The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, June 27, 1863, Image 3
You FAsmoNAmiss.—Several of our daubing young men of fashion have, it is sabi, lately adopted the plan of having their clothes made with out any pockets, and, as the tailors allege, for the best possible reason. This fashion, however, has not yet been adopted by Granville Stokes, merchant tailor, No. 609 Chestnut street, whose latest styles always attract universal attention. PATTEN'S' : WINDOW SHADE, CURTAIN, AND UPHOLSTERY STORE, 140 S Chestnut street.— The public will please take notice that W. Henry Patten has no connection with his old store, but •has Shades bheaper than ever, at his new Weat- End Store, 1.03 Chestnut street. je26-2t VERANDAH STRIPED SUMMER AWNINGS, for dwellings, or made and lettered to suit store :purposes, at W. lINITRY PATTEN'S' je26-2t _ . . 1408 Chestnut street. A MAGNIFICENT seven-octave Rosewood Pianoforte for sale at a great sacrifice; richly carved, with all modern improvements ; made by one of the test New York makers ; six months ago cost s6oo— sold for $276, as the owner is obliged to leave the city in a few days. To be seen at No. 241 North Tenth street. je2s-2t* AItitIVALS AT THE HOTELS, UP TO 12 O , OLOOK LAST NIGHT. Gliroord.--Vhestnuit s JonD Diutphy treat. below Ninth. H A. aiAloy.STfloilangton Fl Mtcomber, U S A M Reading Hon L Todd. Carlisle W M Beetem, Carlisle D k Mell, Mechanicsburg Rev Et H Bardwell, IT S A B T Fleteher. New York C W Rouleou. Bolton Hon T C Callleet.Brooklyn A M Glarey, New York- Wm M %Vette, US A Renry Duffield .Tas E Neall, Italy W Myer. . Thos Steers S C Wright. Fitchburg Ses Graham, Elkton, Aid titichardbon J W Maxwell, Maryland S M Kerr, Pennsylvania Ftaak- W A lioabli tut W ti Kennedy, Cincinnati A P Bastlalke,Ponnsylvania J H Criswell. tillippeusburg John Sweetman, New York J M Kennedy, Pittsburg J B ?Nebo ffev F Smith, Delitware co B M Null h. Columbia - . - A Meal aDd Olatz, York, Pa James 8 Pratt . , . J• 11 Dobbins Pennsylvania. BLear, Dobbins, Conttneutal--Nintiti C Loung. S N C Bot to, Baltimore -J C De Laconr. Nets Jersey W S Hodge, Washington R Wallack. Washington W D Davidge. -Washington 'T J Fisher. Washington .B. b Fay. Boston W T Duvall, GeorgePn.B C Miss Je edgwick, Georgern M Wallace, Maryland J B Fitch, Massachusetts W H Valentine; Mass - •CPWaIIack.TISN .Georgelk Fairlamb, IJ S J`J I ming, Pennsylvania , Col Price; Baltimore B S Phllbrick, Boston , George S !Surrey, New York W T Itichardson, Cambridge Imam Amee, New York .J S 6ilvarjr, Trenton, N J Chomery, 13 . S N SP Bell, Wathington, - D .111 Stern. New York Capt S Weeke, Portsmouth 'Henry K List, Wheeling Wm - Mitt. California . . I D . Wright; Boston li D Morris. Pt York York J 8 L'Stle, Dayton, 0 N B Breweter. 1V ewark, N J J Bigler -Newburg MIMMZUMI . . H Jorrotr, Waine Mra J Kimball, Portsmouth L Jameson. Williamsport American--Chestrau Afarens.Schlos,e, Trenton J Smith N Homan & la. Baltimore Thos Bowler Washington P Wood, Washington C B Jewell.-Georgetown J Keeley, Phemixville W J Quinlan D W Slack . . John Sadler, Maryland Geo Lear & son, Doylestn J T Massey, Harrisburg J Wagoner, New York saml Batcher. Peoria 19 Newell, New York St, Louls—Cheitaiwnt C S Leonard, New York Longman, Brooklyn H Wolfe, New York W Bette; U S N G Woo& US N W Flsk,U S N EL Suffern USN W BBoleman,U S A Robt Davis, Baltimore Chas S G raves, Baltimore Geo Dowling Baltimore W Franklin, Jr, If J S P Jacobs, New York Isaac Jacobs, New York Mariot, Boston Nerchantal—Fount B T Bixler, Carlisle B B Saxton, Carlisle Chas SMith,Nortolk, Va Chas Davis, Pennsylvania Beni Hoover, Sterling, 11l Thos MeCull anal), °learnld Mrs Smith, Jamestown, NY Coo Ryst or. Chambersburg 10 Dillon. Wash., D D C A L Wash, J T Platt, Lock Haven Bleat S F McKee, Pa Iltra Price, Mauch Chunk NM Burgh, Manch Chunk The Union—Arch street. above Third. 1 Mrs Bingham. Milwaukee H A Wilcox. New York Ma i Stabinrin Lieut. F Pax vin, U S Al J S' Lune, New Yo - rk John i 3 Haynes, Ohi) J B Shaeffer, Beading " . Statep Union—Sixth Robert Young, Cnba J T Longacre, Cuba 211 os Sharp. Cumberland co B Harbacker. Baltimore Airs i 1 Strayer & ch, York Dire 'l' Bo ffensperger, aork C Waters . - A C Benson. Lancaster co H G Davis. Lancaster co David Zook, Penne T 171 Garrett Albert Fampson, New York J CiWilson, New Jersey Joseph Laughlin, Newville t., above Callovvhill. Chas Leffarts & la, Penna Henry Bothwell & la, Pa W T Shafer, Cheiter Springe T Beane, Penna Black Bear—Third S 'Cleo W Wolf, Danboro Wm Paff, YardPsyyille I S Trexler, Yardleyville A Buckman, Palma _ M V B Vanardedalen, Pa W Eddows, Moreland A 'Lukens, Jr, Penna Roads, Byberry M Wdod ward, Penna John Hiestand, Harrisburg Jacob Brwein, Doylestown-, Chas o.l.valader, Penna."} Geo Clemens,ChesterValley - Chas Knight, Che.sterValley Isaac Tomlinson, Byberry eet. above Third. D C 0 Fowler, Wareaw.lnd Miss Kate Kennedy, Ind t J Goldnamer.Louleville,Ky C titron ), Reading Henry Becittaldc, Penn National—Race st 3 Geiger. Lancaster • Cant J Norfolk, Va C Mark, Norfolk, Ira John Riney, Blair co, Pa J hi Heston, Doylestown Matthew Christ, Bethlehem Commercial—Sixth 'emcee., abgve Chestnut: C Hickman, W Chester Wm Levis, West Chester E Artmart ' Penne, J U Paine, US N 'Moines ft Harley Dr P Croxlien, New York William F Dietert Amos It Hanna, Oxford, Pa 37 It Baker, West Chester , Madison—Second street, above Market. S Bingham, Washingtonirll Davis. New Haven, Ct J Williamson, New Jerseylg Taylor, Bucks co, Pa I.D Smith, kalem,N J Miss Keneing, Lock Haven J B Stanger, New. Jersey Stacy Brown, Penna Bald Eagle—Third St., above Callowhill. JoR Miller, Penns • • W Morris, Bucks co. Pa Anthony. Parryeville 11l CI Smith, Bucks co MB Brown Blackl Black Creek Benj Be ADP, Bucks co Chas BeanarNhrske co, Pa - SPECIAL NOTICES. WHAT POETS WISH FOR. BY THE BARD OF TOWER HALL. " What is the poet's earnest wish?" Old Flacons asks that question. Why. sir — a good, substantial dish Of beef or mutton, fowl or ash, And likeirise good digestion." " What else?" Some poets wish for wine. Or other strong potation: Thus Tasso, though a bard divine, Did in hie dreary dungeon pine Chiefly for stimulation." " What elee do rhyming folks desire Besides their drink and diet?" A pleasant home they all require; In summer, air; in winter, fire; At all times, peace and quiet. • ' What else ?" Some object to adore With all a lover's duty; For if their history you explore. You'll find that poets evermore Are worshippers of beauty. " What else 2" Like other .men of sense. Our poets are ambitious From spacious TOWER Han's contents To choose their suits, at smell expense; And this I call judicious. All, can be certain of making an economical and judi cious selem ion, from the extensive assortment of Ready- Blade Garments always on hand at WHAT HAS JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE DONE.— It has cured Goitre, or Swelled Neck. It has cured Cancers and Schirrhns Tumors. It has cured Complicated Diseases. It has cured Disease of the Heart. It has cured Dropsy and Watery Swellings. It has cured White Swellings. It has cured Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. -- It has removed Enlargement of the *Abdomen, and of the Ovaries and - Bones and Joints. It has cured Erysipelas and Skin Diseases. It has csxed Boils and Carbuncles. . It hascured Gout, - Rheumatism, and Neuralgia. -It has cured Fungus Hettiatodes. It has cured Milk or White Leg. It has cured Scald Head, It has cured Eruptions on the Skin. It bas cured Scrofula or King's Evil. It has cured Ulcers of every kind. It has cured Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder. . It has cured Chorea or St. Vitus' Dance, and many other Nervous Affections. It has cured leprosy, Salt -Rheum, and Tetter.• It has cured thousands of Female Complaints. This well-anown remedy acts by entering into the cir culation, and passing with the blood (which it purifies) in.tttevery tissue and fibre of the body, so that, no matter 'what Is the nature of the disease, nor where located, it is sure to be reached and expelled from the systeni. Prepared only by Dr. D. JAYNE & SON, No. A4RI CHESTNUT Street. 3e27-eutwat T/IE WAIL OF THE FLEA-BUG. LYON, our remorseless foe, Lays ns. by the thousands, low ; Touched by his magnetic dust, Though unwilling, die we must. If our power but matched our will, We'd that insect-murderer kill ; , - For his Powder, sure as fate, Will our race annihilate. Lyon's Powder is harmless to mankind, but will kill ell lihnse insects, garden'wOrms, vine bugs, &c. Lyon's Magnetic Pills are 'sure death to rats and mice. Sold everywhere. -- DENAp S. BARNES, ie20.121 • New York. AIR DYE 1 HAIR DYE!! BATCHELOR'S celebrated HAIR DYE ie the Beat in the World. The only Harmteng, True and Reliable Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye is Perfect.--changes Red. Rusty. or Gray Flair, instantly to a Glossy Black 4)1 , Natural Brown, 'without Injuring the Hair or Stain ing the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; im parts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine uolor, and rectifies the ill effects of Bad. Dyes. The Genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BAntinton, all others are mere imitations,' and should be avoided. Bold by all Druggists. &c. FACTORY-",-81 BARCL AY Street, Ne w York. Batchelor's New Toilet Cream 'for Dressing the Nair. . ONE-PRICE CLOTHING , ,OF THE LATEST n enT,El3, made in the Beet Kanner, expressly for TrBTAIL BALES. LOWEST Selling Prim marked in Plain Fi gures. AR Goods made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our Orra-Baroa STSTEI( is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. dell-ly JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street.. BUY YOUR BATHING ROBES FOR LADIES. • ' _„diegp_. and Children, at Sloan e, 506 Market s!reet, e26-3t* Mff= nd iCheigtnuit att.reetr. a Joseph Baltlmoreli J a Seat , r, New York W B ree ao. Btemphie, Tenn Obenderfer, New York M Biddle, Fauna J Banaa, Pittsburg Dr J McCook & w. Ohio Miss M MaCook, Stenbenv'e G W Lyon & la, Penns P C Shannon, Pittsburg. S Ramsey, Penaa C B Sawse_r Chicago A Jewett, New York GH Verner, D S N RSaers & lq. Washington Mr & Mrs& F Fowler, Boston F a Fowler, New York Arthur Laing, Loudon W R Cornell, Nell York- J B Linn & lady, Maryland Chas A. Post, New York C A Baser St wife, Buffalo W Yell , ud. Baltimore Wm .1 Baud, New York A L Fassendoxi, Mass Lt Col. C G asinine, Wash L Bull & lady, Illinois Day, Boston. Pa C II Moorhead. 'non/dale F Zeroe . er, N York ' F Fi - ,,trord, COllll W B .Tones, Baltimore tI P Kimball & son, N Haven R. W Dresser A la, Boston Geo L Trust, N York A S Read, Delaware W T Morgan, York. "'erect, above Filth. ,Ntr eacatr, Washington J Bunter, New York . . Mrs Travers, New York DrP Cry};an, New York R M Albright,. Readliw, 110sd V C Alb right, reading 11 A Sillcox, New York , W B Orme, Georgetown Ja, Bart ou, Jr,Dal co, Pa Rev J Barton. Del cc. Pa B T Meyers, Bethlehem S G Fairohilds & wt', N J G W Whi'aker, Penna B B Hagerty, dew York 0 A Rovworth, York, Pa eireet. above Third. T H Wit Pt Carbon Chas Spvar. New York J E Adams, Siassaehusetts Miss , Newton. Masa J W Kr ‘fft, Washington F L Mason, U N N J Crandall. New York Jno E El ughes, New York I` iC WF LA Tennessee Jun P I ) , .rland,Uhdtt.r,Pa. W H Hotta as .on,Balt Lieut D .13rooks-NOw York D W Whitney. New York A Gaveriek, Harrisbnrg street. below Arch. SP Craft Sr. la, USN; Thon INluGqvern C SSe.elhaum & la. Harr'g MrA J B Ralue,. New York W L McAfee, Wheeling, Va John Conner, Wheeling, Va Benj Dickermen. Boston f) A Gregory; Bolton hI C Lang. B)sten Geo Hamilton, Wheeling Chas Brodhead, Bethlehem T Seeley, New York C H Brooks. New York Philada end Market streets. A Williams I Wm R Lyman. Delaware D H. Watson, Lancaster co James Hopkins, Pittsburg JEIIII.B Preston, Baltimore Sao Owen, Bangor, lowa Abijah Taylor, Indianapolis TOWER HALL, -518 MARKET Street. BENNETr It CO IBLE LE'rnirrii is A- M.A..RRIEII3. WILLIE—POTTS.—On the 25th of birth Month. 1863, James Willie to Emma Potts, daughter of Stacy Potts, deceeced. No cards sent out. • REED—HUGHES.—On the 25th instant, brthe Rev. D. Washburn,Rector of Trinity Church, at the residence of the bride, No. 1601 Chestnut street, T. Sydenham Reed, in. D., and Hiss Anna L., only daughter of Wm. -F. Hughes, president of the City Bank. Pa TTO el—S.sll r 13.—0 n the 21et instant at New York. brthedlev. H. C Smith. R J. Patton, of New Yorki s to Luenna7Smith. of Philadelphia. PINCBIN—WEER.—On the 25th Jane, by the Rev. Wm. Sudderds, Oen. A •Pinchin to Mary W., daughter of the late Samuel W. Weer. ?~I~7D_ IifORGAN.—On Thursday evening, 25th instant, Win. H. Morgan Sr., in the,Slth year of his age. ' The relatives and friends of the family. also the mem bers of the Welch Society are respectfully Invited to at tend his funeral, from hie late residence, No 0)0 Arch street, on Monday next, 2lth instant, at lb o'clock, with out furl her Retie° . . - FA WK S.—On Thursday, tho 20th instant, Isaiah Fawkes, •in'the 92d year of his age.- - His'.relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend his fuLeral, from his late residence, West Ches ter, on Sunday ramming, at 10 o'clock. To proceed to Newtown Friends' Burying Grunt d. kOOSE.—At the Union , Volunteer Refreshment Hos pital, William H. Foote, of Company C, 01st New Jersey Regiment, aged 20 years. belonging to Bloomsburg. Huntingdon county, New Jersey. ASEITON.—On Tuesday afternoon. the 23d initant, Thomas C. Ashton, in the 36th year of his age. * BAKER.—On Thursday, the 25th instant. Emma daughter of Mary Ann and the late Wm G. Baker, in the 19th year of her ,3,ge CLARhE.—At 709 hansom street. on the 25th instant,. Ida May, aged 4 years and 2 months, eldest daughter of James 1. and Jane E. Clarke. GULAG ER.—On the afternoon of the 25th instant:CAP tain Christian Gulager, in the 73,1 year of his age H ASLA M.—On the morning of the 21th instant, George ' H. - youngest son of Hotly and the late Thos. G. Haste m, in the 4th year of his age. .I,RVE,RII4 G. —Soddenly, of membranous croup, of the 25th instant, Richard Matthias. °fay tion of Francis L. and Amanda Levering, aged 19 months. • _ LYNCH.—On the 2.3 d instant. Annie Agnes Lynah, daughter of Edward and the late Ann Lynch, in the 21st year of her age. ( LACK NORWICH CIIAPES.—JUST received, Norwich Crapes at 37%c. a yard. Black double-width Delainea, MX, 95, 31, Black Meoseeline de Lain° Shawls. Black Camel's Hair Barege Long Shawls, (two Shawls sufficient to make a dress.) Black Silk ()hally. Black and White Mohair Plaids, 20 and 28 cents. Black Gros de Rhine, 31. $1.1.2%, Ste. Black Poult de Snie- or Monrnitte Silk. * MISSON & son, Mourning Store, jel6 No. 4001 CHlSTNlrrStrelet. P LAIN.WHITE :CRAPE SHAWLS White Barege Shawls; • Light Lama shawls; Summer Shawls; wholesale; Black Lacs Points. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH & ARCH htreets SUMMER SILKS AND DRESS GOODS Foulards reduced; Neat Plaid and Stripe Silks; Llarlf. Lawns, Mosambiques. &c. je2o EYRE & LaNDELL. , e ra FIRS T . REFORNI D CIMt Ct urch, corner of Seventh and Spring Garden Streets. 11ev...J. HOWARD SUVDAH will (D. V.) preach to-morrow. at 1031 A. M.. and 8 P. AL 'lt. SANCTUARY M. CHURC R.— Rev. D. W. D slain, D. D will preach to nal)] row (Sabbath) morning, at 10; o'clock. Love Feast .at :I P. M. Preaching in the evening at 34 - before Sby the Pastor,. Env. Wm. etc Combs. • it. ST. CLEMEAT'S C HIURCH, N •=s TIETH and C 13.SRRY Streece.-i'O-MORRO W being the fourth Sunday in the month, the aftlraoon Service will . , be omitted. Evening Service. and Sermon by the - Rector, at 7,1 f. o'clock. 1:* C:3*- THE REV. nO6E:UT 0. AI 11:1'1.41.01 . 1. will preach his Filth Anneal Sermon in the CIRLIRCII OF THE NATIVITY, (San day) MORNENG, at log, o'clock. The Sunday Schools will bold their AnnivprQs.ry et 4 o?clock P. W. 'it* THE mon.blt. aEN T t 3 E. BIBLE.—Tho next Sermon in this connie. and Elie last for the present season, will bi Preached in-the Church of the Epiphany; TO-MORROW Evening. Service at eight o'clock. TRW BOOK ABOVE. ALL:— Seventh Discourse (D. V.) by T. H. STOCKTON, EVENING, S o'clock, -Chapel corner of ELE VENTH pnd WOOD Street.. Special Topic: Oppovition to the Bible. MORNING Worship, lOg o'clock. All vited. it* THE REV. EDWARD A. WASH BURN, - D. D. Rector of St. Bark's Church, will preach (D. V.) at St. Michael's ghurch, German town, on SUNDAY Evening next, June 2Sth. Services to commence at eight o'clock. A c.illection will be taken up in aid of the Church. lt* r CHURCH OF TI - 1.1b: IST 014.0E550R, SPRI:10 GARDEN. below- Broad street —The Fifth Sermon on "The Christian" Church" will be preached TO-MORROW (Sunday) EVENING, by ttle Rector. at S o'clock. Subject—" The Doty of the Church toward the Poor." The Rector will also preach at 10; A. M. Straneers will be accommodated with salts. R. IM' GOD AND OUR. UOUNTRY.—A Meeting, under the au...pines of the ARMS: COM MN TEE of the YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCI A NION, will be held in Germantown on SUNDAY EVE NING, June MU, at the lower Lutheran Church (Rev. Mr. Albert pastor). commencing at S o'clock. Addre3sva will be delivered by Ex-Governor JAS.-PGLLOOK; Col. GREGORY, of the9lst Pea,'a Reg ment, and P. SIM MONS, Esq. A collection will be made in aid of the Chapel Fund of McClellan 13 S. Tie-7am, Nioetnwn.. st* EIGHTY- EIGHT H &am( MEET.. ING of the ARMY COMMITTEE, Y. M. C. A., connected with the Christian Commission. will be heLd TO-MORROW EVENING, at '8 o'clock, in the Central Presbyterian Church, N L., COATES streht, above Third, Rev. J. I'. Mitchell, pastor. • Grateful for the support and interest the people have extended to the Committee in the furtherance of its Christian work, we would remind all of continued and. pressing need of means to carry it forward. Addresses from Rev. A. G. 'McAuley, a delegate to the army: hey. W. B. Boardman, Secretary of, the Com:- mission, and others.. SPIRITUALISM CONFERENCES at SANSOM Street Hall, on SUNDAY at 10X, A. M. , and BP. M. Admittance 5 cents. it* I F 63 NION LEAGUE HOUSE, JUNE 25, REV. AND DEAii. fin: The Union League of Philadel pl la, as you are probably aware, design celebrating the coming Fourth of July in an appropriate manner. Con sidering the dangers in which our country is involved from armed traitors in the field and the machinations of those in our own midst, the expenditure, of treasure, the loss of life eausea by the present rebellion, they deem it a solemn and a sacred duty on the coming anniversary of the Birth of the Nation to call the people together, and asain proclaim the doctrines of the Declaration,- that all men ire created free and equal." and their firm de termination to uphold the Government by all means in their power. They'feel that all efforts which man can put forth wi however, be in vain, unless the blessing of Almighty- God rests upon them, and they believe it to be their duty Ina, public and solemn manner to invoke that blessing, and they doubt not that the Reverend Clergy-will gladly aesistin so doing. The' undersigned, on behalf of the Union League, therefore respectfully request that you wonld cause the Church over which yen minister to be opened on Satur day morning, July 4th, 3863, from 8 to 9 o'clock, or at such other early hour as you may deem best, and that such religious services be then and there held as may seemmost fit; that God may bless us, that rebellion and war may cease, and the rightful authority of the Meted Elates maybe reestablished throughout all the land. WILLIAM H. &SHRUBS e, CRAIG D. RITCHIE, • LEWIS D. PAIL, CHARLES S. WURTS, GEOROS H. sruART, SAMUEL C. PERKINS, It Committee on Religions Services. F . PENNSYLVANIA INSTITUTION OF,THE BLIN l'.—The closing exercises, eon lusting of the awarding of premiums and medals, &c , will take place on MuNDAY, 29th instant, at 4 P M. Conductor of the Orchestra, Mr CARL SBNTZ. The public are invited. WILLIAM C H &PIN, ie27-2t Principal. IMPHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL. FOR L. JULY, now ready ; contains a clear and conclu sive armwer to ANATOMICAL OBJECTIONS to PHRE NOLOGY, an article on. Physiognomy. and many other interesting and practically important papers, together with over fifty illustrations. Only 1.5 cents. or $1 60 a year. FOWLER & WELLS, New York. je27-St JOHN L. CS.P 4N, - 25 South TENTH Street, Pkilada THE COOPER-SHOP S ALO ON make the following acknowledgments: Proceeds of Fair held at the Union League ROOM, Main and Unity streets, Frankfnrd. by Kisses a. B. Taylor, Susanna Taylor, Deborah Taylor, Clara Chapman, Mary Chapman, and Lizzie Chap • • MIL '636 00 Proceeds of the Fair held at the house of Mr. Engard, Feventh street, above Dimond. "by Misses Sarah Engard, Mary Miner, and Clara Rittenhouse—. 500 Friend, per James TooneY 59 00 Friends: per H. Dubosq 159 00 Shober & CO 20 00 D. - R, Knight 1501 Capt. Vance ' 500 Geo, D. Wethetill 5 00 John Gregg - 50 00 Garrett Elm— t . 1 00 R. C. Carey' 20 00 John McCulley 6 00 S. & W. Welsh l'bbl. sugar Mr. Norris 5 00 John W. Everman 10 00 John Welsh le 00 G. P. Smith k 20.00 Lewis Elkins • 1000 -••- • - . L P. Morris, Town, & Co 50 00 John Gibson. Son, & Co 50 00 Proceeds of Table at Cooper-bhop Fair, 'by Ws. Cooper, Misses M Cooper, C. T. Cooper, 1 . Lest, Whitetone, Morrison, M. Wilson, Pearce, H. Salts, and Mrs. Morrison 378 00 Patterson „Sr.Bannon 5 00 . . O. A. mcKinstrey Mr. Bancroft Franklin Coupon.; ..... A. B • Cooley John H. Hammitt 5 00 Vaughan &Fisher 5 00 George. Shepherd - 500 George Flick 6 00 Capt. Samuel Baker 10 00 Friend, rer Dr. Wallace 10 00 Union Men, through Jas. Toomey ' 30 00 Capt. Chas. Stubbs 15 00 Capt. A. H. Davis 5 00 Joseph Murnford 5 00 Thomas E. ..Heather 5 00 J. E. Dehaven 20 00 Friends, per Dr. Wallace 100 CO Wm. B. Davis 10 00 A. Sieberleck e 6'oo S. Phipps 5 . 00 H. J. Morton 26 00 Mr. Boldin 6 00 Mr. W ' 3 00 Mrs. A 1 00 Mrs. J. Sergeant 1 lot groceries PHILADELPHIA POST OPPICE, June 27, 18e3—NOTICE.—The attention of the public is requested to the following. extr cats from the New Post Office Law, which will be in operation on and after Wednesday next. July 1, 1863: No letter, newspaper, pamphlet, or any package what ever, can be delivered until the whole postage due there. on has been paid. The Carriers will not he permitted to make any charge or receive any compensation from the public for the de livery of letters or papers received in the mail. Letters deposited in the office without the postagr being prepaid will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. The fee for registering a letter is 20 cents, is addition to the regular postage, and no registered letter will be delivered until the person authorized to receive it shall have signed the necessary receipts therefor. All mail matter not sent at letter rates mart be so enve loped that the contents can be readily examined, other- Vika it will be charged at letter postage. The rate of domestic letter postage isfixe,4 at 3 cents for each half ounce or fraction of a half ounce. The Pa . cilia rate of 10 cents is abolished: , The rale of postage on LOCAL OR CITY DROP LET TERS is 2 cents per half ounce or fraction of ahalf ounce. The Postmaster is authorized to contract, subject to the approval of the Postmaster General, with publishers, firms, or institutions having large numbers of circulars or other printed matter to distribute through the city, to deliver such matter at a fixed rate RATE OF PORTAGE ON TRANSIENT PRINTED MATTER, EXCEPT CIRCULARS AND.BOOKS, (he package, to one address, not exceeding 4 ounces in weight 2 cents. And for each 4 ounces or fraction thereof an ad ditional rate of 2 cents BOOK. Not Exceeding 4 ounces in weight 1 cents, And for each 4 ounces or fraction thereof an ad ditional rate of 4 UNSEALED CIRCULARS, Not exceeding 3 in number, to one addreee 2 cents, Over 3 and not exceeding 6. to one address 4 And an additional rate of 2 cents - for each three, or fractional part thereof, circulars sent to one The above .postage must, in all cases, be prepaid by Postage stamps 16 fllxed to such printed matter, and in no case will any marks or signs be permitted on printed matter witb ont subjecting it to letter postage. QUARTERLY rates of postage, when paid quarterly or yearly in advance on newspapers; &c., published once a 'week, or more frequently, and sent from the publication office to actual bona flde subscribere : • News Paper. or periodical not ex ceeding 4 ounces in weight, sent to any part of United States Over 4 but not exceeding S ounces And an additional rate for each 4 onuses or fractional part thereof.' - QUARTERLY rates of postage, when paid in advance on newt papers. /go., pnbliehed less frequently than once a week, and sent to subscribers as above: - Not exceeding 4 ounces in weight, and Bent to any part of United States. 6 3 1 Over 4 and not exceeding 8 cornices 12 - 6 2 Publications issued without disclosing the office of publication; or containing a fictitious statement thereof. cannot be forwarded unless prepaid at TRANSIENT RATES ie27•sniwSt C. A. WALBORN, Postmaster. GRAND NATIONAL' PROCESSION The Procession on the 4th of Jnly will form on Broad street, right on Walnut, at 9 o'clock, and more precise ly at 10 o'clock, up Broad to Chestnut, down Chestnut to Fifth, up Fifth to Vine, up Vine to Seventh, up Se venth to Spring Garden, up Spring Garden (south side) to Sixteenth, up to Green, out Green to Fairmount Park, through Fairmount Park to Goatee street, theiee to Lemon Hill, entering by the River road. All Military, Turner or Singing Associations, Manu facturers, Leagues, Firemen, or other organized bodies of loyal citizens, intending to participate, mast notify the Chief. Marshal, at thesis Headquarters before MON- D Or, June 29th, stating about the number they expect to psrade, upon which Positions •in the line will be as_ signed them. due notice of which will be given in the Papers of the Seth. The different Leagues end other Associations will adopt and wear such badses as they may deem appro . All toy al citizens on the route are requested to display the American colors. The Chief of Police will please have the streets cleared of all vehicles. Mr. Smith, street contractor, will have thastreets oa the route swept the day before. aud sprinklimi in the evening. . _.COPPEE, Cider 111arslial, jP2s.tjy4 1118 CHESPS ITT Street. im A LECTURE Will be delivered by the HON. J. W. FORNEy, "THE OEM 3ATIONS AND LESSONS OF TILE 13.31ta," Ia add of the CFI AMITY EtOM'ITAL. 7UESDAY INSAIDU4 N JUNE 39, 1863. AT- MUSICAL FHA D HALL. Tickets 26 Cents. To be had at the principal Book and Mtnic ktoree, and at the door.. - je27.3t CAMP RUSSELL, NEAR HARRIS BU Ma. June 24, 1514:1 At a meeting - of orupany C, Ist Regiment GREY RESERVES, held this evening, Captain William W. Allen was called to the chair, and Corporal John 0. o.ller appointed Secretary. A committee. eousisting _of Sergeant T. Stuart Brown, aid privates hliaughney and Colesbetry, reported the -following resolutione,- which were unanimously adopted: _Resolved, That we learn with deep regret of the death (caused by an accident while bathing) of our compauion, EDWARD ZdoLAUGHLIN; and white we. acknowledge the supreme wisdom of Providence, we feel the great loss our Company iay sustained in the decease of one who so bravely offered his services in the defence of his - Resolved, That though having been connected but a short time %vitt, us. he exhibited those qualities which wake a good soldier, kind companion, and a sincere friend .I?.esobvfd, That we tender our condolence to the wife and family of the deceased. and that a copy of these re• - solutions be forwarded to them. Rapotved. Thai we wear the usual badge of mourning for the space el thirtytdays. WILLIAM . W. ALLEN, Chairman. Tae. _O. GILLEn, Secretary. . It* PHILADELPHIA. AND READING RAILROAD ,COMPANY, Office Sonth FOURTH Street. PHILADELPHIA, June 23,1863. - DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The transfer. cooks of the Pre ferred block of this Company will be closed on the 30th inst. , and reopened on the 12th proximo. A Dividend of 8.44 cent.: clear of State tax, has.been declared on the Preferred Stock, payable in cash on the 20th of July on all stock held at the close of business on the 30th lost .- - r Holders of certificates which have beon discharged from this cane, or either of the transfer agencies, arelpar, titularly requested to have them duly registered on the transfer books to which they haye been transferred. prior to the 80.1 inst. S. BRADFORD, 1e26-5t 7reasnrer.` THE GREAT FAIR 'UNION REFRESHMENT CODEMITrEE, FOOT 0 A W T A HES NAGTOONN, -_ ENUE.' nONTINIIE ONE. W HER - LuNGER! - in order to give all a chance to visit us. Regiments lere="Alt i a tha ntr e awinter conducting or th ctn oftheFair. • DONATIONS OF ' FRUIT, FLOWERS, FANCY ARTICLES,' &e., SOLICITED. - - . Every contribntion; great or small, is recorded on the 'hooks of the Committee. BECK'S BAND . • will be in attendance during each evening. attractive feature of the Fair is quite a ➢iUSEDM OF STUFFED Btn.DS, &c . . , GOLD and SILVER 11811 for sale ; also, a LITHO GRAPH OF THE SALOON, and our paper, "THE FAIR RECORD." containing our financial report, &c . je22-6t ARAD 13 &RR° WS, Chairman. 1 . :1)11ily - .1E1I,SITY OF PENNSYLVANIA,jrt"SIoWoOPI2.eTtenx6r.t -tion ofthen Sophomore , and at the close of the Third Term, will be held in the fol- . . . Tuesday, Tune 23d. From 9 to U. Sophomores, by Prof. Frazer,: (Metallc Chemistry,) written. From 11 to 1; Juniors, by the Provost, (Intellectual Philosophy,) oral. Wednesday. 21th. From 9 to 11, Juniors, by Prof. Kendal], (Differential Calculus,) , and Sophomores. by Prof. Jackson, (Odes of Horace,) written. From 11 to 1, Freshmen, by 'Prof. Allen, (Herodotus,) oral.. Thursday, 25th. From 9to 11. Sophomores, by Prof. CoPPee, (History,)and Freshmen, by Prof. Kendall, (Geometry,) written. From 11 to 1, Juniors, by Prof. Frazer, (Heat and - the Steam Engine.) oral. Friday, 26th. From 9to 11, Scphomores,-hy Prof Kendall, (Analytical Geometry,) written. .From 11 to 1, Juniors, by Prof. - Allen, (The Clouds of Aristophanes ) Monday. 29. Prom 9to 11, Juniors, - by Prof. Jackson, (The Autularia of - Plautus) oral. From 11 to 1, Sopho mores, by Prof Allen, (TbuoydidesjOral. Tuesday, 30th. From - 9 , to .11; Freshmen, by Prof. Copp6e, ( History, ) oral. - "Wednesday, July lot. From 9 to IL Freshmen, by Prof- Jackson, (IdvY,) oral. tiEORGE ALLEN, . je23-7t . Secretary of the Faculty of Arts. REOPENING OP REDDING M. E. CHURCH, corner of SIXTEENT a and COATES Sweets, next SUNDAY, Tune s.Bth. The Church htts been repaired and beautified. Preaching at 10 o'clock, by Rev. Dr. R. D. RYAN, pastor of Foundry IL E. Church, "Washington, D. o._; Rev. D. W. BARTINE. D. D., at 3 P. M ; and Rev. r. RYAN, at night. Oar friends are invited to attend. je26.2t* . A. MARKUP, Pastor. IMPHILADELPHIA. @AND READING RAILROAD COMPANY.- OFFICE, 73 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. - - - - PHILADELPHIA, Rine 22,1863 To avoid detention, the holders of coupons of this company, due on the lst proximo, - are requested to leave them at this office on or before the 30th instant, when re ceipts will be given; and checks will be ready for de livery on the first proximo, in exchange for said receipts. S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. PROTECTIVE WAR CLAIM AGEN CY OF. THE U.S. SANITARY COMMISSION.— At this office, established with the approval of the De partments at Washington. all 'claims of soldiers and their relatives for BOUNTY. BACK PAY; AND PEN SION. are prepared FREE OF CHARGE W. N. ASHMAN. Solicitor. • - 130.7 CHESTNUT Street. Inevicm. PIASD SCHUYLKILL HAVEN AND LEHIGH RIVER RAILROAD CO MPAN Y.-ParLADELpfnA, Sixth Mouth 21th, 1863. NOTICE.-Interest upon all payments made, on sub scriptions to the Capital Stock of this Company-prior to the first day . f JULY next, will be paid at the Office of the MINEHILL AND SCHUYLKILL HAVEN ,RAILROAD COMPANY. No. lb South SEVENTH Street, on and after the 6th proximo. By order of the Board of Dirrctors. • JOSHUA W. ASI, Treasurer. N. 8.-The Transfer Books of the Company will be closed from.the let to the 14th of JUL ' . je2s thstat* MOFFICE OF UNION MUTUAL IN -BIIRAI.CE COMPANY, YFEELADELPHIA, TOMO S. M. Notice is hereby given, that subscriptions to the In creased Capital of the Union Mutual Insurance Company, " by conversion of the Scrip into Stock, " will be receiv ed at the office of the Company, from this date to Nov. 1, 1863, in accordance with the amended charter accepted at a meeting of the Scripholders, held June 1. 1863. ielo.lmif : JOHN MOSS, Secretary. o.lirinCE' Or TUE WESTMOILE LARD COAL COMPANY. No. ni3O South THIRD Street, corner of Willing's aIIey.—PETILADEL FRIA, June 17th, )863. —At a .meeting of the - Directors , held this daryo. Dividend of FIFTY CENTS PER SHARE on the Capital Stock was declared out of the profits of the past six months, payable on and after July let, 1863. The Transfer Books will be closed until July 3d next. jelB-01. - F. H. JACKSON. Treasurer. MPRO VOST, MARSHAL GENERAL'S OFFICE.—WASHINGTON, D. C. , May 22, - 1863. All men who desire to join any particular Regiment of CAVALRY now in the field, are hereby authorized to present themselves at any time durit g the next thirty days to the BOARD OF ENROLMENT, in their reepee tive nit tracts. The Board shall examine them. and de termine upon their fitness for the Service, and it found to be fit, the Provost Marshal of the district shall give them transportation tickets to the general Rendezvous, at the Headquarters of the A. A. Provost Marshal General of the State. As soon as they present themselves at this gene ral lendezvous they shall be duly mustered by a mus tering and disbursing officer, and paid by him the bounty allowed by law. JAMES B. FRY, my2B-1m Provost Marshal General. OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-AR. TIST TO THE ARM' AND NAVY, Panama.- FRIA, October 24, 1262.. Wounded Soldiers and Sailors desirous of availing themselves of the National Appropriation for supplying. Artificial Limbs, should apply immediately at the Waco of the Surgeon-Artist to the Government. No. 1800 CHESTNUT Street. B. FRANK PALMR. jag -6m Government Surgeon-Artist. FIRST CITY TROOP • Authority has been received to send'a few RECRUITS to the CITY TROOP, now in service on the State borders. 5 00 200 5 00 5 00 Each recruit will be expected to procure his own. ma- form, equipments, arms, saddle, bridle, &c. To such as may be accepted, a horse will be famished For information, apply , at the Armory of the Troop, TWELFTH street, below Chestnut, between the hours of,S and 9 A. M. and. P. M. 1 THE. INVALID CORPS. ... BY GENERAL ORDERS No. 105, front the ;War' De- Partment ; authority is given for, creating a military - organization, to be composed of such worthy officers and soldiers as may have become disabled from wounds received in service, or from disease contracted in the line of duty, and to be called the INVALCD CORPS. As it is to be composed of VBTBRANS who have become more or less crippled in the service of their country. and have produced evidence of worthiness, this will be em phatically a CORPS OF HONOR, reckoning among its numbers many of the noblest and most gallant sons of America, brave relics from every battle-field of the war, 'gathered under the fostering protection of a grateful Go vernment. - - . It ls to be NATIONAL in its character:having no re ference to - States; hence an applicant, furnishing the ne cessary qualifications, may be received by any Preyed D. arshal appointed under the enrolment act, whether in his own or in. another State. Its officers and men et ill be designated, as a mark of distinction, by a' uniform peculiar to, themselves, and their duties will be such home service as they maybe' capable of performing, thus relieving many thouiands of able-bodied troops whose services are needed in the One office has been open for a few weeks, for the enlist ' "'tent of invalid discharged soldiers, at No 808 Lombard street, Philadelphia. This is now closed, and another opened at No. 243 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia, adjoining the office of Captain LEHMAN, Provost Mar shal of the First Congressional District. - A camp has been opened near Harrisburg for the re ception of all recruits for this corps enlisted in this State, where comfortable quarters are furnished, and the recruits uniformed, armed, and, equipped, The follow in information concerning this Corps is published by the War Department. viz; • ' The term of enlistment in the Invalid. Corps shall be three years, unless s6oner discharged. It is further an nounced that no officer or enlisted man shall be entitled to or receive any pension, premium, or bounty, for en listment or re. enlistment. or service in the .Invalid Corps. Claims for pensions or bounties, which may be due for previous service. will not be invalidated by en listment in the Invalid Corps; but no pensions can be drawn, or accrue to the benefit of any man, during his service in said corps. The officers and men will be orga nized into companies'of infantry, of the same strength as is now authorized by law for the United States in fantry. "The officers and enlisted men will receive the same pay and allowances now authorized by law for the United States infantry, and will be paid in the same manner. • Men enlisted in, or transferred to the Invalid Corps Will be subject to the Articles of Velar, Army Regula tions, &c., the same as other soldiers, and will be re quired to perform all duties within the limit of their physical capaoity, as laid down in the Rules and Regu lations for that corps J but for the convenience of service 'they will be selected for three grades of duty. Those Who are most efficient, anti:able bodied, and capable of using 'the musket and performing guard duty, light marches, &c., dm., will be assigned Mcompanies of the let Battalion Those of the next degree of physical effi- • ciency, Including all who have lost a hand or an arm, to the companies of the 2d Battalion. - Those who are the least effective, and including all who have lost afootor a leg, to the companies of the 3d Battalion. Companies of the let Battalion will, be employed Mainly as provost guards: and garrisons for cities, but may be assigned to forts, field works, and railroads near ' the cities and other important ' points. They will be armed with muskets, and will not be liable to active campaigns with the field armies. " Companies of the 2d Battalion will be armed with . side-arms only, and will Se employed as guards of .buildings, hospitals, &c,, and will have companies of the let Battalion on dutywith them when the use of fire arms maybe necessary. "The companies of the 3d Battalion will ,be armed with side-arms, like the 2d Battalion, and will be em ployed in hospitals as cooks, nurses, ward masters, clerks, orderlies, & c., &c. ; the officers of theee'compa . nies doing the duties of military assistants at the hos pitals." For further information. discharged soldiers are in vited to call at S 4-3 South THIRD Street. or at the office of any provost-marshal ; actini under authorit of, the enrolment act. ''.' . 6 . W. MATTIERwiI. , : Major lst Penn'a Artillery and ie2s-ths&tutf Sup 't R. 8. Invalid Corps for rblia. 10 16 30 20 30 60 THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHLI, SATURDAY, JUNE, 27. 1863. JULY FOURTH, 1.863 r.NION LEADUE HOUSE, 2118 CHESTNUT STRZET PHILADELPHIA. JUDO 22, 1863. MILITARY NOTICES. MILITARY NOTICES. TTEA D QUARTERS, PHILA.DEL -,-A- TRnAt 26(11, 1863._ GENhRAL 01i.DER.S. No. 1. I The following de pitch is publishtd for the infer. illation end guidance o f all concerned • 'H A1L1C1,111711.11. June 26th, 1333. "T Maj. Gen. N. J. T. Dana.. Philadelphia. : "By direction of the President of the United States You are assigne Volunteer rganization and command of the Militia and forces and. defences of Phila. delphia, ,and. will receive instructions from these Head quarters." By command of MAJ. GEN. COUCH. JOAN S ECHULTZ. Major and A. A. General. 11. By virtue'of the above the undersigned assumes command. at this station. All Military organizations of whatsoever kind, including civiliane,.will make their reports accordingly. existing orders and regulations for the go, IV. The following named officers are announced as vernment of this command will remain in force until re scinded. composing the Personal Staff of the Major General Corn roandlng, or las assigned. to 'Staff datyl at those Head quarters. The administrative departments of the Staff will remain as heretofore: Lieut. Colonel Wm. D. Whipple. additional Aid-de- Camp and AFa't Adj't Gen.. Chief of Staff. Paptain Cyrus 8. Haldeman, Ass't Adj't General. First Lieut. W. F._ Milton, 20th Mass. Vole , Aid-de- Camp. Second Lieut. Edward J. Parker,l3th Pentifts.Cavalry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Fecond Lieut. L. Harwood. Co. C: 154th Penna. Vols., Acting Assistant Adjutant General If. J. T. DANA, 3.327-31 Maj. Gen. U. S. Vols., Commanding. tiI.NATIONAL GUARD, ATTEN TION !!—Every member of the NATIONAL GUARD of the FIFTEENTH WARD will meet at the GUARD hOOM on MONDAY EVENING. 29th inst., on ur gent lmehmes. J. EMERSON KENT, M. D„ Its" Secretary. tiTO 11HE CAPTAINS OF COMPA NIES OF - VOLUNTEERS, RECRUITING FOR THE PRESENT EMERGENCY -- Having been appointed PAYMASTER by the disbar lag agency of the crrx- ZENS'I3OIII.4TY FUND COMMITTEE, of the TEN DOL LARS, for each officer and private from Philadelphia, you 'will please furnish me with - :a certified copy of the MUSTER ROLL of your Company as early as imssible, so that arrangements may be, made to pay the said sum to each man going to Harrisburg under the late call for troops._ W VETO ' No. 3 Vi'jLLINGS MILITARY GOODS. -TXTVIP T. SNOD GRASS' ARMY AND NAVY CLdTH HOUSE, 34 Sown/ SECOND, Alm V STRAWBERRY Brass:Es FRESH AND FULL 5700 K, OF ALL SIH.DES AND GRADES. Adapted to every Position in the NAVY AND ARMY. The trade and citizens can have their wants faithfully supplied at . my store. No. 34 SOUTH SECOND STREET e26-12t • 1776. -1853. A .0- S SILK FLEWS : 4 . • BITNTING BURGEES.: • PENANTS. UNION _JACKS. STREAMERS: 13 IT N T. I N G I RED, WHITE, AND BLUE. • .----- • - EVANS Jo, -HASSALI6 - • MILITARY FURNISHERS, iel3-1m No. 41S ARCH. STREET, Philadelphia. w..simoNs,ek BROTHERI LUNSOM-STREET HALL, PHILIMELPHIA, ALANIIPACTITEERS OP SZWELRI, FINE SWORDS, KILII'IItY GOODS, IN ICYXBY VABIE'I7 JaL3-If6m GOVERNMENT GOODS. Standard 10-ounce Cotton DuCI. Indigo Blue Flannels. Nixed Twilled Flannels. Sky Blue Kersey& FARNHAM, KIRKHAM, di CO.; No. $l3O CIRESTNIfT STRAIT. Nah2l3.3m , ARMY GOODS. DARK-BLUE COAT CLOTHS. DARK-ELBE CAP CLOTHS. SKY-BLUE CLOTHS FOR OFFICERS. ARMY BLANKETS, STANDARD WEIGHT. 10-OUNCE DUCK. • DRILLS, STANDARD WEIGHT. BEAT! LINEN . DRILLS' AND DUCK. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS IND SHIRT. WS. For sale by FROTRINGHAM & WELLS. set-iftf 10000 ARMY . BLOUSES.: . CCO INFANTRY and CAVALRY PANTS. Also, SHIRTS and DRAWERS. All Government Standard, are offered low, and ready for - immediate delivery, at HENRY W. SCOTT'S. Army Clothing Dendt. je2.7-3t* 533 MARKET Street, flp Stairs. FINANCIAL. SPECIAL NOTICE THE BALES tIIF THE UNITED STATES SIX PER CENT. LOAN, CALLED 5-2,0 9 0, Have amounted for many weeks past to OVER TWO MILLIONS OF DOLLARS DAILY. THE FIRST OF 'JULY Is rapidly approaching, wyen the public will no longer have the right to ".Subscribe at Par for this desirable Loan, the principal and interest of which is payable IN SOLD. All parties contemplating Investing in these Six per cent. Bonds, should at once for Ward their money through ally of the local aienciee, or direct to • JAY COOKE. SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, jell-tjyl 114 SOUTH THIRD STRUT, PHILA. CALIFORNIA AND SAN FRANCISCO CITY COUPONS BOUGHT AND COLLECTED BY AUGUST BELMONT dc. CO 50 WALL STREET. Jeg-Im EDWARD M. DAVIS, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKER, No. 39 South THIRD Street, (aD stairs,) PIIIILADHLPEIL. A GENERAL BROKERAGE AND BANKING- SUSI , NESS TRANSACTED. Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold on Commission. Loans and Business Paper Negotiated: Dividends and Interest Coupons Collected and Remitted: Exchange on Europe Sold. Special Collections made. Coin and Cur rency Bought. Interest Allowed on Deposits. spl-3m S . HARVEY THOMAS, STOCK AND BILL BROKER. No. 31f4 WALNUT STREET. STOCKS and BONDS, and all kinds of U. B. GOVIAI MENT SECURITIES, bought and sold on Commission. Business Paper and Loans on Collateral negotiated at lowest rates. . . 'UNITED STATES 6-20 TEAS. SIX Der cent BONDS. furnished at PAR in sums to snit, without any charge for commission. Orden by Mall shall receive prompt attention. Meters Messrs.Mathan Trotter & Co.. Bets M 'Parrish, BST , John B. Myers & Co. Samuel B. Thomas, Esq., Parness,Brinley. & Co., John Thema'. Beek apl-3m if . COLLECTION OF 11. S. CERTIFL cATEs ON INDEBTEDNESS. —The ADAMS' EX PRESS COMPANY are now prepared to collect at the Treasury Department, Washington, with despatch, and at reasonable rates, the One Year Certificates of In debtedness of the United States now due or shortly ma turing. Terms made known and receipts given at the Oka, No 320 CHESNUT Street. myg-ti IVORYTYPES.-- IN THIS BRANCH y of THOTOGRAPHIC ART, REIMER has achieved a tritunph; liner and more life-like than -any found in the city. - Go to Gallery SECOND Street, above Greicn.' . , THING;VAN SUPPLANT TEEM NO .1-1 in public favor. _REIMER'S Colored Photographs for $1 are a permanent and necessary institution, being accurate, durable, and cheap, SECOND Street, above Green. TIN I 0 N LEAGUE MEDALS AND BADGES, eniblematic Silver Plato& Medals and Bad s, approved by a member of Union Clubs, for gale at No 326 CHESTNUT Street. ie27.2t* JOHN S. WARNER. ail4lG. RUSSELL, FINE AMERICAN* and Imported WATCHES; Fine Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, dm. JeS7 `AMERICAN ROOFING- SLATES, FULLY EQUAL TO THE BEST .{WELSH SLATES. T THOMAS.- iezo - txt * 21T WALNUT Street NEW. YORK. 29 North SIXTH Street RETAIL DRY GOODF, REDUCTION IN PRICES OF RICH PARIS MANTILLAS. ♦ ALSO. OF LIGHT ZEPHYR CLOTH CLOAKS, SUITABLE FOE THE WHOLE SUMMER J. W. PROCTOR & CO.; 3e6•lm if No. 926 CHESTNUT STREET EYRE & LANDELIA, FOURTH AND ARCH. LADIES preparing for their Summer TOME inta be suited in Dry Goods adapted to their wants. FINE ORGANDY LAWNS SPANISH * LINENS FOR SUITS. BEA-SHORE SHAWLS BLACK LACE POINTS TOURIST DRESS GOODS. BATHING DRESS GOODS SUPER MOHAIR MITTS. MODE GRENADINE VEILS. BLACK DRESS GRENADINE STEEL SKIRTS, BEST ONLY. SUMMER BILKS LOW. DRESS GOODS REDUCED. ;ea-thstn tf 1021 CHESTNUT STREET. ' E. M. NEEDLES . OFFERS FOR SALE, at &; At Prices generally below present cost of imPor z WHITE 000DS. all descriptions. EMBROIDERIES, do do 2 Q LACES. do do gi 4 t LINEN,. HANDKERCHIEFS. do VEILS, &c„ &c. And respectfully invites an inspection of his stook. 1024 CHESTNUT STREET. JOHN H. STOKES, 702 ARCH ST., OFFERS 4 Black and White Plaid Marseilles. Black and White and Brown and White Linen Check. French .liankinetta—plaid and plain. ":Nankin—nice quality, Linen Stripes, dark ground. not Merino Cassnueres—excellint quality. Plain. Mixed, and Plaid Cassimeres. Mixed Cloths and Cassimeres. ..Ladies' Cloaking . Cloths, Double-width Plaid Flannels for Shirting. ie27 EDWIN HALL & CO., 26 SOUTH SE COND Street, would call the of the Ladies _ . to their stock of Superior Black Silks. Wide Mantle Silks. Black Corded Silks. Black Gres de Rhine - Black Sill a. from $1 to $4. ' N. B.—Merchants in want of Black Silks are invited to examine our stock and prices jel3-tf DRESS GOODS AT REDUCED. PRICES.—H. STEEL & SON, No. 713 and 7.11.5 North TENTH Street. are now closing out the balance of their dock of Poll de Cherrea, all Wool Delaines, Poplins, Mathes,- Delaines, Mozambique!, Taffeta d'Etes, 'rench.Lawns, French. English, and American Chintzes, Baregoe, Silk Tissues, Silk Grenadines. - Fancy Silks, and all kinds of !Summer Drees Goods, at extremely low prices. SUMMER SHAWLS AT REDUCED PRICES. BARGAINS IN BLACK SILKS. CHOICE STYLES PACIFIC. LAWNS at Mo. I lot 2 yards square Table Cloths. Snow Drop and Damask, all Linen. at 71.50. jag PARIS MO Z AMBIQUES REDUCED TO' 12,1 CENTS CLOSING sum= STOCK AT LOW PRICES CURWEN STODD &RP & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 North. SECOND Street, 'IVB ITE ..LN EN DUCIES. Brown and:White Linen Drills. Fancy Drill and other Summer Wear. Alpaca and other thin Coatings. Silk mixtures, Drap d'Ete. Light tine fancy Cassimeres. DRESS GOODS. Desirable fabrics at old. prices. Black Dress Goods at nearly old prices. 8-4 Wide Black Barege for Shawls. COOPER & CONARD, 8. E. corner ITINTR and MARKET Streets. TABLE DAMASKS. .A- Power-Loota Damasks and• Diapers. Fringed Towels 16, 20,. 25, 31,.&c. Good Napkins, Doylies and Diapers. SELEI,TINC4S. Heavy 9-4, 10-4. and 11-4 Bleached Sheetings Shirting and Pillow Muslin. ' Fine stock of Flannels. _ . • . COOPER & E. corner NINTH arr M N A. R IP S. _K.BT. HUNTER'S NEW STORE, 37 NORTH . EIGHTH STREET. The ladle are respectfully invited to examine their well-selected stock of. MANTLES Consisting of AND CLOAKS, Lace Shawls at $2.50: Lace Mantles from $3.50 . to $25: Silk Sacques from $8 to $10: Silk Circulars from $6 to S2O • Cloth Circulars from $6 to $l5. Also, Plain and Striped POPLINS, manufactured of the best materials, in the most stylish manner, and will be sole cheaper than CAN BE FOTWD ELSEWHERE. N. B.—Daily receiving the most fashionable Dress Goods, at fie9-1m) 31 NORTH EIGHTH STREET. ARMY GOODS. Shirting Flannels. army Blankets Silk Handkerchiefs. Travelling Shawls. Black Silk Cravats. Blue Flannel Coatings. , Dark Blue Doeskins. SHABPLESS BROTHERS. je2o CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets RHARPLESS --BROTHERS OFFER—. English Chintzes, 25cents. Colored Brilliants. 25 cents. Figured Bareges, 15 cents. Plaid English Savages: 18X cents.. Neat styles Challis, 25 cents. Lawns, 18 cents and 25 cents.. Also; Fine Lawns, Chintzes, 'bi—'," Bareges, Grenadines, Grissailles: Detainee, Bombazines, and Alpacas. CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. BARGAINS FROM AUCTION. One lot oi. Black and White Plaids at 26 cente.worth 5734—a decided bargain. One lot otlarge-lig - nre Grenadines at 45 cents, worth 623 G cents. _ One lot of . Lawns, fest colors, 111%. One lot of Bleached Muslims at lB3f • . One lot of Gingham Lawns at B7X , worth 44. , orki . THIS MORNING,It iss, J l3 " SIM" ABA 702 H Streak. FIREWORKS. BRILLIANT FIRE-W ORES, OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY. FRENCH. AMERICAN, AND CHINESE SKY-ROCKETS, ROMAN CANDLES, COLORED STARS, WHEELS, FLYERS, ROSETTES, FIREMEN'S TORCHES. TORPEDOES, FANCY PIECES, Etc,, FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY E. G. WHITMAN• (fe CO., AT THEIR NEW STORE. CHESTNUT ST., BELOW FOURTH, plyxsmommaimadoi4 IDIQ MI Will MO 4:41*4$ .1;54 DIEDIUAIN HEALTH AND STRENGTH TO THE SUFFERING. DR. ISWAYNE'S COMPOITND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY Has proved to be the most efficacious remedy yet disco. vered for all pulmonary complaints, Coughs, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis, Ho mopty sis (Spitting Blood), Short Breath, Croup, Wasting Flesh, Pains and Soreness. Weak Breast, Tickling Irritation, or rising in the Throat, Broken Constitution,from the abuses stga.. of calomel , and, other causes, all Throat Breast, and Lung Complaints: Let no dieease, .however- bail it may be, or • length of time it may have existed, • disconrage you until' you, lave - tried thisgreat Medicamentum. Wonderful cares have taken place, when. to all human probability, •it could not be possible. The popu lar impression, strength ened by some scientific opinions, - that Qousnmption cannot be cured, has no doubt hastened the death of many an invalid, by depriving them - of the consolation of hope. Per- . - sons afflicted with Pectoral disease should let supported by every assn.- ranee of a cure, not alarmed by the • gloomy, foreboding :countenances of • those around. For our part, we do not be- - - lieve that Consumption is incurable;' and let physicians theorize as they will; we have a mass of evidence to prove that persons having all the symptoms of Consumption, - cough; deep bloody`expectoration. pains and , oppression, sore throat, diarrheas. night sweats, burning fever, Ad, have been permanently cured "-DB.. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD b CHERRY." A good ap petite, complete digestion, strength, and a dispositlon for active exercise. is sure to follow its rum. Thirty years' experience in this and foreign countries is coxvincing Bewareproof. tey.x e c f e gl t ray:Jeep:lire:mu Dr,er in Kip . c o a nt o i n nWild s the original and only genuine: - '" , Dr: SWAYNE ' S Principal Office . 330 liarth7SlXTH Street, above: Vine, Philadelphia. Sold by Druggists and Dealers. pzle - 13.IIRGUNDT PORT.--1.75 QUARTER Cr a nierf e eae . T s elp . atigl s ", r trige IR 496 WALNUT and 51 aiwrrx atm& 30001 -3,1 - 00 ! ! -OVER 3 . .000 'DIE. • FERENT CARD PICTURES FOR PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, at' PITCHER'S ALBUM DEPOT, SM. CD I; Strout. TWO NEW BOOKS D. AP ?LWOW ft CO.. • Noe 443 and 445 BROADWAY, PUBLISH THIS DA!, WHAT •TO EAT, AND HOW TO COOK IT. ,• Containing Over One Thoueand Receipts, systematically and Prac tically Arranged, to Enable the ilouAekeitper to Prepare the Most Difficult or Simple Diehee in the Bea Manner. Late editor of the Almanac* Cia,stronomique, of Paris, and other Gastronomical Works. 1 vol. jam). , cloth. $l.. No matter how inexperienced some of our housekeep ing readers may be, by carefully following our. dim: tions, they will he able to live HS well and economically . - as possible, and also serve a dinner in as orderly a man ner as any steward could In our dkections, gastronomy is blended with econo my and, although • everythit g prepared according - to these receipts will be in the highest and hest style, it will still be cheaper than if prepared in the-poorest way, as nothing will be waited, and the best of everything used will be bad. This book will be proved to be simpler than many, if not all other Cook-Books. It contains more receipts. and is in accordance with the advancements of the present age. —Extract from Preface. A CRITICAL HISTORY OF FREF. TEIbuGHT IN REFERENCE TO - ' THE CARISTIAN RELIGION". EIGHT LECTURKS • PREACHED :BEFORE 'C HE UNWERSITY OF OXFORD, TN TICE YEAR 11362. ON THE FOUNDATION OF THE LATE REY. JOAN .13AMPTON, M. A.. CANON OF SALISBURY. = - - - - --- . - B l - ADAM STOREY FARRAR, M 1 vol., 12mo, cloth. 957 pages, $2. From the Reader. "The-Hand-Book of. German. Theology, contained in this volume, should be read oy every oue, both for its own merits and for the immense importance of the sub ject. There is not a inure memorable chapter is modern history than that which records the vast, continuous and co- operative effort of the German Schools to andel.- stand and appreciate ChristianitY._'' - B A: A CO. HAVE JUST PUBLIMIED, TWO PICTURES; OR HOW WE SEE OURSELVES. AND HOW THE WORLD SEES US. By. Maria J. Mc- Intosh. 1 vol. l2mo. $l6O THE HOLY WORD IV-ITS OWN- DEFENCE. Being an Answer to Bishop Colenso. By the Rev. Abiel Silver. 1 vol. 12mo. Etl. . 1 - 31.13iPSE OF THE WORLD. By Kiss SewelL 1. vol. 12mo. $125. EVIDENCE AS TO. MAN'S PLACE IN NATURE. By Thomas H. Huxley. 1 vol. 12mo. $1.25. Any of the above sent by mail free, on receipt of price. A DOUBLE NUMBER, FULL OF EN ORAVINGS—The Baityo t Published. TEE PREENOLOGIO AG JOURNAL for Jnly contains Portraits, Characters and Biographies of Lord Brougham, E B. Dixon, Stonewall Jackson, Ann E. Dickinson—An Illustrated Article on Bum Ax Noscs—The Temperaments --A new Facial Angle, with• Illustrations. ET.ENOLOGE. —The Fossil Mau—origin, and Future Destin.y7-Som nambulism--The Soul--Night- Walkers--The • Royal Courtship, how Conducted—Women orTurkey—Fernele Lire iuLondou—Sonl and Body—Man's Religious Nature —AccountabilityFatality. dm. Only 15 cents ;or $1.50 a year. New Volume. FOIN - LER & WELLS, N V. J. L. C &CM, je27-3t No %5 Sloth TENTH' Street, Philadelphia. REDUCTION IN PRICES PITCHER'S NE' 808 CHEST Lillian SO cts. At Odds.... $l.OO Castles Heir ' SO as. Conscript.. S ets. Agnes and Hey SO eta. St. °laves 40 cts. Point of Honor - 4 3. et.. Two Pictures $1.25 Drifting About. 1 W Lu 00 Book of Nonsense 80 eta: Beulah ...IL 25 Diitiam 125 Harper's, Godey 9 s, and At Peterson's, Tor July, 15 ce je2.5 It 20 CENTS!-FRANK LESLIE'S MAGAZINE Fall JULY. PITCHER'S, je 27-3 t FOS CHESTNUT Street. 2F , CTS I-25 CTS ! -25 CTS !!- ,•• PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, holding 12 PICTURES, bound in Muslin, gilt edge. PITCHER'S ALE DI DEPOT, SOS CR ESTNIIT Street. 81 • -- $1.501 - $1.501! -PHO r GRAPH ALBUMS, holding" TWENTY FOUR' P.L.CTUREt.^. Bound in BEST TURKEY 510- $45.-IMPERIAL QUARTO $l2 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, holding 200 and 900 PICTURES. , •iegantly baand in TM-lii:ET MOROCCO and MGR VJ,LVET, with Ono inents. _ PITCHER'S ALBUM DEPOT, SOS cam MUT Street. pir EBELL ION RECORD-EDITED BY FRANX .15100 RE. Volume sof this valuable text book of the t'mes is now ready, in various styles of binding. Aleo. LIFE OF WASHINGTON IRVING. Vol 3. BAYARD TAYLOR'S WORKS, Caxton Edition, V 01.9. LELAND'S AMERICANS IN ROME. FREEDMEN OF SOUTH CAROLINA, being No. 1 of Papert, of the Day, collected by Frank Moore. For sale at BOOK AGENCY, 33 South SIXTH Street, Office of. Appleton'a'Oyclowedia. • je27-stn b6t IXTENLI,ELL PHILLIPS' T SPEECHES AND LErIrDRES One vol. - .crown octavo, 500 pp„ tinted paper, with a line Steel Portrait, and bound in rich maroon vel lum, will be published July 9. PRICE, TWO DOLL 4RS For which it will! Ire sent, postagepaid, by mail. to any part of the United Sta/es,-tiold by agents only. Agents wanted in every county orthe loyal States. Terms liberal Address, for circular:JAMES RE 0- TATH, Publisher, Boston. Age - This volume is eoited by the author, and will con tain his greateet utterances. je27-s2t&W2t I\TEW BOOKS. -A- I ',EMIG'S NATURAL LAWS OF 'HUSBANDRY. WEAK LUNGS AND HOW TO SrVENGTHEN. By Dio Lewis. Al. D. WHAT TO EAT, AND HOW TO COOK IT. By Pierre . Above Willow. - A CRITICAL HISTORY - OF FREE THOUGHT. A. T. Farrar, M. A., &c. ALL NEW BOOKS Of a standard character for sale as soon as published, by LINDSAY & ELAM - BTM Publishers and Booksellers, 515 SOUTH SIXTH street. above CHESTNUT NEW BOOKS.- Just received. by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., 715 and 117 - MARKET Street. A CRITICAL HISTORY OF FREE' THOUGHT, in re ference to Christian Religton. By. A. S. Farrar. WHAT, TO EAT AND MOW TO COOK IT. By Pierre Blat. CATALOGUE OF POSTAGE STAMPS, American and. Foreign, and U. S. Revenue Stamps. LObT AND. SAVED. By Hon. Mra. Norton, author of "Stuart of Danleith." RO SEC RAN S' CARP AIGN W IVY. THE FOURTEENTH ARMY CORPS; Or, The Army of the Cumberland. IN THE TROPICS. By a Settler in Santo Domingo. Edited by R. R. Kimball. ROCKFORD; Or, Sunshine and Storm. By Mrs. Lillie Deverenx Unasted. ATLANTIC, MONTHLY, for Jul.. HARPER'S MISCELLANY, for July. HOWITT'S HISTORY - OF - THE SUPERNATURAL. 2 vols., 12mo. - ADVENTURES OF THE COUNT. DE GANAY. From the French of ' Chevalier." .ie26 NEW 'BOOKS 1 NEW BOOKS ! THE FOUNDATION OF HISTORY; a series of First Things. By S. B. Scheiffelin. $1.50. LILIAN. *l. id- AMERICANS IN ROME. By Henry P. Leland. 81.25. TALES AND SKETCHES BY HUGE MILLER. 81.25. AMERICA; A Dramatic Poem. 75 cents. __ THE LIFE, WRITINGS. AND CHARACTER OF ED WARD ROBINSON. D.M. L.T.A. D. 50 cents; THE SON OF CONSOLATION; A. Sketch of the Cha racter and Ministry of Rev. B. C. Cutler, D. D. 50e. NONE LIKE CHRIST. -By 0- Winslow, D. D. 40c. GO AND TELL JESUS. By 0. Winslow, D. D. ,from seventy-fifth English edition. 40 cents. , For eale by WM. S. & ALFRED M ARTIEN. je26 606 CHESTNUT Street. B OOKS . . New Books received as soon as out. Any Book not on our shelves will to obtained at the shortest notice. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, from all thepriacipal mann facturers, at the lowestprices. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL. BOOK SOOLETY, • 1924 CHESTNUT Street. jelO-tjy3 44 .4 ? THREE CAPITAL BOOKS A bright, eparkllng, and genial 'book of residence. travel, and adventure in the West Indies, with alluring and picturesque sketches of Tropical Life, luxuriant gardens, orange and lime groves. magnificent guava and cecoanut trees. &c. Edited by Richard B. Kimball.. author of " Undercurrents of Walt Street," ' St.' Leger," &c. One elegantly printed and bound l2mo. Price 25. A capital new " Socieq , brovel," by Mrs. Lillie Dave relax 'nested, author of Southwold." !spirited fic tion, full of incident and vigorous character-painting. One handsome 12rno•, cloth bound; price $l. The new and intensely interesting novel, by thsi au thor of "Rutledge." The sale or this superb fiction is rapidly increasing; nearly 6.000 copies are already swept off, and the demand is unceasing. One largo 12m0., cloth bound; price $l.OO. . ... .4fir * * *These books are sold by all booksellers, and sent by mail. free, of receipt of price by - CARLIt Olti, publisher, No. 413 BROADWAY. New York, je2o-s&wtf Corner of Lispenard street. 11AZARD'S BOOKSTORE, All gooks usually to be had in I FIRST-CLASS BOOKSTORE, Will aWAYS be found on our ehelvee AT THE LOWEST PERMS. fe6-tf 51.7 ARCH STREET. A. VANIPRII di .„,004 mso,lPrenal Bronze Yigraree and Ornamente.roreelain tad Wes Shades, and a variety of .F.A.NOY GOODS. WUOLESALI, AND ENTAIL. Masa nil and =audio 1004111. UMBRELLA CLOTHS. 5 cases 30-Inch Blackstone Co. 6 cases 27-Inch Social Co. 8 cases 27-inch Plain Print Cloth. for sale by •: MATTHEW - BINNEY'S SONS' my2P-Im BOSTON. MOM To FAMILIES RESIDING ,IN TEE RURAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared. as heretofore, to supply Families at their Country Eesidenees with EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, &O. ALBERT C—ROBERTS, - CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE EN. INDIVIDUALLY AND COLLBOTIVE - LY the nublie I — Edrned that Colored Photographs,.for and lAtm.ails , colored -pieturea. and•Nveit ` hlY *AcOkil; Skreet above Green, - NEW PITBLICATIONS. PIERRE BLOT, BOOKSTORE, Nur Street. Actress in High Life. ..$ L. 00 Lost and Saved._ . 125 Frank War, rirron • 1.25 Substance and S bedew. 1.25 Oat-door Papers . 1.00 Paris in America 1 OD Weak Lungs,bv Lewis 1.00 Foith Gartaey's Girl hood LOD G , impse of the World... 1.00 Miriam Grey 1.00 No Name. 2 vols. , c 10... 1,50 Les Miserables. 80 cis In the Tropics SLOO lantic, for July, 20 cis. mts. . SOS CqrSTNUT `'Aragf, . . . . PITCHER'S &LEUM DEPOT, SOS CHESTNUT Street FOR CLERGYMEN. FOR SUNDAY SCHOOLS. FOR FAMILIES, AND FOR THE PEOPLE READY TO-DAY. IN THE TROPICS ROCKFORD FRANK WARRINGTON. TA4 CHESTNUT STREET. Between Seventh and Eighth Streets. GAS FIXTURES, &c. KAIMPAOTIIIIIIII or CHANDELIERS AND WHIM GAB FIXTUREB. WANTS. . ^4-11 r iNTFD-IFEW GOOD C r ' - dr --- 1 1) ,Elir " MTH& Apply immediately to W MASTER PLU 61BER, Phila. NaTy WANTED-1;000 FEET OF 2-INGII • SCilild -11 a n‘i Cart Iron WATER PIPE; also, 1.000 feet of 13G-inch that will stand a good pressure. Address, stating price. Box 1748 P. 0., Philadelphia. U. WANTE D-:-A SITUATION IN A W fl ut-class DRY GOOD 4 ROUSE, by an expe rienced Saleeman, that can influence a large each and short ;time city and near country trade. Addre Box 672. Poet Office. jeflt-P. ANTED-AN ACTIVEYOUNG MAN. FeVel/tefin to twenty years of age, one an al:tainted with the city retailers, to sell Guois by -ample: a good opportunity is offered. Address Box ItBl Post Office. 3 , 14-St* " gt7s FEB MONTH • •-• Te4timoniale of Clergymen and scientific men sent free. ISAAC If ALE,Jr. & CO., Newburyport, 51ms. .FP,2 , 1-grad & V,A;r kw/A A MONTH 1-.1 WANT TO. HI ESE 44 , • AGENTS In every comity at 8375 a month, ex- Pawns paid, to sell my new cheap Family Sewing Ma chines. Address S. MADISON, my6-3md&W Alfred, Maine. $6O A MONTHI-WE.WANT AGENTS at $6O a montb, expenses paid; to sell our Everlasting PenciiB,oriental Burner*, and 13 other new articles. 15 circulars fres. SHAW & CLARK, my6.3md&W Biddeford. Maine. DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER sairtltFht. GENERAL'S OFFlCE. — PitiranaLPriti., Fab, 9, 1863 VESSELS WANTED immediately to carry COAL to the followinspoints: - Key rtu ir a ett, Fla. Fort Monroe, Va. Alexandria, Va. Nembern, BOYD felo-tf Por Ba ß al a n'aL C Ansist. Quarierme.iite:r. FOR SALE AND TO LET.' FOR SALE OR EXOHANGE--A. good FA.l.l(withiu an hour's ride of the city. with crops and stock; comfortable buildings. Rood• water. plenty of fruit,' &c. Apply to 0: C,ONRA_D, Je27-3t . No. 2,52 Nn)tb Ffri'll in-set MN FOR SALE— HOUSES No, 163 .1/A6l FRANCIS and 525 North TWENTY-THIRD Street; with all the modern conveniences. Immediate posses-. soon given. Apply to B BARBER. je27-21. No. 640 North EIGHTEEN 111 St. 'I WO FIRST-RATE FARNIS FOR' SALE.—No. 1 is situated at Coateeville. Chester county, Pa. ; contains 114 acres of as productive land as is in the county. It is fenced with good post and rail, water in every field except one. There are a large barn. wagon house stone mansion home. with all other ne cessary buildings; running water at house and barn. There are two tenant houses, six lime kilns, blacksmith shop, and office, with au inexhaustible lime-scone quarry-of the best quality for building or land. There has been a large business done for a:number of years, and can be increased largely The Pennsylvania Central Railroad runs within one hundredyards of the proPerty. There is a good market for everything in the vicinity. There are churches, schools, hank, erc-, close. by. No. 2is situated within a half mile of Bordentown, New Jersey, on the Crosswick's Turnpike. The land is good, well fenced, and well watered. There are 100 acres; about 6 acres in good fenc ng titnber, ba .ance under cul tivation. There is a large apple orchard; aleq, a large quantity of choice fruit. There are a large frame mansion house, large 1 - arn.wagon house, ice 1101260, and alt other necessary conveniences. 'There is a large and beautiful yard in front of the house filled with shade trees. There is sue tenant house. There is a good market at Borden town f..r all kinds of produce. Either place would make excellent dairy farms, and both will become valuable for building purposes. The subscriber wishes ^to sell but one, lint will sell either They are too far apart to be looked after One-balf of the amount of purchase money can remain on either property if wanted. To see the Jersey farm call on Mr R. T. P HARES, on the farm. To see the Pennsylvania farm call on the subscriber, Midway. or address him Coatesville past office, Pennsylvania. fje26-3t 5 1 DRIPPS. FOR SALT = A MALT MILL, IN -a- good repair, at No. 930 North THIRD Street. above Poplar. je26-2t* FOR SALE-A SINGER SEWING MACHINE, with Ha'-binder. in good repair, at No. 925 CHARLOTTE street, above Poplar. ~,ie26-2t* FIRE PROOF,-:-A LARGE SE- PuirsiCOND-HAND New York, double doors. enperior e, for sale a bargain. Address 701 MARKET street; for particulars. :11,23-5.5 FOR SALE-150;000 FEET SPRUCE JOIST, RAFTERS. and two inch PLANK, from 14 to 32 feet long, at TWENTY-FOURTH and LOCUST.• 1c23-12t. HARBERT, DANIS, & CO. 89005750, $7OO, AND $4OO WELL. 4 improved GROUND RENT. for sale; also, a good mortgage for $2,500. D. S. CAD WALL.4DER, • 108 'South FOURTH Btrest. N. B. —Farms, handsome Cottages. and Lots for sale ie22-6,* BOARDING. VIRSTCLASS BOARD. HANDSOME - I - communicating and single rooms; Private table if desired, No. 1315 WALNRT street. .ie23 SUMMER' BOARDING. COUNTRY BOARD-GOOD BOARD, with good accommodationa, can be obtained for one or two small fanatics, within five minutes' walk of Steamboat Station. Pennsylvania Railroad; Ti miles from the city; on high groued, with fine view's of the - Great Chester Valley. For further particulars, inquire at 255 S , nth THIRD Street. Pthladelphia. je27-215 TADIES AND GENTLEMEN CAN be accommodated by the subscriber with good BOARD. commodious Rooms, newly furnished, at LandsOale Hotel, on the North Pennsylvania Railroad, Doylestown Junction. Plenty of bhade near by. Ad dress, R D. BARTH, LANDS BMX. P. O• my:11-1m 5 Aloutgomery county, AA FEW MORE PERSONS CAN BE accommodated with SUNWRRr BOARDING, at a delightful, retired situation, within an hour's ride of the city, if applied for immediately.. Address WILSON. je23 5t 5 SHARON, DARBY, Pa. SUMMER BOA RD IN G AT GLEN WOOD, near the Delaware Water Gap. The looa tion is one of the finest in the neighborhood... Rooms large and airy. For terms, Sm., apply to SAMUEL AESOP, je 2.i-12t Delaware Water Gap, Monroe so., Pa. EDUCATION. 101BILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE STITUTE for Young Ladies, 1630 ARC a Street. Rev. CHARLES A. S WITH, D. D., Principal Fhe ninth Academic Year will begin on 'WIN AY, September 14th. For circulars, .and other information, address Box 2,611 P. 0. je?.s3ot• fIBEGARAY INSTITUTE FOR N." YOUNG LADIES. Nos 1527 and 1522 SPRUCE Street, will re-open for the ensaing scholastic year, as usual. on the 15th September. For terms; apply to the principal, Mine. D'RERVILLY. J e 23,121 BRISTOL BOARDING SCHOOL 'FOR GIRLS, will re-open on the 7th of Ninth month. For Circulars, apply to RUTS ANNA PEIRCE, Bristol, Bucks co., Pa. .iel7.Sort MISS MARY E. THROPP WILL -RE open her English and French Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, at 1511 CHESTNUT Street, on the 14th of September. For circulars, until Septem ber Ist, apply at the Sunday-school Times, 148 S nth FOBILTH street, Phila., or address lags Thropp at Val ley Forge, Penna. myl6-4m* VARNISHES. PATENT PARAFFINE VARNISH C A U T I O N! We hereby caution the Paint and Oil and Ship Chan dlery trade, and consumers of our P &TENT PARAF FIRE VARNISH, against purchasing- from one J. B. hfcMIILLIN, 01149 FRONT Street. Philadelphia, as he ceased to act as Agent for us, or SAIMEL at SON, of Boston. in January last. --- He has imposed upon the trade and consumers a worth less imitation of our PARA FFINE VARNISH. commenc ing the dece+tful and fraudulent practice previous to our annulmmtt of his agency.. MESSRS. HULBURT it CO., OF 240 ARCH STREET, IRE THE ONLY AUTHORISED AGENTS for the sale of the PATENT PARAFFIN& VARNISH in PHILADELPHIA, and any other parties represer ing themselves as - such are imposters. All orders left with Messrs. HIILBITRT & CO., will be promptly attended to Our Varnish frilly sustains its well-earned reputation as a durable, gniak-drying, brilliant and economical application for impartinga glossy black coating on Wood or Iron. GEO. S. PAGE & 139 MAID SN LANE, New York, .le6-im if And 111 SMITH'S WHARF, Baltimore. THE KING AND THE PAGES; OR. THE - Q. P. IRON BRILLIANT. A . ROMANCE Without any "kivver," Specially written by JOHN PARAFFINS, GENT.. For the benefit of the - PAINT, OIL, AND SHIP CHANDLERY TRADE, With all the Correspondence, Contracts, &c.. acc:, and Caricatures in Black, by " Carious H. OIL; Esq. • In calling the attention of the nubile to this affair on BLACK PARAFFINS - VARNISH, the subscribers have only time to say that it is vet"' in teresting to those interested, and unworthy the attention of any body else, further 'than it being the refutation of a lie over the signature of George S. Page & Bro., Eastern Varnish Peddlers,• simply, because they object to our manufacturing and selling a Varnish in Philadelphia, in every way superior, for one-half the money than their so-called Patent Paraffin Varnish. Any one preferring Pages' to ours can buy it of us, with " sworn Adds," and. half dozen other parties in town, without patting no to expense; 25 cents aldermantees4 As the trade of Philadelphia, who — have so liberally patronized us since January last, have been thoroughly aware of what they were buying it is not supposed that they will be led .by 'Page ' s Appeal" to pay extra. Price. extra freight, extra cartage, extra package money, for an article in New York, when they can buy the Q. P. IRON. BRILLIANT at home, at less purchase money, without these charges, a better quality, - any more than a painter would pay for turpentine, at its pre sent price, when benzine. answers his purpose. Persons wanting Page's Varnish, residing in distant portions of the city, can be furnished with the names of parties selling it in their locality, free of charge, by applying by note to this office. J. N- MoIiIILLIN & CO.. Manufacturers and Dealers ix Black and Bright Var insh, Tar; Pitch, Rosin. Benzine. Nap h tha, &c Re., je,B-tf - 151 Sout FRONT Street. COPARTNERSHIPS. THE BITBSCRIBERS W ILL CONTI NUE the DRUG BUSINESS, aS heretofore, at the Old Stand, No. 724 MARKET Street. WM. ELLIS & CO., Druggists, jal-tf724- MARKET Street. ICE 1 ICE I ICE 1 ICE! ICE I ICE 1 COLD SPRING ICE COXPASIT. Otheei,Hotele, Shipping,llce-Creent Saloons, ha., ho ., supplied daily with a pure article of BOSTOR 103 at the very lowest market rates. Dealers 'awl large consumers supplied at toholmate. prices. Wagons run in all paved limits of thu coneolid4ed city, and is the Twenty-fourth Ward.' T1145131A1 - .0141:11,1,; 325 WALs l 37street. -- North Pentta. , l44 . 3Belifenter street Otiees • Lombard and Twenty fifth streets. apS-Smif* Tine-streei wharf:' Schuylkill.• 110TEMS. NATIONAL HOTEL,-` WASHINGTON, 3 WASHINGTON, D. Gt: H. B. BENSON. PBONIIBTO ' Formerly of the Ashland House, PhiladelPhia.. He is determined - to merit, and hopes to receive. ari'al.l. sh are of public patronage. METROPOLITAN, HOTEL, MATE BROWN'S.) " PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, 'Between Sixth and Seventh streets. WASHINGTON CITY. A. R. 'EWTS, my22- 6 3a . Pt.oprletor. COAL. O A L.-SUGAR LOAF - BEAVEI Meadow, and Spring Motintain_rAlligh Ceal, beat Locust bloygdain from MP? all 4 r 1 :: nressy for family nee. Depot, N. W. corner of •5T,17.4 and WILLOW Streets. • °Zee, 1.1% Bona, ,t.,11 0 .13 rapl-ly] 3. wALTOM At CO. 300 CROSS aiNERAL WATER ROT. 3ria VOSS Yortgt Dottie& Vol' sale by. H A & G 7.ltr, BEukrtv . artnqrP Ar)teittyillfl kltaz Wgas; 9+:*'; rrurt . AMUSEMENTS. NcHESTNITT-STREET THEA.- •LI E TRIUM TH—Lessee and PHanANT Mat,Mr W. WHEATLEY. er SUCCESS OF Ills DISTINGUISHED ARTISTE, MRS. D,p,__BOWollB. THIS (Saturday) EVENING, &OW 21 '. Ma The Great French Drama of CAMIDDE; Or, the Fate of a Coquette. MRS. D. P. DOWERS, AS CAMILLE, ESalmOrtedki , MR. LAWRENCE P. BARRET i T, AS ARMAND. Mons. Duval Sr. W. H. Leek. De Narville , .. . . Mr .1 L. Barrett. Gaston • Mr. It T. Ringgold. Madame Prudenc'e MKS. Charles Renzi -- MONDAY; SUITE MX - Will be produced, " Edmond Falconer's telebru.ted Irish Dramas en t itled THE PEEP O'DAY. The piece will be produced, with Non' Scenery. by those distinguished Artists, Messrs. HuyeßlY AND SELWF prepared from models procured direct from the Lyceeri Theatre, London. En glator, in which MRS D. P.' ROWERS will sustain her. ORIGINAL..O ETA RACTERi 4111 CONSECUTIVE , NIGHTS at Lyceum Theatre Curtain rises at tim'Cleck. PONTINENTAL • THEATRE, ICTIT STRBET. ABOVE EIGHTH. First nights of the great Moral add reit. ions drama, adapted from Dirs. HarnetE,-Stolve's renowned work of UNCLE Tows With the following ekdellent cast - of elmracters: Uncle Tom ,• , ... ... . W. H: Bailey. Phineas Fletcher Kr.' C. M. Lewis. Deacon P.dalbone ...... . ... Thcs: Mekeorr. Aunt Ophelia • — Kra. Thayer. Topsy (the child that never traa-born. with songs): Lotty Bowland3 Gentle Eva - La Polite Chapman. Other characters by a full and tiowerfnl - cbmPanY. PRICES OF ADMISSOON. Parquet Circle. 15 cents. Orchestra Chairs, 60 cents. Family Circle, 15 cents. Children nndef Waive, 16 cents. colored Gallery, 16 cents. Colored, BOx. 25 eta. Doers open arbalf" past' seven. The representatiere to commence at eight. .i!3=.4* FLE v ENTELS TREET OPER A: lICIUSB, -a-A ELEVENTH Street, abDVA CHEST.NITT. F.`OrJRTH WEEK. UNPARALLELED SUCCESS - OF UNCLE TOM'S. CAI3IN. Admission 2:5 cents. Children 15 'cent s • Secured seats 15 cents extra I sore open at 7 n'eloalr, Oommeaca at S'o'clock. PERFORMANCE SATURDAY AFTERNOON. jen. 41 TB E NATATARIBM, ON THE 4rx OF JULY, will he oUen from .5 A. AL till 7 P. M. only, and no lessons altlm on that day. Gentlemen will swim from SA. M. t 111113“. M. Ladies will swim from 12 till 3 P.lll. Gentlemtn• and Juniors_frona 334 till? P. M. The establlahnionrwlll close at 74 P. Bf Other days as usual. JANSEN; jeS5 91* , • 211.9 South SisOAD Serest. PENNSYLVANL& ACADEMY Off • TF E FINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNOT,STREET. THE FORTIETH ANNUAL EXHIBITION -IS NOW OPEN, From 9 A. M. till 7 P. K., and from 8 till 10 P. Y. Admission, 25 cents. Season Tickets, 50 cents. Annual Tickets, One Dollar. Stockholdere. Artists, . and Contributors will mein their . Tickets at the Office. mvB-tf EXCURSIONS. pHILADFLPHIA- AND ' RE.A.DING J- RAILROAD. FO'ORTLI OF JIMVEXCIIRSION TICKiTS will be i.Ened from PHILADELPHIA to the foHowinr, points and RETURN, good from FRIDAY,` July 3(1, to NiflN- DAY, 3 . 131 y 611, 1E63, at - Fires stated Phcenixville $1 10 Pine GrOve.. Pottstown 1.25 WernErsville. Rutin:lg • 120 Womehdorf Port, Clinton 240 verstown. • . Tamaqua 3 001 Lebanon.— .. Schuylkill Raven 2 75 'j'almyra, Pottsville 2 MI Finnish um.... Ash I d 3 3.slllfahanoy City Above Tickets to be had only at the PaSsenger Depot, THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL Streets G. A. NICOLLS. - GENE:Ft At, SURE RINTE N D ENT PRILADA., Jnne3, 1563. sli gg i t GRAND- PLEASURE CIIRSION TO ' LAKE SUPERIORS- The staunch, elegant steamers NORTHERN LIGHT ant CITY OF CLEVELAND,' will each give rive grand plea sure Excursions to Lake Superior, leaving Cleveland on the date below named, and visiting all points of interest on the route The'`round trip " comprises the distance of 2,000 miles, and is not surpassed by any other on the continent for variety of scenery and objects of interest. It embraces in transit the waters of Lakes Erie, ht. Clair. Huron, and Superior, and the beautiful rivers of De troit, St Clair, and Sault Ste Marie, (with its thousand isles). affording-passengers an opportunity of visiting the " Sault Nevins " and 'Ship Canal." the far-fames'. "Pictured Rocks,"- the Iron Mountain of Marquette, and extensive Copper Mines at various points. To invalids it offers the most pure and invigorating atmosphere on the globe, which ever brings health and stn,ngth; to the sportsman the enticing inducement of most 829/endiog .fishing; and tl e whole country abounds in mineral wealth which cannot fail to attract the attention of the speculator and man of science. Besides, it is fast becom ing the favorite Summer trip. and its socialpleasures are of the highest order, Good Hotels at all points. For further particulars apply to HOBT. HANNA & CO., CleVeland. Ohio. , TIME TABLE, FROM OLEN - ELAN a. "Northern Light, •` City of Cleveland." Capt. SpAut.plso. , Capt. B.- WILKINS. July- 6. Jn'y 10. July 17. July Id July 29. , . Aug 4. Aug. 11. Aug. 17. Atm 24. - Aug. 28. Passengers taking the boat at Cleveland wilt have first selection of TO,lllB. ie29-11Otif 1863 FOR LAKE RIPE. s. - 2“9, • • RIOR. —The Steamers - 1111 , E011 and ILLINOIS leave Cleveland, Ohio, for all ports on Lake Superior during the pleasure season of 1563, as follows. 5.1 8 o'clock P. M.. METOR. ILLINOIS. Wednesday, July Bth. Wednesday, July let. Tuesday, July 21st. Tuesday, July UDC Monday, August 3d. Monday, July 27th.. Fniday, August 14th. Friday, August 7th. Wednesday. August 26th. Wednesday. August 19th. The above steamers wi]l leave Detroit, Michigan, at 10 o'clock A. M., - the days fallowing. p Tb.ey... , are both. fitted up in the most luxurious stole, and their tabtas supplied with the best the market affords. Goodinuetc on board. and every effort made for the comfort of psesengers. Amity to H. GARRET') SON & Co., Clevaland. Ohio. .le2o-12t. J. T. WHITING & Co., Detroit, Michigan. THE - SEA SHORE. a ar m e FOR CAPE DI A.Y.-THE safe and commodious Bay'Steatner MAN HATTAN. Captain Kirby, will leave ARCH nPREET WHARF for CAPE MAY every Tuesday. Thursday, and Saturday. at half-past nine o'clock A. MI, commenc ing on SATURDAY, June 27th. Returning, wilt leave Cape May every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at eight o'clock, stopping at New Castle In connect with the Baltimore lines, also touchinrat Chester and .Delaware City. The MANHATTAN is the largest and most convenient boat that ever run to - Cape May. having about fifty state. rooms and every accommodation that Rassengers can de sire. Fare $2.50, including carriage hire Heals extra, Children and servants half price. Freight at moderate rates. [jell 6w] A. REYBOLD. RAILROAD LINES. FCVR THE SEA. SHORE!! SlncEll ARRANGEMENT. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. On and alter IifOND AY, June 15th, 1653, trains for At lantic City will leave Vine-street Ferry as follows: Mail train leaves • 7.30 A. X. Ex-press train leaves - 3 45 P. M. Freight train, with pa.;:Senger car attached... 9.00 A. IL Returning, leaves Atlantic City : Mail train 4.35 P. M. Express train 6 00 A. M. Freight train 1205 P. Fare to Atlantic, $2. Ronud-Trip Tickets, good for the day and train only, or down on Saturday and up on- Monday moraine, $3. An accommodation Train to R and 1). B. P..: R Ruc tion will leave Vine street at 5,15 P. 31 ; returning newt morning at 6 15 EXTRA HADDONFIELD TRAINS Leave Vine street at 10.15 A. M. and 1 45 I .'71.1. -- leave Haddonfield at 12.15 P. M. and 3 e. SI je 8.4 f Jl4O. 0 BRYANT. Agent. WEST C HESTER AND PRIL &DELPHI! RAILROAD. VIA .MEDIA SUMMER ARRANGEMENT.-- On and after 546.3 DAY, the trains will leave Philadelphia, from the depot. •Northeast corner of Eighteenth and Market streets, at 7.50 and 10.3) and at 2, 4.30, and 65.5 P. H. - On TIMED :Ye and FRIDAYS a train will leave WEST CHESTER at 6.50 P. M. Returning, leave,Philadelptda at A. 15 P. N. , . Trains leave the corner of Thirty Int and Market. streets (West Philadelphia)l7 minutes after the starthall time from Eighteenth and Market. on SIINDAYS cleave Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and .1 P. M. Leave West Chester at 750 A. M. and SP. tif The trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.50 A. M. and 4.93 P. M. connect at Pennelton with) trains on the P. and B. C. R. R. for Concord. Kennett. Oxford. .ko. jel-tf —HENRY WOOD. Superintendent. a t iming REOPENING- Or. THE BALTIMORE AND-OHIO , RAILROAD. —This road, being fully ItKPAIItED juni effectually GUARDED, Is now open for the trinsporta., non of passengers and freight to all points in the GRU? WEST. For through tickets and all other information apply at the company's Office, corner of BROAD. Slyest and WASHINGTON Avenue. S. N. FELTON, ap.3-tf. President R -W. and B. :E. R. 60. affig OFFICE CAPE MAY AND MILLVILLE B. R. AO.. 40.9 %Valuta Street, Janel 2, 180. FURTHER OPENING On and after MONDAY, the 22d of .Tnue,,, the cars will run upon this road to the Deunisville Station: leaving Walnut-street ferry at 9 o'clock A 91., in.. the West Jer sey cars The cars will run from Gape May Court House to Cape May, reducing the di, tans by stage to nine miles. jel3-tf. , O. B. DUNGUI, -President. , . anismAND LOW kg: E ll A CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC AND BARIT'AN AND DE LAWARE BAY-RAILROAD. On and after Monday,-June 15th. and until farther no tice, passenger trains will leave Vine-street Perry at 7. 98 A. M . arriving at Long Branch at 11.10 A. M. Returning, leaves Long Branch at 5.:35 M., arriving at Philadelphia at 7.45 P. K. Passengers landed close to the Hotels. N. B.—Excursion .parties will be, carried on nerd terms. Apply to L. B. COLE, - Agent at the Depot. Cooper's Point. ERNI , g mon% Assistant Superintendent. INSURANCE COMPANIES. FAME INSUBANCE COMPANY, NO. -m- 406 OTIESTNIIT Street. - . PHILADELPHIA. FLEE ,AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIRECTORS.. E. D., Woodruff. I Geo. A. West, I Jokal Kessler, Jr.. - Gina. Stnes, A., H,,Roserthelm. Joeepb D. Ellis. BUCK' President.:CHAßDSON. Vice President., :D. Secretary. Cia115.43t; Francis - Chas. Richardson, Henry Lewis, Jr., John 1;V: Everman; rhThip S.. Justice, 0. W. Davis, FRANCIS N pHILADELPHIA P,IR AND LIEC ' A ' INSURANCE COMPANY: OFFICE. No. 433 CXESTNOT STEEET. OHAJITEILIp BY THE OF OF PRISTNSMVAITLL This compaityi r ifi l riw„ o irar-d the in_ 9 , at to fa ma rttle, th te7 . e a 7 Mleell' loare will be iae' nipt.y aectled v ,' ° ah4V.te E taw.. for the year 482, were se. they refer to the toile :lug PIZ , ga ie : Jane DlB: Ferree .. 41.96.14 L. G, Mytinger & C 0.....,... 91 ;92 Beverly R. Iraim 4131 William E. Tiber..., ' ' 4. .19 . .jobn thindy. ~ 1 'SI P. P. Morris . W. V. Petit . . L. G. Mytingir i . 4 ; o -,.. • .... , ........ 1.5.73 7111 Ba R. Sellers __ - 84 16 Other small lo na a 'Mr 81. , This. Goampany 'have no ontettied loeook. US 4B : 49,370 OD 21,649 91 949g1 j. 1,374 47 LON 87 70.26 S 46 The asseto,of the Company arinow Rei - tgagesAnd ground rents... ! Real esca,te' !taken for debts) edet• • • • 'Stocks bonds. • ditille'rezezorable ........ . • •.• WiStozu Banh . . • P. King, Prealdexk 71 ~ -.. 11': - B.-.;.* ern. Vie% Pre. M,arles P. Fliees. - • ,-- ,; ; eident, .7,01uN Clayton, - . : .-.,..- El ik. 53.9 0.`7. Ed. Wiler.. ' :. - ItaegandAhierph7. T. H. Conine . . ' 7IA G . t r i pw . e n, ..T. V... Cowell. '': ' ' " .liihn. ', S. T. Megargee, • i;eo , ll V. 'if NOTICE.—LV,TTEII.B F ADM IN ta_ tra lion to tho estata - - GR.BEOGA. C twh - drr. late of Vt'iltaingtoD, g-baaa iratv..l to toe undprNigned. all r.,erso.a.l bp. , „inx.elaini+, - or no ,e - i• elated to tbe eetryto, Wlll - olosao Inukii. the :...ame'lcnoiqi; -Vllllollt (I{.lay, ~JilVri r)TTlrii Adel r it* - 13,11 North Finh btrfr4tt S29F 2 16 2 25 29.5 2 65 3 09 3 39 .336 .IY - N tiys IMMO LAGEWYkNE. 9mretal,