The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 07, 1863, Image 3
SPECIAL Nor.ricEa. 'THE MEXICAN EMPEROR. • UT THE HARD OF TOWER HALL. Will Max accept the situatl en" • That Bony oilers him. I wonder; 'Twill take some very JAME pefamtaten To make him dare our Yaukao thunder. If in the,halis of Montezuma • Be should. consent to hold his revel. 'He'll see the etorm-oloud rising chow , nr And hear It howling like the—mischtel. • The Monroe sign Is "no ad m'tt'atos:" All tyrant trespassers malt rotiwg. Or we'll effect a speedy HIM dues; And who for this; can justly blame us? , IFrom Behring's Straits to thine, Magellan, Let Freedom have her broad phint ttio a; 'Leave monarchs Ulmer o space to dsvoi. Their pres ence is a deiecraOoa. 'Take heed, ye trans-Atlantic powers, Here, monarchy can find riosest4. air', Ye cannot prostrate freedom's towers, And. 'rowan. HALL ye Cannot beat. sirs. The largest and mo4t complete RIO oqineat of Fail and "Winter Clothing in Philadelphia, 1 - . lling at reduced . _ SURGEON GENERAL' , S VErftlE, WABIitNOTON, D.. C., Oct. 3, 1883 An Army Medical Board will meet to the city of New York, on the 16th instant, for the examination of condi -dates for admission into the Med'onl /AAR of the Regular Applicants mutt be between 21 and 3) years of age, and physically sound. Applications must be made to the S icreta ty of War, or through the Surgeon General of the Arm's.. staring the residence of the applicant, an] ihe Ate and pisca of his birth and they must also be accomoa lied by respectable - testimonials of moral character. ' No allowance is made for the expenses of persons tin dergoing the examination, as it is an indispensable pre- Te4lllBlie to appointment. There are now several vacancies in the Medical Staff .01' the Regular Army. . By order. oc7-3t, CONSUMPTION CURRD—Ln ~ E(IOND „ :and later, without medians or pain, by Dr. STEVENS. - 341.43 • South PENN SQUARE. Ca,l and obtain refer- Onoes, gratis. HOOFLAIM'S GERMAN B mtg. g Prepared by Dr. C. It 13:50 2.1". Will effectually care Tiiver Complaint, Dyspepsia., Jaandio3. Chronic or Nor . vons Debility, Diseases of the Jridnevs,• and all Diseases arising from a Dieorderec Liver or Stomach. • Every family should have a ;bottle of these Bitters in 'the honsi. ONE DOSE will instantly relieve a sick stomach. ONE DOSE will cure'the moat di dressing heartburn. ONE DOSE wilt allay any agitation of the nerves. ONE DOSE, taken an hour before meals, will give a seed.appetite. *ONE DOSE will, in many cases, care the most severe headache, when proceeditigirocu a iii,ordered stomach. These Bitters can be obtained at 133 y Draggi.t's or rai ler of Patent Medicines in the United States and Cana •das. Price 75 cents per 'bottle. Uee ih it the eignatare of C. M. on the wrapper of each bottle. oc3-6t . . . THE COMMON BELIEF THAT T4E HAIR CAN ',not be reproduced on bald heads is e-ronsons, and at Variance with the known grinciples which govern its growth, Each hair is a .Wollow tube, h rough which there is a constant circulation maintained by the blood, Which circulates in minute veins Sc, the glands or vesi cles which secrets the hair. By thie circulation the hair ',a 71 ouriBlied and held fast, its glossy eolo7' given and `prepared, and each hair covered wi h the finest oil. -Anything whieh diverts or takes away the blood from . the scalp, or impedes its free circulation to he glands .or the roots - °Me hair. will stop ice gr 02014, cause it to turn gray,fail oft, and leave the hoed bald. Continu- Qui mental exertion; trouble, and various kinds of die -ease: thus produce baldness, or loss of hair. Knowing she caese, we can rationally attempt to counteract the • evil by . restoring the circulation of the blood through the scalp. This can be dose by the a.polic slim' of a ;proper stimulant, When the hair will spring forth and ...grow luxuriantly \ The most certain article for this Purpose, and the only one which has gained and mains .tained its reputation through a long series of pears, is JAYNE'S HAIR TONIC. This article does sticattlate =the scalp; Causesfa free circulation of the blood through - it, and. does not injure the young hair as it springs through the scalp. Acting noon principlee'which can 'be understood by any person who will give the subject a thought, it recommends itself to sic ery one requiting an article" of the kind. By a faithful application it will stop the hair from falling out or becoming gray, and in nearly_ every case reproduce new hair upon heads that Diane been bald for years. Prepared only by Dr. D. JAYNE & SOY. 21-2 CHES- T-211".1T Street. ocs mull HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE I 'BATCHELOR'S celebrated HAIR DYE is the Best is Vie World. The only Harmless True, and RelicOte royelanown.. This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect—changes •Rusty, or• Dray Hair, instantly too (Rom Black .Natural Brottot, Without injuring tneliair or Stain lag theSkin,leaying the Hair Soft and Beautiful; im learte fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine S3olor. and" reetilles the 111 effects of Bad Dyes. The Ciemiline is signed WILLIAM A. Ihro - tortott; ftll ethers lire room 'imitations, and should be avoided Bold by 4111 'Druggists, Be. FACTORY, 81 BARCLAY Street, Zew York: 'Eatcheloes Bew-Toilet Cream for Dressing tithe Hair. " je23-17 j../BAFREqs BLINDNESS, AND ALL DISEASES litrhich the Ear or Eye le heir to, successfully treated by Professor J. IS LOS, D. Oculist and Auxist, No. PINS Street. Testimonials from the mom reliable sources can be Been. at hie once. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients. as he has no dteorat in his Mode of treatment. Artificial Eyee inserted No charges made for examination. se22-ws lm ONEXP.ICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST Irma, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain liatires. All Goode made to Order warranted eatisfac 'Cory. Our ONE-PRICE SYSTEM IS strictly adhered to. All are thereby. treated alike. - 'del2-ly JONES - AI CO.; 1504 MARKET Street. 'THROAT DISEASES, CATARRH, AND ALL .dieeitises of the air Passages, Aiwa succaesfully treated by DR. VON . IIIOSCIizisSER, 1 0 27 WALNUT street._ oc3-61,* - DEAFNESS, ETV AND EAR.— DR. VON 2.l o sougiuggu, oculist and /aria, graduate of Vienna, Clinthor of " Guide to Diseases of the Eye," " Observa tions on Diseases of the Ear," can be consuited on allies: ladies of the EYE and B/R. Years of experience, with un extensive practice. have gained for him the reputa tion he enjoys as the most successful Opthalmic and An tal Burgeon. NOcaerous acknowledgments of cares, from 'persona Well known throughout the country, can he.exianined at his office, 1027 WALNUP.etreet. 0.33.6t* Dii. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT _ HAS been used by mote than a million of people: and ail praise it. STEINWAY'S PIANOS. The fame of these instruments has extended to ever/ Imrt of Europe. We find on the programme of the Thil barmonie Concerts in Bremen and Brunswick a note Mating that the grand piano fortes used were "from the 'Manufactory Of. Messrs. STEINWAY SE, SONS, linir,Yorir:" We also see by a London paper, noticing the fact of Wu ii s PAPS playing before the Prince and Princess of Wales during the bridal festivities. that "the piano used at the castle WM one of STEINWAY SC SONE'. New 'Pork, 'which took the prize medal a% the World's Fair." BLASPIS BROTECRS, No. 1006 CHESTNUT Street. 8026-8 W tf NM GEORGE STECK & CO.'S - PIANOS. CRESSON SPRINGS, Ankast, 1863. Bilt. J. E. 1301iLD, Seventh ad Chestnut Sts,, Phiyada DEAR SIR: Having had frequent oppottunitlei of -ex amining the Pianos made by Messrs. GEORGE'S - PECK & Co., New York, during the past few years, In the practice of my profession as Tuner, I pronounce them the most perfect instruments I have ever seen. • • In point of touch, equality, and einging tone they may defy comparison with any and all other makes, while in the upper two octave (treble notes) they are incompara bly the fleet I have any knowledge of. C. E. SANGENT, Tuner of Pianos, sel2-aw-tf 907 CHESTNUT Sirecd. PUiladAlvhta ma.h+A.mtnamr). STONE—CHEScHIRE.—October Bth. 1853 at the Bap tist Church, Fells of Schuylkill, by the Rev. Sohn E. Chesshire. assisted by the Rev. Dr. Jeffery, 11-. Jason Stone,_ of Waterford. N. Y.. to at Jane II , oldest daughter of Ray. J. E. Masahiro. MINTON —PARBEA:OX. —At the residence of the torldets father, on Tuesday evening. Bth October, 1883, by the Rey. Wm J. Alston, Rector of St. Teomas' Church, 'William H. Minton, of Philadelphia. to Martha Far 'Beaux. of Charleston, S. C,. and daughter of Jacob Far lbeaux, of Charle s ton, B. C. STAPLBTON—MARTIN —On October 6th, IRV, at the :Arch-street Presbyterian Church, by the Re-r. N. W. Conklin, Robert J. Stapleton, to Miss lifargareta. Mar- LEWARB—CRESS.---On the 24th of Jane, 1883, bythi Mr. Hum, C. E. Lewars, to REA f. Cress, eldest daughter of Colonel. George Cress, Jr., of Spring Gar /den. 7:iIM3J. COCHItkNE. —On the 6th init. , Emma M.. ysungesk daughter of John, and Annie Cochrane, in the 20th veer of her age. The relatives and. friends of ti a family are respsctfally invited to attend the faneral, from the reeidence of her earents, No. MI Coates street, on Thursday afternoon, 2 o'clock. ** TRAGER. —On the morning of the Bth lust. at Wash 3ngton, D. C. , Mrs. I larriet D., wife of Daniel A. Yeager, aged 82 -years. Her relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend her funeral from the residence ef Mrs Mintzer. 960 North Sixth street, Philadelphia, this ( Wednesday) piorning, at 9 o'olook. SERGBANT. — On Monday, the 501 inst..• Sarah Ser geant, widow of the Hon. Thomas Sergeant Her friends are invited to attend at her funeral on Fri day next, the 9th inst., at 10 o'clock A. ill , from her, late residence, No. 022 Cltnton street HEPBURN—On Sunday, the 4th inst.. at Bath Springs, bear Bristol, Penna., Charles Weecey Hepburn. The members of the family, male friends of the de ceased, and the members of -Lafayette Lod en, No 71, A. 7. M., are particularly invited to attend the funeral 'from his late residence, No. 819 Pine street. Philadel phia, on Thursday next. 9th inst., at o clock P. M. .Interment at St. Peter's Episcopal Church yard. *'- HORIITICANN.—dt Munich, in Bavaria, on the 13th of September, Lavinia, daughter of G. Henry and Ella Nordmann. FULMEIL—On Monday morning at 2 o'clock Mrs. Jul henna Fulmer. Fullersl from the residence of her husband, Mr. I,Vm; W. Fulmer, No. 1433 Girard avenue. on Thursday, ]horning, at 10 o'clock. To proceed to Laurel Hill " HART.—On-Sunday.evening, Oct. 4, 1963; William Nart, sr., in the 37th year of his age. His relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from the residence of his father-in law, Mr. R. Cowperthwait, No. 872 Lombard street, on Thursday. the Bth inst.. at 10 o'clock A. If., without farther notice. DWIGHT.—At Portland, Maine, on Friday, October Rd, Mrs. Eliza L.. wife of the Rev. William T. Dwight, D. D., aged 63 rears. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to 'attend her funeral, from the residence of her brother, Colonel William Bradford, No. South Fif teenth street,' this ( Wednesday) afternoon, the 7th inst., at 3 o'clock, .without further. notice, * . BTEVILNSON. —October 3d,- - -last., Mre. Mary' Ann Stevenson, wife of Samuel Stevenson, aged 59 years. The relatives and friends of the family aro respect -101.17 invited to attend her funeral, from her late reel- 4mm, No. 611 North Front street, thie (Wednesday) diorning,_at 10 o'clock. Interment at-Laurel CRAWFORD. —On the 4th inst., Mary, wife of Wm. dCrawford, aged 42 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully ittvited to attend the funeral from the residence of her husband, No. 88 North Twenty-first street, this (Wed loodaY) Dunning, at 8M" o'clock, without thrther ~notice..: • * 301.LACK' CORDED 110LIESELINFIS._: all-woolhlack corded Mousseline Gelaines, 6230. Lead French Pderinoes. Lead Topilne and Itepo, Brack Arrnure and Gros Grain Silica Black Thibet Long Shawls. Black and white Scotch Wool Long Shawls. Slack Turin Clothe. Black and white Striped and Plaid Paris MOuseellne Welainee, Just received by BEBSO & SON, sew m ourn i n g store, 918 CEIESTNgT Street. '`LACK MIXED 'WATER-PROOF ,OLOTas. • Grown mix* lIIIPELLANTS. ET nUtir BIZ; TOURTEL andieß.k AND ELT,. t jp,044 ol.Shawls:-Pgiptins, arid Matinees 94 ' 44 " 4" • 0•4 Scarlet Opera Clothe Purple Opera VD:4am .- , Moo (+ma Clothe, %lc?. TOW 4 T. 'TALL, 515 DUtItITST 9 , REET, BlsrfNEl'r & CO " C. Ef CRANE. SIITFA U S, Array MISS ANNA E. DIVIIINSONMILL addroee the people of Pennsylvania on the NATIONAL CRISIS At LEBANON At AtOETTYSBURG• At YORE At CHESTER se9-tf IMSTATEMENT OF THE VllatT NA T.lolvaL BANK OF PEIFLADKLFIDA, Itb re. qui/ ed by the twenty-fourth 'molten of the Alit of Con grilse, approved February Z 11,1863: Average amount of. Loans and Discounts • Soecle and U. S. N LeM• •• • " Due from other Banks.... " Deposits, including ba lances due to ether . BRIM 210,70003 PHILADELPHIA, October fbh, 1863. City ofPhiladelphi, so: M. kickili.:BASL, Jr., cashier of the First National Bank af Philadelphia, being duly sworn. ileim•e and say, thin the'above statement to correct to the host of my knowledge and belief. ' Sworn before me this sixth day of ractoh , ,r, A. D 1433. It Virkf. 3. DI.LLIKER, Notary rablln. W , OUTIIWA RIC. RANK, Pitthentthre[A. OltOher 5. 1863 The animal election for Directore will be hold e.r. the BANIMG HOUSE, on stiINDAY, the eixteeeth day of November next, between the hours of tea A. M. and two P. M. A general meeting of the Stockholders .w.lll be held el the same place on TUESDAY, the third day of Novem ber-next. at twelve o'clock M. - oc7-wf&mtnol6 . . F. P. STEEL, Cashier. CONIVIONWEA_LTH BANN., PHILADELPHIA, Icolmr 8. IBM. 7'he simnel election for Directors will he held at the BANKING HOUSE. on 11101 ii DA Y, the sixte-uth day of November next, between the hours of ten A. M. a ud t ere P. M. . . . . - The annual meeting of the Stockholders wil I be held on TUESDAY, the third day of Noyemb,. , r. at tea o'clock A. M. HENRY C. 1 °DIM, Cashter. oc7oMmtnol6 PHILADELPHIA SOCIE Mir :O'O.R. PB01111)TINI AGRICULTURK—OcficIiar rnPatiug at Noon No 32.6 WALNUT Street, on Wednesiay ( CO MORROW) Morning, at 11 o'clock. tt AN ADJOURNED DIEle all Discharged Soldiers fay.w.he to re.eisetton of our true and tried ft tend, ANDREW 0 011.N.TiN, ter Governor. will be held at the COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, CHESTNUT Street, above Sixth, on WEDNESDAY EVENING. October 7tb, at -7X o'clock. to make necessary arrangements to paraciptte , n the Parade on SATtTIDAY EVENING. October 10. All Soldiers now in the city are particular Ly requested to be present. COMMITTEE OF AERANGEntENTS. Wm. S. Holmes, WOl. F. Stidham, George C. Meade, Joseph J Miller. James E. Jackson, JAMI Ggo. W. CALDWELL, Seers q,fi MORRISON, Preednut. ataxy. 4c6 2t M. OFFICE "OF THE F RAN KLI N FIRE INSURANCE, COMPANY. ' ild - lI4DELPFITA. 00(6. IES3 . . . At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company, held this day, a semi-Annual Dividond. of SiX PER CENT.. and an Extra Dividend of TEN PER. CFN P.. was declared on the Capital Stock, payable to the Stockhold ers, or their legal representatives. on and after the 15th instant. [ec6-100 J. W. MoALLISTag.. Sap't. M.. KENSINGTON BANKOPIIILA.DEL. Pi'lA, October 3. 1863. Tbe Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will be he'al at the Banking house on TUESDAY, the 3.1 'lay of No vember. 1863, at 10 o'clock A. M. on4utawftN3 An Election for 'thirteen Directors. to serve the ensu ing year, will be held at the Banking-hoase on • MON DAY, 16th of November, 1863, between me boom of 9 A. M. and 3 P, M, C. T. YB &Kg% oc•mwftnovl6 Coshier. MANUFACTURRRS' AND NIOS' BANK, PHILADELPHIA, °MAW' 4. 1863. The Annual Election for Thirteen Direct°, a will be held at the Banking Ilon.e on MONDAY, toe 16th day of November next, between the,hours of 10 A. M. and 3 The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will:be held on TUESDAY, the 3d day of November next. at 10 o'clock A. M. r M. W. WOODWARD. oc6-mwtnol6 Ca,hier VN/°N BAN PIIILAIT7LLPI lA A October 3. 7653.—The annual meet:us of the s(0 ck holders of this Bank wit! be held at the banking huttee on TDESDAT, November 5, at 32 M. The annual election for Direct ure will be held on MON DAY, November 16, between the honre of 10 A M. and 2 P..M. J. J. HUCKEL, ocdmwftNl6 Cashier. WESTERN BANK, OF PIMA : DBLYBIA. Ccrounn 3, 1663. An. Election for Directors. to serve this Bank the 42:t -ruing year. will be held at the Banking House. on MON DAY, the 16th day of November next, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P: M. . . . . • . . The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held on TURSDAT , the 3d day 'of November nest, at 12 o'clock M. Cocs-mwftl6Nl G. M TROUTMAN, Cashier. M. FARMER So ND- MEC HANICS' BANK, PHILADELPHIA, October 2. 1863. Tie annual election for Directors will be held at the Banking Bonn on MO NDAY,.the'l6th day of November nest, between the hours of 9 o'clock 9. IL and R o'clock P. M.: and on TIII,SDAY, the third day of November next, a aeteral meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House at 4 o'clock P M., agreeably , to charter. . W. RUSHTON. JR , oc3-tnol6 Cashier. MR I OATUIN tnanYAVT BI"D°W "."fr I'ITTLiDELPHL, September 28, 1863 . A. Quarterly Dividend of 23. per cent. oo.the Capital Stock of this Company has been declared this day, paya ble on and after Ottober 7th. clear of Government tax. se29 9t. L. CHAMBEILL &IN. 'P,ea,nrer. MILITARY NOTTUES. FOURTH Z UNION LEAGUE REGIMENT Under authority from the War Department, endorsed by the Adjutant 6-eneral of the State, the undersigned, constituting a Committee of the Union League, propose A REGILIENT OF INFANTRY FOR THREE YEARS THE WAS To all recruits mustered into the regiment A. BOUNTY ONE HUNDRED DOLLAID3 Will be paid by the Government. And to all who have served in the army not less than Nine Months, k BOUNTY FOUR HUNDRED AND TWO DOLLARS. of which, with the month's pay, .Forty Dollars will be Paid at the time of being mnsterennto service. The Regiment will be commanded by Colonel GEORGE P. McLBAN. late of the Pennsylvania Eighty-Eighth the and Third Union Leanne Regiments, Headotarters, No. 432 CHESTNUT Street All business of the Regiment will be conducted exclu sively at these Headquarters. and no , applications ad dressed elsewhere will receive attention. A. CAMP will be immediately formed in the neighborhood of the city. • J. B. FRY, Chairman, JAMES L. CLA.C4IOIOI . , Treasurer. Col. GEORGE H. CROSHAIL 11. S. A., HORACE I3INIsiBY, Jr., 11011TOIT MeMICHAEL,. BLLERSLIB WALLACB,. M, 11.. J. I. CLARK BARE, Committee. The Qommittee :will employ the funds now in hands; and such as may, hereafter. be_raised, in faeilita .ting the raising of the Reaiment; but are not, authorized. and have not authorized - any one, to contract bills . 0 2 1 debts, and will not be collectively or individually re sponsible for any debts which may be Contracted. sell-mwflm ARMORY COMPANY C, ART., P. IC G. GERMANTOWN, Oa. 6, 1863. A Special. Meeting of the members of Company C will be held at the - ARMORY. on TEDRSDAY EVE NING. Oct. Bth, at 8 o'clock. - The attendance of• all: members le particularly re quested, as business of importance will be brought before the meeting. 'By order of__ Captain M. J. BIDDLE. B. BUTLER, Orderly Sergeant. oc7 COMPANY D, 20111 REGIMENT P. M., will meet at Wm. Pultoes Hotel, FR &NH FORD Road and BELGRA.D.S Street, THIS (Wednes day) EVENING, at 7 o'clock, to receive their BonntY, Si 6 each. By order of Capt. R. HY S.- M. W. PERKIM, Secrerary. ' ' lie CORPS OF HONOR,.II S. A. HEADQUARTERS RECRUITING SERVICE," INVALID CORPS FOR PHILADELPHIA. 242 South THIRD Straot, Philadelphia, Pa. SOLDIERS honorably, discharged on account of dis ability will! apply for information for enlistment in the INVALID CORPS to Lieut. 1it1 2 1 4 0 , p. Ift B r Sl44,Zgl i i i d a g e o l ra a, Lieut. J. W. DEAN. Invalid Corps, Ell Brown street, and . . . M. E. coiner-Broad and Spring Garden es., Phila. Pay and !allowances, excepting bounty and pension, came as In r. S. Infantry. , B. W. MATTHE WS, Major let Pa. Art and Sant. Invalid Corps for Philadel phia. aad-tt NOTICE TO'DRAFTED MEN OF THE TWENTY-FIRST W &RD. The Board of Enrolment of the FOURTH DTQTRICT hereby give notice to all persons drafted in the TW ENTY FIRST WARD, (being the Fourth sab•district,) that they will commence the hearing of cases of Persons claiming exemptions, or thnse desiring to offer substitutes, on WEDNESDAY, October 14. 1603, • - At the HEADQUARTERS, corner BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets, and will hold daily sessions for this purpose until the entire ward is completed. - The notices served upon drafted men areall numbered, and the following order for the hearing of cases has been resolved upon, and will be strictly adhered to, viz: Wednesday,. October 14th, Nos. 1 to 10, inclusive. Thursday, do 15th, -do fil to 100, do Friday, do 16th, do 101 to 150,- do - Saturday, do- 17th. do ILI to 200. do Monday, do 19th, ~ - . do 201 -to 210, do Tuesday. do 20th, , do 211 to MO,do Wednesday, do 21st, do 301 to 350, do Thursday, do 22d, do 351. to 400, - do -- Friday do 23d, do 401 to 403, do The hours of session will be from 9 to 12 o'clock A, M., and from 1 to 4 o'clock P. M.- - -- Those having substitutes to offer will be heard first in order on each of these days. rr3..Persons failing to report upon the days fixed as above for their •hearing, will render themselves liable to arrest as Deserters. Aka-The time for the hearing of cases Sn the Twenty fourth ward is extended until farther notice. Marshal. 0. N. LANE, Captain - and Provost Marshal. 0. B BARRETT. Commissioner of Board. RALSTON WELLS, Surgeon of Board. PIIILADELPITIA, October 7, 1863. . oe7 tf NOTICE TO-DRAFTED MEN IN THE TWENTIETH WARD. -HEADQUARTERS - FOLIATE( DISTRICT, Ott. 5.131'3. —Notice is hereby given to all per. sons drafted in the Twentieth ward, and who have failed to report to the Board of Enrolment, 4.1 t Headquarters, Bread and Spring* Garden streets, that they must do so on or before:Monday next, October 12th. or they will be .considered and treated as deserters, and a roward of Ten Dollars paid for their arrest and delivery at Headquarters. .IVo person so arrested can escape per eonal aveln"ce. D . tel. DANE, Captain and Provost 'Marshal. CHAS:- B. B ARRBTT, Commissioner of Board. J. RALSTON WELLS, Surgeon of Board. oct-it $329.30 FOR EA an - $lOO UNRIVALLED FANCY CAKES . AT DEXTER & WOOD'S Confectionery. 0e7.20 ,1704 MOUNT VERNON Street. OASES, ICE CREAMS, WATER ICES ••••• of all 'Mae, for parties and weddinge, at oe7-2.0 1707. MOUNT VElth ON Street. ISAAC GRIFFITH, DENTIST ...• tas removed from the Northwest comer. of FIT. BERT and. Sixteenth Streets, to No. 11.91 North nIX TBENTH, above Arch. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST.-THE annoyance of continual breakage of glass chimneys entirely overcome by the Patent Fireproof Conical Chimneys for Coal. oil Lampe. They are an ornament to the in oil, and cannot be broken by heat. So L ldg a e m n P ei g a s l a l l y l a n tLamp stores AltOS HORNING, Agent for Ittannfactumr, No. 321 North SECOND Street, Phila. NOTICE.- TILE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore exirdatur between the subscribers,trading under the firm of EDWIN . WATTSON 8r CO., Biscuit Bakers, is dissolved, by =Anal consent, from and after this date. All 'worms Indebted, to the said tirrn make.payment to THOMAS WA fTION. who is duly Em• MOTIZed to settle the - business of the late firm. WATruotr. EDWIN WATT'S° tf. rhiladelphla, October 5, MS. oc6-12:" NATIO N AL UNION NOMINA. AL , TIONS. .Wedneeday, Oct'r Ith. .I"livirsday, " .Bth. Friday, " 9th. Saturday, 10th. .Monday, 130,400 CO 7 0100 01 88,000 00 EIGHTH WARD, NATIONAL UNION TICKET. SENATOR.' . JEREMIAD NICHOLS. A.Des - ,eDLY, JOHN D. WATSON'. SELECT COUNCIL _ ALEXANDER L. HODODON, SCHOOL DIRECTORS, • JOHN H. ATWOOD, NOR RISS MATTE RSON. JAMES F. HALOY, M. D.. . (For the unexpired_ term of J . C. rechin,)' 7 WILLIAM F. JUDSON. oc7•6t, NATIONAL UNION 'TICKET. FIFTH WARD. COMMON council._ A. 'WILSON RENSZRY. fiCTIOOL BEivSADIIN FU'CKSL. TRoMAS FITZORtiALD. A. ETSTI.N RLDRIDGR. FRatr(Rtiß DUFFER . (for the unexpired term of Henry N. Fisdall. ) CONSTABLE THOMAS M. PEARSON. 0e7 , 61* U. 1 (1 NION MEETINGS . WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7. YORK—Governor Cm tin; Judge Bond, of Baltimore; General Bruce. of New York. cEIPPENSVILLE, Clarion county—Min. James M. Stove]. BUTLER—Oovernor. Wm F. Johnston. WAY NISBIJF.G, Gilmore county—Non. Lorenzo Eher wood. iIeaDHEISI, Lancaster county—Lieutenant S. G. Beh mer, B. Billingfelt, C. L. Hanseaker. WEST PHILADELPHIA CONCORDS:TILL& Delaware county—Hon. S. H. Banunond, of New York. 0111sENCASTLE, Franklin county—Hon A. K. Mc- Clure, Hon. Franklin Bound. PHILADELPHIA, Twe.tieth ward. Do. Third ward. WAYNESBURG, Chester county—Colonel R. 8. Ma thews, P. Frazer hmith, Esti,. Colonel Worrell, and Dr. Worthington. THOMPSONTOWN, Juniata county—Colonel Charles H. Shriner. ALTOONA, Blair connty—Governor Noble. MARSIIALTON, Chester conntv—Washington Town send, Esq., and addison May.. Esq. VoRTHUM BERL A ND—Benjamin Haywood, Esq. MECHANICSBURG. Lancaster connty—Colonel W. S. Amweg and N. El•maker, Esq GREEN OAK, Allegheny connty—Hon. J. K. Moor, head. W M. Malt, ESQ. TYRONE CITY, Blair county—Hon. L. W_Hall, Mr. Kea ty. MONTRODSE, Susquehanna connty—Horace Greeley, ROM Wm. D. E elley. Hon. Gairsha A. Grow, Hon. George Landon, Dr. W. C. Doane SOUTHAMPTON, Bucks county—C. N. Taylor - and James B. Lambert, Begs. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8. READlNG—Governor Curtin, Governor Morton, of In diana: Bon. P. C. Shannon: CLARION. Clarion county—Hon. James M. Sao vel. GRESNSBURG, Westmoreland , county—Gov., Noble, Gov. Win. F. Johnson. Thomas H. Marshall. CHEbTER, Delaware connty—Governor Curtin, Gen. Bruce. of New ork; Governor Pollock, Col. R. S. Mathews, of Baltimore; Col. P.'S. White. PMENIXVILLE—Dr. Wm. Elder ' Col. Jas.'Worrall, P. Frazer Smith, Esq., Dr. Sumner Stebbins. MEHOERSBURG. Franklin connty—Hon. A. K. Mc- Clure. Hon. Franklin Bound. PITTSBURG (Evening)—Major General Franz Sigel, Governor Noble BL eIRSVILLE, Indiana connty—Hon. Henry Wilson. of Massachusetts. PERRYSVILLE. Juniata countyßev. J. W. Hunni cut, of South Carolina; Col. Charles H. Shriner. LIONVILLE. Chester °runty—James J. Creigh, ESQ., J. smith Futhey. Rev. Vaughan Smith. N ORR ISTO WN. BULMEVILLE, Bucks county—George Lear and C. N Taylor, Esqs. BUSTLETO.N. MARIETTA, Lancaster county—Henry Diffenbangh. DANVILLE,. hirfutour county—Benjamin Hay wood. ESQ. ByßEltyty, PhiladaPhia , " • .ENON VALLEY.. Lawrence county-r.„Samnel McKin ley, .1 W. Blanchard., D. Craig. Em. • _ LOGANSVILLF, Clinton county—John:B. Stoll, Esq. ; M. German. JACKSON CENTRE,. Susquehanna countY—Hon. F. B. Streeter, bey. A. H. Schoonmaker. BELFAST, Fulton connty=Dr. S. C. Duffield, Capt. N. W. Sellers. WILLIAMSBURG, Blair county—Hon. L. W. Hall, D. - COCHRANVILLE, Chester county—Hon. John Hick: man, Dr. Wilmer Worthington. EAGLEVILLE, Montgomery county. DRUSIORE, Lancaster county—James M. Hopkins, Dr J. Gatchel, 0. J. Dickey. Dr. D. W. Hutchinson. PHILADELPHIA, National Guards' Halt—Hon. Henry J. Raymond, .and General Richard Busteed, of New York • DANBOROUGH, Bucks county—George Lea, lE3g.; Richard Watson, James B. Lambert. UNION STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROOMS, PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 17, 1863. HON. WILLIAM D. KELLEY, at the Invitation of the State Central Committee, will speak in behalf of the Union, at the times and places named in' the annexed schedule. Our friends are earnestly desired to haVe a full attendance of voters at these meetings: MONTROSE. Susquehanna county —Wednesday, Oct 7. POTTSVILLE. Schuylkill county—Frlday, Oct. PHILADELPHIA—Saturday, Oct 10. • selB WAYNE MoVEAGH, Chairman. TflE PRFASS.-PIIILAbELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7. 18632 POLIVI CAL. STATE OFFICERS FOR GOVRENOR, ANDREW EL CIIRTM. FOB, JUDGE OF SUPREME 001311 Ta DANIEL, AGNEW. SENATOR-FIRST SENATORILL DISTRICT. YEREDLCAII NICHOLS. REPREBENTATPTS. 11% Matriot-- , WILLIA.DI FOSTER. t 4 THOMAS S. CHO ATE. id " THOMAS TWILLS. 4th " JOHN D. WATSON. 6th " WILLIAM W. WATT: 6th " ISAAC: H. &MARRA. Ith " THOMAS 000HRAN. Bth JAMES N. KERNS. 9th CHARLES DIXEY. JO% U S. S. PANCO AST. - 11th " ISAAC A. SHEPPARD. 12th ' LUKE V. SUTPHIN. lath " WILLIAM Y. LEADER. 14th " S. FREDERICK GETZ. 16th « ' WILLIAM F. SMITH. 18th EDWARD G. LEE. C ' JAMES KILLER. COUNTY OFFICERS. ItROORMIR OP DBPDEI. LEWIS R. BROOMALL. PROTHONOTARY OP DIBTRIOT 00IIRT, GEORGE KELLY. Otalll.H OB COVIST QtrAlt.Tßll. BIIBBIONB. GEORGE H. MOORE. CORONER. WILLIAM TAYLOR. CITY OFFICERS. CITY TREASURER. HENRY RODIDL OITT commttssfoymn. ILIP HAMILTON. By order of the City Committee of Bnperiutendenq. t e9-ti UNION. MASS. MEETINGS. • UNION STATE CENTRAL COMMUTER ROOMS. COMMONWEALTH BUILDINGS . , Gil CHESTNUT St. SEPTEMBItit 9. isea Governor CURTIN, in company with distinguished orators from adjoining States, will address the people of Pennsylvania at the times and places named in the following schedule: At YORK, York county, WEDNESDAY, October 7th. At READING, Berks. county, THURSDAY, October Bth. At POTTSVILLE, Schuylkill county, FRIDAY, ato her 9th. - At PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, October 10. We have reasonable hopes of having' in the pending canvass the aid of Governor JOHNSON, of Tennessee: Governor PIERPONT. of Virginia: Governor BRADFORD, of Maryland: JOHN BROUGH,• the next Governor of Ohio; Hon. DANIEL S. DICKINSON, of New-York; Gen. LOGAN; of Illinois; Gen. BUTLER., of Massachusetts, And many other distinguished gentlemen, including many eloquent advocates of the Union Canso in Penn sylvania. No possible efforts will be spared to secure as full and thorough a 'diecnesion of the momentous issues now submitted to the people as the brief period now re maining will allow, and it is enjoined upon all friends of the Union Cause to secure the 'attendance of their fel low-citizens upon the occasions. WAYNE MoVEAGH, Chairman. GEO. W. HAXERSLT,22 , W. W. Hers, S ecre t aries. sell Ai k ITENTION 1 THIRD " WARD, A - 1 -L- Maps Meeting of the loyal citizens of the ward will be held THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, at 734' o'clock, at the House of Industry, GATEIARIDIS, above Seventh Street. A number of emineht speakers will address the meeting. - 11* ATTENTION, RIG= WARD I-A meeting of the EIGHTH WARD NATIONAL UNION PARTY will be held at the Hall of the SCHUYLKILL HOSE SOUSE. LOCUST Street, below Thirteenth, on THURSDAY EVE. NING, Bth inst. All loyal citizens of the Ward in favor of sustaining the National and State Administrations in their efforts to crush the rebellion and preserve the honor of the Republic, are invited to be , present. Business of importance. - -- By order of the Executive Committee, oc7-2t . ALEX. P. COLEsBERRY,Sec'y. ITENTIONI ELEVENTH AND TWELFTH WARDS—THE UNION FOREVER. The Eleventh and Twelfth wards will hold a pantie meeting at the junction of YORE. Road and FIFTH Street. on- THURSDAY evening next, at 7g o'clock. .Eminent speakers have been engaged for the occasion. A TTENTIO , NI NINETEENTH A WARD. —A Meeting of the Loyal Citizens of the Ward will be held at the house of John Deers ABB ER and ELLA Streets, on THURSDAY EVENING, October the Sth, at 7. o'clock. - Punctual attendance is requested, BENJ. F. URWILER, President; Attest—Lavr ELDRIDGE. Secretary. 0c7.20 RALLY l RALLY ! RALLY 1 THE TWENTIETH WARD IN MOTIONI THE LOYAL CITIZENS of the Ward are invited to meet at the Southwest Corner ELEVENTH and GIRARD Avenue, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, the 7th instant, at 63 o'cl, ck, to proceed in a body to the Mass Meeting at the intersection of Ridge avenue end Nineteenth street. A fine Band of Music will be in attendance. The following speakers will address the meeting: Gov. RANDALL. of. Wisconsin, - Gen. BRUCE, of New York, Col. S. H. PEW'S. of Lancaster, Dr. WM. L ELDER. Col. WM. B MAnN, JAMES LY ND, Esq. , Col. FITZGERALD. and others. oc6-2t , TWENTY-FOURTH WARD.. A MASS MEETING, under the auspices of the UNION LEAGUE in West Philadelphia, will be held at the COMMISSIONERS' HALL, Thirty.seventh and Markt t Streets, L . ON THURSDAY. EVE VINO NEXT, October St,h, at 7R; o'clock. - ALL LOYAL crauEis,e, without distinction of PAR TY, who are In favor of supporting the GOVERNMENT. suppressing the REBELLION, and maintaining the UNION, are Invited to attend. Addresses will be delivered by Hon. - -N. B. BROWNE, _ • is Ex-Gov. JAMES POLLOCK, • ' DENNIS IN O'BRIEN, DM, 0 EORGE'FI. EARLE. Esq,, • WM. NICHOLSON, Etcl., • And other distingnished speakers. By order of the LEAGUE. , ocB.Bt*, I J NION CANDIDATE FOR THE LE. gislature (3d district). THOMAS T. WILLS. Hatted'. GOD South SECOND street. A good assortment of Hata and caps cputwitly oAkt4sa, aditn* POLITICAL. HON. HENRY J. RAYMOND GEN. RICHARD BUSTEED, OF NEW YORK. WILL ADDRESS THE PEOPLE OF PHILADELPHIA, HALL OF THE NATIONAL GUARDS, .FACE BELoW EICIEiTH sTB.BET. TEES (WEDII2sDAY) EVENING , . AT 734 O'CLOCK, The People are respectfully Invited to oome and hear the addresses of two of the mom distinguished dittoes of our aister State. . Chairman Union State Central Committee PITTLATISLPITIA, Oct 7, 1883 RETAIL DRY GOODS. OPENING. wxN , Tre C'LOA.SS RICH FURS; LADIES, MISSES, AND 011ILDREN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1863: J. W. PROCTOR & CO., 92111 CHESTNUT. STREET CLOTH HOUSE WILLIAM T. SNODGRASS' , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOTH mpousin. No. 34 South SECOND St„ and 33 STRAWBERRY St A FULL STOCK OF ARMY CLOTHS. NAVY CLOTHS. CASSIMERES. NOBBY COATINGS. CHINCHILLAS. VELVET CLOTHS. FROSTED BEAVERS. 'ESQUIMAUX. BILLIARD CLOTHS. BAGATELLE CLOTHS, &c. 001424 CHOICE DRESS GOODS. H. STEEL do SON, Nos. 713 and 715 NORTH TENTH ST., ECAVX NOW OrElf A CHOICE ASSORTMENT MOIRE ANTIQUES PLAIN CORDED SILKS, FIGURED CORDED SILKS, PLAIN SILKS, . FANCY SILKS, FIGURED BLACK SILKS,' PLAIN BLACK SILKS, RLA'Hi GRO-GRAIN SILKS, PLAIN FRENCH MERINuES, FIGURED FRENCH MERIAOES, PLAIN ALL- WOOL FRENCH REPS, PLAIN ALL-WOOL FRENCH POPLINS. PL !UN SILK-FACED•BEPS , AND POPLINS, FIGURED}BENCH REPS- AND POPLINS, PLAID FREDDIE!. AND INLIE PoPLINS. PLAID currns . , DIERINDES, AND ASSUNFiENS. SC:nit - LET CLOTHs AND F.LANNAES, PLAIN ALL-WOOL DELAINES. RICH PRINTED ALL-WOOL DELLINES, 6-4 BLAt K AL L-WoOL DEL &INES, 67.K.0 tOsl-00: LONG AND SHORT CREPE VEILS. • A LARGE - ASSORTMENT OF MOURNING GOODS. BALMORAL SKIRTS, $2 75t0 $lO. MISSES' BALMORALS. SLSO to $9.50. DRESS GOODS. OF EVERY VARIETY. BROCHE LONG SHAWLS, STIOPED BROCHE LONG SHAWLS, STRIPED WOOLEN SQUIRE SHAWLS, LONG AND SQUARE PLAID SHAWLS, BLACK STELLA. SHAWLS.. WATER PROOF CLOAKS AND StACQUES, AND A FOLL ASSORTMENT OF - DOMESTIC • DOMESTIC AND STAPLE DRY-GOODS. Having made the most of- our purchases early . in. August; when Gold was at a much lower figure than at present, we are able to give all our customers the choicest Goode at lower prices than other parties who have purchased their stocks recently, H. STEEL & SON, orl-6t Hos. '713 and. '715 North TEETH Street IMPORTANT TO TILE LADIES JAMES R. CAMPBELL & CO,, No. 727 CHESTNUT STREET, Are now opening their FALL AND WINTER STOCK, To which they invite attention, viz IRISH POPLINS, SILK-FACED POPLINS, •' ALL-WOOL POPLINS, • In the most Desirable Shades. PLAID REP FANTASIE, PLAID POPLINS, EPINGLINES, ALL-WOOL PLAIDS In the Richest Designs. 3f- AND 6-4 motrsmx DE 1./LINES, BLACK, COLORED, AND PRINTED. 6-4 BLACK DE L./LINES. 6 . 4 COLORED MERINOS, all Shades. WELSH. FLANNELS. SHARER FLANNELS. BALLARDV ALE FLANNELS. SACKING FLANNELS. OPERA FLANNELS. SCARLET FLANNELS. • GRAY AND SCARLET-TWILLED RUNNELS. 3ACONETS. CAMBRICS. ' CHECKED TiIUSLINS. • • SOFT C 4 MBRICS. NAINSOOKS. SWISS MUSLIN& • MILL MITSLINS. CAMBRIC DIMITb TARLEToNs, &c. _ ' • LADIES' KID AND LISLE-THREAD GLOVES. LADIES AND GENTS' COTTON HOSE. BLANKETS in all Sizes and Qualities. ' BALMORALS AND SKIRTING. RICHARDSON'S "FRONTING, MEDIUM, AND`:: HOUSEWIFE LINENS, TABLE CLOTHS AND DAMASKS, NAPKINS DOYLIES, AtiD TOWELS; CRASH, HICKANACK, dm. JUST OPENED, - AT_REDUCEI) PRICES, - AN INVOICE OF HEAVY EMP.ROIDERED CLOTH CURTAINS, • For Dining Rooms, Libraries, &c. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & Madam s 1.008- CIIESTNUT STREET. se2S-mw&flOt OBEAP DRY GOODS, CARPETS, on, CLOTHS, and WINDOW SHADES.—V. B. AR- N. , B.'corner DLBVENTH and MARKET Streets, will open, this morning, from anction, Ingrain Carpets, wool tilling, at 37. 45, 60, and 62 cents; Ingrain Carpets, all wool, 62, 75, 87, and $1; Imperial Three-ply Carpets, at S L6O; Entry and Stair Carpets, 25 to 87 cents; Rag and Hemp Carpets, at 26, 37, 60, and 62 cents; 3toor Oil Cloths, 37 to 76 cents; Gilt Bordered Window Shades, 75 to dl; Stair Oil Cloths, 25 cents; Buff and Green Win dow liollands, 87 to 62 canto. CIIRARDRY GOODS. New Fall Delathes. 26 to 28 cents. rich Plaid Drees Goode,81; .37, and 60 cents; Stella and Blanket Shawls, $3 to ln; Brown, Drab, and Black Alpacas, 31 to 76 cents; Black Silks, $1 to $1.75; cheap lot of , Linen Handkerchiefs, 10, 12, and 16 cents; Coats' White Spool Cott, n, S cents Pine, 6 cents; Hooks and Eyes, '3 cents; Windsor Soap, 6 cents. Wholesale and Retail Store, N. corner ELEVENTH Ind MARKET Streets. - sel4-flawl-lm JAS. 'B. CAMPBELL & CO., No. 727 CHESTNUT street, Invite special attention to their stock of Silks; which they offer at low prices, comprising COLORED ARIALIRE. PLAIN OTTOMAN, AND OTTO . MAN STRIPED. Black Gros Gratin and Gros de Rep. A full line of ?milt de Sole, in the choicest colors. . a full line of Plain Black Silks, of all widths andAnalities,.for Dresses and Mantles. VERY IMPORTANT TO THE .LA DIES!' Staten Island Nanny Dyeing Establishment. OFFICES. 47. North EIGHTH Street, Philadelphia, • and 5 . and 7 JOHN Street. 'New York NOW IS THE TIME TO SEND YOUR TRIVETS, SILKS, CLOTHS, 111111.INOES, DELAINES, • To be dyed or cleansed in the finest manner, at this old and favorably known establishment. With an expe rience of nearly forty years, we present ourselves to the Public this season as standing FIRST: -OUR • LINE. BARRETT, NEPHEWS, & CO., . sel7-1m k - 47 North EIGHTH Street. CLOTHS FOR . CLOAKS. Frosted Beavers, loir price. Frosted Beavers, $1313 quality. . Black Reavers.-medium and heavy. Black Cloths, all onslitias.- Black Cloths for Riding Habits. Drab French Clotho for Cloaks: SH A.RPLESS BROTHERS; oc2 , ,CHESTNUT and Ere Ettli titreets.. FLANNELS CHEAPER THAN ANY ather house will eell them: bought before the ris e . We will sell a good white flannel, all wool, 37.94: very nice for 40 3tnd 60c: very fine 62gc. HeavY Shaker Flannels 62,1 2 e, 76e, 87.qc, and $2 per yard. Domet Flan nels and Ballardv ale, Gilbert, Stephens, Washington, Belvidere. and every make of ell wool, under usual Prices. Red Flannel 37e, 000. and 60c; some real bar gains. Gray Flannels of all kinds. Scarlet Opera Flan nel for red riding hoods. Fancy Shirting Flannels of every style, both French and American printed and wo ven colors. Storekeepers, societies, and others baying by the piece will find largo stock and save money by an examination. . . CANTON FLANNEL. good quality. Mo. We have •Amoskesg. Hamilton, Wellington, Bates, Pemberton, and many other makes in unbleached and white, at the lowest prices. • IlitibLlNS.lo-4 wide. 9-4 wide, 8-4 wide, 6-4 wide, 6-4 wide. 90 inches. and 86 inches, wide. In regard to Hus- Tins we Say to,ottrfriends buy now. Every day of wait ing costs you from one to two cents per yard. Notwith standing the great advance in price since last week., we will sell for about the same prices. A good all. linen Towel -for 311.60. per. dozen. , 'Charitable Associations, &o, sold toltif redneilon. • R R. PENNELL. 007-2 t Atm maim street, bylow Atomth, WAYNE hicVEAGFEr, RETAIL DRY GOODR." FALL AID. WINTER GOODS, . FOR URN AND BOYS' WILL Foreign and American Broadcloths, of all spades Fatcy end klain Coatings'. Mixed bleitnns. Fs troy and Plain Cassimeres Black Doeskins. • Union Cale !mores. FACLutah, phiu and fancy. Rentuckv ..Teapee,„te, CUR WEN STODDARD & BROVIRR. 450, (I,:e and 464 North fißi.Palv Above ‘411.1.0W, PARIS AND VIENNESN LONO BHOCHE SHAWLS, in new and choice Designs and Co/oriaga. Prices ranging from 48 to $35. We keerka large stock of the above goods, which we bought on the best terms, and the number sold enables us to otter them at less than usual Drotlt. Wholesale dealers are invited to an examination of our stock. - CTIEWEN STOD PART & BROTFIIII, 4/50, 452, and 454 north SECOND Street, Atm, Wi.h.w, SAXONY DRESS GOODS, Ps - 1 From 31 to 37% ceMs, Vree. tate Anettur. Sales. CUE W 1 STUDDIRT & BROTH - ER, 450, 4-s:a, mud 454 t.orth SEC(IND Street. 2.bnve TO SADDLERS AND STABLE. KREPERS.—CoIored BLANKETS, of all grades, in quantities. at the lowest orient+. - - CURWEPI 1 0 1"013D t kitT & BROTHER, _ 450, 454, and 454 North SSC< i 9 D .creel; It Above Willow. 'LONG AND SQUARE STRIPED AND BROOM. SHAWLS. Prices lower than good Blanket She wle. Juet from Auction. a, large Jot, which ars marked at VERT etEDUCED PLUCKS. CURWEET STOTIDA ST et 13 - W . /TITER. 450; 452, and 454 worth SECOND Street, oc7-3t Above - Willow'. • - ptLA NK Errs', MBAS ORIN G TWO AND a het' yards long, by 2 yards wide, weighing 1144 the, for *5 per pale; the same Blanket for $5 that oth er. are Felling for $7. Fil3o Blankets of every descrip• Con. in fact, every kind made, from $2 50 to 4;24 per pair. 't2rib, Cradle, Trunlle Bed, &c. Gray do. Heavy Com fortable. $3 to $4 each. Woolen Counterpanes, Blare seines, Lancaster, neycomb, Allendale, are. Meat of o ur Blankets were bougbt last year, at prices much under those now ruling. R. D -&. W. IL PFINRI,L, ee7-21 1012 141 ARKBT street, below Bleasnth. SILK AND DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. TVELVET RIBBONS WE HAVE. NOW IN STORE A PULL STOCK OF THE ABOVE GOODS IN BLACK, COLORED, AND BLACK with WHITE and COLORED EDGES, TO WHICH WE INVITE THE ATTENTION OF THE TRADE. ARMAR YOUNG, BRO., & CO.,* 429 M A RKET STREET. THE ATTENTION OF THE TRADE Is called to OUR STOCK OF SAXONY WOOLEN CO. all-wool Kalillannels. TWILLED FLANNELS,. Various makes, in Gray, Scarlet, and Dark Blue PRINTED SHIRTING FLANNELS. PLAIN OPERA FLANNELS. ' , PREMIERE QUALITY" - Square and Long Shawls. WASHINGTON MILLS Long Bhawls. BLACK COTTON WARP CLOTHS, 16, 16, 17, 15, 15, 20, 21, 22 or. FANCY. CASSIMERES .AND SATINETTS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, all grades. BED BLANKETS, 10.4, 114,1'4, 134. COTTON GOODS, DENIMS, TICKS, STRIPES, SHIRTINGS, &0., from various !Kith. DE COURSEY, LIARID,TON- EVANS, 33 LETITIA. Street, and. 32 South FRONT Street aul7-mwa2m CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS AT WHOLESALE! _ THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY! CLOAKS AND NANTILLAS AT WHOLESALE! THE CHEAPEST CLOAK STORE La THE CITY cotanny toucue.NTS will find a great savin_g bT examining our immense stock of CLOAKS and MAZI - - TILL AS, of the newest FALL AND WINTER STYLES, before making their pnrcbat es. as doing business at a very small expense, and exclusively for cash. we can sell 20 per cent. cheaper than any other hone. D. WeIKITTS & co.. N. B. corner of. NINTH and CHERRY Streets. Off Ax. I EWIBBoN. D. WA.T6ixa. f- an.24.mwp2in COMMISSION EMISES. BAGS 1 BAGS I BAGS I NEW AND SECOND HAND. 13/IAIILEBB, BURLAP, AND GUNNY BAGS, Constantly on hand. JOHN - . OEIN T. BAILEY. 00... 140. 113 NORM FRONT STREET: XIF:WOOL SAGES FOR SALE.. sual9-Sza MILLINERY GOODS. BMILLINERY GOODS. ' • ROOKS & -ROSENREIN, 431 MARKET STREET, have now on hand a complete assortment of new styles RIBBONS, BONNETS, VELVETS, BONNET-SILKS, MISSES' HATS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, LACES, , . AND . 'MILLINERY GOODS GENERALLY, to which we invite the attention of the trade. oc7-1m FALL, 1863. -Wool) Sr, CA.ltar, T 25 CHESTNUT STREET, HIM SLOW open A. LARGE STOCK OF STRA.W AND FELT GOODS, FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS, And a general assortment of MILLINERY 43.00DE3. To which they invite the attention of THE TRADE. sel7-Em FRENCH FLO VVERS, 1863. FEATHERS, LACES,. RIBBONS, & NEW STYLE HATS, - JUST OPENED AT THOS. KENNEDY do BRO.'S, No. 729 CHESTNUT Street. below Eighth. es9-Bra / wil l EIGHTH-ST. RIBBON STORE, 107 N. EIGHTH STREET. IN V We would inform our customers, and the lease generally, that we OPEN THIS DAY a soMplete stock of • MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. FOR TEE FALL AND WINTER SEASON OF 1563. Our stock consists of BONNET AND TRIMMING RIBBONS. every shadeand BLACK VELVET RIBBONS, plain,_and - With white and colored edges _ FELT AND STRAW BONNETS-AND HATS. the newest shaves • SII,KS, VELVETS, AND UNC UT VELVETS. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS AND FEATHERS, BONNET-FRAMES, LAMP', & 0., By buyin g from the importers direct, and by constant attendance at the - various auction sales in this city and New York, we are enabled to offer a splendid assort ment of goods in our line at the most reasonable prices. A full assortment kept up till the end of the season, Country orders promptly attended to.. . BICKEL & WEYL, sell-2m No. 107 North EIGHTH Street._ al OPENING OF STYLES IN BON NETS and HATS for Fall and Winter wear, on ... IN V WEDNESDAY, October 7th. at E. P. GILL & C 0.% Millinery Rooms, No. 120 ARCH Street, below Eighth. ocS,dt* in MRS. H. UPRIGHT, NO. 137 PINE Street, will open Fashionable Millinery. on W il l THURSDAY, October Bth. 1863.* 'FIMISSES O'BRYAN, No., 1107 WALNUT Street,. have received Paris MILLI NERY for Fall. which they will be prepared to show to their customers on and after THURSDAY. Oc tober Ist. se29-120 l ift MOURNING BONNETS •00.1 Made to order et the - NSW MOMINTNG STORE. 9216 CHNTNIIT Steet, telg-1m • 11. & MYERS dc Ou PAPER. HANGINGS. pHIL.ADELPITIA. PAPV.II, HANGINGS. HOWELL & BOURKE, OORNSR OF FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS, MANUFACTURERS OF -PAPER HANGINGS AND - WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS. Offer to the trade a large and elegant atsorkment of roods.. from the. cheapest Brown Stook to the finest . Decorations. N. B. COMM - FOURTH & MARKET STREETS; N. B.—Solid Green, Blue, and Buff WINDOW, PA. PERS of every irrade. salo-2m ALL WHO SEE ADMIRE THE style and finish of REIMER'S life-size Photographs in oil colors. There are , no finer portraits made. Gal- ler; SEdOtD d'reen REIMER'S IVORITYPES ARE splendid artistic °flirts. They bear evidence of able and experienced artiste in their execution and finish. Gallery. SECOND Street. above Green. lt* OSE WHO WOULD LIKE A GOOD and reliable'Likennos. at moderate charge, NEI MEE'S Colored Photographs are the very best style. See, and pnrchase—enly $l. SECOND Street, above NOTICE -MANHATTAN LIFE The undersigned, basing received the appointment of Agent and Attorney for the MANHATTAN LIFE INS.. CO., of New Fork,, lkereby informs his friends, and all Persons having - business with the comnany, that he has opened an office al N. 4-1.13 WALNUT Street. lAMBS IL CAINE, oce 6t* Sole Agent and Attorney for Philadelphia. SUBSTITUTES WANTED AND.FITR. NISHRP at No. 019 FILBERT Street, by NE WELL PAY, late Captain 9th Regt. Pa. Volanteera. ee6-3t. . D. - MARCHANT PORTRAIT , . ) , uP.A.INTER, bas removed to 919 LOCUST 4143.4' where he will be glad to see his friends and thokie of the public wf:ho may be iutetooted. tutiu line of aci"7 oc6 ?QV i AUCTION SALES. AUCTION NOTICE.. LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE SALE OP BOOTS AND SIiOBS, ON THURSDAY. MORNING', OcttobeeBth FORA Sr, C 4., - I , IICTIONEERS, Will sell at their Store, by catalocuo, oonttaencint at 10 o'clock precicely. about 1,500 CAFES AND PACKAGES OF FIESSCLASS BOOTS, SEICES,BRoinaIS, AIM CAVALRY BOOTS. The special attention of buyers is particularly called o this aale. PHILIP FORD & CO., 6.IICTIONEERS No. 525 MARKET STREET. 005-3 t AUCTION SALE, HARPER'S PERRY ARMORY. VA.., GOVERNNFENT ON TUESDAY. OCTOBER 20th. 136.1. Commencing at 12 o'clock, noon, precleely, wlthont regard to weather, • WILL BE SOLD, AT TEN }WIPER'S FERRY ARMORY, VIRGINIA, THS CONDE rii l4 ORDNANCE AND. ORDNANCE nTORE9, viz Weight, Lot. No. Articles Ponwis. 1-Cast-iron Wheels 10.300 2 —Scrap Iron and steel - 22,500 "3, 4;5,0;7-5 OW Musk eta ans. Rifle Barrels-- 22,31.0 " 8' Cast Steel Dies and Tools 4.225 9-7 Wrought 1r0n6).681 10;11-22 Steel-faced Anvils 3,840 12-1 Fire Engine.. - " 10 —Wrouchtgron Shafting, and pul leys attached 27,250 14—Cast, iron. Pulleys and Bevel Wheels 5,430 " 16, 16: 17—Cast Iron 141,590 • 18-Swedge Blocks and Dies 18.610 • ' 19—Cast Iron 61,709 20-1 Proof Bed 2,350 21-Wrought Iron' ' 8,790 22-2 Force - Pninos 5,670 23-9 Trip Hemmers and Cast 1r0n.... 46.090 • • 2.13 Trip Halb were and Cast Iron.."..100,000 26-19 Cast-iron Fergie 16,000 • 26,-1 Drop Hammer 9,000 27-••27an Blasts. " " 6 Scales • "-2 Governors. • "-1 Iron Safe. • • "—I Grind Stone. "- I. Portable Forge. • "—I Anvil. ' • 28 -3 Egg Stoves. • • —I Tempering YOM. - 30-1 - Wagon. 91-1 Lot Fire Brick. • 32 —1 Lot Coal. - " 33—Borinae and Turnings. " 34-1 Let Wrought Scrap. Tsams—Cash, in Government funds. DANIEL J. YOUNG, Ordnance Agent. By order Secretary of War. - oil-lit Auctioneer. LADIES , ' FURS. LADIES' FANCY FURS JOHN VAREITZA., No. 718 ARCH STREET; BELOW EIGHTH. Importer and Manufacturer LADIES' FANCY FURS. My assortment of FANCY FURS for Ladies and Chil dren is now complete. and embracing every variety that : will be fashionable during the present season_ All sold at the manufacturers' prices, for cash. Ladies, please give me a call. 002.4311 OPENING OF FANCY FURS. JOHN A. STAMBACII, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF LADIES' FANCY .FURS, NO. 826 ARCH STREET, BELOW NINTH, Has now open a splendid stock of LADIES AND ORILDREN'D FURS, 'Which will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. FURS! FURSI GEORGE F. W,ONIRATH, HOS. 415 AHD 41T ARCH STREET, RAE NOW OPEN *A FULL ASSORTMENT OP Ma A. DIES' FUR'S, To which the attention of the public is invited.. ae22-8m ARMY GOODS. FROTHING - HAM era WELLS HAVE FOR BALR. HEAVY MEDIUM; AND LIGHT MEETINGS AND SHIRT DR INGS. STANDARD ILLS. - HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. _ WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CAMBRICS AND SILECIAS. • BROWN BLEACHED, AND CORSET JEANS. No. 12 WORSTED YARN, Igo. 13.315-1(tI FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY MIT.A.M.TS 8C: MILITARY ,FURNISHERS, 418 ABOR STREET, Banners, Regimental and Company Flags, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Passants, Epaulettes, Aide, Caps, Canteens, Haveriacks, Camp Chests, Field Glasses, Spurs, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit of Army and Navy Officers. - A liberal discount. allowed to the trade. selo-tf a W. SIMONS & BROTHER ‘A • • siNEOM-STABET HALL, PHILADELPHIA. MANDFACTITREDS OF ..1 - BWELDir, FINE AND SW_.ORDR., SIGLITARY GOODS IA 'EVERY-VARIETY- . YARNS. W 0 0 L. 43.1 P of 1862. Medium and Pine, very light and clean., En store. and dilly arriving, consignments of . Trtb..iiid Fleece. from now clip WOOLEN YARNS. 18 to SO cuts, fine. on hand COTTON YARNS. N4:k. 6 to so's., of first-class =Ores, ISParD, Bundle, and Co N. 13.—A11 numbers and .descriptions procured at once. on orders ALEX. WHILLDIN as SONS, anBl-mw&ftf UDIBRELLAS. Ap* UMBRELLAS 1 lIMBRELIAS 11 WM. A. DROWN IS 00.. NO. 246-MARKET• STREET, - PHILADELPHIA,' lisnufacturers of SUPERIOR ',UMBRELLAS.. ,tars-2m SILVER-1 0 LATED WARE. SILVER PLATED WARE MANITACTORL TEA BETS, CASTORS, WAITERS, TOE PITCHERS , dtc.l itc • WILMR, & MOSS, seB-sbn AaS SOUTH FIFTH STRUT. WHITE PRESERVING BRANDY, PURE CIDER AND WHITE WINE VINEGAR. GUS= GINGER, DIWITKED SEED, SPICES, Sio.. API ALL THE HEranturns non PRESEKVING AND PICKLING PURPOSES. ALBERT C. ROBERTS. Dealer In Pine Groceries, selfl.l.l Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. TO MANUFACTURERS. -a- OAST-IRON HEATER PIPES; of various sins. for Bee in gnantitias to suit purchasers. J. W. do J. T. srARR; °el. lra* No. 125 South THIRD Street. RASSS .T i ni F g av-k'SA'PIIAI3FIfS '4534 BAI.BM STRBET,IBOSTON.-MASS. - The only manufacturers in dm United States. of Brass Alphabets and Figures, to any great extent dr in , any , sold 'at wholesale at the TAWEST CASTI PIaGEB. Also, the BEST OF INDELIBLE STSNCIL INK, very cheap. Stencil Dies and `kinds of Stencil Siert, Inquiries or orders propiptly endeA to, aco-3m PHILADELPHIA, 18 North ' , MOAT Street NEW PUBLICATIONS; NSW BOOKS— Just recM'ved by B. Lreprrfecerr & • 715 and 717111A.RjszT..Strost. THE RING OF AMASIS. From the Papers eel Ger man Pl.YRiota?).,. By Bni wer Lytton. THE SoilL UT:' THINGS: or, Psychometric Researches and Hhcoveries, ByW. &E. N. F. Denton. DAILY WALK WITH WISE MEN or, Iteltgiatir o ertes fur Every Day in the Year By Rev. Nelson Head. ELEANOR'S VIOTORY, A Nr.v4l. By M. E. Mad den, author of "Anrcea Floyd," &o. VINUENZO. A Novei. ,By J. hufflnl. THE PENINFULA CAMPAIGN IN VIRGINIA; or, (nridents erd Scene. Os. the Battle Fie'Als and in Rich mond. By-Rey. S. S. Tenths, PETER CARRADINE; or, The Martindahi Pastoral. By Caroline Cheesebro Watipsr.L r•HILbIPEP SPEECHES. and LECTURES. THE SAFE COMPASS, and How it Points. By Rev. Richard Newton. OUR OLD BOMB; A Series of &anal'. Sketches. By NetiwrOpt Hawthorne. . METHODS OF STUDY IN NITHR - AL HISTORY. By Aga&siz. STADILEY'S SERMONS IN THE EAST. .PALen ONI; or. the NUMERALS OF SCRIPTURE. By Prof Mahon, D. D. nn7 Ni CARLETON, PUBLISHER; ‘ 41 111+6" NEW YORK•; Bea ready this morning, from advance sheet% Eallini's splendid new novel, entithedj VINCENZO ; OB SUNKEN ROCat. By the Author of "Doctor Antonio." One paper-covered Bvo. Price 76 cents. This charming new novel will be welcomed by all 'lovers of pure English fictions. A skilfully managed storvthe scenes laid in the molt romantic Portions of Italy—and a pen of a Pop.ular anther, combine is pro ducing a fascination that but few novel-readers can re sist. Also, Ant Ready: THE OLD MERCHANTS OF NEW YORE A Second Series of a very interesting and milieus booN, by Walter Barrett, Clerk. Replete' with reminiscences, anecdotes, wit, humor. lively personal sketche4, pri vate and parlic gossip about the old a great March-int Princes of New York city. mile first volume had au Immense sale last year, and the second series is now ready. One elegant cloth-bound volume, price $1.50. **.l . bese books are sold by all booksellers. and will be sent by mail, POSTAGE FERE, on receipt of price. by 007-w &sti G W CARLETON. Pobilimer.Nevr York. EDUCATIONAL. BRYANT, STRATTON, & CO.'S NA: - TIONAL COMhf SEW AL COLLEGE, S. E corner SU - Khali and CBES MUT Streets. Open DAY and. EVENING for instruction in Bookkeeping. Penmanship, &c. SCHOLARSHIPS are issued. at this institution which constitute the student a life-member of our fifteen Commercial Colleges, located in the leading cities of the United'States and Canada. _.. can or send for the Commercial Cot Leos Mokthly oc7-tf STATIONERY; MOSS trC' CO., BRANCH at Beepectry Inform the public they have opened a aD 432 CHESTNTIT STREET, Second Door above the Poet:Office, where will belound a complete stock of Fancy, Staple, Counting House, and Office ST A T I 0 NE R-Y, BLANK' BOOKS, AND ENVELOPES, of their own manufacture, of the beat qualities, and in great variety. The businese will be conducted on the principle of SWALL PROFITS AND QUICK-SALES. Ey prompt and careful attention, nniformityin prices, extensive' assortments. together with their long experi ence in that line of business, they ask a share of public patronage. Blank Books ruled to any pattern. Bnyelopas, of any size or shape, made to order at short notice. They will continue their Wholesale business of Book sellers and Stationere % at the Old St 'slid. No. 430 MARKET STREET. se2l-Im It FANCY ARTICLES. W D. GLENN, IMPOSTER OF DRUGGISTS' FANCY GOODS, NO. 26 SOUTH FOURTH' STREET. Offers to the trade a fall assortment, including in part— Hair, Tooth, Nail. Cloth, and Shaving Brushes. Camel's Hair Pencils and Marking Brushes. Combs in shell, ivory. horn, and India rubber. Perfumery and Toilet Soaps of all descriptions. Pure .Bseential Oils. Rose Water and Orange Plower Water to cans. Powder Boxes and Puffs in great variety. Bound Pilfering Paper, all sizes. Cachous Aromatise, Hooper's and Asnaud's. English Pink saucers, Beeves' and common. New Zealand and Pink Linen Twine. Flasks, Tootli Picks, Violin Strings, &c., tic.. all at lowest v. arket prices. sellimif FINANCIAL. COUPONS 7 3-10 IST OCTOBER WANTED': seta-tot DREXEL. it CO. 5-20. - S. 5-20. • The, undersigned - as General Subscription Agent Is authorizedby the Secretary of the Treasury to continue the sale of this popular Loan, and TENT DAYS public notice will be given of discontinuance.' ABOUT TWO HUNDRED MILLIONS remain unsold, and this amount is scarcely sufficient to furnish a basis for the circulation of the National BankiniAssociaticaus now being formed in every Part of the Country. Bat a short time must elapse beiore this loan is wholly ab sorbed. the demand from EILTOPO, Germany especially, being quite active. As it is well known that the Secretary of the Trea sury has ample and unfailing resoarcesin the ditties on imports, internal revenues, and in the teens of interest bearingLegal Tender Treasury Notes, it is nearly cer tain that it will not be necessary for Linz for a long time to come to issue farther permanent Loans, the interest and principal of which are payable in Gold. These considerations must lead to the prompt conclu sion that the time is not far distant when these • Five- Twenties" will sell at a handsome premium, as was the result with the Seven-thirty" Loan, when it was all sold, and could no longer be subscribed for at tar. , This is a SIX PER, CENT. LOAN, the. interest and. principal being payable in coin, thus yielding about star per cent. per annul at the present premium on gold. It is called "Five-Twenty," from the fact that whilst the Bonds may ran for twenty- years, yet the Govern ment has the right to pay them off in gold at par, at any time after fire years. The interest is paid half yearly on the first days of No vember and May. Subscribers can have Coupon Bonas which are paya ble to bearer and issued for $50,. $lOO, WOO. and $l,OOO, or Begistmed Bonds of similar denominations, and in addition $3,000 and $lO,OOO. These "Five-Twenties" cannot be-taxed by States, cities, towns, or counties, and the-. Government tax on them is only , one and a half per cent, on the amount of income, when the income exceeds six hundred dol lars per annum. Income from all other investments. such as mortgagee, railroad stocks, bonds. sm., mug pay from three to five per cent. tax on the income. Banks and Bankers throughout the country will con tinue to dispose of the Bonds, and all orders by mail or otherwise properly attended to. The Treasury Department having perfected arrange ments for ,the prompt delivery of Bonds, Subscribers will be enabled to receive them at the , time of subscri bing. or at, farthest in FOUR days. This arrangement willbe gratifying to parties who want the Bonds on Pay ment of the money, and will greatly increase the sales. , COC)IKE,- 5-11:11S.CRIPTION &GENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, MI.OHAEL J. , ACOBS; No. 46 Min'HIRD Street, Prrim.korairrimt. GOVERNMENT SECITRITIES, SPECIE. AND UNCUR . ' RENT MONEY BOUGHT AND SOLD. STOCKS BOUGHT, AND. SOLD ON COMMISSION. Particular attention paid to the Negotiation of -Time Paper. CITY WARRANTS BOUGHT. - ocSan COLLECTION OF 11. S. CERTIFI CATES OP INDEETEDNESS.—The ADAMS' EX PRESS COMPANY are now prepared to collect, at the Treasury Department, Washington, with-despatch, and at reasonable rates, the One:Year Certificates of In debtedness of - the United States now due or shortly maturing. Terms made known and receipts given at the office, No. 320 CHESTNUT Street. mys-tf SAGAAMAI SAFES. EVANS do WATSON. HAVE JUST RECELVED THE PREMIUM OS THEIR SA.VES, STATE FAIR. JUST HELD AT NORRISTOWN, PA,, OCTOBER 2d, 1863. A LARG'S ASSORTMENT ON HAND AND FOR SALE,. Prices Ranging front $5O• to $l,OOO. EVA,I•IS 8c WATSON, 16, SOUTH FOURTH STREET DIXON'S STOVE pausEF— . Superior to any' ever made, and never fails to give satisfaction. aILEN & 00., Wholesale Agents, oc6-6tif* Nos. 4 and O. CHESTNUT Street. THE ATTENTION OF GROCERS -A- AND OTHERS is . invited to the NEW LIQUID BLACKIA G manufactured by BLOWN & BROTHER. Boston. This Japan Blaching,- with half the usual labor. im- Parts a most intensely_ rich lustre and let black, equal to the highest. Saran .Varnish," produoes a most perfect smooth surface. op as not to soil the finest linen. Tenders the leather easy and yacable. aria will retain - Us 'virtues in any climate. For sale by the ease at TRATBB & 00WPSRTHWAIT'S. ite24-Imif 411 OOMNFACI Street, w ALff ort . gTRE R , 7 THEATRE. the; highly i ,„ , xmattil and very WU. iy,.. - 'm M . it. riA_Rnwrreozi. M s s e liedneeilay; svoilusG• October T. Will be repecged, ling drama. entitled • :bert Landlt. if 113::::D AD. B . 1 7: 5 7:.: 1: In Which thgdfistingni_cbed Young' Al[3•‘• . " l / actor, Vfill svelgin b iii Original charaeter of Box. °nide OA - Ll dicll3l , from lo till 3 V r aPell. when 1 4 .' , , Nt. maybe secured otr MRS. JOR>I bREW'S NEW ARCH. STREET TERATEE—AECH Street. atter, &gait. Acting and Stage Mager WU, S TREDlNtraffil. ri vi NfIcRAPRI. FOURTH WEER OVEICRIV6Kr OP.KEA =NAM MOBDaY, AED NVEILY SAVEDUNG. TLI 1313 0 13EMIAN [UHL. Arline 'l'haddens Court Arnhalm Devilahnof.,. • To conclude nyeri evening - y 4 tb . - SPARKLING CONEDISTVA, In wliclf.the drama lc cnnzelninir smear. zap- 'Friday . , Benefit of Miss Richinga. 'ln I:el:marsh I—Tha Ecetantrens. Tickets, 2.1. 60, en 376 cents. Ni extra cliarn-lor seamed orta at rhn Bar (MCA. from In to 3 P M. o-41 NEW CHEST.I+.I7I"-ST. TAFEATRE.- Lesae6 and W 1131451. &Y. POSITIVREV _LAST SIX' ;MONTS" Of the celebrated - hish comedian and vocalist. Mk. 001.LINts. And of the grand romantic Drama, TRH DURit'S elOwFo„ Whi c h has airoarly beenWlthesi3ed by oshr TRIETY-FIVE ri`ROUNAND PE - Z.60R5. Poslively last sin night& of nix. wirsinzy Who will sustain hie origi2.l6l obaraeter of CAPTAIN HENRI DE LAGARDERE. The cast will include the - ENTIRE CORPS Of dramatic artists attached, to thi: eat thliehmeitt; A GRAND CORPS DS' BALI EF: And numerous attilarista. Change of Time—Doors open `at C 3 liallen" 734 o'ciccit. octi-Nt • MR. WHEANLEY 'MIKES GREAT Pleasure in -announcing gin eugagemeht.. :for a limited number of nigh te, with the distinguished yoga," American artiste, MISS LUCILLE WES7ERS, who, during a tomer engagemert athls Theatre, was most enthusiastically received by cm cvded and delighted. audiences. She will mske bcir first arViiirmuce on. MONDAY IKVE NINO, October 12, in one of tier sterling impersonations, FOX'S CASINO, -CHESTXII7-STEEET RE-ENGAGEMENT, - RE-EI3G4.IIO3IENT. And positively the LAST TWELVE NIGHTS; LAST TWELVE NIGHTS:: MALE AND FEMALE ACROBATS,' MALE AND FEMALE ACROBATS, ' Previous to their depsrinre for CalifOrnie. Firet week of • THE GREAT CONTEST THE GERA r CONTEST Between - TIM HATES AND THE UNKNOWN, TIM. BO YES AND THE UNKNOWN, The two beat Clog Dancers In the waft& Great success of the MONSTER COMBINATION TROUPE, MONSTER COMBINATION TROUPE,. Now rnrforming- at this Establiqhment GRAND MATINEE EVERY &IVOR DAY AFPERNOON, For the accommodation of - LADIES AND CHILDREN CONCERT HALL MONDAY EVENING, October 6, And continue every afternoon and evening, for a short season only. FLLINGER & NEWCOMB'S GREAT DIORAL EXHIBITION. 711. E THREE 911LEBRATED DWARFS, Corn. Foo e, Miss Eliza .Nestel, and Ca Small, the three smallest human beings in the whole world, with outexu_ption." In conjunction with ifone. C. DAVALLEE'S PARLOR OPER& TROUPE. Ten in in mbar. Ali. s.ppe,r In this mammoth double entertainment, landed with the most brilliant en comiums by the clergy, press. and public. Doors open at 2.3.1; and 7Y 4 :. Begins a:3 and B.' "Tickets 25 cents. Children under twelve. to of ernoon matintsws. 15 cents. J. D. BE WOMB, 0c1.13t Bnsinese Manager. TEMPLE OF WONDERS-ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. TENTH'AND CHESTNUT STREETS. Amusement for Old and Young. Mirth and Happiness open for the season. Constant change of EntersammeaL SIGNOR BLITZ, EVERY EVENING, commencing at 7% .o'clock. sad. Wednesday and. Saturday at 3, consisting of New Mrs- . teries in Necrrmancy, great success in Ventriloquism. and the Lears.d Canary Birds. Admission 25 cents: Children 15 cents P ENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS, leas CHESTNUT STREET opEli DAILY (Stui.days excepted) from 9 A_ M tat 6 P. AL Admipsion 25 MAE. Children half mien INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND EXBIBITION EVERY WEDNESDAY, at 3 , 4 P. M. Col doctors, Messrs. CART, SENT% and A. R. TAYLOR. Admission 10 cents. STORE. No. 11 Satith EC MTH Street A LADY DESIRES A SITUATION TO attend in a PROTOGRAPH GALLERY. Addras Phovalapb," at this Offies. WANTED-TWO LADS 4 15 OR 16 I years of age, in an Umbrella'House Address Box 124, Y. 0.0 le WANTED -AN INTELLIGENT AND a L ek r e e e mc i t n ab a lLmu y 2f t. or e Inh . idle-aged WOMAN. as dreee, with reference. Box. 1157 3 1. 8 . f ti o . lr' the city. Ad- A SITUATION WANTEDBY A LAD. 18 years of age. in a good Mercantile or litannfacturing-house. where he can obtain- a good, knowledge of business. Address "P.." Box 116. Post Office. oc6-3r. ANTED-TWO FIRST-CLASS GALESMEN, in a Dry Goode Jobbing Howl. One for Conntrsr. and one for City Trade. Address 'Cash Trede," at this office. ocA.6t* WANTED-A RESPONSIBLE POSI- T I T10N,.. by. a competent and experienced Book keeper. ..One where faithfnlnees is appreciated. Addreet 11. BARTON, Press"' office. sets-9t* $6O'A MONTH! WE WANT AGENTS at $6O a month. etrpenies paid, to BI our EVERLAbTING PENCILS, ORIENTAL BURNBWit, and thirteen other articles. 15 Circulars free. SHAW & CLARK, .Biddeford, Maine. sell-d&WEet ;ANTED—SIS PER DAY.—Voli want reliable, energetic canvassers and emir in every county, for a genteel banin9na at a comminute& of from $ to SlAper day. No humbug. Snwerisnused seavassers preferred, but room for all. Address C. M. DUNN & 00., Pub At either Cincinnat_,l. Ohio; Chicago , Illinois; or EEADB Street ; New York, .13020.gra0 W-ANT ED—WITHIN THREE 2cinstres of !Barbet and Sixth streets, . - A LARGE BUILDING, MY 18 to 20 by 60, 70 or 80 deep, well HAW. 011 one side at least. for Manufacturing purposes. Address' E. A. C.." at this Office. a WANTED TO RENT, A MEDIUM -WA—sized house, with modern conveniences, situated on Borth Broad street, or west of Broad street.. Address " William," at this office ocs 4-fit4 DEPUTY. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICR—PanADRLPHIA. Feb. -VESSELS-WANTED immediately to Garry 00AL is the followingpoints : Tortugas. Key West, Fla. Fort Monroe, Va. Alexandria, Va. - Newbern, N. C. Port Royal, S. C. A. BOYD. fell-tf Captain and Assist. Quartermastar. 1 711 CRESTNITT STREET-BOARD. tft , LNG for two YOUNG MEN; front room. ocMit. rrii.E HANDSOME RESIDENCE, 1031 -I- WALNUT Street. will be opened for reception of Boarders in a few days. VIRST-CLASS BOARD, HANDSOMER - 0 - communicating and single rooms; private table. 11.- desired, No. 1315 WALNUT Etrest TO RE' No_ 607 CHESTNUT STREET, (25 by 160 Feet.) . SPLENDIDLY LIGHTED Appply to a TO RENT-A VERY SUPERIOR, m 1,14 large RESIDENCE. 60 feet front. situated: at No. 2002 WEST DEL A EDT PLACE. Apply to It ROST. KW GREGOR, 419 WALNUT &reel. A. GENTLEMAN DESIRING- AN ITN FURNISHED LODGING ROOM, or Rooms. in a Private family 'might be accommodated by splaying at 606 euntl.l.\ INTH Street. oe7 2r. oft ROOMS TO RENT, IN Rk -- -f - oltogr central business portion of the city..twe doors above the new Post Office. No. 1-32 PHEST.NUT Street. oc6-3t A -SSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GE NERAL'S OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, 6th,Ootober.lBV. FRO °OSALS will be received at time Otlee until THURSDAY, 15th, instant, at 12. o'clock.-11A, for the delivery-in this City of 500 Army Wagons. complete. HO Sets Six Mule Harness, completu., One half of the above Articles to i.e; completed and ready for delivery, on or before 15th --November next; the balance on or before Ist December lisxt„ Harness to be made of beet quality "Oak Tauued" - Leather, The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. By order.A , BOYD. oc7-St Capt. and Q. U. S. A. PHILADELPHIA. UNION ,- ' C ON tF,NTION Al' CHRSTER.—EXCUR SION TICKETS, at THIRTY-DV CENTS the ROUND TRIP, will be issued by the MILADELPHIA. WIL MINGTON. AND „BALTiMORE 'RAILROAD, on THURS DAY, the sth init., to convoy rassengtrs to the, great Union Mess. Meetings to be belei• at Chester on thee AFTERNOON and EVENING of that day. The Cars leave Philadelphia at 115.3 . 5,505 and 6 o'clock P. X ; to return by any of the Afternoon. or Night Care; after she close of the meeting. Excureion Tickets will also "o 0 issued frcm WILMINGTON. Gov. CURTIN, and other eminent speakers, will addrees the. Conventions. sizt FOR A.7.SANY AND TROY.—Barge TteollY, RUST tauter. is now loading . for the ahove pants. and will leave on THURSDAY, October Stity al 1 o'clock P. M.' Far freight. which will be taken on reasonable terms, apply to S. FLANAGAN, oc7-2t No. 304 Bondi DELAWARE Avenue. m ,..„0 1 = 4 REG-VLA.R STEAM PRO -110-. 'The steamer MARS, Nichols. master, is now receiving freiaht feeltartford at IVE/ISTIII2'S, second wharf above MARKET street. For terms, &c., apply to WM. M. BAIRD, 133 South DEI.AWI.IIE avenue, or on the vbati oe§-3t .r id t STEAMER WAWAS-Or— :for SMYRNA, PORT PENW.DELA WARE CITY: CASTLE, and CHESTER. fromlitrat wharf below A,RCHSt. every MONDAY. WEDN2I3DAY_, and FRIDAY. et, 9 o'clock. Returning. leaves BOMBAY HOVE lianding every TUESDAY, THURSDAY...ea& SATURDAY, at 8 o'clock. Stagee connect with the boat for Smyrna, Deicer :arid, 'Latour_ es`MAS"t• .. _ 1863 tKV__ CARRIALGES. . WIIIIAM. D. ROGER 3,, v - Coach. and Light Carriage•ii.l.lder . Nos. 1009 and 1011 CRESIWIT STilldT. . 8810-BID - . . PHILADELPHIA. DR. FINF; CTICAL DUN TIST for the last twenty years. 2 IL9' below Thiel. inserts the most bee.;34lal TEirril of, the age, mounted on flee Gold. Platino, - 6ilver, Vnleanite. Coralite. Amber, ,ke. at prices, fee neat and snbatatitial work, more reasonable than any. 'Dentist in this city or Slate. Teett plugged to lkst fc,r, life. Artinoial Teeth repaired - to suit: No pain In eXt7SCLillg. All werk-war ranted to fit. Reference, best families. is .810. TR II S-S BO; BRAVES, &c., skilfully adjusted. by C. N.. NEISDL'EIik • corner of TwuyrEc and RACE 'Streets.— .. • Ladies' Department for same, cOudnotedi by Ladies, TWELFTH Stres:, first door below Race.: The Most complete and varied stock on hand. consisting to part of Trusses, Bunn:triers, Shonader, 13Face§, Balta. Bandages, Elastic_ Bt . cimings. C.rutChes„ Byrin,ges. Ar ticles for Nursery. Si' : Room: Sus.sa2g~m t¢ DR. DII BiZIVORRIV, No. 1533 ASCII Stat Ti . .7 . c0 - r.l3lxl,sonth. seXlm% T) AI YOTTV , L - S - GLASSWORK.S.-Wiit -a-' hitc4 a PraR4OE IPi BLAST. and are WelAredAt9 attend to orders for BOTTLE of; oven , dacrigin. H. R. dc G. W. BENNER& 1144-I,RV Booth FRONT Stmt. ==l WANTS. BOARDING. FOR SALE AND TO LET. THE SECOND FLOOR OF D. T. PitATT,. (On the Premises_ FKOrOSALS. • MiSd ...... MIL qtr Reintin. Mr: Peakee.