The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, July 20, 1863, Image 3
CLOBIH< _ Bid. Asked. CBS*’Bl . DST-MNotea ho 103...... .. Catawissa R Con. 7 K 8 Do wrflL Beaver Mead R.. 70 71 Mintohill R 61 Harrisburg B Wilmington R Lehigh Nav- 6s. .103 Do shares.. •• 63 Do scrip.•• 44 Cam & Amb R. .7-165 166 Phila & Erie 6's. .105 dun It Erie 7s .. .* .. Delaware Div Do bds Spruce-street R.... 16 Arch-street R Race-stre%tß...« 10X 11 Tenth-streetß... 401*' 42 Thirteenth-st R. 16 W Phila R 65 Do bonds Green-street R.. .. Do bonds »«, Chestnut-5t8.... •• 64 Second-street R. •• •«> Do bonds... •• »- Fifth-stroet R.... 66 .. American Gold. .123 124 Fhila feint off 104 Do new int off. 107# 108 AllaeofeE 80 81 FennaCs 106# 106# Do. Coups.. *• \ Beading R 66>« 65# Do 6a Do bds 70..1M- .. . Dobds’S6conv.llO 114 Penna B div off. 64 64# Do Ist m os. .. 116* Do 2d m6s.. .. 108 Sittle Schuyl E.. .. .. 'orris C’l consol 71# 72 Do prfil Do 6s ’76 Do _ 2d mtg Snsq Canal 12# 13 Do 6s 64 BchuylNav W# 13 Do prfd 24# 25 Do 6a 'B2 84 Blmira R 35 ... Do prfd..... 60 •Do 7a’73 Do 10s .75 i Island R ex-dv 3S 40 Do. bd5...... -• Fhila Ger & Nor 69 XieMgb Valß.... .. Do bds***.. -* Philadelphia Markets. July 18—Evening. There is very little demand for Flour, either for export or home uee. Sales comprise about 300 bbls Ohio family at SG:3O@G.GO; 100 bbls superfine at $5.60, andwo btris Oity i\xilis £fct ’yt Xhc retailers anti bakers are buying- moderately at @0,75 for superfine, for extra, $6,30@6,75 for extra family, and s7@B bbl. for fancy brands, ac cording to quality. Rye Flour is dull at $4.50@4.75 bbl. Corn Meal is scarce and dull at $4.25 for Brandywine, and $4 tjfibbl for Pennsylvania. GRAlN.—There is very little demand for Wheat, and the offerings are light; small sales of Pennsyl vania red are reported at i40ai450, and white at 150 a 3560 per bushel, according to quality. Rye Bella on arrival at 105 c per bu&hei. Corn is very dull j small pales of prime yellow are making at S6e, and West ern mixed at BL&S2e per bushel. Oats are firmly held: 2,500 bushels Pennsylvania sold at 73a80c, weight. BARK.—tiuercitron ia very dull at $3O per ton for COTTON.—There is very little doing; in the ab; Bence of sales we quote middlings at GoaG2c per lbj cash. GROCERIES.—There is very little doing in Su gar or Coffee, and orices are unchanged; we quote the former at lo#@i2e for Cuba and Porto Rico; Rio Ooffte at.2B@3tc, andEaguayra at lb, PROVISIONS. —The market continues quiet and prices remain about the same as last gunterf, Hams are ynmaii sales of Mess Pork are reported at sl4tfiU4.Go bbl. Eggs are selling at I6@i7c 3ft dozen,; In Lard there is no, change to notice ; bbls and tierces are held at 10>£@' Butter is rather dull at 14@20c ]&, the latter for choice New York. WHISKY.—There ia very little doing 5 flmall Bales of bbls are making at 47@47and drudge at 46>£@ 460 gallon. The following are the receipts of Flour arid drain at this port to- day Flour... Wheat.. Corn*... Oats.." New Yorh Markets, July 18. Ashes.— Pots are quiet, with Baleß of 60 bblß at $7, Pearls are nominal.' ' Breadstuff.*.—The matketfor State and Western Flour is dull and heavy, under the fall in gold and exchange, and prices are Io@2oc lower. The sales areG,ooobb!s at $4@455 for superfine State; $4.95@5.25 for extra State; $4@4.45 for super fine Michigan, Indiana, 10wa,0hi0,&c.;54.95@5.45 for extra do, including shipping brands of rouad-hoop Ohio, at 70 and trade brands do at $5.75@7.25. Southern Vi our is dull and 10c lower; Bales '450 l>bla at $5.75@6.30 for superfine Baltimore, and $6.35 @9 for extra do. Canadian Flour is heavy and 10@20c lower; sales Of 360 bbls at $5.10@5 35 for common, and $5.40@7.25 for good to choice extra. Rye Flour is dull and heavy, at $3.50@5,10 for the range of fine and superSne. Corn Meal is inactive; we quote Jersey at $4; Brandywine, ,*64 30 ; Caloric, $4.25 ; Puncheons, $22. "Wheat is ?(n>su lower, with only a very moderate Bpmeii. inn inlan ftrcflD.DOO tmi at for strtsnjg gunrin isi iiffliiis isr Miraußss smar tor am6?r iovra f&r wiater ced "Western j q>i.v£>@; so for amber .Michigan 5 clo sing at the outside quotations. Eye is dull at 90c@$i for Western and State. Barley dull and nominal. < Oatß are dull at '7r/7D7Gc for Canada, Western, and State. “ ’ Corn is heavy and lower; sales 36,000 bushels at 66@65&0 for shipping, and 64@65c for Pastern, closing at the inside rates. • OiLUAKB.—We notice sales of 150 tons Western Rhln oblong at 4i. Provisions l -—The Pork market is less active, but Without particular change; sales 700 bbls at $13.62>£ @13.75 for new mess, sl2.6G>£ for thin mess, and $11.76 for okl mefs. Beef is quiet, with small sales at former rates, fierce Beef and Beef Hams are nominal. Bacon ntrt cut meats are very quiet. Bard is dull, with sales of 350 bblß and tcß at 9@9%0. Tallow is lower; sales 25 hhds prime city at 100, Whtskv is dull,’with sales of 500 bbls at 45>£c. PHILA DfiLPHIA BOARD OF TRADB. JAMES R. CAMPBELL,) B. W. DE COURSBY. ? Committee op thb Month JAMES C. UA * D \ ■ ’ L KTTSR BAGS ATTHBMBBOUaNTS’ EXCHANGES, PHILADELPHIA. Ship Saransk, Howland. Liverpool, July 25 Bark Percy, .lrczrtr in London, soon Bark Baltasarn, Robertson ....Liverpool.soon Brig Keolca, Hums St. Domingo City,' soon Brig Thomas Young. Young........Demerara, soon Brig Mira W Holt, Blanchard.. .Havana, soon MARIN® INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, July 30,15G3. spsisiSi±M!-iiLiiaai»SMsets aw TTA'liSiSin 2(J AMmV ED. Bark Ellen Stmn>. Howes, 7 days from. Matan 2as, with sugar to John Mason & Co.- BarkE Wright, Jr, Tatham, 9 days from New Or leans, with sugar, molasses. &c, to E A Souder & Co. Bark St James, Wayne, 15 days from N Orleans, With mdse to .Taa Devereux. Brig Julia, Barthoiis, 9 days from New Orleans, in ballast to captain.* ■ Brig Oneeif»hoJu-«'(-Bi’), Card, 19 days from Oien fuegos, with sugar aod honey to S & W Welsh: ves sel to E A Sonde/it Co. " Schr Ada tBO. Btiley, 10 days from Oat Island, With pine applet* to Warner Draper, was towed up t>y steam-tug j !•’ Starr, Capt Hitchins, who reports the barks Lelatxl, from Bremen, via Shields, and Arthur Pennington, and brig Orocus, from New Or leans, New. (Jssttc. Schr Sue .Someis, Somers, from Port Royal, in ballast to captain. / Sohr Trade Wind, Conary, from Beaufort, with mdse to S Bolton fc On. Schr Bird, DufMl 1 day from Lewes, Del, with grain to J E B*-zlt y & UO. Sohr Snow Flake, Fiakett, 6 days from Boston, in 1 ballast to captain. Sohr Selsey, OarioH, from New Haven, in ballast to captain. Schr 6 W Looke, Huntley, from Boston, in ballast 0 oaptain. Schr Hero, Lakeman, from Ipswich. Schr Eliza Neal. Weaver, from Boston. Schr Trade Wind, Corson, from Boston. Sohr S M Shai'-dick, Arnold, from Middletown. Schr Fidelia, Gunty, from Fall River. Schr Susan Jane, Compton, from Beaufort. Schr Ann Tuiw.r, Hooper, from Lynn. Sohr Sarah A Taylor, Dukeß, from Providence. CLEARED. Steamship Norman, Baker, Boston, H Winsor. Bark Percy.t'Br'), Donkin, London, J £ Bazley & S’;0: : Dnr myrinr Ttuiri anragae, nayansi it 15 mim fr P9t Brig <H C Bazley: Fevin, Fort Spain, do Brig Geo 3T Lovett {Br), Hill, Cienfuegos, S & W Welsh. Brig Tangent Tibbetts, Boston, captain. Brig AlbertDarnaly, Demerara, Thos Watt pon & Sons. Brig Thoß Walter, Weßtcrdyke, St Kitts, Jau tetche & Lavergne. Schr J H Allen, Hitchins, Boston, C H Heckscher &00. Sohr N Tyler, Ogden, Alexandria, Tyler,Stone&Oo Schr Leopard, Turner, Boston, Hammett, Van Dusen & Loohui an. Schr Joseph Porter, Burrows, Boston, Eepplier &Bro. Schr Bestless, Yansant, Boston, do Schr J B Austin. Davis. Boston, Noble, Caldwell 8c Co. Schr Grace. Corson, Boston, Castner, • Stickney & Wellington. Schr Citizen, Ooliin*, Washington, E Jones. Schr R G Porter, Smith, Danversport, JMilnca & Co. Sohr Gen Marion,.Purington, Saco, E R Sawyer & 00. • Schr Streamlet, Stokes, Washington, R Jones, Schr Spray, Adams. Providence, Capt Adams,USN Schr D L Sturgis, Norris, Portsmouth, C.H Heck- Bher & Go. Schr Helen Mar, Wines* New Bedford, Blakiston, Graff & Co. Schr Hero, Lukemno, Boston, Wm H Johns. Schr Fidelia. Gei'dy r ßoston, Cain, Hacker & 00. Schr Trade Witid. (Jorson, Boston, do Schr A M Edwards, Williams, Newbern, Tyler, Stone &. Co. Sohr Susan Jane, Compton, Newbern, do Sohr Ann Turn* f. Hooper, Hinghain, Jit H Powell Schr Sarah A Ta.vmr, Dukes,Roxbury, Hammett, Van Dusen & Lnolumo. : Schr-Eliza Nenl. v/eaver, Boston, do Schr California, t4i»Uler, Ipswich, -do Schr S M Sh&ddli k, Arnold, Providence, L Au denried & Co. Steamer H J DtvLuney, Bristow, Alexandria, T Webßter, Jr. Str J SShriver, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. BELOW. Ketch Commerce, *rom Mayaguez; schr Green land, from Havkom ; f .ur barks, and about 20 brigs and achrs, names unknown, all bound up. (Correspondence ot the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del, July 17. The ship Scandinavia, from New Otleana, in bal lasts brig Concord, from Cienfuegos, in ballast, both Waiting orders, together with schrs Mary Emma, With hay for Fortress Monroe, and F Newton, with coal for Port Royal, are at the harbor. Wind S, and raining. r Yours, See. , AARON MARSHALL. (Correspondence of The Press.) •HAVRE DE GRACE, July 17. The steamer Kingston left here this morning with the following boats In tow, laden and consigned as follows: Geo Armstrong. Wright & Brother, and Captain Thomas Gunn, with lumber to W S Taylor; Brader Mills, do to Patterson & Lipplncott; JO Crawford, do to Wilmington,' Geo P Watson, ship timber to Oasker & Glcin; Unmet, wheat to Humphreys, Hoffman & Vrighr: Klorine Estelle, Sallie & Ann, Parrish & Co, No 37, Gen Cameron, coal to Carter; Pastime, coal to Delaware City. ' MEMORANDA. Schr Horace E D. o ,vn, Race, hence at St Thomas S3sth ult. Sohrßrazos, TCul *>v, hence at Hartford sth Inst. SohrMaryH I\i illir, Gladding, sailed from Pro vidence 16th inat i«t* this port. Cn > TT£MS. Fine Groceries for the Country.— losers. Davis & Richards (successors to the late I. H. Mattson), dealers in fine family groceries, Lrch and Tenth streets, are now sending large uantities of goods t o their country customers—hotel leepers, watering place proprietors, and private ltlzene, All goods bought at their stare are care* Idly paoked, and sect to any of the dOpfits forde* Ivery free of charge. Great Kedlotion in the Prices op Jhildbek’s Steaw Hats at Oakford k Son’s, nder the Continental Hotel. Mr. George Grant, proprietor of the Opuiar Gentlemen's Furnishing Store, No. 610 Jhwtaut street, mikes and sells the best fitting nd, in all respects, moat desirable Shirt of the age. live him a call— eveiybody. Fine, Military Goods of every character, >r Army and Navy Officers, can be had at reasona le prices, at Oaklord & Son’s, under the Continental lotel. rHE Draft.— The. draft is now in full gross in Philadelphia. Clergymen, editors, tohanta, mechanics, physicians, laborers—all lies are drawn indiscriminately from the wheel, l they are required either to shoulder a musket be national defence, or to fork over their (t little ee hundred.” .While the work of conscripting i PRICES. Bid. Asked. N Panna Id 16>£ I>o 65—...... Do bonds .. Girard College R 15 ‘lb Seventeenth-id & .. 1,200 bbli. 6,000 bus.. ....... 8,100 bns ....... 6,200 bns is going forward there is no lack of volunteers who are hurrying to the Brown-Stone Clothing Hall of Kockhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth, and procuring for themselves new and elegant outfits. This establishment supplies the wants of all, whether they are drafted to go or whether they are left to stay at home. Both civi lians and military men are equally well furnished forth by this famous firm. *v ~Let x man mve as longf as he will, the first thirty years of his life will always seem the longest; and the daily routine of our after life passes like the round of a clock, while the hands on the outside and the movements within mark the passing of time to others, till the weight has run down, and the pendulum stands still. In order that a man should pass life pleasantly, he should live ac cording to the laws of nature, and enjoy life by en robing himself in the neat and substantial garments manufactured at that great one-price Clothing Em porium of Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut street. Song op the Telegram. I’m out in the Ledger at the first blush of day, In the Bulletin arid Journal ere the twilight is gray; I’m here, and I’m there, and, wherever I fly, “ How sweetly,” ’tis said, “ doeß the Telegram lie!” Then off to the mountain, and over the moor— I pause, and I lie at the cottager’s door; JLxxd ss { pass oawAtJ, I tear- low aai Uffli. How the people are pleased with the Telegram He! And the papers, they take me and send me along, Though I’m often a knell, I seem ever a song; . And I flatter and soothe, and deceive till I die, . A trusted, though heart-breaking, Telegram lie l ; 1 -But bear in mind, no telegram was ever yet announce the merits of Charles Stokeß & Co.’a one pricc Clothing Store, under the Continental. ARRIYALS AT THE HOTELS, UP TO 13 O’CIiOOK LAST NIGHT. Continental-Ninth a G Pancoast, New York A P Williams. Cincinnati W Adams, Cincinnati 8 W Chet-ver, Illinois W fil Stewart. Indiana : Miss Stiller, New York Jos H Davis. Pittsburg Henry Phillips, Pittsburg Alexander Hay - 3? -A Vtiryii pf.—,-Ot—■! ■ A w jtioWe & la, Ist Louis H \Y Wight, Maine W S Wyckoft', New York ~ •Ta&Stcover. Lane co Wra'-Itesley, Fort Del Mr Radkiu; Cincinnati* , G it Colby, New York H F.Coggshall, Mass W A Swan, Massachusetts 5 Pugh : . Wm B Badge, New York . Marcus Miller, Jersey City K L Smith It la, New York ENaumburg. Baltimore R K Rowell, New Orleans: Mrs Howell &3ch, N Orica’s John M Howell, N Orleans John S Cavender.St Louis ■ Thcinas Leidy. Baltimore J R Bodwell. Mass Capt J C Mevitt, Baltimore Joseph G Loans . Lewis Dodge, MD, Buffalo John W Dodge, Buffalo D Driescott H S Reiniiold,Lancaster . W N Dumont Miss Howard, New York R W Caulk, Parksburg Charles James -F WPyne, England J L Patterson, St Louis Mrs H L Patterson & 3 da, do "VV Butler, Illinois C SfcClellan, U S A H De Camp &,wf» Cinn Capt s*einald. N J . Lieut Bonnelli N J Capt Anderson, N- J- Juo H.Mortimer, N J J Coolc 5c son, Chicago Geo WKay, NY W Purcell L S foster Ic-wf, NY • >: Jliti Msaauiii.Jl ¥ rffißGHtnr at . Ja za es I> JTlt 111 . s >.-» and Cheitaut Btraeti. F M Ellis, Utica, N Y T A Biddle Wm S Tell, Washington Jos Duncan, Illiuois Franks Davis, Cincinnati Mai WM Biddle C O Callaghan, Cuba • G A Cowgill, JSewJjarn.N C royrNew York TFA. Gilroy,New York R H Lamgorn. Altoona S A Kellogg, San Francisco C W Field, Jr, Mass W H VYeldon, 17 S N KKTozier, Kansas W S Romyn, St Louis O A Dayton. Uliaoiß C S Burnham, Illiaois Mrs Rich, Louisville W Deuzer, New York B A Giberson, New York George Booth, New York E J Sterling, St Louis, B HPainter,Pittsburg i F H Nugeuc.Pitlsbarg F O Day & la, St Louis Capt A S Van Beuren, N.Y Samuel Keys, Pittsbarg John S Hall, Pittsburg Samuel W Hall, Pittsburg ' R W Burke, Pittsburg ’ J B Hopkins, Pennsylvania S Hallock, Pennsylvania' W A Carter, Utah 1 C G Evaas, New York. John W Walton Lieut Col Chas H Tay, N J Dr P Fitch, New Jeraeyj CBomtbrd.USA W Wells, Lima, NY . Mrs Tockley, N Y Miss Armstrong, NY G L Stearins, Boston . L P Stearins, Boston S S Higginson, Boston MBoaser . H A Fuller, N Y J M 3ritchell, Mass B F Patrick. Chicago GW So ward, Chicago J Jparshn, Springfield, 111 Gejlet. Washington “Riggs. Washington •tt-G'Failt, WftshinytOß ■T R Rbhu.l ir I TiffliD#: uslousmi: K C:n,a j 'l’iinxert idilTa. } Girard—Chestnut 11 S F Moody, Pennsylvania Miss Wood, Washington W L Paryin, Washington WBiaisdelJ, Washington W W Wright, Delaware R C Copeland, Dexter H A Clark, New York H Urindle, New York >trect« below Ninth* AJSuston, Wheeling, Va Jacob Crouse, New York I H Waggoner, New A ork a Greeu, Delaware Capt J C A EEofteditz, Pa A. P Eastlaka, Heading Miss Libe, Potfeville C Willis, Washington S Chambers/ New Jersey Capt O’Bryan, U fiN J Matthews, Baltimore J C Fornald, Boston WH Sherwood. U 8 A S Perkins, New York Thos Davis. New York John Gilbert, Washington Henry Howard, Wash T J Gibley & wf, Wash I Morris, Denver. C T J Ei Graham &fara Ky WH Paul, NfewYork EG Comstock, Washington G A Henderson &Ta, Wash B F Steiger, Washington Luke Warner. Wash J M Sellers, Miftlin.Pa John S Plchl, Pittsburg APierce, New York Joseph Judson, New York Emannel Judson.Newl ork G H Howel, Philadelphia W A Wilson, Maryland D P Hall, Pittsburg H S Peirce, Cincinnati Jos Board, Now Jersey J-ieut Grngan, USA’ C W Walker, New York G W .Harvey. New York S L Telcott, New Haven H H St John W B Bain,- US A t L Casgey, Kentucky John Stewart, New York Mrs Grugaa, Chestnut Hill Merchanti’-Fourth A Dnryea, NY J N Moffat, NY C M Shoos, New Orleans B.Broughton, Geneva, NY J £ Robinson, Geneva, N X Geo Lester, Geneva, N Y J ft Price Srda. Md W-ASteeL’-Bnntingdon W Forster, Huntingdon W Leysnons, Penna Bugh Pitcairn, Altoona D C Alexander, Wmsburg B F Antrim, Pittston iliiiißiiniiaiiiiliiiliimiirß B fcvKe «¥ cin| Ciepmetci U<3 ijowmiin iria.Siearfield. Maj Stswayt. Illinois i A Patton, Clarksburg D Hartman, Harrisburg Jos Eggert, Collensburg J J Brodhead, C^llensbnrg l street* below Arch. J P Salmon, Hazelton A Coser, Carbon co J H Wolle. Bethlehem D Wetherly, Auburn, N Y Lieut Col A Pardee, jr, Pa B T Ruff, Baltimore E G McPherson. Mich „ _ C P Entf, Mt‘PJeasant C Bartberger, Pittsburg Mr Brent, Pittsburg A D Waddell, Michigan B H Lawson, Michigan Mi-s Richard Crowther, iiiUmnYilli) . r C»T»S 53 Col AL«jc D B JBlMdiiifi Lieut F W Perry * Capt J E Luther Maj Chas Day C S Leonard Amerlcan-Cheitnnt G Brenton, Jr, Ches co Lieut C C Fuller BE Darling C W Frankenley. Virginia S Colby, Cincinnati A Kimball, lowa Miss S 1> Gnror, Elmira SHoss, Potter co Capt Babcock, Brooklyn T A Wiley & wf, Lane I S B Durian, Chester co Mies R E Dorian, Chester co ! D 0 Luckenbach. Bethl’m J K Doughertv, Del co ■ P B Ackley. Rochester B F Brown, Mass JM Fuller, Cortland, NT , ; street* above Filth* E Dice; Mt Pleasant W H Ogden, Bermuda F Cobden; Cuba F W Raube, St Louis M G Dennis. Maryland T J Fairhank, Baltimore C F Ritchie, US A . P Morton, Penna P- Brady, Penna S K Rogers W F Logan, U S A - Edw McGinnis Henry Marshall ‘ Jas Benton, Jr, Del co W B Broomall, Del co N Hav»is JohnJonea St, Louls-Gheatnut John A Cole. Wash, DC F Kunseller, St Louis street* above Third. Geo E Thurston. UBN Robert Friest. 1J S N H T Crawford, Mt Holly Mrs S A Bennett & da, N J W Flrccue, Pittsburg J H "Willetts, New Jersey T H Davis, New Jersey Col C D Schelloneer, Md JobnH Hammett L llolmesv-New Jersey F Vincent, Wilmfng’n, Del P & la, Wilns.Del G Koates; Jr, Waterford, NJ W H Ogden, U S N W R Sturges. Washn’, D C Mr Aun&trong, Illinois P B Brown, San Francisco W R OePew, Wilm, Del GTYanleer, Media. Penna G W Jones, New York L Steinhoner, Philada Captain Smith, USN C H Doolittle & la, N York W C Conrad, Glenn Falls Dr Streeter, Burlington Adj Kendrick, New Jersey Lieut C Murphy, N Jersey E Murphy, New Jersey C Gillington & wf, N J J W Smith, USN Tlie Union—Arch. |i Cbas Wood, Absecum R (J McElhenny, Ohio John B Benks, Ohio P M Wheeler,’New York Hatt, New Jersey DU Hiram Toxrey "TV <? treetj above Third* A Briner, Washington W McCarty, W Richards, Washington C fllark, Washington H Tripp, Washington L adfflik: J w Jommon, New tofk dtate* Union-Sixth George Zahm, Penna and Market streets* Miss R Tunison, New Jeraey W McCarty & wife, N J E Baker St lady . . SD Burchard, New York Miss R McDermot Thos J Newton, England C S Almond F II Doylestown HT Watson, Pittsburg T ERalston, Pennsylvania J B Kidu, Lock Haven John McPherson, Penna G w McDowell, Penna L Runyan, New Jersey Commercial—Sixth street* at»ov« Cheitnnt J Osmond, Eckley, Penna E Larkin, Wilmington, Del J Wilson, Newark, NJ J B W Aydelott, Wilmmg’n J McDonough, New York LMinnot' S Pennock & lady, Penna A Douglas, Denver, C T J H Taylor & 1 ad.y, Penna W H Shepard, New York Geo B Heart, Penna CHThnrber, New York NSPaxon * G Hays, Maryland D T Newton, New York E B Martin, New York Dr Bertholett, New York P H Beck, Washington A Brown it., above Callbivhlll. Frank McDonald. Penna- John Smith, Penna JnoASmlth, Buffalo P* ter Bnrgard, Buffalo J Riegel Hellerton T S Leisennng. Pittsburg J Enirich& son, Harrisburg Bald Eagle—Third Si P Schmidt, .Penna Wm Johns, Penna A Boner, Penna Jos O born, Penna J*s McDottgall, Penna Chas Schnyder, Penna P McCarty, Penna John Sullivan, Penna • Madison—Second iti Jesse Comfort, Bucks co • M S Hnchanun, Bucks co C F Lcomis. Great Bend DSNewtnld, New Jersey Mies S B Shaw, Pa reet, above Market* W Barnsley, U S A Miss Sal lie Preston, Wilm’n B £ Smith, Maryland W Eodgers, Chestnut Hill Lieut C S Dcitrick, Pa Charlton. Bennett, Pa Harvey Shaw. Pa . . S W Brown, Bethlehem Slack Bear—Third St., above Callovrlilll* P M Tan Horn, M Chunk C ? Hoffner, Lehigh co. Pa ALHamell, USA ‘' Wm Mutter, Bechtelsville C.k Slover, Bedford co,Pa J Gehr, Bechtelsville Wm P Near, Kew York . Barley Slieaf— Second St, below Vine. S R Tompkins, Fox Chase N Servis, Doylesfcown Smith Harper, Fox Chase Wm H Jenkins, Bucks co Jno Howell, Trenton, N J J N Goforth, Attleboro Geo W Thompson, Ohio - Jos Rice, Trenton, N J National—Race street, above Third* John McKean, Pa jCapt Chfis S DaYis, P& J B Heimbach, New Berlin iT A Clark&la, Harrisburg SPECIAL NOTICES. Bair Dye! Hair Dye!! BATCHELOR’S celebrated HAIR DYE is the Best in the World. The only True aixd Reliable Dyo known. This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect —changes Red. Rusty or Gray Hair, instantly toa Glossy Black or Natural Brovm, without Injuring the Hair or Stain* lug the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; im parts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and the ill effects of Bad;Dyes. The Genuine is signed Wilium A. Batchelor, all others »re mere imitations, and should he avoided. Sold by all Druggists, &c. FACTORY—BI BARCLAY Street, New fork. Batchelor's New Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair. . •• : ' • - One-Price Clothing, of the Latest Styles, Made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL HALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Fl <ures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our 05E-Pekjb System is strictly adhered to. All are •hereby treated alike. de!2-ly JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street. Dp. Sweet's Infallible Liniment cures 'Toothache In one minute. MAKBIEQ. DAVIS—CONNOLLY.-—On Thursday, July 9th, at the Church of the Annunciation, New York, by the Rev. Father Brun, Mr. James D. Davis to miss Mary M. Connolly, niece of Charles M. Connolly, E*q , of New York. - ■ ■ * THOMPSON-MORTAN.—In Camden, on the Jsth inst., by Rev. J. B. Dobbins, Captain Andrew Thompson to Mies Mary Ann, daughter of S. W. Mor.tan. Eso., all of Camden, N. J. ‘ * = BREWSTER—BUCHANAN.—JuIy 2d, 1863, by Rev. W.W. Taylor, Mr. Abraham Brewster toJviiss Margaret Buchaaan, all of Philadelphia. * MITCHELL—WERNER.—On the 12th inßt., by the Rev. Samuel Durborrow, Harrißon Mitchell, of EdwanlsviJle, N. Y., to Barbara Werner, daughter oi Ernst Werner, Esq., of this city. * DIED. WEIGHT.—On the sth inst., at Murfreesboro, Tr-nn., or typhoid fever, Sergeant John B. Wright, Anderson Troop, in his 23d year, only son of Robert and Emily Wright. He was “one of the three hundred.” The relatives and friends are respectfully invited ,to attend the.funeral, from the residence of his pa rentp, No. 619 Green street, on' Tuesday afternoon, 21st inst, at 2 o’clock. EVANS.- on the 18th inst., William M. Evans, In the 33d year of hi, age. His relatives and friends, and members of the Vi gilant Fire Engine, are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, .this. (Monday) afternoon, at 3 ’ o’clock, liom his late residence. 1226 South Fifth Street. “ * SHARP.—On, morning, the 18th inst., Caroline M., youngest child of Wm. L. and Sarah SI. Sharp, aged 9 months. Funeral from the residence of her parents, No. 1427 Filbert street, on Second-day afternoon at 2 o’clock. * HOUGH. —At Nashville, Tennessee, on the 15th instant, of chronic diarrhoea, Oliver Hough,. of the 15th Pennsylvania Cavalry, son of Martha B. and the late Oliver Hough, of this city, aged 22 years. ** TIELINGHAST. —On the morning of Friday, 17th inst., Emma, wife of T. D. Tillinghast, Eaq., and youngest daughter of Wm. Monteliuß, Eaq. * MILLER.—On the 17th inat., Charles Willing Hare, infant bod of E. Spencer Miller. * ALLEN,—On the 16th instant, Sarah Allen. * > APPLEGATE.—KiIIed in battle on the 3d, at Gettysburg, John Applegate, of Co. K, 29th Regi ment, P. v., son David and of Elizabeth Applegate, aged 20 years. ' * ASH.—Killed at the battle of Gettysburg, July 3d, Edwin IC. ABh, of Co. F, Baxter’s Fire Zouaves, in the 25th year of his age. , * BRADY".—On the 17th inat., Alice Brady, m the 19th year of her age. _ . * CARN.—On Friday morning, 17th mst,, Mrs. Maiy K. Oarn, in the 78th year of her age. * COBERT. —On the 14th instant, Bella, infant daughter of Isaac and Matilda Cobcrt, aged nine months. * WeeUly Report of Internieuts. Health Office, July 18,1868, Deaths and Interments in the City of Philadelphia from the llf/i to the lUh of 1n1y,1863. . d d £ J* -2 is CAUSES OF DEATH. a 2 CAUSES OF DEATH, -3 3 ,10 3 . 10 3 v - i ABlhifift I Fovop.Puornepai:.:. 1 Ab5ce55.............. 1 “ Scarlet.;....., 6 Araenla 1 “ Typhoid..... 12 1 Albumimu-ea-........ 1 Gangrene ~1 1 Apoplexy 3 Hydrophobia 1 Cancer of Throat— 1 Hecmorrhago 2 “ Stomach... 2 . “ ■ Lungs.... 1 Croup.... 4 Hooping C0ugh...... 1 Congestion, Brain.. 1 4 Infiammatiou Brain. 3 11 “ Bean 1 “ Bronchi.... 1 “ Lungs 1 1 “ C010n...... 1 CoupdeSoliel 1 : Lungs.'..... 4 Cholera Infantum... . 76 “ Peritoneum 2 I “ Morbue...... 2 “ Pieuiu.l Cbickeu-P0x......... .1 “ S.& Bowels 2 6 Compressiou of Braiii 1 Insanity. 1 Consumption.Luugs. 26 9 Inanition 4 Concussion, Lungs-. 1 Kicked by a horse... 1. Brain... 1 Mania-a-P0tu........ 4 • C0nvu15i0n5.......... IIS Marasmus.2 23' Cyan05i5.............. 1 Measles • 4 Dixitberia............. 5 Ossification, Heart-• 1 Diarrhoea 4 10 Old Age....... 2 Dropsy. ..... 3 4 Palsy 4 . * ‘ Abdominal. 1 Rheumatism 1 ‘ ‘ 8rain..'....; 2 linn over on railroad 2 • ••'Chest.. 1 5cr0fu1a.............. 1 “ Heart 1 Small Pox.v.•■.••••• : -_t DiaenßO of Brain...i. .. 8 still-bornm Heart...... 5 1 Teething..... o •* 4 8100 d..... 1 Tumors * I*- Drowned ............ 4 2 Tetauis 3 Dysenteiy. - 2 Unknown. 1 Debility 5 6 . Wounds—Gunshot.-. 34 4 Erysipelas 1 Empyema. 1 T0ta1.... 143 240 Fever, Congestive....j 1 v OF THE ABOVE THEBE WESE— : Underl year... 13S From'4o to 69 20 From Ito 2.............. 49 “ -50 to 60............. 13 “ 2to 5--.- 22 «• 60 to 70........ 15 *“•••• sto 10 10 " 70 to 80...6 “10 t0'15...'. ..... 8 " 80 to 90............. 4 “ 15 to 20....... IS “ 20 to 30.. 57 Total-.. 388 “ 30 to 40.. 33 WARDS. WARDS. WARDS. First 28 Tenth... 14 Nineteenth...... 19 Second 27 Eleventh........ S Twentieth. 15 Third.... -19 Twelfth., .10 Twenty-first..... 5 F0urth........-.19 Thirteenth. 8 Twenty-second.. 7 Fifth............. 15 Fourteenth.. .... 7 Twenty-third.... 7 Sixth 4 Fifteenth........2o Twenty-fourth. .26 Seventh... 25 Sixteenth,;. .....11 Twenty-fifth.... 7 Eighth .....12 Seventeenth 12 Unkn0wn.......*52 Ninth... 7 Eighteenth 4 Total./.....: 388 Deduct deaths from the country.. 62 Net deaths in the city 336 Nativity—United States, 206; Foreign, 61; Unknown, 21. From the Almshouse, 8; People of Color, 19; from the country, 52. The number of deaths, compared with the correspond* lag weeks of 1662 and of last week, was as follows: Weekending July 19,1862, was S6O. Week ending July 11, 1563, was 593. Males, 235; Females, 153; Boys, 127; Girls, 113. Deaths and intex*meuts of soldiers in the city, 62. By order of the Board of Health. . WILLIAM READ, Health Officer. T?IiAOK. HBKNANIS.-JUST Zidtla’s Black Crape Sfarets. DO- ao. lamutim Do. : do. Barcses. Do. do. Bummer Bombazines. Do. do. Chally T imises. Do. do. Striped and Check Bareges.. Do. do. Mousseline de'Lames. Do. do. Bombazines, Sliawln, &c BESSON & SON’S Monming Store,' No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. PLAIN WHITE CRAPE SHAWLS. «*• ' White Barege Shawls; Light Lama Shawls; Summer Shawls, wholesale; Black Lace Points. BYRE & LANDELL. je2o . FOURTH & ARCH Streets. CUMMER SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. Foulards reduced; Keel Plaid and Stripe Silks; Bark Lawns, Mosambiques, &c. jeBO EYRE & LANDELL. A LECTURE Will be delivered by tha _ JOHN W. FORNEY ‘‘The Obligations and Lessons of the Hour,” In aid of the CH ABITY HOSPITAL, TUESDAY-EVENING next, Jaly 21, 18S3, . AT MUSICAL FUND HALL. Ticket* 25 cents. To be had at the principal Book and Music fc tores, and at the door. : . jy2o-2t CALEB COPE;, TREASURER OF the United States Sanitary Commission, North east corner of MINOR and SIXTH Streets, acknowledges the receipt of the following contributions since the last report: Cassidy..... -.; - if. w. Scott ; so.og P- X. P. i .....: .... 3.5 QO B. 1 ? . •«**»«., 0000 Harriet; C 0..,. 100 00 Michael V. Baker (additional)-... 25 00 Cash 100 OO C. F. Wells, Jr., Athenp, Bradford Co., Fa 250 00 Elizabeth inodes (additional) 100 00 Mrs. T. Wagner (additional).. ; 100 00 Tobias Wagnei (additional) 400 00 Charles Leland.. ■ 60 00 Jonathan Patterson (additi0na1)........... 25 00 Henry W. Andrews (third contribution)....;... 5 CO Pekin Mills. Manayunk (additional). 100 00 Tyler, Stone, & Co. (additi0na1).......;....*..... 100 00 Louie A- Godey (additional) 20 00 Jolinß. W0rre11......; 60 00 A. Cash.. 25 09 Cabeen & 00. (additi0na1).......,. : ltO 00 B. W. Stokes. ..., s‘ oo George B. Boberis. 30 00 E. L. Sewell, Jr., Wilmington, Del 10 00 Samuel C. Morton (additional). . 25 00 Hannah Sansom . 100 00 J. Tatum 20 00 James L. Biddle 25 00 Isaac Starr (additional)-............ 60 00 Yarnall & Trimball (additi0na1)........... 100 00 Bioombbunrlron Company .. 60 00 Y. & J. F. Gilpin 60 00 Coleman Fisher (additional)... 100 00 Tristram Blwdle 5 00 AFriend to the Uni0n......' 15 00 George PJstt (additional) 100 00 Brown, Hill, & Co. (addition»l) 100 0G T. C. Henry & Co. (additional)-/... 60 00 C. F. Horton & Co., through Ladies’Aid, St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, .Spring Garden, above Thirteenth (additional) 100 00 Ladies’ Aid of Boxborough. per Mrs. If. L. Jones .*... 10 00 Miss Anna Faussett 25 00 J. P. L 2 00 Charles P. Fox 100 00 From a party of ladies in Randolph street, being balance of collections made to pay for a national f1ag........................ Mutual Assurance Company (additional) Franklin Fire Insurance Company (additional) M.L. Dawson (additional).. Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Company (additional). IflWHil Miller &GOjl j •! * i s »1 nll i 111 •! *•ma t •» JHfii-iURtf-, HvlliagsTrvm V?n ■ Del- (ftcld.ttlota.l). ...... P.'S; J. (additional) Mrs. C. H. Bowie (additi0na1)........... M. W Mrs. Dr. Zantzinger T. Richardson k Co. (additi0na1)................ Benjamin Orne. -.......... /...;.................. Westmoreland Coal Company....... Pert proceeds of a little girls’fair, held at Mil ton, Pa., by Misses Battie, Masteller, Annie „ Augstadt, Florence Dole, and Alice Frick.... 43 35 Mrs. J. W; Biddle (additi0na1).......... . 25 00 Miss Mary C. Meig5............. .. 10J 00 Thomas W. Evans & Co (additional) 60 00 Sharpless Brothers (additional) .. 60 00 Carpenters 5 Company of the city and county of Philadelphia.:.. .. • 125 00 James Kevins (additional) 50 00 William R.Lejee (additional). 100 00 Mrs. S. V. M ..... 10 00 Phmnixlron C0mpany....'.;..........50 00 John Roset. Spring Dell. Bucks county, Pa 25 00 Roland Kirkpatrick (additional). 25 00 Ladies’Aidof Emanuel Church, Holmesharg, Pa., S. M. Blakiston, Secretary ]" OeorgeC. Morris Mrs. william Griffitts. Union Sabbath School, Milford, Pike county,Pa Ladies’ Aid, Pike county, Pa Master J. F. Y..v. Michigan Mrs Frederick Graff... 1............... MiesM. M. Graff Mirs H. Graff. J. V. Watson (additional)... . Charles S. Carpenter & Co. Previously reported THE PAYMASTER OP THE CITI .iCt* ZENS’ BOUNTY FUND has paid the following amounts to the various MilitaryCbmpanies since the last published report: Amountpreviously ;paid .............. To Captain Alexander Murphy, Corn Ex change, Company A.;.... $1,(10 To Captain William B Mann, Independent , Company,;. ...................... <1,030 To Captain Ed ward Fitzki, Keystone. Ar tillery.. l, 470 To Captain Samuel M.. Bager, National Guards 850 To Captain Thomas P. Mann,Union League SSO “ ‘ George Book,UnionLeage.;... 870 * ‘ .Jos. B Dye, Penna. Militia..., 910 . C. E ' Steinhach. Union League 720 John: Spear. Henry Guards.... 980 “ “ Lewis W.Goyett.Union League 720 V. ‘ Geo. T. Egbert, Union League.. StO * John R. Miles, Penna. Militia. 640 * John Reynolds Union League. 760 ‘ T. J. Aehion.Merchaats’Reg’t.. 5.90 Isaac J Neall, Merchants’Regt. . 900 John W. Moore, Coal Regiment 1,000 William N. Rowland, Pennsyl- . vania Militia. 890 To Captain John D. Doherty. Corn Ex change 800 To Captain Hugh David, Union League.... 7(0 * “ George W. Fairlamb, Union ....i 910 To Captain Henry W. Graeff, Union League 950 * Benjamin L. Taylor, Penasyl - vania Militia. 9GO To Captain James B. Farren, Corn Ex change . 740 To Captain John McKnight, Butchers’. Re- J giment................;................ .... . 870 To Captain William H. Woodward,: Light Battery G9O To Captain Isaac Williams, Merchants’ Be- giment...................; .. 930 To Captain Claries B. Stewart, Pennsyl vania Militia,... 983 To Captain Henry D. Frain, Pa. Militia.... 670 . “ ’ 1 ‘ James D. 1 illeiv Pennsylvania Cavalry •. • •..i 710 To Captain. Robert Morris, Pa. Cavalry-.•• 710. Louis FUcher, Fa. Cavalry 720 ..•'••v.- • . 26,770 Total 64,870 ■ WILLIAM VEITCH, Paymaster, - u No; 3 WILLING’S Alley. PROVISION FOR THE FAMILIES MEN.—A number of the citizens °f Philadelphia have agreed each to pledge himself to provide for the family of at least one drafted man,' who is dependent upon his daily -wages for. support..: The obligation will be to continue the provision so long as the soldier is away on military duty. \ *° eau h subscriber, whose duty it will be to visit them personally, or byaproper agent, and to see that they do not suffer A. subscription paper, can be found at the office of O W.-DAYIS, S. E. corner or THIRD and CHESTNUT Streets. In a few days similar papers will be ntothor locations, of which due notice will be given, jylS-3t ? OFFICE PHILADELPHIA AND l<r* TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY? PAn I pelpbia, Julyl6, a meeting of the Boardof Directors, held this day, a semi-annual,dividend of FITE PER CENT , clear of all taxes, was declared from the profits of the: Company, payable to the -stock-’ holders, or their legal representatives, on and after the 21st instant, at the Company’s ofllce. •. ; jyl7-7t J. MORRELL, Secretary. J3£- COAX^COMtSr^ F ™ E HAZLETON v -_:. • - .■ f • - . Philadelphia, July 16, 1863. : The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of TWO DOLLARS per share, payable, clear of all taxes, on and after August Sd, next ' •The transfer boohs will be closed until August 3d • jy!7»3t : ALEX. G. GAW; Treasurer: PROTECTIVE WAR CLMM AGEN- OF THE U. S.. SANITARY COMMISSION- At this office, established with the approval of the De- S&rtmenta at Washington, all claims of soldiers and mir relatives for BOUNTY, BACK PAY, AND PEN SION, are prepared FREE Otf CHARGE W. N. ASHMAN. Solicitor. Je2S-lm 13QT CHESTNUT Street. CI T YB A N K, PHILADELPHIA, July 14, 1863.—At a Stated Meeting of the Board of Directors, held this day, G.‘ALBERT LEWIS was unanimously elected Cashier. ' ■ • „ ' jy!7-3t WM.F. HUGHES, Fresident. THE PRESS.—PHELADELF |WC?> UNITED STATES CHRISTIAN COMMISSION. —Cash acknowledgments to July , 17, 1808: Voluntary subEcriitions on Merchants* Ex change, Boston, to Messrs l'obsy and C. Demond, per Janies StoreyTTreasurer {na tional ............ $3,000 00. New York Committee Chiibtiaa Commission, per James M Brown, Treasurer 3.423 49 Citizens of Fitchburg, Mass., per H. F. Cogg pliall 900 00 Army Committee of the 'Fifth Baptist Church (additional) 500 00 Boston Army Committee 387-29 Soldiers’Aid Society of Blairsville, Pa.. per ftA Jas.'Alexander, Treasurer.. 200 00 Bangor (Maine) Christian Commission 17u 00 tcranton Army Committee, Scranton, Pa., per ' It. C. Benry, Treasurer 16/ 03 Trinity M. E. Church (aduitional) . 100 09 Ladies! Aid Society, Cooper-Iron Works. Phil* Jipsburg. New Jersey.....*.; H-l-Oo Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance. Company.. 100 00 Welling. Coffin & Co. (additional) 103 00 Morris, Tasker, & Co. (additonal). 103 00 Edward Miller & Co (additional)....... 100. CO Bnrlan, Hollingsworth,-*#'Co.,- Wilmington, • ■ Del., (additional). 100 00 Collection iu UnlliB Evangelical Church, Framington, Mass . ....$9O 00 Sabbath-school of the Bollis,Evangelical ! _ ■ Church,Framington,Mass..(additional) 10 00 . • - 100 00 Westmoreland Coal Company.... 100 00 A. J. Drexel, (additional) *»**»•* 100 00 Second Contribution from Fair held at No. SO6 '. • • Pine street, per Mrs, D. Haddock, Jr 95 00 Wosttrn Army CommUtee, 5t.L0ui5............ - 'So 19 Ladies’ Aid Society of Oxford, Chester county,.. - Pa.,per Miss Annie Cunningham 75 00 Employees of William Rutter &Co., per Miss E. Miller 70 50 Bailej-ville Bible Society, Centre county. Pa., „ - per O. W. McWilliams 6925 DMiii-fIiPAAI-JiT. K. uinu'flL ror lor. J B.MOi CnllOUgHinnumiimmiiiimiMiimmim wW J?, KoUesonin. Furnaces, Betks ooun- _ i T ' 1..... 50 00 Mrs Daniel Mi:ne.... 60 00 Cash 59 S 5 Wm. McCallum 50 00 McCalhun & Co. 50 00. Morris Patterson (additional) 50 00 T. C. Henry & Co 50 00 AFriend.... 50 00 Joel J. Bailey (additional).. 50 00 Lad e« of Wharton-slreet M E. Church 50 00 SamuolA.Lewis (additional) 50 00 Mrs. C. H. Bowio . 60 00 E. Platt. New Y0rk........... ,50 00 Citizens bf Pcnnsgrove, N. J., per John K, •Loudcrback • 4S /5 Ladies’ Aid Society, Phillipsburg, N. J. 4718 Lutheran and Preibyteriau congregations of ‘ Greenwich, Warren county, I N. J., per Rev. . •Dr. Hand... 1 40 00 Collected by Rev. Andrew J. Hetrick, White • Bouse Station, N.. J • 40 00 . Soldiers’Aid Society, Pennington, N. J 3L 00 Soldiers’Aid Socioly. Galway, Saratoga county, - Ladies' Benevolent Society, Peppeioll, Mass.. ; 30 00 Church on Qrecu street, near Sixteenth, per ■ ■ • Rev. S. H. Gioay * *7 2o Jonathan Patterson (additional) 25 00 L. A. Godey (additional) .25 00 Two Friends, New London, Conn,, peri'Wm. - O. Crmnp.. ... ' 25 00 James Bayard (additional).... 25 00 Ewing Ladies’ Aid, near Treuton, N. J., per Prentiss de Veure 25 00 Alt* ona, Pa., Cavalry Company.... 22 83 Collection in Bradford county, Penna., per-Rev. - R. S. Russell, Agent 22 5) Collection in Trinity r Church, Moorc3town, New Jersey • >2150 Collection by Wm. Tiller and others 20 50 Samuel Dutton 20 03 L. Edgerton, Newport, Washington county, . Ohio, per Thomas T, Mason ,20 00 Love's Mill Aid Society, per Mrs. R. J. Mc- Creary, Erie, Penna ,20 00 J. E. Baum, Brown street, (additional)........ 20 00 ,T. C - 20 00 The Misses B. rThorndale. Md 12 00. Young Ladies Seminary. Thorndale, Md. . 8 00 Pennington Seminary, Pennington, N. J. ,‘per Rev. A. Cbalker . 15 00 B. H. Fish, Fall River, Mass... 16 00 Church Madcomb, Illinois, per George W. Provine... 15 03 Mrs. E. W 15 00 r. G. w . ; 15 00 Two strangers, Laurenceville, N. J .15.00 Mount Kirk Soldiers' Aid Society, Montgrmery county. Pa., perH. S.Ronenbough 13 10 Rev. G. M. M 10 03 Mrs. Carrill '. 10 00 Rev. S. O. Wylie...* 10 00 F. N. W , Cat* kill,. New York!. • 10 CO Sabbath School First Presbyterian Church, Ma . nayunk, Penna 10 00 Cash- Mauck Chunk, Penna..................... 10 00 J.F. fcheaff 10 60 Miss Caroline King, Troy, N. Y. 10 00 Mobgs Humphrey, Concord, N. H., per N. Bouton.. 10 00 Dr.. , who spent two months in the army, but is not well enough to go again;.... 10 00 Mrs. Dr. Noth tichenectady..... 10 00 J Caldwell- CTnion county, Penna.............. 1000 S£i±* BkU.fli=isa:Si;H.nisli=__J !W JaffiOSl. : 1000 --r----;4V VV Penny Contribution, R«t. J>ir. Todd'e Sabbath . - school, Pittßfield.Masa 1 18 00 Henry Dennis, Pittsfield. Mass ,10 00 Soldiers’Aid Society of St. Andrew’s Church... 800: Presbyterian Sabbath School, Danville, Pa.... 6 20 Cash.. 5 00 Cash.. 5 00 E.R. P... 5 00 Charles R. Webb. 6 00: Mies Ann E Moore, Williamsburg, Blair county, • Penna. ; 5 03 Mrs william T. Willcox 5 00 Miss Annetta Myers. Cheltenham township, . •Montgomery county, Penna.i.v.s 00 PresbyterianSnnday i»chool,LambeftvUle,N.J. 5 00^ Benjamin Coolid t e, Lawrence, Mass.. .. ■ 500 Mrs. Ann Duaton 5 00 James Colton. Pulaski, Lawrence eountyi Pa.. 6 00 J. D. . 500 Mrs. E. Merritt, Laceyvills, Pa................. 5 00 AFriend 6 00 A Citizen,'Lambertville, N. J....... -- 6 00 Green streetfif. E. Churcb, (additional)........ : 500 Miss P. Hastings..... .4 50 J. Hersliler, Vincentown, N. J.... 4.251 Geo R. Haven, 9th lowaVols., Vicksburg.... ,2 00 Mrs. E. B. Knight, New York... 2 00 Laura V. Daweon, procecds of a Fair. 150 ALittleGirl.. . 100 , $13,930-41 Amount previously acknowledged.’. 94,588 71 JOSEPH PATTERSON.'Treasurer, - Relief lias.lieen afforded for the wounded withunparal-.* leled promptLCss and liberality, and we desire to express - gratitude to Go,d for the confidence shown to the Chris tian Comnisiioo, by the large contributions of money am stores, made to it during this emargency. 1 Many, hundred!'of lives have thus.been saved. Let there-be* no cessation. The war is not over, out work isnotdone. • Keep steadily on. Send stores to GEORGE'N. STUART, Chairmen, No- 13 BANK Street, and money to .T 03.. 131fMimi£0]iI. miLtzniL Li DMHii- ■ybe United States Cbriatiaii Commission bee s9; ackno-wiedse the receipt of the /oliowing Hospital fc tores, fertile week ending July 38: ' PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia—4s boxes from Army Committee, Fifth Baptist Cluvch ; 29 boxes Fourteenth Ward Relief Asso ciation ;12 boxes from J. O.* Campbell & Bros.; 10 boxes, 1 parcel from North broad-street Presbyterian Church; lacampstooJs. Rev. Dr. Brainerd’s Church; 6 boxes, 12 per celt from Union M. E Church; 5 £oxes, 3 parcels from Spring Garden Presbyterian Church; 4boxeslemons from Mrs. Joshua B. Lee; 4 boxes from First German Reformed Church; 4 boxes from First Reformed Presbyterian Church. Rev. W. T. Eva; 4 boxes from Kensington M. E: Church; 4 barrels, Ac , from John Boulton, Shoemiker town; 3 boxes, 2parcels fiom Green-street M. E. Church; 3 boxes from Second Reformed Presbvterian Church, per- Mrs. Henry Colville and Alexander Kerr; 3 boxes from' Trinity Church Ladies’ Aid; 2 boxes from Trinity M. E. Church; 2 boxes from Mrs. J. Ross Snowden; 2 boxes farina and com starch, J. H. Cousty; lbarrel whisky, from James £. Brown. No. 708 Chestnut street; 1 barrel from John Polloek; l box fro-m Mrs. Captain Motz, Eighteenth ward; 1 box from Bethany Aid Society, per Edward S. Marks; 1 basket lemons from First Ad vent Church;! package of drawers from J. O. Stoddart.ii Bro ; L parcel clothing, doner unknown? 1 parcel gar ments, made by ladies of Dr. Carden's Church; 1 parcel ditto, North Broad-street Presbyterian Church; 1 parcel ditto, Broad and Brown Baptist Church; 1 parcel ditto, by Dr Kennard’s Church; l parcel clothing, from Mrs. M A. Gillingham ;1 parcel clothing, from Mrs. Clarkson and Mrs. Imlay; 1 parcel-Testaments and Prayer Books, from Mrs. Hamilton; 330,000 pages tracts, from Horace J. & R P. Smith; 68 packing boxes, from.A. H. Derrick son; 36 bottles cologne and rum, Henry Simson. Abington—l box, per Rev J. L. Withrow. Brandywine Manor—3 boxes, 1 barrel, per Roy. Dr. Grier. Eridesburg and -Whitehall—Sboxes, 8 barrels, S. R. Aspociation . Bristol—l 2 boxes, 3 barrels from Ladies* Aid. Camptown—l box from Ladies, perß. S Russell, To wanda. Cheltenham—6boxef>, 3barrelsfrom John W. Thomas. Cochranville—3 barrels, 1 box per Miss H. Lizzie Johnson. Colerain Forges—l box. Easton —7 boxes, 1 barrel from Ladies* Aid of the Brai* nerd Presbyterian Church; 4 barrels, 2 boxes, united gift of the Brainerd Church-and Lopatcdng and Greenwich Aid Gf tlia first Pseßbyui'iaa ommuu tirnis ftaa i/atfiee vrt/hriere ttjutvfti 1 jrarrsiPi I from Ladies’‘Dnion Aid Society. Fenwick. Perry county—l box for Rev. S. H. Tyng, Jr., Chaplain 12tn New York Regiment. Germantown—2 barrels from Trinity Aid Society of Lutheran Church; 1 box from Christ Church, Rev, A. B. Atkins. 200 00 100 DO ioq 66 95 00 50 00 100 00 10 00 50 00 25 00 200 00 Gum Tree—l box from Aid Society, per Mrs. Ann C. Gillies, s , Hatboro—2boxes from Ladies’ Aid. Haverford—3 boxes Ladieo* Union Aid Society of Dela ware county, Herrick—l box per Miss E. Overton, Towanda. Honesdale—2 boxes from Ladies’Soldiers’Aid Hyde Park—3 boxes from the Ladies, per O. P. Clark. * ' Lime Bill—lbox, perß.S. Russell, Towanda. ; - -Mahanoy City—lbox from Presbyterian Sabbath School. Mantua—9 boxes from Ladies, per J. 8. McClellan. McEweusville—7 boxe3 from Union League Society, Middletown—ll boxes. v Milton—l box wine. Neshanock—lbox from Reformed Church. Oxfoid—3 boxes from Ladies’Aid. Pottsville—lbox from Ladies’.* id. , Quakertown—3 boxes from Soldiers’Aid Society. Rieselsville—3 boxes from R. &D. Aid Society; 2boxes “W. & 8.” - - Scranton—6 boxes from Army Committee. Strasburg—6 boxes, 1 barrel from Patriot Daughters. Towanda—2 boxes from Ladies'Aid, Upper Uwcblan—3 boxes, 2 barrels from Aid Society. Wallace—l box per D. C. Meeker. •, WasbiD^tonville—l box from Ladieß* Aid. West Abington—l box from the Ladies. Wilkesbarre—l keg pickles. = •. Willietown —lbox from Ladies’Aid. Womelsdorf—3 boxes per John A>Sheets. -* NEW- JERSEY. V; Abington—lbox. ' Camaen—l3 packages from Association of Loyal Women; 1 box fivm Ladies of South Ward. . Fleraingtoi—4 boxes.from Soldiers’ Aid. ; Lawrenceville—2 boxes from Mrs. 6. M. Hamill; lbox $4,790 90 80, 534 56 $91,045 46 from Rev. Drs. Gosntan and Nassau. . '•« Lopatcong and Greenwich Churches—4 boxes additional. (See above, Easton, Pa.) . Leaser Cross Roads—l box from Bedminßter, per Mrs.' Mary E. .Wyckoff. , •: Lodi—2 kegs wine, from S. B Halliday. Mooivf town—l box from Mrs. -Mary. S. Thomas; lpar cel from Baptist Church.- Mount Holly—s boxes from Ladies’ lid. Pennington—3boxes, per Bey. Geo. Hale, D.D. ;2 boxes,' perß A. Chalker. ' PeDnsgrovt—2boxes- Pluckbimn—l box, per Mrs. B Compton. Princeton—3 boxes from Ladies’Aid. Trenton—s boxes, 3 barrels,: per Rev. R.‘A. Chalker; $ boxes from Ladies’ General Aid Association; 1 box •oranges from Katy Montgomery. •. Salem—2 boxes from Aid Society* - Upper Piitsgrove—l box from Ladies’Aid. V V MASSACHUSETTS. Andover—l.barrel from Mies Phoebe E. Abbott. ' .Boston—6 ; boxes stores, 2 boxes "Little Comforts,” per L. P. Rowland; Jr.,; Army Committee; 2 boxes from B. S. Enow; 1 box frow W. H. Sargent; 1 box donor unknown; 2 boxes from Juvenile Missionary Society of' Salem Church. Brighton—l barrel from Mibb V.T. : Warren. Chelmsford—l barrel from Miss Spaulding. East Cambridge—l box from Dr. j. B. Taylor. * Fitchburg—9 barrels and s.boxes,-from the citizens, pe* H. F. Cogshell. JjtmaicaPlaiu—2 boxes from Geo. W. Coffin. ! Middleboro—l box from S. . Milton—l box from Mrs. F.: W: K. Nye. " ’ Newburyport—l box from Miss S. L. Dayis. Newton Centre—l box from Rev;D. L. Furbnr Provincetown—2 boxes from Mrs L. N. Paine Plymouth—2 boxes from LoaisaS. Jackson. Beading—2 boxes from E M. Brown. Shuby—2 boxes from Mra. Joseph Hazen and Mrs. M. A.. CJark. South Danvers—l box from Miss E. 0. Proctor, Ahd : l barrel from Mrs. Henry Cook. Uxbridge-2 boxes from John W. Capron. Weymouth Landing—l box from Warren Stetson. MAINE. ■ Hampden—l barrel from Mrs. Dr. Baker. Livermore Balls—l box from Roger Ela. Winterport—l box from Mia. Charles Colbnrm. , Hew Sharon—l box from J. V. Thwlns ' ' .HEWHaMPSHIRE. Nashua—l box from L. Kimball. Nortli Salem—l box from Rev. J. W. Adams Hajmond—l box from Rov. G. W. Sargent. . CONNECTICUT. Windsor—l box from Rev. B Parsons. • NEW YORK. Buffalo—l 3 boxes, .2 barrels from Ladies’ Christian Commission and Army Committee ’v CabinßlU—l boxes From liev. John E. Taylor. Cohoes—l box from Girls of Strong’s Mill. Galway—2 kegs, 1 box from Soldiers’Aid Society. * New York—l 2 packages, 1 box, from N. Y. Committee' of the U. S. C. C. Troy—l box from Miss Caroline F. King. New York—l box for Chaplain Weller, S7fch lowa Vo lunteers, Tennessee. . ■'.St. George’s, Delaware—l box from Ladies’ Aid. . Loves’Mills—l box from S. K. Society. Donor unb nown—l box. Any accidental omission* in the above list we. trust "our-'frieiidfe'.will excuse/. We are advised by telegraph' daily, of great need in the army of clothing, delicacies of all hinds,'and reading matter. Aid the brave sufferers by helping-iiR to meet their wants. Moheymaybe sent: to JOSEPH PATTERSON, Treasurer, at the-Western' Bank. ; Storesto ' G£ORffE H. STUART, Chairman. It : : - , . No. 33 BANK Street,-Philadelphia. rs^ v OFFICE .OP THE GIRARD COL- IjEGB PASSENGER R aILWAY COMPANY, cor ner of COLUMBIA and RIDGE avenach. . J . Phii.a n !■'lphra , July 13, 1863. The Board of Directors of this Company have this day declared a DIVIDEND of FIFTY CENTS PER SHABB, clear of all.taxes, out of the earnings of the last six months, payable to the stockholders, or their legal re presentatives, on and after MONDAY, the 20th instant. The Transfer Books will be closed till the 20th instant. . ,iylS-dt WTLLUM S BLIGHT. Treasurer. o P F 1 0 E. -MEDIO AL'" director, V , J?- S. A., PnTIBKLPIIIA, July lGth, ISG3. Soldiers whoare permitted' to reside at home and re port toiAnay Hospitals in this City, and their friends and those., furloughed from Hospitals, are notified.that , £key c »5 receive no compensation from the Government for board dunog the time they avaii themselves of such ■ indulgence.. E M SWIFT r' ' jyl7-|rm'w6t Surg. U. S.A/, and Med. Director.' , MONDAY, JULY 20, 1863. MILITARY NOTICES. 9 THE INVALID CORPS. BY GENERAL ORDERS No. 105, from the War De partment authority is given for creating a military organization, to be composed of such worthy officer* and solcieib as may have become disabled from wounds received in service, or from disease contracted in the line of duty, and to be called the INVALID CORPS. As il is to becoinpoKea of VETERANS who have become more or less crippled in the service of their country, and have produced evidence of worthiness this will be em phatically a CORPS. OF HONOR, reckoning among its numbers many of the noblest and moat gallant sons of America, brave relics from every battle-field of the war, gathered under the fostering protection of a grateful Go vernment. It is to be NATIONAL in its character, having no re ference to States; hence an applicant, furnishing the ne cessary qualifications, may be received by any provost n arshal appointed under the enrolment act, whether in his own or in another State. Its officers and men will be designated, as a mark of distinction, by a uniform peculiar to themselves, and their duties will be such home service as they may be capable of performing, thus relieving many thousands of able-bodied troops whose services are needed in the field. . One office has been open for a few weeks, for the enlist ment of invalid discharged soldiers, atNo. BCBLombard street, Philadelphia. This is now closed, and another opened at No. 34-3 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia, adjoining the office of Captain LEHMAN, Provost Mar shal of the First Congressional District. • A cainp has been opened near Harrisburg for the re ception of air recruits for this corps enlisted in this State, where comfortable quarters are furnished, and the recruits uniformed, armed, and equipped. The follow lnginformation concerning this corps is published by the War Department, viz: *. The term of enlistment in the Invalid Corps *hall be three years, unless sooner discharged. It is farther an nounced that no officer or enlisted man shall be entitled t? gi ? e piY<? SBjy-eßeijH, pr?i|lgT!|^r Gorße. Glaiffis foe iisiisloas oelioiinfloß. wkfok nifty kS line lor preylouß soiyiubi will not ns InTaMntei fcy sn* Ustroent in the Invalid Corps; but no pensions can be drawn, or accrue to tbe benefit of any man, during his service in said corps. - The officers and men will be orga nized into companies of infantry, of the same strength as is now authorized bylaw for the United States in fantry. 1 • “The officers and enlisted men will receive the same ,pay and allowances now authorized by law for the .United States infantry, and will be paid in the same manner. •-. » . “ Ken enlisted in, or transferred to, the Invalid Corps will;be subject to the Articles of War, Army Regula tions; &c., the same as other soldiers, and will be re quired to perform all duties within the limit of their physical capacity, as laid.down in the Rules and Regu lations for that corps; hut for the convenience of service they will he selected for three grades of duty. Those who are most efficient and .able bodied, and capable of using the musket and performing guard duty, light •marches, &c., &c. .will be assigned to companies of the 'lst Battalion, lhQS.e Of the hext.doaroe. of physical eifi ‘Moaevy including all who have lost a hand or an am, to the companies of tho 2d Battalion. Those who are the least effective, 1 and Including all who have lost afoot or ,a leg. to the compamea of the 3d Battalion. •/:* Companies .of the Ist Battalion will he employed mainly as provost guards and garrisons for cities, but may he assigned to forts, field works, and railroads near the cities and other important points. They will be armed with - muskets, and will not be-liable to active campaigns with the field armies. : “Companies of the 2d Battalion will he armed with side-arms only, and will pe employed as guards of buildings, hospitals, &c.y and will have companies of the Ist Battalion on duty with them when the use of fire arms may he necessary. “The companies of the 3d Battalion will be armed with side-arms, like the 2d Battalion, and will he em ployed in hospitals as cooks,nurses, ward masters, clerks, orderlies, fire.,. &c ; the officers of theße compa nies doing the duties of military assistants at the hos pitals/ - . < . - - For further information, discharged soldiers are In vited to call at 343 SouthTHIRD Street, orattheofllce of any provost , marshal acting nnder authority of the enrolment act. E. W. MATTHEWS, Maior Ist Penn’a Artillery and Snp't R. S. Invalid Corps for Phila. u REGULAR ARMY. a $4OB BOUNTY-®4O ON ENLISTMENT. .W Recruits wanted for the 12th U. S. INFANTRY. For information, apply to jyll-lm* t HEADQUARTERS GRAY RE SERVES minute men. PiiTLADKiirniA, July 17. 1863. The Eeveral companies of this command will assem ble at their respective Annories on MONDAY, 20th. inst., at S o’clock P. M , for inspection preparatory to being armed and equipped; Members of companies are di rected to he punctual in their attendance.' By order of GEORGS F. DEL’jEKER, . Captain Commanding. jylS-2t* Jos. T. Fokd, A. fBEADQUARTEBS OF COMMIS SION POE TJ. S. COLORED TEOOP3, Ho. 1310 gfiEßMp HiUit Tlh!h:U“.l-!: _JII —wmm to BOM mma Ut 1: inaiiiiriaiaini to « swtmstnsi ana r> turn I r«i jt* 10.1. R. Ji. COBSOS, Aiiout. KKTAiIi DRY GOODS. Q.REAT REDUCTION SUMMER DRESS GOODS. '> FACIFIO'I.AWNS, 12K cents. I2K cents. PARIS ORGANDIES, 25. BAREGES, 35% and 25 cents. - FINE BLACK BAREGES, 25 cents. With many other kinds of Dress Goods, reduced very low, to closeout, to make room for Fall Stock, such as GRENADINES, SUMMER SILKS, FOULARD SILKS MOHAIRS, • MOZAMBIQUE®, &c. EDWIN HALL & CO,, ‘ »G SOUTH SECOND STREET. N. 8.—200 pieces of Medium and Dark Prints just opened, at 38% cents. jy2o-6t gHADES, CURTAINS, LINENS, $108,59112 J IWKHISIIIKG BUY BOOBS. Tbs, snbscribsrs offer, at the LOWEST CASH PRICES, vi an asticnjiioM or HOUSE lUKMSHTjS Ci DBT GOODS, .To which they respectfully solicit the attention of Families, Hotel-keepers, SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, jy!7-fmwl2t TWIN HALL & CO., 26 SOUTH SB -M COND Street, are now offering BLACK SILKS AT REDUCED PRICES. Black Silks at $l, LI2K, and $1.2-5. Summer Silks at reduced prices. * Foulard Silks at reduced prices. ; Silk Grenadines at reduced prices. Fine Organdies at reduced prices. Fine Dress Goods, all reduced; . . Fine Modes, Blues, aud Pearl Bareges. Plain Lines, Buff, and Pink Percales, or French Chintzes, imt received. N. B.—Just received one ca?e of superior quality Plain Silks. The colors are Browns, Blues, Modes, Purple, and Green; price, $1.37K; been selling at $1 75. jy2Q-tf gARGAINS IN DRY GOODS From the United States prize steamer Calypso, Purchased at the late Marshal’s Sale. Several lots Bleached Muslins. Several lots British Chintzes. Several lots fine Shirting Linens.... Several lots Men’s Linen Cambric Handkerchiefe. Several lots Women’s Linen Cambric Hdkfs. •Several lots Damask Table Cloths. Several lots Striped Muslins. All of which will be marked cheap, to effect rapid sales. J 3 efl t vraiGTr. ENGLISH LONG CLOTH SHIRT INGS, 20 and. 25 cents, from the Marshal’s Sale of prize Steamer Calypso. CURWEN STODDART & BRO., Nog. 450,453 } and 454 S- SECOND St.,ab. Willow. TJRITISH CHINTZES, 14 CENTS, —r . from the Marshal’s Sale of prize steamer Calypso. CURWEN STODDART & BRO., Hot. 4:50,4:53, and 454 N. SECOND St., ab. Willow. TONE IRISH LINEN AT LOW -A- . PKICES. from Marshal’s Sale of prize srobda per steamer Calypso. .. * CURWEN STODDART & BRO., Nob. 450, 455, and 454 N. SECOND St. ab. WiUow. T>L ACR DRESS SILKS OF AT.T. GRADES AND WIDTHS. CURWEN STODDART & BRO., Nos; 450,4r5», and 454 N. SECOND St; ab. Willow. jyl7-3t . JOHN H. STOKES, V OFFERS ;.Black and White Plaid Marseilles. Black and White and Brown and White Linen Check, French-Hankinetts—plaid and plain. ’Nankin—nice quality. . Linen Stripes, dark ground, good. Merino Cassimeres—excellent quality. » PlAin* Mixed,-and Plaid Cassimeres. Sil* Mixed Cloths and Cassimeres. Ladies’ Cloaking Cloths. Double-width Plaid Flannels for Shirting. je27 riHEAP GOODS— ‘ Lawns, J2H cents. Bareges, 12H cents. And a Variety of other Goods at Reduced prices, which are being sold preparatory to Receiving The Fall Importations. feIIIRPLESS BROTHERS, CHESTNUT and-EIGHTH Streets. CHARPLESS BROTHERS OFFER Linen Towellings, ' Linen Sheetings, Napkins, Table Cloths. Blankets, Quilts, . Piano ana Table Covers, Furnishing Goods; Also, Soldiers’ Blankets. CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. TjVANCY CASSIMEEBS. - . Summer Coatings. - Black Cloths and Cassimeres. Men’s Clothing made to order. : ■ ■ COOPEK & CONARD, jy9 S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets •MANTILLAS. •**"-*-' . Silk Mantles below cost. Silk Mantles andrWaterproofs. Sommer Mantles and Shawls, cheap. Odds-and-enda Lace Goods, cheap. ■ COOPER A CONARD, jy9 , B. B. comer NINTH and MARKET Street#.' TYRESS GOODS AT REDUCED .U PRICES.-H. STEEL & SON, No. 713 and -ns North TENTH Street,' are now closing ont the balance of their stock of Poll de Chevres, all Wool Delaines, Poplins, . Chillies, Delaines, Taffete d’Btds, FrenchiLawns, French, English, and American ChintMi, ■ Bareges,.Silk Tisanes,:Silk Grenadines* ■ . Fancy Silks, and; all kinds of 'sunnierDress Goods, at extremely lowprices, SUMMER SHAWLS AT REDUCED PRICES. - _ BARGAINS-IN BLACK SILKS. „ . CHOICE BTYLES PACIFIC LAWNS at 18*c. 1 lot 2 yards square Table Cloths, Snow Drop and Damask, all Linen-, at SI.SO. jed 1034 CHESTNUT STREET. E. M. NEEDLES At prices generally below present cost of lmpor . -tation,' . WHITE GOODS, all descriptions. EMBROIDERIES. do do LACES. do do LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, do VEILS, &c„ &C; ’ • And respoctfally Invites an inspection of his stock. 10»4 CHESTNUT STREET. OOLDIERS’ SHIBTING FLANNELS, : 6-4 SliirtiEjfß all ■wool.'' 1 - . 3*4 and 6-4 Fancy Shirtings. ‘Soldiers'Gray Blankets. Red, White; and Blue. i Da Laiaes for Flags. ■ v « EYRE b LANDBLL. FOURTH and ARCS Streets. WM. SERGEANT, Captain 12th Infantry. »54S> S FRONT Street. IN THE PRICES OF Tiifl lariast ail Hast mortmaat And buyers generally. 1008 CHESTNUT Btreet. 702 ARCH St., OFFERS FOR SALE, NEW PUBMCATIONB. NOVEL BT MRS. HENRY WOOD. PUBLISHED THIS DAY, GERVASE OASTONEL OR, THE SIX GRAY POWDERS. BY MBS. HENRY WOOD, Author of * ‘ East Lynne," M Mrs. ffaliburton’s . Troubles,’’Etc.. ’ PRICE 35 CEXTS. “ There is effective incident enough in-tbis ■work to have been spread by a verbose writer into a book three times its present length. Tkecbaracter of ihesiirgeon * lnspeculiar criminal penchant, his impenetrable man ner, all made out in a tew masterly pencil strokes:. ■while the other personages of tlie written drama support the main actor on the scone effectively. "—Times. Published by DICK & FITZGERALD, No. 18 ANN Street, N. Y- Also, for sale by all booksellers in this place Copies of the above hook Kent hy mail, to any address, free of postage, on receipt of price. jylswf<n3t JJAZASD'S EOOXiTORI. T 94 CHESTNUT STHEET. Between Seventh .ml Eighth Street,. All Book* usually to be had in a FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE, Will always be found on our shelves AT THE LOWEST PRICES, jw-tr V'EW BOOKS. Jnst Received by j. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., • Tl 5 and 7VS MARKETSfcreet. AT ODDS IN GERMAN. ,-Unelns Oder, Kreig im Krieg der Baronin von Tantphons. WAR PICTURES FROM THE SOUTH.' By B. Estvau. ■ GERVASE CASTONEL; or, The Six Gray Powders. Bv Mrs. Henry Wood. FLOWERS IN THE PARLOR AND GARDEN. By G. Sprague Rand,.Jr . , HAMMOND S HYGIENE. With special reference to Military Service. • LOST AND SAVED. Bv the Hon. Mrs. Norton. FANNY KEMBLE’S JOURNAL OF A RESIDENCE ON A-GEORGIA PLANTATION. - MY GOOD-FOR-NOTHING BROTHER. By Wickliffe Lane.' / jylS ■in GENTS!!—GENERAL MEADE 10 .LU cents. Card Pictures for Albums. •V- PITCHER’S jy2o-6t . 808 CHESTNUT Street, (CLEVELAND'S PRONOUNCING MEDICAL LEXICON, containing the Pronunciation and Definition of most of the terms used by speakers and writers on Medicine and tbe Collateral Sciences, with an Adenda containing Abbreviations used in Prescrip tions, Poisons'and their Antidotes,. &c., &c. A small pocket volume. A new edition just published and for sale by LINDSAY & BLAKESTON, jy2o No. 35 8 .SIXTH St., above Chestnat. 9 A -CENTS I GODEY FOR AUGUST. .iylB-6t PITCHER’S, SOB CHESTNUT Street. 9 000! —B,OOOl —OVER 3,000 DIF* FBRENT card pictures fob PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, at PITCHER’S ALBUM DEPOT, jy!4-tf • 808 CHESTNUT Street. VEW MAPS—NEW BOOKS. Al NEW COAST SURVEY MAP OF VIRGINIA, showlnji the present movements. Sheets SO cents; Pock et form 7o cents. NEW MAP OF THE EASTERN PART OF VIRGINIA, and MARYLAMD, and DELAWARE, on a large scale. Sheets 50 cents; Pocket forms 75 cents. NEW MAP’OF PENNSYLVANIA! Sheets SO cents; Pocket form 75 cents. JOURNAL OF A RESIDENCE ON A GEORGIA PLAN TATION. By Frances Anne Kemble. $1.25, ROBERT, THE CABIN BOY. 75 cents. &3F#LCANS Lelantf „ aS!?"* "“T” TBI TIIiGBIM r tTHi IHtBIBSfiM InOittßfltS Inttlß experience of Christians so cents. MEMORIAL OF SUSAN M. UNDERWOOD; or FOL LOWING AFTER. JESUS. By Mrs. Eliza H. Anderson. 60 cents. AN HISTORICAL BESEARCH. ‘Opinions of the found-, ere of the Republic onNegroes, as slaves, as citizens, and as soldiers. Third edition. Paper 50 cents; cloth $l6O. For sale by • WM. S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, jy!3 606 CHESTNUT Street. O/r CTS ! —-25 CTS!—2S CTS ! PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, holding 12 PICTURES, bound in Muslin, silt edge. PITCHER’S ALBUM DEPOT, jy!4-tf 808 CHESTNUT Street. ftio' TO S4S.—IMPERIAL QUARTO PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM 3, holding 200 and 400 PICTURES, eieaantly hound in TURKEY MOROCCO and RICH VELVET, with Ornaments, PITCHER’S ALBUM DEPOT, jy!4-tf 808 CHESTNUT Street. - $1 f)0! & 1 - 50! —-$l-501 I’FIOTO *IP L. GRAPH ALBUMS, holding- TWENTY FOUR PICTURES. Bound in BEST TURKEY MO- PITCHER’S ALBUM DEPOT, - 808 CHESTNUT Street. ROCCO. jyl4-tf ARMY GOODS. 1776. 1883. FLAG S!!J SILK FLAGS!! BUNTING FLA GUI BURGEES. PEMNTS. UNION JACKS. STREAMERS! * T 7 N T X N Gr I BED, WHITE, AND BLUE. EVANS & hassall; MILITARY FURNISHERS, jyl7-tf No. 4tlB ARCH STREET. Philadelphia. AEMY CAJPS AND NAVY OAFS. - GEO. HOFF A CO., No. »5 North FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, Blanufacturera of all kinds of Indigo Blue Army and Navy Caps and Silk Covers. jy3-lm* Orders promptly filled. HATS, ARMY HATS. ADOLPH & KEEN, No. G» North SECOND Stroot, Philadelphia, Manufacturers of all kinks of FELT HATS, have on hand a large assortment of all the various and most approved styles of^ ARMY HATS. Orders by mail from sutlers or jobbers, will be promptly filled at the lcwest xatea. je3Q-3m DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-BLUE CAP CLOTHS. SKI-BLUE CLOTHS FOB OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT, 10-OUNCB DUCK. DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. HEAVY LINEN DRILLS AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRT* INGS. For sale bj FKOTHIN GHAM A WELLS. - aeS-lftf Q W. SIMONS A BROTHEB| SANSOM-STRSET HALL, PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURERS OF JEWELRY, FINE SWORDS, AMD MILITARY GOODS, IN EVERT VARIETY. laDMfgm XiEGAIi. ■pSTATE OF DAYID CRSTG.—IN -■-i the Orphans’ Court of Delaware county, in the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania NOTICE.—To JACOB WILSON. ESTHER WILSON, WILLIAM CREIG, LYDIA BROWN, ANN LAW RENCE, greeting.: Take notice, that an inquest will .be held on the pre mises of the late DAVID CREIG, deceased, of the town ship of Thornbery, in the county and State aforesaid, on the 20th day of August, A. D. 1863. at ten o’clock A. M., on that day. for the purpose of. making partition of the real estate of the Baid deceased, to and amonghis children and legal representatives, if the same can be done with out prejudice to or spoiling the whole, otherwise to value and appraise the same according to law, at which time and placevyou are requested to atteud. if you think proper. N. L. T ARNELL, Sheriff. Sheriff ; s Office, Media, June4,lS63- iy2om3w - TTNITED STATES, EASTERN DIS . TSICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, SOT. • THE PRESIDENT OF. THE UNITED STATES, TO. THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT: OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING: WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States In and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United States of America, hath decreed all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the steamer Charleston, whereof Henry Swan is master, her. tackle, apparel,, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden on board thereof, captured by the United States sloop or vessel of war called Seminole under command of Captain : Rolando, to be monished, cited and called to judgment at the time and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed, (justice so re quiring.) You are*therefore charged, and strictly en joined and commanded, that you omit not, but that by publishing these presents in at least. two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the city of Phila delphia, and in the Legal Intelligencer, you. do monish ana cite, or causeto be monished and cited, peremptorily, all persons in- general who have, or pretend to have, any Tight, title, or interest in the said steamer Charles ton, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden on board thereof, to ap pear : before the Hon. JOHN CADWALADER, the Judge of the said Court; at the District Court room, In the city of. Philadelphia, on. the twentieth day af ter>publication of these presents,/ifit be a court day, or elpe on the next court day following, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then; and there to show, or allege.indueformoflaw.areasonableandlawfulexccuse, ifauy they have, whythe' saidsteamer' Charleston, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden on board thereof, should not be pronounced to the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and as goods of their eDemies or otherwise, liable and subjeetto con demnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful pmes; and further to do and receive in this be-: half as to justice shall appertain. And that you duly in timate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persons afore said, generally, (to whom by.the tenor of these presents it Is also intimated.) that if they shall not appear at the time and- place above mentioned,' or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudication on the said capture, and may pronounce that the said steamer Charles ton, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and th* goods, wares, and merchandise laden on board thereof, did belong, at the time of the cap ture of the same, to the enemies of the United States of 'America, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence, or rather contumacy, of the persons so cited and intimated in anywise notwithstanding, and that you duly.certify to the said District Court what you shall do in the premises, together with these presents. Witness the HonorableJOHN CADWALADER, Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this 17th day of July, A. D. 1863 j and in the eighty-elghth year of the inde- Vi..: '> jySO-St G. R. FOX. Clerk District Court. E E;,EARLY, UNDERTAKER, southeast corner of TENTH.and .GREEN Sts., would respectfully annoimwHbat he has opened a branch of his establishment at Gettysburg, Penna.,. where his Agent will have on hand a supply of . METALLIC COFFINS. which can be furnished on demand, at moderate prices. ; jylS-3t*if . • • igygM P. SCHULER’S SUPERIOR n • grand overefcnnrMoare PIANOS from *3OO upward. For sale by the maker, 003 MARKET Street jafl-Sm* A MERICAN BO OF.IN G SLATES, FOLLY EQUAL TO THE BEST WALSH SLATES. ... . „ • T. THOMAS. ’ l»a>-4ni* .hit WALNUT Street WAHTS. (SALESMAN WANTED, IN A MAR. KET-Street Cloth Jobbing House; one who can. in fluence & good cash trade. Address Box 2,150, Phila delphia P. O. - . jy2o-2t* WANTED —sls PER DAY—WE want reliable, energetic canvassers and ajjeiits in every county, for a genteel business at a commission of from $5 to $l5 per day. No humbug. Experienced canvassers preferred,but room for all. Address C. M. DUNN & CO., Publishers, At either Cincinnati, Ohio; Chicago, Illinois: or 185 READS Street, New York. - jy2o-3m* WANTED-YOUNG MAN FOR •T * CLERK. . Apply in own handwriting. Address Box 662 P. O. jy!7-3t «i 75 PER MONTH GUARANTEED. Mp * al Testimonials of Clergymen and scientific men sent free. ISAAC HALE, Jr., & CO., Newburyport, Mass. . - . je24-2md&W A MONTH!—I WANT TO HIRE W * AGENTS In every county at $75 a month, ex penses paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewing Ma chines. Address S. MADISON, my6-Bmd&W ' Alfred, Maine. A M 0 N T HI—W EWAN T wV'-' AGENTS at $6O a month, expenses paid, to sell our Everlasting Pencils , Oriental Burners', and 13 other new articles. 15 circulars free. SHAW & CLARK, myg-Smd&W Biddeford, Maine. non "—this amount to t|])lUjV/VU» loan on a City Mortgage or Ground Kent. Will be divided. Apply to E. PSTTIT, 3Tlff 3QB WAMtfl Strerti M WANTED TO BENT—A HOU3E -SSlillL v/itii to iS iiooms, large yard and sia\>le,V>etw&en. Walnut street and Girard avenue-and Broad Rtreet and the Schuylkill, Address D. M. 8., 1833 WALLACE Street. - . jy!3»6t* DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER «SS®| QENBEAIt’S OFFICE. —ParitADBtPHiA, Feb, 9, 1863. VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry COAL to the following points: TortugM. Key west, Via. Fort Monroe, Va. Alexandria, Va, Newborn, NJ C. , , A Port Royal, 8. C. A. BOYD, lelO-tf . . Captain and Assist. Quartermaster. FOR SALE AND TO 2>ET, M FOR SALE—THE PHIL ADEL PHIA HOUSE, at Cape Island. Two neat Cottage* at Atlantic City. Several neat Dwellings, at a sacrifice. Also,. a large number of country places, large and small, and also, a large variety of City Properties. B. F. GLEKN, 7£3 South FOURTH Street, and south west corner of SEVENTEENTH and GR&EN. jvlS A FINE LARGE BAY HORSE FOR SALE —An excellent family horse; also makes fine appearance under the saddle. Would suit a Cavalryman or ah Officer in the army. Sold expressly for want of nee. Apply at this Office. jyT6-6t* REMOVALS. T)EMOVA.L—JAMES FULTON" HAS -*-V removed His Law and Collection Office, and also the office of the Legal and Insurance Reporter* from No. 424 Walnut atreet to No. 703 WALNUT Street, op- Bi Washington Sauare. Government claims, of all . collected as usual. jyll. BOARDING. ■piRST- CLASS BOARD, HANDSOME communicating and single rooms; private table if desired. No, 1315 WALNUT street. je2slm* f OR SALE AND TO LET, M FOR SALE—THE DWELLING S. W. corner. FRANKLIN and GREEN Streets, with side yard. Apply to CHARLES RHOADS. jyll-l2t* No. 436 WALFUT Street. FOR SALE—VALUABLE IM PROVED Grain and Grassing FARM, 147'acres, seven miles from the city. Chester county farm, 80 acres, convenient to railroad station. Also,Penn Manor farm, 196 acres, near the Delaware river, Bucks county. Call and examine Register of Farms. Apply to jy7 . E. PETTIT, 309 WALNUT St. T7OE SALTS—DESIRABLE COUNTS Y * sLlot£hnM4s#MSl jsissAsilaalilsili Isist ramiDll IMB BMtffls 08imttffiB¥II MJIIOML 51SQ: seTerai Ueeti-aljle Kesidencesln 'W'esCl’iiiladalpfxiSXdrest »nlßlU, J~. ' i-MIRI,’- jy7 309 WALNTJT Street. M PARM OP 62 1-2 ACRES OP VERY productive LAND, on the Bristol turnpike, at Andalusia .a quarter of a mile from Cornwell's Station., on the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad; well watered by running- streams, good farm buildings, fruit and shade trees, with several desirable Lots for the location of conntry seats, within view of the river Delaware. For sale by I. C. PRICE, corner SPRING GARDEN and THIRTEENTH Streets. je29lm m VALUABLE IRON PROPERTY «*FOE SALE—MATILDA FUHHACES AND 021 BANES, —This property is situated on the Juniata river, in Mifflin ana Huntingdon counties, Pa., within one mile of Mount Union Station, on Pennsylvania Rail road. The Juniata Canal and Pennsylvania Railroad pass through the property. It embraces about twenty seven hundred acres of land, about three hundred acres of which is good farm land, in a high state of cultiva tion; the balance is good timber land, would supply sufficient charcoal for the furnaces. The improvements are a good substantial furnace, stack, steam enffins, iron blowing cylinders, Ac., with all the necessary buildings. There is on this property an extensive bed of Iron Ore, being identical, in the geological series. With that at Danville and Bloomsbury. This ore can be mined and delivered at the furnaces lor about one dollar per ton. Limestone in abundance, of good quality,'on this property. The extensive coal fields of the Broad Top and Alleghenies are from forty to fifty miles distant, by Pennsylvania Railroad or canal, and. the canal run ning through the property makes it one of the best loca tions for the manufacture of iron, either with coke or anthracite. In addition to the .charcoal, the buildings for the furnace and farm are ample, substantial, and in good, repair. The property will be sold a bargain, and oh easy terms. For further particulars address WASHINGTON RIGHTER, COLUMBIA, Lancaster county, Pa. P. S. —For quantity and duality of the ore, see Prof, Leaslte’s Report on same. anSS-Sm* « DELATfriHE oouirfrcotton -“TAGTQKUfi ivb SALfi,—Tlia Yaluafßle Cotton Fa»- tories, known as AVONDALE and STBATKAVEN. ai , tuated on Crum Creek, Delaware County, one mile from Weatdale Station. West Cheater Railroad, two miles from Leiperville, and three from Chester, now occupied by Simeon Lord, are offered for sale. ‘‘Avondale” in cludes a stone mill 82 by 47 feet, 3>£ stories high, with dry house, picker house, twenty-two stone tenements, and about 9 acres of land, in, Springfield and Nether Providence townships. ‘ ‘ Strathaven” includes a frame cotton mill, 62 by 30 feet, 2J6 - stories .high, with picker house, five frame and stone tenements, and about -24 acres of land, in Nether Providence. The properties will be shown by Mr. Lord, on the premises. Early pos session can be given. For terms inquire of SAMUEL FIELD, N. W. corner of FRONT and WALNUT Streets, mySO-tf ■ . . . Philadelphia, Mfor sale—a bargain—four Houses on Swain street; also a new Farm near Pottstown, Montgomery co., 67K acres, good soil, and good buildings, fruit, &c. Several fine Cottageß, and a variety of City Properties, Farms, land Building Lots. B. F. GLENN, 1583 South FOURTH Street JR COUNTRY SEAT ON THE RIVER Delaware, near Torresdale, beautifully located, with wharf on the river, containing 62 acres of excellent farming Land, well supplied with fruit, shade trees, &c.; communicating with the city in less than one hour's time by steamboat or railroad. For sale by I. C. PRICE, cor. SPRING GARDEN and THIRTEENTH Sts. - je29-lm ® FARM .—A VERY DESIRABLE FARM, of 130 acres of excellent LAND, under good fence and well cultivated; watered by two running streams; situate at the forks of the Bethlehem and Sum neytown turnpike roads, one mile from Penlynn Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad, and 15 miles from the city. For sale by I. C. PRICE, cor. SPRING GARDEN and THIRTEENTH Streets. j e29-lm M TO LET—A COMMODIOUS No. 13» North FRONT Street Rent moderate. Applyto WETHERILL A 880. ■ : 0c27-tf: • and 40 North SECOND. Street . MEDICH. BOWEL CORDIAL, A sure remedy •: for Asiatic Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Diarrhoea. Cholera Infantum, or Summer Complaint, pains in the Stomach and Bowels, Sick Stomach, Vomiting, and all ' relaxed condition of the Bowels. Let no family be without this : medicine, it will give im mediate relief. TO OUR BRAVE SOLDIERS FT HAS BEEN OF INCALCULABLE BENEFIT. w WIVES, MOTHERS. AND SISTERS, Whose Husbands, Sons, and Brothers are serving in the army, cannot send them a more necessary article than "Dr. Stoavne's Bowel Cordial:” It has saved many* valnablelife ' CHOLERA INFANTUM, or SUMMER COMPLAINT.— This very prevalent with young, children during the warm season. SAVE THE LIVES OF TOUR CHILDREN from the too ofien fatal effects of Summer Complaint by using SWATNE'S BOWEL CORDIAL. It is always reliable. CRAMPS OR SPASMS are instantly relieved by its use. CHANGE OF WATER is very apt to produce disturb* ance in the bowels. The “BOWEL CORDIAL” cure* all pain and looseness. No traveller should leave home Without it. DIARRHOEA AND DYSENTERY.—The “BOWEL CORDIAL” will, be found the most pleasant and sure cnre. In inflammation of the stomach or bowels, and In the inflammatory stages of Dysentery, when there is tenesmus or much pain, with frequent desire to evacuate the bowels without the.power to effect- much discharge, blood frequently passing, as there is in all marked case? of Dysentery, take two or three teaspoonfuls of the Cor dial, with a little castor oil, every two hours until the pain is subsided.; This valudble medicine will give relief in ih€ most violent cases. Price only 25 cents a bottle: five bottles for $l. Prepared only bv Dr. SWAYNE & SON, No. 330 North SIXTH Street, above Vine, Philadelphia. • OVER THIRTY YEARS HAVE DR. SWAYNE’S MB- DICINES been in constant use 1 in all parts of the world, and their increasing: popularity is certainly convincini proof of their wonderful efficacy. Dr. 8 WAYSE’S Principal Office, Ifo. 330 fforth SIXTH Street, above Vine. /. jy2 , IHSURAKCE COMPANIES. w/ywvwwww v „ . . . THAME INSURANT A 406 CHESTNUT Stree - philad: FIRE AND INLAI - . DIRECT Francis N. Back, 1 Chas. Richardson, | Henry Lewis, Jr., ~ John W. Everman* Philip 8, Justice* 0. W, Davis. • ■ FBANCIS N. CBABLES Bl< WILLIAM I. BLANCHABI !E COMPANY, NO, )ELFHIA. I.ITD INSUBANCB. ITORS. B. t>. Woodruff, Geo. X .West, John. Kessler, Jr.. Chas. Stokes, A. H. Rosenheim, • Joseph D; Ellis. ;; BUCK. President. [CH AKDSOIT, Tice President ID, Secretary. QiaXs-iftf w O O L. 80,OOOpounds light selected Ohio Fleece. Full Blood. WOOLEN YARNS. 80,000 pounds, 20 to SO eats, fine, ■Well-known makes. COTTON YARN. 80,000 pounds Nos. 6to 20’s, of first-class makes. In Warp, Bundle and Cop. N. B. AH numbers and descriptions procured at once on. orders, ALEX. WHILLDIN & SONS, 18 Worth FRONT Street. jel9*fm&wtf TX) FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE A RURAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply Famlllee at their Country Residences with EVERT DESCRIPTION OP. FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, dfcO. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE STS. TVTABSHAL’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE Xl-L 0 f a Writ of Sale by/the Hon. JOHN CADWALA DER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ad miralty, tome directed, will be sold at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder/for CALLOWHILL STREET WHARP, on WEDNESDAY, July 29, 1563, at 12 o’clock M., tbe schooner EMMA, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, as she now lies at said wharf. Immediately after the sale of the Teasel, at MICHS NER’S Store. No. 143 North FRONT Street, wiU be exposed to sale the cargo of the same, consisting of 255 bags and 1 sack of Salt, Bhf barrels of Powder, 41 boxes Liquors, 2 caseß of Cutlery, esses of Muskets, &c. • WILLIAM MILLWARD, TT. S. MarslialE. D. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, July 16,1863. - iy!7-6t AUCTION SALE. BAZAAR—NINTH AND SAN SOM STREETS. THIRD AND DART SPECIAL SALE. OF SIXTY HORSES ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, July 22d. at 11 o’clock, at the Bazaar, will be sola, ' SIXTY HORSES. These animals are overplus stock, belonging to parties Who nave been furnishing large lots to the Government, aß d are now to be sold to close a concern. , A l * of them are fit for immediate use, and range from 5t09 years old. #&: sale peremptory. jylB-3tif ALFRED M. HERKNESS. Auctioneer. AMU SEME MTS. "NTEW OHESTNUT-ST. THEATRE X* I^ L 7 s^fe-ifk -- ; -..-M r W ow^|A TLEr. Edmond Falconer slrish Drama, entitled the rJSJSr O* DAY, Having achieved one of the GREATEST SUCCESSES Of the present age, it will be represented Monday, 20th; Tuesday, 21st; Wednesday, 2*d. and Thursday. July 23d. - r Mrs. D. F. BOWERS In the role of the heroine—a character which receives additional interest when vested with the personal and matchless talent of this GREAT ARTISTE, •Who will be supported by the talented young American actor, MR. L. P. BARRETT; The great character actor, MR. CHARLES WHEATLEIGH, And the Philadelphia favorite, > MR JOHN McCULLOUGH; Together with the EHTIBfi STOCK OOMIABI. I>oonj p{x;r stt "Tf% W cQzamenc« «fc A pEmSYLYAOTA ACADEMY OF A TEE PINE AETB» 1035 CHESTSTOT STEKET. OPEN DAILY (Sundays excepted) from 91 U. tfli 6P. M. Admission 25 cents Children half price. SUMMER RESORTS. ‘‘/THE ALHAMBRA,” ATLANTIC CTTT, N. J., a splendid new house, southwest corner of ATLANTIC and MASSACHUSETTS Avenues, Is now open for visitors. The rooms and table of “ The Alhambra” are unsurpassed by any on the Island. There is a spacious Ice Cream and Refreshment Saloon attached to the house. Terms moderate. C. DUBOIS 4t S. J. YOUNG, . Proprietors. THE SEA SHORE. FOR CAPE MAY.—THH rMpWasMISS&SM safe and commodious Bay Steamer MAN HATTAN. Captain Kirby, will leave ARCH-STREZF WHARF for CAPE MAY every Tuesday, Thursdays, and Satnrd ay. at half-past nine o’clock A. M., comment ing on THURSDAY, July 2d. Returning, will leav* Cape May every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at eight o clock, stopping at New Castle to connect with, the Baltimore lines The MANHATTAN is the largest and most convenient boat that ever run to Cape May, having about fifty state rooms and every accommodation that passengers can da sire. Fare $2.50, including carriage hire. Meals extra. Children and servants half mice. Freight at moderate rates. No freight received after 8 o’clock. je226w A. REYBOLD. RAIUROAO USES. jg|fi|pg||g FOE NEWPORT, NEW YORK AND NEW HAVEN AND SHORE LINE RAILROADS, On and after MONDAY, June 29, 1863, one Daily Train will leave New York, from depot corner Twenty-seventh. Btreet and Fourth avenue, at 12.10 P M., passing through New Haven. New London, and Sfconinerton, to East Greenwich, R. T., .where the steamer.- WATER LILT will he in waiting, on the arrival.of the train, for New port, affording a splendid sail down the Narraganseitt Day, arriving at 8.30 P. M. ' v Tickets sold and baggage checked through. JAB H. HOYT, Supt. N. Y. &N. H.R. R. : J. E. FOSTER. General Agent N. Y i & Boston Shore Line R. R, 'EgWffl Iff | PHIL AD BLPHI A ggav EHM 1 - JML4. AND LONG BRANCH VIA CAMDEN AND ATL ANTIC AND RARITAN AND D*. LAWAEE BAT RAILROAD. On and after Monday, June 16th. and until farther no* tice, passenger trains will leave Vine-str9et Ferry at 7.1& A. M.. arriving at Long Branch at ILIO A. M. Returning, leaves Long Branch at 3.35 P, M. , arriving at Philadelphia at 7.45 P. M. ; Passengers landed close to the Hotels. If. B. —Excursion parties "will be carried on liberal terßißi AiiWlT ill UiWMi - ‘ siifi sitfsSs, InMant STOTMaMgaL fjgwiLMitwy BE OPENING OF P* THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD.—This road, being fully REPAIRED u# effectnally GUARDED, iB new open for the transporta tion of passengers and freight to all points in the GSSAY WEST. For through tickets and all other informatiom apply at the Company’s Office, corner of BROAD Strati and WASHINGTON Avenue. S. M. FELTON, apS-tf President P. W. and B. R. R. Co. WEST CHESTER AND WfTHEaa PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD, via media; - SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, JUNE 1, 1863, the trains will leave Philadelphia, from the depot, Northeast corner of Eighteenth and Market streets, at 7.50 and 10.30 A. BL. and at 2,4.30, and 6 55P. M. - - • On TTTESD AYR and FRIDAYS a train will leave WEST CHESTER at 6.60 P. M. Returning, leave Philadelphia at 9.16 P. M. _ Trains leave the corner of Thirty first and Market streets (West Philadelphia) 17 minutes after the starting time from Eighteenth and Market. On SUNDAYS leave Philadelphia at 8 A_ M. and f P. M. Leave West Chester at 7,50 A. M. and SP. M. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.50 A. M. and 136 P. M. connect at Pennelton with trains on the ?. aai B. C. R. R. for Concord, Keunett, Oxford, Ac. Jel-tf • HENRY WOOD,.Superintendent -OA P-E ,M A Y . Office Cape Mat anh Millville R. R Co. , 409 Walnut Street, June 12, 1863. v FURTHER OPENING. On and after MONDAY, the 22d of June, the cars will run upon this road to the Dennisville Station, leaving Walnut-street ferry at 9 o’clock A. M., in the West Jer sey cars. The cars will run from Cape May CourtHooa* to Cape May, reducing the dir fcance by stage to nine mlUfc je!3-tf C; B. DUNG AN, President. x a n n h a . SUMMER ABBAN&EMEJTr. CAMDEN -AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY, June 15th, 1863, trains for At* lahtic City will leave Vine-street Ferry as follows: Mail train leaves. 7.30 A. SC, Express train 1eave5...................3.45P, SC Freight train, with passenger car attached... 9.00 A. !C» Returning, leaves Atlantic City: ' Mail train 4.35 P. fit, Express train * 6.00 A. SC. Freight train........ .12.05 P. SC. Fare to Atlantic, $2. Round-Trip Tickets, good las the day and train only, or down on Saturday and up o» Monday morning. $3. An Accommodation Train to R. and D. B. R. B. Junc tion will leave Vine street at 6,15 P. M.; Returning next morning at 6.15. EXTRA HADDONFIELD TRAINS Leave Vine street at 10-15 A. M. and 1.45 P. M- Leave Haddonfield at 12.15 P. M. and SP. M jeiS-tf . JNO. G BRYANT-Agent FINANCIAL. gTERLING EXCHANGE AMERICAN GOLD W A IV X E D AT: BEST PRICES. DBESEL & CO.’a jy2omf-lGt RKWAED.—LOST OR STOLEN* W u -Six 6-20 UNITED STATES BONDS, of $5OO each, coupon attached: dated June 23,1563; numbers from 24.259 to 24,294 inclusive. All persons are cautioned against receiving or negotiating said Bonds- $5OO will be paid on their recovery, by LEWIS SOUNEBORN, AMBER Stre«fc. above Wood, Kenslngton. Pbiladelpbia, JnlylS. 1563. it- X i-1 JU ij U 11 i 1 A X O OTJTTXX BONDS. We have been appointed by the Commissioners and. Controller of Allegheny County their AGENTS, to effect the exchanges of the OLD BONDS of the County, issued to Railroads, for the NEW COMPROMISE BONDS The new : Bonds will pay Rive Per Cent Interest, clear of State tax. Any infoimation will be given upon applica- us. & H. B FRY, 131: Sopfch THIRD Street, Philadelphia. T3TITLES COUNTY RAILROAD -“-V BONDS'—The Commissioners of Butler oounty, Penna, propose to compromise their Bonds, issued to the Northwestern Eailroad Company, at fifty per cent, on Bonds and Coupons now due. Bor particulars, corre spond with the Commissioners of Butler county. By order of Commissioners jylS-12t HARVEY COLBERT, Clerk. iji H E BECBETARY OF ME TBEASUSY HAS AUTHORIZED ME TO CONTINUE MY AGENCY FOR A BRIEF PERIOD. A»d« until further' notice, I shall continue to receive Subscription* to tlie 5-20 L O AN A T ?P A Re AT MY OFFICE. AND AT THE DIFFERENT SUB-AGSNCIBB Tlirougliout tlie Loyal States* JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT. No. 114 South Third Street) 'a HARVEY THOMAS, ‘ STOCK AND BILL BROKER, „ . 80. 313[ WALNUT Street. Stocks ana Loans bought and sold on Commission at the BOARD OP BROKERS. Subscriptions to the 5-20 year six per cent LOAN still received at par. No charge for Commission, nOLLECTION OF U. S. CEBTIFI- V--' CATES OF INDEBTEDNESS.-Ths ADAMS’ EX PSEBS COMPANY arc now.prepared to collect at the Treasury Department, WaKliinKton, with despatch, and at reasonable rates, the One Year Certificates of In debtedness of the United States now da* or shortly ma tnrins. Terms made known and receipts Eton at the oßea, Bn 3ilO CBESNUT Street. t, .- ■ mrfi-tf T7MMET MIX, -Li (LATE OF CANDBE, MIX, &C 0,.) 195 MAIN STBEET. MBBfPHIS, TENNESSEE. - COMMERCIAL AGENCY ; AND. GENERAL COLLECTION OFFICE. The undersigned* lias established anAgency for the collection, securing, and adjusting claims of every de scription, and has secured the services of CHARLES KORTBECHT, Esq., as Attorney,in all cases requiring the services of a lawyer. - , jylß-12t EMMET MIX. T AKE SUPERIOR INGOT COPPER ■*-1 from the Amygdaloid Mine, in store and forsale in quantities to enit, at WOMRATH*S, ie2o-6m* 4-15 ARCH Street fiHEBBT WINE.—IOO QUABTEB Casks jut received per ship “Laura,” for sale lk bond, by OHAB. fi. & JAB. CABBTAIBB. WM !»• WALNUT aniHiaßANlTlsSakl PHILADELPHIA.