ikr2TALLt —The Iron market Cantina...a very firm.there being very little stook here to operate in. Sandi "ales o Anthracite are making at BCi9®39 for No. 1, 036 for. No. 2, and 103095 * ton for Pfc. 1 Rouen Pig is doarco at 411€1 , 12 Ti ton, Manufactured iron is 131 demand, and firmly held. C OPPB9'Ia 111111; email a ties of yellow metal are making at 29@11e 11 BexE -quercitron Is dull, and no sales have come tinder our notice. let No. Ile held at Es la t on . CANDLES —Tallow Candles are Arm at 1 ..015.14c* lb ; MO boxes city-made Adamantine sold of 19c* lb. COAL continues very active, anti.: shipum to are ma king from Port Richmond to the East to supply We'd i• 'eernmeut. The total receipt this year is about seven million seven hundred thousand 'tons. The- supply .13 mot up ro the demand, and prices are leeeking no CO —There is very lit le stock in first hande,and - the market is quiet. Small sales of Rio are reported at .31Q21c, Lagnayra at 24Q35e, COTTON. —There 18 very little doing, and the market Is dull, and prices 2@3c qt lb lower sales comprise about 100 bales, in lots, at 87 ® 88c 19 115 cash, for middlings :and good middlings, FlSH.—Mackerel are held firmly and in fair demand; gales from store are making at $l5 rogq6 Si 36 `bat far No. le ; tiMn for 2. and VV. 60* bbi for small and .large Id. A sale of ghore was made at as@9 and ;$5.75 for' the three numbers. ?Wiled are scarce and .aell at fri in it% -1Q5.50 bbl. Codfish are -higher..: and 100 qtlB turd at ' V. FtLigIIERS are scarce; good Western are quoted at :55@68s it. lb, cash.' BUTT.—ALL kinds of foreign continue very scarce :and blob. Orem/ apples are folder freely at 5,1Q3 60 'st 4ibl. Dried Apples are quoted at 5(.47c 501 I 1). Graeber 'rice ire selling at from 40 up to sta bit. Hul's are in demand at full rates. :tales of first eort :Eastern and Western are making at 26@11c 3.1 U, cash. LIMBER is in mood demand, and priced of all kinds tare well maintained. Southern Yellow Sap Boards tve selling at $22®23 Id, and White Pine do. at $2,5Q26 MOLASSES.—The market continues very quiet The •only_ wile we hear of is some ordinary New Orleans at , dilo t. and f.agar house Syrup at 4t l @isc %l, %all° a. 'NAVAL &PORES —All kinds are very carce. itosin ranges from $45@.18 1 10 .1 ar and titch ura without change: snrart anise of Spirits of Turpentine are making at IMik air# gallon. OlLS.—Fish Oils are in steady dems.ud, and hold 11rm3.7. - Lard 011 is worth .100@105c Lin.cod 011 is .selling freely at 411.. 4001.42 IFS gai_on Petroleum is dull and unsettled, and prices are lower; mall sales are Making at 2711g)2Rc for Crude; 45@1.60 for Refined in bond, and hfkOASc gallon for free, as to duality. RlCO,. — There is very little here; email salec of Ran. .Soon a re waking ai 72 , 0 7% 3i lh. SALT.—'lbe market is firm A aargo of Turks Island .sold on private terms; .3 1100 Inas of Liverpool has ar .rived to a. dealer. SEEDS,—Cloverfied is in demand, with small Sales at 17@7. to vp frt the. Timothy -is dull, with email ealee at 2.60@2 75 Id bn. Flaxseed is selling at $3.1003.10 bn. • - SPIRITS. —There is very little doing in Brandy or 'Gin. but prices are unchanged. N. B. 11am is seliin4' at :70@)72c. Whisky iese active; about 600 bbls sold at 61© 452 c, and Drudge at GEM 'lO gal ton. SUGAR. —There is very little doing, brit the market is firm; about 700 bhds Cuba have been sold at 12P12,340. and 210 boxes at 113.1 c, on time, and Yorto Moo at Lige TALLOW ia rather lower; sales of city rendurod are dolaking at 118(4/12c, and country at 10X0103.10 lb, cosh. TOBACCO. —Leaf and manufactnred ire firmly held. but the steels of the latter are very Penm , Ylvaa a rseed Leaf bee been sold at 12! up to 25c WOOL —There is wore activity to the market. and &les aro better, with sales of about 2150,000 tbs, at from 860 lb. the latter for choice clips ' he fcliowing are the receipts of Flour and Grata at this port to. day Wheat. .Corn, Vats. i4tenpr York BlLariketo. Nov. 3 ASHES e e quiet and firm at $3.25 for pots, and $9.50 for pearls. BREADSTUFF% —The market for State and Weatern :Flour is dull, and prices rule in favor of the buyer. The saloa are 8,800 bbls at $5.8005 75 for superfine State: 4.6 106.25 for extra State; $5. ret4)s. 80 for superfine ..lllicbiatie, Indiana. lowa, Ohio, etc.; $6.9007.35 tor extra do., including shipping 'brands of round. hoop Ohio at .87.20007.20. and trade brands do, at $7,2209,28. Southern Flour is quiet, and prices are nominally nunchanw-d : the sales are 750 bbls at $6 90007 60 for an pertlne Baltimore, and $7.60010 50 for extra do. Canadian Flour is dull and heavy, with sales of 500 -bbla at $0 15©6,30 for common, and $5 4.5@h3.80 for good to choice extras. Rye Flour is firm and in moderate demand at $5.500 .5.40 for the range of fine and superfine. Corn Meal is scarce and firm at previous rates. Wheat is firmer for. good parcels, with - a moderato -demand and limited supply. Common grades are dull. `The sales are 60.000 bush at $1.3101.36 for Coicago spring; $1.2101 66 far Milwaukee club; $1 39® 38,4 for. amber Milwaukee; 1 no' 44 for winter red . West . ern. and $1.45@1. 51 for amber atichigan. . Rye is Pearce and firm at 81.2001.25. Bailer is steady and more active; sales of 10,800 bus. :at $1.504 for Jefferson county, and $ for Canada West. Oats arc dull and heavy, at 80081 c for Canada, and 81 . 0 08 2 20 for Western and State Corn is less active, and prices have a drooping ten ,dency; sales 45,000 has, at 181.060 t OGX for prime Want drn mired, in store, and $1 09 ‘lllO .t. Paovistors.—The speculative demand has been re vived, and the prices are holy 25 cents higher, with a 'good business at the advance. =The s..des are 3.80 J obis :nt $l6. 873 t 017 for new mess, $l5. 50015. 76 for old mess. 413.4 for prated mess, $14016 SO for prime mess, and 75 for - prime. Beef doll, with small tialek at 108012 'or plain Irma and $l5Oll 50 for extra do Tierce Beef is quiet, and firm. Beef Hams are dull at $10018.50. Cat Meats are inactive, with sales of 85 pkgs at 606,1,1 f., r Shoulders, and 9010 for Hams. Lard is without decided change. and In moderate request; sales 1,800 bble and tierces at /1,W1131. • SPECIAL. NOTICES. CONIENTION.- DT TER BARD 01 , TOWER BALL To me all disputation Is a great abomination. And On no consideration r Would Ijoin in a dispute; •For all arguing is laborious, And too apt tO le uproarious, And a victory is not glorious If It yield no useful fruit. Tycho Brahe (it is related) Once with a friend debated; The dispute was animated, And (as the story goes) Mahe% opponent was defeated, And with rage and malice heated, Ere the contest was completed; He bit off Tycho's nose. To avoid all contention, I am careful not to mention AUT theme which in dissension And in snappishness might end; But rfear no disputation, When I make the observation, That the public's approbation Must on Tower Hall descend. Always on hand the largest and most complete assort tnent of Gen tlemen , s Ready-made Clothing in Philadel phia. - TOWER HAI,L, 518 MARKET Street, It • BENNETT & Co. WHO MINDS £COLD ?—IT SEEMS A SMALL affair, irod,iu consequence to usually allowed to have its gown way, end yet how frequently a neglected cold ends In gronotritis or Consuniption! Why not take a sold in time, then. and by using at once Dr. D. JAYNE'S EX PECTORANT, which for thirty years hasbeen a standard naafi for all Coughs 'and Colds, avoid these dreadful Aidternar yes WHAT IS MEANT BY BRONCHITIS Is an Wan maiden of the bronchia or passages which convey air.to the lunge. -In its sunset stages this dis ease is commonly called a cold, or a cold in the breast. It usually comes on with a little hoarseness, followed by a moderate cough, -with slight feelings of heat or sore ness about, the throat and chest, If not arrested, the cough becomes one of the most prominent symptoms, as well as the most painful and distressing; the infiatn niatlon increast s in, intensity until it finally interferes With the access of air to the lung cells; when the vital rowers soon give way. In most of the stages of this disease Dr. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT effects a speedy owe by producing a free and ,easy expectoration, sup preening the cough • and allaying the fever. A fair trial is all tlut is salted. CO.tEUMPTION AND ALL PULMONARY COM- PLAINTS Dr. JAYNE'S DXPECTORANT will afford immediate relief by removing the difficulty of breathing and causing .an easy expectoration, whereby- all irritating and. ob ntracting matters are removed from the lunge, Having ,inotintained its reputation, in all parts of the world, for over -a quarter of.a. century, It is confidently recom mended as the best remedy ever offered for the diseases t professes to cnre. Sold by Agents and Druggists ever's" - Awherri from whom may, also be obtained Dr. J'AYNE'S -SANATIVE PILLS, a prompt and effectual cure for costiveness, sick headache, and all bilious affections. The - EXPECTORANT is prepared only by Dr. D. ...JAYNE & SON, 242 CHESTNUT Street, no3-tuwegt DISEASE AND SCIENCE From time immemorial disease has preyed with impri rnity upon the human system, and revelled in ,the car image and destruction it has caused. Science, in the ...meantime, has not been idle. and contest after contest -has taken place'for the mastery, between those two mor e gal enemies,..until it has been reserved for this age to pro: -dace a Medical triumph, before:which the shadows of osicknese . disappear. Scientific skill, in the production of •VM. HOOFLAND'S BERMAN BITTERS, ,has reached its *highest altitude, and can now rest satisfied with the tri ..dmph it has attained. Mankind are subject to various kills and pains, and it is the task of these Bitters to erase all such disorders from the human frame. Liver COM. 'plaint, that bitter foe to happiness; Dyspepsia, that ene .lMY of all which is joyous; Nervons Debility, that tit gala which crushes out of the heart, all energy, and 'which causes ite victim to 'wish for death; and Fevers, Which rack the brain. and ,corch the brow, all, all yield to the magical and healing properties of this He Pins Ultra of Medical Science. It is of au entirely vegetable nature, containing not the ;east particle of Alcoholic stiuralent, and will not, there fore, as the generality of Bitters do, c tuse a taste for •opiritnoda liquors to arise In those who use them. No . aoldier should be without them, for they are a perfect .protection against all the diseases which are so preva lent in Camp Life. They are, in fact, THE BITTERS of the day, and the whole civilized world Is fall of their lame, tad the fiuits of their curative powers. Disease at last ban met its master, and flees at the approach of the conqueror. Come, them and be healed, all ye suffer lug children of mortality: the means are ready, the SOuntain is open, and relief is certain. Delay no longer. News. JONES & EVANS, 631 ARCH Street, Philadel phia, are the proprietors, and all orders addreeied to them will receive prompt attention. These Bitters can Alto be obtained at all I retests in the Union, PRICES —Large Bottles (holdir g double quantity) $1 It)er Bottlr, or half dozen for $5. Small size 71 cents per Bottle, or half dozen for $4. 0c7,4-12t ONF.,PRICZ CLOTHING ; OF THB LATIIBI OrTLEB. made in the Beet Manner, expressly for RE. VAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Brkes marked in 'lala figures. Ali Goode made to Order - warranted satisfy,. tory. Our Orral-aron BTEITEX is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. de12.1.y JONES as CO.. 604 MARH➢T Street. I...tEGRGE S PI TEC ANO K . & CO.'s rruro S I consider CEO. SPECK & Co. 'sPianos themostperieet instruments, all things considered, I ever saw. C. E. SARGENT. Tuner, 907 CHESTNUT St. This is to certify that I have performed on Geo. Steck dg Co.'s Pianos. at my Entertainments in Concert Hall, and take pleasure in saying I have never seen their equal in volume, touch, and brilliancy. CALIXA LAVELLE. FOR BALE BY J. E. GOULD. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT STS. 11111 0c24-swtf STEINWAY'S rffnt PIANOS. The fameof these instrummts has extended to ever" part of Europe. We And on the programme of the Phil iharmonic Concerts in Bremen and Brunswick a note atating that - the grand piano fortes used were " from the gniiaufactory of Messrs. STEINWAY dr . Eon, New York." We also see by a London paPer, - noticing the fact of XiVrisla Pars playing before the Prince and Princess of Wales during the bridal festivities, that "the piano taxed at the castle Was one of STEINWAY SC SONE% New York, which took the prize medal at the World's Fair." BLASIUS BROTHERS, NO. 1.006 CHESTNUT Street. ie26•ew tf DEAFNESS, EYE AND EAR, THROAT DIS IMES, CATARRH.—The above maladies treated HUI Obe utmost scums by Dr. VON MOSCHZISKEN. oculist and Amid, graduate ofVienna, °Hee, 10247 WALNUT Street, where can be examined hundreds of testimonials froze ghe very beet known men In the country, among which are several from old and reeponeible citizens of P,hlia• dolphin, who can be personally referred to. oc3l.ot•_ 'HAIR DYE I HAIR DYE! BATCHNLOR'S celebrated HAIR DTI is the Beat to Ole World. The only Harmleee True, and Rafae/4 ,Stye known. This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect—,hang„ , gs,,ed, Rusty, or Gray Hair, instantly to% Gloasy Maul or Natural/ Brown, without ininring the Hair or Stain. ling the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; isn parts •fresh vitality. frequently restoring its pristins Ardor. end seestitlei tho ill effects of Bed Dyes. Tht 001111111,43 is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR; ell others pre mere insitatiorm and should be avoided. Sold by Brugs - Ists. dtc. FACTORY. 81 BARCLAY Street. slaw York. liatchelor's NeW Ulla% Cream for Dressing hlia Bair. READ PITCHER'S ADVERTISMICNI, UNDER New Publical ions." it ASTHMA AND ALL BRONCHIAL AFFECTIONS cored by a new system Of ELECTRIC ITT, without hock or pain, by Dr. A. H. STEVENS. 1L416. SOUTH PENN SQUARE. oc3l-tf . . DA. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT OUBEB Rheum atiEm and never fail;3. MARRIED. SUESSEEOTT—TAY' the morning of the 3d iostant.lu the First Eef firmed Dutch Church. by I he Rev. J...Hoerard Suydam, Charles P. buesserott, to Sarah Sf. Taylor, all of this atty. DERBYSHIRE. —On the Fd inst.. Caroline Derbyshire. d tt alder of the late John Derbyshire Her lelativee and friends are reipectfully invited to attend her. funeral, from her late residence, near Chest nut Hill. en Sixth-day next the 6th 11181.. nt It o'clock A. M. lritei meet at Laurel Hill. OLENTWORT}I —On tie morning of the ad Ind., J. Lisle Glentworth, youngest son of the late George P. alsntworth. The relatives and Dienes of the family are respect - fay invited to attend the fnneral, from the residence of his brother, Theodora, No. 1019 Mount Vernm street. on Thursday afternoon, the bth inst . at 2 o'clock, without further notice. IRVING. —Sunday morning, Nov. lot, Jennie, wife of Washington Irving and daughter of P. Penn Gasket i. The relatives and friends of her family are invited to attend her funeral. at the residence of her father. this (Wednerilay) morning. at 10 o'clock. Chew York and Baltimore papers please copy. WOIIER.--Sudilsialv, on the morning of the 21 lest.. of heart disease, Henry tender, tu the 39th year of hie age. His friends and those of the faintly are invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No. 1231 North Tenth street, this (W A A es.neS.aY ) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. BENNETT.—On the morning of the 241 instant, Mra. Annali G. Bennett, relict of Captain Win. Benuett, in her 79th v ear. . CRS.VEN.—On the 3d inst., at the residence of her husband, Sarah wife of. Andrew Craven and second danxbier of Captain Isaac and Elizabeth Burkhart, of this city, in the 46,h year of her age. • B LACK DRESS -- GOODS.OASH mins. Velonr Reps, Tamises, 3-4 and 6-4 Mons salines, Merinoes, Henrietta Cloths or silk-warp Cash meres, Ottoman Poplins, Irish Poplins, Swahili and Bombazines. Alepines. corded Moussetines. Atte tralian Grapes, Baratheas, Turin Cloths. ?cremates. De LA tries. Grim tat Lustros. Alpacas and Mohair Lns tree, Reps Anglais, Mourning Stlk, Amara, Poult de Sole and Ores Grain Silks. • BRSSON & SON, ocM Mourning Store. No. 018 CHESTNUT Street. e l - OUVIN S CELEBRATED KID GLOVES, Ordered Colors, sizes 63 to 8 0c27 EYES Sr LAEDELL. PLACR MIXED TWO•FACED MOURNING LONG SHAWLS, On 72 inch by 141. 0c27 - EYRE St LAN DEL L. POPULAR COLORS MERIN OE S, REPS, and POPLINS. 0c27 EYRE LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH. 2,50 bble 10.700 ban. . 6.110 bw, 5.100 bus. PHILADELPHIA. SOCIETY FOR PROM' 'TING AG SICULTURE —lrovomber mea l)) at ROOM :i26 WALNUT Street, on THIS (Wednesday) MORNING. at it o'clock. it MTHE TWEti TY,SECOND ANNI VBR.SeIIY 01' THE MERCANTILE BENEFI CIAL ASSOCIATION will be celebrated oti FRIDAY EVENING, the l3th inetant. at 7,Y; o 'clock, at the MUSI CAL FLI ND - HALL. Ad 4resses will be delivered by R9V. N. A. DE WOLFE ROWE, D, D. and DANIEL DOUGH ERTY, Esq. The Orchestra will be under the direction of Mr. S. HASSLER Cards of admission may be had gratuitously by applying early at the Counting-House of the subgcriber, No. 36 North TRIED Street. _ WM. C. LUDWIG, President. HODICEOPATHIC HOSPITAL —THE "111. members of the :.LADIES' ASSOGIaTION, and otters who feet an interest in this inati.ution, are re que,ted to meet in the Lecture Room of the Iloinceopa thie College, on THURSDAY EVENING, 6th instant, at 8 o'clock. B. E. GLEN N, ns 4-2os Secretary Board of Mans gore. COLCHESTER, TEST MEDIUM • from NEW YORK, has taken Rooms 1043 VINE esreet. ksp ;Mg. Tipping, and Writing. Mediam has also the writing on the arm by spirits. At hbine all hours. TERMS, SI. ' 11* RE.BIS-1. STEAM-RA.3I APLA.N TA. The general de,ire to inspect this ship, and, when it, toe stream, her inaccessinility, canted the Union tio• lnnteer Refreshment Committee to procure Permission from the "United States Government- to exhibit her, fur the gratification of our citizens, and for the benefit of their fund. She is now moored at the first wharf below Warhington avenue, where the public are invited to call until farther notice (Sundays excepted), A bio graphical sketch of this specimen of ship-building, in cluding an account of her capture, can be procareit at the ticket office. - Admission, 26 cents. Children, 10 cents. no2-0t HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF THE CITY OF PICLA DELPHI A—.office Re moved from No. 42 North Fifth street to No. 507 NORTH Street. Open every afternoon from 2 to 6 o'clock. Donations of money, clothing. and Provisions, for the relies of the Poor of our city are earnestly solicited, and will be gratefully received, at the office, by the General Agent, Mr. JOHN P. ARRISON: no2•mwf3t R. K. HOEFLICH, Secretary. BANK OF COMMERCE.. -PHIL . DaLPBIa, Nov. 3, 1863. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Divi dend of FIVE PER CENT.. payable on demand, clear of Taxes. J. A. LEWIS. no 4 vvfm-6t Cashier. BANK OF PENN TOWNSHIP. PHILADELPHIA, 3, 1863. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of SIX PER - CENT. on the capital stock for the last six months, clear of the United States and State Taxes, pal able on demand. JAMES RUSSELL, m.4-NP fin.% Cashier. MP COMMONWEALTH BANK.— PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 3, 1863 The Board of Directors have this day declared a Divi derd of-FOUR FEB CENT. on the capital stock of this Bank. payable on deniind, clear of State and United States Tax. Hi C. YOUNG, no43t • Cashier. IMze CIORN EXCHANGE ' The Directors have this ` d r ity lw a r e P cia r itea a iS . lNe os3 d of FIVE PER CENT., clear of all Taxes. and pay l abl a demand. 3, W. Toyagye, on no4tf Cashier. COMMERCIAL BANK_ OF PEZIN SYLVANIA..—PIIILADELPHIA. Nov. 8, 1883. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Divi dend of FIVE PER CENT., clear of National and State Taxer, payable on demand. S. O. PALMER, nc4-10t Cashier. CONSOLIDATION BANK.. —pun. a,- DELPHI& flay. 8, 1863. The Directom have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., payable clear of Tax. on demand. nol-wfm-3t JOS. N. PEIRS Ca.hier. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK.—FMILADELPHIA, NOV. 3.1353. Tbe Directore have this day declared a Dividend of FINE PER CENT.. Payable on demand. nc4 6t IV. RUSHTON. IR., Cashier. G &RD BANK .-PHILADEL av PIIIA, 210 Y. 3,18E9 ' • "-""*.. The Diroctors have thie day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., out of the profits of the' last six months, payable on and after the 13th inst., free of all Taxes. Cno4•lOt7 W. L. SCHAFFER, Cashier. KENSINGTON BANK. —P I A - K. DhLPREA,. Nor 3, 183. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Divi dend of TEN PER CENT. for - the last six months on the capital of this Bank,- payable on demand, clear of State and United States Taxes. C. T. YERK no 4 St Cashier: DIECTIANICS' BANK.—PIEUELADEL- Pile, Nov. 1,1663. t a Board of Directors have this day dsclared a Divi dend of SIX PER CENT, on the business of the Bank for the last months; payable to the Stockholders on and after the 13th instant. J. WEIGAND. Jn no 4 9t Cashier. NUFACTURE RS' AN D CRANICS' BANK. —PHILA , DELPRIA, Nov. 3. 313. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend . of SIX PERCENT. for the past six months, payabteclear cf Tax, on Friday, the 13th instant no4wfmst M. W. WOODWARD Cashier. NK.-PHILA The Directors hare declared a Dividend of ETGHT PER CENT Im:sable on demand. F. P STEEL, no 4 61 Cashier. TH E PHILADELPHIA NovEmxsyc 3. 1353. 'T he Directors have declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. , payable clear of all Taxes on demand. ne4 B B. COMEGYS, Cashier. UNION BANK.—PAILAMELPIII.A, Nov. 0. 1863. At a meeting of the Board of Directors held this day, a Dividend of FIVE O'ER CENT., clear of State and United States Tax, was declared, payable on demand. nn4 wfmtno2o J. ]ROCKER. Cashier. WESTERN BANK; ---PIifILADEL PRIA, Nov: 8, 1863. The Directors of this Bank have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., clear of. National and State Taxes, payable on demand. 1.1 0 4•6 t G. -m Taouret &IL Cashier. BANK. OF THE NORTHERN' LIBERTIES. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 2. 1863. The Directors haye.this day declared a Dividend of SEVEN PER CENT. for thepast six months, payable char of tax, on FRIDAY next, the Bth instant. no3-6t.. , W. GUM SERE, Cashier. fr:32CORN IEXCEULNGE - BANK. .. PHILADELPHIA, Oct 12,1863. The annual election of DIRECTORS will be held at the Banking House on MONDAY, the 16th day of November nest. between the hours 01'10 A. M and 2P. M. ocl4-tnol6 _ J. W TORREY. Cashier. uOIIS3I.ONWEI}MTH. PHILADELPHIA, October 6, 1863. The annual election for Directors will be Ineld.at the BANKING HOUSE. on MONDAY, the sixteenth clay of November next, between the hours often A. Ai. and two P. M. ' HENRY C. YOUNG, Cashier. oc7.wfarmtstol6 • V3".FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANN, PHILADELPHIA, October 2, 1363. The annual election for Directors will be held at the Banking House on MONDAY, the 16th day of November next between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock P. 3f.: and. on TUESDAY, the third day of November next, a get oral meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House at 4 o'clock P M.. agreeably to charter. W. RUSHTObi, oc3-tnol6 Cashier. GIB ARD BANK, PHILADELPHIA, October Bth. 1883. Toe annual election for Directors, to serve for the ensuing year, will be held on MONDAY. the 16th day of November. between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2P. M. oco-fmwtNol6 W. L. SCHAFFER. Cashier. CarKENSINGTON BANK, PHELADEB pme,,October 3, 1663. An Election for Thirteen Directors, to serve the ensu ing year, will be bola at the Banking-house on MON DAY, 36th of November, 1863, bettveen the hours of 9 A. M. and 3P. M. C. T. YER}ISS, oc•mvi:ftnovl6 Cashier. MMANUFACTURERS' AND MECHA NICS' EiCilr, PHILADELPHIA, October 2, 1863. The Annual Election for Thirteen Directors will be held at the Banking House on MONDAY, the lEth day of November next, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. M. W. 'WOODWARD, ocs-mwtnole Cashier. SOUTHWARK BANK, PHILADELPHIA., October 6, 1888. The annual election for Directors will be held at the `BANKING HOUSE, on MONDAY, the sixteenth day of November next; between the hours of ten A. N. and two P. M. oc7.wfalmtaole E. P. STEEL. Cashier. UNION BAN*, PHILADELPHIA, October 3, 1863. The annual election for Directors will be held on MON DAY, November 16, between the hour,• 06 10 A. K. and 21'. M. J. J. HUCKEL, ocsnrwftNl6 Cashier. M.. WESTERN. BANK, OF PHILA DELPHIA. OCTOBER 3, 180. An Election for Directors, to eery° this Bank the en suing year, will be held at the Banking llonee, on MON DAY, the 16th day of November next, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M. ocs-mwftloN G. 21 TROUTMAN, Cashier. rrt - te.PENDI SYLVAN' RAILR:OAD COM PANY, T.SEASUILER'S DEPAACMSNT. PRITAMLPFITA, October 15, 1653. The Board of Directors have this day declared a:semi annual dividend of FIVE per cent. on the capital stock of the' Company, clear of National and State taxes, payable on and after November IS, 1683 Powers of attorney for collection of dividends can be had on application at the office of the Company, N o . 238 Sonth THIRD Street. net7-tdel THOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. MSURGBON-ARTIST'S OFFICE, FOR MUTILATED SOLDIERS.—SOLDIERS Who have lost an ARM or LEG in the service. and desire the Patent "PALMER Limbs" to be supplied by Govern ment, should return this notice immediately , to this of lice, .stating their lose by letter, with name. company, regiment, and residence. B. FRANK PALME L ft ,ocTZ-tf 7609 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. GET REDIER'S IVORYTYPES, AND you will be pleased with your choice. Likenesses of rare merit, exquisite coloring, natural style, and taste fully finished. at SECOND Street, above Green. VI, VERY ONE IS STRUCK. WITH •-•-• their accuracy, froahneBfl of coloring. and. natural style, when looking et REIMER'S superior portraits. life. re Photographs in all colora. SECOND Street, above Green. MINNFRAIIA_ RESTAURANT, NO, 4o . LIBRARY t o ---The above pining' Saloon will be open to-day. All the delicacies of the moon, and llret•claae wines and llenore. by no4-BP , A. LOWRSNCIE, Proprietor. wereD. MA.ROIIANT, PORTRAIT AINTE. has removed tO 919 LOCUST Street. he will be glad to see hie friends and thm ar t ' public Who uteT be telareeted, Inids Runt art, oe6-SElts DIMIZ7I. MILITARY NOTICES. VIbTAL NOTIGE.-L-HEADQUARTERS -A- PB.OVOnT MARSHAL, hBOOND DISTBIOT, PA.., No. 1)314 LOCUST Street. Philadelphia, October Slat, 11,63. grafted men from this District who have failed to re. port, also men whose time bas been extended for various reasons, are required to report at this °Sheen or oefore the dates hereinafter mentioned, or they will be peb lished as deserters, and subjeot to all the penalties pre scribed therefor.: • Vint ward; on or before November sth. 1863. seventh and iNglith wards. on or before Novembec 10th. 1863 Ninth and Tenth wards, on or before November 15th. DM. ' EDWIN Pa1,6113R, Provost Marshal and President of-Board. DULL, ; Commissioner of Board. W BIOME. no2-6t Burgeon of Board. PHILADELPHIA UNION ARTIL LEi (STARR'S DATTRItt, Co. L, 32D REAMER P. M.) —.A bustneee Meeting of the Company will be held on WEDNBt.DAY EVENING. Nor 4, 1863. at 'IY2 . o'clock. at the S. W. corner of TENTH cud FIL BERT. Streete. (fourth story.) All members at any time connected with the organization am particularly re auestfd to attend. an lonainebe of importance will be brought before the mooting. nob 2t* D. W. HOWARD, Secretary. FINANCIAL. 6 . 20 COUPONS, DOE Ist NOVEMBER. WANTED, ISLARE'ET RATE FOR GOLD 0c.27-iot DREXEL . 42 Co. 5-20. U• s• 5-20. The undersigned. as GeilBllll Sabscrthtion Agent, Is authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury to continue the sale of this popular Loan, and TEN. DAYS public notice will be given of discontinuance. ABOUT TWO HUNDRED MILLIONS remain unsold. and this amount is scarcely sufficient to furnish a basis for the circulation of the National Banking Associations now being formed in every part of the Country. But a short time must elapse before this loan is wholly ab sorbed, the demand from Europe, Germany especially, being quite active. As it is well known that the Secretary of, the Trea sury has ample and unfailing resources in the datiee on imports, internal revennea, and in the issue of interest bearing Legal Tender Treasury Notes, it is nearly cer tain that it will not be necessary for him fora long time to come to 188118 Ihrther permanent Loans. the interest and principal of which are payable in Gold. These considerations mast lead to the prompt concha sion that the time is not far distant when these Five- Twenties' . will sell at a handsome premium, as was the result with the." Seven-thirty" Loam when it was all sold, and could no longer be subscribed for at par. This 18 a SIX PER CENT. LOAN, the interest and principal being payable in coin, thus Yielding about EIGHT per cent. per annum at the present Premium on gold. It is called " Five-Twenty." from the fact that whilst the Bonds may run' for twenty yearn, yet the Govern ment has the right to pay them off in void at par, at any time after five years. • The interest is paid half yearly on the Ant days of No vember and Mar. Subscribers can have Coupon Bonds which are paya ble to bearer and issued for $60,..51001, 11000. and $l,OOO, or Registered Bonds of similar denominationn, and in addition $6,000 and $lO,OOO. These "Five-Twenties" cannot be taxed by States, cities, towns, or counties, and the Government tax on them is only one and a half per sent. on the' amount of income, when the income exceeds six hundred dol lars per annum. Income from all other investments, such as mortgages, railroad stocks. bonds, dm., mus pay from threeto ills per cent. tax on the income. Banks and Bankers throughout the country will con tinue tb dispose of the Bonds, and all orders by mall or otherwise properly attended to. The Treasury - Department having perfected arrange 'manta for the prompt delivery of Bonds. Subscribers will be enabled to receive them at the time of subscri bing, or at farthest in FOUR days. This arrangement will be gratifying tojparties who want the Bonds on pay ment of the money. and` will greatly Increase the sales• JAY: CCM:DYKE, SUBSCRIPTION AOHNT, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, 6.205. IST NOVEMBER 6.205. COUPONS WANTED. EARLY CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS WANTED. -- STERLING EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD BY DREkET, & CO., ocio-bn. 34 South THIRD Street, MICHAEL JACialiS, BANK.E.II, No. 40 South THIRD Street, PHLLADELPRIA. GOVERNMENT SECLTRITrES, SPECIE. AND lINCIIR RENT MONEY BOUGHT AND SOLD. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. _Particular attention paid to the Negotiation Time Paper. CITY WARRANTS BOUGHT. ocs-3m COLLECTION OF U. S. CERTIFI CATES OF INDEBTEDNESS.—The *ADAMS' EX PRESS COMPANY are now prepared to collect, at the Treasury Department, Washington, with despatch, and at reasonable rates, the One-Year Certificates of In debtedness of the United States now due or Short/7 maturing. Terms made kniMn and receipts given at the office. No. 320 CHESTNUT Street. my6-tf . NOTIOE.—NO TICE IS HEREBY A- • aiyErt that the CERTIFICATE No. 29,824, 200 Shares, issued tons by the New York Transfer Agency of the Philadelphia and Reading Raibond has been - LOST, and that application has been made for the sub stitution of a certificate in place thereof. A. G. HEIRINWAY & CO., ocO-80t No. 53 EXCHANGE Place. LEGAL. INTHE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of CHARLES HENRY FISHER. < Esq.._ deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court, to audit, settle, and adjust the first and Anal account of PETER C HOLLIS, acting Executor of CHARLE 3 HENRY FISHER, Seq., deceased , and to make distmb alien of the balance - in the bands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested. for the purposes of his appointment, on THURSDAY,' Decembet lOth. 1863, at 4 o'clock P. Dl,.at his office. No. - 131 South FIFTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. GEORGE W. CANARROF.. no4-ta fmst , • Auditor. ESTATE OF JOEL B. SMITH DE CEASED. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testamentary upon the Estate of JOEL B. SMITH, late of Philadel phia, deceased, have -been duly granted to the under signed. All persona indebted to the said Estate are re quested to make immediate paymen ; and those having claims against the same, to make them known without delay to NATHAN S. SMITH, 1321 North TWENTY-SECOND Street. S. c. SHALLOROSS. no-ilvat 724 North NINETEENTH St.. Executors. LOST AND FOUND. $3OO REWARD-LOST OR STOLEN, six 15-23 UNITED STATES BONDS, of $560 each, Coupons attached, dated Jane MI, 1863, numbers from 24,289 to 24,294. inclusive. All persons are cau tioned against receiving or negotiating said bonds. Three hundred dollars will be paid for their recovery by LE WM SONNEBOR6I. - • AMBER Street. above Wood, Kensington. PHILADELPHIA, July M 1863. pao-18t* EDUCATIONAL. VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY, NEAR MEDIA, PA.—Pupils received at any time. English, Mathemqiics, Classics. and Natural Sciences taught. Military Tactics, Book-keeping, and Civil En mineering taught. - Entire expenses about 33 per week. Boys of all ages taken. Refers to Wm. H. ECern, ex- Sheriff; .Tohn C. Capp & Co., No. 23 South Third street. and Thomas J. Clayton. Esq. Fifth and Prune streets. Address Rev. J. HARVEY 'BARTON; A. M., Village Green, Pa. 6 TENNENT SCHOOL" FOR BOYS, . HARTSVILLE, Bucks county, Pa. The next session will open on WEDNESDAY, Nov. 4, to continue five months. Reference may be made to Rev. Albert Barnes. se23-mw.Stftnol7 LONG, Principal. EEMAN ALLEN, A. M., FROM THE Coneervaterium of Nude, at Leipzig, TEACHER of the PIANO AND VIOLIN, No. -215 South SEVEN TEENTH Street. Circulars at G. Andre dr Co.'s. No. 1104 Chentnnt Arent. and at this office. 0e27-Im. IibtRYAITT. STRATTON, & CO.'S COM MERCIAL COLLEGE, S. - E. corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. • _ MODEL BUSINESS SCHOOL FOR THE MERCHANT AND BUSINESS MAN. . . .Extensive improvements have recently been made in the matter and method of instruction, combining Theory and Practice, by means Of Banks of Issue, Loan, and Discount, several Business Offices, and other facilities for carrying 'on Actual Business Practice. Attention is called to the unrivalled facilities of this School. Young men are trained practically, as well as theoretically, Ay naming% through first the Theoretical Department, then the Jobbing, Commission. Insurance? and Banking. Houses. 'They handle money, buy and sea Merchandise. compile original sets of Books, and make ‘. out all the Business Papers involved. Thus many of the mysteries of Double. Entry Bookkeeping are elucidated, and;the whole course rendered more attractive and. easier of comprehension. Business men and others are invited to call and examine our facilities for Commercial Instruction. 0c24-12t MRS. C. A. BURGIN'S SCHOOL FOR. YOUNG LADIES. No. 1037 WALNUT Street. A few Pupils can be received for the study of French and German. - ocl9-Im+ LENWO OD MATHEMATIOAL •--^ AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL - DELAWARE WATER GAP. The above institution will reopen on SECOND-DAY {Monday), the 22d of theNINTH 1 . 01XT.11 (Eoptember). For particulars apply to - SAL Amor, ees-2m Delaware Water Gap, Monroe county, Pa. $2 PER DOZEN. $2 CARTES DE VISITE Taken in the finest style at the above price. Large Photographs at low - rater , by • At his Grouna-FlooT U r Gall ß er N y, ER throughCHESNUT STREET. Entrance the Album Depiit. no3-5t5 CHILSON'S PATENT `,-," ELEVATED DOUBLE-OVEN . COO,TEING 11.A.N.GlES. This Range has afforded more eatisfaction than any yet offered to the public. WARM-AIR liNJRNACES. of the moot approved and economical patterns SUITED TO ALL MMUS OF BUILDINGS. ENAMELED SLATE MANTELS, A large variety of thePe lbeatitifal Mantels at VERY. LOW PRIORS. Low-down and Co mmon ARLON GRAM• for beatlng_Pailora._Chambera_, Offices. Ato , • i ADAPTED FOE HARD OR EOFT.COAE. Hot-air itaglotera and Ventilators i a large • assortment W A: ARNOLD, 90.070ane4gE , 1010 ORNITIVT TRE PREBS.--PRILADELPI lA,-WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4,1863. PHILADELPHIA. COMMISSION HOUSES. THE ATTENTION OF • THE TRADE IS . CALLED TO CYETP. STOCK OF SAXONY WOOLEN 00, all•wool Plain Flanne/s. TWILLED FLANNELS; Various makes, in Gray, Scarlet, and Dark Blue. PRINTED SHIRTING FLANNELS. PLAIN OPERA FLANNELS. • " "PREMIERE QUALITY, ,, Square and Long Shawls. WASHINGTON MILLS Long Shawls. BLACK COTTON WARP CLOTHS, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 oz. FANCY CIA.SSIIIIERES AND SATINEFTS. BALMORAL SKIRTS, all grades. BED BLANKETS, 10 4, 11.4, 12 4, 124. COTTON GOODS,, , DENI MS, TICKS, STRIPES, SHIRTINGS, &e., from various Mills. DE COURSEY, HAMILTON, ffic EVANS, 33 LETITIA Street. and ocell-fmulm • 32. South FRONT Street. CLOTHS! CLOTIISI WILLIAM T. tiNODGIIASS° C1.071E-I 10:01ETSIII. No, 34 SOUTH SECOND STREET. FRESH STOCK LADIES' CLOTHS 'AND MEN'S WEA.R. VELOURS, NEW STYLE COAT OH 1N OWILLAS INGS, FROt;TEDS, VELVET; FA.NOY MIXED, MOSooura. BEAVERS, ESQuiIIAMX, PILOTS, SCOTCH TWISTS, OAS TORS, &a. Our stock is full of the very choicest etyles in tne country.Wlfb. this lot we close our supply for the sea son. Com' promptly, as the best will soon be exhausted. TldE . ARMY AND NAVY continues to receive our special attention. We now have In store all shades and grades. - no2-tuo24 SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HIITOHIN ILI sow. No. 112 CHESTNUT STREET, COMMISSION MEROHANTS, FOR THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA—MADE GOODS. 0020-Bra NOTICE TO GRAIN DEALERS AND SHIPPERS. 20,000 UNION A, !SEAMLESS BAGS, All Linen. weight 20 ounces. The Beet and Cheapest Bag in the market ALB°, BURLAP BAGS, Of all Sizes, for Corn, Oats, Bone-dust, Coffee, ags., are manufactured and for sale, for net cash, by CHARLES H. GRIGG, Meat, No. 137 MARICiT Street (Second Story), Late of 219 Church alley, BAGS 1 BAGS I BAGS 1 NEW AND SECOND HAND, SEAMLESS, BURLAP, AWD,OCEWT BAGS. , Constantly on hand. JOHN T. BAILEY ilk 00-. to. 113 WORTH FRONT MART. WW- WOOL SACKS FOR SLR sn2o.ene PROPOSALS. SIS T ANT QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, PHILADELPRIA. November 3..1883. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until SATURDAY, 7th inst.. at 12 M., for the delivery at U. 8. A. Hosp 4 tal, Chestnut Hill, on or before 16th inst.. of the following articles: 33, MO feet 3d Common Boards; white pine. 22,000 ad Flooring,' 69.000 " Hem. Scantling, assorted. ]4, COD ' Felt Roofing on roof Complete. 4,590 " ?mint d Boards, white Pine. 12 Knob Locks. 50 pairs 3 inch Butt Hinges. gross I,i,f-inch Screws. 60 Sash Fastenings. 620 Lights of Sash--9 x 14 inches 14 kegs Nails, 7 kegs Bd. 7 kegs 10d. 40 pounds Wrought Nails, Specifications to be Material for GAB Fitting seen at this offise. • , Plumbing. MI Cylinder Stoves, 10-18 'aches: 28-10 Inches. Sam pler to be been at this office. Te right is reserved to reject all bids deemed to high. By order A. BOYD, nc4-41 Captain and A. Q. M. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER ALB;IcE PHILADELPHIA, 3d November. 1863. PROPOSALS will be received at this °face until MOND &Y. 9th irst., at 13 o'clock lit , for the delivery of ONE THOUSAND TABLETS, for Soldiers' Graves; to be made of Black Walnut. 4 feet long, 10 biome wide, l„V inches thick, when finished. To be delivered at such times, in. such quantities, and. at such !mints in this city as may be required The right is reserved to rejoin all bids deemed too high. A. BOYD. nc4.st Captain and A: Q pROPOSALS r FOR .HQRSES. " CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, DSPOTOF WASHINGTON, wAsuigarou, D. C., November% 1863. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this aloe until 'WEDNESDAY, the 11th day of November, at 12 o'clock 61., for furnishing the Government with (1,600) fifteen hnndred HORSES, of the following description, viz : • ARTILLERY. - - - - For Artillery, (1,100) fifteen hundred Horses, front (WO fifteen and one half to (16) sixteen hands high, between fire and eight years of age; of dark colors; free from all defects; well broken to harness; compactly built, and to weigh not lees than 1.100 pounds. PROPOSALS The full name and poet-office address of the bidder must appear in the proposal. If a bid is made in the name of a firm, the names of all the parties must appear, or the bid will be considered as the individual proposal of the party signing it." Proposals from disloyal parties will not be considered, and an oath of allegiance will be required from success frd bidders before signing contracts. ' - Proposals must be addressed to Brigadier General D. H. Bucker. Quartermaster,- United States Army, Wash ington, ID. C. , and should be pleb:ay marked " Pro- Posals for-Horses." Bonds equal in . amount to hall the sum to be received on the contrac', signed by the contractor and two respon sible securities. 'will be required of successful bidders. Bidders must be present iii person when the bids are opened.- Blanks for bonds can be procured upon application be ing reeds at this office, either personally, by letter, or by telegraph. INSPECTION, DELIVERY. Ate All horses contracted for under thieadvertisement will be subject to a rigid inspection, and those not conform ing to the specifications will be rejected: No Mares will bort ceived The Horses must be delivered ilk, this city within twenty-five days from the date of the contract. Payment to be made upon the completion of the con tract. or so £OOll thereafter as the Chief Quartermaster shall be in funds. These Horses will be awarded in lots of (250) two hun dred and fifty each, unless the. Chief Quartermaster should deem it for the interest of the Government to vary the;number. The Chief Quartermaster reserves to himself the right to reject any or all bids that he may deem'too high. D. H. RUCKER, no4-6t Brig. Gen. and Chief Qhartermaster. OFFICE COMMISSARY OF SUB SISTENCE. —PHILADELPHIA, November 3,1863 SEALED PROPOSALS are invited untill2 o'clock on SATURDAY, November 7th, 1853 for furnishing to the United States Subsistence Department, delivered in Phi ladelphia, the following subsistence stores,•vir 4,000 bbls first quality EXTRA FAMILY or EXTRA FLOUR, (which to be stated ). to be made from new winter wheat, and to have been ground within thirty days of date of this advertisement. Name of brands offered to be mentioned in the bid, and to be marked on samples To 1)3 packed in good, well - coopered barrels, head-lined on both heads, and to be delivered within ten days from date of award. 39,20,0 pounds first quality kiln-dried CORN MRAL, in 'well- coopered and headlined barrels, to be deli vered within twenty days from date of award. 60,000 pounds new WHITE BEANS, in welt- coopered, 'head-lined barrels. MOM pounds new, large-grained, .kiln-dried.HOMINY, in well- coopered, head-lined barrels, to be deli vered within the month of November. 4,000 gallons PURE VINEGAR, in welßcoopered oak barrels, each delivery to be accompanied with the certificate of a competent Chemist that the Vine gar is of strength requiring 28 grains of bi. carbo nate of soda to neutralize one fluid ounce. To be delivered walun twenty days from date of award. All bids are required in DUPLICATE, and bids for each article must be on separate sheets. Samples of all articles, marked with bidder's name, most accompany bide, but bids must not be enclosed in samples. Each bid must be accompanied by the writt; n guaran tee of two responsible parties,' for the' faithful perform ance of the agreement. 'Bids 'will include packages and delivery in this city, and any inferior packages will be considered sufficient cause for rejection of contents. Bidders are required to state the ehortest time in which the stores can be delivered, but, if necessary, contrac tors will he rsquir, d to hold their goods. without ex pense to the United States. until required for shipment. Bids not complying with tee terms of this advertise ment, or from parties who have fai,ed to fulfill a former agreement, will not be considered. Proposals to be endorsed "Proposals for Subsistence Stores." and directed to F: N. BUCK, no3-5t . Captain and C. S. VOL Service, P ROPOSALS FOR ARMY TRANS PORTATION. OFFICE OF TEE DEPOT QUARTERMASTER, FORT LEAVENWORTg, Kansas, October 28,1803 SEALED PROPOSALS will be received.' at this office until 12 o'clork M. on the lath day of December, 1863, for the transportation of military , supplies-during ehe years 1864 and 1865, on the following routes Route No, L From Forts Leavenworth, Laramie, and Riley, and other depots that may be established during the above years on the west bank, of the Missouri river, north of Fort Leavenworth, and south-of latitude 42 de grees north- to any posts or stations that are or may be established in the Territories of Nebraska, Dakotatt. Ida ho, and Ili ah, south of latitude 44 degrees north, and east of long,itude 114 degrees west and la the Territorylof Co lorado north of 40. degrees.north. - Bidders to state the rate per 100 pounds for 100 miles at which they will trans port-said okras in each of the months, from April to Sep tember, inclusive, of the years 1864 and 1866. Route No.`-2 From Forts Leavenworth and Riley. in the State of Kansas, and the town of Kansas, in the State of Missouri, to any posts.or stations that are or may be established in the State of Kansas, or in the Territory of Colorado, south of latitude 40° north, drawing sup plies from Fort Leavenwortholnd to Fort Union, N. M., or other de of that may be designated in that Territory, to Fort Garland, and to any other point or points on the route. Bidders to state the ratoperloo Is for 100 miles, at which they will transport said stores in each of the month.. from April to September, inclusive, of: the years 1864 and 1866. Route No. 3. From Fort Union, or such other depot as may be established in the Territory of New Mexico, .or to any poets or stations that are or may be established in that Territory. anddo. such poste or stations es may be designated in the Territory of Arizona and the State of Texas, wet t of longitude 106 0 west. Bidders to state the rates per 100 tbs. forlloo miles at - which they will transport said - stores. in each of the months from June to November, inclusive, of the years 1864 and 1E65. - • The weight to be traasported each year will notexceed 10,000 000 pounds on Eon e No. 1, 10.000.000 pounds on Route No. 2, and 6,000,000 pounds on Route No. 3. No additional per centege will be paid for the trans portation of bacon, hard-bread, pine lumber, shingles, or any'otber stores. • Bidders roust give-their names in fall, as well as their place of residence:: and each proposal must be accom panied by a bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars, signed by two or more responsible persons, guarantee ing that in case a contract is awarded for the reran men tioned in the proposal to the parties proposing, the con tract will be accepted and entered into, and good and sufficient security furnished - by said parties, in accord ance with the terms of this advertisement. The amount onion ds required will be as follows: On Route No. I. Satisfactory evidence of the loyalty and. solvency of each bidder and person offered as security will ,be re quired. Proposals must be endorsed. "Proposals for Army Transportation on Routes Nos. 1. 5, or .1" as the case may be, and none will be entertained anises they fatly comply, with all the requirements of this advertisement: Parties to whom awards are made mast be prepared to execute cent] acts at once, and to give the required bonds for the faithful performance of, the same. Contracts will be made subject to the approval of the Quartermaster General: but the right is reserved to reject anj or all bids that may be offered. Contractors must be in readiness for service by the first day.of April, IEB4. and they rtn be required. to have a place of business. or agencies, ,at or in the vicinity of -Ports Leavenworth and Union, and other depots that may be established, at which they may be communi cated with promptly and readily. , . L. Q. E &WON,. ocSl,st . . Major and Quartermaster. COLORADO TERRITORY.-WE ARE pepared' to uidertake the inyestiga'tion of titles to LAND AND MINING CLAIKS in Colorado TerritorY, and to furnish accurate and reliable information respect. lug the prospects and value of Mining- Aseoolations or Companies, already formed or in course of arganisatlon therein. We can also tarnish the names.of , responsible persons. who will undorlake to ask as agents for any Parties having intermit: lands, iu.the Territory: - 111DY'ARD & iIARL ' :Jr: Law and Collection 012ce, _oo3lnwaUt if , 439 CIIIISTNUT Street, Atha; B A.SRE r, RETAIL DRY GOODS FRENCH MERINOES. EDWIN HATA & CO.. 26 SOUTH SECOND STREET, HAVE NOW ARRANOFD FOR BALE The ioll i raTll. 6 ot l LVig i o c o r t m lli c r o c r h k os t f i d e a p t a t s l t i? w l e age Atte- LOTB. OF FRENCH. MERINOES, $l. 5 LOTS FRENCH MERINOES, $1.25. 3 LOTS SUPER Do. $1.50. These goods are °tiered in all the most beautiful stades, and purchasers may rost fissured that they ate THE BEST IN THE MARKET FOR THE MONEY The above, together with ther Large Stock on haul bought early in the 808,11011, makes our STOOK OF FEENCH MERINOES COMPLE rE, NOT SURPASSED BY ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THIS CITY. FOR SALE BY THE PIECE OR YARD Also, on hand, a fine Stook of SILK AND WOOL POPLINS, ALL-WOOL REPP POPLINS. CORDED MERINOES. PLAIN IRISH POPLINS PLAID IRISH POPLINS PLAID FRENCH POPLINS noCovem 3t FALL TRADE E. M. .NEEDLES, 1024 CHESTNUT STREET, Has just opened a large stock of New Goode, Compri ging all deeirable Novelties in his line, most of which having beenbonght when Gold was at a low premium he offers considerably below present market rates. LACES OF ALL KINDS. Coiffures, Barbee, Collars, Sleeves, Sets, Hdkfs., Veils. Capes, &c., loan varieties. WHITE GOODS. Jaoonets, Cambrics, Nainsooks, Malls, Swiss CSecks, and all descriptions of Plain and Fancy Styles. EMBROIDERIES. Collars, Seta. Eands, Florinslugs. Infants' Waists and Robes, Edgings and Insertings on Cambric, Swiss, and Linen; 200 different styles. HANDKERCHIEFS. .Plain. Hem-stitched, Embroidered. lieviered. Endued. Lace. Printed-bordered. &c.. Ste.. for Ladies, Gentle men, and Children, comprising every variety. including ir.any new styles not heretofore in the market. N. 13.—A. liberal discount to those who purchase to sell again. Mannfactarers of Ladies' and Children's Clothing are invited to examine my stock. n 02423 CLOAKS AND OLOA.KING CLOTHS COOPER & CONARD, NINTH AND MARKET. 3'. X XV C=a CP A IC fRA CLOAK CLOTHS MODERATE PRICES CLOAKS AND BONNETS, FOR MOURNING. M. & A. MYERS Sc,- CO., No. 926 CHESTNUT Street. Have just received an assortment of MOURNING CLOAKS. MANTILLAS AND SHAWLS, Together with a full aesortment of MOURNING BONNETS. oc3o-13t VDWIN HALL ' CO., 26 SOUTH SECOND Street, - would call the attention of pur chasers to their stock of Coioretia . n . d: Black Moire Antiques. - Colored and Black Corded Silks. Black Armures and Venitienne. Black I%lllam:rand White Silks. Fancy Silks, Brown Flirared Silks. Black Figured Silks, and Grosne Rhino. Garnet, Wine,. Green, and Brown Silks, White Corded Silks no4•tf' JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO., No. 721 CHESTNUT Street, Have just opened several lots of Merinos, in medium and superfine Qualities, which,. together with their fall lines of Merinos, Reps, Poplins, and other Staple Dress Goods, they offer at low prices. QT KS. • r•-; inacs SILKS. in all widths and qualities. COLORED TAFFETAS,. do. do. COLORED OTTOMANS mod kirsiußE RICH FIGURED and DO LE-FACEDSILKS. IRISH POPLINS and CAMEL'S-HAIR POPLINS For sale at low prices b o y AS. R. CAMPBELL, at CO., No. 72ir CHEST:WI Street SHAWLS. Open centre Broche Long and . Square Shawls, of superior quality and rich deeigne, together with a va riety of Black Thibet and Colored Woolen Shwa, for sale by SAS. R CAMPBELL & CO.- no3-St 727. CHESTNUT Street. CHEAP DRY GOODS, CARPETS, OIL Cl °TEES, AND WINDOW SHADES.—V. E. ARCHAMBAULT,N. E. corner ELEVENTH and-MAR SET Streets, will open THIS MORNING. from Auction, Ingrain Carpets, at 375, Mc, 625; 755, 87c. $l, and 81.25; Entry and. Stair Carpets, 25 to 57c; Three-ply Carpets, 81.60 t Reg and Hemp Carpets. 31, 37. 50. and 625; Stair Oil Cloths, 25c; Floor 011 Cletus, 45 to 765; Gilt Border ed Window Shades. 75c to $160; Baff -and Green Sha ding, 37 to 625 DRY GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. Sheeting and Shirting Muslins, 12% to 37c; Chintzes, 12 to 2ic ;De Laines, 28 and 31c; Plaid Dress. Goods, 31 to 50c; Poplins, 31 to 62c ; Paramettas and Alpacas. 31 to 75c; Blankets, $5 to $l3; Marseilles, Lancaster, Oriental, and Allendale Quilts, $1 75 to $10; Comfortables.s3; Cas simeres, 75c to $2; Coats' Spool Cotton, 7c; Skirt Braid, Sc; Pins, Sc; Hooks and Eyes. Sc ; Palm Soap, Sc; C ;ash, 1234 c; Napkins and Towels, 12 to 37e; Table Linens, Mt to $l. Flannels, 37 to 750. Wholesale and Retail Store, N. E. corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. oc2B widcmlm. -• MERINOES. T RENCH Desirable colors at the right prices. French Poplins, bought early—prices lo'. Cheap plaid and plain Poplins. 37% cent Magenta plaid Reps—a bargain. Black itlpacadat 31 to 76 cents. Just opened Auction lots at 44, 50, 62, and 75 cents. $l.OO double widths Lupins' Black wool Dating are very fine and heavy. COO PERI& CONARD; 0030 tf S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. VELVET BEAVERS.- Good Frosted Beavers at $2:25. - Extra fine Frosted Beavers. Ladies:•Cloak Cloths of every 'kind. Fancy Cassimeres for business snits. Water Proof Cloths, '412. 25 per yard. • Fine black Moths and Cassime , es. COOPER & CONARD,. oc3o-tf - S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET ARMY GIOODS. FROTHINGHAM ffi WELLS F=l HEAVYMEDIUM, AND LIGHT SHERTINGS AND SHIRTINGS. STAn:I_ARD DRILLS. HEAVY GARTON. FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CARIBRIOS AND SILECIAS. BROWN_,_ . BLEACHED, AND . CORSET JEANS. No. .-12 WORSTED YARN, dto." 8.319-if , FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY r.."17.A.NS 1-1.A.55A...17414, FERNISHERS, CM ARCH STREET. Banners, Regimental and Company Flags, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Peasants, Epaulettes, Hats, Caps, Canteens, Haversacks, Camp Cheats, Field Glasses, Spurs, Soyer's cele brated Camp and everytidng pertaining to the complete outfit of Army and Navy °Dicers. liberal discount allowed to the trade. oc2o-1m G W. SIMONS & BROTHER § .sANSOISI-STRBEe - HILL. PHILADELPHIA.. MAITUFAOTITRERS OF JEWELRY. FINE SWORDS, • IED MIX,ITABY GOODS IE EVERY VARIZTI• 5z.2.5. item E. FONTENEAU & C. SALLES, ph - Exca HAIR DRESSING and SHAVING SA.- LOON, 'No. 'I.OS-South ELEVENTH Street. (ttp stair& ) breach of 1027_0hestnut street. Vanufacturerft and Impertere of Wigs, Toupees, Pd rates, and Fangy Art4eloe. oe3o-rmwl,&‘ • GUNSI GUN S 11 GUNS I ! e WESTKEY ItlG'2 &ADS'. .WILLIAN SNBE, MOOR GRE He.E.BIS'. • PHILIP WILSOX Zic CO. FRENCIT VA FVFAT Ati - 0 Bria RI EIaSH TY. - GUNS 19F The beet assortment Lo select from to be Mama. in this country. soon • 2 PHILIP WItSOII kco. 'S. oon-lro., • - 409 CHKSTPOYFStreet. HI E :.:'PRESERVING BRANDY, PURE CIDER. AND WHITE WINE VINEGAR. , GS= GINGER.. 3111113TLED SIED. SPICIS. dsa., ALL TIM RH4VIFISTE9 POP. ra.zsmoUra ♦ND PICKLING PIIRPOSInt ALBERT, C. ROBERTS, Pins °roods% ritu-=! Coma BL•SYSUTB sad Devi* .13 MILLINERY GOODS have now on hand a complete assortment of new ones RIBBONS, BONNETS, VELVETS, BONNET-BILKS, MISSES' HATS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, LACES, AND MILLINERY GOODS GEMORALLY, to which we invite the attention of the trade, ocl-lm F ALL ' 1863. wO4O-13 725 CHESTNUT-STREET. HAWS now open A LARGE STOCK Or STRAW AND FELT GOODS, FRENCH FLOWERS, ' FEATHERS, RIBBONS, And a general meortment MILLINERY GOODS, To which they invite the attention of THE TRADE. sel7-12 H H•ST. RIBBON STORE, •; MG - 17 T 0. 107 N. EIGHTH STREET. We have received from the late New York and Philadelphia Auctions the following most desirable awl fashionable goods at very reasonable prices: Scarlet Bonnet Velvet, at 63 per yard. Do, do. do. Lyons width and quality, !4.6(1 per _yard LEATHER. COLORED VELVET, —Uncut Velvet. Cord ed Silk and Bonnet Silk. all of the moat beautiful shades. with Ribbons, Feathers and Flowers, to match. BLACK BONDET RIBBONS. —A splendid line, from 16 to 44 cents per yard. At the latter price we sell a very wide and heavy Ribbon. Extra heavy, all boiled Ribbons, narrow and wide, lower at retail than they can bob:night elsewhere by the Piece. BLACK, DRAB AND BROWN FELT HATS, from the manufacturers direct. All the new shapes for ladies' and children's wear, very cheap, . . A complete aseortment of Black. English Crapes, par chased before the late heavy advance in gold, from 65 cents a r and upwards. BONNET RIBBONS in endless variety. Velvet Rib bons: black and colored the best make imported, at a great redaction. Trimming Ribbons, every shade; and every other article used in making or trimming a bon net, of that can be found With ns at less than wholesale prices A liberal reduction made to wholesale buyers. Country orders promptly attended to. SICIIEL & WEYL oel4trioll No. 107 North EIGHTH Street. INMRS. M. A. KING HAS CON STANTLY on hand 'a beautiful assortment of . WINTER XILLINSEY. at 1026 011EaTSIIT Street. 0c29-Im'' Art MRS. R. DILLON, FANCY AND STRAW MILLINER, 323 SOUTH street, Phi rd lad elphia. Mourning Bonnetamade at the short. est notice; Bonnets dyed, cleaned, pressed, and altered to the latest styles. An assortment of Feathers, Flow ers, Ribbons, Cape, &c., always on hand. Orders from Country Milliners and others solicited and promptly at tended to. oc2l-Ims V FRENCH FLOWERS, 1863. FEATHERS; LACES, RIBBONS, & NEW-STYLE ETATS, JUST. OPENED AT THOS. KENNEDY & BRO.'S. No. 1319 CHESTNUT Street. below Eighth. 009-3 m W 0 0 L. In store, and daily arriving, consignments of Tnb and No. 6 to 80's. of Alia-clam makes A. B.—All numbers and desariptions 'nuanced m ones, ALEX. WHILLDIN cue SONS, anftl-mwStftf gRA ARRANDALE & Co., IMPORTERS OF (ad _ Will send followinglon receipt of price: SILVER COMPOSITE WATCH, for the Army, cylin der movements, Hunting Cases, Time Indicator in cen tre, t o save- rouble or opening case. Handsome and re liable, best and cheapest made. Sold in the army at s2s—sl2 60. SOLDIERS' OWN, Patent Lever, in sterling silver engraved-hunting cases. Jeweled, regulated, $14.60. SPLENDID GOLD COMPOSITE WATCH. Jeweled. either medium size for gentlemen, or small size for la dies, beautifully engraved cases. Very Elegant and Accurate, often sold for sso—sls GOLD COMPOSI Es; Patent Detached Lever, Jeweled in 13 actions, gold balance, Warranted a perfect Time keeper suitable, in size for, either- lady or gentleman. richly chased casee—a really splendid article, often sold for - $76—525. Small sized; beantifelly-finished Ladles' Lepine, fine 16-carat gold plate Watch, beautifully ornamented cases, usually sold at $60—527.50. Gents' or Officers' massive gold plate Watch, chro nometer balance, full ruby jeweled, detached patent lever, heavy. beautifully finished cases. -Warranted a Splendid Timekeeper. often sold for sloo—s36. ASTRONOMICAL WATCH! In massive gold plate. beautifully-engraved cases, jeweled in 15 actions, ;fold balance, and all the recent improvements. In addition to the sunk seconds. &c., peculiar to first-class Watches, it has a hand pointing with unfailing accuracy to the day of the month A magnificent article! the great est invention of the age! just imported by Arrandale & Co.—s4s Other ladies' and gentlemen's Watches and Chains in great variety. Send for circular fully describing above and other Watches. Agents wanted. A reduction made on wholesale orders. Money may be sent at our risk, if properly sealed. ARRANDALE & CO., 212 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, ocl9-mwf lm Wit 3 doors from Barnum's Mumum. ,•;1 6 1- G. RUSSELL, 22 NORTH SIXTH ' Street, hac net received a very har.dsome assort xcent of .FIRS SEAL RINGS. °e3l-3m inFINE WATCH REPAIRMG Wended to by the most experienced workmen, and every Watch warranted for one year. - G. RIISSRLL, 22 North SIXTH Street. SitiSMAL BOXES TN Sl-iELL AND ROSEWOOD OASES, ola - yina from 1 to 12 truces choice Opera and Amer]. St can Melodies. PARRBROTHER, Importers. set Cm 3%4, CHESTNUT Street. below Fourth. REMOVAL THE MANHATTAN LIFE INSUR &NOE COMPANY, Of. New York. having appointed JAMBS B. CARR Agent - for this City, have Removed their oitice to NO. 418 WALNUT STREET, Where applications for INSURANCE and RENEWALS on POLICIES must be made. The allot ted d ividend of 1863 will be adjusted on all Pclicied on which two or more annual - preminms have been paid, on the adjustment of the currant year's premium. The following items, interesting to the assured. show the great progress and prosperity of the Company since thelast triennial dividend The :income of the Company for the past three years hes been $1,400,000 00 The assets have increased 416,0:10 00 The losses paid to widows during three years past were 2EO 561 24 Dividends • have been made during the past three years 250.000 00 JAMBS B. CARR. Agent. Y. WEMPLE, Secretary. a 0c2.8-Imil AJVIF IN - SITRANt 4103 CHESTNUT &re( PHIL ADI FIRE AND.INLAI DINED! _ _ Francis N. Duck, Clias. Richardson, Hen Lewis, Jr., John. Everman, Philip S. Justice, 0. W. Davis, . F - - RAsicis N, B CHARLES RICH WILLIAM I. BLANCH. GEORGE W. WOOTTEN, klo. 3S South SECOND Street. and No• 29 STRAWBEgRY Street WAnsuousE- JAYNE Street, Philadelphia, WHOLESALE DEALEIt CARBON OILS, LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, &c, A fine lot of OIL }net received, Which I offer at the lowest market rates, having made m 7 contracts in the swing, before the advance. OILTIn. bond for export, CHIMNEYS in 4unatit7. at manufacturers' prices. Agent for Moore. Bros.. & Co.'s Patent Fruit Jare, &c. , , - oc2l-wfmlm TO SPORTSMEN PHILADELPIRA. Nounrectum:a of superior equal. if not superior, to any of.tho lellovring - makes. which we heep,constantly.on hand: Williaatogreener. Wsetley Richazda. Moore di Harris. end other makers. Also. Fowder. Shot. Watte,.Cap,&c. We shall be constantly aupplted. &Lenz the season, with evary variety or SKATES. C' gOT PIANO TIINLNG -Mr. C. SARGIIIiT'S orders for to ling and repairing Pianos are received at MASON & CO. 'e store,9.O7.CHESTMTPD.Stivet, may. Mr. 'S t has had eleven y ears' . feetorg exPermnoe luame top., andAve_yearsi employment in Philadelphia. SPECIAL. —FISDOS ?sleaze...red to sound as !ICA and sweet tonedas.new,. without removing Term! for Tuning...lSL • S., S , BRACES, &Q s skilfully adiusted by C. H, IMBUES. corner, of TWELFTH and RACE Streets.— Ladles Department for IMMO, sotkaueted br Ladies. TNITRLFTEL Street. first door below Bye". The most complete an.d varied stock on hand, conaistini part of Truases, Supporlera, Shoulder Maces, Bedbi, Bandages, Blast/c Steadily, Crutches, Syringes, Ar ticlee for Nnreer - r„ Sick Boom, &. seSQ!ans if DB. FINE, PRACTICAL DEN. "•"' LST for the last twenty yyars. 219 V 1,1411 Bt., below Third, inserts the most beattabil TEEM of the sta. mounted on lino Gold. Pintas,. Silver, Vulcanite, Corallte. Amber, ac.. at prices, for neat andenbstantial work, more reasonable than any Dentist in this. city oz Slate, Teeth plugged to last for life.: Artificial Testb repaired to snit, 1 , 10 Pain in extracting, All work war ranted to St. Reference, best families. jeat.esn. MS.. M. G. BROWN., METILPHYSI - AIL CPHYSICIAN, Professor Orl the Bye. Bar. and Throat. Permanent office, 410•ARCHStreet, Philadel phia, from - November 3.. Anacleto office, RD BOND Street, New York. Metsphreicel Discovery., price 05 Per box. Poor Richard's Ore Water, Scalp nav enator, ner bottle each. EXAMINE REIMER'S FINE STYLFa Colored Photographs; made for $l . only. For pique lag. natural likenesses. at popular mese, go to Claw y, SECOND Street. above Green. - lt* ' TOOTA.A.CRE CURED IN AN IN STANT, by FISCHER'S edit BRNY&A TOOTH. , ACHE DROPS. Price 19'eente per NOR°. ManufaC• trired' Bt biz. LABORATORY; TWENTY-THIRD 'aud LontußP streeke, rbiladdlata, and tits 0.19 by I:wag gle% deamaL Waage' MILLINERY GOODS. BROOKS & ROSENHEIM, 431 MARKET STREET YARNS. OLE? OF 1863 Medium and Fine, very light and clean. Fleece, from new clip WOOLEN. YAENB. 18 to 30 cats. Ace, on hand. COTTON , YARNS. hi Warp, Bundle, and Co* on orders 18 Nortb TRONT Street. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. WATCHES, NEW YORK, INSURANCE COMPANIES. E COMPANY, NO A, ELPRIA. HD INSIJRA_NCE. ITONS._ - - - B. D. Woodruff, Cleo. A. West, John Ressler, Jr„ Chas. Stokes, A. H. Rosenholm, .Toseph-D. - 1 CS. President. - ARDSOpT, Vice , President. • D. Secretary. ialfittlf PHILIP WILSON & 409 CHESTNUT-STREET. DOUBLE GUM THE YACIII7MAN'S PRIMER A manual for the amateur sailor and Itachtinan. Bp T. Robinson Warren Contsining hints upon seaman ship and sailing vessels; k Lamle methods for finding Latitudes and lon.dtudesc..teahnical terms; lights and lighthouses; log s'ates aucl . lines; reckonings, etc. To— gether with :nage:Atoms of yAriuMatiterest to racht men. A perfect little node mecum for the amateur Bailor. One neat l2mo. Price 00 cents. CAP.LETON. Publiot.o , „ t'w York. 413 BROADWAY. cor. no4-wfm-3t Lin oeon.r4 etraot irrr. CCU' TaIS OUT P HOTOGRAPH -gyp, ALBUMS! I 1 Album, Holding 12 Pict”rer, 25 c t s! ete !! ct4l , ! 21 cto. , I ! Albums Holding 24 Pictures! 80 eta! Su cts!! 80 Matt! 80 eta!!.! Albums folding 00 Pic'ures! le 00! .12.03!: 4.2.00!!! Albums tioldina CO Picturn,.! $3.00! CO!! V. 00! !! $3 0011 41 Albums Holdins 100 Picturest ✓3400! 44.00!! $400!!! $400!!!! Lees than WE ()LES ALE Priceo! Loos than MANDIea. :TOILERS' Prices! I Legg than A LIOTION Prices!!! Etrey Album WARRA r TED and sattnGtction to tho Purchaeer GUAF.A NTBDP. or MONEY' REFUNDED. LAhOEST r g•TO':;F, CIREATESI! ASSORT . ..4INT, and LOWEST PRTCES in the city!! At G. W. PIT :MEWS Photograph Album and C iricture Emporium, No. 808 S D:o. fii)4 t No. 808 Z No. 808 ft! r iO4-21 ESTNOT Street. above ETU 9Tri Street COLORED PHOTO GRAPH S.-- Colored Card Photographs. overl.ooo different styles and snbjeciet. at Pitcher's Album IMpf,t, nOS CH SST NUT Street. no4-3t MERRIVALE'S HISTORY OF THE AJA- momANs.—Vol. Let. No w ready. This valuable we , k to rminatea at tbe point where the narrative of Gibbon commences. and is therefore ladle pensable in every library. Orders received at the agency, 33 South SIXTH Street. Office of Appleton'e CYclocx no4-St 33 South SIXTH Street. NEW JUVENILE BOOKS. SHELDON & COMPANY, 335 BROADWAY, N. Y. WILE. PUBLISH THIS WEEK The following eh ni ck JUVENILE BOOKS: 1. PETER PARLEY'S OWN STORY. From the mrs,nal no Malys of the late Samuel G. - Goodrich (Peter. Parley). with six illustrations. 1 v dl6mo. Price $L This is a very captivating hook for Boys and Girls. and will be ice& ptable to "older heads." 2. STORIES OF OLD. By Caroline Hadley, OLD TESTAMENT SERIFS. TESTAMENT EBRIES. - 2 vole., 16mo, illustrated. Price of each 111. These two vommes ..mbrace the mmit remarkable bletorical events of the Bible, and are told in an attrac tive style. for children. 3. THE WARS OF TEE COLOSIES By Jacob Abbott.. Being volume 5 of Abbott's series of " American His tories." Profusely illustrated. 1 vol , 16mo. Price SS cents. This volume will be of especial interest at this time, 4. THE ISLE OF WIGHT. By Jacob Abbott. Being the fifth volume of the "Florence Stories." Bandsomely MusD:4Oct. 1 pol , 16mo. Price 75 cts. The Boston Traveller nays: "No writer of chil dren's books, not even the renowned 'Peter Parley,' has ever been en sum esful as Abbott." 6. WALTER IN JERUSALEM . . By D. C. Eddy, D. D., author of the " Percy Family" series Bping the second volume of Walter's Tour in the Fast." Beautifully illustrated from designs by E. J. WM, ney. l vol., 16mo. Price 66 tents. ie The Commereia lAd vertiver Pays : "Dr. Eddy is a most pleasing and instructive writer for the young." no - 2t A CONFLICT OF OPTIONS ABOUT TAE NSW BOOK, BROKEN COLUMNS 1 vol. 1.2m0.. price V M. The literary editor of The Independent, after glancing at the first twenty (2) pages of the book, throws it down. saying: Mr. Peter Bayne, the Scotch essayist and editor, and Prof A C. Kendrick, of Rochester, highly commend this novel, the former asserting that it . ' superior to Adam Bede.' These commendations are utterly incomprehen sible. Prof. Kendrick and Mr. Bayne have committed themselves very awkwardly. The book, as a novel, is stunningly bad. It has no good quality except good, in tentions, which are not much in a novel. " And yet, in a recent letter, Dr. Kendrick says: " I have again read Broken Columns since its publi cation, and I regard it as an abler and better book than when I fleet recommended it." The Troy Times says: ' One of the beat novels of the day. . . Its charac ters are sharply drawn, distinctly marked, and their parts are well sustained to the end. Tne moral taught by the story is that forgiveness, mercy. and kindness will raise fallen women and sinful men from the depths of misery and vice, and restore them to the ranks of the pure and the virtuous. The Meadville Republican. says : We have read it carefully, and pronounce it one of the beat stories that bas yet appea ed—intenaely interest ing, and elevating in its moral tone The name of the author is not given; but wherever introduced it will meet with a large sale. " HAVE YOU READ IT? PETER CARRADINE BY CAROLINE CHESEBRO. I vol. 12mo„ cloth. nu. . Miss Clesebro is one of the most popular female writers of this country. Although she has not fora long time appeared before the pnblie with a new book. this volume will be gladly welcomed by her host of old ad mirers. Harper's Magazine says of her: "We find in this volume unmistakable evidences of originality of mind, . . . a rare faculty of sel2inF, the multiform aspects of nature, and a still rarer power of giving them the form and hue of imagination without destroying their identity." The Buffalo. Commercial Advertiser says: "Miss Cheeebro has achieved a style and reputation peculiarly her own. not-mw2. THE LATEST SIP 1 114 : 6! AND BEST BOOKS. CENZO Or, Sunken Rocks. The fascinating new novel of Italy and Italian romanca just written by Rutlini, the author of "Doctor Antonio" and " " VINCE:MO iS im mensely praised by the English critics, who call it one of the most interesting fictions since "Les Miserables. " Published in octavo, paper covers. Price 75 cents. IL—THE OLD MERCHANTS OF NEW YORK CITY. A rew volume of - hese very interesting and gossipy sketches about the Merchant Princes And Nabobs of New York. Being a SECOND' StitrEs.. By Walter Barrett. Clerk. The thousand and one spicy items and anecdotes concerning the- " first-families," are putting "Fin svenoodledom" and the Codfish Aristocracy" in a blaze. One handsome cloth-bound volume. Price SL 50. lIL—VICTOR HILGO'S LIFE. By a Witness. A charming bit of biography, and as interesting and delightful tta a romance by the. great au thor himself. Every one is reading it. Sim, - cloth bound, price $1.25. In Press : HENAN'S LIFE OF JULEA translated from the French, and *.* THE CEIITHAL . , PARK, a magnificent volume of photographic pictures, ***These books are gold by all booksellers, and will be sent by mail, POSTAGE TREE, on receipt of price, by 0. W. 'CARLETON, Pnblisher, cel7-wstf New York. TEE OBSERVER. A SUNDAY NEWSPAPER,. WILL BE ISSUED FOR TILE FIRST TIME, ON SUNDA:Yi Nov. 8' 1863. • The Office, 311 WALNUT Street, is now open for the reception of advertisements. CARRIERS, by apedying immediately, can be provided with routes. NEWS AGENTS should call n3rly and specifylbe number of Papers they desire. Persons who wish to take the OBSERVER, can furnish their addresses to the offibe and paper will be promptly delivered bY the Carriers. There will be no subscription list except for parsons who do not reside in the city. n02 7 6.t* JUST PUBLISBED— ILLME&TIVE GATHERINGS PREACHERS_AkEt . ..7.EAM . HER:S A MANUAL OF ANECDOTES:EAOS, FIBURES, PROVERBS. QUOTATIONS, an. Adapted for Christian teaching. By Rev. G. S. Bowan. lA B. From the Third London Edition, EV pp., 12m0., 41.25. The title will at once explain its design. It embraces: 1. A collection of Scripture references. 2 A collection of illustratior s, combit ed and compressed with a view to brevity, applicability, and variety. 3. copious index. Reason, history, and experience aid witness to the power, value, and nee of illustrations. This ts one of the very best selections over offered to the public. The subjects are alphabetically arranged, and the Scripture references form, with the illustrative anecdotes, quotations, &c,,, one of the most valuable auxiliaries the speaker on re ligious subjects can have. Sent post-paid on receipt of retail price. For eale by booksellers generally. PERKINPINE & MOMS,- oc3l-5t 56 North FOURTH. Street. Philadelphia.. TS_ MLR V.EL'S NEW BOOKS. -a- MY FARR! OF BDGEWOOD. A Country Book. 1.2m0, cloth. $1.66. , DREAM LIFE. A Fable of the•Semons. l6mo. rocket editions, cloth: $1.25. REVERIES OF' A BACHELOR: or, a Book of the Heart.- 16mo. Pocket edition. cloth. $1.25.- - FAITH- GARTEEY'S GIRLHOOD. By the author of Boys at Chequasset. 12mo. cloth. $1.25. - GLIMPSE OF THE WORLD, By the author of Amv Herbert. 12mo. clnth. $1...5. - LIGHT. By Helen Mont 12mo, cloth 41.25. For sale by S & a.. MARTIEff. oc3l CMS CFIESTEUT Street. T ELLWOOD. ZELL & CO., -A- • Ny HOLES:ALB BOOKSELLBRS, STATIONERS; . And Manufacturers of Photograph Albums. Noe. 17 and 19 , Sonth, SIXTH Street, " Second. floor Goods for the Efoildaya Games, Puzzles, and Paper.; Dolls, the largest assortment in. the city. Colored and Plain Toy i3 , .01c5. Juvenile Boots, A. B C Cards and Blocks, Fcbool Hocks, and Stationery. All of which will be sold to dollars at low prices for cash. ocsi-ws2m TIPHOTO GRAPH ALBUMS IN EVERY -a- variety of style—rich Turkey morocco. autismi.brorY mountinge, ornamented edges. „ Bm. .holding from twelve to two hundresinhotograpti,, the fargest and beet assortment in the city. vrn,LIAIII W. HARDING, No. 3.26 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth,' oc3l-7t south side. lIPROTOGRAIPEE ALBUMS IN - EVERY -a- variety of style—richTnikey morocco, antique,tvory mountings, ornamented edges, are.. sco,, bolding from twelve to two hundredtphotographs, the largest and best assortment in.the city. • WILLIAM W. HARDING. No. 3%3: CHESTNUT St4.)telow Fourth. ocBl-7t* • south side. NEW BOOS— Just received-b 7 .L. 13, LIPPINCOTT' CO., 715 and 717 MARKET Street. ENGINEER AND, ARTILLERY WiPORTS of the Jl7ay of the Potoraao. BY General Barnard and Getaral Bary, THE JEWISH TABERNACLE ANA ITS FURNITITNE. By Rev. Riehard:Nowton. THE YANREE ROY FROM HOWL - PUBLIC LIFE OF CAPT. • .310EIN BROWN. ;Sy 3. Redpath. REJECTED WIFE. By . Mrs. Arm S. Stephens. TEN CHARTERS ON MARRIAGE. By Hayden, • : TOUSSAINT VOVERTITB3t. A Biography rat& Auto biography. FRUIT, BLOWER, AN THORN PIECBS,.from the Cern an.. Ey .3ean Paul Righter: 2 vole. NOTE ON THE REBEUINYASION OF PENNSYL TANTA. By. Prof. M. ZFa:ache. With a =a„p. ANNALS OF THE AP.."4 - T• OF THE CUMBERLAND; With. tunny Mlnstrations., - oc2B IFVENINSITLAR - .CAMPAIGN OF T 1 ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. Illustrated by an meroos Maps, Plans, , & c. BOILENE'S CATEMSM OF THE STEAM ENGINE. A New, Reaised, and Enlarged Edition- AOASSIE'S METHODS. OF 15TIJOY IN NATREAL _ A L.NRGE ASSORTMENT Of MEDICAL, sguarrinc. a- 4 d MISCELLANEOUS BOORS always outland, and for sale at LOW PRICES, by LINDSAY , & BLAHISTON, Pnbiiel:ars and Boot eeHe rs. oadS 7115 SOUTH. SIXTH Street. above Chest:trot •_- • - • oc."2.Bimlt lIAZAR,D'S BOOKSTORE. 9144. CHESTSITT STUMM Bti.'WGIPII Savantlo and. Rig Streeta,- aa Boas usually to ha haaLin a FIR - 6.T-CLASS .B:00•ICSTORE. Will alvrtkis be found on oar shelve!! AT THE LawE S T PRICES 2.13,6 n. A il dr m LFOß ALBANY AND TRO V. stemaner moLiasoa, Richman master. is Amur loitaing for the above gointe, and will -leave on TRIs DAT, o'clock P. X. Pm freight, which will ba taken on 'reasonable terms, apply to .• • FLA.NaGAII, ; SPECIAL NOTICE.- BARTELL'S ALL-GLASS FRUIT JARS., NEW CAPSULE FRUIT SA.RS AMERICAN'AND FRENCH GLASS 4 101ADits. BEAUTIFUL FERNERIES. BARTELL As - LUCHWORTII.- add -Wain • NU. 13 V44tt.BllTH inns. JUST PUBLISEIRD No. 304 South DBIAWANBI‘ve;nno, - ~..., --- AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. CARL ANSOMITZ, ADOLPH BIROPY.I.. ... GERMAN OPERA. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Nov, 4th, MOND SUBSCRIPTION NIGHT. DER PrtE-2-SOI-itTra, GRAND OPERA. BY 6. P.VOR WEBER. , AO ATHA . 11PHe FRIRDERIOTe ABM:ROHM (first aprnarance) M'lle CANES - ;A. MAX Herr 11A REFAVIANW. . CASPER Herr WEINRICH: Doors open at 7. Opera con mencea at 8 o'clack PRICE OF ADM - I'B9EOM ErCURED SEATS in PARQUET, PARQUET Gm- CLE, or BALCONY SI 30 FAMILY C. (No IRO tickets sold without Reserved Seat.) LE AMPBITBEATRE SFATS con be had at tba - ACADEMY OF MI:ISIC, Atm J. S. GOULD'S MUSIC STORE 6 E. Corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, n 04341 From FiN) A. M. to 3P. M. daily NEW CIIESTNErI',ST. Lessee and Manaeor wir. WM. WUEATLEL ot the engagement of LAST WEER' M'LLE VESTVALL who will 8111109Ri • ISIS (Wednesday) EVENING, Nov. 4th. IBM, in tbe new Musical Drams, entitled GAMER: OR THE JEW IS H MOTHER, MLLE. VESTVA/d. o kbIEA After which MILE VESTVALI APPEAR IN OPERA. inn Grind Er.ota from the Third Act of LUCRETIA BoßarA. and sing THE BRINDISI aided by 8 CRORIIS, APPROPRIATE SCENERY, COSTUMES, ite &a, Mr. mark Hassler. Musical Conductor On Friday Evening. BENEFIT OF EI'LLE VE4TVALL Idr. Wheatley takes pleasure in am:Lemming a brief ea• - gagement with the distinguished young Tragtdienna. MISS AVON lA. RVES. her first appearance in America since her return from California, Australia, and England, pronounced La London "THE BEST ACTRESS AMERICA. HAS BEET II3." She will appear on 1116 E DAY EVENING, November 9, IRK in one of her PO werfcl impertomatioeq, MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW A.ROR. STREET THEATRE—ARCH. Street, above Etztla. THIRD ADD LAST WEEK OF E. L. DAVENPORT, X. W. WALLACE, and MRS. FARREN. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING. Nov. 4th, IBM. JULIUS UR AAR. Brutus ....E. L. Davenpon. S W. Wan:sett., Portia Parma. • FR ID A Y—E. L. DAVENPORT'S BENEFIT. Tickets 2-5, 50, and 72 cents. No extra charge far re carved Peals. To commence at 73b o'clock. ne4 WALNUT-STREET TiIhATRE. " Letssef , Mvn. M A..IIARRETP94II4. THE GREAT TRIUSIPH OF THE SEASON? THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, Nov. 4. 1863. THE. POLICE SPY will be repeated, with _ MR. E. EDDY in hip popular reprmentation of THE e.PY THE POLICE. Posit'vely the Leet Eight hat Three of his Engagement To conclude with toe beautiful Detn,etic Drama of THE ADOPTED CHILD. nob • F OX'S CASINO, CHESTNUT ktreet FRESH NO'TELTIEg! NEW AITRVITIONSI GREAT SUCCESS OF COMPANY 'FIRST WEEK OF MDLLE. GALLETTI ADD MONS. TOPHOFF, the best Fre, ch Dancers in the world. CONTINUED SUCCESS OF CHARLES E. CO THE THEORIGINALG CURL end the Beet Comic Sing( r in the country. This week a Programme of unusual magnitude. nt,244. I'EMPLE OF WONDERS—ASSEMB2,I BUILDINGS. TENTH AND CHESTNUT STUMP. Amusement for Old and Young. Mirth and HarAnd4 open for the season. Constant change of EntertalnuttrA. SIGNOR BLITZ, EVERY EVENING, commencing at 7% . o'clock. sni Wednesday ani Saturday at 3, consisting of New Itio tertee in 'Necromancy, great success In Ventriloquism. and the Learned Canary Birds. Admission 25 cents; Children 15 cents. INSTITUTION FOR THE 13LIND.--- IXHIBITTON EVERY' WEDNESDAY. st 33 , .' P. M. Admtreion TFN CENTS. Store No. At South EIGHTH Street. ," ROTHERMEL'S GREAT PICTURE, MARTYRS IN 'MR COLISZDIT, NOW EXPT'TTTNI A.T TAB ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. CIERNI ANTA ORCHESTRA._. PUBILRY "--n REHEARSALS every SATURDAY. TL 4 l'. o'clock., V M., at the MUSICAL YIIITO HALL. Single tiekeva: 25 cents. Packagee nix tickots. 441. To be he 4. ANDRE'S, 11.04- CHESTNUT Street; J. E GOLTIjk. SEVENTH . and CHER NUT, and at the Hall door. ' PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY 05' TEE PINE ARTS. 1025 CHESTNUT STREET. OPEN MAILT (Sundays excepted) from 51 6 P. M. Adridpsion 26 cents. Children half Price. ;elt-'1 WANTS. WAN - TED-MT F.A. DRY-GOODS JOB BID G HOUSE. an experienced Entry Clerk. lui dreve ' Industry." office of The Press no 4 WANTE D-BY A MERCHANT. well acquainted with the New. York and Boston Jobbing 'Trade. employment as Traveller. Salesman. or Book-keeper. Address " Clothier," this office nol=wfmSt• WANTED.-A YOUNG MAN 17 - OR 39 Years of age: , Good Penman; best of refe rence required: to assist in keeping Books, ands making himself generally useful An active, energetiC person. Ba.lary small the first year. Address BffBINI4SS. this Office_ no-1-3t* A GENTLENIA-N OP EXTENSIVE bnsiness acquaintance through all the West, and who bas teen for many years in the Produce business. is about to travel throntb that country; and would ac• cent a situation to solicit' consignments of all kinds of Prrdure—Flour Seeds Bacon, Whisky, &c•, or wonhi collect bills, or introduce trade from this city tor respon sible horses. For an interview, address "Confidence," this office. It. Boy WANTED- TO SLEEP'IN AND altrnd a Jewelry Store. Address. with reference. Box 1016. P. 0. - no3.6t* WANTEDA YOUNG AN, ABOUT 38 Tears of age, to assist in a Store. Addrest. in own landwriting. wig h references, Box 2785 Post Office. n03.2t. WANTED—BY IsT OF JANUARY , nest. a STORE, on south side of Chestnut etreet, between Eighth and Tenth, or on Eighth street, between Market and Arch streets. Direct Box. 200, Philadelphia. P. 0. no3-3r. RAPID - AND CORRECT kC COUNTANT, who has had seven years' experience in first.elass houses, desires a SITUATION as antry Clerk or Assistant Book keeper. Address G. B. WEST, 143 North TEUMEENTII Street no3-2t* WANTED -BY THE' IST OF J'A hilicAßY, a Store suitable for the Jobbing Baal ness. Creation between rch and Market on T, ird or Fourth street, or Second and Sixth, on lia,rket. Address Box 1404 Post s face n02.6t. 83200- $2,500, SS,OOO'T©`ENT-VEST 9 9 in Mortzage. LUKENS & MONTGOMERY,. '035 BEICH Strset. above Laurel. A 8.7 5 Agents ° ' 1-L; Pi every county a ' t m T o ° nth .a expen ses paid, to sell my now cheap Family Sewing Machines. Address. S. MAPISON, Alford. Marne. 0c23-7amslint S6O A AG-RismsMa:?N6O a T m H oiL L . WE WANT our EVERLASTING PENCILS; OItIVIILVI c k to t . and thirteen other articlee. laCirenlni ra free. SRAM & CLARK, Biddeford., Maine. mall-d&WS= DEPuTY • QUARTEIi;3iI STE 3 GENERAL'S OFFICE, —PErtnADRVPICTAz Feb. it 1863. VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry COAL, :- the following Points Tortugas. Key•Weet,.Fla. Fort Monroe, Va. Alexandria, Va., Newborn. N: ' Port Royal, 8.0. A. BOYD, Captain and Assist. Quartermastio, !FOR SALE AND TO LET. el FOR SALE-AA v.E - Wic - DFSTRA bIe BRICK DWBBLING.HOUSH, on the cart silt. of HOWARD Street. above York street. Lot IS feet front by 110 feet deep to Hope-street.. The Home is in a superior donditi In, and well bailt. Will be'sold upon reasonable terms. Immediate possession can be even. .&poly to LUKENS 4: MONTGOMERY 10:4 5 rBRA,CH Street,- above Lsatrel rtoS 1a. 3 Or to MARY LUKENS` - upon the premises COAL YARD FORS-ApTIE:--THat: BEST fitted-np Yard iu- the city; capacity for tieing any amount of loisineta. InQuire 'on the premises, M . o. 957 North NINTH Streta below Girard avenue. 0c31.-6t* 11": R TERN DESNIABLE BUlLlolige BOTTS on-the north 'aide of GIRARD Avenue, east of. Eigbteentil street 164 feet dean, two 'fronts. LUSEIIE Sp MONTGOMERY.. Convoyancara, 1035 ERICH Stret. above Laurel. ° RENT—TWO , STALLS:IN A CLUB STABLV, situated in 3fark's lane, be'Fireen Eleventh.. and Twelitl,.. at No. 303 Nmtb. SEVEN nit street, or 14. 1026 / WIN Eltr.et_ n OAP' eFOR SALE—DESIRABLE is.ESI .I.I,DENQs.. No 314: South TENTS Street; a new mo dern imprared , Residence. THIRTEENTH Street, below Walnut. I) ands , mely.improved , Germantown Resi dence, mlth stable, - carnage-house. and having alilthe modern aonveniences, containing, If:V• acres of grosend. near Cburch-laneStatiOn. also. Germantown amStWest •Philadanhia properties, moderately and extenFd ral3.lm proved, Call :It anti examine Register of Citw Pro perties.- TETTiV; no , t,ef 3f,16 WALETT"Street. lib PRIVATE - SAL - ITALIZBLE -.14-VASId, af-near 27-acres ofr fScallent laud, well lo catid; a goo.l. we:l and spring of good water- on the same: abooto ten milfa. from, the city; 'within a few minutes' -soak of White-13a11 , Station. On 'Pennsylvania 3ailroed. Apply at No, 2d,Borth BRO4D-St. no 4 6t. sib ItFIGHI.F TaPRO VED @HESTER +.a-CCO" NTY RAMC 243;aores, - near e.railroad station. nn Pennsylvania 'Railroad, Small F acres: in Ruchr. °minty nesarailroad depot. 6sll and examine, Register of. 7.4 PRTAT, no4tf /10 PITEL/C - SALE GAP . BEAL Peasuance of tke last will and testament cf JOHN PHIPPS. decenaed, will be sold by the snlstribers. exeoutors of said deceased, on TLlSS visy, November 10th, ISO, all that mesenage, planta tion, and tract of land. situaUt in Hamblen, Chester county, containing about 190 acres, mere or lees. The improv.ementsgonsist of a we'l,built bre-story dwelling house, 50 by 30 feat ; a neven• faille.; spring, over which is a stone home: a stone barn, by 45 feet: wagon hops& tenant bonee, and, other - buildings; Leonia and near crab Ards. each embrigimyr good es , lect;on of fruit. About ea acres of the a'Aave tract is covered with good timber, 'v.-bile the arabl*huadiswell fenced, under good cultivation, and yell. watemd. From tevestigationa inside'; there are indicaSioes.of. a large deposit of Iron ere nu the nremiser. Tha, situation of this property is very `desirable: being on the, - public Toad ,leading from. West Chester to the Chester or Yvilow Springs. 7milea from the - former and 3 from tho latter, within 3 miles of the turnpike station on the Chester-valley Railroad, and 3 1 ; of Whitelend S::atitm on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad. S , l , ....tweotrunence at 3 o'clock P. on the premises, whoa conditions will be made known by SARAH A. PHIPPS, CLAYTON PHIPPS, }Rxeoutors. OEO. W. MILLER, $2 Opaloß $2,2()0; ,FOR INVEST MENT in Alortgare or Ground Rent. P. n. E. id 'WILLIAMSON, Conveyanoers, S. W. corner and SEVENTH Streets. not-3t` STEAMBOAT FOR SAE L. —A side-wheel Steamboat, 110 feet long, beam .engine, 00 inch cylinder, 6 feet stroke, low pres 'tire; All new InlSei ready for immediate use Sold' to =close a concern. Efv,vEY MALIAN, - no 2 St 169 TENTH Avenue. Si% S KINGSTON McK AY, CON VE y. • ANGER. has removed his office from No. 427 to No. 431 Wia k N'tfT Street. 31,3-Se PA PER BA. t 3 S, it;LL SIZES, ON baDd t 9 gibs:ict. 9 licAl t FXOCE WAIL YJS 9t.'" 1,46 9►:d Director. ..BesineM Kan Wit . CM . 25 tab,