132 a Chestnut cSraOt, ana at T. B. Pauli’s Bookstore, corner of Sixth snri'Chestnnt etreeix. _ deU-2t ACADEMY ®F MUSIO POSITIVELY LAST WEEK OF THTTCPERA. - . ON THURSDAY, BBC. 17. AT 2 O'OLOOE. ONLY CRAB I) GALA AND COMBIKATIOB’aATIMKB. Tie performabcs will commence with. tl»’ehtb»!o<f Donizetti e Opera, in three acts, of f. locia dx lammermoob. The principal characters hy MAD. OKTOLANI BRieYOLT, era. YHalSCisco- MA2ZOLEHI. SIG, G.yfPOLITO. (Hig fitfetappaa-Tattce.) aad _ Sio. D. COE.I 3&EL To be followedby tfc LI&BS.TJ DOBT. From Bolliai’a . .J PURITANE, By sraNOE FERKA BELLINI AMD HANUM* ADMISSION, ONE DOLLAR TO ALL PARIS. NO KEBKRY*D fMW. _ TIGKETSiMAY NOW'EE" OBTAINED AT THE EEOU XAR TICKET OFFICES. Doors open at IM. To comfcianca eHH o'clock. det*-4t W~' " ' ' ■ •Desdrsax. :W CHESTiNTUT-ST. THEATRE*— Leasee and Manager 1...... Mr. WE WHEA.TLBY.' ... THE.WEW’ PLir, THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVEN]ITO, December 16th* IMS* THIRD TIMS lI*>‘AMERICA, JOFASUA CLATTBSEN LaherGreat Part-or-.“PWiixftiie;” , iathe v . CHILD OF NATD.RE; and for the first time as '' Fanny'GriblJl33' , In the . _ OBJECT OFTaTiUiESr, With the Ponga, *'Saaay Days vill Come .Acpsn» n . “Lifa'a a Da'ace*” And for the First '‘BA.BKEX O’HBA/’ Supported by the FULL COMIC FOECE OF TES COMPANY* XN THURSDAY EVENING. D*r-1?' IBS3, »» EDWIN FORREST"' Will appear In his “CARDINAL DUKE:' 1 BICHELIU. —.. Enßalwer’s MRS. JOHN DREW’S NEW 5 AROH- X»X STREET THEATRE. LAST WEEK of the GREAT DRAMATIC ALEIAJTCE.* Me. B. L. DA.VBSPORT. v Mr. J. W. WALLACK.^' THIS (WEDNESDAY) EYEKTSfi, OLIVER twist; " ..Sr.'J.JV.^tlack. ...v.,Hrf. ,, Fair9iL A "WIFE FOB A T BAS. ; Mr. E. L. Fagin (the Jew) Nancy Sykes Cronstellan WALNUT-STREET TKEATB& ** Lessee... .....Mrs. W. A. .GAEBETPBOM.. THIS (WEDBESDAT) EVENING, Dee- CONTINUED REIGN OP MERRIMENT. , Houses nightly crowded to repletion to witness MR J 8. CLARKE: IN THREE GREAT COMIC CHARACTERS; - * CLABKE as Zach. Clinch, in FAMILT PRIDE, CLARKE as Thos. Muslin, in the RUSSIAN ADMIRAL, CLaBKB as Brown, in MY NEIGHBOR’S WIFEr' Box Office open from 10 till 3 o’clock. Doors open at 7 o’clock. Commence at 7j£. JjyjlßS E.JBARNETCHE’S MATINMSS* FOYER OF THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THE SECOND ANT). LAST OF THE SERIES. ' Will take place' ON SATURDAY, the 19th, at I o’clock. TICKETS Fb® ONE... Do do THREE 191 To be had at J. E. G fluid's, Andre ft Go. S s, and Lee ft Walker’s. dels?t#’ LJTHE grand -THE MESSIAH Will 1)8 performed by the HANDEL AND.HAYDN SOCIETY, The Society will give THESE CONCERTS, during the 9fl3£flS The SECOND CONCERT will be on THURSDAY EVENING. February IBfch, I66€*'' To consist'of Miscellaneous Music. The THIRD 'COH CERT will take place _ On TSUESDAY EVENING, STay 12th- 13M. r When the Grand ORATORIO of Coiambus Discovering America v» ill be performed. This Oratorio was oar-- M&aKrrfcV" P!i imdelfhia sacked The Subscription list is now open at J. E. Gould's* Seventh and Chestnut streets; Lea & Walker’s, TjSJB Chestnut street; and Wm. S. £|Alfred.JtM****X-60S Chestnut street. Price of Subscription for the season — ISS^^SSfcLert. CREATTQKL-g-'' when Haydn’s immortal master work, 1 ‘ The Creation, ** will be performed by the whole Society, with a full Orchestral Accompaniment Professors Bishop, TayjLor* Meignen, and 5 htmder,ywill give their valuable aid, and several lady amateurs of ability will snstain their solo parts. Librettos, Fifteen cents: Tickets, Fiftyceata each. To be had at Gould’s, Andrfe’s, and Lee & Walk er’s music stores. Subscriptions for the series of threa , Conceits will be receive dat Gould’s. General rehearsal on Thursday, at 2K o’clock P. M. . " de!s-4t* Gb eat national circus TRO CPE —MARKET Street, above Twelfth, Under direction of Mrs. CHARLES WARNER, formerly Mr» DAN RICE. In addition to tne Great Troupe, there wiH appear EVisirr-EVJcouhiG Tnifi,wsEs r Mr.-B Hazruningß, Tom King, W Smith, Ran Gardners Miss Minnie Gardner. Miss Su»an Whitby, in Classical* Graceful and Entertainina Equestrian. Scenes. The Batoutte Leaps of Mr, KING, every evening. * * Aleo, until farther notice, under the supervision Of HAT. AUSTIN, the Side-gpUttiu g, Melo Dramatic Enott trian Spectacle, THE RIGS OF MR. BRIGGS * oivThfl Pleasures of Housekeeping and Horsekeeping. Thisper form&nco requires numerical strength, of the GREAT NATURAL TROUPE.- ' - ADMISSION, 25 cents: Stage Seats. fiO eanb; Privaia ssopfhvo Motineds every WEDNES DAY and SATURDAY-AirrniviToo*r_-^,x m n,«»T*w at 2J£ o’clock. Evening performance, 7.4 Q. ~ PHILADELPHIA SKATING PARK, jL situated on the west side of the SCHUYLKILL River, south of CHESTNUT-Street. Season tici ets can be had at the following places from 10 A. M. to2P. M.: ; _ • Stephen Morris, 2C9 South Third street. R. 0. Lowry, 408 Walnut street. E. D.* Yates*.s44 North Tenth, street* Samuel Simea,,32o3 Chestnut street. The Park is-howj flooded about two feet of water iff. depth. Buildings with every convenience for the accommoda tion of visitors. ds!s-6t fIONOERT HALL, V LECTURE ROOM, ■ CHESTNUT 6TREEIW ABOVE TWELFTH. LAST WEEK BUT ONE OF WAUGH’S MAGNIFICENT . • - NEW PANORAMA OF X T A Li Y OPEN EVERY EVENING AND - SATURDAY AFTERNOON . THIS SPLENDID WORK OF - ART, Commences moving— - EVBNINGS, at- 7X SATURDAYS,3 o’clock. Tickets 25 cents; Children 15 cents; or, sfor Hi. Liberal arrangements made with SCHOOLS. de!4-&fe -■ INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND.— -L EXHIBITION every WEDNESDAY at 3K P: M* Admission TEN CENTS. Store No. 11 South;EIGHTH •, Street. • " ~ 1 ; lt* ? - PRAND CONCERT AT MUSICAL VJT FXJND HALL, on WEDNESDAY EVENING.JDec., 16th, by CHARLES H. LINDSAY and N. B. K CIS ASS, Jr. One of Steck * splendid Pianos, from. J. JLGculd’a, will be used. Tickets 25 cents, to be had at the principal. Music Stores, and at the Hall on that evening. Doora, * pen at 7 o’clock ; performances to commence at OAarter before 8. ~ ~ det4r3t* FAIR TO BE TTELBs AT> vT RANDEL AND HAYDN HALL, Northeast corner ofEIGBTH and SPHXNG GARDBN S greets, aTCTBSD AX' aid WEDNESDAY, Decem>er 22d aad 23d, ISftUin. AID 1 OT ST- MATTHEW'S PROTESTANT R?tfeSOPAIt. CHURCH - ' 1 ' Grand Promenade Concert in the Evening, Music by Germania Orchestra. Tickets 20 cents; to be bad at the Door. TEMPLE OF WONDBBS- AgSSMBL'K J- BUILDINGS, TENTH AND CHESTNUT- STREETS. Amusement for Old and Young. Mirth for the season. Constant cnan sfa oi ga-^rtauun— X ' SIGNOR BLITZ "EVERY EVENING, commencing at VA o'clock, Ut Wednesday and Saturday at 3, consisting off New Mys teries in Necromancy, great snccess In and the Learned Canary Birds. Ad mission 25 cents; Children 15 cents. T> OTBEBMBIi’S MARTYRS- IN THB Xl COLISEUM. ACADEMY OF FIND : CHESTHUT STREET. ABOVE TSRTH.. Open from 9 to 5; Evening, from 7 to no3o*lm ERMANIA OKOHESTBAfcr-PUBLEOr vJ KEHEAKSIIiS every SATURDAYra! 3 o’cloik, EV> If., at the MUSIC 4L FUND HALL. Single ticket,. 53r, cents Packages of six tickets, *l. To. be Jrnd at Age-' DBE’S. 110* CHESTNUT Streets J.> E GOULD, t»-i VENTH and CHESTNUT, and at tho i»&U door. o,K-snfc. ■PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF i THE FINE ABTS, V. 1035 CHESTNUT STREET., J ' OPEN DAILY (Sundays exceed)" from 9 A TfhJ&H U P . jj ** Admission 20 cents. Children half price., ll»tf AW BAZAAR—NINTH. AND fSAN SOM Btreete. - tnrTTOH RALE OF HORSES, Aa A THIS( Weenesday) •'JKA.LE OF HOEt’ES, &c.i -ou Satutdayi >s uCjsal. OF FIFTY Albany achC PortlaiiiXi B ‘s^.-KonliwoMmenl CAaceoantof the rreathe*. JfjJ p AT.pBBD at. BSSKNBSS. Auctioneer. TTIDES.—■WILL JE.. SOLD,. Air AUG- JjL TION, every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, ai,n o’clock A. M., at tke.-iVhBJf, HIDBS, TALLOW. Ac., that may be on iand, of,Cattle slaughtered outside She limits of the District of Cdum.- h'a. and shipped to this point for snch ofpqtitioa.. Terms, cash in Ggv@raEi«.t fands, : ti*. -’ab th& timeofsale. ’■■' T . . ' , del6-]m Lieut. Ccky JC. B. y: S* ALL PERSONS. AJt E, that I heraby revoke the Power, of. Attowey Irera*- tofore executed and. delivered bv George J&. Gnaw ana:., mysfclf to one SHOMAS 51. D. lite orris town, Montgomery county, P&.» to si tous® and sell the '‘•improvement in. pa tented, of which Georee Y. Custer is tha. opar mal pa tentee, and ona-half of this righkio-which-aettV.sP&tant* dated AngUEt;l9, 1&52. ; is now. 'sssted in m&. of a deed executed and delivered* to,.m.a hy George Y- Custer. September 6.1862 , ‘ _ And I hes»by caution all uejsanspurchasing said right or or from said MJdTLAJTD; wh<> . has recently absconded from a ,, with wA Original Setters Patents whic'a,do belong to said George Y-. Snstor^my, ?«• PEGEjiBKa 14.1533. _ TN THE ORPHANS'' GOT jrt FOR THE A CITY AND COUNTY OF-MU r u iDELPHIA. Estate of QUISfTIN GA&£ gELLrdecettsed, The auditor appointed to W 0 Conn, to audit, eettle. and adjust the ecsonnt of-£.\ B {joMSGYS and WIL LI \M L C.SIPBHLL. Execr tojg or will and testament of the. said aatutip Camphell, deceased, and report dirtribotion of the t .aianoe hr the hands of the Executors,. wUI Sjeot tner , ar y fts tntereetpdi forthepur poees of Ms ippointmeaV on TUESDAY. 29th December. •"*. sbBet - “ °** . delG-wftoSt -.■ • WILLIAMERNST, Auditor. gHOTWELIAg CELEBRATED ; 8f ,VEET CIDER- * I OUR USU jAIi SUPPLY OF THIS EXCELLENT i . Jail aired. ALBERT O- ROBERTS; Dealer In rto* Groce rise, boSJ-U Corner ot SIiEVBSTTH and YINR Street*. ADIUSEIHEKT! ORATORIO CHRISTMAS NIGHT, at MUSICAL FUND HAL.L, ATJCTIOW SAKES.J .XiS^fyAS* CIDER