Inerohnsfinn'—Fourth IR R jameeon. Carlisle, Pa MKepler, Centre co Pa 21Mc onvill, Sienben'le, 0 C Elliott, York river, Va A k Tinsman. Williamsport! 43 F Yengling, Ohio K Bs rd & wf. Lancaster TPittsburg' Capt Bond. US A Allen Craig, Mooch Chunk Livingeton, Wikeebarre P Eisner, Wilkeebarre 71tSbellaby Pittsburg d A li.liett di lady 'Chas A Dickey & la.Pitteb'g Alexandria, Va Time 0 Mil, Altoona P M iner & wife !lime B McKean, Easton Cleo Able. Easton .7 Q Adams, Penne, BF Bigler, Clearfield Joe York & wt, Phila - Mlea Thorn, Phila C J Thorp, Phila F fl Thorp. Pbila .E J Forney.Shippenebnrg A Jngtbite, Chamberebnrg 71, / BisboP, Chamberbbarg •DP Etter, US A Lockwood, Easton •Amerimm---Chnstitu W M Feraueon,Wat hingtou keter Brady .:Mre 1.1 A Fithian, Washin'a .1 13 Wert. %Yak hington -.George Williams, N J B Longheror .J Mil ward, Old Point C Brawhill. Washington P Mellen= & wr. 1V Y John 110,4t0n, Armstrong 00 John Green & wr, Del , ChaF C Alexander, Y L Pinney, Milton A H McCormick, DS A ..Gen A fond, Maryland _JohnDe.oware John I. Pratt, D over-Del' 31iss A Brown. New York B Sm lib," Syracues ••C F Shim. el, Tamagun, .0 F blioeber, Tamaqua . W F Boosher, Maryland Lunta—Ohestraut .B Randolph. New Jersey G C Boyd & wf, Trenton Goodwin. Trento. James R Hoagland. N J Carol) & wf, St John, NB 3Elenry Romadson, Albany 'Geo itnnt,ldron, Albany John Bond, bazleton Joel B e t•ey,Jr, 11 Chunk :Mohan!) Meseup Penne Joe Reynolds, Washington Westinghsin. New York B Moore, sew. York - J G Bnfier, New York Chas Major, New York John G Browo, San Prase° • :to Darts, Detroit Thin Union—Arch Ci A Wc.lf, Pennsylvania 0 W Buren Beading A K Adel. vill, Pennegrove Samuel Lewin, Penn. John B alma. Allentown A 0 Haines, Alliance, 0 I W (ialentine. Indiana K A rlsbna,. Cadiz, 0 W W West, Cincinnati . Jos, Potfevllle M O Tiutsman, New York J Stillman, Pottsville _ . . Warnsley. Salton Isaac 00old, Trenton, N J :F. J 'Fry. Tarnegna L Wa na right, Jeangsville A 0 lilningor, Allentown States Linton itlttrYe D Taylor ar wf Indiana A Taylor, IV Llheeier. W T Knitle, Baltimore Long: Maxfield on J T St irloy Jos Douniae. Penns Joa Cort. Tonna .014ri., BelieFont° J Cl Beale, 'Juniata co Commercial—Sixth a B A Long, Lancaster IV A Flake', Penna. Miss B B Fruiter, Penna R W Birnie, Wilm, Del C Buratto, Harrisburg Dr Renee" Doylestown Miss H M Wood, loinc co Atha JCIIPR. 'Lancaster co Mimi A El Killer. Lane co 3 ht . Bye dr wt„ Wilm, Del W Posey .k la Calliner, West Chester °Xsalrrium's Hotel— S C Steinmet & In, Penna J Joneo, Monroe co,l'e. Jonas lowiran, Penna Edwin Maio, Allentown •Hhas H Knouts, Allentown A Knauss, Allentown J frl Darl)ng, New Jersey B Bailey & la. Ohio _ B McClellan, Penna. Chas Cory, 'Baltimore National—Race CFMano D H Irexler, Snyder oo .Jonas Trexier. Snyder co Levi Bler, Phmixville X 6 Ba eler, NOM W !DM:E'er & la. Colombia co A K Sloan. Columbia co J Creary it. la, Columbia co Martin tinny, Penns ./Hre Beck & eon, Penne, 'Blount Vernon Hotel, Collins. Pottsville Miss Bell, Pottsville W Baker & , P, Peana, A 84:bent:, P7I , W York NV El Dolan. Patina Miss C Wilson, Milton W Ester, branch Chunk 3 Al Party, Bristol .3 Parr..., I S N Jacob Gruber Capt Palk , . Easton econd Stabove Aran. Elamilson & ls, Columbia Miss C Ham Ron. Columbia Mrs on, Columbia S Gyer, West Maim', Pa B Weaver, West _Stilton, Pa J W Cnstbarde:. Fauna . W Castbarder, Penna. Oyer, Union co, Pa F A Gudahala, Penna G Gray, New Jersey Diadsson--Secoma /treat.. aitenva BlZarkisa J WlCntnlngs, Reohester D 8 Newbold, New Jersey John Pine,. Stooton. N J 0 DI Nicholson, Concord, D PEFisler, Milford, Del Chas D' Atkinson, N Sermon , J W Lynch. Oeorgetbe, Del S Vickerinv, Yardley ville Jos )3 Burns, Delaware Thos Betts, Backs co Isaac Wool ten, Delaware J R Zigler, Trenton Nies J S Hearn, Delaware Isaac Knight, B7 bery 'Shen Long Delaware „title Lehman &la N York Jas N Sznith, Maryland YY eLssen. Trenton ' John Dailey, Maryland IW YI Terry, New York C•lement Linea, Delaware R Van .Vike,lNe w Jersey SPECIAL NOTICES_ _AN INCIDENT AT WASHINGTON BY TEE BARD OP TOWER FALL.. A lady to the White House went, h s latest journals represent,) And, while the servants'llyes were shut, • -Phe from the window curtain cut Tull half an ell of rich brocade, Of which she for her husband made A vest, as Willis says, "too loud" To please the fashionable crowd. " Tho man who wore this vest. it seems. • Was mocked by office•houtlngdreame, cd to the President applied -;Pis honesty was certified) But, when the President surveyed His vest, of stolen dry goods made. He said, "My friend, , I see a sign, _ Which tells me you can never shine mon g that uncorrupted race Which I in office wish to plate." -- So, Father Abe dismissed him quick, And disappointment made him sick. But, when his contrite dame conreesed Hew she obtained that fleshy •veet, He said. "Let of f ice. banters all Obtain their gear at Tower Hall. And when for places they apply. They will not be repulsed, - "like I. " IThe largest assortment of Gentlemen's Ready-made Clothing in Philadelphia algt,ays on band. TOWER HALL, • 518 MARKET Street. It HENN - EFT lt Co. ,IDEAFNESS, EYE AND EAR, THROAT - Dfll• NABES, CATARRH. —The above maladies treated with ihe utmost success by Dr. VON MOSCHZISKEE, Oculist and Aurist, graduate of Vienna, Office, 1027 WALNUT Street, Where on be examined hundreds of testimonials from he very best known men in the country, among which e several from old and responsible citizens of Phila elphie, who can be personally referred to. n07.4t• A CARD. =--PHILADELPHIA IN THE FIELD. Dr. HELMBOLD, our enterprising townsman, has queued at the above place a large DRUG AND CHEMI CAL WAREHOUSE. All who may contemplate visiting !bat city are respectfully requested to give him a call, and:they will be certain to receive from the gentlemen atiendonce kind and polite attention. In accordance with the Doctor's usual past mode of conducting - busi *ess, none but pure and fresh goods will constantly be hept on hand, and all who give him their custom may le assured that every article sold will be genuine, and st the lowest cash figure. Remember, HELDIBOLD'S new Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 5.94 BRO I.DIVAY, New York. A cordial invitation to all ONE-PRIOR CLOTHING, OF THIS LATNEW Mynas, made In the Beet Manner, expressly for TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in-Plala All Goode made to Order warranted satiate. tory. Our Orra-lfmron Swims is strictly adhered to All are thorehy treated alike. del2•li JONES & QO., Gildi MAE= Street. ASTHMA AND ALL BRONCHIAL AFFECTIONS owed by a new system of ELECTRIC ITT. without shocks or pain, by Dr. A. H. STEVENS, MS SOUTH PENN SQUARE. oc.3l•tf DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, is the author of " Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment." FMn GEORGE STECK & CO.'S :,-1A..." 0 1 PIANOS. 1 I consider GEO. STECK & Co. is Pianos the most 'Parise bitatrtimi nte, all things cobsidered, I ever saw, C. E. SARGENT, Tuner, 907 CFIESOXIIT St. This is tecertify that I have performed on Geo. Steck & Co.'s PILL DOI.. at my Entertainments in Concert Hall, and take pleasure in saying I have never seen their equal in volume, touch, and brilliancy. CAIIXA LA I TELLE. FOR SALA SIT J. E. GOULD. n.. 71 , gEvElail AND CIIESTVIIT BTB, ' " 0024-scrtf STEINWAY'S PIANOS. The fame of these instrnme nte has extended to every ran of Europe. We find on the programme of the Phil. karmonic Concerts in Bremen and Brunswick a note Stating that the grand piano fortes used were " from the enzanufactory of Nesere. , SrmxwAY & SONE, New York." iWe also see by a London Paper, noticing the fact of Wxra,rs PAPE playing before the Prince and Princess of Wales during the bridal festivities, that "the piano ivied at the, castle was one of STEINWAY ok SONO!. New :York, which took the prize medal at the World's Fair." BLASIUS BROTHERS. No. 1000 CHESTNUT Street. se26-ew tt ZILA:Li:LRaFAD. REM DER—HARNIS H.—At Miller'e Hotel, Chestnut otreet, Philadelphia, on Tuesday afternoon, November 1841.9, by the Rev. B. W. Hatter, Mr. Jacob Kreider, of Fulton township, to Miee Mary H. Tarnish. of Col:L -adoga township. both of Lancaster county, Pa. 4 EVANS—RICHARD& —On Tuesday the 10th instant by the Rev. John M.Dichards. D. D., HoraceY. Evans. D.. and Anna L., youngest daughter of the 11 , te William H. Richards. (No cards.) EISHEL—WOLP. —October 9th. by the Rev. M. D. Hurts. at the Parsonage of the Tweifth.street M E Church, 1813 Poplar street, Mr. John A. Eishel to Miss Biary E. Wolf, both of this city. RANYLINS—NEADLE.—On the 10th inst.. at. St. James' Church, by the - Rev. H. J. Morten, D. D., J. Morgan Rawlins to Jeannie Darley, daughter of John :Resale, Esq. • MAIVICE—ROBERTSON. —At New Haven, Nov. 4. by "Jim Edward L. Drown. Edward ' ,A Mau i " , B ag' •_ of New York, and Miss Phebe M. H daughter of Dr. :ohn Robertson, of New Haven. DIME), CLOTHIBIL —On the Bth inst,Mrs. Susan . Clothier, In the 74th year of her ego, vdow of the late ...John glothler. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend her funeral from her late residence, Barker street west of Owego street, above Richmond street, Eigh teenth iward. on Thursday afternoon, at I o clock, to 'proceed to Mount Vernon Cemetery. Oslo and Ken tucky_papers please copy. it LANCASTER. —On the 9th inst. , Wm. Cy rus Lanoas fie,r In the 30th year of his age. The frtenc e of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, 721 Mont e:Wm street: on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. J (MOEN .—Suddenly, on the 9th inst. , at Fort Thayer, 'Washington. D. C.,Captein John S. Jarden, 112th Re almeat, F. V., aged 31 years. The relatives and friends of the family, the members of Union Lodge, No 121. A. Y. M., and Excelsior Mark Lodge, No. 216, are respectfully invited to attend his ru mors) from the residence of his father, Wm. Jude's. No. nu Spring Garden street,. to. morrow (Thursday) after noon, at 2 o'clock, Interwelst ey 1494111140411ggitioe . Street. below /trek. Ifdre Hole and child; Evito ter n T Gaines, West Ches Jos S Remus, West Chester . C W Roberts. West 'Ottestar J J °Murrain. West Chester T P avans, West Wieder 0 W uowning, W Chester W 0 Christman. Vir Chester C 0 Merrill .Wash, D C CO Conch St wf, Pohlman) John M Miller Port Wayne Jos Thieinin. Pittston C Stare, Pittston 8 p Wolverton Sortbary,Pa 0 .3 Bossord, ?Ittston Geo Mouser, .10 ,to a J-$ Mason. C inton 00, Pa C Piele 8, Willie...port Jas 4 Parsons, Salisbury Mrs Parson, SO JO -I. ISY Miss M Cattld vela, Weisport Miss J Lapill'S Toe/sada J Hnoser, de w York J sm,th„ throcannon , Skolum. Bette B Bunt, New York N t B..arderimi, Dunn . . P Broag. ticrauton.,ll.lltituore P 8 heed and wife, Md street. above, firlftlk. T Spear. New York 1i w Wulff & wf . Dr Reay & wf. Lung Island fas Ze.oger, Maryland J vans, Wasui tig(ol3 Po.ton .11., %%in). Del W D , :his man, W T R Leach, Piynionth. Blase J W Foster, Et.ooklya W 01.ay Ma. Wass L f' Hayward, "New York 0 11 Speed & wf Dorton & Parma Mies %igen, Lafayette, Pa W Cbanibnrs, Mini, Del P bl ermantrons. Reading Snqh, ba,tea 1 H wyc. off. N. or Jersey H RosengAribee & aon,ti Y H Rep hinn , r, Reading Levi 6 Mowry 0 Tina man street, above Third S H ttnttrick. Pre 0 7 York D W Pfutma. U9N S C ill! 11, Vill;ii{l3Green. tif+o H.Oita(l3, Cineien4li qqatuel Towneand. Del 'V Mc Bide : SIIMPN Taggart, Ttmaatia S e Miller, 13,iatort taro D W Mo,re, New - York R Wright, 134A1 mqre Ja B N Bedlue,Saa Franci Lear.., Nr 6 M. Ca -y kart"-rd Hoary 1.,,0ya .t.t-cr York 8 Ullmx,rl N York ClnvGoa SVUuer. ,Delitwara Erect, nbove Thford. J qvcaa, Cinchtnati . . J Ra nue St i 0 M Claws, Waynesburg, 0 J P Cunungs & dan. Ohio 0 Wal ate & WI. Poona Fre..port. Del Leos Oeiseuberger, Panna Basliana wr. t'enna Pet fialthato, Poona W A Rou.e.'ll.zglio.vills Goo Yost, jo . PotES Vine J A P.tterson, Po ttville L C Stockton, ,tt Holly Miss B Lichlenbarge*,Penna Miss L Lichlenbergsr,Penna liJazyls, Massillon, 0 t street. above Stxtb. Mies A Beale, Janiatt co Miss Is Bente, Junintwoo W H Hagner El Pennypacker, Chester co ,kruild Zoos, C ,eater co illre a Holman, Chester co John Brunner. L4TIC co E A Yarlall Chester CO Mies L Jackson,.: New York H Ft Sample, Danville reel, above chestnut B B Irons. Delaware a Hayes ' B,s E L Brown, N Jersey Mrs Hunter, Canadt tit Wollerton. W Chester J R McKis,ich, Oxbra ' F MnKi , nick, Jr. Oxford. H Barnett, Ihrri,hurg I; 6 Bn i%h, Maryland J Kennedy. Jr Lane no G F J.nes, Oxford nos Harrop, New Jersey . street, above Rae". Wm Carpenter 3 la. Penna. Norero34. New York S Illidebrant. Eaton Jolla irorca, .Ewton Peter Jo. es. Stroudsburg C Vanhusisork, N Geo Lanniug, Now York .Tamos Kehble, New York P hsly. Miashisippi John Bat t er, MisAasippi. eel,above Third. Liot I Q W Bossier H Bechtold St la, Mt Joy Mies C Stiner, Mt Joy Miss if Hammel, II Deposit ,Miss F,llie Black. Washia'n C D Faty.or, Barwick. Pa r, H Fowler, Barwick, Pa. C Hall. Berwick,. ea BeirWlek, ii B Kisner,Berwick,Pa billßPllY,—November O. 11363 Samuel Murphy, Ern., formerly of Deatware in the 88th year of his age. To be buried at Smyrna. on Thursday, not 12 , M. (Delaware papers please copy.] .1* BELL.—On tie bah inst.. Leonard K. Bell. (Duo notice will begiven to the funeral. RO) ER.—On Monday morninif, at his residence, Trupe, Dionrganery co.. Hon. Joseph Royer, in the 80:b year of his age. The t elatives and friends of the fa silly are reipeettnily invited to attend his funeral. from hie late residence, on tice.Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock, without farther no *5 .Slti)Eß , lol)7.—At his residence. en the morning of the Bth inst., the Rev. J Rush Anderson. Pastor of the Ebenezer if. E. Church. Clay street. Illanayunk. The relatives 8.110 friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from said church, this ( Wednesday) morning. the 11th inst.. at 9 o'clock. 'Fe proceed to hadnor If. E. Church. AVietkly Report of Interments. fiIIALTH OFFICE. November 7,1889. Otatha at 4 Interments in the Mtn of Philadelphia from the Slet of Oct. to the 7th of Nov.. 1883. OAUSE3 OF DEATH Mumma Asphyxia... ..... . alburnlnurea . . apoplexy Burns and Scalds... Cancer of Breast... Croup Congestion, Brain.. Lungs. Liver... Cholera Infantum.. nonsn_mption. Lungs Convulsions Olptheria biabstes Biarrhcoa• .... . •••• Oropsy Abdominal. Brain - • Diseaee of Heart... Uterus.... Lungs—. Drowned.... . Dysentery ......... .. . . Effusion onllrain.. EpilepsY • " ' Erysipelas . . .. Fever, Petechial... Remittent. " Scarlet.... Typhus... Total OF. THE ABOVE . THERE WERE 60 From 40 t 0760.... 21 • 160 to 60.... 26 • " 60 to 70.... 13 " 70 to 80.... 6 " 80 to 90.. .. 6 " 90 to 100... Under 1 year. From 1 to 2. " --2 to 6. ":.6 to 10 10 to 35. 16 to 20. " 20 to 30. SO to 40 ' 34 WARDS. WARDS. First 16 Tenth 8 Second. ..........18 Eleventh 7 Third • •-... 8 Twelfth. .... . .. 6 Fourth 8 Thirteenth. ...• . 6 Fifth 4 , Fourteenth 6, Sixth 2 Fifteenth 20 Seventh Ti Sixteenth._ .... 7 Eighth 6 Seventeenth.....lo Ninth. 11 Eighteenth 6 Total. Deduct deaths from the country Net deaths in the city 250 'Nativity—UnitedStates.lB.s; Foreign, 61; Unknown. 17. From the AJnishouse. 13; People of Color, 18; from the country, 16. The number of deaths, compared with the correspond.. leg weeks of 1862 and of Met week, was as follows : Week ending November 8, 1861, was M. Week ending October 31, 1863, was 257. Males, 136; Females. 130; Boys, 63; Girls, 69. Deaths and.tnterments of soldiers, 8. By order of the Board of Health. WILLIAM READ. Health Offlcer. R.LA.CK,DRESS GOODS.--CASEI MSRES, Velour Reps, Tandses, S-4 and S-4 Mons salines, Marines. Henrietta Cloths or silk-warp. Cash meres, Ottoman Poplins, Irish Poplins, English and French Bombazines, Alepines- corded Mousselines, Aus- tralian Crapes, Baratheas, Turin Cloths. Paramattas, De Lainee. Oriental Lustre% Alpacas and Mohair Lustros, gene _A 'inlets, Mourning Silk, Armors, Pettit de Sole and Gros Grain Silks. r BE iSON & SO 51, 0033 Mourning Store, No. 91S CHESTNUT Street. VELOUR CLOTHS, THE POPULAR FABRIC FOR LADIES' CLO AR - S.—Purples, Drowns, and B.ack s; Frosted Beavers, black and brown; Tricotßibbed Bnavers. Castor., and 6-4 Doeskins: Ins d retershams, slis; Long Shawls, $lOO; also, $75. nc 9 EYRE 3c LAY DEL L. CONSE CRA.TION OF THE SOL. DISRS' OE3IIII'ERY.—The loyal citaens gene t ally of all the States, and the charitable and be associations. are most cordially invited to be present at the Consecration of the Soldiers' Cemetery, at Gettys burg, Penna., on THURSDAY, the 19th inst., to partici pate intbe so'emn exercises of the occasion. By order of the Governors of the several states inte rested, DAVID WILLS, Agent for A. G Curtin, Governor of Penna., and acting specially for the other States. GF.ITTSBURG. Nov. 7, 1863. It PULL ADELPITIA. EXCI - lANGE.O OU- Phan% OCTOBER 26 1863. The Massy - ere have this day declared a semi-annual dividend of ONE DOLLAR per share on the Capital Stock of the Company, payable on and after the 10th of November, - by the Superintendent. at the Exchange. The Transfer Books will be closed till that date. noB-6t MFIRST X A.TIONAL BASKOF FBANKFORD.--An adjourned meeting of the snMcribms to the stock of the F I tiST NA.rIONAL BANK OF FRANEFORD will be held at Wright's Institute. on FRIDAY BV.e.NING, November 13th, at7,ly o'clock, to take measures for an immediate organization - of the association. • Parsons interested are invited to attend: Moss wish ing Mock Flionld apply at' once, to ei her 11 , 1 1 11&N 'MLLES ISRAEL 'FOSTER, or SIMON R. SVIDSR, Committee, ak no opportnnit• can be - given after the or ganization has been compiebti• NA T ETAS MLLES, Chairman. BENJ. R.OWL aND, Jr., it eeretarv. FRANNFORD.rOV. 7th, 1863. n010.3t. LADIES' AID SOCIETY —AT lIsZ A MEETING OFIADIRS held on Monday After noon, at the House of Mrs. ANNA C. BENSON, No. 501 MARSHA LL Street, for the purpose of forming a Society for the 'Aid -of FAMILIES of I)IS i - P.f.,ED and DI3• CHARGED SOLDIERS, it was Res deed, That as Ad jonrned 'Meeting he held at the same place on WED- NiihDAY AFTERNOON at 3 o'clock, fur Permanent Organization: at which time, all Ladies favorable to the object are invited to attend. nolo-2t. THE. PEDH,H.AI. UNION.—THE irrederal Unionis the Polar Star 01 Liberty. placed DI the firmament of the Political World by the Grand Architect of the Universe. All hail, sweet star Shine on, whine on—shine ever! J. R. SHANKLAND: nolo-2t* 600 ARCH St. and 013 S. THI rt.D .St. oscs. THE _ TWENITY-SECOND ANNUL VERS sRY of the MERCANTILE BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION will be celebrated on FRIDAY EVENING, the 13th instant. at 734 o'clock, at the • MUSICAL FUND-HALL. Addressee will be delivered by Rev. M. A. DE WOLFE HOWE, D, D. AND DANIEL DOUGHERTY,.Esq. The Orchestra will be tinder the direction of Mr. S. HASSLER Cards of admission may be lad gratuitously by . - ap ply mg early at the Counting-House of the subscriber, No. 36 North THIRD Street. no4-lOt S TEARE-RAlif ATI. TA.,— The general desire to inspect this ship, and,when in the stream. her inaccessibility caused the Union 1 70- innteer Refreshment Committee to procure permission from the United States Government to exhibit her. for the gratification of our citizens, and for the benefit of rsir fund. She is now moored at the first wharf below Washington avenue, where the public are invited to call, until further notice (Sundays excepted.) Aldo graphical sketch of this specimen of ship. bnildin g. in cluding an account of her capture, can be. pr curedat the ticket office. Admission, 25 cents. Children, 10 cents. noMt OFFICE GIRARD F. AND DE INS, CO., &I& WAIN U r St. ,•November 9, 1833 The Directors have declared a dividend of FIVE - PER CENT for the last six months, clear of taxes, and pay able to the Stockholders on damn& _ noll-wfm6t Al FRED S. 13ILLETT, Treasurer. PITTSBURG, NOVEMBER; 3,1903. —The Directors of the Exchat ge Bank of Pitts or have this day declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT. out of the earnings of the last six months, paya ble on or after the 13th inst. Eastern stockholders will be paid at the Western Bank of Philadelphia. nos-6t. H. H. MURRAY Cashier. CORN EXCHANGE PUNK-- PHIL ADELPIITA, Nov. 3, 1863 The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., clear of all Taxos aad payable on demand, J. W. TORREY, n04.-tfCashier. - r --- COMMERCIAL BANK OF PENN SYLVe NI& PITILADELPHIA, Nov. 3, 1863. The Board of Directors leave this day declared a Divi— dend of FIVE PER CENT.. clear of National and State Taxes, payable on demand. S. C. PALMER.. nod. 11l .. . ... . Cashier. GIRARD BAN R.—PIIIDADRI, 11PHIA, Nov. 3.1363. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER_CENT., out of the profits of the last six months, payable on and after the 15th inst., free of all Taxes. El:1044017 lar L. SCHAFFER, Cashier. trZr. MECHANICS' BANK.—PHILADEL PHI a. Nov. 3, 1863. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Divi dend of SIX PER CENT. on the business of the Bank for the last six months; payable to the Stockholders on and after the 13th instant. J. WEIGAND. JR, no 4 9t Cashier. r 3 ,.. CORN EXCHANGE BANK. PIIITADELPHIA, OCt 12, 1863. The annual election of DIRECTORS will be held-at the Banking House on MONDAY, the 16th day of November next, between the hours of 10 A. lit and 2P. ld ocl4•tnol6 J. W TORREY, Cashier. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS , BANS, PHILADELPEIA, October 2, 1863. The annual election for Directore will be held at the Banking Howse on MONDAY, the ldth day of November next, between the boom of 9 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock P. M.: and on TITESDAY, the third day of November next. a general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House at 4 o'clock P M., agreeably is charter. W. RUSHTONJR. oc3-tnol6 Cashier. M.PRNNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COSI PANY, TREASURER'S DEPAR (WENT. - PHILADELPHIA, October 18, 1863. The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of FIVE per cent. on the capital stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes, payable on and after November 15.1863 Powers of attorney for collection of dividends can be had on application at the office of the Company, No. 238 South TRIED Street, ocl7-td el THOS. T. FIRTH, Treunrer. mw , w , SURGEON-ARTIST'S OPPTCE. FOR hitTIL &TED SOLDIERS.—SOLDIB69 who have lost an ARM - or LEG th the service. and desire the Patent "PALMER. Limbs" to be supplied by Govern ment, should return /his ndtice immediately to this of -ace. stating their loss by Jotter, with name. company, regiment, and recid once. B. FRANK P&LBE.. ocU-tf 1609 OBESTNTIT Street. Philadeiphia. BANK. OF COMMERCE. DisLPHI Nov. 3, 1863. '1 he Beard of Ilsrectors have this day declared a Divi dend of FIVE PER CENT., payable on demand, clear of TeXflS. J. :t LEWIS. • no 4 wfm.6t• Cashier. MA NUFACTURERS? AN D lI E • •'-‘—• (MAWS' BANK. —PIITLADELPA LI, Nov 3 1333. . he Direcrars hate this dav declared a Dividend SIX PER CENT. for the past six months, payable clear cf Tax., on Friday, the 13th instant notwfrnst 31. W. WOODWARD, Cashier. M. UNION BANK —PHILADEL POLIA, ROv. 5.1E61 . At a meetina of the Board of Directors held Chi= day. a, Dividend of ME PER CENT , clear of State and United States Tex, Was declared, payable on demand. no 4 vfmtno2o • J. J. HOCKS ft. Cashier. M COMMONWEATATII HANK, ' PHILADELPHIA. October 6, 1663. _ The novas] election for Directors will be held at the - BANKING HOUSE. on MONDAY, the sixteenth day of November next, between the hears of ten A. 31. and two P. M. HENRY C. YOUNG, Cashier. .007:wfStmtnol6 ry:GIRARD BANK, PHILADELPHIA; October Bth. 1b63. Tee annual election for Directors, to eerve for the ensuing year. will be held on MONDAY the 16th day of November. between the boars of i 0 t. 111. and 2 P. N. 0c.9-fmtvtNol6 W. L. SCHAFFER. (lathier. Ma. KENSINGTON BANK, PHILADEL PFILI, October 3, 1363. Au Election for Thirteen Directors, to eorve the ensu ing:year, will be hold at the Banking-house on MON DAY. 16th of November, 1863, bet Ween the hone of 9 M. and 3 P. 31 . - O. T. YERKES. oe•rnwftnovl6 Cashier. M. SOUTHWARK BANK, • PHILADELPHIA, October 5. 1883. The annual election for Directors *will be held at the DANKO G HOUSE, on MONDAY, the sixteenth day of November next, between the hours of ten A. M. and two P. M. oe7-veMtmtnol6, Im. UNION BANX, PHILADELPHIA, October 3. 1863: • • The annual election for Directors will be held on MON- D AY, November 16, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2P. M. J. 3. HUCKEL, ocbmwttNl6 Cashier. WESTERN BANK, OF DELPHIA, OCTOBER 9, 1863. An Election for Directors. to serve Me Bank the en ening year. will be held at the Banking Rouge. on MON DAY,- the 16th day of November next, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M. 009-mwftl6N G. N. TROUTMAN, Cashier. MMANUFACTURERS' AND DIECHA NICE' BANE. PHILADELPHIA, October 1363. The Annual Election for Thirteen Directors will be held at the Banking House on MONDAY. the 16th day of November Lent.' between the hours of 10 4. M. and 3 P; M: , Di.iW. WOODWARD. oarnawtnele Onehler. CAUSES OF DEATR Fever, Typhoid. Oa cgreno Haemorrhage Inflaxamation.Braln. Bronchi.... Colon. Rh - Ways ... .• Lungs."... " Peritoneum "`Stour & Bow Insanity Inanition. Intemperance Injured by a fall Laceration [kerns. Mania-a-Potn .. . ... Marasmus Necrosis Old Age ...... Palsy.. .. . .. . Poisoning Ann over by on railroad Rheumatism Scrofula Sore Throat still-burn .... Teething Tumors. ... Teton ' Unkno Wounds—Gunshot.. WARDS Nineteenth. Twentieth.. Twenty-first... Twenty-second Twenty-third.. Twenty-toarth. Twenty-flfth Unknown..• • •. .266 16 Vbt. C. LUDWIG-, President Banners, Regimental and Company Flags, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Passants, Epaulettes, Hats, Caps, Canteens, Haversacks, Camp Chests, Field Glasses, Spurs, Soyer's cele brated Camp Kit, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit of Army and Navy Officers. G W. SIMONS do BROTHER, RANSOM-STREET HALL, PHILADELPHIA. MANUFAOTDRERS OF JEWELRY.' FINE SWORDE4 ADD , MILITARY GOODS IN EVERY VARIETY. An2s-110m F AL L' - - 1863. WOOD .Br, CASEY, 125 CHESTNUT MUM, - HATA ROW OP9II k LARGE nom OP STRAW AND FELT GOODS, FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS, And a general alseortnient - of MILLINERY GOODS, To which they invite the attention of THE TRADE. cel7-2,a /91 EIGHTH-ST. RIBBON STORE, No. 101 We have received from the late New York and Philadelphia Auctions the following most desirable and fashionable goods at very reasonable prices: Scarlet Bonnet Velvet, at S 3 per yard. : _ - do. Lyons width and quality, $4.60 Pe LIMIER•COLORED VELVET. —tincutVelyet, Cord ed Silk and Bonnet Silk, all of the most beautiful Shades, with Ribbons, Feathers and Flowers, to match. BLACK BOMMET RIBBONS. —A splendid line, from 16 to 44 cents per yard. At the latter price we sell a very wide andleavy Ribbon. . • Extra heavy, all boiled Ribbons, narrow and wide, lower at retail than they can be bought elsewhere by the p. BLACK, B ece. CK, DRAB AND BROWN. FELT H &TS, from the manufacturers direct, All the new shapes for ladies' and children's wear, very cheap. A complete assortment of Black English Crapes, pur chased before the late heavy advance in gold, from 66 cents a card upwards: BONNET RIBBONS in endless variety. Velvet Rib bons, black and colored the best make imported, at a great reduction. Trimming Ribbons, every shade; and every other article need in making or trimming ,a bon net, or that can be found with us at less than wholesale prices. , A liberal reduction made to wholesale buyers. Country orders promptly attended to. M. MRS. M. A. KING HAS CON STANTLY - on a beautiful asgortmant of Thr ill " WINTER MILLINERY, at .I.O`AB CHEiTNIIT Street. 0e29-Im* .14 MRS. R. DILLON, FANOY AND STRAW MILLINER, 323 801:111 street, PM ladelphia. Mourning Bonnets made at the short est notice; Bonnets dyed, cleaned, pressed, ind altered to the latest styles. An assortment of Feathers, Flow -675. Ribbons, Caps, Sm., always os hand. Orders from Cenntry Milliners and others solicited and proinptly at tended to. cor2l,lm. P. P. STEEL. Cashier, FLECTROPATHY.—L. A. SMITH -A-- has located herself at 607 WOOD fftreet. where she is prepared to treat Afflicted Women and Children with Electricity, which will remove disease without medi cine. Paralysis, Loss of speech, Rheumatism, Chills, Liver Complaint, and many ;chronic diseases cured. which medicine cannot reach. Give her a call, and test her skill. Office hours, 8 to 10 A. M. and 2 to 4 P. M. noll-61 INGRAM'S AMERICAN BANK TEA WAREHOUSE. - South SECOND Street. below Market. Fresh Teas—try them. INGRAM - , OHOICR PURE T T TEAS, '43 south FACOND Street. below Mutat, TIY them. it* KACKNOWLEDGMENTS FOR THEI Pt./OR OF anDFORI) eTHEaIt —J a. 8E , 31K- Missionary, Mission House, No. 6/.9 BEDFORD btreet, grateful-y acknowledges the following: Collect`on at Wharton-street (huroh $6O 00 Adorn Warthman 6) 00 Pr coeds of lh'an s Pot Lamb 6 OJ Rev Samuel Kramer, Baltimore, Md 500 Henry and. Sarah Randall, Vermont 3 GO 3. B. Wistwell 6 00 . J. H. 111 § OD J. C B D 0 0 A Friend, per Mien hi B. 1, ' 20000 . At, Trenton. Illinoti 5 0) Mrs. G. B. Morse 5 00 Mr Graham 1 00 For littl, nal ed ftet," Ashtabula. Ohio 4 11.3 Rev. Chas. F. Thomas., East Baltimore t.onfi3rence.. 6 01) Mr. Nada/len, Cecil co.. Ho 1 00 Bey. lisac Bird, Clew 'Fork I.oo' him Cush mac 1110 Bridesburg Bed ford-s.reet Societe 3 00 W. W. Prance, Hope, 14. J......... ................ , 50 Box at Heritage's Sh 04) Store ' 03 M. W,. Milltrsville IA . Let , at Boom 1 OS MISS Emeithe Cone. Reulleld. Ohio 2 50 r ail. l 1-auls. Minn 200 MIS, W., Baltimote. Md... . . ....... . .... ..... • ...• 5.00 Harry Rowland 2 00 W. O. Spence. Germantown 5 OD Mrs. Br. Clark, Milford Del.. box of clothing. Mrs. O. B Morse, 2,P , South Eleventh street, bread. Mrs. Stair's little girls, a whole piece of calico. bought with their pennies. Mr. Rohrer, men's shoes. Bra, J P. Wollaston. jelly and clothing. Mrs. Sinn, cloth ins. Miss Riliiio Atkin. on, trimmings. Mr. Tags:, loath and Pine scrsets, children's hoods. Mrs h ..i Scott. ni..ks arid olothiog. Mrs. Benjamin ii 110 - wood. Pottsville, 15 pairs of new shoes bliss 111 - 13. Lowlier, clothing, . - . Ton jug from . twoLadios of the Friends' Society, • Amelia," liumitirlt John htilr Ps & C 0.,. Dock street, 10 tons of Coal. 1,1 - ta, K. Wright &Son, Ch tharina-st. wharf,lton of coal. tome honevolt nt pentlernau distributed a lot of cloth. ing on the theet some time ago, and went bomo no dout t thinking he had done a great deal of good betniu•ts the V OITIE D he g v. them to promised to come to choral and do totter; but he did positive harm. None but the look- worthy receNed any of there, and they sold tlmtu at the "cribs" down here, and got gloriously drunk nu the proceeds. We tiro down. here to prevent imposition, end tq look after those receive charity. We remove to the country.t nose we help, or gasp a close oversight over, teem every day, 1-o there is hat ttctle chance to imoose upon on. We would be glad to show visitors our oneratious, if they will site us a call. B ford street Is lust below South. II IV , OTFUES. E COMPANY, ,BLUERESERVES, DRILL EVERY MONDAY EVENING, AT EIGHTH AND OALLOWHILL, At 8 o'clock. ALL AT ANY TIME CONNECTED WITS THE ORGANIZATION ARE EARNESTLY RE QUESTED TO BE PRESEN V. By order of CaDtain TWO' JOS. J. BABCOCK. O. S. fitCOMPANY A, IsT REGIMENT ARTILLE hi if. G —The members of Chia company are invited to attend the fn nem' of their late felt.m rre-mber, First Lieut.-GEORGE WM. PJWif,LL, Met Regiment, P V. in citizens' ()rms. THIS ( WedipedaY) AFThRNOON at 2 o'cLooli, front his fathei's residence, Ao. 230 JAC O BY Street. SAMUJff C. PERKINS, Ist Lieut. Comtgand'a. C. B. PRl:nogg, Acting let Serg't. ATTENTION CO M PANY C GRAY RESERVES —The Company will parade ou TRUES DA-Y.l2th inet , at 1 o'clock. 'from the Armory, Mar ket streqt. above Elnan,, to attend the funeral of their late fellow anninbcr, Captain JOHNS. lA . 4,DEisr. 112th lieftintt-nt knunsylvania Volunteers. While gloves and overuuats. Aaaoota . te and ey. members of the Company are ear neatly raw:mated to attend. By order of Captain W. W. ALLSN.I 11)1 , 6 - Ann H. OODES, 18t SOME. - poll-2t5 is4o2 BOUNTY FOR VETERANS, AND $302 FOR ALL OTHER RECRUITS.—Men en listing at the General Recruiting Office. No. 641 CHLSTNUI• Street, can select any old artillery, cavalry, or infantry regiment relied. or partly raised in this city, and receive the above bounty • .41 - A few good men can yet be enlhted for the 211 Ar tillery (112th. Regiment P. V..) Col A. A. Gibson com manding CHAR M CA.DWAL AMR, no9-ats .Captain and General Recruiting (officer. NOTICE TO PERSONS LIABLE TO EXCISE TAX. • - - - - • ORME OP U. S. Assessors; THIRD Dts9ntcr PENNSYLVANIA. NOTICE IS lIEREBY OMAN. that the annual ilsts, valuations and enumerations, mode and tatten in this district, in pursuance of the provisions of the U. S. SE (the LIMP, Will be open for examination on MON DAY. November fib. and remain open until WEDNESDAY, November 25th. Appeals. relative to the same, will be heard and de termined by the Assessor, from November 28th to De cember 3d, between the hones of 10 A. M. and 3 P. IL All ar;Peals should be In writtuk, and specify the particular cause, matter or thing, respecting which a decision is requested: and ebould, moreover, state the ground or principle of inequality complained'of. Sworn testimony required. All persons liable to License Tax are reminded that a penalty -of TWO wens IMPRISON:KENT is provided for those who prosecute business withont license. An op portunity will be afforded each as may have neglected to sign applications for license, to relieve themselves of liability to callin. at this Office previous to December 3d.J. FLETCHER BrID D. Assessor. no7-wetde3 No. 13114 N. THIRD street. COMMISSION ROUSES. 1,000 PAIRS BROWN GRAY BLANKETS, (6 and 7 Itis. each.) FOR SALE BY BETTER, CIAGIIORN,. It CO., ' 323 MARKET STREET,- nol6l-2t, HEAVY 00-TNC I LINENS, COVERWG DECKS OF VESSELS, For sale by J. C. FRYER, ARMM- GOODE*. FROTIIINGHAM WELLS HAVE FORMALIG HEAVY, MEDIUM, AND LIGHT SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINOS: STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS WASHINGTON AND VICTOR? CAM - BRIGS AND SILECIAS. BRoWN, BLEACHED , AND CORSET JEANS. No. 12 WORSTED YARN, &o. FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY Z - V 7 .1 2 1.15TS 13..ei-55.A.1.+1... MILITARY FURNISHERS, 416 ARCH STREET. A liberal discoant allowed to the trade. ne2A-Im MILLINERY GOODS. SICHEI WErL, No. 107 North EIGHTH Street 00l 'tnoll ,114 FRENCH FLO wE,RS, 1.80: FEATHERS, LACES, RIBBONS, a NEW-STYLE HATS, JUST OPENED AT THOS. KENNEDY & BRO.'S, No. 7W9 CHEM= Street, below Eighth. se9-3ni THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11; 1863. 1127 . 0HESTNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA. CHEAP DRY GOODS, CARPETS 0'1;01 OTEIS, AND WINDOW SHA.DES.LV. E. A.T.CHAMBABLT, N. E. corner ELEVENTH and MAR KET Streets. will open THIS siCatiiNG. Auction, Ingrain Carpets, at 37c, 50c, 62c 75c, 87c. $l. and $1.25; Entry and Stair Carpets, 25 to 87c; Three-ply Carpets, $l. 50 :32ap and Berne Carpets, 31, 37 60. and 62c; Stet Oil Cloths, 250: Floor Oil Cloths , 45 to 76c; Gilt Border ed Window Shades. 75c to $150; Baff and Green. Sha ding, 37 to 62c DRY GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. Sheeting and Shirting Muslin% 124 to 37c; Chintzes, 12 to 2zo ;De Laines, 28. and 31c; Plaid Dress Goods.. 31 to 50c; Poplins, 3t to 62e; ParamettaA and Alpacas'. 31 to 71c ;13lan kets, $5 to $l2; Marseilles, Lancaster, Oriental, and Allendale Quilts, E i 75 to $10; Comfortable.. $.3; Cgs si_rneres, 75c to $2; Coats' Spool Cotton. 7o; Skirt Braid, 9c• Pin.. Sc: Hooks and Eyes. 3c; Palm Soap, Se; C;ash, 124 c; Napkins and Towels, - 12 to 37c; Table Linens, 50c to Si. Flannels; 57 to 75c. Wholesale and Retail Store, N. E. corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. od9-W.l=lm. "EDWIN HALL Br, CO., 26 SOUTH SECOND Street. would call the attention of pur chasers tcr'their stock of Colored and. Black Moire Antiques. • Colored and. Black Corded Silks. . Black !allures and Venitienne. Black Taffetas and White Silks. Fancy Silks, Brown Figured Silks. Black Figured Silks, and Oros t e Rhinos. Garnet, Wine, Green, and Brown Silks, White Corded Silks no4-tt F RENCH MERINOES.— Desirable colors at the right prices. French Poplins, bought early — prices low. Cheap plaid and plain Poplins. 8734 cent Magenta plaid Repe—a bargain. Black Alpacas at 31 to 75 cents.. Just opened Auction lots at 44, 50, 62, and 75 cents. $l. CO double widths Lupins' Black wool Deltine are very doe and heavy. CAC/PERM COMA:RD, oc tf S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. LADLES' CLOAKING CLOTHS. Black Beaver and Tricot Cloths, - - Brown and Black Water-proof Cloths. Dark Brown and Mode Cloths, Fine Black Broad Clothe Serb reality Scarlet clo t hs. / Chinchilla Cloakings, Akio, Clothe, Caasimeres. and Satinets for Men, and eating's, in Great variety, at E • FO NT EN E A tr & C. .SALLES, FRENCH HAIR DRESSING and SHAVING SA LOON, No. 108 South ELEVENTH Street, (up stairs.) . branch of RC Chestnut street. Manufacturers and Importers of Wigs, Toupees, Fri 2ettes, and Fancy Articles. oc3o-fmwlm* D. MAROHANT, PORTRAIT -4646 PAINTER, has removed to 910 LOCUST Rtreet, Vinare he will be glad to nee his friends and thftiftfalih• istblto who may bt Interested inhis Woof 926•34 * 11 . „ RETAIL DRY GOODS. THOS. W. EVANS tfc 00 RAVE JUST RECEIVED, PER CANADA, EMIT PLAID POPLIN& 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET NOW OPEN RICH AND RELIABLE FURS Of our own Inaportatton and Dfanufaritnro HUDSON'S BAY SABLE, ROYAL ERMINE, DARK SABLE MINK, REAL CHINCHILLA, DARK SIBERIAN SQUIRREL, In every faehionable style. for MISSES. AND FURS MADE TO ORDER AT THE PARIS MANTILLA, FUR EIIIPOIRIUIti, 9go CHESTNUT STREET, J. W. PROCTOR ct CO nob• frmwlm FALL TRADE 3E. 31. ]NEEDLES, • \ 1024 CHESTNUT STREET, Has ink opened a large stock of New Goods, compri sing all desirable Novelties in his line. most of which having been bought when Gold was. at a low premium he offers considerably below present market rates. LACES OF ALL KINDS. Coiffures, Barbers, Collars, Sleeves. Sets, lidkfs., Veils, Capes. Sze., inall varieties. WHITE GOODS. Jaconets, Curnbrics, Nainsooks, Mills, Swiss Checks, sad all descriptions of Plain and Fancy Styles, EMBROIDERIES. Collars. Sets, Bands, Flonneings. Infant' Waists a n d Robes. Edgings and Insertings on CaMbrie, Swiss, and Linen; 200 different styles. HANDKERCHIEFS_ Plain. Rem-stitched, Embroidered. Reviered. Btußed, Lace, Printed•bordered, &0., &c., for Ladies, Gentle. men, and Children. comprising every variety. including Plans new styles not heretofore in the - market. N. B.—A liberal discount to those who purchase to sell again. Manufacturers of Ladies' and Children's Clothing are invited to examine' my stock. not-t 23 818 OPENING, 818 AT THE ARCH-STREET CLOAK STORE. A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' AND MISSES' CLOAKS. nos•tf CLOAKS AND CLOAYTNG CLOTHS COOPER SI, COUR, NINTH AND MARKET. 3E" IV' iCrXr .El. SEN CLOAK CLOTHS MODERATE PRICES. SKIRTS I SHIRTS SHIRTS I M. A. JONES' CILMBRATHD NE PLUS ULTRA SKIRT Cut only be found st No. 17 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, OVER TEE WAX FIGURE. - Nome sercaMe miles' stamped N. A. JONES' - DB rug ULTRA. SKINT, 17 N. EIGHTH STREET sell. fOrn BLANKETS 1 BLANKETS I BLANK. Kant The Largest Anaortment of • 33 X. A:NJ:claws, AT THE LOWEST PRICES, OFFERED WHOLESALE LED RETAIL, 112 COWPERTHWAIT (21 CO., A. W. 008. EIGHTH :AND 'MARKET STS 4816141401 10E4 CHESTNUT STREET. E. M. NEEDLES DS RECEIVING DAILY AIL DESIRABLE NOVELTIES OF TKB LATEST IMMETATIONB IA LAOIS. EMBROIDEBIN HAIDNERCIIINFB, VEILS, as.. as pffiotkinroloizvve44,4 JOHN H. STOKES, 702 KROH Street. N. B. —Jack Straws. made by and sold for an Invalid. ♦ new invoice just received ocl6 SHARPLESS BROTHERS OPEN TO DAY Extra quality and newest designs. Rich figured French De Lemma. . Robes de Chemins. fine quality, Bright De Laines, for Children. Wide and fine new Plaid Cashmeres. Rich striped Skirtings for Dresses. Plain De Latium, all colors and qualities. French Rep Poplin.% colored, at $l. Silk. faced Buinglines, very rich. French Merinos. in very large stock. Velvet Beavers, for Ladies'.Cloaks. Wide Black Velvets. for do. 0c22 EIGHTH and CHESTNUT Streets.' OPENING OF FALL DRESS GOODS.' H. STEEL & SOM_,__ _ Nos. 11l and 715 North MITE newt. Sale now clpen choice assortment of ' PALL AND 14 0 714TER DRESS GOODE Plain Silks, choice colors, 8125 to $2. Plain Moire Antiques, choice shades. Plain Black Silks, sec to $2.10. Figured Black Silks Fancy Silks. Plain All-wool Reps and Poplins. allisolors. : Plain Silk and Wool Repe, all colors. Figured and Plaid lisps and Poplins. ',Plain French Ilerinoee, choice colon. 1 lot Plain French Merinoes, choice colors. 1. sal CHILDREN. Yr. Epea Eargent'c new novel, of which The Literary Gavtle keys: Wo hear the MO6tenchnoiadtie acuounts of its high literary and artistic character, the interest of its plot, and the spirited character- drawing which it mr , hibits. It relates closels resent interests and tines. tions of national moment, but its strength is in its story, the thematic power of its culmination, and its - vivid. in tense 'vitality" One large 12m0., cloth bound. price $1.61). Mr. Edmund C. Sttei man's new I u'iL OF THE WAR. In one megant 2m0., cloth-bound volume, price V. The story of this Poem changes from love scecteo and sonz, in the fruit-meadows of the North, to the hospitals and bat tle-fields of Virginia. The author's reputation as a poet end word-painter renders this one of the choice books of the season. —RFNAN'S LIFE OF JESOS. • A translation of that remarkable work, by M. Ernest Benzin, just issued in Paris, the excitement and sensation is so great concerning its subject and author that alread y more than 100, OM copied of the costly French edition bay, been sold. It is charactFriz?.d by the The Christian Times as " Man's ablest effort." One hand same . 12in0., tinted paper. clothbound, price 81.50. A SEBUM) 85 EVANS', (Snceeseors to Willie P. Hazard,) No. 72-4 CHESTNUT Street, Have jusk recotved WHITTIER'S NEW BOOK. IN WAR TIMES, AND OTH.E# POE NS. MEd rta , HYGIENE. By J. Ray, M. D. HANNAH THURsTON. A Story of American Life. By Bayard Taylor VERONICA ; OR, THE LIGHT-HOUSE KEEPER. PETER PAR:LET''S OWN STORY BOOK. Illustrated. TEE ISLE 0. , F WIGHT. A new volame of the Flo rence Series. By Jacob Abbott WARS OF THE COLONIES. A new volume of Ab bott'', American at.torie.... PEEP WATERS. A NOVEL. By Anna H. Bracy. THE LOST BaNK ROTE. -By Mrs. Remy Wood. FINE STATIONERY. A. large and elegant antort dent of the finest ENGLISH and FRENCH PAPERS and ENVELOPES, all sizes and styles. just opened. Will be Bold at low rates. noll-3t THE YANE EE BOY FROM. HOME; or, Life in : France. and Walks in Switzsrland, among the Pyrenees, an throughout Great Britain. during the years 3860-3 r by an American Boy. A. Romance of Travel, wherein a good many things are cnrionnly spoken of. 1 vol.. 12mo. Extra cloth. n 25. For sale by all the bookEellern. JAMES MILLSR, Publistier. , noll•wfa St* 5:42 BROADWAY, New York. PIQUE : A TALE OF IHE ENGLISH ARISTOCRACY, has none of the "sensation" qua lities of recent competitors for the honors of romance, bat It d iver more quiet satisfaction to the reader. It %beautifully written.beare on every peas the marks of a refined and cultivated mind, and' possesses that in terest which comes from delicate representations of cha racter, and of the iacidents which acme natnially from the development,. Interactlon, and collisions of charac ter." a ble Vill6STTA. o n reviewer- c'tae Boston We, B y the author of "Karl Keigler." Price, 75 cents. This is a very beam iful and thrilling story of the drift ing out to sea, from the English coast, of a boat in which a little girl was sleeping. Ber divine trust is touching, and ro adult can read the story without their eyes fill ing and running over with tears of joy. Lippincott & Co., Peterson Brothern,Smith & English, W. P. Hazard, F. Leypoldt supply them. WHI.TTIER'S NEW POEM. T IN WAR TIME AND OTHER POEMS. By John Orfenleaf Whittier. 12mo, cloth. $1 MENTAL HYGIENE. By J. Ray, M.D. 12mo, cloth. $1.25. GEORGE e' MORTON - AND HIS SISTER. By Catharin M Trowbridge. 12mo, cloth. 90 cte. FRANK AND RUM: or, Obedience and Disobe dience. By Catharine M. Trowbridge. lSmo, cloth. 60 rte. LITTLE BY LITTLE. 16mo. cloth. 60 cts. STORIES OF OLD; or. Bible Narratives. Stated to the Capacity 'of Young Children. By Caroline Hadley. l2mo. cloth. 2 vole. W. WARS OF THE COLONIES By Jacob Abbott. Vol. 6. 12rno, cloth. 76 cents. PETER PARLEY'S OWN,trated. 12mo. elotb. *l. For bale by xlOlO ELLWOOD ZELL Sr. CO., T • WHOLERALE BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, And Manufacturers of Photos - mph Albums. Nos. 17 and 19 South SIXTH Street, Second•floor. Goods for the Holidays Games, Puzzles, and Paper Dolls, the largest assortment in the city. Colored and Plain Toy Books, Juvenile Books, d B C Cardeand Bloeke, Febool.Booke, and Stationery. All of which' will be sold to dealers at low prices for cash. oca-ws2ra WHITE GOODS, A LBIIMS CHEAPEST AND BESTI ! 1,000 Albums for 12 Portraits, 25 cents to $4. SCO do do 24 do SO do to 4. MO do do 50 do $2 to 10. 300 do do 60. do 3 to 12. ZO do do 100 do 4 to 15 An immense stock, the largest and best in the World. PITCHER'S low priced Book, "Picture. and Album Store; no - 25 CENTS COLORED PHOTO , GRAPHS, 25 oente. One half the moat prace! Over 1; 000 different kinds. • PRICEn REDUCED. TO cente! 25 cents ! cents! PIWHER'S Album and Picture DepOt, SOS CHEST:- NUT Street. n00.6t NEW BOOKS- • NEW Just received b J. B. LIPPINCOTT Et CO., 716 and na MARKET Street. HANNAH THURSTON. A Story of American Life. by BaNard Taylor. DAY DIU AER3. By Joseph A. Nunes. MY FARM OF EDGE WOOD; author of Reveries of a Bachelorr." • LIFE AND TIMES OF .LOIN HUSS; or the Bohe mian Reformation of the Fifteenth Century. By H. Gillett 2 vols. ~Bvo REMAINS, IN VERSE AND. PROSE, OF ARTHUR 13 A LL A 3.1. - GEOGRAPHICAL STUDIES of the late Professor Carl Ritter Translated by W. L. Gags. NOTES OIVIHE REBEL INVASION OF FENNSYL VANIA AND MARYLAND By Paul J mobs. ___ ANNaLS-OP THE ARMY OF THE CUMBERLAND; with many illustrations. THE JEWISH TABERNACLE AND ITS FURNITURE. By Rev. Richard Newton. no 7 LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, 15 SOUTH SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. BOOKS In every Department of Literature, including all Miscellaneous and Standard Works. JinvENlLy. BOOKS in great variety,_ BILITARY. NeV eL, and SCIENTIsithBOOKS. ALL NEW PUBLIOATIoNS of a standard character received as P14101:1 aspablished, or famished promwly order, WHOLES LLB or RETAIL, at low prices. nod TTAZAR7S BOP.Ti.STORE, 43133001ra usually to be had in I FIRST-CLASS BOOESTORE, Will always be found on our shelves AT THE LOWEST; PRICES. ecol9-6m N°- A fresh supply of this popular Pen 11 be opened% ex "Wm," on or about WEDNESDAY, ovemberlllll, Of ONLY TOR A SUPERIOR STYLE 'ID LIKENESS. An invaluable pictiire. at moderate charge. Bee REINER'S' colored Photographs. and fudge of their merits, SECOND Street, above Omen. it" Tit EIMER'S IVORY TIrl'ES ARE -t-t)without a rival. Their Fi triplicity. of style, truth= fel and beautiful coloring, render them' most natural and lifelike. SECOND Street, above Green, REMOVAL.—MeELROY'S OITY AND DDEIINESE' DIRECTORY OPPICE has been re moved from Northeast Tenth and Chettn,nt to 131 S. 'FOURTH St. Cnolo•Sttf°l A. McELELOY. Complier. THE RELATIVES OF THE PRISON. -a- RichmondF WAR of Me 11. Artily. now detained.. at Va., can have the arrears of pay esgularly collected for them at THE MILITARY AND NATAL An szqcx, o. FOUR HUNDRED AND .-TWENTY-SEVEN. ' 427 VI-MI OTgT.RB3T, PHILADEIREILk. , 3407-itit' . JOBBIIIL DY iTT CO, NEW punL cAT maw 8: WILL BE PUBLISHED ON SATVW:DAY, A NEW COPYRIGHT WORK MRS. SOUTEIWORTH:. A.rr A_ 31... A.l IELI G3-E , EMMA. B. L N. SOUTLIWORTII, AUTHOR OF `THE DESERT%T) wIPE."f LOST hkrEESQ . ," , THE SITS4ING BRIDE." •'TITS UURSE OF CLIFTON,' STO. Price $l.OO in Paper, or $1.50 14 Cloth 1 vol., 12m0., 500 piges. itil s Eloolreellere. Nowa &Reale. and ell °then. will please send on their ordeal at once for what they mitt want of either edition of - 71'.3 Fatal Marriage," or of any of the other new and uniform editione of, the popa lar WOI ke of Mrs. Emma D. E. IC Southworth. - . . Published and for sale at the Cheapest. Pub:ishing and Bocikeelling establishnient in this country, whdoli is a T. 13. PE'rEILSON & BROTHERS, NOG CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia. Pa. To 'whom all orders must come addressed, and thew will receive immediate attention. Conlon will be tient to any One, free of postage. on re milting the mice to. T. B. Peter Eon & Brothers in a letter WONDEREt'UL, BUT TRUE, JUST PUBLISIILD STRANGE STORIES OF A DETECTIVE; OUAIOSFFIES OF CRIME, A RETIRED MEMBER OF THE DF.TECTIPS POLIOE Price 50 Cods. There is something exceedingly fascinating in (dories like these. Beyoro the interest engendered by the na ture of the narrative, the reader gets to symplthize the pun uit of the criminal, and watches with relish the closing of the net around the object of the officer's pursuit. Sonia of these contests of crime with the agents of justice are exceedingly amusing -"The Ebony Beg, for instance, Where sturdy honesty and a keen perception of character are engaged rtga'net a set of rascals, to the discomfiture of , the latter. Published by DICK & FITZGERALD, No. IS ANN Street, N. Y. Also, for sale by all Booksellers in this place. Copies of the above book sent by mail, to any address, ree of pos age, on receipt of the price. no9-tnwf4t CARLETON CI • .11469 WILL PUBLISH " NEXT WEEK: I. —PEarJLI OF MONMOUTH '.` - Copies sentby mail free onr.ceipt of price by ORO. W. CARLETON, Publisher, New York. wAI-wr tf LoRING, Publisher, 319. WASHINGTON Street Boston WM. S. & ALFRED EMIRS', 606 CHESTNUT Street 808 CHESrNIIT Street 7R t OHESTIMITT STRUT. Betweeri Seventh and Eighth Streets. 404. IdENS. HENRY 0 WEN, 91 JOIIN Street, New Yosk lIELMIWLD'S PREPARATIONS. HEUIBOLD'S HELIfBaLD'S FIBLM ROLD'el ERGSTBOLD'S BEILMBOL,Wcf R.F.I.MBOLD'S ntaFaor CONCENTE.A.'^SD HP/BLY VON CESTRATBD HJOHLY CONCE grRA *SD 810 15 I.y co No.virr RATED HIGHLY GONCENTEdTPX COMPOUND CO MT'O !Tic D COM PoUND CO 14 POTTN O. COMPOUND. FLUID EXTRACT ETV:MY, FLUID_ EXTRA^•T WEIRD, Frani) XXRTACT nocau. FLUID FxTRAm. FLUID EXTRACT Baum. A POqTll7l3 A POiTTIVI3 A PrNITIVE A POqvcVN A POiIIIVR A POSITIVE sPEnrvr C REMRDY SPE('•IFIC RFAS RUT SP RCITTe CI RI/.I4DX RF. wit Dir SPECIFIC REMEDY. Non-relantion or Incontinence of urine, Irritation. In flammation, or Dlceration of the Bladder and EidnayB,Beitl3ol3 of the Prestrats Oland. Stone in the Bladder °Moolonm Graxot or Bridsdnet An Diseases or Affections of the Madder and irldneyo and Dropsical Swellings estating in Men, Women., or Childven HELMtOLTYB NXTRAITT BUCUU. FIRLwRnLDT EXTRACT RITIFITI. RELMBOLWR - EXTRACT BUCUM DELMROLIVR EXTRACT Truiwur, BELmßorays- EXTRACT BUCHU, For Weakness, arising from Habits of Dissipation. at- tended with the following Pymptonte: Indisposition to Ex - ortiort, Luc of gemory. Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nervee, Trembling Horror of Disease, Dimness of Vision Wakefolneas, Pain in the Back. Universal Laseitude of the Muscular System.. Fro t Hands. Flushing Body. Dryness of skin. NEMPTIONS ON THE 'FACE, PALLID COUNTEUANCF. plisse symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medi nine invariably removes, 80011 follow Fa.. tatty, Epileptic rit6, in one of which the I patient may expire that they are not freineutlY followed by those "dire fta diseases." INSANITY and CONSIIMPT/ON." of the canes of their Buffering. The records of the insane Asylume,.and the Melancholy Deaths by Conenmption. bear ample Witness to the truth of the assert!on. The constitution once affected with organic Weakness; leonine the aid of Medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system. which HELEISOLD'S EXTR.A.CT BUCHII liivaziably does HELMBOWS -EXTRACT'BUCHU N safe, pleasant in ita taste and odor, and more Strength:- ening than any of the preparations of IROB OR BARR Forthose suffering FELON BNOFNNDOWN AND DELICATE CONSTITIJTIONe, Prom whatever manse, either in MAL'S OR FEMALE WILL GIVE YOU A GOOD APPETITE STRONG, HEALTHY NERVES, WILL GIVE' YOU BRISK AND ENERGETIC FEELING% and; will enable you- to SLEEP WELL A trial will convince the most SICEP TIC kr, ERLSTROLIVB BRIAIROLD'S If EL , KBOLD'S HELMBOL tVB REL3IBOLD'S HIGHLY CONCENER&TED I 'I*.I 1' :TR&CT , S. 'S. • - purifying the blood. re- moving . all chronic constitutional diseases arising from an impure state of the blood; and the only reliable and effectual known remedy for the ours of Scrofula, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Paine and Swellings of the Bones. Ulcerations of the Throat, and Legs, Blotches. Pimples on the Face Tatter. Erysipelas. and .all scaly Eruptions of t,fla AND BEAUTIFYING THE comPLExroll NOT A FEW of .the worst disorders that afflict mankind, arise from the corruption that accumulates _in the blood. Of all the discoveries that I , avetbeen male to purge it out, none can equal in effect HULMBOLD'S COM POUND EXTRACT OP SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses and renovates the blood, tactile the vigor of•health into the system, and purges out the humors which make disease. It stimulates the healthy functions of the body, ,and expels the disorders that grow and rankle in the blood. Such a remedy, that could be relied on, has long. been sought for, and now, for the first time. the public have one on which they can depend. Our space here does not admit certificates to show - its effect; but the trial of a single bottle will show to the sick th tt It has virtues surpassing anything they-have ever taken. Two table spoonfulls of the Extract of Sarsaparilla, added to a pint of water, is equal to the Lisbon Dist Drink. bottle is fully eqnal, to• a gallon of the Syrup of. Sarsaparilla, or the decoction. as usually made. These Ilutractshave been admitted team in the United States 'Army, and are also v.ry.f4eneral use in all the tae Hospitals and public saniteryinstitutio as through or t the lend, as well asin private Iractice, and are con sidered as invaluable remedies. SEE MEDICAL PROPE•ETIES OP EIMMIT. 7.110 M DISPENRATORY. OP.I.VHE'IthITED 3PATEK See Professor:DEMl) S' ' , Talus:Hs works on the Prey tier. of Physic. See remarks Ill ' ade by the late cerebrated Dr. PHYSID. Philadelphia. Fee remarks roadeby Dr,- EPHRAIM MoDOWRLI), celebrated physician and meraber of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, and published in the transaoilons of the King and Queen's Tourna). See Ifedico-Cbinarchigal published by. -BRIT JAM IN TRAVRRS. Fellow of Royal College of Sur geons. Fee most-of-the late start:lard works of medicine. PRICES: Irclraelandau, Slperbottle. or six for $5. Fareaparilla, slper Itottle, or six for $5. Delivezed to any address. setnrely packelt Adams letters for Information to HELMEOLD'S rattra, AND CHEMICAL WARM:IOIIM HEI.DIROLD'S DRUG AND CREMIOAL WAREHOUSE,. ELLA:BOLD% DRUG AHD CHEMICALWAREHOHBA, 594 BROADWAY, B. Y., OR 594 BROADWAY, N.Y., OR au.* BROAD WAY, -IC 0R NELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, HELMEOLD'S , MEDICAL - DEPOT, HBIMEOL D'S MEDIC.L.L . DEPOT,. 1101 SOUTH TENTH STREET, PHILAD'EoPm& 10* SOUTH TENTH ST RENT; - rmu e. speißEu 104- BOUM TENTH STRENewTHILAYMIIPMA BEWARE OF COMITERFELIS AND trIMINCIPLED DRUMM, WRO REOSAYPIC.TO Dispose el" their own" sad "other".arbielee on the re Putationattained HELMBOLVB PRE,PAAhIIONS RELMBOLD S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD GBNUINE EX.MIOI` BMW. OEN - WINE E4`TRACT BUCHU. GEAULNIC FATMACT BUCHU HELMWLD'S EBLIII2OLD'S lig4o3olD'6 GENUINE RXTRAOT RARSAPARILL GENUINE EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA GENUINE EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA TiaLmsor,b , 6 BELMI3OLD'S lIBLMBOLD'S GENUINE IMPROVED ROSEIVASH. GENUINE IMPROVED ROSEIVASII SOLD BY. ALL DRUGGISTS SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ASK FOR HELMBOLD'S Afar FOB-RELMBOLD'S Cut out the advertisement and send for it, and avoid iiiiranttlon. 01-295 Ur% 146-woet . AGOOD SALESMAN WAN'rV-IN a wholeea. 1 e Hat house. 1, ddresi Box delphio Pont Office. nolGtllt* A GENTS WANTED TO SELL THE •--.• STANDARD EII6TORS OP THE WAR. A rare E•cco to vccite mot ey AgAntt , era clearing from Aro t 0 5200 ror month r•entl for cirealar. Athirgs .TON(; BROS. & co., mop+ %fd • il9l 4.1 m.. To JOBBERS OF.DRY GOODS.-AN eyperb need FALESWAN. h , vir g as extensive and v ble arotuontanee with Western .Jobbers and finnu. try Nerd" nts (to whom he has sold Goads for many yearn rest). wishes to make an sr gagernens With a re enonsible Halve, who keep a full stock of Goods, to date from let rsneary-nsxt. - • The advertiser about to matte a Western trip on bn; filbef,A ; GOA Acquen by der ires an interview, wig( toe view to FIT Pliff9 A line for C. It A., at this office, will be punctually rePPondnd to uotarict 'WANTED TO RENT-•A MODERATE 8:7-E WOOLEN FACTORY. Incited in or neer ea) city. lebnuld the owner de ire it. interest will he given In idm tn.-poet-intend the, ',nein, Athi r . B , 13 7 L 7, 3 Philadelphia Post Office, ttating where an in , trrview MIT hr had- nole-3t* IVANTED-A FTRST CL ASS, L ARGE , 91/s COUNTING-ROOMS a wkl. Giving sks,,, rerlption, 'makers' name, how long in use, price. Am, edervar , f " r Mee of tble puller. nog 6t4 WANTED-IN A SILK JOBBING 73~une. a first-clues SIALESSIAN. with 80Z124 know. INlre of !le bllBl r F FI3 and abilds , to Influence trade /A drese 8. T 1? , ' thie Once, nn9 6t A "YOUNG MAN.I.9 YEAR'S OF A.GE, wbo wilt,e a fair baud, desires a onrcoacent tin at stAdetart In store, or cnuettrtv house With a little exptriPtice will be able to take charge of a set of booPe. Addrese ne9-3t. _ WANTED. -A LADY OF CEEARA.O. TER, Refinement, and dome.tio inclinatmns, bs tween 30 and 40 years of age, mbhes losnoerintend a Gentleman's Household Duties, ',There can be enjoyed the comforts of a pleasant and desirable home d rr•as "R. J. W.," no9.3t* West Chester, Ps. X 1.5 000. WANTED, AN AOTIVE ,fi , S VAN, with a capital of ten to !fifteen tbnusand dol are, to engage in a safe and pm tltablo manntacturirg businesi, where a similar amount is now in vested. Add ress BOY , MN Poot sr'2' A MONTH I-I WANT TO HIRE Agnate in every county at $76 a month, fallen• nee paid, to gen my new cheap Family Sewing Machines. ddregp , . Met - ISoN. Alford. Maine. cc2s-i&sr3re liP6O A "MONTH! WE" WAN'T AGENTS at 860 a month., expeneez paid, to vOll our EVERLASTING PENCILS, ORIENTAL BURNERS, and thirteen other articlee. lb Cirealare free. SHAW & CLARK, Biddeford'. Blaine. sell-d&9311 Alt DEPUTY QtrARTERNASTIK, amassr.O.ENEßALlit OFFICE. —PIEELADBMILL. lreb. 16&3.: -. VESSELS VESSELS WLNTED Immediately carry COATT+ te the following points: Tortugas. Key West, Plc Port Monroe, Vs. Alexan.dria. Va. Newborn, N. C. Port Royal. S. C. A, BOYD. fele-t1 Captain and Assist. Quartermaatss. LOST-A POLTCY OP INSURANCE, issued to JACOB HAT LAIvD by the Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Con pany, fbr 1;2,000 2 datFd December 10, 1842 TI e finder wi.l please leave it with the Secret:lry of the Con pally. WILLIAM G. CROWELL, No. s•'o , WALNUT Street. null-w 3 4 $3OO REWARD-LOST OR STOLEN 5.20 UNITED STATES BONDS, Of WAX) each, Coupons attached, dated June 23d, 1583, numbers from 24,135 to 21,224. inclusive. persons are cau tioned against recel vin gor n g °flitting. said bonds. Three hundred dollars will be paid tw their recovery by LEW IS SONIII ESORN, AEIBBR Street. above Wood, Kensington.. PATLADET.PIiI A. July 15; "MI onv.lpt. Who can Bay 414 FOR SALE--A: VERY DESlRk zi.a.-, ble three-story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, on the east side of HOWARD Street. above York street: Lot.lB feet front by 110 feet deep to Hope- street. The House is in a superior condition, and well built. Will be sold upon reasonable terms Immediate possession can be given. Apply to 10:S5 BELCH Street, above Laurel noB-Inis Or to 312,EY LUKENS noon the prerolsee. G OAT.C YARD FOR SA'LE:-THE . best-Eited-up 'Yard in the City; capacity for doing any amount of b'nsiness. Inquire on the premises, No. 95,7 North NlNTRStreet„ below Gir.rti. Avenue.. no 7-€;:. FOR SALE A FINE LOT OF SIX acres, at RON:BOROUGH. superior for bni , cling par- E: CoXE,- 1 1.7 . No. 617 SPRING GARDISN street. On SPLENDID PROPERIY'AT PEP "SIB SALE —The boteTriher offers at private Fale his highly iipproved FARM of abort Its Acim of LAM). with me noted LIME-6YO. CirTARRY. KILNS, . and fixtures situated in MILL-CREEK HUNDRED; New Cesile County. Delawere. The situatioo is fine, and e land in the highest state of ploduct wenees, -particularly desirable for parties de signing to enter upon the culture of tobacco. Three acres of Grape Vines in successful bearing. There is a tasteful and substantial Residence, beeidea several tenements on-the property. Call'and see the subscriber, or addreqs JOHN G. JACKSON,: noll-7t s ' Wilreincton P. 0., Box. 299.' PHILADELPHIA NOVEMBER 10, F63.—P/31111" HORST has THIS DAY. associated with him CHARLES J. WALTON. The business will be continued in the same name as heretofore. P. HORST CO. PHILIP H9RST. CH %S. J. WALT oN. , noll-St* !To. 36 South FIFTH Street. THE COPARTNERSHIP- - HERETO PORP..xisting,bettt-een the undersigned, under the frm of INGRAM. & MOORE, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, CHAS. D. MOORt retiring , IIIOrAA.M. PHILADELPHIA, I , OV. 10, lEe3 GENUINE EAGLE vhIN. COAL Equal, if not superior to Lehigh. Alen; Hart's Nei Plus Pitra Family I ambow Coal; Egg and Stove sizes, 4925. Large Nut, 48.50 per ton. Coal forfeited if not full weight as per t'cket. Depot. 7419 CA ELO gra btreet. above Broad Office, 121 Smith FOURTH; be, low Chestnut. Call and examine. Orders by despatch , promptly attended to by nog -Stn C o AI"—aUGAR LOAF, BEAVEB SiZaDOW, and. Sprina Mountain Lehigh. Coal, and best Locust Mountain, from Stlavyikill: prepared ex, Pressly for Patin, nee. Depot, N. W. corner of STORM and WILLOW Streets. °Mae, No. 11'2 South SECOND Street - rap2-Iy3 W.SITON 41: CO. ARRANDALE & 00., • IMPORTERS OF 6,Ait' Will' send following , len receipt of price: SILVER COMPOSITE WATCH, for tne Army, cylin der movements. Hunting Cases, Time Indicator in cen tre, to sbve trouble or opening case. Handsome and re liable, best and cheapest made. Sold in the army at SOLDIERS'• OWN, ,Patent Lever, in sterling silver engraved hunting cases. Jeweled, regalated, *14.40. SPLENDID. GOLD COUPOSITE WATCH,• Jeweled. either nedsem size for gentlemen, or small' size for la dies, beautifully engraved cases. Peril Hlegant - and Accurate, often sold for sso—sls - comPosirs. Patent Detached Lever, Jeweled in 13 actions, gold balance, Warranted a perfect Time keeper suitable in, size for either lady or. gentleman.. richly chased cases—a really splendid article, often sold for 4,7 E---$514.- Small-sited, beautifully-finished Ladles' Lapin% flue 16 caratmld plate Watch, beautifully ornamented casea, osnall:s sold-at s.lo—sV: det Genta' or Officers massive gold Plate Watch, ohm-. nometar balance, fare ruby jeWeled, detached patent lever. heavy. beautifully finished cases. Warranted Splendid Timekeeper,-often sold for $lOO-435. ASTRONOMICAL WATCH! In measly° gold plata.. beantifelly-engraved cases, jeweled in 15 actions, gold balance., and all 1 - 14. recent ineprovenunte. In addition: to the sunk seconds. &e.. peculiar to first-class Watchse>. it has a hand pr.:Wiry .2oith . unfa!ilino accuracy :v. ths, day of the mof;th, . A inagnificent,article! the itrezt, Eir,invention of the-age! just imported by ArrandaleA, Crtber ladies' azdgentiernen'a Wa524.3 and Cbains. is great variety. 2aed for eirota - hr Pak, de.yerf*kft abmia and other .Watthes. Agents waited. A radii:lion made on whole - cabs- criers.. Monsy May be sent ato ,s - ox risk, if properl7,sealsd. ocl9-mufllnTr44 3 doors awn Bat : roue% KZa30111:11. G-...RObSELL, '42 NORTH SIXTH Street ban inst anoeived. &Ten: handsome aseort ment of F 12 1 .11 SEAL RINGS. 0e31.-3m I NY.t WAITCH., ,REMAIRIN - Gr attenelod to by the most exponent - $.l workmen,. and - ever7.Watoh worram.44 for one year. IMI TN . SHELL I,.ND ROSEWOOD OASES. Ji F4ying front 1. to 12 tunes. cbolee OPerh sad Amer.l ea.- FARR a E.V.K.YFHER. - larvorters, ee2.6ra W. 114 CRZSTNIrr Street. below Fourth. REMOVAL THE MA',SHATTAN DUE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New v York.- having appointed JAMES B. MEE Agent for; Vets City, hays Removed their office to. NO. 4-I.S WALNUT STREET, Whsr.e applications for INSUEANCB and RENEWALS. on POI ...ICI ES mast be made. The allotted d ividead o[loB3 will 1 is adjusted on all Policies on 'which two or more aunty i 2 premiums have been paid. on the adjustment of 'the C =rent year's premium. - 11.te following items, interesting to the assured, show the - great progress and prosperity of the Company since the,iast triennial dividend: The incomeof the Company for.the " past three years bee been $l, 400,000 CO - The Mints have increa5ed.......:.::410,000 00 The losses paid to widows_during three years pnt were 291.561 24 • f• • " others ' 99,738 50 Dividends have been made during the past three years ' 250.000 N) JAMES E. CARR, Agent. C. Y. WEMPI.E. Secretary. 'AME INSITRANi 403 CHESTNUT Stre€ PHIL/Xi FLEE AND INLAI _ . - CHARLES RIC WILLIAM I. BLANCH 'TRIGHT'S • NE PLUS 'ULTRA PONCE MEAT, • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, SPRING GARDEN AND FRANKLIN STREETS. - no7-3mos .:Philadelphia. NEW SEEDLESS RAISINS.-100 kegs new Seedless Raisins just received and for sale RHODES & WILLI &11S, - 107 Sonth W &TER Street: IVOR'S PES.---GO SEE THOSE liDely executed 'pictures, REIMEE'S Ivorytypes. noir merry rare beauties commeudqheru to all ad mirers of tine arts. Gallery, SECOND Street, above aItIVINASATM, CORNER N I N T 1-A AND ARCIFI..,Open for enbscribera every day. Clasees for Lathes—Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. between 4 and 6 o'clock. Forßole—Tnetday:Thursday.and Saturday, between 4 and 6 o clock. . For I .eritlemenery day from 7 A. M. to 10 P.-BE no7-it Prof& IEULLISBRAND /ANVIL WANTS. WANTPID-BY A DRY-GOODS CON, al I t1 4 1.4.1V HOUSE, N SIAN who has an arAct.l. ()L a ree aid inflooroo to CODE,' c •nsisnolenta f oat Yew Yore to Roston Inrp .rters and CominLibion Howe. Tolls euitab'? party. r.d,Satagstm- tenni win be offered Ad dress. with ',Ca DO iKOt " ••rnc n•. 11 t- "WANTED -BY A. LAD •OF 13 veare of en., a Bata-Lion to a Wholemle ur tie tall Book Store. where brie= learn th. boainagl, or in any other capacity where he can make hirn , elt een.rally wietol. a ddrvia fur two Gaye, " J . NErrtit Ameri can Gaz , tte. noel 3r.. -- - ASSTS I'ANT, TO WANTED learn the retail nrnt and Apothecary Basinew Arph , at 1 , 3 . 944 SPHIME fit mat. n4lO 3t,'" BOX IQ6I, POST OfTTOB LOST AND FOUND. FOR SALE AN!) TO LET, LUKENS & MONTGOMERY, COPARTNER - *MIPS: CEAS. D. nio'cißE nolo-2V COAL: W.ATCDES AND JEWELRY. T C E.1.E1 S, NEW .YORK, ARRA NiS , AME,. & CO., 212 BROADE7aI", .1317,W YOEM G. RUSSELL, 22 North &•XT3 Street, SXCAL 801XES. S It'll A lti C E COIVIPAXIES. E COMPANY, NO. lELPHIA. ND INSURANCE. E. D. Woodruff. Oeo. A. Week, - John Kessler, Jr„ Ohs.. stokes, A. IL Roseohehm, Joseph D. Ellis. OK. Presidetit, • RDSON, Vice Preelden4. ' D. Secretary. ialbtfli . . Francis N.-Buck. Chas. Richardson, Henry Lewis, Jr.,' John W. Everman, Philip S. Justice. 0. W. Davis .FR,kricre N. B AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MONO C. ANSORUTZ A. BIEGF ALD ....... GRAND OPERA. IN THREE AJrs BY MEILITE, Benjamin M'llo vredariol. Jo , eob Morr Fl 4. m'mmr, &mem, - Herr qtaittecke. Jacob Herz WeintMk. Doors Open at 7 Opera C.M 6 .1.11C.,121 ' L S t.) . CIa:AL.. PRICES I , F A DIPS , JONs ADlfissrog . TO PARQUET, PARQUET CIRCLE, and BALCONY SI fl, (NO Cr¢ [TR el, 7g. for RmArrTnil Slate. ) ADMISSION_TO FAMILY GIN.CL • 50 ata 4 5 1 , 111rFILITNE 213 zi..- SEATS can be oAcured fr.ry day .t the Ere/ DEIBY or KUNO. and J. E. 13 , 0014e:7 ifLISIG oTtilth. 8 E Uorne7 of SEVENTH and c.JP5,,T141 , 7. mr-ei,. noIS 2t. m 1 8 8 EUGENIE BARN E VOHE, Tlll3l EIONE takes viles.-nre t sit r _ in am that he wilt trice MATINne at the Fti%N. OF ?HE - AC : AMY?' OF ntcriro. The n 114 t takes Di3CA On. OEDNESDNY. the 13th of Commencing at 2 Y assisted by IVity.ys emu, GAEIFFAI.II, K. CROSI. and CHAR.BUSinTg. Plar.7 WEST'. ' I. 6rando'Fimbiele SOS I.a &lam a rr.. hula: ....Pi-arrant. MIS, RePtitacris. 2. Ft - 7 l'Ocaan—ltothance Sena Paroles..E.,tell:B 3535 S BARNEVIT,HE 3. Fain - Piglet .for Fiolib Dbriof- Cf RI, GA EIATNEI3. AND II; CittYqEj. 4, Fazfruiet, Scherzo, Valse; Caprice, de Concert- ba.netelia. ans,:)ItAHNETCia-E' Polonaisei, fi ; Grand Vale? MS B 7. Solo—Aii...—V:isisb l cP S I.IOATI.I.VETCELE. 'Fiend:roma& ChAS X. S . OHATIT7."zItita K 11. i:11.0.i.i 8. 05111,de Fautadi, tkria. !ANS BARNIS'I'CFIE Ticker?' for One to e:.h MatinC.a GIS r , hree to oicb ;if ..iti n. , ..e . 31 TWO to Lott Matini:,,. I. To be had at J. E GevSla'f-. A.drol.z'Co '.5. anti f.. e tr. WalkPr'e. Itnll77t, CARL. IVOLFSt4. LIN'S SERIES' OF . STg CLARSDCA SO'lltEE-d. FIFTH SZ'A.Sc , N lE6'l MR 455rf2.... Rro isp3oll:, Has the hamar of outlast - sink: 1116 Flfltx Series of .SIX CLASSICAL SOIREES— .. In which he.will be amotnl•bs• AIR. TB Eo. ?i9oSIAS. fro-al Bata York.. lIERR JI3LITI3 Vieliai.t,frern- Beam:;. HERR AUG. Thr, 51Ah a gear InterDreter` Claaeic.S.DgS, from Boston. TIIEu. F EAMIREIIER, V:oie A. BOGGENBI3.O.F.R, Fiesta Taw). ARRI CHAfi n byIf.RII.I2, L. BOCANER, Doehle - Tl:e SoD Cps will be - _l. - ren camber, at the FOYER PF cot. BROAD and LOCT F TERMS 0.579111 Sinvle Fulocriptiou for the ') Szbecription. , for three pt - rrsoi CriPCOLF wilt be rezei , R GOULD, SEVENTH so G. ANDRE tr CO , 1104 Proorsromps of. the entire FO,l NEWCiIiESTP4 ETT-6 - P. b;A _— Lessee mud Ifituarer Yr Wel. WHEATLEY. In contegneace oft - he °HEAT SUGGS is ..tehiec€d MISR AVONTA JONES. in her CLASSICAL IMPERSONATION OF THI, ARDUOUS CH ARACTS ES D B The Management hnnounce Itet repetition fur the LAST TIME THIS BVENLIM. MR. 3. B. STUDLFY...Azi TASON. TIDE (Wedneedai' . )i,VE,NlNG. Nor nth, 1863. BD E A . 111:USICAT. CONDUCTOR- To nonclnaa with the Petite ComeilY,'enPtled the ' DAY AP PER TUE WEDDING. - lady ;Elizabeth Froelove fdiss Fanny Brown; To-la ORP , Fa (Thursday) EVEICENG. MIES ATONIA JONES.... A • &VA 0841.. 1k4 . 115. 30.13 N DREW'S NEW ARCH. RTEBET THEATER—LEGH Street, above Sixtk. THIRD* >WET OF T9E POPULAR ARTISTS, 'SIRS D P DOWEI‘B. THIS €Wednemlar) EVF.INING. 11th,- 1883, THE LADY OF LYONS ; OR, LOVE A_ND PRIOR. Pauline Claude Meblotto To conclude with the Comic Drama of THIs POODLES. Timothy Toadies .. Stuart Robson. Mrs..rirrothv Trodies' .... ..... o.ii, Mary Carr. FRIDAY, h RS. D F. BOWERS' BENEFIT. Prices 2:4 usual Curtain RiFN: 7.4. WALI'MT-STREET THEA TILE 7 7 lase3e .Mrs. M. GAMIVERMaIIt fe Eminent &Cress. MISS MARY PROVOTT, 2be Wonderful InaB'TROTIPE—Te-pivg the .k.E eL CFRLDREDI OF THE DESERT. TRIS (Wed , el.daT) EVENING Noy. 11th.. LUCIE D'aRVl LEE Miss Mary Priivost: LT , ell D'Arrille To be fo.l owed by e GE • ZUG DIiTETFREME - UT TEE OND hRFUL ARAB TROUPE. WALNUT. STREET THEM - RE. . Lessee Mrs. G s_RR moo. , - A GLORIOUS TRIUMPH. The return of the gifted and Palmier Artiste, MARY PROVOST. Proven last waning' by 'a CROWDED -HOUSE of 'de. tighten auditors, whose applause was continued a.rl. genaine from the lining . of the curmin till the .corr.ple tion of the beautiful Play of NELL GVinaINE, in which. amiss PROVOST personates the charm:drat. 'heroine, . NiLL evcrYNDE Ott, THE RING'S RIVAL, for the second and•last time, THIS EVENING, a charac ter in which she has 210 equal To be followed. by a Grand Divertissement by the . , WGBDERFUL ARAB TROUPE,' Twelve in number • Dr . B: —This Troupe was first introduced into Paris by. Prince Napoleon. and after performing at the - Circtaa. Imperial for twelve months, made the Tour of Europe, and arrivea in- New York but three months meek where, at the; . ALHAMBRA PALACE. They haves-drawn immense crowds, and been-pro— nounced.' THE WONDER OP THE AGE, 3 , the entire New York Press. Their . Davfaminnee is unlike anything ever seems America, astonishing, delighting, and original The CHILI) WONDER appears at eathiperforinance nolo-st, - WAITGE'S NEW PANORAMA, ITALY; AND HER WAR FOR FREEDOBI, r;LLIS BRAINON GRAND''OPENING NIGHT 'OR THE Great gatkinal Circus antLModel• tßtow. At NATIONAL HA). L, MARKET above TWELFTIEL. On WE3NESD! , ..I Evening, Nov. 11th, at 7,V:o'clock.. Under the ma ,- age went of MRS. CHARLES WARNER, Formerly MRS, DAN RICE - She crganizadon of. Ushers and Police-is perfect, and will ir sure corn . ort and convenience.- The most talented artists and skillful performers have been engaged.,4md will appear during the season.. Mrs. War ,, er, formerly Mts. Bin Rice, will introduce hsr. splendid EOM. Champion, on theonoi,ine night The celebrated WHITBY Fe f ;- with his.- stock of full-blooded - well-trained- Horses, Will appear. Also. MRS. FRieNK o WHIT PARER.. graceful Equestrienne, MR C. NINO.- the great loaper, The .Great CONS AD BROTHERS. . NAT AUSTIN, or Australia the grent.el Clown. Mr. Whf..YOUNH,r the great Stilt PerWrmer, will al - .==near in his great .act, Le-I-TAMtre-Ptriieuse. The Comiefdtles, "Onnniniand Contraband." Professor Warn :dead,. the man of Anazt7 forme, and a fell troupe of Acrobats. 1 . 111:3 WARBAR, the sole Leuneand Manager, is-deter mined to make the great NATIONAL CIRCUS a popular zasezt for the ladies and gentlemen of Philadelphia. ADMIS;W.N. _ . Stage Feats.— - 1,-,duate bole=--. Paint :111.A:',Nts.re8 .', ?Every. WEDNESD aII,SATURP2I A_F,TEENOONS. "onareetteing at *4 . na-tf - t • FVOX'S- CABLING& ' C'eaSTNITS Stropt. ; 'INCREASED ATTRA Ttkni S: F4RESH ,L , TQVELTIES I ISIDLLE. GALLai"n AIDL LE. imarisrn In tw.k)• n•er• 'Ballets, t. rested by " :KAT WESNER, AND Bi ants TOPHOIM nEAPI, FS. E CO - 40.NS, PITE VIOND.NRITIA CURIA, and tifa debt Cor4i:::•mgs 7 in t34,..coantry,. "4 1 1:173KPL I k - WONDERS).' - 81.[1.1.,D'.15C-*&VAINTE HIND sTEdta Ayausem, , mt Y. - Atnx, litvarft.-- GOl,ll fOZ 1 30 - 11. t Int crol.a.g:s - . 81. 1 31501.1 BLITI4 KWYRY 7:zg WednasaBT : Samrda:y. •..3, - Ustr taigb rjaat Car.sry rd: . Bi sautt; o.lddrere 1.5 11ETET !TETON: FOE, HE B ,1 ibirlon E , Yell , WED ab , .s - a_VY, W:1 P. M - miso.ion -rat C.EIV.. 11. To !la had =IS ANDHIM 1104 Ks." • -• SEVRIZVM , and CHIMItkiIIT, and is • V • the Hail o.c.x. ocl2-lica pENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY t THE FINE ARTS. Ma CHESTNUT STREET. OPEN DAILY (Sundays excapted) from 9 /1.- X (I P. "Al. Adisisbion 33 cents. Cladron half prise. THE FAMILY STEAM CARRI3GE, "City of Boston," will be IP- 3 exhibited on WEDNESDAY and.TH.DES . DAY of this week (Mb and 12thinsi ant. t from 234 to 6 P. M.. on the POINT BytgEsB PAE CODRSS, and as a pat t of its performance. vii : that of developing high rate of spend, it will coldest each day for priority with the celebrated fast mare.."afar Kneen_'" it is introduced here on the recommendation of the very best authorities as one of the most ingenious and suc cessful inventions of the day. See small MS. Admittance 50 cents. CORRECT. PIANO TUNING. g—Mr. C. E. SIEGENT'S orders for tuning and repatring.:Planos are received pt MASON & 00.'a store, 90'7 CHESTNUT Street, onki. Mr S. has had eleven rears' inctoxy experience in Hob-- ton, and Ilya jean? employment Philadelphia. • SzEGIAL- —Fianos releadaered sound as soft and sweet toned as new, without renlOing• Term!, fcir,Tuning, • c - ;1•:/'' TRUSSES, BRACES, - 4 adiusts4 by C. H. NBSDLBS, ne. o 7 'corner of TWEL - STH and RA' Streete. Ladies' Department for same, conducted by Ladies. TWELFTH Street. irst door below Ease. The moot complete and yarie stock on band. consisting is, part of Trusses. Suppozbars, Shoulder Braces. Bolts Bandages, Elastic Stocings, Crutches. Syringes. Ar Npmerv. Sick Room. Sec .g.M4kv. HORSE FEEER 1 HORSB. 7F.P.DER . . - This new - int , engon is for feed - Ing,horssa vials eland ing in barneds or, otherwise. It, is, m?.O aof heavy Acosta Dnek. and so cm-let/noted that. the hoy:s❑ cannot waste any feed; the bag t Nentilatql• by the insertion of eye lets. Riving tb a it•Jrse plenty of air. - - For do tabl.:..ity, convenience. and sconowy this-is un surpassed.' . lig remitting $Za sample will be formardod to any addroes. • All letterkef Inquiry 32c,As a f id ra . 4 4 to • T I:oltl,Tftif, - sole att.ket and I,Tannractarer. 11, - 8-11 A COMM ttC3AL Su. aer. Ats.e reiriE PRES - NEVI - NG BRA_ ND OIDE.R IND WEIrrE WINE _TIDTEovi GRUM avirta, MIISTA2I).SEED. SPICRS apa. ALL THS REQUISITES' PO& Par,FARVING AND PICKLINO pUltpoggs 4.1 - I,S I ZRT ROBERTts„. Dealer in rats arwerics. markt Coral . ILIVTATIL ant Tail 11101016 AMITSEMILINTS. GERMAN OPERA.. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Nov. titls,. INA FIFTH SIIREICREPT/OH AUGHT. JOSEPH. A NI) HPS BitETHREN. PA RV bECOND: MISS BV:INETCHE, KELLNER.' Fit.nt bola; L Knoa, F'nte: :,TOLL. t7latrienet.. A_ 1-.. f KGFEL D. Pre uch Korn. G MUELLER., 33:.;;tairon.' 3lnsth y. b.einning in 1 , 1" n... PITS ACADEMY OF .11CUSIM .treats: rßsc RIPTION! m Soirees St 00 )ns MOO ived at the iffneie Stores Qt , ad CRREST'rrrr r treats, aad. E - CH EsTrrur Street, vrlaere ries ma , he h ed. _ MR. &LASH HASSLER. 77L1, OPEN AT. O&NCERT HALL FEW DAYS. IP(Mt.. THE SEASON OP 1,563 , M, - Lee m;id. Due4aalr. I}kUUW.ll's Earnetah3• Mlis Avonia,liairs. Mrs. D P, Dowers, Barton . Nets. • $. 34 UU • 2.4 Ct.& •.. 3.sCta• oet2•Baa%