The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, November 09, 1863, Image 3
tionarterolal — Sixith T J Milea & wf, Efartiaburg 'Geo Harvey, Baltimore E Le.mard,Weet Chester 1:)r J L soott„Coatesville Tboß Benton P J Biel ok. Oxford M Berried & le...lndleva I) I) 0 Smith k wf, Wabh -J Botches. Cheater, Pa 71Barinnun's Hotel—wits l N Shale!, Newark, N S S Schetoeu, Baltimore 31) Quinn, 1:f S A Chas Storm. New Jer.eY John Schenck, Bloomfield E. Firth, Pennsylvania VP Williams, Reading 3 J Pieett. Bondi eg • Wo. d ward, Serantn Pa W Burger' boa.nt.,n, Pll W 'McCormick. Pittsburg N P Stanrook, PAteburn Sim nnon,Ft Leavenworth S lilatenloY,FE LeaVeaw'th ■tatea Urtion—lllissise James Trimble, Boston 73 Fl Wholly, Danville .11A Heys, U B A John A ehepler, U 6 A <3 A Kesler, U A. • Alex Stevens, U S A J Oecoga, 0 6 A it A &avant. USA Mrs IV! :,hoop.PennsYlvarila Madison—Secoau J.Madhon Case, D S N P P V,Th Beitne olds, Ne . w T k New York it Van Pike, New Jersey A Walton, New Jersey SAincifti Jannon, N J -George Riebardeon, Permit James Curtin, Wabhington 1111.0unt Vernon Hotel, Ydw Lord. Camden,; Del Mr CoJdomith, New York James Mclver W Eft:Thy Charles II Wilkins W II Wagner. Lancaotor co A C CAW], Philadeiphia. John dailagher Mr A lam Cheater. Pa .11itr1ey Shear—Secon , Et Dly, Lambertville Wrn Devtaon, Penna Barry elieetz, 'Penna ID.Cuantrigham, Concord Ain htapler, Becks co Mee stapler, Bucks co lationsl—fteee et.r..0., above Third. E 7 Smith. Penn sy 1 vania I Arm J Stittw:NeW JOrraay CDS .Tones, rhpadelptati, Llant w Camp, 13 S . „ . J El Cooper, Ohio H B Botim tu, Lancaster co 11 oSteinmetz, Lock Haven A bla, P. co such, Reading J F S Gebin, U S A . Bald Eagle—Third St. '' ,tni.v. Callovvitill. in J'Hemerer,Bed ford co IW It .d rick. e'hiledelohla Mtn Hornmerer. Bedford co L II Le , nen, PhinedeWein Mr Dimmlch, Bucks co Krt. h H lAwell,Beekiehem Wen Faleuer.Backe co IhreEC H Dick, Bethlehem Mack Bear—third Sot, above Callowhlll G Clemens, Cheeber Volley g Cadwalader.Doylestown T Headman. Pennoylvania C 'Probbr, Baltimore IT Bonder & son. Penna SPECIAL NOTICES. HANDEL AND 11AYON SOCIETY—RE - 3IOVAL.—The Music Committee hereby announce, on semi:oat of the great increase of performing membere for this Reason, that they have removed from Ninth and Spring Garden streets to Batt in the ROO del and Haydn Building, N. E. corner EIGHTH.and SI'RING GARDEN Streets (entrance on Green street, below Eighth). where .will be sufficient room for all who may desire,to become members.-- REHEARSALS EVERY TUESDAY ;EVENING, coat. icaencing at 8 o'clock. J. G. CASTRAD R. T. wffTrE, Mimic Committee W. C., EWING, DEAFNESS, EYE AND EAR, THROAT MN HARM, CATARRH.—The above' maladies treated with Lia almost istiOOSIN by 'Hr. VON 2.IOBOIIZISKER, °oast and /Wrist, grad aate of Vienna, Office. 10%11 WALNUT Street, where can be examined hundreds of taettreoniale from the very best known men in the country, among whisk are several from old and reoponsible citizens of Phiia• delphie;who eon be Parsimony referred to. n07•4t0 A IN THE FIR/43, HELMBOLD, our enterprising toWnnitint. has opened at the above place a large D al:19 AND CHEIHI. CAL WAREHOUSE. All who nay contemplate visiting that city are respectfully requeso-d to give him a call, and they will be certain to receive from the gentlemen Su attendance kind and polite attention. In accordance With the Doctor's usual pan in .de of conducting bad ness, none but pure and fresh good', will constantly be kept en band, and all who give bitu their custom may be assured that every article sold will he genuine, and at the lowest cash figure. Remember; HELMBoLD'S new Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 394 BRO ktnira."7, New York. A cordial invitation to all ONE-PRICE CLOIN.Lirj. littg TlM Ornes, made in the Beet Manner, expressly - for BE ULM SALES.° LOWEST Selling Priem. marked In Flail irleares. All Goode made to Order warranted manse. Cory. - Oar Oits-FRxos SYai a is atriotly adhered to. All are therebY treated alike. dela-ly JONES dt CO.. 414}4..x.e.R1CET StreaL HAIR: DYE i Hera DY I SAVIISLOB'S celebrated HAIR DYS is the Buf to As World. The only flarmtam True, and Reltatilt Dye known. This splendld Raw Dye is Perfect—changer R e d, Enety, or Gray Hair, Umtata!, tois. Mosel/ Black or Natural Brawn. without injuring the Hair or Stain. tag the Shin, leaving the Flair uoir and Beautlial; Ds outs fresh vitality. frequently restoring Its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of Bad Dyes.'The 0011111110 is OtiMed WILLIAM A. BATOARLOE.: all others are mare Imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, &e. FACTORY, 81 BARCLAY Street, Hew Yogic. Batchelor's New Toilet Cream for Dreaming the Hatt. ie23-ly ABTEMA AND ALL BRONOHIAL AFFECTIONS 'tired by anew system of ELECTRIC ITT. without shocks or pain, by Dr. A. H. STEVENS, 1418 SOUTH PENN SQUARE. ocal-tf D.ll. STEPHEN SWEET. OF CONNECTICUT, Is the author of "Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment." MARRIED. MBLLOR—LARRABEE.—In Battlknore, Md.,,,Nov. 5 by Rev. Dr. Rape.... Mr John B fire:lor, of Philadel 'Phis. to 111195 Maggie, Of -81glraini Larrabee. IDIM7CI. WOCel - TEN.—On the 7th inst. ' An ale, daughter of Sohn IS. and Annie Wootten, In the 4th year of her age. The relatives and friems of the family are respectful ly invited to attend the funeral. from the residence of her parente, Frankford re.d, below lileartield street. on Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clocs„ 'io proceed to Frank lin Cemetery . ** _ . (31.1,F;SRT.—Cfntbe Stb inst.. Mrs. Marion A. Sloenni,. wife of Mr. Forbes O. Gilbert - The relatives' and friends are respntfully invited to attend the funeral at her lase residiene, 1.503 Locust street, on Tuesday afternoon, the, 10th inst., - at 31 .o'clock, precisely. SMITH —On Friday, the 30th October, at St Paul, .3iinnesote, Garrett N. Smith, of this city, aged 25 years, His male friends and those of the family are invited to attend the funeral from the 're ed -ece ot his rather, lease 11. Smith, 1016 he ainnt street, this (Monday) after noon, at 221 o'clock. To , proceed to tirci,diand Ceme tery. AN.DERSON.—At his residence, en the morning of the Sth inb.t., the Rev., ..T Rush Andersen, Pastor of the Ebenezer M. B. Church. Gay street, 513nayunk. The relatiyes and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend his tenant., from said church, oa Wednesday morning._the 11th inst.,. at 9 o'clock., To Radnor to adnor et. . Church, *55 CASSIDY. —On the 7th Lewis C. flassldY, only son of Lewis C... and Sallie T. Cassidy, aged S years, .1- days. month, end ffys. The relatives of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral from the resideece of his parents, Mo. 113 South Sixth street, helots , Walnut on Tuesday miming. at 9 o'clock, withentlartt , r notice - DICKERSON. —On the 31, t nit, at Terre Haute, . Carrie, wife of Levi W. Dlakersou, formerly ,Llarrie Wise. of Philadelphia, in 'ha 28th year of her age.' * DIEHL —On the morning of the 7th Met., Thomas Diehl, formerly merchant t f this city, in the eSth year .of his age. Hie relatives and male friends are invited to attend his Innenl from the mi., enc.. of hi' eon-la-law, d F. Pren ties, No. 327 North Eleventh street, on 'Tuesday after noon. next. - at 2 o'clock, without further notice. ro .Proceed to Laurel HilL es' POTTS —At Norristown, on the morning of 6th No "'ember, John Potts, .Jr., in the Mb. year of his age. The male friends of the deceased and of hie family are respectfully invited to attend hie funeral, from the resi dence of his father. on Egypt street, on Monday; 9th dust. , at 1 o'clock, P. M. Ynneral to leave the house at '2 o'clock, precisely, and proceed to Montgomery Came ry. teleife:W. On .Thursday averting, at the residence of her uncle, Edward T. . near Germantown. 2faty Break, daughter of Henry and Lucy Saaw. of New. York, aged four years. BARRY. —On the sth inst. , Mee Tans S. Barry," daugh ter of the late Joseph and Jane Barry The telativee and friends oft? e fa airy are respectfully Invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her brother., Mr. John It illsetrieton. Thirty -ninth and Spruce streets, West Philadel °hie. this (Monday) morning 9th inst., at 11 o'clock. without further antics!' lIRLACK DRESS GOO DS.--OASH fdaRREI, Velour Repa, Tamisee, 34 and 6-4 MM. Relines, Deduces, Henrietta Claim or silk. warp. Cash wens, Ottoman Poplins, Irish Poplins, Smalmh and French Bombazines, Alepines cordrd hinusselinee, Ans. tralian Crapes, Baratheas, Turin Cloths. Parantattas, De Loin es, Oriental Lustres, Alpacas and Mohair Lustros, Reps A nklals,Monrninir Silk, Arm are, Pnalt e Sole and *roe Orals Bg,SON dr. SON, 0c23 Mourning Store, NO. WS CHESTNUT Street. JOUV S CELEBRATED - KID V .F.. GLOVES, Ordered Colors. sizes 614 to 8 0c27 EYiiiS N LANDELL. F LACK ,MIXED MOURNING LONG BRAWL 0c27 TOOPIIIrAR COLORS M•E RINOE 8, -A- REPS, and POPLINS. 0c27 KIRK di LAND ELL, FOURTH and /MOH. A STATED MEETING OF THE HISTORICAL suciEri OE PENN sYLVAMA will be held. at their Rooms. Athontertm SIXTH Street, below Walnut, THIS (Hoaday", EVEN ING, the Otit Instant, at S o'4:took SAMUEL L. &RIDLEY, it becording Secretary. IMTHE ANNUAL 'ME ICTING OF THE Contributors to the PRlL+UBLt • aie. IDELABIT,Y, AND NURSE SOCIE will be held at the "Home, ' B.'W, corner id ELEVENTH 8,1 CHERRY. THIS (Monday) EVENING Nov. g at 73i o'clock. lay YAHdB M. FARR, Secretary HUMBOLDT LITERAILY fPr' An adjourned Meeting of this . Aaencia , ton will i held WEDNESDAY IV alg I NU,. November 11, at 7% ni the Hall of the Harmony Bnilding,AßC arrest, frooona aver Imam- nig nut, - aopcu - sine. Prompt attendance of members reanetted. no7-2t* MPROFESSOR COPPEE WILL DE AVIS. hie first Lecture. tut PnirlPl ;ATTUNE), at the Hall of the Uttiver.ity, trIVTH Stfee,t, above Chestnut, on. Tupapsy, Nov. 10, at 7,4 i o'clock uo9-2t. BOOK BINDERS' PYOTIOE-THE Rook Binders of this .ad other Mitre; .here notified. that thei fw-crewmen ofeWashington •Clty, D. C., are on a strikefor an advance of pay. We caution men not to visit Washington t. r the purpose of working at the business. We conside sustainedmds sight and proper, and hope we will be by all Book Binders throughout the country. PliBD TFIO WAS. LAN E, • D 6NN li E fo -4 001tN8Y, la iRD B. WAIT', lt* 7eIIES IPHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE. COM- P&NY, OOTOnatt 28 lil46:j.'ln anagera have this day declared a scut annual dividend of ONE DOLLAR per rind after the Capital Rock of the Company, payable on wed after the lOch of November, Transfer Hooke Superintendent hate Raohange. The Transfer nooks will be closed tilldate. no 9-61 M—. CALEB COPE ICHISIASUK/BIL Or the United States Sanitary Commission, Phila delphia Agency, Northepst corner of MINOR and Sl.F..rff iStreets, acknowledges the receipt of the following con tributions since thepast report: Part proceeds of a Fair held nnder the auspices of Ladies of the West Sprtica-xtreet Prelim:gees:a - Church, per Henry D she trerd, treasnrer.......:s 25 Bailey & Co.. fourth enb4criotion 50 Buckner, McCamman, & Co.. Klatt, sub=cription `25. B. H. B. Bimini 20 Joseph 5, Lovering & Co., additlbnai 100 ° J. FL Coyle, additional Thomas Wood. additional 6 Will lani Wand & Co C. W. Co.—W. W. A., agent 10 Taylor, Glllespie& Co an E. F. Elvin us, E 1) 241 George D., Wood, M. D., additional ' MO A. Kunsenberg 2.1 William Lang 25 Part proceeds of a Parlor Fair .at 2007 Wallace St . conducted by Fannie S. Cheeseb rout: h .............. 17i William L. Boyer & Brother 20 Previously reported, it TOM % eet, above Chestnut Daniel Leiria. ihester,Pa G L Snyder. New Jersey Carty. trdw Jersey A L aughe., Coatesville C D o ugherty. Wilmington W A Dixon. Virillnialctol/ f g William . Jersey City VE Smith. Watdainzion Phillip*. llew York rti , 'above Raw C Winthrop, Lewletown cern T W Carroll Lewiet'n nal D W Grainer, Lewistfn Tonathan Kopp. &Anon Ephrata Sm 11, Saeton • r Btrrott. Troy n Babbit, Carlisle T L Radnor*. Titylorevllle 13• , .eris. Ponaßylvania Sa.tul Job tvon; New Jer4eY • B.IC liolteo. New Jureer S F ?rico. Trenton Lt W Camp • I aireat. tabovo Slzth. Daniel Gerow, U S k J :ewe Jam hroofiald & la, Plttsb'g 'r Bock sv Marna% New Tark - (Jou btPele. Vottavale (.3 S A udermon t4eo Aew York inort, Above. Markel. T Carroll. Baltirnore - +•!chard Miller R wf, N J Siscr i'loaorimr, Bucks co Jacob Knowles. Delaware U'Pranson, Delaware . (!e..ev. . L .on. azerneco Smith, Reading Aarea whits Second Sit.above Axell.• W Hart. 'lreuton S EYNON. West °heater G W Buffalo. SRLLIOI Bud Ails Howard, Allentown Priro Wot chington, bid P,srsx, It P; TIT Smith, Utah id atricet. belOW R Carty. Trenton w Hutfniwte New "lON w T Gyor t , Philadelphitt Sont‘t, Doylestown • 1' W Rdblnoun, Portland A H I:11+1110r, Dttlierebttric . Ia rhomyson, New JereeY M REBEL STEAM-RAM ATLANTA.— The general desire to inspect this ship, and.when in the stream. her inaccessibility cati,ed the Union To lontesr Refreshment Committee to procure permission from the United. States Government t-> exhibit her. for tbe . gratification of onr citizens, and for the benefit of their fund. She is now moored at-the first wharf blow Washington avenue, where the public are invited to call, until further notice (Sundays excepted I A bio graphical sketch of this specimen of chip. bailling. in cluding en • account of her capture, can be procured at the ticket office. Admission. 2O cents. Children. 10 cents. not-6t PITTSBURG, NOVEMBER 3, 1963. —The Directors of the Exchange Bank of Pitts burg have this day declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT. oat of the earningeof the last six months, para ble on °rafter the .13th inst. Eastern stockholders will be paid at the Western Bank of Philadelphia, no 6-61 H N. MURRAY Cashier. BANH OF 3CMMERCE- —PHIL A.- DhLPBIe. Nov. The Board of Directors have this day dealered a Div:l -dead of FIVE PER CENT., payable on demand, clear of Taxes. J. A L EMS, no4-wfm•St Cashier: BANK OF PENN TOWNSITIP. PHILADELPHIA, Noy. 3. Bat The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of SIX PER CENT. on the capira) stack for the last six months. clear of the 'United States and State faxes, payable on demand. JAMES RITS 4ELL, - - • nod-w falai -- Cashier. CONSOLIDATION BANK. —PHILA. DELPHIA.. Nov. 5, 1563. The Directors have this day declared .a Dividend ,af. FIVE PER CENT., psyabls c ear of Too. demand 2 eyaß jr.,a...--nier, MANUFACTURERS' AND ME• CIFIANICS' BANK. — PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 3, 1533. The Directors -have this day declared a Dividend of SIX PER CENT. for the past six rn>oths. payable olear of Tax, on Friday, the 13th instant no4wfmst W, WOODWARD, Cashier. MUNION BANK — PHILADELPHIA, Wow. 6, 1E63. At a meeting of the Board of Directors held this day, a Dividend of FIVE E'ER CENT., clear of State and United. States Tax, was declared, payable on demand. no 4 wfmtnoffl J J. EINCKF,I3. Cashier. M. , COMMONWEALTH SANK., PHILADELPTITA.. octahor 6, 1863. The simnel election for Directors will he held at the BANKING FIOUSE, en MONDAY, the sixteenth day of November next, between the bourn of ten A AI and two P. M. HENRY C. YOUNG, Cashier. oc7-wfStratnol6 GIRARD BANK, PHILADELPHIA, October Bth. 1863., Tne annual election for Directors, .to serve for' the ensuing year. will be held on lIV)NDAIr the 16th day of November, between the bonrs of :n A. M. and 2P. M. 009-fmwtNol6 W. L. SOF/AFFER. Cashier. MKENSINGTON BANK, PHILADEL PHU, October 3, 1563. An Election for Thirteen Directors, to serve the 0 tlett.• leg year, will be held' at tbe Banking-honse on MON DAY, 16th of November. 1863. between the hours of ,9 A.. M. and 3.P.. M. C T. YERRES. oo•nivrftnovla - Cashier. SOUTHWARK BANK, PHILADELPHIA, October 5, M. The annual election for Directors will be held at the BANE USG HOUSE, on MONDAY, the sixteenth day of November next, between the hours of ten A. M. and two P. M. oc7•wf&mtnolBf F. P. STEEL, Cashier. UNION. BANK, PIIIIA.DELPHIA, IZ.October 3. 1363. The anntialele deli:for Directors e held on MON DAY, Navember c lB, between the of 10 A M. and 2P. M.J. J. RUCKEL, ocismwttNl6 Cashier. WESTERN BANK, OF it i :.3 a' DELPHIA. Downes 3, 1863. An Election for Directors. to serve .this Bank the en suing year. will be held at the Banking House, on !MN DAY, thel6th day of November next, betweon the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M ocs-mwftl6N G. M TRODTMAN, Cashier. CORN EXCHANGE Boar..— PRILADELPATA. Nov. 3, 1863 The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., clear of all Talrus aad payable on demand. J. W. TORREY, no4•tf Cashier. MCOMMERCIAL BANK OF - PENA SYLVA NI& — PHILADELPFITA, Nov. 3, 1.8d3. The Board of Directors Lane this day declared a Divi dend of PIVE PER CENT., clear of National and State Taxes, payable on demand. S. C. PALMER, n04.10t, Cashier. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BA NK.—PHILADELPHIA, Nov- 3. MS. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., payable on demand. nod 6t - W. BUSEITOS. Yu.. Cashier. GIRARD BANN. .—PHILADEL PHIA. rfov. 3.1663. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., ant of the profits of the last six mouths, payable on and after the 13th inst., fres of all Taxes. [no4-10t] 1 ; 4 7 L. SCHAFF Kt, Cashier. T WO- FACED _size 72, inch by 144: FARB& LANDELL. MKENSINGTON BANK —P HII, A - DALPHIA, Nov :4, 103. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Divi dend of TEN ERR CENT. for the last six months on the capital of this Bank, payable on demand, cloar of State and United States Taxes. C. T. YERKES, no 4 et - Ca+hier. IM'MANUFACTURERS' AND MECH.A.- NICS' &ANIL PHILADELPHIA. October 2, 1863. The Annual Election for Thirteen Directors will be bald at the Banking House on 310 N DAY, the 16th day of November next, between Os onto% of 10 A. AL and 3 P. N. K. OODWART). or6-mwtnolB Cashier. MMECHANICS' BANK.—PHILA.DEL PHIA. Nov. 8, 1863. Tbe Board of Directors have this day &dared a Divi dend of SIX PER °ENT. , on the business of the Bank for the last six months; payable to the Stockholders on and after the 13th instant. WEIGAND. ht no49t Cashier. MSOUTHWARK_ BANK.— PHILA DELPD In, Nov: 3. 1883. The Directors have declared a Dividend of EIGHT Ps* CENT, payable on demand. F. P STEEL; n04.6t Cashier. T I-1 E. Prttuareeira..vsimua. - .D.ANIC..— Itovaarase. 3. 1833. The Directors have declared a Dividend of PIT& PER CENT., payable clear of all Taxeme demand. no 4 6t B. B. COMEGYS, Cashier. imp WESTERN BANK- —PHILADEL PHIA, Nov. 3, 1563. The Directors of this Bank have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., clear of National and State Taxes, payable on demand. n04.6k , O. Ai TROUTMAN, Cashier. BANK OF THE NORTHERN LIBERTIEd. PRILADELPIi re. Nuv. 2. 1863. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of SEVEN PER CENT. for the put six mhnths. payable of tax,' on FRIDAY next. ths flth irottant. ,203.60- W. GI:WHERE. Cashier. CORN EXCHANGE BANK. PHILADELPHIA, Oct held 963 The annual election of .DIRECTONS will be at the BankinOlouse on MONDAY, the 16th day of November next. between the hours of 10 A. 111( and 2P. td ocl4•tnol6 W TORREY. Cashier. IMFARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK, PHILADELPITIA, October 2, ISeNi The annual election for Directors will be held at that Banking House"on MONDAY, the 16th day of November next, between the hours of 9 o'clock A M. and 3 o'clock P. M.: and on TIT6SDAY. the third day of November next, a general meeting of the Stockholders will beheld at the Banking House at 4 o'clock P agreeably to charter. W. RUSHTON, JR., OcB-tn01.6 Cashier. MP.ENBISYLVANEA RAILROAD CO3l - TREASURER'S lIEPAR 1 . MOTT. PHILADELPHIA. October 11, 1863. The Board of Directors have this day declared a send. annual dividend of FIVE per cent. on the capital stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes, payable on and after November 1b,1863 Powers of attorney for collection of dividends can bit had on application at the office of the Company. No. 1138 South THIRD Street. ocl7-tdel THOS. T. PERTH, Treasurer. SURGEON-A.R.TIS T'S OFRIOIE, FOR MUTILATED SOLDIEtii.—:3OLDLEEti who hove lost an ARM or LEG in the service, and desire the Patent' ,!PALMER Limbs " to be supplied by Cl. , vere... meat, should return this notice immediately to this of. lice, stating , their loss by letter, with name. oempany, regiment. and residence. B. FRANI{ P .04-tf 1099 O W/WI Street, rhugelphtv ...104.07 * 4 7 $ IiIitUNITED STATES C11111NT141.21 COMMUNION. —Cash acknowledgments to M k , yember 6, 1863: Army Committee. Boston, Y. M. C. A ' 12850 03 A Friend in New York 4CO 00 Proceeds of a /air. held by the children of Portland, Me . per W. R Johnson. Mt 160 00 Old Brick Church, _Kensington, collected by Army Committee Y. M . C, A., Philadelphia• 142 TY Proceeds of colleclions by two little girls of Trenton. IC J., Mary A. West and a ice Man- rice Cbumar Bailey & Co C. P. Bayard (additional) Collection Union M E. Church, per Army Com mittee Y. M. C. A . Philadelphia Citizens of Wyalusing, Bradford county,' Pa 7 Per Edward Welles, Es4o4 05 Collections by Rev. J. B. Poesner. fur Baltimore Control% tee: Eman'e Moravian Church UprorMelford Church.. Eioteneack Church Miss Dubs Lint. Philip W. Florae Rev. W. F. Williams, Missionary in Eastern Turkey 4126 W. R. Tulcott, Jersey City, N. .11 . 25 6° °ll° Ladies' Aid Sodas', Dnaiiesburg, N. J.. per Rev. A G Witlie 98 20 Mre. Deekinson 25 OD Miss Mclivaine 20 00 New Britain Soldiers' Aid Society, per Miss Iloup,h 25 00 ,Capt.._ .J J. - Janoway, New Jersey Veit/A.1 , r , , per Rev. Dr. Janeway 25 fill Mrs. F. A. mins, Philadelphia 26 00 Denies' Aid Society, Landis burg, per anal R. Rumple, Secretary 00 Collection Third Reformed Presbyterian C e arch, 1.2 50 Deal street, Philadelphia Miss Noble 10 00 Presbyterian Sabbath Sohoul of Ecaley, Patina, per Peter Cunningham 7 72 Central Presbyterian Church. per ArniT Com.- • lefties V. M. C A. (additiond 0 6 00 "M. E. 8.," Trenton. D. J 5 00 A widow's mite and thank -offering for the pre servation of her son at the battle of Chicka mauga 6 00 O. R. McKee • 5 DO Mrs. Oeo Hubbell Phelps, New Fork 600 First Presbyterian Sabbath halloo! of Si attn gton 5 of A Friend, Vincent, Chester county, Pa 2 00 Linward Roberts 2 00 Ladies' Aid Society, White - Deer Valley, Union • county, Pa (balance) . 1 00 40,476 64 kreouni previously acknowledged 146,579 411 149.555 JOS. PATTERSON. Treamrer. UNITED STATES CHRfSTIAZ7 (10,111tISSION The United States Christian Commission bag leave to acknowledge the receipt of the 'cilovring additional HOS pital Stores, up to the 7th instmuc: IgSYLVADi lA. Philadelphia —1 parcel, Ser. Dr. Newton ; 1 box, 7. E. Caldwell & Co. ; 1 hoe, Ladies' Aid St. Paul's P. E. Church. Pittsburg. —2 parcels,Army Committee IL S. C. C. Towanda —1 box. B. S. Rasteli. , llornervtile —1 box, Homerviiie Aid Society. Kimherton.-2 boxes, Miss IS. L. Te capita. Oxford.-1 box. Ladles' Aid Society. Honesdale —1 box, 1- keg, Soldiers' Aid Society • Jersey Shore.-2 boxes, Ladies' Soldiers' Aid. NEW YORK New York.--. 4 packages, 10 parcels, New York Com mittee U. S. C. C. East S dem —1 barrel, Ladies' Aid Society. West Troy.-3 boxes, Arms" Aid Socie , 3. , - Schenectady. - 1 box, Young Women's Army Relief Association. Stillwater. —1 barrel. 1 kez. Ladies' Aid Society. MASS SMITS EMS. Bostori.-14 b^xes, 3 barre,s, 1 package, 1 parcel, Army Committee Y. M. C. A. MHO. Cincinnati. —6 parcels. Ct, cinnati Committee 11. S. 0. 0. CONN ECTIOUT. Windsor, —2 barrels, Sabbsta School First Cotiirev, ft&NV JERWRY . . Trenton.-2 boxes, Ladies' Aid Society. Flemington.-1 box, Ladies' Aid Society • ILLINOIS SPringfield.—lbox. Second Presbyterian ()harsh. The Commission again calls upon the friends of the stddier to remember the want, of the winter .Warns under-clothing should be eentat Ono) in large quanti ties. When in your peaceful and cola,rtabte homes, let it never be forgotten that you are secure only.besaase these brave men stand between you and the enemies of your country. Your. fathers. hnabandi, sons, and brothers. are enduring hardships. braying danger and death. Let them never be allowed to suffer for anything you can give. The Christian Commission carries year gifts directlyto the field, and their delega - es distribute them with their own hands to your friends ii the Army, Send all kindA of stares to OEORSR U. STUART, Chairman, lt . No. 1.1 B A.a K dtreet. NEW ENGLAND —A SOCIAL •AND CONVERSATIONAL MEETING of tae Sdl diets' Relief Associa, ion of the New England Society will be held on MONDAY EVENING, at vk' . . o'clock, at their Rooms, S. E. corner of THIRTEENTH and CHEATED(' Streets. Eloquent speakers will address the meetaig. Ladies and Gentlemen invited. ' Admission Free Per order: SAS. B. ALVORIX no - 7 snat s Ms. WilFl BOARD OF ASS e.ssoas Aar requiaed to - uceet. . 1 4 °tel. SIXTH, below Chestnut, on “61".6 ItarrM.Y.. at II o'clock A. M. Every Assessor is invited to attend. no7-2t. WK. BROWN, President. IX"virffitir of MERCANTILE BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION will be celebrated FRIDAY EVENING, the 13th instant, at 731 o'clock, at the _ MUSICAL FUND HALL. Addresses will be delivered by Rev. M. A. - DE WOLFS HOWE, D, D. DANIEL DOCIERFY, Fwi. a • ^ rilhestra will be under the direction of Mr. E. HAShill • Cards of admission Mai. be bad gratuitously by ap plying early at the Counting-House of the subscriber No. 36 North-THIRD Street. n04.10t WM. C. LUDWIG. President. WINES AND LIQUORS. IMPORTERS • 100 00 • 100'00 100 00 95 40 WIRES AND LIQUORS. 14.11.1J1KADT. 5.A.X4i.A.1D00. 1 (SL CO., =EI NO. 128 SOUTH NINTH STREEF, (138T7f lOW OHIIBI24ITT AND WALNIITO GEO. M. LAIMAIT, A. M BALLADS, • J. D. DIT?WG. =EBB, OARDRAAV & OO'S SUPERIOR COGNAC BRANDY, EACH BOTTLE SEALED WITH GREW WAX, _WIT THE INITIALS OF THE FIRM {AMIN, & CO. SUPERIOR OLD MA.DEIRA. WIRE, FINE :STIERitY,' CLARET, AND 111111111111 Secretary, AND AN AENOIRTMENT OF FINE BRANDS O•F CHAMPAGNE, TERM FINE AND DELICATE OLD PORT WINE. BACH BOTTLE EE4LBI_WLTB__'ZTLT-x-o-urj-*XZ,-- WITH THE INITIALS OF THN FINN Immix, BALLAD& & CO., NO. 126 SOUTH NINTH STREET, 01. D RYE WHISKY. OLD WI:IMAM' IiV3LITSIVSCi OLD. JA.MAIOA SPIRITS OBERHOIATZ WHISKY. FOT.TST WERTZ'S WHISKY. TAFFEY'S WHISKY, RMADING WEAN, BRUM & 128 SOUTH NINTH STREET, PRESS.-PITILADELPRIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1863. OF --.^ P LILDRLPHIA VINTAGE OF 1838 lIM'ORTED BY HOOK WINES, OSBORN'S tc OPORTO IMPORTED BT PHILADMMEIA. IV4IiRAATTED ~'SIL~D&LPST4, RETAIL DDT GOODS FRENCH ME BINO ES. EDWIN DULL & 20 SOUTH SECOND STREET. HAAS NOW ARRANGED FOR SALE. The folatue toire 4=4l:rge :Atel s gtr e v:zr k: %LOTS OP FRENCH MERINOES, $l. 5 LOTS FRENCH MERINOES, $1.25. $1.50. 3 LOTS SUPER Do These goods , are (tiered in all the most beautiful shades, and purchasers may rest assured that that THE BEST IN TUB MARKET FOR THE MONEY The above, together with tke , Large Soak on hand, bought early in the season, makes our STOOR. OF FRENCH MERINOES OOMPLEFE, NOT SURPASSED BY ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THIS CITY. FOR SALE BY THE PIECE OR YARD Also, on hand, a fine Stock of SILK AND WOOL POPLINS, ALL-WOOL REPP POPLINS. CORDED MERINOES. PLAIN IRISH POPLINS PLAID IRISH POPLINS. PLAID F.RE OH I C OPLINS not wsts at VELOUR CLOTHS, THE POPULAR , FABRIC FOR LADIES' CLO kKS.—Parplei. Brovrn,.. n.l (1B ark.; Frezted Beavers. black and,bro wet Vricat Benvers. Captor( ' and 6-4 DOeSkillP .1 Chinch., In+. at Petcrkhams, $.116; Long Sltnns, COO: at.o. *75, n(9 - -HYRE & LA.NOELL. LINENS AND MIISLINS.-9 4 BA. [INS; ley Linen Sheeting, *1 per yard; 10.4 Linen Sheeting, 41 25 p-r yard; 11-4 Linen sheeting; 13.4 Linen Sheeting; 40 inch, 42 inch. 4i inch, 50 inch. and 54 inch Pillow Linen; all Linen Table Linen, 50 cents per yird. also, very One Table Linen imported ; wapkins, all linen and good, at $1,62 per dozen; extra finality ; $2 per dozen; all Linen Towels, $l-50 per- dozen; Flackaback ditto, $3 per dozen ; Bee Towels of every description Ilnch aback Shirting Linens and Linea Goods' of 'every description. • Itluslins of almost every make at 16, 20, 21. 25, and 31 cents-per yard; also full width Sheetings, at lowest Prices; good Canton Flannels at 32 cents; extra ditto ac . 37, 90, 95. end tie cents; Red Flannel, all weal, at 3736 cents, White ditto. 37 cents; Red Twilled, of extra gm .1 qn Mitt-, at 50 cents; hest Gray Twilled for 60 cents, in Philadelphia. Blankets ,xtra cheap for one week; 4 lots of damaged Blanketastained, ac. Our lanens were bought when: exchange was at`the loweet point. and are about 25 per cent lets than ty goods new are. Most of our Muslim' were on hand b fore the great rise in prices, and are now warranted.n - 46 - 1 rekular Prices wholesale; and retail. Oar. glanwelli defy competition for cluapnesS and a.sortment, andi our Blankets were many of them bought last seaSotat very low prices. - -- Ladies' Alas and charitable annotations Po i d a reduction, It D. St W. H. PIINNEI,I,, r 09-2 t . 7021 111"A.RICINt. below Eleveativ ARMY GOODS. FROTtiINOUAIVI. a WELLS RAVE FOR SALMI. HE VY MEDIUM, AND MORT SNDITINGS arr. SHIRTINGS. STANDARD UAV CANTIiN - FLANNELS. WASNINOTON AND 'VICTORY CAMBRIOS MID SILECIAS. BRoWN, BLEACHED, AND 0010 DST No. 12 WORSTED TARN , ac. seD)-If tf FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY EcrAlsTS 23ASSALL, MILITARY FURNISHERS, 418 ARCH EITICBAT. Banners, Regimental and Company Flags, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Passants, Epaulette , * Hats, Caps, Canteens, Haversacks, Camp Chests, Field Glasses, Spurs, Soyer's cele brated Camp Kit, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit of Army and Navy Officers. A liberal discount allowed to the trade 0e.20-1m W. SIMONS 6;.BROTHER? BAHEOH-STREEP•HALL, PHILADELPHIA HARETAi3TIDIERE4 OP JEWELPJI FINE SWORDS. AND ELLITAXY 1100DS IX EVERT VAJZIETY ADZ 1193 m • YARNS. W 0 0 L On hand, and consignments daily arriving: of TUB AND FLEECE, Common to Fall Blood, choice and clean WOOLEN YARNS, 18 to 30 ants, fine, on hand, and new supplies coming COTTON YARNS, Noo, 6 to 30s, of firot-claos raakoo, EIMIMI N. B.—An numbers and descriptions procaredif6nce on orders ALEX. WHIELDIN & SONS, 18 North FRONT Street, unfl-mwft INSURANCE COMPANIES. REM OVAL THE MANHATTAN I , IFE INSURANCE "COMPANY, • Of New York. having appointed JAMES B. CARR Agent for this City, have, aemoved their office to _ . . . - NO. 488 WALNUT STREET, Where applivationsfor INSURANCE and RENEWALS on POLICIES must be made. The allotted dividend 011863 will be adjusted on all Polio's on which two or more annual premiums have been paid, on the adjustment of the current year's premium - The following items, interesting to the assured, show the great progress and prosperity of the Company since the last triennial dividend: " • The invome of the Company for the pest three years has been 81,400.000 00 The assets have increased 416,003 DO The looses paid to widows during three years past were 220.661 24 others " 99,738 SO Dividends have been made daring the past three years 850,000 CO . JAMAS B. CARR, Agent. C. Y. Waltms, Secretary. oc2B-Imit FAME INSURAIV -a- 403 CREhTNIIT Sire( FIRE AND I Pi: ULASLAN . DIREC Francis N. Buck, Chas. Richardson, Henry Lewis, Jr., John W. - Everman. Philip S. Justice, O. W. FR Davis. ANCIS N. BD CHARLES RICH! WILLIAM' .I. BLANGIIAR IMPORTERS OF -11- WINES AND 'LIQUORS. LAUMAN, SALLADE, 41; CO., Ito.I.MS SOUTH NINTH STREIT, Between Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia. G. M. LAUMAN, A. M. BALLADS, J. D. BITTING HORSE FEEDER! • H ORS& FEEDER' This new invention is for feeding horses while stand ing in harness or otherwise. It is made - of heavy Russia _Duch, and so constructed that the norso cannot waste any feed; the bag is - ventilated by the insertion of eye lets, giving the horse Plenty of air. For durability, convenience. and economy this is un stunaesed., By remitting T.g a sample will be forwarded to any address. All lettere of inquiry must be addressed to GEO. T DALTON, _ Sole Agent and Manufacturer, nci)-lm 122 COMMEECIAL Street, Boston, Masa. A CARD.-UNION PACIFIC RAIL WAY CO lIPAtsY (EASTERN DIVISION) BiNDS (KANSAS BRANCH OF FHB PACIFIC R s ILROAD). As Bonds of the above description will probably be of fered fo! sale in the money market, the public Is horeby cautioned against purchasing, or in any way negotiating for them;-for the undersigned have an existing contract which prohibits entirely Ine sale or use of .said Bonds, while at the same time the statute laws of the State of Kansas give them, under their contract, a prior Um to all mortgage! , or deeds of trust which can be executed by said Company. Any investment in said Bonds, without authority from .the undersigned. will be invalid, and will entail a total loss upon the parties who shall ven ture to purchase them. .ROSS, STEgL, at CO , Contractors for building the Leavenworth; Pawnee, and Western (now called Union Pacific) Railway, Eastern Division.' on. tIANENiVORTII CITY. .1C41.11691. Nev 4. 186. 1109-tf C I ,.IINS 1 GUNS 1 I GUNS 1 I 1 N.-11 wESTLEY RICHARDS' WILLIAM GRENER, MOORE. & HARRIS', PHILIP WILSON & CO. FRENCH AND ENGLISH. GUNS OF EVERY VARIETY, The beat assortment to select from to be found in this country. Call soon at . . ~ ' PHILIP WILSON & CO.'S, 0c94-Im 409 CHESTNUT Street. RE I m coLoßfm - PHOTO. GRAPHS. line pictures, faiildni likenesses. mth rally .olored. for $1 onlv . Go to' the Gallery, SEGoN D; above Green street, and obtain a. good pictnre at mode rate charge. - lt*. THE RELATIVES OF THE PRISON ERS OP WAR of the U S Army, now detained 'at Richmond, Va., can have the arrears of pay eegnlarly collected for them at THE MILITARY AND NAVAL AGENCY. Po. FOUR HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SEVEN, 427 WALNUT. STREET, PHILADELPHIA, no7-9tif JOSEPH E. D SPIT r Se CO. WRIGHT'S NE PLUS ULTRA MINOE MEAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, • SPRING GARDEN AND FRANKLIN STREETS no7-3mos Pitilndmphia D. MARCHANT, PORTRAIT : E. PAINTER, has removed to '9l'9 LOCUST 'Strut, where he will be glad to see his friends and those of the public who may be interested in his line of Olt. nee ftßt.i. if aYMNASEDI,, CORNER NINTH AID ARM —Open for subscribers every day. Classes forLadies—llronday, Welnenday, and Friday, between 4 and,6 o'clock. For Doso—Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, between 4 and 6 o'clock. For l , entlemen—Bvery day from 7 A. M. to 10 P. bf. n07.4t Profs. lIILLEBRA.ND St LEWIS. 'RITE PRESERVING BRANDY, PURE CIDER AND WHITE WINE VINEGAR. GREER GINGER. MUSTARD SEED. SPICIEE, ALL THII REQUISITES FOR rEmmtvlne AND PICKLING PURPOSES. ALBERT C. ROBERT, Dealer. in Pine Groceries. 01141 Corner SLIM= ant VIVA &mem PRILADELPHIL 'a'rPT,i44le, and Cop Phllad It,hia E COMPANY, NO It.prciA. ' BD Ent:MANOR t 01141. B. D. Woodruff. Geo. A West, John Kessler. Jr.. Chas. Stokes. A. R. Rosenheim, Joseph D. Ellis. rig. President. ARDSON. Vice President. 1: D. Secretary. COMMISSION MOUSES. H E -A V ,y" = -IN LIC lEN OOVERING DEOZ OF VtIISSELS, Fur 05131) MILLINERY GOODS. E=M .11 MILLINERY GOODS BROOKS & ROSEIRKIN 431 MARKET STREET. ' tau now`on hand a complete assortment of new stile* • RIBBONS, BONNETS, VELVETS, BONNET-SILKS, MISSES' RATS, FLO IV .N.:IIS, FEATHERS, LAOES4 enc. MILLINERY GOODS' GENERALLY, to:Which we invite the attention of the trade. oe7-1m FALL , 1863, WOOD & CAJR,~cr. 725 CHESTNUT' snow. Nays now oVan A LAW M STOOK 07 STRAW AND FELT GOODS, • ' FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS, Ands general assortment of MILLINERY GOODS, To which they invite the attention of THE TRADE. self-ft grt EIGHTH.ST. RIBBON. STORE, No. 107 N. EIGHTH STREET. We have received from the late New York and Philadelphia Auctions the following most desirable awl fashionable goods at very reasonable prices: - Scarlet Bonnet Velvet, atS3 per yard. Do. do. do. Lyons width and. qnallty, St 50 per yard. LEATHER. COLORED VELVET. — l7nont.Ye..Vet, Cord ed Silk and Bonnet Silk. allo t the moat let - Salina shades, with Ribbons,_Feathers and Flowl.QC to match. BLACK BONNET — . A splendid line, from 18 to 44 cents per xitia: At the latter price we sell a very wide and 13.4mYrnibbon. • Extra ktivy, all baled Ribbons, narrow and wide. lower at retail than they can be bought else where by tha BLACK, DRAB AND BROWN FELT HATS, from the manufacturers direct. All the new shapes for ladies' and shildren's wear, very cheap. A complete aPeortment of Black English Crapes, par chased before vt, - iats" heavY 8 41 . ealfci In gold, from 01 geßt B ::_ rd upwards. BONNET RIBBONS in endless variety. Velvet bone black and colored. the hest make Imported, at a great redaction.- Trimming Ribbons, every sham--- - every other article used in making or Wis.- -net: or that can be lonn4 ths — "u u A liberal '.'ednetion made to wholesale biyere. u!. 1111 `':f ordere promptly attended to. SICHEL & WEYL, ocl4tnoll No. 107 North EIGHTH Street. IeMISS E. CALDWELL, - NO.- 824 ARCH Street, will -be prepared to Show the _'ztest styles WINTER MILLI ERY for Ladies - ;dad Chi~dren•Off uS . DAY, November lOth. no 7-30.- .MRB. M. A. KING HAS CON STANTLY on band a beautifulaseeTin;:!_nt WINTER MILLINERY, at 10206 iTeltrr Street. 0029. MRS. R. DILLON', FANCY AND STRAW MILLINER, 323 SOUTH street, Phi. ladelphia. Mourning Bonnets made at the seort est notice; Bonnets dyed, cleaned, pressed, and altered to the latest styles. Ali assortment of Feathers, Flow ers, Ribbons, Caps, dec., always on hand. Orders from Country Milliners and others solicited and promptly at tended to. oat at. JP FRENCH FLO W MRS, 1863 FEATHERS, LACES, RE13130115., NEW-STYLE HATS, JUST OPENND AT rru.o. KENNEDY 63 BRO.'S, No. T 539 tiMESTNIN Street. below Math. sa9-Sio - W ATCIRES AND JEWELRY. ARRANDALE RE CO., k fa IMPaRT=.II.S OF dth,Z, . W.A.-TC S, NEW.YORK, Will rend followina ion receipt of price: SILVER MIII?0, , ITE WATCH, for toe Army, cyltn der movements, Hunting Cases, Time Indicator in con tre, to save trouble of opening case. handsome ani re liable, best and cheapest made. Sold in the army a SOLDIERS' OWN, Patent Lever, in sterling silver engraved hunting cases. Jeweled. regulated, $l4 50, SPLENDID GOLD COIIPOSITE WATCH, Jeweled_ either .rtediam size for gentlemen, or small size for la dies, beautifially engraved cases. Very Elegant and Accurate, often sold for sso—sls GOLD CO3fPfISI PM Patent Detached Lever, Jeweled in 13 actions, gold balance, Warranted a perfect Time keeper suitable in size for either lady or gentleman. richly chased cases—a really pplendid article, often sold for $75—525. . _ Small. sired, beautifully-finished Ladies' Lepine, fine 16 carat gold plate watch, beautifully ornamented cases, usually sold at $5O-427.50. Gents' or Officers' massive gold plate Watch, chro nometer balance, fall ruby jeweled, detached patent lever. heavy. beautifully finished eases. Warranted a Splendid Timekeeper, often sold for $lOO-336. ASTRONOMICAL WATCH! In massive gold plate. beantifally-enrag.:A---.—., jeweled in 15 actions, gold hatance, - ana a r ts tine recent to the sunk seconds. &c peculiar to first-class - WaTches, ecra -- a hand pointing with nnfaaing accuracy to the day of the n r iOnth: A magnificent article! the great est invention of the age! just imported by Arrandale Co. —s4s Other ladies' and eentlemen's Watches and Chains in great varieiy. Semi for circular fully describing above and other Watches.. Agents wasted. A reduction made on wholesale orders. Money may be sent at oar risk, if properly sealed. ARRANDALE & 00, 212 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, ocl9-mnrflmW4t 3 doors from Barnum's ld'u..eum. G. RUSSELL, 22 NORTH SIXTH Street, ha - a - just received a very handsome assort ment of FINE SEAL RINGS. oc3l-3m FINE WATCH REPAIRING attended to by the most experienced workmen. ana•every Watch warranted for one year. G RUSSELL, 0c.91-8m 22 North MUM Street. MUSICAL BOXES. 1 TN SHELL AND ROSEWOOD OASES, playing' from 11012 tunes, choice Opera and Amer!. can Melodies. PARR dc BROTHER, Importers, 5.2 em _ 324 (11114fiTNIVT. Street,. "Wow Fourth. Ink CARRIAGES. • 1863. WILLIAM D. ROCiERS, Coach iaid Light Carriage Builder, Boa 1009 sad 1011 011193T80T STREW. selo-6m Pirrianaimmuk. GUILD MILLETTE, ATTORNEY :r • AT LAW AND 'CONVEYANCER, No 2.45 Swath FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. . no9l.m* TO SPORTSMEN. PHILIP WILSON Bc 00., 409 CHESTNUT STREET. Manufacturers of superior ( DOUBLE GUNS, equal, if not superior, to any of the following makes. which we keep constantly on hand: William Greener, Weetley Rieharde, Moore k Hartle, and other makers. Also, Powder. Shot. Wads, Caps, dm. We, shall be constantly supplied, during the season, with every 'satiety of SKATES. 5e2443m A BLIND 'DOCTOR RECEIVES HIS -L.- eight through the use of Mrs: M. G. BRO VTR'S ME, TAPE'S KCAL LISCOVRe.Y. . " Dr. Ihn J. Moine, of Berkley. N. J. assert, for the benefit of all NO_ o entrer, that I have been afflicted with diseased e 7 es fim twenty-three years; have been in the Eye Infirmary in Providence, where it was thought - an operation was necessary, but to this ( would not con• sent. I have been pronounced incurable by five of the beat physicians in the country. two of whom assured me my eyes woulri run out in - a few weeks and procured a letur for my admittance into tho Infirmary in Phila "While 'preparing to go, friend advised me to try Mrs.. M. 0. Brown. On the 9:hof September. 1833, I went to see her, led by my wire as I was totally and had been so f , r a year. Mrs, Brown told me my case was bad, a most hopeless, through the onantity of blue stone and vitriol administered, but added, if anything could reach my case. the Metaphysical Discovery would. She made the fist application; .I brought the medicine home; I have need it three weeks. and the result is that this twenty ninth' day of 'elnember. I have come to Phi ladelphia Orme, now sit in Mrs. Brown e office; can read without glasses the signs on the opposite side of the street; write a letter at the desk, and sea every object distinctly around me. "1 am now at my practice again, supplying the wants of my family, who must have been beggared had I not been cured. Under these oirimstances I cordi.illy re commend Mrs M. G. Brown's mode of treatment to all who are suffering. The Metaphysical bisc,overy mares Deafness, Noises in the. Head, Rousing of the Esrs,, Ca tarrh, Am, &c . The package consists of three distinct preparations, one for the eye, one for the ear, and one for the scalp. They work in conjtinction, and remove the legitimate cause of all disease." They are put up in a nest wooden box and will be for warded safely to any address on the receipt of $l, Fall directions accompqny toe medicine. Poor Richard's Eye Water, $1 per bottle, put np in a wooden box., aiftB at. G BROWN, Metaphysical Physician, 41.0 ARCH otreet, Phila telotita. 1391L.RREOT PIANO TUNING mr. C. E. S &RGENT'S orders for inning and repairing Planes are received at MASON & 0:406 store. 907 CHESTNUT Street, only. Mr S. ' has had eleven ears' factory experience In Hoe , ton, and Aye years' employment in Philadelphia. SPEClAL.—Pianos.reteathered to Sound as soft and sweet toned as new, without removing. Tenni for Timing, Si. oel2-Setif T R 88E8BRACE8, • - alralfally admated by C. H,_ NEEDLES : - corner of TWELFTH and RACE Street.— Ladies' Department for same, conducted In Ladies, TWELFTH. Street, first door below Races ihs most complete and varied stock on hand, consisting b part of Trusses; Supporters, Shoulder Bracee, Belts, Bandages : ,_ Elastic Stockings, Crutches, Syringes, hr. Robe for Nursery.' Sick Room. gut ssm.lbb e DR FINE, PRACTICAL DEN for the last twenty years. 219 VMS St., below. Third, inserts the most beautiful TEETH of the age, mounted' on fine Gold, Platine, Silver. Vulcanite, Coralite, Amber, at prices, for neat and substantial Work, more reasonable than an> Dentist in this city of State. Teeth 'plugged to last for life. Artificial Teeth repaired-to suit. No pain in extracting. .All work war ranted to tit. Reference. hest families. . WI-ITE VIRGIN . WAX OF AN. MLLES—A new French Cosmetic, for preserving', Whitening, and beautifying the "complexion. Thla Preparation is composed of White Virgin Wax, of the finest Quality, giving tho complexion a transparent whiteness and the most bewitching bounty, while U. s%''rrniCeittirt:l7llt7feannddeljerbiaXMMCllleM7 to tkinslitz.lll the wonders of the age, and must be seen to be appro. elated. A hottbFwill he oran for . .Ladies to try its °gest before purchasing. 'Price 211 and OJ cents. HUNT & CO., Perfumers, .41 South EIGHTH Street, two doors above Chestnut, and 133 South SEVENTH Street. above 9,, alura .cklaztre BASS. STENCIL ALPHABETS. M. J. METCALF &80N, SALEM STREET, BuSTON, NABS. The only manufasturers in the United. States. of Brass Alphabets and Fidurea, to any great aatent ar aata satiety. . Sold at whaLesala at the Loargrif PRIORS. AISO, the BEET OP INDELIBLE STEN t, IDOL Vary °two. Stqnsil Dies and all kinds of Rona ), awl, Inquiries os gr den azerogy attwaded to. . ociaioa IFRYER. CHESTNUT Street "TENNENT SCHOOL" FOR BOYS, BARTSVELLE, Bucks county, p a . The next session will open on WEDNESDAY, Nov. 4, to continue five months. Reference may be made to Rev. Albert Barnes. - se23-mw&ftnol7 3f. LONG, Principal. • AT ILL A GE GREEN SEMINARY, T NEAR 11ISDIA, PA.—Pupils received at any time. English, Mathematics, Missies, and Natural Sciences taught. Military Tactics, "Book-keeping, and Civil En gineering taught. Entire expenses about *3 per week. Boi.s of all ages taken. Refers to Wm. H. Kern, ex- Sheriff; John C. Capp & Co., No. 23 South Third street, and Thomas J. Claston. Esg.,_ Fifth and Prune streets. Address Rev. J. HARVEY BARTON, A. 3f., Village Green, Pa.no4-tf ITEMAN ALLEN, A. M., FRONT THE Conservatorinm of 'Music at Leipzig, TEACHER of the PIANO AND VIOLIN, Ito. 21 South SEVEN TEENTH ,treat. at G. Andre & Co 'a. No. 1114 Chestnut street. and at this office. 0c27-Im* FRS. C. A. BURGIN'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, -No. . o. 1037 WALNUT Street. A few PuMls can be received for the study of French and German. ocl3-In* • JON ES' HOUSE CORNER MARKET STREET AND MARKET SQUARE, Having, returned to my native State. after several years' residence in ; Baltimore. I respectfully solicit a share of public patronage at the above.narded popular Hones. - flaol3-frmwlm) C. H. MANN. NATIONAL HOTEL, WASHINGTON, D. C. R. S. BENSON, PROPRIETOR, Formerly of.the Ashland House, Philadelphia. He is determined to merit, and hopes to receive, a fall share of pablic patronage. ie2l-6M METROPOLITAN HOTEL, GATE BROWNMS PENNSYLVANIA AFENHR, lietween Sixth and Seventh Street,' WASHINGTON CITY', , - A. R. POTTS, zuf24-Sm. , Prooriatir _ARMY CLOTHLNG AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets. PHILADELPITTA. November-7.lSn SEALED PROPOSALS are invited at this Mho until 12 o'clock ht. on SATURD tY. the 14th inst., to furnish promptly, at the Schuylkill Arsenal egi mental General Order Books. 54.1 nett-wide Burlaps for Bating. Great Coate for Riot men. Trouserstfor mounted men. . Samples of the materml Lobe used are invited with the Bidders must state 111 their proposals the price, which roust be given in writing. as well as in figures, also the quantity bid for, and time of delivery. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract must be guarantied by two responsible persons, whose signa tures will be appet ded to the guarantee, and said gua rantee accompany the bid. - Bidders, as.-well -as their sureties or guarantors, who may not be known at this office, will furnish a certificate from the United States District Attorney, postmaster, or other public functionary as the residence of the oidderor guarantors, setting forth clearly the fact that the bidder and hie sureties are responsible men, who will, if a con traet is ,awarded them, act in good faith with the United Slates, and faithfully execute the same. Blank forme for Proposals can be had upon application at this office. , -- Proposals must be endorsed, " Proposals for Army Supplies," stating the particular article bid for. G H. CROSMAN. Ass% Q. M. lf: General .S. Army. OFFICE: CLOTHING AND PAGE, CINCINNATI. 0., November 7, 1863. PROPOSALS will be r eceived by the undersigned, un til MON DAY, the 23i1 day of November 1863, for fur nishing this Department (by contract) with: 10 and 12. ounce Duck. Drilla, standard, ordinary width: Drills. standard, 33 inches wide. Forage Cape. Knapsacks. Canteens. Dayereacks, Of which samples may be seen at the InspectiOn Rooms. Parties offering goods must in all Cases rarnisn, sam pies, and must distinctly Mate in their bids the quantity of goods they propose to furnish. the price, and the time of delivery. A guarantee. signed personally by two re sponsible parties, and agreeing that the bidder will fur nish the supplies; If an award is made to him, must ac company eacn proposal. Bids will be opened on MONDAY, November 23, 1863, at 2 o'clock P. M., at. the Inspection Rooms. and bidders are invited to be present . Goods must be delivered In good iiew_packagee, free of charge. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable Is re- By order of Col. Thomas Swords, A. "d,' M. G. an 4.1 4, Vir IiraTTTMON, ngaiwin and A a AT . _ GENUINE EAGER VEIN COAL-- Equal. if not superior to Lehigb. &leo, Hart's , ' to Plus Ultra Family :t-ainbow Cosa; Egg and Steve.rda3e. Large But $5.50 per, toe. Coal forfeited , if not full 'weight as per Velot - Depot 1144.9 CA GLO snit Street.. above Broad OlNne. 3%1. South Po , llllni, be low Chestnut. Call and examine. Orders by despa%ah pronptly attended to by' n09.6m 1 1 ,0 AL.—SUGAR LOAF, REA.VER stEADOW.'and. Spring Mountain Lohig.ll Goal, and trait Locest himmtaiu. from Schuylkill; preparers &z presoly for Family use. &spot, N. W. corner or-MONTE and WILLOW Sbreets. Oldce, No. 112 comb SECOND Strant (ap2-1y) J. WALTON St 00. arc admired for their truthfu'aess and simplicity of style, and artistic and elaborate coloring. Go to SECOND street, above Green. L. p FONTENEAV & C. SA.LLES, FRENCH HAIR DRESSING and SHAVING St- LOON, No. 10S South ELEVENTH Street, (ip maim, ) branch of 1027 Chestnut street. Manufsictorer• and Importers of Wig,s, Toupees, Va l.:Was, and Fana7 Aitida. Cen-rinvirlie FINANCIAL. 6 . 20 8. lin NOVEMBER 5.20,3 COUPONS WANTED. SAELT CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS WANTED. NTSELTNO ESCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD BT DREXEL,' do 00. 31 South TR IED Street. STERLING} EXOIIANGE., IEgoTTG-1-rr AND SOLD. te29-m&flim EDWARD M, DAVIS, EXCHANGE BROKER, ' tiorth Third Street, Up litairs, WILL SUPPLY AT PAR 5-20 U. S. BONDS, WITIIOT CHARON TO TIMMPER. AND SOLICITS Rl6 FRIENDS • FOR TITRIR ORDERS. 1202-01t44tif 5-20. u. The andersigned. as General Subscription them!, 'authorized by the Secretary of tke Treasury to continue the sale of this popular Loan, and VW DAYS public notice will be given of discontinuance. ABOUT TWO HUNDRED MILLIONS remain unsold, and this amount is scarcely sufficient to furnish a basis for the circulation of the National Banking dissociations now being formed in every part of the Country. But a short time must elapse before this loan is wholly ab sorbed. the demand from Europe. Germany especially, being quite active. As it is well known that the Secretary of the Trea sury has ample and unfailing resources in the duties on imports, internal revenues, and in the issue of interest bearing Legal Tender Treasury Notes, it is nearly cer tain that it will not be necessary for him for a; long time to come to lame Anther Permanent Loans, the interest and principal of which are payable in Gold. r , These considerations must lead to the prompt conclu elan that the time is not far distant when these "Five 'Twenties" will sell at a handsome premium. as was the result with the "Seven•tltirty" Loan, when it was all sold, and could no longer be subsaribed for at par. Thls s SIX PER CENT. LOAN, the Interest and principal being Payable in coin, thus Yielding about sway per cent.' per annum at the wipes , Premium on gold. - It Se called ". Fiv , rw " enty. „ from the tact that whilst _Elie fonds may nin tor ttocnty years. yet the Govern ment has the right to pay them off in gold at par, at any time after Am year*. The interest is paid half year/y on the first days of No.' yember and Mar. Subscribers can have CodpOtf ponds which are para• ble to bearer and issued for VA $lO3, low, and 31,000. or itexistered Bonds of eimllar denOloinatioNS. and in addition *O,OOO and 410,000. These Five-Twenties" cannot he tate& by cities. towns. or connties, and the Government tax on them is only one and a half per cent, on the amount of income, when the Income exceeds six hundred dol lars per annum. Income from ail other investments. Stich es mortgages, railroad stocks, bonds, &c., mns pay from three to five fief cent. tax on the income. Banks and Bankers thronehont the country will con tune to dispose of the Bonds, and all orders by mall or otherwise properly attended to. The Treasury Department having perfected arrange ments for the prompt delivery of Bonds, ;Subscribers will be enabled to receive them at the time of subscri bing, or at farthest in FOUR days. This arrangement will be gratifying to parties who want the ponds on pay ment of th.e money. and will greatly increase the sales. JAY COOECJE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET., MICHAEL JACOBS, BANKER,' No. 46 South THIRD Street. PoTLADELPRIAL. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, SPECIE. AND 'INCUR RENT MONEY BODGFIT AND SOLD. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON CoMMISSION. Dartford/1i attention paid to the Negotiation of .Tiroe Paper. CITY WARRANTS BOUGHT. ocs-3m COLLECTION OF 11. S. CERTIFI CATES OF INDEBTEDMESS.—The ADAMS' EX PRESS COMPANY are now prepared to collect, at the Treasury Department, Washington, with despatch, and at reasonable-ratesthe One• Year Certificates of. In debtedness of the 'United States now due or shortly maturing Terms made known and receipts given at the °Moe. No. no CHESTNUT Street. myfi-tf NOTI 0 TICE IS HERESY GIVEN 'that the' CERTIFICATE No. 23,524, Shares, issued to us by the New York Transfer Agency or - cne tludolphies- ersva—ltazaing-.lZaiboad has been LOST, and that application has been made for the sub stitution of a certineate in place thereof. A. G. NEMINWAT & C0.,- No. 53 EXCIRANGE Place EDUCATIONAL. HOTEI.S. C. H. MANN, HARRISBIIfiG, PA. PROPOSALS. COAL. EIMER'S SUPERB IVORY CY PES A RETIRED MEMBER. OF THE DETECTIVE POLICE • Price 50 CentA. a DREXEL & CO. There fa something exceedingly fascinating in etories like three. - Beyond the Interest engendered by the na ture of the ,ar,ativa, the reader gets to evranvlttre in the puri nit of the criminal, and watches with relish the e- , of the vet around the object of the ofilier'e Pursuit, Some of there contorts of crime with the agents of justice are exceedingly- amusing—" The Ebony Box." for inatance, where sturdy honesty and a keen peroeption of character are engaged age nst a set of Initials, to the discomfiture of the latter, Pablinhed by 5-20. Copies of the above book sent by mail. ti any address, fact of pos age, on receipt of the price. noP-mtet4t MESSES. TICK NOR & FIELDS 'volume, elegantly brand in muslin, bevelled belrds Superintendent of the Butler Hospital. ProTidence. R. I The purpose of this volnme is mainly to expose the mischievous effeots of many , practices and customs pre valent in modern society, and to present SOME , practidg suggestions relative to the attainment of mental Soand- OW - Either of the above works for site by bny book seller. or sent postpaid, on receipt of tits price by the publishers - - ALBUMS CHEAPEST AND BEST! ! Loco Albums for 12 Portraits, 25 cents to $4. WO do do 24 do 80 do to 4. 660 do do 60 do 042 to 10. -- 300 do do 60 do 3 to 12. 2CD do do 100 do 4 to 15 An immense stock, the largeat and best in the World. PITCHSR'o low priced Book, Picture, and Album gAcr- r , - nuosa 808 CEOS TNITP Street. 25 CENTS! COLORED PHOTO GRAPHS, 25 cents. One half the canal price !- - Over 1,000 different kinds. PRICRa REDUCED TO 25 ante! - . 26 cente ! 2.5 eeat E , PITCHER'S Album. and Picture DOptit, SOS C HEST- - MIT Street. ' nog-Bt 'NEW BOOKS I NEW BOOKS I 1 A " Just received by ASHMEAD cK7 EVANS, (Successors to Wails P. Hsrard.)~ No. 731- CHESTNUT Street. A NEW NOVEL—DEEP WATER ; S—By Anna H.Drnry. Author of '`Misrepresentations . , "Friends and For tune," &c. Svo. paper. Nets THE NEW GOSPEL OF PEACE. according to St. E ook Fist. Ben jamNMAlNo k INPROSE q ANDVERSE r OF ARTHUR nemdal. 1K MARVEL'S NEW BOOK—My PARII - AR EDGE WOOD. - Also, new and beautiful editions, on tinied paper, of REVERIES OF 'A BACHELOR and DEBAR LIFE. `THE YANKEE BOY FROM HOME. PLEASORE AND PROFIT.By Mrs Manners.AT HOME AND ABROAD Same Author. THE PIN BIRD AN3 OTHER STORIES. A.Nirezltu venile. By Cousin ARce. HARRY'S VACATION'. ATLANTIC. MONTHLY. HARPER. and. GODEY, for NOVEMBER. P.hICE 20 CE 31`,. EACH. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, New Styles, constantly living All sizes and prices. no7-3t THE YAOHTMAN'S PRIMER PHILADELPHIA A manual for the amateur sailor and yachtman. By T. Robinson Warren. Containing hints upon seaman sh!p and sailing vessel's:. einVe methods . for, finding latitudes and longitudes; technical terms; lights and. , lighthouses; log slates =Alines; reckonings, etc. To gether with sugge,tions ofyarions interest to yachtmen. A perfect little wade mecum for the amateur sailor. One neat 12mo. Price 50 cents. CARLETON, Publisher, New York, 413 BROADWAY, cor. nod-wfm-3t Lispenard street NEW BOOKS Just received bY „T. B. LIPPINCOTT St CO.. 15 and 717 MARKET Stret. HANNAH THURSTON. A Story of American Life. by Eatard Taylor. - . • . DAY DREAMS. By Jou:la - A Nunes. hiY FARM O 1 EDGE WOOD; a country book,. by She autbor'of "Reveries of a Baebolorr. " LIFE AND TIKES OF J•il_iN HUES; or the Bohe mian Reformation of the Fifteenth Century. BY E EL Gillett 2 - vols.. Svo - REMAINS, IN VERSE AND PROSE, OP aranault nal LAM. • GEOGRAPHICAL STUDIES of the lath Professor Carl Ritter Translated by W. L. Gage. - • - • NOTES ON-THE REBEL INVASION OP PENNSYL vtazie AND MARYLAND By Pattl Jscobs ANNALS OP THE .IkRMY OP THE CUKBERLAND; LATHEany illustrations JEWISH TAB eRNAGLE AND ITS FURNITURE. By Rev. Richard Newton. nor LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers. 25 SOUTH SIXTH . Street,. above Chestnut. BOORS In every Department of Literature, including' all Miscellaneous and Standard Works. , • JUVENILE BOOKS in great 'variety. - MILITARY, NAVAL. and SCIENTIFIC 800111 ALL NEW PUBLICATI , IVS of a standard character received as e me Sibpublished, or' famished promp'ly to order, WHOLES ILE or RETAIL, at low prices. not TK MARVEL'S NEW BOOKS. MY FARM OF ED GBWOOD. /Country Book. 12mo, cloth. $1 . 50. • DREAM LI.B. A Fable of the Sei,ions. 16mo. Pocket editions, cloth 25. REVSPIES OF A BACHELOR: or, a Book of the Heat. 16mo. Rocket editioo, cloth. $1.25 FAITH G ARM EY'S GIRLHOOD. -Br the author of Boys at Choc:meant. 12mo. cloth. $l.O. A GLIMPSE oF THE WORLD. By the author of Amv Herbert. 12mo, cloth. $1. 9 .6. LIGHT. By Helen Modet. 12mo, cloth. -$L 25. For sale by. WM. B MARTIN, oc3l GAS CFIEWNIIT Street. 830 ft , REWARD -LOST OR STOLEN, x-f six 6-29 UNITED STATES BONDS, of WEI each, 0011110A8 attached, dated June 231..1883, numbers from 21,229 to 24,294. inclusive. All persons are cau tioned against receiving or negotiatiug said bonds. Three hundred dollars will be pand for their recovery by LE iirlS SONNE BORN, AMBER Street. above Wood. Kensington. PHILADELPHIA. July 18,1863. oc2o-113t* Alt FOR SALE-A VERY DESIRA mat ble three-story BRICK DWELLING FIoIISE, on the east side of HOWARD Street, above York street. Lot IS feet front by 110. feet deep to Hope street. The House is in a superior condition, and well built. Will be sold upon reasonable terms. Immediate possession can be given. Apply to 1025 BEACH Street, above Laurel no3-le,.* Or to .111aB.Y,LUKENS .upon the premises. COAL YARD FOR SALE.-TFIFi beet fitted-rip Tara ID the City; capacity for &Aug; any amount of briefness. Inquire on the premises, No. 957 North NINTH Street, below Girtr.i. Avenue. no7-6t* PEREMPTORY SALE OF A VALU ABLE FARM AND COUNT Y * EAT. Will be sold at PUBLIC .SALB, on the promises, on TID.S.I) AY: November 24, 1,.%:1, at 12 o'clock.. all valuable Farm and Country ~eat,, ;mown as R MOUNT FARM, containing about one tuandred nod twenty eight 62400 acres of land, situated in Mansee'd township, Burlington connty - . t 7. J., ou the Rivar "eta ware. opposite Ilewbold's or Blatt] e's about two milts below Bordentown, adjoining lands of Ellwood Parsons. Abraham Shreve, and others. The improvements are a large double frame House, two barns, and wagon house. The - land is of excellent onality, divided into convenient sized fields, and under good fence. The buildinga are beautifully eituated the high bank of the river, and overlook all of Penn's Manor an far as Trenton. It is healtov, convenient to good schools. and easy of access to Philadelphia by stflltnboat and railroad. .• • . The Camden-and Amboy Railroad passes through the property at the foot of the high bank by the river shore Terms at sale, which will be wally°. FRANKLIN TA.YLOR, Trustee and Heir. No. 630 Walnut s rest. PhilaVa. no9-mwaf-$t ft CHESTNUT BILL PROPERTY mat.TO LaT :-A beautifully FURNISHED HOUSE, with Parlor. Hall, Dining and Sitting Rooms. Kitchen. and 7 Chambers, situate within two minutes' walk of IMPot. A family with small children 'not acceptable. apply to - R. HINK. CHEBTHIIT HILL. azigz ± REGULAR STEAM PRO PELLOR LINE FOR HARTFORD, 001V.N.—The steamer MARS, Nichols Master, is now re ceiving freight for Hartford, at WEBSTER'S, second wharf above Market street., For terms, &c., apply, Wlkt. M. BAIRD & CO., 139 South Delaware avenue, or on the wharf - no7-3t • RMO VA L JOHN 0. BAKIEB, -wholesale Druggist.hsa removed to 71)!..11Lililai'1 Street:. Particular Oland= is asked to JOHS C. Cititni it CO.'S COD4AVER OIL. Haying increased fsc+l 4. ..ties in, this ne%-establishment for manufacturing sad bottling, and the.. avails of 'fifteen years' experience ln the basins:ha, this- brand of Oil has advantagec over others, sad recommends itselL Constant supplies Rea obtained from thallsheries, fresh, pars, and sweet, 'gad receive the mastsareful. personal attention of the original proprietor: The ineroasir.g demand and wide. *read market fer- 11 make its figures law, and afford ffoxi advantartat for those buying in large guar.. 1 lost. an6.dif nLivE •. CVIL.-AN -11 ,, WOICE OP CANSTAIR'S pnre Olive 011 just:received Der Ship ELISE. For Wall., Mkt, JAS. CARSTAITA Sole Agents, aIikIIVALIWITT. and 2t GtRAPITE Streat. ALSO, an invoke of the sante :,net landing, e*IN DUSTRIE. WILLIAM. H. YEATON Sr 00., If el FM South FRONT Streit, atigents for the sole of the osaewAs HEIDSIECK GO. CHAMPAC/J.l. Ofihr that desirable Wins to the trada. Also. 4000 casea fine and' edArtin grades- BOnDBADE CLARETS.. mo s "Brandenber.g.Fieres" COGNA.CiERAND - T i Vintage VAS, bott-hd hi Franco. Sficases finest Tuscan Oil, to tlasks• 2 tle-,nsn. in nun. EU 'Obis, finest quality Monongahela MWeeky. atblils Jersey ApploßrantlY. CGS Pavane Cigors,oxtra Most A Chandon Grano Vbs. Imparis3, "Green Seal" Ch=entrine. n'ogetbar with a ism assortment a Madeira, Sherry. Port, i'ss. -41e5-1v ELLIS B.EI..hICS'O:,.T ACI K ER, EL , HERRING, SHAD, 4J-5- dre., Eta, ,600 bVie Metes, Ere. 1,2, 3 Mackerel, late-caAgiti tai fish, Inworted paskage.g, 3,000 lth:hi New Eastport, Yartnue Bea, and Ireathis herring. 000 hazes Lubec, Er„ided, and No i harrittf.. h.O bbis new bless hlPtir itre ' ;50 boxes Reficitrto OctuatY k Koos k• in store, awl tor. ttkr -4 115 - ..7% vrfr 11134 Dr*. WONDERFUL -BUT TR UE I SUET PIII3L[SMIDt. STRANGE STORIESOF 1 DETECTIVE; CURIOSITIES OF CRIME. DICK & FITZG3RALD. No. 18 ANN Street, N. 1" Also, for sale by all Booksellers in this place, PUBLISH. THIS DAT WE. WBETTIER'S INSW VOLUME IN WAR-TIME, AND OTHER POEMS, JOHN OREENLEdi WHITTIER • and gilt top. $1.0). MENTAL AYGIENE, BY I. RkY, M. D., 1 volume, handsomely bound in muslin. 31 25. TICKNOR & 14'IELDS, 135 WASHINGTON STREET, Bolton JUST PUBLISHED. LOST AND FOUND. FOR SAME AND TO LET. EIIRENS & MONTGOMERY, AMUSEMENTS. --- AMERICAN ACADEMY OF musro: .11.egaea and Direatat. Business Idansant.. C. ANI3OHUTZ.., A. BIB.OFFJ,D GERMAN OPERA. DIONDAY. .EVENING, Nov. FOURTH EIBBSORIPTIODI NIGHT. Beethoven's homrmai 414.t0r-.Ark, FIDELIO, GRAND OPERA IN THREE ACTS, with the, following nipparalleled cast: • ''' Fidel to Madame Johannaon. ,Florestan "Herr Minium. ROCCO Tjprr Pizarro'. ' Herr Si ei necka. Jaconino Ho-•• rfal . ..tnras_ Merzelltne Hite Cantina. -Don Fernando " Herr Gni. DOOM open at 7." Opera coo. olonceo at N o'cioca. PRICE oP UM . ADMISSION TO PARQUET, PARQUET CIRCLE, and BALCONY - Old& (No extra et , iirga for Re.erved S.9atg_) ADMISSION TO PA IFLY cIR.(;LE 50 eta • AtiPtirTHEATIZE SiATE can kr seeurpitot,r- a.t .AC A TIENT Or MIMIC,. and J. R. COULD'S,."USIC STORE,, S E. Comex of REVENTH and CHEFTNITT noT 2t. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. LECTURE BY THE GREAT ORATOR. REV, DR. E. CHAPIN. WITH musrc BY THE GERMANIA. TUESDAY . EVENING, Nor. V. WALNUTSTREET THEATRE. Lame ' Mrs. M A. GIAREETIIIOII First appearance of the Rifted artiste, 111188 MARY PROVO -N. who will appear in her beautiful" impersonation. of NELL GIATNIie, In the Nrama -- of that name, by Messrs Tom Taytee and Charles Reade. and performed by her to crowded. houses in all the mine' oal cides of the shree-unarter" of the Globe. The Preee have been unanirmnts is %wank ing the palm of Histrionic bupremacy to MISS Phu WiP,l 'S rendition of this ohs racfm, cla‘mina it a; one of thi FINEST ART PICTURES ever witnessed on the stage The tole crated ori vital and only BEDOUIN ARAM'. TRH (7BILDHEN OP TRH DESHHT. will make their first appearance in Afl koou DI VER =MEW, Excelling . in &lithe fetitk auv enmptrey.tvar Sada In America, The Troupe number I2—who have crowded every large Ttreat,e in Ep rope. aid who for 12 :eoliths appeared nightly at the ant Lately for 10 weeks at tc a AL FE 414.13 Ra, PA LAGS. New York. It NEWCRESTNIIT-ST. • T.1. 1 .1 , 861 , LLA I. 4ll.oaier Tar w l K .. u;rpf g g g. MONDAY PariD 71 1 1 SO ."V" 'cr4-9, Nov. 9 311419 MSS AVONIA JONES. MBi)EA. &Imported by MISS. FANNY BROWN. From the New Fork Theatres. 01 a.. J. b. Sruitt..t, From ch. New York Thaatres. A POWERFUL COMPLY'S. - AND rrim - saous AUXELIARIMS. MUSICAL CONDUCrox.— .... .MR. MARK HASSLER- To conclude with the MARRIED RAKE, In which Megan 8 C. Dabois, J. Wilson.. Mrs. lowe. and Kisses Fanny Brown and Cooper will s••• -4rtar. IVIRS. JOAN DREW'S Nvt wras.rr ARO El.. • FIRST NIGHT - 11treet above Hiatt. THE RKGAHRKENT OF ""-- Kilt.- D. 'P BOWSRS. J.THR (Monday) SVEN Noy: 9th, 1861 THE HUNCHBACK , _ Sala. Ma.ter Walter. Fathom. .. . mitomas Clifford roCOIIC11:14 . : ~ith tba parse of POPPia z - . / BSTIOri Mr. Primrose Mr. admit. Miss Mary Cann. Prices as usual. ROTE. -Curtain .ises 74l. • CARL WOLFSOHN'S . SERIES OF ' . . SIX CLASSICAL SOIREES. FIFTH_SEAStrN. 1863 4. MR CARL WO bESOHN Has the honor of announcing his F,fiti Seriaa of - SIX CLASSICAL SOIREES, . In which he will be aeslated by MR. TB EO. T 6 0 IAS. Solo Violinist, from New Yoe*, HERR .113LITTS EICHBEE-6.5010 Violinist. from &Mem- HERR AUG. RRETS,,MAN, the great Interpreter aFf. Clas•Ac Songs, from Boston. THEO. F HAMMERER, A. KELLNER, • . Viola. Hamtbois, A. ROGGEN/311E0ER, L Hoeft . , Violin_ F•ote. THEE'. THE. A.HH END, I W. ATOLL. • VioHnoello: Glarionck CHAS. Id, ECHMITZ, A. BIRGFELD. ' Violoncello. French tiorn L BUCHNSH, G. MUELLER, f:•:-igble Rites. Bassoon. The s e i;ese will be given Monthly. b.girining ia Ilfe verolier, at the FOYER OF THE ECA.DEMY OF If V&A cor. BROAD' i:....d LOCUST Streets. ' TE2. 11 .V.i OF - SOBicRiPTIO•Erf • _ Single Fubtcription fa•P the Eix Soirees Si* &Ascription= for three fqn•sons 10.09 Salo criptiors will he retpfred at the Music Stores et' J. E. GOPLD, SEVENTH t0...d (IFIRSTEITC 2 .treete. and G. ANDRE .4. CO , 1104 REIESTRUF Street, Where programmes of the entire eel - ken:lay be had. ne9-St GRAND OPENING 'AVM' OF THE Great 'National Circus awl Model Show, FOR THE SEASON OF 1741'81, At NATIONAL HAIL, MARKET abovnTWELFTH. Bt-, On WEDNESDAY Evening, Nev.ilth, at - 734 - IVe/oek. Under the Tea- age ment of MRS. CHARLES WARNER, Formerly IVES. DAN RICE he organization of ITshers and Police is Inflect, gad will is sure corn art and convenience TI e ussottatented. artists and skillful performers bays bean englegegr, anj. will appear auring the season. Mrs Warner, formerly M s. Thin Rice, will introduce her splendid laor.te., Champion, on the onenina ni bt. The celebrated' WHITBY N t MILT, with. his stock - of full-blooded weii-trained EL'Ornni. awaear. Also, MRS 'FR arra" WEIiT cArrElc.. graceful Eguestrjeana MR C. KING. the great lea7 ,, dr.".' The Great CONRAD BROTH.EttS. NAT AUSTEN- of Australia the gent.el Clown, Mr: war. YOUNG, the great stilt B-tiormer, will appears in hin great he: • La Etiieite Piraeus...a. The Comic Mr.les, "in ant ng an+ Contraband." Professor Wambold, the man of man,' forme, and a full troupe of Acrobats. MRS WAR 5 ER, th,, sole Lessee and Manager. is deter mined to make the great R Ct Retrs a popular resort for the ;tidies and gentlemen of Philadelphia. ADMISSION, Stage Saab... Private bezel. Parquet...... GabEry . • • ••• - MATIVERS • Evers' mrsAtoten AN and' SAVIINDLY AFTERNOO9S, commencing at 231 . . 0'c10ak.- =B-t[ FOX'S CASINO, CHESTNUT Stee4. INCREASED AITRAITIutiS I MESH NOTELTTEV 111DLLE. GALLETTI &MLLE, GALLETTI In two n.w bcadtital Ballet; .aapigted by IdDLLE. KATARINA. ELL .t. VrERNER, AND MOBS TOEHOPt. CHARLES E. COLLINS, THE WONCEMILL CUES, and tee Best Comte Sniaf conntry, E VIBE , BIGHT. I lEMPLE OF WONDERS-ASSMIBLY RIIILDINGS. TR IS Mf. AND CBESTNITI" Amusement for Old and Yo 1% Mlrtl and' Efois-dinots open for the season. Constant, change'of Enter`atinsgeses SIWYGE. BLITZ,. - EVERY ' EVENING. commencing at 734 o'clock. Ws* Wednesday and Saturday at 3, consisting :of" fteW• teries in I,` oconnancy, crest success is Ventrilotrabtx. and the Lsarnsd Canary Birds Admission i 0 cents; Children hi cents. POTHERMEL'S GREAT PICTIIIIR, MARTYRR TN THE CoLISINTIL NOW EXTTTRITINIT , AT TNV ACADEMY uF FMB AaTS. C4ERMANTA 013 , CHESTRA , .-- PUBLIQ 'kJ' REHEARSALS ever? SATURDAY; SY .. .o'clock.P. M., at the , MUSICAL FUND HALL. Single- ticke.4 l. 26 cents. Packages of six the - kGES. $l. T 5 be ling ANDRE'S, ILO4- CHESTNUT Street; • GOURD. SEVEN TR and ORRalt NUT, and at the Hall door. oel2-Ssi pENNSYLVANTA ACAPENty -4- • THE FINE `ARTS • 102 , 5 CaRRTNITI' MAST. OPEITIS.6_ILT (SusArrya ...r.contzd.) from D A. X t?.R. P. M. Adminlon ,c 6" canes. Children half price THE - FA. APTLY . S -- rEkte.* CARRI O "City of Bmion" will be • Z.- 41 `" - " , exhibited on WBONE AY and T AY of this week (lith and Idth instant ).• from 2.34 to 5 P. Id, on the POINT *g Rims . pArtg - COTIR.SP., and as a pat t of its performance viz' •. that of " developing high rate of speei, it 77 contest each day for - priority with the celehratec feet mare.- "Bfiy Queen2s - is introduced here on the - recommendation of the very best authorities as one of the moot ingenious and suc cessful inventions of the day. See small bills. Admittance 50 i•ente MILITARY NOTICES. VO2 BOUNTY FOR -VETERANS - , , ..: AND $302 FOR AIL OTHER RECRUITS. 3.f en-- listing at the General Recruiting.Office,' No. 611.: CHESTNUT Street, can select any, old "artillery,. cavalry, or infantry regimen+ rel. - ed. or partly raised in this city, and receive the shove bounty .A. few good men can yet he enll4ed for the 2d kr— tillerylll2th _Regiment P. V..) Col. A. A.. Gib.on com— manding CHAS 31 C O,IISVAL RR. no9-4t." Captain and General Recruiting Ofriner. t CORPS OF HONOR, U. S. A. RELDQUARTERS RECRUITING SERVICE, INVALID nORPS FOR ° NILADELERIA. 14 South THIRD Street, Phil/148113U% PAL SOLDIBES honorably discharged on account of dis rbility mill[ apply for information for enlistment in the • INVALID CORPS RITHSR RASPIATI, Invalid Corps,- 243 S Third Rink. Philadelphia. Limit W. DEAN. Inva.iid Corps. In Brown street, and ' N. E.. corner Broad and Spring C 4 SLA , AnnPhtla. Pay and Talinwsincas. excepting bounty nne:nonsion.- earns as In 11. S. Infantry W ISA.PTFIEWIR, lifaior Ist Pa. Art and Supt. Invalid Corps for labia antl-sadttatf-- WANTS. WA NTFD—A FIRST 'CL ASS ;LARGE- _ urn, couN , PING.Room Si SE. ' Etiving size ' de- teription, inalcers' name, bnw long In 'age, price. AC„ _ adOrPss " Sere." , ffice of Ibis Tark-r.' . tino St. WANTED-IN A SILK JOBBING use. a first-claes .531,E531AN. with sow 4 know ledge enact blisinasa an t ability to intlrince trade Ark dress ' S. T R ," this office. rtS) 6r A- YOUNG.IvIAN,I9 . Y.}:-A - IS OF AGE-:: -Li- who writes a fair band, a! -4 taa, tinu as a salstart in a stns, or count:hp:house With a. little experiPnce will be able to take charge of a set lx , cike Address no9-13t.- BOX 146 t, POST OPp:FOE W:"NTEP A LADY OF CHARA.O - T. TER. 'Refinement. and Breen se and 10 years of ago. wishes to snoerlnte . mLe. Gentleman's Household Duties, where can be eniaTed the comforts of a pleasant nad desieable. hew nog. 3t.- West Chester, It": A SALESMAN, TF.TO ROUGHLY-Ae -.--. QUAINTET , with the Met% businsss, can awe a Situation.,Address "Fixon."ll... re , .. 98 office. r 07:8t* -ANTED -IN- WR-0 S-A-1.11 Triminia go, and 11fillinr . Goods 6tors---5.700160 1 MAN acorsalatea , with Othsr• - branch: also, one...for En try- Clork. ..Be,dress, witb eference, P.• E.-, - Ohm 861 Pro.t Office- - aor-81.` QADDLRTREE Oa V, ERERS.—WA_NT -4' 7 ED for waok in Viraabluton,.two s3itfnt Ccriereri of Cavalry Saddles; liberal, wages paid. fie.plvto T S LAIDLRY, Majne - Comvesa‘adiose Waskronl keeanal. WAIT T E•ii:•—BY A. ill kIWHANT well-acquainteeewith tho New York,wad. Boston. SONDE; Trade; empla - rment as. Traveller. Stll.ome.n. or Book.keo - Per. Add resz; ' , Clothier." Ulla office, nol-wrfraltt. BOY WANTED— TO-SLEEP ; IN ANTI, attna'a gewary Store. Address. with rererettoo k Box lON, P. 0: no3-6t., $3,200i:i 11 $2,500 r O IN $5,000. T YEW , Tt ir LPRENC k Aft - virI'3OMSRY, 1 035 BEACH Strait, aboyeLarxel SA MONTH! -I Iirk:NT,TO HUM - A: ants in ev.ry county sto)76 a 'month, expq..a les va.ll. tc. earn DIY new ebear sewing tett.cleinas: Addre.o. S. 314.1)1541N. oc4-41/pw9no, sad irtaan otlaer articbm. Cireubstt ire& SEA I4 CLARK, Bid4afoYd. hrokis.. • 6.311-dlaWla. QUARTEIMAS"Arg -03/15kea.'S Okkarii..—P - samssakpacr.s. DA it.' a. VESSELP lanzlealaisly is crx-cr :.;,t 1. tbs fsllostkot pon i t a: . ReN as. eat, Fort Monroe. Vs Alexaidria. Va. . - Newborn. N. C. Port Royal. R. O. A SOTS!. ToVI•lf Captain and Assist. Smartciraisster. ._. . .. poRTRAII S PROVERBIAL FOR naturalness and life.lile e appearance ars, foned ii RTTMER'e fine •tylee life-eine Pbotofirafito In ellcolem t made at SAGOED Street," above GrOfia. 4, arta ' D. P. nav al . Barton Lir Stoart Baboon. Prank Alban. 50 cts 403 00 • M ete • 15 cts