11,QARRIEZ 7 . I;E6T—ii2ITII. —Noy. '26. by Rev. T. If. Griffith, Vey, W. C. Beet. of the Pinta&lpcia annual Conference. to Miss 'Miff 111. Smith, of Phliadelp ma. CIRIFFITII-1365T.- - NoY. 26, by Boy. E. D. Beet, Rev. 'T. M. Griffith. of Carlisle, to Miss Emmie L Beat, of Torrictown. • BRIVBR6-2IOORE. —On the 25th hot., at St. Paul's •Church, Camden. N. J., by the Rev. Jos F. Garrison. Bowman H. Shivers and Anna E., daughter of the late 'Vim. A. Moore. TOMLINSON — S OWER.— On Thursday. 261 h inst., by , the Rev. Richard Newton; U. D.. William Tomlinson and Emma Fewer, both of Philadelphia. BILL EGA 88—B ENS F,R. —0 n Tuesday evening, No , vember N. in Philadelphia, by the Rev. a W. Ratter. 'Mr. Jonathan P. Milegass. , of Upper Hanover, to sties Hannah Bonner. daughter of the late ga. , s Bonner. Esq., editor of the littuern Freund, of Sumnytown, both of Montgomery county. Pa. MILLER—AGNEW. —On the morning of Thursday, Nov, 26. 86t3, at Trinity M E. Church. by the Rev. E. Miller, misted by the Pow. a....bongaere, O'in Wail Miller to Jeanie E. Agnew. both of Philadelphia. * D=El7_ FERN:.,-On the 25th inst. , Idwaxd M., son of the late Jelin Kern The relatives and male friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from the residence of hts brother, John Kern, 229 North Tenth.street, on Sunday next, at 2 o'clock RICKETTS. —On Thursday evening, 20th. lust , John T. Ricketts, aged 53 years. Rio friends are invited to attend his funeral on Mon day afternoon. 30th Institut, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence. IN Vine street. To proceed to Woodland Ce me- ery. uhilohN,—On Thursday morning-26th inst., William Goisse, in the olst year of his age The relatives and • Mende of the family are respect. fully invited, Without further notice. `to attend the fn. neral, on Sunday morning. all° o'clock, from his late residence, No. 116 South Front street. Interment at 'Monument Cemetery. * RID 0141._—On the 26th inst...Tehin Wallace Riddle. son of the late nbu S Riddle; in the Seth year of his age Funeral from the La Pierre Renee, Broad street. this (Saturday.) at 3 o'clock; to which his friends are re spectfully invited.. Services in St. Peter's Church, et half past o'clock. courota —Suddenly In New York, on the ilith inst. , Mrs. Ann.!. Colton wife of the late Cleo. Collar', In the 64th year of her age. Tho relatives and friends of the family are respectful ly invited to attend her funeral- from the residence of her brother-inlatv, Charles B. Smith, fill Green street, this (Saturday,) 28th inst., at 1 o'clock. SHORT.--lesterdny morning, between the heats of two and three. Mr. Levi S. Short the proprietor and inventor of the celebrated Greek fire Burial to take place from his late residence, No. 301 Pine street. Friends are respectfully invited to at tend. _ . • . . _ . . KtanloN. —Oa 25th inst., Sallie Wostenholm, wife of William B Kempton,aud daughter of Joseph b. and Ann Eliza Fisher. The relativee and friends of the families are invited to attend her funeral, from the TffiIIOCTICS of her parents, 762 South Tenth street,this (Saturoar, ) 25th by,t.. I o'otoott M. interment at Laruel . . . . . CAPAYELL.—On the 26th Instant, Charles W. Cala .' Iron _. 81 , 11 , 1EDER.--011 Thursday morning, the '26t11 instant. George C F. Sneedtr, to the 13th Tear .1i" his ate. 11LA011 DRESS GOODS.---OASEL -s-. MSS: Velour Reps. Tamises, 3-4 and BA Mous nelinen,Merinoes, Henrietta Clothe or silk.drarp Cash meres , Ottoman Poplins Irish Poplins, English and French Bombazines, Alepinee. corded Iffoussallues, Anc tralian (trepan. Baratheas, Turin Clothe, Paramattas, IDeLainee Orien 411 Lustros, alpacas and Mohair Linares, Zaps anglaln Mourning SEA - . Armors, Pooh de Sole and Gras Grain Silks. BE;ISON & SON, 0523 Mourning Store. No. 018 CHESTNUT Street. 'PYRE & LANDFILL HAVE, BY ..L:A steamer, CHILDREN'S BILLHORALS. I'YRE LANDELL HAVE THE Popular VELVET CLOTHS for Ladies' Cloaks. 'PYRE & LANDEILL - HAYE THE French Camel'e Hair LONG SEAWLS. $l6O, 4025, $lOO, and $76. CRURCH OF TOE NEW TESTA.- % WWl', A. W. corner ELEvEwrit and WOOLY liitreets. Preaching TO-MORROW Ms nal:mi.., its 1)R. PLU MER VW, preauh in CONCIsRr HILL. ilbest nut street, above Twedtb, TO MORSOW: EVENING, at 74• &deck. _ lot THE - UNION PRAYER ME fit TING will be held on MONDAY AF PERNOON, at 4 o'clock. in the Rev. Mr. Breed's tit:lurch, corner of SPI'DOR and SEVENTEENTH Streets. Come and pray for ouribeloved country. It* MTHE WOMENOF THE BIBLE.— TN, next sermon in thin coarse will be preached Sn thn Church of the Epiphany, FlefElEff and CHRSTNII T. TO-MORROW - EvE:ima. Service at halt Pabt seven. ST. CLEMENT'S CHURCH, TWEN: TIM'S and CHE alt Y . St .-I'ce Rev. J. LLOYD BitIVIIK. 1). D. p: each in Church. TO-MOns.o tp EVENING, the 29th init., in behalf of the Indian Ca dens of Minnesota. Service at 73 o'clock. ltY riz-rs. THE THANIsTAGIVINC4 SERMON Ofßev. WK. J. ALSTON. Rector of A Thom& Episcopal Church. FIFTH below Walnut, will tby regnest) be repeated'on SUNDAY Evening, 2903, at . half past seven o'clock. CIIIIRReII OF TO F. IN TE (LOESS 011,, SPRING- GARDEN, below Broad. ntre H t —Right 'Bev. Bishop STEVENS will preach TO-310 RRO W Dian .dap) EVENING, at 7g o'clock. Bay. Dr. CARDEN' at :1034 A. N. It* Rinsrr CONGII.EGA.TIONAL ROIL PRANK ?Ob.° BO and .IIONI. 0- ...11LRY Avenue. Important eern.ou at Lb;_: A. M. Preach lugg alto at 7h P. M., by Rev. P. L Gear. Subject " Dut y of young men to know anl serve God." It CHURCH OF ST. .11.1.A.T' Serrieel on SUNDAY in the Hall of he Sprint Barden Inattnte, corner of EIRVAD and sPRIA - t; GAR DEN Streets, at 1034 aclock A. M. aed 73Z' o'clock I'. M., se alteration : , and enlargement of the church:edifice are 310N7 going on; the public are cordially invited. lt* IM'JERSEY SIIORE. PINE CREEK, APiDS rm E LINE RAILROAD. —.4 °hoe is hereby wen, that the Commissioners of this Company will meet at the GtRARD HOUSE, in this city, on the lath day at DECEMBER next, to open bo)ke, receive sub scriptions, and petmanently organize said Company. November 22. 1861 n 027 tdelo ries' HEAVEN. -A SERIES OE CONSE, CUTIVE Disconrees on the JO'. E sEv D GLORIES OF HEAVEN, will be preached in the NEW-Street Lu theran Church. on SUNDAY EVENINGS. by Roy, E. W. HATTER. the pastor. First of the series TO-MORRO VET EVENING ; cervices commencing at half past 7 o'clock. SubitcE—The Vision of Gad. it ENCILANI3.—A ROCIAL AblD CONVERSATIONAL MEETING, with Eloquent speaking, will beheld on 3f017 DAY EY EiNI RN, ilia 30th mst„ at 73‘ o'clock, at the Room , of .the Now England Soldiers' Relief Association, 3 TIBTEENTII and CHEST- Rtreels. Per order. JARES B. ALVORD, n028.2t* Secretary. MTHE FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF TGE ••YODNU PROPLeS Auss.IO.2.TARY AS 'KICIAT[oN" of the Firth Baptist Church. corner of EIGHTEENTH and SPRIN ,, GARDEN Streets. wit]. he held in the Chapel n. TI [ GRSUAY EVENING, Dec. :id. g. at o 'clock. • addreo,oB aril] be delivered by the Rey, Drs MALCohf, EDDY, JEFFERY. and the Pastor, Rev. _JAMES B. $.1.31808.i. All are invited. no2B-sth2t. SWEDENBOR.6I.A3I.—Bmv. B. P. BAnnETT will preach at the New Jerusalem 'Temple. corner of BROAD and BRANDY WINE Streets, on TO-MORROW MORNING at lON o'clock, and in the EVENING 7,V; o'clock. Subject, in the Morning, "Our Invisible Associates; their Intlaence Us, and How to Determine their True Character.' In the Evening. "Ile11; Conaidered as to Its Essential two." AU interested are invited to attend lt* Mg PIR I TiTALISII.—MIS S AL M. BECK- Wall, or Connecticut, a Trance Medium, and one of the most eloquent and poetic speakers of the ave, will give her closing lectures at saasom MEET 31.1 L ,L, on fill IiDAY fp 10%. A. bl.'and 7;4 P. X. Ad mi x. *ion ..1 cents. it,* 11:3t. ONE. HUNDRED AND NINTH. SOL DIERS' ROOSTING OF 'PUS ARITA' COMMIT TEE. Yonne' Men's Christian association attached to the D. S. Christian Commission.. will be held 'PO -nonao VT in the Centre" M. E. Onarch, VINE street, below Thirteenth. at 7 o'clock. . . Major J. A. Bolar. from Libby-priscn Hospital, will address the meeting'. also Chaplain's. G. Thomas. Rev. B F. Price will preside. it* THE GER MILAN- sT MEET PRES BYTERIAN CHURCH. now handsomely ti- Ittihad. will 13a onened for Di , c , ns ~ orvice TO- NM ftRO (Sabbath) MDENINO, AR rERNOON, and EVRZIING. AM Dr. BRAINARD, of this city, will preach the de dicatory sermon in the morning, assisted in the services by other olergymen. Rev. Mr EIA RCH will preach in the afternoon, and Rev. Kr. ADAIR, formerly pastor of the Church, In the evening. The pub IC generally are invited. Services at 103; A N., 334 P lit, and 7 S P. IL* NINTH ANNIVEHSEitII( OF THE YoONG MAWS CMOS %JAN AS•00 A110:1 OF El LARELPIIIA. will be celebrate.] on Altpll)Alr SVF. Nll9O, E.y. 20th, at CONCERT AIL, at o'clock. Rev. P. 8. HENSON', Rev. B. E. ADAMS, Bx-Oov. YOLI,O',R, and GP °BCE 11. sTrIAR ..Esq.. 'Will make brief addressee. 'The Music by the Choir of Green-street Church. under the direction of ,Professor WLLLIaII G. FISHER, of Girard College. as listed by an elegant Cabinet Organ, from the store of J. Is. Gould, Tickets may be had at the Rooms the. Association, during today and Monday. gratuitously. no2S.2t CLERK'S OFFICE. SELECT COUNCIL, -- PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 28. 1883. A Special Meeting' of Select Council will beheld-in Select Council Ch amber on MONDAY, the 30th instant, et half past one o ' clock P. M., for the purpose of attend ing the funeral of Mr. JOHN T. RIOKETI'S.I.ate a...mem ber of the Chamber from the Sixth ward The officers and members of common Cannon, the Meads of -Departments, and the &Score and members of the various Municipal Boards, are re-pectrally invited to meet with the members of Select C.,uncil, at the hour designated, for the purpose of attending the faneral. By order of the President Timmy C. fIORFIELD, Clerk of Select Council. IM'OFFICE OF THE CON T ROLLERS OF PUBLIC scaoc/Ls. First School District of :Pennsylvania, southeast corner SIXTH and ADBLPHI Streets, .PirtI.ADELPHIA. Nov. 27, ISM An examination of candidates for Assistant Teachers in the Grammar, Secondary, and Primary Si hoots of this District will be held at the HA.tWoCK HOOL.HO USE, COATES:. above Twelfth street, on F December 4. 1863, at 2 o'clock. P. M., and conticue on SATURDAY, the sth lust., at 2 o'clock A. M. Candidates will be examined upon the following sttb jects : " Etymology and Deßnicions," "Mensuration." " Grammar and Parsing." "Geography." " History,' "Constitution of the. United States," Arithmetic," " Orthography and Penmanship " By order of the Committee on Qualifications. n029-htnt3t JAS. D. QAMPBELL decretary. 11M7DECADE. DUBE G DL' THE ANTI. SLA VERY Si)OIE IT. —At the Annual 3feeting of the American Anti.S:avery Society, held ha lieu" York. in May . last, jt was unanimously .7tisolval, That to ac%rdance with usage., and from reasons of obvious fitness, it is proper that the comple • lion of another Decade of the SiMety'a existence should be marked by a special pnbiin m..eting devoted to a general re-few and survey of the elm• e, and that, there fore. this S'ciety. when it adjorpms on this occasion, Will adjOuro to meet in thenity of Philadelphia. on the third day of December next, then and there to celebrate, in an appropriate manner, the thirtMth—and we would Fain hope the final—anniversary of It. formation. In accordance with this resolution the THIRD DE sCADE of the Society will be held in (lONIIE V HALE,. in this city, on THURSDAY and FRIDAY, the 3d and 4th of December, commencing each day at 10 o'clock Among the speakers on the occasion will be Wm. Lloyd Uairigon, Wendell. Phillips, Limited Quincy, Mr. Sloane. Samuel J. May', Lucretia Mott, Mary Grew, Robert Purvis, J. M McKim, and others. among them. probably, Smith.ffrrit 'SenatorWil s and apvnoTewcsenames e,mmteeoae l s do notyet feel authorized to announce. . Admittance free. It . FREE LECTURE, EHANCIPATION IN TENNESSEE, DR. BOWEN, Of the Unconditional Union Party, OP TEN NEB EE, Will deliver an addret-s, CONCERT HALL - , On TUESDAY EVENING, December let, at B o'clock, ON THAT STATE, - ITS INSTITUTIONS. ITS FRS'S ST CONDITION, ITe FUTURE, Thider the New Era of no2,fi Gt FREEDOM TO THE EL &VP,. Si'. ANDREW'S SOCIRTY-111.5th ACIVIVERSARY. —This Anniversary will be •celebrated on MONDAY, 30th i; st., in the 00 NTINEN 4TAL HOTEL. A mPeting for business . 0 , 111 take place. at 4 o'clock. Dinner at 53-1 P. M Scotsmen. or tbeir descendants, strangers in the city, desiring to join the brethren on this occasion. can pro •cure Helot, of the Secretary. Members are reqnested to attend withent farther no• lice. GEORGE YOUNG, n022-4t Secretary. MWESTEtiIf BANK. OF PIIILLADEL PIIIA.—Novernber 23, IN3 At the Annual Election held an the inch inst. the fol lowing gentlemen wore elected Directors of this Bank for the ensuing year: ,ToeephPatterron, John ,T Thompson, Wm, A. Blanchard. Ti L. Cusett, William Miller, Jac feanoi, Morris Patterson, Thomas Reath. Geo. If Troutman, And at a meeting of the Directors', held - thin day, JO SEPII• PATTERSON, Esq., Was nnautin mely elected President, and C. N. WEYGANDT. Cashier, la Placa of Goo. SI. Troutman, Esq.. wboa.clined a re.oleotion. ,no:16-St C. N WEYAAN DT. Cashier. iM CORN EXCHANGE BUCK.— PHILaDELPFIIA. Nov. S j 186.3. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., clear of all Twos. and payable on 9mand. J. W. TORREY; nO - 4-1m Cashier. FARMERS' BAN K.—PEILADELP At an election held on the fallowing named Stockholde tffile Bank: S. A. Mercer, ~Edwin M. Lewis, "John Aehh are, Anthony J. A ntelo, - William H. Woodward, Joseph S. Lovering, Jr., Benjamin - ' /4. And at a meeting of the MERCER Fr , wee (wadi EDWIN /4, LE WIS, ge,b. LIAISE RIISIITON, Jr Jima. n024-10t W, 1M A ruuLic MEETING TO TESTIFY TO REV. - HENRY WARD BEECHER, the appreciation of the Citizens of Philadelphia of the signal value of his 'services to the Ahlhallakfi Carraa• ENGLAND. will be held at the AND PIC ANICS' • lA, Nev. V3,1E63 :16111 of ITOViiMber,lE63, the , re were elected Directors of Joanna B. Lippincott, Jamoe R Campbell, Pinnate Tete, Pemberton e Hutchinson J Eaward. Farnam, William AL Farr. Directors thin day. S. A may re-elected President Vice Preeident, and VirlL ler. iliffillTON. 7r., Qaehier ACADEMY . OF MUSIC. On THURSDAY. December 3d. et 8 P. lit. MR, BEECHER WILL DELIVER AN ADDRESS ON THAT OCCASION. Tickets, entitling the holder to a secure{ seat to the parquet, parquet circle, and balcony, ONE DOLLAR.. Tickets ler other portions 0f the house. PIETY OEM. The proceeds of the lecture will be devoted to theft:lnds of the 11. S. SANITARY COMMISSION. Tickets may be procured. on and after Monday mixt. at the Box Office of, the Academy, or at the Agency of the Sanitary Commission. No. 1307 Chestnut straet. (up stairs.) noi•lc MCOOPER -SHOP SOLDIERS' HOME. —The large and comm Allan& building at the northwest corner of Race and Orown streets. Phila delphia, formerly occupiodlis an Army Hospital by the United States, has been Fecured by the Managers of the Cooper• Shop Soldiers' Home, thoroughly repaired and lentil fitted up for the reception of le mates. • The attention of the charitable public is now specially called to this Institution, which has already commenced its career of active usefulness, by opening a Home for disabled Soldiers and Seamen, who have been honorably discharged from the land or naval service of the United States; the benfits of the tu:ritution being conferred alike upon all such, from whatever Dart of the Union they ma) come. The Managers would respectfully hut earnestly eonti ihutious of Motley, Furniture, Clothing, Ca rpstiag, g, Linen. Provisiol e, Books, dm.. for the use of the Home that there may be no unneceesary delay in the-practical application of the funds already contri buted, to tho relief and comfort of the noble defenders of our country's flag. who have enffared much. and periled all. that we may have a c unary which we can still call our own. Contributions will be received at the Home, northwest coiner of nettE and CROWN Streets, Philadelphia, or by any of the following • BOARD OF MANAORRA. Dr. Eller:ale Wallace, President, 277 South Fourth et. . wm coopei'Yiee Win. Struthers, Treasurer. 1022 11arket street. E. S. - I all. Recording S=cretary, Corn Exchange Batik. Geo. R. Birch, Correspond's' Secretary, 1022 Market St. Robert P. King. 607 Hansom street. Dr. Andrew Nebinger, 1015 South Second. street. H. W. Pearce, 221 German street. H. R. Warriner, 16 North S'erenth street. Thomas H. Rice, 1606 Popular street. B. Frank Palmer. 1.0 :;)heat out street L. B. M. Dolby, Delaware avenue and Coates street. rivan Randolph, S. W. corner Twentieth and Arch Sta. LADY MANAGERS Mrs. M. C. Grier, President, West Philadelphia. Mies Anna M. Ross, Vice President. 914 North Sixth st. Mrs. Wm. Struthers, Treasurer, 1418 8. Penn Solara. " .1. 11.)rner, Cor. Secretary, 1017 South Second et. " R. P. Fing, Rec. Secretary, 622 Spruce street. . . „ ” C. 0 ibhir, 902 SouthTaira street. " W7l.•anl, 220 South Fourth street. H. Brooks, 210 North Eleventh street. " Jr. H. Powers. 1525 Spruce street, R 2.58 Pine s root. " W. K Boyd, 334 Spruce street. W. D. Bispbam, SO North raven% street. " J. Floyd, 115 Pine street. D. Haddock, 0(6 Pine street. . " H. Davids, South Fourth street. • Dr. Wallace, 277 South Fourth street. " J. gckel, 255 North Sixth street. • C. S. Butter, 627 6pruce etreet. E. S. Hall, 4IS Dickerson street. " Dr. Knorr, 910 North Front street. • B. H. Moore, 1713 Walnut street. " Dr. Spooner, 311 South Fifteenth street " T. Sudd, 212 Washington Square. • W. Gillespie, S. W. cur. Fifteenth and Arch ste. Miss E. B melte, NO South Front street. PITILADELPITIA, November. 1863. M THE SYNNatOe'ocre E COUNTRY. WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON. AT CONCERT HALL, WEDNESDAY. December 2. 1863, at 8 o'clock P. M. Tickets, 25 cents—et T. B. Prtch's, Sixth and. Chestnut:NADU-slavery. Office, 106 North Tenth; Haase of Industry, 762 Green street. n 026 tde2 INCSURGEON -ARTIST'S OFFICE, MUTILATED SOLDIE3B.--401.D1ERS who have lost an ARM or LEO in the service. and desire the Patent "PALMER 'PALMER Limbs" to be supplied by Govern ment, should return this notice immediately tO this of fice, stating their, loss by letter, with name. company, regiment, and residence. B. FRANK PALMER 0c22-tf 1609 CI3ESTNITT Street, Philadelphia, MA. PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD VOW. PANY, TREASURER'S DEPAR email. PHILADELPIIIA, October 16. 1663. The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of FIVE per cent. on the capital stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes,. payable on and after November 15.1863 rowers of attorney for collection of dividends can be had on application at the office of the CompanY, Ho. $338 South THIRD Street. ocl7-tdel THOS. T. FIRTH. Treasurer.. DEW/ TT COAL COMEPANY OP PITTSTON.— The Annual Meeting of Stock holders for the election of five Directors to , erve tor the ensuirgyear will be held at the Office of the lionimenY, South FOURTH Street, in the city' of Philadot phia, on MONDAY, December 7th, 1563, between the hours of 2 and 3 o'clock P. ht. Efuo26-th2t* JOHN HkNNA, Secretary. M. PRANKFOH.D. NOV.. gb. ilt, 1863. ..1t a meeting of the Stockholders of the Proposed BANK OF FEMME° ttD. held this eve ning, at Wright's Institute, a decision of the Comptrol ler 01 the Currency was read, which reclaims this Bank to organize as one of the National Banks of Philadel phia, to be located at Fra.nkford, and to have %capital of at least One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.) 'Articles of Association for this purpose were signed by the Stockholders preseht. Stockholders who signed the previous articles, are hereby notified that those articles are now of no effect, and they should come forward without delay, and sign the meta articles adopted this evening, in order to secure their stock. William Overington, Nathan Rllles, Edward Reyes, Lewis Shallcrosa, George W. Elmira, Simon R. Sny der, Benjamin Rowland. Jr., Richard C. Taylor, Thos. Rowland, and Israel Foster were appointed a Committee to receive further subscriptions of clock. and to sit at Wright's Institute, every evening, from 73 to S o'clock, until the balance of the increased aton¢ shall have been taken. Persons wishing Stock should avail them selves of this opportunity at once NATHAN MLLES, Chairman. W. H. RIIAWN, Secretary. n026-3t E BANK.— M THE 29. 1999 —At the annual neld on the 16th instant, the following gentlenlm were duly elected DIRECTORS of this Bank: Thomas Robbins, J. Gillingham Fell, Lewis R. Ashhurst, Edward 6. Clarke Richard D. Wood. Semi. W. DeCoursey, John Welsh. Henry Preant, Marahall Bill, George Whitney. J. 1. Eninger, Benj. G. Godfrey, Jan 1.. Clagborn., And at a meeting of the DIRECTORS, held THIS DAY, THOMAS ROBINS. Esq., was nnanimously.re elected President. n024-6t 1;::3-c. CORN EXCHAI. DELPHIA, Novembi At the Election held 16th in ere were duly elected Direct Bank: .ititi o li et. the following Stockhold tors of the Corn Exchange G. Cattell. Christian S. Hoffman, H. W. Catherwood, Edmund A. Sonder, Charles ...P. Wilkins. David. Vanderveer, Jonathan Knight. Board this day ALEX. G. monelyre-eleefrd President 'ice President, and JOHN W. J. W. TORRE r; Cashier. Aaezmder James Steel. Robert Ervin, William Y. Cox, Samuel T. Canby, Philip B. Mingle, John F. Gross, - And at the meeting of the CATTELL. Esq., was an snit ALBX.WEIILL,DIN, TORREY, Cashier. n024-3m M BANK OF CCITI Pin At an election held on ti named Stockholderswere elf MGeoraniK. Ziegler, Wm. W. Longatretli, Peter Callen, John A. Brown, B. W. Cannel!, Solari B. Wilmer. Charles B. And at a seating of the Di] B. ZIEGLER. Esq., wan uni dent, and JOHN A. LEWIS. nc24-tntligit LADELPITIA., NOT. 23. 1863. he 16th inst., the following noted Directo, s of this Bank Alexander Brown, G. W. Page, John Thompson, Wm. V. Wieht. Thomas H. Ktrt.leY, Patrick Brady, eetors, held this day, GEO. • enimously re-elected Pres!- . Cashier OHN A. LEWIS. Cashier. fM. CONSOLIDATION BANK, PHILADRLPIIL NOV- 23 1863 At an election held on the serve the ensuing year. the following gentlemen were elected: James V. Watson, Jos. H. Collins. John P. Ver ree. Henry Oropkey. Jos. B. Van Dagen, W. Hogg, Josiah D. Brooks, Ludlam Matthews Robi. Shoemaker, Jas, 8, Watson, Seneca B. Malone, hobt. F. Taylor, Joha H. Brim aura. And at a meeting of the Board. held this day, JAWS V. WATSOI4. Eec!.. was nnanimonsly Ta-eleeted Presi dent, CEO. W. THORN, Esq.. Solicitor PIiTER O. Hi - AL- M/MR. Fen., Notary, and JOSEPH N. PiiIRSJI,, Cashier. • non tuthsSt Maw PRILLA.DICLPHIA. AND RE3A.DIND RAILROAD COMPANY, Once M 27 South FOLISTE Street, PRILADELPHIA, September 2, 1863. - DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The following-named persons sre entitled to a Dividend„ the Common Stock of this, Company. The -residenctUofAseveral of them is un known, and it is, therefore,' necebsary that the certid sates of stock should be presented OW calling for the Dividend. 8. UDFORD, Treasurer, STOCKHOLDERS' NAMES. - Mrs. Mary Bishop, S. Laneseter, Timothy C. Boyle, Percy M. Lewis, Clement Biddle. Fanny Mary Mitcherson, Ann Copeland John Mclntyre, • A. Emslie and J. Newbold, John S. Moore, Trustees, . James McKnight, Debbie A. linglies. Benl. F. Newport, SamL T. Harrison; Beea, Pott, James Hallowell,- W•Nt. Rodman, James W. Hallowell, Sarah Ann Richards. Catherine C. Koppele, Henry B. Sharer, Daniel Klapp, • Maria L. Sadler, Mary Kuhn. Andrew Turner, Chas. Kuhn, Hartman Mrs. Rebecca Ulrich. Kuhn, and J. 11. Kuhn, Ex, Asher M. Wright, of S. Kuhn. William Young, ' R. V. R. Leisse Extrg., W. H. McVickar, and Janies D. Schaff. Dr. of Austin Smith, John S. LfriFS, deed. 1A Ce zeK.stuth-ti MILITARY NOTICES. iIIGENERAL RECRUITING OFFICE, No. 611 CHESTNUT Street.—Recruits wanted for all the gallant old Artillery, Cavalry, and. Infantry Regiments now in service, raised. or partly raised. in this city. d. few good men can -yet be enlisted for the 2d Artillery (ll2th P. V.), A. A. GIBSON, U. it. A... Colonel Commanding. The Batteries of tole faithful old Regiment have been assigned to poste of honor. and artist present occupying the must prominent fortifica tion* in the detonate of Washington. Quarters commo. diens an i comfortable. The Largest Bounties now of ferednO Veteran and. other volunteers are given at this office. CHARLES N CADWALLADER, n0.7.8-fit. Captain and emeriti Recruiting Officer. IWANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS (a varied And exciting life by tea and land), six hundred able-bodied men to Perform the duties of a soldier at our Navy Yards and aboard United States ships-of war on foreign stations. Better compensation than the army. ship• of-war is a comfortable home. The Marine Corps is the best equipped Infantry in the service. Prize money in abund ance. • • .. Two dollars will be paid to any one win brings an ac cepted recruit to this office. For all other infipmation apply ; daily, at the only regular and Lons 831ablished 3farine Recruiting Ren dezvous tin the city. at ; No. 311 Seats FRONT Amt. below Spruce, between the hours of nine and three o'clock. - --"," JAMBS LRWIS, Captain and Recraitinz Officer, n0237.m No. 311 South FRONT Street. CORPS OF HONOR, 11. S. A. . HEADQUARTERS BROM/TING SERVICE, INVALID CORPS FOR PHILADELPHIA. 2143 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SOLDIERS honorably discharged on account of die- Willi impby for information for enlistment in the INVALID CORPS to Lieut. HUBER BASTIAN, Invalid Corp 211 S . Third street, Philadelphia, or to Lieut. J. W. DEAN, Invalid Corps, ell Brown street, and N. E. corner Broad and Spring Garden eta , Phila. Pay and fallowances, excepting bounty and pension, same as to 11. S. Infantry. E• W. MATTHEWS, Major let Pa. Art, and Supt. Invalid Corps for Philadel phia. auls-sa,ittutf. PORTRAITS OP RARE WORTH ARE REIMER'S artistically-execnted Photographs in 01l colors, of life Mee. Pronounced the Hneet artistic efforts. bee specimens at easCOND Street, above Green.* GUILD MILLETTE, ATTORNEY ty • AT LAW AND CONVEYANCER, No. got 5 South FIFTH Street. Philadelphia. no9.lm* MONS. A. F. ROSAT, • MOTS. PROFESSOR OF &RMS. n024-tatlisBt* at Barrett's Gymnasium VRESH ARRIVAL OF THE C ELE. BRATED Virgin Oil of Aix: per bark Trent. For Bale by the Importers, RHODES & WILLIAMS, nom 10'7 South WATER Street WORCESTERSHIRE S AtTO E.- A fresh invoice Worcestershire Sauce. pints and half pints, just received, and for sale by RHODES Eg WILLIAMS, no2S 107 South WAVER Street. RIIISINS.-200 BOXES WHOLE'IIS. R Raisins. MO boxes whole Layer Raisins. 2CO boxes half M R. end Layer Ealaill.B. 2CO boxes ginner M. R. and Layer Raieins, Also. New Citron, .Lemon Peel, and Carrants, for sale by RRODE3 do WILLIAMS. ' ne 28 107 South WA!PE Street. CANTON GINGER.-25 CASES. EL TE.A. quality Canton flinger for selelyr RHODES Sc WILLI Va. no2S 101 Smith WATER Street. VSTNUTS.- 150 BUSHELS EXTRA 'V Dry Chestnuts for sale by BUODES & WILLIAMS. no2S lO7 South WATER Street. R,ILK. THREADS AND s dOTTONS • kj For MAGIIINES, Wholesale and ret e ll. LAING & MAGIITNII3. 497.4.1% , ' NO. 39 Ninth. THILiD Street. Southlrront DEALERS IN =TAWS, CURTAIN MATERIALS, B. COIFEGYB. Cashier IILOLIDAY GOODS. HOP ID AY RESENTS. ALBUMS. BIBLES. PRESENTATION BOOKS. FINE PAPERS. KNIVES. POCKETBOOKS. GOLD PENS AND PENCILS. To be obtained nt BRYSON So SON'S, u02.7-2t 'Pio. 8 North SIXTfi Street CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. OPERA GLASSES, GOLD SPECTACLES, FIELD GLASSES, STEREOSCOPES, 'FANCY THERMOMETERS, BESIDES MANY OTHER USEFUL AND FANCY ARTICLES, FOR SsLE BY JAMES Wr. QUEEN cre ' No. fl 2 t CHESTNUT STREET Catalogues famish gratis, 11026„1i, CLOTHING. O UR Cto lEIL Ci CD> 7' tff• _ W&NAIRKER &: BROWN, OAIC HALL E., E. COB; SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. EDWARD P. KELLY, JOHN KELLY, TAILORS, 143 EOLITH THIRD STRUT. ma THE lixoneltas, ropatzwr CHEMDT ABOVE SEVENTH, EST* now In store a LAME STOCK and somplete as. sortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. TERAIS CASH —Prices much lower than any other drat-olass establishment. oelfi-tf BLACK CASS. PANTS, ,95.50, At 704 MARKET Street BLACK CASE PANTS, eadso, At 704 MARKET Street, SLACK CASS. PANTS, 10.60. At 704 MARKET Street...? BLACK CASS. PANTS. 115.60, At 709 MARKET Street, :SLACK CASS. PANTS. *5.60. At 704 MARKET Street. ORIGO & VAN GUNTER'S, Jo. 704 rff.A.Rglrr Street, *Ma & VAN 01717 TENT, No, 704 MARKET Street 13RIGIS & VAN GERITEN'S, No. 701 MARKET Street. URICHI & VAN GUNTER'S. No. 704 MARKET Street. GRIOR & VAN GUirrinrii, Jo. 704 MARKET Otrast. se24-0m CURTAINS & CURTAIN MATERIALS. CURTAINS AND CURTAIN MATERIALS. Si P. <Sr.. CO., • FURNITURE COVERINGS, WINDOW SHADES, ROLL AIVDS. UPHOLSTERERS' TRIBIDIINGS, viwErlA-A -BLINDS, &e. N. E. COR. TENTH AND CHESTNUT 32028-tf ARMY GOODS. ARMY LININGS. PLAIN AND TWILLED BLUE ALL•WOOL 3LIN IN" GS. SUITABLE FOR ARMY GREAT COATS. In store and for sale by FARNHAM, KIRKHAM, & 430 and R 32 CHESTNUT Street ARMY WHITE DOME'S SKY-BLUE "KERSEY S, In store ana for sale by FLENHABI, KIRRHARI & Co., 2.30 and 232 CHESTNUT Street FROTHINGHAM & WELLS HEAVY, MEDIUM, AND LIGHT SHIETINGS AND SHIRTING& STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CAMEROS AND BROWN, BLRACHED, AND GOBBET JEANS. WORSTED YARN, Asc. 5e194141 G. W. SIMONS ill BRO'TELEB., geiSOM-STREET HALL, PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTITRERii 07 JEWELRY. FINE SWORDS, AND MILITLET GOODS IX EVZBY vLsurrr. in26.trum FINANCIAIS. MICHAEL JACOBS, BANKER. No. 46 South THIRD Street, Prane.DELErru“ CIOYYRNNBNT SECURITIES. SPECIAL AND lINCITII- RENT MONEY BOCORT AND SOLD. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Particular attention paid to the Negotiation of Time Paper. CITY WARRANTS BOUGHT. ocs-3m NOTICE.-APPLICATION - ITILL BE ••••1 made by S. A. MILLER to tho Department of High wais for a contract for the paving of BiOYER Street, be tween Norris and York streets, Nineteenth ward of the city of Philadelphia the following owners of pro perty on said street, being a majority of owners, and owning a majority of feet fronting on said street, having signed an agreement for the same: Daniel H tviland, re sidence Fifa, street, below Norris street, 119 feet (M -ward G. James., Walnut and Front streets, 398 feet ; Z. C. Howell, Chestnut, above Sixth street, 267 feat. Owners of prepare* on said Moyer street, between the points aforesaid, having objections to the contract being awarded, will make them at the Highway Department on FRIDAY, Decenilier Oth, at 3 o'clock P. H. n028.3t* NOTICE.-ALL PERSONS ARE cautioned agaimit paying D. S WISHER. for merly of Mechanicsburg, Pa:. any accounts due me, as be hAS proven himself dishonest, and is in my employ no longer. GEO. VOM,Klift. no2B-2t* No. 249 and 251 MARKET Sc.. Phila. WILLIAM E. STONE IS ASSOOIA, red with the undersigned from thi9 date Tho firm name will be as heretofore, ATWOOD, RALSTON, & CO. C. AT VirOOD. JOHN C. RALSTON. PRILADELPIIIA,NOV. 1, 1863. no2S-61° NOTICE TO PERSONS LIABLE TO EXCISE TAX. OFFICE OF U. S. ASSESSOR, THIRD DISTRICT PENNSYLVANIA . . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the annual lists, talnati.one and enumerations, made and taken in this district, in pursuance of the provisions of the U. S. Ex cise Laws, will be open for examination on MONDAY, November 9th. and remain open until. WEDNESDAY, November 25th. Appeals, relative to the same, will be heard a.nd. de termined by the*Assessor, from November 26th to De cember Sd, between the hours of 10 A. AL and 3 P. M. All appeals should be in writing, and specify the particular cause, matter. or thing, respecting which a decision is requested; and should, moreover, state the. ground or principle of inequality complained of. Sworn testimony required. All persons liable to License Tax are reminded that a Penalty of TWO YEARS IMPRISONUENT is provided for those who prosecute business without license. An op portunity will be afforded each as may have neglected to sign applications for license, to relieve themselves of liability to puniehment.bv mann* at this Office previous to December-31 J. FLETCHER BD DD. Assessor, no7-wetds3 No. 924 N. THIRD street. INTERNAL REVENUE-UNITED STATES EXCISE NOTlCE.—Not'ce is hereby given to ail persons residing 03 doing business in the FOURTH COLLECTION DISTRICT. composed of- the Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-first, and Twenty-fourth ' , yards of the city and county: of Philadelphia. that the velnations, and enumerations made and taken: within this District will he open far examination at this office from and after FRIDAY. If ovember 20th, until SATURDAY, December oth, D 63. and that for the five days next ensuing, December 7th,Bth, 9th, 10th, and 11th. appeals will be received and determined. All appeals must be in writing, and specify the particu lar cause. matter, or thing, respecting which a decision is requested, and state the aceind or principle of inequa lity or error complained. of. - - - All persons liable to License in this District are re minded that the Penalties for doing business without a United. States license will be rigidly enforced. D. P. SOUTHWORTH. Assermor, No. 427 CHESTNUT Street. Farmers' and. blechanlcs' Bank Building. no2l-6t 2.5.28,30-de2,5 • NIOTICE----CITY DIRECTORY, 1864.- Corrections rendered necessary by removals. Sm., — Stc., may be made at the Publication Rooms, 134 Smith FOURTH Street, either by letter or personally. More than the usual, and very many, difkanitiee have been met frith bo the canvassers this season, aria - ion from fear of the draft, absence from the city, put especially from the astonishing indifference of .very many business men and housekeepers. in almost every part of the city. Attention is, therefore, directed to the above notice. not6-3011' Jr YOU. WANT YOUR HAIR CUT, scientifically and. Ina 'Workmanlike manner, go to PULLINGEWS, No. 131 CHESTNUT Street, opposite the post office. no2B-3t*Et E FONTENEAII & C. SALLES, • FRENCH HAIR DRESSING and SHAVING SA LOON. No. 108 South ELEVENTH Street. (upataire.) branch 0f1027 Chestnut etreet. . • . Manufacturers and Importers of Wigs, Toupees, Fri settes, and Fancy Articles. oc3o-fmwlm* (EORGE WOOLFORD, WAITER AND CATERER, return thanks to hie friends and the public in general for their past favors, and hopes to receive a continuance of their liberal patronage. Resi dence, MO ADDISON Street, below Pine, where he continues to furnish Terrapins, Chicken Salad, and Fried and Stewed Oysters, at the shortest notice. Orders sent by the past be promptly attended n 025.130 APPLES—CHOICE AND FANCY. Three hundred bble. BELL FLoWERS. Seven do. SPITZENBURG. Two do. NOKTHSEDT SPYS. Three do. SEEKS. Seven do. GREENINGS. With other deeirablevarletiee, jot received and for Gale bY PßETralem'l‘ SONS, 1a 25 •01 * V. E. vor.'Fzur kna taco street*. PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA; SATURDAY, NOVEMBER Qs, 1863: POPLIN'S AT LOW PRICES, POPLINS AT MEDIUM PRICES roruss AT Blall PREOES. DRESS OOODS, Of all kinds, at Ism than usual prices. WINTER SILKS. VA Lot of Fancy Silks. Autumn and minter styles. . At very low prices. SU.S.I2PLESS BROTHERS. , CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. STEEL & SON WOULD CALL • attention to their Stock of FINE DRESS GOODS, all bought at very hsw prices, early in the season, and at the recent Auction Sales: French Merinoes, 750 to $2.50. French Poplins and Reps.. Sale to $1 75. , Dress Goods of every variety. t)c to s2.' 3,000 3,000 yarde two-yard wide Illerinoes, $1 25. Blanket Shawls. a great variety of styles. $3.2.5 to $l3. Broche Shawls,great bargains, 4 , 9.50 to $l4. Circulars and ucenes, of all kinds of Cloths, at low prices. Fanny Siike, 81 to $5. Plain Foil de Soles, $1.25 to $2 50. Moire Antiques and Corded Silks, $2.50 to t? 5. , Nos. 713 and 71S North TENTH St. 1 Lot All-wool Shaker Flannels. 633. o, worts 30e. Ito RETAIL DRY GOODS. BARGAIN IN _OTTONAN AND CORDED SILKS, EDWIN HALL S.: CO.; 26 SOUTH SECOND STREET, WILL OPEN THIS Dionti-ma, Of our own Importation, a case of o'Tiroßl A. N . SILKS, and as the goods arrived rather later in the season than we expected, wo purpose selling them at $2 PER YARD The colors are Wines, Greens. Browns, Dines, Nodes, and Purples. Aiao, a Can of C01133_1033w sirAKEI, at $72•25. The colors of these are Greene, Leathers, Blues, Par plea, Browne. Moire Antictries and Fancy Silica for sale at reduced Prices. 7i024-bic2t FANCY DRESS SILKS, LATE AUCTION SALES. AT LESS THAN REGULAR PRICES. OURWEN STODDARD & BROTRER, 5150, 459, and 454 N. SECOND Street, Itiove.Wlllorr TIP•STAIRS DEPARTMENT. _ BOYS' FlNp OLOTHILIO. Boys' ready madenuts. - Fitchburg Dark Cadet Suits. "Wet Feint Cadet Suite, Flee Fancy Cassimeoe Seas. Overcoats. Cape Overcoats. Sack Coats and Long Jackets. Boys' and Men's Fi Ile Clothing MA de to order. CLOAK hOOK—SECOND STORY. MO Black Beaver Cloaks. Fine Black Beaver Cloaks. Chinchilla end Whitney Cloaks. Ribbed, Frosted Beaver Cloaks. _ Dark Purples. Blues. Leathers, Modes, £m CD colars and Sacks • Every Fashionable tlaterial. Prices are the lowest, And quality t f the best. We invite buyers to examine our stock of these ele gant and fashionable garments, and to the o nality. fit, and recherche appearance of them we desire especial. at tention. Prices range from $lO to dr;B COOPER Sr COWARD, It B. B. corner MINTS amd..I,IARBET. CORSET -CLASPS. MRS. STEEL, TEETH STREET, BELOW' CI4E3T.NUT, has just received a large supply of the hest FRENcm. (JO RSET:GLASPS, now so .d ifficult to obtain ; and in Corsets of her mano facture the ladies can rely upon getting' a CGASI' which will save them trouble and disappointment. - - no3B St" TITARRIS CASSIMEBES. -- ---- Fine quality, double weight, fancy.Cassimares. in neat patterns. for business suits, of Harris' well-known make. SD lc-mixed Cassimerea, extra hean. Super extra fine Black Caselmeres. Leavy fancy Coatings. • Fitchbrivr dart -cadet Cassimerea Harris' West Point Cadet" Caasimarea, Blue Clothe and Beavers. CLOaKtkaiS. Solianny's frosted Beavers. Chinch - 11W, light and dark. Super quality black ribbed Bearers.. kt,STAI RS DEPA RT MEET. . . , In CLOAK ROOM, line Cloaks, of - fashionable 'gm= terial. Cloaks male to order. Select the Cloths down stairs. - . . BOYS' CLOTBITIO ROOM, well stocked with fine suits, overcoats, &c. Boys' and Men's Clothing made toorder COOPER & COWARD. n027-tf S. E. cor. SUNNI & ItI&AKET. PROGHE LONG SHAWLS, OP PARIS AND VIENNESE;FABRIr'S, In New and Choice Designs and Colorings. Prices for the above (lood. will be found a, low as ever. CUR WEN STODDARD & BROMER, 450,452, and 454 N. ISECOVD Streetabove Willow. OURWEN STODDARD & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOND Street. n 026 3t Above Willow. RHAWL43 F'OR.FRIENDS. A Lot of Seal-skin Shawls, somewhat Imperfect. At very low prices. SBARPLSSS Eig.OTH3R"S, n 025 CHESTWITT and EIGHTH Strest4 SILVER AND }PLATED WARE. ESTABLISHED -LN -1812. WM_ WILSON ar- SON, SILVER-WARE MANUFACTURERS, S. W. COR. FIFTH ANDICHERRY STS L lane and genial assortment of constantly on hand. of our own manufacture, of DIOR EST STANDARD. PLATED WARE. Stist received, per City of Limerick, and have constant h- on hand, a large and general assortment of PLATED WARE. consisting of WAITERS, • TEA•SETS, CAKE•EASKETS, CASTORS, nol2-thstulm URNS, &c., &e. IP °KING-GLASSES, NEW ENGRAVINGS, OIL PAINTINGS, PICTURE FRAMES. EARLE'S GALLERIES, 816 CHESTNUT STREET. n029-3t if • WINDOW SHADES. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN PHILADELPHIA ] . Ic_. PJ:UGHT E 1 ' , 517 MARKET STREET. nolll-1m PENS!, AMERICAN GOLD PEN COMPANY. SALESROOM, S. B. CORNER EIGHTH AND CHESTNUT sTRBErs These PENS are the best now in use, and all war ranted. ' The Mention of the Trade is sacited. ArARTER & FALSE R, n 026 6t AGENTS SHOTW ELL'S CELEBRATED SWEET CIDER. OUR USUAL SUPPLY OF TRIS EXCELLENT CIDER Just received ALBERT 0_ ROBERTS, .Dealer in Fine Groceries, no2ii.if Corner of ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. ASPLENDID PORTRAIT,. IF YOU desire one, accurate and pleasing, get life size Pho tographs, in oilcolors, at BEESIBit'S Gallery, SECOND Street, above Green, its TO SPORTSMEN.- • PHILIP WILSON - eh 00.; 409 CHESTNUT STREET. Manufacturers of superior ' DOUBLE GUNS. Kual, if not superior, to - any of tha following makes, which we keep constantly on hand: Greener, Westley Richards, Moor. & Harris. and other makers. Also, Powder, Shot, Wads, Oars, &e. We shall be constantly supplied, donna the season. with every variety of SKATES. se;!s-111a SPECIAL NOTICE.-- • BARTELL'S ALL-GLASS FRUIT JARS. MEW CAPSULE FRUIT JARS. AMERICAN AND FRENCH GLASS SHADES. BEAUTIFUL FERNERIES BARTELL . & LETCHWORTH, aik2A-tdi&l No. 13 North FTFTR Fitraa& IMOCORRECT PIANO TUNING. —Mr. C.. E. SaIIGENT'S orders for tanilil and repairing Pianos are received at MASON & 00. 'a store, 907 CHESTNUT Street, only. Mr. has had elevenyears' factory experience In Bea. ton, and fiveears' employment in Philadelphia. SPECIAL.—Pianos releathered to sound as soft ant sweet toned as new, without removing. Terms for Tuning. $l. oo14•flza11 TRUSSES, BRACES hte., skilfully adjusted by 0. H, ITRIDIAS, corner of TWELFTH .and RACE 'Streets.- . Ladles' Department for same. conducted bs Ladies..TWRLYTR Street first door below Race. Tbs most complete and varie d stock on hand,_ conslettim tart, of Trance. Supporters Shoulder.. ,STELCOIS, &es,_ mastic Stockton'. OrrttehaS, Syrinxes. Az. Kir Illusory. Sl* Boom, fm. 001-8111 PLANTATION BETTERS, Prom the army hospital—the bloody battle. field—the mansion of the rich and hoMble abode of the poors=from the office and. the sacred desk—from the monatatn top. distant valleys and far-off !elands of the ocean—from every nook and corner of the civilized world—is pourbni in the evidence of the astonishing effects of DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. Thousands 12POIL thousands of letters like the following may be seen at our office: ESEDSVIRY, Wie., Sept. 16, 1863. %..~ `* * * I have been in the army hospitals for fourteen months—speechless and nearly dead. At Alton. 111., they gave me a bottle of Plantation Bitters. * * Three bottles restored my speech and cured me. * * C. H. FLACITE." SOUTH WARSAW, 0., July 28, 1863. "* * * One young man, who had been sick and not out of the house for two years with Scrofula and Ery sipelas, after paying tbe denten over $11;0 withont bene fit, has been cured by ten bottles of your Bitters. « * . EDWARD WOUNALL." The following is from the Matron of the Union Home School for the Cnildren of volunteers: HATENEYER NANSioN," FTETY•SEVENTH Sr. - , NEW YORK, Animst 2,18 M. "Da. DRAXE: YOUT wonderful Plantation Bitters have been given to some of our little children suffering from weakness and weak lungs with most happy effect. One little girl, is particular, with pains in the head, loss of appetite, and daily wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill had been exhausted, has been restored. We commenced with but a teaspoonful of Bitters a day. Her appetite Increased; strandh and healthfollowed. * * * gopecttvaly, • *, lOM much to you, for I yarns , believe the Plantation Bitten have saved my life. - REV. W. H. WAGGONER. jr.', * Thou wilt send me two bottles more of thlf Plantation. Blttera. tIY 'wife has been greatly benefited by their nee. Thy frlend, ABA CUMIN. Philadelpllia, Pa." ' 4 ` UM MEM ft groat anfferer from Dvapenxia, and had to abandon prea4shing. * • The Plantation Bitter)] have cored me• MN. .1. S. CATIIORN, BOCkestor. N. Y." * * Send us twenty-four dozen mgt. of your Plantation Bitters, the popularity of which Is flatly In creasing with the roots of our house. BYKRS, CHADWICK, & CO.; Proprietors Willard's Hotel, Washington, D. C." "* * * I have given the Plantation Bitters to hun dreds of our disabled soldiers with the most astonishing effect, G. W. D. ANDREWS, Superintendent Soldiers' Home, Cincinnati, 0." # # The Plantation Bitters have oared me of liver complaint, of which I was laid UP prostrate and had to abandon DI . Y business.. H. B. KINGSLEY, Cleveland, 0." *.* * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of a derangement of the kidneys and urinary organs that has distressed me for years. It acts like a charm. C. C. MOORE, Agent for Colgate & Co. 254 Broadway," ac.• 40. • die., dm • &0., do. The Plantation Bitten make the weak strong, the lan ced brill_•ant, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are composed of the celebrated Clissaya Bark,. Wintergreen, Sassafras, Roots, Herbs. Zsct)all preserved in perfectly pure St. Croix Rum. Persons of sedentary habits, troubled 'with weakness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack or appetite, die tzess after eating, torpid liver. constipation, as., deserve to suffer if they will not try them. They are recommended by the highest medka2 antho rides, and are warranted to produce an irnmedialsbene dcialicifect. They are exceedingly agreeable, weestis Pure, and. harmless. NOTIIE.—Any person pretertateg to Pall Plantaticr&Mt ten i n tnik or by the ga - don is a swindler and irnpostUr. We only Pat it np in oar ing-cairin bottles. Bewars.of bottles reViled with imitatisu deleterious stuff, for whick several persons are airoad7 in prison. See that every bottle has our United States stamp over the cork, and signature on tel side lalOele. Sold by respectable dealers Chroushout the habitable &lobe. P. H. DRAKE CO., or.lo-stadrol4ra 202 BROLDWAY. N. Y IIeSTJBANCE COMIPAWIES. JNSURE YOUR LIFE IN Asa WASTITNOTON LIFE INEIVRATICE CO., OF NEW YORK, • Which offers more advantages to Insurers than any other Company In the United States. CHAMBERS & REGISTER, GENERAL AGENTS. 407 WALNUT STREET, Philadelphia. 0e27-tnthstial O FFICE OF THE DELAWARE MU TULL SAYLTY INSURANCE CO.. PHILADELFBIA. November 11, 1863. .The following statementolthitairaiie of the slomiia . ny l i tablisbed iimcdrerna l l o riz r v c !'ith lr a provision of its charter, On Marine and Inland la l ske e' .. v . - .ta3 . 2 86 .319 t. 133 °c".1,1563' On Fire Rieke . • ... . .. . 116.613 03 Premiums on Policies not marked offZiovem- W 49.462 ll ber 1.,1863 266,395 09 PREMIUMS MARKED OPP as earned from. November I, 1862, to October 31, 1883: On Marine and Inland liisks .$3?3,483 . 34 Risks ---- riterest during same period, sal- 4481,881 78 vages, &o $551.856 16 LOSSES, EXPENSES, &c., daring the year as above: Marine and Inland Navigation Losses *178,444 10 Fire Losses* 40,750 59 Return Premiums 40;E*4 60 . -- . . ..• . ... • - • • Re-lam:mat ces... —.. 32,191 37 Agency Charges, Advertising. Print ing, &c 19,772 76 Taxes 9:281 96. Expenses, Salaries, Rent, &a 75,428 Si • ____ $295,234 in Surplus $216,621 97 ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, Nova iliElt - 1. 1 'W. $lOO,OOO United S tates five-per-cent Loan 4597,000 00 76000 six-par -cent. 5-205., 75.000 00 20,000 " " PAL . =WO 00 50,000 T 3-10 per ct. Treas. Notes 53,250 CO 100,000 State o!.Peruasylyanias-per.cent.Lotin.loo,997 50 64;060 6-per-cent. 57.820 00 1200000 Philadelphia City 6-per-cent, L0an....127,52/3 00 I 30,000 State of Tennessee stper-cent. Loan— .• 15,000 00 20.000 Pennsylvania - Railroad first mortgage 6-per•cent. bends,, 22,300 00 50,13 a) Pennsylvania 'Railroad second mort gage roper -cent. bonds 58,250 00 15,100 MO shares stock Germantown Gas Com pany. principal and interest guaran tied by the city of Philadelphia 15,000 00 5,000 100 shares Stack Pennsylvania Railroad Company ••. • ... ..• • . ... • • . •!••• •• • 7,225 00 5,000 100 shares St ockNorth Pennsylvania Railroad Comen7 2,660 00 21,000.tinited Srates Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness • 21.4:x100 120,700 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, amply secured .... . ........... 123 700 CO $791.760 par... cost,"s7B3,737.l2—market value. 794.200 60 Real Estate. 56.383 36 Bills Receivable, for insurances made. " 107,9 . 47 61 Balances due. at Agencies-11801i ume on Marine Policies, accrued interest. and tither debts due the Company 28,919 87 Scrip and Stook of sundry ineura,nee and other Companies, $5,503. Es timated value. • . ... . ...... - Cash, on deposit with ITni teti States Government, subject, to ten days' call. 980.000 00 Gash. in Banks 38,688 39 Cash, in drawer 200 80 118.789 19 PHILADELPHIA, NOV. 11, 1843. The. Board of Directors ha , e this day declared a CASH DIVIDEND of TEN PER CENT. on the CAPITAL STOCK. and SIN PER CENT. Interest on the SCRIP of the Com. Ett .teo , t p t ayable on and after the Ist December proximo. They have also declared a SonlyDirrmurn of FORTY PER CENT. on the EARNED PREMIUMS for the year ending Oc tober 31,"1363, certificates for which will be issued to the parties entitled to the same, on and after the let Decem ber proximo, free of tax. They have ordered, also, that the SCRIP CERTIFI. CATES OF - PROFITS of the Company, fuy the years 1366 and -650, be redeemed in cash, at the oeice of the Com pany,-on and after January 2. Mi. all interest thereon to came on that day. Aar No em.tifloate of - profits issued under 52.5. By the Act of Incorporation, "rio certificate shall issue unless claimed within two ItetirB after the declaration of thi dividend whereof tits evidence." PENS! Thomas C. Hand, - John C. Davis, - Edmund A. Souder, Theophilus Paulding, John B. Fenroso. James Trautudr, Henry C. Dallett,'Sg., Robert Barton, • Samuel.B Stokes, J. F. Peniston, Henry Sloan, Wm. G. Soultou, - Edward Darlington.. Jonee Brooke, TBOMA JOHN C HENRY LYLBYRN. Seer, REMOVAL THE ISAY , THATTAIT LIFE, INSITRANCE COMPANY, Of New York. having appointed JAMES B. CARE Agent for tile City, have Removed their office to NO. 4.AS WALNUT STREET, Where applications far INSURANCE and RENEWALS on POLICIESranst be made. The eilotteddividend oflBo3 will be adjusted on all Policies on whioh two or more annual pretainms have been paid, on the adjustment of the current year's premium. The following items, interesting to the assured. show the great progress and prosperity of the Company since the last triennial dividend : The incomeof the Company for the past three years has been A 1,400,000 00 The assets have increased 416,000 00 - The losses paid to widows daring three years past were 2.... 0 0,601 24 . others ." 99,ra 00 . Dividends have been made during - the past three Years 260,000 00 JAMBS B. CARR, Agent. C. Y. Wzmplas, Secretary. ocBl-linif INSURAN( 493 CHEerN p llttal PIM AND. IN LAI DIRECr. _ Francis N, Buck, ' Chas. Richardson, Henry Lewis, Jr., John. W. Evan:llan; Philip S. Justice, 0. W. Davis, FRANCIS N. IC B CHARLES RI WILLIAM I. BLANCH WitEREAS LETTERS - TESTAMEN TARY upon the Estate of WILLIAM H. TAYLOR - , deceased, having been granted to the undsralgaed, all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested:to make payment, and those having claims against the. same to, present them to JOHN B BEWMAN, Executor. N'o. 1716 SeRUCIE Street, Or S. W. cor. SEVENTH and SA NSOlist Streets. Or to his Attorney,. I. NEWTON BROWN. B. E. cor. SIXTH and WALNU r Streets, . oc24.e6t*- Philadelphia- A LOT 0]? VERY FINE PENNSYL. A VANIA LEAP TOBACCO, in store and fur sale by JAS. W. OROWELL, nolB-12t* S. B. cor. SECOND andCALLOWHILLBte MORGAN, ORR, & 00., ASTRA* AN -s- ENGINE Brawn& Iron Fonxideat, and (Noma] Machinists and Ballet Atakers,No. IRAQ- gassONTana. titreet, Philaste.l4. l .ll% _ flll9-tt HEEL 0. N. DEVOE." S. T.-1860.---X OEM $1,059.425 52 DIRECTORS: James C. Hand. William' C. Ludwig. Joseph H. Seal, Dr. R. H. Huston, George G. Leiper. Hugh Craig. Charles Jacob P. Jones, . JELLIIOB B McFarland. Joshua P Eyre, Spencer ISFllraino. John B Semple, Pittsburg, A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. S C. FUND. President. . A,VIS, Vice President. stary. noWiflm E COMPANY, NO ND INSURANCE. ITORK _ E. D. Woodruff, Geo. A. West, John Kesler, Jr" Ohas: Sto )ces. A. S. Posenheim. Joseph D. President. AEDSON. Tice President. D. Secretary. lalnfif LEG - 4 116. NEW PUBLICATIONS. MRS. WOOD'S NEW BOOK. THE RUNAWAY MAT C H! mns. HENRY WOOD. PRICE FIFTY CENTS A COPY. THE RUNAWAY MATCH! THE RUNAWAY MATCH! BY MRS. HENRY WOOD THE RUNAWAY ➢LATCH is published and for sale this day, complete in ono large octavo volume, doable column, uniform with the "Shadow of Ashlydyat.' , Price Fifty Cents a copy. - It is published and for sale at the Cheapest Book Howse In the world to buy or k . ond for a stock of books, which. is at T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS', No. 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Copies sent free of postage on receipt of price. NEW BOOKS JUST PUBLISHED: The Runaway Match. By Mrs. Wood. 50 cents. The Three Guardsmen. By Alexander Dumas 75 cts. Twenty Years After. By Alexander Dumas. 75 cents. Bragelonne. By Alexander Doman 75 cents. Above works by Dames are new and beautiful edi tions, in Itneminated Military Covers in colors. Widdifield's New Cook, Book. Bound. $125. Mies Leslie's New Cook-igy Book. $1.50. Mrs. llale's New Cook:Book. $1.27. Miss Leslie's Now Be4lolßatilc. $1.25. Mrs. Hale's Receipts fisr.th e *La he Fatal Marriage. By Mrs. Sonthworth. $l. Tire Lost Bank Voce, Iltr. Mrs. Wood. _5O cents. The Rejected Wife. By Mrs. Stephens. $1 The Shadow of Ashlydyat By Mrs. Weed. $l. Squire Troviyn's Heir. By Mrs. Wood. $l. Shoulder Straps; the Great War Novel. $l. The Castle's Heir. By Mrs. Wood. $l, he Conscript; A Tato of the War. $l. , Verner's Pride." By Mrs. Henry Wood. $l. The Cold Seekers. By Attnard. 60 cents. E.% Lis A-Foot. By Wilkie Collins. 50 cents. - The Titier•Slayer. By Ali:L.ll.rd. 53 cents. The Trapper's Daughter. By Alma ,o , The Guerilla Chief; A Tale or W a r —5O cents. su 0 /VaLs• The Soldier's Wife. B.- _ 60 Cents. The Twin Lieutenants • A War Story. 50 cents.; Annette. the Lady of the Pearls. 60 cents. Aurora Floyd. By HISS Braddon. 60 cents. Foggy bight at Offord. By Mra. Wood. 25 cents, Somebody 's Luggage. By Dickens. 25 cents. r m ,:es of the Prairies. By Alward: 50 oents, Andrea de TavelL'eT By lionise, $l, The Flirt. By Mee. Grey. 50 cents. Love's Labor Wan. By Mrs. Southwortla. $l. Two Prima Donnas. By son. 25 cents. The Stolen Mask. By Wilkie Collins. 25 cents. The Game of Enchre and ite Laws. Price 55 cents. We baxe . also juat issued new editions - of all of the works of • Mrs. South worth," "Mrs. Bentz." "Mrs. Henry Wood," "Mrs. Ann 5. Stephens," 'Charles ehEw Dickens," "Lever," and. all of the other popular au then', The At Awl la . the world to buy or send for a -st oc k . 0 ( Beeh l s, either at retail or wholesale, is to the great Publishing and }klokselling H4USe of T. B. PR TARSO.N BR.OTHERS, Rhiladelphia. Enclose any amount of money youplesuie iS us, and order what you want. and tie books wilt be sent hi you at once. -Booksellers, News Agents, Sutlers, and all others, will please send on their orders at once for what they may want of any of the above or any otligr"BnOks. - Address all orders and letters to the Pabliehers'4 T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, 300 CEIESTIRTpstreet, Philadelphia, And they will receive prompt attention. Send. for one of our new and fiat catalogues. It THE RUSH FOR PECULIAR"" L 9) gating to be something fearful. Orders and duplicate orders FOUR IN. OVER 10,000 COPIES vrin be sold within two wooks after publication if the demand continues as steady' as it now is. to a great novel, and the spicy °apron's with which the hook abounds wake it unusually interesting. PECULIAR. A Novel by EPE9 SARGENT, cloth bound, price 1150. Sold by all booksellers; and sent by mall free on re ceipt of SLIt). ftEO, W. CABLEfOiI, Publisher, noiS stnthilt New York. Ito RENAN'S LIFE OF JESUS 9 READY THIS WEEK: 411 1.-RENAN'S LIFE OF JESUS A translation of M. Ernest Renan's remarkable work, just issuFd in Paris, where the excitement and eensation L. so great concerning its subject and author that already thousands !of conies of the costly French edition have been Fold. The London Spectator considers it "the most genuine aid decent auFmpt to explain our Lord's rfe ;" and the Christian Times pro ftonnes it " the ablest of man's ell'orts " One handsome 12mo, tinted paper, cloth bound, $1.50. s n.-LOUIE'S LAST TERM. ACI riptmaa book by the popular author of " Rut ledge," • The Suilierlands." and "Prank Warrington. 12 no, cloth bound. price sl.2s..This charming work was: published anonymously a few years since, but is now republished with the author's other works. One of our best literary women says: "Of all the pure, warm, beautiful human books that I have read for years Louie shall take the palm. The sweet, decay, bened cent book !*my eyes have streamed tears over it." 111.-PEC TJLa PLR Epee Sargent's "splendid new novel, which was pub lished only last week, and is selling off like Wild tire. Price $1.50. '& Sold everywhere, and sent b 9 mail free on receipt of price by CALRLETON, Publisher, no2S-Ewtf . New York. TOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. 1 --PETERSON'S . COIINTERFEIT DETECTOR is the - . - ONLY RELIABI:EDITiECiOR i 3 ill3lrt 411 ED DBcRYIBER NUMBER IS Now R.E.A.DY. 55, - 040 CIRCULATION. THIRT'ir-31r411T Nre..W: COUNTERFEIT& CORRECTED BY DREIEf.. & Bankers and Brokers, Philadelphia. Is published monthly and semi-monthly (on. the Ist and 'lsth of everk mouth); in a large quarto page,- and contains from forty to forty-eight pages in each number, and' It is the illost Complete. It is the Ifost Reliable, It is the Blest Perfect, It is the Largest,. and 10 the Best and only Reliable Detector of Counterfeit and Altered Bank Notes-ever published. TEE:MS. — One Dollar a-year r monthly; or, Two Dollars a year, semi-monthly; or, Ten Cents a number. Every body should subscribe for it at once. Terms Subscriptions may commence with any month. e always cash in advance. All letters must be addressed to the publishers of it: and they - will receive immediate attention. Published by ..... $215,857 20 T. B: - PETERSON Sr 'BROTHERS No. 306 CHESTNUT Straet, Philadelphia D -- EDUCED FROFROST7S OTS TO 50 OTS. -•-w LARGE-SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS, 10M x 133 inches. PITOS ER'S, no2S-2t SOS CHESTNUT Street. NTEW BOOKS 1 : NEW BOOKS ! ! 50 cent Books redaced to 40 cents, 75 GO $lOO Books ' SO 25 " . 03 1.50 • ' 1.20 CENTS! COLORED PHOTO GRAPHS, 2.5 cants. One- half the usual price ! Oyer 1,000 different kinds. 2t cents, PRICELP . ,,EP t UFED TO ,r PITCHER'S Album and 25 -cen t s '! Depat. B.643ce&I4,ST NUT Strsat. nol6-if BOOKS• THE TRANSFORMED VILLAGE.: Showing what can be done to make the world better, if we only take the right way. 13Mo, cloth, with eight illustrations ; 40 cents. • THE WEST 'INDIA BOYS. A very captivsting story 3l cent. HONORING GOD IN THE ..D.t.LLY LIFE. OF CHILD HOOD. An interesting and touching - narrativa; 35 cants. Just 'published and for sale by the American Sunday- school union. Ho. 31.112.2:' CIIESTA Ur Street, Philadel phia. - _ no2S-3t ROOX AGENCY, 33 South SIXTH Street Office of APPLETON'S NEW CYCLOPEDIA. WASHINGTON IRVING'S WORKS. WAVERI.EY NOVELS. Household edition. REBELLION RECORD. ' BA.YARD TAYLOR'S WORKS. COOPER'S NOVELS. Illustrated edition. DICKENS' WORKS. Household odhion. GEMS PIIGM - RE DUSSELDORF GALLERY. BRITISH POETS. Boston edition MERBIVALE'S HISTORY OF THE ROMANS, , NATIONAL QUARTERLY REVIEW. $3 per year. ac.%)-tuthsaSm T ELL - WOOD ZELL Sr CO., WHOLESALE BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS And Manufacturers of Ptutoe , aull Albums. N 05.17 and 19 Soutbr SIXTH Strzeet, Secouctfroor. • Goods for the If olidsys Games, Puzzles:and Paper Dolls. the largest assortment in the city. Colored and Plain Toy Books. Amalie Books, A. B C Cards and Blocks. School Books, and Stationery. All of which will be sold to dealers, at low prices for cash. oc.:8-we2m ,ONGFELLOW'S NEW POEXI TALES OF WAYSIDE INN. By Longfellow. THE MILL AG NT. By the author of "Opposite the LETTERS TO THE JONESES - By Titeemb. • OLAIIDE. THE COLPORTBUR. By the author of " Bfery Powei.". DABING - AND SUFFERING; h. History of the Great Railroad Adwntere. By Lien; - Witham Pittenger. THE ErssrA IN BALL. By a New York Editor. THE ADVRNTORES OF LICK 01.ISLOW A.SIONH THE RED-SK NS. By W. H a. Kingston. For sale by Whf. S. & ALFRED iiIaRTIEN. n 026 • 606 CHESTNUT Street. NEW BOOKS--JUST RECEIVED BY J. B. LIPPINCATT& and k kititE,f Srget. SOUNDINGS FROMTHE ATLANTIC. By Oliver Wendell Holmae. ' ' THOUGHT& OF THE EMPEROR. M. kareliqs Anto ninue Yrowlated by George Long. JEAN BELTN; or; The Adventuree ova Little French _THE_ NOSI OF A NOTARY. From the French. By Edmund Abbott. ETTIBR'S POEMS. 2 vole Cabinet Edition. . . .110LMR'S Pdßbie. Cabinet Edition. RACHEL SAY. A Novel. Sy Anthony Trollope. camermAs POEMMAND . PICTURES. A. Collection of Cards. Songs relating to Christmas. - THE VAOABONDS. - A Poem. .By Trowbridge. Illus trated by Pale • - . THE CRThsLI y. ST WRONG OP-ALL no2I A SR -MEAD & EVANS, Successors to Willis P. Hazard. 724 CHESTNUT STREET, HAVE JUST 'EEC - RIVED._ THE ARTIST'S EDITION OF THE SKETCH BOOK OF WASHINGTON. The most superbly Illustrated Book ever issued• in this Conntry, "OLIVER WENDELL nouns' " New Book— SOUNDINGS FROM THE ATLANTIC. THE THOUGHTS OF THE EMPEROR K. AURELIUS ANTONINUS. CABINET EDITIONS OF OLIVER WENDELL HOLIMES' POEMS. _ CABINET EDITION OF WITITTIERS' POEMS. _ THE RUSSIAN BALL, _ Or the Adventures of'Aliss Memel:dins Shoddy. LETTERS TO THE SONESES. By Timothy Tibcomb. PECULIAR. By Epos Sargent, ALICE OF EIONMOUTH: an Idyl of the Great War. By Edmund- C Stud roan.._ ROUNDABOUT PAPERS. By ThackeraY. BREAKFAST IN-BED. By George Augustus Sala. SKETCH. BOOK OF IRVING. 131,ue & Gold. HAGAR LOT: being a sequel to • The Poor Girl." HARPER. ATLANTIC. and GOOEY for December. 20 cents each. _ n023-tf LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Bookseller, 985 SOIOrTIY SIXTH Street. above ebestuat. .TUVENILE LIBRARIES FOR THE HOLIDAYS; Beau tifully Illustrated. - THE GIRLEiILIBRARY. By Mary Tlowitt, and other six volumes. TIM LITTLE BOYS' AND GIRLS' LIBRARY. Six volninos. IeRS,-. HUGHES' AUNT MARY'S LIBRARY. Ten volumes colored pl ates THE YOUNG AMERICANS' LIBRARY. Twelve vo lumes, nearly.Ko illustrations. All neatly pat np in. Boxes with Illuminated TOPS. TlO2l LEYPOLDT'S LIBRARY AND BOOK STORE. 1323 CHESTNUT Street Ready on Tuesday. thel7th of. November ; HEINRICH. HEINE'S ROOK OF SONGS. Translated by Charles G. Leland. On tinted paper, 1 vol vellum cloth, top gilt Price $1.25. ' HEINRICH HEINE. An Essay, by Matthew Arnold. /Brno, Paper. Price 26 cents. rfo. 6 Of LEYPOLDT'S FOREIGN LIBRARY. The most amnei novel of the season. HUMAN FOLLIES. Hy Jules Virovlac. From the !sixteenth Paris edition, by 080. Marlow. 1 vol. l6mo, paper, Price 50 cents. For eels by all Bookee.llers. tient by mail, post paid, on receipt of price. F. LtYPoLur. Pnblimber, CHESTNUT Etroit. THE RUNAWAY ➢LATCH( PEOULIAM PTTCHER'S, 808 CHESTNUT Street NEW PUBILICA.TIONS. crinxsirmEA. SHELDON & OONIPA.NY, PUBLISHERB AI BOOESELLERS. 335 BROADWAY. N. Y., A HOLIDAY EDITION OF DICKENS' CIIRISTUS ROOKS. A CHRISTMAS CAROL THE CHINES, THE CRICKET ON THE HEARTH. Containing I THE BATTLE OF LIFE. THE HAUNTED MAN. 1,4 CHRISTMAS-TREN Illustrated with Eighi Emiravinps front drawings by DARLEY, and an Illuirtinatal Title re , ge, doigned by nOWP, printed on elegant paper, by HOUGHTON, of the Rturr.sltle Preen, and bound by MATTHEWS. in his best style. 1 volume, small quarto Price—Cloth. fall gilt.. " Turlley morocco As only a small edition has been printed, early orders from the Trade are solicited. nal-tneet COOKERY AS IT SHOULD 88. GOODFELLOW'S COOK BOOK, A Manual for Diaing-rdem and Kitchen. Practical. Ecorientical, and 'Lute ...en et:USUAL% bate been called for, an evidence of its merits, and that it is the BEST AND MOST USEFUL COOK BOOK. WILLIS P. HAZARD, Fel:dieter, ne2s.tf No. 31. Fonds SET.PE ALBIMIS CHEAPEST AND BEST! ! 1,000 Albums for 12 Portraits, 25 cents to $4. - 500 do do 21 do 80 do to 4. 600 •do tto 50 do $2 to 10. 300 do 4o 60 do 3 to 12. 200 do do 100 do 4 to 15 An Immense stock, the largest and best in the World. PITCEiER'd low priced Book, Picture. and Album Store. no18•tf ("FgESTITIIT Street. EDUCATI()ItiAZ. pIIILADELPILIA MILITARY S3HOOL. • WOURTLAND - S.LUNDEP,S INSTITUTE.) .• The Institute is situated in a beautiful grove, contain ing several acres of g-rou.nd for exercise. INSTIUMMES. Professor E. ll.'.Sannders. D. D Rev. G. W.-McPhail. I). D., latePres't Lafayette Conga Maj. Allied Driver—English, Latin, Greek, Of “hematics Rev. Henry Barnes—En glish,Latin. Greek, Mathematics 0. Bedell Keen, A 13. linglleh, Latin. G reek. Mathe mat's J. S. Jones. 5. B.—English, Latin, Greek, German. Professor Philip Lawrence—Elocution. Professor Francis Barrington—Munc. Monti. J. Clay—French. For terms. address (THIRTY-NINTH and MARKET Streets.) It* DR. SALIM D.E.M. VILLAGE GREEN, SENIO - ARY, NEAR MttDIA, PA.—Pupila received at any tbne. English, Mathematics, Clesews, and Natural Sciences taught. Military Tactics, Book-keeping. and Civil En gineering taught. Entire expel:awe about ea per Week. Boys of all ages taken. Refers to Wm. H. Kern, ex -5 eriff; John C. Capp Sr Co, No. 23 South Third street, ani Thomas J. Clayton. gag , BARTON..ifth end Prune streets. Address Rev. J. HARVEY A. hi— Village Crash, Pa. • nos-t 1 WAMTS. WARTED-A YOUNG MAN, SEVEN , Y Gjen or pinotoon y.ar; of ay. to a=sist in a COUNTIffr9-110D111 A tilD SiTORP,; a GOOD PENMAN. Salary sell the fret year. Addroba D ."this. eSice. . no2S WANT AD—BY tl — i - OUNG ALAN. A srrn.ar..tow an ASSISTANT BOOKITEEPER. or BILL.DIABBS.. Nab had two yeare experirnc.l i Gin cianati. B. F 13(1WMAN, n0:73.3t* • No. 5 L Nor b. TEN 111 Street TVA. N T tD-A YOUNG AIAN AS SALESMAN fora Retail Fancy D ry : Goods S to re. In a WeEtel n n'ity. One accnetorwed to the onsineaa, having good references. can apply, :Rex 1959 Post Office. Phila delphia. no29ainwBot BOOKIE EIYER, WANTED-1N A Dry Garde CommiFelon: =souse; must be familiar with accounts -and capabre.gf taking entire charge of tLe books. Adrires. A. B. " BoEx 1577 Phila. P Office. in handwriting oef ins applicant. All communications strictly confidential. no2B-3t* - FOUNDRY FOREMAN-WANTED -A- an experience+ Foreman in a Stove Fonadrg in Cincinnati, 0. A az:parlor man will get good COMP2II, cation. Address Boar6s2,Post OZice, Cincinnati, O. n027-14t. A GOOD MED'HANIOAL DRAUGIITMAN and Business Man wishes to make an engagement on or bane January Ist, 165 t, with some good Machine Shop as Diunglittman, or to take a general superintendence of the business : would prefer a position in some thriving country town. Can rice the moot satisfactory references. Add rem Boa Mu, Philadelphia Poet °ince. n 02- tuths3t.. WANTED.-A STOItE ON CHEST- Y ir XITT Street. in the neighborhood of ELEVENTH. Possession desired within 6or 8 months. Address BOX 3.66, Post Office, n026-3t WANTED. -A GRADUATE OF THE 13nivenity. of Pennsylvania,. already engaged la teaching. desires farther engagements for one or two af ternoon hours daily. Latin, Greek, or the. English branches taught. Address Graduate," at this office. WAN T E D.—A DOMESTIC DRY GOODS Commission House, of ample means, in New Yorb city, is prepared to make it an object to an enterprising Young Man, who can influence con signments from manufacturers. None others need ap ply. All commrinkefions will be held strictly confi dential. Addiees "'MIL 4 C.," Box 0074, N. Y. P. 0. no2-I-Et s ' WANTED.-A DRY-GOODS JOB BIN,.a I G ROUSE doing a rge trade, and keeping a full stock the year round, desires to engage from theist of annual ynext several first-class SALESKEIi. . Address Dry Goods Jobber." at The Press office. in: the handwriting of the .applicant, with reference and other particulars. All communications will be strictly confidential. n023-6t. VRIE CANAL BONDS.-WANTED, - 5 -- 4 a few thousand dollars 'of above B..nds. for which the highest price - will be Paid. Ingnico rt tee Phi ladelphia and Erie Railroad Office, No. 230 WALNU Street. •n024•61* NOR') 11 BRANCH CANAL BONDS.- WAVTED—A few of the above Bonds. Inquire of C. B. WRIGHT, 1.12 South FOURTH Etreet. 024-st. AGENTS WANTED. TO SELL ThE 4 - 2 .- STANDARD HISTORY OF THE WAR. A rare chance to make money. Agents are clearing from $lO3 to $2OO per month Send for circular. Addree JONES BROS, 4* CO., Publishers, Baltimore, Md. notirlm" ge7s . A MONTH 1-I WANT TO `HIRE vw lA , prate in every county at 875 a mouth, expeu aea paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewing Machines , . Addresp. 8. MADISON. Alford. Maine. 0c33-rlkwatt S(1 A MONTH! WE WANT at $6O a month, camases paid. to sel our EVERLASTING PENCILS, ORIENTAL BURNER& and thirteiss other article's. Circulare free. SRA:te & CLARK, Biddeford. Maine. sell-alsWgo. es WANTI , D—To PURCHASE A wcw COUNTRY PLACE, situate south of the county line and eak of old York Road, containing from 10 to 'll acres, and with good buildings, and in perfect order for imme diate occupancy J. D REIRBOTII, wait s 430 WALNUT Street. -. 41 444 DEPUTY QIJARTERMASTEk , gomaii-cdorzßArs OFFlCil.—PmeDxfszu Fob. 1 1863. itssra,s - W.LIITED inunedintely to carry 00A.Te the following points : Tortugas. Hey West,•ll.s. • Port Monroe. Va. • Alexandria . ,Va. Newham. Di. 0. Port Royal, B. 0. A. 3017. felfl.if Captain and Assist. Qnsrtermsstar. BOARDING. LARGE AND PLEASANT ROOMS inpt vscaled at northeast corner SIXTERITH and LOCVST Streets. Cn026..1t3 WYSL9S. FOR SAME AND TO LET'. STEAM ENGINE FOR' SALE-SlX hone power. Inquire at tins. 619 and eat S &YNE Street. rto`2.9-sw2t. ADAMS' PRINTING- PRESS FOR SALE—Size of bed 24 by 40 inches. 133.qaire at Noe. 619 and 691 JATNE Street. . n 023 sync* ,COAL YARD FOR SALE.--THE BEST fitted- np Tard in the city; capacity for doing anv 11M01:111t of bn.inees. Inquire on the Premises. Ne 937 North I ISTII Street, below Girard avenue. ncOS at. FOR SALE-AN OAK SECRETARY ADD BOOKCASE; plate glass doors, handsome pin nels, latest pattern, and highly finished. Eight feet high. Fine parlor ornament. Addrets Books,'Y this office. in FOR SALE OR TO LET—A DE- Aiwa. SIRA BLE STORE PROPERTY, on. SECOND Street, above RACE. Will be sold a bargain ir leased for flve GEO N TOVirNSEND, 1.231 A. South FOURTH Street. al BROAD-STREET RESIDENCE FOR SALE , Handsome, well-built modern DWELLING, on Broad street, near Girard avenue, containing 16 rooms, and every mod ern convenience. Lot 20 by i6O. Price low. Terms Paw. ALSO, a comulete modern Residence, on Broad street, near Poplar; 23 rooms, and all the modern improve ments; side yard. Lot 30 by 160. Cheap. ALSO, an elegant BROWN-STONE 'MANSION, Broad and Girard avenue, replete with every modern improve ment, and finished in tho very best style. Large lot. Stable in rear. A bargain. ALSO, fonr modern Residences, on. Broad street. near Oxford; finisbed with all the modern improvements. Price moderate. TenalS easy. Also, many others. GEO. N. TOWNSEND, 123% South EOURT .4' Street t o FARMS FOR SALE.-60 ACRES ...I—near Milford, Del., with 6,000 Peach and Annie Trees. 230 Acres near Bridgeville, Lel., with 900 Peach and. APPIo Trees. 104 Acres pear Pliconixvillo. Chaster cannky, Pa.; gor . ..a Land 1111 , 1 good Buildings. 3345 Acres near Coatesville, Chester county, Pa ; Land and good Buildings. - -102 Acres near Wait Chester, Chester county,Pa. - ; good. Land and good Buildings 93 Ames on the Media Railroad, 10 miles from Market street. 165 acres on Burlington Pike, 6 miles from .0 2 a: L a en , N. J 4 good Land end very large Buildings. Also-a large number of others in different L joplitiea. Par }louses, Pee the ICoraz Ame , iea no2S , •• .13 B. GLENN, 123 BOADDING FUNISE.-wA .NTED TO UT &large BOARDING HOBS& 'belonging f 45 - Woolen Mill Address, with referenr A • ' Boa rd E. Box 197% P. 0— Now York. . ,02,5 ARCH ST.--NEA.T '`AND vEilv desirable 'RESIDENCE, No, r.A."2: 23 fc. '3 in. tront: 12 ft. to a street, All city conveniences., For sole by A MuRRI S. 141 G ARCJII Stroet. 37 50 .enred .9 - ROUN T :,..) BENT, WELL 8 .- orrF. of this amount for sales S. C. PERKINS. e ":47 WALN;th,emnbio) UT St. no2S-2t* a FOR SALE- .A DESIRABLEaIi STORE PROVERTY I ' and FARNI of 72 acres. Militated. on the Gioncest .i - r and Salem Turnpike. 14 wiles below Catadtc, end O',,inositeFriends'Afeeting h °nee, at Upper Greenwich; G . ,oneester e•Omar,'N. .1 'WM II ',INFS. Boar;`thepr..mtee s . o r to J. C 11e.q. , ES, . Appl to y re a r of N 13 .. 9420 i s ; .o ,ith SECOND Street, Philadel At m. n 027.30. ' F oR SAFIE—THE RIGHT FOR ONE r.astarn and Middle States. in a PATENT 4n " .""° 45 " .ed, for an improretu.nt to the Mannfacture V of one of Sta ple Articles of Commerce. wher.by call " About one-half of tie cost of an essential in- Redient 2 .n the manufacture. amounting to hundreds of '"" s a r ds of dollars, is effected. None of contracted zany Or in flnence need artr. a """ .reas.,Eux N 0.1815 P a on a rest °Moe. Pena- IsYlv , . . n 025-1015 AVITE SUPERIOR INGOT COPPEBA Aa from to Andyirdniqtd Was. in store and forests o . .antittes tO 53 4-16 AWNO tiA. . . _ AMUSEMENTS. AMERICAN ACADEMY 6F MUM _ _ ITALIAN OPERA. The publA LIMITEDSEAnONnethat Will be given by the CELEBRATED HAVANA COMPS YORK IYA.LIAN OPERA THE OPENING NIGHT WILL TAILS PLACE ON WEDNE,SDAY EVENING.. Dec. 2. DIGL On which occasion the following artists Will maks m t heirfirst o S n E P P i rIN ra i c hIEDOTLI, IeLLE HENRIETTA SULZER, GIG. FR ANCISCO MAZZOLENI, .• SIG. FER.NANDO BEL LINL SIG.. HANIBAL MOIL When will be preeentad, for the Arai time in Philalet phia. Pettelles t ew and brilliant Opera. in 4 acts, of IONS: Or. THE LAST DAYS OF POMPEII. which created in Italy, and lately in Havana and New York, the greatest sensation. The Libretto is founded on Hewer's - well-known nerd of the same name. . . ..... lOXE Will be produceTwith NEW AND GORGEOUS MISS Ell SfJENE AND THI GRE&T ORIGINAL CAST. lona Madame JOSEPHINE MRDORT. NM% -. ..Itllle SWAIM Ghinco Signor MAE7,OI.,ENT. Arbacee Sig-nor BELLINI. Barbo Signor Blain, Sharma° Signor Reichardt. Clodlo Herr Moller. Dine Mlle. Miller. Patricians, Gladiators, l'aople of Pompeii, Peaeartte, Onarde. Centnrionii, Linton, Soldiom :ARNIM. Ste COELUCTOR SIG. J. RUJIT.G. • PRICES OF ADMISSION, Notwithstanding : the vast and costly array of principal. artists, the large increare of salaries in every depart ment. without exception,. exactsd from the manage ment. the higher prices of every mcessary article in Dresses, Appoint moats, and Scenes., the customary standard price.. of admission will not be increased, General Admission $1 Oil - Secured seats, extra Family Circle 51:1 Amphitheatre 26 The Box Moe, for subscriptions for the first sir nights. will he open at the Academy of Music on Satar d ay. November 28, from 8 to 4 o'clock. The regular sale of secured seats and tickets will com • mence on Monday morning, at S., at the Box Office of the Aga decoy. F- Laypoldt's Bookstore, 1333 Chostnnt street, aiiid at T. 13. ragh'a Bookstore, corner of ifirth ant . .. Obegtittli streets. n027- tf AMERICiasT AOADEMY, a. ANSCHIWZ A. ISLEDFLLD GERMAN OPERA. CARD.—The tailerrigiiimi has the honor to itatiOtae g that Kr. Anschntz, the Director of the German Opera, has tikr_dorett him a Conl9l l- nlo3litaly ]ienelit, TVIA - T3 PLACE ON SATURDAY RYDRig *OYE HIER 28, This being porltively the last night of the season. The Opera to be produces' will be Gotuioni "amt. parable FAUSW, With Kew and Coctly Dresses, Appointments, and BeS''S• ry, Military Band. and Increased o.vh.etra. BIRGFELD'S OELBBR•A'ESD BsliD Is engaged for the Grand ithlltar.y Scene in the 4th ad. Faust-. ....- Herr HEinmer. Marguerite avlle Frederld. Valentin ~ • Herr Steizeeke. The mice of_admiselon for this V:lcht only will'be for Parquet. Fart/net Circle, or _balcony SECgRED SEATS ~INTE DOLL e. Ft. Family - Circle .................. 50. ArAphitheatre4s, Tickets may be had et once at the Academy and. Geoid's Mimic Store. ' A BIRGFEI:D, 1026 at Business Manager. CONCERT HALL: WAUGH'S GREAT PAN:ORAZIA. OF I PALM. Erup tion of Nona Tameine. Vcreage -to Rome, & c.. at I o'clock THIS ISYTERROON. NEW CHESTNUT-ST. THEATRE.— Lessee and Maneger Tfr WHEATLEL A POSITIVE HIT! THIS (Satnrdxs , YEVENta , a, Nov.'2g. THE CELEBRATED SWISS SOUBRETTE, JOHADNA CLAUSE - EN, • aVpear for the Second Time in America.. In Three et" her glorious Comic characters: GM @TROD In THE .LITTLEI,REASUP-Ez MEC, in THE MIS'S Crn - TA , 02.; and THE LITTLE SENTINEL in which alie will be supported by ilqurs re:ordeal:lL Collicr, Ringgold, Martin. Ehmpraal) Mrs. H. P. Drat tan. Titian it. Cooper, and Miss Miller. Amongst; other Snarkiing an Brilliant Songs JOHANNA Cr 2 ABS iEA. - Will sing'the. "C APT Atli'," for which she h e bee'n eu3:NANIMOITSLT CELSEP.ATED , wherever she has aripeared.. CONDUCTOR.- ma. gitAaK HASSLES: ON MONDAY. EVENING. Nov. &11. 161.3. FIRST Art• ONLY TIRE grills sEAtoic, EDWIN" FOREST In his unrivalPriimpersonatlon oi'Shokspear,o's great creation of _ OTHELZO THE MOOS OTTE.VICE. 'MTS. JOH)1 'DREW'S ITEW ARM STREET THE A.TR.E—ArROR Street, above Sixth.. I.9rn NlGll O 1 MRS D. I'. &MYERS. TIIIS ETINING. Ifov . MIRIAM,'WIFE Miriam Min. D. P. Bowes.: Col. George Carew Barton ECM To conclude with the.Draini of . ro - f; Roy.' . - Helen Maczregor 'Mrs. .11.'.1?: Bowan. Rob HOTEErtall W. Major Galbraith • St - zart Robson, Bailie Nicol Tarvie ilir. GrilDtho. On Monday. CAMILLIAt'S , HILSBAND. Lady Candliia Hailstone. -- His. D 'Bowers.. 'WALK UT -STREET; Lesson M H. A. GAREETTSOIL. ROUSES PACKED' T . 9.THE ROOF. THIS (Saturday) EVERINCI - -Zoyembsr 29. LTA. Tom Taylor's Comedy of 013 R AKERICAZ - t - CfUSIN". Asa Trenchard Mr . : J. S.Clializa. To conelede with Clarke's reykrol and amen.c.aver dion of the Great Comic Drama of TODDLES. Timothy Toodles Mr. J. S. Clartx Doors open at 7 o'clock. Commence at 714 o'clock. PONCERT HALL. WAR FOR FREEDOM . A.ND 7;TALY, Views' or N•cr York and Boston Harbors, at Tontock THIS AP; TERNOON. •it SECOND SEASON, 1863--'64. M. EL CROSS and CERRLRS JARVIS. Respectfully B,IIROUJICO to the pabLi that they V& g'ye FOUR CLASSICAL SOIREBO AT TITE FOYSB. OF THE ArIADENY 02' IsHIS IVINTER. The first of the series to ba given in raCEMILEE,andp the remaining three during the montLe of JANUARY._ FEBRUARY. and APRIL. 1164. Alesera. C. and J. wig' he assisted by tho following Artists: i CARL GAERTNER, Violin. C. X SCHIU , S., 'Violoncello. L. Tscamsna.Contra Basso iFm. Srom., -- Ciarionet• A.. ERT,LITER. Hautboy. J. KOCH. Elute. G. MULLER. Bassoon. C.. PLAGEILI2I; Kora. . Programme, Pith subscripton prices. at Gould's. An• dre &Co 's, and Lee & Walker's. =Ol4-stunt-U. CONCERT HALL. GRAND MATINEE. THIS NEM:NOON. at o'clock, for families and children. It (It- N A.TIONAL OFR CIT TROUPE.—MARKF StrtFt, above Twerat; . IfiIMISNSE ENTIIUSTASSS. • Under the Management of Mrs. CIIARLES - WARNE% formerly Mrs DAN RICE. Performance every Evening. commencing at 7 - .40. Blre- ADMISSION 25 cents; Stage Seats. 60 cents Privet. Box. sg; Gallery, 15 cents. New Scenes Snorts, and Pas-times. Wondrous-Peaga Snrprislcg and Classical Developments.. Sh.lkspoarian Delineations, and many other things are no. in duty rehearsal to please the popt tar taste at thin school of PNYSICsL LITERATURE rir WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. Aprzartwits:son— mencing at 9..16 o'clock. noo-ti CONCERT HALL. MONDAY EVENING. November 16ilt, WAUGH'S zi - E, vr PANORAIFIBLi- "ITALY,", AND HER WAR FOR FREEDOM; PallOraMic Tour through Itaiy during the-Wit,T r pabate. by S. B. Waugh. will be exbibitedAt , - CONCERT HALL, Evety Evening this week an SATURDAY AFTERDOC9I at 3 o'clock. Doors open at 7. Commencing at 7Y, o'clock. Admission. 255 cents. ' Children 15 cents n04:3-6t aREAT SCOITISH NNIILL BALL of the CA.LBDONI t.N CLUB. fez tbe BENEEIT.of the LIBRARY. THURSDAY , KM. BING. DecemberlOth, 1663, at BIUSICAL FUND HALL. Tickets $L noll-tdelo* D. WBIGESY. Secretary. TEMPLE OF WONDER S-LiSS'EMBLY t BUILDINGS, TENTH AND CHESTNUC SPREET3.;- Annisercent'for Old and Toting !Wirt:3%nd Happinem oxen for the season. Constant change oP.Entertautment. SIGNOR BLITZ EVERY EVENING, commencing at 7)1 o'clock, and.: Wednesday and Saturday at 3, consisttog of New Mye tetiesin Necromancy, great success i - ...Ventriloonierrta and the Learned Canary Birds. Ac mission 25 cents; Children 15 centa,, ROTHERMEL'S G-REATi- PICTIINS, MARTYRS IN THE COL7,EuM, NOW EXHIBITING AV , THE • oe28•Im ACADEMY OF FINE-ARTS. fI,ERMANTA ORCRESTRA..- P N- 01 REHEARSALS eve' SATITRL'Ary o r alask. H., at the MUSICAL FUND 112.24 L. Single ticked*. 26 cents. Packages of cils ticket.a,. To be had EA ANDRE'S. UR* CHESTNUT &East.; 7. E, 00171,11. SEVENTH and CHESUMT. and:lt:be Hall door. . „ PENNSYLVANIA AC ADEMY ON THE FINE WS. 10555 CHESTNUT -.UPRENT. OPEN DAILY (Sundays ex:Gpttal) from 2 A. IL Mt BP. N. Admission 25 amts. 'Chili:hen half miss. isiN-it PII.OPG,SALS. pROPOSALSTOBamBEII.IIIOII THIL. -a- NAVY. _ BIIMAtr oF.Otany.A.SCR. NAPTIPS2WATMENT, -NOV. 16.1363_ SEALED PROPOSALlhondorsad "Pr atiosals for Tune her," will be received at. this Raman. 1.11:41.1 3 o'clock. Pr Di ,of the Twenttoth day-of December ext, for furnish, Lag and delivering g er contract; at tue several Navy Yards at Portsmen.l4. - El , Bosten„New York. and, Philadelphia. the NI ;wing , describeci . thaber and plank, for 0 dnan ce purpoale Class I. White *.ek , fon Gun Car ‘ alages. Class IL Wb itfapine szal white.W.)od.: Class 111. Whize,ash*ad. Rick - nal\ Class IV. eurALeas. Sererate offers roam be made for roe supply at each of th e Navy Yards named, and. for tba,.White Oak and the Elickory. Wbite,'Wood. White and. Pine; boil the offers mast be funrtelt of each descrii.lion for each Navy Bidders- are,7eforred to, the Ga.:ranee ()dices at the several Navy. rtirds wad statiomi, sett to the Chiefof the Bureau of o .ettAttrAce. liayy Dervtment. who v. - 411 fur- Dish them with i :printed sebedclpe. giving deEcni.tion of the "Timh,o4' time ot - eta other pArtlca tars H. A, WISE, n021.-e 41. Chig of BaK2a : u. ad interim. 1101PZ3Z,S, v996'=ioToN, D. O. IL S. 13ENV.T.,N, PHOPRIVr)R, Formerly of the As.6...tind House, 1- -- tiladeledla. Hats determined to *.aarii, and hone 44.3 receive. v. fall gare of al bite petranee. ien. L ank - - - - RAY3)2OAD as S. w cw_ wm WEST CHESTER IND pirmaanuatA RAU& ROAD, vim. BALL ARR*.N=EKT. On and afar MONDAY, ,iitpteinher 14th, ISO, the Trains Wlll leave Philadelpkia, from, the depot, north east corner, of EIGHTEE.Wiff and. MARKET Streets, at 7.45 and le 10 A. , and at 2 a,n(1,1. lb P. M. A Frelalit Train. With, Passenger Car attached, will leave the corner of TEWV.Y-FIRST and HARM ', i Streets (West Philadelphia) at 5.46 r. hi: Trains leave the corner or THIRTY.FIRST and MAX SET Streets (West lvhiladelphia), 17 minutes after thi starting time from. RIGHTEENTG. and MAIL KdT. The Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.10 A. M. molt 4.16 P. N., connect with Traiaa en the P. and B. G. ILA. for Concord, Kennett, Oxford, 'HENRY WOOD. tell-tt General Superintendent. s ig g FOR ALBANY AND TROY. —(Probably tte Last Boat of the Seaqon 1 A B mg b L s now Leading at first Wharf below SOMCI) e tree! for the above ponsta, and will leave on SATITnt- DAY. Nov. 29th, at 4.o'clock P. M. Foe freight. which Will be - taken on-reasonable term. annh , to S. FLANAGAN. It No. 304 Swath DELAWARA Lorena* JOHN L. OAPEN, PHRENOLO. GIST, maybe consulted, DAY and. HYSIIING„es k adaptation to Business. Trada. and Profeasionr on the improvement of health.. correction faults, iz im t ttion of friendehiptirdte. ...Lemes and Director.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers