The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, November 20, 1863, Image 3
CITY "Tim UNTOlilet."—This the apprO vista title of an elegant new atylei of Bleak Felt Eat, just introduced by Hr. Wei:butted, No. 430 Chestnut street, next door to the Poet `Oftlae, and 'Which, from its grace, convenience, and comfort, no 'less than its identity, in a modified form, to his pa tent Army Folding Hat, which has abtained such a madverchi popularity among military men, bids fair to become as great a favorite in A.morisa as the "Republican Hat," " Liberty Oap," and " Koseuth 'mar , have at various times been among the national lies of Europe. " The Unionist "• has everything to •recommend it to a gentleman of taste, and has withal an individuality about it at once significant of the capital name it beam, and is every way worthy of 'being Me National Hat—the civic badge of loyalty— sus we believe it is soon destined to become. We may state, in conclusion, that the.clightly varied istyles adopted by Hr. Warburton in trimming "The Unionist," will contribute materially to. its popu larity with the civic public. THE NEW " FLoitENOE " Mk amar ' ESTABLISHMENT,—The celebrated "Flo rence" Sewing Machine, which is now dilly at treating hundreds of visitors at 630 Chestnut street, is the oniy - iuistrument that embrasee nit the requi sites of.a fiEst oleos Sewing Maahine to so high a de. greCof umfection. It Innkes every desirable style of stitch knoym—the lock, knot, double lock, and double hoof; okontifitglhe length of the stitah, and from one Bind littoli to another, can really be done while the rag eis in motion; every stitch is perfect in makingthe ream secure and uniform, and is almost perfectly noisekss. Mn. E. P. RIPPLE, the skilful Pho.togra phei, No, 820 Arch street, has left no etoue unturned to place htniself at the head of his proemiinn. Be aides being thoroughly 'skilled in the scientific, oheinioal,.and artistic bran - chea of Photography, he has lately introduced into ,his popular ground-floor 17:1-allery the finest appaiatua for taking pictures or all sizes in this city.. Ills pictures have a4world ilide celebrity. 111.ESBREl. WOOD & CARY, No. 725 Chest. nut streat, have just received a splendid assprtment .of White Felt Walking Hate for ladled, misses, any . *Whiten. DRAIM'S'YLANTATI.ON BITTERS.—A. fresh sup* just received and for sale by D4 . /1 & Richert's, Arch and Tenth streets. A SPLENDID LINE OF B WICK VELVET, Leather, Felten, Deaver, and Still Bonnets, at Wood & Clary , s, 725 Oheatent street, TEE BEST QUALITI FLOUR.—Davie & Rickards, Arch and Tenth streets, have now ready a supply of the very beet Flour, fresh.ground for their own sales,. from the finest quality of wheat. TEE NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA.— We call the special attention of our readers to this invaluable Library for the million—containing, salt does, useful information on every known subject It should be .11 the library of every intelligent fa. mily - in the 'land. It is published in six different styles of binding, which can be seen at the office for. its sale, to. at South Sixth street, a few doors above -.l)hestnut, second story. 'LADIES' AIM - GRNTLEIVEN'B FOES—the Larient and beat stook in the city, at Charles Oak brd Br. Sone', Continental Rotel. Boon AGENCY, ~ O ftice or Appleton's New Oyelopedis. Washington Irving's Wolks. Waverly Novels. Household edition. -Rebellion Record. :Bayard Taylor's Works. ' 'Cooper's Novelt. Illustrated edition. Dickens' Works. Household‘dillou. Gems from theDusseldorf Gsllery. *British Poets. - Bostonedition. • ifferivaleie History of the Romsns, &o. "Kstional Quarterly Review. $3 per Tern OAKFORDS 7 HATS, CONTINENTAL :E[oTHL. UFENTLEMEN'S HATS.-Ail Ow newest and test atyles for fell wear : in Felt, Silk., and Casaimerk will be fourni at Warburton% No. 430 Obestuut' etreet, next door to the Poet Office. 0023-lm NEW STYLE HATs—Charles Oakford & Bone, Continental Hotel. EMBROIDERED CIL9TEI PIANO ANA TABLE COvniztt. — ' • Embroidered Cloth Plano and Table Covers. Embroidere.ploth Plano and Table Covers. Embroidered Cloth Plane and Table Covers. Fancy Cloth Piano and Table Covers. Fancy Cloth Piano and Table Covers. Fagty Cloth Piano and-Table Covers. Tatlgt Cloth Piano and Table Covers. Damask Piano and Table Covers. Damask Piano and Tablet:lovers. Damask Piano and Table Covers. Damask-Piano and Table Covers. — gmbossed Piano and Table Covers. Embossed Plano and Table Covers. Embossed Plano and Table Covers. Embossed Plano and Table Covers. The largest stock of Covers to be found in Phila. hell:dabs . The hugest stook' of Coveis to be found in Phila delphia. The largest stock , Of..Ccir era to be found in Phila• delpnia„. The largest Stook of Clovele to be found in Phila delphia, HILLTY, °ARRINGTON, & Co., (Late Kelty & C 0.,) No. 723 Cheetnut Street, below Eighth, nol9 2t .IsTeltt - door.above the Masonic Hall. MILITARY .Goons,, 0.001.'019):4 7 , °M al CHESTER-COUNTY FAILIt FOR SALE.— A.tterition is called to the sale of a fine farm, three males from Penn, Station, on the Baltimore Cen tral Road. Particulars may be obtained at Mr. Lu kens', northwest corner Sixth and Chestnut streets. FURS .AT OARFORDS,' CONTINENTAL. CURIOUS FACTS ABOUT WATSR.=-The extent to which Water mingles with bodies appa rently the most solid' Is very wonderful. • Of every twelve hundred tons of earth which a landholder has in his estate, four hundred are water. In every plaster•of parts - etatue which an Italian carries through our streets for sale, there is one pound.of water to every four pounds of chalk. The air we breathe contains five grains of water to each cubic foot of'its bulk, These are fasts, as is also the state ment that the best and cheapest prments in the , city. are to be obtained at Granville Stokes' one. price emporium, No. 609 Chestnut street. C. CAXFORD & BONS, tioNTMENTS.L. AN ANCIENT LAWSUIT.—The supreme fpunal at Madrid has just given final judgment in -ennit which has been under litigation two hundred and` forty years, and which involved the succession to the inheritance of Francis Pizarro, the famous invader and conqueror of - Peru, in 1532. The heirs • have beCome very numerous, and but a small share falls to each. One of the counsel engaged , in the ease proposedthat the amount should be "lumped," and thelvhole expended so as to procure a suit of elegant wearing apparel for each from the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rookhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 806 Chestnut street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. The' opposition side "couldn't see it," and so the ow& will have to be divided. OAKFORDB' CONTINENTAL HAT ENTO MIMS. A Ruses-lIN VlSlTOR. —Admiral Whiskie frhikie, of the Russian fleet, being on a visit to this city for the purpose of making arrangements with the Camden and Amboy Railroad to bring hie fleet on and through the canal of Smith's island, had a Song confab with the officers of, the Company and 'With the Mayor of the city, when it was descded that they should be brought on. After the business was .over the party visited the Continental Hotel, and the Admiral was delighted with the manner of screwing the guests up stairs when in not a fit posi tion to walk. He was afterwards taken into Charles Stokes & Co.'s One Price Clothing Store, where he expressed much admiration of the styles of the •Olothiog there on hand, pronouncing it rushAun. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, VP TO TWELVE VOLOOK L &ST 'MERIT Clontlnental—Ninith • TN Miller, Pittsburg J W Price, Penns .J J-Samuels, Cincinnati Jacob Heed, Pittsburg D W Bless & wt. Newark Jae R Floyd, New York O L Church, New York . Bpronll, New York J R Egan. Leavenworth, IC JaeM Butler. Delaware J H Kirkwood, Wash, D Mr •A'Bingham. Ohio J" 0 Brownlee, New - York Mr & Mrs Warren, Liverpool .1 B Brigham„ Boston • • J H Wood, Bed York "Bev Dr Balch & family, N Y A Sanford, Newport News Mlltall.Newport News,Va Om. New York tMores Bigelow, Newark Et I` CI Wright, Maine F S'-Wilson & wife, N J, T 0 Bemis & wife, , Mass D R'ogOrelt la, lf Y Miss M B Room, N Y E Laplante, , New York H Garret son&wL.N Brune'k Wm Graham & wf, lowa S Davis, Worcester. Mass R Walker, New York iesK List. Media - r N Hooper ' Boston • Mr & Mre Barl C W Ponitney • M Barnett, Ned. York H °Johnsen & wf; N York C Pratt & wt. New York J zits & la, New York - 0 W Oroffain. Baltimore J Frankte & wt. New York W H Weed,Hew York H W Rogers, Baltimore IdeCuilough, New York J P Holey, Wilkesbarre D N Barney, New York B P Cheney. Boston •, R Laverty. UN Wra Vermilytt, •If York Y Warren at vrt, If York B May, Cincinnati, .1 .Brown atla. New York Hamidoun, New York R Teller, NetrYork ' H Wood, New' York W W Snow, Jersey City D Goff, Rhode Island Mr & Mrs WT-Willisi Wash Morchalltil—FOUrth Thos Btactkpole..Was.NP C C R Saokey. )Pentia - • W F Johnston Laner, Reloong D Bitler, Ohio' = Henry Yazton;;Dirlisle lire B B Keiteer,Darlisle' M .1 Coohraz ,Mltleretti B Oalbeart, Penna. B. Wards, Florida Jas D Kase, Danville B Htirgender, Baltimore 11 Friedman, .Maltlmore A Rail, D 0 Feichtman,Baltimore AR Poster.. Philadelphia RA Connor, Mich -19 Dunlap. Btenbeztville. 0 dw L Lloyd,WlillamsFort It B Man chin; Wash, 'D L K Bowen BaDtmoro A B Miller,' Baltimore ZDApplegatlYiter.Bllsab'hpt Hon A Packer& w.)g Chunk Blaster H Packer. II Ohank C 0 Skeer ertVllLOhtink Miss Enver, Hawk-Moult Bledloon—Sooond. ot :.10^4.,1 30 "0/4Providonce Wen oro.Vatooti, Bilokn Co nags A %non - ; *take co 4 'Wm Thoniao:‘ T a Roberto; laSManii Jobn Snow. Miry iand: • cinlAr. WUSI;.DO 33 South Sixth street, nd Chestnut streets B g u'ler, Boston J J Jqat.s, Coaisiana, , 1J P Diller, Elanover. Pa- J 1 Merry, Vorertch., Ct R Bouvet & orf. Delifornia iimotte. 3farietta BB Berton Baltimore TB. Preastman, Baltimore Geo Bacon, B Atm' Jos P Hawse, Boston W 8 Brooks, Baltimore "A Terry, New fork BOregory, J r, Jersey City IPA Liebler & la, Hoboken Col Dthlgren Henry L Rankin, N Y Mr Hassler, Phlla Mr Ashley, Phila Sir Vincent; Pbila wm Rooter. Jrsew York GeLewis, Jr, New York r A Newhall. Lynn . • • R 'nigh man. Bala more Coat' Baber -Pdtcoville D & wife, Battim3re Helnsker, Val paratao J N Mattock, Boston A II 'Reynolds Ps • F W Mew uD , Nriw York W C FKrg.). Balftle3 c C`Johudon. W4rmarr W B dolmas, Now Yark &B Falconer at wt. Balt H 11411. NAw nrk. H T Hayward, Quebec Daner,'New York . .... , . J E Tweedy. New York L Passano, Balt'Tore M 0 Morin. NeWPort, B I MA) Badger, New York J r Hoover. Wa . l/ I .,_D C J L Poet', New 'roll' J Egerton, New York H times, Kentucky Z 14 Jarman, New York J B SICC eery, litHhank H GI Briuth, Wong() James I' Taller, New York W B Dinsmore. New York John Elinco•k, Poona Mr & Mrs J3l Dimon, NY rhos J Borden Fell River N P HAven New York W' Crate, Now York W HI Smith, New York 08,1yert Yank, New York Mrs_ Hey & 2 children . street. below Arch. jobs Loather. Altooha Tehn' Haworth. Alleghany Igind Shore. Pitlebarg Ghee M Ward & 41.1 i York Jelige , Joyern, 3r, Lane 11 A Iltternrey St tl jonnoon. Tioga Mrs O B Boornsev, Poona 4Boalkt R Brown, Welloboro Ml..' 'Ann' Kinnoy, Ttoga B,BwingLPenna J hn I WM& Kentucky fe - Thott Staniok son. Salem Miss L JWood, sale= . . J B oobyns, Illtnbie Mrs Tilos Jackson, Elnat'a Miss Mckiartrie; Einntingd'a .1 B Ptduney.TOW4 , Bda B L Disbrow. Trenton. N,. B C Hinds, Clifton Mrs Hubbard. Ohio . N Copeland. bia3B 000 Parringtoo. Jr. Boston Y Jones, New York W vinillaars wf, Newark II B Thomas, Maryland , rest, above Market; 1. A lit4ver, Point Pleasant ftHeathooh, New Jersey Liget. New Jersey Edwin Allen A r Twining & la, Bnoks Co / QuALI, Z( 0604414 Girard—Chestnut s Lewis Cm.rt, Yria.k. Pa - . • A N Beverly, Washington W B Bayer, New York It A Compton, Aew York A B Brown, Port Carbon W H Bowlersoo, Ry H n Barker, New York . W B Wade, Stase F Whiting, Meee .1 a Holloook. Washington Thom Staekpme.Waskingt'n R. Wilson, Baltimore Ton Parker, Now York ' • James Toting, Middlatowet B M Johnaton.Bollidaymb'g Mecoo)ey & la, Berrimb'g Mrs Borghans,florriaburg L H Huut. II S N - - - Jame,, Burns. Lewistown James Potter,.TT,Lewiatown W Sterigor.4:llpibberbborg J Gounond & wf,New York W Ti lionnev, Cbot.ers cn V.) rdeVii, 11 . POl Liar& ) Erie. W Itoori; &Nvf B B Allen. Delaware $ Twies, Whitney Point q:yinn; Prnv, York W W Wrip,llt, Dellware J 2I Welker, Maryland Amerlown—Citestuu W Morris, PlAtladellalia Major DIMS. Philadelphia H H W 311136 1. Ed cc Hill, Wrshingtoh,D C W Jones, Californial ThOlllllS Altpinua JW.RumFey, waehington Col Carlo itendorce,Caracas Juan L Ilenduza, Caracas Y. Lampe, New York rdtfilinharg D Wiley, Bloomfield Al S 'Kelley, twoomil eh! W Butler & la. Id Chunk Dr Campbell. Uniontown Chan Allen, New York C Best, Schuvikill [Dixon. S N Skinner, Boston A B Sty, Boston W Come, Pottsville Frannie Goyne,Potteville J W Andreas, New York .I . ‘lin Satterfield, N JerHoy Louis—Chestnut, Jelin Bowmen, O S Luther Btartzman, Balt C j Dobbins. NOW loft TAY Bright, Jr. Sunbury o 1u Roses. Baltimore Mr Flint. New Jersey Ire G Bidwall New Fork 'ran Bradford. Now York J N Kohu. New York( - - Tbos Bryan, l'ew York C F Bc-rton. N M Haskell, Verrnqat A Palm Pier, Ver4iont • ATSPA Cbamatl, Peuo P Dreher. Tainnritka - :- , - D NUN, .3ortey City The Linton,-Aroh. street. above Third. A. %Buck, Litiz, Po Thee Doyle, New Jersey 0 Roberts, Columbus. 0 W F eitcher, Trenton, N J J B Williams. Patna .T B Hay. New Jersey - J W Banniollar. Yenua Wm Fowler, Doylestown W P Biz ery. Nair Jersey RII Ramsey' Pee on R S Shinier, Allentown Wi'l Vosburgh, New York J W Somertlike, Brhies..burg. B B Robtn , ..on, Bnliaml 1 H H Harvey, Hagerstown 1: C Stockton, Ht Holt v.i`f J B B Einiut.breys. N .Tsrsoy Mien kil l'endergdet, .li York 800 IV Powell, Philada States Union—Marie AS Sanderson. Penna - T W Hammond, Baltimore Geo E Hanatan s wf, N J tY-Neil, NrAv 'York - • H Snt,fiff. New York Berchlield. New Jersey Thus Reid, Ilichigan W Sweet, Michigan Jahn Shane, Penns G Wickersham & la, Penna Sndley. Ring. Wilm, Del W Graves. Wilmington. Del P B Vandever,New Castle National—Race sa M A R Burgett, Lock Haven grendling , tr Montg co Jas B Case, Liyerpool,Pa . R John Crentzburg. N York J Wright, Pottsville J v Wolcott,Northuinberl'd W Gooier, Reeding J B Shaeffer. Reading Daniel Balkley, Penna Mount Ve. non—Sec H Prins. Pennsylvania I Mrs Pallengas. Easton B H Goldin, Pottsville Chas Holmes. Pottsville Clement D Potts,Pottsville W Major Wm Thomas Wm Murphy Theophilas J Batt Barley Sheaf—Simon. W Bishop, New York Cordory, Absecura Mr Davidson N Jersey Frank Cottman, Jenkintwn s Cottman. Jenkintcwn J Cadwalader, Pox Clime Harry fierviss, W T Loons, Pellada. L Coles & la. New Jersey Mr Peterson & 1, N Jersey ,Y,7 Testing & 1, Bucks co conamercialSixilt at A. , 8 Zimmerman. New York N Belden, N Jersey D 8 Tarr, N Jersey H Brown, Elkton, MU 'nos Pomeroy. Roabary F Omerly, Washington Jackson Leidy. Washington W A Atwood, W Chester reet, above Chestnut: W Pyle, Chester co , Bald Eagle— Third str D'A. Neal, Willierhsport John 8 Fisher, Monroe co C H Basrenbach, Allentown W H Better, Easton Mrs MR L Bodrick, ila Miss BC Granger, Brooklyn Alfred W Shallonberter, Pa 7' H Miller, Allentown A Lisk, Allentown L Fenotermacher, Allent'n Barnum's Hotel—Thi 13 Meath, Trenton, N J T S Ronlon. Johnstown, Pa Maxwell, Johnstown John A Schellgelmilch, Pa Chas Knoles, lowa, xd street; above Race E Knoles, lowa John Emmerson, Nona M Vass; Reading James Fiemink Belding Hiram Fleet, New Jersey Black Bear—Third St., above Callowhill, I Peter Lentz, Lehigh eo Wm R Wilson Frank M Diehl, Claaltertown Robt Yost, Hanover A Boehm niatchaniosvilie David Rao, Bethlehem Wm H Reinhart A Stantrer, Exeter SPECIAL. NOTICES. WALCOT & BURNHAM, N 0.27 S. SIXTH ST No. 27 South SIXTH St. N0..27 South SIXTH St. Phrmerly N0.,74 ChestnntAtreet. Wholesale and Retail kgentiflor the `Universal Wringer:" The "Cog-Wheel" Wringer. The only Cog-Wheel Wringer with the PATENT REGULATOR, And the only reliable Wringer in market IRMO 2t*) No. 27 S. Sixth st ADVERTISE! ADVERTISE ADVERTISE!! HOLIDAY GOODS In COUNTRY NEWSPAPERS, through the Publishers' Agent, JONES WEBSTER. nol9-St I No. 50 North FIFTH. Street. DEAFNESS, EYE AND EAR, THROAT LIS EASES, CATARRH.—The above maladies treated with the utimint success bY Dr. VON MOSCHZISKRR, Oetdisrand Aurist, graduate of Vienna, office, 1027 WALNUT Street, where can be examined hundreds of testimonials from the very best known men in the country, among which are several from old and .responsible citizens of Phila delphia, who eau be personally referred to. nol9-2t5 Hint DTA 1 HAIR DYE!! BATCHBLOR'S celebrated WAIF. DYE is the Best dm le World. The only Harmless True. and Be/faith Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect—changes god, Rusty. or Gray Hair, instantly toil - Mossy Blael -r Natural Brown. without Injuring the Hair or Stain. tug the Skin; leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful: int. Arts fresh vitality; frequently restoring its pristine color. and rectifies the ill effects of Bad Dyes. The Dennine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR; all others era mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by ill Druggists, &a. FACTORY; 81 BARCLAY Street, lOW York. Batchelor's New Toilet Cream for Dressing • the Hair. ie29-1y Charniin CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST Imes, made in the Best Manner. expressly for BE. PAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain fignrek All Goods made to Order warranted Batistes. cry. Our OBE-PRICE SYSTEM is strictly adhered to Ali aro thereby treated alike. dell-17 JONES & CO.. 604 MARKET Street. Asirrnie. AND ALL BRONCHIAL AFFECTIONS Jared by anew system of ELECTRICITY.withont shocks Dr pain, by Dr. A. H. STBVIINEI, 3.41 S SOUTH PENN SQUARE. 0c.31-tf DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT IS A *attain remedy for Neuralgia. Z/14'.1-R - ELIPOD. BUDDY—RICK —On the evening of the 18th inet. , by Rev. Willard M. Rice. assisted by . Rev. Morris C. Sutphen, Mr. J. Marshall Buddy to Miss Nettle K. Rice. daughter of the principal officiating clergyman, all of this city. DIED: PALMER. —On Wednesday, 18th .instant, Edwin A, Palmer, aged 64 years. His male friends are invited to attend his funeral, froM his late 'residence, No, 1608 Chestnut sliest, on Monday MOT Dill Et next. at 9 o'er ock. e.e 8111TH.—On Thursday evening, 19th instant, Sarah. Griffltts, widow of Wm. Alex, Smith. I , EDNOrd.—On the morning of the 18th instant. Rev. John Lednum, of the Philadelphia Annual Conference of the nt Chnreh. . . . . . The ministers and friends are invited to meet at Green street M. R Churcb, en Saturday, toe 21st Inst. precisely at 9 o'clock,for religions services,previons to proceeding to Lancaster for interment. - . IikADIN--On Thursday, Nov. 19th Margaret Rogers, infant child of Washington L. and Elizabeth is Tiladin.• -WILCOX.—On 'Wednesday iSth instant, William T. Wilcox, in the nth year of his age. His male friends are invited to attend his faneral, on Saturday next, at 10 o'clock A M., from the residence of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Ralston, No. 266 South Fif teenth street. * STURDIV ANT. —On the 18th inst.. Nathan B. Stardi vant, in the 15th year of his age, youngest son of Catha rine j, and tl e late John Sturdivant. * "TILDEN. —On the 18th inst., Mary Leslie. daughter of Howard and Rebecca Tilden. aged 13 years and 2 mos, . BLACK DRESS GOODS.—CASH MERITS, Velour Repe, Tamises, 3-4 and. 6-4 MlMS salines, Merinoes, Henrietta Cloths or silk-warp 08,8 h. mares, Ottoman Poplins, Irish Poplins, English and French Bombazines, Alepinee. corded Mousseline, Ans trallan Crapes, Baratbeas, Turin Cloths. Paramattas, De LELIIIII36, Oriental Lustre ,s Alpacas and Mohair Lustros, Reps Anglais. Mourning Silk. Armure Pound° Sole and Gros Grain Silks. B gssoN I: SON, nag Mourning Store, No. GIS CHESTNUT Street. FYRE & LANDELL HAVE, BY -a- 4 steamer, CHILDREN'S 13 aLMORALS. VYRE & LANDELL HAVE THE -A-I popular VELVET CLOTHS for Ladies' Cloaks. .IpYRE & LANDELL'HAVE THE -■-• French 'Camel's Hair LONG SHA.WLS, $l6O, $125. $lOO, and $76 MP TILE REBUT. RAM ATLANTA Will be Placed on the Dry Dock for repaira early next week. To accommodate those that cannot visit her in the day time, ehe will be ht up EVENINGS, until 10 o . dloek, for exhibition, no2o-41 MEETEIG OF THE BOARD op TRADE. —A stated meeting of the Members of the Board of 'Trade association will be held at the Hall in the Board. No 505 CIIIIeTNIIT Street, on blolif DAY, ovemher 23, at 7 o'clock, evening n(020-31 BLODGBT, Secretary. LADIES' FIRST LADlkh' ASSOCIATION OF WM PHILA. WILMA.. fir the relief of the Widows and ramille , of our Breve SOW tars who .have fallen-in - battle, and the Families of Soldiers yet in the 11.1 d or in onr hospitals, eo far as resident In West Philadelphia, are now ho.ding a Fair, to commence on MONDAY Evening, the WEI/ that., at 7 o'clock. in the COMMISSIONER, HALL, corner of THIRTY-SEVENTH and IdAR.K.Fa Streete , West Philadelphia. - -'nol9 PASSENGER-RAILWAY NOTICE. a meetlacof the BOARD OF PRESIDAN re. bold November 17 > 78 . 63, it Wati /Ward, That on and after November 23 the Price of en exchane ticket on , any of the City Passenger Rail ways shal l beEIGHT CENTS nol9-3t HENRY CRriSKRY. Secretary. UNION BANK.—PM.L.II.Dh ILPEHA, 1863. 'Wit- Nov. 6. meeting of the Board of Directors held this day, a Dividend orwirß PER CENT., clear of State and United States Tax, was declared. payable on demand. • no 4 wfmtno26 J. J. RUCKER. Cashier. WST. LURE'S - AUXILIARY TO THE . SANITARY COMMISSION earnestly solicits from newhere of the congregation and othere contributions for the benefit of SICK and WOUNDED SOLDIERS. Ar ticles of Diet. Flannel, and other Goode, may be sent to the &filet , :,11.60m. an the. basement of the Church MOIR H Street.helow Spruce, ) every FRIDAY. between 9 and ~ 1^ o ' clock and Money to the 'Treasurer, OHSW. OURIIMAX..IIO. S. Due.WARN Aye *WAWA' treet, below Moth, W Flannel). Chicago gt B Wray. Chicago Henry S Russell. Ft Monroe Miss o J SAnes,Baltimore Mrs Anna Chi inpeito biro W Amielly • Miss C Dnborg Mrs W Whitney its Camphal, W 'Morrison Montg'y co W Brititon,DelaWlitH so Miss S .1 Hall, Daleware Samuel Martin, Baltimore /RA Wtliiameon , BA/tin/OM S D Moore. Penns Henry Fisher. New York Hon T Jones Yorke, N J N Yocum, Memphis W S Murphi, Memphis Mrs Allen, W 0411'110On I 11,n, llarttura - . W W Wenver. Hartford HT \Theater, New klartford Ft Oaten, New Tork H Dnytr, Now Y rk 11 A Compton, New York T g Raid win. WWl:neon W W Davis, Mittliatewn 6 C Stewart. Millt.ntown 3 W liaverstica, Oorliale street, aboireinftla., Jacob 11.31.-Jand farael R Wainwright Mrs tiloGanley, Delaware • fohn A. Bach. Reading. G T Gouts, New York L C Tower. Rochester, N Joe Seance, C nester co I M Frick, Aehland. C Read. Now York R C Randolph, New SerseY Jae B Ffooper, Baltimore Miss Auge, Chester co J Si Stewart, Troy, N . 17 Geo B Tower. IT S N Rnti, Maryland Miss Nate Robt Neal. R Edwards, Baltimore Geo Thayer & wt . , Boston C L Boyd, Gape May W E C Rarri,,on. Baltimore John Decamp & wf, Gin, 0 street, Above 3'sl 1" H Sri merters. Ohio H A Thltne., New York h.M HatoMo, Ohio a. 4 RMhows, :few York John P Winatoo, Kentucky J E Lithium, EA TAUCkY M Richter„ New York Hood, New Jersey k• Malcolm, &water, D T Samoon, Ohio A [Fred Lucent - al. Now York J G Robinson, Jr, Wash, D C R S Biwa nl4, IT s N S ICenirtrd, Wilm'n. Del S Creevey. Connecticut t street, above Sixth. rhos .11 Ogle, Delaware -- I 11 Rogers, Delaware F 8 Macon, New Jena: Jas M. Johns, Delaware Hon A.R Wootte 1, Del S P Stearns, Princeton, N J J id MezMt, Delaware R Torr, Lane viler Sac Higratten, Wilrn, Dal Hon R D Carel. New Tersey It N CatkaLl, Delaware Wesley Green, Huntingdon eet, above Third. L 0 Babcock, Carbon co, Pa S Ii Lavaa, Lit cister Levi W Groff, ancaster S Cover, S A Ndward.:4, Now York LAD Laub, Berkaoo Jnhu Snevely, Join9town. P Wm Nyca. Ptonxrille viral Jelfaken St Louis J 11i ffelrich., Ohio mid St., above Arch. iSos A Clark. Baltimore !Jai Johnson, Salem, N D W C Sharp, Salem, N X Sheppard, Arid tOn, N J" J S H4rvey, Williamsport FIB Ramsey John Thompson Wash Boxier. Allentown W B Schuyler & la. Penal d street, below Vine. C W Seaman, Phllada Watson McGill, Becks co Thos Holcomb, New JerseY B Brosdhur.t. Backs co Joab 3Etershon, Boc's c co Ham, Watson, Backs co Joseph Fell. Bucks el- Ilferick Pearson. Bnclqs co Joseph larver, Ne•v Jersey Miss Carver, New Jersey Paxson Hill, BuckinghaM ,Thos P-91A;, DI lionistomerv, N Tindon C C Cauffnutn, Lane co JB4 Galtiner, W Chester J Henoibsey, Clkeito.r co - W C Dickey, Chester co J Z Coffman, DI D, Penna eet, above Callowhill. N H Schetler, Ifontg Co J din S Swart:ley, Mount co F Brinkman. Lehighton David H Trexier, Z.oneyille l Shitier, Penntylvania Henry Gthriel. Allentown H J Dreher. Pottsville 9 Bear, Berks en Jonathan Smith, , Bricks co No. 27 S. Sixth st fl. UNION held October 20, the following doings of the Association In the post year were ordered to be published, to wit: Nrunber of visits made to homes of the suffering. 11.048 Number of families under care........, 4, 850 Number of sick ministered to 791 Number of dead ministered to hilii Number of mitlite fonnd employment 0.69 No tuber of children sent to Sunday school 82 Number .f persons provided with WAIL= 62 Cash distributed by visitors 111,525 43 Cash Mid sewing women for the year 2,604 12 Cash for coal distributed (1,221 tone) 4,628 46 Value of coal donated 3LS 00 -Number of Rarmente distributed 1,477—va1ue.... 1,103 00 Articles of bedding, blankets, &c 375 OD Boots end oboes-97 pairs 145 DO MO stoves loaned—annual value 730 cfl The followtrqr gentlemen We unanimously elated officers and mrtnagrors to serve the ensuing yoar: LIM OF OFFICERS FOR 1863-'6l. PREEIDEN'T • SAMUEL FL PERKINS. • VICE PRESTDV.tiIE, RICHARD V. WOOD .1. FISHER LEA.misd. TRILIBIIIOIIO. 'EDMOND WILCOX. CORRAW . OOOI.OO SECRETARY, L. MON rOOMERY BOND. RECORDING SECRETARY, JOilri H ATWOOIJ, Benjamin Coatee, jeieph A, Dulles, William M. Collins. John Aehhuret. Theroaa Latimor„ Thom ts, A. Budd. John Bohlen. ' Charles Rh cads, William Parsee, Rietard Wood, Arthur-G. Cain. Charles S. Wurte, M, D,, Benjamin Orne; 13 R. Wood, John W. CI whorls, William Sirens, Jr,. Thomas Wotteon, James Bayard, S Morris Wale, Joseph A Clay. At a atibiortuent meeting of the Board of Managers JOBN HICKS was re-olotted Agont,aud Messrs COOPER and EV ANC, Collectors The Collectors will commence their 'lanai rcnnds at an early day. Caulrilmtlaris may 0,0 ho left' with the Treasurer, EDWARD WILCOX, 404 CHESTNUT Street. or with the Agent, at the ollice of .the Aasocation, N. W. corner SEVENTS . and S AN SON Strsote. No other parsons are authorized to metre aula•crlptlons mile et OFFICE GIRARD F. AND AL INS. CO.. CIS WALNUP St:, November 9, 1853 The Directors have declared a dividend of FIVE PER CEP for the last ..tx months, clear of taxes. and pay able to the Stockholders on demand. noll-wfm9t Al PREP ILT.ETT, Treasurer. pEtITTENDEN'S PUMA DELPIII/.1. - .I:OMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 637 Off ES Sin-et. (comer seventb. ) Day and Evening in struction in BOOKKEEPING, in its various branches, as pracOl-rd by the beet Accountants, Penmanship, Ha thieve, Votes, Calculationn, am. Students instructed sera rately. and can enter at any time. nol!)-3t4 naNs:-riztLnn~r - .—The following gentlemen s 13anR, to serve for the ea- 1111E.CHANICS' "" PH1..., N0v.16. 1663. elected Directors of chi suing SFflr: .io, kph B Mitchell, William R. ThomPeoll. John C. Davin. Charle," Leland. • Louis C. longPrich, Benjamin W. Tingley, 0 1), lioseugarten. nt,Yl-6t WIRGAND. In., Caqhler SURGEON-ArETISI"S vii [ICE, FOR MUTILATED SOLD ams.—:iOLDIERS' who tore 106 t. an ARM or LEG in the service, and desire the Patent ' PALMER. Limbs" to be supplied by Govern. meet, should return thin notice immodintely to this of dee, *toting their lose by letter, with name. company, t.egiresid, and reeidence. B. FRANK PALMER, 0.:,22-if 1609 CIFIESTNITT Street. Phi d elnh . CORN RX CIeE Ik TmraLALntliLTovB,E63 The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., clear of all Tax.s. aad payable 031 lerscrd. J. W. TORREY, uo4-tf Cashier. PRNMSYLVANIA. RAILROAD COM PANY, TREASURER'S DEPAR CMEVT. PHILADELPECT.A., October 13, 1863. The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of FIVE per cent. on the capital stock of the Company, clear of National and- State taxes, parable on and after Dlovembar 16.1863 1 5 owers of attorney for collection, of dividends can be had on application at the office , of the Company, 438 South THIRD Street. THOS. T. FIRTH. Treasurer. MILITARY -NOTICES. GENERAL RECRUITING OFFICE ) No. 611 CHESTNUT Street. Recruits wanted for all the gallant old ARTILLERY. _ R , CAVALY. and INFANTRY REGIMENTS, Now in the service. raised, or partly, raised. in this city. The following bounties will be paid to all reorails enlisting at this office: Veteran Volunteer,. and all others 41302 seventy fibs dollars of which will be paid in cash before leaving tbe general rendezvous.. Now is El e time to enlist: choose a good regiment, se t-rue the bounty, serve cinder officers of ex.nerience,and avoid being conscripted- All who contemplate enlisting hcnld aPPEY at once CHAS. N. CA WALLADER, Captain 2d Artillery, 112:11 P V. no2o-El* ' General Recruiting Officer. $402 AND $302 BOUNTYx-FORTI FICATION ARTILLERY. A few good men wanted for the 2d Art3l.lBr9, (112th Regiment P. V.. A. A.- Gibson, U. $. A. colonel commanding. The bat.. rig, of this faithful old regiment have been as signed to posts of honor, and are at present occupying the most prominent fortificatione in the defences of Washir. pion. e gua bounties commodious and comfortable. The following are given: To-Veteran Volunteers, $402. _ All no:: Veterans, EVA. ffi76 caql is psid before leaving the general rendezvous. Apply with( at delay Capt. CHAS. N. CADWALLADER. no2o 50 Recruiting Officer, No. 611 CHESTNUT St... FINANCIAL. 6-20. v. S. 6,20. The undersigned. as General Snbseription Agent: Is authorized by the Seiretary of the Treasury to continue the sale of this popular Loan, and TEN. DAYS public notice will be given of discontinuance. ABOUT TWO HUNDRED MILLIONS remain unsold. and this amount is scarcely safficieV to furnish a basis for the circulation of the National Banking Associations now being formedln every.part of the Country. But a ehort time must elapse before this loan is wholly ab sorbed, the demand from Europe, Germany especially, being quite active. As it is Well known that the Secretary of the Tres• sexy has ample and unfailing resources in the drake OR imports, internal revenues, and in the issue of interest bearing Legal Tender Treasury Notes, it is nearly se4- lain that it will not be necessary for 'him for a long time to come to Lague further permanent Loans, the interest and principal of which are payable in Gold. These considerations must lead to the prompt cousin sion that the time is not far distant when these " Five- Twenties" will sell at a handsome premium, as was the result with the " Seven-thirty" Loan, when it was all sold. and could no longer be subscribed for at par. This is a SIX PER CENT. LOAN, the interest and principal being Payable in coin, thus yielding about HIGHT per cent. per annum at the present premium on gold.. It Ia called "Five-Twenty," from the fact that whilst the Bonds may ran for twenty years, yet the Govern ment has the right to pay them off in gold at par, at any time after jive years. The interest is paid half yearly on the first days of lid 'camber and May. Subscribers can hays Coupon Bonds 'which are paya ble to bearer and issued for IMO, noo, 460 a, and $l,OOO, or Registered Bonds of similar denominations, and in addition $45,000 and $lO,OOO. These "Five-Twenties" cannot be taxed by States, cities. towns, or counties. and the Government tax on 'them is only orie and a half per cent, on the amount of income. when the income exceeds six hundred dol lars per annum. Income from all other investments, such as mortgages, railroad stocks, bonds, &c., mac pay from three to dye per cent tax on the income. Banks and Bankers throughout the country will con tinue to dispose of the Bioilds, and all orders by mail or otherwise properly attended to. The Treasury Department having perfected arrange= meats for the prompt deliver; of Bonds, Subscribers will be enabled to receive them at the time of subscri bing, or at farthest in FOUR days. This arrangeme3t will be gratifying to parties who want the Bonds on pay ment of the money_and will greatly increase the sales. JAY" COOTiE, SUBSCRIPTION A.GRNT, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, MICHAEL JACOBS, BANKER, No. 46 South THIRD Street, Pamenammre. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, SPECIE. AND UNCUM. RENT MONEY BOUGHT AND SOLD. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Particular attention paid to the Negotiation of Time Paper. CITY WARRANTS BOUGHT. ocs-3A CARD.-UNION . PACIFIC RAIL a--.• WAY COMPANY (EASTERN DIVISION) BONDS (KANSAS BRANCH . OF-TEE PACIFIC RAILROAD).— As Bonds of the above degeription will probably be of fered for sale in the money market, the public is hereby cautioned against purchasing, or in any way, negotiating for them; for the undersigned have an existing contract which yrohibito entirely the sale or use of said Bonds, while at the same time the statute laws of the State of Kansas give them; under their contract, a wrier lien to all montages or deeds of trust which can be executed by said Company. Any investment in said Bonds, without authority from the undersigned, will be invalid, and will entail a total- loss upon the parties who shall ven ture to purchase them. ROSS, STEEL, & CO.', Contractors for building the Leavenworth. Pawnee, and Western (now called Union Pacific) Railway, Eastern Division LRAVENWORTH CTTY. Kansas. Nov. 4.-1863. no9-12t— MOTELS. JONES' HOUSE C. H. MANN, PROPRIETOR, CORNER DIARKET STREET AND MARKET-SQUARB. ELLBRISBURG, PA. Having returned to my native State. after several years' residence in Baltimore. I respectfully solicit a ebare of public patronage at the above•namea popular House. [noe-frmwlm] -C. H. MANN. NATIONAL HOTEL, WASHINGTON, D. G. H. S. BENSO N, PROPRIETOR, formerly of the Ashland House, Philadelphia. He is determined to merit, and hopes to reseive, a fall share of public patronage. Je2l.-Sra METROPOLITAN HOTEL, LLATR BROWN'LIa_ PENN YLVANIA AVENUE. Between Sixth and. Seventh Streets, - WASHINGTON CITY. A. B. POTTS. my24-em-- • Proprietor. ciIAT!LES RHOADS, CONVEY/le-No-ER, TUB REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO No. 30 SOUTH SETENIII STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. WE , T SIDE. nol7•4t+ SPECIAL NOTICE.— . _ HARTELL'S - ALL-GLASS FRUIT JARS. NSW CAPSULE FRUIT JARS. AMERICAN AND FRENCH GLASS SHADES. 1474YEWFSHNERIES. BARTELL & LETCHWORTH. - 1 010441151 As. 13 Ecith 111711. West. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 20. 1863. COOPER & OONARD, NT.kTH AND MARKET. VELOUR CLOTHS. FROBTF i D BEAVERS. FINE CASSIMERES. BLANKETS. BROOHE SHAWLS. LADIES' CLOAKS. BOYS' FINE CLOTHING, 818 OPENING, - 818 AT THE ARCH-STREET CLOAK STORE, A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' .AND MISSES' CLOAKS. nob-tf Tr.ene V Bake!, - Ebenezer Maxwell. Robert tit«aii, Edwatd James. Josepli G. David Milne. FRENCH MERINOES'.- De:Arable colors at the right prices. Fronch Poplins, bought early—prices 10IY. Cheap Plaid and.plain Poplins. 37M cent Magenta plaid Reps—a bargain. Black Alpacas at 31 to 75 cents. .Dist opened Auction lota at 44, 50, 62, and 75 cents. $l.OO double widths Lupine' Black Wool Dehtns - are very flue,and heavy. COOPER at CONARD, ocoo tf ' S. B. corner NINTH. and MARKET; VDWIN • HALL & -CO., 26 SOUTH - 1 -d SECOND Street, would call the attention of oar ehaiere to their Keck of - - CLOTHS! CLOTHS! LADIES' CLOTHS AND MEN'S WEAR VELOURS, ORIIVCRILLAS, FROSTEDS, VELTS NOSCO VE Wd ESQUUII/161c • SCOTCH TWISTS, Our stock is full of the very choicest styles in the country. With this lot we close our supply for the sea son. Come promptly, as the best will soon be exhausted. THE ARMY AND NAVY. sontinues to receive our special attention. We now have in store all shades and grades. n03.tn024 THE ATTENTION OF THE TRADE IS CALLED TO . OTTII. s , rocam OF SAXONY. WOOLEN CO. all-wool Plain Flannel. TWILLED FLANNELS, Various makes„ in Gray, Scarlet, and Dark Blue, PRINTED SHIRTING FLANNELS. PLAIN OPERA FLANNELS. "PREMIERE QUALITY,” Square and Long Shawls: WASHINGTON MILLS Long Shawls. BLACK COTTON WARP CLOTHS, 15, 16, I'7, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 oz. FANCY CASSIMERES AND SATINETTS. BALMORAL SKIRTS, all grades. BED BLANKETS, 10.4, 11.4, 124, 134. COTTON GOODS, DENIMS, TICKS, STRIPES, STILRTINGS, ELc., from various Mills. DE COURSEY, HAMILTON, et EV A.N S, 33 LETITIA Street, and 32 South FRONT Street. PHILADELPHIA. OPENING OF FANCY FURS FURS! FURS GEORGE F. WOBIRilll, 108. 415 AND 417 ARCH STRUT., NAB NOW OPEN A kIILL ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' FURS, Ifo'lwhleh the attention of , the online in Wilted. .a29-Its SILK THREADS AND COTTONS For RIMING MACHINES, Wholesale and retail. LAING dr MAGINNTS: nol4.lm* . No. 30 North THIRD Street TILDEIMERS C'o LORED PHOTO graphs fox la are pictures for the times; accurate, naturally colored. and cheap. Purchase one at Gallery SECOND Street. above Green. lt* WESTLEY RICHARDS GIIN.—A -vr superior BIRD GUN, made by wzsrLaY RICH ARDS. in case complete. price *MO. for sale by PHILIP WILSON & CO.. • nol4-6t 409 Chestnut street. iaTHOMSON'S LONDON KITCHENER OR EUROPEAN. RANGE, for families, hotels, or public institutions, ii TWENTY' DIFFERIINT SIZES. Also. Phila. delphia Ranges,. Hot-Air -Furnaces, Portabld; Heaters. Lowdown Orates, Fireboard Stoves, Bath Bollers.-Bteir' hole Plates, Broilers, Cooking Stoyee,'Bo., at wholesale by the manufacturers i r - - d retail, - CHAN. SHAEPE.'k niomsoi. • sau-Irtm-ta Ito. WS) ig, illia 4 01) Stmt,. RETAIL DRY GOODS. RLANKETS I BLANKETS 1 BLANK. KRUM The Mined Aesortment oc BLA. -, AT TDB LOWEST PRICES,. . OFFERED WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. "BT CIOWPERTHWAIT tb CO, W. 00R. EIGHTH AND MARKET STS. iletfitd.ol • J.OHN H. -STORES, • • 70;6 A.R.cFr f,TREET. BROWN SILKS - ' Black Silks, from $l told. Lx.dies' 6nuare Blanket Shawls. Ladies' Long Blanket Shawls, 141 i nes' Lose Blanket Sha tole. Plain Long Shawls. . . GPI) te" Travelling Shawls. • Gloves, Hosiery, Merino Vesta, die., nol9 1024- ORRSTOUT STRUT. B. M. NEEDLES IS ELBOBITISS DAILY &LL DISIEAI3LE NOVELTESX LATEST ImPowrierrogg, 1.1.0112, LNIMOIDSIIIIIB, - ILLIDKIO/0111EFS, vsia k 4. es 1024 CHERI.? UT STREET OPEN' NO , OF FALL DRESS GOODS, H. STEEL 6; SOW, Hos. 715 and 715 North TBITTH Strset. Kw, tt now open a choice assortment of FALL AND WHATHE DBBSS 000D3. Plain Silks, choice colors, $1 26 to Si. • Plain AloWe Antiques, cholas si.Utd - es. Plain Black Silks. 90c to $2.60. Fianred Black Silks; Fancy Silks. Plain All-wool Reps and Poplins. aII4OIOrP, Plain Silk and Wool Hops; all colors. • Flawed and Plaid Hops and Poplins. Plain French Alertness, choice colors. 4 1 101 Plain French Merinoes, choice odors. W. ass Colored and Black Moire Antiques. Colored and Black Corded Silks. Black An:flares and Venitienne. Black Taffetas and White Silks. Fancy Silks. Brown Fla - fired Silks. Black Flawed Silks. and Oros de Shines. Oared, Wine, Green, andlirown Silks, White Corded Silks- • n 044 COMMISSION . HOUSES. WILLUM T. SNODGRASS" C ILOTIBE IMOVICIEt. No, 34 SOItiTtirSECOND STREET, FRESH STOOK NEW STYLE COAT. INCi-S, B ASEC ET MIXED, BEAVERS, &NOY PILOTS, CA.STORS, . - ox-fmNaom NOTICE TO GRAIN DEALERS AND SHIPPERS. 20,000 UNION A, SEAMLESS BAGS, The Beet luttgftnarket. Arco, BURLAP BAGS, Of all Sizes. for Horn, Oats, Bone-dust, Coffee, &c., are manufactured and for sale, for net each, by .01/ARLES S. GRIGG, AgE11111; No. 137 AL&BKZT Street (Second StorY). oelildat Late of 219 Church SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTOHI.N• 19011, No. 1.111 CHESTNUT STREET, 001ERCESSION MERCHANTS, FOR THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA—MADE GOODS. toe2l-Sm BAGS ! •BAGS I BAGS NEW AND SECOND HAND, SNAXLISS, BURLAP, AND 01TINI BAGS, oonssantay on load. JOHN T. BAILEY .45k 00., No. 113 Nagni FRONT STRUT. 017 - 'WOOL BACKS FOR BALE IhADIESP FURS. LADIES' FANCY FURS, Jrolllq FAREII A, • No. 718 ARCH 6TREET. BELOW EIGHTH, Importer and Manufacturer LADIES' FANCY FURS. iffy assortment of FAITCY PUBS for Ladies and Chil dren is now complete, and embracing every variety that will be but . hionable during the present season. .W sold at the manufacturers' Den*, for cash. Ladies, please give me a call. ort4m JOHN A, STAIHB ACH, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF LADIES' FANCY FURS, NO. 1326 ARCH STREET.' BELOW NINTH, Has now open a splendid stock of LOMB AND. CHILDREN'S FLIES, Which will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. oe2-8m EDWARD P. KELLY, JOHN KELLY, • Tll LOBS / 14% SOUTH THIRD STREET. NEAR. THR B.I6ICANC4II, FORMERLY CHESTNUT ABOVE`.ll, MVO now In store a LARGE STOOK and .ortment FALL AND WINTER GOODS. TERMS ()MM.—Prices ranch lower than any other Irat•aless establishment. ooliktt BLACK OASS. PANTS, ss* At 'lO4 mayarz greet. SLACK CASS. PANTS, $5.60, At 7047516_1M8? Street. SLACK CASS. PANTS, $6.513. At 704 MARKET Street BLACK CASS. PANTS. $5.50, At 704 MARKET Street. SLACK CASS. PANTS. $5.60, At 704 MARKET Street. map & VAN ourrEva, No. 704 MARKET Street. 78.100 & VAN °CATES'S, No. 704 MARKET Street.. GRIGG & VAN OUNTSN'S. No. 704 MARKET fltreoA OEIOO & VAN GUNTER'S; No. 704 MARKET Street. ORKIN do VAN 11TINTNIII. No. 704 WARM Streit se24-6m R E M O_,V A L. WHITE GOODS. N. W. CORNER SIXTH 'AND CIIESTNUT, Where he now offers a LARGE -AND ELEGANT STOCK OP GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Embracing all the latest novelties. PRICES MODERATE. tor The attention of the public is respectfulli so licited. - OIRTS'ILS_DE TO ORDER, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. NeINTIRE St BROTHER, 1035 CHESTNUT STREET. AN ENTlRifilif NEW STOCK. SUPERIOR 'UNDERCLOTHING, HO SIERY; HD.IIFS, CRAVATS, (tc. air Stocks and Napoleon Ties made to order. /UP- An elegant assortment of Kid Gloved. ha- Gentlemen's Dressing Gowns in great variety. Aar The "MODEL SHIRT " always on hand and made to order. ooS4-3m JOHN O. ARRISON, NOB. 1 AND 3 N. SIXTH STREET, HAS NOW IN STORE -A FINE ASSORTMENT OF. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS • FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR. Also, Manufactures from the Bent Material and in a Superior Manner by HAND: Fine SHIRTS and COLLARS. Shaker Flannel SHIRTS and DRAWERS. -Heavy Red. twilled Flannel SHIRTS and DRAWERS. &Wish Canton Flannel SHIRTS and DRAWERS. Buckskin SHIRTS and DRAWERS. ()loth TRAVELLING SHIRTS. WRAPPERS. STOCKS. TIES, Sic. And sold at the most moderate prices. os7-6m FINE SHIRT - IMEANITFACTORY. The todMidither Pronld invite attention to ht IMPROVED CDT OF SHIRTS, orhigh he makes a specialty in his business. Also. sox- Stantlyreceiving_ NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMAN'S WEAK. J. W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. Re. , 814 OHESTIOJT STREET_, Four doors below the Uontimental. LONG -LOOKED FOR COME AT LAST I mg PERFECTION OF SEWING DIABELINES, THE CELEBRATED REVERSABLE FEED IMMIX SIGNING ILIVEIFICP, • so. 630 CHESTATPT STREET, What all persons interested la Wiring =whines are la ►lted to gall sad examine this wonderful Machine. It has been the object of the TLORENCE SEWING MACHINE COMPANY to supply a machine free from the objections attached to other first-class machines, and after the patient, untiring labor of years and a libersi expenditure of capital in securing the first mechanical talent, their efforts have been crowned with success, and - they are now offering to the public the MOST PERFECT .43WING MACHINE IN THE WORLD. Among its *any advantages over all other machines, may be mem dotted lat. It makes law dilfwent stitches on one and the lame machine; each stitch being Perfect and alike on loth sides of the fabric. Chanpfni tl front one kind of stitch to another, as gran as the len of the Mitch, can readily be done while the machine is in motion. Beerwirafifed is perfect in itself, making the seam isepre and uniform. smolt:inn elasticity, strength and beauty. 4th. It hate thereversible feed motion, which enables the operator to run the work to either the right or left, Cr stay any part of the seam, or fasten the ends of seams without turning the fabric or stopping the machine. lith. It S 8 the most rapid sewer in the roordtt, making lye stitches •to each revolution, and there is no other machine which will do so large a range of work as the 'LOH:SNOB. Bth. It does the heaviest or finest work with equal fa. ditty, Without change of tension or breaking of thread. 7th, It hems. fells, binds, gathers, braids, quilts, and tethers and sews on a ruffle at the same time. Bth. Its simplicity enables the most inexperienced to sgerate it. Its motions are all positive, and there are 40 /Sae springs to get out of order. and it is adapted to ill kinds of clothwork,from - thick to thin, and is ai sod notrefera. 9th. The FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE is =equal led in beauty and style. and must be seen to be sniffs dated. - Call and see the FLORENCE, at No. 630 CHESTNUT Street. eel-am ARMY LININGS. - PLAIN AND TWILLED BLUE ALL-WOOL LININGS, SUITABLE FOR ARMY GREAT COATS. In store and for sale by FARNHAM, KIRKHAM, (1; nol7-12t 230" and 232 CHESTNUT Street. FROTiII.NOVAM clb WELLS G W. SIMONS it BROTHER, OLITSOH-STREET HALL, PHILADELPHIA. *HAIMPAOTHEEEE 07 aw - Faanr, FINE SWORDS, MILITARY HOODS at Erma . VARIETY. sra4,s4tem , . W O . 0 L . ~, , • . On . hand, and 'onsignianents daily arrivinifi.of Common to Fnll Blood, choice and clean. • WOOLEN" YARNS, le to 31 cute, lien, on hand, and new &mains coming WINDOW SHADIER. R. S SLAITG-ITTER'S, TotEESIER'S' IVORYTYPES FULLY. . ' A- V. realise all that le desired in a' picture. Beautiful and natural likenesses are imperishable and tamable pietwea. OAllory SECOND Stmt., aboye Greens It* CLOTHING. WHAIBMIER & BROWN, FINE CLOTHING. I 911 C BALL S. R. Corner sixth -and 111,irket. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. no. 1, SOUTH SIXTH STREET GENTS , FURNISHING GOODS, LINPURID MiT.TIVEMTS HAS REMOVED FROM No. 81 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, SEWING MACHINES. ARMY GOODS. ItArA POE SALE, IFEAVTiIfEDIIII, AND LIORT SNESTINGS . AND . SHINTINGS., ST'iNDAILD DRILLS. ..,. HEAVY (.I.9NTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VICTORY OAMBRIOS AND BROWN. BLEACHED, AND COMET JAM:IS. No. 121 WORSTED TARN, &o. selSltif YARNS. TUB AND FLEECE. COTTON. YARNS, Nos. 6 to 30e, of first-class makes, In Warp. Bundle, and CoD. N. B.—AU numbers and descriptions procured at once, on orders ALEX. WEILLDIN & SONS, 18 North FRONT Street, no9•mwttf' THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN PHILADELPHIA 517 MARKET STREET. Acae-im NEW PUBLICATIOWS,; IN PRESS, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12th1 DAYS OF SHOMY. A NOVEL OF THE OREAT REBELLION OF Da "SHOULDER STRAPS." Prlcp $1 hi Paper, or $1.50 in Cloth. 1 vol., ANOTHER WAR NOVEL. MortonPs war novel; "Shonlder Sirens." has IIOW been ont of press less than three Months, in which time it has run through live editions; and he bas now ready and in the press of Messrs: T. B.Peterson et Bros. ,Philada. the second of the series, called " The Daye of Shoddy, " a work which lice been for some time In preparation, end embodying the romance as well as history of the breaking out of the rebellion In le6i, with sharp hits at shoddy and the shoddy contractors, a close examination of the career of Ellsworth'e Eire Zonaves, a full techni cal account of the first battle of Bull Run, and absorbing interest in the double story of love and villainy which supplies the body of the work It is to be published on Saturday, the 12th of December, and we hazard nothing in predicting an even greater sensation, among both booksellers and readers, than that created by its prede ceezoi.—Ncto York Atlas. Booksellers, Xews Agents, and all others, will n/e , Tme send on their orders at ease, for what they may wont of either edition of "The Days of Shoddy." al it in going to have a very large and extended sale, the or dot s monies in for it by the thousand, Published and for sale at the Cheapeet Publi=bing and. took - selling &labHaiti:tient in this country, which is at T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS'; To whom all orders must come addressed, and they will reeelylrlinmediate attention. Advance ccniea of the above book will be sent to any one, free of rogi,ge, on remitting the mice of the edition wanted to T. B. reteroon d; Brothers in a letter. it THE THREE GUARDSMEN! TWENTY YEARS AFTER! BRAG.ELONNE ; SON OF ATHOS 1 BY ADIXANDER DUMAS. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL EDITIONS of the aboye books, by ALEXANDER DUMAS, being Urea of the greatest books in flee English language, are published this day, each one being complete in a large octavo volume, with an Illustrated Bilitary;Coyer, in colors, Price Seventy -bre Cents each. or a copy of each of the three books for Two Dollars. They are.published and for sale ate the Cheapest Store in the world to buy or send for a stock of books. whichis at T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS', No. 306 CRESI ; NUT Street, Philadelphia. Copies sent free of postage on receipt of Price. It THE ADVENTURES OF DICE ONSM.OW, Will be ready in a few days—a splendid book for boss J. E. TILTON (.43 CO., nol6-mwtSt NI WASHINGTON STREET, Boston BY THE AUTHOR OF "NEIGHBOR JA.OK WOOD." C . U - 13JO'S C A.VIE ♦ Most Exciting Story of Union Loyalty and Rebel Deepotiem is Seat Tenneeies. - DEA.ArN FROM REAL LIFE. Those who have read the author's former work, " Neighbor Jackwood." will anticipate a great treat in this new hiktorical IN PRESS—TO BE READY SOON. J. E. TILTON So CO., - nol6-mwrat PUBLISHES MAJOR GENERAL FOSTER THE 1311,1331311E1Et BOY IS AN INTERESTING BOOK FOR BOYS, And that in the main incidents it is time. Tile elegantly illustrated by F. O. C. Darley, and is written by the author of "Father Brighthopes," enongh to make it de sirable that it should be every in family. Price $l. J. E. TILTON CO., nol6. mad& BOSTON, Pnhlfehen ARTISTS' EDITION OF SKETCIFI BOOK OF WASHINGTON IRVING.—Sample copies of this masterpiece of American book.making now ready. This will be the favorite Gift Book of the season, and, as the edition, is small, early application tame will secure choice copies. For sale at the agency, 33 south SIXTH Street oteice of Appleton's Cyclopedia and Irving's orks. no2o-3t, TIECEMBER MAGAZINES HARPER 21 Cents. CONTINENTAL 20 Cants. GODRY 20 Cents. P ETERSON 15 Cents. tto2o-2t PITCHER'S, SOS CHESTNUT Street NEW CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. AVONI A. JONES, from life, new. &EDWIN FORREST. from life, new. MRS. BOWERS from life. MISS KELLOGG': from life, Over 1,000 different kinds. Plain and Colored. n020.2t PITCHER'S, SUS CHESTNUT Street O CENTS W GODEY FOR OEN. BER: PETCHER'S; r;o1S-3t SOS CHBSTNIIT Street. NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS 1` HISTORY OF THE SIOUX WAR AND' MASSACRES OF 1852 AND 1863 By Isaac V. D. Heard: 12mo. $1 60. -ROUNDABOUT PAPERS. By W. M. Thaeaeray. Il lustrated t 2.0. El LITTLE THREADS; or, Tangle Thread, Silver Thread.' and Golden Thread. 16mo 76 cents. ONE HOUR A WEEK. By the author of " Jesus upon Earth." 113 mo S 6 cents. . ABLE TO SAVE: or. Encouragement to Patient Wait. leg. ]Sn'o : red edges. 76 cents POEMS. A. series of tales tin verse By Mrs. Rachel Rhoads. 12me. $126. For sale by - WM. S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, no2o 606 CHESTNUT Street. ASHMEAD AND EVANS, (SUCCESSORS TO WILLIS P. HAZARD, ) FELVE3jII?t ppm:ma— rl:NE STATIONERY. A complete assortment of Eng -IVII and American Papers, Envelopes. PBOTOGR.APR . ALSI34B, The largest and. hand serlasgariment the ear. E,'W 13110 - . Constantly being received. - TWICE LOS P. A new Nowt. RUMOR. By the anther Counterparts, &c. n 0174 NEW BOOKS-JUST.RECEIVED BY J. B. LIPPINCOTT & 718 and 717 MARKEr Street. HUGH MILLER'S HEADSHIP OF CHRIST. and the RIR h ts of the Christian' People. TWIGS LOST. A. Novel - ROUNDABOUT PAPERS. By Wm. Thackeray. With illustrations, ItItTORYOF THE SIOUX WAR and Massacres of 1862 and 1663 By Imtaa V. D. Heard. MARY LINDSAY. A NoVel. By the Lady Emily PODSOIIby. POEMS BY JEAN INGELOW. HEAVEN OUR HOME. We have no Saviour bat Scone, and no Home but Heaven IN WARTIMES, AND OTHER POEMS. By LQ. - Whitney. _ MENTAL HYGIENE. By L. Ray. STRANGE STORIES OE A DETECTIVE, or Curiosi ties or Crime. • - HEBREW CHRESTOMATEIY..or Lessons In Reading and Writing Hebrew. By Rey. W. H. Green.' HANNAH THURSTON. A Story of American Life. By-Bavard Taylor. DAY DREAMS. By Joseph A. Nunes. -nol7 LEYPOLDT'S LIBRARY AND BODE - 42 ' STORE., 1323 CHESTNUT Street. Beady on Tuesday. the 17th of November ; HEINRICH HEINE'S BOOK OP SONGS. Translated by Charles G. Leland. On tinted paper. 1 vol. A.6mo. vellum cloth, top gilt Price $1.20. HEINRICH HEINE. An Essay, by Matthew Arnold. Mmo, paper. Price 26 cents. No. Of LEYPOLDTR FOREIGN LIBRARY. The most ammung novel of the season. - Rl3lllll FOLLIES. By Jules Ifoviac. From the sixteenth Paris edition, by Geo. Marlow. 1 vol. 113 mo. paper. Price 60 cents. For sale by all Booksellers. Sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of price. F. LEYPOL DT, Publisher, nol4-Sm 1323 CHEST OUT btreet. A LSIIMS CHEAPEST AND -BEST I I 1,000 Albums for 12 Portraits, 25 cents to $4. , 500 do do 21 do 50 do to 4." 500 do do 60 do $2 to 10. - 800 do do 60 do 3 to 12: 200 do do EX) do 4 to 15 An immense stock, the lamest and best in the World: PITCHER'S low priced Hook, Picture, and Album Store. , SOS CHESTNUT Street.- Philadelphia. 2 6 CENTSI COLORED PHOTO= GRAPHS, 25 cents. One half the !lanai price ! Over 1,000 different kind% P.RIGEn RMDUCED TO 2s cents! - 25 cents! 25 cents! PITCHER'S Album and Picture - Doped, SOS CHEST NUT Street. , nol6-if LINDSAY & I3LAKISTON Publishers and Bookeellers, -*5 SOUTH SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. BODES in every Department of Literature. including all Miscellaneous and Standard Works. .TTIVENILE BOOKS in great variety. MILITARY, NAVAL. and sciENTiric, BOONE. ALL -NEW PUBLIOATIONd of a standard character rrceived as soon an published, or furnished promptly to order, WHOLESALE or RETAIL, at low prices. nob 11AZARD'13 BOOICSTORE, Between Seventh and Eighth. Streets, All Books usually to be had Lk& FIRST-CLASS, BOOKSTORE. Will. always be found on our iShitll4l AT. THE LOWEST: solt-tha AND WILL BE PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR OF 3%m0., 500 pages No. 306 CHESTNITP Street, PhiladelPbil. THE NEW BOOK FOR BOYS PUBLISHED Et SAYS Taal NO. 724 CHESTNUT STREET WE CHESTNUT STREET. MMW PIUISLICATIONS. BROWNE ON FRAUDS. NEW. AND ENLARGED EDITIO'. THIS DAY PI7BLIBRED BY .11-a7f_'ME , . vatowN, & co., LAW AND FOREIGN BOOKSELLERS, 110 WA6IIIIfOTON STREF.M, 1300rJlt, A TREATISE ON THE CONBTRBOTION OF THE STATUTE OF FRAUDS, as in form in &Wantland the United Slates. with an Appendix, containing the exist ing Eng,lipkt ..nd American Statutes. - second . edition. means' reviled, with extensive additions. BY CAVEMEN BROWNS. Eire Price 0. CO. Sinco ' tbepublication of the first edition of this work over five hundred judicial decisions croon alibi ects treated by it have been reported; a number which bears eo large a proportion to the prevlously-extsting cases of the inane class as to show the questions which they include to much more prominent at the bar than formerly. All of these new caeca (come of which, particularly from the English. Courts, ere of mach interest and value) are em bodied in the present edition; eecerally in the now: occasionally with particular discucelon or commentary In tbe text. Important additions bays been made under esveral heads, especially those of Actions for false resentatione aa to character or circumstances of third Parties l'Actions upon agreements not to be performed Within a year from the mating, and the Acceptance and Erceipt of goods in cases of sales, The whole work has received a very car, fed revision from the author, and by condensing whole it yin sprnnticAln, no wnll as enlarging whe,a it woo tneaßAarY, it is believed that Its contents are more increased than !te eize, and that it presents a complete compendium of the law to which it relates doWn to a late period to the present year. note m wfat MAGA Z-. 1 NES ! ! MA.GAZINES I I DECEMBER NUMBER NOW READY AT THE PHILA DELPHIA AGENtiY.. PETERSON'S. GODEY, 11 . ARPER. 1 ATLANTIC. Slagle coping sold and anbs.criptions taken by the year at Pabli,there' prices, Call or tend to the Philadelphia, Agency, and anbscribe for one ycar, and the numbers will then. be carved to you regularly, free of expense, which 1,, at the Pablish ing and Beeki•elling Mate of T. B. PP,TER:ION & BROTHERS, 3011 CHESTNUT htreet. Philvdelphla. Pa. NEW BOOKS NEW EDITIONS -A- PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS! . _ Aid every thiog else io the BOOK LIMB, will be found .for t•ale cheaper then anywhere olae in the country, at the "PELILA DELPHI& PUTAISBING AZ{B BOOK &ELM 0 ROUSE'' of T. B. PETIME;ON & BROTHERS, No. 306 GRES I'NUT Street. Send for one of our Catalogues. PAINTINGS AND ENGRAVINGS. E LEGANT NtIRROR. A LARGE ASSORTMENT, NEW ENGRAYI3GB, FINE OIL PAINTINGS, JUST RECEIVED EARLE'S GALLERIES, 816 CEIERTNUT STREIT. --Eo2o tf WANTS. WANTED MIMI lA.T ELY-A FUR- Y Y HfSHED HOUSE, in a desirable part of the city. Atltireßf Mri, P. 8., Continental Hotel. noWI-3t. $2,00 BUSINESS elf MA N WIS 0 • Es A to connect hims with_ BOMB esta blished Honse now doing a good business. where ma re or less cardtarand lis servicne would be req aired Addrets EIIKINESS, this office, stating where an: Intervista may be had. no2o-2t. A YOUNG- LADY OF EXPERIENCE in te.ching - tl , e.ansual English branches. desire, EMPLOYMENT, either SO a Daily Governess or in a Se minary during three hours per day. Address "R." Germantown Poet .oElca, wian ?ere rencos will he given. nol9 A COMPETENT AND EXPERIENCED -L-L BOOKKEEPER desires a situation. He has served as an officer in the army for about two years and a half. He is a native of Denmark, and corresponds in the Eng lish, French, German. and Scandinavian languages, and speaks them all thie.ntly. A line addressee' to "O. 5.," at this offiee, will receive immediate attention. nol9-31 AGENTS WANTED TO SELL T :E STANDARD HISTORY OF TIM WAR. AS. rare cb once to make mom igeltlU are clearing from till to *2OO per month Send for circular Addree JONRi BROS. Sr CO PnbliEliers Baltimore Sfd nol I lut. A GOOD SALESMAN WANTED-IN a wholesale Hat house. iddress Box. 2366, Phila• delphia Post Office. nolo-1.20 ik7F, A MONTH! -I WANT TO Hllll.l 14' • •-• Agents in every county at *75 a month, expen ses paid, to sell my new cheap Family. Sewimm Machines. Address. S. MAIIISON, Alford, Maine. ocV-AdtwSts It-tit A MONTILI WE WANI m` , AGENTS at *6O a month, expenses paid to asi '3 r EvERLASTING PENCILS„_ORIRNTA.L znd thirteen other articles. 'l6 Circulars free. Saa & CLARK, Biddeford, Maine. sell-d&W.Sa. 41 . 4, DEPUTY QUARTERMASTRY .aIsow.GENERAL'S OFFICE. —PHIL ADELPHIA. Feb. 1 VT:SSELS WANTED immediately to carry COAL the following points: . Tortugas. Rey West, Fla. Fort Monroe, Va. Alexandria., Va, Newham, N. 0. Port Royal, 'B. 0. A. BOYD. Captain and Assist. Quartermaater. BOARI)IN AANDSOME COMMUNICATING BOOSTS _second and third floor, with flint-elites Board. 909 waLNUT Street nolB-3t* FOR SALE AND TO 11 ET, FOR SALE CHEAP--A FOUR STORY RESIDENCE, situated at Ne. 225 North Tvirmrri- Ent Street. abe've Race. Price 418.000. ^ Apply to RO BERT MACGREGOR, 4191WALNIST Street. it T° RENT— A SUPERIOR RESI DENCE, with all the modern conveniences, co feet feent, situated * 2002 WR. , .T DELANtIY PLACE. Rent, $l,OOO. Apply to ROBT . MACGREGOR. 41.9 WALIVIn Street n0W.20 FOR SALE-A HANDSOMELY mounted second-class HIND FIRE ENGINE., PlaY lux one gallery and two side streams, in the best of order, lawn g recently been put in complete repair Can be almi ed at a .mall eNense to a suction eagme. Fir particulars, address it F. 1 1 ,101th.ELL,, nolo-3t* Corr er of Decatur and Jayne streets. FOR SALE—A FARM INCHES TBR COUNTY, three miles from Penn Station, on the Baltimore Central Railroad, containing. NINETY WEBS., with good house and barn, and other out bniid ines For particulars, -inquire at northwest corner of SIXTH and. CHESTNUT Streets. no2o-6t. LEGAL. E STATE OF MAJOR CHARLES F. TAGGART. dec. ased. LETTERt. TESTAMEY,TARY upon the Estate of- Major CHARLES F. TAGGART. deceased, having been grant ed to the undersigned by the Register of .Willa. all per sons indebted to the said Estate are requested to make payment, and those haying claims' or demands are re quested to make known the same without delay, to RICH £RD LUDLO W. Executor, No. 204- South FIFTH Street. no2o-ftu6W Room No. IL PROPOSALS. ARMY _CLOTHING AND EQMPAG-E MICE, TWELFTH and GUARD Streets. PITILADIILPHIA. November 16:1863. . . . SEALED PROPOSALS are invited at this office until 12 o'clock M, opt •TUESDAY, the 24th instant, to furnish promptly, al'the Schuylkill Arsenal. - White or Gray Domet Shirting Flannel. Samples must accompany the proposaL Dark Blue Patent Thread. No. 40. Blocking Twine for tying up Clothing and Bootees. Common Tent Pius, Army standard. Bugles. plain, without crooks. with extra month pieces, Army standard. ^, Trumpets, plain, withont crooks with extra month pieces, Army standard. Trumpet Cords and Tanels; Cavalry, Army standard. Engle ' Light Artillery and In fantry, Army standard. Bidders must state in their proposals the price, which must bergiven in torftinp. as well as in figures, also the ' quantity bid for. and time of delivery. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract must be guarantied by two responsible persons, whom signa tures will be appet ded to the-guarantee, and said. gua rantee accompany the bid. Biddeni, as well as their sureties or guarantors. who may not be known at this office , will furnish cermicate from the - United States District Attorney, iostmaster, or other public functionary at the residence of the cidder or guarantors, setting forth clearly the fact that the bidder and his sureties are responsible men. who will, it a con tract is awarded them, act in good faith with the United States. and faithfully execute the same. Blank-forme for Proposals can be had upon application at this office. Proposals must, his ',endorsed, "Proposals for Army Supplies," stating the partienlar article bid for. 0 H. CROSMAN. no2o-424 A. Q. fd. General United States Army. pROPOSALS FOR LEAD. ORDNANCE OFFICE, WAN. DEPARTMENT. WASPINCITON. 1 ovgmber.l7. ISBB. . . . _ SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office, until 4 o'clock a it, on the 10th of. December next. for the delivery of 2.000 or more tons of pure, soft lead, snit able for ordnance purPosea The lead is to be of approved quality, and to be deli vered at any- time within [ninety dava from the accept anat. of the bid or bids. It le to be delivered at the United States Arsenal, Governor's Island, New York, and at the 'United States Arsenal, St. Louis, Mo., 1,000 tons or more at each place, free of all charge for transportation or handling, and will be paid for in regular certificates of inspection and receipt, by requisition on the Treasury Department, in the usual form. Bids will be received for any portion of thequantiti not less than 100 t - ns. Bids, with approved sureties, will be required for the fulfilment of any contract that may be made in Pursu ance of this advertisement.: The Department reserves the rightto reject any or all hide, if not deemed satisfactory for any cauee Proposals will 'be addressed to Brigadier • General George D. Ramsey, Chief of Ordnance. Washington. D. C. , and will be endorsed "Propos alGE R s for D Lead." GhORAMSAY. no2o4mwllt Brig. Gan Chief of Ordnance. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. WASHINOTON DEPOT, November 17. 1533. SEALED PE OPOSALb will be received at the office of Captain C. FL Tompkine. A. Q. M., U. S• A.. at the corner of Twenty-second and 0 streets, in this city. until MONDeY. December 21st. 1E63, at 12 o'clock et.. for tae sale of all the manure now on hand, or that may be pro duced at stables and corrals of this Depot within the next twelve months succeeding the date of the letting of the contract. The manure will be awarded to the highest bidder-or bidders, who will be required to take it away at his or their own expense. The quantity now on hand to be taken away within six months from the date of contract; and that which 'may damn], te, within - six months fr, m the date at which it may be produced. - - Bide mutt be made at so much per cubic yard:-'., - Bids will be received for. the quantity on hand . ,.c.andf7.. the subsequent product at each stable and corral sePit- . rateiy, or for the wl ole together. . . If a bid,is made in the name ofi dim. the name of all - the pat ties mast appcar, or it be considered as the' individual proposal of the party signing it. The full name and ,post Mlles address of the bidder must appear Di the proposal. Proposals must be addrevved to Captain C. H Tomp kins, n Q. M., U. S. A. Washington, D. C., and should be plainly marked, " Proposals for Manure." , Payment-will be required to be made in Government funds, at the end of each month, for the manure removed during the month. . An oath of. allegiance will be required from each suc cessful bidder. Goad and saiilcfent bands, in the sum of (E 1.000) one thOESEITid dollars, will be required of each successful bid der for the faithful performance of his contract_ The Quartermaster reserves the ri.rht to reject all bids_ that nay be deemed to the Interest of Government not to accept. D. H. RUCKER. Brig Gen. and Chief Quartermaster, . (mid Washington. WATER . w HEELS, HYDRAULIC RAMS, WINDMILLS. Brash and. Iron Lift and Force PUMPS. Country residences supplied with porta. Me" Otut Works, and every convenience of 'Gas and Water. Plumbing. Gas, and Stearn Fitting. M ' COWN A & RROADE‘ • - CM•MVITSW, 15121. MARNET Street. AMUSEMENTS. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF .M1:181111; A. BLEGFELD GERMAN OPERA_ FRIDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER Mt NINTH SUBSCRIPTION NIGHT. (Viret time by the German Opera.) THE BARBER OF SEVILLE. COMO Una. IN THREE ACTS. BY ROHM. Count Ai maviva Harr Efabefrandut. Bcastna Mad Jobannaact. Bartolo Herr Weinlish. . Don BaBlllo Herr Graff. Figaro Herr Steineets. In the eteond ant Madame JOHAIIDISSN will intye duce the celebrated vALSE. by Venzane, and Herr IiABELMANN will introduce the celebrated emend% by F. Abt. . . "SLEEP WELL. SWEET' ANg,,EL.'T Prim RR aerial SATURDAY AFTERNOON. at 2 o'clook. GRAND GtJ AL MATINEE. (BY Particular desire, STRADELLA, GRAND OPERA BY P. VON FLOTOW. Admleelen to all pane of the HOLIBEI rip Ceake Reeervod Beata 25 canto extra. - SATURDAY EVENING, November Met, Grand Voc,l and Orchestral Director CONCERT, .Carl Anschats BEETHOVRIPb SYMPHONY IN C MINOR. Tickets 60 cents each CONCERT HALL MONDAY SVENING, November:lBtb, MS WAUGH'S NEW PANORAMA, "IT A LY," AND HER WAR FOR. FREEWDL A Panoramic Tour through Italy during the War, patntek by E B. Waugh, will be exhibited, for the tint time, at CONCERT HAIrL s. CHESTNUT St., ob. T WELETH: Philadelpkla, ON YOND AY, EVENINCi. November .16th, 1881. eat CONTINUE EVERY EVENT &O MIRING- THE WERE. COL. WILLIAM H. MAURICE The 010qnant and popular speaker, is eagasied eel ILLUSTRATING LECTURER And. wilL at the clme of the exhibition, recite Yam oul-htirring Poem of TUE SLEXPING SENTINEL. Doom open at 7. •Commencing et 75.1". o'clock Admlsbton. 25 cents, MUSICAL FUND H.A.LL.-. J. GRAU'S NEW ITALIAN OPERA. CQMPATT. Mr. GRAU respectfully announces that he will give In ilia city TWO GRAND OONOERT. ON FRID, , ,Y . AND SATURDAY EVEN/ NOS, November 20 end 21, . . On which occaPion tbefollowing eminent artigg 10.= appear an the same evening: MADAME SOPTith VERA LOR: NI, The celebrated Prima Donna and Lyric Tragedienne, from the principal Opera Houses in Europe. Her tir:t appearance in this nit!. MLLE PAiTLINE CASTEL The distinguished Cantatrice, Her S rat - appearance in this city. BULLS MORENuI, The favorite Contralto. SIGNOR LUIGI STEPS NI. SIGNOR MORELLI. The celebrated Tenor, The renowned Baritone. SIGNOR Conductor aid Musical Director. ADMISSION ONE DOLLAN„ To all parts of the Hall. Seats may be secured with, out extra e herge. at GOULD'S Music Store. SEVENTH. and CHESTNUT Streets. Rola-fig XTEW CHESTNUT-ST. TLIPIATRBI.- Leinwand Manager Mr. WM. WELBATGIit,- BENEFIT ivoiire. JONES, On which occasion che will 'lvrea!' in TWO CHAR A CTERS. THIS (Friday) EVENING, November 20. ME, THE LADY OF LYONS. Pauline Miss A Mita 101161; Claude Malnotte Mr. J B. Stalley Col, Dumas (Lis first appearance) Mr. T. B. De Walden.. MUSICAL CONDUCTOR.. To conclude with the E EDNEY MOON. .Tnlianna..•• • Doke Ayanza. Jacques Mr. W. WHEATLEY bar, exceeding pleasure is art nonncing that he hat , entered into an engagement for '- limited period with the GREAT. AMERICAN TRAGEDIAN, ED WIN FORREST, Who will make his first. appearance on MOND AK 87 1 1-- NUM, Nov. 23d, 1863. WEDNEStAY EVENING. November 25, first appear ance of the' col. orated Swiss toro,eette. • MLLE JOHANNA CLAUSSEN. Who will appear in. THREE. COMIC CFI aIIaCTEIN ri0?.0.2t MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH STREET THEATRE-ARCH Street, above Sixth. eEDA D. P . 10 %ERS. T-NIGHT LLE; OR, THE FATE OF A COQUETTE Dirs. D: P. Bowers. Barton Hill. Camille Armand Duval To conclude with (first time) TURN • Rig. OUT. Nicodemne Nobba . . Mr. Eglantin goetean Owenliarlow Sara Mica /0 4 ePhiaa Henry. Prices as usual. No extra clutrke for secured Feats. Doors open at 63. f o'clock. Commence at 7,K.o'clock. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. V Y Le.see Mrs. ST. GARRETTSON FAREWELL BENEFIT OF MISS PROVOST, THIS (Friday) EVENING. Nov. 20. Performs nces commence with the 3d. 4th, and. 6th acts of AS•Yoll LIKE IT. Rosalind, with the celebrated Cuckoo song Miss PrOlfoet. To be followed by the Comic Drama entitled. THE 'WIDOW'S STRATAGEM. - Francine • Miss Mary Provoat. To conoina.....itn_ thewimderful performance of the ARA B TirAlirrS. WALNUT STREET 'TFIFEATRE. FAREWELL COMPLIMENTARY BEFIT TO MISS MARY PROVOST. ITnanimonsly tendered by the LEADING CITIZENS. The Plays selected—last three acts of Sbakspeare's Y. 3 17 Ma IT. Rosalind, With " Cuckoo"song, . MISS MARY PROTON!. THE WIDOW'S STRATAGEM. Francine, with song. MISS MARY PROVOST. MR. K FISKE has, upon this occasion. kindly volunteered to soma 44 TOUCEISTONE, One of Shakspeare's subtle creations THE WONDERFUL ARAB TROUPE - in their indescribable performance. Seats can now be secured * PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 17.1883. . _ Niss...7lfary Provost : DEAR DIADA.3I: Impressed with the advantage Mao ferred on the Drama, and the delight afforded its vote riga by yovr repreaentattons. so remarkable I,r their fidelity to nature, their chast:ned bounty and exquisite mimetic art. we desire to be afforded an opportunity of Riving an ex - pressiou to this feeling; and. in Ws view, ask.y our consent to name tt.. , evening on which we - can tender to you a COMPLIMENT SAY BENEFIT, prior to Y our departure from our city. which, we understand. owing to your engagements, must take place at the close of the " - resent weak . With the highest respect, WM. B. Mann, 1 George H. Moore, Geo I a Haven, Danl. - Dougherty, T- B. Fugh, Baud Kelly. Chas. Faun. Chas. Brooke, Jame , Heigh, ..Bost. Beatty. Chas. Gilpin, A M Walkinshaw. GIRARD Itotrae, Nov. IL To William. B. Mann, Esq., and others: Ginztri.E3tEs: Your kind and complimentary letter La before me. I thank you The compliment will never be forgotten. Fr:day. November 20. 1202, I will be the happy roc.pien.t of your favors. Organlly yonra GREAT SCOT TISH BALL. FIFTH ANNUAL BELL of the CALEDONIAN CLUB. fox the 'BENEFIT of ibe LIBRARY. THURSDAY ENT., VINO. December lOth, 1561, at MUSICAL FUND' HALL.. Tickets $1 D. WRIGHT, Secretary. "FEAT NATIONAL CIRCUS. NO-. - VELTY AND ENTFIUSIASSI.---3L9RKET Street. above Twelfth.—Open at 7% o'clock each evening, under the Manaternent ot Mrs. CRA.RLES WARNER, formed) Mrs DAN RICE. The celebrated WHITBY FAMILY Mrs. F. WHIT ,TAKER. Md lle ELVIRA, Mr: C. }I ING: and NAT' 'AUSTIN. the greet Clown t the intrepid WM YOHNG, in La Eeherle Perileuse every Evening this week. Comic Males, Prof.--WALMBOLD.; The Man of Mans- Parma. and a fall Troupe of - ACROBATS AND GYMNASTS. - - The CONRAD BROTHERS. The Intrepid BATON 'STONE will also appears the Wild Camanche Mae ADMISSION. —Stage Seats. 00 cents ;Private Box, VII- Parquet, 25 cents • Gallery, 15 cents. . MATINEES on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY Alt- TIMMONS. commencing at 2% o'clock. noIS4S F OX'S CASINO-CHESTNUT ST. LOST TWELVE NIGHTS, LAST TWELVE NIGHTS. OF ,MLLE. GALLETTI and MONS. TOPHOI7.- The best Dancers in the World. Continntd EMCCESS of CH /ELEA E. COLLINS. AND THE GREAT STA.P. CTISPANY. nole-Or TEMPLE' OF WONDERS--ASSEMBLI' BUILDINGS, TENTH% AND CSESTNIIT STEM& itousement for Old s.nd Young. Mirth and Etappincr.-- , open for the season. Constant cuanzo of Entertainan,l... SIONOR BLITZ, AVERY EVEZING, eoniroenoinx at 734' o'olook. az4. Wednesday and Saturday at 3, eonolating of New Iflf teries in Netrc-rasucs, resat success in Vantrilosrat and the Learned Canary Birds. Admission 26 cents: Children 115 cente p OTHERMEt'S GREAT MARTYRS TN THE COLISEUM, NOW EXHIBITING AT THE , ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. ANIA ORCHESTRA.— PUBLIC miusemseLs sver, SATURDAY, 3.5‘ o'clock. M., at We MUSICAL FUND HALL; Slagle tickets. 26 cents. Packages of six tickets, I. To be had ar , ANDRE'S, 1104 CHESTNUT Street; J. E. 0011 la. SEVENTH and CHESTNUT, and at the Hall door. 042-tot PENNSYLVANIA DEdird THE FINE ABTE. CHESTNIIT STREW- OPEN DAILY (Bundityx excepted) from Ad lIIINSIO3I 26 cents. Children half price. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS- TO: CALIFORNIA_ . EXTRA FREIGHT STEAMER.. To FlCCOMincid ate Shippers who are unable to forward, their Goods by the regular line, an EXTRA STEAM - BR (the ATLANTIC) will be despatched frOm.NEW TORS. from the 23d to 25th inst. with FREIGHT only. It in , expected, that Goods by this Steamer *ill go forward' erom Panama by Pacific Mail Steamship Company'r steencerDeavinkthare on or about the nub. December, and will arrive in San - Francisco in time for the Christ mas Holidays. For further particulars and. early .despatch apply to. the Office of WELLS, FAXGO, & 607 CHESTIIDTStreet, Philadelphia. GEO. FIELD. Agent. D°N'T DHSS 'THE PRESENT OPPOR tnnity to get a superior portrait REIIIRR'S epien— did pictures, photographs to oil colors, at SE— COND Street, above Green, CORRECT PIANO TUNING. —Mr. C. E. SLRGENT'S orders for taming. and repairing Pianos are received at MASON Is CO.'s.. store, 907.ClaSTNUT Street, only. Mr. S. has had eleven years factory experience inlion • ton, and live_years' employment in Philadelphia. SPROUL. — 3 ace relmthered to 601111 d as 60 ft 11ft sweet toned as new, without removing. Terms for Tuning, 161. TRUSSES, BRACES, ase.,. - "t skilfully adjusted by 0.1,H NEEDENS. • corner of TWELFTH aml RACE Streets. Ladies' Department for same, conducted- bp tidies, TWELFTH Street: first door below Race Thiel most complete - and varied stook on hand, eonsistLux nut of Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Belts.. Bandroces, 'Elastic Stochlnts, Crutches. Syringes. Ai' , tialwa far I%.7nritory. Sick Ronm. ce .oihn sf CAIN PIPE—S TONEW JJ DAMN PlPEfrom 2to 12 , iieti. bore. 3•lnch bore '-', 25 C64l±S Per d 0........... .... .... . .. ..... 30 • "do. do. 4 do:. 40 do. do.. . 6 • - -• 60 - do. do., 6... PS dq., do; Every varlet : Pfif canehtions. bends. traps. and ItOpr i ere, We are no* prepared .to tarnish Piro In WIT Cir , rzliity; and on liberal terms, to dealers and those liiknOranint IX large quantities. - • - - - ORNAMENTAL CHIMNEY TOW , "" • Vitriled Terra Cotta Chimney Tom nloutal designs, warranted to stand SAP mum of coal gas, or the weather in anu i llfate. A great traria - P.9f Ornamental Grzden Vases Wrens ' COtts, olefdeitUatadga: 8 •• all alv,s and warranted to: Terra Cotta V r (Wks stand the proiltherso. Pato.' Pter Pots Hauler ilashete,. a adVard.ia'Statuayw. • Philadelphia ana Wa"r oo /4 11 . 1r AO. caitsnarr Street. ; , ' B. A. HANEN3OII. Lessee and Vic ...Business lliNineel. MA. MARK IiASSLIN. ...MIAs Avonia Jones. ..Mr J. B. Stadler. Mr. T. B. De Walden - Stuart Robson .MARY PROVOST. ocl2-87.11