The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, November 02, 1863, Image 3
ham 'Neitee, Oet. 31. EA. Philadelphia Rxshiniri. BOARD lee d Penna. 26X 62 Parma - R 2 3000 Non& Penns 6 4... 1049fiN 10000 Phila & &lees ' N 1 00 do 00 Reading R.i—e3o 03 1 1; E 6 100 do cash. et', 400 do 633 i €OO 'do &Saint. 6314 200 -, do cash. 71T: `2OO do . so arc: e 3 Conrolidatina Bk. 04ii 21 Keninekv Bank • 90 'Root. & R .•• • 2314 700 718 7-00 Tr 77 Buri.loos 100 Schnyl Nair .s6O. 174 2(00 Real ag 0 , 7'8 5 120 4)00 .'B6 127 060Phila & Brie R h 6. 31 1 4 ]CO do b 30.317 10 Ai oh R 263; • rhillidik Stock EXO Ailanortod by 1. I. Sr ayttax • FIRST t 60 Cattiwtaaa R Pl ef.. 32X, MOO do b3O. .1.100 •do 22 100 do blO. 22 60 d o bBOwn •2 2 :300 do 100 do 830. 31 31 .300 do bBO. 32.3 . 4 100 Sob' Navyf b6kint. 39 60 do.. • Prof 34,1.6 760 do.• .. Prof 84, 100 d 0.... Prof oa.ah 893 i '.9000 Ca in Arob 60'70.108 2000 roans 68 100 •2000 do b5wn..10)0 1.1600 do.. • . ... 2dys.loo 6fo City Os V • . Vow... • • .10834 20 UniOn Canal.. .... . 2 26 Delaware Div 40 6011 Penna R... cash. 267 i 1 10 000 do 2615 BETWEEN ICO Seltuil Nay.. .s 6O . 18 2000 Cam 61 Amb 6s ' 0.1(43 SECOND 660 6clinyl Nay prof... 0444 99 Mir °bill R 63 -• 260 Snot' Cana1....b30. 17 'IOOSchnyI Nay 1334 19i; • 400 do 183 ' 100 Reading 3dys. 300 do s6O. 68711 00 do 6Th 3600 City 0 6s Old 0a5....1C0l 10314 O • 1 Penna R 26.36 AFTRR .7D13 Sob ay 1 Nav 3441 .300 d o CL f.. 651 b NI3 PII 6. 343 Bid. ,441c.d -0 11 Its I St 1101103.. f.: II 57-MR0103.-107 I.o”i' •Do nom 1118 X 109 Irenna tis 100 100 " 8 43 Do d In if o n y it1 1 :13 ' .1 6 09 8 - .;%1 1 4 12 3.4 Do bds '70..106 Do 9'86 c0nv.1263; 197 -;Tenn9 R• 72 72.34 . Do, Ist m DI 112 ' 25 m 1i5.10619* 107 SchaTl R.. 517 i 64 ([orris 11'1 consol - 71. Do pr 6 -1 136 140: Do 9d mtg.. 13ob nyl 1911 3031 Do oyfd 14( 1444 Do 6. 82 93 R 37 09 Do red..., 64 65 Do 75 71 1101-I 111 Do .I.os ...... • • ' - 'll Wand 1t........47 Do bd5....... Lehigh NRv Os • • • Do slams •Do scrip . u "' S. S. 'll Penns. 2Fg 2E% Do ...... qf'h'' • Do 100 ••.•••123 126 Arch.street R... 33 .4* 28N Thirteenth-st R. RtS . . . SorentPeatli R 74;4 4 1.2„: Girard Collqwe R 173 i 27 Tentb•Arant R... 43 .. Philadelphia'Markets._ Oaroain-3i.Even.lng " The 'Firer nrarket is quiet, bat prices remain about the same as last quoted ; sales comprise about 1.500 bbls •common family at $6.75, and about 600 bble good do, at 46.60 for old stook, and $7134.25 Ii bid for fresh ground do. The retailers and bakers are baying at from $5 37, 1 4 '0)5,76 fur superfine, s6@6 IP for extra. $6 $154.60 for extra family, ands46g l 9 — f bbl for fancy brands, as to • qnality. . • Bye Flour is selling inn small way $6 `ft bbl. %WM There is very little doing dn'Corn Brandywine g.held at $5l; bbl. GRAIN - .—There is .iwgood'demand for Wheat. About '9,000 bus have been sold at 1.47@150e for fair to good red, and pritr sdo at 150(P/1566 'f bn. White is selling at from. 1750200, bn, the latter for mime Kentarkv. tcye is selllog in a small way. at 170 c bn. Corn in held tirm , y. About 4,700 bus Western mixed and ..ellow sold at 106* bu. . Oats are in request. Email sales are making at 130 r, weight. BAR/C.—Tere le little or nothing doing in Quercitron ; Ist No.l is dell at $:8"f ton. COTTON. —Holders sre very firm in their views. but there lb venylittle doing. Middlings are crootea at 89@i)0c 1,1 lb cash. GROOT , RlN6:—Sugar and Coffee are firm, but vsry quiet at former rates. The following is the suck of Stu gar at this port, Nov. Ist, 1165' 'Cuba. h d s Porto Ingo, h hits Total 18.6 •Boxes 649 SEEDS.—Tint thy is dull at $2 gI(F42 7511 bn. Plassead is selling st $3.1003 16,7 ha. Cloverseed Is scans, and in demand. ad 1e11g7.25 Y 1 61 lbs• PROV , SI OM. —The market is firm. hnt very inactive: Bacon Barns are selling at 12@13e It lb the hater for ;fancy bugled, Sides 7.34@TV c. and at 6.4 c lb. fifers p o r ; ijo held at 1 , 0@16 29 hhl Butter is firmly held, with sales at from 16 to 28c'f lb, thelatter for choice. Lard it in demand at 11,40 for tierces and 12.4 c lb for /rem WHISKY is less active; about 204 blils sold at 61%i2c. the latter rate in a small way, and 4 ,dradge at 59@50c gallon. The following are the receipts of Flour and Crain at this port today Flonr. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRADE. CHARLES WHEELER, WrLLI MG. BOULTON. Commirrn OF nu MONTE JAMES MTLLIKEN. 111 -LETTER BAGS AT TIFR RRONANTS' RXIJECANGR,•PITILADBLYRIA. Stearasbin - Cotinthian, ET New (Meant Nov 2 Ship Barartak. Rowland .T.lverpool. soot Min Fa irti adi Paine • ~Melbourne. (Australia) soon Bark Sea Eattle, Howes Port Swain, soon Bark Anna Moore. (Br) Roberts Tendon, soon Brig Victoria Davison Tl•trbados; soon Rehr Fs nuts:Vance Havana. soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OP PHILADELPHIA, Nor. 2, Mt?. 6611 SEE SETS sux RTS.F.S HIGH WATER ARRIVED . Ship The Craiga, Baker, (ram Liverpool 17th ult, with widget to Peter Wright & Sons. Hutchinson.l6 days from Sagna la Grande, Cuba. it it it sugar to S & W Web h. Bark Rll Carlton, Orcntt, 4 days rom Lockport, in ballast to E A Bander & Co Bark Ds aid Nichols, Colson. 4 days from New York, in ballast to .1 E Bailey Sr Co. Brig Alia a D Torrey, Griffin, 14 dais from Glace Bay, With anal to Workman & Co. Brig Isaac Carver, Shute, 7 days from Searsport, in _ballast to captain. Brig cyc'one. Ranloff, ii days from ballast to J B Barlsy & Co. Brig din Die Miller, Andkrson, 4 days from NYo rk, iu ballast to captain. Brig Forrester. Murray, 9 days frow Bath, in ballast to Tyler. Stsne & Co • Brig W Clark, Tucker, 1 days from Somerset, in ballast to captain, Brig San Antonio. Jackson, 0 days from Port Royal,in ballast to H. Simons. • Brieflyara. Harriman. 10 days from Glace Bay, with Goal to .1 E Barley & Co, Behr Starlight, York, 10 days from Portland, with plaster to E A Sander & Co. Behr Harriet Neal, Houghton, 15 days from Eastport, With miss , io F. A A &mini & Co. - Sri, A 51 lidwerde.Barker, 7 days from New Bedford. With oil to captain. Schr It C 'Picket y, Babbitt, 4 days f,om Taunton, with pose to captain. Behr Thus P Holcomb. Ward, 4 days from . New Rork, In ballast to P Wright & SOUR. Sal' M E Kirkpatrick. Carr, 3 days from Washington, With rods,.t to Manuel licShatn- Behr Vincennes. Hodgdon, B days from Newbnriport. In ball R. tto captain. - • Schr Bird. Duffel], 1 day from Lewes, Del, with corn to Jas L Bewley & Co. Schr Jas BArratt, Nickerion; 9 days from Albany, with grain to (1 It Cumming.. • Schr Georgie Deering, Pinkham, 7-days from Portland. With mesa to Crowell & Collins. Behr F• r nk Herbert. Parker, 0 days from Boston.with =dee to Crowell & Collins. Bohr N & H Gould, Smith, 6 clays from Boston, with Indee to Tarells & Co. Bohr Pal i.ta. Amsbury, 9 days from Bangor, with lum ber to Twsl is Az Co. Bohr Win Crawford, Briggs, 7 days from N Bedford,in ballast io captain. Steamer Anthracite, Jones. 24 hours from New York, With mdse to W M Baird & Co. • Steamer Torrence. Philbrink. 24 hours from N York, With miss. to W P Clyde Steamer Buffalo. Jones, 24 hours from New York, with &Am to W P Clyde. Steamer Frank. Shropshire, 24 hours from New York. With ind se to W M Baird & Co. CLEARED. Steamship Saxon. Matthews. Boston, H winsor. Brig Win Ellen. Stubbs, Trinidad, S & W Welsh. Brig Minnie Miller, Anderson. Boston L Addenried Co. Brig Trenton, Atherton, Boston, R N Rathbun. Brig Herald, Davis, Guantanamo, G W Sarandon & Bro. • Rrig Nr ilia Mowe, Pike, Mavagns a, John Mason&Co. Brig Nhlea Et, Drieco, Bath, Tyler. Stone & Co. Schr JoS Maxfield, May, Boston, Day & Hnddel]. Schr Virginia (Span). Blasko, Rfavana, A. Marino. Schr J B & F L,F'arker.Washington.? yler, Stone &Co. Fehr Nellie D. Studams. Newborn. do Schr N B I` Thompson, Endicott - Beaufort, do ' Schr Alex 'Young, Young, Port Royal, do Sohr Neptune, Rotan, Washington, R Jonee. Schr M s Magee, Magee. Newborn. Cant A Boyd. Sulu W F Phelps, Cranmer, Roston. }Wordier & Bro. Bahr Jas Powers. Chandler. East Cambridge, do Bohr Cheviot. Tabbutt. Plymouth, do • Sal. Ands, Lambert. Boston, Cain. Hacker & Co. Schr E C Knight, Wlarlow, Boston, Sinnickson & glover. Bahr A A ammond, Paine. Bce ton, R N Rathbun. Schr Segnr, Paine. Gloucester, Blalrieton.Graff&Co. Bohr J McCarthy, Young, Salisbury. d t Bohr Burnie Raymond, Lowe, Hingham, C A Heckschor ilk o Behr R Vick , ry, Babbitt, Lynn, Behr S B Wbeemr, McLoughlin. Salem. do Schr Lucy Church, Adams. New Haven, L Andenried .fir Co. Schr Huntington. Lovell. Boston, do • Sobs Ms iy Clark, Howard, .NewburypOrt, Bancroft, Lewis & Co. Schr Cornelia, Knowles New London, -W H Starr. Str Ocean Bird, Massey. Alexandria, Capt n. Boyd Str Copt Furgeson, Shore. Washington, if McShain. Str'Ann Eli2a,'llichards. New York. W P Clyde. Str Tarns , Barns r, Pierce. Alexandria A Boyd, Str R Willing, Dade, Baltimore. A. Groves, Jr. (Corroopondenco of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Dol., Oct. 3L Nearly the whole deet at the Breakwater are making nail. 'Among the number at the harbor last evening were barks lODIC. from Cuba, with sugar for Philadelphia; E Wright, Jr, for Boston; Champion; for do; brig Charlene,. for Portland; P Curtis- for Portland; Gee Crump for Natanzag; Earns. for Boston; Helen Davis, from Barba dos for Prince Rnwards Island (pat in for harbor): schrs' White Bea, with hay for Washington; Horace Btaples,, for New Bedford; lSlonteveu, for Fall River; Angeline, with. hay, for Alexandria; Ivv. for Boston: Ann Gardner, for' dot - A Garwood;for do; White Cloud, for do; steamer fluids, for New York, and about forty schooners previ ously reported. Wind W. Yours &c, (Correspondence of The Press.) READING: Oct 29. The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Schuylkill Canal to-day, bound to Philadelphia, lad_en.end consigned as follows.. mime Flower.lumber to L Brendlinger; W A Smith, do tO JOTE0(111 & Jones; Anna, grain to L G Mjrtinger; raft limber to Soh Nay Co. (OorresPondence of The Press.) HAVRE DE GRACE. Oct. 30. The steam-tug D R Garrison left here this morning 'With the following boats In tow, laden and consigned ae follows: J H Lawrence. lumber to Salem, N 3; Salon Jones, do to J Craig: M L Vandling, do to Trump k Son; Jacob Smith, and Baltimore Coal Co No 701, coal to Delaware City. SPECIAL NOTICES. ASTHMA AND ALL BRONCHIAL AFFECTIONS cured by a new system of ELECTRICITY, without shocks or pain, by Dr. A. H. STBVENB,I4II3 SOUTH PENN SQUARE. - 0c314( DISEASE AND SCIENCE. From Lime immemorial disease Las preyed with imps pity upon the human twetem, and revelled In the car stage and destraction ,it has caused. Science, in the meantime, has not been idle. and contest after contest ha s taken place for the mastery; between those two mor tal enemies, until When been reserved for this age to pro duce a Medical triumph, before which the shadows of R i c h ne s s disappear, Scientific skill, in the production of DR. ROORIAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, has reached its Ihigbest altitude, and can now reel satisfied with the tri umph it has attained. Mankind are subject to various Ills and pains, and it le the task of these Bitters to erase all such disorders from the human frame. Liver Com- sdaint, that bitter foe to happiness;- Dyspepsia; that ene my of all which is joyous; Nervous Debility, that ty aant which crushes out of the heart all energy. and gvhich CHUM its victim t. wish for death and Fevers, swhicb rack the brain and a corch the brow, all, all yield . . Ito the magical and healing properties of this Ne "Plus Nlltra of Medical Science. It Is of an entirely vegetable nature, containing not the ileast particle of Alcoholic stimulent, arid will not, there. Sore, as the generality of Bitteis do, cause a taste for apiritnons liquors to arise in those who use .them.:.No moldier abould be without them, for they are a perfect 'Protection against all the diseases which are so "preill lent in Camp , Life.. They are. in fact, THE BITTERS of Abe day; and the whole civilized world is full of their Otme, and the fruits of their curative powers. Disease at last has met its muter. and flees at the approach of Ebe conqueror. Come, then, and be healed, all ye suffer ing children of mortality; the means are ready, - the fountain is open, and relief is certain, ,Belay no longer. Messrs. JONES & EVANS, 631. ARCH Street. Philadel tphia, are the proprietors, and all orders , addressed to them wilt receive prompt attention. These Bitters can also be obtained at all I raged@ in the Union: Parana —Large Bottle& (holdir g double quantity) Der 80tt1.,. or half dozen for al Small aloe puenie Par BOttle, or talf Om for 3.1. 4704-/iit BOARDS 1.8:N30 Cam 3c Amb 88 '70.108 130.1. RD. 300 N Panna R 85. 261' 160 do 2fi3 t 100 do 530.26 100. do b3O. • , 631 100 Catawie ea R prof. 33 200 b3ovrn. 3314: 1(0 Phtla & Rrie R.... 311,; 200 51‘nint , nbsorn ' 43',; 1000 Cam & 6+ '83.1041. -. . 3000 Nertb Patna ea. 964 11000 Snag Canal Gs 65. h :OARDS. Schttyl Nay pd.. b 5. MaCM!! B(4 <4.Bke.i CatawisA R Con 103 11 Do er Vfoad prfd K. ..... . 9nrrigharfc Wilmington R.. .. fingla 6.. .... Alla co 6s R...... Lshigh Val R . Do bOR . . Phila. Per & Nor... (lam & Amb Phila. & Erie 60.. inn .3[ Eris Ts. Delsware.Div... Da bds„. ... . s.'ifth-strset R.... 67 68 Do bonds.. _ Sosond.streat R . 134 SS Do . bonds... .. •.. Cil• strest R.... W Phila R....... Do bonds... .. • - Spruce-street R.. 15 roon-strsto R.._47 47% DO bonds Oh estn nt-st. R. 1.910 bbls 7.000 bus. 2.120 bus 8.400 Irns. AARON 'MARSHALL DEAFNESS, EYE AND EAR, THROAT DIY• EASES, CATARRH.—The above maladies treated with the utmost success by Dr. VON hiOSCHZUHPIE, Oculist and Aurist, graduate °Manna, Office, 10%7 WALNUT Stmt. where can be examined hundreds of testimonials front the very beet known men in the country, among whish are several from old and responsible citizens of Phila. dela'', who can be personally referred to. ocBt-6t!. HAIR DlrEll HAIR DYE 1 I BATCHELOR'S celebrated HAIR DYE la the Baal it lke World. The only Harm Inge True. and Reliable Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye Is Perfect—change, Red, Rusty, or Pray Hair, instantly tide Glossy Waal ›r Natural Brown. without injtuing the Hair or Stain ing the Skin. leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; Ine• tarts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine tolor. and rectifies the ill effects of Bad Dyes. The Dent Line Is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR; all others ire niers imitations. and should be avoided. Sold by Al Druggists, gm. FACTORY. CR BARCLAY Street. New York. Batchelor's Nem Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair. 1023-Is ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATENT sTriate, made in the Beet Manner, expressly: for ' RE PAIL SALES. LOWEST SoWng Prices marked in Plain Mures. All Goode made to Order warranted satiates. 4ory. Our ONE-PRICE SYBTRiI is strictly adhered to. Ul are thereby treated alike. del24> JONES & 00.. ISO* MARKET Street. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT CURES Rhennixt6m and never faile. MAIVIZIED- ALTEMUS—LEVY.—At the Berean Baptist Church. West 'Philadelphia, on the 29th nit., by the Wev. Blear M. Levy, of Newark. N. J., aselated by the HOY Ja , tes Cooper, Edward J Altemus, Eci. to Medora. eldest clonghLer of Captain John P. Levy, all of West Phila delphia. IDTEJJ. MATTHEWS.—At Wilmington. Del , Oct. 3lst, Samuel L Matthews, in the 21st year of his ago. Ills friends and those of hie fa thor, Rdward Matthews, dsceased, are invited to attend his funeral this (Mow day), at 1 o'clock P. M from the P W., and B. Hail road Di , Mit Broad and Hoe streets. NEFF.—On Sa urdav, 81st - ult., Peter Lyle, youngest child of llarrnanns and Amanda Neff. - The funeral will take plane on ruesday afternoon. 3d inst., at 3 o'clock. from Frankford road, east side, corner Allegheny aVantle. so CBRISN'aII. —On let int t., William Henry. sm of Ro bert N. and Martha A Chrisman, aged 2 yeara and 7 months. The relatives and friersia are respectinlly invited to attend the funeral, from his parents' residence. No. 738 North Nineteenth street, to morrow, 3,1 instant, at n o'clock. To proceed to Lanrel Hill. DI.VER.—On tm a evening a3lst nit', Miss Mary Eliza beth Diver. Her relatives and friends am refpectfully invited to attend her funeral, without further notice, to-morrow afternoc n, at 2 o'clock, from her parents' residence. Ne. 920 Filbert street. r CIAISBY. —On October Hitt, John D. Walsh)", in the 44th year of bin Bite. The relatives and blends of the family, the members of- Columbia Lodge. No: 96, A. Y. M., Columbia Mark. and the order generally, are invited to attend his funeral from his late resid'ence. No. 532 . West street. (Cooper's 11111., ) Camden, New Jersey, at 11 &dock, this (Monday, ) November 2. MONROI3.—On Thursday afternoon. 29th ult., Susan M., wife of James Monroe, and only daughter -of the late Sohn Steever. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, front' the residence of her linshmid, Poplar street, shOve Broad,this f Monday> morning at - 10 o'clock. To proceed to Germantown, * . • RITANHOGSE —On Thursday morning, October 29th, Martin B Rittenhouse, in the 64th year of Maus. 'I be relatives and friends of the family — aierespectfally Invited to attend his funeral.. from his- late residence, , Whoehielson, this (Monday) morning, November 10 0'c10,..k. Interment at Germantown. • *** SAN DERSON.—lußrooklyv,. L. 1., on Friday, October 30th, Amelia Anna, wife of lames M. Sanderson, aged •-* 44 7 ears. 11.—At St Paul, Minnesota, on the 30th of Onto her. Garrett Newiterk, eon of Isaac R. and Caroling E. Smith. aged 25 years. - Due notice will be given of the fan.ral ~YOiK—Ort the 30th ult., George W. York, M. D. of Doraville, N. ' . BLACK DRESS GOODS.-CASH MIMES, Vebiur Reps,Tamises, 3-4 and 6-4 Mons selinee, Merinoes, Henricts, Cloths or silk-warp Cash men.s, Ottoman Poplins, Irish Poplins, English and French Bombazines, Alepines. corded blousselines, Aus tralian Crapes, Baratheas, Turin Cloths. Paramattas. De Laines. Oriental Lustres. Alpacas and Mohair ',mitres, Reps Anglais, Mourning Silk, Armure. Poult de Sole and Gros Grain Silks. BESSON & SON, oc2l Mourning Store, No. 018 CHESTNUT Street. TouVIN 'S CELEBRATED KID GLOVES, Ordered Colors, sizes 61( to 8 0c27 BLUR sr 1.4271 YELL. pt LACK MIXED TWO-FACED MOURNING LONG SHAWLS, size 72 inch by 144. 0c27 - EYRE & LANDELL. P OPULAR COLORS MERIN OE S, REPS, and POPLINS. 0c27 BYRE & LAIQDELL, FOURTH and ARCH. NOTICE. —THEANNUAL IKEFITING of the Stockholders of the Germantown and lorankford Ttirnoiko Company will bo hold at PIIORN TOIVSHOTEL, Frankforo, on the second of the Bleventh month (NOT. ) nest, at 3% o'clock P. M. oc3o-4t* . J. IiI..WORTHINGTON, Sec'y. HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF r THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA—Office Re moved from No. 42 North Fifth street to No. NOT NORTH Street Open every afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock. Donations of money, clothing, and Provlsious, for the relief of the Poor of our city are earnestly solicitel, and will be gratefully received, at the office, by the General Agent, Kr. JOHN P. ARRISON. noSmwl St It. N. HOSFLIGH, Secretary. MPAIR FOR THE BENEFIT OF UCK AND WOUNDED SOL DI Is RS. —me LA DIES of the PENN RELIEF ASSOCIATION intend hold ing a FAIN. at their Rooms, N. E corner of BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets. commencing D,cember Et, at 3P. 61., continuing three days or longer. F.e mon tickets 16 cents. Single admission 10 cents. Donations of any kind thankrnlly received by RACHEL S. EVANS, President, N. E. corner BNT II an it VINe s. rests. ANNA P. LITTLE, Secretary, No. 8 i SI N. BROAD street. MARY M: SCRANTON, Treasurer. No 1010 WALLACE Street. • ELIZ OMR E. ALLEN, no2-2t N 0.31.3210 SPRING GARDEN Street. CALEB COPE, TEE &WREAK OF the United States Sanitary COMMlssiolk, Phila delphia Agency, Northeast corner of MINOR and SIX PH Streets, acknowledges the receipt of the following con tributions since the last report: Louis A. Clodey, additional • sB2O 00 William R. White ej.oo 00 . .. . . . E. K. -T. , additional 20 00 Joseph Howell & Co., fourth subscription 63 00 George W. Carr & Co . additional 'ffl 00 Merrick & Sons, additional 100 00 A. Heaton, being the remainder of a fund. collect ed for other purposes, from friends of the sol diers 75 00 Charlee T. Yorker, third subscription 60 00 Henry Simons, fourth subscription 60 00 Mrs. M. G. Kip 10 00 Previously reported AT A MEETING OF THE OFFI CBRS of tbe Second Pennsylvania Cavalry, held in the Field, near Warrenton, Va., on the 25th of Octo ber at which we, the undersigned, were appointed a committee, the following resolutions werepresented and unanimously adopted : Whereas, It has pleased the all. wise God to remove from us suddenly our friend and fellow-soldier, Major Charles F. Taggart. w e, the officers of this regiment, de sirous of expressing our respect and regard for him, and our sympathy with his family and friends in their lose, do hereby resolve: That in the death of Maior Charles P. Taggart our cause has lost a, brave and effi.ient advocate, our regi ment a gallant and accomplished soldier, and we a ge nrrons and constant friend. That while we cannot but deeply regret his loss, we are proud of the manner of his death, as one which well becomes a soldier He received a mortarwound while charging the enemy, at the bead of his command, and his life was the forfeit of his well-earned success. That we consider his example one well worthy imita tion, and while we strive to follow it. we will cherish his name and memory among the most honored remem brances of our regiment J. P. BRINTON, Lieut. Col. Com'dg Regt. oil SRL KS CHAJINORY. Capt. K Co HALER°. FReZTER, Jr., Capt. Com'd g H Co. ALBERT C. WALKER, Capt. Com'dy Co. M. MTHE BOARD OF ASSESSORS will meet at Bared Globe Hotel, 81XTH Screst, below Chestnut, on MONDAY, 2d instant, at 10 o'clock A. N. A full attendance is requested. 0c31.2t* WILLIAM BROWN, President. m. PHILADELPHIA. DENTAL COL LEO& xOB North TENTH Street--The Pint Annuli Seaton of this Irustituti n will be opened by an Introductory Lecture, from Prof. J, POSTER FLAGG, on MONDAY, Boy. 2, ISA at 4 P. AL The Dispensary is open daily, except Saturday, from 9 toll A. M., and 2 to 4 P. M., when patients are attended to gratuitously. ... J. H. McQUILLEN, Dean, oc3l-2t* 1112 ARCH Street._ /MP PENN SIELVANIA. COLLEGE OF DENTAL S4'LORRY, 528 ARCH Street. The in trodnitory !AMORE to the Sth Annual Session, will be delivered by Prof. 'FORBES. on MONDAY. November 2d. ht 12 o'clock. Clinic Rooms open for patients, daily, except Saturdays, from S to 11 A. M , and 2 to 4 P. M. C. N. PEIRCE, Dean, ocs)-St. 501 North SEVENTH Street. . /1 4,- . POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE—WIN TER SESSlON.—Exanainatione for admission wall_ be held .at the COLLEGE BUILDING. PENN SQOARB, on SATURDAY and MONDAY MORNINGS, at 9 o'clock. oc3o-3/". MIMPORTANT MEETING—FREED BLACKi I N TENNESSEE—IMAN3IPATION— GENERAL GRANT . —B enblin Meeting will be held in CONCERT. HALL on TUESDAY EVENING. November 3d, at 734 o'clock, to consider the case of the Freed Racks in Tennessee, .on the banks of the Mississippi, and elsewhere. Bishop Potter will preside. 'and ad dresses will be delivered by Chaplain k S. Fiske, from the "Contraband Camp ' at Memphis, who is here by authority of General Grant, and the Rev. Phillips Brooks, of this city. 0c23.6t IMe FRANKLIN INSTITUTE LEC TURES will commence on TUESDAY EVENING, November 3d. at 8 o'clock. and be continuo(' on TUES DAY land THURSDAY EVENINGS, for the season, as follows : The First Course will consist of TUESDAY EVENINGS—On Astronomy, by Prof. John THURSDAY EVENINGS—On Patents and Contracts, by H. H. Furness. . The Second Course will consist of - TUESDAY EVENINGS—On Chemistry, by Professor Henry Morton. THURSDAY EVENINGS—On-Military Engineering, by Prof Fairman Rogers Each Member. upon paying his annual contribution, and each one Member. will receive a Season ticket for himself and a lady ; also tickets for his Children, Wards. and apprentices, under 21 years 'of age, on the payment of one dollar for each minor; or on the payment of two dollars each, the minor can attend the Lectures and have the use of the Library of the Institute. TERMS OF MEMBERSHIP.—AnneaI contribution. $3; or $25 for . for life, with an additional charge of one dollar the first year for a certificate of membership, Gentlemen wishing to become members will please apply at the Hall, No. 15 South SEVENTH Street. • , 0.28-61 . WILLIAM HAMILTON. Actuary. MPENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CON 'PANY, TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. _ PHILADELPHIA. ,October The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of FIVE per cent. on the capital stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes, payable on and after November 15,18633 Powers of attorney for collection of dividends can be had on application at the office of the Company. No. 238 South THIRD Street. ocl7.tdel TiLOS. T. FIRM. Treasurer. r 3. . SURGEON -ARTIST'S OFFICE, FOR MUTILATED SOLDIERS. SOLDIERS who have lost an ARM or LEG in the service, and desire the Patent '• PALMER Limbs" to be supplied by Govern ment, should return this notice immediately to We'd fine, elating their loss by letter, with name, company, rtgiment, and residence. B. FRANK PALIVIRet, 0c22-tf 1809 tiIIESTNIIT Street. Philadelphia. CORN' kXCH_A.NGE. BANK. PHILADELPHIA. Oct._ 12, 1803. The annual election of DIRECTO SS will be held at the Banking House on MONDAY, the 16th day of November next. between the boars of 10 A. M and 2P. td The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held on TUESDAY, the SO day of November next, at 12 M. ocl4-tnolB • J. W TORREY. Oaehier. 1.:31.. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS , BANK, PHILADELPHIA, October 2. 1863. Tne annual election for Directors will be held at the Banking House on MONDAY, the 16th day of November next, between the hours of 9 o'clock k M. and 3 o'clock P. 41.: and on TUESDAY, the third day of November next, a get eral meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House at 4 o'clock P M.. agreeably to eharter. W. RUSHTON, Jr... ocB-ttiole Cashier. MANUFACTURERS' AND MECHA- V l / 4 NICS' BANK, PHILADELPHIA, October 2,11363. The Annual Election for Thirteen Directors will be held at the Banking Bosse on MONDAY, the 16th day of November next, between the -hours of 10 A: M. and 3 The Annual :Meeting of the Stockholders will - "be held on TUESDAY, the 3d day of November next. at 10 o'clock M. W. WOODWARD. ocs-mwtnol6 .Cashier. - oc. SOUTHWARK BANK, PFULADELpHIA, October /5, ER 3. The annual election for Directors will be held at the BANHIAO HOUSE, on MONDAY, the sixteenth day of November next, between the hone of ten A'. M. and two P.M. A general meeting of the. Stockholders will be held at the same place on TUESDAY, the third day of Novem ber next at twelve o'clock M. oc7.wfdtmtnoUP , P. P. STEEL, evader. UNION BANK, PHILADELPHIA, bar October 3. 1833.—The annual meeting of the eta ck holders of this Bank will be held at the banking house On TUESDAY, November 5, at 12 N. The annual election for Directors will be held on MON- D alr, November 16, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. N. J. J. HIJCIKEL, 00=1111116 Whin mc-DErvAr,an.rvaic, OF PUMA, An Election for irectore, to serve this' Dank the en suing roar , will be held a t Banking Insilco, on MON.„ DAY, clodth de./ of November next. between the home of 10 oA. M. and 2 o'clock P. M. . . . . . The &moil Meeting of the Stockholders wir. be held on TOBSDAII,. the 3d dlty of November next, at 12 o'clock M. Cocs-niwftl6lP) 6F. M. TROUrId&N, Cashier. ims. 'KENSINGTON EttNEL, Pale, October 3, 1863. The Annan," Meeting of the Etochbolders will be held at the Benking-homse - On TUESDAY, the 3d day of No vember. 18.53, at 10 o'clock A. hf. oc4-mwftli3 An Election for 'thirteen. Directors to serve the ensu- Inslear, - will be held at the Banking-house on MON DAY. 16th of Novembsr. 1363. heti:non. the hours of 9 M. and 3P. M. , . T . . ygggss, cc. mtrfttincl6 Oaehier. COIIII(ONWEALTH BANK. 'PHIPADETIPRIA, October 6, 1885. The Annual election for Directors will be held at the BANKING ROUSE, on MONDAY, the sixteenth day of November next. betweeirthe hears of ten R.. M. and two 1 0 . M. The anneal meeting' of the Stockholders will be held on TUESDAY. the third day of DroYomber, at ten o'clock A. M. HENRY C. YOUNG; Cashier. oc7•Wfdtmtnol6 GER./MD BANK, PIKLATIMILPHIA, Octohor Bth. 1863.—The sunnal uiteting of the tockholders of thie Bank will be held at the BANKING HOU , E, ou TUESDAY, the 3d day or November next, at -12 o'clock M. The annual election for Directors, to serve for the (netting yen r. ,wil t be hold on MONDAY. thb 16th day of November, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 21'. 3t. ocil-ftawtNol6 W. L. SCHAFFER, Cashier. MILITARY NOTICES: - E 9N NOTICE. - HEADQUARTERS . - 1 ; PHOTOsT 31.4125H1LL, NECOND DISTRICT. Pk. No 1214. LOCUST Stroet, Philadelphia, Gotober 31st, I.K.S Dmftrd men from this District who have failed to re. pot t, also men whose time has been extended for various MIP(1116, are required to report at this office on or before the dates hereinafter mentioned, or they wilt oe pub lished no deserters, ano subject to all the penalties pre scribed therefor: First ward, on or before November sth. 186.3. Seventh and Eighth warde, on or before November 10th, 1863 Ninth Viand Tenth warde r on or before November 16th, 863. EDWIN PALMER. Provost Marshal and ['resident of 13.3ard. WM. M. BULL. Clommiesioner of Board. W OTTIB, no2-6t Surgeon of Board. I.COMPANY E, BLUE RESERVES, will assemble . on MONDAY-EVENING. at 7M o'clock. for drill It as p.oticularly requested that the Non- Con missioned Officers should be present. By order of the Captain. 0c804,1* JOS. J. BABCOCK. a S. MILLINERY GOODS. PARIS BRIDALWREA:THS AND , HEAD PRESSES. GEORGE W. MILES, 35 and 37 South TENTH Street, WILL OPEN ON MONDAY, Nov. 2d, A CHOICE SELECTION OF PARIS BRIDAL WREATHS AND• . HEAD DRESSES. Also, a splendid assortment of L lIISSEV.and CHILDREN'S FELT AID SILK HATS, Togetber with FRENCH FLOViERS, FEATHERS.and MILLLISBRY GOODS. not-Bt' sip MILLINERY GOODS. BROOKS & ROSENRRIM, 431 MARKET STREET. have now on hand a complete aeaortment of new styles RIBBONS, BONNETS, VELVETS, BONNET-SILKS, MISSES' HATS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, LACES, AND MILLINERY GOODS GENERALLY, to which we invite the attention of the trade. oc7-1m F ALL ' 1863. WOOD aro cliaysr, TRti CHESTNUT STREET, Have now open A LARGE STOOK 07 STRAW AND FELT GOODS, FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS,RIBBONS, And a general assortment of MILLINERY' GOODS, To which they Invite the attention of THE TRADE. sell4ns EIGHTIIST. RIBBON STORE, I!o. 101 STREET_ We have received from the late New York and Philadelphia Auctions the following most desirable and fashionable goods at very reasonable prices: Scarlet Bonnet Velvet, at *a per yard. Do. do. do. Lyons width and quality, 654.60 per yard. LEATHER-COLORED VELVET. —Uncut Velvet, Cord ed Silk and Bonnet Silk, all of the most beautiful shades, with Ribbons, Feathers and Flowers, to match. BLACK BONNET RIBBONS.—A splendid line, from 16 to 44 cents per yard. At the latter price we sell a very wide and heavy Ribbon: Extra heavy, all boiled Ribbons, narrsw and wide, lower at retail' than they can be bought elsewhere by the piece. BLACK, -DRAB AND BROWN FELT H ATS, from the manufacturers direct. All the new shapes for ladies' and children's wear, very cheap. - A complete assortment of Black Engliah Crapes, pur chased before the late "heavy advance in gold, from 66 cents a yard upwards. BONNET RIBBONS in endless variety. Velvet Rib bons, black and colored the best make imported, at a great reduction. Trimming Ribbons, every shade; and every other article used in making or trimming a bon net, or that can be found wish us at less than wholesale - - >_A liberal reduction made to wholeettle buyers. Country orders promptly attended to. $495 00 103.579 95 *lO , 074 96 BICIIEL & WETL, ocl4tnoll No. 101 North EIGHTH Street. US. M. A. KING HAS CON STANTLY on hand a beautiful aesortment of WINTER MILLINEEY. - at 1026 CEIEATNIT2 Street. . - 0e29-Im. MRS: R. DILLON, FANCY AND •A 4 l STRAW MILLINER, 323 SOUTH street, Phi ladelphia. Mourning Bonnets made at the short est notice; Bonnets dyed, cleaned, pressed, and altered to the latest styles. An assortment of Feathers. Flow ers, Ribbons, Caps, Rze., always on. hand. Orders from Country Milliners and others solicited and promptly at'. tended to.. oc2l-I.m. FRENCH FLOWERS, 1863. FEATHERS, LACES,' RIBBONS, & NEW - STYLE HATS, JUST 01 D AT THOS. KENNEDY do 813,0.13. Die. MI 011ESTSIIIT Street. below Eighth. se9-3m EDWARD M. DAVIS, EXCHANGE BROKER,- 39 North Third Street, Up Stairs, WILL SUPPLY AT PAR 1.5 .4 13 U. S. IS ONEOS, WITHOT CHARGE TO THE BUYER, AND SOLICITS HIS FRIENDS FOR THEIR ORDERS. no2-nith4cif 5.20 COUPONS, W A N-fr E D , AT MARKET RATE FOR GOLD. STERLING EXCHANGE, BOUGHT AND se2B-m&f3m 5.205. IsT NO Y. EMBER 5. 20 x, COUPONS WANTED_. EARLY CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS WANTED, STEELING EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD Tir DREXEL Ja CO. ocio-im 34 Smith THIRD Street, MICHAEL JACOBS, BANKER L No. 46 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, SPECIE, AND =CUR RENT MONEY BOUGHT AND SOLD. STOCKS BOUGHT. AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Particular attention paid. to the Negotiation of Time Paper. CITY WARRANTS BOUGHT. ocd-Szn ( - 101,LECTION OF 11. S. CERTIFI. CATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. — The ADAMS' EX PRESS COMPANY are now prepared to collect, at the Treasury Department, Washington, with despatch, and at reasonable rates, _the One-Year Certificates or In debtedness of the United States now due or shortly mataring. Terme made known and receipts given at the office, No. 320 CHESTNUT Street. mYS-tf NOTICE: NOTICE IS HERE 900 BY GIVEN that the CERTIFICATE No. 29,891.‘ Shares, issued tone by the New York Transfer Agency of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad has been LOST. and that application has been made for the sub stitution of a certificate in place thereof. A. G. HEISHNWA.Y CO. oc9-30t No. 53 EXCHANGE PlaeTe. REBEL STEAM RAM ATLANTA.- The general desire to inspect this ship, and, when intim stream, her inaccessibility, caused the Union Vo lunteer Refreshment Committee toprocure permission the United States. Government to exhibit her, for the gratification of our citizens, and for the benefit of their fund. She is now moored at the first wharf below Washington avenue, where the unblic are invited to call until further notice (Sunday. 'excepted). - A--bio graphical sketch of this specimen of ship-building, in 'cluding an account of bier capture, can be procured at the ticket office. Admission, 25 cents.. Children, 10 cents. no2-If CI.EORGE W. WOOTTEN, NJ! No. 38 South SECOND Street. and No. 29 STRAWBERRY Street. WAREHOUSE - JAYNE Street. Philadelphia, WHOLESALE. DEALER IN CARBON OILS, LAMPS, *CHIMNEYS, 4ke, A fine lot of OIL just received, which I offer at the lowest market rates, having made my contracts in the spring, before the advance. OIL in bond for export, CHIMNEYS in quantity, at manufacturers' prices. Agent-for Moore, Bros., & Co.'s Patent Exult Tars, 0c21.-wfmlas ' YOU :WANT PORTRAITS, NONE TF -a- will please you better than IitSIMBR'S life-size Pilo tographe In'oll colorF, becanm none aro more natural and lite-like. SECOND Street. above Green • lt* tEANSELL'S PECTORAL SYRUP, 26 Cents. Prepared only by AMOS - HASSELL. 0c31.3t 5 TWENTIETH and MARKET Streets. P APER, BAGS, ALL SIZES, ON heed• or made to order, No. 9rNorth FRONT Street. no2-3t* . GERMAN AND THE CLASSICS, PRO FESSOR C C. SC HAEFFER: 919 LOMB &RD Stree t. 400 CHESTNUT Street. It• G RvEsT ONE DOLLAR, AND GET A flue likeness.. uaturslly,colured Pleasing •life-like Pictures are RISIMEE'S colored Photographs made at Ms P9pulAr llo ls UGOAD Ocito Glam....—. /V TEE P Above CHESTNUT. FINANCIALS. DUE IsT NOVEMBER Br DREXEL at CO. DREXEL CO PJIILADELPHIA; ' COMMISSION HOUSES. CLOTHSI CLOTHS! WILLIAM T. SNOWMAN' CLOTH X-10iTSE, • ,No. 34 SOUTH SEI,OND STREET. FRESH STOOK OF LADEtS I CLOTHS AND MEN'S WEAR. VELLAYRS, • NEW STYLE cIUA.T -0111NOFI/LLA.S, INGS, EItesTEDS; BASKET, VELVETS; FANCY MIXED, mos.cows. BEAVERS, ESQUIMA.UX, • PILOTS, SCOTCH TWIST'S, oAsrons, &a. Our stock is fan of the., very ohoiceet Styles in tne country. With this lot we .close our supply for the mes on. Come promptly. Rothe best will soon Int exhausted. TETE ARMY AND NAVY Continues to receive oar special futteation. We now have In store all eh ades and grades. no?, 2t RETAIL DRY GMWS. FALL TRA'D'E NEWJE)TUIECR, 1024'. CHESTNoT STREET, Has just opened a large stock of New Goode, compri sing all desirable Novelties in his line, most of which haying been bought when Gold was at a low premium he offers considerably below present market rates. LACES OF ALL KINDS; Conan , . Barbee, Collara, Sleeves, Sets, Hdkfe., Veils, Capes, &c., laid.). varieties. WHITE GOODS. Jaoonete, Catabrica, Nalnsooks„ Moils, Swiss Chocks and ail descriptions of Plain and Fancy Stylos. EM33R. OIDERIES Collars, Eets. Flotincings. Infants' Waists and Robes. Edgings and lusertings on Cambric, Swiss, and Linen; We different styles. HANDKERCHIEFS Plain, Hem-atitched, Embroidered, Reviered; Ruffled; Lace, Printed-bordered. &n, &c, fey Ladlea, Gentle- men, and Children, comprising every-variety. including many - new atyles not heretofore in the market. N. B.—A liberal discount to those who purchase to soil again. Manufacturers of Ladies' and' Children's Clothing are invited to examine my stook. not NOW OPEN RICH AND RELIABLE F . TT II S. Of oar own Importation and Maneaotare I:OITDSON'S BAY SABLE, ROYAL ERMINE, . DARK SABLE MINK, REAL CHINCHILLA, DARK SIBERIAN SQUIRREL, En every fashionable style, for LADIES, MISSES. FURS NIDE TO ORDER AT THI PARES MAN TILLA, CLOAK, AND y FIIR EMPORIUM, WO CHESTNUT STREET. J. Vir. PROCTOII dr, CO; octl2-mwtkno2 FRENCH MERINOES, PARIS POPLINS. FANCY POPLINS. SLLK AND WOOL POPLINS OURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450,.462, and 454 North SECOND St., ab, Willow, PARIS AND VIENNESE -. BROOHE LONG 'SHAWLS, In new Designs and Colorings. from the late Auction. Sales, at I REDUCED PRICES. OIIRWEN STODDART & BROTHER; 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Sc., ab. Willow, VELVET cEpTag. - FROSTED SEALSKINS, COLORED SEALSKINS. BLACK -SEALSKINS. FANCY MIXT CHINCHILLAS TWILLED BEAVERS. PLAIN BEAVERS. BLUE BEAVERS. BLACK TRICOT. BLACK BROADCLOTHS. SCARLET AND BLUE CLOTHS. OURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, .450. 45%, and 454 North SEWS D Street, oeSl.3t - above Willow. CLOAKS AND CLOAKING CLOTHS COOPER & CONIRD, NINTH AND MARKET. IE I IV 38 CLOAK AND CLOAK CLOTHS'''' AT MODERATE PRICES. oc3o tf CLOAKS AND BONNETS, FOR MOURNING. M. & A. MYERS & CO., No. 926 CHESTNUT Street. Rave just received an assortment of MOURNING. CLOAKS, MANTILLAS AND SHAWLS, Together with a full assortment of MOURNING BONNETS. oc3o-6t LINEN SHEETING., CHEAPER THAN COTTON. —I have alet of these at nearly old importation price. One lot very heavy, all linen. at $1.25. One lot. heavier and wider, at $LtSs. One lot much' finer and closer, at $1.62%. One lot very fine,' at $1.25. - These are all worth much more at- present rate of exchange. Pillow linen, 40, 4i, 45, and 62 inches, wide, in several di fret ent qualities, of the best make. Also, a very large variety of table Linens.that I will sell equally low—in Brown from 50 cents up, in Black from 75 cents up. Richardenn's Fronting Linens, which are the heavieet made, 50. 56 62%, 65, and 75c. Huckabark and Diaper Towelling, Napkins, Doylies and 5 able Clothes, and all other kinds of Linen Goode. extra cheap. GRANVILLE B. HAINES, ' n02.2t- 3013 MARBET Street, above Tenth... F LANNELS.—GOOD. ALL WOOL Flannel at . 50 cents; Balardvale Flannel at 56c. 4 Balardvale Flannel, much finer, 61%c. Balardvale Flannel, full yard wide, 65c. Balardvale Flannel, yard wide; very flue, 75c. Shalt er Flannel, quite heavy, 62% and 75c. Shaker Flannel, full yard wide, very heavy, 8730; these are all wool and unshrinkable, very suitable for skirts. White Twilled Flannel, all wool, M. 60, and 132%' . .c. Also, a variety of Domet Flannel, from 37340 up, in all the widths and qualities that are made. Two bales best 60 cent Red Twilled in the city. One bale beet 60 cent Gray Twilled in the city; these are all wool, and very heavy. Plain Red at 3734, 95, and Mc; one lot Red, full yard wide. One lot Gra7 Twilled at 40 cents, suitable for Societies; this is cheap. Striped and Plaid for Shirting purposes. Best stock of. Canton Flanuels in town; bleached, at 3134, 3734, and 45c; Unbleached, at 31M, 35, 40, - 45. and 5Cc; some of them are very heavy, and all are very cheap. I have also many other makes and kinds of Flannel not mentioned, that We very desirable. GEIANVILLE B. HAINES: not No. 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth. FANCY DRESS SILKS AT REDUCED PRICES, Jut' from Auction several lots of DESIRABLE STYLES. OURWEIg STODDART & BROTI-IDR, Noe, 450, 455, and 451 N. SECOND St. , ab. Willow. BLACK GRO DE RHINES BLACK GRO GRAINS, BLACK ARMURES, ORO DE A:MI.2UL FROM THE LATE AUCTION SALES, AT LESS THAN REGULAR PRICES. CIIRWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Noe. 450, 452, and 451 N. SECOND Stveet, ocn-St above Willow, FRENCH MERINOES.- Desirable colors at the right prices. • French Poplins, bought early—prices low. Cheap plaid and plain Poplins. 27 cent Magenta plaid Reps—a bargain. Black Alpacas at 91 to 76 cents. must opened Auction lots at 4-1, 50. 62, and 75 cents. Si. CO double widths Lupins' Black wool Delano are very fine and heavy. COO PERA CONARD, oalo tf • S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. i VELVET BEAVERS- - Good Frosted Beavers at $2 -Extra due Frosted Beavers. - Fancy Cassimeres for business suits. Water Vroot Clothe,ll2.2sper 7 ard. . Vine black Cloths a nd eassimeree.. COOPER & CONARD,_. S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. oc.O-tt ED: - MARC lIANT, PORTRAIT • PAINTER, bas removed to 919 LOCUST Street, Where he wkla be glad to see hie friends and those of the public who may be interested in his lineof art. nen Sgt. if TO MANUFACTURERS. CAST-IRON HEATER PIPES, of various sizes. ttr sale in quantities to snit nthnikasens• a. w. at J. Ir. EIVARa. od Ise . No. 1.%5 Sveth 'MUM Street., MONDAY,, NOVEMBER 2,1863. FROTHINGLIA.M it WELLS FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY. RaMVOS, iiegimental and Company Flaggy Swords, Bashes, Belts, Peasants, Epaulettes, Hats, eaps, Canteem, Haversacks, Camp Chests, Field Eames, Spurs, Boyer's cele brated Camp Mt, and everything partaking to the complete °s tilt of Army and krevy Officers. 411, A liberal ddwount allowed to the trade. G . W. SIMONS •L'BRqTIEIER. RANSOM-STRENT HALL, FHILADEry.7IKIA.. fiLiNITFAcTuRRHE3 OF JEWELRY. • FINN SWORDS, A.ND lIIILITARY HOODS Ix EVERY VARIETY, tia26.tf6m ARRANDALE & C 0.,. 6fll, IMPORTERS OF /We& WIII send followingllon recelut of price: SILVER COMPOSITE. WATCH v for the Army. cylin der Movements, Hunting Casee,-Time Indicator tio can ire, o save trouble of opening case. Handsome ansi re liabD; best and cheapest made. Sold in the army at $25-s'2 • SOLDIERS' OWN, Patent Lever, , in sterling silver engraved bunting cases. Jeweled, - regulated, $14.60. SPLENDID GOLD COMPOSITE - WATCH, Jeweled. either medium size for gentlemen, or small size for la dies, beautifully engraved cases. Very. Elegant and Accurate, often sold for $5O-415. GOLD composx es, Patent Detached Lever, Jeweled In 13 actions, geld balance, Warranted a perfect Time keeper suitable in size for either lady or gentleman. richly Chased eases—a really splendid article, often sold for $76—526. Small-sized;. beautifully-finished Ladies' Leldne, flue 16 carat gold plate Watch, beautifully ornamented cases, usually sold at $507527.50. Gents' or Officers massive gold plate Watch, chro nometer-balance,. full ruby jeweled, -detached patent lever. heavy. beautifully. finished cases. Warranted a Splendid Timekeeper.• often sold for $lOll-- , -$36.• ASTRONOMICAL WATCH!'In massive gold plate: beautifully-engraved cases, jeweled in 15 acrlona, gold balance, and all' the recent mpraitements. I addition to the sunk seconds, peculiar to first-class Watohe-t, it has a hand' vointing with unfailing . accuracy to the day of , the tnonth A magnificent article! the great est invention of the age! just imported by Arrandale & Other ladies' and gentlemen's Watches and Chains in great variety. Send for circular fully describing above and other Watches. Agents wanted. A reduction made on wholesale orders. Money may be sent at our risk; if properly sealed. . . G.. RUSSELL 22 NORTH. SIXTH -.TT , " Street, has just received a very handsome hssort ment of FINE SEAL RINGS.- oc3l-3m 1) F , IN E WATCH REPAIRING attended to by the most exporlenced workmen, and every Watch warranted for one year. G. RUSSELL. 22 worth SIXTH Street. CHILDREN. SHELL AND ROSEWOOD OASES, Playing - from 1 to 12 tnnes choice Opera and Ameri. Melodies.sinMelodies. FARR Sc BROTHER, Importers, se% 8m 394 CHESTNUT Street. below Fourth. pB I C B I( 4 OSALS FOR RATIONS- FOR SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office, until 2 o'clock P. M,.of the 18th day of November next, for furnishing rations to. the United States fdarines, at the following stations' during the year 1869, viz.: Portsmouth. New Hampshire; Charlestown,. Massachusetts ; • Brooklyn, Long Island, New York; Philade phis. Pennsylvania t: Washington, District of Colombia; Gosport, near Norfolk. Virginia Each ration to consist of three. quarters of a pound-of mess pork or bacon, or one and a fourth pounds of fresh or Fait beef; twenty two ounces of bread, made of extra superfine flour, or. in lien thereof twenty-twe ounces of extraentie fine flour, or one pound of hard bread, at the opt! , mot' the Government ,•.and at the rate of eight gnarls of bestwhite beans,. or in lien.thereof teripoands of rice; ten pounds of good coffee, or in lien thereof one and a half pooh ds of tea fifteen pounds of good New Orleans sager ;- four quarts of vinegar tone wand of sperm can dles,. or oneend a fourth pounds of adamantine candles, or one and a half rounds of good, hard, dipped tallow candles; four pounds of good, hard. brown soap; two quarts of salt ;-and one hundred pounds of potatoes to each hundred rations. The increased allowance. of fonr ounces of flour or bread, and the allowance of potatoes. asvabove provi led, will cease at the termination of the present insurrection, and the ration be as provided by law and regulations on the let of July,. 1861. - The beef shall be delivered to the order of the-com manding officer of each station. either in balk or by the al ngleration, and shalLoonsiet of the beet and most choice pieces of the carcass ;- the pork to be< No. I prime mess pork ; and the groceries to be of the best quality of- kinds named. AU subject to inspection. ell bids must be accompanied by the following. guar antee; - -Form of Guarantee. The undersigned,-. of -, in the State of -, and -- of -, in the State of., hereby guaran ty that, in case the thregoing bid of -for rations as, above described, be accepted, he or they will, within ten days after the receipt of the contract at the post office named, 'execute the contract for-the same with good and sufficient snr sties; an case the said - shall - fail to enter into contract as aforesaid, weguar anty to make good the difference between the offer of the said - and that whim may be accepted. A. N., Guarantor. C. D., Guarantor. ALL GRADES Witness B F I hereby certify that the above named —are known to me as men of property, and , able to make good their guarantee. To be signed by the United States District Judge, United States District - attorney, or Collector. N o proposal will be considered unless accompanied by the above guarantee. (Newspapers authorized to publish the above will send the paper- containing the first insertion to this office for examinat on.) Proposals to be endorsed " Proposals for Rations for 1664," and addressed to the undersigned, . PROPOSALS FOR ARMY TRANS- 1.-BALED PROPOSALS will be received at this otli se until 12 o'clock M. on the 10th day of December, 1863, for the transportation of military supplies during the years 184 and 1605, on the following routes: Route No. 1. From Forts Leavenworth, Laramie. and Riley, and other depots that may he established during the above years on the west bank of the. Missouri river, north of Fort Leavenworth, and south of latitude 42 de greeS north to any posts or stations that are or MaY be established in the Territories of Nebraska, Dakotab Ida ho, and lb al, south of latitude 14 degrees north, and. east of longitude 114 degrees west and In t Territory:of Co lorado north of 40 degrees north. • Bidders to state the rate per 100 pounds for NO miles at which they will trans port said stores in each of the months, from April to Sep tember, inclusive, of the years 1861 and 1865. Route No. 2 From Forte Leavenworth and Riley, in the State of Kansas. and the town of Kansas, in the kital e of Missouri, to any posts or stations that are or may be established in the State of Kansas, or in the Territory of Colorado, south of latitude 40° north, drawing Sup plies from Fort Leavenworth, and. to Fort Tinton, N. M., or other depot that may be designated in that Territory, to Fort Garland, and to any other point or points on the route. Bidders to state the rate per 100 lbs for 100 miles, at which they will transport said stores in each of the month.. from April to September,: inclusive, of the years 1864 and 1805. - Route No. 3. From Fort Union, or such other depot as may be established in the Territory of New Mexico, or to any posts or stations that are or may be established in that Territory, and to such posts or Cations as may be designated in the Territory of Arizona and the State of Texas. west of longitude 105 0 west. • Bidders to state the rates per 100 lbs. forlloo miles at which they will transport said stores in each of the months fr em Jure to November. inclusive, of the years 1860 and 1165. The weight to be transported each year will not exceed. 10,000 COO pounds on Eon e NO, 1, 15,800,000 pounds on. Bente No. 2, and 6,000,000 pounds on Route No. 3. No additional per tentage will ha paid for the trans portation of bacon, hard bread, pine lumber, shingles, or any other stores. • Bidders must give their names in fall, as well as their place of residence; and each proposal must be accom- panied by a lmnd in the sum of ten thousand dollars, signed by two or more responsible parsons, guarantee ing that in case a contract is awarded for the route men tioned in the proposal to the parties proposing, the con tract will be accepted and entered into, and coos and sr. Mcient security furnished by said parties, in accord ance. with the terms of this advsrtisemant.. 'The amount of bonds required will be as follows . : On Route No. 1 81 0 03 0 ,000 2,030 61030 Satisfactory evidence of the loyalty and solvency of 'each bidder and person offered as security will be re quired. - Proposals must be endorsed. "Proposals for Army Transportation on Routes Nos. 1. 2. or 3," as the cam may be, and none will be entertain,ed unless they folly compty with all the requirements of this advertisement. Parties to whom awards are made must be prepared to execute coati acts at once, and to give the required bonds for the faithful performance of the same: . Contracts will bemade subject to the approval of the Quartermaster General, but the right is reserved to reject any or all bids that may be offered. Contractors must be in readiness for service by the fast day of April, 1564, and they will be required to have a place of business, or agencies, at or in the vicinity of Forts Leavenworth and Union. and other depots that may be established, at which they may be communi cated with promptly and readily. L. C. EASTON Major and Quartermaster. NO TIC E.-THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing .between the enbsoriber and JOHN P. PERSCH is this day dissolved. FRED. STEER. no 2 3t. DISSOLUTION OF CO PARTNER SHIP. —The firm of S. Sr C. SCHOFIELD is this day Dissolved by mutual consent. SIVILL SCHOFIE GD. • CHARLES SOHO FIELD. The affairs of the Arm will be settled by the under signed, who will continue the brodness as heretofore, at the factory. bianayunk, Office, No. 33 North FRONT Street, Philadelphia. SENILE SOROFIELD. no2-2V NOTICE. -THE UNDERSIGNED having sold out their interest in the firm of C. AL BRIGHT Sr. CO. , and 'withdrawn from the business and management of said firm, hereby give notice that they art no longer responsible for any debts contracted by or on account of said firm 'l4 EIMER'S IVORYTYF'ES• ARE FINE- Iy executed and natural pictures; flesh tints life like and agreeable; light and shade naturally arranged; bead finely modeled.. SECOND Street, above Orem. It'. EPONTENEATI-Sr C. SALLES . FRENCH HAIR DRESSING and SHAVING Si. LOON, No. JOS South ELEVENTH Street, (up stairs. branch 0f1027 Chestnut street. Manufacturers and Importers of Wigs, Toupees, Fri zones, and Fanoy Articles. oc3o-fmwlm* EFINED P TROLEUM, OF SURF,- ILIORR quality, in bond or free, in lots to suit pur ehasere. For sale by SHOBER & Co., 0e29-tefro3t* No 26 SOUTH DEL & lli/a.RE avenue. spi BITIgT'S NURSERY, D A.RB -ea— ROAD. —A large stook of every description of or- nemental TREES AND SHRUBS. Apple. Pear,. CherrY, d other Ltruit Trees: Nr4pe Vines. Raspberries, Black bereies.• Ste. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES, and ail the stock of our own gpewth4 - SEED WAREHOUSE.' & 924 MARKET STREET. R. &NU dc SON. ARMY- GOODS. =ll Hzevr, BIRDMM. AND LIGHT EITIRRTIJIGG AND SHIRTINOM STANDARD DRILIA HEAVY N A CANTO ,11.44NRW._. _, _ WASHINGTON ND, VICTOR - I Vakato , NtoS AMU bil it lAß. 00 $ 88!1• MN BROWN, LRACHRD, AND COR No. .I.A WORSTED YARN. M. eolD-lf El JeNTANS MILITARY FIIRNISIEBRO9 41.0 ARCIII STREET, WATCHES AND .1 EWEI.R Y. IV A T S, NEW WORK, ARRADTDALE &• CO., 212 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, ocl9•mwflm W4t 3 doors from Barnum% Mama. MUSICAL BOXES, 1 PROPOSALS. QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE.: U. B. M CORPS,. WARRINGTON, Oct: 16. Vei SLA.C.E, Major and Qaartermaster ocl9 to t OFFICE OF THE DEPOT QUARTERMASTER, FORT LEAVENWORTH, Kansas, Occober 14.1824. COPARTNERSHIPS. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 31, 1863 Manayunk, Nov. 2. lBB3 TOOTHACHE CURED IN AN rig . .STANT,.by FISCHER'S CELEBRATED TOOTH ACHE DROPS. Price 12 'cents per bottle. IN"..itudeC• lured at his LABORATORY. TWENTY-THIRD Alm LAMBARD Streets, Philadelphia, and for by Drug gists in genera 0c2,-ler I:II:ITNAM'S NEW BOOKS. ' A- -WILL BE PUBLISHED SATURDAY. NOV. 7. BATA+ D TAILOR'S NOVEL. HANNAH THURSTON: A STORY OF AMERICAN LIFE. By BAYARD-TAYLOR. Author. of • • Views A-Foot. " &o Onel.2rno, volripie.. Price $1.60. November 10. • 'VOLUME - FOUR ' OF THE LIFE AND Lurrsus 0 _. WASHINGTO I, N IRVING. •Blf PIERRE M. IRVING... 'Lc; 4 eiturie completes the work, and InOludeo a eo ploutrfddete ti 3 the four volumes. 2:reputed by. S. Ald , TiN ALLIBONR, LL. Author of the " Diotionory of Authors." Fria-ppm' volume,. ta clotl.. 01 5 ; halt calf, PHILADELPHIA: WAFFIINGTON, IRVIN ft lIKETO Ef. BOOK. With "121 Illustrations from (Wallas] designs, by 2.2,tiLTE, ' G. L. , P.ROWV DARLkir.„ HALL; ELLIOT. and others. IVIS believed this volume. as a wirbisf. has netrsr been enrolled, if equalled. in this country, air the first edition is Gabe usted„' an,* the second' tion Cannot be supplied until Januaryt.serly orders• for the second edition are rem:tested . Price, in beet Levant utoroceet 111 . NOVELTIES FOR THE HOLEMYS. POPULAR, BEAUTIFUL. AND SATIABLE. RIP VAN WINKLE. l'llueireied'Aith 13 orieinel damigne 'by emiublit e rtiete Elegantly(printed. Smell . Quarto . EngrnApeti cover Price, BY, THE IVEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW': IHnotteated with 10 original cieeighw by oatinent; artists Elegantly swi.nted. Srnall onorlp. Engraved corer, Prim *LW, TB ITUDSON LF. - G•ENDS. I 3 WASHINgTON IkWIN G. Cotcprising- • Sleepy Hollow" a '• nd RinVan Witalbe.") With 'LS original designs by ernthemt artists. Small quarto. Cloth,. extra, Norma, extra, Orders should beltdclreesed to G. I'. PI:ITN/CM Publisher, _ 44-1. BROADWAIT. Bow York " Mr. blerivale is 011 P of the Second Groat Trininvirater of &alit* Historians. "—ifOrth America &Nevin°. SL;CO., .•' 413 AND 415 BROADWAIi. • P#7`l,ll4Fr 1171 - 1 , DAY, ItISTORY _lt 0M A rit-"S TrisTME R THE E CIfARLES*IIIIRIVALE, B. D.'. .LLte Fellow of Sc. John's College. L unndsomely print don tintol To btr completed' ion Seven Volumee. COWIT.NTS.. Vo]s. I and. II comprising the History to thefFall3of Julius C..vear: vol. ILI ; co thcrestabilbh'=ost of the Monarchy by An gnstus. ' Vole:lVandV froai:Artirustae to. Clandide;B.c 27 to A D.- 64 Vol. W. from. CIO Rtign of Nero, A. D. 61, to the Fall of Jerttaleur; A. D., 70. ' • - • • - • •• Vol. VII, from , 1103 - Destractlox , of Jerusalem. 70; to the D , •ath of - - - - This valuable workterminates at the point wh'era , the narrative of Gibbon commences, and is, therefore,. il , frpema ble in every Libras y. OPTNIOTTS OF TO PRESS. fFrom Ihe Gentleman's Magazine ] "'We regard it as highly - creditable to modern scholar ship to have produced in one generation two such works ea Dr Arnold's and Mr. Merivale's mhick axe not only erampt from.thadefects wohavanoted. brit may , even - bre read with as any narrative of moo dern.evente. "Elf Mr. Merivale's mails as a historian we have ex premed generally our opiaion: The student will find in the present volume the scholarship. power, and impar tiality which characterizedtbmpreviennevolnmes. Mr. Merivale has appreciated the depth of the Flavian reaction, and be has done justice to the memory of those emperors - who, and its infhience. made a last effort to cliecX-Rome's down and course. " . . [From. the LlmdoM-Speetalor.] "The ability with which bi.r. Merivale's history has been written—his great research, his freedom from. p• r titanship, his vigorous narrative, his genial sense of character—are likely for a good while to keep English competitors oat of the field which he has traversed." [From. tbe North American Review. 3 • . He is manifeetly not a mere' scholar. or rather he-is not exclusively a book-man, but a keen observer of men and society around him ; for, while his Romans are' neither modernized nor Anglicized', they are actual men, endowed with human passions. affections. and liabili ties; and not the- impassive abstractions. which have so long usurped the Roman name in history." • • ' This History must always stand as a splendid monument of his learning, his candor. and his vigorous' grasp of intellect. Though he is in some respects MAP rior to Macaulay and Grote, he must still be classed with them as ons of the second great triunivirate of English Historians." A CATECHISM OF .THE - STEAX ENGINE. In its Va-! does applinations to Hines. Mills, Steam Navigation. Railways. and Agriculture, with. Practical Instructions' for the Manufacture and Management of Engines of every class By John 'Bourne, C=' K. New and Revised Edition. 1 vol. 12 mo., Illustrated. Clo‘h. APPLETON'S UNITED STATES POSTAL GUIDE. Containingi the Chief Regulations of the Poet Office. and a Complete Listof Po.t Offices throughout the United States. Price 25 cents. PEINCIPLES OF POLITICAL; .ECONOMY: WITH SOME OF THEIR AP"LICATIONS TO' SOCIAL PFIC LOSOPHY. By Jahn Stuart Hill 2v015., five. Printed on Tinted Paper. tgS,-. _ ALBUM FOR POSTAGE AND OTHER srAmps. AIIiISRICAN AND FoREIGN. 1 vol.. 4to. Illustrated with Maps and: printed in colors Cloth. $2.50: French. 'morocco, Tnrlcf.v morrcco..46. • - _ . „ THE 14EVi (',LASS - BOOK OF GEFENISITY. By Ed ward L. Youmans,. 11. 4SO Pages. 12 mo-, with 320 iilustrations. Price trl PALMD. " I..I. Or The Numerals of. F.. criptnro a Proof of Inspiration. A Free Inquiry. By. if. Mahan. D. D.•l vol., 12 in o 611. EINAT CONSIDERED AS A MODB OF- MOM ' Bei; g a Course of Twelve Lectures delivered at the Royal Instirntion of Great Britain. By John Tyndall, F. 'RA 1 thick v01.,.12 me 10141Instrations A SUPPLEMENT TO ÜBE'S DICTIONARY OF ARTS, MANDFACTURES, AND MINES Containing a Clear Exposition of their Principles and Practice Edited by Robert Runt, F. R. & -.P. S. etc, 1 very large ave. vol. 1,C96 pp 111nstrated with 700-Engravings. C.oth, $6: sheep hindiny.2 87 - WAR PICTURES- BROM THE SOUTH. By B. Eat van. Colonel of Cavalry in the Confederate Army, 1 vol. WHAT TCP.BAT 11,N1S•ELOW T(S.COWS ST. Contain ing 1(00 Receipts. By. Pierre Blot, . 1 vol 12mo. - 4:1; TAB NATURAL LAWS OF, HETSBAHDRY. By Jus tus Von Liebig. Edited by John Blyth. 1 vol. 12m0.. 51 co: TWO PICTURES; Or. What We Think of Ocir.selvet t and: What the World Thinks of. Us. .1;4. Matia J. Mc- Intosh. 1 vol. 12m. $1,50. Bitber of the above sent by mail, free of. postage on re ceipt of price. n02.2t- AGONFLIQT, OPINIONS ABOUT' TIM NEW - BOOK, BROKEN COLUMNS, 1 vol. 12m0.. price St 50. The literary editor of The Independent, after cfmnping 'at the first twenty (?).pages.of the book, throws It down, saying: Mx. Peter Bayne,, the Scotch essayist and editor, and Prof A. C. Kendrick. of Rochester, highly commend this - novel. the former asserting that it is superior to Adam Bede ' These commendations are. utterly, incomprehen sible. Prof. Kendrick and Mr. Bayne have committed themselves very awkwardly. The book, as a novel,ie stunningly bad. It has no good quality except good IU-- tuitions, which are not ranch in a novel. " Ar d yet, in' a recent letter, Dr. Kendrick says " I have again read Broken Columns since its publi cation, and I regard it as an abler and, better book, than. when I fleet recommended it." h e Troy Times says: • One of the best novels or the day. . . Its charac— ters are sharply drawn, distinctly marked, And, their vpr.q are xv.. 11 vupts.ined to the end. The moral taught by the story Is that foreffeness, mercy. and kindness will raise fallen women and sinful men from the depths of misery and vice, and "restore themto the ranks of the pure and the virtuous." The Meadville _Republican says • " We have read it carefully. and.pronounce it one of the beat stories that has yet appea ed—intensely interest ing, and elevating in its moral tone The name of the author is not given; but wherever introduced. it will meet, with a large sale. ' . • - Miss Cbesebro is one of the most popular, female• writers of this - country. Although she has not for a long, time appeared before the public with a new. book. this volume will be uladly welcomed by her host of old ad.; mirers. Harver's 71rognzine says of her: "We fled in this volume unmistakable evidences of Orldnality. of mind, . . a rare faculty of seizing" the multiform aspects of nature, and a +till rarer power of giving them the form and hue of imagination without destroying their identity. The Buffalo Commercial ArlvertMer says:. ""Iliss Chesebro has achieved a style and reputation peculiarly her own." not-mw2;,_ THE OBSERVER. A SUNDAY NEWSPAPER, WILL DE ISSUED FOR TAE FIRST ON SUNDAY, Nov. S., 1863. The Office. 311 WALNUT" Street, is now open for • the reception of aavertisenn-nte. tis,REIERS, by apotyisor immediately, can be plovidod with routes. XSlffif.i AGENTS should call early and specify the nanther of rams they desire. 'Persons who wish to take the OBSERVER„ can furnish their addressee to the office and the paper will be promptly delivered by the Carriers. There will be no subscription list except for parsons who do not reside in the city. no 2-60 ?FEE NEW GOSPEL OF PEACE- Second Part —Now raady and for Rale by T: B. PURL SIXTH and CHRSTMIT Streets. Price,lsconts, Sent by natal on receipt of 17 cents. It JUST PUBLISHED-- ILLusTRsTrvE OATIIERING S POR PREACHERS AND TEACHERS A MAYO aL OP ANECDOTES. FACTS. FIGURES, PROVERBS, QUOTATiONS,.Sic., .sc. Adapted for Christian teaching. By Rev. G.S. BOWES A. B. From the Third London Edition: 6(16P1i.• 12m0.. 11.25. rf he title will at once explain its desige. It embraces: 1: A collection of Scripture references. 2 A collection of illustrations. combit.ed and compressed with a view to brevity, applicability, and.. ariety3. A Copious index. Reason, history, and experience all . witness to the power, value, and use of illustrations.. This is one of the very best selections ever offered to the public. The subjects are alphabetically arranged, and the Scripture references form, :with the illustrative anecdotee, quotations. .to., one of the most valuable auxiliaries the speaker on re ligions subjects can have. Sent post-paid on receipt of retail price. For sale by booksellers generally. PERRINFINE di HIGHIES, - ocSl-51 56 North FOURTH Street. Philadelphia. TKMARVEL'S NEW BOOKS. MY FARM OF EDGEWOOD. A Country Book. 12mo, cloth. $1 60. DREAM LIFE. A Fable of the Seamus. 16mo. Pocket editions, cloth. $1.22. REVERIES OF A BACHELOR: or, a Book of the Heart. 16mo. Pnciceteilitioo, cloth. $1 25 FAITH GARTBRY'S GIRLHOOD• By the author of Boys at Chequaeset. 12rno. cloth. $1.26. A GLIMPSE oF THE WORLD. By the author of Amy Herbert. 12mo, cloth. $1.16. LIGHT. By Helen Modilt. 12mo. cloth $l. 25. For sale by S & A. MARTON, oc3l 605 CHESTNUT Street. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS Iv EVERY variety of style—rich Turkey morocco. antigrte.ivorY mountings. ornamented edge', &c.. &a, holdtnz from twelve to two hundred photegrapho, the largest and beat assortment in the city. - WILLIAM W. 13A .DING. No. 326,CRESTNITt St., below Fourth. ocll.7t* • south side. • PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS IN ENTIRY, variety of , style—rich Turkey morocco, antigne, ivory mountings, ornamented edges. &e', ac. holding from twelve to two hundred photographs, the fargast and best aesortment in the city. WILLIS:AC W. Hal/DING, No. 326 CHESTNUT Street, below,Yourth. oc3l-7t* eolith oido. CHAS. ALBRIGHT, WM. H. STROH. NEW BOOKS - Just received by J. B. LIPPINCOTT at CO., 11.3 and 71 0 7 1 1KAR.KET Street. ENGINEER AND ARTILLERY RTkPORTS of the Army; of tho Potomac. By General ~.rnard ant General Berr THy. E JEWISH TABERNACLE...IND ITS 11111NITURF.. By Rev. Righard Newton. - THE YANKEE. BOY PROWLIOME, PUBLIC LIFE OF CAPT. JOHN BROWN. By J. Ream th. REJECTED WIFE. ByWs.. Ann R. Stephene. TEN CHAPTERS ON Iifi.tREVGB. By William B. Boyden. TOUSSAINT L'OVERS'ORE. A Biography and Auto . biography. FRUIT, FLOWER I .4ND THORN PIECES, from . the. Gorr an. By Jean Paul Righter. 2 Tole. NOTES ON THR Ii.F.BELANITASTON OF PRNNSYL- V.a.Nla. By Pros •Jacobs. With a map. ANNALS OP TEE ARMY OP THE CUMBERLAND; With many illnatrations. oda ENINS,IJLAR ; 'CAMPAIGN'OF THE 4L. .-ATt]srs, THE.'POTOSIAC: Illustrated by nu moron Maps, Plans; ho.. ' • • BOURNE 'S CATECHISM OF THE STEAM ENGINE. A New. Revised, and BnlargSd Edition. • AOASSIZ'S METHODS OF STUDY IN NATtTRAL HISTORY. • - A-LARGE ASSORTMENT Of MEDICAL, .SCIENTIFIC. and :MISCELLANEOUS BOONS always on handotndlor sale at - LOW- PRICES. by - LINDSATA BLAKISTON. Publishers and Booksellers. av* as SOUTH SIXTH Streift. above chtitinitt, • • • .. NEW PUBLICATIONS. NO7ember 12: IRVIN WS' SEETCIi-gOOK. N. blue and gold, price in- Novena:rat 20. TILE mosi r gLEOALIT BOOK OF litE Yak% Intrinsical..4Valnable—rxtintically'N3avitifd. B ARTIST'S. EDITION [From thq Athenieum. .1).. A. & Co : hate just t' tithed RAVE YOl5 READ ITT PETER CARRA.DIPTE BT CAROMNE CRESEBRO. 1 vol. 12mo„ cloth. nu,. EDUCATIONAL. 46 TENNENT SCHOOL" FOR BOYS, -a- HARTSVILLE, Bucks counjy. P. The next SOFfiioll will open ea '.,I:OI`i.BSDAY. Nor. 4, to continue fly° months. Reference may be made 10 Rev. Albert Barnes • se2S+imaatthuol7 M. LONG. Principal MR. 4WD 141R5.. (i. Graduatee of the Roston Notinal Institute f Phy deal Education, commence Claesee in Nto Love.' Now Gymnaatine, in Pollen!, Hall, N. W. torner THDITH and GaßDEN.Btrecte, on TNESDAY &eat. Novem ber Bd. Lida and Missez!will rat* at gq: Lzdtas and Gentle man at 73i" R 31- . • • - Persons interested sre'inviled to visit a class meeting on Mondays and Wednesdays. at aq P. to , In Hoitienl total Hall. S. W. corner of Brosd'and Wabent Streets. 0, may be been. rend circoratriv obtaiaed, at Iforttealtttral Hall, from 10 to 11; at Follett from 1 . 2 to 2. scat 6f IpfEMAN ALLEN" - ; A. M., FROM 'THE Coneervatorinm of Mode, at Lehsnig, TEAOHER of the PL&WO AND VIOLIST. Sio. 215 South gSVEN TEESTri Street. Circulars et CL Andre & Go7o, No. I . lo4:Ohetlyint etreet, and at thiO - office 0c272m- • 1131,RYANT STRATTON, & 00:'S COM- efEkeLatroom.eoE. S. E. corner or SEViMiTiI anti CHESTNET Etretts. MODEL 8021PligS8 SCHOOL FOE THE 113ECLIANT AND HOKIN ES.B Mali; Extensive imProvements have recently been made in the matter nna method of tnetrnotion?...onthinioa - nanrir and Fractide, bymeans a( Banks ofr inane, Lorti, and Discount. Revers.) Btaineas Offtese, au) other fasilities for corr7ing on Actin]. Busbess Practice. Attention is cAllet.'tn flit-unrivalled Pleiades of this &hoot. Toting men are trkbled practic tily. tle wet 9 as theoretirallY. 11 9 pasAtur through first trice Theoretital Department; then thef.ti_bhinc. Comminshma, flianranM, 4 find Banki3g Houses. They beadle mooe:r;:ntlY and Ben Merchandise, compile ctiittnal sets of Booltit, and make out ell the Etteineee PiPmff invo)ved. Th orntany of the' ,myeteries of Dorble•Enti y Bnotaatotna are aittnidated.. and the whole coarse mitered more att.l7;tnile and easier of conbteininalon. Biteiners mon son ethers are invited to call ziatrenatili6'aiitlnctfities for Gcmiriercid. Instruction. . sfi.2A.42t BU MRS. C. As! BURGIVS`,93OII.OOI, FOR YOUNG LA. fi3B. NO. Dear WALNUT art.i... /CAW Pupils can ba'raciived for Mil stlay of Frooank and VILLAGE GREEN SERIN ARY—A eBLECIT BOG 60110011. =la 5111,D2.k, PA.—Thorough COll - 211•45 In- Blathemsttle, Cle,r2das, Uah D....nesshen, Nati-Rdences. Miltarr alien, Climes In E-461.:cke;apingi F.../.471137'44g. anci CIVS Ingineerfaxg. Puptls- *lkon of 61.) urn. 99eh00l oven Neptenraer Ist. Bear` rifii: per week, t;.%.7.4, Tuition, pas e or iniNrnieoon_, ...dares , / "artcr.- V" HERV - "",a: B RATOrf, 3724 Bin . _ W 0 0 r'' Ma.T . E.EST.ECTIOA_L i" iiLAHHiCAL WAR GAP . The aboN•e• institution vfC.lo_ , eopee. IMIOND-DA.I pfir r d t ty r ) ac t r ts Zd rs ap o p f i t y hti o tdeotesaber). 14 t "A f S gi:l ici ses2to Doiawere 4+ltGaps- ioern4s* WAN rcs ANTED Tg.lll, lsa• NuArty, w Store snitablh'fice theJobbiegirrorit ile-se, Lceation between Arch' Rale Iriarket, on 'flirt er Petal}, rtreet, or Seecad. and. Sixtb , . on , Market. Mare.* So 72141C4 Post Vflic3: none" ANTED—I.OOO rAWN TICK"4TS of OVER ands PROCK 'COG2I% aro. 303 Sena SECOND Street. Philkderiphia. ' _ NArtt NI ED --1,900 SIX DRESSW, lira class, at 2F0.. 205 Eolith arc-UND Street, Ito. low Olieetont. Philadelphia. Wei , . , NTED 6,900 CAST-01TV HATS The highoet prieeegte - en, at Not. ocr , Rooth BEO I OND'Otreel, below Cheek/ant,. Philadelpielel 7MED-1 4:10 TIOKETS of Hininell old Furnienve, Beading,3utii•Matikets. Ehirts, Counte:panee, WiISNITE B -1,6(4). 'PAINT% 'BOOTS, ' and, SICIMIS; at liat 19.5tOuth5FC6VE , Street, below Chestnut. - oct+l.3t. WANI7I) BY JANUARY' , llst, A Y STORE, or First. Floor mot Basement', on , affiBST NUT St7eet. batween Second' and, Sixth seri:lota, for Wboleealo BUSAIIMS. Adelress Box 282, - Plellad'eephia Poet Oiner oegeft O ng 4 OGO, $5,500.--T 10111 S E - 9 9 amounts on highly improved:oitywo- Parties. ids°, $2:600, $5,0E0,. am] $7,000 'wanted on. Farms neartlie city. Apply to E PETTIT', 0c25323" WALNUT - Street. . tt 7F, A MONTH 1 -I WANT TO 'ISIgE q 4; _Agents in ovary comity at *l5 a month. °wpm eta _paid f tO sail my new cheap 'Family Sewing Matinee. hcldrean. DrtailEK)lCf. Alibrtt. Maine. 0c2.3-3atstlEi $OO, A MONTH! WE WANT AGENT3-at ill6O a month, ex sea paid, to:WI our EvEREASTING PENCILW-t0 aAL. BITRIPME. and Caitteen oiler artialeafrae. BMW & CLAIM sell-d& iirdna Ali"- i -AYBPSTY QII4II,TERMASTM ZNERAIL - ST/IMOIE—BLPHIL. Feb, S. len WADTRD immediately to terry (1011.1a14 the following Points : Tortngen Troy Wait, Fla. Pert Monroe Flo ti6 Alexandria_, 'Va. Newborn, ff. C. Port Royal, B. C. A. BOYD. • felo4l. Captain and Angst. Quartermaster. BOMM - JMG. VrANDSOME SINGLE. AND COX MIMIC &TING - ROOKS. with first-class 130.5. RD. 909 WAVNTIT street LOST AND FOUND. R3OO,REWARD-LOST OR STOLEN, Ne six 6:20 'UNITED STATES -BONDS, of+15:5(0 each, Cannons attached, dated Jane Md. 1363,-numbers from 24,28 t0.24,2<)4 inclusive. All persons are cau tioned against receiving or negotiatingsaid bond& Three hundred - dollars will be pa: d for their recovery by LEWIS SONNEBORN, AMBER Street. above Wood, Kensington. PHTLAIMLPHIA, Jaiy 18.1863_ 0c213-180 FOR SALE AND TO LET. .` r et TO* LET—THREE. STORY DWELL- Iing. NA Nikth TWELFTH Street, below`OVAL - - ;LACE. with double three-story back bailding.s: all the modern conveniences: in good order. Inquire 804 CHESTNUT Street It. .A.IIGE LOT, SUITABLE FOR AN - 1 - 2 Oil Factory. The railroad to the Uas works rums ``through it. For RENT or SALE. b• (c 3L• A. P. &J. H. MORRIS, 916 A.ROH St. COA+l, YARD FOR SALE.-THE BEST fitted-up Yiird in the city; rapacity for doing' any amount of business. Inquire on the premises, No. 957 North NISTH Street, below. Girard avenue. oc3i-6t. TOTO BE SOLD BY THE SHERIFF, ON MONPAS. November 2, 186:3, at SoNSOK-STREET BALL. at 41' M., a valuable piece of GROUND of the Mutual Real Estate Associstion, opposite the Risiag Son village. Ninth, Tenth. Eleventh, Twelfth, Tioga, 'Venango, and Erie streets ran through it. Plan of the .same can be seen at the Sheriff's office. 0c30.3t* GERMANTO WN-P LEAS AN T '..-w.RESIDENCE FOR SALE, with large lot, shade, and city conveniences. Apply 916 ARCH Street. cc3l-3t* al TO LET.—STORE No. 24• SOUTH AraIIOTTRTH Street. First-rate stand for basiness. Ap ply at-No. 32 North THIRD Street. 0531.-3 t. ELEGANT ARCH STREET MAN. m.115.101 , T, with extensive well-Improved back bail'- legs Lot abont 30 feet front, 1:31 fee, deep to a street, on the opposite side of which is Stapling complete; all in fibegaste and condition, with city conveniences. Snch an ci tablishment is seldom in the market For sale by 0c.31-4t. A. P. & J." 11 tfORR.IS, 916 klica st,.. NOTICE. —TO IVIAN.WPACTU ica- BERS —lO LET, the well-lighted bnilding,ll6 feet by 56 fest, known as Aramingo Mills, lately occupied as a CO ion Factory by William Baird, situated on the Frankford creek. yard fronting on Philadelphia and Bristol turnpike, within three and a half miles of the oily, two and a half stories hush, basement tinder Tart, dye-house, dry.roome, .bc There is in the building a 60.h0r, e pow er engine, with boiler nearly new. Coal can be landed by boats on the premisea. Terms reasons ble. For further particulare, apply to- late occupant, 'William Baird, or on the premises, to.- RE?.4IIY .11 TAYLOR, oe3l4t* Frankford, P-nua. rnR FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE - MaDELAWARE PEACH FARR. 15S : acres, with rood improvements, sitnate near Dover, two, miles from-a station on the Delaware Railroad. Also. some. thirty other Farms in the State of Delaware. Call and examine Register of Farms. E. PETTIT, oe2S 3g3 W &LIMP S reef. Ai FOR SALE-FRUIT AND ORNA =a:MENTAL 'TREES. Best quality Send for Cata lognes gratis. WILLIAM PARRY. 0e29-6t. Cinnaminson. N. J. 61 FARM AND MERCHANT MILL Ma. AT PUBLIC SALE. -wur be exposed to public sale on THURSDAY. Nova 5. 1563. at 2 o'clock Pr al.; on the premises, all that valuable praperty-known as • MOORE MALL, In Schuylkill township, Chester .conntyr. Pa., situated at the junction of Pickering creel and Schuylkill river, on the Reading Rail - toad, twenty-Ave-miles from Phila delphia, and three-quarters of a mile southeast ofPbco nixville,containicq about 187 ACREeI OF-I,A"CD,-ina high state of cultivation. unsurpassed in ferillity by-any in the county The improvermanta are a large - StOtta mansion. stone barn. wagon house. a large spring house. with other necessary outbuildings. Also a stone and frame tenant house. On tho promises is a large stone merchant relit, with hen y.wa , er power, The. locality is healthy, and beautifully situated. overlooh. ins the Schuylkill. cet, venient tocheols,,churches.Sto. is well supplied with springs of aced water. Would divide into three properties.. The mil ama water me we?, with about 12 acres of land, and ,two farms divided hy the State road, with about 85. acres each. Will be said together, or divided to suit .purchasers The-Readlng Railroad passing through the premises,,makeelta desire: his property for country seats,.oretlim establishment era manufacturing business It la well worthy-the attention of capitalists. Also, at the same time end plane. will be sold several WuOI) LOTS, well timbered witholiestnnt, one containing . 6 acres, aud.theother Snares and 121 per ches, situated in Charleston township, Also, tire namely of one-half of 2 acres and 47.perchee in TredYfEn town ship. Chester co.. Pa • Persons wishing to view.the.propertles can. do se by applying to KELLAR STEPHENS,. on the premises, or to. E. T PENNYPACKER, Phcenixwalm A. plan of the property can be seen. and further.information Obtained, at No. S North SECOND • Street. Philadelphia. Condi tions made known at the time.of JOSEPH WOOD, oc2U-15t ISAAC SCULL. FOR SAL VERY DESIRABLE IRON FURN A CE.PROPBRTY,.situatod at McVey town. Mifflin county, Pa., within achort distance from the Pennsylvania Railroad. and Gana The freehold Property comprises a Furnace, with machinery of ample coal; aboutw. it. acres either charcoal or Anthracite 1.300 acres Timber Landg also-the celebrated Greenwood Pipe Iron Ore. Bank, contcdning about 17 acres, which produces in abundance the same oar from which Sohn. A. Wright, Baq„ makes his renowned and justly celebrated Locomotive . Tire and Sra Axles. • Thin is the only. available property in the State which pro duces the Ore reouisite foreatablishimlabusinets of liko. , character. There is.also about Menem of Land within lhalf a milenf the Furnace, held under long leasesfrom which abundance of •excellent Hematite Ore can be ta ken, at a cost mot exceeding $2 per ton. delivered on the Furnace Bank, and•onwitlch shafts have recently bean sunk, and which. will produce sufficient Ore to *JUDO/ the Furnace. Soft Fossil Ore is also abundant in. the 'neighborhood,. Charcoal'in any quantities can bhhad 'delivered at the Furnace,. at ft: to. egcents per bnabeL Tb is Furnace is.well• situated fon the markets. having water and rail communication wilts Philadelphia. Pitts burg, Baltimore, Harrigburg. and other important mannfacturing towns. For price terms. and thrther, partici:dam apply to H. N. BURROUGHS. ocl9-lm Philadelphia. Pa. OR. SA.LE-ON EASY TERMS, VA- LuABLE LOTS OF. GROUND. in the late District of Richmond. One at the corner of Richmond and West,- morelsnd streets,.6s feet by feet—threc fronts. Ong other at the corner of Richmond and Viransley strange, 130 feet by HO feel,. to Torpin street—three fronts. And the other being a Square of Ground fronting Lambert Ontario, Torpin, and Wensley streete,, 33S feet WI feet The above are highly eligible Lots, and stable for manufacturing Purpoees. Apply to. C. N. WAG ;RR, 0e29.12t 341 north SIXTH Street. IP I OR SALE-VERB DESIRABLE BUILDING/ LOTS on the north side of GIRARD Avenue. east of Eighteenth street, 165 feet deep, two fronts. MONTGOMERY Conveyancers, 0c2.9.60 1035 BEAOH Street. above Laurel. a giW i t STEAMBOAT FOR SAEL —d, side-wheal Steamboat, ,140: feet long, beam engine, 50 inch cylinder, 6. feet. stroke, low Pres. true ; all new in 1562; ready for immediate nee. Sold to close a concern.. - - 13113til Y HALLAM. not. 3t 160 TENTH Avenue, N. Y. TO E SPORTSMEN.. . PHILIP WILSON do CO.. 409 CHESTNUT STREET; Manufaobarers of ea Parlor DGUBLE GUNS canal, ti not ennerior, to any of the followitaz . go a t". 'which we heti, conatantly oilhand: _ _ _ William Greener. Weatley Richars. Moors St Harris. - end other Makers. - - Also, Powder. Shot, .Wede. tails, We ahali. ha constantly anppliaa. 'Airing the season. with v lafy Ttatatr or er.A.Kaz., sist-gua EIZI:a1=1 A mnICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC CARL ANSOMT.g.. Lesßea and Direct . ADOLPH BIRIARLD litAlinesu Mauston GERVAN _OPERA. MONDAY ETENINGP, Nov. 2, 1863, GRAND OPE:RING NIGIISV, MAR~~i.~. y GRAND OPERA, IN FOUR AM'S, BY F. VON FLOTIYI;V MAIMEA.... Madame B. J01(4.1i - l' 4 " , NANCY FRTMDIMiIIn: LIOPLVI, Herr Hi MMIDt 'PLDD Herr WEIN LIG IL LORD Till STAN Ffert-GRaFF. Doors open at 7. Oyer» common can at 8 o'clock. TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION. EBSERC'BD'SEa7'ni PARMIST, rARQIIRT CIR (ILE. or BAY.COXY, for Twelve Sebteription Nigh Le ; being three perfcrrmance each week ..stove PRICE OF ..51)VIDifOlv. SECDRFIV SgeS in PIES.QtrFir. PARQUET CIR CLE, or BALCONY • (No Ockcp mold crittout Deserved Seat.) sit 59 FAMILY CIRO • • • . • ..... eta, A MFHITHEST ..... . . .... . ... . 21E eds. Single Seate and EMtierriptione can be Wad of NoItDAZ NORNIRO. at the Aag,DEMY aftre,re, ANII J. E. GOIYMYS rtillble STOWS. 6, E. Corne7 or SEVEUTH and CREST:Hi'? ffi=t i From 830 A. 111 to 3 P. M. RMAN Ctr.ERA-._ S PBC r A NO-Tie:E. REDUtITION O PR 'DES or AiDmrasiart , . • TO THE ramILY clifterx AliD AMPHTTIRATES: CA:RD.—Maar objectless ha , ciag been made that. while the lot :trice of selyierilitfonfor seats In the PAM. QUE 7.-;" Pot CtnCts, ane EatsoNr permits sub scrily..t.a to visit :he Opera arhirmer or a similar op.-, pottundty hat bz , on withlleld frbm those desirous of going : 7 7 the . FANIF.ri CIRCLE and AMVITITIth.ATUR, as , most h XPFIC , aensunce that the very Meral gvhsertoL tiow redly el ez,abis, me to rerratce the r;tice of admission.. to thoPe . ..laces. es fo,3ows: leald;VE CIRCY , F, 50.cente: . . . - ha ots.. A Df;LPII )3 . 12.0. FELD. 1 4 _. . _ Basinewidanager. , 1 , , ESITIIUT-ST. 1 ,-,---, vr - li. INEW Cr/ • 44 . Lessee and Mensarr AL1424---- --- COthrIVIIA410)1 111. wm'slr• friGHLY CI2' 66tt Fc E SU -14t.1T.- e figment oftletelebrefed Artiste. . _ M'LLE V3STVAL ' I wh!sl stands altEtast VtATO A YAR 1 13 in t";:innEil s O l L• a. ' c s tagetrr ALLM • TEIIS - (lEdnday) tVSN3NO, Nov - .1;1&i,' exn ENINRY StrEkrilA 0, lINTIVqIIRI'NEWNOTIC . S. will bwprssented ths. now Musictil Drama. =tided. GAM&A THE, aWA R II MOTHER G A ME.I ' - 91 - 4 VERTVAId. Sniv'oz%d by tbe foUlowing talen'tdd art'utts:_Mtieisra.% S. C. DT1b.0 . 14..) W. Bikedell, Dtr , Forreet, S. Por ter. Evers Kassa, Garland. arta lattnewah. Meadaraoa: Broitham. lobertson. Grattan. Kirlower' Missu Carper, Pdrter. Need:: Gerrion. Mary Miler, &c... In additi mitt, th'e abov. - AxxwerfukaLt r actiod.. ! • MLLE. 7ESTVALL , APPEAR 74 - OPERA, Em a Grand emns from the 'bird AO of D.II 3 CRETIs EGSGEA. land Ring THE BIE-IMDIE.I." laitind by a o.Rus, AI"2,33TIATE SC3 E cosrurns, gra.. sgc, a - Con&aetnr, hir.-eaerk - Haee^ler. may be eennevAi, for any 01.._ TER VNISTVALI 73410 :;/I"Teerslays in at.mnem _ WheatleylnßwLrieaPare is manouneing a brief en gagz9ent with taellteeinnuished :,reitug Tragedienne:Efasft b:VoNIA hiz r-gi•at oppearance-!n-linei , ca eLtice her return frein • CallAnnia, Auetralies- Englaal, pronennesa LG?don . T4' 5 BEST AC51.1256 , ' AMERICA, HAS BE NV tri." She W4ll aPPear an . MONDAY ,VCRIM•IVH: ifovem- , 3ar - 9, ISM' in one-of her poweriniimperAonatione Ma& JORN DREW'S NEW ARCH. 4-T-EL' STREET THELTRR—ARCII $. - met above Sixth.- kettllß and :Imo alaat.ffar Wld. FREDERIQES Lkyp vy:lsErf. NVALLACIsa 8 (Monday) Ln MRS ' FA I P 67I T/11 y)13.71?-141.11 . 6 ST: MART ' 2 d 1863: • _ _ St. . ....... • • •-•••• ....E. L. Davenport ............. .......... VE` iano ....... - Mrs. Ferree Ticke , a l 9,s; 60. and itinenta. uo extra clarge- Or re , serced-reats. To commenmarot ,o'clock.' IA F AIINUT-STREET THEATRE. V Lesseß A. GAIGRETTEf. TM! Monday) PinNINO. Nov. -2d: - 1883 will beTepeated the nevpaaAt astiyaordinartly - intetestakir Play; NV7P;tin expressly for MR.. 5. called. TED?, Istil/Cg. SPY. To c0nc1r.,.., , '3 , with t i brai li pw r it . t e4? ?.. f . Box offiD9 , o , lien. from 10. UR 3 , o'clook,Vtete melt. UMW - be secured... oX'S. SING CBESTBIP? itrset FRESITWOVELTTES !! NEW ATTRWITIONSI • Oa3TAT , 9UCC339 - 07 COBIPAW FIR3T WEEK OF MDLLE. GELLETTI & MOMS. TOPHOFP: • the best Fre ..;,b•Daneers in the world. COIiTII4IIE.I>SITCCESS (Jai...LILES E. COLLINS. 11113 ORIGIN/a, CUBS, and the Best gamin Singer in, aka. eountm This week a Firianime of imp-slid malt nn2-6t4 "k/r0 SICA 31 • FUND , • 0 OT'T SG'H AL EC. T.T.IOSECOND GRAND CONCERT• OF , MR M GOTTSCHALK.' 7 IIEeD.A.V:IETENIIiG, 'Nov. 3. The celebrated. , PDonna, I.iIIgEBANGIGLLYA. COEDIER, of the GrandWt:iertt, ,, Paris, and the principal Opera HousesirelhaVnited States, also the talented Violinist. CARLO P ATTI, will appear-1n Mr Oottachalk'a Concerts. Mr. HARRY SANDERSON, the distingr_libed Affseries.o. Pianist, will assist Gottschalk -in aeveral new Piano Duets. which hays caused so.great a seasatiou in New-York. Musical Director and Conductor. . ... -.S. BREFRFaja Seats may he secured, commencing SATURDAY, O. Mat, at 9A. J. E GOULD's-MnsinStere. °caul, ri‘EMPLE OF WONDERS—ASSEMBLI BUILDINGS, TENTH AND CHESTNUT @MEM Amusementfor Old and Young. Mirth and Happinems open for the season. Constant change of Entartasicustai. SIGNOR BLITZ, EVERY EVNBITIACt,, commencing at - okiloisk. aid Wednesday and Saturday at 3, conidattng of New Nys. tertes in Necromancy,&weak succe-ne VentMkaliclaalh and the Learned Canary Birds. • ;~~; t OTHRNMEIIB - GREAT : PICTURE, MARTYR; IN -FN COLISEUM. NOW EXHIBITING. AT THE". ACADEME OF FINE MITS. eI,ERAIA_NIa ORCHESTRA.- PUBLIC `•-•" RRHEARSAIS ovary SATURDAY, 336 o'clock. P. M., at Ina , MUSICAL FUND HALL. Steele ticket's; 2.5 cents. Packages of six tickets,- $l. To-be had at ANDRE'S,. 11041- CHESTNUT Street: J. E. -12tOULD; SEVENTH and CERT/ NUT. and at the Hall door. ocl2-Su P ENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP THE FINE ARTS,. 1025 CHESTNUT STREET. OPEN DAILY (Sundays excepted) from S A. M. 22 6 P. M. Admistion 25 cent's. Children half Drina. jef44l INSURANCE COMPANIES. R - movm, THE IdANHATTAN /IFS INSURANCE COISPAN22:, *Of New York. having appointed Jeittss 13.-CAD.R. Agent for this City, have Removed their office to- NO. 4IS WALNUT STREET, Where applications for INSURANCE and RENEW/LLB on - POLICIES must be made. The allotted dividend ofMS will be adjusted on all Pelicies on which two. or more annual premiums have been paid, on the adjustment of the warrant year's premium. The following items, interesting to the assured, show the great progress and prosperity of the Company since the last triennial dividend: The ineorre of the Company for the pest three years has been .$1,400.00000- The assets have increased The losses paid to widows daring tbree years-past were 2EO 551 2.1 '..others- 52A735 Ell. Dividends have been _made during the past three years' 250.000 00 . 11 :CA.RR,F; A sent. v. Y. WEMPLE, Secretary. ' 0c25-Imlf., - PANE INSURANt Ag- 403 CHEbTNIIT Sim PHI - Lap) FIRE Alp INLea. Francis N. Buck, Chas. Richardson. Henry Lewis, Jr., John W Everroan..• Philip S. Justice, O. W. Davis. PRAPCIS WILLIAM I. RIK-N(IMM PELPITIA. INSITEANCE. .BOSTON:. AND PEEP,4 ' PHD. STEADISMY eateaaK from pert on SAIMDAYS.. fro:A, - filai; Whateabowe PlNE :Street. Street. Pbiladelnhia. and Lag Wharf. Brogan. Tha steamer NORMAN; Bsk.o. will sail from philladelphia for Boston c. - 3.S.A.TURDAY, lioven*o 7y at. 10 o'clock. A.M.; and Ftea.:4l.lVSA-XO l l. eTh14, 9 1 1 1 Crom Boston, on same at, M. -These new and sebs:‘Attel etes •••• - s Pe form regular saiilng - frein'eaeli.part 'owlet - sia'Y on. Saturana Insurances effected ;az onsi -- -tmlf•YAe 'PrezleNe charged ea sail vassele. • - - Freights Wren a stair rates. S iloi ers ore re .Tszated to seta Siip FACCIDE3 Lei BillR Laditig with the' ei-Atoods. . • .. For Freight e rit.esage akevine. flee itecoitmod allow apply to - • REFRY WINSOR ~.% Cy., M . h 9 , 332 Sorith:DELA.WARf§ Ayebto.. WHIM, PRESETAVI.Nik PURE CIDER AND WHITE WINE VINEGAR. GWEN eaNGER, MUSTIED SEED, SPICES, &a., air ' TEE EE4I,7IBMES POIC PB iMISEVIIfG .A.ND PICKLUM PURPOSES ALBERT o. ROBERTS,_ Dealer in Fine Groceries. Corner KLEVRIPira and NUMB Streets Cet.RIZEUT -PIANO TUNING.. 1 --3dr. C. E. SARGENT'S orders for tatting and revelling Pianos' are received at MASON dt- storo, 901 CHESTNUT Street, oxalf. S, beans& eleven years' &dopy experience in Nos. ton, and .g763 . ears' employment in PhtiladelPhis- SPEGLAZ. —Pianos rehsatherest to sound es soft and sweet tuned as new, without removing. Terme or Tuning, &Mt PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA. MONS, with fall descriptions of character. _given NAY and INT.ENINN. by J. L. GAP ..s.ff wA-fmteeon No. 25 South TENTH. Street. cl - PECIAL NEW HART CABS EL L'SUL ALL- FRUIT JARSLS FRUIT JABS. E AMERICAN AND FRENCH GLASS snA_Dzs. BEAUTIFUL FERNERIES. BARTELL Sic LL'TCHINGETH, No. 13 NIONFIFTH Streak. sailg-tdeSl COLORADO TERRITORY.-WE ARE 'Li prepared to undertake the investigit'on of titles to LAND AND MINING CLAIMG.' in Colorado Territory. and to furnish accurate and reliable information respect ing the prospects and. ' yank of Mining. Associations or Companies already formed; or In course of organization therein. We can also furnish the names of responsible persons. who will 'undertake to act as agents for any parties having interestan lands. hg in the Territory. .LEDTAB;D , & BARLOW, Law and Collection Office. 429 CHSSTNIIT Street, 0c26-nrwg R. if* MRS. M. G. BROWN, NETAPHYSI CAL PIIYSICIAN, Professor on the Bye, Ear, and Ti 3 mat Permanent office, 410 ARCH Street. Philadel- Plfia; from November 1. Associate Once,' 25 BOND P.'creet, - New York. Metaphysical Discovery, prise $5 Per. nos . Poor Richard's Eve Water, Scalp . Renovator. 21. Der bottle each. 0c24-1m ("vill 010 E. ISA33 .. ELLA: GRAPES, just re.ceired. Also. Cultivated ranberries. PRETTYMAN' & SONS. N. R. earner FRONT and ARCH Streets. . WATEE WHEELS, .Iri r DRAM-1/0. I RAMS, WINDMILLS, • Brans and Iron Li ft and. Force DUMPS. Country residences supplied With Pettit. bid Gail Works, and every conven i ence of Gag ant 'Motor. Plumbing, GU, gad Steam Cling, M'COLLIN RHOADS, alt-snwtni MONET strait. rtalitilip E COISEPN4iNYI NO. . . Wendrn.K4 Geo. A Nest, Sohn. Kessler. Sr., Chae.• ntokes. 6. E. Rosenhei-x., Joseph D, ` President. - kTLERAN., ' D. Secretary-. i 11,11.41.1