FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. PHILADELPHIA, AllgUSt 19, 1863, The interest on the loth of August seven-thirties Was paid at the Mint to-day in , gold, which resulted 'ln b a lively time on Third street. The news from Charleston caused a depression in the market, and 'holders were generally anxious to sell, as better news Iwas hourly expected. Gold opened weak at 1253;, tailing off to 124%, closing at that figure. Exchange 'as in moderate request at 13734. Government sixes and seven-thirties Are steady. Quartermaiters' vouchers are selling at ,U@l. die,; new certiacatesat 99%, the old at lot. .oloney is substantially the Paine as yesterday. The conversions into the live twenties continue to control the market fc r Government securities, as but few see any advantage in paying 103 for one loan, when they could obtain one as good at par. 'Were it not for this, there •is but little doubt that rfovernments would be ranking with the first most. gage bonds of our best railroads. It is better as it is, as there fire many who would accuse the Govern- Iment of taking advantage of an easy money market to raise - the m v ket value of her bends. The stacl4markc t was much excatd today, and the spirit of pp seems to be growing rapid ly. As usual; Viention was mostly bestowed upon 'alarm State lifes,zold in small amounts at 10034@ 34, new City, sixes at*. Beading convertibles rose to 122. Pennsylvania Railroad, 2d mortgages, Sold at 106%. North Pennsylvania sixes at 95, 115 was bid for the tam. Sunbury and Erie sevens sold at 107, Reading shares were in great demand, and rose to 61,1,1, closing at 60,54 bid. Philadelphia and Erie rose to 21%. eatawissa 1 r,ferred to 26. Long',lsland sold at 43g. (Jainden and Atlantis preferred at 1934. Werth Pennsylvania at la,s,;, Pennsylvania at 61?,1. 35 Was bid for Elmira. •17 for , Little Schuylkill. 02,4 Tor BiLinehill, Canal shares were active. Union preferred rising to 5. Sutquehani a rose the bonds selling at 65, no change. ;Schuylkill Navigation sold at 13, the pre ferred largely at .`2.4%@yi,". Lehigh Scrip sold at 41. Spruee and Pine, passenger sold at 15,14 ; Locust Mountain Coal at 30 ; City Bank at 60; Girard at 43. The market closed arm. - Drexel 5; Co, quote: United Stares Bonds. . United States new Cert of Inflebteliness• 93;6(2 SS United States old Cert. of Indebtedness 101 101% United States 7.3-10 Notes.. Quartermasters! Vonehers.. .... .... 3101 die. Orders for Certificates of Indebtedness....•...diB. Gold. „...„. ..... —.A2444125 iSterling Exchange. 137304138 X Jay Cooke 1 1 / 4 Co. quote Government securities, &c., sus follows 1 1 Vatted States 6s United States 7 S-10 Notes.. ... Certificates of inclebtoduosr. old.. Oertifloatee of Ind obtodnes.. new. CinarterpliyOre Vonchara 3)oMaitd - NOtes Sales 11-20 s, *711,:00 The following shows the receipts of the Delaware 3:olvielon Canal Company for the week ending Au gust 15, 1863 : For week to dee Previously lu 1863 Corresponding time last year Increase inlS63 •• The following shows the shipments of Coal over therrelaware, Lackawanna; and Weetern Railroad, Itor-the week ending Saturday, August 15, 1863, corn. jpsred with the same time 1862 _ Week. Year. Tone. Cwt. Tons, Cwt, 7,669 06185.610 06 15,679 18 515,071 09 ShlPPed North iShlPped South.. Total 2464504 For the corresponding time last year Shipped. North S 4 , 2 16 ). hipped South 20;166 10 Total. Increase The following shows the amount of coal. trans rorted ovu the Lehigh Valley Railroad for the vreek ending Aquat 15, 1313, and previous since December 3, 1802, compared With same time last year Week. Previously. Total. Tons. Cwt. Tons. Cwt. Tons. Cwt. ...4,61 . 6 16 159.4 . . e 19 163,03 15 XINEB. Hazleton • • • •.• Mast Sugar Loaf =.4 305 E 5 97,03113 - 101,338 18 Council Ridge ' 1,664 18 66,239 13 67,801 11 Mount Pleasan• 166 12 50,245 13 - 20,531 09 Spring Mountain 1,707 09 72,507 17 7J.215 C 6 Coleraine .... ..... 620 12 . 44.669 15 31.990 07 33eaver hleadhw.ll9 06 2,980 12 3,099 18 Smith's Spring 1, 014 04 24,007 17 25,031 01 V. Spring Moun rel a .. 1,852 DS 83,458 07 85,3 1 0 13 Jedpring Mountain clo 3.160 14 81.575 15. , 85.731 09 .. 1.24 . 1 07 31 949 17 37,194 N 824 04 59,777 10 40.509 14 ' 625 03 29.085 07 E 9,789-10 .. 660 07 26,302 ag 25.971 CO . 830 15 22.705 16 -23.535 11 Harleigb ipermanl'enta.., Eervale Lneeville tither Shipp Total 22,606.01 796,963 11 819,569.15 It7orrespondiu week last ' Tear ................25 856 13 490,280 17 517,067 10 306,732 14 302,502 05 sobs Increase Decrease The following shows the business of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company for the week ending August 16, 1S(13 FROM MAUCH CIICNA. ffrunmit Mines. Boom Run Mines B. Lehigh Mines Ban MAnon Coleraine Mines ;bring Mountain Wrath's Spring Mount Xf. Spring Mountain llines IS. Spring Mountain :Hazleton Mines Buck Mountain • Council Ridge .Jeddo Mines l'ulton Mines arleigh Mines Afilneaville Mines P. and Dna Coal The following is the statement of coal transported Ewer the Hazleton Railroad for the week ending August 16, 1863 Week. Previously. Total Tone. Cwt. Tone. Cwt. Tons. Cwe . Hazleton`BrinoEl Cranberry :. '4.04210 ,102,8a3 18 100,871 08 • •3102 .64,444 18 65.216 00 65 o 7 • 30,774 19 - 23.340 66 414.1 01 - 84,75( 16 -- 89,18100 2 310 00 - 84,754 16 71,067 14 28676 18,617 04 13,904 CO 1 419 CO 36.285 01 37.664 01 .. 4,406 17 93 2 03 97,673 00 .. 1 o'o 13 38 .606 01. 36,043 12 949 OS 25,295 11 26.214 19 .. -903 19 603 19 Mlamond. Last Sugar - Loaf.. Council Ridge.... Wouut Pleasant.. 311arleIgh • 2-addo Apervsle. =Janesvile. isuc Total 23,540 14 552,124 12 575,665 05 Corresponding Period last year 21,0Z4 03 340,065 05 361.136 OS Increase 2 4e6 11 212.059 07 214;525.18 Phtlada. Stock hush. [Reportedla - r S. Z. SLATE exit 9113.8 T COOO II 8 5 20 Tr .N - 5.b5.1913i 100 do .101 N i 7 City Bank bB fiu 100 Reading It— btiwn 60% 60 do _tote % 100 do 60% 100 do - 9dys 61 . IE.O do . .tGisu Cpl. BO do - • Cotl n GI 13 do El 'c 200 do .g ..• • 2.1718 61 '4 60- do ' 01%- 129 Sus b3O 15% -800 do 15.1 i 00 a 9 rm Snag Canal Ibord• 65 0000 d 0... • .... 30 66% 800 Penna Os 10939 270 do 166 E...-1008 139 ICCO do ICO 300 dr - ICOI 1000 00 Rea ding 68.1360 ...121. .4 5 do • 132 'lOO Catawisra P.pret 25 97 do pref 2-1 'CO do pref blOilt 75 '2OO do prer....t625 100 Reading E ..... • • • ri 1:•v 100 • do 6 G fi 50 d 0...—. ; ... . . 603: 100 do 16 Lehigh Scrip 94 3000 City 6s, new...... CE0 rbilatirplP The demand for Flour is limited, both for export and home um, ar.d the market is very dull ; about 700 bble' have been dieposed of $6®6.25 for Ohio extra familyond-$515 bbl for fresh ground extra. The retailers and Intkera are buying moderately at Seem $6.121•8@5,5734; for superfine; $5.60@5.87g for extra; s6@6 2§ for extra family, sod re 7.50 /ft bbl for fancy brairdCaenuding to quality. Rye , Flour le selling in a small way at $4.5000 to bbl. Corn 101ea1 is scarce at $4 20 for Brandywine. and $4? bbl for Pennsylvania GRAIN.—The demand for Wheat is moderate, but old red has aoranct d ; about 3,000 bushels sold at isB e 1.390 for Western ard old Penne red, and new do at from 110Cil130c 'or common to _ prime; white ranges at from .14431.00 c bu, the latter for choice Kentucky. 11.5 e is s.lang at 90e Jot new Delaware, sod 106 e ill bit for 1(t Penns; Corn is in demand ; 3,000 bushels s dd ar 81e for prime yellow, and 78c 'ft Ilea for Western mime. Oats are quiet; 1,800 bushels Lew Delaware role at. 55c bu. BARlC.—ist No 1 queraitron. is in demand at *3O VY tor. COTTON.—The transactions are limited, but hold ors are firm in their views. The only sales reported are in small lots to supply the immediate wants of ibuyere at 68c ifY lb ease or middlings. • GRODERI ES. —tluithe is very scarce; small lots Of Rio are ',Ohm; 27@280 ig lb. In Sugar there is 17ery little doing, and priceirremain as last, quoted. SEEDS.-010 vPr 1 , dull at $5.50@5 75 bushel, 'Timothy sells at $2 25@2.75, and Flaxseed'at $2.25 ift Lushel. • PROVISIONS —rho marketfis firmer, and Lard atas advanced ;1,0(0 bbls and tot sold at1l0ya103;0 Ilb, cash ;60 pkgs 0 Butter sold at 1.0,%c 3Y, and 'lO,OOO Ms Shouloers at 61. Ness Pork is selling in Ismail lots at $146 ul 60 gi• bbl for new. - WHISKY is firral-r ; Pennsylvania and Ohio bbls are selling at 47gc, aril drudge at 463 qp gallon. The follotVing ate the receipts of Flourand Grain . Ist this port to•day Flour.. Wheat..... Corn Oats ISt. Louis Boot Hind Shoe Market, Aug its t 17. Our jobbers in boots and shoes have purchased full Istocks_, with a view to a largely-increased fall trade. They have paid c ,510wn Tor all their goods, and rare prepared to sell us low, if not lowei, than goods man be purchased in Hoy other Western city. Stocks Stave been increased , n order to meet a large South ern demand ; and es trade with the South le likely to be restricted for 601118 time to come by the exi gencies of the war to put doWn the rebellion, it is !pretty certain that our she houses will not be met goy a demand suille'.et to absorb their stock, and the competition been en sellers must cause prices to Rule low, Aa yet shr fall business is not fairly under WAY. Bi"E - 01-,1, NOTICES. GOODWILL. AND 'FIXTURES FOR SALE OF AN E TIVO HOUSE,- lentil' On one of e best inclined prominent streets in Lie city of Philadelphia.. doing a large and profitable atielnees. Reason for selling—lot being able. 'on account pf 111-healt4., to give 'no ousinese proper attention. Addreis an2o.3t Pod Office, Box 2779, Philiaa., liArR DYE! Arn LYE!! BA.ToggLows 04.hreted HAIR DTI ie the Beet it the World. The eaty Clarmleca, True and Reliable Aye known. This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect—changes *ed. Busty or Gray Ruiz, instantly.o a Olomy Black tor Natural Brown, without Injuring the Hair or Stain' Ong the Skin, leavin,i the Bair Soft and Beautiful; ins !Parts fresh yltalitY. frequently restoring fte Pristine Dolor, and rectifies ,the 11l effects of Bad Dyes. The allentdne is signed wr, mem A. BATOHELOB, all others are mere imitations, 111ZIC ahonld•be avoided. Sold by all pruggista, dte. FACTORY-81 BAROLAT Street, New York. Batchelor'a Now Toilet Cream for Dreading the ONE-.rEICE .E 11.0THINO, OP THE LATEST Norms. made :n the iiest Manner. expreeelyfor RETAIL RAMS. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Pt. !rues. All poods made to Order warranted SatlsfELOtOr7. Dur 0101-PRIaE BYSTS3I is strictly adhered to: AU are !thereby treated alike. del2-ly JONES Sr CO.. 604 NARE:ZT Street. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, OF . CONNECTICUT, the great natural Boae Setter. frl- .. . .. lou4WolA 99301 99 . 0 991.1 124 0121 ..... ©125 512.815 5 4 .35,235 85 . . -$99,077 39 47.031 94 $40.995 45 Mrs .1) WlZ:ce,Atlantic H Wright. Louisville Le.ompta, Boston IiFIV fork 153.70 10 I Col F,ench, New York 455,451.15 J A Gardner, Pa 701,651 15 614.033 08 ..63,6-L9 Oo Fnr the Week. Total. Tons. Cwt. Tons. (lmt. ••• • 7069 . 12-. 230 076 01 •• • • 23,12 7 30,401 OS ..: 1,405 09 12,301 07 226 18 4,996 66 •. 210 67 Agp oi 6x210 2,302 01 16.968 17 1,066 8 13.65802 2,070 08 41.369 C 6 78 04 - 78 04 678 13 8,832 12 1,228 18. - 16,056 13 761 10 9.026 LB 9215 ..74103 : 1,993 01 49 04 1,830 14 561,178 01 ge Sales, August 10. a, Philadelphia Exchange. ] OARD 6000 Staies Erie 75 107 66 Penne R. . ... . 200 do - 11)5 604 . . - 16 Bch Nav pref 2dys 2136 50 do pref e 5 21.4 200 do , 2411 100 do pref. .:.s5 24% BO do pref ... . .. . 21% 100 do pref.. 2dys 241; 50 do - prof 2411 350 Union Caul 5 50 & Erie 27% 24 Locust 30 . . . . 15 . IV Penn& R DK 1W do .. . ... ...bswn 193.: COO Girard Bank b 5 3419 va 1 9 Lehigh Scrip 44 101 Schnyl Nay. •..b5 13 2000 North Poona halts 95 25 Cam & Atlan trot.. .1.6 X 2060 Echnyl Slav 6s mist 82 166 Long Wand .1i:1230 43A 'WO b eading Oa 145 ...121M I)GO.Penna B 2d mort..lo6X 600 Union ljf 60 Scb Nav pref escrn 24•4 60 do pref s 5 2430 60 do pref • s 5 24% 60 Phila. & Erie 27%. i3O do• 271 i 100 'Union Camil prat-• 5 50 eprnee & Fine 15% is Markets. Atrotrer 19—Evening 2,100 -bble, 9 600 bus. 6 60Q bue. 7"900 bug. ARMFULS AT THE HOTELS, VP IV 12 CRILOGH LAST NIGHT. teeet, below Ninth. W & Garretson. Maryland B W Sanders. Washington Miss 3 Sanders. Washington Master Sanders, Wash G trard—Chestnut s A L Jenkins, New Haven B Berton St wf, Illinois Dire R Russell, Illinois Liout Russell, Illinois Roberts & la, Wheeling J Keneagy, Stroudsburg R Wilson, Washington H McCarty, Providence .k F. Stevenson S.: ch, RI W MOCleery. U S N F Crane, Baltimore J 1. Prentiss, Springfield. 0 S S Thorn peon, New York John F Todd, Baltimore W Martz, Ilnaimore R Langsden,Pittston.Pa H W Miller. J Norton. N Y Miss .T Norton. N Y Miss Dinsmore, N Y VT 'Chomp on, La G 8 Gallup. Pittsburg rd£l.i Finlay, Washington 0 L Jenkins, Pottsville C ft RlPPelmeyer, Balt All labben, St Joseph C J ifßobinscp, Waslt joint Locke. Wasblugton A Weston, Colorado Ter C P Williams, Nem York W M Holma,Pa R I. McDonald, St. Joseph It B Wigton,ltaiatingdou T Walls h la,Salem Miss H Walla,Salem A 1 afeLelland, Chicago John Young, Alton B MClnty.e,Jacksonville J Vanhorn, Jacksonville Mt rim West, Jacksonville Smith , • 1) S Althonse,Pottsvillo W BEdes,Georgetown,D C W B Ed wards, Baltimore Mrs J It Sob onmalier, Cin Daniel Siete, N Y S I. KA& r; Carlisle A B Brloion,llarriableg nt Culberson, Pa: S s ddes, Lewisburg D Tharp, Wble.ling C Snear,ll S Sain't S G lac er,Washington J C KirobalLlVew Haven M Young & la. Y W Y MoCtibbiu,ittnhoson. I TllO5 SUM, POllll.B. J - 1 0 4 PatterFon & sis,N J T Hunt. N Y . . E Greeaeimnm, Baltimore MO 0 H Smtth,lon a ml Chestnut streets. J H Hawkins, Steubenville E Brooke Penns W King, 'Pittsburg Miss King, Pittsburg, Miss Lothrop, Pittsburg P N Burke, New York WA Allen & wf, New York Mrs M Stettin, New York Alex Fall; Nashville Mrs J C Richards J T Richards Miss 111 Richards Miss L M.Richards Mrs Ebbs, West Cheater Miss Ebbs, West Chester Kiss B Ebbs, West Chester Miss Mason, Maryland ..rtlinr Ebbs. Maryland, - - . Ebbs, Maryland Mrs Stillmaa New York Mips Stillman. New Y ork Sir Stillman. New Yora Mr & Mrs AH Nelson, Pa Mrs Grant, New York L Nati on, Port Carbon Jno T Noye, Buffalo W H Smith, Newark G W Seller, West Hanover Mrs W K Jones, Capo May J Y Cloppar, Greensburg F . Clopper, Greensburg P C Shannon, Pittsburg M 0 lhmsen. St Louis Continental—Ninth Col J TiPitulau, Providence Jos Dillon CIIPt G 11[ Ranheys, Conn R Fells, St Louie W Keile. Louis ' AI JrCeekQtaitc - s, 11l A SuPsel: Memphis N Palk. StLoUis L _Kaufman, Memphis Hon A K McClure, Cambg Chase, Cincinnati E Bacon, Lexington. My 01' Scone, Ph tebrirg DIiSF 11i R Scarfe:Pittsburg L E Taylor & wf, Pittsburg, J C Bidwoll & la, Pittsburg. D 5- Fumes, 'Washington H W De Percy &Avf, N T David Edes, Georgetown Mist:. H Edes. Georgetown anight,N Albany J D Johnson, rpringileld W Weber, Madison, Ind Burkam, Cincinnati E G Burkam, Jr, Cincinnati Dr C Bell Geo Scott. Ohio J Merritt & wf. St Louis C Leaman & wf. liera S Muerelman & wf. Penns Louis Krohn, New York -Geo Cehriug, Baltimore Deo ILSickel, Baltimore Baltimore Geo E Leighton. St Louis kW Risley & la, New York H W Brown, Cincinnati J Morton & la, Ohio . . . _ . A B FalVenburgh..Ter City Cape E B Oates & son J ht Cal Bight, New Yoik P Shefinan, Norfolk, Ira N Yenlose, New Jersey NV bi iteivart & wf, Indiana Miss Stewart, Indiana . . Mrs Dr Stewatt, Indiana Geo W Perkins A J McCartney J T urner, Delaware .T 0 Miles, Baltimore J Doe aldson & la, Cape May Miss M J Ponaldson,N J Mrs l A Denui,ton, CP MY heed Armstrong Jr, lowa Jo Zimmerman, New York P Zimmerman, Cincinnati W A King, Georgetown J C Cooler, Wheeling Ix & Mrs Love.ioY, OWeA . O Mr & Mrs W Et Platt, NY • Ciro R Johnson & wf, Ohio kmith; Baltimore NV A Bi revs, bow Jersey 'Debt B Donnie, England N Aulinf S, Pittsburg Jse McAuley, Pittsburg L 'McGrew, Pittsburg ,T T Huntington, Mass Vun .4einvrehr Fri IJa.:3la: Uncinnati D 0 Gel. r, Chambersburg O W Lull Chambersburg T S Kennedy, ChambersbEfl Hon F Watts, Carlisle titJ Merchants'—Fourtil Gen A Haye & wf,Pittsbnrg D South, Plymouth, Pa P t hap?. Plymouth, Pa H Itowap, Ohio Hon W It Gfiller & son, Pa W C Bull, New York ‘street. below Arch. I .D Conkley, Baltimore T T Burchfield & la. Palma Rev J A Lippincott, Penna Mrs Lippincott, Scranton L Martint_la, Virginia .1 H. Nash. Boston D Hoyt, Baltimore A Carmany, Lancaster H Decker, Lancaster E S Saeger, Allentown I W_B- Boggs, Auburn, N Y Jas Satterfield, Greensboro E' Hunsberger, Greensbo 1 B N Miller, Pitt burg !E Baster. Indiana !Miss Buster, Indiana ,L Levy Ineinno. 15 RotMehild, Ohio IR Rmborough, Illinois R R D'isborous h., Trenton Mrs Barnett, Penna Miss Barnetz, Nuns Master Barnetz. Penna !Amos Davis, Easton IR A George 'Si S Palmer, Bucks county ' Felix, Namisburg IC E Platt, Albany NV D Dixon. USA - S Brownold, Cape liar Mrs Woods, Green...burg, Pa Miss. E Foster, Greensburg W Donanhower, Reading T BUrnham, Chicago D Bratton & son, Elitton,Md D H Jackman. St Louis. J Abernethy, Connecticut A B Chapin. Philadelphia J M Thorp, Hawley, Pa - J 111" !Sowell, Pittston, Pa P En,ininger. Carlisle, Pa J Snowden, Pittsburg trdlinh & wife T Taylor, IJ S N H Jz 4 Borvers, Indiana NV J . Ida; tin & la NV A Brirleigh, Dacoish T J W Glosser, Salem, 0 J W Barron. Now York . . Jo...MoConell, New York E Martin, New York Grylt am; New York Paint Fehwerpenheiser, Pa Peter Bah, renaa D Garrett WC; Caldwell. HuntingdOn D Raymer, Pittsburg Mrs M Spina, Allegheny" Miss Beggs, Allegheny -Miss Mercer, Allegheny D A Thorp, Hawley, Pa Henry' Wilmott,Hawley,Pa D 'Pleb am, Mauch Chunk N D Col fright. Manch Chuk Frrdk Lauer, Beading D Luther, Pittsburg. Mrs W Young, Allentown Ni/n1 Young. Jr, Allentown Geo A Erunsey, Ohio W McClellan. Carlisle Geo S Man Eon, N Y S Seymour, N Y Amex] eau—Clizestmitz A P Nash, Boston N C Morrison, PottsTille P Chaffer, Massachusetts J S Norris, New York Samuel Hepburn, New York D U Garrison, New York. Charles T Bet and H Stratton Lient C P Blake. 11 S W P. Johnson, Baltimore A P Bet naroli Intro Melot Thomas Lewis. Washington A F Potts. Washington F Griffiths, New York C C Etties P Tilfsny.Rhode Island J S Gregg, Broad Top PA Bennett, Broad Top J ti Gleim,Huntingdon J L Leo& Miss Merian A C Dexter. New York ' D W Chambers, New York St. Louis—Chestnut Rat B Dinh, 1J S N JD Nam', Selaware Jae J Kerr, rittsbur¢ - D Whitney,Delaware Mr jones Reading hire S p, Cooper, - Indiana S Sparks, Indiana J B)osgbton & son, Ohio- N Manger, Penne. B Renshaw. Reading -J Cameo. Jr, & la, Albany Chas Ste,berger. Albany J Nlightner & la, Balt S H Buttrick, Bid J Atdrew, N Y W J biibert, Troy, N Y J K Whillden, WM3h, D 0 L UTPio, Boston C Hussey A T Lewis, Baltimore Henry Clueing, N Y The Union—Arch s II M Middleton, Washingtn B n Wells,Washington J W hilsom, Harrisburg • F Eisner, Wilkesbarre C EBerh Maar. Allegheny dam- s Wolf. Ohio H B Richards, Ghio Thos Hemp, Altoona - C W Young,Lehigh co N S Pyram, Indianapolis P Gramlin g, Indianapolis C Wittenberg' Indianapolis D Carter,Winchester. Ind W C Beecher; Pottsville M. Cobol), blemohis _ Miss 3 Sh , nk, Lane co. B Butler, New York I.ient I B Goodman,ll S A Lient P M McManus, II S A rßnrley Sheaf—Secon Jos CI wan, Newtown B J Smith, Bucks co M Jo., rett, Montgomery (leo C Worstaul, Newtown Wm Davidson. Cheltenham E L Crocker, Trenton - W thew. Jefferson co T Stemple, Horsham C Good. Newham Gee Hibbs, Bucks co C F Stapler. Bucks co H 8 Stapler. Bucks co B 0 Titus. Attleboro T Wetherill, Attleboro' Edw Doyle, Atlantic City „T Ft ("arty, Trenton A J Shields, Wayne co W Hughes, Hammonton . D Marple; Montgomery H M. Stuart. Horsham S Snyder, Bucks co National—Race:at WriiHaniUphire, Jallle3 H Thomas S B Marks - D Weil, Baltimore -A Woolmer; Allentown A Kauffman, Harrisburg T V Rhoads. Allentown Reuben Bart, Kutztown Miss Ara , y Smith • 'W m C Walter, Lehighton Blaeh Bear—Third $ John Jones, Penna. . D F. nu ttle, Parma L Schaller, White Hall liensinger. White Hall (3 Wells, White Hall llio3 - sr,' White Hall T 14 Addis, Huntington Vol J Al Thomas, Bucks co D T Kibber. Iliddleport J Ztillens, Dauphin co Madison—Second s T J Oilderaleeve, Jr St la John Finney, Stock?on A Weaver. J Barnsley. Bucks co C Cadvalader, Purina .T B Magill, Bucks co J ISlOrabe, Delaware v I Tuttle, New. Jersey E B Dreher, Stroudsburg M . .A.M;L VANBLUNK—VINTER.---On the 16th inst., by Rev: George W. Shinn, rector of the Church of Our Saviour, Mr. Charles Vanblunk to Miss Julia Yin ter; both of this city. * W.T.TSELL—STRANG.—On the lath inst., by. Rev. J. H. Stockton, Mr. Israel E. Witsell, of Mroodstown, Salem county, N. J. to Miss Annie SI rang, of Camden county, N. 1., late of Philadel phia. . * DIPM. EDWARD,S.—On the evening of the 19th inst., Lyoia, Wife of E, 13. Edwards, in the 43d year of her age. *** HILLES.—On the I9th inst., Mary, infant daugh ter of Samuel and Mary A. Hines:. t.: The relatives and friends of the family invited to attend the funeral, from her parents' residence caner of Orchard and .Tacony streets, Frankford, on Sixth• day afternoon, the 21st inst., at 2 o'clock, without further notice. - - ** WR IGHT.—On the 16th inst., Josephine Amanda, youngest daughter of the late Joseph Wright. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence, Powder Mill lane, near Prankford, this (Thursday) afternoon, 20th- inst., at half past two o'clock. To proceed to Ronaldson:s Cemetery. Car riages will leave Wm. H. Moore's office, 505 Arch strret. at half past one o'clock. • * WlLSON.—Suddenly, of heart disease, on the morning of the 17th inst., at Cape Island, N. J., Mr. Robert Wilson, in the 29th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the faintly, and also Keystone Lodge, No. 271, A. Y. RI., are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, No. 327 North Fifth street, this (Thursday) morning, 20th inst.„ 4 at 9 o'clock, without further notice. To proceed to Woodlands Cemetery. * DTIFFY.—On the 'lBth"-inst., Willie, infant son of Charles and Amy Duffy, aged 13 months. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the resi dence of his parents, No. 40 South Seventeenth street, this (Thursday) morning, at 9 o'clock, with out further notice. PARRY.-On the evening of the 17th inat., at the residence of hie uncle; Isaac Mather, Melton Elias, Samuel. Parry,. Jr., youngest son of 'Samuel and Martha 14. parry, of this city, in the 20th year of his age. .His relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral, from Isaac Mather'son Fifth-day morning, at half past eleven O'clock.' ' lnterment at Abington. Cars leave Third and Thompson streets at thirty-five n. n utes . o st ten o'clock A. 31 BUR NET.-:On Wedneeday morning, 19th init., Aell. wife of George , Burnetoged 75 years. * MORE the 16th inst., Margaret Dn. . _ Capt B.thn, St Louie G W Henrie, Martinsburg P C F West, Penner T G Lyon or. la, W Haverrd \V S Tell, Washington L p O'Toole, Washington Mrs M Z Marshal, Ohio H McMullen. Ohio H Reeves, Washington Saint Gardner, New York Geo S Koontz St wf, Washe W H McDonald. New York J Demearest. New York Geo S Gallupe. Pittkburg C A Hawley. St Joseph P Pettebone. Pennsylvania C e Cattiu, Illinois .- R C ctevens,Washington W S Ryder, St Louis W Ii Wickham. New York Lieut. Corn Meade, II SIT Capt A T McCoy dt. la. N 0 David A Hayes, Newark \V 11 Chatfield, Cincinnati R P Cowles, Terre Haute if isa M Murphy, Albany W Findly. New York J Martin South Carolina Ins Duncan, St Louis Mark True, New York. W-Jont s - Beverly Jones 8 Kennedy, New York N Hobart, Boston- C C Martel, Btistott _ A D i [isle°. Warn, Dal DI Biddle. Pa R Vose. New York Chas W Lord, Baltimore L F Lannay, Baltimore Alex Langhlin,Wheelinz C Storey, Boston C W Hamrichouse&la, Balt W D Levy & la, Hagerstown Eamsdell Moe P Ramsdell 111 - W'Perei;ri, Baltimore street, above Fifth. William ill LPip Georga T White. U S Charles B Neal!, Nashville Jas Skirving, Washington L H Schneider & Nei, Wash W J Kuhn. New York _ . . . Geo T Miller. Leavenworth J Pinerielr, Michigan Beard. Utica, N , , G eugent, Pennwlvania C Drew & wf, Jeff co, Va C Osterloh, Huntingdon Thos W Acton, Salem, N . J E S Fleming, Alexandria, Va Geo Plu.mer, Wooster P•G Trebin, Dayton, 0 J A Thompson, New York Mrs Howard, New York S Hellen. New York J S Morris & la. New York J M Duckett, Baltimore W B Thompson, Salem, N J H Seymour, Maryland J *A. Dick, Wt Newton, Pa street, above Third. Jos Hedges, Wilm'g, Del. J Townsend, Wilm'g, Del John Lee, Md 11 T Mulford, N Jas R Plant, Wash'n. D C J Plant, Washington. D Wm Hall, Baltimore J A McCaffrey, Baltimore D Gowdy is, J W C Freeman. N Y Win Butterfield, N Y JFI Prince, .N ' W.pi H Dorman. N Y Lieut L bi Hosfield, Bait R E Lazordy„ hianolL'r,Raff C D Megiauess, Baltimore C Akers, Baltimore J L Simms, Georgo'n, D C 'l,St Simms, Wash'n, D C G Seij uant rest, above Third. J B Townsley,Cincinnati G %V Ziegler. Greencastle G, F Magian Greencastle J Marvin. Hanceck Miss bI P Fowler & wf,Tammina Kirpal, Troy Thos. A Borth, Maryland. L Beach, Smyrna S Beck, Luzern co G J Doll,lllaryland L A Brengle. Jr, Maryland D Blgek.Easton D Ertnentront, Reading E W Manes. New - Jersey Peter Van Aorn,N Jersey LStraues. lowa - - . W Heyberger. New York L Eliel, Laporte, Ind C Jaggard, Altoona d street, below Vine. J Osmond, Willow Grove Geo Baker, Willow Grove J Markley, Hatboro Wm Sager, Hatboro John Biglow, Vermont J V Reading, Hatboro G W Pierson. Abington L B La Bar, Pt Pleasant Jan Holmes, Abington. Sara Carr, Bricks co Geo Rodgers, Towanda E M Rice, 'Towanda Mrs Larne, Belvidere Geo W Tanis, Belvidere H Bye, Lahaska J Mdtapler, Newtown J . Force, Backs co C Grammar. Long Branch D C Dangler. Long Branch A H 'Preto, New York eeiralocrve Third Kntz, Reading Kreamer, Phre nixvitle B Kaniman,LieNvellyn, Pa W H Tyson, Llewellyn, Pa J G /Wabash, 'Lebanon IT Pricker, Beading 1 ST Ricksecker, Lancaster E B James, Logansport, Del B Eeesinger, Port Carbon t., above Callowhill Fink . . J Fritz, Lehigh co H 9spicy. Hamburg T D Wolf, Danboro . . S N Laros, Spzingtown. T Holloway. Penna T Frendenick. Lehigh co Dr J S Reading & clan, Pa C H Schnell, Reading P McGuire, ,Lnzerne co reet, above 111arket G H Dreher; Stroudsburg 6 E Welbeeher, New Jersey P L Allen, Wilmington Wm B Brown, Penna N L Merrill, Washington J T Joslin, Albany Mrs .7 B Anderson. IT 7 J C Welton, New Hope ZLIMIT:). more, wife of Bergin& Baymore, in the -35th year of her age. BLACK. BAREGE RERN.A_NIS.-JUST opened, a case of LUPIN'S BAREGE HEIMANN. Lupin% Black Crepe Musts. Do.. do. Tamartinee. Do. do. Baregee. ' Do. do. Sommer Bombazines. ' Do. do. • Chally T emboss. Do. • do. Wiped and Check Bareges. Do.. do. Mousseline de Baines. • Do. do. Bombazines, Shawls, dm. - BESSON al SON'S Monvnirm Store. 1 13 No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. WRE & LANDELt,FOURTH AND • -•-• ARCH Streets. open to-day ono case FALL DRESS SILKS. Solid Brown Figured Silks. Solid Blue Figured Silks. Solid Mode Figured Silks. ~, Solid Green Figured Silks. RE .& LANDELL, FOURTH AND VI -1-1 ARCH. are opening for Fall sales. Colored French Merit:too& New Balmoral Skirts, • Back Silks all Prices. - 'Flannel s for Fancy Skirta. MOSQUITO RABB BY THE PIECE Green,Blusa.nd White Mosquitir Bars. Ran - BYRB k TANDBI.L. IM-VNION STATE COMMITTEE AISbILS, COBIIIONWE<H BUILDING-3, PHILADELPHIA. August 20,1068. The Editors of Union Journals throughout the State will confer a favor upon the Etat° Central Committee, and verve•the Union cause, by sending their papers, until after the October Eledtion, to"UNION STATE, 'COMMITTEE, Philadelphia. "a au2o-3t WA.YNE'IIfeVEkOH, Chairman. NO PARTY BUT OUR COUNTRY ALL LOYAL CITIZEN'S, WiTROUT REGARD' TO .OLD PARTY LINES, who are in favor of the present National Administra tion, as representing. the GOVERNMENT OF OUR COUNTRY, and of a • VIGOROUS PROSECUTION OF THE WAR for the sapprassion of rebellion as a neceseity for the preservation of - OUR GLORIOUS UvION! all who love theirconUtry better than - their party; all who hate monarchy and aristocracy, but love liberty; all who are true to the principles of oar Revolationary sires; all who are determinea to resist the interference of the English Government; or of the French Emperor, with America n affairs: 'all, whether native or adopted, who glory in the title of American Citizen, are requested to meet at " _ . . • • PENN SQUARE, • CORNER OF BROAD AND MARKET STREETS, ON 'WED NESD AY EVENING, Anglia 26, 7363. .at S o'clock, to ratify the nomination of ANDREW . G. CURTIN . , the Soldiers' Friend. FOR GOVERNOR, and the nomination of the 110. N DANIEL AGNEW, the incorruptiblY man-magistrate- as • SUPREME JUDGE, and to lake such mvasures as may be advisable to SECURE THEIR TRIUMPHANT ELECTION. Eminent Speakers will addroas the meeting. By direction of the National Union Executive Com mittee of the city of Philadelphia. au2o-6t SECOND WA tuor. —A DrEETING OF the UNION LEAGUE. THIS EVENING, at the Hobert Hailes hehool, SfXRI 2 I Street. above Carpenter. JOHN W. LYNN, President. Joux W. FRAZIER. Secretary. It* Ma. SEVENTH WARD —A STATED Meeting of the NATIONAL UNION ASSDCIA 'LION OF SEVENTH WARD. held Tuesday evenjukt. August ISth, IS6S, at S o'clock. at O'Neill's Hall. Lombard street, below 'Broad, agreeably to the call of the City Executive Committee. Mr. William B. Madara in tee chair, and Mr. Jae. Dick Secretary. The above officers having retired, the following gentlemen were elected pro tem.: Mr. William Elliott, President, and David Bridge, Secretary. • 'The meeting then went into nominations for e facers to serve the ensuing year: For President—M. William Elliott and Ilfr. William B. Madara. For Vice President—Mr Samuel Carroll, Mr. E. Gibe• son, and Mr. William Robinson. For Secretary—Mr. David Bridge and Mr. James Dick. For Treasurer—Mr. George. Patella. and Mr. John Noble. - • The election having been held, the following named gentlemen were declared duly elected to serve the en• suing YFar:. For. Presidett—Mr. WILLIAM ELLIOTT. For Vice Presi:lent—Dir. SAW - TEL CARROLL. Secretory—Mr. DAVID BRIDGE. For Tremsterer—nr GEORGE PATCHEL. A recess of five minutes allowed for the several Pee elude to choose one Judge andlwo Inspectors to conduct the Primary Elections to be held in each Precinct on MEDAN EVENING. August 25th.1833. which resulted in the choice of the following named gentlemen: Firs, Precinct. —,Tiatge--Fred Wilson. - Inspectors— Chas. H. Smith and John Parsons. . _ Second Preeinct—Jodge—Malcom Martin. Inspectors —Chas. Widdera and John T. Roberts. Third Precinct.—Judge—William Mullin. Inspectors —Joshua Unttle and J. J. Skerrett, Jr. Fc urth Precinct.—Judge—Moore Beatty. Inspectors —John Wilson and Jas. hfcCabe. Fifth—,Tizeig . e—laiteJ, Jeffries. inspectora —Daniel Meßaigne, Jr, aud Thos. Wilson. Sixth Preeinc;.—.7usiDe—Jeremialt Nichols. inspectors -John McClintock and Adam Huhn. . . seventh Precinct.—Judge—Benjamin Ogden. Ingreet ors—David Bridge and Henry Harvey. Eighth Precinct. —Judge—C. Bowers InsTsclors—A. Stewart and J. Rolston. Mr. L S. liens. of the Sixth Precinct, offered, the fol lowing resolution, which was adopted at a meeting of the Sixth:Precinct held Monday evening.*Ang.l7th.lB63: Resolve d, Tr a t the place of holding the Delegate Elec-: tion in the Sixth- Precinct ho changed from Nineteenth and South streets to the regular Precinct House, No MOO Pine street. The President announced tt at the Elections will be held at the following places between the hours of 6 and 8 o'clock P. M.: Firet Precinct at the house of F. Wilson, Lombard street below Eighth. • • • Second Precinct, N. R corner Twelfth and. Lombard streets. Third Precinct at the house of Mr. London, S. W. cor ner-Thirteenth and Lombard streets. - . . . F h Prtoinct at the house of R: White, S. W. corner Sixteenth ea Lombard streets. Filth Freshlei; E. W. corner Eighteenth and Addison streets. Sixth Precinct at the house of Richard Stokes, S. W corner Twentieth and Pine streets. Seventh Precinct at the house of John Sande, No. 2139 Lombard street. Eighth Precinct at the house of S. Rolston, Twenty second street, between Lombard and South streets. The c-flicers conducting the elections shall make their Returns at the Precinct House Rf. E corner of TWE E.P and LO SWARD Streets immec lately ulcer the result is known. On n;otion, Resotred, that the proceedings of this meeting be published in The Press, Inquirer, Ledger, and News. On motion, the meeting adjourned. - - WILLIAM lILLIOTT, President. DAVID BILTDGE, Secretary. It* - NINTII WARD NATIONAL UNION SSOCIATION. —At a very large and enthusiastic - Meeting of the Loyal Citizens of the Ninth Ward. held in pursuance of a call at the Hall of the Association on the evening of the 18th instant, JOHN THOM PSON, Esq., was called to the Chair, and JOHN L. HILL, Fig., was appointed Secretary. The Citizens proceeded to elect Judges and Inspectors in their respective Precincts, to conduct the Delegate Elec tions to ho held on TUESDAY 'EVENING, the 25th inst., for Conventions to nominate .a Member of the Legisla ture. an Alderman, Select Councilman, end other Ward Officers. The following gentlemen wets nominated as Delegates to be voted for, : - LEGISLATIVE DELEGATES. lot Frecinet—Wells Walton, C. W. T Steele. od Preeinot-5 Price A. Is. Hoskins. fid Prebinct—Ed H. Ogden. etti Precinct—Jim Bolder. sth Precinct—M. Crell, Francis Blackburne. 6th Precinct—D. B. Eeitler. . 7th Precinct—Walter Allison, Jos. Patton, Jas. Craw ford, Jno. Stewart. Sth Precinct—Morris Hansen, James Kelly. CITY CONVENTION DELEGATES. let Precinct—Walter Allison. W. A. Stokely. 2d Precinct—A. N, Hoskins, S. Price. • 3d Precinct—A. Shimmel. 4th Precinct—James S. Thompson. sth Precinct—David Beitler, Alex. Crawford. 6th•Precinct—Wm. Mclntire, Lewis Gordon. • 7th Precinct—Thomas Cunningham, James Boyd, Wal ter Allison, .Tom ph Patton. - Sth Precinet—james Kelly, John L. Yonng, John At kineon, Joseph Sloan. • DELEGATES TO WARD CONVENTION. Ist Precinct—T. W. Young, George Keller, Constant T. Newkirk. • 2cl Precinct—Francis Newlin. S. Price, Thee. Thorne. Mt Precinct ,7Benry Manly. W. 11. AleGalla, Ed. H. Og den, Wm. Bringhurst. 4th Precinct—Thom H. Amocker..John L. Hill, Thomas Wbitelock, S; Sparhawk, Philip Bond. sth Precinct—S. I'. Freeman,W. D. Potts. George Mershon: W. F. Preston, R. ViTLiberton, D. Steinmetz, I. Baler, Simon Mudge. - 6th Precinct—Pemberton Smith, R. Williams. Andrew Weilds, Matthias Custer, Thomas Lewis, W. Brown, Samuel Copeland, B. F. Kern, James MeCarthey. Geo. 7th Precinct—James Boyd, W. R. Allison, Johns ton, A. Doane, M. Sloan. C. C. Franklin. Sib Precinct—W. A. Boyle, Patrick Lynch, John L. Young, Joseph Sloan. The following gentlemen were nominated for WARD COMMITTEE OF SUpERINTENDENCE. let Paecinot—C. W. T. Steele, Wells Walton, W. A. • Stokely. 2d Precinct—Francis Newlin. • - - Bcl Precinct—W_Viffilliameon, M. D.,. Cyrus Horne. 4th Precinct—James S. Thompson, John L. Hill. sth Precinct—A. H. Mershon, Francis Blackbarne, Jas. Sth Precinct—Wm. Mclntyre, John Thom p son , Thos. - Lewis. -- 7th Precinct—Walter Allison, Thos Pearson, Thos, Cunningham, Charles Young. 'Sth Precinct—James Kelly, John L Young. The following general nominations were made: SELECT COll - NciL. John Price Wetherill. ' James L. Claghorn. • ALDERMAN. Sergeant Samuel P. Jones. CONSTABLES. - • John Urian. William J. Smith. SONOOL DIRECTORS, Wm. E. Tenbrook. Morris S. Parker. Daniel Steininetz. ' James Doran. . B. W. Beeseley. LEGISLATURE. • 0 eorge -Wiegaud. ..An election for officers of the,Association. for the'ensu ing year resulted in the unanimous choice of , • JOHN THOMPSOM Esq.; -President: - DANIEL STEINMITZ, Vice Presidents, SAMUEL P. JONES. ES E q s . q , •-• -JAMES A.- FREEMAN. Esq., Treasurer. -JOHN L. HILL, Esq., Sectetary. The Committee, viz: the Hon. Charles O'Neill, 'Alder - man Beitler, Sergeant S. Jones, Jr. ; Morris L. Par ker, Edwin haefsnyder, Daniel. Steinmetz, and John L. Still, Bette., ippointed to re enare a preamble and reso lutions endorsing the nominations of the Pittsburg Con ventirn, reported. through its chairman, the following, which were unanimously adopted: - - Whereas., The time has arrived when the cause of our country-demands the active, earnest, and patriotic efforts of all loyal citizens to sustain for office men WI o have been tried; and who have given their energiestowards cre.shing rebellion: and, - 'lngram Our present Executive, Andrew G. Curtin. has .devoted himself; unceasingly, in bringing to the field armies ripon armies of loyal Pennsylvanians; and, Whereas, No opportunity has bi en lost by htm to aid the sick, comfort the wounded, and give encouragement • to the brave men who so - willingly left their families and. their homes; therefore. be it Resolved, That we, the- citizens of the Ninth ward, heartily endorse the action of the Pittsburg Convention In renontuating for. Governor Andrew G. Curtin, whose loyalty has been tried. whose fitness for his position has been eminently shown, and whose kindness to the soldier has endeared him to the thousands of the sons of Pennsylvania who have entered the army to do battle for the country and the flag.} itesared. That in the nomination of Judge Agnew for Justice of the Supreme Court. R e have a candidate who for years has sustained upon the bench the reputation of being an upright man, an eminent jurist, and a citizen upon whom, in time i like these, loyal men can rely for a faithful performance of duty. - - .Rewired. That we will give our time and our labor to aid in the election of Governor Curtin and Judge Agnew, knowing that in their sticcees good government will be secured, the inexhaustible loyalty of Pennsylvanians will be again demonstrated; and the wise Administration of President Lincoln and his Cabinet will be assured that the Keystone State can ever be called upon to recruit our glorious army and gallant. navY, to the very last man needed for the punishment of traitors in rebellion. - I.' The Committee suggested that Daniel Steinmetz, Esq., should read to the Associaion a most able and eloquent address, prepared by him, aspen the importance of the coining campaign and the duties of loyal men; where upon it was read, after which it was . Rest:ailed, That it should be referred to the Executive Committee of the Ward for nffhlication and distribution. • JOHN THOMPSON, Chairman. Jong L. Him. Secretary. . M• EIGHTH WARD NATIONAL UNION ASSOCIATION. —At a large and enthusiastic meeting of the Association, held TUESDAY EVENING, August 18, -the . following ; officers were . unanimously elected to serve for the ensuing year: . . Vice Presidents. CHARLES GILPIN, . CoL.CHARLES S SMITH SAMUEL %INSLEY: W.BIIChNSL' _ - • _ WILLIAM - • WILLIAM MAUVE. Secretaryy • •S. LOWRIE BELL. ' - ' Treasurer. A. P. COLE4BERRY. It J, DOWELS BELL. Secretary. , e raTHE FilanN us. - ov THE'NA.- 111 TIONAL UNION PARTS' of the-Third Division of the TWENTIETH WARD will meet THIS EVENING, at 7% o'clock; at: the usual place, COLUMBIA Avenue,. above Eighth, street, to prepare for the coming delegate election. By order of the lt* EXECUTIVE C 3MMITTEEL rofrAVIS AUX ELIEGIANTS.—M. JO— . RSPB ZACKEY. de Paris, Gerant de la Matson GRANDVILLE STOKES, Marchand Taillear, No. 609 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, a lihonneur d' aviser des nombreux ands et connaissances (ainsi rine Phono-' table public) gni l'on deja favorlse de leer clientele, vient de resevoir de Paris et Londres. les modes les Plus recontes et les mieuxportees pour la Batson d'ete. N. GRANDVILLE STOKES a mis a sa disposition les eteoffen les plus belles at les meillen.les qualites, des pro mieres manufactures d'Enrope. , 0- , • Les officieres et soldats de tout gr des y trottyrout les meilleures qualites d'etoffes, a des prix tree moderes - L'elegunce de sa coupe," ains'que le,cachet de distinction 'quo la caracterise, est deja trop amnia du public pour, en renouveler leurs merites. j 7 -:ID' THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1863. THIRTEENTH WARD, AROUSE! ORAND RATIFICATION MEETING F S friends-of the Hen. ANDREW G. CURTIN for Governor, and of Hof.:D &NIEL AGNEW for Judge or the Supreme Court, at thejunction of SPRING CI ARDEN and MARSHALL btreets, on THURSDAY EVENING, August 20th, at 8 o'clock, lire following eminent speakers have been invited and may be expected to address the meeting, : Hen. A. G. ('actin. Al. Me.llichael, Esq., Hon. Charles O'Neil. Wm. B Mann, Esq., Hon. Leonard Myers, John W. Hahleton, Esq Hon W. D. Kelley, George Earle. Esq. Hon. AL Russel Thayer, Wm. Nicholson, Hon. Charles Naylor., Edwin H. Coates, Esq. John W. Forney. Esc". , Let every man.- as he values the priceless privileges he now enjoys under the Government, and willing to eurtain the National Administration in putting down all oppo,ition to the laws, whether by Southern rebels i arms, or Northern as mpathizers in council, be present and.aive hie voice in favor of the triumphant re-election of Governor Curtin, and of electing Hon. Daniel Agnew : the friends of the people, tried, sure,and steadra.t. aul9-2t 1:::34. TO THE FRIENDS OF THE UNION AND THE ADMINISTRATION. The loyal citizens of the various wards of the city of Philadelphia, are herebyunguested to assemble at such places Hi sald'tvard a as may be designated by the officers of tbo National Union Ward Associations, on TUESDAY EVENING , NEXT, August 18, DM. at eight o'clock, pursuant to the rules governing the National Union Party, for such cases made and provided, to elect one Judge and two Inspectors for each election. division of sold wards, to conduct toe primary election. on TUES DAY EVENING, August 2.5, between the hours of six and eight o'clock.. Also:to p'ece in nomination candi dates for ?elegates to a City Convention to nominate candidates for City and County officers: also nominations of candidates for delegates to a Senatorial Convention in the First t"enatorial district, and delegates to the various Representative and AVard Conventions, to nominate candidates for members co( the State Legislature; City Councils; and Ward Officers. The meetings, elections, and Conventions herein mentioned shall be held in conformity with the rules governing the National Union party. By order of the National Union:City Committee of Su perintendence. WILLIAM H. KERN, President, JOHN J FRANK TN, I-Secretaries. ItaNRY B. I:URDU:VER. Ma. ST. LUKE'S AUXILIARY TO THE SANITARY COMMISSION earnestly solicits from members of the Congregation and others, contributions for the benefit of Sick and Wounded Soldiers. Articles of diet, flannel, and other goods, may be sent to the Society's room in the basement, of the Church, TEEMS Street, below Spruce; every FRIDAY, be tween 9 and 1 o'clock, and money to the Treasurer, CHARLES W. CUSHMAN, IHS South DEL AWARE Avenue. 1717-11t&thf12t. • lATTENTION, COMPANY F.—A Special Meeting of the Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates of Company F, THIRTY-SECOND REGIMENT P. M. ' will be held at the Armory. EIGHTH and cazowEaLL Streets. en THURSDAY. EVENING, August 20th, at B o'clock P. M. aul9-2t* S. C. BUM 0. S. CORPS OF HONOR, 11. S. A. HEADQUARTERS RECRUITING SERVICE, INVALID CORPS FOR PHILADELPHIA. 943 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SOLDIERS honorably discharged on account of diu ability will apply for information or enlistment in the IN CORPS . . _ . to Lieut. HUBER BAStIAN, Invalid Corps ' '243 S. Third street, Philadelphia., Lieut. S. W. DEAN. Invalid Corps, 511 Brown street, and N. E. corner Broad arid Spring Garden ste , Phila - Pay and allowances, excepting bounty and Pension, same as in U. S. Infantry. E. W. I,Ia.TTHEWS, Marr Ist Pa. Art. and Supt. Invalid Corps for Philadel ans tf ITEADQUARI ER'S OF PROVOST MARSHAL, THIRD ,DISTRICT, PA., PHILADELPHIA, AIIEESI 17, 1863. NOTICE. —The time for hearing exemptions and ac cepting substitutes for the Sixteenth ward is extended to tho 22d day of August. . 1863, alter which time all drafted men in the above-named ward failing to ap pear before the Board will be liable to arrest as Desert em. The time for the geyenteenth. Eighteenth, pnd Nine teenth wards is extended until further notice. By order of the Board of Enrolment JACOB , S. STRETCH. Captain and Provost Marshal. FRANKLIN,D. STERNER, ALEXANDER C. ART, C H ommissioner. eu7O-41 ' Surgeon. TTEADQUARTERS OF PROVOST MARSHAL, FIRST DISTRICT, PA.,. 245 South THIRD Street, PinLaDELParA;Augast 19. ISM This Office will be open daily, from 6A. AL to 2 P. M , except Saturdays, when the office will close at 1 P. M. SECOND WARD. —The bearing of cases in this Ward, (being the First Sub-District,) will continue as hereto fore.- All Drafted Men of the Second ward who have not re ported, and whose time has not been extended, ara noti fied to appear, or be deemed deserters The • THIRD WARD Tbeine the Second Pub-District) will be heard in the following order: WEDNESDAY. Aul nst 10. Nos. 1 to 150, inclusive: THURSDAY, .August 20, Nos. 151 to SOP, inclusive: FRIDAY, August 21. VO3. 301 to 411, inclusive: SATURDAY, August 22, for the hearing of cases generally. ,• • N. B.—Substitutes have priforence. WM. E LEHMAN, _ Provost Marshal and. President of the Board. CHARLES MURPHY. Commissioner of the Board. N. H. MARSELIS. 'Surgeon of the Board. TILTEAD QUA RTERS OF COMMISSION rOR U. S. COLORED. 1F0.111.0 CHEST- Err Street, Philadelphia. The following is the official order authorizing the re smiting of Colored Troops: figADQgsarmis OF THE ARMY, - ,ADJ'T GENERAL'S OFFICE, L7I . ASEIRTSON, , Itine 17, 1568. Major GEORGE L. STEARNS, Assistant Adjutant General United States Volunteers, is hereby announced as Recruiting Commissioner for tho Unit ed States Colored Troops, bubJect to such instructions an he. may from time to time receive from the Secretary of War.. By order of the Secretor's , of War • (Signed,).. R D. TOWNSEND, Assistant. Adjutant General. To Major Gao. STEAL:NG. Ass't Mil General U. S. Volunteers. . The undersigned is prepared to Issue the PrOPOr an thorizAtion to colored men 10 enlist recruits for the Armies of the United States. Ho will receive applica tions from those desirous of being made commissioned Officers. and transmit the same to the Board of Inspec tion at Washington, and will belad to give full in formation on all matters connected with this branch of the service to those who may seek it. • The undersigned has the co-operation of a Committee of sixty citizens of Philadelphia. The Agent of the said, committee is R. R .CORSON, who is likewise the Agent of the undersigned. CAMP WILLIAMJ'ENN, at Chelton Hills. has been selected as the camp los inetraction, and Lient. Colonel. LEWIS WAGNER placed in command of- it. All re omits will be mustered in by companies of eighty men, and by squads, and immediately uniformed, equipped and sent to the camp. Squads of men will be subsisted until companies are completed by the committee of citizens, at such localities as their agent may designate. • . Papers in the interior of the State will copy this ad vertisement one time, and send the paper contain i geame, with bill, to these Headquarters. • Communications by letter will be promptly answered. GEORGE L.STEARNS Major and A. G., Recruiting Commissioner for if. S: Colored Volunteers. je2.9-tf TTEADQUARTERS RENDEZVOUS FOR DRAFTED MEN, No, 1230 WALNUT Street, PHILADELPMA, Penna., August 17, 1663.. - ALL OFFICERS AND ENLISTED MEN belonging to detachments ordered to this rendezvous to conduct con - Scripts to regiments, and now alnient without leave front these headquartem will. report without delay to Colo n:lel J: KELLOOO,No. 22%4 CALLOWEIILL Street. Officers not comolyTng with this order will be recom mended to the Wari.Department for dismissal, and en listed men be dealt with as deserters. - By order of Brigadier 4eneral HATCH. ISAAC Moss& Major and Chief of Staff. anl7tf HEADQUARTERS OF PROVOST MARSHAL. TRIED DISTRICT, PA. —Parra- DELPITIA. August 17. 186.3.--Notire is hereby given that the DRAFTED MEN of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Wards, who have not been properly exempted from this draft, and wbo fail to report for duty on or before Au gust 22, 1€62. will then immediately be advertised as de serters, and liable to arrest as such at once. By order of Captain JACOB S STRETCH, aulS-6t Provost Marshal, Third District, Pa. -I\TOTICE TO DE4F.TED MEN. . - HEADQUARTERS PROVOST MARSHAL, 'SECOND DISTRICT, PA., 1214- LOCUST Street. PITILADELPIIIA. August 14, 1863: The Board of Enrolment of the Second District of Penn sylvania. comprising the First. Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth curds of the GUY of Philadelphia., will be in session DAILY, at 256 South TWELFTH Street. from 10 o'clock A. X till 5 o'clock P. M ~commencing MON DAY, August 17. 1563, to : receive Drafted Men, Substi tutes, and hear Claims for Exemption. . Applicants must brine tl eir notice with them. and will in no case be heard before the day they are notified to appear. - • • EDWIN PALMER, Provost Marshal iirILLIkAtM- - suLL. Commissioner Of Board. R. W. BLUM. aul4-61 ' Surgeon of Board. MILITARY NOTICES. GENERAL ORliiiBkB' NO:178, LEGAL. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE IN CITY AND COUNTY OE PHILADELPHIA, Estate OF - JA.CuB F.: - PEALL. deceased. . , . The Auditor appointed bathe Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of JOHN SMITH. - Administrator of the estate of Jacob•F. Prall, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purposes of his ap pointment, on TUESDAY, ?September. 2d. 1863. at - 11 o'clock A. M., at his ollice, 135 South SIXTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia au2o-thstust , JOHN DOLMAN. Auditor. PROPOSALS. ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets. PHILADELPHIA, Allgurit 1.9, 1863. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited at this office until 12 o'clock M., on THURSDAY, the 17th instant, Ito furnish promptly at the Schuylkill Arsenal-- Sky blue Kersey, # and 6 4 wide. indigo we'd-dyed, made of pure and eatirely free from hoddy. The -keney to be full 27 inches wide, and to_ weigh 11 ounces to the _yard • and the 6-4-kersey to be 54 inches wide. and to weigh 22 ounce to the yard. Buckles for trousers • DI; chine Threat, dark blue, 2-ounce spools. Bed Cord. inch. . Yellow Braid, inch. - Tailor.' Crayons. _ Fez Caps, Believe pattern. •' -Bidders must state in their proposals the price, Quanti tybid for, and time of delivery. . The ability of the bidder to. fill the contract must be guarantied by two responsible- persons, whose signa tures must be appended to the guarantee, and said gua rantee must accompany the bid. Bidders. as well as their sureties or guarantors, who May n of be known at this tarnish a certificate from the United States District - Attorney, Postmaster. or ,other public functionary. at the residence of the bidder or guarantors, "setting forth 'clearly the fact that the bidder or -his sureties are responsible men, who will, if a contract is awarded, act in good faith with the United States and faithfully execute the same. • Samples 09.11. be seen otthis oflice. and bidders are in vitedlo be present at the opening .of the bide. Proposals mast be endorsed "Proposals for Army Supplies;" stating the particular article bid for. G. H. CROSMAN, - an 20-7 t Aset. Q. M. General U. S. Army.' PROPOSALS - FOR -FLOUR. : . . SEALED PROPOSA_LS' ire invited till the thirty-first day of. AUGUST, 1863.- at 12 M. for furnishing the Sub sistence Department with 20.000 barrels of Flour. - Bids will be received for 'what is known as No. 1. No.- 2, and No. 3, and for any portion less than the 20,000 bar rels. Bids for different grades should be-upon separate sheets of paper. - The delivery of the Flour to be commenced on the 10th day of September, or as soon thereafter as the Govern ment may- direct, at the rate of 800 barrels datly,de livered either at the Government warehouse In George town, at the wharves, or at the railroad depot, Washing ton, D. C. Payments will be made in certificates of indebtedness. or such other funds as the Government may have for dis tribution. The usual Government inspection will be made justbe fore the Flour is received. - An oath of allegiance must accompany each bid.:-: lio bid will be entertained from parties 'who have pre viously failed to comply with their bids, or from bidders not prelent to respond. . . . .The barrels to be entirely new__,_ made very strong, of new materials,.and head-lined. Ho 'Flour which is not fresh ground will be received. Bids to be directed to Colonel A. BECKWITH, A. D. C. and C. S., IJ. S. A. Washington, D. C.; and endorsed Proposals for Flour.. . au.19480 p C K-A XE S, - SHINGLING HATCHETS, . - BROAD HATCHETS, AXES, - NATT..HAIVINIERS, SHOE ITAMXEIiS; RIVETINGHAMME . RSi.an4 ENGINEER I.IADIMERS, 111/01:14OTURRO AND. FOR BALE BY C. HAMMOND 4Sc SON, anTi-lm 528 COMMERCE Street. Phil& TVORYTYPES .—PIOTITRES OP wendrons beauty and - Worth are those accurate and elaboiately Colored Ivorytypes as executed at REIMER'S of einople style and lice-like aPpearance. SE COND Street, above Green, It,* AATVW ' PUBLICATIONS. PRESS AND WILL BE PUB- LISSED ON SATURDAY NEXT. A NEW tOPYRIGH.T BOOK, BY HENRY MORFORD BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED T: B. PETERSON del BROS , No. 300 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, publiel OD. Saturday 'text TEE NEW AMERICAN NOVEL, ENTITLED - SHOTJLDERSTRAPS! SHOULDER-STRAPS fs I SHOULDER-STRAPS ! A NOVEL OF NEW YORK AND THE ARMY IN 1862 HENRY IUORFORD, EDITOR - OF THE ' A NEW TOUR. ATLAS." THE BOOK FOR LADIES, GENTLEMEN, SOLDIERS, SUMMER TRAVELLERS, AND WATERING -PLACE HABITUES. STAY-AT-HOME 011 ARDS, GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS. ARMY CONTRACTORS. ALDERMEN, DOCTORS. JUDGES and LAWYERS, WIVES and WIDOWS FAST YOUNG LADIES. SLOW YOUNG LADIES. MARRIES) MEN and B k.CRELORS. YOUNG LADIES ABOUT TO BE MARRIED, AND THOSE WHO HAVE NO MATRIMONIAL PROS PECTS WHATEVER. Complete - in two lirge volumes of over Vivo Hundred Pages, done up in paper cover, PriCe $1; or bound in one volume, cloth, for $1..50. . . We also publish a , `Railxvay Editiou" of it, complete in one volume, Paper cover. Price One. Dollar. The leading features of this book; which will make it a part of the history of the time, will be found in its Exposure of the Stay-at-Home °Steers, • Pictures of Life in the Recruiting Camps, New York Scenes during War Time, Secession Mysteries of New York City. Life-like Description of the Battle of Malvern Hill, The Last, Charge at Antietam, Seciets of the Obi Poisoning, " Glances at Forte ne-Telling and Superstition, Dashes at McClellan, Fitz John Porter,, &c., st r a nge scenes and Vivid Descriptions at Niagara; "Joe Barris, the Wild Msdonna," And other Adventures, &c., Orders for the above great work will be sroPlie'd Per express or mail the same day they are received. So all persons had better send en their orders at once for Wliat they want of each edition of the book, as it will prove to be one of the most popular as well as most saleable novels ever published in the world. Published and for sale at the Cheap Publishing and Bouksellitg ratabltaltment of T. B. MERE ON BROTHERS, No. 306 CHESTNUT, STREET, I.'ITILADELPHIA, To whom all orders. must come addressed, And they will receive immediate attention. Copies of-either edition will- be sent- to any one, per first mail, free of postage, on remitting the price of the edition wished to T. B. PETERSON dr- BROTHERS, Philadelphia, - It UNITED STATES PEt A EtM. AC OP CE IA Just published by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., 715 and 717 IA &Emu. Street THE PHARMACOPEIA OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Fourth decennial revision. By autho lily of the National Convention for Revising the Phan.' macoptoia. • A TREATISE ON HYGIENE, with special reference to the Military Service. By W. A. Hammond, Surgeon. General. LOS I! AND SAVED. By the Hon. Mrs. Norton, author of Stuart of D'unleith.' .T ODDS. By the Baroness Tantphoms, author of " Quits." &c. HISTORY OF THE SUPERNATURAL, in all Ages and Countries. By William Hewitt. SPHERICAL AND PRACTICAL ASTRONOMY. By William Chauvenet. 2 vols. THE ARMY CHAPLAIN'S MANUAL. By Rev. J. Pinckney Hammond._ _ TRIAL OF THE CONSTITUTION. By Sidney G. Fisher. THE COMPANY CLERK. Shoving how and when to make out returns, &c. By Capt. A. V. Hants. stale PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS ' 0 slightly soiled, at a large discount, to make 1 0 rcom foimew stock. autil-St PITCHER'S, EOS CHEiTNUT Street. 91 CENTS I---GODEY FOR sEPTEM , BEu! PITCHER'S, aul9.6t SOS CHESTNUT Street. 15 CFNTS !-PETERSON FOR SEP TEMBER. .aul9-6t PITCHER'S. SOS CHESTNUT Street. LOWEST. PRICES IN" THE CITY! LARGEFT STOCK IN THE CITY!! pßoloonA i t I A nT ur tA SO R'IMENT IN THE CITY!!! CARD PICTURES. FRAMES. are made Most of our Albums na expressly h for our own sales, and oanu4't bfound at na l i SOB CHESTNUT Street: __- 404 rEtlE411:11 . Street. ' anls-6t 'G . . W. PITCHER'S Bookstore. NEW BOOKS NEW BUOES. EWAN. A. A novel By George T. Elliott. Illus trated. 51 25 in paper $1.50 in cloth. THE BIVOUAC AND THE BATTLE-FIELD or, Campaign Sketches in Virginia and Maryland. $1.25. THE FOUNDATIONS OF HISTORY. A series of First Things By Samnelß Schieffelin. $1.50 MINUTES OF THE GENERAL ASSEHBLY OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH for 1963. 50 cents Post a- ge 6 cents. - LEAVES FROM THE DIARY OF AN, ARMY SUR GEON: or. Incidents of Field, Camp. and Hospital Life. By. Themes T. 'Ellis, M. D. E'er sale by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, 606 CHESTNUT Street. J 1 ATRIA S' RULES OF ORDER THE NINTH EDITION. A Manual for conducting business in Town and Ward Meetings, Societies. Boards of Directors and Managers, and other deliberative bodies, based on Parliamentary, Congressional, and DegisLative practice. By Benjamin Mathias, A. M. - . The ninth edition; price. SS cents. JUst published by LINDSAY & BLAKlSTON,Pnblishers. anl3 25 South SIXTH . Street, above CHESTNUT, RETAIL DRY GOODS. T.ABIE AND PIANO COVERS Jnst opened— ]. Case Embro. CLOTH, PIANO. and TABLE COVERS New designs, and assorted colors. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN. & ARRISON, an2o-6t No. 1.005 CHESTNIIT Street.. BLACK GEO DR REINES • AT REDUCED PRICES Glossy Black Silks, 87 - , ' Glossy Black Silks. 90 -Glossy Black Silks, 171. GO Glossy Black Silks, 1"75 Glossy Black Silks, 1.20 Glossy Black Silks. 1.25 All superior makes for the prices. CURWEN, S COBB ART, & BROTHER, '450, 452. and 454 North SECOND Street, . aul9-3t.'lAbove-Willow- Al AN'S Vs( EAR. - Goo_ $1 Cassimeres and Melton. Light Cassimores at low prices. Fine Black Cassimeres and Doeskins. Black Broadcloths from $1 70 to $6. Ladies' Cloakings of every description. The largest cloth stock in. Market street. Tailors' linings and trimmings. COOPER dc COWARD, anl9 isomer NINTH and MARKET Streets, ARK P I , INTS. Merrimack. Sprague, Gloucester Dunnell, American. Cocheco, _Gloucester, &c,, at 20, 22, and 25 cents. Dark Delaines. good styles, 25 and ZS cents. Cheap Black Alpacas, 80 to 75 cents. - Black Wool Delaines, 50 and 60 cents. 5.4 do do sl.' to *1 25. DOMESTIC GOODS. Cotton Flannels, Drills, and Tickings. White, Red, Gray. Blue, and Fancy Flannel&• Bleached and Brown Masi , na, at wholesale prices. . COOPER, & CON ABD;' S.,E. corner NINTH and MARKET ed7reets, LAWNS,.LAWNS, Fine Brown Lawns. with small figured, at 21c. Fine Brown Lawns, with small figures, at 26c. Fine Brown Lawns, with small figures, at 91c. Cheap, scarce, and desirable, Cheap, scarce, and desirable, Cheap, scarce, and df sirable, SOHN U. STOKES', .702 ARCH. Street, - p..RARPLESS BROTHERS ARE STILT. /".•-' offering - - Their Immense Stock at Prices much Less Than the Cost of Importation, Consisting of Lawns, Silks, Challis, Coatings, Cassimeres. Vestings, Sareges, • Shawls, Delaines, Chintres,Poptine.Bm. an 6 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Street*. RUMMER-SHAWLS. Grenadine Shawls. $4 and $4 50. Plaid Spnn Silk Shawls, $3.75. Lace Points, $6.50, $lO, &c. Crepe de Parts Shawls, $6: - " Cloth Cloaks, Silk Mantlesokc: Also, a Large assortment of Summer Dress Goods selling ont At very low prices. . SHARPLESS BROTHERS, itaLli • CIESSTNEIT end BIGHT.II Streets. 1024 CHESTNUT STREET E. NE NEEDLES OFFERS FOR SALE, At prises generally below present cost of impor tation, WHIT& GOODS, all descriptions.- SMBROIDERINS. do LACES. - do do LIEN 31ANDKBROHISYS. < do dro„ And ra6eothdly Invites an inepeation of 'lda atock. - - 10%4 CHESTNUT STREET. WELLING---TO WELLIN G.- One bale Russia Crash at 1.3 c. +'Olie bale Russia Crash at 14c... One bale'Russia Crash at 16c. One bale Banta Crash at 16c. One lot of American Crash at 14e. ..One lot of American Crash at 17.37 • :One lot of Unbleached finckaback, the nicesi in the market, heavy, fine, and wide, at JOHN R. STOKES% 7021 ARCH Street. STILL FURTHER 'REDUCTIONS IN, F , - 1 the Prices of all our _ _ -SUMMER DRESS.GOODS. • To clone out, we have reduced our stock of Black and Grg-grouild Silk Grenadines to 760. They cost from All our 50c French Bare es to 260." • All our 60 and 62c French Organdies t 017.310. - All our French Limns to less than cost. - - • All our American Lawns as low as the lowest. 100 pieces Choice Styles Chintzes to 16c. Williamsville and Wamsutta Muslin% 350. Best English Cotton Flannel, at H Va. .13 , 26 No. 713 and 715 North TENTH Street. EDWIN HALL & CO., 26 SOUTH. iHN. OOND Street are now offering 111.$0/K SILKS 1.1 . REDUCED PRICES. Black Silks at $1,1.12X, and $1.26. • Summer Silks at reduced prices. Foulard Silks at reduced-prices. -Silk Grenadines at reduced. prices. ' Fine Organdies at reduced prices: - Fine Drest(loode, all reduced. • Fine Bodes; Blues. and Pearl Bareges.' Plain, Blues„ - - Buff. and- Pink rPercales. or French itist received. • - - - •- - • • N. B.—Just received' one Case of superior - guilty - Plain . Silks. 'the colors are Browns; Blues, Modes, Purple, and Green; price, $l. 37.34; been selling at SL 76."i TW-tf DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. 1863. FA L L 1863. • DRY GOODS. HOOD, BONBRIGHT, 63 C0.,- WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC *DRY GOODS. 435 MAREET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, The attention .of the TRADE is invited. to their large Stook of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS. Among which are choice brands of Sheet ing and Shirting Muslins, • Madder. Prints, De Laines, Ginghams, Lawns, and NEWEST STYLES DRESS GOODS. ALSO, MEN'S WEAR IN (IREAT VARIETY. GREAT INDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO CASH BUYERS. an2o-2m 1863 FALL IMPORTATION. 1863 "EDMUND YARD •&, CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, SILKS AND FANCY DRY GOODS, 617 CHESTNUT and 611 ILENE Street, Have now opened their Fall importation of Drees Goode, viz: MERINOS, COBUROS, REPS, ALPACAS, DELAINES, PLAID AND STRIPED POPLINS • FANCY AND BLACK SILKS. Also, A large aasortmora of SHAWLS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, 'WHITE GOODS, LINENS, 'E L VBROIDERIES, Which they offer to the trade at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES. .aall•tf COMMISSION BLOUSES. BAGS! BAG,S I BAGS 1 NEW AND SECOND EIA.ND, SEAMLESS. BURLAP, AND GUNNY BAGS, Constantly on hand. JOHN T. BAILEY 45 CO., No. 113 NORTH FRONT STREET. frir: WQOL•SACKS FOR SALE. aul9-6m ARMY GOODS. ARMY GOODS. DARK-BLUE GOAT CLOTHE - DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. INCE-BLITS CLOTHS PON OPYICEICS. ARMY BLANKETS, ET.LNDA.ED WEIORT 10-OUNCE DUCK. DRILLS: STANDA_ED WEIGHT. HEICTI LINEN DRILLS AND DUOS. SHOWN AND BLEACHED SHEBTINGS AND SETAT- Iwas. tor sale bY FROTHINGHANI Jr WELLS. ss2-11tf ARMY AND N.A. V Y C 1-101ETSIO, Nos. 34 SOUTH. SECOND and 963 BTRAWBRRRY Sts. ' 'INDIGO-BLNE CLOTHS, from $3.00 to $7.00. • • " CASSIMEREEL from $1 25 to $3.00. BEAVERS, from $3.00 to SSW. 6-4 MIDDLESEX NERSEYS,ifrom $3.50 to $3.75. 6-4 • FLANNELS, very superior. .7f INDIGO FLANNELS, at 08c. 8-4 LIGHT BLUE (Invalid Corps Relief ) Full Stock CLOTHS. CASSINERNS. !and VESTINGS. TRIMMINGS, &c. 'Special attention to LADLES' CLOTHS. WM. T. SNODOTtA.SS, 34 South SECOND and 23 STRAWBERRY Sta. 3923-1 m ARMY HATS, ARMY HATS. ADOLPH & 'KEEN, No. 653 North SECOND Street, Philadelphia. Manufacturers of all kinds of FELT HATS. kavis on hand a large aseortmet of all the various and most approved styles of ARMY HATS. Orden by mall from sailers or jobbers, will be Mornay filled at the lowest rates. le3o-31a 1776. 1863. L. a SILK FLAGS !I - BVNTING Flea fl!_ - EURGFEES. PENANTS, UNION JACKS: air STREAMERS: B U N T I N G! BED, WHITE, AND BLUE. EVANS & HASSALI.4 till-t[ No. 415 ARCH - STREET. C I LIT A TZI FM ETI. FlT4ANeinu. T II B ORRIETARY OF THE TUMMY AtITITORIMID 1131 TO CONTINUE MY AGENCY FOR A BRIEF PERIOD. AIL*: filth farther notice, I shall coattail* to receive SubieriptiOne to the 6-20 LOAN AT 'PAni AT MY OFFICE, AID AT THE D.IFEHRENT SITB-AGIINOIRS Whroughout the Loyal State. JAY COOvcp,, SIIBSCRIPTION AOSITT. No. 114 South Third Street, p, HARVEY THOMAS, K." STOCK AND BILL BROKER. No. 312 WALNUT Street. Stinks and Loans bought and sold on Commission at the . BOARD OF BROKERS. Subscriptions to the 5-20 year six per cent. LOAN still received at par. No charge for Commission. iy2-8m fIOLLEOTION OF 11. B. OERTIFI- N- , OATES 0? INDEBTEDNESS. —The ADAMS' EX PRESS COMPANY are now prepared to collect at ths Treasury Department, Washington, with despatch, and at reasonable rates, the One Year certificates of-In debtedness of the Dnited States now dee or shortly ma turing'. Terms made known and receipts given at the office. No. 920 ORIESEDT Street. mys-tf ICE. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY,. BY THE CARGO. DIALIVERED AND ptg . g N. ON SHIPBOARD. IN For sale by TUDOR COMPANY, attl4 8t - BOSTON. JOSEPH B. SHEWELp, 206 MARKET STREET. _DRIED APPLES AND PEACHES AC RED FOR EXPORT OR GOVERNMENT USE. aul4.2m "RAVE YOU SEEN REIMER'S finely executed portraits ? Did you ever see any snore pleasing or striking in style or likeness 1. Life-size Photographs in oil:\oolore. SECOND Street, above SECURE YOURSELF A GOOD LIKE NESS for *1 only, REIMER'S Colored Photokraphs universally esteemed the best pictures ROW made. SE CO.ND Street, above Green. it" The isle of the Plantation Bitters is without precedent in the lilstory of the world. There is no secret in the matter. They are at once the moat speedy, strengthen ing health-restorer ever discovered. it requires but a single trial to understand this. Theirpnrity can always be relied upon. They are composed of the celebrated Calisaya Bark, Caacarilla Bark, Dandelion, Chamomile FloWers, lavender Flowera, Wintergreen, Anise, Cio ver-budc, Orange-peel, Snake-root, Caraway, Corian der. Burdock. They are especially recommended to clergymen, pub lic speakers, and persons of literary habits and seden tary life, who require free eigestion, a relish for food, and clear mental faculties. Delicate females and weak persons are certain to find in these Bitters what they have so long looked for. They purify, strengthen, and invigorate., They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and dist. They overcome effects of dissipation and. late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. TheY prevnit miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and constipation. They cure Diarrhcea, Cholera. an'd Cholera Morbus. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the best Bitters in the world. , They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's g - reat re storer, The folloiwing startling and emphatic statements can be seen at our office: Letter of Rev. E. F. CRAXE. Chaplain of the 107th Nem York Regiment.. NEAR ACQtrTI4. CRF,E7C, March 4111,•1.563. Owing to the great exposure and terrible decomposition after the battle of Antietam, I was utterly prostrated and very sick. My stomach would not retaiemediclne. An article called Plantation Bitters, prepared by Dr. Drake of New York, was prescribed to give me strength and an appetile. To my great surprise they gave me immedAate relief. Two bottles almost allowed me to join my regi Meat. * .* * I have since seen them used in many cases, and am free to say, for hospital or private Purposes I know of nothing like them. S. F. CRANE. Chaplain. Letter trent the ftey. N, E. Omps, St, Glairsvide, Pa.: GENTLEMEIg You Were kind enough, on a former oc casion, to send me a half dozen bottles of Plantation Bitters for $.3. fib My wife having derived so much bene fit from the use of these Bitters, I desire her to continue them, and you will please send as six bottles more for the money inclosed. I am, very truly, yours, N. B. GILDS, Pastor Ger. Ref. Church. SOLDIERS' HOME, SUPERINTEN'DENT'S OFFICE, OnsmniNATT, ()MO. J 811• 15th, 1961 I have given your Plantation Bitters to hundreds of our noble soldiers who stop here, more or less disabled mm various causes, and the effect is marvellous and gratifying. Such a preparation as this Is I heartily wish in every family, hospital, and at hand on every battle field. B. W. D. ANDREWS, Superintendent. Dr. W. A.. CHILDS. Snrgeon the Tenth Vermont Regiment, writes:"l wish every soldier had a bottle of Plantation Bitters. They are the most effective. per fect, and harmless tonic I ever used." GENTLEMEN; We require another supply of your Plantation Bitters, the popularity of which daily in creases with the guests of our house.. • Respectfully, SYKU, CHAD WICE, & CC. Etc., &c., Ste., -Fie Be sure that every bottle bears the fac-simile of our signature on a steel-plate label, with our private stamp over the cork. 202 BROADWAY. N. Y. Sold by all respectable. Druggists, Physicians. Giro cers. Hotels, Saloons, and country dealers. IyIB-thstnif9-in BAZAAR-NINTH AND SAN. SOM STREETS.. AUCTION SALE OF HORSES. CARRIAGES, &c., ON SATURDAY MORNING. August 22d, at 10 o'clock. comprising about FlFrr HORSES. Full description in. Catalogues.. ALSO, New end second •band Carriages, Wagons, Dearboras. &c., a ith - which the sale will commence. Single and double Rarnoss, Saddles, Arc. • - • No Postponement on account of the ur.czher. an2o-ltif AGFRED lii. RERKNESS-Anctiolliim WANTETY—A YOUNG LA.DY OF g ood address, persactly. aconained with the Worsted and Fancy Goods busme3s• in a first-class Trimming, Store, in Newark, N. J. To a thoroughly competent saleslady a a nod. steady situstion can be ob -lathed. with particulars in full, with We= renrtifft to &c auw-3t. - J. IF.--11,S,Vg,_Kawar.k. N. J. WANTED -A. YOUNG MAN AT AN V ICE-CREAM STAND. -Inquire at Eastern-Market Cheese Stand. WANTED -A COMPETENT HAT. SALESMAN, .Address, with: reference. Box 'No. 76, Philn i 'Post Office. aul9-30` A • LADY WHO HAS HAD SOME 4--s- years' experience - as TEACHER would like a SITU. ATM' in a Eekaol or Family. The best reference given. Address "E. C., Center Bridge, Penna." -an.lB-60' 'WANTED IMMEDIATELY-A GOOD Candy Man to work on Gam Drops and steam-pan work Steady employ and best wages paid. Address CHAS. SASS/MAN. Chicago. Illinois. auS-17t5 WAN TED- $l5 PER DAY.-WE want reliable, energetic canvassers and agents in every county, for a genteel business at a commission of from $5 to $l5 per day. No humbug. Experienced canvassers preferred,but room for all. • Address C. M. DUNN & CO., Publishers, At either Chicinnatl. Ohio; Chicago, Illinois: or 185 BEADS Street, NOW York. iyBa3m• $25.000. -THIS AMOUNT WANTSD on first mortgage neon a first-class CheAnut street Store property, centrally lo cated. For further particulars apply to D. PIITTIT, au.l2 309 WALNUT Street. 815 PER MONTH GUARANTEED. g Testimonials of Clergymen and scientlde men sent free. ISAAC HALE. Jr., A; CO., Newbnryporg, Ham 1e24-2md&W ch WANTED—FOR AN INSTITU wtNTION, R. large and commodious HOUSE. with one or two acres ct ground. within the limits of the city MS- Fenger cars. Address 320 North EIGHTH Street. Phi lsdelpbia• — anl94t* n a k. DEPUTY . QUARTERMASTER CISNESAL'S OFFICB--.I"KKLADaLrara, Feb. 9, 1 V ESSELS WARTED Immediately . to {tarry COAL to tha following points : . Tortneas. Key West, Ela. Fort Monroe, Va.] Alexandria, Va. Newborn, N. 0. Port Royal, S.C. A. BOYD. fall-ti Captain and Assist Quartermaster. A RARE CHANCE.-THE GOOD WILL AND FIXTURES of an old-established To bareo House for sale. Address E. X. Box 11S Post Office. . anal-Sty` ,. BOARDING AND DAT . SCHOOL FOR BOYS, AT CHESTER, Delaware County, Pa. The School is pleasantly located. and has ample facili ties for out•door exercise. It is accessible from Phila delphia via the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Balti more Railroad. - • • - The School rear commences on,MONDAY, September 7th. and continues, forty-two weeks. -- •.•••• . . • - . . Total Eavenxes, including lionii h. per. year $155.00. ' , thither of pupils, limited. For circulars, with rare ' - ranee% Sic , address _ . - CHARLES W. DEANS. Principal. Chcater. Pa-. B.—The Principal may be seen any SATURD A 1? from 9 to 12 A. M.. at the American. Hotel, 4H SS PNUT Street: below Sixth, Philadelphia. an2Otnetu9t. TROY FEMALE_ SEMINARY:-'PHIS Inetttution offers the accumulated advantages of fifty 'years of successful. operation. Every facility is provided for a through course of use and ornamental education. under the direction of a corps of more than twenty professors and teachers, For Circulare. aindY to - - a20.36t JOHN H. WILL AJID. Troy, N. Y. PROPESSOR WILLIAM H. FENNEY announces to his Pupils that he will return. to the city, so as to resume his lessons. °lithe 2d or 6th of SBD tember at the latest. Address Messrs. ANDRE & 'S Music Store 1104 CHESTNUT Street. alt2o-tsS* PHILADILpHIA; THE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY NOM:: tied that ISAAC ISARSHALi, neither has, nor has bad any connection with my establishment and has no authority to give orders on, or receipt for moneys due me. - F. GuTEKtINST, aul9.St* 701 and 700 ARCH Street. R E M 0 - V A L . A. IT. T'ECA.NCISCICTS, YAMS, BATTS, WADDINGS, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, LOOKING GLASSES, CLOCKS, FANCY BASKETS. &C.; From 433 MARKET and 5 North FIFTH Streets 513 MARKET and 510 COMMERCE Sts 1 - 4 E MOV AL JOHN O. BAKER, -I" Wholesale Druggist, has removed to 718 MARKET Street. Particular attention is asked to JOHN* C. BAKER & CO.'S COD-LIVER OIL. Having increased facilities in this'new establishment for manufacturing and bottling and the avails of fifteen years' experience in the business, this brand of Oil has advantages over all- others, and recommends itself. Constant supplies are obtained from the fisheries, fresh, pure, and sweet, and:receive the most careful personal attention of the original pi ietor. The increasing demand and wide spread market for it make its figures low, andafford great advantages for those buying in large (man aul-dtf Wit GUN REMO VE D.-PHILIP WILSON & CO.; Manufacturers and Importers of Guns. Pistols. — Rifies, Fishing TaCkle, &c., have re moved to 409 CHESTNUT Street, where their customers and friends will be a - applied with'' everything in the sporting line. tF3O-lin S.—T.-1860—X. &c. • WILLARD'S HOTEL. WASMINGTON, D. C., May 2241, 1263. P. H. DRAKE Sq . CO., AUCTION SALE. WANTS, pop SAAB- MID TO MET. EDUCATIONAL. PERSONAL. REMOVALS. WHOLESALE DEALER IN OIL CLOTHB,WINTIOW SHADES. REMOVED AMUSEMENTS. A MEI3ICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC Under the management of MEL J. S. CLARKE. Mr. Clarke respectfully begs leave to announce that h.* WILL OPEN The above-named magnificent establiehment on % SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 22, Fcr the production of the most popular of the plays ot7 SHAREPEARE, BUB WER. AND COMIL.N, Having effected an engagement. FOR A FEW-NIGHTS, WITH THE GREAT TRAGIC ARTIST, EDWIN' BOOTH, Whose performances, distinguished by all the best gnat) ties of the highest school of art, never fail to attract the attention and hearty critical approbation of the moat 'CULTIVATED AND FASHIONABLE AUDIENCES. MR. EDWIN BOOTH Will have the honor of making his first appearance in Philadelphia, for three years, in his celebrated Persona tion of RICHELIEU. In Bulwer's great play of that name. which will be adorned with a complete set of NEW AND COSTLY DRESSES. Wade from accurate designs for every CUAR &OPER. AND AUXILIARY Connected with the Play. The other characters will he sustained by an UNAPPROACHABLE COMBINATION or acknowledged Artistes, caiektly selented to give Effect commensurate with the importance of the crag tione of the great poets. First appearance in Philadelphia. for thirteen 'Years, of THE CELEBRATED TRAGEDIAN, MR. GEORGE JAMISON. The most brilliant of all our young native adore. MIL L. P. BARRITT. First appearance in this city of the accomplished artist, from Boston, MR SYDNEY WILKINS. First appearance here of MPS. ALEXINA. FISHER BAKER. MR. LEWIS BAKER. Baradas, by Mr. George Samieon. De Mauprat, by Mr. Sydney arrett. Jos , ph, by Mr. Wilkins. ) O Beringhen, by Mr. Lewis Baker. Italie. by Mrs. Alexina Fisher Baker. Mr. C. S. Porter, Mr. I. L. Barrett, Mr. Bascomb. Mr. Wallis. Mr. A. Pennoyer, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Verney. Mr. Barth, Mr. Robinson. Mrs. L Barrett, Mrs. .1. Baker, Mrs.Pennoyer. Miss Ridgway, Sic. All the resources of this grand Theatre, perfect in the detail of scenic decoration and, anpointmen.t, will be brought into effect the whole constiinti"n a UNIVoRMITY OF EXCELLENCE Never hitherto presented in this famous production. The Box °rico, for securing seats will ha opened ca Thursday morning, at 9 o'clock, The Orchestra will he under the direction of C. R. Dodworth. Stage Ma na.ver, Mr. C..S Porter. Treasurer. Mr. George Hood. Parquet. Parquet Circle, and Balcony, 5o cents: Fami ly Circles. 2.5 cents. Private Boxer, and Cents in same, according to size and loos:qty. Doors open at cinarter past 7. Curtain will rise at o'clock precisely. anl9-3t NEW CHESTNUT—ST. THEATRE.— Leasee and Manager Mr. WM. WHEATLEY. THURSDAY EVENING. Angnst 20. The celebrated MARTINETTI FAMILY ISD • MAP.ZETTI, Will give en entertainment. PANTOMIM BALLET, AND SPECTACLE. TIGHT RO.E. By MARIETTA ZANFRETTA, and the new Ballet Pantomime of THE CONTRABANDIST. THE TWO GLADIATORS THE TWO GLADIATORS, BY J. MARTINETTI and PAUL htARTINETTI. The great Comic Pantomime. THE MAGIC TRUIIPEP, In which Mons. and Madame Marzetti and the Aare company Will appear. Curtain rises at S; Performance over at 10. 30. attla - BOARDING. VIRST-01_,ASS .BOARD, HANDSOME - R- corowtrusicaiinst rooms ; private table it desired. No. 1315WALPFMe. stteat. ie2..5-2ne HOTELS. M ATIONAL HOTEL, • WASRINGTaIi, D. D. H. S. Bzosom, PROHETETO7....., Formerly of the Ashland. House, Philadelphia. He is determined to merit, and hopes to receive. s fall ,hare of public patronage. - jelg-gra METROPOLITAN HOTEL, (LATE Bucones.) PENNSYLVANIA AVENTTE. Between Sixth and Seventh etreGtz. WASHINGTON CITY. A. It. POTTS, Prom-Sete?. rav22-Bin SUMMER RESORTS. Q,ERSIDE HOUSE," FOOT OP L , Pennsylvania Avenue, ATLANTIC CITY, Br. J. A few pleasant ROOMS now vacant House open until late in the season. DAVID SCATTERGOOD, aul2-12t Proprietor. 17 4 PHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS. This beautiful resort, situated in the centre of the "Garden Spot of Pennsylvania "is now open for the accommodation of visitors, and continue until the 20th of October. The invigorating pure mountain air, the quickly acting properties of its waters upon the se cretions of- the liver, and its magnificent scenery, un equalled in the - United States. justly entitles it to praise above all others. The commodious buildings, extended lawns and delightful walks through the mountain which Bows - numerous springs supplying the plunge' douche, shalWer and hot bathe at all times: Excuravt Tickets thiVrigh the season wilt be issued at the otwa 0 . the Pennsylvania Central listilroad. - Sleventh Up- - kat streets Cars-leave at 7SO A: 111. and =ere at the Springs afternoon. $2 per day ; ave etwo Traas or the season, $l7 per,week. Children a* -4 €ervants hall price. For further particulars, addrops , the proprietor, Or- 8 - NEWOON RE. EPhrata . alon.tlsin Swing." Lan. caster county-, Pennsylvania. I, jy2.4-Ina PEDLOt'S ITOTED, ATLANTIC CITY —At th e tsrpxlllLß of the railroad, qn the left. beyond the depot, ma Rouse is now open for Boarders and Transie-2 t Ftenora, and °fere accommodations eetnel to any Hotel Ur:atlantic City. Charges moderate. Chß iron and BeF l 's•D t s. half prino. ZO: Rafael! should keep their seats wail the cars ar rive %p -front of the Betel. • : jelg-lut LIGHT HOUSE COTES ATLARTIO Q 1 • - • This well known House le now open for the reception of Keoghs Invalids can be accommodated with rooms on the first floor, fronting the ocean. Splendid dr' rikin g water on the premises. lliagnienent bathing opposite tie house. No bar. JONAH WOOTTON, 3e19-2mProprietor. • CHESTER' COUNTY )10138K-THIS `••••" private Boarding Ronne, cornet. of YORK and PA CIFIC avenue. Atlantic City, convenient to the , beasti, with a• beautiful view of the Ocean. is now open for boarders, and will continue open all the year round. Prices moderato. - jel9-an KRIM. Proprietor. THE. SEA SHORE. 00362 w. CAPE KAY TWICE DAILY, BY DAILROLD, from foot of WALNUT Street. At 9 A. M Due at Cape May at 2.3; P. N. At 4.P. M. Due at Cane Map at 93e P. M. Tickets roust ne procured at the °Mee, foot of Wharf. FARE THROUGH Baggage checked through. and accompanied by a Bag gage Master. Baggage delivered at - Reasonable Rates within _ONE HOUR after arrival at Cape May. Ths Stage distance is being rapidlyshortened; and it is hoped a few days will suffice to get the Track laid the entire distance. EXCITRSION EVERY SATURDAY, at 4 P. M. Tickets good to return on following Monday. Fare, IS4 ETURNIEG; eave Cape May at SA. M. Due in Phitsdelphia a 10.20 A. M. Leave Cape Mays 10 A. M. Due in Philadelphia at 15P. M. Office for Information and forwarding of Express mat— ter at No. 5 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. LUDLOW FLEMING, Agent Office at the Washington lionse,Ca Bland shams LEAKING, Agent. J. VAD MEMEL A.ER, "• . " . " 111 11 , °Lit- FOR THEVEA. SHORN!! SIJMMID3. ARRANGEMIANT. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY, Inne 15th, 1869, trains for Its lantic City will leave Vine-street Perry as follews: Nail train leaves. 7.30 A. AS. Ba-press leaves 3.45 P. Its, Freight train, with passenger car attached... 9:00 A. Returning, leaves Atlantic City: Mail train 1.35 P. IL Espress train 0.00 A• X. Freight train - 1t . T. EL Fare to Atlantic, Al. Rom:ld-Trip Tickets, good .t 4 the day and train only,- or down on Saturday and ntr arg Monday morning, Li An Accommodation. Train to R. and D. B. R. R. Jnac• Lion will leave Vine street at 5,15 P. 3L ; returning anti morning at dB. BX.TRA. W tIIDONFIRLD TRAINS Leave Vine street at 10.15 A. M. and L 45 P. M- Leave Haddonfield at 12.15 P. M. and 3 P.M jel3-tf JNO. Q. BRYANT. Acesa. RAILROAD MIXES. DE PRI A a- , 7%1Ez - "- - -U-7 7 '' AND LONG BRANCH VIA CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC AND RAIIITA.N AND DA LAWARE BAY RAILROAD. On and after Monday. Suns 15th. and until farther Ra nee. passenger trains will leave Vine-street Perry at F. # AL K. arriving at Long Branch at 11.45 A. 11. Returning, leaves Long Branch at 3.35 F. arriving at Philadelphia at 7.45 P. M. Passengers landed close to the Hotels. N. 13.—Porcarsion parties will be carried on Jibs tin terms: APPI3 to D. B. ros. Agent at the Depot. Cooper's 'Pohl EMU. STRONG, Agsisttent Saperintendezt. SFECI &L NOTICE - - A Iternlar Train will leave Vine-atreet Ferry on SA TURDAY Afternoon, at 3.4.5. = Retarninst, leave Lone Branch MONDAY Morning, at 5 o'clock. Arrive in Phi— ladel-phia at 9 A. M. REOPENING OP ; ,~~~ n THE BALTINORE AND ORM R.ALLROAI).—This road, being rally REPAIRED ani: e ff ec t ua lly GUARDED. is now open for the tranroortsw tion of passengers and freight to allpoints in the CAR :kV WEST. Vor thronkh tickets and all other - informst'r& aPPly_it the Company's Office, corner of BROAD Stcee and WASHINGTON Avenue. S. N. PRLTON. ar.3-tr President P. W. and D. R. R. Qe W PST OFIRSTER AND aFii PHIL &MURIA "R A V ROns YIA MEDIA . SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, JIINE 1, 1863, the trains will leave Philadelphia, from the depot, Northeast comer la Eighteenth and. Market streets, at 7.60 and 10.23 A. and at 2, 4.30, and 6. 6.5 P. M. On TUBED t.Y6 and FRIDAYS a train will leave WINK CHESTER at 6.60 P. M. 'Returning leave Philadelphia at 3.15 P. M.-- Trains leave the corner of Thirty Bret and Malt* streets (West Philadelphia) 17 minutes after the startles time from Eighteenth and Market. On SUNDAYS leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M. ant P. M. Leave West Chester at 7.60 A. M. and SP. Al. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.60 A. M. and I. /it P. M. connect at Pennelton with trains on the P. and B. C. R. R. for Concord. Kennett, Oxford, &c. Sel-tf. EMERY WOOD. Superint(mdiutt EXPRESS COMPANIES. ~....._ BM THE A DAMS PRESS COMPANY, once Ran CHESTNUT Street. forwards Parcels, Packages, ME= 'ahead's° Bank Notes, and Specie,either by its Own i lines or n connection with. other Express Commas& to all the principal Towns and Cities in the Unita Stoles. IL S. SANDFORD, fe26 . General Superintendent. "awe DAILY LINE TO CAPE MAY. —On and after WEDNESDAY, Augusts, the steamer MANHATTAN: Captain Robert Ki r by, will heave Arch street wharf at 9 o'clock A, M., every TUESDAY, - THIIRSDLY. and SLTITRD.LY, fog C t'PR MAY. and the steamer WILSON SMALL. Captain H. SMITH BRIGHT, every MONDAY, WSDNESDAT, and FRIDAY. Returning, will leave Cape May at SX o'clock, stopping at. New Castle, connecting with that Baltimore lines daily, going and returning. l'arefrom Philadelphia, 52.90. New Castle, 2.00. Carriage hire included; Meals extra. Children and Servants half price. Carriage hire for Servants extra. No froight received after eight o'clock. aus4l INSURANCE COMPANIES. FAME DISITHANC EON CHESTNUT Street • PHILADi TIRE . AND INL DIRECI Tramiel N. Buck, Chas. Richardson. Hinny Lewis,- Jr., I John.W. Rverinen. PhV o i t p S. Justice. O. FRANCIS N. CHARLES RU WILLIAM I. BLA.NCHA_M l eaf* REGULAR: STEAM_ PRO ? PELLER LINE FOR HARTFORD. —The steamer MARS. Nichols Master. - is now receiving freight for HARTFORD, Conn., at the Second Wharr above Market street. For Freight, &c., apply to - W. M. BIRD dr (10., , 13% South DEL IMAM Avenue, or on the Wharf. anl9-24. . P . Bantams Bu - rraltl4l trawl overstrang mauve PIANOS from $3 SSward. Tor Bale by the maker 90* MAR T. Street. Street.. E XEMPTION FROM. THE DRAFT.--- Conteripts applying for exemptions from the Draft can have their papers carefully ana legally prepared at 42% WALNUT street, second. floor. Also, Substitutes - wanted and supplied. g S HERRY ' WINE .- 100 QUARTER. Cub; just roooly_eil per sbip • for marl fi bona by - ORAL S. & O. OAMTA.IIIB. W41,211:1T sad RI. CrIAXITS firbrootoi • E COMPANY, NO1!. a. MURIA. :ND INSTULANOB. MORS. _ S. D. Woodruff. Geo. A., West, Joint. Kessler, Jr.. Chas: Stokes, A. H. Hosenheint. Joseph D. Ellis. DUCK. President. [CHARDSON, Vice Presidcnt tp. Secretary. rials-1111