NEW PUBLICATIONS. 1411411363THWORTH'8 NEW HOOK, PUBLISHED THIS DAY T H E 11PArrAL'N ; i1i!!6 . Uk., r ! NUS. E.-D. B. D. BODTHWeSTH, THE FATAL MARRIAGE( THE FATAL 'MARRILVEI THE FATAL MARRIAGE! BY MRS. E. D, E. N. sorrrawoarß THE FATAL MARRIAGE! THE FATAL DIARMAGEI THE FATAL MARRIA6-E1 DYE MRS. E D. E. N. EOUTETORTEL Trice 0.00 In Paper, or $1.50 In Cloth. 1 v01".12m0., 500. pages. THE:FINAL kIAItRIACE. By MRS. Errs D S. N.—The author of this book le, beyond ail <question, one of the meat] powerful fetbale writes .in .America,,if not in the world. No one ever road a chap ter of one of her works, without wishing to road the 'Whole book, and none ever read one of her boots with. iota admiring the rare 00113 of it: author, sad ve inn in t• dhat she might soon write anothi.r. nor oc3.nos era life Idotures, ber incidente are founded on tints, and hor lientimentif are characterized by a sine nlar portly. bath Oreonception and expression. She has the ray, f Ottity of saying whet she means, and of saying it in snort a manner ae that her meaning cannot he misinterpreted. In short, she posse saes in an eminent degree those Itaations which. are the peculiar prerog de of a goad Writer: and wtile she delights the reader' tmagto Wort with her descriptive beauty, she applies home trnthe to Me understanding with' the force of rational conviction 'The "Fatal Marriage" will be wolcomod by all each readers especially; and those who have never read the Works of this Atte& woman, should not fat, to buy and read the " Fatal Marriage." Ills publishe i and for sate fay T. E. PETER.StaN & Bao - re &RS, No. 300 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. IRS , BOUTHWORTH'S OTHER WORKS. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL EDITIONS Price of each 91.60, In Cloth, or each one in Paper Cover, for $1 METRIBUTION. A TALE OF pARMON. VIVIA, THE SECRET OF ?own.. TAB DISCARDED DAUGHTER, • THE CURSE OF CLIFTON. THE GYPSY'S PROPHECY, THE HESE -.TED WIFE, THE TWO SISTER LOVE'S LABOR WON. INDIA. THE PEARL OF PEARL RIVER. THE HAUNTED HOMESTEAD, THE THREE BEAUTIES, THE WIFE'S VICTORY, THE MOTHER-IN-LAW, THE LOST HEIRESS, THE MISSING BRIDE. LADY OF THE ISLE. Mr Booksellers, Mews Agents, and all others, will :please - send on their orders at once for , what they may want of either edition of "The Fatal Marriage," or of any of the other new and uniform editions of the popu lar works of Mrs. Emma D. E. N. Southworth. Published and for sale at the Cheapest Yablishing and Eooksolling establishment in this country, which is at T. B. -PETERSON & BROTHERS', No. 306 CHESTNUT 13treet, Philadelphia, Pa To whom all orders must come addressed, and they Will receive immediate attention. Copies of any of the above books will be sent to any Quo,- free of postage, on remitting the price of the ones wanted to T. B. Peterson & Brothers in a letter. it MITCHELL'S SCHOOL G-EOGRA PUBLISHED BY E. H BUTLER Sr GO., 137 BOUM FOURTH S I REET, PHILADELPHIA. NEW sraraii.s. MITCHELL'S FIRST. LESSONS GEOGRAPHY. - MITCHELL'S NEW PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY. MITCHELL'S-NEW INTERMEDI ATE G EGGS APHY. MITCHELL'S NEW ANCIENT . GEOGRAPHY. SOLD SERIES. MITCHELL'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY. MITCHELL'S INTERMEDIATE GEOGRAPHY. MITCHELL'S SCHOOL, GEOGRAPHY AND ATLAS. MITCHELL'S ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY AND ATLAS, MITCHELL'S GEOGRAPHICAL QUESTIONS. The Publishers of Mitchell's Geographies call the at , tendon of Teachere. School Directors, and others inte rested in minced* to Flrrensm.'s Nnw Seams. lately Pnblisbed;with all the adornment% and attractions of art, and with all the perfection of copper-plate msp en *--Arraving. 'These books, enumerated, above, are in every Particular up to the present date--the Geography of to -. day. The Publishers also beg to call attention to a few points here stated, and to the commendations following: L THE COMPLETENESS of THE SERIES —The sabinet is . - taken tip at the lowest point, beginning with. the " First Lessons," intended for young children who have just learned to read, and is carried forward by a regular enc . cession of be ,Ire, on a uniform plan, as far as it is ever taught as a school study. 2. THE UNIFORMITY OF THE BEAD:N.—This is Secured by tarrying through the entire series, init uniform manner, every change or improvement adopted in any one of the books. The echolar, in passing from a lower book to a higher, his nothing to unlearn. There are no impedi- Punts growing out of discrepancies in the maps, or - changes in the names and definitions. Whatever is giv en in one book, if given In another, is presented in the name forte and order. S. Tun THOROUGHNESS WITH WHICH THE SERIES IS KEPT VP TO THE Tunts.—Geography is essentially a progressive cience. At the present time this is eminently the ease There is hardly a nationality in the world which has not materially changed -its boundaries in the last ten years. Scientific andoommercial travellers also are yearly trans ferring large regions of the earl's surface from the un known to the known. The proprietors of Mitchell's Se ries employ constantly a skilful geographer, with a com petent-coma of assistants, whose sole business is to keep lap the werk of continual revision, and to transfer imme diately to the maps and to the texts every change reqei red by political revolutions or by the progress of Scien tific discovery. 4. THE EXTERNS BEAUTY AND FINENESS OF THE MAPS. -This was a marked feature of the work • when it Was lint projected. :This.character, thus early impressed anon the werk,has been steadily maintained. The maps, In this respect,- may safely challenge comparison with those of any School Geographies published in the wand 'The :beautiful delicacy of finish not only makes the'm tno're attractive to the eye, but aids the scholar essen tially in studyini - them. Everything is perfectly cle - ar and,tilain. Even xvhere the maps are most crowded; there Is no confusion. 6. THE FRESHNESS AND BEAUTY OF BE PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS: -,-Instead of -the old hackneyed enbjecti, Ulf !abalone, half .distorted, and wholly repulsive, thb Mew series contain elegant pictures, made from oriel designs, by professional artists, often from photo graphs taken en-the spot. and representing truthfully to the eye scenes and persons of living interest in this .Present age of the world. 6. THE. CARE BESTOWED UPON THE PRONUNCIATION OF .21M: GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES- —The pronunciation of each 'geographical name is given in the new series as it occurs in the body of the book. Besides thia, at the end of the several.voinmes are Tables of Pronunciation, alphabeti cally arranged...containing, at a single view. for conve. allence of reference, the names used in the book. The - Pronunciation adopted is that approved by the moat dis tinguished linguists and travellers of the day. MITOTIELL!S NEW SERIES OF GEOGRAPHIES have .been -.adopted and are Text Books in the Public Scheele of the - CITY OF PHILADELPHIA.. G•iIITY OF NEW YORK, CITY OF CINCINNATI. CITY OF NEW HAVEN. -CITY OF PITTSBURG, —CITY OF HARRISBURG, CITY OF LANCASTER, CITY OF READING, CITY OF POTTSVILLE, CITY OF NOR WIOH, CONN., CITY OF MEMPHIS, TENN. , CITY OF TRENTON, N. J., CITY OF LEXINGTON, KY., And in most of the Cities in the United States, As well as in nearly all the smaller towns in Pennsyl - Yule. Maryland, Ohio, and the other Western and iSonthein States, and are the authorized Text Books in . latterly all the Normal Schools, Academies, and private :edneational establishments throughout the country. A , - volume of recommendations might be Punished from r.. Influential educators, attesting to the beauty, lateness, ~,,,,stccnrace, and real utility, as well as to their adaptedness to the purposes of education, were it deemed necessary. G;' The publishers desire to call further attention to -these k•ooke, and to• say to those, teachers and educators -who are pot acquainted with them, that they would be glad , to respond to any communication upon the subject, and AO offer favorable terms for first introductions to schools, towns, and counties, no74•etuthit ATEW BOOKS.= Just received by J. B. LIPPINCOTT dr 00.. • •and 11 MARKET Street. 4* , 'A IN WAR TIMES, AND MI 7 ER POEMS. By J. Q. ' , ..:Whitney. - . MENTAL HYGIENE. By L. Ray • STRANGE STORIES OF A DETECTIVE, or Curios"- ' Aims of Crime. HEBREW CHRESTOMATHY, or Lessons in Reading 4EO_4. Wilting Hebrew. By Bev. W. H. Green. .. HANNAH THURSTON, A Story of American Life. :My Bayard Taylor. ' DAY DRUMS, By Soma. A. Nnnes. , MY FARM OF EDGEWOOD; -a conetry book, by the Author of "Reveries of a Bachelor." LIFE AND TIMES OF JOHN HUSS; or the Bohe qlnßeformation of the Fifteenth Century. By E H. ett. 2 vole., Bvo. _ MAINS, IN VERSE AND PROSE, OF ARTHUR HALLAM. GEOGRAPHICAL STUDIES of the late Professor Cad Ritter- - 'Translated by W. L. Gage. NOTES ON THE REBEL INVASION OF PENNSYL VANIA AND HARTLAND ByPaul itcobs. ANNALS or THE ARMY OF THE CUMBERLAND; With many Illustrations. nol2 T ELLWOOD ZELL & CO. • WHOLESALE BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, And Manufacturers of Photoereph Albums. Am 17 and 19 South SIXTH Street, Second door, Goods for , tne Holiday% (James, Puzzles, and Paper mojinAho Ismael assortment in the city. Utolored and Plain Toy Books. Juvenile Books, A B Cattle and Blocks, School Books, and Stationery. otiobleh will be sold to dealers at low prices for cask.' r oo‘,B-tios at B - 00,31 `,AGENCY, 33 South SIXTH Street. Office a 4FPLETON'S NEW CYCLOPEDIA 'WASHINGTON IRVING'S WORKS. • ATTIFUEY NOVELS. Household edition. REBELLION RECORD. BAYARD TAYLOR'S WORKS. 'connive .NOVBLEL Illustrated edition. DICKENS' WORKS. Household edblon. .GEMS FROM '"HE DUSSELDORF GALLERY. BRITISH PORTS. Boston edition 174 WALE'S HISTORY OF THE ROMANS. Ate &a NAL QUARTERLY NVIVIEW. $3 per yee;;. iscSO. thee Stu • E. H. BUTLER & CO., 137 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia KEW PIUBLICATIONSi JUST PUBLISHED- A DIGEST OF LAWS RELATING TO THE CITY OP 3P111LA33171.4.1 3 .13EL4 4 From its Territorial Bxteneion. by Act of Assembly, Approved February 7,1814, until the Close of the Session of the Legislature in 1883. With an Appendix containing the Chartere of the VARIOUS PA.SSENGtR RAILWAYS Which are subject to the control of the COUNCILS OF PIIIL&DELPTIIA, AND OF THE LAMS AND ORDINANCES THERETO• Prepared under the Supervision of the LAD' DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA• PRICE, $2.00. SING ..& BAIRD, Publishers... nol4-3e 607 SANSOM St., Phila. A NEW NOVEL, BY THE AUTHOR. OF 'CHAS, AUCHESTER," COUNTERPARTS,' WI. PUBLISHED . THIS DAY, L T.T Ma D> I BY ELIZABETH SHEPPARD, AUTHOR OF CHAR. AUCTIESTER," COUNTERPARTS,' Scri. Svo PAPER 50 CENTS. There Is no record of any female English prose wri ter's 649 r haying lived who possessed more than a por tion of that genius which permeated Elizabeth Shep pard's whole being. Genius—the vary word expresses her, in harmony with the great undertone of the ant y firPe. the Foul swiftieed with light. Flower warmth and fragrance are - on her page, the soft, low , snmmer wind teems to be speaking with yon as ',cm read, her charac ters aro like the stare impersonated, and still. however lofty bar nature. always and forever genial."—Mtge Prescott, in. Atlantic Monthly. • ' UNIFORM WITH, THE ABOVE, BY THE SAME AUTHOR, CD TJ" IST r iCM FIL rt. l l ll Si 9 OR, THE CROSS OF LOVE. "A novel,,, save Miss Prescott, "which it Is not too ranch to say, it is impossible for human hand to excel." Sent by mail, POST-PAM, on receipt of the price. T. O. H. P. BTIRNIIAM, nol4 swat PUBLISHER, BOSTON, WAR BOOKS. MARRS' PENINSULA. CAMPAIGN The Peninanla Campaign in Virginia: or Incidents and Scenes on the Battle•flelde and in Richmond. II- Ins Lated with numerous engravings. By Rev. J. J. Marks, D. D ~Chaplain of the 63d Pennsylvania Regi ment. 12mo. $1.60. THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG Notes on the Rebel Invasion of Maryland and Pen nsylvania and the Battles of let, 2d, 3d. IBM with an explanatory MAP OF ';HE BATTLE-FIELDS. By Professor M. Jacobs, of Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg. 12mo. 60 Ceuta "Prof. Jacobs. whose house was within the rebel lines. heard and saw accurately and has since collected together on the spot the most trustworthy details and reduced-the whole to a minute and graphic record of every important movement Alison's account of the Battle of Waterloo does not seem to us so clear and urecise as the accounts of each action given by the unpretending notes of Professor Jacebt. It is a small work but i; will be quoted a thousand years and more from now.—Phf iada. Ledger. ANNALS OF THE ARMY OF THE CUMBERLAND. Comprising Biographies, Descriptions of Departmenth Accounts of Expeditions, Skirmishes, and Battles; also, its Polio' , Record of Spies, Smugglers, and Prominent Rebel Emissaries, together with Anecdotes, Incidents, Poetry. Reminiscences, &c. ; and Official Reports of the Battle. of Stone River. By an Officer. Illnitrated by over seventy elegantly-engraved steel portraits and nu merous maps and wood cuts V One vol.. Svo. I POLICE RY.COR EMISSARIESPIES, SMUGGLERS, AND REBEL IN TENNESSEE. Being Selections from "The Annals of the Army of the Cumberland " Bvo. , paper. CONTEN TS. . - - A Rebel minus $109.000; A. Nest of Nashville Smug glers; The Hollow-heeled Boot; The Pseudo • Sanders:" Dr. Hudson, the Smuggler; Newcomer, the Scout; Ge neral John-H. Morgan's Female Spv; Dorris. the Kid napper; Phillips, the K‘ntncliy 'Unionist; Moore and Blue the Scouts; Trainor, the Traitor Wagon-master; A Stiy on General John G. Morgan; Specimens of Rebel Lettere; e. Cincinnati Spy; Two Rdbel Congressmen's Wives; John Morford, the Soy; Fraudulent Transfer of Rebel Goods; Mrs. Y-'s Booh.; Mrs Molly Hyde; Adventures of Two Union Spies; The Misses Elliott; Kilda; e, the Scout; Death of a Rebel General and. Vil lain; Prison Experience of a Union Spy; A Nameless Spy; Nashville as a Type of the Rebellion. J. B. LIPPINCOTT hz CO.. Publishers, nol3 21 755 and 717 MARKET Street. PETERSON'S COUNT ERFEIT DE TECIOR for NOVEMBER 16th is publishe3 this morning. It ET THE BEST 1-PETERSON'S s-^ COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR for November 15th is published THIS MORNING. Price, TEN C &NTS. It qg NEW COUNTERFEITS ARE F LY described in PETERSON'S COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR and DREXEL'S BANK-NOTE LIST for NO VEMBER 15th, which will be ready this morning at T B PETERSON & BRO.'S, . 306 CHEST3IIT Street, Philadelphia. Teems—One Dollar a year monthly, or Two Dollars a year e. mi monthly, or Ten Cents a number. ddyertieements inserted in it at low rates. It PHOTOGRAPH ALBMIS I PHOTO GR.,!,PH ALBUMS I , pr 74 Portraits, morocco $1 25 to 2 CO ' 0 2 00 to 4OD " ( 9 0 . " "- 2no to 700 SO oblong 3 50 to 10 00 100 " -" • ' . 5 60 to 10 00 " 160 " " quarto 8,00 to 12 50 ~ 200 .. ~ ~ 12 09 to 27 60 The largest and most beautiful assortment in the city. Turkey morocco, alto relievo, antique bindings. WILLIAM W. I:LAUDING, Manufaattrer. •, : • .• .w ea • Cal ( ET - THE BEST."-THE HOLY L E—Hardinas Editions. Family, Pulpit, and Pocket Bibles, in beautiful styles of Turkey morocco and antique bindings. A new edition, arranged for pho tographic portraits of families. WILLIAM W. HARDING, Publisher, 326 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. pB OTOGRAPII ALBUMS IN EVERY . -a- variety of style—rich Turkey morocco. antique. ivory mountings. ornamented edges. &c., &c., holding. from twelve to two hundred photographs, the largest and best assortment in-the city. WILLIAM W. HARDING, 326 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth, south side. CENTS 1-FATAL MARRIAGE, By Mrs.. SOUTH WORTH. All new works sold at a discount. G. W. PITCHRR, SOS CHESTNUT Street. JUST, PUBLISHED-A PAMPHLET, by IIaV.WILLIAM BARNS.proving that Lay Delega tions in the general government of the Church is unicrlp tural, unreasonable_ and contrary to sound policy. Sold -at the Methodist Book Store. 56 North FOUnTEE Street; Barr's Book Store. MARKET Street, above B•eventhi and at the Tract Depository, SIXTH St. , above Arch., Price ten cents. It CARLETON • • WILL PUBLISH. 4429°1 " NEXT WEEK L -PEGULIAR Mr. Epee Sargent's new novel, of which The Literary. &cafe says t '` We hear the most enthusiastic accounts of its high literary and artistic character, the interest of its plot, and the spirited character-drawing which it ex hibits. It relates closely to present interests and ques tions of national moment, but its strength lain its story. the dramatic power of its culmination, and its vivid, in tome vitality" One large 12m0., clothbound,. price 8140.. IL -ALICE OF MONMOUTH. .••-- • - - - . Mr. Edmund C. Steelman's new IDYL OF THE WAR. In one elegant 2m0., cloth-bou.ndvolume, price $l.. The story of this Poem changes from love scenes and songs in the fruit-meadows of the North, to the hospitals and bat tle-fields of Virginia. The author's reputation as a poet and word-painter renders this one of the choice books of the season. —RENAN'S LIFE OF JESUS. A translation of that remarkable work, by M.. Ernest Ronan, just issued in Paris, where the excitement and sensation is eo great concerning its subject and author that already more thanloo,ooo copies of the costly French edition have been sold . It is characterized by the The Christian Times as ' Man's ablest effort. " One hand some 12m0.. tinted paper, cloth bound, price $L .0 Copies sentckg Om. noll-wetf fr B e AR I L I FTa t o l'ins e h b e; ' , 2 New.;ork NEW PUBLICATIONS. MARGARET; THE YOUNG WIFE. A timely book, admirably adapted to prepare a generation of wives and mothers, whose price shall be above rubies. Hum. Cloth; red edges Pric 65e cents MAY CHUMLEIGH AND HER FRIEND CON SCFEAC.E. A story for Boys and Girls. 18mo. Cloth; 25 casts. LEONARD: THE LION ktEART; Or, Bravery Pat to the Test. 18mo. Cloth; 21 cents. NEW REWARD CARDS; Illustrative of Animated. Nature Two packages; one representing Birds, the other Animals; beautifully printed in colors, Price 2.1 cents each. Just published and for sale by THE AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, No. 1122 CHISTNUT Street, Philadelphia. n013.3t, New York, No. 599 BROADWAY. WILLIAM S. AND ALFRED MAR 606 CHESTNUT STREET, Rave now Ready, I. GEORGE MORTON AND HIS SISTER. By Mee O. Trowbridge.M. Author of "Dick and. Hie Friend Fi due." 16mo, 90 ate. By the eame author. FRANK AND RIIF118; or, Obedience and Dieobe dience. 18mo. 80 Ma, lIL By a new author. LITTLE BY LITTLE. ISmo. 60 ete. THE YANEEE BOY FROM HOME; . 1 - or, Life in France, and Walks in Switzerland, among the Pyrenees, and throughout Great Britain, during the years 1860-3; by an American Boy. A Romance of Travel, wherein a good many things are curiously spoken of. 1 vol.-. 12,m0. Extra cloth. $1.28. For sale by all the booksellers. JAMES MILLER, Publisher, non-Nth 30, B BROADWAY, New York. ALBUMS CHEAPEST AND BEST I 1 1,,,0043 Album's - for 12 Portraite, 25 cents to $4. MO do do 24 do 80 do to 4. NO do do 60 do $2 to 10. 360 do do 60 do 3 to 12. 2CO do do 100 do 4 to 16 An immense stock, the largest and beet in the World. PITCHER'S low priced Book, Picture, and Album Store. ns9.6t SOS CHESTNUT Street. OF% - CENTS! 'COLORED PHOTO " GRAPHS, 25 cents. One half the usual price! Over 1.000 different kinds. PRICES REDUCED TO 2i cents! 25 cents! • 25 cents! PITCHER'S Album and Picture Derdit, 808 CHEST NUT Street. n09.6t LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, _ publishers and Booksellers. SD SOUTH SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. BOOKS in 'every Department of Literature, including all Miscellaneous and Standard Works. JUVENILE BOOKS in great varietL. I'ItILIYARY,•NAV AL, and SCIENTIFIC BOOKS. ALL NEW PUBLICATIONS of a standard character received assoon as published, or, furnished promptly to order. WHOLESALE or RETAIL, at low prices. nob A CA RD.-THE PRESENT PROPRIE. TOR of the Photograph Rooms at the southwest corner of EIGHTH and PARRISH Streets, has no con nection with his predecessor of the same name, and is in no way reoponalble for any reports tending to ininre the establishment. FRANS. CULLY - PAXSON. OVEMBER 14th. 1863. N° T I C E. APPLICATION HAS. been made to The American Academy of Music," by the undersigned. for the reissue of Certificate of Stock No 7E2, for fire Sharee 1n said Corporation, the samehaving been lost or mislaid. nol2 14 le 17.4 r" WILLIAM B. HART. BIICK.WHEAT PLOUR. -TELE SUB SORIBBRE have received from Bethlehem a supply of BUCKWHEAT FLOUR which, for color and flavor, warrants them in Baying that it is superior to any in the market. ROBERT DONNELL & 80N, n012.3t. 606 WALNUT Street. I GIBLD MILLETTE, ATTORNEY ‘.° • AT LAW AND CONVEYANCSR, N. 3 . 15 Soitth FIFTH Street. rhilikdoWiti.4.' tto9-Im* RETAIL DRY GOODS. VEIRY ELEGANT LACE CT_TWTAINE. THE RIOHRST GOODS IMPO)TED, Also, A large assortment of the Finest andtoleest CURTAIN MATERIALS, FURNITURE COVERINGS. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARDISON. lOOR CrIESTIITTT STREET me , lo-totbs,,tiif EYRE it LAN DELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, HAVE A MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF POPULAR DRY GOODS. FINE FRENCH MERINOES, FASHIONABLE POPLINS, 4-4 CLOAK VELVETS, $l7, POPULAR STYLE SHAWLS, VELVET FROSTED CLOTHS, POPULAR STYLE CLOAKS, WATER-PROOF CLOTHS, POPULAR JOUVIN GLOVES, RICHEST SILKS, and DRESS GOODS. 0c49-tuths-tt NOW OPEN PARIS, LONDON, AND AMERICAN C LOA.KS RICH LYONS VELVETS, INDIA GROS GRAIN, MATALBA SILK, PARIS-MADE VELOUR CLOTHS, PARIS WOOL CASHMERES, FANCY CASHMERES, - PARIS-MADE FRObTED - BEAYERS, DIAGONAL CASHMERES, CHINCHILLA CLOTHS, BELGIAN TRICOTS AND DOESKIRS, ENGLISH PLUSHES, ENGLISH MELTONS, AT THE PARIS MANTILLA, OLOAR, FUR "MIE'OR11:131C, 920 CHESTNUT STREET, nob th J etn lm- W. PROCTOR - 660 0 . - JUST RECEIVED.' VERY FINE SCARLET AND BLUE OPERA_ FLANNELS. Also, a general assortment of WHITE AND COLORED FLANNELS. poth Twined and Plain. in all of the most approved makes. FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR. SHEPPARD. VAN HARLINGEN at ARRISON. nolo-tntlatif . 100 S CHESTNUT Street. 818 OPENING, 818 AT THE ARCH-STREET CLOAK STORE, A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF. LADIES' AND MISSES' CLO A 'Kg nois-tf CLOAKS AND CLOAKING CLOTHS COOPER & CONARD, NINTH AND MARKET. 3E" I 1NT , "40. : Maga, -AL X 3,03 CLOAK. CLOTHS MODERATE PRICES CLOAKING CLOTHS. Fashionable Chinchilla Cloths. Dark Bine and Purple Velvet Beavers. Fine• ribbed Frosted Beavers, $B. Frosted Beavers from $2.25 upwards. Black Beavers from $2.25 to $8.25. Esquimanx Beavers at $5. Blue Beavers and Cloths. Fine French Broadcloths. CAIsSIMERES. Harris' fine Fancy Cassimeres: High priced Mik-mixed Cassimeres. Neat 'Mixtures, extra weight. Caesimeres for Business Snits. Boye.Cass'imeres from *I to $1.75. BL hatKE, CS. Blankets for S 5 and $4.53. Blankets for $7, $5, and $5. Blankets, extra quality, from $ll. to $l9: Army Blankets—Horse Blankets. DRESS GOODS. Delainss. K. 31, 33, and 25. cents. Double width Reps at 60 cents, worth 70. CObSLTRe, Brownsz Modes, Greene, Blacks, Sl. 31 French Poplins. $1.25 Wide good French Marines. CLOAKS. Cheap Black Beaver Cloaks, $lO to $l3. Fine Black Beaver and Tricot Cloaks Chinchilla end Velvet Beaver Cloaks. Bibbed and Plain Frosted Beaver Cloaks. Prices range from-CO - to *3B. The materials are bought of first hands, in large quantities, and for cash. The garments are cut by artistafrom the latest patterns. The tit is perfect, and 'workmanship unexceptionable. The Cloak, complete, is a model of its kind, and at a reasonable price. COOP BR dt CON&RD, It S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. INEN HANDKERCHIEFS.-4IIST -1-4 RECEIVED the following: 50 do, Ladles' 2-inch . Hemmed Hpfs., $3 50 a ,doz. 100 ' • 3.75 00 " t;;, 30 3 ‘ o, and 4 . ; cents each.6.oo IEO dozen Ladies' White-Borderen moats $3.15 a doz . . . 240 • ' 2.26 110 " " " 20 sheen& ALSO. 276 doz GENTS' PRI IiTED BORDERED HMS. at 58, 44, 60, 66 cents. or $4 25, $4, $5.76, and $6 a dozen, very choice. ALSO,' SeveraT womb( rs of Machine Hemmed Hdkfs. for Gen tlemen, at 23, 2.6, and 31 cents, or 52.65, $3, $3.50 a dozen. Especial attention is invited to the above Linen HMOs— are all of them balances`' of invoicee held over, and are offered at about the prices for same goods two years since. A favorable opportunity now to purchase either for im mediate use or the approaching Holidays, at WARNE'S LACE aid - EMBROIDERY STORE, No, 38 North EIGHTH Etreet. Its CLOTHS FOR CLOAKS. Velvet Beavers. • Frosted Beavers. Tan Colored Flushes. ' Clay Mo . Black Cae tore. In great variety. • SIfARPLESS BROTHERS, nal4 • CHESTNUT and BIGHITH Street'. WINTER DRESS STIIEFS French Es press Cloths. Corded Reps. - - Silk-faced Poplins. -Neat Plaid Reps. Colorectal/cat s BRoTnErts, FANCY DRESS SILKS, -A- From the late Auction Sales. AT DEDUCED PRICES, CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, No. 450, 45a, and 454. N• SECOND Street, • nol4-8t Above Willow PARIS POPLINS, From the late et:talons, re roPrteimr BEST GRADES AND COLORS. OURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 480, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, molt 3t Above Willow FRENCH MERINOES, Of all Grades, from 87.14 to *11.60 per yard, from late /motion galas. OURWEN STODDART dr, BROTHER, 450,45;1, and 454 North SECOND Street. noldSt Above Willow. IRROCHE LONG, SHAWLS OF SIT. PERIOR ORADES AT $.9. —Just from Auction a large lot, which we are running off at the above low price and - a full line of flue Ooods in Paris and Viennese Fabrics, comprising new designs and color ings at leee then regular prices. OURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450. 45%, and 454 North SECO3D Street, n018.3t above Willow. CLOAKING CLOTHS.-A FULL AND v varied stock from recent Auction Sales, at less than usual pricem. OURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, NOS. 430,'45A, and 454 North SECOND Street; nol9-It - above Willow. ,JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO„ No. 727 CHEiTNUT STREET, • invite attention to their full assortment of SILKS, in all colors and qualities. which they offer, together with a foil line of MERINOE3, REPS. POPLINS, DELAINES, and other desirable DRESS GOODS. at. LOW PRIOSS Also. OPEN-CENTRE LONG and SQUARE BROCHE EGIA.WLB, in elegant designs. • BLACK THIBET LONG and SQUARE BRAWLS. PLAID WOOLEN SHAWLS. FL A NNELS. BLANKETS, and GUILTS. LINENS, DAMASKS. NAPKINS, and TOWELS. JACONETS. SOFT CAMBRICS, SWISS HUSLINS, Etc. SKIRTINGS and BALM° RALS. YID and SWEDE GLOVES. • __ BLEACHED MOSLINS and CANTON ;FLANNELS. n012•12V SILK THREAD F S r AND COTTONS SEWING MACHINES, Wholeaale and retail. LAING & MAGINNIS, nol4-Im* No. 30 North THIRD Street. EIMER'S COLORED PHOTO. -a-I' GRAPHS. for +l, have earned a wide•apread repu tation. Their fine quality, accuracy, and moderate charge make them popular with all. Mallery, esOoND Street, above Green.. THE PRESS.-rra I HIA_, SA_TURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1863. REMOVAL Where he now offers a LARGE AND ELEGANT bTOG/T OP GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Embracing all the latest novelties. PRICES MOD EILATE. Ns- The attention of the public ia'respectfally so- Dotted. SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER. 0028.3 m GEORGE GRANTi No. 610 CHESTNUT STREIT: EM now ready 41 LANGE Al'ID 00.151 - PLETZ STOOK OD GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Of Ma own Importation and manuraotaro. HI. celebrated "PRIZE MEDAL SHIRTS," Mannfutured under the superintendense of JOHN F. TAOOERT. (Formerly of Oldenberg & Taergert.t • Are the most perfect-fittinfr Shirts of the age. Mr Orders promptly attended to. .11-tnntll43l G.ENTLEMEN'S trURNISILINO GOODS. PicINTIRE & BROTHER, No. 10 . 35 CHESTNUT STREET. - All ENTIRELY SEW STOCK. SUPERIOR UNDERCLOTHING, HO SIERY, HDEFS, CRAVATS, Aar Stocks and Napoleon 'Plea made to order. Xi' An elegant assortment of Kid Gloves. air Gentlemen's Dressin g Gowns in great variety. inr - The "MODEL SHIFT" always on hand and made to order. 0c24 GENTS' FURS' SUING GOODS. LIN - FOR:ID i...t.TIKEIisTS HAS REMOVEIr FROM. No. 31 SOUTH SIXTH ST ET, TO N. W. 00115111, BATH AND V 11861.11111, 606. ARCH. STREET. 606. VEER KURT AND IVIMPPEIt DEPOT, AI BLEGAITT A.133013.11MNT ON 411 TV TVRXIBEING GOODS, AT MODERATE PRICES. DODS PREMIUMS AWARDED FOE gRERTS, WRAPPERS, AND STOOKS. a. A. HOFFMANN. Baccesoor to W. W. KWIGHT, 606 ABOR STRUT. 604. J OHN, C. AR,RISON, • NOS. 1 AND 3 N. SIXTH STREET, HAS NOW IN STORE A PINE ASSORTMENT OF GENTLEMEN'S "FURNISHING GOODS FOR FALL AVID WINTER WEAR. Also. Manufactures from the Best Material and is a Superior Manner by HAND: - Fine SHIRTS and COLLARS. Shaker Flannel SHIRTS and DRAWERS. Heavy Red. milled Flannel SHIRTS and DRAWERS. English Canton Flannel SHIRTS and DRAWERS. Beekekln SHIRTS and DRAWERS. Moth TRAVELLING SHIRTS. WRAPPERS. STOCKS. TIES, &e. And sold at the most moderate prices. oe7-6m FINE SHIRT ITANITFACTORY. The Inibacriber would invite attention to his = IMPROVED OUT OP SHIRTS, filch he makes a speoialtv in his business. Also, sox stantly_roceivinji "NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, No. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, ia22-tt Four doore below the Continental. EDUCATIONAIi. HE QUAKER CITY BUSINESS"COL LEGE, under the mans gement of L. FAIR BANKS, late Principal of BRYANT & STRATTON'S Co eimercial College. This Institution opened on MONDAY, the 21 inst., and already contains about sixty students. It is located at the northeast corner or TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, comprising the entire second door, entrance on TENTB. Street, 'The rooms are un,arpasr:ed in elegance and convenience. being furnished in a su. perior manner with the best counting-house and school furniture, made expressly to order. The coarse of instruction embraces Bolin keeping, Commercial Arithmetic, Penmanship, Business Corres pondence, Commercial Law, , with their practicalap plication to the various duties and employments of bust. MSS life The Public arc invited to call at the College and judge . for themselves of the success tnat has already cr owne this enterprise. N. 8.--NO Scholarship will be issued for a short time, only at noll 20` R.Y.A.NT, STRATTON, 8r CO.'S COM MEN Cl ALL COLLEGE, S. E. corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. An inIPOI tart link in the international chain of colleges located in fifteen leading commercial cities in the United. Stat. - e and Canada, and the only commercial institution in the Quaker City, conducted on actual business prin ciples. Scholarships iesned at this point good for an un limited period throughout the "chain. Attention is called to the unrivalled facilities of this school Young men are trained practically, as well as theoretically, by paesing through—first, the Theoretical Department. where they receive thorough instruction in the rudiments of Mathematics, Penmanship, Book-keep= ing. Am.; then through the Sobbing, Commission, In surance, and Banking Houses. They handle money, buy and sell merchandise, compile original sets of books, and make out all the business papers involved. This new system of commercial instruction,: which is unknown to any eimitar institution in this city, has been, in successful operation in our rooms during the past three' weeks, and already the students in practice exhibit a marked proficiency in the detail of business transactions. Young men who contemplate entering upon a business career, before doing so should pass through the course of instruction given at this institution. Busmen men and others are respectfully invited to call and ex .amine our publications and other facilities for mercantile instruction. - - - - .nol4-tf VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY, T NEAR MEDIA, PA.—PI:Tile received at any time. English, Mathematics, Classics, and Natural Sciences taught. Military Tactics, Book-keeping, and Civil En aineering taught. Entire expenses about *3 per week. Boys - of all ages taken. Refers to Wm. H. Kern..ex- Sheriff; John C. Capp & Co., No. 23 South Third street, and Thomas J. Clayton. Esq., Fifth and Frans streets. Address Rev. J. HARVEY . BARTON, A. It . Village Green, Fa. 11ENLIN ALLEN, A. M. FROMTHE Conserratorinm of Music at Leipzig, TEACHINI of the PIANO AND - VIOLIN. No. 215 Beath SEVEN TRUTH. Etreet. Circulars at G. Andre dr Co.'s, No. 1104 Chestnut street, and at this office. 0c27-Ims MRS. C. A. BURGIN'S SCHOOL FOB 'VOTING LADIES, No. 3037 WALNUT Street. A few l'upile can be received for the Andy of French and German. ocl3-Im* LEGAL. THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR T , CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Estate of ELIZA. B. GRASBY, deceased. The Auditor appointed .by the Court, to audit, settle. and adjust the account of GEORGE L. HAR RISON, Executor of the will of ELIZA E. GRAS BY. deceased, and to make -distribution of the ba lance in the bands of said accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the pnrpoees of his appointment, on MONDAY. November Sid. 1863, at 4 o'clock P. at his office. .1.903 South SIXTH Street, in the city of nol4-stnthst UNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLvANIA,SOT. THE PRESIDENT OF. THE UNITED STATES. . . TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING: WHEREAS, The District.COart of the United Statearin and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel. filed in the name of the United States of. America, hath decreed all persons in general who have, or pretend to have. any right, title, or interest in the, cargo of the steamer JUPITER. whereof George E. Brown: was master, captur ed by the United States steam gunboat Cimaroon, under the command of Commander A. K. Hughes, and brought to this port per the schooner Tradewind, to be monished, cited, and called tojnd gment, at the time and place under written, and to the effect hereafter expressed (justice so requiring). You are, therefore, charged and strictly en joined and commanded, that you omit not, bat that by Publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the city of Phila delphia, and in the Legal Intelligeneer, you do monish and site, or canneto he monished and cited, peremptorily all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any rigbt, title. or interest in tne said cargo of the .Steam. sr JUPITER, to appear before the Hon. JOHN CAD WALMYER, the Judge of the said Court, at the . District Court room. in the city of Philadelphia, on' the twentieth day after publication of these presents, if it be a court day, or else on the next court day following, between the usual hours of hearing can oes, then and there to show,' or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have. why the said cargo of the steamer JUPITER should not be pronounced to belong, at . the time of the capture of the same. to the enemies of the United States,' and as goods of their enemies or otherwise. liable and subject to condemnation. to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizes; and far' ther, to do and receive in this behalf as to justice shall appertain. And that you duly intimate, or cause to be intimated. unto all Perseus aforesaid, generally (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is also intimated), that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall- not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudication' on the said capture, and may pronounce thhat the said cargo of the steamer JUPITER, did belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States of America, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise. liable and subject to confis cation and condemnation, to he adjudged and con demned as lawful prize, the absence, or rather con tumacy. of the persons so cited and intimated in any wise notwithstanding, and . that yon duly certify to the ..said District Court what you. shall do in the pre miees, together with these presents+. Witness the 'Hon. JOHN CADWAUADER. Judge of the said Court. atiPhiladeiphia. this twelfth day of NOVEII. BEE, A. D. 1863. and in the eighty-eighth year of the Independence of said United. States.- G. R. FOX, nol4-3t Clerk District Court:' EDWARD M. DAVIS, EXCHANGE 13ROKER, 39 South Third Street, lip Stairs, WILL SUPPLY AT PAR 5-20 U. S. BONDS, WITHOUT CHAROE TO THE BITTER. AND SOLICITS 1115 FRIENDS TOR THEIR ORDERS it LEYPOLDT'S LIBRARY AND BOOR STORE, 133 ORESTNUT Street. Et ad y Ttlede.Y. the 17th of November ; 13EINBICH SEINE'S 1300 K OF SONGS. Translated by Charles G. Leland. On tinted paper, 1 vol. 16mo, vellum cloth, top gilt. Price $l. 25. HEINRICH REIs.E.., An &say, by Matthew Arnold. 16mo, paper. Price 50 cents. gio. 6 Of LEYPOLDT'S FOREIGN LIBRARY. The moat arming novel of tbo.reAson. HUMAN FOLLIES. By Jules roviac. From the sixteenth Paris edition, by Poo. Marlow. 1 vol. 10rno, paper. Price 60 cents For sale by all Boolineßore. bent by mail, post paid, on receipt of price. F. LEYPOL DT. Publisher, nol4-8m • 1323 3i3EST.N btrest. CUSTOM. HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA COLLECTOR'f OFFrCF.. ACTeMbilrh..l.BB3.. . . . NOTICE TO 31/tRCHANTS. SHIPPERS, AND OTHERS INTERESTED.—By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, under date of the .9th. of November. the un dersisned will clear to ports opened to commerce by the proclamation of the President, without special permit, Anthracite Coal, and all other articles except: the fol. Cannon. mortars, firearm, pistols,'' bombs, grenades. powder, 'saltpetre, sulphur, "balls, ballets, pikes, swords. boarding caps (always excepting the quantity of said articles which maybe necessary for the defence of the ship and those who compose the crew). saddles, bridles. cartridges, bag materials. percussion and other cape, clothing adapted for uniDirms. eat i-sloth of all hinds, hemp and cordage. intoxicating drinks other than beer and light native wines. The excepted articles will only be cleared on cpecial. permit from the Secretary of the Treasury, or by the special directiou.of the Supervising Special Agent of the district into which the shipment is to be made. - noll.Eft WM. B. THOMAS. Collector; WEIGHT'S I NE PLUS ULTRA DIIIsiOn MEAT ' • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, SPRING GARDEN AND FRANKLIN STREETS, Lo7•lmoe Philadelphia WATCHES AND 41 NWEARY• T E. CALD WELL 80. Have - received a large assortment of Etch Goods, or their own importatiois, comprising NOVELTIES OF THE PRESENT SEASON OPERA AND FIELD GLASSES. Rion FAN'S, entirely new dcskns. OOMBS, in Gilt, Shell, and Steel. ENGRAVED GLASS VASES AND CARD• .RECEIVERS. SPLENDID DECORATED FRENCH PORGE, LAIN VASES, CARD-RECEIVERS, AND ELGWER STANDS. - DRESSING OASES for Ladies and Gentlemen.. RICH JEWEL CASKETS, GLOVE BOXES, WRITING DESKS. LIQUOR OASES, sra. CORAL. TORTOISE SHELL, AND STEEL JEWELRY. BRONZE STATUETTES, ANIMALS, INK. STANDS. MATCH SAFES, CANDELABRAS. MANTEL CLOCKS, Marble, Bronze, and Gilt. EXCEL JEWELRY, Diamond, Pearls, ardtall the Precirms Gems, Gold and Enamel. SUPERIOR WATCHES, American, Swiss, and Ens fish. SILVER WARE. of every description. PLATED GOODS, American and English. nol4•tde24 4 G. RUSSELL, 22 NORTE SIXTH /f' Street, has j wit received a very handsome assort zueot of FINE SRAT , RINGS. oc3l-3m FIN Fl WATCH- REPAIRING attended to by the most experienced workmen, an every Watch warranted for one year. 0 " IiTTSSELL, 22 north . SIXTH Streak 1 1 1 IVIUSWCAL BOXES. TN SHELL AND ROSEWOOD CASES, playing from Ito 12 times choice Opera and Ameri nd Melodies: FARR & BROTHER, Importers, ea. 3:44- tißßSTriftrT Mreet, balm, Fourth. SILVER AND ~ P LATED WARE. ESTABLISHED IN 1812 WM. WILSON Ar- SON, SILVER-WARE MANTFACTIIRERS O S. W. COR. FIFTH ANDICHRRRY STS. A large and general aseortment of SILVER-WARE constantly on hand. of our own manufacture, of HIGH EST STANDARD. Just received, ner City of Limerick, and have constant ly"on hind, a large and general assortment of PLATED WARE, consisting of WAITERS, TEA.SETS, CAKE-BASKETS, CASTORS, URNS, Ea.,&o, nol2-tbstulm ÜBRICATING OILS! HURLBU2VT 8z CO-, No. 240 ARCH STREET, PHILADA. DEPOT FOR MACHINERY OILS. We now offer to the public the following , SUPERIOR LUBRICATING AND BURNING OILS, of Moxehouse St Meriani's celebrated manufacture. LIGHT COLORED OILS. No. 1 SIGNAL OIL. This Oil is equal to Sperm, will stand the cold, and dock not gum. No 2 SIGNAL OIL, Is taking the place of Lard Oil; it lasts longer, and gives a better light. No. IFINE ENGINE AND MACHINERY OIL. . . quite as good as Sperm for anv Lubricating purpose. No. 2 FINE ENGIdIE AND CAR OIL, is better than any other oil in use, and 2A VI ot. cheaper. No. 1 LIGHT CAR OIL. deeigned particularly for car journals. can be used to good advantage in drilling and cutting screws. 2 LIGHT CAR OIL, will not congeal in cold weather; hence better than Lard Oil. No. 3, PARAPPINE LUBRICATOR, EL splendid Oil for all kinds of Machinery. DARK COLORED OILS. - - JACKSON Olli, A Ane, cheap 011 for Engine and Car Journals. PURR hi Steamlieftned. - No. 3 MECCA, For Engine and Machineryfree from water or grit. No. 4 'MECCA. Exclusively for Car Journals and Heavy Machinery. No ii - PARAFFIN E LII BEICAT. IL* Will not congeal in cold weather, and, will save 15 per cent. - in power and in the wear of brasses. over cheap oile No. 6-PATENT COMPOUND OIL, An anti-friction. oil, dekigned exprecsly. for Hoary Ma chinery, Rolling Mills. Steamboats. ,Sie. No. 7 ENGINE AND. CAR OIL, _ _ _ . _ Designed to take the place of 'Lard, Oil. flows freely in the coldest weather, and is less affected by warn wea ther than Lard Oil. Ali the above Oils are entirely free from acids. Orders promptly filled - 111TRLBURT & CO., No. 210 &Rea street, sole Agents; for Eastern Pennsylvania. Delaware. and New Jersey. nolo tnthelat }TNA NO. 400 CHESTNUT STREET. HIRAM TORREY, State Agent, INSURE YOUR LIFE WASHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE CO., Which offers more advantages to Insurers than any CHAMBERS & REGISTER, 0e.27-tnthstial OFFICE OF THNI DELAWARE MU- TuAL SAYETYINSURANCE CO.. - PHILADELPHIA,. November 11, 1363. The following etatement of the airfare of the, , lompanl is published in conformity with a provision of its charter. PREMIUMS RECEIVED from Nov. 1, 1862, to 0ct.31,1663: On Marine and. Inland Rieke— —M2 349 08 On Fire Rieke .116,613 03 --- $609,462 11. 206,Ni 09 Premiums on Policies not marked off Novem ber 1, 1863 PREMIUMS MARKED OFF as earned from November 1, 1162, to October 31. 1863: I. On Marine and Inland Risks...• $878, 4683d On Fire Risks 102,916 , 44 --VI-31,384 78 Interest during same period, sal vages, ste ....... 84561 856 16 LOSSES, IXTINSIS, die., during the year as aboye : afaritte and Inland Navigation LossesBll7B,444s 11) . Fire Losses—=...... 40,750 59 Return Premiums 40,824 60 M2ME Be•inearances 32,131 37 Agency Charges, Advertising. Print mg &s 19,372 76 Taxes .... 8.23196 Expenses, Salaries, Rent, be 15,428 Ed --- $335,234 19 ASSETS OF THE COMPXNY, NOYEXBER 1. 1863. 8100.000 United States five-per-cent. Loan 807,000 00 75. 000 " six-pe . r , -cent. Lan 5-205.. MOW 00 20,000 " 1881- • 22.000 00 50,1300 • ' 73.10 per ct • Treas. Notes 33.250 DO 100,000 Btate of Pennsylvania 6-par-cant. L05.n..100.997 50 54,000 • - ' 6-per-cent..57,880 00 123,050 Philadelphia City 6-per-cent.- Loa . ...-127,528 00 - 30,008 State of Tennessee 5-per-cent. Loan—. 15,000 DO 20,018 Pennsylvania Railroad first mortgage, 6-per-cent. bonds 22,300 00 60,0C0 . Penneylvania Railroad second mort gage &per-cent. bonds - 53,250 00 15,(00 300 shares stock Germantown Gas Coto _ pany, principal and interest goAran tied by the city o 1 Philadelphia 15,000 00 6,000 100 shares Stock Pennsylvania, Railroad . - Company 7,`320 00 - 5,000100 shares Stock North Pennsylvania • Railroad Company 2,850 00 21,003 United States Treasufy Certificates of Indebtedness 21,420 00 123 700`Loans on Bond and Mortgage, amply secured ' ' 128,700 00 $791,700 par. cost, $768,787.12. - -market value, 794.200 50 heal Estate 36,353 35 Bills Receivable, for Insurances made. 107,947 61 Bwanceb due at Agencies—premi -0108 011 Marine Ppliel43s, - accrued interest, and t ther debts due the Company - ,919 87 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, $5.803. Es timated value Cash, on deposit with Uni- - ted States Government, ' subject to ten days' 00 Cash, in Banks 38,588 39 Cash, in drawer 200.80 PrIILADELPHIA, Nov. 11, 1863. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Wax DIVIDEND of TEN PER CENT. on the CAPITAL STOCK. and Six- PER CENT. Interest on the SCRIP of the Com reia,f payable on and after the let December proximo. • They have also declared a FORM DIVIDEND Or PORTVPSE CENT. On the EARNED PREMIUMS for the year endtna Oc tober 31, 1863, certificates for ; which will be issued to the parties entitled to the same, on and after the Ist Decem ber proximo, free of tax. They have ordered, also, that the SCRIP CERTIFI CATES OF PROFITS of the Company, for the years 1868 and 1868,tbe redeemed in cash, at the office of the Com panY, on and after January 2'1864, all interest thereon . to cease on that day. . NO certificate fprofits issued anders 23. By the Act of Incorporation, no certificate shall issueunless claimea within two years after the declaration of the dividend whereof ii no evid,enVe." Thomas C. Hand, John C. Davis. • Edmund A. Souder, TheophUus Paulding, . John R. Penrose, James Traquair. • Henry C; Hallett, Jr., Robert Burton. Samuel H. Stokes, J. F. Penisten, Henry Sloan, Wm. 0. Bannon, 'Edward Darlington. H. Jones Brooke, . • . 711011A' JOHN C BENRY•LYLBURN, Seer: THE ARMY OF THE POTOMMI buy their Chewing .and Smoking Tobacco at DE&LVS, Dio 335 CHESTNUT Street, Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco, in Tin Foil, $4 40 per gross. or 4 cents single papers. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco, in Tin Foil, $4.40 per gross, or 4 cents single papers. • Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco, in Tin Foil. $4-40 per gross, or 4 cents single napere. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco, in Tin Foil, $4,40 per gross, or 4 cents single papers. Fine Cot Chewing Tobacco, in Tin Foil, $4.40 per cents single papaw,. er .r.i)ir ADPS,No. 335 CHESTNUT Street. All kinds of Fare OM Virginia Chewing and Smoking.. Tobacco can be had at DEAN'S, No. 335 CHESTNUT `Sheet.: All kinds of Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. in butl.ll, at 6 and cents per ounce. at DEAN 'S, No. 335 CHESTNUT Street. . Killickinick and Lynchburg Smoking Tobacco for 55 cents a pound. Also, Tnrkieh Tobacco for sLper pounds• at bEAIUS. No 335 CHESTNUT Street. Imported and Domestic Cigars, at alen,tt. One•halif what others sell for. at wholesale or retail. at DEAN'S. NO 336 CHESTNUT. Street, • All kinds of the best Ping Tobacco. for 60, 0, and 70 cents per pound, at' DEAN'S. No, • 335 CHESTNUT Street. -- not: tdeS PPOPULAR AND PLEASING STYLE PICTURES. REIMAR'S colored PHOTOGR &PH% for dd, are likenesses of truthful character, execatei with rare artistic ahalty, - u MOND St., lab, Oren. 822 CHESTNUT STREET,_ PLATED WARE. LUBRICATING OILS. INSURANCE COMPANIES. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. HARTFORD, CONN PHILADELPHIA BRANCH OFFICE, CHAUNCEY H. BRUSH, Manager. Eili3ll OF NEW YORK. other Company in the United States GENERAL AGENTS, 407 WALNUT STREET. Philadelphia Surplus..: DIRECTORS: James C. Rand, William C. Ludwig. Joseph H. Seal, - Dr:R... if. Huston. George G. Leiper, Hugh Craig, Charles Bailey, J.l.cob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joshua, P. Byre. Spencer 111'Ilvaine, John B. Semple, Pittsburg, A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. C. HAND, PresideM. DAVIS. Nice President. tary. nol2-ifim BEILMBOLDPS PREPARA.THiNi. HELMBOLD'S HIGHLY OTICENTRATIIII HIORLY CuNnENTRATEO HIGHLY CONCH qTRATED HIGHLY CON(II3NTRATBD' HIGHLY COACENTRATID FLUID EXTRACT ISTICRIL FLUID EXTRACT BMW, FLUID EXRTACT BIICEM. FLUID EXTRACT -BROW', FLUID EXTRACT BUCHII. Non retention or Incontinence of [Trine, Irritation, In- flanarnation, or Ulceration of tbe Bladder and Ridneis, Dlseaees of the Prostrate Gland.-Btene in the Bladder Calenloae Gravel All Diseases or Affections of the Bladder and Kidneys, and'Dropoloal Swellings al:lilting in Non, Women, or. ESLMBOLDT EXTRACT IWCHI7. - API,vRoLD'S yamRACT 1317 , 11117. HELMBOLD9 .EXTRACT WICHU. BELMROWS EXTRAM BTIORU, BELMBOLD% EXTRACT BUCHU, For Weakness, arising from Habits of Dissipation, at- tended with the following symptoms: Indisposition to,lisertion. Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing. Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Dimness of Waketalness, Pain in the Back. 1- Universal Lassitude of the Body. Dryness of Skin. BRIT3PTIONS ON THS FACE. These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medi- tine Invariably removes. soon follows Fa- tatty, Epileptic Fits, in one of which the pat Sent may expire. Who can say that they cre not frequently followed by those " dire- INSANITY and CONSMITTION." * Aeybims, and the Melancholy Deaths by Conenmption, bear ample witness to the truth of the assert!on. The constitution once affected with organic Weakness. requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and Invigorate the system, which RELMBOLD'S EXTR LOT 1317CH11 HEENBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHII Is safe. pleasant In Its taste and odor, and more Strength- ening than any of the preparations of FROM BRONEN DOWN AND DELICATE CONSTITITTION6. From whatever cause, either in WILL GIP& YOIY STRONG, IiEeLTFIY NERYBS. nos thatat BRISK AND ENERGETIC FEELINGS, A trial Will convince the moat COMPOUND FLUID • EXTE ACT SABSAPAR.ILLA from an impure state of the blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy for the $715,857 20 cure of Scrofula. Scald Road, Salt Rheum, Paths and- Ss of the Bones, Ulcerations of the Throat, and Lege, Blotches. - Pimples on the -Pace, Titter, Erysipelas, and all scaly AND. BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION of.the Worst disorders that afflict mankind, arise from the corruption that accumulates' the blood. Of all the discoveries that have beet; made to purge it opt, none can equal in effect RELMBOLD'S COM POUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses and renovates the blood, instils the vigor of health into the system. and purges out the humors which make disease. It stimulates the healthy functions of the body, and expels the disorders that grow and rankle in the blood. Such a remedy, that could be relied on, has long been sought for, and now, for the first time, the public have one on which they can depend. Oar space here does not admit: certificates to show its effect;- but the trial of a single bottle will show to the sick th st 'it has virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken. - Two table spoorifnlls of, the Extract of Sarsaparilla, added to a pint of water. is equal-toa the Lisbon Dist Drink. and one bottle is folly equal to a gallon of the Syrup of Sarsaparilla. or the decoction, as usually made. $216,621 97 These Extracts have been admitted to use in the United States 6rmy, an a are also I. -very general use in all the Stare Hospitals and public sanitary institutions through out the lend, ai well as in private i.ractice, and are con sidered as invaluable remedies.. BEI MEDICAL PROPERTIIS OF BISIGHIT, FROX DISPENSATORY OF THS UNITED STATES'. See Professor DEWhIS' valunble works on the Eras Hoe of Phy,Fic. See remarks made by the late celebrated-Dr. PHYSIC Philadelphia. Pee remarks made by Dr. EPHRAIM McDOWELL, a celebrated physician and member of the. Royal College of Sul-loons, Irelani, and publtehed in the transactions of the Ring and Queen's Journal. See Medko-Chirrirchlgal R.,,vierr. published by NY N JAN IN TRAVERS. Fellow of Royal. College of Sur geons. -118.789,19 $1.089.425 521 See most of the late standard works of medicine PRICES: Extract Buohri.. $1 per bottle, °raiz for $5. Bareaparilla, $1 per - bottle, or six for $6. Delivered to any address. securely packed Address letters for information to HELMBOLD'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE BEIMBOLD'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE HELMBOLD'S DRUG AND• CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE HELMBOLD'S: MEDICAL DEPOT, HELMBOLD'S migincau DEPOT. HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 SOUTH TENTH STREET, PHIL4DELPHIk. 304 SOUTH TENTH STREET. PNTLADELTHT 104 SOUTH TENTH , STREET,' PRPLADELPHIA. BEWARE OF COOFTMIFJET E IS s AND UNPRINCIPLED Dispose of " their own" and "'other" articles on the re Potation attained by HELMBOLD 8 HinbbfßOLD'S EIZLISIBOLD'S BELMBOLD'S BELMBOLD'S R.gLMBOLD'S Ei BEMBOLD'S E{ EL M BOLD'S -HELDIBOLD'EI . Cnt oat the advartlaemant &n aand for it, and avoid. laltoaltion and, aavaoaLek noel-wesat ITELIWBOLD'S BELMROLD'S HELHROLD'S RELMBOLD'S BEGMBOI,OII HELMBOLDS COMPOUND COMPOUND COMPOUND COMPOUND COMPOUND A POSITIVE A POITTIVE A POSETIVII A POStrivg A PO3TTPFR A POSITIVE SPECIFIC REMEDY SPECIFIC REMEDY SPECIFIC REMEDY SPECIFIC REMEDY. SPECIFIC REMEDY or Brickdnat Depoed AN, Children Muscular System. Hot Hands. Plashing PALLID COMITENANCE fed diseases." 1333:3253 of the came of their suffering. Ma records - of tho Insane Invariably does IRON OR BARE For those Buffering MALE OR 'FEMALE WILL Girl& YOl7 A GOOD • APPETITE. WILL CIIVIS Yo •. and will (anima you. to SLEEP WELL SKEP PIC AL YIELMBOLIYB HELMnOLD'S RELMBOLD'S ABLDIBOLD'S HALMBOLD'S ____ HIGHLY , CONONNEELTED purifying the blood. rd moving all chronic constitutional diseases arising Eraptions of the NOT• A FEW 594 BROADWAY, N.Y., OR 594 BROADWAY, N.Y., OR 594- BROADWAY, .Y:, OR WHO ENDE.A.VOB. FIELIIBOLD'S PREPARATIONS GENUINE EXTRACT WARM GENUINE EXTRACT BUCHII. GERITIDIE EXTRACT BUCHU. GENUINE EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. GENUINE EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. GENUINE EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA GENUINE IMPROVED ROBRWASH. GENUINE IMPROVED P.osEwAsn SOLD By ALL DRUGGISTS. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ASR FOR HELMBOLD'S ASK FOR RREASIBOLD'S WANTS. NTPT ) -3 w o )I,E NT ( 62N21 HAND) CARDING itUCHINNI3. Inquire of 1 JOSE •- S.,R - 1:{ FIRS AZ'S LN 2,5 - ERS. or Lugo/31 , mq artit! B. FRANK PALM - ER, s urgenn r thd . of (7 7 wc'n n ^ • 01 _ 0 , 0 • WANT E FLENIA.N OF long experience, both in this City and New York, and acquainted with every branch of the Banktux bait noes, le dealrona or FORMING A CONNECTION with Some one of sufficient means to'carry on the business in all Its branch.. Thn highest ordca of r.f.-aoco can he furnished. Address "Security," at this office, for three days. ,ett NV - AN'rED A SITUATION AS BOOK .Ic-ENPRR. by a per of ForroriericA to ad oxcol lent rorort xvo Ann voila. .1; St •, p . 0 , , of,„ . T o 4 qt. WANIED—BY A YOUNG &N - , 'r who bas b , ien to the mercantile trade for several sari, ahithati , a as Salesman to a Grocery or Rrot and Shoe lf Aug,. aord remises give). Address " Vir H. 5.," rIiAV Del. n•os A COMPETENg AND EXPI RI ELWED RoOKKFAMRde , ires a altnatinn 'ax served as an officer in the arms' for eAeet 234 years Hn ial.nrtivsnf'-onto tit. and enrr.annnds in the. English. Frencl4 Gelman. and Scandinavian languagas, and speaks them all fluently. Aline addressed to G. " at this M11e.% will • oe*ovrimn,..l Ist* wt.vrti. , n *,.12-Rt NV - ANTED- BY A SINGLE GEN'CLE I I MAN, two communimtivg second-stow wept of Brond awl Roach of Market street Addromm "-X. Y. Z.." at tide office. Doi?. A* WANTEI.--A PERSON TO SELL COAL OIL in City and Country. Nast have ro oomir.odatinn. Apply No. tn 2 VALNIE/ Btreot. 'r4ro lo to 12 o'clock [ool2-3v] F R.V. GOOD SALESMAN WANTED-IN A a wholesale Hot hong°. ddrese Box 2.96. Phila delphia Post Office. nolo-12t. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE STANDARD HISTORY OF THE WAR. A rare obonce to make Money A gnat,. am cinarine from gklol to. WOO Der month Rood for circular dddrog BROR & Co. Nr4 1m" TO JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS.-AN exnArienced SALES WAN, bqvi , g au extensive and vainehle acqnaintance with Western Jobhera and Coun try March .nte fro 'whom he has sold 00/1.38 for many years roe). wishes to make an engagement with a re- snoneible Mule., who keen a full stock of Goods, to date from let -.Ten nary next. The ad vertieer is about to make a Weatern trip on bu siness; consequently desires an interview, with the view to an engagement. !jive for d. B :A., at this OffiCe Win be panrbrtily re9l , ndod ttAte WA NTED-AFIRS'T CLASS, L A.ll.G&' SIZE COUNTING ROO?ISAQE. Giving size, de- Fcrlption. makers', boss , long in use, price. :$,.. gijOrasg S'gfg ifino of f i lo'. nan.-r WA fit* WANTED-IN A SILK JOBBING LT Br nap. a first-clitas cIALESWAN. with soma led ex af the brisirow non ability to intluence trade Ad dress "R. T R.," this office. n0943t WANTED-A STORE ON NI A.R -•-• REP Sirent, btowPen Third and Sixth. r.v the tat of January • ddrArK " R S .k. , " ord?-qt. 85 00 0. any - THE SUBSORIBV e ,Et IS , open for sat , A,lerpri in this city or elsewhere, with the above amount in cash, and gaol business nualifiraticn -. reference, dm. Address for one week. '' F A L.' Ladoor 'lnce , xvil2- 31'.. *75 A MONTH!-I WANT TO HIRE g •-• Agents in every county at .)76 a month, expon rem ,aid, to sell my new cheap Family sewing Machines Address, B. MAr4fstilN. Alford. !Ain e. Oct.-4.itw'to En A MONTH! WE WANI `-" , -"AGETR at IWO a month, eavenses raid, to car our EVERLASTING PENCILS, ORIENTAL BITENETii and thirteen other articles. lb Circulars free. SELan , & CLARK, Biddeford. Maine. sell-d&Ntrate DEPUTY QIIARTERMASTEP GRITER)J2B OFFICE. —PHILADELPICEA. Feb. _ _ iris. viNciELS WANTED imteediacely to carry COAL D the following points: Tortrnsa. Key West, Fly.. Fort Monroe, Va. Alexandria, Va. Newbern. - N. C. Port Royal, S. C. A. Barr, felo-tf Captain and Scald. Qtlart.,Tanxttq BOARDING. BOARD. -TWO HANDSOME COM rannicating second•siory rooms vacant N 1 13 t 5 WALNUT Strr , Pt. nolA ott FOR SALE AND TO MET. A VALUABLE COUNTRY SEAT AND FARM OF EIGHTY ACRES, AT PUBLIC SALE Will be sold on TUESDAY, the 14th of Novembs.r, at 2 o'clock P. M., on the premises, the property of the sub scriber, consisting of about EIGHTY ACRES OF LAND; in the hisitost state of onl‘ivAtion, with. LARGE MAN SION HOUSE. two' Tenant Heinsss, Large Barn, and all the other necessary farmbnildings.. it is situated on the Delaware river, in that nart of Falls township, Becks county. called `The^ Manor," and adjoining Robbins , wharf. where the .teanab , at Trenton stone daily; also, within twenty-five minutes drive of the Tulleytown Station, on the Trenton Railroad. It is well supplied with Fruit and khade Trees, and Shrubbery, and is, altogether, a desirable propertY, either a, a residence or for farming purposes. Persons wishing to attend the sale will find conveyan ces et the Tulleyhrwn Station, meeting the 11 o'clock A. M. train from Kensington, and can return at 6 o'clock the same evening. For further particalars, inquire of EDWARD LEWIS, nol4 • 421 COMMERCE Street. COALYABD FOR SALE.-THE BEST fitted np Yard in the city: canacity for doing any amount of business. Inquire on the pwmioee. 80. 957 North NINTH Street. be , ow. Girard Avenue . nol4- sik - EXECUTORS' SALE OF REAL ESTATE. —Will be sold at public' sale, on the pre mises, near the village of TULLYTOWN, Bricks county', Pa., on. SATURDAY, the 23th of November, 1823, at 2 o'clock P. a valuable PARlifi.the late residence of Joseph Headly. decease& containing 158 acres of Land, abont 20 of good woodland and 4 of meadow, with a front on the Delaware river, and a valuable Fishery thereon. The improvements are a enhalantial frame house, two; barns. hay house, ice house and other convenient out buildings; two good apple orchards, with other fruits, shrubbery, dre. This farm is of the rich alluvial "Manor" land, widelY known for its productiveness, and is sitaate near the turnpike road, and withinquarter of a mile of Tullytown Railroad Station, where there is access eeve ml times per day by railroad to and from Philadelnhia and Trenton. twenty-five miles from the former and six from the latter °lace. A ny one w i e bing to view the premises will call on THOMAS HEADLY, user by. THOMAS HEADLY, _ nol4-60 - CHARLES aroo .zecnters. F °RgLETHE LEASE, GOOD WILL. & c.. of VALLEY G UFA 13.01'3L. on WiFt sabielcon—one of the best stands for bugi noes on the road. Inquire on the premises of. S. S. MARKLEY. FOR SALE- WESTOHESTNUT ST.- A ftret -class RESTDENCIL containing all the extra modern conveniences, built in ihe moat substantial man ner. and flniAbed throughout in the most elaborate style. C. 1), COLLA DAT. 434. WAI,FiITe Street. ' nol2-Rt* g m HOTEL TO RENT.-A FIRST H-uclass Hotel. centrally located, will be to let lan. 1.116.4 Apply to P. D. 'MYERS, 113 South SEVttNTH Street. - nol4-3t* LFOR SALE-AN ELEGANT, new.HOTTSE, with side yard. No. 2023 SPRING GARDEN Street. I.t. MI FOR SALE, IN THE SIXTH WARD, TOUR BUILDINGS, 34 feet front, 45 feet deep. One 18 by 45 feet. can be ex tended 56 feet wide. One 16 by 22 feet. all three story. One 60 feet square, first story 16 feet high, second story 12 feet, with heavy walls; can be built higher; with engine and heavy shafting. Terms, ONE-THIRD CASH. Anplv to WILLI ANI ifeGLINsET, nol4-3tif. South FOURTH Stroet. in FOR SALE—A. VERY DESIRI bIe three-story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, on the east side of HOWARD Street, above York street. Lot 18 feet front by 110 feat deep to Hope street. The House is in a superior condition, and well built. Will be sold upon reasonable terine Immediate possession can be given. Apply to - LUKENS .& MONTGOMERY, 1035 BEACH Street, above Laurel no3-Im* Or to MARY. LtrIKENS noon the promisee e i TO. RENT-FOR SIX , MONTHS, a desirable Residence. partially furnished, plea santly- sitnated at Germantown, with modern conve niences, with an acre of *round. stable, &c. Apply to FOBT. MAct3RE.GOR, 419 WALNUT Street, nord-it PEREMPTORY PUBLIC . S ALE._ Will be sold at Public We. on MONDAY. Novem ber 8?, 1 863. et 10 o'clock P. M., on the Premises, a VALUABLE SMALL FARM; containing :38 'Sevres And 27 perches of land. situate on the road leading from Wil low Grove to Davieville. X of a mile from Willow Grove, 12,14 miles from Phimdelphia, and three miles from Abington Statism, on the North :Nu •sylvatila, road, Moreland tow nshio, Montgomery county, adjoining lands of Benjamin Morgan, and. others. The improvements consist of a two-story Stone Rosen and Ritchey, frame wagon-house, and other out-buildings, milk vaults, rump, and well of water, &c . &e. There if , all orchard of apple and other fruit trees;:also, small lot of Wood Land. The balance of the land is arable. The soil is of excellent quatity, and in a good state of cultivation. A part of it is well adapted for early melting, having a southern exposure and a fer tile, mellow roil. A stream of water passes throne' the premises. This in a very desirable farm, being is a healthy and ref nectehle neighb whood. convenient to schools. stores, mills. and lime kilns, with a pea= office at Willow Grove,• and stapes running to the Railroad Station twice a day. Immediate possession will bo given Any information concerning the premises can be ob tained of O. e undersigned, by letter or otherwise. • • JO FIN METH. Agent for the Owner HUNTINGDON VALISY. Nov. 7. 1663. n11.4.7t SPLENDID PROPER I T AT PRI VATE SALE —The satvcriber effer;'s at private pale his highly improved Pxßbi.of sheet- 11.5 A.CEP.I of LAND, with the noted LIME-qTO CrTARRY, KILNS, and fixtures. situated in iIIILL-CREEK HUNDRED, New. Castle County. Delawsre. The situation is fine, and the land in the highest state of productiveness, particularly desirable for parties de signing to enter upon the atilhire of tobacco.- Three acres of Grape Vines in successful bearing. There le a tasteful and substantial Residence, besides several tenements on the property. Call and see the subscriber, or address JOHN G. JACKSON, noll.7t* Wilmington P. 0., Box 299. LOST AND ImOtTND. LOST—CHECK NO. 1361., , F0R 050, on IVIANUFACTURRRS' CND MECHANICS' BANK,' in • going from 416 COMMERCE to THIRD and VINE Streets. All persons are cautioned against negotiating With said Check, as payment has been stopped. Any person finding and returning the same to the subscriber will be suitably rewarded. c..14-21.*] C. F. HAY. LO S T-01( RTIFIC ATE No. 12, FOB FIFTY !;BARBS OF STOCK in the DELAWARR MINING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN, in the name of W. A. NEWBOLD.. AMtersons are hereby cautioned against negotiating the same, as application has been made to the Company for its renewal. au29. sl2t* IMPORTERS OF WINES AND LIQUORS LAUMAN, StB.'LLA.DF , „ 4% No. SAS SOUTH NINTH STREET:. Between Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia: ' G. M. BATMAN, A. M. SALLADB. nog-6m- J. H. BITTING WE STLEY RICH ARDS GIIN.-A LED& supe occ r B o l m ßD pl e G te IT Price * d 2 e o ob.y o W ES e T L y Y RICH PHILIP WILSON .S.t CO., n014.6t 409. Chestnut street. NOTICE TO PROPERTY-OWNERS— CGRITECTINO RAILROAD.--The plaii and profile of the "Convecting Railroad" having been submitted to the Board of !Surveyors. as direct.d- by act of Assem bly, the said Board have fixed. TUESDAY Moraine next, the 17th inst., to examine the location of said Railroad. and. will me.t at the orRARD-AvEaus BRIDGE, at 19.15 A. 61. , for that rinfPesik STRICIMAND REBASS, „ nol4-St Chief Engineer and Surveyor. GOSITEN BUTTE B-153 TUBS strictly. prime Goshen DUTTPR to stein and torss:ce CRESED ROUGH & PEARSON- , 11 South WATER Elt...ea. ll>. JOHN L. CAPEN, PriSK,NOLO: firt 01ST, maybe conanited, DAY and P, - ,rgNING, 03 , adaptation to Business. Trade,alid Profeesioni on the improvement of healr, , correction Or faults. formation of friendeb;". a tu. p ull de. scrAOlene of character given when required at No - . Si A. %%ETU Strut, above Oheotank .33-tiastumait , by nol4 :t' AMITRPMENTR. AMBRIOAN ACADEMY OF hiTTSPIN 4L AARMArUTA... ..... BIROIinD di GE fjrdii.N OPERA. SATIIRDAY APVERNOONt at 2 0 ) 0/043% (IRANI) , KIMMEL Lily Partica2ar Ito/not-1 A NIGHT IN OF ENADA, _ . Romantic Opera by Mrentzer. Lana (her first appearance)..... 2 , mks. to art Yatt4 01 rho Hoare. EP) rPetg ; -regorge& Smite 25 cats; may be lad at the BOX OCEIce. and J. Z. (lobld'e Bingo Store. • SATMTADAY EVENING, NOVEMBER' 14: GRAND GALA OPERA NIGHT:- If SOLE BENOIT OF THE - SPECIAL RELIEF' SOCIETY FOR TRH. FAMISIILSO 80LDIEV9 BeetEovon's Mader. Work, tnimicy. DRANO OPERA 11 3 A-ViV. Doors open at 7; commence at ft Prices as venal MISS EUGENIE VAIRNITillift TEM &HINE ZIT Pin NISI, Wait pleaysre in annOnneing to the Philadelphia public that abet will give TWO MATINP.Po : atthe FOYER OF THE ACADR3I4 OYPIDSIC. The first to take place On WEDNESDAY. the Mk' of November, Commending at 2 P. M, aseteted by %mere CARL GAERTNER, AL H. CROSS, and C4n - s. Scstairz. PART, FIRST_ 1. Grande Fantatrie cur t.a B,renatannla .... BARtf3riTag. 2. Stir l'Ocean—Rontenee bans Parolee—Batelle Yr.lee. . . Barneiche. MISS BeRNETWIE 3. Fantaisie Tor Viola. - David. CaRL GAERTNER. MU, D. ff. f;;RO3S. 4. Veradet, Scheme, Valso. Candi - it de Concert ' Bo: netche. MISS BeßllzrcHs. PART SECOND 5. Polonaise MISS BARNETCHE 6. Orand Vase MISS BARNETCHE. 7. Solo—Aria—Vlolincello.. ....... ...Franc:gamma. GRAS. M. SGBFILTi . A.EW M. 11. CROSS. 8. Grande Panful,. Soria MISS BAMNSTCME. Ticket for One to each Matinee . 58 • • Three to each Matinee *1 .' Two to troth Matine"ea 164 To be /ad at J. B Gould'e, Andre & Co.'s. and Leo & Walker's. noll 71 NEW cliEsufur-ST. THEATRE.- Leweee arvi c larld B pertterilar recitteet THIS (gaturday EVENIVG, Nov 14th, AVORIA. JON ?Z. Will repeat her great im rwrsnnation of MEDEA, Supported by Mr. J B. Studley as Jason. MiPI3 Fanny Brown.— as Creasa. Messrs. S. C. .Daboia, S. W. Blaisdell., Mitses Cooper, Porter, &e. MUSICAL CONDUCTOR-- To conclude with the Fare, entitled A LOAN OF, A LOVER,. Gertrude, with songs 3fise Fermi Brown. Peter Spvhe (hie 2d appearance)'. Mr. H. W. Flake. In active preparation. Webeter's dramatization of MIAs Braddon'a poplar novel. entitled AURORA FLOTA WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. T Lenges Mm. MA. GARRETTSK , A. THIS (Saturday) EVENING. Noy. 74tH. Theperforms ncewll7 commencgr with the Drama of the FEMALE GAMBLER'. Maria de Vortemiee Mina MarY"Prerost. NELL °WYNNE; Or, THE HMG'S RIVAL. Neil Gyynne (her great comedy imperennation) Mies Mpry Proy oat; Duke of Richmond, B. L. Tilton. To conclude with WONDER FDL AND 114.R.VRLLOUg FFATR. GRAND DIVERTICSEMENT EY THE ARAB. TROUPE. WALNUT STREET THEATRE; o RAND R MATINEE; SATURDAY AFTERNOON . , N r ,ir. 141)r. In compliance with numerous requests, the'rsan.age ment respectfully announces that an arrangement ha been made with the WONDERFUL ARAB TROUPE, To dye OWE 31 a.TEVE . E. For the accommodation of Families and Ohildren. when the REAL CHILDREN OF TRYDWERT, T WYJNE IN IfIIMBER., Will BDDflir in their WONDERFUL FEATS OF POSTURING, MARVELLOUS BOUNDING; AND UNAPPROACHABLE PYRAMIDEV.g. The entertainment will commence with a laughable farce celled VIII KNOW EVERYTHING. After which the evil-MYER:Fin ARABS. To conclude with the LAT GEEING HYING: Boole open at half past 1 o'clock, Perfermaiine com mencee at hclf pa , t 2 o'clock nol2-St MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARP R. STRID3I' TAXATRIZ-IROTI F!-re",. above 5t....-th. SIXTH NIGHT QX MRS. D. P. BO WEIN. THIS (Sato Hay) 'TVS N ND. Noy.Mth.:lE33. PLOT AND PASSION. 141adame Pontanges —Mrs. D.' P.' Hewers. Desments Ha :ion HIM To coochide with the Drtura of" JON kTIIA_N BR DVORD ; - OR, THE MURDER AT THE ROADSIDE INN. Dan litacroisey BircAn. 61111, Caleb Scrim mice Qthart- Robson.. Monday, LADY AUDLEY'S SECRET " Prices as usual. No extra charge for secured seats. Doors open at 6# o'clock. Commence at 7.Ef. o'clock. QECOND SEASON, 1863--'64:.. 14% R CROSS and. CR kRLIIS TL IkRVIS, Respectfally anaounce to the public that they will give FOUR. CLASSICAL SOIREES. AT TIM' FOYER OF TEE AnADENTY OF MUSIC THIS WINTER. . . The first of the series to be given in DECR'IIRRR. and the TeMailring three during the months of JANUARY, FEBRUARY. and APRIL. 1861 - -. Messr- C. and. J. wilt he assisted by tho Following Artists: I CARE CfAREVRER, "VjO'iß. C. &I" SCRRTTZ, Woloneello. I. . TSCRIRNER.CIontra Basso Wsr STOW., Clarioxtet• A. YRELNRR, A ant boy J. Roca: Pilate. G. MuLLER, BassArat. 0. PLAGEMAN, Mini. Programme. v ith subserinton prices, at Gould's, An. dr e & Co 's. and Lee & Walker's. nol4-stuth. tt aREAT SCOT! TISH' BALL.-FIFTEE ANNU AL B ALL of the CALBDONfIN CLIJI3. for the BENEFIT of the LIBR ARV. Tliti KSI I AT svF, NING. J cember Nth. 1663; at MUSICAL FUND SHALL. Tickets' sl' nol4-tdelfi* WAUGH'S NEW PANORAMA ITALY AN') HER WAR R FREEDOW" TOUR TF F IEIMI D - T I T S ! .3 1011 . 1 4NG THE.WAR. Will be Exhibited for the dret.tiriefilirtGil' CONCERT HA - LL;.. CHESTNUT St.. eh. TWELETH. Philadelphia. MONDAY EVENI7 , - 9; ) , NOV: 16th..1863, CONTINTIE EVERY EvEkfirict DURING THE WEEK. COL. WILLIAM H. MAURICE,' ELOQUENT AND ;0 O IILAR SPELFaII; _ ILLUSTkvighWiIZITITEER• for the Panorama, and will. at the close of the eorhihi- . . . renit, J.OWIEWS SOUL-STIRRING POSH OF THE SLEEPING SENTIYEL Doors open at 7. Commencing at 7X o'clock Admission. . 25 cents_ GREAT' NATIONAL OIROUSI AND MODEL SHOW—NATIONAL HALILMARKET above Twelfth.—Open at 734,1'61(10k each evening, under the Manarentert of Mrs CHARLES. WARNER, formerly Mrs DAN RICE. The celebrated VirTITTBY- FAMILY. Airs. F: WHIT TAKER. Md lle Etyma, Mr. C. RING; and NAT AUSTIN. the vPntlemanly. Clown the great WK. YOUNG. in La _Reheat Perfieuse• Comic litres, Con traband and Cunning ;-The - Mau ot'Matty-Fornisi and a full Troupe of AmaIIEATS AND GYMNASTS,_ The Great COMRAD BEOTIIERS and tire Intrepid EATON STONE will also appear_ ADMISSION: —Stage Scats. 60 cents-; Private Erm. $3; Parrin.t. 9A - cents • Gallery. 15 cents MA.TINSES on "WEDNESD and , SATURDAY AF TERNOONS- commencing at 234 o'clock. n:.13-tf VOX'S C A KENO: a CHESTNUT. SttYpt INCREASED ATTR WIONS I PRETE , ' NOVELTIES MDLLE.' HALLETT] . 3IDL LE. GALDEI7I In two nAw b‘antifa , ae.AiAto-Ibd MDLLE. MATARINA. ELL A. "NEMER, AND MONS TO-FR.O.PR CHARLES E. COLLINS. THE WONDERFUL CITE& and the Beet Comic Sinccr in the cnontrY, EV BAY NTOTIT; TEMPLE OF WONDERS—ASSEMBY wurixiNG-13, WIRT Ai{D emoz_zrNaT erv—Ervn Amnement for Old ona Terms lErVh and 145Ani..1. - onea for the nooson. Oonstaut ohs . .. Age of Ruteeentnm. , SIGNOR Brar4 - . =RV STMING. commencing at 75i, e'eleek, liredneisday ene Se:tank - 5' :It a; 40A - gotino of New. terie in Neorenenoy. treat' FMCC - GAZ in Tera2l.7.o.v.ilt and the Learn.d. Canary Rirda Admission 245 cents; Children Id cents OTELERKEL'S GREAT riervam, - 1 .••'. MARTYRS IN TAR COLISRIDit, • NOW EXCIRITING AT THE ACADEMY OF FM'S ARTS, ANIA ORCHESTRA.—PUBLIC RBHEARSALS ever, SATURDAY. 334 o'clock. F. hi., at the MUSICAL PUMP HALL. Single fiesta. , H cents. Pachmses a six tickets. $l. To be had at ANDRE'S, 1104 CHESTNUT Street; J. B HOTH.W., SEVENTH and CRESI'BRIT, and at the Rail door. ne12.4%. MILITARY mnces. CORPWOF HONOR, U. S. A. TI B ADaTtAG,,,, Moor rreTTS, STM , Tnr• D./740AD Gclittni FOS r9tILADM.T - -4.. 24Z South THIRD Street Philadelphia. Pa. SOLDIERS honorably discharged on account of dis ability will; apply for Information for enlistment in the INVALID CORPS to Lieut. HUBER BASTIAN, Invalid Corps, 243 S. Third street, Philadelphia, J or to Lieut. J. W. DEAN. Invalid Corps. All Brown street. and 3.3. corner Broad and Spring Garden ste. • Phila. Pay and [allowances. excepting bounty and pension., same as in D. S. Infantry. B W. MATTHE WS, Major lot Pa. Art. and Snpt. Invalid Corps for Phil-Idol. phis anli-saAtintf COPARTNERSHIPS. TYFETLADELPHIA NOVEMBE:a: . 10, 163.—PRILIP HERST bas THIS DAY naseciated with him CHARLES J. \WALTON. The bujnew; will be continued in the same name ae heretofore. _ PHILIP HERM CHAS,' S Ho. 38 South FlPell Streak. • CORRECT PIANO TUNING. .-Mr. C. E. SA.RGENT'S orders for Baia;, and repairing Pianos are received at 39 1 .50 N St CO 's store, 907 CHESTS= Street, only. her S. hie had eleven years' factory ngperfeneain.goe.. ton, and I've years' employment in T,."Alladelphi's, SPECIAL. PlBllOl5 rebulthereff to,- sound as oat and sweet toned as new, without rem 04,1917. Term for Tnnlnst, OHM W.ILLIAII.I STITARD, ITIYIPARFAKTR., No. 919 COATEStr qu e n etyteeaa : _c9iattantly on hand COFFINS of sup erior 3 d finish. LOTS in Glnwood Contrier7 for sale. nol4-121* VEROSENE, OP, COAL OIL LAMPS.— ' ^ The public have bsea irroa,tuy annoyed by the break ing of glass Chinineya on their Lamps. If it were not for Ibis annoyance coal oil woad , supersede Gas for illu minating. We would onto - once to tho community that we have overcome that diftD.culti -by an invention which enables end th e e:i n to 1 i g s itt ee 9 , ? a la t 71113:withotet removing tbo chimney. 11. B WYOT No. 114 South SECOND Street. -pEilaEß , s COLORED PHOTO " GEAPHS, narnrally - colored, for $1 only, are fine laten'Asse. of superior"style and quality. Executed at 1 08 'popular Gallery, at SECOND Street, above Green IXI` WORSE YERDEffoIRss FEEDER! This new Invention Is for feeding horses while stand Ina in harness or otherwise. It is made of heavy Russia Duck, and so constructed that .the horse cannot waste any feed; the bag is ventilated by the insertion of eye. lets, giving the horse plenty of air. -. For durability, convenience. and economy this is un surpassed.. By remitting !Ed a sample will be forwarded to any address._ _ All lettere of bleary must be addiested to GEO. T. - DALTON, - Bole Agent and Nenneeetarkir neigin /WRl4XLMlNUallitnetititilmaltAl6 Lee and. Direotni. ...Busipeas Maziassr. ...Phadear. Barnetche. • „Caopia. ME. MARK HASSLER. D. WRIGHT, secretary ocl2-Btelf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers