The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, November 06, 1863, Image 3
CITY ITEMS. SPLENDID NEW STORE OF MMES. TCRLTY, CARRINGTON, & Co.—We yesterday paid a visit to the splendid new establishment of Messrs. - Rel4, Carrington, & 00.. No. '123 Chestnut street, tfor•the sale of Curtain Materials, Furniture Cover -lags, 'cornices, HoHeade, Lace and Muslin Cur tains, Window Shades, all kinds of Upholstery - Goods, &c. This firm is well knorin to our citizens, having for the last eight years been established on •our leading businella thoroughfare, and having but recently removed from No. 630, where they did a 'very extensive trade in this department, their stem • lily increasing business rendered the removal to their ,present large and commodious edifice a necessity. 'The elegant store which they now occupy, No. 723, '.has been thoroughly remodeled by them and adapted :for their business on the most extensive scale, their 'present warerooms being decidedly the largest and :most elegantly.appointed, and, we believe, the but -stocked of any house in this branch of business in the :United States. The display of goods made by Messrs ?Kelty, Carrington, & Co., of rich fabrics in this line: of their own importation, is princely, and -has been impeded with the highest admiration by thousands -of our citizens, within the past week. We hazard nothing in saying that all who are in want of goods 'Of the class here referred to, will find it to their deci ded advantage to call at this leading establishment, -as its proprietors, who have long Blase won the highest esteem and confidence of their patrons, have • not only determined to present to the public the :most gorgeous establishment in this department, > but by their superior styles and qualities of goods, moderate- prices, and uniform promptness in filling ..all orders received by them, to make theirs the lead ing window- shade, curtain material, and upholstery establishment in the Union. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S FURS—the faistgest and:best stock in the city, at Ohar Oak aforti & Sons', Continental Hotel. "A TLIMG OP BEA.I7TY IS A JO FOR ZVEn. " —So we were led to exclaim, in examining The eplenditt specimens of fine Photographic pictures •• displaked in the popular Grow:Rl-floor Gallery of Mr. Hippie, No. 820 Arch atfeet. Hundreds of our • citizens are made to rejoice weekly, by procuring pictures of themselves and friends at this -eritabliehnicnt. Mr. Hippie possesses the rare art of doing hla sitters the moat nattering jueticeyrithout 4mpairing the likeness. OANFORDS' HATS, CONTLICENTA.LHOTEL. .ENGLISH CRACRNELLS, a very delicious earticle, prized by all who use them, just received elresh, by - Davie & Riohardc, Aroh and Tenth streete. SOFT HATS, OAF:FORDS', CONTINENTAL THE MOST STYLISH BONNETS for fall and Winter our lady readers will find at Wood Sr. Oary'a, 726 Chestnut street. FURS AT OARVORDS,' CONTINENTAL. MESSRS. DAVIS (.% RIOILARDS, Arch and Tenth streets, have just received a fresh invoice of London Club and Worcestershire Sauces ; also, the - fined English Plckleo. OAKFORDS' CONTINENTAL HAT ENlPO itlUllt. MESSRS. WOOD & CARY, No. 725.1 Ches tnut street, offer the largest and most complete stock of Headgear for children in this city. , C. OARFORD & SONS, CONTINENTAL. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CARD PICTURES, .FRAHHS, BOOKS, MAGAZINES, &0., &o.—Colored Photographs; a very large stock ; the finest in America. Albums holding 12 pictures 25 cents ; other suss proportionately low. Pitcher's, 808 Chestnut atreet. - MILITARY GOODS, OAKPORDS', CONTI IT=ITAL. WINDOW SHADES—Cornices and Cords, at the new Bedding store, southwest corner of 'Twelfth nod Chestnut. noS.2t* NEW STYLE HATS—Charles Oak-ford & ASons, Continental Hotel. ■HE TROUBLED WIFE.— "What is it, love, that elouda your brow, Oh, say if aught befel you 1" She blushed, and answered, " Will you now Forgive me if I tell you'!" He swore her word his Ism should be, He hissed her glowing forehead— " Ah, then, my own dear love," said she, " Throw oWthose garxneuts horrid I "They spoil your shape, they're country made, Not. neat nor ornamental, Of Marten Stokes a; 00., buy your clothes, 'Under the Continental." LOYALTY AIM TREASON.—There is no 'stronger evidence of the wisdom of loyalty, and the folly and madness of rebellion, than the comparative prices that rule upon the two sides of Mason & Dix ons's line. Some of our people complain because -coffee is fifty cents a pound, and butter forty ditto ; but they should look at Richmond prices and take heart by the contrast. Salt 65c a pound; flour $72 a barrel ; candles—tallow, ss@6 ; adamantine, $lO a pound ; Oanaburg, wholesale, $2,50; sheeting, Wholesale, $4,75; shirting, wholesale, $2 50 ; flan nels, $1011:415 a yard; calico, $6.50 for common, and $7 for wide English prints ; sole leather $7 a pound; calf skies, tine, $1,200 a dozen; shoes, Russet bro gene, $30@35. The money expended in Richmond for sufficient flannel to make a shirt -would buy_a handsome full suit at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of RockhillB. Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 •Chest. nut err et, above Sixth. ADSUIIDITIES.—To attempt to borrow money onthe plea of extreme poverty. To judge of people's piety by their attendance at church. To make your employees tell lies for !you, and af terwares to be angry at them because they lie for themselves. To expect to be in the mode udthout patronizing the elegant and fashionable clothing emporium of Grenville Stokes, No. 609 Oheetnut street. - UPHOLSTERING.—Do you want Carpets laid-down, Shades put up, or Furniture upholstered'? Patten, 1108 Chestnut street, sends workmen as soon as order is received ; no delay at the West End Up bolatex y Store, n03.5t WINDOW SHADES.—W. Henry Patten, 1408 Chestnut street, is now closing out what is left of his fall stook, some of which are marked down at extremely low prices. Patten, 1408 Chestnut street, Above-Broad. n03.6t FURNITURE SLIPS, or loose covers, cut and made up by eiperienced workwomen, at Pat yule, 1403 G'heetnut street. no3-5t SOFA. Cuanunis made up and trimmed as none but Patten can trim them. Those about ma lting ptesenti will observe, 1408 Chestnut at. n03.5t GENTLF.I4IIN'S HATS.—AII the newest and best styles for fall wear, in Felt, Silk, and Cassimere, Will be found at Warburton's, No. 430 Chestnut Erne, next door to the Post Office. 0e23-1m ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, VP TO TWELVE O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT: Continental—Ninth D El Wag ner, York, Pa Chas H Psttet. Louisville Jas Loy man, Cincinnati Mre Dr DcinnY, Pittsburg' Miss Denny, Pittsburg Dock, Jr & la, Harrisbg Mr & Mr, CI E Howard, Mass Mrs A M Bentwell&cii,Mich John 9 I; itworth, Pittsbnrg Baml Datitc, Mt Savage J Spencer & wc,Hent co, Md It A lowland, Kent co, dd C T Joiner, Harrisburg 'W T Post & da, Elmira Chas R. McConkey P S Chappell. Baltimore. D Luther, Pennsylvania hos T kckert, Washington Geo B Eckert, Washington Mrs A Wylie & ch. Wash C Hager Gardner P. Colby, N T ork Geo W Pettes. New York Mr P NFU' & la, Cincinnati Mrs Meßinley, Penna -Mrs Fahnestock. Fauna Col Provost, Washington W G Ring, New York S J Sharp, Baltimore Mon lieverdy Johnson, Md Mrs Heverdy Johnson, Md Miss k Johnson,Md Mrs Swaurer dit Baltimore Johnson. Baltimore C W WooNoy, New York Miss Woolsey, New York Leeson ; fit Louis Lt GBWilite, PS Reed & la, bid - - . • J it Moore & wf, N Jersey W G Moorhead & la, Penna Sass Y B Moorhead, Penna Mrs M Manure. Milan . . Henry Mattx, Washington John II blinw. New York B Matlack. Cincinnati 'Wm Deivideon, New York L Hitchcock. New York Taber, New Bedford CI R Lowell & la, Boston arrhoh Earl . Goo F Dawson, Washington F Tompisins. Newark RCWiabam,UßA Dr 0 D Norton, Cincinnati Ylatt Stnith, Dubuque Chas W Dexter, Boston F Smith • Thou Rutter, New York Harrikon, Utica, N Y A lilorrieon, New York H Q Southwick, New York P ROM. Auburn, N Y W B Lawience, New York If Goodman & la, N Y Master H Goodman, It Y It Bowe New Haven A D Mulford, New Jeremy Chas Silver, Pottsville 33. Di Palmer & wf, Conn P Burbeck, Washington ekiret.rd—Otzeitiont a Jas Cuoick,liew 'York T Lea its, Balt :brae' Painter. Penna. Jae T McCabe, DSOS J H Moult:pen B Mooney JJolltn, New Yo t k .1 WHIM ILLI3 B Spat r, York, Pa as B Chess. Indiana J Williams, Potter co. Jag A Mina ateOli, Penna. Joe Keller, Penna John Beggs. Penna J Seward, Penna W R Cochran & la, Del "ifrs,R, A Cochran, Del 11, a-Cooper. Maryland Dlrs AIWA Wain ter. Lanc co Com T Ct abb. U S N 3tev.(i Et Bardwah, Penna 0 C Mack, Ohio BP Squire, New Jersey Bernard Oates, Marietta, 0 3 Scull, Somerset. Pa J Stewart St W H Smith, Mew York CaptA B Schultz, Pa rs Schultz, Pishkill e s H den:Litz. Flehkill trent. below Win Ali. H 8 Wolin. Trenton R 8 Wall & da, Detroit Thos 8 Patterson,Kentucky J L Mayer & W. York, Pa Geo Fisher, Gettysburg Wm Fisher, Gettysburg H D Hollins. Baltimore Mrs thee B Potter, Phila Geo H Tracy, Lancaster A Hedberg, Reading Diller Luther, Reading P Cnddihy, Boston W Blenkinson, Mass C 0 Milbank, New York J 0 Stonelake. Newark, N J Geo W Chandler, N Y Mrs E Chandler, New York L P Brocbett. Brooklyn Mrs Col Hyden A B Dirst, a Dayton, 0 H B Blvelow al 8 McCoy Mice I Selittlb, N Hayes Geo F Dawson, Washington N A Patterson, Tennoetee N 8 Briggs, New York C P Williams, New York H Sherrill, Albany R J Burt, Baltimore American--Cheatkeu 2EI E Gilmore, Waebington J C Clark, , Washington Dotty. New York B BBL ilarriebora Airs Catee & 2 de, N Jersay CI Catea, N JoreeY E Elmer, Bridgeport 'W A Maize & lvf, Pottsville Uapt M 8 Green New York Jos Whitaker, Mt Clair A Elliott, Jr, Washington S Johnston, Delaware Barnard & la IDommercial—Sixtli 6 John.Gilettan. , Oheater co .7 R Barnite, Felton, Del Al Pennock, Cheater co .7 M Robinson Klink. New York Williarna.N Brunswick 9 Hoopes. 'Bloody Run N Pattorsotc Oxford, Pa W Cowell Doylestown W Nachos Chester .10 Worth; Oxford. Pa Waltou-dpdrt. cltestor CO nd Chestnut streets. Joseph Tilden. Boston Miss M Griffin. Maryland W II Hiss. Baltimore E L Plumb, Nnw York A 1' P rent's, Connecticut S W RocUfellow 3t wf, N H Gray, Maysville. KY Miss a. Gray, 11laysville.Ky Miss P Marshall, Kentucky W King, Harrisburg J L Borns, Gettysburg Gee H Beard, New Orleans Miss A Wood, New York Mrs e S Winslow. Cin, 0 W H wilsonSrla.Bridaeriart J W Masters&wf, Cleveland E J Danforth. New York Mr: M M Danforth, N Y W Male, New York M Cooper. Pittsburg Mrs J B Hull, St Louis Miss Hull. St Loins J Van Nest. New York • F T Parvin, Pottsville E L Cook, New York J B Cronise, New York D W Moore, AN Jersey T Mor: is C Heintz ' Harrisburg Geo B Sc John, Conn Miss J A Lockwood. Conn H 0 Hotchkiss, N Haven H A blepliens & wf, Nashv'e 0 H Smith, Nagiville Sac P Bayard, New York Sam! Small & la. York Chan Haber, Potniville Chas 11 Wolff Ciu. 0 11. 0 Don New York - Ed w WilktuF, . Geo H &nee, New York Rev S K Stewart, Md ill Butler & sou, New York M L Henley, Boston R Aline. Now. York H E Knapp & la. New York I rd Mathews, New York P Yhentlrs J H Pritnam, Boeton W R Bedlam, New York Thaw. Pittsbnrg T C Shepherd Sr la. N York r L Wayne & w, Cincinnati F Wrightson, Ci c cinnatt W T H Duncan, New York , Mrs W H C Nash. California H S Tompkins, New York Thoi Croft, New York G T Stedman, Cincinnati, 0 KT Robins. Wash, 1) C A D Berry Sc wf. Nashville Berry, Nashville NV A Mullin, Carlisle Geo A Allen, New York F Orne, New York W Edwarda, New York H-J Patten, Mass . . . . Z D Gilman. Wash. D John L R3ed. Baltimore W K Clare, New York Mrs Fraalilin - ,lc eon, ig Y streets above Fifth. 0 Kenedy, tfaryland A D neitzinger, Tamaqua J Carmany, &teChanicabg Thoe W Acton, Washington R T Bpragne. Darlington J I.lBeverns, Burlington C F Pitt, Baltimore Capt T Thompson, N J Capt Chas Consters, II York Alex J Frey, York W A Haines N • J H Cutis. New York B Scott eet, above Cheffitileit. W S Spear, Oxford, Pa: Goo Richrds, Pottstown SG Morrison, Williamsport B Braohbill, Strasburg I W Fritz, Strasburg N da Brea, Cumberland co 8 J Torbert J Campbell. Elkton. Md D Haslan„ Coateeville & B Gamma. Port Deposit D C WU, Port Depoeit alteroluusta'—lrourth Goo W Stein, Easton.. Pa F Gardner. Baltimore W Heinen. Milton street. below &rein, D N Price, marviand SSlAther, Winohiste ,r 0 , W Smith. New Phila., 0 J A Innis, Easton J arnistrong. Hazleton W Locke & wife. Logan. 0 Hon !flyer BtraosePottsy'le J T JOIN. Sandwich • . . J B Robertsr-n, Indianapolis W A Jester, Indianapolis J Wallace, o.rcleville, 0 M K Marshall,Ciroleville,o M C T Flamer, Toledo, 0 J F Price, Delaware W Thompson, Ohto Mrs M A Thompson, Ohio I M H Dunnell P H Hunker, Maine W G Bootland, Halifax J R Dick, Meadville . • Hiram Temple. Boston C C Bownc, New Jersey T Hedrick. & eon; Mt HGraham, Warp co..Pa Jas Hutchinson, new York John Jones, New York R T Lownde..alarasb'gya I T lit Goff, Clarksburg VI C R Foster. Pialipsborg I Hon w C Reynolds, lr'gston P Peitebone, Wyoming, Pa Thos F Atherton, Wilkesb'e 11l 0 Warren, Mass Geo W Onmo. Bedford, Pa J Frisch.* New York Lockhart, Allegheny City Brown, Jr. Allegheny City J Kirkpatrick, Allegh'y City A D Smith, Allegheny City C A Lem, Delaware W Cooper & wt. lilononge 4 a HOBO Chace,, Fall River J Chace, Fall lliver D la. ?enna •tree(. above ThbeaL Joh n Silcox, Delaware F Trenwith, New York W B Rosenbaum. CI Jeray John R. Ebert &la A . Rich Van Dyke, Ktoliy J Ftqaell, Ifiaehlngton 13 T Ci i I kospn, Bristol St. Lortio—Uhartnut II Rockwood.MAAPßelmeette W II Bell. Neu 'Rork Whelan. Reading IL 111 Sheppard D Coakley, Baltimore Wm Sloan, Baltimore Roht Johnson. Missouri T 15' Mahon. New York Rnht. Joy, New York T Lawson, Wellsville, 0 H C Brand, Huntingdon W L Ackley, Bridgeton C . 1? Ackley, Bridgeton S M Crceeley, New .ThreeY PRieing, Lancaster L Woodhull. Dayton, 0 Geo Wheeler, Goon Miss A B JeMfingli, Conn' A Siegel, New York Chas - Merick, New York . . Thoe S . Slick, Baltimore P Spencer. Bartlmore JON W Sheppard, N Jersey tinrtie Redman, II S N B Jarrett, New York Fkljnprid Deßnchl ...... T 13 Henry, 'Delaware John Harwood. New York Geo F Smith. Cin, 0 S Wayne; Cov.ngten, Sy Jos Thomas. M D, U S L 0 Van Alen, Danville The Untoll—Arch ■ Mrs Davidson, Ohio eet, above Third_ Lient I, Boeover & ta, Read J Lerch, Beth'ehern Geo ht Pennock. Lancaster 13eo 6 Evans, Delaware John S Hacker. Lancaster A Sylvana, Delaware, 0 Wm Undegralf, Hage rs town & Fisher, Ilag.rstown Geo W Roger, Clagerstown John Hodnott, Dubuque Br Herrman wi, 8 A R L Leybreson, Middleport John 0 O'Nlell, Fox Chase B P Scott, Fairview, 0 Jacob Ritchey, Fairview, 0 N Stilwell, Ne rr Jersey J W Eiomerdike, Penne Jaa Bowe, Scranton Geo Deßn, Backe co Lancaster .t street. above Stith. H Platt, Berlin, Pa •, lames Trimble, Boston T El Filiberg D M Burnet, Baltimore Samuel tilmoson, Dativill El Grnob, Greencastle Chas A Boone, Altoona WE Watt, Pittsburg G Thompson. Pittsburg Geo Williams, II S A @toter Union—Werke E D Smith, Pottsville E C Jefferies, Delaware co D ',ankh). Maryland D 4 Caldwell, Pittsburg F Dare Sr xvf. New Jen eY Mrs E Keller. Lancaster airs Id ZilcClearY, Lancaster 3- Lusk. Harrisburg Jas If Benford, Indiana K.Davie.liew Jersey Thee Duncan Henry Hall, Penne tiatolutl—itstme Louis Heller, Trenton B 0 Smith, Pennsylvania C H Buenas, Bethlehem ?Vise Mary Graeff, Lebanon G Wilson, Schuylkill co W Becker, Barks county Amos Sourbear. Safe Harbor reel', &bore Third: S A Swisher, Jerseytown, Pa W E Boyer, Pottsville C K Lewis, Pennsylvania E A Uhler. Lebanon Aaron Ritter. Reading I P Reber, Pennsylvania Second St.above Areb. Sao Jones, Oswego, N Y Jos Harper A. S Kline, Pottsville H B Rodgers,Trenton,H J H C Hart, Norristown H Brant W C Church. Harrisburg F Black Rahway, N J F R Elliott, Cleveland !fount Vernon Hotel, Jas McDonald, Reading, Parys,ll S N R B Atwater, Lancaster R J Spat h,New Jersey S 8 Scott,Salem,N J F Brown R AtkinF, New York F Bogers.Trenton. N J Alex Sharp,New Jersey rest. above itarked. Wm R lmbold. New Jersey B T Moron, California • Mmittson—Second at J A Bowen, Providence, It J Knowles, Seaford, Del G T Cannon, Seaford. Del W Culbertson, New York J S Barnard . . Eugene Carroll M (Janet. New Jersey Barnunt's Hotel—Tll.l S C Bradshaw, Padua asa Jackson, Delaware F Johnson, Terre Annie W T Simpson. New York a Williams, Newark, N T McKean, Penna F. B Kelley, Ilarrisbarg F Sargent, Calawissa Sas }lopler, Penns Burley Sheig—Secon Wm Richland, Norwich, CI Ezra Cordon, Absecom Win Vankirk, Frankford Lt Wm 11 Johnson, U S Joe Seott, Hatboro Wm Davis, jai N Y Cav Bald Engle—Third S Jas M More, Wayne co, Pa M PhillipF, Berks co , t., above Callowhill, Tohn Roeder, Penneboro Geo Shrf,iner, Marietta Allentown DEEM Henry C Richards. Penna. Alfred S Lanback, M D,U S A SPECIAL NOTICES. A CARD.—PHILADELPHIA. IN THE FIELD. —Dr. HELMBOLD, our enterprising townsman, has opened at the above place a large DIM* AND CHEMI CAL 'WAREHOUSE. All who may contemplate visiting that clip are respectfully regnested to give him a call, and they will be certain to receive from the gentlemen in attendance kind and polite attention. In accordance with the Doctor's usual past mode of conducting busi ness, none but pure and fresh goods will constantly be kept on band, and all who give him their custom maY be assured that every article sold will be genuine, and at the lowest cash figure. Remember, RELMBOLD'S new Drug and Chemical Warehouse, -594-SRO tDWAY, New York, A cordial invitation to all DISEASE. AND SCIENCE. From time immemorial disease has preyed with iropn pity upon the human system, and revelled in the car nage and destruction it has- caused. Science, in the meantime, has not been idle, and contest after contest has taken place for the mastery, between those two mor tal enemies, until it has been reserved for this age to pro duce a Medical triumph, before which the shadows of sickness disappear Scientific skill, in the production of DR. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS..has reached its highest altitude, and cannow rest satisfied with the tri umph it has attained. Mankind are subject to various ills and paine, and it is the task of these Bitters to erase all such disorders from the human frame. Liver Com plaint, that bitter foe to happiness; Dyspepsia, that ene my of all which is joyous; Nervous Debility, that ty rant which crushes out of the heart all energy, and which causes its victim to wish for death; and Fevers, which rack the brain and scorch the brow, all, all yield to the magical and healing properties of this Re inns Ultra of Medical Science. It Is of an entirely vegetable nature, containing not the least particle of Alcoholic stimulant, and will not, there fore, as the generality of Bitters do, cause a taste for spirituelle liquors to arise in those who use them. No soldier should be without them; for they are a perfect Protection against all the diseasSs which are so preva lent in Camp Life. They are, in fact. THE BITTERS of the day, and the whole civilized world is fall of their tame, and the fruits of their curative powers. Disease xt last has met its master, and' flees at the approach of the conqueror,. Come, then, and be healed, all ye suffer ing children of mortality; the means 'are ready, the fountain is open, and relief is certain. Delay no longer. Hems. JONES & EVANS, 63i ARCH Street, Philadel phia; are the proprietors, and all orders addressed to them - will receive prompt attention. These Bitters can also be obtained at all I ruggists in the Union. PRICES —Large Bottles (holdis g doable quantity) $1 per Bottle, or half dozen for Small size 75 cents per Bottle, or half dozen for $l. 0c2.4-12t DEAFNESS, EyE AND EAR, THROAT DIS USES, CATARRH.—The above maladies treated with the utmost success by Dr. VON MOSCHZISKER, Oculist and Anriet, graduate orVienna, Office, 1027 WALNUT Street. where cart be examined hundreds of testimonials from She very best known men in the country, among which are several from old and responsible citizens of Phila delphia, who can be personally referred to. 0c31.6t• ONF.,-PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LA.TEST fengs, made in the Beet Manner, expressly for BE. ['ALL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plata flames. All Goods made to Order warranted satistse. , ory. • Our CONS...PRIOR SYSTFA is strictly adhered to. 111 are thereby treated alike. del2-ly JONES & CO.. 004 MARKET Street. Efanr, DYE! HAIR DYE! 1 BATCHELOR'S celebrated HAIR DYE is the Beat fe the World. The only Harmless True,. and Re/tabit Dye knovin. This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect—changet Red, Rusty, or Gray Hair, instantly tole Glossis Blasi Vatura/ Brown, without injuring the Hair or Stain. in; the Skin, leaving the Hair. Soft and Beautiful; ire 'arts fresh vitality. Iseenently restoring its. pristine miler, and rectifies the ill effects of Bad Dyes. The lenuine is signed WILLIAM A. BArougLoa ; all others ire mere imitations, and should -be avoided. Sold b, ch Drnggists, SM. FACTORY, SI BARCLAY Street. ' , Sew York. Batchelor's New Toilet Cream for Dressing :he Hair. ASTHMA AND ALL BRONCHIAL AFFECTIONS cured by a new system of ELECTRICITY, Without shocks or pain, by Dr. A. H. STEVENS, 141 S SOUTH PENN SQUARE. oc3l-tf DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF CONNECTICUT, is the author of "Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment." MA_RMLIMJD. WILSON—LOYD.—On. Wednesday, the 4th inst., at St. Clements' Church, by the Rev. H. S. Spackman, chaplain. H. S. A , John A. Wilson to Elisabeth H. Loyd. all of this city. KERRICH—bIIEWRLL. —On the sth Inst., at the Church of the Atonement, by the Rev. Benjamin Wet mon, 3lr. Samuel Herrick, of Lock Haven. Pa , to Mary, daughter of Wm. H. Shewell, Esq., of this city. (No ca rd s, ) I,—PARRISH.—Con the mortal:oga the sth Inst.. by the Bey. Mr. McConomy. Dr. C. C. Lee, U. S. Army. to Helen, daughter of the late Dr. Isaac Parrish, of this city. SUESSEROTT—TAYLOR. —On the 3d Init.. by the Bey. J. Howard Suydam, Hharlee P. Sueseerott to Sa rah M. 'Taylor, all of this city. DIED_ BROWN.—Soddenly, on the 4th inst., of disease of the heart Alex. H. Brown, a native of Scotland. The relatives and male friends of the family, and Scots , Thistle Society, are respomfally invited to attend his funeral from his late residence, No. 8 Silver street, above Twelfth. this (Friday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock, Interment at Ronaidson's Cemetery. PARSE —At Philadelphia. on November 4, of Ty phoid fever, Mary Louisa Parke, aged 36 years. The funeral will take place from the residence of her mother, rear Downingtown. Pa ,- this day (Friday.) Nov. 6, at 1 o'clock P. M. Te relatives and friends of the family are invited. 5* ELLET.—At Bunker Hill. Illinois, October 29, 1813, in the 22et year of his age. Colonel Charles Rivers Eller, commanding let Regiment Mississippi Marine Brigade. Idle funeral will take place this ( Friday) afternoon, 6th inet.. at 2 o'clock from the house of William .1. Wain wright, No. 827 Vine street, to which the relatives and friends of the family are respectfully' invited. Inter ment at Laurel Hill. DERBYSHIRE.—On the Rd inst., Caroline Derbyshire. eanghter of the late John Derbyshire for relatives and friends are reApectfally ihvited to attend her funeral, from her late residence, near Chest nut Hill. this (Sixth-day), the Bth inst., at 11 o'clock A. M. hiterment at Laurel Rill. 'DONALDSON —On the morning of the 4th inst., Jane, eldeet daughter of the late Jacob P. Donaldson. Her friends are respectfully invited to attend her fans ral, from the residence of her. mother, No. 1108 Shacks mexon street, this (Friday.) the 6th lust.. at 2 o'clock P. M. oEttit, —On the 4th inst., Mrs Sarah Geyer, wife of the late John Geyer. FR., in the 52d year of her age. The relatiyee and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral. from the residence of her son-in-law, Nathan L, Keyser, No. 619 York avenue. OD Saturday morning, at 10 o'clock. Funeral to proceed to Germantown. •' PERINE.—On the 11 inst., Margaret, wife of James W. Perine, aged 38 years. Funeral from the restdence of her husband, No. 1121 Churl .e street, this (Friday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock p,LA.CK DRESS 111kR133, Velour Reps, Tamisee. 3-4 and 6-4 Moue sellnes, Merinoes, Henrietta Clothe or silk-warpASH- Cash meres, Ottoman Poplins, Irish Poplins, English and French Bombazines, Alepines. corded Monesolines, Aus tralian Crapes, Baratheas, Turin Cloths. Paramattae, .De Baines, Orien tat Lustre& Alpacas and Mohair Lustros, Reps Anglale, Mourning Silk, Armure, Perth de Sole and Oros Grain Silks. BESSON & SON, 0c23 Mourning Store, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. JOUVIN'S CELEBRATED KID 7 " GLOVES, Ordered Colors, sizes 6% to 8. 0e27 EYRE BT. LANDELL. RLACK MIXED TWO-FACED MOURNING LONG SHAWLS size 72 Inch by 144. oat NYRE & LANDELL. POPULAR COLORS MERINOES, REPS, and POPLINS. 0e27 & Y E & LANDELL. FOURTH and ARCH. J_k_. BIERS' AND - MECHANICS' BANK.-PH/LADV.IMITIA' Nov. 3, 1353. The Directors have this day declared -a Dividend of FIVE PEE CENT., payable on aaiOt_ tiY. RT.4,ATON, Tit., Caelltor. B Boggs : 4 . li, U.S.A. 0 Yardley. Backs co, Pa J Hobert, New Jersey Arm M Bastbrurn, New Hope Miss F Ely, New Hope Mrs Hughes. Trenton, N J street, above Baum ()Pallet, New JeraeY F Mitchel, New larder Isaac Hall, New Jersey J Johnston. Northampton Jas Johnston. Northampton D Vineland. Penna John G FT lliarquett Justin W Lutz, II S street, below Vino. 0 G Gregg, Bnetleton Harry Serve.?, Doy:estown Mosleomb. Penington W Spencer. Warwick W T Lyons, Philadelphia W Robencack, Fitz water _ . . 3lartiu Good, Harrisburg G M Frick, Millerchurg Win F Miller, Lehigh co THEE 17WENTIT-SIDOOND ANNE vicaskity of the MERCANTILE BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION will be celebrated on FRIDAY EVENING. the ISth instant. at 7ii" o'clock, at t MU he SICAL: FOND HALL. . Addressee will be delivered by Rev. M. A. DE WOLFE HOWE, D, 0, AND DANIEL DOUGHERTY, Eaq. • The Orchestra will be under the direction of Mr. S. HASSLER Carde of admission may be - had gratuitously by ap plying early at the Counting-House of the subscriber. No. 3B North THIRD Street. WM. C. LUDWIG: n04.10t President. iMREBEL STEASl—Riketi. - A'A. — The general derira to inspect this ship, and, when in tne stream, hor inaccessioility, caused the Una* Yo• lnnteer Refreshment Committee to procure permission from the United States Government to exhibit her for the gratification of our citizens, and for the benefit, of their fund, She is now moored at the first wharf below Washington avenue, where the public. are invited to call until further notice (Sundays excepted) A bio graphical sketch of this specimen of ship-bnilding, in cluding an account of her capture. can be procured at the ticket office. Admission, 26 cents. Children, 10 centa. no 2-61 Auxtrailatv , Pilo THE SANITARY COMMIS tIC N earnestly sol tette - from members of the congregation and others contributions for thtrbenent of SICK and WOUNDED SOLDIERS. Ar ticles of Diet. Flannel, and other Goode, may he sent; to the Society's Room, in the hasement of the Church (TFIIRTEENTH Street. below . Spruce.) every FRIDAY. between P and 1 o'clock. and Money to the Treasurer, OHS. W. CUSHMAN, No. 11158 8. DELAWARE Ave nue. selr-thrtna HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF F CITY OF PHIL 23it.ORERlif e—Office Re moved from No. 42 North Fifth street to NO. 5117 NORTH Street. Open every afternoon from 2 to I o'clock. Donatione of money. clothing. ant Provisions. for the relic' , of the Poor of onr city are earnestly solicited; and will be gratefully received, at the ofece;by the General Agent, Mr. JOHN P. ARRtiON. not nrol3t R. K. HOEFLIfiIi. Secretary. PITTSBURG, NOVEMBER 3, 1 1 03. —The . llirecters of the Exchat ge Bauk of Pitts hnrr have tine day declared a diviland of FIVE PER CENT. out of the earnings of the last six months, paya ble on or after the 13th inst. Eastern stockholders will be paid at tho Western Bank of Philadelphia. noO•dt R H.: littUftßAY, Cashier. M• COMMONWEALTH BA raf..— PHILADELPIIIA. Nov. 3, 1363 The Board of Directors have this day declared a Divi dend of FOUR PER CENT, on the capital stock of this Bank. payable on demand, clear of State and United States Tax. -IL C. YOUNG. ne4-gt Cmhier. FM- - CORN EXCHANGE 1131NN... PHIL aDELPHIA, Nov 3, 183 The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., clear of all Tax.s. sad payable on demand. J. W. TORREY, no4-tf Cashier. M. CONSOLIDATION BANK.. PRTLADISLPETA, Oat. IS. 18e1 An ejection for Directorsc will be held at the Banking House, on MONDAY. the 16th of November. between the hours of 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. The Annual Meeting of the - Stockholders Will be held on TUESDAY. 3d of November. at 12 M. oce-tuf tnol6 • JOS. W. PEIRQOL. Cashier. COMMERCIAL BANE. OF PENN SYLVA NI A. —Puri.Anr.LonlA, Nov. 3. 1863. Tbe Board of Directors t aye this day declared a Divi dend of FIVE PER CENT.. clear of National and. State Taxer, payable on demand. S. C. PALMER; ne4•lot Cannier, MatitATLE N K p The Threctors bays . this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT.. out of the profits of the- Last six months, payable on and after the 13th lnet.. free of all Taxes. [no4-lat) vir L. SCHAFF Cashier. "MKENSINGTON BANK —P .b-A - DbLPAITA, Nov 3. 1883. The Board of Directors have this day declared 'a Divi dend of TB3( ?RR CENT. for the last six months on the capital of this Bank, payable on demand, clear of State and United States Taxes. C. T. VERB:ES, nog St (lathier. MMECHANICS' RANK,--PHILADEI, PHIA. Nor. 2,1553. The Board of Directors havithis day dnlared a Di dead of SIX PER CENT. on the hnsiness of the Sink for the last months; payable to the Stockholders on and after the I.3th instant. J. WEIGAND. JR., no 4 At ' Cashier. SOUTHWARD BANK.— PUMA DEL Pl 3 lA. Nov. 3, 1863. The Director ha'e dozlared a Dividend of EIGHT PER CENT, payable on demand. - F. P STEEL, no 4 6t Cashier. IMP TH E PHILAMELPHIA. BANK.— NOVEMBER 3, 1853. 'rbe Directors bavo declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., payable clear of all Taxee on demand. nc4 Gt B B COREGYS. Cmhier, M. WESTERN BANK.—PHILADEL PHIA, Nov. 3, )563. The Directors of this Bank have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., clear of National and State Taxes, payable on demand. no46t G. ld TROUTWAS, Cashier. irctc., RANH OF THE NORTHERN LIBERTIES, PIIILADRI,PEIIA. Nov. 2, 1863. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of BEVER PER CENT. for the past Rix months, payable clear of tax, on FRIDAY next, the 6th instant_ no 3 66. W. GIIISIItERE. Cashier. 1 7 , 3 a. CORN EXCHANGE BANK. PHILADELPHIA, 0ct. 12,1863. The annual election of DIRECTORS will be hed at the Banking House on MONDAY, the 16th day of November next, between the hour& of 10 A. M and 2P. N. oel4.tnole W TORREY. Caehier. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS? BANK. PHILADELPHIA, October 2. Ha The annual election for Directors will be held at the Banking House on MONDAY. the 16th day of November next, between the hours of 9 o'clock A M. and 3 o'clock P. M.: and on TUBSDAY, the third day of November next, & general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House et 4 o'clock P M.. agreeably to charter. W. RUSHTON. Ja., oc3-tnol6 Cashier. PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD COM PASIY, TREASURER'S DEPARMENT. . _ . . . PIIILAIERLPITIA, October 13. 1863. The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of FIVE per cent. on the capital stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes, payable on and after November Li. 1883 Powers of al torney for collection of dividends can be had on application at the office of the Company, No. 5335 South THIRD Street.' - ocl7-tdel THOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. SUR.GEON-ARTIST'S OFFICE. FOR MUTILATED SOLDIER.4.—SOLDIERR who have lost an ARM or LEG in the service, and desire the Patent 'PALMER Limbs"to be supplied by Govern ment. should return this notice immediately to this of fice. stating their lose by letter, with name. company, regiment, and residence. B. FRANK PALMEtc. - ocr-tf. 7fio9 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. BANK OF COMMERCE.—PHILL- IbC'.`a 81,P11 I a. Nov. 8.1863.- - - The Board of Directors have this day declared a 'Divi dend of FIVE PER CENT., payable on demand, clear of Taxes, - • A. LEWIS. no4wfm-6t Cashier. BANK OJ MNil u2 l L . l. - •r m c A k . vi N r o xe v s The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of SIX PER CENT. on the capital stock for the last six months, clear of the United States and State Taxes, par able on demand. JAMES RUSSELL, not-wfm3t Cashier. IMCONSOLIDATION BANK.—PIIILIII.- DELPHIA.. Nov. 3, 1863. The Directole have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., - payable clear of Tax. on demand. ne4-wfm.3t - JOS. N. PEIRS Ca.hier. MANUFACTURERS' AND ME CHANICS' BANK. - PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 3, 1%3. The Direcrorg have this day declared a Dividend of SIX PER CENT. for the past six months, payable clear cf Tax, on Friday, the 13th instant. no4ramfit U. W. WOODWARD, Cashier. IMUNION BANK.—PHILADELPHIA, !Toy. 6. 1E63. At a ineetins. of the Board of Directors held this day, a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. , clear of State and United States Tax, was declared, payable on demand. e 4 wfmtno2o P. J. BUCKER. Cashier. M COMMONWEALTH BANK, PIIILOELPHIA, October 6, 1863. . . The annual election for Directors will be hold at the BANKING HOUSE, on MONDAY, the sixteenth day of November next, between the hours of ten A. N. and two P. M. HENRY C. YOUNG, Cashier. oc7.wftirmtnol6 GIRARD BANK, PHILADELPHIA, October Bth. 1863. _ Tbe annual election for Directors, to serve for the ensiling year, will be held on MONDAY the 16th day of November--between the hours of 16 L. M. and 2P. 141. 0c.9-fmwtNol6 W. L. SCHAFFER., Cashier. KENSINGTON BANK, PHILADEL PHIA. October 3, 1663. An Election for Thirteen Directors, to serve the ensu ing year. will he held at the Eanking-house on MON DAY, 16th of November, 1863, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. C. T. THREES. cc- mwttnovl6 Cashier. r•••■•• SOUTHWARK BANK, Ks PITILADELPRIA. October b. 1883 •• , The annual election for Directors NV ill be held at'the BANEIhG HOUSE, on MONDAY, the sixteenth day of November next, between the hours of ten A. M. and two P. M.* F. P. STEEL, Cashier. UNION BANK, PHILADELPHIA, October 3. 1863. The annual election for Directors will be held on MON- D AY, November 18, between the hours of 10 A M. and BP. M. J. J. HINKEL, or..smw - ltNl6 Cashier. MWESTERN BANK. OF PHIL &- DELPHI'!" OCTOBER 3, 1863. _ . . . An Election for Directors, to serve this Bank the en suing year. will be held at the Bankinz House, on MON DAY, the 16th day of November next, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock- P. M. ocs-mwftl6N G M T ROOTM AN, Cashier. HOTELS. JONES' HOUSE C. H. MANN, PROPRIETOR. CORNER MARKET STREET AND MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PA. Having returned t my native State, after several years' residence in Baltimore, I retpeetfally solicit Share of public patronage at the above-nen:Led popular House. fno6-frmwlm) C. H. MAIM NATIONAL HOTEL, WASHINGTON, D. 0. NATIONAL H. S. BENSON, PROPRIETOR, Formerly of the Ashland House, Philadelphia. He is determined to merit, and hopes to receive, a fdll Share of public patronase. te2l-6m METROPOLITAN HOTEL, (LATE insownt_ PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, [Between Sixth and Seventh Streets, WASHINGTON CITY, A. R. POTTS, my24-6m Proprietor. LOST AND FOUND. T ,OST-ON LAST PRID.A_Y, 'A BLACK. - 2 -- 4 and white Sow Pig. Suitable Toward will be given by returning the same to corner SEVENTH and Dicken son. ED o 6 2t.) JOHN Mc ELROY. LOST -IN THE CHESTNUT STREET THEATRE, on Wednesday evening, . Nov. 4, 1863, a SCARLET SCARP. The finder will be liberally re warded by leaving it at No. 6.1. G South WASHINGTON Square. -. no6-2t* $3O O REWARD-LOST OR STOLEN ; six 6-20 UNITED STATES BONDS. of 81600 each, Coupons attached, dated June 23d. 1863, numbers from 24,289 to 24,294. inclusive. All persons are cau tioned against receiving or negotiating said bonds. Three hundred dollars will be paid fur their recovery by LEWIS SONNEBORN, AMBER Street. above Wood, Kensington. FITTLADELPITIA. July 18.1863. oc2o-18t." TAKEN lIP-A. BROWN HORSE. If not redeemed. will be sold at pnblic sale, on FRIDAY, the 6 , 1 inrt., at 4 o'clock P. M.. at the Police Station, corner of TENTH and THOMPSON Ste., in accordance to city ordinance, &c. WU. JACOBY, Lient of the 12th Districk - PHILADELTITTA, NOV. 8, 38413. REIMER'S IVORYTYPES HAVE NO superiors in their line; pleasing, natural, simple, and truthful in style and coloring; admired by all. Gal lery, SECOND street, above Green. lt* MINNEHAHA RESTAURANT, NO. 420 LIBRARY STREET:—The - above Dining Saloon will be open to-day. All the delicacies of the meager'. and first-class wines and liquors. bY no4-3t. A. LOWRENCR, Proprietor. 82 PER DOZEN. $2 CARTES DE VISITE • Taken in the finest style at the above price. Large Photographs at low rater. by TUNER, At his Hrortnd•Floor Gallery, 808 CHESTNUT STREET, Entrance through the Album Depot. no3'.st,r LIFE-LIKE PICTURES.--STRIKING LIE ZEES SE& —REIMS R'S Photographs of life-size. colored in oil, molt accurate portraits made; all admire who see them. Gallery, SECOND" Street, above Green. lts CORRECT PIANO TUNING.. —Mr. C. B. BLEMINT'S orders for tuning and repairing Pianos are received at MASON & 00.' s 'store, 907 CHESTNUT Street, only. S. hag had eleven_yeara'factou experfence in Bal. ton, and flve_years' employment in Philadelphia. SPECIAL. retsat7tered to sound as soft and sweet toned as new. without remotritity. Term for Tu t ting. ' ocl2-Bsalf THE PRESS.-4111LADELPUIK, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1863. FINA.L NOTICE.-- HEADQUARTERS -a- PROVOeT MARSHAL, SECOND DISTRICT. No. 1214 LOCUST Street, Philadelphia, October 31st, Drafted men from this District who have failed to re• port, also non Whose time has been extended fur various rea,onn, are required to report at thin office on or nefore the dates hereinafter mentioned. or they will •be nab itched as deserters, ana subject to all the penalties pre scribed therefor: Vi rot ward, on or before November 6th. Mt Seventh and -Eighth wards, on or before November 10th. 1863 Ninth and Tenth wards, on or before November 15th. 1863. EDWIN PALMER. • Provost Marshal and. President of Beard. ISI.I3fILL, Commissioner of R. W 1011815, no 2-61 gunmen of Bna-1., A CAPITAL NEW NOVEL. By ANNA IT BUM'. PUBTJS9ED TILES DAIL. W By the author p ol S ' l ' ' MiergrES'na".t ti " etc. 8 vo• Paper, 50 e G entp ' Font by mail, poet-paid, nu receipt of the price, T. 0. H. P. BITBNBANI, nal3-2t Pabliehor. Welton STERLING EXCHANGE, ESOTJG-Ille AND SOLD. se2B-m&f3in 5.20 COUPONS, 5-20. U. 14• 5-20. The undersigned, M General Sabscription Agent, Ls authorised by the Secretary of the Treasury to continua the Bale of this Popular Loan, and TEN DAYS nubile notice will be given of discontinuance. ABOUT TWO HUNDRED MILLIONS remain unsold, and this amount is scarcely sufficient to furnish a basis for the. circulation of the National Banking Associations now being, formed in every part of the Country. But a short time must elapse before this loan is wholly ab sorbed, the demand from Europe. Germany especially, being none active. As it is well known that the Secretary of the Trea sury has ample and unfailing resources in the duties on imports, internal revenues, and in the issue of interest bearing Legal Tender Treasury Notes. it is nearly cer tain that it will not be necessary for him for a long time to come to issue further permanent Loans, the interest and principal of which are payable in Gold. These considerations mast lead to the prompt conclu sion that the time is not • far distant when these "Five- Twenties" will sell at a handsome premium, as was the result with the " Seven -thirty" Loan, when it was all sold, and could no longer be subscribed for at par. This is a the interest and principal being payable In coin, thus Yielding about BIGHT per cent. per annum at the present premium on gold. • It is called " Five-Twenty," from the fact that *Mint the Bonds may run for twenty viers, yet the eovern ment has the right to paY,thens off in gold at par, at any time after five years. The interest is paid half yearly on the Bret days of No vember and May. Subscribers can have Coupon Bonds which are paya ble to bearer and issued for $5O, 3100, 6500, and 011,000, or Registered Bonds of similar denominations; and In addition $5,000 and 1,10,E00. These "Five-Twenties" cannot be taxed by States, cities, towns, or counties, and the Government tax on them is only one and a half per cent, on the amount of Income, when the income exceeds six hundred dol lars par annum. Income from all other investments, such as mortgages, railroad stocks, bonds, dm., inns Pay from three to dye per cent. tax on the income. Banks and Bankers throughout the country will con tinue to dispose of the Bonds, and all orders by mall or otherwise properly attended to. The Treasury Department having perfected arrange ments for the prompt delivery of Bonds, Subscribers will be enabled to receive them at the time of subscri bing, or at farthest in FOUR days. This arrangement will be gratifying to parties who want the Bonds on PaY ment of the money. and will greatly increase the sales. [I3_I3,C_RIPTION, AGE_NT, 5:205: 18T NOVEMBER COUPONS WANTED_ EARLY CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS WANTED. STERLING EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD BY DREXEL, & CO., 34 South THIRD Street, MICHAEL JACOBS, BANICER, No. 46 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES t SPECIE. AND ITNGOE RENT MONEY_ BOUGHT AND SOLD. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Particular attention paid to the Negotiation of Time Paper. CITY WARBANTS BOUGHT. ocd-3m COLLECTION OF U. S. CERTIFI CATESs-, OF INDEBTEDNESS.—The ADAMS' EX PRESS COMPANY are now prepared to collect, at the Treasnry Department, Washington, with despatch, and reasonabloat h rates the One• Year Certificates of In• debtedness of the United States now due or shortly maturing. Terms made known and receipts .. given at the once. No. 320 CHESTNUT Street. myg-tf WOTICE.—NOTICE• IS HEREBY MI GIVEN that the CERTIFICATE No. 29,824; 200 Shares, leaned to ns by the New York Transfer Agency of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad has been LOST, and that application has been made for the sub stitution of a certificate in place thereof. A. G. HENINWAY do ne.Q-30t No. 53 EXCHANGE Place. SILVER PLATED WARE lANFFACTORY. TEA SETS, CASTORS, WAITERS, ICE PITCHERS, dce.., &c. WILFArt, ez. MOSS, salt-2m 525 SOUTH FIFTH STREIT. PROPOSALS FOR COAL. RHILAIi..}..A. November 4, 1863: Proposals will be received, by the Trustees of the City Ice Boat, until the 20th day of November, 1862. at noon, for furnishing from fourhundred to seven hundred tons,' at their option (2.240 Ms each), of best quality BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN (lump or run of mines) COAL, during the winter of 1863-64. Said Coal to be delivered on board of the Ice Boat, at any wharf on the Delaware front of the city of Philadelphia, free of wharfage, in such quan tities and at such times as the Trustees may designate. Proposala may also state at what price a part of said Cleat can be famished, as above, at Port Richmond. The Coal is to be weighed at the times of di livery on board of the boat, at the expense of the party furnishing The contract will be awarded to the lowest and best bidder, and fpayments will he made monthly, in City Warrants. Send Proposals to JOHN DHVERSHX, President Trustees of City Ice - Boat. no6-3t 506 South DELAWARE Svenne, Philada. UNITED STATES, EASTERN BIS TBICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SOT. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA,' GREETING: . WHEREASStates ,The District Court of the United Staten E and for the astern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the nme of the Chilled States of America, hath decreed 'all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the steamer JUPITER, whereof George B. Brown is master, her tackle, apparel. and furniture, captured by the Cimaroon. under com mand of Commander A FL Hughes. to be monished, cited, and called to judgment, at the time and place under written, and to the effect hereafter expressed (justice so requiring). You are, therefore, charged and strictly en joined and commanded. that you omit not, bat that, by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the city of Phila delphia, and in the Legal Intelligencer, you do monish and cite, or cause re be monished and cited, peremptorily all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the said steamer .TUP/TER, her tackle, apparel, and furniture. to appear before the Hon. JO H - 11 CADWALADER, the Judge or the said Court, at the District Court room, in the city of Philadelphia, on the twentieth day after publication of these presents, if it he a court day, or else on the next court day following, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in doe form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why the said steamer JUPITER. her tackle, apparel, and furniture. should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same. to the ene miss of the United States, and as goods of their enemies or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful -prizes ; and further. to do and receive in this behalf as to nstice shall appertain. And that you duly intimate, or cause to be intimated, onto all persons aforesaid, generally (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is also intimated), that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjndication'on the said capture. and may pronounce that the said steamer JUPITER, her tackle, apparel, and furniture. did belong, at the time of the capture of the same. to the enemies of the United States of America, and as goods of their enemies. or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and condemnation, to be ad judged and condemned as lawful prize, the abeemee, or rather conttunacy, of the persons so cited and Inti mated in anywiee notwithstanding, I and that iyon duly certify to the said District Court what you shall do in the premises, together with these presents. Witness the Hon. JOHN CA.DWALADER, Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this thb d day of HOVER . - BER, A. D. ISM and in the eighty-eighthyear of •the Independence of the said United States. G. R. PDX; n06.3t Clerk District Court. WHITE PRESERVING BRANDY AND WHITE WINE VINEGAR' GREIZII GINGER, MUSTARD SEED, SPICES, U., 40 PRESERVING AND PICKLING PURPOSE& ALBERT . 0- ROBERTS. -.' Dealer in Fine Orocerieis. _ . 011 1 -ti . C9raar ELZVIIKTE 633 OICfE 183900. MILITARY NOTIOES. NEW PUBLICATIONS. FINANCIAL. DREXEL & CO. BEE lar NOVEMBER WANTED, AT MARKET RATE FOR GOLD. DREXEL & 00. IX PER CENT. LOAN, JAY COOKS, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. SILVER-PLATED WARE. PROPOSALS. LEGAL. PURE CIDER ALL THE REQUISITES PO& RETAIL CRY GOODS. NOW OPEN RICH MID RELIABLE F . CT 117. S Of onr own Importation and Manofacturs HUDSON'S BAY SABLE, ROYAL ERMINE, DARK SABLE MINK,. REAL CHINCHILLA, DARK SIBERIAN SQUIRREL, In every fashionable style, for MISSES. CHILDREN. FURS MADE TO ORDER AT THE PARirt, C3LOAIC., VlJ,ft NPOR MI, 90 CHESTNUT STREET J. W. PROCTOR & CO. no 6 frmwlm FALL TRADE E. M. NEEDLES. 1024 CHESTNUT STREET,- Has just opened a large stock of New Goods. compri sing all desirable Novelties in his line. most of whioh having heentionght when Gold WAS at a low premium he offers sonelderably below prment market rates. LACES OF ALL KINDS. Coiffures, Barbee, Collars, Sleeves, Sets, Hdirts., Veils. Capes, &c., in all varieties. - WHITE GOODS. Jaconets, Cambrics, Nainsooka. Malls, Swiss Chaska, and all deacrintiona of Plain and Fancy Styles. EMBROIDERIES_ Collars, Sets. Banda, Flonnoings. Infants' Waiste and Robes, Edgings and Insertings on Cambric. Swiss, and Linen; 200 different styles. HANDKERCHIEFS. Plain, Rem-etitobed, Embroidered, Reviered, Raffled, Lace, Printed•bordered. &c., &C., for Ladies, a9utle 7 men, and Children, comprising every variety, including many new styles not heretofore in the market. N. B.—A. liberal discount to those' who purchase to sell again. Manufacturers of Ladiea' and. - Childron's Clothing are invited to examine my stock. no2-t23 818 OPENING, 818 AT THE ARCH•STREET CLOAK STORE, A HANDSOME AESORTMENT OF LADIES' AND MISSES' CLOAKS. nob-tf CLOAKS AND CLOAKING- CLOTHS COOPER & CONARD, NINTH AND MARKET N• X TV CLOAK ES CLOAK CLOTHS MODERATE PRICES SKIRTS! SKIRTS! SKIRTS! N. IL JONES' lIBLEBRATED NE PLUS ULTRA SHMT UNII onlr be found M No. 17 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, OVER THE WAX FIGURE. ar Jowl sentiineunless stamped X. A. JONES' . • NS PLUS ULTRA EIETZT. 17 N. EIGHTH STAMM well.fars BLANKETS I BT, A NKETS I BLANK. ICBM The Largest Assortment of - AT THE LOWEST PRICES, OFFERED WHOLESALE AND BETAIL. BY COWPERTHWAIT it CO., W. COR. EIGHTH AND MARKET STS selebdeSl 1024 CHESTNUT STREET E. M. NEEDLES IS RECEIVING DAILY ALL DESIRABLE NOVELTIES LATEST IMPOUTATIONB In LACI3I3, EMBROIDERITia, HANDKEROBIEFS, VEILS, its„ isy °kr Not Os CilliCllo:46l4 CHEAP DRY,, GOODS, CARPETS, OIL Cl oTes, AND WINDOW SHADES.—V. 12 ARCHAMBAULT, N. E. corner ELEVENTH and MAR •NET Streets. will open. THIS MORNING, from Auction. Ingrain Carpets, at 37c, 50c, 62c 75c, 87c. $l. and $1.25: Entry and Stair Carpels, 25 to 87c: Three-ply Carpets, $1 60; Rag and Remo Carpets, 31. 37. 50. and 62c; Stair Oil Cloths, `2sc; Floor Oil Cli,ttis. 45 to 75c; Gilt Border ed Window Shades. 75c to SI 50 ; Bair and Green Sha ding, 37 to 62c DRY GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. Sheeting and Shirting lllnslins,'l23 to 37c; Chintzes, 12 to 2-c; De Laines, 28 and 31c; Plaid Dress Goods. 31 to 60c: Poplins, 31 to 62c; Paramettas and Alpacas, 31 to Tic; Blankets, $5 to $l2 ; Marseilles, Lancaster, Oriental, and Allendale Quilts, *1.76 to $10; Comfortables. $3 ; Cae simeres, 75c to $2; Coats' Spool Cotton. 7c; Skirt Braid, 9c; Pins. Sc; Hooks and Eyes. Sc; Palm Soap. Sc: H :ash. 1214 c; Napkins and Towels, 12 to 37e; Table Linens, 50c to $l. Flannels. 37 to 75e. Wholesale end Retail Store, N. E. corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. 0028- wfdrmlm. VELVET CLOTHS. Frosted Sealskins. Colored do. Black do. FANCY MIXED CHINCHILLAS. Twilled Beavers. Plain do. Blue do. Black Tricot. Do. Broadcloths. Scarlet and Blue Cloths. CURWEN SPODDART & BROTHER, 150 45X, and 154 North SECOND St., ab. Willow nob-3t CHOICE SHADES FRENCH MERINOBS, $1.25 Just opened, SUP ERIOR GOODS, at the above price. OTTRWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 4.51 North SECOND St., ab. Willow. not, St V . DW.IN HALL ,k CO., 26 SOUTH -"--• SECOND Street, would call the attention of pur chasers to their stock of Colored and Black Moire Antiques. Colored and Black Corded Silks. Black Armnres and Venttlenne. Black rallotas and White Silks. Fancy Silks. Brown Fizared-Silks. Black Figured Silks, and Gros e a Mines. Garnet, Wine, Green, and Brown Silks; White Corded Silks no4-tf FRENCH MERINOES.- Deelrable colors at the right prices. French Poplins, bought early—prices low. Cheap plaid and plain Poplins. 3714' cent Magenta plaid Reps—a bargain. Black Alpacas at 81 to 75 cents. Suet opened Auction lots at 44, 10, 62, and 75 cents. $l. 00 double widths Lupins' Black wool Del sins are very fine and heavy. COOPERISt CONARD, ea% tf S. E. corner PINT El and MARKET. VELVET BEAVERS. Good Frosted Beavers at $225. Extra hue Frosted Beavers, Ladle'? Cloak Cloths of every kind. Fancy Cassimeres tor business snits. Water Proof Cloths, 32.215 per yard. Fine black Cloths and Cassimeres. COOPER & COWARD, S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. LADIES' CLOAKING- CLOTHS. Black Beaver and Tricot, Cloths', Brown and Black Water-proof Cloths, Dark Brown and Mode Clothe. Fine Black Broad Clothe, Superb quality Scarlet Cloths, Chinchilla Cloakings. Also, Clothe. Cassimerea, and Satinet's for Men and Boys. Vestings. in Great variety. at JOHN H. STOKES. 7021 , ARCH Streak N. B.—Jack Straws, made brand told for an Invalid. • new invoice just received. add SHARPLESS BROTHERS OPEN TO DAY Extra quality and newest designs. Bich fired French De Lame. , Robes d e Chambre. fine quality, Bright De Lathes. for Children. - - Wide and fine new Plaid Cashmeres. Rich striped Skirtings for Dresses. Plain De Lainee. all colors and qualities. French Rep Poplins, colored, at K. Silk-faced Spinglines. very rich. French Merinoes. in very large stock. Velvet Beavers, for Ladies' Cloaks. Wide Black Velvets. for do. 0c22 EIGHTH and CHESTNUT Streets. OPENING} OF FALL DRESS GOODS. H. STEEL d; SON Nos. 713 and '715 North TRIM Street, Have now open a choice assortment of • FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS. Plain Silks, choice colors. *126 to 52. Plain Noire Antiques, choice Rhoden, Plain Black Silks, 90a to 57.50. - Figured Black Silks; Panay Silks. Plain All-wool Reps and Poplins. allieolors. Plain Silk and Wool Reps. all colors. ‘ Figured and Plaid Reps and Poplins. Plain French Dierinoee, choice colors. 1101 Plain French lderinoes. choice colors, iL P IME R 'S 'COLORED PHOTO -1- GRAPHS for $1 him no superiors. Meet accurate -LikeneSses, aitietically colored and finished 1a a 11 0 1,1 flq snanatr. at SBOOED Stmt. abccre Oreetk. ltk CLOAXS AND BONNETS, FOR MOURNING. M. & A. MYERS (S.- 00.; No. 926 CHESTNUT Street. Have hut received an assortment of MOURNING CLOAKS, MANTILLAS AND SHAWLS), Together with a full assortment of MOURNING BONNETS. oc3o-6t LADIES' FANCY FURS_ LADIES' FANCY FUSS. dreg is now complete, and embracing ever, varlets' that Will be fashionable daring the present season. All eold at the manufacturers' prices, for cash. Ladles, plea.. live me a call. mt3-4m OPENING OF FANCY FURS. FURS! FURS! GEORGE F. WOMRATH, FMB. 415 AND *l7 MICR ESTRUM.' HAS NOW OPEN A FULL ASSORTMENT OP LADIES' FURS. To which the attention of the public is invited. se23-4in FROTHINGHAM & WELLS FOR THE - ARMY AND NAVY Banners, Regimental and Company'Flags, Swords, Bashes, Belts, Pageants, Epaulettes, Hats, Caps, Canteens, Haversacks, Camp Chests, Field Glasses, spurs, Soyer's cele brated Camp Kit, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit of Army and Navy bfftcers. A liberal discount allowed to the trade. oc2o-nn G . ; W. simc t Ns t BROTHER. WOOL in store. and daily arriving. consignments-of Tab and ARRANDALE & CO., 1 6 IMPORTERS OF Will Rind followingnon receint of price: SILVER COMPOSITE WATCH. for the Army. cylin der movements, Hunting Cases, Time Indicator in cen tre, io save trouble of opening case. Handsome and. re liable, best and cheapest made. Sold in the army at 826—512 SOLDIERS OWN, Patent Lever, in sterling silver engraved hunting cases. Jeweled, regulated, $14.50. SPLENDID GOLD COMPOSITE WATCH, Jeweled. either medium size for gentlemen, or small size for la dies, beautifully engraved cases. Pert' Elegant and Accurate, often sold for $5O-813. GOLD COMPOSITE, Patent Detached Lever, Jeweled in 13 actions, gold balance, Warranted a perfect Time keeper suitable in size , for either lady or gentleman. richly chased cases—a really splendid article, often sold for 875-825. WHITE 000E8. . . . tiroall•eized, beautifully-finished Ladies' Lenin°, fine 16 carat gold plate Watch, beautifully ornamented cases, usually sold at $.50--$27. 60. Gents' or Officers' massive gold plate Watch, chro nometer balance, full ruby jeweled, detached patent lever, heavy. beautifully. finished cases. Warranted a .Splendid Timekeeper, often sold for sloo—s36. ASTRONOMICAL WILTCH! In massive gold plate: beautifully-engraved cases, jeweled in 15 actions, gold balance, and all the recent improvements. In addition to the sunk seconds. Svc.. peculiar to first-clan Watches, it has a hand pointing with unfailing accuracy to the day of the month. A magnificent article! the great est invention of the age ! just imported by Arrandale Co.-345. Other ladies' and gentlemen's Watches and Chains in great variety. Send for circular fully describing above and other Watches. Agents wasted. A reduction made on wholesale orders. Money may be sent at our risk, if properly sealed. • laG. RUSSELL, 22 NORTH SIXTH Street, hasjust rsegived a very handsoiae assort ment of FINE SEAL RINGS. oe:31-3m FINE WATCH REPAIRING :WI attended to by the most expqricnced workmen, and every Watch warranted for one year. _ . TN SHELL AND RosEwot3D CAS playing from) to 12 tunes, cholas Opera and AWG ntr. Itleloartt F RR BROTHBR, Importera. tp , t.atp 3%4 (1 (Ft TNTIT Street, hwincr 'F.-mrlh pIEEILADELPHIA FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS, Offer to the trade a large and elegant assortment of Moods. from the-cheapest Brown Steck to the fined Decorations. N. R. CORNER FOURTH & HARECET STREETS. N. IL—Solid Green, Blue, and Buff WINDOW PA. PERS of every grade. sell-fin INSUFANCE COMPANIES. REMOVAL. - THE MANHATTAN TIER INSUR OWE COMPANY, Of New Toth, baying appointed JAMES B. CARR Agent for this City, have Removed their office to NO. 418 WALNUT-STREET, Where applications for INSURANCE and RENEWALS on POLICIES must be mad e. The allotted dividend of IShIS will be adjusted on all Policies on which two or more annual premiums have been paid, on the adjustment of the current year's premium. - The following items, interesting to the assured, show the great progress and prosperity of the Company since the last triennial dividend: The incomeof the Comnany for pest three years has been $1,400.600 00 The assets have increased 416,600 00 The losses paid, to widows during three years past were 240,661 24 • • • " others 99,736 ao Dividends have been made during the past three years 2.50.000 Oil JAMES B. CARR, Agent. C. Y. WEESPLE, Secretary. - oc2B-lintt FAME INSURAN4 -4- 403 CHESTNUT &roe PHILAD) FINE AND INLAI DIREC! Irrancle N. Bnck, Chas. Richardson, Henrylewis, Jr.. I John ip W. &ve rme l. PhW. &avustce, FRANCIS I 1 N. B CHARLES RICE( WILLIAM I. BLANCH . AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 31.0 WALNUT Street, above Third, Phi ladelphia. Having a large paid-np Capital Stook and Surplus in vested to sound and available Securities, continues to insure- on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in port' and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. - All losses liberally and promptly adjusted.. DIRECTORS. ' • James R. Campbell, Ramuud.G. Datilh, Charles W. PoultneY, Israel Monis. RETAIL DRY GOODS. LADIES' FURS. T01ff.1 4 41 . Ro. 11S ARCH STREET. BELOW EIGHTH. Importer and Manufacturer assortment of FANCY FTTII43 for Ladies and Mai- JOHN A. STAIHRACH, IMPORTER AND MANBFACTITRER OF LADIES' FANCY FURS. NO. 826 ARCH STREET, BELOW NINTH. Hui now open a splendid stock of LADIES AND CIIILDREN'S FURS, Which will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PRIORS, ARMY GOODS. HEAVY, MEDIUM, AND LIGHT SHRETINGS AND SHIRTINGS. STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CAHBRIOS AND SILECIAS. BROWN BLEACHED , AND CORSET JEANS. No. A% WORSTED YARN, am sel9-1f ti PiNTANS 8z M-111-SS.A.LIA, MILITARY FURNISHERS, 418 ARCH STREET, SAIISOM-STREET ALL PHILADELPHIA, iIANUFAOTTIRERE OF JEWELRY. FINE SWORDS. AND aELITASY GOODS LE EVERY VARIETY. attsS.lf6m YARNS. CLIP OF 1882 Medium and Fine, very light and diean. Fleeee. from new clip WOOLEN YARNS. 18 to 90 cuts, Aim on hand COTTON YARNS. Ao. 6 to 30's. of int-class makes In Warp, Bundle. and OOP A. 8.—.1,11 numbers and desoriptions prosured at ones, on orders ALEX. WHILLDIN 4s BONS, 18 North 'WONT Street. att3l-mwAtftt WATCHES AND JEWELRY. WATCHES, NEW YORK, ARRANDALE 212, BROADWAY, NEW YORK, ocl9-mtvflm W4t - 3 doors 'vim Barnum's Afroslira. G -RUSSELL, 22 North SIXTH Street 1 , MUSWAL BOX„ PAPER HANGINGS. PA.FiErt HOWELL do BOURSE, CORNER OF ILARITFACTURIM OP PAPER HANGINGS AIM WINDOW OITETAIN PAPERS. E COMPANY, O. et E oELPHIA. ,ND INSURANCE. 'MORS. - R. D. Woodria, Goo. A. West, John Kessler, Jr.. Chas. Stokes. A. H. Rosenholm, I 3elD K . President. ARDSON, Vice President.- : D. Secretary. ialtittif Thomas R Marls, aohn Samuel C.' suorton. Patrick Brady. John T.. Lewis. AS R. XSAIS, President te4-11 • - TROD wyHEEtT C. p, caAwfintr, WLMBOLD'S Non-retention or InconfiDpneq of (Trine, Irritation. In All Diesases or Affections of the Bladder and Kidneys For Weariness, arising from Trabits of Dissipation, at- tended with the following Pymptoms: Indisposition Horror of Dineen, flimflam% of Visie Wakernlneee. Pain in the Back, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medi- PHILADELPHIA. constitution once affected with organic Weakness. rep:dreg the aid of Medicine to krengthen and invigorate Is safe, pleasant in its take and odor, and more Strength- FROM BROKEN DOWN AND . DELICATE CONiTITIITIONii, A trial will convince the most env.. IND ' I D EXTR • T •A• . ' • only reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure of Scrofula, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Pains and Swellings of the Bones. Ulcerations of the Throat, of the worst disorders that afflict mankind, arise from the corruption that accumulates in the blood. Of all the discoveries that have been male to purge it out, none can equal in effect HELMBOLD'S COM POUND EXTRACT OP SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses and renovate. the blood. instils the vigor of health Into the system. and purges out the hnmora which make disease. It siiinulates the healthy;functions of the body, and expels the dlsorders that grow and rankle in the blood. Such a remedy, that could be relied on, has long been sought for, and now, for th' first time. the public have cue on which they on depend. Onr space here does not admit certificates'to Filmy its effect: but the trial of a single bottle trill show to the sick th st it has virtues, surpassing anything they have ever taken. Two table spoontulls of the Extract of Sarsaparilla, added to a pint of water, is equal to the Lisbon Dist Drink, and one bottle is fully equal to a gallon of the Syrup of Farmparilla. or the decoction as usually mad. ) . These Extracts have been admitted to use In the United States Army. and are ir very general use in all the State Hospitals and public sanitary t nstitntio as through out the land, as well as in wivate lint:tics, and are con sidered as invaluable remedies. SEE MEDICAL PROPE'STIES OF Ducau, Exam DISPENSATORY OF THE lISITED STATES. See Professor DEWL}S' valuable works on the Prat. tice of PhyFic. See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. PHYSIC. Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. EPHRAI' McDO WELL, a celebrated physician and member'of the Royal College of Surgeons, 'Man i, and published in the transactions of the Ring and Queen's Journal. . See bledico-ChintrehigalßbVieW. pabliahed by B AN JAIIIN TBAVERB. Fellow of Royal College of Snr geons. See most of thelate standard works of medicine. PRICES: Exlract Ruch°, $1 per bottie, or six for $5. Sarsaparilla, $1 per bottle. or six for $5. Delivered to any address. sernrely packed. Address letters for information'to HELMBOLD'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, BELMBOLD'S DRUG AND enEMPIAL WAREHOUSE, HELMBOLD'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 104 SOUTH TENTH STREET PHILADELPHIA 104 SOUTH TENTH STREET', PHILADELPHIA 104 SOUTH TENTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED Dispose of "their own" and "other" artiolee on the re putation attained by BELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD'S Cut out the advertisement and send for it, and. avoid. IMlNeitiea tutd 0n1i.50049. AVB•taisWN6t HELMBOLD'S PREPARATION'S. IfELIHROLD'S ABLMROLD'S HRLIKBOLD4E4 BELMBOLD'EI HE LIABoL O's HELMBOLD'S HIGHLY CONCENTRA'T'ED HIGHLY CONCENTRATED HIGHLY CONCE ITRA rED FriGnix conmvpwrßATEn HIGHLY CONCENTRATED Crf rtf po rrtm 0117917 C AlPn rrND r 0 lorPtiTri c+ • It.E'OUN D FLUID 1 7 .XTRACT RUCtfU, FLUID EXTRAcT BT FLUID EXRTACT BITCH% FLUID EXTRACT DII=IIII7, FLUID BUCFM. A POBITIVS A POsrrrvit A POSITIVE A POSIT iVK A PORrIVR A POSITIVE SPECIFIC REMEDY SPECIFIC REMEDY SPEIMFDI REMEDY SPECIFIC REKET)Y SPECIFIC RESIEDY dammation, or Ulceration of the Bladder and Ridneys, Db.eanee of the Pioetrate Wand, Stone in the Bladder. Calculrma Grivel or Brickdast and Dropsical Swellings existing in Men. Women, or 13111811! RELMEOLD% EXTRACT EMMY. RTIL 4 fRnLIYB EXTRACT HELMSOLDN EXTRACT BUCHU. EELMROLD% EXTRACT Eceffil.' EELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BMW, to .Exertion, Loss of Memory. Diilloalty of Breathing. Weak Nerves Trembling 17nivereal LweAittide of the Muse nlar Sylitem. Hot Hands. Finahirw Body. Drmese of Skin. ERUPTIONS ON THE FACE, PALLID CoITI-TENANCE eine invariably reznove, soon follows Fa- taity, Epileptic Fite, in one or which the patient may expire. Who can say that they ere not frequently followed by thoaa " dire ==iii INSANITY and CONSUMPTION. COMZM of the esuee of their enfferiag. The records of the insane AFylame, and the Melancholy Deaths by Consumption, bear ample Witness to the truth of the amerCon. The the system, which HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT 13IICHIJ Invariably does HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU ening than any of the preparations of IROB OR-BARK For those suffering From whatever cause, either in MALE OR 'FEMALE. WILT. GIVE rou A GOOD APPETITE WILL OTVE YOIT STRONG, HEALTHY NERVES. I=l7l BRISK AND ENERGETIC FEELINGS, and will enable yon to SLEEP WELL SKEPTICIL HBLIKROLD'S ARLMI3OLD'S Ti EL I'll3oLn 'S If ELM BOLD'S HIM&IBOLD'S HIGHLY CONGHITERkTED purifying the blood, re- moving all chronic constitutional diseases arising from an IMPUII3 state of the blood, and the and Legs, Blotches. Pimples on the Face, Tetter, Erysipelas. and all scaly Eruptions of the AND BEATTTIYYING THE COHPLEXION NOT A FEW 594 BROADWAY, N.Y., OR 594. BROADWAY, N.Y., OR 594 BROADWAY, N.Y., OR HELITBnLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, HELMBOLD'S AtEDICAL DEPOT, HELBIBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, DEALERS WHO ENDEAVOR TO HELMBOLD'S PREPAR &TIM HELMBOLD S L MBOLD'S EEL MSOLD S GENUINE EXTRACT 81701117 GENUINE EXTRACT BUCITU GRAMM' EXTR&CT BUCHU GENUINE RXTRACT SPRSAPARILLA. GENUINE. EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA GENUINE EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. PELMBOLD'S lIELIIIIIOL 'WS HELMBOLD'S GENUINE IMPROVED ROSEWASH GENUINE IMPROVED ROSE WASH SOLD BY ALL DRUGGSTS. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ASK FOR HELMSOLD'S ASK FOR HELMBOLD'S AJJSF ]i;EN'ii . AMI MAN ACAD Emyrf MUSIC! CARL A NVIRUTZ... ADOLPH BEROPELD Ci-ERMAN OPERA, SPECIAL" A.NS6IINCEMBNT GRAND GALAMATINU- fiI=DAY AFTERIYOWS. AT" 3 WOL(YeEC. (rn - PARTICCLA.R RRqui T,) MARTHA, GRAND OPERA. BY F. VON FLOTOW. Tickets to part.= of ebe horn. Reserved fiesta, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS extra, ca7r. be bad at orne, ANIERTC.AN ACADEMY OF MUSED GERMANOPERA_ Ett V, , cribers to the Season ..;eb o wish to rota.:a thair ento for the MATINEE, ON ES ern RDA V , FTERYOON. Will please nrocnro their ticketa prior TEN O'CLOCK A. M. ON FRIDAY. After which they may be cold to no one a: plying Inc them. lit A RIEGFELD, %sinews M.naver. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF hEITSit.). CARL ANSCHIST7 ADOLPH BIRGFELD GERMAN OPERA. , FRIDAY EVENING, Nov. 6th, THIRD SUBSCRIPTION MORT. A NIGHT IN GRENADA : GRAND ROMANTIC OPRHA, BE . , C. KREUTZES. GABRIELLE WllO CANEBiIL A HONTBM AN (first appearance) Harr STEENBOKS. Doors open ac 7. Opera cow mence4 at B o'clock. PRIOR A'AD)i+S-U)V. ADMISSION 'TO PARQUET. PARQUET CIRCLE, and BALCONY $l. 5.* (No extra. charge for Reserved Saks.) ADMISSION TO FAMILY OLECLF 50 ots AMPHITHEATRE 25 ato SEATS coo be Pecnred every 'lay at rha R CA.DICIfY OP MUSIC. and J. E. COULD'S MUSK; STORE, 8 S. Corner of SEVENTH . and CHESTNTIT Strce,F. nrA It . NEW CHESTNUT-ST. THEATIt - ii].- -k-1 Leases and Dranairwr.., BENBFI r WPB.WOEiTLVT. AND LAST EIGHT, Save one, of NILE VESTVALL Who will appear in MCISTCAL DRAMA A NT, ITALIAN OPERA. - - - riving the Third am of ROMEO AND JULIET. It Vras in this Opera that MLLE. VESTVALI msde her debut on the Lyric Stage, and en+ahli>bed her reputation as one of the best Contraltae of the present ane .hae Performed Romeo in Perin Landoll. and St. Petersburg• in 61) ort, in all the principal cities of the Continent, and is universally conceded to he THE BEST REPRESENTATIVE of that Character row I..iyipx . THIS (Friday) EVSNING, Nov 6:11.1811, The performance will ei. ,•om r4 m E ß lT e with OR, THE JEWISH MOTHER. - HAMRA - - MILK VESTVA_LL To conclude with the Third Art' of the Tragic Gpera, entitled ROMEO AND JULIET. . ROMEO WT:LE YEBT7A.-LI. SORRA /OD ARIA, '`EQUESTO IL LOCO," ARIA, "ABI EE THDORNI." Concluding with the , DEATH SCENE: CHORUS, - - - - - -APPROPRIATE SCENERY, COSTITMES, &a. , Rs - Mr. Wheatley takes pleaenre in announcing a brief en gagement with the dietinaniehed young Tragedienne, - MISS AVONIA SOM. her first appearance in Alnexlea eines her return framl California, Anetralia, and England, " pronounced to London "THE ACTREZS .831:ERICA. HAS SENT OS." She , will appear on MONDAY. EVENING, - November 9, ISE , E„ in one of her powerful imper.onatione no* WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. Lessee Mrs. M A. G. : • THIS (Friday) EVENING. Nev. 6 18E3. FAREWELL BENEFIT OF MR. EDDY. On which occasion he will appear in THREE SPECIALITIES. ' Inclndina the character of RAF FAELLE. THE P.3;PR08 , ..TE OF PARIS. TOM . CRINGLE. IN TIM CRINGLE'S LOG, ..AND LOON - EY MoT WOLTER. The IriAman. in the " Review." Box Office open from 10 to 4 o'clock. iittrAnquT.STREET THEATRE. r PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. Engagement of the Irminect An.rica, Actress. MISS MARY PROVOST. Whose profPasional career in EUROPE CAEL FORNIA. A UiTRALIA, Ana late engagen, ,,, t.. In all the nrincinal, cities of , THE UNITED STATES. Stands unp. eued anted and unequalled:in the annals or Hiatrionic A rt: MONDAY EVE , TING. Nov. 9tiL. TII S GREAT ARTISTS Will appear in her MFOchlesg fmpArsonatioa of NELL GWT.NNg, And will follow in a change of pl;7s and cbaracterß la which phe sten& pre eminent. Box Beek 1111 W neon MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW AROR STREW n'rrE.O.TRE—AROH Stre4 sthove 9ia - 413. BE . .EFIT OF E. L. DAVENPOW. -70-RIG T. fFriJav ) N.T. 6th, 166.4. THE BEIDAT, Malan tins. .tmintor.. Evadne... To conclude with-the Drama of TIIEREzE . Or The Orphan of Geneva. _,.• . _ . • rarwill T: W. Wa'flack - , Frniain E. L. Davenport. Therese. ' lira. Farren. Priers as nsual. NOTE. —Curtain Rises 74. cAsnco, CHESTNUT Strap* FRESH NOVELTIES! NEW ATTR aiITIONS! GREAT SUCCESS OF COMPANY t FIR;T WEER - OF AIDILE. GALLETTI AFT , MONS. TOPHOFF, the best Fro , cb DAIICPTS in the world. CONTINUED SUCCESS OF CHARLES E. COLLINS. THE ORIGINAL CURL and the Beet ^otnic Singer in the country. Thie week a Programme of unnenal magnitude. nriEdtv- TEMPLE OF - WONDERS-ASSEMEI:f 141211 DINGS. TENTH AND CIIRSTNUT BTFORIM. Ammement for Old and Young' Mirth and Happleeter open for the sealant. Conatant change of Entertairraeet_ SIGNOR BLITZ, . „ EVERY EVENING, commend= at 735 o'clock. %gra Wednesday and Saturday at 3. consisting of New let-w'r: trerles in Necromancy, great success in Vantrilootelve and the Learned Canary Birds. Admieeloa 25 cents; Children 16 saute. OTHERNEEL'S GREAT PICTURE, MARTYRs TN THE COLISRTIM. NOW EXATRITING AT THE ACADEMY OF FINS ARTS. GERM ANIA_ ORCH tiISTRA.-PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, 334 o'clock, P. M., at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. !Angle tickati. cents. 'Packages of EiX tickets.. 31. To be hoe at• ANDRE'S. 1104 CHESTNUT Street; J. E GOULIs, SEVENTH and. CHESTNUT. and at the Hall door. 0012-ass PENNSYLVA_NIA • ACADEMY OP -A- THE PINS ARTS, ' 1025 CRE3T27UT STREET OPEN DAILY (Sunday's areerded) from 9 A- X. tai 6 P. M. Ad rid.sion 26 cents. Children half price. WANTS. qA DDLE. TREE CO V ETIERS.—W ANT- Ea for wrrk i 4 Wasbinaton. two skilful Coverers of Cavalry Saddles; liberal wages paid. &only to. T T. S TAIDLEY, Major Cricornanding - Frankfort' Arsenal. WANTED-IN A DRY-GOODS JOB . PAT G 11013zE. an exp.rienced Entry Clerk. ta drees Industry. " office of The Press no 4 Bt4' WANTE D-BY A ATEROHANT. f • well acquainted with the New Yoilr and Boston Jobbing Trade, employment as Traveller. Salegman. or Book- keerer. Address" Math ier."This office no-l-wfmfit. • IVANTED.-A YOUNG MAN 17 OR I 19 Years of 27P: Good. Penman; best of refe rence required • to assist in k'epinr Books. and making himself menerally. neefnl An active, enererec naraon, Salary small the first year. iddrras BUSINESS, thit Office. na4-31* - Roy WANTED- TO SLEEP IN AND alt , nd a Jewelry Store. Address, with referonee. Box 10n, P. 0. n03.6t• W F ANTED —BY THE IsT O JA .. ITUARY. a Store suitable for the Jobbing Busi ness. Creation heinceen Arch and .1'1:Irks; on T. , ird or Fourth st . reed. or Second and Sixth, on Market. Address Boa 14C4 Post nEfice 810000 AN , ENE R GET IC - YOUNG -9 man with a cash cspital of ten thousand dollars, can join the advertiser in an established manu facturing. bnenese capable of great extension. This is a rare oprmiturity for making lIIMMIT, no the articles made are secured by patents, and are in incrirsing demand throughout the Addrp with real name, for 0171 P wsek, Metal," Philadely.:Ma.Po t Office. nos.thf=3t. $2,500, $5,000 TO IN 8 3,2 00 , in inaze. UTTUNS a IfONTGOMMRY. '035 BE AnFi . Street. above Mare]. ' IR 7 5 A MONTE! -I WANT TO EIRE) 11 Addr..p. a DI Alford- KsinP. oe`23-4Sargss SRO A MONTH! WE WAIr A GENTS at $6O a mouth, Rai - lama paid, to atat our EVERLASTING PENCILS. ORIENTAL BURN and thirteen otter articles. 16 Circulars free. SFIET ,- .S.; CLARE% Didrleford, Maine. aell-d&Wfas WANTED-BY THE FIRST OF . • tarnart , .. A. STORE. cm Mar Wt. street. INBtwreen Third d Sixth. Aeliiress 80:x.16W Philada P. A. no9-3t. A PHYSTOTAN - WTSFIES TO LET a A OU'E pleasantly 1(v-eta& reserving' an office. and c'haTuber with or 'without Board, Address "5 L. M.," Preßs office. uns2t* DEPU QUARTERMASTE R -•' .aIGI?Nr , RAL'S OPFT I . I E. -PFE;T. Fab VESSBLS G.rry tb.e follnui nit points : Tortatne. Rey West, Fla Pg s rt Monroe. Va. Alexandria. Vs. Newberrt, Tl'. C. Port Royal. S. C. A. Bon). Cantata awl Alga Onartentruuttat FOR SALE AND TO MET. gl2 FOR SALE-A VERY DESIRA bIe three-story RETCH DWELLING HOUSE, on the east side of HOViraRD Street. above York street. LetlS feet front, by 110 feet deep to Hope street. The House is in a superior condition. and well built. Will be sold oport reasonable terms. Immediate Possession can be given. Apply to LIIKENS Sc AMNTOOMERY. HP 5 BEACH Street, above Laurel no 3 lois Or to TillltY LUKENS upon the premises. BUILDING LOTS-CHESTNUT ST., West of Nineteenth street. SO by 178 feet For sale by HENRY B CHEW. No. SO4 South FOURTH Street. $2500. THIS AMOUNT TO LOAN on a. Mortgage or Orou° d Bent. Apply to - E. PETTIT. no 6 323 WALNUT Street. $2,000 3 O IE R NT I s ll. 2 lfi 2 or o tg o ; reForOCltrOnnd R esEt.STP.- & R H. WILLIAMSON, Conveyancers, ' B. W. corner ARCH and SEVENTH Streets. no4-3t* SUMMER-STREET - RESIDENCE FOR SALE. —The very desirable Residence No. 1616 Smut'Cr street will be sold by M . THOMAS & SONS. at the MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, on TUESDAY next, the 10th of N, vember. at 12 o'clock M. The .house is three s t or ms b nut. with two-story back buildings, vritit largo side and back yard. Lot 30 feet 7 inches by 131 feet, run ning through to Winter-street.' This is one of the most &Arable locations for residences in the city, the street being Yen , pleasant. and near Logan Square The 'premi se, may be examined daily from 11 to 12 A. no6.2tits iv - TO RENT-A VERY SUPERIOR 11,14 large risidenee. 50 feet front, situated at No. 21102 We.t DE L ARCY Place. Apply to ROBERT MAC GREGOR. It 419 WALNUT StrOek. D. MARCANT, PORTRAIT E• PAINTER, has removed to 919 LOCUST Street, where he will be glad to see his friends and those of the public who may be interested in his kineof art. ' me. me* it TRUSSES, BRA.QRS, - ; . &41., 1 sbilfully adiustel by C. H,' DIEHDLY4 - • corner of TWELFTH and. Ek6E- Streets.— Ladies' Department for mete s eord.noted ter. Ladies, TWELFTH Street. first door below Baca: The. Most i complete an s d n vart r t r roc s k u ig i ld e a r ndicone w letriga t ar o t d o uee, Elastic Sr ° o kinds, Cratoltea; Syrinies, Ar, tV:/** rittraerr. iiiek s Eoo34 4 ate; otKi-ain W Lenten fiVe Director. ..Bucineee Manager C 6573 Leanee and Dtroeter. —Baginess IffEt,anorof .J W. Warlock. E. L. Davoupmt Mrs.Farrert.