The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 03, 1863, Image 3
SPECIAL NC/TIC:MIS. 'Aria GALLIC . ROOSTER. TFUS BARD OF SOWEJL LULL. liaPeaeon the Third • Is a very odd bird; The "Rooster of France ° Is his title, perchance. And Ijudge front hie talk He'll he cock of the walk, - - If the Eagle eons. nts • To that shal oW Pretence. But onr bird is a scratcher; zfs, chieken can match her. And:when she walks in - .gin a 13 ght, she mast'win, Boostenßanpy. I know, Sometihat loudly can crow; But I'llvager a dime That in very short time. Oui bird (if not busy). Codld Make him fee. d'avY ; 'Yeti, baste him compleie.v. And do the j.ib neatly. 14a the world that is made . By'the best of the trade. And is sold every hour, At Ilaunett's great Tower. The largest and most complete assortment of Reidy imade Clothing In Philadelphia. selling at reduced prices. TuW liaLL, 818 DI AR RE I' *Pik. BROIETT & CO. WINDOW SITA DES .—WAI:RAirEN, 719 CHESTNUT Eireot. It HOORLAND S GERMAN BITTERS, , Prepared by Dr. C. M. J.,C13.50N, Will effectually cure „Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia. Jaandic-. Chronic or Ner vous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all . Dteeases arising from a Disorderea Liver or Stomach. Every fatally Ehould hays a 'bottle of these Bittern in '-the house.. .r, ONE DOSE,twiltinstantly relieve a stick stomach. ONE DOSE will cure the mo=t di itreesing heartburn. ' ONE DOSEwil: allay nay agitation of , he nerves. ONE DOSE, taken an hour before meals, will give a .good. appetite. ONE DOSE will, in many eases, core the nrist severe headache, when proceeding from a dlordered stomach. These Bitters con be obtained at any Dra ge- Cs or , el ler of Patent Medicines in the 13.1ited. , States and CUM!, , das. Price 75 cents per bottle. ace th tt the t-ignatOra -of C. M. JACKS 3N to on the wripper of each bottle oc3 EMBROIDERED LACE CURTAINS, FROM $3 'to $5O apair. I. E. WAIRAVE NT, mei:lessor b W. H. CARItrIt. 4Ertsonit: Hall. 719 CFIES MUTT 'Street. It THROAT DISEASES CATARRH, AND ALL abeam of the air passages, most socuessfullv treated by .DR. VON MOSCHZISKER, 1024 \V&LRUT street. Oa-1W PIANO AND TABLE COVERS, OF EMBROD ailed Cloth, from $8 to $3O each, LE. WALR&VBIT, &teem:l°r to W. H. CARRYL, Masonic Hall, 719 CRESTRIV Street. It DEAFNESS, EYE AND EAR.— DR. VON lilosomensn, Oculist and aurisf, graduate of Vienna, :antler of ; " Outdo to Dbeases of -the Eye," " Observe tione on Diseases of the Ear," can be consulted on all ma ladies of the EYE and FAR. Years of experience, with an extensive practice, have gained fZir him the repilta tion ho enjoys as the mostauccessful Op;halMiLl and Au ral Surgeon. Numerous acknowledgments cf cures, from persons well known throughout the country, can be examined at his °Mee, 10,37 WALKUP streets. Main. DAMASK CURTAIN'S, FROM $5 TO $5OO A Nvindow., I. B. WALE/MEL SUCOOSSOT to W. H. CAR ATL, 719 CHESTNUT Street. It OADINET:MAKERS AND UPHOLSTERERS SUP plied with wide Moquette Plusher, Worsted Reps, Bro eatelle, and Daum Ica, at the LOWEST' TRADE PRICES', I, E. WALR AVEC:, successor to W. E. CARRYL, Ma sonic Hall, 710 CHESTNUT Street. it CONSUMPTION CURED—IN SECOND STAGES, 'arid later, teithoot medicine or pain, by Dr. STEVENS, 14113 Soath PIX , IN SQUARE. Call and obtain refer. .encee, gratis. 00. If ONE:PIIION CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST Symms, Madre in the Bost Manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEVP Selling Prices Marked in Plain Figures. All Goode made to Order warranted satisfac tory. OUT, ONE-PRICE SYSTEM is strictly aclhbred to. All are thereby treated alike. del2-ly JONES 3: CO., 601 MARKET Sireet. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT AFFORDS immediate relief for Piles. and seldom fails to core. MARRIED_ LIIKFRS—NBVT NS.-:-On the let Met.. by the. Rey. S. D Alexander, et the residence of the bride's fathel, in the city_of New York, Alan W. Lnasne of Pittsburg. to Lizzie N., darght‘r of Mr. William J: - Nevin'. * CLEGG—GRESN.--Oa the 16th day of July last. by the Roy. J. B. McCullough, Mr. Alfred Clegg to Miss. Lizzie F., danghter of Lewis 61. and and Harriet Green; all of this city. • ALBXANDER—*•MITH —Thursday . morning . , Oct. 1, 1663,1 n. the First Reformed Presbyterian Church, Broad street, Philadelphia, by Fey. Dr. Wylie, James B. Alexander, WaehingtonCity. D C , to Mies Auna B. Smith, daughter of Charles Smith, If q , Philadelphia. (Washington miners please copy. LARKIN-1i; NG —At the residence of the bride's znotlier, Philadelphia;. - Sent: - -O. 1663, by the Rev. Andreiw honffee're, Mr. "Nathan Larkin, of Lerkintown, Delnwere co , d a , Mies Mary F., daughter of the late Rev. henry G. King. NICHOLAS—SAND , : —October 1, 3£63. by the Roy. Dr. W. J. Mann, , of Upper 'Montgomery co., Pa., to Mies Mary I. Sands, of Horsham township, Montgomery co., Pa. * SCOTT...--On Friday. 2d inst.; Mrs. Elizab Alt Scott, in the 17th year of her age. The, relatives and friends are :invited to attend her' funeral from' the residence of her dangh'er, Mrs. E. H. Mumford. 920 North Fifteenth street, on Monday, eth inst., at 2P. M. SISTY. —On the 25 of October, the Rev. Sohn Slaty, in the 81st year of his age, The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited " to attend his funeral oa Tuesday next, at 10 A. M., from his late residence, No. 458 Norte. Seventh Street, and proced to Haddonfield, N J. see SLEEPER —tin the 2d inst., Joseph K. Sleeper. The relatives and friends of the femaily are invited to attentktite, tuzrolebt vo- oummo-o. ri - ctto - om Mit., on " .OS(, o'clock A. M., from the reside... oe_hie Bleeper. No. B'2U North Sixth street. TALMAGR, — On the let instant, of typhoid fever, h Marry W.. son cf E. S. and Jane Talmage, in the 18t year of his age. The relatives and friends of e family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from the residence ot his 'Parente,. No. 163-i Green street, on Dfonday morning, the .sth inst" at 10 0 elock, without further \notice. To pro ceed to Laurel Bill Cemetery., BACON.-On Friday evening, October 2, Dr. James W. Bacon, in the 50th year of his age. The male relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully invited to attend his funeral from his late re . aidekee, lio. 222 South Ninth street, on Monday morn ing, atlo o'clock, without "further notice. To proclvd to Laurel Bill. - GRUND.—On the 29th ult.,' Francis J. Gruud, in the Birth year of his alto. The male relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from his latere si dence, N 0.7719 Spruce street, this (Saturday) morning, at 10 o'clock, without farther notice. WALMSLEY. —On Fourth, • d ay afternoon. the 30th nit., Joseph Walmslev, in the Both year of his age The relatives sod friends of the family are invited to Attend his funera . , from his late residence, No. 465 North Fourth street. this (Seventh -day) morning. at 10 o'clock, without further notice. JOSNEON.—On the 2d inst , Mr. Montgomery John- Due notice of the funeral will be given. SCHAFFER.—On Thunday evening, October Ist, Wit liam.L. Schaffer, Jr.. late druggist, of this city. His relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to Mteet his funeral at St. Luke's Church, Germantown, thin (Saturda3 ) afternoon, ,at 6 o'clock, punctually. * BLACK CORDED MOUSSELINES.- All-wool black corded Mousseline Dabrines, .62%c. Lead French Merinoes. Lead Poplins and Reps. Bleak Arranre and Gros Grain Silks. Black Thlbet Long Shawls. Black and white Scotch Wool Long Shawls. Black Turin Cloths. Black and white Striped and Plaid Paris Mousseline lainacc just received by BESSO N & SON, set; Mourning Store, 015 CRESTN GT Street. iILACK MIXED WATER-PROOF -A-0 'CLOTHS. 4. Brown Mixed IiBPELLANTS. EYltB &LANDELL. EYRE & LANDELL. FOURTH and ARCH, have a tine stock ol Bhawle, Poplins, and Merinoes. 6-4 Scarlet Opera, Cloi he. Purple Opera Clot4e. Blue Opera Clothe. REV. J. T. GOODRICH, PA.STOR. EIGHTH -STREET CHURCH, above NOBLE. en7ture SUNDAY EVENING, Subject—The Fall of 'A dler. lt* THIRD 13.E.FOlt5IRD 100LTIL , C11 IM P CUD RCH, corner of TENTH and FLLRERP Ste. —Rev. W. JR. TAYLOR. D.-D., of New York, will preach in tide Church TO MORROW. Service at Mid . o'clock A. M. and 41'. N. FIRST' REFEVORM andSP ED RIN D G GAR EPTCE - I CHURCH, corner BENTEI DEN Streets.—Rev J. lIOWARD BDIDAAI will (D V.) - preach 'lO-MGRIV)Vir, at 1.034 a, M., and 7% P. Spe dal sermon "To tlo la the EVENING. It* . . CHURCH OF THE COVENADIV, FILBERT Street, P-bove beyenteenth. — llivine service TO-1110E.RoW (Sunday). at 10X A. M. and 7)4 Y. N. The Rev. WM. T. Seltafß, - of New York, will (D. V.lPreach Morning and Evening. SERYSONS TO YOUNG PEOPLE, by Rev. T. DE WITT 'TALMAGE. —The tir,c of a series of Sabbath•Eventne—Serroons ou. the 'Life of - Boatel." commencing TO-MORROW EVENINR, at 13 o'clock. Mornieg service, Brown lOg o'clock. Church. SEVENTH Street. above Brown. • MBIBLE, AN CHU tri.:loll— TIDED street. above Girard avenue c sun day morning service at 10,4 o'clock. Subject— Abra lam's Offering of hie Son." Afternoon, at 3 o'clock— " The Acceptanc. of Obrist.'.' Ev'enink, at 5 o'clocS —A diel one Tea Meeting. IL* REOPENING—BROADWAY 71. E. TCHUIt.CII. CAMDEN, will be open for. Divine 310 hip TO;MORROW. Services at o'dock, br RerA. W. W;LEY. of Newark Conference 3 o'dock by 'Her C. W. HEASLEY; 7 - o'clock by Rey. R. M . . nitevort. •. • , SPRING G ARDEN. below BRO Street —DI:. - VINE SERVICE 1016 A. M • and 734 P. M The rector will preach MORISIn G and BV LINING. The subject for the Evening Sermon will be--” tithe escended into Rail." Young Len cordially invited to Evening service. _ . _ FIFTH 11 . • " • e ir of the StINDAY-SCEtuOL illltisluNAßY BOGIE eY of EPRING GARDEN BAPTIST' CHURCH will be bead in the Church TOMORROW AFTERNOON at S o'clock. Stngine by the School, and an addrese by Rev DANIEL C. EDDY, D. D. Awe conic to all., - it* girls. SIGNS 0 01PH.F. TIMES .-.7.X.F1E Vac • TURES on the Apocalypse will be continued, in /donut Zion Chapel, CHRISTIAN Street, abwre.SIXTH, 9n SUNDAY EVENING, sth ine"., at 7.X o'clock. Sub ject—'The Two horned Beset . " Rev. 13.,-Preaching Preacg ut 10)4 At. M. and 3;4 P. M. Free to all. 10` • C. I a 91 t' IMmsbiT, T. H. STOCKTON, pastor, corder of P,LEVENT Hand WOOD Streets. Preaching by th e pas tor. Sabbath, 10 3 E A. M. At 73'i" P. M., a nuietin,, ,, of the Philadelphia Tract and Mission Society. Sumo nY 'School, 9A. M. and 2'P, M. Wednesday - night, 8 O'clock, Lecture and Singing Class. All invited. t3t. ONE HUNDRED AND FIRST SOL DIERS' DIRETING of the Army Committee of the It OUND , MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATC)H, at tachedlo the United States Christian Commission. will be held on .TO-41ORRO W BITEMING, in' the Church of ~, the Natigity, c rum of ELEVENTH and MOUNT VER. lION Streets, at' 7% o'clock, Rev. Robert C. Matlack. lo=net6r, presiding. • , The 'meeting will be addressed by Rev. Thomas Yo cum. Rot, J. , Elvatt' Smith, .Rev. J. S. Willie. A col baton syNkbe lifted. • ltv . _ UALIOIII. — MISS LIZZIE DOTEN, of Maesachusette, a Medium, and one of t h emoet able and eloquent lecturers of the tunes, will speak and6OI}REET HALL, on SUCIDAY, at DR; ,01.111, 7% P. f. Admission. five cents. It* TI-lIM'I'EIIENTH WAUD TO 'TIM RIIIiCDE.—CURTIN, AGNEW, and 'the WHOLE triTon TICKET: A MASS MEETING. of the loyal citizens will he held. St NINTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, on MONDAY ZVENING. October 50, at 734 o'clock. ea-L r By order of the Committee. M`MILLT CENTH-WARD NATION/kr. N IO N. 'l.'lG .Ansembly. Seventh Dictriet—Thomas Cochran. Select Connell—James Lynd. School Dlrectors — George Rockenbrirg, Philip Prszer, Charles M. Baker, John afanderbon. for the unExpired term of SPencorßoberts- C ou gtables—joseptiE, Shaw, John J. 0c3,10,11.13.4t. - - r:Xtro THE PHILADELPHIA LYCEUM has resulted its usual meetings for the whiter H. 4 M ..,, ~- --1 Bin, S. E. corner NINTH and EPEING G tEDEN 'Strode. every Saturday evening. THIS EVENiti'll. October. Ild. M.r. WELLS will read an original Paam, '; ' 'entitled the ' Genesis." after.which a Debate by the inestbera. The Pablo it l O PAW/. Adeelehtee. tree. Iv MISS ANNA E. DicKINSONEWILL address the people of PBntteylTanie on the NATIONAL CRISIS. At DANVILLE. •• At SHAMOKIN... At POTTSVILLE. At LEBANON At CARLISLE..... At GETTYSBURG At YORK At CHESTER se2sl-tf. MNOTICE, A CCM - ID/La CE WIT II a resolutiou of ttie liS' BOUNTY PIM poo WMITTER ,, OF MLA, lALE;FIIA, i am directed . to give NOTICB that all claims for BOUNTY be presented before the firat day of Noyember next. Those previous to Juno Ist, to IllICI;,SRL V. B IRER, No. 234 South THIRD Street Those since Juns lot, to cos, WILLISIB VBITtIEf Paymaster. Washington Bei dings. South THIRD Street riniteugtPutti, Sept. 30, 1563 oda iliMu• PHILADELPHIA TYPOGRA Pill- CAL EOCII , .TY.—A stated met leg of the S.stetr witl be held at the usual place. corner of FIFTH and NORTH Streets, THIS (Saturday) EVE at 7 o'clock. . WSI. n. JONES. Snrot try. E AEIII E S , AN D MEC 111 AMC S , BANK, NIILADELPIT . IA, October 2. DM. Tee annual election for Dlrectors will be held at the Banking House on MONDAY, the 10th day of November next, between the hours of 9 o'clock A 111. and &o'clock P. 111.: and on TUESDAY, the third day of Novemher next, ageteral meeting of the Stockholders will he held at- the Banking House at 4 o'clock P M..' agreeably to charter. W. RUSHTON. , oc3-tnal6 . Cashier • STATE BANK, AT CAMDEN, N, J., T 00 OBER 2d, 1881 —The Directors this chtv &cloyed a dividend r f FIVE YEE CENT, fitr tie lent via . . . and an extra dividend of five per ceat., bath payable on demand, clear of tax. s ;3%90 J. TOWNSEND, Cashier. M. MERCANTILE LIBIZARV CO3I PANy. —The LlßllAttY will be reopened on MONDAY, October 6th:- - A complete reorganization of the Department of Fiction is in pi ogress. i Those Members having Novels out will please return them, that they may be repaired. At least LOOO New Volumes have been purchased, and, as FQOII as ready, the whole will again hd placed a. the disposal of the Stockholders, of which due notice will be given. oc3-3t. fri SCRIPTURAL KNOWLEDGE. SO CIETT.— rhe Sixth annual !Session will c in mence (D. V.) on MORAY, Oct. sth, at quarter of .8 P. 3f. Concert Hall being occupied, the present seesion will be held at the S. E. corner NINTH and SPRING GARD eN Streets. The Übject is the mutual study of the Word of God. Believe re in the Lord Jesus are invited to at.e od as visitors; that is, those who confess Rim to be 'he. Christ, the Son of the living God—tree God and rear man in one person. J. E. BOW RN, Ftesident. C. 0. EVANB, Sea's. N. C. MUFF, Treasurer. . W; MORRIS, M. D. Biblical Instructor. ocB-2..4 UNIVERSITY OP PENNSYLVA.- i t V....;- , DILL—The FIRST SEMI-CENTEDMInI, C&L Ni- B tiATION of the PHILOMATREAN SOCIETY, will be beld in the Hall of the Univeraity. on . TUES DAY, October 6th, at P _ Speakers on the occasion: Rev. Drs. CRUISE and MDBLENBURG, of New York; Dr HA.L L, -of Trenton, and several ihtinani.zhed gentlemen of this city, Gra duates of the society. Senior, nominal, and Honorary members will meet in the Ball of the Society, at 731 P. N. .oc3-3t* THE ANNUAL MEETING OF TUE CONTRIB nTORS to the YOUNG MAN'S INS PLC TOTE will be held at No 232 WALNUT Street, an MONDAY, October 6th, at .123.1 o'clock. when the &nand Report of the Board of Trustees will he submitted and an Election for Trusteei held. Will. L -RAHN, oc2 St* Secretary of the Board of Trustees. NOTICE.-TIRE TEN PER CENT' COUPONS of the North Pennsylvania Railroad Company, due October 1,1563, will be paid onpresenta tion at the office of the Company, No. 407 WALNUT Street. Cocl-3t] WILLIAM . WISTRR, Treaiu:er. OFFICE BEAVER IIIEADOW RAIL ROAD AND C. COMPANY'. PratanEmmtA, September 2S. 1863 A Quarterly Dividend of 2X. per cent. on the Capital Stock of this Company has been declared this day, paya ble on and after October 7th. clear of Government tax. e620 - 9t* L. CHAMBERLAIN, Treasurer. MOV.FICE OF THE FRANKLIN PULE INS. CO.. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 25, 1863--Au election for TEN DIRECTORS, for the ensiling year, will be bold, agreeably to charter, at a general meeting of the Etockholders.• for that purpose, at the Office of the Company, on MONDAY, Oct 5. 186 4 , at 10 o'clock. A. M. se26-10t J. W. MeALLISTER, Sec.- pro tem. PHILADEMPHIA. AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY, Once :.127 South FOURTH Street, PRILADELPMA. September 2, 1863. - DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The following-named persons are entitled to a Dividend on the Common Stock of thi. Co: ~.mnpany. The residence of several of them - is un known. and it is, therefore,- necessary that the certifi cates of stock should be presented on cal ling for the Dividend. S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. STOCKHOLDERS' NAMES. Mrs. Mary Bishop, S. Lancaster, Timothy C. Boyle, Percy M. Lewis, Clement Biddle, Fanny Mary Mitcherson, Ann Copeland. John Mclntyre, A. Emslie and J. Newbold, John S. Moore, Trustees, James McKnight, Debbie A. Hughes, Benj. I s . Newport, Saml. T. Harrison, El•mj. Pott, . James Hallowell, ST R. Rodman, James W. Hallowell, Sarah Ann Richards. Catherine C. Koppele, Henry B. Sherer, Daniel Klapp, Maria L. Sadler, Mary Kuhn, Andrew Turner, Chas. Kuhn, Hartman Mrs. Rebecca Ulrich, Kuhn. and J. H. Kuhn, KS. Asher M. Wright, of S. Kuhn. William Young, R. V. R. Leisse Extra., W. K. MoVickar, and James G. Schaff. Ex. of Austin Smith, John S. Leisse. dee'd. Willis & Co. ses-stuth-tf FINANCIAL.. COUPONS i 3-10 IST OCTOBER rJr V. . DREXEL it CO. MERICA.N GOLD 7340T7G-H.T AND SOLD. DREXEL & 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET 07-1 m U.S. - The undersigned, as General Subscription Agent, is authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury to continue the sale of this porollar Loan, and TEN DAYS public notice will be Oren. of discontinuance. ABOUT Two, HUNDRED MILLIONS remain unsold. and this amount is scarcely sufficient to furnish a basis for the circulation of the National Banking Associations now being formed in every part of the Country. Bat a short time must elapse before this loan is wholly ab sorbed, the demand from Europe, Germany especially, being quite active. As it is well known that the Secretary of the Trea sury has ample and unfailing resources in the duties on imports, internal revenues, and in the issue of interest bearing. Legal Tender Treasury Notes. it is nearly cer tain that it 'will not be necessary for him for along time to come to issue further permanent-Loans, the interest and principal of which are payable in Gold. nese considerations must lead to the prompt conclu sion that the dine is not far distant when these "Five- Twenties" will sell at a handsome premium, as was the I result with the " Seven.thirty" Loan, when it was all sold, aid could no longer be subscribed for at par. This is a SIX PER CENT. LOAN, the interest and principal being payable in coin, thus Yielding about maul per cent. per annum at the present premium on gold. .It is called Five -Twenty." from the fact that whilst the Bonds may ran for twenty years, yet the Govern ment has the right to pay themioff in iota at par, at any time after five years. The interest is paid half yearly on the first days of No- Taber and May. Subscribers can have Coupon Bones which are paya ble to bearer and issued for $6O, $lOO, $6OO, and $l,OOO, or Registered Bonds of similar denominations, and in addition $6,000 and $lO,OOO. These "Five-Twenties" cannot be taxed by States, towns, or counties, and the Government tax on them is only one and a half per cent, on the amount of income; when the income exceeds six hundred dol lars per annum. Income from all• oinvestments, such as mortgages, railroad stocks, bonds, &c., must Pay front three to Ave per cent. tax on the income. Banks and Bankers throughout the country will con , tinue . to dispose of the Bonds, and all orders by mail or otherwise properly attended to. . The Treseury Department having Perfected arrange ments-for the prompt delivery of Bond% Subscribers will be enabled to receive them at the time of eubecri bing, or at farthest in FOUR days. This arrangement will be gratifying to parties who Want the Bonds on pay ment of the money. and will greaily increase the aales. JAI( COOKS, SUBSCRIPTION Lt ENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, SHARVEY- THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, No. 312 WALNUT Street. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on Commisson at the BOARD OE BROKERS. Subscriptions to the 6-20 year six per cent. LOAN still received at par. 10 charge for Commission. COLLECTION OF 11. S. CERTIFI. GATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. —The ADAMS' EX PRESS COMPANY" are now prepared 'to collect, at the reason Department, Washington. with despatch, °and at able rates, the One-Year Certificates of In debtedness of the United States now due or shortly maturing. Terms made known and receipts given at the office. No. ago CHESTNUT Street. my6-tf CHARLES GILPDT, ATTORNEY AT.LA.W, Rae removed his 01Hee to 130 , Sonth SIXTH Street, oastutbSt J. ELDONSALTE, ATTORNSY R 40)P:1 AT LAW, "•-. • Has removed. hie Office to oeletntlat - 130 South SIXTH Street STOLE N.-NOTICE IS HEREBY given that Deed of Lot 23, Div. C.,. San 27, Me chanics' Cemetery, haying been stolen, application will be made for a new Deed. The family who buried Eliza beth Crawford, in February, 1851, and David Crawford, do Auguet,lB.l6. in said Lot, are requested to call at the Office of the Company. N.D. con FOCrETS. and GEORGE Streets. - DAVID CRAWFORD, oc3-3t . No. 17%35T.. JOSEPH'S Avenue. HE -MOST PLEASING, ACCURATE, aud artistic 'gortralts made are =HER'S Lite. size PHOTOGRAPHS' in Oil. Colors, pronounced by judges unapproacbable in style and execution. SECOND Street. above Green. lt* IVORYTYPES.THE MOST ---AT TRACTIVE PICTURES of this class are made by REI110,11: accurate Libenosssea of fresh. warm, Impres sive coloring. light and shade naturally arranged: EEO* prept, above qmn. Lt. ATIONAL UNION NOMINAL 110101 ; .Saturday, October 3d. .Monday, " sth; .Tuesday. " 6th. .Wednesday, " 7th. .Thuraday, " Bth. Friday, " 9th. Saturday, " 10th. .Monday, " 12th. GRAND RAL:LY rorE zx3E LT*'IONT. All in favor of the re-election of the Patriot and Soldier's Friend, Governor ANDREW G. CURTIN. MI. in favor of the election of the eminent Jurist, DANIEL AGNEW, and the Whole Ticket, All in favor of sustaining the noble efforts of the Na tivnal Administration, ALL OPPOSED TO TREASON! CORE! COKE! CONE! 6-20. Gen. LOGAN. of Illinois: • Gen. BUTLER, of Massachusetts. And many other distinguished gentlemen, including many eloquent advocates of the Union Oause in ienn sYlvard.a. No possible efforts will be spared to secure ita full and thorough a discussion of the momentous issues now submitted to the people as the brief periodnow re- maiming will allow, and it is 'enjoined upon all friends of the Union Cause to secure the attendance of their fel low-citizens npon the oecaslOns. b•-; WAYNE NoVEAGH. Chairman. Wt•litermusvr. PHILADELPHIA.. w. Ciao w. H „ B. Secretaries. Bela POLITICAL. STATE OFEIGISES FOR GOVERNOR, ANDREW G. CURTIN. FOR JUDGE OF SUPREME OOURT I DANIEL AGNEW. SENATOR-FIRST SENATORIAL DISTRIOT• SERVAI/01 NICHOLS. REPRESENTATIVE°. Ist District—WlLLlAM FOSTER. 24 " THOMAS J. CHOATE. Ed " THOMAS T. WILLS. 4th " JOHN D. WATSON. MIL " WILLIAM W. WATT. Bth II ISAAC IL (PHARR& 7th 1, THOMAS 000ET.RAN. Bth $ 4 JAMES N. KERNS. Bth 11 CHARLES DIXEY. oth " •S. S. PAND6A.ST. 11th " ISAAC A. SHEPPARD. 12th " LURE V. SUTPHIN. lath " WILLIAM Y. LEADER. 14th "it; S. FREDERICK GETZ. 16th 11 WILLIAX E. SMITH. 16th 16 EDWARD G. LEE. ' 11th " JAMES MILLER. COMITY OFFICERS. 12.8.008. DER OF DE ECDF. LEWIS R. BROOMALL. PROTHONOTARY OP DISTRICT 0011.11 T. GEORGE KELLY, CLERK OH COURT OE QUARTER SROSIOSB. GEORGE - H. MOORE. '- • CORONER. WILLIAX TAYLOR. CITY OFFICERS. CITY TREASURER. HENRY BIEYELki. CITY CIONXISSIONICII. PHILIP- HAMILTON. By order of ihe City Committee of Ettperintemlence. Ap9-tt - • "NO PARTY BUT OUR CORN-TRY." r• THE CITIZENS OF THE FIRST NVA.rt_D WILL ASSEMBLE ON THE SPACIOUS LOT, CORNER OF SIXTH APD DICKERSON STREETS, MONDAY EVENING, CCTOBBIII±4. AT 754' O'CLOCK. COME FROM YOUR FACTORIES I COME FROM YOUR LOOMS! COME FROM YOUR WORKSHOPS! COME FROM YOUR ANVILS -I All Come to Swell the Chorus for an Undivided V3llOll. THE FOLLOWING EMINENT SPEAKERS WILL AD DRESS THE MEETI,NG: DON. A. K. McCLURE. HON. WM. B. MANN, HON: HENRY D. MOORE, Ilol*. ISAAC RAzLEHURST, ' NON. CHARLES O'NEIL. HON. MORTON McMIORAEL, HON. JAMES POLLOCK, COL. THOMAS FITZGERALD, COT,. W, R. MAURICE, JO 8 AVIS WATSON; Esc' , GEORGE A COFFEY, EsQ., SAMUEL'J. KEA, ESQ.. TEM. C. STEEL EsQ., AND OMER'S. TWENTY-FOURTH 'WARD UNION MASS. MEETING PASSENGER RAILROAD DEPOT IN EIESTONVI LLE, ON SATURDAY EVENING, OCT. 3, AT 8 O'CLOCK." AU Loyal Citizens in favor of Suppressing the Rebel lion, Supportbig the Government, and Maintaining the Union of the Stater, are invited to attend. Addresses will be delivered by J. B. COLAHAN, Esq., Hon. N. B. BhOWOE , Esq . GEO. INAf EICHE, Eeq. ; JAMES MILLER, Esq. , the "BUCKEYE BLACK SMITH." and other distingnished ftenhere. RALLY IN SUPPORT OF THE UNION GERMAN MASS MEETING, THIS EVENING, at 8 o'c:ock CONCERT HALL, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TWELFTH MAJOR GENERAL FRANZ SIGEL. GEN. BvticE, of New York. COL. WM. D. THOMAS, Collector of the Port. and other Speakers, will address the meeting. By order of the Getrnall Union League THE COMMITTM OF ARRANGEMENTS MASS MEETING, G-ERMANTOWN. The UNION LEAGUE, of .Germantown, will hold a MASS MEETING in suppuort of the Union. the. Go vernment, and the War, on their grounds MAIN Street, opposite Chelton Avenue, ON SATRIID e.Y, 011TOBER 3n..AT 7 P. M. Hon, R. S COCKTON MATHEWS, of Baltimore, and others, will deliver addresses. oei-3t* UNION MASS MEETINGS. UNION STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROOMS, COMMONWEALTH BUILDINGS, 611 CHESTNUT St. SRPTIMBBIL 9, 1863. Governor CURTIN, in company with distinguished orators from adjoining States, will address the people of Pennsylvania at the times and places named. in the following schedule: At TOWANDA. Bradford. county, semtrliDAY. Octo ber 3d. At BELLEFONTE. Centre county. TUESDAY. Octo ber Bth. At YORK, York county, WEDNESDAY. October 7th. At READING, Barks county, THURSDAY, October Bth. At POTTSVILLE, Schuylkill county, FRIDAY. Octo ber 9th. At PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, October 10. We have reasonable hopes of having in the pending canvass the aid Of - • , Governor JOHNSON, of Tennessee; GovernoiPIERPONT. of Virginia; Governor BRADFORD, of Maryland; JOHN`BROLIGH , the next Governor of Ohio: Hon. DANIEL B. DICKINSON. of New York; UNION MASS MEETWGS. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 3. - • Tovmrp.a, Bradford county—Governor Curtin; Go= vernor Randall, Ron. P. C. Shannon,. Hon. aeon.) A. Coffey, Bon. Wm. D, Kelley. FALSINGTON, Bucks count?—Hon.M.Russel Thayer. LEBANON — Gov: Pollock, Col. Montgomery, A. H. Chase, Esq. „Eon. Jas. H. Campbell. • LANCASTER. biItADVILLE, Crawfordo county—Hon. James M. CENTREVILLE. Bucks county. ORTHDMBERLAND—Son. W. W. Ketchum, . Mr. Hunnicutt, and C. H. Shriner Esq.. . BURGER, Mercer county—Hon. Greene Adams and Prof, Mig010:18.11. DARBY, Delaware connty—llon. John M. Broomal and ,tic. Valentine, Req. - HMO NVILLE. TAMAQN a, Schuylkill county—John C. Myers, Esq. PHILADELPHIA—GeneraI Brace. • OB.SMANTOWN—B. ,Matthems, _ „_of WU moze. COATESVILLE, Chester county—Col. Worrell, P. Frazier Smith, Esq., and Washington Townsend, Esq. OC2 UNION STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROOMS, FRTLADELPRIA, Sept. 17, 1863. RON. WILLIAM D. KELLEY, at the invitation of the State Central Corainittee, will speak in behalf of the Union. at the times and plades named in the annexed iambic Our friends are earnestly desired to hays a full attendance of voters at these 'meetings: TOWANDA , Bradford county — Saturday, Oct. 3.. WELLSEORO, Tioga county—Monday. Oct. 6. MONTROSE. - Susquehanna county Wednesday Oct 7. POTTSVILLE, Schuylkill county—Friday, Oct.. • raiLADßLElatt—saturaay , Oct 10. , men = WAYNE hicVELGII, Chairman. TTNION CANDIDATE FORTHE IL.E. Ai& Mare (3d district). THOMAS T. WILLS, Hatter, 605 South SECOND street. A good assortment of Hats and Caps constantly on band. _ 5e214.1t. TVORYTYPES.---IN BREWER'S RYTYPEB you realize your Ideal of a'beantiful and accurate Menus. natural anal. Oeasiag in style, and co !trod la an artleti.c. Teakiner,. arxoo4lll Estreet. above Oreee._ - THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA., SATURDAY, bCTOBER 3, 1863. CO. 0, 'FOURTH UNION LEAGUE:. This company tvll. meet TEM' blO Mil 3 0, to rooaive thoit Ur IY, im- and proceed to camp. First lieutenancy la vacant. 13. , older . of H. W. GithEFF, Captain. PARADE OF COLORED TROOPS. The 611 REGIMENT Untied States Colored Troop Colonel Arnes..and fonr companies of the 5.h Regi ment, under Contain Fnhley, the whole under com. mend of Ct,lone. Waumr. will form TO-De if (Saturday), at 11 a, M., in MASTER Street, right renting on 'Fourth, facing south, and march down Fourth to Brown. np Brown to Sixth, down !sixth to Arch, up Arch to Twen-, tteth, down,Twentinth to Chestnut, down Chestnut to Ehghteenth, down Eighteenth to Walnut, down we.t to eeventeenth,' down t , evonteetith to Pine. down Pine to Broad. up Broad to Ohesinut, down Chestnut to Third, down Valid to Walnut, down Walnut to Dock, down Dock to Second. down Second to Washington, down . s Washington to Refreshment Saloons, and thence to Third and Master. It INIPORI'ANT 0 RDER.—THE Supervisory Committee for Reuniting Colored Regi rat me would call tho attention of the public to the SSSLLLLLL following instructions to the chief mustering officer: WA It DEPARTMIINT, ADJUTANT GDNERACH OFFICE. WASIUNUTON 59)C 19, 1853 Capt. Wm. B lane, fT S. Armil, Mtn/ Mustering Offi cer. Philada.. : SIR: I am directed by the Secretary of War to instruct you to muster into the regiment of U. 8. colored troops organizing at Philadelphia all colored. volunteers from the Staten of New Jersey and Delaware who may be presented. In so doing, yon will cep an accurate and separate account the respective States, giving the number muttered for_the respective Cougressionat dis .tricts, FO that the States coth.erned may receive the pror Per credits. , I am, air, very respectfully. your obedient servant, M THOAS M. VI NCIINT. Assistant Adjutant General., By this it will be seen that colored volunteers recruit ed in the Stattn of New Jersey and Delaware (as well as from other Slote..). end muttered into the service of the United States in this ci.y, Are to be credited to the Stales from which they come. All communications on this subject addressed to the undersigned will receive atten tion. ROST. R. CORSON, se29-Inlbset Agent for the Committee. CORPS OF HONOR, U. 4. A. HEADQUARTERS REORITITItta SEavroß. pv.Amn , :01t1'S FOIL FITILADELPITIA. 243 south T a ttu street, Philnaelphia, ea. SOLDIERS honorably dincharood on account of dle ability apply for Information for enlistrhent in' the INV&I ID OORPS to Lieut. HUBER BASTIAN, Invalid Corp?, 2.13 S Third street. Philadelphia, Lieut. J. W. DEAN. Invalid Corps, hll Brown strect, and. DT. E corner Broad and Spring Garden Rts., Phila. Pay and allowances, excepting bounty and Pension, 5131111 - as in D. S. Infantry. )3 W. MATTFIE Maier lst Pa. Art and Sapt. Invalid Corps for. Philadel phia. ' aus-tf 1863. Offer for Bale a large and well•selected Stook t'of Fancy and Staple Principally of their Invading the latest Styles In SHAWLS AND DRESS GOODS, Many of which are confined to their Bale& and cannot be All of which they Olier 6111. the most favorable terms FOE CASH, or to approved short time buyers. oc2-tf THE ATTENTION OF SAXONY WOOLEN CO. all-wool Plain Flannels. TWILLED FLANNELS, Various makes, in Gray, Scarlet, and Dark Blue PRINTED SHIRTING FLANNELS. PLAIN OPERA FLANNELS. "PREMIERE QUALITY" Square and Long Sbawla. WASHINGTON MILLS Long Shawls. BLACK COTTON WARP CLOTHS, 16, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 oz. FANCY CASSIMERES AND SATINETTS. BALMORAL SKIRTS, all grades. BED BLANKETS, 10.4, 114, 124, 134. COTTON GOODS, DENIMS, TICKS, STRIPES, &0., from V 61101113 Mille. DE COURSEY, HAMILTON- do EVANS; 33 LETITIk Street, and MI South FRONT Street. FALL. STOOK SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS BEGS 1 BAOS I BAGS 1 BERRY 411 CO., N. PLATZMANN, BERRY, "& 00., JOHN F. YOITNG, No. 70 N. FOIIRTFf STREET. (Formerly 32.7, MARKET Street,) Has now in store an excellent assortment of DRESS GOODS, Arc , consisting in part of Black Silks, wrench Merinos, Alrgtetts, Wool de.Lains, Plain- and Striped Poplins, Choice Plaid Cashmeres, Reps, Shawls, Sawn. Atc &c. To which the special attention of the retail Wane is Invited. se29-tnths2m MILITARY IVOTICESi% SILK AND DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. C EI 010 E - FALL AND WINTER Dirrir C.- 0013 S. ROBERT POLLOCK & 00., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, No. 311 MARKET STREET, DRY" G-00013%., OWN - IMPORTATION, found elsewhere. THE TRADE Is called to OUR STOCK.'OF aul7-mswi2m A. W. LITTLE & CO. so2-2a No. 325 BSARgET STREET COMMISSION ROUSES. NEW AND SECOND HAND. ALAITESS, BURLAP, AND GOZONT - BAGS Constantly on hand. JOHN T.- BAILEY it CO., Na 116 NORTH FRONT STREET. NV' WOOL SACKS FOR SALE. ti• 34 R.IIIIIIIIV $ tidi LYONS. ST. ETIENNE. AND GRENOBLE -10-thett2m . fiEW YORK. 155 DIYA3II3 STILEET FRENCH GOODS. INSKEEP & TRUEFITT, %I& CHFSINDT STREET, • OFFER TO THE TRAMS, PLAIN 3111BLIN DE LATNS. . SHAWLS IN ALL VARIETIES. VEIL BARGES IN ALL COLORS. GRENADINES AND DONA MARIA. BALMORAL SKIRTS. Agents for Messrs. BEC,e,R & Co.'s. LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS. • &o. MILLINERY GOODS. FALL, WOOJD Sc. CARP, 725 CHESTNUT STRUT. Have now open A LARGE STOCK OR STRAW AND FELT GOODS, FRENCH FLOW.hRS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS, And a general assortment of MILLINERY GOODS, To which they invite the attention of THE TRADE 43 FRENCH FLOWERS, - 1863 FEATHERS, LACES, RIBBONS, it - NEW-STYLE HATS, DIST OPENED AT THOS.. }KENNEDY it BRO.'S No. 72,9 CHESTNUT Street. below Eighth. se9-Szn , EIGHTH-ST. RIBBON STORE, Ito. 107 N. EIGHTH STREET. .W 1 We would inform our cuatoraere, and the ladles generally, that we , i , OPEN THIS DAY .> a complete stook of MILLINERY AND ETE.dIiT GOODS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, FALL AND WINTER SEASON OF 1863. • Our stock consists of BONNET ANTFTRLAIMING DIEBONS., every shade and style. • BLACK - VELVET RIBBONS. Dlain,and with whit= and colored edges: FELT AND STRAW BONNETS AND - HATS. the newest shams: SILKS, VELVETS, AND UNCUT VELVETes.__ ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS AND FEATHErr.% BONNET-FRAMES, LACER,. Am, Ant . By buying from the importers direct, and by constant attendance at the various auction sales in this city and New York, we are enabled to offer a splendid assort, merit of goods in our line of the most reasonable.prices. A fall assortment kept up till the end of the season. Country orders promptly attended to. SICHNI & No. 107 North EIGHTH Street • crt..;MISSES O'BRYAN, No. 1.107 WALNUT Street, have received Paris MILLI: NERY for Pall. which they will be' prepared to show to their customers on and after, THURSDAY. Oc tober let. se2B-12t* sp - - MOURNING BONNETS Made to eider at the • NEW MOORNINO STORE. . 926 0 11:SZN A U . Tal e * & CO, GEORGE W. WOOTTEN, No. 38 SOuth SECOND. Stria, and No. 29 STRAWBERRY Street WARM:WI:GB-JAYNE Street, Philadelphia, WHOIaSkIiE:DEALZR IN. CARBON OILS, DAMPS, CHIMNEYS, &c A:tine lot of OIL just received, which 1 ofier at the lowest market rater, havitui made my contraote in the rln g. before the advance. OIL in bond for export. CHIMNEYS in quantity, at manufacturers' prices Agent for Moore, Bros., & Co.'s Intent Fruit Jars . . .. "A WORD. . TO THE WISE IS SUB FICIENT. "--" The Patsnt FIRE-PROOF CONI- C al. CHINLIBIS," for Coal-Oil Lamps, are manufac tured. and sqld extensively by AMOS HORNING, Agent for. Manufacturer , it* 4g111X010.15400t.i.0 St rhila• I ra. RETAIL DRY GOODS. OPENING OF WINTER CLOAKS_ J. M. HATILMIG-111, Will have his OPENING of PARIS AND AMERICAN In great variety on MONDAt. October 6th. AT HIS * NEW STORE, NO. 902 CHESTNUT STREET. seto-6t IMPORTANT TO THE LADIES JtMS 11, CAMPBELL & CO, tro. 727 CHISTNITr STREET, FALL,AND WINTER STOCK, To which they invite - attention, viz IRISH POPLINS, SILK-FACED POPLINS, . "- ALL-WOOL POPLINS, In, the most Desirable Shades. PLAID 'REP FAITTASIE, • PLAID POPLINS, BPINGLINES, ALL-WOOL PLAID 4 , ' In the Richest Designs. N. AND 6.4.MODSLIN DE LADIES, BLACK, COLORED, AND PRINTED. 8-4 BACK DE lAINES. 64 COLORED MERINOS, all Shades. WELSH FLANNELS. SHARER FLANNELS. _ BALLARDVSLE FLANNELS. SACKING FLANNELS. • OPERA FLANNkLs. SCARLET FLANNELS. GRAY AND BCARI,IiT TWILLED FL4INELS. JACONE rS. CAMBRIOS. • • CHECKED 14M - 4LINS. SOFT C s EMRICH. NAINSOOKS. - 'SWISS MUSLIN& • MOLL , BUSLINS. CAMBRIC DIMITY. TARLETONS, &a. LADIES' KID AND LIsLE-THREAD GLOVES. LADIES AND GENTS' COTTON HOSE. BLANKETS in all Sizes and Qualities. BALMOR LS ADD SKIRTING. RICHARDSoN'S FRONTING, MEDIIIIf, AND t nousEwirE LINENS, TABLE CLOTHS AND DAITASK 2 , NAPKINS, DOYLIES,'AND TOWELS, CRASH, HICKABACK; &lc. • seSO-tf 1863. JAS.. 8.. CAMPBELL & CO. No. 727 CIIIReTWIIT Street, Invite special attention to their stock of Sillts,.which they offer at low prices, comprising' COLORED .ARMLIR it. PLAIN OTTOMAN, AND" OTTO- Mai STRIPED. Black Gros Graine and Gros de Rep. A full line of Fault de Sole, In the choicett colors. Also; a full line of Plain Black Silka, of all widths and qualities, for Dresses and Mantles. oc3-6t VERY IMPORT ANT TO - THE LA DIES Staten Island Fancy Dyeing Establishment. OFFICES, 47 North EIGHTH Street. Philadelphia; and 5 and 7 JOHN Street, Pew York NOW IS THE TIME TO SEND YOUR. VELVETS, _ . - CLOTHS, MERINOES, DELAINES To be dyed or cleansed in the finest manner, at this old and favorably known establishment. With an expe rience of nearly forty years, we present ourselves to the Public.this season as atan•ting FIRST 1 IN • ORS LINE. BARRETT, NEPHEWS, & CO., 5e174.1n 4l North EIGHTH Street. CLOTEC HOUSE. WILLIAM T. SNODGRASS' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOTH 1. - 1 4 01r-TSia, No. 31 South SECOND St., and 23 STRAWBERRY St A FULL STOCK OF ARMY I CLOTHS. NAVY CLOTHS. CASSIMERES. NOBBY COATINGS. CHINCHILLAS. VELVET CLOTHS. FROSTED BEAVERS. ESQUIMAUX. BILLIARD CLOTHS. BAGATELLE CLOTHS, &c. ocl•t2 REMOVAL AND -OPENING. a - . 1-X.A.M7LJEIG-EE, Stioceosor to L. J. LEVY St Co., Hie Stock to the NEW MARBLE STORE, 902 CHESTNUT STREET, A large 'and well-selected Stook of — FICKAur GOODS, all of;the Dest Fabrics and Newest Desig S. IL H. begs to state that he has now secured. the BEST STORE iiithe BEST LOCATION, and has also the means and facilities lot procuring, at all times, a Stock Which will make his the LEADING RETAIL DRY GOODS BUSINESS Millis city. BLANKETS I BLANKETS I BLANK lan! The Largest Assortment of r_. A: n rir S , AT THE.LOWEST PRICES, OFFERED - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BY COWPERTHWAIT 431 CO., N. W. COR. EIGHTH .A.IsTD MARKET STS selade3l SKIRTS I SKIRTS ! SKIRTS N. A. JONES' CIELSBRATED NE PLUS ULTRA SKIRT Can ont,be fotaul at NO. 17 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, OVER THE WAX FIGITEE. . W IMO genuine unless stamped 31. A. JONES' NE PLUS ULTRA. SKIRT, - sellfram iT N. EIGHTH STRUT. 1863. TABLE LINENS ANDNAPKENTS.= -a- - The cheapest stock now open in the city. One lot Brown Table Linen oneoc. finer do. at 62c. bleached Table Damask, 62%; lot pure Linen and very good, 76c, worth 8734; pieces very heavy Hand Loom Goods of different patterns, at 76c., these are extra cheap and worth examining; fine- Snow Drop and Damask in va• rions patterns, at $l, that have been selling at $1 25 ; one lot all Linen Napkins, $l5l. very cheap; liner do at $2. $260 and $3, some are Barnsley and very heavy; Doylies bleached half bleached and colored; one lot ail Linen Towels,in 50 per dozen, very cheap; finer do. border all around. 2 and $2 25; also, various styles of fine Towels for chamber nee. linckaback: plaid glass Towelling and Diapering by the yard; also. German roll Russia Crash. at 12%. 15. 19 and 18 cenis. Heavy Linen Sl eeting. at $1 25 and $1 50. Pillow Linen. 40. 42, 46 and 56 inches wide. 69 C ozen fine Hokfs, at $5 5 , , worth $2.. Purchasers will' save moms by examining this stock, for there are many bargains in it. GRatIiVILLB B. HAMM.. 1013 Market st.. above Tenth. .429-ttiwth&g 4t BLANKETS AND COUN'VERPANES. . —llly stook of Blankets range from 05 np, aud, I be lieve, are the cheapest in the city. Raving had many of them left over rrom last season, :I em able to sell mach less than the present wholesale PT ices. Allendale Counterpanes in all the sizes. Lancaster - do., in 10.4 and 11-4 sizes. Marseilles do.: at 05. N., 08. and SM. There are some beantiful patterns among, these, and are decidedly cheap. One bale superior all-wool gray. Twilled• Flannel, at 60 cents. One bale superior all. wool. Red. Flannel. at '6O cents, which are about the same as others sell at 0 9 4. - - OIiatoVILLE B. HAJAR% '. se29-tnwths4t 1013 MARK= .Street, above Tenth.' - FURNISHING GOODS. -a- Russia Crash from 14 to 25 cents. Loom Huck aback Toweling. , .L00)11 Table Linens feren - 75c to $l.OO, Union Table Linens at 75 cents, Ruck aback Towels—flne aesortment. White Flannels of overt' description. Red Flannels, Plain end_Twilled. Gray Flannels, Plain and Twilled; - - Six Soto; of Fine Napkins; Thirtypeces of Rnsela Diaper at J OHN H. STORES, 702 l ARCH Street. N.l3: One lot of 'French Scarlet Cloth, for Cloaks, suPerb article: In LACES, 11814DICEROBIEYS. IRDWIN g&I & CO., No. 26 SOUTH 17 SECOND Street, -would call attention to their Steak of DRESS GOODS. embracing all _the uoveltiee of the Ilea Boll, from - the lowest price goods to the most exPen eve styles. Rickprinted Merinoes and Cashmeres. Rich and neat style Detainee. Figured Mohair Reps Plain Reps and Mohair& Fancy styles of Vali:motes. • weolPlaide Rich French Chintzes. Plain all-wool Delaines.'double width. • Plain all-wool Del sines, single width. • Black and Colored itaaPacas. Wholesale as well as Retail Buyers are respectfully in vited to examine our Stock. sell-13 O PENING OF FALL DRESS GOODS _ STEEL a sing. Nos. 713 and 711.3 tiOrth TENTH MISS (* Havel:lOW open s choice assortment of PALI4_ IND WIATER DRESS 3COM. . Plain slum oborce colors, sl2d to Plain Moire Antiques, choice shades. Plain Black Silks 90,e to fa 60. ' Figured Black Silks; Fano, 31,t. Plain All-wool Reps Repsoi s. alreolOrs. • Plain Bilk and Wool all ' • Figured and Plaid Reps AM Plain 'French hi erinoes. show., 0c d0r5,..;,;, P. lot ruts% Yrl)ll6ll c49lrte 111. giot, • • - sel7•thetnlm CLOAKS. Are now opening their WILL REMOVE 1064 CHESTNUT STREET E. M. NEEDLES islascravnffi Dena- at ALL DESIRABLE NOVELTIES I* ca LATEST IttIPORTATOES. EBIBROIDY , RIES. WHIT'S GOODS VEILS, &a, &a 10,V1 CEOS NUT STB,URT RETAIL DRY GOODS. OPENING} WINTER CLOAKS, FrTSFt.S, LADIES, -MISSES, AND CHILDREN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1533. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., 4 920 CHESTNUT STREET, CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. Water-Proof Cloaks artistically made. Elegantly-rifting Fall Cloaks. Winter Gloria of newest &signs. We make only first-class garments, which with our moderate prices make our stock and reputation un rivalled. We continue to make Cloaks to order. and en gage aperient fit. . , A t :Brodie Long Shawls from auction. - Scarlet-Centre Brocbe Shawls. Black•Centre Brooke Shawls. Blue and Green Centres- do. BROCHB BORDERED Shawle. with. Black Centres. cheap. Black Thibet Shawls, bargains. CHILDREN'S And MisFes' Shawls Woolen Long and Square Shawls. Cents' Shawls, nest sty les. extra sizes. • BLANKETA $l9 - Blankets. superb quality and Size. $l2 Extra Large Blankets $lO Blankets. several makes of 11.4 size. $9 Extra, Heavy All-Wool 11-4 Blankets: $8 All-Wool Blankets. wholesale Price.* $7.60 and $5.50 good Bed Blankets. Army Blankets, Horse Blankets, Wholesale and retail at lowest cash erica. FRENCH MERINOES, FRENCH POPLINS. FRC/STED BE IVERS - Ladica' Cloaltin gs of every kind, grade, and price. Fine Black Clothe and Cassimeres. Fine Fancy °nest meres. A mammoth stock of these goods. Tailors' Linings by the yard or piece. COOPER & CONARD, It S. E. corner NI ft Tfl and MARKET Streets. EYRE & LANDELL,, - FOURTH AND ARCH, E. &;L. OPEN TO-DAY, FOR FALL SALES, Rich Printed. 113311:11'709, DELAINEB, PEPS, &c., &o. E. & L. EYRE & LANDELL OPEN TO-DAY New Silica for Fall Sales. Corded Silks. F;gured ' Moire Antiques. Poul de Sales, &c.. &e. E. & L. FYRE OPENING} a ARE OPENIN - 4 " a flne assortment of SHAWLS, for the Wholesale and Retail sales. E. & L. wyRE & LANDELL ARE OPENING L for Fall Sales a magnificent line of DRESS GOODS. E. & L. VYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH", open today - Extra Fine Freneb MSAII.IO, for city retail %ales Select sbades of MODES, BRUWIId, NEW SLIMS. HUMBOLTE. &c.. Sm. ea-lathe tf CLOTIIS FOR CLOAKS. Frosted Beavers, low price. Frosted Beaver, fine quality. Black Beavers, medium and heavY. Black Cloths, all qualitiAs Black Cloths for Riding Habits. Drab French Cloths for Croaks. SRARPLESS BROTHERS, - oc2 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH <Weida SHARPLESS BROTHERS OFFER A LARGE ASSORTMENT of NEW STYLES of RALMORKLS. 4 , YARDS WIDE. 44 I" , CIIES LONG. LOW PRICED. MEDIUM and FINE QUALITY. 002 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH &Inas. LV- 1 - OURN IN G CLO.A_KS, MANTLES, SHAWLS, &a., At the NEW MOURNING sTon. 9:46 CHESTNUT Street, M. & A. M_YERg& CO. LADIES' FURS. LADIES' FANCY FURS JOlTrit No. 718 ARCH STREET, BELOW EIGHTH, Importer and Manufacturer LADIE'S' FANCY . FURS. dren is flow eeraP Will be fashionable during the present season at the manufacturers' prices. for cash. Ladles, please give me a call OPENING OF FANCY FURS JOHN.A. STAMBIICH, IMPORTER 'AND DIANITPAOTURER OP LADIES' FANCY: FURS, -NO. - -826 ARCH STREET, BELOW NINTH, Has now open a splendid stock of LADIES AND CHILDREN'S FURS, Which will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PEKES. FURS! . FURS! GEORGE F. WONRITH, NOS. 41.5 AND 117 ARCII STREET, HAS NOW OPEN. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' FIU.IIS, To - which the attention of the nubile le invited. se22-3m BATS AND CAPS. OPENING DAY THURSDAY, OCTOBER Ist. DIMES AND CRILDRIIN'S FANCY HATS AND CAPS, LADIES, MISSES, AND cluiralvacs FURS. CHARLES OAKFORD & SONS, Nos. 834 and 535 CHESTNUT Street. DRINA AND GLASSWARE. KERB'S Furnishing China & Glass Establishment, CHINA. HALL, 529 CHISTRVT STRUT Atir DIRECTLY OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE HALL.• is the cheapest (for the duality) and most . extensive as sortment of WHITE, PARBOIL ,GOLD-BAND AND : DECORATED CHINA IN THIS CITY Just opened, of our own importation.'eisadr-one cask s very superior plain WHITE TRENCH CHINA., in any quantity to snit purchasers. Also, a splendid assortment of Fashionable CDT AND ENGRAVED TABLE CRYSTAL GLASS Also,_ plain white. English Stone Ware, Dinner and Tea Ware. Also, Toilet sets. in great variety, some very elegantly decorate& Donble:thick China Stone Ware, and Glue, ex pressly for ~.., HOTELS, SHIPPING:: AND EnsTAI3RANT S. French China decorated to order in any pattern hir Initisls engrayed on Table Glam. China and Glees packed in a proper manner. ses-satnth-4m FANCY ARTICLES. D GLENN IMPORTER OF DRUGGISTS' FANCY GOODS, NO. gO SCUM FOURTH STREET, Offers to the trade a full assortment, including in part— Hair, Tooth, Nail, Cloth, and Shaving Brushes. Camel's Hair Pencils and Marking Brushes. Combs in shell, ivory. horn. and India rubber. ' Perfumery and Toilet Soaps of all descriptions. . Pure ReaSntial Oile. Ross Water and Orange Flower Water in cans. Powder Boxes and - Puffs in great varietY. • Ronnd Filtering Paper, all snes. Cachous Aromatise, Hooper's and Arnaud's. English Pink Fanners. Beeves! and common. New Zealand , and Pink Linen Twine. Flasks, Tooth Picks, Violin Strings. &c., all at lewest fr arket prices. 86.14.1mif , ROOFING-! ROOFING 1 ROOFING Heavy Gotta Percha Roofing, ready to.nail dow:i. It requires no after Coating of Cement, Paint, or othsi material; it is more durable, and but about "half the cost of tin, and is adapted to' either steep or flat roofs. This Roofing is made of the heaviest weven fabric ever need for the purpose, both sides of which are heavily coated with a , preparation of Grata Percha and is se eared by Patent. It can be applied by any common workman, and we confidently believe. it to' be the best Mooting, without regard to price, now in nse. Also, Liquid and Compound Gude Percha Cement for repairing leaky tin and other Roofs. It forms a permanently adhesive elastic coating over the whole surface, filling up all tbe small Rust Holes and Joints, and often saves the expense of anew Roof. - For coiner< iron and other metals, securing them from the actiau of the weather, it cannot be surpassed. Circulars and samples of the READY 'ROOFING sent by mail s when desired. Addreesv "PENNSYLVANIA ROOFING COMPANY, an .iforth 'FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. T OMAID - oAsr-IRON HEATER PiPES, of varione sizes, for sale in quantities to snit purchasers. ez J. v. mg% No. 1%5 South THIRD Street. AMERICAN ROOFING SLATES FULLY EQUAL TO THE BEST WELSq SLATES. T. THOMAs, ie26•4:13." All Wltlaitl7: Stmt. PRECR'CURRENT CIRCULARS, AND COMMERCIAL LIST, Are published EVERT SATURDAY,' BY STEPHEN N. 'WINSLOW. /1 4 No. 211 DOCK Street PEISSE ON PERFUMERY, P! M R ATI/INS. WITTEUBBILL.ON MANDF A WIP CTU RE UM OF VINEGAR. OVERMUN'S MIN RRALOGY AND MINING. ' MILLER AND LIZA R', O.N ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO: WRIGDT'S PR/WIC:la. REChIPC-BOOK rioGoTr ON COPPER AND COPPER MINING Publiehed and for Bale. together with a generAl asoort meat of ._ _ MEDICAL AND ECIENTIPP: BOOKS. at Low prices by LINDSAY dt BLAKASTON, • Publishers and Bookseller. oc3 25 SOITPIT SI Scre.t, abovo qheatinit NEW BOOKS AT REDUCED PRICES. Gala Dare By Gail Hamilton 25 Freedom and War. By Bendier 125 Eleanor's Victory. By Mrs. Brad don 40 Aurora Floyd. New edition " 20 Lad) Au dley's Secret out der-Etrape 80 New Gospel of Peace 15 Companion to do do 15 Squire Treylyn's Heirs 83 Rom ola 1 00 Live it Down 4n Army Itemab.tions. New edits 1 PITCHER'S BOOKSTORE SOS OHS RNUT Street RF;VEI,ATIONS, A COMPANION TO 7 the New ecariel. of Naos according to Abraham; IS'holeale and Ca ALLEN, No. 1308 C.FIRSTNIIT Street. All the NEW BOoKB and NAG IJ.INES . 0c2.3t POLITICAL MAP OF PENNSYL -a- VA NIA. exbibitinu the vote of every County at the Governor's Election In 1860. in figures and. colors. Jakt Priblielied, and for kale (price 12 conte)lw T. rI7G - 0c1.2t.* E. W. corner of fIITESTNI7(Vand sIXTE( Stn. COLORED CARD PHOTO GR &P 13.5. , oco Beautifully Col erect Photographs for Pale wt. 0 1 4- PAAP atd retail, at PITCHAR'S Bookstore, 808 C NIIT Street. FORTS SUMPTER AND WAGNER. -a- —MAP kl howthg siege operations against Forte $ amp ter and Wagner, between Jab' 13ch and Septemb..r 7th. recta..- by permiesion of General Glimora. Price 10 VIEW OF TIM RUINS OF FORT SU:APTER on Am. gust 25th. By authority of General Gilmore. Price 10 cents. OUR FOREIGN RELATIONS. A spe*ch. by _Hon. Charles Sumner.' Price 25 cents. - For sale by WILLIAM . S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, se3o 606 CHESTNUT Street. NEW BOOES-- Juet received by J B, LIPP[NCOTT ,4 co.. 715 and 717 MARECEV Street. THE PENINhUL'A CAMPAIGN IN VIRGINIA: or, incidents and Scenes on the Battle - Fields and in Rich mond By WY. .T. J. Maras. PETER CARRADINE; or, The Martindale Pastoral. By Caroline Cheeaebro WENDELL PHILI,TPS' SPEECHES and LECTURES. THE SAFE COMPASS. and - it Points. By Rev. Rit,bard Vewton. OUR.OL b HOME; A Series of Ex glish Sketches. By Nathaniel Hawthorne. METHODS OF STUDY I 7 NATURAL HISTORY. By Agat , siz. STANLEY'S SERMON . IN THE EAST. PALMONI• or. the NUMERALS OF SCRIPTURE. By Prof. Mahan. se' HAZARD'S BOOKSTORE, AM Books usually to bo had in a FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE, Will always be found on our shelves AT THE LOWEST PRICES. sel2- 6m moss & Co., Beeerctfolly inform the public they hate opened a BRANCH• at where will be found a complete stock of Fancy. Staple, Counting House, and Office BLANK BOOKS, A.ND ENVELOPES, of their own manufacture, of the beat Qualities, and In great variety- • The businet•s will he conducted on the principle of SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALES. By prompt and careful attention, uniformity in prices, extensive assortments. together with their long experi ence in that line of badness, they ask a share of public patron age. Blank Books ruled to any pattern. Envelopes, of any size or shape, roads to order at short notice. They will continue their Wholesale business of Book sellers and Stationers at the Old Stand, No. 430 ITARKEr STREET. se2l-1m if FOR SALE-- THE NEAT AND medium-sized Residence. No. 1031 UT. VERNON .t. Apply at No. 231 S. SEVENTEENTH St. oc3-30 TO RENT-A LARGE, UNU SUALLY well-lighted Basement. Iccateisoa one of the gisatest thoroughfares. well suited for a wholesale liquor business. Appb to ROB C, sIA.CG REG 0 tt, It No. 449 WALNUT Street. 41 - 1 FOR SALE CHEAP-A PESTRA bIe three-story brio dwelling, with gas, bath, hot and cold water, du , situated at No. 2027 Poplar street, Cars 'within one square. Apply to ROB gra MACGREGOR, Hat No. 4-19. WALNUT Street, FOR SALE OR TO LET-THE 13.. very desirable Dwelliou llou.e. No. 1111 VINE street. Well - built and commodious, with good lot to a back street. Rent, *ooo.Price. $7,000 - 55, 000 of which may remain. upon mortgage at five per cent. J D. REF BOT . oc3-3t* 436 WALD( u r Street. tin FOR SAL E—A VALUABLE GRIST-MILL in Chester county. large ran of cus tom. and eircellent buildings-22 acres of land. • Also, a good FAQ in Delaware county, near a station—only $9O per acre. Also,--a MACHINE SHOP, with st.ann .engine end tools, ready for use—a sacrifice. D. S. CAD NVALL iDER, 108 South FOURTH St. oc3-61 FOR SALE—VE L Y CITE AP.-- also also Building Lots 0 - changed on favorable terms. L 23 South FOURTH Street. oc3 ATld. S. W. corner SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. el ICE HOUSE FOR:SALE=-SITU Ec2l ated upon a large IsPRING-WATER POND that has never failed to produce Ice from 8 to 16 inches in thick ness, and within 200 yards of Railroad Track; said. House is )08 festilong. EO wide, and. (30) thirty to square three years old. Apply to or address oe2-SV . S. THOMAS., Potlsville, Pa. em, FOR s A r E—VALU A ELF. FARM, ..6••• near Montt Holly, New Jersey, rs acres; large farm bulldinge (Mansion brick), tenant'' , hou=e, out buildings of every kind, large lawn, fine shade. .bc E. PET CIT. 323 WALNUT Street. Call and examine Register of Farms. oc3 gIISFOR SALEDESIRABLE AND ...a—..highly-improved COUNTRY PLACI3, 10 acres; large Mansion. 14 rooms: bath, heater, cold and hot water, tic., coach-bunco, barn, carriage -house, 310., situate on the-Old 'York turnpike, a few miles from the city. Apply to E. PETTIT, oc3 323 WALNUT Street. 83 .0.F•00 'AND OTHER SUMS. TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE, at 5 Der cent. on. city property. by A. P. & T. Ef...MORRIS. oeS.3t. 916 ARCH. Street. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER 4-A- GENERAL'S - OLFTCE, PHILADELPHIA, 28th September, 1863. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until SATURDAY: 3d October next, at 12 o'clock , for the delivery at the U. S. A. Hospital. Chestnut Hill, on or before 10th October next, of the following articles: LOCO feet 8-inch Hemlock Plank. 6,500 "'Hemlock -Scantling. 7,600' 3d Common Boards. 4 k2gs Nails 10 A. 1 Spikes, 5-inch. 6 pairs Hook and Strap Hinges -6 Door Locks. 20 pounds Wrought Nails, 10 A. 24 lights of Sash. 7,30) feet Felt Hoofing. The right is reserved to reiect all bids deemed too high. By order, A BOYD, se29-toc3 Captain and A. Q. I‘l. PROPOSALS FOR LUMBER. • CRIEF ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER ' S OFFICE, DEPOT OF. WASHINGTON, 134 NORTH F WASHINGTON. D. C., September3l. 1869. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this ounce until THURiDAY. October 8, 1933, at 12 o'clock 31, for delivering in the city of Washington, 1).'0., at snclapoint as the Divot Quartermaster may direct, one million (1,000.000) feet of Lumber, of the following kind and de . scription. viz: Five hundred and fifty thousand (650,(0 feet 44 or one (1) inch White Pine Common Guineas.'" une hundred thousand (700,000) feet 6- 4 or one and a' , half (U') inch White Pine Common Culling& Twenty thousand (20,000) feet 3.4 or two (z) inch White Pine Common Cullings: One hundred and ten thousand (110,000)feet Scantling. 3by fourteen feet long. (hemlock.) • - One hundred and ten thousand (110,100) feet Scantling. 3by 4. sixteen feet long ( hemlock .) One hundred and ten :thousand (110,000) feet Scantling, 3 by 4.. eighteen feet lob g. alembic% t.) - all the above described to be good merchantable Lum ber, subject to the inspection of an. agent, appointed on the pert of the. Government. • All. the Lumber to be delivered on or before the 28ch. day of October, 16,63. PROPOSALS. The full name and post-ounce address of. the bidder mint appear in the proposal. • If a bid is made in the name of a firm, the names of all the parties must appear, or the bid will be considered as the individual proposal ofthe party signing it. Proposals from disloyalparties will nothe.considered, and an oath of allegiance must accompany each proposi- Proposals must be addressed to Captain Edward L. Hartz,. Assistant Quartermaster. United States Army, Washington, C.,_ and should, be 'plainly marked. " Proposals for Lumber. " GUARANTEE. The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the'offigial certificate of the Clerk of the nearest District Court, or of the United States District Attorney. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract, .should it be awarded to hint, most be guarantiedbY two respon sible person's, whose signatures are to be appended to the guarantee, and said guarantee must accompany the bid. Bidders must be present in personwhen the bide are opened, or their proposals will not be considered. Bonds in the sum of five thousand dollars, signed by the contractor and both of his guarantors, will be re quire* of the successful bidder or bidders, upon signing the contract. CONTENr7TAL HOTEL- Form of Guarantee. We, of the county of and State of -, and of the county of and" State of do hereby guarantee that -- is able to fulfill the con tract in accordance with the terms of his Proposition. and that, shonldhis proposition, be accepted, he will at once enter into a contract in accordance therewith. Should the contract be awarded, him, we are pre pared to become his sureties. (To this guarantee must baappended the official certi ficate above mentioned). ' The right to reject any or all bids that may be deemed too high is reserved by the Depot Quartermaster, as well "as the tight to select from each bid such lumber, at the Price theiein-named required by the Government; and in case of the failure of ahidder, whose proposal is accepted, to furnish within the time prescribed. in"- QM' lily or quantity. the Lumber stipulated to be delivered,, then the Assistant Quartermaster to have the right to supply such deficiene7 by Purchase, and such bidder to be charged - with the difference of cost. - Informal proposals will be rejected. EDWARDL. 'HARTZ, Captain , A. Q. 31... U. S; Army. NEW PUBLICATIONS. 724- CHESTAtfr STREET, Between Seventh-and , Elghth Streets STATIONERY. No: 432 CHESTNUT STREET, Second Door above the Post Office, ST A T 1 -0 NE R Y, FOR SALE AND TO LET. PROPOSALS. :: w A T.c,-gEs AND CLOCKS RE- IdsIPAIRED. and warranted to 'teen time for one year, :ix THEO. 9tlB SERLD,ZP . , GARDEN Street, south elde, below Tenth street, • . 04, IBVI , i3O I JS ROOTS.-- JUST BE cErvy,D. in tine order, a 'splendid assortment of double and single liyaeiralls; Tolips. Crocus Lilies. NRICIESUSsar d other "Bullse,for 'forcing into early bloom,. or planting in the aarden. Catalogness'on application to 131i . X.E.Y A. DRBER, agerCHESTNUTStreet. . AO ti IT E -F,iY E , OF- SUPERIOIt - 4 - quality. for Seed, for aide bsr D. L aNDRATH & SOL its ' 'No al and 23 South . SIXTH Street. DR. DU BOUCIIET. pN No. 1533 ARCH Strol, V 8.31 cor. gistsentli. so9-Im* . . . , . , . _ ..... 1 - IYOTTVILLE GLASS WORKS.---WE - 1 . , have a FITIINACIF. Ili BLAST. and are prepared to tAtititd.. to orders for BOTTLES of every description. i. B. a a: w. BENzmits. "kiloW trl Beatld FRONT "Stria.`, ABl l l.lB - F6bin : '8 NEW CHESTNMST. THEATRE.- Lessee and Manager Mr. MX WHILATLST. LAST MEL' but one of the ennee.meer.. MB. ooLmrts. The g - rand Drama- entgled. THE DIKE'S MOTTO, le which MR. WM. WHEATLRY will sustain big original character al "Lagardaite," achleYed 811C03103 of any moDErN SENSATIONAL DRAMA, haNing already been witnessed by ViVaIiTY , EIGHT THOIidAND PERSONS, and etill attracts largo audiences. It will be oresantod EVERY EVENING DURING THE NITRES - SIR. COLLINS AS CARRICKFERGUS. aSpported by the • . ENTIRE DRAMATIC COMPANY. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. LOSSCP Mra. M A. OARO.O.TTBON THIS (Saturday) EIZitNiNG. October 3. DR.l3lilig2llD. Edward Dri ddlet on Edwin Adams. To cMaelTide with the nautical drama of BLACK-I,l'ED' StrBADT. - Edwin Adams. Box Oflice open daily from 10 till 3 o'clock, when ne../4 may he Fecurna; without extra:charge auge of Time—Dooraonen at 7 o'clock. Cart‘ttt rinse at 734.' VIES. JOHN DHENV"B . ARCH— fCREET THEATRE—ARCH,6treet ate , ve Simla Acting and Stage Manager AVM PREDEaIraCIEL BnginPee Ace.nt end Treasarer..... ........ MITRPRY. THIRD WEEK OF RICIHNGS' OPERA , TROUPIL \TO-KIOR'U (, fleet time OI THE BOI.IEICAPf . Arline. --- 7 }Adder's Count Arnb'elin. Devi To conclude with the drama of ROBERT MA:3AIRE. _ _ Robert Macaire. ITh.rton. MU. qups Stroptltasrt Roblon. 1. Re ta.eare I—The RI. clantrees. Tick - eta, 25, 50, and 75 cents. N . , extnacharge ftirnocnred pots at , bo Box Offlen. from 10 A. M to 3 P. ott3 CONCERT lIALL. MONDAY EVENING, October And con:lane every afternoon and evening, for it, short season only, RLITI.VGP.E zit. kiNcIOWR'S GREAT MORAL EXHIBITIOfi. 913 E TERE.F. ‘).I..LEBRATED DWARFS, Com. Pone, .Itivs _Viza Neste]. and Col. Small. Ile three ',indica brimen beitige in the whole world,w4Lb.- oat exc<Ption: 1' conjnnotion with lions. C. LAVALLEE'S PARLOR OPER& TROUPE, Ten in ni mbar. All apne-g - In this ma.mtnoth doable entertainment. landed with the - most brilliant en comiums by the ch•rgy;"preEs, and public. Deere open a.t2hf and Begins a. 3 and 8. Tickets 215 cents. Children under twelve. to of ennoon matineint.. 12 cents. " J. D. NEVirCONI3, ocl-et Butiness Manager: TEMPLE OF WONDERS—ASSEM BLIT -A- BUILDINGS, 'rENTH AND. CHESTNUT sTuras. Amusement for Old and Young Mirth and iSfaPpineW open for the season. Constant change of Entertainment. SIGNOR BLITZ. EVERY EVEN/BIG. commencing at 7Y. o'clock. a Wednesday RIK Satnrday at 3. consisting of New 317s teriee in Neer( money, great sticcass in Ventriloquism. and tbe Leart..d canary Birds. Admission 25 cents: Children 15 cents. PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE LETS. • 10E5 CHESTNUT ETEEST OPEN DAILY (Sundays excepted) Iron 9 A. M. tat 6 P. Yr_ Ad roiesion2scente. Children half price. .PM-If WANTS. - WANTED—A BOY, OF 16 OR 1.8 mp ieet e th O i ll i c e e to C r l y e - rk-. Inquire at 108 South FOUSTIte IV ANTED-CANVASSERS FOR A T I First- class Lire Insurance Company. Addresa, Pax 1a , 7 Phila. P. 0., with name and references 0c.3-3t WANTED -A YOUNG MAN, OF 18 Years of agA, as Assistant Boakeerer in a Hard ware Hones. Address. in handwriting of applicant. box - 1158. PlOl, delpbia Post Office oc3-3t.- W ANTED TO RENT-A ROOM ON the second or third floor. situate between Tontk and Fifteenth, aad Arch and Spruce streets, (or a reve rend gentleman's studio. J . Id. Canfvfalt & SONS. ocl-3t 508 WALNUT Smoot. ANTED-A RESPONSIBLE POST- TION, by a competent and experienced Book ) One wbere initbininess is appreciated. Mares' H. BARTON, • Preee office. ce28.90 tP con.—A PERSON WITH THIS amount wishes to engage in some BLOW 111:1,S1NEf S with another having equal capital. Bar 1962. P.: - 0. oal 3t• $6O A ,MONTH!WE WANT AGENTS at e 613 a month. expenses paid, to Bell our EVERLAbTING PENCILS, ORIENTAL BIIRIVERK and thirteen other articles. 16 Circrimrs free. SHAW & CLARK, Biddeford, Maine. sell-d&Want *at DEPUTY QUA_RTE,RMAST GB ERdL'S OFFICE.-Pame.DELPHIA, Feb. IL VESSELS WANTED Immediately to carry COALE, to ths followlagPoDag: Tortugas. Key West, Fla. Fort Monroe Va. • Alexa ndria, Newborn, N. C. Port Royal, S. C. A BOYD. teld-tf Captain ands Assist. Quartermaster. BOAXI)114(31. NEW BOARDING HOUSE.—MRS. PUFFY having just opened the hone No, 269 B. FIFTH street, below Walnut, has a few handsome Rooms unarmed. Besides permanent Boarders, SIM' cep accommodate a few 'Gentlemen with Tuna BOARD. - seal-flt THE HANDSOME= RESIDENCE,-103: -a- WALNUT Street, will be opened for reception of . Boardere in a few dare. sel2-moo FIRST -GLASS BOARD, HANDSOME communicating and single rooms; Private table. Si desired, No. 1315 WALNUT street selo-lne LOST AND FOUND. L 0 S T -CERTIFICATE OF CITY LOAN, No. 2.674 for $lOO. due January, 1881, in name of lIET‘RY EARPER. Turstee. ses3-364,* 0 S T-01<RTIFIC ATE No. 12, FOB FIFTY SHARES OF STOCK in the DELAWARE, - MINING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN, in the name of W. A. NEWBOLD. All persons are hereby cautioned— against negotiating the same, as application has been made to the Company for its renewal. aa29sl2t•. P ERPETUAL POLICIES NITAIBERBD -a- 1189, 3,190, 3,191, 3,19 t, 6152, 6,183, and 14.611, on. the lot of ground, and seven brick 'norms thereon erect ed: situate on the south side of Washington street, and extending from Swanson to Church streets, in the city of Philadelphia. iFsned by the Franklin Fire Insurance Company to. Archibald Robertson, and tratmfered May 29, 1368. to John Culbert and Thomas Reddish, having been lost or mislaid, any person finding them, or ha- Mae of where they are, will please inform. • J. Culbert, Phelps, At FOR FREIGHT 0 • ; The-British-brig SPARTAN, McCulloch rila.ster. 2,600 bbls capacity. Apply to g WINi.OH. & co . No 332 SOUTH WHAAVES. STEAMER WAWASET-- For SMYRNA, PORT PENN. DELL WARE CITY. NEW CASTLE. and CHESTER. from first wharf below ARCH.St. every MONDAY. WEDNESDAY _,_ and FRIDAY. at 9 o'clock. Returning. leaves SOMS/11 BOOK Landing every TUESDAY, THURSDAY, sad SATURDAY, at S o'clock. Stages connect with the boat for Smyrna, Dover. and, Let sic. es26-I2t. 1,1 4 22. 11 FOR ALBANY AND TROY -Steamer J. B. DIOLLISON„ J. Eichmast inae,er. it now loading for the above points. and will leave THIS DAY, October 3, at 4 o'clock P. M. For freight, which will be taken on reasonable terms. apply to - S. PLA.NIHAL t 304 South DELAWARE kvenae. Mt . CARRIAGES. 1863 . WILLIAM. D. ROGERS, Coach and Light. Carriage Builder, Nos. 1009 sail 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, selo-8m PHILADELPHIA. TO SPORTSMEN. PHILIP - WILSON & 00., 409 CHESTNUT STREET, liannfacturers of superior DOUBLE GUNS, equal. If not superior, to any of the following makes, which we 'keep constantly on hand: William Greener, Westley Richards, Moore & Harris. and other :makers. . Also, Powder. Shot, Wads. Caps. &c. We shall be constantly supplied,' during the Beason, with every variety of SKATES. VOR. SALE-A VERY SETERIOR -a- DOUBLE GUN, made by Westley Richards, in Ana Walnut. Case, complete ,* price, Safe. Any one in wank of a superb Gun will find this equal to anv in the coun try. PHILIP WILSON St CO. se2S-6t " 409 CHESTNUT Street. NTOTiCE, APPLICATION NI/ ILL BE -L- I made by Israel Roberts to the Department of High.- wro s, for a contract for the paving of Edwin street, be tween Ridge avenue and. Grape area in the. Fifteenth ward, in the city of Philadelphia. The following own ers ot property on said. street have signed an agreement for the same: Rosanna Mellor, 66 feet; John Maurer, 14 feet; William Moorehouse, 14 feet; John Atkinson, 14 feet; Fahes More and, 14 feet; Jacob Peters, 14 feet; Charles F. Jones; 223 feet; C. P. Polwell, agent for C. Lee. 14 feet; William Felty, 14 feet; Stuart Benson, for J. Benson, 14 feet; Matthew Connor, 14 feet; Catharine Strayrine, 14. feet; George Newman, 2S feet; William. Brown, 14 feet. Owners of property on said street, having obiectiow to the contract being awarded. will make them at the Deoartment of Highways, on FRIDAY, October 16, Mt, at 11 o'clock A. M. ocl-3t* . DR. FINE,,PBACTICAL DEN TIST for tho last 3wenty years. 2.1.9 VINE St., - below Thiri, inserts the' most beautiful TESTS of the. age. mounted on tine Gold, Platina, Silver, Vulcanite. Coralite, Amber, &c ,, - at prices. for neat and substantial work, more reasonable than- any Dentist in this city or-: State. Teeth plugged to last for life.-Artificial Teeth, repaired to suit. No pain in extracting. war ranted to tit. Reference. best _ fatniltes. .jerl9.9m. TRU.S S E 6 , BRACES; &c., i . Skil fUlli , 8 clinked by C. H. NEEDLES. 4 : , ....„,:ediP corner of TWELFTH,RIGS Streets. Ladies'-Department for same, conducted by Ladies. TWELFTH Street. firet door. below Race. The• most complete. and varied stock on hand. consisting in Part of Trusses., Suppertere.. Shoulder Braces, .Belts. Bandages,_Elastic Stockings. Crutches, Syringes ,.-Sm A N titles for Nursery. Sick Room. &c: At"... JOHN- CAPEN, P.ELKEN:OLO tatGIST, maybe eirnonited, DAT and WOOING.= adaptation to Business Trade, and .Profeesion; on the improvement of health; - corieetion of • faults, formation , of frindehips, fired Full. de scritgions of character given when retrain — ed.,.. ° at No. Sig , S. TANTE( Street. shove o,64Nainut. ,sta-tbstkamit TAR ATTENTION OF, Gg,9OBRS, AND OTHEIth le invited. to the NEW BLACKUG manufactured by BROWN .1,8.5QTE1F334 This Japan 81ae1441, with half the =mai labor, imr Farts a most Intensely lich lustre stud jetiblack„ equal to. the high est Japan. - rnahish, pr.:ahem. a. most perfect smooth surface,. so ss not to soil the fin.mtlinnn; renders the leather easy and pliable. and will retain. its,vlrtnew. in any climate.. • For sale by the case at _ TRAYER, -ac 417 417 COMMERCE Street. se2s-Imd THE REELS REPULSED.. A GREAT VICTORY. LILLIE'S _WROUGHT IRON AND IRON TRIUMPHANT. • LAwßffecui Bansae, Sept. 10; . 1853. 1 - 3. DEAR 5: We own tha only Lillie Safe in town_ quantrers guerillas tried t 3 open it. Augnst,2lBt, but could iwt, NWT other 520_1911 , 5 brottin,o74n. The Re bels tried to force. but their. liaminord and liars had no effect on ours. We uronlis . like to obtain the:agency for this:vicinity. Yours truly, SIMPSON BROTHERS. VViSrla LuaaE, TroY, E. V. A GREAT-CONYLIORALPION_. LILLIE'S NVEOaOEIT AND CHILLER IRON 'VICTORIOUS. - • BUFFALO. Se t. 16, 1883. LEWIS T toy, Sir .7. I Suppose you have Seen the maottnt, hi the papers of, the:conflagration. we had here yesterday warning about o'clock. My office was located about the centre of one of the burned hui:fainse, and all we had in the race klose was burned ori la Oar books, papers, and currency were lathe came. oat all right The Safe wee exposed to a twrt -131 heat for about eutht hours. The are took in the lower part of the -building of a. Yours truly; I. MOE. M. C. SADLER: Agent. ' No. 2:1. S. SEVENTH Street. ocl-thstnbla SPECIAL NOTICE , — MARTELL'S ALI -GL,ASS FRUIT ABS:J NEW C " StiE fs bU i r 4 Aß AItIERICAN 1ta.h.,.,H GLASS MUD S, BELUTIETIL FERNERIES & LETCHWORTH. „04,101. Icova vuma:titreet- `lnns Richings Mr. Hill RElRtita Peakes