Tent•Maldng' Women to Trouble. On Saturday evening quite a number of females! Who had been inaking . tents for Land sub-contractor appeared at the Central Station. The party were excited, a portion of them crying- They had been snaking tents, and were promised their pay on Satur slay afternoon at six o'clock. But upon going to the place where the finances were expected to he dis bursed they found it closed. From the fact that -these women depended upon the wages to sustain 'themselves and their families until the next pay day, their distress may be imagined by all persons who are acquainted with grief from want. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL THE MONEY MARKET. PRILADELPITTA, June 21, 1863. 'The week closes on a very dull financial market, the •exelttng news from the interior absorbing most of the attention of all classes of people. Gold was steady all Gay at 1460145 N, without much activity. Whether this remarkable Quietness was owing'to the fact of operators thinking about going to Harrisburg, or whether to a dis position to hold off, very generally manifested, is hard to say; the latter feeling, however, was predominant. Money closed up quite easy, all good borrowers being plentifully supplied at 6rD6 per cent. Government secu rities, especially the IS9I sixes, are strong, the Ally and November eeven-thirties are inclined to fell off a little. To• morrow the privilege of converting legal -tender currency into the five-twenty bonds will cease, and after that time there is but little doubt that they will be at a considsrahle premium, the. same. as the 18Sts are. As an investment this loan has been industriouslY placed before the public, and as a relief to the Government, it ha, Leen the source of repeated appeals and &splene tic:lie. We CRU only continue to commend it as- a good investment, and one that every patriot should embrace. At the stock Board there was considerable desire to sell, especially noted in the securities of companies on the border. The martet was rather weak for the whole list. Pennsylvania Railroad shares fell off to 61; Reads lug was freely offered down to on a decline of IN; Ca: tawissa preferred sold at 2235; Elmira preferred at 60, a decline of 1X; North Pennsylvania sold at 145(; Arch rstrcet at 26; Tenth and' Eleventh at 4235; 69 was bid for Norristown, BS for Long Island. City sixes were steady; State fives and Pennsylvania Railroad mortgages wore • unchanged; Mirth Pennsyl vania fives sold at 96N; 110 was bid for Sunbury and Erie sevens; 107 for 1870 Camden and Amboy sixe.; Sus quehanna Canal sixes sold at 65; Union Canal preferred sold at 2%; Schuylkill Navigation at 12, tho preferred at 24X Susquehanna at 11X; Green Mountain Coal at Union Bank sold at ML The market closed heavy, bat ono board being in session; about- 6,003 shares, and . $lB,OOO bonds changing hands before and after boards. Drexel & Co. CRIOta: • 'United States (410SX United States Certificates, of Indebteduess....l(o3ololSi United States 7 S-10 Notes.. - ' •• • • —lO5 0106 Quartermasters' Vouchers -1/ (5)2 d. Orders for Certificates of Indebtedness.-- ... %®l , 4d. Gold .. • . ..... ..... ; 414 fa 45:4 Demand Notes 44V;ra 41134 New Certificates of Indebtedness 07 V o ra ea% Sterlin g 'Exchange 151 (E• 1459 The following is the amount of coal traneported on the. Philadelphia and Reading Railroad during the week ending Thursdai, Juue . 2s, 1663 From Port Carbon Pottsville Schuylkill Haven Auburn Port C1int0n....... •. Harriaburg Total Anthracite coal for the week 74. c2l From Harrisburg, total Bituminous coal for w'k 1.8 - 56 02 Total of all Ida& for the week rievionaly tiais year Total ' To same time last year The following is the amount of coal transported over. the Sehuylkill.Cenal for, the - week ending Thursday, 3TIIIB 26, 1883: From Poit Carbon " Pottsville " Schuylkill Raven "" Port Clinton Total for week Previously this year.... Total To same time last year The following abstract of company reports shows the coal tonnage for the week and season as compared with corresponding time last year: Last Companies: Week Season. Season. Inese --- Reading R 76,077 1,636,413 1,016.679 019, 7331 uy '1 Nay •• • • 29,801 311,473 934,790 23,317 Lehigh Zia v. •• • 21.300 199,123 211,099 32,876 Lehigh Yal... • . 21,230 616,651 351.926 264,721 St Ls ck, •• • 28,254 541,918 466.393 75.536 Del. Bad• • • • emu 199,619 111,137 88,433 • Feline. Ct al • 2.459 131,04 5 114,324 19,721 Shamokin t 10,614 110,1E9 79, n.B 34,91.5 Tread Ton 1,870 150,139 135,033 14,151 Lyken's Val-- 2,418 35.301 58,200... • 12.238 Trevorton 1,326 28,297 28.141 256 Total 2:19,613 3.993 028 2,959,461,1117,431 79,001 The earnings of the Michigan Central Railroad for the year-ending May 31 1863,'Were as follows; Earnings from passengers $609,682 28 Freight 1,983,757 35 Miscellaneous 73.120 9,1 Total $2,956,560 55 The gain in earnings aver the previous year is as followb : Increase on pasSenger earnings On freight....... ; Total. Decrease on miEcellaneous.. Total increase $53.1,319 13 'Equal to about twenty-five per cent. over last year, and of forty three per cent, over the year ending Kay .31.1581. The first National Bank of Philadelphia has received its certificate of organization from the Treasury Depart ment, and will go into active operation immediately. Its location will be at the southeast corner 0( Third and Chestnut streets. The first National Bank of New York, with $3O), COO capital, will be established very shortly, under the Fifth Avenue Hotel, , The New'Orleans Era of the 13th says: The movement in business circles here continues very .slow and limited, and the ,posture of affairs generally remains unchanged. The amount of starting iu the way of exchange is small, and the demand is limited: The Yates for bills on London range at 1040105 and 106@167, according to the cnrrency. Francs may be quoted nonxi siallv at 3.40©3 30, based -on legal-tender notes as the standard of movements. Bank and bankers' sight bills ,on lAew York command 202.14 per cent. premium. Trea -sury notes, outdoor, 35s(gi2 par cent. premium. Legal tender notes, in small same, change hands at 2i per cont. premium.' "Dealers have placed the rates for gold at 473.4050 per cent. premium, and for silver 35(ik10 per .cent.; but ttteee 'is scarcely- anything doing worthy of Mote. Jay Cooke tc Co. Quote Government sem:mitten, ac., ae followa: United Staten Slice% 1.881 ' 'MSS( ' glO9 lani,.edlkratesm-lp .;.rotep3 _ 10.54 8106 EZMMM niQ• A 98% Quartermasters' Vouchers 98% 9811 Gold and 45 mand Notes 144% 1 1 45% Go% Sales five-twenties to-day, *1.292. 850. • - The loin market is moderately active at 6(ffi7 per cent. Securities are carefully scrutinized, bat the principal :houses have little difficulty in obtaining all the money they want at 6 percent. The volume of business doing is, however, so contracted, that less money is rennired: and as capital seeking employment continues to accu mulate. and to be attracted from Boston and from other cities, the tendency is towards greater.ease, especially -as the currency disbursed by Government is rapidly finding its way into the .great financial centres, and re moving one importantcauso oflthe recent stringency. - The stook market opened with less animation than for several days past, the -suspense due to the war news causing.a'diffinclination to operate either fo r a fall or for an advance. Governments are heavY, and Border State bonds.nuiet. Railroad shares are dull., and railroad bonds steady. . . Harlem still absorbs the chief attention of operators, And the unprecedented advance from 72% on Friday night to-104 this 'morning, will long be remembered by the clique. whose schemes to "bear" the stock have brought on them amot unmerited retribution. . The following table showii the principal movements of the market compared with the latest quotations of yes terday-evening: . Sat. Tri• Adv. Deo. V. B. 6&1881, rag ••••••••104 104 .. .. ILL ads, 1.1381, con. :•••• .10E% 109% .. . X V 8, sullen-thirties. .. 106 106 .. 418.1 year Certif gold —ICON 101'/s3& U. IL S. 1 vr. Cert. carr'ncy 98 98 ..- .. . .. American gold 145 114% x iTenuettiew& 60% 81 —i.). .4 Missouri As 67% 67% • . .. Pacific Mail 176% 176 ,t.f. .. N.Y. Central.••••• • —.120X 120% Nrie ••••... ..........—. 9.5% 96% .Erie preferred.... ....—..108% 104.. :i Hudson. River-- ...-188 386 2 .. • . itiiiem. ... ... .........—.loi oig ag .. Harlem prefet red....—. 93 95 .. 2 illeading 100 102 X. 2X Rich. Central 109 110 . I Match. Sontkern.•....... nx .71,‘ 1 . ' .. rich. fle.ignar 115... 116 .. .. 'llinoim Centra1..........101X 10234 - .. 1e nttaburt 32X 63g" % • • Wens 934' 9336 • • g 30l do 111 Rock Island 963x' 953( . ?ortWayne ''' 66 'an tan 28 26A( •. :I I atria do Chien" 64 54 Raget&•Nth western 30M 80,11 .4itaaga for the steamer closed firm, at 158. " • l" 450 1"tka, lixot v B. a BLATMAXI BEFOIIII 50.4 t .caslil3o 4 .caah 50% 3dys ..2dy 50 wage Sales, June 27. 1: • Philadelphia Exchange.) :100 150 Reading -11..:.cash 50% • do 50% 900 do b3O 51 BO do 502( 500 do 5024 100 d 0....... ..... b3O 01 100 d 0..... .. . . .ssvvn 50% -BOARD. 50 do '360 d 0..• .• • 10 00 1 do do 100 do FIRST ,100 Cireen,ltiountain••• 120 Ethyl Nay 12% 45 do • , 115 12 106 Penna-P t 61% 42 do ;61% 64 • 61% 3.200 US Five Year 0pt.10033 S 9 Union , Bank 89% 10 North Penna R.... 1435 ROO City fis C&P • •••••••144 ?IWO do CZ, P 'lO5 AFTER, '2,50 Penna R .61 2510th •andlith R.•.. 4234 100 Catasviasa Rpref 2.0 Arch. at R 26 - 200 Slug Canal 113$ -400 .d 0..... b6O 113 E -06 do .... . . a6O 11% CLOSING Bid. Asked. I 200 Sch Nay pref 24% 1000 Susq Canal 6s ...h5 55 5000 do 55 SOS Reading ft 50% 100 do cash 50% 200 do. • • • .b5O 5034 .50 Unioir Canal pref.. 40 Eunira ' ft pref 50 470 Penna 53 C3:P 101 . 50030r:ft Penna 65.... 95% . Bid. Asked. N Penns R ...... Do 10s Catawissa R Con 7 • • Do mfd 22 22g Beaver Mead B. • • Minehill R 63 6 Harrisburg . • • . Wilmington R. .. • . • • Le high - Nay. .... • . • - Do shares .. • • 68 Do scrip'l•.'• 40 ' 44 Cam & Amb R... • • • • Phila - Sc Bribe's.. • • • • Sun k Brie' 7s .. • • Delaware Div... • Do • • • • Sprnce•streetit.. • ' , Arch-street R.... 2/5- Rase-stre«.t H... .. 12 Tenth-street R ... • . , Thirteenth-st R. W Phila R Green-street R.. ia Do bonds... Chestnut-tit R. Second•street B. • • 79 Do bonds... •• Fifth-street R.... • • 60 Do bonds., • . •• Girard College R. • • • Seventeenth-st B. • • • S 88,131- 13 7-30 Notes., ..1.05X 10634 Americanaola —1404 1463 ciff. • '• 3C-= Do new Mt. - J.2 . .108 . .. . • .Alto co 88 E. ..... , Yenna 66 10234 102% aeadingE, 56.1( 611-16 Do .'68'80`43. .. • . Do .bds Dobds 2 .B6 cony. [Fauna , • Do 'lst m 68.114 114 X. •Do 2.1 65..1.0034 108 Schnyl-11... Worris vonsol,77lU 725 i Do prfd ..... • . • • •Do &KIP. Do 2.1m14c.• • • 104 )Susq Canal.— 1036 1134 Do •80 ..... :55 573 E 43chnyl Noy-....... 12 L, 1234 Do prfd.••••• SIN Do Bs 2. •. • • 8438 Olmira a... ..... Do pifd ..... Do . Do -1W ... , . FL Island It ex-dv - 100 91 , Do bds . E tt illa h lai v rr a ilg . pr 53 bds. Philadelph la Markets. , ' Jars There is more Flour selling, but prices am.without change. Sales comprise 600 barrels fair and good Ohio family; 200 barrels Ohio extra at $6.25, and 1,500 barrels. fancy do. on private terms. The retailers and bakers are buying at from $6.50g6 for superfine; $5.75@6.50 for extra; ts(D7'for 'extra family, and $7. 60@8 'l3 barrel for fancy brands, as to quality. Rye Flour is dual at $5 , 10 barrel. Corn Meal is wanted at $1 for Pennsylvania. and $4.1234 313 barrerfor'Brandywine. GRAIN.—The demand for Wheat is moderate ¢ ` about 7,00 0 bushels sold at 1500 for prime Pennsylvania reds. most, afloat; and 1,000 bus choice Kentucky What, at 170 c bushel. Bye is wanted at lOic "ft bushel kw Penn sylvania. Corn is scarce; about 2.5(X), bnellek prime yellow sad at Mc bushel, In store and afloat. , Oats are dull: 2 700 bushels sold at 75R76e. weight. BASH.--Quereitron is dull. at *62 tow for let No. 1. COTTON:- ' The market is firm., and urines have again advanced,' ws quote middlings at 65@07e."0 lb, oash. GROCERIBII—There is very little doing in Sugar, bat themark et is firm. ',Coffee Is dull at `43)4183136g. for Rio, PROVISIONS:—Mess Pork is selling at 61.4014.50 bbl. Bacon and . Green= Meats are in deuraud and prices' better. A sale of 200 toe prime Lard is reported at 10%0 II lb. WHISKY. —The market to firm: about 250 bbls sold at 46 ® 470 : and drudge at 44Atigit-Pic gal., he following .are the receipts of Flour and Grain at ibis tort to ditT: - . Flo**Boo "9.175 bus. Corn 1.500 bus • V4l;}'l?l••mr.t.l: ! !! t? , 1t!1!!:•?/12. i1.,909111111., Tons. Cwt. • 29.513 11 • 1,461 02 • 29.,99 11 . - 5.249.12 . 9,448 18 10 17 WHAT HAS JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE DONE.— It has cured Goitre, or Swelled Neck. It has cured. Cancers and Schirrhus Tumors. , It has cured Complicated Diseases. -It has cured Disease of the Heart. It has cured Dropsy and Watery Swellings. It has cured White Swellings. • It has cured'Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. It has removed F,nlargement of . the Abdomen, and of the Ovaries and Bones and Joints. It has cured Erysipelas and Skin Diseases. It has cured Boils and Carbuncles. It has cured Gout, Rheumatism, and Neuralget. :It has cured Fungus Hematodes. It has cured Milk or White Leg. It has mired Scald Head. It has cured Eruptions on the Skin. It bas cured Scrofula or King's Evil. It has cured Ulcers of every kind. • It has cured Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder. It bas cured Chorea or St. Vitus' Dance, and many other NerVous Affections. It has curia Leprosy, Salt Rheum, and Tetter. De.c'e It has cared, thousands of Female Complaints. .. 76.077 13 1,56 ( ).335 08 1 636.413 01 1,016,6i9 03 Tons. Cwt. •• 9,434 00 .• 2.603 00 .. 17,266 00 495 00 '29,801 00 231,672 00 311.473 00 334,793 16 THE WAIL OF THE FLEA-BUN. LYON, our remorseless foe, Lays us. by, the thousands, low ; Touched by his magnetic dust, Though unwilling, die we must. If our power but matched our will, We'd that insect-murderer kill ; For his Powder, sure as fate, Will our race annihilate. . Lyon's Powder is harmless to mankind, but will kill all house insects, garden worms, vine-bugs, &c. Lyon's Magnetic Pills are sure death to rats and mice. Sold everywhere. - DEMAS S. BARNES, je2o-11t ' New York. $ 4401 17 I 4,1441 el AIR DYE ! HAIR DYE !! T 164.766 SO . 424 696 37 ioogl 27Y • - 160 ReadinllllE, 5036 100 do • • •• ......sssvn 60% 300 do s 5 50% 100 do .bsSciat 50% 60 do 50% 50 d0......;7-10 PRICES. CITY ITEMS. MILITARY TRAPPINGS for Army and Navy Officers, in greatest variety and best style, can be had at Oakford & Son's, under the Continental Hotel. FOR THE REST-FITTING SHIRT Of , the age, go to the popular gentlemen's furnishing establish ment of Mr. George Grant, No. 610 Chestnut street. MESSRS. C. OAEFORD & SON'S, under the Continental Hotel, are now selling a superb assort ment of Straw Rata and Capa for children, at and below their actual cost. TONGUES, BEEF, limns, &c.—The' pro: prietors of the popular old house of C. H. Mattson, Arch and Tenth streets, have now in store a fine supply of Jersey cured hams, fiae quality dried beef, large sized tongues, &c., to which we invite the at tention of our readers. WARLinE PEorLE.—The Americans are becoming a warlike people. Hundreds of thou sands of them are in arms for the perpetuity of their Union, and the citizen has become a whole or a half soldier by the pressure of the emergency. Phila delphia has already put over forty thousand men in the field, and of those who remain at home, a large POrtion are becoming familiarized with military drill. A uniform has become an essential portion of every mans wardrobe, and the tailor who cannot get up handsome garments for soldiers would be as far behind the age as the ship builder would be who could not make a war vessel. Rockhill &Wilson, the proprietors of the famous Brown Stone Clothing Hall, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth, get up suits for civilians and uniforms for aoldiers, with equal acceptability to their legions of cus tomers. - MARTIAL LAW TO BE DECLARED.—The city, it is reported, will be placed under martial law. All workshops and public places of business will be closed, and every preparation will be made to meet the invader who now threatens our homes and tire sides. Stirring events will no doubt be witnessed in our - midst within the next twenty-four hours, and, for one, we are resolved to go to—the mam moth Clothing Emporium of Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut street, and invest in a new and sub stantial military suit. Those who wish to purckase should do so at once, as this establishment may be closed in a day or so. A NEW UNWORM FOR COLORED TROOPS. —Considerable discussion is being excited among medical men, in regard to the uniform of the colored regiments. The professors claim that their physical natures, and the fact that they are to be used in the extreme South, demand an Oriental uniform, like that of the original ZouaveWAfrieue. The Secre tary of War has - 'partially ordered the straight jacket, the same as is worn by the white troops. We suggest that they wear such uniforms as Charles Stokes & Co., the celebrated clothiers, furnish under the Continental. 13PECIAL NOTICES. This well• anown remedy acts by entering into the cir culation, And passing with the blood (which it purifies) into every tissue and fibre of the body, so that, no matter what is the nature of the disease, nor where located, it is sure to be reached and expelled from the system. Prepared only by Dr. D. JAYNE & SON, No. 242 CHESTNUT Street.. - je27-amw3t BATCHELOR'S celebrated HAIR jam is the Best in the World. The only Harmless, True and Rellahle Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect—changes Red Rusty or Gray Hair, instantly to a Glossy Black or Natural Brown, without Injuring the Hair or Stain ing the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; im parts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine Color, and rectifies the ill effects of Bad Dyes. The Genuine is signed WILTJAM A. BATcriarns, all others are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, &c. FACTORY—SI BARCLAY. Street, New. York. Batchelor's New Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair. :0111 a .ie23-1Y ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OP THE LATEST gimes, made in the Rest Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. - LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Pi- MOB. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Onr Otta-Pataa SYSTEM is strictly,adhered , to. All are thereby treated alike. del2-ly • JONES & CO., 604 - MARKET Street. - , DUI" YOUR iyATHiNG lAOBES FOR LADIES, Gentlemen, and. Children, at Sloan's, 806 Market street. Philadelphia. je26-3t* DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT IS - A certain remedy for Neuralgia. • • - FIRST PREMIUM GROVER & BAKER'S SEW ING MACHINES, 'with latest improvements. Offixes, 730 CHESTNUT Street, Philadplphia; MAIN Street, at Toll Gate, Germantown. jel9fmw-lOt IVEA.ItRI3EII)., FRITZ—HORY.On the 25th instant. by the Rev. G. F. .Krotel, Mr. Sparta Fritz and Mies Sallie EL Rory. No. cards. • LbiTG—ACKROYD.—On the 7th of June. at Blockley ayenue, Hxty• third and Vine, by Rey. T. B. bliller,Mr. Isaac Long to Mies Sarah Ackroyd, both of Restonyille. Pb 1 , 1 ad el ph la. WALKKR—BRADIN.—On the 15th of May. 1863, by the Roy. Dr. Vaughan. Mr. Joseph Walker to Miss Mary Bradin, both of this city. . ?ddI)AT.--June the 27th.' 1863, Willie Bowling: Day. in fant daughter of Dr D. C. and Mrs. Julina Day, of Nash ville,-Tennessee, aged 2 months and 27 days, Mash, villa and Memphis papers please copy.] • BROWNELL.—On the 27th instant, Mr. Oliver Brow nell, -in the 61st-year of his age. . The relatives and friends of the family, the members of Tacony Lodge, No. 238, I. 0. of 0. FAare respectfully invited to attend his funeral, front MS late: residence, Garden street, below- Church, Bridesburg, on. Wednes day afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Interment at Cedar Hill Cemetery._ :too MORGAN.—On Thursday evening, 25th instant, Win, It. Morgan, Sr., in the 84th yenr of his age. The relatives and friends of the family, also the mem . hers of the Welch Society, are respectfully invited to at tend his funeral, from his late residence, No 506-Arch street, this (Monday) morning, 29th inst., at 10 o'clock, without farther notice. - MAIM ERDIAN„—On the 25th instant, Mrs. Elizabeth Zimmerman, widow of-the-late Jacob Zimmerman, of Montgomery county, aged 68 years. WATSON.—On the morning of the Nth instant, after a long and painful illness, Theodore, youngest- son of David and the late Elizabeth Watson. SHEBHAN.—On the 25th instant, Abigail. Sheehan, wife of Edmund Sheehan, aged 50 years. * THATCH.Ell.—Suddenly, on the 24th ingtant; Mahlon F. Thatcher, in the 12th year of his age. - bitermenta. LTH OFFICE, Jane .27;1863. 'the Oily of Philadelphia 27th of lune, 1863. 10=211 Deathe .and Intorm from the 20t CAUSES OP DEATH Fever, Sp,tted '" Typhoid , Trooping. C0ngh....., Inilammation Brain. Bronchi.... Larynx...". Lunge Peritoneum Asphyxia Apoplexy Burns and Scald s. ; . Calculus of Bladder. Cancer Croup Congestion, Brain.. Lungs.— Cholera Infantum.. Consumption, Lungs Convulsions... ... . . . Puerperal... Diptheria Diarrhcea Dropsy Brain. Chest Bean ...... Inanition. Infeltration, .Urine Jaundice . Kicked by a mule... . Mania-a-Potu ........ Marasmus Measles' Old -Age Obstruction, Bowels. Palsy Purpura Railroad accident.... Run over by wagon.. Run over by railroad Still-born Suicide Syphilis Wounds—Gunshot... T0ta1............. Disease of Brain... heart... • Spine Drowned Debauch Effusion on Brain.. .Erysipelas Enlargement Heart Fracture-of Spine.. Fever, Scarlet • OF THE ABOVE THERE WERE-- IndeT 1 year. 66 From,4o p to 50.. Fum 1. • to 2 - -• 19 ' 50 to 60.. • 2to 6 31 " 60-to 70.. 6to . 10 • 8 " 70 to SO.. 10 to 15:- 2 " SO to 90.. •15" to 20; 2 • 9040100. , 20 to 50..-- 4 ! • 30 to 40 WARES.' • First 20 Second:. ...... 7 Third 10 Fourth •• 12 Fifth •• 71 Sixth • 2! Seventh - 17 Eighth - 9 Ninth.: • 2 Total Deduct deaths from the country. 19 TOW.. WARDS. Tenth. Eleventh 6 Twelfth.. . A. . Thirteenth . 6 Fourteenth. 4 Sixteenth... 6 Seventeenth . 9 Eighteenth...", 6 . Net deaths in the city . 201 = Nativity—United Btates,l66; Foreign, 37 Unknown, 7. From the Almshouse, 7'; People of Color, 12; from the country, 9. . The number of deaths, compared withnlis correspond . - ing_weeks of 1862 and of last week, was as follows : - - Week ending June 29,1862, was 259. Week ending June .21, 1 5 63, was 244. Males, 123; Females. 81 - ; %Ye. 74: MA% 04. Deaths - and interments of soldiers in the city, 8. BY order of the 80a..4. of Health. WILLIAM RDAD, Health Officer.- BLACK NORWICH OBAPES.--JUST received, Norarkh Crapes at 37%c. a yard. Black all-wool, double-width Delaines, WM, 95. &a. Black Mousseline Ae Lamas Shawls. - • . - - - Black Camel's Bair Bares's. Long Shawls, (twp Shawls ittithotent to make a dress.) Black Silk Mistily. • Black and White Mohair Plaids, 20 and 2S cents. Black Oros do Rhine, $1 $1.1234, Std. - Black Ponit de Sole, or Mourning Silk. - BEASON & SON, Mourning Stare, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. PLAIN WHITE CRAPE SHAWLS. White Barege Shawls; • Light Lama bhawls • Summer ShavEls, wholesale; Black Lace Points. BYRE & LANDELL, 3020 FOURTH, & &RUH Streets: SUMMER SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. Foulards reduced; neat Plaid and Stripe Silks; Dark Lawns, Mosambloues &C. jeWo EYitE 3 LANDNE.L. 06FICE. OF UNION, MUTUAL IN. 131111AIOCE COMPANY. YHILADELPInd, .3wLe 8, 1863. Notice is hereby given, that eubscripAboas to the In. nosed Capital of the Union Mutual Inswo.nce CornuanY. by conversion of the Scrip into Stodig,-'. will be receiv ed at the office of the Company, ftov4 this date-to Nov. 1, 1363, in accordance with the Iv :deeded charter'aiwepted at a meeting of the Scripholde-A; held June 1 . - 1883: "JOAN 810,32, gooretari. aIISES OF DEATH Nineteenth .9• Twentieth.;. •.....13 Twenty-first 4. Twenty-second.. -2 Twenty-third.:.. - 2 Twenty-fonxth..ll . 9' 210 • MEETING OF EMPLOYEE 4 .OF R. A. SMITH, CITY CONTRACTOR. Minutes of meeting of eronloyeesuf 8.. A. SMITH, held June 26. Meeting o , ganized by calling J. W. FRITZ, Esq., to the Chair; JOHN L HILL chosen Secretary. It was resolved that a committee of live be appointed to draft resolutions condemning the course of certain members of Common Council. The Chair. in accordance with the resolution, ap pointed Messrs. NVolbert, Emory, Weilds; flatt, and Steidle, Adjourned to meet June 27. Juno 27.—The following resolution was reported, and. ordered to be printed in three Sunday papers, and Press and Ledger of June 29 'We, the undersigned, Superintendents, Foremen. Sic.. employed by R. A. Smith; City Contractor for cleansing - tbe strrets, regret that certain members of Councils, viz : Messrs. John- S. Painter, of Sixteenth ward, and James Hallowell, of. Seventeenth ward, should, I, mistaken zeal for our intmests and that of the workmen-employed under us for Mr. Smith, misrepre sent and slander that gentleman by the inference that he would not pay us our just claims. We deem it but just and proper to thus publicly state that our pay, pre- V iOllB to the first of. May, II as been prompt; and that until wit express our want of confidence in Mr. Smith, such remarks of members of Councils referred to in sincere and false. - Sinned by the Committee. CH ARLES 111cCU ',Li - , Foreman of Ist and 2d wards. LEVI FORT, Foreman of 3d and 4th wards. E. J BARR. Forman of sth and 6th wards: BENJ. JEFFERIES, Foreman of ich and Bch wards. AND. WEILD. Foreman al" 9th, lath, awl •24th wards. R. M. STEEDER. Foreman of mil and - 12th wards. THOS. W. WEER: Foreman of 13th. and Mb wards. JOHN CROSBY; Foreman. °frith arid 20th wards. - GEORGE W. EI4IORT, Fore LIM a of 16th and 17th wards. THOMAS TRAINOR ; Foreman of 18th and 19th Wards. JOHN IL DIAMOND, Foreman of Dump. . 1111013 hIcILII EERY. Foreman of Dump. 301111 MOO I.N.N IS. Foreman of Dump. - W M. LEONARD: Foreman of Dump. FRANCIS A IRENS. Foreman - of Nang. JOHN n. - 1-LATT. Foreman of Gang. JAMES A MONTAC UR. Foreman of Ging. -W. J, McCLUSE, Fori•rnau of Gang. JOHN McCLURE, Foreman of Gang. JOHN W. FRNNOYaR. F,,renian of Gang. - J. W. FRITZ, Assistant Superintendent. C. J. WOLBER.T, Chief Superintendent. ' JOHN L. HI LL, Clerk. . CALEB COPE, Tli A.SU KER OF the United States Sanitary Commission, North east corner of MINOR .ind SIXT Et Streets, acknowledges the receipt of the following contributions' since the last report : Louis A. Godey (additional) ' ' $lO 00 W. A. Blanchard (additional) - 50 00 CommerciaL Bank (additional) - 0 100 00 From a "Friend"—left at the depOsitory 100 (0 Montrose Soldiers' Aid Society - .5 00 Charles D Melas M 1).. 59 00 Bank of the Northern Liberties (additional) 100.00 Girard Bank (additional) 100 00 Baeder, Delany, & Adameson (.lel contribution)....2 k) On Mrs. ann Hertzog(additional). 100 00 Mrs. William Toy 1.00 Mrs. William Slaymaker 9 O 0• $713 il() •••• .. • .. 571,165 31 It Previously reported, -r*"`• OFFICEOF TILE HARRISBURG, PORTSMOUTH, AIGUNT JOY 'AND LANCAS- Tlll. RAILROAD COMPANY. _ . . _ _ PBILADV.LPIII.A.I June 29, 1893. A rem nn al dividend of THREE afl D A El &LF PER chivp on the capital stock of this Company will be paid to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives, on and alter the 10th day. of JULY next, at the corner of Tnird Street, and Willing's alley. on GEORGE TARE% je2.9-30. Treasurer. ,NOTICE.— t TllE interoht o SIX PER EN Coupons, and he n the Scrip T. of the AOh TH PENNSYLVANIk RAILROAD COMPANY. due - Snly I, 1863. will be paid at rho - 011iceof the Company. No. 407 WALNUT Street. . WILLIAM WISTAR, le'29-4t Treaeurer. PRAYER" FOR THE STATE AND COUNTRY —A meeting for Prayer will be held DAILY during the present emergency in the Church of the Epiphany. CLISITISI.II` and FIFTEEN R Streets. - :at 8 o'clock A. M, to continue for half an hour, je29-2t T WIMPY-FOURTH W RD.—A g of the aitize_ns of the Twenty-fottrth Ward will Ifs heid THIS EVENING. at 8 o'clock, 'at COMMISSIONERS' HALL, corner of M . a.RiEtT and TRLRTY• EIGHTH ctreets, to take action in 'response of the c lof the Governor in defence of the City and State. MSEVENTH...WARD UNION LEAGUE]. —A.2pecial Meetiaa of the League will be held at U'lVeill's Hall, LORBARD. below Broad street, This EVENING, at 9 o'clock, on importance business. A. punctual and large attendance is earnestly requested. It 'WM. D. LEWlS„President. MINERS AND SHIPPERS OF COAL ai e earnestly requested to meet this hIOND at 10 A. M.. thi.d. story Anthracite Bnildings, :405g WA Likarr Street, for the purl). re of taking immediate and prompt action to reapond to the Governor's call for troops for Slots dofence LEW IS, A IMENRIED, & CO.. HAVW, PEA & CO. HAMMETT, VAN- DIIsEN, 'Sr LOCHMAN, NOBLE, CALDWELL, & C0., - TYLER, STONE, & CO., A PAR uEE & 00 , - 3t - HUM ER, NORTON, & CO. PENNSYLVANIA INSTITUTION FOLTBE B LIN D.—The closing exercises; con slsting of the awarding of premiums and medals, &c , 'will take place on MONDAY, 29th instant, at 4 P Conductor of the Orchestra, Mr. CARL SIiNTZ. - The Public are invited. WILLIAOI c a A.par, .1e27-21 e_ Principal. PHRENOLOGICAL JIJHUR.NAA,FOR JULY, note ready; contain:" a Mew and cortati hive amwer to ANATOMCAb OBJECTION'S to KERN:- NOLOGY, an article on Physiognomy. and many other interesting and practically important papers, together with over fifty illustrations, Only 15 cents. or 3150 a Scar,FOWLER & WELLS, New York. _ _ JOAN L. CAT AN, 25 South TENTH Street, Philada M> A LECTURE : Will be delivered by the HON. J. W. FORNEY, oN "THS OBLIGSTIONS AND LESSONS OF THE4OtI.I4" In aid of the ..41; CHARITY - TUESDAY EVENING NEXT TUNE 30, 1863, - AT MUSICAL FICIAD HALL. Tickets 25 Cents. To be bad al the principal Book and stores,Music and at the door. . je2l.3t PHILADEIA OfficeEADlN RAILROAD COCOMPANY, 2.27 South I'OURTH Street. . - I . IIy.ADELI!IIIA, Tune 21,1863. -.. . , DIVIDEND NOTICE. —Ten transfer nooks of the Pro terra Stock of this Company will be closed on the 30th Mot.. and reopened on the 15th proximo. : A Dividend of 3y. v. cent., clear of,State tax, bas been declared on the Preferred Stock; payable in cash , on the 20th of July on all stock held at the close of business on the 30th inst. • Holders of certificates which have been discharged from this office, or either of the transfer agencies, arelpar ticu]arly requested to have teem duly registered on the transfer books to whichthey have been transferred. prior to the 30th inst. S. BRADFO Kn. Treasurer. MPROVOST MARSHAL OENRIR.AL'S OFFICE.—WASHINOTON, D. G., May Id. All men who desire tojoin any particular Regiment of CAVALRY. now in the field, are hereby authorized to present themselves at any time dari , g the next thirty days to the BOARD OF: ENROLMENT, in their respec tive Di, tricts. The Board shall examine them, and de termine upon their fitness for the Service, and if-found to be fit, the Provost Marshal of-the district shall give them transportation tickets to the general Rendezvous, at the Headquarters of the A.A. Provost Marshal General of the State. As soon as they present themselves at this, gene ral Rendezvous they shall be duly mustered by a mus tering and disbursing officer, and paid by him the bountY. allowed by-law. JAMES )3 ' FEY. ray2B-1m Provost Marshal General. PHILADELPHIA POST OFFICE, June 27, 18c3-IWTICE.—The attention of the public is requested to the following extrmts from' the New Post Offich Law,. which will be- in operation on and after Wednesday next, dray 1„1863: , No letter, newspaper, pamphlet, or any package what ever. can be delivered until the whole postage due there on has been paid. • , The Carriers will not be permitted - to make any charge or receive any : compensation from. the• public for the de livery of letters or papers received in the mail. , • letters deposited in the efface without th e postage being prepaid willbe sent to the Dead Letter Office. - The fee for registering a letter- is 20• cents, in addition to the regular postage, and no ,registered letter, will be delivered until the person authorized to receive it shall have signed the necessary receipts therefor.- All mail matter not sent at letter rates must be so enve loped that the contents can be readily examined, other wise it will be charg eda tletter postage' The rate of domestic letter postage is fixed at 3 cents for each half ounce or fraction of half ounce. The Pa cific rate of 10 cents is abolished. •.••••• . • • • • . The rate of postsge on LOCAL OR CITY DROP LIT TERS is 2 cents per half ounceur fraction of a half ounce. The Postmaster is authorized to coatract, subject to the approval of the Postmaster General% with publishers. firms, or is stitutions havinglarge numbers of circulars or other printed•matter to distribute through the city, to deliver such matter at a fixed rate . . . RATE OF PORTAGE ON TRANSIENT PRINTED MATTER, EXCEPT CIRCULARS AND DOORS, One Package to one addiAse, not exceeding 4 ounces in - weight . And for each 4-onnces or fraction theraof an ad ditional-rate of Not exceeding 4 ounces in weight And for each 4 ounces•or fraction thereof an ad-. ditienal rate of •i <• UNSEALED. CIRCULARS, Not exceeding 3in number, to one address. Over 3 and not exceeding6i tonne address And an additional rate of 2 cents for each three. or fractional part thereof, circulars sent to one address. . . The above -postage mnsh in. all eases, be prepaid by. Postage stamps affixed to sueh.printed matter. and in no case will any marks' or• signs be- permitted on printed matter without enbjeeting,it to letter postage. - - QUARTERLY rates-of postage, when paid quarterly or yearly in advance on newspapers, &e.. published once a week. or more frequently,. and sent from the publication office to actual bona fide subscribers NeWipaper or periodioal not ex .ceeding Connees in weight, sent to any part of United States Ovet,4 but not exceeding 8 ounces And an additional rate for each 4 ounces or fractional part thereof. QUARTERLY rates of postage, when paid in advance on newipapere, &c., pabliehed less frequently than once a week, and sent to subscribers as above: - Not exceeding 4 ounces- in weight, and sent to any part of United States Over 4 and not exceeding,d ounces - Publications issued ,- - without disclosing - the office 'of publication, - or containing a Sictitione-statement thereof,. cannot be for warded , unless prepaid at TRANS/ENT RATES: is27-smw3t C. A. WALBOBN, Postmaster. NIVERSITY ORPENNS YLV • • EL, (DEPARTMENT OF - ARTS.)-The Examina tion of the Junier„. Sophomore, and Freshman Classes,. at the doge of the:Third Term, will be held in the fol lowing-order - . Tuesday,. June Sld. From 9 to 11, Sophomores, by Prof. Frazer,, (Metalie Chemistry ' ) written. From . .ll to 1, Juniors - by the Provost, (intellectual • 'Philosophy, ) oral• Wednesday; 24th. .From 9 to 11, Truziors, by, Prof (Differential Calculus, ) and Sophomores, by. Prof. - Jackson,:(odas of Horace,/ written. Fromil tol, Freshmen,.. by Plug Allen, (Herodotus,) oral: Thurtday, 26th, From 9to 11, Sophomores, by Prof. Coppee...(Historm )1 and; Freshmen, by Prof. - Kendall,. (Heometra, written: From 11 to 1. Juniors, by. Prof. Frazer; (Heat-and the Steam Engine.) • Friday; -26th..- From 9 to 11, Scphomores, by Prof. Kendall, (Analytical Geometry,) written. .Front.li to 1, Junior*, by Prof. Allen, (The Clouds of Ariatophanes), Monday 29 From 9to 11, Juniors, 'by Prof. Jackaon, (The Aulularia of Plantue), From 11 more§, by Prof. Allen; (Thucydides;) oraL r Tuesday. 30tb. From 9 to 11, Freshmen by Prof. CoppGe. UR-story.) oral: • • Wednesday, July let. From 9 to 11, Fr.iohmen, by Prof.P Jackson, (Livy,) oral. GEORGE ALLEN'. je2.3-7t Secretary of thC'Faculty of_ Arta. IMHEADQUARTERS, P. H ADM 'FELS, Pa., June 28, 1863. - •• , t . SP ML ORDER, No. 2. The followingplaces of rem:Mavens are designated for the enrolment, and en listment of man for service for. three months,- unless sooner discharged : • • ' Commissioners' .Hall, Spring Garden and- Thirteenth streets, Lieutenant Colonel E. Wallace, late 91st Regiment Penns•ylvania Volrinteers, in charge. ( Abr Armor - 9, Broad stoat. below Race, Oaptaht •Isaac C. Price in charge. . Racket House, Spring - Garden and Tiiienty-second streets, Capt. Josepti.danason in charge. • • Girard avenue and Sixth street,. Captain. Charles G.' Phillips in charge. - When a frill company, conateting, of 64 privates, 5 sergeants, 8 corporals,2 musicians, and I wagoner ie .organized, .they will' be immediately mustered into service with a full complement of officers, armed, equip.. ped aid moved into camp for instruction. But after an organization is- commenced a smaller number - of. men without officers may be mustered into service and attached to ether Companies If it is desired, A Half Company of Forty Men may be mustered in with a First By command of Major General DANA. CYRUe &LIMA AN, je29-3t . a•eistant Adjutant General inrPHILADELPHIA lAND READING RAILROAD COBIPAITY.- OPPIOU. 73 SouTa FOUVOII STREET, PRII,ADELPHIA, Stine 22;1863 'Fa avoid detention. the holders of coupons of- this company, 'due on, the let proximo; are requested to leave them at this ofAce on or beforethe 30th instant, when re ceipts will. be alven; and checks will be ready for de livery on the first proximo, in exohange for said receipts.. 8. BRADFORD. Treasurer, M-PROTRVITV S A NTA CLAM ARUN CY OF T HE U. S. Y COMMISSION. At thia office, established with the •ap ß roval l the De atinents at Washington, all claims of soldiere and their relatives for BOUNTY. BACK PAY, AND PEN ON, are prepared FREE OF CHARGE .... W. N. ASUMAN, 'Solicitor. ie-1m ' ~ - 1307 CHEfrATNII2 area. • ...I. I 7ND PIC C E OAL CP CO - 3 7 1P H APt t, ''W .CI V4II o. V ii3 lsl PS it on E th . 'IDLED Street, corner of Witnull'a laley.—P3twmm- PELL, June 17th, 1563.-At a...rotating of the Directors, held ..this day, a Dividend Gamy CENTS PER. SHANE owthe Capital Stock was,•aeolared out-of the Profits of the past six months, myable on and after July, lsti - 1863. The Transfer BOOk.S: 'will be closed until July 3d next.• ieISAJI • • 4. - 440.K50N, T.TeAstpqr. THE PRESS.- - PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, , JUNE 29, 180: UNION LEAGUE REGIMEN -1; T_TNION - The Undersigned were appointed a Committee to Or ganize a The Regiment will be mustered. int) service, for THREE MONTHS., ARE REQUESTED TO REPORT IMMEDIATELY . TO THE COMMITTEE. AT THE QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, NORTHEAST CORNER OF TWELFTH AND GIRARD STREETS. Such necessary expenses as are not properly borne hY the Government WILL BE DEFRAYED FROM A FUND RAISED - BY THE MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE. CLOTTING, EQUIPAGE, ARMS, and EQUIPMENTS will be furnished as soon as the organiaztbin shall be effected. A Cainp will be formed immediately, in the neighborhood of the city. MEM LIEUTENANT ANDERSON ,Is ABOUT RAISING A COMPANY NEW UNION REGIMENT, UNDER! THE AUSPICES; OF THE ,UNION LEAGUE. See the advertisement of thefUnion League Regiment, Soldiers willing to join Lieutenant Anderton's Compa ny axe invited to meet at As early as possible , NOTIC E.- -MEMBERS OF' • the_lsth PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY Anderson Cayalry"—tche are in this city, are requested to meet at the Hall of the Dili gent Engine Co., TENTH and PILBERE Strcete., at '3 P. M., to•day. A lull attendance is earnestly requested. It* H. A. HOONE, tlec'y Pro tens. tiCOX PANY. E, BLUE RE4ERVES. SECOND-REGIMENT, R.B.—The Active and Asso ciate Members, with their Friends, remain,ing in the city, are requested to meet at the Regtatental Read quarters, 505 uHESTEIIT Street, THIS E VENING, - at 8 o'clock, promptly, for the purpose of preparing for ser vice in - defence. of the city.. lt . GEO. W. GRICE. Captain. ! I , GREAT INDUCEMENT! sto EXTRA ! $lO Extra Per - Month ! $lO EXTRA! COMPANY A, .OTH REGIMENT, P. M '- .TEN DOLLAIiS PER MONTFI paid to the family of each Volunteer in this Company, in addition t) the City Bounty and State pay. Muster rolls are now opened for signatures, at the Armory. THIRTY-MG-11M and BRIDGE Streets, and also at 306 CHESTNUT Street. This is the greatest inducement yet offered. Those who now desire to serve their country, in its hour of peril, and at the same time feel that their families are comfort able during' their absence, will avail themselves of this opportunity while it is offered. • it* GEORGE J. COERTE, Captain. R STONE ARTILLERY odlif- PANY.—Tbe Company 'will meet at their armory; Race. below Broad street, TO-MORROW (3iondaY) MORNING, at 9 o'clock, without fall, as the time for action has arrived. As it is expected.we will be put in active service for the defence of th e : city under the com mand of Major General Dana, the 'members of the old company are particularly requested to be present, as they are needed in the present emergency. A few new recruits will be accepted. By order of HORACE FRITZ, Lida. Com. W. W B. ELTONIIEAD, - - P. litosAy, }Committee. . * Jos. JOTWEICSON, ,-. je2911. . - STARR'S BATTERY; 'UNION AR TILLERY GUARD. —The old members nod friendi of this company are requested to meet at the Armory, Broad above Fine, THIS (Monday) Morning , -- at 9 o'clock, io form the second company under ale 'Gover-, nor s call. _. Evan Randolph, I H. A. • Bispham, B. H. Moore. r John Waddell,' Thomas A. Robert's: E* J. P. BRADSIIA W. 2cl Sergeant. itFOR THREE MONTHS OR THE EMBROENCY.—Young Mon ;wishing to joinm, rate Company in every respect will report at the ;Armory, BROAD and R ICE.streets, immediately. This Company will be connected with the list Regiment P. T. , Colonel Newkuniet, now in Camp at Harris bum It is intended to make this Company a lirst-clals organization. Members of old Company I, 9th P. V. •M please report as above. • W. C. MOORE, Captain. W. ECUDIER;-First Lieutenant:: GERMANTOWN HOKE GUARD: 1863: • I The member Of this Company. are hereby ordered to report et once at the• Armory fully equipped-for etn. med late service, under the late proclamation of Governor Curtin. The voinpany have received orders to report to- Maj Oen. an on MONDAY at 10 o'clock M., 29th inst." By order of- SAM P....G81ET1 rTs. let Lieutenant Commanding. i . ROCKAFELLOW GUARDS; . AR : SENAWBATTAMON, wiX meet THIS EVENING, at ' 8 o'clock . ;Recruits wantea-for three-months': service." Armory open dtiring the day . at - NINTH ana WAL NUT Streets, Toilith story ~ . 11,!' . . .- : _ SOHN MAXWELL, Capta,iie • tCOMP - ANY. C, THIRD REGIMENT RESER'VEBEIGkI)E.RECPATITS WANTED iIIIIIIa3- diately for - Cempany"C. 3d IVegiment Reserve Brigade;. novvreorniting at - Commissioners' Hall. THIE 4"-- 81.VENTE and'. MARKET Streets, -'West. Philadelphia. To-serve - ander the. call of the Governor. fur three (3). montheOinleas sooner discharged. . Thirteen dollars per month mill be paid to each.Reennit, by the citizens of the Twenty-fourth,. - Ward,. in. addition to the regular City bounty and pay. - • • _ 2t, V. SARVER, Captain,. lis,TO ARMS I: TO. AR MS 1— OUR. STATE HAS BEEN. INVAIIED.—AII good- citizens and members of the' 2d Brigade will meet at the- FALSTAFF . HOTEL,. corner SIXTH and. JAYNE , . Streets, at 9 o'clock, - this - 29thd'ay': of lane, to' form a Regiment for State.and - City defence. By order of - It* A ROGERS, Lieut. Col. Commanding. t TO ARMS , ! TO ARMS!! ,- , - FOR THE DEFENCE OF THE CITY. A meeting of the It/Embers of the different Baptist Churches and congregationsfand others favorable to the movement, will be held this Monday, June 29th, at .3.o'cleck P. M , at the Meeting House of the First Bap— tist Church ~corner BROAD andrAROH Streets. The ob ject of the meeting is to effect an , immediate military Or ganization for -the def ence or the city. I.t'. • I ATTENTION !- THE CITIZENS. _ of the:different Welds, who are desirous of defend ing the State.- will meet at the . FALSTAFF HOTEL, corner SIXTH and JAYNE, at 9' o'clock A. H. this 29th of June, to forma company, to join a. regiment for immediate defence. •By request of '. - . lt. - Captain P.:CI-KANE. . i* , AU.TENTION ! 00. 0, , FIRST RE 9IMENT,ORkY-RESERVES, —The mei:thew:ass°. - Mai e membei E. and friends of the ,Company will as- salable at, the-ARMORY. SOS MARKET' Street, at - eight o'clock, THIS EVENING; to prepare for the emer gency. RV] s* SERG'T,EL STE •-A L ,?; ` l3- • „ s r . 1 4 EY"' tiGRAY -RESERKES isT ItEGIMBNT, RO3IFANY',E.—ThA, Mena ers of this Comparrk 'Are request eci.te assessable albs Armors , ' Till§ (Alond&F) ' AFTERNOON at 3 o'clock. slaarp. Recr nits wanted:for th roe- nua Tithe service. . lt* - TROS' .AL LAU N, First Lieutenant. 5 10 16 30 10 . M 30 00 ARMORY COMPANY YA, IsT. GIMENT ARTILL ERY; G.; June rho'mem. I.erd, and all•those-who if:tye at any time been con nected with thia Company, now in the city, are re quested to meet. - Ole A,rmory; N 0.1.733 _tit &SHE r Street, THIS (Monday): MORNING, at 11 o'clock, ..to ornanlze a Company-for th&daence of the city. ..• - ^ Others cleairotis of Joining the Company are invited to attend. LIM SAMUEL WILCOX: • `dz' BEE fPBILADELPHIA, JUN. 8 .29,1.86 3 .: . i . The Associatfi. Contrilretin_g, and remelt. ins:Active • Members of.D Co..litt REG' AUNT OKAY ERSE EWES, together with leek , friends. are reel:l(l34,d to meet at the .A rmory, ElefilinllitiTH 'ord. CHMTNUT ,Streete. THIb (Monday). ARMERNO )N, st,three atlock..for the -; pm pose.of orgaaf7ation, in conformity with - the orders of 'Major Generat.Dana• . . • It.. • tFREDIIIOK.' ZA:BBAORER,..tATE . Captain of 20Ih RegimentP. V., has opened: it:. - Re- .. `crniting Statlon,..n ir the purpose of raising, a COM pany for Three or Ste Months, at the Odd Fellows' Ball,. S. W. corner.ll.lsTll and SOUTH Streets. The; distracted oondition of our Once glorious Union •requiret‘f that every heart that "holds. one drop of patriotic blood., within, it should, •a at, this crisis. come forth and: enroll. their names and.'enter the field of battle with-officers who have, been.mell tried in the.service. . . . .. . .. .. . . ... ... Let ua meet the enemy and release our brothers, .crho haye•lcing toiled-for your right.. at' the earliest. oossibla moment. jel:3-Sts• • - .I.ATTENTION, 0 OAI PANIC !- NIN . TH WARD TO THE RE , ,OUE! — Resideate of NINTH WARD are requested to , enroll themselves tmmediatel7, .for active servlve'te DEFENCE•OF' THE CITY A.ND hTATE; at the. IJN ; QA...3ficRKEY, SEVENTEENTH StreeCatordlMmt. Ia -• • - -- • • . • . BUJ Aura E.'ILERN; Oki:data:, DAVID BRlTLER;Flret'Lleutonamt.. . Jexam.. .*:COICP.L.N.Y. INDEPENDENT CORN =CHANGE • GIIABDIIk Eeesuiting (Wks wlghe opened at the Armory_or.the !Cara Exchange association, SECOND. above 'Walnut: street, for the. Porno/ e of recruiting a 'coppenjr, of pick ad ;men , for the three months' service. The tees will be thorowthly efintPped. and km-warded -• I to liarrtabnrg immedisteloc, • AL F. KOPPEL. C..aptain. tiNATIONAL OrAED, ATTEN TION !!—Every member of this NATIO:IAL. GUARD of tke FEFTISEICM WARD =All meet st the GUARD ROOM ou liON1241", EVENING.. 213th. Inst., on ur I - gent bueiueee . . .7: r IIERbONKENT. M. 1)„, • t. . • ii ARMORY 0.,..;001/PAN'Ir A., IST: RIGIMENtARTILIARY P. H. G. , ..... PXILADELPHIA. Jane W. , 1853. lite . 111 A insignect' request the present and former members ot" CompeNt E now in the oily to assemble at the Armory, J URI; BET Street, on MONDAY, the SOth inst. sat 5 P.' M. i 0 take measures for the formation of a new , company Under the present call of the Go vernor. • SAMUEL WILCOX, CIAMBNT•B. PENROSE; . ..700N H - wHEELER. ' ROBERT BURTON. . . CHeRLES ZAIGRBA, Ite.. -. ' , -' , AUBREY H. 8311111. ... . . IIEADQVA EITEL% RESERVE BBL - oATlLlnurr DIVISION, P. M. • • PAILADRLPRTA: .Inae 27, 1661. GENERAL ORDERS No. 76. ComManders of Regiments tier Companies of the Reserve Brigade will immediately proceed to• Bil up their commands and report for duty at khose Headquar ters. - The Headquarters of.the Ertiralle .at the Hoard . of Trade Room. No. 505 CHESTNUT Street. _ .• By order of • Col. C. M. RAITN. Commander of Reserve Brigade. • Joiriv E. ADDICICS, Acting A. A. GeneraL .10M . TO IHE CAPTAINS OP COMPA NIES OF VOLUNTEERS, RECRUITING.FOR .Tll.ll. PRESENT EMERGENCY.—Raying been appointed PAYMASTER by the disbar 4i ng agency of the CITI ZENS' BOUNTY FUND COMMITTEE, of the TEN DOL LARS, for each officer and private from Philadelphia. you will please furnish MO with a certified copy of the MUSTER ROLL of your Company aaJearly as presible; so that arrangements may be madtrio pay the said sum to each man goloS to Hatrtebtlrit 'under tine.late call•for troops- • WiL.VEITOR. • . , No. 3 WELLINCiII Auer. MILITARY`NOTICES. AT A MEETING OF HELD OH THE 27TH INSTANT, REGIMENT, UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE LEAOUE Under the Governor's Proclamation., VOLUNTEERS FOR IT J. R. FRY, 8, M. FELTON, J. EDGAR THOMSON, ELLERSLIE WALLACE, M.D., JAMES L. CLAGHORN, HORACE BINNEY, - Jr., ' MORTON MCMICHAEL, GLO: H. CROSMAL J. I. CLARE HARE. - W. D; GEO 'WHITNEY, if ALEX. WHEELER. Aro. 243 SOUTH THIRD -STREET REP.' /QUA ItTEIIS OF . COM MISSTO FOE U. S. COLORED TROOPS, 80. 1210 CIIE BI- 1417 81Tret. Philadelphia. - Tile following is the ofilo;a1 'Order autherizlng the re ef, t r..g or rafOrr (1 Troops: BEAIOOAUTERS OF ThE AItAIY, All,T 4 T OENBRAL'A 01 , FrC13, WASIIINCITON, Juue 17, 1563. ... . GENERAL. ORDERS No. 178. Major GEORGE L. STEARN.% Assistant Adjutant General - United States Volunteers, is hereby announced as Recruiting Cruirnissioner for the United Sates Colored Troops. t.ribject to such instructions,as he may from time to time receive from the secretary of War. - By order of the secretary of- War: (Signed.) • E. D, TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant Gener a l. To Major Gao. L. STEARNS. Abet Adj't General-:U. S. • The undersigned is prepared ` to. issue the proper au thorization to colored roan to enlist 'recruits for the Armies of the United States. He will receive applies, Sons from those desirous of being made commissioned officers. and transmit the same to the Board of It:tepee. Bon at Washington, and will ha glad to give full in form:Wein on all matters-connected with We branch of the service to those who may seek it. The undersigned , has the co-operation. of a CoMmittee of sixty citizens of Philsdelphia. - The Agent of the said committee is R. R CORSON, who is likewise the Agent of the undersigned. . CAMP WILLIAM' PENN, at Chelton Hills, bas boon selected as the camp for instruction, and-Lieut. Colonel. WAGNER. placed .in command of it. All re crtiits will be.mustered in by companies of eighty men. and immediately uniformed, equipped and sent to the Squads of men will be subsisted until companies are completed by the committee of citizens; at such localities as their agent may designate.' • : Papers in thetaterior of the State:will copy this ad vertigemout one time, and send a paper containing save, „with bill. to these Beadquarters. Communications by letter will be promptly answered. -GEORGE L.STEARNS Major and A. A. G., :Recruiting Coinmissioner for U. S.' Colored Volunteers. • T-T D QUARTER 8 PHILADEL PHIA, PA June 28, 1883. SPECIAL ORDER No. 2. * * * 111. The Artillery Corps of Washington 'Grays of Philadelphia. baying been detailed on special service, will report at their Headquarters,. TO DAY, JuneD.lBB3, at 12 o'clock hi , fully equipped; to be mus tered'into the service of the United States. By Command of Major General DANA. DMUS S. HALDEMAN, Asst. Adjt. Gen. .ARTILLERY CORPS WASHINGTON GRAYS, ..• JUNE 29, 18e3. In obedience to the foregoing order from General Head quarters the members of the Corps, and persons desirous of attaching themselves thereto, will assemble at the Armory ' RANKLIN••. HALL, SIXTH Street, below Arab, stlo o'clock A. M., on THIS (Monday) MORNING, for immediate service in defence of the State. Term not exceeding three months. ;Ey order of - It* • ALEX. MURPHY, Captain. in - EA B QUARTERS, ' PHILADEL PHIA,:A-A-PA., 1125 0 IRAILD STREET. Jane 28th, 1863. i GENERAL ORDERS. No. 1. _Lone following despatch' is published for the infer. illation and guidance of. all concerned:' • H ARRISEURO; June 26th. 1853. "Ti Gen.,N,.. J.T. Dana. Philadelphia. Pa. : " By erection' of the President of the United States you are assigned to the organization and command of the Militia and Voinntet r tomes and defences of Phila. drdphia, and will receive instructions frdm these .11ead :qbarteze.1" By command of "-L MA.V.I3tEN. COUC I. Jonu S SCHULTZ, Major and A. - A:"Getieral. 11. By , virtne of the above the undersigned assumes command atthis station. Al! Military organizations of whatever ,kind; including civilians, Will make their reports accordingly. 111. All existing. orders and regulations for the go vernment of this command will remain in force until re -IV. The following named officers are announced. - as composing the Personal Staff of the Major General Com -mending, or itis assigned-to-Staff duty/ at these Head quatter4. The administrative departments of the Staff will remain as heretofore: Lieut. Colonel Wm. D.. Whipple, additional Aid-de- Camp and Ass't Adj't Oen.. Chief of Staff. Lieut. Col. H. A. Prink, 11th" Pennsylvania 'Volun teers, Provost Marshal. captain Cyrus K. Haldeman, Ass't Adj't General. First Lieut. W. F. Milton, 20th Mass Vols., Ald-de- COMP Second Lieut. Edward - J. Parker, 13th Penna. Cavalry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. ' &Second Lieut. L. Harwood, Co. C, 151 th Penna. Vols., Acting Assistant'Adjutant General.' N. J. T. DANA, je27.3t Maj. Gen. 11. S. Vols.. Commanding. THIS MORNING, FAD QUARTERS, DEFENCES OF -LA- THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, Juno 28th, 1883. GENERAL ORDER—No. 2. The Officers of the HOME GUARD will meet at the City Armory, in BROAD Street, below RACE, TO-MORROW. Morning. at 10 o'clock, for 'the purpose of completing ariangemeMs for the Defence of the City and State /iy. order 'zif A. J. PLE ASONTON, at: Brig. General Commanding Home Gaard. BaAnpoun, Assistvq. Adjutant General. je29- G B AY RESERVES.- ATTENTION - COMAPNY F, leT REGIMENT - -A.few good - men wanted for this Company immediately for State service, not exceeding three monthe. Apply at Regimental Beadquaiters, Id AIiKET. above EIGHTH.. Uniforms and transportation fur/tithed. . . 11. C. KENNEDY, Captain. '_GEORGE HECK, , A. B. FULLER, Committee on Recruiting: J. C. STAIRS, Those men who have left Company F without permis sion from the Commanding Officers are requested to re port immediately to the R.ecrutting Committee, or their names will be published as deserters. By order je29-21 B. C. KENNEDY, Captain Co F. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE.-2o lEGIMENT NATIONAL GUARD, Ist Brigade, Ist Division, P. V. —The rolls of the different . Companies of this old-established Corps are now open at the Armory. CO5 ARCH Street. Citizens are - invited to come tor ward arid join us, and assist in the deffnce of our City and State. The Regiment wilt be uniformed bud equipped at orce. and officered by men who lib ve seen service in. the Bela. Come immediately and join. There will be . a Spebial Meeting. THIS AIORNING, at 10 o'clock. Let event insmber be present . LLY ! FREEMEN R ALLY I •-•-. The citizens of the Eighteenth ward will - meet a., the Old Church (Chandler's), PALREI3 street, above Richmond, THIS DAY (Monday) at 3 'o'cloch, for the purpose of oiganizin g for City and State Deteace. requurt of'_ - MANY _CITLZRNS. . REDUCTION • IN PRICES OF - • . _ ..RICH PARIS - _MANTILLAS, ALSO. OF LIGHT ZEPHYR CLOTH CLO*E.I3, 'SUITABLE FOR THE. WHOLE SUMMER. J. W. PROCTOR CO., • Je6-im aii,"..*Floi[EsTrrui sTBEET. .... -- MOSQUITO NEWWGS,. Three yards We. - Seven yards a piece. Blue and , White. Price $1.16 a piece: Also, Blue And Hobbit/eta,. in colors. : . • For Coverings. • SHARPLESS BROTHERS, Are: Selling Out THEIR LARGE,' STOCK Of SUMMER DRESS (loot's, • .At hEDUCED PRICES. Preparatory to Receiving , THEIR FALL IMPOR CATIONS , . ie29 CHESTNUT and EIGHtH Streets. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GE NERAL'S OFFICE.. . . • • PIITLA-DELPIII.6, 25th June. IBM. PROPOSALS will be received at tine office until FRI DAY, July 3.1,.at 12 o'clock hi ;for the erectionaml.com pletion of the following temporary buildings, with their appall (inances,.at Fort Delaware, for the uee-of the• Un ited States Government, viz _ . . A Hospital to accommodate six. hundred men, andami= litary Barracks for one hundred and twenty men .1. also, twelve hundred-and eighty feet of picket fencing, to en close a burial lot, upon the. Government Perm opposite the Fort,lon the New Jersey side: Proposals must state the cost of each,building, and. the- fencing. -separately also, theshortest time required to complete the work, and be accompanied _required the-names of competent securi ties to the whole amount of the oontract for its prompt, and faithful performance. Mans am} specifications can be seen at the office •of 'John McArthur, Jr. ' Architect. ho. 209 South SIXTH street, bet weenie A. M. and 4 F. M., every day,until the bide are, closed. The proposed securities must endorse the bide and guarantee the work. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. G. H. CROSHAN, Capt. and A. Q. 111 General.' .ASSISTANT, Q,IJARTERILASTER. GENERAL'S OFFICE ' 27th Sane; 1863. PROPOSALS will be received ,at thin office until FRI DAY; July3d, at 12 o'clock M., for protecting, United States Army Hospitals froarLIGHTSING, as follows: CltesterHospital . 9 2 1, ttO Summit House Hospital. 5. 24.5 McClellan Hospital 52 2.850 Germantown Hospital 17 - 715 ;West Philadelphia Hospital - 50 3,812 To' a.l' 8 332 The rods shall be of solid round wrought-tron,.not less than one pound to the foot, *secured at the joints with wrought-Iron ferrdeg,.ensee as kas.tnbi ng, and Insalsted wherever attachedltlithe buildings. The points shall be of the brush or — cluster pattern, all of copper, gilded with extra-deep goliPleaf. Samples of the rods. points, and mode of..insnlating, and also their position en the buildings, can be seen at the office of .TORN WAR THOIL-1r.., architect, No: 209 South SlXTEl , Street;);sk. tween 10 A.. rd. and 4P. M., each day,.nntil the bids axe .Proposals must state the cost for each Hospital aepas rately. and 'satisfaotory Peewit* to the fall amount of the propoeal meet baniv4m - for the prompt and faithful performance of the costnict. . G. -H. CROSldati.: Ja2636 : Assistant Quartermaster General. ... • • • .4.111131 CLOTHING AND EQUIP BiIf.NT*ORFLOB, TWELFTH AND GIRARD STS, PHILADELPHIA, Jane 21:1263. • "SEALED PEOPOSALS are invited at this office until 12 o'cloch Al, on THESDAY,.7th July next, to ihrnlsh promptly atthe SCIIIIYLSILL,ARSENAL— _, Waler• Proof Blankotsfor l F ri o z citmen. Painted. Waler•Proofßirakets for Footmen. VulctuaLmd India . Bobber. Water Proof Itbanlreti for - Footmen. Vulcanised- Gutta Perch&. To be grunimetted.• , JEtidderamill state in iheir proposals the pride, quan tity, bid for, and time of. delivery. . • "The ability- of the bidder to. - 11i1 the contract must be gaarantled.try two responsible persons, who- to signatures musthe appended to thelguitmantee. and -said guarantee Must- accompany the No bid- will be considered that. does not comply .. fat with the above retpalrs . deafediatnialea to.which. all articles met c o nform, can 'bean at this ofticepand:iddders are-Invited to be pre tent'attbtropening of.the 'bids . . - ... . .ITrdposals must be endorsed "Proposals for Army Sun lit 03 . stating the partionlar article leid.for. G. H. CRO S SMLN, i .-ili... ''.-- , A; Q. M. General 17.-S. Army. i N .._ . - . . ' . ' COPARTERSHIPS. f . - L .........,...........................,....,........"."........ HE FIDM -4F. BROADRENT Sr Ca, -a3 iniotoirattiers , i thin day dissolved, - by tho re -1 it meat of S. RO•AI)BRRT. ..... * • - ,business will be coutiinned by his late partners, or the . name of WilliD3Ro CR Sc TAXIO.Ik. .Zr.: derotla. the n artist. and the inventor of thn. ivory tyniand Wendsrotype, who was associated in tha late firja for. four years. will contieue at the hoad.of the A atists' Department: and 3Lr. Taylor, also a na.rtner. la the late firm, wilt remain as heretofore, in charge orthe business In tie Reception Room. '• ‘ - . . . . . .. • " • 9191, 914 . a.nci'9•l6CH iriur Street. a PHILADYIPETA r Jupe , ISS3. WENDEROTH & TAYLOR (late Broadbent & Co. ) have jnet opened, -in- connection with their old rooms, the most beautiful and spacious Operating Room in the city; and by this and other improvements they-intend to insure More complete attention to the requirements of their increasing business. • . • -Every style of picture taken in connection With Photo graphy, including Ivoryiypes, Wenderotypee; Oil Paintings, Photographs, _Cartes de Visite, etta. -- WENDEROTH & TAYLOR, • Jed-frowl2t If ' 9111;914, and 916 CHESTNUT Street. THE SITBSORIBERB WILL CONTI NUE the DRUG BUSINESS. as heretdere I.l 4 't&e . Old Stand.• No. 724 MARKET Street. WM. ELLIS & CO. Druggists,. • • 734 hf*IIKET Street ExoltAllqß PN • LONDON AND PARTS : • :BOUGHT AND SOLD. ' • . • , FOR **a:GOLD. OR CURRENCY DREXEL & CO., , B URGUNDY, PORT;-175 Qtr. :11..M8 Casks Lust rrelyea per chip !" Leux Ocr sale is bond. by NUT miss. B. oa Al Q S. JAM= WM VAG WA Lt ' NOTICES. RETAIL DRY GOODS. PROPOSALS. S. BROADBENT, F. WE N DEBUT Ho C i T A • LOB FINANCIAL. NEW PITEiRIATIONS. TWO NEW BOOKS D. APPLETON & CO., Nos 443 and 44D BROADWAY, PUBLISH - THIS DAY, WHAT TO EAT, AND HOW TO G OOK IT. Containing Over One Thousand Receipts, Systematically and Prac tically Arranged, to Enable the Housekeeper to Prepare the Most Difficult or Simple Dishes in the Best Mariner. PIERR B IL r BLOT Late editor of the Almannek Gartrononvique, of Parts; and oilier Gastronomical Works. .1 vol., Moo ,cloth. $l. No matter how inexperienced some of our honeek eeP ing readers may be, by carefallY following our direc tions, they will be able to live as well and economically as possible, and also serve - a dinner in as orderly a man ner as any steward could do. In our directions. gastronomy is blended with econo my; and, although everything prepared 'according to these receipts will be in the highest and best style, it will still be cheaper than if prepared in the poorest wily, as nothing will be waited, and the best of everything used will be bad. . This book will to proved to be simpler than many, if not all other Cook-Books. It contains more receipts, and is in accordance with the advancements of the present age. —.Extract front Preface. • A CRITICAL • HISTORY OF FREE 'THOUGHT IN REFERENCE TO THE CHRISTIRAN EN RELIGION. EIGHT LECTURES PREACHED BEFORE THE - UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, IN THE YEAR IBM ON THE FOUNDATION OF TRH LATE REV. JOHN BANFTO X, M. A.. CANON OP SALISBURY. _ ..... BY ADAM STOREY FARRAR. M A. vol., 12mo, cloth. 987 pages, $2. From the Reader. "The Hand-Book of German Theology, contained in this volume, should be read by every one, both for its own merits and for the Immense importance of the sub - Rot. There is not a inure memorable chapter in modern history than that which records the vast, continuous and co- operative effort of the German Schools to under stand and appreciate Christianity." - D. A. & CO. HAVE JUST PUBLISHED. TWO PICTURES: OR ROW WE SEE OURSEINES, AND HOW THE WORLD SEES US: By Maria J. Mc- Intosh. I vol. 12mo. $l5O 'IRE HOLY WORD Is ITS OWN DEFENCE. Being en Answer to Bishop Colenso. By the REV. Abiel Silver. Ivo]. 12mo. *1.75. 611111 3 5E - oF . THE WORLD. By Miss Sewell. 1 vol. 12mo $12.5 EVIDENCE AS TO MAN'S PLAGE IN NATURE. By Thomas 11. Huxley. 1 no'. 12zno. Anv of the above sent by mail free, on receipt of price. je27-2t A DOUBLE NUMBER, FULL OF EN GRAVING S—Tbe Best yei Published. THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL for July contains Portraits. Characters and Biographies of Lord Brougham, E H. Dixon, Stonewall Jackson, Ann E. Dickinson—An Illustrated Article on Hums NOSES—The Temperaments —A new Facial Angle, with Illustrations. ETHROLOOY. —The Fossil Man—Origin, and Fature Destiny—Sum natubnliszn--The Sottl-Night-Walkers--The Royal Courtship, how Conducted—Women of Turkey—remits) Life in London—Soul and Bodv—Man's Religtoits Nature —Accountability—Fatality; &c. Ocily 15 cents or $ L5O a year. .New Volume. FOWLER Sr WELLS, N T. J. L. 0 APEN, 1e27-3t No. 25 South TENTH Street, Philadelphia. NEW BOOKS. Just published by J. B. LIPPINCOTT do CD. 715 and '717 AtAIIIKET Street. LOST AND SAVED." By Hon. Mrs. Norton, author of "Stuart of Dunleith. ' AT OPDS. "Quits," &c. By. the BaroneEs Tautincens, aatitor of HISTORY OP THE SIIPERSTITION.—In aa Ages and Countries. By William Howitt. SPHERICAL AND PRATICAL ASTRONOMY. By William Chauvenot. 2 vols. . THE ARMY CHAPLAIN'S. MANUAL. By Iter. J Pinkner Hammond. - ' ThIA.L OF THE CONSTITUTION. BY .Sidney a Fisher. THE COMPANY CLERK. Showing heir and when to make out return - 4. Am By Captain A .-V. Kautz. je29 9 . () CENTS! - FRANK LESLIE'S ".•'`-' AGAZIIVE FOR' JULY. PITCHER'S, - ie 97-3 t. €OB CHESTNUT Street. 2 s (yrs 1-25 CTS I --25 CTS _!!= PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS., holding 12 PICTURES, bound in Muslin, gilt e ige. PITCHER'S AL - BUM DEPOT, je27-tf SOS CHESTNUT Street. $ I'50! -PHOTO GRAPH 18•i?IdfrgIWENTY FOtR PICTUREn% Bound BEST MY"o- Epcco, PCHER'S ABNII $1 2 7 0 $45.-IMPERIAL QUARTO PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, holding 200 and 400 PICTURES. eienantly bound in TUbHEY MOROCCO and RICH VELVET, with Ornaments. - PITCHER'S ALBUM" DEPOT, je27-tr SOS CHESTNUT Street. 3000 -3,000 !!-OVER .3,000 DIP -- FERENT CARD PICTURES FOR PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, at PITCHER'S ALBUM DEPOT, je27-tf SON CHEITNU I,treet. NEW BOOKS. LEIBIG'S NATURAL LAWS OF HUSBANDRY. WEaK LUNGS AND HOW TO STVENGTHEN. By Din Lewin, H. D. WHAT TO EAT, AND HOW TO COOK IT. By Pierre Blot. A CRITICAL HISTORY OF FREE THOUGHT. A. T. Farrar, M. A., &c. • ALL NEW BOOKS Of a standard.eharacter for sale as soon as published, by LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publisbers and Booksellers. jell 95 SOUTH SIXTH street, above CHESTNUT IVEW BOOKS! PIEW BOOKS! -LI THE FOUNDATION OF HISTORY; a series of First Things, By S. B. Scheiffelin, 51 LILIAN. $l. • AMERICANS IN ROME. By Henry p. Leland. $1.2.5. TALES AND - SKETCHES BY HUGH MILLER. $1,2.5. AMERICA; - .A Dramatic Poem. 75 cents. THE, LIFE. WRITINGS. AND CHARACTER OF ED WARD ROBINSON. D. ID. ,L. L. D. 60 cents. . THE SON OF:CONSOLATION; A- Sketch of the Cha racter and Ministry of Res. B. Cutler, D. D. 50c. NONE BIKE CHRIST. By O. Winslow. D. D. 40c. Go AND TELL JESUS. By 0. Winslow, D. D., from seventy-fifth English. edition. 40 cents. "in.E. & ALFRED MiRTIEN. 606 CHESITIUT Street For sale by je26 B Q ,9 r S 402. CLERGYMEN. FOR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. AND FOR THE 'PEOPLE New Bodice received as soon as ont. 'Any Book not on our shelves will, be obtained at the shortest notice. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, from allthe principal mann facturerei at the lowest prices. - PROTESTANT EPISMPAE BOOK - SOCIETY, 12 . 24 CHESTNUT . Street. MIO-tiy3 HA.ZARD'S BOOKSTORE, - , TSAI CHESTNUT STRUT. • Between Seventh end Eighth Streets. All Books tusnally to be bad ia FIRST-CLASS liOOItSTORE, • Will always be found on our 'shelves AT THE LOWEST PRICES. fed-tf • X.EGAL. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR TEE - 2 - CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. THE PHILADELPHIA LOAN AND MERCANTILE BUILDING ASSOCIATION', to use, &c vs.- JOSEPH L. WILT. e'en. Ex. Dec. Terns, 1862 . The Auditor appointed by the Court to report-distribu tion of the fund arising from the sa)er by the Sheriff, under the above writ, of the following described real estate, to wit:. All that - certain lot or piece of ground,. witlb the three. story brick messitege thereom erected, situate on the , west side of a new thirty-two-feet-wide street, laid out andoopened for public-use by James Marko° and. Bliza beth B. Cox, trustees, - &c:, at the distance .of 116-feet'- westward from the west side of Twelfth street, extend ing from Oxford to Montgonleryatreet, in tl4e Twentieth ward of the city of Philadelphia, the said lot being at the distance of 144 feet northward from the nortkaside,nf the said Oxford street, containing in front or breadtMon.the said thirty • twn• feet- w ide Arcata?, feet;'and. ef .hat width in length or depth. westward. hottreen,:pa rellel lines at right angles with the s'aidthirty-twigeet wide street. 100 feet to another - thirty , two-feet , Wide street, laid out and opened for public use -by the, said , James Markoe and Elizabeth, Cox, trustees.- Stc:. at - the. distance of one hundred and, sixteen feet eastward 'from Thirteenth street, extendii g.from the•said Oxford street to Montgomery street. Bounded on the north, ,partly by ground of William Wilt, and partly by ground of George Widener t east by the thizay•two-feet-wide street first above, mentioned: south , ley ground nowowlate , of the estate of W. M. Cameo, deceased ; and-on the west by the. thirty - two-feet - wide street, last above. mentioned. Being the same lot of ground which WiltiancWilt,. by,: deed dated Mar 15,19541 recorded id Deed, Book. 34, No,.' 154, pane 437,< which said deed was reseale& - and vered July 12th, 1356. and is to bet recorded forthwith,'. granted and conveyed to said , Joseph Wilt,.in fee: subject to the payment of a year,y ground rent , of *di: - will attend to the duties of his anpointment MITES DAY, forenoon, the nt's-day. of. July. 1365, at'li o'clock, at his office, Law DepartmentEuildine;. No. 53.1.2!60nth FIFTH Etreet,Philadolphia,,when and where all per sons interested - are repaired to present their.claims, or be debarred from coming in uponaaid fund, ie29-10t EOBERT B. NICHOLS, Auditors. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT' FOR THE CITY ANIVCOUNTY" OP. PHIMADRLPHIA.. 33,statp of SARAH W. MTH: decitood.. . . - • The Auditor appointed by.tlie Court tthaudit, settle. andi adjust the axonal. of Walter Smith and John.R.lAthite § . icxoutora of tho last will of said deceased,.and: to• maim distribution of. the Balance-in the heads- of the. aceounr taut. will zueet' the partieeiwereste&for-the purposes :if his appointment, on BIONJ,AY,. July 6; h, 1663, at H o'clock, M.A., en Ids aloe: /No. 2) . 7.1 South FIRTILStrant, P in the City of kilrdeinhia. _ • . •• • jon_ mr izt . J9 . II.IktIaBBIEN. Andit.on. • • RETATE::: MES.. MARGARET . . V. Testathentary-ba ' the laatiidiVand test went • or , Mrs. MARGARET V. BENT,. deceased, widow.of .thelate EDWIN B ENT; of Ht.'l:ouis,:Ho., having been gran`ed- to the underaigned.by. the-Reaieter of,WRIs for the city and county a - Philadelphia, 01 per eons Indebted' Vrthe said. estate "wilt-make payment, and those having elating against the. same' are reqp&red to present deem without delay, to, WARD B. MASELTINE. Execator," .1e29-mat• , 21395 LNUT•Street. IN TEE ORPHANS' COURT FOR COUNTY OF LAN;CASTBR,. PENIVA. . 'Estate of AARON QUIMBY; deceased. late a Fulton Township, said coanty. . - The undersigned auditor, appointed by. the said cone,. " to make distribution of the balance in tho.kande of C. B. Catlor, surviving Exteutor..or the last-Will• of said deceased, to and amongst those legally entitled to the same," hereby lett s notice. that hemUl meet all par ties interested, for the purposes of his iwdeointment, at tho COURT HOUSE (Library Room)1 in the City of Lent.' caster, County, aforesaid, on THONADAY,.the Ilth day Of, Amend. A. D. 1863, ail o'clock. P ; oftsatd dap D. W. FATTBROON,Anditor. J.nne 24, 3863. ' , • ye254jy31.; .OTICE'23.IIBREBY . WEN - TELtial ki-v "'lt E-BS,,Nlif, OP. GER.MA.IiTOWIP.' intend, to apply to the Leandatnre-of Pennsylvania, at their next session for a renewal ortheir Charter. Said Beak is located' in Gentnantotsi, Twenty-second ward oh the city cif ,Philagelphia, with an apthorized capital of PURSE BUN DREP.•S/1017S.A.NM.igOLLARS; a mnewal of which will be asked for, with, tho usual tanking privileges. . . . .. By order of the Board. • CHARL4s wArro, Cashier. :Garr:nil:down, Jane 2.2..1815. Jealln6ne . .. D RA/14'. __ P IPE: -4 TA:Y N R E AR S BRUIT PrElEtromliks It-inch:bore. .. • 2-inoh a•••. 25 .., o :wiper yard 8 "do . .. . 4 do ii ". .do Ig . . 6 do: - 66 do do. 6 do fd- do do. Ivory variety of conneVona .bends, Irma, and hoppers. we are now prepared 40 furnish Pips iA any cantle y. mid on liberal terms ba dealers and t.loao purchasing IA arge quantities. ORNAMINTAL CHIN , TOE& Vitriled Terra 'Mill Chimney - theain and one, menial designs, warranted to s • notion of eoal no, or the weather In any elim4a._ GARIDIN VASIS. A great variety of Ornamental:Oarden VROIIB In Term Cotta, ..classlenl dea)ma , . all aire__,l and, warranted to stand tire weather. A. ~ FsnCy.Fiocrer Pota, Hanging Baskets, and Oardei &atrium:. Philadelphia Terra Cot Works. °lce and Wareroomii - 362.60 CHISTITUT Street. mlid-orfin tt & A. HARRISON. TVORITYPER-IN THIS ADMIRED of Likenese.EXlXEß has proaueed Incompara ble spectrums. For.taate;seertraey_,_and beauty of color g th 07 . Are 1111 e eatery SECOIi D Street, above Green., • „ • ltv 7 1 - ) ID YOU y, YEE, IN YOUR TRAVELS see finer onanore truthful pictures, for the miner. than B.SICIER'S Colored Photographs P Only $l. Go at once, to SICOND Street, above Green. lt* OTEENMENT. SALE. OF 00T. ;LA. . Tear,—in pursuance of the direction of the Sacra fan the Treasury, and of notice heretofore pu the' m ad esecole of captured and abandoned Cotton • VIM tibe•at St- Louis. Mo.. on MONDAY.' the 6th Stay of July:beim Dated June 2f, Mgt • . W. P. MELLIIIf. rjetllt . &Tangoing Special Agent Treasury Dap. . • • BIAL , E B LIFE : SIZO- PHOIO, - 1 - 1 ° GRAPHS. in' oileolore. 'are "pertialta can .:preeiate. tbetr merits oreolortug so ts ue antliticenearso striking tberpltastAll alike. SEcoND-Streot..lo)ove citP7s PER MONTH GUARANTEED. VP Teetimonlals of Clergymen and ecientific Men sent free. ISAAC H ALE, Jr. & CO.. Newburyport, dims. ie24-fime& gik76 A MONTH WANT TO MBE AGENTS in every county at $75 a month. ex pensee paid, to sell ray new cheap Faintly Sewing Ma chines. Address S. MADISON. inyB-Sind&W Alfred, Maine. 60 A MONTHI-WE WANT AGENTS at s6oa mouth, expenses paid, to sell our Everlasting Pencils, Oriental Burners, and 13 other new articles. 16 circulars free. SHAW & CLARK, my6.3md BrW Biddeford. Maine. DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE.—PHILADsLpRIA, Feb. 9, 1861. VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry .COAL to the following points : - Tortugas. Key West, Fla. Fort Monroe, Va. Alexandria, Va. -. Benham, N. C. Fort Royal. S. C. A. BOYD, felo-tf Captain and Assist. Quartermaster. FARM.-A VERY DESIRABLE —a- FAB Dr,• 'of 130 acres of excellent, LAND. undo. good fence and well cultivated; watered by two running streams: situate at the forks of the Bethlehem and Sum neytown turnpike roads, one mile from Penlynn Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad. and 15 miles frlm tits city. For sale by I. C. PRICE, cor. SPRING GARDEN and T.B.IRTKEINTh Streets. e 29 Lin OM FARR 0F,62 1-2 ACRES OF VERY meat productive LAND, on the Bristol turnpike, at. Andalusia a quarter of a mile from Cornwell's Station. on G. e Philad el phia and Trenton Railroad; well waterei. by running streams, good farm buildings. fruit and shade trees, with several desirable Lots for the location of country seats, within view of the river Delaware For sale by I. C. PRICE, corner SPRING GARDEN and TRIRTEENTEt Streets. . je?9 lm COUNTRY SEAT ON THE RIVER Delaware, near Torresdale, beautifully .located, with wharf on the riverocontaining 52 acres of excellent farming Land, well supplied with fruit, shade trees, Ste ; communicating with the city in less than one hour's time by ET eamboat or railroad. For sale by I. C. PRICE, cor. SPRING 6 AEI) EN and THIRTEENTH Sta. jell-fin ilk FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—A —II— good FARM within an hour's ride of the city. with crops and stobic; comfortable buildings, good water, plenty of fruit, &c. - Apply to O. CONIV,D, .M 27-30 ' • No. 252 North F[FTH Street. giA FOR SALE—ROUSES No 103 ERLVIDIS and 525 North TWENTY-THIRD Street, with all the modern conveniences. Inimethate posses sion given. Apply to , 8- BARRER. je27-21° No. 640 North. EIGHTEEN CET St. TWO FIRST-RATE FARR'S FOR BALE.—No. 1 is situated at Coatesville. Chester county, Pa.; - contains 114 acres of as productive laud as is in the county. It is fenced with good post and rail, water in every field except one. There are a large barn, wagon 11 ones stone mansion house, with all other ne cessary buildings; running -water at house and barn. There are two tenant houses, six lime kilns, blacksmith shop, and office, with an inexhaustible lime-stone (marry of . the best quality for building or land. There has been a large business done for a number ofyears, and canhe increased largely The Pennsylvania Central Railroad runs within one hundred yards of the property. There is a good market for everything in the vicinity. There are churches, Fchools, bank, etc., close by. N0..2 is situated within a half mile of Bordentown, New Jersey, on the Crosswicks Turnpike. The land is good, well fenced, and well watered. There are 100 acres; about :6 acres in good fencing timber, balance under cut. tivation. There is a large apple orchard; also, a large quantity of choice fruit. There are a large frame mansion house,large tarn, wagon house, ice house, and all other necessary conveniences. There is a large and bealttlfal yard in front of the house filled with shade trees. There is one tenant house. There is a good. market at Borden town for all kinds of produce. Either place would make excellent dairy farms, and both will become valuable for building purposes. The subscriber wishes to sell but one, hut will sell either. They are too far apart to be looked after One-half of the amount of purchase money can remain on either property if wanted. - - To see the Jersey farm call on Mr H. T. PHARES, Cu the farm. To see the Pennsylvania farm call on the subscriber, Midway, or address' him - Coatesville past office, Pennsylvania. [je26-3e 6 ] W3l. CiftlPPS. 806 frf sfre;t at VALUABLE IRON PROPERTY .SPES-FOR SALE—MATILDA FURNACES --Alf ORE BANKS. —This property -is situated on the Juniata river, in Mifflin and Huntingdon counties, within one mile of Mount Union Station, on Pennsylvania Rail road. The Juniata Canal and Pennsylvania Railroad pass through the property. It embraces about twenty seven hundred acres of land, about three hundred acres of which is good farm land, in a high state of cultiva tion; the balance is good timber land, would supply scacient charcoal for the furnaces. The improvements are a good substantial furnace, stack, steam engine, iron blowing cylinders, &c., with all the necessary buildings. There is on this property an extensive bed of Iron Ore, being identical, in the geological series, with that at Danville and Bloomsburg. This ore can be mined and delivered at the farness& for about one dollar per ton. Limestone in abundance, of good quality, on this property. The extensive coal fields of the Broaa Top and Alleghenies are from forty to fifty miles distant, by Pennsylvania Railroad or canal, and the canal run ning through the property makes it one of the beet loca tions for the manufacture of iron, either with coke or anthracite. In addition to the charcoal, the buildings for the furnace and farm are ample, substantial, and in good repair. The property will be sold a bargain, and on easy terms. For further particulars address WASHINGTON RIGHTER, COLUMBIA, Lancaster county. R B.—For quantity and quality of the ore. see Prof Lesslie's Report on same. ap2B-3m. ift FOR SALE-A V ERY DESIRABLE C.ountiy RESIDENCE in the borough of Downing. town, Chester County, with 18 acres .of land attached, within .10 -minutes' walk of the Pennsylvania Rail road and , sthe Chester Valley Railroad Stations. The. Dwellingis very convenently, and substantially built, with Spring-house, Barn, and all necessary outbuild ings ; a great abundance of shrubbery, fruit and shade trees. Apply to ABM. S. ASHBRIDGE, myl3-2m. Downingtown, Pa. do:: DELAWARE COUNTY COTTON =IIFACTORIES FOR SALE.—The valuable Cotton Fac tories,. known as AVONDALE and STRATRIAVEN, si tuated on Crum Creek, Delaware County, one mile from Westd ale Station. West Chester Railroad, two miles from Leiperville, and three frotoCheater, now occupied by Simeon Lord, are offered for sale. "Avondalo"..m ckides a stone mill 82 by 47 feet. 3% stories highs with dry house, picker house, twenty-two atone tenements, and about 9 acres of land , in Springfield and-Nether Providence townships. ' Strathaven' includes a frame cotton mill, 82 by 30 feet, 2% stories high, with picker house, dye frame and stone tenements, and about M acres of land, in Nether Providence. The properties will be shown by Mr. Lord, on the premises. Early-pos session can be given. For terms inquire of Atitun FIELD, N. -W, corner of FRONT and WALNUT Streets niY3O tf Philadelphia. FOE FAMILIES. POST OFFICE DEPXRTMENT, Mai June 3,1563-Will be sold under my direction, at Public Sale, in the city of Philadelphia, on THURSDAY, 9th day of July next, on account of the Post Office De partment. the Jot and buildings, situate on the.west side of SECOND Street, extending to Dock street• bounded on the north by Lodge street, and on the south by Gold street, in said city of Philadelphia known as the Penn sylvania Bank PropertY. The property will be put up at the cam of one hundred and ten thousand dollars (11110,00OY. as required by the law authorizing its sale, and no bid for a less amount will be receive,d. , . „ /Kir Terms cash on the delivery of the deed. Informa tion in relation to the pronert3r, Ste , may be obtained' try inquiring of C. A. WALBORN - , ESq. , Postmaster of Phi ladelphia. M. BLAIR, Pestmaster General. Under the above authority, I am directed to eKrose to. Public sale, on THURSDAY. Ray 9. 1863, at l 2 o'clock noon; at the MERCHABTS'EXCHANGE, the above de scriled Real Estate. el TO LET.- TO LET ALA' LARGE STORE. BROAD Street, below Walnut. FTVE-STORY STORE, 25 , by DO' feet, No. 524 WAL NUT Street. Eitch room will be rented separately, or all tagetber. Large YOUR.STORT BUILDING: ADELPIII Street, above Fifth (war of MI Walnnt street); suitable-fora factory. Apply to .Tt R. EDWARDS, je22-18t* 2BO•Sonth FOURTEStreet FOR SALE--A ffir , a Houses on Swain sheet ' : also 4 new Farm- near - Polls/own, Montgomery co., 13734 acres, good soil; and goad buildings, fruit, Sze: Several Bile Cottages. and'a variety of City Properties, Parnts.farad Building Lots. • 7 B. F. GLENN. ,-jr2l) 123 South FOBRTH FOR SALE-VERY--.DESIRABLE Furnace property, situated at MCVeytoten, coonty, Pa., withhi.arshort distence from the Pennsyl vania Railroad and , Ca nal.. The freehold-property com prises a Furnace; 'with machinery o'l ample power to blow it, using either charcoal or-s nthratnie coat, about, h. 300 acres Timtier land;.ales, the celebrated Green , wood Pipe Iron. Ore Bank, containing shout Iracres, which produces in abundance.the same ore , from which John A. Wrigit,_Rsq..... makes his renowned and-juAly celebrated locomotive tire anohcar axles. This is the onlp . available property' in, the_ Site which prodneeathe ore aeonisiie for establishing a business of like character. There is alseahout 110 acres Laud within half &mile of the Furnace, held ender long-leases, frorn.which abutid , fume of excellent Hematite Ore can be taken at a cost not exceeding ;ter ton, delivered on the Furnace bank, and. on whinh.shadts•bave recently beenaank,:and will pro duce stifflcient.ore.to 'supply. the Fran:Lace. — Soft Fossil Ore is also allandant in the neighborhood. Charcoal in any quantit.‘iss-carrbe had., delivered at the Fitrnace. ate 6to 6Y cents per bushel.' This furnace is well situated• for the markets, havingwater and; rail communication with Ph iladodphia, Pittsburg, Baltimore. Harrisburg: and , other important ma nufLoturing tows& For pnea,..terrus, anchTurtver particulars, apply to jel7-12t Mr: Ff BURROVOIIB, Philadelphia. ak FARM Fee SALE— : IN ORESITI3II County, 4 -miles northwest.from :Downingtown, on pike lealing from 31 , .03 to Eph.wits, Springs, contateting about ONE HIIINTDRED AND SIGRV ACRES' nest: quality -of land, well watered and - divided .ftelds; sufficient - wood, plenty of Frult. T 16013, in prime °near, ing; Buildings udao and goad, large Barn and- other bnildkgs; house ins nine rooms, spring .mater at the door. Situation Ugh and commanding,-lawn in front, ornamented with shade treat and evergreen . A. most bean4ful place; is will-not anffer in comparison with any within thirty miles of the city. Apply to D. ITYRINI - Al , f, 104 Nortb SIXTH-Street, rn7l4-2m* Or to O. PAXSON, on the p-lemises. hCOAL YARD FiI.R.SALR-THE RES 7 fii ied-np7ARD 'llse city. Cartacityfez doing any ansount of bludness. ' Inquire on t3e.prennaas, No. 9a7: North - NINTIf Street, below Girayd'Avenno. CIARKANTOWN PROPERM: FOB 1 .-^ SALE. —A Choicianilding Sitavaithia two inmates' walk of ratilroad station. Over Your Acme of Land with chade treei. -Apply daily, exPeptTnes&cy and Tilts day morphia: from.lo till 11 o'clock. a 805 MA.II,KET -w i ." FIRE PROO - A—A LARD- 88-_ C,OND-HA-11) New 'York, donate doors . superior ms e, Mr sale a baTgain, I,,ddreee TEA- BPAlHllT.atreet„ for partien] ars. jy34-5,. F OR -SALE-150 000 FEET-SPRUCE JOIST; RAFTERS, and two inch PLANE. from. 14 to 32 feet load, at TWENTY-FOURTH. azol. LOCUST. lIAREIERT; DAVIS, CO, . . 6 . Nrl $7.50, $7.00; AND WO. WELL- O. 4 , :i.ury;rovail GROUND: RENT Ofor salez also a sl2 aood moxigage for ,500. - ~ ' 11, S. CAD WALLA DEE, 1.4)8 South POURTR Street. : . N. B:—Farms, landsome Cottages, and Lots for sale. SUMMER BOARDI,NG. COUNT iY,BOARD.--GOOD BOARD with good aceormmodatdons, canbe obtained: for on.e op two small families, within five. minuted' walk- of fSteamboat Station,. Pennsylvania Railroad 211 miles rom: the aity; on high grond, with Ane views of the. Great Chester Valley. For larther. - particulars, inquire, at 255 South. TRIAD, &reek: Je27alt. ADIES AND GENTLEMEN CAN be zscommodated by the. subscriber with'good 80AR.13 4 commodious. Rooms.. newly fernished,' Lendsdale Motel, on the .Wortl4 - Pennsylvania Railroad. Doylestown Jiinction. Plenty of shade nearby. Ad dress. P. .13. BARTH, LANDSDALE P. my3o-lm*`. 'Montgomery manly. A FEW MORE PERSONS CAN- BE -L...v.'seeinisznoatited will' BUMMER . BOARDING, at delightful, retired' Eit nation, within an hour's ride of the eitv:if applied for immediately. Address WIL9ON, Jena. - SHARON. DARBY, Ps. RUMMER BOARDING AT GLEN WOOD, near the Delaware Water Gap. The. loca- Mt. is One of the' finest 'in the neighborhood. Rnorea large and airy. For terms, am.. apply ALsap, ie 23-13 t Delaware Water Gap, Monroe co.. Fa.. COTTAGE RETREAT,. AT,.-.ATLANTIC! "-. 1 dint: Is now open and ready far tnardsrs.' . A ftivi choice rooms can be obtained hp anal - big' goon. - AIRS 111. M p eC rO L D EZS tr , 4Bs. . - ieig fm&wlm CLASS BOARD HANDSOME -a- comumnicatina amd .single rooms; private table if desired, O. 1315 W &MUM street... je2.5 bue oARD AND ROOM . AGENCY, OF FIGB,NO.-- '703 CHESTNUT Street —Persons want ing. Boarders or having Rooms to Let in any part of the city or vicinity, are invited to call at Office or:scud their aaartfis. aud recitY. cirpv.lar, • JaV;GL* WANTS. WAN TE D—A SITUATION IN A first. class DRY GOODS HOUSE; by an expe rienced Salesman, that can influence a large casb and short •time city and near country trade. Addrem Bo* 872, Post Office. 1e27-st. ANTED-AN ACTIVE YOUNG MAN, Feventeen to twenty years of age, one ac quainted with the city retailers, to sell Goods by sample a mood opportunity is offered. Address Box 1121 Post Office. ]e2l-8t• FOR SALE AND TO LET. Any- $5.000 to beiltlr ini , flAs E rgoity is struck off. ~ a t o u v c e t tp, s eu rr e h. jeleMmaitjy9 4-24 Z WALNUT Street BOMt]iIING. AUCTION SALE. • T AII. BAZAAR-NINTH AND SAN SON STREETS. SPECIAL PEREMPTORY SALE, PIPIT HORSES. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING NEXT, at 10 °Week', At the Bazaar, will be sold fifty horses. the Overiglag stook belonging to parties who have been famishing large lots to the Government, and ara to be sold to 01030 the Donee, D...... 416i1i- No postponement on account of the weather. jea-Itie ALFRED M. HERWNESS, Anctionear. /tMIUSJEIBIE.NT. NEW . CHESTNUT -STREET THEA- Lateen and Manager INITIAL PERFORAIANCEei Of Edmund Falconer's great Irish Drama, entitled the PEEP 0' DAY. In which MRS D. P. BOWERS aastain her original character of KATHLEEN, As enacted by her over 400 consecutiva night; at the Theatre - Eoyal Lyceum, Londoil, England, supported by Mbssrs. L. P. BARRETT. CHARLES WHEATLEIGH, JOHN MCCULLOUGH. The play produced from original models procured in London. IREMI=I Messrs. H. HILYARD AND J. H. SELWYN EXTENSIVE MECHANICAL EFEE;TS, BY J. STRAHAN. S. NICHOLSON, and T. BL&CKWOOD. The origins) music. composed expressly for the piece, 'ill be performed by the Orchestra, under the direction MR, MARS ELASSLER During the piece, which is liberally interspersed with SONGS and DANCES. Will he presented a correct representation of an IRISH FAIR, And the 'celebrated rensation scene, entitled THE BLACK VALLEY, In which HARRY KAVANAGH will make a . TERRIFIC DESCENT Froni the extensive height of the theatre to the stage upon. THE LIAIB OF A THEE. AGBNDOOPSE BALLET AND 100 AUXILIJARIES Have been engaged expresely, for the piece. VLEVENTH-STREET OPERA HOUSE, -a-A LATE SANFOIDS. ELEVENTH Street, above CHESTNUT. LAST TWO NIGHTS Of the Great Moral Drama of UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. MONDAY and TUESDAY, Jane `2!)th and 3fitiL to rive place to ALEXANDER DIIAIAS' Tale of the War, entitled: IRE CONSCRIPT! - - - - - which, having been dramatized expressly for this estab lishment, will be produced for the fist time on WEDNE:-DeS EVENING, Snly Ist, and to be continued every evening until. further notice. EVERY MAN WOMAN, AND CG , LD SHOULD SEE IT. EVERY SOLDIER SHOULD SEE IT. - EVERY PAR VIT with a child serving his country, should see it. EVERY ,PATEIOT • in the land should see It. -Admission 25 cents. Children 15 cents, secured - seats 15 cents extra oors open at 7 o'clock, Commence at o'clock. Seats may be secured THREE DAYS IN ADVANCE. . TBREE PERFOUMANCES OlsT FOURTH OF JULY at 10 n. M., 2 and S P M. 1e29 2c PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF - 1025 P HE . STREET'. B T N U ART EXHIBITION. OF PAINTINGS and STATUARY. Ad in.ssion 10 cents Children hail price. Will close July 11th. THE NATATARIUM, ON TH Ora OF JDLY, will bs open from SA. M. till 7 P. M only, and no lessons given on that day. Gentlemen will swim from 6A. M. till I.IS A. sf. Ladies will swim from 12 till 3-P. M. lientlemen and Juniors from 3y till P. M. The establishment will close at 754 P. di Other days as usnaL W. JANSEN, je26 9t* 2,115 South BROAD Street. EXCURSIONS. pHILADELPRIA AND READING A- RAILROAD FOURTH OF JULY Excußsrox TICKETS will be iEaned from PHILADELPHIA to the following paints and RETURN, good from FRIDAY. - Jay 3d. to MON- DAY, July 6th, 1663, at Fares stated Pbcenixville Pottstown Reeding - • Port Clinton Tamaqua Schuylkill Haven Pottsville Ashland Above Tickets to be had only at the Passenger Depot, THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL Stresta G. A_ NICOLLS, GENERAL SUPERINTEND SNT PHILAD.L. June 23, 1563 sid e= o c g a M I N T I- PLEASURE EX- LAKE SUPERIOR_ The staunch, elegant steamers NORTHERN LIGHT and CITY OF CLEVELAND, will each give live grand plea sure Excursions to Lake Superior, leaving Clevela,ne the date below named, and visiting all points of interest on the route The "round trip " comprises the distance of 2,000 miles, and is not stn passed by any-other on the continent for variety of scenery and objects of-interest. It embraces in transit the waters of Lakes Erie. `..t. Clair. Huron, and Superior, and the beautiful rivers of De troit, Si Clair, and Sault Ste Marie, (with its thousand isles). &grading passengers an opportunity of visiting the " Sault " and "Ship Canal," the far-famed. "Pictured Rocks," the Iron Mountain of Marquette, and extensive Copmr Mines at various_ Points. To invalids it offers the meet pure and inVigorating atmosphere on, then] obe,.which ever brings health and streug.th.; to the sportsman the enticing inducement of most splendid fishing; and e — whole country abounds in mineral wealth which cannot fail to attract the attention of the speculator and man of science.: Bes.ides, it is fast becom ing the favorite Summer trip, and its social pleasures are of the highest order, Good Hotelsat all points. For furtherparticulars apply to ROBT. HANNA & CO., Cleveland, Ohio. TIME TABLE, PROM CLEVELABD. "Northern Light," • ' City of Cleveland." Capt. SP.Aurmistt. Capt. B. %%mass. July 6. July 10. July 17. July 22. July 29. • Aug Aug. 11. _ Aug,-17. Aug. 24. Aug. DI. Passengers taking the boat at Cleveland - will haie first selection of rooms. - jetl-20tif i s6 q FOR LAKE SIIFE- pg,q, c". RIOR.The Steamers METEOR • - and ILLINOIS- leave Cleveland. Ohio.. for all ports on Lake Superior during the pleasure season of 1863, as follows, gat if o'clock P. M,. :METEOR.. ILLINOIS. Wednesday, July 3th. Wednesday, July Ist Tuesday, July 21st. • Tuesday, July 14th. Monday, August 3d. Monday, July 27th. Friday, August 14th. 'Friday; August 7th.. - Wednesday. August 26th. Wednesday. August 19th. The above steamers wi.ll - leave Detroit. Michigan, at 16- &clock A. M., - the days following. They are both fitted. up inthe mo,t luxurious style :and their tables supplied. with the best the market affords. Good music-on board, and every e&rt made for the comfort of paqsengers. Apply to N. GARRET? SON & Co., Cleveland, - Ohio. ie2o-12t* J. T. WEI TING & Co., Detroit. Michigan. .THE SEA SHORE. :. FOR CAPE MA-Y.-VEER - safe and commodious Bay Steamer MAN ATTA N. Captain Kirby, will leave ARCH. SPREE? • WHARF for CAPE MAY every . Tuesday. Thursday, and Saturday half-past nine o'clock A. tf., commenc ing en. TUESDAY. June nth: Returning,; will leave , - Cape May, every Mpnday, Wednesday, and Frigay at. eighto'Clock, stopping•at New Castle to connect with the ,.l3altimere lines, also touching at Chester and:Delaware , City.. The MANHATTAN is the largest and most convenient boat that over run to Cape May.- having about fiftystate. rooms and every accommodation that passengers can de sire. Fare 82:61). including carriage hire Meals extra. Children andrservants half - price. Freight at moderate- . rates. GehZSw7. A: REYBOLD. RAILROAD LINES. c -Wippwa FOR T - ELE SE-A SHORE t! SLIMMER ARRANGEMENT. CAMDEN AND . ATLAITTIO RAILROAD. On.and after MONDAY. June 15th, 1863, trains for At. lautin City will leave Vine-street Ferry as follows: Nail train leaves. 7.30 A. M.. Express train leaves 145 P. M. Preight train, with' passenger oar attanhed:'.. 9.00 A. M. Returning, leaves-Atlantic City : Mail trail/ • .. 4.35 P..' IL Expreee train 00 A. M. Pinight•train • 12:05..P2 Mr Fare to Atlantic. 332. , RonuCIL I N Tickets,. good: fon the. day andtrain only, or down .onSaturday and'up Monday morning, 019. - • An Actommodstion Train to.N. and T). B: B: R. Rine- Mon will leave - Tins-ettnetat , dilff•P: Mi ;:returningatexiks. morniag at 015 " - • EXTRA,. HADDONPIELRTRAINS , • Leave Vine street at 10.15 A. I& and 1 45 - P: MI • Leave Haddonfield at 12.15 - P. M. and 3 P. AI • je'3-tf G RRYANT, Agont.s• asounek WEST CHESTER ANIle s"Erff,ADELPKIA. BO atak SIIiiMED AaRANGEMENM.: On and after MONDAY, MEE 1863,1 he trains intik leave PhEadelPhia, from,the depot. Northeast corner oe Eighteenth and. Markststreets, at :7:50 and 10.10 A. M.,- - and at 2; 4 blo, and ft.dn , Pi . On TIIESD aYc and Dit.tAYS a train.will leae - e-WEST , CHESTED at 6.50 - P. M. Returning, leave Philadelphia. at 9.15 P.ll. Trains leave - the corner of Thirty arst. and, Markel,: streets IWes t , ,Phi.ir.deaPl62.) 17-minntes. aftenthe-staingi.., time from Eighteenth and Market. On .SlTl'ilhkY.S- leave ,Philadelphis at 8 A: H. and 4. Leave Ns'eet.Chester at 7 50 , A Mt .and AL The trains loavirandladelnhia mt 7:50.11.. K. and 4, W.f P. 'M. conneceat Pennelton with terms on the. P. and B. C. it. it. for Concord. Kennett, Oxford, dm. jel-tf DEWEY.. WOOD, Superintendent. aile i lwee RE 4).P ENIN G THE BALTIMORE AND 081 RAILROAD.—This - road. being folly REPAIRED ande eftbctuaDy GUARDED, now open fort the transporta tion of ngisseng,srs and freight , to all points in the GREAT. WEST. For through tickets and all other informatiok apply at the Company's - OMie; corner of• BROAD- Streett and WASHINGTON Ayenna. S. B. BECTON, apD.kt , PrasklentP..W. and , R. R. R. Cio. - CAPE MA ' Y 11,140,,, OFFICE CAPE MACE Awo.llll.7 4 rivizza R Co., 409 Walnut Street, intel.2; 18011. FURITIER OPENING. On and,. after 'MONDAY, the 'l'4 of A , mp, tee. care wflk itch noom this road- to the Dennieville station. to vine Wa3ntbs•street ferry at 9.oelea M., the' West Jer sey earl The CRIS- will inn from Cape-Nay Cont Ronan, to Cay May, redvaing.thedit bance.b, stage to nine mace., - C.. - B^. 1.313N11,01, Preeldent. PIIIkLADI PKIA. AND .LOokG. B.B.AACO. V - LA. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC AND BABA fAN AND. D. LAWARE DAT RAIL.F.OAD _ On and after Monday. Sena 1D 1.. and matq thrrther no, assox ger trai 3 will loam). e-street Fort" , at 7.3 b. A. M. alriying at .Tbong , Branch at 11.14 A. l'ef. - Neturx.-Rig, leaves Long Branch at 331. R. „ at, Philsdelphia. 10 7. 401" M. Passraners lauded close in the Betels. N. 8,--Excursion parties will be canted can liherait terms. Apply to Agent the 13,4. t .,, CLoo.lx. S.Ca lk, Lli tit DENJ., StRONG, AsSistant Superintendent. F 0 R'-ALBANY A.Nro TROT --Steamer: MOILISON. Richman. master, is .now loading for the:o,lva points. and will leave on WS.ANE•Ei Al. Jruly ISEid.' at /9 Td.. Fay freight, which will be taken on reasonable terms, apply _ S. FLANM:MN. t0 e29. 3t No. SO4 D Sooth RLAIVA.RS Avenue, wi t GROSS MINERAL WATER ROT.: •-• TUB. • WO doss Porter Bottle& :For sale ty 3 B. St G. Wi - RIONZREL.. Moo, Works. or 27,9.. Front Rt. at i b G. 11IIS!-ELL,TINE AMERICA. sr and Imported WATCHES. Fine Jewelry, Silver and , Plated Ware, Sze jt-S7 XTOTICE.-THE STOCK, FIXTURES, AND LEASE of the long-established - wholesale Hat, Can. and hatters' Trimmings House of W. 0. WHIT CHER, deceased, on Walnut-street; Cincinnati. is of:- fered for sale. Apply to BATES St - SCARBOROUGH, st-' torneys, or WM. 1e2.9.D2t M ADEIRA WINE. 175 casks and 100 Octaves, just received Per " and for sale in OHM. S. at JAMBS OARMIWOI WALNUT and 97 GRANITMitreMS. •"" VARD .AND FANCY JOB PBINTINA, 04011 WALT a SIM% 1114. =ROM Mr. W. WHEATLEY. Pine Grove. WernErsville. Wornel.dorf Ilyerstown.. Lebanon. • !alloy re.-- 2 35 2 10 225 245 2 85 300 '1 '45 Mahanoy City iYW tj5.5 2 - Z North srxri4 Striet.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers