_PERSONAL. A New Orleans letter-writer extols the prudence of the negroes in their difficult situation in the War : "I saw an old Uncle Tom,' who, by the way, with his white hair, profuse white whiskers, a high, wide, but still retreating forehead, put me in mind of Mar tin Van Buren. This venerable specimen of a late institution was sitting on top of a res.dside fence, watching with intense interest the first invasion into his neighborhood of the d—d Yankees. I stepped in front of the old man, and very abruptly asked _him if he was for the Confederates or for the Yen- Ides. A smile lit up hisbld weathenbeaten count& - mance, until it looked like illuminated India rubber, Then he said in ft coy manner that would have done honor to a , young girl, Why, you see, master, 'taint for an old nigger' like me to know anything 'bout politics.' Not content to let him off so easily, I queried rather sternly, Well, sir, let me know which side , you are on, any wayr The old darkey kept up his ineffable smile for a moment, and then assuming a gravity that was ridiculous, remarked, '‘ Pm cn de Lord's aide, and He'll work out His salvation bress de Lord.' No ,one, not Jeff Davis "'Himself, or even J. B. Benjamin, on a cross-exami nation of six hours, could catch' that old- darkey. He had all the shrewdness of his race, and that was beautified, adorned.and strengthened by its being en cased in a form that resembled the external appear anae of the. ' Sage of Lindenwold." The Boston Journal observes that Hon. Emer -9011 Etheridge, of Tennessee, is trying to press upon 'the Adininistration some plan which he favors re speeting affairs in his State. He is the same man Who, not long ago, having been invited to address a body of Union men at home, replied in a longietter,. filled with- bitter reflections, Sarcasms, and slurs upon the Administration. - Retried to be immensely witty in his backhand stabs at the President and bis advisers, and there was not a Copperhead paper in the Union that failed to copy and commend some part of his letter. And now it. appears that Mr. Etheridge goes to Washington as an adviser and suitor of the Government of which lie had so con temptuous an opinion a short time ago. For all that we know, he may be as right now as he was wrong then, and we have no doubt that the cause in which he is enlisted will be impartially heard. But it will certainly be entitled to no claim on his ac count, while his coolness is something not often witnessed, even among [slippery politicians. —The Russian Admiral Leesovski replied to Mayor Opdyke's speech of welcome:, Mr. Mayor : Before I came to this place, together, With my brothelofficers, to cenipliment you, I passed' through streets full ofPeople who were greeting us ; I passed through the.honors that were offered ue by your troops; I have seen every meaning of the kind words you have just addressed us. And certainly, sir, when at home again, it is my duty to make known how we have been received by the great American people, among whom were judges of the courts, members of the City Government, and per sons well known in the wofessions. Certainly, at home they will rejoice, and all these honors will be so many-tokens more of their conviction of the friendship which unites our two countries. I desire to thank you, Mr. Mayor, and all the gentlemen of this city ; and it is our earnest wish to make our stay here to be so that you will say when we parts "We regret them." " 5.," or Spence, who has labored in England for the rebels, in season and out of season—in the London Times, on the Stock Exchange, in the "Southern Club," and everywhere else—has not only been ignominiously dismissed from his post of financial agent of the Confederacy for Great Britain, but is getting for his pains the maledictions of the rebel pres.. They accuse of him of arguing the. cause of the pro-slavery. Republic on anti slavery grounds, and the accusation is undoubtedly thte, even judging of it by his articles in the Times. ,;•• A member of s leading American' house in China writes home as follows : "Our friend Burlin game lives steadily at Pekin, and has rather distin guished himself. He has managed to gain a great deal of influence both with the Chinese and with the other foreign ministers,and has turned some import ant questions the right way. He has a good legal head too, and decides' appeals well. In short, he is the best working minister we have yet had." Kr. Slidell has been for a whole month at BI- arritz, in, order to be near the French Emperor. It was observed at a recent reception that the Empress sent for him and conversed with him for a conside rable time. If Louis lgapoleon were an American he would be a Southerner and slaveholder. As it is, is he better or Worse? He is a holder of slave holden. THE C IT Y. The Thermometer OCTOBER 2, 1862. 00 rOBER 2, 1863. 6 A. X.... 12 3 P. X. 6 A. 14.....3 P. X 63g 61 74 72 WEEM. 14 by E. by E..N by E.lEby S....SSW..SE by E ARRIVAL OF THE RAM "ATLANTA."— The U. S. stesiiner "Powhatan" and the rebel ram "Atlanta" arrived in the stream below the navy yard yesterday afternoon, where they are now an chored. The "Powhatan" left Port Royal on Sun day morning last, and while en the way up expe rienced a heavy gale off Hatteras. Being then in a leaky condition, she filled with water to the depth of seven feet ; at present there is four feet of water in the held. She will requite extensive repairing. This vessel has been doing blockade duty for some time past, and, on account of drawing too much water, she was unable to cross the Charleston bar and participate in the attack on the forts there: However, a boat's crew was sent to assist in the midnight attack on Fort Sumpter, where they lost thirty-eight men and two officers in killed, wounded, and prisoners. This vessel is under the charge of Commander ,Steadman. , She carries fifteen nine inch Dahlgren guns, two one-hundred pounder Par rott', and one eleven-inch Dahlgren. The rani " At lanta" was captured in the Savannah river, last June, by the monitor " Weehawken." She carries four guns, and is at present under the command-of the following officers:- Captain, B I Cromwell ; act ing ensign and executive - officer, rag. De,Kay ; act ing ensign, F. S. Adams; boatswain, Wm. Winches ter; acting master's mates, O'Connor, Fuavic, and Hemp ; acting first assistant enginee r, , -- acting second assletylmr•---- grouses with great ave""manifested a desire to . . _ er the army as substitutes appear to have changed their views respecting the comparative value of enlisting in that way, and in volunteering in a new regiment. Colonel George P. McLean, •com mending, has appointed Captain H. W. Graeft 'to take charge of the colors of the regiment. He has commenced recruiting in earnest at No. 432 'Chestnut street. Captain Graeff is an old soldier, having resigned after the battle of Aistletarn, in con sequence of wounds there received. The men, when enlisted, will be immediately sent to camp. Those wishing to enlist will do well to call upon Captain .Graefr. . AXOTINT OF GRAIN measured at the port of Philadelphia, for the quarter ending Sept. 30th: Corn 332,232 bus. Wheat 200,964 bus. Oats • 183,846 bus. Rye . 7,574 bus. • . Barley 175 btis. Malt .... 13,188 bus. Seeds - ' .,, ' - ' - - 653 bus. Total CHANGES OF ARMY SURGEONS. —Surgeon W. S. King, U. S. A., who has been acting as medi cal director in this city, was relieved on the Ist, and ordered.to report • forthwith to General Burnside , s department, in Tennessee. Dr. John Campbell, aurgecn U. S. A., succeeds him. Assistant Surgeon A. B. Hubbard, U. S. A. has also been relieved from the Sixteenth and Filbert-streets Hospital, and ordered 10 report to Dr._ Lettermin, U. S. A., for duty in the Army of the Potomac. Assistant Sur. geon•Knickerbocker, U. S. A., takes his place. UNIOI , 4IYIERTING IN THE FIRST WARD.— The Union, meeting of the citizens of the First ward, ,which was.to have been held at Sixth and Dickerson streets, last evening, was postponed till Monday evening, on account of the unfavorable state of the weather. However, not to disappoint those that had assembled, short addresses were delivered by Colonel McDowell, Colonel McClure, and Senator Smith, which were very favorably received. SPECIAL NOTICE.--In consequence of the Stormy weather last evening, the balance of the splendid oil paintings, fronithe studios of our beat American artists, which have been on exhibition for several days at the auction store of Gillette & Scott, will positively be sold this (Saturday) evening, Oc tober 3d, at 8 o'clock. This collection is rare and well worthy the atten tion of the lovers of art. BABB .BALL. --The second nine of. the Athletics were victorious yesterday in their match with the first nine of the Blinervas. At the close of the ninth inning the score stood, 111inervas 12, Athletics 26.. The Keystones will play the Minervas next week, when wenlay look for a spirited contest. The Princeton club will visit Philadelphia - in the course of ten days, to play their third game with 2he Athletics. TIM 'CHRISTIAN . COMMISSION AMONGST TEL& WOtilfDED OP CHATTANOOGA.—Rev. Benjamin . Perilous, field agent in the army of General Rose; cram, writer, from!Btevenson, Ala., that two dele gates, out of the - large corpa 'engaged at various . pointr id the work of relieving the wounded, die ' tributed over eighteen hundred loaves of bread, and morre than One hundred and 'twenty gallons of coffee; in two days,'atthat one point, to the wounded eoldiers on the can, en route for Nashville. ' EXCAVATION OF DEAD BODIES. DUring the PrOgresiof digging a cellar for a new house about to.be erected.at the eorner of Eleventh and Oarpen ter streets, a number of long:buried Fans contain ing the bonei of dead bodies have been discovered, hi a decayed condition. %hie ground was used a num ber of years ago ars' tHe 'Potters' field, where the bodies of poor people were deposited. - OPENING OF A NEW ORGAN. - A new organ will be opened at the Church of Annuncia tion, Tenth and Dickerson streets, tomorrow morn ing. Professor Cross will •preside at the organ, and Hiss Caroline Richings will lend her powerful aid to the choir. A discourse will be preached in aid of the church by the Rev. Dr. Moriarty. RS P.MIMEL —The Broadway M.. E. Church of Camden has undergone Considerable alte. ration and improvement. It has been papered and repainted throughout, and will be reopened for DI vine worship - tomorrow. Palish care has been be stowed upon the finishing of this edifice. The. skill and taste with which the ceiling, walls. and pulpit have heen finished, cannot but be admired by every observer. MNETTNog OK THE SCRIPTURAL KNOW vation SOCIRTY.—Prom , an advertisement, under its:proper bead, it will be seen that the meetings!' of rtbe "Salptural Knowledge Soeiety for Biblical instrtiotiOni will be resumed on Monday ,evening ACCIDENT. The aged . female, Mary Landenburg, who was rim over on Thursday night, by the New , York train, was a resident of drawing°, And lived alone. She had two'sone, both of whom are in the army. •Strnonx DEAtu.—A woman; maned Ca iharhe Boyle, died very suddenly yesterday, at her iesidence, Centre and Hancock streets. The Coroner ~was nOttfled to hold an Inquest. .1 31 . 10 slight fire -- took place ,o'olOsk on Thursday evening, at-the house of lffrll.l.Cdolln, in Bedford street, above eventh,, 'caused by - s , bed taking`tlre from a candle. S_ jPABADE.--.Four companies of the Bth Re giment 'United States colored troops , , under com- mend of flapt:Tribley; and -the 6th egloaent, Ames,.will make a street parade this morning. - y I t PTUITCIPAL EDBOTBD,—.—The board of di r,rettpni of the Fliteenth•eahool' xeatioa have cleated of Maaaachusetta, principal - Nal' the , rifteenth4ard Boys' Grsiminar School. DEMOCRATIC NOMIRATIONI3.—MT/Philip Dougherty het been nominated by the Democrats of the Eighth ward for Select Counoil, vice Theodore Ouyier resigned.'. , MONTH.—AII. WEATRER FOR A MONT.—AII. At tentive. correspondent furnishes the following sta tistics of the rise and fall of the barometer and thermometer during the month of July of 1862 and 1663: THE WEATHER FOR SEPTEMBER •AT PAIL ADEL.RIA Thermometer—Higheat,. Do. Lowest. Do. Mean daily range Do. Mean at, 7A. M.. Do. Mean at 2P: M.. Do. Mean at 9 P:M.. Do. Mean for month Days on which rain fell. Amount of rain in inches Barometer—lligheEt Do. Lowest Do, Mean daily ran go.. Do. Mean at 7A. M.... Do. Mean at 2P. M.... Do. Mean nt 9P. M.... Do. Mean fur month.. lieu' direction of the wind The warmest day was the 17th, of : which the,ave .rage temperature-was 76 33°. The coldest day WAS the 26th, with it-mean temperature of 61.67°. The quantity of 'rain was less than ever before ob. served in the month of Seetemberithe nearest ap proach to it wain September, 1857, - yrhen.1.1.32 in. fell. • Hoar frost was seen, in low grounds, fbr,,the first time this season; on the 2lst of the month. DEATH AT AN ARMY HOSPITAL.—The following death was reported at the me,dleal direo toes office yesterday : Islington-Lane—John Arm strong, private, 27th New York. Artillery. TH-E POLIOE. (Before Mr. Alderron.Beitler, Bernard Gorman, alias Stacy Donnelly, alias Ward, alias Ferley, was charged with having en tered, the dwelling house. of Mr. J. Allen, (0.,1114 Green street, and stealing therelronx a' gold watch and chain, and the sum of $l5. The prisoner was also charged with entering the house next' door to the above, with the intent to oommit a felony.' He was arrested in an outhouse by Officer Button, of the 11th police district. A screw-driver and chisel were found upon him. The watch stolen from th , ,, dwelling of Mr. Allen was recovered. The prisbner was ordered to enter bail in the sum of $2,000 to `an-? ewer at court. Pickpocke Samuel Mack and James Hamm are the names given by si couple of young men who were arraigned yesterday afternoon, on the charge of picking the pocket of Mrs. Louisa Hoop, wao resides on Main street, opposite Sharpley street, Germantown. 'She atated in her evidence, that she had just taken a po sition in a car of the Norristown one o'clock train on Thursday. The platform Was crowded, and her progress to the interior of the car was somewhat im peded by three young men, the prisoners beingAwo of them. After she took her seat, a person Caine and asked her if she bad lost anything. On feeling her pocket; she discovered the loss of her portemon nide, containing between two and three dollars. Detective Brown testified, that as the train was about to start he placed himself on the front plat. form of the second car; presently he observed three young men get on the platform of the first car; the lady attempted to get on, and was headed off by the three young men ; I observed the skirt of her dress working as though somebody was handling it ; pre sently one of the young men stooped down and got off; the lady entered the car ; I went is and asked her if she had lost anything ; she felt her pocket and replied " Yes ;" I went out and "nailed"-these-two young men. The defendants were committed to answer. - Another Charge. Ann Maria - Anderson was again arraigned, yester day, at the Central Station, on the charge of lar ceny. The following additional . evidence was elicited: Edward G. Tuckerton testified that he lives at 1609 Brown street ; think the prisoner lived as a domestic in the family for four months, she ad knowledges that she did; during that period we missed a considerable number of articles, such as jewelry, table linen, clothing, &0., valued in all at $3OO. Detective Taggert testified that he and Kr. Levy arrested the accused on the street, having some of the goods in her possession; we also recovered some stolen goods from pawn shops. The accused who committed. Besides serving out a term in our county prison, she has also spent several years in the penitentiary at Trenton, If. J. Selling Liquor to an Inebriate. Matthew Carr was arraigned, yesterday afternoon, on the oath of Mrs. Jane McKeivy, quite a nice, tidy, but half brokenhearted woman, who charged .defendant with selling liquor to her husband. Her testimony set forth that defendant had been in the practice of selling liquor to her husband after she had warned him not to do so. I gave him notice on last Saturday night week; he has Bold my hus band liquor since that time ; I saw him sell liquor on last Sunday morning, between 11 and 12 o'clock; I saw this man (defendant) receive the money. The defendant here replied that on last Sunday morning he was in St. Augustine's Church, from half past ten until twelve o'clock. "Bow did you come to go to his house on last Sunday morning?" said the Alderman to the wit- " I was looking for my husband, sir," she re plied; "I opened the door; there were three men in there besides this man; my husband never quar relled until he got to drinking at this place." Didthe defendant say anything when you, told him not to sell any more liquor to just as husband?" "Yes, sir ; he said he would sell as mud' as he pleased." The defendant was bound over to answer at court. Is it n. Counterfeit': • Wm. Spencer,who was arrested in the Fourteenth ward, on the charge , of passing a counterfeit twenty dollar note, was arraigned._ There being no person present to testify to the character of, the note, the accused was committed to await 'a further hearing. (Before Ifir. Alderman Wl?ite.] Alleged' Robbery. A mulatto woman, name of Mary Foreman, was taken before the Police Magistrate of the Fifteenth wain, yesterday, on the charge of stealing - ,_a coat worth $2O, and a pair of new pantaloons worth $lO, the property of William E. WOodside, boarding at 307 South Third,street. The accused had been en gaged at the houSe, some time since, to do some• scrubbing and washing. She was subsequently em ployed as chambermaid. The owner of the goods says that nobody had any access to the room but the accused. The goods were not seen in her possession, nor have they been found. She wail committed to" await A further hearing. [Before. Mr. Alderman Corey.] Another Arrest: William Siter was arraigned at Frankford yeiter day, on the charge of being concerned in the robbery of Mr. Baird'e mill, at Tawny. Frederick Siter and Gotleib Biter, living at Whitehall y - reigned on the char • . • • • : • ae arraigned yesterday morning on e charge or keeping a disorderly house at Twenty sixth and Naudain streets.. He was bound over to answer. Four persons, male and female, were held to bail to keep the peace. PHILADELPHIA BOARD•OF TRADE. ALGERNON S. ROBERTS. JOHN R. PENROSE, POMMITTEK OF THZ MONTE ISAAC,S..WATERKAN. • - - - - - AT THE DIERCHANTS ) EXCHANGE, PHILADELPHIA. . Ship Saranak, Rowland Liverpool. soon Bark Ann Elizabeth, Norgrave Barhadoes, 'Oct 3 , Brig Ella Reed, Jarman - Elavana, ,soon Brig Keoka, Burns St Domingo City, BOWL Schr St Lawrence, Bloch ' Port Spain, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA., Oct. 3, 1883 SUN RISES.... HIGH WATER Bark Hanson Gregory, Gregory, 4 days from. Fall River, In ballaet to Workman & Co. Brig Glendale, Lantierkln. 8 days from Bath, in last to oaptain. - - Brig Elmira;: Norton, 10 days from St John, NB, With lumber to Gaskill & Galvin. : 738,722 bile _ . Brig Mazatlan, Merryman, 9 days from Portland, with mdse to l; C•Van Horn. Fichr St Lawrence, (Br) Kineh, 12 dale from East Har bor. TI. with salt to Tnos Wattson AC Sons—vessel to C C Van Horn: • - Seta Mertha,Maria, Norwood. 4daye from New 'Bed ford. in ballast to E A Sunder at Co. . . Sehr G W, Carpenter, Edwaxds, 8 days from Portland, with plaster to E A Souder Co. . ---- Bohr Martha Jane, Watson. from St J0hn....N8, via Chester, with lumber and pickets to Geskill. dt Galvin. Scbr A Hammond, Paine, days from Boston, in bal last to captain. Schr Sarah Louisa, Nicholson, G days from WeWiest. with mdse to Geo B Rerfoot. • Schr J Porter, Yates, from Boston, ballast to captain. Bela Thomas Borden, Wrinhtington, 4 days from Fall River, with mdse to captain, - • Behr George' G Baker, _Hamilton, from Fall River, hi ballast to captain. Behr Olivia, Fox, 1 day from Odetsa, Del, with grain to Chrietian & Co. Schr Jas L Bayern!, Holliugsworlh 1 day from Little Creek Landing; Del, with grain to J L Bewley & Co. Schr Clayton & Lowlier, Jackson, Iday from Smyrna, with rye to J L Bewley & Co: . Schr Mary, Riekazds, Iday from Camden. Del, :with oats to J Bewley & Co. . . SOhr Bird,Rohinson, 1 dory. from Odessa, Del, with oats to JL Bewley .14 Co.' Sc;h Bird, Duffel, 141 es from Lewes, Del, with grain to J L Bewley & Co. Schr S °Fithian, Tufty 1 day from Port Deposit, with wheat to J L Bewley St • . . . _ Steamet Joseph Hall. Temple, 24 hours from N York, viSth rodeo to NY M Baird & Co. Steamer Taunts, Pierce, 2-1 hours from New York;with mdse to W M Baird 41 . Co. . . ikeamer Monitor; Williams, 24 hours from New Yoilr', with mdse to Win M Saird 3c Co. Steamer Young Lion, Brown, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird - .1 Co. • Steamer Ruggles. McDermott, 24 hours from N York with mdse to W P Clyde Steamer C Comstock, Drake, 24 hours from New York with mdseto Wm .11 Baird Sc Co. Shine Sebastopol, Savin, and Frank Boni orge, bp h. "from rennteola, for orders. • Steamer Ashland, (traneport) Esling, Point Lookout, is Chester, card A Boyd. - Bark Washington Butcher, Collins. Matanzas, Work- Brig Thos Walter, Westerdyke, St Kitts, dauretche Lavergne. -. Brig Lapwing, (Sr) Crearner, Pernambuco, J Mason Schr Martha Maria, Norwood, Lynn, Mass, B A Soli der & Co. - Schr Lath Rich,Bonhoff, Port Royal. Curtis & Haight. Schr C A Stetson, Stevens, Welltleet: Noble, Caldwell Behr Jos Porter, Burroughs, Boston. Repplier & Bro. Scbr J S Bright, Shaw, Salem ,'B A Quintard. Schr H Sharp:Robbins, Boston, C A Heckscher & Co. Schr Summit, Freemen, Braintree, Castner, Stickney & Wellington.. Schr D C Smith, Long. Provincetown, W 11 - Johits. ..Schr Neptune, Clark, Boston, Plakiston, Grail dt.Co. Behr A Corson, Tunnel]. Washington.-H , ..A.-Adame. Schr L & R Smith. Smith, Boston, John Street. chr Mary Tice. 'Tice. Washington; Tyler, Stone & Co. - Behr W Kennedy, Christy, do do Fehr Sylvester Gessner, 'Thompson, Annapolis, do -,Schr IdaT McCabe, Pickup, Alexandria, . do Schr Charm, Starr, o -' do Behr Ithodella Blew, Peterson, Fort Monroe, do Behr glary H Santo. Marta, 'do d o -• Behr John Rogers, Tyler, - ' do do Schr Hiawatha, Dismy, Salisbury, C F Norton Sr Co. Bohr Jas Magee, Lynch, Georgetown, J R Tom'inson. Str Shriver, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Str Swan. Rose. Sassafras river, captain. Str Buffalo, Mooney, New York, WP Clyde.- - (Correspondence of The Press.) . READING. Sept 30 . . The following boats from the Union Canal Apassed inte. the Schuylkill Canal to-day, bound. to Philadelphla, laden, and consigned as foltows: - • Br Wagner, lumber to Malone & Trainer ; Mary, do to. Croskey ,llnion Lime Boy, lime to s ßilas Reber; D A Albright, do to Peter Finfruck,' , _ . (Correspondence of The Press.) 'HAVRR DE GRACE. Oct 1.: The eteameiWyoming left here this morning with the following boats in tow, laden and ooneigned as follows Wright &Brother, with lumber to W 6 Taylor: Hen drick Lentz & White, do to 'Malone & Trainer; Home wood, do to Cheater; Johnllentrel & Paragon, do to -S Bolton; iferrie & Duncan, do to Henry Croskey; DI Wil llamLon,•do to order N • • MEMORANDA Brig G P Geary, Conklin, cleared at New York Ist inst for Philadelphia. Brig Emma. Baker, *hence, at Boston let ins . Brig Geo F. Lovett, (Br) for Philadelphia, was loading at Cienfuegos Bd Schrs Sarah .Callen, Callen, Abigail Haley, Haley, John Borrance, Rice, J H Moore, Dickerson, Maggie Van linsen, Ga.rrisqn 'Jane 0 Patterson, Hand,-Alexan der Young, Young, Burnett, Ireland: Robe Corson, .High, Ann .Gardiner.' 'Knowles. and W. G - Audenried, ~ Heviitti'..henee, at Boston Ist inst. gcleAt , Sewall, Hoyt,' cleared at Boston lit inst. for Sclirs :Sydney Price, Godfrey, and Vauhti, Shari), Ha ley. hence, at.Salero 30th nit. Schr O.P Stickney, Garwood, hence, at Pall River - . . . Sebr Z Stratton, Stephenr, sailed from East GreenwichßM tat for rbiladelphla,- Fehr .1 -gorily-Pacific, ilEarcy, hence,. at Providence' . Sohn Martha Wins. ,Shourds. sailed from Providence 30th ult_ for Philadelphia. g c h r ma th RRogere, Langley, henoi, at Newburyport 20th ult Schr H W Morse, Benton, hence, at Taunton Mir nit. Schre Ceres, Timmonde, and Fly, Cbeeeeman, for Phi ladelphia. sailed from Nantucket 2&t ult. Schr J Criereon, from Providence for Phila• delph la, at Newport 2.9 th ult. - 87° 48 4.30 63.53 70.03 67 55 69 01 83° 41 4.22 61.67 70. t 8 64.70 65.65 3 1.088 in, 0,128 , 28.981 29.-845 29:876 29 967 N. 9°'E P 0.312 in. .9.261 0.116 20.040 29.896 29.939 29.926 N. 479 W. Alleged Bla'rgiary. !:".mra LETTER BAGS 613 I SUN SETS MMM EDUCATIONAL. DL. CARPENTER, TEACHER OF • DANCING62IS'ARCH Street. Call at Ms ROOM. Daily and ever, Evening. 8522.1m* p.PRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR TOTING MEN AND BOYS, corner of BIGITYR and BUTTONWOOD Streets Reopened Monday, Septerriber N 7th. CHESTER FEMALE SEMINARY.- This Institution offers superior advantages to those who wish a thorough and systematic education. Fall term opens Sept. let. Pupils received at any time daring the session. For circulars, address .the Principals, l EIRB, F. 0 OILBERT, linSq M. E. BOSWORTIIr 800 St* CHESTER, Delaware county, Pa. ELOCUTION' TAUGHT TO ANY AP PLICANTB. by Profeatior PHILIP LAWRENCE; THIRTY•NINTH and MARKET Watts, in the Institute of :ev - E. D. atindera .D. D. 6c. 30.430 in. 231 0 123 29.011 29.959 211 00 29 951 NB3YOW pIIILADELPTILA. COLLEGIATE IN STITDTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, 1530 ARCA St. Rev.' C. D. 7 D.c Ray. - R C. smith, A. M , Aaao date Principals. Boarding and day scholars. se9.Eilni" MISS C. A. BURGIN WILL REOPRN her SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. No. 1037 WALNUT St., SEPTEMBER 14, 10413. att2S-38t* yOITNG‘ LADIES' SOHOOL, , AND CLASSES FOR HOME STUDY, No. 903 CLINTON Street. Betabliehed by Prof. C. D. IPLEVELAND in 1831. Felt Term commence . Seaembei 14" 5u.24-21a . PLINY E. CHIAN. BELLE V UE FEMALE INSTITUTE. A BOARDING-SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Th Is Inetitution is located in the northern Drake of.AT TLESOROUGH,'IdiddIetoIVii township, Hucks county, Penn'ti.—a rural district, unsurpassed for beantylaud healthtnineen. , • • - - The Fall and Winter term will open TENTH MONTH Ist ISM and' continue in session 28 weeks. - The course of instruction Is thorough•and complete In all the elementary and higher branches of an ENGLISH. .CLASSICAL, and. MATHEMATICAL' education. For terms • and other particulars see circular + which Ittlral h t' d o otnOarejliPteilVi? the fr P o ri m a rt' i tliTS lec ß o ° r: ner of ElGHTlin e nd Luca Streets, Philadelphia. z mat .• . es', r. °Rentals.- . JANE P. GRAHAMS. seS-Em - Principals. MB. WI.N T H R.O P- TAPP.AVS School for Young Ladies removed. to 1939 oBESTICUT Street. re- opens Sept. 16th. se9-lm 'CENTRAL INSTITUTE, N. W. corner TENTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, will REOPEN SEPTEMBER Ist. Boys prepared for any Dl on of the Public Grammar Schoole, for College, or for iness, Can.24-2m , 9 H. G. McGIJLRE, A. M. Prin. MADAME MASSE AND M'LLE BIN will reopen their FRENCH AND ENGIASH BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR TOILE G LADIES, (.342 SPRUCE Street, on the 14th of SEPTEMBER.; For scireedars or other particulars apply at the above number. u24-2m VILLAGE GREEN' SEMINARY - -A SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL, NEAR' MEDIA, PA.—Thorough course in Mathematics, Classics, Eng lish Branches Natural .Sciences, Minim - Tactics taught. Classes in Book-keeping, Surveying, and Civil. Engineering. Pupils taken of all ages. School opens September Ist. Boarding, per week 163.26. Tuition. per Varier, $6. lot catalogues, or information. address Rey. .T. HERVEY BARTON; Iy2d-Sm VILLAGE GREEN, Pa. THE MISSES CASEY & MRS. BEEBE'S French and English Boarding and Day-Scheel A "No. 1703 WALNDT_street, will re - oven on WEDNESDAY. September 16. • ator7-2m O _ XFORD FEMALE SEMINARY, -OX FORD, Chistericonntv;iya., ;sill begin its next session OCTOBER 21. For circulars address . Kiss BA— RER; Principal ' se4-1m S ELECT FAMILY SCHOOL FOR P- 1 BOYS. AT CLAYMONT, Delaware. The Winter Term will open SEPTEMBER 9. te&lm. Rev. SORE 8.. CLEMSON. D. ReotOr. FRENCH.. AND .ENGLISH BOARD ING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG L ADMS. Every attention is given to complete a thorough know ledge of 'be essential elementary branches of study. English Gran mar, Spelling, and Geography, wit)li fall course of History, ancient and modern, and the venal branches of finishing studies, under competent teach- French Lessons every day; also, a German Class,: un der Prof. OEHLSCHLA EU RR, which may be joined by a few young ladies desirous to pursue the study ' ' of that language. The Misses 'BUCK. Apply for Circular; 1417 SPRUCE Street. se26-stuth6t* FRENCH LANGUAGE AND LITERA 6. •-•-• TUE. by PROP. .VAiLLANT, No. 1033 WA.L. NOT Street. Lectures and conversation in French; tui tion in schools; private lessons. selo-thstulm* • I • Plat/4011TE, No. 1902 PINE Street. At home daily at 2 o'clock. seB.tratheklie TNSTRUCTION THROUGH BOOKS, - 11 - OBJECTS, AND PICTURES.—I shall reopen' my School for Boys and Girls on the 7th of September. ANN DICKSON; An27-thstn 617 108 South EIGHTEENTH Street. FRIENDS' SCHOOLS FOR BOYS and MAL SPRING.GARDEN INSTITUTE.' re opens 9th month (September), 1, • anll-tnthe2m• - > B. HUNTINGTON. Prin. P HILADELPHIA PROFESSIONAL INSTITUTE, B. B. corner of THIRTEENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, is now open, with a complete GYM • '21.181101M for the exclusive use of the pupils. - Call and see its peoFiliar modes of instruction and its advantages. Aorta for %truism L NEWTON PEIRCE. Triniipa' GEORGE R. BARKER'S FNGLISH and CLASSICAL SCHOOL. PRIOR Street. Ger mantown. The Tenth Academia Year will open on MONDAY. September 7th, 1883. 865-1 m ' ( - ILA BET. CAL INSTITUTE, DNA N Street, above Spruce:—The ot. the Olassioal Institute will be resumed SEPTEMBER 7th._ an27-2W J. W. FAIRES, D. D., Principal. A,IRS. B. BLANCHARD'S SCHOOL for MISSES and young LADIES, at No. XR Sbutb. BIOHTEENTE. Street. will reopen' September 14. ;Cir culars can be had on application. se7-6te POTTAGE SEMINARY FOR YOUNG . LADIES.—This pleasant and thoroagh School la accessible by Eaading Railroad, and within less than two hours' ride of Philadelphia. The next session will open the FIRST' TUESDAY IN NOVEMBER. For Circulars, andparticulars, address the Principal, REV. It. CRUIKSHANK. POTTSTOWN. 'Montgomery County. Penna. N ORMAL MUSICAL IlsTATlgu' -- • - . rrion win reopen on - SECOND-DAY on , ay), ..the 22d or the NINTH MONTH (September). For particulars apply to - SAMUEL ALSO?. Principal, - Fe6-2m - -Delaware Water Gap. Monroe county, l's. MISS 'BROOKS AND MRS. - J. E. ALL •L'-a- will re-open their Boarding and Day Sauicd.; for Young Ladies, at 15t18 - WALNUT Street, on the 14th of SEPTEMBER au.Sl-2m WILLT A M FEWSkITH'S CLASSI * CAL AND ENNLISH SCHOOL, No. 1008 CHESTNUT.. Street. The Fall Term will commence SEPTEMBER 7. - se4-lia* 'MISS ELIZA. W. 'SMITA'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, No: 1210 SPRUCE areal.. will be reopened on Monday, SEPTEMBER 14 The t course embraces the elementary and higher branches of a thorough English education, with French, German, Idneic.Drawing, : - sellms IiDENNSYIVANIA_MILITARY AGA . DEMY. AT WEST CHESTER. .(For. Boarders wkly. ) The duties of this Academy will be resumed on THUMB DAY,iSeptember 3d. The following gentlemen comas* the Board,of Trustees: Hon.-,JAMBS.POLLOCK, President. Capt. N. M. APPLE. Vida President. W. E. BARBER, Esq., Secretary. • - JAMBS EL ORNE, Bst Treasurer. Rev. Thos Newton. D. D.. James! L. Claghorn. Rev. Thos. Brainerd, - D. D., Charles B. Dungan. Hon Oswald Thompson, Can. P. Nlaseell, Hon: Chas. O'Neill, • Win. L. Springs, Hon. John Hickman, - Geo: L. Farrell, Hon. W. E. Lehman, Addison May, Col. Wm. Bell Waddell, T. B. Peterson, Jas. B. Townsend, Theodore Hyatt. . The a/vantages afforded or theacquirement of ittho rough military education are 'second. only'tn those of West Point, The Academic Staff is composed, of :tho roughly:competent instructors. ' The EducatiOnal De partment embraces Primary,- Collegiate, and Scientific courses. The .Mathematical -and Military Department is under the charge of -a :Graduate of the United States Military Academy of the live years' corium. Careful attention is paid.:to the moral imitruStioniof the cadets. Circulars may be had of JAMBS EL.ORILL Bog., No. fulls CHESTNWr.Street, Philadelia, or of.:, . CoL - HYATT_, West Chester. 111:;'` ESTATE OF JAMES ,McCLINTOOk: —Letters of administration upon the estate of Janies McClintock, .dicemied, late ot this city, have been granted to the undersigned, by the Register for theXiity and County of Philadelphia. All persons indebted.to the estate, or to the late firm of McClintock, Grant. & Co., , will , pleaFe mak% payment. and those having claims will make known the same without delay to GEORGE GE ANT, seti-set 4 ir. No..6.O..CHESTNIIT. Striet. MARSHAL'S - . , SALE.-BY VIRTUE ....vy of a" 'Writ of sale;-by the Hon. JOHN CADWALA.; DER, Judge of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania,,in Admi ralty. to me directed . , will be sold at public sale, to the highest and - best bidder, for cash. at (CIISNEft'S Store, No 142 North "PROI " NT Street, on WEDNESDAY, October. 7, HAS, at 12, 'Ale& DI, the residue of the cargo of the steamer Kate Dale, consistin g cf 806 bales Upland Cotton, ,comprising the usual grades. . WILLIAM hfILLWARD, • 11. S. Marshal E. D, of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, September 25, 1863. - se2B4ot • MARSHAL'S SAL it i•-•BY •• VIRTCrE . 2 40 -"-of a writ of sale, by the Ron. JORNCADWALADER, 'Judge of the District Court of thelliiited States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in. Admiralt,y, to me directed, "will 'be sold at public sale,Nte the _higheet' and best bidder. for cash, at Samuel C. Cook's Auction Store, No. 124 - South-FRONT'Street, on MONDAY, Oc tober sth, HO. at 12 o'clock M , the residue of the cargo of steam er LIZZIE, consisting of .1.85. cases of Brandy, and ]2 eases of Gin. - - WILLIAM„MILLWARD S. Marshal ,'E. "D of Pemisylyania, Philidelphia, 'September 25, 1863.- • selfra JOYFUL ANNOUNCEMENT TO kiFFERINH - HUMANITY.' - , Prof. - C.- H.' BOLLES, well known dlicoverer and teacher of applying: .Galvanism, Magnetism, and-, other modifications of Electricity as a reliable the - rapentic- agent-. for.,the- cure of acute-and. chronic diseases, with Dr. M. S. GALLOWAY, -- his former Partner. have returned , to ".their, Establishment .1220 Walnut street, Philadelphia, where they have resumed business.e • "" They have added two new Operating rootnalo the Establishment, which will enable thenl tee- tiliatat least one htiendreel patfehtle"per" day. The fact that Prof. B. has been in Philadelphia, at 1220 Waleint street, four years, and has in that time treated over,l eight thousandinvalids, considered Ancurahle by . all other treatment, many of whom ,have been'' warranted by special contract; is evidence the most indubitable of the - superiority of his - system over all others. 'He has also instructed more than one thousand Medics.l men, and others,' who use Ellye: .tricity as a specialty in acute and _ chronic cases. PROF. BOLLES &.GALLO WAY. 1220 WALNUT Street. WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH? GOOD NEWS FOR THE SICK AND WOUNDED: Messrs. J. GRIM and - T. --- ALLEN, MEDICAL ELEC TRICIANS (formerly associated with Profs. Bonet' and .Galloway),: having removed-to No. 723 North:. TENTH Street, between Coates and-Brown streets, are now pre- Pared to ,treat and cure all Curable Diseases, whether acute or chronic, pulmonary or paralytic, without shock or any Inconvenience.. Poor .Soldiers -will - be treated gratuitously, The Ladies will be treated by 'a lady. Among the diseases tor which we will give 'a special guarantee, when desired, we mention the fol- Consumplionjet dt2d stages Heinorrliage, Paralysie, • - General Debility, Neuralgia; Diseases of the Liv,er or. Asthma, . Kidneys, Fever and Arne, . Diabetes, . Congestion, Prolapsus Uteri, i(Falling Dyspepsia, _ Womb), • • Rheumatism, Prolamine AI -or Piles, Bronchitis, Nocturnal Emission,dm,. &o, No charge for ceneultation. Office hours: 9A. M. to 6P. M. .-_..',r•.'.>___ MRS. JAMES BETTS' 0E1; EBRATED SUPPORTERS FOR LADIES. and. the only Ste' porters ander.. eminent_medleal. patronage.' Ladies and Physicians are respectfully requested, to call .only. on Mrs. BETTS, at' her reeidence, 1030 WALNUT Street, 'Philadelphia; (to - avoid `counterfeits: r• Thirty' thousand invalids havebeen advised by their physicians to use her appliances." Those.only,are genuine bearing the United 'States copyright t labels 6n the box, and signatures, and also on theSUPPOrters 'with testimonials. - - ocle-tuthetf jp(AusacomPourtr!. YR OF 'DOCK le successful as a remedy. because those who Me t itpronounce it the best - - I et. COUGH SYRUP. _ the best Blood Purifier, the most efficient Invigorator, and the best Cure for Scrofula ever Offered to the nubile, Sold by the proprietor. - JIIMELLS. MIS al D ruggists .R Street And. THE PRESS.--PHILADELPTIT , SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1563. Utla:g MEDICAL. RAILROAD LINES. 1 8 63: NEVAITri s ,IgES. 1863. THE CAMDEN AND . AMBOY ND PHILADELPHIA - AND' TRENTON 'RAILROAD - COMPANY'S LINES, FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES PROM WALNUT STREET PiA.RF ANT NNNSINGiON DRPOT. WILL-LEAVE AS FOLLOWS—VIE; PAWL At 6 -A. M ;Via Camden , and AmboY,' C. and A. Ao commodation O. 715 At 6 A. 111. Via Camden and Jersey City, N. J. Ac.; commodation ;225 . At BA. M 4-via Camden and Jersey City, Morning': Mail 3 00 At 8.A.. M.; via Camden-and Jereey City; 2d Class - Ticket At 31 A. M., -via Kensington and. Jersey XitY, Ex-; ress 3 00 At p 12 H, via Camden and Amboy, C. and -A. Ac-. commodation '225 At 2 P.M., via Carinien and Ambey, C. and A. Ex ress 00 At p 3 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey CRY, Wash. 3 and New York Express . 3 00 At 135i:P. M , viaK a ensingtonnd Jersey City; Eve- ' 3ning O3 At 11 P. M, via Kensington and Jersey City, Southern Mail ' 3 00 At 131 (Night), via Keusipgton and. Jersey City. Southern Express '3 03 At 6 P.-M..- via Camden and, Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger)-Ist Class Ticket... - ;2 25 Do. do. 2d Class do 1 50 The 6.15 P. M. Eiening Mail add 190 (Night) Southern Express will run daily; ,all others Sundays excepted. For. Water Oap,.Strondsimra; Scranton. Wilkesbarre, Itiontrcise, Great Bend; at 7 A. M. from Kensing ton Depot, via Delaware, Lackawanna, and Wader,/ For Mallet) Chunk, AllentoWn;Bethleheni, Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville, 'Flemington, Sm., at 7A. M. from Kensington Depot, and 3.30; P. , M. from Walnut street wharf. (The 7A. M. line connects with' the train leaving Easton for Much Chunk at 3.20 P. M. ). .- For Mount Holly, Ewags vine; and Pemberton, at 6 A. M., 2, and 4) P. Id For Freehold at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. . • WAY LINES' For Bristol, Trenton, , at r and 11 A. M., and 5 P. M. from Kensington, and 2,11 P. M. from Walnat street wharf. 4 - For Iloltneeburg,' Tacony, Wissonoming, Bridesbbrg, and Frankfort; at 94; ISE , 2. 5,1.45, and BP. M., from Kensington Depot. Fer Palm) ra, 'Riverton, Delanco; Beverly, Burling ton. Florence; Bovlentown, '• at 6 A. M., 12 Mt L 3.30, 43r, and 6P. M:= The 3.30 and 434 P. M. lines - ran direct through to Trenton. - Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown and intermediate stations, at 236 P. M. ffom Walnut-street wharf. Air- For New York and Wa. , - Lines leaving Kensington Depot, take the cars nu Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The cars run into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train run from the Depot. ; Frfrr Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passen ger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as ; baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to he paid for extra: The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound and will not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, elr cispt by special contract. ; WILLIAM H. GATBMER, Agent. September 21 ISM.' " LINES FROM NEW YORK FOR PHILADELPFIIA, WiLL LEAVE: FROSI FOOT OF CORTLANDT STRUM At 12 M. and 4P. M. via. Jeri ey City and Camden., At 7 and 10 A. M., 6, 7,11. audit% P. M.. via - Jersey City and-Kensington.. From foot of Barclay street at 6A. M. and 2P. bl. via Amboy a-nd Camden. _ - - From Pier No. 1, 'North river, at land SP. 1M (freight and passenger) Amboy and Camden. 9a15-tf CrJ PENNSYLVANIA., ( 76' co CENTRAL RAILROADZ THE' GREAT DOUBLE-TRACK , SHORT ROUTE TO THE WEST, NORTH WEST, AND, SOUTHWEST. . Equipments and-facilities for the safe, speedy, and comfortable transportation of paintengers unsurpassed by anyronte in the country. . . . , . . - Trains leave the Depot at Eleventhland-Market streets, as follows:. _. . Mail Train at - ' ' " 7.30 A. AL Fast Line at 11.30 P. M. Through Express at y.- ~ 10.30 I'. M. West Chester Accommodation, No. 1. 8.45 A: M. No. 2 12.30 P. hf, Harrisburg Accommodation Train at.... _ ...... 2.30 P. M. - Lancaster Train at......... . . ....... .-.......... . 9.00 I'. M. . . . . . . Parkesborg Train (from West Philadelphia). 5.50 P. lid. Through passengers, by the Fast Line, reach Altoona for sniper, where will be found excellent accommoda tions for the night.' at the Logan House, and mar take either the Philadelphia or Baltimore Express, each of -arbich•malres connection at Pittsburg for all points. A daylight view is thus afforded of the_entire line and its magnificent scenery.. The Through Express train runsdaily—all the other trains daily, except Sunday. ' FOR PITTSBURG AND' THE WEST. - The Mail Train, Fast Line, and Through Express con nect at Pittsburg - with through trains on all the diverg ing roads from that, point, North to the Lakes, West to the Mississit . pi and Missouri rivers. and South and Southwest to all points accessible, by Railroad. Through Tickets to Cleveland, Detroit, Chicagb, St. Paul, Colum bus Indianapolis, St. Louis, Leavenworth, Kansas. Wheeling, Dayton,,, Cincinnati, Louisville, Cairo, and all other principal points. and baggage Checked through. INDIANA BRANCH RAILROAD. • - - - - The Through Expiess, leavingt at 10.30 P. H., con nects; at - Blairsville Interseetion,with a train on this road for Blairsville, Indiana, Sze. EBENSBURG & CRESSON BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Exp rers Train; leaving 10.30 P. 31., con nects at Cresson at 8.40 A. M., with a train on this road for Ebensburg. A train also - leaves Crea - son for Ebens burg at 8 P.. 111. , HOLLIDAYSBURG. BRANCH RAILROAD. - The Mail Train, at 7.30 A: AL , :titd Thrcrucii Ri-preae. at 10.30 P. M. connect - at Altoons,'WHX arc`trains for Holidays burg at 7.15 P. M. and 8 A M. • TYRONE & CLEARFIELB BRANqH RAILROAD. The Through Express Train, leaving. at 10 30 P. P.M. connects at Tyrone with a train for* Sandy Ridge -and Phillipsburg, and b 3 Bald Eagle Valley Railroad for Port Matilda, Mileshrug,and;Bellefonts. FEHNTINGDON -, & Bui_iii.D,TOP RAILROAD. The Through Express Train; leaving at lb. 30 connects at Huntingdon. with a train for Hopewell at 6.22 A. M. NORTHERN CENTRAL .4 PHILADELPHIA & ERIE - . ---- - - RAILROADS. - 'FOR SUNBURY, WTLLIAMSPORT,•LOCH ;HAVEN, ELMIRA, ROCHESTER, BUFFALO, AND .NIAGARA FALLS. PaSSOII , gere Asking the. Mail Train, at 7.30 A M., and the Through Exprese, , at 40.30 P. ,go directly-through without change of care between Philadelphia and WU liamsport. For YORK, HANOVER, and GETTYSBURG, the trains leaving at 7.30 A. M. and 2.30 R H., connect at Columbia. with train on the Northern Central Railroad- . . . . CEMBERLANDNALLEY RALLROAD.' The Mail Wyatt, at 7.30 At M. and Through Expreip.;, at 10.35 P. IG - donned at Harrisburg with trains for Car lialejCharebersbnre., and Hagerstown. . WAYNESBDRG BRANCH RAILROAD. Tbe trains leaving at 7.30'A. M. and 4P. M: connect at Downington with trains on this road for Waynes burg and all intermediate stations. FOR WEST CHESTER.. Passengers'tfor West Chester taking the trains leaving at 8.46 .4"..M.'and 12.38 • and M. go directly through without change of cars. • `"• COMMUTATION TI ie For 1,3, 6,9, 0r.19,,„r....„,„.. m iGKETS, accommo4-." "" at about two intended for the use of For 26 trips, between a wY t , __Theat,R6glW and are of great advan ce., I —L----" e j , Mxt e t - making occasfonal trips. SCHOOL TICKETS, For lor 3 months, for the nee of scholars attending school in the city. Forl forther information, apply at the't.agsenger Sta tion, S. E. corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. JAMES COWDEN Ticket Agent WESTERN EMIGRATION.. An Emigrant Accommodation Train leaves No:: 197 Dock street daily (Sundays excepted) at 4 o'clock.P. , offering a comfortable mode of -travel-to. families going West, at one-half the usual rates of fare.• Particular at tention is paid to Baggage, for which checks are given, and baggage forwarded by same train with the passen- For . full information apply to ... FRANCIS FIINE, Emigrant Agent; 137 DOCK Street. MANN'S 'BAGGAGE , EXPRESS. ! An agent of this reliable Express Company will pass through each - train before reaching thedepot; and take up checks and deliver Baggage to any part of the city. Baggage will be called . forpromptly when orders are left at. the Passenger Depot, Eleventh and - Market streets. The travelling Public are assured that it - is• entirely responsible. • ;,st - . ; . FREIGHTS. By this route t freights of all descriptions can be for warded to and from any'poilite on the Railroads of Obio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or. Mis souri, by railroad direct, or to any port on the naviga ble rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsbnmr. The rates ofireight to and from any.pointin the West, by the Pennsylvania' Central Railroad, are; at all times, as favorable ae are charged by other Railroad Compa-. ram Meech. me and shippers entrusting the transporta tion of their freight to this Company ban rely with confi dence onits'speedy transit.l , , • For freight contracts or ' shipping directions apply to or address the Agents of the Company : S. B. KINGSTON, JR:i' Philadelphia.. D A. STEWART, Pittsburg. CLARKE & CO., Chicago: LEECH & CO. NO. 1 Astor House, or No. 1 Sonth Wil liam street, NeW , York. LEECH & CO., No 77 Washington street, Boston. WM. BROWN', No. Ss North-street, Baltimore. Agent. Northern Central Railway. H. H. HOUSTON, General FrtigbA.knor, L PhadelpbA. Url General 4 ' l r e tnt n Et LEWIS, PIeIPI P . General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. PHILADELP c ILIA AND ELMIRA R. R. t,LIE. 1863. ~ SUMMER ARRANGEIIIBNT.' 1863. For WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, ELMIRA, and all pointh in the W. and N. W. Passenger Trains leave , DApat of Philadelphia mid Reading Railroad, = corner BROAD and .CALLOWIIILL Streets, at 8.15 A. M. and 3.30 P. M. daily, Sundays excapted. , . ' QulcilEsT ROUTE .from- Philadelphia in points in Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western New York,..tfie., Baggage checked , through to Buffalo, Niagara Palls, or intermediate Pointe. - . . . . . l 4 For further information apply to , %WA JOHN'S. MLLES, General Aveq, THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL,' and office of How ard's Express Company,: GOT CHESTNUT St. ' ja3l-tf 1863. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIERAIL . ROAD:-This great line . ..traverses the Northern mid Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie. Olt Lake Erie.. It . . It has been. leased_b_y 'the PENNSYLVANIA'RAIL. ROAD COMPANY, and. ander • their auspices is being rapidly opened throuthotts7tireleng h. , tisinuseirlalsetgr and Freight business from Harrisburg to Driftwood, - second fork, (157 - mile4) on the Eastern Division. , and from Sheffield to 'Erie, (73. miles);on the Nestern = TASSENCIERIAMAINs AT - PHILADEZPiIIja Leave Westward. ..... . . ; ... 7:33 A. M. ' P,t3l. _ . . _ - Nail Praha: : t Train . _ Cars' run throng hWithbut change both ways on these trains 'between Philadelphia and Lock Haven; and be, tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Care on 'Eirprein Trains,both ways between Williamsport, nd Baltimore , and Williamsport and Philadelphia. For information reeisctingTaisentter .bnsiness apply Lt the Sol:alxia cornei-Hleventh and Market Stkeets. And for Freight business, of the Compintig's Agents: S. B KINGST.ON, Jr. ,corner, Thirteetttb, and bfarket areas. Philadelphia, . J. W. REYNOLDS Fite - - J. M. DRILL, Agent C. IL-. R 't Baltimore. A :„4 - ';' HOIISTJR. General reight EWIS L. AgHent :OUPT. Fhiladell6la. Genital Ticket Agent, Philtidelphia. JOS. D POTTS, Ohtani Manelker. Williameport. I 'WEST CH-Milli~ PHMADELVEEIA., VIA TIM PENNSYLVANIA OENTRAL RAILROAD. Passengers for West Chester leave the depot, corner of Eleventh and Marliet streets,,and go through WITHOUT CHANGE OF'CARS. - - FROM ril IL AD E LPIII A. ' Leave &46 A. M.... X'Arr , %ve West Chester 10.30 • 12 80 P. ,111. . " 2,30 P. 11: `` 4.00 P. M: ' . 6. CO P.M. FROM WEST CHESTER. Leave at 6.20 A. M....... Arrive West ?Ma: 8:00. A. 111. - 10.60 A. M. , --r; 12.26 P. ilfr " " 3.45 P; 111. " 5. OO P Passengers lorWestern points from West Chester con nect at the Intersection with the Mall Train at &46 A. , the Harrisburg Accommodation at 3.46 P. AL; and the Lancaster Train at 6.26 P. - M. Freight :delivered at the depot, corner of Thirteenth. .and'Market streets, inevions to 12 M., will be forwardod by the Accommodation Train, and reach West Cheater. at 2.30 F. M. . . . . --- For tickets and further information, auplv to - JAMES COWDEN, Ticket Agedt, jai }f EDEVENTII and MARKET.Streets. 2 - NORTH PENSYL. Ef ,0 22 - • F ANTA RAILROAD—For BETH LEHEM. 'DOYLESTOWN,' MAUCH CHUNK, ,ITABLE ' TON, EASTON, WILRESBARRE, WILLIAMSEOET, SII2I3IER,ARRA.NGEMENT. Passenger Trains leave the new:Depot, THIRD Street, above Thompson atreet, daily - (Sandays excepted) as At 7 A. M. (Expreig): for Bethlehem, Allentown;,*atioh Chunk, - Hazleton, Wilkesbarre; Sce. At 3.16 P, M.,(Express) for Bethlehem, Easton, die. At 6. 1 6 P. M. NI Bethlehem, Allentown.Manch Chunk. - For Doylestown at 9.15 A. M. and 4.16'P.' M. g For Tort Washingt4n at 10.35 A. M. and 8.30 P. 1L White cars of tile second and . Third streets line City- Passenger -run. direetlio to the new Depot..' - • TRAINS ]OR PHILADELPHIA , Lea4Bethleheth MI. 46 A:l4.'. end 6, 07 tv • if Leave lipyleatown at 7:35 A. M. and 4P. M. - , Dolive - Fort Washirfatoti-at 6.-40 A:" M. and 2 P. Br. • QN SUNDAYS.: . ; . 11Alidelphia, for Bethlehem at 8 PhiliCdelphia for Doylestown at 3.P.- Doyleetown for Pleijadalphia at 7 A. M. A Bethlehem (*.Philadelphia at 4 P. 51: a 920 ELLIS CLARk Agent B r iE P NOt OF: THE , BALTIMO RE AND I' oaDD RAILROAD —This 'road,be'nE ftI4I7..REPAI RED an& effeitually GIIKRUBD, is now open for thislransporta tion of passengers lied freight to all points in the GREAT WEST, For through tickets and: all other information,. aalra I ,he Fga n t b en ° t i ro c ...V r S n . e Til o . fatlMlll - Street a -te Tresidetts s. W. ma /3. H. Cp. SHERIFF'S SALES. QIIERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponae, to me direeted, will he exposed to public sale or vendue on 11401'4DAY Evening. ocl ober O. 1863, at 4 o'clock; at Sansom-et. All that certain meienase and lot of ground situate on tbe north side of Anita street. two hundred and seventy fonr feet westward from Tenth street, in the city of ladelPhia; coots/ming in front on Anita street fifteen feet. and in depth sixty. six feet. Which said premise' the Pennsylvania Building association, by-deed owed February 13. IH6, recorded in deed-book It No?" 68. page 61, dtc., conveyed unto the said James Duross in fee. CD. C., 334; Sept. T.. '6s. Debt.s7B3 26. Clayton. r Taken in execution and to be sold as the , pruPS l lT of James Duren+, deceased. . JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 23. 1863. sett-3t pj3EII,IFF'S SALE-BY VIRTUE OF kJ a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, .will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Even ing, October 6.1863. at 4 o'clock, at Sausem-street Hall. All that certain three-story brick messuaxo and lot of ground situate on the north side of Parrish street, thirty four feet eastward from Ninth street, in the city of Phi ladelphia; containing in front on Parrish street thirty two feet, and in depth on the west line t wenty-nue feat coven and oue quarter inches and on the east line se- VOL ty-six feet three and one-eighth filcher. [D. C. 1102; Rept. T. , Mac Calla. Taken in execution and to be, sold as the property of Joseph Rue. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Sept. 22.188.3.-se2.l2t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Phiries Fieri Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to.public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Eve ning. October 5;1861 at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street All that lot or piece of ground. sitnate on the south side of Market street, one hundred and seventy-flvo feet west of Fulton street, fifty feet front, and 'extending in depth southward two hundred and fourteen feet six inches to Oak. street. . „ . CH. O. 315; S. T., V. Debt $989• 75. H. E. Wallace.] Taken hi execution and to be sold as the property of Amos Scott.. JOHN THOMPRON, Sheriff Philadelphia Sheriff's Office, Sept. 23,1863. se2s-3t HERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF S writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or veudue, on MONDAY Eve ning. October 5, 1863. at 4 o'clock. at Sanaom-street Hall, All those certain six rummages and Jot of ground situ ate on the ninth F Me of bhippen street,9s 18-100 feet west ward from Fifteinth street. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Shippen street eighteen feet, 'and is depth one hundred and twenty feet to Bedford street. Which said premises, Charles Fox. by deed dated April 13,1852, recorded in dead book T. 8., No. 18, page 45, arc., conveyed unto William 'Midge in fee. Sabject'te ground rent of $49.50. ED'. C. S. T.. 'O. 322. Debt $2Bl 78. Blackburn Taken in execution and to he told as the property of William Twiggy. JOHN THOMPSON . , Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 24. 1803. re25,3t SEIERIFE'S SALE:-BY VIRTUE OF A. writ of Yenditioni Exponas, to me directed,will be exposed to public sale or yendne, on MONDAY. Evening. October 5, 1663. OA o'clock, at Sansona-street All that certain three-story brick messnage and lot of ground situate on the of et side of Eteventh strest,.one hundrsa - and k eventy: two feet two inches southward from Jefferson street. in the city of Philadelphia, con taining in front on Eleventh street fifteen feet, and in depth one hundred feet to e, ihree-fCet alley. Which said premises Charles H. Muirhead et ax., by deed dated February 19, 1833, recorded in Deed Book T. 11,. No: 67, page 387, &c., conveyed unto Arthur Murphy in fee; ro sary ing a ground rent of ninety dollars, payable first day of January-and. July. CD.'O., 326; Sept. T., '63. Debt, $190,69. E. S.Camphbll.l Taken in execution and to-be sold as the property of Arthur Murphy. JOHN TROMPS° 1, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Sept 2.3,1863 502.5-3 t QHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF, A writ - of Venditiuni Exponas, to vme directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MOND A.Y eve ning, October 5. 18G3. at 4 o'clock, at Sansdm street Hall. ell hat certain four• story brick messnage and . lot of ground, situate on the north side of Shippen ptreet,.be • tweet' Third and Fourth. streets, the city of Philadel phia; containing in front on Bbippen street sixteen feet nine inches, and in depth ninety-eight feet. Bonrided north by ground of Jacob Biddle, east by ground of John Knop, west by ground of Jacob -Fry.. Which said bre raises Robert Coburn and -wife, by deed dated May 14, 11,51, recorded in. Deed Book G. W. C., No. PS, Page 112. &c., conveyed mute John Hauptrean'in fee., CD. C., 333; Sept. T N 63. Debt, $2. 000. ElOOd. Take,' in, execution and to be sold as the property of John Ilanptnian. . JOHN THOMPSON,.SheriIf. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, Sept. 23,,1F63. se2sJ3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF sun dry writs of Venditioni Exponas,to me direeted,will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Eve ning, octobers. 1883. at 4 o'clock, at Sansorn-street Hall. All that certain three-story brick messnage and lot of ground. situate on the south side of Carpenter street and east side of Clements street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in trout, on Clements street, eighteen feet, and in depth forty-six feet to a fonr-feet-wide alley. Which said , premises. Mary Katharine Lewis. by deed dated October 1, 1860, recorded in Dead Book A. D.+131, No. 127.paiae 478, do., conveyed unto the said William i Twiggs n foe. CD. C.. 320 and 321; S. T..'63. Blackburn.] Taken le execution . and to be sole as the property of WilliamTwigUs• -JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Sept. 24, 1861 se26-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed: will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, October 5.1883. at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, _ All tt at certain frame m.ssuage and lot of ground situate on the west side of Colombia avenue, forty feet northward from Wildey street, in the city of-Philadel phia; containing in front on Columbia avenue twenty feet, and in depth one hundred and sixty-fiye feet to Saveryretreet. CD. C., 273; S. T. ,'63. Debt, $1.97.50 H. E. Salter.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John C. Gardy. JOHN THOMPSON,: Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office.lSapt. 22, 1863. sell 3t QUERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A KJ writ of Levert Facies, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale or vendue, on MONDAY &ening, October 5, 1563, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All these four certain three-story brick thestinages or tenements, and lots or pieces of ground, situate in the late district of Penn. now Twentieth ward of the city of Philadelphia, and dhecribed together as follows, viz : Beginning at the northwest corner of Schuylkill Eighth, or Fifteenth street. and, Cambridge street; thence ;ex tending northward along the west side of said Fifteenth street seventy-tWO feet: thence westward at right an gles to the said Fifteenth street. by other ground of i the said Henry Haines, sixty feet; thence•southward.parar lel 'with the said Fifteenth street by ground of Lawrence Peterson, seventy-two feet two and one-eighth inches to the north , side of Cambridge.street, and ehence east ward along the same sixty feet, to the place of begin ning. [Being the southern part of a larger lot of ground which.Joaeph Cabot and wife, by indenture dated the "2d'dayef February. A. -D. 1852. recorded in Deed Book T. H. No 9, page 2, sre., granted and conveyed unto the said Henry Haines in fee; reserving therout a certain yearly ground rent or sum of three hundred and sixty dollars: and the said Joseph Cabot and wife, by deed endorsed,= dated the 20th day of October, A. D. 1853; 's colded in Deed Book T. Id , No. 112, - page 191, 530.; re limed and extinguished the said yearly ground rent or sum of three hundred and sixty dollars. unto the said Henry Halves, his heirs and assigns B.—We are reqneated to state that Mr. Hilinesjias nit longer any interest in the above Dlalrlises. ED. C., 330; Sept. T..''63. , Debt, $3OO. E Campbell. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Haines. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. enry '••=v - --- ...- - e3--r. 3 Etied2ffice.Aelt. 22: 1863.' • 5e25,3t, a writ be exposed to pu him sexerVeratilekernis_die,,,,,,, - ; in'''. October 5,1863. at 4 O'clock. at Burson:l-km*3l'6EloPu & certain lot or, piece .of land, with the buildings' and intirovements thereon erected, situate in that part of the raid city of Philadelphia, formerly Penn township, in the county 'of Philadelphia, described as follows. viz.: beginning at a stake on the southeasterly side, of Nice town lane, a corner-ofthe lot marked No 6, on the plan of partition between the heirs and representatives of Martha Renshaw, deceased, now of Joseph Sims. and "extending thence north sixty degrees and - forty-seven minutes east twenty-four perches to the lot marked:No, 7, on said plan; now or late of Robert Kennedy: thence south twenty; nine degrees • and thirty-seven minutes easti-lifty-nine perches and seven-eighths, to ground now orlate of John C. Wells; thence south fifty-nine degrees and-thirty-six - minutes and a half west, twenty-four perches to a corner, and thence north twenty-nine de-. grees and thirty-seven minutes west, sixty perches and two-tenths to the place of, beginning aforesaid: contain ing nine acres. be the same more or less. (Being, the same lot or piece of-land which the said Joseph Sims by indenture dated the sixth day of. May, A. D. 1816, and re corded at Philadelphia in Deed Book A. W. M . No. 9, pagelai, &c., granted and conveyed unto the said John' C. Clardy, in fee; reserving thereout unto him, the said Joseph Sims, his heirs and assigns, the yearly ground rent or stun of one hundred and twenty- six dollars, pay able in equal half-yearly payments on the first day or the months of March and September in every year, with out deduction for taxes. &c.l. CD. C., 324; S. T., - '63. Debt. $4,343.55. England] Taken -in execution` and to be sold as the property of John C. 'Hardy.' ' 'JOHN , THOMPSON, Sheriff. ,Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office. Sept. 23, 182,3`. sen•St HERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF A Swrit of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendae. on MONDAY Eve ning, October 6, 186.1. at 4 o'clock, at Eansom-street No. I. All that certain three-story brick measnage'and lot of op °runt situate on the north side of Walnut street, one hundred and fifty feet eastward from Thirty-sixth street, in the City of Philadelphia; containing in front on Walnut street thirty feet, and in depth one hundred and twenty-four feet. - If All that certain three-story brick taessuage and lot of kround situateon the north side of Walnut street, one hundred. andt wenty feet eastward from Thirty-sixth street.-in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on said Walnut street thirty feet, ana in depth one hun dred and twenty-four feet. - No. 3. All that certain three-story brickmessuageand lot of ground situate on the north side'of Walnut street, one hundred,and , eighty feet eastward. from Thirty-sixth Street; in the city 'of Philadelphia ; containing in front on Walnut street thirty feet, and in depth one hundred and twenty-four feet. _Which said premises Annesly vett, by deed dated April 21, 1660, conveyed unto James Shaw, in fee. C., 317,319: 9. T.,'63. Debt, $3, 2N. Paschall.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James D. Shaw. TORNTHOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 23, 1863. se23;3t SHERIFFS SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a wiithf Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue. on MONDAY Evening, October 0,.1563, at 4 - o'clock. at Sansom-street flail. ' AB thet heriainlot or piece of grould situate on the west eide of Germantown road, at the distance of two hundred and fifty. eight feet four and one-quarter inches southward from the point of intersection of the said Gar r:panto-mu road- and,Fifth. street, In- the,- ward of the city`of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on.the said Germantown Toad eighteen feet, and. extend inglitlength 'or depth'weStward,'ltt right angles to the "siqd Germantown road. on the south line thereof, fifty 'two feet eight. and one-half inches, and. on the north' line thereof forty. ninefeet three"and three‘q.narter inches, Bounded northward ,_ southward, and westward by grciiinU,nirty*or late of GeorgeT,adrralader, and'eastward by the said Germantown road. Being the same-remi ses-whichP Gf orge Cadwa.lader and his wife. by indenture dated the'sixth dav , of January, A. D. ISA recorded in Deed,Book .„ page t &c.. granted' and cciirfeyed unto HoLines B. Kelley and his heire, re serving thereout -the-yearly, ground rent of forty:Ave dollars, lawful silver money of the United States of ,'America, each dollar weighingpeventeen pennyweights and six grains at least; wahle half-yearly on the fif teenth. day of January and July in every- year there after, without any deduction for taxes, 'Ste: ' for arrears of which said ground. rent the judgment in this case has been obteiped. tD. C.. 3.37:„13..T '6l Debt $476,4 'Bawls. ] - Taken in execution and to .be- sold as the -property of ilolmes B. Kelley. - JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, Sept: 23,1865. - -- `se2s.3t 1863. SHERIFF'S:SALE.RY VIRTUE lOF a writ of Yenditioni Exponas, tome directed, will be exposed to publiesahl or venduel on MONDAY Evening,, October 6; IDA a to o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall. • - -WI Witt ceriairhdouble two-htory stone dwelling house, ' with a two-ntory, addition at the side.'-stonezbarni and lot - or piece- of around whereon the same are erected:- situate at Mount Airy in. the --Twenty-secondward. the city' , of • Philadelphia; on -the northeastwardlr side' of the Germantown and Perkiomen Turnpike, Road. ir -33eginiting . .ai a stone set for a corner by the southeast,. vrardly.side of. a perch and one-tenth past of-A perch wide road ,`sometinies called 'Miller's lane, and smite: times Gowen's 'lane: , running Anrtheastwardly. from the Said- turnpike road and thence along the same north 'forty. degrees. land forty - five- minutee.'-enit litxty-three Perches-and oe-tenthlof &perch to the eastwardly side Of the Chestnut - Hill' - Railroad ; thence along the, said., railroad, and the line of land granted to James . Go:wen. • south--Afty•-nne rees and 'twenty minutes, east; four Perches and seven-tenth's of a rerch to a stake softer a - coiner ; thence t withthe line of-Jamea Gowen's landdionth forty 'degrees and forty , five minutes, west sixty five .percb eaand one-tenth part-of a perch to a stone set for a corner ;-, thence the said side of the ,aforesaid turnpike roftel,-7north twenty six degrees, west five perches to the plliceof , beginning."Containing one acre, three rode, and t welve perches of- land, more or lege, - including in the same the Strip of ground sixty feet in width at the northeastern extremity-thereof, occupied as the road-bed Of the Chestnut Hill Railroad. - - • - • . 'ED: 340; ,Sept. T.. '6l, Debt, .$l, Cm J. E Clowen:y Taken. in :execiition 'arid to .be sold.-Its the yproperty of William Rittenhouse.. . JOHN .THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia; Sheriff's Office, Sept. 23.1863.. ; se2s-31 ,SELERIFE'S, SALE.-.BY VIRTUE; OF a writ of Alias Venditioni Exponas, to me .direated, Will be exposed to ppublic sate or vendne.on 5101 s DAY Eve ' ning.'October 5. - 1.,w.J. at , 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, All those eight certhin brick mesons ges ottenements and lots or pieces of ground, situate on the south side of Morris street, in the First ward of the city of Philadel, No. 1...0ne of them at the southwest corner of Se;renth Street' and the< raid Morris street, containing in front on Morris street sixteen feet one- inch and a half, and in 'length Or 'depth along Seventh stre'et•sixtyLfour feet. No. 2. One other of them at the distance of thirtk-one feet severtinchecand half westward from Seventlistreet. No. 3 One other of them at tbe dieta.nce of one hundred. and forty feet one inch and a half westward from Seventh Onii other theni at the - distance pf one hundred and fifty-five feet seven and a half,incheSwestwa - rd from. !Seventh street- No. 5. One other of them at the distance of one :him dred and seventy feet one.inch anda half westward from, • • . -No. 6—One otheLpf.them at Abe, dts.tance of, one ,hritt•-• died and eighty. six feet seven 'and a half inches west ward from seventh street. • _ • , - No. 7. One other of them at the distanew'Of Ciro him, died, and two feet one, inch. and a half westward from Seventh street. - • - Ni, 8. And the other .of them, atthe distance of two= hundred and seventeen feet = seven' and' a' half inches westward from Seventh street. .Each of the said. seven. last mentioned lots - containing'. , in front or breadth on the said ,Morris . street' fifteen feet inches;and in length or deptifeixty4onr NW [Being Abe same eight lots of ground - which Luke W , Daffel Audi ,'wife by eight indenturee.,:each dated the first day clam. , D: IE6O, . recorded in Deed. Book A D. 8,, 128,liages 414, 421. 455, 459. 464 . . 468, 472, and 477, Art".,.., granted unto , LoulsAAJ,Dol Ny L un fee, reserving oat or each of the said lots respectively the yearly rent or sum of fcrty dollars, ' . CD. C. 329 - S. T., TS. Debt, 811.828.37. J. H. Wheeler.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Louis It. M. Dolby. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. eiheri#7B Office. Sept. 21 1553. e320-3t SHERIFFS SALES. SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Eliza Lewitt Facies, to mu directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MONDAY Evening, October 6, IMS, at 4 o'clock. at Sansom-street Hall, All that lot of ground situate on the southeast corner of Washington sad Fifteenth streets, in the Fine ward of thecite of PbilAdelphia containing in front or bread th on said Washington area fifty-four feet, and extending in length or depth -along said Fifteenth street twenty- seven fiet. 8 — The writ by virtue of which the above Property will be sold has been issued on a judgment obtained in the case of the uity of Philadelphia vs. J. Mans owner, or reputed owner, in the Court of Common I'loas of Phi ladelphia, of June Term. 1863, No. 71, for taxes, CC. P., 411 Sept. T., '63. Debt, 3136 96. 1 M Adenle] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of J. Evans. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Mee, Sept. 13, es2l-3t c, ,11 - 13 RIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Vsnditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue. on 31014.0AY Evening, October 5, 1863, at Co'cloclk. at Sonsom-street All that certain three-story brick riessuage and lot of pronnd situate on the east side of Old York road, eighty three feet northward from George street, in the city of. Philadelphia, containing in "front on Old T ork road eighteen feet, including. one-half a three• feet alley, and In depth ninety feet. Which said premises Samuel T. ktratton et nx.-, by deed dated Jane 19,1849, recorded in Deed Book G W. C , No. 81, page 281, &c., conveyed urto Levi S. Grieserner. in fee. Taken 280: Sept T., 83. Debt, $109.12. J. W. Stokes.] In execution and to •be sold as the property of MAT —c. Levi S. Griesemer and Peter d Griesc t. 4 , JOHN' THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 22. 1963. 5e.23-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levert Macias, to me directed. will b 3 ex- Posed to public sale or vendee: on MON-DAY Evening, October b. 1863, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, ' All that certain two-story frame messuage and lot of ground situate on the southeast c orner of Fourth atreet and Master street, in- the city of Philadelphia; contain ing in front on Fourth street twenty feet, and in depth along-Master street flfty-nine feet two and one. half inches, and on the south lin e six ty-six feet eleven inches to a twenty•feet alley. Which said premises James Markoe et al., trustees. by deed dated March 6, 1.643,. re corded in Deed Book A. W. M-, No. 61, pace 475, &c , conveyed unto Patrick Compbeit and Ann, his wife, .her heirs and assigns. ID. C. 331; Sept. T., '63. Debt, $839 E B. Campbell.] Taken in execution and to he sold as the property of Ann Campbell, who survived her husband. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 23. 1363. 5e2.5.3t SHERIFF'S SALE-BY VIRTUE OF a writ ofVenditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 6,1883, at 4 o'clock, at &Inset:a-street Hall, All that certain lot of ground situated on the north aide of Washington street. in the city of Philadelphia; con. taming in fronton - Washington street seventy-ft ve and nine-tenths feet, and in depth two hundred and Ain sty seven feet. Bounded' north by gronrid of Blodget. east and west by ground late of Chandler Price. and south by Washington street Which' said lot William Berger et nx. by deed'dated April 19, 1812, conveyed Tinto Edward Burnham in fee. CD. C., 288; Septa T., 'B3. Debt, $2,324.2.5 Hall' Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Edward Burnham. JOHN THOUPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office, Sept. 22,"1863. se2.l-3t Imo POSAM. SEALED PROPOSALS FOR' FUR NOSE ING the Subsistence Department with (500) five hundred tons of baled HAY are invited till the 16th day of October, 1863. The Hay to be of the best quality, and to be delivered at the wharves . at SiXTEE Street. The Hay to be weighed at the time of delivery, and the weight so determined to be the purchase weight. Bide will be required intduplicate, and no bid will be received from parties who are disloyal, or who have previously failed with contracts made with the Government. or from bidders not present to respond. Payment will be wide in " Certificates of Indebtedness." A. contract with a good bond will be required to be erttetel into. Bids to be • directed to Col! A. BECKWITH, A. D. C. and C. S., %2.3 O Street, Washington, D. C. . se2Stocl4 A RMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets. PHILADELPHIA, eptember 30,15a3. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited at this Office until 12 o'clock DI on SATURDAY. 10th October next, to fur nish promptly at the 60.1111YLKILE ARSENAL the fol lowing articles. Blankets, Woolen, Army standard. Ponchos. for Cayalry, Painted, India Robber or Gotta Patella. Trumpets,. plain, with extra mouthpieces Bugles, with extra mouthpieces. Drums. complete. Infantry. Drum-Batter Roads. Drum - Snare Heads. Bugle Cords and Tassels. Infantry. Hat Cords and Tassel/3e Cavalry. .Hat Crossed Sabres. A' HatFeatheis. . . Cavalry Standards. liecraitang Flag Halliards. One and one-half inch Sky-blue Worsted Lace One-half-inch Yellow Wonted Lace.. One-half inch Scarlet Worsted Lace. Pic4axes. a . ire Piet , Handles. Felling Axes. Felling Axe Handles. Shelter Tents. Linen or Cotton; if linen, equal to Bounces to the yard. of 26 inches wide; 1f cotton, equal to? ounces to the yard of 28' incnes wide. Samples of the material to be used must to submitted with the pro - peseta. ' T3DifOnn Hats, Army standard. Bidden, must state in their proposals the price, quan. tity bid for, and time of delivery. • The ability of the bidder to fill the contract must • be guarantied' by two re-ponsible persons, whose signa tures most be appended to the guarantee, and said gua rantee must accompany the bid. Bidders, as well as their sureties or guarantors, who may not be known at this office, will furnish a orbit cate mom the United State:S . District Attorney, Postmas ter, or other public functionary, at the residence of the bidder or guarantors, setting forth clearly the fact that the bidder- and his sureties are responsible men, who will, if `a contract is awarded them, act in- wool faith with the United Etates - , and faithfully execute the same. Samples can be • seen at this office, to which all ardcles must conform. Blank forms for proposals can be had upon application at this office. ' • Proposals must be endorsed 'Proposals for Army Sup pliee," stating the pat ticular article bid for. G. H. CROSMAN, Amt. Q. M. General U. S. Army. A SSISTANT QUARTERMASTE R -LA- GENERAL'S OFFICE, PIIILADELPHIA, 28th September, luo2. PROPOSALS will be received at Luis office, until MON DAY, sth. October. at 12 o'clock M., for the delivery in thin city. on or before the Ist November next, of . 2,000 pairs Mule !lames: 17 inches from top to bottom 50 Small-size Dirt Qarts. • The right is reserved to reject all bide deemed too high. A. BoYD, se2o-6t Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE. CINCINNATI. 0., September 24, 1663. PROPOSALS are invited by the undersigned until WEDNESDAY noon, October 7, 1963, for famishing. , by contract, the following articles, viz: Sky-blue Kersey, 3-4 and 6.4; Blouses, (lined). -- Gray Flannel Shirts. Paitiei offering goods must in. all eases furnish sam ples, and must distinctly i tate in theirlilds the quantity of goods they propose to furnish, the price, andithe time .or delivery. A. guarantee; signed - .personally: by two re-. sPonsible parties, and agreeing that the bidder will enter ....into_a_cAntract if an award is made to him, must &copra free of ehargiiiitite-United — States infifetTlOll-Treptn-m -this city, . . . Written contracts WM be entered int* with parties to whom awards are made. and bonds required of them in sums equal to one-fourth the .yalne of the goals con tracted for. . . Bide will be epened on WEDNESDAY, October 7, ISe3, at 2 o'clock P. M., at the Inspection Ronnie, and. bidders are invited to be present. The right to reject any bid deemed unreaeonable is re served. _ - - " Blank forme of Proposals. Contracts, and Bonds may be obtained at this ottlemilt q..t 1; By order of Col. Taids, QM. G. se3o.6t C. W. MOUTTON. Captain and A. Q. M. AA WAY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE TWELFTH and GIRARD Stieete. . - PixmAimr.PßlA. September w. uses. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited at this office until 13 o'clock M. .- on MONDAY. the Bth proximo, to fur nish promptly at-the dchuyLkill Arsenal,- Havers acks, army standard. Fez Cape. peculiar pattern and style. . White Flannel. a11.w001.. -Red Planpel," all wool: Linen Gaiters, peculiar pattern and. style. , Also, loraltering Leather Leggluspr Jambiers. Bidders must state in their proposals the price, quan tity bid for, and time of delivery. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract must be guarantied appended ponsible persons, whose signa tures must be to the guarantee, and said gna rantee must accompany the bid. :Bidders; ashwell as their sureties or guarantors, who may not be known at this ogle°, will furnish a certificate from the 'United States District Attorney. Postmaster, or other public - functionary, at the residence of the bidder or guarantors, setting forth clearly the fact that 'the bidder and his sureties are responsible men who will, if a contract is awarded them, act in good faith with the United States, and faithfully execute the same: Samples can be seen at this Othce. to which all delive ries must conform Blank 'forms for Proposals can be had, upon application at this office.- Prd !posals must be endorsed " Proposals for Aimy Supplies," stating the particular article bid for. • , G. H. GROSMAN, se,Zst - • Ask. Quartermaster General S. A. A S SIS TAN T QUARTERMASTER A OBNEB.A.L'S OFFICE, ' Prrmenslx.wra,'alth Setember, 1363. PROPOSALS will be received at this Once anti TUES DAY. 6th October, at 12 o - clock , for the delivery in this •city, .on or- before the 15th October next, of the following articles; 1,750 lbs. Octagon Punched Note; 600 lbs. % inch. 500 lbs. If inch, 260 lbs. %inch, 500 lbs. I inch: 1,750 lbs. Square Punched Nuts, 600 lbs. % blob, NO ibe. 3.i inch, 260 lbs. % inch: 600 lbs.]. inch. 600 lbs. Square Washers, Y‘ inch. 2,000 lbs. Round Washers; 400 inch. 300 lbs. % inch. 4001bs % inch, 400 lbs. finch, 5001bs. Winch. 1,000 lbs. Boiler Bolts, small heads; 600 lbs. W. inches long, 5007b5. 2% inches - long. 70013e1ts for Deck Beams. 1,000 lbs. Boiler Rivets, '% inch diameter . 6 bars %-inch Round Iron, weight 90 lbs. 6 do 1-inch Round Iron, weight 200 lbs. - All to be of the belt quality of their kind. • The right is reserved, to reject all bids deemed. too high. By order. A. BOYD, "se.3o-6t • - 'Capt. and Ass't Quartermaster. CEMENT. GREAT DISCOVERY! IBEFUL AND VALUABILI B.ISCOYERY HILTON'S INSOLUBLE CEMENT! Is of more general practical utility ban any invention now before the public. It has been thoroughly teat 'ed 'daring the last two years by Practical men, and pronounced by all to be Applicable to the Useful Arts. Adhesive Preparation known: A New Ming. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE OEM* I a a new thing. and' the - result of Year' of stntly; its combination is on SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES. lECIZZE And tinder no cironmatancos or change of temperattiro. will It be- CO smMO corrupt or taut any oitonsiyo ell BOOT AND •SHOE Boot mid Shoe Manufacturers. . . . Hannfaotttrers, nelny Maehistee,' 1 find it the beet article known g .r Cementing - the- Chantiele,lite it WOrks withoadeleY. Is not affected' by any change of temperature.: 0=! JEWELERS Will And itsnflicientli adhesive for their use, as has been proved. IT I$ ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO LEATHER.. . ' laminae And we claim as an especial. merit, that it sticks Patches and Linings to, Boots and Shoes sufficiently strong 'without stitching. It is a Liquid 'LIQUID 0 EIYtENT;: . , Extant Iliat Is a Stirs thing for. mending ,NUETTURE, 13110010 MY, TOYS won. And artieles of Household - ; REMEMBER, . Inton's Ce ment Is hoi, Mudd forni; and as Saner applied as paste. HILTON'S : INSOLUBLE CEMENT Ii Insoluble water or oil. HILTON'S INSOLIIBLE OMEN! Remember _ /rdhores ollranbetanoes. flopolfed.in Findly or Manttfaatn rem Factrates from 2 ounces to 100 MILTON BROS. & CO., Akentorin Phnsulelpktm:- LAING & MAGINNIS. J•2s4nthsly• OARD AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, 40 lIINC4WALT 4; 111. S. Mani a, SUPERIOR TO ANY IT IS THE ONLY Propr PROVIDENCL L L AUCTION SALES. JOHN B. MYERS & 00., AUCTION- Ens.'isros. 232 and 234 MARICBT Street. , LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF A STOOK OF DRY GOODS. - okr.PDRIDAY MORNING. Cctober 6th, wlil be told, by order of administrator, a valuableatock of fancy and Maple dry goods. being' the mints stock of N. first• class city retail establishment, con prising the most desirable as.oriment, for liest.city e, which will be fonnti worthy the attention of SPECIAL ATTRACTIVE SAL GOP LONG AND SQUASH, sa&wks _ Included in our sale on 1110LIDA.VMDE.NING, October sth. will be found. In part, about 12.5 lots of French `and Scotch shawls of the importation of Messrs. IL Henna qui, a Co.. of pew Forh, embracing - black thihet and merino mug and square shawls. wool plaid t qoare and long shawls. Faris striped broche oh awls. Which will be Fonda worthy the attention of the trade. LARUE REk-EIifFTOSY SALE OF REI.ENCG Dar . GOODS. &c. - - NOTlCE.—ln.cluded in our sale of French, Gorman, Swiss, India, and British Dry Goods, on MONDAY k ORNING, October 6th. will be found. in part, the fol lowing choice and deshab'e articles. viz: DRESS GOODS—Rich pt fated Cashmere and mons de lathes, merit o cloths, poplin.. ginghams, taxouY dress goods. poll de cbevree. dm. SILK VELVETS — uf the most fashionable shades and blacks - BLACK SlLKS—Glossy black dress silk of all widths. SATIN DE CHINES—of blacks and colors. BLACK OROS DB RIHNEB—A full assortment, from 22 to 30 inches wide. DRESS SILKS—A choice assortment of fancy and solid colors poult de sole; colored flounces. Foulard silks, Ac BONNET RIBBONS—PIaid. fancy, and plain gros de Naple bonnet and neck ribbons: black silk .velvet and trimming ribbons, Ac. SHAWLS—Brocne long and square. riolc chenille. woolen, and reversible shawls; scarfs and cravats; tra velling shawls and inands. EldßßOlDEßlES—Tarisjaconet O.lNi mull collars and. sleeves. frock bodies, linen handkerchiefs, cambric shirts, nniellns, insertions. laces, &c. Also, black crapes, lac,. veils, silk cravats and ties. bareges, chenille scarfs, kid and fancy gloves. knit goods, silk gizelles, buttons, linen. bosoms, fancy , ar ticles, &c. LARGE FEREMPTObY SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES, ON TUESDAY ieroaNING October 6th, at 10 o'clock, will be sold by satalogne Without reserve, on fonx months' credit, about I,IIV packages boots, oboes brogans, balmorals, gum shoes army goods, &c., of city and Eastern manufacture, em bracing a fresh and prime assortment of desirable ar ticles, for men, women. and children, which will be open for examination early on the morning of sale. -LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BOOTS. SHOES, BE.O • OAKS. ac. NOTlCE.—lncluded in our large peremptory Fall sale of boots. shoes carpet bags, Sic • to be held on TUESDAY MORNING, October 6th, at 10 o'clock, on 4 months' credit, will be foacd. in part, the following fresh gonds, to be sold 'without re.erve. viz: Men's stem ehr)ti andlap soled cavalry boots; heavy grained boots; heavy double soled thick wax leather boots; mon's nailed Enngartan thick boots and - brogans; men's prime thick boots; men's Napoleon thick boots. youth's half welt kip boom; men's do fine city-made kid welt booking; ladies' gaiter boots; kid R. R. ties; colored andjblack lasting buskins; men's doe city • made boots: boys thick boots; men's and boys' balmoral, ; Scotch ties; quilted soled boats: women's lined and bony dbool e; Youth's kip brogans misses' grain ties: misses' grain buskins; misses' spring heel grain lass boots; women's grain lace boots; misses' grain lace boots; women's grain buskins; women's grain ties: boys' kip brogans; misses' glazed morocco boots; men s half welt calf do.; youths' half welt calf do.; chil dren's half brogans; men's calf welt kip boots; men's' super calf brogans; men's roan tavern slippers: misses' ties, Sic. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BRITISH. FRENCH, GERMAN. AND DOMETPIC DRY GOODS. &c. We will hold's large sale of British. French, German, and Domestic Dry Goods, by catalogue, on four months' credit, ON THURSDAY MORNING. October Bth, at AO o'clock; embracing about 760 pack ages and lots of staple and fancy articles in woolens, linens, cottons, silks. and worsteds, to which we invite the attention of dealers. N. B.—Samples of the same will be arranged for ex amination. with catalogues, early on the morning of the sale, when dealers will And it to their interest to at tend. BALE OF CARPETING'. MATTINGS. &c. ON FRIDAY MORNING. - October 9th fett precisely 10'; o'clock, will be sold. without reserve, by catalogue, on four months'credit, an aesortment of three ply, superfine and Ens ingrain. Venetian. hemp, and rag carsetings, mattings, &c.. which may be examined early on the morning of sale. BY HENRY P. WOLBERT, AUCTIONEER.. No. NOS MARKET r. side, above Second St. Regular Sales of Dry Goods, Trimmings. Notions, dic., every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and. FRIDAY MORN DSOS, at 10 o'clock precisely. City and country Dealers are requested to attend these Consignments respectfully solicited from Manufactu.- rens. Importers, Commission. Wholesale, and Jobbing Rouses, and Retailers of all and every description of Merchandise. Sale al No. C 63 North Tenth Street HOT:I3EI3OLO F THEITIIRE, &c, THIS MORNING. . _ October 3d, at 10 o'clock, will be Hold, velvet carpeta,. lair seat tete, chairs, tables, gilt frame mirrors, what not, bat-stand, oil cloths, bedsteads, blinds, shades, curtains, glass and thine ware, .kitchen utensils, &c. Also, shell-work tables and work-boxes, Caps Slay dia mond pyramid, boxes, children's playhouse, dtc.; lemon. trees, Plants, am SALE OF DRY GOODS. Olt( MONDAY 15.10.0.N1NG. October sth, commencing at:10 o'clock, will be sold, scarlet and blue flannels, dress goods, prints, cotton hosiery, gauntlets, 'gloves, ladies' and gents' gauze and merino shirts and drawers, suspenders, cassimeres. sa tinets, blankets, pants, vests, fancy shirts, handker chiefs, ribbons, ladies' collars, trimmings, brushes. tape msasnres, needles, butter knives, thimbles, combs, wafers, ladies' and misses' straw hats and bonnets, &c. Also, at 10 o'clock. an assortment cif packages, by , or der of the Adams' Express Company.. FOR SALE AND TO LET. i n FOR RENT, GRANITE STORE, No. 723 CHESTNUT STREET, NOW OCCUPIED BY .T.*Al. RAYLEIGH. Apply. to THOS. MEL.LO_R, 5e74111 40 NORTH THIRD STREET. 01 WEST PHILADELPHIA.-FOR SALE, a very convenient and well. arranged HOURS, with all the modern conveniences. -Size of lot, 50 by t - n, on the south side of Chestnut street, east of Thirty-eighth street. Apply to S. A. HARRISON, ocl-3t* 1010 CHESTNET 0 Street. - HOTEL FOR SALE.-A CLASS HOTEL,,modern conveniences, with a good run of • travel, as well as country trade: Lebanon, Pa. Inquire of S. J. STINE, Lebanon, Pa. oel-12t* ITALIJABLE REAL ESTATE, AT • Ir . , MELTON FALLS-SHERIFF'S SALE.—By - virtne of two writs of Levari Facies, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, of Montgomery county, and to me 41- -------. 4 — . ....M.-be-„07,90Fed to sale by pablic vendusj on the° Sheriff's Omce, tne - c0urt...c.01.P6---, of Norristown and county aforesaid, the followingle- Scribed Real Estate; All that - certain tract or piece of land, situate in the township of Cheltenham and County of Mintgomern bounded by "Rock Lane," " The Serpentine, " arid lands of Thomas Mellor, being lots Nos 46. 52, 52, and 54, as laid out oa the map or plan of " Chelton Hills," containing about Fifty-five acres of land, more or less. This property is beautifully situated in the most improv ing Part of " Chelton Hills," seven miles from Phila delphia, and near Chelton Hill station on the North Pennsylvania Railroad. The larger - portion of the above tract is Woodland, and The remainder under cul tivation. A stream of water raises through the Pre mises and several excellent springs of water. There is also an Apple Orchard in Prime of bearing. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Francis N. Buck. with notice to Terre Tenants, and to - be sold by. FRANCIS BILE, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S OFFICE; Norristowa, Sept 15,1863. se3o-At_ go FARM FOR SALE IN "CHESTER AAACounty, four miles from Downingtown. containing 108 acres, well watered, buildings new, &e. This is .N ao. -1 farm In every respect. Apply top. FIIIUSLIN, 104 North SIXTH Street, or to 0. PAXSON, sel.9-Im* on the premises. .TIITNAM MILL' FOR SALE.-A Alfa. most 'excellent FLOURING /RILL, containing six run of stones, on the hlnekingam river. at ZANESVILLE, Ohio, together - with the WATER POW ER, and about two acres of Ground surrounding the mill. While, other mills here have to pay the State some $l,OOO per annum water - rent. the water power for this mill is Perpetually free, ar.d-the whole premises will be sold for the value of the water power. Apply to ' ALFRED MERRICK .Zanesville, Ohio. DELAWARE COUNTY- COTTON .. FACTORIES FOR S ALE. —The valuable Cotton Fac tories, known as AVONDALE and STRA.THAVEN, Situ• ated on Crum Creek Delaware Corility, one mile from Westdale Station, West Chester Railroad, two -miles from Leiperville, and three front Chester, now occupied by Simeon Lordrare offered for sale. - Avondale ' , in cludes a stone mill 82 by 47 feet, SX stories high, with dry house, picker house, twenty-two stone tenements,' and about 9 acres of land, in Springfield and Nether Providence townships. ' Strathaven includes a frame cotton, mill, 82 by 30 feet, 24 stories high, with picker houSe, five frame and atomic. tenements, and about 24 acres of land, in Nether Prffridence. The properties will be shown by Mr. Lord, on the premises. Early pos session can be given. For terms inquire of - , - SAMUEL FIELD, N. W. corner of FRONT and WALNUT Streets, my3o-tf Philadelphia. Egl TO LET-A -COMMODIOUS DWELLING, N 0.132 North FRONT Street. Emit moderate. Apply to - WETHERILL & BRO., 41' ' 0c27 and 49 North SECOND Street. TO CAPITALISTS AND BUSINESS MEN-ORPELAINS',COURT SALE. 'Will be 2 oldge i r e ngtail t Y, 6 bay o'clock, & SONS, The valuable On , OCTOBER No.!218 - FRONT streetand 143 DOCK Street, The estate of James Maul, Sr., deceased. It maight be advantageously divided into two stores, on Front and , Dock streets. _ - se3o-6t* A E s R OP P 0 RT UNITY !- THE ' ubscriber, intending to go abroad. desires to dis pose of. 3,44NUFACTURING BUSINESS paying over one hundred per cent. Particulars can be had by addressing F. R. J. , 'office of The Frees. ocl-St. . . STEAM ENGINE.-ONE SECOND ' BAND Vertical Steam Engine, 30-inch cylinder, 6 feet stroke,widelarge wrought-iron shaft and balance wheel. 20 feet diameter, and weighing 20 tone, in good order, and now in operation at Reading, Pa. For sale bY HENRY W. GARDNER, .Providence, se29-12t COPARTNERSHIPS. • PHILADELPHIA, 5EPT....30, 1863. The Firm of:LOWDER & WILNIER is thie day.dis solved by the withdrawal of JOHN R. - WILHER. ; 'WM LOWBER; JOHN R. MUM, P:1 7 7. RALSTON. . , . _ P/TILADELPHIA, October 1; 1563. WILLIAM T. LOWBER and FRANCIS W. RALSTON Will continue the business of„. the late Firm of Lowlier & Wilicer;•.;under the name of • ocl. LOWBER RAISTOX. COPARTNERSHIP NOTIOE.—T H E NJ. mdeisigned -members of the s iate firm of Smith.- Williams, & Co., have this day entered into copartner ship under the name and style of H. P. & W. P. SMiTH, for. the transaction of the Dry Goods Commission busi ness SAITO. >al 1 CRESVIDT [titres:4. . HENRY , r . swim; — PHILADELPHIA. Sept 15t,1.868. ' MlTeßa=3l.4 COAli. OA L .-SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER `..--"MEA.DOW,- and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal and best Locust Mountain, from Schuylkill: prepared tor pressly for Family use.: Depot, N. W. cornerbf EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets . - °Mee, No. 112 South SECOND Street. . - [ap2.l.y] . WALTON & CO. - EVANa.& WATSON'S > SALLMANDE SAFE ` ` STORE, V-1.6 SOUTH' FOURTH STREET, - - PHILADELPHIA. , • largei iraiietT of FIRE-PROOF SAFES always On hand. „ - I - ..,,,.; TO - COUNTRY MERCHANTS t 11.4 PARTICULARLY, AND 'TO BANEERS AND BUSINESS' MEN GENERALLY. . •- ' Do yyou want to be and to feel secure both against FIRE / 7 D BURGLARY ? Then buy LILLIE'S.WROUGHT.AND CHILLED IRON FIRE APID BURGLAR-PROOF SAFE. It is much the cheapest,. and, Indeed, the only really and thoroughly, Fire and Burglar Proof Safe made, and much superior' to all others as a Fire Proof. Do you want a BURGLAR PROOF. mainly ?, Then buy LILLIE'S WROUGHT AND CHILLED IRON BURGLAR - PROOF, which ig much cheaper; and far stronger than any other, and admirably adapted to the wants of the Merchant, as well as Banker.. • ' Do you want merely a FIRE PROOF ? . LILLIE'S WROUGHT IRON SAFE is warranted fallv equal, in all' respects, to any of ' the most approved makers, and is Fold at fully one-third less price. • Do you Want SECOND-HAND SAFES ? Yon will find a genet al ttaßortment of Herring's, Evans & Watson's, and other makers, many of them almost new, which are sold at, 'antr.even below auction prices, these Safes being received daily, in exchange for LIL LIE'S WROUGHT AND CHILLED IRON - SAFES. If. yon want VAULT DO IRS and FRAMES that are Burglar Proof, LILLIE'S WROUGHT AND CHILLED IRON are ranch 'stronger .anct far cheaper than any . All parties ' interested are, particularly requested to Call upon the `undersigned 'At his Depbt. where he feels fully prepared, like the- `'Seven' Wise Men," to render a satisfactory reason for the• truth of the abom state ments. , . IN C. SADLER. Agent; =•,„ • • No. 21 South SEVENTH Street.' P. S.—l have just received four of EVA NS & I iS r A.T., SON'S BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES. from the' City - Bank, in exchange for LILLIE'S. which I will sell at T 0 4 .7 low priC4lB." taro-tatk&stf, • AUCTION SALES. FURNESS, BRINLEY & CO., so. 429 NEANKINT amok BALE OF IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRY aoene,- ON TUESDAY IdORNINO. October 6!h,at 10 o'clock, by catalogue. on four Month( credit, 500 PadEflgeg and lots of fancy and stanlo dry woods: bALE OF 500 CARTOIO3 BONNET RIBBONB. ON TUESDAY MORNINO. 0(0 carton. , Noe. 4 a 60 plain figured and broche ponll4 de sole bonnet ribbona. BLACK SILK VELVET - RIBBONB—ALL cartons Nom. 1i a2O black silk velvet rll celebrated make. THOMAS & SONS, AN-I- NOS: 139 and 191 South FOURTH EXTRA. LARGE PEREMPTORY PALE V REAL ESTATE, BAGR STOCESS Our Sale on TUESDAY. nth October. very large amount and variety of valuable Peremptory WPC. by order of.Orphane Cot tern, dEc. incindli g valuable business star some and plain city residences, building lc country seats, &c. Also, Bank and othe• sto( tP Full descriptions ready in handbills. catalogues on Saturday. SALES OF mess AND REAL WT. At the Exchange. every Tuesday, ski?. o'clock SE- Handbills of each Property issued separate..... on the Saturday previous to each sale. 1,000 catelonnea in pamphlet form. giving full description's. Jar FURNITURE SALES at the Auction Stars every Tbnntißy ORPHANS' COURT SALES. 20th and 24th Oitober. Elfir Part of the handbitla now ready. Executors' Sale. GOLD JEWELRY. FRENCH PASTE, dra. THIS MORNING. October 3d, at II o'clock, at the Auction Store. will b 0 sold by order of the executors of John B Gauchier, de ceased. en ansortment of told pine. ear-rings. finger rinws, 170 gross French paste. gold watch. ar.c. Jar May he examined, with catalogues, two howls previous to the sale. • Sale Na. 1114 Pine Street ELEGANT FURNITURE. PIANO, AiNDIESTER CAE PFTA, MANTEL AND PIER 3EIRRORS. HANDSOME VASES. CHANDRLEERS, FINE T4NGRAVINSFd. Sre— ... ON TIIESDAY MOUETNO, October 6th, at 10 o'clock, at No. 1514 Pine street, by catalogue. the entire furniture, including suite of= gent rosewood drawing-room furniture, covered brocatelle; elegant enclosed estair&ret superi rosewood. Piano, 7 octave, madeby_Nunns & Clark; large Preach. Plate mantel mirrors, pair large pier mirrors. handsome gilt chandeliers and gas fixtures; tine engravings.richly framed, fine mantel vases and ornaments, elegant AY, xr inster and velvet carpets, superior chamber furniture. gne wardrobe, secretary bookcase, tine hair mattresses. bc.: also, the kitchen furniture. Full particulars in ca talogues . RNV" The furnitnre was made to order, and is in excel lent condition. May be examined the day previous to sale, from 10 till 2 o'clock.' SALE BY ORDER OF ADMINISTRATOR. OF LIBRARY OF THE LATE MR. DUANE WILLIAMS. ON Tipt=DAY AND WISONE3DAY A F TERNOONS, October 6th and 7th, at the Auction Store. commencinif at 4 o'clock, the hbrary of the 'ate Mr. Duane William% which comprises mr,ny rare, interesting. and valuable works, in the various departments of literature; also. a number of popular French authors, illustrated works, dm. pA NC OAST & WARNOCK, AIM TIONBERS. Ne. 213 MARKET Street. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF AMERICAN AND IM. PORTED DRY GOODS, MILLINERY 000D8, WBITI GOODS, Ate.. eatalogne. - -ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. October 7th, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely— Comprising about 700 lots of fresh and desirable good.; .which win be forind well worthy of att , ntion_ _DLLETTE & soorr, .ILUCTIONERES, Jane's Marble Sanding. 619 0113STI5MT Street, and. axe JAYNE Straw. Philadelphia. SALE OP A VAL gABLE COLLECTION OP Oth PAINTINGS. ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS, October 2d and 3d, at 8 o'clock, will be sold, by catA.• logne, a large.and valuable collection of oil pain " from the American Art Gallery, New York, embracing choice pictures from the studios of some of the most emi-. nent artiste of the day. among which will be founi the works of Paul Ritter, P. - A. Somers, Eippendorf, Palß cads, Bracken, Seymour, Baker. Saunders, and others. Also, several very fine copies after Jeneirs, Landseer, and others; whiclswill be found well worthy the atten tion of connob.settrs. fglip The store will be open until 9 o'clock P. M., afford an opportunity of examining the collection. LARGE SALE 500 LOTS DRY GOODS, BiII,.LINRRY GOODS, &o. ON TUESDAY MORNING. Oct. 6th, at 10 o'clock precisely. among which will be found ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS.-300 cartons French flowers and buds. .•. . • . MISSES' FELT HATS. —5O cases misses' black and co lored felt bats. _ STRAW BONNET?. —25 cases black and colored straw bonnets. • BONNET VELVETS.-75 pieces black and colored silk bonnet velvets . RIBBON 4.-125 cartons ponit de sole velvet ribbons. and No. 5 fintsd trimming ribbons. EMBROIDERIES.—AIso. a hoe of very fine Swiss and jaconet setts, collars, bends, financings, &c. Also, Linen cambric handkerchiefs, hoop skirts, no tions, &c. LARGE SALE OF 600 CASES BOOT?, SHOES. BRO. • GAMS. &c. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. Oct. 7ch. PHILIP FORD & CO., AUCTIONEERS, 525 MARKET and 522 COMMERCE Stmts. LARGE SALE OF 1,000 eyEs BOOTS AND URN& 07k MONDAY MORNING. October sth. at 10 o'cicck precisely, will be sold. br catalogue, LOCO cases men's, boys', and 7 oath's calf, kip. and grain boots. brogans. Balmorals, & c. - women's. misses 'and and children's calf, kip, goat, kid, ;ad morocco heeled boots and shoes. LARGE SALE OP 1.000 qafe Bons AND silo Es. Ob THITILSD MORif October Stli ; at 10 o'clock precisely. will be sold by ca talogue, 1,000 cases men'e, boys'. and youth's. calf kip. and grain. boots, brogans. ale Women's. missee% and children's, calf,' kip, Eist, and kid heeled boots 11114 Shoes. &c MOSES NATHANS, AITOTIONEKR, Sontleast corner: SIXTH and RACE Streets. AT PRIVATE SALE FOR LESS THAN HALF TEA . USOAL SELLING PRIGn.S. - Fine gold and silver English, AMerican. and Swiss pa. tent lever watches, extra fall-Jewelled and plain, of th• most approved and; best makers, in heavy hunting cases, double cases, magic cases, double bottom sat opemface fine , gold chronometers, in heavy hunting casesr fine sold and silver lenice watches. in hunting.. cases and open face; silver guarder watches; &midis case English silver watches, and others. Diamomiss fine gold vest. neck, guard, and chatallen chains_• gold pencil cases and pens, silver do. setts of tine g(Lldjeri elrk. medallions, gold and silver specks b English plated ; vest chains; double and singl;7d fowling pieces, some of them very superior: revolvkail field-glasses, kc: .. Id. NATHAN& REMOVALS. itior_CL_V_ALT.____.T.OHN 0. BAKES, Wholesale Druggist, has removed to 716 MARKS! amr - attention Is_ asked to JOilig O r. Si CO.'S COD-I. MR OIL. Having . Memos& facilities in this new establishment for manufacturing and bottling, and the avails of fifteen years' eXPeiteete in the business, this brand of Oil has advantaged over othens, and recommends itselL Constant supplies are obtained from the fisheries, fresh, pure, and sweet, and receive the most careful personal attention of the original proprietor. The increasing demand end idd*- epread market for it make its figures low, and area great advantages for. those buying in liege gran titles. , au‘sitf HOTELS. NATIONAL HOTEL, WASHTNGTON. 10: C. H. E. BENSON, PROPRIETOR. Formerly of the Ashland Rouse, Philadelphia, Re is determined to merit, and hopes to receive, a fan share of public patronage. jeIB-6ra METROPOLITAN HOTEL, (LATE BROWN'S, ) PENNSYLVANIA AVENDS, [Between Sixth and Seventh Streets, WASHINGTON CITY, A. R. PD IN. m3 , 22-6m MACHINERY AND IRON. -• PENN: STEAM ENGEN-FL - _on) BOILER WORKS. —NEAPIE LEVY. PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS,- MA CHINISTS. BOILER-31 ETES. BLACKSMITHS. and FOUNDERS, having for many years been in siticesedal operation, and been exclusively engaged In building and repairing Marine and River Engines. high and low pres sure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, &c.. dis respectfully offer their services to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for engines dell sizes, Marine. River, and Stationary: having sets of patterns of differ ent sizes, are prepared to - execute orders with quick de spatch.; Every description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice:: High and .Low-pressure. Flue, Ta bular, and • Cylinder Boilers, of the best Pennsylvania charcoal iron, : Forgings. ,of all sizes ,and kinds; Iron and Brass . Castings, -of all descriptions .;_Roll-Tu Screw. Cutting, and all other work connected Wit ri lft above business. , Drawings and Specifications for all work done at this establishment free of charge, and work guarantied.. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock.room tor re pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, dfc.. &c.. for raising heavy or light weights. JACOB C. NE.A.ITE., JOHN P. LEVY. BEACH and PALMER Streets. J. VAUGHAN ,MERAICH, WILLIAM M. MEERIOM.. JOHN E. COPE.. - SO U THWARK FOUNDRY, - 1 FIFTH SAND WASHINGTON. STR PHILADELPITIA .. .. PIL T & MONK, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. Manufactare High and Low Pressure Steam Esa.ines, for land. river_ and..marine service. . . Boilers, Gasoinetere, Tanks. Iron Boats, 3cc. ; Oasttals of all kinds, either iron or brass: _ . . . Iron:frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, dm. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and moat im proved constraction. Every - description of Plantation Machinery, .erteb. Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators. Filters. Pumping Engines. dre, Sole Agents for N. Milieux's Patent &mar Boiling Ap paratus • Nesnivth's Patent Steam Hammer, and-Asnin & Wolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining 2 Ma chine. - lON STEAM AND WATER TTN •-•' HEATING COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. GOLD'S PATENT STEAM AND HOT-WATER HEATISH. THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCHENER, and all: other Improved . COOKING APPARATUS. Boilers and Water Eacie..iParicir and other dratesk Registers and Ventilators, Sacks and Jambe, and ati things connected with the above branch of btudness. JAMES P. WOOD. , No. 41 South POIIRTH Street B. M. FELTWELL. Superintendent. ap29-1.7 MORGAN,. ORR; & CO. STEA_X- Founders. 'and Genara laachimiats and Boil& Makers, No. 3.210 cALLowniira, Street. Philadelphia, ' ! - EXPRESS COMPANIES.-' TR Pi A D E FRVSS COMPANY.''.dinott 3211 CHESTIMT Street, forwards Parsels.lPackagea, Mer chandise, Bank .Notes. and Specie, either , byita own lines or'in connection with other Express Cobiperd ni m to all the principal Towns and Cities. in the',7J States. E. S. SANDFORD. fe26 eeneral Sup:Oaf:indent. T.E - VIRGIN;WAX-. 'Or AN `i i i,LES—knewFrench Cosmetic, for. for:pre n. whitening. ,and,;beautifying the complexion- , T preparation is composed of White Virgin"Wax,' of the toast quality" _ giving -the complexion .a IzEnniparent whiteness and the most bewitching beauty. while tin component parts - render iq harmless to ,the skin, we serving it froxo. tan and other imparities.• Thiele one of he wonders of the age, and must be seen to' be- appre • ciated. A:bottle will be open for Ladies to traits effect before pnrchasing: Price 25 and 50 cents. RUNT St CO.. Perfuiners, A-1 South , EICIFITH Street, two doora above CWhestalnnut, and 133 South SEVENTH Street. , above ut. - .0446-3 m RAIN PIPE. - , MONTGOMERY , TERRA COTTA WORKS. 2-inch'Mpe per' 3 , feet 'length, -26. "4. -," •- -" " 40: . 6 r 60: i"" " " We Ure'prevaied. to furnish STONSVirARE 'DRAIN PIPE, glazed-uutide and outside, from , 2 to 16-inches tit diameter, in large or small quantities with:allyariety traps, bends, and other connections. Liberal discount to the trade. ISPCOLLIN 'Ar-RHOADS. sei.:9tuthi3m. ' 113211.111ARKET Street; Pltiledelain.. 625 GOLDTHORI' Mannfeetarere ofx 31 7• 0 " . • Tassels, Cede, Fringes, thietable.:''and - YAnd . tura (jumps, Curtain Loops,' Centre Tassels. Picturee and Photograph Tassels, Blind.T Military and Dresi , Trimmings, Ribbons Temi ni c u ess. etc. - etc. No. O 4 MARICF,k . Stieet. PhiladelPhia. H I 231METICALLY $E A T. - RD - 711,131T6 AND 14GET - ABLEs.— • EOOO dozeiLnana _fresh.Peaches. :: L , : 2,C00 -Ydo :Ado.: do. Phiesßides 500 do do do Strawberries,:, . 7 x. 50 0 do = -do do Blackberries..l 800 do do do Whorileberifes. 200' — do do do °hereon. - 4;000 do '.- do do" , TonutiOte.tai...ass• On hind *suitor sale by RHODES kW/Lit TOT. Sonth.W.S. INT.OIOIO Gad-Liit" 'and' " Obamyskr4A l quarts and pints, just receivedper French ship " Lire inualle.“ . for sale by CRAB. B. & JAB. A °Jammu& sole t tub ECM WALNUT &sulfa bituri Sr,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers